apoZ` | What program do you guys use for playing music ? | 12:00 |
nalioth | RockyBurt: i'm not sure about totem or xine, but there is an mplayer plugin | 12:00 |
Ky0tIk | has anyone here tried using icebergradio.com with firefox? i know it uses mms streams, but the now playing in the icebergradio doesnt show up, can anyone help me figure out how to resolve this issue? | 12:00 |
SuseUX | anchovie, it's not a gnome thing no | 12:00 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | delire, nah, I don't think so... | 12:00 |
Rockett18 | SuseUX: I also have the ati driver/laptop issue.. the fglrx drivers don't work | 12:00 |
dooglus | thread: I see "root" becoming me using "su". Is that normal? | 12:00 |
gokul | can anyone else help me? | 12:00 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | let's try something else... how can I see my external ip? | 12:00 |
robotgeek | apoZ`: used to used beep-media-player, i use amaroK now | 12:00 |
tristanmike | Pyro, "cp" | 12:00 |
delire | Tuxedo_Kamen: then the URL you gave must be incorrect or you are not accepting anonymous requests. | 12:00 |
fryfrog | Rockett18: what about the plain old "ati" driver? | 12:01 |
thread | dooglus: yeah that's pretty suspicious | 12:01 |
thread | heh | 12:01 |
SuseUX | anchovie, nvidia has renderaccelration which gives not redraw what so ever | 12:01 |
delire | Tuxedo_Kamen: http://hostip.net | 12:01 |
SuseUX | no* | 12:01 |
delire | Tuxedo_Kamen: http://hostip.info | 12:01 |
Rockett18 | the plain ati driver doesn't work on windows either.. I have to get the driver from toshiba | 12:01 |
sector10 | gokul: whats up? | 12:01 |
=== delire blinks | ||
sector10 | oh well | 12:01 |
SuseUX | Rockett18, that sucks bad | 12:01 |
Taku | hey everybody, I've got some troubles with my centrino too ... could someone help me ? : / | 12:01 |
thread | seriously... someone must know more about networking than me | 12:01 |
Rockett18 | SuseUX: yeah I know | 12:02 |
magnusthe | thread ? | 12:02 |
dooglus | thread: do you run breezy? | 12:02 |
thread | why would I get on my wireless network seemingly just fine, but not be able to ping any of the machines | 12:02 |
Rockett18 | but I don't really play games on it.. so the mesa drivers are fine | 12:02 |
apoZ` | My problem is that my NETWORK folder is not in the normal folders when i try to select an MP3 | 12:02 |
thread | yes, breezy... it must be some update I got | 12:02 |
Taku | I just verified that my AP visible was on | 12:02 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | delire, try this: ssh:// | 12:02 |
Rockett18 | just would be nice to have 3d screensavers etc | 12:02 |
thread | what might I try rolling back? | 12:02 |
delire | thread: some routers seem to enjoy blocking internal pings, i don't know why. i've come across it twice in two different routers w/ factory settings. | 12:02 |
apoZ` | Help please | 12:02 |
thread | delire: it responds. I tried from my workstation here | 12:02 |
Taku | help please too :p | 12:02 |
magnusthe | apoZ` help with what? | 12:03 |
dooglus | thread: do you see any output from this command? sudo zgrep "root:" /var/log/auth.log* | 12:03 |
Pyro | tristnamike thanks foud mv ^^ | 12:03 |
delire | Tuxedo_Kamen: yes, that works | 12:03 |
apoZ` | Help with the folders | 12:03 |
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delire | Tuxedo_Kamen: the URL you gave earlier was wrong i think. that was all. | 12:03 |
sector10 | Rockett18: is it a toshiba notebook? sorry just came in | 12:03 |
thread | dooglus: yeah, lots | 12:03 |
magnusthe | apoZ` what about them? | 12:03 |
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apoZ` | I would like to get the NETWORK folder (all my files are on my other pc, in the network) | 12:03 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | nah, it must be a problem with my updater or something | 12:03 |
Rockett18 | sector10: yep Toshiba Satellite 1900 | 12:03 |
apoZ` | in my usual folders | 12:03 |
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delire | thread: no idea, it sounds too site specific to diagnose without alot more information, from here. | 12:03 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | i'll check it now | 12:03 |
dooglus | thread: could you paste them to the pastebin for me please? or pm me? I'm wondering if they look like mine | 12:04 |
SuseUX | anchovie, ubuntu tends to be slower, even i've noticed that | 12:04 |
thread | dooglus: I wish I could post some for you, but this machien is isn't network connected | 12:04 |
Taku | please if anyone has got a centrino : "Radio Frequency Kill Switch is On:" ; I get this when i make a "grep ipw" | 12:04 |
dooglus | thread: ugh. | 12:04 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, Cause when i try to choose a file from the network in an application, i can't find the network folder | 12:04 |
dooglus | thread: mine isn't either any more... | 12:04 |
HatchetDawg | dammit...... gdesklets crapped out on me *grubles* | 12:04 |
sector10 | Rockett18: dont know that one real well. i had a M45 | 12:04 |
Pyro | why in the hell is it so hard to get ANY GAMEBOY ADVANCE EMULATER WORKING | 12:04 |
Pyro | i have tried them all... | 12:04 |
anchovie | SuseUX: Ooo... what's a comparabily faster distribution? =) | 12:04 |
Pyro | its the kinda thing that makes you wanna love windows | 12:04 |
thread | delire: site specific? My wireless router is functioning just fine... everyone else including this desktop tower I'm on right now is on the wireless network | 12:04 |
SuseUX | anchovie, slackware | 12:04 |
dooglus | thread, what do you see after the 'root:' on those lines? and what's the word before 'root:'? | 12:05 |
Pyro | took me 5 seoncs on win | 12:05 |
delire | Taku: i have a centrino but it's late. i'd suggest you join #ipw2100. they can help there with both ipw2200 and ipw2100. | 12:05 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, ???? | 12:05 |
Ky0tIk | does anyone here use icebergradio.com to listen to music?? i can play the streams in firefox, but the boxes that shows the current playing artist / song, doesnt show up.. it doesnt say its missing a plugin or anything, it just doesnt show up.. does anyone know how i can figure out what the hell im listening to? haha | 12:05 |
sector10 | anybody know how to improve notebook battery life? | 12:05 |
thread | dooglus: date hostname su[1234] : + ??? root:thread | 12:05 |
nalioth | sector10: plug in to the wall? | 12:05 |
magnusthe | apoZ` what kind of computer are your files on? Windows? Unix? (I guess I'm asking whether to use samba or NFS) | 12:05 |
thread | dooglus: some are root:root, and others are root:www-datea | 12:05 |
Taku | delire: ok I'll do this ... just hope they'll be able to help me | 12:05 |
thread | data* | 12:05 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | delire, I just found my problem. my new ip isn't being modifyed in the server | 12:05 |
Taku | thanks | 12:05 |
delire | thread: ok best of luck. it's late here. | 12:05 |
delire | Tuxedo_Kamen: ahah ok, you have a dynamic IP. | 12:05 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | i know | 12:05 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, Windows | 12:06 |
Rockett18 | sector10: yeah it's one of those ATI Mobility Radeon (M6) things | 12:06 |
delire | ok, best of luck all. | 12:06 |
thread | Anybody have any idea what package I might try to roll back? | 12:06 |
dooglus | thread: hmmm. "su[...] : + ??? root:thread" means root is su'ing to 'thread' from an unknown terminal. is that normal? | 12:06 |
thread | if an update did actually mess me up? | 12:06 |
sector10 | i was at 80% 10 min ago now 55% | 12:06 |
magnusthe | apoZ`in Nautilus (the file browser) press Ctrl-L (a dialogue should open) then type smb:// and press return | 12:06 |
sector10 | nalioth: do you know if cpu throttling works | 12:07 |
thread | dooglus: I'm not sure... I guess it doesn't sound very normal... cuz I don't su to thread from root that often | 12:07 |
elad` | I'm looking for something called "Configuration Editor"? | 12:07 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | can anyone help me configuring ddclient? :| | 12:07 |
nalioth | sector10: if it's available to linux/ubuntu i'm sure it does | 12:07 |
dooglus | thread: even if you did, the terminal field would be set - not '???'... | 12:07 |
robotgeek | elad`: Applications -> system tools | 12:07 |
Pyro | and still nobody helps... :( | 12:07 |
sector10 | nalioth: i ignored it cause i had no luck in past | 12:07 |
dooglus | thread: try it, then look in auth.log - you'll see it doesn't put '???' | 12:08 |
thread | dooglus: hmm yeah... I have no reason to believe my laptop has been hacked, though | 12:08 |
sector10 | pyro: whats wrong? | 12:08 |
=== Rockett18 is gonna give the ati driver from the site a try... anyone have a good guide to create a deb package and install this way? | ||
elad` | Thanks. | 12:08 |
dooglus | thread: if you sudo zgrep -F '???' /var/log/auth.log* do you see any pattern to when those '???' lines are happening? | 12:08 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, thx, i'm new to ubuntu, you see :) | 12:08 |
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sector10 | Pyro: what you got? | 12:08 |
Pyro | sector10 i have been trying for about 4 hours to get a gba emulator... | 12:08 |
Tuxedo_Kamen | can anyone help me configuring ddclient??? | 12:09 |
magnusthe | apoZ` no worries... now you can browse your network, right? | 12:09 |
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Pyro | i apt-getted visualboyadvance | 12:09 |
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robotgeek | 247 mb of updates...phew! | 12:09 |
apoZ` | yea | 12:09 |
Pyro | cant find any examples of how to make that load roms, i know its command line but i dont NEED a gui | 12:09 |
apoZ` | In an app like rhytmbox i've got to type the following of smb:// to I guess ? | 12:09 |
magnusthe | apoZ` beware that accessing the shares and files sometimes requires username/password, and I've had problems with that | 12:09 |
Pyro | i tried gnomeboyadvance, VBA-Frontend, qtVBA, VBA-Express... | 12:09 |
apoZ` | smb://dominque2 | 12:09 |
apoZ` | :) | 12:10 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, thx alot | 12:10 |
magnusthe | apoZ` hmm, I have to admit I've never tried having rhythmbox play music off an SMB URI | 12:10 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, got to go to bed, school in 7 hours :) | 12:10 |
thread | dooglus: i dunno.. they are in like bunches of 3 happen all at once, and they happen like 8+ times per day, but there are large gaps | 12:10 |
Pyro | gnomeboy gives python parse errors, the others wont make and qtVBA is arsed | 12:10 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, i'll figure it out myself, tx for the help, good night | 12:11 |
magnusthe | apoZ` ah, good night | 12:11 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, thx | 12:11 |
thread | dooglus: I really couldn't tell you what that is... I can say that my relatively fresh install of breezy on the desktop doesn't have any such entries | 12:11 |
sector10 | Pyro: sorry no clue. did you try looking on their web site? | 12:11 |
normal1_ | i'm black | 12:11 |
Pyro | yes, no documentation ANYWHERE | 12:11 |
sector10 | visualboyadvance that is | 12:12 |
Pyro | anyone here us visualboyadvance from command line? | 12:12 |
hwaara | why does my ubuntu machine start up in just 640x480 mode when no screen is connected? I am just using it through VNC but want 1024x768. | 12:12 |
djm62 | that's normal | 12:12 |
Pyro | sector10 nothing on any of em, including there | 12:12 |
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hwaara | djm62, how to fix it? | 12:12 |
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djm62 | hwaara: I think you can change the VNC settings, but since VNC is low bandwidth they default to low-res | 12:12 |
elad` | How do I install a new icon theme? | 12:13 |
Pyro | sector10 perhaps you can help with general make errors then ^^ i paste them | 12:13 |
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hwaara | djm62, I can just change color resolution. actually the machine starts up in 640x468 if I connect the screen afterwards too. I think it's the machine itself that chooses this screenless for some reaosn. | 12:13 |
hwaara | but I want it to always use 1024x768 | 12:14 |
sector10 | Pyro: im at about the end of my battery life | 12:14 |
foxiness | is there a room for devloper | 12:14 |
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Pyro | sector10 ok :( | 12:14 |
sector10 | Pyro: try synaptic for any dependencies | 12:14 |
Pyro | anyone then, i get this error with gnomeboyadvance http://pastebin.com/389312 | 12:14 |
Pyro | i have them all ^^ | 12:14 |
cmatheson | hey guys, i have a bad /etc/bash_completion file, and i want to replace it but when i run 'apt-get install --reinstall bash' it doesn't replace that file... what should i do? | 12:14 |
Ng | hwaara: /var/log/Xorg.0.log should have a very exhaustive list of modes it tested and if/why it rejected them | 12:14 |
djm62 | hwaara: you could get rid of the other modes in xorg.conf, there's a line with them all on | 12:15 |
hwaara | djm62, Ng: thanks | 12:15 |
Ky0tIk | does anyone here use icebergradio.com to listen to music?? i can play the streams in firefox, but the boxes that shows the current playing artist / song, doesnt show up.. it doesnt say its missing a plugin or anything, it just doesnt show up.. does anyone know how i can figure out what the hell im listening to? haha | 12:15 |
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Pyro | or this error message in VBAEXPRESS http://pastebin.com/389565 | 12:15 |
djm62 | can anyone tell me how to manually set up usplash (IE not using dpkg-reconfigure)? | 12:16 |
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sector10 | Pyro: whats the osX in line 5? | 12:16 |
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Pyro | sorry? | 12:16 |
karljp | anyone know how to connect to an active directory domain for a oneoff? | 12:18 |
sector10 | Pyro: copy a few of your errors and paste into google | 12:18 |
karljp | I just want to connect to a single mount point, I don't want to logon to it, or set up anything permanently, | 12:18 |
karljp | I tried using the "connect to server" on the places menu | 12:18 |
karljp | and chose windows share, and the username as my domain\username | 12:18 |
Pyro | sector10 found a problem | 12:19 |
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Pyro | doh | 12:19 |
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cmatheson | hey, if i have bash_completion turned on i get this error everytime i login (or open a terminal): ls: -: No such file or directory | 12:20 |
BlueMat | Hope someone can offer some advice, I dont know if this will work the way I want it to..I have two desktops A & B - PC A is dual booting win & ubuntu and PC b is running purely ubuntu, PC A has a Wireless adapter which connects to my wireless LAN, both PCs have Ethernet cards, but PC B has no wireless card, Is it possible to leech the internet connection of PC A via crossover cable? I know it may be a little off topic but woul | 12:20 |
BlueMat | d appreciate any help, is this possible through Ubuntu or at all? | 12:20 |
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Blissex | BlueMat: yes. | 12:20 |
cmatheson | BlueMat: just set up a a proxy or IP Masq or something | 12:20 |
RockyBurt | argh this is annoying, totem is playing quicktime movies but no audio ! | 12:21 |
djm62 | BlueMat: yep, ipmasq will do it | 12:21 |
BlueMat | Is it sometype of Inet connection share? | 12:21 |
sector10 | sht laptops mouse going crazy | 12:21 |
vengeful | rockyburt...if we just kill the people who encode to quicktime the problem is solved | 12:21 |
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vengeful | same to those who encome to real | 12:21 |
BlueMat | My networking aint the may west, any online resource that may help directly with this? | 12:22 |
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cmatheson | BlueMat: it's NAT | 12:22 |
rob_p | BlueMat: Here's an Internet Connection Sharing Howto for Ubuntu. It even has a nifty little script to setup the NAT routing for you: http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/12/27/ | 12:22 |
speel | hey in breezy is there any way for totem not to be used in web browsers? | 12:22 |
foxiness | am working on breezy C 4 can i upgrade to breezy RC ? | 12:22 |
robotgeek | vengeful: atleast real has a player for linux (ppc), quicktime doesn't | 12:22 |
vengeful | true | 12:22 |
nalioth | BlueMat: does ubuntu recognize your wireless card in A? | 12:22 |
vengeful | youl never see it installed on my system tho :-P | 12:23 |
robotgeek | vengeful: :) | 12:23 |
BlueMat | rob_p, thanks for that.. | 12:23 |
BlueMat | nalioth, With a little help from NDISWrapper, yes..Broadcom.. | 12:23 |
rob_p | BlueMat: No prob. Good luck. | 12:23 |
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BlueMat | Im using it at the mo | 12:23 |
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nalioth | BlueMat: then yes it is possible. | 12:23 |
sector10 | anybody know where acpi adjustments are? | 12:24 |
BlueMat | is it going to be a world of pain for a network/NAT newb!? | 12:24 |
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vengeful | bluemat...if i did it all those years ago using a much crappier OS...im sure youl manage :-D | 12:24 |
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rob_p | BlueMat: It's pretty easy if you follow the howto. The ICS script has a simple installation script and it's well documented. | 12:25 |
foxiness | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes can i use thes note to upgarde my system to breezy RC from breezy c 4 | 12:25 |
Pyro | which package contains sdl-config? | 12:25 |
sector10 | how do you turn on cpu throttle? | 12:25 |
BlueMat | So what Ill be basically doing is thelling B to look at A for Inet... | 12:26 |
Pyro | nevermind | 12:26 |
nalioth | Pyro: open a terminal and type "apt-file search sdl-config | 12:26 |
BlueMat | will have a read of the howto, thanks all | 12:26 |
nalioth | BlueMat: enable a dhcp server in your A box | 12:26 |
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foxiness | is there a room -channel- for developer? | 12:26 |
nalioth | BlueMat: which looks for internet via the wireless and dhcps the wired nic | 12:26 |
nalioth | foxiness: #ubuntu-devel | 12:26 |
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mirak | I fixed the initrd ppc problem for macintosh | 12:27 |
mirak | if there is anyone in charge of that here ... | 12:27 |
foxiness | nalioth did you hear "my hero of today" | 12:27 |
thread | Okay, here's my situation. (had to copy the text file over with my mp3 player) http://rafb.net/paste/results/TR2hry35.html | 12:27 |
makkk | can someone help me be able to write to my FAT partition? | 12:27 |
Pyro | got that nailed, now to find FLU/Flu_File_Chooser.h ... | 12:28 |
mirak | however that's not satisfying because I used the mkinitrd method instead of the new mkinitramfs | 12:28 |
thread | my wireless is suddenly not working for me! looks like I'm connected, but I can't reach any other machines | 12:28 |
Bergcube | Question: Does anyone have experience running the Cobian backup utility for Windows ( http://www.educ.umu.se/~cobian/cobianbackup.htm ) in connection with a Ubuntu server? I get it to go as it should using ordinary FTP, but not using SSL. As the server will be on the Internet permanently I would prefer not to leave ordinary FTP open... Anyone? | 12:28 |
nalioth | foxiness: thank you | 12:28 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell makkk about mountwindows | 12:28 |
Pyro | sector10 ever hear of FLU/Flu_File_Chooser.h? | 12:28 |
BlueMat | Whats the heads up on current distro, gonna reinstall on a box at work, dont wanna start a row, but should I go with hoary or wait 2/3 days for breezy? had a bad exp. with XORG and dell onboard graphics, seemed to be a memory issue of some sort on boot - Would this have been likely sorted out in forthcoming release? | 12:29 |
nalioth | Bergcube: did you read the docs that came with it? it says it's ssl aware | 12:29 |
sector10 | Pyro: it has something to do with widgets | 12:29 |
nalioth | BlueMat: might as well wait til next week | 12:30 |
vengeful | id say breezy is ok to install | 12:30 |
vengeful | tbh i havent noticed a single bug | 12:30 |
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Pyro | right... lol | 12:30 |
sector10 | Pyro: sorry no clue | 12:31 |
Ky0tIk | can someone look at the source information on a page that contains java script, and see what fonts need to be installed for it to display the java correctly?? the site is www.icebergradio.com and if you create an account you can listen to the stations, if you have mplayer set up properly.. the nowplaying section in the java just doesnt display.. can someone help me to figure out what I need to do? | 12:31 |
sector10 | Pyro: you can find it on the net | 12:31 |
Pyro | sadly i cant, i always goole before askign anything | 12:31 |
Bergcube | nalioth~ Yes, of course I did. :-) And yes it does say so. I've used the "help" forum on the Cobian site as well. The best advice it's possible to get is "fiddle with the parameters and it'll probably work sooner or later". I flat out refuse to approach a problem in that way. Rather use another software if that is the best advice I can get. | 12:31 |
sector10 | so im just waisting time | 12:32 |
nalioth | Bergcube: well, i can only offer you teh same advice. fiddle with the configs | 12:32 |
sector10 | i cant find it either | 12:32 |
nalioth | Bergcube: it sucks the instructions are so vague | 12:32 |
sector10 | anybody know how to adjust acpi or cpu throttle? | 12:32 |
thread | What does this mean when I run dhclient?: ip length 576 disagrees with bytes received 580. accepting packet with data after udp payload. | 12:32 |
makkk | nalioth, i ran your script and got: By default the disks will be writable only by root and | 12:32 |
makkk | Andrei Makhanov (mak) | 12:32 |
makkk | Do you want to make the disk writable by all users instead? (y/n) | 12:32 |
makkk | y | 12:32 |
makkk | error: libhal_device_get_property_type: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchDevice: No device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/block_3_1 | 12:32 |
makkk | Ignoring /dev/hda1 - already in /etc/fstab | 12:32 |
makkk | No usable windows/mac partitions found | 12:33 |
apollo2011 | Hi everyone, I have been having a problem with XMMS and the iTouch plugin. Ever since I upgraded to Breezy last night, I have been unable to enable the iTouch plugin without crashing XMMS. I looked on the Ubuntu Bugzilla, and the same error was filed by someone in 2004 under Warty. It was later deduced that the problem was caused by the fact that the user was on a stable/unstable Warty system. Is it possible that there is an inconsistency on my | 12:33 |
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apollo2011 | system that is cuasing this problem? or is it a true bug? The other thing, is that the same plugin WORKS on my laptop, which I also just upgraded to Breezy | 12:33 |
sector10 | arrggg | 12:33 |
Bergcube | nalioth~ Yeah. I prefer reading "everything" until I understand it and then set the parameters correct the first time. (I'm one of those they write 1000+ page technical reference books for..... ) | 12:33 |
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tristanmike | !tell makkk about windowsdrives | 12:33 |
sector10 | makkk:dont do that | 12:33 |
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jwd_ | I need somewhere to add to my sources list to get window maker | 12:33 |
foxiness | how can i install the driver for "smart link" on breezy please? | 12:33 |
nalioth | tristanmike: he had the script, and flooded me with a question about it | 12:33 |
makkk | nalioth, but it still doesnt work | 12:34 |
nalioth | makkk: please dont paste in here | 12:34 |
makkk | i'm back | 12:34 |
makkk | sorry about that | 12:34 |
tristanmike | ahh, sorry | 12:34 |
Pyro | danm, apparently FLU is part of FLTK libraries, but i have them! | 12:34 |
jwd_ | I still have can't get the system gnome to come up after login | 12:34 |
jwd_ | makes no sense | 12:34 |
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makkk | so, as i was saying, i ran the script, that was the output. I cant seem to be able to write to it | 12:35 |
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sector10 | anybody running notebook? | 12:35 |
Bergcube | I'll start googling for other backup software. Thanks for listening, nalioth. Until next time. | 12:35 |
nalioth | makkk: in a pastbin, what does "sudo fdisk -l" tell you? | 12:35 |
nalioth | Bergcube: rsync | 12:35 |
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Kensey | so does Grub or anything else care if partitions are out of order on a disk? | 12:35 |
thread | What are the possible reasons that I wouldn't be able to get any ping response from my wireless router when I received the dhcp response FROM the server, and I have the proper ip and everything? | 12:36 |
Kensey | like, in physical oder, I have hda1. hda3, hda2{hda5} | 12:36 |
thread | this router IS responding to ping requests... | 12:36 |
Bergcube | nalioth~ Errrr. Well, I don't feel ready to install Cygwin on the Windows machines in order to get rsync.... But the thought is good. | 12:36 |
Bergcube | Bye! | 12:36 |
Kensey | thread: mtu/mss issues? | 12:36 |
thread | but something is wrong between getting the dhcp and actually being able to communicate with the network | 12:36 |
makkk | nalioth, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2980 | 12:36 |
thread | Kensey: what's that? | 12:36 |
nalioth | Bergcube: makkk now paste your /etc/fstab to a pastebin | 12:37 |
thread | Kensey: I'm reading some stuff now... any things I could try before I do a bunch of research? | 12:37 |
thread | Kensey: I didn't do anything weird that would have caused this except maybe upgrade some packages within my breezy | 12:38 |
Dreamglider | Hey i have updated and dist-upgrade to 5.10 RC and now in GRUB i can only see Ubuntu 2.6.12-9-686, Ubuntu 2.6.12-9-386 and ubuttu 2.6.12-8-386, i dont see WindowsXP nor Fedora core4! can i tell GRUB to scan for other os?es ? | 12:38 |
Kensey | I've seen this on certain devices. Basically the network device is trying to send packets that are bigger than the router is willing to handle. | 12:38 |
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thread | Kensey: interesting.... what does one do about it? | 12:38 |
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makkk | nalioth, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2981 | 12:38 |
thread | Kensey: this all worked fine for the last few months, mind you | 12:38 |
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thread | Kensey: this is an all of a sudden thing | 12:38 |
Kensey | the default MTU is usually 1500 bytes but e.g. Windows connection sharing won't work unless your MTU is more like 1250 | 12:38 |
Kensey | set the MTU for the interface lower, usually | 12:39 |
Kensey | what interface are you using? | 12:39 |
thread | eth0 | 12:39 |
kbrooks | i want to speed my net up | 12:39 |
kbrooks | how to do that | 12:39 |
kbrooks | its a /proc trick | 12:39 |
B_166-ER-X | change your isp | 12:40 |
kbrooks | B_166-ER-X: no i said /proc trick | 12:40 |
nalioth | makkk: man fstab is your friend | 12:40 |
Kensey | try (in a root terminal) ifconfig eth0 mtu 1200 | 12:40 |
makkk | nalioth, thanks | 12:40 |
thread | Kensey: done | 12:41 |
Kensey | then renew DHCP and see if that helps | 12:41 |
thread | Kensey: still can't ping | 12:41 |
thread | renewed dhcp, still can't ping | 12:41 |
Kensey | what do you get? timeout or unreachable? | 12:41 |
thread | will it time out eventually? it just shows me the first line and hangs... | 12:41 |
Kensey | usually it will time out after some number of seconds | 12:41 |
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thread | Kensey: i'm still waiting... | 12:42 |
Kensey | dunno man. | 12:42 |
thread | Kensey: it was a good thought. got any others? =p | 12:42 |
Kensey | what kind of Ethernet device is it? | 12:42 |
aleitner | shall i add a bug about network-manager in malone or bugzilla? | 12:42 |
thread | Kensey: ipw2200 | 12:42 |
thread | it worked JUST GREAT only the other day | 12:42 |
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thread | what software package might influence this sort of thing? | 12:43 |
Pyro | right... i have visualboyadvance downloaded, (via apt-get) when i load in terminal it says command not found | 12:43 |
thread | that I might roll back or something | 12:43 |
Kensey | wireless by who? | 12:43 |
Pyro | why wont linux let me play GBA? hehe | 12:43 |
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thread | how can I tell what packages were updated the last time ? | 12:43 |
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thread | Kensey: Intel | 12:43 |
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Kensey | hm. I'm assuming you're using WEP on your AP. | 12:43 |
thread | yeah | 12:43 |
thread | hex key | 12:43 |
Kensey | or WPA, but that's a whole other can o'worms :) | 12:43 |
thread | it has always worked just fine | 12:44 |
Kensey | what does iwconfig tell you about your interface? | 12:44 |
vengeful | im gonna try and get wpa working sometime this week hehe | 12:44 |
thread | Kensey: http://rafb.net/paste/results/TR2hry35.html | 12:44 |
Kensey | vengeful: I had all *kinds* of fun getting AES working with the Ralink driver | 12:44 |
thread | Kensey: if I run iwconfig as root, it shows me my encryption key | 12:45 |
dooglus | thread: sorry - I went away for a bit. | 12:45 |
vengeful | im hoping theyl suddenly get native support before release lol | 12:45 |
thread | dooglus: np | 12:45 |
Dreamglider | after a upgrade my GRUB only shows me Ubuntu, i have WinXP pro and Fedora on one disk and ubuntu on another, how can i get GRUB to show me WinXP and Fedora allso ? | 12:45 |
dooglus | did you notice that those '???' root su's last for less than a second usually? | 12:45 |
thread | Dreamglider: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lstg | 12:45 |
dooglus | and they're irregular? I have a gap of a whole week where they didn't happen at all - rather like they're initiated by a human, not a script... | 12:46 |
Dreamglider | thread, cant it be done automatic ? | 12:46 |
=== Rounin [n=david@fjb-dhcp120.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pyro | ahh ok, its case depenedant. VisualBoyAdvance works. whats the parameter to make it load a file? | 12:46 |
thread | um | 12:46 |
thread | do we have a gui grub configurator tool yet? | 12:46 |
Kensey | no idea, thread. :) | 12:46 |
Kensey | (on your wireless) | 12:46 |
thread | Kensey: my sh_t is seriously f_cked | 12:46 |
thread | for no reason, all of a sudden. how frustrating | 12:46 |
dooglus | thread: you've been hacked the same way I was :) | 12:47 |
thread | dooglus: do you really think so? | 12:47 |
thread | I have to admit, I don't understand those entries | 12:47 |
dooglus | thread: I'm running windows now - put it that way. | 12:47 |
Madpilot | dooglus: you seriously think Ubuntu got hacked? | 12:47 |
thread | dooglus: your networking just stopped working like this? | 12:47 |
dooglus | thread: I think those entries are suspicious enough that I don't want to run breezy again until this is fixed. | 12:47 |
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Rounin | Hi... Breezy currently seems to have completely non-functional packages for probably the input method SCIM at the moment.. Any chance of getting this fixed after the release, or is there nothing to do now but wait six months? | 12:47 |
thread | bogus | 12:48 |
dooglus | thread: my networking still works - but my apt suddently got broken... | 12:48 |
solidgroove | anyone use prism54 wifi with smc2802w | 12:48 |
thread | hm...w ell that's a different problem then | 12:48 |
djm62 | dooglus: have you sent what evidence you have to anyone? | 12:48 |
dooglus | Madpilot: I don't know if breezy got hacked, but it looks like I got hacked. I guess there's a hole in breezy which lets people hack it - but I'm guessing. | 12:48 |
dooglus | djm62: all I did was post this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73671 | 12:48 |
thread | I don't really want to reinstall | 12:48 |
thread | bleh | 12:49 |
=== theblue [n=theblue@pcp04402293pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theblue | Hi all. | 12:49 |
dooglus | thread: if you reinstall, what's to stop it happening again... | 12:49 |
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theblue | Can anyone tell me how to find out what my current DNS servers are? | 12:49 |
thread | u have a point... but what else do you do | 12:49 |
thread | i'm not about to run windows :) | 12:49 |
dooglus | thread: the only evidence is those strange su's. if the attacker doesn't su then you won't know he's there... | 12:49 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, you think you got hacked because apt isn't working? how odd | 12:49 |
dooglus | thread: it's really annoying. i was enjoying finding and reporting breezy bugs, but I don't feel safe running it any more. | 12:49 |
kwilcox | Has anyone had success setting up duel monitors in a Debain base distro? Not a mirror, but an extension? | 12:50 |
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dooglus | cevizoglu: no, I think I got hacked because 12 hours worth of logs got deleted, because a bunch of apt files disappeared, and because root on terminal '???' periodically su's as me! | 12:50 |
theblue | kwilcox: I've been trying to too, but I know its possible. | 12:50 |
thread | kwilcox: yeah, read about xinerama | 12:50 |
Pyro | oh come on! someone here must be able to play gba games! | 12:50 |
djm62 | dooglus: odd unexplained things are allowed to happen on breezy... | 12:50 |
Dreamglider | ccan anyone help me edit /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 12:50 |
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djm62 | for the next 3 days | 12:50 |
Pyro | sudo gedit filename | 12:51 |
thread | Dreamglider: read the comments | 12:51 |
logikal_ | 3 days to breezy? | 12:51 |
kwilcox | theblue: I have it working so there are 2 seperate screns, but I cannot drag a program from one to the other... i have to start the program on one of the screens | 12:51 |
Prof_Frink | yup | 12:51 |
logikal_ | will I have to update from the breezy im on? | 12:51 |
theblue | kwilcox: See Xinerama. | 12:51 |
dooglus | djm62: do you see '???' in your auth logs? sudo zgrep -F '???' /var/log/auth.log* | 12:51 |
Prof_Frink | or, 2 days 10 min ;) | 12:51 |
kwilcox | k ty guys ill check it out | 12:51 |
theblue | Can anyone tell me how to find my DNS servers? | 12:51 |
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bur[n] er | logikal_: yes | 12:51 |
dooglus | theblue: where did you last see them? | 12:52 |
theblue | dooglus: Seriously | 12:52 |
n6mod | Anyone having trouble on amd64 with the new kernels? | 12:52 |
bur[n] er | theblue: why you need to know? don'tyou just use DHCP? | 12:52 |
dooglus | theblue: what do you want to know? | 12:52 |
cevizoglu | dooglus: yes | 12:52 |
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vengeful | ok stop making me paranoid | 12:52 |
theblue | I need to configure my ATA box, and it needs a DNS ip. | 12:52 |
n6mod | Or, alternately, how do I roll back to the previous kernel .debs? | 12:52 |
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theblue | And it doesn't support DHCP. | 12:52 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: could you paste them in the pastebin please? | 12:52 |
bur[n] er | wtf is ATA box? | 12:52 |
Kensey | doog: I see 4 such entries all from the same day | 12:52 |
theblue | Analog Telephone Adapter. | 12:52 |
bur[n] er | theblue: in any event /etc/resolv.conf is your dns servers | 12:52 |
Kensey | about 2 weeks ago | 12:52 |
bur[n] er | s/is/are | 12:53 |
theblue | Thanks, bur[n] er. | 12:53 |
logikal_ | how bad is it going to be to update from 5.10 preview breezy to the released one? | 12:53 |
foxiness | the smart link driver work with Hory but not breezy | 12:53 |
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bur[n] er | logikal_: just use synaptic to upgrade... it's trivial | 12:53 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, are you talking about entries that look like: localhost su[10651] : + ??? root:dooglus | 12:53 |
vengeful | id of thought once all the downloads are done its the same? | 12:53 |
dooglus | logikal_: it'll be a hundred or two megs of download I'd guess. OO.o2, xorg, etc. | 12:53 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: yes. what are those? | 12:53 |
foxiness | is there away to lat it work with breezy 'smartlink driver' | 12:53 |
djm62 | :D | 12:54 |
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bur[n] er | where are ubuntu nightly .iso's? | 12:54 |
thread | HAHAHA! BITCHEZ | 12:54 |
thread | I booted an older kernel | 12:54 |
thread | suddenly I'm back in business | 12:54 |
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Kensey | sounds like a kernel upgrade hosed a driver | 12:55 |
thread | the kernel I was running was, which I compiled myself | 12:55 |
jwd_ | Hey I got a problem | 12:55 |
thread | and it DID work just fine | 12:55 |
foxiness | way linux break driver on every kernel realese | 12:55 |
Dis-Abled_ | Is thier a way to do a minimal server installation? | 12:56 |
nalioth | thread: language please, unless you are in #veterinaryclinic | 12:56 |
foxiness | this happen from kernel 2.4 | 12:56 |
sorush20 | I'm having the weirdest problem... | 12:56 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: it's kind of hard to google for them, 'cos google (and msn, and yahoo) won't search for "???" | 12:56 |
nalioth | Dis-Abled_: yes, choose server install | 12:56 |
Pyro | ROCK ON! I CAN PLAY GBA GAMES | 12:56 |
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jwd_ | nalioth: remember earlier when I was asking about /etc/network/interfaces | 12:56 |
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Dis-Abled_ | nalioth: Any way to get even less stuff with apt-get remove ing | 12:57 |
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nalioth | Dis-Abled_: yes you can do that | 12:57 |
erirlar | is there a tool i can use to find files by size, name and stuff like that? | 12:57 |
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Kagen_ | Hey, ubuntu seem to run slow on my computer, is there anything I can do to make it run faster? | 12:58 |
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djm62 | erirlar: "find" | 12:58 |
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sorush20 | I'm running a vid on gmplayer.. and the the sound seemes to have problem .. it keeps justmping back and forth form stereo to non-stereo | 12:58 |
