
lamont__sorry - I just couldn't resist12:01
ajmitchlamont__: able to drop dep-wait for phpmyadmin for me? :)12:02
=== Mithrandir tickles the ia64 live box to see if it overheats.
lj-ia64-liveMithrandir: I want my openoffice.org2/ia64, dammit12:02
Mithrandirlj-ia64-live: ship me an ia64 box, then. :-P12:02
wasabi_jbailey, is there at least some way to pause execution?12:03
wasabi_read doesn't seem to work12:03
wasabi_causes a kernel panic12:03
=== lj-ia64-live is actually running the latest ia64 daily with a freshened cloop, since the old one doesn't work so well...
=== lj-ia64-live puts Mithrandir on his list.
Mithrandirlj-ia64-live: bump me on the list, not just put me on it. :-P12:04
lamont__ajmitch: by your command12:04
lamont__Mithrandir: dude there's like you and one more person on it.12:04
ajmitchthank you12:04
=== ssam [n=chatzill@dsl-80-41-4-21.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirlamont__: heh, 'k.  Anyway, what's the hold-up for ooo2-amd64?12:06
lamont__Mithrandir: one of the dep packages is Arch: amd64 or has amd64 specifics in it...12:06
=== lamont__ goes to look
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=== os2mac waves
os2macanyone got time to talk about ACPI on a dell inspiron?12:09
lamont__dpkg-gencontrol: error: current build architecture ia64 does not appear in package's list (amd64)12:09
=== lamont__ can't believe it got that far
Mithrandirlamont__: it's probably just an oversight of my part, since none of the parts should be amd64-only, they should be "amd64 ia64".12:10
jbaileywasabi_: Umm.12:10
jbaileywasabi_: No idea.  It's not something I'd considered. =)12:10
lamont__Mithrandir: ia32-libs: dpkg-deb: failed to open package info file `debian/lib32z1/DEBIAN/control' for reading: No such file or directory12:10
jbaileywasabi_: Try just calling shell12:10
lamont__iz amd64 biarch crap that killed it12:10
jbaileywasabi_: Then you can type exit and keep going.12:10
Mithrandirlamont__: ah, so the ia32-libs stuff is broken on ia64.12:10
lamont__Mithrandir: and oo.o2-amd64 needs to be taught about ia612:10
Mithrandirlamont__: care to file a bug about it and I'll fix it tomorrow+12:10
lamont__Mithrandir: will do12:11
jbaileywasabi_: Don't use panic, though.  It exec's shell so that you can exec run-init after and still keep everything as pid 112:11
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-252.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128mdz: do you have a min to try something?12:16
wasabi_jbailey, not following. I run sh from inside the script?12:16
wasabi_And then type exit to exit? Okay, makes sense.12:16
wasabi_When I type exit it panics12:16
Mithrandirwasabi_: type exec /sbin/init instead12:16
wasabi_but that doesn't resume the position it was at does it?12:17
wasabi_heh maybe I can sleep for a few seconds12:17
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mdzseb128: yes12:22
seb128mdz: you have the gdm slowness right? could you try with those packages? http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/libgnomecanvas/12:22
seb128mdz: I think I've tracked it down12:22
Nafalloseb128: dholbach has it :-)12:22
seb128but some feedback would be welcome :)12:22
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seb128Nafallo: he just said he has not12:22
dholbachNafallo: no, i asked if somebody has it12:23
mdzseb128: I certainly can12:23
seb128mdz: thanks12:23
Nafalloseb128, dholbach: dooh. my mistake :-)12:23
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dholbachseb128: whiprush does too12:23
duffman25Hello. Does anyone here know what happened to the ubuntu traffic page? There haven't been any updates in a long time12:23
lamont__Mithrandir: 17119 assigned to you.  Does oo.o2-amd64 need a bug too?12:24
wasabi_hah crazy12:24
seb128dholbach: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/libgnomecanvas/ if he wants to try with those12:24
wasabi_after about 400 hot swaps of this compact flash card, it started mounting it in /media/scsidisk instead of /media/usbdisk12:24
Mithrandirlamont__: if it's arch line is wrong, yes.12:24
dholbachseb128: rocking, thanks12:24
seb128dholbach: thank you :)12:25
lamont__Mithrandir: is it? :-)12:25
BenMmdz, i really need some help to give you guys data on the laptop freezing issue12:25
BenMwould having an ssh login to my box help?12:25
Mithrandirlamont__: I can't be arsed to download 50000TB of sources on my measly 3Mbit. :-P12:25
mdzBenM: no, I don't think it would.  there's nothing we can do via ssh when it hangs :-)12:25
BenMactually, that might not be true; i noticed that the network light on my hub stays on when it hangs12:26
mdzBenM: what would help would be to collect information about who is experiencing the bug and find out what they have in common12:26
BenMand it didn't before12:26
mdzthis doesn't happen to everyone12:26
BenMit could potentially be X12:26
NafalloMithrandir: dude... the archive isn't that large :-P12:26
BenMi know that my roomate has it on another dell 600m12:26
BenMthough that isn't much data for you :-)12:26
lamont__Mithrandir: 1712012:27
MithrandirNafallo: oh, sorry, just 500TB ooo2-amd64 sources.12:27
Mithrandirlamont__: cheers.12:27
BenMi was thinking ssh if you wanted to get some log data, settings on my computer etc12:27
lamont__Mithrandir: note that they're both currently 'Normal'...  I'll let you decide if we care enough for breezy...12:27
lamont__personally, I think the answer is 'no'12:27
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Mithrandirlamont__: I'll punt the call to mdz/kamion12:28
Mithrandirlamont__: it's a trivial very-low-risk change, but those have broken stuff in the past, so..12:28
mdzBenM: it seems like there may be more than one bug12:28
mdzBenM: there is at least one hang when X isn't even running (I documented it in the bug)12:28
BenMi'm sorta thinking that at this point12:29
mdzseb128: those libgnomecanvas packages are a solid improvement12:29
mdzseb128: what's changed in them?12:29
seb128mdz: the interpolation type, they changed it between 2.10 and 2.1212:30
seb128they use a better but slower one12:30
mdzI can't tell the difference in quality, but it is noticeably faster12:30
seb128mdz: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=129891 is the upstream bug12:30
BenMmdz, using teh binary driver didn't end up fixing my X problem, sadly12:31
BenMthough i found that ati driver to be a bit unstable12:31
seb128mdz: cool, let's say that was the issue. It's as fast as the hoary one here with the change12:31
BenMdunno if that exactly rules out that other X bug12:31
seb128mdz: that's a one line change, should I upload that after the candidate tomorrow?12:31
=== GmanZZZ is now known as Gman
mdzseb128: go ahead and upload now; I'll let it through once RC is out12:32
seb128mdz: cool, thanks12:32
=== BenM seriously hopes this can get fixed soon; i have a whole nice CMU specific customization to make it easy to install stuff, but feel horrible giving people it knowing about the hang
jdubWhereas in the free software world, we do take an evolutionary approach, and we know over time that evolution beats intelligent design, right?12:35
jdub^ sabdfl being cheeky12:35
seb128jdub: please try http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/libgnomecanvas/ and tell me if that fixes your gdm slowness :)12:36
wasabi_hmm, using disk mounter to umount this compact flash disk results in disk mounter clearing it.12:37
jdubcanvas, eh?12:37
wasabi_but it's still mounted in the background.12:37
seb128jdub: just try :)12:37
jdubseb128: can't do this morning, preparing to leave :)12:37
seb128jdub: roh12:37
seb128jdub: k :)12:38
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-69-205-47-165.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== jdub downloads and installs anyway
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mdzjordi: don't go back to boston12:43
mdzwho here can test DVDs?12:44
seb128mdz: I can but that will take some hours to download ... 12:46
seb128ie: I can download while sleeping and try tomorrow morning12:46
mdzseb128: yes, it will take me a long time as well12:47
jbaileymdz: Theoretically.  That burners been giving me alot of coasters lately, though.12:47
mdzseb128: the build is finished so you can start downloading12:47
wasabi_jbailey, so, where should I mount /dev/hda1 where it's safe?12:47
jbaileywasabi_: Make a directory12:47
ajmitchmdz: ok, which image?12:47
jbaileymkdir /wasabimnt =)12:47
wasabi_If I use /mnt or /tmp run-init dies12:47
wasabi_Saying either one isn't empty.12:47
wasabi_Hmm. K.12:47
jbaileyYou're in a ramfs, so as long as you clean up after yourself, you're fine.12:48
wasabi_I won't be.12:48
wasabi_That's the problem.12:48
=== ajmitch starts fetching
jbaileymdz: Is it worth adding this to the nightly rsync list?12:48
wasabi_Oh I guess I can lazy umount?12:48
wasabi_After creating the loop device?12:48
wasabi_That gives me a problem with getting access to the file system later, though.12:48
mdzjbailey: perhaps12:48
wasabi_I need to be able to expose this tmp system as /boot in the real system12:48
mdzjbailey: concatenating live + install and then rsyncing that is fairly effective12:49
mdzseb128: ^^12:49
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seb128mdz: good idea, thanks12:52
jbaileyrsync just scares me that much more, then. =)12:52
ajmitchoh dear, grabbed 3K of the dvd so far12:53
Mithrandirjbailey: rsync is love.12:53
ajmitchlooks to be something wrong somewhere on my box :)12:53
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jbaileyDo we have USB fob installs that should be tested?12:57
jdongIf you guys need a break, I just got these from a friend's e-mail.... might give you a laugh: http://adambots.gotdns.com/cgi-bin/view/Main/WifeBeater12:59
mdzlamont: can you disable the livefs cron jobs please?01:02
lamont__mdz: already done so01:03
lamont__and daily-di01:03
jdonglamont__: is there anyway to boot the livecd just to console?01:03
lamont__mdz: around 0840 pacific today's date01:04
lamont__jdong: that's a casper question01:04
lamont__although ctl-alt-f2 will get you a terminal sessiion01:04
lamont__once booted.01:04
jdonglamont__ not if you run out of RAM beforehands :)01:05
lamont__ah, there is that01:05
lamont__jdong: it might be a question of building your own customized livecd.01:05
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jdonglamont__: Sure, rm /usr/sbin/gdm will stop X from loading... for good :)01:05
segfaultmaybe with init=/bin/bash?01:06
jdongsegfault: gets passed to d-i01:06
segfaultwell, although it needs the ramdisk01:06
jdongsegfault: busybox wasn't what I was looking for :)01:06
jdongRunlevel 2 is GDM... rl 1 does not get passed in....01:06
jdongI guess a grep line in /etc/init.d/gdm would be the best way01:07
=== jdong goes to modify livecd root
jdongI might switch back to Knoppix-based, actually.... it boots faster, also... oh well01:08
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@bl5-44-193.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzlamont__: thanks01:08
mdzjdong: yes, there is01:08
mdzjdong: "live casper-udeb/runlevel=S"01:09
lamont__mdz: woot01:09
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lamont__mdz: if I have a usb keyfob and I want to use it instead of the ramdisk, is that an option yet?01:14
mdzlamont__: nope01:15
mdzlamont__: well, in a sort of maybe that would work but no one has ever tried it kind of way01:16
lamont__ok.  dapper goal/wish, I suppose?01:16
mdzsure, why not01:16
mdzit was a hoary and a breezy wish too01:16
mdz /cow-device actually01:16
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lamont__also, casper should behave correctly when the machine is headless.. :-)01:16
=== lamont__ will give it a go tonight/tomorrow, just for giggles
mdzthat will COMPLETELY DESTROY anything on your USB key of course01:17
=== lamont__ has a scratch 1GB
=== lamont__ is touched that mdz warned him, though.
lamont__hppa live is kinda annoying right now.. network device not found because of hotplug issues, so we get no network, even though we have eth0.  And then sudo exits immediately --> no love.01:19
lamont__oh, and X fails to start.01:19
lamont__all in all, not terribly surprising01:19
lamont__install, however, rocks01:19
lamont__mdz: and, aside from the red background during init.d, ia64 live will just work once we burn a new iso.01:20
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dholbachi'm off to bed... good night01:36
mdzdholbach: night01:39
seb128good idea, I'm going to bed too :)01:39
seb128'night guys01:39
=== zer0` [n=b1ah@host86-137-227-193.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachnight seb128, sleep tight01:40
seb128you too!01:40
mdzseb128: good night01:40
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-252.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== lamont__ -> home
dokomdz: does openoffice.org-amd64 need special handling?01:43
dokoit's not yet built01:43
mdzdoko: see /topic; we're releasing RC and so uploads are disallowed01:44
mdzdoko: please test the current images01:44
mdzDVD especially needs testing01:45
dokoahh, ok, i just did an "immediate upload. did test the amd64 live/install which is fine. started a i386 install, but heading to bed now01:45
mdzI don't want to invalidate all of the testing which has been done in order to get that package in01:46
mdza lot of person-hours have been spent on testing this candidate already01:46
mdzwe'll bring it in after RC01:46
dokoyep, completely agree. starting dvd downloads overnight01:47
segfaultare those 05oct the pre-rc images?01:47
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Surakgrub-install does not work with hard drives bigger than 100 gb. Is that only me? 01:56
HrdwrBobonly you01:56
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SurakHrdwrBob: It works fine with SATA drives, even with 200gb. But ide ones does not.01:58
jdongmdz: Thanks!01:58
=== jdong makes isolinux alias livecd-cli
mdzsegfault: the current daily build is the RC candidate, yes01:59
jordimdz: It is decided man01:59
=== vuntz [n=vuntz@fennas.vuntz.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
segfaultshould the live cds really include some windows programs, like OO, thunderbird, mozilla, gimp?02:05
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segfaultremoving them would save some space for the langpacks02:06
SurakHrdwrBob: when I mount the file system (through a live cd), and do a grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/target /dev/hda  - it will do in ANY drive I try < 100 gb. I tried two 100gb ones, one 120gb and three 200gb. None of those worked. It says something about probing bios, and keeps there forever.02:08
whiprushjdub: We shall need a "Release Party Photos" gallery on the fridge02:09
HrdwrBobSurak: that's most likely a bios problem02:10
graymanlooks like there is a problem with russian locale for tsclient. On clean breezy it gives nonesense strings. same when you check the translation in rosetta. Might it be written with a font that breezy dont have?02:11
SurakHrdwrBob: I tried this on at least four different motherboards.02:12
Surakdifferent models, I mean.02:12
graymanthat fact prevents from using the app02:12
graymanand looks ugly in the menu02:12
=== kentaur [n=kent@adsl-065-006-206-159.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
SurakOne of them is amd64, via chipset. The other ones are both intel and sis chipsets.02:13
graymanany ideas?02:14
Surakso it does not look like on specific broken bios.02:15
mdzjordi: NO02:16
=== m0rphx [n=morph@p85.212.141.126.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Riddellmdz: kubuntu daily and daily-live 20051005 i386 CDs are both good02:19
mdzRiddell: those were built before the archive was frozen; there are now 20051006 CDs02:20
Riddellmdz: ok, I'll test those02:20
segfaultmdz: any idea on what i said earlier?02:20
segfaultmdz: about windows apps in the livecds02:20
Riddellmdz: can you change the live CD to use the new kubuntu winfoss collection http://www.theopencd.org/winfoss/kubuntu/20051005/02:20
Riddellmdz: are we doing DVD release candidates?02:21
mdzsegfault: yes, they are there intentionally02:21
Suraksome strings reverted these days. Like screensaver is written in pt-pt when the rest of the system is pt_BR02:21
mdzRiddell: yes02:21
mdzRiddell: the Ubuntu ones are built02:21
mdzkubuntu DVDs are in progress02:21
mdzRiddell: add to bug 17125 regarding winfoss changes for 5.1002:22
segfaultsurak: you mean System->Preferences?02:22
mdzSurak: file a bug against the appropriate langpack02:23
Surakmy colleages talked about others, I did not notice02:23
segfaultsurak: there were some desktop typos fixed in pt_BR, but xscreensaver is not yet fixed02:24
segfaultsurak: i reported that as #16448, i guess ogra will fix that as soon as he have time02:25
Surakhm, ok. That one appears in fedora from time to time, like a ghost :-)02:25
segfaultheh, i know... i hope dapper comes with gnome-screensaver02:26
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SurakThis big hard drive issue with grub is puzzling me. I don't know what can it be. There are so many machines seeing this. I just installed lilo at one of those, and it worked just fine. 02:39
Nafalloehm, buildds borked?02:40
lamontmdz: when you say "archive frozen" what does that mean for the SCC archs that are struggling to catch back up after 2.12.102:40
Nafallolamont: why does phpmyadmin and xserver-xorg-driver-synaptics FTBFS because of libghc6-cabal-dev ?02:41
mdzlamont: it means source uploads were locked down02:42
slomoand _why_ is haskel-cabal and all its binary packages not removed from the archives as it should and as i told elmo weeks ago...02:42
mdzand, hopefully, release architectures up-to-date02:42
sistpotyNafallo: package was only half installed and failed to purge02:43
Nafallosistpoty: ofcourse, but things like that shouldn't happen :-)02:43
sistpotyNafallo: sure ;)02:44
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=== LaschW [n=laschw@dyndsl-085-016-002-069.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
LaschWIs ther a specific reason why ipt_TTL patch is not included in linux image pakets? Im talking of ipt_TTL (target module) not ipt_ttl (match module, which is part of linux images)02:48
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LaschWHaving a spurious inet provider who don't allow more than one computer per line this module allows to set al outgoing ip pakets to a fix ttl 02:52
jdongwhy doesn't Ubuntu have dm_bbr, especially since it includes EVMS in default?02:53
crimsunwhy aren't you guys volunteering dpatches?02:54
lamontNafallo: because the chroto is broken because the package failed to remove properly.02:56
lamontNafallo: it's on the list of things for infinity/me to look at.02:56
slomolamont: that package should be removed completly for various reasons02:57
lamontmdz: release arch are (I beleive) all caught up - infinity did a mass give-back of everything that wasn't installed as of yesterday, just to catch things that were wrongly depwaited, now buildable, etc.02:57
lamontslomo: that would be one way to solve it.02:57
slomolamont: and the correct way imho... that package is already provided by ghc6 >= 6.4 and we only have ghc6 >= 6.4...02:58
mdzlamont: yes, but I'm not sure whether that was true when the CD builds were done (though I believe it was)02:58
slomolamont: is it ok with you when i upload a "fixed" cabal package for the time beeing that makes it simply uninstallable to avoid further breakage when some package pulls it in again?02:58
lamontmdz: I believe it was as well02:59
slomolamont: and i would do another mass give-back after the cabal problem is fixed... at least some packages ftbfs because of that... i bet many of them would build fine otherwise02:59
=== Nafallo just agrees with slomo :-)
=== lamont goes to jujitsu class
jdongso was BBR ever present in Ubuntu kernels?03:01
=== slomo_ [n=slomo@p5487F861.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
slomo_lamont: please read what i've written above when you're back...03:06
crimsunjdong: not in Breezy afaict03:08
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netdurthank you very for packading deskbar03:09
jdongcrimsun: any reason why not? (part of EVMS patchset)03:19
crimsunjdong: I don't know.03:20
infinitymdz : Everything was up to date when the CD builds were done, Kamion and I made sure of it.03:31
mdzinfinity: thanks03:31
infinitymdz : Also, can you flex some ftp-master mojo to remove haskell-cabal and its binaries from breezy?...03:32
sistpotyinfinity: thx for asking this... apparently slomos "fix" ftbfs'd 03:41
infinitysistpoty : That's because it build-depended on a version of ghc6 no longer in the archive.03:41
sistpotyinfinity: i just saw it... only reason was to avoid further buildd-breakage ;)03:42
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mdzinfinity: that's a bit beyond my comfort level; perhaps it can wait until tomorrow when elmo returns03:43
infinitymdz : Alright, then I'll make sure to break it properly, if the last upload hasn't already done that. :)03:44
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whiprushinfinity: so, I'm totally paraphrasing something you mentioned during a bof at udu for my blog post.03:55
whiprushdon't worry, it's all good.03:56
infinityOh man, quoting me is never a good idea.03:57
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whiprushinfinity: ugh, on top of that I'm having a hard time remembering what you said04:00
whiprushI think I got the general idea though.04:00
infinityIn relation to?04:01
whiprushwell ... 04:01
whiprushmeh just give me a minute.04:01
=== infinity thinks he needs to set aside a couple of weeks early in the dapper cycle to making sure WindowsInterop is all up to snuff.
