
sivangsorry :-/12:01
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sivangKeybuk: so , just drop that snippet and we got less 5 idle seconds for gnome boot no ;-) ?12:04
sivanghi qbertibur 12:04
Keybuksivang: for us it'd be at the "start gdm" stage12:04
Keybukajmitch says daniels already did that12:04
qbertiburWhat is the ubuntu way to view dvb-s?12:05
zygais there any #ubuntu-hardware or similar?12:05
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A6333A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangqbertibur: this is a development channel, could you please ask this in #ubuntu? this is not quite the place to ask such questions.12:08
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ajmitchsivang: "  * Disable font server in dexconf for mad startup time victory.12:08
ajmitchso it's disabled in xorg.conf rather than in the code12:09
sivangyes, nice12:09
=== zyga wonders which fs is best to put on a CF card
zygawith very rare updates12:09
qbertiburIs anybody using a SkyStar2 with ubuntu?12:10
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sivang's late here. Good night all12:11
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blueyedCould someone please bump the priority for http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10080 (pppoeconf). There is a confirmed patch and it is critical for release! infinity said he would take a look at it.12:21
=== sebest [n=sebest@224.245.101-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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Lathiat\sh_away: bug ref for?01:13
Lathiat\sh_away: oh, 1008001:13
Lathiat\sh_away: we found the problem01:13
Lathiat\sh_away: the patch to ppp in debain which brings an interface up before using it was backed out01:14
Lathiat\sh_away: because it was rejected upstream01:14
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bob2 7416 rob       16   0  217m 4124 1100 S  0.0  0.8   8:44.01 nm-applet01:40
bob2217MB of virtual space is particularily special when I've disabled it01:42
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsengits angry01:44
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hubbob2: it is a gnome program, right ?01:48
=== hub runs
didymolifeless: ping02:08
didymolifeless: just committed bug report as you suggested. Bug 1743402:08
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lifelessdidymo: excellent02:36
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didymolifeless: I've joined the ubuntu-devel mailing list. Should I post the bug there as well or just bugzilla?02:54
lifelessdidymo: only one place02:54
lifelessjust bugzilla is sufficient.02:54
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didymolifeless: cool thanks will leave it then.03:05
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bob2the new tomboy logo is way less tintinish03:25
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tsengbob2: upstream hates it03:31
tsengi told him i had to replace it and there was a long string of words begining with f03:31
lifelessI liked tintin03:33
tsengid like to see you tell that to debian-legal03:34
=== tseng hides
bob2I felt better entrusting my notes to tintin than to two squares03:34
magnontwo LINKED squares, mind you03:34
lifelessthat makes *all* the difference03:34
danielsbug #17394: logo contains 100% less tintin03:34
magnonbah, fooled me, daniel03:35
bob2that bug does 100% seb, tho03:36
magnontseng: so, in essence: "Sorry, we can't replace the infringing logo, because upstream keeps swearing at us"03:38
=== xTina [n=xTina@vpn2-dynip170.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== tseng slaughters roomates
tsengbetween one giggling with his gf and the other yelling at his team on battlefield 203:44
tsengwho should die first?03:44
magnonAte, n.: "The goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment."03:44
bob2tseng: the battlefield guy03:45
bob2* > gamers03:45
magnonhey, I played wow this summer03:45
tsengwelcome back?03:45
bob2magnon: be glad you only lost 3 months to it!03:45
magnonwell, until I figured out that noone were up for playing socially and casually, just out for items and uh, creds03:46
magnonso I guess, * > gamers03:46
magnon(yes, that's the first mmorpg or anything big I've ever played anywaY)03:46
magnonbob2: didn't play that much :P03:46
bob2I lost a friend to wow for about 3 months...now he's clean and his gf is hooked03:46
bob2I've been trying to wean them off it with a nice clean coke addiction03:46
magnonjesus, gaim so needs support for MSN Spaces03:46
magnonpeople always go "hey, check my new picture or blog thing or whatever", I go "URL?" all I get back is "just check my space!"03:47
bob2is that MS's "I can't believe it's not livejournal!"?03:47
magnonand you get new nicknames for it, unlike MSN profiles which are profiles.msn.com/addy@hotmail.com or something03:47
magnonthe bastards03:48
bob2wow, that's so awesome!!111103:48
magnonyou forgot "one"03:48
danielsbob2: s/livejournal/myspace/03:48
danielsthe name kind of gives it away03:48
magnonI always thought of myspace as the place people hosted warez when I was 1303:48
=== bob2 googles myspace
magnonapparently they innovated03:48
tsengliberate ex infernis03:48
danielsmagnon: no, that was master.d.o03:48
tsengsubstite myspace or livejournal or whatever03:49
magnonapparently one of my pretty intellectual friends write on MSN Spaces, people say he writes good articles in his "blog"03:49
magnonI should propose to host it I guess, so I won't have to search, I can't fucking find it03:50
tsenggive him a wordpress install03:50
magnonand when I asks for the URL, he's just saying "duh, space"03:50
tsengor leave him to rot03:50
Amaranthhis "space" is based on his MSN Messenger name, iirc03:52
magnonit's not, as far as I can see03:52
magnonit has nothing to do with his addy, and people's nicknames are often 150chars+ long :P03:52
magnonJesus christ.03:55
=== hunger [n=hunger@p54A61DD3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
magnonthese spaces things have support for msn smileys03:55
magnonit's worse than deviantart03:55
HrdwrBobmmm tarts that use debian03:56
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magnonright, so04:02
magnonI'm supposed to set up this server now04:02
magnonand the guy who installed it opened ssh and gave me a user, but forgot to add me to adm04:02
magnonanyone got a hoary 0-day? :P04:02
bob2hoary's default kernel has local root exploites04:03
ajmitchdepends if he grabbed security updates & rebooted, I guess :)04:04
magnonit has 2.6.10-5 atm04:04
magnondunno if that's recent or not tbh04:04
bob2that's old04:04
magnonah, he just woke up actually, sent me an sms04:04
magnonI guess that's a better way. :)04:05
mjg59bob2: Uhm. I thought we managed not to break the ABI in Hoary security updates?04:05
bob2hrm, you're right, ignore me04:05
mjg592.6.10-5 could be the latest04:06
magnonnever mind, got access now.04:07
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magnonand yes, it's the latest04:09
wasabiHmm so what's the best file system to use for a loopback file system?04:09
wasabiI notice cramfs.04:09
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Lathiatwasabi: depends what you want to do with it04:25
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roxvillehello folks :)05:06
roxvilleok, i'll try to make it short:05:06
roxvillei read about a screen vid capture app called istanbul possibly getting incl in ubuntu or edubuntu05:07
roxvilleanybody know anything about it?05:07
roxvillecoz i can't find it anywhere05:07
Burgundaviaroxville, this is really a #ubuntu question, but it is in Breezy05:13
Keybuksyndicate scott% apt-cache policy istanbul05:13
Keybuk  Installed: (none)05:14
Keybuk  Candidate: 0.1.1-0ubuntu205:14
Keybuk  Version table:05:14
Keybuk     0.1.1-0ubuntu2 005:14
roxvilleok Burgundavia thank you! :)05:14
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Keybuk        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages05:17
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=== magnon looks from anyone danish
TreenaksThe danes are coming! ?06:27
fabbioneyeah yeah i am around :)06:29
fabbionemagnon: i am not danish, but i live in dk06:29
jsgotangcodon't forget the pastries06:30
=== jsgotangco hides
fabbionemagnon: anything i can do?06:30
magnonfabbione: was looking for danish whitepages online, but I found them at last :)06:30
Keybukmorning bella06:32
fabbionebella Scott06:32
Keybukah, freeze work06:34
Keybukweek even06:34
fabbioneKeybuk: how did it go the race yesterday?06:38
lifelesswow, nautilus is fragile06:39
lifelessits refusing to show my sfs mounted tree :[06:39
lifelesssegsigv's R us06:39
bob2maybe it's taking a strong moral stance against SFS06:40
Keybukfabbione: did you not watch it?!06:41
fabbioneKeybuk: no06:41
Keybukit was a brilliant one06:41
fabbionei was preparing hoary/warty security updates06:41
KeybukKimi and Alonso started from the back row and finished 1/206:41
fabbioneputting up cieling lists.. and whatever my wife was asking me to :)06:41
Keybuksome utterly fantastic moves06:41
KeybukAlonso passed Schumacher flat out at 130R, with the UK commentator screaming "oh my god! he can't do that! he's gonna die!" or words to that effect06:42
Keybukand Kimi only went into first on the LAST LAP06:42
Keybukgreat race06:42
Keybukhasn't sold the constructors yet either, so the last race of the season will end that06:43
fabbionedid the client managed?06:43
Keybukthough Ferrari are now solidly third06:43
Keybukworked fine, once the server started working (it was out for about the first 5 mins)06:43
fabbionewe should probably consider make a package and stick it in dapper06:43
fabbioneif you want to be my upstream, i can be your packager :P06:43
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Keybukyeah, need to tidy a few things with it first, etc.06:45
Keybukbut should be packaged in plenty of time for the new season <g>06:45
fabbionei need to look at the code06:46
Keybukit's in bzr06:46
fabbionei am sure you already separated the decoding engine from the curses display.. didn't you?06:46
fabbioneyes i saw that..06:46
Keybukyou can drop in a replacement display.c to do gtk+ or whatever06:46
fabbionei need to look at bzr first ;)06:46
fabbioneor just make the display.c modular06:47
fabbioneso we can just build all the display we want at once06:47
Keybukyup, either works06:47
Keybuksome of it probably needs cleaning up too, the parsing engine is pretty separate but the "actually do shit with the packets" bit is pretty un-modular06:48
BurgundaviaKeybuk, what does this fancy package do?06:49
fabbionewhat we need is the stream manager and a possible replay to feed the same kind of info to the decoding engine06:49
KeybukBurgundavia: it's a client for the Formula 1 Live Timing stream06:49
fabbionethe decoding engine to export a standard struct of into to the clients.. that could be a curses viewer or gtk or the recorder06:50
fabbionei don't think we need much more than that06:50
Keybukyeah, I figure that packet.c should maintain a "state of the race" and call a function pointer to update the screen06:50
fabbionewe might want to consider to open a 3 stream sessions to gather weather info and the last one with the positions..06:51
fabbioneif they don't come all on the same stream06:51
=== Burgundavia notes that f1 prevents right clicking by some means
Keybukthey all come on the same stream06:51
fabbioneKeybuk: even better06:51
Keybukthe reason it doesn't display weather right now is simply that it's not useful static information -- "the track is 23C, so what?  what was it 5 minutes ago, and before that?"06:52
Keybukit needs a graphical client to show graphs and stuff06:52
KeybukI also want the core to keep history of the race ... right now it just holds the current table, and doesn't record previous values and stuff06:52
wasabiSo what would be the best way to leave a Ubuntu system in a totally unconfigured state and have d-i or debconf or whatever run at first boot?06:52
Keybukcause I've only just really figured out what everything means06:52
wasabid-i would need to run, right?06:52
fabbionewasabi: oem install06:52
Keybukwasabi: you mean exactly like the Live CD? :p06:52
Keybukor indeed the oem installer06:53
TreenaksKeybuk: you're re-implementing the formula1.com java applet in C? :)06:53
KeybukTreenaks: implemented06:53
wasabiThe oem installer? Eh?06:53
TreenaksKeybuk: cool :)06:53
wasabiNew thing I've missed.06:53
wasabi(i'm working with a debootstrap, too)06:53
fabbionewasabi: use the install cd (breezy) and type oem at the install06:53
fabbiones/install/boot prompt/06:53
fabbioneTreenaks: yeah it looks neat ;)06:53
Treenakstoo bad the season's almost over06:54
Keybukwasabi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OEMInstaller06:54
fabbioneTreenaks: at least we know Keybuk can code something that works and he will be busy enough NOT to break dpkg before elease :06:54
fabbionerelease even ;)06:54
Treenaksfabbione: ;)06:54
Keybuktsk, iwj's been breaking dpkg, not me06:54
fabbioneKeybuk: it's to easy to blame iwj :)06:54
KeybukI've been breaking udev and hotplug instead06:55
fabbioneright.. that too06:55
danielswhich aren't at all critical06:55
fabbionedaniels: exactly :)06:55
=== wasabi figuring out how to install this in a chroot
fabbionewasabi: you can't06:55
fabbionethere is no need to install that in a chroot06:56
wasabiSure there is.06:56
wasabiI'm building a flash-based system, custom root image.06:56
wasabiNeed to be able to have the user config at first boot. Pretty simple.06:56
fabbionewasabi: that's what oem offers you06:56
wasabiYeah, just trying to figure out how to install and set it up.06:56
wasabiin a chroot. ;)06:56
wasabiSo when the root is mounted/booted it runs.06:57
wasabiCool, ya just install it.06:58
wasabiHmm. Depends on python and glade and thus gtk.06:59
wasabiNeeds to be smaller. =(06:59
Treenakswasabi: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/011903.html :)07:00
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ajmitchhey pitti 07:14
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fabbionehey pitti07:19
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-90-162.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi ajmitch, hi fabbione 07:19
fabbionepitti: i did forward you a couple of mails..07:19
fabbioneyou might want to do some kind of CAN dance. it's all public... or at least the patch is07:20
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.118.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittifabbione: sure; can you please send me a GIT or similar link? the mitre guys need a reference07:21
fabbionei don't have one, but i can search for it07:22
fabbionethat patch just landed in my inbox07:22
fabbionejust gimme a few secs07:23
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KeybukI really should play with git sometime07:25
Keybukand hg, and darcs, and monotone, and ...07:25
fabbioneKeybuk: i heard that git isn't really that fantastic as it claims to be.. it tends to corrupt the archive pretty easily07:26
bob2kernel developers writing untested code?????07:26
fabbionebob2: tsk..07:28
fabbionekernel developers don't need to test code07:29
dilingerhey, testing kernel code is dangerous.  you could lose a filesystem, ya know :P07:29
fabbionedilinger: lol07:29
dilingerfabbione: i'm pretty unimpressed w/ git07:30
dilingeri use it daily, but it doesn't seem to really scale from what i've seen of kernel.org/git07:30
fabbioneso are many kernel developers07:30
dilingeri still have high hopes for bzr :)07:30
=== Valandil [n=chrys@dslb-084-056-086-079.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shdaniels: ping07:31
dilingerinitial import/commit/diff tests are pretty impressive (on 2.4 kernel trees), even on my horribly slow laptop.  branching and merging still needs a lot of work, though :/07:31
\shdaniels: do u know something about problems with i810 driver, since friday there is no external output anymore on the laptop of a colleague, before the last xorg he had dual display on his laptop07:32
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wasabihmmm. Guess I need to create /etc/inittab to launch oem config.08:10
wasabiDoesn't seem to be documented much.08:10
=== wasabi [n=wasabi@c-67-173-207-169.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityelmo : Can you sync expect-tcl8.3 from unstable?... It fixes the FTBFS we just saw in -autotest (and nothing else)08:17
HiddenWolfpitti, ping08:21
pittiHi HiddenWolf 08:21
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pittiHiddenWolf: I'm changing computers, back in 2 minutes08:22
infinity0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 882 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:23
infinityNeed to get 0B of archives.08:23
infinityAfter unpacking 1675MB disk space will be freed.08:23
infinityCleaning chroots is fun...08:23
fabbioneinfinity: ahha where is that?08:24
infinity(a chroot that had -desktop and -live installed for some testing)08:24
=== pitti [n=pitti@mail.fbn-dd.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHiddenWolf: what's up?08:26
mdkehas jeff started on his badger tour already?08:26
HiddenWolfpitti, noticed my unmounted/unused cardreader slots are showing up in gtkfilechooser suddenly. flash card, usb ports, etc.08:27
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HiddenWolfpitti, doesn't show up in nautilus or the likes.08:31
pittiHiddenWolf: hmm, I'm afraid it's a bit too late for Breezy for that, unless it is a very safe patc08:33
pittiHiddenWolf: is there a bug about it?08:33
HiddenWolfpitti, I haven't posted one, just really got around to checking it.08:33
HiddenWolfpitti, it even shows my floppy drive. ;)08:34
pittiHiddenWolf: hmm, that works fine for me with an USB stick08:35
fabbionedoko: oo2 works perfectly on sparc :)08:36
pittiHiddenWolf: if I unmount it, I still see it in the dialog08:36
pittiHiddenWolf: and when I click on it, it is automatically mounted again08:36
pittiHiddenWolf: just like in the computer place08:36
pittiHiddenWolf: this might even be considered as a feature :-)08:36
HiddenWolfpitti, it's rather dumbish to show an usb port without an usb-stick into it.08:37
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-170-43.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HiddenWolfpitti, might be that my monitor is a hub/cardreader, so it's confusing the matter.08:37
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pittiHiddenWolf: ah, you don't mean "unmounted", but "removed"?08:38
dholbachgood morning08:38
pittiHiddenWolf: WFM - as soon as I unplug the USB stick (with an open filechooser), the drives instantly disappear08:38
pittiHi dholbach 08:38
pittiHiddenWolf: you seem to encounter a special case, can you please file a bug then? It does not seem to be generally broken08:39
HiddenWolfpitti, the weird thing is, nautilus does it right.08:39
infinitypitti : It shows readers with no media in them.  Is that a feature?08:40
HiddenWolfpitti, I'd think the same code would be used for nautilus/places and the file chooser.08:40
infinityOTOH, nauituls is showing me my readers too, so whatever.  I must be seeing a different behaviour. :)08:40
pittiHiddenWolf: I only tried a filechooser and the computer place08:40
pittiinfinity: not sure whether this is a feature, probably not08:41
dholbachhey martin, HiddenWolf, infinity :)08:41
pittiinfinity: but well, it shows my CD-ROM drive, which is the same case08:41
infinityYeah, exactly.  Hence why I assumed it was a feature.08:41
pittiin any case it is nothing that should stop breezy :-)08:42
HiddenWolfpitti, yeah, but if I take out the cdrom, the entry goes away.08:42
pittiit might be a bit confusing, though08:42
HiddenWolfpitti, HOLD the presses! :)08:42
=== HiddenWolf chuckles
HiddenWolfThere is still one annoying bug I want fixed.08:43
HiddenWolfPretty trivial, but nobody bothered, and I can't. :(08:43
pitti$ LANG=C df08:43
pittidf: cannot read table of mounted filesystems08:43
=== hub is now known as hubZzz
infinitypitti : No mtab?08:46
pittiinfinity: yes, nevermind, /etc/mtab is 0 bytes08:46
pittiI was just surprised08:46
infinityThat's okay, I'm more interested in why I don't have a /proc/kcore in 2.6.13...08:47
infinityNot that I want it, but some braindead debian/rules is looking for it as proof that proc is mounted.08:47
HiddenWolfinfinity, give it a brain?08:48
infinityYeah, but I'm curious about where kcore went. :)08:48
fabbionedoko: btw.. OO2 on sparc64 is faster than on amd6408:49
fabbioneno kidding :)08:49
=== Yvonne [n=justme@cn-sdm-cr02-1437.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityOh, it appears I explicitely disabled kcore in my config.  That was WEEKS ago, how am I supposed ot remember these things?08:51
HiddenWolfinfinity, hah08:53
HiddenWolfinfinity, why would you do that.08:53
infinityI don't think I did it intentionally, actually.08:54
infinityHence why I don't remember. :)08:54
infinityOh, cause it's disabled by default now upstream.08:55
infinityErm, no it's not.  Oh, I have no idea.08:55
=== infinity moved on to more interesting things.