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djm62 | erirlar: "locate" to search by name, quickly (cached) | 12:58 |
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Dis-Abled_ | nalioth: Any Ubuntu stuff on server security or should I look at the Debian stuff | 12:59 |
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erirlar | djm62, can i search sub-dir's and delete them an easy way after i find them with "find" or "locate" ? | 12:59 |
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jwd_ | does gnome have network configurations stuff? | 12:59 |
nalioth | Dis-Abled_: it is mostly the same | 12:59 |
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djm62 | erirlar: find is extremely configurable | 12:59 |
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satafterh | I am trying to copy avi's over home networks from and xp machine to mine, I can copy most other files but error keeps coming up that it cant read the avi's. I know the avi's are good files | 12:59 |
erirlar | ok | 12:59 |
dabaR | hi. I tried installing ubuntu Hoary on a Inspiron 9300 laptop from Dell last night. It failed. When I press enter at the boot prompt for installation, the one that says press enter for default install. I get vertical lines, that change colors on the screen, and that is where it hangs. Any ideas at all? I can not find anything saying something like that on google. | 12:59 |
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nalioth | satafterh: /msg ubotu w32codecs | 01:00 |
jwd_ | anyone wanna help me | 01:00 |
erirlar | djm62, seems like i have to check out the manual then | 01:00 |
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djm62 | erirlar: but if you're looking outside your home folder, make sure to do a dry run before any automated deletion process...it is the way of righteousness | 01:00 |
dabaR | In fact, I see only positive reviews, that it worked for ppl. | 01:00 |
Dis-Abled_ | for the very lazy -> gnome-search-tool | 01:00 |
jwd_ | I got something probably simple | 01:00 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, not sure, but at least one of those entries occurred when I wasn't in range of any networks, which means it was logged by my using the computer normally | 01:00 |
nalioth | jwd_: we see you. obviously nobody knows an answer for you atm | 01:00 |
erirlar | djm62, no, it's in my home dir | 01:00 |
jwd_ | no I ave changes | 01:00 |
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Kensey | this is *wacky*. I can change what Ubuntu calls a partition by changing what I refer to it as in /etc/fstab | 01:00 |
satafterh | i can play the avi's fine, its not a codec issue, i just cant copy them over the network | 01:00 |
jwd_ | I have changes | 01:00 |
erirlar | djm62, just got allot of junk there i would like to clean up | 01:00 |
Dis-Abled_ | tks | 01:01 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: I've had the computer booted and off the net for 24 hours now - and those entries have stopped... it just seems fishy to me. | 01:01 |
Kensey | or at least, what it calls the root partition | 01:01 |
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jwd_ | I reverted back to my old interfaces file and it booted fine | 01:01 |
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jwd_ | is there gnome specific network config stuff? | 01:01 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: nobody can explain why root would be su'ing to my account, either | 01:01 |
nalioth | satafterh: zip them up | 01:01 |
Dis-Abled_ | nalioth: tks | 01:01 |
djm62 | erirlar: find can do it automatically, if you can specify it exactly, rm and some wildcards can also get you pretty far | 01:01 |
Dis-Abled_ | this joint is hoppin! | 01:01 |
dooglus | cevizoglu: as for the logs disappearing... that's really suspicious | 01:01 |
erirlar | djm62: thanks for your help will check it out now | 01:02 |
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=== TylerDurden [n=TylerDur@adsl-69-208-167-43.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | what does usefbdev do? | 01:02 |
Kagen_ | Hey, I can only get one sound channel for some reason, I want to be able to use more than one program that uses sound, what can i do? | 01:02 |
TylerDurden | in nvidia drivers | 01:02 |
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jwd_ | I think I found it | 01:03 |
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jwd_ | eth0 was not enabled in Gnome Network preferences | 01:03 |
[N] ame | man just did a clean install of breezy... 488 updates | 01:04 |
vengeful | ;-) that could do it ;-) | 01:04 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, looks to me like cron is responsible... but it's just a guess | 01:04 |
Seveas | [N] ame, that was an old install CD :) | 01:04 |
[N] ame | yes | 01:04 |
Seveas | (anything older than 2 days is old) | 01:04 |
[N] ame | it was... but its moving bfast | 01:05 |
[N] ame | put a new HD in my laptop | 01:05 |
[N] ame | 40gig 7200rpm | 01:05 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, and you're sure your log files aren't set to be deleted every few days? | 01:05 |
satafterh | nalioth- zipping the avi's may allow me to copy them, but its strange that I cant copy them with out being zipped | 01:05 |
[N] ame | my laptop is now as fast or faster than my desktop | 01:05 |
asparagui | will there be some automagic method for the hoary->breezy transistion? | 01:05 |
nalioth | satafterh: with windows i'm not surprised at anything | 01:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell asparagui about upgrade2breezy | 01:06 |
djm62 | asparagui: other than updating sources.list? | 01:06 |
dabaR | Seveas: haev you ever heard of a laptop booting the live, or install cd, and the screen going blank(really, it gets somevertical lines that change color) after the boot prompt? | 01:06 |
Seveas | asparagui, yes, it's called apt-get dist-upgrade ;) | 01:06 |
vengeful | there already is, asparagui | 01:06 |
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asparagui | i'm aware of that. | 01:06 |
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nalioth | dabaR: yes i have | 01:06 |
asparagui | btw, it gives a pile of stat errors on ppc. | 01:06 |
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dabaR | ok, what can I do? | 01:06 |
Seveas | dabaR, no | 01:06 |
Kensey | What's the best way to move part of the existing all-on-/ filesystem to a new partition? | 01:06 |
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djm62 | Kensey: has the partition been created | 01:06 |
asparagui | what i meant, will there be a method for people to upgrade without the command line? | 01:06 |
Kensey | djm: yep, and I created ext3 on it | 01:07 |
djm62 | asparagui: yeah, you can upgrade | 01:07 |
asparagui | cool. | 01:07 |
nalioth | asparagui: yes. synaptic | 01:07 |
Kensey | I need to decide what to move though, how to move it and how to refer to it after the move | 01:07 |
=== elad` [n=elad@DSL217-132-55-225.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== CWhiz [n=CWhiz@unaffiliated/cwhiz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | Kensey: you can cp the entire tree | 01:07 |
satafterh | #nalioth- you think it might be an xp thing?? | 01:07 |
XtR | Ack. Why can't I su - ? | 01:08 |
cevizoglu | dooglus, every single entr ylike the one you mentioned happens 2-9 minutes after CRON logs an entry | 01:08 |
nalioth | satafterh: yes i do | 01:08 |
djm62 | Kensey: mounting the partition on /mnt/whatever | 01:08 |
Kensey | currently of the 1800 MB in use 1400 is /usr | 01:08 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell XtR about root | 01:08 |
=== Maikeru [n=Maikeru@adsl-69-149-227-28.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XtR | omg. root is disabled? | 01:08 |
HrdwrBob | oh noes | 01:08 |
HrdwrBob | XtR: sudo -s | 01:08 |
HrdwrBob | !rootsudo | 01:08 |
ubotu | methinks rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 01:08 |
satafterh | nalioth - likly right | 01:08 |
djm62 | XtR: when you think about it, it makes as much sense as mv meaning rename | 01:09 |
=== shinu is using root from time to time | ||
HrdwrBob | djm62: but it doesn't | 01:09 |
HrdwrBob | it means 'move' | 01:09 |
[N] ame | XtR, you dont need root with sudo | 01:09 |
Kensey | djm: if I copy /usr to the new partition, and mount it as /usr it'll mask the existing /usr on the existing partition, yeah? | 01:09 |
XtR | What does sudo -s do? | 01:09 |
djm62 | Kensey: yeah | 01:09 |
=== grgcsmc [n=greg@dcha-aa-65-219-215-10.taconic.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HrdwrBob | XtR: gives you a root shell | 01:09 |
asparagui | starts root shell from current environ. | 01:10 |
dabaR | nalioth: anything I can do about the install in such a case? | 01:10 |
grgcsmc | how do i access kde? | 01:10 |
Kensey | can the existing /usr be deleted after that without unmounting the new /usr or booting single-user? | 01:10 |
nalioth | dabaR: choose another video driver at boot | 01:10 |
=== ranok [n=ranok@vtelinet-66-220-254-119.vermontel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Iam8up | i'm having problems starting X - is there something i should be looking for in the error log that comes up? | 01:10 |
grgcsmc | how do i access kde? | 01:10 |
Kensey | like (and this is probably wrong) can I do something akin to rm -rf /dev/hda5/usr? | 01:11 |
=== TheFallenAngel [n=backan@pc-167-45-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ranok | my trash icon went away, now its just a big red 'X' | 01:11 |
nalioth | grgcsmc: at your login menu, under 'sessions' (if you've installed kubuntu-desktop) | 01:11 |
[N] ame | grgcsmc, install it through synaptic | 01:11 |
=== frickel [n=netuse3@p54B9A06C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grgcsmc | where? i couldnt find it | 01:11 |
=== TheFallenAngel alguien de chile? | ||
CWhiz | Hello, I'm very new to Ubuntu and desktop Linux in general. I'm running an up-to-date Breezy preview release. Can somebody please tell me whether it's easy to mix sound from multiple programs together? In particular, I want to use mpd without stopping the sounds in Gnome. I've already followed the instructions at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, but they didn't solve the problem for me. Thanks :) | 01:11 |
grgcsmc | that is , kde alone | 01:11 |
sorush20 | guys what is PCM in Mplayer | 01:11 |
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dabaR | nalioth: do you get what I am saying tho? I put in the cd, reboot, then it asks me whether I want default<enter> or server<enter> and I press enter, then the screen goes into those vertical lines thing. | 01:12 |
=== AngryParsley [n=AngryPar@ool-457619d7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asparagui | pcm is uncompressed cd audio, sorta. | 01:12 |
asparagui | 48khz 16 bit stereo. | 01:12 |
djm62 | Kensey: can you go down to single user, unmount the new partition, rm /usr, mount the new partition on /usr and go up? why reboot? | 01:12 |
=== JPete [n=joe@c-67-190-171-117.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | CWhiz: breezy already dmixes by default. | 01:12 |
=== whispers_of_clay [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | dabaR: there are video modes you can pass, but i'm not sure where to find them | 01:12 |
djm62 | Kensey: but do make sure that the new partition has the right ownership and perms | 01:12 |
TheFallenAngel | what game is good for ubuntu? | 01:12 |
frickel | freeciv | 01:12 |
slew | how do i update gtk? | 01:12 |
sorush20 | I think all universitys on the planet that run computer sciences course should make it compulsory for the students to do three programming things for opnesource.. | 01:13 |
nalioth | slew: synaptic | 01:13 |
Kensey | well don't you essentially have to reboot to go single user? I mean you could just init 1 or whatever but that's basically the same thing without the brief hardware reset | 01:13 |
Kensey | djm | 01:13 |
=== bytefoo [n=bytefoo@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | crimsun: when installing on a Dell Inspiron 9300, I put in the cd, reboot, and then it asks me what type of install I want. I press enter, for default, and it jjust hangs, with colors on the screen. Do you have any pointers? | 01:13 |
[N] ame | TheFallenAngel, if you like FPS you can get Enemy territory | 01:13 |
WinZ | can anybody explain me how to set up w32codecs? there are no same package in synaptic | 01:13 |
Madpilot | TheFallenAngel: Enemy Territory? | 01:13 |
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Kensey | djm: there are cp flags to preserve timestamps, owners & permissions, yeah? | 01:13 |
bytefoo | wowow lots of xorg updates o_O | 01:13 |
Madpilot | !tell WinZ about w32codecs | 01:13 |
TheFallenAngel | thanks | 01:13 |
TheFallenAngel | is in one person? | 01:13 |
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crimsun | dabaR: check the help/options function key(s) | 01:14 |
djm62 | Kensey: yeah...prejudice against the hardware reset, it's cleaner | 01:14 |
CWhiz | crimsun, could something be wrong with the way mpd is set up, then? I don't mind doing my own research if you can point me in the right direction. | 01:14 |
[N] ame | TheFallenAngel, ET is a multiplayer onling game | 01:14 |
nalioth | dabaR: you can also ctrl-alt-f3 and "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the VESA driver | 01:14 |
WinZ | Madpilot, thanks a lot!! | 01:14 |
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TheFallenAngel | ok | 01:14 |
TheFallenAngel | :) | 01:14 |
kelsey23 | is anyone here a 5.10 developer? | 01:14 |
bloodnik | What do I edit to put a new launcher in my apps menu? | 01:14 |
dabaR | nalioth: even before the installation? | 01:14 |
crimsun | CWhiz: I don't know how mpd is configured by default. What is it? | 01:14 |
crimsun | kelsey23: a number of us work on various aspects, from core to universe and multiverse. | 01:15 |
nalioth | dabaR: i'm confused. if you're installing, use the boot parameters as crimsun pointed out | 01:15 |
bloodnik | Actually | 01:15 |
kelsey23 | I want to know if the update bubble that's like is windoze XP can be turned off? | 01:15 |
bloodnik | Never mind | 01:15 |
bloodnik | I just found a new feature | 01:15 |
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dabaR | nalioth: Ill do that, we'll see. | 01:15 |
kelsey23 | the one that is going to be in 5.10 | 01:15 |
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daxxar | Hi :) | 01:15 |
bloodnik | kelsey23: right-click the update icon and turn notifications off | 01:15 |
daxxar | How can I check what driver Ubuntu is using for my xorg? (And if neccessary, change it) | 01:15 |
kelsey23 | ok, thanks. I was worried it was becoming idiot Linux | 01:15 |
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kelsey23 | how about the boot splash screen? | 01:16 |
crimsun | daxxar: /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you | 01:16 |
daxxar | Installed it today on my laptop (Breezy RC), quite impressed. Some time since I've used Linux on anything but servers, so GUI was cute. | 01:16 |
daxxar | crimsun, thanks | 01:16 |
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transgress | anyone in here running amd64 with breezy? | 01:16 |
Kagen_ | I wish.. | 01:16 |
cafuego_ | transgress: I am. | 01:16 |
Kagen_ | just a 300mhz.. | 01:16 |
daxxar | But the Norwegian mirror for ubuntu seems to be a bit broken. (Missing ISOs (dead links)), DVD image was corrupt, and such. | 01:16 |
crimsun | kelsey23: edit the appropriate line in /boot/grub/menu.lst and update-grub, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r), then reboot | 01:17 |
transgress | cafuego_ can you tell me if there is still no package for ndiswrapper other than ndiswrapper source? | 01:17 |
twysted | daxxar, then use another mirror :) | 01:17 |
=== BlueMat [n=BlueMat@cpc1-tall4-3-0-cust137.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vengeful | kagen, i want a new comp too..more out of greed than need tho | 01:17 |
bytefoo | what the...mad debconf errors :-/ | 01:17 |
kelsey23 | alright thanks. I haved tried the new version out yet. I am glad those features can be turned off, though :-) | 01:17 |
cafuego_ | transgress: the kernel modules comes with the precompiled kernel: /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-amd64-k8/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko | 01:18 |
slew | nalioth, thanks, you rox0rz | 01:18 |
CWhiz | crimsun, it's a daemon that plays music. I don't mind using something else, but I had trouble getting RhythmBox to play. It would list all the albums and artists, but not show any songs to be played. I'm just trying to get MP3 playback to work. | 01:18 |
Kagen_ | ubuntu lags horrible for me, if I can't find a way to speed this up, I might have to go back to win 2k, atleast that runs faster on this old POS computer. | 01:18 |
kelsey23 | are the screenshots on Ubuntulinux.org for Brezzy? | 01:18 |
transgress | cafuego_ okay thanks. when i was using it on my lappy before it didn't have a package for it yet. you had to hand compile it. so i got tired of doing that each kernel update... went to fedora. | 01:19 |
DjKritical | Kagen_, what graphics card to you run? | 01:19 |
crimsun | CWhiz: I presume you installed gstreamer0.8-mad? | 01:19 |
nalioth | Kagen_: did you get your compiling done? | 01:19 |
cafuego_ | transgress: And the ndiswrapper-urils package is in main. | 01:19 |
crimsun | CWhiz: (for Rhythmbox) | 01:19 |
daxxar | twysted, I did, after some painful hours of trying to find out why my DVD image was broken. (And why I couldn't find i368 CD installer) | 01:19 |
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Kagen_ | DjKritical, nVidia GeForce 2 mx 440 64 meg video, I already installed the drivers | 01:19 |
tuxedo_kamen | hi everyone, once again | 01:19 |
nalioth | Kagen_: use another desktop manager | 01:19 |
Kagen_ | nalioth, no, not yet | 01:19 |
=== Trash[impersonat is now known as Trashcan | ||
Kagen_ | which one do you suggst for an old system? | 01:19 |
daxxar | Is "ati" the correct module to use for ATi Mobility cards? It feels as if my xorg is a bit, hm, unresponsive. Could this be due to me installing updates at the moment? | 01:20 |
twysted | xfce | 01:20 |
bytefoo | yah xfce | 01:20 |
tuxedo_kamen | nalioth, I think it is working fine now, thanks for everything! :) | 01:20 |
nalioth | tuxedo_kamen: great! | 01:20 |
=== TheFallenAngel ask is anyone here speak spanish ? | ||
nalioth | !es | 01:20 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:20 |
cafuego_ | daxxar: 'ati' is correct for ati cards, yes. | 01:20 |
CWhiz | crimsun, I followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, and that looks like it installs gstreamer0.8-mad among other things. | 01:20 |
Trashcan | I installed the latest updated and my toolbar moved around (tray and clock on the far left, buttons on the right, menus in the middle) - how do I change it back to menu on the left, buttons in the middle? | 01:20 |
Kagen_ | xfce is much lighter I believe, but i'm not sure how to go about installing that gui, is there a guide you can lead me to? | 01:20 |
Trashcan | dragging stuff around doesn't do anything | 01:20 |
crimsun | Kagen_: hoary or breezy? | 01:20 |
vengeful | synapic does it all for you | 01:20 |
nalioth | Kagen_: simple. "sudo apt-get install xfce4" | 01:20 |
Kagen_ | crimsun, breezy | 01:20 |
crimsun | Kagen_: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop | 01:20 |
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Kagen_ | damn, that is simple, thx. | 01:20 |
nalioth | crimsun: slick! | 01:20 |
=== TheFallenAngel say good bye | ||
tuxedo_kamen | nalioth, however I have another question... is there any channel for people who want to contribute software to ubuntu? | 01:20 |
vengeful | is that is too intensive consider ice or something | 01:20 |
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nalioth | crimsun: when is the e17-ubuntu desktop coming? | 01:21 |
nalioth | tuxedo_kamen: #ubuntu-motu | 01:21 |
cafuego_ | nalioth; hell, freezing, you know... | 01:21 |
crimsun | nalioth: when someone works on it :p | 01:21 |
nalioth | cafuego_: pshaw! | 01:21 |
vengeful | great question , nalioth..waiting for that one myself | 01:21 |
=== gui2703 [n=gui2703@c-24-63-51-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daxxar | Is there a nicer installer for Ubuntu than the Debian-style console-based one? | 01:21 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: basically, there needs to be an e17 first ;-) | 01:21 |
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cafuego_ | daxxar: yes, the debian basedf old console one. | 01:22 |
=== keffynd [i=eQ@webmail.menziesaviation.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daxxar | Err? | 01:22 |
nalioth | cafuego_: i'm askin uncle google now how to bring it to my local screen | 01:22 |
cafuego_ | daxxar: The one in warty. | 01:22 |
daxxar | I mean, like something using a framebuffer or something. (: | 01:22 |
cafuego_ | daxxar: Nope. | 01:22 |
=== keffynd takes his hat off to ubuntu, very easy OS | ||
daxxar | Ok | 01:22 |
=== HairToOk [n=Hairtook@ARennes-252-1-53-157.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daxxar | I started using Ubuntu today, so no experience with Warty. ;) | 01:22 |
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ubotu | Okay, I'm here. (courtesy of i_) | 01:22 |
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cafuego_ | daxxar: Waiting for X on installation is a big fat waste of lots of people's time ;-) | 01:23 |
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=== kamikizzle [n=kamikizz@c-24-11-251-25.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | ubotu: wtf are you doing!? | 01:23 |
ubotu | ...but wtf is already something else... | 01:23 |
daxxar | cafuego_, true, true. But a framebuffer wouldn't be that slow to init, right? | 01:23 |
=== keffynd cannot get sound to work, is there any trick to that? | ||
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kagen_ | installing xfce now | 01:23 |
cafuego_ | daxxar: Just X when there's no need for it is slow (I find) | 01:23 |
kamikizzle | hey....can someone help me with wine....i can't install wine tools and when i try to open windows apps it messes up.... | 01:23 |
daxxar | cafuego_, hehe, ok. :) | 01:23 |
cafuego_ | i_: What happened to the bot? | 01:23 |
i_ | )) | 01:24 |
=== StylusEater [n=gnome@c-24-98-214-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daxxar | Heh, I love how all the config I've done thus far is language + input language, wlan ssid + wep and partitioning. | 01:24 |
cafuego_ | Find, I'll go to the logs then. | 01:24 |
daxxar | And it just works. Mouse, keyboard, xorg, sound, wlan. <3 | 01:25 |
StylusEater | any help with a ma111 netgear usb wireless nic? | 01:25 |
daxxar | Any MSN client installed per default? | 01:25 |
cafuego_ | !ops | 01:25 |
ubotu | from memory, ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth | 01:25 |
daxxar | If not, anyone recommend a GUI based one? | 01:25 |
djm62 | daxxar: gaim | 01:25 |
nalioth | cafuego_: crying wolf? | 01:25 |
cafuego_ | i_ is fucking with the bot. Can you make him be gone? | 01:25 |
HedgeMage | daxxar: gaim | 01:25 |
Iam8up | can anyone help me with starting x windows? i just now finished installing ubuntu and it crashes upon starting | 01:26 |
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=== holycow [n=biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kelsey23 | is there anyway to turn the roll window up option on from the icon in the window's upper-left corner? | 01:26 |
holycow | hey all | 01:26 |
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djm62 | daxxar: which will also do all those loser protocols ;) | 01:26 |
holycow | anyone know of a decent gnome vpn client? | 01:26 |
StylusEater | hi cow | 01:26 |
daxxar | Wow, even an rdesktop client here! :o | 01:26 |
StylusEater | cow: not sure | 01:26 |
holycow | hola | 01:26 |
kelsey23 | anyone know? | 01:26 |
Kagen_ | OK, it's done downloading XFCE | 01:27 |
Kagen_ | how do I start it? | 01:27 |
jwd_ | why would gnome recognice eth0 interface but not eth1? | 01:28 |
[N] ame | kelsey23, its in the windows settings | 01:28 |
kelsey23 | thanks | 01:28 |
crimsun | Kagen_: log out of GNOME and choose Xfce from the Session menu | 01:28 |
Madpilot | cafuego_: could you get ubotu to join -offtopic again please? | 01:28 |
=== pirre [n=pirre@c-7b8672d5.010-21-73746f42.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kagen_ | crimsun, thanks, brb | 01:28 |
gui2703 | hi there, I would like to create a live cd that boots, DHCP, start X and open Firefox on a specific website, any directions? | 01:28 |
tuxedo_kamen | more questions... | 01:28 |
=== Bicchi [n=chatzill@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kelsey23 | it's more like Mac OS now! | 01:29 |
tuxedo_kamen | what codecs should I install, to be able to see videos in this ubuntu? | 01:29 |
cafuego_ | Madpilot: I'm tossing up whether to just turn him off. I don't need fuckwits trying to corrupt him | 01:29 |
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=== Celaborn [n=Celaborn@c-24-130-48-180.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djm62 | gui2703: start at knopper.net | 01:29 |
Madpilot | cafuego_: what's going wrong? | 01:29 |
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=== BuzW [n=BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | kelsey23, how did you do it? | 01:29 |
gui2703 | thank you djm62. | 01:29 |
daxxar | Hrrm, I wonder if this monitor supports > 1024x768 | 01:29 |
daxxar | Ubuntu won't let me, atleast. | 01:29 |
=== reiki [n=yardbird@24-52-225-13.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | Madpilot: He seems to be full of priv problems; anyone cna make him join channels. | 01:30 |
Madpilot | daxxar: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:30 |
=== kagen_ [n=kagen@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kelsey23 | tristanmike: system > preferances > Windows | 01:30 |
kagen_ | OMG this is SO MUCH FASTER | 01:30 |
Seveas | cafuego_, if you want to turn off ubotu, please export its database so I can enter it in mine | 01:30 |
=== COLA [n=COLA@cpe-24-175-171-230.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | yes please cafuego_ i'd like the db, also | 01:30 |
vengeful | hurray, kagen | 01:30 |
Blissex | kagen_: sort of... | 01:30 |
tristanmike | kelsey23, oh yeah, there it is...lol, been looking for that for a while now too, thanx | 01:30 |
Madpilot | cafuego_: that's not cool... hopefully a fix can be found... | 01:30 |
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Blissex | kagen_: I found that the real killers are the web browsers. | 01:31 |
kelsey23 | tristanmike: your'e welcome ;-) | 01:31 |
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ubotu | Okay, I'm here. (courtesy of seveas) | 01:31 |
daxxar | Is Flux/BlackBox less demanding than the default Gnome setup? (I assume so?) | 01:31 |
Seveas | No I did not make it leave... | 01:31 |
pussfeller | could me adding my own custom keyboard files in x be whats making xkeyboard-config not be able to install | 01:31 |
Blissex | kagen_: sure GNOME is a pig, but web browsers eventually grows indefinitely. | 01:31 |
=== BradCussesAtLinu [n=brad@CPE-65-27-82-47.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kagen_ | Blissex, gnome was laggy, period. just trying to type in gaim was laggy | 01:31 |
djm62 | daxxar: much lighter | 01:31 |
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=== Boink [i=Boink@213-238-88-246.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | ubotu: sorry for offending you in -offtopic :( | 01:31 |
vengeful | im not sure if flux even builds the menus | 01:31 |
Boink | howdy | 01:31 |
pussfeller | flux is cool | 01:32 |
BradCussesAtLinu | has anyone had trouble installing emacs? | 01:32 |
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djm62 | vengeful: if debian-menu still applies, it's cool | 01:32 |
pussfeller | its great when you need a lot of windows ofpen | 01:32 |
Blissex | kagen_: ah sure, but if you do much web browsing it will be back to laggy... You are just starting from a lower base with XFCE. | 01:32 |
pussfeller | casue you can group them | 01:32 |
vengeful | yeh theres a menu...just not much in it....maybe im confused with another tho | 01:32 |
Blissex | kagen_: part of the problem with GNOME etc. BTW is that by default all the cool stuff is enabled, and the GNOME is a particularly big pig. | 01:32 |
reiki | cafuego and Seveas are folks chatting the bot to make him do things? I may be able to being in an eggy expert is why I ask. Unless you guys are fine and just need time to look it over | 01:33 |
vengeful | i personally use xfce4..not because gnome lags..i just like the feel for it | 01:33 |
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keffynd | more than one way to fix sound | 01:33 |
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=== keffynd insterts a spare SB Live card :) | ||
Seveas | reiki, ubotu is a blootbot, not an egg | 01:33 |
sorush20 | guys my mplayer vid is playing too fast I don't know what to do.. | 01:33 |
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nalioth | reiki: cafuego_ is talking with ubotu | 01:33 |
BradCussesAtLinu | can anybody help me with an emacs installation over ubuntu? | 01:33 |
reiki | Seveas: okay... my bad. :) I thought it was an eggy for some reason | 01:33 |
daxxar | Madpilot, thanks for the link, btw, looking at it now. | 01:33 |
kagen_ | Blissex, Yeah, browsers are a little slow for me, but it's noticably faster, so I am satisfied. I get what you mean, browsers are bad, before unbearable, but I can live with this | 01:33 |
=== gui2703 [n=gui2703@c-24-63-51-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boink | where can I check if hoary i compatible with Sagem fast 800 E2L - adsl modem , or if a package is available for it ? :> | 01:34 |
Madpilot | daxxar: np | 01:34 |
djm62 | Boink: wiki.ubuntu.com and search "hardware" | 01:34 |
Boink | ty | 01:34 |
TylerDurden | whats the command to delete a file? | 01:34 |
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cafuego_ | I hit ubotu with an axe. | 01:34 |
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djm62 | TylerDurden: rm | 01:35 |
esac | anybody have any success in setting up xsupplicant or wpa_supplicant with authenticating to a microsoft IAS server ? | 01:35 |
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kagen_ | now I just need to find out how to increase my refresh rate, it lets me max it at 60hz for some reason | 01:35 |
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djm62 | TylerDurden: think "ReMove" | 01:35 |
Blissex | Boink: dont use ADSL modems, use Ethernet based routers/gateways. | 01:35 |
TylerDurden | oh ok | 01:35 |
TylerDurden | thanks | 01:35 |
bimberi | BradCussesAtLinu: tell the channel the error you're getting, hopefully someone can help | 01:35 |
Boink | can't afford router for a moment | 01:35 |
pupil | has anyone compiled QEMU with KQEMU on ubuntu Breezy,. if so,. I have a few questions,. or if you could recommend a clear guide to doing it | 01:35 |
twysted | boink is it a pci card or does it plug into usb/ethernet? | 01:35 |
=== dandelion [n=dandelio@ALamentin-101-1-19-244.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boink | plain USB | 01:35 |
BradCussesAtLinu | i JUST installed the latest ubuntu, and got the latest updates | 01:36 |
twysted | yuck lol | 01:36 |
Boink | line - modem - usb | 01:36 |
Boink | haha | 01:36 |
CWhiz | Thanks crimsun. | 01:36 |
twysted | boink i wish you luck with getting that to work | 01:36 |
Boink | :] | 01:36 |
dandelion | hello | 01:36 |
windex | Boink, does the unit have an ethernet port? | 01:36 |
StylusEater | dangit...how do you toggle line numbers in vi again? | 01:36 |
=== raj [n=txwiking@82-36-133-31.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
StylusEater | :senum or something like that? | 01:36 |
cevizoglu | StylusEater, set nu, set nonu | 01:36 |
BradCussesAtLinu | I then used "apt-get install build-essential" to get the gcc compiler, and "apt-get install libncurses5-dev" to get the ncurses library, so as to install emacs | 01:36 |
vengeful | boink..old distros like mandrake 9.2 used to support with the fireware...so i dont think youl have too many probs with ubuntu | 01:36 |
Boink | no ethernet , USB only | 01:36 |
windex | Boink, sometimes they have both | 01:36 |
windex | Boink, ah, you be screwed then | 01:36 |
BradCussesAtLinu | but I can't get emacs to run outside of the terminal | 01:36 |
StylusEater | cevizoglu: thx | 01:37 |
raj | hi .. anybody any idea what could be the problem that in flash apps often any text is not shown ? | 01:37 |
Boink | thanks for keeping me motivated :D | 01:37 |
vengeful | i used to run mandrake wirhour problems....18 months ago. that was with a speedtouch usb | 01:37 |
vengeful | best to check your modem makers site | 01:37 |
vengeful | usually they have a driver | 01:37 |
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Boink | there is microcode | 01:38 |
Boink | got plenty of it | 01:38 |
vengeful | yes boink | 01:38 |
BradCussesAtLinu | anybody know how to install emacs so that it runs with it's own gui? | 01:38 |
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tuxedo_kamen | what codecs should I install, to be able to see videos in this ubuntu?? :| | 01:38 |
vengeful | it should work | 01:38 |
Boink | looking for script right now :> | 01:38 |
daxxar | Hmm | 01:38 |
zkmaster | I have a question regarding installing GTK+ 2.8 - for the configure file, it wants to know where my system files are. where does ubuntu put its system files? | 01:38 |
vengeful | it will likely ask for it..hopefully it will detect the hardware | 01:38 |
tristanmike | raj, you may need to install msttcorefonts | 01:38 |
vengeful | then ask for the microcode | 01:38 |
daxxar | I could only find one value, "50-90Hz". Don't I need two ranges for the monitor? | 01:38 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: I'm making ubotu ignore unauth users again. | 01:38 |
vengeful | if your in luck it will give exact file name | 01:38 |
raj | thanks tristanmike | 01:39 |
pussfeller | how do i set the locale in perl | 01:39 |
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pussfeller | apt is complaining | 01:39 |
crimsun | pussfeller: you can ignore that warning | 01:39 |
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BradCussesAtLinu | how do I find out what applications I can install with apt-get? | 01:39 |
bimberi | BradCussesAtLinu: i don't know emacs much but there is an xemacs21 package available in ubuntu | 01:39 |
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raj | tuxedo_kamen: if you mean dvds: the decoding codecs for the dvd encryption | 01:40 |
nalioth | cafuego_: sounds good | 01:40 |
pussfeller | thanks | 01:40 |
sentra99 | was wondering if someone could help me mount my windows drive | 01:40 |
BradCussesAtLinu | so i can run something like "apt-get install xemacs"? | 01:40 |
nalioth | sentra99: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab | 01:41 |
djm62 | BradCussesAtLinu: do apt-cache search xemacs and see what packages are available | 01:41 |
AaronMT | shute anybody remember the command to refresh the gnome taskbar | 01:41 |
djm62 | BradCussesAtLinu: but, yeah, apt-get'n'go | 01:41 |
bimberi | BradCussesAtLinu: yes (except its xemacs21), but this is a good opportunity to get to know synaptic - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 01:41 |
dabaR | killall gnome-panel | 01:41 |
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BradCussesAtLinu | thanks | 01:41 |
BradCussesAtLinu | i will check it out | 01:42 |
pussfeller | how do i just dlownload a package, i suspect one is coorupted cause it sez something about dpkg gzip errors | 01:42 |
fmasi | Hi i like to know how to fix the clock time becouse my cloc is advencing time and date whay too fast. | 01:42 |
bimberi | BradCussesAtLinu: you'll also need to have the "universe" repository enabled - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 01:42 |
nalioth | pussfeller: just run your apt-get again, or get it at packages.ubuntu.com | 01:42 |
bimberi | BradCussesAtLinu: np :) (and stop cussing :) ) | 01:42 |
cevizoglu | what's the best tool for diffs across multiple directories? | 01:42 |
sentra99 | where do i save the file ? | 01:43 |
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pussfeller | nalioth: it keeps saying its having trouble overwriting /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xorg | 01:43 |
nightswim | diff? :) | 01:43 |
daxxar | Which mplayer package should I install? mplayer-586 depends on some libpolyp0 that I can't install (can't find it). | 01:43 |
BradCussesAtLinu | this is the 3rd linux i've tried | 01:43 |
vengeful | fmasi..you could be in a time warp... | 01:43 |
vengeful | get me the lottery numbers | 01:43 |
fmasi | vengeful what will be time warp ??? | 01:43 |
jsubl2 | daxxar, i usually install mozilla-mplayer and let it grab the appropriate one. plus then you will have the moz plugins | 01:44 |
cevizoglu | fmasi, not what, but when | 01:44 |
vengeful | sorry im just playing..i have no idea ;-) | 01:44 |
BradCussesAtLinu | i'll go pull some more hairs out over ubuntu until i finally give up and buy .NET framework | 01:44 |
BradCussesAtLinu | thanks again | 01:44 |
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cevizoglu | BradCussesAtLinu, you have to buy it? | 01:44 |
daxxar | jsubl2, there's a mozilla plugin? | 01:44 |
nalioth | pussfeller: ah, so thats the problem | 01:44 |
=== daxxar dances in joy | ||
daxxar | Thanks | 01:44 |
jsubl2 | daxxar, np | 01:44 |
pussfeller | its actually an unpack error | 01:44 |
BradCussesAtLinu | sure | 01:44 |
fmasi | vengeful do yoy mean time zones ? i dont know what is time warp :( | 01:44 |
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BradCussesAtLinu | like Visual Studio .NET | 01:44 |
BradCussesAtLinu | not free | 01:44 |
zkmaster | anyone know what should the default PKG_CONFIG path be for an ubuntu install? | 01:44 |
tuxedo_kamen | what codecs should I install, to be able to see videos in this ubuntu???? (I need some like WMV, RM and DIVX...) | 01:45 |
zkmaster | im trying to install gtk+ 2.8 | 01:45 |
vengeful | fmasi, sorry i was joking | 01:45 |
cafuego_ | Okay, ubotu with /* join code */ | 01:45 |
fmasi | vengeful hihi ok then | 01:45 |
nalioth | tuxedo_kamen: when ubotu comes back, i'll fix you up | 01:45 |
=== vengeful makes note not to joke with people from brazil | ||
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tuxedo_kamen | hum, oik, thanks | 01:45 |
daxxar | jsubl2, that gives me an unresolved dependency in synaptic. I'll try in "add applications". | 01:45 |
