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nemopaice | Can anyone tell me how to install a downloaded program? | 12:00 |
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frankiii | anyone notice on breezy how, occasionally, the Applications or System menus are opened up with scroll arrows? | 12:01 |
samu2 | nemopaice, dpkg -i programname.deb might do it. | 12:01 |
frankiii | if I close the menu then reopen it then the menu is opened up properly | 12:01 |
frank23 | nemopaice: what did you download | 12:01 |
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nemopaice | where do I typeit? This is my first time on linux | 12:01 |
nemopaice | netscape. | 12:02 |
frankiii | also, on breezy (which I installed by upgrading hoary) System->About Ubuntu pops up an error | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis | mirak, no its not. | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis | you have to be root to enable the shareing. | 12:02 |
frank23 | nemopaice: just use firefox | 12:02 |
mirak | Dr_Willis: no you need to be root to share a folder | 12:02 |
nemopaice | but I use the netscape email server .... does firefox allow me to use my netscape email? | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis | mirak, not from what i am seeing on my 2 ubuntu box's | 12:02 |
mirak | Dr_Willis: ok my bad | 12:03 |
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frank23 | nemopaice: I don't know... what is the name of the file you downloaded | 12:03 |
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Dr_Willis | mirak, the root user has to enable the shareing of the users home folders, of course samba is a system-service - so thus root needs to be in controll of it. | 12:03 |
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mirak | Dr_Willis: I was surprised that I needed to enable it in nautilus since it was running already | 12:03 |
nemopaice | netscape-i686-pc-linux-gnu-sea.tar.gz | 12:03 |
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Dr_Willis | mirak, that 'tool' edited the samba config file. and restarted the samba services i think. | 12:04 |
tucoz | Hi, I wonder if there is a net installer for ubuntu or if it is possible to install from another partition. My cd-reader is not working as it should | 12:04 |
mirak | Dr_Willis: do you have security on share or on user ? | 12:04 |
Dr_Willis | I just have it on user i think.. since i only have 1 user :P | 12:04 |
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frank23 | nemopaice: open a console, go where you dled netscape, type tar xzvf netscape......gz | 12:04 |
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mirak | Dr_Willis: if I put it on user, it asks me a password even just to browse the workgroup | 12:05 |
Dr_Willis | mirak, you never added a smbpassword for your user yet have ya :P | 12:05 |
SublimeInfidel | Alright, I need some help manually adding a host to /etc/hosts. I have an fsck error | 12:05 |
SublimeInfidel | Can anybody help? | 12:05 |
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mirak | I think I did but I want to be able to share my home with a password and share normal folder readwrite | 12:06 |
Dr_Willis | what i had to do.. as root. for the users i wanted to share their home folders. I had to use 'smbpass -a username' to set a smbpassword for them. THEN restart the samba service | 12:06 |
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fr500 | mirak, there is a public flag i think | 12:06 |
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Dr_Willis | also the home filders are normally read only. I had to edit the smb.conf to change that | 12:06 |
Dr_Willis | the gnome-samba config tool - is a little under-powered. | 12:06 |
mirak | it sucks | 12:06 |
nemopaice | you mean open up a console as in terminal? | 12:07 |
Dr_Willis | mirak, all these chages take me.. say.. 30 sec.. to edit :P with vi. | 12:07 |
frank23 | nemopaice: yeah | 12:07 |
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mirak | Dr_Willis: yes but that's not what we exept for a desktop distro | 12:07 |
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nemopaice | says no such directory | 12:08 |
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Dr_Willis | mirak, 'desktop disrto' is such a null-meaning-buzz-word.. | 12:09 |
nemopaice | the gz file is on my desktop | 12:09 |
frank23 | nemopaice: in the terminal ls lists files, cd changes directory, make sure you are at the right place | 12:09 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@mctnnbsa30w-156034050191.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | mirak, i dont even know if that sambva config tool is normal part of gnome - or a ubuntu specific add on. | 12:09 |
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mirak | Dr_Willis: the model ubuntu tries to reach is OS X, that's not a secret | 12:09 |
Dr_Willis | samba can be considered a security issue.. so the ubuntu guys err on 'secured' :P | 12:10 |
[N] ame | its a long way from Os X | 12:10 |
nemopaice | in the terminal window it says.... myname:~$ | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | I put ubuntu on my imac. | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | *&@&@ os-x | 12:10 |
lui | where I can find w32codecs? | 12:11 |
lui | where can I find w32codecs? | 12:11 |
[N] ame | lui, for hoary or breezy | 12:11 |
[N] ame | ? | 12:11 |
Dr_Willis | http://www.giannaros.org/tor/bt/ is where i got mine | 12:11 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell lui about w32codecs | 12:12 |
init2null | hi all. since breezy rc1 is out, can I safely do a dist-upgrade, or will my ubuntu install die a horrible death? | 12:12 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell [N] ame about w32codecs | 12:12 |
_rb_ | one thing then, is there any problem with windows having access to the same file as a nother machine running windows when the file is on a linux server. are there any linux file locks i should know about ? | 12:12 |
lui | hoary | 12:12 |
[N] ame | stop telling me.. I know where they are | 12:12 |
nalioth | init2null: you'll be fine | 12:12 |
frank23 | nemopaice: I opened a chat with you. | 12:12 |
init2null | ok, I guess I'll do it. thanks! | 12:12 |
lui | thanks guys | 12:12 |
_jason | is there anything I can do to fix the lag between sound and video (flash also has sound lag)? | 12:12 |
nemopaice | where at | 12:13 |
_rb_ | _jason, use alsa | 12:13 |
durt | what would be the proper line in /etc/mtab for a usb camera (/dev/sda)? | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis | sure its not /dev/sda1 ? | 12:13 |
[N] ame | what I need to know is how to get totem-xine to play audio with avi's. I get great picture but no sound | 12:13 |
frank23 | nemopaice: somewhere in your chat client, besides the channel maybe | 12:13 |
_jason | _rb_: also does not lag? does it allow multiple sounds? | 12:13 |
_rb_ | duno | 12:13 |
_jason | _rb_: also = alsa | 12:13 |
jaydg | _rb_, sounds like you have to dig deeps into the docs | 12:13 |
CountDown | I'm designing a USB device (hardware and firmware) I'd like to use with Ubuntu. Assuming the USB device firmware is working correctly, what do I need to do within Ubuntu to make it appear as a serial port in /dev/? | 12:14 |
_rb_ | b een doin it. lots n lots. | 12:14 |
_rb_ | having trouble with what could be an xp issue with some sorta cache | 12:14 |
jaydg | _rb_, dealing with windows hurts :) are all of your windows boxes xp? | 12:14 |
[N] ame | _rb_, whats your windows problem | 12:15 |
_rb_ | yeahp | 12:15 |
nemopaice | i am there | 12:15 |
jaydg | _rb_, home or pro? | 12:15 |
_rb_ | [N] ame, xcept for the fact that nwindows sucks, its a access denied prob | 12:15 |
_rb_ | pro | 12:15 |
[N] ame | take ownership of what ever it is | 12:16 |
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_rb_ | its all comiung from a prog called myob | 12:16 |
jaydg | _rb_, samba is pdc? or just a workgroup? wins? | 12:16 |
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_rb_ | it tries to open a client dbf when it starts, and after one machine starts the software the others get an Access denied error and wont start | 12:16 |
_rb_ | its just a workgroup | 12:17 |
frank23 | nemopaice: ok maybe it doesnt work | 12:17 |
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telonir | it failed | 12:17 |
telonir | it wanted the udev | 12:17 |
jaydg | _rb_, well anyway - can you control the type of locking the program does? | 12:17 |
nemopaice | lol I see you and typed to you | 12:18 |
telonir | cant run kernel 2.4 with ubuntu 5.10 | 12:18 |
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[N] ame | _rb_, myob... accounting software? | 12:19 |
_rb_ | not as far as i can see, but then i havent changed anyrthing as far as the clients are concerned, they were working fine when the server ( pretty much just a file holding box ) was a win98 machine. | 12:19 |
frank23 | nemopaice: type /join #frank123 | 12:19 |
_rb_ | paths are identical, machine names are identical, but now the clients wont all open up happily. no other machines can get in after one has started the proigram. even if they exit it | 12:20 |
_rb_ | yeah | 12:20 |
nemopaice | im there | 12:20 |
_rb_ | its accounting software | 12:21 |
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[N] ame | does the new server have the same name as the old one | 12:21 |
[N] ame | and the same IP | 12:21 |
[N] ame | ?? | 12:21 |
_rb_ | yes. same ip, same shared folders | 12:21 |
[N] ame | is the server name the same? | 12:21 |
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_rb_ | yeah | 12:21 |
durt | what filesystem type is a usb drive? | 12:21 |
[N] ame | have you set the permissions | 12:22 |
[N] ame | for the shares | 12:22 |
_rb_ | the network shares as seen in "My computer" are all fine with the new server, no changes necessary there | 12:22 |
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jaydg | have you tried "blocking locks = no" ? | 12:22 |
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_rb_ | yeah, the other computers have opened the files fine, just not when other computers have opened them. the linux permissions are wide open | 12:22 |
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dradul | durt, a flash drive has, usually, FAT filesystem. | 12:23 |
delltony | anyone here use kubuntu reason i ask after doing an apt-get upgrade i get this big annoying Volume dialog in the center of the screen that simply will not go away i have tried to do an xkill on the box i have tried pgrep kmix then kill -9 <id> nothing seems to work. help please | 12:23 |
_rb_ | no, havent tried that. I'm gunna have to go to the site and start trying that | 12:24 |
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jc-denton | hi all | 12:24 |
Yetr2 | ubuntu doesn't carry wine? | 12:24 |
_rb_ | I'll connect to irc from there and i'll have access to the logs and things for more detailed answers on what samba does | 12:24 |
jc-denton | is there an easy way to customize uspash on breezy | 12:24 |
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jc-denton | w/o building ur own kernel | 12:24 |
[N] ame | Yetr2, ubuntu does wine you just have to install it | 12:25 |
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jaydg | _rb_, yes, logs are GOLD when trying to solve ugly problems | 12:25 |
Yetr2 | [N] ame, couldn't find the package with apt, this is why I'm asking | 12:25 |
[N] ame | did you check synaptic | 12:25 |
dabaR | its in universe. | 12:25 |
_rb_ | if i could solve windows i'd get the nobel prize | 12:25 |
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[N] ame | Yetr2, hoary or breezy | 12:26 |
[N] ame | ? | 12:26 |
Yetr2 | breezy | 12:26 |
_rb_ | cyas soon | 12:26 |
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[N] ame | Yetr2, I see it synaptic | 12:27 |
cevizoglu | Yetr2, do you have universe in your repositories? | 12:27 |
dabaR | [N] ame: it is in universe. you have, and he does not have universe enabled. | 12:27 |
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[N] ame | im running default | 12:27 |
dabaR | It is a repository. I told ubotu to tell both of you about repos, and about asking him about packages. | 12:27 |
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[N] ame | well almost default | 12:28 |
dabaR | [N] ame: well, in fact, if you see wine, you have universe enabled. | 12:28 |
[N] ame | hence the almost dabar | 12:28 |
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Yetr2 | running completely default here. | 12:28 |
cevizoglu | dangit, why won't the missing package tsclient leave me alone? | 12:28 |
[N] ame | Yetr2, edit your sources.list file | 12:28 |
Yetr2 | I figured that | 12:29 |
[N] ame | uncomment the other repositories | 12:29 |
BioVorE | tsclient. TeamSpeak? | 12:29 |
[N] ame | then in term do a sudo apt-get update | 12:29 |
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cius | would anyone be able to tell me how to change gnoem's WM? I read online that I have to change a setting in my .gnomerc file, but that doesn't appear to be in my home directory on ubuntu... | 12:29 |
cevizoglu | ah, turned off "show notifications" for software updates. much better | 12:29 |
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[N] ame | cius, have you unhid all the files in home? | 12:30 |
dabaR | Yetr2: TO add universe, follow the link ubotu sent you about repositories. | 12:31 |
cius | [N] ame, I used ls -a to see them all, then looked for .gnome rc, and I also tried using locate .gnome and looked through all the hits, but found no .gnomerc | 12:31 |
dabaR | cius: are you in gnome now? | 12:31 |
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cius | dabar, yes | 12:31 |
[N] ame | did you just try ls | grep gnomerc | 12:31 |
dabaR | cius: you hear of the configuration manager? | 12:32 |
cius | no, I've yet to use the config manager | 12:32 |
cius | and I have not tried using grep | 12:32 |
[N] ame | ls -a | grep .gnomerc | 12:32 |
[N] ame | I think | 12:32 |
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cius | [N] ame , returned nothing | 12:33 |
Stickybit | Can anyone offer help on wireless config for dlink-520? | 12:33 |
cius | dabar, I'll try tthe config manager real quick, thanks for mentioning it | 12:33 |
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dabaR | configuration editor that is. Applications, System Tools, Conf Editor, then in there you can change it. | 12:33 |
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dmacdonald111 | Hi all | 12:34 |
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dabaR | um, where did you haer about changing the wm, and what woudl you like to change it to? | 12:34 |
[N] ame | I wish I could get sound working under totem-xine | 12:34 |
Dr_Willis | ive never had much luck changeing the window manager for gnome. | 12:34 |
[N] ame | system sounds work fine | 12:34 |
[N] ame | but no sound on avi playback in totem-xine 8( | 12:34 |
dmacdonald111 | I need to add something to my modules.conf files, but there doesn't seem to be one on the system. Is this the same as modules (no extension) or is it a file I need to create? Cheers | 12:34 |
Dr_Willis | all the config file changes - never seemed to work.. i ended up renaming the window manager i wanted to use to be 'metacity' :P thats hard core fix lol | 12:35 |
cius | dabar, it was recommended to me on the gnome support forums that I change my wm to xfwm4 in order to get some functionality that I'm looking for | 12:35 |
dabaR | cius: in conf editor, this is what you do: Desktop>Gnome>Apps>WM. there it is, you change from /usr/bin/metacity, to whatever the program name is. but, what wm are you trying to get at? | 12:35 |
[N] ame | I used openbox in 5.04 | 12:35 |
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[N] ame | it worked great | 12:35 |
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[N] ame | but I cant get it to work in 5.10 | 12:36 |
dabaR | I use it now, its awesome. | 12:36 |
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dabaR | for what I need. | 12:36 |
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Confuzzled | hello all, could anyone help with with turning off ipv6, its screwing with my internet | 12:36 |
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Dr_Willis | i wonder why ipv6 is enabled by default. :P guess for the power users | 12:37 |
dabaR | /usr/bin/xfwm4 in that field will likely work, cius found it? | 12:37 |
cius | dabar, to be specific, I want to be able to hold the Super key (windows key?) and the right mouse button and click 'n drag anywhere in an app window in order to resize it, just like you can do under metacity for moving it (system->preference->windows) | 12:37 |
cius | sec, let me look, been typing | 12:37 |
dabaR | cius: never heard of it, try that | 12:38 |
nhaines | I've been forced almost entirely to Ubuntu this week (my main machine with WinXP crashes--looks like bad RAM now that I'm running memtest). I've been very, very happy with it. :) | 12:38 |
=== Aven [n=cruxshad@c-24-126-233-108.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aven | hello | 12:38 |
[N] ame | hello | 12:38 |
cius | dabar, found ti | 12:38 |
Aven | doesn't ubuntu come with gtk-config ? | 12:38 |
nhaines | If all my files weren't on the main computer and I would be unlazy enough to set up extra codecs, I'd be all set. | 12:38 |
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nhaines | Hi, aven. | 12:38 |
cius | it* | 12:38 |
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dabaR | tell me whether the change worked | 12:38 |
sme2 | hi, how could I disable the buffer writing to an mounted Device ? I mean it writes all when I umount(or sync) it. Could I deactivate that ? | 12:38 |
dabaR | you/~'ll need to log out back in. | 12:39 |
cius | dabar, doing that now, give me a second and I'll be back to let you know | 12:39 |
kushboy | Can someone help explain to me what the mozilla-firefox-dev package is for and how I can work with it | 12:39 |
=== Kibou [n=kib@dslb-084-063-000-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lui | now, where can I find gstreamer0.8-lame, gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg, libdivx4linux and libdvdcss2? | 12:40 |
=== glick [n=noobia@cpe-24-193-243-22.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | howdy | 12:40 |
[N] ame | gstreamer ftl | 12:40 |
dabaR | its a package for developers, some headers or what not. why do you think you want to use it, kushboy ? | 12:40 |
[N] ame | xine ftw | 12:40 |
dmacdonald111 | hello | 12:40 |
Confuzzled | so, can anyone help me with turning off ipv6, i'm pretty much a newb | 12:40 |
nhaines | lui, I think -lame and -ffmpeg were in universe. | 12:40 |
=== Chadza [n=chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | Confuzzled, its mentioned in the Ubuntu forum/wikis | 12:40 |
nhaines | Oh, but that's for Breezy though. | 12:40 |
lui | they aren't | 12:40 |
Aven | doesn't ubuntu come with gtk-config ? | 12:40 |
glick | excuse me when i plug in a external drive into the firewire port ubuntu automagically looks at the drive and mounts it and all partitions | 12:40 |
[N] ame | lui, save yourself some time, ditch gstreamer and get xine | 12:41 |
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kushboy | dabaR, I would like to get firefox's source, build it, and start playing around with the code | 12:41 |
glick | does it just do that in gnome or does it do that even if you use another window manager | 12:41 |
nhaines | Aven, I don't have a manpage for gtk-config. | 12:41 |
glick | or even perhaps no windowmanager? | 12:41 |
dmacdonald111 | I need to add something to my modules.conf files, but there doesn't seem to be one on the system. Is this the same as modules (no extension) or is it a file I need to create? | 12:41 |
Dr_Willis | glick, thats a gnome feature | 12:41 |
lui | [N] ame, xine is better? | 12:41 |
dabaR | kushboy: there is source, enable the source repos. | 12:41 |
RockyBurt | wow, i am constantly getting errors while updating certain ubuntu repositories for breezy | 12:41 |
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glick | Dr_Willis, are you sure? | 12:41 |
nhaines | kushboy, mozilla-firefox-dev are headers to help you write programs that work with firefox--it's not the source. dabaR's advice about enabling source repositories is correct. | 12:42 |
Dr_Willis | glick, at least the auto-poping up of the windows is.. :P I disable tht part... the auto-mounting - is part of a deamon/service I think | 12:42 |
[N] ame | lui, yes xine is better | 12:42 |
karmatoburn | anyone know of a faq for converting a .exe to a .ppd file? tia... | 12:42 |
=== Dr_Willis stares at karmatoburn . | ||
cius | hey dabar, it didn't work. I logged back in and its still metacity, confirmed by going back to config editor... | 12:42 |
glick | i wish i couild get gnome to look like the default gnome | 12:42 |
=== joe_ [n=joe@ip68-8-206-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | hello | 12:42 |
cevizoglu | karmatoburn, what is a .ppd file? | 12:42 |
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lui | [N] ame, o then. thanks | 12:42 |
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Dr_Willis | glick, you mean the origiaal installed gnome? just delete your .gnome* dirs | 12:42 |
karmatoburn | it is a file my stoopid printer wants | 12:42 |
lui | [N] ame, ok then. thanks | 12:42 |
joe_ | mounting files got a quick question | 12:42 |
glick | Dr_Willis, no the original gnome look | 12:43 |
glick | as made by Gnome | 12:43 |
glyn | my Ubuntu system literally freezes frequently..this happens when there's only 4 programs running, does anyone know why? | 12:43 |
[N] ame | xine gives better video playback in my opinion | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | glick, good luck there. | 12:43 |
karmatoburn | i had thought i could unzip it but... | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | glick, would be nice if all the disrtos could agree to use the defaults.. and perhaps have one menu with their own stuff | 12:43 |
lui | oks | 12:44 |
joe_ | help? | 12:44 |
TiMiDo | ask | 12:44 |
nalioth | glyn: check you memory with memtest | 12:44 |
joe_ | mounting files from a windows server | 12:44 |
glyn | how do I do that? | 12:44 |
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nhaines | glyn, that's my advice too. Reboot your system and hit Esc to make Grub come up. Then choose memtest86+ from the list of startup options. | 12:45 |
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nalioth | glyn: one of your boot options should be memtest, or d/l the iso from ubcd.sourceforge.net | 12:46 |
joe_ | i'm tryiong to mount my files from my win2k3 server to my ubuntu laptop | 12:46 |
glyn | k | 12:46 |
joe_ | i have samba, and smbfs | 12:46 |
kushboy | Does anyone know how I can get the source for Firefox? | 12:46 |
joe_ | setup | 12:46 |
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nalioth | kushboy: visit mozilla.org | 12:47 |
dooglus | kushboy: "apt-get source firefox" | 12:47 |
dabaR | where does it go anyhow? | 12:47 |
dabaR | dooglus: ^ | 12:47 |
nhaines | dooglus, do you have to enable the source repository first then? | 12:48 |
dooglus | nhaines: yes | 12:48 |
joe_ | anyone able to help me? | 12:48 |
nhaines | I'd imagine it goes to /usr/src/ | 12:48 |
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dabaR | you can get it without sudo, and it comes to your home dir. | 12:49 |
nhaines | joe: Samba should be installed by default. Just go to Places and chose Network Servers, or Connect to Server... if you know what share you need. | 12:49 |
nalioth | apt-get source brings it to your current working directory | 12:49 |
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dabaR | Ah, yes, that works out. | 12:50 |
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dabaR | and, ya, the repos are shown as told by ubotu, kushboy . | 12:50 |
nalioth | dabaR: hows the professorial practice? | 12:51 |
dooglus | i use a shell function called 'get-src' which does this: | 12:51 |
dooglus | cd ~/src; mkdir -p $1; cd $1; apt-get source $1; cd $1-* | 12:51 |
dabaR | meh. did not work out that great. | 12:51 |
dabaR | really. | 12:51 |
joe_ | help? | 12:51 |
joe_ | ok nvm, i'll try later | 12:51 |
dabaR | I was not that happy about the pres, and noone seems to be asking any support questions, so I doubt they use it. there is time, tho. I am off, I am reading stuff, like the book on OS licenses. | 12:52 |
nhaines | joe_, I gave you some advice. | 12:52 |
nhaines | dooglus, I really like that script. I shall "borrow" it. :) | 12:52 |
cius | dabar, change did not work, its still using metacity. I went back into the config editor and it still said metacity when I relogged in. | 12:52 |
dabaR | I read that, thanks. I dont know what to tell you, that should change the WM, afaik. | 12:52 |
dooglus | nhaines: it keeps your sources tidy, and you don't have to worry about where you started. you know how to write a shell function? | 12:52 |
dabaR | never tried tho. | 12:52 |
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cius | dabar, oh ok, thanks anyway, I'll figure it out somehow | 12:53 |
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cius | nm | 12:53 |
nhaines | dooglus, cat > foobar and then chmod, right? :) | 12:53 |
nhaines | Wait, no, that's not a shell function. | 12:53 |
dooglus | nhaines: no, no, I mean a shell *function*. | 12:53 |
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nhaines | Hm, this was convered in a "Introduction to Unix using Linux" class I took three years ago. So no. ;) I could pull the textbook though. It has to do with uh, .profile doesn't it? | 12:54 |
dooglus | in ~/.bashrc, write "get-src ()" on one line; "{" on the next; the script on the next, and "}" on the next. | 12:54 |
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nhaines | Awesome, thanks. | 12:54 |
dooglus | nhaines: .profile (which is called .bash_profile when using bash) is only run when you log in. ie. never in ubuntu. so use .bashrc which is run for each shell. | 12:55 |
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carambol_ | how get realplayer install in breezy? | 12:55 |
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nhaines | dooglus: which is also where I will now be putting /usr/bin/fortune (my favorite app of all time, really). | 12:55 |
Crumit | hi | 12:55 |
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dooglus | nhaines: I put a nicely formatted version of get-src here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2859 | 12:56 |
AlexanRO | is there a way to apt-get a pkg stored locally, if so will it still resolve deps? | 12:56 |
dooglus | nhaines: if you're going to run fortune from .bashrc, make sure it's after the check for "interactively" | 12:57 |
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joe_ | nhaines, thanks i see that, sorry i missed it, i can't seem to find places as i have changed my desktop configuration. is there a command line i could use? | 12:57 |
dooglus | nhaines: you don't want non-interactive shells having fortunes | 12:57 |
nhaines | dooglus: that sounds like something I would break and never find. Thanks. :) | 12:57 |
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nhaines | Oh, but, I'll set it at the bottom, so I guess I'm safe. | 12:57 |
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dooglus | that's fine | 12:58 |
comforteagle | Running hoary, I had apache1.3 running then did an apt-get install apache2, apache2-common php4.. now neither work. Is there a way to clean this mess up? | 12:58 |
comforteagle | other than wiping the disk that is. 8^) | 12:58 |
nhaines | joe_: No, but running nautilus might help. | 12:58 |
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joe_ | nhaines, nautilus? | 12:58 |
nalioth | dooglus: not to rain on your parade, but #where #are #the #usage #instructions? | 12:58 |
nhaines | joe_: at least, I don't know of any commandline. Of course, you can always mount the share in your local filesystem. | 12:59 |
nhaines | joe: that's the file manager in Gnome. | 12:59 |
joe_ | nhaines, i tired mounting and it's not finding the dshared files | 12:59 |
ect4 | hi | 12:59 |
dooglus | nalioth: for what? | 12:59 |
ect4 | hi | 12:59 |
nalioth | dooglus: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2859 | 12:59 |
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dooglus | nalioth: it's just a shell function. you say "get-src <package>" where <package> is a source package... | 01:00 |
tucoz | Hi, I am having trouble booting with the breezy kernel. It is freezing when loading the hotplug subsystem. Is it possible to disable this on boot? | 01:00 |
odd- | My screenshot pwnz | 01:00 |
joe_ | nhaines, smbmount -t smbfs -o username <wshdf> //server/share /mnt/sare | 01:00 |
odd- | http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/files/0/Screenshot_932268_original.png | 01:00 |
nalioth | dooglus: the more ignorant of us like #commented #out #instructions #with #our #bash #scripts | 01:00 |
nhaines | take the password out of <>'s. | 01:00 |
cevizoglu | tucoz, the hotplug subsystem is pretty important, not sure you would function properly without it | 01:00 |
joe_ | nhaines, and it doesn't see it | 01:01 |
dooglus | nalioth: ok then. here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2860 | 01:01 |
joe_ | nhaines, i did that to | 01:01 |
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nalioth | dooglus: i add instructions to all my bash scripts | 01:01 |
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nhaines | nalioth: that's not a script, it's a function. Add a comment line above where you define it? | 01:01 |
tucoz | cevizoglu: I guess it is. But, there might be some way to not load certain parts on boot, s.a. soundcard. | 01:02 |
lui | [N] ame, xine is great thanks! | 01:02 |
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nhaines | joe_: I've been fortunate enough not to have any major problems with smbfs (and this was with Debian on my GameCube) so I can't really help you troubleshoot further. :/ Maybe somebody else knows? | 01:02 |
dooglus | nhaines: the 'latest release' has a 'usage' output - run it without arguments to see the usage: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2860 | 01:02 |
nalioth | dooglus: and i'm real real dumb, because i still dont know how to use that thing (everything in my .bashrc is commented as to function or provenance) | 01:02 |
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joe_ | thx, i'll keep trying | 01:03 |
hjk57 | ...debian on a GameCube? | 01:03 |
nhaines | Good luck. :) | 01:03 |
joe_ | much appreciated | 01:04 |
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nhaines | hjk57: Yeah, PowerPC arch. Runs like a charm. Just needs a custom framebuffer and memory driver. | 01:04 |
=== PrimoTurbo [n=primo@HSE-Ottawa-ppp162579.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PrimoTurbo | Hey guys need some help | 01:04 |
PrimoTurbo | breezy rc | 01:04 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: ask | 01:05 |
PrimoTurbo | that was recently released | 01:05 |
PrimoTurbo | what's the difference between that and preview | 01:05 |
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nemopaice | can anyone tell me why It says I don't have permision to create a folder in .../usr...? | 01:05 |
PrimoTurbo | because I have preview burned atm | 01:05 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: if your box is keepin up, it's current | 01:05 |
Kyral | because you don't ;P | 01:05 |
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Ex-Cyber | is it possible to access hosts with "+" in the hostname using Firefox? | 01:05 |
nhaines | RC means "Hey, we're going to release this so get any problems in now." | 01:05 |
nalioth | nemopaice: b/c /usr/ doesnt belong to you | 01:05 |
automat | hey, anyone here use development versions of fluxbox here? | 01:05 |
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PrimoTurbo | can preview be updated to rc | 01:05 |
PrimoTurbo | and then to final? | 01:06 |
tonyyarusso | I was wondering how to change the setting for the startup sequence such that the line length displayed is doubled, making it nicer aesthetically and fitting more lines vertically so I can see more of what's happening. I have a 768x1024 display, and remember seeing this option before, in the form of a variable being set to 0xsomething. Any ideas? | 01:06 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo: yes. | 01:06 |
nemopaice | where can I create folders?.... and who does usr belong too? | 01:06 |
djm62 | nemopaice: as a normal user, you can only create and destroy files in certain locations. use sudo to get permission to create or destroy all of them | 01:06 |
Ex-Cyber | whenever I try to access one it just immediately pops up a "could not be found" dialog | 01:06 |
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nalioth | nemopaice: if you want to put something in /usr/ , use /usr/local/usr | 01:06 |
PrimoTurbo | I just use the packet manager right? | 01:06 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo: although, preview can be updated directly to final as well. | 01:06 |
PrimoTurbo | I see | 01:06 |
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PrimoTurbo | cool thanks for info | 01:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell nemopaice about cli | 01:06 |
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djm62 | nemopaice: your home is /home/username | 01:06 |
nemopaice | ok ty | 01:06 |
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automat | anyone use fluxbox 0.9.14? | 01:07 |
Surak | Hey, what means when the system stops doing anything and says constantly "Bus error"? | 01:07 |
QMario | Is Seveas here? | 01:07 |
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nhaines | Sounds like a problem with the system bus (on the motherboard). When did that start? | 01:08 |
Surak | just happened. | 01:08 |
SublimeInfidel | Anybody familiar with evo's? | 01:08 |
djm62 | couple of breezy questions: is there a recommended way to get usplash and beagled running? | 01:08 |
nalioth | QMario: not atm | 01:08 |
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trekrem | Mitsu evo's? | 01:08 |
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QMario | Hello cafuego!!! :) | 01:08 |
QMario | !lart Surak | 01:08 |
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QMario | Hello funkyHat!!! :) | 01:09 |
funkyHat | hello QMario :) | 01:09 |
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djbrieck | Question about U 5.04 on laptops how do i stop the loss of screen on lid close? | 01:09 |
Surak | **ubotu: seems I'm screwed without you slicing me :-) | 01:09 |
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QMario | Surak, sorry. It was just a joke? | 01:10 |
QMario | Can you forgive me? :) | 01:10 |
funkyHat | djbrieck, do you mean that when you open the lid again the screen doesn't come back on? | 01:10 |
m0biu5 | good evening everyone | 01:10 |
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djbrieck | funkyhat: yes | 01:10 |
nhaines | djm62, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` | 01:10 |
tonyyarusso | djbrieck: It doesn't just lock, it won't come on at all? | 01:10 |
nhaines | THat's for usplash, at least. | 01:10 |
m0biu5 | everytime I get an update for my kernel, I have to recompile my sound driver - is tere any way to get around having to do that | 01:10 |
djbrieck | yeah stays all black | 01:10 |
Surak | QMario: that's ok | 01:11 |
djbrieck | is there as a way to bring it back | 01:11 |
Surak | I'm just confused. Never saw this message. "bus error". | 01:11 |
djm62 | nhaines: ah, easy: cheers | 01:11 |
tonyyarusso | djbrieck: Even when you touch the mouse or keyboard? | 01:11 |
djbrieck | yeah | 01:11 |
djbrieck | the cap light goes on and off | 01:12 |
tonyyarusso | djbrieck: You could try CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE, not sure if that would be related to your problem. | 01:12 |
djbrieck | systems still seem to be running | 01:12 |
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djbrieck | the card is a nvida | 01:13 |
djm62 | final question: what does "FATAL: System.DllNotFoundException: libglib-2.0-0.dll" mean when trying to start beagled? | 01:13 |
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tonyyarusso | djbrieck: If you'd like, try closing it, opening, and after a moment the key combo above, and say what happens. Of course, if that doesn't work, I suppose you probably have to restart or some annoying thing like that, right? | 01:15 |
djbrieck | yeah | 01:15 |
xivhwo | hei | 01:15 |
djbrieck | I press the power once for a second | 01:15 |
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nhaines | djm62, it means beagled can't find that library. See if you can add it in Synaptic or through sudo apt-get install libglib | 01:15 |
djbrieck | and the system shuts down as expected | 01:16 |
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djm62 | nhaines: I've been trying all that | 01:16 |
nhaines | Did you install Beagle through the Ubuntu package repositories or from some other place? | 01:16 |
djm62 | nhaines: I'm guessing it's something about /etc/mono/config mapping | 01:16 |
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cafuego_ | Hmm. | 01:16 |
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djm62 | nhaines: I've done the CVS nasty before...this time, standard breezy | 01:16 |
funkyHat | related to djbrieck's problem - i had trouble with hibernate in hoary (haven't tried yet in breezy), is it possible that that's causing problems here too? | 01:17 |
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djm62 | nhaines: :) I'm an idiot | 01:17 |
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xivhwo | yew | 01:17 |
nhaines | djm62: I'm in good company then. :) | 01:18 |
jim_s_ | . | 01:18 |
djm62 | nhaines: I've done the CVS nasty, and "which beagled" tells me I'm still doing it | 01:18 |
djm62 | damn local paths | 01:18 |
tonyyarusso | funkyHat: Possibly. | 01:18 |
nhaines | hehe | 01:18 |
djbrieck | also how can i be sure my graphics card has good drivers, I installed the nvid stuff from the packages | 01:18 |
jim_s_ | Can anyone help with an error in mounting and external drive? | 01:18 |
funkyHat | well then your card has good drivers :) | 01:18 |
tonyyarusso | djbrieck: Do you have acpi events or something similar tied to lid closing that might try to hibernate the computer rather than the default lock screen action? | 01:19 |
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cafuego_ | djm62: install libglib2.0-cil and libglib2.0-0 | 01:19 |
djbrieck | i think dcpi is disabled | 01:19 |
djm62 | cafuego: I did all that...I just need to clean /usr/local/lib | 01:19 |
djbrieck | acpi | 01:19 |
cafuego_ | djm62: Oh, got a bad install? Just remove /usr/local/lib from /etc/ld.so.conf and run 'ldocnfig'. | 01:20 |
jim_s_ | nhaines: Can you help with mounting a USB drive? | 01:20 |
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nhaines | That should be automatic; unfortunately I don't have one yet so I can't. | 01:20 |
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linuxzegnus | hola a todo el canal | 01:21 |
jim_s_ | nhaines: It mounts as a read-only device, I can't seem to get it to mounts r-w... | 01:21 |
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cafuego_ | !es | 01:21 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:21 |
linuxzegnus | hi ! | 01:21 |
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tonyyarusso | djbrieck: If you had set acpi up for that you'd probably know it. | 01:22 |
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nhaines | jim_s_, that sounds like just the thing that would be covered in the wiki. | 01:22 |
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jim_s_ | nhaines: I thought I was following the man pages correctly, but evidently not... | 01:23 |
eko | guys, sorry for asking it, but when will breezy the stable ver. be ready? | 01:23 |
djbrieck | i checked some log somewhere and noticed it off | 01:24 |
briander43 | Hello all | 01:24 |
djbrieck | yeah it is probably some work getting it on | 01:24 |
xivhwo | 01:24 | |
nhaines | eko: 13 October. | 01:24 |
trekrem | Anyone have a fully working keymap for Apple Pro Keyboard? | 01:24 |
cevizoglu | trekrem, why? | 01:25 |
trekrem | because | 01:25 |
eko | nhaines : thx | 01:25 |
trekrem | i need one | 01:25 |
nalioth | trekrem: there is one in the keyboard selector | 01:25 |
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cevizoglu | trekrem, do you need to reset it back? | 01:25 |
trekrem | no there isn't | 01:25 |
xivhwo | 01:25 | |
trekrem | not in 5.10 | 01:25 |
trekrem | i mean 5.04 | 01:25 |
nalioth | trekrem: there's NOT? | 01:25 |
cevizoglu | trekrem, just reset the keyboard map | 01:25 |
nalioth | trekrem: i use hoary (5.10) with the macintosh layout and it works fine | 01:25 |
elia | Hi | 01:26 |
=== nalioth is so lost | ||
cevizoglu | trekrem, it's called the PMU setting, I think | 01:26 |
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elia | New Ubuntu 5.10 is super | 01:26 |
nalioth | trekrem: go to system > preferences > keyboard and choose 'macintosh' layout | 01:26 |
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trekrem | yeah the macintosh one wasn't working correctly for me | 01:26 |
nalioth | trekrem: what's not workin? | 01:26 |
comforteagle | Running hoary, I had apache1.3 running then did an apt-get install apache2, apache2-common php4.. now neither work. Is there a way to clean this mess up? | 01:26 |
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trekrem | now i gotta think for a sec, i'm currently in os x | 01:26 |
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trekrem | oh yeah, for one, the right arrow does not work at all, not with ANY layout | 01:27 |
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ubuntu_ | hello all | 01:27 |
Shane | Hi, I'm pretty new to linux and am having trouple with x server after installing new nvidia drivers. I have both the conf and log file if someone can help me. | 01:27 |
ubuntu_ | anyone know what a MINOR partition is? | 01:27 |
nhaines | ubuntu_: is that like a logical partition instead of a primary one? Where do you see that term "minor partition"? | 01:28 |
nalioth | ubuntu_: in parted it just tells you the partition number | 01:28 |
trekrem | but in 4.10 it was working, but not in 5.04 | 01:28 |
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nalioth | trekrem: does it work under OSX? | 01:28 |
trekrem | yeah | 01:28 |
ubuntu_ | "minor partition" in parted utility | 01:28 |
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VeRiTTo | HI | 01:29 |
VeRiTTo | How can i install manpages-es? | 01:29 |
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funkyHat | VeRiTTo, probably sudo apt-get install manpages-es | 01:30 |
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supergrover | G'day all. Is anyone here not using gdm or kdm - ie startx? | 01:30 |
cevizoglu | trekrem, I seem to recall some ongoing discussions on ubuntuforums.org half a year ago about changing keymappings and detecting keymaps on PPC Ubuntu | 01:30 |
briander43 | Lookin' for some help with getting my Sound Blaster AWE 32 car working | 01:30 |
trekrem | thanks, i'll have a looksie | 01:30 |
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St3althcAt | hi | 01:31 |
briander43 | I've read the wiki but to avail | 01:31 |
nhaines | ubuntu_, I'd just type 'print' into parted. That'll show you the minor partition number you need. | 01:32 |
nhaines | ubuntu_, It looks like it's just the partition ID on the device you selected, nothing more. | 01:32 |
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Shane | After installing nvidia drivers I only get a black screen when x server launches. here is my xorg.xonf http://rafb.net/paste/results/2af1sW78.html and here is my xorg.0.log http://rafb.net/paste/results/U2jdE245.html If anyone can tell what is wrong please help me | 01:32 |
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factotum | Shane, did you just recently update the kernel after installing nvidia drivers? | 01:33 |
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Shane | no, i just installed the kernel before installing the drivers | 01:33 |
Shane | the whole OS even | 01:33 |
VoltageX | I'm having big problems installing from pressed ubuntu CDs - read errors left right and centre when installing the base system | 01:33 |
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Thirsteh | Does anyone inhere have experience with getting the "can-play-more-audio-streams-at-once" in Ubuntu to work with an onboard AC97? You know what I mean ;) | 01:33 |
Thirsteh | It doesn't work after install | 01:34 |
factotum | hmm...alright. Ive always had to reinstall the nvidia drivers after a kernel update for some reason, otherwise I have to use "nv" instead of "nvidia" | 01:34 |
St3althcAt | someone here can help me? I left a post on the forum but I think at this time it's better here. I've a problem installing ATi drivers 8.16.20, I've done it successfully before, but I had to reformat my Linux partition and now I can't get them working. I have the kernel headers, the .run file from ATi, all as I did before but when i start xorg, it starts with Mesa rendering and it has an error fglrx(0) incompatible module detected. Thank you! | 01:34 |
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nhaines | St3althcAt, are you getting the xorg-driver-fglrx from the Ubuntu repository? | 01:35 |
St3althcAt | nope, that driver has some incompatibilties with some games, but that I can put working, but I would like, if possible, the latest version | 01:35 |
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St3althcAt | from the ATi website | 01:35 |
St3althcAt | but if it is not possible I'll use that | 01:36 |
Shane | Did anyone take a look at my log / conf and have any insight? | 01:36 |
hjack | Okay, how do I disable the cdrom as a source from synaptic? | 01:36 |
djbrieck | is there a way to mount an Ntfs partition on ubuntu alongside the current filesystem | 01:36 |
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ubuntu_ | how to put the name of the recipient of the message and then the message? I never used irc chats | 01:36 |
factotum | is hoary updatable to breezy through apt? or is a complete reinstall required? | 01:36 |
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St3althcAt | djbrieck, go to www.ubuntuguide.org, it's there ;) | 01:36 |
nhaines | ubuntu_: type it. | 01:37 |
factotum | I was going to change the repo's and do a dist-upgrade, but I thought I would ask first | 01:37 |
nhaines | djbrieck, yeah, and it's simple. ;) | 01:37 |
nalioth | St3althcAt: please dont recommend ubuntuguide | 01:37 |
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St3althcAt | sorry :\ | 01:37 |
ubuntu_ | but I see nhaines in red... | 01:37 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell factotum about upgrade2breezy | 01:37 |
Shane | what's wrong with ubuntu guide? | 01:37 |
nhaines | Nevertheless, the instructions for that particular task are correct. | 01:37 |
nalioth | !ubuntuguide | 01:37 |
ubotu | well, ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 01:37 |
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St3althcAt | !faq | 01:37 |
ubotu | I guess faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ | 01:37 |
hjack | anyone? | 01:38 |
hjack | synaptic question? | 01:38 |
nhaines | ubuntu_: only with XChat, when I put your name at the beginning of my line. :) | 01:38 |
factotum | sure, rip on it, but use it to your liking lol | 01:38 |
nhaines | hjack: just ask. | 01:38 |
hjack | I did | 01:38 |
hjack | Okay, how do I disable the cdrom as a source from synaptic? | 01:38 |
hjack | ^-----repeat | 01:38 |
St3althcAt | well is there any solution for my problem? : | 01:38 |
St3althcAt | :\ | 01:38 |
ubuntu_ | nhaines thanks | 01:38 |
nhaines | St3althcAt, hm, once I got the Ubuntu drivers working for my laptop, I stopped. The official source scared me a little. ;) | 01:39 |
St3althcAt | hum | 01:39 |
logikal_ | Having problem compiling files | 01:39 |
logikal_ | http://www.kubuntu.pastebin.com/386692 | 01:39 |
St3althcAt | guess I'll use the ones from the repo then | 01:39 |
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nalioth | hjack: open your /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor using sudo and put a # in front of the line with cdrom in it | 01:39 |
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nhaines | hjack: either comment it out in /etc/apt/sources.list or do it in Synaptic under Settings:Repositories | 01:39 |
briander43 | Can anyone help with getting my sound blaster card working? | 01:39 |
hjack | nhaines, Thank you very much | 01:40 |
nhaines | Well, nalioth is correct too, and he beat me. :) | 01:40 |
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Shane | When someone has time to glance at my xorg.conf and xorg.log files please send me a message | 01:40 |
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trekrem | hmm searched the ubuntuforums, found nothing useful regarding my issue with Apple Pro Keyboard and macintosh keymap | 01:41 |
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zblach | howdy | 01:42 |
zblach | and happy thankgiving to all | 01:42 |
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St3althcAt | cya guys | 01:42 |
St3althcAt | thx anyways ;) | 01:42 |
zblach | anyone here know how to configure samba in breezy? | 01:42 |
trekrem | can someone transfer me your working Apple Pro Keyboard keymap so I can analyze it | 01:43 |
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trekrem | from 5.04 | 01:43 |
nhaines | zblach: just for file sharing? | 01:43 |
djm62 | ok, cleaning out /usr/local, removing it from ld.so.conf and running ldconfig...these things aren't helping | 01:43 |
juanfe | StrikeForce | 01:43 |
StrikeForce | juanfe, whats up | 01:44 |
zblach | nhaines, and printing. I'm on ubuntu and I want access to my win network | 01:44 |
djm62 | I still get " System.DllNotFoundException: libglib-2.0-0.dll" on running beagled | 01:44 |
zblach | i'll take their printers, but mine is mine | 01:44 |
juanfe | StrikeForce, pardon | 01:44 |
zblach | i'll share, as long as its theirs i'm sharing | 01:44 |
juanfe | StrikeForce, sorry | 01:44 |
pminetti | hi!, I can't write in my vfat partition, in fstab a defines /windows vfat defaults | 01:44 |
zblach | pminetti, i'll help. hang on a second | 01:45 |
jmauricio | trekrem, i just have a powerbook, its useful for you? | 01:45 |
StrikeForce | lol thats ok | 01:45 |
pminetti | ok zblach | 01:45 |
zblach | pminetti, change 'defaults' to 'users,umask=1000,rw' | 01:45 |
trekrem | no, thanks anyway! | 01:45 |
zblach | this gives full r/w access upon boot | 01:45 |
pminetti | ok! zblach | 01:45 |
zblach | solved that problem myself just yesterday ^_^ | 01:45 |
VeRiTTo | when I download a package where is that? | 01:45 |
nhaines | zblach: it's on and configured by default. Just use Places:Network servers or Places:Connect to server | 01:46 |
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zblach | nhaines, when I browse my network, i don't see it. I have a non-standard domain name | 01:46 |
zblach | but i've configured smb.conf correctly | 01:47 |
jmauricio | trekrem, there are some issues about keyboard, right now volume keys are fully functional | 01:47 |
pminetti | zblach did I need to reboot? | 01:47 |
zblach | pmin, no | 01:47 |
jmauricio | trekrem but contrast keys not | 01:47 |
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juanfe | I have a usb hard/disk partitioned in NTFS format. When i boot ubuntu detect it but is read only and I can't write on it. How can I change to write mode? | 01:47 |
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trekrem | brb phone call | 01:47 |
pminetti | ANdhow this take efects zblach? | 01:47 |
zblach | just do this: 'sudo umount -a && mount (the drive)' | 01:47 |
pminetti | thank very much zblach | 01:48 |
zblach | where (the drive) is something like : /media/hdb2 | 01:48 |
zblach | not a problem | 01:48 |
nhaines | zblach: samba uses WINS, not the normal DNS system. | 01:48 |
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zblach | nhaines, i'm not following, sorry | 01:48 |
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nhaines | zblach: Are you trying to use Samba over the Internet? | 01:49 |
kbrooks | define sic? | 01:49 |
zblach | nhaines, no, its my local wireless network | 01:49 |
zblach | workgroup : Blacker | 01:49 |
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djm62 | juanfe: NTFS is a proprietary filesystem, so you have to pay for access | 01:49 |
zblach | juan, use fat32 | 01:49 |
djm62 | juanfe: read-only is OK, but you can't write reliably/safely | 01:49 |
pminetti | zblach grr its say divice is busy | 01:50 |
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!lilo:*! Hi all. Need Spanish <-> English translation in #freenode.... thanks! | 01:50 | |
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zblach | pminetti, which drives? | 01:50 |
nhaines | zblach, make sure you have Windows Firewall open to allow File and Printer Sharing enabled under "exceptions." | 01:50 |
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juanfe | djm62, :-9 | 01:50 |
pminetti | zblach dev/hda3 | 01:51 |
zblach | nhaines, i haven't changed it. it should still be open | 01:51 |
zblach | pmin, try a reboot. see if it works. | 01:51 |
nhaines | By default I believe it is closed. | 01:51 |
pminetti | ok zblach | 01:51 |
pminetti | bye | 01:51 |
zblach | nhaines, i had samba working 2 weeks ago. i had to replatform here | 01:51 |
=== werto [n=werto@adsl-ull-238-138.49-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
werto | yo all | 01:51 |
zblach | wert up. | 01:51 |
werto | have you try klik??? _ | 01:52 |
werto | it's wonderful | 01:52 |
werto | it's apocalittik :D | 01:52 |
juanfe | djm62, I woul'd write in NTFS? | 01:52 |
werto | it's better than apt-get! _ | 01:52 |
zblach | ubotu, tell werto about synaptic | 01:52 |
djm62 | juanfe: not without giving money to microsoft, one way or another | 01:52 |
logikal_ | ubotu, tell logikal about compiling | 01:52 |
werto | zblach, i know synaptic | 01:53 |
zblach | ubotu, tell ubotu about ubotu | 01:53 |
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cafuego_ | !botabuse | 01:53 |
ubotu | You can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned. | 01:53 |
zblach | ok cool. ^_^ | 01:53 |
werto | zblach, klik is better, it's not apt-get, it's not emerge, it's not pacman, it's cross platform, you can install everything in every architecture | 01:53 |
zblach | cool | 01:54 |
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nhaines | zblach, hm, don't think I can help with the Samba problems, sorry. :/ | 01:54 |
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joe_ | hi guys, figured out my samba problem, not onto my realplayer problem | 01:54 |
werto | zblach, try make wget klik.atekon.de/client/install -O - | sh | 01:54 |
zblach | joe_, wanna help me with my samba problem? | 01:54 |
werto | it will install klik | 01:54 |
joe_ | what are you trying to do? | 01:55 |
zblach | werto, i'll try it later. i'm working on samba now | 01:55 |
werto | to install programs you have only to klik it in the page klik | 01:55 |
werto | yeah | 01:55 |
werto | :) | 01:55 |
zblach | i'm trying to connect to my win network | 01:55 |
werto | be happy ^_^ | 01:55 |
joe_ | what have you installed so far? | 01:55 |
zblach | samba | 01:55 |
joe_ | and what version are you running? | 01:55 |
cafuego_ | werto: Does that put stuff all over the filesystem without 'dpkg' knowing about it? | 01:55 |
zblach | uh... i'm in breezy, and fully updated | 01:55 |
briander43 | can someone please help with sound card problem | 01:55 |
zblach | so lemme check | 01:55 |
joe_ | oh i'm in hoary | 01:55 |
zblach | briander43, have you alsamixered yet? | 01:56 |
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ubuntu__ | hola | 01:56 |
joe_ | have you tried places>network servers? | 01:56 |
zblach | ni hao | 01:56 |
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zblach | joe_, yes, and nothing shows | 01:56 |
joe_ | ok | 01:56 |
werto | cafuego, i've read information into a italian portal, they said it's revolutionary, i've tryed it now, and i can confirm | 01:56 |
joe_ | have your started the samba service yet? | 01:56 |
werto | it installed skype in my amd64 machine | 01:56 |
zblach | joe_, samba ver: 3.0.14a-6ubuntu1 | 01:56 |
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ubuntu__ | hay alguien por hay que hable espaol? | 01:56 |
cafuego_ | werto: That wasn't my question. Does that put stuff all over the filesystem without 'dpkg' knowing about it? | 01:57 |
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zblach | how to start samba service? | 01:57 |
werto | cafuego, yes | 01:57 |
briander43 | zblach: yes, it says no such device | 01:57 |
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jmauricio | cafuego checa el canal ubuntu-es | 01:57 |
juanfe | ubuntu__, yo por ejemplo | 01:57 |
zblach | briander43, when you go $alsamixer? | 01:57 |
joe_ | zblach, sudo /etc/init.d/samba start | 01:57 |
PrimoTurbo | How do I mount my NTSF drives so they stay mounted after restart | 01:57 |
ubuntu_ | damn | 01:57 |
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cafuego_ | jmauricio: Wat? Waar heb je het over? | 01:58 |
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cafuego_ | werto: Then running it on ubuntu is NOT a good idea. | 01:58 |
zblach | joe_, worked, but i'm still not seeing my network | 01:58 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo: add them in /etc/fstab | 01:58 |
briander43 | zblach with "$", i did it but nothing happened | 01:58 |
PrimoTurbo | how would I do that exactly? | 01:58 |
joe_ | now you need to mount your files | 01:58 |
juanfe | ubuntu__, que tal? | 01:58 |
werto | frl ++ | 01:58 |
zblach | briander43, *sigh* sudo alsamixer | 01:58 |
joe_ | have your installed smbfs yet? | 01:58 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo: with a text editor. | 01:58 |
werto | from klik site: "Imagine a .deb that you can run directly without installing it: that's .cmg" | 01:59 |
jmauricio | cafuego__ excuse me | 01:59 |
=== bienve [n=bienve@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | zblach, sudo apt-get install smbfs | 01:59 |
cafuego_ | werto: Imagine it writing to a file that was also in a Ubuntu package. That's "broken packages". | 01:59 |
pminetti | zblach noy it's ok i can read a write in my vfat partition!! | 01:59 |
briander43 | zblach: sorry - i sudo'd and it said the same thing - no such device | 01:59 |
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pminetti | now sorry | 01:59 |
jmauricio | ubuntu__ checa el canal ubuntu-es | 01:59 |
zblach | briander43, i'm sorry. thats out of my depth | 01:59 |
zblach | pminetti, glad to be of service | 01:59 |
PrimoTurbo | I don't see a /etc/fstab | 02:00 |
zblach | joe_, i'm just interested in accessing the other computers, not them to me | 02:00 |
cafuego_ | werto: If it just puts files under a dir of its own, that's fine. If it extracts to all over the filesystem, it badness. | 02:00 |
briander43 | zblach: any idea where I can search for help? I've gone into the wiki... | 02:00 |
pminetti | zblach thanks | 02:00 |
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zblach | PrimoTurbo, fstab is a file | 02:00 |
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zblach | briander43, try getting alsamixer | 02:00 |
PrimoTurbo | i see | 02:00 |
joe_ | yes but it s waht i went thru | 02:00 |
joe_ | bild on | 02:00 |
joe_ | hold on | 02:00 |
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PrimoTurbo | okay I opened it | 02:01 |
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PrimoTurbo | now how do I find out which drives I have | 02:01 |
briander43 | zblach: the full error says "function snd_ctrl_open failed for default: No such device | 02:01 |
PrimoTurbo | and how do i add them? | 02:01 |
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zblach | PrimoTurbo, what are you trying to do? | 02:01 |
joe_ | smbmount -t smbfs -o username=zblach,password=password //server/share /mnt/share | 02:01 |
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werto | cafuego, it create only a file, .cmg, and it let your distro clean | 02:01 |
Confuzzled | ok.. can anyone help me with this, getting the laptop mouse to work? | 02:01 |
briander43 | it seems as if it's not detecting my sound card | 02:01 |
PrimoTurbo | they are windows xp ntsf drives | 02:01 |
werto | it's fantastic | 02:01 |
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werto | it had only a problem for now | 02:01 |
PrimoTurbo | mount ntsf drives | 02:01 |
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werto | you can only run max 8 apps for time | 02:02 |
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joe_ | zblach, smbmount -t smbfs -o username=zblach,password=password //server/share /mnt/share | 02:02 |
PrimoTurbo | I want them to be mounted at boot | 02:02 |
PrimoTurbo | so I don't have to remount all the time | 02:02 |
werto | http://klik.atekon.de/docs/index.php?page=Compressed%20Application%20Images | 02:02 |
cafuego_ | werto: Ok, so it created a compressed FS where it dumps its own stuff. | 02:02 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo, what are you doing to mount them right now? | 02:02 |
PrimoTurbo | nothing | 02:02 |
PrimoTurbo | I haven't mounted anything yet fresh install of breezy | 02:02 |
werto | cafuego, read the page :) | 02:02 |
werto | http://klik.atekon.de/docs/index.php?page=Compressed%20Application%20Images | 02:02 |
zucaritas | hey anyone can help me mount de hard drives on my computer using the ubuntu live cd version? | 02:02 |
PrimoTurbo | I have fstab open | 02:02 |
PrimoTurbo | how do I add them now? | 02:03 |
zblach | joe_ i need full access to these compies | 02:03 |
zucaritas | totally newbie | 02:03 |
zblach | not just a shared folder | 02:03 |
werto | i'm gonna sleeping | 02:03 |
werto | enjoy :) | 02:03 |
werto | happy night | 02:03 |
cafuego_ | werto: Icky. | 02:03 |
werto | see ya' | 02:03 |
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werto | peace and love :) | 02:03 |
joe_ | oh | 02:03 |
Pajjj | Does anyone have a problem with some fonts cutting off letters in xchat? | 02:03 |
werto | cafuego, whats icky? | 02:03 |
nhaines | The default live CD should mount NTFS drives. expert live does it, but it makes newbies' heads explode. :) | 02:04 |
cafuego_ | werto: cramfs app packages | 02:04 |
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cafuego_ | werto: Well, icky for me, perhaps sueful for others. | 02:04 |
joe_ | zblach, sorry mate wish i could help you out a little more, but that;s outta my league | 02:04 |
joe_ | good luck man | 02:04 |
zblach | thanks anyways joe_ | 02:04 |
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PrimoTurbo | does anyone know how I can view my drive information | 02:05 |
Confuzzled | can someone help me get my touchpad thingie to work? i'll love you forever if you do :p | 02:05 |
PrimoTurbo | how do I see my partitions | 02:05 |
PrimoTurbo | whats the command? | 02:05 |
joe_ | now about my realplayer question | 02:05 |
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cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: sudo fdisk -l | 02:06 |
PrimoTurbo | ty | 02:06 |
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zblach | joe_, got it. was a firewall issue :$ | 02:06 |
joe_ | anyone know what tar command i need to use in order to untar my realplayer10gold.bin file? | 02:06 |
phoenixbyrd | uh | 02:06 |
cafuego_ | joe_: sh ./realplayer10gold.bin | 02:06 |
phoenixbyrd | ./realplayer10gold.bin | 02:06 |
phoenixbyrd | yea that | 02:06 |
cafuego_ | What on earth gave you the idea it was a tarball? | 02:06 |
zblach | joe_, a different problem now | 02:06 |
nhaines | It must have been the .bin extension. | 02:07 |
zblach | how can I write to a networked computer? | 02:07 |
zblach | ^_^ | 02:07 |
cafuego_ | nhaines: Yeah, the ./cue must be missing ;-) | 02:07 |
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joe_ | no such directory, my bin file in on my desktop i forgot to add | 02:07 |
zucaritas | thanx nhaines | 02:07 |
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zblach | cafuego_, you can say that he doesn't have a ./cue | 02:07 |
nhaines | hehe | 02:07 |
cafuego_ | joe_: chmod 755 realplayer10gold.bin; ./realplayer10gold.bin | 02:07 |
juanfe | anyone know a utility to pass mp3 to ogg vorbis? | 02:08 |
cafuego_ | joe_: Install it to /usr/local! | 02:08 |
cafuego_ | juanfe: You will lose a lot of sound quality doing that | 02:08 |
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juanfe | cafuego, why? | 02:08 |
nhaines | Hm, looks like my laptop is being stupid again (Turion64 processor is always running at double speed). Gotta reboot and fix it. | 02:08 |
cafuego_ | juanfe: lossy compression -> lossy compression = crap sound | 02:09 |
cafuego_ | juanfe: both ogg and mp3 discard part of the signal, add those 2 together and you're left with crap. | 02:09 |
joe_ | cafuego, the file i am trying to untar is on my desktop, not located in root | 02:09 |
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juanfe | ogg is a bad format? | 02:09 |
Juhaz | no | 02:09 |
cafuego_ | joe_: Ever heard of the 'cd' command? | 02:09 |
nhaines | Somebody tell me what the difference is between kernel params noacpi and noacip | 02:09 |
joe_ | not familiar with it | 02:09 |
Juhaz | it's not matter of bad or good | 02:09 |
nhaines | joe: you can't untar it; it's not a tarball. | 02:09 |
cafuego_ | juanfe: No, but you should go from original source to ogg, not from a lossy format to ogg. | 02:09 |
joe_ | change directory? | 02:10 |
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Juhaz | juanfe, lossy compression is lossy compression, no matter how good it is it always takes away a bit, and when you stack those lossy rounds, it adds up very quick | 02:10 |
joe_ | nhaines, oh ic | 02:10 |
nhaines | !faq | 02:10 |
ubotu | well, faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ | 02:10 |
=== Gobbla [n=jocke@2001:618:400:0:0:0:d542:a59b] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gobbla | how do I check what plugins that are installed for firefox? | 02:10 |
cafuego_ | Gobbla: about:plugins | 02:10 |
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_jason | Gobbla: about:plugins in address bar | 02:10 |
Gobbla | ty | 02:10 |
SPCcrow | Is there an ubuntu package for Totem Codecs? | 02:11 |
cafuego_ | !codecs | 02:11 |
ubotu | hmm... codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 02:11 |
juanfe | juhaz, but i can uncompress and then do a ogg file | 02:11 |
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mjr | SPCcrow, gstreamer0.8-plugins installs most | 02:11 |
Gobbla | application/x-director Shockwave Movie | 02:11 |
Gobbla | doesent work! :( | 02:11 |
joe_ | shall i just apt-get install realplayer? | 02:11 |
cafuego_ | juanfe: uncompressing does not magically add the bits that wwere discared when it was compressed. They're gone (forever) | 02:11 |
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mjr | SPCcrow, though gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg might need spesific installing (it's in universe, patent stuff) | 02:11 |
cafuego_ | Gobbla: And it never will. That's proprietary &!@*@GDUGU | 02:11 |
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juanfe | cafuego_, I see thanks | 02:12 |
Gobbla | cafuego: shouldnt it work with crossover? | 02:12 |
SPCcrow | mjr: thank you | 02:12 |
IanLiu | Hello | 02:12 |
IanLiu | Someone know if its possible to rise the resolution? | 02:12 |
cafuego_ | Gobbla: Macromedia don't have a director plugin for Linux. crossover isn't Ubuntu support-ware, so I don't know. | 02:12 |
IanLiu | Is there a way to change screen resolution? | 02:12 |
=== moea [n=moe@wbs-146-186-68.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | nhaines, ok i cached the realplayer installer, but how do i pont the installer to me desktop? | 02:13 |
Gobbla | cafuego: others have made it work.. :( | 02:13 |
zblach | how can I write to a win box from my lin box through samba? | 02:13 |
cafuego_ | juanfe: Try a few (probably play mpg321 output into oggenc) and see if the quality is acceptable. | 02:13 |
PrimoTurbo | does anyone know how I can reload /etc/fstab with out loging out | 02:13 |
nhaines | joe_, you dont want to install it to your desktop. | 02:13 |
cafuego_ | Gobbla: Maybe i386 users can help you. | 02:13 |
PrimoTurbo | I'm currently updating | 02:13 |
PrimoTurbo | any ideas? | 02:13 |
Gobbla | maybe i should reboot, its from windows after all.. | 02:13 |
zblach | PrimoTurbo, sudo umount -a && mount (drive) | 02:13 |
joe_ | oh but the file is on my desktop | 02:14 |
cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: man mount, see 'remount'. | 02:14 |
moea | i recently switched from freebsd to ubuntu - i like ubuntu so far, but a really annoying problem i have is that audio output skips or distorts if my CPU load is high. this never happened with fbsd on the same machine | 02:14 |
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Gobbla | brb reboot. | 02:14 |
IanLiu | Hi, is there a way to rise screen resolution? Or just shirink thinks. Its too big | 02:14 |
cafuego_ | moea: What kernel are you on? (uname -a) | 02:14 |
nhaines | IanLiu, System:Preferences:Screen Resolution | 02:15 |
IanLiu | thx | 02:15 |
=== bulio [i=mark@toronto-HSE-ppp4051276.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Juhaz | juanfe, that's what lossy means, those codecs work by trying to strip away the parts of sound human ear isn't supposed to hear, and that's why they can get the file size so small compared to lossless codecs. | 02:15 |
bulio | does anyone know how to get a speedstream 5200 USB modem working in linux? | 02:15 |
moea | cafuego_: | 02:15 |
Juhaz | oh | 02:15 |
PrimoTurbo | I mounted my c drive but I have a problem viewing it in gnome says I don't have premission | 02:15 |
joe_ | nhaines, theinstaller asks me where i dwnloaded the realplayer and it ison my desktop | 02:15 |
ron_ | Stupid question: what is the default root password? | 02:15 |
cafuego_ | moea: it printed more than that... | 02:15 |
PrimoTurbo | how do I view it? | 02:15 |
PrimoTurbo | and why don't I have premission to view it? | 02:15 |
nhaines | Then tell it "~/Desktop" with no quotes. | 02:15 |
macewan | don't laugh, how do i download a driver for an Intel Desktop Board D845GEBV2 mother boards ethernet connection? | 02:15 |
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macewan | remember don't laugh | 02:15 |
cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: Check the umask, fmask, dmask, uid and gid options you added in fstab. | 02:16 |
moea | cafuego_: #1 | 02:16 |
nhaines | ron_, by default, there is no root password. | 02:16 |
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PrimoTurbo | I just did a mount command atm | 02:16 |
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da_bon_bon | hi all | 02:16 |
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PrimoTurbo | I haven't restarted to get fstab to work yet | 02:16 |
da_bon_bon | anyone upgrading from hoary have had any problems ? | 02:16 |
IanLiu | hmmm | 02:16 |
PrimoTurbo | just mounted because I'm updating ubuntu | 02:16 |
cafuego_ | moea: Ok. You're on the installer kenrel. I think that doesn't support preemption. Install a kernel specifically for your cpu. (like 686 or k7). | 02:17 |
IanLiu | there is only one option of screen res.... | 02:17 |
macewan | updated to breezy on two machines in the last week no probs | 02:17 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo, you don't have to restart. You just have to type "sudo mount -a" | 02:17 |
ron_ | I'm trying to run synaptic and it wants a password. I tried root, my password, and nothing but it won't let me in. | 02:17 |
_jason | !tell ron_ about root | 02:17 |
cafuego_ | macewan: I doubt the controller is not supported by the normal kernel. | 02:17 |
moea | cafuego_: thanks | 02:17 |
nhaines | IanLiu, then that's the only resolution that was detected. You can add others in /etc/X11/xconf.org | 02:18 |
bart17 | i have a problem installing hoary hedgehog.... pls help me...once its get to the unpacking of nic-extra modules...installing stops and does a loop | 02:18 |
PrimoTurbo | what should unmask be set as? | 02:18 |
PrimoTurbo | in fstab? | 02:18 |
cafuego_ | moea: Also check that DMA is enabled on teh disks. | 02:18 |
PrimoTurbo | mine is at 0 | 02:18 |
da_bon_bon | macewan: openoffice.org2 ? kernel ? usplash ? all got in without problem ? | 02:18 |
cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: 'umask' not 'unmask'. | 02:18 |
da_bon_bon | bart17: why not wait for breezy ? | 02:18 |
joe_ | nhaines, ok so i wanna start fresh with my realplayer install, how should i start? | 02:18 |
cafuego_ | da_bon_bon: There were broken for a while, but seem to be working OK now. | 02:18 |
IanLiu | could be that because im runig ubuntu with a CD? | 02:18 |
PrimoTurbo | my bad | 02:18 |
PrimoTurbo | i meant umask | 02:18 |
da_bon_bon | joe_: get the realplayer package from debian-unofficial.org | 02:18 |
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da_bon_bon | cafuego: broken as in ? | 02:19 |
PrimoTurbo | /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c ntfs auto,umask=0,ro 0 0 | 02:19 |
nhaines | IanLiu, that's possible but probably not that likely. | 02:19 |
PrimoTurbo | is that correct? | 02:19 |
PrimoTurbo | i have created win_c | 02:19 |
cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: I normally use 007 as umask on such mounts. | 02:19 |
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PrimoTurbo | what does 007 allow? | 02:19 |
bart17 | da_bon_bon: why should i wait??? does it mean i can't install hoary ?? | 02:19 |
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IanLiu | that path you sent me, is in CD? | 02:19 |
cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: and set 'gid' to whatever the 'admin' groups gid is. | 02:19 |
PrimoTurbo | what does 0222 do? | 02:19 |
IanLiu | /etc/X11/xconf.org | 02:19 |
macewan | da_bon_bon: usplash required I do a: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.12-9-386 | 02:19 |
nhaines | joe_, I'd open a terminal window, type "cd ~/Desktop" and then "./RealPlayerInstaller.bin" or whatever the filename was. :) | 02:20 |
PrimoTurbo | what is gid? | 02:20 |
ubuntu_ | Hello all | 02:20 |
cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: 0222 is read/write for all (except yours is read-only anyway) | 02:20 |
nhaines | IanLiu, not on the CD, but in the live system you're running. | 02:20 |
PrimoTurbo | what is 007? | 02:20 |
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PrimoTurbo | yeah I need read only | 02:20 |
PrimoTurbo | since it's ntsf | 02:20 |
da_bon_bon | bart17: it was a suggestion, i did mean to force anything | 02:20 |
ubuntu_ | I need some help fixing an upgrade from Hoary to Breezy which did not do what I expected | 02:20 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntu_: what happened ? | 02:20 |
bart17 | da_bon_bon: so can any1 help me here? | 02:20 |
ubuntu_ | The first thing was that I ran out of space on /usr | 02:21 |
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cafuego_ | PrimoTurbo: Check the permission system in 'man chmod' or something. | 02:21 |
PrimoTurbo | how do I unmount the drives? | 02:21 |
da_bon_bon | bart17: yes. whats the problem ? | 02:21 |
ubuntu_ | With repeated apt-get -f dist-upgrades and the use of Synaptic, I was finally able to complete the installation, or so it looked. | 02:21 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo, with the umount comand. | 02:21 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntulog: oh! noting wrong with ubuntu itself, right ? | 02:21 |
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bart17 | i have a problem installing hoary hedgehog.... pls help me...once its get to the unpacking of nic-extra modules...installing stops and does a loop | 02:21 |
ubuntu_ | Rebooted, and the system leaves me at a console; x.org does not load | 02:21 |
alexcamilo | how do you get .htaccess to work with apache 2.0 in ubuntu. i got my .htpasswd file above /var/www i have a .htaccess file in /var/www/ i made sure the line "AccessFileName .htaccess" is in my apache2.conf file. but there is still no password priotection. am i forgeting something stupid like a chown or a chmod? | 02:21 |
da_bon_bon | macewan: kernel doesnt load auto ? | 02:22 |
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ubuntu_ | I have no idea how to begin troubleshooting. | 02:22 |
da_bon_bon | bart17: check the md5sums on the cd | 02:22 |
cafuego_ | alexcamilo: is mod_access loaded? | 02:22 |
QMario | How do you make these scripts to run on here, when you are away? | 02:22 |
ramblingturtle23 | was wondering what the w32codecs are called in the breezy release | 02:22 |
alexcamilo | mod_access? lemme check. | 02:22 |
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ubuntu_ | Booted the live CD to get this far ... | 02:22 |
nhaines | bart17: you'll want to verify the CD you have. | 02:22 |
nhaines | ramblingturtle23: w32codecs are not included in breezy. | 02:22 |
IanLiu | is the file name "xorg.conf" | 02:22 |
IanLiu | ? | 02:22 |
cafuego_ | alexcamilo: You can check perms issues in apache2's logfile /var/log/apache2/error.log | 02:22 |
nhaines | IanLiu, Yes. | 02:23 |
IanLiu | k, thx | 02:23 |
macewan | da_bon_bon: uninstalling the kubuntu usplash theme required I do it | 02:23 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntu_: your nickname makes that part clear :) | 02:23 |
=== ubuntu_ grins shamefacedly | ||
cafuego_ | alexcamilo: Oh, and you need mod_auth as well. | 02:23 |
=== ubuntu_ types /nick N00bie | ||
PrimoTurbo | great worked :) | 02:23 |
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ramblingturtle23 | nhaines, i understand that but was wondering if anybody might know the name in that they would be in the universe or something | 02:23 |
da_bon_bon | macewan: why was the kernel not automatically upgraded ? | 02:23 |
cafuego_ | alexcamilo: And possibly an AllowOverride directove for the dir you need password son. | 02:23 |
PrimoTurbo | anyway to make the mounts show up as drives in computer? | 02:23 |
ubuntu_ | Seriously, though - would it help if I chose a more distinctive nick? | 02:23 |
nhaines | ramblingturtle23, I think they were removed from there as well. | 02:23 |
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da_bon_bon | no, ubuntu_ | 02:24 |
nhaines | PrimoTurbo: mount them under /media | 02:24 |
ubuntu_ | K, thanks | 02:24 |
PrimoTurbo | I see | 02:24 |
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PrimoTurbo | will do thnaks | 02:24 |
macewan | ramblingturtle23: http://www1.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20050412.tar.bz2 | 02:24 |
bulio | does anyone know how to get a speedstream 5200 USB modem working in linux? | 02:24 |
ramblingturtle23 | nhaines, well then guess i will have to find them somewhere else then | 02:24 |
nhaines | ramblingturtle23, yes, you will. They were contacted and asked to remove them. | 02:25 |
nhaines | Being illegal and all. :) | 02:25 |
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nhaines | ubuntu_: did you download the CDs? I would boot the install CD, type "expert" (no quotes) at the boot prompt, and choose the menu item to verify the install CD. | 02:25 |
xexex | anybody know how to control the mouse without a keyboard ? | 02:25 |
macewan | ramblingturtle23: just get them from the source | 02:25 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntu_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? from the broken install ? | 02:25 |
bart17 | what do you mean md5sums? its my first time using linux... | 02:26 |
bart17 | nhaines: what do you mean??? | 02:26 |
ramblingturtle23 | macewan: thank you i will | 02:26 |
ubuntu_ | Did not d/l the CDs but I could do. Will there be a problem burning the .iso since I've booted from the liveCD? | 02:26 |
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macewan | da_bon_bon: yup, had problems setting up the video on my work computer | 02:26 |
cafuego_ | Oh that's lovely. Evolution broke. | 02:26 |
nhaines | ubuntu_, Oops! Not you. I mean bart17! *blush* | 02:26 |
IanLiu | A coment in a conf file is a prefix "#" ? | 02:26 |
ubuntu_ | Sorry ... n/p | 02:26 |
nhaines | ubuntu_, Well, if you have two drives it is no probme. | 02:26 |
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nhaines | bart17: did you download the CDs? I would boot the install CD, type "expert" (no quotes) at the boot prompt, and choose the menu item to verify the install CD. | 02:26 |
cafuego_ | IanLiu: Sometimes | 02:27 |
IanLiu | because | 02:27 |
ubuntu_ | da_bon_bon, I didn't try a dpkg-reconfigure | 02:27 |
macewan | da_bon_bon: also, my wifes Intel Desktop Board D845GEBV2 gave me hell | 02:27 |
ubuntu_ | Can restart and give it a shot | 02:27 |
IanLiu | there are all resolutins written there | 02:27 |
IanLiu | i want to comment the low ones | 02:27 |
nhaines | IanLiu, uncomment the ones you want. | 02:27 |
IanLiu | and let high ones to se if they appear | 02:27 |
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nhaines | IanLiu, It should use the first one listed there. | 02:27 |
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QMario | Do any of you guys program with B or D? | 02:28 |
ubuntu_ | Where does dpkg live? /etc? | 02:28 |
bart17 | nhaines: no... its an original cd... i've tried running the expert mode but it still stops during the unpacking of nic-modules..... | 02:28 |
da_bon_bon | macewan: :( should i do a clean install then ? | 02:28 |
lllmanulll | ubuntu_, which dpkg | 02:28 |
nhaines | bart17, you mean an officially pressed CD? | 02:28 |
macewan | http://www.youtube.com/index.php?v=7JcOS4q1F0Q :-) breezy bootsplash video | 02:28 |
IanLiu | hmmm | 02:28 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntu_: try that .. might get X back. | 02:28 |
yeee | I just installed ubuntu and getting into gnome takes about 7 minutes(!) until the desktop appears. I installed xfce, and that works OK, but still some applications (mostly gnome oriented: calculator, gthumb) take several minutes until they show up. Any ideas on what direction I should look at for fixing this? | 02:28 |
IanLiu | i cant edit conf file... | 02:28 |
IanLiu | i cant writ in it | 02:28 |
da_bon_bon | bart17: "original" cds can have problems too | 02:28 |
rginn | question on startup: ubuntu 5.10 starts at the $ prompt, how do i start the gui? | 02:28 |
PrimoTurbo | when I mount them under media I get desktop icons | 02:28 |
nhaines | bart17, If the CD is damaged it doesn't matter where you got it. If you don't want to test to see if the CD is undamaged, there's probably not much we can do. | 02:28 |
macewan | da_bon_bon: I'm not really qualified to provide an answer to that | 02:28 |
PrimoTurbo | any way to remove the desktop icons don't need them | 02:29 |
ubuntu_ | lllmanulll - da_bon_bon suggested dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:29 |
PrimoTurbo | I cannot move them to trash | 02:29 |
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IanLiu | how Ill change it? | 02:29 |
macewan | hate to F* something up on somene elses box | 02:29 |
da_bon_bon | macewan: ok.. :) | 02:29 |
bart17 | so how can i test the cd? | 02:29 |
macewan | my machine, hey no prob, someone else??? heck no ;) | 02:29 |
xexex | anybody know how to control the mouse with a keyboard ? oops | 02:29 |
da_bon_bon | ubuntu_: as a normal user, just run the command. | 02:29 |
nhaines | As I said, boot it and type "expert" at the boot prompt. It's a menu option after that. | 02:30 |
kevin__ | Hi I am a not techie newbie to Ubuntu and Linux and having trouble with emacs dependencys everytime I am installing something? | 02:30 |
ubuntu_ | ty, will try | 02:30 |
IanLiu | is there another way to edit that conf file? in text editor is not possible | 02:30 |
nhaines | IanLiu, you have to run the text editor with sudo. | 02:31 |
macewan | http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos.php?user=macewan <- Ubuntu pr0n | 02:31 |
bart17 | then? i've already done that a lot of times.... as i've said it still does a loop during the unpacking of nic modules....... | 02:31 |
IanLiu | hmm | 02:31 |
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macewan | later, time for movie | 02:31 |
nhaines | bart17, then you may have a bad CD. Try downloading and burning a new one, or borrow a friend's. | 02:31 |
IanLiu | sorry, im a newb, but what is sudo? | 02:32 |
bart17 | okay... | 02:32 |
bart17 | is it true that they do free shipping of cds?? | 02:32 |
joe_ | nhaines, it says no such file or directory | 02:32 |
nhaines | IanLiu, it means "do this as the superuser." It's like root but only for one command. | 02:32 |
nhaines | bart17, yes, I got 25 of them for free, and I'll get 55 of them this time. | 02:32 |
joe_ | nhaines, it says no such file or directory when i type cd ~/desktop | 02:33 |
nhaines | I had little trouble passing them out. :) | 02:33 |
nhaines | joe_, I didn't say that, I said "cd ~/Desktop" | 02:33 |
Gobbla | umm anybody here who has made shockplay on crossover work? | 02:33 |
bart17 | hahah!!! when will be the next patch be released? | 02:33 |
=== svfusion [n=svfusion@adsl-068-209-199-083.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrr | what kind of stuff does ubuntu patch into the kernel? | 02:33 |
nhaines | bart17, Ubuntu 5.10 comes out in 13 October. 6 days. | 02:34 |
xexex | how can i install kde ? | 02:34 |
svfusion | what is the apt-get for java? | 02:34 |
jrr | apt-cache search [search string] | 02:34 |
nhaines | Xenguy, run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:34 |
bart17 | where do u live nhaines?? how many days will it take for the cds to arrive at your doorstep?? | 02:34 |
kevin__ | My errors look like this - E: emacs21: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 02:34 |
kevin__ | E: cedet-common: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 02:34 |
kevin__ | E: eieio: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 02:34 |
kevin__ | E: speedbar: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 02:34 |
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nhaines | bart17, I live in California, US. It took about 4 weeks but I ordered well after the first CDs came out. This time I expect I should get them in 2-3 weeks. | 02:35 |
Gobbla | bart17: if you talk about shipit, count with months | 02:35 |
Gobbla | depends on where you live though.. | 02:35 |
nhaines | But I am an optimistic guy. ;) | 02:35 |
joe_ | nhaines, permission denied? | 02:35 |
svfusion | sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 | 02:35 |
svfusion | java -version don't work anymore | 02:35 |
IanLiu | i ran a programam. Its written "root@ubuntu:home/ubuntu #" is that? | 02:36 |
bart17 | okay... this time i ordered 55...will they be sending me the breezy?? | 02:36 |
nhaines | bart17, Yes. | 02:36 |
_jason | can anything available in synaptic open a .pub file? (I believe this is microsoft publisher) | 02:36 |
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Dr_Willis | IanLiu, Huh? | 02:36 |
joe_ | nhaines, permission denied? should i do this in the root terminal instead? | 02:36 |
nhaines | joe_, I prefer to use sudo instead of the root terminal. | 02:36 |
bart17 | okay..thanks a lot for the help... should i have any problems with breezy, i'll visit this chan again....hehehe | 02:36 |
IanLiu | hmm | 02:37 |
IanLiu | its terminal | 02:37 |
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IanLiu | where i find Sudo? | 02:37 |
nhaines | joe_, try running chmod a+x RealPlayerInstaller.bin | 02:37 |
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Dr_Willis | 'sudo' is a terminal/console/shell command - correct | 02:37 |
nhaines | IanLiu, you type it at the command prompt. | 02:37 |
johnsie2 | someone having trouble installing realplayer10? | 02:37 |
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Kagen | realplayer, eww | 02:38 |
joe_ | ok i did that and it changed the icon to a bigfoot | 02:38 |
IanLiu | hmmm | 02:38 |
IanLiu | so, where is the command prompt ... :( | 02:38 |
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joe_ | johnsie, i am | 02:39 |
nhaines | Okay, time to pull the bad RAM out of my computer and restart, then reboot this computer and get the kernal params correct. | 02:39 |
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johnsie2 | i installed it yesterday... might be able to help | 02:39 |
IanLiu | oh | 02:39 |
nhaines | IanLiu, Applications:System Tools:Terminal | 02:39 |
joe_ | thatd be great | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | "terminal" program gets you a shell.. then ya may want to read a few bash tutorials/shell introductions. | 02:39 |
IanLiu | i think i got it | 02:39 |
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nhaines | joe_, okay, that means you can probably run it now. | 02:39 |
johnsie2 | it was dirty but it worked | 02:39 |
IanLiu | ok | 02:39 |
IanLiu | now im in | 02:39 |
IanLiu | so, now i writte what? | 02:39 |
joe_ | nhaines, it says cannt open reaplyer.biin | 02:40 |
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Dr_Willis | IanLiu, depends on what you are trying to do.. :P i forgot. | 02:40 |
nhaines | joe_, Make sure you're typing everything exactly like it shows--capital letters and all. Here's a trick. Type the first one or two letters and type tab. | 02:40 |
johnsie2 | it only works in your browser if you install it in your "path" | 02:40 |
djbrieck | I can install realplayer in addition | 02:40 |
IanLiu | to change screen res | 02:40 |
djbrieck | i can't | 02:40 |
joe_ | it's working! | 02:40 |
joe_ | it's extracting right now | 02:40 |
nhaines | IanLiu: now type "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:40 |
nhaines | No quote. | 02:41 |
nhaines | Excellent, joe_! :) | 02:41 |
joe_ | thanks!!! | 02:41 |
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AngryParsley | I have a problem with gnupod | 02:41 |
khermans | anyone know how to extract just one file from a tar.bz2 archive? | 02:42 |
AngryParsley | whenever I try and make a smart playlist, they are always empty | 02:42 |
IanLiu | got it | 02:42 |
IanLiu | ^ | 02:42 |
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IanLiu | now i just save? | 02:43 |
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Big_Ed | New Linux user needs HELP!!! | 02:44 |
=== XorgProblem [n=ubuntu@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Big_Ed | Trying to make a netgear WG111 work with the computer and cannot find drivers anywhere | 02:44 |
Hobbsee | Big_Ed: what you just said is useless - it'd be more useful if you state your question in plenty of detail :P | 02:44 |
IanLiu | nothing happened.... | 02:45 |
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IanLiu | ubSection "Display" | 02:45 |
IanLiu | Depth24 | 02:45 |
IanLiu | Modes"1280x1024" "1024x768" | 02:45 |
IanLiu | EndSubSection | 02:45 |
IanLiu | look | 02:45 |
nhaines | IanLiu, No, it is not automatic. You must restart the x server. | 02:45 |
IanLiu | its like this | 02:45 |
IanLiu | hmm | 02:45 |
IanLiu | ok | 02:45 |
IanLiu | thx | 02:45 |
nhaines | But this will mean that you leave this chat room. | 02:45 |
Big_Ed | Okay just did a clean install of Ubuntu, am now trying to get my wireless connection to work. I have a netgear WG111 USB Wireless adapter. I am unable to find Linux drivers for it and am wondering if anyone could help.. | 02:45 |
nhaines | Uh-oh. I hope he's not restarting. :) | 02:45 |
XorgProblem | rehi room | 02:45 |
nhaines | Big_Ed, you probably won't find Linux drivers. You'll have to set up ndiswrapper to use the Windows drivers. | 02:46 |
XorgProblem | I'm the n00b from a few minutes ago with the xserver problem in Breezy | 02:46 |
nhaines | Big_Ed, that's enough for you to search the Ubuntu wiki. You'll probably get more help from someone here who *isn't* leaving right now. Which isn't me. | 02:46 |
nhaines | Take care, room. :) | 02:46 |
=== oxez [n=oxez@115-48.tm.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
p00f | does Ubuntu have Cinelerra in the apt repository? TIA :) | 02:46 |
XorgProblem | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org went fine, but did not solve problem. Boot process still ends at a console screen | 02:46 |
el_toro | XorgProblem: any error msgs? | 02:47 |
XorgProblem | None | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | then it worked. :P | 02:47 |
p00f | http://www.google.com/search?q=cinelerra&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official | 02:47 |
XorgProblem | It looks like an ordinary boot past cupsd | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | lol | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | p00f: tia? | 02:47 |
p00f | Cinelerra rocks | 02:47 |
XorgProblem | lol | 02:47 |
=== IanLiu [n=IanLiu@201-27-197-84.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | try a normal 'startx' and see what it says? | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | oh, thanks in advance | 02:47 |
p00f | Thanks in advance + tia | 02:47 |
p00f | = | 02:47 |
IanLiu | hmm | 02:47 |
XorgProblem | OK, will do. | 02:47 |
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-114-75.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IanLiu | restart server is restart the PC? (sry im brazzilian) | 02:47 |
p00f | opps sorry wrong link | 02:48 |
p00f | http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3 | 02:48 |
oxez | Hi, I created a 9 GB FAt32 partition on my harddrive to install a VMware Guess OS on it. But when I try to create a new guess os, it tells me the filesystem doesn't support large file sizes (I chose 4 gb in vmware). Did I forgot to do something or I can't just do that? | 02:48 |
p00f | that is cinelerra | 02:48 |
XorgProblem | Where in the boot process does startx usually take place? - and how script it to make it happen? | 02:48 |
Hobbsee | poof: not on here | 02:48 |
IanLiu | how i restart server? | 02:48 |
p00f | bummer :( | 02:48 |
p00f | I many try compile from source | 02:48 |
Hobbsee | find a deb for it? | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | XorgProblem, its normally ran by the gdm service | 02:48 |
p00f | I have been looking for almost a year now... no DEB... I realy dont want to install fedora 4 :( | 02:49 |
auk | IanLiu: i didn't hear the rest of the converstaion, but i'm guessign as in the X srver? | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | p00f: good luck, i can never seem to make that work | 02:49 |
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Hobbsee | yuck | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | rpm via alien? | 02:49 |
XorgProblem | How verify gdm runs? | 02:49 |
XorgProblem | Incidentally, I don't think I've thanked anyone yet - thanks, thanks to all of you | 02:50 |
p00f | yea, thanks from me too :) | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | lol...glad to see you arent like a certian person yesterday...was the first time i wished i had banning powers | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | Moo? | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 02:51 |
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XorgProblem | hi - sorry 'bout that. | 02:51 |
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Dr_Willis | XorgProblem, you should see a "starting GDM" message.. or just start it manyally as root. | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 02:52 |
XorgProblem | ty again | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | or theres some other way to do it..i forget. :P | 02:52 |
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el_toro | just sudo gdm does the trick usually | 02:53 |
XorgProblem | Um ... I forget too :D ... difference is, I never knew :p | 02:53 |
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Dr_Willis | el_toro, too easy! | 02:53 |
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XorgProblem | ty el_toro, Dr_Willis - I go to try ... | 02:53 |
el_toro | heh | 02:53 |
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eazel7 | anybody has a eagle usb modem? | 02:55 |
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AngryParsley | well I found out why gnupod makes blank smart playlists | 02:59 |
Rubio_Medeiros | hiiii | 02:59 |
AngryParsley | it doesn't support smart playlists | 02:59 |
Rubio_Medeiros | Out there@ | 02:59 |
AngryParsley | and yet they have pages of instructions on how to make smart playlists | 02:59 |
Rubio_Medeiros | Someones's brazilian here? | 03:00 |
phoenixbyrd | does the play launch firefox extension work for anyone else? | 03:00 |
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Rubio_Medeiros | Algum natalense aqui? | 03:00 |
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el_toro | AngryParsley: does gtkpod do that? | 03:01 |
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rob_p | Rubio_Medeiros: Parece que nao! Pois falo. | 03:02 |
MrGardenHoseMan | how do you mount an image? | 03:02 |
AngryParsley | el_toro: gtkpod deleted all the files on my ipod | 03:02 |
AngryParsley | I am pissed off at the gtkpod devs | 03:02 |
Parisi | Brasileiro? | 03:03 |
el_toro | AngryParsley: my goodness, how did gtkpod do that? | 03:03 |
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rob_p | Rubio_Medeiros: Parisi : Eles prefirem que a gente fala so Ingles nesta canal. | 03:03 |
foamcore | whats gtkpod | 03:03 |
jrr | AngryParsley: you got newest version? | 03:03 |
foamcore | for ipod | 03:03 |
jrr | foamcore: a linux program to put songs on an ipod | 03:03 |
foamcore | ? | 03:03 |
AngryParsley | el_toro: I don't know, but even my copy of the stewie griffin movie was deleted | 03:04 |
=== XorgProblem [n=ubuntu@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foamcore | jrr: is it worth having an ipod? | 03:04 |
XorgProblem | hi room | 03:04 |
AngryParsley | jrr: I got whatever version was the latest in the repository | 03:04 |
=== SPCcrow [n=SPCcrow@adsl-64-170-3-114.dsl.mtry01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Versed | Sure | 03:04 |
Parisi | rob_p Tudo bem, falo ingles 100% o dia todo anyways. | 03:04 |
rob_p | Parisi: :-) | 03:04 |
AngryParsley | I love my ipod, but I wish itunes ran on linux | 03:04 |
jrr | AngryParsley: CVS? i guess that'd be the most recent =] | 03:04 |
XorgProblem | dr_willis - thanks for advice; got one step further. | 03:04 |
jrr | AngryParsley: it sort of can | 03:04 |
SPCcrow | What is a good .mov player for Ubuntu? | 03:04 |
rob_p | Parisi: Me too! | 03:04 |
AngryParsley | jrr: no, from the ubuntu repository | 03:04 |
kevogod | If the iPod worked with OGG Vorbis, I would buy it. | 03:04 |
jrr | AngryParsley: ah-ha! | 03:05 |
QMario | How do I download themes for Gaim? | 03:05 |
jrr | it may be out of date | 03:05 |
foamcore | jrr: do you get non mainstream music on the ipod like U2 vertigo..if thats the only song on it...that would suck | 03:05 |
QMario | Seveas, are you back? | 03:05 |
jrr | QMario: gaim uses the same theme as all of your gtk apps | 03:05 |
jrr | *gtk2 | 03:05 |
AngryParsley | jrr: so I should install the development version and see if IT deletes everything on my ipod? | 03:05 |
XorgProblem | startx runs, and I get the oldtime graphical interface of little black and white cross-hatches, no desktop | 03:05 |
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XorgProblem | Doesn't matter if I manually start gdm first or not | 03:05 |
dr_willis | XorgProblem, did you do a full install or a server install? | 03:05 |
jrr | AngryParsley: i'd back it up elsewhere before even *attempting* to sync w/ linux | 03:05 |
AngryParsley | all I want is smart playlist support, and there seems to be no program on linux that can do it | 03:05 |
kevogod | "Smart Playlist"? | 03:06 |
jrr | XorgProblem: edit your .xinitrc to change what happens during startx (try "exec xterm") | 03:06 |
AngryParsley | jrr: well I backed up my songs and ipod database beforehand, but I didn't think it would delete other stuff | 03:06 |
XorgProblem | Was not a clean install; I ran an upgrade from Hoary | 03:06 |
kevogod | Doesn't amaroK support something like that? | 03:06 |
jrr | AngryParsley: itunes is one of the reasons i keep windows around. maybe someday i'll try linuxpodding, too | 03:06 |
QMario | Jrr, I can't find any themes in SPM. | 03:06 |
dr_willis | XorgProblem, no clue there... ;p i refomatd/reinstalled | 03:06 |
jrr | QMario: spmg? | 03:06 |
jrr | *spm | 03:06 |
jrr | try art.gnome.org | 03:07 |
XorgProblem | reformat /reinstall is not a good option for me. | 03:07 |
XorgProblem | A lot of existing work | 03:07 |
QMario | Synaptic Package Manager. | 03:07 |
AngryParsley | kevogod: smart playlists are dynamically updated, meaning you can select songs that meet certain criteria | 03:07 |
AngryParsley | I have a smart playlist of my favorite songs, which are songs with a 5 star rating | 03:07 |
jrr | QMario: i don't use synaptic much, but try apt-cache search gnome-themes | 03:07 |
XorgProblem | jrr - I'm a dunce. Can sudo gedit, but what do I change? | 03:07 |
=== rubem [n=rubem@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubem | Hi there... | 03:07 |
Rubio_Medeiros | #natal | 03:07 |
rubem | where do I found emacs? | 03:07 |
phoenixbyrd | I need help getting the realplayer plugins working | 03:08 |
Hobbsee | !emacs | 03:08 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: Do they come in packets of five? | 03:08 |
jrr | XorgProblem: .xinitrc is executed when you use startx, but GDM ignores it. i think you need to solve the problem another way, which i don't know =\ | 03:08 |
QMario | Jrr, I think you misunderstood me. How do I get the emoticon(smiley) themes? | 03:08 |
jrr | QMario: yes, i misunderstood you =] | 03:08 |
dr_willis | in .xinitrc - put the 2lines... | 03:08 |
jrr | QMario: dunno, try #gaim | 03:08 |
dr_willis | xterm & | 03:08 |
dr_willis | gnome-session | 03:08 |
rubem | does anyone know which repositorie has the emacs? | 03:08 |
QMario | Wow there's a channel for that???? | 03:08 |
dr_willis | and try 'startx' | 03:08 |
el_toro | XorgProblem: have you checked the Xorg logs to see what's happening? | 03:08 |
jrr | QMario: been around a long time =] | 03:09 |
QMario | Hee. | 03:09 |
=== djjason [n=johann@c-67-189-189-62.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | el_toro No ... can do, though; logs live where? | 03:09 |
el_toro | /var/log | 03:10 |
eazel7 | anybody uses eagle usb modems? | 03:10 |
el_toro | Xorg.0.log, it should be called | 03:10 |
BlankB | rubem: main | 03:10 |
=== fmasi_ [n=fmasi@201008210239.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djjason | hi all, is it possible to update libc6 through apt-get | 03:10 |
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XorgProblem | dr_willis - let me feed that back: edit xinitrc; add two lines: xterm and gnome-session, and also add startx? | 03:10 |
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XorgProblem | el_toro - what directory does the log live in? | 03:11 |
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XorgProblem | .xinitrc lives in ~ ? | 03:13 |
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limer | hello guys. I have an interesting situation. I need to use ssh over 80. this works internally but not externally | 03:13 |
dr_willis | XorgProblem, no... startx reads that file | 03:13 |
fmasi_ | hi where should i add mount --bind /from /to can i put that in /etc/fstab | 03:13 |
lcharly_TheOne | can somebody help my | 03:13 |
lcharly_TheOne | my mplayer don't work | 03:13 |
dr_willis | and its 'xterm &' on one line then 'gnome-session' on the next | 03:13 |
dr_willis | xterm is optional but handy | 03:13 |
=== wpTony [n=Tony@dsl-69-50-51-80.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | Ah. 'xterm &' | 03:13 |
XorgProblem | OK | 03:13 |
cef | djjason: yes | 03:13 |
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-235-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lcharly_TheOne | when i play a video file it's closed by signal 11 | 03:13 |
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dr_willis | forget the & and thenext line wont run | 03:14 |
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joniak99 | anyone::::how or with what ? do i burn dvd from avi file | 03:14 |
lcharly_TheOne | something about a video codec | 03:14 |
jrr | dr_willis: you start your x sessions with an extra xterm? | 03:14 |
XorgProblem | I'm assuming the file doesn't exist. Where should I create it? | 03:14 |
=== AlexanRO [n=AlexanRO@244-231.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrr | ~/.xinitrc | 03:14 |
Lord_Athur | Hi | 03:14 |
XorgProblem | Thank you all :D | 03:14 |
dr_willis | linux and X fundamentals ;p | 03:14 |
dr_willis | old-skool | 03:14 |
XorgProblem | I hope I'll be seeing you without benefit of the liveCD shortly ... | 03:14 |
djjason | cef, how can I, I am running hoary...and using mu sources list I have the most recent version | 03:14 |
XorgProblem | <-- older | 03:14 |
dr_willis | you could install an console irc client ya know..... | 03:15 |
=== bulio [i=mark@toronto-HSE-ppp4051276.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dr_willis | irssi is handy | 03:15 |
dr_willis | :) | 03:15 |
XorgProblem | I knew Netware inside and out. But Linux ... not so much | 03:15 |
XorgProblem | irssi | 03:15 |
XorgProblem | Will find it. | 03:15 |
dr_willis | you can do most anything from the shell lol | 03:15 |
=== Ramah61 [n=my@adsl-69-151-9-112.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | does Breezy include either lynx or irssi? | 03:15 |
cef | djjason: then you don't need to upgrade it perhaps? | 03:15 |
limer | hi guys. I have an interesting situation. I need to use ssh over 80. this works internally but not externally. anyone may know what's happening? | 03:15 |
kevogod | XorgProblem, You can install them from packages. | 03:15 |
=== Pickle_Weasel [n=pw@pool-71-100-133-107.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | Cool beans. Thank you all again. Once I have this puppy up and running I will do that. | 03:16 |
=== thechris [n=bob@24-182-235-40.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | You never know what you'll need. | 03:16 |
thechris | need help with nvidia drivers | 03:16 |
fmasi_ | hi where should i add mount --bind /from /to can i put that in /etc/fstab ?? | 03:16 |
djjason | cef, I do...I was trying to install pine and it says that it needs libc6 2.3.2.ds1-21 but I have 2.3.2.ds1-20 which is the latest according to apt | 03:16 |
thechris | for some reason, using nv or nvidia means i have a max resolution of 640x480 | 03:17 |
cef | djjason: your sources must point at a version of the package that is newer to upgrade. If there is a newer version for hoary that you haven't installed, then run 'sudo apt-get update' to update the packages available | 03:17 |
thechris | vesa works at any res though | 03:17 |
thechris | also, gdm stopped working | 03:17 |
cef | djjason: sounds like you might not have the security sources setup, or up to date | 03:17 |
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thechris | anyone know of an easy way to fix the nvidia issues i'm having? | 03:18 |
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rubem | how do i unpack a .tar.gz? | 03:18 |
Parisi | rubem tar xfvz ? | 03:19 |
=== St3althcAt [n=St3althc@bl6-21-1.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cef | thechris: what sort of monitor/display do you have? | 03:19 |
lcharly_TheOne | anyone know why my mplayer dosen't work it's something about a video codec | 03:19 |
Ramah | thechris: is that your only setting within your x.org file? | 03:19 |
rubem | Parisi thanks | 03:19 |
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jrr | Ramah: need a little more information =] | 03:19 |
djjason | cef, I did allready try apt-get update and it still shows my installed version as the latest one | 03:19 |
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Parisi | rubem No problem, look into the different options for tar | 03:20 |
jrr | Ramah: but even then, the #mplayer folks would be more likely to know | 03:20 |
St3althcAt | hey guys I'm having a problem playing World of Warcraft on Cedega, I can't attack enemies, loot corpses, etc.... Can someone help me? Thank you! | 03:20 |
cef | djjason: is the source providing pine an official one? | 03:20 |
thechris | Ramah, i've also removed all of the other resolutions besides 1024x768 | 03:20 |
yoink23 | St3althcAt, try #cedega | 03:20 |
Ramah | hmm dunno | 03:20 |
djjason | I downloded a deb packge for pine form the pine website | 03:21 |
thechris | cef, not sure what xorg thinks i have, but vesa does work at 1024x768. nvidia doesn't | 03:21 |
dr_willis | St3althcAt, you mean you cant 'select' any target - ie mailox. people, npc, etc...... | 03:21 |
djjason | cef, so I am guessing that it is as official as it gets | 03:21 |
cef | St3althcAt: I think that's a known issue that's fixed in a later version.. try #cedega though | 03:21 |
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dr_willis | its a known cedega/x issue that can be fixed with a dll file change or somting - it was in their forums/faq the other day i saw | 03:22 |
cef | djjason: that'll be for debian. which has a different version of libc.. try removing it and then just 'apt-get install pine'. | 03:22 |
AlexanRO | does the "dpkg-scanpackages..." command need to be run everytime i add to my local repo? | 03:22 |
cef | djjason: pine is in the ubuntu repositories | 03:22 |
=== wmat [n=wmat@CPE000f6641f21a-CM00111adf5f4a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cef | thechris: yeah but is it a monitor, or a lcd display, or perhaps a laptop screen? | 03:23 |
thechris | cef, monitor | 03:23 |
KRomeleoN | will ubyuntu by default have ssci drivers? | 03:23 |
KRomeleoN | scsi | 03:23 |
=== kyncani [n=kyncani@dispo-82-250-217-203.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djjason | cef, really....I did a search and I could not find it | 03:24 |
cef | thechris: hrm.. you might want to tell X it's horizontal and vertical scan rates.. you also might want to turn off EDID | 03:24 |
St3althcAt | ty | 03:24 |
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cef | djjason: then it'd probably be in the universe repository | 03:24 |
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thechris | cef, EDID? | 03:25 |
djjason | cef, I just updated my sources list and now I am getting whole bunch of errors "couldnt stat source package" on a few entries | 03:25 |
durt | Option "IgnoreEDID" true | 03:25 |
djjason | cef, when I do apt-get update | 03:25 |
=== anethema [n=anathema@S0106000ea6683ec6.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | doesnt any0one know of a good news reader for linux? pref one in apt..one good for dling binaries? | 03:26 |
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cef | thechris: I had to add the following lines to the "Monitor" section of my xorg.conf to get it to work on my laptop: Option "IgnoreEDID" | 03:26 |
cef | ; HorizSync 29-57 | 03:26 |
cef | ; VertRefresh 43-60 | 03:26 |
thechris | why does everything always work so much easier in gentoo. | 03:26 |
nix4me | pan is good newsreader | 03:26 |
anethema | i hate pan | 03:26 |
dr_willis | thechris, i found the opposite to be true | 03:26 |
anethema | hahah | 03:26 |
Pajj | Does anyone know a good white ubuntu themed wallpaper? | 03:26 |
anethema | pan sucks for binaries because after something is saved it takes FOREVER to be copied | 03:26 |
anethema | doesnt just dl into the dir you want which is horrible | 03:27 |
=== alyks [n=alyks@host-69-144-0-3.gdj-co.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yetr2 | .... I still can't get the nvidia binary to install.. | 03:27 |
cef | thechris: EDID is a detection mechanism used to figure out the resolutions your monitor supports.. works over the cable between the monitor and the video card.. | 03:27 |
AlexanRO | pajj: try gnome-look.org | 03:27 |
anethema | thanks though, is there another/ | 03:27 |
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thechris | how does X ever start?! it should be complaining that her are no screens | 03:27 |
dr_willis | i tend to use pan | 03:27 |
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ubuntu__ | hello | 03:27 |
durt | yetr2: apt-get nvidia-glx | 03:27 |
Pajj | ah, thanks | 03:27 |
=== bytefoo [n=bytefoo@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | lol - select all... save atacments.. ;-) for all my porn neds. | 03:27 |
Yetr2 | durt, already did that | 03:27 |
cef | thechris: I found the nvidia one is a bit broken, and in fact, so is the EDID stuff in my laptop screen, making it twice as bad | 03:27 |
dr_willis | bbl | 03:27 |
AlexanRO | pajj: np | 03:27 |
bytefoo | gentlemen, i have an issue with ubuntu :| | 03:28 |
bytefoo | it will not reboot :/ | 03:28 |
=== Termin8tor [i=Termin8t@cpc3-leic9-4-0-cust193.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
durt | yetr2: change "nv" to "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:28 |
cef | djjason: sounds like your sources are wrong, or they didn't update. | 03:28 |
alyks | I'm having some problems, whenever I try to rune apt-get update, some of the souces return an error: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 03:28 |
cevizoglu | bytefoo, why? have you tried "sudo reboot" from the terminal? | 03:28 |
thechris | did ubuntu even attempt to configure X?! | 03:28 |
djjason | cef: I copied them diretly from ubuntuguide.org | 03:28 |
bytefoo | yes, it will hang | 03:28 |
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misfit_toy | durt, I'm confused about that, is that really the same as the latest nvidia drivers from the nvidia site? I use that but get a segfault when trying to do "nvidia-settings" or "glxgears" and I get no GL support in xscreensavers | 03:28 |
bytefoo | something like [4847376733.747474] Rebooting... | 03:28 |
bytefoo | and just stay like that forever | 03:28 |
cef | djjason: no spaces at the start of the line? | 03:29 |
thechris | now its complaining about GLX | 03:29 |
cevizoglu | bytefoo, did you try switching to another terminal session and looking to see what processes are still running? | 03:29 |
thechris | and is 640x480 | 03:29 |
bytefoo | no, perhaps i will try that | 03:29 |
alyks | I'm running 5.04 | 03:29 |
bytefoo | though even when i installed it it would not reboot | 03:29 |
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cef | bytefoo: when does it hang? | 03:29 |
wmat | just apt-get dist-upgraded to breezy badger and X broke. The log says "could not open default font 'fixed'". Can anyone point me at a quick fix for this? | 03:30 |
djjason | cef: which line? | 03:30 |
hajiki | is it possible to disable ipv6 alltogether from ubuntu | 03:30 |
=== XorgProblem [n=ubuntu@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Licker [n=pazzesco@cm-207-192-251-130.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | hi room | 03:30 |
bytefoo | at the very end of the rebooting process | 03:30 |
Lord_Athur | hi | 03:30 |
XorgProblem | Still having the problem loading X | 03:30 |
=== andresh [n=WarFare@pc-140-24-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cef | djjason: which one did you add? which one most resembles the "stat" entries? | 03:30 |
misfit_toy | wmat, that happened to me to, I could never fix it, had to install fresh | 03:30 |
bytefoo | after it has shut down everything | 03:30 |
cevizoglu | bytefoo, maybe your hardware isn't accepting the regular reboot command and just needs to be hard-rebooted each time | 03:30 |
andresh | hi | 03:30 |
bytefoo | yes cevizoglu that is what i am forced to do | 03:30 |
XorgProblem | :( | 03:30 |
andresh | I need password to wiki ubuntu.com | 03:31 |
wmat | misfit_toy: thanks | 03:31 |
cef | wmat: you might need to install some extra packages like ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-core | 03:31 |
cevizoglu | bytefoo, sound like an incompatibility with the motherboard | 03:31 |
andresh | my mail is bad | 03:31 |
=== trigger [n=trigger@user-0cdfe5u.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andresh | I need help | 03:31 |
misfit_toy | wmat, and sorry for that info! | 03:31 |
cef | wmat: there is something about it on the wiki somewhere | 03:31 |
bytefoo | it works with windows :/ | 03:31 |
durt | misfit_toys: i think they are the real drivers, and you might need to comment out the "dri" lines | 03:31 |
bytefoo | and in 5.04 | 03:31 |
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djjason | cef: well it st 404 Not Found | 03:31 |
djjason | Err http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/universe Packages | 03:31 |
djjason | arts by saying | 03:31 |
misfit_toy | durt, did that, weird...ok thanks | 03:31 |
cevizoglu | bytefoo, submit a bug and it might get fixed more quickly | 03:31 |
thechris | haha, manual configuration works again | 03:32 |
=== wmat heads to the wiki | ||
thechris | now anyone know how to get GLX working? | 03:32 |
bytefoo | i shall | 03:32 |
WinZ | :-* | 03:32 |
WinZ | sorry ) | 03:32 |
thechris | nivida-glx is installed but no idea how to get opengl-update | 03:32 |
cef | djjason: that might no longer be a valid repo | 03:32 |
bytefoo | which log file does the rebooting messages go to | 03:32 |
thechris | opengl-update anyone? | 03:32 |
andresh | somebody can helpme | 03:32 |
andresh | ? | 03:32 |
cef | djjason: why aren't you using a normal universe repo? | 03:32 |
djjason | cef: I thought I was....before....been a while since I looked at it | 03:33 |
=== andresh me gusta la tula | ||
=== andresh yo uso condon ! | ||
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thechris | and i should say goodbye to synaptic... no longers starts... | 03:34 |
=== hajiki cayese! | ||
=== Yetr2 [n=yetr2qua@pool-71-98-234-127.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | I'm tempted to reinstall Hoary; I have the CD. | 03:34 |
cef | djjason: official universe source line: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe | 03:34 |
cevizoglu | is there a movielink equivalent on linux? | 03:34 |
XorgProblem | I want to be super careful to preserve my existing partitions, though - esp my /home | 03:35 |
=== jani__ [n=jani@ppp81-245.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cevizoglu | I mean, http://movielink.com | 03:35 |
XorgProblem | I did not use the standard Ubuntu scheme, which may be part of the problem | 03:35 |
=== Blazint [n=blazin@cm225.epsilon203.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trigger | hello everyone :) i have a question that is killing me. i have installed ubuntu breezy, there was a linux image update from 2.12.8 to 2.12.9. Now i have both when i get to grub, i commented out the latest one because the splash screen was broken. My question is, can i keep using the old version. it works fine now, but im not sure about later.... | 03:35 |
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el_toro | XorgProblem: what does /var/log/Xorg.O.log say? | 03:36 |
djjason | cef: should that be instead of deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe | 03:36 |
cef | djjason: that should work just as well.. | 03:36 |
thechris | nvidia + GLX = ??? | 03:36 |
trigger | the old version is obsolete according to synaptic | 03:36 |
XorgProblem | aw ... fooey. I forgot entirely to check it, el_toro. I'm sick today and not tracking as well as I ought to be | 03:36 |
=== wickedpuppy [n=wickedpu@cm25.epsilon165.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | Is there a way to connect internet to Ubuntu via USB? | 03:36 |
el_toro | XorgProblem: np, there might something useful in it | 03:37 |
Gobbla | when breezy is stable, should you make a clean install or is it fine to just upgrade? | 03:37 |
_jason | Gobbla: I just upgraded and it is fine | 03:37 |
XorgProblem | I just upgraded and am in trouble ... :) | 03:37 |
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Gobbla | lol | 03:37 |
Termin8tor | Licker, if your using a speedtouch dsl modem you can connect to the net using ubuntu | 03:37 |
Termin8tor | via usb | 03:38 |
cef | thechris: if you've got nvidia's drivers installed (using the packages in ubuntu, not the downloaded installer from nvidia), have you run nvidia-glx-config yet? 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' | 03:38 |
djjason | cef: I removed some of the sources I believe are not available anymore....ran update and that finished without any problems. Searched for pine and found it but I got this error when I tried to install. Package pine has no available version, but exists in the database. | 03:38 |
Licker | Termin8tor: I have cable.. whats speedtouch though? | 03:38 |
trigger | how do someone upgrade from version to version. is that possible? | 03:38 |
=== Blue-Box [n=chatzill@elvis.globecastna.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | is there an easy way to mount my HD while running from the live CD? | 03:38 |
Termin8tor | oh, speedtouch is a type of usb DSL modem, if you have cable why don't you use ethernet? | 03:39 |