infinityI fully approve of not having kcore anyway, so whatever.  Happy accident.08:56
fabbioneinfinity: do you happen to know if we have some crack around that given a Sources.gz in input, it will unpack automatically (and keep updated) all the unpacked sources in a dir?08:58
fabbioneremove the obsolete and stuff like that?08:58
infinityNo, but I could do it in shell in about 5 minutes, I guess.08:58
fabbionewell the first unpack it's easy08:59
fabbionethat's not an issue08:59
infinity(Which may be why no such thing exists)08:59
fabbionebut update/remove it's the pain08:59
infinityWell, are you expecting it to merge changes with unpackaed sources, or just remove the old and unpack the new?09:00
infinityThe latter is easy.09:00
infinityThe former would require a bit more effort.09:00
fabbionethe latter09:00
fabbioneno i don't expect RCS magig09:00
fabbionebut only if there is a new one09:00
infinitySure, so you just compare the versoin in Sources.gz with the version in your current .dsc09:01
infinityIf they don't match, out goes the diff, dsc, and build-tree, and you re-update.  If you have two orig.tar.gzs after update (cause the update was a new upstream), remove the older orig.09:01
fabbionewell if you need to hack it, i can do it myself :) i was just curious to know if there was something done already09:01
infinity(Do it in that order, so you can reuse the orig, if it matches)09:01
`anthonyso the whois client in breezy right now doesn't know about the new .travel top level domain. Is this the sort of thing that should get fixed before the final release, or can it wait for a bugfix?09:02
=== carlos_ [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
`anthonyhm. Or the .eu TLD09:02
fabbione`anthony: breezy will get only security updates09:02
fabbioneso that's dapper stuff09:02
infinityAdding TLDs to whois is pretty trivial, I don't see why we couldn't do it pre-release without destabilising.09:02
`anthonyfabbione: sigh. 09:02
infinityDoing it post-release is likely a no-no, though.09:02
fabbioneinfinity: i would consider them features :P09:03
fabbionebut whatever ;)09:03
infinityYeah, but tiny/trivial ones.  Worth passing by mdz anyway.09:03
infinityIt's not a complete rewrite or anything (like when whois had to be hacked to handle the new world order of whois redirects)09:04
`anthonyI'm mystified as to why the whois client appears to have all this stuff hardcoded into it, but whatever... ;) 09:04
`anthonywhois is a disaster of a protocol, anyway.09:04
infinity`anthony : Because there's no canonical source for which whois servers to query for which TLDs that doesn't move itself every three weeks.09:04
infinity`anthony : The only way to make it work at all is to hardcode the initial discovery into whois itself.09:04
`anthonyinfinity: I meant "instead of having a text file with the seed info"09:05
Treenakshave one on a central server somewhere :)09:05
\shhmmm....I should reactivate my kwhois tool ;)09:06
infinity`anthony : Oh, yes, that's just a crusty holdover of the Old World Order, where having it hardcoded made sense.  I'm sure Md would take patches to make it use a configuration in /etc (or, one in /usr/share, overridden by /etc)09:06
=== lucas [n=lucas@alabama.imag.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lucasI'd like to point out bug #1741509:08
dholbachlucas: i just had a look at the packages, that need ruby in main, it's kdebindings (which provides libqt0-ruby1.8 - which is used by amarok) and redland-bindings which is used by redland-utils - it might help to build the new debian package and test those packages if they run perfectly well09:15
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lucasnote that it was been in debian for 18 days without any important bug report09:17
sivangMorning all09:19
dholbachlucas: yes, it's just that users will have to live with it for 6-18 months, so if an expert double checked it (could be somebody else too, somebody of the kubuntu crew for amarok maybe), it would give people more confidence in the sync09:19
lucasI don't think amarok is an issue : it only suggests libqt0-ruby1.809:20
dholbachoh, i see09:21
dholbachi just flicked through the rdepends09:21
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\shdholbach: amarok uses those bindings for additional scripts...just like it's using python-kde3 09:31
dholbachi see09:31
dholbachit's just what i saw on first glance09:31
\shdholbach: and redland-bindings (binary package librdf-ruby) is in universe (source in main right)09:32
dholbachredland-bindings is in main though09:35
\shdholbach: the source yes, the resulting binary for ruby-bindings not...09:35
\shdholbach: if it's only a rebuild with new ruby, I think that's fine but needs an ok by mdz/kamion ;)09:36
dholbach\sh: i hope so09:36
\shxview needs X11/bitmaps/xlogo64 which is not in xbitmaps but in tendra...09:39
\shbut i think it's not the right build-dep for xlogo64...09:40
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infinityI've been looking for you.09:45
mvohey infinity 09:46
mvogood morning09:46
fabbionemvo: apt sucks :09:46
infinitymvo : Are apt's DPkg::Post-Invoke hooks just sent to "sh -c"?09:46
pittiHi mvo, hi chmj09:46
infinitymvo : If so, you may want to change update-notifier's to have a "[ -d /var/lib/update-notifier/ ]  &&" before the touch.09:47
infinitymvo : Purging update-notifier makes apt whine about the lack of directory, and exit non-zero.09:47
mvoinfinity: yes, that should work, thanks09:48
=== mvo tests this now
mvopitti: hi!09:48
infinitymvo : Just discovered while cleaning a chroot that had ubuntu-desktop installed in it. :)09:48
daniels\sh: no idea, sorry09:48
daniels\sh: the i810 driver hasn't changed in that respect.  if it's terminating with a SIGILL, then his BIOS is screwed and it's a GCC bug, again.09:48
\shdaniels: I'll investigate, because I'm not sure if it's really i810 related or just a b0rked tft :(09:50
\shdaniels: thx anyways09:50
daniels\sh: np09:51
fabbioneMithrandir: ping?09:51
\shdaniels: or no...other thing...dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg called inside a Xorg session, during the monitor detection it was falling back to plain console and gdm doesn't come up again...09:51
daniels\sh: that sounds a lot like broken BIOS + gcc bug (the gcc bug triggers the particular broken BIOS behaviour) to me09:52
\shdaniels: hp/compaq nc612009:52
Treenaksdaniels: and what can we do about 14007 ?09:53
Treenaksdaniels: (any ideas?)09:53
\shdaniels: called from console with running X session, works as expected09:53
Treenaksdaniels: uh, not 1400709:54
Treenaksdaniels: I meant 1404309:55
danielsTreenaks: without the hardware or co-operation from ati, I have no clue, tbh09:55
Treenaksdaniels: ok, too bad :(09:56
Treenaksdaniels: you'll be in Montreal, right?09:56
chmjhey pitti 09:56
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mdkeis anyone other than jdub able to add blogs to planet.u.c?09:58
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=== Treenaks guesses elmo
jsgotangcomdke, heh you into blogs too?10:00
mdkenot majorly, i just thought I would like to post things occasionally10:00
dholbachgood morning mvo, seb128 10:00
seb128hey dholbach10:00
pittiHi seb128 10:00
mdkeelmo, can you add blogs to planet.u.c?10:01
mdkeor any other generous soul10:01
seb128hey pitti10:01
\shbah...real life work...brb10:01
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
janimopitti, pmount no longer has async option because it's default?10:03
Mithrandirfabbione: pong10:03
pittijanimo: yes10:04
fabbioneMithrandir: yo.. did you get to try that amd64 kernel?10:04
fabbioneMithrandir: if not.. don't worry.. i just did10:04
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Mithrandirfabbione: no, sorry, the network here at home decided to implode last night so I spent some time trying to track that down.  Then I managed to get a nice and evil headache which is still present.10:04
Mithrandirfabbione: thanks dude.10:05
fabbioneno problem, thanks anyway10:05
danielsseb128: morning sebarino10:07
seb128hey daniels10:08
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danielscould everyone on i386 please grab libxkbfile1_7.0.0-3_i386.deb and xkeyboard-config_0.6-6_all.deb from http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/, install them, type setxkbmap -print | xkbcomp - :0, and tell me if your keymap still works fine or not? pay particular attention to your right alt key.10:10
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lucasdaniels: still works fine here10:12
\shuna momenta...10:14
\shWarning:          Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols Ignoring extra symbols10:14
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D24E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shand a lot of other warnings10:14
\shbut altGr+{q,2,7,8,9,0,e} works 10:15
danielsignore the other warnings, but the RALT bit is juicy10:15
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\shso german layout here10:15
danielswhat's the symbols line from setxkbmap -print?10:15
seb128X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)10:15
seb128  Major opcode of failed request:  148 (XKEYBOARD)10:15
seb128  Minor opcode of failed request:  9 (XkbSetMap)10:15
\shxkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc105)+de"  };10:15
daniels(notably, xk-c 0.6-6 fixes grp:alts_toggle.)10:15
mvodaniels: works here too10:15
seb128daniels: score :)10:16
dholbachelmo: could you please sync xmame from sid?10:16
mvodaniels: my is xkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc102)+de+ctrl(swapcaps)"   };10:17
danielscool, thanks10:17
danielsseb128: huh, if you do setxkbmap -print | xkbcomp - :0?10:17
danielsseb128: if so, anything interesting at the bottom of Xorg.0.log?10:17
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seb128daniels: I've the same with the package before update10:19
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seb128still this bug with fr, us keymaps10:20
lucasI get this with an fr keymap :10:20
lucasWarning:          Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols10:20
lucas                  Ignoring extra symbols10:20
lucasbut it still works fine10:20
fabbioneseb128: no no no no.. the real bug is the country you leave in :P10:20
danielsokay, hold on a second10:20
=== koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128daniels: http://pastebin.com/38884010:22
seb128daniels: Xorg.0.log on chinstrap if you want it10:23
danielshmm, okay10:27
danielsgive me a second, need to look a little deeper into this10:27
=== wickedpuppy [n=wickedpu@cm25.epsilon165.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zoot_hi, any LTSP devs here?10:29
dholbachzoot_: #ltsp?10:34
zoot_dholbach: am on there too, no replies, so i thought i'd checkin here, since the wiki asks to give feedback to ubuntu-devel ;)10:35
dholbachah i see10:35
dholbachmaybe ubuntu-devel@? :)10:35
zoot_yep ;)10:36
janimozoot_, all ok with the kioks?10:36
janimoin /etc I mean10:36
zoot_hi janimo - yes, so far, thx very much!10:36
janimocool :)10:36
zoot_tho i see there's still a mix of /etc/xdg and /etc/X11/xdg10:37
zoot_that's amongst the xfce pkgs10:37
janimoyes only the xserverrc is in /etc/X11 I think that's ok to leave for now10:37
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zoot_it works, so yeah, think so to ;)10:37
janimoare there other kiosk settings besides the panel stuff?10:37
janimoI think xfce-session has some10:38
zoot_yeah, let me find the url..10:39
zoot_also for desktop menu10:39
danielsokay, please download xkeyboard-config_0.6-6_all.deb again and try that10:40
seb128dpkg: regarding xkeyboard-config_0.6-6_all.deb containing xkeyboard-config:10:41
seb128 xkeyboard-config conflicts with libxkbfile1 (<< 7.0.0-3)10:41
seb128  libxkbfile1 (version 7.0.0-2) is installed.10:41
danielsseb128: yes, so install that too :)10:41
danielsyou can't compile keymaps from new xk-c with old libxkbfile110:42
seb128from where?10:42
danielssame place10:42
seb128 libxkbfile1_7.0.0-3_i386.deb 10:42
seb128that's all10:42
seb128no i38610:43
danielswhich architecture are you on?10:43
danielsokay ... so download and install that?10:43
=== daniels notes that 7.0.0-3 does not satisfy << 7.0.0-3.
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mvoKamion: would http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-notifier_0.40.14.debdiff be ok for breezy?10:45
seb128X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)10:45
seb128  Major opcode of failed request:  148 (XKEYBOARD)10:45
seb128  Minor opcode of failed request:  9 (XkbSetMap)10:45
=== seb128 hates xkb
seb128now that's fine10:46
=== daniels shrugs.