fmasi | Some one know whoh to make the clock whork right mine is too fast | 01:45 |
daxxar | See if it suggests me installing something else. :) | 01:45 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell tuxedo_kamen about w32codecs | 01:46 |
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pussfeller | nalioth: so what do i do, im in this apt-get -f install stage and it keeps burping on that | 01:46 |
tuxedo_kamen | thanks | 01:46 |
fmasi | vengeful you can make jockes i dont car i like jokes | 01:46 |
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nalioth | pussfeller: what are you trying to install? | 01:47 |
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zkmaster | anyone know what should the default PKG_CONFIG path be for an ubuntu install? | 01:47 |
zkmaster | im trying to install gtk+ 2.8 | 01:47 |
cevizoglu | vengeful, no, leave the jock-making to the fashion industry | 01:47 |
jsubl2 | daxxar, you need to add multiverse and universe in your sources.list | 01:47 |
daxxar | jsubl2, oh, my bad. Needed to do multiverse and universe manually. | 01:47 |
jsubl2 | !sources | 01:47 |
ubotu | I heard sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 01:47 |
pussfeller | nalioth: xkeyboard-config | 01:48 |
daxxar | Even though "add applications" asked me if I wanted it to do it, and I said yes. Thanks! :) | 01:48 |
jsubl2 | daxxar, those links from ubotu | 01:48 |
pussfeller | well, everything, im tryi9ng to upgrade | 01:48 |
daxxar | PEBKAC, as always. ;) | 01:48 |
daxxar | jsubl2, nah, I've already done it. (= | 01:48 |
vengeful | fmasi, are you on a laptop by any chance | 01:48 |
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fmasi | vengeful yes | 01:48 |
RockyBurt | wow, gnome-terminal is consistently crashing | 01:49 |
fmasi | vengeful why this makes enny difrence ? | 01:49 |
sentra99 | nalioth i got it thank you so much | 01:49 |
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StylusEater | how do I not have an /etc/modules.conf file? | 01:50 |
nalioth | pussfeller: is it in the ubuntu repos? | 01:50 |
[N] ame | StylusEater, its just modules | 01:50 |
bimberi | StylusEater: /etc/modules | 01:50 |
[N] ame | StylusEater, no .conf | 01:51 |
StylusEater | hrrm | 01:51 |
[N] ame | sudo gedit /etc/modules | 01:51 |
StylusEater | I can't seem to get my system to find wlan0 | 01:51 |
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tuxedo_kamen | nalioth, ok, I downloaded the w32 package, now how can I install it? (I have no idea on how to install *.deb files) | 01:52 |
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Rockett18 | sudo dpkg -i pakagename.deb | 01:52 |
rep | is it safe to disable initrd from the kernel config? | 01:52 |
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StylusEater | so no wireless stuff is working...the prism_usb2 driver is loaded (ala lsmod) and my system detects it (ala dmesg) | 01:52 |
pussfeller | nalioth: i think so, it is holding a bunch of other stuff back i think | 01:52 |
StylusEater | any ideas??? | 01:52 |
Nard | is there a way to just change the admin password | 01:52 |
tuxedo_kamen | Rockett18, does that already fully install it ? | 01:52 |
nalioth | tuxedo_kamen: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 01:52 |
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TiMiDo | hey nalioth wuz up | 01:52 |
nalioth | pussfeller: apt-get -f install xkey-bleh | 01:53 |
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speel | on hoary is ssh enabled by default? | 01:53 |
twysted | speel no | 01:53 |
nalioth | speel: there is a ssh client | 01:53 |
bimberi | Nard: admin password? if you mean the one you type when you run synaptic the no, it's your user password (and not stored separately) | 01:53 |
speel | ah ok thanks | 01:53 |
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Nard | ok | 01:54 |
rob_p | fmasi: If you synchronize your clock to a time source (use, "sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org"), does it keep time ok? Or does it drift noticeably over a short period of time? | 01:54 |
nalioth | TiMiDo: dont you sleep? | 01:54 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum... I still can't play WMV movies with it... should I use something else than Totem? | 01:54 |
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fmasi | rob_p after 5 minuts you see the difrence | 01:54 |
bimberi | nalioth: the irony of that question from you! :) | 01:54 |
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fmasi | rob_p its realy fast | 01:54 |
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windex | bimberi, nalioth is actually a group role played by over 30 diffrent people | 01:55 |
jsubl2 | tuxedo_kamen, i use mplayer apt-get install mozilla-mplayer | 01:55 |
nalioth | yes, yes, nalioth's innards in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 01:55 |
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steigweis | do you have an idea, why my browser doesnt render courier fonts? i have mstcorefonts an everything is working, but courier... | 01:56 |
=== Paradoxx [n=matthewm@port0105-aci-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
fmasi | rob_p so enny idea how to fix that i have a AMD64 leptop | 01:57 |
rob_p | fmasi: You might try disabling apic in the bios and at boot time. I've heard of issues with APIC and the system clock sharing the same interrupt and causing huge clock drift problems. I'm not saying that is the problem but it's worth a shot. | 01:57 |
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Paradoxx | hmm | 01:57 |
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Paradoxx | what program you all use to open .rars? | 01:57 |
Syrra | Hello | 01:57 |
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Seveas | unrar (package unrar-nonfree) | 01:58 |
fmasi | rob_p ok i will take note of that | 01:58 |
Syrra | I'd say WinRar but that's probably the wrong OS. :P | 01:58 |
Boink | TY @ll , cya | 01:58 |
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Paradoxx | Seveas: huh? | 01:58 |
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Syrra | anyway, anyone in here know anything about papaya mud client? | 01:58 |
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tristanmike | Paradoxx, I suspect that's why you use to open .rars | 01:58 |
tristanmike | *what | 01:59 |
StylusEater | alright...I'm about to go postal on my laptop...how the frig can I keep getting wlanctl-ng: no such device after I think I've tried everything in the book!!! | 01:59 |
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rob_p | fmasi: Actually, I'd be interested to know if that solves it for you. Do post back here if you find anything. Boa sorte cara! | 01:59 |
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Syrra | Was that a no? | 02:00 |
Hobbsee | Syrra: got no idea, but your question is rather broad, so no one can give you the info you want yet anyway | 02:00 |
fmasi | rob_p ok i Will | 02:00 |
fmasi | rob_p You speak portugese or just copy it ? | 02:01 |
Syrra | well, I was looking for a logging plugin for it, because it doesn't seem to have one in synaptic | 02:01 |
steigweis | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7099&highlight=courier this is a font problem, that is still unsolved. please help me... | 02:01 |
=== JustSomeone [i=JustAnot@AC85D2BD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zkmaster | question - how do i search for a file in nautilis? | 02:02 |
tuxedo_kamen | jsubl2, ok, I just installed it. Now, how can I set all possible files types to mozilla-player? | 02:02 |
zkmaster | i need to find `gtk+-2.0.pc' | 02:02 |
rob_p | fmasi: Yes. I speak Portuguese. | 02:02 |
=== bun-bun [n=bun-bun@66-215-25-35.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fmasi | rob_p where you from? | 02:03 |
nalioth | zkmaster: open a terminal and type "locate bleh" | 02:03 |
starscalling | http://www.i-rox.com/quote/854 omfg | 02:04 |
starscalling | http://www.i-rox.com/quote/854 | 02:04 |
zkmaster | nalioth: thank you | 02:04 |
fmasi | rob_p one more thing in the boot (grub i supose) how do i take it out ? | 02:04 |
StylusEater | nalioth: not "slocate bleh"? | 02:04 |
Syrra | or just a decent client for Ubuntu would work too, but it doesn't seem to .. *cough* have one.. hmm | 02:04 |
rob_p | fmasi: US, but I lived in Brasil for a few years. | 02:04 |
starscalling | !_! | 02:04 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, starscalling | 02:04 |
starscalling | ignore that | 02:04 |
starscalling | yeah | 02:04 |
Paradoxx | Seveas: unrar isn't a command... | 02:04 |
rob_p | fmasi: Not sure with grub. I use lilo. | 02:04 |
fmasi | rob_p ok | 02:05 |
zkmaster | nalioth: it just comes back to the prompt, nothing happens | 02:05 |
nalioth | idk slocate from locate (think one is a symlink for the other) | 02:05 |
Seveas | Paradoxx, apt-get install unrar-nonfree | 02:05 |
nalioth | zkmaster: then you dont have it | 02:05 |
StylusEater | bck to slack it is... | 02:05 |
tuxedo_kamen | >_< | 02:05 |
fmasi | enny one know how to take out APIC from grub boot ? | 02:05 |
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Paradoxx | was just about to do a cache serach for that :0 | 02:05 |
tuxedo_kamen | I just installed mozilla-player, does anyone know how to set all possible file types to it? | 02:06 |
zkmaster | hmmm i see a gtk 2.4 folder in /usr/lib, its still not installed? | 02:06 |
Syrra | is there an ubuntu gaming channel? | 02:06 |
nalioth | zkmaster: you need libgtk-bleh-dev | 02:06 |
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bimberi | tuxedo_kamen: i don't, but there's this... | 02:07 |
=== axeus [n=Randy@pcp0010677045pcs.cornth01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zkmaster | can i get libgtk-bleh-dev using apt-get? | 02:07 |
bimberi | !defaultapp | 02:07 |
ubotu | To change the default app for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties, then the "Open With" tab and change the setting | 02:07 |
rob_p | fmasi: For lilo, the boot parameters for disabling APIC are, noapic nolapic. Not sure of the syntax for the grub bootloader. | 02:07 |
axeus | Hmm, does Ubuntu have support for the IPW 2200 b/G wireless adapter? | 02:07 |
Seveas | zkmaster, of course | 02:07 |
axeus | Found in Dell laptops. | 02:07 |
zkmaster | thanks! | 02:07 |
fmasi | rob_p i supose it wil be the same | 02:07 |
cafuego_ | axeus: yes-ish | 02:07 |
tuxedo_kamen | bimberi, yeah, but I don't know where to find mozilla-player on my system! | 02:07 |
axeus | cafuego_: ish? :) | 02:08 |
nalioth | zkmaster: make sure -bleh- is a version number | 02:08 |
zkmaster | ah ok | 02:08 |
zkmaster | thanks | 02:08 |
zkmaster | what's the exact command to get it? | 02:08 |
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bimberi | tuxedo_kamen: do you mean mozilla-mplayer (note the "m")? | 02:08 |
zkmaster | apt-get libgtk-2.4-dev did not work | 02:09 |
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tuxedo_kamen | yeah, exactly, bimberi | 02:09 |
crimsun | zkmaster: err, what? libgtk2.0-dev? | 02:09 |
cafuego_ | axeus: I've heard rports that it works and report that it doesn't,. | 02:09 |
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zkmaster | what's the version number for libgtk-???-dev? | 02:10 |
=== AngryParsley [n=AngryPar@ool-457619d7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rob_p | fmasi: Yes, those will be the same but not sure about what you put before or after it such as the keyword "append" in lilo. My lilo entry has this line to disable it: append="noapic nolapic" | 02:10 |
zkmaster | my end goal is to compile airsnort 0.2.7e | 02:10 |
crimsun | zkmaster: there're no such packages. | 02:10 |
dougsko | Paradoxx: Ark can work with .rar files | 02:11 |
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crimsun | zkmaster: if you want to compile GTK+-2 apps, you want libgtk2.0-dev | 02:11 |
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tristanmike | tuxedo_kamen, you can usually find the excuteables in either the /bin or /usr directories | 02:11 |
fmasi | if nobody know it i will try and see | 02:11 |
zkmaster | ok thanks! | 02:11 |
zkmaster | i will try it now | 02:11 |
keffynd | is rythm box having issues? | 02:11 |
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keffynd | none of my streaming audio will work, I cant find any other way to test the sound on this thing | 02:12 |
crimsun | fmasi: add it to the kopt= line in /boot/grub/menu.lst if you're using grub, then sudo update-grub | 02:12 |
rob_p | fmasi: You could also try this suggestion: http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2003/05/msg00585.html | 02:12 |
zkmaster | crimsun how do i download that? i tried sudo apt-get libgtk2.0-dev but it did not work | 02:12 |
crimsun | zkmaster: you need the main repository enabled. | 02:13 |
fmasi | ok thx | 02:13 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum, ok | 02:13 |
tuxedo_kamen | brb | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | zkmaster: stick install between apt-get adn libgkt... | 02:13 |
axeus | Hmm. It seems to have detected my IPW 2200. I'm using the live-cd though. Just previewing what will/will not work before I install it. | 02:13 |
crimsun | axeus: the ipw2200 driver works fine in Breezy. | 02:13 |
zkmaster | thanks hobbsee! | 02:13 |
crimsun | (I'm using it right now.) | 02:13 |
axeus | Everything but wireless and native res is working fine. I'll just need the 1280x800 X patch and figure out the ipw2200 and I'll be good to go. :) | 02:13 |
nturner | I poked around ubuntu.com, but couldn't find anything --- are there any documented best practices for converting a live Debian system to Ubuntu? | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | zkmaster: no problems, always helps to be using the right commands :P | 02:13 |
=== centrebullet [n=centrebu@dpc6935183126.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
centrebullet | Can someone tell me how to set eth0 to ipv4 instead of inet6? | 02:14 |
crimsun | nturner: not a recommended path, but amend your sources.list and dist-upgrade | 02:14 |
axeus | crimsun: I'm sorry... Breezy? You mean 5 .10 ? | 02:14 |
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crimsun | (or cross-upgrade) | 02:14 |
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indigirl1 | what version ubuntu do i have? | 02:15 |
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crimsun | axeus: Breezy's a code for 5.10 | 02:15 |
crimsun | indigirl1: lsb_release -a | 02:15 |
arcanistherogue | hey, I have a question about running Unreal Tournament native in linux | 02:15 |
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arcanistherogue | when I run it, it goes way too fast and freezes | 02:15 |
fmasi | i go try the APIC thing and come back in a fey minuts to tell | 02:15 |
arcanistherogue | how do i slow it down? | 02:15 |
indigirl1 | crimsun: cool. how do i get breezy? | 02:15 |
centrebullet | Can someone tell me how to set eth0 to ipv4 instead of inet6? | 02:15 |
sexcopter8000m | where do the "names" warty, hoary, breezy etc come from? | 02:15 |
=== vengeful [n=vengeful@host86-133-225-225.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | u guys think the official release in 3 days is gonna be worth installing, compared to today's preview? | 02:15 |
vengeful | sorry bout that | 02:15 |
nalioth | sexcopter8000m: mr shuttlesworth | 02:15 |
crimsun | sexcopter8000m: see Mark Shuttleworth's wiki page. | 02:15 |
theblue | sexcopter8000m: Shuttleworth. | 02:15 |
nalioth | dougsko: they are virtually the same | 02:16 |
axeus | What is the root password on the Live CD? :S 5.10 | 02:16 |
crimsun | axeus: there is none | 02:16 |
arcanistherogue | axeus you are root | 02:16 |
NoUse | dougsk with synaptic you'll get upgraded to the official release | 02:16 |
centrebullet | Anyone? | 02:16 |
kelsey23 | the official release is coming on October 15th | 02:16 |
dougsko | cool, thats kinda what i thoughti figured as much | 02:16 |
axeus | Ah. | 02:16 |
Madpilot | kelsey23: 13th, actually | 02:16 |
crimsun | 15th? | 02:16 |
crimsun | where do people get these dates? ;) | 02:16 |
theblue | Ubuntu 5.10: The badger is almost here.... <fade to black> | 02:16 |
=== Cody` [n=cody@ddsl-216-68-134-98.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kelsey23 | oh. Last time I thought it was the i5th, but I guess they moved it up :-) | 02:17 |
Cody` | could anyone help me get esound working? | 02:17 |
=== mcquaid [i=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theblue | Are we gonna have a release party in here when Breezy's released? | 02:17 |
Cody` | after a chown -R root /etc and a chmod -R 755 /etc it didn't seem to work.. | 02:17 |
Cody` | did that by accident | 02:17 |
centrebullet | Can someone tell me how to set eth0 to ipv4 instead of inet6? | 02:17 |
HedgeMage | why do people ask a question, then leave before there's time to answer it? | 02:18 |
nturner | crimsun: well, I understand that; I figure there will be some gotchas though, and wondered if anyone had documented them. anyway, thanks; that is probably what i'll end up doing (either that or using deboostrap in a chroot...) | 02:18 |
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Hobbsee | HedgeMage: who knows...seems rather silly though | 02:18 |
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da_bon_bon | hi all | 02:18 |
nturner | er, s/deboo/deboot/ | 02:18 |
tga | howdy.. any idea how I can get my Alps touchpad to tap-to-drag in Breezy? | 02:18 |
da_bon_bon | why doesnt ubuntu allow me to use suns java ? it uses its own stupid gij | 02:18 |
da_bon_bon | i want suns java | 02:19 |
HedgeMage | What is the slowest/oldest computer you folks think a default install of ubuntu would run comfortably on? | 02:19 |
crimsun | da_bon_bon: then install sun's silly java and edit your $PATH | 02:19 |
=== abbot45 [n=abbot45@66-191-124-70.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tga | HedgeMage, if you use the 'server' install you can run it on a pentium 133 | 02:19 |
indigirl1 | do i just s/hoary/breezy/ in /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 02:19 |
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tga | HedgeMage, no Gnome or anything tough | 02:19 |
da_bon_bon | HedgeMage: piii 550mhz ? | 02:19 |
HedgeMage | tga: I was thinking for a newbie's desktop | 02:19 |
Syrra | ahaha, hedgemage | 02:19 |
Syrra | nice name | 02:19 |
bimberi | !sunjava | 02:19 |
ubotu | hmm... javadeb is for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) 64-bit? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 02:19 |
crimsun | indigirl1: sure. Make sure you read the upgrade notes first on the wiki. | 02:19 |
da_bon_bon | ok, crimsun :) | 02:19 |
HedgeMage | tga: it's gnome that worries me a bit, I'm used to super-light wm's like fvwm or occassionally flux | 02:20 |
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HedgeMage | Syrra: thanks | 02:20 |
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abbot45 | can someone please tell me how to add a file to my crontab so it will run every night? | 02:20 |
tga | HedgeMage, right, flux will run on virtually anything.. drop gnome and you're fine | 02:20 |
indigirl1 | HedgeMage: or icewm | 02:20 |
tritium | nalioth, latest X updates fixed it | 02:20 |
indigirl1 | abbot45: ?? | 02:20 |
mcquaid | I was going to do a dist upgrade to breezy but it's flagging a lot of stuff for removal (kdelibs, xlibmesa ...) | 02:21 |
tga | HedgeMage, a Linux newbie should learn how to do stuff with the command line anyway.. Gnome is more of a Windows replacement | 02:21 |
dougsko | da_bon_bon: take a look here, (quick google search) http://www.livejournal.com/community/ubuntulinux/7679.html | 02:21 |
keffynd | what is the sound dev in Unbuntu? /dev/??? | 02:21 |
WinZ | , | 02:21 |
WinZ | oh, sorry.. wrong keymap | 02:21 |
tga | keffynd, /dev/dsp should work | 02:21 |
mcquaid | i think i read aptitude can result in a smoother dist upgrade | 02:21 |
tga | keffynd, although that's the ALSA OSS emulation | 02:21 |
HedgeMage | tga: I don't think I'm going to sell that idea to my technophobic little-old-schoolteacher mom | 02:21 |
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bytefoo | i need some gnome speed tips :/ | 02:21 |
Cody` | Can anybody help me get esound back? after a chown -R root /etc and a chmod -R 755 /etc it didn't seem to work.. did that by accident | 02:21 |
Riddell | mcquaid: that's fine | 02:22 |
keffynd | ok | 02:22 |
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keffynd | how can I tell waht snd server I am using? | 02:22 |
tga | HedgeMage, if she's technofobic then all she cares about is the button to start the browser.. I imagine a nice clean interface like openbox would actually help | 02:22 |
crimsun | keffynd: pgrep esd | 02:22 |
abbot45 | indigirl1, im setting up the client for Odeo and it has a .shell file that inniates the mp3 downloads. it says to use crontab -e to make the .shell file run every night, but i can't get it to work. | 02:22 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum... I installed mplayer (mozilla player) and I still can't see *.avi and *.wmv movies, that application freezes and everything... did I do anything wrong or something? | 02:22 |
Pantero | Just go with blackbox. That's about as minimal as you'll get. | 02:22 |
HedgeMage | tga: the thing is, I will be talking her through installing it herself... I'm hoping for as few steps as humanly possible. | 02:22 |
Syrra | Panther! | 02:22 |
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Pantero | Sup, Syrra | 02:23 |
dougsko | tuxedo_kamen: go with vlc, it plays everything | 02:23 |
tga | HedgeMage, what machine does she have? | 02:23 |
tuxedo_kamen | >_> | 02:23 |
tga | HedgeMage, also, does she have broadband? | 02:23 |
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keffynd | crimsun that gave me 7093 | 02:23 |
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mcquaid | Riddell, what do you mean thats fine? it's flagging 106 pkgs for removal | 02:23 |
nalioth | tritium: cool | 02:23 |
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HedgeMage | tga: she will have broadband by the time she gets her CD (theoretically) | 02:23 |
HedgeMage | tga: she has an old 400mhz something with an unknown amount of RAM | 02:24 |
crimsun | keffynd: esd is running. If you haven't changed the default audio settings, then gnome apps use esound. | 02:24 |
Pantero | Shoot for it, jim. | 02:24 |
tga | HedgeMage, you can tell her to do the 'server' install, which should only prompt for a few things, then you ssh in and configure the thing | 02:24 |
indigirl1 | tuxedo_kamen: you need codecs | 02:24 |
tga | HedgeMage, for the install the trickiest part is the drive partitioning | 02:24 |
rob_p | abbot45: Try, "crontab -u your_username -e" and it will open up in a text editor for you to edit. | 02:24 |
keffynd | crimsun thx | 02:25 |
HedgeMage | tga: that sounds good. I wish I were there to do it for her in person, but that's 2000 miles! | 02:25 |
twysted | tga> she will have to install ssh as well :) since its not in there by defaults | 02:25 |
HedgeMage | hmmm... | 02:25 |
twysted | but that is on the cd :) | 02:25 |
mcquaid | how does one upgrade relatively smoothly to breezy? | 02:25 |
mcquaid | suprised there isn't a thread on upgrading/issues | 02:25 |
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crimsun | you didn't read the topic. | 02:25 |
tga | HedgeMage, my suggestion -- get her to use something simple like openbox or xfwm4 tops.. she'll have less trouble using it | 02:25 |
crimsun | oh woops, there's a topic?! | 02:26 |
=== HedgeMage nods | ||
tga | my upgrade was kinda bumpy.. I alternated between dist-upgrade and dpkg --configure -f quite a few times | 02:26 |
abbot45 | rob_p, i tried that. i added the file and hit save, but then when i do crontab -u adam -l it says "user adam has no crontab" or something like that. | 02:26 |
Denski | is the desktop of breezy the same as hedgehog? where can i see the screen shot of breezy | 02:27 |
Denski | thanks | 02:27 |
rob_p | abbot45: One sec... | 02:27 |
crimsun | Denski: the artwork has been adjusted slightly | 02:27 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuxedo_kamen | great, now I have no sound! >_> | 02:27 |
Pantero | It's about the same. | 02:27 |
tga | nice.. upgrading firefox seems to have created some problems with it | 02:27 |
mustard5 | it's essentially the same desktop with a few different menu options | 02:27 |
=== hablandocontigo [n=usuario@c-67-173-185-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
remyforbes777 | .. | 02:28 |
mcquaid | hey sorry didn't check the topic, maybe should be stickied at the forums | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | tga: what problems? | 02:28 |
mcquaid | hmm ok that link doesn't have much | 02:28 |
tga | Hobbsee, clicking a downloadable link gets me an 'invalid xml' window | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | mcquaid: if you didnt see the topic, then you're unlikely to see a sticky at the forums... | 02:28 |
hablandocontigo | hi, I just installed base-system and firefox on 233mhz/128mb ram, how can I start firefox in X server with no DE/WM? | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | tga: file a bug for it? | 02:29 |
nalioth | hablandocontigo: find a terminal | 02:29 |
tga | Hobbsee, will sure do, as soon as I play with it some more | 02:29 |
Pantero | Open a terminal and find it in /usr/bin. | 02:29 |
nalioth | hablandocontigo: type "firefox" | 02:29 |
NoUse | abbot45 just use podnova.com and ipodder.sf.net | 02:29 |
NoUse | abbot45 odeo's linux client sucks | 02:29 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum... | 02:29 |
tuxedo_kamen | >_> | 02:29 |
abbot45 | ipodder sucks too. | 02:30 |
axeus | Do I want to install "5.10 preview install", or do I want a latter version? | 02:30 |
NoUse | abbot45 I have no problem with it | 02:30 |
tuxedo_kamen | I installed vlc, and I have no image on WMV files... what should I do? | 02:30 |
abbot45 | there really aren't any good podcatchers for linux. | 02:30 |
axeus | former* | 02:30 |
Pantero | What later version? | 02:30 |
axeus | :S | 02:30 |
Pantero | Ah | 02:30 |
axeus | 4.0 whatever.. | 02:30 |
Pantero | 5.04 | 02:30 |
axeus | So no 5.10? | 02:30 |
kevogod | axeus, Three days is 5.10 release | 02:30 |
NoUse | abbot45 what problems are you having with ipodder? | 02:30 |
Pantero | 5.1 stable's about to be out anyway, you might as well do the preview. | 02:30 |
kevogod | You might as well wait for 3 days. | 02:31 |
axeus | I'd imagine they left out alot of features in the "preview" ? | 02:31 |
Pantero | Or that. | 02:31 |
kevogod | axeus, No. | 02:31 |
vengeful | no | 02:31 |
kbrooks | axeus: no | 02:31 |
axeus | lol :) | 02:31 |
kevogod | Preview simply means "In Testing". | 02:31 |
kbrooks | ubuntu is open source | 02:31 |
Pantero | Wrong type of "preview". | 02:31 |
hablandocontigo | nalioth woops, installing xorg now, but how can I get it so that once I boot grub and linux starts up, I can automatically launch xserver with firefox? | 02:31 |
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tga | Hobbsee, remove/install fixed it | 02:31 |
DiESELMuSA | hello :) | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | tga: :) | 02:32 |
twysted | nice i get a 403 when trying to download the breezy iso from the US mirror | 02:32 |
DiESELMuSA | Any way I can do install from a floppy? | 02:32 |
tga | any idea how I can get my Alps touchpad to tap-to-drag in Breezy? | 02:32 |
vengeful | launch xserver with firefox? eh? | 02:32 |
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tuxedo_kamen | I installed vlc, and I have no image on WMV files... what should I do? anyone? :| (and yeah, I already installed the codecs) | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | twysted: why not grab it from the daily files instead? | 02:32 |
hablandocontigo | vengeful yup | 02:32 |
Pantero | Diesel, you can boot to cd with a smartboot manager floppy | 02:32 |
hablandocontigo | vengeful nah | 02:32 |
vengeful | hehe | 02:32 |
DiESELMuSA | Pantero: don't have a cdrom :( | 02:32 |
rob_p | abbot45: Ok, sorry about that. I had a phone call. Anyway, you need to make sure you follow the correct syntax for your cron entry. | 02:32 |
hablandocontigo | vengeful I got that. | 02:32 |
twysted | Hobbsee i was just clicking the link on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ | 02:33 |
Pantero | Diesel, it'll take you a while and a lot of floppies. | 02:33 |
kevogod | Anyone use pptp-linux with pptpconfig? | 02:33 |
abbot45 | NoUse, it freezes when i open it. it used to work ok. also, i installed it from synaptic yet it doesnt have an icon in the Applications menu. | 02:33 |
DiESELMuSA | but are it a way to do a netinstall? | 02:33 |
karmatoburn | any help with my 1st cdrom device not mounting media | 02:33 |
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kbrooks | I have a windows license. Can I use w32codecs? | 02:33 |
hablandocontigo | how can I automatically startx and then start mozilla in the xserver? | 02:33 |
karmatoburn | some secert handshake | 02:33 |
NoUse | abbot45 another group has taken over linux development for ipodder, they're calling it castpodder now, you might want to check it out | 02:33 |
=== luny [n=luny@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pantero | I don't have much experience with remote installations, but it should be possible. | 02:34 |
Hobbsee | twysted: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ | 02:34 |
Hobbsee | twysted: is the absolute latest daily cds of it | 02:34 |
DiESELMuSA | ok, I just need a way to do it :P | 02:34 |
luny | how do I add Spanish to the list of Languages avail on login? | 02:34 |
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twysted | hobbsee thanks :) | 02:34 |
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Hobbsee | twysted: no problems | 02:34 |
karmatoburn | is there a help bot? | 02:34 |
NoUse | karmatoburn ubotu | 02:34 |
kevogod | karmatoburn, Yes | 02:34 |
=== Chadza [n=chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | karmatoburn: yes | 02:34 |
kevogod | !tell karmatoburn about ubotu | 02:35 |
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abbot45 | rob_p, i am using the one in the install file. 00 [tab] 00 [tab] * [tab] * [tab] * [tab] /path/to/shell/file.shell | 02:35 |
=== twysted is going to give ubuntu a chance on his desktop instead of just servers | ||
karmatoburn | ! tell karmatoburn about cdroms | 02:35 |
ubotu | No idea, karmatoburn | 02:35 |
Pantero | The Desktop's what it's designed for, after all. | 02:35 |
=== luckyaba [n=luckyaba@ip68-6-87-26.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elad` | "There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated Konqueror with inode/directory, but it cannot handle this type." | 02:36 |
karmatoburn | ! tell karmatoburn about mounting cdrom drive | 02:36 |
ubotu | karmatoburn: I don't know, could you explain it? | 02:36 |
kbrooks | karmatoburn: stop it... | 02:36 |
kevogod | !tell karmatoburn about mounting | 02:36 |
kbrooks | karmatoburn-- | 02:36 |
Pantero | Mod -1, redundant. | 02:36 |
kbrooks | karmatoburn: now your karma is on fire :P | 02:36 |
twysted | lol | 02:36 |
karmatoburn | thanks | 02:36 |
=== JustSomeone [i=JustAnot@AC85D2BD.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu ["Rawr.."] | ||
dougsko | karmatoburn: sudo /dev/cd0 /mnt/cdrom (the actual device name and mount point might be different) | 02:37 |
karmatoburn | one auto mounts and one does not | 02:37 |
tritium | karmatoburn, you can send private messages to ubotu | 02:37 |
rob_p | abbot45: For example, you want your script to be executed every night, as your user. You'd do a, "crontab -e" to open your user crontab file in the editor. Then you'd enter, "30 0 * * * your_username /path/to/your/script" and then save the file. That should run at every morning at 00:30. | 02:37 |
kbrooks | dougsko: look at the typo | 02:37 |
dougsko | what typo? | 02:38 |
kbrooks | first off, you forgot mount | 02:38 |
dougsko | oh lol | 02:38 |
elad` | How do I reset Konqueror settings? | 02:38 |
karmatoburn | tritium, hmm no i can not | 02:38 |
tritium | karmatoburn, did you register with nickserv? | 02:38 |
dougsko | i guess that would be kinda crucial | 02:38 |
DiESELMuSA | Is there anyone that can help me? (some way to do a netinstall (floppy) of ubuntu | 02:38 |
karmatoburn | umm yeah | 02:38 |
tuxedo_kamen | I installed vlc, and I have no image on WMV files... what should I do? anyone? :| (and yeah, I already installed the codecs) | 02:39 |
tritium | !tell DiESELMuSA about install | 02:39 |
=== i_ is now known as [_] | ||
tritium | DiESELMuSA, see the Advanced Installation Methods on that URL ubotu sent you | 02:39 |
abbot45 | rob_p, so how would i do it at 03:00? | 02:39 |
DiESELMuSA | ok tritium :) | 02:40 |
=== TylerDurden [n=TylerDur@adsl-69-208-167-43.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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TylerDurden | how come css is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow on play2play? | 02:40 |
TylerDurden | it worked fine on windows. ive installed the drivers right | 02:40 |
dougsko | tuxedo_kamen: try some different wmv's, i find that some work and some dont. theyre a pain in the neck | 02:40 |
rob_p | abbot45: Looks like you were pretty close with it. You left out the user under which you want the script executed. For 03:00, you' make it, "00 03 * * * your_username /path/to/your/script" | 02:40 |
tuxedo_kamen | >_< | 02:40 |
tuxedo_kamen | i tried 2 of them... | 02:40 |
tuxedo_kamen | should I better use windows for that kind of file? | 02:41 |
seethru | TylerDurden: using a FX5500 PCI? | 02:41 |
TylerDurden | exactly :D | 02:41 |
karmatoburn | what are the correct permissions 660? | 02:41 |
TylerDurden | im jsut sick of waiting. i cant live without css | 02:41 |
tuxedo_kamen | lol | 02:41 |
elad` | My Konqueror is completely borked. | 02:41 |
seethru | TylerDurden: well, I really can't think of anything else man until I get home atleast | 02:41 |
TylerDurden | yeah :( say, how does ubuntu work compared to windows for u? i mean smooth-wise | 02:42 |
rob_p | abbot45: If that doesn't work, check for the existance of /etc/cron.allow and/or /etc/cron.deny. If either of those files exist, they will have bearing on whether or not you are allowed to make user crontabs. | 02:42 |
abbot45 | rob_p, thanks man, that worked. | 02:42 |
rob_p | abbot45: Cool! | 02:42 |
twysted | tuxedo_kamen> some wmv use other codecs as well for some reason that would be why your not getting video | 02:42 |
=== ksmurf [n=ksmurf@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hablandocontigo | how do I start xserver without startx? | 02:43 |
seethru | TylerDurden: well, I don't really notice a difference, but as I said on the forums, I've got a 6800GT so even if there is one, it's probably very small | 02:43 |
hablandocontigo | I don't have the startx command | 02:43 |
Pantero | xdm | 02:43 |
steigweis | can anybody send me the courier font and tell me where to put it, that it works? my ubuntu doesnt render courier :/ | 02:43 |
tritium | hablandocontigo, normally, a display manager is run | 02:43 |
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karmatoburn | i have to belive it is a hardware problem | 02:43 |
TylerDurden | well i dont think its really my card, i know its bad but it might also be my ram, it feels as if its operating at 128 mb | 02:43 |
TylerDurden | everything takes long to open and icons and other things refresh slowly | 02:43 |
Pantero | habla, try xdm | 02:43 |
abbot45 | btw, NoUse, there isn't really a linux client for Odeo because its all web based. the only thing you have to do is set the crontab to run the file for the downloads so it will grab everything for you while you're sleeping. | 02:44 |
seethru | TylerDurden: IDE HDD? | 02:44 |
tritium | hablandocontigo, gdm should have been installed by default | 02:44 |
abbot45 | NoUse, it runs in the background. | 02:44 |
karmatoburn | creat a .fonts folder and drop it in there | 02:44 |
TylerDurden | uhhh im not sure | 02:44 |
karmatoburn | what font do you need ? | 02:44 |
TylerDurden | how cna i find out? | 02:44 |
karmatoburn | put the folder in your /home | 02:44 |
hablandocontigo | Pantero I am trying xdm, gdm is not installed b/c I did base-system install for this 233mhz/128mb machince | 02:44 |
seethru | TylerDurden: it's quite likely IDE, read up on DMA and see if you can enable it on your hdd | 02:45 |
steigweis | karmatoburn: i need the courier font | 02:45 |
Pantero | Only base? You did install the x packages, right? | 02:45 |
TylerDurden | i already enabled dma | 02:45 |
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tga | interesting.. the google result page for "subway" somehow sets a cookie for www.subway.com | 02:46 |
dougsko | lol | 02:46 |
dougsko | i used to work for scrubway | 02:46 |
tga | can anyone verify that? | 02:46 |
=== pupil [n=pupil@CPE000d883f2082-CM00407b878b33.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karmatoburn | man outta 2000 + fonst i do not see it | 02:46 |
karmatoburn | fonts | 02:46 |
twysted | i want 2000+ fonts | 02:46 |
twysted | :D | 02:46 |
karmatoburn | pardon my poor spelling | 02:46 |
tga | dougsk, nice place to work, eh? | 02:47 |
hablandocontigo | Pantero I installed firefox and xorg | 02:47 |
seethru | TylerDurden: not sure what else to suggest then man, I mean if the system itself seems sluggish you may be SOL. How much RAM total do you have? | 02:47 |
Pantero | Okay, just making sure. | 02:47 |
Pantero | How did xdm turn out? | 02:47 |
TylerDurden | whats SOL? i have 768 ram | 02:47 |
steigweis | is there anybody, who can dcc me the courierfonts? | 02:47 |
hablandocontigo | blinked bogus colors 3 times on VESA driver | 02:47 |
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Pantero | TylerDurden: S*t outta luck. | 02:47 |
steigweis | i am not sure about the filename | 02:47 |
karmatoburn | twysted, we use them for laying out lettering for tattoos | 02:48 |
karmatoburn | so we need that many | 02:48 |
hablandocontigo | Pantero should VESA work for nearly all monitors? | 02:48 |
dougsko | tga: oh yeah, it was a blast. and yeah it set a cookie for me too, lol, however that happens | 02:48 |
Pantero | hablando, if the x-server is failing, you might need to run xorgconfig | 02:48 |
karmatoburn | try that one | 02:48 |
bimberi | tga: yep - cookie set here too, hm | 02:49 |
hablandocontigo | Pantero okay, I'll try that. I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg last time | 02:49 |
karmatoburn | the fonts deal is funny if you are used to the old way/it is just /home/.fonts/ | 02:49 |
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karmatoburn | should work for every app in that account | 02:49 |