Licker | I have USB on my cable modem. | 03:39 |
el_toro | trigger: as in upgrade from hoary to breezy? | 03:39 |
=== wizard [n=wizard@c211-28-158-33.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wizard | hi all | 03:39 |
cef | djjason: actually I'm on breezy, and just noticed that pine isn't available either. erk. that's no fun | 03:39 |
Termin8tor | licker : Not totally sure about USB with your cable modem, try googling the brand name of your modem for linux drivers? | 03:39 |
Licker | my router is screwd up and wont let me host. all the ports are auto configged and cant be changed and they are wrong. SSOO.. i wanna put that box on via USB to get its own IP addy | 03:39 |
trigger | no, as an upgrade from breeze the testing to breezy the final to the next ubuntu in the future :) | 03:40 |
wizard | is there a way to install sb live 5.1 somehow ? i cant turn mp3s up loud or distorts ? | 03:40 |
=== _[ [n=dylan@ppp-68-251-77-19.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | trigger: yes thats possible | 03:40 |
_[ | i heard that GNOME is bloated...is this true? | 03:40 |
cef | djjason: basically if you were really desperate, you'd want to install libc6 from debian sarge, but I DO NOT recommend doing that in any way, as you can expect that a lot of ubuntu will stop working.. important things, like X and Gnome | 03:40 |
el_toro | trigger: yes, just keep updating | 03:40 |
trigger | hi kbrooks, do you know how or can you tell me where can i find info on it ? | 03:40 |
trigger | ok | 03:41 |
XorgProblem | BTW - problem with X continues as follows. Tried to load xterm - bash said "xterm? why how you talk, what xterm?" | 03:41 |
XorgProblem | Same w/gnome-session | 03:41 |
kbrooks | trigger: dont ask specific people | 03:41 |
djjason | cef: I see....crap.....then I will just have to patiently wait for Mr. Ubuntu to fix this :) | 03:41 |
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trigger | ok :) | 03:41 |
trigger | sorry | 03:41 |
cef | djjason: so I think you either will have to download the package source, and compile a package yourself, or go without pine | 03:41 |
kbrooks | trigger: it gets annoying. totally/ | 03:41 |
=== dicrapio [n=bhrich90@cpe-24-58-21-125.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dicrapio | hello | 03:41 |
kbrooks | _[: opinion | 03:41 |
djjason | cef: I think I will let this go for now.....thanks for all your help though | 03:41 |
cef | djjason: no problem | 03:42 |
rubem | can I unpack a .iso? | 03:42 |
_[ | kbrooks, so its not true? | 03:42 |
kbrooks | _[: subjective, i'm not gonna answer ;) | 03:42 |
CarlFK | rubem - you can mount it | 03:42 |
dicrapio | quick ques, whats the easiest way tomake a deb pkg? | 03:42 |
_[ | kbrooks, ok then thanks ;_ | 03:42 |
rubem | CarlFK, how? | 03:42 |
trigger | wao, i was afraid that i had to reinstall the new ubuntu when i comes out in a week | 03:43 |
kbrooks | rubem: mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mount/point | 03:43 |
kbrooks | trigger: this isnt windows/ | 03:43 |
kbrooks | .* | 03:43 |
trigger | i mean when it comes out | 03:43 |
trigger | :) thanks god | 03:43 |
trigger | it is not | 03:43 |
XorgProblem | Let me ask a different qstn - when I last reinstalled Hoary, I remember seeing a confusing prompt about whether to use my existing partitions or not. Can anyone tell me what I should say? I ****DO**** want (need) to use my existing partitions; they have data I need | 03:44 |
kbrooks | rubem: then cp -ar /mount/point /other/path | 03:44 |
XorgProblem | That is - if I reinstall Hoary | 03:44 |
wickedpuppy | XorgProblem, normally i use different partition as my /home | 03:44 |
kbrooks | rubem: then umount (if done using it) with either umount /path/to/iso or umount /mount/point | 03:45 |
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XorgProblem | Can I tell the installation to skip my /home, wickedpuppy? | 03:45 |
XorgProblem | That is - not format it; not repartition? | 03:45 |
wickedpuppy | so if i have to reinstall , i just install everything into / and mount /home partition | 03:45 |
Termin8tor | Does anyone know a good site for resources for someone who knows absolutely nothing about programming to start learning? | 03:45 |
wickedpuppy | XorgProblem, nope if you only have / | 03:45 |
wickedpuppy | you got to mount /home in a different partition | 03:45 |
cef | ok.. almost midday.. time for breakfast. *grin* | 03:45 |
XorgProblem | Have different partition structure | 03:45 |
kbrooks | Termin8tor: try learning python. its a great language | 03:45 |
=== Chadza [n=chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | ... and /home is in its own partition | 03:46 |
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wickedpuppy | you ? | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | then good | 03:46 |
XorgProblem | Thing is, I remember wondering whether the prompt to keep the existing partition structure really meant what it said | 03:46 |
Termin8tor | kbrooks, know any good resource sites for python by any chance? =) | 03:46 |
XorgProblem | It was a confusing wording | 03:46 |
kbrooks | Termin8tor: very easy to learn | 03:46 |
trigger | one last question for the nignt :) | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | normally use custom partition ... create primary partitions ... mount one as / and mount another as /home | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | bingo | 03:46 |
trigger | i have to versions of the linux kernel | 03:47 |
kbrooks | Termin8tor: um maybe google could help you out... or maybe this | 03:47 |
alyks | I'm getting a lot of problems when running apt-get update | 03:47 |
wickedpuppy | trigger, uname -r | 03:47 |
XorgProblem | Hm ... how big a / partition? | 03:47 |
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XorgProblem | Actually, n/m on that question | 03:47 |
kbrooks | http://www.google.ca/search?q=thinkcspy&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial -- first result | 03:47 |
alyks | I keep getting "Couldn't stat source package | 03:47 |
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alyks | " | 03:47 |
kbrooks | http://www.google.ca/search?q=byte+of+python&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial | 03:47 |
wickedpuppy | XorgProblem, / xcan be about 10 gig and 30 gig for /home ... thats my system ... total 40 gig | 03:47 |
XorgProblem | I want to stay with what I've set up; I'm scared to death of losing my data | 03:47 |
kbrooks | first result | 03:47 |
trigger | one is and the other is | 03:47 |
trigger | can i stay with the old one since the new broke my bootsplash | 03:48 |
Termin8tor | thanks kbrooks | 03:48 |
Termin8tor | its appreciated =) | 03:48 |
trigger | i commented out the new one | 03:48 |
kbrooks | http://www.google.ca/search?q=diveintopython&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial (read this later on into your foray) -- first result | 03:48 |
alyks | and it also says that some of the packages aren't in gzip format | 03:49 |
XorgProblem | I really wish I could get X to run, even temporarily, before I did anything potentially destructive | 03:49 |
trigger | is there a bit different between these two versions? | 03:49 |
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cef | alyks: paste your sources.list at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl so we can look at it | 03:49 |
cevizoglu | when I download .mov files from http://beastieboys.com/video.php and then try to play them in amarok, beep, kaffeine, mplayer, vlc, etc. it doesn't fails to play the audio with error: could not load codec. what codec do I need to install? the video works, though | 03:49 |
wickedpuppy | XorgProblem, have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 03:50 |
cevizoglu | er, it fails to play... | 03:50 |
XorgProblem | Yep | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | if not give it a try | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | really ? | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | i fixed my X with it | 03:50 |
XorgProblem | It seems to run OK, and it warns me that I'm overwriting my existing .xinetrc file | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | i also broke my X when i upgraded | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | :P | 03:50 |
XorgProblem | Hm ... | 03:50 |
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XorgProblem | What did you do, wickedpuppy, to fix it? | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | overwrite then | 03:51 |
XorgProblem | Step by newbie step | 03:51 |
wickedpuppy | i just went through the thing | 03:51 |
surface | after upgrade to breezy | 03:51 |
wickedpuppy | thats it | 03:51 |
XorgProblem | Yes, I did that | 03:51 |
wickedpuppy | and save | 03:51 |
XorgProblem | Man. | 03:51 |
wickedpuppy | did you let it overwrite ? | 03:51 |
surface | it cause some problem | 03:51 |
XorgProblem | I've done that, but all I get out of X is the crosshatch screen with the mouse pointer | 03:51 |
theplateau | how can i enable the switch user function in the kde panel so i can easily launch a new gui? | 03:51 |
XorgProblem | Yes, let it overwrite | 03:51 |
surface | my firefox always hang | 03:51 |
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theplateau | sometimes its there sometimes it isn't i don't get it | 03:51 |
wickedpuppy | XorgProblem, go through again choose slowly | 03:51 |
el_toro | XorgProblem: could be a problem w/font paths or sthng like that | 03:51 |
surface | it diff to access to internet | 03:51 |
XorgProblem | OK ... will go through it again. | 03:52 |
XorgProblem | Thanks, wickedpuppy. | 03:52 |
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wickedpuppy | when i was in slackware 5 or so i went through XFree86 10 times in one night ... | 03:52 |
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XorgProblem | el_toro - how troubleshoot font path issues? | 03:52 |
wickedpuppy | lol | 03:52 |
XorgProblem | lol | 03:52 |
wickedpuppy | well i gotta go for me date :P good luck with ya X | 03:52 |
XorgProblem | enjoy, wickedpuppy - have a great evening | 03:52 |
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XorgProblem | thanks again | 03:53 |
el_toro | XorgProblem: by taking a look at the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log in nano or other text ed | 03:53 |
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XorgProblem | TY el_toro | 03:53 |
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XorgProblem | nano runs in term? | 03:53 |
=== XorgProblem is dumb about nano | ||
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el_toro | XorgProblem: yep | 03:53 |
XorgProblem | cool - thank you again | 03:53 |
el_toro | np | 03:53 |
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rob_p | XorgProblem: you can cat the logfile and pipe it through less as well... | 03:54 |
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Ramah | lol I started working on my lfs project lastnight and I managed to forget the user and root password lol | 03:54 |
Licker | well, i just called my cable modems 1-800 # and they said they dont support via USB for Macs or Linux. :/ | 03:54 |
cef | anyone know why mplayer in breezy has issues while playing wmv, but totem doesn't? video is all jerky in mplayer.. eg: pauses up to 1/2 second every second. | 03:54 |
kbrooks | Licker: well | 03:55 |
kbrooks | want to know something? | 03:55 |
kbrooks | psst. | 03:55 |
DShepherd | hey | 03:55 |
DShepherd | what does apt-get purge actually do? | 03:55 |
MrGardenHoseMan | Guys anyone know how to mount iso files? | 03:55 |
kbrooks | a usb modem has a ethernet card in it | 03:55 |
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Licker | yea i know | 03:55 |
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dicrapio | has anyone tried to install knemo? i get an error saying there sopme files from knetworkconf installed (mostly icons) so knemo wont install | 03:55 |
dicrapio | any thoughts? | 03:56 |
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dicrapio | sorry wrong window :) | 03:56 |
cef | DShepherd: 'apt-get --purge remove packagename' completely removes the package, and all it's config files from the disk. | 03:56 |
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Licker | kbrook: i have *4* PCs. I have them all hooked into my router. BUT, for some reason the ports are all configured wrong etc. So I cant host off of it. Thats why i was wanting to connect Via-USB ;) | 03:56 |
DShepherd | thanks cer | 03:57 |
cef | DShepherd: also will usually remove any data the package has accumulated as well (eg: if it's a database).. USE WITH CAUTION | 03:57 |
DShepherd | thanks cef | 03:57 |
gnubie | hi guys. need some help with grub. i suddenly got a grub error 18 message after a bad shutdown | 03:57 |
morphiushacker | I am behind a campus network which is firewalled. I was wondering if I set up a vpn server off campus at my home, if I would be able to tunnel out and connect to that network and foreward ports to my computer back behind the firewall, so that I could connect to various services. Does anyone know if this would work? | 03:58 |
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cef | morphiushacker: it can work, but your campus may not like you for it. | 03:59 |
morphiushacker | that's ok | 03:59 |
morphiushacker | I work for the computer department anyway. I just don't have access to those servers | 03:59 |
cef | morphiushacker: I do similar stuff using ssh from work | 03:59 |
morphiushacker | What programs would you reccomend for this? | 04:00 |
cef | morphiushacker: using ssh's Dynamic Port forwarding (-D port#), and then treating the local port as a socks proxy. | 04:00 |
rob_p | MrGardenHoseMan: mount -o loop -t iso9660 yourfile.iso /wherever/ | 04:00 |
MrGardenHoseMan | thanks | 04:00 |
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Zhukov_ | Seveas, are you there | 04:00 |
Zhukov_ | need a quick word with you | 04:00 |
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cef | morphiushacker: so then you can either use socks-aware programs, or a socks wrapper script (like dante). | 04:01 |
Zhukov_ | very important | 04:01 |
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cevizoglu | is there a log file where kaffeine and the other video players store errors? | 04:01 |
cef | morphiushacker: you can only do ipv4 tcp/udp over socks though... no icmp/igmp/raw/ipv6, etc.. but I find tcp/udp enough | 04:02 |
morphiushacker | that's all I need anyway | 04:02 |
morphiushacker | And it'll be encrypted so that pretty much covers what I will need. | 04:02 |
Yetr2 | not cool... glxgears isn't giving me a screen rate | 04:03 |
Yetr2 | fos | 04:03 |
Yetr2 | fps* | 04:03 |
morphiushacker | Thanks cef, Ill go google that and get it all done. UBUNTU ROX! | 04:03 |
cef | morphiushacker: I even use it at home, so I don't have to change my config. just fire up the ssh session, and away I go. | 04:03 |
cef | morphiushacker: no probs | 04:03 |
morphiushacker | sweet | 04:03 |
cevizoglu | is there an app which displays logged errors, kind of like Console on Mac OS X? | 04:04 |
cef | ok, really time for breakfast now | 04:04 |
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cef | later | 04:04 |
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misfit_toy | cevizoglu, "sudo tail -f /var/log/messages" will show you live logged messages | 04:04 |
gnubie | hi guys. need some help with grub. i suddenly got a grub error 18 message after a bad shutdown | 04:04 |
Zhukov_ | anyone has Seveas w32codecs package? Or his script for detecting windows partitions? Need them for an add-on cd! | 04:04 |
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rubem | hi there | 04:05 |
rob_p | Yetr2: Try, "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark" | 04:05 |
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rubem | can I hide the bars of the desktop? | 04:06 |
misfit_toy | rob_p, isn't that so stupid? | 04:06 |
cevizoglu | misfit_toy, thx | 04:06 |
rob_p | misfit_toy: Yeah! | 04:06 |
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chsguy55 | guys what is a cool game to play on the net for free.. besides wesnoth? | 04:06 |
chsguy55 | anyone | 04:06 |
hondje | bzflag | 04:07 |
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=== misfit_toy 's glxgears segfaults anyway, but I can tell I have good video speed just by the way the laptop acts, weird though. | ||
Pajj | Does anyone know where I can find out more about dual booting ubuntu/windows, preferebly on seperate hard drives? | 04:07 |
cvt|kbob | test | 04:07 |
rubem | how do I install the direct X on wine??? | 04:07 |
_jason | Pajj: have you searched the wiki? | 04:07 |
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Yetr2 | rob_p, tell me why all the other versions of glxgears i've used atleast gave me an fps rate? | 04:07 |
misfit_toy | Pajj, http://ubuntuforums.org | 04:07 |
cvt|kbob | i have live cd of knoppix but it won't run on ubuntu. will you help me? | 04:08 |
misfit_toy | cvt|kbob, that is an insane question | 04:08 |
cvt|kbob | oh sorry | 04:08 |
cvt|kbob | wrong channel | 04:08 |
nalioth | Pajj: wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 04:08 |
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cvt|kbob | new question: what command do i hit to get to the prompt where i can boot from a live cd? | 04:09 |
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kbrooks | Any *cool* applications that you all frequently use? | 04:10 |
rob_p | Yetr2: Probably because the developer wanted the userbase to be sure that glxgears is not an optimal tool for doing benchmarks... I'd assume :-) | 04:10 |
wmat | i just fixed my 'default font 'fixed'' not found problem after upgrading to breezy | 04:10 |
wmat | found the answer here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=364589 | 04:11 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yetr2 | not interested in benchmarks.. just wanted to see where I stood with the possibility of running some other 3d applications like screen savers and pretty xmms things | 04:11 |
wmat | just edit you xorg.conf file fonts section to point back to the /usr/share/X11/fonts locations | 04:12 |
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rob_p | Yetr2: Good. Then now you know how to enable fps output for your purposes... | 04:13 |
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auk | does breeezy include xchat-gnome? | 04:13 |
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wmat | auk: it includes xchat. is xchat-gnome different? | 04:14 |
auk | wmat: yes | 04:14 |
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auk | http://xchat-gnome.navi.cx/ | 04:15 |
nutate | hello, am I correct in the knowledge that ubuntu 5.10 will be out on the tenth? with kubuntu following in short order? | 04:15 |
Yetr2 | rob_p, you could have saved me the trouble and told me that the -option was not scarcasm... | 04:16 |
Hobbsee | nutate: 13th, and they should be released together | 04:16 |
nutate | Hobbsee: thanks | 04:16 |
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Hobbsee | nutate: there are daily cd's that you can try now, or just download the RC, which was the daily cd yesterday | 04:16 |
=== SymGeosis [n=SymGeosi@mtairy-motorola1-68-71-230-109.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wmat | auk: after upgrading, dpkg -l xchat shows xchat 2.4.4-0Ubuntu5 | 04:16 |
nutate | Hobbsee: it's a totally smooth upgrade path, right? | 04:17 |
delaney | with the mirrormax backports gone.. what is a person supposed to do to get blackbox .70 .. or any other packages that arent on the new official repos? | 04:17 |
kbrooks | nutate: technically rough | 04:17 |
nutate | Hobbsee: is there beagled support (inotify, etc) built in? | 04:17 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell delaney about backports | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | nutate: theoretically, yes, whether it works or not, the answer is sometimes | 04:17 |
auk | wmat: well i would expect breezy to include both xchat and xchat-gnome | 04:17 |
kbrooks | nutate: there is | 04:17 |
auk | ooof backports | 04:18 |
joe_ | so how do i access my realplayter after i've extracted it | 04:18 |
kbrooks | nutate: i tried beagle and it "just Works"(tm) | 04:18 |
auk | !info xchat-gnome | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | nutate: downloading an install cd and installing from there is often safer | 04:18 |
rob_p | Yetr2: I meant no sarcasm... actually, I simply googled it for you and that's what a couple of pages turned up. Anyway, I'm sorry if I offended you. | 04:18 |
nutate | Hobbsee: yeah, on this godforsaken fc4 box beagled was really hard to get going | 04:18 |
auk | is ubotu still on hoary? | 04:18 |
kbrooks | auk: xchat-gnome is reundant imo | 04:18 |
kbrooks | !info xchat-gnome breezy | 04:18 |
auk | kbrooks; then remove xchat | 04:18 |
nutate | kbrooks: I'm glad to hear that | 04:18 |
ubotu | xchat-gnome: (a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.5-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 1329 kB, Installed size: 4092 kB | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | nutate: i use kubuntu, so i dont use beagle at all, so i wouldnt know | 04:18 |
delaney | thats wonderful and ive done that | 04:18 |
kbrooks | auk: you misread | 04:18 |
delaney | but before apt-get install blackbox would give me a .70 version | 04:18 |
auk | !info xchat breezy | 04:19 |
nutate | Hobbsee: beagle is pretty agnostic about that as a daemon | 04:19 |
delaney | now im getting an obsolete .65 version | 04:19 |
ubotu | xchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section net, is optional. Version: 2.4.4-0ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 240 kB, Installed size: 664 kB | 04:19 |
kbrooks | auk; you read it as 'xchat is reundant' | 04:19 |
auk | hmm | 04:19 |
kbrooks | redundant | 04:19 |
auk | yes | 04:19 |
auk | ... | 04:19 |
nutate | Hobbsee: it's just the client is written in mono... there is a client for kde called kat | 04:19 |
delaney | i found that repo on the forums.. and when i updated and tried.. and it didnt work | 04:19 |
delaney | i thought someone here might have a solution | 04:19 |
wmat | auk: my bad, you can apt-get install xchat-gnome | 04:19 |
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nutate | http://kat.mandriva.com/ | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | nutate: true, i knew that...but havent tried it | 04:19 |
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auk | kbrooks, what did you mean? | 04:20 |
kbrooks | auk | 04:20 |
kbrooks | er | 04:20 |
nutate | Hobbsee: yeah, i am in this really sickened state... using windows, linux, and os x a lot has sickened me to the worst of all three | 04:20 |
kbrooks | auk: xchat is ok. xchat-gnome is not, imo | 04:20 |
nutate | (a lot meaning having to use them all every day) | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | eek | 04:20 |
auk | kbrooks; why? | 04:21 |
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auk | kbrooks, imho, then there should be no xchat; just xchat-gnome | 04:21 |
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nalioth | auk: use what you like | 04:21 |
N6REJ | anyone know how well the new pc games will run under ubuntu? | 04:21 |
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wmat | all anyone needs is irssi anyway :) | 04:21 |
N6REJ | thinking about giving my son ubuntu on his system :D | 04:21 |
auk | because xchat-gnome fits in better with the ubuntu philosophy | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | which game are you talking about? | 04:22 |
kbrooks | auk: i'm not saying that xchat-gnome should be *installed by default* -- i depise a mix of them | 04:22 |
N6REJ | Call of duty is his favorite | 04:22 |
N6REJ | but I'm sure as time goes by he's going to want to play all of them. | 04:22 |
auk | kbrooks: i know | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | probably check in the gaming forums on ubuntuforums.com | 04:22 |
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Hobbsee | i'm guessing you'd need to run the ones wihtout linux ports under cedega | 04:22 |
nutate | http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/2253 <-- comparison of beagle and kat (from a admittedly biased source, the author of Kat) | 04:22 |
marco_ | hi everybody ! | 04:22 |
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marco_ | do u know an IRC channel in french for ubuntu please ? | 04:23 |
auk | nalioth: i have no problem with there being both xchat and xchat-gnome, i will use what i like | 04:23 |
v3n0w | Hi people! I need help! my ps2 optical mouse dont work... What can i do???? | 04:23 |
kbrooks | !fr | 04:23 |
ubotu | well, fr is Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 04:23 |
marco_ | yes kbrooks soory !lol | 04:23 |
marco_ | sorry | 04:23 |
N6REJ | is cedega a paid program? | 04:23 |
kbrooks | marco_: dont be | 04:23 |
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kbrooks | N6REJ: yes and no | 04:24 |
Xenguy | N6REJ: yep | 04:24 |
marco | why ? | 04:24 |
marco | kbrooks, | 04:24 |
kbrooks | N6REJ: there are packaged .debs u have to pay for | 04:24 |
v3n0w | Whor can help me with my ps2 mouse? | 04:24 |
N6REJ | *sigh* | 04:24 |
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kbrooks | N6REJ: but u can compile from source | 04:24 |
kevogod | You can compile Cedega from CVS | 04:24 |
kevogod | but it hardly ever works | 04:24 |
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kbrooks | N6REJ: use google to find out, i'm not about to link you to the area, and imply endorsement of cedega ;) | 04:25 |
=== Xenguy finds cedega annoying... | ||
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esac_ | i downloaded bittornado, what it is called so i can download torrents ? i see btdownloadheadless but i'm not sure if that's it | 04:25 |
Xenguy | but I'm not a desperate linux gamer either ;-) | 04:26 |
keb | v3n0w did the lights come on the mouse when you boot? | 04:26 |
nalioth | esac_: it's btdownloadcurses.py | 04:26 |
N6REJ | kbrooks: ok, so let me ask you this, I know he's going to want to play 1942, cod, and this is his first system. I'd LIKE to turn him onto linux, he uses a mac at school. I could give him 98se. I'd give'm XP but we lost our 3rd install disk. | 04:26 |
esac_ | nalioth: thanks | 04:26 |
nutate | esac_: that is a very unGUI python client | 04:26 |
v3n0w | keb, when i bot yes, but on the start of ubuntu the light turn off!!! | 04:26 |
=== something_else [n=somethin@82-35-42-201.cable.ubr02.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v3n0w | *boot | 04:26 |
N6REJ | we have mine, but I don't know what that would do to my license | 04:27 |
nalioth | esac_: unless you want gui goodness, then it's btdownloadgui.py | 04:27 |
esac_ | what's a good gui download client ? i dont like loading 109 MB of memory bloated java programs | 04:27 |
something_else | Any of you own a Freecom - DVB-T USB card? | 04:27 |
esac_ | k | 04:27 |
nalioth | esac_: use btdownloadcurses + gnu screen | 04:27 |
nutate | I have a strange feeling the University of So. Cal. blocks bittorrent... | 04:27 |
nutate | nalioth: that won't be confusing... | 04:27 |
nalioth | nutate: confusing? | 04:27 |
kbrooks | N6REJ: quetions up front pls | 04:28 |
nutate | nalioth: well, I guess if esac_ has used screen before it's not | 04:28 |
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N6REJ | lol, sorry, what would you suggest I install on his system? | 04:28 |
keb | v3n0w, does the mouse show up when you type "dmesg" | 04:28 |
nalioth | i have walkthroughs on 'gnu screen' | 04:28 |
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v3n0w | keb, dmesg???? what is this? a command? | 04:28 |
keb | yes | 04:29 |
esac_ | ive used screen before, not a big deal, but i can't find btdownload*.py anywhere | 04:29 |
nutate | nalioth: it's one of the most useful pieces of software, period | 04:29 |
nutate | esac_: my apologies for assuming your ignorance | 04:29 |
kbrooks | nalioth: sounds like i reinvented the wheel in writing a extremely basic and stripped down howto for gnu screen listing a few basic commands | 04:29 |
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nalioth | kbrooks: everything has it's place. you can add my URLs to your howto | 04:30 |
N6REJ | kbrooks: any suggestions? | 04:30 |
v3n0w | keb, no, i dont see it | 04:30 |
keb | hmm | 04:30 |
esac_ | nutate: no problem, but you can assume my ignorance in finding bittornado .. i did a find . -iname btdownload*.py from / and didn't find anything | 04:30 |
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kbrooks | nalioth: OK, I'll rewrite it and link to your urls... | 04:30 |
v3n0w | keb, only the usb mouse works | 04:31 |
keb | v3n0w does the mouse appear in the Device Manager under the System, Administration menu? | 04:31 |
twysted | esac_ remove the .py from btdownload* since the ubuntu package stripped the files of the .py extension | 04:31 |
nalioth | esac_: "sudo updatedb && locate btdownloadcurses.py" | 04:31 |
esac_ | thanks | 04:32 |
Jacko115 | any good with boot sector problems and ntfs partions here? | 04:32 |
v3n0w | keb, it apears ps2/usb... then i clik and see: bus type:usb | 04:32 |
Jacko115 | anyone good with boot sector problems and ntfs partions here? | 04:32 |
nalioth | esac_: if you've apt-getted your bittornado, see the above comment | 04:32 |
twysted | jacko115, just ask | 04:32 |
keb | v3n0w i don't know | 04:32 |
=== banning [n=nige@CPE-149-167-190-12.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
banning | hello | 04:33 |
v3n0w | keb, grrrr man.... its the secund linux i have this problem.... | 04:33 |
banning | anyone played with dnsmasq? | 04:33 |
Jacko115 | I am currently using ubuntu linux and ran out of room on the linux drive so I resized my ntfs drive. This somehow stuffed up the whole booting into windows thing but I was still able to access my hard drive from linux. A friend of mine suggested it was the MBR which was at fault so I ran the fixmbr program on the windows xp disk and that did nothing. Then I tried the fixboot program and that unfortunately changed something (I'm guessi | 04:33 |
nutate | esac_: the names changed to bittorrent- instead of bt- | 04:33 |
Jacko115 | partition as it thinks it is a fat16 partition. is there anyway to fix this? | 04:34 |
v3n0w | keb, in winxp the mouse only word well, after the win install a driver.... | 04:34 |
nalioth | Jacko115: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 04:34 |
keb | i dont know how the drivers work. just wanted to confirm the mouse hardware is working and visible to the OS | 04:35 |
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banning | i am trying to configure default gateway option on dnsmaq.conf , but i cant remember what option it is | 04:36 |
banning | does anyone know which dhcp-option it is? | 04:36 |
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v3n0w | keb, ok thanks.... | 04:36 |
keb | sorry v3n0w :/ | 04:36 |
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N6REJ | kbrooks: can you tell me wether I would find the sources for cedega on transgamings site or on freshmeat? | 04:37 |
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Jedrick | can i open .opg file in oppen office to microsoft word? | 04:37 |
v3n0w | anyone can HELP ME with a ps2 optical mouse that dont work???? | 04:37 |
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twysted | N6REJ> cedega is not open source | 04:37 |
v3n0w | keb, thanks.. i learn a command ;) | 04:37 |
keb | cool | 04:37 |
kbrooks|bed | twysted: it is | 04:37 |
nalioth | N6REJ: all of the above | 04:37 |
kbrooks|bed | twysted: you just dont get it | 04:37 |
nutate | v3n0w: if you /msg me the model name perhaps that would help | 04:37 |
nalioth | N6REJ: you want cedega-cvs | 04:37 |
twysted | kbrooks apparently i dont, ass | 04:37 |
Jedrick | can i open .opg file in oppen office to microsoft word? | 04:37 |
N6REJ | ok. Looks like it supports all of the games he wants to play. | 04:37 |
N6REJ | nalioth: ty! | 04:38 |
v3n0w | nutate, is a generic mouse... dont have model or mark... | 04:38 |
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keb | microsoft word doesnt read open office files. you have to save as rtf | 04:38 |
keb | or as .doc | 04:38 |
Jacko115 | when I try and mount my ntfs partion it comes up with | 04:38 |
Jedrick | ok | 04:38 |
Jedrick | thnx man | 04:38 |
Jacko115 | [4298733.289000] NTFS-fs error (device hda1): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Primary boot sector is invalid. | 04:38 |
Jacko115 | [4298733.289000] NTFS-fs error (device hda1): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover. | 04:38 |
Jacko115 | [4298733.289000] NTFS-fs error (device hda1): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume. | 04:38 |
N6REJ | nalioth: would you recommend giving my son straight ubuntu or dual boot 98se & ubuntu or straight windoze? | 04:38 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: how old is your youngun? | 04:39 |
Licker | what was that site that lets you use Windows drivers etc? | 04:39 |
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nalioth | Licker: be more specific | 04:39 |
v3n0w | nutate, oh have a model.... C-181-PS2-W...... Its helps? | 04:39 |
rob_p | banning: If it conforms to the same pattern as in dhcpd.conf, the the following should work, "option routers ip_address" | 04:39 |
N6REJ | nalioth: 13 He uses a mac at school, and loves call of duty. This will be his first system. Its a Athlon xp 1700+ with 512mb pc2100 & a 80gb hd. | 04:39 |
N6REJ | nalioth: but only a 64mb video card. | 04:40 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: it'd be considered child abuse to give him windows | 04:40 |
rob_p | banning: If not, then I don't know. | 04:40 |
Licker | humm.. Someone today gave me a link taht would allow me to use Network Card Drivers on my linux. | 04:40 |
nalioth | Licker: ndiswrapper | 04:40 |
twysted | N6REJ, ubuntu all the way man :D | 04:40 |
N6REJ | nalioth: I hear ya :D ok, I hope he learns to love linux. | 04:40 |
N6REJ | thanks guys. | 04:40 |
Licker | yea thats it | 04:41 |
Licker | u know anything about it? | 04:41 |
N6REJ | his birthday was the 5th, so I need to finish his system... Dads been a bad boy and been slow. | 04:41 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Licker about ndiswrapper | 04:41 |
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kevogod | nalioth, Yes, you have to give a child a Mac. | 04:41 |
Licker | !info ndiswrapper | 04:42 |
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Licker | not workin | 04:42 |
windex | N6REJ, imho, ubuntu is closer to macos than windows. :) | 04:42 |
dennish | Hi there folks! | 04:42 |
v3n0w | nutate, so.... u is here? | 04:42 |
Jedrick | keb: ey man which one of this three, microsoft word 97/200/xp, microsoft word 95 or microsoft word 6.0? | 04:42 |
twysted | microsoft word 97/200/xp | 04:42 |
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N6REJ | That makes sense. He could use the mac theme also. Give'm Gnome or Kde? | 04:42 |
Jedrick | ok thnx | 04:42 |
keb | jedediah well it depends what version is on the target machine | 04:42 |
twysted | n6rej, gnome | 04:42 |
kevogod | Definitely GNOME. | 04:42 |
keb | er | 04:42 |
windex | N6REJ, that is a total flame war topic. :) | 04:43 |
keb | Jedrick | 04:43 |
keb | lol | 04:43 |
nalioth | y'all can take the box building talk to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:43 |
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kevogod | I fold boxes. | 04:43 |
N6REJ | great, I like gnome too... yeah I know.. you could argue for icewm and a million others.... almost as bad as editors LOL | 04:43 |
dennish | Guys I feel silly asking this.. How do I access my windows partition in Ubuntu? | 04:43 |
=== ztrikker [n=ztrikker@adsl-067-035-065-109.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | ubotu: tell dennish about windowsdrives | 04:43 |
dennish | Gnome is faster than KDE for sure | 04:43 |
N6REJ | religon, politics, editors, distro's, gui's :S | 04:43 |
dennish | I'm used to Suse, mandrake and Knoppix | 04:43 |
windex | N6REJ, dont forget kernels. | 04:44 |
dennish | KDe is what i'm most familiar with.. | 04:44 |
N6REJ | omg, thats true too. | 04:44 |
nalioth | lets try to get back on topic here, please | 04:44 |
nutate | v3n0w: i can't say i have any insight into your problem, sorry | 04:44 |
caonex | Hello, I have successfully installed ndiswrapper and uploaded the module. I see that it says module and hardware present. However when i type iwconfig it does not have any MACs even when i select one. What else am i missing or needs to be done? | 04:44 |
keb | whatis the topic | 04:44 |
nutate | v3n0w: you could check the xorg logs | 04:44 |
N6REJ | thats the thing.... you should use whatever program/utility/look, makes you MOST effecient and comfortable. | 04:44 |
v3n0w | nutate, how i do this? | 04:44 |
nutate | v3n0w: in /var/log there should be a file Xorg.0.log or something | 04:45 |
nutate | v3n0w: assuming you want the mouse to work in X win | 04:45 |
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calamari | hi | 04:46 |
v3n0w | nutate, oh yes... in the x.... | 04:46 |
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N6REJ | ok, one last q for now... partition the drive in what manner? and should I set any for fat32? | 04:46 |
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ztrikker | Hi | 04:47 |
kkathman | Hi :) | 04:47 |
nalioth | N6REJ: dont use ntfs at all | 04:47 |
N6REJ | nalioth: straight ext3 ? or part fat32? or ? | 04:48 |
N6REJ | i'm going to give him breezy | 04:48 |
nalioth | N6REJ: if you're not running windows.. .. .. | 04:48 |
keb | anyone know why ubuntu installer would fail to add the boot loader? | 04:48 |
N6REJ | k | 04:49 |
keb | i've installed on 2 differetn drives and both failed to boot second stage | 04:49 |
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N6REJ | back in a bit, gotta burn him his own copy of breezy | 04:49 |
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twysted | keb, bad cd or bad ram possibly | 04:50 |
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keb | hmm | 04:50 |
keb | thanks twysted | 04:50 |
keb | so creating a /boot partition less than 1024 cylinders is not needed for IDE drives | 04:51 |
twysted | yep | 04:51 |
twysted | eh what? | 04:51 |
keb | i had to do that for my SCSI system | 04:51 |
Jedrick | what firewall that is good for linux | 04:51 |
twysted | you dont have to use a /boot partition by default ubunutu autoformats | 04:52 |
twysted | jedrick, iptables :) | 04:52 |
keb | ok | 04:52 |
joe_ | so how do i access my realplayter after i've extracted it | 04:52 |
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nalioth | Jedrick: by default you dont need one | 04:52 |
Xenguy | Jedrick: shorewall | 04:52 |
Jedrick | so it has built in firewall? | 04:52 |
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nalioth | Jedrick: all linux have "iptables" which can be configured as firewall, router, etc | 04:53 |
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Jedrick | ok | 04:53 |
ztrikker | I have a question. If I want a launcher icon i made run when i startup gnome , is that possible? | 04:53 |
=== calamari is trying to link to his cable modem, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm pretty sure it's not linux (doesn't work in windows either), but it does seem to be sending data back and forth and I'm curious if I can snoop in on it and see what is happening (or not happening) | ||
nalioth | ztrikker: system > preferences > sessions | 04:53 |
Jedrick | how bout good anti virus | 04:54 |
keb | haha | 04:54 |
twysted | calamari if its not working in windows or linux contact your isp | 04:54 |
keb | no real viruses on linux | 04:54 |
DonPaulieone | anti virus for linux? linux IS anti virus :) | 04:54 |
ztrikker | thanks nalioth | 04:54 |
twysted | hehehe | 04:54 |
calamari | twysted: the link light is on.. | 04:54 |
Jedrick | really?.. thats kool | 04:54 |
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twysted | calamari yes but whats to say your isp isnt blocking you, if its not working in windows or linux contact your isp | 04:55 |
DonPaulieone | just dumped fedora, running horary and dist-upgrading to Breezy. oh how i love the power of Debin. Awesome community ya people got here | 04:55 |
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calamari | good point :) | 04:55 |
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DonPaulieone | and i can't spell 2nite hehe | 04:55 |
Xenguy | Jedrick: apt-get install shorewall | 04:55 |
XorgProblem | hi room | 04:56 |
Jedrick | ok thnx | 04:56 |
calamari | well bbl.. dialup ;) | 04:56 |
nalioth | Jedrick: http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/05/09/1846213&tid=78&tid=130 | 04:56 |
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Jedrick | Xenguy: i get this error E: Invalid operation shorewall | 04:56 |
XorgProblem | Is there a way to mount partitions that exist on my HD, while I am running the live CD | 04:56 |
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Jedrick | i just upgraded to breezy and i think i change the source | 04:56 |
twysted | jedrick sudo apt-get install shorewall | 04:56 |
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Xenguy | Jedrick: sudo apt-get install shorewall | 04:57 |
Jedrick | there tnx :) | 04:57 |
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Jedrick | how to start the shorewall? | 04:58 |
nalioth | Jedrick: open a terminal and type "man shorewall" | 04:58 |
Jedrick | ok | 04:58 |
nalioth | Jedrick: there are other iptables configurators. i sent you a link | 04:58 |
Jedrick | k | 04:58 |
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Xenguy | Jedrick: you'll need to read the documentation very thoroughly and patiently - grab a coffee :-) | 04:59 |
Termin8tor | so whats going on then people? | 04:59 |
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Xenguy | Jedrick: see the web site - good docs | 04:59 |
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Jedrick | what is an NFS? | 04:59 |
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nalioth | Jedrick: network file system | 04:59 |
regeya | hoboy. | 05:00 |
jimj | So, I installed fluxbox and am using it for my windowmanager. I still use gdm for login purposes. It seems that gdm is not reading my ~/.xsession to start things like idesk and fbpanel. Is this normal behavoir or is there something potentially obvious I am missing in getting my .xsession parsed by gdm? | 05:00 |
steely | n | 05:00 |
Xenguy | Jedrick: you don't need it ;-) | 05:00 |
Jedrick | ok | 05:00 |
nalioth | Xenguy: he just asked a question. you dont know his situation to guide him | 05:00 |
misfit_toy | Jedrick, are you looking for a firewall or what? | 05:00 |
Xenguy | nalioth: maybe my guess is a good one :-) | 05:01 |
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misfit_toy | Xenguy, assumptions can really hose up a system | 05:01 |
Xenguy | misfit_toy: OK. What do you think NFS has to do with a firewall tho? | 05:02 |
zrothe | What is the command to change the root password? | 05:02 |
nalioth | Xenguy: Jedrick is a new user. how do you know why he is asking things? | 05:02 |
Xenguy | !tell zrothe about root | 05:02 |
Xenguy | nalioth: I don't. | 05:02 |
Xenguy | nalioth: I took a guess, so sue me :P | 05:03 |
=== twysted sues | ||
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Xenguy | pff | 05:03 |
twysted | :) | 05:03 |
nalioth | Xenguy: guesses, as misfit_toy pointed out can hose a box | 05:03 |
=== steely counter-sues | ||
Jedrick | jus asking coz i just upgraded and says if not using nfs need to remove the map thingy | 05:03 |
JustSteve | hey sort of a quick question. i am running Hoary 386 with a custom kernel for high ram and auto UDMA, will apt-get'ing dist-upgrade cause me problems? | 05:03 |
Xenguy | nalioth: nonsense, in this case. Relax | 05:03 |
misfit_toy | Xenguy, a firewall can block NFS, what is your point? | 05:04 |
DonPaulieone | where does the ubuntu update manager store it's repos, cause in my etc/apt/souce.list i have no reference to the Ubuntu CD-ROM, but while i'm dist-upgrading, keep getting errors loooking for the UBUNTU CD-ROM repo | 05:04 |
twysted | JustSteve> it may replace your custom kernel | 05:04 |
Xenguy | misfit_toy: he's not at that stage - get real | 05:04 |
nalioth | DonPaulieone: /var/cache/apt/archives | 05:04 |
DonPaulieone | thank ya much | 05:04 |
regeya | maybe mauve has the most ram. | 05:04 |
apokryphos | DonPaulieone: /etc/apt/sources.list is where the reference to the CD is made though | 05:05 |
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JustSteve | well, i can recompile another on quickly. thinking about maybe downloading RC1 for x64 | 05:05 |
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twysted | JustSteve, id wait it should be final this month | 05:05 |
keb | is ubuntu suitable for use as a windows workgroup server? | 05:05 |
regeya | no more or no less suitable than any othre system that can run samba, keb | 05:06 |
misfit_toy | Xenguy, comments like "get real" certainly show your immaturity and lack of experience, you should look out for that, it might come back to bite you some day. | 05:06 |
JustSteve | i thought Breezy goes live next week? | 05:06 |
=== Licker [n=pazzesco@cm-24-121-112-253.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steely | the 13th? | 05:06 |
=== regeya headbangs to old metallica; what's next, a mullet? | ||
Hobbsee | yeah, 13/10 | 05:06 |
twysted | xenguy/misfit_toy quit bickering and just help em dont assume shit just get it going :) | 05:07 |
keb | thanks regeya . there just seems to be a fewer system daemon gui management tools around than for say SuSE | 05:07 |
trekrem | or 10/13 for us stupid americans ;) | 05:07 |
ztrikker | I thought the calendar showed it coming out on the 14th? | 05:07 |
twysted | 13th or 14th | 05:07 |
Xenguy | twysted: I think we're good now | 05:07 |
misfit_toy | twysted, I asked questions and got no answers to help with, so beh, whutevuh! ;) | 05:07 |
regeya | i was being totally serious, keb. :-) | 05:08 |
Xenguy | misfit_toy: I don't think you know me at all, so let's agree to back off one another, K? | 05:08 |
=== regeya doesn't ahve to manage a windows wrkgrp, tho | ||
keb | i wish i didnt either | 05:08 |
caonex | anybody with ndiswrapper and wireless? | 05:08 |
dennish | Folks Thanks for the help. see ya tomorrow with some more questions about Ubuntu. | 05:08 |
misfit_toy | Xenguy, I have no issue with you at all. | 05:08 |
keb | i'm trying to wean people off windows and move to linux | 05:08 |
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steely | good luck | 05:09 |
default | hey everyone! | 05:09 |
Xenguy | misfit_toy: then be quiet before I get pissed off, K? :-) | 05:09 |
steely | hahahaha | 05:09 |
regeya | I'm tempted to go with netatalk at work, and am reluctant to. we have several hundred gigs of data, hfsplus and netatalk don't talk the ame lingo, and transferring several hundred gigs of data over appletalk sucks. | 05:09 |
steely | a fight | 05:09 |
regeya | rpff;ecp[ters/ | 05:09 |
regeya | rofflecopters even | 05:09 |
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misfit_toy | Xenguy, you keep coming back with lines like that and then I'll get pissed, K? | 05:09 |
XorgProblem | hi all | 05:10 |
default | can someone help with with a small problem? breezy boots but stops at a blank screen after every loads | 05:10 |
regeya | here's hoping Xenguy and misfit_toy can grow up or take it elsewhere. | 05:10 |
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JustSteve | i will shoot down roflcopters with an AFK-47 | 05:10 |
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joe_ | i need more help with realplayer | 05:10 |
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regeya | lol JustSteve | 05:10 |
ztrikker | Why would you use appletalk? | 05:10 |
twysted | JustSteve> can i watch? lol | 05:10 |
Xenguy | misfit_toy: you started it, so now you can just suck it up - why should I take it from you, huh? | 05:10 |
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joe_ | can anyone help a guy out? | 05:10 |
twysted | Xenguy, misfit_toy stop talking to another | 05:10 |
=== misfit_toy zips it up, hits 'ignore' | ||
regeya | yay | 05:10 |
Termin8tor | I completely randomly and for no good reason what-so-ever demand free beer! | 05:11 |
Xenguy | twysted: see, I think we're good now ;-) | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | joe_: dont ask to ask, just ask | 05:11 |
keb | joe_ what is the problem exactly, describe what you did and what is happening | 05:11 |
XorgProblem | I've got a prob with upgrading Hoary to Breezy, and the more I look at it the more confused I am | 05:11 |
joe_ | well i have the realplayer folder on mydesktop extracted an deverything, but i dont know what to do next | 05:12 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: no-one can help if you don't state the actual problem :) | 05:12 |
XorgProblem | Sure. Sorry. | 05:12 |
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regeya | my greater wish is that appletalk wasn't even an issue, and that those stupidass resource forks weren't an issue either, or at least that if I had to keep adminning macs running os9, that the osx samba build and, um, wuzzitcalled, 'dave' handled resource forks the same. | 05:12 |
XorgProblem | I did an apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade from Hoary | 05:13 |
XorgProblem | There was a problem with running out of space on /usr | 05:13 |
apokryphos | :/ | 05:13 |
XorgProblem | After repeated apt-get -f dist-upgrade it completed | 05:13 |
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XorgProblem | (I don't know how it did that) | 05:13 |
keb | joe_ there is probably an installer that has to be run in that realplayer folder on your desktop | 05:13 |
=== breakthestate [n=breakthe@pcp07223428pcs.chlmrd01.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steely | is anyone successfully using k3b to burn dvds? | 05:14 |
nalioth | steely: yes i do it all the time | 05:14 |
XorgProblem | It won't load the graphical interface, though if I type startx X loads - just the mouse pointer and the crosshatched gray screen | 05:14 |
apokryphos | all the time | 05:14 |
keb | steely yes me too | 05:14 |
steely | i am getting iso errors | 05:14 |
XorgProblem | And it still identifies itself as Hoary | 05:14 |
=== dmabowen [n=bowen@adsl-157-73-76.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XorgProblem | I'm not sure what to do | 05:14 |
steely | i/o errors. | 05:14 |
steely | hehe | 05:14 |
steely | right as the burn begins | 05:14 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: are you sure your sources were entirely changed and that you had ubuntu-desktop before you upgraded? | 05:15 |
XorgProblem | I'm running from a LiveCD of Hoary now. Have data I need to keep safe on my /home | 05:15 |
regeya | steely: all the time here as well, no problems. dunno what to tell you. | 05:15 |
XorgProblem | Sources were changed. Tell me about ubuntu-desktop | 05:15 |
joe_ | keb when i run apt-get install realplayer it starts up an installer | 05:15 |
dmabowen | I am tring to save a image in GIMP and it tells me that I do not have premission to save file? What do I do? | 05:15 |
XorgProblem | I'm not sure on that apokryphos | 05:15 |
keb | joe_ thats great | 05:15 |
joe_ | biut i don;t kno where to point it | 05:15 |
apokryphos | dmabowen: save in a different location | 05:15 |
steely | as i try to burn an image very early it bugs out with the i/o message | 05:15 |
nomasteryoda|w | funny... listening to TheLinuxLink.net show from 9-28-2005 while working on Ubuntu... hearing Ubuntu sounds and confusing me.... LOL | 05:15 |
misfit_toy | dmabowen, you are trying to save it somewhere that you don't have rights to, pick another folder | 05:15 |
nomasteryoda|w | they were using Ubuntu | 05:16 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: could you pastebin your current /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of dpkg -l|grep ubuntu-desktop | 05:16 |
dmabowen | How do I gain rights to my own hard drive? I cant even create a directory | 05:16 |
XorgProblem | apokryphos, the problem is getting to it. | 05:16 |
XorgProblem | I would need to mount my HD while running from Live CD, I think, apokryphos | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | dmabowen: where are you trying to create a directory? | 05:17 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: sure; go for it. | 05:17 |
=== zdennis [n=zdennis@66-227-241-58.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dmabowen | I have tried in the main, under Home, inder USR.. | 05:17 |
SuperTails92 | dmabowen: open a terminal and type "cd /home && ls -l" | 05:17 |
zdennis | how do i view detailed information on a package that is not installed, with apt-cache? | 05:17 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: though I generally prefer a simple console when I have X problems :P | 05:17 |
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apokryphos | zdennis: man apt-cache | 05:17 |
keb | joe_ it is likely in /home/joe_/Desktop/realplayer | 05:17 |
SuperTails92 | and tell up what comes out | 05:17 |
XorgProblem | Well ... right now no access to the HD, unless I can figure out what mount point to use. I'm a Linux newbie, I'm afraid | 05:18 |
keb | joe_ or whatever the name of the folder is | 05:18 |
joe_ | keb ive tried pointing there and no luck | 05:18 |
zrothe | I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers using this (http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver) guide, but it's not working...the repositories have problems it seems. | 05:18 |
Xenguy | zdennis: apt-cache show pkgname | 05:18 |
zdennis | thx Xenguy and apokryphos | 05:18 |
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apokryphos | XorgProblem: I've gotta go in a sec, so can't really explain mounting etc now unfortunately :/ | 05:18 |
Xenguy | zdennis: yw | 05:18 |
keb | joe_ did you try /home/joe_/Desktop | 05:19 |
XorgProblem | S'okay. | 05:19 |
XorgProblem | I'm guessing that I would umount /home and mount /dev/hd01 (or whatever) as /home ... ? | 05:19 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: but what I recommend you do: check your /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure you don't have any nonsense like hoary-extras etc enabled there | 05:19 |
dmabowen | Would that show it up on my Desktop? I do not want all the files I edit to be stuck on my desktop | 05:19 |
XorgProblem | Can do. | 05:19 |
apokryphos | XorgProblem: then (i) sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop; (ii) sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 05:19 |
SuperTails92 | Hmm, hoary backports fail on aptitude update with a 404 error. | 05:19 |
rob_p | dmabowen: You will have read/write access to your home dir. You can get there by doing, "cd" at the prompt. | 05:20 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell SuperTails92 about backports | 05:20 |
apokryphos | SuperTails92: what url? | 05:20 |
nalioth | apokryphos: the old and still prevalent mirrormax URL is still causing trouble | 05:20 |
XorgProblem | I took the sources.list directly from ubuntuforums.org, from the FAQ | 05:20 |
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synackuator | how would one hide their ip address in irc | 05:21 |
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apokryphos | XorgProblem: no idea what that one has.. if you /msg ubotu upgrade2breezy you'll get good advice | 05:21 |
keb | synackuator get and run Tor | 05:21 |
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nalioth | synackuator: but you wont come in here running tor | 05:21 |
synackuator | keb: isn't there a way to do it w/ out proxying? | 05:21 |
zdennis | how can i get a printout of what system i am running? | 05:21 |
zdennis | uname -a doesn't tell me what i want | 05:21 |
keb | nalioth i am running Tor ;) but you can't tell | 05:21 |
nalioth | zeedo: try lsb_release -a | 05:22 |
apokryphos | zdennis: system? Operating system? | 05:22 |
nalioth | keb: how nice for you | 05:22 |
keb | synackuator the other way is to get a cloak with freenode | 05:22 |
zdennis | apokryphos, i want to see what version of Debian I am running on another box | 05:22 |
zdennis | it has been so long since i installed | 05:22 |
SuperTails92 | Ah, it was actually hoary-extras that was causing the 404s | 05:22 |
apokryphos | zdennis: cat /etc/issue | 05:22 |
zdennis | thx apokryphos | 05:22 |
nalioth | zdennis: the lsb_release -a will tell you | 05:22 |
apokryphos | that too | 05:22 |
Xenguy | zdennis: /etc/issue ? | 05:22 |
synackuator | keb: how do you get a cloajk | 05:22 |
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kevogod | Donate to Freenode | 05:22 |
kevogod | synackuator, | 05:22 |
kevogod | That is how. | 05:22 |
nalioth | apokryphos: what is the matter with lsb_release -a ? | 05:22 |
=== apokryphos is off now | ||
apokryphos | nalioth: nothing, of course | 05:23 |
keb | synackuator search the freenode FAQ on cloaks | 05:23 |
zdennis | i dont have lsb_release as a command | 05:23 |
zdennis | =( | 05:23 |
keb | or donate yeah | 05:23 |
zdennis | cat /etc/issue worked good | 05:23 |
zdennis | thx | 05:23 |
synackuator | keb: thx | 05:23 |
apokryphos | ...or something, apparently :P. Nevermind; /me -> out | 05:23 |
keb | but that won't work on other ic networks | 05:23 |
nalioth | i dont appreciate comments about my mother | 05:24 |
keb | :o | 05:24 |
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regeya | o_O | 05:24 |
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keb | nalioth is your mother named "cat" | 05:26 |
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war-totem | can someone quickly tell me how to install a .deb, ive forgotten | 05:27 |
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Hobbsee | sudo dpkg -i nameofdeb.deb | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | cd to the directory it's in first | 05:27 |
war-totem | ah, thank you | 05:27 |
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Hobbsee | no problem | 05:27 |
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Stricklin | Okay.. stock install of Breezy... followed the instructions at http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb... still get "Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:28 |
Stricklin | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:28 |
Stricklin | is only available from another source | 05:28 |
Stricklin | " | 05:28 |
Stricklin | oops, sorry | 05:28 |
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heartEye | How do I close vi? | 05:29 |
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keb | :wq | 05:29 |
Xenguy | or ZZ | 05:29 |
Xenguy | or :q | 05:29 |
Xenguy | or :q! | 05:29 |
Xenguy | ;-) | 05:29 |
misfit_toy | heartEye, depends on if you want to save or not | 05:29 |
keb | or hit the power button | 05:29 |
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Xenguy | haha | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | Stricklin: havent checked today, but as of yesterday, the debs were only from july, and not the 2 most updated versions | 05:30 |
misfit_toy | heartEye, to quit without saving ":q" | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | lol @ keb | 05:30 |
joe_ | keb what is an unmet dependency? | 05:30 |
heartEye | Thanks b | 05:30 |
misfit_toy | heartEye, to save and exit ":x" | 05:30 |
heartEye | Thanks bye. | 05:30 |
heartEye | Wait. | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | !dependency | 05:30 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: What? | 05:30 |
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heartEye | Colon X? | 05:30 |
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keb | joe_ something is missing to run realplayer | 05:30 |
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keb | joe_ does it say what the dependency was | 05:30 |
misfit_toy | heartEye, yes, that's to SAVE and exit | 05:30 |
Xenguy | heartEye: or ZZ does the same | 05:30 |
ubuntu_ | How do I mount my windows partition in the terimal through the ubuntu live CD? | 05:31 |
Stricklin | Hobbsee, not sure I follow you | 05:31 |
DonPaulieone | since i edited source.list with breeze, come oct 13 i just do another update and dist-upgrade to get Breezer FINAL, right? | 05:31 |
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nalioth | DonPaulieone: your machine should be keeping itself and you up to date daily | 05:31 |
misfit_toy | lol "Breezer" good name for a distro! | 05:31 |
joe_ | keb libc6 | 05:31 |
heartEye | How do I do this while I'm typing? | 05:31 |
DonPaulieone | ah yeah forgot bout that nalioth, thanks for the reminder | 05:32 |
ubuntu_ | How do I mount my windows partition in the terimal through the ubuntu live CD? | 05:32 |
keb | heartEye hit Escape first | 05:32 |
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misfit_toy | heartEye, hit ESC when you're ready to bail | 05:32 |
johnny_ | Hey Ubuntu users. Can someone explain how to use the repository and how to get software packages for things like printers? | 05:32 |
ubuntu_ | How do I mount my windows partition in the terimal through the ubuntu live CD? | 05:32 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell ubuntu_ about repeat | 05:32 |
keb | joe_ it sounds like you downloaded the wrong version of realplayer | 05:32 |
Xenguy | heartEye: pat your head and rub you stomach in a circular fashion, all at the same time :-) | 05:32 |
zrothe | Does anyone know of a repository that has the ntfs module on it? | 05:32 |
joe_ | oh | 05:32 |
nalioth | ubotu: quit repeating. read your uboto priv msg | 05:32 |
ubotu | No idea, nalioth | 05:32 |
joe_ | but i did apt-get | 05:32 |
bytefoo | dudes why does my resolution only go to 1024x768, even though the only modelines in xorg.conf are 1280x800 :/ | 05:32 |
ubuntu_ | How do I mount my windows partition in the terimal through the ubuntu live CD? | 05:32 |
nalioth | ubuntu_: quit repeating. read your uboto priv msg | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | Stricklin: see here: http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/binary/ there's no more updated versions than the 20050725, ie the july one | 05:33 |
delltony | http://www.imageark.net/img.php?id=132342 can someone look at that image and maybe help me figure out what program the volume dialog belongs too i thought it was kmix but every time i kill kmix this thiing doesn't go away and its really annoying cause it keeps focus. | 05:33 |
Stricklin | So, what should I do? | 05:33 |
heartEye | Oh wow, 500 people. | 05:33 |
bytefoo | :| | 05:33 |
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joe_ | but i did apt-cache search realplayer; apt-get install realplayer | 05:33 |
nalioth | ubuntu_: if somebody knows the answer to your ??, they'll answer. | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | Stricklin: guess you'd have to either tell them about it, or compile from source | 05:33 |
twysted | ubot tell joe_ about restrictedformats | 05:34 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as samson666 | ||
samson666 | How do I mount my windows partition in the terimal through the ubuntu live CD? | 05:34 |
vladuz976 | is there a ubuntu book? i mean there are tons of fedora books, i just haven't seen any ubuntu ones | 05:34 |
joe_ | don;t you need the !tell? | 05:34 |
DonPaulieone | omg chill with the repeating | 05:34 |
samson666 | HOW THE FUCK DO I DO IT THEN | 05:34 |
samson666 | !?!?!??!?! | 05:35 |
ubotu | samson666: Are you on ritalin? | 05:35 |
joe_ | it should do it auto | 05:35 |
joe_ | sam | 05:35 |
delltony | dude i was gonna help you but now i'm not | 05:35 |
lancellor | Help !!!!!!!!!! hey guys i just turn my computer on nad i got resolution of 640 for 480 i have nvidia drivers installed | 05:35 |
Hobbsee | samson666: language. | 05:35 |
samson666 | i have a fucked up live distro | 05:35 |
nalioth | samson666: there is nobody here that knows the answer to your question atm | 05:35 |
nalioth | samson666: watch your language please | 05:35 |
samson666 | FUCK YA MAMA HOE! | 05:35 |
delltony | no you have a really bad attitude honestly | 05:35 |
twysted | samson666> if your not going to be civil we will not help you | 05:35 |
Davey | yay :) | 05:35 |
Agrajag | oh that's a good way to get help | 05:35 |
joe_ | jeez | 05:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Hobbsee | samson666: http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ch05.html to answer your question | 05:35 |
nomasteryoda|w | so do we have an admin here? | 05:35 |
zrothe | Does anyone know of a repository that has the ntfs module on it? | 05:35 |
Davey | theres some who's ass needs a paddling | 05:35 |
ztrikker | how do i check what partitions are available for mounting? | 05:35 |
Stricklin | I don't suppose Jeremy Whit is here, is he? | 05:35 |
nomasteryoda|w | fdisk -l | 05:35 |
nomasteryoda|w | that will list them | 05:36 |
Stricklin | White, that is | 05:36 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-64-173-41-24.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] by nalioth | ||
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nomasteryoda|w | thanks nalioth | 05:36 |
nomasteryoda|w | cafuego, heya | 05:36 |
cafuego_ | ugh | 05:36 |
=== PrimoTurbo [n=PrimoTur@HSE-Ottawa-ppp162579.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DonPaulieone | k dist-upgrade done, going down for reboot. wish me luck. i'll brb | 05:36 |
delltony | pacbell ? is packard bell stil in existance? i thought they went under | 05:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
zrothe | anyone? | 05:36 |
twysted | delltony, pacific bell | 05:36 |
delltony | oh | 05:37 |
PrimoTurbo | Is there a guide on how to install all the codecs? | 05:37 |
hondje | packard bell is still around, well the brand is | 05:37 |
ztrikker | tnkx | 05:37 |
=== hondje came across it recently | ||
delltony | fixing to say that was the worst computer system known to man | 05:37 |
PrimoTurbo | Are there any good guides for ubuntu? | 05:37 |
hondje | though it's really just rebranded NEC | 05:37 |
PrimoTurbo | how to install programs and such | 05:37 |
nalioth | delltony: and you're wasting your breath saying that much | 05:37 |
delltony | true :) | 05:37 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: see wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 05:37 |
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@12-222-183-136.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delltony | upgrading that thing was like converting a microwave into a freezer | 05:38 |
Xenguy | PrimoTurbo: my first try is usually a google for 'KEYWORD tutorial' | 05:38 |
Xenguy | PrimoTurbo: heh, or what nalioth said | 05:38 |
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=== trekrem [n=amerkert@ip68-9-117-84.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | anyone have a good easy media player they can recommend? real player is a pita | 05:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell PrimoTurbo about cli | 05:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell PrimoTurbo about apt-get | 05:38 |
twysted | joe_ mplayer | 05:38 |
delltony | dang this dialog is freakin annoying grrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 05:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell PrimoTurbo about synaptic | 05:39 |
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nalioth | PrimoTurbo: that should get you started | 05:39 |
joe_ | twysted, i can 't get it to workright | 05:39 |
Xenguy | ubotu: botsnack | 05:39 |
ubotu | thanks xenguy :) | 05:39 |
PrimoTurbo | Thnx | 05:39 |
misfit_toy | in case anyone is interested in 72.6MB of xmms skins (that will also work with beep/bmp player)...http://easylinuxguide.com/downloads/xmms-skins/ | 05:39 |
PrimoTurbo | Is there a way to check if you have java running | 05:39 |
PrimoTurbo | and is there a way to check if your 3d drivers work | 05:39 |
joe_ | twysted, i dl'ed it and installed but everytime i go to a "website" to use it, i wait for days while it buffers | 05:39 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: in a terminal, type "java --version" | 05:39 |
keb | PrimoTurbo glxgears | 05:40 |
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PrimoTurbo | thnx | 05:40 |
=== tylerdurden [n=tylerdur@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delltony | primo go to google and do a java test in there and it will show you the test page | 05:40 |
anethema | glxgears doesnt work for me anymore | 05:40 |
twysted | joe_ did you install the mozilla mplayer plugin | 05:40 |
trekrem | or if you mean running right now 'top' | 05:40 |
anethema | doesnt report fps | 05:40 |
anethema | since breezy | 05:40 |
tylerdurden | hey how do people make their terminals transparent? | 05:40 |
delltony | thats how i test mine its lie sun's java test page or something like that | 05:40 |
PrimoTurbo | good I have java | 05:40 |
joe_ | twysted, yes i believe i did | 05:40 |
jeff_ | Can anyone give some advice on tweaking the anticipatory io scheduler to increase performance on a laptop? | 05:40 |
SuperTails92 | Any particular reason why aptitude wants to uninstall every single package I personally installed? | 05:40 |
tylerdurden | hey how do people make their terminals transparent? | 05:40 |
PrimoTurbo | glgears are running crappy I guess 3d doesn't work yet | 05:40 |
=== silasj [n=silasj@201-1-149-93.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xenguy | tylerdurden: 'repeating' is considered rude actually | 05:41 |
=== DonPaulieone [n=Donpauli@cpe-68-173-184-8.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | PrimoTurbo, to find out forsure, just do a: glxinfo | grep vendor | 05:41 |
jeff_ | tylerdurden, install aterm and then google for how to make aterm transparent | 05:41 |
anethema | if the vendor is mesa, its not working yet | 05:41 |
tylerdurden | sorry im trying to get people to notice me since a lot of people are talking at once | 05:41 |
anethema | heh | 05:41 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: we see you | 05:41 |
anethema | tylerdurden, its fake anyways | 05:41 |
=== stone__ [n=stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joe_ | that's ascary nalioth ll | 05:42 |
trekrem | yeah it's not real | 05:42 |
joe_ | lol | 05:42 |
tylerdurden | what do u mean not real | 05:42 |
PrimoTurbo | yeah some SGI | 05:42 |
HrdwrBob | tylerdurden: edit, current profile, effects, transparent background | 05:42 |
=== bytefoo [n=bytefoo@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DonPaulieone | lol i lost the Terminal Icon under Sytem Tools, and only got an apple mouse, so no right click (too lazy to dig thru spare parts) | 05:42 |
anethema | it just shows your background picture thru the terminal window | 05:42 |
PrimoTurbo | need to get ATI drivers working now :/ | 05:42 |
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anethema | no icons, no other windows, nothing | 05:42 |
anethema | its just a cheap hack | 05:42 |
HrdwrBob | anethema: but it looks cool | 05:42 |
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nalioth | DonPaulieone: use F12 | 05:42 |
=== kevogod [n=kevogod@68-115-7-181.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== lukins [n=lukins@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | heh yeah looks cool if the term is all you have on that desktop | 05:42 |
=== karina [n=karina@201-27-113-75.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperTails92 | anethema: what if the server and client glx vendor strings are "SGI" yet the OpenGL vendor strings are Mesa | 05:43 |
anethema | not working. | 05:43 |
anethema | subterrific, | 05:43 |
anethema | er | 05:43 |
anethema | SuperTails92, | 05:43 |
anethema | hehe | 05:43 |
lancellor | hello guys i just turn my computer on and i got 640 * 480 resolution whats is going on | 05:43 |
DonPaulieone | nalioth: doesn't seem towork for me i tried that, i just jumped into a Virtual console for now | 05:43 |
SuperTails92 | k | 05:43 |
bytefoo | why won't my default resolution work :| | 05:43 |
anethema | opengl vendor string has to be ati/nvidia | 05:43 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell lancellor about fixres | 05:43 |
anethema | oh btw, breezy's new rez tool actually works, i love that | 05:43 |
anethema | heh | 05:43 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell bytefoo about fixres | 05:43 |
tylerdurden | ok now, i installed ut2k4, it worked fine but then i restarted my computer and it just wouldnt work anymore, theres a splash screen for a second and then its gone and nothing happens | 05:43 |
anethema | hoary i couldnt change my res except with ctrl-alt-+ | 05:44 |
bytefoo | thanks nalioth | 05:44 |
zrothe | what is the fglrx command for nvidia? | 05:44 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034091061.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lancellor | what is fix res | 05:44 |
twysted | tylerdurden try patching ut2k4 with the most current patch, itll fix it | 05:44 |
nalioth | lancellor: see you priv msg from ubotu | 05:44 |
tylerdurden | oh there r linux specific patches? i thought they were only for windows. ok thanks | 05:44 |
anethema | no there are linux patches | 05:44 |
=== BRuNNoPE [n=Brunno@201009152137.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
twysted | there are too linux patches | 05:45 |
twysted | go to the UT site | 05:45 |
anethema | thats what i said | 05:45 |
anethema | hehe | 05:45 |
twysted | and there are offical linux patches | 05:45 |
anethema | there are certainly linux patches | 05:45 |
twysted | oops | 05:45 |
twysted | :P | 05:45 |
lancellor | sorry thanks let me check thanks | 05:45 |
twysted | i misread anethema :S | 05:45 |
anethema | sok :D | 05:45 |
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delltony | is there any command in the terminal i can type that will tell me a process id if i put my mouse over a dialog box? | 05:46 |
anethema | good ole #ubuntu | 05:46 |
anethema | officially the most helpful linux channel ever | 05:46 |
anethema | you guys every try to get help in #linuxhelp on efnet? | 05:46 |
anethema | jesus | 05:46 |
anethema | haha | 05:46 |
satafterh | I have ubuntu and kubuntu installed. is there any way I can set them up so that there menu's do not so programs of the other, menu is getting cluttered | 05:46 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell satafterh about smeg | 05:47 |
tylerdurden | umm ok to the next thing lol, i feel like linux is very choppy, i mean lets say i open a new tab in firefox, the computer barely moves for a few seconds, its not like that in windows, why is that | 05:47 |
delltony | anethema, you have to be so called l33t to get help there which i think is bs | 05:47 |
anethema | yeah | 05:47 |
twysted | tylerdurden its a firefox issue | 05:47 |
HrdwrBob | satafterh: you could do it manually, but that would be a giant pain | 05:47 |
anethema | if you havent already read every doc on the part and know it in and out, and basically dont need help, THEN you can get help | 05:47 |
HrdwrBob | satafterh: in general it's intended that you pick one | 05:47 |
tylerdurden | well ubuntu by itself is very slow when it comes to opening menus aswell | 05:47 |
anethema | my Firefox doesnt do that at all. | 05:47 |
anethema | menus and firefox are both near instant | 05:48 |
anethema | firefox without TBE installed IS instant | 05:48 |
anethema | so it could be another issue | 05:48 |
HrdwrBob | tylerdurden: what video card, how much ram | 05:48 |
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tylerdurden | its as if im running on vega instead of an actuall 3d even though i have the ati drivers installed | 05:48 |
satafterh | yes i know i just like to try them both out to see which one suits me best | 05:48 |
PrimoTurbo | How do I install ati drivers on breezy? | 05:48 |
tylerdurden | i have a radeon 9200 128mb and 768 ram | 05:48 |
HrdwrBob | !ati | 05:48 |
ubotu | ati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 05:48 |
anethema | !faq | 05:48 |
ubotu | hmm... faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ | 05:48 |
PrimoTurbo | I found this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 05:48 |
anethema | http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ has better info | 05:48 |
anethema | click hardware, then ATI | 05:48 |
PrimoTurbo | but it says ati is already on breezy? | 05:48 |
anethema | much easier process | 05:48 |
anethema | PrimoTurbo, try that faq :) | 05:49 |
PrimoTurbo | also how do I remove a package by apt-get? | 05:49 |
anethema | apt-get remove <pkg> | 05:49 |
hondje | add --purge to get rid of conf files | 05:49 |
satafterh | if i uninstall kubuntu or ubuntu is there a way to unistall every part of desktop and software they install with out messing up the other | 05:49 |
=== darius___ [i=darius@c-67-171-44-101.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | yeah | 05:49 |
tylerdurden | i mean opening a single menu in ubuntu, it takes a few seconds for all the icons to load | 05:49 |
anethema | doh | 05:49 |
tylerdurden | shouldnt they remain in the memory already? | 05:49 |
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anethema | vid card drivers installed properly? | 05:50 |
darius___ | Can I upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10 with the installation CD or do I need to use update online? | 05:50 |
tylerdurden | me? yes | 05:50 |
anethema | how much ram? | 05:50 |
tylerdurden | me again? 768 | 05:50 |
anethema | yes you and doh | 05:50 |
anethema | heh | 05:50 |
nalioth | darius___: it's easier to do it over the network | 05:50 |
anethema | i dunno | 05:50 |
nalioth | darius___: but you can upgrade from the cd, if you wish | 05:50 |
anethema | this doesnt help you i know, but my menus and icons are instant in gnome | 05:50 |
anethema | and firefox is close | 05:50 |
tylerdurden | see? thats weird | 05:50 |
darius___ | nalioth: I already have the CD - is it still easier over network? | 05:50 |
anethema | darius___, | 05:50 |
anethema | just add the cd to your repos | 05:50 |
nalioth | darius___: yes, the pkgs are updated daily there | 05:50 |
tylerdurden | i think it might be my harddrive, its a little old and i dont want to use the new hard drive because windows is isntalled on it and im not going to give up on windows just yet | 05:51 |
anethema | then if it can be installed from the cd it will | 05:51 |
tylerdurden | could that be it? | 05:51 |
anethema | if not....it will dl it | 05:51 |
anethema | much faster if you have the cd | 05:51 |
anethema | wont dl unneccesary sh1t | 05:51 |
=== ztrikker_ [n=ztrikker@adsl-067-035-065-109.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | i doubt it tylerdurden but who knows | 05:51 |
=== P8ntKid [n=jon@pcp0011206788pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | anethema: no barnyard talk in here please | 05:51 |
tylerdurden | thats weird, since it was like this with ALL linuxs | 05:51 |
anethema | shiz ok? | 05:51 |
anethema | heheh | 05:51 |
darius___ | anethema: I will need to add the breezy sources to package management? | 05:52 |
anethema | yes | 05:52 |
anethema | change all instances of hoary to breezy in your sources.list | 05:52 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell darius___ about upgrade2breezy | 05:52 |
=== thechris [n=bob@24-182-235-40.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | then add the cd | 05:52 |
keb | tylerdurden did you allow for creating a swap partition when you installed? | 05:52 |
ztrikker_ | Whats the best bit torrent client for linux? | 05:52 |
tylerdurden | i dont think so | 05:52 |
tylerdurden | i just told it to format my harddrive and install it on it | 05:52 |
jimj | Hi, I installed fluxbox and am using it for my windowmanager. I still use gdm for login purposes. It seems that gdm is not reading my ~/.xsession to start things like idesk and fbpanel. Is this normal behavoir or is there something potentially obvious I am missing in getting my .xsession parsed by gdm? | 05:52 |
nalioth | ztrikker_: there are several available. use all of them, keep what you like | 05:52 |
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tylerdurden | ztrikker_ i find azeurus (spelling) the best | 05:53 |
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=== nige [n=nige@CPE-149-167-190-12.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperTails92 | IMO, I prefer bittornado-gui, but whatever... | 05:53 |
thechris | anyone know how to set up autologin in ubuntu? | 05:53 |
nige | how do i setup a fqdn in linux? | 05:53 |
anethema | yeah a second for azureus | 05:53 |
anethema | wicked program | 05:53 |
anethema | even if it is java based | 05:53 |
anethema | heh | 05:53 |
twysted | i like Azureus | 05:53 |
mhz | anyone with hands-on experience in netbooting via TFTP ?? | 05:54 |
HrdwrBob | azureus needs java and uses ram like a mofo | 05:54 |
HrdwrBob | aside from that it's good | 05:54 |
tylerdurden | so whats a swap partition? | 05:54 |
twysted | it doesnt use ram like a mofo on my ubuntu system | 05:54 |
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SuperTails92 | thechris: system->administration->login screen setup | 05:54 |
anethema | System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup | 05:54 |
anethema | yes | 05:54 |
anethema | heh | 05:54 |
anethema | in the general tab | 05:54 |
thechris | SuperTails92, thanks | 05:54 |
anethema | automatic login | 05:54 |
HrdwrBob | twysted: if you open more and larger torrents it does | 05:54 |
anethema | you quick bugger SuperTails92 :D | 05:54 |
thechris | don't suppose anyone knows anything about scanners. maybe it'll just work | 05:54 |
anethema | it uses a ton of ram on mine | 05:55 |
anethema | doh | 05:55 |
twysted | i have a 38 gb torrent going right now and a few smaller ones, works fine :) | 05:55 |
SuperTails92 | Meh, I'm accursed with dialup, and downloading the 12mb JRE is slightly too much.. | 05:55 |
=== joe_ [n=joe@ip68-8-206-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keb | tylerdurden a swap partition is needed when there are large apps like firefox, the system swaps them out when running other things | 05:55 |
anethema | heh maybe torrenting isnt for you ;) | 05:55 |
anethema | yes | 05:55 |
Ramah | ouch | 05:55 |
anethema | even with 10 gigs of ram i'd have a swap | 05:55 |
HrdwrBob | SuperTails92: if you have dialup, there's no need for torrents in any case :) | 05:55 |
thechris | SuperTails92, I tried that and gdmconfig exits with status 77 | 05:55 |
HrdwrBob | twysted: of course it WORKS | 05:55 |
nige | how do i setup a fqdn hostname? | 05:56 |
thechris | seems it worked anyways | 05:56 |
HrdwrBob | 10138 matt 20 5 516m 176m 10m S 8.6 17.5 560:51.62 java | 05:56 |
Ramah | I'm on dsl (used to have cable) it feels really slow to me only 90kbps d/l and 12k up.. its inhuman | 05:56 |
HrdwrBob | 176mb ram, that's a damn lot | 05:56 |
joe_ | twysted, i dl'ed and installed mozilla mplayer, and it sort of works then the site gets to about 27% buffer andjust stops | 05:56 |
nalioth | nige: ask your network administrator | 05:57 |
twysted | i dont know what to say then joe_ i dont do much graphically with ubuntu | 05:57 |
SuperTails92 | thechris: try again | 05:57 |
joe_ | mkay | 05:57 |
nalioth | joe_: it's easier to d/l the content onto your drive and play it there | 05:57 |
anethema | yeah | 05:57 |
anethema | i hate streaming | 05:57 |
anethema | haha | 05:57 |
keb | i download stuff and then use the command line mplayer for videos. my mplayer was compiled from source | 05:57 |
thechris | SuperTails92, it seems it made the changes, just gave an error on the exit. | 05:58 |
anethema | i use gmplayer, but it will works | 05:58 |
anethema | heh | 05:58 |
joe_ | explain a little pls nalioth? | 05:58 |
ztrikker_ | Im using Azureus now but i notice that on some torrents azureus doesnt see anyont but bittorrent or bittorando on windows does... | 05:58 |
SuperTails92 | Okay, then log out and back in for your autologin! | 05:58 |
joe_ | keb could you give me the command line ? | 05:58 |
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nalioth | joe_: download your movies, audio, etc to your hard drive. use mplayer, totem, vlc or whatever to play the content from your drive | 05:58 |
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anethema | you gotta look in the page source usually | 05:59 |
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keb | joe_ mplayer xxx.wmv ;) | 05:59 |
anethema | look for the apropriate movie file | 05:59 |
anethema | and dl it | 05:59 |
userubuntu | Alguem fala portugues? | 05:59 |
nalioth | !pt | 05:59 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 05:59 |
thechris | keb, xxx.wmv... how accurate. even guesse the filename | 05:59 |
anethema | no yo userubuntu :) | 05:59 |
keb | ahha | 05:59 |
joe_ | yty | 06:00 |
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=== regeya whips out his AFK-47 | ||
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@c-67-190-74-209.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | blough | 06:01 |
=== Xenguy melts the AFK-47 with a wand... | ||
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=== hector [n=hector@pc-253-190-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== SuperTails92 gives regeya a meltproof AFK-47 | ||
hector | hi | 06:01 |
thechris | Anyone Know of any good software for making greeting cards | 06:01 |
SuperTails92 | thechris: I'd use OpenOffice.Org Draw or Inkscape. | 06:02 |
SuperTails92 | But that's just me. | 06:02 |
anethema | who owns the name rights to openoffice anyways? | 06:02 |
keb | i'd use my hand and some coloured pens | 06:02 |
=== TylerDurden [n=Tyler@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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TylerDurden | hey guys how come I cant paste some files in my ut2k4 folder? it says i dont have permission although im sudo | 06:03 |
=== PrimoTurbo [n=PrimoTur@HSE-Ottawa-ppp162579.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thechris | looking into inkscape | 06:03 |
anethema | use sudo to change the permissions | 06:03 |
anethema | hehe | 06:03 |
TylerDurden | how come i need to do that for every folder? | 06:04 |
=== ztrikker_ is now known as ztrikker | ||
Termin8tor | I don't use ubuntu yet, but sudo is just like switching to root right? | 06:04 |
anethema | every folder? | 06:04 |
anethema | dunno | 06:04 |
TylerDurden | umm ok, well how can i make sure io actually sudo? | 06:04 |
SuperTails92 | thechris: I prefer OOo Draw myself, but openoffice is too large for my connection | 06:04 |
TylerDurden | btw im not using the terminal | 06:04 |
anethema | oh | 06:04 |
anethema | who knows then | 06:04 |
anethema | use the terminal | 06:04 |
anethema | hehe | 06:04 |
PrimoTurbo | Hey guys how come I don't see any fps output for glxgears? | 06:04 |
SuperTails92 | TylerDurden: use gksudo | 06:04 |
=== Nadien [n=Nadien@185-141-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PrimoTurbo | under breezy any idea? | 06:04 |
TylerDurden | well in users and groups i set myself to sudo | 06:04 |
anethema | im just beeing a jerk sorry heheh, i dont know how to use it except the terminal | 06:04 |
keb | PrimoTurbo it takes a while | 06:04 |
keb | PrimoTurbo did you launch it from a terminal? | 06:05 |
TylerDurden | whats gksudo? | 06:05 |
PrimoTurbo | yes | 06:05 |
anethema | keb i dont see it either | 06:05 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: hoary or breezy? | 06:05 |
anethema | ive left it running a long time | 06:05 |
PrimoTurbo | breezy | 06:05 |
anethema | no fps output | 06:05 |
anethema | not in breezy | 06:05 |
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PrimoTurbo | yes same here | 06:05 |
keb | oh it works in hoary | 06:05 |
anethema | yep | 06:05 |
anethema | works fine | 06:05 |
anethema | hehe | 06:05 |
anethema | in breezy the gears spin super slow in comparison and you dont see a fps output | 06:05 |
keb | too bad you cant do "setver hoary" :P | 06:05 |
anethema | PrimoTurbo, try fgl_glxgears | 06:05 |
TylerDurden | anthema so what can i do to make sure im sudo/root? | 06:05 |
anethema | TylerDurden, in the console | 06:06 |
anethema | do a sudo -s | 06:06 |
v3n0w | Please can anyone help me to configure grub to boot a windowns on hdb2? I know how to edit the grub, but what i put in? | 06:06 |
anethema | and if you get a hash prompt, you're root | 06:06 |
TylerDurden | it doesnt ask me for a password whever i try to access soemthing important, that means im sudo right? | 06:06 |
nalioth | whats the breezy glxgears command with the 'this is not a benchmark' line? | 06:06 |
=== DjKritical [n=idling@203-109-148-22.ihug.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PrimoTurbo | spins fast but no fps output | 06:06 |
anethema | only if you set sudo up that way | 06:06 |
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PrimoTurbo | for fgl_glxgears | 06:06 |
anethema | weird | 06:06 |
TylerDurden | well i rather not use terminal | 06:06 |
anethema | i get a fps output in the terminal | 06:06 |
ztrikker | glgears -iknowthisisnotabenchmark | 06:06 |
TylerDurden | its kinda old, reminds me of ms dos | 06:06 |
anethema | running fgl_glxgears | 06:06 |
ztrikker | glxgears -iknowthisisnotabenchmark | 06:07 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: see above ^^^ | 06:07 |
ztrikker | <---cant type | 06:07 |
TylerDurden | and i dont even know how to copy something and paste something iso i just rather do it with a gui | 06:07 |
GoClick | In installed apache (1.3.33) and libapache-mod-php4 and restarted the system and it keeps trying to send me the php file rather than parse it. Also the server's Server header is "Apache/1.3.33 (Debian GNU/Linux)" | 06:07 |
anethema | it is infinitly more powerful than dos | 06:07 |
=== Lord_Maynoth [n=chatzill@h183.54.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PrimoTurbo | Warrning: unknown parameter: -iknowthisisnotabenchmark | 06:07 |
TylerDurden | heh but its still all commands which i dont like | 06:07 |
anethema | to copy directories in the console | 06:07 |
v3n0w | Please can anyone help me to configure grub to boot a windowns on hdb2? I know how to edit the grub, but what i put in? | 06:07 |
anethema | use cp -r | 06:08 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: use two -- | 06:08 |
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PrimoTurbo | nope | 06:08 |
anethema | heh i dont think that is the command | 06:08 |
TylerDurden | what do i put after the -r? | 06:08 |
PrimoTurbo | yes I saw the post on it on google | 06:08 |
PrimoTurbo | some it having a joke | 06:08 |
GoClick | Someone once said "The CLI is the GUI what English is to Hieroglyphics" | 06:09 |
keb | maybe you can recompile glxgears from source? | 06:09 |
PrimoTurbo | bah this is bad they removed the damn fps | 06:09 |
PrimoTurbo | too much work | 06:09 |
anethema | from the console run fgl_glxgears | 06:09 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: you can see the fps, i just dont know the exact command | 06:09 |
anethema | should see fps | 06:09 |
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Lord_Maynoth | so how exactly is add/remove programs in breezy different from hoary?????????????????????????????? | 06:10 |
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TylerDurden | i dont see fps either and with that iacnknowledgeblahblah command my computer freezes | 06:10 |
v3n0w | Im using a V92 0.44C modem, what i can do, to do work the modem?? | 06:10 |
nalioth | anethema: is fgl_glxgears a common program or limited to ati? | 06:10 |
GoClick | Anyone know why PHP isn't working? | 06:10 |
zrothe | Hey guys.. I am getting some machine noises through my speakers... can someone help me pinpoint what it is? It sounds like an okidata printer. | 06:10 |
anethema | uhh not sure but i believe it may be ati | 06:10 |
anethema | installed a long time ago | 06:10 |
ztrikker | ok i just found it , sorry about that.... glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark | 06:10 |
anethema | yeah its gotta be ati | 06:10 |
anethema | never even though | 06:10 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: there ya go | 06:10 |
anethema | hey | 06:11 |
anethema | working | 06:11 |
anethema | how about that | 06:11 |
anethema | ehhe | 06:11 |
v3n0w | Please can anyone help me to configure grub to boot a windowns on hdb2? I know how to edit the grub, but what i put in? | 06:11 |
zrothe | anyone? | 06:11 |
anethema | whoa | 06:11 |
anethema | over 6000 | 06:11 |
anethema | that is over double what i got with hoary | 06:11 |
anethema | hahah | 06:11 |
PrimoTurbo | works now | 06:11 |
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | new ati driver | 06:11 |
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TylerDurden | ugh im getting 1208 | 06:11 |
PrimoTurbo | 3400 here but i'm updating | 06:11 |
ztrikker | I get 4500 | 06:11 |
TylerDurden | how come mine is so low?! | 06:11 |
ztrikker | what card do you ahve? | 06:11 |
ztrikker | have | 06:11 |
TylerDurden | radeon 9200 | 06:11 |
Dr_Willis | it needs viagra | 06:11 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 06:11 |
anethema | thats why | 06:11 |
anethema | hahah | 06:11 |
anethema | 9200 is a very low end card. | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | 32500 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6499.928 FPS | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | 21355 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4270.611 FPS | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | 21011 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4202.117 FPS | 06:12 |
ztrikker | yeah im on a 9800 pro | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | 9700 Pro here | 06:12 |
TylerDurden | oh i expected about 3000 at least | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | why is it going up and down so much | 06:12 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: dont paste in here | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | my bad | 06:12 |
anethema | PrimoTurbo, | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | yes | 06:12 |
anethema | focus on the window | 06:12 |
anethema | it will stabilize | 06:12 |
Dr_Willis | cover the window with another window.. :P and watch it raise | 06:12 |
anethema | its because its not visible, fps goes up | 06:12 |
ztrikker | and glxgears isnt a real good benchmark...gamewise that is | 06:12 |
anethema | definitely not | 06:12 |
SuseUX | get a desent card like a nvidia one :-) | 06:12 |
anethema | just a good indicator if 3d stuff is working or not | 06:12 |
PrimoTurbo | i see now | 06:13 |
PrimoTurbo | getting 4000 | 06:13 |
PrimoTurbo | around there | 06:13 |
TylerDurden | so guys can someone tell me how to paste something in a folder that says i dont have permission? but im sudo so thats weird | 06:13 |
v3n0w | Please can anyone help me to configure grub to boot a windowns on hdb2? I know how to edit the grub, but what i put in? | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, you ran the filemanager as root? | 06:13 |
ztrikker | you typing sudo before the command? | 06:13 |
TylerDurden | what do u mean? | 06:13 |
TylerDurden | im not using console | 06:13 |
TylerDurden | terminal i mean | 06:13 |
TylerDurden | im trying to paste using the gui | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, so you loged in as a user? | 06:13 |
userubuntu | Im using a V92 044C modem, what i can do, to do work the modem?? | 06:13 |
TylerDurden | im sudo because in users and groups i set myself as sudo | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, windows xp was installed to that drive where it was at? or has it moved? | 06:14 |
Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, it dont work that way as far as i know. | 06:14 |
TylerDurden | oh really? how come | 06:14 |
Dr_Willis | because thats not how it works. :P | 06:14 |
toky | tyler: go to terminal | 06:14 |
Lord_Maynoth | anyone here running breezy??????????????/ | 06:14 |
TylerDurden | is there anything greater? is root great than sudo? or maybe sys | 06:14 |
toky | sudo nautilus | 06:14 |
anethema | Lord_Maynoth, many ppl are | 06:14 |
PrimoTurbo | Which torrent client do u people use? | 06:14 |
nalioth | Lord_Maynoth: control your wild ?s please | 06:14 |
PrimoTurbo | I am running breezy | 06:15 |
Dr_Willis | what we have here is some knowledge of linux fundamentals needed :P | 06:15 |
Lord_Maynoth | cool | 06:15 |
userubuntu | Im using a V92 044C modem, what i can do, to do work the modem?? | 06:15 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell TylerDurden about cli | 06:15 |
Hobbsee | I'm also running breezy | 06:15 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, win is on hdb2 and linux on hda1... When i install linux the other hd was not conected | 06:15 |
Lord_Maynoth | can you tell me what the difference in the add remove programs is between breezy and hoary... thanks... | 06:15 |
Mustard5 | ubotu: tell userubuntu about dialup | 06:15 |
ztrikker | whats the console command to run the file browser in gnome? | 06:15 |
Dr_Willis | sudo - means "run this program as the user (root) normally" that settg you set - says who can do 'sudo' stuff. | 06:15 |
toky | got it tylerdurden? | 06:15 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, when you installed windows - where was that hd? | 06:15 |
TylerDurden | yeah thanks, but why do i need to do that everytime? isnt there a simpler way to remain sudo/root? | 06:16 |
DonPaulieone | lord_maynoth: it's n00b friendly for adding programs, as opposed to using apt | 06:16 |
Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, simpler perhaps-- but that could be VERY dangerous.. | 06:16 |
toky | security | 06:16 |
Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, just one typo as root = no system. | 06:16 |
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TylerDurden | lol im not concered about security | 06:16 |
Lord_Maynoth | well i know that already but I heard that breezy's version was different than hoary's | 06:16 |
Lord_Maynoth | I was just wondering what those differences were | 06:16 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, where??? in my computer :) | 06:16 |
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Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, and the moment you trashed your system you would be yelling at us. :P | 06:16 |
keb | TylerDurden you can do a "sudo /bin/bash" and keep the terminal open | 06:16 |
anethema | there is no 'add remove programs' in hoary | 06:16 |
anethema | its new to breezy | 06:16 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, where as in on the cable chain/position. | 06:17 |
anethema | its jsut a synaptic frontend for noobs | 06:17 |
nalioth | keb: sudo -s is a better option | 06:17 |
DonPaulieone | lord_maynoth: i don't remember using it on hoary, i just jumped unbuntu full time, but i like it so far :) | 06:17 |
keb | ok | 06:17 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, master | 06:17 |
anethema | it doesnt exist in hoary | 06:17 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, so it had xp installed on it - where it exists now? | 06:17 |
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v3n0w | Dr_Willis, slave (hdb2) | 06:17 |
Dr_Willis | ie: you never removed the drive and put it in another slot/conector. | 06:17 |
Dr_Willis | or moved the cable over. | 06:17 |
Lord_Maynoth | (thinks... I remember an add remove programs option in hoary... if I'm not mistaken | 06:18 |
Dr_Willis | XP can be VERY picky about where it boots from. | 06:18 |
anethema | you are mistaken sort of | 06:18 |
anethema | there is synaptic | 06:18 |
anethema | with which, you can add and remove programs | 06:18 |
SuseUX | ahhhh, running 2.6.14-rc3-ck1 kernel in 5.10, nice and nippy :-) | 06:18 |
anethema | but the actual add/remove programs thing is new for breezy | 06:18 |
ztrikker | cant he just make a launcher icon that runs "sudo nautilus" ? | 06:18 |
delltony | anyone now what how to find the process id of gstreamer to see if its loaded cause i have a feeling my dialog issue with this annoying volume dialog is part of gstreamer | 06:18 |
delltony | i tried pgrep gstreamer and ps -aux | grep gstreamer | 06:18 |
=== calamari [n=calamari@ip68-226-23-83.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | i was sort of suprised at the new add/programs thing in brezzy thing . it worked good for me. | 06:18 |
DonPaulieone | synatic is a front end for apt, this add/remove is "similar" to that of windoze XP. easier and more detailed for the linux newbie | 06:18 |
Dr_Willis | ztrikker, he could.. but it would want the root password entered some how. | 06:19 |
nalioth | ztrikker: allowing nautilus root priveleges can really tear up your userspace | 06:19 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, men..... in other distro that uses lilo, i only put to boot on /hdb2 | 06:19 |
Lord_Maynoth | hmm I remember a nice front end that let me add/remove firefox evolution etc... and I could also use synaptic... oh well its no biggie it will be out in 4-5 days anywhi and I can see for myself | 06:19 |
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ztrikker | ah , i see. | 06:19 |
DonPaulieone | lord_maynoth: running Breezy RC via dist-upgrade so far so good. | 06:20 |
breakthestate | taint | 06:20 |
GoClick | !php | 06:20 |
ubotu | See !lamp | 06:20 |
GoClick | !php4 | 06:20 |
ubotu | GoClick: Do they come in packets of five? | 06:20 |
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GoClick | !lamp | 06:20 |
ubotu | rumour has it, lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 06:20 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell GoClick about msg the bot | 06:20 |
v3n0w | Please can anyone help me to configure grub to boot a windownsXP on hdb2? I know how to edit the grub, but what i put in? | 06:20 |
DonPaulieone | "one" of the standard, thought it was THE standard ;) | 06:20 |
=== TylerDurden [n=Tyler@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Dr_Willis | v3n0w, if you never changed the positon of the hd in the machine/cable - a simple 3 line grub entry (or so) should boot it. | 06:21 |
TylerDurden | ugh ok so i downloaded the ut2k4 patch, overwrote the files nad still no luck, just a splash screen that goes away in a second | 06:21 |
TylerDurden | ut2k4 worked fine before i restarted my computer | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis | or ya could just do like i do and tell the bios/mechine what hd to boot. and bypass grub to get to windows | 06:21 |
anethema | Very often you need to do that trick | 06:21 |
anethema | setting it to 0x80 for the boot | 06:21 |
=== joe_ [n=joe@ip68-8-206-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | in grub | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis | anethema, if he never moved the drive.. then i dont think he has do to the moving 0x80 to 0x83 trick | 06:22 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, yes.. i know bypass grub.... but... hdb2 = hd(?,?) | 06:22 |
Dr_Willis | a=0 | 06:22 |
Dr_Willis | grub starts numbering at 0 :P | 06:22 |
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SuseUX | TylerDurden, what does the readout say when you launch from console? | 06:22 |
Dr_Willis | hda1 = hd0,0 | 06:22 |
Dr_Willis | hdb1 = hd1,0 | 06:22 |
TylerDurden | can u tell me how to launch from console? | 06:22 |
joe_ | keb, i need to install codecs, how do i dothat? | 06:22 |
TylerDurden | im just double clicking the desktop icon, not sure how to launch through terminal | 06:23 |
SuseUX | just type ut2004 | 06:23 |
Dr_Willis | grub also ignores the cdrom drive (normally) i think | 06:23 |
keb | joe_ download them and untar them to /usr/local/lib/codecs | 06:23 |
TylerDurden | Can't find 'ini:Engine.Engine.GameEngine' in configuration file | 06:23 |
TylerDurden | History: | 06:23 |
TylerDurden | Exiting due to error | 06:23 |
Mustard5 | so hdb2 = hd1,1 ? | 06:23 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell joe_ about w32codecs | 06:23 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: dont paste in here, please | 06:23 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, so hdb2 = hd(1,1)? Its dont work.... Can be because i move the Jumper... from master to slave on hd that have winxp??? | 06:23 |
TylerDurden | oh sorry, can i ask why? and you asked me for output so thats what i did | 06:23 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, id been asking IF you had anything like that... | 06:24 |
SuseUX | seems you have a missing line! | 06:24 |
durt | how do i change the look of gtk1 apps (ie, i want to make xmms look better) | 06:24 |
calamari | are there alternate repositories besides archive.ubuntu.com? | 06:24 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: read the /topic. Pasting is considered rude. we have #flood or pastebins available | 06:24 |
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Dr_Willis | v3n0w, then you got to do some remaping in the grub options to get the thing back where xp thinks it Should be.. i belive | 06:24 |
TylerDurden | so how am i supposed to tell you what my output is? | 06:24 |
calamari | I mean mirrors :) | 06:24 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, jsut delete the .ini file and start it up again | 06:24 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, but i tell u... the when i install win the hd was master... e now if is hdb is slave.... | 06:24 |
kakean_doso | asu | 06:24 |
=== otter [n=otter@cpe-066-057-248-055.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
otter | re | 06:25 |
Mustard5 | TylerDurden, you paste it in the pastebin or at #flood | 06:25 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell TylerDurden about pastebin | 06:25 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, my advice.. put it back as master.. it will be easier to make linux boot off being the slave. | 06:25 |
TylerDurden | ok thanks ill look into that. sorry again | 06:25 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, so grub sux man.... The lilo do it so easy | 06:25 |
otter | can anyone tell me how to get the GUI running from the $ prompt? | 06:25 |
SuseUX | the file is in .ut2004 | 06:25 |
TylerDurden | SuseUX, i dont have an ini file | 06:25 |
nalioth | otter: startx | 06:26 |
Mustard5 | TylerDurden, it keeps the channel from moving too fast with cut and paste activity...just an ettiquete thing | 06:26 |
=== John2583 [n=john@ip-152010150091.ess.appstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, actually its you moving it and xp thts to blame.. | 06:26 |
Dr_Willis | you;d need similer thing with lilo | 06:26 |
=== PrimoTurbo [n=PrimoTur@HSE-Ottawa-ppp162579.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | heres - sort of how ya need to do it ---> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-57108.html | 06:27 |
John2583 | is there a specific channel for amd64 support? | 06:27 |
otter | nalioth: "error while loading shared libraries: libXmuu.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" | 06:27 |
nalioth | John2583: you're in it | 06:27 |
John2583 | ok then | 06:27 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, yes... but in conf of lilo.. have the command to do that... in grub not :( | 06:27 |
nalioth | otter: something is bodgered in your box | 06:27 |
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John2583 | i'm running 5.10 preview amd64 i want to install mplayer i've tried apt-get install mplayer-amd64 but it says no package found | 06:28 |
nalioth | John2583: you'll need to build it from source | 06:28 |
John2583 | oh ok | 06:28 |
v3n0w | Anyone knows the line to boot a winxp on grub that was moved master to slave???? | 06:28 |
John2583 | well that i can do | 06:28 |
TylerDurden | SuseUX, i dont see a .ini file in the ut2004 dir | 06:28 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, you must be using some lilo ive NEVER used befor.. or you are refering to the lilo menu that was just set up to do the same thing as the grub menu can be set to do. | 06:28 |
Dr_Willis | Grub is one of those tools thats worth spending a few hrs reading and learning about. | 06:29 |
SuseUX | Is it gurb or ubuntu's fault that it cannot see symlinks to a kernel in /boot? | 06:29 |
SuseUX | grub* | 06:29 |
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Dr_Willis | v3n0w, the url http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-57108.html shows the grub entry you will need to add. (may need the hd #'s changed) | 06:29 |
ztrikker | anyone have problems playing ogm files... mine are running really choppy, im playing them from a dvd | 06:30 |
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str | hello people | 06:30 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, it's in /.ut2004 | 06:30 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, hmm.. in gentoo they had a symlink from /boot/boot to /boot for some reason. :P not sure why.. | 06:30 |
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TylerDurden | im there but there is not ini file | 06:30 |
str | my firefox is not working anymore | 06:30 |
anethema | ive found the 0x80 thing is very often needed | 06:30 |
otter | nalioth: df = disk full :( | 06:30 |
delltony | anyone running kde and know how to get a dialog box "Volume" from showing up in the cente rof my screen and not going away i would appreciate the help (thanks in advance) | 06:30 |
str | how to fix this? | 06:30 |
Hobbsee | str: more detail? | 06:30 |
nalioth | otter: make room make room | 06:30 |
keb | str what do you mean not working | 06:30 |
str | when i'm clicking the firefox icon - simply it doesn't open | 06:31 |
Dr_Willis | anethema, aprently grub has a " map (hd1) (hd0) | 06:31 |
Dr_Willis | map (hd0) (hd1) " options | 06:31 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, strange how I set symlinks to bzImage and system.map, didnot see the files on boot | 06:31 |
anethema | yes | 06:31 |
str | is there any way i can uninstall and install this? | 06:31 |
anethema | thats the command to which im refering | 06:31 |
TylerDurden | SuseUX whats the full name of the .ini file? | 06:31 |
str | i'm using apt-get to update/upgrade but it showing also problem | 06:31 |
TylerDurden | is it ut2004? | 06:32 |
SuseUX | ut2004.ini I thing, cannot remember, dont have it installed yet | 06:32 |
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TylerDurden | becuase i dont see any file that ends with.ini and ut2004 is the only one without an extantion | 06:32 |
anethema | its UT2004.ini | 06:33 |
EscapedApe | can anyone offer some help as to how I would get an FTP server up on my box? | 06:33 |
TylerDurden | ok ty | 06:33 |
SuseUX | must be that then | 06:33 |
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str | in my warning status in the top - it show i have 2 package needs to update and it is the firefox | 06:33 |
MrFish | uhh... | 06:33 |
MrFish | oO | 06:33 |
nalioth | str: so update | 06:33 |
zrothe | Anyone using a mx310? | 06:33 |
anethema | and User.ini | 06:34 |
MrFish | where is seth? | 06:34 |
str | but when i'm updating it bring me error | 06:34 |
MrFish | seth_k | 06:34 |
Jedrick | my taskbar freezed, why is that? | 06:34 |
anethema | what kind of error | 06:34 |
anethema | be specific | 06:34 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, i think ive seen similer things done befor.... | 06:34 |
lonzo | wusup all | 06:34 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, i will do that have in the site.... thanks | 06:34 |
=== MrFish has that sucky Windows carp. | ||
anethema | Jedrick: do killall gnome-panel | 06:34 |
str | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:34 |
str | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:34 |
str | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:34 |
anethema | should fix itselt | 06:34 |
str | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 06:34 |
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anethema | str not in here | 06:34 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, so it's a grub thing then, not used grub for a while, seems only likes the file not a link | 06:34 |
Jedrick | ok then after? | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | str: pastebin | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | !tell str about repositories | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | there | 06:34 |
anethema | sorry thats partly my fault haha | 06:34 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, i think ive seen other disrtos use symlinks befor | 06:34 |
anethema | meant for him to explain the error not paste in here | 06:35 |
Jedrick | how to start back the gnome panel | 06:35 |
zrothe | I cannot for the life of me get my mouse side buttons and mouse wheel to work. i have a mx310 | 06:35 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, yer, lilo | 06:35 |
TylerDurden | GAH! great now ut2k4 wont work, it says that ut2004 is missing | 06:35 |
TylerDurden | that wasnt the .ini | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | zrothe: checked google? | 06:35 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, gentoo uses a symlink to boot even.. and it worked with grub. | 06:35 |
MrFish | ... | 06:35 |
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Jedrick | anethema: how to start the gnome panel back | 06:35 |
zrothe | I did | 06:35 |
anethema | it should restart | 06:35 |
nalioth | str: please dont paste in here | 06:35 |
str | i was dc | 06:35 |
str | i'm sorry | 06:35 |
Jedrick | ok thnx | 06:36 |
Jedrick | i try | 06:36 |
anethema | str those errors are because you have backports from breezy in your sources.list and it doesnt apply for breezy | 06:36 |
str | ok; so what should i do? | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | read what the bot sent you, str | 06:36 |
TylerDurden | does anyone have ut2k4 installed nad could please send me ut2004? just one file | 06:36 |
anethema | Jedrick, if not just run gnome-panel | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | !tell str about repositories | 06:36 |
nalioth | anethema: actually, mirrormax is no longer up at all | 06:36 |
anethema | str, just remove those backports from your repositories | 06:36 |
Jedrick | ok thnx it just started back | 06:36 |
anethema | nalioth, that too :) | 06:36 |
Jedrick | :) | 06:36 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, weird then because the copies only work, not the symlinks | 06:36 |
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anethema | symlinks are like....pif files | 06:37 |
anethema | they only point to a file | 06:37 |
str | ok; i'll try | 06:37 |
MrFish | ... | 06:37 |
anethema | use a hard link if you need to make a real copy | 06:37 |
MrFish | where is seth_k? | 06:37 |
MrFish | that Ubuntu user | 06:37 |
str | where to find again that file config to change the repositories? | 06:37 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, what filesystem is /boot on for you? | 06:37 |
tritium | !seen seth_k | 06:37 |
ubotu | seth_k <n=seth_k@asmallorange.com> was last seen on IRC in channel #kubuntu, 2d 8h 12m ago, saying: ':)'. | 06:37 |
Jedrick | how to kill a freezed program, e.g a browser that stops running and i want to kill it, how? | 06:37 |
MrFish | :O | 06:37 |
anethema | jedediah, killall <executable name> | 06:38 |
nalioth | Jedrick: alt-f2, enter xkill. the next thing your pointer touches, dies | 06:38 |
TylerDurden | ok well no one helps me. i deleted that ut2004 file, now it says it cant find it. is there a way to restore it? | 06:38 |
toky | Jedrick: in terminal killx | 06:38 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, reiserfs | 06:38 |
Jedrick | ok thnx all :) | 06:38 |
str | what file to change the repositories please | 06:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell str about backports | 06:39 |
nalioth | str: check your msgs from ubotu | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, Bingo. :P | 06:39 |
str | ok | 06:39 |
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Dr_Willis | SuseUX, i think grub has an issue with reiserfs -- at least i recall it having an issue in the past. | 06:39 |
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MrFish | ubotu? | 06:40 |
MrFish | oO | 06:40 |
Ramah | anyone possibly have experience with lfs? | 06:40 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, hey but in the forum, the hda1 apears to be hd(1,0).... no??? | 06:40 |
anethema | works fine with my reiserfs | 06:40 |
nalioth | Ramah: #lfs | 06:40 |
Dr_Willis | grub emumerates drives normally in the hd(x,y) format | 06:40 |
Dr_Willis | skipping cdrom drives and starting at 0 | 06:40 |
DonPaulieone | g'nite all | 06:40 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, I always wondered way some people use cp instead of ln -s for there kernel files | 06:40 |
eythian | Anyone use the Ubuntu version of Psi and know how to get the toolbar buttons back? | 06:40 |
Ramah | ya #lfs is a dead channel I've been in there the last 4 hours | 06:41 |
Dr_Willis | SuseUX, i just make the boot menus use the actual file names. :P | 06:41 |
SuseUX | Dr_Willis, that explains it | 06:41 |
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anethema | can use a hard link also works | 06:41 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, hmm so hda1 = hd(0,1)... so the site is wrong... or u | 06:41 |
anethema | and hard links also dont take up space | 06:41 |
anethema | and are more low-level friendly | 06:42 |
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Dr_Willis | grub starts at 0.. so hda1 = hd(0,0) i think :P | 06:42 |
anethema | and if you delete your kenel somehow you have a copy | 06:42 |
SuseUX | anethema, hard link, not familier with that? | 06:42 |
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Dr_Willis | a hard link is identical to the file. :) | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | or so i read. | 06:42 |
anethema | yeah kinda | 06:42 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, :( | 06:42 |
anethema | but points to the same file | 06:42 |
anethema | like a symlink | 06:42 |
anethema | but you could 'delete' the original | 06:43 |
SuseUX | whats the command for a hard link? | 06:43 |
HrdwrBob | a hard link IS a fine | 06:43 |
anethema | and the hard link would still work | 06:43 |
HrdwrBob | file | 06:43 |
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anethema | so is a sym link | 06:43 |
anethema | in text format | 06:43 |
HrdwrBob | a file is a hard link, it's just that there's only one | 06:43 |
anethema | yes thats true:) | 06:43 |
anethema | but making a (second) hard link takes up no more space | 06:43 |
HrdwrBob | yes | 06:43 |
str | okei i added now deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 06:43 |
HrdwrBob | but there's no logical difference between them | 06:43 |
anethema | well sort of | 06:43 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | Anybody know how I can get Ubuntu to recognize my external USB hard drive enclosure? | 06:43 |
anethema | cant hard link off-device | 06:44 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, the line map (hd1) (hd0) is remaping the 2nd hd to appear as the first one.. (remap 1 to 0) | 06:44 |
HrdwrBob | a hard link is simply a name for an inode that has >1 references | 06:44 |
str | when i apt-get update; it gives me Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 06:44 |
satafterh | is there a disk defragmentor for linux or is that not and issue?? | 06:44 |
HrdwrBob | a symlink is completely different | 06:44 |
SuperTails92 | non issue | 06:44 |
HrdwrBob | a symlink is a name based reference | 06:44 |
Hobbsee | str: the hoary backports dont work...that's what the bot told you | 06:44 |
anethema | yeah | 06:44 |
satafterh | thanks | 06:44 |
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SuseUX | satafterh, dont need one | 06:44 |
anethema | but like i said, cant hard link off device so they are a bit diff | 06:44 |
str | wtf - sowie | 06:44 |
SuperTails92 | ext2/3 keeps itself rather defragmented nicely | 06:44 |
str | poor me | 06:44 |
anethema | a sym link can also point to somehting that isnt even there | 06:44 |
HrdwrBob | yes they're totally different | 06:44 |
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TeLeKiNeSiS | Anybody know how I can get Ubuntu to recognize my external USB hard drive enclosure? | 06:45 |
SuseUX | people still using ext, wow :-) | 06:45 |
HrdwrBob | it's like a reference | 06:45 |
anethema | TeLeKiNeSiS, should just work, plug er in | 06:45 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | I did but it doesn't appear in the FIle System | 06:45 |
HrdwrBob | the difference between the actual variable and a pointer to the variable | 06:45 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | Device Manager recognizes it | 06:45 |
anethema | yeah, there is data on the hdd..each hard link you see, including the 'original' is just a pointer to the date | 06:45 |
anethema | r | 06:45 |
Hobbsee | TeLeKiNeSiS: yeah, you will need to mount it | 06:45 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | how? | 06:46 |