seb128        xkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc105)+fr+group(alts_toggle)"       }; 10:47
seb128changed to10:47
seb128        xkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc105)+fr"  };10:47
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zoot_janimo: can't find kiosk refs to items other than -panel and -session. will let you know. the -panel url is:  http://www.loculus.nl/xfce/documentation/docs-4.2/xfce4-panel.html#panel-kiosk but i know there's a ref elsewhere with more options...10:47
danielsseb128: okay, could you run xkbcomp - :0, but add +group(alts_toggle) to the symbols line?10:48
danielsif it still gives you shit, please send me the output of xkbcomp -xkb - -, with that input10:48
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seb128daniels: setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout 'fr' -option 'grp:alts_toggle'10:51
seb128daniels: with that you should get the crasher, no?10:51
danielsdaniels@ephemera:~/canonical/xorg/data/xkeyboard-config% setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout fr -option grp:alts_toggle10:52
seb128daniels: xkb_file on chinstrap10:52
seb128daniels: now | xkbcomp - :0 it10:52
danielsqrgh azerty cqn bite ,e10:52
Treenaksdaniels: ;)10:52
danielsseb128: pleqse type setxkb,qp )lqyout us for ,e10:53
HiddenWolfwho is the ubuntu-calendar artwork person?10:53
seb128daniels: ah ah10:53
Treenaksdaniels: "command not found" :P10:53
jsgotangcoHiddenWolf, jdub is your best best10:53
sivangseb128: you aware that the link for evo is broken from the panel?10:53
sivangBon Jour BTW :)10:54
seb128it's not10:54
HiddenWolfjdub, ping10:54
sivangevolution-2.2 - "No such file or directory"10:54
sivangbut that minus the version works10:54
seb128ah, that's an update10:54
seb128known "issue"10:54
danielsseb128: my testcase was layout us,de,fr option grp:alts_toggle10:55
danielswhich worked fine10:55
seb128daniels: with fr alone? :)10:55
danielsseb128: with fr alone, I just make a dick of myself on IRC, as above10:55
daniels(i like testing with multiple layouts, because I'm just two keypresses away from getting myself back into a sensible keymap.  usually I test with de, and I've got that memorised now, but azerty is a whole different kettle of fish.)10:55
seb128daniels: right, with 2 keymaps that works fine10:57
seb128daniels: the issue is if I've only fr10:57
danielsweird.  works fine with just fr here.10:57
seb128$ setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout 'fr' -option 'grp:alts_toggle'10:57
seb128$ setxkbmap -print | xkbcomp - :010:57
seb128X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)10:57
seb128  Major opcode of failed request:  148 (XKEYBOARD)10:57
seb128  Minor opcode of failed request:  9 (XkbSetMap)10:57
seb128  Value in failed request:  0x1671000210:57
seb128  Serial number of failed request:  7710:57
seb128  Current serial number in output stream:  8310:57
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danielsseb128: hrm10:58
danielsseb128: okay, that happens only if I clear out my options10:58
danielsoh, duh, god I'm stupid11:00
seb128just curious, but are you playing with some code to fix that? or with the keyboard definitions?11:02
danielsseb128: s/group(alts_toggle)/level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle)/11:02
danielsseb128: does -print give you group(alts_toggle), or level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle)?11:02
seb128        xkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc105)+fr+group(alts_toggle)"       };11:02
danielsgrab http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/xorg, stick it in /etc/X11/xkb/rules, and try again11:04
danielsthis time you should get level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle); seems to work here11:04
danielsmake that ~daniels/xorg/xorg11:05
seb128        xkb_symbols   { include "pc(pc105)+fr+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle)+group(alts_toggle)"   };11:07
seb128and it doesn't crash11:07
seb128and keyboard works fine11:07
ericfI can repeatedly crash nautilus, don't know why, but it seems to happen when browsing a dir via a symlink. How can I make a useful backtrace? I should use gdb for that, right? I'll file this in bugzilla, if I can give some useful information. Then question 2: is this question here inappropriate? #ubuntu isn't very responsive to this question. 11:07
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-7-183.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128ericf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash11:09
seb128ericf: install libgnomevfs2-0-dbg nautilus-dbg and describe the version/arch you use and what to do exactly to get the issue11:09
seb128ericf: and this chan is not to speak about how to get a backtrace :)11:10
ericfseb128: Thank you. I'll have a look.11:10
danielsseb128: rockin, thanks a lot11:11
seb128np, thank *you* :)11:11
danielsi've pinged svu too, so we can shove this hack of a fix through11:12
danielsi started working on the real fix on the tram11:12
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seb128what is difference between "group(alts_toggle)" and "level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle)+group(alts_toggle)" exactly?11:13
danielswell, +group(alts_toggle) shouldn't be there11:14
danielsbut, basically, group(alts_toggle), does this: key <RALT> { (some stuff blah blah) [ NoSymbol, ISO_Next_Group ]  }11:14
seb128that's to switch between layouts?11:14
danielsand level3(ralt_switch) does key <RALT> { (stuff) [ ISO_Level3_Shift ]  }11:14
seb128how do I use it?11:15
danielsso ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle does key <RALT> { [ ISO_Level3_Shift, ISO_Next_Group ]  }11:15
danielssetxkbmap -layout fr,us -option grp:alts_toggle11:15
danielsjust press both alt keys at the same time, and you will have switched between fr and us11:15
HiddenWolfjdub, seb128, some patches attached to bug 8721, fairly trivial and obvious, is it possible to fix this?11:15
seb128daniels: right :)11:16
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seb128HiddenWolf: a real patch instead of changing dir as a workaround would be nice11:17
danielsseb128: so the real fix is to let the xkb parser know that you just want to skip a specific level, so we don't have these stupid collisions11:18
danielsalso there's a bit of handwavy alt-handling stuff that needs to get fixed11:18
HiddenWolfseb128, not my patch btw, but i'll look into it.11:18
seb128daniels: k11:19
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tepsipakkikamion: does the installer remove etc/dhclient.conf?11:28
tepsipakkikamion: from the image11:29
sivangseb128: re 14910, I managed to reproduce that on 2 machines of mine, but the bug report says it was fixed upstream.11:33
sivangseb128: (after upgrades, that is)11:34
Lathiatmjg59: about?11:37
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seb128sivang: have you actually read it?11:38
=== sivang rereads
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tepsipakkikamion: yes it seems to do that, read the netcfg sources... bugger11:46
carlospitti, could you give me an URL where I could get the tarball with your hoary's translations? so I can debug the missing strings?11:48
pittiHi carlos 11:48
seb128hey carlos11:49
carlospitti, btw, hi :-P11:49
carlosseb128, hi11:49
pitticarlos: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/hoary-final.tar.gz11:49
pitticarlos: did you get my email with the bugs I found?11:49
mvopitti: when did you build it?11:49
pittimvo: that tarball? right before hoary was released11:50
Kamionmvo: please either (a) mail me or (b) just upload and let it sit in the approvals queue - if you ask me on IRC, I'll lose stuff, amid the two-and-a-half days of #ubuntu-devel I've just had to trawl through11:50
carlospitti, yeah, I'm debugging it atm11:50
mvopitti: sorry, me should read more carefull :)11:50
Kamiontepsipakki: the installer doesn't remove anything, it either installs stuff or doesn't install it11:50
pittimvo: actually I built that tarball at Friday, but it's contents is the same as in the zip file I built for haory11:51
janimoseb128, do you have suggestions how I should package a modified evince-0.4.0 for universe so as it doesn't conflict with the original11:51
janimoit is a diff to take out gnome dependencies from it11:51
seb128janimo: DON'T11:51
mvopitti: I was wondering when you will build the breezy langpack (IIRC it was scheduled for today?)11:51
seb128janimo: no no no11:51
pittimvo: it will be today, yes11:51
janimowould you take a patch for the original package to build two binaries?11:52
seb128janimo: we have enough packages without starting to have 2 packages for the same stuff11:52
pittimvo: I'm waiting for carlos' tarball to arrive and my cronjob to finish11:52
seb128janimo: no11:52
janimoseb128, any other suggestion to have evince with gtk only for lighter desktops?11:52
mvopitti: ok, thanks11:52
janimoin universe?11:52
seb128janimo: don't? :)11:52
janimoseb128, that's not an option many people will like :)11:52
carlospitti, the tarball is there already11:52
seb128janimo: seriously, having 2 source package for the same stuff is not a good idea11:52
sivangevince rulez11:53
tepsipakkikamion: it does remove for example etc/dhclient.conf and etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf if they exist (from the ramdisk, that is), see netcfg-common.c11:53
janimoseb128, xpdf, gpdf, kpdf, why evince then ;)?11:53
carlospitti, I got the email an hour ago11:53
pitti-rw-r--r--  1 langpack langpack 278376521 Oct 10 09:37 buildd-rosetta-merged.tar.gz11:53
janimonot the same stuff, it's a friendly fork11:53
seb128janimo: that's the GNOME official pdf/ps viewer11:53
pittioh, yay11:53
azeemjanimo: why do you want to strip down evince anyway?11:53
pitticarlos: so my cronjob worked as well :)11:53
tepsipakkikamion: but I can change the dhclient-script which is enough, I think..11:53
janimoazeem, for xubuntu so it doesn not bring in gnoem stuff11:53
seb128janimo: it'll Depends on libgsf and GNOME office stuff anyway11:53
mvojanimo: I was under the impression that evince makes very heavy use of various gnome-libs, do you have a url for the patch?11:53
carlospitti, cool!11:54
janimoseb128, what do you mean depends on gnome stuff office?now?11:54
martinkmvo, it's in the evince-list archives at mail.gnome.org11:54
azeemjanimo: why not use xpdf for that?11:54
janimomvo, I sent it to the evince list last Thursday11:54
janimoazeem, it's ugly and not nearly as nice as evince11:54
seb128janimo: no, but they plan to open ppt files, etc11:54
janimoevinces niceties are mostly non-gnome related11:55
Kamiontepsipakki: ok, sorry, I'm really busy at the moment so if you can read the source and work it out yourself that's far preferable to asking me11:55
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janimoseb128, ok but for now and the xubuntu releas it'd be nice. People seem excitded about it and they haven't even tested it :)11:55
seb128janimo: I'm against it11:55
janimomvo, beware the pacth is ugly11:55
seb128we have double bugs, double upload, double package to patch, etc11:55
tepsipakkikamion: yes, sorry for the noise ;)11:56
dholbachjanimo: might be a target for dapper?11:56
seb128janimo: did you get any reply upstream?11:56
janimoseb128, you are aginst me forking an open source project and providing it to ubuntu users on older machines? that's not nice of you ;)11:56
dholbachjanimo: don't you go and blame seb :)11:56
janimoseb128, the evincelist seems dead11:56
seb128janimo: no, I'm against you putting extra work and duplicating the same code 11:56
janimoon IRC J blandford seemed skeptic a couple weeks ago of a gtk only evince, but avoiding to tell me what it would take to change it if I really wanted11:57
seb128janimo: a 1500 lines diff is not something we want to push the week of a stable11:57
janimoseb128, not really extra code, I mostly deleted stuff :)11:57
seb128still 1500 lines of changes11:57
janimoseb128, of course not in main, that's why I asked of advice under what name shoudl  I package it in universe so that it does _not_ conflict with evince11:58
seb128with some FIXME comments11:58
Kamionjanimo: it's not possible to have two source/binary packages of the same name in main and universe; therefore they'd have to have different names and provide the same files etc., which is very nasty and difficult to do right, especially at short notice11:58
seb128janimo: having the same source package to main and universe with different names is not nice11:58
Kamionjanimo: it would cause support problems in main11:58
janimoKamion, seb128, of course different names, that's what I was asking11:59
Kamionjanimo: yes, that doesn't make it non-nasty11:59
seb128and different path to install files, etc11:59
janimoseb128, there's lots of resued code in different packages11:59
seb128and we will get bugs about yours11:59
Kamionin fact it makes it worse if you do it wrong11:59
Kamionjanimo: that's not an excuse for more11:59
janimono, it can be renamed11:59
danielsdoes anyone here have a powerpc that can test XKB stuff?11:59
janimoI was going to call it evionce-gtk to give credit for upsteram but it can be called gtk-docview or piglet or anything11:59
=== pitti raises hand
janimoyou won't get bugreports fro evince12:00
danielspitti: word12:00
seb128you are willing to maintain the work yourself?12:00
janimoseb128, Conflicts: evince12:00
janimoseb128, yes I am 12:00
mjg59Lathiat: Hi12:00
carlospitti, hmmm, did you patched Python to use language packs?12:00
seb128janimo: they have planned quite a lot of changes, you are going to keep the amount of work?12:00
Lathiatmjg59: is there any reason "Loading modules" would be different in kubuntu12:00
Lathiatmjg59: in kubuntu, it doesn't time out usplash12:01
Lathiatin ubuntu, it did every time12:01
danielspitti: could you please get the libxkbfile sources from p.u.c/~daniels/, compile and install libxkbfile1, then install xkeyboard-config from p.u.c/~daniels?12:01
mjg59None that I can think of12:01
seb128janimo: I would say after 5.10 is better than to fork it now, 3 days before 5.10 with 0 feedback12:01
janimoseb128, not necessarily. It can remain at this stage as evince 0.4 I find it already excellent for pdf and ps12:01
pitticarlos: I didn't, but since it obviously works, somebody apparently did it12:01
Kamionjanimo: Conflicts: evince is not acceptable at this stage12:01
Lathiatmaybe something new went into kubuntus RC iso that changes on install but not upgrade or something12:01
seb128janimo: and poppler will change and you will have to follow12:01
pittidaniels: how urgent is this? 12:01
danielspitti: i'd really like to get it in breezy12:01
pittidaniels: i. e. would doing this in 1 hour block you?12:02
janimoseb128, for the first release of xubuntu, for dapper we may have something cleaner12:02
carlospitti, your hoary tarball has sane-backends.LANG directories...12:02
danielspitti: oh, not at all; need to go make dinner and do something that doesn't involve a computer for a while12:02
janimoso poppler changing after breezy does not affect me 12:02
sivangbe back later, going to eat12:02
carlosthat looks like the python layout but are not exactly the same...12:02
pitticarlos: these will just be ignored12:02
pitticarlos: the breezy importer knows how to handle these12:02
pitticarlos: but not the hoary branch12:03
carlospitti, what's that?12:03
pitticarlos: there was a reason why I branched langpack-o-matic for hoary, but I don't know it currently12:03
janimoseb128, as for conflicting paths I can install elseweher12:03
janimomost files are nautilus.gconf/gnome related anyway, thiose won;t be in anyway12:04
carlospitti, should I ignore it then?12:04
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pitticarlos: mainly because I want to use the same scripts that I used for the initial langpacks, I guess12:04
pitticarlos: yes12:04
seb128janimo: I'm against pushing a new code untested 12:05
seb1283 days before a stable12:05
seb128but that's my opinion12:05
Kamionjanimo: standard release management practices suggest that anything that xubuntu requires for release should really have been in the archive for some time, not be shoved in at the last minute12:06
janimoseb128, but it's universe, and does not affect reputation of gnome/evince12:06
Kamionjanimo: I'd strongly, strongly suggest using a different PDF viewer, even if it's not as pretty.12:06
janimoKamion, there are still xubuntu packages in the NEW queue (artwork etc)12:06
Kamionjanimo: no there aren't12:06
Kamionxubuntu-artwork was rejected; you should have mail12:07
janimoKamion, I answered to elmo but no respponse12:07
janimoyou saw those mails too?12:07
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Kamionjanimo: you're supposed to reupload, not argue :)12:07
janimoI copy pasted kubuntu license12:07
Kamionjanimo: I didn't see the mails originally, but I can see the file in the reject queue with a copy of the mail12:08
janimobut I wasn;t arguing but asking why the kubuntu art license isn;t approproate for xu12:08
KamionThe Ubuntu artwork is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 2.5.  Given the Xubuntu artwork12:08
Kamionseems to be derived from the Ubuntu artwork, it seems only reasonable it should follow12:08
Kamionthe Ubuntu artwork's licensing rather than relicensing it?12:08
janimoI happened to copy from kubuntu-artwork12:08
janimonot edubuntu12:08
Kamionif it's derived from the Ubuntu artwork, I don't see that "but Kubuntu gets it wrong" is a justification for you getting it wrong too?12:08
janimoI did not know kubuntu got it wrong12:08
janimoand after elmo's mail I asked12:09
Kamionjanimo: in any case, nothing will happen until you reupload12:09
janimook, thanks12:09
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janimoI thought I'd wait till elmo sees my mail12:09
Kamionthe file is not in the new queue, it's rejected; that's permanent for that upload12:09
Kamionjanimo: that would seem wise, certainly12:09
Kamionjanimo: but alternatively, is it so hard to licence it under the union of the licences of anything you've copied from?12:09
janimoso as a curiosity is kubuntu art license wrong then?12:09
Kamionyou could just do that, trivially12:09
Kamionjanimo: I have no idea; I have not checked it12:10
janimono it;s not hard12:10
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janimoI made the pa ckage based on edubuntu artwork. I am inncocent :)12:10
mjg59Derived works of CC-SA have to be CC-SA, from what I can remember12:10
Kamionjanimo: I think the term is "complicit", technically ;)12:10
janimooh kubuntu, sorry12:10
=== janimo ducks
janimooh well I reupload with CC license, sigh12:11
Kamionanyhow, this argument is pointless. why not just get it right once you've been informed of the problem?12:11
janimoI thought that by asking I may raise and lead to solving another prob, the possible kubuntu license one12:11
Kamionthat's fine, but in the meantime you should resolve your own release blockers12:11
janimoI want to learn something from what I do not just comply :)12:11
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janimoand is xfce4-taskmanager not in NEW either?12:12
janimoanother MOTU supposedly uploaded it12:12
janimoivoks to be precise12:13
mvoping carlos 12:15
Kamionjanimo: there is nothing matching x* in NEW12:15
carlosmvo, pong12:15
janimoKamion, I'll upload it myself then, thanks12:15
segfaultogra: ping12:15
Kamionjanimo: the person who uploaded xfce4-taskmanager forgot to build with -sa12:16
segfaultogra_: looks like the desktop fix is likely to have something wrong with its charset12:16
Kamioncjwatson@jackass:~/queue$ cat reject/xfce4-taskmanager_0.3.1-0ubuntu1_source.reason12:16
