janimo | Riddell, who starts ivman in kubuntu? | 12:06 |
Riddell | janimo: /usr/bin/startkde | 12:07 |
janimo | as user or root? | 12:07 |
janimo | I see there is a config for the ivman user | 12:08 |
janimo | is that created for kubuntu? | 12:08 |
Riddell | user | 12:08 |
Riddell | config where? | 12:08 |
janimo | ah so startkde is after the user logged in in kdm right? | 12:08 |
janimo | in /etc/ivman/base | 12:08 |
Riddell | I have no /etc/ivman/base | 12:08 |
janimo | user to downgrade if started as root | 12:08 |
janimo | well bseconfig .xml :) | 12:09 |
Riddell | startkde is run when logging in yes | 12:09 |
janimo | okk so that option is not used in ubuntu | 12:09 |
janimo | btw, I sent the debdiff :) | 12:09 |
Riddell | I havn't looked at this stuff in too long | 12:09 |
Riddell | /usr/bin/ivman -s --nofork & | 12:09 |
janimo | thanks I'll probbaly use the same incantation :) | 12:10 |
janimo | wow ivman even allows to press eject on the CD and pops it out, I didn't think that was possible | 12:27 |
Riddell | janimo: ivman uploaded | 12:27 |
janimo | thanks :) | 12:27 |
Riddell | janimo: what is xubuntu using as filemanager and web browser? | 12:28 |
janimo | firefox for browser as there's no loghter :( | 12:28 |
janimo | and xffm and rox-filer are both installed | 12:29 |
Riddell | and office suite? | 12:29 |
janimo | We'll have to decide which is the defaukt | 12:29 |
janimo | abiword so far :) | 12:29 |
janimo | for xubuntu-desktop we just add some minimal stff and office is not in that | 12:29 |
janimo | browsing, IM, image viewing etc | 12:30 |
janimo | Do you know a light office? :) | 12:30 |
Riddell | I recommend koffice | 12:31 |
janimo | :) | 12:31 |
janimo | really how come it got dropped in favor of OOo I recall there was a dilemma at beginning of breezy | 12:31 |
Riddell | one day people will wake up to openoffice being unmanageable and koffice will get the serious development it deserves | 12:31 |
Riddell | it didn't get dropped, it never got adopted | 12:32 |
janimo | I hope so, or any other alternative for that matter | 12:32 |
Riddell | and the reason was it was unstable as anything | 12:32 |
Riddell | bugfix releases have improved that but it's still not polished enough | 12:32 |
Riddell | which is a shame since koffice (or gnome office) could do twice as good as openoffice with half the manpower | 12:33 |
janimo | yeah, it seems to me to that OOo does a lot of bad because it discourages other projects | 12:33 |
Riddell | I agree entirely | 12:34 |
janimo | it's a shame since there's no alternative for win98 + olf MSoffice | 12:34 |
janimo | old | 12:34 |
janimo | it seems Sun is into selling big iron along with it's office suite | 12:35 |
Riddell | that could be it :) | 12:36 |
Riddell | one of the guys who started KDE was the guy who ported staroffice to unix, he kept telling Sun they should use Qt so much they decided they'd never use Qt | 12:36 |
janimo | matthias ettrich or someone else? | 12:37 |
Riddell | the other one | 12:38 |
Riddell | matthias kalle dalheimer | 12:38 |
janimo | aha | 12:38 |
janimo | so for making xubuntu specific ivman rules I put the xml files in a package and use dpkg-divert to override the ones in ivman? | 12:42 |
Riddell | janimo: yep | 12:43 |
janimo | Riddell, thanks and goodnight | 12:44 |
Riddell | welcome | 12:44 |
Riddell | janimo: language packs are another derivative distribution issue you might have | 12:45 |
janimo | hmm, what are those exactly? | 12:45 |
janimo | aren;t they related strictly to gnoe/kde apps? | 12:45 |
Riddell | language-pack-xx packages with all the translations in them | 12:45 |
janimo | for all apps on the system? | 12:46 |
Riddell | in hoary they had the translations for the programs on the ubuntu CD | 12:46 |
Riddell | which ment kubuntu had language file for gimp and nautilus but not KDE | 12:46 |
Riddell | so it's been split up into base, gnome and kde in breezy | 12:46 |
janimo | hmm, I need to check that out, so we will need lang-pack-base in as many languages as possible right? | 12:47 |
janimo | is firefox and ooo separate from these packs? | 12:47 |
Riddell | I'm not sure how ff or ooo are done | 12:47 |
Riddell | ideally you'd have a language-pack-xubuntu made to your order but that would be complex and overlap with language-pack-gnome I suspect | 12:48 |
janimo | so one binary package holds all gnome translations?In that case they woul overlao indeed as we have gaim too | 12:49 |
janimo | found languagepack related specs on the wiki I'll read them tomorrow | 12:51 |
Riddell | pitti is the man for langpacks | 12:51 |
janimo | I am off to bed now, good night :) | 12:52 |
Riddell | sleep well | 12:52 |
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m_tadeu | verwilst: hi there | 01:20 |
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pet | hi guys | 05:25 |
pet | any one alive for a chat? | 05:26 |
pet | guess i will keep watching my movie | 05:28 |
seth_k|lappy | try #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:38 |
pet | well, i was more interested if there are some cool devl projects i can perhaps contribute to | 05:52 |
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\sh | http://www.suselinuxsupport.de/index.php?location=download&language=EN | 08:24 |