Hobbsee | http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ch05.html#id3155622 | 06:46 |
John2583 | i need gcc 2.9x or gcc 3 for compiling mplayer, how can i get it ? | 06:46 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | ok | 06:46 |
anethema | it really should mount by itself by default | 06:46 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | thanks | 06:46 |
anethema | check on your desktop for an icon | 06:46 |
nalioth | John2583: use synaptic | 06:46 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | no icon | 06:46 |
anethema | ah | 06:46 |
anethema | yeah | 06:46 |
Hobbsee | TeLeKiNeSiS: change it to the correct place the drive is mounted | 06:46 |
John2583 | when i enter my password in synaptic it says incorrect but i know it's right | 06:47 |
anethema | mount it then | 06:47 |
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anethema | will be /dev/sda1 unless you have sata drives | 06:47 |
odat | hi everyone | 06:47 |
anethema | or scsi stuff | 06:47 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | ok | 06:47 |
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odat | been off a linux for awhile forgot some stuff | 06:47 |
John2583 | nalioth, it says bad password but i know it's right | 06:47 |
nalioth | John2583: from a terminal type "sudo synaptic" | 06:47 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | Thanks GUYS | 06:47 |
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odat | what is the command to create a symlink again? | 06:47 |
anethema | ln -s | 06:47 |
odat | k thanks | 06:47 |
anethema | ln -s <target> <name of link> | 06:48 |
John2583 | nalioth, ok i've got synaptic running | 06:48 |
SuseUX | anethema, talk of the devil :-) | 06:48 |
anethema | devil? | 06:48 |
nalioth | John2583: search for "gcc" in 'names' | 06:48 |
SuseUX | it's a saying, I guess your not familier :-) | 06:48 |
anethema | i am, just not sure what you're refering to | 06:48 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, o that is i think so... But why in the forum there is a line: map (hd1) (hd0) and after a line: map (hd0) (hd1) | 06:48 |
SuseUX | symlinks | 06:48 |
str | folks, apt-get update is now OK; but when i go apt-get upgrade it says "Unable to lock the download directory" | 06:48 |
anethema | i still dont follow | 06:49 |
anethema | hehe | 06:49 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, But i will try.... to see what heppens | 06:49 |
SuseUX | someone asked as we where talking :-) | 06:49 |
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anethema | oh | 06:49 |
anethema | heh | 06:49 |
anethema | yeah | 06:49 |
Dr_Willis | v3n0w, swap #1 to be #2.. and swap #2 to be #1 ie: swap them :P | 06:49 |
anethema | gotcha now :) | 06:49 |
Dr_Willis | http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html | 06:49 |
SuseUX | hehe | 06:49 |
Dr_Willis | err switch them is what its doingin the bios | 06:49 |
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hector | hi | 06:50 |
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, swap? why swap when booting a windows!? | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis | first hd first partion would be hd(0,0) :P i checked.. | 06:50 |
SuseUX | I just cannot live without my -ck kernel :-) | 06:50 |
anethema | oops, splitty | 06:50 |
anethema | whats -ck | 06:50 |
jeff_ | damn freenode | 06:50 |
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jeff_ | Con Kolivas = ck | 06:50 |
anethema | whats kolivas | 06:50 |
jeff_ | It is an experimental kernal with some cool patches | 06:50 |
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Dr_Willis | v3n0w, dont swap them.. and see how mad xp gets when it tryes to run from a different 'position' it will think it installed to the C: but is now on D: or E: | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis | when in doubt.. try it out. | 06:50 |
jeff_ | He is a guy | 06:50 |
anethema | ah | 06:50 |
SuseUX | it's a kernel much better for the desktop | 06:50 |
anethema | feel like giving me a highlight or two? | 06:51 |
Dr_Willis | make several grub entryes that try swaping and not - see what one works. | 06:51 |
anethema | major feature change over default ubuntu kernel | 06:51 |
anethema | heh | 06:51 |
John2583 | nalioth, ok thanks | 06:51 |
SuseUX | much more responsive | 06:51 |
fr500 | SuseUX, what kernel? | 06:51 |
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SuseUX | 2.6.14-rc3-ck1 | 06:51 |
anethema | responsive... | 06:51 |
SuseUX | indeed | 06:52 |
anethema | like menus? i dont seem to have responsiveness problems? | 06:52 |
jeff_ | responsive as in lower latency for things like audio | 06:52 |
jeff_ | better multimedia experience | 06:52 |
=== lampshade [n=42zeros@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v3n0w | Dr_Willis, o so i will try and i tell u | 06:52 |
anethema | you compiled it? or is there a pkg | 06:52 |
str | please help - i need my browser back - i'm not able to even search in the internet to solve this - irc is my only hope | 06:52 |
lampshade | hey anyone know an eta for Breezy? I know they are close but I'm just curious | 06:52 |
anethema | whats the prob str | 06:52 |
str | how to make firefox runs again | 06:52 |
tritium | lampshade, the 13th | 06:52 |
anethema | oct 13 i think | 06:52 |
jeff_ | lampshade, read the roadmap. It is the 13th | 06:53 |
anethema | why doesnt it run..error? | 06:53 |
str | still i'm not able to update firefox | 06:53 |
anethema | you in hoary / | 06:53 |
anethema | or breezy | 06:53 |
Dr_Willis | the documention on grub http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html is very well done.. :P im rereading it now.. | 06:53 |
str | hoary | 06:53 |
anethema | ok | 06:53 |
SuseUX | anethema, compiled it | 06:53 |
anethema | and your problem is the backports | 06:53 |
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str | i did remove it already | 06:53 |
anethema | ok | 06:53 |
anethema | need to add the new backports | 06:54 |
anethema | did you do that? | 06:54 |
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str | can we just uninstall firefox and install again? | 06:54 |
anethema | yes | 06:54 |
nomasteryoda|w | !tell nomasteryoda about backports | 06:54 |
nalioth | str: in a terminal type "sudo apt-get -f install" DONT add backports | 06:54 |
str | yes, i already remove the backports | 06:54 |
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jeff_ | or sudo apt-get install reinstall | 06:54 |
str | okei nalioth; i'll try it | 06:54 |
str | thanks | 06:54 |
anethema | dont add backports? then you wont get 1.0.7 | 06:54 |
anethema | but yeah | 06:55 |
nalioth | anethema: backports are trouble | 06:55 |
anethema | -f should fix your problem | 06:55 |
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anethema | they can be forsure :) | 06:55 |
nalioth | anethema: 'new' doesnt necessarily mean 'better' | 06:55 |
anethema | also true | 06:55 |
anethema | then again, i'm using beta breezy here | 06:55 |
anethema | haha | 06:55 |
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lampshade | breezy uses gcc4 by default right? Or did I make that up | 06:55 |
SuseUX | anyone use a proper brower like galeon? :-D | 06:55 |
nalioth | lampshade: correct | 06:55 |
Hobbsee | lol @ naethema, same here, and using kde 3.5 beta, so i'm askign for trouble! | 06:56 |
nalioth | SuseUX: i use non FF browsers | 06:56 |
odat | ok i am doing something wrong with the symlink thing | 06:56 |
SuperTails92 | I use Epiphany. | 06:56 |
SuseUX | ahhh nice | 06:56 |
Hobbsee | *lol @ anethema, same here, and using kde 3.5 beta, so i'm askign for trouble! | 06:56 |
odat | i'm doing ln -s <target where i want it to go> <name of file> what am i doing wrong? | 06:56 |
anethema | 4.0.2 | 06:56 |
anethema | is default in breezy | 06:56 |
SuseUX | such a underrated browser Galeon is | 06:56 |
str | sirs, still no luck | 06:57 |
=== alexcamilo [n=alexcami@KAMIRO87-01.WIFI.WPI.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | Hobbsee, it has a nice sound server bug that locks your machine up :-) | 06:57 |
str | after sudo apt-get -f install firefox, what should i do? | 06:58 |
anethema | what did it say | 06:58 |
anethema | fixed? | 06:58 |
anethema | installed? | 06:58 |
nalioth | and dont paste in here | 06:58 |
anethema | haha sorry | 06:58 |
anethema | use pastebin.com | 06:58 |
anethema | or the topic thing | 06:58 |
SuseUX | or #flood | 06:58 |
str | it says firefox is already the newest | 06:58 |
anethema | hmm | 06:59 |
anethema | and running firefox-bin | 06:59 |
anethema | says what | 06:59 |
hondje | Howdy...I just erased all the confs in my ~ dir, now I can't get nautilus to show that little bar on the bottom that I can move up to the parent dir..what option in gconf is that? | 06:59 |
anethema | again dont paste | 06:59 |
anethema | heh | 06:59 |
nalioth | str: in the terminal type "sudo apt-get --purge remove mozilla-firefox" | 06:59 |
SuperTails92 | sudo aptitude purge mozilla-firefox | 06:59 |
Jedrick | when installing some like sudo apt-get install realplayer, which folder can it be located.. like on windows all installed programs can be found on c:/Program files | 06:59 |
hondje | oh hey, found it after I asked as always :) | 06:59 |
misfit_toy | interesting....the reason amaroK didn't load and kept segfaulting was because of nvidia-glx, I updated to the latest kernel, install the nvidia 7667 drivers and now it's fine... | 07:00 |
odat | anyone able to help with symlinking? | 07:00 |
SuseUX | Hobbsee, you mean non browser mode? | 07:00 |
nalioth | odat: in a terminal, "man ln" | 07:00 |
Hobbsee | SuseUX: fun | 07:00 |
alexcamilo | how does the module system work in apache2? | 07:00 |
Hobbsee | SuseUX: um...i'm lost now | 07:00 |
alexcamilo | i was googleing but i havent found a nice description yet | 07:00 |
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Jedrick | when installing some like sudo apt-get install realplayer, which folder can it be located.. like on windows all installed programs can be found on c:/Program files | 07:01 |
str | nalioth: it works, now what i should do next? | 07:01 |
str | do i need to install now firefox? | 07:01 |
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SuseUX | odat, like what? | 07:01 |
anethema | Jedrick, anywhere from /usr/local to /opt | 07:01 |
anethema | heh | 07:01 |
anethema | or anywhere in between! | 07:01 |
anethema | if you go to synaptic and look at the package propreties | 07:01 |
Jedrick | ok | 07:01 |
anethema | shows you all the files in the package and their paths | 07:02 |
odat | SuseUX, i am trying to symlink the java plugin to mozilla | 07:02 |
nalioth | str: yes, "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox" | 07:02 |
nomasteryoda|w | odat, there is a script inside /opt that does it for you | 07:02 |
anethema | with my repos odat | 07:02 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 | 07:02 |
anethema | installs it and installs the moz plugin | 07:02 |
nomasteryoda|w | er, nvmd | 07:02 |
nomasteryoda|w | wrong chan | 07:02 |
odat | nomasteryoda, not sure what you mean | 07:02 |
nalioth | odat: use the java deb and it will do it for you | 07:03 |
nomasteryoda|w | nevermind odat wrong channel | 07:03 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell odat about javadeb | 07:03 |
str | nalioth: success! | 07:03 |
nalioth | str: backports are a pain | 07:03 |
nomasteryoda|w | oh, you can also install latest Opera too... | 07:03 |
nomasteryoda|w | which is pretty nice | 07:03 |
SuseUX | saves me tell you the command then :-) | 07:03 |
str | nalioth: but when i click the firefox; it doesn't work again | 07:04 |
odat | nalioth, i already installed it i just need to symlink it | 07:04 |
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str | nalioth: :( | 07:04 |
nalioth | odat: ln -s source target | 07:04 |
str | it opens for a while and close | 07:05 |
c0rrupt_ | hey does anyone know of any linux sandboxes that use windows api for scanning suspicious exes? | 07:05 |
odat | nalioth, do i need to be in the directory of the file i want to symlink? | 07:05 |
nalioth | anethema: your terminal firefox suggestion please | 07:05 |
str | do i need to reinstall everything :( | 07:05 |
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nalioth | odat: nope. use absolutes | 07:05 |
HrdwrBob | c0rrupt_: erm? | 07:05 |
nalioth | str: not at all | 07:06 |
lampshade | I'm bored...... how's ubuntu...... everyone should cat their mouse and redirect the output to their speakers for fun.. | 07:06 |
alexcamilo | lampshade. how do you do that? | 07:06 |
str | i have no other OS in the house; only this in Ubuntu | 07:06 |
alexcamilo | cat [device for mouse] >> [device for speakers] ? | 07:06 |
nalioth | str: open a terminal and type "firefox" | 07:06 |
misfit_toy | lampshade, ubuntu is coming along nicely, breezy is fun, low resources, nice distro | 07:06 |
nalioth | str: watch the terminal for clues | 07:06 |
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str | no clues at all | 07:07 |
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odat | nalioth, example? | 07:07 |
fr500 | misfit_toy, lower resources than hoary? | 07:07 |
str | nothing happend | 07:07 |
str | do i need to restart my box | 07:07 |
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nalioth | odat: the wiki on java has not helped you? the command is on the page | 07:07 |
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SuseUX | sounds like a segmentaion fault | 07:08 |
nalioth | str: if you wish, but not necessary | 07:08 |
Lasher | Anyone mind answering some tech questions for me? pm if you can | 07:08 |
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nalioth | Lasher: ask in here | 07:08 |
fr500 | Lasher, first ask | 07:08 |
str | limme try; i'll be back.. | 07:08 |
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str | thanks | 07:08 |
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c0rrupt_ | ? | 07:08 |
c0rrupt_ | norman anti-virus | 07:08 |
lampshade | Lasher: you gotta ask in the channel first | 07:08 |
c0rrupt_ | it makes a virtual sand box around suspicous files | 07:08 |
shekhar | hello can someone help me fix a problem with logging out from gnome in ubuntu breezy? | 07:08 |
misfit_toy | fr500, according to my laptop here, yes, I have about 15 things running, gaim, firefox, t-bird, xchat, amarok, liferea, two terms, and my cpu is at 4% | 07:08 |
odat | nalioth, arggg didn't work | 07:09 |
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fr500 | ok | 07:09 |
c0rrupt_ | and basically displays everything that they do | 07:09 |
Hobbsee | sheckhar: dont ask to ask, just ask | 07:09 |
odat | nalioth, it created like a shortcut to it | 07:09 |
c0rrupt_ | like add registry keys.. connect to servers | 07:09 |
c0rrupt_ | etc | 07:09 |
nalioth | odat: that is waht you want | 07:09 |
nalioth | symlink = shortcut | 07:09 |
Lasher | ok, first off, this isn't related to Ubuntu, but if in WinXP Pro SP2, with the Firewall off or on, I type ipconfig /all in cmd. I get nothing in the connection-specific DNS suffix...is that normal or not? | 07:09 |
lampshade | misfit_toy: I noticed that Azureues or however you spell it took like waaaaaaaaaay less cpu and mem than my windows box doing the same torrent | 07:09 |
odat | nalioth, well when i go to check plugins installed in firefox it doesn't show up | 07:09 |
ColonelKernel | im at about 11 percent but im running tvtime | 07:09 |
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nalioth | odat: visit a java page | 07:10 |
nomasteryoda|w | www.java.com | 07:10 |
nomasteryoda|w | that works | 07:10 |
shekhar | Hobbsee: sometimes it helps to get attention first... basically the problem is that when i go to system --> logout and choose to logout user, restart or shut down, it simply saves my session and doesn't logout or restart or shutdown | 07:10 |
ColonelKernel | OMG! Its the Chariman of WCW!11 | 07:10 |
odat | nalioth, missing plugin | 07:10 |
lampshade | Lasher: For the primary dns suffix you doon't have to have anything there | 07:10 |
misfit_toy | lampshade, Azureus is java, it sucks up cpu anyway...I just use the built in gnome torrent. | 07:10 |
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lampshade | misfit_toy: That's my point though, it didn't!! Like none I was blown away by how little it used! I was expecting it to eat tons with the JVM and such | 07:11 |
Lasher | lamp: if I'm at work, I use a proxy server for my connection, and I get access.mycompany.com | 07:11 |
Lasher | I used to get something, but I think I messed it up. | 07:11 |
Hobbsee | sheckhar: it still clogs up the channel, and doesnt allow anyone to help you. Unfortunately, i cant answer your question as i dont use gnome | 07:11 |
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Jedrick | what is a BitTorrent? | 07:11 |
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jorgp2 | is there a way to fix when I do an apt-get update to gets all the files all the time, even when there are no updates to get | 07:12 |
Lasher | either way, second question...how do I install Ubuntu in Windows? | 07:12 |
misfit_toy | lampshade, I'll have to see again someday with Azureus, but in the meantime congrats. :) | 07:12 |
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Lasher | I couldn't find a doc or whitesheet on exactly what to do. | 07:12 |
jorgp2 | and when apt-get update starts, it does not remember where it was | 07:12 |
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Hobbsee | Lasher: you dont want to just boot from the cd adn install from there? | 07:13 |
nalioth | Jedrick: http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/ | 07:13 |
Lasher | Hobbsee: Will it make a separate partition? | 07:13 |
Lasher | and boot menu? | 07:13 |
SuseUX | so whats the difference between RC and final 5.10? | 07:14 |
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Hobbsee | Lasher: yes, as long as you do a manual partition, and dont overwrite the entire disk | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | SuseUX: probably not a lot, except a few bugfixes | 07:14 |
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nalioth | SuseUX: about a week | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | !tell Lasher about dualboot | 07:15 |
SuseUX | ahh, because I'm runnning the RC | 07:15 |
nalioth | SuseUX: not any more. you box should be self-updating | 07:15 |
kushboy | Hey, I need libIDL-config and/or I guess libIDL (>=0.6.3). Anyone know how I can get it? | 07:15 |
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jorgp2 | how do I get apt-get to remember where it was if interupted | 07:15 |
nalioth | kushboy: use synaptic | 07:15 |
toky | anyone knows how to get an ubuntu pc into a domain? | 07:15 |
nalioth | jorgp2: it will remember when you restart it | 07:15 |
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SuseUX | nalioth, do the packages get updated with the lastest software releases? | 07:16 |
lampshade | toky: As in like a windows domain? | 07:16 |
nalioth | SuseUX: if you update when the little red thing shows up, you'll always be up to date | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | SuseUX: yes, as soon as they get in the repositories | 07:16 |
=== SuseUX always seems to spell latest, lastest :-l | ||
jorgp2 | it wants to download entire repos list each time, even if there are no updates | 07:16 |
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jeff_ | has anyone gotten firefox -install-global-extension /path/to/extension.xpi to work in ubuntu? | 07:16 |
shekhar | Hobbsee: any idea? | 07:16 |
jeff_ | I am trying to script it and it isn't working | 07:16 |
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Hobbsee | shekhar: no, i dont run gnome, sorry | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | shekhar: i replied above :P | 07:16 |
SuseUX | Nice :-) | 07:17 |
shekhar | Hobbsee: thanks anyway :) | 07:17 |
toky | nope, its a samba domain | 07:17 |
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Hobbsee | shekhar: no probs | 07:17 |
Lasher | Hobbsee: is ubuntu-5.10-rc-install-amd64 a bootable iso? | 07:17 |
SuseUX | looking out for AbiWord 2.4 | 07:17 |
nalioth | odat: did you find the answer you sought? | 07:17 |
Hobbsee | Lasher: does it end in .iso? it should be, as long as it was burned correctly | 07:17 |
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Trashcan | /list | 07:18 |
Hobbsee | Lasher: that is the way they name the disks | 07:18 |
SuseUX | mind you this OO.o 2 beta is not bad at all | 07:18 |
alexcamilo | i installed realplayer and tried to run realplayer but for some reason it refuses to start up. | 07:18 |
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Lasher | I d/l'd it, I just copied the name of the iso | 07:18 |
toky | lampshade: Samba Domain | 07:18 |
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Lasher | so, yes, that's bootable from startup? | 07:19 |
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jennie | This is new to me does it really work | 07:20 |
TylerDurden | can somebody please help me get natulis to think im sudo already? without using console, gui only | 07:20 |
Hobbsee | Lasher: should be, try it...if it refuses to, it'll auto boot to yoru hard drive | 07:20 |
tritium | jennie, does what work? | 07:20 |
TylerDurden | im sick of it, it keeps telling me i dont have permission even though im logged in as root/sudo | 07:20 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, sudo nautilus --no-desktop | 07:20 |
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SuseUX | why do you need it anyway? | 07:21 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, permission for what ? | 07:21 |
TylerDurden | but i dont want to have to keep the terminal open and i dont have to have to type that in every single time i want to change something | 07:21 |
TylerDurden | permission to overwrite a file or create a new folder | 07:21 |
SuseUX | why? | 07:21 |
Lasher | Thanks Hobbsee | 07:21 |
TylerDurden | becuase i want to be able to do those without having toi type that stuff in | 07:22 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, all space you need to do that is your /home/username folder | 07:22 |
Lasher | I'll be back once I get this running. | 07:22 |
jennie | I can't get any messanger but this to work and I don't know any one on here... I was trying to find out if it was some dumb thing that was just going to coninue saying people were singin on and if people could actually talk on it or what | 07:22 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, thats what /home is for, your user account | 07:22 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, outside that aerea its no playground | 07:22 |
TylerDurden | but i want to be able to control everything, root, dev, usr | 07:22 |
TylerDurden | and it wont let me change anything in them | 07:22 |
TylerDurden | im not playing around. i know what im doing | 07:22 |
hondje | jennie: Under the applications menu, there's a program called 'gaim'. Open it up, and click 'add accounts' to add your IM stuff | 07:22 |
SuseUX | to do what exactly? | 07:22 |
TylerDurden | doesnt matter. | 07:23 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, stay out of that earea | 07:23 |
TylerDurden | install firefox in usr, or modify a file, doesnt matter i want to be able to | 07:23 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, you are not running windows | 07:23 |
fr500 | TylerDurden, select run and run gksudo nautilus /home/username | 07:23 |
SuseUX | it's useless to you | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | Lasher: no problems | 07:23 |
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TylerDurden | ugh, please just tell me how without having to do anything in console | 07:23 |
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fr500 | TylerDurden, as i said, select run application and type that | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | use the run command.... | 07:23 |
SuseUX | make a link with that command | 07:23 |
TylerDurden | linux is useless to me if i cant control the entire hard drive easily | 07:24 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, ugh get linspire | 07:24 |
fr500 | TylerDurden, make a new launcher with that command | 07:24 |
TylerDurden | oh yeah! | 07:24 |
jennie | that is not on mine | 07:24 |
TylerDurden | ok ill try | 07:24 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, I dont know anyone who does that like your saying | 07:24 |
hondje | I am jack's stubborn dislike of learning | 07:24 |
tritium | jennie, it's installed by default | 07:24 |
NsOmNiAc | lol hondje | 07:24 |
deFrysk | hondje, hehe | 07:24 |
jennie | My computer is dumb I looked it wasn't on their any where | 07:24 |
hondje | Applications -> Internet -> Gaim Instant Messenger | 07:25 |
deFrysk | I want to be able to ruin my os without having to use root | 07:25 |
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nalioth | TylerDurden: you do not need to control the entire HD | 07:25 |
TylerDurden | wow wtf is ur prblem. im not going to ruin my os, its my computer y do u have to know what i want to do it for just give me the answer no need to get picky | 07:25 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: you can do as you wish to /home/TylerDurden | 07:25 |
CountDown | Anyone know how to get a USB device to appear as a serial port in /dev/? I'm writing firmware for a USB device and want PC-side apps to access it as a serial device. | 07:26 |
fr500 | TylerDurden, this is community help you can't treat people like that here | 07:26 |
hondje | He's right, it is his computer | 07:26 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell TylerDurden about cli | 07:26 |
ztrikker | is there a package file somewhere for cdemu or do i have to compile it myself? | 07:26 |
=== Trashcan [n=matt@ip68-2-208-158.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hondje | Let him ruin it | 07:26 |
hondje | Doesn't affect anyone when he gets pwned and runs a spamnet | 07:26 |
fr500 | ubotu, tell me abou cli | 07:26 |
deFrysk | nalioth, some people just dont get it | 07:26 |
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fr500 | ubotu, tell fr500 abou cli | 07:26 |
toky | anyone knows how to get an ubuntu pc into a domain? | 07:26 |
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SuseUX | TylerDurden, we told you the answer | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | true, and when he screws it up he might learn something in the process | 07:26 |
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TylerDurden | ok and i got it | 07:26 |
TylerDurden | im talking about honje and such | 07:27 |
NsOmNiAc | apparently not | 07:27 |
TylerDurden | its my decision dont tell me how to handle my computer | 07:27 |
fr500 | toky, explain better | 07:27 |
anethema | so go to your login screen setup | 07:27 |
anethema | security, options | 07:27 |
TylerDurden | im just asking for the answer, not ur opinion | 07:27 |
jennie | K i got that far | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | TylerDurden: then login as root, and go away | 07:27 |
anethema | check allow root to login | 07:27 |
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toky | anyone knows how to get an ubuntu pc into a samba domain? | 07:27 |
anethema | then can log in as root | 07:27 |
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TylerDurden | I AM ROOT FFS | 07:27 |
anethema | so whats your question | 07:27 |
toky | i need it to authenticate the user against the Domain | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | then what's your problem? you have full access, just like you want | 07:27 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, actually no it's not, because when you mess things up, you'll come back here moaning | 07:27 |
TylerDurden | but it still gives me that.. whatever u guys r no help.. i dont need ur opinions | 07:27 |
fr500 | TylerDurden, if you are root you dont need a thing | 07:27 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, creat a rootaccount and login as root | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | oh good | 07:27 |
nalioth | toky: please don't repeat, if anyone knows your answer they'll speak up | 07:27 |
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toky | nalioth i re-wrote it | 07:28 |
Severian | Tyler, then please leave. | 07:28 |
SuseUX | moron | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | can someone ban him? | 07:28 |
SuseUX | what can I say | 07:28 |
Severian | oh good, he did | 07:28 |
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nalioth | gentlemen, no need for name calling | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | lol...they keep coming in, it's a shame | 07:28 |
NsOmNiAc | 8-) | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | gentlemen? | 07:28 |
=== shekhar [n=shekhar@EDGERTON-ONE-SEVENTEEN.MIT.EDU] has left #ubuntu ["Mind] | ||
SuseUX | nalioth, indeed but he took the pis* | 07:29 |
SuseUX | :-) | 07:29 |
hondje | whoa, that was weird....thought I lost telnet :o | 07:29 |
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nalioth | yes, but let us do try to be civil | 07:29 |
misfit_toy | Hobbsee, everyone forgets that on the internet you are really just a chicken and no one else knows | 07:29 |
deFrysk | he just one of the clueless poeple | 07:29 |
deFrysk | people even | 07:29 |
ztrikker | Was that they guy that was asking how to access his HDD from the live cd earlier? | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | misfit_toy: rofl! that's gotta be the second time i've ever been called a gentleman | 07:29 |
hondje | I'm the most civilized troll you'll ever find :) | 07:30 |
seth_k|lappy | Can somebody tell me where to find the IRC logs for this channel? :) | 07:30 |
nalioth | seth_k|lappy: see /topic | 07:30 |
seth_k|lappy | nalioth, umm | 07:30 |
SuseUX | nalioth, this is what microsoft have learned people, it's shocking to watch | 07:30 |
seth_k|lappy | am I just missing it? | 07:30 |
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Hobbsee | seth_k|lappy: i dont think so...i've seen them, looking for them | 07:30 |
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=== misfit_toy slides a "certificate of gentlemanship" to Hobbsee | ||
nalioth | apokryphos: who changed the logs? | 07:31 |
=== TylerDurden [n=Tyler@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | now we are all lost | 07:31 |
deFrysk | its no longer in topic i see | 07:31 |
TylerDurden | how do i create a launcher? in command to i put sudo nautilus? | 07:31 |
=== ztrikker hides | ||
Hobbsee | misfit_toy: rofl! being a woman, i feel very privelaged to get it :P | 07:31 |
jennie | Ok I got the sign in name but if I try going further than that it says disconected | 07:31 |
hondje | TylerDurden: right click and add launcher. Command is gksudo nautilus --no-desktop | 07:31 |
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misfit_toy | Hobbsee, it's a brave new world! | 07:31 |
TylerDurden | ty | 07:31 |
jeff_ | There are women that use ubuntu... now thats cool | 07:32 |
TylerDurden | and is it an app or a directory? | 07:32 |
jeff_ | </troll> | 07:32 |
hondje | app | 07:32 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: my apologies for not including you | 07:32 |
hondje | jeff_: They got their own forum | 07:32 |
NsOmNiAc | OMG | 07:32 |
=== Venson [n=Venson@user-0cevcb0.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | =/ doesnt open that way | 07:32 |
TylerDurden | nothing happens when i try opening it | 07:32 |
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misfit_toy | hola Venson | 07:32 |
Kagen | arhg | 07:32 |
Hobbsee | :P | 07:32 |
Kagen | I need help | 07:32 |
=== glyn_ [n=glyn@71-9-74-77.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jennie | My computer is going to piss me off and I am going to chuck it out a window | 07:33 |
nalioth | Kagen: ask | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | i found the irc logs - http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 07:33 |
hondje | hrm, that's odd | 07:33 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, alt-f2 and put the command in there | 07:33 |
=== DShepherd [n=DShepher@kgn-dial-in225.anbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | nalioth: apology accepted | 07:33 |
seth_k|lappy | cheers Hobbsee :) | 07:33 |
Kagen | I can't seem to figure out how to install wine on ubuntu | 07:33 |
hondje | doesn't work for me either...you'd think the launcher would work | 07:33 |
Venson | hey misfit_toy | 07:33 |
Venson | misfit_toy: how goes? | 07:33 |
glyn_ | I just tried installing JRE, but now when I open my browser where it needs JRE it doesn't work..please help me, I don't want this to take 4 hours or so like most of my installations | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | no probs, had to go thru my history | 07:33 |
Severian | jennie, will that help? | 07:33 |
anethema | Kagen, sudo apt-get install wine | 07:33 |
anethema | hehe | 07:33 |
TylerDurden | doesnt work either defrysk | 07:33 |
TylerDurden | gksudo nautilus --no-desktop | 07:33 |
Hobbsee | gly_n: check that java is installed: java -version | 07:33 |
Kagen | that command, where do I enter it??? | 07:33 |
misfit_toy | Venson, just headin' to bed, take care my friend. | 07:33 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Ramah | glyn: how did you d/l it? | 07:33 |
misfit_toy | l8r y'all | 07:33 |
Venson | misfit_toy: you too :) | 07:34 |
Ramah | do you have a package manager you can use to automate the installation? | 07:34 |
jennie | Yes I wont have to deal with the stupid thing | 07:34 |
hondje | TylerDurden: try it w/out the --no-desktop | 07:34 |
anethema | TylerDurden, just forget it and log in as root | 07:34 |
hondje | it behaves better than it used to | 07:34 |
anethema | save yourself the trouble | 07:34 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, if you instist on using root continuasly you'd better create a root account and log in as root | 07:34 |
TylerDurden | i am root! | 07:34 |
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TylerDurden | I AM I AM I AM | 07:34 |
ztrikker | ... | 07:34 |
deFrysk | then you have full acces | 07:34 |
hondje | Why? | 07:34 |
glyn_ | glyn@Haksmoke:~$ java -version bash: java: command not found | 07:34 |
Hobbsee | then what's your problem? | 07:34 |
TylerDurden | but i dont know why, but it says i dont have permission | 07:34 |
hondje | What possible reason is there to run as root? | 07:34 |
anethema | so change the permissions | 07:34 |
Hobbsee | glyn_:give me a sec | 07:34 |
TylerDurden | i did, i changed it to sudo | 07:34 |
anethema | doing all this stuff wont change the permissions | 07:34 |
Ramah | what distro are you using? | 07:34 |
anethema | chmod will | 07:34 |
TylerDurden | still no luck | 07:34 |
anethema | if you are logged in as root | 07:35 |
Kagen | ok, I used the package program to install wine before | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | glyn_: hoary or breezy? | 07:35 |
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glyn_ | hoary | 07:35 |
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Kagen | and in the terminal, it says it's latest | 07:35 |
TylerDurden | i cant chmod because it says im not the owner | 07:35 |
Kagen | but I can't seem to run it | 07:35 |
anethema | sudoing till you are blue in the face wont change folder permissions | 07:35 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, dont use sudo or anything like that when root | 07:35 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:nalioth] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Breezy Release Candidate out (Final release: Oct 13):http://tinyurl.com/e3gol | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation - http://doc.ubuntu.com | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Channel Logs - http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | ||
Kagen | when I try to run a .exe, it says it cannot display it | 07:35 |
deFrysk | sudo is for non-foor users | 07:35 |
Ramah | hmm | 07:35 |
ztrikker | right click on the folder your trying to mess with , go to the permissions tab and change it there if you dont want to use the console | 07:35 |
hondje | Kagen: I bet that's because you're in linux | 07:35 |
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Kagen | uhh yeah, you think? | 07:35 |
anethema | Kagen, wine doesnt work for all programs | 07:35 |
anethema | hondje, he is using wine | 07:35 |
TylerDurden | ztrikker... i cant because it says im not the owner | 07:35 |
hondje | I missed that part, doh | 07:35 |
jennie | I am going to kill someone mostlikly my self becaseu to many things and people piss me off | 07:36 |
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jeff_ | jennie: You promise? | 07:36 |
hondje | jennie: remember, walk down the street, not across | 07:36 |
jennie | Yes | 07:36 |
anethema | she sounds like jennie from L-word haha | 07:36 |
jeff_ | sweet | 07:36 |
N6REJ | I got a question guys... I'm installing breezy on my sons machine and it has a belkin 54G wireless nic. It doesn't see the nic but DOES see what it believes is a firewire device. Which of course it isn't.... a how-to says I need ndiswrapper... do I ignore the nic for now, finish the install or what? | 07:36 |
TylerDurden | ok lets try this, how do i turn myself into root if im not root at the moment | 07:36 |
jennie | No I am just gong to run my car off the side of the road or into a big truck | 07:36 |
Trashcan | sudo -i | 07:36 |
TylerDurden | without going to console and typing sudo... i dont want to use console | 07:36 |
anethema | N6REJ, yeah finish the install | 07:36 |
TylerDurden | i want to use the gui | 07:36 |
anethema | mess with NDISwrapper later | 07:37 |
N6REJ | anethema: k, ty. | 07:37 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, sounds that being root all the time the system is already broken | 07:37 |
Ramah | glyn:(see if this helps you) http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/coldrick?entry=java_development_on_ubuntu_part | 07:37 |
anethema | it can be a pain in the butt to get working | 07:37 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, just give up, spend more time learning linux not learning useless stuff | 07:37 |
jeff_ | TylerDurden: hit ALT F2 and they type the command | 07:37 |
TylerDurden | it doesnt do anything jeff_ | 07:37 |
TylerDurden | nothing happens when i do | 07:37 |
anethema | TylerDurden, you are misunderstanding how linux works | 07:37 |
ztrikker | youre going to have to use the console....its a big part of the this OS | 07:37 |
anethema | if you are logged in as root, thatrs it | 07:37 |
anethema | you cant get any more root | 07:37 |
Jedrick | is gaim doesnt support cam viewing? | 07:37 |
Ramah | glyn: just download the normal version not the development sdk | 07:37 |
hondje | mega root! | 07:38 |
anethema | as root you can change any folder permissions | 07:38 |
DShepherd | I am upgrading to breezy from hoary but not all the packages have been downloaded. Is it wise to installed the already downloaded packages myself? | 07:38 |
hondje | UID -1! | 07:38 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, dont use sudo or anything | 07:38 |
jeff_ | Jedrick: google for gaim-vv. It will be integrated into gaim when it is fully stable | 07:38 |
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ztrikker | hondje : shhh!!! that only myth... | 07:38 |
anethema | yeah, as root sudo is useless unless you want to make yourself into another user | 07:38 |
TylerDurden | anethema, i am the only user on this computer, and i am root, but it says im not the owner when i try to change permissions | 07:38 |
jennie | My computer says my account has currently been suspended | 07:38 |
Jedrick | ok | 07:38 |
hondje | hehe | 07:38 |
DShepherd | I running out of space :( | 07:38 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, you have it all without needing sudo | 07:38 |
anethema | then you are not root | 07:38 |
anethema | haha | 07:38 |
nalioth | DShepherd: the pkgs will come when they are ready | 07:38 |
anethema | if you are root, you can change permissions | 07:38 |
glyn_ | so I need the JDK not just JRE? | 07:38 |
TylerDurden | if i type sudo while im admin it messes up and makes me a regular user? | 07:38 |
glyn_ | the missing plugins window said I just needed JRE | 07:38 |
Ramah | ya | 07:38 |
glyn_ | is this a bug? | 07:38 |
anethema | that is possible yes | 07:38 |
st1lgar | woohoo ! it's update time =) | 07:38 |
Ramah | no | 07:38 |
TylerDurden | ok anethema, how can i make myself root? | 07:38 |
anethema | dont use sudo as root | 07:38 |
Ramah | the jre is good enough | 07:39 |
anethema | when linux boots you login yes? | 07:39 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, suso if for non root users | 07:39 |
Ramah | did you download it from sun already? | 07:39 |
glyn_ | I have JRE and I installed it | 07:39 |
TylerDurden | root is higher than sudo? | 07:39 |
deFrysk | sudo | 07:39 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
anethema | no | 07:39 |
Ramah | but it isn't working in firefox? | 07:39 |
glyn_ | No | 07:39 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, root is root the boss | 07:39 |
ztrikker | can you assume ownership of the drive if your using the live cd....i would think the security on the drive wouldn't let you | 07:39 |
anethema | sudo just makes you another user | 07:39 |
Trashcan | sudo is for running an application as root | 07:39 |
deFrysk | admin | 07:39 |
anethema | in most cases root | 07:39 |
deFrysk | whatever | 07:39 |
Trashcan | if you are already root | 07:39 |
jennie | I am not a root I am the dirt the root is planted in | 07:39 |
Trashcan | things will run as root | 07:39 |
anethema | you can use sudo to make yousefl any user | 07:39 |
anethema | not just root | 07:39 |
Trashcan | you don't need to explicitely specify it with sudo | 07:39 |
Hobbsee | glyn_: grab the deb from http://giannaros.org/public/ and install it that way | 07:39 |
TylerDurden | ok then howcome when i root myself and try to open lets say add program, it asks me for a password but when i sudo myself it doesnt | 07:39 |
Trashcan | right | 07:39 |
anethema | what do you mean 'root yourself' | 07:40 |
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anethema | when you login | 07:40 |
anethema | do you login wiht the user 'root' | 07:40 |
TylerDurden | REALLY?! | 07:40 |
anethema | or some other login name | 07:40 |
TylerDurden | omg thats y | 07:40 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, running as root all the time underestimates the powers of root destruct | 07:40 |
esac_ | does anybody know what to install to play .rmvb (i have no idea what format that is). i have ffmpeg and w32codecs | 07:40 |
Trashcan | hehe defrysk | 07:40 |
TylerDurden | arrrrrrrrrg! ok how can i duplicate all my current settings and transfer them to user root? | 07:40 |
anethema | i ran as root only in slackware for years before giving it up, never destroyed my system | 07:40 |
Trashcan | tyler: i guaruntee if you don't know what you are doing, and you run as root 100% of the time, you are going to destroy your system | 07:40 |
TylerDurden | ugh see? i didnt know there was only one possible root and i had to login as "root" | 07:40 |
anethema | but it is a bad idea forsure | 07:40 |
anethema | so make a root account | 07:41 |
Kagen | I can't seem to get anything to work on wine, crap. | 07:41 |
deFrysk | hehe | 07:41 |
anethema | set a password on it to do so | 07:41 |
glyn_ | how do I uninstall the JAVA I already installed? | 07:41 |
anethema | in the console (you have to, dont whine) type passwd root | 07:41 |
nalioth | glyn_: how did you install it? | 07:41 |
deFrysk | glyn, how did you install it ? | 07:41 |
anethema | sudo passwd root | 07:41 |
TylerDurden | yeah but my currenct account has everything configured on it, making a new one will kinda start over with no personlized desktop and all and i dont want to go over it again | 07:41 |
glyn_ | by the instructions that said to do it in the terminal | 07:41 |
Ramah | glyn http://serios.net/content/debian/java/with-java-package.php | 07:41 |
ztrikker | then use sudo | 07:41 |
anethema | TylerDurden, you are just gonna have to use the console | 07:41 |
deFrysk | glyn, the binfile of sunjava ? | 07:42 |
nalioth | Ramah: actually we have java packages for ubuntu | 07:42 |
glyn_ | yeah | 07:42 |
anethema | if you dont wanna ever use it, linux isnt really for you | 07:42 |
glyn_ | I don't have the disk space now to use the deb | 07:42 |
anethema | use sudo in the console to become root | 07:42 |
TylerDurden | no thanks, thats not the point, the point is i want to be able to use nautilus with root | 07:42 |
anethema | sudo -s to stay root | 07:42 |
deFrysk | glyn, the hard way search and remove | 07:42 |
SuseUX | anethema, I thought i'd seen everything but this.... | 07:42 |
TylerDurden | and not having to type sudo nautilus in console everytime i want to open it | 07:42 |
anethema | hahah | 07:42 |
anethema | TylerDurden, | 07:42 |
anethema | look here | 07:42 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: nautilus as root is a definitely good way to bodger your sytstem to where nobody can use it | 07:42 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#browsefilesfoldersasrootnautilus | 07:42 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, as root no | 07:42 |
anethema | i didnt know thats all you wanted | 07:42 |
anethema | look at that link | 07:43 |
anethema | it answers your exact question | 07:43 |
TylerDurden | ok can u explain to me y its a bad idea to have complete control over ur system? | 07:43 |
Kagen | wine isn't working, I don't know what I did wrong... | 07:43 |
Trashcan | lol anethema , you just answered the question I was typing with that link - thanks | 07:43 |
TylerDurden | its not like im going to erase and rename random files | 07:43 |
nalioth | and a good exclamation to "ubuntuguide breaks ubuntu" | 07:43 |
=== GTroy [n=troyster@70-56-124-42.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | no but what if you ran some bad program | 07:43 |
anethema | instead of losing /home you could lose the whole sysem | 07:43 |
NsOmNiAc | you have .........nevermind | 07:43 |
TylerDurden | i wont though.. | 07:43 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: nautilus DOES rename and repermission random files when given root powers | 07:43 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, linux has full control if you interfere/take over you might break the os | 07:43 |
GTroy | anyone want to help with a two minute walk through? | 07:43 |
=== slew [n=slew@cblmdm204-118-181-77.buckeye-express.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ztrikker | if you make one typo you lose your system. its like that when your root | 07:44 |
Trashcan | TylerDurden its not like im going to erase and rename random files <-- it's not a matter of erasing 'random' files, its files you don't know the meaning of | 07:44 |
nalioth | GTroy: ask your question | 07:44 |
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anethema | its not even that | 07:44 |
TylerDurden | IM NOT GOING TO MESS WITH RANDOM FILES!!!!!!! | 07:44 |
Trashcan | you make a /user under root and put stuff in there | 07:44 |
TylerDurden | what is ur guys problem? | 07:44 |
anethema | its other programs ran as root when you dont know | 07:44 |
Trashcan | then you try to delete it | 07:44 |
anethema | TylerDurden, its not you really | 07:44 |
Trashcan | and delete /usr | 07:44 |
Trashcan | system = dead | 07:44 |
TylerDurden | i just want to be able to open new folders in lets say dev or usr | 07:44 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: nautilus has know bugs of changing system files when given root powers. | 07:44 |
TylerDurden | who said im going to delete usr? | 07:44 |
anethema | what if you run as root, then open some program that erases your kernel? | 07:44 |
anethema | you're fucked | 07:44 |
jennie | I finaly got further now it tells me the account is suspended and I need to log on to the Yahoo site to get my yahoo messanger but my yahoo page wont let me sign in | 07:44 |
nalioth | GTroy: dont msg me. ask in here | 07:44 |
anethema | er sorry about the language | 07:44 |
Trashcan | yup | 07:44 |
GTroy | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WG111HowTo?highlight=%28netgear%29%7C%28wg111%29 | 07:45 |
Trashcan | thats a huge problem with windows, people always run as administrator | 07:45 |
slew | hi i just installed ubuntu and it didnt ask me for a root password but it expects it for su and apt-get. what is or where do i set the root password? | 07:45 |
hondje | that sounds like a yahoo problem, not ubuntu | 07:45 |
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Trashcan | so any application they run has 'root' privileges and can do whatever it wants | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | slew: the p/w you set during the installation | 07:45 |
SuseUX | amazing | 07:45 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell slew about root | 07:45 |
GTroy | up to setup network interfaces and don't know how to proceed | 07:45 |
Trashcan | you are effectively trying to bypass all the security in place on linux | 07:45 |
TylerDurden | ubuntu tell tylerdurden about apt-get | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | is the oen you use for sudo | 07:45 |
anethema | Trashcan, exactly, THAT is the problem | 07:45 |
slew | Hobbsee, that dosent work | 07:45 |
TylerDurden | ubotu: tell tylerdurden about root | 07:45 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell TylerDurden about msg the bot | 07:45 |
anethema | haha | 07:46 |
Trashcan | <offtopic> nice thing about Vista is they are finally adopting linux's strict 'run as' policy | 07:46 |
anethema | is that a real command nalioth | 07:46 |
anethema | msg the bot | 07:46 |
anethema | hehe | 07:46 |
Hobbsee | definetly nice thing | 07:46 |
DShepherd | is breezy shipping with a graphical installer | 07:46 |
jeff_ | DShepherd, nope | 07:46 |
anethema | afaik, no | 07:46 |
DShepherd | any reason why? | 07:46 |
SuseUX | Trashcan, after a complete rewrite | 07:46 |
anethema | haha nice nalioth :) | 07:46 |
deFrysk | DShepherd, no need for that | 07:46 |
_native_ | dose not need it | 07:46 |
jeff_ | DShepherd: Would you like to do the coding yourself? | 07:46 |
Trashcan | hehe | 07:47 |
_native_ | the installer is one of the best | 07:47 |
deFrysk | DShepherd, its plain and self explanitory | 07:47 |
jeff_ | DShepherd: If you do a good job, I'm sure it will be accepted | 07:47 |
jennie | I am chucking the computer out the window | 07:47 |
DShepherd | jeff_: there's no need for that :) | 07:47 |
anethema | jennie whats wrong..just ask questions if you have them | 07:47 |
jeff_ | DShepherd: Remember, in open source land, asking why is normally volunteering | 07:47 |
GTroy | can you help nalioth? | 07:47 |
TylerDurden | ok one last thing, is it possible to transfer my current account to root? | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | the installer is fine, they've made it way more obvious than the hoary installer | 07:47 |
Severian | jennie, at least open the window first | 07:47 |
TylerDurden | i mean all my current settings | 07:47 |
anethema | dont just sit and whine about your computer making you mad | 07:47 |
anethema | heh | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | GTroy, what is your question? | 07:47 |
ztrikker | the only thing i wish for in the ubuntu install is a little more info when doing the partition. i was half scared that it was going to delete my whole drive | 07:48 |
DShepherd | jeff_: yup | 07:48 |
_native_ | yeah you got real experts here. ;-] | 07:48 |
deFrysk | DShepherd, i believe the installer of anaconda as an example asks for 128 meg ram | 07:48 |
GTroy | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WG111HowTo?highlight=%28netgear%29%7C%28wg111%29 | 07:48 |
jennie | My computer is pissing me off I need my yahoo and msn messanger and It won't let me load eather one of them no matter what I go threw | 07:48 |
anethema | TylerDurden, you REALLY REALLY do not want to run everything as root | 07:48 |
SuseUX | Vista has a new feature, look it's a new technology called good security by default | 07:48 |
anethema | you will have problems | 07:48 |
deFrysk | and txt install does not need all that | 07:48 |
jeff_ | jennie: open up gaim | 07:48 |
GTroy | up to setup the network interfaces | 07:48 |
TylerDurden | anethema, please. just tell me how | 07:48 |
jeff_ | Then add the accounts | 07:48 |
jennie | I did | 07:48 |
GTroy | and don't know what to do next | 07:48 |
jeff_ | It is too bloody easy | 07:48 |
glyn_ | where can I get the JRE deb? | 07:48 |
anethema | just use that nautilus link i sent you | 07:48 |
TylerDurden | im not interested in tips/opinions, im looking for answers | 07:48 |
anethema | http://ubuntuguide.org/#browsefilesfoldersasrootnautilus | 07:48 |
TylerDurden | ugh, come on | 07:48 |
glyn_ | nm found it | 07:48 |
jennie | I am a brain dead twit | 07:48 |
Severian | jennie, use GAIM. It will talk to those IM networks. | 07:48 |
TylerDurden | can someone else please tell me how to transfer one accounts to another? | 07:48 |
esac_ | how can i registery filetypes with nautilus to have them open up with the right program ? | 07:48 |
slew | nalioth, thanks! it was quite easy after you showed me what to read! have a good one! | 07:49 |
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nalioth | slew: enjoy | 07:49 |
Trashcan | has nobody written a graphical interface to dpkg -i yet? | 07:49 |
N6REJ | hey guys, I'd like some help getting my server finished.... I've got it running now, but it has some difficulties. Number 1, is I have to run in recover mode or when it goes into the GUI it freezes solid. The video card was changed since install but if I remember right it did it anyway then. It was initially installed as "server" and then the desktop was added... its breezy. | 07:49 |
Trashcan | ie. double click a .deb and install graphically | 07:49 |
deFrysk | !tell glyn about javadeb | 07:49 |
jennie | I got to were I can sign in to it but it says that my account is locked | 07:49 |
TylerDurden | i want to make a new account without having to lose all the customization ive done to the curent one | 07:49 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, your going againest everything what Linux stands, do you understand what your asking? | 07:49 |
jeff_ | esac: right click on the file. Go to open with. Then type add and type the name of the command you want to use to open it. Then click that program once it shows up | 07:49 |
=== weiers [n=weiers@196-47-6-66.access.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slew | k thanks! cya | 07:49 |
_native_ | just pm me if you have a question. i'll most likley be of help to you | 07:49 |
Severian | rashcan, how about synaptic? | 07:49 |
jeff_ | Trashcan: There isn't a gui deb installer yet | 07:49 |
Trashcan | alright | 07:50 |
jeff_ | not for installing from within nautilus | 07:50 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, well, do you? | 07:50 |
Trashcan | are there plans, or a project title you can point me to? | 07:50 |
TylerDurden | suseux, forget about security please stop giving me ur opinions and tips | 07:50 |
=== kikinovak [n=kikinova@dyn-213-36-8-161.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | TylerDurden: precisely why are you trying to use linux? | 07:50 |
TylerDurden | i want to transfer my current account into another account, now stop doing this and just give me an answer instead of aruging with me | 07:50 |
_native_ | wow thats harsh | 07:50 |
=== Aruviel [n=aru@lpr2-147.cable.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | TylerDurden, there not opionions, they are the core of what linux is | 07:50 |
TylerDurden | wow | 07:51 |
jeff_ | TylerDurden: Are you paying us for support? | 07:51 |
TylerDurden | all i have to say is wow | 07:51 |
N6REJ | tyler, linux is not designed to easily do that. | 07:51 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, I honestly think linspire is the linuxdistro for you | 07:51 |
toky | hmm anyone here got oo beta 2 working in hoary? | 07:51 |
Severian | Tyler, then please leave. | 07:51 |
N6REJ | tyler what parts of your account are you trying to save? | 07:51 |
jeff_ | TylerDurden: If the answer is no, shutup untill you are respectful to people that are helping you for free | 07:51 |
Trashcan | heh | 07:51 |
nalioth | gentlemen and ladies, let us be civil | 07:51 |
kikinovak | Hi. I'm on dialup, and I wonder if apt-proxy works for Ubuntu also. I have a central server box that's connected to the internet via dialup, and three clients that share the connection. Is apt-proxy known to work more or less painlessly on Ubuntu? | 07:51 |
TylerDurden | IM NOT ASKING FOR UR DAMN HELP! ur not evne helping ur just telling me no, dont do that, no u dont wanna do that | 07:51 |
Hobbsee | toky: yes, what did you wan tto konw? | 07:51 |
weiers | hi, is it advisable to install amaroK on ubuntu hoary Gnome? Or should I just continue with Totem or the other media player that is automatically installed? (A friend of mine is really singing the praises of AmaroK because he can define keyboard shortcuts to control the player while he is working on another desktop. I am not sure if he has KDE or GNOME installed though.) | 07:51 |
jennie | Is their any other way to get my messengers that are not going to piss me off | 07:51 |
GTroy | jeff_++ | 07:51 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, If you dont understand this basic concept then you should not use Linux at all | 07:51 |
TylerDurden | im asking for someone else to help me and give me a straight answer and not a stupid u dont wanna do that | 07:51 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, i think your time is up here | 07:51 |
Hobbsee | weiers: yes, it's fine | 07:51 |
SuseUX | shouldn't | 07:52 |
toky | i d/l all the rpm chaged them to deb | 07:52 |
st1lgar | TylerDurden: just copy the user directory and chown the files | 07:52 |
N6REJ | TylerDurden: hey, you want help or you wanna piss people off, I asked you a question.. either answer or get no help from me. | 07:52 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: perhaps you should come back later when there is a different crew in here | 07:52 |
toky | i uninstaled 1.14 | 07:52 |
Hobbsee | someone ban TylerDurden please... | 07:52 |
jeff_ | dont ban +q | 07:52 |
Trashcan | someone just answer his question | 07:52 |
jennie | your nice | 07:52 |
anethema | nalioth is watching, he will ban him if he feels its needed | 07:52 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: you are so harsh | 07:52 |
toky | i did a dpkg -i *.* it finished | 07:52 |
glyn_ | I downloaded the deb files for JRE | 07:52 |
_native_ | damn. (:-} | 07:52 |
TylerDurden | stilgar, how do i copy it if im going to log in as someone else? i wont be able to paste | 07:52 |
glyn_ | what do I do with them? | 07:52 |
toky | but i cant find the apps | 07:52 |
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GTroy | nalioth: are you around? | 07:52 |
anethema | TylerDurden, need the console ;) | 07:53 |
anethema | sudo cp -r ~ /root/ | 07:53 |
TylerDurden | whats the command? | 07:53 |
deFrysk | glyn, sudo dpkg -i <thedebfile> | 07:53 |
N6REJ | TylerDurden: what is it you are really trying to accomplish, whats the point? | 07:53 |
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Trashcan | there ya go | 07:53 |
st1lgar | TylerDurden: like anethema said :) | 07:53 |
TylerDurden | wow n6rej, please dont help me | 07:53 |
Trashcan | yup | 07:53 |
TylerDurden | ok here let me explain | 07:53 |
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weiers | Thanks Hobbsee | 07:53 |
Trashcan | tyler: anethema just told you exactly what you need to do | 07:53 |
jeff_ | OP OP OP! +q TylerDurden | 07:53 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] by tritium | ||
Trashcan | +q? | 07:54 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o TylerDurden] by tritium | ||
anethema | adios :) | 07:54 |
Trashcan | now that's a mode I've never seen | 07:54 |
jeff_ | http://www.dslreports.com/faq/8037 | 07:54 |
nalioth | tritium: wow when did you sneak in? | 07:54 |
anethema | tritium, you de-opped him | 07:54 |
Trashcan | ah | 07:54 |
anethema | haha | 07:54 |
Diskgrind | I have installed accessability features, the magnifier and screen reader, I can start the properties interface but I can start the magnifier or screen reader can anyone help??? | 07:54 |
Trashcan | thanks jeff | 07:54 |
tritium | nalioth, just now | 07:54 |
toky | Hobbsee: u there? | 07:54 |
SuseUX | at last | 07:54 |
jeff_ | np | 07:54 |
tritium | anethema, heh, yeah ;) | 07:54 |
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Hobbsee | toky: yes | 07:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
kikinovak | I guess my question about apt-proxy got lost in the middle of a hot flame war... | 07:54 |
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toky | Hobbsee: sry | 07:54 |
Hobbsee | toky: it's ok, everything was being lost in the middle of that flame war | 07:55 |
N6REJ | ok, now that they excitement has died down can anyone help me reconfigure the desktop so it works instead of freezing? | 07:55 |
Trashcan | hehe | 07:55 |
toky | Hobbsee: LOL true | 07:55 |
=== TylerDurden [n=Tyler@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | hehe | 07:55 |
Hobbsee | ugh, not again! | 07:55 |
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logikal | anyone want to try to help me with a problem? | 07:55 |
Trashcan | lol | 07:55 |
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kikinovak | Hi. I'm on dialup, and I wonder if apt-proxy works for Ubuntu also. I have a central server box that's connected to the internet via dialup, and three clients that share the connection. Is apt-proxy known to work more or less painlessly on Ubuntu? | 07:55 |
weiers | Hobbsee, if I want to play stuff like wma's and mp3's I suppose I need to install the amaroK Xine? Or is it Gstreamer? | 07:55 |
logikal | http://www.kubuntu.pastebin.com/386692 | 07:55 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: be civil | 07:55 |
jeff_ | thanks tritium | 07:55 |
frank_b | Hi all. Question: will I get better results from my ATI Radeon 9250 SE 128 MB graphic card if I use it under Windows than in GNU/Linux? | 07:55 |
nalioth | weiers: you need w32codecs first | 07:55 |
frank_b | (is it woth to install Windows also?) | 07:56 |
weiers | nalioth, I think I have them because I have been playing them on Totem | 07:56 |
kikinovak | frank_b: use mac os x | 07:56 |
toky | Hobbsee: concentrate on me.... that might help u for a bit .... | 07:56 |
Severian | weiers, there are many choices. I use beep or xmms | 07:56 |
=== TylerDurden [n=Tyler@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | toky: sure, what did you want to know? | 07:56 |
frank_b | kikinovak, I have an Intel x86 computer | 07:56 |
toky | Hobbsee: i d/l all the rpm for oo beta 2, i changed them to deb | 07:56 |
Trashcan | personally I would say go with windows for gaming | 07:56 |
toky | Hobbsee: i uninstalled 1.14 | 07:57 |
Trashcan | I'm not speaking for everyone, but that seems the obvious choice | 07:57 |
anethema | yeah, cedega works for most stuff though | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | toky: right | 07:57 |
kikinovak | frank_b: it was a joke... well it's like asking the pope if he wants to party on a satanist night | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | and now you want to know how to install it? | 07:57 |
frank_b | thanks Trashcan | 07:57 |
toky | Hobbsee: i ran a dpkg -i *.* | 07:57 |
N6REJ | Hobbsee: I need some more help please | 07:57 |
anethema | toky, just install the oo 2 from debs | 07:57 |
anethema | it is in apt | 07:57 |
frank_b | kikinovak, ah... ok :) | 07:57 |
GTroy | anyone help me with a really easy walk through? | 07:57 |
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tritium | toky, there are openoffice.org2 debs | 07:57 |
anethema | installing from rpms might not be as nice | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | oo2 from debs is very old | 07:57 |
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jeff_ | Hobsee: not on breezy :) | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | Jeff_: well, it's not the RC of it | 07:58 |
kikinovak | frank_b: that said... ati card works wonderfully on my ibook:oD | 07:58 |
kikinovak | LOL | 07:58 |
Hobbsee | but you're right | 07:58 |
weiers | Severian, is there any particular reason why you prefer xmms or beep above AmaroK? | 07:58 |
toky | well the thing is that after running that command i cant find any oo apps | 07:58 |
frank_b | cedega has some problems | 07:58 |
anethema | beep is the best | 07:58 |
anethema | i find | 07:58 |
anethema | love beep | 07:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] by tritium | ||
jeff_ | Hobsee: I run breezy so that I can send in bug reports | 07:58 |
TylerDurden | tritium | 07:58 |
_native_ | beep is good | 07:58 |
TylerDurden | why did you do that? | 07:58 |
SuseUX | Amarok is great but tooo big | 07:58 |
tritium | TylerDurden, be respectful | 07:58 |
jeff_ | Plus, breezy is soooo much better than hoary | 07:59 |
TylerDurden | i was, nre6j wasnt, i asked for help, he just kept saying dont do that, dont do that | 07:59 |
SuseUX | just like KDE :-) | 07:59 |
frank_b | kikinovak, it works fine in my Ubuntu... I just don't know *how* fine, beause I don't have a term of comparison with Windows.. | 07:59 |
TylerDurden | i wanted an answer | 07:59 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: you may wish to return later when there are different people here who can answer your question | 07:59 |
anethema | TylerDurden, you were yelling and beeing generally mean to ppl | 07:59 |
Severian | weiers, One feature mostly. I like to be able to use the arrow keys to fast forward or reverse a little. | 07:59 |
TylerDurden | and then you abnned me | 07:59 |
N6REJ | EXCUSE ME???????????????????? you better check your logs bud!! | 07:59 |
glyn_ | quiet | 07:59 |
anethema | i asnwered your entire question anyways durden | 07:59 |
nalioth | N6REJ: be civil, please | 07:59 |
N6REJ | cc | 07:59 |
tritium | TylerDurden, you've been rather demanding and rude. Be respectful, or you won't last | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | jeff_: very true, did you know how to answer the other question? | 07:59 |
Ramah | fight fight fight fight fight | 07:59 |
TylerDurden | ok please, can someone help me by giving me an answer instead of saying u dont wanna login as root? | 07:59 |
toky | so, would this command install it?? dpkg -i ? | 07:59 |
anethema | 1.9.129 is what the OO.o is in breezy | 07:59 |
N6REJ | *zip* | 07:59 |
TylerDurden | anthema | 07:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
TylerDurden | i cannot go to that link | 07:59 |
=== Ramah slaps Douwd around a bit with a large trout | ||
TylerDurden | i dont have firefox anymore, that is why i need root | 08:00 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: they are trying to protect themselves | 08:00 |
jeff_ | Hobbsee: Which question? | 08:00 |
Jedrick | i have error installing gaim-vv | 08:00 |
anethema | whats gaim-vv again? | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | toky: cd to the directory, sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 08:00 |
frank_b | bye all. thanks. | 08:00 |
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Jedrick | checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp .. configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 08:00 |
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toky | Hobbsee: i ran a dpkg -i *.* | 08:00 |
anethema | i dont have gaim-vv in my apt :( | 08:00 |
jeff_ | gaim-vv == gaim with experimental webcam video support | 08:00 |
Severian | weiers, but I have Amarok on a couple of machine and use it sometimes when I am going to bed. | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | jeff_: toky's question, about openoffice2.org and installing it, and get menu options from it | 08:00 |
toky | Hobbsee: would that work? | 08:00 |
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anethema | needs to be compiled im sure | 08:00 |
N6REJ | nalioth sorry, I get a bit peeved when I get accused for something I didn't do. | 08:00 |
fr500 | TylerDurden, did your firefox break in the latest update? | 08:01 |
Hobbsee | toky: if you were in the correct directory, it should have | 08:01 |
TylerDurden | anethema, i need root for several reasons it doesnt matter, one of them is because i want to install firefox in /usr instead of somewhere else. now i cant go to the link you gave me becasue i uninstalled firefox | 08:01 |
nalioth | N6REJ: water under the bridge, friend | 08:01 |
GTroy | on this page I'm up to setup network interfaces, and then I'm lost. can anyone help?https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WG111HowTo?highlight=%28netgear%29%7C%28wg111%29 | 08:01 |
Hobbsee | it would have given you an error message if it didnd | 08:01 |
toky | Hobbsee: well i was | 08:01 |
Hobbsee | *didnt | 08:01 |
TylerDurden | no it didnt, i uninstalled it on purpose, too many problems with it | 08:01 |
jeff_ | Hobsee: well depending on what version of Ubuntu and which version of fedora those rpms were compiled for, they might not even be binary compatible | 08:01 |
Hobbsee | it should be installed | 08:01 |
weiers | Severian, somebody recommended Amarok to me because he said it would allow me to configure keyboard short cuts to skip songs or go back, and to control volume etc. Would beep or XMMS be able to do that? My biggest need though is to find a player that makes it easy for me to set up playlists. I feel that the media player that comes by default with ubuntu is too obnoxious. It somehow sorted through my music and set up its own playlists (lik | 08:01 |
weiers | e windows media player), but I really don't know what is happening there. | 08:01 |
tritium | TylerDurden, you don't want the ubuntu firefox package? | 08:01 |
anethema | what does it matter where firefox installs? the config files are all in your home dir | 08:01 |
toky | Hobbsee: let me redo it | 08:01 |
jeff_ | Hobbsee: Meaning he never could get it to run without installing some ugly compat libraries | 08:01 |
_native_ | synaptic-> search-> firefox | 08:01 |
N6REJ | nalioth: cc... hey, you got time to help me finish the server 2nite? the logon gui is broke.. it freezes on bootup, unless I'm in recover mode. | 08:01 |
anethema | root or not the debian package wont work for you because it doesnt install to where you want it | 08:01 |
TylerDurden | not the default one, i want a fresh install of firefox, i uninstalled firefox that came with ubuntu and tried installing firefox from the website, now i have the installer but i want to install it in /usr, but i cant cuz im not root | 08:02 |
_native_ | use sudo | 08:02 |
_native_ | tyler | 08:02 |
anethema | haha | 08:02 |
glyn_ | I installed the .deb version of Java and when I try to load a java thing on a page it says exception:java.lang.NullPointerException | 08:02 |
TylerDurden | my head hurts already | 08:02 |
ztrikker | Use synaptic to download firefox again, then you can view the link | 08:02 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | one simple questions, please, i really really need one simple answer. how do i make user x (root or someone else) have the exact same settings as user b(tylerdurden) | 08:03 |
Hobbsee | toky: check thru there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30866&page=31&highlight=openoffice | 08:03 |
jeff_ | TylerDurden: sudo apt-get install firefox. If you need to reinstall it, sudo apt-get install -reinstall firefox | 08:03 |
Severian | weiers, xmms has good playlist support. I have never tried beep for that. Actually I just started using beep a couple of days ago and I like it. By using lirc, xmms is supposed to have good support for remote controls. | 08:03 |
anethema | TylerDurden, run this command | 08:03 |
jeff_ | the ubuntu version works well | 08:03 |
anethema | sudo cp -r ~ /root/ | 08:03 |
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anethema | then set your root password | 08:03 |
anethema | then login as root | 08:03 |
anethema | done | 08:03 |
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TylerDurden | i know it does but i just want to use the firefox installer from their website. PLEASE just give me the answer to that question and ill go away already | 08:03 |
TylerDurden | anethema, i got that | 08:03 |
anethema | ok so what else do you need | 08:04 |
anethema | thats all, done | 08:04 |
jeff_ | TylerDurden: Use the backports if you want the newest version on hoary | 08:04 |
TylerDurden | but the thing is ive done so much customizing on tylerdurden, i dont want to start over as root and customize everything again | 08:04 |
anethema | you doint have to | 08:04 |
anethema | that cp file fixes it | 08:04 |
netlover | 08:04 | |
anethema | copies all your settings to root | 08:04 |
TylerDurden | oh really? | 08:04 |
eythian | TylerDurden, no matter where you install firefox, it'll pick up the customisations. | 08:04 |
TylerDurden | ok great, cuz u didnt tell me what that command really does | 08:04 |
_native_ | cp -rf usershomedir | 08:04 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: you want to be root all the time and dont know what these things do? | 08:04 |
glyn_ | when I try to load something that requires java it says applet client notinited and then it just stops | 08:05 |
netlover | 08:05 | |
=== jeff_ shudders | ||
weiers | Ok, thanks Severian, I'll play around with AmaroK and then at some stage I will certainly try beep and xmms (used xmms on my previous Mandrake install). I just need advice to decide what engine to install with the player. If I remember, when I installed the w32 codecs I had to change from gstreamer to xine, so I suppose I need to do the same with AmaroK from the start. | 08:05 |
_native_ | cp= copy -rf = all and force | 08:05 |
SuseUX | night, night all | 08:05 |
Severian | weiers, xmms has keyboard shoetcuts for next song, as well. I never wanted to do that, but I see they exist. | 08:05 |
glyn_ | I just installed the JRE from a .deb file after trying a .bin file | 08:05 |
TylerDurden | not this again, ok i did that command hopefuly it works | 08:05 |
glyn_ | neither one of them are working | 08:05 |
glyn_ | what do I do? | 08:05 |
_native_ | man = manual pages | 08:05 |
nalioth | weiers: gstreamer works pretty good overall | 08:05 |
_native_ | ;-P | 08:05 |
=== zxsykco [n=zxsykco@ppp-69-217-133-13.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N6REJ | +q? | 08:05 |
TylerDurden | there was no need to question me, i just wanted an answer | 08:05 |
netlover | is there a china support man? | 08:05 |
TylerDurden | bye now | 08:05 |
_native_ | woah there. | 08:06 |
tritium | TylerDurden, please be nice. Often, to find out how to answer a question best, we have to ask a few additional questions. | 08:06 |
jeff_ | something everyone who wants to listen to music on ubuntu should do. Enable the universe & multiverse repositories. Then install gstreamer0.8-plugins | 08:06 |
Severian | gstreamer has its own package to add mp3 support. something mad. Look on the wiki for the RestrictedFormats page. | 08:06 |
jeff_ | That installs all of the mp3, xvid, etc support | 08:06 |
glyn_ | going on over 30 minutes of trying to install Java | 08:06 |
TylerDurden | tritum, im not sure you were here before when this all started. i asked a question of how i can be root at all times, and these guys just kept telling me OVER AND OVER "u dont need to be root" "its insecure" "u dont know anyhting about linux" when all i wanted was just one answer | 08:06 |
jeff_ | gstreamer0.8-plugins installs all of the plugins, including gstreamer0.8-mad | 08:07 |
nalioth | glyn_: did you not say you had no space? | 08:07 |
anethema | !es | 08:07 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:07 |
TylerDurden | ok now i got my answer sudo cp -r ~ /root/ thats it, ty | 08:07 |
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jeff_ | TylerDurden: It is called logs, everything you type is logged for anyone else to read | 08:07 |
nalioth | jeff_: there is a gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse also | 08:07 |
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N6REJ | I think I'm here on the wrong night... everyones grumpy 2nite | 08:07 |
toky | crap | 08:08 |
anethema | haha im not :D | 08:08 |
N6REJ | :P | 08:08 |
Jedrick | jeff_: i have error installing gaim-vv | 08:08 |
toky | it still wont install | 08:08 |
anethema | im one helpfull asshole tonight | 08:08 |
anethema | hehe | 08:08 |
st1lgar | lol =)) | 08:08 |
jeff_ | nalioth: I honestly dont know if that is a universe or multiverse package. I just assume that because mp3 support is taboo that gst*-mad would be in multiverse | 08:08 |
Severian | N6REJ, not me. | 08:08 |
TylerDurden | anyway thanks anethema | 08:08 |
tritium | TylerDurden, I was here at that time. | 08:08 |
=== st1lgar does the grumpy dance | ||
jeff_ | Jedrick: You're on your own, sorry | 08:08 |
st1lgar | w000t | 08:08 |
nalioth | jeff_: there are 2 pkgs | 08:08 |
ztrikker | glyn_ how far did you get with the bin install? | 08:08 |
nalioth | jeff_: one for OSS and one for multiverse | 08:08 |
TylerDurden | im going to try and see if my settings copied over | 08:08 |
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tritium | TylerDurden, they were giving you good advice. | 08:08 |
weiers | thanks nalioth, so I am busy installing amarok with the gstreamer engine now. | 08:08 |
=== jeff_ feels enlightened by nalioth | ||
jeff_ | Thanks | 08:09 |
N6REJ | anyone care to help me get my system going in normal mode please? | 08:09 |
jeff_ | nalioth: so sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins* would work right? | 08:09 |
Severian | N6REJ, what is wrong? | 08:09 |
jeff_ | if both repos were enabled | 08:09 |
nalioth | jeff_: i think you have to call em direct | 08:10 |
glyn_ | yeah I have 0 bytes of disk space | 08:10 |
glyn_ | hehe | 08:10 |
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Trashcan | haha | 08:10 |
Trashcan | wow | 08:10 |
nalioth | glyn_: free up some space and your box will work much better | 08:10 |
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Hobbsee | glyn_: well that wouldnt help lol | 08:10 |
ztrikker | wow | 08:10 |
TylerDurden | anthema :( it didnt copy it over | 08:10 |
N6REJ | Severian: ok, this is a fresh server install of breezy... did the dist upgrades and such, did the desktop-install and now when it reboots into the gui it locks hard. IF I boot in recovery mode its fine but of course the gui is gone.. not that thats a BIG problem... I have changed video cards since the initial install but I thin it was doing that before I changed cards. | 08:11 |
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GTroy | how do you add lines to a file? | 08:11 |
jeff_ | nalioth: I just tried it and the * wildcard worked. thanks | 08:11 |
=== GTroy tries to get more specific | ||
anethema | what do you mean | 08:11 |
N6REJ | GTroy: nice name. <----- Troy | 08:11 |
Hobbsee | good idea Gtroy | 08:11 |
jeff_ | GTroy: what file for what reason | 08:11 |
nalioth | N6REJ: in a terminal type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver | 08:11 |
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arachnist | GTroy: echo "contents of a line" >> file | 08:11 |
arachnist | :> | 08:11 |
TylerDurden | the command you gave me, to copy over user b (tylerdurden) files into root, it didnt work | 08:11 |
TylerDurden | root still has all the default settings | 08:12 |
anethema | what did it say/ | 08:12 |
anethema | ? | 08:12 |
anethema | ahh i dunno | 08:12 |
anethema | its not easy to do | 08:12 |
glyn_ | I freed up some disk space and it still tells me "Loading Java Applet Failed" | 08:12 |
anethema | all config files should be in there, but who knows | 08:12 |
anethema | its MUCh easier to do what you need to do with sudo | 08:12 |
nalioth | glyn_: b/c you didnt have space to install it properly | 08:12 |
N6REJ | nalioth: running it now | 08:12 |
anethema | but since you dont wanna do that, good luck | 08:12 |
GTroy | thanks arachnist | 08:12 |
ztrikker | you might need to reinstall java after you free up the space | 08:12 |
anethema | like | 08:12 |
Severian | N6REJ, do what nalioth said. It will probably help, unless you have a oddball video card. | 08:12 |
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anethema | typing sudo <firefox installer> will run it as root | 08:13 |
anethema | and can install to /usr | 08:13 |
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anethema | but if you are dead set on root stuff TylerDurden cant really help you | 08:13 |
anethema | heh | 08:13 |
N6REJ | nalioth: I put a s3 virge in there now and its on the list should I try that first? | 08:13 |
N6REJ | nalioth: that wasn't what was in there before | 08:13 |
TylerDurden | ok, well what if i want to open a new file in /usr? | 08:13 |
nalioth | N6REJ: VESA WILL drive any video card. you can try waht you like | 08:13 |
anethema | like create a text file? | 08:13 |
logikal | I got a quick question | 08:14 |
TylerDurden | why do i have to do sudo <complicated command here> when i can just open nautlus and open a new one there, easy | 08:14 |
logikal | I have this theme i downloaded | 08:14 |
N6REJ | nalioth: ok... ty... brb | 08:14 |
logikal | it has the files in it, | 08:14 |
logikal | install-kde3.sh | 08:14 |
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Severian | Wow, an s3 virge is a pretty bad video card. What else do you have. I doubt vesa supports that. | 08:14 |
anethema | i find it much easier to use the console | 08:14 |
logikal | and another zipped folder full of buttons and images | 08:14 |
TylerDurden | im not advanced enough in linux do handle the commands, for now i just want to do it the easy way, once i get my linux book then i cna start learning | 08:14 |
anethema | but why dont you just... | 08:14 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: if you insist, "sudo nautilus" twice | 08:14 |
tritium | TylerDurden, you can use "sudo -i" to get a shell. You'll retain priveleges until you exit the shell. | 08:14 |
Trashcan | same- console is much more... descriptive.. than the interface | 08:14 |
anethema | TylerDurden, why dont you just use those links i sent you, to make a root nautilus | 08:14 |
TylerDurden | shell is terminal? | 08:14 |
N6REJ | nalioth: should I let it use the frame buffer? | 08:14 |
TylerDurden | becaseu i cant | 08:14 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: yes | 08:14 |
TylerDurden | like i said, i uninstalled firefox | 08:15 |
tritium | You said you knew what you were doing... | 08:15 |
TylerDurden | and im trying ot isntall it using the package i downloaded before form getfirefox.com | 08:15 |
nalioth | N6REJ: the only thing you should mess with (imho) is the VESA setting | 08:15 |
Severian | vesa will not drive any video card. e.g., it won't worg on an Intel 810, or at least it did not a few months ago when I tried. | 08:15 |
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TylerDurden | but i want to install it to /usr, which i dont have owenr of that | 08:15 |
N6REJ | Severian: nothing else other then some ancient vlb cards.. all the rest are in use. | 08:15 |
TylerDurden | so now im stuck | 08:15 |
nalioth | Severian: really? i thought all video cards were VESA standard | 08:15 |
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glyn_ | how much free disk space do I need to install Java? | 08:16 |
psichron | Severian, vesa works with intel 915. bit of useless info. | 08:16 |
TylerDurden | if this account was root i wouldnt even be here now, i could just open a new folder there easily, and be done with it. but i dont want to log in as root because its all the default configs | 08:16 |
tritium | TylerDurden, what do you have downloaded? | 08:16 |
TylerDurden | firefox-1.0.7.installer | 08:16 |
tritium | TylerDurden, you realize you can enable the root account? | 08:16 |
Severian | nalioth, nope. Most things you find nowdays are. But, that was not true a few years ago.. The chipsets just did not all include VESA mode support | 08:17 |
nalioth | tritium: TylerDurden was told how to do that | 08:17 |
TylerDurden | root on tylerdurden? | 08:17 |
TylerDurden | or LOGIN as root on a different account? | 08:17 |
Trashcan | he wants root to have all his gnome settings | 08:17 |
tritium | root is its own account, TylerDurden | 08:17 |
psichron | Tyler, why don't you just use synaptic to install firefox? | 08:17 |
ztrikker | the j2re package is 89.1MB | 08:17 |
anethema | TylerDurden, look at the message i sent you | 08:17 |
anethema | will make a root nautilus | 08:17 |
Trashcan | and what's wrong with the default install? | 08:17 |
tritium | nalioth, Trashcan I know. Going over it twice can't hurt ;) | 08:17 |
arachnist | where can i find ubuntu's kernel config? i'm not running ubuntu (not even a linux-kernel based system) and i need a kernel config with which i'll be able to run a system of which i only know it is an ibm with pII 400 and 128MB of ram and intel's network card | 08:17 |
psichron | running in root the whole time is a bad idea | 08:18 |
tritium | arachnist, under /boot | 08:18 |
TylerDurden | see? tritrun? | 08:18 |
psichron | get used to operating in a user environment | 08:18 |
Severian | psichron, vesa mode works at least since the 845 for Intel video. I don't know about the 815 | 08:18 |
tritium | See what, TylerDurden ? | 08:18 |
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TylerDurden | y do u keep telling me its a bad idea and all? i dont really care if it is, its my computer, i just want an answer but i guess im not gonna get it here. reinstall ubuntu for the third time i guess and start over as root | 08:18 |
arachnist | tritium: i'm not running ubuntu, nor any linux system (freebsd if you're curious) | 08:18 |
N6REJ | are all users allowed to sudo in ubuntu? | 08:18 |
caonex | anybody here with ndiswrapper | 08:18 |
caonex | ? | 08:18 |
psichron | Severian,cool. just thought id say | 08:18 |
tritium | arachnist, sorry, didn't read that bit | 08:19 |
st1lgar | N6REJ: no, only users in admin group | 08:19 |
anethema | TylerDurden, why dont you just do what i told you in the message | 08:19 |
nalioth | N6REJ: only the primary and any (s)he designates | 08:19 |
Trashcan | i believe they have to belong to a certain 'admin' group, N6REJ | 08:19 |
Severian | N6REJ, See if there is a plain VGA mode. It won't be pretty, but it should work. | 08:19 |
TylerDurden | anethema i didnt get to read it, one second sorry, too many messeges here | 08:19 |
arachnist | tritium: all i need is a kernel config that will run on virtually any sane pc | 08:19 |
TylerDurden | ok ill read it now | 08:19 |
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N6REJ | crud, I should've trapped that before he got that far.. he put some wierd name in before I could stop'm | 08:19 |
anethema | TylerDurden, read it, i explained how to set up a root nautilus icon | 08:19 |
N6REJ | *sigh* | 08:19 |
tritium | arachnist, the source should contain the config file. You can get it from packages.ubuntu.com | 08:19 |
arachnist | tritium: thanks :) | 08:19 |
tritium | good luck | 08:19 |
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N6REJ | can I change who primary is before he gets much further with his install? | 08:20 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: N6REJ you can get on the box when he's not looking and give yourself privs, lol | 08:20 |
anethema | can get source for stuff with apt-get source <package) | 08:20 |
N6REJ | nalioth: ok, he made himself the admin LOL turd butt! | 08:20 |
tritium | N6REJ, just add any user you want to have sudo priveleges to the admin group | 08:21 |
nalioth | N6REJ: no choice. that's how ubuntu works | 08:21 |
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N6REJ | nalioth: ok.. that should be simple enough... | 08:21 |
=== tritium has a headache | ||
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N6REJ | nalioth: I owe you a cup of coffee, s3virge failed :P | 08:22 |
ahmed | hi | 08:22 |
arachnist | tritium: ubuntu uses 2.4.27? | 08:22 |
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tritium | arachnist, no, 2.6.10 on hoary, 2.6.12 on breezy | 08:22 |
nalioth | arachnist: breezy uses 2.6.12 | 08:22 |
arachnist | hmm | 08:22 |
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tritium | arachnist, the source for linux-image-2.6.12-9-686 will have breezy's latest 2.6.12 config file | 08:23 |
tritium | arachnist, as should linux-source-2.6.12 | 08:23 |
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GTroy | what's a "hostname?" | 08:25 |
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N6REJ | ok, we need more help... he got his system installed and has gnome running nicely... but now we need to get his belkin 54g wireless nic going... how do we do that? | 08:25 |
nalioth | GTroy: the name of a machine | 08:25 |
Severian | candy is a hostname | 08:25 |
Ghoat | farmer | 08:25 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: ndiswrapper | 08:25 |
TylerDurden | one last question before, i have dual boot, windows is on the newer hdd and ubuntu is on the older, i feel like its a little bit choppy when it comes to opening folders or opening a tab or something, could it be because of the hard drive? | 08:25 |
anethema | doubtfull but possible | 08:26 |
GTroy | thank you nalioth | 08:26 |
N6REJ | nalioth: yeah, but how from the desktop, | 08:26 |
anethema | you are gonna have to get into the console for NDISWrapper forsure | 08:26 |
TylerDurden | does anyone that use cedega tell me how well it would run compared to native windows? | 08:26 |
nalioth | N6REJ: no known way | 08:26 |
TylerDurden | id like to play counter strike source | 08:26 |
anethema | i use it..its slower but playable | 08:27 |
N6REJ | k, thats np. | 08:27 |
anethema | aparently for some poeple it is even faster | 08:27 |
TylerDurden | oh, i was hoping to get either the same or better performance | 08:27 |
TylerDurden | i wish i could test it | 08:27 |
anethema | good luck with that | 08:27 |
anethema | heheh | 08:27 |
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anethema | its only 5 bux a month | 08:27 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: cedega-cvs is freely available | 08:27 |
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anethema | or that | 08:28 |
TylerDurden | really? then y are they charging for something? whats cvs im not sure actually | 08:28 |
anethema | not sure if all of cedega is in the cvs or not | 08:28 |
nalioth | anethema: the support is missing from -cvs | 08:28 |
anethema | ah yeah | 08:28 |
N6REJ | apt-get install ndiswrapper? | 08:28 |
melvztechie | were to get cedega free CVS ? | 08:28 |
anethema | ability to vote | 08:28 |
anethema | and point2play | 08:28 |
anethema | hehe | 08:28 |
TylerDurden | oh point2play is what i need | 08:28 |
anethema | that aint free forsure | 08:29 |
Ramah | point2play is commerical | 08:29 |
TylerDurden | im still new to linux, all console work... i wont be able to do it | 08:29 |
anethema | no time like the present to learn :) | 08:29 |
Ramah | tyler: I'm new too.. gotta learn to crawl on the glass before you can run | 08:29 |
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anethema | it will be a big part of your linux life from now on | 08:29 |
tritium | TylerDurden, you've got to learn sometime. Give it a try. | 08:29 |
anethema | console is still important in linux | 08:29 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | You can do it. | 08:29 |
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TylerDurden | i just dont wanna throw away 15 dollars and find out the performance is really bad and i regret i unisntalled windows | 08:30 |
deFrysk | anethema, console will aways be important | 08:30 |
anethema | yeah, maybe | 08:30 |
TylerDurden | i will learn all that, when linux for dummies arrives in a week :P | 08:30 |
anethema | not if linux ever wants to beat windows it wont hehe | 08:30 |
anethema | but ill always love it :) | 08:30 |
TylerDurden | i just wish there were more linux native games | 08:30 |
deFrysk | anethema, the console is a powerfull tool | 08:30 |
anethema | i know it is | 08:31 |
anethema | but noobs dont like it | 08:31 |
Severian | The first thing I do when I start a Linux system is open a terminal window. But, I do it on Windows, too. | 08:31 |
TylerDurden | and console is very confusing, to me its like ms dos.. i dont see the use once yyou got a gui | 08:31 |
anethema | linux will go more where OSX is | 08:31 |
anethema | console is there | 08:31 |
anethema | but you dont have to use it to do shi | 08:31 |
anethema | t | 08:31 |
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deFrysk | anethema, even if everything wil be clickable , the console will still be there | 08:31 |
Ramah | does everyone really memorize all those extensions? the xvfy -s stuff? | 08:31 |
anethema | i know it will | 08:31 |
nalioth | anethema: are you skating along the edge? | 08:31 |
anethema | infact thats what i just said :0 | 08:31 |
anethema | heheh | 08:31 |
anethema | skating? | 08:31 |
nalioth | Ramah: you get used to them | 08:31 |
deFrysk | :D | 08:31 |
anethema | i use the console for everything | 08:31 |
anethema | haha | 08:31 |
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MadpilotPPC | TylerDurden, there is still some stuff that you can only do via console, and there is a fair bit that's actually easier via console... | 08:32 |
nalioth | anethema: language | 08:32 |
anethema | oh | 08:32 |
anethema | haha | 08:32 |
anethema | sorry i forgot | 08:32 |
anethema | give me a good solid kick if i do it more | 08:32 |
anethema | i will learn eventually | 08:32 |
TylerDurden | how is typing sudo <folder, file name.sh> easier than double clicking an icon? | 08:32 |
anethema | becaust | 08:32 |
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anethema | winkey-x opens a console instantly, quicktly rattle off the keys | 08:32 |
MadpilotPPC | TylerDurden, because sudo is different, and you can't (currently) do sudo stuff thru Nautilus... | 08:32 |
anethema | i bet i can do this much faster than you can browse thru your directory structures | 08:33 |
Sturmflut | xhi | 08:33 |
gr3ml | where did ipw2200 module go in breezy? i just dist-upgraded and modprobe/dmesg show it | 08:33 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: you mentioned whallago opening 2 nautilus' to copy and paste. it can be done with one line of text in one terminal window | 08:33 |
anethema | MadpilotPPC, you can so | 08:33 |
gr3ml | .. it's nowhere to be found | 08:33 |
anethema | yeah | 08:33 |
gr3ml | there are two posts on the forums relative to this | 08:33 |
anethema | console can be much faster for stuff | 08:33 |
MadpilotPPC | anethema, AFAIK only if you start on the command line and go "sudo nautilus"... | 08:33 |
anethema | especially with bash | 08:33 |
=== incubii [n=incubii@cor14-ppp2409.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | i still find it easier, i think ill format windows tomorrow and have ubuntu as my main os | 08:33 |
=== Ramah slaps anethema around a bit with a large trout | ||
N6REJ | is ndiswrapper included in the distro? | 08:33 |
tritium | TylerDurden, with time you'll find that many things are faster typed, rather than fumbling across the desktop with the mouse | 08:33 |
anethema | MadpilotPPC, or make yourself a nautilus icon which is root | 08:33 |
TylerDurden | and i guess when ill get linux for dummies itll all be easier | 08:33 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, cold turky :) good stuff | 08:33 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell N6REJ about ndiswrapper | 08:34 |
MadpilotPPC | !tell TylerDurden about cli | 08:34 |
anethema | cold turkey is the best | 08:34 |
=== sphivo [n=sphivo@cpe-069-134-161-202.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sturmflut | I'm using Breezy RC1 ATM and noticed that on one of two machines the keyboard shows a weird behaviour, all special chars accessed through <AltGr> and german Umlauts won't work | 08:34 |
Ramah | I quit smoking cold turkey... its better cold turkey | 08:34 |
anethema | heheh | 08:34 |
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MadpilotPPC | TylerDurden, the msg ubotu just sent you has a couple of useful URLs for introducing the console | 08:34 |
TylerDurden | am i missing something? whats cold turky? | 08:34 |
=== adoyretsamon [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | deleting windows | 08:34 |
anethema | just going linux right off the bat | 08:34 |
TylerDurden | thanks madpilotppc | 08:34 |
anethema | no back and forth stuff to 'get used to it' | 08:34 |
deFrysk | TylerDurden, kicking the habit | 08:34 |
tritium | TylerDurden, it's a figure of speech for stopping something immediately, rather than gradually. | 08:34 |
gr3ml | anyone, anyone? missing ipw2200 module in breezy? | 08:35 |
Ramah | lol I'm running linux within virtual pc under windows xp | 08:35 |
Ramah | heh | 08:35 |
tritium | gr3ml, nope, using it right now | 08:35 |
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TylerDurden | well im gonna go now, thanks for links and all | 08:35 |
anethema | good luck | 08:35 |
Sturmflut | Hm the AltGr key just behaves like Alt, strange | 08:35 |
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anethema | and remember a little politeness goes a long ways | 08:35 |
Ramah | its the only way I can irc, websurf, listen to music, and play with linux at the same time | 08:35 |
Sturmflut | At least bash interprets it like that | 08:36 |
tritium | Sturmflut, what does that Gr stand for? | 08:36 |
anethema | Ramah, i do that all very well without vpc thanks :P :) | 08:36 |
N6REJ | nalioth: ty, I"ll follow that. | 08:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Ramah | well... I am installing linux from scratch from the book, its my first time | 08:36 |
Ramah | this makes it alot easier for me | 08:36 |
Ramah | I also get alot less done :) | 08:37 |
gr3ml | tritium: find /lib/modules/ | grep ipw2200 shows a result? | 08:37 |
=== johnsie2 [n=john@cpc3-bele3-3-1-cust173.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Ramah: vpc is the best way to do lfs | 08:37 |
tritium | gr3ml, breezy does not have 2.6.13 | 08:37 |
Ramah | ya I'm glad I'm doing it like this... omg | 08:37 |
gr3ml | so how did dist-upgrade put me at | 08:37 |
Ramah | all the little problems I've run into | 08:37 |
Ramah | though the compile times are really sucking | 08:37 |
johnsie2 | help..... iwas playing slune and can't close it... it's sucking all my resources | 08:37 |
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bitje | try pkill -9 slue | 08:38 |
Jedrick | How to install Glib? | 08:38 |
anethema | slune? killall slune? | 08:38 |
anethema | heheh | 08:38 |
nalioth | Jedrick: you have it already | 08:38 |
Jedrick | i think i dont have | 08:38 |
Sturmflut | tritium: It is a key on my german pc105 keyboard that allows me to access some characters that are mapped on keys with multiple mappings. E.g. <Shift>+"<" gives me ">" and <AltGr>+"<" would give me the pipe symbol | 08:38 |
nalioth | Jedrick: you system wont work w/o it | 08:38 |
anethema | oomlaut! | 08:39 |
anethema | ich gehe gern eins kino! | 08:39 |
Sturmflut | lol | 08:39 |
anethema | haha | 08:39 |
=== mshade [n=mike@ip70-177-188-193.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | should have payed more attention in german lessons | 08:39 |
anethema | i forgot most of it | 08:39 |
anethema | haha | 08:39 |
nalioth | anethema: mlaut? | 08:39 |
anethema | thats the one :D | 08:39 |
johnsie2 | thanks :-) | 08:39 |
Jedrick | here: Could not run GLIB test program, checking why... | 08:39 |
Jedrick | *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the | 08:39 |
Jedrick | *** exact error that occurred. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed. | 08:39 |
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tritium | Sturmflut, thanks. I have a UK keyboard on this laptop, and I am not familiar with that AltGr key | 08:40 |
nalioth | Jedrick: please dont paste in here | 08:40 |
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johnsie2 | altgr is on a uk keybaords :-p | 08:40 |
johnsie2 | it's on mine :-p | 08:40 |
deFrysk | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AltGr_key | 08:40 |
nalioth | Jedrick: open synaptic and search for glib -dev | 08:40 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:40 |
johnsie2 | ooooo new updates | 08:40 |
tritium | thanks, deFrysk :) | 08:40 |
Ramah | nano- how long did it take you to do lfs, did you have alot of experience? | 08:40 |
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gr3ml | when ubuntu installs performs a dist upgrade, does it populate grub's menu.lst with links to all the resident kernels in boot? | 08:41 |
Jedrick | nalioth: i dont find any glib -dev | 08:41 |
=== ztrikker [n=ztrikker@adsl-067-035-065-109.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | yes, gr3ml | 08:41 |
nalioth | Jedrick: hoary or breezy? | 08:41 |
anethema | gr3ml, it just adds a entry for the new kernel | 08:41 |
Jedrick | breezy | 08:42 |
=== Lasher [n=hahafuck@adsl-146-224-161.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | not tounching old entries | 08:42 |
Lasher | hey people | 08:42 |
johnsie2 | I downloaded breezy this week... do i need to do anything on 13th Oct? | 08:42 |
Sturmflut | tritium: I have three machines running Breezy RC1 now and two of them have pc105 keyboards. The other works fine, this one doesn't, I already tried to just copy over the configuration or re-reun dpkg-configure xserver-xorg and create a new config. It works on console but does not work in X, regardless of window manager and application | 08:42 |
Hobbsee | hey Lasher :) | 08:42 |
gr3ml | tritium: that explains my problem - it was booting an old, miscompiled kernel i had left in boot. I suppose that'll force me to keep /boot clean | 08:42 |
_native_ | im getting "bad transport" blah blah when trying to use helix player to watch realmedia stuff. | 08:42 |
xuniluser | Help: Why is that in my panel below, i can't see the applications currently running? | 08:42 |
tritium | gr3ml, ah, okay | 08:42 |
nalioths_dog | Jedrick, install this libglib2.0-dev | 08:42 |
deFrysk | johnsie2, just update | 08:42 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:43 |
deFrysk | thatsit | 08:43 |
johnsie2 | using software updates? | 08:43 |
deFrysk | johnsie2, yup | 08:43 |
johnsie2 | k thnaks | 08:43 |
_native_ | i have no firewall running when this occurs i installed the provided helixplayer in the ubuntu distroo. | 08:43 |
tritium | Sturmflut, are you using gnome? Did you try the keyboard configuration applet? | 08:43 |
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Severian | When my breezy system starts up without a monitor, it comes up in 640 x 480 resolution. Is there a way to make it stick to 800 x 600? I access it through VNC, normally. | 08:44 |
johnsie2 | I'm getting an error messagein Sowftare updates..... E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:44 |
nalioth | johnsie2: close all your apt instances | 08:44 |
_native_ | my monitor dose that too. | 08:44 |
oxez | anyone got a windows xp icon (the logo), in png? | 08:44 |
anethema | Severian, go into your resolution things and make 800x600 the default | 08:44 |
anethema | might work | 08:44 |
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Lasher | Hey Hobbsee, do I need to configure the DCHP when I install or not? | 08:44 |
anethema | resolution menu | 08:44 |
_native_ | that dose not help | 08:44 |
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Hobbsee | it should autoconfigure | 08:45 |
deFrysk | oxez, ? | 08:45 |
Severian | anathema, nope. I tried that. | 08:45 |
Lasher | it doesn't... | 08:45 |
NsOmNiAc | any Ubuntu sound experts here ? | 08:45 |
anethema | doh sorry | 08:45 |
_native_ | me too | 08:45 |
Lasher | actually, it doesn't find anything | 08:45 |
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oxez | deFrysk: I'm just creating a launcher to winxp through qemu | 08:45 |
Lasher | would it matter if I'm using a wireless network? | 08:45 |
Trash[sleep] | 23:44:53 up 6 days, 2:35, 2 users, load average: 0.08, 0.27, 0.27 | 08:45 |
deFrysk | oxez, perhaps make a png of it using gimp ? | 08:45 |
Trash[sleep] | anyone know why it says 2 users? | 08:45 |
Hobbsee | ah yes, that would, i think that means it hasnt recognised your wireless card | 08:46 |
_native_ | yes its because | 08:46 |
Trash[sleep] | 'users' shows 'matt matt' | 08:46 |
_native_ | there always will be processes | 08:46 |
_native_ | that run as root | 08:46 |
oxez | deFrysk: I don't have any source image :/ | 08:46 |
johnsie2 | thanks again :-) | 08:46 |
oxez | nvm | 08:46 |
CountDown | How does Ubuntu automagically handle USB-to-serial converters. That is, what is the mechanism by which a USB-to-serial converter shows up in /dev? | 08:46 |
deFrysk | oxez, oic | 08:46 |
_native_ | so that shows up as a user | 08:46 |
Trash[sleep] | ok | 08:46 |
Trash[sleep] | thanks | 08:46 |
Trash[sleep] | night | 08:46 |
_native_ | later | 08:46 |
Hobbsee | *raises eyebrows* for some reason, my top says there are 0 users | 08:47 |
oxez | deFrysk: images.google.ca, sorry I forgot | 08:47 |
Hobbsee | when there clearly are 2! | 08:47 |
gr3ml | is it intentional that breezy left oo 1.1.5 around while also installing 1.9.x? Can I safely remove all the 1.1.5 bung? | 08:47 |
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Trash[sleep] | 6 days on a p3 with a quarter gig of ram | 08:47 |
Trash[sleep] | can barely do that on xp | 08:47 |
Trash[sleep] | ;) | 08:47 |
Sturmflut | tritium: I' using KDE. I just tried to change keyboard layout throuth the control center and the Applet says "Error while changing the keyboard layout to de", interesting | 08:47 |
Jedrick | nalioth: now i get this error * Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why... | 08:47 |
=== _native_ having helixplayer problems | ||
Hobbsee | gr3ml: yes, you can remove it | 08:47 |
Jedrick | how to install GTK | 08:47 |
xuniluser | How do i reload my desktop items like my panel and the rest? | 08:47 |
deFrysk | gr3ml, yes | 08:48 |
xuniluser | Jedrick: apt-get install gtk | 08:48 |
tritium | Sturmflut, I'm not a kde user. Not sure what to suggest. | 08:48 |
Jedrick | got this error Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:48 |
_native_ | peace peoples............ | 08:49 |
Jedrick | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:49 |
N6REJ | nalioth: when I go to network settings I see a modem interface setting which he doesn't have but no nic | 08:49 |
zakame | hi all! :D | 08:49 |
Hobbsee | hi zakame! | 08:49 |
Lasher | how long does it usually take when you manually select the partition table size for Ubuntu to install? | 08:49 |
Sturmflut | tritium: I suspect there is a general problem with the key layouts, maybe they're missing or so. I'll have a look | 08:49 |
Hobbsee | um...a min or so? sometimes more, sometimes less | 08:49 |
Ramah | nalioth: you around? | 08:49 |
Severian | Jedrick, do you have Synaptic open while you are trying that from the terminal prompt? | 08:49 |
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Jedrick | yes | 08:50 |
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anethema | thats what the error means :) | 08:50 |
Severian | You must close Synaptic. Really, you must. | 08:50 |
Jedrick | i close it now but still got this error E: Couldn't find package GTK | 08:50 |
anethema | can only have one apt thin goin at once | 08:50 |
nalioth | Jedrick: close all your apt instances | 08:50 |
zakame | Lasher: that depends mostly on your hardware | 08:50 |
nalioth | Ramah: yes | 08:50 |
Lasher | I have an AMD64 | 08:50 |
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Lasher | but the HD sucks | 08:50 |
nalioth | N6REJ: ndiswrapper is out of my area (i run macintosh hardware and ubuntu) | 08:50 |
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anethema | whats GTX | 08:50 |
anethema | there is no GTX in apt | 08:51 |
anethema | MPGTX though | 08:51 |
anethema | Toolbox to manipulate MPEG files (video, system, and audio) | 08:51 |
zakame | apt-cache search gtk* | 08:51 |
N6REJ | nalioth: NUTS!! I don't want to have to run cat5 cable across the house | 08:51 |
Lasher | zakame: is it normal for it to stay on the blue screen for more than 2-3 minutes? | 08:51 |
anethema | oh gtk | 08:51 |
johnsie2 | when i click on gIFT the windows disapears | 08:51 |
Severian | N6REJ, that is the right attitude. You should use cat6 | 08:52 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: they do make those selfcontained wireless boxes that ethernet connects to the computer | 08:52 |
zakame | Lasher: by blue screen I assume just a totally blue screen, with nothing on it? | 08:52 |
Jedrick | trying to do, sudo apt-get install gtk but got this erro E: Couldn't find package GTK | 08:52 |
johnsie2 | errr.. when i click the icon for gIFT is wont start up,,, the gui just disappears | 08:52 |
anethema | because its more than just gtk | 08:52 |
nalioth | Jedrick: using terminal or synaptic? | 08:52 |
Lasher | well, no, there's a bar at the bottom and a black ansi square in the left bottom corner | 08:52 |
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Shin_Gouki | good morning! ubuntu community! | 08:53 |
Jedrick | terminal | 08:53 |
Lasher | hello shin | 08:53 |
zakame | Lasher: can you do Alt+F3 and tell me what's on the screen? | 08:53 |
johnsie2 | mornin | 08:53 |
zakame | Shin_Gouki: heya! | 08:53 |
Shin_Gouki | what language may be best to create Shell scritps? | 08:53 |
deFrysk | wow | 08:53 |
Lasher | I'm not currently inside ubuntu | 08:53 |
deFrysk | a happy camper | 08:53 |
nalioth | Jedrick: type "apt-cache search gtk" | 08:53 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:53 |
Shin_Gouki | wow Jedrick also still here# | 08:53 |
Lasher | zakame: I was installing ubuntu | 08:53 |
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zakame | Lasher: yes, I noticed :) | 08:54 |
anethema | Jedrick, its libgtk2.0-0 | 08:54 |
anethema | sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 | 08:54 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:54 |
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anethema | there is more too it tho | 08:54 |
Lasher | zakame: so, just let it run? | 08:54 |
anethema | tons of gtk parts | 08:54 |
anethema | and glib | 08:54 |
zakame | Lasher: that's why I'm asking the previous question... | 08:54 |
Jedrick | but i have it already | 08:54 |
gr3ml | thanks all | 08:54 |
anethema | libgtk2.0-bin for example | 08:54 |
Jedrick | said i already have the newest version | 08:55 |
anethema | so what are you up to ? :) | 08:55 |
Jedrick | it says gtk | 08:55 |
anethema | maybe you need libgtk2.0-dev if stuff is complainging when you try to compile | 08:55 |
anethema | what are you trying to do | 08:55 |
Jedrick | trying to install gaim-vv | 08:55 |
anethema | compile it? | 08:55 |
Lasher | brb | 08:56 |
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anethema | install libgtk2.0-dev then | 08:56 |
zakame | Jedrick: apt-get -y install libgtk2.0-dev | 08:56 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:56 |
Jedrick | its installing now | 08:56 |
Severian | Jedrick, are you on Hoary or Breezy? | 08:56 |
Jedrick | hope this is the one | 08:56 |
Jedrick | breezy | 08:56 |
anethema | if its asking for stuff during compiule | 08:57 |
anethema | the -dev is what you need | 08:57 |
Fejikso | Hello. I've got a quick question: I'm currently testing the 5.04 live-cd. Is there any way of saving all my settings to an usbdrive? | 08:57 |
zakame | Jedrick: are you building gaim-vv from source? | 08:57 |
tritium | -y should not be needed | 08:57 |
anethema | yeah no -y | 08:57 |
anethema | hehe | 08:57 |
Jedrick | zakame: dunno | 08:57 |
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zakame | tritium: -y was there so as to prevent the prompting, but yeah, its optional | 08:58 |
tritium | zakame, not always wise, though | 08:58 |
anethema | prompting can be good | 08:58 |
anethema | yeah | 08:58 |
anethema | specially for a noob | 08:58 |
Severian | I think it is libgtk1.2 not libgtk2 | 08:58 |
anethema | Severian, no | 08:58 |
anethema | heheh | 08:58 |
=== pbutter [n=dane@CPE-70-94-12-16.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | 2 is the default in breezy anyways | 08:58 |
zakame | anethema: indeed | 08:58 |
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Severian | They are both there. Is breezy where the switchover is happening? | 08:59 |
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pbutter | is anyone here using breezy? | 08:59 |
anethema | i certainly am | 08:59 |
anethema | hehe | 08:59 |
pbutter | can someone help me with a problem i am having? | 08:59 |
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Severian | lot of people are using breezy | 09:00 |
anethema | pbutter, dont ask that | 09:00 |
anethema | just ask your question | 09:00 |
anethema | if someone knows they will answer | 09:00 |
pbutter | i did all the updates and everything, but now when i try to apt-get stuff, i get errors saying source package blah blah blah, and it says i should do an update | 09:00 |
pbutter | but i get errors at the end of the update as well | 09:00 |
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pbutter | i think my sources list is messed up, but i have tried several | 09:00 |
anethema | use pastebin.com to show us errors | 09:00 |
pbutter | is there aplace where i can get a sure fired great sources list for breeezy | 09:00 |
anethema | sure, mine haha | 09:00 |
pbutter | errors, after i try the update | 09:00 |
PrimoTurbo | is it possible to play with cvscedega and have a mount game play? | 09:00 |
pbutter | or after i just try to install something | 09:00 |
=== DShepherd [n=DShepher@kgn-dial-in225.anbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
anethema | http://pastebin.com/386885 | 09:01 |
anethema | that should work for you | 09:01 |
anethema | thats a normal breezy source list with all normal repos enabled | 09:02 |
pbutter | http://pastebin.com/386886 | 09:02 |
anethema | there are no backports for breezy | 09:02 |
anethema | just use mine that i showed you | 09:03 |
anethema | http://pastebin.com/386885 | 09:03 |
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pbutter | its so messed up | 09:05 |
pbutter | i gotta delete all them numbers | 09:06 |
anethema | numbers? | 09:06 |
zakame | numbers?!? | 09:06 |
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anethema | heheh | 09:06 |
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anethema | those numbers arent even selectable for me | 09:06 |
anethema | the line numbers on pastebin | 09:06 |
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pbutter | they were for me, its no biggie tho, i deleted them | 09:07 |
pbutter | have you guys ever heard of a program called easy ubuntu? | 09:07 |
pbutter | i am new to this, and i am having a difficult time finding out how to download and install stuff, like gdesklets for example, i have no idea how to make that all work, and i want to do cool things with my desktop | 09:07 |
MadpilotPPC | !+synaptic | 09:08 |
ubotu | it has been said that synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 09:08 |
anethema | just open synaptic | 09:08 |
=== DrCranken [n=rob@cpe-65-29-73-58.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | search for what you want, and install it | 09:08 |
MadpilotPPC | pbutter, see ubotu above for a Synaptic howto | 09:08 |
anethema | then run the command 'killall gnome-panel' to refresh your menus | 09:08 |
anethema | it will be there | 09:08 |
anethema | hehe | 09:08 |
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Jedrick | now i got this error. *** GStreamer is required to build Gaim; please make sure you have the | 09:09 |
DrCranken | Hi guys , Can anyone help me with my Ubuntu install on Apple powerbook | 09:09 |
anethema | have the... | 09:09 |
=== Lasher [n=hahafuck@adsl-146-224-161.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lasher | hello | 09:10 |
pbutter | that will show me how to install progs and stuff? | 09:11 |
=== Nadien [n=Nadien@185-141-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | Jedrick, i imagine you need libgstreamer0.8-dev | 09:11 |
Jedrick | ok | 09:11 |
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MadpilotPPC | pbutter, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 09:11 |
Lasher | ok, so, I pick manually edit partition, I see my ide1 with a black smiley face, which I read is ok, then I have to at least use 23.4 GB, and then it will write to disk....and then I'm good to go? | 09:11 |
Jedrick | what does lib stands for? | 09:11 |
anethema | and probably libgstreamer0.8 | 09:12 |
GTroy | what steps do I take to install firefox 1.5 beta 2 on breezy? | 09:12 |
anethema | who knows | 09:12 |
anethema | hehe | 09:12 |
anethema | lib means its a library | 09:12 |
seth_k|lappy | Jedrick, library | 09:12 |
Jedrick | owhh | 09:12 |
GTroy | does anyone have a link? | 09:12 |
DrCranken | anyone know what to put in bootx to get this thing to boot after install | 09:12 |
=== Ofe [n=Ofeman@user-roi4b-182.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnsie2 | if i type sudo apt-get install freedoom | 09:13 |
johnsie2 | ..... where toes it install doom to? | 09:13 |
Ofe | !fi | 09:13 |
ubotu | I heard fi is "Suomalaiset: Suomea puhutaan kanavalla #ubuntu-fi" | 09:13 |
tritium | johnsie2, dpkg -L <packagename> to see where the files are | 09:13 |
GTroy | !firefox 1.5 breezy | 09:14 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, GTroy | 09:14 |
GTroy | man I'm new | 09:14 |
Hobbsee | GTroy: i'd also like to know that | 09:14 |
Shin_Gouki | hey good morning Hobsee :) | 09:14 |
MadpilotPPC | johnsie2, what happens when you type "freedoom" at the prompt? | 09:14 |
GTroy | uh how to install 1.5 firefox on breezy badger? | 09:14 |
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Shin_Gouki | hey good morning Hobbsee :) my might OO helper ^^ | 09:14 |
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Hobbsee | morning Shin_Gouki | 09:14 |
Hobbsee | lol | 09:14 |
Hobbsee | did it ever get working? | 09:15 |
Shin_Gouki | GTroy , its simply | 09:15 |
=== GTroy29 [n=galen@70-56-124-42.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shin_Gouki | download , the file from mozilla unack and run it :) | 09:15 |
DrCranken | anyone help with Mac install? | 09:15 |
johnsie2 | no suck file or directorty | 09:15 |
Shin_Gouki | Hobbsee, yes all worked what u said me | 09:15 |
Hobbsee | oh good! | 09:15 |
Jedrick | dude i still revieve the error, checking for gstreamer-0.8 >= 0.8 gstreamer-control-0.8 >= 0.8 gstreamer-interfaces-0.8 >= 0.8... configure: error: | 09:15 |
GTroy29 | Thanks Shin_Gouki | 09:15 |
nalioth_zZz | DrCranken: ask | 09:15 |
GTroy29 | though I can't seem to download it | 09:15 |
Jedrick | i mean recieve | 09:15 |
Shin_Gouki | Hobbsee, BUT i would need shell shortcuts for the stand alone applications: calc , writer, impress | 09:16 |
Hobbsee | Gtroy: you're looking to get firefox 1.5 beta 2 to get shortcuts and all that? | 09:16 |
Hobbsee | true | 09:16 |
GTroy29 | yeah Hobbsee | 09:16 |
Shin_Gouki | Hobbsee, ATM i only casn start "OO" via shell | 09:16 |
DrCranken | i cant boot after install, bootx | 09:16 |
Hobbsee | for some reason, that part seems botched | 09:16 |
tritium | Jedrick, you have libgstreamer0.8-dev installed? | 09:16 |
Jedrick | yes | 09:16 |
nalioth_zZz | DrCranken: did you follow the wiki? | 09:16 |
DrCranken | yes | 09:16 |
Shin_Gouki | the FF 1.5 is cool native SVG!!! | 09:16 |
Hobbsee | Shin_Gouki: there's a howto at ubuntuforums.org where they were trying to figure it out | 09:17 |
Hobbsee | search for that, and see if it helps | 09:17 |
Shin_Gouki | ok thx! | 09:17 |
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nalioth_zZz | DrCranken: so your initrd and all that rot are on your os9/hfs+ partition? | 09:17 |
Hobbsee | i found running the debian menu deb again got me the menus | 09:17 |
Hobbsee | GTroy29: when you find out, tell me too | 09:17 |
GTroy29 | hmmm | 09:17 |
Shin_Gouki | i create Icewm menus on my own its cool, but u have to know were the OO executables are (NO not in use/bin) | 09:18 |
GTroy | will do if I ever find it | 09:18 |
DrCranken | i got it to install fine , but now it wont boot to hda10 | 09:18 |
Jedrick | dude i still revieve the error, checking for gstreamer-0.8 >= 0.8 gstreamer-control-0.8 >= 0.8 gstreamer-interfaces-0.8 >= 0.8... configure: error: i already installed the libgstreamer0.8-dev | 09:18 |
Shin_Gouki | GTroy29, plz explain a bit in detail waht u want i run FF 1.5 | 09:18 |
nalioth_zZz | Jedrick: do you have all your repos enabled? | 09:18 |
GTroy29 | uhmm flash | 09:18 |
tritium | nice show on INHD now :) | 09:18 |
Jedrick | yes | 09:18 |
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Hobbsee | Shin_Gouki: we want the menu shortcuts and all that for the beta firefox | 09:19 |