KamionRejected: xfce4-taskmanager_0.3.1-0ubuntu1.dsc refers to xfce4-taskmanager_0.3.1.orig.tar.gz, but I can't find it in the queue or in the pool.12:16
Kamionthey should have got mail about that12:16
bob2jackass is the most awesome ftpmaster. name, ever.12:16
segfaultogra_: looks like the file is in ISO-8859-1 and the string i wrote is in UTF-812:16
janimoKamion, thanks12:17
ogra_hmm, shouldnt be.... my vi is working in utf8 normally... i'll check and fix it :)12:17
ogra_thanks for reporting12:17
segfaultogra_: thanks12:17
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seb128What package is to blame for a "eth0 no set up during the boot"?12:29
seb128I've to run "sudo dhclient" 12:30
seb128hoary sets it correctly on the same box12:30
mjg59seb128: Is eth0 wireless?12:30
ogra_seb128, hotplug/dhclient i'll look up the bug...12:30
seb128yeah, ipw220012:30
mjg59Wireless devices don't seem to get set up during the install12:31
mjg59Kamion: ^ ?12:31
ogra_seb128, 1349712:31
seb128sudo ifup eth0 works fine here12:32
ogra_seb128, as it does for all others in the bug12:32
ogra_the hotplug script doesnt work right...12:32
ogra_it will also work if you add "auto eth0" to your interfaces file...12:32
seb128I should not have to12:33
seb128hotplug is supposed to get it12:33
mvoogra_: do you got the /msg from me?12:34
infinityseb128 : Does /etc/init.d/hotplug restart get it after you're done booting?12:34
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ogramvo, in fact i was answering since 20min already :/ damn freenode12:36
mvoogra: sorry, I should change this "unfiltered" thing (or whatever it is called)12:36
seb128infinity: yep, it does12:37
ogramvo, nope, i should notice if i'm not logged in :)12:37
infinityseb128 : Yell at Keybuk, really loudly, then.12:37
seb128infinity: will do, thanks12:37
danielsinfinity: i find that works for most things12:37
danielswell, s/works/applies/, I suppose12:37
ograyelling at Keybuk or restarting hotplug ? 12:38
bob2is "buch" a german word?12:41
zoot_bob2: yes, book12:41
Treenaksbob2: Buch, yes. it means "book"12:41
Kamionmjg59: atheros?12:41
pefdoes every FTBS has a bug  opened ?12:42
mjg59Kamion: No - plausibly something that was fixed12:42
infinitypef : Probably not.12:42
mjg59Kamion: But what does happen on Atheros systems?12:42
pefmmm and if I fix a FTBS which hasn't one bug report opened, should I open one ?12:43
Kamionmjg59: not supported on breezy; the card won't be recognised12:43
mjg59Kamion: Once the system is installed?12:43
infinitypef : In which package?12:43
pefinfinity: it's just an example :)12:43
Kamionmjg59: once the system is installed, it should be fine, although you'll probably have to munge /e/n/i12:43
mjg59Kamion: Oh, FFS.12:43
infinitypef : Oh, sure, if you find a bug, file a bug and attach a patch.12:43
infinitypef : bugzilla for main, malone for universe.12:44
mjg59Kamion: (Yes, I know it's not your fault)12:44
pefinfinity: ok, thank you12:44
mjg59Kamion: Do you know if that's been release-noted?12:44
Kamionmjg59: no, sorry12:45
KamionRiddell: kubuntu MD5SUMS fixed, sorry about that12:46
Kamionelmo: I think I'll move the source images back to cdimage, which will free up 4GB or so12:47
KamionDVDs, yeah, I guess12:47
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danielsi thought l-r-m had properly-sized udebs now?12:57
infinityIt does.12:57
danielsKamion: btw, you're going to get a bunch of CD space back with -7712:57
infinityWe don't, however have a binutils udeb (that change was vetoed), nor d-i hooks to link ath_hal.12:57
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danielsah, rockin.12:58
Kamiondaniels: oh, driver stripping. cool12:59
danielsKamion: novel, innit?12:59
segfaultogra: http://www.prognus.com.br/~carlos/xscreensaver_4.21-4ubuntu16.diff.gz01:00
ograsegfault, thanks a lot :)01:00
Kamiondaniels: -77 looks OK to me but I'd rather leave xorg to mdz01:01
danielsKamion: okay01:01
DizietAny kubuntu people here ?  I'd like to talk to someone about 17390.01:04
\shwhen riddell is not answering ;) 01:06
\shDiziet: how can I help you01:06
sabdflfabbione: ok, the "official" tag is added to my branch01:07
sabdflshould land this week01:07
sabdfland be in production next week01:08
fabbionesabdfl: cool! thanks a lot01:08
DizietHello.  Could you take a look at 17390 and tell me if you agree with dennis@kaarsemaker.net ?  If so I'll reassign the bug.  Otherwise let's talk about what to do about the problem.01:08
sabdflkinnison will be doing the import of breezy into launchpad at some stage01:08
fabbionesabdfl: i will still need your suppah powha to add the info tho...01:08
sabdfldiscuss with him whether to reflect those architectures01:08
sabdflthey are on our servers, right?01:08
fabbionesabdfl: the .deb's yes01:09
\shDiziet: well...actually I don't know what riddell thinks about it...i'll discuss this with him01:09
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fabbionethey are all on jackass and splitted with rsync magic to archive and ports01:09
\shDiziet: the default homepage for ff is in ubuntu-artwork? 01:11
ogra\sh, -docs01:11
DizietThe default homepage is a file which is currently provided by -docs, yes.01:11
DizietThe file is in .../share/.../ubuntu-artwork because that's the package it used to be in.01:12
\shDiziet: symlink is as well in /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html01:12
DizietOh, they've made it a symlink ?  OK.  That symlink is what Firefox is looking for.01:13
DizietNB, see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyFirefoxStartPageTranslation01:13
DizietI think you'll find that you must perform the role quoted there as ubuntu-doc'.s01:14
mjg59Kamion: hotkey-setup-0.9ubuntu2 - can you approve that?01:14
\shDiziet: so the link is provided by ff?01:15
Kamionmjg59: done01:17
danielsmdz: ping01:17
RiddellDiziet: it could be a link to alternatives and have an alternative provided by ubuntu-doc and kubuntu-doc01:17
daniels(or kubuntu-doc could divert.)01:18
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mjg59Kamion: Thanks01:21
RiddellKamion: is the kubuntu live CD set up to use the new winfoss?01:22
KamionRiddell: yes01:23
Kamionas stated in #1712501:23
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DizietAlternatives are for when the situation depends on local admin configuration decisions, not when it depends on which packages are installed.  If kubuntu includes ubuntu-doc then yes, divert it.01:26
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RiddellKamion: great, thanks01:27
\shRiddell: do we such a page like the index page of ubuntu-docs? we could make a link in kubuntu-docs and the problem would be solved at least until a better solution is found01:27
\sh+have 01:27
Riddell\sh: we have aboutkubuntu (which I havn't look at yet but will do today)01:28
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\shRiddell: so adding debian/links with the correct locations in kubuntu-docs, will solve it...well, bug is pendingupload  I would say ;)01:28
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daniels\sh: then you'll need a Conflicts01:29
\shdaniels: yepp01:30
\sha nicer solution would be that ff package is detecting the (k)ubuntu-desktop postinst and should set the link correctly to ubuntu/kubuntu-docs dir (including the locale for dapper)01:31
carlospitti, you have an update about Hoary's language packs in your mailbox01:32
carlospitti, thanks for the report01:32
Kamion\sh: a diversion would avoid the need for a conflict01:32
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Kamionfirefox should not be getting into detection of {ubuntu,kubuntu}-desktop; that way clearly lies madness01:32
seb128carlos: is there anything to mask all the xxx-... from the rosetta list? It makes the list and the stats crappy01:32
carlosseb128, will fix that today and ask for a fast cherry pick01:33
torkeldholbach: thanks for taking care of #17465 (e-d-s)01:35
dholbachtorkel: thanks for fixing it :)01:35
torkeldholbach: well, as I was the only one suffering from it, I guess I had to fix it :-)01:37
dholbachyou won't have been the only one :)01:37
ograsegfault, ping01:38
seb128carlos: thanks01:40
seb128carlos: same for "review-...." items?01:43
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Kamionmvo: does your update-notifier change actually make any difference? note that '[ -d /nonexistent ]  && true' exits 101:53
Kamionmvo: I would prefer either '[ ! -d /var/lib/update-notifier ]  || touch /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp' or (perhaps clearer) 'if [ -d /var/lib/update-notifier ] ; then touch /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp; fi'01:54
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mvoKamion: right. can you reject the upload?01:58
bob2holy god the monospace font in breezy is unreadable02:00
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ograbob2, thats your eyes :)02:01
smurf... or your settings for font smoothing02:02
Kamionmvo: no, due to the way approvals work; just upload 0.40.15 superseding it02:02
mvoKamion: thanks for the review. I uploaded a new version02:07
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pitticarlos: thanks for the mail02:09
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ograKamion, any hint about http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/report.html ? it doesnt have an OVERSIZED tag in the dir...so i wonder what broke...02:23
j^why is it that i need mp4 to watch go-opensource videos [http://www.go-opensource.org/go_open/news/download_go_open/]  but can watch aplle advertisement in Ogg Theora [http://theora.watchmactv.com/] ?02:31
Kamionogra: hmm, I'm not sure, nothing jumps out at me as obviously problematic there02:38
ografor me neither... i'll rip out kstars from ppc... probably it just overflowed silently ? 02:38
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Kamionogra: ah, yes, it overflowed02:40
Kamionogra: the .OVERSIZED thing isn't reliable once you get beyond 700MB, at the moment02:40
ograah, ok02:40
Kamionogra: so it probably means your CDs are just ridiculously big and you need to sort that out ...02:40
KamionCD 2 will only be filled with 17508534 bytes ...02:40
ograKamion, another thing, if you find a minute, could you wipe the default IP from the installer ? the install can manage now without a special range02:41
ograis there a public place where i can see the second CD data ? 02:41
Kamionit can? I thought I tried that and you told me it still broke after the fix02:41
Kamionogra: no02:41
Kamionbut "reduce what you're putting on the CD by 20MB or so" should be enough information; it doesn't matter exactly what randomly happened to go on CD202:42
ograKamion, ltsp can install now without braking the install.. that was the reason for putting it there first place02:42
Kamion-EPARSE, sorry, try again02:42
ograthe IP02:42
Kamionit wasn't that that broke; it was a bizarre message in netcfg02:42
Kamionwhich I thought I'd fixed, but IIRC you told me was still broken02:43
ograi still have the message and i think its unlikely we'll solve it now... nd the installer doesnt need a default IP anymore:)02:43
ograso just rip out the default and the message should be fine for now02:43
ogra(trying to go with the least amount of work for you here)02:44
pittiMithrandir: we currently have cfengine-doc in main and cfengine in universe - should we unseed the former or seed the latter?02:45
Kamionor do I totally misremember?02:45
pittiMithrandir: only having the documentation in main as the sole reason for keeping the source package in main seems silly02:45
Kamionogra: I thought you asked me to put the IP address in because you didn't want to use DHCP and you thought the static address question was unreasonably complicated or something02:45
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ograKamion, nope, you are right... but the reason for having a default there is gone... having it fixed with default would be nicer, but there is no urgent need for a default setting... 02:45
Kamionif I remove the preseed then you won't see the "you should never see this message" thing, certainly02:45
Kamionsince that's triggered by some corner case in preseeding02:46
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ograbut the IP should still be static...02:46
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ograltsp-server broke in base-config when the dhcpd range didnt match the configured IP, that was the main reason for having a default... this part is fixed....02:47
Kamionah, I see02:47
Kamionalthough I think you're editing history a bit, because the IP address thing went into debian-cd long before any of the LTSP stuff did02:47
ograit would be nicer to have the right ip though... but i can live with a note in the install notes :)02:47
Kamionogra: anyway, done02:48
ograta :)02:48
j^pitti wrt /dev/raw1394 not being accessible for plugdev users by default. any chance to work that out for breezy?02:48
pittij^: sorry, I'm afraid not02:49
pittij^: we can't fix upstream software to use /dev/video1394 that quickly02:49
ograKamion, the IP thing was planned from the beginning... but being forced to have a default was the thing that came later with ltsp...02:49
j^pitti you never will02:49
ogra(i'm probably just expressing myself wrongly :) )02:50
j^pitti as i said before, raw1394 is the way to go, with the new libiec61883. its the only way to i.e. get HDV(aka MPEG2-TS over FireWire) working02:51
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pittij^: ah, I remember that mess - this is such a broken design, there is no hope to get this right for breezy, I'm afraid02:51
pittij^: this needs to be discussed with upstream and kernel guys02:52
pittij^: we can't just allow all users to write to all Firewire devices, at least not without having evaluated the consequences properly02:52
Kamionogra: ok02:53
pittij^: there are more firewire devices than just video cams; Imagine Firewire hard disks, ethernet cards, and the like02:53
j^pitti will you do this, talk with upstream/kernel guys? because so far i am not aware of someone complaining about the "broken design", besides you02:53
pittij^: if you are interested in that topic, can you do it yourself?02:54
=== infinity agrees that it's hideously broken.
j^pitti i see 4 firewire hard disks next to my camera, and i am dont care if i can access them via software02:54
pittij^: maybe *you* don't care02:54
j^i can just drag and drop them on the floor02:54
pittij^: I will care if a random user can write anythign to my firewire ethernet card02:54
pittij^: so we can't open raw device access to all users *by default*02:54
pittij^: if you change this locally for you in /etc/udev/permissions.rules, that's of course fine02:55
j^pitti, i am fine chaning that for myself02:55
pittij^: but it is by far not a proper solution for the default02:55
infinitypitti : Good thing we just hired a Linux ieee1394 hacker, eh?02:55
pittij^: getting DV cams work OOTB would of course rock, but we should not sacrifice security for it IMHO02:55
pittiinfinity: we did?02:56
j^pitti but thats not why i am using ubuntu, its because i just had to "fix" a friends lapotp so i could capture video02:56
infinitypitti : BenC.02:56
pittiinfinity: oh, cool; I didn't know that he hacks on firewire stuff02:56
pittij^: I understand that it might be frustrating, but there apparently is no easy fix for breezy (or even a patch at all)02:57
pittij^: from a design perspective it is silly for an user app to assume that it can write to raw devices02:57
j^pitti its also frustrating on the dev side, what way should i work on HDV support for gstreamer? and yes my goal would be that it works out of the box 02:57
pittij^: so for me this mainly looks like a driver/user app interaction problem02:58
pittij^: so the problem is that the /dev/dv1394 and /dev/video1394 do not offer an adequate interface?02:58
j^pitti no they dont, also not for AMDTP (audio and music)02:59
pittij^: then it seems that this is the real bug02:59
j^pitti have you filed a bug report?03:00
pittij^: no03:00
pittij^: I'm not a good person to push this; I don't have video cams and the like03:01
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pittij^: talking with BenC could be enlightening, though03:01
j^pitti if ben collins works for canonical now, you should talk to him03:02
pittij^: I can do that, yes03:02
pittij^: but I can't tell him more than "it does not appear to work, please fix it"03:02
pittij^: which packages are affected by this?03:02
pittij^: we should contact their upstreams and have them find a proper interface design with the kernel guys, instead of relaying this discussion over people who have NFC about the details03:03
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j^pitti kino, gstreamer, dvgrab, ffmpeg03:04
j^pitti so far there pov is change permissions of /dev/raw139403:04
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\shguys...dpkg-divert...when I set up a divertion of file X to be renamed to file Y, is it only done once, or will it be regocnized even in future...let's say, kubuntu-docs is installed by default during a kubuntu-installation. now the user installs ubuntu-desktop with ubuntu-docs as dep...will it rename the ubuntu-docs link to the mentioned name in the dpkg-divert list?03:13
\sh(regarding the ff default homepage problem) 03:14
Kamiondiversions stay in effect03:14
Kamiondpkg honours existing diversions when installing new packages03:14
Kamionyou should make sure to remove the diversion when the package is removed, of course03:15
\shKamion: sure..it's done..but if I install the kubuntu-docs package now, on a mix system, it divert the default ubuntu homepage to lets say index-ubuntu.html ...03:16
DizietWhen _your_ package is removed, that is.03:16
\shKamion: means, when I'm starting up firefox, even in gnome, i have a kubuntu default homepage ;)03:17
dokoKamion: I added openoffice.org2-help-en-us to the desktop seed03:17
Kamion\sh: not much you can do about that03:17
DizietAre you saying you want the startup page to depend on what desktop the particular user happens to be running ?03:17
Kamiondoko: how big is it?03:17
ogradoko, how big is that ? 03:17
=== ogra cries
Kamiondoko: er ... please revert that03:18
Kamiondoko: it must be a dependency of language-support-en instead03:18
dokoKamion: hmm, ok03:18
Kamiondoko: talk to pitti to make that happen03:18
\shKamion: ok..I wanted to be sure, that this way is ok03:18
KamionI think this might screw the live CDs, incidentally :(03:18
Kamiononly the install CDs currently have that kind of space available03:19
Diziet\sh: The diversion will do what you might hope.  But it's not possible to override it eg by the syadmin.03:19
dokoKamion: done03:19
dokopitti: ^^^03:19
dokocould you add the openoffice.org2-help-* packages?03:20
\shDiziet: well..then it's fixed...I'll let riddell test it on a pure kubuntu install and I think then we're ready to upload the package..let's see03:21
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\shKamion: thx for the hint...it's a really handy tool ;)03:21
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pittidoko: yes, I'll add the help files to l-support-*03:24
pittidoko: but 12 MB? that's nasty03:24
dokopitti: thanks03:24
dokopitti: why?03:24
carlosseb128, no, sorry, the review-* will take more time as we need to fix them one by one by hand03:24
pittidoko: because we already have overfull CDs03:25
pittiKamion: I still fail to see how replacing langpacks by English support packages is beneficial for the majority of users... *sigh*03:25
dokopitti: no, mdz did remove thunderbird and ephipjany03:25
pittidoko: ah, fine03:25
seb128carlos: can I help on them?03:25
pittidoko: I will build new langpacks today anyway, in that course I will build new suport packages, too03:25
seb128epiphany-browser got dropped? :(03:26