whiprushI'm running breezy samba clients and printers04:02
whiprushno problems so far.04:02
whiprush500+ machines and ~75 or so printers.04:02
infinityOh, samba tends to work quite well for people who understand it, but I still think it's a far cry from "Just Works".04:02
jsgotangcowhiprush, WOW04:03
whiprushinfinity: booyah I just remembered your quote04:03
infinityDo tell.04:03
jsgotangcowhiprush, it still can't do AD though, but that is trolling already :)04:03
infinityAD is on its way, but I have my doubts about us having a working solution for dapper.04:03
infinityI can hope/pray, though.04:03
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bddebianKamion: around?04:12
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=== Riddell goes to bed
bddebianGnight Riddell 04:31
whiprushoh Riddell !04:31
jsgotangconight Riddell 04:31
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bddebianHeya tritium 04:46
tritiumhi bddebian 04:46
jsgotangcomdz, ping?04:54
mdzjsgotangco: yes?04:54
jsgotangcomdz, can you svn co https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/breezy/gnome/releasenotes/C/breezy-release-notes.xml for the updated release notes?04:55
mdzjsgotangco: and then do what with them?04:56
jsgotangcomdz, just review/suggest what needs to be added04:56
mdzjsgotangco: I suggest talking about "applications" or "programs" rather than "packages"04:57
mdzjsgotangco: under What's New, "We've" shouldn't be capitalized04:57
mdzjsgotangco: we're up to gnome 2.12.1 now04:58
mdzjsgotangco: I suggest "Add Applications" (the name of the menu item) rather than "GNOME App Install"04:58
mdzjsgotangco: the system requirements are a little confusing; the server install is much less demanding than the desktop, but your requirements for it are greater05:00
mdzI don't think it's worthwhile to have  the "no desktop" option there, or it should be called something else05:00
mdzand moved to the end of the table05:01
mdzI wouldn't mention that a desktop can be fit into less space, since the installer doesn't make it at all straightforward to do.  we should leave that to experts who already know05:02
mdzthe key description for the  server install is that it is the common base for all sorts of server applications; as such, it's minimal and designed to have the desired services added on top05:02
=== bddebian swears loudly and kicks gnome-launch-box
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mdzjsgotangco: please list www.ubuntu.com/support ahead of bugzilla05:04
mdzjsgotangco: that should be users' first stop for support05:04
mdzor help->get help online05:04
jsgotangcoahh right05:05
mdzjsgotangco: in fact it might be best to separate "participation" (participate page, bugzilla, etc.) from "getting help" (ubuntu-users, IRC, forums, etc.)05:05
mdzotherwise looks good05:06
jsgotangcoright the other stuff should fit in easily in a day or two05:06
jsgotangcomdz, thanks will update the doc now05:07
mdzno time to translate it, unfortunately05:08
jsgotangcoyes next time we'll aim to have relesae notes for every milestone05:08
mdzwe'll get better at this over time ;-)05:10
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bddebianHello fabbione 05:17
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fabbionemdz: did you build the dvd?05:20
fabbioneuh yeah i can see from the rsync05:20
mdzfabbione: yes, I've tested amd64 and am testing powerpc and i386 now05:20
fabbioneok i am rsyncing right now05:20
fabbionemdz: i also need approval for that upload05:20
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bddebianAre elmo and Kamion the only ones that can let NEW stuff in to Universe? 05:21
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bddebianWow, gnome-launch-box works05:27
bddebianWould I get in trouble for uploading gnome-launch-box that was a combo of svn updates plus a user patch??05:32
graymanis there a reason why a launcher on the panel returns address not found when the same launcher on desktop opens a directory?05:33
tritiumbddebian, I guess you'll have to find something else for me to fix?  ;)05:33
bddebiantritium: :-)05:34
bddebiantritium: tyvis needs love.  Or xgsmlib (unless \sh fixed it), or postgresql-plruby05:34
tritiumthat was fast ;)05:34
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mdzfabbione: what upload?05:36
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fabbionemdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/changelog <-05:37
fabbionemdz: same as we discussed yesterday05:37
mdzfabbione: yesterday was a long day05:38
fabbioneyeah i understand05:38
mdzfabbione: it's still not over for me :-R05:38
fabbioneit just looks like i am pushing a lot05:38
mdzI don't know what kind of face that was, but it's probably accurate05:38
fabbioneand i don't like that05:38
fabbionebut it's also important :)05:38
mdzfabbione: I thought that was for post-RCT05:38
mdzpost-RC, I mean05:38
fabbionebut we are post-RC, aren't we?05:39
mdznot until it's blessed05:39
fabbioneor do you expect to build more CD's?05:39
mdzI haven't even finished one full test pass yet05:39
fabbionein anycase..05:39
fabbioneis it ok after RC?05:39
mdzwe need server install tests05:39
mdzand OEM tests05:39
mdzyes, perfectly OK for after RC05:39
fabbioneok thanks05:39
mdzgo ahead and upload it; if we need a last-minute kernel change, we'll just roll that in too05:40
fabbionemdz: if you can instruct me on how to do OEM tests..05:40
mdzfabbione: I've never done one, but presumably there's an option in isolinux for it05:40
fabbione(i will still wait after RC to upload... just to be safe)05:43
poningruI had a suggestion for faster startup05:46
poningrubasically load everything for X and then render a login screen05:47
poningrubut as the user is typing in the username/password the other stuff is loaded in the background05:47
fabbioneponingru: this is already happening05:47
poningruit is?05:47
poningrudocs por favor05:48
poningruerr docs please05:48
fabbionecheck /etc/rc2.d05:48
fabbioneman update-rc.d05:48
poningruhmm ok05:48
poningruoh no thats not what I meant05:49
poningruI mean even larger things05:49
poningrulike network05:49
poningruor dma05:49
fabbioneyou can't05:49
poningruwhy not?05:49
poningrudoes X require these things?05:50
infinityponingru : Initialising the network after the user logs in may happen for dapper with network-manager.05:50
fabbioneyou need to have network in place before X starts05:50
infinityfabbione : Only loopback.05:50
fabbioneinfinity: for default install lo is ok05:50
fabbioneif you need to listen on *:6000 you might have issues05:50
infinityYes, and for non-default, people know how to munge interfaces(5)05:50
infinityBut I'm hoping to kill non-lo interfaces from the "normal" boot sequence with n-m, if it can ever be made to play nicely and Not Suck.05:51
infinityAt any rate.05:51
poningruso basically everything being loaded before login is what X is dependent upon?05:51
infinityponingru : You really picked the wrong week to discuss this.  Poking people about it in a week and a half would be much better, after we're through getting breezy out the door.05:51
poningruhehe true05:51
bddebianinfinity: Can you look at stuff in NEW?05:52
Amarantheverytime network-manager is talked about it's either a rant about it sucking or someone saying it changed their life05:53
bddebianAmaranth: Yeah, it's like editor wars :-)05:53
Amarantheditor wars are so 1980s, we bitch about DEs these days05:54
poningrusorry that was a joke05:54
calci can't imagine how slow emacs must have been in the 1980s05:55
bddebianAmaranth: What else is there besides xpde? ;-P05:55
jmganyone have any suggestions for a thin client distro i can install to hard disk from cd?05:55
calcdebian probably has the needed apps and can be pretty small05:56
infinitybddebian : No.05:56
fabbionemdz: i386/server (net)install is ok on 2/2 machines05:56
jmgthere are plenty of thinstation etc05:57
poningrujmg: perhaps ubuntuexpress ;)05:57
fabbionemdz: i can see an oem install option on cd05:58
=== fabbione tests
fabbionetoo bad it's not on netinstall05:58
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poningruI had another question do we have a netinstall through windows thing yet?06:03
mdzi386 DVD is good, powerpc doing stage2 install06:04
poningrufabbione: to me?06:04
fabbioneponingru: yes06:04
poningruic thanks06:04
Amaranthis there a netinstall at all?06:04
fabbionemdz: i am still rsyncing dvds06:04
fabbioneAmaranth: yes06:04
mdzfabbione: did you concatenate live+install CD ISOs to seed it?06:04
mdzgoes much faster that way06:05
fabbionemdz: yup06:05
mdztook about 1 hour per DVD for me06:05
=== sepheebear is now known as Sepheebear
Amaranthmaybe i've got the wrong term here, i mean the 50MB iso thing that installs what 'server' installs and lets you do the rest06:05
fabbioneyeah i started 30 minutes ago.. it'a 70% on the way06:05
infinityAmaranth : No, fabbione meant a netboot image for PXE/tftp type installs.06:05
fabbionemdz: the weekly dvd were generated 2 days ago.. so there is no much gap06:05
fabbioneAmaranth: there is that one too06:06
Amaranthinfinity: yeah, i figured that06:06
infinityfabbione : I thought we didn't generate official netinst ISOs?06:06
fabbioneinfinity: we do.. but i don't think we consider it official06:06
fabbionetho i still regularly test them06:07
infinityOh, right, the mini.iso that d-i generates in the build.  Forgot about that one.06:07
fabbione(at least PXE boot)06:07
fabbioneinfinity: i do test CD only close to release.. otherwise all my installs are via network06:08
fabbioneit's much faster for me given the local mirror06:08
infinity<nod>.. Same.06:08
fabbionei wish i had a gigabit switch06:09
fabbionebut i am going to buy one for xmas06:09
fabbionetoday is powerbook day :)06:09
poningrufunny pics06:09
fabbionei convinced my wife that i really really need one :)06:09
poningruoops sorry wrong channel06:09
fabbionewhy on earth we install xmkmf on desktop??06:12
infinityBecause xutils depends on it?06:13
fabbioneyeah i know that06:13
fabbionethat's sort of lame06:14
fabbionei guess xutils depends on it to preserve upgrades06:14
infinityYeah, we're pulling in a lot of modular stuff that I'd rather not for the sake of upgrades.06:14
infinitySuch is life.06:14
=== fabbione thinks
Sepheebearponingru:  that was hilarious06:15
fabbioneit's clearly too late for breezy06:15
fabbionebut there should be a new field for dpkg called Depends: foo [if-available] 06:15
fabbionethat will force install of foo if it's there06:15
fabbioneotherwise skip it06:15
fabbionethat would give us the option to create a meta-package06:16
fabbionethat can depends on all pkgs required for upgrades06:16
fabbionebut that we can keep away from cd06:16
fabbioneso old crack isn't pulled in06:16
fabbione(if that makes any sense)06:16
infinityThis could be handled by the "pre-upgrade hooks" mvo and I discussed a few weeks back.06:16
poningruSepheebear: you should join us in #ubuntu-offtopic06:17
infinityOf course, it's too late to get pre-upgrade hooks into the breezy versions of synaptic/update-manager06:17
infinityWhich kinda sucks.06:17
fabbionewell we will get it for dapper06:17
infinityYes, but that means we can't use them for breezy -> dapper.06:17
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infinityBut oh well.  Life rumbles on.06:17
fabbioneinfinity: none of us has 48 hours per day06:18
infinityWell, I gave up sleep a few weeks ago and discovered I had 24h/day.06:18
fabbioneinfinity: ahhaha06:18
infinityUntil that stopped working, I crashed hard, and had about 3 hours in a day, and 21 hours of sleep.06:18
fabbioneinfinity: i have been there.. 10 years ago06:19
fabbionebut i did crash for 3 hours after a week06:19
fabbionethen decided it was not worth sleeping to get sober and went out to the disco for another 2 days in a raw06:19
=== infinity waits for his mirror to finish syncing, so he can jigdo up some test images.
infinityI wish my PPC machine booted from CD, so I could test there.06:20
fabbioneinfinity: what ppc do you have?06:22
infinityRiced-up OldWorld.06:23
infinity(Ancient beige G3 with a 1GHz 750GX upgrade)06:23
infinityFast, but fast doesn't magically make openfirmware 2.4 stop sucking.06:23
fabbionei will start discovering the ppc world soon :)06:24
fabbioneso i can start claiming to have 4/6 arches :)06:24
fabbione(in ubuntu at least)06:24
fabbionemight soon get ia64 and hppa too06:24
fabbioneinfinity: should we still consider that micro-ubuntu bof for arm/m68k?06:25
infinityparisc machine are cheap and plentiful on eBay.  Sadly, no one seems to eBay them in Australia, and I don't want to pay overseas shipping on one of those beasts.06:25
infinityEven the "small" machines (C200, etc) are heavy as all get out.06:25
fabbioneinfinity: yeah.. 06:25
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infinityfabbione : It might be nice to sit down and draw up some quick ideas/plans, but I wouldn't dedicate more than a session to it, cause a real microbuntu with a small/embedded libc is probably not doable for dapper anyway.06:26
infinityI wouldn't mind starting to bootstrap it for fun, though.06:26
fabbioneinfinity: i am not that sure.. we have klibc that's pretty small06:27
infinityfabbione : OTOH, the "slightly less micro buntu" idea (glibc-based, but really, really cut down installaiton footprint) is probably doable.06:28
fabbioneinfinity: yeah let's sit and talk abou tit06:28
fabbionei would love to get these 2 m68k up again for something cool06:28
fabbioneand testing would be an interesting thing06:28
infinityWell, with all the d-i work smarenka has put into m68k in the last 2 years, m68k is much less of an adventure than it used to be.06:29
infinityIt now works so well that it just feels like a mid-range Pentium system that "just works"...06:29
fabbionemdz: i386/oem cd install is good here.06:33
mdzfabbione: yay06:33
fabbioneone minor detail that i am going to check again06:33
mdzppc dvd install is almost complete06:33
fabbionethe oem installer didn't ask me my location properly06:33
fabbionein gfx mode when you select in what country you are in.. i select "others"06:33
=== Gman is now known as GmanAFK
mdzjdub: did you find out what's up with the list archives?06:34
fabbionebut i didn't see the extra prompt for "-> Europe -> Denmark"06:34
fabbionetho it still gets it right from d-i06:34
mvomdz: I'm answering to your various questions on open bz bugs now, do you want some sort of message or will you read it on ubuntu-bugs?06:48
lamontMithrandir: awake yet?06:48
=== ajmitch tries fetching the dvd again - haven't got more than 20K of it so far
fabbionebah rsync connections are slowing down to death!06:50
lamonthrm.. that reminds me.. need to file my implicit defn bugs06:51
=== LaschW [n=laschw@dyndsl-085-016-002-069.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzmvo: I read ubuntu-bugs06:56
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=== fabbione burns the first DVD
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fabbionemdz: dvd live/i386 looks good.. 07:24
fabbioneinstalling now07:24
fabbionebut i think we have everything ok by now07:24
mdzI'm 12/12 with the caveats mentioned in my -devel post07:24
fabbioneoh i forgot to mention.. i did also try install on LVM in some of the stages07:28
fabbionewell anyway you got a reply07:28
fabbionemdz: re #17018.. libxft1 was not in hoary either.. they must had it around from warty07:33
fabbionetho it's possible to repackage it..07:34
ajmitchfabbione: maybe for universe?07:36
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fabbioneajmitch: for sure not main07:37
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mdzfabbione: it's in the Binary field for xfree86 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6ubuntu26, which was in hoary07:39
fabbionemdz: hmmm it shouldn't...07:40
fabbionebecause the last xfree86 upload had only the server07:41
danielslibxft1 used to exist, yes, but libxft-dev has not existed for years07:41
fabbionedaniels: right..07:41
infinityI assume these matlab packages are binary-only.07:41
fabbioneand we shouldn't resurrect the -dev at all07:41
fabbionejust the lib07:41
fabbionedaniels: Xft1 is not autotooled.. but it builds fine using imake & Co.07:41
fabbionedaniels: i guess i am going to create a source package out of lib/Xft107:42
fabbionebut absolutely no -dev07:42
fabbioneit has to die07:42
danielsis it worth packaging?07:44
infinitymatlab is pretty heavily used in certain fields.07:44
infinityOf course, some bizdev folks hitting up mathworks and suggesting they should rebuild their binaries to not require the library would be good too.07:44
infinity(but not likely to happen in a week)07:45
fabbionedaniels: yeah well it's an easy pkg to do07:45
danielsall yours if you want it07:45
fabbione+ what infinity said07:45
fabbionedaniels: yeah i will do it07:45
fabbionedaniels: did you decide what to do with mkdirhier?07:46
danielsmdz: ping07:47
danielsfabbione: not yet, although now mdz and I are actually around at the same time, maybe something can come of it07:47
Mithrandirlamont: awake now07:49
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mdzdaniels: yes?08:06
danielsmdz: did you get my comments over the past few days about mkdirhier?08:07
mdzdaniels: I heard from you that you think we don't need it, and from a user that he does need it08:07
danielsthat his custom scripts use it, yes.08:08
danielsmy contention being that a separate package for a shell script that does something posix-compliant versions of mkdir do anyway is pointless overkill.08:08
danielsso, I'd appreciate your final word on whether or not we need a separate package for mkdir -p.08:10
mdzno, I don't think we need a separate package08:10
mdzbut we shouldn't assume that it's OK to silently drop it08:10
danielsi think that this is an extreme case; it's a reimplementation of a feature of POSIX mkdir.08:12
mdzit could have been written and added back to xutils in the time you've spent talking about it08:12
infinityJust sneak it into the xmkmf package or something, and call it done.08:13
danielsisn't xutils a dummy package?08:13
mdzyes, currently it only contains copyright and changelog08:13
mdzdaniels: any progress on that xkb bug?08:14
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fabbionemdz: permission to upload libxft1 (only the library, no -dev or -dbg)08:16
fabbionemdz: it has to stay in universe..08:16
mdzfabbione: yes08:16
mdzas we discussed08:16
fabbionebecause we want to get rid of it08:16
fabbionemdz: ok thanks08:16
=== infinity thinks xmkmf is the best fit for reintroducing mkdirhier, given its history.
fabbioneinfinity: i tend to agree on that08:16
fabbioneor even imake08:17
mdzdaniels: that is, of course, a higher priority08:17
fabbionemdz: done08:18
infinityfabbione : Nah, imake is a single binary with a reasonably specific purpose, xmkmf claims to be a "build system" which is nice and meaningless, and the perfect place to toss extra useless shell scripts. :)08:19
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danielsmdz: no, I've not looked at that XKB bug at all08:19
danielsmdz: i've fixed others, however (as you saw, given I assume it was you that approved xk-c)08:20
fabbionexmkmf is used only to generate Makefile out of Imakefile :)08:20
fabbionesort of an imake wrapper08:20
fabbionewell it's all the same crack anyway08:21
bob2that's sick08:21
fabbionebob2: not really..08:21
mdzdaniels: beg your pardon?  I what?08:21
=== infinity sighs.
infinitymdz : Should I work on a post-RC lrm upload to make the -src packages actually work?08:22
mdzinfinity: how bad is it?08:23
=== infinity LARTs himself for never having tested them since taking that baton.