johnsie2 | if i type sudo apt-get install kde will i get kde? | 09:19 |
DrCranken | what do i need in bootx ? | 09:19 |
Shin_Gouki | GTroy29, only flash? | 09:19 |
popey | GTroy: flash works in ff 1.0.x | 09:19 |
Hobbsee | johnsie2: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and you will :) | 09:19 |
GTroy29 | I guess everything ff 1.5 does on my osx | 09:19 |
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johnsie2 | is that safe lol.... i mean gnome works just fine | 09:19 |
Shin_Gouki | GTroy29, i guess the plugin specs changed .. they didnt yet finalize it for 3rd party like marcomedia | 09:19 |
Hobbsee | johnsie2: well, you'll get more apps to use, and a different DE to try, so it's completely your choice | 09:20 |
GTroy29 | oh...ok | 09:20 |
anethema | ok im goin to sleep..hope i helped some ppl! haha night all | 09:20 |
johnsie2 | what desktop will come up at staup? | 09:20 |
johnsie2 | startup? | 09:20 |
nalioth_zZz | Jedrick: install ALL gstreamer pkgs. problem solved | 09:20 |
johnsie2 | and is there t way to choose? | 09:20 |
MadpilotPPC | johnsie2, Gnome. And KDE apps will run fine in Gnome, and vice/verse | 09:20 |
MadpilotPPC | *versa | 09:21 |
Jedrick | lol.. ok :) | 09:21 |
nalioth_zZz | DrCranken: this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/OldWorldMacs is very well written. it tells you all you need to do | 09:21 |
vengeful_ | gnome is default | 09:21 |
nalioth_zZz | night all | 09:21 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, may ber u can help me, i want to write some kind of"batch" file were do input may mount commands at once, which language would be best, pearl , C? or am i totoly wrong? | 09:21 |
johnsie2 | well what do you guys think? | 09:21 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: english? | 09:21 |
johnsie2 | in terms of which is best | 09:22 |
vengeful_ | hehe why do you need c/perl for a batch file? | 09:22 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, haha i mean SCRIPt language ;) | 09:22 |
Shin_Gouki | yes | 09:22 |
johnsie2 | personal opinion :-) | 09:22 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: i write my batch stuff in english | 09:22 |
Shin_Gouki | vengeful_, how u write batch fikles? | 09:22 |
Shin_Gouki | i dont know how to? | 09:22 |
vengeful_ | johnsie2, i like xfce4 | 09:22 |
Yetr2 | Shin_Gouki, use bash scripting | 09:22 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: ask uncle google about "bash scripting howto" | 09:22 |
Shin_Gouki | Yetr2, thx u have tutorial , syntax site? | 09:22 |
vengeful_ | well the only time i ever wrote batch files was in plain english ;-) | 09:22 |
Shin_Gouki | thx!! | 09:22 |
Severian | vengeful, are you testing xubuntu? | 09:22 |
MadpilotPPC | johnsie2, I like Gnome; KDE looks too much like WinXP for my taste... <shrug> | 09:23 |
DrCranken | nalioth, I got it installed and it said to set up bootx to boot root=/dev/hda10 . but that doesent work, I tried to follow the instructions but im a newbie i guess? | 09:23 |
nalioth_zZz | MadpilotPPC: you seen xpde? | 09:23 |
johnsie2 | i think I'll stick with what I've got | 09:23 |
Shin_Gouki | KDE is evil | 09:23 |
Yetr2 | don't need on | 09:23 |
Shin_Gouki | ^^ | 09:23 |
Yetr2 | one | 09:23 |
vengeful_ | severian...i installed xfce4 on ubuntu...if that makes me testing xubuntu i dunno :-) | 09:23 |
MadpilotPPC | nalioth_zZz, what's that? | 09:23 |
Yetr2 | you know those commands you type to mount your things Shin_Gouki ? | 09:23 |
nalioth_zZz | DrCranken: perhaps. i'll be back tomorrow morning, or you can ask in ##apple | 09:23 |
Yetr2 | thats considered bash scripting | 09:23 |
Shin_Gouki | Yetr2, yes i know them | 09:23 |
nalioth_zZz | MadpilotPPC: www.xpde.com | 09:23 |
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DrCranken | ok thanks | 09:24 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, is there a ubuntu lite channel? | 09:24 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: you are in it | 09:24 |
Severian | no, xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce as its native desktop. Like kubuntu is to kde. | 09:24 |
Shin_Gouki | wow ok ^^ | 09:24 |
Yetr2 | #!/bin/bash | 09:24 |
bonee | anyone have a good list of Ubuntu repository | 09:24 |
Yetr2 | mount /dev/hda1 /bobo | 09:24 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: you might try #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to talk about elephants or automobiles | 09:24 |
Yetr2 | theres a script for bash right there... | 09:24 |
vengeful_ | nabh i installed ubuntuand use xfce | 09:24 |
nalioth_zZz | ubotu: tell bonee about sources | 09:24 |
Yetr2 | of course you could just add the entries to your fstab file and have them automounted upon boot | 09:25 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, ur always so funny ^^i want to talk about ubuntu-lite | 09:25 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: i never heard of it | 09:25 |
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Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, in the wikipedia it says: its a WIP version of ubutnu for "small" hardware so i wanted to help | 09:25 |
MadpilotPPC | nalioth_zZz, interesting... how are they not getting sued by MS, I wonder? | 09:26 |
johnsie2 | xpde looks scary | 09:26 |
johnsie2 | anyone actually used it? | 09:26 |
IceDC571 | MadpilotPPC: how is the breezy livecd for ppc, is it stable? | 09:26 |
=== commodore [n=commodor@84-50-168-212-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shin_Gouki | johnsie2, i use icewm i like it | 09:26 |
commodore | hi | 09:26 |
MadpilotPPC | IceDC571, this is a Hoary install, and it's not actually my computer... sorry | 09:26 |
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IceDC571 | okay | 09:26 |
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nalioth_zZz | MadpilotPPC: read the FAQ | 09:27 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, its strange!" | 09:27 |
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Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, can u read german? its only in the german wikipedia not in the eng -us | 09:28 |
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Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, here http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu | 09:28 |
punkd | hi | 09:28 |
punkd | go | 09:28 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: ich verstehen deutch | 09:28 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, then click on "abwandlungen" which means varieties | 09:29 |
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nalioth_zZz | MadpilotPPC: it kinda pisses me off, cuz they only offer a damned i386 binary (xpde) | 09:29 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: ja ja | 09:29 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, there are ubuntu "mods" listed one of theose seems to be : "ubutnu-lite" | 09:29 |
brownie17 | can anybody tell me how to run the FIXMBR tool on the windows xp professional cd? | 09:29 |
nalioth_zZz | brownie17: where you been? | 09:29 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, so i thought it might exist , but if u never heard of it then it doensn't exsit ^^ | 09:30 |
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brownie17 | nalioth_zZz, why? what did i miss? | 09:30 |
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enyc | brow: recovery console... are you having a boot problem? | 09:30 |
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johnsie2 | will... sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop... wipe over gnome? | 09:30 |
brownie17 | enyc, yes, windows xp isn't appearing in grub. something to do with the partition name changing | 09:30 |
enyc | brownie17: trying to install ubuntu after moving/deleting a previously-needed-for-booting linux partition? | 09:30 |
nalioth_zZz | johnsie2: they coexist | 09:30 |
tritium | johnsie2, no | 09:30 |
brownie17 | johnsie2, nope | 09:30 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, u told me u never heard of it :) | 09:30 |
enyc | aah well fixmbr may lose access to grub | 09:31 |
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johnsie2 | so how do i run either one? | 09:31 |
enyc | you would want to change /boot/grub/grub.conf [maybe /boot/grub/menu.lst] | 09:31 |
brownie17 | enyc, i know, i am going ot restore grub afterwarsd | 09:31 |
nalioth_zZz | johnsie2: at your login, under "sessions" you'll have a choice | 09:31 |
seth_k|lappy | enyc, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or some name like that | 09:31 |
enyc | aah kk | 09:31 |
enyc | well brownie17 , goto 'recovery console' | 09:31 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: you told me and i asked uncle google | 09:31 |
MadpilotPPC | Shin_Gouki, I think it's www.ubuntulite.org - ask google if that URL doesn't work... | 09:32 |
brownie17 | enyc, if you know anything about grub and the fdisk, please help me restore my windows xp partition the easy way if you can | 09:32 |
enyc | this will [artifical limitation with the proprietary loader] need admini~1 password | 09:32 |
nalioth_zZz | MadpilotPPC: <ahem> ^^^^ | 09:32 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth_zZz, its ok i now got what i wanted AND u to know that there is such thing :) | 09:32 |
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@24-205-238-53.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | extra repositories aren't working, ubuntu is useless for me currently, i want to install multimedia codecs! I can't do it without extra repositories | 09:32 |
nalioth_zZz | commodore: sure you can. enable universe and multiverse | 09:33 |
MadpilotPPC | nalioth_zZz, blah... it's late, and I obviously need to get off IRC... ;) | 09:33 |
Shin_Gouki | yes u both should get to sleep | 09:33 |
nalioth_zZz | MadpilotPPC: way past my bedtime, too | 09:33 |
Hobbsee | lol | 09:33 |
commodore | nalioth_zZz: what are those? | 09:33 |
Hobbsee | sleep? | 09:33 |
Shin_Gouki | in germany its morning but it must be late at ur side! | 09:33 |
Shin_Gouki | :D | 09:33 |
nalioth_zZz | ubotu: tell commodore about sources | 09:33 |
nalioth_zZz | Shin_Gouki: utc -6 here | 09:34 |
MadpilotPPC | Shin_Gouki, 0030 here now... | 09:34 |
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Jedrick | How can i view webcams on gaim? | 09:36 |
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mypapit | Jedrick, use gaim-vv | 09:36 |
tritium | Jedrick, you cannot | 09:36 |
Shin_Gouki | ^^ | 09:36 |
NsOmNiAc | gaim-vv still in testing but you can | 09:36 |
Jedrick | i already have gaim-vv | 09:36 |
Shin_Gouki | is gaim also VoIP rdy? | 09:36 |
tritium | Jedrick, did you build it? | 09:36 |
Jedrick | dont know | 09:36 |
Jedrick | i think not yet | 09:37 |
Jedrick | how to build it? | 09:37 |
tritium | Jedrick, weren't you in the process of doing that? | 09:37 |
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commodore | ubotu: what do i do with the stuff you gave me? paste it at sources.list? | 09:38 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, commodore | 09:38 |
tritium | commodore, ubotu is a bot | 09:38 |
MadpilotPPC | !+ubotu | 09:38 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on this channel! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my databanks on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:38 |
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zxsykco | !bong | 09:38 |
ubotu | zxsykco: I give up, what is it? | 09:38 |
commodore | :D fuck i'm stupid | 09:38 |
Shin_Gouki | commodore, i may help u explain to me what u want to do? view avis? Videos? | 09:38 |
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Jedrick | oops i forgot to install it.. i tot after configure its done.. :p | 09:38 |
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commodore | fck | 09:39 |
albacker | guys, where can i find avi's plugins.. to play avi files in totem | 09:39 |
tritium | commodore, language please | 09:39 |
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Yetr2 | make | 09:39 |
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=== Lasher [n=hahafuck@adsl-146-224-161.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MadpilotPPC | !tell albacker about restricted | 09:39 |
Yetr2 | make install | 09:39 |
tritium | use checkinstall | 09:40 |
Lasher | can someone please help me with setting up a correct partition? | 09:40 |
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Jedrick | ey man i already install the gaim-vv but still cant view webcams | 09:40 |
Yetr2 | yeah.. check install wuold be best | 09:40 |
Yetr2 | err checkinstall | 09:40 |
commodore | i want extra repositories, the ones at ubuntuguide.org aren't working, the bot gave me a link to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 but i don't know what to do with it, paste it at sources.list? | 09:40 |
kemik | commodore: and remove the # | 09:41 |
kemik | for the repos you want | 09:41 |
kemik | !ubuntuguide | 09:41 |
ubotu | hmm... ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 09:41 |
tritium | Jedrick, you're running gaim-vv now? You built it, installed it, and ran it? | 09:41 |
Jedrick | i installed it | 09:41 |
Jedrick | how to run it? | 09:41 |
commodore | do i have to replace something or just paste it at the end? | 09:41 |
tritium | Jedrick, are you sure? You ran make, and then make install? | 09:42 |
kemik | depends on what's in your sources.list ... but you might as well replace it | 09:42 |
commodore | i made a backup so i'll try just replacing | 09:42 |
Shin_Gouki | commodore, yes try to edit ur sources-list | 09:42 |
kemik | dont forget apt-get update | 09:42 |
Shin_Gouki | commodore, no | 09:42 |
Shin_Gouki | commodore, at the end | 09:42 |
Jedrick | ye i do make install | 09:42 |
=== Nermal [n=peter@dynamic-62-56-63-181.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shin_Gouki | commodore, try not to replayce, backup fule is good idea | 09:43 |
Nermal | lo lo | 09:43 |
tritium | Jedrick, if you're sure... | 09:43 |
nalioth_zZz | Jedrick: use "checkinstall" instead of 'make install' | 09:43 |
Nermal | is there a way to prevent a module getting loaded at boot? like a module blacklist ? | 09:43 |
Jedrick | ok | 09:43 |
nalioth_zZz | ubotu: tell Jedrick about checkinstall | 09:43 |
tritium | Nermal, yep | 09:43 |
Lasher | can someone please help me with setting up a correct partition? | 09:43 |
tritium | nalioth_zZz, I already suggested that | 09:43 |
nalioth_zZz | night y'all | 09:43 |
tritium | night | 09:43 |
albacker | guys, when booting i got this error : FATAL ext3 modul not found.. but the boot procces went ok. is there anything wrong ? | 09:43 |
commodore | shin_gouki you're late :D but i have backup thank god | 09:44 |
tritium | Nermal, /etc/hotplug/blacklist | 09:44 |
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Nermal | tritium: thankyou :) | 09:44 |
tritium | :) | 09:44 |
Severian | Lasher, what do you need? | 09:44 |
commodore | it still doesn't work it gives me this error: | 09:45 |
kemik | Shin_Gouki: he might as well replace since it's the official repositorie | 09:45 |
kemik | s | 09:45 |
kemik | commodore: dont paste | 09:45 |
albacker | guys when doing apt-get update i got this error : | 09:45 |
commodore | fuck i couldn't copy the error | 09:45 |
albacker | W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.nerim.net etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907 | 09:45 |
albacker | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 09:45 |
kemik | DONT PASTE here... | 09:45 |
albacker | what to do ? | 09:45 |
=== Pexi_ [n=Pexi@dsl-lprgw5i48.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== CapSoft [n=icechat5@cp112771-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pexi_ | hi | 09:45 |
commodore | i didnt paste | 09:45 |
cowbud | albacker: apt-get -f install try that.. | 09:45 |
CapSoft | lo folks | 09:45 |
kemik | commodore: use pastebin | 09:45 |
Lasher | Severian: I can't get Ubuntu to install on the same drive as my windows xp | 09:45 |
CapSoft | when will breezy be out? | 09:45 |
albacker | cowbud, nothing happens | 09:45 |
albacker | everything looks ok | 09:45 |
CapSoft | i heared coming thursday???? | 09:45 |
kemik | albacker: trying to use debian repositories ? | 09:45 |
Pexi_ | i will download ubuntu next week. is it easy to install? | 09:46 |
kemik | CapSoft: seems about right.. 13th | 09:46 |
albacker | kemik, yes just for getting some plugins .. | 09:46 |
cowbud | albacker: try apt-get upgrade after you did that.. | 09:46 |
Severian | Lasher, how big is the disk. What partitions are there now? | 09:46 |
CapSoft | k thanks kernik | 09:46 |
tritium | commodore, no cursing please! | 09:46 |
albacker | cowbud, nothing happens, everything looks ok | 09:46 |
Lasher | Severian: 80gb, 1 partition (WinXp Pro) | 09:46 |
cowbud | albacker: as in you dont have the error anymore? | 09:46 |
CapSoft | so will it be smart to install a pc this weekend with 5.04 ??????????? | 09:46 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | sorry | 09:47 |
commodore | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2864 | 09:47 |
albacker | cowbud, if i do apt-get update i get that error.. | 09:47 |
CapSoft | or should i wait.... till thursday? | 09:47 |
cowbud | paste the full error again | 09:47 |
brownie17 | enyc, back | 09:47 |
brownie17 | enyc, pm? | 09:47 |
CapSoft | is it easy to update 5.04 to breezy? | 09:47 |
kemik | CapSoft: you can upgrade to breezy.. or just install breezy now | 09:47 |
Severian | Lasher, how big is the WinXP(Ugh) partition. Friends don't let friends use Windows XP. | 09:47 |
CapSoft | can breezy allready be installed? | 09:47 |
kemik | CapSoft: i'd probably download the latest breezy and install | 09:47 |
Shin_Gouki | what shell command lists my CPU type? | 09:47 |
CapSoft | is it stable then kernik? | 09:47 |
Severian | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:48 |
Shin_Gouki | thx! | 09:48 |
Lasher | haha | 09:48 |
kemik | CapSoft: still fixing a few bugs, but id say nothing critical is left (?) ... i mean 5days before stable release, it should be OK | 09:48 |
commodore | synaptic gives me this error http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2864 | 09:48 |
cowbud | anyone who doesnt like firefly isnt a computer geek | 09:48 |
CapSoft | indeed | 09:48 |
Lasher | 80gb...I have to have WinXp Pro for work. | 09:48 |
CapSoft | ur right | 09:48 |
CapSoft | nice | 09:48 |
CapSoft | omg... | 09:48 |
CapSoft | i really love ubuntu | 09:48 |
commodore | extra repositories aren't working, ubuntu is useless | 09:48 |
CapSoft | so user friendly | 09:48 |
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CapSoft | so good for a noob like me :D | 09:48 |
commodore | i'll burn my ubuntu cd-s | 09:48 |
kemik | commodore: no, you're doing something wrong | 09:48 |
commodore | :D | 09:48 |
islaw | helllowww | 09:48 |
commodore | i know i'm doing something wrong | 09:49 |
Severian | OK, you need to use Oartition magic or something similar to shrink the Windows partition first. You have no free space. | 09:49 |
commodore | i'm just angry don't listen to me, ubuntu rules! | 09:49 |
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CapSoft | true commodore | 09:49 |
islaw | just nstall ubuntu and trying some apps... | 09:49 |
melvztechie | heheh | 09:49 |
melvztechie | cool | 09:49 |
brownie17 | what happened to enyc, he was talking a minute ago, now he's idle again | 09:50 |
islaw | so... any bugs yet that i may know...hehehe | 09:50 |
Severian | Lasher, I meant Partition Magic | 09:50 |
CapSoft | kemik this one is good right : http://stuwww.uvt.nl/ubuntu/breezy/ latest version in NL mirror ok? | 09:50 |
commodore | someone please copy their whole sources.list and paste it at pastebin or send the file to me | 09:50 |
commodore | PLEASE | 09:50 |
Shin_Gouki | ohoh | 09:50 |
Shin_Gouki | what did u do? | 09:50 |
CapSoft | sources.list... i had some problems with that one too in the beginning.... | 09:50 |
CapSoft | some repositories didn't work | 09:51 |
=== Frenchtoast [n=whatever@71-32-22-27.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frenchtoast | hey | 09:51 |
Lasher | when I was trying it earlier, it would only let me use a minimum of 23.4 GB, is that right or after I use Partition Magic on it should it fix that in the Ubuntu install? | 09:51 |
brownie17 | commodore, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2865 | 09:51 |
Frenchtoast | is ubuntu easier to use than windows? | 09:51 |
CapSoft | lo Frenchtoast | 09:51 |
islaw | i noticed that ubuntu has no support for mp3s and mpgs... is this true | 09:52 |
Frenchtoast | is is better and faster than mandrake? | 09:52 |
CapSoft | ubuntu rules | 09:52 |
CapSoft | and is easy to use | 09:52 |
calc | islaw: install totem-xine package and you can play nearly anything | 09:52 |
CapSoft | and brownie17 does those all work? you can find all packages? | 09:52 |
commodore | brownie it still doesn't work | 09:53 |
dhonn | it boots pretty quick | 09:53 |
islaw | thanx calc... i'll do that | 09:53 |
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Severian | Lasher, you need 3 or 4 gig for a good Ubuntu install. But the more you take from XP, the better. And the more you want to do with Ubuntu, the more you will need. | 09:53 |
melvztechie | guys, any HOW-TO for installing PHP | 09:53 |
brownie17 | CapSoft, which packages, i wasn' | 09:53 |
brownie17 | CapSoft, just feeling sorry for him | 09:53 |
CapSoft | melvztechie apt-get install php | 09:53 |
CapSoft | lol | 09:53 |
melvztechie | sorry, newbie here;) | 09:53 |
Shin_Gouki | what shell command lists my motherboard/chipset infos? | 09:53 |
CapSoft | i started like that not long ago | 09:54 |
calc | Shin_Gouki: lspci | 09:54 |
CapSoft | i am kinda noob aswell | 09:54 |
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calc | Shin_Gouki: dmidecode | 09:54 |
Shin_Gouki | calc, not quite | 09:54 |
Shin_Gouki | right thats better :) | 09:54 |
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Shin_Gouki | O_O | 09:54 |
cypa | 09:54 | |
melvztechie | Reading package lists... Done | 09:54 |
melvztechie | Building dependency tree... Done | 09:54 |
melvztechie | E: Couldn't find package php | 09:54 |
Shin_Gouki | thats lots of infos | 09:54 |
Severian | Lasher, A couple of the things you say don't seem consistent. Can you run fdisk, print the partition table and post that on pastebin.com? | 09:54 |
cypa | hi | 09:55 |
calc | melvztechie: use apt-cache search to find what you want | 09:55 |
melvztechie | CapSoft: i got this error? whats next to do? | 09:55 |
Yetr2 | I don't suppose there is a way to limit apt's download speed | 09:55 |
commodore | i'm still waiting for a source.list | 09:55 |
cypa | where can I get mplayer package fo Hoary | 09:55 |
commodore | a working onw | 09:55 |
cypa | ? | 09:55 |
commodore | one* | 09:55 |
Severian | Yetr2, use a slower network connection, maybe? | 09:56 |
CapSoft | commodore some one posted it on pastebin 5 minutes ago | 09:56 |
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CapSoft | and melvztechie what error? | 09:56 |
melvztechie | whats the command for checking if certain packages is installed? tnks | 09:56 |
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Yetr2 | Severian, .... | 09:56 |
CapSoft | ow i C | 09:56 |
CapSoft | apt-cache search php | 09:56 |
Lasher | Ok, let me try to clarify | 09:56 |
melvztechie | Capsoft: I tried apt-get install php | 09:56 |
commodore | CapSoft: i said i'm looking for a WORKING one | 09:56 |
tritium | melvztechie, apt-cache search php will show you that php5 exists | 09:57 |
Shin_Gouki | what shell command to get some infos about my harddisk ( i mean vendor etc..) | 09:57 |
Severian | More seriously, I can throttle a machine in my router. Can't everyone? | 09:57 |
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CapSoft | melvztechie http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/18/1541252&tid=190&tid=90&tid=106 | 09:57 |
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calc | Yetr2: you can probably throttle the bandwidth via iptables to the site that apt is downloading from | 09:57 |
CapSoft | First, when I "apt-get install" Apache2, PHP, and Mysql, and then check out PHP, it says that PHP wasn't compiled with the mysql module. (see the thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28241 [ubuntuforums.org] ) Having to recompile that is a PITA. | 09:57 |
calc | Yetr2: not sure if you can throttle the app itself directly though | 09:58 |
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Lasher | I tried installing before using Partition Magic or, rather, taking space away from the original partition. When I tried to install Ubuntu, it said that I had to "Manually resize the partition" and it would only let me make a separate size of a minimum of 23.4 GB | 09:58 |
Yetr2 | so... in other words, the makers of apt never thought of adding an option to throttle download... | 09:58 |
cypa | Hello!!!??? | 09:58 |
trekrem | GO TO SLEEP!!! | 09:58 |
CapSoft | lol | 09:58 |
trekrem | later everyone | 09:58 |
calc | Yetr2: most network apps outside of p2p apps don't have throttle support | 09:58 |
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Yetr2 | wget | 09:58 |
Shin_Gouki | calc | 09:58 |
CapSoft | MLDONKEY RULEESSSS | 09:58 |
cypa | please, what about mplayer repositary? | 09:58 |
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calc | Shin_Gouki: hdparm | 09:59 |
Shin_Gouki | in wondows there is an application its called: netlimiter u can edit ALL network traffic of ALL plps on the PC | 09:59 |
CapSoft | cypa can't ya search it in apt-cache ? | 09:59 |
Shin_Gouki | there must be a linux derivate | 09:59 |
cypa | or single MPlayer package | 09:59 |
cypa | where can I get it? | 09:59 |
CapSoft | try to search for gmplayer | 09:59 |
Yetr2 | I'm sure there's a ulimit I could set somewhere for it.. | 09:59 |
commodore | i still can't get repos working | 09:59 |
CapSoft | since that one has GUI | 09:59 |
CapSoft | or something | 09:59 |
CapSoft | or build from source | 09:59 |
cypa | I have searched and there is not | 09:59 |
Shin_Gouki | calc, thx :) | 09:59 |
tritium | cypa, yes there is | 09:59 |
cypa | I've search with Synaptic | 09:59 |
calc | dig around in netfilter modules there may be some way to filter based on per app, but i doubt it | 09:59 |
tritium | !info mplayer-586 | 10:00 |
ubotu | mplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 3486 kB, Installed size: 7508 kB | 10:00 |
nickrud | cypa, mplayer is in the multiverse repository; you need to enable it | 10:00 |
commodore | if anyone has his list working, and his running hoary, then please, PLEASE paste your WHOLE i mean WHOLE list at pastebin | 10:00 |
commodore | thank you | 10:00 |
NsOmNiAc | gonna try this again | 10:00 |
cypa | yes, ... will check again | 10:00 |
Severian | Lasher, it sounds like you don't have the disk space free when Ubuntu started its install. I a\probably can't help. I don't do dual boot. I just set up another machine. I've got 20 or so computers at home. | 10:01 |
Yetr2 | nope... ulimit has nothing on bandwidth | 10:01 |
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GTroy29 | whoops I tried to download FF 1.5 beta 2 and now no browsers work | 10:01 |
Severian | Lasher, I will look at your partition table if you post it. That, I can do. | 10:02 |
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Ghoat | are these chats logged anywhere in a permanent, publically accessable database online? | 10:02 |
commodore | ok i'm going away now | 10:03 |
nickrud | commodore, a good sources.list is at paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 | 10:03 |
Nermal | GTroy29: what bug was fixed in that version that required you to upgrade ? | 10:03 |
nickrud | eh | 10:03 |
Ofe | Ghoat: you mean this? from topic "Channel Logs - http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs" | 10:03 |
=== hettar_ [n=hettar@ppp99-58.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
melvztechie | Reading package lists... Done | 10:03 |
melvztechie | Building dependency tree... Done | 10:03 |
melvztechie | E: Couldn't find package php | 10:03 |
melvztechie | hello | 10:03 |
melvztechie | ? | 10:03 |
GTroy29 | none, I just wanted to upgrade frm 1.06 to 1.5 | 10:03 |
Ghoat | ofe:let me check it out, thanks | 10:04 |
Seveas | melvztechie, apt-cache search php | 10:04 |
calc | melvztechie: so why haven't you used apt-cache search yet like i mentioned to you? :) | 10:04 |
=== flash [n=flash@adsl-067-034-134-090.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hettar_ | hello. The bittorrent tracker for the ubuntu/kubuntu torrents is giving permission denied. | 10:04 |
=== calc mentioned it 10min ago | ||
flash | hello | 10:04 |
hettar_ | calc, and was there any response ? | 10:05 |
cypa | nickrud, wowld you point me correct multiuniverse repositary string for sources.list file? | 10:05 |
Shin_Gouki | hello , flash | 10:05 |
tritium | melvztechie, I already told you about php5 | 10:05 |
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nickrud | cypa, if you simply replace your current sources.list with the one I cited, you will have the correct multiverse line | 10:06 |
nickrud | or lines, that is | 10:07 |
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xophEr | whats the difference between libgl1-xorg and libgl1-mesa? | 10:07 |
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cypa | thanks | 10:08 |
NsOmNiAc | could use a little help with sound .. ESD looks to be working fine and so does Alsa ... xmms reflects the file is playing with hertz but no output both Alsa and ESD show output but nothing any ideas ? | 10:08 |
nickrud | xophEr, from the description of libgl1-xorg, " The only difference between libgl1-xorg and libgl1-mesa is that libgl1-mesa | 10:08 |
nickrud | is currently not capable of direct rendering. | 10:08 |
nickrud | " | 10:08 |
NsOmNiAc | found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44753 followed it but still no output on sound | 10:09 |
Severian | Open your mixer and turn up the volume. That is a common problem. | 10:10 |
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nickrud | I just booted up for the first time in a while (power failure) and my hand-crafted menu.lst disappeared ;( anyone have any ideas why? | 10:11 |
Shin_Gouki | Severian, :d | 10:11 |
NsOmNiAc | Severian trying it in VLC as well not working there either | 10:12 |
nickrud | um, breezy. | 10:12 |
Severian | Did you look at a mixer. VLC is a player. | 10:12 |
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hettar_ | NsOmNiAc, What card ? | 10:13 |
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NsOmNiAc | SoundBlaster | 10:13 |
hettar_ | hmm shouldn't have problems with that. | 10:14 |
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NsOmNiAc | nope older machine p3 | 10:14 |
tritium | nickrud, did you edit it outside of the automagically-generated section? | 10:14 |
Shin_Gouki | hi someone of ubuntu "goverment " is here? | 10:14 |
xophEr | nickrud, can you tell me what direct rendering is then? :) | 10:14 |
nickrud | I'm not sure; when I re-wrote it I did make a point of doing that this time. | 10:15 |
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nickrud | mainly though, I didn't have the xp stanza in the new one. | 10:15 |
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Lasher | Severian, what do I need to do in partition magic to make my windows partition smaller so I have free space? | 10:15 |
nickrud | xophEr, direct rendering is fast 3d | 10:15 |
NsOmNiAc | thought maybe it was the speakers themself and plugged them into another machine they work fine | 10:16 |
=== Hacker [n=admin@wblv-146-245-95.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sobersabre | is there the latest skype package for breezy ? | 10:16 |
Shin_Gouki | NsOmNiAc, hello , what are u trin to do? | 10:16 |
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sobersabre | (there's been qt3 package name issue with vanilla skype deb ) | 10:16 |
NsOmNiAc | Shin_Gouki: trying to find out why I'm getting no output on my speakers | 10:16 |
Shin_Gouki | NsOmNiAc, Sound card: ISA or PCI? | 10:17 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, which card do you have ? | 10:17 |
NsOmNiAc | PCI | 10:17 |
sobersabre | chipset .... ? | 10:17 |
Nermal | lspci | 10:17 |
=== Korgan [n=steve@203-118-181-10.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carambol | somebody can point me to a manual for installing jre? | 10:18 |
Shin_Gouki | NsOmNiAc, type at shell: lspci | 10:18 |
carambol | in breezy | 10:18 |
NsOmNiAc | where do you want me to paste it | 10:18 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sobersabre | skype breezy users....is the latest skype available ? | 10:18 |
Korgan | carambol: Include the metaverse in your sources.list and you can install it via apt | 10:18 |
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carambol | multiverse? | 10:18 |
Shin_Gouki | NsOmNiAc, go to topic of this channel there is a "pasteBin" do u knwo how to use? | 10:19 |
NsOmNiAc | got it | 10:19 |
Shin_Gouki | kk | 10:19 |
xophEr | nickrud, so 3d-performance is better with libgl1-xorg or what are you trying to say? | 10:19 |
Korgan | Errr yes... Sorry. Cross polinating :) | 10:19 |
carambol | Korgan: u mean multiverse | 10:19 |
NsOmNiAc | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2866 | 10:19 |
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Korgan | Once you have the Multiverse enabled, you can install it from the Add/Remove Programs app | 10:19 |
bina | lo | 10:19 |
Severian | Lasher, In Partition Magic, you first select the partition. Then you get a little slider bar that lets you shrink the partition. You should shrink it as much as you can spare. Like I said, a minimum would be 3 or 4 gig, but 20 would be better. Then you apply it. I would recommend a backup before you start, in case of problems. PM is pretty reliable, but you should not count on it. | 10:20 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, lsmod | grep es1371 | 10:20 |
sobersabre | do you have it loaded ? | 10:20 |
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NsOmNiAc | no response | 10:20 |
NsOmNiAc | berkowitz:nsomniac~ % lsmod | grep es1371 | 10:21 |
NsOmNiAc | berkowitz:nsomniac~ % | 10:21 |
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nickrud | xophEr, yes; you can look at http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ for more info | 10:21 |
Shin_Gouki | that means it worked? | 10:21 |
Shin_Gouki | sominac | 10:21 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, maybe u need to run it via sudo. | 10:21 |
xophEr | ok, thanks | 10:21 |
carambol | Korgan: no install candidate | 10:21 |
carambol | Korgan: i am in Breezy | 10:21 |
NsOmNiAc | still nothing but it's on my system | 10:21 |
Korgan | carambol, Have a look in the Add/Remove Programs list... Thats where I found it in Breezy for an easy install | 10:21 |
Hendric | im really having a big problem with samba.. how can i remove AUTHENTICATION and allow me to browse network PCs without hassle???? | 10:22 |
carambol | i take a look | 10:22 |
Korgan | Give me a sec and I'll have a look in Synaptic for its name | 10:22 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, you need to see what's the name of es1371 module | 10:22 |
sobersabre | run: | 10:22 |
NsOmNiAc | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2867 | 10:22 |
sobersabre | sudo modprobe -l | grep es1371 | 10:22 |
NsOmNiAc | ../lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/oss/es1371.ko | 10:22 |
sobersabre | ok... | 10:23 |
sobersabre | you don't have an ALSA driver ... | 10:23 |
=== HairToOk [n=Hairtook@ARennes-252-1-19-53.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sobersabre | very very strange | 10:24 |
Shin_Gouki | if its PCI a.. ALSA should work ..or? | 10:24 |
sobersabre | run sudo alsaconf | 10:24 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, r u there ? | 10:24 |
=== derFlo [n=florianq@obur-d9b95f51.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NsOmNiAc | yeahhh still here | 10:24 |
=== janik [n=janik@i3ED6E983.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NsOmNiAc | it loads Alsa at bootup | 10:24 |
=== RockyBurt [n=rocky@207-236-225-161.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shin_Gouki | good! | 10:24 |
Severian | Hendrick, there are several settings to change. But first, is your environment secure? If not, removing authentication may be bad. | 10:24 |
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Korgan | carambol, Package name is 'j2re1.4' | 10:25 |
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carambol | tnx,Korgan | 10:25 |
Hendric | Severian, i'm only using it on my own small network here.. no need for security.. | 10:25 |
Korgan | np | 10:25 |
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NsOmNiAc | it's in etc | 10:26 |
johnsie2 | hi... while installing kubuntu It has asked me to select a default display manager.... if i chnage that to kde can i chnage it back later? | 10:26 |
tonyyarusso | I seem to have lost my cdrom drive. If I try to mount it, I get an error saying special device /dev/scd0 does not exist. How can I correct this? | 10:26 |
Hendric | Severian, i want it to act like the crappy windows network neighborhood... is that possible? | 10:26 |
Korgan | Anyone know why after installing 3 nics in a machine, setting up their params in /etc/network/interfaces and then rebooting, only eth0 gets enabled at boot and I have to manually enable eth1 and eth2 using ifconfig? | 10:26 |
spiral | hi | 10:26 |
Severian | if you are sure, I'll show you some lines to add to /etc/samba/smb.conf. Just a moment. | 10:26 |
Korgan | This is on a Hoary install | 10:26 |
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Shin_Gouki | Korgan , may be IRQ config problem.. | 10:27 |
Hendric | Seveas, cool. thanks. | 10:27 |
Severian | Hendick, I won't respond to messages with that kind of language. | 10:27 |
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Korgan | Shin_Gouki, I thought that, except they're all PCI cards and they all work fine once I manually 'ifconfig $iface up' them | 10:27 |
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johnsie2 | how do i chnage my default desktop manager if i have kde and gnome and ever want to chnage between the 2? | 10:27 |
Shin_Gouki | Korgan, write bash script then , so it does "your" config ALWAYS at startup..? | 10:28 |
Hendric | wrong tab. :( | 10:28 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, sorry! | 10:28 |
tonyyarusso | Possibly by manually adding the special device /dev/scd0? Can I do that? | 10:28 |
sobersabre | you should grep for: ens1371 | 10:28 |
nickrud | johnsie2, when you login, you can choose either kde or gnome under 'session', and it should ask if you want to make the new choice the default | 10:28 |
Korgan | Shin_Gouki, That should happen in /etc/network/interfaces though. I shouldn't need to do it manually or in a seperate init script. | 10:28 |
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NsOmNiAc | sobersabre : it's located /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/pci/snd-ens1371.ko | 10:29 |
johnsie2 | i have a blue screen whiole installing kde asking me which one i want to be default... | 10:29 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, can you run: sudo lsmod | grep ens1371 | 10:29 |
sobersabre | ? | 10:29 |
Korgan | /etc/init.d/networking should ifup -a all 3 nics and use the settings in /etc/network/interfaces to apply them. :| | 10:29 |
sobersabre | do you have it loaded ? | 10:29 |
Korgan | Has got me a little perplexed. | 10:29 |
nickrud | johnsie2, no problem, you can change it later at the login screen | 10:29 |
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johnsie2 | if i make one default and chnage my mind can i chnage back? | 10:30 |
vengeful_ | yes | 10:30 |
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Korgan | johnsie2, Yup. Any time using the Session menu at the GDM login screen | 10:30 |
NsOmNiAc | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2868 | 10:30 |
vengeful_ | anytime you change it at login screen it will ask you if ya wanna make it default | 10:30 |
NsOmNiAc | errr sobersabre : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2868 sorry | 10:30 |
johnsie2 | ok thanks | 10:30 |
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sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, so, it is loaded. | 10:31 |
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sobersabre | you need to play with the mixer. | 10:31 |
NsOmNiAc | sobersabre ... yeahh sure is | 10:31 |
sobersabre | plug the speakers to "line-out" socket. | 10:31 |
sobersabre | and run via console "alsamixer" | 10:31 |
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sobersabre | you will probably see some things muted ( with "M" ) | 10:31 |
sobersabre | press "m" on them, and play with faders.. | 10:32 |
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sobersabre | eventually it should work. | 10:32 |
sobersabre | during all this you should play a sound file ( to make sure there's sound playing )_ | 10:32 |
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Shin_Gouki | right | 10:32 |
Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, are u common with XMMS? | 10:33 |
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sobersabre | Shin_Gouki, what's the q. ?!?!?! | 10:34 |
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NsOmNiAc | ok the sounds on alot of these were way down never used this before | 10:34 |
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NsOmNiAc | how can I get out of alsamixer and save ? | 10:34 |
sobersabre | save by pressing "s" i think | 10:35 |
sobersabre | and pressing escape exits | 10:35 |
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Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, there is a plugin which has no ubuntu DIRECt supportr so i need to compile, | 10:35 |
NsOmNiAc | ok levels are up ... I shouldn't have to reboot though right ? | 10:35 |
sobersabre | woops. NsOmNiAc you should exit and then run man alsactl | 10:35 |
sobersabre | i don't remember. | 10:36 |
Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, i mangaed to get through most of the stuff but there is one thing left i, ll make u a paste bin sec" | 10:36 |
sobersabre | or run as root: / | 10:36 |
gasher | guys can i join | 10:36 |
vengeful_ | bit t | 10:36 |
vengeful_ | bit late to ask | 10:36 |
vengeful_ | hehe | 10:36 |
gasher | help | 10:36 |
gasher | help | 10:36 |
vengeful_ | what do you need help with? | 10:36 |
NsOmNiAc | I'm not sure why it would need a reboot | 10:36 |
NsOmNiAc | but why not | 10:36 |
NsOmNiAc | brb | 10:37 |
nickrud | gasher, ask, maybe there's an answer :) | 10:37 |
gasher | keyboard layout | 10:37 |
Severian | gasher, can you be a bit more specific? | 10:37 |
sobersabre | Shin_Gouki, what plugin is it ? | 10:37 |
Severian | gasher, you should have one of those. Next question. | 10:38 |
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johnsie2 | i dragged an icon onto my gnome panel and now every time it refreshes i get an error message "failed to load image msn.png" | 10:38 |
gasher | the keyboard layout was in america | 10:38 |
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gasher | and i ve change to belgium | 10:38 |
johnsie2 | "icon not found" | 10:38 |
nickrud | gasher, sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data | 10:39 |
Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, its OpenSPC | 10:39 |
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Severian | gasher System/Preferences/Keyboard | 10:39 |
mojo | hi every1, I need some serious advice about how to make my console higher resolution? (my LCD is 1280x1024), I have read many HOWTO but none helped me out, please help me | 10:39 |
Severian | gasher, do you understand? | 10:40 |
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z|bandito | hi | 10:40 |
z|bandito | is there an AIM compatible voip chat for *nix? | 10:40 |
mojo | .... | 10:41 |
enyc | zban: no idea, do aim developers provide the neecssary specifidations [?] | 10:41 |
z|bandito | well ichat on osx is compatible | 10:41 |
mojo | any1 can help me out how to change to higher resolution for my console screen? | 10:41 |
enyc | zban: ichat is non-free software iirc | 10:41 |
sobersabre | Shin_Gouki, what does it do ? ( sorry you can msg off chan ) | 10:41 |
gasher | yep | 10:41 |
nickrud | gasher, Severian's answer is better than mine :) | 10:42 |
kestas | mojo, without using a framebuffer you cant get a higher console resolution | 10:42 |
gasher | but dpkg-reconfigure console-date | 10:42 |
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gasher | give package console-data is not install | 10:42 |
Syruss | how can I downgrade a package? | 10:43 |
Severian | gasher, are you running gnome? | 10:43 |
NsOmNiAc | sobersabre : no luck | 10:44 |
NsOmNiAc | bugger | 10:44 |
z|bandito | yeah i chat isn't free.. dunno what the spec is though | 10:44 |
mojo | kestas: does Ubuntu Hoary come with kernel support framebuffer? or can i dpkg-reconfigure xserver to enable them? | 10:44 |
NsOmNiAc | it's weird .. video plays .. it looks like it's trying to play the sound | 10:44 |
NsOmNiAc | maybe it's my card | 10:44 |
gasher | after change keyboard model need also to be changed@severian | 10:45 |
gasher | yep | 10:45 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, if the card played once - it WORKS. | 10:46 |
Severian | gasher, I am sorry, but I don't understand that. | 10:46 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, there's more to do with sound than to setup the card. | 10:46 |
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sobersabre | run alsamixer and see if the settings are ok. | 10:46 |
gasher | severian at the keyboard preferences | 10:47 |
sobersabre | if not, you need to set it properly and then, upon exit the mixer run alsactl as root and store the configuration | 10:47 |
johnsie2 | i dragged an icon onto my gnome panel and now every time it refreshes i get an error message "failed to load image msn.png... icon not found" | 10:47 |
NsOmNiAc | yeahh but thing is .. at one point in time it worked fine | 10:47 |
NsOmNiAc | then like a week ago stopped playing all together | 10:48 |
Severian | gasher, yes, you should change the keyboard preferences. Did you see where I showed you where to do that? | 10:48 |
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marge | hi | 10:48 |
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gasher | severian yep | 10:48 |
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gasher | severian i am now there | 10:48 |
Hoxzer | hi | 10:48 |
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Hoxzer | is there any way to get Gnome Display setting back to normal | 10:49 |
sobersabre | NsOmNiAc, this means you've introduced some kind of change into the system. | 10:49 |
gasher | i have changed it but the problem pertain | 10:49 |
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Severian | gasher, at the top of your screen, there is a System menu. Pull that down and select Preferences. Choose Keyboard in that list. A program will start and you want the Layout tab. | 10:49 |
Hoxzer | I acidently edited file /etc/ld.so.conf and I even edited it back to normal but display manager wont start | 10:49 |
Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, are u still there? | 10:49 |
Severian | Did you reboot after the change, gasher? | 10:49 |
NsOmNiAc | I haven't done anything with sound though .... that's what's throwing me off | 10:49 |
Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, i made a paste bin could u please take a look? | 10:49 |
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maku | hi all, i'm planning to buy a WiFi lan card for my PC. Which ones are supported on Ubuntu? Any recommendations? | 10:50 |
johnsie2 | is there any way I can edit my gnome-panel through the file systen? | 10:50 |
gasher | yep | 10:50 |
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Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, there u go: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2869 | 10:50 |
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Hoxzer | damn | 10:50 |
johnsie2 | I have a Belkin USB wireless WAN card | 10:50 |
Hoxzer | nobody knows? | 10:50 |
Hoxzer | well I guess I have to reinstall then | 10:50 |
Hoxzer | :( | 10:50 |
Hoxzer | sucks | 10:50 |
sobersabre | Shin_Gouki, there's debian package for OpenSPC | 10:50 |
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Severian | johnsie2, if b is ok with you, then a Prism2 card is best supported. | 10:51 |
jimcooncat | hi, just loaded breezy-pr live cd. How do I access my lvm partitions? ro is ok. | 10:51 |
Pajj | can anyone tell me where all the applications are? I just installed ubuntu and I can't really find my way around in the file explorer | 10:51 |
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Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, i tried to isntall it the channel told me: ARE U CRAZY U WILL KILL UR SYSTEM | 10:51 |
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Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, plz take ur time read through its all in the paste bin but ull need about 5 mins | 10:51 |
Shin_Gouki | sobersabre, take ur time! | 10:51 |
Hacker | any hackers in the room | 10:51 |
jimcooncat | Pajj, instead of using the file manager, use the Applications menu at the top of the screen | 10:51 |
Severian | gasher, what problem do you see? Did the keyboard mappings change at all? | 10:51 |
maku | johnsie2, Severian, So you guys are suggesting Belkin & Prism2 ? | 10:52 |
Pajj | I was looking for where it actually is on the hard drive | 10:52 |
maku | any other/ | 10:52 |
maku | ? | 10:52 |
johnsie2 | I do | 10:52 |
gasher | yep | 10:52 |
maku | johnsie2, :) | 10:52 |
johnsie2 | mines an external usb one and it works fine | 10:52 |
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johnsie2 | had to do something in system one time | 10:52 |
maku | johnsie2, can i get a list somewhere? | 10:52 |
NsOmNiAc | FINALLY | 10:53 |
NsOmNiAc | got it to work | 10:53 |
NsOmNiAc | w00t!!!!!!!!! | 10:53 |
Shin_Gouki | :) | 10:53 |
Shin_Gouki | thats nice to hear Msnomainac | 10:53 |
Shin_Gouki | ^^ | 10:53 |
johnsie2 | i dunno,, I'm new to Ubuntu... just know it was the only dit that made wireless networking easy | 10:53 |
sobersabre | Hacker, you're the 0nly 1!!! | 10:53 |
NsOmNiAc | thanks for all your time Shin_Gouki | 10:53 |
NsOmNiAc | thanks again sobersabre | 10:54 |
johnsie2 | belkin is one of the top brands | 10:54 |
Shin_Gouki | np NsOmNiAc | 10:54 |
sobersabre | np Shin_Gouki ;) | 10:54 |
Shin_Gouki | tell sobersabre to help me ^^ | 10:54 |
NsOmNiAc | I was about to go friggin crazy | 10:54 |
Severian | I have half a dozen different Wifi cards For best results, certain chipsets should be picked. Prism2 almost always works, but it does not support wpa.Some, but not all Belkins are good. | 10:54 |
NsOmNiAc | I moved over 80 gig of mp3's over here | 10:54 |
gasher | severian chosing the layout preview i want begium period but not located and suggestions | 10:54 |
Syruss | anyone have iwlib.h on their machines? | 10:54 |
johnsie2 | mine is only thwe 802.11b one though and you can get faster ones now | 10:54 |
bob2 | Syruss: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 10:54 |
Syruss | wireless-tools doesn't seem to install it for some reason | 10:55 |
nickrud | Severian, do you have a preferred card? | 10:55 |
bob2 | wireless-tools is a set of user tools; it's unlikely to install random .h files | 10:55 |
Severian | gasher, so in the Keyboard preferences, you don't see Belgian as a choice. Correct? Did you press the Add button? | 10:55 |
bob2 | (the headers are in the relevant lib -dev package) | 10:55 |
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NsOmNiAc | ok one more thing to test | 10:55 |
NsOmNiAc | brb | 10:55 |
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vengeful_ | erk hes using bitchx :-P | 10:56 |
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Syruss | hmm | 10:56 |
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gasher | serverian yep | 10:56 |
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Syruss | I have the feeling I need to add a sources repository to my sources.list | 10:56 |
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bob2 | Syruss: no, that's incorrect | 10:56 |
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Syruss | hmm | 10:56 |
bob2 | Syruss: the web page I pointed you at will tell you precisely which binary package has that .h file | 10:56 |
gasher | severian belgiumiso alternate | 10:56 |
Syruss | You have searched for packages that names contain iwlib.h in all distributions, all sections, and all architectures. | 10:57 |
johnsie2 | sheesh this gnome-panel error is doing my head in now | 10:57 |
gasher | i am restartin the system\ | 10:57 |
bob2 | Syruss: no | 10:57 |
maku | okk ppl thanx for the support | 10:57 |
bob2 | Syruss: scroll down, you want to search package contents | 10:57 |
maku | bbye | 10:58 |
Pajj | I'm just trying to install new fonts for xchat.. I miss my verdana ;( | 10:58 |
Syruss | loll bob2 | 10:58 |
Severian | nickrud, is this for a laptop, or do you want PCI? Any Prism2 card is great. Some other chipsets are good. The problem is that manufacturere change chipsets without changing model numbers. So, the Netgear MA101, rev one is great, but the rev 2 is bad. | 10:58 |
bob2 | Pajj: so install msttcorefonts | 10:58 |
Syruss | sorry | 10:58 |
Syruss | :) | 10:58 |
Syruss | libdevel/libiw-dev | 10:58 |
Syruss | :)) | 10:58 |
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bob2 | yes | 10:58 |
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johnsie2 | usb ones are good too someimes cos you can move them around to gert a better signal | 10:59 |
Syruss | handy page that | 10:59 |
nickrud | pci, I need to set up a local net here soon. And yeah, I got burned at a previous location with the prism change a couple of years ago | 10:59 |
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johnsie2 | Can anyone tell me how to edit my gnome-panel either in nautilus or gedit? | 11:00 |
nickrud | or, a change from prism to something else in a linksys case, it's been a while and my memory fades | 11:00 |
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bob2 | johnsie2: how would you edit a binary file with either of those things? | 11:01 |
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NsOmNiAc | ok ...it's working now .. but I had to go back into alsa mixer and have it save | 11:01 |
Whistler | hello everybody | 11:01 |
Whistler | :) | 11:01 |
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Severian | I have a SMC PCI card coming in the mail I think it is a 6002. I looked on the FAQ for Monowall and chose a well supported card there. I went looking on ebay until I found an auction for a well supported card that was cheap. I want to build my own access point. Just for grins. | 11:01 |
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NsOmNiAc | errr how can I get it to save the settings it has now | 11:01 |
johnsie2 | well... i was kinda hping that the data for the icons wouldnt be in a binary file lol | 11:02 |
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bob2 | johnsie2: you don't use either of those things to edit icons, either | 11:02 |
bob2 | johnsie2: nor the menu | 11:02 |
johnsie2 | *the dats telling it which icons to show | 11:02 |
Syruss | anyone else here have dns issues with network manager? | 11:02 |
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Jeromee | anyone else want to blow their computer up? | 11:02 |
nickrud | I hate doing research, gimme an answer ;) | 11:02 |
johnsie2 | how does the panel know which icons to show? | 11:03 |
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Severian | I should add that some cards can be made to work with ndiswrapper, but I have zero interest in those. I want native support, because wthat should work for years. I don't see how ndiswrapper systems will stay up to date. | 11:03 |
bettong_BOFH | anyone know how to temperaraly mount a drive thats slave to hda and as an ntfs filesystem? | 11:03 |
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mamoru | Hello | 11:03 |
bob2 | johnsie2: you mean the quickstart buttons? it has xml files in ~/. if yo uwant icons to go away, tho, just right click on them | 11:03 |
nickrud | I see way too much ndiswrapper pain here, I have no interest in flogging myself. Oh, well, research it is | 11:03 |
bob2 | bettong_BOFH: same as you mount anything else | 11:03 |
mamoru | I have encountered a problem, please help | 11:04 |
bob2 | bettong_BOFH: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdbwhatever /mnt | 11:04 |
Whistler | is it possible to have icons on desktop with icewm? | 11:04 |
bob2 | mamoru: you need to ask an actual question | 11:04 |
johnsie2 | you cant if the icon aint there though... it's trying to load an icon that doesnt exists | 11:04 |
bettong_BOFH | ok | 11:04 |
mamoru | The story is - I installed the ubuntu on my notebook | 11:04 |
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mamoru | on a new partition | 11:04 |
mamoru | then installed GRUB in MBR | 11:04 |
Severian | nickrud, all the big bands did that kind of change. There are Belkin, Netgear, Linksys, and Dlink models that are completely different with the same model number. You have to know what rev you are getting. | 11:04 |
bozzu | is it possible to make dhcpclient run on the background at boot? (i don't won't to wait 60 sec at Configuring Network Interfaces when there's nothing to configure) | 11:04 |
johnsie2 | so I'm guessing I need to remove the data telling it to show that icon out of some kind of list then? | 11:05 |
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mamoru | Next - downloaded all the updates including kernel | 11:05 |
nickrud | Severian, careful research, then :) | 11:05 |
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bob2 | mamoru: it's way easier if you ask on a single line | 11:05 |
bob2 | bozzu: don't tell it to start on boot if you're not going to be plugged in | 11:05 |
Severian | nickrud, that is the only way to be safe, I believe. Especially on wifi. | 11:06 |
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twysted | bozzu you can always press ctrl c to have it skip it but as bob2 said if your not going to use it disable it :) | 11:06 |
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mamoru | GRUB then included 2 kernels and an XP which was installed before ubuntu on NTFS partition /dev/hda1. I could easily boot linux many times | 11:06 |
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mamoru | then i booted XP and after that i couldnt boot ubuntu anymore | 11:06 |
Severian | I would stay away from TI, abd SIS chipsets for Wifi. They don't seem to work in Linux. | 11:06 |
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mamoru | it says he cannot mount /dev/hda3 on /root | 11:07 |
mamoru | what is the problem? | 11:07 |
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Whistler | is it possible to have icons on desktop with icewm? | 11:07 |
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nickrud | Severian, I actually considered snaking cable through the walls to avoid wifi here (we own the facility, and it's not too large) but I quit that kind of work a long time ago. | 11:07 |
bozzu | sometime i need it so i don't want to disable. | 11:07 |
bob2 | bozzu: it's not disabling it | 11:08 |
bozzu | twysted, ctrl c works, but after that totem don't work (i don't understand why such thing happen) | 11:08 |
bob2 | bozzu: it's disabling trying to bring it up on boot | 11:08 |
bob2 | bozzu: remove the auto line from /etc/network/interfaces and only bring it up when you're plugged in | 11:08 |
bob2 | bozzu: or use ifplugd or network-manager to bring it up automatically | 11:08 |
bob2 | Whistler: not unless icewm actually has a desktop. or you run nautilus. | 11:08 |
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Whistler | bob2 k thx | 11:09 |
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bob2 | mamoru: go get a boot cd | 11:09 |
gasher | severian change done at keyboard layout but problem pertains\ | 11:09 |
mamoru | Hello. I have encountered a problem, please help. The story is - I installed the ubuntu on my notebook, on a new ext3fs partition /dev/hda3, then installed GRUB in MBR. Next - downloaded all the updates including kernel. After reboot, GRUB included 2 kernels and an XP which was installed before ubuntu on NTFS partition /dev/hda1. I could easily boot linux many times. Then i booted WinXP for the first time after installing linux and then i couldn't boot Ubuntu | 11:09 |
Severian | If you set up wifi propely it is pretty safe. For example, only allow ssh connection to go through that use preshared keys. No one is going to break into that. | 11:10 |
nickrud | Anyway, thanks for the advice Severian. | 11:10 |
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bozzu | i removed auto eth0, i'ill give it a try. thanks! | 11:10 |
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mamoru | bob2: Where do I get such a CD? I have an install CD from which I can boot. Can I use one? | 11:10 |
Whistler | i have installed icewm on server install.How do i make icewm to start at boot? | 11:10 |
Syruss | just leave gnome on there it's better | 11:11 |
Whistler | i know whats better | 11:11 |
Whistler | i need to make icewm to start | 11:11 |
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Whistler | cause i got to type startx every time | 11:11 |
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Whistler | any ideas? | 11:12 |
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Severian | gasher, when you look at the layout tab under Keyboard preferences, is there a check next to the Belgian keyboard layout? | 11:12 |
xophEr | how can I install libgl1-xorg when I have libgl1-mesa installed now? | 11:13 |
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gasher | serverian yep | 11:13 |
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gasher | but it is not check | 11:13 |
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johnsie2 | i just apt-getted kubuntu... how do i run it now? | 11:13 |
Severian | gasher, you need to check it. | 11:14 |
dmabowen | I just downloaded Limeware. How do I install it? Its a rpm. I have tried to extracting it, it said I do not have premission to extract archives in /bin | 11:14 |
Hobbsee | logout, select kde from the session manager, and login again | 11:14 |
gasher | i did it | 11:14 |
Hobbsee | !alien | 11:14 |
ubotu | hmm... alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ | 11:14 |
Whistler | !icewm | 11:14 |
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ubotu | Whistler: Are you on ritalin? | 11:14 |
Hobbsee | !tell dmabowen about alien | 11:14 |
gasher | but the same problem pertains | 11:14 |
twysted | rpms still exist? wow :p | 11:14 |
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Severian | Now close that dialog and reboot for that to take effecy. At least, I think you need to reboot. | 11:14 |
Whistler | i have installed icewm on server install.How do i make icewm to start at boot? Cause now i have to type startx | 11:15 |
twysted | i would have thought deb would have taken over the world by now | 11:15 |
Hobbsee | twysted: lol..yeah, entire linux distros use them | 11:15 |
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Hobbsee | it ought to have, yes lol | 11:15 |
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mamoru | !boot problems | 11:15 |
ubotu | mamoru: Bugger all, i dunno | 11:15 |
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Hobbsee | hehe | 11:15 |
mamoru | !boot CD | 11:15 |
ubotu | mamoru: I don't know | 11:15 |
Hobbsee | !boot | 11:15 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: I don't know, could you explain it? | 11:15 |
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mamoru | :( | 11:15 |
Hobbsee | sure, the boot is the thing on my foot | 11:15 |
MadpilotPPC | !tell Hobbsee about msg the bot | 11:15 |
kemik | arthghg | 11:15 |
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mamoru | slippers | 11:16 |
kemik | USELESS *CRAP* argh.. totem, why ?! | 11:16 |
gasher | serviain but problem pertains | 11:16 |
kemik | breezy replaced a perfect working mplayer-plugin for mozilla with a non-working crappy totem :| | 11:16 |
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twysted | kemik uninstall totem's plugin itll fix it | 11:17 |
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kemik | twysted: yes.. just have to find what it's named | 11:17 |
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twysted | should be something like totem-mozillaplugin | 11:17 |
Severian | gasher, That is a quick reboot. If you bring up the preference now, does it show as checked? I want to see if the change took. | 11:17 |
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kemik | twysted: doesnt show anything like that when searching for totem | 11:17 |
xophEr | where can I set up power saving of the monitor= | 11:17 |
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twysted | what about searching for plugin | 11:18 |
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gasher | severian it show check | 11:18 |
osku | hi all, somebody is using feedbox? | 11:18 |
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gasher | it is check but is still the problem pertains | 11:19 |
kemik | it's silly using totem as default player since it's *so inferior* | 11:19 |
gasher | severian shd i start the system again | 11:20 |
Severian | gasher, Idon't know what else to suggest. Are you running Ubunto or kubuntu? Or to put it another way, are you using gnome or kde? | 11:20 |
gasher | ubunto | 11:20 |
twysted | ubunto? whats that | 11:20 |
twysted | :P | 11:20 |
ColonelKernel | what is ubunto? | 11:21 |
Severian | gasher, you rebooted after you set the flag on, didn't you? If so, you don't need to do it again. | 11:21 |
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mypapit | ColonelKernel, i dont know about ubunto.. only ubuntu, or bontot | 11:21 |
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Severian | Ubuntu, excuse me. Not ubunto, as I was correectly challenged. | 11:22 |
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gasher | severian i did reboot | 11:22 |
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gasher | but the problem pertains | 11:22 |
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twysted | gasher u need to set the flag again | 11:22 |
twysted | then try to do what your wanting to do | 11:22 |
Severian | gasher, Are you running Ubuntu or kubuntu(or xubuntu, maybe)? Or to put it another way, are you using gnome or kde? | 11:23 |
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Madeye | guys, I'm having problem with shipIT and launchpad, whom should I contact ? | 11:23 |
gasher | i am running ubuntu | 11:23 |
johnsie2 | hi....how do I install Persoanl Security Manager (PSM) for Mozilla? | 11:23 |
twysted | madeye whats wrong specicially someone here might be able to help you | 11:23 |
gasher | 5,10 | 11:23 |
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SanderD | Hi. I've just restored a backup of /var, but now the permissions aren't right. What should I do? | 11:24 |
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Madeye | twysted, i keep getting this error when I try to login | 11:24 |
Madeye | The email address 'Jad@php.net', which you're trying to use to login has not yet been validated to use in Launchpad. We sent an email to that address with instructions on how to confirm that it belongs to you. As soon as we have that confirmation you'll be able to log into Launchpad. | 11:24 |
Whistler | how is the default ubuntu login screen package called? | 11:24 |
bob2 | SanderD: beat whoever made the broken backup | 11:24 |
pitti | johnsie2: sudo aptitude install mozilla-psm | 11:24 |
bob2 | SanderD: then copy the permissions from another ubuntu machine | 11:24 |
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Madeye | twysted, while the fact is -> my account already activated, and I have participate in launchpad before, and now i'm not able to login . | 11:24 |
johnsie2 | cheers pitti | 11:25 |
Whistler | how is the default ubuntu login screen package called? | 11:25 |
twysted | Madeye youll probably need to contact the launchpad team then support@launchpad.org? | 11:25 |
SanderD | bob2: No, I don't do self-chastisement :-) | 11:25 |
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bob2 | Whistler: "what", now "how", and gdm. | 11:25 |
Madeye | twysted, i'm getting same error on shipit.ubuntu.com | 11:25 |
Madeye | twysted, it seems to be same system/db | 11:26 |
SanderD | bob2, second reply: Can't I just do chown sander /var or something? | 11:26 |
bob2 | er, not. | 11:26 |
bob2 | SanderD: ha ha ha. | 11:26 |
bob2 | SanderD: the vast majority of things in /var are not owned by random users | 11:26 |
bob2 | SanderD: most is root, but applications create various things under there owned by them | 11:27 |
SanderD | ok... | 11:27 |
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bob2 | so, you'll need to compare yours to another machine | 11:27 |
bob2 | or reinstall | 11:27 |
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bob2 | or get a unfucked backup | 11:28 |
bob2 | etc | 11:28 |
SanderD | bob2: okay, thanks | 11:28 |
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twysted | Madeye> only thing i can suggest is trying to report a bug on the launchpad site | 11:28 |
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twysted | brb | 11:28 |
Dalkus | Anyone know any good command line image editing/optimising software for linux? | 11:30 |
enyc | dalk: maybe imagemagick tools ? | 11:30 |
Dalkus | that rings a bell, thanks - I'll check it out | 11:30 |
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popey | Dalkus: transcode | 11:32 |
popey | no, ignore me that's video editing | 11:32 |
Dalkus | hehe ok :) thanks though | 11:33 |
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Severian | gasher, In help, there is a reference to a "Keyboard Layout Switcher" manual. It might be good to look for that. I am going to have to quit for the night, so I ban attend my Python group in the morning. | 11:33 |
__boomer | hi | 11:34 |
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__boomer | is there anything like windows server stored profiles for linux clients? | 11:34 |
__boomer | except mounting home by nfs | 11:34 |
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mahangu | __boomer, i don't quite follow, explain again? | 11:37 |
jing | ;fglktoy[pol5j\'\'ot5p43i-3[r\ | 11:37 |
jing | ;othootj[ges | 11:37 |
jing | ''hgyk5AW} ORBHP] REY | 11:37 |
jing | RET\] MI=4 | 11:37 |
jing | p | 11:37 |
jing | \hg mo | 11:37 |
jing | t | 11:37 |
jing | \r mt] 2DKGK ,BO | 11:37 |
N6REJ | *sigh* I'm getting badgered to death LOL | 11:37 |
jing | 4] \ | 11:37 |
jing | \I] T | 11:37 |
jing | ] O | 11:37 |
jing | 'JF LE | 11:37 |
jing | RBVO | 11:37 |
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jing | ] ITR | 11:37 |
N6REJ | what the heck? | 11:37 |
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cudaman73 | he flood? | 11:37 |
N6REJ | jing, we don't speak korean... english only please | 11:38 |
NsOmNiAc | he's smoking something and not sharing | 11:38 |
cudaman73 | heh | 11:38 |
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cudaman73 | well i've got an interesting question for you ubuntu nerds out there | 11:38 |
cudaman73 | i can't remove firefox. | 11:38 |
cudaman73 | aaaaaand... it won't start up | 11:38 |
mahangu | cudaman73, apt-get --purge mozilla-firefox | 11:38 |
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N6REJ | hey guys I've got lots of problems here.... #1 I'm trying to put ndiswrapper on my sons new breezy system and its not working worth a fig! I need some help. | 11:38 |
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mahangu | N6REJ, you need to tell us an error. we're not psychic | 11:39 |
__boomer | mahangu, i'm trying to integrate some linux clients into our samba/windows domain | 11:39 |
cudaman73 | mahangu: like that exactly | 11:39 |
cudaman73 | ? | 11:39 |
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__boomer | mahangu, i just don't know how i can make the home directory availible on all clients | 11:40 |
locomorto | mahangu: so what your saying is that I'm not a pyhsic? | 11:40 |
locomorto | YOU LIE | 11:40 |
mahangu | __boomer, #samba | 11:40 |
twysted | n6rej what kind of card is it | 11:40 |
mahangu | locomorto, of course not, my bad | 11:40 |
N6REJ | mahangu: understand... thats part of the delemma I'm not sure who's giving what error... I'm installed the kernel headers, the ndiswrapper and gcc, g++ etc, as obutu(?) says to, but when I run make I get error level 2 command not found in gcc line 12 | 11:40 |
mahangu | cudaman73, locomorto is definitely psychic | 11:40 |
fek | moin | 11:40 |
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=== locomorto puffs his chest out | ||
N6REJ | twsted: its a belkin 54g f5d7001 | 11:40 |
cudaman73 | mahangu: --purge doesn't work o_O. | 11:41 |
mahangu | whats the kill syntax for a package again guys?> | 11:41 |
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twysted | n6rej if you could message me the last few lines of output make shows itll help | 11:41 |
spiral | hi again | 11:41 |
mahangu | N6REJ, sounds like a gcc version conflict | 11:41 |
bob2 | N6REJ: er, surely you have builde-essential installed? | 11:42 |
HappyFool | 'sudo aptitude purge <packagename>' should work | 11:42 |
bob2 | N6REJ: also, complaints like that are useless unless you show us the full error message | 11:42 |
N6REJ | bob2: I won't swear to anything right now | 11:42 |
N6REJ | bob2: I know but I can't network that system, so its all sneaker net right now. | 11:42 |
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N6REJ | bob2: lets check this build-esential | 11:42 |
__boomer | mahangu, thx | 11:43 |
mahangu | brb, jumping in to console for this | 11:43 |
N6REJ | bob2: apt-get install build-essential ??? | 11:43 |
mahangu | __boomer, no probs, got your answer? | 11:43 |
twysted | yes n6 | 11:43 |
mahangu | one sec | 11:43 |
N6REJ | k | 11:43 |
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bob2 | N6REJ: however you normally install packages | 11:43 |
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mahangu | back | 11:44 |
N6REJ | bob2: no normal for me yet, I'm only a 3 day breezy user... i've been out of linux for almost 10yrs | 11:44 |
MadpilotPPC | good night/morning/whatever, all | 11:44 |
mahangu | night MadpilotPPC | 11:44 |
N6REJ | bob2: nope I don't think it was, it just did a bunch of stuff. | 11:44 |
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N6REJ | bob2: its installed now though. | 11:45 |
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str | hello people, my firefox is now working, thanks! | 11:46 |
Hobbsee | str: yay | 11:46 |
str | i need another help | 11:46 |
str | hello hobbsee | 11:46 |
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Shin_Gouki | MadpilotPPC, hello! | 11:47 |
str | how to enable java in my firefox | 11:47 |
str | i want to access some java enabled sites it says i need a plugin | 11:47 |
HappyFool | !tell str about java | 11:48 |
Hobbsee | str: hoary? | 11:48 |
HappyFool | str: i'm just checking if that link covers firefox too | 11:48 |
Hobbsee | http://giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/ - download the deb from there, then install it | 11:48 |
str | yes hoary | 11:48 |
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Hobbsee | easier than the other method :) | 11:48 |
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=== Lasher [n=hahafuck@adsl-146-224-161.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pretone | morning all | 11:48 |
Lasher | hey people, I finally got Ubuntu to work | 11:49 |
Lasher | but | 11:49 |
Shin_Gouki | ^^ | 11:49 |
Shin_Gouki | there is always a but :D | 11:49 |
Lasher | I can't use my wireless card...or hear any sound... | 11:49 |
Hobbsee | lol...always | 11:49 |
codenut | Good Morning Early as it is. | 11:49 |
Hobbsee | evening codenut | 11:49 |
Hobbsee | love the name :P | 11:49 |
Hobbsee | Lasher: sound, is everything unmuted in alsamixer? | 11:49 |
N6REJ | how can I mount the cdrom so I can copy the output of the console to it? | 11:49 |
codenut | It's actually for Morse Code. | 11:49 |
Lasher | Well Hobbsee, the thing is, most things in the device manager show that they're unknown. | 11:50 |
codenut | I am going onto 160 meters right now since it is still dark out and seeing wht I can find. | 11:50 |
=== Yetr2 [n=yetr2qua@pool-71-98-234-17.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codenut | 1825 khz, above AM Broadcast. | 11:50 |
speel | hey does any one have breezy installed? | 11:50 |
N6REJ | qrz codenu, de N6REJ | 11:50 |
Hobbsee | speel: sure do | 11:50 |
mahangu | codenut: amatuer radio? | 11:50 |
speel | Hobbsee, any breakage? | 11:50 |
N6REJ | <----- stuck in an rf black hole | 11:50 |
mahangu | i need a shell host | 11:51 |
mahangu | any recomendations | 11:51 |
=== mahangu is on a budget as well | ||
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pl_ice | hi there | 11:51 |
Hobbsee | no, apart from sound and not rebooting correctly. no program breakage, no. sound is an issue with the driver every few kernel updates | 11:51 |
codenut | I know those holes well. | 11:51 |
Hobbsee | Lasher: device manager? | 11:51 |
speel | hmm ok thanks :) | 11:51 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: i don't think you can easily write to a CD like that | 11:51 |
mahangu | N6REJ: i was just gonna say that | 11:52 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: the usual approach is to use something like gnomebaker, or alternatively mkisofs and cdrecord (from the command line) | 11:52 |
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mahangu | what are you trying to do? | 11:52 |
codenut | vy2wu | 11:52 |
=== tommi^ [n=tommi@line-11005.dsl.kpo.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kestas | hi, I'm following the advice in the unofficial starter guide, and adding the extra repos, but I get the following error: | 11:52 |
kestas | Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 11:52 |
kestas | does anyone know why I get this with the backports? | 11:52 |
pl_ice | hey when i export something eg. export abc='...' where it's exportig it to so i dont have to do it after reboots? | 11:52 |
HappyFool | !tell kestas about backports | 11:52 |
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fryfrog | pl_ice: throw it in your .bashrc | 11:53 |
tl-pHantasy | hey. im totaly new to ubuntu and i need some help | 11:53 |
N6REJ | mahangu: I'm trying to put the console output onto a disk to I can bring it here to show y'all as requested. | 11:53 |
Yetr2 | kestas, because it's a web 404, meaning it's not there, which usually means you got the address wrong | 11:53 |
kestas | !tell happyfool thanks | 11:53 |
HappyFool | ubuntuguide.org is deprecated (around here, anyway) | 11:53 |
N6REJ | I could put it on my usb card reader also. | 11:53 |
mahangu | N6REJ: is it _really_ long? Wouldn't a pen and paper do? | 11:53 |
fryfrog | N6REJ: why not just copy/paste from ssh or something? | 11:53 |
Lasher | is there a way to make screen shots in ubuntu? | 11:53 |
Lasher | without a plugin? | 11:53 |
=== Morten_ [n=outoff@0xc2ef4c62.kjnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tommi^ | Hi. I was playing with vnc2swf when I noticed this. If I set remote desktop settings to accept connections the address is localhost.localdomain:0. That's okay but when I open a new login which opens to vt-8 (?) and login a different user, he/she also has that same address in the remote desktop settings. | 11:53 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: usb memory sticks should be automounted; not sure about card readers | 11:54 |
fryfrog | N6REJ: yeah, or the ol' "penismightier" | 11:54 |
mahangu | Lasher: yes, system take screenshot | 11:54 |
pl_ice | thnx | 11:54 |
N6REJ | mahangu: yeah its long, and its not networked right now is the big problem *sigh*. | 11:54 |
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HappyFool | N6REJ: when the card is plugged into the reader, try 'sudo fdisk -l' to see if it's listed (probably as /dev/sda1 or similar) | 11:54 |
mahangu | N6REJ: ndiswrapper for what? | 11:54 |
N6REJ | I got it to recognize the usb reader. | 11:54 |
Lasher | Hobbsee, let me go take a screenshot of what its doing and I'll show you. | 11:54 |
tommi^ | So when I tried to use vnc2swf on the second login, I got permission access question to the first login and it would've taped that one. :( | 11:54 |
tl-pHantasy | i've just entered my username and password then it says that i got a new mail.. then e usename@username console... what can i do to skip this thing? plz help me anyone... | 11:54 |
N6REJ | mahangu for a belking 54g f5d7001 wireless nic | 11:55 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: tnx, hang on one, let me put a card in it. | 11:55 |
mahangu | N6REJ: ah, i see | 11:55 |
mahangu | N6REJ: there is no ethernet card on the machine? to hook up for the momen? | 11:55 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, then what did you do? Skip what? | 11:55 |
mahangu | tl-pHantasy: it does that, just ignore it and uset he shell when it logs in | 11:55 |
mahangu | i don't see a problem there | 11:55 |
tl-pHantasy | i just installed the ubuntu system | 11:55 |
Morten_ | Hey, I have a problem with ubuntu5.10 - i cant run my screen at 1024x768 (I can run in higher res.), and cant use over 60Hz in any resolution .. I tried to install the nvidia-drivers, but it didnt help :( | 11:55 |
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N6REJ | mahangu: no, there isn't, I could dig one outa the closet and if I have to I will | 11:56 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: it *might* be automounted | 11:56 |
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tl-pHantasy | when i try to type anything it says unknown command | 11:56 |
tommi^ | Morten_, are you sure you running on the nvidia-drivers. Can you check the xorg.conf if it has nvidia or nv in the driver section? | 11:56 |
=== commodore [n=commodor@84-50-161-216-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mahangu | N6REJ: ok so run a console inside x, print screen the output, put on usb card and upload to web> | 11:56 |
mahangu | give us the link | 11:56 |
commodore | hi | 11:56 |
eythian | Morten_, I had a similar thing with mine, (it would run 1024x768 at 60Hz == headache). I had to tweak my Xorg.conf to increase the valid frequencies. | 11:56 |
Lasher | ok, before I go, is there a way to get to the other side of my partition if I'm in ubuntu and save a, per se, screenshot to the windows partition?> | 11:57 |
tl-pHantasy | 2-AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+, 2210MHz (0% Load) .:. usage: 426/2048MB (20.80%) .:. NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX, 1280x1024/32bit/60Hz | 11:57 |
tl-pHantasy | Windows XP Home Edition (5.1 - 2600), 5d 16h 31m, 55m 23s .:. 114GB/220GB(51.7%) free | 11:57 |
eythian | Morten_, and in my case, the nvidia drivers made no difference either | 11:57 |
Morten_ | ohh, ill have a look in the xorg.conf | 11:57 |
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ghb | I have a problem with my DVD-ROM: it reads at only 500 kb/s, but the DMA on it is enabled. =/ | 11:57 |
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Morten_ | eythian, okay, ill try to tweak the conf, thx :) | 11:57 |
=== Prodigy [n=Prodigy@ANantes-252-1-40-50.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | N6REJ: have you checked here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards ? | 11:58 |
hettar_ | grrr how is one supposed to get the rc dvd when the bittorrent tracker doesn't work. | 11:58 |
tommi^ | Morten_, you should be able to do dpkg-recongigure xorg-server or similar, in which case you don't have to do it by hand. | 11:58 |
commodore | i don't have sound working on my ubuntu | 11:58 |
tommi^ | dpkg-reconfigure, I meant | 11:58 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: i see F5D7010, but no F5D7001 there | 11:58 |
kikinovak | Hi. I just installed a minimal Ubuntu version ("server", x, xfce) on an old laptop. runs nice. Q: can you suggest some music playing app like xmms, juk, amarok, but not very resource-eating? | 11:58 |
commodore | i don't know what's my soundcard | 11:58 |
=== Gunzo [n=thingy@adsl170-163.as.mmedia.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | but on windows it's driver is realtek high definition sound driver | 11:58 |
mahangu | commodore: system->admin->dcice manager | 11:58 |
Morten_ | tommi^, okay ill try that :) | 11:58 |
kikinovak | commodore: lspci -v | grep -i multimedia | 11:58 |
FrankyFourFinger | morning | 11:58 |
commodore | device manager suxxorzz | 11:59 |
HappyFool | kikinovak: something like mpd maybe ? (i don't use it) | 11:59 |
ghb | commodore: Sounds like you got the standard onboard sound card. | 11:59 |
=== falcon3 [n=kevin@dD5E09D5D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kikinovak | HappyFool: has to be gui though | 11:59 |
falcon3 | what is a good FXP program for kde ? | 11:59 |
commodore | i thinks so too ghb | 11:59 |
commodore | the board thing or whatever is intel btw | 11:59 |
pavka | hello all | 11:59 |
Gunzo | Can someone help me.. the install cd wont boot on my Laptop? | 11:59 |
commodore | i don't know too much about hardware | 11:59 |
N6REJ | hmmmmmmmmmmmm let me check the board. | 12:00 |
kikinovak | commodore: open a console and simply type lspci... that shows you all your cards. Check the line for the soundcard | 12:00 |
commodore | gunzo check bios | 12:00 |
tl-pHantasy | tommi^ i just installed the ubuntu system and restarted... then it popes up a console after ive entered my username and password.. im TOTALY new to ubuntu 1 time user | 12:00 |
mahangu | commodore: if device manager "suxxorz" then do what kikinovak is telling you | 12:00 |
mahangu | we cant help you unless you help us | 12:00 |
=== Secreth`X [n=CWMirc@54.58-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | ok | 12:00 |
kikinovak | mahangu: I'm a Slack veteran recently migrated to Ubuntu:o) | 12:00 |
mahangu | tl-pHantasy: you gave ubuntu a username / pass during the install | 12:00 |
mahangu | use that | 12:00 |
Gunzo | commodore: yes I know that it says booting kernel and hangs | 12:00 |
mahangu | kikinovak: hi, im an xp refugee :) | 12:01 |
pavka | can someone help me with fglrx driver in breezy | 12:01 |
pavka | < | 12:01 |
pavka | ? | 12:01 |
tl-pHantasy | yeh...ive entered the username and pw... | 12:01 |
kikinovak | mahangu: welcome to the club | 12:01 |
tl-pHantasy | its after that | 12:01 |
mahangu | pavka: just ask the question | 12:01 |
mahangu | i think we need to put that in the topic :) | 12:01 |
mahangu | kikinovak: heh, thanks | 12:01 |
mahangu | im loving the shell though | 12:01 |
kikinovak | mahangu: haven't been using doze since 2001 | 12:01 |
falcon3 | what is a good FXP program for kde ? | 12:01 |
mahangu | do a /cctp finger and you'll see me on irssi :P | 12:01 |
N6REJ | ok, found the chipset there... 4th in the belkin list | 12:01 |
kikinovak | mahangu: 100% GNU/Linux since | 12:01 |
mahangu | kikinovak: a true convert | 12:01 |
Shin_Gouki | hi anyone a idea were i may contact SOMONE from this page: www.ubuntulite.org | 12:01 |
mahangu | falcon3: what the heck is fxp? | 12:02 |
kikinovak | mahangu: occasionally I open "Terminal" in Mac OS X LOL | 12:02 |
falcon3 | mahangu: ftp but from one ftp server to another | 12:02 |
mahangu | :) | 12:02 |
Secreth`X | mahangu i thing he means FTP | 12:02 |
Secreth`X | think | 12:02 |
mahangu | falcon3: trry apt-cache search fxp ? | 12:02 |
falcon3 | Secreth`X: no, fxp | 12:02 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: are you on hoary or breezy ? | 12:02 |
tl-pHantasy | mahangu i hsve done that..its after that | 12:02 |
tl-pHantasy | have* | 12:02 |
Secreth`X | heh | 12:02 |
commodore | the command gave some text but there wasn't anything said about the soundcard although i managed to find this line 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definiti on Audio Controller (rev 03) | 12:02 |
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Gunzo | ok anyone here who can actually help or what? | 12:02 |
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mahangu | Gunzo: ask the question | 12:03 |
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pavka | mahangu: Ive configured xorg for use of fglrx, but in log I cant find some info about fglrx loading. cat /var/X11/X*.log | grep fglrx is empty. kernel module Ive loaded. When I rewrite fglrx to radeon, all works, but without acceleration. Do U know whats wrong? | 12:03 |
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vy2wu | n6rej have you tried breezy, the early release? | 12:04 |
Gunzo | heh just did but here it goes again: Cant boot install cd on my laptop says something like booting kernel and then hangs. Laptop is Acer 1692WLMi | 12:04 |
mahangu | pavka: sounds like a radeon specific issue, best is to wait till a radeon user comes in | 12:04 |
mahangu | ask every few hours or so | 12:04 |
commodore | what do i have to do now? find drivers for it in google? | 12:04 |
mahangu | Gunzo: try the boot options | 12:04 |
mahangu | Gunzo: cycle through F2 F3 F4 at startup | 12:04 |
mahangu | oh you can't even get to boot? | 12:04 |
vy2wu | is this group talking about breezy or hoary? | 12:04 |
Lasher | wtf | 12:05 |
mahangu | vy2wu: we talk about both | 12:05 |
Lasher | >.< | 12:05 |
mahangu | Gunzo: bad cd perhaps? | 12:05 |
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N6REJ | vy2wu: yeah, thats what I'm using... yesterdays release actually... installed perfectly, just thinks the nic is a firewire device. | 12:05 |
Lasher | I see the driver I need, but apparently I need some login and password for Acer | 12:05 |
Lasher | and I don't even own an acer.. | 12:05 |
Gunzo | no I cant get the boot menu but if I choose type simply linux we get the aforementioned problemn | 12:05 |
N6REJ | sorry HappyFool : I was turned around with music running.. breezy | 12:05 |
Morten_ | tommi^, i couldn't use the dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server - but the driver in the xorg.conf file is "nv" .. should it be NVIDIA? | 12:05 |
pavka | mahangu: but xorg dont load fglrx module maybe... | 12:05 |
Gunzo | I mean I can | 12:05 |
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mahangu | Gunzo: like i said, bad cd? | 12:05 |
Gunzo | ... might be | 12:06 |
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mahangu | pavka: i can't really evaluate, ive never done tweaking there | 12:06 |
mahangu | Gunzo: download an .iso and burn a new one | 12:06 |
pavka | :( | 12:06 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D1F45.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gunzo | thinking maybe the downloaded iso might be crap | 12:06 |
mahangu | ok guys,im heading out for some studying | 12:06 |
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N6REJ | mahagnu yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how to write to the card. Its dev/sda and so far it won't let me write to it. | 12:06 |
commodore | i did what you needed to help me, please help me now, my soundcard stuff is 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definiti on Audio Controller (rev 03) | 12:06 |
Gunzo | thanks mahangu | 12:06 |
mahangu | N6REJ: mount it as rw? | 12:06 |
mahangu | Gunzo: no probs, good luck | 12:06 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: it'll be /dev/sda1 | 12:06 |
N6REJ | how do I tell it to be rw? | 12:07 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: or /dev/sda2 or whatever; /dev/sda is the disk, /dev/sda1 etc the partitions | 12:07 |
mahangu | please guys, no queries / pms | 12:07 |
str | no one answering in firefox forum :( anyone here got some experience in installing java in firefox under Hoary | 12:07 |
mahangu | ask in the channel, more chance of being answered | 12:07 |
N6REJ | nm, reboot fixed it! | 12:07 |
kikinovak | er... anyone knows how GNOME's music player is called? (I only have xfce installed) | 12:07 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: the card didn't automount, obviously? | 12:07 |
commodore | ok noone is helping me | 12:08 |
mahangu | kikinovak: gnome has a few | 12:08 |
mahangu | kikinovak: i use xmms | 12:08 |
mahangu | but there is rhythmbox | 12:08 |
HappyFool | !tell commodore about sound | 12:08 |
=== DJ_Mirage [n=djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kikinovak | mahangu: no... the one that looks like KDE's Juk | 12:08 |
=== ptlo [n=senko@83-131-0-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kikinovak | mahangu: with a big playlist windows | 12:08 |
kikinovak | mahangu: with a big playlist window | 12:08 |
kikinovak | no s :o) | 12:08 |
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mahangu | mmmm | 12:09 |
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mahangu | i have no ida, never used | 12:09 |
commodore | thanks happyfool | 12:09 |
kikinovak | anyone here using GNOME (hey, there *has* to be) take a peek in his multimedia menu and tell me the name of GNOME's music playing app that is default in Ubuntu and NOT xmms? | 12:10 |
tl-pHantasy | mahangu plz answer? | 12:10 |
mahangu | kikinovak: totem? | 12:10 |
mahangu | tl-pHantasy: i said, try /etc/init.d gdm start | 12:10 |
topyli | Kinomees: rhythmbox | 12:10 |
tl-pHantasy | thn | 12:10 |
mahangu | tl-pHantasy: are you inside a GUI? | 12:10 |
tl-pHantasy | x | 12:10 |
tl-pHantasy | ya | 12:10 |
=== zyga [n=zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kikinovak | mahangu: that's the video player | 12:10 |
str | help please, this is very critical for me to finally say goodbye to winxp | 12:10 |
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zyga | hello | 12:10 |
mahangu | kikinovak: rhythmbox is hte other one | 12:10 |
Kinomees | ? | 12:10 |
zyga | 'IPP request failed with status 1030' | 12:10 |
zyga | does anyone know why gnome-cups-manager keeps saying this? | 12:10 |
str | java in firefox | 12:11 |
kikinovak | mahangu: yessssssss that's it! | 12:11 |
=== JzE [n=jze@a84-231-30-102.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kikinovak | thanks | 12:11 |
mahangu | kikinovak: dude, i told you that! :) | 12:11 |
tl-pHantasy | "no such file or directory | 12:11 |
mahangu | tl-pHantasy: are you runnign ubuntu | 12:11 |
mahangu | ? | 12:11 |
mahangu | it sure doesnt sound like it | 12:11 |
mahangu | try startx | 12:11 |
tl-pHantasy | i just finnished the setup | 12:11 |
mahangu | i think you're outside the gui | 12:11 |
HappyFool | str: Hobbsee told you how earlier; alternatively read the link ubotu sent to you | 12:11 |
xophEr | how do I change the ubuntu-icon on the gnome-panel? Ive tried changing the gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png file but it doesnt work with that anymore.. | 12:11 |
kikinovak | mahangu: must have missed it the 1st time | 12:11 |
mahangu | kikinovak: k | 12:11 |
mahangu | ok people im off | 12:12 |
=== mylastmorning [n=aaron@adsl-68-127-190-25.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tl-pHantasy | this is the 1 time using ubuntu... | 12:12 |
mahangu | tl-pHantasy: ask in _here_, you will (eventually) get an answer | 12:12 |
mahangu | study study | 12:12 |
mahangu | laters all | 12:12 |
mylastmorning | can someone help me out. I've got an ATI video card... | 12:12 |
tl-pHantasy | ok | 12:12 |
crov | How to put default boot system to Winshit... i have changed like stated in http://ubuntuguide.org/#changedefaultosgrub to default X_sequence but this (X_sequence) need to be changed with title of other sys or what? thnx | 12:12 |
mahangu | ubotu tell crov about grub | 12:12 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-128-103.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mylastmorning | can someone help me install the drivers for this ATI Radeon 9800 Pro | 12:13 |
HappyFool | !tell mylastmorning about ati | 12:13 |
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tommi^ | mahangu, tl-phantasy messaged you too? | 12:14 |
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commodore | !tell commodore about sound | 12:14 |
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commodore | :D | 12:14 |
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N6REJ | brb gotta reboot | 12:15 |
tl-pHantasy | i just finished the ubuntu setup, removed the cd-rom, then i resatarted..then it starts alot of packages...entered my username and pass... then it says that ubuntu comes with absolutley no warrenty... then it says i got new mail...folowed ub by a console: username@username~ | 12:15 |
crov | mahangu: so after every change in menu.lst i need to "sudo update-grub" right or? thnx | 12:15 |
tl-pHantasy | tommi^ i just finished the ubuntu setup, removed the cd-rom, then i resatarted..then it starts alot of packages...entered my username and pass... then it says that ubuntu comes with absolutley no warrenty... then it says i got new mail...folowed ub by a console: username@username~ | 12:15 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, so it doesn't start graphical login screen. Is that your problem? | 12:15 |
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tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, don't repost! | 12:16 |
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tl-pHantasy | i dont come passed the command screed | 12:16 |
tl-pHantasy | screen* | 12:16 |
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tl-pHantasy | sry tommi | 12:16 |
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tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, can you rephrase that? | 12:16 |
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pl_ice | hey, someone wrote short program, work on most linux boxes except ubunut, i just got memory error, that's it, its a short program, any ways i can follow it thourh where the error is? | 12:16 |
zyga | sivang: sure | 12:16 |
tl-pHantasy | that means? | 12:16 |
ghb | Does anyone know how to configure a DVD-ROM in order to make it read faster (note that DMA is already enabled). | 12:16 |
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tl-pHantasy | rephrase? | 12:17 |
HappyFool | say it another way | 12:17 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, that means, I didn't understand what you meant by you don't come passed the command screen and could you say it another way | 12:17 |
zyga | sivang: I did try to localhost:631 but the panel is disabled for security reasons | 12:17 |
tl-pHantasy | after ive exited the setup | 12:17 |
tl-pHantasy | and removed the cd | 12:17 |
zyga | sivang: any attempt to do something requires login and I have no idea what to enter | 12:17 |
tl-pHantasy | it restarts | 12:17 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, write on one line. | 12:17 |
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topyli | tl-pHantasy: if you did the default installation, you should come to the graphical login screen. your X configuration is broken | 12:17 |
HappyFool | pl_ice: easiest is probably to e-mail the author of the program | 12:18 |
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tl-pHantasy | i installed "server" | 12:18 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, that means, X - the graphical system isn't installed. | 12:18 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, why did you install server? | 12:18 |
topyli | tl-pHantasy: ok, then all is ok. you don't have a graphical system | 12:18 |
sivang | zyga: ok, let's see | 12:18 |
tl-pHantasy | ok... | 12:18 |
tl-pHantasy | and wht do i do? | 12:18 |
pl_ice | HappyFool it's more of a wild program ... my mate hacked it to work under freebsd, but not u/d ubuntu :( | 12:18 |
topyli | tl-pHantasy: what sort of server are you setting up? | 12:18 |
tl-pHantasy | install the defult setup? | 12:18 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, reinstall from scratch might be the easiest for you. | 12:18 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, yes. | 12:19 |
tl-pHantasy | im new to ubuntu so im trying to learn the thing | 12:19 |
HappyFool | pl_ice: you can use gdb to debug the program (works for C and probably C++ too) | 12:19 |
Oetzi | hi | 12:19 |
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tl-pHantasy | ok..thnx for ur help | 12:19 |
topyli | tl-pHantasy: if you want a desktop system, you can just do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" | 12:19 |
tommi^ | tl-pHantasy, you should go with the default if you don't know what you are doing. You can also read about these things in the documentation. | 12:19 |
topyli | no need to reinstall | 12:19 |
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Gunzo | ok managed to get the install cd to boot by disabling APIC but now it hangs on starting pc card services | 12:19 |
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Gunzo | any ideas? | 12:20 |
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sivang | zyga: I can access loclahost:631 for some reason, I think this can be enabled through the cupsd.conf file | 12:20 |
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tommi^ | topyli, well, yeah. probably no but does he have extra (useless) server packages installed now? | 12:20 |
Whistler | does ubuntulite have their own irc channel? | 12:20 |
N6REJ | man I must be totally stupid or something!!!!... I look at in breezy, and the file and data is there, I bring it over to windoze and there is nothing there. | 12:20 |
pl_ice | HappyFool ok, will try | 12:20 |
N6REJ | the file is empty. | 12:20 |
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HappyFool | N6REJ: make sure you umount the drive | 12:20 |
tl-pHantasy | topli ? it worked :D | 12:20 |
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Oetzi | where can I find w32codecs and libdvdcss for mplayer (what apt-source)? | 12:21 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: AH!!! no didn't do that. | 12:21 |
N6REJ | k | 12:21 |
N6REJ | I'll try again. | 12:21 |
sivang | zyga: ah grumpg, yes it's disabled. | 12:21 |
topyli | tl-pHantasy: yes, it works :) | 12:21 |
N6REJ | I'm getting dizzy from spinning around though LOL | 12:21 |
tl-pHantasy | thnx so much | 12:21 |
zyga | sivang: same here | 12:21 |
zyga | sivang: the page is there but it's disabled | 12:21 |
HappyFool | !tell Oetzi about restricted | 12:21 |
os2mac | are we still on track for OCT13? | 12:21 |
tl-pHantasy | you guys knows ALOT... | 12:21 |
DeepB | hi there, how /var/cache/apt/available can be rebuilt if 'apt-get update' does not do its job? | 12:21 |
sivang | zyga: tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log , see what that gives when you try to print/connect | 12:21 |
Gunzo | I am hanging on starting pc card services does anyone have any ideas to get around that? | 12:22 |
zyga | sivang: checkig | 12:22 |
tommi^ | DeepB, can't you just rerun apt-get update? | 12:22 |
Gunzo | in install | 12:22 |
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Gunzo | anyone? | 12:23 |
DeepB | tommi^: i'm telling you apt-get update does *not* work ;) | 12:23 |
crov | can the apache 1.33* be installed on ubuntu instead apache2? with "sudo apt-get install apache" will this install it or i need to specify more parameters | 12:23 |
tommi^ | DeepB, Oh. What error you are getting? | 12:23 |
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mylastmorning | can someone help me with my Linksys Wireless-G card? | 12:24 |
tommi^ | crov, apt-cache show apache will you give you detailed information about the package. apt-cache search apache will list all packages with apache mentioned. | 12:24 |
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DeepB | tommi^: i get no no error, it says rebuilding the file at the end, but it won't | 12:24 |
HappyFool | Gunzo: maybe boot option hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false (see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-54139.html or try google) | 12:24 |
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tommi^ | DeepB, and you know that it doesn't rebuild by how? | 12:24 |
Oetzi | HappyFool: so they are not included in breezy | 12:24 |
os2mac | lastmorning what's wrong with your card? | 12:24 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: ok, I have it finally! I used the link above and hit send | 12:24 |
Oetzi | ? | 12:24 |
zyga | sivang: nothing in particular | 12:25 |
mylastmorning | os2mac, ubuntu doesn't notice its their. | 12:25 |
DeepB | tommi^: by having *not* that file no longer | 12:25 |
zyga | sivang: hmm, printing needs udev? | 12:25 |
Nelsson | pll on | 12:25 |
HappyFool | Oetzi: for legal reasons which are discussed on the page ubotu sent, no | 12:25 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: err, which link? | 12:25 |
tommi^ | DeepB, yeah. I guess that does mean it :) | 12:25 |
N6REJ | the http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl link | 12:25 |
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HappyFool | N6REJ: ok, standby | 12:25 |
os2mac | are you running the live or install release? | 12:25 |
N6REJ | k | 12:25 |
Oetzi | HappyFool: thx | 12:25 |
Discoking | Hi. I had 3 partitions on my computer, XP Ubuntu and OS-x. I then used Partition Magic to delete ubuntu and OS-x, and get the free space into the XP paratition. Now, i offcourse got a GRUB problem, and i was wondering if this solution will work>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 12:26 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: it's traditional to put your nick, not mine ;) | 12:26 |
tommi^ | DeepB, well I don't have that file either. Doesn't apt-get no longer work? | 12:26 |
N6REJ | oh, LOL sorry, I did 2 one of me and one of you. | 12:26 |
mylastmorning | os2mac, I am running the install release of .04 not .10 | 12:26 |
N6REJ | cause I wasn't sure. | 12:26 |
N6REJ | ty | 12:26 |
N6REJ | I know now | 12:26 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: ok, looks ok to me | 12:26 |
os2mac | have you tried ndiswrapper? | 12:26 |
Whistler | anybody here using ubuntu lite ? | 12:26 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: what's the problem ? | 12:26 |
mylastmorning | no what is that os2mac? | 12:26 |
os2mac | hang on | 12:26 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: ok, so the errors are ok? | 12:27 |
mylastmorning | ok :) os2mac | 12:27 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: note, i am not an ndiswrapper expert or user | 12:27 |
DeepB | tommi^: exactly that, i get "E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package whatever" | 12:27 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: i don't see any errors | 12:27 |
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sivang | zyga: I think it's unrelated to IPP, since IPP detects printing queues and g-c-m then shows them up | 12:27 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: *SIGH* wrong output!!! | 12:27 |
Oetzi | i have another question | 12:27 |
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HappyFool | N6REJ: wait | 12:28 |
sivang | zyga: (if you're trying to use IPP that is, I think it does use udev for locally physical printers) | 12:28 |
os2mac | mylastday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper?highlight=%28ndiswrapper%29 | 12:28 |
N6REJ | I type the command I want and then >> logfilename right? | 12:28 |
N6REJ | k | 12:28 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: have you tried just installed ndiswrapper-utils, and not mucking about with this ? | 12:28 |
Oetzi | is there a problem beetween nvidia-glx drivers and firefox | 12:28 |
zyga | sivang: my printer is not detected locally | 12:28 |
tommi^ | DeepB, I have archives -directory, pkgcache.bin (6.3M), srcpkgcache.bin (6.1M) in /var/cache/apt. You don't have that pkgcache.bin? | 12:28 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: you downloaded 1.4 from sourceforge, right ? | 12:28 |
zyga | sivang: it is attached via usb | 12:28 |
N6REJ | well, sorta.. .it it didn't work. | 12:28 |
N6REJ | yes | 12:28 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: ah, ok | 12:28 |
DeepB | tommi^: yes, i have both | 12:28 |
zyga | damn | 12:28 |
sivang | zyga: well, then you have to do sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart to see the usb printer | 12:29 |
os2mac | mylastday: if that doesn't tell you what you need to know look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper?highlight=%28ndiswrapper%29 | 12:29 |
N6REJ | I also did the ndiswrapper-utils from snaptic | 12:29 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: the wiki implied it should Just Work, but obviously not | 12:29 |
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HappyFool | N6REJ: right | 12:29 |
N6REJ | it said something about having to change radio | 12:29 |
Oetzi | because if i start firefox my xorg-process need about 98% CPU | 12:29 |
tommi^ | DeepB, are you using breezy or hoary? | 12:29 |
HappyFool | N6REJ: yeah, i think that's in the .inf file | 12:29 |
DeepB | tommi^: and those are rebuilt just fine with update | 12:29 |
N6REJ | I might have a bad .inf too because another place said the dell inf is needed. | 12:29 |
zyga | sivang: done | 12:29 |
zyga | sivang: no change | 12:29 |
N6REJ | ok, let me send the dell inf over. | 12:29 |
N6REJ | brb again. | 12:29 |
=== stone__ [n=stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DeepB | tommi^: breezy here | 12:29 |
Oetzi | until i close firefox | 12:29 |
N6REJ | I'm gonna need a rum'n coke b4 the nights over. | 12:30 |
os2mac | mylastday: there is a pretty good chance that that package is not installed on your system and you will have to go find it in snaptic and install it. | 12:30 |
sivang | zyga: hmm, maybe your model is not detected properly, what kind of printer is this? | 12:30 |
Oetzi | problems begun yesterday when i enabled nvidia-glx | 12:30 |
tommi^ | DeepB, That is interesting. Do you have any extra repositories installed that aren't in normal installation? | 12:30 |
sivang | zyga: btw, do you see the printer when plugged in in hal-device-manager ? | 12:31 |
zyga | sivang: getting hal-device-manager | 12:31 |
zyga | sivang: it works on a normal breezy install | 12:31 |
DeepB | tommi^: oh, sorry, i think i found the problem, one of the packages suffers from a bug on packaging itself | 12:31 |
zyga | sivang: its an epson stylus c82 | 12:32 |
tommi^ | DeepB, yeah. Which one? | 12:32 |
=== Lasher [n=hahafuck@adsl-146-224-161.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lasher | can I ask a really stupid question... | 12:32 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: well, that was different. I got some output that time... still don't like the driver. | 12:32 |
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DeepB | tommi^: but still, i'm coming from debian... is there no more 'available' file for apt no more? | 12:32 |
N6REJ | HappyFool: let me finish the instructions now | 12:32 |
tommi^ | Lasher, ask. Don't ask if you can ask. | 12:32 |
sivang | zyga: hmm, then I'd suggest you stick to the breezy install :) Knopiix has a multitude of hacks there, god knows what's went wrong :) | 12:32 |
DeepB | tommi^: hwtools | 12:32 |
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tommi^ | DeepB, it would seem that no. I don't know about these things really :) | 12:33 |
Lasher | I think I have this figured out, but how do I use Debian and install ndiswrapper, I have the debian file d/l'd to my usb drive. | 12:33 |
zyga | sivang: I cannot - I need a live cd that can print :) | 12:33 |
sivang | zyga: I thin it's enough trouble supporting upgrades from Debian, adding knoppix to the game can be a problem :) | 12:33 |
zyga | hehe | 12:33 |
sivang | zyga: can't the breezy-live print for you? | 12:33 |
nathanj | i just installed ubuntu and while i was installing it didnt ask for a root password but it will let me into the updater etc via my user pass but i cant su from a terminal? whats going on? | 12:33 |
zyga | sivang: I know, I'm just paranoid because I'm working on this for a two weeks now | 12:34 |
crov | tommi^, ok thnx, where i can find latest source.lst for ubuntu breezy,as i cant find some packages for example for mysql "mysqlcc"" | 12:34 |
zyga | sivang: breezy live cd needs lots of setup | 12:34 |
mylastmorning | can someone help me with my wireless card? | 12:34 |
Oetzi | HappyFool: i got a gpg-error on retrieving nerim-source list | 12:34 |
zyga | sivang: if you know of a way to lock down the live cd (I'm building a kiosk cd) | 12:34 |
DeepB | tommi^: ok, thx anyway | 12:34 |
zyga | and only start the browser + printing support feel free to let me know | 12:34 |
Oetzi | nathanj: use sudo su | 12:34 |
tommi^ | DeepB, hwtools is in normal breezy installation.. hmm. You should think about filing a bug report. | 12:35 |
zyga | sivang: hal-device-manager sees the printer | 12:35 |
zyga | :) | 12:35 |
Lasher | I think I have this figured out, but how do I use Debian and install ndiswrapper, I have the debian file d/l'd to my usb drive *the ndiswrapper file and the broadcom wireless NIC card file for my computer*. | 12:35 |
nathanj | Getzi why is that? | 12:35 |
Oetzi | don't no | 12:35 |
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sivang | zyga: interesting, what happens when after restarting cupsys after plugging in the printer, you attempt "gnome-cups-add" ? | 12:35 |
nathanj | Oetzi: # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges | 12:35 |
nathanj | %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL | 12:35 |
nathanj | :) | 12:35 |
sivang | zyga: do you see the printer there? | 12:35 |
zyga | sivang: checking | 12:36 |
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Oetzi | nathanj: yes i know | 12:36 |
Oetzi | but i think thats stupid | 12:36 |
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mylastmorning | can someone help me with my wireless card? | 12:36 |
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mylastmorning | can someone help me with my Linksys Wireless-G card? | 12:36 |
zyga | sivang: no | 12:36 |
N6REJ | grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... I'm calling belkin | 12:36 |
DeepB | tommi^: thx for the tip, but i think i might pin it, since the broken one is coming from an external repo, ubuntu is not to blame this time :) | 12:36 |
zyga | sivang: :/ | 12:36 |
HappyFool | sudo su is not needed. try sudo -i | 12:36 |
m33s | can someone tell me where to get libdecss? | 12:36 |
HappyFool | or read the wiki page (wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo) | 12:36 |
sivang | zyga: then I have no idea..:-( sorry | 12:37 |
HappyFool | !tell m33s about restricted | 12:37 |
zyga | sivang: okay thanks | 12:37 |
Oetzi | so i first think did is sudo su and then i set a password with passwd | 12:37 |
Oetzi | omg bullshit | 12:37 |
nathanj | HappyFool: why i cant i just su | 12:37 |
Lasher | how do I use a .deb file? | 12:37 |
HappyFool | nathanj: ubuntu dev decisions | 12:37 |
commodore | OMG when i click system>about ubuntu it says cannot launch entry ! i'm trying to think ubuntu and linux are bad after all | 12:38 |
sivang | Lasher: sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 12:38 |
crov | where i can find latest source.lst for ubuntu breezy,as i cant find some packages for example for mysql "mysqlcc" icq client centericq etc.. thnx | 12:38 |
nathanj | HappyFool: so su is in sbin then i gues? | 12:38 |
sivang | Lasher: however if you are using a deb file not from the Ubuntu repo, there's no gurantee it will work or not break the system | 12:38 |
HappyFool | nathanj: i don't know; try 'which su' | 12:38 |
nubbe | nathanj, u can enable the root-acct | 12:38 |
=== Infomangani [n=marco@213-140-17-104.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | tell me what's wrong!!!! | 12:38 |
nathanj | nubbe: how? | 12:39 |
commodore | when i click system>about ubuntu it says cannot launch entry | 12:39 |
commodore | what's wrong | 12:39 |
commodore | ??? | 12:39 |
commodore | !!! | 12:39 |
HappyFool | commodore: what version of ubuntu are you running (please don't repeat yourself) | 12:39 |
ubotu | hmm... ! is what you add before a sentence to talk to me | 12:39 |
Oetzi | as i said get a root-console | 12:39 |
commodore | 5.04 | 12:39 |
nubbe | nathanj, I'll check, never had a reason | 12:39 |
Oetzi | wih sudo su or sudo -i | 12:39 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lasher | what does the -i stand for? | 12:39 |
Oetzi | and then set a password with passwd | 12:39 |
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commodore | it used to work, but not anymore | 12:40 |
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Hacker | hey guyz | 12:41 |
HappyFool | commodore: it is hard for us to guess what is wrong with your system; what have you changed since it last worked? | 12:41 |
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commodore | nevermind, i try to live without it | 12:41 |
Nelsson | Is there Votivomppa in sight? | 12:41 |
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commodore | the bigger problem is that the kernel version i'm running is 2.6.10 but i need 2.6.12 to get my soundcard working, is there a way to update the kernel? | 12:42 |
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Infomangani | hi all, I tried to convert my breezy to evms but I cannot boot my rootfs on lvm2 on md (raid5), looking at /dev with busybox at boot I cannot find the relevant /dev/evms{md,lvm2} but only /dev/sd*. booting from rootfs on simple segment (partition eg: /dev/evms/sda8) works, any hint? | 12:43 |
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=== Redleer [n=redleer@a81-197-113-138.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Redleer | hi | 12:44 |
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Gunzo | guys my install keeps hanging on "Starting PC Card Services" | 12:45 |
syntaxx | hi i just wanna ask whats the name of the application that can auto detects and auto configure the network? | 12:45 |
Redleer | someone able to help? wondering what is root pass as default. didnt ask to make one on install | 12:45 |
HappyFool | Gunzo: did you read the link i sent you? | 12:45 |
=== CookedGryphon [n=CookedGr@0-d-87-b6-3a-fb.cg.esol.dur.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gunzo | it used to hang on booting kernel but when I disabled APIC that got fixed | 12:45 |
Infomangani | btw: using initramfs-tools with kernel 2.6.12-9 | 12:45 |
HappyFool | !tell Redleer about root | 12:45 |
funkyHat | what packages do i need to install to make skype look nice? | 12:46 |
CookedGryphon | Hi, i'm trying to install bluej and maple, and i've found clemson ubuntu which claims to have them precompiled but I can't get install the repositories | 12:46 |
Gunzo | Happy: no sorry I was afk | 12:46 |
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Redleer | ty | 12:46 |
Gunzo | ...trying to get the install to work :) | 12:46 |
CookedGryphon | is anyone here? | 12:46 |
Infomangani | no initramfs hackers online... too bad :-( | 12:47 |
HappyFool | Gunzo: maybe boot option hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false (see | 12:47 |
HappyFool | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-54139.html or try | 12:47 |
HappyFool | google) | 12:47 |
commodore | how to update kernel? | 12:47 |
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syntaxx | hi i just wanna ask whats the name of the application that can auto detects and auto configure the network? because i saw a friend of mine he just installed ubuntu and it auto configure his network | 12:48 |
HappyFool | commodore: normal system updates (synaptic or apt-get etc); to compile your own kernel, see the kernelhowto on the wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto) | 12:48 |
Infomangani | commodore: apt-get install linux-{386,k7} | 12:48 |
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funkyHat | E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 12:49 |
funkyHat | :/ | 12:49 |
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funkyHat | how do i fix that ^? | 12:50 |
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fek | funkyHat: you have to be root | 12:50 |
=== poko [n=luke@d220-237-224-74.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | apt-get install linux-{386,k7} doesn't work | 12:50 |
funkyHat | i was root | 12:50 |
HCl | you probably have another apt-get running. | 12:50 |
HappyFool | use sudo; don't run apt-get or aptitude while synaptic is running | 12:50 |
fek | funkyHat: close any other apt session | 12:50 |
poko | were am i now? | 12:50 |
Uld | maybe you had synaptic allready running | 12:50 |
Infomangani | commodore: {386,k7} means that u have to choose between the two | 12:50 |
funkyHat | i'm pretty sure there aren't any open | 12:50 |
