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mhzanyone here that may help me see WHY this DHCP local setting is not working?12:26
mhzplease :)12:26
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mhzTengo: 1 tarro de server con 2 interfaces (eth0 y eth1) + 1 router Dlink (DI-704p) + 1 Modem VTR (12:54
mhzarkan0x, sorry12:54
arkan0xmhz: por pv12:55
mhzarkan0x, me lees el PV?12:59
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=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #edubuntu
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mhz_eduhay, alguine aca?03:55
mhz_eduanyone here?03:55
pituxmhz from chile?03:57
pituxyes 03:59
pituxi have a project call freemath.cl03:59
pituxwith my friends 03:59
mhz_eduMatematicas Libre?03:59
pituxsoy el jose04:00
pituxciomo estay mauricio?04:00
mhz_eduMaestro, como estas?04:00
mhz_eduYa llevo bastantes testeos de edubuntu04:00
pituxsuper aca entreteniendome un poco por el chat04:00
pituxme parece super04:00
mhz_edupreparandonos porque queda poco tiem[po y mucho por hacer04:01
mhz_edudebo presentar las cubuiertas de los cd antes del jueves04:01
mhz_edurevisar la documentacion existente en ingles y afinar algunos detalles sueltos04:01
pituxtu estas encargado de eso04:01
mhz_edueso = CD ?04:02
mhz_edueso = docs ?04:02
pituxa que taquilla04:02
mhz_eduHa habido bastante discusion sobre ese tema porque no nos darian fondos para envios a paises04:02
pituxyo en el colegio que estoy trabajando vamos a migrar a ubuntu04:03
mhz_eduAfortunadamente, Canonical nos dara algnuas lucas para imprimir CD's y hacer pequnos envios suuuuper restringidos.04:03
pituxprobe breezy anda muy bien04:03
pituxsera no mas04:03
mhz_edupitux, Genial!!04:03
pituxte voy a invitar un dia pa que vayay pa lla04:04
mhz_eduCD's/ en todo caso, si puedes ayudarnos l lanzamiento de Eubuntu, me seria de muchisimo alivio04:04
pituxa que te refieres?04:04
mhz_edupitux, por favor! Feliz de ir04:04
pituxnosotros ahora vamos a usar breezy para el proximo ao04:04
pituxedubuntu no lo he probado04:05
pituxpero no se si tendria sentido porque no vamos a usar LTSP04:05
mhz_eduEn Chile, y por la colaboracion que he hecho, Canonical me pasara cerca de 150 CD's que deseo entregar en una serie de pqueneos y modestos eventos promocionales de demo04:05
pituxlas maquinas igual corren de maravillas04:05
mhz_edues casi lo mismo04:05
mhz_eduen esos eventos, si pudieras ayudarno seria genial04:06
pituxte planteo lo siguiente04:06
pituxanda a hablarnos de edubuntu04:06
pituxa la U04:06
pituxte consigo lugar gente etc04:06
mhz_eduperfecto! Podriamos ver una fecha cercana al alanzamiento oficial :D04:07
pituxlo que pasa es que se viene la semana de la facultad04:07
mhz_eduMail/ Lorna me informo que al parecer no te llegaban mis mails. Te puedo enviar el programa del evento del 18 en Palaya ancha?04:07
pituxla semana de la ciencia y a mi ya me pidieron que diera una charla04:08
mhz_educharla/ y cuando te acomodaria que fuera ahabvlar de edubuntu entonces, antes?04:08
pituxpero es escribeme a este04:08
pituxedu.freesoftware at gmail.com04:08
pituxesa misma semana04:08
pituxse hablara de temas variados04:08
mhz_edutienes un temario?04:09
pituxyo no lo organizo a mi solo me invitaron a exponer04:09
pituxpero voy a ver al organizador el martes04:09
pituxy le digo que si puede te haga un espacio04:09
mhz_eduseria ideal!04:10
pituxsi pues04:10
mhz_eduy desde cuando a cuando es la semana?04:10
pituxes mas menos por ahi por el 2404:10
pituxtu vas a iquique?04:10
mhz_edudespues del encentro Linux, menos mal04:10
mhz_edume faltan entre 80 y 90 lucas para ir04:10
pituxyo no voy04:10
pituxes que de verdad04:12
pituxno tengo mayor interes en ir04:12
mhz_edupor que?04:12
mhz_eduah, claro  a mi me sirve para dar tarjetas :D04:12
pituxlas charlas no me llaman mucho la atencion04:12
mhz_edute entiendo04:12
pituxy la unica de educacion la va a dar werner que ya la he escuchado demasiado04:13
mhz_edurespecto al colegio.. cual es?04:13
pituxel francisco de mirand04:13
pituxquisiera tener mas tiempo04:14
pituxoye estaba pensando si voy pa valpo04:14
mhz_eduyo me doy cuenta que demasiado voluntariado y pocas lucas :D04:14
mhz_edupor que? tiempo04:14
pituxir a las otras ues a promocionar ML04:15
mhz_eduesa era la idea04:15
pituxnecesitamos reunir gente en ML04:15
mhz_eduentonces.. ahora mismo te envio el mail de uno de los encargados.. w804:15
pituxya pues04:15
mhz_eduflash en sitios me deja la escoba si no lo instalo :(04:16