infinitymdz : Well, I think #17071 sums it up nicely.08:23
danielsmdz: they don't work full stop, and never really have.08:23
mdzI thought they were in universe, but apparently not08:23
infinitymdz : They look to be effectively useless currently.08:23
infinityThey should be in multiverse, if they're not.08:23
fabbionerestricted you mean08:23
mdzif they've never worked since hoary and no one noticed until now, we can do without them for breezy too08:24
infinityI see no reason to support that in main/restricted.08:24
infinityfabbione : No, I mean multiverse.  ie: they should be demoted.08:24
infinitydaniels : Oh, they were just as broken in hoary?08:24
fabbioneinfinity: oh right08:24
infinitymdz : Okay, if it's not a regression, I'm happy with fixing it all up for dapper.08:24
mdzinfinity: please verify that it's broken in hoary before giving up on it08:24
infinitymdz : I'd be all for demoting the -source stuff to multiverse, though.08:24
danielsinfinity: yes08:25
danielsinfinity: and just as broken in warty08:25
danielsone person appears each release cycle and bitches about it08:25
lifelessday before release?08:25
infinityApparently so.08:25
danielsno, usually about halfway through, to be fair08:25
infinitydaniels : This one was yesterday. :)08:25
mdzdaniels: this xkeyboard-config upload which is sitting in accepted doesn't have any bug numbers in it; which ones does it fix?08:26
infinitymdz : I'll grab a hoary CD and see if the breakage there is similar enough to call it "pretty much just as bad".08:26
infinityIn breezy, it looks to be 12 kinds of bad.08:26
danielsmdz: 'none'08:28
danielsmdz: several reports on irc and lists.  it's also demonstratably correct.08:28
danielsi don't think the breakage pattern has actually changed since warty08:28
daniels(breakage pattern -> for fglrx source and probably nvidia too)08:29
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fabbionemdz: what install do we need to test more?08:41
fabbioneimho we did cover everything08:41
mdzfabbione: only what I already mentioned on the list08:41
mdzKamion may have one or two cases he wants to check08:41
fabbioneyeah but i did test OEM and server installs08:42
fabbioneso there is not much left to do08:42
mdzyes, I saw08:42
danielsmdz: three-level layouts without any kind of level 3 switch are as good as useless, if not work (being that a us layout is more useful)08:42
mdzdaniels: what does that mean in the context of this being a regression from hoary?08:43
infinityHrm, are restricted/multiverse not seeded like main/universe?08:45
mdzassuming you're talking about 1537208:45
danielsmdz: it means that it's a regression from hoary, and that there's a fix uploaded08:45
mdzinfinity: they're overridden by hand by elmo I think08:45
danielsmdz: 15372 is a clusterfuck regression from hoary08:45
infinitymdz : Ahh.  Would explain it.  Would you have any objections to dropping the -source packages to multiverse?08:46
danielsmdz: my current thoughts on that are just to force alts_toggle to ctrls_toggle and remove alts_toggle from being selected08:46
mdzinfinity: no08:46
infinityKay, I'll poke elmo about it when he gets back, then.08:46
mdzI believe he's due back today08:47
danielsmdz: if I 'fix' the alts_toggle stuff, then we won't have any xkb-related hoary regressions that I know of08:47
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mdzdaniels: what would alts_toggle->ctrls_toggle do?  wouldn't that result in a different layout from hoary?08:48
danielsmdz: yes08:48
danielsmdz: alts_toggle -> switch between layouts by holding down both alt keys.  ctrls_toggle -> switch between layouts by holding down both ctrl keys.08:48
danielsit's simply too late to come up with a proper, auditable, fix that I know won't break other stuff.08:49
infinitymdz : Okay, I just extracted the tarball from the hoary fglrx-kernel-source and looked at it; it's broken in exactly the same ways, so this is no regression, just an unfortunate maintenance of the status quo.08:49
mdzinfinity: to multiverse with them08:49
maswanWhee. I'm walking in through the building on my way to my office, and out in the corridor on a table I suddenly see a stack of Ubuntu CDs. :)08:50
infinitymaswan : hoary CDs?... Just in time for them to become obsolete? :)08:51
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maswaninfinity: I guess, I didn't check though. :)08:51
hungerinfinity: Well, you can install them and upgrade.08:52
maswaninfinity: they had people on the front. :P08:52
pittidoko: argh, did you recently change the name of libstdc++6-0? jigdo-file got uninstallable08:53
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sivangMorning all!09:02
pittiHi sivang 09:02
=== vuntz is now known as vuntz|away
pittimdz: permission to upload a no-change jigdo to rebuild against the current libstdc++ and make the package installable again?09:12
mdzpitti: jigdo is in universe09:12
pittimdz: right09:12
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with breezy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | RC preparation: no uploads to main, TEST the current daily and report here!
pittimdz: we don't need to ask for universe?09:13
pittiah, ok09:13
torkelmaswan: where are they? :-)09:13
pittimdz: I need jigdo for testing CD images :-)09:13
siretartfrom http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/weekly-dvd/current/breezy-dvd-i386.list I see that fglrx is missing. is this on purpose?09:15
siretartnvidia is there, after all.. hmm09:15
mdzfglrx has never been on the CD09:16
infinitynvidia is in the ship seed for multiseat, according to the comment in the seeds.09:16
infinityNot sure what that comment means when expanded. :)09:16
siretartaah. okay, this explains..09:17
infinitypitti : Erm, jigdo is built against the latest C++ ABI here..09:17
siretartmdz: wouldn't that be an option for the dvd?09:17
danielsif we're not promoting fglrx, we should demote nvidia09:17
danielsit would free up a ton of space on the cd09:17
pittiinfinity: Depends: wget, libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libdb4.2, libgcc1 (>= 1:3.4.1-3), libstdc++6-0 (>= 3.4.1-3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)09:17
pittiinfinity: and libstdc++6-0 does not exist09:17
infinityDepends: wget, libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libdb4.2, libgcc1 (>= 1:3.4.1-3), libstdc++6 (>= 3.4.1-3), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1)09:17
infinitypowerpc, I guess?09:17
danielsmdz: ^^ recommend nvidia for demotion from ship09:17
pittiinfinity: amd6409:17
infinityAhh, yeah.09:18
pittiinfinity: a local rebuild worked perfectly09:18
infinitypitti : Please rebuild then. :)09:18
pittiinfinity: already happened :-)09:18
mdzdaniels: why?  does multiseat no longer need it,  or is multiseat broken by the new l-r-m?09:18
infinitymdz : Installs on my i386 laptop and amd64 desktop went smoothly.09:18
mdzinfinity: thanks09:18
=== pitti curses at the "one rsync per IP" restriction
fabbionepitti: that was really mandatory09:20
pittifabbione: I know :-/09:21
fabbionethere were people overabusing rsync with 10 connections at the same time09:21
pittifabbione: ah, I'll ssh to chinstrap and rsync from there :-)09:21
fabbionethat would work too09:22
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-64-207.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHey Seberino09:23
pittimdz: which tests are required most urgently? desktop, server, or OEM?09:23
seb128hey Martin09:23
seb128pitti: you can download again? :)09:24
mdzseb128: I noticed in my tests that the network monitor applet was missing from the panel in some cases; do you know why that might be?09:24
pittiseb128: yes, my network is back09:24
mdzpitti: yes :-)09:24
seb128mdz: nop, read that on your mail, I'll have a look09:24
pittimdz: I interpret this as "I should do all at once" :-)09:25
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mdzinfinity: we should flush the amd64 cloop after RC goes out09:32
mdzhopefully it will shrink09:33
mdzcurrently all 3 live CDs are oversized; we have some new and smaller WinFOSS which may help but we may need to squeeze a little harder09:33
jordimdz: hey09:33
Treenakslzip ;)09:34
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128mdz: so the laptop config has the applet but not the desktop config09:34
seb128mdz: I'll fix that now09:34
jordimdz: if locales ended up not changing, how slim are the chances of updating belocs-locales-data in universe instead?09:34
mdzseb128: that explains it09:34
mdzjordi: universe is entirely unfrozen09:34
jordiThat would help the Kurdish guys a bit, even if they had to rely on a universe package to operate in Kurdish09:34
jordimdz: ie, I can ask for a sync right away?09:35
mdzjordi: I haven't said no to a glibc update after RC09:35
jordimdz: I mean universe-for-breezy09:35
mdzjordi: no one has sent me a diff yet09:35
seb128mdz: would an update of gnome-screensaver to universe considered a bad idea?09:35
jordimdz: I'm talking about alternatives.09:35
jordijust in case09:35
mdzseb128: I've no problem with it09:35
jordimdz: I'll get jbailey to send one as soon as he rises09:35
seb128mdz: cool, thanks09:35
mdzjordi: if it is only adding a new locale, and not modifying existing ones, then I am unlikely to take issue with it09:36
jordimdz: ack09:36
infinityseb128 : Err, I thought the lack of network applet in the desktop config was intentional, since desktops don't tend to have networks come and go much.09:36
seb128mdz: should I mail you Cc: Kamion on my uploads, after candidate, to describe the fixes/with a debdiff of the changes?09:36
seb128infinity: how was hoary? I'm not sure now09:37
mdzseb128: for main?  that would be helpfuul09:37
seb128mdz: k, will do09:37
infinityNeither am I... Grab the relevant deb and peek inside? :)09:37
mdzseb128: if you have them prepared already, go ahead and send09:37
seb128mdz: read what infinity just said?09:37
mdzI don't see any reason why it should be different09:38
mdzinfinity: this is the network monitor applet, not netapplet or network-managre09:38
mdzit doesn't actually do anything as far as interface configuration, it just goes blinky blink09:38
infinitymdz : yeah, I know.  But there's not much to monitor on a (generally) wired network that doesn't change.09:39
infinitySure, some desktop are more laptop-like with a wireless interface and such, but that's a rare case.09:39
mdzinfinity: it has activity like any other network; that's all the applet shows09:39
infinityWell, it also shows wireless connectivity and signal strength and such, which is the more useful reason to have it on the panel.09:39
infinityIf I didn't have wireless, I'd disable the applet here.09:39
mdzoh, right, that's the same applet09:39
mdzagreed then09:40
mdzit's just a nuisance on the desktop09:40
mdzit's rather a nuisance on my laptop, too, since it's usually wired09:40
seb128so NOTABUG :)09:40
mdzbut if we need to accept the annoying wired display in order to get the wireless display, so be it09:40
mdzjordi: you can request syncs (or make uploads) to universe at any time until the MOTU team says no more (if they do at all)09:41
jordimdz: nod09:42
jordiso, can anyone sync belocs-locales-* from unstable?09:42
mdzjordi:  the procedure is to mail elmo and tell him which version of the package to sync09:43
jordiok. IRC has worked all the time before though :)09:43
pittijordi: wait09:43
pittijordi: did unstable add the install/remove-language-locales scripts?09:43
jordipitti: AFAICT, yes.09:43
pittijordi: ah, ok09:43
jordilet me check.09:43
pittijordi: because the Debian maintainer said to me he didn't want to do that09:44
mdzcarlos,pitti: what's the latest story on langpacks?09:44
mdzsomeone was reporting earlier that they saw regressions in translations09:45
mdzOct 05 17:21:12 <Surak> some strings reverted these days. Like screensaver is written in pt-pt when the rest of the system is pt_BR09:45
pittimdz: current packs look fine and yesterday I set up automatic merged tarball generation09:45
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pittimdz: oh, I missed that, let me check09:45
mdzpitti: why do we need a merge?  are the exports still incomplete?09:45
pittimdz: yes, Rosetta currently exports only 40% of main translations09:46
mdzpitti: why?09:46
pittimdz: so I merge them with my buildd downloads09:46
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pittimdz: no idea, apparently their import logic is still flawed09:46
pittimdz: carlos said that they have a new algorithm that works much better, but it's not in production yet09:46
mdzcarlos: when can we have complete exports?09:47
carlosmdz, seems like the problem there is that the pt_BR was not imported into Rosetta09:47
carlosmdz, so the gettext algorithm gets the pt translations 09:47
carlosmdz, I will take a look to know where is the problem there09:48
pitticarlos: humm, but then we shuold have the buildd pt_BR09:48
pitticarlos: was there an empty pt_BR in Rosetta? or an old one?09:48
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carlospitti, could be that we have an empty one... seems like the import failed and thus the export produced an empty file09:48
carlosmdz, it will take sometime as there are a lot of templates to rename, I'm fixing the code to let Jordi help me with that task09:49
pitticarlos: why do you need to rename templates?09:50
jordibecause "review-breeze-1" isn't the best name :)09:52
carlospitti, as I told you yesterday, if the import script was not able to guess a good translation domain, we set it to review-breezy-*09:52
pittiseb128: darn, it seems my ISP still has trouble - I get no more than 20 kB/s downstream *grumble*09:52
pitticarlos: "guess"???09:52
pitticarlos: ah, you don't use the .mo files yet? I remember...09:52
carlospitti, I use them09:52
carlosbut sometimes the .mo files are missing09:53
pitticarlos: please tell me if that is still the case; it should be fixed now09:53
carlosor we have one .mo file and several directories with .po files09:53
carlospitti, for instance, gtk+ has that problem09:53
pitticarlos: yes, for this case I need manual overrides, too09:54
pitticarlos: but I only need to override some 30 source packages, not more09:54
carloswe have two translation domains, so we get two different .mo files but we have multiple times those domains as po files09:54
carlospitti, Again, I now we have a design problem there, and I'm fixing it, it's too late to fix that for breezy, that's why I'm wotking on a new approach for that09:55
fabbionemaswan: ping?09:55
pittijordi: the Debian changelog of b-l-data does not tell anything about the scripts09:55
pittijordi: so please merge, don't sync09:55
carlospitti, another issue is the tarballs that use a build directory that depend on tha package version09:55
carlosbecause we use the path too as a way to guess the right translation domain09:56
pittijordi: belocs-locales-bin should be fine, though09:56
pittijordi: (syncing)09:56
pittijordi: if you are at it, maybe the scripts make more sense in -bin anyway09:57
jordipitti: I'm not at it, no09:59
pittiinfinity: bah, jigdo failed on i386 on installation of Setting up libghc6-cabal-dev09:59
jordiI mean, I'm not in the belocs team09:59
maswanfabbione: pong09:59
infinitypitti : Oh, right, I need to go clean up those chroots.  Thanks. :)09:59
pittiinfinity: is that a known broken package? or a chroot issue?09:59
pittiinfinity: ah, ok09:59
infinitypitti : I'll rebuild it in a sec for you.10:00
infinitypitti : Which buildd was that?10:00
pittiinfinity: vernadsky10:00
fabbionemaswan: do you happen to remember what kind of processors are installed on buttercup?10:00
pittiinfinity: well, the current i386 version is fine  anyway, so not urgent :-)10:00
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infinityIt's urgent for me.  With no uploading happening, now is the ideal time to make sure everything's squeaky clean again. :)10:01
maswanfabbione: hmm.. not offhand, I'll take a look10:01
fabbionemaswan: thanks10:01
fabbionemaswan: if they are Sparc IIIi processors we know why they were crashing and we will have a fix tomorrow10:02
maswan  The sparcv9 processor operates at 400 MHz,10:02
fabbionei recall different infos from /proc/cpuinfo10:02
fabbionebut ok10:02
fabbionethan it might not be the same problem10:02
=== maswan nods
fabbionebasically there is a user page corrupts on heavy load that affects only certain CPUs10:03
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fabbioneit might as well affect that one too10:03
maswanwe can go back to linux then in a few days to try10:05
dokopitti: libstdc++6-0 was dropped in May ...10:06
fabbionemaswan: sure..10:06
fabbionethat'd be great10:06
pittidoko: I did a rebuild to make it work again. Odd though, probably I still had the old package in my apt cache10:07
pittidoko: since I successfuly installed it two weeks ago10:07
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fab-ltspmdz: ltsp install 100% success10:08
fab-ltspthe howto seems pretty complete10:08
carlosmdz, pitti latest pt_BR.po file from ubuntu's archive has 0 translations10:09
carlosmdz, pitti so I don't think we have any regression...10:09
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carlosunless jwz broke it with latest release...10:10
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pitticarlos: maybe the guy mixed up gnome-screensaver and xscreensaver?10:10
dholbachgood morning10:10
pittiHey dholbach 10:10
carloscarlos@rookery:/home/lamont/public_html/translations/temp/source/po $ msgfmt pt_BR.po -v --statistics -o /dev/null10:10
carlos0 translated messages, 11 fuzzy translations, 1698 untranslated messages.10:10
pittidholbach: btw, what happened to "Hellas"?10:10
dholbachhey martin :)10:10
dholbachpitti: it's not every day that i'm in a greek mood :)10:10
carlospitti, let me check gnome-screensaver...10:11
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carlospitti, I doubt it, gnome-screensaver has translations for pt_BR but there are not translations for pt so the regression is not possible unless someone is translating into pt_PT using pt_BR10:12
pitticarlos: ok, so the regression is in the package itself10:12
pitticarlos: thanks for checking10:12
seb128hey dholbach carlos 10:12
carlospitti, I think so, yes10:12
carlosseb128, hi10:13
seb128carlos: this is not a main package10:14
seb128it has been demoted to universe for the moment10:16
seb128not sure if that makes a difference for you10:16
carlosseb128, not for me but for language packs10:16
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mdzKamion: awake?10:23
=== fabbione doubts
zygamorning guys10:25
pittiHi zyga 10:26
mdzdraft RC announcement at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftBreezyRCAnnouncement (proofreading and feedback welcome)10:26
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zygapitti: hacking on language packs :)10:27
mhzcould someone see my dhcpd.conf and tell me what is I am doing wrong, please?10:28
mhzI got ltsp running, tftp running, but dhcp.10:28
fabbionemhz: check /etc/defaults/dhcpd10:30
pittimdz: just read the announcement - maybe it is worth mentioning that we now use Rosetta translations?10:30
fabbioneand see if it is configured to listen on the correct interface10:30
mhzfabbione: it's set ok10:31
zygamdz 10:33
zygamdz:   * The second stage of the installation now has a progress bar10:33
mhzvar/log/syslog says it is not configured to listen, but ltspcfg says it is :(10:33
zygamdz: this is really not interesting to many people IMHO, it's too technical10:33
mdzpitti: yes, please add it10:33
Treenaksmhz: do you have a weird network setup with multiple network interfaces?10:33
jsgotangcozyga, for a release notes POV, its a new feature =)10:33
mdzzyga: it's a significant usability improvement10:34
infinitymhz : What else does syslog have to say?10:34
mhzTreenaks: only eth0 and eth1 plus a dlink router10:34
zygamdz: then perhaps it could be re-worded to sound like such10:34
mdzzyga: for example?10:34
zygamdz: new progress indicator will tell you how long the install is going to take, yada yada10:34
infinitymhz : Anything like "no subnet declarations found for ethX"?10:34
mdzzyga: it doesn't do that10:34
zygahmm :D10:35
zygamdz: maybe we should display cheerful messages while the installer is running ;-)10:35
=== zyga is out of ideas
mhzinfinity: not now, but it did10:35
dokomdz: add python-2.4.2 (and plone-2.1) to the announcement?10:35
jsgotangcozyga, a fortune cookie10:35
mdzdoko: yes, please do10:35
Treenakszyga: yeah, like the "New Features" ads during Windows installations10:35
zygajsgotangco: including porn and politically-incorrect fortune cookies10:36
mdzjsgotangco: will you fold these changes from the RC announcement into the release notes?10:36
jsgotangcomdz, yup looking at the changes now10:36
mdzjsgotangco: thanks10:36
zygaTreenaks: silly as that may sound IMHO it was a *good* feature10:36
zygaTreenaks: imagine mom and dad installing their brand new ubuntu system10:36
Treenakszyga: not for breezy, though10:37
infinitymhz : Just sounds like a broken config, then.  Can you post it somewhere, or paste it on pastebin or something?10:37
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mhzinfinity: ltsp generated a dhcpd.conf that it looked very good so i used that.10:37
fabbionemdz: the announce looks ok to my itaglish10:41
dokomdz: the windows programs on the i386 dvd seem to be outdated10:42
infinitydoko : We used the wrong tarball (apparently)10:45