tga | bimberi, nice stuff, eh? | 02:50 |
steigweis | karmatoburn: i have only two fonts in /home/.fonts | 02:50 |
steigweis | everything seems to be in the /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ | 02:50 |
steigweis | so, should i put your file in the homefolder? | 02:50 |
karmatoburn | yeah | 02:50 |
karmatoburn | .fonts | 02:50 |
nalioth | steigweis: no. you system will see all the fonts | 02:50 |
dougsko | tga: i wonder if doing it through a proxy scanner like whisker or paros would tell how it's doing that | 02:51 |
karmatoburn | it is hidden by default | 02:51 |
steigweis | ok, i will try | 02:51 |
tga | dougsko, bimberi: <link rel="prefetch" href="http://www.subway.com/"> | 02:51 |
karmatoburn | for that account it will | 02:51 |
bimberi | tga: no good imo | 02:51 |
karmatoburn | or username if you prefer | 02:51 |
=== tga nods | ||
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duncanm | hmm... 3 days | 02:52 |
karmatoburn | if a system has only one user what woudl it matter? | 02:52 |
tga | karmatoburn, that's the Unix Way | 02:52 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: you're thinking of installing breezy early? | 02:52 |
karmatoburn | i know this | 02:52 |
dougsko | tga: a little money goes a long way i guess... | 02:52 |
hablandocontigo | Pantero there is no xorgconfig command found for root or user | 02:52 |
karmatoburn | had to unlearn it also | 02:52 |
Pantero | ...Odd. | 02:53 |
karmatoburn | for this distro | 02:53 |
tritium | hablandocontigo, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:53 |
Pantero | It might be xorgcfg for you | 02:53 |
gnomefreak | ive had breezy since the day or day after it found its self on a few downloads site | 02:53 |
tritium | no, please don't run xorgcfg | 02:53 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: maybe, yeah | 02:53 |
duncanm | is it a good idea? | 02:53 |
karmatoburn | and that nfo came from the ubuntu faq. | 02:53 |
Pantero | Check the X11R6/bin directory | 02:53 |
lsuactiafner | is there a way to install ubuntu without a monitor/screen attached to the PC? | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: seems stable enough, plenty of people are using it | 02:53 |
tga | lsuactiafner, only if you can talk to that machine through a serial console | 02:54 |
steigweis | karmatoburn: it doesnt work. do i have to restart x in order to get courier working? | 02:54 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: the upgrade path is smooth? | 02:54 |
gnomefreak | lsuactiafner, im thinking no | 02:54 |
hablandocontigo | tritium I ran sudo dpkg...etc but I couldn't config it to boot on VESA driver into X | 02:54 |
karmatoburn | we tattoo a fair number of names here so it is a must open office and our fonts work | 02:54 |
tga | lsuactiafner, you can configure it and all through ssh but you need to at least install the base system somehow | 02:54 |
karmatoburn | no | 02:54 |
tritium | hablandocontigo, why not? | 02:54 |
lsuactiafner | am too lazy to unplug my screen to install.. heh | 02:54 |
karmatoburn | maybe the wrong font | 02:54 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: can be, sometimes it isnt. it's safer to install from a daily cd, just make sure you have a backup | 02:54 |
lsuactiafner | ah well, suppose i should | 02:54 |
remyforbes777 | hablandocontigo im having the same issue | 02:54 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: i figured, not much is gonna change between today and 3 days from now | 02:54 |
karmatoburn | it is a .fonts file riight? | 02:54 |
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remyforbes777 | trying to get x to work on my laptop | 02:55 |
karmatoburn | note to the . | 02:55 |
lsuactiafner | can i get an xorg system installed for media in under 1G? | 02:55 |
lsuactiafner | media entertainment.. | 02:55 |
twysted | lsuactiafner> prolly not :) | 02:55 |
remyforbes777 | knoppix uses xfree86 with the vesa driver and it works fine but Ubuntu doesnt with xorg | 02:55 |
Pantero | You won't have any room left for the media if you do. | 02:55 |
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hablandocontigo | tritium I typed xdm and X blinks garbage on all three resulution selected 1024->640 | 02:55 |
lsuactiafner | media is remote | 02:55 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: seems like still a bit, but it shouldnt make much difference unless you are on dialup | 02:55 |
lsuactiafner | hmmm.. suppose i can run mplayer in vesa.. tho xv wouldve been nice | 02:56 |
steigweis | karmatoburn: yes its /home/wol/.fonts | 02:56 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: yeah, and that way i get a headstart | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: that you do | 02:56 |
lsuactiafner | k thanks bye | 02:56 |
Pantero | lsu, I doubt it. The higher-end desktops probably won't fit in that small a space unless you use an old version... | 02:57 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: are you running it already? | 02:57 |
axeus | Hm. | 02:57 |
duncanm | i just follow the BreezyUpgradeNotes, right? | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: yeah, kubuntu though, plety of people are running both kubuntu or ubuntu | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 02:57 |
karmatoburn | nan it should be /home/.fonts | 02:57 |
nalioth | karmatoburn: /home/username/.fonts | 02:57 |
lsuactiafner | Pantero : will try another distro first, since i know how to config things to be around 500mb only.. | 02:57 |
lsuactiafner | am too lazy to figure ubuntu out, too many dependancies will be enforced. | 02:58 |
karmatoburn | ok mine is not that way | 02:58 |
tritium | hablandocontigo, what happended to your gdm? | 02:58 |
Pantero | Go for it. Generally when I'm having to fit an install into less than 2 Gigs, I go with Slack. | 02:58 |
lsuactiafner | Pantero : thinking same thing | 02:58 |
karmatoburn | my path is /home/.fonts/ | 02:58 |
=== lukewarm [n=lukewarm@wv-morgantown-cdnt1-bg1-4a-a-245.mgtnwv.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pantero | Ubuntu's my "luxurious desktop OS". | 02:58 |
twysted | can always do a server install and try to install everything from there, but good luck | 02:58 |
hablandocontigo | tritium installed base-system | 02:58 |
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tritium | hablandocontigo, you did a server install? | 02:59 |
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=== lukewarm just did an easy hoary->breezy AMD64 upgrade | ||
lsuactiafner | tho i could make a 32bit install on a subdirectory on this 64bit machine, and then make most of the remote system use my disk space | 02:59 |
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lsuactiafner | netowrk system.. | 02:59 |
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hablandocontigo | tritium yup, that's what they call it these days | 03:00 |
lsuactiafner | thanks for advice | 03:00 |
lsuactiafner | night | 03:00 |
Pantero | G'night. | 03:00 |
psusi | I'm trying to compile the intel asl compiler to fix my dsdt and it errors... I think it is because flex isn't configured right to support unput()... what did you have to do to get flex to build code that can use unput()? | 03:00 |
tritium | hablandocontigo, have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 03:00 |
psusi | specifically the error is: aslcompiler.l:847: error: 'yytext_ptr' undeclared (first use in this function) | 03:01 |
twysted | bbl | 03:01 |
hablandocontigo | tritium will do that, last time it was No Output device, will check now | 03:01 |
psusi | and on line 846 is a call to unput() | 03:01 |
crimsun | psusi: are you using flex or flex-old? | 03:01 |
psusi | flex | 03:01 |
Seveas | psusi, are you sure flex is installed? | 03:01 |
psusi | yea, just installed it | 03:01 |
psusi | I seem to remmber flex had an option that had something to do with allowing unput() to work or not... but I forget the details | 03:02 |
dougsko | hablandocontigo: check out this page, http://wiki.x.org/wiki/FAQVideoModes | 03:02 |
hablandocontigo | dougsko thanks | 03:02 |
dougsko | it might not be exactly what yr looking for, but it could be cclose | 03:03 |
Seveas | try flex -l | 03:03 |
Xorlev | Which command is it that you execute after compiling a program to register it with dpkg? | 03:03 |
Seveas | checkinstall | 03:04 |
tritium | Xorlev, you want to use checkinstall | 03:04 |
nalioth | Xorlev: what did you use to compile? | 03:04 |
steigweis | karmatoburn: can you resend the file please, i have missed it:) btw. this guy had the same courier font problem, but still unsolved | 03:04 |
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steigweis | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7099 | 03:04 |
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Xorlev | tritium: Thanks =) | 03:04 |
=== sayan [n=magoshit@201009170194.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | :) | 03:05 |
Xorlev | nalioth: Do I have to use a special type of make? Or dpkg or something? | 03:05 |
psusi | hrm... with the -l now I get: aslglobal.h:146: error: conflicting types for 'AslCompilertext' | 03:05 |
=== tga still can't get his Alps touchpad to tap-to-drag | ||
tga | I added the Xorg options from the README but the touchpad still ignores me | 03:05 |
karmatoburn | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60504&highlight=fonts | 03:05 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell Xorlev about checkinstall | 03:05 |
karmatoburn | that should help with the font questions | 03:05 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: it says i could 'lost data', i don't see why that would happen... | 03:06 |
nalioth | Xorlev: just read that page, checkinstall is pretty easy | 03:06 |
karmatoburn | g'nite all | 03:06 |
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duncanm | Hobbsee: i just have one big partition, and i don't have space for backup | 03:06 |
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tritium | duncanm, you might consider backups on a physically separate drive anyway | 03:06 |
steigweis | karmatoburn: thanks for your help! | 03:07 |
psusi | damn intel, you can at least ship valid code... | 03:07 |
=== primoturbo [n=primotur@HSE-Kingston-ppp193792.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | dorks declare it as a char * in one place and a char [] in another | 03:07 |
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primoturbo | Can someone pls point me to a guide on installing ATI drivers on Breezy? | 03:07 |
tritium | !tell primoturbo about ati | 03:08 |
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tga | !alps | 03:08 |
ubotu | tga: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 03:08 |
tga | !synaptics | 03:08 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, tga | 03:08 |
tga | yeah yeah | 03:08 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: are you on windows now? | 03:09 |
HedgeMage | lol | 03:09 |
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duncanm | Hobbsee: nope | 03:09 |
duncanm | well, i'm starting it | 03:09 |
duncanm | i don't think i have anything that's non-standard on this box | 03:09 |
Hobbsee | as in, the install? | 03:09 |
duncanm | yeah | 03:09 |
duncanm | the updating now, then dist-upgrade | 03:09 |
psusi | stupid intel... this code is horrible | 03:09 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034065046.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | cool :) | 03:10 |
psusi | all kinds of incorrect casts that aren't 64bit compatible | 03:10 |
tga | psusi, what does Intel know about 64-bit anyway :) | 03:10 |
duncanm | Wax: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 03:10 |
duncanm | how do i add the key? | 03:10 |
psusi | not much it would seem... seeing as how they had to license it from AMD :) | 03:11 |
HrdwrBob | and it sucks | 03:11 |
psusi | but... at least it built the binary... now to see if it can compile | 03:11 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: do you know? | 03:12 |
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macgeek | how long do think it will take to ship ubuntu cds to washington state? | 03:13 |
macgeek | i ordered some today | 03:13 |
Seveas | 4 to 6 weeks | 03:13 |
tga | it's faster to get it on dialup :) | 03:13 |
macgeek | Seveas: oh i was expecting more like 2 months+, the way people made it sound so long | 03:14 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: sudo apt-key add nameofkey.gpg | 03:14 |
Hobbsee | but you have to have downloaded the key first, into your home dir | 03:14 |
macgeek | tga: i have tried and failed around 8 times to burn my own cds. somethings screwy so i just ordered some | 03:14 |
dougsko | macgeek: yeah u might as well just download and burn 'em yrself now, youve already made yr contribution :) | 03:14 |
macgeek | dougsko, contribution? | 03:14 |
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dougsko | macgeek: well, by ordering the cd's | 03:15 |
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macgeek | dougsko: its free | 03:15 |
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duncanm | Hobbsee: is there a new key? | 03:15 |
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dougsko | macgeek: oh wow, thats real cool. i thought theyd be a couple bucks | 03:16 |
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Netslayer | i ran the ubuntu update and it's giving: "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox" my firefox doesn't work right now as well | 03:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
macgeek | dougsko: nope you dont even pay shipping. completely free | 03:16 |
Netslayer | any ideas? | 03:16 |
breakthestate | can i use cdrecord to just add a file to a cd-rw? i've googled and googled and can't seem to come up with a good answer for a cli program to do this | 03:16 |
Seveas | Netslayer, disable backports, remove all firefox/mozilla-firefox packages and retry | 03:16 |
Netslayer | Seveas, how do i disable backports? | 03:16 |
Seveas | same way as you enabled them... | 03:17 |
dougsko | macgeek: man, you dont find that too often | 03:17 |
=== steigweis [n=steigwei@p50879366.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Netslayer | Seveas, hrm.. i just installed ubuntu | 03:17 |
Netslayer | i'll google it then | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: possibly, i dont know | 03:17 |
macgeek | dougsko: i love the free open source community | 03:17 |
=== macgeek hugs linux | ||
dougsko | macgeek: tell me about it... | 03:18 |
duncanm | oh, it's working now | 03:18 |
duncanm | okay | 03:18 |
steigweis | ok, i love you too, especially if you can dcc me the courier font! | 03:19 |
kbrooks | is ubuntu placed under a specific license? | 03:20 |
steigweis | it is in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ | 03:20 |
=== Pufflekins [n=Spartacu@Belleville-ppp201055.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pufflekins | Hey | 03:20 |
steigweis | or in your homedirectory | 03:20 |
TiMiDo | Pufflekins hey | 03:20 |
Pufflekins | I need help finding a 56k driver for my modem | 03:20 |
steigweis | my courier font is fucked up | 03:20 |
macgeek | dougsko: you running ubuntu? | 03:20 |
TiMiDo | Pufflekins www.linuxmodem.org | 03:20 |
kevogod | kbrooks, GPL | 03:20 |
Seveas | kbrooks, the software in Ubuntu has vatious licenses | 03:20 |
kbrooks | kevogod: prove it | 03:20 |
kbrooks | Seveas: ubuntu itself | 03:21 |
crimsun | uh, what is "Ubuntu itself"? | 03:21 |
=== luckyaba [n=luckyaba@ip68-6-87-26.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
axeus | w00t. :) ipw2200 works fine | 03:21 |
Pufflekins | Sorry we could not find www.linuxmodem.org. I got a squattre | 03:21 |
Pufflekins | Sqautter | 03:21 |
Seveas | kbrooks, what would you call 'Ubuntu itself'? | 03:21 |
kevogod | Ubuntu is not a single entity. | 03:21 |
kbrooks | Seveas: just ubuntu | 03:21 |
kevogod | But the majority of applications are GPLed. | 03:21 |
TiMiDo | sorry is http://www.linmodem.com/ | 03:21 |
TiMiDo | there u go Pufflekins http://www.linmodem.com/ | 03:21 |
Pufflekins | Oh, ok | 03:21 |
crimsun | kbrooks: "just Ubuntu"? | 03:22 |
Seveas | kbrooks, there is no such thing as 'Just Ubuntu'.... | 03:22 |
kbrooks | Seveas: meaning not the various applications | 03:22 |
Seveas | kbrooks, if you take out all packages, nothing is left... | 03:22 |
kevogod | Ubuntu is nothing then. | 03:22 |
Pufflekins | Thanks a lot TiMiDo | 03:22 |
kbrooks | Seveas: are you sure ubuntu isnt licensed? | 03:22 |
Pufflekins | Oh, I actually got another squatter | 03:22 |
dougsko | macgeek: yeah i just installed it today. i was running kanotix for a about a year before though | 03:23 |
kevogod | kbrooks, What is your concern anyway? | 03:23 |
kbrooks | kevogod: just wondering | 03:23 |
dougsko | which is pretty similar b/c its debian based too | 03:23 |
crimsun | Linux+libc6+{many, many, many applications, libraries, artwork, documentation, ...} | 03:23 |
macgeek | dougsko: oh ok cool. i've been trying to install to no avail, thus i ordered the cds | 03:23 |
macgeek | dougsko: my burned cds were screwed up. md5 sums never matched | 03:23 |
Pufflekins | TiMiDo: I got a sqautter on that one too | 03:23 |
kevogod | kbrooks, GNU/Linux is not integrated like Windows is. | 03:24 |
kbrooks | kevogod: meaning? | 03:24 |
kbrooks | define 'integration'. | 03:24 |
kevogod | Modularized | 03:24 |
SuperTails92 | Being developed by one group/person | 03:25 |
dougsko | macgeek: huh...wanna nab and image from me? | 03:25 |
TiMiDo | Pufflekins interesting | 03:25 |
kevogod | Modularized is what GNU/Linux is | 03:25 |
Pufflekins | So, anyone know where I can get a driver for my 56k modem | 03:25 |
macgeek | dougsko: the image was fine, md5 sum checked out so i assume it was fine. | 03:25 |
TiMiDo | what modem is it Pufflekins | 03:25 |
psusi | anyone know how to recompile their DSDT? | 03:26 |
Pufflekins | Diamon Supramax le | 03:26 |
macgeek | dougsko: i tried ubuntu 5.04 and 5.10 and kubuntu | 03:26 |
TiMiDo | ok Pufflekins | 03:26 |
dougsko | macgeek: yeah i did ubuntu 5.10 | 03:26 |
aurax | is ububtu 5.10 final ready for shipping ? | 03:26 |
SuperTails92 | Pufflekins: It may be easier to just shell out money for an external modem. | 03:26 |
tritium | not quite, auk | 03:26 |
tritium | aurax, | 03:26 |
crimsun | aurax: no, it's not even released yet. | 03:26 |
Seveas | aurax, in 3 days | 03:26 |
aurax | ah ok | 03:26 |
auk | hmm? | 03:26 |
psusi | I thought I needed to disassemble the output from acpidump with iasl, fix it, then reassemble it, but I don't have something right | 03:26 |
aurax | k ill wait | 03:26 |
aurax | wanted to shipip | 03:26 |
auk | oh | 03:26 |
aurax | shipit even | 03:26 |
=== auk goes back to his homework | ||
tritium | auk, sorry, wrong nick | 03:26 |
Pufflekins | SuperTails92: I was thinking of getting a US Robotics one | 03:26 |
SuperTails92 | aurax: *points to topic* | 03:26 |
TiMiDo | Pufflekins http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Diamond+Supramax+le+for+linux&sp=1&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8&fr=FP-tab-web-t&SpellState=n-433180810_q-tqAgJie3FGW1BEmLnEJP3gABAA%40%40 | 03:27 |
=== aurax /topic | ||
auk | tritium: np | 03:27 |
aurax | oh k | 03:27 |
aurax | coo | 03:27 |
macgeek | dougsko: gosh i've tried 2 different computers, 3 different burning apps, 3 cds, and 3 different distros in an attempt to get ubuntu to work | 03:27 |
macgeek | 3 different versions* | 03:27 |
SuperTails92 | macgeek: did you check the ISO's md5sum? | 03:27 |
auk | it's quite difficult to make your own book test on a PHP book with guidelines for fiction... | 03:28 |
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | macgeek, on what? not a G5 iMac, I hope. | 03:28 |
dougsko | macgeek: yeah thats pretty rediculous. computers r cool, but holy crap r they a headache sometimes | 03:28 |
=== ducky [n=ducky@64-216-108-47.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macgeek | SuperTails92: i checked the iso's md5sum, it checked out everytime | 03:28 |
macgeek | tritium: ibook g4 and powerbook g4 | 03:29 |
keffynd | if I turn up my igain I get a ticking sound, what can cause that? | 03:29 |
luckyaba | anyone here when the nvidia 1.0.8xxx drivers are coming out for linux? | 03:29 |
macgeek | dougsko: you said it | 03:29 |
=== bettong_BOFH [n=me@24-177-148-2.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ducky | I just resently installed ubuntu, how do you get a second monitor working? | 03:29 |
SuperTails92 | keffynd: um, a maxed igain? :p | 03:29 |
tritium | macgeek, oh, okay. I get no ubuntu love on my iMac. Hopefully in dapper... | 03:29 |
bettong_BOFH | where is the fonts folder in ubuntu | 03:29 |
psusi | keffynd: you are maxing out the volume? | 03:29 |
keffynd | SuperTails92 no its set on 80 | 03:29 |
psusi | that doesn't mean you haven't maxed it | 03:30 |
crimsun | luckyaba: when they're ready. | 03:30 |
TiMiDo | luckyaba soon | 03:30 |
macgeek | tritium: i was burning with the macs, but i was attempting to install on a hp pavilion 6630 | 03:30 |
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tritium | I see | 03:30 |
macgeek | yup | 03:30 |
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luckyaba | crimsun: thanks for the pointless answer | 03:30 |
pragup | i have a dual boot system with win xp and ubuntu and it used to work fine, but one fine day when i started my comp then what i got was this: Stage 1.5 error 17 . please help | 03:30 |
=== {Mike} [n=mike@82-41-227-152.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | luckyaba, please don't be rude | 03:30 |
crimsun | luckyaba: dude, no one on irc will know | 03:30 |
{Mike} | whats the point of the pass flags in /etc/fstab | 03:31 |
crimsun | luckyaba: I could have pointed you to #nvidia, but they'll give you the same answer | 03:31 |
=== xxtreme [n=xxtreme@pool-151-198-142-199.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luckyaba | crimsun: what if my some crazy chance someone who worked for nvidia just happen to be in here and know.. or possibly a friend of someone in here | 03:32 |
crimsun | luckyaba: if you idle in #nvidia long enough, you'll figure out the "drivers are going to the ftp site RSN" pattern | 03:32 |
ducky | I have one nvidia 6600 GT and two monitors connected to it | 03:32 |
ducky | only one monitor is working | 03:32 |
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ducky | how do I enable the 2nd monitor? | 03:32 |
SuperTails92 | ducky: install nvidia drivers? | 03:32 |
tritium | ducky, with TwinView | 03:33 |
{Mike} | whats the point of the pass flags in /etc/fstab? | 03:33 |
Pufflekins | Is anyone registered on WinDrivers? | 03:33 |
crimsun | luckyaba: again, they're going to tell you "when it's ready" | 03:33 |
rob_p | {Mike}: sets automatic fdisk after n number of mounts... I believe | 03:33 |
ducky | SuperTails92, yes | 03:33 |
crimsun | luckyaba: just ask in #nvidia if you want affirmation | 03:33 |
SuperTails92 | ducky: what tritium said | 03:33 |
{Mike} | rob_p: will that be whats slowing my reiserfs mounting? | 03:33 |
tritium | ducky, there are docs in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx that explain how to setup TwinView | 03:33 |
rob_p | {Mike}: How often is it happening? | 03:34 |
rob_p | {Mike}: If your volume is getting corrupt and it's happening alot, maybe your hard disk is on its way out... | 03:35 |
=== libervisco [n=daniel@cmung613.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pufflekins | TiMiDo, the website was linmodem.orh | 03:35 |
Pufflekins | org* | 03:35 |
=== RATT [n=rat@pc-83-152-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | which wouldn't surprise me, being reiserfs | 03:35 |
RATT | hello...!!!! | 03:35 |
axeus | Crap, Crap, Crap! | 03:35 |
axeus | I must have mistyped my password on the install. | 03:35 |
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dougsko | axeus, uh oh | 03:36 |
hablandocontigo | axeus Twice. | 03:36 |
=== rubem [n=rubem@2084463.cps.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubem | :) | 03:37 |
axeus | :S possible | 03:37 |
hablandocontigo | knoppix chroot, passwd | 03:37 |
dougsko | i havent checked to see if the passwords r shadowed, but if theyre not, john the ripper works pretty well :) | 03:37 |
axeus | I don't have knoppix. | 03:37 |
rubem | hi there! | 03:37 |
Pufflekins | Fuck, my modem is a winmodem | 03:37 |
crimsun | yes they're shadowed. | 03:37 |
axeus | uh | 03:38 |
dougsko | scratch that then... | 03:38 |
hablandocontigo | boot with init=/bin/bash, when you get a shell prompt, remount / rw, and run passwd, and reboot ? | 03:38 |
axeus | it used my realname for my username? | 03:38 |
TimM | Could you use Ubuntu live insteaed of Knoppix? | 03:38 |
TimM | If you have it? | 03:38 |
psusi | hablandocontigo: that should do it | 03:38 |
pragup | i have a dual boot system with win xp and ubuntu and it used to work fine, but one fine day when i started my comp then what i got was this: Stage 1.5 error 17 . please help | 03:38 |
crimsun | hablandocontigo: sure, and sync and remount it ro before you reboot. | 03:38 |
neighborlee | is anyone else having dvd playing issues in breezy ? ;-) | 03:38 |
neighborlee | yes I have libdvdcss installed awa mplayerof course | 03:39 |
=== psusi never understood WTF the kernel doesn't understand that it should automatically flush dirty buffers before rebooting | ||
RATT | anybody has tried to upgrade ubuntu into debian?? | 03:39 |
rubem | do anyone know where do i put my "logon scripts"??? | 03:40 |
axeus | er | 03:40 |
sproingie | RATT: i doubt that's supported | 03:40 |
psusi | that isn't an upgrade, it's a downgrade | 03:40 |
axeus | What's the root password for the default install? | 03:40 |
axeus | :S | 03:40 |
psusi | axeus: none | 03:40 |
axeus | o.o | 03:40 |
=== StylusEater [n=gnome@c-24-98-214-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubem | in debian, I used to put in /etc/rc.local/ what about ubuntu?? | 03:40 |
RATT | it works... | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | pragup: tried googling the message? and is that a windows message or a ubuntu message? | 03:40 |
axeus | so I take it a root account is like... :S | 03:40 |
psusi | axeus: but root can't log in to xwindows by default | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | !tell axeus about root | 03:40 |
axeus | I remembered my password. | 03:40 |
rob_p | dougsko: ...and john will still crack weak passwords in a relatively short timeframe... shadowed or not. If you can feed it an entry from /etc/shadow, it'll happily work on it. | 03:40 |
psusi | or remote connections... baiscally only usable on the text console | 03:41 |
axeus | I see. | 03:41 |
RATT | it works | 03:41 |
sproingie | RATT: ubuntu's based on debian. it isn't itself debian. neither ubuntu nor debian are very good at replacing the entire root system at once | 03:41 |
axeus | Well I can't type "iwconfig eth1 essid flupadupa" | 03:41 |
rubem | where do I put the initialization scripts??? | 03:41 |
dougsko | rob_p: they have to be unshadowed, and u need the root passwd to do that | 03:41 |
=== melfyk [n=matt@204-117-69-126-dsl.etv.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RATT | i've seen it.... | 03:41 |
pragup | Hobbsee: its just a system message, the first message after the machine is switched on | 03:41 |
axeus | I can't bring it up with ifconfig either. | 03:41 |
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=== helpimstupid [n=ashley@24-182-230-250.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | dougsk: no, if you can read /etc/shadow, you can crack it just as easily as /etc/passwd | 03:42 |
=== sproingie just for kicks has gentoo in a chroot | ||
dougsko | rob_p: oh, im sorry, i misread what you typed, youre right | 03:42 |
pragup | Hobbsee: i googled a lot but the replies are too confusing, i am a newbie, can u plz guide me | 03:42 |
rob_p | dougsk: Why don't you just boot up in single user mode and reset your password that way? | 03:42 |
{Mike} | is it just me, or does reiserfs take AGES to mount | 03:42 |
rob_p | dougsko: Why don't you just boot up in single user mode and reset your password that way? | 03:42 |
dougsko | rob_p: i dont have the passwd problem | 03:42 |
rubem | where do I put my initialization scripts??? | 03:42 |
psusi | {Mike}: it's just you | 03:42 |
Netslayer | when i type firefox in console it just sits there for a few seconds and doesn't launch.. i've reinstalled it with synaptic.. any ideas? | 03:43 |
rob_p | dougsko: My bad... | 03:43 |
helpimstupid | can some help me find out why my screen resolution is 640 x 480 with no options to change it | 03:43 |
Netslayer | i'm in kubuntu if it makes a diff | 03:43 |
dougsko | lol, its all gravy | 03:43 |
kelsey23 | @Netslayer is it in the KDE menu? | 03:43 |
rubem | helpimstupid do tou have nvidia cards? | 03:43 |
pragup | obbsee: i googled a lot but the replies are too confusing, i am a newbie, can u plz guide me | 03:43 |
helpimstupid | i need it to be 1024 x 768 | 03:43 |
pragup | Hobbsee: i googled a lot but the replies are too confusing, i am a newbie, can u plz guide me | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | pragup: looking | 03:43 |
helpimstupid | yes i thank so | 03:43 |
pragup | batao madar | 03:44 |
pragup | Hobbsee: thanx | 03:44 |
=== libervisco [n=daniel@cmung613.cmu.carnet.hr] has left #ubuntu ["www.libervis.com"] | ||
{Mike} | psusi: when I say slow, I mean a couple of seconds for like a 160GB volume | 03:44 |
rubem | helpimstupid: try http://ubuntuguide.org/#hardware | 03:44 |
helpimstupid | ok | 03:44 |
rubem | helpimstupid: try instaling their drivers | 03:44 |
nalioth | rubem: please dont recommend ubuntuguide | 03:45 |
tritium | !tell helpimstupid about resolution | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | pragup: seems like the solution is to reinstall grub | 03:45 |
rubem | nalioth: why:???? | 03:45 |
nalioth | helpimstupid: please stay away from ubuntuguide | 03:45 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell rubem about ubuntuguide | 03:45 |
tritium | !ubuntuguide | 03:45 |
ubotu | ubuntuguide is probably out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 03:45 |
Netslayer | kelsey23, no actually its not | 03:45 |
rubem | nalioth: it helped me a lot??? | 03:45 |
=== Clujo [n=dbrady@user-uiver5r.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubem | nalioth: uh... sorry. but the nvidia here just works perfectly! | 03:46 |
luckyaba | is there a kernel optimized for dual core processors? | 03:46 |
=== tarvid [n=tarvid@dpc6919101029.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pragup | Hobbsee: can that be done without causing a reinstall ( i dont want to lose my data , u c) | 03:46 |
GatoMoteado | does anyone else have the problem of the PC locking up when the screen saver kicks in for a while? | 03:46 |
RATT | what is the name of the mp3 codec for linux?? | 03:47 |
nalioth | rubem: users who are familiar with linux, do find it helpful. new to linux users will kill their box quickly there | 03:47 |
tritium | rubem, the guide has more than just nvidia info, and some of it is not good | 03:47 |
axeus | Gosh, the ACPM is shutting my hard-drive off every 1 minutes. | 03:47 |
rubem | RATT I recomend xmms | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | pragup: yes | 03:48 |
Netslayer | axeus, on powersave mine turns off after 3 seconds | 03:48 |
rubem | RATT but you'll have to make a change a it, xmms is a player | 03:48 |
axeus | LOL | 03:48 |
pragup | Hobbsee: how do i do that? :) | 03:48 |
rubem | well, anyone here know where to put the initialization scritpts???? | 03:48 |
=== NeoFax [n=terry@c-24-10-109-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TiMiDo | rubem on /etc/init.d/ | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | pragup: getting that info... | 03:49 |
tritium | rubem, /etc/init.d. Look into update-rc.d | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | pragup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24113&highlight=howto+reinstall+grub | 03:49 |
rubem | TiMiDo: just put it there? thank you guys! | 03:49 |
TiMiDo | rubem yeah | 03:49 |
TiMiDo | but man update-rc.d | 03:49 |
axeus | Where do I customize ACPM functionality? | 03:50 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubem | TiMiDo any extension? | 03:50 |
tritium | axeus, ACPI? /etc/default/acpi-support | 03:50 |
rubem | TiMiDo: or no extension? | 03:50 |
TiMiDo | nope | 03:51 |
TiMiDo | just read the man update-rc.d | 03:51 |
tritium | extensions are irrelevant | 03:51 |
=== illc0mm [n=illc0mm@101-30.121-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illc0mm | hello all | 03:52 |
TiMiDo | hello illc0mm | 03:52 |
dougsko | hey illc0mm, welcome to the party | 03:52 |
illc0mm | I have a strange problem, new Breezy Badger install on a laptop and I can't access any tools that require root? | 03:52 |
dougsko | sudo | 03:52 |
TiMiDo | illc0mm sudo | 03:52 |
illc0mm | Well, not on command line | 03:52 |
illc0mm | I mean from GUI, like network config | 03:53 |
tarvid | what is the best way to setup and maintain a mirror of breezy for i386 and amd64? | 03:53 |
psusi | anyone know how to use iasl to disassemble the DSDT? | 03:53 |
illc0mm | it will ask for the password, but then nothing happens after I enter it | 03:53 |
TiMiDo | illc0mm the root password is always ur username passwd try it | 03:53 |
illc0mm | yep, that works because I can su with it | 03:53 |
dougsko | tarvid: what do u mean by a mirror? | 03:53 |
tritium | illc0mm, you enabled the root account? | 03:53 |
tarvid | i do a lot of installs and a mirror would save bandpass | 03:53 |
dougsko | tarvid: do u want to serve it for other to dl from you? | 03:54 |
tarvid | only locally | 03:54 |
illc0mm | I don't think so, but I did notice that it asked me for the root info, which it didn't before? | 03:54 |
tritium | tarvid, bandpass? | 03:54 |
illc0mm | it asked me for a root password, but I didn't make any changes. | 03:54 |
dougsko | tarvid: wget can pull a mirror | 03:54 |
tarvid | bytes transferred | 03:54 |
illc0mm | i really didnt think anything of it | 03:54 |
axeus | tritium: I don't see anything pertaining to hard-disks. | 03:54 |
tritium | illc0mm, ubuntu does not enable the root account by default | 03:54 |
tritium | tarvid, you mean bandwidth | 03:54 |
tarvid | anything like rsync for nightly updates? | 03:54 |
illc0mm | that's strange.... | 03:54 |
tritium | axeus, where? | 03:54 |
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axeus | In the acpi-support conf file. | 03:55 |
illc0mm | I mean root works, I can't log into X with it (which is understood) but I can log in from a terminal | 03:55 |
TiMiDo | illc0mm do sudo -s | 03:55 |
tritium | axeus, it's primarily for suspend/hibernate | 03:55 |
illc0mm | TiMiDo: ok, dont | 03:55 |
tritium | !tell illc0mm about rootsudo | 03:55 |
illc0mm | sorry, done | 03:55 |
TiMiDo | are you as root? | 03:55 |
tritium | illc0mm, sudo -i | 03:55 |
RATT | i need help with my sound | 03:56 |
illc0mm | No, as regular user | 03:56 |
RATT | i can't control de volume | 03:56 |
illc0mm | TiMiDo: okay, both return nothing ? | 03:56 |
axeus | God this is so annoying. It suspends the hard-drive alot. | 03:56 |
tarvid | tritium, actually i meant traffic, i download the same hundreds of megabytes over and over | 03:57 |
illc0mm | TiMiDo, if I try to run Synaptic, nothing happens at all | 03:57 |
illc0mm | not even a prompt for password | 03:57 |
TiMiDo | interesting | 03:57 |
=== Ky0tIk [n=kyotik@h186.169.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illc0mm | yeah, maybe I have a screwed up install | 03:57 |
kelsey23 | @Netslayer make sure your version of FireFox isn't the GNOME one | 03:57 |
Ky0tIk | i use to have an app that had a gui front end for streamripper, that would record audio streams that you played from the app. does anyone know what does this? i cant remember, i know it used streamripper to rip, but the gui had the option to save the stream.. and it played it back as well.. anyone know of something similar? | 03:58 |
illc0mm | TiMiDo: The CD had an error on a file, I had it recopy again could that have done it? | 03:58 |
TiMiDo | Ky0tIk k3b ? | 03:58 |
zenrox | Ky0tIk, ya its called streamtuner | 03:58 |
illc0mm | When it recopied it was successful | 03:58 |
illc0mm | that was when it was copying the install cache over (btw, is that required?) | 03:58 |
=== adamb100 [n=debailey@CPE-24-209-189-47.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | Ky0tIk: i think it is streamripper, it has a command line and a gui. both can do the same stuff | 03:59 |
adamb100 | hi | 03:59 |
dougsko | streamTUNER, thats it | 03:59 |
zenrox | ya i have it installed | 03:59 |
kelsey23 | @adamb100 bonjour | 03:59 |
dougsko | cool program | 03:59 |
illc0mm | TiMiDo: well, I think I'm just going to re-install since I have nothing on here... seems like it's just botched | 03:59 |
zenrox | yes it is | 04:00 |
sector10 | RATT: have you tried alsamixer? | 04:00 |
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=== Stalagna [n=nathan@ip68-99-8-171.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sector10 | or volume control in sound and video first | 04:01 |
illc0mm | TiMiDo: thx for the help | 04:02 |
RATT | mmmmm.......... | 04:02 |
sector10 | RATT: my pc speaker was red x-ed on mine | 04:02 |
RATT | let me see.... | 04:02 |
sector10 | do volume control first | 04:02 |
sector10 | RATT: there is mute/unmute | 04:02 |
sector10 | if that dont work try alsa maybe | 04:03 |
RATT | im having some troubles... | 04:03 |
vengeful | me too... | 04:03 |
RATT | i cant open volume control | 04:03 |
RATT | thats my error ...... ----->> "Registry is not present or it is corrupted, please update it by running gst-register" | 04:03 |
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kwilcox | can someone explain the difference as to using xorg.conf or XF86Config? | 04:05 |
sector10 | RATT: try sudo gst-register? | 04:06 |
RATT | this is not working.... | 04:06 |
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kwilcox | Xinerama seems to require using XF86config, but i don't... i use xorg.conf | 04:06 |
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RATT | sector10: it says command not found | 04:07 |
sector10 | RATT: gst-register-0.8 | 04:07 |
sector10 | no sudo | 04:08 |
=== FarrisG [n=farris@c-67-187-99-109.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | kwilcox, ubuntu doesn't use XFree86 anymore. It uses X.org now. | 04:08 |
FarrisG | Can one make an existing vncserver (running gnome, xorg, the works) grab the console keyboard and use it for input in conjunction with the remote keyboard on the vncclient? | 04:08 |
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kwilcox | Is that across the Debain board? | 04:08 |