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commodore | :D i'm a beginner sorry | 12:51 |
funkyHat | ahh, there was one | 12:51 |
poko | commodore 64 rocks | 12:51 |
funkyHat | :) | 12:51 |
Infomangani | commodore: it is called "regular expression" man:/regexp in konqueror if you have manpages installed | 12:51 |
Uld | everybody has to be a beginner one day or another ;) | 12:51 |
ompaul | poko, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 12:52 |
commodore | i have ubuntu not kubuntu, no konqueror | 12:52 |
Infomangani | I'm a beginner in installing init{rd,ramfs} evms on lvm2 on md bootable kernels | 12:52 |
ompaul | commodore, sudo << sudo apt-get install foo | 12:52 |
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syntaxx | hi i just wanna ask whats the name of the application that can auto detects and auto configure the network? because i saw a friend of mine he just installed ubuntu and it auto configure his network. anybody know? | 12:53 |
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=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2a1a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | install foo? whats foo? | 12:53 |
Hoxzer | hi | 12:54 |
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commodore | hi | 12:54 |
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Infomangani | syntaxx: man interfaces && vi /etc/network/interfaces | 12:54 |
=== Lasher [n=hahafuck@adsl-146-224-161.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lasher | sorry, what was that command to start a .deb file? | 12:54 |
funkyHat | sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 12:54 |
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Infomangani | Lasher: sudo dpkg -i <filename> | 12:54 |
Lasher | thx | 12:54 |
Redleer | what version 5.04 uses x.org or xfree86? | 12:55 |
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nubbe | Redleer, xorg | 12:55 |
syntaxx | Infomangani, yeah i know that.. i just wanna know whats the name of the application | 12:55 |
Redleer | ty | 12:56 |
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=== huhmz [n=huhmz@h47n2fls33o888.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
huhmz | Why does ubuntu/kubuntu put the kernel modules on a tmpfs? | 12:56 |
Infomangani | syntaxx: in gnome I did not remember, in kde you can find it under control center | 12:56 |
Infomangani | huhmz: only the restricted ones | 12:56 |
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huhmz | infomangani: and why is that? | 12:56 |
syntaxx | Infomangani, ok | 12:57 |
syntaxx | thanks | 12:57 |
Infomangani | syntaxx: gnome-network-manager ot similar | 12:57 |
Infomangani | s/ot/or | 12:57 |
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huhmz | infomangani: it disturbs me a little that it's using 13Mb of my precious RAM | 12:57 |
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Infomangani | huhmz: disinstall linux*restricted if you do not need them | 12:57 |
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lorenzod | Hi all. | 12:58 |
Gunzo | HappyFool: tried that link you sent me... still hangs on starting PC card services | 12:58 |
huhmz | infomangani: will do, but im still curious about the reason | 12:58 |
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=== gotschi [n=bla@M288P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gotschi | hi | 12:58 |
yuacht | hmm my breezy starts a whole lot slower then my hoary did, any clues on why? | 12:58 |
Infomangani | huhmz: If you just need 1 module from restricted you can just build it with module-assistant | 12:58 |
=== MTommy [i=MTommy@host13-147.pool21345.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTommy | Hello everyone | 12:58 |
commodore | Infomangani: what command updates the kernel then? I don't know how to choose and i didn't understand what you said | 12:58 |
=== jventura [n=jventura@81-203-250-168.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HappyFool | Gunzo: you added the hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false line ? | 12:59 |
Gunzo | yuh | 12:59 |
jventura | hello | 12:59 |
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gotschi | hey, i have a question: can i install Ubuntu on my Win xp pc? | 12:59 |
jventura | need help | 12:59 |
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MTommy | is there anyone that can help me? | 12:59 |
Infomangani | commodore: to choose type "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and see | 12:59 |
HappyFool | Gunzo: i'm out of ideas, sorry; that my perception is that should prevent pc card services from starting | 12:59 |
=== commodore is tired because linux has so many things to do before it works | ||
syntaxx | Infomangani, i search it on apt and i only saw gnome-nettool and gnome-system-tools | 12:59 |
nubbe | R there any conflicts between gstreamer-plugins, w32codecs, ffmpeg and the like? do they sit quietly until called or do packages change systemwide settings when installed? | 12:59 |
MTommy | is so please contact me in private | 12:59 |
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speel | gotschi, you can install linux on any pc | 12:59 |
Infomangani | commodore: If you have amd go with -k7, if >pentium2 go with -686, then -386 | 01:00 |
MTommy | I have some problems with Ubuntu 5.04 | 01:00 |
gotschi | yeah, but can i leave my win xp partition? | 01:00 |
lorenzod | Is anybody else experiencing Gnome sluggishness today? | 01:00 |
Khantozavri | hi folks.... does 5.10 repositories contain sources for kernel 2.6.12-9-686 | 01:00 |
Khantozavri | ? apt-get doesn't list them.... :( | 01:00 |
Gunzo | bugger.... guess I'm gonna have to give Ubuntu a miss ....pretty annoying since I have a knoppix distro that I could install to HD just fine | 01:00 |
lorenzod | Can't really remember what was upgraded yesterday.. | 01:00 |
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commodore | Infomangani: i have pentium 4 | 01:00 |
Infomangani | syntaxx: I do not use gnome, try both or just install ubuntu-desktop, it is in. | 01:01 |
speel | gotschi, yea i belive so .. but im not definet check linuxquestions.org or google or ask here | 01:01 |
HappyFool | Gunzo: i'm afraid all i can suggest now is filing a bug, sorry | 01:01 |
tonyyarusso | Is it possible to disable/override the system beep warning of an impending shutdown, and/or change the timing of it? | 01:01 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: it'll be linux-source-2.6.12, i think | 01:01 |
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Gunzo | k but thanks a lot anyway | 01:01 |
Khantozavri | well, this is all i got: Package kernel-source is a virtual package provided by: | 01:01 |
Khantozavri | kernel-source-2.6.11 2.6.11-7 | 01:01 |
Khantozavri | kernel-source-2.6.10 2.6.10-6 | 01:01 |
Khantozavri | kernel-source-2.4.27 2.4.27-10 | 01:01 |
Khantozavri | Y | 01:01 |
MTommy | is there anyone that is up to help me? | 01:01 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: linux-source, not kernel-source | 01:01 |
syntaxx | Infomangani, ok thanks | 01:01 |
tommi^ | MTommy, just ask your question. | 01:01 |
gotschi | i can easily install my suse linux 8.1 , but i have troubles with ubuntu... it says it has to format the HD | 01:01 |
Khantozavri | ic... thanks let me try | 01:02 |
crov | anyone installed apache 1.3.33 on Breezy? | 01:02 |
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tonyyarusso | I'd like to be able to leave my computer to shut down later, but don't want it making noise when it does so, hence wanting to stop the system beep (which of course is louder than any other sound...). Anybody know how to do this? | 01:02 |
=== mwright1night [n=mwright1@203-214-34-29.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTommy | after i typed user name and password, it appears the logo screen (the one with Ubuntu Linux for Human beings) and then everything is blocked | 01:03 |
MTommy | really everthing | 01:03 |
mwright1night | If I install Breezy RC1 will it apt-get update to the new version | 01:03 |
mwright1night | or will they be out of sync? | 01:03 |
tommi^ | crov, are you still at it? Did you read what I said you earlier? Do apt-cache show apache and youll see that apache is 1.33 package. | 01:03 |
gotschi | ok, i will try it again, cya laterz! | 01:03 |
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Khantozavri | well, it tells me that I got it installed, but when I want to install some programs it conplains that no sources were found... :( | 01:03 |
topyli | i've lost the console in breezy :( | 01:03 |
MTommy | I really don't know what to do.... | 01:03 |
tommi^ | MTommy, nor mouse and keyboard doesn't work? | 01:04 |
crov | tommi^, it dont show me anything only new prompt :(( | 01:04 |
MTommy | nothing | 01:04 |
MTommy | totally blocked | 01:04 |
ghb | Does this sound familiar to anyone? My DVD-ROM reads at like 500 kb/s, but I have DMA enabled (UDMA, as a matter of fact). =( | 01:04 |
MTommy | i can't even reboot with ctrl alt del | 01:04 |
tommi^ | MTommy, does pressing ctrl + f1 work? | 01:04 |
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MTommy | i need to turn off the laptop | 01:04 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: ah, you probably want linux-headers-686 (you said 686 earlier, right?) | 01:04 |
tommi^ | topyli, lost? | 01:04 |
MTommy | before yes | 01:04 |
crov | tommi^, are you also using Brezzy can you dcc me your source.lst of apt mybe that is the problem... :( | 01:04 |
Khantozavri | yep/... right | 01:04 |
MTommy | then not | 01:04 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: that package will put the headers appropriate to your kernel | 01:04 |
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Khantozavri | so should i try linux-headers-686 with apt-get? | 01:05 |
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MTommy | ehm wait guys because i'm pretty a noob over linux ^^' | 01:05 |
topyli | tommi^: yep, all the real consoles in tty1-6 are blank. X works | 01:05 |
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=== Infomangani is back | ||
commodore | Infomangani: i get Couldn't find package linux-{686} | 01:05 |
mwright1night | If I install breezy | 01:05 |
tommi^ | topyli, have messed with login system lately or upgraded? | 01:05 |
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eythian | MTommy, if the caps-lock doesn't work, and the harddisk isn't spinning, it's usually a sign that it's locked solid. | 01:05 |
=== Infomangani is away: trying things... | ||
=== Infomangani is away: trying things... | ||
mwright1night | can I apt-get update from RC1 to the oct 13 5.1 release | 01:05 |
HappyFool | commodore: linux-686 | 01:06 |
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commodore | oh sorry :D | 01:06 |
MTommy | that means eythian? | 01:06 |
MTommy | what shall i do then? | 01:06 |
topyli | tommi^: i blame usplash | 01:06 |
mwright1night | anyone here ubuntu apt? | 01:06 |
commodore | happyfool: too few arquments | 01:06 |
eythian | MTommy, give it a minute or two (just in case) and then hard reset :/ | 01:06 |
tommi^ | crov, have you edite sources.list? | 01:06 |
magio | I have a problem that when i login i have 3 icons and it says "Update Notifier", then it seems to freeze, nothing responds. Any sugestions? | 01:06 |
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MTommy | i did it, several times..... T_T | 01:07 |
HappyFool | commodore: use synaptic (much easier) or 'sudo apt-get install linux-686' | 01:07 |
tommi^ | topyli, didn't cause anything serious for me.. | 01:07 |
topyli | tommi^: i removed usplash now, and could see the boot messages but when i switch to a console from X, there's nothing | 01:07 |
eythian | MTommy, and it always locks at the same place? | 01:07 |
tommi^ | topyli, but you can open gnome-terminal in Xorg? | 01:07 |
MTommy | yep | 01:07 |
HappyFool | commodore: I wouldn't upgrade my kernel unless I had a good reason too | 01:07 |
commodore | happyfool: my soundcard doesn't work | 01:07 |
topyli | tommi^: yes, i do have a shell there | 01:07 |
=== wwt777 [n=wwt777@cpe-69-204-194-103.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTommy | eythian do you know that after user name and password start the music and appera the logo | 01:07 |
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HappyFool | commodore: i doubt upgrading the kernel will help; the same sound drivers will be used in both | 01:08 |
commodore | happyfool: i have hda_intel | 01:08 |
MTommy | always after the logo appears it blockd | 01:08 |
eythian | MTommy, hmm. sounds like it really hates some of your hardware. What version of ubuntu are you trying? (sry if I'm making oyu repeat, I'm working as well, so not keeping an eye on IRC) | 01:08 |
MTommy | eythian, 5.04 for amd64 | 01:08 |
=== Nioaufol [n=iuiua@adsl-45-110-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eythian | MTommy, do you get sound? | 01:08 |
commodore | happyfool: linuxquestions.org said it's supported in kernel 2.6.12 | 01:08 |
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HappyFool | commodore: then wait for breezy | 01:08 |
MTommy | yep eythian | 01:08 |
HappyFool | commodore: what you are doing will install a -686 version of the 2.6.10 kernel | 01:09 |
MTommy | i have a turion64 @1.8ghz | 01:09 |
MTommy | 1gb ddr ram | 01:09 |
HappyFool | commodore: breezy will be out this Friday | 01:09 |
MTommy | Xpress200 (128mb shared) | 01:09 |
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commodore | happyfool: oh | 01:09 |
=== locomorto has a pentium m @2ghz | ||
MTommy | and fujitst 80gb | 01:09 |
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locomorto | 100gb harddrive :) | 01:09 |
commodore | happyfool: this friday! i'm not going to school!! | 01:09 |
MTommy | this is my hardware eythian | 01:09 |
eythian | MTommy, weird. One thing to try is log in like usual, and as soon as it starts, and before it crashes flick to alt-ctrl-f1. Any serious errors might show up there | 01:09 |
kemik | why does rhythmbox require totem-gstreamer? ? | 01:09 |
magio | I have a problem that when i login it comes up 3 icons and it says "Update Notifier", then it seems to freeze, nothing responds. Any sugestions? | 01:09 |
locomorto | kemik: because thats the sound engine it uses to decode the audio | 01:10 |
HappyFool | commodore: you can get a preview release now, but i'd recommend waiting | 01:10 |
MTommy | ok, i will try eythian...do you think it is hardware problem? | 01:10 |
crov | tommi^, now i have (i am using your source.lst and i am doing apt-get update to get package headers, thnx now will try with apache 1.3.33 | 01:10 |
=== markhannon_ [n=mark@c220-237-60-254.sunsh4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | happyfool: when breezy is out, do i need to reinstall ubuntu or synaptic updates it? | 01:10 |
locomorto | kemik: make sure to grab gstreamer0.8-plugins | 01:10 |
tommi^ | topyli, I wonder what is the tty program ubuntu uses. It might be needed to reconfigured. | 01:10 |
MTommy | eythin, i've tried also the version for intel x86 | 01:10 |
tommi^ | topyli, mgetty it isn't. | 01:10 |
HappyFool | commodore: you can use synaptic to update | 01:10 |
MTommy | but it does the ame thing | 01:10 |
=== sadrul [n=sadrul@CPE000bdbc4e5ed-CM0011e6c4487f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
locomorto | commodore: you need to change hoary to breezy in /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:10 |
eythian | MTommy, I think it's possible that it's that ubuntu doesn't like something about your hardware. That's usually the only thing that makes Linux lock up. | 01:10 |
locomorto | then sudo apt-get update | 01:10 |
locomorto | then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:10 |
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locomorto | And your set | 01:11 |
tommi^ | crov, glad to hear that it's working. What was wrong with your sources.list. Do you still have it? Could you send it to me? | 01:11 |
=== breezy [n=breezy@cpe-24-25-215-247.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
commodore | happyfool: ok thanks, you have been the most useful in the moment | 01:11 |
breezy | hi, i'm trying to play a dvd through ogle | 01:11 |
mwright1night | How do I go from Breezy RC1 to Breezy final | 01:11 |
locomorto | Of course you could do that in synaptic as well | 01:11 |
MTommy | eythian, when it load all the hardware, it lways says that everything is ok, nothing failed | 01:11 |
mwright1night | is there a apt-get solution | 01:11 |
mwright1night | ro do I have to reinstall | 01:11 |
locomorto | but its slower | 01:11 |
Redleer | how i can use .run files in ubuntu? on mandrake what tryed earlier used to be "./" | 01:11 |
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locomorto | mwright1night: you dont need to do anything | 01:11 |
breezy | and it basically halts saying: "libdvdread: DVDDiscId read returned -1 bytes, wanted 20480, libdvdread: Encrypted dvd support unavailable." | 01:11 |
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HappyFool | mwright1night: breezy final isn't out yet ;). you can use synaptic; standard upgrades should work | 01:11 |
locomorto | mwright1night: you just need to update and you will be cool | 01:12 |
breezy | anyway i can make this encrypted dvd support available? | 01:12 |
locomorto | yes | 01:12 |
breezy | how? | 01:12 |
eythian | MTommy, it sometimes happens that even though it detects everything, it still barfs when it comes to actually stress it (I've had that with a stupid "we support Linux" USB2 card) | 01:12 |
HappyFool | !tell breezy about restricted | 01:12 |
locomorto | you need to enable marillat, sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 | 01:12 |
locomorto | then DISABLE marillat | 01:12 |
breezy | thanks | 01:12 |
locomorto | it is VERY important to disable it | 01:12 |
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MTommy | Eythian, is there any test that i can do to see is there's hardware problem? | 01:12 |
kemik | locomorto: i dont see how that would help me | 01:12 |
locomorto | otherwise you will end up with a borked system | 01:12 |
crov | tommi^, i dont know i didnt have all source you have (only default and i have uncoment the university source) | 01:12 |
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mwright1night | locomorto: reason for my question is that I want to install RC now, and then update it | 01:13 |
kemik | !tell kemik about libdvdcss2 | 01:13 |
mwright1night | cause I want to start testing my LTSP | 01:13 |
eythian | MTommy, not that I can think of. It might also be worth getting the brezzy pre-release ISO. It may be that the problem has been fixed in there. | 01:13 |
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mwright1night | is it Gimp 2.4 | 01:13 |
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locomorto | mwright1night: if your install breezy then update you will always get the latest breezy | 01:13 |
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HappyFool | mwright1night: you can check on packages.ubuntu.com for specific package versions | 01:13 |
kemik | locomorto: can i apt-pin totem-gstreamer and still install rhythmbox ? | 01:13 |
MTommy | brezzy pre-relese eythian? | 01:13 |
tommi^ | crov, the transmission failes for some reason. It's probably my fault for some reason. You don't need the all repositories I have. | 01:13 |
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topyli | tommi^: grr. none of the getty packages seem to be installed. but doesn't gdm need a getty too to run? | 01:14 |
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cafuego | topyli: No getty? How did you manage that? | 01:14 |
locomorto | kemik: Are you using totem-xine? | 01:14 |
locomorto | kemik: It might be trying to resolve that dependicy | 01:14 |
eythian | MTommy, breezy is the next version of Ubuntu, due out later this week. You can install it now though, but there may be minor issues still. However, your system will update itself as fixes come out. | 01:14 |
topyli | cafuego: i used to have a getty but i can't find which one ubuntu has | 01:14 |
locomorto | and doesn't rhythmbox come pre-installed? | 01:14 |
locomorto | eythain: what issues? | 01:15 |
locomorto | eythain: I don't see any | 01:15 |
cafuego | topyli: $EDITOR /etc/inittab | 01:15 |
tommi^ | topyli, I think it does | 01:15 |
Redleer | how to install drivers what is in .run file? | 01:15 |
eythian | locomorto, I'm not running it :) but it's pre-release for a reason. | 01:15 |
crov | tommi^, yea but now i have 1.3.33-8 :), tell me if you have time, can you see this packages "sudo apt-get install mysqlcc" its for mysql administration | 01:15 |
locomorto | Redleer: is this for Ati/Nvidia GFX cards? | 01:15 |
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HappyFool | topyli: dpkg -S /sbin/getty => util-linux: /sbin/getty | 01:15 |
Redleer | ati | 01:15 |
locomorto | eythian: they follow a fixed released schedule | 01:16 |
locomorto | eythian: by now there really should be nothing left to do really | 01:16 |
tommi^ | crov, I guess you have to download mysqlcc from mysql.com or something. | 01:16 |
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eythian | locomorto, yeah, I know. I don't expect there to be issues at the moment, I was just being cautious. | 01:16 |
tommi^ | Gotta go, see ya. | 01:16 |
locomorto | Redleer: look in the forums | 01:16 |
MTommy | where can i find brezzy version eythian? | 01:16 |
locomorto | Redleer: what ati card do you have? | 01:16 |
Redleer | x800 pro | 01:16 |
Panivino | Does anyone know how to prevent the ibex, ev-summary and cmeta folders from showing up in evolution, when accessing a courier-imap server? It works fine on other mail clientes.. | 01:16 |
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wwt777 | <thank gawd they make"Linux For Dummies" | 01:17 |
locomorto | Redleer: upgrade to breezy now if your not already there | 01:17 |
eythian | MTommy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 01:17 |
breezy | thanks people | 01:17 |
breezy | working now :-) | 01:17 |
locomorto | then sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 01:17 |
topyli | ok, the getty is called getty and it's in util-linux. thanks HappyFool | 01:17 |
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MTommy | thank you lot eythian | 01:17 |
slept | I'm looking for an easy way to remove every package other than the base system | 01:17 |
locomorto | Do not use the ati installer, it doesn't work quite so well | 01:17 |
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topyli | i'd still like to have a few ttys :) | 01:17 |
mvhenten | Hello, | 01:17 |
Redleer | took ununtu 5.04 | 01:18 |
mvhenten | I want to have gcc 3.4 on my system | 01:18 |
eythian | MTommy, np :) it was a break from writing redhat scripts :) | 01:18 |
Tomcat_ | slept: Try debfoster | 01:18 |
mvhenten | but the ubuntu put gcc-4 | 01:18 |
locomorto | Redleer: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:18 |
locomorto | Replace hoary with breezy in that file | 01:18 |
mvhenten | I cannot remove gcc-base-4 | 01:18 |
MTommy | see ya all | 01:18 |
locomorto | then sudo apt-get update | 01:18 |
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locomorto | sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:18 |
HappyFool | mvhenten: isn't there a gcc-3.4 package? | 01:18 |
HappyFool | dist-upgrade ;) | 01:18 |
locomorto | dist-upgrade* | 01:18 |
locomorto | oops | 01:18 |
locomorto | sorry | 01:19 |
mvhenten | Yes, but I enabled it in synaptic and it says it is conflicting | 01:19 |
_jason | !breezy | 01:19 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 01:19 |
mvhenten | with the gcc-4 base | 01:19 |
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mvhenten | also, the packages were ( somehow? ) never installed | 01:19 |
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locomorto | or follow that guide | 01:19 |
mvhenten | I'm trying to do a remove in synaptic and a re-install after a reboot | 01:19 |
mvhenten | I don't like this | 01:19 |
locomorto | !tell Redleer about breezy | 01:19 |
locomorto | !tell Redleer about ati | 01:19 |
mvhenten | it's too much guessing what the os is doing | 01:19 |
=== topyli reboots | ||
kemik | locomorto: not using totem at all since it blows | 01:20 |
Khantozavri | hi again folks.... need some advice... | 01:20 |
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topyli | let us pray | 01:20 |
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slept | does anyone know how to scroll up with irssi-text ? | 01:20 |
locomorto | kemik: use totem-xine then it don't blow so much | 01:20 |
Venson | Khantozavri: do not smoke. go to school | 01:20 |
HappyFool | mvhenten: do you have non-standard repos ? (marillat, backports, etc.) | 01:20 |
Venson | say no to drugs | 01:20 |
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locomorto | kemik: I only use vlc for a few small thing | 01:20 |
=== keikoz bjour tlm | ||
Venson | oops =) | 01:20 |
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Redleer | ty | 01:20 |
locomorto | np | 01:20 |
Redleer | time to read | 01:20 |
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locomorto | You really need to have the latest Ati drive versions in linux | 01:20 |
kemik | locomorto: well, sure, but it would be nice to just install rhythmbox .... stupid dependency | 01:20 |
Khantozavri | as far as i know 5.10 has gcc4... and when i configure parallels workstation, it tells me that gcc3.4 can not be found... | 01:21 |
locomorto | And be aware that the performace may not be so great | 01:21 |
Khantozavri | Vension: Good sense of humor :) | 01:21 |
locomorto | Khantozavri: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:21 |
Khantozavri | i have done that... it's up and running... but still | 01:21 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: try installing gcc-3.4 ? mvhenten is having a similar problem | 01:21 |
locomorto | kemik: Did you unistall rhytmbox? | 01:21 |
locomorto | you could always compile it if its such a big deal | 01:22 |
kemik | locomorto: i cant without installing totem | 01:22 |
kemik | and i *really* dont want totem | 01:22 |
raetsel | on the subject of upgrading to breezy wasn't there supposed to be a funky upgrade tool with this release? Or did it not make it? | 01:22 |
kemik | cus it messes up everything ;) | 01:22 |
locomorto | UNISTALL? | 01:22 |
mvhenten | gcc 4 is not really a standart compiler | 01:22 |
Khantozavri | make -C /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-686-smp/build SUBDIRS=/usr/lib/Parallels/Drivers/drvMain SRCROOT=/usr/lib/Parallels/Drivers/drvMain modules $/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686-smp/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: gcc-3.4: command not found | 01:22 |
Khantozavri | /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686-smp/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 12: gcc-3.4: command not found | 01:22 |
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locomorto | is that what you wanted to do? | 01:22 |
mvhenten | HappyFool, I didn't do nothing | 01:22 |
mvhenten | yet | 01:22 |
funkyHat | raetsel, i think that's a funky 'install from the live cd' tool | 01:22 |
=== locomorto is confused | ||
kemik | locomorto: yeah i could compile from source, but it had alot of freaky-lib dependencies | 01:22 |
mvhenten | I only hit that upgrade button that seems to be there everytime I reboot | 01:22 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: try installing the gcc-3.4 package | 01:22 |
mvhenten | but I guess that's because breezy is so much under development? | 01:23 |
kemik | locomorto: i wanna install rhythm without installing totem ;) | 01:23 |
slept | Tomcat_: I tried with debfoster but that takes to much time I tought about a single command / shell script I tried with dpkg --get-selections grep awk xargs dpkg -P but I don't get it fast enough | 01:23 |
mvhenten | You really don't want 4 | 01:23 |
locomorto | sudo apt-get install build-dep rhytmbox | 01:23 |
HappyFool | mvhenten: yeah, breezy's not final yet | 01:23 |
locomorto | I think | 01:23 |
mwright1night | so breezy RC1 is connecting to the same apt repository as the final version? | 01:23 |
raetsel | ah ok FunkyHat maybe I misread something | 01:23 |
mvhenten | I find it funny it keeps updating the whole time | 01:23 |
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locomorto | mwright1night: yes | 01:23 |
mvhenten | Mind you, I was never used to booting into a graphical OS | 01:23 |
mvhenten | I went from dos straight to slack 10 year ago. | 01:23 |
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mwright1night | ok so it sounds like I can safely go RC1 and i'll have the release version by the time the apt repos gets updated for the release snapshot | 01:23 |
mwright1night | just by doing my normal updates | 01:24 |
Hobbsee | mwright1night: yes, that's right | 01:24 |
locomorto | mwright1night: you basically it is the release version now | 01:24 |
mwright1night | sorry if I'm being annoying I've made this mistake before | 01:24 |
kemik | locomorto: ah nice .. didnt know of that feature | 01:24 |
mwright1night | ok great | 01:24 |
locomorto | mwright1night: there might be a few minor changes | 01:24 |
mvhenten | I find ubunty quite nice somehow, however I still haven't compiled my ati drivers from source, or installed mplayer from source | 01:24 |
raetsel | I'm getting an emac back off someone soon and want to put Ubuntu on it, I've looked for info on reliable USB wifi adapters and the only one anyone mentions is the DWL-122 and that needs tinkering, any other suggestions? | 01:24 |
mvhenten | I really want to be able to do such things. | 01:24 |
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Khantozavri | thanks, happyfool... | 01:24 |
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mvhenten | I havent really started working on my own development projects either. | 01:24 |
mwright1night | thanks I appreciate the information | 01:25 |
locomorto | mvhentean: upgrade to breezy | 01:25 |
mwright1night | it's very valuable | 01:25 |
locomorto | mvhentean: problem solved | 01:25 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: that worked? | 01:25 |
mvhenten | that's the thing with slackware: I can take a bare base system and start hacking right away. | 01:25 |
locomorto | mvhentean: latest Ati drivers and mplayer | 01:25 |
mvhenten | you installed those on you ubuntu? | 01:25 |
locomorto | yes | 01:25 |
locomorto | using the repos | 01:25 |
locomorto | xorg-driver-fglrx | 01:25 |
kemik | argh.. installed totem .. and ofcourse it overrides my mplayer-plugin | 01:25 |
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Khantozavri | well, it's downloading... lets c... hopefully | 01:26 |
kemik | it's so stupid | 01:26 |
locomorto | btw do not use the fglrxconfig it sucks big time | 01:26 |
mvhenten | ok I haven't found my way there yet. to the repos | 01:26 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: please let us know if it does work; mvhenten is having problems installing gcc-3.4 | 01:26 |
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mvhenten | intuitively I want to dl sources. | 01:26 |
mvhenten | yes, I still have that problem | 01:26 |
mvhenten | I just did a synaptic update | 01:26 |
locomorto | and don't use internal AGPGART theres a memory leak in one of the GLX extensions | 01:26 |
eythian | Is there a gnome equivalent to KDE's Klipper? | 01:26 |
kemik | why oh why does ubuntu use totem?! | 01:26 |
locomorto | last i checked | 01:26 |
Khantozavri | ok... sure... by the way, how do you respone to me only? i mean khantozavri:XXXX | 01:26 |
mvhenten | and it *says* it has gcc installed! | 01:26 |
locomorto | eythian: i think I saw something in the forums | 01:26 |
eythian | to provide clipboard history and so on | 01:26 |
kemik | Khantozavri: Kh<tab> | 01:27 |
mvhenten | but a 'find / -name "gcc*" does not reveal anything | 01:27 |
locomorto | mvheaten: do you have the dev files? | 01:27 |
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eythian | locomorto, OK, I'll take a look there. | 01:27 |
Khantozavri | HappyFool, thanks | 01:27 |
mvhenten | the headers? | 01:27 |
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locomorto | *-dev | 01:27 |
locomorto | and build-essential | 01:27 |
locomorto | thast very important | 01:27 |
eythian | kemik, totem isn't so bad once you get the extra codecs installed. I have it playing almost everything mplayer can play now | 01:27 |
mvhenten | build essential installs gcc4 | 01:27 |
mvhenten | I don't want that | 01:27 |
locomorto | why not? | 01:27 |
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mvhenten | it's a 'bad' version of gcc | 01:27 |
locomorto | breezy uses gcc4 | 01:27 |
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locomorto | its not 'bad; | 01:28 |
mwright1night | will breezy /5.10 get oo2 final once it is released | 01:28 |
mvhenten | not very compatible with most of the stuff I want to work on | 01:28 |
mwright1night | in the updates repo | 01:28 |
mvhenten | I'm working on a software project | 01:28 |
locomorto | mwright1night if it released before the 13th then yes | 01:28 |
mvhenten | that is not entirely compatible with gcc 4 yet | 01:28 |
locomorto | otherwise no | 01:28 |
mvhenten | gcc 4.2 is not considered a stable gcc is it. | 01:28 |
locomorto | I think it is | 01:28 |
locomorto | Its much faster ten 3 | 01:29 |
HappyFool | 4.2 or 4.0.2 ? | 01:29 |
locomorto | about 30% i think | 01:29 |
kemik | eythian: *almost* just doesnt cut it | 01:29 |
mwright1night | ok so after the 13th we get stuck with an unsupported beta version | 01:29 |
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huhmz | what are ati's proprietary drivers for X called? I don't think i mean fglrx there is some more i think i used to have? Also didn't glxgears used to spit out some benchmark number? | 01:29 |
locomorto | kemik: stop crying | 01:29 |
mwright1night | whereas fedora will release the final version into there updates when it comes out | 01:29 |
eythian | kemik, OK, it also plays some files that mplayer has issues with. How about that :) | 01:29 |
kemik | eythian: both vlc and mplayer are better | 01:30 |
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locomorto | huhmz: you have to use some gay option to get it to spit out numbers | 01:30 |
kemik | locomorto: well, i cant use rhythmbox now ... and that sucks | 01:30 |
locomorto | huhmz: just use fgl_glxgears | 01:30 |
kemik | locomorto: and it's because of totem-gstreamer... | 01:30 |
locomorto | huhmz: its a better test | 01:30 |
huhmz | locomorto: there is no man page and no --help | 01:30 |
huhmz | ok | 01:30 |
eythian | kemik, sure, I use mplayer mostly, but I was surprised how well totem worked. | 01:30 |
kemik | locomorto: if i install totem, i can playback streaming www-content | 01:30 |
raetsel | choice is a good, kemik :o) | 01:30 |
locomorto | kemik: then just fucking install it | 01:30 |
kemik | raetsel: well im stuck without | 01:30 |
locomorto | whats the big deal? | 01:30 |
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locomorto | Its one small package | 01:30 |
kemik | locomorto: HOW? | 01:30 |
ompaul | !conduct | 01:31 |
ubotu | methinks conduct is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/document_view | 01:31 |
kemik | locomorto: YOU *CANT* | 01:31 |
locomorto | god | 01:31 |
eythian | kemik, you can install it and not use it, you know. | 01:31 |
locomorto | why not? | 01:31 |
kemik | eythian: then i have to tweak mozilla-firefox somehow | 01:31 |
kemik | and i just think this mess is retarded | 01:31 |
eythian | kemik, install mplayer-plugin so that mplayer plays everything in FF | 01:31 |
kemik | there's no reason why rhythmbox would depend on totem in the first place | 01:31 |
locomorto | kemik: i dunno, no-one else knows and we can't fix it for you | 01:32 |
kemik | eythian: it's installed, but as soon as totem installs, it overrides mplayer :/ | 01:32 |
locomorto | kemik: we would love to fix | 01:32 |
kemik | locomorto: so dont give me "just fucking install it" | 01:32 |
locomorto | kemik: please file a bug report | 01:32 |
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locomorto | well its annoying to have you moan here on and on, and on | 01:32 |
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svizzero | anyone knows if there is a way to set up a network quote? | 01:33 |
zakame | wtf!!! | 01:33 |
kemik | granted | 01:33 |
zakame | network quote? | 01:33 |
locomorto | svizzero: network quote? | 01:33 |
Gecko | Hello guys. Does anyone know of an unofficial chinese mirror, for none of the mirrors on the list makes me able to transfer with more than 12KB/s? | 01:33 |
eythian | svizzero, a what? | 01:33 |
locomorto | maybe he means a network quota | 01:34 |
svizzero | yes | 01:34 |
svizzero | sry :) | 01:34 |
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locomorto | like you can only use x mb on eth1 | 01:34 |
svizzero | yes | 01:34 |
zakame | ah | 01:34 |
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raetsel | any emac/PPC users on here today? | 01:35 |
eythian | svizzero, ah, OK. That's tricky. | 01:35 |
Khantozavri | HappyFool, it has worked fine... compiled everything! | 01:35 |
HappyFool | Khantozavri: great, thanks | 01:35 |
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Khantozavri | HappyFool, thank you | 01:36 |
HappyFool | mvhenten: sounds like gcc-3.4 shuold 'just work' | 01:36 |
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Khantozavri | how do i synchronize my clock with ntp.ubuntu... | 01:38 |
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locomorto | whats the command to run network-manager? | 01:39 |
locomorto | I installed it in breezy to see what it is like but can't seem to see it | 01:39 |
VoX | Khantozavri: ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.. | 01:39 |
locomorto | Or is it a backend to the current tools? | 01:39 |
raetsel | should be set to do that out of the box Khantozavri | 01:39 |
raetsel | in the start up scripts | 01:39 |
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Khantozavri | yes, but it always fails during the boot process, don't know why and want to see | 01:40 |
VoX | raetsel: only if it brings up a device that has a net connection | 01:40 |
Khantozavri | by the way, what's the exact address? ntp.ubuntulinux.org? | 01:40 |
zygis | any ideas why ipw2200-source package is not included in Ubuntu, but is even in Sarge, not to mention unstable? :) | 01:40 |
locomorto | Is network-manager just a backend to the current tools? | 01:40 |
raetsel | ah true Vox | 01:40 |
inc|freaky | what kind of timeserver is ntp.ubuntulinux.org? | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | Khantozavri: sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart | 01:41 |
VoX | Khantozavri: do you have to manually connect tothe internet? | 01:41 |
inc|freaky | strato .. ? | 01:41 |
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Khantozavri | no... internet is connected automatically, that's why i'm curios to see what happens during boot... | 01:41 |
ompaul | locomorto, network-admin | 01:41 |
VoX | hmm weird | 01:41 |
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Khantozavri | sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart | 01:42 |
Khantozavri | * Synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org... [fail] | 01:42 |
locomorto | ompaul: I already have that | 01:42 |
Khantozavri | any other ntp servers? | 01:42 |
ompaul | pool.ntp.org | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | Khantozavri: well you have a networking problem | 01:42 |
locomorto | ompaul: network manager does some really nice things though for me as a laptop user | 01:42 |
Khantozavri | could it be that port is blocked or something? | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | Khantozavri: I just did it here and it worked fine | 01:42 |
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ompaul | Khantozavri, ping www.google.com << that will prove if you have any internet access | 01:43 |
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Khantozavri | are you kidding ompaul, if i don't have, how than i chat with you here? magic? ;) | 01:43 |
Pickle_Weasel | is there a movie editing program for ubuntu? | 01:43 |
Lasher | ok, I'm sure you guys have heard this before, but, I have a Broadcom BCM4318 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller and I can not find the ndiswrapper amd64 debian file...can anyone help me out? | 01:43 |
mahangu | ompaul, hat if google is down ;-) | 01:43 |
Khantozavri | sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org | 01:44 |
Khantozavri | 8 Oct 15:42:51 ntpdate[14852] : no server suitable for synchronization found | 01:44 |
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Khantozavri | this is the result... :( | 01:44 |
mahangu | *what | 01:44 |
raetsel | try the ntp iwht a -d and -v option for verbose and debugging, Khanto | 01:44 |
raetsel | iwht=with | 01:44 |
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ompaul | Khantozavri, sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org :: 8 Oct 12:44:23 ntpdate[12303] : step time server offset 0.595358 sec | 01:44 |
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holden | I have a problem mounting my ntfs partition, it keeps telling me that: "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "windows"." | 01:44 |
holden | could anyone help this poor soul? | 01:44 |
zygis | Lasher, I'm sure I've seen on on ubuntuforums.org | 01:45 |
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mahangu | holden, mount it and then do sudo nautilus | 01:45 |
mahangu | or add it to your fstab with these values | 01:45 |
Pickle_Weasel | holden: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs | 01:45 |
mahangu | /dev/hdax /media/hdax defaults,umask=0 0 0 0 | 01:45 |
Khantozavri | it has transmitted lots of stuff and than at the end fails | 01:45 |
Lasher | I read that thread. | 01:46 |
Lasher | that's not the problem... | 01:46 |
rob^ | on boot I'm getting "cannot find volume group "hda2"" it then cuts over to busybox, how can I fix this? | 01:46 |
Lasher | I need the actual debian amd64 ndiswrapper file. | 01:46 |
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ompaul | sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com 8 Oct 12:46:22 ntpdate[12355] : adjust time server offset -0.012238 sec | 01:46 |
raetsel | can you ping ntp.ubuntulinux.org? | 01:46 |
slept | rob do you want to boot from lvm ? | 01:47 |
rob^ | slept no | 01:47 |
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ompaul | ntp.ubuntulinux.org = ntp.ubuntu.com | 01:47 |
slept | rob^: good | 01:47 |
rob^ | just bought a new laptop, root is /dev/hda2 | 01:47 |
slept | what part is lvm ? | 01:48 |
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rob^ | slept none of it, there is just two partitions and a swap | 01:48 |
Khantozavri | i guess ping packets are blocked with router | 01:49 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: interestingly, if I run an ntpdate command like those it fails, but /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart connects to ntp.ubuntulinux.org and works fine... odd | 01:49 |
topyli | i lose the ttys after starting gdm. if gdm is not started, i get pretty framebuffer consoles | 01:49 |
slept | rob^: volumegroups are part of lvm , if you don't have any than you can skip it with CTRL+C | 01:49 |
Khantozavri | well, it's not a big issue, but strange to me.... | 01:50 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart:: * Synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org... [ ok ] | 01:50 |
raetsel | I can ping ok Khantozavari, how about a traceroute? | 01:50 |
=== penguin42 seems to be getting a 'can't be authenticated' warning on a security update this morning - I'd assumed if everyone was getting this it would have hit the /title ? | ||
eythian | thoreauputic, sometimes ntpdate will fail if ntpd is running. Maybe ntpdate, the init.d script, takes care of it. | 01:50 |
rob^ | slept, the problem is that on boot its dropping me into a busybox shell | 01:50 |
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thoreauputic | ompaul: yes, that works here | 01:50 |
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slept | rob^: whats a busybox shell ? | 01:50 |
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thoreauputic | eythian: peter@prospero:~$ pgrep ntpd | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | peter@prospero:~$ | 01:51 |
thoreauputic | eythian: no ntpdate running here | 01:51 |
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thoreauputic | I mean ntpd | 01:51 |
rob^ | slept, busybox is a low resource requirement environment, in the kernel itself | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | well, seems to me it gets there.... | 01:51 |
gtd | hi guys, is there a program for ubuntu that will turn my monitor into portrait mode, as I physically turn my monitor 90 degrees? | 01:51 |
holden | With my ntfs mounting proble, I can mount it all right, but I can't see the files since I dont have the privileges | 01:51 |
N6REJ | how do i install a .deb package? | 01:51 |
penguin42 | gtd: xrandr | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | ae-1-0.bbr1.London2.Level3.net ( asymm 17 308.947ms | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 17: ge-3-0-0.gar1.London2.Level3.net ( asymm 18 303.875ms | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 18: ( 459.552ms | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 19: ge-0-1.access4.lon2.mnet.net.uk ( 318.285ms | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 20: ( 501.701ms | 01:51 |
holden | and I read somewhere that u needed root priveleges to do so | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 21: no reply | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 22: no reply | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 23: no reply | 01:51 |
penguin42 | N6REJ: dpkg -i mypackage | 01:51 |
Khantozavri | 24: no reply | 01:51 |
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N6REJ | k ty | 01:52 |
rob^ | ffs dont paste | 01:52 |
gtd | penguin42: thank you . | 01:52 |
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thoreauputic | Khantozavri: please read the topic | 01:52 |
OutonoM | heya, i have some problems with the right character-set - im using the wrong output i believe (Im from denmark, and have some special chars) | 01:52 |
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gtd | what command do i use to get/install a package from repo? | 01:52 |
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penguin42 | gtd: apt-get install thepackage | 01:52 |
gtd | penguin42: thank you (2) | 01:52 |
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ompaul | Khantozavri, that paste (uncalled for - pastbin.ubuntulinux.nl is preferred) | 01:53 |
rcdarkangel | excuse me all how do i change group owners for everything in a folder and not just the folder itself? | 01:53 |
apokryphos | thoreauputic: mownin' | 01:53 |
ompaul | Khantozavri, that paste is what one half expects | 01:53 |
penguin42 | so - anyone else getting this warning from software update today (for info and texinfo) ? | 01:53 |
thoreauputic | apokryphos: hello there! | 01:53 |
holden | does anybody know how to mount a windows partition and have it accesible to all users? | 01:53 |
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Khantozavri | i'm sorry, but didn't get what you mean ompaul? | 01:53 |
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mahangu | holden, like i said, add to fstab, /dev/hdaX /media/hdaX defaults,umask=0 0 0 | 01:53 |
ompaul | Khantozavri, you can to it | 01:53 |
thoreauputic | Khantozavri: the place to paste is in the /topic | 01:54 |
Dalkus | anyone know of a lftp port for windows? | 01:54 |
gtd | penguin42: i tried "sudo apt-get install xrandr" but it said "E: Couldn't find package xrandr" | 01:54 |
raetsel | rcdarkangel try: find /somedir -exec chgrp newgroup {} \; | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | Khantozavri: use a pastebin please | 01:54 |
ompaul | Khantozavri, have you some mad iptables rules? | 01:54 |
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Khantozavri | what is pastebin? | 01:54 |
raetsel | where somedir and newgroup are the things you want to work with | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | !pastebin | 01:54 |
ubotu | somebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:54 |
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thoreauputic | Dalkus: lftp is an ftp client - do you mean what port is ftp? 21 is the usual | 01:54 |
Khantozavri | and I didn't touch iptables in my pc | 01:54 |
slept | rob^: there is a kernel module beeing a shell, never heard of that before, how far does it boot till you get to busybox ? | 01:55 |
ompaul | Khantozavri, great one less thing to worry about | 01:55 |
Dalkus | thoreauputic, nope, I mean a ported version that excecutes under windows :) | 01:55 |
thoreauputic | !paste | 01:55 |
ubotu | paste is, like, totally, please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 01:55 |
Oetzi | me again with another mplayer problem ;D | 01:55 |
thoreauputic | Dalkus: haha - I see now :) | 01:55 |
rob^ | slept, its pretty much at the start | 01:55 |
gtd | hi guys, is there a program for ubuntu that will turn my monitor into portrait mode, as I physically turn my monitor 90 degrees? | 01:55 |
holden | how can i send those red color message? | 01:55 |
rob^ | just after grub hands control over to the kernel | 01:55 |
Oetzi | on playing a .avi file i got the following error-msg | 01:55 |
Khantozavri | ok... guys, forget about ntp... no worries.... not worth it... | 01:55 |
gtd | (the suggested package xrandr is not available. | 01:55 |
gtd | ) | 01:55 |
Oetzi | alsa-space: xrun of at least 0.119 msecs. resetting stream0.5% 6 0 95% | 01:56 |
penguin42 | gtd: Its already installed on my machine - in /usr/bin/X11/xrandr | 01:56 |
raetsel | ah but the challenge is there now Khanto | 01:56 |
apokryphos | holden: when you say someone's name, the message is highlighted | 01:56 |
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penguin42 | (for some reason dpkg -S won't tell me which package that is part of) | 01:56 |
gtd | penguin42: it's installed on mine, too. No need to install! | 01:56 |
Whistler | anybody here uses icewm? | 01:56 |
Khantozavri | is there a way to use hardware accelleration of video card? when i minimize windows, it is laggy | 01:56 |
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holden | lol, ok. let's see then: Mahangu: I did, still it doesnt work (already did the mount -a to update the thing, but nothing...:() | 01:56 |
Oetzi | and the sounds have many msec breaks | 01:56 |
slept | rob^: apt-told me busbox comes into play when you screwd up your system , what did you do before getting to busybox? | 01:56 |
Oetzi | has anyone a solution? | 01:57 |
rob^ | slept, just finished an install | 01:57 |
raetsel | Khantozavri can you connect to any of the public ntp servers listed here http://ntp.isc.org/bin/view/Servers/NTPPoolServers ? | 01:57 |
slept | rob^: :-( | 01:57 |
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eythian | Oetzi, is your CPU fast enough? | 01:58 |
gtd | penguin42: could you help me? I read the help file of xrandr. I typed "xrandr -o left" but it doesn't work. What command should i use? | 01:58 |
rob^ | slept I even tried letting it auto partition incase I stuffed something the first time, same problem | 01:58 |
Whistler | why i cant see my programs in icewm menu? | 01:58 |
Oetzi | i have an P Centrino 1,8 GHz | 01:58 |
rcdarkangel | Could not save the file "/usr/share/application/MySQLCC.desktop" could someone tell me why i cant save this i assume its go to do with permissions | 01:58 |
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Oetzi | i'll hope that is fast enough | 01:58 |
eythian | Oetzi, oh, that should be more than fast enough. Try using OSS output on mplayer. | 01:58 |
holden | I have a problem mounting my ntfs partition, it keeps telling me that: "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "windows"." | 01:59 |
penguin42 | gtd: I've never actually used it - I just know of it; I think it needs a particularly happy graphics driver to let you do it - but more than that I do not know | 01:59 |
Oetzi | eythian: how? | 01:59 |
OutonoM | heya, i have some problems with the right character-set - im using the wrong output i believe (Im from denmark, and have some special chars) | 01:59 |
Whistler | why i cant see my programs in icewm menu? | 01:59 |
slept | rob^: did you try a live cd to make sure your hardware is supported ? | 01:59 |
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gtd | anybody here used (pre-installed) xrandr to get the monitor into portrait mode (while physically turning the monitor to its side? | 01:59 |
eythian | Oetzi, mplayer -ao oss file.avi | 02:00 |
raetsel | snack break, bbl | 02:00 |
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rob^ | slept it is, suse and freebsd run fine on it | 02:00 |
Oetzi | k i try it | 02:00 |
Khantozavri | well, it simply doesn't want to work... i guess my network admin has blocked this service | 02:00 |
rcdarkangel | Could not save the file "/usr/share/application/MySQLCC.desktop" could someone tell me why i cant save this i assume its go to do with permissions | 02:01 |
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Khantozavri | anyone knows what is libqt-mt.so.3 | 02:02 |
Oetzi | it's a little bit better now | 02:02 |
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Kevinz | does any one know how well breezy will work with ibm t43? | 02:02 |
Khantozavri | it tells me that cannot load shared liblrary libqt-mt.so.3: | 02:02 |
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gtd | is there a pdf viewer that allows you to select EXACT magnification/zoom level? | 02:02 |
apokryphos | Khantozavri: well, do you have it? | 02:02 |
Oetzi | but there was a error msg telling me that my cpu is to slow | 02:02 |
Khantozavri | i don't know... where to look for it? | 02:02 |
Oetzi | ,--8<- | 02:02 |
Oetzi | |************************************************ | 02:02 |
Oetzi | | **** Your system is too SLOW to play this! **** | 02:02 |
Oetzi | | ************************************************ | 02:02 |
Oetzi | `-->8- | 02:02 |
rob^ | dont do that Oetzi | 02:03 |
Oetzi | sry | 02:03 |
eythian | Khantozavri, it's the Qt library | 02:03 |
apokryphos | Oetzi: do NOT paste in here | 02:03 |
gtd | Oetzi: do what rob^ says | 02:03 |
apokryphos | Khantozavri: use locate command | 02:03 |
Khantozavri | do i have to isntall qt? | 02:03 |
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Oetzi | sorry | 02:03 |
eythian | Khantozavri, to make whatever it was that you're trying to run work, it looks like it | 02:03 |
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slept | rob^: thats strange , I think you have to have a very close look on the boot process , to find out what the last thing is that is done correctly | 02:03 |
rob^ | yeah | 02:04 |
rob^ | I'm gonna go mess with it some more | 02:04 |
rob^ | bbs hopefully | 02:04 |
ColonelKernel | id like to find out how to remove the first part of the boot process that uses devfs | 02:04 |
eythian | Oetzi, maybe the file is messed up. I've seen some that mplayer really chokes on. | 02:04 |
Oetzi | k | 02:04 |
Whistler | why i cant see my programs in icewm menu? menu file seems to have them | 02:04 |
z|bandito | is there a way to set seti@home to only use a percentage of system resources? | 02:04 |
apokryphos | Khantozavri: the Qt libraries... but check first if you have it | 02:04 |
eythian | Oetzi, try a different player (xine, totem, vlc or somehting) | 02:04 |
ColonelKernel | i installed the latest vanilla kernel and theres no devfs in 2.6.13 and above | 02:05 |
eythian | z|bandito, it will only use what's not being used by default, anything less would be a waste. | 02:05 |
rcdarkangel | Could not save the file "/usr/share/application/MySQLCC.desktop" could someone tell me why i cant save this i assume its go to do with permissions? i am trying to get the mysql cc updated in the app list | 02:05 |
Oetzi | but i think this also can be a problem with my nvidia-drivers | 02:05 |
Secreth`X | Are there any active virusses on Linux/Ubuntu atm? | 02:05 |
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z|bandito | on a highly loaded system with minimal resources, i believe it can cause memory starvation | 02:05 |
apokryphos | Secreth`X: haha...no. :) | 02:05 |
thoreauputic | Secreth`X: no | 02:06 |
eythian | Oetzi, maybe, although my much slower machine could play movies without the nvidia drivers. | 02:06 |
Oetzi | because I'm experience several speedprobs since i enabled it yesterday | 02:06 |
apokryphos | !tell Secreth`X about linuxvirus | 02:06 |
thoreauputic | !linuxvirus | 02:06 |
ubotu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 02:06 |
Secreth`X | apokryphos, thoreauputic, thanks | 02:06 |
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eythian | z|bandito, limiting CPU won't help memory usage | 02:06 |
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slept | Oetzi: use xine-check to find out if sth is wrong with your system | 02:06 |
Oetzi | k | 02:06 |
Pickle_Weasel | is there a movie editing program available for ubuntu? | 02:06 |
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z|bandito | hence my inquiry regarding system resources, not cpu in particular ;) | 02:06 |
eythian | Pickle_Weasel, kino or cinelerra | 02:06 |
thoreauputic | Pickle_Weasel: there's kino I believe | 02:06 |
Pickle_Weasel | thank you =) | 02:06 |
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Khantozavri | it appears that i don'w have it... downloading... | 02:07 |
eythian | z|bandito, oh right :) hmm. I don't know of a way to force it. | 02:07 |
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eythian | z|bandito, but I htink it only uses 12Mb or so doesn't it? | 02:07 |
z|bandito | i think it's causing my apache to die | 02:07 |
z|bandito | yeah, it's only 96meg in that box, kinda an old porky installation on it | 02:08 |
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kRepso | integration with NTFS filesystem in linux, is this in general "okey" or are there complications? | 02:08 |
eythian | z|bandito, I'd be skeptical, but I guess it's possible. | 02:08 |
eythian | z|bandito, oh, right. I'd not run it at all then. I've seen it cause hell swapping on a 32Mb machine (years ago) | 02:08 |
thoreauputic | !ntfs | 02:08 |
thoreauputic | hmm | 02:08 |
thoreauputic | !+ntfs | 02:09 |
ubotu | I heard ntfs is the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions. | 02:09 |
kRepso | That was not the answer to my question.. | 02:09 |
slept | z|bandito: man nice | 02:10 |
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kRepso | I want to use a NTFS partition in ubuntu for intensive use, am I going to have a problem with this? (fact that ubuntu itself will use ext3) | 02:10 |
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apokryphos | kRepso: of course | 02:10 |
z|bandito | personally i'd avoid ntfs if possible | 02:10 |
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kRepso | if so, what kind of problems/coplications? | 02:10 |
apokryphos | kRepso: writing to NTFS is very shaky | 02:10 |
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Mon | where do i find out what's new in the breezy preview cd? | 02:11 |
kRepso | apokryphos: define 'shaky' if you could | 02:11 |
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rcdarkangel | shaky=bye bye data if it all goes to hell | 02:11 |
Oetzi | xine-check says good at every point | 02:11 |
z|bandito | not reliable.. ntfs support needs some more work in my experience | 02:12 |
raetsel | and doesn't it void your Microsoft warranty, :o) | 02:12 |
apokryphos | kRepso: you don't have a dictionary? And, you can't use Google? | 02:12 |
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rcdarkangel | Could not save the file "/usr/share/application/MySQLCC.desktop" could someone tell me why i cant save this i assume its go to do with permissions | 02:12 |
apokryphos | kRepso: suffice it to say you can't consider having a stable-running ntfs drive for Linux to write to regularly | 02:12 |
RexKwonDo | Idiot question: I recently test-drove the Kubuntu settings and decided that the Gnome Ubuntu was the place for me. However, whenever I restart my system, I still see the blue Kubuntu startup until I reach the signon screen. How do I change that back to the friendly brown Ubuntu I desire? | 02:12 |
apokryphos | rcdarkangel: yes, it is. You don't have sufficient ones. | 02:12 |
kRepso | I also have a brand new external samsung dvd-burner, does ubuntu support these types of USB burners? | 02:12 |
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Hali_303 | Hi! how big is a minimal ubuntu install? I'd need it for an embedded PC board (No X, gnome, kde and other fancy stuff) | 02:13 |
rcdarkangel | but i changed them all so that i am the owner | 02:13 |
raetsel | rcdarkangel what does ls -ld /usr/share/applications show you? | 02:13 |
kRepso | Hali_303: 1gb | 02:13 |
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apokryphos | Hali_303: you can do a "server" install which is quite small. Not more than a gig, I'd think. | 02:13 |
Hali_303 | kRepso: brr :) | 02:13 |
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eythian | Hali_303, I'd recommend going with a less desktop-oriented distro for that. Perhaps slackware or LFS if oyu're game. | 02:14 |
rcdarkangel | drwxr-xr-x 3 rcdarkangel rcdarkangel 4096 2005-10-08 12:28 | 02:14 |
bbr__ | join /ubuntu-fr | 02:14 |
Hali_303 | apokryphos: debian installs (without selecting any packages) on 80MB | 02:14 |
kRepso | I also have a brand new external samsung dvd-burner, does ubuntu support these types of USB burners? | 02:14 |
Hali_303 | eythian: yes, I guess that is the only solution | 02:14 |
apokryphos | rcdarkangel: you need root priveleges to edit things there. | 02:14 |
Hali_303 | i'll try slackware first | 02:14 |
Oetzi | eythian: but trying to play the file CPU goes to 100% and then videos lags | 02:14 |
raetsel | so what is the application that is trying to save the file? what user is that running as rcdarkangel | 02:14 |
Hali_303 | thx all! | 02:14 |
Ubunti_Ki | kate dont work properly, I cant get terminal in kate. DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket???? | 02:14 |
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apokryphos | rcdarkangel: just gksudo gedit /usr/share/whatever/somefile | 02:14 |
apokryphos | Ubunti_Ki: have you been running kate with sudo? | 02:15 |
eythian | Oetzi, sounds like the file is too big/complex for your CPU. More likely it's broken somehow. I see them from time to time, with the same behaviour you described. | 02:15 |
z|bandito | i used to run debian in 8mb ram ;) | 02:15 |
z|bandito | on a 486.. DX! | 02:15 |
Oetzi | i think its a problem with the divx-codex | 02:15 |
apokryphos | Hali_303: it could indeed be a *lot* less; I don't know. A full default ubuntu install is 1.8 gigs, so I'm speculating here. | 02:15 |
RexKwonDo | wow, that's like what they did on Apollo 13! | 02:16 |
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Ubunti_Ki | how ? apokryphos | 02:16 |
eythian | z|bandito, I did the same with slackware in the mid 90's. It was interesting. | 02:16 |
z|bandito | lol | 02:16 |
Oetzi | because every other file works fine | 02:16 |
z|bandito | debian worked well, but it was just running an infobot | 02:16 |
apokryphos | Ubunti_Ki: have you been using "sudo kate" or something? If so, you shouldn't be. | 02:16 |
eythian | Oetzi, yeah, try a different player. | 02:16 |
z|bandito | and sshd | 02:16 |
Oetzi | only divx has problems | 02:16 |
z|bandito | maybe ftpd iirc | 02:16 |
Oetzi | i have tried xine and totem now | 02:16 |
Ubunti_Ki | No....i just type kate in terminel - apokryphos | 02:16 |
eythian | z|bandito, my 486 is still sitting in my corner with an OpenBSD firewall installation | 02:16 |
thoreauputic | apokryphos: it's closer to 500MB tops for a server install - maybe a lot less (can't remember although I did one on an old box here) | 02:16 |
z|bandito | nice | 02:17 |
Oetzi | they experience all same Problems with that file | 02:17 |
apokryphos | aha; Hali_303 -- see thoreauputic's comment. | 02:17 |
kRepso | apokryphos: I also have a brand new external samsung dvd-burner, does ubuntu support these types of USB burners? | 02:17 |
rcdarkangel | nope it still wont let me do it | 02:17 |
Oetzi | so i'll tried several other video-file | 02:17 |
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Oetzi | all worked fine | 02:17 |
eythian | z|bandito, one day I'll fire it up again. It's over 10 years old now, still runs fine (surprisingly, with some of the things I did to the hardware) | 02:17 |
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Oetzi | except divx | 02:17 |
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z|bandito | heheh | 02:18 |
brownie17 | can somone help me? | 02:18 |
Ubunti_Ki | if I want to install emacs in 5.10, what do I type? | 02:18 |
raetsel | maybe the file is in use rcdarkangel by another process | 02:18 |
brownie17 | when i try to boot, i get the fololoing error | 02:18 |
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eythian | Oetzi, it's quite likely the file is a bit broken. | 02:18 |
brownie17 | NTLDR is missing | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: probably look for emacs21 or xemacs | 02:18 |
brownie17 | enyc, you there? i ran into some big troubles | 02:18 |
Ubunti_Ki | thanx | 02:18 |
thoreauputic | !info emacs21 breezy | 02:18 |
ubotu | emacs21: (The GNU Emacs editor), section editors, is optional. Version: 21.4a-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1946 kB, Installed size: 5908 kB | 02:19 |
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RexKwonDo | Idiot question: I recently test-drove the Kubuntu settings and decided that the Gnome Ubuntu was the place for me. However, whenever I restart my system, I still see the blue Kubuntu startup until I reach the signon screen. How do I change that back to the friendly brown Ubuntu I desire? | 02:19 |
brownie17 | can someone help?, when i boot, it tells me "NTLDR is missing" | 02:19 |
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Oetzi | argh | 02:19 |
topyli | emacs is "optional"? i bet they've made nethack "optional" too! o tempora o mores | 02:19 |
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RexKwonDo | inamoena tempora! | 02:19 |
rcdarkangel | nothing can be using it. This is a new file i am trying to create | 02:20 |
Ubunti_Ki | is emacs2l for breezy? | 02:20 |
brownie17 | enyc, i am stuffed, got no idea how to fix it | 02:20 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: the info from the bot was for that yes | 02:20 |
Oetzi | i tried to start i firefox now and the XOrg-process suddenly needs 100% CPU | 02:20 |
Lasher | If I have an AMD 64 processor, do I need the IA64 or the x86-64 drivers? | 02:20 |
brownie17 | does anyone here know much about MBR's and booting? | 02:20 |
Ubunti_Ki | I saw now :) okey, thanks | 02:20 |
Oetzi | until i managed to stop firefox | 02:20 |
raetsel | hmm you did type /usr/share/application earlier, but the normal directory name is /usr/share/applicaion, with an "s" at the end rcdarkangel | 02:21 |
raetsel | which is it you want? | 02:21 |
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eythian | brownie17, boot from a CD and reinstall grub into the bootloader | 02:21 |
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raetsel | ooops I meant /usr/share/applications | 02:21 |
raetsel | sorry | 02:21 |
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brownie17 | eythian, yes, but i want to dual boot my windows partittion | 02:21 |
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thoreauputic | brownie17: grub can do that easily | 02:22 |
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brownie17 | thoreauputic, but "NTLDR is missing" comes up when i try to run my windows. | 02:22 |
Ubunti_Ki | I type : sudo apt-get install emacs2l but it says: coult not find package for emacs2l | 02:22 |
Syruss | forget windows | 02:22 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, and when i retore grub, windows does not even appear in the grub menu | 02:22 |
raetsel | oh has rcdarkangel slunk off in embarassement of his typo? ;o) | 02:23 |
brownie17 | Syruss, no can do sir. | 02:23 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: that's a windows issue ( NTLDR ) | 02:23 |
eythian | brownie17, you can add windows to the grub menu | 02:23 |
Syruss | use kqemu for windows within linux | 02:23 |
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icewt | Ubunti_Ki, emacs21, not emacs2l | 02:23 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, i know, but do you know anything about restoring it? | 02:23 |
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raetsel | digit 1 not letter l | 02:23 |
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_olaf | does anyone out there have comcast cable internet? | 02:23 |
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Ubunti_Ki | oh 21 :P lol, sorry | 02:23 |
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Oetzi | ah i have found the solution of my problem on bugzilla | 02:23 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: no I know very little about windows, sorry | 02:23 |
huhmz | Where should i set /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq (not sysctl.conf because when procps.sh runs /dev/rtc hasn't been created yet i think) ? Is there a rc.local or equivalent? | 02:23 |
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Lasher | I have an AMD 64 Mobile processor, which drivers do I use? the (x86-64) or the (IA64)? | 02:23 |
eythian | what on earth is the HTTP cache cleaner that pops up every so often? What triggers it? | 02:24 |
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Oetzi | there is a bug in nvidia-glx-config enable | 02:24 |
Oetzi | it doesn't remove the lines Load "GLcore" | 02:24 |
Oetzi | Load "dri" | 02:24 |
Oetzi | from xorg.conf | 02:24 |
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brownie17 | thoreauputic, ok thanks | 02:25 |
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RexKwonDo | Idiot question: I recently test-drove the Kubuntu settings and decided that the Gnome Ubuntu was the place for me. However, whenever I restart my system, I still see the blue Kubuntu startup until I reach the signon screen. How do I change that back to the friendly brown Ubuntu I desire? | 02:25 |
Ubunti_Ki | nice, emacs works no. but kate don't. | 02:25 |
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CzarAlex | I dont care for gFTP. Can anyone recommend a better graphical FTP client? | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | RexKwonDo: sudo apt-get install gdm | 02:26 |
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Hobbsee | then say gdm at the prompt where it asks you which you want to load | 02:26 |
Hali_303 | thoreauputic: apokryphos: thx! | 02:26 |
eythian | CzarAlex, can't you just use nautilus? | 02:26 |
CzarAlex | eythian, lemme check that out. | 02:26 |
raetsel | speaking of emacs, any PPC users on at the moment? | 02:26 |
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RexKwonDo | Hobbsee: no go, newest installed | 02:27 |
eythian | CzarAlex, I think you can just go Places -> connect to server, and then use it like it was a local folder. | 02:27 |
N6REJ | I don't seem to have the kernel source on my sons system, just the headers, how do I solve that? | 02:27 |
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Dalkus | Anyone know of software for linux to compress/optimize jpeg files, that gives the ability to select *parts* of the image to be compressed more than others? | 02:28 |
fatih | i have a problem with my xkb layout :( i'm using turkish keyboard, all special chars is ok but when i pressed a turish character in my keyboard, X does nothing.. | 02:28 |
ssam | dalkus, gimp give quite a bit of control with jpegs | 02:28 |
fatih | i can't switch consoles like ALT+F1 | 02:28 |
Dalkus | not enough for my needs though, ssam :) | 02:28 |
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ssam | fatih, alt + ctrl + f1 | 02:29 |
ssam | Dalkus, i am not sure then | 02:29 |
CzarAlex | eythian, thanks that appears to be working. however, every so often when i change directories on a remote server, itll say that it cannot display all files in the folder. It wont display any until i hit Reload a few times. | 02:29 |
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fatih | saam, not works | 02:29 |
_jason | hi is there any way to prevent firefox from running flash on background tabs? | 02:29 |
N6REJ | Hobbsee: I need to find the kernel source... I see the headers but not the source | 02:30 |
ssam | fatih, how did you choose the keyboard layout? | 02:30 |
Ubunti_Ki | I use Kate 2.4.1 KDE 3.4.2 | 02:30 |
Ubunti_Ki | in 5.10 and it dont seem to work correct. But the terminal view in Kate dont work. And when | 02:30 |
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brosio | i'm using alsa driver but now i don't have /dev/dsp, and i need it to work with skype how can i do ? | 02:30 |
eythian | CzarAlex, can't help there sry, I really only use this kind of thing with sftp. | 02:30 |
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thoreauputic | N6REJ: apt-cache search linux-source | 02:30 |
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Ubunti_Ki | And when i start Kate it says "ASSERT: "m_currentContainer==container" in /build/buildd/kdebase-3.4.2/./kate/app/kateviewmanager.cpp (196) | 02:30 |
Ubunti_Ki | kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found | 02:30 |
Ubunti_Ki | tomi@king04:~$ kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found | 02:30 |
Ubunti_Ki | kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found" | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | RexKwonDo: you need to pick that you want to use gdm, not kdm. I think by uninstalling kdm it does this | 02:30 |
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CzarAlex | eythian, thanks for your help though. I appreciate it. | 02:30 |
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zygis | any solution why I get "sh: line 1: 7195 Segmentation fault modprobe --ignore-install snd-hda-intel" on modprobe snd-hda-intel? | 02:31 |
fatih | saam, in installation, from list | 02:31 |
eythian | _jason, not strictly, no. But you could install the flashblock extension which reduces the amount of flash running overall. | 02:31 |
RexKwonDo | Hobbsee: trying that now, thanks | 02:31 |
topyli | RexKwonDo: you can also change the display manager with the alternatives system | 02:31 |
pascal | wtz up | 02:31 |
ssam | does anyone know how to reset /etc/network/interfaces, i have messed around a bit to much | 02:31 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: not found :( I think thats the problem. | 02:31 |
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thoreauputic | N6REJ: erm - it's in main | 02:32 |
nige | rule 1 backup all your default configs :) | 02:32 |
Ubunti_Ki | Has anyone had trouble with kate? "aspecially with the inbuilt terminal" ? | 02:32 |
_jason | eythian: does flashblock have an option for maximum instances of flash? | 02:32 |
fatih | ssam, installation, from list.. | 02:32 |
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ssam | fatih, hmm, have you tried system -> prefferences -> keyboard? | 02:32 |
fatih | yepp | 02:32 |
thoreauputic | N6REJ: are your sources correctly configured? | 02:32 |
eythian | _jason, no, but it requires you to confirm that you want to see a given applet (you just click on it) | 02:32 |
jp7 | does ubuntu have mp3 support? | 02:32 |
eythian | _jason, good for avoiding flash ads and so on. | 02:32 |
ssam | nige, i know :-( | 02:32 |
_jason | eythian: ok I see thanks | 02:32 |
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ElkOS | lol | 02:32 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: straight from the install | 02:32 |
ElkOS | jp7: yeah | 02:32 |
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Ubunti_Ki | you can play mp3 with xmms in linux - jp7 | 02:33 |
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fatih | ssam, but it's shows keyboard preview, it not true.. turkish q, but not true.. | 02:33 |
ssam | jp7, you need to install the codecs, but its quite easy | 02:33 |
raetsel | jp7 take a look at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-09-16.3469703387 | 02:33 |
thoreauputic | !info linux-source-2.6.10 | 02:33 |
jp7 | yeah but i was wondering.. like fedora, removes mp3 stuff by default. does ubuntu do that? | 02:33 |
ubotu | linux-source-2.6.10: (Linux kernel source for version 2.6.10 with Ubuntu patches), section devel, is optional. Version: 2.6.10-34 (hoary), Packaged size: 36633 kB, Installed size: 36756 kB | 02:33 |
nige | i can could probably paste my config up for you ssam | 02:33 |
nige | hangon | 02:33 |
Khantozavri | folks, do you know if i can fool my system and mount iso as a real cd? | 02:33 |
delltony | hi can someone look at this image and help me figure out what this volume dialog is associated with it simply will not go away :( http://www.imageark.net/img.php?id=132342 | 02:33 |
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Ubunti_Ki | Does someone use "Kate" here? (And has experienced som problem with the inbuilt terminal) | 02:34 |
thoreauputic | N6REJ: on breezy it would be 2.6.12 I guess | 02:34 |
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ssam | nige, i think there is something in the install that makes one based on your hardware | 02:34 |
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huhmz | it is not possible to remove the xserver-xorg-input-blaha that you don't need? | 02:34 |
nige | hmm | 02:34 |
nige | I didnt think soo | 02:34 |
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N6REJ | thoreauputic: I've got the headers, but no source | 02:34 |
TiMiDo | huhmz nope | 02:34 |
eythian | Khantozavri, yeah, it's not hard. google for something like 'mounting iso linux' | 02:34 |
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Khantozavri | i can mount iso, that's not a problem, but mount to /media/cdrom? | 02:35 |
thoreauputic | N6REJ: you have to install it - and as you see above, its in "main" | 02:35 |
MTommy | hello everyone | 02:35 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: I'll look again. | 02:35 |
nige | i am pretty sure ijsut settings | 02:35 |
TiMiDo | yeah Khantozavri mount to /media/cdrom | 02:35 |
TiMiDo | or just /cdrom | 02:35 |
TiMiDo | hello MTommy | 02:35 |
MTommy | I have a problem with my ubuntu 5.04 | 02:35 |
Khantozavri | that's easy... let me see, thx | 02:35 |
thoreauputic | N6REJ: what do you need the source for? | 02:35 |
TiMiDo | ask MTommy | 02:35 |
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needlz_ | hi. i had to reinstall windows a few days ago and lost my grub mbr settings. does anyone know how i can "reinstall" grub with a knoppix cd (lol yes, i cant find my ubuntu cds :)). thanks | 02:36 |
nige | ssam, http://pastebin.com/387033 | 02:36 |
nige | that a copy of mine | 02:36 |
nige | it has static and dhcp | 02:36 |
nige | :) | 02:36 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: ndiswrapper | 02:36 |
nige | give it a go | 02:36 |
ssam | nige, thanks | 02:36 |
MTommy | I've just installed it, everything was good; after i typed user name and password, it loads the ubuntu logo (ubuntu linux for human being) | 02:36 |
nige | no worries | 02:36 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: ok, its in /usr/share | 02:36 |
MTommy | after that | 02:36 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, You need to reboot with Knoppix | 02:36 |
thoreauputic | !info ndiswrapper | 02:36 |
MTommy | it blockd | 02:36 |
Khantozavri | well, it tells me no media found.. however, it mounted to media/cdrom... | 02:36 |
MTommy | everything | 02:37 |
MTommy | mouse keyboard, capslock | 02:37 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, Then, supposing your usual root filesystem is, for example, /dev/hda2 | 02:37 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: yep and then? | 02:37 |
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lllmanulll | needlz_, open a terminal and run chroot /dev/hda2 | 02:37 |
MTommy | and it keep going on staing on the logo page | 02:37 |
ElkOS | needlz_: boot the cd, run grub, select the ubuntu / and install on the mbr | 02:37 |
MTommy | i have ubuntu 5.04 for amd64 | 02:37 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, (This filesystem needs to be mounted first) | 02:37 |
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MTommy | i have a laptop with turion64 @ 1.8 ghz ati xpress200m 128mb shared | 02:37 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, Then, once you have "chroot" (changed root), run sudo grub-install /dev/hda | 02:38 |
MTommy | and fujitsu 80 and 1 gb of ddr ram | 02:38 |
MTommy | please help me T_T | 02:38 |
lllmanulll | (Where hda is the hard drive whose MDR you want to install grub on) | 02:38 |
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MTommy | i want to stat working with linux but i cannot load it T_T | 02:38 |
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lllmanulll | MTommy, What do you mean by "cannot load it" ? | 02:39 |
brownie17 | anyone know anything about NTLDR in windows? | 02:39 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: this stupid wireless thing is getting so very frustrating... I've tried 8 different drivers, I KNOW there is some sort of a compiler problem but I can't figure it out. | 02:39 |
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nige | yer you need it brownie to run windows | 02:39 |
raetsel | it's the main boot loader for the OS brownie17 | 02:39 |
brownie17 | nige, that all you know? i don't have it and i need it | 02:39 |
nige | did you kill your ntloader browmie? | 02:39 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: ok thanks :) ill give it a try | 02:39 |
nige | okay | 02:39 |
MTommy | it is blocked lllmanulll | 02:39 |
eythian | MTommy, hey, did you every try the LiveCD? | 02:39 |
brownie17 | raetsel, what do you know about restoring it/ | 02:39 |
eythian | *ever | 02:39 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, No problem | 02:39 |
nige | put your window cd in your drive | 02:39 |
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MTommy | after i typed user name and password it blocked | 02:39 |
nige | and you can actually get a a copy of it off your winxp / win2000 / win2003 cd | 02:39 |
MTommy | no eythian | 02:40 |
nige | use the recovery mode | 02:40 |
raetsel | brownie17 take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24952.html | 02:40 |
thoreauputic | N6REJ: do you have build-essential installed? | 02:40 |
MTommy | i tried with breezy update but it doesnt work | 02:40 |
eythian | MTommy, give that a go if you have it. | 02:40 |
nige | copy it across to you c:\ root | 02:40 |
Gecko | Hello guys. Does anyone know of an unofficial chinese mirror, for none of the mirrors on the list makes me able to transfer with more than 12KB/s? | 02:40 |
nige | and you should be right :) | 02:40 |
MTommy | where can i take it eythian | 02:40 |
MTommy | ? | 02:40 |
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zygis | hm.. is it bad when /var/log/messages contains "apm: bios not found"? | 02:40 |
Gecko | s/for/as | 02:40 |
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needlz_ | lllmanulll: or do you think i should just backup my ~ and update to breezy? seems like its almost done :) | 02:41 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: yes | 02:41 |
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raetsel | though be careful if you restore NTLDR you might not be able to boot your other partitions without re-installing grup | 02:41 |
eythian | MTommy, umm. It'll probably be on the ubuntu download site. | 02:41 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: that would fix the mbr problem & update my system too..heh | 02:41 |
MTommy | looking | 02:41 |
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MTommy | download section eythian? | 02:41 |
Khantozavri | i've got so many small problmes... i want to burn iso to cd, select file, rightcklick, write to disk, and than i can't write to cd but to file.. what's wrong? | 02:41 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, Are you able to boot Linux ? | 02:41 |
programador | hello hola | 02:41 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: well with a install cd :/ | 02:41 |
Mateo_ | hi all :) someone can remind me the website who list some wifi card compatible with linux and wep plz ?? | 02:41 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, If you update to breezy, you'll certainly get a new kernel, and the installer will run grub-install for you | 02:42 |
eythian | MTommy, yeah | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | Mateo_: google.com/linux | 02:42 |
MTommy | eythian what is live cd? | 02:42 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, Yeah, I guess you could do that | 02:42 |
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MTommy | eythian how does it work? | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | Mateo_: probably a good start, otherwise i wiki | 02:42 |
Ubunti_Ki | how can I reinstall programs? | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | Ubunti_Ki: sudo apt-get install programname | 02:42 |
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lllmanulll | needlz_, In that case, I don't know if you can actually upgrade from the CD if you're not running Ubuntu at that time | 02:42 |
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nige | ubunti_ki, apt-get reinstall <package> I think | 02:43 |
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eythian | MTommy, you download it, burn it to a CD, and use that to boot from. It's just like using ubuntu normally, but it's not actually installed on your computer | 02:43 |
drew | just installed, is the firewall running automatically? | 02:43 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: hmm... right :/ | 02:43 |
eythian | MTommy, so when you reboot, nothing has changed | 02:43 |
MTommy | h k eythian | 02:43 |
needlz_ | ill try | 02:43 |
MTommy | can i talk to you in privte eythian? don't worry ^^' | 02:43 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, Instead, you might want to just erase your root filesystem and do a breezy clean install on it, but that would mean reinstalling all the software, and it is of course out of the question if you don't have a separate partition for /home | 02:43 |
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needlz_ | lllmanulll: well...i spent so much time with installing e17 :D | 02:44 |
needlz_ | ew | 02:44 |
raetsel | drew, I think the answer is no: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/firewall | 02:44 |
brownie17 | enyc, you there yet? | 02:44 |
eythian | MTommy, OK | 02:44 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, If you don't want to start anew, I would say : 1) Resotre your MBR with grub 2) Boot Ubuntu 3) Insert breezy CD and upgrade from it | 02:44 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: a clean installation would kill that all | 02:44 |
=== hyperactivecrond cant wait for Krall to be done | ||
MTommy | no it's ok forget it eythin i will ask that here | 02:44 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: take at look at pastebin I put the screen output there. | 02:45 |
nige | anyone using Captive-ntfs? | 02:45 |
eythian | MTommy, OK :) | 02:45 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: is there any "benefit" from a clean installation? | 02:45 |
Ubunti_Ki | both choices did not work....neither reinstall nor install -nige - Hobbsee | 02:45 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, The step 1) being done with knoppix | 02:45 |
MTommy | I tried to disinstall the partition that i made | 02:45 |
hyperactivecrond | krall = gui firewall solution for ubuntu | 02:45 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, Hmmm, not really | 02:45 |
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topyli | drew: no firewall, but no services are listening to any ports by default anyway | 02:45 |
MTommy | but when i rebot the pc, it tells me a Grub error.... | 02:45 |
drew | thanks all | 02:45 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: heh ok...ill tr 1) 2) 3) | 02:45 |
needlz_ | lllmanulll: thanks again :) | 02:45 |
MTommy | how can I retore my normal boot eythian? | 02:45 |
lllmanulll | needlz_, np :) | 02:45 |
eythian | MTommy, hmm, that's outside my experience a bit sorry, I've not dual booted for many years. | 02:46 |
nige | Ubunti_Ki, apt-get --reinstall <package> you have to be root :) | 02:46 |
MTommy | ah k np eythian | 02:46 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: do you have a knoppix / ubuntu livecd? | 02:46 |
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lllmanulll | MTommy, I might be able to help you, what is your problem exactly ? | 02:46 |
thoreauputic | N6REJ: ah you need to specify gcc-3.4 it seems | 02:46 |
Miike | hi | 02:46 |
lllmanulll | Miike, hi | 02:46 |
MTommy | lol great lllmanulll | 02:46 |
N6REJ | thoreauputic: its not there. 3.3 and higher | 02:46 |
MTommy | listen i installed Ubuntu 5.04 for amd64 | 02:47 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, hyperactivecrond seems to know the trick as well :) Your problem is you can't choose Linux/Windows at boot ? | 02:47 |
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lllmanulll | MTommy, Yes ? | 02:47 |
MTommy | i have a turion64 @ 1.8 ghz, ati xpress200m with 128 mbshared | 02:47 |
MTommy | ops wait | 02:47 |
MTommy | no no i can chose manu | 02:47 |
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MTommy | when i have linux installed on my pc i can chise | 02:47 |
MTommy | chose | 02:48 |
hyperactivecrond | lllmanulll: no... but i've had mbr probs so | 02:48 |
raetsel | brownie17 did you get your NTLDR back? | 02:48 |
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thoreauputic | N6REJ:hmm - I don't know the answer, sorry - someone who has done the ndiswrapper thing might help | 02:48 |
needlz_ | btw does anyone know where i can get the "newest" rls's of breezy? i had a link once..where all the "daily" versions of breezy were listed :( | 02:48 |
brownie17 | raetsel, can someone help me? i am having real problems. i am trying to restore "NTLDR" and when i type the command in the recovery prompt (copy d:\i386\ntldr C:\) it tells me no such directory | 02:48 |
nige | anyone know how to mount ntfs partion in RW | 02:48 |
nige | ? | 02:48 |
MTommy | but when i remove the partition appear an Grub error in the moment that i turn on the pc | 02:48 |
Ubunti_Ki | nige - invalid operaton | 02:48 |
nige | Ubunti_Ki, man apt-get | 02:48 |
Ubunti_Ki | nige - invalid operation | 02:48 |
Ubunti_Ki | oki | 02:48 |
nige | invalid operation for apt-get? | 02:48 |
nige | for man apt-get? | 02:49 |
drew | another Q? when I installed, i setup one user (me) with a password, but what's the root password as it never asked me for one? Is it just my password? | 02:49 |
hyperactivecrond | brownie17: boot off the winbloze cd, start up recovery console, and type fixmbr | 02:49 |
Sturmvogel | I have a problem with users, my dad's account doesn't work, when trying to log in it complains about wrong username/password | 02:49 |
nige | did you remove apt-get ? | 02:49 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, Remove the partition ? Which partition ? Why did you remove it ? | 02:49 |
Sturmvogel | recreating the user didn't help | 02:49 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, did that, to no avail | 02:49 |
MTommy | Let's start form the beginning | 02:49 |
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N6REJ | thoreauputic: *sigh* ok... I'm too frustrated to continue this for nite... I've spent 4 days on this and only have half of 2 machines running. | 02:49 |
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brownie17 | drew, you have to set one manually | 02:49 |
raetsel | do a dir and cd etc on the D: drive see if you can find where it is | 02:49 |
lllmanulll | drew, Ubuntu's philosophy is to not allow the root user by default | 02:49 |
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hyperactivecrond | brownie17: use grub | 02:49 |
MTommy | when i installed linux i made a partition of my hd, one for windows nd one for linux. | 02:49 |
nige | brownie17, if you do an fdisk | 02:49 |
lllmanulll | drew, You can do everything root can do by just using sudo, and your own password | 02:49 |
nige | what drives does it show you? | 02:49 |
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thoreauputic | N6REJ: if you can catch bob2 he might know what to do | 02:49 |
MTommy | and the end of the installation process, the program asked me if i wanted to use grub to have a dual boot | 02:50 |
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hyperactivecrond | brownie17: pastebin sudo /sbin/fdisk -l | 02:50 |
lllmanulll | drew, But if you really want to enable root, just sudo passwd | 02:50 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, without the NTLDR installed, i cannot see winxp in grub | 02:50 |
MTommy | i sayd yes and everything is working correctly | 02:50 |
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MTommy | but | 02:50 |
N6REJ | bob2: you busy? | 02:50 |
N6REJ | k | 02:50 |
hyperactivecrond | brownie17: yes you can | 02:50 |
drew | thanks, different to other distros I've tried, but that's cool. I get that | 02:50 |
MTommy | when i erase linux and the partition that i made | 02:50 |
Ubunti_Ki | which kate should I install on 5.10 or how? | 02:50 |
MTommy | i cannot load anymore windows | 02:50 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:51 |
MTommy | because it says that it is accured an error of Grub | 02:51 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, How did you erase it ? | 02:51 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, well i cannot see winxp in grub | 02:51 |
kbrooks | brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. | 02:51 |
hyperactivecrond | brownie17: hang on ive got a link | 02:51 |
N6REJ | i've never had this much problem getting a distro to work | 02:51 |
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MTommy | just removing the partition lllmanulll | 02:51 |
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agagah | is gnome bloated? | 02:51 |
hyperactivecrond | agagah: no | 02:51 |
N6REJ | I was impressed with my sons install as it was smooth as silk until it failed to recognize the nic | 02:51 |
nige | Ubunti_Ki, did you do an rm /etc/apt? | 02:51 |
brownie17 | raetsel, i used ubuntu to find where the files were, and the guidei was given was correct, but still it doesn not work | 02:51 |
agagah | hyperactivecrond, i hear that it is and that kde is really light | 02:51 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, Yes, but from where ? From a linux program ? From Windows ? DId you want to install any Linux distro on the same partition, for instance ? | 02:52 |
raetsel | what make of NIC is N6REJ? | 02:52 |
Ubunti_Ki | no nige but I did manage to remove kate | 02:52 |
lllmanulll | agagah, GNOME is fine :) | 02:52 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, what is the link? | 02:52 |
nige | okay | 02:52 |
ElkOS | agagah: gnome is bloated, but not slow | 02:52 |
N6REJ | raetsel: belkin, using the broadcom chipset... f5d7001 | 02:52 |
MTommy | lllmanulll i format the linux partition from windows | 02:52 |
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nige | but when you go apt-get reinstall kate did it work | 02:52 |
nige | ? | 02:52 |
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MTommy | formated+ | 02:52 |
nige | well apt-get --reinstall kate | 02:52 |
N6REJ | raetsel: its a wireless | 02:52 |
agagah | ElkOS, bloated as in code | 02:52 |
raetsel | hmm sorry brownie17 can't take you any further | 02:52 |
MTommy | so it was again ntfs lllmanulll | 02:52 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, Okay, so now you want to install Linux again ? Or you just want to use Windows ? | 02:52 |
topyli | apt-get install --reinstall actually | 02:52 |
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Ubunti_Ki | I just want to fix KATE! | 02:53 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, nige, http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/2879 | 02:53 |
MTommy | no no i just want to use windows lllmanulll | 02:53 |
ElkOS | agagah: faster than kde and keeps my cpu temp 10 degrees lower | 02:53 |
raetsel | N6REJ I have a belkin and could not get NDIS wrappers to work, it uses the rt2500 chipset in my case so I used serail monkey drivers for that, let me find the link..... | 02:53 |
nige | hmm | 02:53 |
MTommy | i mean i just what that at the boot windows start by its own like it was at he beginning lllmanulll | 02:53 |
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ElkOS | agagah: you notice the bloatage when compiling from source ;) | 02:53 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, Hmm, I see | 02:53 |
nige | if you could mount your hda with rw permission | 02:53 |
N6REJ | raetsel: ty! | 02:53 |
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nige | you could just copy your ntloader across | 02:54 |
N6REJ | raetsel: my big problem seems to be gcc 3.4 is missing. | 02:54 |
nige | but i am not sure how to do that with an ntfs partion | 02:54 |
agagah | ElkOS, great thanks.....im actually a new linux user and was wondering that if linux was to become popular like windows that it would get really insecure and have viruses. | 02:54 |
Ubunti_Ki | Does someone in here use Kate or have tips how to get Kate to work?? | 02:54 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, Well, everything would be like before if you reinstalled Windows, but I'm not sure you're ready to do that... | 02:54 |
nige | i think you need another package for that | 02:54 |
nige | ? | 02:54 |
raetsel | N6REJ if your card is on this list :- http://ralink.rapla.net/ | 02:54 |
Ubunti_Ki | Tell me which nige? | 02:54 |
brownie17 | nige, i was fairly sure it is impossible through ubuntu. but maybe with another package it is possible. though atm i am running through livecd | 02:54 |
raetsel | then this is a great tutorial to get it running with rt2500 drivers https://wiki.ubuntu.com//Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo/ | 02:55 |
MTommy | lllmanulll the problem it's that Grub is still installed on my pc, and it's not working because somthing is missing | 02:55 |
nige | hmmm | 02:55 |
=== WhyvasLT [n=whyvas@mctnnbsa31w-142166091071.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nige | it shoudl be possible | 02:55 |
topyli | MTommy: for win98, you can do fdisk /mbr to get a new boot record. on 2k and xp it's fixmbr | 02:55 |
N6REJ | nope, its a 7001 instead of the 7010 | 02:55 |
nige | there is an package called captive-ntfs,,, that shoudl do it | 02:55 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/index.php?showtopic=7812 | 02:55 |
nige | but i havent installed it yet | 02:55 |
agagah | ElkOS, i dont compile from source...do you use gentoo? | 02:55 |
=== SillyCone [n=2012@pcp06932379pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lllmanulll | MTommy, topyli is right, and you need to run that from the Windows shell ("DOS like") | 02:55 |
MTommy | topyli how should i do for XP? | 02:56 |
WhyvasLT | how do i remove the setting up raid devices and the network devices and the getting time from the time server at startup? | 02:56 |
nige | Ubunti_Ki, its should just be apt-get --reinstall kate | 02:56 |
nige | that should work | 02:56 |
ElkOS | agagah: did lfs, then gentoo, then ubuntu - and now I have all this spare time on my hands :) | 02:56 |
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Ubunti_Ki | when we install stuff, are linux programs allways in a same server or do we get them from different servers? | 02:56 |
N6REJ | raetsel: I'm sure it has something to do with the make file wanting gcc 3.4 but I don't know why its being so picky. | 02:56 |
agagah | ElkOS, ever tried slackware? why use slackware over ubuntu? | 02:56 |
topyli | MTommy: i have hardly ever seen xp, but i guess it's like 2k in this matter. boot from a windows rescue disk and do fixmbr | 02:56 |
ElkOS | agagah: slack was my first back in '93 | 02:56 |
Ubunti_Ki | I dont wanna reinstall kate, cause I know it wont fixit. I just wonder why kate wont work in 5.04 or 5.10? | 02:57 |
agagah | ElkOS, is it better than ubu? | 02:57 |
ElkOS | agagah: dunno, until now, I like the debian way the most | 02:57 |
slept | nige: Ubunti_Ki: apt-get install --reinstall | 02:57 |
MTommy | toply: so i need to make a boot disk for windows ad do fixmbr | 02:57 |
hyperactivecrond | ElkOS and agagah join #ubuntu-offtopic. we have too much noise here | 02:57 |
brownie17 | nige, is captive-ntfs in synaptic? | 02:57 |
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WhyvasLT | brownie17, try searching | 02:58 |
brownie17 | WhyvasLT, i cannot compile, so it would be no good | 02:58 |
ElkOS | hyperactivecrond: gp | 02:58 |
raetsel | N6REJ hmm can't help you there though when I used NDIS before I don't recall needing the whole source or a relink etc... have you looked at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683&highlight=broadcom+belkin | 02:58 |
nige | i dont think so brownie | 02:58 |
brownie17 | WhyvasLT, i searched in synaptic | 02:58 |
nige | slept, its apt-get --reinstall kate | 02:58 |
nige | i believe | 02:58 |
hyperactivecrond | brownie17: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:58 |
WhyvasLT | why can't you compile | 02:58 |
Rabit21 | Anybody ever not have their CUPS server start after install? | 02:58 |
topyli | MTommy: i guess the xp install cd has a "rescue mode" or such you can boot to. then you get a command prompt | 02:58 |
thoreauputic | nige: sudo apt-get install --reinstall | 02:58 |
Ubunti_Ki | I wonder when we are installing programs, and when we download them to Linux, are they from Ubuntu servers, or like some other servers? | 02:58 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, even with the help of people in here i do not have the technical expertise to compile. i m also using the livecd | 02:59 |
MTommy | ah yeah yeah toply...i'm so stupid... lol | 02:59 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: from synaptic, they are on ubuntu servers | 02:59 |
Ubunti_Ki | In kate my inbuilt terminal dont work. | 02:59 |
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N6REJ | raetsel: NO! ty! | 02:59 |
hyperactivecrond | brownie17: it's not hard... :) | 02:59 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: unless you add 3rd party repos (not recommended) | 02:59 |
hyperactivecrond | !gcc | 02:59 |
ubotu | well, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. | 02:59 |
MTommy | toply: did you read my other problem too? | 02:59 |
Ubunti_Ki | Thanks thoreauputic | 03:00 |
raetsel | good luck N6REJ | 03:00 |
slept | nige: no , its like i said | 03:00 |
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WhyvasLT | how do i remove the setting up raid devices and the network devices and the getting time from the time server at startup? | 03:00 |
topyli | MTommy: no, missed it | 03:00 |
nige | okay :) | 03:00 |
N6REJ | raetsel: ty, do you know how to tell gcc to NOT look for 3.4? | 03:00 |
MTommy | toply can i explain it to you too? | 03:00 |
topyli | sure | 03:00 |
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Ubunti_Ki | So, now I can reinstall kate and install, but how do I do to get it work. Have anyone tried? | 03:00 |
raetsel | hmm no N6REJ never come across that | 03:01 |
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N6REJ | raetsel: ok.. ty. | 03:01 |
Ashen | yo-- I cant access apache from the internet. :S. Its shared on port 8080, when I do a netstat -a I get that I'm listening on 8080 (tcp6)... | 03:01 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: kate works fine here... | 03:01 |
raetsel | urw N6REJ :o) | 03:01 |
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slept | Ubunti_Ki: tried what ? kate ? install --reinstall? | 03:01 |
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Ashen | portfowarding is setup properly and all that jazz. | 03:01 |
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Ubunti_Ki | Does youre terminal work or is it dead and grey thoreauputic? | 03:01 |
raetsel | call back when you have it all working N6REJ we love a happy ending | 03:01 |
Ubunti_Ki | In kate thoreauputic | 03:01 |
Ashen | any ideas? | 03:02 |
N6REJ | raetsel: I will | 03:02 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: looks perfectly normal and functional here | 03:02 |
MTommy | toply: so, i've installed ubuntu for amd64 (I have HP laptop with Trurion64 @ 1.8 ghz, 1 gb ddr ram ati xpress128 and fujistu 80gb), and everithing was ok. After i type user name and password (to enter in linux) it start the music and ubuntu logo, and after that everything it is blocked | 03:02 |
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MTommy | toply: really everthing, even capslock | 03:02 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: hit F7 for a command line... | 03:02 |
MTommy | toply: and always in the same palce | 03:02 |
Ubunti_Ki | no slept, tried if kate terminal works | 03:02 |
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soxfun | alguien habla espaol? | 03:03 |
MTommy | Toply: i had no error during the installation process....i tried several times to install it but it doesn't work.... | 03:03 |
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eythian | !es | 03:03 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 03:03 |
soxfun | gracias | 03:04 |
hyperactivecrond | si uboutu | 03:04 |
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Rabit21 | AIWS Anybody ever not have their CUPS server start after install? | 03:04 |
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hyperactivecrond | !de | 03:04 |
ubotu | Bitte gehen sie nach #ubuntu-de fuer deutschsprachige hilfe | 03:04 |
Ubunti_Ki | Now I get: tomi@king04:~$ kate | 03:04 |
topyli | MTommy: no idea | 03:04 |
Ubunti_Ki | kdeinit: Aborting. No write access to '/home/tomi/.ICEauthority'. | 03:04 |
Ubunti_Ki | kate: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication. | 03:04 |
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raetsel | !en | 03:04 |
ubotu | raetsel: Are you on ritalin? | 03:04 |
hyperactivecrond | hehe raetsel | 03:05 |
raetsel | lol | 03:05 |
MTommy | Toply:do you how what it can be? | 03:05 |
=== failbit [n=failbit@M224P003.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
failbit | hi | 03:05 |
raetsel | well it had to be done | 03:05 |
failbit | i have a problem with mounting my fat32 device with ubuntu5.04 | 03:05 |
failbit | when i try to mount the partition my system crashes | 03:05 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: sudo rm ~/.ICEauthority, log out, log in - and don't run stuff as root in GUI | 03:05 |
failbit | what could be the problem? | 03:05 |
Hendric | can anyone help me? i just installed breezy.. then i got this error when opening programs that requires root (e.g. synaptics) Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root: | 03:06 |
Hendric | Child terminated with 100 status | 03:06 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: I'm betting your .ICEauthority is owned by root | 03:06 |
slept | failbit: give the command you use to mount | 03:06 |
failbit | slept i use this one: mount /dev/hda2 /home/failbit/data | 03:06 |
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failbit | when i try to use -t vfat it doesnt work | 03:07 |
hwaara | hey | 03:07 |
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Ashen | wtf... there is no process bound to port 8080... its just listening with nothing attached too it. | 03:07 |
Ashen | O_o | 03:07 |
hwaara | I have a FAQ... how do I start out developing for ubuntu? Couldn't find any guides for this | 03:08 |
raetsel | was that an install or an upgrade Hendric? | 03:08 |
lllmanulll | failbit, So what happens when you run this command ? | 03:08 |
MTommy | Toply: did you understand? | 03:08 |
Gecko | Hello guys. Does anyone know of an unofficial chinese mirror, as none of the mirrors on the list makes me able to transfer with more than 12KB/s? | 03:08 |
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Hendric | raetsel, a standard install... | 03:08 |
topyli | MTommy: i've never seen that happen, don't know what it can be | 03:08 |
failbit | lllmanulll: when using without -t vfat the system holds and no input possible... no keyboard, no mouse | 03:08 |
fraser | !grub | 03:08 |
ubotu | from memory, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 03:08 |
lllmanulll | Gecko, Not aware that there is such a thing... Have you searched for it with Google ? | 03:08 |
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Gecko | lllmanulll: yes, and the only one mentioned isn't working | 03:09 |
MTommy | toply: uff nobody can help me..... | 03:09 |
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Redleer | how i know what kernel version im using? | 03:09 |
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lllmanulll | failbit, Ah, weird | 03:09 |
Hendric | if i install breezy i got that error twice out of 10... i dunno wats d cause.. i just reinstall if i got that error. now i was curious. | 03:09 |
kbrooks | poke | 03:09 |
MTommy | Is there here a LINUX EXPERT?!?!?!? | 03:09 |
lllmanulll | Redleer, uname -a | 03:09 |
kbrooks | MTommy: ask | 03:09 |
MTommy | Toply thank you anyway Toply | 03:09 |
thoreauputic | hwaara: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 03:09 |
Gecko | lllmanulll: right now I am searching through a chinese ubuntuforum, but it's very hard as I am not chinese :) | 03:10 |
Redleer | ty | 03:10 |
MTommy | kbrooks: i had no error during the installation process....i tried several times to install it but it doesn't work.... | 03:10 |
lllmanulll | MTommy, It seems you rather need a Windows expert :) | 03:10 |
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raetsel | Hnedrix, if you do a sudo -s | 03:10 |
MTommy | mbrooks | 03:10 |
MTommy | ops | 03:10 |
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raetsel | Hendric sorry | 03:10 |
lllmanulll | Gecko, I see :) | 03:10 |
fraser | hyperactivecrond, i forgot to restor grub. feel like walking me through mounting the HD again? | 03:10 |
lllmanulll | Gecko, Well, at least the URL wouldn't be in Chinese :-p | 03:10 |
raetsel | then type id what does it show you? hendric | 03:10 |
Ashen | anyone know what file you use to set which port apache listens on in breezy? | 03:10 |
MTommy | Mbrooks: i installed ubuntu 5.04 for amd64 (i have a laptop with turion64) | 03:10 |
bina | does anyone know what support for blackberries is like in linux? Is it possible to syncronise calendars with kontact or evolution calendars (or any other software calendars)? | 03:10 |
Ashen | (apache2 that is) | 03:10 |
MTommy | Mbrooks: durign the installation everything went good | 03:11 |
Hendric | raetsel, can't get it.. can you expand? | 03:11 |
Ghoat | Does anyone know where I can get my kernal ring buffer messages debugged? | 03:11 |
Gecko | lllmanulll: I know, but the download page refers directly back to the official ubuntu one (in europe or wherever) | 03:11 |
fraser | hyperactivecrond, you there? you said you would be | 03:11 |
Ubunti_Ki | Ok, still the same weird thing with Kate. The terminal view gets grey and I cant type anything there. Do you understand what I mean? | 03:11 |
fraser | hyperactivecrond, its brownie17 here, different username | 03:11 |
MTommy | mbrooks: after i typed user name and password, and after it appeard the music and the logo sign | 03:11 |
MTommy | mbrooks: everything is blockd | 03:11 |
MTommy | really everything, even capslock | 03:11 |
raetsel | sorry Hendric, can you open a terminal window first? | 03:11 |
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MTommy | mbrooks: what it can be? | 03:12 |
failbit | is there a possibility to get all partitions shown which are not mounted? | 03:12 |
raetsel | Hendric: then type : sudo -s ( this will ask you for your password ) | 03:12 |
Ubunti_Ki | kate | 03:12 |
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raetsel | hi Brownie17 any joy yet? | 03:12 |
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brownie17 | raetsel, nope, forgot to restore grub | 03:12 |
brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, you there? | 03:12 |
slept | failbit: fdisk -l | 03:13 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: did you fix your .ICEauthority ? | 03:13 |
Hendric | raetsel, done with that, wat next? | 03:13 |
hwaara | thoreauputic, thanks! | 03:13 |
MTommy | mbrooks: i lost any hope, i tried to install it severla times but it never worked.... | 03:13 |
brownie17 | can anyone walk me through mounting my usual partition through livecd? | 03:13 |
thoreauputic | hwaara: no worries :) | 03:13 |
failbit | slept nothing happens when i try fdisk -l | 03:13 |
raetsel | you should now be in a shell as root, type : id to check | 03:13 |
Ubunti_Ki | yes I did thoreauputic | 03:13 |
thoreauputic | hwaara: also see #ubuntu-motu | 03:13 |
MTommy | mbrooks i even tried to install the version for intel x86 with the same result | 03:13 |
slept | failbit: sudo | 03:14 |
brownie17 | can anyone walk me through mounting my usual partition through livecd? | 03:14 |
eythian | MTommy, I'd strongly suggest trying the newer version of Ubuntu | 03:14 |
Ubunti_Ki | how do I do when I want to reply to you here in X-chat client? | 03:14 |
MTommy | eythian 5.10? | 03:14 |
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hyperactivecrond | brownie17: hyep | 03:14 |
hwaara | thoreauputic, is this for those who want to fix bugs in ubuntu too? I don't want to maintain a package | 03:14 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: for example, thore <hit tab key > | 03:14 |
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raetsel | Hendric, then just type : synaptic and see if that runs ok ( this is not a fix just an investigation ) | 03:14 |
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brownie17 | hyperactivecrond, what happened to you? i forgot to restore grub, walk me through it? | 03:15 |
ablyss | private replies u can do /notice <nickname> <message> | 03:15 |
eythian | MTommy, yeah | 03:15 |
failbit | slept thanks | 03:15 |
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ablyss | hi all | 03:15 |
thoreauputic | hwaara: sure - just ask in #ubuntu-motu what you can do to help | 03:15 |
failbit | slept: i found out why the system crashes | 03:15 |
Ubunti_Ki | thoreauputic, nice. | 03:15 |
failbit | slept: and now it works | 03:15 |
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eythian | failbit, why was it crashing? | 03:15 |
Ubunti_Ki | I can use Kate | 03:15 |
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slept | failbit: messd up partition numbers ? | 03:15 |
failbit | eythian: because its a logical partition | 03:15 |
kbrooks | i need the ubuntu logo | 03:15 |
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kbrooks | link? | 03:15 |
Hendric | it opens ok.. d error pops up when i close synaptics.. but running it on the root terminal didn't pop the error. | 03:15 |
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failbit | slept: and i tryed to mount the extended | 03:16 |
Ubunti_Ki | But you know thoreauputic , i cannot use terminal in the kate windows. | 03:16 |
eythian | failbit, ah, OK. Although it shouldn't crash. That sounds like a serious bug. | 03:16 |
failbit | eythian... yes i know... on my suse-system it worked .. mh | 03:16 |
MTommy | mbrooks any suggestion ??? | 03:16 |
failbit | eythian ... but i dont want to use suse anymore | 03:16 |
Hendric | raetsel, it opens ok.. d error pops up when i close synaptics.. but running it on the root terminal didn't pop the error. | 03:16 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: well, I don't know what the problem is , sorry | 03:16 |
raetsel | hmm ok synaptic type : exit to get back to being your user then type sudo synaptic | 03:16 |
MTommy | mbrooks: the ubuntu logo is the one that says Ubuntu, Linux for human beings | 03:16 |
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kbrooks | MTommy: a direct link to it pls | 03:17 |
raetsel | hendric then exit that and you might see a bit more of a diagnostic error message | 03:17 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: you can try making a new user, and see if that user can use kate: if so, you have a problem in your .kde directories | 03:17 |
raetsel | hmm ok hendric type : exit to get back to being your user then type sudo synaptic | 03:17 |
Ubunti_Ki | mmm | 03:17 |
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slept | brownie17: go to terminal, sudo su, mount /dev/hd.. /mnt/, chroot /mnt, mount /proc, grub-install (hd..), done. | 03:18 |
Hendric | raetsel, i just did.. no errors poped up... running it thru the menu gets an error | 03:18 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: ie your $HOME/.kde/something to do with kate | 03:18 |
MTommy | kbrooks:http://www.ubuntu.com/ | 03:18 |
MTommy | that logo | 03:18 |
MTommy | it the same that appear at linux start | 03:18 |
Hendric | raetsel, and i realized something... synaptics doesn't use my GNOME theme.. i wonder why. | 03:18 |
raetsel | Hendric : and that was as your normal user not in a sudo -s shell? | 03:18 |
MTommy | right after you typed username and password | 03:18 |
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Hendric | raetsel, that was in normal user.. | 03:19 |
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MTommy | kbrooks: and then everything blocked | 03:19 |
thoreauputic | Hendric: because you ran it as root, and root doesn't have the "human" theme or whatever | 03:19 |
Hendric | thoreauputic, ah ok... i got it now. | 03:19 |
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Ubunti_Ki | what does ie mean | 03:20 |
raetsel | ok Hendric, try : gksudo synaptic as your user and see if that has any errors | 03:20 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: "that is" | 03:20 |
Ubunti_Ki | oh | 03:20 |
brownie17 | Ubunti_Ki, for example | 03:20 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: from latin "id est" :) | 03:20 |
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thoreauputic | brownie17: no, that's e.g | 03:20 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, really? cool. never knew it | 03:20 |
eythian | brownie17, 'eg' is 'for example' :) | 03:20 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, oh yeah! | 03:20 |
Ubunti_Ki | So ill try now log out ang log in with an other user and then ill run kate? thoreauputic | 03:20 |
brownie17 | thoreauputic, is e.g. latin too? | 03:20 |
eythian | brownie17, eg=exemplia gratia | 03:20 |
thoreauputic | brownie17: yes | 03:21 |
brownie17 | nicwe | 03:21 |
MTommy | kbrooks: you don't know what it can be right? | 03:21 |
bullraiser | hi, would anyone direct me what the channel for installation and gnome display help for ubuntu? | 03:21 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: try with an experimental user, yes | 03:21 |
eythian | brownie17, just remember: quidquid latinae dictum sit, altum viditur! | 03:21 |
Hendric | raetsel, no errors.. then i tried gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic, it gives out the error | 03:21 |
brownie17 | eythian, ok....??? | 03:21 |
Secreth`X | does someone know something about amaroK? | 03:21 |
eythian | brownie17, "anything said in Latin, seems profound" :) | 03:21 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: if that user can run kate OK, then it's a config in ~/.kde most likely | 03:21 |
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Ubunti_Ki | theres one small problem, my games, mahjong has very strange colors, anyone else who knows about this? | 03:21 |
raetsel | ita vero eythian :o) | 03:22 |
eythian | raetsel, :D | 03:22 |
brownie17 | eythian, hahah it's true. | 03:22 |
MTommy | raetsel: anche io ^^' | 03:22 |
raetsel | hmm ok Hendric, anything else displayed | 03:22 |
brownie17 | eythian, you speak it? i thought it was pretty much dead | 03:22 |
Ubunti_Ki | Ill be back thoreauputic | 03:22 |
eythian | brownie17, I studied it for a number of years, I remember bits, but a lot of it is fading. | 03:23 |
MTommy | kbrooks: are you still there? did you understand what is the problem? | 03:23 |
raetsel | 60% of the words we speak here are from latin root brownie17 so it's not dead, it lives on | 03:23 |
brownie17 | raetsel, i guess your right | 03:23 |
Hendric | raetsel, nothing more just that "failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as root: Child terminated with 100 status" | 03:23 |
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thoreauputic | raetsel: brownie17 ---> #ubuntu-latin *grin* | 03:24 |