infinitydoko : The newer one is both newer (one hopes), and a bit smaller.10:46
dokoinfinity: fine, if it's known10:46
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dokoinfinity: is there a "main" HTML page, which I can open with a browser?10:48
dokoon the DVD?10:48
infinityNot sure....10:49
sivangMithrandir: where are your deinotified kernels you rolled for #15571 ?10:51
Mithrandirsivang: on the buildd, I haven't pulled them out yet.  Are you able to reproduce the problem?10:52
sivangMithrandir: I am with my Dell Inspirion ATA100 laptop, I reduced all the GNOME fancy stuff to minimum, and got a bit better on GUI responsivness, yet from time to time it pains me with performance stops10:55
mdzdoko: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1712510:56
sivangMithrandir: After noticing disk access, I think it's the same issue10:56
Mithrandirsivang: excellent! I'll get you the kernels in a few seconds.10:57
Mithrandirsivang: http://people.ubuntu.com/~tfheen/noinotify/10:59
bob2does anything use inotify in breezy, by default?10:59
fabbioneMithrandir: if that works.. fix userland later :)11:00
fabbionebob2: gamin11:00
Mithrandirsivang: if you could test those, I'd be grateful11:00
sivangMithrandir: I will do that as soon I get home, that issue has been killing my hacking performance for a week :)11:02
Mithrandirsivang: ook.  Ping me when you have something11:02
sivangMithrandir: sure11:02
Kamionmdz: still awake?11:02
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Kamionmorning all11:02
seb128hi Kamion 11:03
mdzKamion: yep11:03
mdzKamion: is this your idea of an early start? ;-P11:03
=== Kamion goes to pre-publish the RC images to mirrors
sivangmorning Kamion 11:03
mdzKamion: I thought you had a few more tests you wanted to do11:03
Kamionmdz: not really - I'd've liked to be up earlier, but my body rebelled11:03
sivangMithrandir: I need to use only linux-image* right? (there are several other files there)11:03
=== pitti looks at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/buildlogs/ and sighs
pittiHi Kamion 11:03
Mithrandirsivang: the linux-image should be enough, yes.11:03
Kamionmdz: pre-publishing just in .pool - even if we have to change, the rsync diff will be small11:04
mdzKamion: the LWE awards dinner sounded like a good scene ;-)11:04
mdzKamion: ok, sounds good11:04
mdzKamion: what's the procedure for pre-publishing?11:04
sivangpitti: I didn't know you can track build logs by maintainer :)11:05
pittisivang: you can't11:05
Kamionmdz: $ publish-release daily 20051005.1 install poolonly rc11:05
pittisivang: but ogra's page is nice to track the current builds11:05
Kamionmdz: see cdimage/README11:06
sivangpitti: I wonder how does he do that :)11:06
pittisivang: you mean so many failutes?11:06
mdzKamion: does that trigger any mirrors?11:06
pittisivang: probably just a glitch in the build log upload11:06
Kamionmdz: publish-release never triggers mirrors; you have to sanity-check the results and then run sync-mirrors11:07
mdzKamion: I mean, do we have the ability to trigger some external mirrors, or do we need to wait for them?11:08
Kamionmdz: I believe .us and .se are triggered automatically when syncproxy updates (syncproxy is triggered by sync-mirrors)11:09
sivangpitti: no I mean, the script he wrote to track those builds :)11:09
pittisivang: oh, it's just some fancy wrapping for lamont's exported scripts11:09
pittisivang: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/ and .../byDate11:10
mdzKamion: draft announcement at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftBreezyRCAnnouncement11:10
pittisivang: but since lamont's logs are compressed, you can't just click'n'view11:10
infinitypitti : The failures are intentional (though I'd like to see some successes in there too, just for fun)11:11
Kamionmdz: ok, just catching up on mail then I'll read it11:13
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Kamionpre-publishing done11:17
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Kamionmdz: are we putting the DVDs on releases.ubuntu.com?11:19
Kamion(we haven't before, but we can do)11:19
mdzKamion: I'm all for having the DVDs be less obvious11:20
mdzbut I did want to mention them in the announcement this time around in hopes of getting some real testing11:21
mdzRC should be as close to final as possible in process11:21
mdznot quite a dry run, but just slightly damp11:21
Kamioncdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/breezy/ is the alternative location, not so widely mirrored11:22
sivangmdz:re, * Support for automatic storage allocation into LVM volumes, maybe we want to make this less obvious in view of #15017 ?11:22
Kamionit's mostly a question of how much disk space releases.u.c mirrors have :-)11:22
fabbionesivang: it's in the release notes11:22
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mdzsivang: that's only about using free space; afaik erasing the entire disk and using LVM works fine11:23
mdzfabbione: perhaps we should disable the freespace+lvm option?11:23
fabbionemdz: i don't mind that, but it will require a p-a-l upload11:24
sivangmdz: I choose "Use free space for LVM...etc" and it left my system inbootable, as noted in the bugreport11:24
fabbioneor Kamion to do some magic..11:24
mdzsivang: yes, that's #1501711:24
Kamionpartman-auto-lvm isn't in the initrd so it's no harder than most packages to upload11:25
sivangmdz: so erasing entire drive and using LVM (automatically) is not working, but manually it would.11:25
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fabbionesivang: EH????11:25
Kamionsivang: "use free space for LVM" != "erase entire drive and use LVM"11:25
mdzsivang: as Kamion says11:25
sivangerr, ok sorry11:25
mdzKamion: RC is appearing in the us.cdimage pool11:26
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sivangright, I apologize for misunderstanding.11:26
fabbionemdz: i can do the upload.. just tell me what's your preference.. Kamion?11:26
mdzfabbione: preference?11:26
mdzis there another option available apart from disabling that case?11:27
fabbionewhat you prefer me to do11:27
fabbionedemoting p-a-l to extra11:27
fabbionethat will take it away from the default install path11:27
Kamionthat loses the entire feature, effectively11:28
Kamionfew people know how to select extra features in anna11:28
fabbioneok.. i will kill the Use free space thing11:28
Kamiondisabling the option can be a one-liner in choices, I'd've thought11:29
fabbioneKamion: i checking it right now11:29
fabbioneshouldn't be enough to remove it from _numbers?=11:30
=== koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionfabbione: same effect, sure11:32
mdzannouncement is locked and loaded11:33
fabbioneKamion: ok.. i am testing the changes just to be 200% sure11:33
jsgotangcomdz, BreezyReleaseNotes updated on the wiki as well (just in case)11:34
mdzjsgotangco: thank you11:37
zygawhere does 'About Ubuntu' menu item in system come from?11:37
infinityzyga : Erp.  Nowhere, on my system.11:38
zygainfinity: update - it's there11:38
mdzinfinity: known bug11:38
sivangzyga: you probably want to ask seb128 about that11:38
zygaI've just checked all .pot files that pitti exports daily and it wasn't there11:38
zygaseb128: :-)11:38
mdzinfinity: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1698211:39
infinitymdz : Good, cause I never owuld have clicked on it wihtout someone prompting.11:39
seb128zyga: gnome-panel11:39
zygaseb128: thanks11:39
seb128zyga: but it depends on ubuntu-doc package beeing installed11:39
mdzinfinity: one of these days we will have formal test plans11:39
zygaseb128: it's not in the .pot file11:40
zygaseb128: no such package, ubuntu-doc... hmm11:40
zyga.sss :)11:40
zygaokay I've got ubuntu-docs11:40
seb128zyga: what do you ask?11:41
seb128zyga: the "About Ubuntu" translations? That's a desktop file11:41
zygaseb128: the phrase 'About Ubuntu' is not in the .pot file - it's not translatable11:41
seb128the menu item?11:41
seb128that's ubuntu-about.desktop11:42
seb128from gnome-panel11:42
seb128and desktop files don't use language-packs11:42
seb128so this string is frozen and not translatable now11:42
zygauhh, okay 11:42
zygaseb128: the desktop file does contain some translations, how can I get another one inside it?11:44
seb128you can't, it's frozen now11:44
seb128subscribe to ubuntu-translators11:44
seb128a mail has been sent friday about that11:44
seb128pointing to a wiki page for the desktop files to translate11:45
seb128and the packages have been uploaded with the translation this week11:45
fabbioneKamion, mdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/pal.diff <- tested11:48
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mdzfabbione: not much context in the diff, but I trust that you tested it.  ok with me.11:50
Kamionfabbione: I think I prefer the _numbers change you suggested earlier11:51
Kamionbut that diff works too11:51
fabbionemdz: it basically disable the feature by exiting the script that checks if the feature can be used11:51
fabbioneKamion: that didn't work in my test.11:51
fabbioneKamion: i rather be safe11:51
Kamionmdz: I'm doing various CD tests for the hell of it, but it seems everyone already did those last night. Time to just release it?11:52
zygaseb128: are you talking about this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTranslations11:52
Kamionmdz: oh, perhaps worth noting in the announcement that the release candidate images require 700MB+ media11:52
Kamionnon-install/i386 anyway11:53
mdzKamion: sure11:53
jsgotangcogood idea11:53
=== fabbione uploads the kernel too since RC are out there
jordimdz: ping :)11:54
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mdzjordi: WHAT IS IT NOW11:54
seb128zyga: yep11:54
jordimdz: BOSTON11:54
jordierr, no11:54
jordimdz: do you have a minute to look at this bug report? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=14856511:54
danielsjordi: CONSPIRACY11:54
mdzjordi: when is boston?11:54
zygaseb128: aww, is it really too late for one more translation? :/11:55
jordishould I consider applying it? I'm uploading gtk1 :)11:55
seb128zyga: yeah, upload are frozen11:55
mdzjordi: omg that bug is 3 years old11:55
jordimdz: YES11:55
seb128zyga: as said, the translation freeze was one week ago11:55
jordimdz: Boston is just after UBZ11:55
jordiie, 11-15 nov11:55
mdzjordi: I am gonig to be in SF at that time11:55
seb128zyga: if you are interested by translation you should read the translators list11:55
jordiSF SUCKS11:55
mdzSF is one of my favorite cities in the whole world11:56
mdzwhereas boston is NOT11:56
=== zyga wasn't ware there is one
zygaseb128: okay thenks11:56
jordiseek shelter at the Acetarium.11:56
fabbioneBoston rocks!11:56
jordimdz: I know SF is cool. But it's not on my travel plan this time :)11:56
fabbionemy grandma lives in boston.. so it must be better than SF11:57
jordimdz: so, is the patch safe, do you remember any drawbacks?11:57
mdzjordi: have you been there? we should go sometimes11:57
mdzjordi: dude, it was THREE YEARS AGO11:57
jordimdz: nope11:57
mdzthat's like 30 open source years11:57
jordimdz: so what. I'm going to fix your bug. )11:57
Kamionmdz: announcement edited11:57
mdzI don't remember what I ate for dinner yesterday11:57
mdzKamion: I already edited my copy11:57
jordiYou're going to get a nice BTS email stating that your 3 YEAR OLD bug has been dealt with.11:58
mdzjordi: I have even older open bugs11:58
Treenaksjordi: _are_ you coming to UBZ?11:58
mdzjordi: I don't even care about that bug anymore; the world has moved on to gtk211:59
zygaseb128: just one more question ... AFAIR some desktop files *were* translated inside each application, for example disks-admin and language-selector, did this change?11:59
mdzjordi: but anyway this is way off-topic for this channel12:00
jordimdz: UBUNTU DOESN'T USE XMMS!?!?12:00
mdzKamion: us.releases is synched up, se.releases is almost there12:00
jordithe patch doesn't apply anyway :)12:00
mdzjordi: @#$#@%$!@%!@512:00
seb128zyga: they are, why?12:01
mdzjordi: I just went to SF this past weekend, I had a blast12:01
zygaseb128: then why are they listed on that wiki page? they can be translated through rosetta12:01
seb128zyga: <seb128> and desktop files don't use language-packs12:02
seb128zyga: we have updated the packages by hand with the translations from this page12:02
zygaseb128: I know - but installing language-selector used to install a desktop file containing all translations12:02
seb128zyga: no way12:02
zygaseb128: yes12:02
jordimdz: mako is preparing a totally PUNKROCK party that weekend.12:02
seb128that's a new app and there is no a lot of translations12:02
zygaseb128: I did translate language-selector and disks-manager this way anyway12:03
seb128zyga: maybe the title changed and that reseted the translations12:03
zygaseb128: I'm sure it didn't :/12:03
seb128zyga: disks-manager don't use rosetta translations for the .desktop12:03
zygaseb128: I'll track this and let you know 12:03
seb128zyga: translation from rosetta don't work for desktop files12:04
seb128the desktop is generated during the build12:04
=== infinity heads off for the day.
seb128so it has the .po from the build12:04
seb128ie: the upstream one12:04
infinitymdz, Kamion : Happy publishing, guys.12:04
seb128we don't push rosetta po to the source package12:04
jsgotangcoits probably safe to grab the image now in the main links12:04
seb128zyga: not sure if that's clear for you how that works, but no .desktop get its strings from rosetta12:05
mdzinfinity: dude, I've seen you leave and then come back and then leave again12:05
mdzinfinity: during one work day12:05
zygaseb128: I understand now I think12:05
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mdzI need to go to bed12:05
seb128'night mdz :)12:05
jsgotangconight mdz12:05
mdzneed to release RC first12:05
zygaseb128: but some .pots do contain strings from .desktop.in files and those pots get translated in rosetta and find their way back into the package (do they?)12:05
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zygathen buidling the package updates the translation12:05
seb128zyga: we didn't bother to do this wiki package for nothing12:05
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seb128zyga: no12:06
seb128zyga: building the package is done from source12:06
seb128zyga: there is no rosetta po for the build12:06
zygaokay I see12:06
mdzKamion: can we push the symlinks out while se is still getting the isos?12:06
mdzus is up to date12:06
Kamionmdz: certainly; I'll do that now12:06
seb128zyga: rosetta export its po to language-packs, no to source package12:06
zygaseb128: I understand now12:06
mdzjordi: I could maybe go, but only for like a day12:07
jordiyou'd cross the con tinent just foor one day?12:07
ajmitchhey jordi, how's it going? :)12:08
jordihi ajmitch 12:08
jordiTreenaks: _yes_12:08
ajmitchjordi: good, I hope you're in better health at UBZ than you were in sydney :)12:09
mdzjordi: only  for a very good party12:09
jordimdz: then mako is the man you should ask.12:09
jordiI hope it will be :)12:09
Treenaksjordi: _cool_ :)12:09
mdzajmitch: jordi is accident-prone.  he was run over at debconf512:09
jordistartgirl will be around I think12:09
jordimdz: NEARLY KILLED12:09
ajmitchmdz: the swim didn't help?12:09
mdzajmitch: he swam through the pain12:11
ajmitchhe'd do that12:11
ajmitchhe put up with me as an NM applicant12:11
Treenaksthere's a lot of water around montreal too...12:11
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mdzFROZEN water12:12
ajmitchhi kobold 12:12
koboldajmitch: hi!12:12
Treenaksmdz: it wasn't frozen in Finland?12:12
mdzTreenaks: Finland was incredibly hot12:12
jordiit wasn't12:13
ajmitchjordi: you'll be happy to know that my packaging skills have picked up a bit since NM :)12:13
mdzit was incredibly hot unless you come from Spain12:13
mdzit was incredibly hot to me and I live in southern california12:14
jordiyou didn't feel the temperature when walking out the aiport in Valencia at my return.12:14
jordiajmitch: that's good :)12:14
jordiso, what do you guys think about this?12:14
jordi  * Patch the file selector to do file autocompletion like every other12:14
jordi    application (thanks, Matt Zimmerman, even if you don't care at all :)12:14
jordi    closes: #148565).12:14
jordiis it a good changelog entry?12:14
mdzit should also highlight the fact that the patch was made 3 years ago12:14
dokomdz: is it necessary, that the CD Rom is searched (/pool scanned) on the live CD?12:15
mdzdoko: it is only useful on the live CD actually12:15
mdzit speeds up the d-i unpacking process there12:15
mdzelsewhere it is a waste of time12:15
Lathiata big one12:16
jordimdz: Done.12:16
dokoahh, ok. maybe we can title the progress bar with "caching ..." instead of searching12:16
mdzjordi: pop it12:16
jordi    application (thanks, Matt Zimmerman, even if you don't care at all12:16
jordi    just and because the patch is 3 years old and everyone is using GTK212:16
jordi    anyway :) closes: #148565).12:16
mdzs/just //12:17
Kamiondoko: it used to speed things up pretty noticeably; that may not be true any longer12:17
Kamionbut everybody complained before I did that, and I get fewer complaints having done it12:17
mdzKamion: no RC on us.releases yet12:17
jordimdz: you don't care about poor orphan free software packages. You're a MONSTER12:17
mdzjordi: I live to destroy12:18
dokoKamion: yes, just the wording12:18
mdzjordi: I especially like to destroy Linux distributions12:18
jordimdz: you maintain the ultimate tool for that, yes.12:18
jordiI'm proposing a poll for debianplanet: Was mdz's apt6 upload TOO EARLY or TOO LATE?12:19
mdzon the bright side, se.releases has an up-to-date pool now12:19
mdzjordi: or BOTH?12:20
mdzso that you have an option for joeyh12:20
Mithrandirtoo late in this universe, too early in other universes?12:20
TreenaksMithrandir: so ask the MOTU12:21
jordimdz: of course12:21
MithrandirTreenaks: they're just masters of this universe, right?12:22
jordiMithrandir: the fun think is that joeyh told mdz in Finland that that upload was both early and late, after he had got quite some heat afor "totally breaking Debian" :)12:22
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TreenaksMithrandir: hm, good point.. how about MOTM?12:22
Mithrandirjordi: which means that he shouldn't have uploaded at all?12:23
mdzjordi: that was in #debian-devel actually12:23
=== sivang returns from lunach and tried to make sense of the backlog
ajmitchsivang: don't try12:23
Zombwhoever mastered the Hoary live CD (mdz? Mithrandir?) : when you have time, have a look at https://www.redhat.com/archives/dm-devel/2005-October/msg00008.html and tell me if you have encountered that before12:23
sivangajmitch: lol12:23
maswanmdz: well, it took an hour to sync it at 1 meg/s12:23
jordimdz: ah12:24
mdzZomb: I had some weird problems until I un-broke cloop12:25
Zombmdz: ok... un-broke? how? 12:25
MithrandirZomb: I haven't seen it (except in cases where the media was bad, which obviously gave me problems)12:25
mdzZomb: it wasn't interfacing with the 2.6 block layer correctly12:26
Zombmdz: ok, are there any useful patches on the net? it is not in the cloop package AFAICS12:26
mdzZomb: the ubuntu sources are on the net, so yes12:26
fabbioneZomb: i think we merged it into our kernel so it's on the net12:27
mdzthis channel is getting increasingly off-topic tonight12:28
infinitymdz : Well, I'd stick around to make you feel better, but I'm not much help at this point, and I have a celebration dinner to attend. :)12:28
jsgotangcoti's waitin' for RC prolly12:28
mdzKamion: something go wrong with that mirror push?12:28
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with breezy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | RC is imminent
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with breezy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | RC is imminent
dokoseb128: which package belong the "About Ubuntu" docs to (seen in the help app)? At least the german ones still reference Hoary12:29
mdzdoko: ubuntu-docs12:29
seb128what mdz said12:30
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seb128jbailey: around?12:30
fabbioneseb128: too early12:30
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seb128fabbione: right12:31
=== fabbione heads for food
Kamionmdz: looks fine to me; I'm still preparing the push with the symlinks12:32
Kamion(and the source images)12:32
Kamionshouldn't be long now12:32
=== jsgotangco patiently waits
mdzKamion: please no source; I can't stay awake that long12:33
Kamiontoo late, already done12:34
Kamionjust verifying indices and such now12:34
mdzit took an hour to get install+live mirrored12:34
mdzand source is twice as big12:34
Kamionsource < install+live12:35
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mdzoh, true. only one arch worth of source ;-)12:35
mdzbut still12:35
Kamionlike I say, too late, sorry :(12:36
Kamionit's all on its way12:36
Kamion(i.e. mirroring)12:36
Kamionthe DC mirrors are up-to-date12:37
mdzyay, the symlinks went up first12:38
mdzus and se are set12:39
Kamionindices not though, apparently12:39
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Kamioni.e. the page still says "preview"12:39
mdzus says "index of ..."12:40
mdzI can absolutely live with that though12:41
mdzannouncement is away12:41
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with breezy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | RC is released!