mhz_edutoda la gente le da con flash04:16
pituxno recibo ningun correo tuyo aun04:17
mhz_edues que se me habia pegado el firefox :(04:17
mhz_eduenviado ok04:19
mhz_edueste es parte del mensaje original del "copyleft" :04:19
mhz_eduPor lo de incluir a mas personas no hay problemas, eso si, si vienen04:19
mhz_edude Santiago, se podria costear el pasaje solo para 5, por lo que04:19
mhz_edudeben, si es posible, Faxiarme los pasajes o ver otra forma de04:19
mhz_eduhacerlo, para esto espero respuesta de uds. Lo que tambien tenia04:19
mhz_edupensado era enviar un mail a educalibre para invitar a toda la04:19
mhz_educomunidad al foro debate, no se si es buena idea.04:19
mhz_edude momento vamos 3 personajes (Victor Moral, Alejandro Vera y yo)04:20
mhz_edupitux, si tu deseas ir, aprovechamos la oferta del pasaje04:20
pituxque dia es?04:20
mhz_eduel martes 1804:20
mhz_eduComo ves, el programa se habia terminado de llebnar cuando te avise (porque no te llego mi mail, parece)04:21
mhz_eduasiq ue donde si podras opinar es en el "foro".04:21
mhz_edude todos modos, durante mi charla la meos, si menciono a Matematicas Libre04:22
mhz_eduls meos = al menos04:22
pituxsi me gustaria ir a la catolica de valparaiso04:22
pituxa hablar con los compaeros de mi carrera alla04:22
pituxy contarles lo que es el software libre04:22
mhz_eduTe pediria que por favor enviaras un mail al "copyleft" para informarle sobre lo que hacen.04:22
pituxno te entiendo04:23
mhz_eduYo por mi lado, manana le enviare un correo informando oficialmente que iriamos 4 (3 desde Santiago)04:23
mhz_eduscontarle sobre ML04:23
pituxel problema es como contacto a la gente de Valpo 04:24
pituxlos que estudian matematica04:24
mhz_eduen el forward que te envie...no aparece e?04:24
mhz_edute llego el mail?04:24
mhz_eduBTW, entiendes de redes?04:25
mhz_edukdohash@gmail.com yes, ese04:25
pituxigual dile que revise la pag04:26
mhz_edupitux, llevo mas de 16 horaas peleando con una config de DHCP local y no hay caso. Solo me funciona cuando uso el cable cruzado y no el router. entiendo que el router debe estar haciendo DHCOP por su lado, pero no logro entrar a su seteo pues esta configurado por GTD y no tengo acceso04:27
pituxescapa a mis precarios conocimientos04:27
pituxDHCP para mi se traduce en dhclient04:27
mhz_edua los mio tambien04:28
pituxy tenemos internet jejejeje04:28
mhz_eduDeberia haber mas gente concetada los fines de smean04:28
pituxes cierto04:28
mhz_eduayer, logre bootear e instalr edubuntu desde el servidor edubuntu hacia un laptop sin CD ni floppy04:28
mhz_educon la ayuda de un Japones que vive en australia, y terminamos cerca de las 06:00 am chilena04:29
mhz_eduClaro, como era un caso "especial" aun no habia doc oficial para eso04:30
pituxyo ya no trasnocho04:30
pituxantes lo hacia04:30
mhz_eduZaurus/ sabes de laguien interesado en comprar la Zaurus? Ahora la tengo con rom GPE (X y gnome) o con Opie04:31
pituxahora a mas tardar a las dos me acuesto04:31
mhz_educonocidos: 165.00004:31
pituxme pagaron mi primer sueldo y se me fue mi primer sueldo04:32
pituxasi que para otro momento04:32
pituxtal vez te moleste con un laptop04:32
mhz_eduyo no deseo transnochar pero como debo apurarme para cumplir con mis compromios aduiridos (sino pierdo status en esta comunidad y paso a ser un chileno mas irresponsable), debo hacerlo a veces04:32
mhz_eduLaptop: en este momento, tengo un Fujitsu, 10.4 pulgadas, 500 Mhz celeron, 256 Ram04:33
mhz_eduy touchscreen04:33
pituxya pero mas menos que precio estan teniendo?04:33
pituxnecesito algo super liviano04:34
pituxpa la mochila04:34
mhz_eduese celeron, cerca  de $360.000 y pesa aprox. 1.35 kgs04:34
mhz_edude hecho estoy pensando seriamente en dejarmelo04:35
mhz_edupero no deberia04:35
pituxyo creo que pal proximo a~no recien me hago de uno04:37
mhz_edupodrias esperar a los del MIT04:37
mhz_eduFinalmente, creo que vienen con ROM04:37
pituxes cierto04:37
mhz_eduy no HD04:37
mhz_eduasi se entienden muchas cosas :)04:37
mhz_eduya me habia sustado04:38
mhz_eduyo lo mas barato que podria conseguir, comprando 600 unidades minimo, es U$25004:38
mhz_edupero con casi 1 GHz, 256 Ram, 10 GB, 10.4 pulgadas04:39
mhz_edusin calcular costo de internacion, eso si :(04:39
pituxoye ya envie el correo a copyleft04:39
mhz_eduyo apenas resuelva el cachito de dhcp, lo redacto04:39
pituxok te debo trabajar04:40
pituxun gusto hablar contigo04:40
mhz_eduigual pascal!04:40
pituxme mandas un correo04:40
pituxpa lo de valpo04:40
mhz_edusi pues04:40