dokopitti: for -en, you cannot depend on -help-en-us and -help-en-gb, that would be too big03:26
pittidoko: humm, right03:26
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pittidoko: so which one should I pick?03:26
Kamion\sh: use it with care03:26
dokopitti: openoffice.org2-help-en-us03:27
Kamiondoko: (it's nasty anyway, because of the live CD problem)03:27
pittiKamion: should l-support-en only depend on -en-us, and we seed -en-gb? 03:27
Kamiondoko: mdz's removals only affected the install CD03:27
Kamionpitti: yes03:27
Kamionit'll have to do03:27
Kamionfor dapper I'd like us to consider installing something that pops up in place of the oo.o2 help content and points people to online help03:28
dokoKamion: hmm, anything, I can do now?03:28
Kamionthis sort of 12MB growth isn't sustainable03:28
Kamiondoko: unless you can figure out how to do the above now ...03:28
dokoKamion: we don't have online help03:29
Kamionbah, y'all suck03:29
pittior, pops up and tells to install language-support-foo03:29
pitti(or the help packages itself)03:29
Kamionpitti: language-support-en is installed by default; I doubt that will change03:29
Kamionbut help packages, sure03:29
pittiKamion: we could seed a subset of l-s-en to desktop and enrich l-support-en, too03:29
dokowell, I can look at it, but I doubt, that I'll have sucess ...03:29
pittiKamion: (not for breezy, of course)03:30
pittiI guess for breezy we just need to live with the current situation03:30
\shKamion: for sure :)03:30
Kamionpitti: that makes it unremovable by tools like language-selector, which seems like a regression03:30
pittihmm, right03:31
Kamionpitti: we can't entirely live with it. #17123 is a blocker bug03:31
Kamionwhich I had almost got fixed before the oo.o2 help thing came along03:31
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sabdfljbailey: is your nightly bzr build up to date?03:33
j^pitti ah ok, so there is some discussion about raw1394 #10517 and #1433003:34
jbaileysabdfl: No.  Lifeless asked me to stop producing them while the shift to weaves happens.03:36
sabdflok thanks, hope to see it again soon now that weave landed03:36
DizietQuiz question: what demented character set transformation (or sequence of transformations) attempts to represent U+00E9 (e', UTF-8 C3 A9) as C3 C2 A9 ?03:37
pittisabdfl: weave is fully there now? great, can't wait to try it out :)03:37
jbaileysabdfl: Yup.  Basically it should be back when 0.1 has landed.03:37
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sabdflwhich is tomorrow am aussie time, tonight your time03:39
janimoKamion, ping03:39
jbaileyDiziet: Is that still unicode?  There's a whole compose section that I suspect nothing honours.03:39
pitticarlos: missing translations in the breezy tarball alert!03:39
KamionDiziet: UTF-8 C3 A9 run through iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 gives C3 83 C2 A9, so maybe that's the start of it03:39
Kamionjanimo: pong03:39
janimoKamion. let me know when you have time for talking to me about seeds/buildd03:40
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Kamionjbailey: hmm, ubuntu-docs is hyooooooge. Anything we can do to reduce the amount of it that we have to ship on the live CD?03:40
carlospitti, ?03:40
carlospitti, which module?03:40
jbaileysabdfl: Yup!  It will make it tonight if I'm awake when the aussies come on and give the go ahead, otherwise I'll email and look for the answer when I wake up.03:40
pitticarlos: I /msg03:40
jbaileyKamion: Yeah.  I'm trying to prune out unused graphics.03:40
sabdflok, cool thanks03:40
Kamionjanimo: perhaps it would be better if you sent me mail with what you need03:41
sabdflactually, you know, a current build should be fine since it's post-rc2 which seems to have been well received03:41
Kamionjanimo: cjwatson@ubuntu.com03:41
Dizietjbailey: No, the result isn't UTF-8.03:41
Kamionjanimo: then I can deal with it regardless of whether we're both simultaneously online03:41
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DizietMaybe something once more thinks it's ISO-8859-1, and decides to drop the invalid 83.03:42
Kamionjbailey: ok, please do that urgently if you can - are there multiple documents in there at the moment that could perhaps be split out?03:42
Dizietkamion: I'm about to upload new firefox and mozilla to add -fomit-frame-pointer re 17276.  I hope that's OK.03:44
KamionDiziet: yes, that's fine03:44
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infinityKamion : I'm about to upload Thunderbird 1.0.7 (security fixes ahoy), do you want me to walk through the debdiff or anything with you first, or is "I've audited it, and the changes are all small and sane" good enough for you?03:45
infinity(I've also been abusing it for the last while to make sure it's okay)03:46
Kamioninfinity: new upstreams need special exception; I'd prefer to leave this one to mdz03:46
Kamionare *all* the changes security fixes?03:47
pittiKamion: yes03:47
pittiKamion: this time they stayed sane and did not add new features03:47
pittiKamion: well, sorry, not all fixes are03:47
pittiKamion: some patches fix regressions from previous security patches03:47
infinityIt's not all security, a few small bugfixes.03:47
Kamionhave the dependencies of the various locale packages been checked?03:47
infinityNothing even close to a feature, though.03:47
pittiKamion: yes03:48
infinityKamion : Locales packages are fine, the only thing that needs rebuilding is enigmail, which I'll upload at the same time.03:48
Kamionok, mdz should be up in a few hours, please run it past him03:48
Kamion(or send mail and leave the packages in a location where somebody else can upload them later, if that's getting late for you)03:48
infinityNah, I suck at sleeping anyway, I'll wait up.03:49
Dizietkamion: I already reviewed the diff between upstream firefox 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 and they seemed very good about it there.  Obviously I don't know for sure about Thunderbird.03:50
hno73Kamion: are you now pulling the Ubuntu-AMD winfoss from here?: http://www.theopencd.org/winfoss/ubuntu-AMD/current/ (it's about 7MB smaller than the old one)03:50
Kamionsabdfl: I'd like to consider taking python2.4-samba, python-opengl, and perhaps python-twisted out of the desktop seed. They (or their dependencies) are all large, and we're under serious space pressure on the live CD.03:50
Kamionhno73: yes03:51
pittiKamion, mdz: for the records, I cannot use the current Rosetta tarball for building the gold langpacks, it has regressions again03:51
sabdflKamion: is the livecd an exact desktop clone?03:51
Kamionsabdfl: live CD includes all of ubuntu-desktop03:51
pittiKamion, mdz: let's hope that these can be fixed by tomorrow03:51
Kamionand a few other bits, but only 8MB or so worth of other bits03:51
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pittiHi jdthood 03:52
jdthoodhi ho03:52
sabdflKamion: can the livecd be different to desktop?03:52
Kamionwe've squeezed pretty much all we can out without touching desktop03:52
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Kamionsabdfl: it's theoretically possible, but there's no infrastructure for doing it at the moment; I'm not sure I want to try to create that infrastructure three days before release03:52
Kamionwe thought we'd be OK for breezy without that03:53
sabdfli'm not sure i want to weaken our python position in favour of winfoss03:53
sabdflwe already dropped thunderbird, right?03:53
hno73heh, looks like I'm against the well03:54
Kamionyes, but that only affected the install CD; thunderbird and epiphany were never on the live CD in the first place03:54
Kamionis python2.4-samba really a core part of our Python position? at 5MB+ it's an awfully large piece03:54
infinityNothing depends on it, except the metapackages..03:55
Kamionit's about as big as the OO.o2 database and spreadsheet components put together03:55
infinityAnd, despite years of samba usage, I can't claim to have ever used it.03:55
infinityTake that for what it's worth.03:56
hno73The Ubuntu winfoss i386 is currently: OpenOffice2, Firefox and gaim03:56
dokoI think we don't loose anything removing python2.4-samba03:56
hno73Firefox is 5mb, gaim is 6. We can't drop firefox though. the poor w32 users needs it :)03:57
infinity(I don't suppose we could sneak PuTTY on the WinFOSS side?... Then I'd always have a copy everywhere I went..)03:57
infinityelmo : ping ... Can I get a sync of expect-tcl8.3 from Debian?... The only thing is changes is to fix the FTBFS we just saw in -autotest.03:58
infinityelmo : s/is changes/it changes/03:58
\shwell...I would remove gaim, cause there are other, better GPL alternattives for gaim on windows, e.g. mirandaIM03:59
infinityTo each their own, I've used GAIM on Win32 for ages.03:59
Kamionpython2.4-samba accounts for 30% of the total space consumed by all python packages in desktop; there are 126 such packages in total04:00
Kamionsabdfl: in any case, powerpc is also under pressure, and dropping WinFOSS won't help there04:00
smurfIMHO dropping python-twisted won't hurt too many people (if any)04:00
sivanglol, but really firefox on that cd is a must have, everytime someone cmoplains about viruses coming through it's explorer, I give them the WinFOSS cd :)04:01
Kamionsmurf: I'm reluctant to push for that one04:01
dokosmurf: on the desktop, it's not a loss04:01
smurfKamion: people who really want to use twisted need the docs anyway04:01
fabbioneDiziet: ping?04:02
infinityDiziet : BTW, I'll apply the no-strict-aliasing fix to Thunderbird as soon as I get approval for the 1.0.7 upload.04:02
Kamionsamba's the big killer, at >5MB. opengl is 2.8MB or so, twisted is 1.2MB.04:02
fabbioneinfinity: thanks.. that's what i was going to ask to Diziet 04:02
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smurf5 MB is a lot of Python :-/04:03
Dizietfabb: Yes ?04:03
DizietOh, right.04:03
fabbioneDiziet: moz-thunderbird :)04:03
Kamionit's almost all enormous .so files which are apparently big chunks of samba04:04
DizietThe change is trivial.  OPTFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing in the right point in debian/rules.04:04
Kamionor massive autogenerated bindings, I can't tell04:04
DizietNear where it says -DDEBIAN.04:05
Kamionhno73: what are the applications in the amd64 tarball at the moment?04:05
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sabdflKamion: ok, go ahead and drop them04:06
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sabdflinfinity: is 1.0.7 coming into breezy?04:07
infinitysabdfl : That's the plan.04:07
infinitysabdfl : It's security fixes, plus a few conservative bugfixes, just waiting on mdz to wake up for approval.04:07
pittisabdfl: if that happens, we will also put it into hoary and warty04:08
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ograKamion, * python-imaging-sane # pulls in big packages, can cut it if needed04:08
ograwhat about that one ? 04:08
hno73Kamion: firefox, abiword, gaim, thunderbird04:10
dokoogra: what do you save with python-imaging-sane04:11
ogradoko, no idea, i didnt make that comment in the seeds....04:11
sabdflpitti: awesome, folks will be very happy i think04:11
ograbut looking at it i dont see the mentioned big deps...04:11
dokoafaik libsane is needed by other packages as well04:11
pittiKamion: since I don't add ooo-help-en-gb to l-support-en, shall I also remove ooo-l10n-en-gb from it? it would save 2.5 MB04:12
hno73Kamion: if you need to drop one I would say thunderbird04:12
sabdflpython-imaging-sane can go04:12
smurfdoko: like OOo2 ;-)04:12
dokosmurf: ?04:13
pittisabdfl: hm, that's only 25 kB04:13
segfaultogra: pong04:13
smurfdoko: wrt libsane04:13
pittisabdfl: sorry, didn't look at the dependencies; python2.4-imaging is big04:13
ograsegfault, what arches do you have around there ? i'd like to prepare a xss package for testing for you... it seems the whole pt_BR.po file was set to iso-8859-1 04:14
ograsegfault, i'd like to change that... all others are utf-804:14
dokopitti: python2.4-imaging is 300k04:14
segfaultogra: just x8604:14
Kamionsabdfl: thanks04:15
smurfpitti: I'd rather keep python-imaging, it does have a couple of desktop-ish scripting uses04:15
pittidoko: yes, it's still tiny comared against twisted and such, but more than 25 kB :-)04:15
pittismurf: agreed04:15
Kamionogra: I think that comment is out of date; there are no packages in desktop that are pulled in only by {python,python2.4}-imaging-sane04:15
ograsegfault, ok, i'll prepare a package for testing later today... i'll ping you or add a comment to the bug04:15
pittibut before we start to drop packages to free 70 kB (python-imaging) we should identify the bigger ones which can go04:15
ograKamion, yes, thats what i figured now... i was just alerted by the comment :)04:15
=== Kamion removes the outdated comment; python-imaging-sane is not worth bothering with
segfaultogra: nice, thanks.04:16
Kamionpitti: maybe that should be the other way round; at the moment the only OO.o2 locale we have on the CD is en_GB04:17
Kamionpitti: so perhaps add openoffice.org2-help-en-gb instead?04:17
dokoKamion: no04:18
pittiKamion: WFM04:18
Kamiondoko: ?04:18
pittiKamion: and same for -locale?04:18
infinityKamion : Approval for pppoeconf, svp.  According to feedback from people at bug 10080, this should fix it once and for all.04:18
smurfHmm, UBZ's FirstAgainstTheWall session will be interesting ;-)04:18
dokoKamion: en-US is needed for OOo204:18
dokofor all languages04:18
Kamiondoko: only help, or l10n too?04:18
dokoonly -l10n, as as a fallback help, when the locale package is not found04:19
dokoso I would prefer -en-us over -en-gb04:19
fabbionehey doko04:19
Kamiondoko: well, germinate output suggests that it is not that way at present04:19
KamionI agree with pitti; if we're taking en-us we should drop en-gb04:19
dokoKamion: openoffice.org2-core depends on openoffice.org2-l10n-en-us04:20
Lathiatinfinity: i'll try out pppoeconf04:20
pittidoko, Kamion: ok, so I seed l10n/help en-gb and add en-us to the l-support-en package?04:20
jbaileyIt's funny to see a whole bunch of people who don't speak American English proposing that it should be the default.04:20
Lathiatinfinity: not sure this fixes upgrades tho04:20
Kamiondoko: oh, crap, ok04:20
Kamionyou're right; I hadn't checked deskop04:20
Kamionpitti: yes, please do04:21
pittijbailey: few people would agree to put l-support-de onto the CD instead :-)04:21
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infinityLathiat : I think we're too late to try to sort out upgrades on this one. :/04:21
dokopitti: please test before, that en-gb is used as fallback help, if the language specific help is not installed04:21
Lathiatinfinity: heh04:21
pittidoko: you mean en-us?04:21
Lathiati don't knwo why that patch was rejected upstream, its a perfectly sane thing to do04:21
Lathiati should ask the debian maintainer04:21
dokopitti: AFAIU you do want to put help-en-gb on the cd, which IMO is wrong04:22
jbaileypitti: I imagine.  But AFAIK, The US is the only place that uses US spellings in English.  I thought everywhere else used UK spellings.04:22
pittidoko: no: <pitti> doko, Kamion: ok, so I seed l10n/help en-gb and add en-us to the l-support-en package?04:22
pittidoko: I have to explicitly put -en-gb into supported since l-support-en does not depend on them any more04:22
Kamionso, I've moved python-twisted and python2.4-samba out to supported; not sure about python-opengl, since it seems more obviously desktop-ish. we'll see how it goes04:22
dokopitti: yes, you are reight04:22
pittidoko: is that fine?04:22
dokopitti: yes04:22
dokofabbione: hi04:23
fabbionedoko: did you read the scrollback from this morning?04:23
dokofabbione: nothing highlighted ...04:24
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fabbionedoko: hmmm strange.. anyway OO2 works perfectly on sparc64.. it's way faster than the amd64 04:24
fabbionebut faster a lot...04:24
dokocool :)04:25
fabbioneyup :)04:25
dokofabbione: wait, until it's built natively for amd6404:25
dokoanyway, need to run, see you later04:25
fabbionedoko: right.. later..04:25
tepsipakkikamion: sorry to bother you, but on the d-i preconfig-example it says that from kernel 2.6.9-> the number of environment and kernel variables is 32+32, but my breezy netboot won't accept more than 8 (+?)04:28
tepsipakkikamion: so is this a bug or a feature?04:28
fabbionetepsipakki: it depends how long they are04:28
fabbionetepsipakki: there is also a limit in size04:28
tepsipakkiso a static network is basically not possible to put there?04:29
fabbionetepsipakki: it depends.. it might be04:29
Kamionyeah, I think the size limit is something like 256 characters - can't remember for sure04:30
tepsipakkifabbione: I also need to preseed console-keymap and the preseed-file... so a full "append" line contains some 12 variables04:30
Kamiontepsipakki: use kbd-chooser/method=us (or similar) instead of console-keymap-blah04:31
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Kamionthat's usually shorter04:31
tepsipakkiok, thanks04:31
Kamionyou still have the option of rebuilding the initrd to put a preseed file in there if necessary04:31
fabbionetepsipakki: yeah, you are over the max lenght. I suggest you to do the minimum you need on the cmd line required to pull in the preseed file04:31
fabbioneand manage as much as you can from the preseed04:31
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jdubmjg59: ping04:32
tepsipakkiI already tried to work with the initrd, but the problem is that you need one initrd per machine, if they use static ip:s04:32
Kamionyou could possibly hack around that with variables set on the command line04:33
Kamion(kernel command line)04:33
mjg59jdub: Hi04:33
Kamioni.e. NETCFG_IP=blah, then use a preseed command to fill in the actual preseed from that04:33
Kamionor alternatively use /preseed.cfg in the initrd for everything except the IP address04:34
jdubmjg59: Robot101 asked me about something you wanted to do on the 12th - is that in addition to the formal hall?04:34
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Kamionor use kickstart (which brings the network up earlier) and supplement the result with preseeds for finer control04:34
tepsipakkiuh, kickfart04:34
Kamionit's just a layer over preseeding in Ubuntu04:35
Kamionpejorative names notwithstanding04:35
tepsipakkibut I've just learned to love d-i ;)04:35
tepsipakki(and hate)04:35
Kamionkickstart in Ubuntu *is* d-i04:35
mjg59jdub: Yup04:36
Kamionwe translate kickstart directives into d-i preseeding04:36
ogratepsipakki, its the "Kamion is a magician" ubuntu kickstart :)04:36
jdubmjg59: what are the timings?04:36
tepsipakkiogra, kamion: ok ok I'll look into it ;)04:36
mjg59The meal will be 7:30ish04:36
ogratepsipakki, and it has a nice gu to ease the work04:36
mjg59If you wanted to give a talk beforehand, that could be arranged04:36
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pittiKamion, doko: new support packages uploaded, seed adjustments done04:37
tepsipakkiogra: my gui is the cmdline and cron04:37
Kamionogra: IME people doing lots of funky installer deployments don't really care about GUIs, but your mileage may vary04:37
ograi found the gui very helpful...04:38
Kamionpitti: d'oh, I'd just uploaded ubuntu-meta04:38
pittiKamion: and that hurts?04:38
Kamionoh, good, I don't need to reupload it04:38
Kamionnah, just mistakenly thought you'd have had to change the live seed04:39
pittiKamion: the seeding was just to make anastacia quiet04:39
pittiah, alright04:39
tepsipakkiogra: the server I work with is a woody04:40
Mithrandirpitti: (re cfengine and -doc), yes that sounds silly.  If anything, we should rather have cfengine2 in main, not cf1.04:41
pittiMithrandir: I just did a security fix to cf1, cf2 also needs one04:41
pittiMithrandir: can you please discuss this with mdz/Kamion and unseed it perhaps?04:41