dokojsgotangco: are the hardware requirements synced with the CD cover layouts?12:41
pittimdz: congrats12:41
mdztime to sleep12:41
pittimdz: sleep well12:42
janimosleep tight mdz12:42
mdzsomeone add a link to the announcement to /topic if it shows up in the list archives12:42
Zombfabbione, mdz: thanks12:42
mdzgood night all12:42
Kamionmdz: will do12:42
fabbionemdz: good night12:42
pittiKamion: since uploads are happening again, do you think I can upload the Greek fontconfig fix?12:42
ogranight mdz12:42
mdzwe'll do this for real next week ;-)12:42
Kamionpitti: I checked that before RC and it looked fine, so yes12:42
ajmitchsleep well mdz 12:42
pittiKamion: ok, thanks12:42
pittiKamion: I also checked with Greek, Japanese, and Chinese, I didn't see any regression12:43
fabbionemdz, Kamion: thanks for letting the new kernel in12:43
Kamionpitti: oh, good12:43
jsgotangcodoko, sent an email to silbs about it a few minutes ago12:44
pittiKamion: I was afraid to break the Asian fonts (since mgopen then has a higher priority)12:44
mvonight mdz12:44
seb128'night mdz12:45
fabbioneinfinity: you around?12:45
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dokojsgotangco: thanks, jsgotangco: 128MB is ridiculous12:48
jsgotangcodoko, please updated as needed, mdz will look over it again prolly this weekend12:48
jordimdz: I'm uploading gtk+1.2. THANKS FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION!12:49
pittijordi: I wonder how many Ubuntu users will notice a GTK 1 change :-)12:51
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jsgotangcoxmms users?12:52
dokofabbione, Kamion: can you really recommend 64MB minimum RAM for server installations? ok to double that to 128MB?12:52
jordipitti: many. MANY12:52
Kamiondoko: server installation => minimal base install12:52
Kamionnot ok12:53
fabbionedoko: 64MB are a lot to run a bunch of services12:53
jordiI'm mailing the GNOME foundation, I have this great plan for GNOME 3.012:53
pittidoko: my home server (router, dhcp, ssh, files) has 20 MB :-)12:53
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jordiit'll be based on GTK 1.2.10 again, which is so much faster.12:54
pittidoko: (well, it doesn't run Ubuntu, though)12:54
pittijordi: *ahem*12:54
tsengjordi: we can bring back awesome gdk-xft hacks12:54
dokowell, on the other hand, I really can't recommend running our desktop with 128MB ...12:54
tsengjordi: im in!12:54
jorditseng: who needs xft! that was one of the slowing agents!12:54
jordiplain type 1 fonts. No unicode.12:55
jordiunicode is overrated12:55
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fabbionedoko: minimum required to install != recommended to run *12:55
ajmitchjordi: might as well just go back to motif12:55
jordino man, motif was so bad.12:55
dokofabbione: well minimum, or recommended, but "minimum recommended" doesn't make sense12:56
seb128jordi "noise generator" mallach12:56
seb128jordi: shut up now, that's a working chan :p12:56
jordiyeah, I guess I'll shut up now. :)12:56
dokojordi: go running12:56
jordii'll go pop the trunk12:56
Kamionus.releases is fully up-to-date now01:00
Kamionse.releases still has a bit to go01:00
KamionRiddell: have you tested the current set of Kubuntu daily install/live images? Are they ready for RC?01:01
fabbioneKamion: 01:02
RiddellKamion: testing now01:02
fabbione  partconf_1.09ubuntu201:02
fabbione  archive-copier_0.3.601:02
=== Kamion builds Edubuntu daily
fabbioneany of these 2 are in the initrd if you remember?01:02
Kamionfabbione: neither01:02
=== fabbione unleash debian-installer build
Kamionfabbione: we'll need a new initrd build for the other architectures for the new kernel anyway01:02
Kamionfabbione: so don't worry about getting the timing exactly right now01:02
fabbioneKamion: yes.. but  i can get more test on ubuntu18 in the meanwhile01:03
fabbioneif that's ok with you to process it BYHAND01:03
Kamionfabbione: that's not a problem01:04
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Kamionse.releases up-to-date01:14
jordipitty is alive!01:14
pitti_livejordi: it's "pitti", not "pitty" :-)01:14
pitti_livehmm, the old ffox start page was much nicer01:14
jordipitti_live: that's a pitty!01:15
seb128firefox sucks anyway01:16
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jordiseb128: when do you push for ubuntu to ship ephy by default?01:23
kikidonkyes ! yes !01:24
jordiff sucks so much01:24
=== kikidonk agrees
dokopitti: why are english language packs installed for a german installation?01:24
ogradoko, they are always installed01:25
ogranot only in german installs01:25
Kamiondoko: by mdz's request pre-hoary01:25
Kamionwe always install English01:25
Kamionso there's always a fallback; it's not like they're large01:26
=== Kamion wonders what happened to mdz's announce mail
fabbionehas it been approved?01:27
seb128jordi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EpiphanyDefaultBrowser01:27
rob^eww.. try Opera now that its free01:27
Kamionfabbione: ah, I guess not01:27
ograrob^, free ?01:28
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ogradid the chnage it to opensource ? 01:28
ograthats news to me01:28
rob^its been free (not opensource) for a few weeks now01:28
ograrob^, its "bennerfree" thats all...01:28
rob^no banner01:29
ograthats what i typed01:29
rob^no banner + free = free opera01:29
ograbefore it was free and had a banner...01:30
rob^they removed licensing fees too01:30
ograthe only change i see is that they ripped out the banner01:30
Treenaksrob^: Free as in money != free as in freedom01:30
rob^yes, Treenaks thats what I said01:30
jordiseb128: that's a nice page.01:30
rob^21:28| rob^ its been free (not opensource) for a few weeks now01:31
Treenaksrob^: yes, and ubuntu only includes Free software..01:31
ograrob^, its been like that since years... it just had a banner01:31
Mithrandirogra: which meant it stole  screen estate. :-)01:32
ograMithrandir, true....01:32
rob^I didn't say we had to include it, I just said its another option to firefox now that its free as in free (not as in freedom)01:32
dokoDVD images for i386 and amd64 look ok01:32
ograbut that doesnt make it more free for me than before :) just more usable01:32
rob^well, it won't cost you anything ;)01:32
ograit never did cost me anything 01:33
=== rob^ gives up
seb128jordi: yeah :)01:34
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\shrob^: it's not an alternative for ubuntu, only for kubuntu as konqui replacement01:36
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\shrob^: and this should never happen01:36
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rob^well it will never replace ff as the browser of choice in Ubuntu01:38
\shhmmm...who has the powers to check if linphone-common for amd64 is handled as NEW?01:38
\shrob^: opera is QT01:38
\shrob^: that's the point ;)01:39
rob^but I don't see why we would want to drop ff for Epiphany01:39
=== Kamion kicks emacs out of ship
Kamionbam, 14MB freed up on the install CD01:39
Lathiatnot more? ;p01:39
Lathiatthats like 10 language packs or something :)01:39
Kamionif it was more, I'd have said more01:39
Kamionthat's the figure germinate gives for i38601:39
rob^its such a popular internet browser that people would question why we would remove it01:40
kikidonkrob^ epiphany is gnome01:40
kikidonkubuntu uses gnome01:40
Kamion\sh: linphone-common is not in NEW01:40
\shKamion: not for i386 or ppc but I don't find amd64 (which I enabled with the last upload)01:40
Kamion\sh: the decision about whether something lands in NEW isn't architecture-specific, anyway01:41
Kamiononce it's added to the overrides once, that applies to all architectures01:41
\shKamion: hmmm....01:41
rob^kikidonk, yes, but ubuntu doesn't just use gnome01:41
\shI'm such an idiot01:42
Kamion\sh: judging from (a) the build log and (b) the state of the archive, your upload does not build linphone-common/amd6401:42
\shKamion: is ok...I changed the control file on ravel and not locally...but adjusted the changelog on my local machine *bangmyheadonmydesk*01:43
kikidonkrob^ do you know what browser kubuntu uses ?01:43
\shKamion: bug thx01:44
kikidonkthat was a question, actually :)01:44
\shbut even01:44
\shkikidonk: konqueror as for kde and ff 01:45
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kikidonkso they use konqueror by default, i bet01:46
rob^I'd much rather tell new users that Ubuntu uses ff, because a lot of non-technical users know what that is01:47
kikidonkdo you think new users care about which browser they use ?01:47
kikidonkthey don't even know there are more than IE :)01:47
rob^most know about ff now days01:48
rob^for example, on sfd this year I had several people ask me what applications Ubuntu ships with01:48
rob^I said OOo, firefox.. all knew or at least heard of them01:49
rob^if I was to say Epiphany they would just look at me strangely01:49
kikidonkit might be an argument01:49
kikidonkbut you can always install firefox beside epiphany01:50
rob^yes, but you can also always install epiphany beside ff01:50
rob^if thats what you prefer01:50
kikidonkthat is not saying that epiphany is superior to firefox :P01:50
kikidonkthat' what i do, indeed, i guess this is all just a stupid "flamewar"01:50
poningruif I may chime in01:51
kikidonkbut i still do think that being gnome a gnome distro it should a least ship with all gnome components01:51
rob^not trying to have a flamewar, ff has its problems but I think sticking with it would be better for Ubuntu 01:51
poningruI think an end user distro should ship with transitional software01:51
poningrutransitional software meaning the user has some exp with it so that s/he doesnt feel lonely in the linux world01:52
poningruit has some familiar apps there01:52
rob^yes, for example the Open CD01:52
rob^very handy on sfd :)01:52
kikidonki don't like the idea of ubuntu being windows, just without the price problem01:52
rob^its far from that kikidonk 01:53
kikidonkwe deserve more than being just transistional software01:53
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rob^ff just happens to be best of breed at the moment, and the most popular non-ie browser01:53
poningrukikidonk: you have to ween people off01:54
poningrueven if that means crappy software at first01:54
infinityWhat's so 'crappy' about firefox that epiphany solves, anyway?01:55
poningruthey get frustrated then you say to them look we have better software sitting two clicks away01:55
slomoseb128: something fast to fix: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+sources/nautilus-cd-burner/+bug/288901:55
poningruinfinity: thats what kikidonk is saying01:55
=== rob^ looks at his new windows laptop.. just a matter of time before its Ubuntuified (this weekend)
poningruso I just went along with a 'for the sake of the argument'01:55
seb128slomo: no, it's not01:55
kikidonkyes :)01:55
slomoseb128: not? ok :/01:56
rob^ok I'm off to bed01:56
rob^night all01:56
seb128slomo: cdrdao has to be promoted first01:56
kikidonkbut infinity are you using any QT software on a gnome install by default, no because QT doesn't "integrate" with the gnome way01:56
kikidonksame can be said with firefox01:56
seb128slomo: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1316801:56
kikidonknd is the main point i think01:56
infinitykikidonk : Until a large number of OEM systems ship with Ubuntu (or Linux in general), you have to deal with that fact that we can't target "completely newbie users", but we also have to target people who are a little more "web savvy" and "brand conscious", because those are the people who will suggest Ubuntu to their "normal" friends.01:56
seb128slomo: will be fixed after 5.1001:56
infinitykikidonk : The Firefox brand id very helpful with that, given its prevelance on the web.01:56
kikidonkyes i do agree about that, what is saddening right now, is that epiphany isn't even installed by default01:57
infinitykikidonk : People are used to seeing "works with IE and Firefox" out there at this point, and they don't want to see some "no name browser" shipped by default.01:57
mvoKamion: how are uploads handled now? I have a fix for a users-admin crash on amd64 pending01:57
jbaileyseb128: Am now01:57
mvoslomo: cdrdao dosn't have a working -scanbus ATM :/01:57
infinitykikidonk : Installing two browsers by default (or two of anything by default) is silly.01:57
seb128jbailey: hi01:57
Kamionmvo: as pre-RC, but showstoppers only01:57
seb128jbailey: do you know why yelp summary has "Courte description du systme Ubuntu Hoary" for " propos d'Ubuntu" ?01:58
kikidonkyes that is true :)01:58
infinityKamion : I assume "segfaults hideously on one arch" is a showstopper?  (I have a pending php5 upload for that)01:58
mvoKamion: ok, thanks. a crash on amd64 each time a user is added is serious enough I figure?01:58
infinityKamion : Which I will make when I'm not innebriated.01:58
Kamionmvo: yes01:59
seb128infinity: read the webpage about what epiphany fixes01:59
jbaileyseb128: Err, no. =)01:59
Kamioninfinity: yes, that's acceptable01:59
jbaileyseb128: I can remove that translation. 01:59
seb128infinity: better GNOME integration, gettext translation shipped with the package, schedule matching the GNOME one01:59
poningruseb128: dude its all a giant flamewar01:59
jbaileyseb128: The OMF files weren't put into Rosetta, but there were some bits that were already translated.01:59
poningruon planet deb01:59
poningruon here01:59
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poningruplease stop01:59
seb128jbailey: can't you fix it rather? What title is that supposed to translate?02:00
jbaileyseb128: So I kept those.  they come from before me.02:00
Kamionkikidonk: speaking as the guy currently trying to make CD images fit, I completely agree with infinity; we don't need duplication02:00
seb128poningru: who are you?02:00
poningruseb128: sorry just a random guy02:00
kikidonkyes that was a stupid proposal02:00
seb128poningru: why do you talk about flamewar here?02:00
poningrudidnt mean to yell at a dev in here02:00
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kikidonkand beside ephy needs gecko anyway so currently you have to install both02:00
jbaileyseb128: This document aims at answering questions that are asked frequently. It contains Wiki entries from the ubuntu.com web site, the mailing lists and all contribution that we received through the Ubuntu Bugzilla.02:00
poningruseb128: kikidonk and someone else were arguing about epiphany and firefox02:01
seb128jbailey: it has an english subtitle?02:01
jbaileyseb128: No, that'02:01
jbaileys what the English version of that has.02:01
seb128poningru: yeah, you can have a discussion on the topic without doing a flameware02:01
poningruwell I assumed this was a continuation of what was going on many blogs02:02
seb128how firefox is translated is enough to hate it to start :)02:02
dokoseb128: the gnome startup analysis is a nice read02:02
seb128doko: yeah02:02
seb128jbailey: k, thanks ... so could you fix it? :)02:02
seb128jbailey: or should that be fixed on rosetta?02:03
jbaileyWell, it should go through Rosetta and have someone whose French is more perfect than mine do the Translation.02:03
seb128will do it, thanks02:04
jordijbailey: JEFF02:05
jordigot my email?02:05
jordiseb128: Subject: Bug#148565: marked as done (libgtk1.2: gtkfilesel completion does not behave like anything else)02:05
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fabbioneKamion: d-i- ubuntu 18 is up.. mind ot BYHAND it?02:12
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Kamionfabbione: done02:13
fabbioneKamion: thanks02:15
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=== Kamion gets the CD images back within size, I think
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jordipitti: so did will belocs-locales be up to date? did you request a sync?02:27
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Kamion] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with breezy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | RC is released! http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-October/000035.html
Kamionseb128: should launchpad-integration bugs go to you, or to sivang, or what?02:34
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seb128Kamion: me is fine, I can reassign them then if required02:35
pittijordi: I didn't request a sync since that would destroy my changes02:36
pittijordi: please merge02:36
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seb128pitti: do you know about #17148 ... we already talked about such stuff, do you have some other such bugs?02:38
segfaultis there any new CD image, or its the same as yesterday?02:38
jordipitti: I don't know how to do that02:38
jordipitti: if it's not "mail elmo"02:38
Lathiathrm, the umu.se rsyn cmirror seems to be having issues02:38
Lathiatit randomly wont list stuff in the breezy dir,a nd then when it does, i try to get the .iso and it says its not a regular file02:39
seb128jordi: mege? that's easy, you diff Debian and Ubuntu version and you apply the Ubuntu specific changes then you do and upload :p02:39
NafalloLathiat: ping maswan about that :-)02:39
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KamionLathiat: well, it's not, it's a symlink02:39
pittijordi: as seb said02:39
pittijordi: we used to have merge-o-matic for this, too, but it seems to be broken ATM02:40
KamionLathiat: could be one of the machines is missing a file though; as Nafallo says, ping maswan02:40
LathiatKamion: well, thats broken02:40
LathiatKamion: ok02:40
Lathiatmaswan: ping02:40
KamionLathiat: what's broken?02:40
=== pitti finally finsihes the hoary->breezy upgrade
pittigot the dreaded keyboard dialog02:40
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Kamionsegfault: all CD image building has been disabled for the RC.02:40
LathiatKamion: it says its a non regular file when i try to rsync, and sometimes a directory listing of releases/breezy/ just shows "breezy", and sometimes it works02:40
Kamiondefinitely sounds like one frontend is out of kilter02:41
Nafallopitti: you should find a way to tell people about /var/lib/postgres -> /var/lib/postgresql :-)02:41
jordipitti, seb128 : I can't upload ubuntu packages.02:41
pittidaniels: hmm, I still got the keyboard question after hoary->breezy upgrade; keyboard now works fine, though02:41
Nafallopitti: hi btw :-P02:41
pittiHi Nafallo 02:41
=== Kamion goes to release the RC DVD to further stress mirrors ;-)
jordiIf anyonme wants to do this merge for me, the Kurdish people will be happy02:41
seb128jordi: you can do the work and be sponsored02:41
Kamionjordi: (they still won't get installer support in breezy ...)02:41
Lathiatok i see02:42
pittijordi: the Kurdish people will be happy if glibc's locale supports the locale; jbailey promised that, but I'm not sure whether Breezy will get it02:42
LathiatKamion: seems one of the machines showed a release/ instead of ubuntu-releases/02:42
Kamion-> maswan then02:42
jordiKamion: minor glitch02:42
jordi"minor" as in you only install once, you use ubuntu many times after that02:42
Lathiatgha, us.releases gives the same non-regular file thing02:44
pittiNafallo: pg_lslclusters will tell you the path02:45
pittiNafallo: seriously, why do you think it's so important?02:45
Nafallopitti: I have that path on a seperate lvm-partition. I had a 100% full /var yesterday :-P02:47
pittiNafallo: if /var/lib/postgres is a separate partition, the transition does not touch it02:47
pittiNafallo: the path is pretty much arbitrary in the new architecture, you can use whatever you want02:47
pittiNafallo: the transition just tries to use the canonical path02:47
pittiNafallo: so you dist-upgraded, and the cluster was moved to another partition?02:48
Nafalloseems like it, can't be sure though. I was rather tired ;-).02:48
Nafallomy databases got prunned to :-P02:48
Nafalloremoved, deleted, stopped to exist :-)02:49
pittiNafallo: hmmm?02:49
Nafalloso I have NFC what I did :-P02:49
pittiNafallo: they were removed automatically? there is no code that does this02:49
Nafalloclearly, I don't consider this a bug since I don't know what I did :-)02:50
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pittiNafallo: ok; if you feel like checking and see an important bug, please cry immediately :-)02:51
Nafallohehe, I will :-)02:51
Nafallootherwise I figure someone else will if the hit it ;-)02:51
pittiNafallo: many people upgraded since them (myself included, on 3 machines)02:52
pittiNafallo: I had some minor things, but never total data loss02:52
pittiNafallo: maybe the cluster is just misconfigured now?02:52
pittiNafallo: i. e. the transition failed to configure the new path properly?02:52
Nafallocould be, but the old path only had lost+found :-)02:52
Nafalloworking not anyway, with /var/lib/postgresql and a new database :-P02:53
pittiseb128: I don't have a similar bug; we eject USB devices deliberately (see the old iPod bug)02:54
pittiseb128: I'll answer02:54
maswanLathiat: Ah, rsync on releases? That's because the uk.releases have that as a "releases" rsync module, while se.releases has it as "ubuntu-releases"02:55
seb128pitti: thanks02:55
maswanLathiat: I've asked the uk.releases admins to fix this, since rsync has no vhosting, we're not comfortable with calling anything just "releases". that would appear as ftp.se.debian.org::releases and ftp.mozilla.org::releases and ftp.gnome.org::releases02:56
=== maswan is gone for a meeting, back in a few hours
Nafallowhat would FOSS be without that cluster :-P02:57
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Nafallodoko: ping :-)03:01
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Robinho_Peixotowhich is the burn cd/DVD default of Ubuntu ?03:08
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pittiRobinho_Peixoto: #ubuntu03:08
pittiRobinho_Peixoto: you mean the default program? nautilus-cd-burner03:09
\shKamion: can u do me a favour when you have time? Please check the control file of linphone_1.0.1-6ubuntu7 and tell me what's wrong with linphone-common? it doesn't show up for amd64 on archive.ubuntu.com...03:09
pittiKamion: ok to upload security updates to Breezy?03:10
pittiKamion: (with minimal backported patches, as usual)03:10
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dokoKamion: Nafallo: png03:13
Nafallodoko: openoffice.org2-core deps openoffice.org2-common (>1.9.129-0.1ubuntu3) but 1.9.129-0.1ubuntu3 will be installed.03:14
Robinho_PeixotoThe programs update-manager and gnome-app-install are not in rosetta.  It has forecast to place in rosetta?03:14