\sh | do we have this ktrafficanalyzer somehow in production? | 08:24 |
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\sh | Riddell: are u preparing beta amarok-1.3.3 packages? or should we do that later? | 09:55 |
\sh | Riddell: think the ipod crashes went away in 1.3.3 so I think we have to backport this after breezy release | 09:55 |
\sh | Riddell: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16375 | 09:55 |
=== Tonio- [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio- | morning | 10:02 |
Tonio- | allee: posted a third bug request for wlassistant | 10:18 |
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Tonio- | Riddell: I suggest you to have a look at this : | 11:23 |
Tonio- | http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=14221&PHPSESSID=1739faeabef44536a9689038b393a626 | 11:23 |
Tonio- | I'm gona test right now but that apparently can be very interessting for network configuratio n | 11:23 |
verwilst | http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=21832 | 11:39 |
verwilst | i love this one | 11:39 |
Tonio- | verwilst: very buggy at the moment.... and it only can manage with wireless | 11:45 |
verwilst | ah oki | 11:45 |
verwilst | but i love the gui ;) | 11:46 |
verwilst | if that thing would work with dbus 'n stuff.. ;) | 11:46 |
Tonio- | yep the gui is excellent, very clean.... I'm just waiting for little correction on disconnection+reconection problems for examle | 11:47 |
Tonio- | s/eample/example | 11:47 |
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CaiN_SA | ah chmj | 12:46 |
CaiN_SA | hehe | 12:46 |
CaiN_SA | was on otherchannel | 12:46 |
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\sh | Riddell: fixed kubuntu-docs as kamion explained | 01:40 |
\sh | Riddell: and uploaded | 01:40 |
Riddell | \sh: thanks | 01:40 |
Riddell | I had already removed the exit on "diversation still exist" | 01:41 |
\sh | Riddell: well...my fault ... so the bull who did it, should remove id *g* | 01:41 |
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Lathiat | Riddell: so.. amarok 1.33? ;p | 04:01 |
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Riddell | Lathiat: oh crivvens | 04:05 |
=== Lathiat grins | ||
Tm_T | =) | 04:09 |
Riddell | dear KDE, please stop making all your releases within 2 days of the ubuntu release, thanks | 04:09 |
Tm_T | eh?! | 04:10 |
Lathiat | dear riddell, | 04:10 |
Lathiat | but that would make life easy for you | 04:10 |
Tm_T | sir Riddell: 3.5 is coming to release?! | 04:10 |
Riddell | Tm_T: no, but kde 3.4.3 is due out tomorrow, koffice 1.4.2 today | 04:10 |
Tm_T | oh ok | 04:10 |
Lathiat | Riddell: didnt you just put a kde release in? ;p | 04:12 |
Riddell | Lathiat: I did get that in yes | 04:13 |
verwilst | breezy will be nice and stable /me thinks :d | 04:29 |
verwilst | now amarok 1.3.3 and it's a-ok :d | 04:29 |
sabdfl | Riddell: we need to improve the kubuntu usplash image! | 04:38 |
sabdfl | it should be... shinier above the reflection | 04:39 |
sabdfl | it looks kind of misty and unfocused, especially for the kde world | 04:39 |
sabdfl | dontcha think? | 04:39 |
Riddell | yes, it's not as good as it should be | 04:39 |
Riddell | I've had a go at it but didn't come out with anything better | 04:39 |
sabdfl | who produced the ubuntu one? | 04:39 |
Riddell | nobody seems to know | 04:40 |
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Tm_T | uhm, mark left | 05:26 |
Tm_T | he's abandoning us! :O | 05:27 |
Tonio- | Riddell: would you like me to try improving the kubuntu usplash image ? I now know the technical requirement so if I can help on that point... | 05:36 |
Riddell | Tonio-: yes please :) | 05:36 |
Riddell | Tonio-: look at the ubuntu usplash image and try and get it to match for brightness and lack of dithering | 05:37 |
Tonio- | okay, what kind of modifications are you thinking of ? | 05:37 |
=== Lathiat is now known as Lathiat2 | ||
Riddell | might be easier to take the usplash image and add a k and change the hue but I don't know how you'd add the k | 05:37 |
Tonio- | I'll see what i can do toonight, no pb, and try to let you know, I don't there is not much time now..... | 05:37 |
Riddell | ubunut-ttf would help of course | 05:37 |
Tonio- | ahev a link where I can grab it ? (to earn time...) | 05:38 |
Riddell | apt-get source usplash | 05:38 |
Riddell | and kubuntu-default-settings | 05:38 |
Riddell | and ubuntu-ttf for the font | 05:38 |
Tonio- | I know for the sources packages, (already worked on it ^^) | 05:39 |
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=== Lathiat1 is now known as Lathiat | ||
Riddell | ttf-ubuntu-title it is | 05:39 |
Tonio- | okay for the font, installing it.... I will let you know | 05:39 |
Tonio- | Riddell: is there an apt package for ubuntu font ? can't find it..... | 05:43 |
Riddell | ttf-ubuntu-title | 05:44 |
Riddell | in breezy | 05:44 |
Tonio- | hu ? | 05:44 |
Riddell | in universe | 05:45 |
Tonio- | arf.... I disabled universe and multiverse this morning, I didn't remembered ;) | 05:45 |
Tonio- | astonishing it is not in main but well ;) | 05:46 |
Tonio- | Riddell: thanks, I have to leave, but I will let you know | 05:46 |
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\sh | guys...I will package a new amarok-1.3.3 package for breezy...if it's ready...can someone of you test it instantly and report issues to me? | 07:20 |