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segfaultogra: IIRC, you can use "recode" to convert everything from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-804:42
Kamionsegfault: or just iconv, which comes with glibc04:43
ograsegfault, that should be done on build depending on the charset selected in the po file ...04:43
ograsegfault, there are no special chars in the pt_BR file, except this one line04:43
segfaulthumm, ok04:44
Mithrandirpitti: yes, once my body stops melting and my head stops wanting to explode, I can.04:44
\shogra: do u need a german sun usb keyboard including mouse?04:44
\shogra: new one04:45
ograsegfault, in fact, if you look a bit closer, all strings that are translated have the translation: "Propriedades da proteo de tela04:45
ogra\sh, absolutely !04:45
\shogra: ok...u sure they're running on a bloody x86 laptop?04:45
ograwhy not...04:45
\shok...grab one for u as well...ish throws out...NEW SUN USB keyboards +lol*04:46
ograi used susus's ppc keyboard when i had to work around the breakage on my laptop...04:46
KamionRiddell, ogra: I'm going to do {kubuntu,edubuntu}-meta uploads to sync up with Ubuntu seed changes, if that's OK04:46
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RiddellKamion: ok with me04:46
ograKamion, will you trigger new CD builds after that ?04:46
\shogra: delivery will be friday after work ;)04:46
Kamionogra: no, I'll probably just wait for the dailies04:47
ograKamion, else leave it to me, i'll have to find another 20MB to drop on ppc anyway04:47
Kamionogra: ok, fine04:47
segfaultogra: yeap... xscreensaver is messed up. Should i work on it or gnome-screensaver will be the default on dapper?04:47
ograsegfault, gnome-screensaver will be the default on dapper... but xscreensaver is the supported one fr breezy...04:47
ograKamion, any opinion ? the po file for pt_BR is totally messed apparently... would it be ok to replace the complete translation at this point ? 04:48
segfaultogra: no problem then. i'll try to work on it.04:48
Kamionogra: I've done a seed merge, which should help04:49
ograok, thanks :)04:49
Kamionogra: what package is this?04:49
\shok..going home....04:49
\shcu around 04:49
ograKamion, xscreensaver04:49
Kamionogra: yes, if you do it very soon04:50
ograKamion, it would else pick up pt.po 04:50
ograsegfault, so if you volunteer, id replace the whole traslation...04:50
=== ogra doesnt speak pt :)
segfaultogra: but please change the desktop description. :-)04:51
segfaultogra: i can work on it, when is the deadline?04:51
ograsegfault, in pt you mean ? would that be ok for normal pt translations ? 04:51
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ograsegfault, last month ? *g*04:51
ograsegfault, no, to be serious, asap...04:52
segfaultogra: heh. pt should be ok, and at least change the desktop file, because the "screen" description in pt is "ecr", and in pt_BR is "tela"...04:52
segfaultogra: i'll try to work today, changing in rosetta would be sufficient?04:53
ograhmm, i thought you couldnt fint it in rosetta04:53
Kamionhno73: how much space would we save on amd64 by dropping Thunderbird?04:53
segfaultogra: its there, but looks like to be empty04:54
segfaultdunno why.04:54
hno73Kamion: 5.75 MB04:54
segfaultkamion: are you guys fighting to get all the langpacks in the livecd? :P04:55
Kamionsegfault: not a hope. I'm fighting to get everything *else* in the live CD that has to go in there04:55
segfaultkamion: the live dvds should contain them, right?04:55
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Kamionhno73: let me get back to you on that. I think it'll be necessary, but don't have the figures right now04:56
hno73Kamion: make that 6mb (some screenshots get removed too)04:56
Kamionsegfault: at the moment I'm afraid the live DVD contains the same filesystem image as the live CD04:56
Kamionwe should probably fix that eventually04:56
hno73Kamion: OK04:56
Kamionor else make it know how to install language packs from the archive on the DVD, which contains the .debs04:56
ograpitti, a reboot is required if i update xscreensaver ???04:57
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segfaultprobably not, just kill the daemon04:58
da_bon_bondoes the hibernate of ubuntu unmount all disks before hibernating ?04:58
ograpitti, it will break if it doesnt reread the X defaults from /etc/X11/app-defaults ... but asking for a reboot is heavy... this code was there since warty and is also in debian04:59
ograsegfault, thats exactly what it does since ages04:59
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Kamion-Depends: myspell-ga, aspell-ga, mozilla-firefox-locale-ga-ie,05:03
Kamion+Depends: myspell-ga, aspell-ga, mozilla-firefox-locale-ga-ie, , openoffice.org2-help-ga05:03
Kamionpitti: looks funny05:03
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pittiogra: no, of course a reboot is not required05:04
Keybukseb128: ping05:04
seb128Keybuk: pong05:05
pittiogra: for my sake you could just drop the kill command completely05:05
ograpitti, this will break05:05
Keybukseb128: could you add "exec 2>/tmp/network.log" to the top of /etc/hotplug/net.agent for me and attach that file to your bug05:05
ograpitti, the daemon will just silently quit... 05:06
pittiKamion: oh, I think I know what's wrong - I should filter out empty lines in the db lists05:06
seb128Keybuk: sure, doing that now05:06
pittiKamion: shall I upload a new one?05:06
Kamionpitti: does it actually break anything? if not, no need05:07
Kamionif so, feel free05:07
Keybukuh, sorry net.rc!05:07
Keybukactually, can you add it (with 2>> instead) to the tops of net.agent, net.rc and net.ifup05:07
Keybukand stick "set -x" after it <g>05:07
=== Keybuk gets his brain in gear
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pittiKamion: dpkg-buildpackage seems to sanitize it anyway05:10
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ograpitti, i tae back the "since ages" :)05:11
ogra  * debian/xscreensaver.postinst:05:11
ogra    + send SIGHUP to all running xscreensaver processes.05:11
ogra[....]    -- Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>  Thu, 24 Mar 2005 00:06:43 +010005:11
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pittiogra: I just generally think it is evilish05:11
pittiogra: especially if it breaks screen locks05:12
ograpitti, but it will have evil side effects if it doesnt reread the config05:12
pittiogra: but if it breaks otherwise, I'll shut up :-)05:12
ograi.e. it might just stop working the next time xscreensaver-command acts05:12
pittiogra: why should it? once it runs, it shouldn't re-read its config, or does it?05:12
pittiogra: but if it stumbles over a new config later, why should it work if you forcefully restart it?05:13
ograif the config changed on upgrades it needs to reread the changes... to not call non existing screensavers etc05:13
ograand there were a lot changes hoary->breezy05:13
ograi.e. the lockscreen will not work if the new config isnt in place...05:13
ogra(the handling of the new login button done by upstream is through the new config file... the lockwindow drawing depends on it for example)05:14
Kamionpitti: ok, fine, can just be left alone then05:16
Keybukhmm, you know, sometimes I think my brain has a flappy-paddle gearbox05:16
pittiogra: not having the new login button until the user reboots seems fine to me, but of course it should not just die05:17
ograpitti, the real bug is that xss doesnt act rigth on HUP05:17
pittiogra: still this is confusing to me05:17
ograpitti, you dont understand...05:17
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pittiogra: either xscreensaver restarts automatically (i. e. after killing it) or it doesn't05:17
ograpitti, the whole window and all text will be gone ...05:17
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ograits not that easy...05:18
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pittiogra: I didn't claim that it was easy, I just want to understand it :-)05:19
pittiogra: if it breaks that hard, then the current way needs to stay for breezy anyway05:19
ograpitti, exactly...05:19
seb128Keybuk: 17472  updated05:19
Keybukelmo: could you PLEASE buy us a real SSL cert05:20
Keybukor just change to one that's not EXPIRED :p05:20
ograpitti, and the right fix is to move on to a better screensaver implementation... i'm fine with having the same behavior sarge and sid have now...05:20
ogra...and to move to gnome-screensaver next week :)05:20
ZnarlKeybuk : I know, I know.  I will get to it soon.05:21
Keybukseb128: hmm, your /etc/iftab is trying to swap your ethernet cards around?05:21
Keybuk(it's plugging eth0, and getting it renamed to eth1, and getting all confused)05:21
=== ogra drops gcompris from powerpc with tears in his eyes...
seb128Keybuk: that's a stock install, iftab has eth0 / eth1 lines with the corresponding mac05:23
Keybukright, try swapping them around <g>05:23
Keybukso what was eth0 is now eth1, and vice-versa05:23
Keybukfix network/interfaces to match05:24
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Keybukhotplug can't deal with interface swapsies because it's stupid05:25
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Keybukit decides it needs to coldplug eth0 and eth1, starts eth0 which has to be renamed to eth1, so moves eth1 to eth2 and eth0 to eth1, then ifup's eth1; then starts on eth1 (not eth2)05:27
azeemMd agreed to first look at /etc/modules in the future, so you can force an order through that, btw05:29
mjg59This would be easier if we just put mac addresses in e/n/i05:29
Keybukmjg59: that's my dapper plan05:30
Keybukto remove all vestiges of eth0/eth1 etc. so they just don't fucking matter05:30
Keybukthe user will see "Wireless card" and "Wired card" or whatever05:30
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azeemwhat about NetworkManager?05:30
azeemdoes that play with e/n/i at all?05:30
Keybukbasically same as we do for sda* -- doesn't matter what the * is as long as the mount point is sane05:30
seb128Keybuk: switching eth0/eth1 from iftab fixes the issue05:31
Keybukseb128: I thought it might; thanks05:31
KeybukI had a fix for that, but the fix breaks more than it solved05:31
seb128any chance it got fixed for 5.10?05:31
Keybukno, it's just too damned low-level05:31
seb128what component decide the switch the cards?05:32
Keybukand completely broke pcmcia network cards, etc.05:32
KeybukI want to kill ifrename, and just make it so we never care which card is eth0 and eth1, because we configure by MAC, rather than kernel-assigned-random-number05:32
mjg59Keybuk: Are we still using ifrename?05:32
mjg59(since it gets called on resume)05:32
Keybukyes, in breezy05:32
seb128hum, k05:32
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Keybukbreezy's hotplug is a mess, sadly05:33
j^Kaloz configuration based on MAC is not so nice on a server, where you just want to replace the first network adapter and be done with it05:36
Keybukj^: define "first"05:36
Keybukis that the first by PCI order, the first by module load order, or the first by entropy of whichever one completes PCI initialisation first?05:37
LathiatKeybuk: any idea if hotplug-ng is at all sane?05:37
j^Keybuk i know thats right now order of modules, pci order05:37
KeybukLathiat: "replacements for hotplug" are very sane05:37
Keybukj^: actually, wrong05:37
LathiatKeybuk: i more meant hotplug-ng specifically05:37
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Lathiatbut ok05:37
Keybukmodules now don't block during loading05:37
Keybukload one with firmware before one without05:37
Keybukand guess which way they end up plugged05:38
Keybuk(tip: it's pretty much 50/50)05:38
Keybukyou can even get a cute effect where loading them means the second one wins because it's got better PCI karma05:38
Keybukeven without firmware05:38
Keybukit's just too unpredictable these days05:38
KeybukI think it's _FAR_ better for you as a sysadmin to assign names to them (if you don't like the ones the Installer picked)05:38
Keybukso you could replace "Wired Ethernet Card #1"05:39
Keybukand not care which eth? that was05:39
Lathiati think you more need reliable actual names, for scripts etc05:39
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jdthoodLathiat: There has been discussion of this in #29005:40
=== Lathiat looks at it
Lathiathm, no05:41
Lathiatah i was using the wrong url to bugz05:41
Keybukwhich scripts?05:41
LathiatKeybuk: anything use interface names05:42
Lathiatsay, iptables05:42
Keybukwe'll find a way to fix those05:42
Keybukthe other option is just not using eth* and assigning different names to them with ifrename05:42
Keybukwhich is even ickier05:42
Keybukand actually has exactly the same damned bug05:42
Keybukifconfig net0 would annoy people05:43
Lathiatcant we just assign an ethX to each new card we find05:43
Lathiatand keep it only for that05:43
Lathiatwhy not?05:43
Keybukbecause the kernel assigns those05:43
Lathiatyeh but you can rename them?05:43
Lathiatif we make issues with that not suck05:43
Keybukright, but what if the X is already taken by another card?05:43
Keybukwhich you're also _simultaneously_ hotplugging?05:44
Lathiatmy point being, it shouldnt05:44
Keybukbut it will be05:44
Lathiatso the first time you hotplug05:44
Keybuktwo network cards, the first is eth0, the second is eth105:44
LathiatKeybuk: oh so your saying05:44
Lathiatat the split second you get both05:44
Keybukyou want to swap them05:44
Keybukyou can't, because you're trying to swap them both simultaneously05:44
hughsiehey, desrt?05:44
Lathiatcould hack the drivers to initially name them netX and rename to ethX ;p05:44
Keybukthat's just as bad05:44
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Lathiatand then first time you find a card, assign ethX, and then rename to that each time you see it, and nothing else wil el ever use it05:45
jdthoodeth_X would be better than netX05:45
maeIf something is MIT licensed, is it legal to take that code and incorporate it into gpl code and then release it as gpl code?05:45
jdthoodYou just need to use a separate namespace.05:45
\shdoes anyone have a sun keyboard map for x86 xorg with german layout?05:46
Keybukmae: no.  you must release it as MIT code05:46
Keybukbut you can integrate MIT code into GPL code, and release the GPL bits as GPL, and the MIT bits as MIT05:46
Keybukwhich is what you intended to mean, you just need to be carefully specific05:46
maeKeybuk, but the mit license says basically, you are free to do whatever you want to it.05:46
Keybukexcept relicence05:46
Keybukthe MIT licence does not grant you that permission05:46
Keybukit is however compatible with the GPL, and vice-versa, so code licenced under both can be combined into an aggregate work (with each bit licenced appropriately)05:47
Lathiatmae: you could also  ask the author if theyd relicense it to GPL05:47
Keybukjdthood: that's just a kludge though, in the long term05:47
KeybukI think removing reliance on the kernel-assigned names is the right solution05:47
LathiatKeybuk: but thats hard to do nicely05:47
Keybukit's _SO_ easy for a firewall script to get the name of the device from the address05:47
KeybukLathiat: isn't, it's pretty easy actually05:47
LathiatKeybuk: sure but addresses arent always static05:47
Lathiatmany ISPs (here at least) assign dynamic IPs say05:48
jdthoodWell, using ifrename to map to eth_X eliminates dependency on what the kernel decides to name interfaces originally.05:48
Keybukaddress == MAC address05:48
LathiatKeybuk: oh, right05:48
jdthoodOther solutions are just going to reproduce what ifrename already does, in other tools.05:48
Lathiatstill makes it hassly for lots of existing stuff05:48
Keybukjdthood: not at all05:48
KeybukI'm saying we configure network interfaces based on details other than their kernel-assigned name05:48
jdthoodifrename looks at the MAC address and assigns a name, say eth_0.  This is a stable name that can be used by everything else.05:49
KeybukLathiat: the existing stuff will work as well as it does now, because it will use the kernel-assigned names which we won't change05:49
Keybukthe existing stuff is _currently_ sensitive to kernel-assigned name changes05:49
jdthoodThe alternative suggestion, I take it, is to make everything else look at the MAC addresss.05:49
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Keybukjdthood: where "everything else" is basically just network-manager05:50
LathiatKeybuk: doesn't solve reliability for other thigns tho, thats what im trying to say05:50
Lathiatbut yes, that would be a start05:50
Lathiatwhats plans for dapper in hotplug/udev/etc land05:50
jdthoodWell, reinventing the wheel seems to be the name of the network-manager game.05:51
sivangLathiat: see the first groupe of BOFs suggestions :) (most of them but scott I think)05:54
jdthoodIn Debian I take it Md has replaced hotplug with udev and coldplug.05:54
j^sometimes its better to start over than to try to fix things05:54
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KeybukLathiat: not for "existing" stuff, but we'll provide an easy way for those to be updated to work05:54
j^jdthood but i do not agree with your that network-manager is about reinventing the wheel, it actually brings network configuration to the desktop, something i did not see before on linux.05:54
Keybukfirewall configuration in a "network up" event that confirms the card is the right one -- rather than a boot-time script run at a hopeful point in the sequence05:55
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Keybuknew world order should be an /etc/scripts/firewall-dmz which has at the top "run when interface up 12:34:56:78:9a" or something05:58
mdzseb128: what is the reason for this evolution-2.2.desktop addition?  it seems safe of course, but I don't understand why it is necessary05:59
Keybukyou could even add "hourly, boot, ipod plugged in" type triggers05:59
Keybukbut that's a bit past dapper, which has to be supportable for a while <g>05:59
infinityAhh, mdz, ahoy!05:59
Keybukmorning, boss05:59
sivangmdz: there's an issue with that one , after an upgrade the panle's link/launcher stops to work05:59
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seb128mdz: gnome-panel writtes its configuration on first startup. You install hoary, login evolution-2.2.desktop is used. You upgrade to evolution2.4, the package ships evolution-2.4.desktop ... 06:01
infinitymdz : I've reviewed the upstream thunderbird 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7 diff, and it's all very small/safe security and bug fixes.06:01
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ogramdz, do you have any suggestion about my ldm change i mailed you on friday ? i'd like to see that in, its already available in my bazaar repo06:02
infinitymdz : I've been running test packages here for the last 12+ hours, stressing them a afair bit, and all is well.06:02
seb128mdz: did you get my mail about it ?06:02
infinitymdz : Do I have approval to shove it into breezy (and do the security updates with 1.0.7 to hoary/warty)?06:02
HiddenWolfhm, firefox is slow06:02
infinitymdz : As well as do the -fno-strict-aliasing fix (in breezy only)06:02
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pittiHi mdz 06:03
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mdzseb128: yes, package is approved now06:04
mdzinfinity: thunderbird 1.0.7 OK06:04
mdzogra: did you talk to Kamion about fixing this it on the ssh side instead?06:05
mdzI don't know where ssh gets its default PATH from06:05
infinitymdz : Thanks.06:05
mdzprobably hardcoded, knowing those guys06:05
ogramdz, all DMs do it this way, i dont think setting /usr/games for ssh at complie time would be right... Kamion ?06:06
infinitymdz : Can I get you to approve the pppoeconf in the queue too?06:06
infinitymdz : The patch applied there has had some positive feedback from a few users.06:06