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mvoRobinho_Peixoto: gnome-app-install is availabe at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gnome-app-install/+pots/gnome-app-install03:17
mvocarlos: any idea why update-manager is not imported yet?03:18
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Nafallomorning god ( bddebian ) :-)03:21
bddebianpfft.  Hi Nafallo03:21
sivanghey bddebian 03:22
bddebianHowdy sivang03:22
dokoNafallo: oh crap, thanks for the pointer03:22
Nafallodoko: np. I got hit by it ;-).03:23
bddebianKamion: ping?03:24
bddebianseb128 or ogra: ping also? :)03:24
lamontdoko: I'm wondering what exactly you did change in the oo.o2-amd64 control file... add ia64 perhaps?03:24
lamontdoko: if you're in there, see 1711903:25
seb128bddebian: what about just asking?03:25
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dokolamont: just updating it from the oo.o2 control file (two deps, adjusting descriptions)03:29
dokolamont: that looks like a defect deb on ia64?03:30
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lamontdoko: that bug says that everywhere in that control file that says 'Architecture: amd64' should also say 'ia64'03:31
lamontsee oo.o-amd64.03:31
bddebianseb128: Sorry, I never know when someone is actually "here".  I have a "working" gnome-launch-box but it is a combo of an svn update and a patch from a user.  Should I even bother?03:32
lamontOTOH, I'm not sure that I _want_ that fixed for breezy... livecd is on the bitter edge of going back over 700MB again...03:32
seb128bddebian: you can let a message for people not here03:33
seb128bddebian: you worked on it, if it works upload it yep03:33
dokolamont: your call, I did an upload without that ...03:34
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bddebianseb128: Should I add some svnblahblah version to it?03:34
seb128bddebian: yeah03:35
slomobddebian: you fixed it? good work :) svn didn't work for me because of new gnome-menus api ;)03:35
bddebianslomo: Yeah, I worked on it but I got a better patch from StoneTable.03:35
slomoseb128: wouldn't <currentversion>+svn2005abcd be better? with the +03:36
bddebianI hate all that crap :-)03:36
slomobddebian: hehe so i can finally test it and see whether it is really useful ;)03:36
seb128slomo: no, why?03:36
bddebianslomo: It's not. ;-)  Actually it is kinda neat but the interface sucks03:36
bddebianSo here is current version: 0.1-0ubuntu4  I would make it 0.1-0ubuntu4+svn20051004  ?03:37
bddebianErr ubuntu5...03:38
slomoseb128: almost everybody uses it ;) maybe dpkg has some magic to let 0.1sz be higher than 0.1+svnbla so upstream can release some version like that ;) no idea...03:38
slomobddebian: 0.1svn20051004-0ubuntu1... or with the +03:39
seb128slomo: no magic, 0.1anything is less than 0.203:40
slomoseb128: and 0.1anything less than 0.1.1?03:40
seb128man dpkg03:41
seb128dpkg --compare-versions03:41
bddebianseb128: So what would the "correct" way be?03:42
seb128bddebian: anyway you want03:43
seb128version as you want03:43
seb128or put the diff to a patch03:43
bddebian 0.1svn20051005-0ubuntu1?03:43
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seb128by example03:43
slomoseb128: ok, 0.1anything < 0.1.1 ;) btw, who was the gstreamer maintainer and in which irc channel can i find him? except one bug (that should be fixed soon) wavpack should be ready for inclusion03:44
RiddellKamion: i386 and powerpc kubuntu CDs are good03:45
seb128#gnome-debian on gimpnet, lool is the maintainer03:45
Riddelljbailey: did you get a chance to test the amd64 kubuntu CDs?03:45
seb128but he's quite busy atm03:45
bddebianI'll try the patch route and see if it works03:46
slomoseb128: ok, thanks... then i'll wait until the beginning of next week :) this can wait03:47
rob^^^hrmm, VirtualPC works very well but DefaultDepth needs to be 16 for video not to be garbled.03:47
rob^^^Is there a way to have that autodetected?03:48
Treenaksrob^^^: what kind of video card is emulated?03:48
rob^^^Treenaks: hold, a sec, it's loading ... slowly ;)03:48
rob^^^VPC is a great way to take a look at dailys without closing down my 20 apps I have open ;)03:49
jbaileyRiddell: I haven't, sorry.  I've just been looking at a couple bugs that might be RC worthy.03:50
Lathiatjbailey: any idea on my slow loading modules one?03:50
Lathiatjbailey: that causes usplash to timeout03:50
Lathiatcus not having usplash any boot sucks :(03:50
jbaileyLathiat: Nope, but it won't be fixed for Breezy.03:50
jbaileyLathiat: And post-breezy, that whole module-loading bit will change significantly.03:50
Lathiatis the usplash early load change going to be reverted then?03:50
rob^^^Treenaks: I'm having a hard time from Device Manager, dmesg, and /proc03:51
rob^^^hrmm, maybe the hardware reporting wizard can help03:52
Lathiatjbailey: well, that sucks03:52
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Treenaksrob^^^: lspci03:52
jbaileyLathiat: If you can still manage to boot, then it's not going to be important enough to risk breakage during RC.03:52
Lathiatwell, i already count it broken, heh.03:52
jbaileyLathiat: You do eventually get to a gdm screen, right? =)03:52
Lathiatyes, but i go through all sorts of horrid pain and suffering03:53
Lathiatand withdrawl03:53
jbaileyLathiat: It's true, the withdrawl method is not terribly effective.03:53
Lathiatand it burns my eyes03:53
jbaileyLathiat: But it will have to do until the dapper cycle.03:53
jbaileyLathiat: Just be brave and test with us for that release.03:53
Lathiatjbailey: so, whats ahead for dapper?03:53
Lathiatjbailey: your lucky it doesn't break on my canonical laptop or i'd jump up and down harder ;p03:53
jbaileyLathiat: Hard to say.  Dapper discussions mostly take place at UBZ.  I'm hoping for a more conservative release, given how long we have to support it.03:54
Lathiatjbailey: i more meant specifically the modules stuff03:54
Lathiatjbailey: since you mentioned that was changing03:54
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Lathiatcurious what to03:54
rob^^^exact string is 0000:00:08.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 AInc. 86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+] 03:54
jbaileyLathiat: The udev upstream posted a patch to make it possible to watch hotplug events.03:54
Lathiatjbailey: meaning?03:55
jbaileyLathiat: So we'll be much more conservative of what we load at the startup time, and mounting root will trigger based on a uevent.03:55
jbaileyLathiat: so USB booting will Just Work(tm)03:55
Lathiatjbailey: oh, nice03:55
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jbaileyLathiat: Beyond that, it means that we can go very quickly from there into gdm, because we can order the bits needed for that first.03:55
=== Lathiat nods
Lathiati hope the gnome login stuff will get niced too03:56
jbaileyIn what way?03:56
Lathiatsince it seems that we can get large optimizations very easy from the various reports03:56
rob^^^Treenaks: Xorg will run but it's quite stretched horziontally03:56
Lathiatjust things like not reading from 370 files every login03:56
rob^^^like 5x as wide as it should be or something03:56
Lathiatlike this one for example03:56
jbaileyLathiat: Ah pure upstream stuff.03:56
Lathiatjbailey: oh, kyeh03:56
Lathiatjbailey: but its still related03:57
Lathiatits a shame avahi support can't work out of the box :\03:57
Lathiatdamn no server policy03:57
Lathiatour network code is flawless, honest ;)03:57
slomoLathiat: no server policy?04:00
Lathiatslomo: can't have any open ports out of the box04:00
bddebianGrrr, I need my NEW stuff to come through.. :-(04:00
slomoLathiat: :(04:01
slomojbailey: are there any news on the ppc-xfs problem?04:01
jbaileyslomo: No, I wasn't able to figure out what the problem is for certain, and I don't know the ondisk XFS layout well enough to get it.04:02
slomojbailey: did you report this to the yaboot guys? otherwise i would do now...04:03
jbaileyslomo: I spoke to Ben about it, yes.04:03
slomojbailey: ah ok... thanks :) well so i can't use initramfs for breezy... when you get something to test for me just tell me ;)04:04
rob^^^Treenaks: any thoughts on what it could be?04:05
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jbaileyslomo: Will do. =)04:07
Treenaksrob^^^: read the docs04:08
Kamion\sh_away: linphone-common seems to have built fine for amd64; I assume it just arrived later04:10
Kamionpitti: yes04:10
Kamiondoko_: pong04:10
Kamionbddebian: pong04:10
Kamionjbailey: testing Kubuntu/amd64's relatively urgent; it means we can do a Kubuntu RC release04:10
KamionI can do it in principle, but it'll take hours04:11
jbaileyKamion: 'k04:11
jbaileyKamion: I can't easily test an install, but I can test live CD definetly, and live DVD is my burner feels up to it today.04:11
jbailey(The DVD burner has been giving me alot of coasters lately)04:12
doko_Kamion: pong for what?04:14
Kamiondoko_: 14:13 < doko> Kamion: Nafallo: png04:14
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doko_Kamion: hmm, something left in the buffer ;)04:15
bddebianKamion: Can you please look at libchipcard2 stuff for me?  I think one of the binaries came in as NEW04:15
Kamionbddebian: been on it for the last few minutes or so04:16
Kamion(having cocked up the override change the first time round)04:17
wickedpuppyhi guys got a question ... suppose i would like to port a program from another distro to ubuntu .. how would  i go about doing that ?04:19
wickedpuppyany links ?04:19
jbaileywickedpuppy: Do you only wnt to do one, or are you interested in helping keep a bunch of packages happy in Ubuntu?04:20
Kamionbddebian: libchipcard2* and libofx* are in queue/accepted/ now04:20
wickedpuppyeh i am new so i start with one ?? 04:21
wickedpuppyi will take on more as i get more confidence04:21
jbaileywickedpuppy: Well, just that if you're interested in getting involved, the Masters of the Universe team is a good place to get involved with.04:21
wickedpuppyyup i am prepared ... i am on wiki , launchpad and setting up my pbuilder as of now04:22
jbaileywickedpuppy: They have little tasks that will help you learn packaging, and after you develop confidence and have some experience, you'll be able to upload your packages to Universe.04:22
jbaileywickedpuppy: Great!  It's probably best to poke your head into #ubuntu-motu04:22
bddebianKamion: Awesome, thank you sir04:22
wickedpuppyoh greats .. where can i find those little tasks jbailey ? in wiki ?04:23
jbaileywickedpuppy: I'm not involved with them on a day-to-day basis, so it's probably best to ask in there.04:23
wickedpuppyoh ah ...04:24
wickedpuppyheh ... actually my problem is i am fully aware of the ubuntu dev process04:25
wickedpuppyso i am not sure who does what and where things are sent to04:25
wickedpuppyif you guys know any guide on it , i appreciate if you could point out to me04:26
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bddebianKamion: Any idea how long that will take?  I'm sorry to be a pest but I have a user that will test the ofx stuff in gnucash for me.04:32
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Kamionbddebian: "cron.daily" (the name's historical) runs at 3 and 33 minutes past every hour, and takes under 10 minutes to run. Mirrors (including archive.ubuntu.com) are triggered at the end of every cron.daily run.04:45
Kamionbddebian: in other words, it's there now (it being ~45 minutes past the hour)04:45
bddebianKamion: OK, thx, sorry04:45
bddebianKamion: Do you know if the dep-wait for libaqbanking self-cleared also?  Lamont's site still shows it?04:48
=== bddebian feels like a major pain in the ass right now
seb128grumpf, no needinfo nor upstream for malone04:49
=== seb128 kicks malone
bddebianseb128: Aye :-(04:49
bddebianAnd afaict no way to view bugs I have subscribed to or made comments on :-)04:50
Kamionbddebian: yes, libaqbanking's building now. There's a slight delay (only 20 minutes or so, I think) on lamont's buildlogs mirror04:51
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Kamiondep-waits generally auto-clear unless they're on virtual packages or something like that04:51
danielspitti: can you please send /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and the output of xprop -root | grep _RULES?04:51
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bddebianelmo!! Welcome back :-)05:02
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carlosmvo, update-manager still lacks the .pot file05:15
Lathiatlamont, elmo, infinity: about?05:15
Kamionelmo: welcome back. archive hasn't crashed and burned, you'll be glad to hear05:16
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Kamion5.10RC on LWN05:16
LathiatIt seems nothings attempted to build oprofile for amd64 but its listed in arches, any idea why?05:17
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bddebianKamion: :-)05:18
mvocarlos: it looks to me like it's available (0.37.1+svn20050404.14)?05:18
Lathiatouch, ogras buildlog page is like a sea of red05:19
KamionLathiat: Packages-arch-specific says "%oprofile: i386 ia64 alpha hppa powerpc sparc"05:19
LathiatKamion: is that that silly override thing?05:20
KamionLathiat: s/silly //, but yes05:20
Lathiatok, i guess i'll try find out if it actually works on amd6405:20
KamionLathiat: you'll need to get elmo/someone to update it05:20
LathiatKamion: can i get that list?05:20
Lathiatwell, it seems to be building on debian05:21
KamionLathiat: I believe it currently matches http://cvs.debian.org/srcdep/Packages-arch-specific?rev=HEAD&cvsroot=dak&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup05:21
KamionLathiat: Debian/amd64 may well just blatantly ignore P-a-s05:21
carlosmvo, yeah05:21
Kamionit wouldn't surprise me05:22
carlosmvo, http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/translations/20051005/update-manager_0.37.1+svn20050404.14_hppa_translations.tar.gz05:22
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mvocarlos: looks like there was a missing build-dep on intltool; D'Oh05:31
carlosmvo, ok05:31
mvoKamion: uploaded update-manager with "intltool" added as build-dep, no other changes. hope that's ok05:34
mvocarlos: new version uploaded, thanks for leting me know about the problem05:35
carlosmvo, I will try to add in the future some kind of notification to the maintainers about this issue automatically, in the mean time I need to check the logs manually, sorry...05:35
desrtwhere are the archives?05:37
tsengdesrt: which?05:38
desrtit was down yesterday and today05:38
desrthmm.. maybe it's just a connectivity problem between school and it05:39
mvocarlos: yeah, some sort of notification would be nice05:39
carlosmvo, my main concern is if we have a way to know if the maintainer field has an Ubuntu maintainer or a Debian one...05:39
carlosI don't think a Debian one will be interested on that kind of "SPAM"05:40
mvocarlos: oh, right. that's a pretty big problem indeed 05:40
carloshmm, I suppose I would check if is an Ubuntite or not05:41
Kamionmvo: should be fine05:42
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bddebianelmo: If you are around and happen to have a second could you look at my @ubuntu.com e-mail?  I don't get any and I'd really like to start using that on my uploads.  Thanks.05:43
Kamioncarlos: I'd've thought this would be best dealt with by having separate Ubuntu owners registered for packages in Launchpad, and some kind of "none" field there if there's no explicit Ubuntu maintainer.05:43
Kamioncarlos: (we get lots of other nice effects from that)05:44
=== mvo thinks of something like the default assignie in bz
Kamionindeed, except more global and exported to the Maintainers file etc.05:44
carlosKamion, well, whatever solution you find is ok for me, as soon as I can get that info ;-)05:44
Kamionwe could seed it from the bugzilla default-assignee list, even05:45
carlosKamion, anyway, I can get that information from launchpad, I don't need it directly from hte source package so I suppose it's easier for me that way05:45
Kamioncarlos: I've already asked for it in the context of Malone, although (as discussed then) it's clearly a Launchpad-global thing; I don't know if I got anywhere05:45
carlosKamion, yeah, that would be useful for Rosetta to send this kind of notifications05:45
Kamionnobody seemed to know whether it was possible to make a package have a different owner in different distributions05:46
KamionI sincerely hope the data model allows for that05:46
KamionI'm sure it did originally ...05:46
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whiprushjdub: ping05:54
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wickedpuppyFailed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Alpha i386 (20050902)] /dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs05:58
wickedpuppyhi how to solve this error message ?05:58
wickedpuppyi did apt-cdrom add to added the cdrom 05:59
mdkewickedpuppy, you should ask in #ubuntu05:59
wickedpuppybut still having this error05:59
wickedpuppyokie sorry05:59
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slomodaniels: as you seem to be one of the dbus maintainers in debian... do you know when we can expect dbus 0.50 in unstable?06:00
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Robot101slomo: its in experimental06:01
Robot101slomo: has been for ages06:01
slomoRobot101: yes i know... but i asked for unstable ;)06:02
Robot101lalala :)06:02
Robot101it breaks stuff or something06:02
Robot101quite a lot of foo needs to be recompiled I think06:02
seb128not only recompiled06:02
seb128the API changed06:02
slomoyes... and ported to new apis :/06:02
Robot101so its a horrific transition of dhoom06:02
pittibut many packages are in experimental that just wait for dbus06:02
Robot101which presumably is done already in ubuntu?06:03
pittiRobot101: we did it for breezy06:03
pittiRobot101: everything is ready and just waits for dbus06:03
seb128Robot101: I'm not sure than universe is06:03
Robot101what do the release badgers say?06:03
pittiRobot101: I assume daniels waits until the other transitions are complete in etch06:03
seb128pitti: GNOME 2.12 should go with it and it's not ready atm06:03
pittiRobot101: vorlon asked not to break etch further06:03
seb128yeah, new GTK is waiting too because of that :p06:04
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slomowho wants to patch dbus? ;) http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2005-October/003514.html06:27
slomoor is it already too late?06:27
Lathiatits probably waaaay late ;p06:28
Kamionseems far too late for that06:28
slomoKamion: even for a small bugfix like that? ok...06:28
infinityThere are lots of small bugfixes to be made, but the only ones getting in a reasonably critical ones.06:29
bddebianAren't new l33t versions of ANYTHING critical? ;-P06:29
infinityToo many unimportant small bugfixes add up to big archive churn, which adds up to "stuff magically becoming unstable and not being ready for release anymore"06:29
=== bddebian hides
Kamionslomo: a simple URL with no justification is not enough; if you provide justification, i.e. major breakage caused by the lack of this patch, then that might be different06:29
Lathiatit breaks avahi. :)06:29
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slomoKamion: see Lathiat ;) but as avahi isn't in main this is probably not critical enough...06:30
Robot101Kamion: it means nothing in python can send/recieve unicode strings on dbus06:31
Robot101Kamion: (and a unicode string isn't necessarily one that contains unicode, its just however python is representing it internally)06:32
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\shKamion: did you find the time to have a look over linphone and the missing amd64 package of linphone-common?06:39
Lathiat\sh: i've requested it be added to packages-arch-specific06:42
Lathiatwait 06:42
Lathiatwrong pcakage, i was looking at that one too 06:42
=== Lathiat screws his brain on correctly
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\shLathiat: well...it should be already be build...but somehow it's not in the archive...06:44
Lathiat\sh: interesting06:44
infinity\sh : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/linphone/linphone-common_1.0.1-6ubuntu7_amd64.deb06:46
infinity\sh : Looks there to me.06:46
infinityAre you just being impatient again? :)06:46
\shinfinity: wow...the last time I checked (before 2 hours) it was compiled, and all other archs where there, but not the amd6406:47
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Lathiatyeh ditto06:47
infinity\sh : Which means the amd64 upload probably just missed the previous dinstall run, that's all.06:47
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\shinfinity: ok...you're right...my doctor says all the time that I'm a terrible patient ;) I can't wait ;)06:49
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bddebianHow can I tell for sure that libofx2 conficts and/or replaces libofx1c2 ?06:57
azeemwhy should they conflict?06:57
infinityOr replace, for that matter.06:57
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bddebianazeem: On installing the new gnucash06:57
azeembddebian: so you want libofx1c2 removed when upgrading gnucash?06:58
azeembddebian: this should be left to the admin/the APT frontend 06:58
infinitybddebian : If they have different SONAMEs, they shouldn't need to conflict, that's kinda the point.06:58
\shguys...TB reschedule meeting @ 20 UTC?06:58
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bddebianazeem / infinity: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libofx.la', which is also in package libofx1c207:02
azeembddebian: .la files should be in -dev packages, no?07:03
infinity.la files shouldn't be in the library package.07:03
infinity(Well, we really shouldn't ship them at all, but if you must, they should be in the -dev package)07:03
azeemhaving the -dev libraries conflict is alright07:03
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azeemThomas Bushnell, BSG is responsible for this Debian package07:04
infinitybddebian : So, move the .la to the -dev package, and have the -dev package "Replaces: libofx1c2, libofx1, lobofx1c102" (or whatever packages had that .la file in them)07:04
bddebianazeem: Aye ;-)07:05
infinitybddebian : Alternately, just say "screw it, it's wrong, but I refuse to deal with it right now", and have the library package do the replaces, and file a report with Thomas to get his act in gear.07:05
bddebianHeh, OK07:05
infinitybddebian : Either way, no need to Conflict, just use Replaces to overwrite the file.07:05
desrtthis is why the archive appears to be offline, i suspect:07:06
infinityDamn, makes me wish I was an affected Cogent customer.07:08
desrtthe two places i can't hit it from are on cogent07:08