sector10 | RATT: what's that do? | 04:08 |
=== codo [n=codo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RATT | rebuilded the globlal_registry | 04:09 |
codo | hmm still 3days for breezy :( ? | 04:09 |
=== fooFighter [n=michael@CPE-70-94-12-16.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | codo: u can get it now and update later | 04:09 |
codo | dougsko, I want stable one.] | 04:10 |
sector10 | RATT: can you open volume? | 04:10 |
dougsko | codo: its only 3 days away, and u can get the updated packeges easy with apt-get | 04:10 |
RATT | yes | 04:10 |
sector10 | RATT: you running breezy rc? | 04:11 |
RATT | but still no control over the volume | 04:11 |
budluva | codo, if you get it now and apt-get update it will be the same as you downloading in 3 days :P | 04:11 |
RATT | ????????????????????? | 04:11 |
=== prototype-f [n=fernando@66-50-62-182.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | sector10, RC is a few days old. Most breezy users have updated since the RC | 04:11 |
sector10 | which ubuntu version? | 04:11 |
RATT | hoary | 04:11 |
dougsko | sector10: you dont ride a sector 9 by any chance do ya? | 04:12 |
fooFighter | hey guys, is there a way to save everything that goes on in a particular irc chatroom to a text file?> | 04:13 |
RATT | activate logging on your chat program | 04:13 |
=== TylerDurden [n=TylerDur@adsl-69-208-167-43.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | fooFighter: in xchat, its under prefs | 04:13 |
ducky | someone know where there is a good guide on using twinview? | 04:14 |
TylerDurden | how do i enable DMA on my HD? | 04:14 |
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tritium | TylerDurden, with hdparm. Are you sure it's not enabled? | 04:14 |
TylerDurden | i dont think it is | 04:14 |
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TylerDurden | is it enabled by default? | 04:14 |
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tritium | sometimes | 04:14 |
sector10 | damn wireless freezing up! | 04:15 |
axeus | Hmm. | 04:15 |
sector10 | did i miss something | 04:15 |
kwilcox | Anyone have any experience with Ximerama | 04:15 |
TylerDurden | so how do i enable it? | 04:16 |
TylerDurden | i dont see a DMA flag | 04:16 |
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tritium | TylerDurden, with -d 1 | 04:16 |
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TylerDurden | oh lol im blind | 04:16 |
GoClick | Does anyone know of a website that has a tutorial or faq or something on job sheduling? I'd like to run a script every Friday and every Morning at 2:00am and on the 1st of each month (3 different scripts) | 04:16 |
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sector10 | RATT: why dont you try latest preview | 04:16 |
TylerDurden | how do i figure out my device? | 04:17 |
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=== Ainvar [i=Ainvar@c-24-98-142-57.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RATT | latest preview?? | 04:17 |
Ainvar | evening all | 04:17 |
axeus | Where would be a good place to put the script that initializes my 855 patch? (vbios patch to 1280x800 res) | 04:17 |
axeus | init.d ? | 04:17 |
fooFighter | anyone playing cs source on ubuntu breezy? | 04:17 |
tritium | TylerDurden, type "mount", and look for the /dev/hdX that's mountd on / | 04:17 |
TylerDurden | fooFighter.. im trying | 04:17 |
TylerDurden | point2play sucks compared to windows | 04:17 |
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Ainvar | quick question is there any positive effect of using ReiserFS over Ext3 for my linux partition? | 04:18 |
sector10 | RATT: 5.10 Breezy badger preview, its the latest Ubuntu release | 04:18 |
RATT | mmmmmmm............ | 04:18 |
solidgroove | when does 5.10 officall come out? | 04:18 |
Ainvar | this is on a laptop | 04:18 |
Ainvar | 3 days | 04:18 |
solidgroove | anyone use prism54? | 04:18 |
sector10 | Im on laptop too. | 04:18 |
=== httpdss [n=httpdss@r200-125-15-116-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fooFighter | TylerDurde, what are you using to get it to work? | 04:18 |
RATT | good idea | 04:18 |
fooFighter | wine? | 04:18 |
sector10 | if you just update its all the same | 04:19 |
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Ainvar | so no pros or cons for reiser over ext3? | 04:19 |
dougsko | Ainvar: it doesnt really matter, some say reiser is a little faster, i never noticed a difference | 04:19 |
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Ainvar | thanks | 04:19 |
aeruder | they have some differences | 04:19 |
tritium | Ainvar, they each have their advantages. My personal experience is that reiserfs corrupts massively | 04:19 |
Ainvar | will stick with the default | 04:19 |
Ainvar | yeah I had that issue here about a week ago or so | 04:19 |
aeruder | reiser is supposedly much faster with lots of small files in a dir, which is beneficial on some systems | 04:19 |
=== Hobbsee [n=sarah@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | foofighter, how much fps r u getting? | 04:20 |
aeruder | ext3 seems to be a bit more stable | 04:20 |
fooFighter | TylerDurden, i just installed breezy, im new to all this | 04:20 |
Ainvar | think I will stick with ext3 since I am reinstalling now | 04:20 |
fooFighter | so getting steam to work is my next "project" | 04:20 |
TylerDurden | to linux? | 04:20 |
fooFighter | but i have no idea where to start | 04:20 |
fooFighter | yes | 04:20 |
=== WhyvasLT [n=whyvas@fctnnbsc15w-156034090229.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sector10 | reiser repairs better | 04:20 |
Ainvar | reiserfs was on my last install and I had some corruption | 04:20 |
RATT | sector10 thanx for the help | 04:20 |
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TylerDurden | foofighter u gotta get cedega or point2play (u have to pay for that) | 04:20 |
Ainvar | but was about to fix it by rebuilding the tree | 04:20 |
TylerDurden | to be able to play css or any windows game | 04:20 |
TylerDurden | but its really not worth it, i bought it yestarday and i get about 20 fps | 04:20 |
aeruder | cedega is worth the price | 04:21 |
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=== Abysmal [n=abysmal2@CPE0013103d64b0-CM001225704f0c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sector10 | RATT: have fun | 04:21 |
fooFighter | pay for steam? | 04:21 |
TylerDurden | no... its not | 04:21 |
tritium | Ainvar, I wouldn't use it at all | 04:21 |
aeruder | i am getting god speeds on some game | 04:21 |
aeruder | s | 04:21 |
fooFighter | i already paid for hl | 04:21 |
fooFighter | there has to be another way | 04:21 |
TylerDurden | aeruder i hate it | 04:21 |
aeruder | fooFighter: cedega is 15 bucks for 3 months worth of updates | 04:21 |
aeruder | big deal | 04:21 |
TylerDurden | i get 20 fps in stress | 04:21 |
Ainvar | I have not used my steam account in a few months, since I got guildwars | 04:21 |
aeruder | TylerDurden: i guess its just that game then | 04:21 |
TylerDurden | in windows i used to get 50 | 04:21 |
httpdss | the ntp.ubuntulinux.org for my country (uruguay) is wrong... now its GMT-2 .. and not GMT-3 .. if anyone can fix it .. go ahead :P | 04:21 |
fooFighter | fuck that | 04:21 |
fooFighter | there has to be a free way | 04:21 |
fooFighter | is there not? | 04:22 |
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fooFighter | i dont want to dual boot, but i will if i need to | 04:22 |
dougsko | *cough..bittorrent...cough | 04:22 |
=== r0xoR [n=rockstar@pool-141-154-126-56.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | cedega is free but u wouldnt be able to use it since ur new | 04:22 |
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tritium | fooFighter, no cursing please | 04:22 |
fooFighter | yikes | 04:22 |
fooFighter | sorry | 04:22 |
TylerDurden | point2play is a gui of cedega and is much easier to use | 04:22 |
Abysmal | i'm having a problem with the 5.10-rc install.. its a clean install on a working machine.. and it keeps dying when it gets to the open office common files.. the md5 checked out fine .. how do i get past this?? when I hit continue it just restars to copy the files and error out at the same place... | 04:22 |
TylerDurden | but its total waste of money | 04:22 |
Ainvar | cedega is free but you cant use it if you are new? what do you mean by that? | 04:22 |
=== n0odl3 [n=n0odl3@pool-71-104-40-25.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0odl3 | uhh i need help | 04:22 |
n0odl3 | i just updated but for some reason it said "cannot access usr/bin/somehting terminate child 95" or something | 04:22 |
TylerDurden | ainvar, hes new to linux, i dont think he'll be too great with terminal | 04:23 |
Ainvar | ahh | 04:23 |
sector10 | anybody got a notebook running 5.10? | 04:23 |
tritium | yes, sector10 | 04:23 |
Ainvar | the terminal is not that bad as long as your remember RTFM | 04:23 |
=== Wiltuk [n=Adrianuk@81-178-68-90.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ainvar | sector10 yes | 04:23 |
Ainvar | I have a dell i6000d | 04:23 |
sector10 | cool | 04:23 |
nomasteryoda|w | sector10, yes | 04:23 |
TylerDurden | whats faster? 5.04 or 5.10? | 04:23 |
nomasteryoda|w | dell d505 | 04:23 |
TylerDurden | i get bad performance with 5.10 | 04:23 |
duncanm | ah | 04:23 |
sector10 | i got sony vaio with nvidia | 04:23 |
Ainvar | runs decent xept for the HD running hotter in linux than in windows | 04:23 |
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nomasteryoda|w | sector10, good | 04:23 |
windex | sector10, i have a fujitsu st5010 tablet pc running ubuntu 99%. :P | 04:23 |
duncanm | Hobbsee: it's gonna be done in 8 mins | 04:23 |
aeruder | n0odl3: wow, that was incredibly useful | 04:23 |
duncanm | pretty quikc | 04:24 |
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duncanm | quick | 04:24 |
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n0odl3 | what was useful? | 04:24 |
RATT | sector10...nice notebook.... | 04:24 |
xxtreme | sector10 sony vaio fs630 | 04:24 |
sector10 | i have very good performance except for battery. | 04:24 |
aeruder | n0odl3: nothing | 04:24 |
n0odl3 | please help im not sure of what it means | 04:24 |
ducky | Anyone know how to probe a second monitor to get the settings to use in xorg.conf? | 04:24 |
sector10 | also ubuntu will not reboot | 04:24 |
matthew_w | Hey - if I add noauto to my Fat32 mounts in my /etc/fstab, will ubuntu automatically make symbolic links under GNOME for me? | 04:24 |
TylerDurden | how do i find my home dir? | 04:24 |
matthew_w | IE: they go to the desktop automatically | 04:24 |
Hobbsee | duncanm: cool :) | 04:24 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@unaffiliated/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sector10 | its always rebooted before in linux | 04:24 |
aeruder | n0odl3: if you can't take the time to write down an error message correctly, why would we take the time to help you? | 04:24 |
windex | sector10, your power management is not working right, which is common on laptops. chances are, the vaio's chipset is not supported fully. | 04:24 |
sector10 | it just goes black haf way. it wil shut down though | 04:25 |
xxtreme | sector10_ what laptop you got | 04:25 |
codo | quit | 04:25 |
n0odl3 | ok | 04:25 |
Ainvar | I am waiting for suspend and hibernate to work again for my dell i6000d | 04:25 |
n0odl3 | then can you help me with this | 04:25 |
sector10 | vaio fs-660w | 04:25 |
TylerDurden | how can i find my home dir with terminal? | 04:25 |
n0odl3 | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd, | 04:25 |
n0odl3 | missing codepage or other error | 04:25 |
n0odl3 | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so | 04:25 |
n0odl3 | do you know what this means? | 04:25 |
sector10 | cpu throttling is automatic in ubuntu i heard. | 04:25 |
nomasteryoda|w | TylerDurden, cd ~/ | 04:25 |
Ainvar | TylerDurden "cd ~/" is what I use | 04:25 |
TylerDurden | ok thanks | 04:25 |
xxtreme | sector 10 same problem here, i just hit the power switch | 04:25 |
tritium | sector10, you can see what the Vaio users have done here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 04:26 |
aeruder | n0odl3: and what did you do to get that? | 04:26 |
sector10 | xxtreme: cool you got it too | 04:26 |
n0odl3 | well i tried to open a cd | 04:26 |
=== starscalling [n=zero_eff@unaffiliated/starscalling] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sector10 | nice | 04:26 |
n0odl3 | i tried it two ways | 04:26 |
axeus | what the crap | 04:26 |
n0odl3 | through the terminal | 04:26 |
xxtreme | sector10 yeah i have vaio fs630 same problem | 04:26 |
axeus | Don't tell me ubuntu doesn't come wtih GCC? | 04:26 |
n0odl3 | and trhough the "DVD/CDROM" option in the "computer" tab | 04:26 |
shedi | "cd" is suffecient to find the root of your home dir | 04:26 |
sector10 | xxtreme: serious awsome! | 04:26 |
nomasteryoda|w | axeus, you install it | 04:26 |
aeruder | axeus: sudo apt-get install gcc | 04:26 |
HedgeMage | a;sdlkghqroi359-4-- | 04:26 |
cef | TylerDurden: you can also just use "cd" by itself. the default is your home dir | 04:26 |
HedgeMage | 54 | 04:26 |
HedgeMage | 54gy | 04:26 |
HedgeMage | 4 | 04:26 |
aeruder | axeus: in 30 seconds you'll have gcc | 04:27 |
r0xoR | hias yall :) | 04:27 |
r0xoR | just got ubuntu installed :) | 04:27 |
HedgeMage | My apologies... my 2yo got the laptop! | 04:27 |
axeus | Ah, cool. :) | 04:27 |
Abysmal | anyone know what error code 1 is during an install?? | 04:27 |
TylerDurden | cef i was installing a game in terminal and i was wondering what the default was for root | 04:27 |
tritium | axeus, you really want to "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 04:27 |
r0xoR | checkin it out | 04:27 |
xxtreme | sector10 its amazing, the reboot problem i can deal with that, though | 04:27 |
Hobbsee | r0xoR: nice! | 04:27 |
TylerDurden | it works with ~/ | 04:27 |
r0xoR | yup... like 5 mins ago it finished... i'm in GNOME now | 04:27 |
r0xoR | running the updates | 04:27 |
RATT | sector10: if i change the repositories from hoary to breezy i should have no problems... right?? and then do an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:27 |
xxtreme | sector10 just hit power switch and thats it | 04:27 |
r0xoR | i installed ubuntu a few months a go and it sucked :P | 04:27 |
n0odl3 | does anyone know? | 04:27 |
r0xoR | but now I'm sorta trying it again, seeing how it's matured | 04:28 |
tritium | RATT, notes on upgrading to breezy are in the topic | 04:28 |
sector10 | RATT: i dont know i had big problems with hoary | 04:28 |
TylerDurden | how can i force cd eject? | 04:28 |
n0odl3 | ok fine | 04:28 |
r0xoR | it's fairly brainless and i'm looking for a good one for my dad - so it seems like it might be a good choice | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | r0xoR: :) | 04:28 |
n0odl3 | how do i upgrade to brezzy | 04:28 |
tritium | TylerDurden, did you ever enable dma? | 04:28 |
n0odl3 | can anyone tell me? | 04:28 |
TylerDurden | yes | 04:28 |
tritium | n0odl3, see the topic | 04:28 |
sector10 | RATT: i would do a fresh install | 04:28 |
TiMiDo | !tell n0odl3 about breezy | 04:28 |
RATT | mmmm..... | 04:29 |
=== Pickle_Weasel [n=pw@pool-71-100-133-107.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RATT | still i dont loose anything with trying | 04:29 |
Ainvar | wow I tried kde for the first time in months........ I think I like gnome better now. But I do miss something that kde had over hnome | 04:29 |
sector10 | xxtreme: your wont reboot right? but it will power down from menu.. | 04:29 |
TylerDurden | how can i force a cd eject? | 04:29 |
axeus | er | 04:29 |
Ainvar | TylerDurden you on a laptop right? | 04:29 |
TylerDurden | desktop | 04:29 |
xxtreme | sector10 yeah thats correct | 04:29 |
Ainvar | well should still work on a desktop also | 04:29 |
tritium | TylerDurden, and it worked for you? | 04:29 |
Ainvar | paperclip | 04:29 |
axeus | I got alot of errors pertaining to that apt-get. | 04:29 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, what do you miss? kde suxors ;) | 04:29 |
TylerDurden | i think so tritium, it said dma=1 | 04:30 |
tritium | ok | 04:30 |
n0odl3 | uhh i just installed gcc through the apt-get command | 04:30 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, you should be able to check hdparm or lspci or dmesg | 04:30 |
Ainvar | r0xoR the little things | 04:30 |
n0odl3 | were can i locate it | 04:30 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, and it should tell you | 04:30 |
n0odl3 | or how can i runit? | 04:30 |
TylerDurden | so how can i force cd eject? | 04:30 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, uhh... lik? | 04:30 |
axeus | I think I just needed to apt-get update. | 04:30 |
TylerDurden | let me try that | 04:30 |
xxtreme | sector10 have you gotten acpi to work yet | 04:30 |
Ainvar | I like how I can make the terminal window a specific size in kde and it will remember it | 04:30 |
axeus | If I apt-get gcc again after I update, does it verify that everything is installed? | 04:30 |
=== wickedpuppy [n=wickedpu@cm25.epsilon165.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ainvar | in gnome I have yet to figure that out | 04:30 |
tritium | n0odl3, it's in your path. Just type gcc... | 04:30 |
tritium | followed by whatever you're doing | 04:31 |
sector10 | xxtreme: i was told acpi is built in, | 04:31 |
=== Schwinn [i=Schwinn@pool-71-243-18-176.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0xoR | Ainvar, it was the little things that annoyed me about KDE... can't customize the pager... konqueror is a jumble and hard to look at - very annoying and cluttered | 04:31 |
TylerDurden | lol so no one knows? | 04:31 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, meh... use kterm in gnome then... i always use xterm | 04:31 |
TylerDurden | tehres no command to eject the cd forcefuly? | 04:31 |
sector10 | xxtreme: which may mean you have to use a shell | 04:31 |
tritium | TylerDurden, sudo eject | 04:31 |
Ainvar | that I agree with on the jumbled mess | 04:31 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, you know you can specify the startup size for xterm/aterm on the command line right? | 04:31 |
TylerDurden | failed | 04:31 |
Ainvar | no I did not | 04:31 |
TylerDurden | device is busy | 04:31 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, beisdes, kterm and gnome-terminal don't have 256 color support | 04:31 |
Ainvar | well I know you can do anything on the cli, but I do not know the command :) | 04:32 |
tritium | TylerDurden, sounds like it's mounted | 04:32 |
xxtreme | sector10_ i dont know about all that, still there are buttoms on our laptops that dont work yet | 04:32 |
Ainvar | xterm huh | 04:32 |
TylerDurden | it is, im running an installer, but there has to be a way to eject | 04:32 |
Ainvar | have not used that in a long long time | 04:32 |
sector10 | xxtreme: i think you should join https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam i will maybe | 04:32 |
=== Sandollar [n=Sandolla@pool-141-153-50-247.char.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0xoR | Ainvar, hahah right well now you know you can... i usually use aterm cuz it has transparency | 04:32 |
tritium | TylerDurden, not when it's mounted | 04:32 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, it's like a slightly better version of xterm | 04:32 |
Ainvar | I think when I eas bouncing from slack to rh | 04:32 |
TylerDurden | i have a cd key written on the cd itself and im too lazy to quit the installer | 04:32 |
n0odl3 | everytime i type gcc it says no input files | 04:32 |
=== _WS [n=chaos@c-24-21-51-142.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | no way at all?? that sucks... | 04:32 |
sector10 | xxtreme: there is no notebook fs- like ours there | 04:32 |
xxtreme | sector10 thanks i will if you | 04:32 |
Ainvar | aterm, I have not used I will try out here shortly | 04:32 |
tritium | TylerDurden, it's a smart feature | 04:32 |
sector10 | xxtreme: ok | 04:32 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, man xterm will tell you i'm sure | 04:32 |
axeus | I installed GCC, but "make" will not work on this application I'm trying to compile. | 04:32 |
xxtreme | sector10_ cool cause i can help people | 04:33 |
Ainvar | thanks | 04:33 |
TylerDurden | not really, what if linux messes up and just pretands theres something in the drive? | 04:33 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, yeah i don't know if it comes with 256 color support on ubuntu by default | 04:33 |
tritium | axeus, I told you to install build-essential | 04:33 |
sector10 | just look for fs-660w when i get around to it. | 04:33 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, lotta distros don't include 256 color support | 04:33 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, it's available though... might have to recompile it I dunno | 04:33 |
_WS | sooo.. alsamixer shows my sound, the players show it's playing, but no sound is coming out, and sound comes out fine if I pop a slax live cd in | 04:33 |
Ainvar | yeah, little quirks from distro to distro | 04:33 |
sector10 | xxtreme: you got nvidia right? | 04:33 |
=== stpere [n=stpere@ts1-88.f1232.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | btw how come linux only offers 24 colors while windows has 32? | 04:33 |
_WS | anyone have any idea whats going on? | 04:33 |
xxtreme | sector_ i got the cheap video card, lol | 04:33 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, because 32 is fake | 04:33 |
nalioth | tritium: you here? | 04:33 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, it's just an emulation of 24 | 04:34 |
TylerDurden | no its not lol | 04:34 |
tritium | yes it is, TylerDurden | 04:34 |
crimsun | TylerDurden: the 8 alpha bits are unused regardless of platform. | 04:34 |
sector10 | xxtreme: well still same buggy sony bios | 04:34 |
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TylerDurden | :S | 04:34 |
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xuniluser | Anyone knows a good audo cd to mp3 encoder? | 04:34 |
RATT | see you guys.... | 04:34 |
RATT | thanx for the help | 04:34 |
rob_p | TylerDurden: "lsof /media/cdrom" will tell you what files are open on it. You should be able to stop those processes (such as closing a window that is viewing the contents of your cdrom) that show up in the list. Once there are no open files, you should be able to unmount and eject. | 04:34 |
TylerDurden | do u guys have any tips on speeding up ubuntu? every linux ive used was very choppy | 04:34 |
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sector10 | xxtreme: that is why we cannot reboot. im sure i can figure it out | 04:34 |
xxtreme | sector10_ i just installed more ram 1gb this thing is fast | 04:34 |
superdave42 | quick question... | 04:34 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, so anyway i really need to have 256 color colorschemes in vim... otherwise i'd go nuts trying to code stuff | 04:34 |
dougsko | r0xoR: do u know of any way to run something like eterm, and not have it down in the toolbar all the time? | 04:34 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, all the normal colorschemes are ugly as sin | 04:34 |
Stalagna | Hi, I can not get mozilla to display video, I believe I have installed all the necessary files yet I can't see video due to missing plugins, my browser won't find them automatically | 04:34 |
superdave42 | I've scewed up my xorg moduels. is there an easy way to reinstall xorg? | 04:35 |
r0xoR | dougsk, uhhh... down in the toolbar? what do you mean? you mean the taskbar? | 04:35 |
TylerDurden | rob_p the problem (not really) is that im too lazy to stop the installer and eject the cd to look at the cd key written on it | 04:35 |
Ainvar | yeah I just make sure I have black bg with a light offset blue for my text and i am happy | 04:35 |
_WS | =\ | 04:35 |
sector10 | xxtreme: i got 1G too, and my nvidia works better here than on my big box with expensive nvidia card | 04:35 |
dougsko | r0xoR: yeah my fault | 04:35 |
Ainvar | but I know for coding it is a must | 04:35 |
r0xoR | Ainvar, heheh see I'm a stickler when it comes to colorschemes | 04:35 |
xxtreme | sector10_ cool, let me know when you get around to it, I'll keep working on the acpi thing and lots more | 04:35 |
r0xoR | dougsko, uhhh not offhand, i know it's possible cuz e.g. GAIM can/will do it | 04:35 |
Ainvar | r0xoR I would be too if I coded | 04:36 |
xxtreme | sector10_ cool u lucky nvidia devil | 04:36 |
=== _RocH_ [i=Boink@213-238-88-246.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_WS | any of you guys have any clue? | 04:36 |
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sector10 | xxtreme: there is also http://usefulinc.com/edd/notes/UbuntuOnSonyVaioTRSeries | 04:36 |
=== jnoon- [n=jnoon@c-69-181-164-234.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0xoR | dougsko, i think you can set it up with like netwmctrl if you use openbox and such | 04:36 |
Ainvar | but only need a single color to program cisco crap :) | 04:36 |
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bipolar | Seveas, ping | 04:36 |
dougsko | r0xoR: hmm...ok cool | 04:36 |
sector10 | he has some good info on brightness control and stuff but its for tr series | 04:36 |
r0xoR | dougsko, or pypanel. but you'd have to look at the manual for the gnome-panel probably | 04:36 |
xxtreme | sector10_ how's your battery life? | 04:36 |
r0xoR | dougsko, i use openbox and a very super custom config usually | 04:36 |
sector10 | crap | 04:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by nalioth | ||
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | r0xoR: yeah i was using fluxbox for a while, but i though id give gnome a try for a while cause ive never used it before | 04:37 |
sector10 | xxtreme: but when i get to around 12% something keeps it going. maybe cpu throttle. | 04:37 |
whiteley | running 5.10-rc. gcc doesn't work: "/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory" | 04:37 |
jnoon- | i have windows on here right now, and i want to install ubuntu and dual boot between them. should i use use Partition magic to create a partition for ubuntu to use, or does its installer handle all of this by itself? I want to make sure I dont wipe everything out :) | 04:37 |
nalioth | Wiltuk: may i help you? | 04:37 |
xxtreme | sector10_ sony claims 4-5 hrs, i may can get 3hr, with just apps, no video or audio playing and no wifi | 04:37 |
r0xoR | dougsko, actually i'm surprised at how fast gnome is on ubuntu | 04:37 |
=== nalioths_dog [n=Apple@cpe-66-25-35-20.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0xoR | it's quite nice, it's actually usable | 04:37 |
sector10 | xxtreme: dont know cause ubuntu hides all the difficult stuff | 04:37 |
Sandollar | hey folks how do i get my display to show something outher that 620x480 | 04:37 |
sector10 | xxtreme: lol har har har! 4 hours | 04:38 |
r0xoR | Sandollar, xorg.conf | 04:38 |
sector10 | xxtreme: i get 45 minutes | 04:38 |
Stalagna | Hi, I can not get mozilla to display video, I believe I have installed all the necessary files yet I can't see video due to missing plugins, my browser won't find them automatically | 04:38 |
dougsko | r0xoR: yeah, better than kde (which wasnt too bad), nice clean look too | 04:38 |
tritium | !tell Sandollar about resolution | 04:38 |
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r0xoR | dougsko, yeah there were just numerous things about KDE that made it impossible for me to accept | 04:38 |
_RocH_ | jnoon-, it's better to prepare parts with PM | 04:38 |
xxtreme | sector10_ how you get 4hr 45 min? | 04:38 |
sector10 | xxtreme: in windows i get 2 hours max. | 04:38 |
sector10 | 45 min | 04:39 |
TylerDurden | hey how can i stop the terminal from closing programs that were opened by it? | 04:39 |
sector10 | no hours lol | 04:39 |
TylerDurden | once i close it* | 04:39 |
r0xoR | dougsko, konsole looks like crap and is all cluttered up and the pager isn't customizable and there's no drag'n'drop with gvim | 04:39 |
whiteley | TylerDurden: try screen. | 04:39 |
TylerDurden | lets say i open gedit, and close the terminal, its annoying to find out that gedit closed too | 04:39 |
xxtreme | sector10_ whoooo!!??? | 04:39 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, use & | 04:39 |
wickedpuppy | TylerDurden, you can put those programs in bg by & | 04:39 |
sector10 | xxtreme: if i close the lid my battery life is longer | 04:39 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, gedit & | 04:39 |
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TylerDurden | oh thanks | 04:39 |
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=== MRBossman [n=up@ns1.digitalrage.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ajay | lawl hi | 04:39 |
xxtreme | sector10_ when you close the lid, does it hibernate | 04:39 |
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Dr_Willis | TylerDurden, and use the 'exit' command - dont just hit the close button. | 04:40 |
dougsko | r0xoR: i never used the pager, konsole was sorta ok i guess. i didnt like konqueror at all though | 04:40 |
jnoon- | _RocH_ thanks will do | 04:40 |
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zedrik | at last | 04:40 |
erick | hey guys Im here | 04:40 |
sector10 | xxtreme: lets see. ! | 04:40 |
=== delltony [n=delltony@c-24-98-73-58.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | it amazes me how fast ubuntu devs make packages | 04:40 |
r0xoR | dougsko, ahh see i gotta have my multiple desktops :) | 04:40 |
r0xoR | hehe, can't live without em :) | 04:40 |
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Ajay | can someone help me with something? | 04:40 |
delltony | question anyone here happen to use moto4lin? | 04:40 |
zedrik | help please about ubuntu networking | 04:40 |
r0xoR | Ajay, nope | 04:40 |
_RocH_ | jnoon-, installer cannot resize parts without destrying data on them | 04:40 |
=== renatosansevero [n=renatosa@200-206-255-172.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0xoR | delltony, surely not | 04:40 |
dougsko | r0xoR: haha yes, very diggable | 04:40 |
wickedpuppy | Dr_Willis, how you type exit if there is no prompt ? | 04:40 |
r0xoR | zedrik, not when you ask like that | 04:40 |
MRBossman | all I need help finding a good ssl/tls ftp client for ubuntu | 04:41 |
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renatosansevero | can anyone try to connect to my pc with ssh please? pvt I send the host and password | 04:41 |
delltony | surely not? | 04:41 |
sector10 | xxtreme: yes it works | 04:41 |
erick | guys need help in compiling kerne; | 04:41 |
nalioth | renatosansevero: ask your question in here | 04:41 |
Stalagna | Anyone good with setting up macromedia to play video in the browser? | 04:41 |
r0xoR | renatosansevero, sure | 04:41 |
tritium | _RocH_, yes it can | 04:41 |
whiteley | so nobody knows how to get the linker working on 5.10-rc? | 04:41 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, ctrl-z, bg, exit | 04:41 |
sector10 | xxtreme: wierd kde looking log in screen with some bearded bloke | 04:41 |
Ajay | can someone help me with this problem please: | 04:41 |
Ajay | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:41 |
Ajay | libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.5-1ubuntu11) but 2.3.5-1ubuntu12 is installed. | 04:41 |
xxtreme | sector10_ when u close it, does the lights turn off | 04:41 |
aeruder | renatosansevero: that's a lot of trust, not a smart one are you? | 04:41 |
renatosansevero | 04:41 | |
renatosansevero | | 04:41 |
tritium | whiteley, did you install build-essential? | 04:41 |
=== fishhead [n=why@unaffiliated/fishhead] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wickedpuppy | Dr_Willis, well then its more than typing exit :P | 04:41 |
renatosansevero | user flash | 04:41 |
renatosansevero | password flash | 04:41 |
aeruder | renatosansevero: oh no, man | 04:42 |
sector10 | xxtreme: you mean the right hand side where wlan is? | 04:42 |
_RocH_ | :D | 04:42 |
aeruder | renatosansevero: you are an idiot | 04:42 |
zedrik | i need help | 04:42 |
fishhead | CANUCKS | 04:42 |
fishhead | CANUCKS | 04:42 |
xxtreme | sector10_ yes | 04:42 |
Dr_Willis | wickedpuppy, if ya use & - you still want to use exit.. dont just hit the close button | 04:42 |
=== fishhead bites all canadians in the channel | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@unaffiliated/fishhead] by tritium | ||
r0xoR | zedrik, we know :) go see your shrink | 04:42 |
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renatosansevero | i'm not... i think it doesnt have childs ehre | 04:42 |
Ajay | >:O | 04:42 |
renatosansevero | here | 04:42 |
=== tritium quiets fishhead | ||
=== Ajay beats fishhead | ||
sector10 | xxtreme: how about you does it work lid down | 04:42 |
whiteley | tritium: indeed I did not. installing now. thanks. | 04:42 |
tritium | whiteley, :); | 04:43 |
MRBossman | anyone point me to a ftp client that supports ssl/tls | 04:43 |
renatosansevero | please tell me if it works | 04:43 |
=== n0odl3 [n=n0odl3@pool-71-104-40-25.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xxtreme | sector10_ when i close it, the lights stay on, when i open it, i have a black screen until i touch the keyboard | 04:43 |
MRBossman | iglooftp crashes on me all the time | 04:43 |
tritium | MRBossman, gftp | 04:43 |
renatosansevero | i can't see anyone logged in | 04:43 |
n0odl3 | when i switch to breezy does that mean i have to reinstall my java package? | 04:43 |
zedrik | anyone? | 04:43 |
Ajay | can someone help me with this? | 04:43 |
Ajay | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:43 |
Ajay | libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.5-1ubuntu11) but 2.3.5-1ubuntu12 is installed. | 04:43 |
sector10 | xxtreme: me too. and i get log in window | 04:43 |
MRBossman | I thought gftp does not support ssl | 04:43 |
Stalagna | Hi, I can not get mozilla to display video, I believe I have installed all the necessary files yet I can't see video due to missing plugins, my browser won't find them automatically, can someone help me please | 04:43 |
dougsko | sector10: do u longboard? | 04:43 |
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tjs | having issues with ubuntu on my laptop, the disks are spinning down to fast (a power saving feature?) and just traversing the fs with tab-complete is painfully splow | 04:44 |
renatosansevero | please | 04:44 |
_RocH_ | MRBossman, http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/documentation/ | 04:44 |
sector10 | xxtreme: people are going to start nagging here | 04:44 |
_RocH_ | :) | 04:44 |
xxtreme | sector10_ i dont get log in windows, i think i like that better | 04:44 |
tjs | how do you change that? | 04:44 |
tritium | Ajay, please avoid repeated pastes | 04:44 |
=== antlion [n=vadim@cpe-24-24-86-110.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0odl3 | do i have to reinstall the breezy package instead? | 04:44 |
psusi | MRBossman: don't use ftp, use http ;) | 04:44 |
sector10 | dougsko: whats that? | 04:44 |
psusi | err, https ;) | 04:44 |
n0odl3 | or will the hoary package do just fine? | 04:44 |
xxtreme | sector10_ we\ll chat later, lets help some folks now | 04:44 |
Ajay | Stalagna, look here: http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs | 04:44 |
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xxtreme | sector10_ thanks | 04:44 |
=== felix_ [n=felix@c207.134.27-236.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MRBossman | why does everyone point me to filezilla when it is only windows based | 04:44 |
MRBossman | ? | 04:45 |
rob_p | renatosansevero: It is indeed listening on port 22. Why do you want someone to actually establish a connection? | 04:45 |
Stalagna | thank you | 04:45 |
Ajay | no problem | 04:45 |
sector10 | dougsko: do you mean surf? | 04:45 |
dansydo | hi | 04:45 |
zedrik | help about ubuntu netwotking, i cant ping my gateway, and other pc. | 04:45 |
dougsko | sector10: oh, its just a long skateboard. sector9 is a company that makes 'em, i thought yr nick might be a reference to it | 04:45 |
felix_ | : How do I install a .deb file ? | 04:45 |
tjs | dpgk | 04:45 |
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_RocH_ | MRBossman, you didn't sayed "non for win" :> | 04:45 |
n0odl3 | sudo dpkg | 04:45 |
n0odl3 | i mean dpgk | 04:45 |
tritium | felix_, sudo dpkg -i foo.deb | 04:45 |
psusi | MRBossman: have you tried reading up on webdav? | 04:45 |
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renatosansevero | rob_p how so? what you mean? | 04:45 |
felix_ | ok | 04:45 |
=== Stalagna [n=nathan@ip68-99-8-171.om.om.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Chadza | Does anyone know of any other fonts other than monospace that have consistant spacing like it? | 04:46 |
n0odl3 | does this mean i that i have to dpgk everything like the vlc client | 04:46 |
=== troberts [n=troberts@d57-236-61.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0odl3 | and java | 04:46 |
n0odl3 | ? | 04:46 |
renatosansevero | i'm not a native english speker i don't know what indeed mean | 04:46 |
Chadza | That come standard with ubuntu. | 04:46 |
zedrik | anyone? | 04:46 |
sector10 | dougsko: oh. well i used to be a skate punk years ago | 04:46 |
MRBossman | uh I assumed which I know I should not have that everyone in the ubuntu channel would think I was talking about a ubunutu client | 04:46 |
psusi | full file management and versioning ( with the deltaV extentions ) over http/https... it's quite nifty | 04:46 |
n0odl3 | hello? | 04:46 |
tritium | hi | 04:46 |
Ajay | indeed = confirmation | 04:46 |
rob_p | renatosansevero: What are you trying to accomplish? Are you simply trying to verify that your ssh server is accessible from the 'Net? | 04:46 |
zedrik | what goin on here | 04:46 |
sector10 | dougsko: too old and broken bones now. | 04:46 |
sector10 | xxtreme: ill chat later | 04:47 |
axeus | Flup, trying to figure out where to put this script that I want to run on boot, before X. | 04:47 |
kelsey23 | @tritium Bonsoir | 04:47 |
n0odl3 | if i upgrade to breezy does that mean i have to dpgk the vlc client and java? | 04:47 |
tritium | hi kelsey23 | 04:47 |
=== axeus is used to slackware's rc.d folder. | ||
renatosansevero | rob_p because i need it working well tomorrow | 04:47 |
=== syli725 [i=syli725@organ15.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
renatosansevero | and i can't connect using my own ip here... | 04:47 |
dougsko | sector10: cool, i used to street skate some, but once i got on a 48" board, i never went back. they just cruise like cadilacs | 04:47 |
axeus | ubuntu threw me | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda|w | axeus, its basically same | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda|w | place | 04:47 |
renatosansevero | rob_p and i can't connect using my own ip here... | 04:47 |