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raetsel | hmmm I have seen that a few times myself hendric but not for ages | 03:24 |
raetsel | !latin | 03:24 |
ubotu | raetsel: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 03:24 |
topyli | brownie17: i only remember some very useful phrases, such as "domus tua est gemma pompeiorum" :) | 03:24 |
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MTommy | kbrooks: are you still there? | 03:24 |
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eythian | topyli, you're house is *something* in Pompei? | 03:24 |
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Hendric | raetsel, so how can i fix this? doesn't harm me.. but is annoying and not normal. | 03:24 |
eythian | *your | 03:24 |
topyli | brownie17: i don't know if people would take that as sarcasm these days :) | 03:25 |
topyli | eythian: it's the gem of pompeii | 03:25 |
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brownie17 | topyli, unfortunatly, i did not understand it, so your humour was lost on me, my good fellow | 03:25 |
eythian | topyli, ah, duh, I should have got that :) | 03:25 |
topyli | eythian: which is not much these days :) | 03:25 |
bullraiser | is there any seperate channels for ubuntu installation/desktop ? | 03:25 |
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thoreauputic | bullraiser: this is it | 03:25 |
eythian | topyli, well, yes :) | 03:26 |
slept | bullraiser: no, just ask | 03:26 |
MTommy | kbrooks: ehi are you still with us? | 03:26 |
topyli | brownie17: well, it's latin so it's something very profound =) | 03:26 |
smokey_mcpot | Anyone out there willing to give me a hand setting up wireless on laptop on breezy?? | 03:26 |
raetsel | hmm hendric there is a bit of info here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6346.html | 03:26 |
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brownie17 | topyli, haha | 03:26 |
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raetsel | that talks about entries in /etc/hosts ?? | 03:26 |
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Hendric | raetsel, opening the site... | 03:26 |
bullraiser | cool. | 03:26 |
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Ubunti_Ki | thoreauputic, it did not work there either. Can i show you in private what message it showed when I started it. | 03:27 |
MTommy | seems that kbrooks went away without giving me an answer... T_T | 03:27 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: no, paste it on the pastebin so everyone can help you | 03:28 |
brownie17 | if i show someone my fdisk, can they tell me the exact commands i need to use to restore grub? | 03:28 |
Ubunti_Ki | here? | 03:28 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: NO | 03:28 |
Ubunti_Ki | its dam many lines | 03:28 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: on the pastebin | 03:28 |
bullraiser | how to set the transparency to the gnome menus apart from the panel? | 03:28 |
thoreauputic | !paste | 03:28 |
ubotu | paste is probably please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 03:28 |
Ubunti_Ki | where is pastebin? | 03:28 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: scroll up | 03:28 |
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thoreauputic | ubotu paste is probably please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 03:29 |
ubotu | ...but paste is already something else... | 03:29 |
smokey_mcpot | How do people ask questions here, is there a certain way to do it? | 03:29 |
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speel | nope just ask | 03:29 |
brownie17 | can someone read the following fdisk output, and tell me the exact commands to restore grub? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2879 | 03:29 |
thoreauputic | ubotu: good bot | 03:29 |
ubotu | :) | 03:29 |
smokey_mcpot | i have wireless question on breezy | 03:29 |
Ubunti_Ki | I cant find pastebin | 03:29 |
thoreauputic | smokey_mcpot: preferably intelligently ;-) | 03:29 |
smokey_mcpot | the card seems to be installed but i have no lights | 03:29 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: the URL has been posted twice already | 03:30 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: just go to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 03:30 |
raetsel | hmm hendric that stuff about the visudo might be of interest.... | 03:30 |
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bullraiser | i also need to monitor the log messages size on a dialy routine so that it doesnt flood my disk space. Is there any tools to monitor it? | 03:30 |
apocxp | smokey_mcpot: how do you know the card is installed? | 03:31 |
sudonim | Hi I just saw DVD Jon's instructions for compiling vlc with WMV9 support in Breezy - http://nanocrew.net/2005/09/01/compiling-vlc/ . Can this be done in Hoary? | 03:31 |
topyli | bullraiser: you could just set cron to mail the size to you every day | 03:31 |
sudonim | some of the packages dont seem to be there | 03:31 |
[wiebel] | hmm | 03:31 |
smokey_mcpot | lspci, breezy picked it up on install. ifconfig - wlan0. iwconfig | 03:32 |
[wiebel] | how can I replace the kubuntu splash theme with the ubuntu splash theme? | 03:32 |
apocxp | smokey_mcpot: try iwlist wlan0 scanning | 03:32 |
eythian | bullraiser: I think whatever ubuntu uses for a logrotate system should be able to do it | 03:32 |
[wiebel] | does that mean i have to alter the initrd file? | 03:32 |
Ubunti_Ki | check now in pastebin my message when i start Kate first time thoreauputic | 03:33 |
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apocxp | smokey_mcpot: if you get results back, then the card is working properly. | 03:33 |
Dreamglider | is there any bit diffrence on kernel 2-6-12-8-386 and 2-6-12-8-686 ? | 03:33 |
bullraiser | yes, ofcourse I can use cron jobs to do that. I was interested, if any built-in tools for log/disk monitor, cpu usuage etc., | 03:33 |
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MTommy | is there here any LINUX EXPERT that can help me? | 03:33 |
topyli | Dreamglider: optimized for different processors at compile time | 03:33 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: whats the problem | 03:33 |
kemik | MTommy: ask your question | 03:34 |
smokey_mcpot | apocxp: interface does not support scanning: device temp unavail | 03:34 |
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MTommy | ok | 03:34 |
fredy | when i try to update my kernel to, i get a buffer_write error, anyone get this too? | 03:34 |
MTommy | I've installed Ubuntu 5.04 for amd64 | 03:34 |
MTommy | the istallation was good, witout any error | 03:34 |
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Ubunti_Ki | Lol, thoreauputic. It looks difficult? | 03:34 |
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MTommy | i lunch linux from the grub | 03:34 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: how did you install kate? | 03:34 |
MTommy | it load everthing correctly and appear the user name and pasword page | 03:35 |
MTommy | i type them | 03:35 |
Ubunti_Ki | how, sudo apt-get install kate - thoreauputic | 03:35 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: are you using kubuntu or ubuntu ? | 03:35 |
MTommy | then it start a music (like the one of windows) | 03:35 |
kemik | MTommy: ask it on one lineplease | 03:35 |
Ubunti_Ki | ubuntu - thoreauputic | 03:35 |
MTommy | ok sorry i wll start again | 03:35 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: summarize | 03:35 |
Dreamglider | topyli, ok my new Intel P4 Extreme HT 3.01Ghz has the 368 and my older laptop with Intelp4 1.7Ghz has the 686. i think my newer ps should have the 686 kernel allso | 03:35 |
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raetsel | well time for me to go and with so much hanging in the balance.......... | 03:36 |
apocxp | smokey_mcpot: hmmm... i've had a similar issue. the problem was that the wrong driver was being loaded... | 03:36 |
KRomeleoN | why am i to cant install ubuntu? | 03:36 |
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topyli | Dreamglider: yes | 03:36 |
MTommy | I've installed ubuntu 5.04 for amd64 (i've a turion 64) and everthing was good. after i typed the user name and password and it appear the ubuntu logo my pc get blocked | 03:36 |
KRomeleoN | i cant get the partitioner to work | 03:36 |
raetsel | will brownie17 restore his NTLDR? will N6REJ get his wifi working, will Hendric track the mysterious gksudo problem....... | 03:36 |
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smokey_mcpot | how would i remove the existing, i was thinking about an ndiswrapper install using xp INF | 03:36 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: your commandlin still won't work? | 03:36 |
MTommy | totally even capslock | 03:36 |
apocxp | smokey_mcpot: what's your card's model | 03:36 |
thoreauputic | *commandline | 03:36 |
Dreamglider | topyli can i update tke kernel ? | 03:36 |
raetsel | someone tell me how it all turns out | 03:36 |
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smokey_mcpot | dlink 650+ pcmcia | 03:37 |
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raetsel | bye for now...... | 03:37 |
Loevborg | can anyone confirm that "xorg-driver-fglrx" is not on the breezy rc cds? | 03:37 |
N6REJ | lol | 03:37 |
topyli | Dreamglider: apt-get install linux-image-686 | 03:37 |
sudonim | MTommy: Try the "live-cd" | 03:37 |
MTommy | I dont know what to do. Can it be that i have some hardware problems? | 03:37 |
thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: most of that stuff is just warnings, not errors | 03:37 |
KRomeleoN | i keep getting "no /root" on install....am i retarded or does the partitiner suck? | 03:37 |
Ubunti_Ki | nope thoreauputic ..... hmmm i dont know | 03:37 |
sudonim | MTommy: If this also happens with the live-cd then most likely it is a configuration problem or it is your harddrive | 03:37 |
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MTommy | sudomin: ok i will try with that one | 03:38 |
sudonim | MTommy: if it doesnt happen I mean | 03:38 |
Ubunti_Ki | last rows, it says "kate: WARNING: Can't open /home/test/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml | 03:38 |
Ubunti_Ki | kio" - thoreauputic | 03:38 |
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apocxp | smokey_mcpot: check these instructions out http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu | 03:38 |
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MTommy | sudomin if it happens even with the live cd that means that i have hardware problem? | 03:39 |
sudonim | MTommy: Not necessarily - just some hardware incompatible with Ubuntu | 03:39 |
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MTommy | Kbrooks: are you back finally ^^' | 03:39 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: *shrug* I can't see anything in that output that would be relevant - but I'm no kde expert | 03:39 |
sudonim | MTommy: I would also try the i386 live cd to see if it also happens | 03:39 |
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apocxp | smokey_mcpot: make sure you remove that ACX driver. | 03:39 |
MTommy | sudomin: so i cannot install ubuntu...i tried even intel x86 | 03:40 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: so i don't know why you are having this problem really, sorry | 03:40 |
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Hendric | raetsel, in the visudo.. my sudoers file is correct.. it didn't help. the loopback solution doesn't help too.. if i reinstall this.. im sure this will be fixed.. but problems are better fixed than left hanging. any more solution? | 03:40 |
Ubunti_Ki | ok but when I start Kate again it says - ASSERT: "m_currentContainer==container" in /build/buildd/kdebase-3.4.2/./kate/app/kateviewmanager.cpp (196) | 03:40 |
Ubunti_Ki | kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found | 03:40 |
Ubunti_Ki | " - thoreauputic | 03:40 |
max_CT_IT | http://netsukuku.freaknet.org/ | 03:40 |
KRomeleoN | can anyhone help me just with installation? i have a scsi hd thats 40 gb, partyitioned as 700mb and 36gb. i cant get ubuntu to install. i get /root error | 03:40 |
smokey_mcpot | alright cheers apocxp, if your still here in 30min or so ill you know. thanks for the help | 03:40 |
apocxp | smokey_mcpot: sure | 03:40 |
sudonim | MTommy: If the x86 version also does not work, I think maybe your hardware is causing the error with Ubuntu - Did you have windows on this computer? | 03:41 |
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Ubunti_Ki | thoreauputic: it says when I star now "ASSERT: "m_currentContainer==container" in /build/buildd/kdebase-3.4.2/./kate/app/kateviewmanager.cpp (196) | 03:41 |
Ubunti_Ki | kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found | 03:41 |
Ubunti_Ki | " | 03:41 |
MTommy | sudomin: yep, i tried and it doesnt work, and i have windows xp | 03:41 |
xophEr | How do I change the menu-bar icon? (Its the ubuntu logo now, but I want to have my custom one there instead..) Ive tried renaming and replacing /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png but it didnt help, before I dist-upgraded yesterday it worked fine though.. | 03:42 |
sudonim | MTommy: Windows also does not work? | 03:42 |
Ubunti_Ki | whats a thumbcreator? | 03:42 |
dennish | can anyone help me configure wireless on my averatec 3250? Railink card | 03:42 |
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thoreauputic | Ubunti_Ki: don't repeat please - i saw it before: and as I said, i don't know what your problem is - I can't really help you | 03:42 |
MTommy | sudomin: nono windows works perfectly.... | 03:42 |
Ubunti_Ki | ok, many thanks. Gotta go now. But keep in touch. thanks again. | 03:42 |
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MTommy | sudomin: the strange think is that i don't get any error during the installation or during the initialization of ubuntu | 03:43 |
Bateau_ | where can i find php? i mean the "exe" file. i need to start this script as a prosess. and that is done with php(.exe) file | 03:43 |
sudonim | MTommy: Does it freeze in the middle of the sound? | 03:43 |
MTommy | kbrooks: ehi, did you discover somthing? | 03:43 |
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MTommy | sudomi: no, it finish the sound, it finish to load the ubuntu logo and the it freeze | 03:44 |
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MTommy | Sudomin: but the sound it's not clear, it swap a little bit | 03:44 |
sudonim | MTommy: There are two things I can think of for this problem - either a driver error or a hard drive problem | 03:45 |
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MTommy | sudomin : hmmmm ok | 03:46 |
sudonim | MTommy: Trying the live-cd will eliminate the hard drive as the cause of the problem - if you still have the problem, maybe try the new suse openlinux 10.0. This is a brand new distribution and may have better support for your new hardware | 03:46 |
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MTommy | sudomin: so there's no slution for my problem | 03:46 |
MTommy | sudomin: do you have the link? | 03:47 |
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Ubunti_Ki | I will lates take a screenshot and put it pastebin, so you can see what the problem is. Please remind me to do this if you are bored. | 03:48 |
Ubunti_Ki | laaaateeeeer | 03:48 |
=== drucer [n=ppkarppi@dsl-aur4-h97.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTommy | sudomin: do you have a link? | 03:48 |
drucer | Too bad we don't have all the multimedia goods with Breezy yet. | 03:49 |
hyperactivecrond | drucer: define goods | 03:50 |
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Bateau_ | where can i find php? i mean the "exe" file. i need to start this script as a prosess. and that is done with php(.exe) file | 03:50 |
drucer | Well, the usual stuff you will need to install afterwards. Sun Java, firefox Java plugin, Win32codecs.. | 03:50 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: find php | 03:50 |
kbrooks | hyperactivecrond: w32codecs | 03:50 |
hyperactivecrond | !java | 03:50 |
ubotu | [java] to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 03:50 |
kbrooks | etc | 03:50 |
hyperactivecrond | !w32codecs | 03:51 |
ubotu | it has been said that w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 03:51 |
kbrooks | !+w32codecs | 03:51 |
ubotu | it has been said that w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 03:51 |
kbrooks | :) | 03:51 |
hyperactivecrond | kbrooks: :P | 03:51 |
=== kbrooks :P | ||
Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: that does not work. and locate displays to many ressults | 03:51 |
fek | oO(brooks was here) | 03:51 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau: are you sure it's installed? | 03:51 |
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Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: yes. | 03:51 |
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phoenixbyrd | are there any tools out there that help making ur own distro easier? | 03:51 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: look around in synaptic | 03:51 |
drucer | ubotu, thanks! | 03:51 |
ubotu | drucer: gern geschehen | 03:52 |
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hyperactivecrond | phoenixbyrd: deb based? | 03:52 |
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phoenixbyrd | yea | 03:52 |
MTommy | sudomin: have you any idea where can i find that linux? | 03:52 |
hyperactivecrond | phoenixbyrd: www.componentizedlinux.org | 03:52 |
phoenixbyrd | tyty | 03:52 |
Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: look for what? i KNOW php is installed... im runing a phpbased site on the same pc... :P | 03:52 |
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kiko_fud | hey | 03:52 |
kiko_fud | guys | 03:52 |
kiko_fud | the powerpc livecd | 03:52 |
kiko_fud | preview release | 03:52 |
kiko_fud | is beautiful | 03:52 |
MTommy | sudomin :are you there??? | 03:52 |
needhelp | !apt-get | 03:52 |
ubotu | from memory, apt-get is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ | 03:52 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: do a phpinfo script; it should say where it is | 03:52 |
sudonim | MTommy: http://www.opensuse.org/Released_Version | 03:53 |
WhyvasLT | how do i remove the setting up raid devices and the network devices and the getting time from the time server at startup? | 03:53 |
MTommy | sudomin: great ^^' | 03:53 |
sudonim | MTommy: I would recommend ubuntu over suse though | 03:53 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: opensuse's great, but not done | 03:53 |
=== hyperactivecrond just switched from suse 9,3 back to ubuntu | ||
=== llee168 [n=llee168@Toronto-HSE-ppp3863186.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drucer | I would be great to have a graphical frontend for all the extra stuff - let's say we have appplication "installmultimedia" and when you start it, you could pick what you want to install. You know, all that extra stuff. And then the application would just execute the commands you will find in www.ubuntuguide.org and all the extra stuff would be installed without too much hassle. | 03:53 |
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MTommy | Hyper what do you mean with not done? | 03:54 |
sudonim | drucer: Apparently ubuntu guide breaks your system | 03:54 |
hyperactivecrond | MTommy: opensuse is trying to make suse 10.0; it's not fully done yet | 03:54 |
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MTommy | ok hyper thank you | 03:55 |
drucer | sudonim, yeah some of the hints are not working apparently. | 03:55 |
drucer | But if it would be maintained with care and there would be a graphical frontend to install all that stuff, it would seriously rock! | 03:55 |
MTommy | ok guy need to go | 03:55 |
MTommy | see ya ll | 03:55 |
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sudonim | drucer: I agree that it would be nice to be able to run apt-get install multimedia to get a fully functional player with all the codecs | 03:56 |
kbrooks | I can't login to the ubuntu wiki with my login/pass from launchpad. what's wrong? | 03:56 |
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drucer | sudonim, or just pick with your mouse what you want to install. | 03:56 |
sudonim | drucer: Even better! | 03:56 |
kbrooks | sudonim: yes it breaks your system | 03:56 |
drucer | It shouldn't be too hard to program an application like that. | 03:56 |
kbrooks | !ubuntuguide | 03:56 |
ubotu | somebody said ubuntuguide was out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 03:56 |
drucer | But the problem is - ubuntuguide would need to be up to date every day. | 03:57 |
N6REJ | *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* | 03:57 |
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kbrooks | "doesn't explain anything" => sound | 03:57 |
N6REJ | raetsel: It shows up under device manager but not under networking :( | 03:57 |
hyperactivecrond | #ubuntu-offtopic guys, it's too loud here | 03:57 |
kbrooks | hyperactivecrond: too loud? | 03:57 |
smokey_mcpot | apocxp: No scan results running iwlist, still no lights on pcmcia card | 03:58 |
kbrooks | hyperactivecrond: opensuse released 10.0 | 03:58 |
hyperactivecrond | kbrooks: too much noise from ubuntuguide discussion | 03:58 |
kbrooks | on 6th | 03:58 |
hyperactivecrond | kbrooks: wow@ | 03:58 |
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kbrooks | iirc | 03:58 |
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sudonim | Are there people in here who are former Debian users. | 03:58 |
sudonim | ? | 03:58 |
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kbrooks | sudonim: ask away | 03:58 |
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drucer | We need to have a place for instructions about how to install some extra stuff because of some legal issues. Ubuntuguide is a great unofficial guide, but it has to be up to date. | 03:58 |
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kbrooks | sudonim: that doesnt convey your real question. instead of asking to ask, ask | 03:59 |
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kbrooks | drucer: #ubuntu-offtopic as hyperactivecrond says | 03:59 |
sudonim | Well, not a question - more of a comment. I replaced RHEL3 at work with Debian after such a positive experience with ubuntu and apt and I found the people in #debian to be extremely elitist | 03:59 |
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drucer | OK, I got the message. This is off-topic. | 03:59 |
Hendric | anyone got an idea on solving the "gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic" mystery?? (error: failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as root: child process terminated with 100 status) | 04:00 |
smokey_mcpot | i like RHEL3, why change? anything specific? | 04:00 |
hyperactivecrond | Hendric: why do you run it from a terminal? | 04:00 |
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kbrooks | drucer: talk in #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:00 |
Hendric | hyperactivecrond, its from the menu.. not the terminal. | 04:00 |
hyperactivecrond | whoops | 04:00 |
drucer | kbrooks, yeah, I'll do that. | 04:00 |
sudonim | smokey_mcpot: RHEL did not work well on the 64bit intel processors - a lot of RPM-hell | 04:00 |
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rawiramdhan | how do I restart samba? | 04:01 |
tucoz | Hi, I just installed breezy but emacs do not work as it should. When I start it says Warning: Cannot convert string... | 04:01 |
Hendric | anyone got an idea on solving the "gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic" mystery?? (error: failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as root: child process terminated with 100 status - AFTER EXITING THE PROGRAM) | 04:01 |
sudonim | smokey_mcpot: The packages that the redhat update manager would tell you to install had broken dependencies | 04:01 |
Hendric | rawiramdhan, sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 04:01 |
hyperactivecrond | ubotu: offtopic is please join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about stuff not related to the subject at hand. | 04:01 |
ubotu | ...but offtopic is already something else... | 04:01 |
tucoz | and the font shows up as boxes | 04:01 |
antisocialboris | can someone help me set up wine, following some online instructions isnt working | 04:01 |
sudonim | and this was a stock system - nothing fancy! | 04:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !tell me about offtopic | 04:02 |
hyperactivecrond | sudonim: sudo apt-get install winesetuptk | 04:02 |
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smokey_mcpot | what would be a suitable replacement distro? | 04:02 |
hyperactivecrond | !tell Kamping_Kaiser about offtopic | 04:02 |
smokey_mcpot | with 24/7 support | 04:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hyperactivecrond: i got it the first time ;) | 04:02 |
WhyvasLT | Islamabad | 04:02 |
hyperactivecrond | whoops ;_ | 04:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :D | 04:02 |
hyperactivecrond | :) | 04:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no worries | 04:02 |
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antisocialboris | can someone talk me through setting up wine | 04:03 |
Jedrick | How to configure shorewall? | 04:03 |
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thenuke | Jedrick: start by reading docs and manuals and google | 04:03 |
mouhez | how do I make it so that an x-server doesn't start? which file do I edit? | 04:03 |
rawiramdhan | I want to connect with my windows systen to my samba server, but it needs a login, sow I typ my username en pw and nothing happends:S | 04:03 |
Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: i cant find anything in phpinfo(); either :( | 04:03 |
hyperactivecrond | :( | 04:03 |
rawiramdhan | mouhez: initrc home dir | 04:03 |
mouhez | k, thanks :) | 04:04 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: try php5 not php | 04:04 |
rubem | have anyone manage to install directX on Wine??? | 04:04 |
tucoz | anyone got emacs working fine in breezy? | 04:04 |
hyperactivecrond | !tell rubem about cedega | 04:04 |
Hendric | rubem, you don't.. get winex or cedega | 04:04 |
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hyperactivecrond | Hendric: winex => cedega | 04:04 |
eythian | rawiramdhan: add the user login with smbpasswd, or if your network is trusted, set the security for samba to be 'sahre' | 04:04 |
rubem | cedega is not free... i dont whant do pay | 04:04 |
Hendric | cedega ain't free | 04:05 |
eythian | rawiramdhan: only, spell it 'share' | 04:05 |
antisocialboris | help with wine anyone? | 04:05 |
smokey_mcpot | Breezy Question - Wireless Networking Issue - Dlink 650+ - No Lights but appears to be installed | 04:05 |
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Blejdfist | i pay for cedega :) | 04:05 |
Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: what do you mean? install php5? | 04:05 |
Hendric | rubem, cedega-CVS is free | 04:05 |
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hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: try doing find php5 | 04:05 |
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hyperactivecrond | from a terminal | 04:05 |
hyperactivecrond | antisocialboris: sudo apt-get install winesetuptk | 04:05 |
rawiramdhan | eythian: How do I set this secuity to share? samba config? | 04:05 |
rubem | Hendric: but works? | 04:05 |
Bateau_ | ah, but i have php4 installed | 04:05 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: php4 then | 04:05 |
rubem | Hendric: is easy to install?? | 04:05 |
hyperactivecrond | !deb | 04:06 |
ubotu | hyperactivecrond: Do they come in packets of five? | 04:06 |
eythian | hyperactivecrond: itym 'locate php5' | 04:06 |
Hendric | rubem works great.. not that easy to install... winex can run games as well | 04:06 |
eythian | rawiramdhan: yeah, in /etc/samba/smb.conf | 04:06 |
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rubem | Hendric: winex == cedega? | 04:06 |
Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: if i do that. i get so many ressults, i cant even scroll to the top :P | 04:06 |
Hendric | hyperactivecrond, got a fix on the synaptic error? this happend twice on 10x i installed ubuntu.. | 04:06 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: find php5 | 04:07 |
Hendric | winex is free.. the latest winex was named cedega.. not free anymore | 04:07 |
hyperactivecrond | Hendric: no.. sorry | 04:07 |
Hendric | hyperactivecrond, i should report this bug maybe.. | 04:07 |
hyperactivecrond | Hendric: have fun | 04:07 |
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rawiramdhan | my samba var log says [2005/10/05 17:16:04, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_data(384) read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = No route to host | 04:08 |
KRomeleoN | how do i set up /root? | 04:08 |
shinu | anyone have an idea of what 'cleaning up object files might mean'? im trying to compile something using a toolchain | 04:08 |
antisocialboris | ok, im having real problems with apt-get | 04:08 |
Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: i get nothing on php5 | 04:09 |
thenuke | KRomeleoN: what do you mean by setting up /root | 04:09 |
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KRomeleoN | i am trying to install ubuntu and it says cant find /root on lilo install | 04:09 |
hyperactivecrond | Bateau_: try find php4 | 04:09 |
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Bateau_ | hyperactivecrond: "find: php4: No such file or directory" | 04:09 |
antisocialboris | whenever i try to apt-get install it cant find source packages and says i should apt-get update but it always fails to connect to something on update | 04:10 |
KRomeleoN | it says the partitioner should have set up /root | 04:10 |
rawiramdhan | antisocialboris: Check your sourcelist? | 04:10 |
rubem | WineX == Cedega??? | 04:10 |
hyperactivecrond | rubem: winex ===> Cedega | 04:10 |
thenuke | KRomeleoN: sounds like a bug to me then | 04:10 |
thenuke | KRomeleoN: try reinstalling | 04:10 |
KRomeleoN | i trued numerous times i get the same error | 04:11 |
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antisocialboris | how and what for? | 04:11 |
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rubem | damn it, i am not finding the packets at the official ubuntu apt repos! | 04:13 |
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antisocialboris | i think that's the problem im having too | 04:13 |
shinu | rubem: what packets | 04:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | rubem: cedega? no | 04:13 |
rubem | http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45 thesse packets | 04:13 |
shinu | rubem: the libs and stuff? | 04:14 |
hwaara | if there's a bug in the app where you create new users on the machine, where should I file it? | 04:14 |
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rubem | shinu, the libs | 04:15 |
eythian | hwaara: reportbug | 04:15 |
hwaara | I mean, is it debian, ubuntu or... | 04:15 |
shinu | rubem: you have the backports? maybe that will solve the problem | 04:15 |
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hwaara | this occurs when you go through the intaller and create a new user, for instance, eythian. | 04:15 |
eythian | hwaara: ah, ok | 04:15 |
wickedpuppy | hwaara, what app is it ? | 04:15 |
hwaara | wickedpuppy, that's my question precisely. | 04:16 |
wickedpuppy | hwaara, that would be ubuntu | 04:16 |
WhyvasLT | can someone please answer my question? | 04:16 |
WhyvasLT | how do i remove the setting up raid devices and the network devices and the getting time from the time server at startup? | 04:16 |
kbrooks | Ask | 04:16 |
hwaara | wickedpuppy, ok great, then I'll file it there. | 04:16 |
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rubem | shinu, the bakcports are off-line :( | 04:16 |
shinu | rubem: which ones you have? | 04:17 |
antisocialboris | how can i sort out my apt-get? | 04:17 |
wickedpuppy | antisocialboris, sort out ? meaning ? | 04:17 |
rubem | deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 04:17 |
rubem | shinu, deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 04:17 |
shinu | rubem: mirrormax is down | 04:17 |
shinu | wait a sec | 04:17 |
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antisocialboris | whenever i try to install it cant find stuff and tells me to update but whenever i try to update it fails | 04:18 |
rubem | shinu, could you give me your apt repos? | 04:18 |
wickedpuppy | antisocialboris, have you enabled multiverse and universe ? | 04:18 |
wickedpuppy | and failed ? how ? error message ? | 04:18 |
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antisocialboris | also whoever told me what to install for wine it couldnt find | 04:19 |
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shinu | deb http://acm.cs.umn.edu/ubp/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted | 04:19 |
shinu | sorry for that | 04:19 |
antisocialboris | i did universe, but thats when the problem started so then i disabled them | 04:19 |
Hendric | !restricted | 04:19 |
ubotu | methinks restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 04:19 |
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kbrooks | !backports | 04:19 |
ubotu | Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list. More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports | 04:19 |
antisocialboris | still having the problems | 04:19 |
kbrooks | !backports | 04:19 |
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shinu | ah... | 04:19 |
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shinu | thats the command.... | 04:19 |
WhyvasLT | kbrooks, see. | 04:19 |
wickedpuppy | antisocialboris, what problem ? pls kinddly tell us the exact error you get ? | 04:19 |
antisocialboris | ok, when i apt-get install i get stuff like: | 04:20 |
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thenuke | antisocialboris: dont flood the channel badly :) | 04:20 |
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Sturmvogel | My problem is a user account not working, when I try to log in it complains about wrong username or password | 04:20 |
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thenuke | antisocialboris: use #flood or priv msg instead if you have lots of text to paste in there | 04:21 |
rubem | shinu. thanks, lets se if works... | 04:21 |
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geneo93 | Sturmvogel: just do sudo passwd (username) | 04:21 |
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antisocialboris | is a few lines ok? | 04:22 |
antisocialboris | its just a sample , it repeats similar things | 04:22 |
WhyvasLT | how do i remove the setting up raid devices and the network devices and the getting time from the time server at startup? | 04:23 |
kbrooks | antisocialboris: subjective | 04:23 |
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rubem | shinu, same error | 04:23 |
rubem | libsdl1.2-dev | 04:23 |
rubem | and | 04:23 |
antisocialboris | did you get that wickedpuppy? | 04:23 |
rubem | libxrender-dev | 04:23 |
wickedpuppy | get what ? | 04:23 |
wickedpuppy | you didn't pm me or anything | 04:23 |
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shinu | rubem: try doing an apt-search for libxrender or something similar, maybe the packages are names differently | 04:24 |
wickedpuppy | eh ah ... why not just pm me antisocialboris ?? | 04:24 |
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antisocialboris | i thought i sent you the error, how do i pm you? | 04:24 |
antisocialboris | <noob> | 04:24 |
kbrooks | antisocialboris: /query | 04:24 |
kbrooks | </noob> | 04:24 |
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kbrooks | /query wickedpuppy | 04:24 |
wickedpuppy | no space :P | 04:25 |
shinu | can i wipe /tmp without any fear?... | 04:25 |
wickedpuppy | oh lol | 04:25 |
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kbrooks | shinu: Don't. | 04:25 |
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shinu | ok | 04:25 |
wickedpuppy | antisocialboris, if you are using xchat , right click on my name and choose the last option | 04:25 |
Sturmvogel | geneo93, surprisingly that worked | 04:25 |
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Sturmvogel | thanks | 04:25 |
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Sturmvogel | I'm pretty sure I had the passwd right before | 04:26 |
antisocialboris | ive done that and pasted it there already | 04:26 |
kbrooks | I can't login to the ubuntu wiki with my login/pass from launchpad. what's wrong? | 04:26 |
erisco | hello everyone, i was wondering what kind of virus protection i need for linux. surely there are programs i can download to help keep me safe? | 04:26 |
kbrooks | erisco: no need | 04:26 |
thenuke | erisco: you dont need antivirus | 04:26 |
antisocialboris | apparently freenonde is telling my private messages from unregistered members are blocked due to spamming | 04:26 |
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eythian | erisco: linux doesn't have virus problems | 04:26 |
thenuke | erisco: there just ain't viruses for linux that much :) | 04:26 |
lsuactiafner | erisco : you dont need protection, linux is secure from the core, unlike windows | 04:26 |
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erisco | is this seriously true? | 04:27 |
thenuke | erisco: very. | 04:27 |
eythian | !virus | 04:27 |
ubotu | I don't know, eythian | 04:27 |
eythian | oh | 04:27 |
kbrooks | erisco: you only need antivirus for mail servers with clients that use windows | 04:27 |
lsuactiafner | erisco : yes, there has been one virus that infected like 50 pcs around 10 yrs ago | 04:27 |
sexcopter8000m | so, is that to say that linux *cannot* be vulnerable, or just no-one's bothered to write viruses for linux? | 04:27 |
erisco | wow, that is certainly interesting | 04:27 |
kbrooks | or might | 04:27 |
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misfit_toy | erisco, fairly tru about virii, but I would recommend you learn how to configure your firewall | 04:27 |
thenuke | erisco: linux just is all about true security | 04:27 |
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erisco | i ahve a firewall | 04:27 |
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erisco | and if that is the extent of what i need | 04:27 |
erisco | i am good | 04:27 |
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kbrooks | erisco: you dont really need a fw | 04:28 |
antisocialboris | sorry wickedpuppy, it keeps getting blocked cos im unregistered | 04:28 |
erisco | no wonder why people like linux more than windows | 04:28 |
kbrooks | *need* | 04:28 |
lsuactiafner | sexcopter8000m : yes, since linux distrobutions are also too diferse for a virus to work | 04:28 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | I'm trying to mount an external USB 2.0 hard drive that has a Linux volume and swap but it can't find device in fstab or mtab | 04:28 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | Help | 04:28 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | please | 04:28 |
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lsuactiafner | like my ubuntu box is actually an ubuntu box with 1/4 slackware in it | 04:28 |
eythian | erisco: firewalls are good, but the only virus of note for linux came out about 7 years ago, and came with an uninstaller:) | 04:28 |
kbrooks | TeLeKiNeSiS: be patient | 04:28 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | I'm trying | 04:28 |
wickedpuppy | antisocialboris, i am pming you | 04:28 |
wickedpuppy | :P | 04:28 |
thenuke | erisco: yup, firewall you dont actually need because you might not have anything to protect :D | 04:28 |
kbrooks | eythian: a what? | 04:28 |
erisco | alright well my question was answered, i will be off. go linux =) | 04:28 |
lsuactiafner | TeLeKiNeSiS : type dmesg ; then check something about sd something, like sdc1 or so | 04:29 |
antisocialboris | i know, but it wont let me send you messages cos im not registered cos of a spam problem | 04:29 |
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thenuke | erisco: if you dont have open ports with services running in them | 04:29 |
mister_roboto | lsuactiafner: not really all that diverse considering almost everyone is running it on an x86 box. :) | 04:29 |
eythian | kbrooks: http://math-www.uni-paderborn.de/~axel/bliss/ | 04:29 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | dmesg sdcl | 04:29 |
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mister_roboto | lsuactiafner: on the desktop i mean | 04:29 |
rawiramdhan | How do I mount windows files with smbd? | 04:29 |
lsuactiafner | TeLeKiNeSiS : then mkdir /mnt/01 ; mount /dev/sd_something /mnt/01 ; cd /mnt/01 ; ls | 04:29 |
eythian | kbrooks: you could ask it to uninstall itself | 04:29 |
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antisocialboris | should i risk putting it here? its like 4 lines in my attempted message | 04:29 |
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eythian | rawiramdhan: smbmount //computer/share /mountpoint | 04:29 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | sda? | 04:29 |
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lsuactiafner | TeLeKiNeSiS : could be sda | 04:30 |
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antisocialboris | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 04:30 |
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antisocialboris | sorry about that | 04:30 |
lsuactiafner | TeLeKiNeSiS : dmesg should tell you if its sda1 sdb1 sdc1 ect | 04:30 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | Thanks | 04:30 |
eythian | TeLeKiNeSiS: likely to be sda1 or similar | 04:30 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | I'll try that | 04:30 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | ok | 04:30 |
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antisocialboris | does that help? | 04:32 |
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El_Che | lo, are the hp laptop changes included in the breezy build? | 04:32 |
xophEr | Hi! Im having problems installing vmware, I know its not an ubuntu related question but I hope you can help me anyway.. This is the output I get: http://pastebin.ca/24932 | 04:32 |
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TeLeKiNeSiS | lsuactiafner: It says I must specify file system type | 04:35 |
anethema | hey guys..wanted to ask again if anyone knows of a good news reader other than pan | 04:35 |
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WhyvasLT | TeLeKiNeSiS, what did you put? | 04:35 |
kestas | hi, I have a Dell laptop and I have to use the vesa driver to see anything | 04:35 |
WhyvasLT | sda? | 04:35 |
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kestas | I was wondering if there is a better driver for it? | 04:35 |
taomaster | hello all- i have a ? -how do i install amsn im? | 04:36 |
kestas | ubuntu detected the i810, but it just has a blank screen using that driver | 04:36 |
kbrooks | This is urgent help. Seriously urgent help. | 04:36 |
kestas | only vesa works | 04:36 |
kbrooks | I can't login to the ubuntu wiki with my login/pass from launchpad. what's wrong? | 04:36 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | WhyvasLT: I did mkdir /mnt/01 ; sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/01 | 04:36 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | yes sda | 04:36 |
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TeLeKiNeSiS | I see it detects it as a mass storage device | 04:37 |
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TeLeKiNeSiS | has the correct drive manufacturer | 04:37 |
WhyvasLT | try sda1 | 04:37 |
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kestas | "0000:00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corp. Mobile Graphics Controller (rev 03)" it says | 04:37 |
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Maikeru | has anyone els ein here had a problem with (bad) lag in Breezy | 04:38 |
eythian | right, bedtime. Later. | 04:38 |
Maikeru | else in* | 04:38 |
Maikeru | Sorry, lag is causing typos | 04:38 |
anethema | doh | 04:38 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | that worked but it has some directory in there that says Lost+Found | 04:38 |
anethema | openoffice.org 2 in breezy just got updated | 04:38 |
anethema | 80mb to download | 04:38 |
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Maikeru | I try to open Firefox and stuff, and that causes lag (when I head to cnosole it eventually says out of memory closing firefox0 | 04:39 |
Maikeru | )* | 04:39 |
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Maikeru | This lag is annoying...omg | 04:39 |
WhyvasLT | Maikeru, how much ram do you have? | 04:39 |
xaae | hi can any body help me find a video player tht plays any file | 04:40 |
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WhyvasLT | do you have a swap partition? | 04:40 |
Maikeru | 256mb, pc2100 | 04:40 |
Maikeru | 2.2ghz | 04:40 |
Maikeru | Don't think so...no | 04:40 |
Devn0ll | xaae: vlc player | 04:40 |
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Maikeru | but it didn't do this under hoary | 04:40 |
misfit_toy | weird, I have 2 screensaver utils in sys/prefs...and they look different than each other. | 04:40 |
Maikeru | dunno why it would start now | 04:40 |
WhyvasLT | download and install qtparted | 04:40 |
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xaae | yea can u teach me how to intsall vlc | 04:40 |
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boxerboy29 | wtf is that | 04:41 |
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WhyvasLT | SCRIPT KIDDIES!!!! | 04:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | flood | 04:41 |
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WhyvasLT | SCRIPT KIDDIES!!!! | 04:41 |
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WhyvasLT | SCRIPT KIDDIES!!!! | 04:41 |
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WhyvasLT | SCRIPT KIDDIES!!!! | 04:41 |
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El_Che | pff | 04:41 |
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rob^ | nice net split | 04:41 |
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wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
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thenuke | great | 04:41 |
wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
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wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
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wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
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wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
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WhyvasLT | that's not a netsplit | 04:41 |
wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
wemh | ehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu | 04:41 |
thenuke | script-kiddies. | 04:41 |
thenuke | doing join/part -flood | 04:42 |
WhyvasLT | that's a fat kid with nothing to do | 04:42 |
rob^ | ah | 04:42 |
thenuke | miserable :) | 04:42 |
rob^ | same ip address | 04:42 |
WhyvasLT | yeah | 04:42 |
misfit_toy | weird, I have 2 screensaver utils in sys/prefs...and they look different than each other. | 04:42 |
El_Che | I guess he will get laid now that he found a script to flood | 04:42 |
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El_Che | oh wait :) | 04:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | record the ip... when ops arive it wont hurt to ban them | 04:42 |
rob^ | well mostly | 04:42 |
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misfit_toy | is it ok to apt-get remove xscreensaver if it's gonna take ubuntu-desktop with it? so I can reinstall xscreensaver? | 04:43 |
xaae | hi can any body help me find a video player tht plays any file | 04:43 |
rob^ | heh one got dlines | 04:43 |
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Maikeru | (dunno if this helps, but during dist-upgrade postmail and lsb-* had some problems, and now hwen I start up my computer grub won't show (it waits the 10 secs to autoboot), then it shows that list where it says like Starting up <...> [ok] , which has abunch of weird characters | 04:43 |
El_Che | misfit_toy: apt-get install --reinstall xscreensaver | 04:43 |
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WhyvasLT | Maikeru, install qtparted, resize your partition and create a 1gb swap partition | 04:43 |
wickedpuppy | either bot or netspilt | 04:43 |
misfit_toy | El_Che, oh cool didn't realize apt had that command, thanks. | 04:43 |
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anethema | hey guys..wanted to ask again if anyone knows of a good news reader other than pan | 04:44 |
erisco | man i am here asking questions a lot, i hope in the future when i learn ubuntu more i can come back here and be the one helping. anyways i do not know if anyone has come accross this before... i used adobe photoshop 6 for two years, then switched to linux so i can only use gimp. i have looked for a photoshop style skin for gimp and i found a hacked gimp called gimpshop, which is exactly what i am looking for. http://plasticbugs.com/index.php?p=241 howeve | 04:44 |
erisco | r i need to COMPILE this program, and i have hardly any knowledge of how to compile, or even what compiling is. can someone enlighten me a bit? | 04:44 |
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erisco | sorry for the huge post | 04:44 |
thenuke | misfit_toy: ubuntu-desktop is just a "metapackage" nothing real software gets deleted if you delete that package | 04:44 |
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erisco | it built up, i didn't want it wasted in the dumb script | 04:44 |
xaae | can any body help me install vlc | 04:44 |
misfit_toy | thenuke, any idea why I'd have two different screensaver utils in sys/prefs? | 04:44 |
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Devn0ll | xaae: apt-get install vlcplayer | 04:45 |
thenuke | misfit_toy: dont know about that, does that matter :) | 04:45 |
misfit_toy | thenuke, well it's not critical by any means, just not "tidy" and who knows which one is doing what! lol | 04:45 |
thenuke | misfit_toy: as you have different text-editors, ubuntu as well might just be shipped with two different screensaver utils also :) | 04:46 |
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El_Che | ok, checking breezy out. Any showstoppers I should know of? | 04:46 |
xaae | do i have to download it first | 04:46 |
Devn0ll | yes | 04:46 |
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El_Che | xaae: i am upgrading from my hoary install | 04:46 |
xaae | from where | 04:46 |
Devn0ll | or apt-get will do that for ya | 04:46 |
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Devn0ll | apt-get will download it | 04:47 |
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Devn0ll | and install it | 04:47 |
Devn0ll | just answer Y | 04:47 |
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xaae | it did not work | 04:47 |
TeLeKiNeSiS | Anyone know how to recover data from a failed drive that had Ubuntu? | 04:48 |
xaae | it gave this messege | 04:48 |
Devn0ll | you need to be more verbose | 04:48 |
xaae | : Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 04:48 |
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boxerboy29 | sudo apt-get | 04:48 |
_jason | xaae: do you have synaptic open? | 04:48 |
Devn0ll | well, then: sudo apt-get install vlcplayer | 04:48 |
xaae | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 04:48 |
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Devn0ll | sudo apt-get install vlcplayer | 04:48 |
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Maikeru | okay | 04:49 |
xaae | E: Couldn't find package vlcplaye | 04:49 |
Maikeru | here we go, non laggy session | 04:49 |
geneo93 | xaae: use sudo | 04:49 |
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Maikeru | as long as I don't try and start anything I should be fine | 04:49 |
Maikeru | Though I should be fine with GParted | 04:49 |
mister_roboto | El_Che: on a laptop? | 04:49 |
xaae | i did use sudo and it said | 04:49 |
xaae | E: Couldn't find package vlcplaye | 04:49 |
El_Che | mister_roboto: yep | 04:49 |
Devn0ll | vlcplayer | 04:49 |
Maikeru | WhyvasLT, I'll be needing a bit more help after this | 04:50 |
Maikeru | I have a couple more problems to fix | 04:50 |
_jason | Devn0ll: my package is called just "vlc" | 04:50 |
mister_roboto | El_Che: only weirdness i ran across on my dell 8200 is the touchpad quit working for click-drag | 04:50 |
lsuactiafner | TeLeKiNeSiS : did you get the disk to work? | 04:50 |
Maikeru | But if I can remove this lag problem hopefully I'll be able to fix the others | 04:50 |
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erisco | what if i just asked, how do i compile? what is compiling? | 04:50 |
Maikeru | Now, you said a 1gb swap? | 04:50 |
Maikeru | Will I need to reboot? | 04:50 |
El_Che | mister_roboto: annoying | 04:50 |
xaae | stil cant find it | 04:50 |
El_Che | mister_roboto: did you file a bug? | 04:50 |
_jason | xaae: can't find "vlc"? | 04:50 |
mister_roboto | El_Che: hibernate was briefly working on one of the updates but quit working again :\ (ati mobility) | 04:50 |
xaae | do i download it from the site | 04:50 |
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xaae | yes vlc | 04:51 |
mister_roboto | El_Che: i did not. i should. do you know offhand where i do that? | 04:51 |
xaae | and vlcplayer | 04:51 |
El_Che | mister_roboto: on this hp latop the hp custom ubuntu build works grat | 04:51 |
boxerboy29 | maikeru you want your swap partion double your ram size | 04:51 |
Devn0ll | xaae: sudo apt-get install vlc libdvdcss2 | 04:51 |
WhyvasLT | Maikeru, yes | 04:51 |
Maikeru | can I go more than double though? | 04:51 |
xaae | still cant find it | 04:51 |
Maikeru | (I have a 200GB HD, so space isn't an issue) | 04:51 |
Maikeru | plus another 60GB that I can plug in | 04:51 |
El_Che | mister_roboto: have a look here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/bugs | 04:52 |
Devn0ll | xaae: okay try: sudo apt-get update | 04:52 |
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gtd | guys, how do I set up a new Yahoo chat (like ICQ) account with GAIM? | 04:52 |
WhyvasLT | Maikeru, is it a laptop? | 04:52 |
lsuactiafner | you dont want a swap bigger than 1G | 04:52 |
Maikeru | Desktop | 04:52 |
Devn0ll | xaae: and then: sudo apt-get install vlc libdvdcss2 | 04:52 |
wickedpuppy | erisco, that you got to check programming sites | 04:52 |
Maikeru | My laptop runs Auditor | 04:52 |
deFrysk | gtd, clic the add acout button and select | 04:52 |
lsuactiafner | it will use resources instead of improving performance | 04:52 |
gtd | yahoo chat account = yahoo messenger account | 04:52 |
deFrysk | account | 04:52 |
WhyvasLT | you should really get at least another 256mb of ram | 04:52 |
QMario | Hello Seveas and thoreauputic!!! :) | 04:52 |
mister_roboto | El_Che: thanks | 04:52 |
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WhyvasLT | you'll see a nice diffrence | 04:52 |
lsuactiafner | and you will never really use swap | 04:52 |
Maikeru | I'm going to | 04:52 |
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WhyvasLT | and it's cheap | 04:52 |
Maikeru | Waiting till day after Thanksgiving | 04:52 |
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lsuactiafner | linux works perfectly on 1G ram | 04:52 |
xaae | still cant find it | 04:52 |
El_Che | mister_roboto: they are pretty fast responders :) | 04:52 |
gtd | decklin: but what if i don't have an account yet? Do we need the official yahoo messenger program to sign up? | 04:52 |
Maikeru | I am probably going to grab two 512s | 04:52 |
Maikeru | and just max it out | 04:52 |
WhyvasLT | yeah | 04:53 |
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Maikeru | my mobo can handle 1gb | 04:53 |
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WhyvasLT | that would be a good idea | 04:53 |
deFrysk | xaae, got unuverse/multiverse ? | 04:53 |
lexton | I need help in getting a dwl-122 to connect to a wep connection with wlan | 04:53 |
lsuactiafner | you want double your ram unless you have more than 512mb ram, from there you max your swap @ 1G | 04:53 |
xaae | wht | 04:53 |
xaae | im new to linux | 04:53 |
QMario | Hello Ompaul!!! :) | 04:53 |
Maikeru | primary partition or extended? | 04:53 |
sumon | how can i play mp3z? | 04:53 |
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deFrysk | !tell xaae about repositories | 04:54 |
WhyvasLT | primary | 04:54 |
WhyvasLT | i think | 04:54 |
deFrysk | xaae, read ubotu's message | 04:54 |
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xaae | yes | 04:54 |
Maikeru | god I hope grub isn't on /dev/hda1 | 04:54 |
Maikeru | since I just deleted it | 04:54 |
Maikeru | lol | 04:54 |
xaae | shall look at the websites | 04:54 |
WhyvasLT | ???? | 04:54 |
WhyvasLT | deleted it?? | 04:54 |
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Maikeru | yeah, but my ubuntu partition is on /dev/hda3 | 04:55 |
WhyvasLT | oh | 04:55 |
Maikeru | grub is a little messed up anyway | 04:55 |
sumon | help..how can I play mp3z? | 04:55 |
sumon | its not playing | 04:55 |
Maikeru | so it'll be fine by me if I have to reinstall it | 04:55 |
WhyvasLT | that's risky business.... | 04:55 |
sumon | anybody? | 04:55 |
WhyvasLT | have a live cd handy | 04:55 |
deFrysk | !tell sumon about mp3 | 04:55 |
Maikeru | of course | 04:55 |
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Maikeru | live cd and install cd are right on my desk | 04:55 |
Maikeru | had to use them the other day | 04:55 |
Maikeru | that was annoying | 04:55 |
deFrysk | !tell sumon about restricted | 04:55 |
Maikeru | now, should I reboot? | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | check out 3ddesktop | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | it's cool shit | 04:56 |
Maikeru | I use that | 04:56 |
zer | Which howto should i read to install e17? | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | yeah give it a try | 04:56 |
Maikeru | Only for show though | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | i have it mapped to my windows key | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | hehe | 04:56 |
Maikeru | I use the usual desktop switcher all other times | 04:56 |
sumon | i am getting some kind of totem error | 04:56 |
beautyfullasin | hello | 04:56 |
deFrysk | sumon, read ubotu's messages | 04:56 |
Maikeru | WhyvasLT, do I need to reboot for the swap to take effect? | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | probably not | 04:56 |
Maikeru | Okay | 04:56 |
WhyvasLT | but i don't know how to enable it | 04:57 |
Maikeru | oh | 04:57 |
WhyvasLT | so i'd say yeah, reboot | 04:57 |
Maikeru | okay | 04:57 |
Maikeru | be right back | 04:57 |
WhyvasLT | good luck | 04:57 |
WhyvasLT | hahah | 04:57 |
gtd | Can any of you GAIM users log on to your yahoo chat account? | 04:57 |
Maikeru | hmm, before I do | 04:57 |
boxerboy29 | yes | 04:57 |
deFrysk | gtd, sure | 04:57 |
Maikeru | lemme go put grub in a diff partition | 04:57 |
Maikeru | just in case | 04:57 |
WhyvasLT | yeah | 04:57 |
El_Che | Maikeru: swapon is your friend | 04:57 |
El_Che | no need to reboot | 04:57 |
WhyvasLT | yeah | 04:57 |
WhyvasLT | that's it | 04:57 |
Maikeru | ah okay | 04:57 |
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Maikeru | thanks | 04:57 |
deFrysk | swapon /dev/hdblah | 04:58 |
deFrysk | or whatever | 04:58 |
Maikeru | do I need to exec this each time | 04:58 |
Maikeru | or just once? | 04:58 |
Maikeru | (each time I boot up) | 04:58 |
deFrysk | just once | 04:58 |
Maikeru | Okay | 04:58 |
Maikeru | Thanks guys | 04:58 |
=== svfusion [n=svfusion@adsl-068-209-199-083.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sumon | so I can't play mpe in ubuntu? | 04:59 |
deFrysk | sumon, did you read ubotu's messages ? | 04:59 |
Maikeru | now time to test this out | 04:59 |
Maikeru | Thanks everybody, this is really appreciated | 04:59 |
svfusion | I can't get higer than 1024X768 with the nvidia drivers installed. any ideas? | 04:59 |
Maikeru | when I couldn't listen to music and run xchat I was really annoyed | 04:59 |
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Maikeru | Ah...big difference...apps actually -start- | 04:59 |
Maikeru | Okay, now to my next problem | 05:00 |
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Maikeru | when gdm boots it brings me to my login screen with a messagebox complaining about an incorrect login dialog setting | 05:00 |
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swamych | thanks everybody this is really appreciated | 05:00 |
lsuactiafner | svfusion : change your refresh rates | 05:00 |
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svfusion | I can't get higher than 60hz Refresh Rate either, this is a Geforce 6800 GT | 05:01 |
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deFrysk | svfusion, did has the installation recognized your monitor ? | 05:02 |
lorenzod | Hm. Yesterday somebody here told me their Evolution would no longer start. | 05:02 |
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lorenzod | And today the same is happening to me. | 05:02 |
lorenzod | Anybody else have problems with Evo since yesterday? | 05:02 |
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boxerboy29 | i use thunderbird not evolution sorry | 05:03 |
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svfusion | deFrysk, no | 05:03 |
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deFrysk | svfusion, find your hor and vert refreshrates, then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , run the defaults exept for the refreshrates and perhaps screensize and correct them | 05:04 |
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lsuactiafner | svfusion : horizonal and vertical refresh rates. | 05:04 |
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svfusion | thanks | 05:05 |
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sumon | help | 05:05 |
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sumon | so tehre is no way i can play mp3z? | 05:05 |
Maikeru | Yes! | 05:05 |
deFrysk | svfusion, refreshrates are in your monitor-flyer otherwise google for it | 05:05 |
sumon | how? | 05:05 |
Maikeru | I can have more than one app open without lag | 05:05 |
Maikeru | oh my god | 05:05 |
Maikeru | Thank you | 05:05 |
WhyvasLT | np | 05:05 |
boxerboy29 | lol maikeru | 05:05 |
deFrysk | sumon, are you deaf ? | 05:05 |
emanuelez | how do i install azureus without using backports? | 05:06 |
Maikeru | now just to fix the login screen error | 05:06 |
deFrysk | did you read ubotus messages ? | 05:06 |
Tomcat_ | sumon: Install gstreamer0.8-mad | 05:06 |
Maikeru | when gdm boots it brings me to my login screen with a messagebox complaining about an incorrect login dialog setting | 05:06 |
WhyvasLT | Maikeru, did you do all the updates? | 05:06 |
Maikeru | Lemme have it check for updates | 05:06 |
Maikeru | but I'm pretty sure I'm all updated | 05:06 |
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Maikeru | Oh, you mean to the config file? | 05:06 |
sumon | Tomcat : is it like apt-get install ?? | 05:06 |
WhyvasLT | did you enable all the repos | 05:07 |
deFrysk | sumon, read this : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats) | 05:07 |
Maikeru | BTW: during dist-upgrade it complained about lsb, lsb-core, lsb-cxx, postmail (or something like that) | 05:07 |
Maikeru | yeah | 05:07 |
=== keikoz re | ||
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WhyvasLT | and then in synaptics, you did a reload, then a mark all upgrades, then apply? | 05:07 |
emanuelez | azureus anyone? there's nothing about it in the wiki | 05:07 |
Tomcat_ | sumon: Either that or using synaptics. | 05:07 |
Maikeru | I did mine via cmd line | 05:07 |
test34 | Anyone know how to stop firefox 1.5 asking you to Clear Private Data on startup ? | 05:07 |
Tomcat_ | emanuelez: Got Java working already? | 05:07 |
WhyvasLT | try synaptics | 05:07 |
WhyvasLT | now that you can launch it | 05:08 |
WhyvasLT | hehe | 05:08 |
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lorenzod | Hey, launching Evo from command line works fine. | 05:08 |
Maikeru | edited /etc/apt/sources.lst or whatever it is, then apt-get upgrade or w/e, then apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:08 |
kbrooks | !java | 05:08 |
ubotu | hmm... java is to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 05:08 |
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emanuelez | Tomcat_: yup | 05:08 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | has anyone tried dist-upgradeing debian sarge boxes to ubuntu breezy? any major issues? | 05:08 |
gtd | deFrysk: I can log on to yahoo on GAIM, but my contacts are still being shown as offline even when I know they are online. | 05:08 |
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Tomcat_ | emanuelez: Then just download the Azureus Linux package, unpack it whereever you want, and call azureus.sh in there. | 05:09 |
deFrysk | gtd, well works fine here perhaps you have to refresh their info ? | 05:09 |
emanuelez | ok... thx | 05:09 |
Maikeru | oh god | 05:09 |
Maikeru | The following problems were found on your system: | 05:09 |
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Maikeru | (lemme go pastebin it) | 05:09 |
Gabriel | Hello, I'm looking for a soft (/w gui) to convert wma to mp3... any idea? | 05:09 |
gtd | deFrysk: how do you refresh+ | 05:09 |
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WhyvasLT | how do i install a .deb file again?? | 05:09 |
icewt | dpkg -i *.deb | 05:09 |
deFrysk | gtd, open the info on your friends list ? | 05:09 |
fek | dpkg -i .deb | 05:10 |
El_Che | WhyvasLT: dpkg -i file.de | 05:10 |
El_Che | b | 05:10 |
Maikeru | dpkg -i <name>.deb | 05:10 |
WhyvasLT | thanks | 05:10 |
deFrysk | sudo ;p | 05:10 |
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Maikeru | http://pastebin.com/387125 | 05:10 |
lsuactiafner | Gabriel : saw a program the other day to do it.. will see if i can find it | 05:10 |
Maikeru | that's the error from synaptic | 05:10 |
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Gabriel | lsuactiafner, thanks | 05:11 |
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deFrysk | Maikeru, put sources.list in pastebin | 05:11 |
boxerboy29 | i thought you can only upgrade debian with debian sarge to etch | 05:11 |
dreameen | hi folks | 05:11 |
El_Che | how is the status of networkmanager in breezy? | 05:11 |
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Maikeru | ok | 05:11 |
erisco | what are some popular (and good) free ftp clients for linux? something i can get with apt-get? | 05:11 |
Maikeru | one minute please | 05:11 |
dreameen | can someone help me with setting up samba? | 05:11 |
WhyvasLT | erisco, gftp | 05:11 |
zetor | hi all! | 05:11 |
El_Che | erisco: gftp | 05:11 |
erisco | i used filezilla on windows, it was good | 05:12 |
gmjonker | hi all - how do i start a program from the prompt without 'leaving' the terminal? | 05:12 |
El_Che | erisco: command line: ncftp | 05:12 |
El_Che | leaving? | 05:12 |
Maikeru | http://pastebin.com/387128 | 05:12 |
gmjonker | i mean, so that i can continue to work in the terminal | 05:12 |
erisco | the command line is ncftp? | 05:12 |
deFrysk | erisco, gftp | 05:12 |
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erisco | alright | 05:12 |
Tomcat_ | gmjonker: What do you mean, leaving? | 05:12 |
erisco | yeah i am getting gftp right now | 05:12 |
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lsuactiafner | erisco : i prefer ncftp | 05:13 |
Tomcat_ | gmjonker: So it starts in the background and you can go on typing? | 05:13 |
kbrooks | gmjonker: & | 05:13 |
gmjonker | tomcat: yes | 05:13 |
deFrysk | erisco, gftp is not copmmandline | 05:13 |
kbrooks | foobar & | 05:13 |
Tomcat_ | gmjonker: <cmd> & | 05:13 |
gmjonker | aha... | 05:13 |
erisco | yeah i get it | 05:13 |
gmjonker | thanks guys | 05:13 |
kbrooks | Tomcat_: lag? ;) | 05:13 |
erisco | ncfpt and gfpt are different | 05:13 |
Maikeru | if you want cmd line just use ftp, like I do :) | 05:13 |
goh | May I know how I can direct synaptic to look for the hoary cd for updates in my cdrw drv? Cos It looks for it in my cdrom drv, which is faulty | 05:13 |
Tomcat_ | kbrooks: Nah, slow brain today ;) | 05:13 |
erisco | i will use gftp... what is the better with ncftp? | 05:13 |
Maikeru | I only use gftp if I'm many files | 05:13 |
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Maikeru | I'm copying many* | 05:13 |
Maikeru | sorry | 05:14 |
spindley | gftp is terrible | 05:14 |
spindley | very unstable | 05:14 |
dreameen | i need to set up 2 folders : one with paswordless access(public) and the other one with user, pass authentication | 05:14 |
Maikeru | deFrysk, http://pastebin.com/387128 | 05:14 |
Maikeru | spindley, I've never had a problem with it | 05:14 |
Maikeru | though I don't have room to talk since I don't use it | 05:14 |
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Maikeru | I prefer command line | 05:14 |
icewt | luckily there's filezilla3 | 05:14 |
deFrysk | Maikeru, put sources.list seems fine , if it does not take try changing http to ftp | 05:14 |
erisco | well i will keep ncftp in mind if i find gftp bad | 05:14 |
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spindley | i use command line, or filezilla | 05:14 |
Tomcat_ | goh: If you are experienced enough, see "man apt-cdrom" | 05:14 |
Maikeru | I've used it 5 times at most | 05:14 |
lsuactiafner | Gabriel : no idea | 05:15 |
spindley | icewt, yeah, it's a good client | 05:15 |
Tomcat_ | goh: With apt-cdrom, you can add CDs and CD drives to synaptics. | 05:15 |
Gabriel | lsuactiafner, np | 05:15 |
logan001101 | ~/quit | 05:15 |
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goh | Tomcat_: tks for the tip! Let me read it 1st | 05:16 |
hardbard | greetings all | 05:16 |
erisco | okay | 05:16 |
erisco | i must say gftp is a bit different | 05:16 |
erisco | let me try ncftp to compare | 05:16 |
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deFrysk | N6REJ, your caps work fine too I see | 05:17 |
erisco | oh dam ncftp is command? | 05:17 |
Tomcat_ | goh: It should be as easy as "sudo apt-cdrom -d=<cdrwmountpoint> add" while the CD is in the drive... | 05:17 |
N6REJ | any wiki maintainers here? | 05:17 |
erisco | that doesn't help much =p | 05:17 |
Tomcat_ | goh: You'll have to delete the old location (faulty cd drive) in synaptics => repositories though | 05:17 |
AtomAnt | hello guys! i'm very new to linux and i'm having a hard time connecting to the internet. i have a winmodem and it's already installed. my problem is: the password my ISP gave me is just "blank", "nothing"! and the dialer won't accept it | 05:17 |
lorenzod | erisco, yes | 05:17 |
Maikeru | deFrysk, thanks, that fixed it | 05:17 |
erisco | alright new question, how can i completely remove a program without synaptic? | 05:17 |
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lorenzod | ncftp is a command-line ftp program and a set of utils. | 05:17 |
Maikeru | yay, new updates available | 05:17 |
deFrysk | Maikeru, good stuff :) | 05:17 |
goh | Tomcat_: ok tks! But i'm really new to linux... only got it on my sys a few weeks... so can u teach me hw to find my cdrw mount pt? | 05:18 |
erisco | that would be useful to know | 05:18 |
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N6REJ | I would like to pass on my experience with getting the belkin 54g going so that some other poor soul doesn't have to kill himself trying to get it to work. | 05:18 |
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deFrysk | erisco, apt-get remove --purge | 05:18 |
geneo93 | circuslinux is better | 05:18 |
El_Che | goh: type this in a console: mount | 05:18 |
WhyvasLT | AtomAnt, call your isp and tell them to create a real password | 05:18 |
icewt | lftp is good for command line ftp usage | 05:18 |
lsuactiafner | Gabriel : http://freshmeat.net/projects/audio-convert/ | 05:18 |
Gabriel | lsuactiafner, thanks | 05:19 |
sumon | Tomcat : how can I get synaptics...or whatever you said.. to play mp3z.. | 05:19 |
sumon | i installked the other one... | 05:19 |
Tomcat_ | goh: Best idea is to put in a CD, wait a few seconds, and then check the /media directories with the file manager, to see what mount point is being used. | 05:19 |
avalost | sumon, synaptic does not play mp3's | 05:19 |
RockyBurt | why is it that Get:10 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/restricted Packages always causes me problems in apt ? | 05:19 |
sumon | it gives me error.. | 05:19 |
deFrysk | sumon, have you read the wiki ? | 05:19 |
avalost | look into beep media player or xmms | 05:19 |
Tomcat_ | sumon: What did you install? There are several applications that can play MP3s. | 05:19 |
avalost | or quark | 05:19 |
N6REJ | who should I contact? | 05:19 |
boxerboy29 | sumon:synaptic allows you to find an mp3 player | 05:19 |
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Tomcat_ | RockyBurt: Try reloading again. | 05:19 |
sumon | oh ya? | 05:20 |
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AtomAnt | actually I could connect to the internet using windows. the dialer in windows can accept "blank" as password. | 05:20 |
RockyBurt | Tomcat_: everytime i do an update (sometimes i run it several times) i get an error | 05:20 |
AtomAnt | but thanks anyway. | 05:20 |
sumon | how do I get 1 mp3 player? | 05:20 |
boxerboy29 | if you go throught the list you will see several or do a search for mp3 players | 05:20 |
Tomcat_ | RockyBurt: But net connection is alright? | 05:20 |
RockyBurt | lol, i'm here :) | 05:20 |
avalost | sumon, type "sudao apt-get xmms" | 05:20 |
avalost | err, sudo | 05:20 |
WhyvasLT | AtomAnt, that's great, call your isp and get them to set a password on your account | 05:20 |
Tomcat_ | sumon: If you install gstreamer0.8-mad, most Ubuntu applications should be able to play MP3s... but you can also install xmms or bmp or something. | 05:20 |
Tomcat_ | RockyBurt: Maybe try a different mirror... weird problem. | 05:21 |
Maikeru | oh my god, thank you guys | 05:21 |
Tomcat_ | RockyBurt: I sometimes have that as well, but I just reload and it's okay. | 05:21 |
Maikeru | this is so nice being able to listen to music again | 05:21 |
sumon | inavlid operation xmms | 05:21 |
Skapare | mmm music | 05:21 |
Tomcat_ | muzak \o/ | 05:21 |
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boxerboy29 | sudo apt-get install xmms | 05:21 |
avalost | err, sudosumon: sorry sudo apt-get install xmms | 05:21 |
Maikeru | for a minute I thought about Windows again (though I couldn't if I wanted to, the one XP cd is too scratched and I shot a hole through the other with a softair gun ;>) | 05:21 |
Maikeru | I don't like xmms | 05:22 |
Maikeru | I like rhythm | 05:22 |
avalost | bah, I can't freakin type today' | 05:22 |
Skapare | Maikeru: a bunch of free mp3s on magnatune.com | 05:22 |
Hendric | can someone tell me how to remove other terminals from starting up?? someone here told me before.. | 05:22 |
Maikeru | legal? | 05:22 |
sumon | xmms is already the newest version | 05:22 |
avalost | sumon type xmms& | 05:22 |
Skapare | Maikeru: yes ... their philosophy is to give away slightly downgraded freebies and hope you come back to buy full quality versions or actual CDs of the ones you like | 05:23 |
Skapare | Maikeru: but the downgraded ones are still very good | 05:23 |
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=== Maikeru bookmarks | ||
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Maikeru | anyone know something I can use to tune into shoutcasts? | 05:23 |
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Maikeru | preferrably a plugin for rhythmbox, but not required | 05:23 |
Maikeru | Also, I need to convert apple's m4p to mp3 or some other format under linux | 05:24 |
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Maikeru | so I can actually listen to my 1000+ files of music which all got encoded by apple | 05:24 |
Skapare | Maikeru: I don't have details on that format | 05:24 |
Tomcat_ | Maikeru: Works well for me just with the MP3 plugin... | 05:24 |
Maikeru | (Apple converted them from mp3 to m4p ;/) | 05:24 |
sumon | i donno xmms is there but it doesn't play any music.. I tried to play some mp3z.. | 05:24 |
Maikeru | m4p does? | 05:24 |
sumon | no sound.. | 05:24 |
mvhenten | Hello, I was here a few hours ago, but needed to go. I have a problem with removing gcc--4 base package using synaptic.... | 05:24 |
geneo93 | Maikeru: yuo can play them in linux | 05:25 |
Jedrick | how can i view webcams on gaim? | 05:25 |
Tomcat_ | sumon: Sounds like you got a bigger problem... is your sound card working? | 05:25 |
Maikeru | oh | 05:25 |
Maikeru | nice | 05:25 |
Maikeru | Makes me even happier | 05:25 |
Hendric | Jedrick, you can't... | 05:25 |
Tomcat_ | Maikeru: Just go to the radio tab and put in the shoutcast streams... :o | 05:25 |
avalost | sumon, make sure you select the right driver | 05:25 |
Hendric | Jedrick, no gaim-vv only | 05:25 |
Skapare | Maikeru: so it really works? cool | 05:25 |
sumon | Tomcat : probably its my sound card... | 05:25 |
Maikeru | Tomcat_, oh | 05:25 |
boxerboy29 | jedrick i dont think gaim supports webcams | 05:25 |
Hendric | *on | 05:25 |
sumon | can you help plz? | 05:25 |
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mvhenten | If I try to remove the gcc base, it says I have to remove practically all of ubuntu.... | 05:25 |
Jedrick | ye i already have gaim-vv | 05:25 |
icewt | sumon, do you have libmad0 installed? | 05:25 |
avalost | sumon, what driver are you using oss, alsa? | 05:25 |
Jedrick | someone said install gaim to view webcams | 05:25 |
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Jedrick | but i install gaim-vv still it dont have | 05:25 |
AtomAnt | the ISP and my phone company is the same. they have this account for anyone who'd like to use the internet feature that comes with the phone. so i'm not sure if they can actually change the password just for me. | 05:25 |
Skapare | mvhenten: why are you removing it? | 05:26 |
Hendric | Jedrick, gaim-vv is gaim with webcam support | 05:26 |
mvhenten | I want to downgrade to gcc 3.4 | 05:26 |
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Hendric | Jedrick, but you can only view cams from people on your friends list. | 05:26 |
Maikeru | http://pastebin.com/387139 | 05:26 |
Jedrick | so wheres the webcam options | 05:26 |
Jedrick | i dont see any | 05:26 |
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Skapare | AtomAnt: is it not you own account? just some public account? | 05:26 |
sumon | how can I check what I have Installed? | 05:26 |
Maikeru | Error from the update manager | 05:26 |
Maikeru | sumon, synaptic | 05:26 |
Maikeru | Shows just 'bout everything installed | 05:26 |
sumon | how can I get synaptic | 05:26 |
mvhenten | The thing is, there's no gcc left on my system at all | 05:26 |
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icewt | sumon, try: sudo apt-get install libmad0 | 05:26 |
mlopes | hi.. I have a machine where one user can authenticate through PAM -> /etc/shadow.. while other can't.. any ideas why? | 05:26 |
Maikeru | if you use ubuntu you should have it | 05:27 |
Maikeru | go to System > Administration > Synaptic | 05:27 |
avalost | sumon, look in the preferences dialogue of xmms | 05:27 |
Hendric | Jedrick, no options.. just right click a buddy and "view webcam" | 05:27 |
mvhenten | everytime I try to install 3.4 it allows me to do so in synaptic, goes trough all the movements, but... no gcc installed | 05:27 |
avalost | check for output plugins and see whats selected | 05:27 |
Skapare | mvhenten: do you have the space for both gcc 4 and gcc 3 ? | 05:27 |
mvhenten | no | 05:27 |
Jedrick | yes i found it | 05:27 |
mvhenten | well, | 05:27 |
Jedrick | thnx | 05:27 |
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mvhenten | I want gcc 3.4 to be my default, that's all | 05:27 |
sumon | libmad0 is already the newest version | 05:27 |
huhmz | is there a package for win32codecs for mplayer? | 05:27 |
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mvhenten | it's not very practical to have 2 versions of gcc on the system when you only use one of them! | 05:27 |
stefan_ | #linuxpate | 05:28 |
svfusion | the apt-get for java is broken | 05:28 |
svfusion | any ideas? | 05:28 |
avalost | mvhenten, try sudo updatedb then find the path to gcc 3.4 | 05:28 |
icewt | sumon, ok | 05:28 |
AtomAnt | it's a public account. | 05:28 |
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Skapare | mvhenten: I'm totally new to ubuntu so I don't know its general dependencies ... I can't imagine too many other packages being dependent on gcc or specifically version 4 | 05:28 |
Maikeru | http://pastebin.com/387139 < that's the error update mgr gave me, also the same error apt-get dist-upgrade gave me...it's the last thing I have to upgrade | 05:28 |
=== sn0n [n=sn0n@c-24-4-50-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mvhenten | what is updatedb? | 05:28 |
sn0n | http://sn0n.com/blog.php?entry=/General/1128779127.txt w00t w00t | 05:28 |
ubuntu_ | hhhh | 05:28 |
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mvhenten | no, me neither | 05:28 |
sn0n | mvhenten, it updates the 'locate' database | 05:28 |
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avalost | mvhenten, it's your slocate database | 05:28 |
mvhenten | there was no gcc initially | 05:28 |
Skapare | mvhenten: updatedb updates the locate/find database | 05:28 |
mvhenten | ok, never used debian before | 05:29 |
sumon | icewt : what to do? | 05:29 |
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icewt | sumon, killall esd | 05:29 |
avalost | updatedb is critical in any linux system | 05:29 |
sn0n | mvhenten, thats standard linux , not just deb | 05:29 |
mvhenten | bash: gcc: command not found | 05:29 |
Skapare | avalost: if you want to use generic find or locate | 05:29 |
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mvhenten | I don't know. run slack for years, never used it ;) | 05:29 |
sn0n | mvhenten, apt-get build-essential | 05:29 |
sn0n | mvhenten, apt-get install build-essential | 05:29 |
avalost | Skapare? | 05:29 |
mvhenten | sn0n, no it'll get me back to nothing and I'm stuck to gcc 4.2 | 05:30 |
mvhenten | I want gcc 3.4 | 05:30 |
=== Skapare is still a slackware user ... but is looking at ubuntu for the office machines at work | ||
sn0n | mvhenten, apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 05:30 |
avalost | mvhenten, you've been living a sheltered lif e;P | 05:30 |
sumon | icewt : then? | 05:30 |
stefan_ | gibt es hier einen Deutschsprachigen raum | 05:30 |
icewt | sumon, does it work now? | 05:30 |
mvhenten | avalost, how come ;) what you mean? | 05:30 |
Skapare | avalost: updatedb is not critical for the system ... just for the find/locate programs | 05:30 |
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mvhenten | not even for find | 05:30 |
mvhenten | only for locate | 05:30 |
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mvhenten | I don't think slack has locate | 05:31 |
avalost | Skapare, it's critical to anyone who wants to find stuff easily | 05:31 |
sumon | its acting crazy now | 05:31 |
eth42 | Can someone reproduce the following bug in OO Calc? Write 2 lines in a text editor, select both lines, copy (Ctrl-C), paste (Ctrl-V) into a new Calc sheet, press OK in the "Text Import - [Pasted Data] " dialog. ----> data is pasted but document changed status is not changed and undo is not possible. | 05:31 |
avalost | mvhenten, because you've been missing out on a lot of functionality | 05:31 |
icewt | sumon, in what way? | 05:31 |
PrimoTurbo | How do I edit grub? | 05:31 |
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mvhenten | avalost, oh really, bloathed gnome? | 05:31 |
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jxpx | where can i download cedega ?!? | 05:31 |
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PrimoTurbo | I need to modify a few things like the order and time | 05:31 |
PrimoTurbo | any ideas? | 05:31 |
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Skapare | mvhenten: it's just part of "find" in slackware | 05:31 |
sumon | i think its skipping the file ... | 05:31 |
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sumon | in xmms | 05:31 |
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mvhenten | this is the first time I'm seeing it work a bit less ass a pain in the ass.. on ubuntu | 05:31 |
avalost | no meaning updatedb / find / locate etc are all important tools | 05:31 |
jxpx | where can i download cedega ?!? | 05:31 |
sumon | but no sound anyways | 05:31 |
Blejdfist | jxpx: transgaming.com | 05:32 |
PrimoTurbo | Can someone pls help me? How would I edit grub? | 05:32 |
mvhenten | and that's because the developers of ubuntu have done a lot to polish the system, kudos! | 05:32 |
avalost | jxpx, you have to buy cedega | 05:32 |
icewt | sumon, hm.. and you are trying to play an mp3 file, right? | 05:32 |
mez__ | PrimoTurbo: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:32 |
mvhenten | PrimoTurbo, there is a file in your /boot/ dir | 05:32 |
jxpx | :S , but i want to crack the program or something special | 05:32 |
sumon | yes | 05:32 |
avalost | jxpx, you won't | 05:32 |
jxpx | avalost how can i run the program without buyinf it | 05:32 |
goh_ | Tomcat_: i got disconnected juz now, sorry. I typed in this "sudo apt-cdrom -d=<cdrwmountpoint> add" , but the cdrom was mounted , then unmounted | 05:32 |
avalost | you can't | 05:32 |
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jxpx | and how can i emule a game then ,? | 05:33 |
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rubem | hi there | 05:33 |
mez__ | PrimoTurbo: the file is quite well commented, should be able to figure it out fairly easily | 05:33 |
Skapare | avalost: by removing those tools, you lose the function of those tools, but virtually all the rest of the system doesn't need them ... of course they are great tools everyone should have | 05:33 |
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PrimoTurbo | okay | 05:33 |
rubem | how do i install a .diff file (patch) | 05:33 |
rubem | ? | 05:33 |
PrimoTurbo | I edited it and saved it but changes don't take effect | 05:33 |
svfusion | the apt-get for java is broken | 05:33 |
icewt | sumon, do you have any oggs or something to try? | 05:33 |
jxpx | ho can i play coutner strike in ubuntu? | 05:33 |
PrimoTurbo | any idea why not? | 05:33 |
avalost | Skapare, yes they are, which is why mvhenten has been missing out | 05:33 |
jxpx | how can i play coutner strike in ubuntu? | 05:33 |
sumon | nope | 05:33 |
rubem | svfusion: java.sun.com :) | 05:33 |
sumon | i don have any oggs | 05:33 |
svfusion | chill out dude just buy it | 05:33 |
svfusion | manually install it? | 05:34 |
svfusion | lol | 05:34 |
rubem | svfusion it's easy | 05:34 |
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mez__ | PrimoTurbo: what did you change, and did you reboot? | 05:34 |
Skapare | svfusion: why do you want java? | 05:34 |
mvhenten | whell... I dont' feel like I missed anything | 05:34 |
PrimoTurbo | yes I rebooted | 05:34 |
xophEr | Is wine already working in breezy? | 05:34 |
PrimoTurbo | I changed the order and the time | 05:34 |
rubem | Skapare :( | 05:34 |
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rubem | Skapare Java rulez | 05:34 |
mvhenten | I feel like missing something when I sit behind a windows desktop | 05:34 |
svfusion | because Java is needed for many websites | 05:34 |
mvhenten | a decent console. | 05:34 |
nemopaice | can anyone tell me how I can copy a cd to a folder | 05:34 |
icewt | sumon, well, try to get one there http://www.machinaesupremacy.com/downloads.htm , and restart xmms before testing | 05:34 |
PrimoTurbo | I went from 10 sec to 5 sec however grub didn't change at all | 05:34 |
sumon | icewt : how can you change your font color here? | 05:34 |
sn0n | mvhenten, nothings wrong with 'cmd' if you know how to use it ;-0 | 05:34 |
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mez__ | Primo: as root? | 05:35 |
PrimoTurbo | i still have all the old order and timing | 05:35 |
mvhenten | find is really for sloppy people who don't know where they put it | 05:35 |
avalost | I use windows for one reason only: delta force black hawk down | 05:35 |
icewt | sumon, so we know if it's mp3-specific issue or not | 05:35 |
PrimoTurbo | yes | 05:35 |
mvhenten | oh, please, cmd | 05:35 |
PrimoTurbo | as root | 05:35 |
rubem | anyone know how to install a .diff FILE???? | 05:35 |
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mez__ | hmmmm | 05:35 |
Skapare | svfusion: ah ... to some extent ... I leave java out and surf just fine | 05:35 |
PrimoTurbo | i did sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:35 |
rubem | Seveas????? | 05:35 |
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mvhenten | can it launch background processes? | 05:35 |
mvhenten | nope | 05:35 |
iafd | cmd isn't as flexible as bashand so on, though, surely? | 05:35 |
sn0n | mvhenten, dont oh plz me, you were just askin about the purpose of updatedb.. ;- | 05:35 |
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sn0n | and actually.. it can.. | 05:35 |
sumon | icewt , what should i install from there? | 05:35 |
mez__ | Primo: sounds like you're doing the right thing... can't check as I'm not on Linux at the moment | 05:35 |
mvhenten | cmd is a disk operating system. it can format your floppy drives. don't do anything else with it | 05:35 |
icewt | sumon, if you are using xchat and somebody mentions your nickname, the line turns red, if that's what you mean ;) | 05:36 |
rubem | hum, no one know how to install a patch (.diff)??????? | 05:36 |
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icewt | sumon, just download one of the oggs | 05:36 |
dreameen | samba: | 05:36 |
dreameen | Depends: samba-common (=3.0.10-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.14a-3ubuntu3~5.04ubp1 is to be installed | 05:36 |
avalost | rubem, google | 05:36 |
dreameen | help... | 05:36 |
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sn0n | mvhenten, WTF are you talking about.. | 05:36 |
rubem | avalost it returns only about diff command | 05:36 |
WhyvasLT | someone say my nick please | 05:36 |
sn0n | WhyvasLT, | 05:36 |
WhyvasLT | thanks | 05:36 |
Skapare | mvhenten: if you want to use a tool to quickly locate specific files in the file tree, either called "find" (slackware) or "locate" (others) then you need updatedb (on most) to update the database it looks in | 05:36 |
AtomAnt | it's a public account. | 05:36 |
ubuntu_ | c quoi le chan francais ?? | 05:37 |
ubuntu_ | ubuntu-fr ?? | 05:37 |
dreameen | i cant install samba because of the above problem | 05:37 |
Skapare | mvhenten: and cron schedule updatedb to run (should by default) daily | 05:37 |
nemopaice | How can I copy fy audio cd to my HD | 05:37 |
sn0n | ubuntu_, yes | 05:37 |
sumon | icewt , is there anyway to test system sound? | 05:37 |
nemopaice | *my | 05:37 |
avalost | a lot of new linux users are getting spoiled by things like Kat and beagle nowadays :p | 05:37 |
Skapare | mvhenten: update runs in 1 to 10 minutes (depending on how many files you have) each day to index | 05:37 |
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Seveas | ubuntu_, /join #ubuntu-fr | 05:37 |
Shin_Gouki | nalioth, i wrote m first shell scirpt for "auto"-mouhnting my usb stick :D | 05:37 |
ubuntu_ | thanks | 05:37 |
sn0n | avalost, yeah.. i agree | 05:37 |
ubuntu_ | :) | 05:37 |
mvhenten | Skapare, yes, well, er, I think it just runs ok | 05:37 |
topyli | heh. i just tried out the official matrox binary driver and X slowed down to a crawl. the free driver in X works just fine | 05:37 |
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mvhenten | and I don't really think about it | 05:37 |
mvhenten | or rely on it | 05:37 |
JDahl | nemopaice, soundjuicer can rip CDs | 05:38 |
rubem | Seveas... dont you know how to install a .diff file??? | 05:38 |
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gtd | does anybody use a jabber account in Gaim? | 05:38 |
nemopaice | OK cool TY | 05:38 |
Seveas | rubem, you cannot install a .diff, you apply it to the sourcecode and then recompile... | 05:38 |
Skapare | mvhenten: leave it be then ... when you discover the locate command, you'll realize the importance then | 05:38 |
rubem | Seveas, hum,,, | 05:38 |
topyli | gtd: if google talk counts, then yes | 05:38 |
dreameen | noobies:> | 05:38 |
icewt | sumon, system -> preferences -> sound -> system events - however, i'm not sure, but it's possible that those depend on esd, which you just killed ;) | 05:38 |
avalost | boobies? | 05:38 |
mvhenten | erm, well, are you sure find uses updateb? | 05:38 |
fredforfaen | boobies? | 05:38 |
WhyvasLT | test | 05:38 |
rubem | http://directxwine.sourceforge.net/ - anyone had used it??? | 05:39 |
avalost | mvhenten, positively positive | 05:39 |
rubem | Seveas, thanks... | 05:39 |
avalost | mvhenten, which is also probably why you can't run ggc3.4 when you have 4 installed | 05:39 |
erisco | omg gftp is a piece of crap | 05:39 |
erisco | reminds me of windows | 05:39 |
xophEr | Why do I get that wine is not installable? | 05:39 |
erisco | can't do anythng but crash | 05:39 |
jxpx | how can i assiggn a bot to my chanel? | 05:39 |
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gtd | topyli: what's the relationship between GoogleTalk and jabber? | 05:39 |
avalost | gftp is good for a gui ftp client | 05:39 |
erisco | are there any other graphic ftp clients? | 05:40 |
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topyli | gtd: google talk uses the jabber protocol | 05:40 |
erisco | i had no luck with gftp | 05:40 |
erisco | it keeps crashing | 05:40 |
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lucaas | avalost, it crashes lots for lots of people | 05:40 |
avalost | update it | 05:40 |
erisco | update it | 05:40 |
erisco | what do you mean by that | 05:40 |
mvhenten | avalost, | 05:40 |
avalost | lucaas, i've had one crash with it since installing breezy a month or two ago | 05:40 |
mvhenten | no it was | 05:40 |
JDahl | erisco, isnt there an FPT client in Nautilus? | 05:40 |
mvhenten | because | 05:40 |
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erisco | i used apt-get to get it u know | 05:40 |
topyli | gtd: thank $DEITY they didn't "invent" yet another proprietary protocol :) | 05:40 |
robin | hi, I just installed RC1 and i'm very happy with it, but my resolution is stuck at 1280x1024 while I did select 1920x1200 (which is my native res for TFT). | 05:40 |
lucaas | avalost, im using breezy | 05:40 |
mvhenten | the installer did nog create a symlink to gcc-3.4 | 05:41 |
icewt | erisco, FileZilla3, but it's still in development so use at your own risk http://filezilla-project.org/nightly.php | 05:41 |
lucaas | and my packages are updated | 05:41 |
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mvhenten | updatedb is not sooo importand | 05:41 |
mvhenten | I just read the findutils manual | 05:41 |
gtd | topyli: so you're saying you have google talk account on gaim? | 05:41 |
mvhenten | and find searches trough directories, where locate searches trough a database | 05:41 |
avalost | mvhenten, ok, whatever man, i'm not going to sit here and argue about it with you. You're free to be as ignorant as you like. | 05:41 |
topyli | gtd: yes | 05:41 |
mvhenten | of course, the latter should be far more efficient | 05:41 |
gtd | topyli: how'd you do that? | 05:41 |
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mvhenten | avalost, I totally agree man, I don't care | 05:42 |
mvhenten | but maybe I'm going to disable updatedb on my laptop now to save batteries :) | 05:42 |
avalost | haha | 05:42 |
gtd | topyli: i have a gmail account. Is my username for gmail the same for google talk? If so, what should i do to make it work with gaim? What settings on gaim should i input/change? | 05:42 |
=== avalost adds that to his quote db | ||
topyli | gtd: i followed the instructions on google's talk page :) | 05:42 |
mvhenten | I just did a sudo ln -s gcc-3.4 gcc | 05:42 |
rawiramdhan | I set up my samba server, but when I try to connect from a windows I fill in my username en pw but nothing happends:S | 05:42 |
mvhenten | hahaha | 05:42 |
gtd | topyli: thanks. | 05:42 |
topyli | gtd: hold on, i'll look the page up for you | 05:42 |
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topyli | gtd: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=24073 | 05:43 |
erisco | if i use ncftp, where do i find the terminal commands? and i hear it cannot handle large amounts of files | 05:43 |
PrimoTurbo | how do I run a .run file? | 05:43 |
icewt | sh *.run | 05:43 |
PrimoTurbo | thnx | 05:43 |
mvhenten | avalost, I find being on this ubuntu machine gives some sense of 'fun' | 05:43 |
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boxerboy29 | that gaim smiliy add on sucks aim cant see the faces that are there :( | 05:43 |
mvhenten | i mean, I can really just point and click stuff | 05:43 |
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gtd | topyli: thanks. | 05:43 |
mvhenten | it's so cool ! | 05:43 |
mvhenten | :) | 05:43 |
rawiramdhan | I set up my samba server, but when I try to connect from a windows I fill in my username en pw but nothing happends:S | 05:44 |
topyli | gtd: happy chatting! | 05:44 |
lucaas | erisco, you could try lftp, it should be installed on your system i think | 05:44 |
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avalost | I think you all should install e17 | 05:44 |
mvhenten | yug | 05:44 |
w-mute | Hi, folks. I've a weird font in gnucash and ripperx (http://www.code-fu.de/strange-font.jpg). Any idea how to fix that? | 05:44 |
lucaas | xfce is teh shit | 05:44 |
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dreameen | e17 sux balls | 05:44 |
mvhenten | I think it's time for a update of windowmaker | 05:44 |
sumon | icewt, yeaaaa it works with oggs | 05:44 |
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erisco | full help yay | 05:44 |
kbrooks | !e17 | 05:44 |
dreameen | j/k | 05:44 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, e17 is the next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or http://www.rasterman.com, http://www.get-e.org or http://www.edevelop.org Install HOWTO at: http://www.gawth.org/?id=lin | 05:45 |
boxerboy29 | what is e17? | 05:45 |
mvhenten | I like the concept, it just needs to be a but more modern | 05:45 |
boxerboy29 | oh ok nm | 05:45 |
mvhenten | e17 is a | 05:45 |
icewt | sumon, ok, so the problem is with mp3, unless it works now too(?) | 05:45 |
mvhenten | totally overestimated | 05:45 |
mbruemmer | where can i get vlc for breezy?? or find some useful backports | 05:45 |
mvhenten | o, wat you call it. | 05:45 |
topyli | boxerboy29: it's the development version of enlightenment | 05:45 |
mvhenten | totally over-over-done windowmanager | 05:45 |
PrimoTurbo | I'm trying to extract the 1.32 point release for linux (quake 3) I get Signal caught, cleaning up | 05:45 |
PrimoTurbo | and it says extraction failed? | 05:45 |
boxerboy29 | yeah i just read what the bot posted ty tho | 05:45 |
PrimoTurbo | any idea | 05:45 |
lucaas | mbruemmer, install it using synaptic/ apt-get | 05:45 |
lucaas | its in universe i think | 05:46 |
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boxerboy29 | i like enlightment | 05:46 |
topyli | mvhenten: i didn't fall in love with it either. i used to be a big E fan in the past | 05:46 |
mbruemmer | there is no port | 05:46 |
rawiramdhan | I set up my samba server, but when I try to connect from a windows I fill in my username en pw but nothing happends:S | 05:46 |
Mercutio | hey can anyone one help me out ?? | 05:46 |
mbruemmer | lucaas: there is no port | 05:46 |
gtd | topyli: for some reason I get a "stream error" after I click log-on. | 05:46 |
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dreameen | isnt gnome all you need?... | 05:46 |
boxerboy29 | gnome is all i have lol | 05:47 |
topyli | gtd: strange. works fine for me | 05:47 |
mbruemmer | lucaas: i have edited backports , but breezy will not work | 05:47 |
sumon | icewt , Nope it doesn't play mp3z.. | 05:47 |
lucaas | mbruemmer, no port? | 05:47 |
sumon | it onlyplays oggs... | 05:47 |
mbruemmer | only the main | 05:47 |
rawiramdhan | Ion3 owns:) | 05:47 |
topyli | gtd: standard reply: please double-check your configuration :) | 05:47 |
Mercutio | anyone know how I can fix my display? | 05:47 |
rawiramdhan | Mercutio: whats wron with your display:S | 05:47 |
lucaas | mbruemmer, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&subword=1&version=breezy&release=all&keywords=vlc&sourceid=mozilla-search | 05:47 |
gtd | topyli: yes, i just double-checked. I typed in gmail.ORG rather than .com | 05:47 |
PrimoTurbo | What do I do with a .run file? When i double click on it gedit tries to open it | 05:48 |
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PrimoTurbo | How do I open it? | 05:48 |
topyli | gtd: =) | 05:48 |
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mbruemmer | lucaas:thx | 05:48 |
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lucaas | np | 05:48 |
rawiramdhan | Mercutio: whats wron with your display:S | 05:48 |
rawiramdhan | I set up my samba server, but when I try to connect from a windows I fill in my username en pw but nothing happends:S | 05:48 |
Mercutio | raw: I just built this comp and loaded Ubuntu but there are lines and the colours are messed up | 05:48 |
w-mute | gtd: "Getting Things Done"? | 05:48 |
dreameen | anyway, everyone here loves gnome since its ubuntu channel | 05:48 |
avalost | i'm tired ;/ | 05:48 |
gtd | w-mute: yes. I've just got the books. | 05:48 |
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w-mute | gtd: have fun. It rocks. | 05:48 |
gtd | w-mute: just started reading the firt pages. | 05:48 |
PrimoTurbo | Can someone please tell me how to open a .run file? | 05:48 |
rawiramdhan | Mercutio: mayb wron display drivers ore sync lines? | 05:48 |
robin | jsubl2: (II) NV(0): Mode "1920x1200" is larger than BIOS programmed panel size of 1280 x 1024. Removing. | 05:49 |
PrimoTurbo | I tried sh *.run but I get an error | 05:49 |
Seveas | PrimoTurbo, you execute it | 05:49 |
PrimoTurbo | Uncompressing Quake III Arena Point Release 1.32b ...............................................................................Extraction failed. | 05:49 |
Seveas | chmod +x filename.run | 05:49 |
PrimoTurbo | how do I execute it? | 05:49 |
Seveas | ./filename.run | 05:49 |
Mercutio | I'm sure its drivers, but I don't know where to get them for a linux based system | 05:49 |
dreameen | nautilus is sh** slow when it comes to opening folders with a lot files inside | 05:49 |
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N6REJ | harbard: you here son? | 05:49 |
PrimoTurbo | bash: ./linuxq3apoint-1.32b.x86.run: Permission denied | 05:50 |
gtd | w-mute: i understand that David ALlen's strategy as laid out in the books are using paper technology. I gotta figure out if going back to paper is helpful for me, or whether I can do something with my year 2000 Pocket PC, or whether I shoudl buy a new PDA, or whethere some websites can do things the GTD way. | 05:50 |
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boxerboy29 | who was i posed to give the flooders ip to? | 05:50 |
lsuactiafner | PrimoTurbo : look into icculus.org/quake3 | 05:50 |
hardbard | N6REJ: ya wats up | 05:50 |
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Mercutio | should I be able to use the drivers that came with even though they are for windows? | 05:50 |
lsuactiafner | PrimoTurbo : http://www.icculus.org/quake3 | 05:50 |
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w-mute | gtd: No. Allen explicitly says that his idea works on paper AND PDA (in fact, he's using a Palm for it). I love my Palm even more since I use the Allen method. | 05:50 |
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N6REJ | hey guys we have a VIRGIN!!, my 13 yr old son is making his first appearance on *nix and IRC! | 05:51 |
N6REJ | Say hello to Hardbard | 05:51 |
gtd | topyli: how do you use your googletalk/jabber account? Aren't most people in the world using aim, icq, or msn messenger? I just thought of adding it on my gaim for NO reason. | 05:51 |
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PrimoTurbo | Requires compiling | 05:51 |
mvhenten | guys, I like ubuntu somehow | 05:51 |
gtd | w-mute: do you have any special software on your pda? | 05:51 |
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PrimoTurbo | I'm following this atm | 05:51 |
PrimoTurbo | http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ch03s05.html | 05:51 |
PrimoTurbo | but I cannot open the .run file for some reason | 05:51 |
PrimoTurbo | any ideas? | 05:51 |
mvhenten | how can I make an ubuntu package of some program that I have as source on my disk? | 05:52 |
topyli | gtd: we use it at work with a few colleagues. it's pretty useless though, we mostly do irc | 05:52 |
N6REJ | bob2: I got the nic running | 05:52 |
topyli | gtd: like you, we just set it up "because we can" ;-) | 05:52 |
boxerboy29 | i use aim but im trying to get ppl from aim to move to irc less bs on irc | 05:52 |
gtd | topyli: i wish google in the future will allow free PC-to-regular-phone calls | 05:53 |
w-mute | gtd: No. You can use ToDo for your lists (like Next Actions and stuff), the Calendar and the MemoPad for your checklists. Once you got the idea how to use these apps everything is good. There are some features, though, that I miss in Calendar. But they are few. | 05:53 |
mlopes | which password crypt algorithm does ubuntu hoary use by default? | 05:53 |
icewt | sumon, private - in case you didn't notice | 05:53 |
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Mercutio | anyone mind me pming for help? | 05:53 |
avalost | ubotu, findutils user manual is at http://www.gnu.org/software/findutils/manual/html_mono/find.html | 05:53 |
ubotu | okay, avalost | 05:53 |
santium | what mail server does ubuntu use? | 05:53 |
JDahl | mvhenten, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ | 05:53 |
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topyli | gtd: i wouldn't mind making free international calls | 05:53 |
gtd | w-mute: when you say "calendar", do you mean palm's datebook? | 05:53 |
w-mute | gtd: yes, the built-in datebook. | 05:53 |
rawiramdhan | When I try to move something to windows mounted drive it says: Failed to preserve ownershop .. operation not permitterd.. What do I need to do | 05:54 |
dreameen | are you guys absolutely convinced that average joe user can use ubuntu without probs? the comapany i working in is considering a switch to linux from win xp | 05:54 |
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gtd | topyli: I hope google will enter the VOIP market and allow us to make free phone calls (after listening to a unintrusive "text ad" somewhere) | 05:54 |
johnsie2 | Is there a way to install Unbuntu on a computer without damaging the exisiting WinXP file system? (other than using the livecd) | 05:54 |
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w-mute | gtd: don't know why I mixed up the name - I've been using it since 1998. | 05:54 |
Mercutio | well I am the averagae joe and i am haveing problems.... | 05:54 |
Shin_Gouki | if i have an HP deskjet, xsane seems not fining it.. were do i start to look for help? | 05:54 |
gtd | w-mute: may i ask what your career is? | 05:54 |
santium | anyone know? | 05:54 |
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boxerboy29 | im average joe with no problems | 05:54 |
mvhenten | hey, is there a way to install all -dev packages automatically from synaptic? I'm doing them manually but it's a pain. | 05:54 |
w-mute | gtd: long time CS student, now finished and looking for a job. | 05:54 |
Shin_Gouki | if i have an HP scanjet, xsane seems not fining it.. were do i start to look for help? | 05:54 |
gtd | w-mute: how long since you've learned about gtd? | 05:55 |
user_ | scan with hp 5510? possible? how? | 05:55 |
apokryphos | boxerboy29: average joe has many problems ;-) | 05:55 |
kbrooks | dreameen: i'm average joee with zero problems | 05:55 |
anethema | haha ALL -dev? | 05:55 |
gtd | w-mute: how'd you hear about gtd? | 05:55 |
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boxerboy29 | ive had my share of problems | 05:55 |
rawiramdhan | I'f just started using linux with the gui np att all cli(A) worse than bad | 05:55 |
rawiramdhan | When I try to move something to windows mounted drive it says: Failed to preserve ownershop .. operation not permitterd.. What do I need to do | 05:55 |
gtd | w-mute: or to rephrase: how'd you hear about me? | 05:55 |
Mercutio | hey kbrooks think you could help me out?? | 05:55 |
icewt | dreameen, depends on what the average joe is going to do with it | 05:55 |
topyli | gtd: every two minutes, a nice female voice will interrupt the call and say something like, "you seem to be talking about software. now's your chance to get windows xp for only $399" :) | 05:55 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: ask here. | 05:55 |
mvhenten | nm I just found out how to do that | 05:55 |
dreameen | Mercutio, what problems did u have with ubuntU? | 05:55 |
Mercutio | ok is ther read a PM? | 05:56 |
JDahl | dreameen, by know Linux is sol developed that a succesfull switch mainly depends on the willingness to embrace new tools | 05:56 |
JDahl | s/know/now | 05:56 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: do not pm me. ask here | 05:56 |
santium | anyone gonna tell me what mail server ubuntu uses? | 05:56 |
gtd | topyli: i would'nt mind that, if there's a "firefox hack" to do some adblocking. | 05:56 |
Mercutio | oh ok sorry got confused | 05:56 |
Mercutio | I just built this comp | 05:56 |
kbrooks | and? | 05:56 |
Mercutio | loaded Ubuntue | 05:56 |
kbrooks | and? | 05:56 |
dreameen | icewt, mainly using office excel, word, impress, e-mailing, stuff like that | 05:56 |
santium | i need to install it w/ apt-get but i dont know what it is | 05:56 |
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w-mute | gtd: plus long-time over-stressed creative person :-) I heared about it by accident: an advisor at uni gave me a paper he got at a conference. It was about user interfaces in web shops and similar stuff. One example was audible.com. I found the audio-book idea interesting, wanted to give it a try, looked for an interesting book and stumbled across GTD. | 05:56 |
Mercutio | and m display doesn't work properly, and occasionally it will freeze | 05:57 |
boxerboy29 | santium: evolution,thunderbird there are a bunch evolution is default | 05:57 |
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kbrooks | gtd: use the adblock extension | 05:57 |
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santium | thats a mail reader | 05:57 |
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santium | i mean mail SERVER | 05:57 |
icewt | dreameen, well, i don't think using those is much different from windows. except that the programs are not the same. | 05:57 |
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santium | boxerboy29: i need the server. not reader | 05:57 |
lsuactiafner | noscript rocks also | 05:57 |
boxerboy29 | i saw | 05:57 |
gtd | kbrooks: topyli and i were joking about the idea of google offering free voice calls over the internet and their having "text ads" during the conversation. | 05:57 |
JDahl | dreameen, the main problem will be people who demands that their email program is 100% clone of Outlook, etc. | 05:57 |
boxerboy29 | not one that comes to mind try synaptic i think i saw a few in there | 05:58 |
w-mute | gtd: so first it was more like an act of procrastination (I've been writing my thesis back then ...). | 05:58 |
gtd | w-mute: procrastinating by reading me. | 05:58 |
dreameen | yea, im afraid they wont be able to use linux tools just because of different look | 05:58 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: so you installed ubuntu | 05:58 |
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Mercutio | yes | 05:58 |
w-mute | gtd: more like procrastinating by reading "Getting Things Done". | 05:58 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: and you logged in | 05:58 |
santium | dreameen: thats what alot of people are afraid of | 05:58 |
Mercutio | yes | 05:58 |
fredforfaen | I cant get amarok to crossfade , any ideas? | 05:58 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: and? | 05:59 |
icewt | dreameen, give them knoppix and tell them to play with it at home ;) | 05:59 |
Mercutio | eeverything loads | 05:59 |
gtd | w-mute: yes, by reading Getting Things done. I was making fun of my handle here. you have the second book "ready for anything" | 05:59 |
Mercutio | but my display is jacked | 05:59 |
gtd | ? | 05:59 |
santium | haha | 05:59 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: jacked? | 05:59 |
kbrooks | messed up? | 05:59 |
Mercutio | and the comp will freee somties when I run a program | 05:59 |
Mercutio | colours are off and there are short lines everywhere | 05:59 |
w-mute | gtd: Never heared of that book. Interesting *searching* | 05:59 |
JDahl | icewt, that's the worst suggestion for introducing casual PC users to Linux I have ever heard... | 06:00 |
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gtd | w-mute: it's puts flesh on the bones of book 1. | 06:00 |
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kbrooks | Mercutio: open up a terminal, type lsb_release -a. What does it say in 'Release:' beside it? | 06:00 |
fredforfaen | anyone? amarok wont crossfade , what to do? | 06:00 |
gtd | book 2 explains in small chapters why book 1's methodology works. | 06:00 |
dreameen | casual pc users have no clu how live cds work | 06:00 |
remyforb1s777 | i have given up trying to install any version of linux on my computer | 06:00 |
Mercutio | how do I open a tty in ubuntu? | 06:00 |
remyforb1s777 | laptop that is | 06:00 |
remyforb1s777 | xorg just will not work | 06:01 |
Mercutio | alt+f whatever | 06:01 |
w-mute | gtd: only "problem" is that in Germany you have all sorts of problems getting these file cabinets and stuff he suggests to use. | 06:01 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: alt+f2 | 06:01 |
gtd | w-mute: is that so? | 06:01 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: type gnome-terminal | 06:01 |
JDahl | dreameen, you need to setup a "typical" configuration for them, and write a short intro. And give them a live demo of how they can do what they need without hazzles | 06:01 |
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kbrooks | Mercutio: press run | 06:02 |
gtd | w-mute: would you need file cabinets if you're using PDA technology+ | 06:02 |
gtd | ? | 06:02 |
w-mute | gtd: you only get these hanging files. Not those without that extra metal. | 06:02 |
fredforfaen | how can i reset amaroks settings...where is the settings stored? | 06:02 |
dreameen | JDahl, thats a good suggestion, thanks for that | 06:02 |
Weems | I am trying to compile xchat 2.4.5 what is xshm tinting and what package do I need to install to enable it? | 06:02 |
gtd | w-mute: in germany, they don't ake plain folders? | 06:02 |
w-mute | gtd: file cabinets come in handy when you want to store stuff that people mail you and that you might want to refer to later. | 06:02 |
=== stefan_ [n=stefan@p548F3D8F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
w-mute | gtd: I only saw hanging files wherever I looked. :-( | 06:02 |
Mercutio | kbrooks: its says 5.10 | 06:02 |
stefan_ | #linuxpaten /join | 06:03 |
dreameen | the thing is, first i need ti convince my boss that everythingll be ok | 06:03 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: so you have breezy. ok. | 06:03 |
boxerboy29 | i never got an update to 2.4.5 for xchat :( | 06:03 |
Mercutio | yep | 06:03 |
Weems | well I want to compile it | 06:03 |
Jedrick | is there a 2.4.5 xchat? | 06:03 |
Weems | and I want to enable everything | 06:03 |
anethema | mine is at 2.4.4 | 06:03 |
boxerboy29 | i didnt think there was | 06:03 |
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Weems | there is | 06:03 |
boxerboy29 | so is mine | 06:03 |
Weems | look at xchat.org | 06:03 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: did you do anything in particular other than load up ubuntu | 06:03 |
Mercutio | nope | 06:03 |
Jedrick | kool | 06:03 |
anethema | stuff takes a while to hit apt | 06:03 |
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gtd | w-mute: i see. I guess one day we will live in a paperless society. Then we won't need file cabinents. We can just scan everything we receive through some high-tech scanner and upload into our hi-powered hi-capacity pda, all tagged and pre-searched for easy retrieval. | 06:04 |
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Mercutio | kbbrooks: its a new vid card | 06:04 |
dreameen | the money that my company is paying for microsoft products is ridiculous | 06:04 |
Jedrick | cant i just get it on apt-get | 06:04 |
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bloodnik | I've installed raconfig for my rt2500 so I get WPA, but it sucks so bad we went back to WEP and now it doesn't work. Any clues? | 06:04 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: *sounds like* you need vid card drivers' | 06:04 |
boxerboy29 | is 2.4.5 in beta form? | 06:04 |
Mercutio | kbbrooks: where can I get them for Ubuntu? | 06:04 |
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dreameen | theyre paying thousands of pounds for something they could get for free.. | 06:05 |
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kbrooks | Mercutio: uh | 06:05 |
DJCobol | hello | 06:05 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: you need to know your video card model | 06:05 |
kbrooks | who made it | 06:05 |
w-mute | gtd: maybe. But paper won't die. It has a user interface too versatile to implement with a computer (tagging, commenting, highlighting, putting stuff between pages ...). | 06:05 |
mvhenten | anyone here installed mplayer? | 06:05 |
Mercutio | I still have the box | 06:05 |
kbrooks | ? | 06:05 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: | 06:05 |
anethema | Mercutio, is it ATI or NVidia | 06:06 |
DJCobol | I need some help getting my wireless card (cisco aironet 350) to work | 06:06 |
Mercutio | ATI | 06:06 |
kbrooks | !ati | 06:06 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 06:06 |
Mercutio | let me go grab it real fast | 06:06 |
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kbrooks | Mercutio: No. | 06:06 |
mlopes | hi.. i have ubuntu hoary.. how can I check out which is the algorithm being used to encrypt passwords in /etc/shadow ? | 06:06 |
kbrooks | Mercutio: read the first link in what ubotu says | 06:06 |
=== dreameen is going for a fag... | ||
Skapare | a fag? | 06:07 |
Mercutio | ok | 06:07 |
thenuke | laf :D | 06:07 |
gtd | w-mute: i'm currently look at http://www.diyplanner.com/. I think i may switch back (or at least add one more "bucket") to paper. That website has all the info needed to create a GTD-compatible paper-based organizer. | 06:07 |
bloodnik | Being British is such fun | 06:07 |
anethema | fancy pants british slag for a cig | 06:07 |
Skapare | those brits are so weird anyway | 06:07 |
anethema | one of their worst items of slag i'd say | 06:07 |
w-mute | gtd: checking .. | 06:07 |
bloodnik | by slag you mean slang | 06:07 |
Skapare | slag? | 06:07 |
boxerboy29 | fag-cig now? | 06:07 |
DJCobol | anyone? | 06:07 |
anethema | yes | 06:07 |
anethema | haha | 06:07 |
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anethema | mistyped it twice | 06:07 |
anethema | hahah | 06:07 |
boxerboy29 | lol this can get bad | 06:08 |
JDahl | boxerboy29, no, it's still a homosexual | 06:08 |
boxerboy29 | ok ty | 06:08 |
Skapare | in the usa, especially in redneck country, "smoking a fag" means something quite different :) | 06:08 |
kbrooks | Uh-oh. | 06:08 |
Skapare | (usually involves a stick of dynamite) | 06:08 |
=== kbrooks debates to self | ||
bloodnik | or a shotgun | 06:08 |
icewt | JDahl, that's of course not a good way to teach them anything. however, knoppix is a good demonstration of what you can do with linux. if i'd ever need to show off linux for somebody (maybe even at his/her comp), i'd definitely use knoppix. but you did notice the ";)" ?-) | 06:08 |
boxerboy29 | btw xchat 2.4.5 has only been tested on fc4 and freebsd if that matters | 06:08 |
=== kbrooks pokes Seveas? | ||
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kbrooks | Seveas: ! | 06:09 |
Skapare | but the brits probably use some other word than "smoking" | 06:09 |
anethema | why do they even test on those distros | 06:09 |
Mercutio | kbrooks: so I just follow the directions on the first posting there? | 06:09 |
anethema | ubuntu is by FAR the most popular distro | 06:09 |
gtd | w-mute: you may find the Hipster PDA (inspired by GTD) of interest. It's at http://www.diyplanner.com/templates/official/hpda | 06:09 |