infinityA year of free bandwidth, when I don't even want to talk to L3 customers, sounds pretty good.07:08
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Amaranthinfinity: you probably have to sign a contract07:15
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pittiHi mdz 07:34
mdznothing like a solidly wedged video card to help one wake up with confidence07:35
bddebianHeh.  Good morning mdz07:35
mdzthanks to whoever moderated the announcement...I realized when I woke up this morning that I forgot to do it07:35
\shguys...u really made my day...the first time in the last months I don't have to tweak the initrd of the installer iso :)07:36
mdz\sh: tweak the initrd?07:37
\shmdz: sk98lin problem07:37
\shmdz: before I could install breezy I had to open initrd and include a separate sk98lin driver and put it back into the installer media07:38
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mdzZomb: thanks for the nasty comments.  I sent the patch upstream ages ago.07:43
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\shbddebian: conflicts/replaces i think is a good idea for libofx207:46
bddebian\sh: Or I should probably fix it correctly as infinity pointed out..07:46
\shbddebian: yes this would be better07:46
infinity\sh : No need to conflict for a file overwrite.  Just replaces.  Please.07:47
Zombmdz: does not change the fact that it has been broken in Debian for months, fixed in Ubuntu for months, and nobody did know about that except of the few Ubuntu developers. And upstream does not care unless some bug hits him directly.07:47
infinity\sh : There's no reason why two libraries with different SONAMEs should ever have to conflict.07:47
mdzZomb: that is no excuse07:48
\shbecause of the .la?07:48
mdzZomb: you asked me for help, I answered your questions gladly, and you responded with rudeness in your changelog07:48
infinity\sh : What about it?... That doesn't make the packages conflict, just means the new one needs to overwrite the file in the old one.  That's what "Replaces" does.07:49
\shinfinity: *bang* yes07:49
infinity\sh : Again, two packages that have libraries with different SONAMEs should (almost) never conflict.  If they do, you break smooth transitions, locally-compiled packages, etc.07:49
Lathiatinfinity: i think you need to write a guide on this stuff :)07:49
bddebianOh, hehe, libofx2 does have Replaces but the -dev doesnt07:50
infinityLathiat : It's called Debian Policy. :)07:50
Lathiatwith easy steps for diagnosing what you need to do :)07:50
spaynedoko: ping07:50
Lathiatheh 07:50
\shbddebian: not in your package07:50
bddebian\sh: I just re-pulled the source07:50
bddebianPackage: libofx207:51
bddebianArchitecture: any07:51
bddebianDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}07:51
bddebianReplaces: libofx1c207:51
Zombmdz: fine, see it as you wish. IMO "rude" is a bit different.07:51
\shbddebian: from whom?07:51
bddebian\sh: apt-get source libofx07:51
\shbddebian: in debian libofx.diff.gz there is nothing to see 07:51
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infinitybddebian : That should probably be a longer list (1, 1c2, 1c102), I'm betting the .la file has been there forever.07:52
mdzZomb: I took time to talk with you about it even though we were in the middle of preparing a release.  The least that you could do was to be civil.07:52
dokospayne: pong07:52
infinitybddebian : And yes, I see no Replaces on the libofx2 package in the archive.07:52
\sh+Package: libofx207:52
\sh+Architecture: any07:52
spaynedoko: when i go to change the icon theme in OOo2, there are no options07:52
\sh+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}07:52
\shthis is the diff from debian07:52
spaynedoko: so i can't change it to the standard one - is this a known bug?07:53
bddebianWell it's there.. WTF???07:53
mdzZomb: if you have a complaint about me in the future, talk to me rather than writing it in a changelog.07:53
infinitybddebian : Oh, it's there in -3ubuntu2, which isn't built/uploaded yet.  La la la.07:53
zygawho build the live cds?07:53
Lathiatmaswan: about?07:53
infinitybddebian : My most recently available binary is -3ubuntu107:53
\shmy source as well was -3ubuntu107:53
dokospayne: you can file an enhancement request, very low priority ...07:54
infinitybddebian : Anyhow, a -3ubuntu3 that fleshes out that Replaces line would be nice.07:54
spaynedoko: a few versions ago, i could do it07:54
bddebianSmurf fixed it07:54
spaynedoko: but seems to have disappeared in recent uploads07:54
Lathiatmaswan: it seems my rsync client has problems dealing with your symlinks07:55
bddebianBut he only added libofx1c2 not libofx107:55
Lathiatmaswan: e.g. the isos symlink to ../.pool/07:55
Zombmdz: hookay, the next issue will go through open mailing lists first... no irc, no changelog comments.07:56
infinitybddebian : Hrm, probably no need to add libofx1c102, looks like it never was in a stable Debian or Ubuntu release.  But yes, please add libofx1, it's in Sarge at least.07:56
bddebianAhh, WTF happened to gnome-launch-box?? :-(07:57
ogramdz, the "|| true" solution wont give me the opportunity to notify the user what to do, will it ? (re: ltsp)07:58
mdzogra: you mean if they read base-config.log?07:58
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ogramdz, nope, if i add a debconf notification... i didnt plan to have any echo stuff in a final version, its just to outline the principle07:59
mdzogra: it is too late to add debconf templates07:59
mdzkeep it absolutely dead simple08:00
ograso only a "|| true" and a notification in the install notes then... better than the current state at least08:00
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mdzmvo: around?08:01
mvomdz: yes08:01
mdzmvo: never mind, I see you attached the patch in bugzilla08:03
mvomdz: which one in particular? gnome-system-tools?08:03
mdzpitti: is there any possibility for these fontconfig changes to affect non-greek languages?08:04
mdzmvo: yes08:04
mvomdz: I have fixed another crash (on amd64, services-admin). I would like to fix it too 08:04
pittimdz: in theory yes, since it moves priority of the Asian fonts below mgopen08:04
mvomdz: one line fix: G_TYPE_INT -> G_TYPE_POINTER08:04
KamionLathiat: those aren't his symlinks, they're my symlinks08:04
pittimdz: but in practice Kamion, ogra, and I checked that Asian fonts work as before08:04
KamionLathiat: there are rsync options to deal with that08:05
RiddellKamion: kubuntu amd64 CDs are good, i386 DVD is good08:05
Kamionpitti: I didn't test this myself; I only quickly eyeballed the diff08:05
KamionRiddell: yep, amd64/install working for me08:05
LathiatKamion: oh, what do i have to pass?08:05
pittimdz: since mgopen does not provide Asian fonts, it does not "shadow" them08:05
LathiatKamion: unfortunately just using rsync with no flags makes it die08:05
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Kamionogra: there are Edubuntu CDs and DVDs waiting for you to test if you're going to do a release candidate08:05
RiddellKamion: great, can you put them on the server?08:05
KamionLathiat: man rsync, search for 'symlink'08:05
mdzdholbach: gparted?08:06
KamionRiddell: we have many servers :-)08:06
KamionRiddell: but I'll assume you meant "please release the Kubuntu RC" and do that ;)08:06
ograKamion, i didnt plan a RC way to much stuff to fix... but i can test the isos indeed08:06
RiddellKamion: that'll be the one08:06
mdzmvo: sounds fine08:06
dholbachmdz: it's a couple of fixes from cvs, upstream advised me to get in08:07
mdzdholbach: we're post-RC; we need to be very cautious08:07
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dholbachmdz: the changes all made sense and were reported either in out BTSs or in gnome's one, but if you want me to do a patch for more clearity, i can do so08:09
dholbachmdz: a cherrypicked patch08:09
mdzpitti: so mgopen contains only greek glyphs?08:09
Riddelldo uploads still have to be vetted by mdz or Kamion?08:09
mdzRiddell: all uploads still require manual approval, through the final release08:09
Riddellmdz: ok08:09
mdzRiddell: you don't need to ask in advance if it's obvious and safe08:10
mdzpitti: there are many more speakers of asian languages than greek; we don't want to cause problems for them ;-)08:11
pittimdz: mgopen probably also contains latin glyphs, but we have higher priority fonts for them08:11
pittimdz: right, I checked Japanese and Chinese, and mgopen does not contain *any* asian glyphs08:11
mdzpitti: ok, thanks08:12
pittimdz: I compared a Japanese and CHinese desktop without and with the patch08:12
pittimdz: I didn't see any difference in terms of glyphs08:12
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pittimdz: btw, would it be possible for uploads to only appear at b-changes after they are actually accepted?08:14
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pittimdz: in the case of a rejected upload the mail cannot be undone...08:15
mdzpitti: that's an elmo question, but I suspect it isn't worth the effort08:15
mdzthis is a temporary hack for breezy08:15
pittimdz: propably depends on the number of uploads that are actually rejected08:15
Kamionpitti: UNACCEPTing stuff is nasty anyway08:16
mdzpitti: they can't be rejected because they've already been accepted08:16
mdzI don't expect to reject anything08:16
mdzonly hold things until after release08:16
Kamionpitti: we don't reject stuff generally, we either ignore them or get people to supersede them with different uploads that resolve problems08:16
Kamion(e.g. bash)08:16
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bddebianinfinity: Did kmymoney2 ubuntu2 come through?  It's been a while since changes got accepted and it's not showing up on lamonts site08:21
mvomdz: gnome-system-tools uploaded with a amd64 crash fix for services-admin08:22
fabbionemvo: is that ubuntu9 or ubuntu10?08:23
mvofabbione: ubuntu10 is the updated one, ubuntu9 fixes another amd64 crash08:24
mdzjbailey: ping08:25
fabbionemvo: thanks08:26
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fabbionemvo: i mean.. thanks for making my life impossible ;) i am trying to build get the last 2 pkgs built for sparc to have RC CDs :P08:26
fabbionesuper itaglish++08:27
bddebianinfinity: Never mind :-)08:27
fabbionebut you get the point :P08:27
mvofabbione: is the sparc a 64 bit arch? if so, you probably need ubuntu10 :)08:28
fabbionemvo: yes it's a 64 bit kernel arch, but userland is 3208:29
mvofabbione: can I help you in some way? send you the ubuntu10 packages or something?08:30
fabbionemvo: nah.. don't worry.. just stop fixing bugs :)08:31
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mvofabbione: heh :) ok08:32
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mdzlamont: did you or infinity flush the amd64 cloop?08:33
mdzogra: is 16726 actually a bug, or just sabdfl's screensaver selection?08:33
spaynedoko: i've took a screenshot (http://www.evolutionconsultancy.com/~spayne/OOo2-NoIcon.png) and it looks like there is a fault with the actual chaning of icon themes as the correct .zip files are present08:34
ogramdz, i'll have to look at it...08:34
ogramdz, normally rss-glx shoud add the screensavers in postinst to /etc/X11/app-defaults08:35
ograi didnt change a thing on this package except settin the default volume for skyrocket to zero during this release cycle08:35
spaynedoko: this feature works fine on Debian and SUSE08:37
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Kamionmdz: I believe lamont did it a week or so back08:39
bddebianWhere is the "missing" stuff on people.u.c/~cjwatson   ??08:39
Kamionogra: not that I'm complaining about having less to do, but it must be nice to have a choice about whether to do an RC ;-)08:39
Kamionbddebian: eh?08:39
jbaileymdz: pong08:40
bddebianKamion: Doesn't he have a page that shows "missing" stuff. (I.E. NEW) ?08:40
Kamionbddebian: dude, *I* am cjwatson08:40
mdzogra: it doesn't have a postinst and I see no mention of it being removed08:40
bddebianKamion: The reason that I ask is that I still don't see the libaqbanking 1.5.99... binary stuff yet?08:40
Kamionand no, I do not have anything that monitors the state of the NEW queue. The closest I have to what you might be thinking of is http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/, which is main-only08:41
ograKamion, the current image is lacking fixes... i dont see that it should be a RC before these are in... since it will take time i think a RC before release doesnt make sense08:41
bddebianKamion: Oohhh *red face*08:41
mdzogra: don't waste time on it; it isn't a regression08:41
mdzogra: the package didn't have a postinst in hoary either08:41
ogramdz, i didnt say i removed a postinst... and except me nobody touched it... give me time to look at it08:41
ogramdz, exactly...08:41
Kamionogra: I hope you realise that you can only get a very, very limited class of fixes into the archive from now on08:42
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ograKamion, yes i'm discussing with mdz since yesterday for my most critical one...08:42
Kamionyou will have to cut your losses at some point; better do it at a point when the problems are well-understood08:42
bddebianKamion: Is the libaqbanking-libgwenhwfar-plugin still hung up in NEW ?08:43
Kamionbddebian: YES08:43
bddebianOh :-(08:44
bddebianWhy the caps?  How would I know that?08:44
KamionNEW processing is not instant, nor will it be; I've been processing it since your last question about it a whole three minutes ago08:44
bddebianKamion: I thought you did it this morning, sorry.08:44
Kamionsorry to be tetchy, but I mean, really08:44
ograKamion, yes, but this one was a installation blocker it needed fixage08:44
Kamionogra: in universe08:45
KamionI am also busy dealing with the Kubuntu release08:45
mdzKamion: he's talking about edubuntu08:45
Kamionfair enough08:45
mdzbddebian: coincidentally, I was just processing queue/new while you were nagging :-P08:45
ograKamion, err you meant MOTU ?08:45
bddebianI'm not trying to NAG.. Sheesh :-(08:45
ivokscalm down guys... you are doing great stuff...08:46
bddebianIs there any chance of getting someone appointed later on to handle Universe specific stuff so we don't have to bug you main guys?  Kind of a laison or something?08:46
Kamionmdz: um ... you can't do universe NEWs like that08:46
Kamionthere is an obscure and undocumented process :-/08:46
mdzKamion: I thought the process was "just do it and then move it later"08:47
Kamionoh, well, I guess you can08:47
mdzthat's what elmo recommended to me08:47
Kamionthere's a new_universe program in katie's path08:47
Kamionyou add the output to the overrides using natalie, and then move everything back into queue/unchecked/08:47
Kamionthen it goes straight into universe08:48
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Kamionbddebian: ultimately it'll all be in Launchpad; any processes we define now will change anyway ...08:48
Kamionmdz: I had to ask elmo a couple of times how he did it before he told me that method; for some reason he seems to believe it's a bit of a hack ;-)08:50
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bddebianKamion: I didn't mean immediately obviously, just thinking out loud.08:50
Kamionbddebian: ok - release day is not the best time for all of us, really :-)08:51
ivoksas i said... calm down :)08:51
bddebianKamion: I know sorry.  I have goals too ya know.. ;-P08:51
Kamionbddebian: I know, no problem. I did try to do a universe version of http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/ a while back, since it's been on my to-do list for some time and I know it'd be helpful - but it took longer than the cron.daily cycle to generate08:53
Kamionso I need to get it going on some other machine with a full mirror, probably rookery itself (i.e. people)08:53
Kamiontakes a shedload of memory though08:53
bddebianI can imagine08:54
ogramdz, there is a mechanism in xscreensaver (thom added it i think) to prevent GL screensaver to be run in software rendering mode... i guess thats the prob with rss-glx...08:54
infinitybddebian : No, you probably can't imagine, until you've seen britney in action.08:54
infinitybddebian : It's twelve kinds of scary.08:54
bddebianIf I stay at this job maybe I'll throw up a mirror08:54
bddebianinfinity: Heh08:54
Kamionbritney used to be ulimited to 900MB of memory in Debian. It overflowed that on a regular basis ...08:56
=== infinity is pleased to have found only one chroot-breaker in the last mass give-back.
infinity(and a fix uploaded)08:58
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slomoinfinity: you mean cabal? or something else?09:00
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infinityslomo : No, tipa.  Bad remove/purge conffile handling.09:02
mvomdz: is #17172 something that should be fixed for -final?09:04
KamionRiddell: Kubuntu release is syncing out to mirrors now; will be a while09:04
KamionRiddell: sorry for the delay09:04
jbaileymdz@ubuntu.com  2005-10-06 19:53 UTC  Target Milestone  ---  Ubuntu 5.1009:05
jbaileyIs my clock, or the DCs confused?09:05
RiddellKamion: no problem, thanks for that09:06
RiddellKamion: are the DVDs there as well?09:06
tsengjbailey: i thought bugzilla was in UK local time for some reason09:06
KamionRiddell: yeah09:06
Kamiontseng: shouldn't be claiming UTC, then :)09:06
RiddellKamion: did you or jbailey test the AMD64 DVD?09:07
tsengthis is true.09:07
KamionRiddell: I didn't; I don't think jbailey did either09:07
jbailey'k,np.  I knew Matt was super-human, but this was a new one to me. ;)09:07
Kamionbut if the Ubuntu DVDs work (which they do) and the Kubuntu amd64/{install,live} CDs work (which they do), then I'm not too worried09:07
infinityjbailey : bugzilla is in Europe/London, but in certain places claims to be UTC.  Known issue.09:08
jbaileyinfinity: Luvly, thx.09:09
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mdzbugzilla calls Europe/London UTC for some reason09:10
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lamontmdz/Kamion: I manually reset the amd64 cloop a bit ago09:11
mdzlamont: ok09:11
mdzlamont: depending on how pressed we are for space, we may need to do it again09:12
lamontbut since we hadn't deployed sladen's zero-er earlier, I was unwilling to deploy it post-preview on amd65409:12
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mdzKamion: have you done a build since all your changes?09:12
lamont(ia64 has it turned on in the daily script, to give us testing)09:12
lamontmdz: np.  it's a straightforward run of the python script... the long part is the diff of the entire fs afterwards, just to be pedantic....09:13
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lamont(when I reset it, it was copy, zero, mount both, diff, make sure we're happy, replace.)09:13
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Kamionmdz: not yet, no09:13
lamontmdz/kamion: and btw, I'll be mostly offline from tomorrow morning until monday evening...09:14
lamontwait.. this is thursday...  off and on tomorrow, gone sat-am thru mon late evening09:15
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graymanWhen you install something in synaptic you get that status bar with terminal. The questions is... can i use it in my own application in someway, because i noticed that gnome-app-install uses the same one too09:21
mvograyman: yes you can, please join #synaptic for details (I don't want to be too OT in this channel)09:22
graymani can? thanks09:22
lamontmdz: actually, the only one I reset was ubuntu-live... still need to reset the others.09:23
lamontmdz/kamion: since I know how much you love changes just before release....09:26
lamontia64 has been running sladen's zero-er for a couple weeks, with no ill effects... we could consider just turning it on...09:27
jbaileyAnyone able to install pieces in the chroot on concordia?09:30
fabbionejbailey: i guess both elmo and Znarl can09:31
lamontmdz: I'll reset all of the amd64 images today sometime, in any case.09:31
lamontthe advantage of deploying the zero-er is that the image then has no wastage, instead of 'just today's wastage'09:31
jbaileyfabbione: YEah, probably not the right timezone for them.09:32
jbaileyAh well.  /me fires up the test build on a slow local machine.09:32
lamontfabbione: and pretty much only them.09:33
fabbionelamont: yeah09:34
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mvomdz: sorry for pestering you, I wonder if #17172 is something that can/should be fixed for -final (one line fix)?09:43
zygamvo: one line fix that fixes an issue is a good fix09:44
mdzmvo: that's fine09:44
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mdzmvo: remember that you already have 3 existing bugs with 5.10 milestone, though; don't forget about those09:44
mdzjbailey: did I already ask you about #14456?  something to be concerned about for 5.10, or not?09:45
Kamionooh, need a preset query for me + 5.10 milestone09:45
mdzKamion: you only have 2 and you are quite aware of them already ;-)09:45
Kamionyep, just checked09:46
jbaileymdz: Adding the define would allow us to match the kernel change from the end of September.  Nothing is relying on it, though.09:46
jbaileymdz: So path of least resistance is 'no', path of completeness is 'yes'.  I don't know inotify well enough to know if anyone would notice if it weren't there.09:47
mdzjbailey: so the things that use inotify in breezy are  including their own copy of the header?09:48
mvomdz: thanks for reminding me :) I'm not sure if #8502 is a "must-fix" for 5.10 and I'm not sure if it is possible to produce a "simple and obvious" fix for this. what do you think?09:48
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mdzmvo: you are the one who set the milestone to 5.10 :-)09:49
mdzmvo: if it isn't fixed upstream and the fix isn't obvious, let's defer it09:49
jbaileymdz: The header is there.  There's one define that's missing because the feature wasn't in the kernel when I added the header.  Ben added the feature at the end of September, so most things either include their own header or use this one without the define.09:49
jbaileymdz: It's not a standard feature in 2.6.12, it's one we added, so I don't think it's high-impact to not have it in.09:49
mvomdz: I set that months ago :) 09:50
tepsipakkimdz: #17151, yes the swap is on LVM, sorry for not making that more clear09:50
mdzjbailey: oh, the patch made it look as if l-k-h wasn't shipping the header at all09:50
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bddebianHello sabdfl09:51
mdztepsipakki: please follow up to Bugzilla so that this information is recorded there09:51