nomasteryoda|w | /etc/init.d/rc* | 04:48 |
kelsey23 | @tritium parlez-vous francais? | 04:48 |
zedrik | sdpkasdjg'asdg | 04:48 |
n0odl3 | hello? | 04:48 |
tritium | kelsey23, no, sorry. try #ubuntu-fr | 04:48 |
Wiltuk | Hey, does anybody know how to get the mplayer plug-in to support realplayer files (ram & rm)? According to their site they're disabled by default, and I followed some instructions I found in their faq, but it doesn't seem to work | 04:48 |
rob_p | renatosansevero: If so, I just verified that you do indeed have a service listening on port 22. I'd say it works just fine. | 04:48 |
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=== DrAbyss [n=abysmal2@CPE0013103d64b0-CM001225704f0c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sector10 | dougsko: cool! | 04:48 |
tritium | again, hi, n0odl3 | 04:48 |
axeus | nomasteryoda|w: Actually. If it's any significance I'm using Breezy Preview. All the rc.* | 04:48 |
n0odl3 | hi tritium | 04:48 |
kelsey23 | @tritium I speak English too lol | 04:48 |
n0odl3 | sorry im a total n00b | 04:48 |
tritium | kelsey23, :) | 04:48 |
=== Zealot [n=Zealot@gh-245-155.rh.uwec.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
axeus | 's are in /etc/.. and /etc/init.d just has one rc file | 04:48 |
zedrik | is there anyone can HELP!!!!! | 04:48 |
n0odl3 | but does upgrading to breezy mean that i have to dpgk everything again? | 04:48 |
renatosansevero | rob_p i have a friend who tried connect using putty ... and he said it also failure | 04:48 |
Zealot | hi | 04:48 |
tritium | zedrik, your last message was nonsense | 04:48 |
Ajay | zedrik, that's what I want to know =P | 04:49 |
MRBossman | is my job the only one that requires me to use ftp over ssl/tls | 04:49 |
zedrik | cant ping my gateway | 04:49 |
kelsey23 | @tritium Sometimes I like to talk in french and get flamed and laugh at ignorant people lol | 04:49 |
MRBossman | :) | 04:49 |
felix_ | I'm trying to install the driver for my printer, i did get tehm from the website, and dpkg -1 the .deb file, but it makes an error (you can see it here : http://rafb.net/paste/results/PLVd5T73.html ) can someone help ? | 04:49 |
n0odl3 | tritium? | 04:49 |
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renatosansevero | and... when I ping my own IP it doesn't answer | 04:49 |
tritium | what, n0odl3 ? | 04:49 |
zedrik | tritium ill pm you | 04:49 |
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tritium | zedrik, please ask the channel | 04:49 |
renatosansevero | ps. my reak ip | 04:49 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium | ||
n0odl3 | when i upgrade to breezy will i have to get java again and dpkg my vlc and do all those restricted stuff? | 04:50 |
sector10 | xxtreme: there is also a ubuntu-offtopic | 04:50 |
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tritium | n0odl3, if you upgrade, those package don't just vanish | 04:50 |
dougsko | n0odl3: nope, youll still be good | 04:50 |
Ajay | n0odle, installing java is easy ;o | 04:50 |
n0odl3 | ok | 04:50 |
n0odl3 | thank you | 04:50 |
n0odl3 | sorry for buggin you | 04:50 |
tritium | you're not | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | ok | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | cool | 04:51 |
dooglus | you'll have to reinstall java, I think | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | thank you | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | oh | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | ok | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | no big deal | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | how do i uninstall my old java package (hoary)? | 04:51 |
renatosansevero | rob_p are you there? | 04:51 |
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renatosansevero | rob_p are you there? | 04:51 |
zedrik | tritium go #me | 04:51 |
zedrik | tritium go #me | 04:51 |
azambuja | hello | 04:51 |
Wiltuk | When I upgraded from hoary, java came over fine | 04:51 |
dooglus | n0odl3: the new one will replace it | 04:51 |
sector10 | dougsko: have fun see ya | 04:51 |
tritium | zedrik, please just ask the channel. I can't | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | ok | 04:51 |
dooglus | Wiltuk: sun java? | 04:51 |
azambuja | is ubuntu focus "only" desktop? or does it have focus on the server also? | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | can you tell me the page to get the .deb file? | 04:51 |
Lordphyn | I haven't been able to get my video working consistently; I got rid of the mplayer-plugin and used mediaplayerconnectivity--but video performance overall has been disappointing, with maybe a third of all video i encounter being viewable, any help? | 04:51 |
dougsko | sector10: shake it easy | 04:51 |
n0odl3 | for breezy? | 04:51 |
Wiltuk | dooglus: yes | 04:51 |
rob_p | renatosansevero: Again, you appear to have a service listening on port 22. Whether or not it works as it should is another story. Why don't you try ssh-ing to it yourself on local loopback. Since I already verified that it's accessible from the 'Net, all you have left is to verify that it actually functions properly. A local login will verify that. | 04:51 |
sydw | hi all | 04:52 |
zedrik | tritium where are you | 04:52 |
sector10 | dougsko: break a leg! | 04:52 |
dougsko | haha | 04:52 |
sydw | i'm having an insane problem | 04:52 |
tritium | zedrik, in my house | 04:52 |
Ajay | can someone help me with installing libc6? | 04:52 |
zedrik | omg | 04:52 |
macgeek | zedrik: whats your question? | 04:52 |
dougsko | whats up, sydw | 04:52 |
zedrik | go #me | 04:52 |
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Ajay | there is a problem with libc6-dev | 04:52 |
tritium | zedrik, no, please ask here in the channel | 04:52 |
zedrik | tritium go #me | 04:52 |
n0odl3 | uhh can some one tell me where the java.deb file is? | 04:52 |
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rob_p | renatosansevero: Just do a, "ssh localhost" and it should connect. | 04:52 |
erick | hi nalioth | 04:52 |
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zedrik | i cant ping my gateway | 04:52 |
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erick | just need help in compiling my kernel | 04:53 |
tritium | n0odl3, in unofficial repositories, since it's not legal to distribute | 04:53 |
zedrik | tritium: i cant ping my gateway | 04:53 |
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zedrik | tritium what is the problem | 04:53 |
dooglus | zedrik: type "ping <gateway>" in a terminal, where <gateway> is your gateway's IP address | 04:53 |
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tritium | zedrik, you haven't given me much to go on | 04:53 |
n0odl3 | ok | 04:53 |
zedrik | tritium but 100% loss | 04:53 |
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n0odl3 | strange someone told ubotu to tell me a java.deb page before | 04:53 |
n0odl3 | hmmm | 04:54 |
=== CarlFK [n=ck2@c-67-163-39-125.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
tritium | n0odl3, yeah, one of those unofficial sites | 04:54 |
nalioth | erick: howdy | 04:54 |
renatosansevero | rob_p thank you... but i'm not sure but i Think if i have this ip that i sent you... if I use my ip to connect ssh, since it is available on port 22 it should work., dosn't ? | 04:54 |
erick | Breezy nalioth latest version | 04:54 |
CarlFK | is everything in the Main repo "Open Source"? | 04:54 |
Ainvar | night all and thanks for all the great information | 04:54 |
sydw_ | does anyone find that the typing direction spontaneously reverses? I installed ubuntu for someone and they have this happen regularly. | 04:54 |
n0odl3 | do you happen to know it? | 04:54 |
dooglus | n0odl3: there's an offical package called 'java-package' or something like that. it takes the sun .bin file and turns it into a ubuntu .deb package | 04:54 |
renatosansevero | example: "ssh user@200.xxx.xxx.xxx" | 04:54 |
erick | Carl I thinhk all opensource | 04:54 |
zedrik | tritium: thats why i need you go in #me | 04:54 |
CarlFK | erick - and so Open Office is Open Source? | 04:55 |
tritium | zedrik, please, I don't have time for that | 04:55 |
renatosansevero | it just work localhost | 04:55 |
nalioth | erick: yes? | 04:55 |
r0xoR | erm... what is "breezy" ? | 04:55 |
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zedrik | OMG!!!! | 04:55 |
bimberi | r0xoR: the next release of ubuntu | 04:55 |
dooglus | r0xoR: "breezy badger" is the next release. due on the 13th | 04:55 |
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erick | yes openoffice is an open source or should say free software | 04:55 |
Ajay | o_O | 04:55 |
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Ajay | if it is due on the 13th, how do I have it?? | 04:55 |
wickedpuppy | CarlFK, openoffice.org ... not openoffice | 04:55 |
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zedrik | anyone here can help me!!!! | 04:55 |
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CarlFK | wickedpuppy - roger that. | 04:56 |
r0xoR | bimberi, hmmm i downloaded this ubuntu CD about 3 days ago | 04:56 |
chizang | is there an option in about:config that controls whether closing the last open tab also closes the browser? (i'd like to turn that off) | 04:56 |
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wickedpuppy | Ajay, you can go forward in time or wait or get the latest release from the web | 04:56 |
r0xoR | so ... i don't suppose i got the breezy release did I... | 04:56 |
Ajay | =/ | 04:56 |
Ajay | I am confuzled | 04:56 |
chizang | whoops, i was talking about firefox... ^^ | 04:56 |
kagen_ | ok guys, I need some help, my monitor can push 1024x768x32@75, I can only set the refresh rate to 60hz for some reason, and it's KILLING ME! what can I do? | 04:56 |
Stalagna | can't get video to play in my browser, tried installing all the codecs and reinstalled macromedia and still prompting me for more plugins | 04:56 |
dooglus | Ajay: you have a development version I guess. | 04:56 |
Ajay | hmm | 04:56 |
Ajay | ok | 04:56 |
Ajay | lol | 04:56 |
wickedpuppy | kagen_, how is it killing you ? | 04:56 |
azambuja | anyone knows a good guide to remotely install ubuntu? | 04:56 |
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erick | nalioth,when I issue the command make xconfig error occur "/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: gcc-3.4: command not found | 04:56 |
erick | " and I thought this is gcc issue and check my gcc i is the latest | 04:57 |
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dooglus | Ajay: it's been available for 6 months, as it was developer | 04:57 |
dougsko | kagen_: i had the same prob today and i have the solution | 04:57 |
kagen_ | it hurts my eyes | 04:57 |
dooglus | *developed | 04:57 |
CarlFK | http://www.ubuntu.com/newsitems/5.10preview/view?searchterm=release | 04:57 |
kagen_ | I need 70 or higher | 04:57 |
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kagen_ | gives me a headache | 04:57 |
Ajay | I would never knowingly get a development version but ok... | 04:57 |
CarlFK | er, nto that./ | 04:57 |
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nalioth | erick: install 'build-essential' | 04:57 |
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renatosansevero | i have other question.. is it impossible to run KDE under ubuntu ? | 04:57 |
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wickedpuppy | kagen_, why not lower it to 1024 X 768 ? | 04:57 |
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wickedpuppy | renatosansevero, yes | 04:57 |
CarlFK | kinda that: http://www.ubuntu.com/newsitems/5.10preview | 04:57 |
dooglus | Ajay: so how did you get it? | 04:57 |
n0odl3 | nalioth do you happen to know the page for the .deb file for java? | 04:57 |
r0xoR | renatosansevero, correct... it is impossible | 04:57 |
kagen_ | I run at 1024 x 768 | 04:57 |
r0xoR | :P | 04:57 |
Stalagna | AJay: I installed all the codecs from the link you recommended and still have no luck with video in the browser | 04:57 |
kagen_ | with 32 bit colour | 04:57 |
bimberi | azambuja: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation - look at the Advanced Install stuff | 04:57 |
dougsko | kagen_: hold on a sec though so i can double check the file names | 04:57 |
kagen_ | ok | 04:58 |
r0xoR | kagen_, mmm... that has to do with your xorg.conf and afaik you can even set 32 bit | 04:58 |
Ajay | from the website... but if I had read "development" I would have looked for a more stable version | 04:58 |
r0xoR | kagen_, the most you can set is 24 | 04:58 |
kagen_ | hmm... | 04:58 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell n0odl3 about java | 04:58 |
kagen_ | hold on | 04:58 |
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Ajay | Stalagna, I'm sorry, that is all I know about it =( | 04:58 |
dooglus | Ajay: you probably read "preview" or "release candidate", did you? | 04:58 |
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renatosansevero | tks | 04:58 |
Ajay | prolly not | 04:58 |
Ajay | =/ | 04:58 |
dougsko | kagen_: ok look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 04:58 |
Ajay | but in any case, it's no big deal | 04:58 |
wickedpuppy | renatosansevero, i mean yes its possible ... | 04:59 |
wickedpuppy | i thought you asked if its possible ... | 04:59 |
n0odl3 | thanks | 04:59 |
erick | nalioth, I already install that | 04:59 |
erick | my build-essential is the latese | 04:59 |
renatosansevero | ooh.. so it is possible?.. how can i install ? | 04:59 |
renatosansevero | are there some matter ? | 04:59 |
r0xoR | renatosansevero, use synaptic | 04:59 |
kagen_ | dougsko, i'm there | 04:59 |
Ajay | Stalagna, what is the video extention? | 05:00 |
nalioth | erick: install "gcc-3.4" | 05:00 |
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renatosansevero | r0xoR what should I install ? | 05:00 |
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r0xoR | renatosansevero, you should install KDE | 05:00 |
starscalling | hrm | 05:00 |
azambuja | bimberi: i click on the link and it says page does not exist! | 05:00 |
starscalling | how can one enable japanese language support? | 05:00 |
sydneyw | help | 05:00 |
sydneyw | has anyone ever seen text direction reverse spontaneously? | 05:00 |
erick | nalioth thanks I got it from the repo | 05:00 |
dougsko | kagen_: sorry i was looking for the line u need. ok find the line where it says Supported additional Video Mode | 05:00 |
budluva | does breezy use the same human theme from hoary? | 05:00 |
kagen_ | k | 05:00 |
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renatosansevero | r0xoR which package? | 05:00 |
DrAbyss | how much difference do you think there will be between the rc and final in 3 days?? | 05:01 |
bimberi | azambuja: which link? | 05:01 |
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budluva | DrAbyss, about 3 days difference | 05:01 |
budluva | DrAbyss, you can dl 5.10rc and apt-get update, will be the same in 3 days | 05:01 |
kagen_ | I don't see it..... | 05:01 |
zedrik | OMG, help please, someone available for NETWRKING UBUNTU !!! | 05:01 |
bimberi | renatosansevero: installing kubuntu-desktop gets you a kubuntu system (includes kde) | 05:01 |
r0xoR | renatosansevero, kdebase | 05:01 |
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zedrik | im UPSET | 05:02 |
r0xoR | renatosansevero, open synaptic, on the left click on "KDE Desktop Environment" and then scroll down and select "kdebase" | 05:02 |
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sydneyw | has anyone had problems with text direction spontaneously reversing? | 05:02 |
tritium | zedrik, please be patient and less insistent | 05:02 |
renatosansevero | r0xoR I mean...there are lots of packages about kde to instal here.. so, after installation will it be avaliable ? what command do I use to start kde ? | 05:02 |
dougsko | kagen_: try, cat Xorg.0.log|grep -i supported additional video modes | 05:02 |
r0xoR | zedrik, well first thing is stop being upset | 05:02 |
rob_p | zedrik: What's up? | 05:02 |
azambuja | bimberi: the from harddisk link | 05:02 |
renatosansevero | thanks | 05:02 |
zedrik | Okay ill wait here till some good person help me T_T | 05:02 |
azambuja | bimberi: i found one from another distro | 05:02 |
r0xoR | zedrik, the only thing that does is degrade your health and minorly annoy the rest of us | 05:02 |
kagen_ | dougsko, do I just type that into the terminal? | 05:02 |
DrAbyss | i had 5.04 installed and d/led kubutu just to see the kde vesrion and i couldn't get it installed to save my life.. error galore... | 05:02 |
dougsko | kagen_: yup | 05:02 |
DrAbyss | !ask kde-desktop | 05:03 |
ubotu | DrAbyss: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 05:03 |
zoexii | hello, I need help with an upgrade from Hoary to Breezy gone awry, i cannot get ndiswrapper working again, I followed the instructions on the wiki (unistall then reinstall the driver) and it solves nothing. any ideas? | 05:03 |
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nalioth | DrAbyss: ask us a question | 05:03 |
tritium | that was productive, nyblioth | 05:03 |
r0xoR | zedrik, here is the solution to your networking problem: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 05:03 |
DrAbyss | how does one ask ubotu questions?? | 05:03 |
=== bonee [n=bonee@pool-71-107-88-86.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bonee | how do i find a program i install in ubuntu | 05:04 |
dougsko | kagen_: basically, its like this, the config file has some refresh ranges set, but theyre not 'exactly' what the driver wants, so u gotta find the right range in the log file and change the config file to match | 05:04 |
r0xoR | DrAbyss, uhhh you think of what to say and then type it into the chat window? | 05:04 |
DrAbyss | how do i get kde runinng on 5.10? | 05:04 |
nyblioth | lol | 05:04 |
kagen_ | cat: invalid option -- i | 05:04 |
kagen_ | Try `cat --help' for more information. | 05:04 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell DrAbyss about ubotu | 05:04 |
r0xoR | DrAbyss, synaptic | 05:04 |
nalioth | DrAbyss: install "kubuntu-desktop" | 05:04 |
bonee | ubotu: tell me about torsmo | 05:04 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
r0xoR | nalioth, "install" is a program? | 05:04 |
bonee | ubotu: tell me about tormso | 05:04 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
nalioth | r0xoR: "install" is a variable used with "apt-get" | 05:05 |
r0xoR | bonee, or just check in synaptic to see if it's there or go download it and compile it from source | 05:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
bonee | i did all that | 05:05 |
r0xoR | nalioth, uhh... what do you mean by that? how is it used? | 05:05 |
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r0xoR | bonee, you downloaded and compiled it from source? | 05:05 |
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bonee | yes | 05:05 |
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r0xoR | bonee, so then what's your question? | 05:05 |
nalioth | r0xoR: in a terminal you type "sudo apt-get install $pkgname" | 05:06 |
bonee | where is it installed to | 05:06 |
r0xoR | nalioth, oh right ok | 05:06 |
bonee | yues | 05:06 |
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dougsko | kagen_: try this, 'cat Xorg.0.log | grep -i ranges' | 05:06 |
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r0xoR | nalioth, now i understand... personally i understand that as an "argument" rather than a variable but i get it now thx :) | 05:06 |
r0xoR | bonee, locate torsmo | 05:06 |
nalioth | r0xoR: i'm a redneck. i'm lucky to speak english | 05:06 |
r0xoR | bonee, probably /usr/local/bin | 05:06 |
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bonee | thankz | 05:07 |
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r0xoR | nalioth, heheh, we're both rednecks :) nice ta meatcha | 05:07 |
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r0xoR | bonee, also "which torsmo" | 05:07 |
colin__ | Can someone help me understand how to install programs with Linux, I am certainly a newb | 05:07 |
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [n=FlyingSq@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zedrik | tritium: i thought it was a site can help about this, a good friend told me about ubuntu mirc and they can help me about my problem, and this all i got in this chat room?im too upset about this mirc | 05:07 |
_RocH_ | MRBossman, are you there ? :> | 05:07 |
r0xoR | colin__, use synaptic | 05:07 |
bimberi | ubotu tell colin__ about synaptic | 05:07 |
bonee | what u mean | 05:07 |
wickedpuppy | colin__, there are many ways ... for ubuntu , use synaptic or apt-get | 05:07 |
kagen_ | dou | 05:07 |
kagen_ | dougsko, cat: Xorg.0.log: No such file or directory | 05:08 |
tritium | zedrik, you haven't even told us the details of your problem | 05:08 |
DrAbyss | what is adept?? | 05:08 |
r0xoR | bonee, i mean type the words "which" and "torsmo" into a terminal back to back | 05:08 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | what is a good encyclopedia for someone that doesn't have internet connection? | 05:08 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell colin__ about apt-get | 05:08 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell colin__ about synaptic | 05:08 |
zedrik | how can i tell my problem | 05:08 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | (on linux) | 05:08 |
r0xoR | zedrik, did you read that link I gave you? | 05:08 |
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colin__ | Wow, thanks guys | 05:08 |
r0xoR | zedrik, http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 05:08 |
bonee | found it | 05:08 |
tritium | zedrik, to get good support, ask good questions, and give plenty of details | 05:08 |
bonee | /usr/bin/torsmo | 05:08 |
zedrik | the link you gave can help me | 05:08 |
erick | nalioth, your first suggestion work but after that another error again " Unable to find the QT installation. Please make sure that the | 05:08 |
r0xoR | tritium, let him read the link :) | 05:08 |
erick | * QT development package is correctly installed and the QTDIR | 05:08 |
erick | * environment variable is set to the correct location. | 05:08 |
erick | " | 05:08 |
tritium | zedrik, how can we solve your problem if you can't describe it? | 05:08 |
r0xoR | zedrik, yes i know it can help you that's why i gave it to you | 05:09 |
r0xoR | zedrik, so read it | 05:09 |
nalioth | erick: please dont paste in here | 05:09 |
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erick | Im sorry nalioth | 05:09 |
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zedrik | tim searching for forums, other sites | 05:09 |
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r0xoR | zedrik, did you read that link i gave you? | 05:09 |
nalioth | erick: install libqt-bleh-dev where -bleh- is the version matching what you have installed | 05:09 |
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zedrik | huh | 05:10 |
r0xoR | zedrik, ok you're apparently not to bright | 05:10 |
r0xoR | zedrik, i'll repeat the question | 05:10 |
r0xoR | zedrik, did you read that link i gave you? | 05:10 |
zedrik | T_T | 05:10 |
zedrik | yah | 05:10 |
Strike4ce | Wow this works on ubuntu. I downloaded mirc for windows with wine and it works. Will it heat up my processor? | 05:10 |
r0xoR | zedrik, this one... http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 05:10 |
tritium | easy there, r0xoR | 05:10 |
luckyaba | can you apt-get old packages.. its saying i need libncurses 5.4.4 but its trying to install 5.4-9 | 05:10 |
r0xoR | zedrik, did you read the whole thing? | 05:10 |
zoexii | hello, I need help with an upgrade from Hoary to Breezy gone awry, i cannot get ndiswrapper working again, I followed the instructions on the wiki (unistall then reinstall the driver) and it solves nothing. any ideas? | 05:10 |
tritium | we need to keep it friendly | 05:10 |
zedrik | its ther same | 05:10 |
r0xoR | tritium, i'm being easy bro :) | 05:10 |
zedrik | its the same | 05:10 |
wickedpuppy | Strike4ce, if you are on ubuntu , use xchat ? | 05:10 |
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TokenBad | in the weather applet that can put in panel | 05:10 |
r0xoR | tritium, trust me... go to #freebsd and you'll se what "not taking it easy" really means :P | 05:10 |
zedrik | sorry guys if you all mad at me | 05:10 |
TokenBad | how can get it to read F instead of C? | 05:10 |
r0xoR | zedrik, it's the same as what? it's exactly what you need bro | 05:10 |
tritium | r0xoR, still, don't call people "not too bright" please | 05:11 |
r0xoR | zedrik, we can't do JACK for you until you understand how to act in here... so go read that link | 05:11 |
zedrik | i configure all of it, but cant connect tho T_T | 05:11 |
r0xoR | tritium, aight i'll attempt to refrain | 05:11 |
tritium | s/aight/all right | 05:11 |
Strike4ce | how do I use Internet explorer with wine? | 05:11 |
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r0xoR | Strike4ce, read the manual? | 05:11 |
TylerDurden | ut2k4 is driving me mad. it doesnt work again, it just quits after the splash screen. does anyone know how to fix it? | 05:11 |
DrAbyss | has anyone here installed the kde desktop under 510?? | 05:11 |
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Yetr2 | Strike4ce, install wine, download and install IE via wine.. | 05:12 |
r0xoR | Strike4ce, like this http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=ie6 | 05:12 |
tritium | Strike4ce, winetools (from winehq.com) makes installing IE a breeze | 05:12 |
Strike4ce | How do I get into wine to do it? | 05:12 |
r0xoR | Strike4ce, see that link i posted | 05:12 |
r0xoR | Strike4ce, that'll install IE6 for you automatically | 05:12 |
r0xoR | Strike4ce, i'd suggest installing wine from synaptic, then use that link | 05:12 |
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TylerDurden | no one plays ut2k4 :( | 05:13 |
Strike4ce | its already installed | 05:13 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, uhhh yeah they do... lot of people do | 05:13 |
TylerDurden | ut2k4 is driving me mad. it doesnt work again, it just quits after the splash screen. does anyone know how to fix it? | 05:13 |
r0xoR | Strike4ce, ok then go here: http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=ie6 | 05:13 |
TylerDurden | lol do know what it could be then? | 05:13 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, are you using cedega? | 05:13 |
TylerDurden | no | 05:13 |
TylerDurden | native linux ut2k4 | 05:13 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, hmmm oh right UT2004 has that doesn't it | 05:14 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, i don't know then man... call the UT folks | 05:14 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, that's their deal | 05:14 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, do you have an nvidia card? | 05:14 |
TylerDurden | yeah | 05:14 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, do you have the nvidia driver installed? | 05:14 |
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tritium | TylerDurden, I don't play games | 05:14 |
TylerDurden | yup | 05:14 |
caonex | anybody with ndiswrapper? | 05:14 |
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zoexii | caonex, yes, yes. YES | 05:15 |
Strike4ce | ok roxor its in the archive now | 05:15 |
r0xoR | Strike4ce, it's in the what? | 05:15 |
hockeydave | okay i got this loaded up on an old computer... what separates this from XP... other that it being 300 dollars cheaper | 05:15 |
Strike4ce | lol im not sure | 05:15 |
tritium | hockeydave, take it for a test drive, and you'll see | 05:15 |
hockeydave | hehe, good one | 05:15 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, what do you mean? | 05:15 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, lots of things separate it from XP | 05:15 |
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TylerDurden | how do u guys write the peoples names so perfect? i mean im sure u have a script or something, im sure you dont type the name manually | 05:15 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, an entire hard drive partition for one... | 05:16 |
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r0xoR | TylerDurden, type the first few letters and hit tab | 05:16 |
wickedpuppy | TylerDurden, tab | 05:16 |
jwd_ | ps | 05:16 |
TylerDurden | oh thats right i used it in terminal today by accident | 05:16 |
chizang | are there plans to upgrade SQLObject in breezy to version 0.7? | 05:16 |
zoexii | TylerDurden, start typing, then hit tab | 05:16 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, r0x<tab> will do my name | 05:16 |
hockeydave | okay i guess that works for me... | 05:16 |
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TylerDurden | yeah pretty cool | 05:16 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, what do you want to know specifically? | 05:16 |
Yetr2 | TylerDurden, tab auto-complete... most applications are using the method | 05:16 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, Linux can do anything and everything windows can do... and then some | 05:16 |
budluva | how do i find out what version of a package i have? | 05:17 |
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r0xoR | hockeydave, the only real reason to keep using windows is... well... there isn't one really... | 05:17 |
tritium | budluva, apt-cache policy <packagename> | 05:17 |
orko | is it possible to make a custom hoary install cd with a replaced driver module? (aacraid) | 05:17 |
tritium | (that's one way) | 05:17 |
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hockeydave | like i hear you can "customize" the desktop and crap like that | 05:17 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, actually windows still has a market share hold over IE and IE in wine doesn't render pages the same way as it does on windows... so for site testing... i still have to use windows | 05:17 |
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r0xoR | hockeydave, yes you can | 05:17 |
Yetr2 | hockeydave, you can do what ever you please to the desktop. | 05:18 |
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Yetr2 | you can install different managers which can do weird and funky things to the window | 05:18 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, there are numerous desktops you can use as well... as opposed to the one and only "explorer.exe" which you get on windows... you get many options... GNOME, KDE, OpenBox, WindowMaker, Enlightenment, FVWM, FluxBox, IceWM, XFCE | 05:18 |
hockeydave | yeah that is like the basic stuff... but there is always a "call" of sorts to programmers to help the open source community... | 05:18 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, those are most of the major desktop environments you can use and configure and customize | 05:18 |
Yetr2 | the title bar on windows apps, they don't have to be there if you don't want them | 05:19 |
hockeydave | cool | 05:19 |
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ngmlinux_ | anyone here running breezy badger? | 05:19 |
salfd | hello, question.. | 05:19 |
r0xoR | hockeydave, uhhh... open source isn't relegated just to linux... there are open source apps on windows too | 05:19 |
hockeydave | so really what can i do, just f'ing around to help the community? | 05:19 |
zedrik | 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 ethernet doesnt recognize ubuntu 5.04 | 05:19 |
salfd | you know how windows has "C:\program files" as to all the programs? | 05:19 |
Strike4ce | ok I downloaded sidenet roxor now what? | 05:19 |
ngmlinux_ | salfd yes | 05:19 |
salfd | what's linux's programs directory? | 05:19 |
Yetr2 | hockeydave, programming, support, testing, etc. | 05:19 |
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r0xoR | hockeydave, uhhh... i dunno... what do you WANT to do... just poke around and find a project that interests you and donate your time and energy | 05:19 |
r0xoR | salfd, lots of them | 05:20 |
ngmlinux_ | salfd linux is a bi*ch to find the programs | 05:20 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell salfd about cli | 05:20 |
r0xoR | salfd, it's called the "path" and there are numerous directories that hold programs | 05:20 |
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ngmlinux_ | salfd linus uses a much less elegant solutions | 05:20 |
Yetr2 | /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games | 05:20 |
chizang | ngmlinux_: uh, how about "which foo" ? | 05:20 |
hockeydave | KingBahamut: ill be on tomorrow i guess... | 05:20 |
TylerDurden | so no one knows how to fix the ut2k4 splash screen crash? | 05:20 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, not really | 05:20 |
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ngmlinux_ | salfd they can be in bin, sbin, usr/bin usr/sbin | 05:20 |
r0xoR | ngmlinux_, naw not really... you're just lazy or you don't know what you're doing yet | 05:20 |
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Yetr2 | ngmlinux_, `echo $PATH` | 05:20 |
r0xoR | ngmlinux_, yeah or "locate foo" | 05:20 |
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ngmlinux_ | anybody here able to compile in breezy? | 05:21 |
hockeydave | i just need to find a project or something... any hints on where to go to find out? | 05:21 |
tritium | or which | 05:21 |
salfd | ok, I just installed ScrollZ | 05:21 |
salfd | I've configured it and everything | 05:21 |
Yetr2 | locate only works if you decide to use the find utilities | 05:21 |
r0xoR | ngmlinux_, compile WHAT in breezy | 05:21 |
salfd | but I have no idea where the program goes... | 05:21 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, of course you can compile in breezy | 05:21 |
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ngmlinux_ | kernel modules R0xoR | 05:21 |
tritium | salfd, which package? | 05:21 |
r0xoR | ngmlinux_, WHAT kernel modules | 05:21 |
ngmlinux_ | ov51x r0xoR | 05:21 |
salfd | titanium: what do you mean? | 05:21 |
r0xoR | there we go... that's better | 05:21 |
salfd | I downloaded it.. | 05:21 |
ngmlinux_ | can't find a build directory r0xoR | 05:21 |
r0xoR | nope, never tried to compile that in my life :) | 05:21 |
colin__ | I am trying to install a program that I downloaded, and the "add applications" program does not list it and neither does the more advanced "Synaptic" Am I doing something wrong? | 05:21 |
r0xoR | ngmlinux_, uhhh... /usr/src/linux ? | 05:22 |
Yetr2 | salfd, normally, default for user compiled applications is in /usr/bin | 05:22 |
r0xoR | ngmlinux_, have you ever compiled a kernel before? | 05:22 |
zoexii | hello, can anyone here help with ndiswrapper on a breezy upgrade? | 05:22 |
ngmlinux_ | make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build: No such file or directory. Stop. | 05:22 |
ngmlinux_ | make: *** [all] Error 2 | 05:22 |
zedrik | 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 ethernet doesnt recognize ubuntu 5.04 | 05:22 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, you don't have the linux-headers installed | 05:22 |
ngmlinux_ | any body have a clue on that error message? I have the kernel source install | 05:22 |
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r0xoR | ngmlinux_, apt-get install kernel-devel probably | 05:22 |
tritium | no | 05:23 |
ngmlinux_ | kernel-devel is the package? okay | 05:23 |
ngmlinux_ | let me take a look | 05:23 |
ngmlinux_ | I have the kernel source | 05:23 |
SuseUX | Anyone running gdesklets with xcomposite? | 05:23 |
tritium | sudo apt-get intsall linux-headers-`uname -r`, ngmlinux_ | 05:23 |
tritium | not kernel-devel at all | 05:23 |
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zoexii | ?? | 05:24 |
[GoClick(n=goclick@] !init.d | 05:24 | |
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_RocH_ | nn @ll | 05:24 |
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Concord_Dawn | !breezy | 05:24 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 05:24 |
Concord_Dawn | weee! | 05:24 |
zoexii | SuseUX, is that suppsed to be like widgets? | 05:24 |
kagen_ | dougsko, it worked man. | 05:24 |
kagen_ | thanks | 05:25 |
SuseUX | zoexii, yes | 05:25 |
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GoClick | I need to add something to /etc/init.d/ that has the same "binaryname command" as apache does | 05:25 |
GoClick | What do I do? | 05:25 |
zoexii | SuseUX, I have never heard of it, how is it. | 05:25 |
ngmlinux_ | okay i just installed those tritium | 05:25 |
ngmlinux_ | and make still gives the same error | 05:25 |
ngmlinux_ | do i need to restart tritium? | 05:25 |
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tritium | no, ngmlinux_ | 05:26 |
SuseUX | zoexii, http://suseux.commscentral.net:8000/Screenshot.png | 05:26 |
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DrAbyss | during the install.. what is term3 for?? | 05:26 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, what is my next step here? | 05:26 |
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zoexii | Concord_Dawn, was that intended for me? | 05:26 |
joe_ | hi guys | 05:26 |
Concord_Dawn | no | 05:26 |
Concord_Dawn | that was intended for me | 05:26 |
Concord_Dawn | I was wondering if there was a breezy upgrade guide | 05:26 |
dougsko | whats up joe | 05:26 |
joe_ | i need help with my players. real, xine, mplayer | 05:26 |
Concord_Dawn | although if it helped you, that's great ^_^ | 05:26 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, go about whatever you were doing before | 05:27 |
zoexii | right on.... that's what I've been following. | 05:27 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium i did the make again | 05:27 |
joe_ | dougsk, i can't get any video out of any of them | 05:27 |
ngmlinux_ | and it gives the same error tritium | 05:27 |
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turner_ | hm | 05:27 |
caonex | zoexii, are you still there? | 05:27 |
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zoexii | caonex, yes, | 05:28 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, can you verify that the directory is there? | 05:28 |
joe_ | dougsk, in xine all i get is a green screen. and in mplayer and realplayer they get stuck | 05:28 |
caonex | zoexii, thank god | 05:28 |
dougsko | joe: hmm...thats a tough one, any more details? | 05:28 |
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wickedpuppy | joe_, what about totem ? | 05:28 |
caonex | zoexii, do you have a broadcom? are you running it in 64 bit? | 05:28 |
joe_ | same thing | 05:28 |
dougsko | did u apt-get them? | 05:28 |
joe_ | yes | 05:28 |
zoexii | caonex, oh? | 05:28 |
=== kagen_ jumps as one of a million other things to learn about linux is now learned! | ||
ngmlinux_ | tritium, apt-getting kernel-devel did not create it | 05:28 |