mhz_edusaludos a los vecinillos04:40
mhz_edudel ML04:40
=== mhz_edu is now known as mhz_reading_dhcp
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jsgotangcohi JaneW 08:37
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highvoltageJaneW: hi09:38
JaneWhello highvoltage 09:38
highvoltagehow are you, JaneW?09:39
JaneWhighvoltage: well thanks and you?09:40
JaneWGood weekends?09:40
JaneWhighvoltage: been using my MP3 player :)09:40
highvoltageyes, good weekend.09:41
highvoltagei hit a low-point on saturday night though, danced to a britney spears song and avril lavigne.09:41
highvoltageNeed to get 499MB/716MB of archives.09:43
highvoltagewow :)09:43
=== jsgotangco stares at highvoltage
=== highvoltage looks back nervously at jsgotangco
highvoltagehi jsgotangco 09:46
JaneWhighvoltage: aarrgh!09:53
JaneWI hope alcohol is to blame ;)09:53
highvoltageyes. and the dj was playing good songs before that.09:55
highvoltageat least i didn't work this weekend. it's the first weekend this year that i haven't worked. and not the slightest feeling of guilt, very liberating.09:55
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JaneWhighvoltage: good for you!10:08
jsgotangcoJaneW, i finally nailed a nice job10:09
JaneWjsgotangco: !!!!!10:09
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highvoltagejsgotangco: congratulations10:10
JaneWjsgotangco: awesome news congrats :)))10:10
jsgotangcoJaneW, i'll be working in Brisbane for quite a while10:10
JaneWcontracting or moving there10:10
JaneWwith family?10:10
jsgotangcooh no not yet10:10
jsgotangcoi'll be working with an Oz-based mobile content provider10:11
JaneWjsgotangco: so you'll need to go without them ? :/10:11
JaneWcool, sounds interesting10:11
jsgotangcothe company's name is Gametel10:11
jsgotangcoi'll be one of the pioneer team members in the aspac region10:12
jsgotangcoits carrier grade RHEL at work10:13
JaneWmust be  a relief to have found something10:13
jsgotangcoits quite exciting10:13
jsgotangcocarrier grade is something really different10:14
jsgotangcothey have different terms really10:16
jsgotangcoMVNO, MVOs stuff like that10:16
jsgotangcoits a telco thing10:16
=== JaneW has no idea what any of that means ;)
JaneWI know mvo ;)10:17
JaneWMichael Vogt :P10:17
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jsgotangcoJaneW, think mobile ringtones and games10:21
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JaneWok, fun10:27
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hno73highvoltage: thanks for your screenshot. I see there are a few more things I need to tweak.11:19
hno73highvoltage: Do you want to set up the static pages to match or shall I?11:20
jsgotangcohey hno73 11:20
hno73jsgotangco: Hey!  I see you've joined the Accessibility team too. cool :)11:20
jsgotangcohno73, yep interested on it really11:21
hno73I'll be writing some more specs on that shortly11:21
jsgotangconice count me in11:21
jsgotangcoi'd love to help out on that area11:21
hno73It should tie in with edubuntu in various ways too11:22
jsgotangcoi have particular interest with the blind11:22
hno73OK, we'll start making some plans soon11:22
=== jsgotangco his brother is blind when he was born
hno73That's probably where we'll put in the most effort too, because it's a big challenge11:23
jsgotangcobut that didn't stop him from being a bigshot ebay seller11:23
hno73oh, right11:23
jsgotangcohe's earning more than me really heh11:23
hno73well, opportunities are always better to focus on than limitations11:24
highvoltagehno73: if you have the time, i'd be very grateful11:24
hno73I wonder if we should set up our own mailing list for AT11:25
hno73highvoltage: OK, that allows me to be dictatorial about it :)11:25
hno73highvoltage: can you send me the page contents?11:25
hno73I guess there is some text, etc. to go on those pages11:26
hno73and how is the server side going?11:26
jsgotangcohno73, i guess when you have the specs out and we have a concrete plan of action11:26
hno73jsgotangco: yep, after breezy release we can regroup and brainstorm 11:27
highvoltagehno73: you mean the text on this page? http://www.ossn.co.za/edubuntu/4/11:27
hno73highvoltage: the download and community pages. Do I just scrape the wiki?11:28
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mhzhno73, ping11:33
hno73mhz, pong11:33
mhzI have another observation about the theme11:33
hno73morning. you're up early :)11:33