Riddell | \sh: yes, but it can't be uploaded | 07:20 |
\sh | Riddell: I'll discuss that later with mdz...see buglist looks really interessting | 07:20 |
\sh | the bugfixlist at least | 07:20 |
\sh | for me it's even a no-go at this late stage | 07:21 |
\sh | but anyways...let's test it | 07:21 |
Riddell | if it's a no-go with you then mdz isn't going to let it in :) | 07:21 |
\sh | Riddell: well...I'm really scared about the last time...but there are some issues which are (hopefully) fixed, e.g. the crashes on startup | 07:22 |
\sh | and other things..if we're feeling allright, I think I can change my mind and can argue with mdz this issue ;) | 07:22 |
Riddell | I'm ready to test | 07:23 |
\sh | ok...I#ll get some drinks now and start | 07:23 |
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\sh | Riddell: btw...this cdbs-config_list is it done by hand or automatically by cdbs? | 07:37 |
Riddell | \sh: automatically | 07:38 |
Riddell | should probably be removed on make clean | 07:38 |
\sh | k | 07:38 |
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Riddell | http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=19830 looks cool, who wants to package? | 08:00 |
=== Lathiat looks | ||
Lathiat | Riddell: i discovered akatapult | 08:06 |
Lathiat | its nifty | 08:06 |
=== Lathiat hardly uses the menu now | ||
Riddell | Lathiat: katapult rocks :) | 08:06 |
Lathiat | its lackign two things | 08:06 |
Lathiat | a) recognizing http:// as urls and openign them | 08:06 |
Lathiat | and b) googling :) | 08:06 |
Lathiat | apart from that its great | 08:06 |
Lathiat | google could probably be solved by making smrat bookmarks work | 08:06 |
Lathiat | *smart | 08:07 |
Riddell | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Katapult | 08:07 |
Riddell | bunch more features, feel free to work on them :) | 08:07 |
=== Lathiat has recently been converted to kde/kubuntu :) | ||
Riddell | Lathiat: woo! | 08:08 |
\sh | OK! | 08:08 |
\sh | http://archive.linux-server.org/testing/ | 08:08 |
Riddell | Lathiat: going to start helping us out? | 08:09 |
Lathiat | so its running on 1 machine so far | 08:09 |
\sh | download the packages...(at least all) and test pls | 08:09 |
Lathiat | Riddell: yeh, 'course :) | 08:09 |
Riddell | Lathiat: well you can start by testing \sh's amarok 1.3.3 :) | 08:09 |
Lathiat | ok | 08:09 |
=== Lathiat downloads | ||
Lathiat | \sh: tut tut wheres my source packages :) | 08:09 |
\sh | Lathiat: u don't need the source packages | 08:10 |
\sh | test the binary | 08:10 |
\sh | as everybody ;) | 08:10 |
Lathiat | maybe i dont trust your binary ;p | 08:10 |
\sh | Lathiat: *gnarf* ;) | 08:10 |
Riddell | you can trust \sh, he's cool | 08:10 |
=== Lathiat decided to try kubuntu out, and found so many entirely cool things he decided to switch | ||
Lathiat | which is quite impressive since i've always hated kde | 08:12 |
Lathiat | kubuntu seems to make it nice ;p | 08:12 |
Lathiat | or its just gotten better recently :) | 08:12 |
\sh | Lathiat: kde is the mac osX on linux ;) | 08:12 |
Lathiat | amarok starts, good start ;p | 08:13 |
Lathiat | .. plays music | 08:13 |
Lathiat | ooh shiny, new volume thingy | 08:13 |
Lathiat | thats much better | 08:13 |
\sh | Lathiat: do u have an ipod? | 08:14 |
\sh | Lathiat: if so, test ipod transfers | 08:14 |
Lathiat | sorry | 08:14 |
Lathiat | feel free to send me one i'll test with it ;p | 08:14 |
=== Lathiat wants an ipod nano white 4GB | ||
Lathiat | pondering saving for one | 08:14 |
Lathiat | arts, gstreamer engines work fine | 08:15 |
Lathiat | seems good | 08:15 |
Lathiat | \sh: any other specific bugs? | 08:15 |
Lathiat | what is annoying, i cant configure my multimedia keys in the gloal shrotcuts thingy | 08:15 |
\sh | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15617 | 08:16 |
\sh | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15931 | 08:16 |
\sh | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16375 | 08:16 |
\sh | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17111 | 08:16 |
Riddell | amarok 1.3.3 works for me too | 08:17 |
Lathiat | also, can i propse ? be added by default to "consider the following characters part of a word when double clickign" on konsole so double clicking urls works? ;p | 08:17 |
Lathiat | i suppose & too :) | 08:17 |
Lathiat | gah, and = | 08:17 |
Riddell | Lathiat: double clicking URLs works for me | 08:17 |
Lathiat | Riddell: it stops at the ? mark | 08:17 |
Lathiat | unless i add it | 08:18 |
Riddell | ah | 08:18 |
Lathiat | also = and & | 08:18 |
Riddell | Lathiat: ok, I'm trying that out now, if it doesn't annoy me I'll add it to the default settings | 08:19 |
Lathiat | oops | 08:19 |
Lathiat | i made amarok crash | 08:20 |
\sh | how? | 08:20 |
Lathiat | hitting win+b repeatedly | 08:20 |
sebas | I've set that also, even so ; which is in some URLs aswell. | 08:20 |
sebas | The ; might be annoying to some though. | 08:20 |
Riddell | sebas: URLs with ; in them are crazy | 08:20 |
Lathiat | bought up a trace email | 08:20 |
sebas | Riddell: But nevertheless allowed. | 08:20 |
Riddell | sebas: you know guidance is on the CDs now? | 08:20 |
sebas | Didn | 08:20 |