whp_ | I love u, guys | 06:09 |
Skapare | what distros? | 06:09 |
kbrooks | anethema: so? | 06:09 |
whp_ | LOL | 06:09 |
bloodnik | "smoking" in Britain means nothing other than smoking. | 06:09 |
anethema | so, test on that first | 06:09 |
anethema | most users | 06:09 |
boxerboy29 | i dont know but even the beta is only being tested on fc4 | 06:09 |
w-mute | gtd: actually, I'm a PDA type of guy ... | 06:09 |
kbrooks | anethema: irrevelant | 06:09 |
gtd | whp_: the guys love you too. | 06:09 |
anethema | i dont see how | 06:09 |
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kbrooks | anethema: read: author | 06:10 |
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whp_ | gtd LOL | 06:10 |
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gtd | w-mute: and so am i. | 06:10 |
Skapare | bloodnik: I was hoping they used some term like "blowing" :) | 06:10 |
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b0uncer | damn, dsl won't work all right with Gnome 2.12 :/ | 06:10 |
b0uncer | neither GDM | 06:10 |
anethema | you are the author? | 06:10 |
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fredforfaen | can anyone help me with amarok? | 06:10 |
kbrooks | anethema: No. | 06:10 |
pyronhell | Hi | 06:10 |
anethema | if you want the most ppl to use your app you generally go for the biggest market | 06:10 |
pyronhell | How can I change the bpp? | 06:10 |
b0uncer | I use pppoeconf, get my dsl working, but after reboot I always have to reconfigure pppoe or it won't work :/ | 06:10 |
anethema | fc has much less users than ubuntu | 06:10 |
whp_ | have a nice day, dudes | 06:10 |
whp_ | bye | 06:10 |
b0uncer | and if I log out from Gnome, I can't log back in | 06:10 |
kbrooks | anethema: i'm telling you that the author might only have those distros | 06:10 |
JDahl | icewt, I did notice it, but I still think you under-estimate how much technical know-how it takes to figure out linux on your own | 06:11 |
Mercutio | ok thanks kbrooks | 06:11 |
hablandocontigo | hi, my cable modem had a usb cable that has a protruding collar on the device side. can I cut that protruding collar to fit it with other devices such as a usb scanner? | 06:11 |
anethema | true, but not hard to install a ubuntu box to have for testing | 06:11 |
Mercutio | back in a few I'm sure.... | 06:11 |
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kbrooks | Mercutio: yes you follow them | 06:11 |
anethema | it does have the pretty compelling argument for it | 06:11 |
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Skapare | if I am gonna build a new computer to run ubuntu on, what would be the best video card to get ... I need to be running at a graphical geometry of 1920x1440 in 24 or 32 bit color mode | 06:11 |
anethema | most devs wouldnt just say 'ahh i dont feel like it' but i guess xchat dude isnt selling his product | 06:11 |
fredforfaen | how do i reset the settings in amarok? | 06:12 |
kbrooks | anethema: it | 06:12 |
kbrooks | it's FOSS | 06:12 |
Skapare | that's 1920x1440 at a minimum of 72 Hz | 06:12 |
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anethema | Skapare, some nice shiny new nvidia card | 06:12 |
boxerboy29 | anethema i think its ubuntus dev teams job to test it b4 releasing it on ubuntu | 06:12 |
b0uncer | do you guys use pppoe with Ubuntu's new RC? | 06:12 |
b0uncer | any ideas how to get it work all right..? | 06:12 |
anethema | that is on apt | 06:12 |
Skapare | anethema: and is that easy to get it to work on X as included in Ubuntu? | 06:12 |
anethema | the author can still just make a .deb like any other software | 06:12 |
boxerboy29 | true | 06:13 |
bipolar | does anyone know how to import the gpg key from http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ for apt? | 06:13 |
icewt | JDahl, well, opening the start menu equivalent doesn't require much knowledge. but then again, the user might be accustomed to just press "the blue e" for internet etc. | 06:13 |
Skapare | anethema: having to go to the manufacturer and download anything, especially any kernel module, is ruled out | 06:13 |
kbrooks | what's tee? | 06:13 |
anethema | kernel module? im not following you | 06:13 |
Skapare | kbrooks: echo hi | tee /dev/tty | 06:13 |
anethema | i mean make a box with ubuntu and try deving on that, or at least testing | 06:14 |
anethema | then make a .deb | 06:14 |
kbrooks | Skapare: why does it display twice? | 06:14 |
anethema | submit it to ubuntu dudes | 06:14 |
anethema | etc | 06:14 |
JDahl | icewt, yeah... something like that. If we're talking office workers who are migrating to linux because their nerdy sysadmin think they can save money, then they're not going to read "Linux in a nutshell" in their spare time | 06:14 |
kbrooks | anethema: making a .deb is a bit ... | 06:14 |
Skapare | kbrooks: tee output everything it reads from stdin to BOTH stdout AND the file given | 06:14 |
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kbrooks | hard | 06:15 |
anethema | ah | 06:15 |
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kbrooks | "hard" to be exact | 06:15 |
anethema | ive only made one once, and that was with the ubuntu source of something that was already a deb | 06:15 |
anethema | haha | 06:15 |
=== ubotu pours hot grits down the front of <ubotu>'s pants, courtesy of qmario | ||
anethema | so it compiled right into a deb for me | 06:15 |
anethema | patching gnome | 06:15 |
kbrooks | it's easy to make a meta package but not easy to make a package for a program | 06:15 |
anethema | it wasnt meta | 06:15 |
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anethema | but i just got the source for gnome, patched it | 06:16 |
Skapare | anethema: I'm just trying to figure out what video card to pick for the new machine to get the high scan rate I want (I've picked a monitor already) ... but I know some video cards need modules from the manufacturer to run their cards in Linux | 06:16 |
anethema | and using some command it just recompiled itself right into a deb | 06:16 |
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Skapare | anethema: and they don't provide source | 06:16 |
kbrooks | anethema: a patch for what? | 06:16 |
boxerboy29 | depending on what they will be doing with ubuntu it can either be really hard to learn or easy (in short time period) | 06:16 |
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Skapare | anethema: I don't want to run anything on the machine that I can't get the source for | 06:16 |
kbrooks | Skapare: apt-get source foo | 06:16 |
kbrooks | Skapare: ^ | 06:16 |
anethema | then you're hooped haha | 06:16 |
anethema | like | 06:16 |
anethema | nvidia provides some kind of source | 06:16 |
anethema | but its not c | 06:16 |
anethema | hehe | 06:16 |
anethema | run thru the precompiler at least i think | 06:17 |
Skapare | kbrooks: if it's a module only from the video card manufacturer, then source won't be available | 06:17 |
Skapare | anethema: assembly? | 06:17 |
anethema | its semi open source | 06:17 |
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icewt | JDahl, yes, i guess they should have used openoffice and thunderbird or something on windows for a while for the transition to go smoothly enough | 06:17 |
anethema | no not assembly | 06:17 |
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anethema | just kind of obfuscated c | 06:17 |
anethema | heh | 06:17 |
Skapare | anethema: semi? what does that mean? can I compile the source and use that result? | 06:17 |
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kbrooks | Skapare: yes | 06:17 |
anethema | yes i think so | 06:18 |
Skapare | anethema: heh ... might be hard to modify | 06:18 |
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anethema | but editing the source might be very hard | 06:18 |
anethema | haha yeah | 06:18 |
Skapare | anethema: and inspect for bugs | 06:18 |
anethema | yep, hard | 06:18 |
anethema | near impossible | 06:18 |
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anethema | but if you want to use a good 3d vid card in linux, thats your choice | 06:18 |
anethema | heheh | 06:18 |
Skapare | they are hiding their bugs | 06:18 |
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anethema | if its just 2d then i think the default driver open source one in X would wokr for you | 06:18 |
anethema | but wouldnt get any hardware gl accel | 06:19 |
joee | n | 06:19 |
Skapare | don't need 3d ... just need high scan rate for X 1920x1440 at 72 Hz and 24 or 32 bit color | 06:19 |
joee | nffnfgn | 06:19 |
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Skapare | it's NOT a gaming machine | 06:19 |
anethema | hmmmmmmm | 06:19 |
anethema | colour isnt an issue | 06:19 |
kbrooks | Skapare: games dont need 3d | 06:19 |
Skapare | I don't need 3d | 06:19 |
JDahl | icewt, but I am as much a linux zealot as the next guy, especially since out of the blue Microsoft flagged my XP license as pirated. | 06:19 |
kbrooks | *some* | 06:19 |
kbrooks | JDahl: huh/ | 06:20 |
Skapare | but hardware accel would be good so X can do things like fill in area colors faster | 06:20 |
djm62 | OK, I'm trying to get mono working on breezy, and running beagled gives me" System.DllNotFoundException: libglib-2.0-0.dll" | 06:20 |
icewt | JDahl, but it's not? | 06:20 |
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anethema | Skapare, i would get a cheap nvidia card | 06:20 |
JDahl | kbrooks, also my reaction, since my machine is an old Dell with the XP license taped to the back | 06:20 |
WhyvasLT | what dir is the trash in? | 06:20 |
anethema | like the cheapest 6 series card will do way more than you are asking | 06:20 |
anethema | Dual integrated 400MHz RAMDACs for display resolutions up to and including 2048x1536 at 85hz | 06:21 |
djm62 | I had been messing around with mono on hoary, and have purged /usr/local of all the mono stuff from that | 06:21 |
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anethema | this is the 6100 | 06:21 |
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anethema | which is probly like 100bux | 06:21 |
boxerboy29 | is there a program similar to kdevelop for gnome? | 06:21 |
Skapare | anethema: but the high scan rate is critical | 06:21 |
=== Diskgrind [n=ken@CPE-24-163-216-250.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | yes, 85 hz | 06:21 |
Skapare | anethema: can the cheap card go that high? | 06:21 |
djm62 | Has anyone had similar problems with mono, and knows about a solution | 06:21 |
valle | mono... | 06:21 |
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anethema | 2048x1536 at 85hz is enough for you isnt it ? | 06:21 |
kbrooks | WhyvasLT: ~/.Trash, clear it by, rm -rf ~/.Trash | 06:22 |
Skapare | anethema: but can it do 1920x1440 at 72 Hz ... 85 Hz is easy at 1024x768 | 06:22 |
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Skapare | anethema: probably :) | 06:22 |
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anethema | anything with a 400mhz ramdac will do ya | 06:22 |
konijntje | shipping costs are free too for the cds? | 06:22 |
Diskgrind | I have an ATI All In Wonder and I dont think I have the best drivers installed, can I do something about this? | 06:22 |
anethema | no it can do higher than the res you want, at a higher refresh rate | 06:22 |
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boxerboy29 | konijntje: depends on the country taxes but yes shipping is normally free | 06:23 |
djm62 | valle: I have seen best working once, and it was good, and I was hoping breezy would have it working without CVS and strange edits | 06:23 |
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mlopes | please.. does any know which algorithm is used to encypt /etc/shadow passwords? | 06:23 |
mlopes | (by default.. since I haven't changed anything) | 06:23 |
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Skapare | anethema: I picked a 19" CRT-type video monitor that can also do high-def TV natively at 16:9 | 06:24 |
Diskgrind | not alot going on here is there | 06:24 |
boxerboy29 | konijntje: if you read the faqs part on the shipit page you can get a better idea of what i mean | 06:24 |
konijntje | so i can get 30x 64 bit for free? | 06:24 |
anethema | Skapare, look here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814143035 | 06:24 |
konijntje | okay | 06:24 |
anethema | 45 bux for a video card that does exactly what you want. | 06:24 |
Seveas | bipolar, gpg --import key_id_of_server && gpg --export --armor key_id_of_server | sudo apt-key add - | 06:25 |
Skapare | ok | 06:25 |
thenuke | konijntje: yes but dont order more than you need :) | 06:25 |
anethema | thats the 6200 | 06:25 |
anethema | wont have good 3d perf at all | 06:25 |
anethema | but for 2d its good | 06:25 |
anethema | if you need AGP dont pick that one | 06:25 |
maddler | mlopes: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Shadow-Password-HOWTO-2.html#ss2.4 | 06:25 |
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konijntje | its for school | 06:26 |
=== xTina [n=xTina@laptop-dynip155.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boxerboy29 | they changed the ordering on shipit you have packages u can order but they say to order out sid eof packages u have to submit a reason | 06:26 |
boxerboy29 | and you can be denied | 06:26 |
Diskgrind | I have installed the package for the screen reader and magnifier, I start the program and nothing happens except the properties window comes up but no magnifier starts. | 06:27 |
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xark | mlopes: I believe it uses MD5 based hash. | 06:27 |
anethema | here is a nice asus agp one for 60bux | 06:27 |
anethema | Skapare, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814121542 | 06:27 |
Diskgrind | I usually use Zoom text in windows but it doesnt have a linux equilancey | 06:28 |
boxerboy29 | diskgrind what are you trying to make bigger? | 06:28 |
jpfarias | hi! | 06:28 |
jpfarias | why mono-debugger is not on package repositories? | 06:28 |
Diskgrind | boxerboy29 the screen, at least half of it. | 06:29 |
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jpfarias | mono is.... | 06:29 |
boxerboy29 | try changing to a lower resolution | 06:29 |
Diskgrind | boxerboy29 and the screen reader | 06:29 |
anethema | yeah hit control-alt-+ | 06:29 |
anethema | till the res is big enough for you | 06:29 |
mlopes | xark, I don't think so because md5 hashes do not contain $ or . symbols | 06:29 |
anethema | then look around :) | 06:29 |
mlopes | and the ones in my /etc/shadow do | 06:29 |
Diskgrind | boxerboy29 I have tried that and for a comfortable res you cant see all of the parts of a screen or interface | 06:29 |
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boxerboy29 | well if that is case than u can change moniter screen to fit thats what i did anyway im sure there are other ways but i dont know them | 06:30 |
xark | mlopes: Well, read "man 3 crypt". Thats what it says... | 06:31 |
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hablandocontigo | what software can I use for a scanner (Artec Ultima 2000) to scan images? | 06:31 |
Diskgrind | boxerboy29 Its like being in big land when in lower res in windows.. you cant get to the buttons at the bottum of a window | 06:31 |
mlopes | i don't have man 3 crypt :P | 06:31 |
mlopes | i'll have to install those mandocs | 06:31 |
boxerboy29 | what did you set the resolution to? | 06:31 |
anethema | hahahahha Diskgrind you rock :) | 06:31 |
anethema | big land | 06:31 |
Diskgrind | I have installed the large print themes as well and I need someting larger.. | 06:31 |
anethema | makes me wanna play mario | 06:31 |
anethema | 3 | 06:31 |
xark | mlopes: Ahh, well install it. The page says the $ stuff is the "salt" I believe. | 06:31 |
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mlopes | hmm | 06:32 |
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Diskgrind | Well I will just ahve to send an error reprot about the deal..... oh well.. back to Windows I guess. | 06:32 |
SuseUX | ugh, damn nvidia-settings segfault | 06:32 |
anethema | mlopes, it uses DES according to that page | 06:32 |
boxerboy29 | better question are you using gnome or kde? | 06:32 |
Skapare | ok, that video card might be interesting | 06:33 |
Diskgrind | gnome | 06:33 |
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anethema | Skapare, make sure to get agp or pci express according to what you have though | 06:33 |
anethema | one doesnt work with the other :) | 06:33 |
mlopes | well | 06:33 |
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Diskgrind | boxerboy29 what is the command to install kde as well sudo apt-get install kde-desktop ??? | 06:33 |
mlopes | and where can I get the salt file? | 06:33 |
boxerboy29 | i have mine set to 1024x768 and now problems at all | 06:34 |
anethema | who knows :) | 06:34 |
SuseUX | looks like ubuntu-5.10 has some bad libraries somewhere? | 06:34 |
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Skapare | anethema: of course ... but that has to wait until I pick the MB | 06:34 |
anethema | yep | 06:34 |
anethema | heheh | 06:34 |
anethema | either way | 06:34 |
boxerboy29 | personally i would apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 06:34 |
Skapare | SuseUX: which ones? | 06:34 |
anethema | the 6200 has a nice fast ramdac and good linux drivers | 06:34 |
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Diskgrind | boxerboy29 would you type out the correct syntax for me?? lol | 06:35 |
boxerboy29 | i have 2 other oses for kde so i keep this one gnome | 06:35 |
Diskgrind | oops sorry | 06:35 |
Hoxzer | what is the differences between Hoary and Breezy ? | 06:35 |
Skapare | age | 06:35 |
SuseUX | Skapare, dont know, thats usually why segfaults accure? | 06:35 |
Hoxzer | Skapare: age? | 06:35 |
boxerboy29 | if sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop doesnt work use synapic | 06:35 |
LokeDK | Hi. I`d like to have identd on irc.. what do I need to install? pidentd doesn't seem to help? | 06:36 |
Skapare | SuseUX: if segfault, could be fault of program, too | 06:36 |
apokryphos | boxerboy29: why would it not work? | 06:36 |
Skapare | Hoxzer: Breezy is younger | 06:36 |
Hoxzer | oh | 06:36 |
Skapare | Hoxzer: different versions | 06:36 |
boxerboy29 | i dont know why things dont always work the way ppl like them to | 06:36 |
Hoxzer | and what is kubuntu | 06:36 |
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Hoxzer | what is special in it? | 06:36 |
Skapare | 5.04 and 5.10 I think | 06:36 |
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boxerboy29 | kubuntu=ubuntu with kde instead of gnome | 06:36 |
SuseUX | Skapare, nvidia-settings never segfaulted on any other distro, so Iassume it;s a library issue! | 06:36 |
apokryphos | !tell Hoxzer about kubuntu | 06:36 |
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Hoxzer | Boxer: thx | 06:37 |
Diskgrind | You can have both at the same time.... | 06:37 |
Diskgrind | just different sessions | 06:37 |
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chispa | Hi | 06:37 |
Skapare | SuseUX: still could be mis-use of a library that clobbers memory that happens to not get used in others, but happens to get used in this case | 06:37 |
boxerboy29 | yes diskgrind but the way i see it if i wanted kde i would have gotten kubuntu not ubuntu | 06:37 |
boxerboy29 | thats just my opion tho | 06:37 |
Diskgrind | boxerboy29 does it hurt the system to have both?? | 06:38 |
boxerboy29 | no | 06:38 |
Skapare | SuseUX: I've done extensive assembly and C programming so I know where all the bugs can come from ... i.e. anywhere | 06:38 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, can segfaults be fixed or traced? | 06:38 |
TokenBad | what apt-get command for installing java? | 06:38 |
chispa | I would like to connect my laptop with to TV screen, what I have to install? | 06:38 |
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Diskgrind | boxerboy29 you do end up with extra menu items in gnome tha tare kde though... | 06:38 |
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bazz- | hi all | 06:38 |
chispa | my Ubuntu laptop | 06:38 |
anethema | in my exp segfaults are rarely just bug | 06:38 |
anethema | s | 06:38 |
boxerboy29 | yes im pretty sure you do | 06:38 |
anethema | usually missing libraraies, or somehting missing | 06:38 |
anethema | or it cant use some hardware it wants | 06:38 |
anethema | etc | 06:38 |
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TokenBad | or how install java? | 06:39 |
SuseUX | but on the nvidia-settings panel? strange | 06:39 |
boxerboy29 | if you dont want them there try using smeg to take them out of menu | 06:39 |
Skapare | SuseUX: depends ... some segfaults happen due to a badly constructed pointer clobbering contents in the wrong place that ... minutes or even hours later is used as a pointer (and dies then) | 06:39 |
bazz- | are there major differences between 5.04 and 5.10? | 06:39 |
Skapare | SuseUX: so in some cases, tracking down the real culprit is very hard | 06:39 |
SuseUX | damn | 06:39 |
Skapare | SuseUX: merely having a bad pointer does not mean the code that is doing it is bad | 06:39 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, only a reboot fixes a segfault | 06:40 |
Skapare | SuseUX: I write programs that have to run continuously for months or years w/o restarting, so I have to understand these issues | 06:40 |
SuseUX | i see | 06:40 |
boxerboy29 | bazz-: if im not mistaken the software is newer versions and there are some thing that they offer on 5.10 that wasnt offered on 5.04 | 06:40 |
Skapare | SuseUX: for a kernel segfault, yeah ... for a program in virtual memory, usually just restart the program | 06:41 |
chispa | Please I need help, I would like to connect my Ubuntu PC to the TV, what are the steps to do that? | 06:41 |
anethema | yepyep | 06:41 |
kbrooks | cp -p /usr/share/misc/config.* bash/. | 06:41 |
kbrooks | cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/misc/config.*': No such file or directory | 06:41 |
Skapare | SuseUX: for my TV master control program, I don't want it to ever segfault (on air TV goes blank if it does) | 06:41 |
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kbrooks | Help? | 06:41 |
SuseUX | Skapare, i'm running 2.6.14-rc3-ck1, happens even in the ubuntu kernel | 06:41 |
=== Licker Kicks CentOS. I think ima put Breezy on my other 2 boxes. CentOS isnt beeing nice. :p | ||
Skapare | SuseUX: so I have methods to avoid segfaults | 06:41 |
nalioth_zZz | kbrooks: the directory is missing | 06:41 |
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kbrooks | ah | 06:42 |
kbrooks | ok | 06:42 |
kbrooks | oh goody | 06:42 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: is that the kernel that comes with ubuntu? | 06:42 |
kbrooks | rbash | 06:42 |
anethema | no | 06:42 |
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anethema | 2.6.12 | 06:42 |
anethema | comes with ubuntu | 06:42 |
SuseUX | Skapare, no, my compiled one that I always do with any distro | 06:42 |
anethema | breezy | 06:42 |
bazz- | are there major differences between 5.04 and 5.10? | 06:42 |
anethema | new kernel, new gnome | 06:42 |
Diskgrind | a few things change in gnome | 06:43 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: well, then you picked the configuration for that compile ... the answer is in the mirror | 06:43 |
kbrooks | bazz-: and a ubuntu faq guide | 06:43 |
Diskgrind | you dont have the boot option after updating | 06:43 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, I managed to get a strace out of the nvidia-settings segfault | 06:43 |
Skapare | SuseUX: obviously kernel code is not perfect | 06:43 |
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Diskgrind | yeah that doesnt work anymore | 06:43 |
boxerboy29 | wait a min 2.6.14 is newest? | 06:43 |
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Belutz | how to run vmware in the new kernel in breezy? | 06:44 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, slackware never segfaulted with the nvidia settings, thats why maybe I thinking it's a library issue | 06:44 |
redhand | ubuntuguide.org is excelent... does exist an other good as it? | 06:44 |
Skapare | SuseUX: an strace doesn't help much for segfaults except tell you what what happening when the problem manifest itself ... it tells you nothing of the cause | 06:44 |
bazz- | and what about edubuntu, it says it's mainly for school environments, but i haven't found any special webpage or so which explained the contents | 06:44 |
boxerboy29 | what is the command to check kernel? | 06:44 |
SuseUX | ok | 06:45 |
TokenBad | what apt-get command for installing java? | 06:45 |
TokenBad | or how install java? | 06:45 |
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LokeDK | Could anyone tell me how to get identd working? | 06:45 |
Skapare | SuseUX: well Slackware does try to keep some distance from the bloody edge :) | 06:45 |
Quinthius | boxerboy29: uname -a | 06:45 |
Licker | Is 5.10 better than 5.04? In peoples opinion? | 06:45 |
Diskgrind | eubuntu is for school enviroments.. so that a teacher can sync up with students and such | 06:45 |
SuseUX | Skapare, :-) | 06:45 |
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WhyvasLT | X development libraries not found | 06:45 |
Skapare | SuseUX: of course, libraries are suspect, and frequently ... usually ... are a source of bugs | 06:45 |
Quinthius | Licker: yes, why wouldn't it be? | 06:45 |
boxerboy29 | ok wtf happened | 06:45 |
WhyvasLT | which libs are these? | 06:45 |
Diskgrind | I have a teacher that is going to be using it | 06:45 |
arctic | hi, i want to choose an icon wenn i put a starter on a desktop, but all picture-formats are grey(so i cant click on them) does somebody has an idea to solve that? | 06:46 |
Belutz | ubotu: tell TokenBad about javadeb | 06:46 |
boxerboy29 | 2.6.12 :( | 06:46 |
SuseUX | Skapare, Preemption maybe? | 06:46 |
Quinthius | boxerboy29: and...? | 06:46 |
Skapare | SuseUX: I tracked a serious bug in glibc for several versions until it finally got fixed | 06:46 |
bazz- | Diskgrind so both teacher and student should be using it, in order to be useful? | 06:46 |
boxerboy29 | thats not newest? | 06:46 |
SuseUX | heh | 06:46 |
Licker | why? Well, in WIN 2k blows XP away. :p Just making sure its worth the install on my 3 PCs. | 06:46 |
Diskgrind | it seems that way.. in a class setup | 06:46 |
Quinthius | boxerboy29: apparently not, but so? it's pretty close | 06:46 |
boxerboy29 | i just downloaded one today rebooted and that was only option in grub | 06:46 |
Skapare | SuseUX: serious as in the strtold() functions converted numbers to floating point MAJORLY wrong | 06:46 |
bazz- | ic, i'll stick with the standard ubuntu then | 06:47 |
Diskgrind | there are other parts as well that bring a teacher closer to the students.. | 06:47 |
TokenBad | Belutz, which of those 2 do I need? | 06:47 |
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Belutz | TokenBad, what do you want java for? | 06:47 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: it never segfaulted, but it was so bad I had to write my own strtold() function instead | 06:47 |
Diskgrind | I have tried all three and I like gnome so far | 06:47 |
TokenBad | j2re1 | 06:47 |
sig | is the acroread-plugin broken? | 06:47 |
SuseUX | Skapare, one day I will get into coding, just dont know where to start, can you help as were talking about it? | 06:47 |
Diskgrind | but thats just my opinion. | 06:47 |
TokenBad | just to run azureus | 06:47 |
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Quinthius | boxerboy29: for most people there's no real need to have the absolute latest kernel unless there are major bug fixes or needed hardware support | 06:47 |
bazz- | thanks for the info Diskgrind | 06:47 |
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Diskgrind | ok | 06:48 |
Skapare | SuseUX: what kind of help? | 06:48 |
bazz- | later | 06:48 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, I place to start from scratch, like a website? | 06:48 |
Quinthius | boxerboy29: 2.6.12 is only one stable version behind 2.6.14 (.13 and all other odd numbers are devel versions) | 06:48 |
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Belutz | TokenBad, then maybe you only need the j2re | 06:48 |
boxerboy29 | thats not my point if the time does come where there are bug fixes than that would me suse will screw that up than | 06:48 |
Skapare | SuseUX: to learn coding? | 06:48 |
SuseUX | yes | 06:48 |
Diskgrind | how about video drivers.. is it easy to get better ones than what ubuntu uses??? | 06:48 |
Skapare | SuseUX: what language(s) do you want to learn? | 06:49 |
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=== PrimoTurbo [n=primo@HSE-Ottawa-ppp162579.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | Skapare, gnome language :-) | 06:49 |
PrimoTurbo | Is there anyway to access a linux partition from windows xp? A program or anything? | 06:49 |
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Diskgrind | partition magic | 06:49 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: the language gnome is written in ... I believe that is C | 06:49 |
PrimoTurbo | I need to read a file from the linux partition! | 06:49 |
Belutz | PrimoTurbo, yes there is, but i forgot the app name | 06:49 |
PrimoTurbo | in windows xp | 06:49 |
Diskgrind | oops sorry then primoturbo | 06:50 |
Quinthius | PrimoTurbo: what filesystem is your linux partition? if ext2/ext3 there is a program you can use... reiser may have windows tools also | 06:50 |
Skapare | PrimoTurbo: what filesystem? ext2? ext3? reiserfs? | 06:50 |
Diskgrind | ext3 i think | 06:50 |
PrimoTurbo | ext3 | 06:50 |
SuseUX | Skapare, I want to learn gnome coding and gtk+ stuff | 06:50 |
PrimoTurbo | default ubuntu one | 06:50 |
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Quinthius | PrimoTurbo: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm | 06:51 |
topyli | SuseUX: the core of gnome is c but it has bindings for almost all the popular languages | 06:51 |
Diskgrind | Windows xp cant read those types of partitions, but you knew that.. lol | 06:51 |
Quinthius | PrimoTurbo: i'm not sure if it allows you to WRITE data, but it should be able to read just fine | 06:51 |
Skapare | SuseUX: do you want to throughly understand all the machine mechanisms of programming, or do you want to just go for creating abstract constructions and let compilers worry about the machine? | 06:51 |
PrimoTurbo | I don't need to write just read | 06:51 |
PrimoTurbo | thnx | 06:51 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, just how to code apps! | 06:52 |
Skapare | SuseUX: for some people I recommend learning assembly language FIRST ... then C ... then Pike ... then Java | 06:52 |
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kbrooks | Skapare: learning asm is overkill for noobs | 06:52 |
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Xorlev | Need a little help with Kubuntu Breezy...I just installed it clean from the Kubuntu Breezy Preview disk onto a separate partition than my normal system. It seems to work perfectly other than one thing: the mouse is messed up. The mouse moves, the programs work, but unable to click or hover over anything. I can select UI elements with my keyboard and use them, but the mouse refuses to work correctly. Once when I removed my USB mouse and plugged in a P | 06:52 |
Xorlev | S/2 mouse it started working correctly, but then after a reboot it did the same thing with the PS/2 mouse. I also upgraded completely (apt-get update, apt-get upgrade) and the same symptoms before and after. | 06:52 |
SuseUX | Skapare, i'm 33 years old, i'm i young enough? :-) | 06:53 |
Skapare | SuseUX: in general if you want to end up coding in C ... I do recommend learning some assembly ... and it is better to learn the assembly BEFORE learning C | 06:53 |
PrimoTurbo | which directory is the Desktop located under? | 06:53 |
nalioth | PrimoTurbo: your home dir | 06:53 |
SuseUX | right | 06:53 |
Skapare | SuseUX: you can learn this stuff | 06:53 |
PrimoTurbo | I see now | 06:53 |
Quinthius | SuseUX: you may want to look into python, it seems to be pretty popular and versatile... a lot of ubuntu tools are written in python, as is gentoo's portage/emerge stuff | 06:53 |
PrimoTurbo | Thnx it was listed at the bottom | 06:53 |
Skapare | SuseUX: one issue, though, is x86 is a crappy machine language to learn ... I learned S/370 and Sparc assembly | 06:54 |
SuseUX | back to basics hey! | 06:54 |
Skapare | Python is also a good choice ... insert between Pike and Java | 06:54 |
SuseUX | Quinthius, yer, python seems the way to go | 06:54 |
Skapare | e.g. ... assembly >> C >> Pike >> Python >> Java | 06:54 |
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Skapare | note that I do not include Perl and PHP in that list ... they are learnable as branches from that track after Pike | 06:55 |
PrimoTurbo | Looks like it's working, thank you so much | 06:55 |
PrimoTurbo | :) | 06:55 |
SuseUX | are they hard to learn? | 06:55 |
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seife | Hi | 06:55 |
seife | I have my USB headphones plugged | 06:55 |
seife | But i dont know why im not getting sound, help. | 06:55 |
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seife | I do get with the speakers.. | 06:56 |
Skapare | SuseUX: depends ... if you start with assembly, each is progressively easier | 06:56 |
Licker | is the valume turned up? ;) | 06:56 |
zubuntu | Hello | 06:56 |
Skapare | SuseUX: assembly is hard ... but not as hard as if you try it AFTER some other language | 06:56 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: if you decide to skip assembly ... don't bother trying to go back | 06:56 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: if you decide to skip C ... don't bother trying to go back | 06:57 |
SuseUX | Skapare, I want to, 1. contribute to gnome, 2. make my own apps | 06:57 |
zubuntu | Currently I am testing breezy but I have strange problems with dns | 06:57 |
Skapare | SuseUX: then at least learn C | 06:57 |
SuseUX | ok | 06:57 |
kbrooks | how can i monitor a user's activities? | 06:57 |
Skapare | SuseUX: the Pike step is skippable for your case | 06:57 |
Licker | is anyone having probs with breezy server wise? | 06:57 |
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SuseUX | C and python then? | 06:58 |
zubuntu | Licker: Yes | 06:58 |
kbrooks | how can i monitor a user's activities? | 06:58 |
Skapare | SuseUX: so maybe C followed by Python | 06:58 |
joee | why are u using breezy? | 06:58 |
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joee | C is dead | 06:58 |
Quinthius | SuseUX: in the unix/linux world, you can't go wrong with C, though some other languages are starting to get pretty popular... perl of course for scripting... python, and recently C#/mono stuff | 06:58 |
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zubuntu | I am using breezy to see where are the pitfalls before I upgrade an entire pool (26 machines) to breezy | 06:58 |
Skapare | SuseUX: you'll have to work on understanding pointers in C since it's really an assembly thing ... if you skip assembly, pointers are harder | 06:58 |
kbrooks | how can i monitor a user's activities? | 06:58 |
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GeKoo | algun espaol k sepa configurar winecsv? | 06:59 |
Belutz | !es | 06:59 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 06:59 |
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SuseUX | Skapare, so whats the way for a clean coded app and nice code? | 06:59 |
joee | Skapare pointers are something to forget about | 06:59 |
kbrooks | how can i monitor a user's activities? | 06:59 |
Quinthius | ... forget about pointers? | 06:59 |
kbrooks | in ssh | 06:59 |
Skapare | joee: if you don't do pointers, don't do C | 07:00 |
joee | SuseUX that's totally independent of the language your using | 07:00 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: many ways to that ... learn programming well | 07:00 |
passion | hi i'm trying out Qubuntu and was wondering if it can be used as webhosting server | 07:00 |
SuseUX | thats down to the user? | 07:00 |
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joee | SuseUX to the programmer | 07:00 |
Seveas | ehrm -> programming langiage discussions are better held in #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:00 |
zubuntu | Is here someone who can explain my the strange hpiod stuff in breezy? | 07:00 |
Seveas | this is a support channel | 07:00 |
joee | :) | 07:00 |
Skapare | SuseUX: I've known programmers that know 2 dozen languages and can't program their way out of a box | 07:01 |
SuseUX | I guess optimization and speed comes with C coding skills? | 07:01 |
Seveas | Skapare, SuseUX -> #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:01 |
SuseUX | heh | 07:01 |
Skapare | SuseUX: really good programmers work to understand better what it is their programs really need to do | 07:01 |
Skapare | Seveas: OK | 07:01 |
Seveas | thnx | 07:01 |
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Seveas | kbrooks, tail -f ~user/.bashrc :) | 07:02 |
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passion | i'm using it on vmware on a windows xp system together it seems almost like windows i need it for webhosting was wondering if thiers away to make a boot cd or floppy to install it | 07:02 |
Skapare | SuseUX: I'm on #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue | 07:03 |
pioneer | the other day i read a post in the forums that had a nice little script to install mplayer and all that and now i cant find it again, anyone happen to know it off hand? | 07:03 |
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SuseUX | Seveas, i'm going to be programming in ubuntu, thats not off-topic surely? | 07:03 |
=== Detten_ [n=Detten@d51A45715.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Seveas: not effective | 07:03 |
Seveas | SuseUX, it is if you make it a lengthy discussion | 07:03 |
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Skapare | SuseUX: it's not really that much of an ubuntu topic ... it applies to any system | 07:03 |
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=== DevGet [n=gustav@h187n2fls31o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | ok | 07:03 |
Seveas | pioneer, apt-get install mplayer | 07:03 |
kbrooks | Seveas: No. | 07:04 |
kbrooks | !info mplayer breezy | 07:04 |
DevGet | If I have a wincomputer and then istall ubuntu, do I have to reinstall windows again? | 07:04 |
Skapare | SuseUX: or visit language specific channels here ... such as #C or #Python | 07:04 |
Seveas | ah true | 07:04 |
seife | Hi | 07:04 |
seife | I have my USB headphones plugged | 07:04 |
seife | But i dont know why im not getting sound, help. | 07:04 |
kbrooks | Seveas: it doesnt exist | 07:04 |
Seveas | mplayer-586 (intel) or mplayer-k7 | 07:04 |
seife | I do get with the speakers.. | 07:04 |
SuseUX | Skapare, ok thanks :-) | 07:04 |
passion | u can run ubuntu together with windows at same time | 07:04 |
zubuntu | Anyone experienced in breezy here? How can I avoid the overwritting off /etc/resolf.conf by hpiod's networkmanager? | 07:05 |
Seveas | zubuntu, it's probably dhclient that's overwriting it | 07:05 |
WhyvasLT | http://www.google.co.ck/ | 07:05 |
=== calamari [n=calamari@ip68-226-23-83.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | !dns | 07:05 |
ubotu | Seveas: Are you smoking crack? | 07:05 |
calamari | hi | 07:05 |
=== lance_ [n=lance@pcp02170981pcs.brghtn01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | wiki.ubuntu.com/DnsDhcp (or something like that) zubuntu | 07:06 |
zubuntu | Seveas: No. its dhclients resolv.conf that is overwritten. | 07:06 |
Mon | seife: i'm not sure usb mic's work in linux at all. you tried google? | 07:06 |
=== hwaara [i=blah@c213-89-56-41.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pioneer | Seveas, there is a script someone wrote and posted in the forums that installs mplayer and mplayer plugin and everything, gets passed all this crap, i thought it was titled easiest way ever to install mplayer, but i cant find it now | 07:07 |
Seveas | zubuntu, that wiki page explains how to prevent it | 07:07 |
=== primeirocrime [n=goncalo@d209-89-209-129.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | I installed firestarter, which put itself in /etc/init.d/. The program requires root permissions, which it never asks for (and would be annoying anyways). Is there a way I can set it up to automatically run? Right now it just pops up an error because it wanted root | 07:07 |
Seveas | pioneer, such scripts generally have the possibility to wreck your system | 07:07 |
kemik | pioneer: dont you just have to apt-get install mplayer-386 mozilla-mplayer ? | 07:07 |
seife | Mon, No i haven't, i had sound on headphones the other day.. | 07:07 |
seife | When i just installed | 07:07 |
pioneer | Seveas, i used it already once and it was awesome | 07:07 |
passion | i was thinking of switching to ubuntu but system is newer and does'nt except iso images anyone know how to make a boot floppy or cd to boot the iso image | 07:07 |
pioneer | kemik, no worky | 07:07 |
zubuntu | Seveas: dhclient isn't my problem, its hpiods Networkmanager. | 07:08 |
zubuntu | It replaces the dns setup by dhclient by a local caching dns | 07:08 |
seife | Is there any panel where i can tell linux what hardware read? | 07:08 |
Blejdfist | passion: ... burn the ISO-image to a CD | 07:08 |
Seveas | pioneer, I saw that script once and it sucked (better than script I've seen before but it still sucked) | 07:08 |
seife | like sound: speakers\headphones | 07:08 |
passion | tried that even used isobuster no lucker | 07:08 |
pioneer | Seveas, it worked great for me, id like to use it again | 07:08 |
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kemik | Seveas: got any idea why Rhythmbox in breezy depends on totem-gstreamer | totem-xine ? (and how would i go about changing that dependency, i've checked the controlfile in control.tar.gz...) | 07:09 |
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=== ionrock [n=ionrock@STATA-THREE-EIGHTY-ONE.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blejdfist | passion: do you have a burner-program, (assuming you are in Windows) Nero, CDRWIN etc? | 07:10 |
=== nulltank [n=nullman@c-66-41-214-247.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | kemik, edit the controlfile and put it in the deb | 07:10 |
Seveas | :) | 07:10 |
passion | sonic on a dell using windows xp | 07:10 |
Blejdfist | passion: http://www.wizardskeep.org/mainhall/tutor/neroiso.html | 07:11 |
=== delire [n=delire@port225.ds1-oebr.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kemik | Seveas: yeah, but how? :) | 07:11 |
kemik | Seveas: couldnt just repack the .deb with the archive-manager | 07:11 |
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mvhenten | Ok, hello here, | 07:12 |
delire | kemik: dpkg-deb? | 07:13 |
mvhenten | I'ts propably been asked 100 times in this channel | 07:13 |
mvhenten | but how do I install the ati drivers on ubuntu | 07:13 |
kemik | delire: that sounds reasonable | 07:13 |
kemik | ty | 07:13 |
mvhenten | especially: enable mttr, and disable agpgart | 07:13 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell mvhenten about ati | 07:13 |
mvhenten | before I do anything stupid and start hackin in the config files | 07:13 |
passion | i tried my external iomega burner with nero still no luck | 07:14 |
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passion | even burned as raw data | 07:14 |
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Blejdfist | passion: does the CD work, can you open it in Windows after you burned it? What does it contain? | 07:14 |
calamari | I installed firestarter, which put itself in /etc/init.d/. The program requires root permissions, which it never asks for (and would be annoying anyways). Is there a way I can set it up to automatically run? Right now it just pops up an error because it wanted root | 07:14 |
delire | mvhenten: there's a page on the wiki about this. | 07:15 |
delire | mvhenten: BinaryDriverHowto or similar.. | 07:15 |
nalioth | calamari: firestarter is not required to run. it just edits your iptables | 07:15 |
passion | if i use isobuster to open image file i can see all the files | 07:15 |
delire | mvhenten: | 07:15 |
delire | mvhenten: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI?highlight=%28BinaryDriverHowto%29 | 07:15 |
Blejdfist | passion: and when you burn it and open the disc? | 07:16 |
calamari | nalioth: oic.. so it isn't actually doing anything? it just reports what the kernel is doing? | 07:16 |
=== Kejk_PL [n=konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | calamari: one you configure your iptables, they are configured | 07:16 |
passion | nothing it bypass's to the xp system | 07:16 |
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delire | mvhenten: follow those steps exactly, or else you'll surely make a mess. secondly, ensure that any previous installations of Nvidia drivers etc (if you are swapping cards) are completely removed. | 07:16 |
Blejdfist | i don't understand what you mean | 07:17 |
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bam_ | does anyone know how to stop mounting a drive at 8 different mount points? | 07:17 |
passion | even added a linux partition using pqmagic in dos | 07:17 |
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delire | bam_ not sure i understand. are these mountpoints reflected in /etc/fstab? | 07:17 |
bam_ | no | 07:17 |
mvhenten | delire, I'll have a look - no nvdia but ati eh - I already did a custom install of the source package ( compiled the drivers) | 07:17 |
bam_ | its considered a usb hdd | 07:17 |
=== Chambers` [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delire | bam_ type 'mount' are there really 8 mountpoints? | 07:18 |
bam_ | yup | 07:18 |
Blejdfist | passion: are you sure you burned the ISO correctly.. that is, not putting the ISO on the disc but actually burning the ISO Image (follow the guide i gave you) | 07:18 |
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calamari | nalioth: so if I do want it to run anyways, do I need to setuid root? | 07:18 |
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Blejdfist | passion: also check that your BIOS is configured to boot from CD-ROM | 07:18 |
xophEr | how can I change the gnome-panel 'ubuntu icon' ? (breezy) I tried renaming the /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-icon-logo-transparent.png but with no effect. Worked before though.. | 07:18 |
delire | mvhenten: this is the way i do it also, so you only want features et al now? why not use 'fglrxconfig' | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis | fglrxconfig - makes some very poor x config files from what ive seen | 07:19 |
delire | bam_ who mounted these? | 07:19 |
Dr_Willis | they tend to skip some little parts/tweaks/changes | 07:19 |
passion | i did followed instructions from many sites but the ntfs format does'nt want to recognize or open it | 07:19 |
Seveas | xophEr, remove /usr/share/icons/hicolor/gnome-theme.cache | 07:19 |
Seveas | icon0theme.csache* | 07:19 |
Seveas | icon-theme.cache* | 07:19 |
Seveas | (damn I need coffee) | 07:19 |
delire | Dr_Willis: fine here, i just use the relevant parts and paste it into my /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:19 |
xophEr | Seveas, allright thanks :) | 07:20 |
bam_ | i suppose there is some script automounting these | 07:20 |
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delire | bam_ it sounds like it. | 07:20 |
=== psycode [n=yoni@bzq-84-109-46-68.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bam_ | but where? | 07:20 |
delire | bam_ what is the drive being used for? | 07:20 |
GrooMan | I already have installed ubuntu Breezy Badger in my notebook, I just finished installing it in a old computer I have. The problem is that when it was supposed to enter the login screen, it just turns off the screen and does nothing. Can anybody help?? | 07:20 |
Dr_Willis | delire, yea.. but all ive ever had to do to the original ubuntu made x org config . was change 'ati' to 'fglrx' under the Driver section. | 07:20 |
joe_ | how do i install s=codecs? | 07:20 |
mouhez | does the 64-bit edition run 32-bit software slower than the 32-bit edition? | 07:20 |
bam_ | just a usb hdd | 07:20 |
bam_ | actually a zaurus | 07:21 |
bam_ | but it presents itself as a usbhdd | 07:21 |
xophEr | Seveas, there is no icon-theme.cache in there | 07:21 |
passion | i downloaded the vmware 5.5 which allows u to run multiple systems at same time it installed fine but lags some want to try it as one system | 07:21 |
=== Dalkus [n=David@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | GrooMan: it sounds like you haven't got X configured right | 07:22 |
delire | Dr_Willis: of course, but that doesn't give you options like "TVStandard" "NTSC-M" | 07:22 |
djm62 | GrooMan: can you get into a console with ctrl-alt-f1 ? | 07:22 |
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GrooMan | yep | 07:22 |
Dr_Willis | delire, never needed them :P | 07:23 |
djm62 | GrooMan: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg would be a good first try then | 07:23 |
calamari | weird.. the new version of firefox changes my mouse pointer to the default ugly one | 07:23 |
delire | Dr_Willis: fair enough, as a graphics programmer i take interest in such things ;) | 07:23 |
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Dr_Willis | delire, i just play games. well mame. | 07:23 |
Dr_Willis | i still find the whole way the x config files are set up to be a little awkward.. | 07:24 |
thompa | just did update in breezy. no sound in bzflag now | 07:24 |
Dr_Willis | lovely when your x fails to start when ya make a typo changeing your mouse to use 5 buttons. :P | 07:24 |
joe_ | anyone know how to install codecs? | 07:24 |
GrooMan | it tells that xserver-xorg isn't installed? | 07:24 |
=== kev-test [n=kev-test@co854868-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thompa | whats the mixer application? | 07:24 |
lavieboheme | I'm using the LiveCD version of Ubuntu. I'm not hearing any sound, even when I use the CD Player app. I already checked the cables, etc. Could someone help me? | 07:24 |
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uojo | sort -n fichero me ordena numericamente un fichero pero si yo quiero decirle un campo como lo hago? | 07:25 |
delire | Dr_Willis great, it's been years since i've looked at them. do you have a good site for resourcing mame games? | 07:25 |
passion | http://practice.chatserve.com is a chat server and webserver together must d/l both i'm looking to host but can't seem to create the files and connect thier linux based | 07:25 |
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nalioth | !es | 07:25 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:25 |
GrooMan | wait, it had a typo, sorry | 07:25 |
=== [A] ndy80 [n=andy80@host75-109.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seife | How do i install my HP ScanJet 3200c in linux? I have it installed on windows, i had to download a hp control software. | 07:25 |
thompa | lavieboheme: is it breezy? | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | delire, the original mame homepage. :P of are ya wanting to track down the roms? | 07:26 |
slew | hi. i really need to move files from ubuntu to a windows directory, but it says i dont have permission. i also cant log in as root to do these things. how do i make it so i can move files from one os to another? | 07:26 |
=== crube_ [n=crube@a80-186-5-125.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | w32codecs - i grabbed from http://www.giannaros.org/tor/bt/ | 07:26 |
lavieboheme | thompa: what do you mean, "breezy"? | 07:26 |
nalioth | slew: permissions are everything | 07:26 |
=== remyforbes777 [n=remyforb@cpe-24-209-235-191.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thompa | what version of ubuntu? | 07:26 |
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nalioth | Dr_Willis: there is a !w32codecs trigger that covers hoary and breezy | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | slew, is it a mounted ntfs partition? or are you refering to a network-share ? | 07:26 |
lavieboheme | 5.04 for intel x86 | 07:26 |
=== dloda [n=dan@adsl-69-107-36-254.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | nalioth, about time :P lol | 07:26 |
slew | mounted w32 partition | 07:27 |
=== Skapare wonders if there will ever be an Ubuntu for Sparc, or for non-Mac PPC | ||
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Dr_Willis | nalioth, sort of odd that ya need 2packages differnet to just copy over a bunch of dll's | 07:27 |
Belutz | ubotu, tell slew about windowsdrives | 07:27 |
Dr_Willis | or thats all it seemed to be in the packages when i lookd at them | 07:27 |
delire | hehe i like this in the above site posted by Dr_Willis "It looks like you're not running Windows or MacOS. If that's true, then you can probably figure out how to install BitTorrent on your platform." | 07:27 |
nalioth | Dr_Willis: i didnt make em, i just advise em | 07:27 |
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Dr_Willis | delire, lol. i dont see that. | 07:28 |
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thompa | lavieboheme: sorry im on 5.10 | 07:28 |
lavieboheme | oh | 07:28 |
lavieboheme | ok | 07:28 |
delire | Dr_Willis: a little presumptious of them ;) | 07:28 |
mae | Is beagled and best supposed to start by default in breezy? .. I have the search and indexing services enabled on the preferences panel, but there is no beagle icon, and when I open beagle search under 'accessories' it says 'beagle daemon not started' when i type in a search phrase | 07:28 |
thompa | having some sound issues myself | 07:28 |
passion | if anyone runs across the anwsers for me u can post them at http://passion.sharpsphere.com under forum would appreciate any help | 07:28 |
lavieboheme | thanks anyway | 07:28 |
thompa | what is your sound card? | 07:28 |
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lavieboheme | i'm not sure. i think it's ACS something | 07:29 |
Mon | mae: not by default afaik | 07:29 |
thompa | anybody: whats the mixer in ubuntu? | 07:29 |
passion | goin see if i can figure it out again | 07:29 |
passion | tc | 07:29 |
=== squid0 [n=knoppix@ndn-165-128-97.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slew | ok the link that ubotu sent me just goes to a page full of source code, nothing to download. =[ | 07:29 |
thompa | is ubuntu using alsa? | 07:29 |
Mon | mae: and the indexing service thing doesn't work for me either | 07:29 |
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squid0 | hello | 07:29 |
brosio | anyone use mrtg ? how could monitor only port 22 of eth0 ? | 07:29 |
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thompa | preferences: sound from menu | 07:29 |
squid0 | my computer just died! :( | 07:30 |
calamari | ahh, found the answer :) http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php#trayicon | 07:30 |
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thompa | lavieboheme: do you have a system menus with preferences: sund ? | 07:30 |
thompa | sound | 07:30 |
lavieboheme | yes | 07:30 |
SuseUX | Wow, the updates are comming in thick and fast | 07:30 |
thompa | what does it say | 07:30 |
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squid0 | i booted, and the GRUB message was garbled (o instead of n plus others). | 07:31 |
thompa | lavieboheme: Dfault sound card? | 07:31 |
slew | argh! = No usable windows/mac partitions found | 07:31 |
lavieboheme | thompa: it has tabs saying "general" "sound events" and "system bell" | 07:31 |
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lavieboheme | thompa: no, it doesn't say that | 07:32 |
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thompa | lavieboheme: in general is there nothing under default sound card? | 07:32 |
lavieboheme | i don't see anything that says "default sound card" | 07:32 |
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squid0 | then just a screen full of exclamation marks. so i rebooted, and now as soon as it boots it makes a series of beeps, and then nothing. screen stays blank. | 07:33 |
carlson | hey guys! i am trying to update my firefox to 1.07 version. I am using the hoary wich instaled firefox 1.02 by default... is there an EASY way to install firefox 1.0 7 on this PC? | 07:33 |
atg | Hi, how is the module loading built up in Ubuntu? I'm used with modconf and debian | 07:33 |
=== LionRock [n=nul@marlboro.moj-planet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LionRock | hi all | 07:33 |
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squid0 | help, anyone??? | 07:34 |
squid0 | please? | 07:34 |
LionRock | which module I nead for apache to run cgi scripts | 07:34 |
iafd | add backports to your repos? | 07:34 |
Skapare | LionRock: modcgi | 07:34 |
killms | hello | 07:34 |
=== zburns [n=zburns@ppp-70-226-27-137.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlson | hey guys! i am trying to update my firefox to 1.07 version. I am using the hoary wich instaled firefox 1.02 by default... is there an EASY way to install firefox 1.0 7 on this PC? | 07:34 |
nalioth | carlson: dont repeat | 07:35 |
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squid0 | carlson: never do that. wait, and retype after a while. it's rude to just post the exact same message | 07:35 |
nalioth | carlson: wait a few minutes tween the same question | 07:35 |
LionRock | Skapare, so in mods-enabled directory I must have cgi.load ? right ? | 07:35 |
iafd | carlson, search for ubuntu backports, add one of the mirrors to your repositores in synaptic, then search for firefox, install? | 07:35 |
carlson | nalioth, sorry man, i am old to mirc, but i dont use it since 2000 lol, i forgot the good manners | 07:36 |
zburns | Anybody help me install breezy on a laptop with intermittent working cd drive? (can I install via serial)? | 07:36 |
carlson | iafd, ok what exaclty is that backports | 07:36 |
carlson | ? | 07:36 |
carlson | where do i find it? | 07:36 |
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iafd | they're repositories with the latest software, afaik | 07:36 |
iafd | google it | 07:36 |
djm62 | zburns: can you install it via the network? | 07:36 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell carlson about backports | 07:36 |
PUTU_PLUTO | anybody can say me the numbers of usuarios are in internet on the world? or on the spain? xD can you understand me? -_-' | 07:37 |
=== Skapare will bbl | ||
zburns | I've got a wireless card in there (debian doesn't recognize, but supposedly breezy does) | 07:37 |
=== Skapare waves | ||
carlson | sorry, i am new to ubuntu... still dont know even what is a backport , | 07:37 |
djm62 | Anybody here know how to troubleshoot mono? | 07:37 |
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SuseUX | later | 07:37 |
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Dr_Willis | carlson, i am vague on that topic also. :P never used the, | 07:37 |
zburns | djm62: I'm running mono under breezy | 07:37 |
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djm62 | zburns: any way to use a wired network for the duration of the install? | 07:37 |
squid0 | booting troubleshooting please? help? | 07:37 |
Weems | is there a ubuntu package for xchat 2.4.5? | 07:38 |
zburns | djm62: yes, I can do that...how can I start netinstall? | 07:38 |
niyi | hello * | 07:38 |
niyi | i'm totally new to ubuntu, and debian based distros in general... (tho i'm not a total n00b) | 07:38 |
djm62 | zburns: I have breezy (just updated from hoary) and mono keeps choking...I've purged everything I can think of and reinstalled, still chokes | 07:38 |
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carlson | hey, i found a solution... i changed my repositories from hoary to breezy, then firefox 1.07 is there... is it safe to upgrade this way? | 07:38 |
thompa | does ubuntu use alsa??? | 07:39 |
djm62 | zburns: umm I'm not sure, there'll be a wikipage on netinstall | 07:39 |
iafd | yeah, breezy is supposed to be quite stable | 07:39 |
niyi | how would i check services configured in my runlevel in ubuntu? | 07:39 |
kbrooks | carlson: not upgrading | 07:39 |
zburns | djm62: ok, thanks. re: mono, you have reference to universal repos? | 07:39 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell carlson about upgrade2breezy | 07:39 |
thompa | lavieboheme: try breezy install | 07:39 |
iafd | carlson : when there's a new ubuntu release, the software you can get via synaptic is frozen, backports are an extra, unofficial service you can configure to, say, always get the most up to date release of firefox, or whatever software. or so is my understanding. get it? | 07:39 |
kbrooks | niyi: links you may want to be acquianted with (for ubuntu): | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | thompa, ubuntu uses alsa mainly | 07:40 |
kbrooks | !rootsudo | 07:40 |
ubotu | from memory, rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 07:40 |
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thompa | lavieboheme: 5.10 (Breezy Badger) Preview | 07:40 |
carlson | iafd.... ok ,. now i got it.... i will try.. thanks a lot | 07:40 |
kbrooks | !synaptic | 07:40 |
djm62 | zburns: yeah, I have the repositories, and the packages are installing, just not running | 07:40 |
kbrooks | dang | 07:40 |
dell500 | i had ubuntu ship me some cds, do you think they will send me BB instead of HH? | 07:40 |
zburns | djm62: what happens when you type 'mono' at terminal? | 07:41 |
carlson | ubotu, tell carlson about gaim | 07:41 |
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thompa | Dr_Willis: alsaconf does not work, or is not there | 07:41 |
kbrooks | dell500: they *SHOULD*. When did you have them ship cds | 07:41 |
ubotu | I guess synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 07:41 |
Ubunti_Ki | So, anyone who knows whats wrong if "Kate" dont show terminal? Maybe someone wants to see a picture taken of my kate? I can put it in pastein | 07:41 |
Ubunti_Ki | pastebin | 07:41 |
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djm62 | zburns: hang on, I'm at the "purge" stage of the cycle, I'll reinstall | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | thompa, cant say that ive ever tried it. :P | 07:42 |
thompa | Dr_Willis: how can i configure my sound. is there a gui? | 07:42 |
thompa | i saw one but now cant find it | 07:42 |
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thompa | my game sound is off | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | thompa, actually ive rarely had to configure or do anything with the sound other then use the alsamixer. may want to check the wiki.forums on sound. | 07:42 |
PUTU_PLUTO | anybody can say me the numbers of usuarios are in internet on the world? or on the spain? xD can you understand me? -_-' | 07:42 |
PUTU_PLUTO | anybody can say me the numbers of usuarios are in internet on the world? or on the spain? xD can you understand me? -_-' | 07:42 |
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thompa | so alsamixer is there cool. thanks | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | PUTU_PLUTO, the answer is 42 | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | now go away. | 07:43 |
kbrooks | PUTU_PLUTO: 10 | 07:43 |
PUTU_PLUTO | 42 milions in the worl? can you speake spanish? sorry -.-' | 07:43 |
kbrooks | Dr_Willis: what did he do? | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | PUTU_PLUTO, no just '42' :P | 07:43 |
kbrooks | !es | 07:43 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:43 |
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PUTU_PLUTO | aaah okey thank you! | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 07:44 |
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albacker | guys can someone tell me the link in ubuntu, that shows about the w32codecs ? ' | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | !w2codecs | 07:44 |
ubotu | Dr_Willis: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | lol | 07:44 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell albacker about w32codecs | 07:44 |
kbrooks | !w32codecs | 07:44 |
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ubotu | w32codecs is, like, a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 07:44 |
joe_ | moi aussi dr willis | 07:44 |
thompa | anybody know why my game sound stopped: namely bzflag | 07:44 |
nalioth | kbrooks: Dr_Willis y'all let ubotu send factoids, please | 07:45 |
thompa | after update | 07:45 |
thompa | there was a sound utility somewhere in ubuntu | 07:45 |
albacker | !Restricted | 07:45 |
ubotu | restricted is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 07:45 |
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djm62 | zburns: mono runs ok, gives usage info. f-spot gives " System.DllNotFoundException: gnomeui-2" | 07:46 |
nxv_ | how do i get the id tags of a flac? mp3info doesn't work | 07:46 |
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thompa | Dr_Willis: multimedia systems selector..that was it | 07:46 |
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Jedrick | i have this error everytime i open mplayer and play some file, " New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Please supply the text fone line (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf). | 07:46 |
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Dr_Willis | thompa, never used it. :P | 07:47 |
thompa | are you on breezy? | 07:47 |
nalioth | Jedrick: install mplayer fonts pkg | 07:47 |
Jedrick | ok | 07:47 |
hamletx | hi | 07:47 |
=== RexKwonDo [n=david@adsl-19-156-63.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hamletx | i'm having problems with a broken package any ideas? | 07:47 |
hamletx | is the phpmyadmin | 07:47 |
albacker | guys i have breezy installed, so should i put the breezy apt's in source,list or hoary/warty. might it be dangerous if i put breezy one's. [breezy is the unstable one right... ] !? | 07:48 |
Hexstream | Hi, I have a problem whenever I try to install/upgrade with apt-get (and consequently Synaptic etc) recently... I get the following error message: | 07:48 |
Hexstream | Failed to create initrd image. | 07:48 |
Hexstream | dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 (--configure): | 07:48 |
Hexstream | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 07:48 |
zburns | djm62: ah, think I ran into something similar....let me check | 07:48 |
hamletx | I'm trying to uninstall the apacha2 and i couldn't | 07:48 |
thompa | !sound | 07:48 |
nalioth | Hexstream: please do not paste in here | 07:48 |
ubotu | somebody said sound was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/, or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 07:48 |
djm62 | :) | 07:48 |
kbrooks | albacker: breezy is rc quality | 07:48 |
ompaul | albacker, then you need breezy in there | 07:48 |
thompa | !alsa | 07:48 |
ubotu | alsa is probably http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 | 07:48 |
Hexstream | oh sorry.. | 07:48 |
nalioth | Hexstream: use #flood or a pastebin | 07:48 |
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Hexstream | what's #flood ? | 07:49 |
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nalioth | Hexstream: a channel for pasting into | 07:49 |
jurp5 | what is faster ubuntu or archwhat is faster ubuntu or arch | 07:49 |
Hexstream | oh... | 07:49 |
kbrooks | jurp5: subjective | 07:49 |
jurp5 | ? | 07:49 |
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Hexstream | guess I'll just erase the newlines next time | 07:49 |
ompaul | albacker, albacker if you install breezy then you must use its repos | 07:49 |
kbrooks | jurp5: and please dont repeat | 07:49 |
RexKwonDo | Idiot question: I still see the blue Kubuntu startup image even though I have successfully switched back to the chocolately goodness of Ubuntu. How do I bring back the brown?? | 07:50 |
RexKwonDo | this is from boot | 07:50 |
albacker | ompaul, ok thanks.. | 07:50 |
thompa | how should i "!"? | 07:50 |
thompa | so you guys dont complain | 07:50 |
Dr_Willis | RexKwonDo, i disabled the whole thing. :P it looked ugly | 07:50 |
kbrooks | thompa: a! | 07:51 |
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kbrooks | not a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 07:51 |
thompa | a! | 07:51 |
nalioth | kbrooks: ? | 07:51 |
kbrooks | thats a example. | 07:51 |
ompaul | Hexstream, however pastebin is better paste.ubuntulinux.nl (book mark it now) the reason is that you can refer people to materials that are old #pastebin is only there for as long as the people in the channel are there and it does not leave the scroll buffer, but no one new can see it | 07:51 |
RexKwonDo | well, is there to make bootup a visual-less process? | 07:51 |
squid0 | hey kbrooks | 07:51 |
kbrooks | squid0: ? | 07:51 |
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squid0 | salutations | 07:51 |
squid0 | :P | 07:51 |
thompa | kbrooks: do you mean type my name first? | 07:51 |
kbrooks | hi? :P | 07:51 |
zburns | djm62: nope, something different...you could try asking on the #mono channel on gnome irc | 07:51 |
Ubunti_Ki | Does someone know problems with "kate" in Ubuntu? | 07:52 |
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kbrooks | thompa: yes, and don't repeat exclamation marks. | 07:52 |
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djm62 | ah, that explains why the local chanel is unpopulated | 07:52 |
squid0 | kbrooks: salutations=greetings | 07:52 |
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tylerdurden | hey how do i make a root account? root:andmypassword wont work | 07:52 |
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argonsizew | hi | 07:52 |
djm62 | thompa: you mean !command for ubotu don't you? | 07:52 |
ompaul | thompa, you should /msg ubotu <keyword> that way the whole channel does not see your conversation (rather one sided as it is) with the bot :-) | 07:52 |
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RexKwonDo | salivations=slobberings | 07:52 |
thompa | yes yes | 07:52 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell tylerdurden about root | 07:52 |
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ompaul | !tell tylerdurden about sudo | 07:52 |
marco | HI to all ubuntu world! | 07:52 |
Ubunti_Ki | Why can't I see the bloody terminal in my "kate" ? | 07:53 |
squid0 | RexWonDo: dream of californication | 07:53 |
=== ompaul gives nalioth an order for coffee [might speed me up] | ||
kbrooks | Ubunti_Ki: try konsole | 07:53 |
Hexstream | ompaul: guess I'll try that thing | 07:53 |
Ubunti_Ki | Do I have ti | 07:53 |
tylerdurden | !tell tylerdurden about ubuntu | 07:53 |
kbrooks | Ubunti_Ki: no, but try it | 07:53 |
Ubunti_Ki | konsole? kbrooks | 07:53 |
Ubunti_Ki | how kbrooks ? | 07:53 |
psycode | are there mirrors for breezy repositories ? (cause its extremly slow right now) | 07:54 |
ompaul | tylerdurden, please do that with /msg ubotu <keyword> | 07:54 |
Jedrick | now i got this error when playing files on mplayer, " ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec wmvmod.dll. " | 07:54 |
kbrooks | Ubunti_Ki: do you even know how to use kde? | 07:54 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Jedrick about w32codecs | 07:54 |
Ubunti_Ki | Oh, I use Gnome.... | 07:54 |
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ompaul | Ubunti_Ki, try gedit in that case | 07:55 |
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Ubunti_Ki | I have tried KDE but not in Ubuntu | 07:55 |
ack | hi guys I was wonder how come I can't use cfdisk in ubuntu live? | 07:55 |
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tarzeau | anyone joins #bub-n-bros ? http://bub-n-bros.sf.net ? | 07:55 |
Ubunti_Ki | Does that fix Kate? Or is gedit something like kate? | 07:55 |
ompaul | Ubunti_Ki, then do this >> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop << best starting point for KDE on ubuntu | 07:56 |
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thompa | ompaul: do you mean i should "/msg ubotu keyword" | 07:56 |
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=== ompaul blinks | ||
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ompaul | thompa, yes | 07:56 |
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thompa | ompaul: but it gives me nothing | 07:56 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell thompa about msg the bot | 07:56 |
ompaul | thompa, you use the keyword if the bot has an answer then it will be forth coming | 07:56 |
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Hexstream | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2885 | 07:57 |
Ubunti_Ki | kubuntu desktop, okay. Does that give me a choice to start KDE at login? | 07:57 |
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psycode | are there any mirror repositories for breezy ? | 07:57 |
thompa | ompaul: but "!" gives me different answers | 07:57 |
nalioth | psycode: none up to date | 07:57 |
Ubunti_Ki | ompaul, ok and then? | 07:57 |
nalioth | thompa: it does not | 07:57 |
RockyBurt | so do people run Ubuntu on servers? | 07:57 |
thompa | ok | 07:58 |
djm62 | RockyBurt: there is a server distro | 07:58 |
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RockyBurt | djm62: there is? url? | 07:58 |
kbrooks | RockyBurt: i do | 07:58 |
thompa | thompa: sound! | 07:58 |
ompaul | thompa what keyword are you using? | 07:58 |
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thompa | ompaul: sound | 07:59 |
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Quinthius | RockyBurt: i don't tink there is a seperate DISTRO for servers, but you can choose to do a server install, which doesn't install all the GUI / desktop-user stuff | 07:59 |
djm62 | RockyBurt: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/teams/server I know nothing of it, but there is a team ;) | 07:59 |
tylerdurden | can someone help me with root? it says root is not allowed to log in from this screen | 07:59 |
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ompaul | !sound | 07:59 |
ubotu | sound is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/, or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 07:59 |
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Dr_Willis | !root | 07:59 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 07:59 |
tylerdurden | i was just tehre dr willis | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 07:59 |
ompaul | tylerdurden, read what the bot ubotu messaged you | 07:59 |
tylerdurden | i set up a password for root but it says im not allowed to log in | 07:59 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: you were told last night how to enable root | 07:59 |
tylerdurden | no that wasnt it nalioth | 08:00 |
thompa | ompaul: my question is. is it ok to do that because everyone sees it and it clutters | 08:00 |
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tylerdurden | i just formatted and i dont have root anymore | 08:00 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: yes it was. i saw the msg to you | 08:00 |
tylerdurden | so i want to set it up | 08:00 |
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tylerdurden | naioth can u tell me how again? how to open a new root account | 08:00 |
ompaul | thompa, the key is simple, the first word changes the urls don't | 08:00 |
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nalioth | tylerdurden: did you read your ubotu priv msgs? | 08:00 |
tylerdurden | when was that? i just logged out to check so i dont have it anymore | 08:00 |
Hexstream | Hi, I have a "post installation script" error with apt-get: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2885 | 08:01 |
tylerdurden | was it the link? the link didnt help | 08:01 |
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nalioth | tylerdurden: http://ubuntuguide.org/#allowrootlogingnome | 08:01 |
ack | has anyone tried to install MAX OSX on a PC? | 08:01 |
Ubunti_Ki | what exactly does "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 08:01 |
Hexstream | every linux forum in the world seems to have someone with that problem but none has an answer | 08:01 |
Ubunti_Ki | " do? | 08:01 |
vitriol | what should i install to get flash on ubuntu amd64? | 08:01 |
ompaul | tylerdurden, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs << that URL contains all the info from last night - your location may impact the timestamps | 08:01 |
hyperactivecrond | Ubunti_Ki, it installes kde | 08:01 |
tylerdurden | thahnks | 08:01 |
hyperactivecrond | and the kubuntu base if youre missing anything in it | 08:02 |
ompaul | Ubunti_Ki, it install KDE set up and configured nicely for Ubuntu | 08:02 |
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Quinthius | Ubunti_Ki: installs the meta-package kubuntu-desktop, which pulls in KDE packages and stuff | 08:02 |
hyperactivecrond | ok my problem: i try to mount an iso image... | 08:02 |
hyperactivecrond | and i get a nice error: | 08:02 |
rukuartic | Anyone want to help me with installing ndiswrapper without using apt-get? | 08:02 |
ompaul | only root wants to do that? | 08:02 |
thompa | ompaul: sorry. can i "!" so that it is not public? | 08:02 |
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qmanman | java! | 08:03 |
GrooMan | I just installed ubuntu 5.10 RC, and the graphic card selected was VESA because I ddidn't remenber the model so... now I only have 800x600 and 640x480 resolutions available, but in xorg.conf theres also 1024x768 but it don't show up in the menu, whats the problem? | 08:03 |
hyperactivecrond | chris@beanburrito:~$ sudo mount vtx-web.cdi loop -o loop | 08:03 |
hyperactivecrond | Password: | 08:03 |
hyperactivecrond | ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy | 08:03 |
hyperactivecrond | mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 08:03 |
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hyperactivecrond | sorry | 08:03 |
rukuartic | hyperactivecrond: http://pastebin.org | 08:03 |
hyperactivecrond | i shoulde've known that :) | 08:03 |
rukuartic | Its all good. | 08:03 |
ompaul | thompa, that is why I am asking you ! is public /msg ubotu is between you and the bot | 08:03 |
Ubunti_Ki | ompaul does that give me a choice to start with KDE? | 08:03 |
nalioth | thompa: ubotu has sent you priv msgs explaining all this | 08:04 |
ompaul | thompa, the answers are identical just the opening word is differnt | 08:04 |
thompa | ompaul: thanks, i know | 08:04 |
kbrooks | ompaul: lengthy discussion -- #ubuntu-offtopic please | 08:04 |
vitriol | GrooMan: dpkg-reconfigures xserver-xorg | 08:04 |
hyperactivecrond | you don't ! when u msg ubotu iirc | 08:04 |
Ubunti_Ki | ompaul and does it do something that maybe gives kate something to work? | 08:04 |
ompaul | Ubunti_Ki, that is something that GDM manages try it | 08:04 |
Ubunti_Ki | Ill try, thanks | 08:04 |
vitriol | what should i install to get flash on ubuntu amd64? | 08:04 |
argonsizew | quit | 08:05 |
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hyperactivecrond | argonsizew, try /quit :) | 08:05 |
argonsizew | thx | 08:05 |
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ack | that drive is /dev/hdb1 ? | 08:05 |
ack | *what drive | 08:05 |
ompaul | kbrooks, good point:: thompa if you want to continue this go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:05 |
GrooMan | vitriol I tried that and I selected 1024x768 too, but I doesn't show up in the menu... | 08:05 |
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rukuartic | Working on building ndiswarpper-1.4rc4, but it says I need "source". Looks like thats 5 CSs of information. Anyway I could build it without the source? | 08:05 |
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qmanman | anyone in here runnin an ATI X300, X600, etc in their laptop? | 08:06 |
rukuartic | *CD | 08:06 |
Quinthius | GrooMan: did you restart X? log out, hit ctrl-alt-F1, login at console, run: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 08:06 |
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vitriol | GrooMan: maybe the xserver doesn't think your card can support 1024x768 .... can't really help you there | 08:06 |
vitriol | someone else can tho | 08:06 |
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kbrooks | Quinthius: another way.... CTRL+ALT+BKSP | 08:06 |
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thompa | ompaul: had to ask cause people get jumpy as you can see | 08:07 |
Quinthius | kbrooks: not a very pleasant way. doesn't give programs a chanec to close on their own.. | 08:07 |
kbrooks | ah | 08:07 |
rukuartic | Switching from windows... need help installing ndiswrapper so I can use Ubuntu to connect to the internet with a wireless card... | 08:07 |
ompaul | thompa, go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to talk to me | 08:07 |
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WhyvasLT | rukuartic, what chipset? | 08:07 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: You mean the wireless card? | 08:08 |
WhyvasLT | yes | 08:08 |
thompa | #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:08 |
=== ompaul blinks | ||
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: dang. I had it written down, but I verified and its compatable. | 08:08 |
WhyvasLT | are you in linux now? | 08:08 |
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rukuartic | WhyvasLT: Nope. Can't get internet on linux box because the card doesn't work. | 08:09 |
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schmiddy | where can i get the "GIF Video Codec" | 08:09 |
neoliminal | Is there a way to create an encrypted partition under Ubuntu? | 08:09 |
WhyvasLT | if you do lscpi in a shell it'll tell you the chipset | 08:09 |
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rukuartic | WhyvasLT: That'll involve me rebooting and all that. Hold up, lemme look it up | 08:09 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: If you know off hand, is Linksys WMP54G | 08:10 |
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rukuartic | WhyvasLT: Broadcom, I think. | 08:10 |
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Jedrick | i try to install w32codecs but i got this msg, " Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:11 |
Jedrick | is only available from another source | 08:11 |
Jedrick | E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate | 08:11 |
ompaul | Jeromee, do not paste - use paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:11 |
WhyvasLT | yeah | 08:11 |
darius___ | Anyone know if the Breezy (Universe) gnucash package is broke? Install errors out on me | 08:11 |
WhyvasLT | broadcom | 08:11 |
huhmz | jedrick: i tried asking this also but noone answered, i think they might have decided it was too non-free | 08:11 |
WhyvasLT | you don't have a way to use the wired card ? | 08:11 |
kbrooks | !w32codecs | 08:12 |
ubotu | somebody said w32codecs was a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 08:12 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: No wired card, and that'd involve running a cable down three stories. | 08:12 |
kbrooks | :) | 08:12 |
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huhmz | jedrick: you can download the codecs manually from mplayerhq.hu and unpack them into /usr/lib/win32 | 08:12 |
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kbrooks | huhmz: ^ | 08:12 |
Quinthius | Jedrick: get the codecs from mplayerhq.hu and extract to /usr/lib/win32 (make sure the files are directly under /usr/lib/win32, not a subdir) | 08:12 |
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kbrooks | Quinthius: ^ | 08:12 |
jpkeisala | When is official release date for Breezy? | 08:12 |
WhyvasLT | 14th i think | 08:13 |
[LethAL] | 13 | 08:13 |
kbrooks | jpfarias: 4 days | 08:13 |
neoliminal | Is it possible to create an encrypted partition in Ubuntu? | 08:13 |
[LethAL] | Hence the effing topic | 08:13 |
Jedrick | amm but i dont know how to extract a file into specific directory.. im a noob | 08:13 |
TiMiDo | 5 | 08:13 |
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schmiddy | hi everyone | 08:13 |
Ubunti_Ki | Is the gdm more for beginners then kde? | 08:14 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: I read over the FAQ, and it says that I need the Kernel Source. Where do I pick that up? | 08:14 |
TiMiDo | Ubunti_Ki gdm is just a display manager | 08:14 |
TiMiDo | you mean gnome | 08:14 |
TiMiDo | not gdm | 08:14 |
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WhyvasLT | rukuartic, you need the kernel source headers if you're compiling it | 08:14 |
WhyvasLT | but im pretty sure it's already installed isn't it? | 08:14 |
Ubunti_Ki | Ok and what does KDE stand for | 08:14 |
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TiMiDo | Ubunti_Ki kde or kdm? | 08:15 |
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schmiddy | will linux always be virus and spyware immune like it is now? | 08:15 |
Ubunti_Ki | both =) | 08:15 |
Thordon2 | Hi, can anyone help, I just installed unbuntu and the colors and resilution are messed up, I can riughly make out the text, but what do I do to reduce the resolution etc, thanks | 08:15 |
WhyvasLT | it isn't immune | 08:15 |
TiMiDo | well kdm is kde display manager and kde i forgot | 08:15 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Thordon2 about fixres | 08:15 |
Jedrick | Quinthius: how to extract a file into a specific directory.. e.g i have the file in /home/jedrick/downloads and i want to extract it on /usr/lib/win32 whats the command? | 08:15 |
Ubunti_Ki | Is linux trojan immun? | 08:15 |
TiMiDo | Ubunti_Ki hell no | 08:15 |
WhyvasLT | Ubunti_Ki, nothing is immune | 08:15 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: Where do I find the kernel source headers? | 08:15 |
nalioth | Jedrick: did you get the w32codecs deb file? | 08:16 |
WhyvasLT | rukuartic, are you sure it isn't installed already | 08:16 |
Mustard5 | rukuartic, synaptic? | 08:16 |
Ubunti_Ki | whats the best antivirus program for Linux? | 08:16 |
Mustard5 | search for linux headers | 08:16 |
WhyvasLT | he doesn't have internet | 08:16 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: I'm pretty sure, Mustard5: no internet connection. | 08:16 |
TiMiDo | Ubunti_Ki none nothing really there's 0 virus on Linux | 08:16 |
[LethAL] | !linuxvirus | 08:16 |
ubotu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 08:16 |
WhyvasLT | Ubunti_Ki, you need to read up on google | 08:16 |
nalioth | Ubunti_Ki: linux doesnt have viruses, but if you want to help your windows using grandmother, use clamav | 08:16 |
Jedrick | yes | 08:16 |
TiMiDo | do a research about Linux | 08:17 |
Mustard5 | ah sorry late to the conversation :D | 08:17 |
nalioth | Jedrick: sudo dpkg -i file.deb will install them for you | 08:17 |
Skid | help your windows using grandmother? | 08:17 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: Where's it found? /lib/modules/kernel/build? | 08:17 |
Ubunti_Ki | is there a trojan remover then for linux? | 08:17 |
nalioth | Skid: join #ubuntu-offtopic and i'll explain | 08:17 |
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nalioth | Ubunti_Ki: there are no known trojans or viruses for linux | 08:17 |
WhyvasLT | rukuartic, you'd have to download them | 08:17 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:18 |
Skid | k | 08:18 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: Yes... where do I find them? | 08:18 |
WhyvasLT | rukuartic, you need to find a way to wire your computer in for a minute | 08:18 |
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WhyvasLT | bring it downstairs, use synaptics to install ndiswrapper | 08:18 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: I can download in windows, burn onto a CD, transport that way. | 08:18 |
WhyvasLT | much much easier | 08:18 |
Jedrick | so this would look like this: $ sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 08:18 |
rukuartic | WhyvasLT: No network card. Can't wire. | 08:18 |
[LethAL] | Jedrick, sounds good | 08:19 |
nalioth | Jedrick: yep | 08:19 |
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Jedrick | ok | 08:19 |
WhyvasLT | ahh | 08:19 |
WhyvasLT | Ubunti_Ki is swedish, that explains a lot | 08:20 |
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Ubunti_Ki | So with linux/mozilla I can watch every porn sight i wish!? | 08:20 |
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rukuartic | /ignore ubunti_ki | 08:20 |
[LethAL] | Ubunti_Ki, if you're using KDE, I'd advise using opera instead | 08:20 |
rukuartic | <-- Irc n00b. X_x; | 08:20 |
Ubunti_Ki | Im from sweden yeah, but im finish. A finish icebear. | 08:20 |
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TiMiDo | ok feels good to be back | 08:20 |
TiMiDo | with linux | 08:20 |
huhmz | i assure everyone, he is not representative of my country | 08:20 |
kbrooks | " | 08:21 |
kbrooks | 1)You have to OWN A LEGAL COPY of Windows, because these are proprietary codecs (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) " => http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70227 | 08:21 |
Ubunti_Ki | TiMiDo, yes? :-) | 08:21 |
kbrooks | is that true? | 08:21 |
TiMiDo | huh? | 08:21 |
[LethAL] | Probably | 08:21 |
Ubunti_Ki | [LethAL] , why? | 08:21 |
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[LethAL] | Because it uses QT whereas Firefox uses GTK | 08:22 |
[LethAL] | Although you can get Firefox compiled wth QT, it's buggy | 08:22 |
Ubunti_Ki | TiMiDo, nada. Just wondered why you are back with linux. Curious. | 08:22 |
Jedrick | dude i got this error when i do type the command. dpkg: error processing w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb.torrent (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb.torrent | 08:22 |
TiMiDo | because at was doing some search on a FBSD box | 08:22 |
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thompa | !esd | 08:23 |
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frank23 | [LethAL] : running gtk apps in kde affects nothing except the llok | 08:23 |
frank23 | look* | 08:23 |
[LethAL] | Jedrick, you can't install torrents | 08:23 |
[LethAL] | frank23, I know | 08:23 |
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nicola | hello | 08:23 |
[LethAL] | frank23, I'm just one for unification is GUIs | 08:23 |
[LethAL] | in* | 08:24 |
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nalioth | Jedrick: you need to run the torrent in your bittorrent program first | 08:24 |
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Jedrick | oh ok | 08:24 |
nalioth | Jedrick: http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/ | 08:25 |
BoD_SWAT | I just deleted some files using emelfm | 08:25 |
frank23 | [LethAL] : and gtk-qt is pretty good! It did wonders for aMule for example | 08:25 |
BoD_SWAT | yet I have the feeling that the files are still there | 08:25 |
BoD_SWAT | because of my disk-usage | 08:25 |
Dalkus | is breezy stable? | 08:25 |
Jedrick | ok im downloading it now | 08:25 |
neoliminal | Does Ubuntu support encrypted swap? | 08:25 |
TiMiDo | neoliminal: yes | 08:25 |
frank23 | Dalkus: I'm using it right now | 08:25 |
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oxez | Dalkus: I'm using it for about 2 weeks, it's pretty stable | 08:25 |
neoliminal | TiMiDo: how do I enable? | 08:25 |
nalioth | BoD_SWAT: does emel2fm have a "empty trash" ? | 08:25 |
Dalkus | yeah, but is it stable frank23 ?:) | 08:26 |
frank23 | Dalkus: It is for me | 08:26 |
BoD_SWAT | nalioth, no. And my trash is empty :-| | 08:26 |
Dalkus | thanks oxez. is it officially stable? | 08:26 |
[LethAL] | No | 08:26 |
frank23 | Dalkus: no | 08:26 |
darius___ | Dalkus: I just installed Breezy RC on my HP compaq nc6000 Everything works | 08:26 |
oxez | Still in developpement, it'll be officialy stable next week | 08:26 |
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Dalkus | oh, great - thanks | 08:26 |
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thompa | hey how do i get to the off topic channel? | 08:27 |
Dalkus | whats the next release to be called? | 08:27 |
nalioth | thompa: /j #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:27 |
dariuss | I think it's Ugly Duckling? | 08:27 |
dariuss | :) | 08:27 |
nalioth | Dalkus: after breezy badger will be dapper drake | 08:27 |
Dalkus | hehe | 08:27 |
Jedrick | how to run terminal in shortcut keys? | 08:27 |
Dalkus | thanks | 08:27 |
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thompa | thanks | 08:27 |
oxez | Dapper Drake? | 08:27 |
oxez | sounds like Mandrake | 08:27 |
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[LethAL] | lol | 08:28 |
WindowsBreakerG4 | Hey folks | 08:28 |
steve_ | hello hello | 08:28 |
TiMiDo | steve_: hello | 08:28 |
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WindowsBreakerG4 | anyone know about ubuntu and sata on a laptop? | 08:28 |
steve_ | TiMiDo, :) | 08:28 |
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steve_ | anyone have any idea *when* in october breezy will be finalized? | 08:29 |
neoliminal | TiMiDo: How do I enable encrypted Swap? | 08:29 |
nalioth | steve_: see /topic | 08:29 |
Skid | steve_: as per the topic, the 13th ? | 08:29 |
_willcooke_ | WindowsBreakerG4, Not exactly, but I'm using SATA on my desktop if that helps? | 08:29 |
Hexstream | hi, I'm looking for the system config file where block device mappings are made... | 08:29 |
enyc | wind: there shouldnt be a problem with that | 08:29 |
steve_ | omg, im an idiot. sorry. :) | 08:29 |
hwaara_ | how come you don't configure a root in ubuntu? | 08:29 |
hwaara_ | is everyone by default root too or what | 08:29 |
enyc | steve: erm... apparently in about 5 days time | 08:29 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell hwaara_ about root | 08:29 |
enyc | hwaa: via 'sido' | 08:29 |
WindowsBreakerG4 | k thanks | 08:29 |
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enyc | hwaa: err 'sudo' | 08:30 |
tylerdurden | hey how come fglrxconfig wont work? i just installed the ati drivers | 08:30 |
tylerdurden | it says command not found | 08:30 |
enyc | hwaa: ubuntu makes the initially-installed-user able to run commands as root via /etc/sudoers | 08:30 |
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enyc | hwaa: using the 'sudo' program | 08:30 |
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enyc | hwaa: further users created are not normally able to run 'root' commands, unless you reconfigure sudo [/etc/sudoers] | 08:31 |
oxez | tylerdurden: close your current terminal and re-login, and also do it as root: sudo fglrxconfig | 08:31 |
tylerdurden | oh there we go | 08:31 |
kevogod | tylerdurden, Are you on Hoary? | 08:31 |
enyc | hwaa: root exists, just has no password set [not blank password, just NO password set] ... | 08:31 |
tylerdurden | breezy | 08:31 |
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tylerdurden | it works with sudo fglrxconfig, but why doesnt it work without sudo? im root anyway | 08:31 |
enyc | hwaa: there is nothing to stop you setting a root password should you want root ;-) | 08:31 |
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kevogod | Well, you would probably be wise to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choosing the fglrx driver | 08:32 |
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kevogod | When I used fglrxconfig on Breezy, it did not work. | 08:32 |
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pupil | How do I open a file browser with sudo permissions,. I have to copy a number of folders to another drive? | 08:32 |
[LethAL] | pupil press alt-f2 and type gksudo nautilus | 08:33 |
nalioth | pupil: not advisable | 08:33 |
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pupil | nalioth | 08:33 |
Hexstream | sudo nautilus I thinl | 08:33 |
pupil | nalioth, ok,. who do I listen too? | 08:33 |
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kevogod | gksudo nautilus | 08:33 |
pupil | [LethAL] , ? | 08:33 |
[LethAL] | pupil, both, but if there's no other way, do with caution | 08:33 |
nalioth | pupil: nautilus has a known bug of messin up your user space when run as root | 08:33 |
tylerdurden | Do you want to initialize xfree86-dga | 08:33 |
tylerdurden | yes or no and what does it do? | 08:34 |
kevogod | tylerdurden, Are you running sudo fglrxconfig? | 08:34 |
tylerdurden | yup | 08:34 |
kevogod | Well, you would probably be wise to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choosing the fglrx driver | 08:34 |
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kevogod | instead | 08:34 |
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tylerdurden | nah | 08:34 |
kevogod | fglrxconfig failed for me on Breezy | 08:34 |
jeff303 | does anyone know how to cancel a newsgroup post in Evolution? | 08:34 |
tylerdurden | it worked for me last time, i just forgot to do sudo this time | 08:34 |
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tylerdurden | so what does it do? xfree86-dga | 08:35 |
thom_ | !sound | 08:35 |
ubotu | I guess sound is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/, or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 08:35 |
kevogod | tylerdurden, Google it. | 08:35 |
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kevogod | And then become more puzzled. | 08:35 |
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hwaara_ | enyc, ah thanks. so new users I create won't have to option of graphically sudoing ? | 08:36 |
hwaara_ | like if they go into some preferences. or are they also asked for a password? | 08:36 |
enyc | hwaa: correct, unless you change /etc/sudoers | 08:36 |
[LethAL] | hwaara_, graphics sudo is doing through gksudo or gnome-sudo | 08:36 |
titanium | i'm about to buy a 300gb seagate harddrive which is on sale. i plan on using it on my Ubuntu machine. the machine itself is an Optiplex GX1p (dell). what are the chances of me being able to actually use the drive entirely and not have it cap out at 127gb or possibly even less? | 08:36 |
enyc | hwaa: well they can change user-level-preferences, just not any 'root' requiring thing | 08:36 |
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enyc | tita: linux will have no trouble with that, BUT | 08:36 |
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Jedrick | when i start my pc and prompted which os to use, why is that i have 7 choices to choose from. linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, and windows | 08:37 |
enyc | tita: if the bios or otherwise does, you need a /boot partition within the first 127gb ;-) | 08:37 |
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artur | hi, skype on my ubuntu 5.10 shouts it need libstdc++5 and gcc3 , i can't find any solution on wiki & google, can anyone help ? | 08:37 |
Jedrick | why is that i have 3 linux and 3 fail safe which are just the same | 08:37 |
Jedrick | how to remove those | 08:37 |
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Seveas | Jedrick, remove some kernels.. | 08:37 |
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Jedrick | how? | 08:38 |
Ubunti_Ki | kde or gnome, which one suits better for a novice-user? | 08:38 |
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schmiddy | will linux always be virus immune, no matter how popular it gets | 08:38 |
_willcooke_ | Ubunti_Ki, Gnome | 08:38 |
[LethAL] | schmiddy, we don't know | 08:38 |
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schmiddy | [LethAL] , is there any reason to use Windows XP over Ubuntu? | 08:39 |
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[LethAL] | schmiddy, only if you play games and they don't work in Cedega or Wine | 08:39 |
lsuactiafner | xp has minesweeper | 08:39 |
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mjr | schmiddy, probably not | 08:39 |
Jedrick | Seveas: how to remove kernel? | 08:39 |
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mjr | schmiddy, and maybe | 08:39 |
_willcooke_ | schmiddy, Generally, as soon as a security problem is found it gets fixed ASAP, so we could assume that as soon as a virus appears it would only be survive for a short while | 08:39 |
artur | who has skype working on ubuntu breeze ? | 08:39 |
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lsuactiafner | Jedrick : dont remove a kernel | 08:40 |
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Jedrick | when i start my pc and prompted which os to use, why is that i have 7 choices to choose from. linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, and windows | 08:40 |
Mon | anyone uses the nvidia legacy module? i only have some .o files that are unusable with 2.6 kernels afaik | 08:40 |
RockyBurt | whats everyone's favourite application for design logo's (preferably vector-graphic-based) in linux? | 08:40 |
Jedrick | why is that i have 3 linux and 3 fail safe which are just the same | 08:40 |
Ubunti_Ki | Can I put a picture up in gaim just like in Msn? | 08:40 |
[LethAL] | Ubunti_Ki, yes, in accounts | 08:40 |
Jedrick | lsuactiafner: can you help out pls | 08:40 |
Mon | RockyBurt: probably inkscape | 08:40 |
didde | hey guys! I'm having some diffculties to boot Ubuntu on my LG LW20 laptop. you think the "breezy" RC could perhaps work better on laptops? should I give it a shot? | 08:41 |
RockyBurt | Mon: hmm... i find inkscape very un-intuitive ... coming from a gimp background | 08:41 |
kevogod | didde, Breezy will be officially released on October 13th. | 08:41 |
didde | the installation went fine, but during boot the systems hangs while loading hotplug PCI... | 08:41 |
titanium | enyc: so i should look up the info on the bios for optiplex gx1p's then :) gonna check now | 08:41 |
kevogod | didde, So you might want to wait a few days if possible to get the final version. | 08:41 |
Mon | RockyBurt: well there's dia but i don't like that one. KDE probably has a tool too | 08:42 |
enyc | tita: well... its not worth worrying about that.... erm | 08:42 |
didde | heh, yeah my patience ran out a couple of days ago though. debian was IMPOSSIBLE to even install on the machine. | 08:42 |
enyc | tita: just upgrade the bios to latest version... | 08:42 |
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lsuactiafner | RockyBurt : the gimp will make logos for you | 08:42 |
enyc | tita: amnd make sure you install with a "/boot" partition at the beginning of the disk before all the rest of the partitions | 08:42 |
lsuactiafner | RockyBurt : the gimp is also veryvery good to make ggraphics | 08:42 |
RockyBurt | lsuactiafner: yeah, but i'm aiming for something vector-based so that i can scale them better | 08:42 |
kevogod | Photoshop | 08:43 |
kevogod | ... | 08:43 |
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dariuss | didde: won't hurt to give it a shot? | 08:43 |
didde | it's funny, LG makes great laptops but there's not a single good page describing the possible quirks etc. seems like nobody is running Linux on'em. | 08:43 |
didde | I'm starting to think XP will be my only viable option if RC1 won't work :( | 08:43 |
Jedrick | when i start my pc and prompted which os to use, why is that i have 7 choices to choose from. linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, linux kernel 2.6.12-9-686, recovery fail safe, and windows. why is that i have 3 linux and 3 failesafe which are just the same | 08:43 |
hwaara_ | I heard LG are just rebranding other's hardware | 08:43 |
Jedrick | help pls | 08:43 |
titanium | enyc: it's a really old computer (450mhz p3), do you think that with the latest bios it'd still be able to handle a 300gb hdd? and also about the /boot thing.. i'll only be using this as a mounted drive for storage, not the system drive. | 08:43 |
titanium | do i still need to do something special? | 08:44 |
didde | hwaara: yes and no. it's basically just intel stuff in the machine (Sonoma). | 08:44 |
kevogod | Jedrick, Well, you have duplicate entries for whatever reason. It shouldn't hurt anything. | 08:44 |
Jedrick | so how can i remove them from the list? | 08:44 |
joetheodd | titanium: I'm not entirely sure, but I think handling drive size is totally BIOS-dependant and has nothing to do with the processor | 08:44 |
Ubunti_Ki | [LethAL] , in account, can't find, I really looked. Maybe mine is too old? | 08:44 |
enyc | tita: well then its not relevant to bios | 08:44 |
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kevogod | Jedrick, If you are brave, you can edit them by going to /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:45 |
enyc | tita: you might have a 32gb award bios bug however, which is a different matter | 08:45 |
[LethAL] | Ubunti_Ki, right click on the msn account | 08:45 |
didde | BTW, is it possible to disable pci_hotplug from Grub? | 08:45 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:45 |
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enyc | tita: update the bios first ;-).. and you should be able to use the disk under linux no-trouble | 08:45 |
kevogod | Jedrick, You have to use sudo | 08:45 |
titanium | ok. currently it's running fine with 2x 10gb hdds... gonna replace the non-system 10gb with the 300gb for storage. hehe | 08:45 |
Mon | RockyBurt: check this: http://lwn.net/Articles/84238/ | 08:45 |
Jedrick | ok im on it now usng gedit.. am i doing right? | 08:46 |
titanium | will i need to do anything special besides unmount the old 10gb, take it out, put in the 300gb, boot, mount new drive? | 08:46 |
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Ubunti_Ki | [LethAL] , I really right click my account, don't show nada. I wanna put a picture of me so everyone can see it. | 08:46 |
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Mon | anyone uses the nvidia legacy module? i only have some .o files that are unusable with 2.6 kernels afaik | 08:48 |
[LethAL] | Ubunti_Ki, in your account's properties | 08:48 |
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kevogod | Jedrick, Did you use sudo gedit to open the file? | 08:49 |
squid0 | hi all | 08:49 |
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Jedrick | yes | 08:49 |
kevogod | Then yes, you are on the right track. | 08:49 |
Jedrick | and i have 9 on the list | 08:49 |
Ubunti_Ki | [LethAL] , have looked, but with no luck. I use ubuntu-gnome. | 08:49 |
Jedrick | i thought i just have 7 | 08:49 |
Jedrick | errr | 08:49 |
squid0 | anyone know a good open-source /non-commercial partition editor that'll manage ntfs partitions? | 08:49 |
[LethAL] | Ubunti_Ki, so do I | 08:49 |
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Ubunti_Ki | Nothing in account properties, [LethAL] | 08:50 |
Ubunti_Ki | ok | 08:50 |
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nalioth | squid0: qtparted | 08:50 |
[LethAL] | Look at http://gaim.sf.net | 08:50 |
[LethAL] | Might help more | 08:50 |
didde | anyone know if is it possible to disable pci_hotplug from Grub? | 08:50 |
kevogod | Jedrick, From another terminal window, just to be safe, type "sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak" | 08:50 |
kevogod | This will create a backup of the current file. | 08:50 |
Ubunti_Ki | I found it [LethAL] | 08:50 |
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adler | hey, anybody got a good link to a comparison between reiserfs, ext2, ext3, etc? | 08:51 |
kevogod | Jedrick, Then, feel free to remove entries that appear to be duplicates. | 08:51 |
squid0 | nalioth: thanks, I tried it and it doesn't work properly. says an error occurs when I commit changes after telling it to partition an ntfs partition... | 08:51 |
SuseUX | ok, now openoffice segfaults after the update | 08:51 |
nalioth | squid0: then i dont know what to advise | 08:51 |
nalioth | squid0: run chkdsk in windows on the partition | 08:52 |
squid0 | nalioth: ok. thanks anyway :) | 08:52 |
SuseUX | something seriously broken here! | 08:52 |
squid0 | nalioth: what is that? | 08:52 |
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kevogod | adler, ReiserFS is a fast filesystem that is seen as not as reliable as ext3, which is the tried and true journalled file system. | 08:52 |
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RexKwonDo | Idiot question: I still see the blue Kubuntu startup image even though I have successfully switched back to the chocolately goodness of Ubuntu. How do I bring back the brown?? | 08:52 |
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Jedrick | ok i remove them already, what does cp stands for? | 08:52 |
kevogod | adler, Although, I prefer ReiserFS since it is reasonably faster. | 08:52 |
nalioth | squid0: in Windows, there is a utility to fix your windows file system. it's called chkdsk | 08:52 |
kevogod | Jedrick, copy | 08:53 |
oxez | adler: I have read somewhere that ReiserFS handles more easily small files | 08:53 |
squid0 | nalioth: ok. does it enable you to resize a partition? | 08:53 |
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adler | kevogod, aha. Well, I actually always used ext2 and reiserFS, but quite blindly. I just don't know the pros and cons of each one | 08:53 |
owen_ | hey | 08:53 |
adler | oxez, uhum | 08:53 |
kevogod | adler, ext2 is ancient, use ext3 | 08:53 |
nalioth | squid0: if your partition is screwed, qtparted won't work on it | 08:53 |
owen_ | can someone help me with a linux problem I have? | 08:53 |
Jedrick | ok thnx | 08:53 |
kevogod | adler, ext3 is essentially ext2 journalled. | 08:54 |
Ubunti_Ki | does gaim come with KDE? | 08:54 |
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adler | kevogod, I hope the Ubuntu install lets me choose. I'm a Debian user actually, but I have quite a laptop here =) I don't have much time to configure things, so I hope Ubuntu will do the job | 08:54 |
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squid0 | nalioth: oh, i see. no, i don't think the problem is the partition. i think it's qtparted. the partition is fine | 08:54 |
kevogod | Ubunti_Ki, Kopete comes with KDE. | 08:54 |
kevogod | adler, I am using ReiserFS right now on 8 partitions. | 08:54 |
Ubunti_Ki | Is as Gaim? not as good? ;) | 08:54 |
kevogod | Ubunti_Ki, I prefer Gaim. | 08:54 |
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test34 | Anyone know how to stop firefox 1.5 asking you to Clear Private Data on startup ? | 08:55 |
kevogod | Ubunti_Ki, Although I prefer GNOME. | 08:55 |
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Ubunti_Ki | ^_^ ok kevogod | 08:55 |
owen_ | UGHHH!! I have these super annoying lines flashing up on my screen in ubuntu :( Can anyone help me? | 08:55 |
adler | kev-test, I am using reiserFS too (for no particular reason, though) | 08:55 |
lsuactiafner | oxez : depends on the inode size of the filesystem | 08:55 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell owen_ about fixres | 08:55 |
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lsuactiafner | oxez : the defaults work well enough for a desktop. | 08:55 |
steve_ | is there a way to do "apt-get dist-upgrade" in synaptic pkg manager? | 08:55 |
kevogod | adler, Reiser4 is in the Linux kernel, I will use that. | 08:55 |
durt | has anyone got gdkxft to work successfully? | 08:55 |
deFrysk | kevogod, smart upgrade | 08:56 |
pupil | do you guys know of any really good screensavers? | 08:56 |
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deFrysk | pupil, they are already installed | 08:56 |
kevogod | +When | 08:56 |
steve_ | pupil, what's wrong with the pre-installed ones? | 08:56 |
pupil | deFrysk, indeed | 08:56 |
oxez | lsuactiafner: ok | 08:56 |
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Jedrick | ey about the w32codecs i got it now, how to install it? | 08:57 |
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RexKwonDo | Idiot question: I still see the blue Kubuntu startup during initial boot even though I have successfully switched back to the chocolately goodness of Ubuntu. How do I bring back the brown?? | 08:57 |
hosler | any good linux mmoprgs? | 08:57 |
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kevogod | Jedrick, Are you installing it through Synaptic? | 08:57 |
pupil | I was only wondering | 08:57 |
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nalioth | Jedrick: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 08:57 |
kevogod | Jedrick, Or did you download a .deb package? | 08:57 |
adler | kevogod, oha. Thanks for the infos | 08:57 |
pupil | steve_, I am looking through them now | 08:57 |
Jedrick | no | 08:57 |
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Jedrick | yes its a deb | 08:57 |
Jedrick | i download it from bittorrent | 08:57 |
deFrysk | RexKwonDo, you mean reverting back to gdm ? | 08:57 |
RexKwonDo | well, I did that | 08:57 |
hwaara_ | the brownness is awful | 08:58 |
deFrysk | RexKwonDo, did you uninstall kdm ? | 08:58 |
hortian | hey folks, I'm having some trouble getting GLX to work, if I run glxgears it says: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 08:58 |
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hwaara_ | there should be other optional colors :P | 08:58 |
RexKwonDo | but the boot progress screen is still Kubuntu-ed | 08:58 |
kevogod | Jedrick, Well... I don't know where you got this package, from from the terminal type sudo dpkg --install w32codecs.deb | 08:58 |
deFrysk | RexKwonDo, did you uninstall kdm ? | 08:58 |
hortian | any idea what I could do? | 08:58 |
RexKwonDo | brown is down, baby | 08:58 |
RexKwonDo | yes | 08:58 |
RexKwonDo | even the configs | 08:58 |
Jedrick | ok | 08:58 |
Dr_Willis | the boot process screen is not gdm or kdm. thats the splashscreen stuff i think | 08:58 |
deFrysk | wel I do not know honestly | 08:58 |
Draucon | q time | 08:59 |
RexKwonDo | yeah, things point that way, Dr_Willis, but I'm still stymied | 08:59 |
Dr_Willis | if you are refering to the initial logo/progressbar with the messatges at the bottom. | 08:59 |
RexKwonDo | yes | 08:59 |
Dr_Willis | RexKwonDo, of course I just edit the grub menu items to NOT give that ugly splash screen any way :P | 08:59 |
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deFrysk | Dr_Willis, well I think the splash does not look bad at all | 09:00 |
RexKwonDo | I wouldn't mind a total lack of progress indications | 09:00 |
Jedrick | kevogod: dude i got this error. " dpkg: error processing w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 09:00 |
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Dr_Willis | kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash | 09:00 |
Dr_Willis | (change splash to nosplash) | 09:00 |
Dr_Willis | not sure what quiet does. | 09:00 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 09:00 |
kevogod | Jedrick, Make sure you are in the right directory. | 09:00 |
Jedrick | ok | 09:00 |
RexKwonDo | hmm, okay | 09:00 |
deFrysk | Dr_Willis, easyer to remove the word splash ;) | 09:00 |
Jedrick | ok now i got it | 09:01 |
Jedrick | thnx man | 09:01 |
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Dr_Willis | of course ive found some of the updates tend to replace the entry back to the way it was | 09:01 |
kevogod | Jedrick, From the terminal, if you hit tab it will autocomplete entries. | 09:01 |
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Dr_Willis | so the BEST way i thinkis to edit somthign earlier in the file | 09:01 |
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Jedrick | what you mean? | 09:01 |
kevogod | Jedrick, So you don't have to type the entire name out by hand. | 09:01 |
kevogod | Jedrick, Type a few letters of the file and then hit tab. | 09:02 |
lampshade | hey guys, if I install Breezy and then the official release comes out, will I have to change my apt sources or will I just need to do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade? | 09:02 |
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Jedrick | kool | 09:02 |
Jedrick | wait i try | 09:02 |
kevogod | Jedrick, It works for directories as well. | 09:02 |
Dr_Willis | # nonaltoptions=quiet nosplash | 09:02 |
deFrysk | Jedrick, tabbutton invoces autocomplete | 09:02 |
Jedrick | ammm its not working for me | 09:03 |
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kevogod | Jedrick, You have to be in the directory the file is in. | 09:03 |
deFrysk | lampshade, reade the upgradenotes | 09:03 |
Jedrick | yes im in the directory | 09:03 |
deFrysk | lampshade, see /topic | 09:03 |
Jedrick | when i hit the tab it just beep | 09:03 |
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Jedrick | ok its working now | 09:04 |
kevogod | Jedrick, It can be a timesaver, just wanted to let you know that. | 09:04 |
Jedrick | whats the shortcut keys to run terminal | 09:04 |
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Jedrick | thnx man | 09:04 |
tenco | hi! what are the apt sources for breezy? | 09:04 |
deFrysk | Jedrick, also workt in xchat for autocompleting nicks | 09:04 |
caleb | im running beagle on breezy. xchat logs aren't being indexed. is this a known problem? | 09:05 |
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Jedrick | kool | 09:05 |
durt | so no one here uses gdkxft? | 09:05 |
kevogod | OK back | 09:05 |
Jedrick | whats the shortcut keys to run terminal? | 09:05 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell tenco about upgrade2breezy | 09:05 |
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artur | has anyone skype running on 5.10 ? | 09:06 |
umax | hy | 09:07 |
hwaara_ | is "Add applications..." = Synaptic? | 09:07 |
oxez | it's gnome-app-install | 09:08 |
oxez | iirc | 09:08 |
carlson | artur, i got it running on 5.04 | 09:08 |
deFrysk | Jedrick, xtrl-alt f2 | 09:08 |
kevogod | Jedrick, I don't know if there is one. Alt + F2 opens the run dialog. | 09:08 |
lampshade | hwaara_: Try it and see if it comes up with a thing that says synaptics though I think it is | 09:08 |
nalioth | hwaara_: a simple form of synapti, yes | 09:08 |
deFrysk | jedediah_, ctrl-alt-f7 to return | 09:08 |
deFrysk | Jedrick, I mean | 09:08 |
artur | carlson, where do u downloaded it ? | 09:09 |
Jedrick | is it ctrl+alt+f2? | 09:09 |
carlson | artur, i downloaded the debian version from skype website | 09:09 |
artur | carlson, on 5,10 there is libstdc++ version 6 | 09:09 |
deFrysk | !skype | 09:09 |
ubotu | rumour has it, skype is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free | 09:09 |
hwaara_ | nalioth, how do I open synaptic then ? | 09:10 |
carlson | artur, so, skype isnt running because of libstdc++ vesion? | 09:10 |
artur | and skype wants libstdc++ version 5 | 09:10 |
artur | yes | 09:10 |
carlson | oh ok ok.... so i cant help you.... i got it running here on 5.04 but i did a lot of trickys to make the sound wor | 09:10 |
=== StylusEater [n=amd59c@c-24-98-214-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
StylusEater | ok...can anyone help with ndiswrapper? | 09:11 |
tenco | nalioth: thanks! | 09:11 |
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StylusEater | Error: unrecognized opcode: 'movl' ???? | 09:11 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell StylusEater about ndiswrapper | 09:11 |
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artur | i've tried to install libstdc++ v.5 from apt-get 5.10 repo and it cannot be installed coz of gcc-3.3 unavaibility | 09:11 |
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trigger | hi every one | 09:12 |
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pupil | How do I add a resolution setting ? | 09:12 |
Coutsos | Does anybody know what package in apt has the xdbe "double buffering extension"? | 09:12 |
pupil | what do I edit? | 09:12 |
pupil | I need to add 1600 x 1200 | 09:13 |
nalioth | pupil: xorg.conf and have fun | 09:13 |
pupil | lol | 09:13 |
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pupil | nalioth, is it in /etc/xorg.conf? | 09:13 |
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k0st4 | hi | 09:14 |
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brt | hiho | 09:14 |
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lampshade | hwaara_: You can get to it via system menu goto System >> Administration >> Synaptic Package Manager | 09:15 |
=== IRCMonkey_ [n=chatzill@cpe-24-164-138-239.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brt | is there a possibility to make the "Disks Manager" or "Gparted" recognise my LVM partitions? | 09:15 |
lampshade | pupil: It might be /etc/X11/xorg.conf I can't remember but I think it iis theer | 09:15 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell pupil about fixres | 09:16 |
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LasseL | where do the "autoreconf" command live? | 09:16 |
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LasseL | I am trying to build gtkpod from cvs | 09:17 |
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StylusEater | nalioth: I can't find the ndiswrapper-utils package in the restricted repository... | 09:17 |
IRCMonkey_ | i have a quick question= i have a 80 GB hd with a 5GB partition. i went into setup (ubuntu) and selected the 5Gb partition to be my ubuntu partition. if i go along with the partitioning, will it format my WHOLE 80GB's or only the 5GB partition? | 09:17 |
lampshade | if we get like 200 more in here we can beat #debian... GO CALL YOUR FRIENDS | 09:17 |
StylusEater | lampshade: it's not about "beating" debian | 09:18 |
=== TheFallenAngel [n=backan@pc-167-45-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lampshade | but it is about having some silly fun by seeing who can have more in a channel | 09:18 |