mhzyes, Yesterday at 23:40 or so, there was a powercut. I decided to finish my pending issues to be solved no matter what, before 09:00 AM today. Power was restored a couple of hours ago.11:34
mhzit is 06:35 now11:35
hno73so, what did you notice about the theme?11:35
mhztheme/ the font for {{{this code}}} is to small11:35
hno73OK, do you have suggestions for what it should be?11:36
mhzand == Headings == (afaik, those belong to h3) don't seem to be headings11:36
hno73what do you mean, not headings?11:37
mhzwell, yes and nop. I have not touched a moin theme in the last 3-4 months. However, I do rememeber it is a simple opyion (it took me a couple of hours to identify which lines was).11:38
hno73mhz, I have a question for you too. Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyntaxReference11:38
mhzOnce I solve my DHCP issue and can boot the laptop into Edubuntu installation (from HD), I promise I can dive into my old themes (I commented every line)11:39
hno73why do the interwiki icons point to the ubuntu theme, and not edubuntu?11:39
hno73where is that path set, I cant find it ...11:39
hno73ok, I could try #moin too if I get stuck11:40
mhzhehehe, it feels good I was not the only one diggin in the theme codes :D11:40
mhzlet me see11:40
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hno73mhz, what do you mean by h3 not being headers? that they should have an underline?11:46
highvoltagehno73: sorry, was away. yes, I think we should link to the wiki as much as possible.11:47
hno73OK, that's easy then. thanks.11:48
hno73Is there progress on the server, or shall I just set one up?11:48
=== mhz_edu [n=gnulibre@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhz_eduhno73, sorry. IAs I said, i need to solve this stupid issues asap. :D11:51
=== mhz_edu lokking SyntaxReference
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mhz_eduhno73, regarding the H3 headings (which correspond to == heading == in moin), see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromKnoppix and you'll understand what I mean11:53
hno73um, that page has no ==, just === which is h411:56
hno73So that's a fault of whoever wrote the page I think.11:57
mhz_eduhno73, got it! Smileys on this page are actually a Macro, according to what Raw Text shows: = Smileys =11:59
mhz_edu[[ShowSmileys] ] 11:59
mhz_eduhno73, right. === , sorry.12:00
mhz_eduAre  Hx bold ?12:00
mhz_eduSmileys/ I had no idea there was a macro for that12:00
hno73No, only the page title, h112:00
mhz_eduHx/ ah, why?12:00
hno73why not bold?12:01
mhz_eduSmileys/ let me dig a little more ..12:01
hno73I think it looks good non-bold :) It also has an underline12:02
mhz_eduSmileys/ hmmm, my python is still terrible (shame on me) but here's the code if you can get it. http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/macro/ShowSmileys.py12:06
mhz_eduimho, the macro gets the icons from "somewhere" else, not from "your icons" location12:07
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mhz_eduOR the soluction could be to write that table "manually". I am sure icons will be yours then12:08
hno73hm, I don't see the path hard coded anywhere12:08
mhz_edume neither, hence I said "my python is terrible" :D12:08
=== mhz_edu thinks he wrote that same table before. he's looking
hno73It's strange. Other pages seem to use the correct globe icon for links12:09
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hno73SyntaxReference uses the old ubuntu one while FromKnoppix uses the nice new gartoon one 12:10
mhz_eduyes, hence I am 99% sure the macro gets icosn from somewhere else UNLESS they're cahced which I think it's illogical12:11
mhz_educahced = cahced12:11
mhz_educahced = cached :D12:11
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089D4FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhz_eduBTW, this is the theme for Tecnocimiento (i started it a few weeks ago (just coloring  so far, not "code") http://www.tecnocimiento.cl/SyntaxReference12:12
hno73ah, that's cool12:13
hno73Perhaps SyntaxRef gets cached because it's a macro12:14
hno73that's silly12:14
mhz_edunha, too simple yet. I hope I can have time to get into code soon12:14
hno73it actually has this link in the code <a href="http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/"><img src="/htdocs/ubuntu/img/u-www.png" 12:14
mhz_eduexactly, that's my point12:14
hno73pointing to the wrong png12:14
mhz_edusee? we were right12:15
hno73I'll have to ask admins to flush the cache at some point12:15
=== mhz_edu is happy he finally helped Henrik!!