sebas | 't know that, but good to hear. :) | 08:21 |
Riddell | sebas: I hope this stuff works :) | 08:21 |
sebas | Is it in the default install then? | 08:21 |
Riddell | sebas: yep | 08:21 |
sebas | Wow :D | 08:21 |
Riddell | I'm going to remove kuser | 08:21 |
sebas | Didn't expect that. | 08:21 |
Riddell | neither did I, last minute addition | 08:21 |
\sh | hmmmm | 08:21 |
Riddell | \sh: wheesht | 08:21 |
sebas | Congrats for that decision. :-) | 08:21 |
Riddell | sebas: does bugs.kde.org know about guidance? | 08:22 |
Lathiat | yeh so repeatedly hitting shortcuts definately makes amarok sucky but thats not a major bug | 08:22 |
\sh | hmmm...I hitted now 50 times on this win+b | 08:22 |
Lathiat | if your hitting win+b 4 times a second for a legit reason then your crazy | 08:22 |
sebas | I think not, we're in playground, I'm not sure this is also stuff for b.k.o | 08:22 |
Lathiat | \sh: one time it crashed | 08:22 |
Lathiat | another time the ui locked up | 08:22 |
Lathiat | (music kept going) | 08:23 |
Riddell | hmm, amarok has frozen | 08:23 |
Tm_T | ? | 08:23 |
Riddell | still playing music but the display isn't redrawing | 08:23 |
Lathiat | Riddell: yeh i had the same happen | 08:23 |
Tm_T | Riddell: ooh, 1.3.3? | 08:23 |
\sh | Riddell: something to reproduce | 08:23 |
\sh | Tm_T: testing -> http://archive.linux-server.org/testing/ | 08:23 |
Lathiat | eh it just backtraced again | 08:23 |
Tm_T | ah | 08:23 |
Riddell | ooh, back again | 08:23 |
Tm_T | \sh: I use the very newest svn all the time ;) | 08:24 |
Riddell | \sh: suspect I can't reproduce it, it just happened | 08:24 |
\sh | Tm_T: doesn't matter...we're testing 1.3.3 ;) | 08:24 |
Riddell | a bit like my amd64 dieing | 08:24 |
Lathiat | so | 08:25 |
Lathiat | where should i look for a good example of kde app packaging | 08:25 |
Lathiat | at a basic level | 08:25 |
Riddell | sebas: can I add Guidance to bugs.kde.org? | 08:25 |
sebas | Riddell: Sure. | 08:25 |
Riddell | Lathiat: KubuntuPackaging | 08:25 |
sebas | I mean if noone else objects ... | 08:25 |
Riddell | Lathiat: you should start by looking at traditional debhelper packaging | 08:25 |
Lathiat | ri+Guide | 08:26 |
Tm_T | \sh: ok, should I try it then or is there enough testers? | 08:26 |
Riddell | as explained in the debian new maintainer guide | 08:26 |
\sh | Tm_T: please try | 08:27 |
Tm_T | \sh: I will, but that costs many dollas | 08:28 |
Tm_T | ] ;= | 08:28 |
\sh | Tm_T: hehe :) It will cost my head if I argue with mdz ;) | 08:29 |
\sh | Tm_T: and amarok will make it into breezy 1 1/2 day before release ;) | 08:30 |
Lathiat | Riddell: oh i know packaging in general, just wanted kde specifics, s'all good | 08:31 |
Riddell | Lathiat: oh cool, do you know cdbs? | 08:31 |
Lathiat | Riddell: not a whiz, but i've used it | 08:31 |
Lathiat | that wiki page is all i needed :) | 08:31 |
Riddell | there isn't really anything KDE specific in packaging | 08:31 |
Riddell | Lathiat: going to package mateedit then? | 08:32 |
Lathiat | Riddell: yep, already halfway there :) | 08:32 |
Tm_T | \sh: sold | 08:32 |
\sh | ok...gstreamer alsaink must be default? | 08:32 |
\sh | and not xine | 08:32 |
\sh | this I have to patch | 08:32 |
Riddell | \sh: can't you use the patch from the existing package? | 08:33 |
\sh | Riddell: think so | 08:33 |
\sh | Riddell: I just dropped the patches which were fixed by upstream...so I'll apply them and see again (the alsaink) | 08:34 |
\sh | should we wait until tomorrow or should I start discussing now with mdz? | 08:35 |
\sh | Riddell: can u check the memory and cpu utilisation? | 08:40 |
\sh | hmmm... | 08:41 |
\sh | can someone test the arts engine, pls?` | 08:43 |
Lathiat | erghhh | 08:46 |
Lathiat | amarok just threw ma nother backtrace email | 08:46 |
Lathiat | except its still running | 08:46 |
Lathiat | \sh: yes, worked | 08:46 |
\sh | Lathiat: what backtrace? | 08:46 |
\sh | what crash? | 08:46 |
Lathiat | \sh: just died out of nowhere | 08:46 |
Lathiat | the ui seems dead | 08:46 |
Lathiat | music is still going | 08:46 |
\sh | don't scare jesus out of me | 08:46 |
Lathiat | \sh: im being serious... | 08:47 |
Lathiat | and jesus lives in you? ;p | 08:47 |
\sh | Lathiat: can u try to reproduce? | 08:47 |
Lathiat | \sh: the problem is i dont do *anything* | 08:47 |
Lathiat | it sjust in the middle of a song | 08:47 |
Lathiat | done it twice now | 08:47 |
Lathiat | see if it does it again | 08:47 |
\sh | Lathiat: if bddebian is god, then I'm his son and ogra is the holy ghost ;) | 08:47 |
Lathiat | \sh: heh | 08:47 |
\sh | and I'm getting montezumas revenge, when I think that I have to discuss amarok with our release-eng | 08:48 |
Tm_T | \sh: gst & alssink with plug:dmix please | 08:48 |
Lathiat | Tm_T: uh no | 08:49 |
Tm_T | Lathiat: what no | 08:49 |
\sh | Tm_T: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=UPSTREAM&bug_status=PENDINGUPLOAD&field0-0-0=product&type0-0-0=substring&value0-0-0=dmix&field0-0-1=component&type0-0-1=substring&value0-0-1=dmix&field0-0-2=short_desc&type0-0-2=substring&value0-0-2=dmix&field0-0-3=status_whiteboard&type0-0-3=substring&value0-0-3=dmix | 08:49 |
Lathiat | heh | 08:49 |
Lathiat | good response | 08:49 |
Tm_T | \sh: s.kapsi.fi ;) | 08:50 |
Tm_T | eh | 08:50 |
Tm_T | wtf | 08:50 |