ogramdz, its hardcoded06:06
ogramdz, i checed gdm, wdm and xdm, they all set the path themselves before establishing a session...06:07
mdzinfinity: already done06:07
infinitymdz : Cheers.06:07
mdzogra: but we don't use gdm, wdm or xdm06:07
mdzogra: everything should use the same default path, including ssh06:07
ogramdz, but we establish a session after login... 06:07
ogramdz, root shouldnt have /usr/games in the path...06:07
mdzogra: why?06:08
ograheh, no idea, beacause its traditional ? 06:08
mdzKamion: what's the latest on the live CD squeeze?06:09
ograKamion, any opinion? ltsp needs /usr/games in PATH ... ssh has set a default path without it at compile time, if i understand it right, ~/.ssh/environment is considered evil 06:09
wasabi_hey so, need some oem-config advice. Installing it on a chrooted system, want to configure it so it pops up on the first boot of the chroot.06:10
wasabi_Not finding what needs to be set in inittab documented.06:10
ograKamion, my guess would have been to set the path from ldm bfore the session is established06:10
ograKamion, mdz thinks that should be done in ssh06:10
seb128Keybuk: are you sure than the eth bug affect "few unfortunate people"06:11
seb128Keybuk: my laptop has nothing special, it just has a wireless eth0 and an eth1 (and it works fine with hoary)06:12
Keybuktbh, I really don't know06:12
Keybukthe installer seems to sometimes randomly plug them the other way to the boot sequence06:13
Keybukwhich is why you end up with a backwards iftab in the first place06:13
seb128so there is an installer bug too?06:13
Keybukthe installer detects hardware differently06:14
Keybukfor whatever reason it saw your wireless card first, so named that eth0 and your wired eth1; if I'm reading the runes right06:14
Keybukwhere the normal boot sequence sees your wired card first and your wireless seconds06:14
Keybukand ifrename tries to swap them, but hotplug fucks it up06:14
seb128hum, I though that the wireless had been eth0 06:15
seb128with hoary too06:15
seb128not sure right now though06:15
seb128I'll play with that06:15
KeybukI'd love to know why the installer behaves like that06:16
Keybukit might have something to do with when the restricted modules get added to the pudding I guess06:16
Keybukor even just the wireless ones06:16
KeybukI couldn't get it to do anything here06:17
Keybukthe explanation how to fix it ("swap the lines in iftab") was far less scary than a ground-up rewrite of the hotplug net.* stuff right before release06:17
seb128but it makes than the laptop works out of the box with hoary and not now06:18
mdzmy desktop hung overnight, second time this week06:18
seb128I've to "sudo dhclient" before doing anything06:18
mdzs/this/& past/06:18
mdznot very confidence-inspiring06:18
seb128I don't expect any user to go edit /etc/iftab06:18
mdzsomething X-related, the box was still alive and on the network06:19
Keybukseb128: the reports are incredibly rare, yours is actually the first since well before preview06:19
jdthoodmdz: What video driver?06:19
mdzjdthood: ati06:19
Keybukand the last person did a reinstall and it didn't happen that time :-/06:20
mdzwas very stable for most of breezy06:20
seb128Keybuk: crispin just pinged me on #epiphany when you dupped my bug from 290 saying the bug is really annoying, but yeah, that does only 2 people :)06:20
jdthoodmdz: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4486 ?06:20
Kamionogra: at this stage, I'd much rather see the change happen in ldm06:20
mdzthere haven't been ati changes in breezy for quite a while, I don't think06:20
seb128Keybuk: I've done random candidate/daily install for 10 days, that happens 100% of the time here06:20
infinitymdz : If you can approve expect-tcl8.3 too, that'd be great (just an FTBFS fix)06:21
mdzjdthood: that's vague enough to match my symptoms06:21
Keybukit's a bit confusing because #290 was originally a different bug, but it's become the home to this problem now <g>06:21
ograKamion, me  too... do you think doing it in shh would be right at all ?06:21
mdzinfinity: done06:21
seb128Keybuk: just booted hoary on the laptop, eth0 is ipw2200, eth1 is 8139 ... ie: the same06:21
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Kamionogra: .ssh/environment is security-broken and will go away06:21
infinitymdz : The only radeon changes I know of are blacklisting (and unblacklisting) renderaccel on various PCI IDs.06:21
Keybukoh bugger06:21
Keybukyou know what I think it is06:21
infinitymdz : If you haven't noticed X getting noticeably slower and/or faster, that hasn't hit your card.06:21
Keybukin breezy, firmware for the ipw2200 isn't loaded synchronously06:21
ograKamion, yup, thats how i understood it06:21
mdzinfinity: and that only on 20 Sep according to the changelog06:22
hubseb128: the abiword package in main does not have equation and grammar support :-(06:22
hubseb128: FYI06:22
Kamionogra: not really; I'm fairly sure that if I put /usr/games in root's $PATH I'd get bugs saying "why is all this random crap in my system administration path?"06:22
seb128hub: what is needed for that? build-depends?06:22
Keybukso ipw2200 is loading firmware while 8139 is loading and beats it to getting eth006:22
Keybukso at boot, they get swapped06:22
mdzI'm unable to get the video card back into a working state by any means other than a hard reset06:22
seb128Keybuk: better explanation imho06:22
mdzit's good and wedged06:22
hubseb128: gtkmathview and link-grammar respectively06:22
Kamionogra: shouldn't you be starting a user session in some way rather than relying on root's path? I'd have expected root's path to be essentially irrelevant for desktops06:22
Keybukrandom, could you try booting with the hoary kernel on the breezy userland? :p06:23
hubseb128: I should check the package: we had a talk with joshk last night06:23
ograKamion, ldm runs ssh -X <server> Xsession06:23
Keybukactually, that almost certainly won't work :-/06:23
Keybukudev won't start06:23
jdthoodmdz: Search bugs.freedesktop.org under the ati and radeon driver components.  There are lots of reports of X lock ups, most that are reproducible under particular conditions (such as: only with acceleration)06:23
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mdzjdthood: I have no explanation for why it only started happening recently, though06:23
ograKamion, so there are three points where we could set it, ldm, ssh or Xsession...06:23
Keybukdoes crispin also have an ipw/non-firmware combination?06:24
seb128hub: not main packages, this is not going to be changed for 5.10 ...06:24
Keybukand does the ipw win eth0 in the installer (and iftab?)06:24
seb128Keybuk: asking06:24
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mdzogra: Xsession doesn't and shouldn't set a path06:24
ograKamion, by looking at all other DMs i found they set it before establishing a session...06:24
ogramdz, yup... 06:24
hubseb128: fine with me. I just thought you should know06:24
Kamionogra: surely you should be running the remote session as non-root06:24
seb128hub: yeah, thanks06:24
ograKamion, yes06:24
Kamioni.e. ssh -X nonprivilegeduser@<server> Xsession06:24
infinitymdz : Even more curious, when you realise that 99% of video card lockups wedge the hardware so badly that the wohle machine freezes, so your bug is SPECIAL.06:24
infinitymdz : Then again, that also makes youre a tiny bit debuggable, perhaps.06:25
ograKamion, err, yes, i omitted that bit, sorry... indeed we give the username to ssh06:25
hubseb128: equation in a plugin. grammar too. so we can make universe packages for that:-) and push them to the next release in main :-))06:25
Kamionogra: ah, I see, it's not about root at all - something in scrollback confused me06:25
mdzyeah, unfortunately I was in no position to debug it the last time06:25
seb128hub: no, because abiword source package is main and the Build-Depends have to be main06:25
Kamionogra: I'll fix ssh to include /usr/games in the default non-root $PATH06:25
ograKamion, ok, thanks :) that was my last bad edubuntu bug06:26
=== ogra hugs Kamion
Kamionogra: go ahead and reassign the bug to me06:26
ograKamion, ok06:26
hubseb128: we'll talk about that at ubz :-) no urge06:26
=== infinity wonders why /usr/games still has its own binary path...
mdzKamion: are we still overflowing after removing -twisted and -samba?06:27
mjg59infinity: Has fglrx changed at all lately?06:28
elmoRiddell: ?06:28
Kamionmdz: I don't know yet - sorry, I was at the shops and am still working my way through all the questions people asked me in the meantime :)06:28
infinitymjg59 : Define "lately"... Hasn't for a month or so, at least.06:28
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jdthoodmdz: Is X using 100% CPU?06:28
Kamionmdz: FWIW the reason that the default paths are built into sshd is that there is no stable API for extracting the values from /etc/login.defs06:28
mjg59infinity: Ok. Suspend/resume seems to have broken for a load of fglrx people over the past week or so (not that I actually care, but still)06:28
Kamion(no, grep doesn't count)06:28
mdzKamion: perhaps we should have a SetDefaultPathInOneGodDamnPlaceSpec at UBZ06:29
infinitymjg59 : Ask them what framebuffers they're running, that's more likely a culprit than fglrx itself.06:29
Riddellelmo: hi06:29
mdzjdthood: dunno, this was last night and I reset it06:29
Keybukcould we have a SetDefaultLang/Umask one too?06:29
infinitymjg59 : The revelation that usplash now supports vesafb may have caused a mass migration or something.06:29
=== Keybuk still has a list of the 482 files that need changing to ensure a different umask on login <g>
Kamionmdz: I'd be happy to talk about it with shadow upstream at some point if I get the time06:30
infinitymjg59 : Also, radeonfb is known buggy (read: effin' broken) on most setups, so if anyone's using that, rap them on the knuckles.06:30
Kamionit's certainly been a long-standing annoyance06:30
ograKamion, err, i have no bugreport about it, only user reports about non working games entrys in the manu... want to fill me a new one? 06:30
Kamionogra: never mind then06:30
=== infinity goes for a walk to the store while his poor little DSL line uploads TBird.
jdthood"System locks up w/ radeonfb" https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19706:32
Kamionmdz: so I doubt -twisted and -samba will free up enough space, but they will get us a good chunk of the way there; the questions are (a) whether removing Thunderbird from the amd64 WinFOSS tarball will be enough after that, (b) whether powerpc will fit after that06:33
Kamionmdz: what do you think about python-opengl? it does seem moderately desktop-ish06:33
mdzKamion: as far as I'm concerned all of the python-* in the desktop seed is superfluous, but sabdfl has been known to disagree ;-)06:34
Kamionmdz: sabdfl OKed removing python-opengl if we needed to06:34
janimoelmo, is there an xfce4-taskmanager in the NEW queue? I uploaded one today but got no mail not even reject06:34
Kamionwasabi_: I don't use inittab to start oem-config any more; it caused a variety of tedious problems06:35
janimoI just signed it the changed-by field is not whitelisted06:35
Kamionwasabi_: see /usr/lib/base-config/menu/oem-config, which does 'update-rc.d oem-config start 12 2 3 4 5 .'06:35
Kamionjanimo: it's been processed already06:36
pittijanimo: xfce4-taskmanager_0.3.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes was accepted06:36
pittijanimo: at 2005-10-10 17:2506:36
janimohmm I wonder why I got no mail06:36
pittijanimo: yep, and it is in nEW06:37
seb128Keybuk: <crispin> seb128: yeah, an ipw220006:37
janimocan the NEW queue be seen from the outside?06:38
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Kamionjanimo: no06:38
Keybukok, so I understand why the bug affects you now06:38
Keybukthe ipw driver used to block for firmware, but that was crap because if you didn't find it in time, the driver sulked06:38
Keybukthey changed it to request firmware and get called back, which means the kernel is free to load other things while it's waiting06:39
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Kamionmdz: daniels tells me that xorg -77 fixes a mistaken lack of stripping of drivers, thereby saving a fair amount of space; it seems to revert the problematic untested stuff from -76. What do you think of it?06:48
mdzKamion: oh, I didn't notice that -76 had been replaced by -77 in helena output.  I'll have a look06:49
seb128"<crispin> seb128: yeah, but I don't have the 290 problem on my laptop, just a desktop machine" ... grumpf, no clear06:52
Keybukseb128: his desktop, I think, has an odd card which d-i doesn't recognise but lrm does06:58
seb128may be06:58
Keybukand it's at a higher pci number, so gets plugged on boot t'other way round06:59
mjg59Keybuk: Like any Atheros?06:59
Keybukatheros tend to be later in the pci numbering than the internal07:01
Keybukthe problems are:07:01
Keybuk1. the kernel plugs devices in a random order07:01
Keybukwell, pseudo-random07:01
mjg59Keybuk: Atheros stuff isn't supported in d-i07:01
Keybukwhich is in their view notabug, because you shouldn't rely on the order; and they go into details about schroedinger's network card which is a bit like schroedinger's freedrom toaster, but without the plane crash07:01
Keybuk2. the events arrive at userspace in a random order07:02
Keybukwhich is pretty much just #1 again07:02
Keybuk3. userspace takes a random amount of time to react to the event07:02
Keybuk4. the event takes a random amount of time to finish07:02
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Keybukfortunately we live in a universe of malignancy, so for most people the first one in the list ends up as eth0; just like their bread lands butter-side-down07:03
Keybukbut for some people, it just doesn't07:03
ficusplanetHey everyone.  With the Tango Project (http://tango-project.org/Tango_Desktop_Project) announced, I was wondering if Ubuntu will be supporting/using this icon theme?07:04
smurfKeybuk: so the solution seems to be to rename the interfaces based on their MAC address, or something07:04
Keybuksmurf: which we do07:04
mjg59I sense that we're approaching the beginning of this conversation07:04
mdzKamion: kelly'd07:04
Keybukbut the trouble is you end up trying to rename eth0 to eth1 and eth1 to eth0 at the same time07:04
Keybukand something goes ping and one of your network cards (which, sods law states, is usually the one you actually wanted) ends up flying across the room and sulking in the corner07:05
=== ogra <- dogwalk
smurfKeybuk: so think of entirely new names, and use these instead when you find a new card ..?07:06
Keybuksmurf: so Ubuntu wouldn't use eth0, eth1, et. al. except for some cards, which it would07:06
Keybukthis would be upsetting07:06
Keybukif I wanted to have to brute-force my network device names, I'd use FreeBSD07:06
=== Lathiat laughs
smurfWell, having cards randomly fly into a corner and sulk isn't entirely optimal either07:06
Keybukvery true; what I'd like to be doing next week is configuring and activating cards based on their MAC address, or perhaps device path07:07
Keybukso we wouldn't need to _care_ what random kernel name got assigned to it07:07
smurfYeah, right now is probably the worst possible time to attempt stuff like that ;-)07:08
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smurfI'd use MAC addresses, BTW; device paths can change randomly too ...07:09
Keybukthis isn't a regression on hoary, afaict ... hoary would fail to swap the network devices and ifup the wrong one07:09
Keybukie. it'd configure your wired for dhcp instead of your wireless07:09
Keybukwhich is basically what breezy is doing07:10
Kamionmdz: running a live filesystem build now so that I can see what's happening size-wise07:12
mdzKamion: thanks07:12
wasabi_Does oem-config require X?07:13
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wasabi_Seems to.07:13
wasabi_I'd be happy with my app for some ncurses debconf questions07:13
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infinitymdz : Can we get Tbird out of the queue and building, so I can babysit it and go to bed? :)07:14
HiddenWolfConfiguring postgresql.conf to use port 5432...07:16
HiddenWolfWarning: The socket directory for owners other than 'postgres'07:16
HiddenWolfdefaults to /tmp. You might want to change the unix_socket_directory parameter07:16
HiddenWolfin postgresql.conf to a more secure directory.07:16
HiddenWolfw t f!07:16
HiddenWolfIt should run under it's own user.07:16
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Kamionwasabi_: yes, sorry, at the moment it does; that can probably be fixed later07:27
HiddenWolfinfinity, new TB build?07:27
=== psichron test
=== psichron test
wasabi_Kamion, cool! Also, serial support. ;)07:28
wasabi_And "first time SSH login"07:29
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elvirolohi all07:37
elvirolobreezy still suffers from very critical bugs ...07:38
elvirololike this one http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14566 and this one http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1606607:39
dhonndamn hp07:39
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HiddenWolfelvirolo, there are sure to be more than a few of those.07:40
elvirolothe spca5xx is absolutely critical ... it completely freezes my (and others') system, even the magic sys req keys don't work07:40
elviroloHiddenWolf, I imagine so yeah07:40
elvirolowill they be fixed though ?07:41
HiddenWolfelvirolo, sorry to say, but at this piont, I doubt it.07:41
HiddenWolfelvirolo, best you can do is ask pitti or mdz07:41
elvirolosad :(07:42
dhonnim sure eventually it will get fixed its probably not just ubuntu users that have this problem07:43
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HiddenWolfdhonn, most likely not.07:43
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dhonnhasnt hp been helping 07:44
elvirolomy pinter did work under hoary though07:45
elvirolohow annoying07:45
dhonnremove hp printing services 07:47
dhonnthat might help07:47
dhonnchmod -x /etc/init.d/hplip07:48
dhonnit never was in hoary07:48
elvirologod of course i'm using windows right now07:49
elviroloi'll write this down07:49
Belutzcan i make ubuntu fit enough into a 512mb flash drive?07:49
Belutzor should I ask in #ubuntu?07:50
tsengI dont think so07:50
tseng /usr on my server install is at 717 atm07:50
mdzinfinity: I had already approved it before you said anything07:50
dhonnrecompile the livecd without a few packages07:51
Belutzhmmm i see07:51
dhonndump that to your flash drive07:51
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Belutzdhonn, any howto how to do that?07:52
infinitymdz : Cool.  An enigmail rebuild to go with it just got tested locally and uploaded.07:52
infinityAnd now I'm off ot bed.07:52
\shinfinity: good night07:52
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dhonnjust the knoppix documentation07:53
dhonnget a gig flash drive07:54
dhonninstall grub boot loader07:54
ograBelutz, dhonn, there is plenty of docs in the wiki about remastering the live CD and this is rather appropriate for #ubuntu07:54
dhonnthere you go Belutz07:55
Belutzogra, dhonn, thanks :)07:55
Belutzsomeone ask me how to do that for government project07:55
sivangogra: or #ubuntu-remastering :)07:56
dhonni learned how to make knoppix run directly from a ISO without the use of the live dvd, and just just grub07:56
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dhonnim sure it works the same way for a flash drive as it did for my hd07:57
dhonni wish the ubuntu live cd had the toram option again08:00
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wasabi_unionfs is pretty cool, except it doesnt' support moving files08:19
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kbrooksHey all.08:26