hno73Your testing has been very helpful too12:16
mhz_eduyour welcome12:16
=== mhz_edu loves to beta test stuff
hno73I'll upload an improved version later, but now I have to do the static page stuff12:17
mhz_eduHeadings/ then why H3 is not underlined? 12:17
mhz_edui agree12:17
hno73I've fixed that now12:17
mhz_eduoh, educool12:17
hno73a 1px underline12:17
mhz_edubetter! more in accordance with Hx of thet theme12:18
mhz_eduH3 were kind of orphan12:18
mhz_eduhno73, Theme general/ what if H1 and H2 were a little less "on your face". Perhaps a little lighter black or "brownish".12:20
mhz_eduBTW, will these theme be released under GPL? will it be released on the "moinmoin hall of fame" themes12:21
hno73mhz_edu: I'm making them a bit smaller, but I think we will stay away from brown. crisp clean colours for edubuntu12:22
mhz_eduogra, I could successfully netboot and install a "server" option from Edubuntu box to the Fujistlu laptop :D12:23
hno73GPL, yes. where should Upload them? I might just make versions without logos first12:23
mhz_eduogra, now, I wanted to install the whole edubuntu package, what should I do?12:23
hno73versions with the MM logo would be cool12:23
mhz_eduThemeMarket should be the place12:24
hno73OK, I'll upload both themes soonish12:24
mhz_eduhno73, so these theme will not be subject of : "no, you can't modify the theme fonts, lines, colors,etc. Not even turn them around..." stanzas12:25
hno73we should make a high visibility theme too12:25
hno73mhz_edu: what do you mean?12:26
mhz_eduOh yes! That's important and thoughtful. Ping me if you need anything else I can help you with.12:26
mhz_edubasically, everything regarding edubuntu logo it has some weired understandable but not fully accepted restrictions12:27
hno73right, yeah, so we would just remove that and people can do what they want with the theme12:27
mhz_edulike you can't turn the logo around, you can't give it a twist, etc12:28
mhz_eduexactly :D12:28
mhz_eduespecially, "people" like mhz :D12:28
mhz_eduInstead with the Debian logo, I rememebr I could make it look whatever I felt like12:29
hno73hm, ok12:29
mhz_eduwell, ping me if I can help12:30
=== hno73 goes into design mode now to sort out the static pages ...