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tritium | ngmlinux_, I told you that's not the package to grab. | 05:29 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, the directory is not there | 05:29 |
zoexii | caonex, excuse me, a broadcom? I doubt it. | 05:29 |
DrAbyss | anyone else have trouble installing 5.10rc?? I have tried 6 times now.. 3 with ubuntu 3 with kubuntu all 6 times I get install errors on clean installs.. I had no problems installing 5.04 mybe i should just reinstall 5.04 and upgrade.. | 05:29 |
dougsko | joe: so it did install all the libraries and such that they need to work? | 05:29 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, i did yours too | 05:29 |
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caonex | zoexii, hehe, is it 32 bit? | 05:29 |
jwwolf | trying to install ubuntu 5.10 on a ide hd but it stops after trying to crc promise tech raid controller any help? | 05:29 |
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ngmlinux_ | sudo apt-get -f install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 05:29 |
zoexii | caonex, I am just (trying) to run Ndiswrapper. not getting much help here. | 05:29 |
=== ColonelKernel [i=ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
caonex | zoexii, i compiled mine, it detects it and all, but it wont acquire the AP MAc address | 05:29 |
joe_ | can i show you my terminal output after i tried usuoing them? their abit long | 05:29 |
tritium | why did you need the -f, ngmlinux_ ? | 05:29 |
caonex | zoexii, oh...hehe | 05:29 |
jwwolf | trying to install ubuntu 5.10 on a ide hd but it stops after trying to crc promise tech raid controller any help? | 05:29 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium, it gave an error and said use -f | 05:30 |
zoexii | caonex, It stopped working after I upgraded to Breezy, | 05:30 |
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=== CurseLinux [n=brad@CPE-65-27-82-47.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kurtbec | anyone get the issue with firefox and mouse themes figured out? | 05:30 |
caonex | zoexii, oh i see, ehe | 05:30 |
=== TylerDurden [n=TylerDur@adsl-69-208-167-43.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CurseLinux | can anyone tell me how to permanently mount the windows file system? | 05:30 |
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zoexii | CurseLinux, It has something to do with fstab, | 05:31 |
zoexii | CurseLinux, read the man page, and you will probably figure it out, | 05:31 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, anyway to fix this or is this beyond fixing in breezy? | 05:31 |
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DrAbyss | jwwolf.. where does yours crap out?? | 05:31 |
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zoexii | CurseLinux, you just have to add a line to the fstab config file or something like that. | 05:31 |
r0xoR | how come gvim didn't get added to my gnome menu when i installed it from synaptic? | 05:32 |
TylerDurden | ahh just for some of u guys to know so u can tell other ppl... ut2k4 didnt work because the cd wasnt correct | 05:32 |
CurseLinux | okay | 05:32 |
CurseLinux | I'll look into it | 05:32 |
CurseLinux | thanx | 05:32 |
TylerDurden | the cd key needs to be all upper case | 05:32 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, there you go | 05:32 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, you still with me? | 05:32 |
TylerDurden | are there cracks for linux? | 05:32 |
joe_ | dougsk, may i paste my terminal output here or would that be inappropriate? | 05:32 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, sounds like you're doing something wrong | 05:32 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, no | 05:32 |
tritium | TylerDurden, inappropriate question | 05:32 |
TylerDurden | it took me like 45 min to install ut2k4, i really dont wanna reinstall it | 05:32 |
zedrik | tritium: got no feedback | 05:32 |
TylerDurden | sry | 05:32 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, innappropriate anyway | 05:32 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, you dont need them | 05:32 |
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TylerDurden | well i own the game i just dont wanna reinstall it so its perfectly legal | 05:33 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, I'll pastebin my shell | 05:33 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, suuuure it is | 05:33 |
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TylerDurden | ... | 05:33 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, even so... it's still innappropriate | 05:33 |
TylerDurden | ok ok lol | 05:33 |
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TylerDurden | how do i uninstall it? | 05:33 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, well now you KNOW how to do it | 05:33 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, linux games dont usually need the cd in so no cd check | 05:33 |
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r0xoR | TylerDurden, so you should be able to reinstall in a minimal amount of time | 05:33 |
tritium | TylerDurden, this is not a games support channel | 05:34 |
TylerDurden | how can i uninstall it tho? | 05:34 |
SuseUX | there is a uninistall script | 05:34 |
TylerDurden | well it has to do with ubuntu cuz thats what im using and i thought it was a linux problem | 05:34 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, dude this is ubuntu not #UT2004Support | 05:34 |
TylerDurden | SuseUX, where? | 05:34 |
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r0xoR | TylerDurden, no it's a "the makers of your game problem" and actually it's probably more likely to be a PEBKAC error | 05:34 |
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o81e9FozM | hey all. i was wondering if you all could help me with a problem i ran into installing breezy today | 05:34 |
SuseUX | in /usr/local/games/ut2004 | 05:34 |
cafuego_ | !test | 05:34 |
ubotu | Passed. | 05:34 |
r0xoR | !test | 05:35 |
TylerDurden | r0xoR, please relax | 05:35 |
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TylerDurden | i though it was a problem with linux | 05:35 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, i'm quite relaxed... i'm just stating the obvious | 05:35 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, what did I enter wrong here? http://pastebin.com/389776 | 05:35 |
kurtbec | o81e9FozM: whats the problem? | 05:35 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, no it's most definitely a PEBKAC error | 05:35 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, just run the uninstall script in there | 05:35 |
ui | what dvd writer do you recomend me? | 05:35 |
ui | im talking about a program | 05:35 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, it's no fault of ubuntu that's all i'm saying | 05:35 |
Strike4ce | I have a dell laptop dual boot system with ati radeon pro turbo 128mb graphics card what do I need to do to set it up? | 05:35 |
TylerDurden | r0xoR, i dont even know what that is but its a cd key problem k? i thought it was a linux/driver problem please back off | 05:35 |
hyphenated | ui: I use k3b, but it's a KDE app, so it might require some other libraries | 05:36 |
o81e9FozM | i have an hp mini tower that i got through the install on, but when i restarted after taking the cd out.. i get a 'operating system not found' error | 05:36 |
joe_ | ok all, i am having serious problems with my xine, realplayer, and mplayer. can anyone help a new guy out? | 05:36 |
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tritium | ngmlinux_, you didn't successfully install the linux-headers package because another one is broken, and hasn't been fixed | 05:36 |
ui | hyphe~ thanks | 05:36 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: I never got mine working perfectly :-( | 05:36 |
SuseUX | ui, graveman, gnomebaker | 05:36 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, you're assuming i was "on you" in the first place... you were claiming that it "must be a linux error" and i was pointing out that it probably wasn't | 05:36 |
colin__ | Ok, I am completely confused about all of these commands, where do I enter them? | 05:36 |
r0xoR | tada... no animosity intended | 05:36 |
Strike4ce | You're using it now? | 05:36 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, you need to read the last line, starting with the word "Try" | 05:36 |
joe_ | colin__, in the termina; | 05:37 |
joe_ | terminal | 05:37 |
joe_ | sorry | 05:37 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium i did the -f and you asked me why? | 05:37 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, read it carefully | 05:37 |
ngmlinux_ | so I did it again without the -f tritium | 05:37 |
ngmlinux_ | okay | 05:37 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: hmm? dual-boot dell laptop with ubuntu and ati? yes, but not specifically 128MB graphics | 05:37 |
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tritium | ngmlinux_, "with no packages" <-- | 05:37 |
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TylerDurden | SuseUX, im in there, i see theres a file called uninstall, how do i use it though? | 05:37 |
Strike4ce | what did you do to get it working? | 05:37 |
TokenBad | in the weather applet that can put in panel | 05:37 |
TokenBad | how can get it to read F instead of C? | 05:37 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, ./uninstall | 05:37 |
TylerDurden | typing uninstall wont do anything | 05:37 |
TylerDurden | ok | 05:37 |
nalioth | TokenBad: right click on it and go to prefs | 05:38 |
TylerDurden | it says no useable uninstall found | 05:38 |
Strike4ce | mine is a inspiron 8600 | 05:38 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, "dot slash" | 05:38 |
TokenBad | it won't let me | 05:38 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, ok i did "sudo apt-get -f install" | 05:38 |
TokenBad | only has 2 settings | 05:38 |
tritium | and? | 05:38 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, ./uninstall --help | 05:38 |
TokenBad | lets me pick which location | 05:38 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, that won't help though, becuase I get an error everytime i do that | 05:38 |
Strike4ce | how do I uninstall a program? | 05:38 |
TylerDurden | Could not find a usable uninstall program. Aborting. | 05:38 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and some stressful times editing xorg.conf | 05:38 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium this time was no different | 05:38 |
TylerDurden | that was with --help too | 05:38 |
nalioth | TokenBad: really? odd. you dont have tabs in the prefs? | 05:38 |
TokenBad | what to show like icon, and temp and stuff | 05:38 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, is it executable? | 05:38 |
kurtbec | whats the best way to list all the packages you have installed? | 05:38 |
TylerDurden | when i ls it just says shows uninstall in green | 05:39 |
Strike4ce | hyphenated, do that in the terminal? | 05:39 |
r0xoR | k then it's executable | 05:39 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: but I only got 2D accelleration. couldn't make 3D work :-( | 05:39 |
nalioth | TokenBad: yes click on temp and change the units | 05:39 |
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r0xoR | TylerDurden, i dunno mang :) you're on your own i think | 05:39 |
aztektum | Tyler, check out Epics forums | 05:39 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, when all else fails RTF README file | 05:39 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: so it's no better than the default unaccelerated driver. yes, in a terminal, with 'sudo' before the apt-get | 05:39 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, http://pastebin.com/389782 | 05:39 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, what's requiring you to have libswt3.1-gtk-jni ? | 05:39 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, and when that fails... call the support people | 05:39 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, and when that fails check the forums | 05:39 |
TokenBad | it will not let me | 05:39 |
kevogod | UT2004 works for me. | 05:39 |
TylerDurden | :( oficcial support.. come on would u wait a few days just for a stupid 1 line answer? | 05:40 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, and when that fails whack your head against your screen | 05:40 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, sure... why no? | 05:40 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, are you really that impatient? | 05:40 |
TylerDurden | because i bet it wont even work, then i gotta wait a few more days | 05:40 |
TylerDurden | yeah... | 05:40 |
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TylerDurden | computers r my life, i dont go out | 05:40 |
Strike4ce | Is this gonna screw things up will I be down until I get it straightned out? | 05:40 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, those 2 packages have conflicts. One is trying to overwrite files in another. | 05:40 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, just delete the ut2004 directory | 05:40 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, don't count your chickens before they hatch | 05:40 |
SuseUX | that simple | 05:40 |
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CurseLinux | so if I modify fstab file with the info for windows, but don't mount it and reboot, will it mount windows for me? | 05:40 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, you can force it to overwrite | 05:40 |
TylerDurden | SuseUX, but thats not a healthy uninstall | 05:40 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, i've often received perfectly good support | 05:40 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, how can i force an overwrite? | 05:40 |
potaKayo | df | 05:40 |
potaKayo | g | 05:40 |
potaKayo | asdgas | 05:40 |
potaKayo | d | 05:40 |
potaKayo | fg | 05:40 |
potaKayo | fd | 05:40 |
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potaKayo | ad | 05:41 |
potaKayo | d | 05:41 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: there are ways to test it without being reckless. | 05:41 |
potaKayo | sd | 05:41 |
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SuseUX | TylerDurden, yes it is, it's fine, not like Windows you know | 05:41 |
potaKayo | er | 05:41 |
potaKayo | f | 05:41 |
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TylerDurden | really? cool | 05:41 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, why are apt-get and synaptic having so much trouble resolving this? | 05:41 |
TylerDurden | how can i search for files through terminal? | 05:41 |
Strike4ce | well i know practically next to nothing about ubuntu | 05:41 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, locate | 05:41 |
TylerDurden | ah | 05:41 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, or find | 05:41 |
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Strike4ce | first time here with linux | 05:41 |
potaKayo | df | 05:41 |
potaKayo | rf | 05:41 |
potaKayo | sdf | 05:41 |
potaKayo | fg | 05:41 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, I just told you | 05:41 |
potaKayo | df | 05:41 |
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SuseUX | TylerDurden, Linux doesn't have a registry so you cannot mess things up badly by just removing that directory | 05:41 |
nalioth | people never learn | 05:41 |
dumbo | i got through the first part of the install, with the cd in the drive. when i take the cd out and restart, i get "operating system not found" message instaed of being able to finish the install. anyone help? | 05:42 |
TylerDurden | wow nice SuseUX | 05:42 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, find $PWD -name \*thing\* -print | 05:42 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: ok. it's one of the areas that doesn't magically work, because of the restrictions imposed around the drivers | 05:42 |
TylerDurden | whats pwd do? | 05:42 |
TylerDurden | and the $ | 05:42 |
r0xoR | dumbo, uhh... you "take it out" shouldn't it eject automatically for you? | 05:42 |
Strike4ce | so whats gonna happen If I run it thru terminal now? | 05:42 |
r0xoR | dumbo, did you install grub into the MBR? | 05:42 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: it'll install the driver, but not use it | 05:42 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium you said force it but you didn't say how | 05:43 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: sorry, no private messages please | 05:43 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, try it... run "pwd" in a terminal | 05:43 |
Strike4ce | so really i dont need it? | 05:43 |
Strike4ce | ok | 05:43 |
zexr0 | Do you know any website that would help people switching from windows to ubuntu ? | 05:43 |
nalioth | ngmlinux_: what are you forcing? | 05:43 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, then the equivalent is try running "echo $PWD" in a terminal | 05:43 |
dumbo | i believe grub was installed. i saw it go by, do i need to explicitly install it? | 05:43 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell zexr0 about equivalents | 05:43 |
ngmlinux_ | nalioth, an overwrite | 05:43 |
bimberi | s/ print// | 05:43 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, pwd is the program $PWD is the environment variable | 05:43 |
TylerDurden | it doesnt do anything r0xoR | 05:43 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, mmmm | 05:43 |
TylerDurden | just a blank space | 05:43 |
r0xoR | ... | 05:43 |
TylerDurden | echo $pwd that is | 05:43 |
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nalioth | ngmlinux_: dpkg -i --force-overwrite file.deb <<< this may wreck your box | 05:44 |
TylerDurden | pwd gives me the name of the dir im in | 05:44 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, that's because you did it wrong | 05:44 |
bimberi | TylerDurden: $PWD (case sensitive) | 05:44 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, echo $pwd and echo $PWD are not the same thing | 05:44 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, you'll need to use dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libswt3.1-gtk-java_3.1.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb --force-overwrite | 05:44 |
TylerDurden | doh! | 05:44 |
tritium | and yes, it can be dangerous | 05:44 |
TylerDurden | keep forgetting that | 05:44 |
satafterh | I have read alot of differant opinions on what kernel to use with AMD athlon xp, does any one know for sure? | 05:44 |
erick | bimberi yes its case sensitive | 05:44 |
r0xoR | satafterh, uhhh... how bout the linux kernel? | 05:44 |
TylerDurden | does anyone know how updates Linux for Dummies 6th edition is? | 05:45 |
r0xoR | satafterh, probably a custom compiled kernel would be best | 05:45 |
TylerDurden | updated* | 05:45 |
bimberi | erick: yes, i was saying so | 05:45 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, uhhh... bad? | 05:45 |
TylerDurden | =/ | 05:45 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, why buy the book when you can get the same information online? | 05:45 |
tritium | custom-compiled kernels are rarely needed on ubuntu | 05:45 |
tritium | please don't advise custom-compiled kernels | 05:45 |
r0xoR | tritium, mmm... but for specific processor support... | 05:45 |
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tritium | no need | 05:45 |
TylerDurden | r0xoR, its easier when im in the toilet or dont feel like starting at the screen and switching screens | 05:45 |
TylerDurden | also, how would i get it online? | 05:45 |
r0xoR | hahah... ok | 05:45 |
TylerDurden | dont say google if u say i can get it online give me a direct link | 05:46 |
aztektum | He didn't mean the actual book | 05:46 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, google | 05:46 |
tritium | satafterh, linux-image-k7 | 05:46 |
satafterh | would 686 or k7 be better? | 05:46 |
TylerDurden | thanks r0xoR | 05:46 |
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r0xoR | np :P | 05:46 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, what makes you think that will work without errors | 05:46 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium, hold on, i'll try but my faith does not lie in linux | 05:46 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, I read your pastebin link | 05:46 |
erick | recompiling kernel in ubuntu is so hard its need many dependency, you need to install all dependency | 05:46 |
tritium | satafterh, k7 | 05:46 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, http://www.justlinux.com/ and http://tldp.org/ have all the answers you need | 05:47 |
hyphenated | erick: sudo apt-get build-dep foo? | 05:47 |
TylerDurden | im looking for stuff for dummies cuz im a dummy | 05:47 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, if you wanna take something to the toilet then print out an article and bring it with you | 05:47 |
tritium | erick, it's fairly easy with kernel-package, but usually unnecessary | 05:47 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, yes you are :) | 05:47 |
TylerDurden | i read the first few pages in preview mode and it seemed really good | 05:47 |
Strike4ce | ok I have dcom98.exe installed how do I get wine to Download IE6? | 05:47 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, well man, go check the reviews on amazon | 05:47 |
r0xoR | TylerDurden, i'm sure it's fine... the only way to find out is buy it | 05:47 |
TylerDurden | thats.. where i did lol | 05:47 |
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r0xoR | TylerDurden, still... i say don't worry | 05:47 |
zexr0 | nalioth that's a pretty amasing list that you have there :) Thanks a lot :) | 05:48 |
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r0xoR | TylerDurden, see my PM window | 05:48 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, ok now we're getting somewhere http://pastebin.com/389783 | 05:48 |
ui | can burn MPG files to a DVD so that you can play your movies on DVD player? | 05:48 |
TylerDurden | i returned a reply lol | 05:48 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: dare I ask why you'd want DCOM or IE installed on a linux box? | 05:48 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, is this the error we want? | 05:48 |
kevogod | hyphenated, Web development | 05:48 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, sorry, put the --force-overwrite before the path/to/file | 05:48 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium, ok | 05:49 |
ui | can burn MPG files to a DVD so that you can play your movies on DVD player? just tell me if tis possible | 05:49 |
satafterh | is the command apt-get kernel-k7? | 05:49 |
orko | I want to replace a driver module on the installer cd (aacraid.ko), where abouts would this module live on the cd? | 05:49 |
tritium | ui, don't repeat please | 05:49 |
nalioth | zexr0: list? | 05:49 |
Strike4ce | I need to use IE for onething and one thing only an emulator that uses Microsoft virtual machine. Firefox will not run it | 05:49 |
nalioth | ui: it is possible. transcode is what you want | 05:50 |
ui | tritium its diferent | 05:50 |
erick | hyphenated: should i run this cmd sudo apt-get build-dep including foo or packages name | 05:50 |
pupil | what kernel headers are needed for vmware? | 05:50 |
ui | ok | 05:50 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: well, you could invest in crossover office, which supposedly works | 05:50 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, i guess linux isn't so bad afterall, here's the paste http://pastebin.com/389787 | 05:50 |
ui | nalioth, is there a program or something? | 05:50 |
tritium | ui, barely, dude ;) | 05:50 |
dooglus | ui: my DVD player will play divx data dvds - no need to convert to mpeg. I guess it depends on the dvd player. mine's a $20 chinese player | 05:50 |
hyphenated | erick: instead of "foo" put in the name of the package you want to build | 05:51 |
nalioth | ui: transcode is what you want | 05:51 |
Strike4ce | wine will do it right? | 05:51 |
dumbo | does anyone know if its possible for an HP minitower to 'force' only a certain OS to be used? | 05:51 |
duncanm | hmm | 05:51 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, dpkg --configure --pending please | 05:51 |
Cashel | dooglus, mine wont... not my standalone dvd player... what brand is yours? | 05:51 |
duncanm | i just did an upgrade from hoary to breezy | 05:51 |
duncanm | all of my python packages are left unconfigured | 05:51 |
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duncanm | update-alternatives: internal error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/CORBA.Python2.4 corrupt: missing newline after manflag | 05:52 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, hmmm for some reason that command did not give any errors | 05:52 |
Strike4ce | hyphenated, does it work on a dual boot system crossover? | 05:52 |
duncanm | dpkg: error processing python2.4-pyorbit (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 05:52 |
duncanm | any idea how to fix that? | 05:52 |
satafterh | any one know the apt command to get k7 kernel | 05:52 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, okay, now try sudo apt-get -f install | 05:52 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium, ok hold on... | 05:52 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, no errors | 05:52 |
Cashel | duncanm, sudo dpkg-reconfigure | 05:52 |
Cashel | <package> ... same error? | 05:52 |
seethru | tyler: hmm your xorg.conf, have you disabled GLCore and DRI? | 05:53 |
SuseUX | satafterh, just use synaptic and sarch kernel | 05:53 |
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ngmlinux_ | tritium, i'm impressed | 05:53 |
Cashel | errrr n/m the return there... | 05:53 |
SuseUX | search* | 05:53 |
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tritium | ngmlinux_, okay, now try to install the linux-headers-`uname -r` package please | 05:53 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, just not a big fan of having to jump through hoops to get things done in breezy | 05:53 |
navyn | does anybody have any backports sources in breezy that work? | 05:53 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, ok | 05:53 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, normally you don't have to jump through hoops. Evidently you installed something that's a bit broken | 05:53 |
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joe_ | Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set 1024): Permission denied | 05:53 |
joe_ | , can anyone tell me what this line means? | 05:53 |
tritium | not yet, navyn | 05:53 |
hyphenated | Strike4ce: no idea. and it's not free, so if it interests you, call the guys who make it and ask | 05:53 |
seethru | TylerDurden: in your xorg.conf, have you disabled GLCore and dri? | 05:54 |
duncanm | tritium: any ideas? | 05:54 |
satafterh | i have had very good installing kernels with install manager, | 05:54 |
TylerDurden | uhh let me check seethru | 05:54 |
tritium | duncanm, sorry, about what? | 05:54 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, something related to eclipse I believe | 05:54 |
SuseUX | joe_, try google | 05:54 |
nalioth | satafterh: use synaptic | 05:54 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, i reported the bug, they said it was fixed, but it wasn't | 05:54 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, I see... | 05:54 |
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tritium | ngmlinux_, did the headers install now? | 05:54 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, looks like it | 05:54 |
tritium | good deal | 05:55 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, let me just check the directory | 05:55 |
erick | linux-source-2.6.12 guys Im installing this kernel and gets lots of error when I issue the cmd make xconfig | 05:55 |
ngmlinux_ | looks like I'm back in bussiness over here | 05:55 |
joe_ | mkay thanks | 05:55 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, :) | 05:55 |
Pickle_Weasel | i don't get sound in flash, i did when i first installed, but i no longer do, i tried the "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1" fix, and it didn't help | 05:55 |
TylerDurden | seethru, i have Load"GLcore" and same with dri | 05:55 |
duncanm | tritium: update-alternatives: internal error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/xmlproc_parse corrupt: missing newline after manflag | 05:55 |
r0xoR | tritium, how can i compile my own kernel in ubuntu? | 05:55 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, thanks i was on an important project, i though this would take longer to resolve | 05:55 |
SuseUX | joe_, you'll get it from the kernel mailing lists | 05:55 |
tritium | r0xoR, it's best to use kernel-package | 05:55 |
duncanm | tritium: i upgraded from hoary -> breezy, everything is happy except for the python stuff | 05:55 |
r0xoR | tritium, i know you don't want me to recomment it to others and i won't but how can I do it? | 05:55 |
tritium | ngmlinux_, you're welcome :) | 05:56 |
ngmlinux_ | tritium, you know your *** | 05:56 |
seethru | TylerDurden: you should try disabling them, they aren't needed with glx | 05:56 |
r0xoR | tritium, uhh... is that the same as the kernel source? | 05:56 |
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TylerDurden | just delete them seethru ? | 05:56 |
tritium | r0xoR, no, it's software to help you build kernel .deb packages for installation | 05:56 |
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tritium | ngmlinux_, thanks :) | 05:56 |
seethru | TylerDurden: comment them out, put a # at the start of the line | 05:56 |
r0xoR | hmmm | 05:56 |
tritium | duncanm, sorry, getting overwhelmed here | 05:56 |
duncanm | yeah | 05:56 |
r0xoR | tritium, so how would i compile one from source... | 05:56 |
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r0xoR | tritium, whether it's a good idea or not :P | 05:56 |
tritium | r0xoR, install kernel-package, and read the docs in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package to learn how to build kernels the debian/ubuntu wya | 05:57 |
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TylerDurden | ok done seethru | 05:57 |
tritium | it's hard to describe briefly over IRC | 05:57 |
axeus | Hm. I've been attempting to get the 855resolution patch to work with my i810 chipset (Inspiron 700m). Most of the posts I've found in the Ubuntu forums just say to download and install the debian package. Which I did, and I configured /etc/default/855resolution to the proper mode. I believe they left out that you have to add a modeline. I've tried several modelines with no luck. It's still going to 1024x768. | 05:57 |
duncanm | how can i force redownload of a package? | 05:57 |
seethru | TylerDurden: also, I'm noticing a line in your xorg.conf you don't need | 05:57 |
tritium | duncanm, --reinstall | 05:57 |
TylerDurden | how.. do u "notice" that | 05:57 |
seethru | on the forums | 05:57 |
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TylerDurden | i didnt post it.. | 05:57 |
seethru | under your thread "Performance" | 05:57 |
TylerDurden | it might of been old from my ati | 05:57 |
TylerDurden | let me pastebin my currentone | 05:58 |
bimberi | ubotu tell r0xoR about kernelcompile | 05:58 |
seethru | ok | 05:58 |
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navyn | where can i find the win32codecs? I don't see that in breezy | 05:58 |
TylerDurden | seethru, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2983 | 05:58 |
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bimberi | tritium: :) | 05:59 |
tritium | :) | 05:59 |
UdontKnow | okay, can you guys running LINUX send the output of this to evaldo@gardenali.biz (I am doing some statistical analysis on the randomness of the linux urandom dev): dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1k count=64 conv=notrunc of=randomfile | 05:59 |
bimberi | ubotu tell navyn about w32codecs | 05:59 |
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p3r4m3r | could someone suggest a good media player | 05:59 |
TylerDurden | ubotu tell tylerdurden about w32codecs | 05:59 |
Jeromee | tell me about w32codecs | 06:00 |
Jeromee | ;[ | 06:00 |
tritium | good night, ubuntites | 06:00 |
navyn | rythymbox | 06:00 |
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DrAbyss | i think my cd-rom drive was f@#$%^ed.. nothing a hammer can't fix.. | 06:00 |
axeus | Rawr @ crappy res. | 06:00 |
bimberi | Jeromee: try /msg ubotu w32codecs | 06:00 |
TylerDurden | uboto tell Jeromee about w32codecs | 06:00 |
satafterh | apt-get install linux-k7 | 06:00 |
p3r4m3r | can rythmbox play movie files and music files? | 06:01 |
satafterh | thats it l | 06:01 |
navyn | thanks ubotu! | 06:01 |
SuseUX | p3r4m3r, it's a music player | 06:01 |
seethru | TylerDurden: has your xorg.conf always lacked the BusID portion of your video card section? | 06:01 |
Jeromee | thx | 06:01 |
satafterh | it was any way not working now lol | 06:01 |
SuseUX | rhythmbox | 06:01 |
joe_ | i have a question | 06:01 |
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TylerDurden | i got rid of it in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg because i dont know my current one and xserver wouldnt start with the default number | 06:01 |
p3r4m3r | well what can play movies | 06:01 |
joe_ | how do i change the frames per second? | 06:02 |
SuseUX | p3r4m3r, totem and quiet a few others | 06:02 |
p3r4m3r | thanx | 06:02 |
seethru | TylerDurden: weird, ok. Try CS:S now that you've disabled GLCore and DRI | 06:02 |
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SuseUX | p3r4m3r, totem can play both | 06:02 |
TylerDurden | do i need to restart the computer for the changes to take affect? | 06:02 |
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fried | I'm having a terrible time installing 5.04 on an Athlon64 machine, it just locks up. I've been using the live CD so I wouldn't screw anything up. The live CD for breezy did the same thing. | 06:02 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, no | 06:02 |
seethru | TylerDurden: nope just hit ctrl-alt-backspace | 06:03 |
colin__ | Why do I get this message when I try to use the apt-get command " Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)" | 06:03 |
SuseUX | TylerDurden, the ONLY time you need to restart is if you install a new kernel | 06:03 |
seethru | TylerDurden: if GDM doesn't start, login and type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 06:03 |
cafuego_ | colin__: prefix the command with 'sudo'. | 06:03 |
TylerDurden | seethru, it doesnt, i tried it before | 06:03 |
TylerDurden | but ok | 06:03 |
colin__ | Ok | 06:03 |
=== FR500 [n=andres@143.228.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | seethru, it's just gdm start | 06:04 |
navyn | p3r4m3r, mplayer also does movies | 06:04 |
FR500 | hello | 06:04 |
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seethru | SuseUX: sometimes gdm doesn't shutdown all the way for me heh, so I always do restart | 06:04 |
FR500 | what program is used to make SVG files? | 06:04 |
colin__ | Now, when this package is on my "desktop" do I need adress that in the command.... | 06:04 |
cafuego_ | FR500: inkscape | 06:04 |
FR500 | cafuego_ thanks | 06:04 |
cole | I got a question why do i have to mess with the setting to get my wifi internet to work? | 06:04 |
SuseUX | seethru, killall gdm works :-) | 06:05 |
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seethru | SuseUX: that too, but I kill two birds with one stone with restart :) | 06:05 |
dumbo | on a non dual boot install, is there any reason why i am geting an operating system not found error on restart with out the cd in? | 06:05 |
SuseUX | true | 06:05 |
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joe_ | can someone message me about codecs pls | 06:06 |
wickedpuppy | dumbo, you installed breezy ? | 06:06 |
SuseUX | dumbo, did you set it in the bios to boot from cd? | 06:06 |
joe_ | win32 codecs anyone? | 06:06 |
=== CurseLinux [n=brad@CPE-65-27-82-47.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | joe_, mplayer website | 06:06 |
NoUse | !tell joe about w32codecs | 06:07 |
wickedpuppy | google has many sites on codec :P | 06:07 |
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pupil | How do I write this command properly ? sudo ./vmware-install.pl -cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 | 06:07 |
CurseLinux | can somebody tell me how to change the default of the grub loader to be windows rather than ubuntu? | 06:07 |
dumbo | i cant get to the bios.. i got through the first part of the install, the part form the cd. then it asks me to restart without the cd in, and when i do, i get a 'opeerating system not found' instead of ubuntu finishing the install | 06:07 |
joe_ | didn't work nouse | 06:07 |
Cole_lol | How can i get it set were i dont have to change my network to the loopback then back to eth0 to get my wifi card working? | 06:07 |
wickedpuppy | dumbo, eh ah you installed wrongly ... thats the only thing i can see ... | 06:07 |
CurseLinux | dumbo are you dual booting? | 06:08 |
SuseUX | dumbo, sounds like the bios is set to cd, thats one of the things that couses that error | 06:08 |
wickedpuppy | SuseUX, he can't get to bios ... and no he isn't dual booting | 06:08 |
SuseUX | joe_, http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html | 06:08 |
dumbo | not dual booting... the machine is an old HP minitower that i got from my parents after etting them up on a new machine. instead of an option to get to bios, i just see an HP screen, then the os not found msg... | 06:08 |
navyn | joe_, http://tinyurl.com/87ofx | 06:08 |
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navyn | ubotu hooked me up a few min ago | 06:09 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, navyn | 06:09 |
joe_ | ok, so it's looking like i need to start over with my mplayer. | 06:09 |
joe_ | how do i uninstall it? | 06:09 |
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Cashel | rehowdies | 06:09 |
dumbo | is there a possibility that im missing something from the initiall install? first time installing, so its very possible | 06:09 |
bimberi | CurseLinux: Change the "default" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst to the line for windows (typically 4 but count the non-commented title lines starting from 0) | 06:09 |
SuseUX | joe_, why mplayer? | 06:09 |
wickedpuppy | possible | 06:09 |
joe_ | got another player in mi\nd? | 06:09 |
orko | how do you list files in a deb pkg, without installing? | 06:09 |
Cashel | You know.. I remember someone in here saying how different the new gnome looks... I still havent seen it.... | 06:09 |