kbrooksI have a e-mail to send to -- shall I send it to ubuntu-users mailing list08:26
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kbrooksanyone here subscribed to ubuntu-devel?08:58
kbrooksPlease read the post I just sent08:59
kbrooksmirak: no support here. #ubuntu09:00
mirakkbrooks: I am there09:00
sivangmirak: I'm with you on #ubuntu09:03
Keybukkbrooks: the plan for the next release is to use network-manager09:04
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kbrooksKeybuk: what is that09:04
Keybukit handles which network card in your system is active, and which wireless network you connect to09:05
Keybukjust about everything else in your mail is already handled by udev09:05
KeybukI chatted to the ndiswrapper developers the other week about getting proper support for it09:06
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mirakhem what fs is used for the initrd ?09:06
kbrooksmirak: cramfs i think09:07
Keybukmirak: breezy doesn't use initrd09:07
kbrooksnot sure09:07
Keybukwe use initramfs, which is a compressed cpio file09:07
Keybukrather than a filesystem09:07
kbrooksKeybuk: i see09:07
mirakKeybuk: what does it use then ?09:07
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kbrooksmirak: he said so altrady09:08
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siretartKeybuk: will it be possible to configure NetworkManager without X? Current implementation seems to lack this :(09:08
mirakok but the concept of an external file with module is the same 09:08
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Keybuksiretart: I should think so09:08
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Keybukmirak: I don't understand your question09:09
mirakKeybuk: what don't you understand ?09:09
Keybukwhat you're asking09:09
mirakI need to see what is in the file along the kernel09:09
mirakdon't know how to call it since it's not an inirt09:09
Keybuk"call it" ?09:10
mirakname it09:10
Keybukdo you mean how to see what's inside it?09:10
mirakyou said it's not an initrd so it might be nammed someting else isn't it ?09:10
Keybukno, named the same thing09:10
mirakso how to see what is in it ?09:10
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Keybukgunzip -c initrd... | cpio -t09:11
mirakKeybuk: thank you09:11
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siretartKeybuk: btw, is the installers initrd an real initrd or an cpio archive, too?09:11
Kamionsiretart: it's a real initrd for now09:12
Kamionit'll switch to initramfs eventually, probably09:12
mirakso this module is inside but it's not loaded at boot time09:12
kbrooksKamion: why is it a real initrd09:12
Kamionkbrooks: no compelling reason to change09:12
kbrooksKamion: what would be?09:13
mirakhow can I be sure the initrd is correctly loaded ?09:13
Kamionwhy do you care? :)09:13
Keybukmirak: do you see the graphical splash?09:13
fabbionemirak: if it's not loaded, your machine won't boot09:13
Kamionthe reason the main system moved from initrd-tools to initramfs-tools was that we needed to get away from devfs and initramfs-tools was easier to handle09:13
mirakfabbione: thanks for your intervention LOL09:13
Kamionthe other reasons for moving to initramfs are more nebulous, at least as far as the installer is concerned09:13
Kamionanyway, got to go09:14
mirakfabbione: it doesn't boot09:14
KeybukKamion: ah, marriage09:14
Keybukmirak: are you using a stock ubuntu kernel?09:14
mirakKeybuk: I don't see the graphical splash09:14
KamionKeybuk: no, hitting things09:14
mirakKeybuk: I use the ubuntu ppc image09:14
Kamion(i.e. karate)09:14
fabbioneKamion: have fun :)09:14
dholbachi'm out for a walk, bbl09:14
mirakKeybuk: vmlinux-2.6.12-9-powerpc09:15
\shyeah baby yeah....one romanian leaded company will switch from suse to ubuntu....tomorrow i know more :)09:15
kbrooks\sh: so.09:16
kbrooksyou're famous eh09:16
Keybukmirak: in what way doesn't it boot?  how far does it get?  if you remove "quiet splash" from the kernel command-line, what do you see?09:16
mirakKeybuk: ubuntu ppc uses yaboot09:17
\shkbrooks: no...I just evangelise all my colleagues to use ubuntu...and they like it...and just now I had a phone call of one romanian guy who is administrating some servers for a romanian company...he will switch them all to ubuntu09:17
mirakKeybuk: I can't tell if there is a splash at all, because my last working kernel is 2.6.10-509:17
mirakand the yaboot config file is not automatically updated09:17
kbrooks\sh: no, i'm talking about you being op in a channel...09:17
mirakKeybuk: can I flood 8 lines in this channel ?09:19
mirakmy yaboot.conf file09:19
\shkbrooks: ???? i don't understand09:19
mirakhum kernel entry09:19
KeybukI don't know yaboot, sorry09:19
fabbionemirak: no flood in here09:19
Keybukyou may have more luck in #ubuntu09:19
mirakthere is no ppc support09:19
mirakthat's horrible09:19
mirakKeybuk: maybe yaboot doesn't support this cpio file format09:20
mirakthis would be my bet09:20
Keybukthis isn't a support channel09:20
fabbioneKeybuk: did you ever build a deb in your life? because i did build hundreds of them...09:20
mirakI get no help in the other channel09:20
\shkbrooks: I was never an op in one channel09:20
mirakfabbione: yes I did09:20
mirakhowever I just need to know what is different09:20
mirakand why it doesn't work09:20
fabbionemirak: ?09:21
kbrooks\sh: never mind, not you09:21
fabbionemirak: i did say something to Keybuk ...09:21
fabbionenot to you09:21
mirakif the automated deb file creates a initrd with cpio it's maybe not gona work09:21
mirakfabbione: yes I didn't seen it09:21
mirakI can ask in the other place, but there is no answer09:22
mirakpeople that knows this kind of thing are only lurking here it seems09:22
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miraknobody knows that in the #ubuntu channel09:25
mirakif I ask here it's because here people knows. I wouldn't bother you otherwise09:25
Keybukthis still isn't a support channel; this channel is for discussing development09:25
mirakI got an answer09:26
mirakI might want to look on #ubuntu then :D09:26
speelhey did you guys fix the spca5xx issues? ( just curious )09:33
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fabbionespeel: bug number?09:34
speelhang on let me get it 09:34
rob^^^is Wed still looking good for 5.10?09:36
fabbionerob^^^: any reasons why it shouldn't be?09:37
rob^^^no, just wanted to know whether to clear my calendar ;)09:38
elmoumm, Thursday, not Wednesday09:38
fabbionerelease is the 13.. 09:38
fabbioneelmo: exactly :)09:38
rob^^^ok, I'm mixed up then09:38
fabbionespeel: -> dapper.09:39
fabbionespeel: it won't be fixed for breezy09:39
speelah ok09:39
speelHow come?09:40
fabbionespeel: because it's a minor issue and breezy will release in 3 days09:40
fabbionethe kernel is frozen and only security updates will go in09:40
speeloo ok. heh sorry I dont know how development works and etc :P09:41
fabbionespeel: nothing to be sorry about.. next time we will hunt you down and burn you alive :P09:42
Keybukhey, don't forget the flaying09:42
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kbrooksfabbione: not "the kernel"09:46
fabbionekbrooks: sorry?09:47
kbrooksUbuntu is frozen09:47
kbrooksfor release09:47
chipelmo: You live!09:47
slomomdz: why did you assign #17359 to me? ;) but i'll take a look at it... seems to be a non-bug09:47
mdzslomo: weren't you working on things mono-related?  perhaps I confused you with someone else09:48
fabbionehey mdz09:48
mdzfabbione: sshh, I am not here09:49
fabbionekbrooks: we are still allowed to do RC bug fixes09:49
chipelmo: What say you update my key?09:49
slomomdz: no that was me... np :) i'll find someone to sponsor a fix for that for main... if this is really a bug ;)09:49
kbrooksfabbione: i mean after release09:49
fabbionemdz: i didn't see you.. don't worry09:49
fabbionemdz: hide! hide!09:50
fabbionekbrooks: oh.. really?09:50
elmochip: what does this have to do with Ubuntu development?09:50
fabbionekbrooks: but can we get the latest firefox in?09:50
kbrooksfabbione: i'm saying ubuntu will be frozen -- no new apps only sec updates09:50
kbrookson october 13th09:51
chipelmo: I'll be happy to discuss it in #debian-devel if you will respond there09:51
kbrooksbreezy release09:51
fabbionekbrooks: ah.. i must have missed that09:51
elmochip: I'm not in #debian-devel, so how exactly do you expect me to respond?09:51
kbrooksi have 1.0.709:51
chipelmo: /join, I suppose09:51
elmochip: so, please take off-topic talk out of this channel09:51
elmochip: no09:52
fabbionekbrooks: so what will happen with 1.0.8??09:53
kbrooksfabbione: i'm not a ubuntu developer09:53
kbrooksi was just corecting you09:53
kbrooksthats all09:53
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fabbionekbrooks: hmmm.. ok.. i guess i will need to read up on that.. afterall i was only the Xfree86/Xorg and kernel maintainer for Ubuntu09:54
fabbionei guess i got too old for that :)09:55
Keybukright, am gonna crash and get an early night09:55
fabbionenight Keybuk 09:55
Keybukelmo stole my timezone, so now I'm taking it back, or something09:55
fabbioneKeybuk: lol09:55
\shKeybuk: btw...can we talk at ubz about planet and s9y problems? ,-)09:55
Keybukno, because I don't maintain Planet09:56
Keybukyou can talk to jdub though :p09:56
\shKeybuk: software side...not administrating ;)09:56
Keybukthat's what I mean09:56
\shactually...I would like to fix the issues in planet ;)09:56
Keybukgo for it :p09:57
\shKeybuk: bah ;) solution: install s9y with planet plugin ;)09:57
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\shhmmm...if i didn't fix universe until 22:00 UTC .. i'm lame09:58
fabbione\sh: you have less than 60 secs..09:59
\shfabbione: that's 22:00 uhr ;) german time...09:59
fabbioneit's still 21:5909:59
fabbioneyou have a few secs left09:59
\shfabbione: it's still 19:59 UTC ;)10:00
fabbioneoh right.. UTC10:00
\shHAR HAR10:00
\shI'll fix it ;)10:00
fabbioneyou got me :)10:00
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\shfabbione: ;)10:03
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moyogois there any reason why we have freetype6-2.1.7 when 2.1.10 is out since june?10:07
moyogo2.1.7 is from 2004-0210:07
kentmoyogo, 2004 was perhaps a very good year?10:08
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diemanof course! i try seeing how fast i can download from a gigE machine from ftp.heanet.ie and sure!10:21
Mithrandirelmo (and maswan): any thoughts on pointing no.archive.ubuntu.com to ftp.acc.umu.se instead of level3?  The latter is often faster.10:21
diemanit dies!10:21
dieman(playing with mirroring)10:21
diemanftp.heanet.ie should be the default for .edu network users though, holy crap is it fast.10:21
diemanfrom the usa even10:21
rob^^^dieman: "how fast is it ;)"10:22
diemani was doing 100mbps to the mirror ive got10:23
diemanbut another box i was testing with was 200mbps+10:23
rob^^^dieman: I'm bottlenecked by my 10/100 switch to my campus mirror10:24
rob^^^idea ;)10:24
diemanive got a mirror up here at cs.umn.edu too10:24
diemanbut its only 100mbps10:24
diemani need to get my hands on a gigE card for it perhaps though10:24
diemangot it up to 445mbps for 3 tcp streams10:24
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\shg'evening _mvo_ 10:40
rob^^^boo, only 5.5 megs a second on VirtualPC :(10:41
\shbuh...mvo@ping.de and _mvo_@ish.de both are well known provider *grin*10:41
rob^^^ooh up to 7.5 now;)10:41
fabbione\sh: dude.. you blog too much10:42
\shfabbione: it's planet 10:42
\shfabbione: there is a bug10:42
_mvo_hey \sh!10:42
fabbioneah ok10:42
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\shfabbione: and I want to fix it with keybuk...but he refused ... brrr10:42
haggaiwhat's the best tool to import CVS into a new baz archive?10:42
_mvo_\sh: my ish was down for a couple of minutes, but it's back apparently10:43
fabbionehaggai: probably tailor10:43
=== haggai waves to _mvo_
\sh_mvo_: well..that's ish ;)10:43
haggaifabbione: thanks, I started looking at that and was wondering if it is any good. Have you used it?10:43
_mvo_\sh: actually I'm pretty happy with it10:43
=== _mvo_ waves back to haggai
fabbionehaggai: approx the time to apt-get install it, see it failing on svn and purge it10:43
haggaifabbione: uhh :)10:44
fabbionehaggai: get the latest from upstream if you want to play10:44
janimofabbione, do you know if xdm worked when you uploaded it last time?10:44
fabbionethe package is old and buggy10:44
fabbionejanimo: yes it did10:44
=== _mvo_ is having dinner noch
janimofabbione, it does not start here and I recall someone saying the same thing last week10:44
\sh_mvo_: ish is ok ..10:44
janimoI found some things needed changing in order for it to start10:44
fabbionejanimo: it's universe :)10:45
janimoit looked for config file in /usr/lib/X11 instead of /etc10:45
janimoand tried to load a greeter .so which was not built10:45
janimoso can I upload my change then?10:45
fabbionejanimo: sure.. i am not jalous of my pkgs10:45
\shjanimo: what is it?10:46
fabbionenot the one in universe at least10:46
janimofabbione, ok I was just trying to make sure it is not broken beyond hope and I waste time on it10:46
janimo\sh xdm10:46
janimoor you mean the .so?10:46
janimoSome libGreeter.so10:46
janimoI got it to start eventually 10:47
\shjanimo: hmmmm....10:47
\shjanimo: I think ogra was working on it..and something is really broken10:47
janimo\sh what is it working for you?10:47
\shjanimo: I'm using gdm or kdm10:47
janimo\sh well it seems to work now10:48
janimowell those are out for xubuntu10:48
ogra\sh, i had a look at it and had no clue whats broken was what i said ;)10:48
\shogra: ok...but it was somehow broken10:48
ograi think it still is10:48
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\shwell..1:11 still left until I fixed the universe *lol*10:49
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zygahello overworked good people10:52
\shhey zyga 10:54
zygahello, how is ubuntu doing today?10:56
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zyganew kernel package11:05
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diemanfix my cd images ehre, and start doing 40-50mbps out11:16
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pvanhoofdudes. by the time I can upgrade my breezy, you have have 106 new packages. You guys are working to hard11:22
maswandieman: heh, yeah, ftp.heanet.ie is fast. :)11:22
diemanthey have a *scsi cache*11:23
diemanbecause the 12tb or raid is 'too slow'11:23
diemanof, rather11:23
=== Kamion sighs and unbreaks his live-CD-building trigger script
maswandieman: :)11:23
Kamionsilly ssh's connection sharing support is a bit racy ...11:23
diemani liked the graphs in their apachecon presentation (i think thats the right one)11:23
maswandieman: I'm syncing up some test data for the offload host11:23
diemanshowing that 4gb -> 12gb with PAE is worthless.11:23
diemanbut 32GB works great!11:24
diemanhrm, their last ubuntu sync took 2hrs11:24
diemanim going to probally have to resync my ubuntu here and push back the interval11:24
maswan   654131200 100%   19.54MB/s    0:00:31  (10, 5.4% of 479)11:25
diemani did 445 to a gigE connected machine11:25
diemani was impressed11:25
maswanftp.sunet.se has bigger hardware though. I wonder what kind of rates I'd get from them11:25
diemanonly 2 of the mirrors on their box take 2 hours (that they report)11:26
diemanand ubuntu11:26
maswanhmm.. only about the same rates though11:27
diemanyay, nearly through universe11:27
notmdzseb128: which package is responsible for the "Failed to find mountpoint for device <foo> in /etc/fstab" error that I get from totem?11:28
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diemanwe generally can't get funding like that for mirrors11:28
diemansince we dont have this whole 'transit is expensive' problem much.11:28
maswanyeah, those are exceptions11:28
diemanand never really did11:28
maswana few NRENs do11:29
notmdzoh, it's totem itself11:29
seb128notmdz: I would say totem, we have upstream and downstream bugs about it11:29
notmdzodd that it doesn't even open /etc/fstab before giving that error11:29
notmdzwhich is why I assumed it came from another place11:29
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maswandieman: in the sunet case it is considered a strategic project, to provide a good general and "close" mirror for the swedish academia and the genreal public11:30
maswandieman: also, back in the days, it helped to even out the balance on the transit links.11:30
diemanmost spots in the US never really had that sort of pressing issue11:30
notmdzhmm, it's doing a gnomevfs call11:31
maswanyeah, back in the 90:ies the transatlantic link situation wasn't as good as it is today11:31
seb128notmdz: it uses gnomevfs yep, the message has not been updated since gnomevfs has switched to hal11:31
seb128notmdz: the code is totem-1.2.0/src/plparse/totem-disc.c: cd_cache_get_dev_from_* if you want to debug it11:32
notmdzseb128: I get that error if g-v-m is not running11:32
seb128lemme try11:33
notmdzI was trying to use totem on a system which doesn't run GNOME11:33
notmdzstarting g-v-m got me past that error, but now it segfaults when I try to play the DVD ;-)11:36
seb128notmdz: right, same here. I've to mount the DVD before using totem11:36
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seb128does somebody knows about a "running dhclient breaks the loopback" bug?11:39
notmdzseb128: yes11:39
notmdzseb128: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1017411:40
seb128which is great because GNOME waits on some timeout when you try to log out or log in11:40
notmdzdhclient should probably just abort if you don't tell it which interface to use11:41
\shI'm off, elmo: you have mail :) and the rest: have a nice night, morning, afternoon, whereever you are, whatever you do...11:42
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notmdzseb128: would a backtrace for this crash be at all interesting?  seems to be gst-ffmpeg related11:44
seb128notmdz: if the backtrace is correct yep11:44
dholbachslomo will be delighted to hear :)11:46
seb128notmdz: I've uploaded gst-plugins0.8_0.8.11-0ubuntu5. I've fixed a Depends on ${misc:Depends} not listed (and useful for dh_gconf) and dropped the autosinks which are bugged (crash totem by example), upstream recommand not shipping them before 0.9/0.1011:46
seb128notmdz: should I mail you about it?11:47
notmdzseb128: approved11:47
slomodholbach: what gst-ffmpeg crash?11:47
seb128slomo: notmdz's one :)11:47
notmdzbuilding it with debug now11:47
slomook, i can take a look at it... i've worked with gdb for hours today so some more wouldn't hurt ;) how can it be reproduced?11:48
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notmdzslomo: happens when I try to play a DVD in totem11:50
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notmdzhmm, I built with nostrip and it's still stripped11:54
Kamionnotmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/germinate-output/ubuntu-server-breezy/, FYI11:56
Kamionnotmdz: (ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com/seeds--breezy-server--0)11:57
Kamionnotmdz: it looks like it should come out smaller than our normal images, so at least that's one place where we won't be under space pressure for now11:58
notmdzKamion: I should hope it does11:58
Kamionwell, one never knows11:59
Kamionit's not a lot smaller, only 15-20MB or so11:59
notmdzslomo: I have a trace for you11:59
notmdznot sure how valid it is, but it's something12:00
slomonotmdz: and my dvd drive is busy for the next 12 hours... i'm currently testing thoggen and theora encoding is so damn slow :(12:00
notmdzslomo: what's your email address?12:01
slomonotmdz: slomo@ubuntu.com12:01
slomonotmdz: hey, you assigned a bug to this address a few hours ago ;)12:02

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