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lampshade | we are in second right now as I see from a /list | 09:18 |
IRCMonkey_ | anyone? | 09:19 |
LasseL | I am following this guide, trying to build gtkpod from cvs. http://www.ubuntuusers.de/wiki/multimedia:ipod_mit_linux_verwenden:gtkpod_installieren, but I get an error that it can't find autoreconf | 09:19 |
=== lampshade Burps | ||
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nalioth | IRCMonkey_: if it's free space, choose the free space option | 09:20 |
hwaara_ | is the "remote desktop" function in Windows XP compatible with ubuntu/linux? | 09:20 |
hwaara_ | can they connect to each other? | 09:20 |
IRCMonkey_ | ok so ubuntu will install there? | 09:20 |
Blejdfist | you can connect to WinXP from Ubuntu, but not vice versa | 09:21 |
Blejdfist | altough you can use VNC from XP to Ubuntu | 09:21 |
Blejdfist | or NX | 09:21 |
Blejdfist | i would recommend NX since it's alot faster than VNC | 09:21 |
nalioth | IRCMonkey_: if you tell it to use the free space, yes | 09:21 |
hwaara_ | Blejdfist, right, I guessed you can use VNC. How do I connect from ubuntu to xp? | 09:21 |
Strog | NX is great | 09:21 |
hwaara_ | do I send an invitation file and ubuntu will magically recognize it? | 09:21 |
stpere | hwaara_, you can simply access it using your applications menu | 09:22 |
stpere | Terminal Server Client | 09:22 |
stpere | in Internet | 09:22 |
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brt | IRCMonkey_: the install process should tell you that it is going to format your (5GB) Partition not the whole disk if you do it right, read carefully and you won't get wrong... | 09:22 |
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ant | does anyone here know java swing? | 09:23 |
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kbrooks | ant: ask | 09:23 |
silasj | hi all | 09:23 |
lampshade | ant: Might wanna try #java if it is about actual coding and not like installing java to Ubuntu they are pretty good about questions in there | 09:23 |
calamari | ant: sure | 09:23 |
ant | ok | 09:24 |
hwaara_ | stpere, which protocol? RDP? | 09:24 |
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ant | ill try that | 09:24 |
stpere | hwaara_, yes | 09:24 |
olivier | hi all | 09:24 |
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ant | but ill ask here first, in case anyone knows. | 09:24 |
IRCMonkey_ | i get up to the WARNING page that says that all removed partitions will be formatted (?) including the one that i selected (5GB) | 09:24 |
pupil | Can I use synaptic to install java runtime environment? | 09:24 |
Blejdfist | hwaara_: rdesktop | 09:24 |
olivier | can anybody tell me why my apt not works ? please :-) | 09:24 |
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Blejdfist | hwaara_: there is a Terminal Server Client | 09:25 |
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hwaara_ | Blejdfist, right, that's what I'm using | 09:25 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell pupil about javadeb | 09:25 |
Blejdfist | hwaara_: there is even a panel applet for it that i recommend | 09:25 |
hwaara_ | just trying to understand how to set it up | 09:25 |
hwaara_ | oh? | 09:25 |
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txus | hi | 09:25 |
txus | hey | 09:25 |
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Insecta | hi | 09:26 |
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cius | hello, would there be any g++ experts about that might explain an error to me? | 09:26 |
nalioth | cius: ask your ?? | 09:26 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc3-nthc3-3-1-cust65.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pupil | I get faster speeds with linux than I do on a windows machine? | 09:27 |
ant | calamari: I have created my own class extending from JButton with its own internal class action listener. I want to refresh the root contentpane or create a new one or whatever when the button is pressed. I try getToplevelAncestor().removeAll() in the button class. This just makes the button freeze. Im thinking that this is happening because the button is in the content pane | 09:27 |
cius | nalioth, its telling me there's an undefined reference to one of my functions in my main function. What exactly does this mean? | 09:27 |
pupil | nalioth, I have noticed that I get faster download speeds on a linux box than on windows,. is that just me? | 09:27 |
silasj | hey guys... i'm really have problems to install TclMagick... please, see: | 09:27 |
silasj | http://pastebin.com/387375 | 09:27 |
olivier | which port apt uses to get packages ? | 09:27 |
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calamari | ant: sorry, I don't know.. never extended JButton before | 09:28 |
oxez | Woa, just installed windows xp with vmware, and it runs just a bit slower than Windows alone. I feel reboot command is deprecated for me :p | 09:28 |
IRCMonkey_ | if i choose " do nothing" to the larger partition, will it really not format it? (stupid question) | 09:28 |
ant | calamari: ok | 09:28 |
calamari | ant: you can add an actionlistener to the button to listen for clicks | 09:28 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pupil | nalioth, once I have downloaded the deb, how do I make install? | 09:28 |
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nalioth | pupil: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 09:29 |
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pupil | nalioth, thanks | 09:29 |
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joe_ | anyone know how to install codecs? | 09:30 |
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tucoz | joe_: hoary? | 09:30 |
joe_ | yea | 09:30 |
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IRCMonkey_ | if i choose " do nothing" to the larger partition, will it really not format it? (stupid question) | 09:30 |
ardya | hi folks | 09:31 |
=== Crackez [n=CrAckez@pcp0011289023pcs.norstn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tucoz | check out www.ubuntuguide.org | 09:31 |
ProN00b | can anyone tell me how to check with what filesystem my usbdrive (mp3 player) is mounted, and how i can unmount remount it manually ? | 09:31 |
kevogod | !ubuntuguide | 09:31 |
ubotu | well, ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 09:31 |
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oxez | !faq | 09:31 |
ardya | does ubuntu have command line tools for system configuration, and if so, what? | 09:31 |
ubotu | faq is probably The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ | 09:31 |
tucoz | sorry joe_ didn't know that | 09:31 |
nalioth | tucoz: please dont recommend ubuntuguide | 09:31 |
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tucoz | nalioth: sorry, I wasn't aware of that | 09:32 |
kevogod | !tell joe_ about w32codecs | 09:32 |
Crackez | hello everyone | 09:32 |
Crackez | I've just installed 5.10 and ran into an issue w/ lilo | 09:32 |
Crackez | i checked the forums, and googled, but nothing seems to have a good answer for this problem. | 09:33 |
kevogod | My solution, use GRUB... heh | 09:33 |
durt | lilo? | 09:33 |
limaunion | hi, I'm going to begin the upgrade to Breezy, should I close gnome before doing apt-get dist-upgrade ? or can it be started from the X11 environment ? | 09:33 |
Crackez | grub and lvm don't get along | 09:33 |
tucoz | any emacs users here that had issues with fonts when installing breezy? | 09:33 |
Skid | limaunion: no, its fine | 09:33 |
hwaara_ | stpere, so in the Computer field do I put the computer name? | 09:33 |
lorenzod | Crackez, hmm... | 09:33 |
Crackez | or so i have read, | 09:33 |
nalioth | limaunion: no special efforts are necessary | 09:33 |
Skid | after you reboot you'll notices teh changes to gnome | 09:33 |
Skid | or restart it | 09:33 |
Skid | (x) | 09:33 |
nalioth | limaunion: you can continue using your box in a normal fashion | 09:33 |
hwaara_ | stpere, User name is the user name I use on the windows compuiter or what | 09:34 |
Crackez | and lilo was what the installer gave me | 09:34 |
limaunion | Skid: ok, thanks. | 09:34 |
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Crackez | this all started as i wonder if it is possible to have / on lvm, and no /boot | 09:34 |
tucoz | I had to a hard time getting emacs to work after I installed breezy | 09:34 |
Crackez | turns out it booted fine the first time | 09:34 |
Crackez | i saw that there were patches, so i installed them | 09:34 |
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=== scandium [n=scandium@60-46-124-83.dsl.3u.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stpere | hwaara_, sorry I was away | 09:35 |
tucoz | It ran, but it couldn't find the fonts. | 09:35 |
limaunion | nalioth: ok, I still don't get it, how can the upgrade be performed and while there're tons of applications running..., but will start now from gnome. thanks | 09:35 |
kevogod | joe_, You get that? | 09:35 |
Crackez | and now if i run lilo -t, i get: Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure. | 09:35 |
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nalioth | limaunion: linux is not windows. it is designed to be productive all the time | 09:35 |
scandium | ok, I admit I am too lazy to search bugzilla for this, but did anyone notice that debian (and the package is also in ubuntu main) has a site for erotic underwear models in one of its package descriptions? lol | 09:35 |
stpere | hwaara_, if your DNS is configured, you can type the hostname of your XP machine | 09:35 |
Crackez | and: Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/dm' | 09:35 |
hwaara_ | stpere, I have just connected two computers to a router | 09:36 |
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nalioth | scandium: excuse me? | 09:36 |
scandium | nalioth, gstreamer0.8-mikmod | 09:36 |
scandium | visit the website the package has in its description ;) | 09:36 |
hwaara_ | stpere, and can see the windows computer on the network (samba), and also its name | 09:36 |
stpere | hwaara_, perfect, use that name | 09:36 |
Dreamglider | how do i change premission on a folder and all sub folders to 755 ? | 09:36 |
Skid | Dreamglider: chown -R 755 /path/to/toplevel/dir | 09:37 |
tarzeau | !folder | 09:37 |
ubotu | tarzeau: Are you smoking crack? | 09:37 |
Mercutio | whats the address for the bugzilla? | 09:37 |
=== lego [n=lego@catv-56652d26.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamglider | Skid, thanks | 09:37 |
tarzeau | Dreamglider: what about find -type d ? | 09:37 |
limaunion | nalioth: yeah, incredible... | 09:37 |
nalioth | scandium: cool, while you're discussing skin, install "ubuntu-calendar" | 09:37 |
durt | thats very interesting scandium... :) | 09:37 |
Skid | Dreamglider: becareful if doing it with root mind | 09:37 |
stpere | hwaara_, and yes, username is the username on your xp box | 09:37 |
ardya | so I completed the Breezy install, rebooted into single user mode, ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, thats finished....whats the specific runlevel that disables the display manager at boot? | 09:38 |
Dreamglider | it's just for a dir vith pic's | 09:38 |
Dreamglider | with | 09:38 |
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Crackez | Dreamglider, find /path -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; | 09:38 |
scandium | nalioth, ok, installing =) | 09:38 |
limaunion | i mean, unbelievable | 09:38 |
hwaara_ | stpere, and all the fields (including domain) are required? I don't know the domain nor client hostname | 09:38 |
stpere | hwaara_, I did connect to win2k3 server terminal server without filling in those fields | 09:39 |
stpere | it should work | 09:39 |
Crackez | Dreamglider, if you use -R, it will change all files and folders below the top-level dir | 09:40 |
tucoz | !tell tucoz about w32codecs | 09:40 |
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Crackez | has anyone else had the problem with /proc/partitions not matching /dev ? | 09:40 |
spiral | hmmm, get a problem with eclipse under breezy... | 09:40 |
spiral | I can't use it anymore :-/ | 09:40 |
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spiral | am I the only one ? | 09:40 |
j0hnny-i | hello | 09:40 |
j0hnny-i | when will next ubuntu come out ? | 09:41 |
Trashcan | anyone know the path to apt-get's cache off the top of their head? | 09:41 |
spiral | j0hnny-i: /topic | 09:41 |
arcanistherogue | hey, I have some questions about gaming on Hoary Hedgehog. I play all my games in a Failsafe terminal, but usually when I play games like UT2004 or CS:S through Cedega my copmuter just freezes. I have an nvidia 6600 graphics card, what could be causing these freezes? | 09:41 |
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RockyBurt | anyone have a suggestion on a modern linux-capable webcam ? | 09:41 |
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hwaara_ | stpere, still same error: "unable to resolve host". | 09:42 |
hwaara_ | hmm | 09:42 |
dooglus | can I get xine to use OSS instead of ALSA? I can't find the option anywhere | 09:42 |
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stpere | hwaara_, if you know the ip address, use it instead the hostname | 09:42 |
pupil | that gdesklet thing is cool | 09:42 |
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Dreamglider | Skid, that command messed up the pic's and videos they are all 0 bytes! | 09:42 |
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Dreamglider | i have backup tho :) | 09:43 |
nalioth | pupil: try superkaramba and adesklets, also | 09:43 |
Skid | shouldn't have, unless they were 0 bytes before | 09:43 |
j0hnny-i | spiral, thanx you | 09:43 |
Skid | or you did something wrong.. | 09:43 |
pupil | apt-get or is it already on there? | 09:43 |
ProN00b | can anyone tell me how to check with what filesystem my usbdrive (mp3 player) is mounted, and how i can unmount remount it manually ? | 09:43 |
Crackez | Dreamglider: man find | 09:43 |
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dooglus | someone, please? | 09:44 |
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arcanistherogue | dooglus: try man xine then see if there are any command line switches | 09:45 |
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lsuactiafner | arcanistherogue : ut2004 has native linux binaries, you dont need Cedega | 09:45 |
dooglus | arcanistherogue: "man xine" comes up behind the movie window and I can't see it | 09:45 |
lsuactiafner | oh | 09:45 |
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lsuactiafner | arcanistherogue : maybe you're over heating? | 09:45 |
hwaara_ | stpere, haha this is weird. now I entered the IP address of the other computer into the "Computer" textfield, tried to connect, and a black screen just opened and closed immediately. | 09:45 |
arcanistherogue | lsuactiafner: Perhaps. I am running it on linux, too | 09:45 |
hwaara_ | stpere, leaving me at the connection window once again. | 09:45 |
=== Licker [n=Licker@cm-24-121-112-253.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
stpere | hwaara_, are you sure the terminal server is active on the winxp end? | 09:46 |
arcanistherogue | lsuactiafner: everytime I ask about it on a forum like GameFAQs or the ubuntu forums i never get a response, I have had this problem since July. | 09:46 |
Dreamglider | i dont need to find any folder just change the premissions | 09:46 |
Licker | is there an apt-get command to get Java? | 09:46 |
tucoz | Dreamglider, I might be stupid, but isn't it easier to run chmod -R 755 <dir> | 09:46 |
arcanistherogue | dooglus: i dont know then... try googling it? | 09:46 |
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johhny | Is it possible to use sed to find a text pattern and have it display that line + the line below it? | 09:47 |
=== Mercutio150 [n=zachary@ppp-70-250-151-129.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dreamglider | tucoz, i just did and it destroyed all the 10gb's ! | 09:47 |
LasseL | I am looking for a program that can help me clean out unneeded packages before I upgrade to breezy | 09:47 |
_jason | Dreamglider: change the permissions to what? | 09:47 |
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naw | I have used ndiswrapper successfully to load the windows driver for my desktop wireless LAN. I am now trying to load a driver for my laptop but every driver I try says invalid driver in ndiswrapper. Any suggestions? | 09:47 |
=== adler [n=Frag@209.Red-81-35-254.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mercutio150 | ok so can anyone help with ati drivers? | 09:47 |
arcanistherogue | Licker: the package was JRSE something, but last time I checked it was broken. I just found an .rpm file then used "alien" to convert it to .deb | 09:47 |
Dreamglider | 755 on all files | 09:47 |
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hwaara_ | stpere, well, I have checked the option "Allow other computers to control this computer" in the System control panel. is that sufficient?= | 09:47 |
_jason | all files in a directory? | 09:47 |
adler | !!! I just installed ubuntu and I realize it didn't ask for a new root password!!! omg!!!! Help! | 09:47 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, adler | 09:47 |
tucoz | Dreamglider, what? that should just change the permission | 09:47 |
=== HermanDE [n=HermanDE@70-59-147-100.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | try: chmod 755 * | 09:48 |
Licker | arcanistherogue: Alien? | 09:48 |
Licker | arcanistherogue: Linkage? | 09:48 |
vengeful_ | hehehe adler | 09:48 |
LasseL | adler, sudo -s gives you root | 09:48 |
arcanistherogue | Licker: its a command line tool | 09:48 |
vengeful_ | welcome to sudo | 09:48 |
johhny | adler: Root is disabled in ubuntu. It uses sudo to manage root access | 09:48 |
arcanistherogue | Licker: do man alien to get some more info ;) | 09:48 |
adler | I couldn't set any user neither!!!! | 09:48 |
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Mercutio150 | I've tried searching the forums but I can't find anything | 09:48 |
Dreamglider | tucoz, all files were 0bytes after the command ! | 09:48 |
johhny | adler: sudo command will ask you for your user password | 09:48 |
tucoz | weird | 09:48 |
_jason | Dreamglider: chmod 755 * work? | 09:49 |
naw | Any suggestions? | 09:49 |
johhny | adler: type it in, and you are root. sudo -s for those that insist on a root shell | 09:49 |
adler | how can one create a user after installing? It couldn't successfully create any user!! | 09:49 |
adler | I can't open any shell :( | 09:49 |
Mercutio150 | or is there another channel to go for help in? | 09:49 |
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johhny | adler: System --> Administration --> Users and Groups | 09:49 |
pupil | nalioth, what file is used to store the theme for xchat,.. cause I want to try making it tranparent,. among other things,. how would I go about doing this? | 09:49 |
Licker | arcanistherogue: ok thanx man | 09:50 |
adler | johhny, the thing is that I have a plain shell login | 09:50 |
adler | really strange | 09:50 |
_jason | Mercutio: your best bet is probably to post on the forums | 09:50 |
johhny | adler: And Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal | 09:50 |
LasseL | Mercutio150, there is also the wiki | 09:50 |
nalioth | pupil: in your home directory are many invisible files and folders | 09:50 |
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LasseL | !ati | 09:50 |
ubotu | hmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 09:50 |
johhny | adler: ok, are you at a prompt? | 09:50 |
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adler | johhny, I got " | 09:50 |
stpere | hwaara_, hmmm.. yeah, should be ok | 09:50 |
nalioth | pupil: enable your nautilus to see them and have fun with all your settings | 09:50 |
pupil | pupil | 09:50 |
adler | johhny, "satellite login: " | 09:50 |
Mercutio150 | I tired seaching the wiki to, but it wont give me anything for ati | 09:50 |
aent | how do you get stdio.h and all the other standard C header files in ubuntu? | 09:50 |
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pupil | nalioth, ok | 09:50 |
tucoz | Dreamglider, I just ran chmod -R 755 on a dir, and it worked as expected | 09:50 |
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Dr_Willis | thers several pages of ati discussion in the ubuntu forums | 09:50 |
stpere | hwaara_, try to remove the username and the password from the Terminal service client window | 09:50 |
Mercutio150 | ty ubotu | 09:50 |
johhny | adler: ok, login as the user you created during the install. Not root, the user you created | 09:50 |
stpere | hwaara_, it should direct you to the login screen | 09:51 |
nalioth | aent: install "build-essential" | 09:51 |
Mercutio150 | I know I just cant find them | 09:51 |
Dragnovich | Hello every body!! | 09:51 |
Dr_Willis | i followed some ati-wiki-binary driver howto and installed them on my laptop in a few min. | 09:51 |
adler | johhny, here is the funny thing!!! I tried to set it up but it would go on a strange loop! No user could be finally created... :( | 09:51 |
darkman | hi there i try to compile something and he says "checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 09:51 |
darkman | ", does somebody knows which -dev is absent? | 09:51 |
Dr_Willis | try "!binary" and see if the bot tells ya somthing | 09:51 |
dooglus | arcanistherogue: thanks. xine man page to me to xine --help which told me to "xine -A oss", which worked... | 09:51 |
Dreamglider | tucoz, well it caused all my files to go 0bytes.! ofcourse i have backup :) | 09:51 |
tucoz | Mercutio150, what is the problem | 09:51 |
Mercutio150 | ok the ati is for hoary, is that no good for breezy | 09:51 |
joe_ | kevogod, no missed the link could you give it to me again? | 09:51 |
Dragnovich | Do you know how can I change the path when a an user LOGIN in to the FTP server?? | 09:51 |
Licker | arcanistherogue: there isnt a MAN for alien its saying | 09:51 |
Mercutio150 | tucoz: I need to compile drivers for my ati radeon 7000 | 09:52 |
johhny | adler: reboot the computer and once you get to the grub menu, hit e on the kernel you want to boot | 09:52 |
kevogod | !tell joe_ about w32codecs | 09:52 |
tucoz | Mercutio150, I installed the ati drivers for breezy | 09:52 |
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adler | johhny, ok | 09:52 |
wrabbit01 | hey all... not much of a tech question but a query nonetheless. I'm heading down to the local computer swapmeet tommorow and am gonna try and hunt down a REALLY low spec laptop. My guess is that the cheapest I'd be able to find is at around 300 or so. Any ideas about the minumum and ideal specs for running ubuntu with a few development proggies? | 09:52 |
aent | thanks | 09:52 |
kevogod | joe_, ubotu should have messaged you | 09:52 |
joe_ | ty | 09:52 |
nalioth | !good bot | 09:52 |
ubotu | thanks nalioth :) | 09:52 |
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adler | johhny, ok got a menu | 09:52 |
wrabbit01 | Would anything above a 486 suffice? | 09:52 |
Dr_Willis | wrabbit01, i was able to buy a NEW laptop for $500 | 09:52 |
johhny | hit e, and then put init=/bin/bash at the very end | 09:52 |
Dr_Willis | wrabbit01, spending $300 on a low end used one.. is a bit of a waste | 09:52 |
tucoz | Mercutio150, ah, you got an old one. Sorry, cant help you. | 09:52 |
adler | johhny, done | 09:53 |
wrabbit01 | Dr_Willis: Might not be used. Alot of these stalls are ex retail outlets getting rid of stock | 09:53 |
johhny | adler: After you add that to the end, hit b to boot it | 09:53 |
wrabbit01 | Dr_Willis: What did you find for 500? | 09:53 |
dooglus | Dragnovich: it depends what FTP server you're using | 09:53 |
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Mercutio150 | damn, I don't need the crazy high speed ones, | 09:53 |
Dr_Willis | wrabbit01, compaq V2311 | 09:53 |
dooglus | Dragnovich: read the docs for your FTP server | 09:53 |
Mercutio150 | guess I'll have to go get one now | 09:53 |
adler | johhny, *booting* | 09:53 |
Dr_Willis | wrabbit01, its fairly decent. I got it at just right time for the rebates overlapped :P | 09:53 |
hwaara_ | stpere, still the same thing when I remove user/pass. a black screen/window pops up but closes immediately | 09:54 |
naw | Any nidswrapper users here? | 09:54 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: they sell NEW laptops for $499 here all the time | 09:54 |
johhny | adler: Once you boot into a root shell, type: mount -a to mount all filesystems | 09:54 |
Dr_Willis | ive seen many other laptops for $550-600 range | 09:54 |
paulproteus|lapt | johhny: I agree, #debian is full of losers. | 09:54 |
wrabbit01 | here? | 09:54 |
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j0hnny-i | ahah | 09:54 |
johhny | paulproteus: You are in debian? XD | 09:54 |
Dr_Willis | lol | 09:54 |
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adler | johhny, strange, it shows a regular "login: " again :( | 09:54 |
j0hnny-i | ubuntu is an anciant african word that means "i cannot install gentoo" | 09:54 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: do you live in the US? | 09:54 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: Nope.. I'm in the land of OZ. Australia | 09:55 |
johhny | adler: Is it important that you save the data on this machine? | 09:55 |
HiddenFly | when is breezy going to be released? | 09:55 |
adler | johhny, suggesting reinstall? =) | 09:55 |
hwaara_ | stpere, aaah my firewall! | 09:55 |
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nalioth | wrabbit01: ah. www.outpost.com has retail stores called "Frys Electronics". the retail stores sell those lappys for $499usd | 09:55 |
wrabbit01 | Either way... I've seen some cheap/low spec notebooks on ebay and if I could get something at around 1ghz, it should be ok | 09:55 |
nalioth | HiddenFly: see /topic | 09:55 |
johhny | adler: Well that would work unless /etc/passwd was corrupt or something pam / login related is wrong | 09:55 |
wrabbit01 | I'll check it out nalioth, thanks | 09:55 |
=== nullman [n=nullman@c-66-41-214-247.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robertj | can someone tracking breezy please test to see if they can save to a gnome vfs share with bluefish? | 09:56 |
adler | johhny, well, actually I'm a Debian user and thought Ubuntu would solve my hardware-detecting problems on my laptop =( I guess I'll have to lose some hours anyhow | 09:56 |
=== Kalidarn [n=wang@202-136-103-48.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johhny | adler: If there is nothing important, reinstall with breezy | 09:56 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: look for "Great Quality" brand (those are the ones that are sold) | 09:56 |
stpere | hwaara_, yep, I should have think of that | 09:56 |
HiddenFly | nalioth: hehe lol thx, it was way too close for my eyes :D | 09:56 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: Any specifics? | 09:56 |
hwaara_ | stpere, oh, still same thing. hmmm. | 09:56 |
johhny | adler: My laptop supports hibernate / suspend, and all of the multimedia keys by default in breezy rc1 | 09:56 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: specifics on what? | 09:56 |
johhny | adler: It is mostly stable and will be out officially on the 13th. You should use that | 09:57 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: I'm only wanting to do a little web/software coding and web browsing on the lappy. It won't be used for much else. That's what the desktop is for | 09:57 |
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adler | I just downloaded today the ISO image. It is "breezy badger" | 09:57 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: I meant, any specific brand | 09:57 |
Kalidarn | wondering if anyone else has experienced saving in OpenOffice.org2 as Microsoft Office 2003 XML documents fails ie "Error saving the document <Docname>: Write Error. The file could not be written." ahh and the help is also broken. | 09:57 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: just pointing out that laptops have broken the >$500usd mark | 09:57 |
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=== factotum [n=factotum@71-10-76-202.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adler | johhny, I just downloaded today the ISO image. It is "breezy badger" | 09:57 |
Kalidarn | did it with 5.10 Preview, and now 5.10 RC | 09:58 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: frys sells "Great Quality" laptops for $499 USD | 09:58 |
factotum | hey all Im looking through the wiki on how to upgrade to warty from hoary but cant seem to find it, anyone have a direct link? | 09:58 |
factotum | someone gave it to me last night, but forgot to mark it | 09:58 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: looking through that site now, cheers | 09:58 |
Kalidarn | Fackamato: check your logs | 09:58 |
_jason | factotum: do you mean breezy? | 09:59 |
Dreamglider | what's the diffrence between 5.10 Preview and 5.10 RC ? | 09:59 |
Kalidarn | ooops... factotum: check your logs | 09:59 |
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factotum | crap, meant hoary to breezy | 09:59 |
factotum | lol | 09:59 |
Kalidarn | Dreamglider: updated packages | 09:59 |
Kalidarn | thats about it | 09:59 |
_jason | !breezy | 09:59 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 09:59 |
LasseL | Any war stories on upgrading to breezy? Will I loose my settings and get defaults instead? | 09:59 |
Licker | whats the command tologin as root? su - or is it something diff? | 09:59 |
johhny | adler: Download it from here: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.10/ | 10:00 |
funkyHat | Dreamglider, RC is more recent than preview | 10:00 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: Didn't know that GQ was an actual brand. Are they any good? Never heard of em | 10:00 |
thenuke | Licker: su - works | 10:00 |
Kalidarn | but i am interested if anyone here would like to try to save a XML document for me (fails on a clean fresh non-screwed with install) | 10:00 |
wrabbit01 | nalioth: but then again, I know nothing about notebooks | 10:00 |
Licker | well im using breezy and its not workin | 10:00 |
=== nanou [n=nanou@ARouen-251-1-80-134.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crackez | Licker, sudo su - | 10:00 |
thenuke | Licker: sudo su is common way to do it too | 10:00 |
johhny | adler: that is release canidate 1 and is perfectly stable for the 3 machines I put it on and have updated | 10:00 |
paulproteus|lapt | Licker: sudo su - | 10:00 |
Licker | kk | 10:00 |
nalioth | wrabbit01: only 5 companies in china make laptops. do the math | 10:00 |
_jason | Kalidarn: link? | 10:00 |
adler | johhny, this is actually where I got it from | 10:00 |
MrShifty|lappy | does anyone have a suggestion on a USB wifi solution for Hoary PPC? (other than a Netgear ma11) | 10:00 |
dooglus | LasseL: mostly you'll keep your settings. It keeps forgetting that I don't want all the different english locales generated, but otherwise seems OK | 10:00 |
adler | I'll reinstall now | 10:00 |
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Licker | ok Sudo works in breezy no su - | 10:00 |
Licker | :p | 10:00 |
Licker | ty | 10:00 |
johhny | adler: I have a script I've been writing for it | 10:00 |
Kalidarn | _jason: go into OpenOffice.org2 (assuming your running Ubuntu, and try to save as a Microsoft Office XML 2003 document) | 10:01 |
Dragnovich | How Do I install an FTP server in ubuntu Hoary?? apt-get install WHAT?? | 10:01 |
johhny | adler: Do you do any shell scripting? | 10:01 |
dooglus | Licker: 'su' works fine for any account with a password set | 10:01 |
Kalidarn | _jason: you must be running 5.10 Preview or 5.10 RC | 10:01 |
adler | johhny, hmmm giving "linux vga=791" in the ubuntu install boot prompt is ok, right? I mean "linux" is the name of the image? | 10:01 |
adler | johhny, I don't do much scripting | 10:01 |
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joe_ | kevogod, sorry i should have explained, i already have the codecs on my desktop, but i don't know how to install them | 10:01 |
_jason | Kalidarn: trying now, just an empty file good enough? | 10:01 |
Kalidarn | just put like some garbage there | 10:01 |
paulproteus|lapt | !win32codecs | 10:01 |
ubotu | paulproteus|lapt: What? | 10:02 |
Kalidarn | if you want. | 10:02 |
paulproteus|lapt | !w32codecs | 10:02 |
ubotu | it has been said that w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 10:02 |
mouhez | how do I make ubuntu execute a command when it's fully booted? | 10:02 |
kevogod | joe_, From the terminal, type 'sudo dpkg -i w32codecs.deb' | 10:02 |
Kalidarn | _jason: failed? | 10:02 |
kevogod | joe_, Replace w32codecs.deb with the name of the actual file. | 10:02 |
johhny | adler: yes that should work. Give me a few minutes and I'll send you a script I've been working on for breezy | 10:02 |
paulproteus|lapt | mouhez: Create an init script, and put in /etc/rc2.d/ | 10:02 |
_jason | Kalidarn: yep | 10:02 |
mouhez | hm, okay | 10:02 |
Kalidarn | ah ha! | 10:02 |
dooglus | mouhez: add it to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 10:02 |
Kalidarn | it must be broken then | 10:02 |
Licker | dooglus: i know this but it wouldnt work in breezy, only worked as sudo | 10:02 |
mouhez | :) | 10:02 |
Kalidarn | can you visit the help thing? | 10:02 |
kevogod | joe_, You must be in the same directory as the .deb package as well though. Use cd to change directories. | 10:02 |
=== dem [n=dem@d14-69-131-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Licker: that's probably because root doesn't have a password by default | 10:03 |
Kalidarn | ie Help, OpenOffice.org Help | 10:03 |
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Kalidarn | i get "the help system could not be started | 10:03 |
Kalidarn | " | 10:03 |
_jason | Kalidarn: no but i did uninstall yelp | 10:03 |
dooglus | Kalidarn: that's a known bug | 10:03 |
Kalidarn | hmm. | 10:03 |
Kalidarn | okay | 10:03 |
Kalidarn | any workaground dooglus? | 10:03 |
dooglus | Kalidarn: I think it's an upstream problem | 10:03 |
Kalidarn | ie open office dev? | 10:04 |
joacin | just installed ubuntu, but only resolution avail. is 640x480 | 10:04 |
dooglus | yeah. | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | or ubuntu implementation? | 10:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | !x | 10:04 |
ubotu | paulproteus|lapt: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 10:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | !resolution | 10:04 |
ubotu | I guess resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:04 |
dooglus | like it's broken in all OO.org2 | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | OH | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | ;P | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | the XML thing DID work though | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | at one stage | 10:04 |
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joacin | ubotu:thx | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | and it works with 5.10 Preview without any updates :) | 10:04 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, joacin | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | one day when i updated it though it screwed up. :P | 10:04 |
dooglus | Kalidarn: we're talking org2, right? | 10:04 |
joacin | paulproteus|lapt: thx | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | yes | 10:04 |
Kalidarn | 1.9.129 to be exact | 10:05 |
mylastmorning | can someone help me with a wireless problem? | 10:05 |
paulproteus|lapt | mylastmorning: Depends. :) | 10:05 |
paulproteus|lapt | Ask us. | 10:05 |
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dooglus | Kalidarn: I'd check the bug number for you, but my girlfriend is watching a DVD at the moment, which limits my screen space... :) | 10:05 |
Kalidarn | openoffice.org2-core 1.9.129-0ubuntu4, Friday Oct 7 18:39:57 UTC 2005 | 10:05 |
maddler | mylastmorning: who may tell... | 10:06 |
dooglus | (I've got a tiny gnome-terminal in the corner) | 10:06 |
Kalidarn | hehe dooglus lets hope its fixed | 10:06 |
Kalidarn | before ubuntu goes final. | 10:06 |
Kalidarn | cos not having working help blows | 10:06 |
zeedo | dooglus: owned, get her her own box mate | 10:06 |
misieq | how do i right-click with mouse under ubuntu for ppc (mac, with only one-button mouse) | 10:06 |
nalioth | misieq: f12 | 10:06 |
=== Mellar [n=brebbesv@ti400720a080-7893.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Licker | dooglus: my root has a pass... other than that. i dont know . hehe | 10:06 |
dooglus | zeedo: she has her own box, but it's too heavy for watching movies in bed | 10:06 |
mylastmorning | when installing my wireless-G WMP54G PCI Adapter card linux doesn't reconise it. | 10:06 |
misieq | nalioth, f12+clcik? | 10:06 |
arcanistherogue | Licker: sorry for the late response. If you havent figured it out yet, im pretty sure you just do "sudo alien filename.rpm" | 10:07 |
zeedo | dooglus: sucks, although good to see the women folk the world over get the substandard kit :-P | 10:07 |
dooglus | Licker: I just tried "su". typed my root password and got a root shell | 10:07 |
test34 | I can't get rid of the little light icon for "post update information" even though when I click it it is empty.. any ideas ? | 10:07 |
test34 | it even come back after reboot.. | 10:07 |
nalioth | misieq: just F12 | 10:07 |
mylastmorning | maddler think you can help me with my problem? | 10:08 |
dooglus | zeedo: it's a new acer 'laptop', but like 17 inch screen or something. you'd need quite a lap... | 10:08 |
zeedo | dooglus: we have one of them in the office, we call it Lapzilla - bloody good machines though | 10:08 |
dooglus | heh | 10:08 |
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dooglus | it came with 4 missing pixels & the supplier wouldn't replace the screen | 10:08 |
maddler | mylastmorning: never tried that one... | 10:08 |
leagris | hello all | 10:08 |
mylastmorning | hi leagris | 10:09 |
leagris | someone know where to get amd64 cedega ? | 10:09 |
maddler | checked for linux drivers? | 10:09 |
maddler | mylastmorning: maybe on google... | 10:09 |
johhny | leagris: www.transgaming.com | 10:09 |
maddler | mylastmorning: and give a try at ndiswrapper | 10:09 |
mylastmorning | they don't have linux drivers maddler. | 10:09 |
naw | Does anyone here have exp. w/ ndiswrapper? | 10:09 |
pupil | If I want to use KDE as my window manager do I need to install kubuntu? | 10:09 |
Licker | dooglus: humm.. weird. | 10:09 |
pupil | nalioth, If I want to use KDE as my window manager do I need to install kubuntu? | 10:09 |
nalioth | pupil: that would be the best option | 10:09 |
pupil | ic | 10:09 |
mylastmorning | I tried ndiswrapper but everytime I try to activate the card it freeze my pc... any ideas their madller? | 10:10 |
leagris | johhny, ony i386 cedega and it ownt install on amd64 wrong architecture (it complains) | 10:10 |
dooglus | Licker: you sure you set a root password? | 10:10 |
pupil | nalioth, what are you using as your window manager,. ? | 10:10 |
mylastmorning | I tried ndiswrapper but everytime I try to activate the card it freeze my pc... any ideas their maddler? | 10:10 |
Dreamglider | how di i install a .deb file ? | 10:10 |
maddler | mylastmorning: http://www.alexandern.com/Linksys_WMP54G_on_Linux.html | 10:10 |
maddler | try this... | 10:10 |
Dreamglider | i want skype | 10:10 |
dooglus | Dreamglider: sudo dpkg -i <.deb file> | 10:10 |
kevogod | Dreamglider, sudo dpkg -i <name>.deb | 10:10 |
pupil | Dreamglider, sudo dpkg | 10:10 |
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Dreamglider | thanks mate's | 10:10 |
johhny | leagris: well ask them to recompile it for amd64. That is a proprietary application | 10:10 |
dooglus | wow, we're good at the easy ones, eh? | 10:10 |
kevogod | dooglus, :-) | 10:10 |
Dreamglider | yaya :) | 10:10 |
Licker | dooglus: how do I check? | 10:11 |
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dooglus | Licker: if 'su' doesn't work... | 10:11 |
dooglus | Licker: you can set a root password by doing "sudo passwd" | 10:11 |
LasseL | should I have the breezy-backports repo enabled when I upgrade, or is that asking for trouble? | 10:11 |
nalioth | pupil: i do most of my stuff in a terminal | 10:11 |
pupil | nalioth, I guess You don't care for a window manager | 10:12 |
mylastmorning | maddler that is for a different distro. | 10:12 |
BurgerMann | Erh. If I delete a folder by rm folder -R and afterwards type locate folder, it seems to finde the folder anyhow :s.. why's that? | 10:12 |
Licker | dooglus: ooohhh.h.. good eye. It wasnt set. :/ | 10:12 |
Licker | ty | 10:12 |
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nalioth | pupil: the window mangler doesnt matter to me, i have terminals open everywhere | 10:13 |
pupil | can I see your screen? | 10:13 |
pupil | I'm just curious | 10:13 |
maddler | mylastmorning: http://www.linux-sec.net/Wireless/Drivers/ | 10:13 |
dooglus | nalioth: window manager "ratpoison" is good for terminal use. | 10:14 |
dooglus | nalioth: it's like "screen" but for X | 10:14 |
maddler | mylastmorning: btw... googling for "WMP54G ubuntu linux" will give some interesting hints... | 10:14 |
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b0uncer | evening | 10:15 |
nickrud | BurgerMann, locate uses an index of file names, which is updated about once a day; sudo updatedb will update the index for you | 10:15 |
nalioth | dooglus: ty | 10:15 |
maddler | dooglus: sorry... sounds interesting... but wasn't reading... what's that program? | 10:15 |
BurgerMann | nickrud, oh. | 10:15 |
dooglus | nalioth: caleld "ratpoison" 'cos it kills the need to use the mouse... | 10:15 |
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nalioth | dooglus: yes i'm familiar with it | 10:15 |
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Kensey | what's the package that adds the Debian menus to the Ubuntu menu? | 10:16 |
Dreamglider | hey i had the nevest 385 kernel and updated to 686, in grub i can now choose to boot the 386 or the 686 is that normal ? | 10:16 |
BurgerMann | I have this quite perculiar problem. I've deleted my configured PHP from it's prefix. But Apache still seem to work with php, even though I restarted it. Does anyone have a clue why? | 10:16 |
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Kensey | and what's the package with the win32 codecs? | 10:16 |
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florent_ | hi there | 10:16 |
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florent_ | I've installed the RC release of Ubuntu 5.10 | 10:17 |
nickrud | Kensey, for the debian menu, menu-xdg, iirc | 10:17 |
dooglus | !w32codes | 10:17 |
ubotu | dooglus: What? | 10:17 |
dooglus | !w32codec | 10:17 |
ubotu | dooglus: Are you smoking crack? | 10:17 |
dooglus | !w32codecs | 10:17 |
ubotu | w32codecs is, like, totally, a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 10:17 |
Dreamglider | i mean the newest 386 not 385* | 10:17 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Kensey about w32codecs | 10:17 |
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florent_ | I'm quite disappointed with the SuSE 10.0 final release ;) | 10:17 |
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nalioth | dooglus: please have ubotu msg folks | 10:17 |
kevogod | flodine, Why? | 10:17 |
kevogod | florent_, Why? | 10:17 |
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dooglus | nalioth: !w32codecs | 10:18 |
b0uncer | I'm disappointed with Breezy rc :/ | 10:18 |
pupil | I'd have a hard time using ratpoison | 10:18 |
dooglus | it would be good if that syntax worked... | 10:18 |
nalioth | dooglus: !channelspam | 10:19 |
b0uncer | pppoe doesn't work anymore | 10:19 |
florent_ | there is a lot of annoying little bugs ;o) for example, if you launch Amarok or between each track, the PCM sound is muted ;o) quite annoying ;o) when you install a package, a font config file is reseted cause my perfect font rendering withtou anti-aliasing for small size MS TT Core Fonts are lost ;) | 10:19 |
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florent_ | so i give a test to Breezy, quite nice but I've probelms | 10:19 |
dooglus | how easy it is to change ubotu's code? could he be made to recognise "name: !topic"? better than having to type "tell name about topic" | 10:19 |
florent_ | in fact I have a big problem with hotplug freezing at boot | 10:19 |
_jason | can anyone tell me if they have any media player that will correctly stream this(soccer game being broadcasted at the moment): mms://rdp.oninet.pt/antena1 Thanks in advance. | 10:19 |
florent_ | so I have disabled it | 10:19 |
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illissius | are there any known issues with the dhcp/network only actually coming up several minutes after (k)ubuntu has already booted? | 10:20 |
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florent_ | but I'm forced to modprobe my WIFI card later (no such a problem), but I have no sound and my CD burner isn't seen, do you think it could be because hotplug isn't launched ? | 10:20 |
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nalioth | dooglus: it's a blootbot | 10:20 |
illissius | (this is troublesome as I'd like to mount some network shares on startup, ntp I don't care so much about...) | 10:21 |
typo | is there a command to launch whatever is chosen as the default browser? | 10:21 |
florent_ | I would like to help before the release but there is few days now | 10:21 |
pupil | is this guy a nerd,..? http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/keyboards/007-jcorneli/ | 10:22 |
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linlin | Hi how do I install Java Runtime Environment for use by FireFox? | 10:22 |
mae | !java | 10:23 |
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ubotu | java is probably to install both 1.4 and Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 10:23 |
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oxez | linlin: http://ubuntu-doc.ath.cx/gnome/faqi386/C/ch03s02.html | 10:23 |
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tylerdurden | hey will an fx 5500 give me much better perofmrance than ati? | 10:25 |
tylerdurden | ati radeon 9200* | 10:25 |
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Trashcan | I need alien, but it's asking for my breezy CD- can i tell it to get it from universe/official? | 10:26 |
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illissius | tylerdurden: at 3D, depends | 10:26 |
nalioth | Trashcan: edit your sources.list, comment out the cdrom line and try again | 10:26 |
tylerdurden | becasue i heard that ati is really bad in linux | 10:26 |
illissius | the hardware is comparable, but ATi's drivers are worse | 10:26 |
Trashcan | thanks na | 10:26 |
tylerdurden | right now im getting 1273 in glxgears with my ati | 10:26 |
voth | should i installed the w32codecs before installing vlc and mplayer or xine in order to get wm* support | 10:26 |
oxez | !glxgears | 10:26 |
ubotu | oxez: I don't know | 10:27 |
oxez | damn | 10:27 |
illissius | glxgears sucks as a benchmark | 10:27 |
oxez | yes | 10:27 |
illissius | it's meaningless, all you can really tell from it is whether you have software or hardware rendering | 10:27 |
mae | glxgears is pretty basic.. | 10:27 |
tylerdurden | how will i know if ill get better results? | 10:27 |
ompaul | illissius, glxgears is not a benchmark | 10:27 |
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illissius | tylerdurden: try an actual game? :) | 10:27 |
oxez | tylerdurden: try ut2004 demo for example | 10:27 |
tylerdurden | well i dont wanna install a card, try a game, install another card, try again | 10:28 |
oxez | With my ati radeon 9800 it was a bit under the "playable" state | 10:28 |
tylerdurden | i just want an answer maybe from exprience | 10:28 |
illissius | [22:27:30] <ompaul> illissius, glxgears is not a benchmark <- precisely what I was saying... | 10:28 |
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illissius | tylerdurden: if you're buying a new card, get nvidia, if you already have ati, try it first to see how bad it is first | 10:28 |
kevogod | tylerdurden, What ATI model do you have/ | 10:28 |
tylerdurden | i have 2 cards, right now i have radeon 9200 installed, and in my closet i have an fx 5500 | 10:28 |
linlin | how do i enable multiverse repos? synaptic isnt allowing me to do it | 10:28 |
kevogod | I have an ATI x300 and get over 1500 FPS with glxgears unsynced. | 10:29 |
illissius | tylerdurden: in that case, go with the nvidia, I'd say | 10:29 |
pcharky | !multiverse | 10:29 |
ubotu | ask me about !repositories | 10:29 |
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pcharky | !respositories | 10:29 |
ubotu | pcharky: Syntax error in line 1 | 10:29 |
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linlin | lol | 10:29 |
pcharky | !repositories | 10:29 |
ubotu | repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy)) | 10:29 |
tylerdurden | ok and how would i go about doing that? in windows i just uninstall the drivers and stick in the new card | 10:29 |
pcharky | happy now..!@*&^ | 10:29 |
tylerdurden | do i first install the card, then uninstall drivers? or uninstall drivers and THEN install card | 10:29 |
joe_ | kevogod, hi, i still can't get the my mplayer to work correctly even after ht codecs were installed | 10:30 |
illissius | no one has any ideas about my dhcp/networking problems? (network only comes up several minutes after it's already booted) | 10:30 |
pcharky | tylerdurden: install the card, install the drivers. | 10:30 |
oxez | tylerdurden: are you ircing as root? | 10:30 |
tylerdurden | but right now i have ati drivers installed | 10:30 |
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tylerdurden | i know for sure ill have to remove them | 10:30 |
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kevogod | joe_, What type of media are you trying to play? | 10:31 |
joe_ | wmv | 10:31 |
pcharky | tylerdurden: you don't HAVE to, you can if you wish, it's all about your xorg.conf | 10:31 |
joe_ | website type videos | 10:31 |
oxez | I don't think you have to remove the drivers, just don't load the fglrx module | 10:31 |
tylerdurden | well if ill have nvidia installed i rather now have the ati stuff on my cmoputer | 10:31 |
kevogod | joe_, Are you trying to play this inside of your browser? | 10:31 |
tylerdurden | whats fglrx module? | 10:32 |
tylerdurden | and how do i remove the ati drivers? | 10:32 |
linlin | damnit its not working | 10:32 |
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oxez | fglrx is the driver | 10:32 |
barawiec | hey | 10:32 |
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linlin | synaptic just closes | 10:32 |
joe_ | yes | 10:32 |
joe_ | and outside too | 10:32 |
kevogod | joe_, If so, you will need to install mozilla-mplayer through Synaptic. | 10:32 |
joe_ | but nothing sorks' | 10:32 |
ProN00b | can anyone tell me how to check with what filesystem my usbdrive (mp3 player) is mounted, and how i can unmount remount it manually ? | 10:32 |
kevogod | joe_, Oh, hmm. | 10:32 |
oxez | ProN00b: try "mount" | 10:32 |
joe_ | kevogod i already installaed mozilla mplayer | 10:32 |
oxez | you'll see a list of mounted filesystems | 10:32 |
nickrud | linlin, the simplest way (I think) would be sudo gedit /etc/sources.list, and, in every line that universe appears, append multiverse | 10:33 |
kevogod | joe_, Try installing totem-xine and see if you can the file through Totem. | 10:33 |
linlin | oh ok i was jsut going to ask that | 10:33 |
kevogod | *play | 10:33 |
tylerdurden | and how do i remove the ati drivers then? | 10:33 |
pcharky | ProN00b: you can check: `dmesg` to see the device. | 10:33 |
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joe_ | k | 10:34 |
pupil | is it possible to put xfce on my desktop without any hickups? | 10:34 |
pupil | I mean,. use xfce window manager | 10:34 |
ProN00b | usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) | 10:34 |
ProN00b | *_* | 10:34 |
pcharky | ProN00b: nope, that's not it. | 10:34 |
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glick | hi | 10:35 |
ProN00b | /dev/sda on /media/usbdisk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,sync,noatime,quiet,uid=0,gid=0,umask=077,iocharset=utf8) | 10:35 |
ProN00b | yay | 10:35 |
ProN00b | now i can umount that and remount it ? | 10:35 |
glick | excuse me can someone help me out as to why all of a suden mplayer wont play my files? | 10:35 |
pcharky | ProN00b: did you mount it manually? | 10:35 |
nalioth | pupil: yes, install xfce4 | 10:35 |
glick | [AO ESD] esd_open_sound failed: No such file or directory | 10:35 |
glick | [AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy | 10:35 |
glick | alsa-init: got device=0, subdevice=0 | 10:35 |
glick | alsa-init: 1 soundcard found, using: default | 10:35 |
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ProN00b | no, pcharky | 10:36 |
pupil | nalioth, should I use synaptic to do it? | 10:36 |
glick | it stops after that | 10:36 |
tylerdurden | uhh so no one knows? | 10:36 |
nalioth | glick: do not paste in here, use #flood or a pastebin | 10:36 |
pcharky | ProN00b: okay, edit /etc/fstab: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:36 |
nalioth | pupil: yes, synaptic | 10:36 |
glick | sorry | 10:36 |
ProN00b | eh ?_? | 10:36 |
tylerdurden | nalioth can u help me again? lol | 10:37 |
ProN00b | pcharky, not in there | 10:37 |
pcharky | ProN00b: you can unmount it with: umount /media/usbdisk | 10:37 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: what is your question? | 10:37 |
ProN00b | thanks, pcharky | 10:37 |
pupil | anyone heard of rocklyte? | 10:37 |
glick | anyone know why mplayer might not be playing my files? | 10:37 |
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tylerdurden | i hear that ati is much worse than nvidia right? right now i have an ati radeon 9200 installed and get 1273 in glxgears, i have an fx 5500 in my closet and thinking about installing it, will it be worth it? | 10:37 |
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nalioth | glick: identify yourself with nickserv and type /msg ubotu sound | 10:38 |
nickrud | glick, try mplayer -ao esd <file>, | 10:38 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: install the nvidia | 10:38 |
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tylerdurden | ok, and what about the ati drivers? do i first remove them? or install the nvidia card and then remove the ati drivers? | 10:38 |
ProN00b | omg | 10:38 |
zerobl0g | tylerdurden: nvidia driver is "nv" ati has many in X | 10:38 |
glick | nickrud, yeah that works | 10:38 |
dooglus | I can't find any bug report in bugzilla to the effect that openoffice.org2's help system is broken, but I could have sworn that I reported it before | 10:38 |
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glam | how to downgrade from breezy to hoary? | 10:39 |
glick | nickrud, but there is no sound | 10:39 |
zerobl0g | tylerdurden: cool nick btw | 10:39 |
zerobl0g | :) | 10:39 |
ProN00b | how do i mount something as plain fat (not fat32 nor vfat) | 10:39 |
tylerdurden | ty :P great movie | 10:39 |
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nalioth | glam: reinstall your box | 10:39 |
zerobl0g | tylerdurden: yeah :) | 10:39 |
nickrud | glick, then, in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf, change your audio out | 10:39 |
pcharky | ProN00b: for all i know vfat is plain fat. | 10:39 |
ProN00b | pcharky, vfat is enhanced fat32, but it can !read! fat | 10:40 |
tylerdurden | so again , do i first install the nvidia card and then uninstall the ati drivers? or reverse | 10:40 |
glam | anyone installed mono on Breezy? | 10:40 |
dooglus | glam: I did | 10:40 |
pcharky | ProN00b: man mount | 10:40 |
nickrud | glick, possibly a mixer issue? | 10:40 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: use your head. | 10:40 |
glam | dooglus. how? | 10:40 |
dooglus | glam: apt-get | 10:40 |
pcharky | ProN00b: msdos | 10:40 |
dooglus | glam: I think I did "apt-get install blam", and mono is a dependancy of blam | 10:40 |
tylerdurden | nalioth im new to linux, i uninstall the ati drivers once and xserver wouldnt boot | 10:40 |
tylerdurden | so thats y im asking | 10:40 |
dooglus | glam: blam is an RSS feed reader | 10:41 |
ProN00b | pcharky, the filesystem name for plain FAT is msdos ? | 10:41 |
glick | nickrud, hmm i dont knwo my mplayer was working fine yesturday | 10:41 |
glam | when I install mono, it complain my glibc is too old. | 10:41 |
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dooglus | glam: how are you installing it? | 10:42 |
pcharky | ProN00b: Not 100% sure: man mount | 10:42 |
nickrud | glick, I'm not sure, I'm not an mplayer or sound guru. What I suggested fixed my problems with mplayer a couple of times. | 10:42 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver | 10:42 |
ProN00b | pcharky, yeah, it looks like it | 10:42 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: then remove your card, drop in the nvidia and restart | 10:42 |
glam | apt-get mono. it require mono-jit | 10:43 |
zerobl0g | if it wasnt for Linux id write things on paper and use my computer as a legresting-place :) | 10:43 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: at that point you can install the nvidia driver of your choice | 10:43 |
tylerdurden | how? and from where | 10:43 |
tylerdurden | and my most important question, do i uninstall the ati drivers or not? i dont understand this | 10:43 |
glam | then I apt-get mono-jit, it compained glib6 is too old. | 10:43 |
=== P8ntKid [n=jon@pcp0011206788pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pcharky | tylerdurden: you don't HAVE to, you can if you wish, it's all about your xorg.conf | 10:44 |
tylerdurden | what do u mean its all about my xorg.conf? | 10:44 |
tylerdurden | im new to linux, so this is confusing | 10:44 |
tylerdurden | might seem like a stupid question that a baby would know but i dont know | 10:44 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: identify yourself with nickserv, so you can receive info from ubotu | 10:45 |
tylerdurden | how do i identify? i never registed | 10:45 |
apokryphos | tylerdurden: register then | 10:45 |
pcharky | tylerdurden: xorg.conf is the configuration of Xorg, the graphical server, it's there where you tell the server which driver module to use. | 10:45 |
nalioth | tylerdurden: /msg nickserv help register | 10:45 |
=== kikinovak [n=kikinova@dyn-213-36-9-96.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== wesley [n=wesley@S0106000d60cd5ce6.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tylerdurden | register 12345 | 10:46 |
tylerdurden | lol it doesnt work | 10:46 |
tylerdurden | do i put a slash infront? | 10:46 |
wesley | Could someone recommend a memory stick? I'm about to go out and buy one, don't want to get stuck with Windows-only | 10:46 |
pcharky | tylerdurden: yup | 10:46 |
=== illissius stabs dhcp with a pointy stick | ||
ProN00b | pcharky, any idea how i enable it to use long (> ???????.???) filenames through its fat ? | 10:46 |
tylerdurden | REGISTER test | 10:46 |
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tylerdurden | ugh it doesnt work | 10:46 |
BioVorE | what dose channel modes P & F mean? | 10:47 |
=== Kennyjb402 [n=Kennyjb4@pcp0010928257pcs.columb01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illissius | it's in the logs too, various bootup stuffs: 22:05, dhcp: 22:11 | 10:47 |
pcharky | ProN00b: That's fat32 functionality | 10:47 |
illissius | it's waiting 6 minutes just to piss me off :| | 10:47 |
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ProN00b | pcharky, it worked under windows, and it was still formated as fat | 10:47 |
illissius | tylerdurden: /msg nickserv register password | 10:47 |
kikinovak | Hi. No troll intended. I'm a Ubuntu convert (ex-Slack veteran), I tried both Ubuntu and Kubuntu, and I _really_ like them both. Do you agree with me that GNOME is better integrated than KDE? (I'm impartial, though I used KDE until now) Makes me think about migrating from KDE to GNOME definitely, only I'm curious about your opinions on the subject... | 10:47 |
=== tylerdurden is now known as tyler_durden | ||
nalioth | BioVorE: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml | 10:48 |
=== aaron___ [n=mylastmo@c-67-164-26-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pcharky | ProN00b: formatting as fat in windows is (i presume) fat32. | 10:48 |
illissius | kikinovak: define integrated | 10:48 |
illissius | and no. | 10:48 |
tyler_durden | ok im registered | 10:48 |
=== thechitowncubs [n=thechito@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | kikinovak: please use what is best for you. kde apps work under gnome and vice versa | 10:48 |
ProN00b | no, i could select between FAT and FAT32, pcharky | 10:48 |
tyler_durden | ubotu tell tyler_durden about nvidia | 10:48 |
aaron___ | does anyone have admin privledges for this IRC server? my damn screen name is stuck logged in. | 10:49 |
zxsykco | !nvidia | 10:49 |
ubotu | nvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 10:49 |
kikinovak | nalioth: don't get me wrong... I like em both. I also like xfce a lot on my old laptop. | 10:49 |
nalioth | tyler_durden: please speak with ubotu in /msg window | 10:49 |
illissius | aaron___: /msg nickserv ghost oldnick password | 10:49 |
=== naw [n=mp3serv@66-169-211-101.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aaron___ | anyone know how to make ATI drivers work correctly? I've got a Radeon 9800PRO | 10:49 |
pcharky | ProN00b: If this is about the usb disk, it was mounted read-write, and to know about >8.3 filenames, you can just test that. | 10:49 |
hramrach | Hello | 10:49 |
nalioth | kikinovak: use what is best for you | 10:50 |
=== hector_acosta [n=hector@cablelink35-68.intercable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naw | I have a very simple newbie question: What can I not execute sudo commands in the root terminal? | 10:50 |
glam | how do I fix this : nemerle: Depends: mono-jit (>= but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages | 10:50 |
=== aaron___ is now known as mylastmorning | ||
nalioth | glam: have apt-get build mono-jit | 10:50 |
pcharky | naw: you're logged in as root? | 10:50 |
mylastmorning | thanks illissius. | 10:50 |
naw | Im logged in under the username i chose during install | 10:50 |
Skid | naw: What can you not? do you mean why can you not ? Your user may not be listed in /etc/sudoers | 10:50 |
=== hajiki [n=hajiki@cpe-66-27-218-141.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naw | im trying to configure ndiswrapper for my broadcom and it wont let me execute ndiswrapper -m | 10:51 |
naw | in the root terminal | 10:51 |
Skid | naw: as you actually the user 'root' ? | 10:51 |
kikinovak | nalioth: this is not another gnome-vs-kde troll. example: with slackware you'd better stick to kde because it's better integrated.... or you have to get some 3rd party gnome. well, it seems to be the other way round here. | 10:51 |
ProN00b | what do you mean with that, pcharky ?_? | 10:51 |
pcharky | naw: And now you're logged in through a (regular text-based)terminal and you can's use sudo? | 10:51 |
hramrach | How do people burn CDs in Ubuntu? Is there some CD burning gui installed by default? | 10:51 |
kikinovak | nalioth: I'm not another newbie pissing on KDE/GNOME | 10:51 |
pcharky | ProN00b: basically: I don't know.. | 10:52 |
naw | Im going through the Root Terminal option under the applicatins menu | 10:52 |
ProN00b | ok | 10:52 |
Skid | hramrach: gnome has a CD burning app | 10:52 |
=== ormandj [n=ormandj@hawaii.orblivion.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glam | nalioth: do I really need to compile, I just want nemerle to install. | 10:52 |
pcharky | hramrach: just insert the cd. | 10:52 |
Skid | or, you k3b | 10:52 |
nalioth | kikinovak: let us speak in #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:52 |
naw | any takers? | 10:52 |
nalioth | glam: if the pkg is not available or broken, you'll need to have apt-get build it | 10:52 |
ProN00b | anyone else know how to enable more lenght for names than 8.3 with the msdos fs ? | 10:52 |
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pcharky | naw: I catch your drift, holdon, I'll check it out. | 10:53 |
naw | thanks pcharky | 10:53 |
Skid | I think that's the hard limit, ProN00b | 10:53 |
hramrach | Where is it in gnome? I did not find it in the menu | 10:53 |
Skid | hramrach: just put a blank cd in your cd writer | 10:53 |
naw | Applications -> System Tools | 10:53 |
glam | nalioth, the pkg is in fact avaiable, it just depend on a newer version of another package. | 10:53 |
Skid | it opens automatically | 10:53 |
ProN00b | humm, then how can windows manage it, Skid *_* | 10:53 |
naw | oh | 10:53 |
pcharky | naw: I don't have that option, but you don't need it, since you can run all commands from a regular terminal with sudo | 10:53 |
naw | ok.. | 10:53 |
hramrach | ok, I will try. Thanks | 10:53 |
naw | Hm.. | 10:54 |
Skid | ProN00b: it abbreviates names, afaik | 10:54 |
=== ruif13 [n=ruif13@a213-22-75-63.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naw | Hmm.. | 10:54 |
ruif13 | hi | 10:54 |
kevogod | How do I remove LDAP servers from within Evolution? | 10:54 |
naw | ok it worked but now i cant get my lights to come on on the wireless nic | 10:54 |
=== B_166-ER-X [n=oli@c207.134.23-139.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naw | a whole nother issue, right? | 10:55 |
ProN00b | naw, the disk is still fat, but it mounts as fat32 under linux and has long names, but mounts as fat under windows and got long names. its really f*cked up | 10:55 |
ruif13 | where is the config file of openvpn? | 10:55 |
ruif13 | anyone no? | 10:55 |
ProN00b | wtf, someone has the name naw in here, i mean no with naw usually that | 10:55 |
naw | hehe | 10:55 |
nalioth | ruif13: look in ~/.openvpn | 10:55 |
pcharky | kevogod: Go to 'contacts', right-click the ldap-server, and select delete.. | 10:55 |
naw | I went through the howto for broadcom nics and my lights still wont come on.. | 10:55 |
kevogod | pcharky, If that worked, I wouldn't be asking. | 10:55 |
durt | 10:55 | |
=== kinjoo [n=kinjoo@83-169-172-144-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naw | anyone care to help a n00b out | 10:56 |
nalioth | naw: ask a question | 10:56 |
naw | ok | 10:56 |
=== programador [n=programa@178-155-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
programador | hola | 10:56 |
naw | Every time I use ndiswrapper to load the appropriate driver for the NIC, ndiswrapper lists it as invalid driver preventing the lights from coming on on the nic | 10:56 |
nalioth | !es | 10:56 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 10:56 |
ruif13 | nalioth i don't found that :S | 10:56 |
=== Segovia [n=segovia@modemcable228.238-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naw | ndiswrapper worked perfect on my pci wireless nic...this is frustrating :< | 10:57 |
nalioth | ruif13: visit the openvpn website and see any FAQs | 10:57 |
=== fangorious [n=fangorio@cpe-66-25-49-6.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruif13 | thanks | 10:57 |
programador | como estan por alla | 10:57 |
=== LootBeer [i=1000@cm100.omega16.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | programador: no hablamos espanol aqui, vaya de el #ubuntu-es, por favor | 10:58 |
pcharky | programador: please, english | 10:58 |
fangorious | after updating yesterday, I don't get the graphical boot anymore. any idea where to enable that? | 10:58 |
=== Fresh [n=blow@ip70-191-189-140.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fresh | um, hi all. | 10:58 |
programador | okey all right | 10:58 |
=== kabal_ [n=kabal@62-101-126-222.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fresh | can i ask a question? | 10:58 |
pcharky | Fresh: suer | 10:59 |
nalioth | Fresh: that's what #ubuntu is here for | 10:59 |
fangorious | Fresh, just ask, don't need permission | 10:59 |
naw | Any ideas? | 10:59 |
=== IRCMonkey [n=chatzill@cpe-24-164-138-239.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | if i choose " do nothing" to the larger partition, will it really not format it? (stupid question) | 10:59 |
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=== ThePyromaniac [n=ubuntu@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajiki | IRCMonkey, right | 11:00 |
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johhny | IRCMonkey: This isn't microsoft. If you tell it not to do something, it really will not do it | 11:00 |
=== gaah [i=fattie@abiosis.campus.luth.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | ok thanks | 11:00 |
Fresh | well.... i'm tryin to set up a dual boot system. just reinstalled xp with fat partition. if i do an install with ubuntu now, am i still gonna get those boot problems that i had the first time i tried this? | 11:00 |
kevogod | pcharky, I cannot right-click the LDAP Servers. | 11:00 |
IRCMonkey | i was scared that if i formattedd 1 partition , it would format my whole disk | 11:00 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | Fresh: you shouldnt | 11:00 |
=== durt [n=ben@pcp0011938702pcs.limstn01.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fangorious | anyone know how to re-enable the graphical boot sequence? | 11:01 |
Fresh | okay, cool. | 11:01 |
Fresh | thanks | 11:01 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, it will only format the partitions with the faces | 11:01 |
=== starsky51 [n=dave@80-41-103-30.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | hajiki - faces? | 11:01 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, theres like some little faces next to them on the next screen | 11:02 |
IRCMonkey | and the downward pointing arrow thing? | 11:02 |
IRCMonkey | so that inticated what will be formatted for ubuntu | 11:02 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, but in any case it should only format if you tell it to Format | 11:02 |
=== r0xoR [n=rockstar@pool-141-154-126-56.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | ok | 11:02 |
IRCMonkey | for the partition, what option should i choose? | 11:02 |
=== yer [n=yer@cpe-72-224-231-149.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThePyromaniac | question, what does it mean when i turn my PC on, select the harddrive with ubuntu on and it says "No valid device. Press any key to continue....@ then goes to my other HD? | 11:02 |
IRCMonkey | like ext2 ext3?? | 11:03 |
ompaul | 3 | 11:03 |
hajiki | ext3 is a safe bet | 11:03 |
r0xoR | how do i specify fonts other than the standard "xfontsel" type fonts... isn't there some like xfs:"Font Name" syntax too? what was that? | 11:03 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | ok thanks | 11:03 |
=== kevogod throws ReiserFS into the mix. | ||
hajiki | r0xoR, only if the app is xfs aware | 11:03 |
r0xoR | hajiki, ok but is that the syntax? | 11:03 |
yer | hey everybody, is it wrong that i solve 99% of my debian problems by reading the ubuntu forums? | 11:04 |
hajiki | r0bby, in which case you just use the font name space font size like this 'Times New Roman 11' | 11:04 |
IRCMonkey | im a little paranoid because i got scared of the WARNING page that says all partitions would be formatted | 11:04 |
=== gaah [i=fattie@abiosis.campus.luth.se] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== ompaul throws kevogod in into a mixer :) | ||
=== Prower [n=prower@wiley-440-132868.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | yer: as long as it solves your problems, no. but some forum contributions are plain wrong | 11:04 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, did you chose the USE ENTIRE DISK option? | 11:04 |
=== paul_ [n=paul@p54A47019.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yer | nalioth, hahaha | 11:04 |
IRCMonkey | no | 11:04 |
IRCMonkey | i went inot advanced | 11:04 |
yer | hey nalioth, what do you think of this | 11:04 |
IRCMonkey | *into | 11:04 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, it meant only the ones you chose to be formatted then | 11:05 |
ThePyromaniac | hello guys? ^^ | 11:05 |
yer | debian stable, linux 2.6.8-2-k7, gphoto2 2.1.5, libgphoto2 2.1.5, libgphoto2_port 0.5.1, sony cyber-shot DSC P41 in PTP mode, works just fine with gphoto2 -P under linux 2.4.x, but under 2.6.x i get "Could not find USB device (vendor 0x54c, product 0x4e)" any ideas? | 11:05 |
=== phillambrechts [n=phil@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | it showed the main partiton (75GB) and the other (5GB) | 11:05 |
ThePyromaniac | "No valid device. Press any key to continue...." what does this error message mean? google tells me nothing | 11:05 |
nalioth | yer: i suggest you get the source driver and compile it | 11:05 |
phillambrechts | Is there any way i can get nautilus to show thumbnails on mounted SMB shares that I mounted through the Connect To Server app? | 11:05 |
=== agrisb [n=agrisb@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThePyromaniac | only something about fixmbr which is windows boot records is it not? | 11:05 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, what tells you where? | 11:05 |
yer | nalioth, but then i gotta screw with my kernel :( | 11:05 |
IRCMonkey | i have a little arrow going from the larger partition to the smaller | 11:05 |
IRCMonkey | with that smiley face u told me about | 11:06 |
hajiki | phillambrechts, system > preferences > file management, under the Preview Tab | 11:06 |
agrisb | does anyone has working canon laserbase MF5630 on hoary? | 11:06 |
ThePyromaniac | ompaul when i boot my pc and press F8 to select my HD it says "No valid device. Press any key to continue...." and then goes to my default HD | 11:06 |
ompaul | why do you press F8? | 11:06 |
=== Mellar [n=brebbesv@ti400720a080-0679.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThePyromaniac | to select my HD | 11:07 |
=== RockyBurt [n=rocky@207-236-225-161.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phillambrechts | hajiki, thanks a lot! | 11:07 |
IRCMonkey | would that be a good setup, hajiki? | 11:07 |
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ompaul | ThePyromaniac, don't press F8 and see what happens | 11:07 |
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=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@d4-227.dip.axsp.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
El_Che | i hope a lot of bugfixes go into breezy. hibernation for my laptop died between hoary --> breezy | 11:07 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, its really up to you, do you want a really simple setup or a complex one? | 11:07 |
ThePyromaniac | ok. i hate running live CD though, lol | 11:07 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, if you get stuck you can press esc duting that | 11:07 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks, cya soon either way | 11:07 |
IRCMonkey | sine i do not know a lot, il go with simple | 11:08 |
Loevborg | Is a problem known that mouse wheels don't work out-of-the-box in breezy that did in hoary? | 11:08 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, are you talking about using the live CD only ? | 11:08 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, how much RAM do you have | 11:08 |
IRCMonkey | 1.5GB | 11:08 |
ThePyromaniac | ompaul no i mean i am using LiveCD when it fails | 11:08 |
ompaul | Loevborg, they did on all the boxes I installed it on it | 11:08 |
IRCMonkey | 80GB HD | 11:08 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, ok then i would go with a swap partion of the same size or if you think youll use a lot double it | 11:08 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, and then use all the remaining space for / | 11:08 |
IRCMonkey | ok so that means i need 3 partitions? | 11:08 |
hajiki | no 2 | 11:09 |
naw | Every time I use ndiswrapper to load the appropriate driver for the NIC, ndiswrapper lists it as invalid driver preventing the lights from coming on on the nic. ne ideas? | 11:09 |
IRCMonkey | ok | 11:09 |
hajiki | one for swap and one for / | 11:09 |
Loevborg | ompaul, weird because on mine as well as on the one of a friend, it doesn't | 11:09 |
ompaul | Loevborg, funny mice? | 11:09 |
IRCMonkey | what if i want to keep Windows on a partition? | 11:09 |
ompaul | IRCMonkey, you can | 11:09 |
Loevborg | ompaul, very regular ones (intellimouse explorer) | 11:09 |
IRCMonkey | i want to dual boot | 11:09 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, yeah you can | 11:09 |
IRCMonkey | so that means 3 partitions, right? | 11:10 |
jrr | anyone know what ubuntu patches into the kernel besides the ubuntu logo? | 11:10 |
Loevborg | ompaul, it is not required to have the mouse plugged in at a cretain point of time, now isit? | 11:10 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, the install should auto detect that partition if you dont delete it and add it to the boot loader | 11:10 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, do you not already have a windows install? | 11:10 |
IRCMonkey | yes | 11:10 |
Loevborg | jrr, you can look at the patches in the kernel package source | 11:10 |
=== frank_b [n=fgd@bl7-139-47.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IRCMonkey | on the 75GB partition | 11:10 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, windows is a bit picky so it has to be the 1st partition, so yes 3 partions if you are going to have windows | 11:10 |
Loevborg | jrr, it's probably quite a bit of patching | 11:10 |
=== plasticdoc [n=plasticd@87-196-79-236.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | Loevborg, no and yes : it should be there when you are configuring the xserver | 11:11 |
jrr | Loevborg: i don't anticipate looking at the diffs will answer my question =] | 11:11 |
frank_b | I stopped having sound in my computer. how can I know if it's a hardware problem or a linux problem? | 11:11 |
IRCMonkey | ok i got it | 11:11 |
agrisb | does anyone has working canon laserbase MF5630 on hoary? | 11:11 |
Loevborg | ompaul, is that true? | 11:11 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, okay sorry i missed the fact that you had two disks :) | 11:11 |
ompaul | Loevborg, well how else is the xserver going to figure out what mouse is there? | 11:11 |
IRCMonkey | no i have 1 HD with 2 partitions | 11:11 |
IRCMonkey | its a laptop | 11:11 |
=== abarbaccia_ [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pcharky | hajiki: Doesnt' have to be the 1st partition, you can have a small (64M) boot partition before it. | 11:11 |
Skid | dont suppose anyone knows if its possible to use subtitles with VLC? | 11:12 |
=== halogray_ [n=halogray@ppp-68-250-71-215.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajiki | pcharky, oh didnt know that, i've had so many problems with dual booting windows w/ NTFS. and thats the only way i've gotten around it | 11:12 |
halogray_ | Hello | 11:12 |
jrr | Skid: almost certain it's possible | 11:12 |
Loevborg | ompaul, on a laptop it should be a common use case to plug in another mouse which should not require reconfiguring the X server... | 11:12 |
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frank_b | Hi all. I stopped having sound in my computer. how can I know if it's a hardware problem or a linux problem? is a the any sound log file I can check? | 11:12 |
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Loevborg | ompaul, by configuring, you mean dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? Is there a way to suppress questions about keyboard etc.? | 11:13 |
pcharky | hajiki: The windows partition has to start in the first ?? blocks of the disk | 11:13 |
ompaul | Loevborg, yeap and the most basic mice does not have the 3 button syndrome | 11:13 |
ompaul | Loevborg, i do mean that, and I don't know | 11:13 |
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fangorious | what should I be looking for if I see this/usr/share/samba/panic-action: line 48: mail: command not found | 11:13 |
fangorious | " trying to start samba? " | 11:13 |
Loevborg | jrr, I can emphasize | 11:13 |
IRCMonkey | ok so i make a small partition like 64mb like pcharky said, and go into options to make it a boot partition, and make the larger partition an ext3? | 11:13 |
halogray | Googling this is little use as I get tons of guides on how to set up linux dns servers... all I want to know is how to add a known dns server to linux | 11:13 |
hajiki | pcharky, oh well doesnt really matter anymore as i no longer dual boot :) | 11:13 |
ompaul | Loevborg, however I do know that it suggests sensible options | 11:13 |
halogray | What file typically points out what dns servers to use? | 11:14 |
hajiki | pcharky, maybe you can help him out with that method as i've never done it | 11:14 |
pcharky | IRCMonkey: my setup is: 1: 64M /boot, 2 win, 3 swap, then the rest. | 11:14 |
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Blejdfist | halogray: edit /etc/resolv.conf or use System->Administration->Networking | 11:14 |
pcharky | hajiki: Sure | 11:15 |
halogray | Excellent. Thank you | 11:15 |
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Loevborg | ompaul, yes, but suggesting dpkg-reconfigure to a neophyte can be embarassing... ("nodeadkeys what??") | 11:15 |
pcharky | IRCMonkey: do you have an existing windows partition? | 11:15 |
IRCMonkey | so the third "swap" actually contains Ubuntu? | 11:15 |
IRCMonkey | yes | 11:15 |
unperson | I want to move my /home directory and all subdirectories to a new partition I've created. I've mounted the partition. I was simply going to go to /home and cp -a * /mnt/new_home, then I would get rid of the old one and make the appropriate changes to fstab and reboot. Are there any other options I should add to the cp command? | 11:15 |
Loevborg | ompaul, ah maybe "dpkg-reconfigure --default-priority" wll do the job | 11:15 |
ormandj | somebody kick japhet, he's doing on-join messages asking for shell accounts for psybnc or something heh | 11:16 |
pcharky | And you're going to (or have) resize that using a tool such as partition magic? | 11:16 |
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ompaul | Loevborg, there is that, | 11:16 |
IRCMonkey | yes i selected "install another OS" and made a 5GB partition formatted for linux | 11:16 |
hajiki | IRCMonkey, swap is what Windows considers virtual memory. its its own partition that is used when your ram is all being used up. | 11:16 |
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IRCMonkey | o.0 | 11:16 |
hajiki | in a sense it can me backup ram, but on your disk | 11:17 |
_jason | unperson: I did that by following this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46866 everything went smoothly | 11:17 |
hajiki | its not as fast as ram tho! | 11:17 |
IRCMonkey | yes, i know | 11:17 |
johnny_6699 | hi people just finshed using the howto | 11:17 |
johnny_6699 | dual boot | 11:17 |
IRCMonkey | if i have 1.5 GB ram, do i really need a swap partition ? | 11:18 |
=== ThePyromaniac [n=ubuntu@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vitriol | can anyone tell me how to get flash working on amd64?? | 11:18 |
hajiki | you dont 'need' it but its good to have it | 11:18 |
ThePyromaniac | ompaul nope that didnt work | 11:18 |
hajiki | i have 2GB of ram and use a 2GB swap | 11:19 |
Blejdfist | IRCMonkey: the kernel can actually use the swap to improve performance even when you have free RAM | 11:19 |
Blejdfist | IRCMonkey: but don't ask me how it works, it's magic to me :) | 11:19 |
vitriol | IRCMonkey: do you use hibernate or suspend? | 11:19 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, what did you install and from which media? | 11:19 |
IRCMonkey | yes | 11:19 |
IRCMonkey | a lot | 11:19 |
vitriol | IRCMonkey: those things you use swap | 11:19 |
IRCMonkey | ok | 11:19 |
pcharky | IRCMonkey: Ground, rule is swap = 2x phys. but i think you're fine with a 500M to 1G swap partition. | 11:19 |
hajiki | vitriol, sweet, now thats something i didnt know | 11:19 |
vitriol | yep | 11:20 |
ThePyromaniac | ompauk, i dont understand. i had breezy working fine on a SATA II HD, i unplugged, took it to my girlfriends, didnt drop it or throw it on the floor and when i plug back in it dies | 11:20 |
vitriol | check /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh | 11:20 |
IRCMonkey | so in addition to the 75 GB partition , i need 500M swap, and 5GB for the actual installation. is there any more i need? | 11:20 |
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ompaul | ThePyromaniac, and its on the same cables? | 11:20 |
hajiki | ThePyromaniac, did you plug your drive into her computer? | 11:20 |
ThePyromaniac | ompaul, same cable, same port. i tried changing the cable but no affect | 11:21 |
qmanman | /topic | 11:21 |
vitriol | IRCMonkey: i like to have a seperate /home to keep all of my stuff. it makes it easier to reinstall | 11:21 |
ThePyromaniac | ompaul, yes i did. i wanted to rip some of her CD's to ogg, but i forgot im on 64 bit shes on 32 | 11:21 |
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pcharky | IRCMonkey: that's about it, if you want to use hibernate, your swap should be at least the same size as your physical memory. | 11:21 |
IRCMonkey | ok | 11:21 |
tyler_durden | where do i find xorg.conf? | 11:21 |
Blejdfist | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:21 |
IRCMonkey | so i should make the 5GB a ext3, and 500M as swap? | 11:22 |
kevogod | Where does Evolution Data Server store its configuration files? | 11:22 |
pcharky | kevogod: ~/.evolution | 11:22 |
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twysted | ThePyromaniac> it must have been somehow shocked or something to render it not able to work :( | 11:22 |
IRCMonkey | that would be the end of my annoying questions..:) | 11:22 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, I have no idea what that could have done to your disk | 11:22 |
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kevogod | pcharky, No, it doesn't. | 11:22 |
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Loevborg | Blejdfist knows the black magic to write lines that start with "/". Chapeau! | 11:22 |
kevogod | pcharky, That is where Evolution stores it configuration. | 11:22 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, can you see the disk from the liveCD? | 11:22 |
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pcharky | kevogod: sorry again. | 11:22 |
mylastmorning | anyone know how to rename USB thumbdrives? | 11:23 |
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ThePyromaniac | how would i do that? | 11:23 |
hajiki | does SATA automatically adjust to being master or slave? might he need to reset the jumpers? | 11:23 |
Blejdfist | Loevborg: :P | 11:23 |
nalioth | hajiki: sata has no jumpers | 11:23 |
twysted | sata runs its own channels | 11:23 |
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hajiki | nalioth, really? i thought mine did | 11:23 |
twysted | 1 hdd per cable :) | 11:23 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, are you using the a 64bit live cd ? | 11:23 |
tyler_durden | ok and i just installed nvidia-settings, but how do i use it now? | 11:23 |
kevogod | I thought SATA had that one jumper. | 11:23 |
ThePyromaniac | yes | 11:23 |
IRCMonkey | ok im gonna try everything u guys told me to do | 11:23 |
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pcharky | IRCMonkey: good luck | 11:24 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, does it see the hard drive? | 11:24 |
twysted | kevogod it might but i dont think its for M/S | 11:24 |
IRCMonkey | ill be back to tell u how it went :) | 11:24 |
IRCMonkey | THANKS!!!! | 11:24 |
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ThePyromaniac | nope, it never does | 11:24 |
kevogod | twysted, Oh, not it's not for M/S. | 11:24 |
kevogod | *no | 11:24 |
mylastmorning | QUESTION: does anyone know how to rename drives? | 11:24 |
twysted | ThePyromaniac> when u plug it in i take it the bios doesnt even see it righto? | 11:24 |
tyler_durden | ok and i just installed nvidia-settings, but how do i use it now? | 11:24 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: What do you mean by "rename drives" | 11:25 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, okay stupid question can you check your power cable | 11:25 |
hajiki | mylastmorning, what do you mean rename drives | 11:25 |
mylastmorning | pcharky, like a USB thumb drive | 11:25 |
Mustard5 | type sudo nvidia-settings in terminal | 11:25 |
ThePyromaniac | twysted, thats the odd thing, right when it says "no valid device. please press any key to continue..." it says 1 - WDC bla bla bla (hard drive name) | 11:25 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: what like it? | 11:25 |
mylastmorning | hajiki like a USB thumb drive | 11:25 |
lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : dont prephrase questions with QUESTION, a ? does he trick | 11:25 |
hajiki | mylastmorning, what name does it have now that you want to rename it to | 11:25 |
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ThePyromaniac | ompaul you mean my trusty lil molex? | 11:26 |
lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : and you mount the drives @ a different place, look into /etc/fstab | 11:26 |
mylastmorning | hajiki, its named as, 128, I want to rename it thumbdrive | 11:26 |
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twysted | ThePyromaniac> hmmm so it is seeing it, i wonder if somehow it messed up your mbr or something, i could maybe suggest doing an inplace reinstall and just tell ubuntu to NOT format | 11:26 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: lsuactiafner has the answer | 11:26 |
ompaul | aye is it anchored in a secure fashion on both ends | 11:26 |
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hajiki | mylastmorning, can you right click the icon on the desktop and select rename? | 11:27 |
tyler_durden | k now, i just installed my nvidia card but it looks like my refreish rate is set to about 60 because i see those lines all over moving, but its set to 75. how can i fix it? | 11:27 |
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hajiki | mylastmorning, if not do what lsuactiafner said, and look at /etc/fstab | 11:27 |
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jeff303 | can someone tell me which packages I need to get to see man pages for pthreads, and time.h? | 11:27 |
ThePyromaniac | twysted, so reinstall and not format ANY partition? not even / ? | 11:27 |
jeff303 | I assume it's all in some core doc package | 11:27 |
twysted | ThePyromaniac> correct | 11:27 |
ThePyromaniac | twysted ok thanks man | 11:27 |
lsuactiafner | if you want to rename a flash drive you need change the filesystem properties ect.. i dont recommend you screw around with it | 11:27 |
mylastmorning | no hajiki | 11:27 |
twysted | ThePyromaniac> your welcome | 11:27 |
lsuactiafner | jeff303 : you should look on google | 11:28 |
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Blejdfist | jeff303: manpages-dev maybe? | 11:28 |
tyler_durden | k now, i just installed my nvidia card but it looks like my refreish rate is set to about 60 because i see those lines all over moving, but its set to 75. how can i fix it? | 11:28 |
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Dreamglider | when ubuntu boot's is there a log file saved ? | 11:29 |
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Dreamglider | a boot log file ? | 11:29 |
pcharky | Dreamglider: dmesg | 11:29 |
shutson_ | Question: How do I mount an ext3 filesystem that I just creaded on a new HD? | 11:29 |
thewayofzen | upgrading to BREEZY.. following the wiki in the topic.. last time i did it (two weeks ago) it broke EVERYTHING and i needed to reinstall.. any one have any tips? | 11:29 |
pcharky | Dreamglider: and you can enable bootlogd by editing /etc/default/bootlogd | 11:30 |
twysted | tyler_durden, sudo nvidia-settings | 11:30 |
thewayofzen | getting alot of this : | 11:30 |
tyler_durden | what am i gonna do with that? | 11:30 |
mylastmorning | lsuactiafner, when doing what you said, it only gives me the information and not the name of it. | 11:30 |
ompaul | thewayofzen, no use pastebin | 11:30 |
tyler_durden | im talking about the refresh rate, it looks as if im at 60 because i see lines moving all around | 11:30 |
tyler_durden | but its set on 75.. | 11:30 |
thewayofzen | ok | 11:30 |
Mustard5 | tyler_durden, type it in your terminal | 11:30 |
kevogod | tyler_durden, What is your resolution set to? | 11:30 |
twysted | shutson_ 'sudo mount /dev/device /mnt/mountpoint | 11:31 |
tyler_durden | 1024 768 | 11:31 |
ompaul | !tell thewayofzen about paste | 11:31 |
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tyler_durden | mustard5 i did but there is nothing relevent there | 11:31 |
smaugslayer | i just bought a new FP that has a native resolution of 1600x1200. I using a Radeon 9600 that should be able to drive that resolution. However, ubuntu is shoing 1280x1024 as max. Any way to change this so I can run at native resol? Thx for the help!! | 11:31 |
paulproteus|lapt | !resolution | 11:31 |
ubotu | rumour has it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:31 |
tyler_durden | i think u can change it at dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:31 |
smaugslayer | thx, ill look | 11:31 |
tyler_durden | mark those 1600x? resolution there | 11:31 |
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Dreamglider | when it boot's and says it is "starting things ...... OK" i get two erroes but it goes so fast i cant read see what has an error | 11:32 |
twysted | tyler_durden look at the url ubotu posted | 11:32 |
hajiki | smaugslayer, yes you probably just need to add that to /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:32 |
tyler_durden | oh im not identified | 11:32 |
tyler_durden | one sec | 11:32 |
thewayofzen | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2890 | 11:32 |
thewayofzen | those errors look like bad to me | 11:32 |
thewayofzen | or is that normal | 11:32 |
tyler_durden | ok twysted can u tell the bot to send it again? | 11:32 |
twysted | !ubotu tell tyler_durden about resolution | 11:33 |
Blejdfist | thewayofzen: try running dpkg-reconfigure locales | 11:33 |
paulproteus|lapt | thewayofzen: It's not a big deal. | 11:33 |
paulproteus|lapt | thewayofzen: Wait until the end of your dist-upgrade. | 11:33 |
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paulproteus|lapt | Run perl. | 11:33 |
mylastmorning | hajiki both didn't work. | 11:33 |
paulproteus|lapt | If you still get the errors, *then* you should dpkg-reconfigure locales. | 11:33 |
mylastmorning | does anyone know how to rename drives? | 11:33 |
tyler_durden | what could be causing those lines though? could it be the resfresh rate? | 11:34 |
mylastmorning | does anyone know how to rename USB drives? | 11:34 |
Blejdfist | you could also run "locale" to see that it all looks ok | 11:34 |
nalioth | mylastmorning: since nobody is answering here, why not ask uncle google? | 11:34 |
mylastmorning | nalioth, I only come here when all efforts have been lost ^_^ | 11:35 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: make a new mountpoint, and record the device in your /etc/fstab | 11:35 |
Mustard5 | mylastmorning, the name is dependant on the mountpoint I think... | 11:35 |
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mylastmorning | pcharky I've tried that. I don't know what I'm doing all it says is this "/dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0" | 11:35 |
mylastmorning | I belive otherwise Mustard6 | 11:36 |
mylastmorning | I belive otherwise Mustard5 | 11:36 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: okay, type: mount | 11:36 |
thewayofzen | paulproteus, how do i know which locales are the ones i want ar_om.UTF.8 ?? that stuff looks foreign | 11:36 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: paste the output at: pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl | 11:37 |
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holden | Does anyone know where to get good video codecs? I can play most avi's and mpg's, but they look AWFUL, exactly as if I were recording them off a tv monitor with a handycam. | 11:37 |
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lsuactiafner | holden : because most of your avi and mpg are bad quality | 11:38 |
mylastmorning | pcharky http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/2891 | 11:38 |
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lsuactiafner | holden : have you tried to play a dvd? | 11:38 |
holden | lsuactiafner, no, I mean, they play great on windows. | 11:38 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: okay, open your /etc/fstab: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 11:39 |
oxez | mylastmorning: sudo vim /etc/fstab | 11:39 |
lsuactiafner | holden : what player are you using? | 11:39 |
oxez | or, yea gedit | 11:39 |
Dreamglider | pcharky, ok i edited bootlogd and rebooted where is the bootlog saved ? | 11:39 |
holden | lsuactiafner, totem | 11:39 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell holden about w32codecs | 11:39 |
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pcharky | Dreamglider: check /var/log | 11:39 |
nalioth | uh oh | 11:39 |
pcharky | Dreamglider: /var/log/boot | 11:39 |
lsuactiafner | holden : apt-cache search mplayer | 11:39 |
nalioth | !test | 11:40 |
ubotu | Failed. | 11:40 |
nalioth | crap | 11:40 |
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{A|M}Ed_Gein | need help with a lost password(seriously) am I totaly screwed can I atleast access my grub config file with a knoppix live cd and get my dual boot info? | 11:40 |
lsuactiafner | holden : instal mplayer and those codecs montioned | 11:40 |
_jason | does anyone know how to setup vlc to play wmv3 files? | 11:40 |
Jipjip | hi guys does anyony here work with evolution and has a working junk filter. I installed spamassasin but it still does not do anything. | 11:40 |
nalioth | _jason: you are out of luck | 11:40 |
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lsuactiafner | ubotu : who broke you? | 11:40 |
ubotu | lsuactiafner: Do they come in packets of five? | 11:40 |
holden | lsuactiafner, will do. I'll back :)... | 11:40 |
_jason | nalioth: I see... ok thanks | 11:40 |
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qmanman | anyone running an ATI based laptop in here? | 11:41 |
mylastmorning | ok done pcharky | 11:41 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: now, add a new line :/dev/sde1 /media/thumbdrive vfat user,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077 0 0 | 11:41 |
=== lonewolff [n=lonewolf@host86-128-128-38.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
El_Che | qmanman: i do | 11:41 |
lsuactiafner | {A|M}Ed_Gein : not sure if this works but @ grub menu type out the linux kernel name, Linux initrd=/bin/sh | 11:41 |
qmanman | El_Che: hows it run? | 11:41 |
qmanman | El_Che: what graphics card? | 11:42 |
ed_gein | lsuactiafner: hmmmm | 11:42 |
_jason | nalioth: I guess that can be my project for today ;) | 11:42 |
Loevborg | ed_gein, not initrd, give it "init=/bin/bash" on the grub command line | 11:42 |
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hajiki | i have an ati based laptop | 11:42 |
thewayofzen | trying apt-get install ubuntu-desktop before reboot into breezy | 11:42 |
thewayofzen | getting this | 11:42 |
thewayofzen | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2893 | 11:42 |
lsuactiafner | {A|M}Ed_Gein : then it might boot you into a rootshell if it works like lilo, and then run passwd to change the passwd, tho... if all else fails replace the /etc/passwd and /ect/shadow root account with a copy of an account you know the passwd of | 11:42 |
thewayofzen | tried with synaptic and in terminal | 11:42 |
qmanman | hajiki: does it work well for you? what video card? | 11:42 |
El_Che | qmanman: the opensource driver works fine, but needed to install the one from ati in order to connect to a monitor using the digital port | 11:42 |
El_Che | qmanman: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] | 11:43 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: do you have backports in your sources.list? | 11:43 |
hajiki | qmanman, it works ok,its a mobile 7500 | 11:43 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: or any unofficial repos? | 11:43 |
thewayofzen | nalioth, all i have in my breezy list is the ones from the wiki | 11:43 |
thewayofzen | thast it | 11:43 |
Loevborg | ed_gein, I think you need to press "e" or sth like this with grub | 11:43 |
qmanman | El_Che: sound and everything else runs fine? | 11:43 |
lsuactiafner | is init= specific to grub? | 11:43 |
qmanman | hajiki: do you use the opensource driver? | 11:43 |
ed_gein | lsuactiafner: there's only one account on the machine (mine) I had to install windows(prorpietary crap for school) and haven't booted linux for 2 months I can remeber the password just not what is upper or lower case | 11:43 |
mylastmorning | that just made it dissapear pcharky | 11:44 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: if you already upgraded your sources.list while using hoary, you are not gonna be able to install hoary ubuntu-desktop | 11:44 |
hajiki | qmanman, yeah the default one | 11:44 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: made what disappear? | 11:44 |
thewayofzen | nalioth, the only items in my sources.list are the ones pasted directly from the wiki | 11:44 |
mylastmorning | the thumb drive pcharky | 11:44 |
thewayofzen | nalioth, the wiki says to install ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop | 11:44 |
thewayofzen | before reboot | 11:44 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: if you are in hoary now, wanting to install hoarys ubuntu-desktop, you have to use hoarys sources.list | 11:44 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: did you do other things beside what i told you? | 11:45 |
lsuactiafner | ed_gein : if you can get the /etc/showdow and /etc/passwd files and give me the passwd i can crack it quickly enough by trying brute force | 11:45 |
qmanman | hajiki: cool thanks, I ask because I'm looking at a laptop with an RX700 and I'm not sure about the ATI drivers at this point | 11:45 |
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lsuactiafner | ed_gein : will try john the ripper, just might work | 11:45 |
thewayofzen | nalioth, even after ive switched the sources.list to the breezy ones for the upgrade? | 11:45 |
El_Che | qmanman: yep, but sound is not from ati | 11:45 |
lsuactiafner | ed_gein : but i think init=/bin/sh will work easier | 11:45 |
qmanman | mmm ok | 11:45 |
hajiki | qmanman, i wanted to use the close sourced ATI ones but they dont seem to support my card | 11:45 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: you've got your machine trying to shove pkgs it cant use into your box | 11:45 |
thewayofzen | nalioth, ive erased the hoary repos replaces with the breezy from the wiki.. done apt-get update.. then apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:45 |
El_Che | qmanman: every single piece of this laptop works, except a weird sd-card reader | 11:45 |
=== tyler_durden [n=root@adsl-69-209-11-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ed_gein | let me track down a knoppix cd and see what I can come up with | 11:46 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: put your sources back to hoary if you want ubuntu-desktop now | 11:46 |
qmanman | cool | 11:46 |
lsuactiafner | or replacing the root account with root:$1$mWlMe5mq$iJUekgbrIoIF0xoHBXiSr/:13064:0:99999:7::: | 11:46 |
lsuactiafner | passwd is qwerty | 11:46 |
El_Che | qmanman: it's a hp (there a special custom cd's from ubuntu) | 11:46 |
Jipjip | qmanman X7oo is new and still not supported by the open-source driver | 11:46 |
nalioth | thewayofzen: otw, reboot into breezy and install ubuntu-desktop there | 11:46 |
tyler_durden | how do i remove my old ati drivers? | 11:46 |
tonyyarusso | I lost my cdrom drive. How can I add it back so it's recognized? When I try to mount, I get an error that special device /dev/scd0 does not exist. What do I do? | 11:46 |
mylastmorning | yes pcharky. | 11:46 |
thewayofzen | nalioth, thats the asnwer i needed thanks. | 11:46 |
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Dreamglider | ok at boot i get a error when "Setting up general font..." Error is "set_kernel_font: invalid argument" | 11:46 |
thewayofzen | reboot to breezy then install | 11:46 |
thewayofzen | sorry | 11:46 |
qmanman | Jipjip: yar, thats why I'm kinda of the fence since I'll nee to use ATI's driver | 11:46 |
nalioth | tyler_durden: sudo apt-get remove fgrlx or whatever the package is clled | 11:46 |
El_Che | qmanman: on the other hand, the same was true (working) for my former laptop, an ibm thinkpad t23 | 11:46 |
lsuactiafner | and just so everyone knows my root passwd aint qwerty and the gateway blocks access to this pc.. | 11:47 |
tyler_durden | =/ i dont know what its called lol | 11:47 |
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ed_gein | wtf is dinging | 11:47 |
Dreamglider | anyone able to help me with that ! | 11:47 |
pcharky | mylastmorning: sudo mkdir /media/thumbdrive | 11:47 |
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Jipjip | qmanman . they will probably be there quickly | 11:47 |
qmanman | I hope | 11:47 |
ed_gein | wtf is dinging | 11:47 |
tyler_durden | how do i enable num lock by default? | 11:47 |
Pajj | does anyone know a good deskcam type program? like auto capture every x seconds and auto ftp uload | 11:47 |
El_Che | qmanman: i had beter experience with the ati driver from ati (they have an gui installer) than the one in the ubuntu repository | 11:47 |
tonyyarusso | Is there a way to manually add a special device to fix that? | 11:47 |
lsuactiafner | i think he wants to rename the device not the mount point.. but anyways.. | 11:47 |
qmanman | El_Che: yeah thats what the forums seem to tell me | 11:48 |
lsuactiafner | ed_gein : mind the language | 11:48 |
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El_Che | qmanman: ah, ok, didn't know that | 11:48 |
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lsuactiafner | so do you want me to crack or it will you follow the init=/bin/sh advice? | 11:48 |
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ed_gein | gonna try the init advice first | 11:48 |
qmanman | El_Che:http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16834115196 | 11:48 |
thomas_ | is it possible to enable usplash for a vanilla kernel? | 11:48 |
tyler_durden | nalioth, i didnt install my ati with apt-get | 11:49 |
flam | do i need the dm_mod module in the kernel? mkinitramfs warns me that i haven't got it when i make myself a new initrd img | 11:49 |
tyler_durden | i installed it using the gui installer from ati | 11:49 |
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tonyyarusso | It's obviously still recognized by the BIOS and such, and still spins up when a CD is inserted, but linux won't see the drive. | 11:49 |
Skapare | so what is the ultimate advantage of Ubuntu over Debian for a desktop? | 11:49 |
qmanman | El_Che: this one I'm looking at is pretty much all ATI based....... | 11:49 |
ed_gein | its a 16 digit alpha numeric password it might take a bit | 11:49 |
ed_gein | hopefully | 11:49 |
lsuactiafner | ok but priv msg me if you dont get it correct, i'll check logs later, afk | 11:49 |
nalioth | tyler_durden: remove it in the reverse of the way you installed it | 11:49 |
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ed_gein | cool | 11:49 |
Mustard5 | Skapare, the name is cooler :) | 11:49 |
tyler_durden | i installed it using terminal with sh /. blah | 11:49 |
nalioth | Skapare: newer packages | 11:49 |
tyler_durden | how do i remove that? | 11:49 |
=== ngd [n=neil@host-83-146-13-72.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lsuactiafner | Skapare : ubuntu is more suited for the desktop | 11:50 |
Skapare | Mustard5: the name is just as long | 11:50 |
mylastmorning | how do you remove grub loader? | 11:50 |
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none_- | Skapare, gauranteed release cycle | 11:50 |
lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : you dont. | 11:50 |
wanted | help | 11:50 |
mylastmorning | lsuactiafner, I have to | 11:50 |
ngd | mylastmorning: you dont | 11:50 |
Skapare | lsuactiafner: people say that, but in what way? | 11:50 |
mylastmorning | ngd I have to | 11:50 |
ngd | mylastmorning: or you do it damn carefully | 11:50 |
nalioth | mylastmorning: with a win98 boot disk | 11:50 |
ngd | mylastmorning: why? | 11:50 |
El_Che | qmanman: are you buying online? | 11:50 |
lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : without grub you cant boot your pc, you dont remove kernels either since you dont know what you are doing | 11:50 |
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El_Che | qmanman: otherwise, a live-cd will tell you a lot | 11:50 |
lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : if you want linux to work you dont. | 11:50 |
Skapare | nalioth: so it's more up to date than Debian, at least for desktop stuff? | 11:50 |
anethema | anyone know if there is a easy way to get rlocate instead of slocate working in ubuntu ? | 11:50 |
=== Mercutio [n=zachary@ppp-70-251-159-54.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qmanman | El_Che: yeah I think I'm getting it from newegg | 11:50 |
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lsuactiafner | Skapare : packages are newer and made for desktops. | 11:51 |
mik__ | hi all | 11:51 |
mylastmorning | lsuactiafner... I need to! because I installed it on someone's PC and now they don't want linux so they're going back to windows. | 11:51 |
ep | How can I verify that I'm not running the ntp dameon? | 11:51 |
qmanman | El_Che: I think COMPUSE has acer, going to see if they have it | 11:51 |
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qmanman | err COMPUSA | 11:51 |
nalioth | Skapare yes, from a users viewpoint it is more up to date (plus 6 month release cycles) | 11:51 |
mylastmorning | nalioth, would a windows 2000 CD work? | 11:51 |
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mik__ | i'm french and i want help | 11:51 |
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lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : just install windows over linux | 11:51 |
anethema | ep, : do a: ps ax | grep ntpd | 11:51 |
Skapare | nalioth: you mean like it doesn't drag on for years like Debian? | 11:51 |
khaled | mylastmorning: which version of windows | 11:51 |
lsuactiafner | mylastmorning : or make windows 'repair' the boot sector | 11:51 |
anethema | if it shows up, its running | 11:51 |
mylastmorning | I tried that lsuactiafner, it's still their. | 11:51 |
paul_ | hello nick I m french too | 11:51 |
nalioth | Skapare: exactly | 11:51 |
lsuactiafner | tho i have no idea how windows works.. | 11:51 |
mik__ | i wanna install steam for play counter strike in ubuntu | 11:51 |
mylastmorning | its XP | 11:52 |
Skapare | nalioth: and has 2 major releases a year like Slackware? | 11:52 |
lsuactiafner | master boot record. not jsut the boot sector.. | 11:52 |
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mats_ | cedega does it | 11:52 |
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mats_ | mik__: install cedega | 11:52 |
Skapare | nalioth: and OpenBSD :) | 11:52 |
dell500 | does anyone else have a problem with GAIM quitting out of nowhere? | 11:52 |
khaled | mylastmorning: do you have the xp cd? | 11:52 |
paul_ | i m sorry je sais pas. | 11:52 |
tyler_durden | how do i remove an item from the application menu? i cant through application menu editor, it didnt come with ubuntu | 11:52 |
Mustard5 | dell500, no | 11:52 |
mats_ | dell500: no :) | 11:52 |
qmanman | lastmorning: win200 CD will work | 11:52 |
tyler_durden | i mean the item in the menu didnt come with ubuntu | 11:52 |
nalioth | Skapare: yup. visit www.ubuntulinux.org and/or wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 11:52 |
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qmanman | lastmorning: yse the "recovery console" option and type "fixmbr" | 11:53 |
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GhostFreeman | how can I find out my system_username from bash? | 11:53 |
anethema | sometimes when i refresh the gnome-panel gaim quit | 11:53 |
anethema | s | 11:53 |
lsuactiafner | Skapare : but slackware doesnt have packages, but i'm not saying ubuntu is better than slackware, ubuntu is better suited to the lazy and the noobs and ppl with no tech ability | 11:53 |
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twysted | slackware has packages | 11:53 |
qmanman | lastmorning: XP works same way | 11:53 |
Skapare | lsuactiafner: slackware has packages ... I've installed them | 11:53 |
nalioth | lsuactiafner: i resent that remark. ubuntu is good for everyone | 11:53 |
anethema | twysted, yeah but no real good pkg managment | 11:53 |
lsuactiafner | Skapare : and desktop users.. i fall into the lazy part, tho my system is a hyrbid ubuntu and slackware | 11:53 |
lsuactiafner | twysted : package manager | 11:53 |
hwaara | everyone, in which package are the strings for the ubuntu installer? | 11:53 |
anethema | its certainly not apt | 11:53 |
iafd | it doesn't have automated dependency stuff, though | 11:53 |
=== Skapare has used Slackware from 1.0 to 10.2 | ||
iafd | plus | 11:53 |
Mercutio150 | ok can somone tell me what applications is suppossed to run MP3's?? | 11:53 |
mik__ | i've installed cedega but the steam say i haven't activeX installed for my bronwser | 11:53 |
twysted | i like slackwares pkg management yes i cant APTget files but wgetting them does the same thing :D | 11:54 |
Mustard5 | Mercutio150, XMMS | 11:54 |
iafd | most of the packages you get (off linuxpackages.com, or whatever?) are unofficila, if I recall correctly. | 11:54 |
lsuactiafner | nalioth : ubuntu is a better desktop | 11:54 |
Skapare | iafd: true ... but that's not a selling point for me | 11:54 |
mats_ | Mercutio150: you need gstreamer0.8-mad to play mp3s | 11:54 |
khaled | mylastmorning: if you have a winxp cd, then, boot to it, choose recovery console, enter the admin passwd, and then type fixboot | 11:54 |
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tyler_durden | so no one knows how to remove an item from the application menu? | 11:54 |
Mercutio150 | does it come in the Ubuntu package? | 11:54 |
twysted | yes because its all 3rd party software | 11:54 |
=== malv [n=macca@pool-71-103-36-13.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anethema | i used slack from like 1996 or so till i installed ubuntu a few months ago..i can say i like ubuntu MUCH better even though i know my linux pretty good | 11:54 |
iafd | pretty much everything on linux is third part. | 11:54 |
Mercutio150 | how do I get that? | 11:54 |
iafd | *party | 11:54 |
malv | is there a trick to get the totem mozilla plugin working correctly? | 11:54 |
Skapare | iafd: I get the packages in the official Slackware distribution, and anything else I compile from source anyway | 11:54 |
lsuactiafner | nalioth : but i still think slackware is more solid and predictable, but ubuntu comes pretty close. remember slackware is more like unix and freebsd than other linuxes | 11:54 |
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malv | it plays for half a second and stops | 11:54 |
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Mustard5 | Mercutio150, yes..use synaptic | 11:54 |
mats_ | Mercutio150: no :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia?highlight=%28media%29 | 11:55 |
iafd | makes sense. | 11:55 |
twysted | i do ubuntu for all my servers, slackware for desktop | 11:55 |
anethema | twysted, you dont find that a little backwards? | 11:55 |
Blejdfist | malv: yes, uninstall it and use the mplayer-plugin instead :P | 11:55 |
iafd | i much prefer slacks rc stuff, though | 11:55 |
anethema | heheh | 11:55 |
nalioth | lsuactiafner: that is not in dispute, but i'm neither lazy, a n00b and i have over 10 years of using linux behind me | 11:55 |
khaled | mylastmorning: if win does boot from grub, just type fixmbr | 11:55 |
lsuactiafner | Skapare : i used to run slackware but now i run ubuntu, before ubuntu i used slackware for 4 years | 11:55 |
Skapare | twysted: that sounds twisted to me :) | 11:55 |
twysted | hehe | 11:55 |
anethema | iafd, i also MUCH MUCH prefer slacks rc stuff | 11:55 |
lsuactiafner | i still make my own kernerls and mplayer ect | 11:55 |
mats_ | Mercutio150: "MP3: Due to licensing restrictions, MP3 support couldn't be included by default in Ubuntu. To enable MP3 support you need to install gstreamer0.8-mad which is included in the Universe repository." -- its all on the page ;) | 11:55 |
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twysted | its just personal preference my friend is just like that as well hehe | 11:55 |
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Skapare | twysted: it seems like slackware for servers and ubuntu for desktop would be the way to go | 11:55 |
lsuactiafner | well i use ubuntu because i'm lazy and has offical 64bit support | 11:55 |
Mercutio150 | ok thanks, don't suppose you konw anything about ati drivers?? | 11:56 |
lsuactiafner | and its better desktop | 11:56 |
twysted | meh | 11:56 |
=== TheRedCheese [n=trevis@ip70-179-61-88.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iafd | i would use freebsd or slack if I had the choice. on a server. | 11:56 |
anethema | Skapare, you ever use rlocate? | 11:56 |
lsuactiafner | so it depends on your needs. | 11:56 |
TheRedCheese | hi | 11:56 |
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Skapare | anethema: heh ... I actual write my own rc system entire from scratch | 11:56 |
lsuactiafner | both distrobutions are close to being perfect | 11:56 |
Skapare | anethema: nope, never used rlocate | 11:56 |
mats_ | Mercutio150: bring the question ;) if i cant answer, maby some one else can | 11:56 |
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twysted | well i use ubuntu because it is debian based, its easy to update, hell my is (xmission.com) uses debian on almost 90% of theyre servers | 11:56 |
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il_padrino | i need help | 11:56 |
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lsuactiafner | Skapare : same | 11:56 |
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nalioth | il_padrino: ask | 11:57 |
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mats_ | il_padrino: ok? | 11:57 |
Mercutio150 | well I've been wrestling with drivers for my ati radeon 7000 vid card | 11:57 |
=== twysted will be back later | ||
il_padrino | i have a nvidia (and breezy) | 11:57 |
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il_padrino | i can't install the driver of nvidia.com | 11:57 |
Skapare | being able to update with source code is what is really important to me, but principly for servers | 11:57 |
ngd | has anyone tried replacing the boot system on Ubuntu to try and tweak some speed out of the thing | 11:57 |
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Mercutio150 | I had one site but I get past some of it | 11:57 |
lsuactiafner | il_padrino : because you dont have build-essentials installed. | 11:57 |
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il_padrino | the msg say that i have gcc-4.0 | 11:58 |
iafd | i dunno if it's the system so much as the amount of stuff? | 11:58 |
Dreamglider | ok at boot i get a error when "Setting up general font..." Error is "set_kernel_font: invalid argument" can anyone help ? | 11:58 |
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il_padrino | but the gcc of my kernel is gcc-3.4 :S | 11:58 |
nalioth | Dreamglider: install more fonts | 11:58 |
Skapare | even with slackware, I uninstall (or just don't install to begin with) the major programs like apache, etc ... and install them by grabbing latest source and compiling them | 11:58 |
lsuactiafner | Skapare : i run a slackware server also, feels more secure since i know slackware better. | 11:58 |
ctw | Hi! Is there a way to install the latest realplayer version with apt-get or dpkg (i.e. is there a .deb file available)? | 11:58 |
Skapare | lsuactiafner: I know the feeling | 11:58 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell ctw about realplayer | 11:58 |
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lsuactiafner | Skapare : but you should really give ubuntu the benefit of the doubt | 11:59 |
Skapare | lsuactiafner: but for having a CD to quickly install a desktop for someone, I think maybe Ubuntu will work out better | 11:59 |
mats_ | ctw: you need codecs ;) | 11:59 |
lsuactiafner | Skapare : i'm glad i switched my dekstop over to ubuntu | 11:59 |
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ctw | I'm using breezy by the way ... | 11:59 |
nalioth | ctw: ubotu sent you a msg | 11:59 |
Skapare | lsuactiafner: but what I am interested in is how I might be able to adapt Ubuntu to being server grade | 11:59 |
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