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sabdflhey bddebian09:51
fabbionehey sabdfl 09:51
sabdflmdz: T-8mins, right?09:51
tepsipakkimdz: sure, just can't do it from here ;)09:51
fabbionetepsipakki: there is already a bug open for it09:51
jbaileymdz: Right.  I added it partway, then marked it as upstream, since it wasn't part of 2.6.12.  Ben patched inotify after.09:52
tepsipakkifabbione: oh?09:52
fabbioneit's a duplicate of another one...09:52
jbaileymdz: It's literally adding the line: +#define IN_MASK_ADD0x2000000009:52
jbaileymdz: To the header.09:52
ajmitch_morning all09:52
jbaileytepsipakki: What sort of problem are you facing?  I tested resume from lvm swap 2 days ago on my laptop with no problems.09:52
tepsipakkijbailey: i tested it several times on monday09:52
mdzsabdfl: er, I never heard back from you or scott09:53
mdzsabdfl: or claire09:53
tepsipakkijbailey: I'll test it tomorrow to make sure, and to get the message from boot09:53
jbaileytepsipakki: First take a look at /etc/mkinitramfs/initramfs.conf.  Is the RESUME= line set?09:53
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mdzso I didn't announce a meeting09:53
sabdfli'm here, just :-)09:53
tepsipakkijbailey: yes09:54
\shhmm..who is responsible for the wiki.ubuntu.com?09:54
mdzjbailey: if that's the only change, then let's get it in09:54
Kamionmdz: running daily-live builds now, so we'll see how the sizes look. I've re-enabled the cron jobs.09:54
mdzKamion: sounds good09:55
Kamioncan't believe we were shipping all those powerpc initrds; I should've checked /install/ earlier :)09:55
=== fabbione has the feeling that there isn't much bw left at the DC
jbaileytepsipakki: 'kay.  I will need you to add the word 'break' to your kernel command line.09:56
tepsipakkijbailey: sounds cool ;)09:56
jbaileytepsipakki: Then when you're inside the initramfs-tools, make sure that your RESUME= line is defined in /conf/initramfs.conf09:56
jbaileytepsipakki: What's the path that's there?09:56
dokomdz: please accept openoffice.org2-amd64_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu3-0ubuntu3, openoffice.org2-amd64_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu3-0ubuntu2 had too tight deps09:57
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mdzdoko: it's already in the archive09:57
tepsipakkijbailey: in /etc/mkinitramfs/initramfs.conf? /dev/mapper/poo-swap09:57
sabdflfabbione: why?09:58
jbaileytepsipakki: 8-P09:58
jbaileytepsipakki: 'kay, so when you're in the initramfs, that should trigger it fine.09:58
dokomdz: thanks, checked some minutes before09:58
jbaileytepsipakki: Do you have another machine that you can use to IRC from while you're looking at this?09:58
fabbionesabdfl: never mind.. it's yet another ISP in the middle falling apart09:58
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tepsipakkijbailey: the "break" makes it to boot interactively?09:58
fabbionenever had so many problems recently09:59
jbaileytepsipakki: Right.  That tells it to give you a shell inside the initramfs09:59
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\shfabbione: you don't have problems with level3 and cogent? 09:59
tepsipakkijbailey: well, maybe my home installation uses lvm too, don't remember09:59
fabbione\sh: no.09:59
\shbut my company has *gnarf* we can't reach parts of romania anymore :(10:00
jbaileytepsipakki: Well.  If you can remember, set the RESUME variable exactly as you see it in that file.  Then look in scripts/local-premount10:00
mdzhas anyone checked if the torrent tracker is working for RC?10:00
mdzthe status page is giving its usual 'server error'10:00
jbaileytepsipakki: There's a script in there called 'suspend'10:01
jbaileytepsipakki: Follow the commands in there by hand, and let me know which one isn't behaving right.10:01
jbaileytepsipakki: The echo ${major}:${minor} >/sys/power/resume10:01
jbaileytepsipakki: command shouldn't return.10:02
tepsipakkijbailey: ok, I'll write these down ;)10:02
=== lamont works on tasks for the wifely one
mdzmvo: what can we do about 16678 for 5.10, if anything?10:03
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mvomdz: I have no idea yet, the strange thing is that it doesn't happen for "de and fr", I was only able to reproduce it for it_IT10:05
mdzmvo: curious10:05
mvomdz: yes10:05
mdzmvo: so it is supposed to work?10:05
seb128gdm doesn't detect new locale without beeing restarted10:06
mvomdz: seb128 thinks that gdm should be restarted in any case if new locales are generated10:06
seb128restart = /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:06
fabbioneis there anything that actually detects locales changes when in "daemon" mode?10:07
seb128mvo: that's my experience with it from before hoary10:07
fabbionesince the daemon inherits the env from the moment in which it's executed10:07
fabbioneseb128: imho NOTABUG10:07
mvoseb128: curiously it did work for fr and de (see pitts comment too)10:08
jbaileymvo: Doesn't restarting gdm cause the session to restart?10:08
pittifabbione: it's not about the env10:08
fabbionepitti: it's a dameon..10:08
pittifabbione: it's about re-reading "locale -a" when the current session ends10:08
seb128fabbione: what I said10:08
jbaileyOtherwise it's easy to add to the list.10:08
seb128jbailey: yep it does10:08
fabbionepitti: locale -a | wc -l10:08
fabbionepitti: which one should pick than?10:09
pittifabbione: all10:09
seb128fabbione: the issue is10:09
seb128- run gdm10:09
jbaileymvo, seb128: Then restarting automatically would be a fairly large mistake, I think.10:09
pittifabbione: the problem is not that gdm itself has the wrong locale10:09
seb128generate a new locale10:09
mvojbailey: yes, we can't do that10:09
seb128pick it from the language menu on login screen10:09
pittifabbione: but that it does not offer new locales for the next session10:09
seb128you get a message saying it's a known language10:09
fabbionei am with seb128 on this one10:10
pittisomewhere in the gdm code there must be a function that reads available locales10:10
fabbionei might temporary add locales for other reasons10:10
fabbioneand i don't want them available on gdm10:10
mvothe strange thing is that gdm offer the it locale but then complains on login10:10
pittifabbione: if there is a locale *after* the session ended, it shuold be available for the next one10:10
fabbionepitti:not necessarely10:11
pittifabbione: gdm shuold either not offer the new locale at all, or it should work for the next session10:11
pittifabbione: so either way you look at it, it's a bug10:11
seb128pitti: we have it since warty10:12
fabbionepitti: it's a chicken egg10:12
fabbionepitti: i would rather leave it as it is10:12
pittiseb128: sure, I'm not arguing that we must/can fix it for breezy10:12
fabbionewell known behaviours10:12
pittiI'm just confirming that this is broken10:12
seb128yeah, that's known to be since before hoary :)10:12
seb128but nobody cared enough to fix it before10:12
seb128so it can wait after 5.10 now10:12
pittiso, some locales just have bad luck :-)10:12
fabbionepitti: who cares about it_IT anyway10:13
mvoheh :)10:13
sistpotyis (rescheduled) TB-meeting now?10:13
pittifabbione: they should make good spaghettis, not good locales :-)10:13
mvoand great pizza10:13
fabbionepitti: that's why i cook and my desktop is in pure english :)10:14
pittifabbione: I like your attitude10:14
diamondis there a known hindi display glitch in the installer? searching bugzilla for 'hindi' shows up nothing. this is a (very bad) photo of the issue: http://diamond.nonado.net/misc/pics/hindi.jpg10:14
diamondthis is from the rc btw10:14
pittifabbione: I have a German desktop and don't cook every day10:14
fabbionepitti: heheh10:14
pittidiamond: yes, known bug10:14
diamondpitti: grand, thanks10:14
fabbionei don't cook everyday either10:14
poningrudid someone say hindi?10:16
Simirahi fabbione, how are you?10:16
fabbionehey Simira !10:16
fabbioneSimira: i am fine thanks and you?10:16
Simirafabbione: harassing Tollef to get the kitchen done. Have to get things in order for the party on saturday. Moving-in-party10:16
tepsipakkijbailey: just crossed my mind: would it suffice if I opened up the initrd-img and see what's inside?10:17
fabbioneSimira: hehehe10:17
seb128mdz: can we drop the gdm Depends on ubuntu-artwork and "desktop" it instead?10:17
jbaileytepsipakki: that would let you make sure the conffile was updated, but I generally assume it is.10:17
jbaileytepsipakki: The problem is likely elsewhere.10:17
tepsipakkijbailey: ok10:17
jbaileytepsipakki: I include that step for completeness because if it's *not*, we could spend hours troubleshooting a very simply problem. ;)10:18
tepsipakkijbailey: it's my laptop, but it is online so I can easily take a look10:19
mdzseb128: I would prefer not to do any seed changes before final.  what bugs would it fix?10:19
mdzs/seed/desktop or minimal or standard seed/10:20
sabdfldoes anything require the artwork in minimal? usplash?10:20
seb128mdz: people complaining because they have forced to use the panel logo branding10:20
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seb128mdz: would a panel patch with a gconf key for that been accepted?10:21
=== jdong [n=jdong@d149-67-171-99.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-104-21-15.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdonghey, I'm trying to make flashplayer/msttcorefonts style fetcher packages for w32codecs and libdvdcss10:21
jdongany pointers? ;)10:22
jdongdecided breezy-extras needs to be a bit more legal10:22
mdzseb128: for kubuntu and edubuntu, or someone else?10:22
mdzwell, not kubuntu obviously10:23
seb128mdz: for anybody who wants to change the panel logo10:23
mdzseb128: people who want to run ubuntu but with the gnome foot?10:23
seb128mdz: let's say GNOME liveCD10:23
mdzI see10:23
seb128by example10:23
infinityjdong : There's no way to make that legal.10:24
seb128I don't really get why we force the artwork installation10:24
infinityjdong : The difference is that flash and msttcorefonts are freely available, we're just not allowed to distribute them.10:24
mdzI thought we added that dep intentionally to solve a problem10:24
seb128mdz: the workaround are easy, we can keep that the current way for 5.10 if you prefer10:24
jdonginfinity: no; but it shifts the legality from me to the users :)10:24
jdonginfinity: Gentoo's been doing this for ages, and nobody's gone after them10:25
infinityjdong : w32codecs, on the other hand, is not freely available at all.  The only legal package you could do is one that copies the files from the user's Windows partition.10:25
seb128mdz: gdm default theme is ubuntu one, I though it was due to that10:25
mdzseb128: sounds right10:25
mdzseb128: I really prefer not to change the dep at this late stage10:25
mdzseb128: what are the workarounds currently? dpkg-divert?10:25
RiddellKamion: there's no torrents for the kubuntu install CDs10:25
infinityjdong : For w32codecs, where would you fetch it FROM?.. In the end, someone's still distributing it illegally, so you may as well just point users at that remote deb, if that's what they really want to do.10:26
mdzthere is no gconf key etc. to set the panel logo currently?10:26
\shjdong: gentoo pulls in the sources from somewhere...it's source...not distributed by gentoo 10:26
jdonginfinity, \10:26
fabbionewhat did pull libaqbanking into main without the source??10:26
jdonginfinity, \sh: it's from mplayer.hu... the authoritative source of w32codecs :)10:26
seb128mdz: install a variant of the icon for your the theme you use, or divert it10:26
bddebianfabbione: How did it go to main??10:26
\shjdong: which means, it doesn't distribute the source package10:26
fabbionemdz: sorry that was for you10:27
jdong\sh: they're binaries....10:27
\shjdong: sure..but you know what I mean10:27
\shjdong: the source of distribution is not gentoo :)10:27
jdong\sh: yeah, but how's that different from what I'm trying to accomplish?10:28
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mdzfabbione: don't panic; new packages go into main by default and then get moved10:28
fabbionebddebian: how did it go to main without source10:28
infinity\sh : Yes, that's what he's driving at anyway, with a "fetcher package"... My point is that, no matter where you DL w32codecs from, it's still illegal, so why did you bother to add indirection?10:28
fabbionemdz: ah ok. wasn't the other way around before?10:28
bddebianfabbione: It should be Universe??10:28
jdonginfinity: so the Backports team is free of legal blame10:29
fabbionebddebian: it's a completely different problem.. i am asking about the source.. 10:29
seb128mdz: what do you think about patch from http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17049 ? is that ok to upload ?10:29
mdzfabbione: did it build?10:29
\shinfinity: that's the idea of gentoo...they're pointing you to anywhere else...what gentoo is, is only python/bash scripts..nothing else..the rest comes from unknown places...they don't care10:29
mdzfabbione: I was waiting for the binaries so I could move it10:29
infinityjdong : Meh.  Fair enough.  If you need/want help with it, post-release, ping/mail me.10:29
fabbionemdz: it's on my local mirror.. that's why i noticed10:29
jdonginfinity: sure... I'll see if I can modify the msttforeconts source to work in the meantime10:30
jdong(err, wow I'm dyslexic today)10:30
mdzseb128: hmm, I don't like it too much; I would rather disable the button honestly10:30
bddebianfabbione / mdz: You two are confusing me.  What of libaqbanking is in main?  apt-cache madison shows both in Universe here??10:30
infinityjdong : Make sure the files get installed to the same paths as they are in the current .deb10:30
mdzbddebian: all of its binary packages10:30
seb128mdz: what's wrong about it? (not that I care either way)10:31
mdzbddebian: and I've just moved tem10:31
bddebianmdz: OK, gotcha, thx10:31
mdzseb128: not wrong, just intrusive10:31
mdzseb128: it's also ok with me to just leave it as-is for 5.1010:32
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mdzhehe, we are in that time of the release when bug reporters start to lobby for their pet bugs to be fixed10:33
Seveasit was not my pet bug (i created the patch) but I just didn't like the security issue disks-admin gives10:34
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Seveasdisbling the button would work too, this was just as easy though :)10:34
seb128mdz: right :)10:34
seb128Seveas: what security issue?10:34
Seveasseb128, browsing things as root10:35
Seveasor running gnome-cd/totem as root10:35
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seb128Seveas: that as secure as running g-s-t tools or gdmsetup or synaptic with sudo imho10:36
Seveasagreed for totem/gnome-cd, but not for nautilus10:37
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fabbioneKamion, mdz: one of your last ubuntu-meta uploads did kill ubuntu-desktop on sparc..10:39
fabbioneis there any chance to get it fixed?10:39
tepsipakkijbailey: the initrd-img is fine10:39
Zombmdz: again, please take my appologies for the bad sarcasm... and Knopper says he did not receive any fix.10:39
fabbionemdz:  powermanagement-interface and openoffice.org2* should be removed.. (they were not there, but apparently a refresh did add them back)10:40
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jbaileytepsipakki: 'kay.  So you'll need to step through it and figure out why it's not poking the major:minor in.10:40
jbaileytepsipakki: Can you look to see what's in /sys/power/resume now?10:40
jbaileytepsipakki: (Just cat it, it's a plain file)10:40
tepsipakkijbailey: but the machine is not at my hands currently, so I can check those things tomorrow10:40
tepsipakkijbailey: or is there something I _can_ do it via ssh?10:41
jbaileytepsipakki: cat /sys/power/resume can be done now. =)10:41
jbaileytepsipakki: Let's see if it's actually being set in the first place.10:41
tepsipakkijbailey: 0:010:41
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jbaileytepsipakki: Yup, not set. =)10:41
jbaileytepsipakki: So I definetly need you to walk through that fiel and figure out why it's not being run.10:41
mdzZomb: thank you.  if there is an upstream mailing list for cloop, please tell me and i will send patches there instead so that you receive them also10:42
jbaileytepsipakki: Putting your initramfs somewhere I can download it would help me look quickly for obvious things, too.10:42
Zombmdz: Knopper has left LinuxTag and is constructing something on alioth right now10:42
tepsipakkijbailey: the image you mean?10:42
=== ogra hugs mdz
jbaileytepsipakki: S=)10:42
ograthanks :)10:43
dokofabbione: could you start on OOo2 test build without java, please?10:43
fabbionedoko: on what arch?10:44
fabbionedoko: yes in theory10:44
dokono, I mean in practice10:45
tepsipakkijbailey: http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/tmp/10:45
fabbionedoko: yes.. in a few minutes it will be practise10:45
fabbionedoko: is it just a random test to see if it builds, or is it know to fix the FTBFS?10:46
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=== [-Jarod-] http://pics.soohrt.org/fun/unix-admin/microsoft-cat5-linux-bsd.jpg yeah !
=== jdong cautiously proceeds with first test deb....
jdongSUCCESS :)10:50
=== jdong reflects on what a crappy hackjob he's made... then uploads to breezy-extras :)
jdongI just put the installation and removal code in postinst/postrm... is that a no-no? ;)10:53
fabbionedoko: ??10:54
xTinaIs the daily installer from yesterday (Oct. 5) the same as the RC? I tested the automated installs in our labs just last night with that one, but I definitely would test the RC again if it isn't the same.10:55
dokofabbione: AFAIK, the build failure is in java related code, therefore the retry without java10:55
fabbionedoko: ok10:55
dokofabbione: maybe keep the build tree around10:56
fabbionedoko: yes.. i am doing it in a dedicate chroot10:56
=== jordi grumbles at people translating wiki.ubuntu.org/DesktopTranslations not knowing how to do it in alphabetical order.
jbaileyjordi: File a bug against the translator for bad LC_COLLATE implementation ;)10:57
sistpotymdz: is the rescheduled TB-Meeting today?10:59
jordijbailey: maybe it was a BUG IN HIS LOCALE DATA!11:00
hungerHehe... The RC announcements are all over the web, but I can't spot it on www.ubuntu.com:-)11:00
jbaileyjordi: See?  And if it was all in Rosetta...11:00
hungerGood work, guys. Breezy is a really great distri!11:00
jordi"you've got mud on your face...", Queen music for our wrestling,11:01
[-Jarod-] i agree :)11:01
mdzsistpoty: no, I didn't hear back from anyone in time11:01
sistpotymdz: ok, thanks11:01
jbaileyjordi: It's as good as any I can think of. =)11:02
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jcohen85jbailey, well, the last update has slowed my startup by 10 seconds. There's a delay when setting up the network that i never had before.11:03
jbaileyjcohen85: I thought we agreed that you were never updating again? ;)11:03
jcohen85i didn't11:03
jcohen85from the previous update11:03
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fabbionedoko: ENABLE_JAVA is already off on sparc11:17
fabbionei can try to rebuild tho11:18
fabbionei didn't test it for a while11:18
dokoif you do have the cpu time ...11:18
fabbionedoko: i will make space..11:19
fabbionenot that i have much given release is close11:19
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Kamionfabbione: ubuntu-desktop does not depend on either powermanagement-interface or oo.o2 on sparc11:37
fabbioneKamion: yes, we just verified that, but i can't understand why they get pulled in..11:38
fabbioneor better.. by waht11:38
zyga_amd64I've just installed RC for amd6411:38
fabbionein a chroot is ok.. not on install11:38
ploumjdub, can I annoy you with planet ?  (I just want a 1.0 tarball)11:38
fabbionethere must be a difference that's triggering the problem11:38
zyga_amd64I don't know if that is a known issue but users-admin pretty much crashes all the time11:38
Kamion(as per elsewhere, it's due to lack of architecture-specific Task: headers)11:39
Kamionzyga_amd64: I thought mvo fixed that today; have you tried upgrading to current?)11:40
mvozyga_amd64: do you run 1.4.0-0ubuntu10?11:41
dokomdz: I think I found all bugs, for building and using OOo2 help. but I need another OOo2 upload (followed by an OOo2-amd64 upload)11:44
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mdzdoko: send me a diff, please11:46
mdzdoko: this would enable help on all architectures?11:47
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dokomdz: yes11:48
=== g14 [n=Jeff@12-222-183-136.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
g14Will gnome integrate any of the patches for improving gnome startup time?11:48
tsengin 2.14 they will surely have a look11:49
g14tseng: One of the patches got rejected, because it breaks backwards compatibility for people who have gnome < 2.6 installed side by side with newer gnome11:50
g14But that one improves startup time for me personally about 6 seconds11:50
tsengsorry, you'll have to take that up with the gnome developer in question11:50
KamionI think you'd be better off asking GNOME upstream directly about what they plan to do11:50
Kamionwe're just another distributor, albeit one with fairly close connections to GNOME11:50
g14It doesnt make sense for gnome to distribute it if it breaks backwards compat11:51
g14But ubuntu doesnt have a problem with backwards compat11:51
g14So why not?11:51
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g14Im not trying to flame, breezy is amazing11:52
KamionI don't understand that claim, since people NFS-mount home directories between different distributions quite frequently11:52
g14 gconf-merge-tree /usr/local/gnome/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults11:53
Kamionin any case, these patches only seem to have been produced well after the stage in our release process when we could have considered integrating it for breezy11:53
HiddenWolfOh My. JaneW, did you just about double the size of the wiki, or what? ;)11:53
g14gnome < 2.6 doesn't support merged configuration files11:53
g14No, for dapper11:53
g14Not breezy11:53
fabbioneg14: wait to ask after breezy is released :)11:53
tsengfile a bug in a few weeks :)11:53
Kamionwe haven't started dapper development yet; we are concentrating very hard on getting breezy out the door right now.11:53
fabbionewe are all a bit overloaded11:53
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fabbionenight everybody11:58
HiddenWolfcan anyone braindump on those spec-pages?12:01

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