=== mhz_edu is now known as mhz_trying_solve
=== mhz_trying_solve is now known as mhz_fighting_dhc
=== mhz_fighting_dhc is now known as mhz_fightin_dhcp
mhz_fightin_dhcpjsgotangco, hi there12:33
mhz_fightin_dhcpjsgotangco, are you also part of ubuntu doc?12:33
jsgotangcoyes i manage some stuff over there12:34
mhz_fightin_dhcpmore specifically.. are you part of Wiki ubuntu doc team?12:34
jsgotangcono not really12:34
jsgotangcoi clean up wikis whenever i can12:35
mhz_fightin_dhcpwho can I talk to about it?12:35
jsgotangcoi mostly focus on the docbook svn12:35
jsgotangcomhz_fightin_dhcp, what about?12:35
mhz_fightin_dhcpI have noticed docs there are not taking advante of moin potential on "auto organizing", basically.12:35
mhz_fightin_dhcpadvante = advantage12:36
jsgotangcoyou might want to post a comment on that on the ubuntu-doc list12:36
jsgotangcoim sure robitaille and mdke can pick it up12:36
mhz_fightin_dhcpok, thanks12:36
jsgotangcoand the moment the ubuntu wiki is being hammered by the italian team12:37
mhz_fightin_dhcpjsgotangco, and regarding the current edubuntu docs, the only thing I think I can be useful about is translating and editing wiki syntax so docs get more wiki like features.12:37
jsgotangcomhz_fightin_dhcp, sure do whatever you can, i'll pick it up soonish (tommorow) i have to finish some more stuff before the release not sure really if edubuntu will get released the same day ogra?12:39
mhz_fightin_dhcpbut my english is not that powerful as to edit, and my technical knowledge is already covered on the current pages, exept for a couple of how tos I could wiki soon12:39
ograjsgotangco, it has to...12:39
ograjsgotangco, at lest we cant do changes after the archives are locked down... why wait after that...12:40
mhz_fightin_dhcpogra, once I was successfully installing from netboot onto the client, was there any chance I could specify apt to load PCMCIA cd drive instead of the 2-3 hours from repositories?12:44
ogramhz_fightin_dhcp, dunno... i'm not the installer guy... but i guess you need to have the drivers loaded... probably in expert mode...12:44
mhz_fightin_dhcpok, thx12:45
ogramhz_fightin_dhcp, perobably Kamion knows, but he's even more busy than me 3 days before release12:46
mhz_fightin_dhcpok, I understand12:50
mhz_fightin_dhcpogra, I think these are maybe the last 2 questions before I go out to install edubuntu on a real server (I have the 1st official demo tomorrow for the Tecnocimiento gang): does DHCP only and only depend on /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf ? If so, if DHCP is not working properly, the only config file related to dhcp (not ~/interfaces) is that under /ltsp/?       And 2nd: After creating ~./xsession to exec fluxbox (example) How can I make L12:59
mhz_fightin_dhcpDM actually load that instead fo resource consuming GNOME? 12:59
ograit should use it automatically01:01
ograldm only starts /etc/X11/Xsession from the server...01:01
ograthis is a script that should pick up your ~/.xsession or ~/.Xsession01:01
mhz_fightin_dhcpah, perfect, then dhcp/ may be hardware or network config only (relief) and x/ should be easy then.01:02
mhz_fightin_dhcpthank you very much!01:02
=== mhz_fightin_dhcp gives a cheer from Chile to Oliver!
ograif you didnt touch the /etc/dhcpd.conf file, it should just work...01:03
ograso any error you can introduce must be in /etc/ltsp01:03
mhz_fightin_dhcpby concer was that if I did touch /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf but then I reversed it to default, /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf should then work01:04
mhz_fightin_dhcpby =my 01:04
ograif its exactly the same after you reversed, then yes01:05
mhz_fightin_dhcpbecasue dhcp under /ltsp is 'authoritative' and then rules over /dhcp301:06
mhz_fightin_dhcp(at least, based on what /init/dhcp explains01:06
mhz_fightin_dhcpno problem.01:06
mhz_fightin_dhcpthx again. (as usual)01:06
ograhno73, around ? 01:24
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto looks a bit like a road construction with the edubuntu css... can we make the dashed border a bit thinner around code blocks ? 01:25
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mhz_vs_ldmogra, any installation made with last friday's iso will work ok with release apt-get dist-upgrade?01:57
mhz_vs_ldmor we'd better re-install that day?01:57
ogranope... just upgrade01:57
mhz_vs_ldmoh! excellent01:58
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hno73ogra: yep, try now02:10
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hno73ogra, fixed02:11
ograthanks :)02:11
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mhzI am on the Fujitsu, with Edward Ubuntu fully installed!04:08
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mhzhmm, gompris crashes after some time04:19
ogrado yo have the matching -sounds package installed ? 04:20
ogranote that only -en is installed by default currently... i'm just changing it 04:20
ograconfusingly the -sounds packages do not only include sounds04:21