Tm_T | in hoary yes, but in breezy I dinally got well playing dmix =) | 08:50 |
Tm_T | finally | 08:50 |
Lathiat | but not everyone is so lucky :) | 08:51 |
Tm_T | :( | 08:51 |
Tm_T | ok then | 08:51 |
Tm_T | default should be "works(tm)" | 08:52 |
Tm_T | so what's better solution then? | 08:52 |
Tm_T | xine? | 08:52 |
Lathiat | \sh: eek | 08:52 |
Lathiat | amarok really isnt doing wlel | 08:52 |
Lathiat | im not sure 1.3.3 is the best idea | 08:52 |
Lathiat | i just changed from gst to arts and changed song now i got two playing | 08:52 |
Lathiat | tried to change again the ui locked again | 08:52 |
=== Lathiat tries again | ||
\sh | k | 08:53 |
\sh | RIDDELL!!!!! | 08:57 |
\sh | I need your advice | 08:57 |
Tm_T | \sh: try sir Riddell ;) | 08:57 |
\sh | well... | 08:58 |
\sh | riddell is for me the one person who I can trust regarding kubuntu... | 08:58 |
\sh | I don't want to break kubuntu nor do I want the community bashing me for a stoopid bloody mistake | 08:58 |
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tm_T | :p | 08:59 |
\sh | Riddell: No! | 09:00 |
Tm_T | :/ | 09:01 |
\sh | Riddell: let's ship 1.3.1 with a known (eventually upcoming) bugs... | 09:01 |
Tm_T | :/ | 09:01 |
Tm_T | \sh: you can't mean that | 09:04 |
\sh | Tm_T: yes | 09:04 |
\sh | Tm_T: I'm totally serious...because this is not a "funny decision" | 09:05 |
Tm_T | ok | 09:05 |
\sh | Tm_T: I'd rather backport a new version to breezy then to risk shit | 09:05 |
Tm_T | yes | 09:05 |
Tm_T | and I can always compile from svn | 09:05 |
=== Lathiat is with \sh | ||
Tm_T | so ignore me, do the right thing ;) | 09:06 |
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=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Leaving"] | ||
Lathiat | whats the current standards version? | 09:12 |
\sh | Riddell: I'll go for a backport last word...u have a veto | 09:12 |
Tm_T | Lathiat: err? | 09:13 |
\sh | grmpf | 09:13 |
\sh | 2537 shermann 16 0 155m 72m 31m R 11.2 14.4 6:13.60 amarokapp | 09:14 |
\sh | thats 50Megs more then at start | 09:14 |
Lathiat | suck | 09:14 |
\sh | different from 13.1 | 09:15 |
\sh | 1.31 | 09:15 |
\sh | 1.3.1 | 09:15 |
\sh | grmpf | 09:15 |
\sh | I'm really fcking nervous | 09:15 |
Lathiat | amarok just crashed again :\ | 09:22 |
Lathiat | 1.3.1 is a good idea... | 09:22 |
Lathiat | this time using arts not gstreamer so its not engine related | 09:22 |
Tm_T | uhm | 09:23 |
Tm_T | :/ | 09:23 |
Lathiat | eh ffs | 09:24 |
Lathiat | can someoen tell me sourceforges anonymous cvs root | 09:24 |
Lathiat | youd think itd be easy to find off a projects homepage | 09:24 |
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@162.Red-83-32-1.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | decision made | 09:25 |
\sh | 1.3.1 will be shipped...everything else will be backported | 09:25 |
Lathiat | \o/ | 09:25 |
Tm_T | \sh: ok, to separate backports repository? | 09:25 |
\sh | Tm_T: there are official backports repos for ubuntu | 09:25 |
Lathiat | Tm_T: theres backports on the main ubuntu repos | 09:25 |
Tm_T | ok | 09:26 |
jpatrick | 1.3.1 of what? | 09:26 |
Lathiat | jpatrick: amarok | 09:26 |
Tm_T | amaroK | 09:26 |
Tm_T | bah, I'm old and slow | 09:26 |
jpatrick | not again.. | 09:26 |
jpatrick | ;) | 09:27 |
Lathiat | Riddell: mateedit 0.2 doesn't seem to work, it gets suck in some loop trying to create a session | 09:27 |
Tm_T | jpatrick: you have some issues with me?! | 09:27 |
jpatrick | no | 09:27 |
Tm_T | good | 09:28 |
Tm_T | wanna hug? | 09:28 |
jpatrick | dunno | 09:28 |
Tm_T | :p | 09:29 |
\sh | Riddell: I think it's time to get my head straight...I have only beer in my flat...so I'm drinking now...and there is no fcking whisky shop in my area which is open to get some good headspoilers | 09:30 |
Tm_T | haha | 09:30 |
Tm_T | \sh: I use some paina drugs now, messing my head quite well | 09:30 |
Tm_T | s/paina/pain | 09:31 |
\sh | Tm_T: I don't take drugs...not even for pain | 09:31 |
\sh | only beer or wodka | 09:31 |
\sh | or really good whisky/whiskey | 09:31 |
Tm_T | \sh: well, a week without proper sleep and continuous pain was enough | 09:31 |
Tm_T | now I have messy head and pains :p | 09:32 |
\sh | Tm_T: k...that's my day rhythm since the last 3 weeks...don't worry | 09:32 |
Tm_T | haha | 09:32 |
Tm_T | I know, I've been sick enough last couple years | 09:33 |
=== JRe [n=jre@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Lathiat | sigh i just started having a problem i had a long time ago that stopped me using kde bak then | 09:37 |
Lathiat | somethign is turning my master volume down constantly | 09:37 |
Lathiat | and that includes the OSD coming up on screen | 09:37 |
Lathiat | so it gets stuck on screen at 0% and is on top and wont go away | 09:37 |
Lathiat | i tried restarting X and rebooting and its still happening | 09:37 |
Riddell | Lathiat: remove kmilo | 09:38 |
Tm_T | wtf | 09:38 |
Tm_T | ah, known bug? | 09:38 |
Riddell | Lathiat: shame about mateedit, thanks for looking at it | 09:38 |
Riddell | Tm_T: no but it's the sort of thing kmilo would do | 09:38 |
Lathiat | Riddell: i tried 0.1.6 of mateedit too, no g oeither | 09:39 |
Riddell | Lathiat: what sort of hardware is that? | 09:39 |
Tm_T | ah ok | 09:39 |
Lathiat | Riddell: i had this problem like... | 09:39 |
Lathiat | 4 months ago | 09:39 |