mhzi have not installed anything extra yet, because I am testing default install first04:22
mhzbut sure I will04:22
mhzdid the guys from #ltsp found why ldm ignores .xsession04:25
mhz.oO(it feels good to have 2 edubuntu servers running locally, esp. when one is a laptop)04:26
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mhzI just need to solve my dhcp issue with the router in between (i know I am using it as switch whereas it should be used as router, instead)04:27
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mhzbienvenido pitux 04:32
mhzpitux: edubuntu is running smoothly on this laptop, as well04:33
mhzyeah, pero se corto la luz aca, cerca de las 23:45 y volvio a las 02:40 aprox. So I got ack to business at 06:0004:34
mhzack = back04:34
pituxthanks. for helpme to practice my basd english04:34
pituxbad, sorry04:34
mhzno problem04:34
mhzlo bueno es que me entiendes y eso es un gran avance04:35
pituxyeah jejeje04:35
mhzI already sent the email to Valpo. Espero recibir noticias hoy o manana confirmando tu "reembolso" (if you need it)04:36
mhzde todos modos, confio en iras, cierto?04:36
pituxyes i look the mail04:36
=== mhz had forgotten today is holiday here :(
pituxjaja 04:38
pituxyour mind is lost04:38
mhzJaneW: pitux is from Universidad de Santiago and he's leading a FLOSS project called Matematicas Libre. I may be giving a talk about Edubuntu there, pretty soon.04:38
pituxwho is JaneW??04:39
mhz JaneW es la lider a cargo del proyecto Edubuntu04:40
pituxoh cool04:40
mhzy ogra el encargado de hacer la fusion Ubuntu-Edward Ubuntu :D04:40
mhzy hno73, se esta encargando del CSS theme de MoinMoin para edubuntu04:41
mhz(que esta quedando re-"gueno")04:42
mhzthose names, among other more people also contributing as much as possible04:42
=== mhz doing the dishes :(
mhzesos son uno de los "contras" cuando es feriado en Chile :( La senora manda!04:43
pituxmy difficulty is the language04:44
mhzpitux: but we'll have our chilean community, of course!04:44
mhzand you're more than welcome to help us all04:44
pituxi am crazy translating in google04:44
mhzpitux: solo espera que podamos hacer lanzamiento oficial de edubuntu y nos pondremos con #edubuntu-cl o -es Ya veremos :)04:45
pituxpor ahora estoy ayudando en #ubuntu-es04:46
pituxahi hay una comunidad entrete+04:46
mhzeso ya es algo muy bueno04:46
mhzhehehe, si04:46
mhzA mi me preocupa mas que en Chile, aun seamos muy pocos ayudando internacionalmente (no me refiero solo en ingles)04:47
mhzpor eso que otra de las cosas que me ha quitado mucho tiempo es la organizacion base del instituto de tecnologia libre04:47
mhzpa' que de una vez podamos tener prescencia internacional04:48
pituxyo ahora quiero hacer un curso de administracion de sistemas04:49
mhzdictarlo o asistir?04:49
pituxeso es lo que quiero ver, necesito codigo sence para que en el colegio no me pinten monos04:50
mhzhehehe, si deseas y puedes esperarte hasta diciembre, Tecnocimiento te lo podria dar04:50
JaneWmhz: awesome04:50
mhzor aloha04:51
pituxy quien dictaria el curso04:51
mhzpitux: pero if you can't wait, then I can suggest some institutions04:52
JaneWcundo este canal lleg a ser espaol?04:52
mhzVictor Moral, Alejandro Vera, y un par de personas mas (entre programadores y administradores)04:52
mhzJaneW: ehehe, considering that everyone was silent, we decided it was cool :)04:53
pituxall are sleeping04:53
mhzpitux: you'll meet Victor and Alejandro in Valpo.04:54
pituxlo que quiero hacer en ese colegio 04:54
pituxes migrarlos enteros04:55
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pituxes decir solo tienen computadores04:55
mhzJaneW: we hope once edubuntu gets released, an we fix some minor bugs, we can start a chilean channel :)04:55
mhzpitux: and ubuntu or edubuntu?04:55
pituxy quiero que el colegio sea un ejemplo de como hacer las cosas bine04:55
JaneWmhz: cool!04:56
pituxlo estoy analizando04:56
mhzpitux: en colombia there's a school "gimnasio ..." something. Son 100% Software Libre04:56
JaneWmhz: litterally and figuaratively , lol04:56
pituxcomo te dije las maquinas son relativamente nuevas04:56
pituxasi que no se que sentido tendria instalar clientes ligeros04:57
mhzy por eso no desean usar LTSP? or is something else?04:57
mhzLTSP is also good to minimize administration tasks and risks04:57
mhzLTSP te ayuda a simplificar y centralizar tareas, tambien04:58
mhzde otro modo, el Admin may get crazy04:58
mhzobviamente, es tu decision04:58
pituxpor eso 04:59
pituxte invito al colegio04:59
mhzsi deseas, te podriamos ayudar con el analisis de costo/beneficio y ademas test edubuntu v/s ubuntu solution04:59
pituxy podemos conversar con el rector el asunto de las capacitaciones05:00
pituxseriamos dos personas las que iriamos05:00
pituxa capacitarnos05:00
mhzpitux: debo lavar la loza antes de que me sigan alegando :D05:01
pituxnos vemos05:01
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pituxyo tambien debo trabajar05:01
mhz_doing_dishespitux: y gracias por venir al #edubuntu05:01