Lathiat | Riddell: dell inspiron 8600 | 09:39 |
Lathiat | i installed kubuntu-desktop | 09:39 |
Lathiat | and it never worked from the start | 09:39 |
Riddell | \sh: I missed that amarok stuff, what's the outcome? | 09:39 |
Lathiat | the livecd did tho | 09:39 |
\sh | Riddell: 1.3.1 will be shipped....1.3.x will be backported... | 09:39 |
Riddell | \sh: was there any problem with 1.3.3? or just being cautious | 09:40 |
\sh | Riddell: for me? mem leak... | 09:40 |
Riddell | \sh: right. lets stay with 1.3.1 then | 09:40 |
\sh | Riddell: for others some strange things with arts...but no serious problems | 09:40 |
Lathiat | Riddell: for me? crashed in the middle of playing a song (nothign else) 3 times in the last hour | 09:40 |
\sh | Riddell: but I had a really hard decision...and I think we can live with 1.3.1 for release and backport 1.3.x to breezy | 09:41 |
\sh | Riddell: whatever amarok guys are telling me...and whoever is bashing me for my decision | 09:41 |
\sh | Riddell: I hope you're agreeing with me...I'm drinking my brain out now | 09:42 |
Riddell | \sh: sounds like a decision. I'm proud of you | 09:42 |
\sh | Riddell: think about it like that: I know 1.3.3 is fixing many issues which were reported towards bugzilla...but now we know them and can argue...but 1.3.3 is much more a risk then a solution | 09:44 |
\sh | Riddell: but u r (for me speaking) the kubuntu boss...so I don't like to decide something which is not my area..anyways...cheers | 09:44 |
Lathiat | Riddell: that fixed it thanks | 09:44 |
Lathiat | kmilo wasnt makign any of my laptop keys work anyway | 09:45 |
Riddell | \sh: by the way your amarok 1.3.1 package was uploaded as a native package | 09:45 |
\sh | amarok_1.3.1-0ubuntu1.dsc | 09:46 |
\sh | no ways | 09:46 |
=== Lathiat is now known as _JakubS_ | ||
=== _JakubS_ is now known as Lathiat | ||
\sh | Riddell: the tar.bz2 is inside the .orig.tar.gz which I think is the right way, not to repackage the upstream source tar.bz2 | 09:48 |
\sh | but I can be wrong, as with my decision | 09:48 |
Riddell | \sh: there wasn't an orig | 09:48 |
\sh | oh fck...now I see it...I need new glasses | 09:49 |
\sh | well...I learned a lot for dapper...believe me... | 09:49 |
\sh | Riddell: I never had a 6 months release cycle..and I never did so much of stuff as for ubuntu/kubuntu... | 09:50 |
\sh | Riddell: and I wondering that I'm really enjoying my work for this idea...but today...it scared me..more then every decision in my companies scared me | 09:52 |
\sh | some people against <insert your fav. number of users of ubuntu/kubuntu here> people | 09:52 |
Riddell | \sh: you've done wonderfully :) | 09:54 |
=== Tonio- [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | Riddell: when u come to ubz...I'll wear a quilt (sp?) if you have one spare ;) | 09:55 |
jpatrick | it's kilt :) | 09:56 |
\sh | kilt? so just like in german ;) | 09:57 |
sebas | Quilty as charged then. ;-) | 10:00 |
jpatrick | quilt's a type of bedding | 10:00 |
jpatrick | hmm.... like in german ;) | 10:01 |
\sh | jpatrick: welll...a man skirt ... anybody know what I mean | 10:07 |
\sh | I'm just drunk | 10:08 |
Riddell | \sh: ahem | 10:09 |
Riddell | the s word isn't allowed around here | 10:09 |
jpatrick | :/ | 10:10 |
Tm_T | sir? | 10:10 |
Tm_T | ah, you meant skirt | 10:10 |
Riddell | Tm_T: both :) | 10:12 |
Tm_T | damn | 10:12 |
Tm_T | and now I just wan't to say "sir skirt" :/ | 10:13 |
\sh | Riddell: I know...so pronounce the right one...and I need one of those nifty clothes ;) | 10:16 |
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Riddell | it's a kilt | 10:17 |
Riddell | every man should have one | 10:17 |
Riddell | plus sporran and sgian dubh | 10:17 |
\sh | Riddell: pls...how much it costs? i'll pay...32/34 in levis size ;) | 10:18 |
Riddell | usually at least 400 quid actually | 10:19 |
Riddell | mind is second hand | 10:19 |
Riddell | mine | 10:19 |
\sh | 400 quid? | 10:20 |
\sh | what is it in euro? | 10:20 |
Riddell | yes | 10:20 |
Riddell | 600 euro | 10:20 |
\sh | WHAT? | 10:20 |
Riddell | that's what the tourists say as well | 10:20 |
jpatrick | it is | 10:20 |
\sh | u tell me, that there is a secret currency, which is more worth then the euro? | 10:20 |
Tm_T | \sh: yes | 10:21 |
Riddell | scottish pounds are worth a lot more than the euro :) | 10:21 |
Tm_T | Riddell: haggis! | 10:21 |
\sh | Riddell: moment...UK pounds are 1/2 more worth then euro...and scottish pounds are more? | 10:22 |
Riddell | Tm_T: no, haggis is food not a currency | 10:22 |
Riddell | irn-bru on the other hand is a currency when outside the country | 10:22 |
Tm_T | Riddell: I know, but scottish .... haggis! | 10:22 |
\sh | damn..so I'll come at least without pants to UBZ | 10:22 |
Riddell | \sh: yes, scottish pounds are valued | 10:23 |
Riddell | \sh: yes, scottish pounds are valued slightly higher than english pounds because the english don't have 1 pound notes any more so when we use scottish pound notes in england the shop keepers give us change as if it were a 5 pound note | 10:23 |
=== Tonio- [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | Riddell: *lol* no ways..but I know, u r not joking | 10:24 |
jpatrick | Riddell: Spanish forums are been added to KubuntuForums | 10:24 |
Tonio- | Riddell: I didn't want to disturb you with revuing, you may have so much to do...... | 10:24 |
Riddell | jpatrick: URL? | 10:24 |
\sh | I wonder if any shopkeeper in germany will give me change for 100 EUR when I pay in 100 DM | 10:24 |
jpatrick | http://kubuntuforums.net | 10:24 |
Riddell | Tonio-: well if it's the highest app on kde-look | 10:24 |
Riddell | ooh, kubuntuforums.net has a new look | 10:25 |
jpatrick | Riddell: we're still working on it | 10:25 |
\sh | Riddell: u have a spare one for UBZ? so we will go to the first BoF as "Yeah..Stan and Laurel" ? ;) | 10:26 |
Riddell | jpatrick: you are involved with kubuntuforums.net? | 10:26 |
jpatrick | yep | 10:26 |
jpatrick | I'm a Global Moderator there | 10:27 |
Riddell | \sh: I could dig up my old one if I have luggage space | 10:27 |
Riddell | \sh: mako has one too | 10:27 |
Riddell | I also convinced maddog to get one | 10:27 |
\sh | Riddell: all the kewl guys have one, it sounds | 10:27 |
\sh | no no no | 10:27 |
\sh | not maddog | 10:27 |
Riddell | jpatrick: do you know where the money from the adverts on that goes? | 10:27 |
jpatrick | hosting I think | 10:27 |
\sh | I cheered with him in 2001 on cebit redhat party...and I never recognitzed him | 10:27 |
Riddell | how can you not recognise maddog? he's the one who looks like father christmas | 10:28 |
\sh | I only wondered..."this guy, you know, but from where?" | 10:28 |
\sh | and then harald told me it was maddog ;) | 10:29 |
\sh | well...he was all the time at the at the booth next to us :( | 10:30 |
\sh | wow..I'm really dizzy...another beer | 10:31 |
Tm_T | I'm dizzy too, but no more pills | 10:32 |
jpatrick | Riddell: From Zack: it goes to the server host | 10:33 |
Riddell | jpatrick: who's that? | 10:33 |
=== opensource [i=open@12-210-163-74.client.insightBB.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jpatrick | Zack == admin | 10:34 |
Riddell | no, who's the host? | 10:34 |
opensource | hey riddell | 10:34 |
Riddell | hello opensource | 10:34 |
opensource | the host is a friend of mine | 10:34 |
Riddell | opensource: you are zack? | 10:34 |
opensource | he pays for a dedicated server | 10:34 |
opensource | yeah | 10:34 |
Riddell | opensource: cool, pleased to meet you | 10:34 |
opensource | nice to meet you as well | 10:34 |
opensource | I want you to know that the ads are only there to pay for the server | 10:35 |
opensource | they are out of the way | 10:35 |
opensource | at the very bottom | 10:35 |
Riddell | that's all good | 10:35 |
opensource | no one really clicks on them | 10:35 |
Riddell | opensource: we could probably get ubuntu to sponsor a virtual server for the forums | 10:35 |
opensource | like today 5000 impressions $0.00 | 10:35 |
opensource | according to google | 10:36 |
opensource | that would be nice | 10:36 |
jpatrick | is the Spainish ready yet? | 10:37 |
jpatrick | ;) | 10:37 |
opensource | almost | 10:37 |
opensource | i need descriptions in spanish | 10:37 |
Riddell | opensource: we'd need to show up at the community council and explain why kubuntu forums is a good idea | 10:37 |
opensource | ok | 10:37 |
Riddell | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda Oct 25th 2005 at 22:00 UTC | 10:37 |
opensource | ok | 10:37 |
Riddell | opensource: could you add it to the agenda with a couple of sentenses saying why kubuntu forums are the goodness | 10:38 |
opensource | the nice part about my friends server is that there is hardly anything else on it, so the bandwidth is unlimited, and the speed is real good | 10:38 |
Riddell | opensource: torrent kubuntu CDs from it :) | 10:38 |
opensource | can do | 10:38 |
opensource | yeah, can do | 10:38 |
opensource | i just mailed out a copy of kubuntu to someone in the philipines | 10:41 |
opensource | it would be nice if people could order kubuntu cds as well | 10:41 |
opensource | or has this already been talked about | 10:41 |
Riddell | it's been talked plenty | 10:42 |
Riddell | we should get shipit for LUGs and expos for breezy | 10:42 |
opensource | yeah | 10:42 |
Riddell | but not individuals, it costs a fortune | 10:42 |
\sh | we should get local producers of cds for breezy | 10:42 |
opensource | that would be nice | 10:43 |
\sh | but never expect something for free | 10:43 |
jpatrick | LoCo Teams? | 10:44 |
tvo | Riddell: 8674 can be closed (again) | 10:47 |
Riddell | tvo: what was the issue? | 10:47 |
tvo | apparently he didn't change rotation after some upgrade | 10:47 |
tvo | and just rotating it to normal and back to left fixed things :) | 10:48 |
\sh | jpatrick: I'm not relying on somebody else | 10:50 |
Riddell | tvo: great, thanks for looking into it | 10:50 |
Tonio- | Riddell: yakuake uploaded | 10:51 |
jpatrick | Riddell: Spanish done | 10:52 |
Riddell | jpatrick: want me to put it on kubuntu.org? | 10:55 |
jpatrick | would be nice :) | 10:56 |
opensource | thanks | 10:56 |
Riddell | either of you speak spanish? | 10:57 |
jpatrick | I do | 10:57 |
jpatrick | sort of | 10:57 |
jpatrick | 1 year here | 10:57 |
opensource | i don't | 10:58 |
opensource | a little german and a little indonesian | 10:58 |
opensource | :) | 10:58 |
Riddell | how do I say "Spanish forums are now at Kubuntu Forums"? | 10:58 |
Riddell | who's going to moderate these forums if you don't speak spanish? | 10:59 |