mhz_doing_dishessee ya05:02
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jelknerogra: oliver, you here?10:24
jelkneranyone here who can answer an installation question?10:25
ograjelkner, yes, i'm here10:26
jelknerhi oliver, i'm in the middle (actually early) of an edubuntu install10:27
jelknerand i've already encountered a problem i haven't seen before10:27
jelkneri'm using today's daily build10:27
jelkneri just got to the network configuration screen10:27
jelkneri selected eth010:28
jelknerand i see:10:28
jelknerThe answer to this question has been preseeded10:28
ograyes, known bug, fixed in tomorrows build already10:28
jelkner(netcfg/get_ipaddress). If you see this template, you've found a bug10:28
jelknerin the installer; please file a report.10:29
jelknerok, another quesiton10:29
ograthere is a bug in the installer, it throws this error if you provide a default setting... we ripped out the default ip 10:29
jelknerwe will not be able to use 192.168.0.x on the client side10:30
jelkner192.168.0.x is already used on the LAN10:30
ograthats ok with the fixed installer...10:30
ograjust use something else and edit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to match the network settings....10:30
jelknerso i can select as the server address and dhcp will be right?10:30
ogra(dont edit /etc/dhcpd.conf !)10:31
ogranope, manual editing of the abpve file is required10:31
ogramdz didnt accept my patch to autogenerate this file10:31
jelknereventually, that will happen automagically, yes? ala K12-LTSP10:31
ograany i plan a gui to edit it afterwards too... for dapper10:32
jelknervery good10:32
ograwe can talk about needed features at UBZ :)10:32
jelknerone of the things i hope we can discuss in montreal is the release cycle for edubuntu10:32
jelknerwe really need a once a year release10:33
ogranope, we cant 10:33
ograwe are bound totally to ubuntu... 10:33
jelkneri have a proposal10:33
jelknerwhich i hope will satisfy everybody10:33
ograbut why not take every second 6 month release10:33
jelkneryes, that's what i'm hoping10:34
ograso you got your 1 year release10:34
jelkneronly we release a few months after dapper10:34
ograbut i still have to develop inside ubuntu10:34
jelknerso that we have time to fix edubuntu specific things10:34
ograthats not possible10:34
jelknerand not change ubuntu, just build on it10:34
jelknerit is too rushed now10:34
ograbecause we have no access to the build infrastructure after the release was made10:35
ograit will be better next release10:35
jelknerif we had a fixed platform to build on, we could get the education specific things properly tested before they are released10:35
jelknerthings like the ap csc meta package i'm hoping for10:35
ogranote that this time we started 2 months late and for one month there was no working base to build on10:35
jelknerok, enough of that10:35
jelknerbut i'm still going to raise it10:36
jelknerremember, i'm a volunteer, i can do these things ;-)10:36
ograwe simply cant move away from the ubuntu cycle, and i really wouldnt like to10:36
ograimagine this cycle with 3 months more development time... thats nearly the amount i lost...10:37
ograwe have a good base now, tomorrows daily should be near the final...10:37
jelknerok, let's just see how it goes10:37
jelknerif we can have a really good platform ready by dapper...10:38
ograsure... 10:38
jelkneron saturday i got to look at an ltsp based solution aimed at libraries10:38
ograit cant degrade from what we have now and the feedback i had so far was quite positive10:38
ograyes, they are proprietary, i know them10:39
jelknerbut they have what our librarian is asking for10:39
ogramultiseat systems ? 10:39
ograubuntu has this too10:39
jelknerlocal devices10:39
ograerr, multiseat systems hve no local devices afaik10:40
jelkneroliver, i've just met someone here who is eager to talk edubuntu stuff10:40
ograor do they offer ltsp based solutions ? 10:40
jelknerthat's what they do10:41
ogranote that local devices was never a target for this release10:41
jelknerit is fedora based it think10:41
jelkneri know, i'm not complaining10:41
jelkneredubuntu rocks!10:41
ograthanks :=)10:41
jelkneri'm just telling you what we need before it is fully ready10:41
jelknerlocal devices are going to be important10:42
jelkneras it is now, users can't save data10:42
ograyes, and a right sound implementation10:42
jelknerthat's a show stopper for our library installation10:42
ograthat two and a good ldap based user management are my main targets for dapper10:42
jelknerok, i've gotta run10:43
ograbye, thanks for the feedback :)10:43
jelknerthank you!10:43
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mhz_eduarkanox_, recuerda: SL-5500, con GPE o Opie + 2 cunas USB + 2 protectores + 1 funda ---> $165.00012:02
mhz_eduarkanox_, para geeks, recuerda: SL-5500, con GPE o Opie + 1 cargador normal + 1 cargador viajero +  2 cunas USB + 2 protectores + 1 funda ---> $165.00012:03

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