opensource | jpatrick | 10:59 |
jpatrick | Hay foros en espaol en Kubuntu Forums | 10:59 |
jpatrick | Riddell: we have some people from #kubuntu-es | 11:00 |
opensource | and i will take on an additional native spanish speaker as well, if i can find some one | 11:00 |
opensource | as a moderator | 11:00 |
jpatrick | 'Los foros espaoles ahora estn en los foros de Kubuntu' sounds a bit better | 11:02 |
jpatrick | maybe remove the "ahora" should do | 11:02 |
jpatrick | okay | 11:03 |
jpatrick | great :) | 11:03 |
Riddell | http://kubuntu.org/ | 11:07 |
opensource | looks good | 11:07 |
opensource | thanks | 11:07 |
Riddell | Tonio-: what happened to pwmanager? | 11:13 |
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away | ||
Riddell | Tonio-: that yakuate is genius! | 11:28 |
Riddell | I'm going to change the seeds right away to remove konsole and replace it with this | 11:29 |
Tonio- | Riddell: I told you ;) It is a fantastic application :) | 11:30 |
Tonio- | Riddell: don't know about pwmanager, apparently it is not possible to upload it.... | 11:30 |
Riddell | Tonio-: few issues in the package though http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=778 | 11:30 |
Tonio- | Riddell: don't know who might resolv the problem in fact.... | 11:30 |
Riddell | Tonio-: did dholbach get any sort of answer on what the problem was? did he ask elmo? | 11:31 |
Tonio- | I think he asked, but don't know if he got an answer.... | 11:32 |
Tonio- | Riddell: I'm correcting the package. | 11:32 |
Tonio- | Riddell: where on earth did you find the homepage ? I searched google without any success.... | 11:33 |
Riddell | on the kde-apps page :) | 11:36 |
Tonio- | hu ???? | 11:37 |
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Tonio- | Riddell: shame on me I can see ;) It wasn't there when I packaged the old version ;) | 11:38 |
Tonio- | Riddell: to understand, why is that important that any file generated during the compilation gets clean by the end ? | 11:38 |
Riddell | Tonio-: otherwise it's hard to tell what the packager has changed and what upstream has changed | 11:39 |
Riddell | either run make -f admin/Makefile.admin on the orig or find the clean target (cleancvs?) | 11:39 |
Tonio- | I'll do | 11:40 |
Tonio- | Riddell: and when you say "don't capitilise surname", I'm not sure to understand.... | 11:40 |
Tonio- | Riddell: understood ;) | 11:42 |
=== allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio- | Riddell: tricky..... configure and makefile.in are in the orig tarball, but deleted when launching debuild | 11:51 |
Tonio- | then I added autoconf and automake to regenerate this | 11:51 |
Tonio- | but this way does it have to be removed at the end ? | 11:52 |
Riddell | ah, the files arn't added, they just end up slightly different | 11:54 |
Tonio- | so ? | 11:54 |
Riddell | hmm, it runs automake again randomly | 11:54 |
Riddell | yeah, dunno, ask dholbach what he thinks the best thing to do it | 11:55 |
Riddell | is | 11:55 |
Tonio- | I quite understand that sound a bit strange to me :) | 11:55 |
Tonio- | okay | 11:55 |
allee | Tonio-: yakuake docbook: 'programs accept a some common command-line options' s/a some//?? | 11:55 |
Riddell | oops, I forgot to read the manpagae | 11:56 |
Tonio- | how could I have read this..... | 11:56 |
Tonio- | correcting..... should have been tired that day.... | 11:56 |
=== allee wonders is the kde-qt-common option section can't be included in kdelibs or whatever and referenced/include vi &kde_qt_section; | ||
Tonio- | s/read/write | 11:56 |
Riddell | allee: which section? | 11:57 |
Tonio- | but to be sure I quite understand, why are those configure and makefile files deleted and regenerated ? | 11:57 |
allee | OPTIONS that explain --help* --version --authors --whatever-shared-in-all-kde-qt-apps | 11:57 |
allee | Tonio-: because upstream forgot to run make -f Makefile.cvs ?????? | 11:58 |
Riddell | allee: seems like a sensible idea | 11:58 |
Riddell | Tonio-: because automake randomly decides to runitself after the ./configure. then there's another ./configure run | 11:58 |
Riddell | automake is evil like that | 11:59 |
Tonio- | allee: can that be done at the very beggening of the rules file ? of in the form of a cdbs patch ? | 11:59 |
allee | afaik debian includes already this section in manpages | 11:59 |
Tonio- | just to make it clean quickly :) this application HAS to be uploaded for tomorrow :) | 11:59 |
Tonio- | it is fabulous | 12:00 |
allee | Tonio-: I would try to unpack the orig. generated everything and add it as patches/00_upstream_forgot_to_run_makefile.cvs.diff | 12:00 |
Tonio- | I'm testing | 12:01 |
allee | ... and bug upstream to add it to it's release script ;) | 12:01 |
Tonio- | yep | 12:01 |
Riddell | allee: upstream did run it, configure and makefile.in's are all there | 12:01 |
Riddell | but automake think's something is up and runs itself again | 12:01 |
=== allee will try to kill Riddell when konsole gets no seed anymore (OT ;) | ||
Riddell | allee: have you tried yakathing? it's a konsole killer | 12:02 |
allee | Riddell: touch all Makefile.in | 12:02 |
allee | no but I don't like transparent background | 12:02 |
Riddell | it's not transpoarent by default | 12:03 |
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