calc | orko: apt-file | 06:09 |
CurseLinux | thanx bimb | 06:10 |
joe_ | my xine nor my realplayer are not working either | 06:10 |
colin__ | If the application I want to install is on the desktop would I say "sudo apt-get install /home/colin/desktop/filename ?" | 06:10 |
bimberi | CurseLinux: yw :) | 06:10 |
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n000b | hi, sorry I'm kinda newbish.. but uh.. | 06:10 |
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SuseUX | wickedpuppy, many people forget to put the bios back to HD :-) | 06:10 |
n000b | how do you open up Binary? | 06:10 |
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n000b | I downloaded a program and it's in binary | 06:10 |
calc | orko: or if you have the actual deb on your system you can extract it to the current dir, doing dpkg -x foo.deb . | 06:10 |
TiMiDo | n000b chmod +x and then ./bin | 06:10 |
calc | orko: that allows you to access the files without installing | 06:10 |
Lordphyn | any xfce users here? I'm trying to figure out how to get vnc working in xfce the same way it does in gnome? | 06:11 |
Cashel | n000b, whats the file extention? if its .tar.gz or tar.bz2 or some such, thats like zip .. and needs extracted... | 06:11 |
DrSpin | hey all -- I've got a few videos that need a bit of editing -- what do you all recommend -- they are in AVI format taken from my digital camera | 06:11 |
n000b | Cashel: it's in Binary mode | 06:11 |
Cashel | then what TiMiDo said | 06:11 |
DrSpin | Lordphyn: #xfce could help | 06:11 |
n000b | it's tar.gz | 06:11 |
r0xoR | 1.6G!!! for a kernelcompile!!! wtf? | 06:11 |
r0xoR | that's retarded! | 06:11 |
Cashel | ahhh | 06:11 |
Cashel | thats different then... | 06:12 |
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n000b | but | 06:12 |
Cashel | tar zxvf <file> to extract it | 06:12 |
Lordphyn | DrSpin - hehe apparently they couldn't, I've tried | 06:12 |
n000b | it has a file that's binary | 06:12 |
duncanm | hmm, the upgrade worked, i think | 06:12 |
Cashel | right.. | 06:12 |
n000b | there's no ./configure or anything like that... | 06:12 |
Cashel | right.. | 06:12 |
n000b | so? | 06:12 |
DrSpin | Lordphyn: it's all in your approach -- ask the right question and you will engage the person that has the answer | 06:12 |
SuseUX | r0xoR, now you know thats wrong :-) | 06:12 |
Cashel | tar zxvf <filename> to extract, then see what files it gives you... | 06:12 |
bimberi | orko: dpkg -c file.deb | 06:12 |
joe_ | SuseUX, ok i have the codecs dled to my desktop, but i need to have them installed in to this directory /usr/local/lib/codecs. how do i do that? | 06:12 |
navyn | what does it mean if the ubuntu HAL device manager can detect my usb scanner, but sane cannot? | 06:12 |
DrSpin | Lordphyn: unfortunately I don't know how to help you -- | 06:13 |
Lordphyn | DrSpin - no, everyone's been polite and trying to answer, they just havent been able to do it ;) | 06:13 |
n000b | Ping reply from robot: ? second(s) | 06:13 |
n000b | erm, wrong paste | 06:13 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell joe_ about cli | 06:13 |
n000b | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 06:13 |
DrSpin | anyne have an idea for video editing software? | 06:13 |
nalioth | joe_: we have an easier way to do the codecs | 06:13 |
navyn | kino | 06:13 |
nalioth | DrSpin: filmgimp | 06:14 |
DrSpin | cinelerra is an option but can't get it to compile -- spent hours compliing individual dependencies | 06:14 |
DrSpin | the configure finished but the make fails | 06:14 |
navyn | DrSpin, doesn't cinelerra require ungodly system specs | 06:14 |
DrSpin | nalioth: is it in the repos by chance | 06:14 |
DrSpin | ? | 06:14 |
nalioth | filmgimp is now known as cinepaint | 06:14 |
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joe_ | nalioth, how is that? | 06:14 |
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TylerDurden | seethru, i cant really get css to work now | 06:14 |
DrSpin | navyn: [ideally] I'd suppose | 06:14 |
joe_ | i'm much more confused now | 06:15 |
colin__ | If the application I want to install is on the desktop would I say "sudo apt-get install /home/colin/desktop/filename ?" | 06:15 |
nalioth | and yes cinepaint is in the repos | 06:15 |
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TylerDurden | seethru, it kinda freezes in the loading screen | 06:15 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell joe_ about w32codecs | 06:15 |
DrSpin | thanks | 06:15 |
CurseLinux | okay i'm confused as to where i should modify /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:15 |
CurseLinux | what do I change? | 06:15 |
joe_ | nalioth, i have the codecs but i need to have them sent to /usr/local/lib/codecs | 06:15 |
Cashel | CurseLinux, what are you trying to do? | 06:16 |
wickedpuppy | colin__, no ... apt-get install will download and install at the same time | 06:16 |
nalioth | joe_: read the cli info ubotu sent you. it will be info you'll need for the rest of your linux usage time | 06:16 |
CurseLinux | set windows as the default for grub | 06:16 |
PMantis | Hello! I just selected "Lock Version" in Synaptic to see what it did... now I regret. How can I undo? | 06:16 |
nalioth | PMantis: unlock it | 06:16 |
SuseUX | lol | 06:16 |
wickedpuppy | colin__, if you got .deb , use dpkg -i package.deb | 06:16 |
turner_ | anybody have a suggestion as to what client I should use to watch TV with my TV card with? | 06:16 |
turner_ | client/application | 06:16 |
seethru | TylerDurden: every time? like before? | 06:16 |
nalioth | turner_: xawtv | 06:17 |
DrSpin | xawTV requires a headache of configuration but GREAT usage | 06:17 |
colin__ | Wickedpuppy what if it is .rpm? | 06:17 |
turner_ | can I just apt-get install xawtv? | 06:17 |
navyn | turner_, xawTV | 06:17 |
TylerDurden | seethru, no it worked before, i dont understand why it wont go past the loading screen now | 06:17 |
DrSpin | haven't used it in a while though | 06:17 |
nalioth | colin__: you shouldn't use rpm | 06:17 |
Cashel | CurseLinux, message me real quick... | 06:17 |
wickedpuppy | colin__, rpm is ah ... not in demand here ... :P | 06:17 |
bimberi | CurseLinux: Near the top of the file "default 0" - change the 0 to whatever windows is (typically 4) | 06:17 |
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colin__ | nalioth thanks | 06:17 |
colin__ | wickedpuppy thanks | 06:17 |
Cashel | yeah.. I was gonna paste that, hehee | 06:17 |
PMantis | nalioth, I selected everything in "Upgradeable"... can I get a list of packages that are locked? | 06:17 |
wickedpuppy | np :P | 06:17 |
joe_ | nalioth, oh i see, cd /usr/local/lib/codecs and unpackeage there? | 06:17 |
turner_ | Hmm, it doesn't seem to be in ubutnu's apt database | 06:17 |
turner_ | cant find xawtv | 06:17 |
seethru | TylerDurden: does the mouse come up? | 06:18 |
TylerDurden | yes and it moves, but it wont continue loading the rest of the menu | 06:18 |
r0xoR | SuseUX, what do you mean? | 06:18 |
nalioth | joe_: that is one way. there are commands to move the files from where they are, also | 06:18 |
helio7 | Does anyone know if there's a gnome-session file I can delete to clear a bug that's preventing gnome-session from loading the gnome-panel??? | 06:18 |
r0xoR | SuseUX, i knew it was wrong when i read it... | 06:18 |
CurseLinux | so how do i know what number windows is? | 06:18 |
bimberi | turner_: it's in the "universe" repository | 06:18 |
r0xoR | SuseUX, i haven't actually done it yet | 06:18 |
wickedpuppy | turner_, enable universe and multiverse | 06:18 |
seethru | TylerDurden: hmm that happens to me sometimes, but not every time.. | 06:18 |
bimberi | ubotu tell turner_ about repositories | 06:18 |
r0xoR | SuseUX, why tf would it be 1.6G ? | 06:18 |
joe_ | mv? | 06:18 |
DrSpin | cinepaint won't open the files - | 06:18 |
SuseUX | joe_, cd into the directory where you want to put the codecs? | 06:18 |
DrSpin | *sigh* | 06:18 |
nalioth | joe_: mv will indeed move em | 06:18 |
joe_ | ty | 06:18 |
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nalioth | joe_: another name for 'mv' is 'delete' | 06:19 |
joe_ | i'll try it | 06:19 |
turner_ | ah, I just uncommented universe in sources.list | 06:19 |
turner_ | thanks, that hsould help | 06:19 |
TylerDurden | i tried twice seethru, while were on it, how can i "ctrl+alt+delete" out of it? | 06:19 |
joe_ | oh ic | 06:19 |
r0xoR | CurseLinux, well you should have payed attention to that during the install | 06:19 |
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navyn | turner_, once you do that its there, i just checked | 06:19 |
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r0xoR | CurseLinux, but if you need to find out you can use fdisk to pr int your partition table | 06:19 |
r0xoR | CurseLinux, it'll be the one that says NTFS | 06:19 |
CurseLinux | what about fdisk -l? | 06:19 |
Laforge38 | Anyone use a Dell Inspiron 1150 and had to setup wireless? | 06:20 |
SuseUX | r0xoR, the kernel source is not 1.6Gb | 06:20 |
navyn | turner_, there are alot of plugins for that too | 06:20 |
hsqrd | still with the sound issues - i have a little more info this time | 06:20 |
hsqrd | anyone an expert with it? | 06:20 |
wickedpuppy | kernel source is somewhere like ... 180 mb | 06:20 |
=== caonex_ [n=caonex@ip70-177-54-62.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | indeed | 06:21 |
bimberi | CurseLinux: count the lines in menu.lst that start with the word title (but not ones commented out with a #) starting from zero. When you reach the title line for windows, that's the number you need for the default | 06:21 |
turner_ | thank yo | 06:21 |
turner_ | u | 06:21 |
Cashel | CurseLinux, maybe I'm wrong, but the first listed is 0, second 1 etc.. | 06:21 |
Cashel | err yea | 06:21 |
r0xoR | SuseUX, right so then why dot he docs say that it might be 1.6G | 06:21 |
seethru | TylerDurden: alt-tab to P2P and hit stop | 06:21 |
=== Cashel is too drunk to be quick responding | ||
CurseLinux | the line that says "other operating systems" | 06:22 |
CurseLinux | does that count? | 06:22 |
wickedpuppy | r0xoR, which doc ? | 06:22 |
joe_ | SuseUX, here s line i can use help with sudo dpkg - i w32codecs.deb mv /usr/local/lib/codecs , will this work? | 06:22 |
r0xoR | the wiki doc | 06:22 |
TylerDurden | i already closed p2p when i opened steam seethru but ok ill keep it open | 06:22 |
TylerDurden | let me try again | 06:22 |
r0xoR | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelBuildpackageHowto | 06:22 |
r0xoR | that doc | 06:22 |
Cashel | CurseLinux, ummm no | 06:22 |
bimberi | CurseLinux: yes :) | 06:22 |
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Cashel | yes?!?!? | 06:22 |
Cashel | it has no root entry... ? | 06:22 |
r0xoR | speaking of which, those docs are NOT very well written | 06:22 |
=== Turner [i=Turner@c-67-171-202-157.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Laforge38 | Anyone use a Dell Inspiron 1150 and had to setup wireless? (sorry if i am spamming but not sure if anyone saw it before) | 06:23 |
=== Cashel scratches head | ||
CurseLinux | If you start from 0, it should count | 06:23 |
Cashel | good think linux is my default I guess, hehe... | 06:23 |
SuseUX | joe_, I would do, cd /usr/local/lib/codec | 06:23 |
logikal_ | ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the | 06:23 |
logikal_ | Macromedia Flash Player installer. | 06:23 |
logikal_ | help ! :\ | 06:23 |
nalioth | r0xoR: you can sign up for a wiki account and correct them | 06:23 |
helio7 | anyone know about GnomeUI-WARNING ? gnome won't load for me | 06:23 |
nalioth | logikal_: please dont paste | 06:23 |
logikal_ | please help me nalioth | 06:23 |
joe_ | SuseUX, the codecs i dled are on the desktop tho | 06:23 |
nalioth | logikal_: use 686 kernel | 06:23 |
SuseUX | joe_, and then sudo tar -xjvf path/to/my/win32codecs.tar | 06:23 |
CurseLinux | okay I will restart now, if I'm back in a few minutes, I'll let you know which one it really is | 06:23 |
logikal_ | how do i do that? | 06:23 |
CurseLinux | thanx for the help | 06:23 |
bimberi | CurseLinux: yw :) | 06:24 |
r0xoR | nalioth, meh, that takes work | 06:24 |
nalioth | joe_: sudo dpkg -i w32codecs<tab> | 06:24 |
r0xoR | nalioth, and how can i correct them if i don't know what they mean? | 06:24 |
nalioth | r0xoR: then dont speak harshly of them | 06:24 |
r0xoR | nalioth, ? what do you mean? why not? | 06:24 |
colin__ | What would be the best way to learn this system? | 06:24 |
r0xoR | nalioth, that seems a bit facist | 06:24 |
nalioth | r0xoR: if you wont help the apparent fallacies, why talk nasty about them? | 06:25 |
=== kurtbec [n=kurt@ppp-70-226-98-50.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wickedpuppy | colin__, which system ?? linux ? | 06:25 |
nalioth | colin__: by using it | 06:25 |
Cashel | colin__, to learn linux you mean? Use it... install stuff from source, configure it as well as you can.. etc.. | 06:25 |
colin__ | wickedpuppy yes | 06:25 |
SuseUX | lol | 06:25 |
navyn | colin__, www.ubuntuguide.org is a good place to start | 06:25 |
nalioth | navyn: no it's not | 06:25 |
r0xoR | nalioth, uhh, that logic doesn't really mean anything to me... i'll talk "nasty" about them because it's the truth | 06:25 |
kurtbec | what do the letters ii and rc mean at the far left of dkpg -l? | 06:25 |
Cashel | lol | 06:25 |
nalioth | colin__: stay away from ubuntuguide | 06:25 |
=== Cashel is with nalioth on that one heheh | ||
colin__ | nalioth why? | 06:26 |
r0xoR | nalioth, that the truth is ugly has nothing to do with my willingness to help at the moment | 06:26 |
nalioth | r0xoR: but the wiki is open to ANYONE to add to or change for the better | 06:26 |
navyn | nalioth, why is that? | 06:26 |
nalioth | !ubuntuguide | 06:26 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide will soon be the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq. | 06:26 |
joe_ | nalioth, i found out why i can't get myvideo. | 06:26 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell colin__ about equivalents | 06:26 |
r0xoR | nalioth, but my original point still stands... if I can't even tell what it means and how to use it... then how am i supposed to "correct" it if I don't even know what is correct? | 06:26 |
navyn | nalioth, it still works for hoary doesn't it? | 06:26 |
joe_ | nalioth, i don't don't have a codecs foldeer in my /usr/local/lib direc | 06:27 |
nalioth | r0xoR: if you know how to use whatever software the 'badly written wiki' discusses, fix the wiki | 06:27 |
TylerDurden | seethru, i pmed you | 06:27 |
nalioth | navyn: very early hoary (as in from the install cd and never upgraded) | 06:27 |
r0xoR | nalioth, that's just the point | 06:27 |
r0xoR | nalioth, i don't know how to use the proprietary ubuntu kernel build system | 06:27 |
delltony | where can i get codecs to play wmv files in ubuntu i thought it was w32-codecs but i don't see it in breezy | 06:27 |
r0xoR | nalioth, and that is precisely the part which is badly written | 06:27 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | joe_: if you install the deb, using dpkg, you wont have a /usr/local/lib/codecs/ | 06:28 |
calc | r0xoR: isn't it just kernel-package? | 06:28 |
navyn | nalioth, i just checked the help on my breezy install, that is cool. i didn't even know that was there | 06:28 |
nalioth | r0xoR: it is not proprietary | 06:28 |
r0xoR | nalioth, you know what i mean though... "custom" "nonstandard" "ubuntu specific" | 06:28 |
nalioth | r0xoR: it is a standard debian method using ubuntu settings | 06:28 |
SuseUX | oh, he has a deb package | 06:28 |
TylerDurden | r0xoR, check pm | 06:28 |
r0xoR | nalioth, hmm... well i haven't used debian in like 5 years | 06:29 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell delltony about w32codecs | 06:29 |
=== DansFloyd [n=dan@user-12l252r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | r0xoR: If you can't even figure that out, why do you think you can build a working kernel? | 06:29 |
calc | hmm that page is for more than just building your own kernel its for rebuilding the ubuntu specific one | 06:29 |
=== DansFloyd [n=dan@user-12l252r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | nalioth: its using dpkg-buildpackage so its not technically the way most people build debian kernels, but is still pretty easy to use | 06:29 |
Cashel | oh wow, yea the new helps more info than it was for sure.... nifty.... gj dev folks... | 06:30 |
navyn | hey guys how is it that the HAL device mgr can detect my scanner, yet it will not work ? | 06:30 |
calc | but still should be pretty simple to do | 06:30 |
nalioth | calc: yes. ty. | 06:30 |
cafuego_ | navyn: is sane configured properly? | 06:30 |
navyn | it's installed, by way of apt-get. it doesn't detect any scanners | 06:30 |
calc | r0xoR: if you just want to build all of your own stuff then install kernel-package and use that, it makes debs and is very simple to use | 06:31 |
=== caonex__ [n=caonex@ip70-177-54-62.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | navyn: You'll probably need to configure it. the config file is /etc/sane* | 06:31 |
nalioth | r0xoR: or if you dont want standard debian pkgs, use checkinstall | 06:31 |
=== fooFighter [n=michael@CPE-70-94-12-16.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | kernel-package is probably just as easy to use as checkinstall | 06:32 |
fooFighter | hey guys, is there a command that i can do to check my disc for bad sectors? | 06:32 |
SuseUX | navyn, sudo sane-find-scanner | 06:32 |
r0xoR | calc, i know... but i wanna make my life hard :P | 06:32 |
fooFighter | one that is easy to interpret | 06:32 |
calc | you just run make-kpkg --revision=foo binary | 06:32 |
=== dmacdonald111 [n=dmacdona@host86-135-153-39.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
navyn | cafuego_, what can i use to edit it, it says it is not an editable file. i am doing sudo gedit /etc/sane* | 06:32 |
r0xoR | calc, old ways die hard | 06:32 |
r0xoR | calc, i like "make menuconfig" and such | 06:32 |
=== HedgeMage [n=me@about/cooking/nakedchef/chocolate/pdpc.basic.HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | navyn: it's probably a directory then. See what's in it. | 06:33 |
=== ^Boyhenyo [n=cybersta@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starscalling | begs eretan to help on the first ep.. offers my firstborn | 06:33 |
calc | r0xoR: well you still have to run make menuconfig before make-kpkg to setup the .config file itself | 06:33 |
dmacdonald111 | Hi all. I am currently having problems trying to get my web browser working. Anyone who can help? | 06:33 |
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calc | make-kpkg creates kernel image, source, headers, etc packages for you | 06:33 |
^Boyhenyo | hello all!! | 06:33 |
cafuego_ | r0xoR: There is nothing stopping uyou from running 'make menuconfog' and then 'make-kpkg' | 06:33 |
dougsko | dmacdonald111: what have u done so far?> | 06:33 |
calc | kernel-package is nearly as old as the kernel way ;) | 06:34 |
dougsko | ^Boyhenyo: hey man | 06:34 |
calc | i've been using it for over 7 years now | 06:34 |
fooFighter | is there a command to check my harddrive for bad sectors that is easy to interpret? | 06:34 |
^Boyhenyo | hey man 2!!! | 06:34 |
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cafuego_ | Mind you, people get crusty, old and set in their ways at around 22 years of age. | 06:34 |
dmacdonald111 | dougsk: Well, everything was working fine (for several months), but now for some reason, I click on the icon, it starts to load and then just stops | 06:34 |
=== Slaj_R [n=SlyR@24-159-235-168.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calc | fooFighter: badblocks? | 06:34 |
duncanm | hmm | 06:35 |
duncanm | is there a page that lists what's new in Breezy? | 06:35 |
navyn | cafuego_, okay i see in the directory are a ton of .conf files thats about all i see | 06:35 |
dougsko | ok, say you use forefox, instead of clicking the icon, rub firefoxe from a terminal and see what it says | 06:35 |
cafuego_ | navyn: Then it's time to check the docs for sane and see how to customise it. | 06:35 |
dougsko | *lol not rub, but type | 06:35 |
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuseUX | navyn, did you try sudo sane-find-scanner | 06:35 |
calc | fooFighter: also most hd makers have tools you can download off their site to test their drives | 06:35 |
r0xoR | cafuego_, good :) | 06:36 |
colin__ | I hate to be a complete newb here but these commands are not working for me... I have tried both of the following and neither work. "udo dpkg -i /home/colin/desktop/ package_yahoo .deb" and "sudo dpkg -i package_yahoo .deb" | 06:36 |
colin__ | I ahve also tried them without the "package" part | 06:36 |
dougsko | sorry, 6 beers into it and u cant type the same, go figure | 06:36 |
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calc | colin__: did you actually put the spaces where you typed them above? | 06:36 |
nalioth | fooFighter: you want bad blocks or bad drive comonents? | 06:36 |
colin__ | Yes I copied those | 06:36 |
HedgeMage | I'm having trouble watching a (US encoded) DVD. Neither Totem nor xine works... I poked around in synaptic and it doesn't seem that libdvdcss is available... help? | 06:36 |
nalioth | colin__: what are you trying to get done? | 06:36 |
calc | colin__: there should be no space in the path and in the filename | 06:36 |
dmacdonald111 | dougsk: That's okay. lol. Anyhoo, I get something about failing to initialize libXt.so and libXext.so | 06:36 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell HedgeMage about dvd | 06:36 |
navyn | it found something | 06:36 |
navyn | cafuego_, it found something | 06:37 |
calc | colin__: eg dpkg -i /home/colin/desktop/package_yahoo.deb | 06:37 |
=== maximaus [n=max@adsl-1-218-71.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | HedgeMage: install libdvdread3, check /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples. Run the script. | 06:37 |
joe_ | nalioth, isn't there a chmod command to unpackage a file? | 06:37 |
=== jhank [n=Miranda@c211-28-250-148.eburwd5.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HedgeMage | nalioth: coming to my aid again <3 | 06:37 |
joe_ | nalioth, btw this file is atar file | 06:37 |
dougsko | HedgeMage: enable 'universe' repositories | 06:37 |
nalioth | joe_: you've lost me. chmod changes permissions | 06:37 |
joe_ | nalioth, btw this file is a tar file | 06:37 |
cafuego_ | navyn: Okay, now you're officially more experienced with sane than I am. | 06:37 |
HedgeMage | dougsko: I did... still don't see it | 06:37 |
nalioth | joe_: did you read the info ubotu sent you? | 06:37 |
joe_ | yes | 06:37 |
=== SuseUX wonders if he types to himself sometimes | ||
navyn | cafuego_, crap | 06:37 |
cafuego_ | cafuego_: Nah, never. | 06:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell HedgeMage about hoary-extras | 06:38 |
fooFighter | nalioth, my pc keeps restarting, and i just want to know if there is anything wrong with the current harddrive | 06:38 |
nalioth | fooFighter: first, check your memory modules. use memtest | 06:38 |
logikal_ | How do i run the ubuntu setup program from Konsole???? | 06:38 |
shreevatsa | Is ubotu a bot? | 06:38 |
cafuego_ | fooFighter: linux doesn't reboot when the disk is broken. It just keeps running. | 06:38 |
colin__ | It says no such file or directory....I am pretty sure it is sitting right on ym desktop | 06:38 |
nalioth | shreevatsa: yes he is | 06:38 |
cafuego_ | !ubotu | 06:38 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on this channel! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my databanks on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:38 |
navyn | cafuego_, whenever i open xsane, it says no devices found | 06:38 |
calc | colin__: linux is case sensitive, if its own your desktop it would be | 06:38 |
calc | colin__: dpkg -i /home/colin/Desktop/package_yahoo.deb | 06:38 |
fooFighter | so i may have another issue | 06:39 |
dougsko | dmacdonald111: well, that might be a good place to start, maybe search yr system for those files, if its a no go, id say the easiest solution would be 'apt-get remove --purge firefox', then just install it again | 06:39 |
calc | colin__: unless the package has uppercase chars in it too | 06:39 |
fooFighter | i dont think its the memory, but i guess it could be, either that or the videocard overheating, which doesnt really seem possible | 06:39 |
=== HedgeMage smooches nalioth | ||
nalioth | fooFighter: start with a memory check | 06:39 |
dmacdonald111 | dougsk: Thanks. I'll give that a go :) | 06:39 |
cafuego_ | fooFighter: is the cpu fab working? | 06:39 |
cafuego_ | fan | 06:39 |
nalioth | fooFighter: i believe you have memtest available from your grub menu | 06:39 |
colin__ | cannot access archive: No such file or directory, and no it is completely lower case yahoo.... | 06:40 |
calc | colin__: best bet then would be to type dpkg -i ~/Desktop/(tab complete the filename) | 06:40 |
nalioth | colin__: where did you get the file? | 06:40 |
=== lui [n=lui@136sosua109.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | ubotu: tell colin__ about cli | 06:41 |
calc | colin__: tab complete means to hit tab and type a letter to differentiate what you see | 06:41 |
colin__ | From yahoo | 06:41 |
ColonelKernel | gentoo | 06:41 |
calc | hmm actually ~ won't work | 06:41 |
nalioth | colin__: gaim will allow you to use yahoo messenger, if thats what you are after | 06:41 |
calc | since you have to sudo install and then ~ won't be the same home dir | 06:41 |
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-344.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | colin__: it is not advised to use non-ubuntu programs | 06:42 |
colin__ | Well I just want to learn how to install programs etc....I figured this would be a good start because I completely understand what I want to do but have no idea what I am doing | 06:42 |
=== calc likes gaim, he has 5 IM services setup in it | ||
colin__ | Well let me ask this, is this a good Linux to start with? | 06:42 |
nalioth | colin__: yes, but learning by installing a non-ubuntu program isnt good | 06:42 |
nalioth | colin__: the best linux in the world | 06:42 |
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=== Geno__ [n=Geno@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3610648.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Strike4ce | Why does windows detect and try to check when I start up? | 06:42 |
Geno__ | Hello everyone | 06:43 |
dougsko | colin__: yr in good hands dude | 06:43 |
Strike4ce | I have to hit a key for it to cancel | 06:43 |
colin__ | Heh, its getting a little chilly without Mr. Gates here...lol | 06:43 |
Strike4ce | what will it do if I just let it run will it delete ubuntu? | 06:43 |
Geno__ | Does Ubuntu have a function that automatically finds package dependancies? | 06:43 |
lui | hello people | 06:43 |
Cole_lol | were can i get screensavers at? | 06:44 |
=== Pickle_Weasel [n=pw@pool-71-100-133-107.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lui | here I am with my questions again... | 06:44 |
dougsko | Geno__: apt-get will install everything with ease and grace | 06:44 |
axeus | Hmm. 855resolution.deb install isn't running at boot for some reason. | 06:44 |
calc | Geno__: all package managers (dpkg is not one) will do that for you | 06:44 |
Geno__ | Ok good, I wondered if it was only for somes distros | 06:44 |
=== Chessman [n=Chessman@c-24-21-245-48.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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axeus | It placed a script in /etc/init.d, and a bunch of Symlink's in the /etc/rcXX.d directories. | 06:44 |
calc | Geno__: example, apt-get, dselect, aptitude, synaptic | 06:44 |
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axeus | I don't see what the problem is here. | 06:45 |
=== dmlinux [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Geno__ | Thanks. | 06:45 |
calc | Geno__: debian based distros had package resolution before rpm ones did | 06:45 |
dmlinux | How do i get to the Synaptics touchpad configuration tool? | 06:45 |
Strike4ce | is kubuntu better than ubuntu? | 06:45 |
calc | Geno__: now pretty much all major distros do | 06:45 |
lui | question: is there a way to bypass that nvidia picture at boot after the driver install ? | 06:45 |
HrdwrBob | Strike4ce: no | 06:45 |
dougsko | Geno__: synaptic is a front end to apt, its real easy to use | 06:45 |
HrdwrBob | Strike4ce: it's simply KDE instead of gnome | 06:45 |
calc | Strike4ce: kubuntu is ubuntu with a different default desktop | 06:45 |
=== DansFloyd [n=dan@user-12l252r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chessman | Hi all, I've just loaded Ubuntu for the first time. I've played with Gentoo and Mandrake and am looking to switch gears just a bit. | 06:45 |
Strike4ce | whats kde? | 06:45 |
HrdwrBob | Strike4ce: I would recommend just ubuntu | 06:45 |
Geno__ | Strike4ce: if you want KDE and no gnome, maybe | 06:45 |
calc | Strike4ce: kde.org | 06:45 |
axeus | Question: Why did 855resolution install Symlinks in many different runlevels? For example S symlinks in rc2.d/rc3.d/rc4.d/etc... And K symlinks in rc0.d/rc1.d. | 06:46 |
Chessman | So far, I've been pretty impressed. | 06:46 |
dmacdonald111 | dougsk: I've looked for the files, and instead of, for example, libXt.so I have libXt.so.6 I have tried what you have suggested, but still no luck. | 06:46 |
Geno__ | Strike4ce: if you want KDE you can get it with the default Ubuntu install | 06:46 |
=== rb [n=rich@68-168-2-216.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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fooFighter | Chessman, yes its quite nice | 06:46 |
fooFighter | which version are you using? | 06:46 |
=== new2linux [n=root@mctnnbsa31w-142166090035.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Strike4ce | how do i remove mirc for windows on ubuntu? | 06:46 |
dougsko | dmacdonald111: hmmm... | 06:46 |
calc | axeus: runlevels 2/3/4/5 are normal running runlevels, 0,1,6 are stopping runlevels | 06:46 |
Chessman | fooFighter, The "preview." :-) | 06:46 |
axeus | calc: Thanks. :) | 06:46 |
nalioth | Strike4ce: say that again? | 06:47 |
dmacdonald111 | dougsk: I did have this problem once before, but a reboot sorted it out last time. Hasn't worked this time. | 06:47 |
dumbo | anyone have any idea why the ubuntu installation can see my hd, but when i restart, the bios doesnt see it... i can put the cd in and the intallation can recognize my HD, but if i go into bios beore the instalation begins, it doesnt recognize my hd | 06:47 |
new2linux | with a server install of ubunt.. does anyone know what packages i need for just xfce4 | 06:47 |
calc | axeus: man init explains more about runlevels | 06:47 |
Geno__ | 3 days to Breezy! :) Can't wait 'till most of the bugs are out, one made the startup impossible! | 06:47 |
axeus | calc: When Ubuntu boots, it goes through runlevel 2 as root, right? | 06:47 |
Strike4ce | i have wine and I downloaded mirc it works but how do i remove it? | 06:47 |
new2linux | ive done apt-get install xfce4 | 06:47 |
calc | axeus: everything in init scripts runs as root yes | 06:47 |
=== aurax [i=aurax@bzq-179-88-253.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chessman | fooFighter, 5.10. Took me a second to find the version. | 06:47 |
new2linux | gotten that all done | 06:47 |
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new2linux | but im not aware what package i need to install on top of that | 06:48 |
Strike4ce | is breezy free? | 06:48 |
calc | Strike4ce: yes | 06:48 |
Chessman | Strike4ce, Yes. | 06:48 |
rendi | guys anyone know how to send a msg to m$ client | 06:48 |
coobra | opensource <3 | 06:48 |
Chessman | Strike4ce, Sorry mt. | 06:48 |
rendi | i'm use hoary | 06:48 |
calc | rendi: msn or what? | 06:48 |
duncanm | hmm | 06:48 |
duncanm | the version of SCIM on Breezy is kinda old, no? | 06:48 |
rendi | messenge | 06:49 |
dougsko | dmacdonald111: honestly i dont know, some suggestions to mess around with though: take a look at all the config files, try renaming the offending files, try rebooting (the answer to 90% of all life's problems, lol) | 06:49 |
coobra | gaim = msn client | 06:49 |
SuseUX | Strike4ce, look in the .wine directory and look for a uninstall like Windows, or just delete the directory name of the program | 06:49 |
rendi | like net send | 06:49 |
rendi | on LAN | 06:49 |
calc | rendi: samba supports that as far as i know | 06:49 |
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lui | nobody knows if is there a way to bypass that nvidia picture at boot after the driver install ? | 06:49 |
coobra | ohh | 06:49 |
Geno__ | aMSN works like a charm even if it's not what you want | 06:49 |
wastrel | hi | 06:49 |
coobra | samba is cool | 06:49 |
rendi | use samba ? | 06:49 |
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wastrel | i'm trying to plug my laptop into an external monitor | 06:49 |
dmacdonald111 | okay. Thank you dougsk. I shall give it a go. | 06:49 |
Strike4ce | how do I get to wine directory? | 06:49 |
rendi | i have client which use xp | 06:49 |
wastrel | when i'm in the console mode i can switch between the external and the internal monitor | 06:49 |
calc | rendi: yes, it has full net command stuff along with smb filesystem support and active directory authentication that you can setup among other things | 06:50 |
wastrel | but once X starts only the laptop display works | 06:50 |
Cole_lol | how do i swith to kde from gnome | 06:50 |
dumbo | anyone have any ideas how to get bios to recognize my HD after part one of the installation | 06:50 |
SuseUX | lui, http://ubuntuguide.org/#disablenvidialogo | 06:50 |
wastrel | anyone know what's going on? | 06:50 |
Strike4ce | why does windows try to check everytime I start it on dual boot system? | 06:50 |
dougsko | dmacdonald111: also, another really awesome room to ask for help in is #kanotix, kanotix is another debian based system, i wouldnt say u use ubuntu, but the people there r incredible | 06:50 |
crimsun | duncanm: yep, we'll sync when dapper opens. | 06:50 |
wastrel | i'm thinking maybe X is trying to use dual monitors? | 06:50 |
lui | SuseUX, thanks | 06:50 |
duncanm | crimsun: dapper is after breezy? | 06:50 |
=== n0odl3 [n=n0odl3@pool-71-104-40-25.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | duncanm: yes | 06:51 |
n0odl3 | update to breezy successful!! yeaaaah! | 06:51 |
dmacdonald111 | hehe. okay. Thanks for that dougsk :) | 06:51 |
rendi | ic | 06:51 |
rendi | i'll try now | 06:51 |
Strike4ce | it wll delete ubuntu if I let it go instead of canceling | 06:51 |
nalioth | duncanm: dapper drake, the most handsome duck in the world | 06:51 |
rendi | btw thanks for info | 06:51 |
duncanm | crimsun: so is there a way to get CJK input working on breezy? | 06:51 |
joe_ | SuseUX, i tried taht sudo tar -x*** and it give me this is not a bzip file | 06:51 |
n0odl3 | does anyone know what this error means? | 06:51 |
calc | rendi: you may have to setup samba depending on how your windows network has been configured | 06:51 |
crimsun | duncanm: look on the wiki/forum | 06:51 |
n0odl3 | wrong fs type | 06:51 |
nalioth | joe_: tar xvjf file.bz2 | 06:51 |
n0odl3 | bad option | 06:51 |
n0odl3 | bad superblock on /dev/hdd | 06:52 |
nalioth | joe_: read the cli info ubotu sent you | 06:52 |
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n0odl3 | missing codepage or other error | 06:52 |
n0odl3 | ? | 06:52 |
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Strike4ce | anyone help me? | 06:52 |
n0odl3 | this happens everytime i try to open a certain cd a friend burned for me | 06:52 |
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dougsko | Strike4ce: what exactly is the situation? | 06:53 |
n0odl3 | at the end it says "could not execute pmount? | 06:53 |
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SuseUX | Strike4ce, I just told you how | 06:53 |
max_ | went offline for a bit, but for the guy wanting xfce: apt-get install xfce4-desktop | 06:53 |
=== DansFloyd [n=dan@user-12l252r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eXcentra | How do I make it so that when I put headphones into the headphone jack, the sound only comes out in the headphones? | 06:53 |
dmlinux | How do i get to the Synaptics touchpad configuration tool? | 06:53 |
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joe_ | /usr/local/lib/codecs/w32codecs_1%3a20050216-0.0_i386.deb | 06:53 |
joe_ | this is what i'm trying to untar | 06:53 |
=== TodFlanders [n=drnick@ip70-173-160-90.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0odl3 | does this mean the cd is bad? | 06:53 |
Strike4ce | when i boot to windows xp it trys to check the drive and scan it I cancel it. If I allowed it to go on it would delete the partition of ubuntu right? | 06:54 |
SuseUX | Strike4ce, no | 06:54 |
nalioth | joe_: you dont untar that. you "sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb | 06:54 |
wastrel | Does ubuntu automatically detect and try to configure dual monitor setups? | 06:54 |
=== kikinovak [n=kikinova@dyn-213-36-9-44.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kikinovak | Hi. I | 06:54 |
joe_ | nalioth, yea i did that but it desn't seem to work | 06:54 |
dougsko | Strike4ce: i dont think so, when u boot up, dont u get a grub loader? | 06:54 |
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lui | Strike4ce, no at all man! | 06:54 |
SuseUX | Strike4ce, it just does a filesystem check | 06:54 |
joe_ | nalioth, when i browse to taht directory to look for any files there are none there | 06:55 |
DansFloyd | how do i install Skype... i get errors saing i need libqt3c102-mt, but when i install it it says it was replaced with something else... so now its not letting me install skype | 06:55 |
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kikinovak | (sorry) Hi,I'm writing a short piece on Ubuntu. Anyone knows when the _first_ Ubuntu release was published? Was that 4.04? | 06:55 |
SuseUX | but deleting WIndows is not all bad :-) | 06:55 |
Strike4ce | ok last time id deleted it but it wasnt fully installed I backed out | 06:55 |
maximaus | quickie question, not really Ubuntu: I can't log into my new wireless router (wired atm), the page came up once, then hung, does the same thing in XP...bad router? | 06:55 |
joe_ | strike ace are you trying to delet your ubuntu partition? | 06:55 |
nalioth | joe_: when you entered "sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb" did the terminal say anything about an error? | 06:55 |
Strike4ce | no | 06:55 |
joe_ | no | 06:55 |
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TodFlanders | kikinovak I believe 4.04 the warty warthog was the 1st | 06:56 |
maximaus | kikinovak, google is your friend and the first version was called Warty warthog | 06:56 |
dougsko | yeah it was warty | 06:56 |
propagandhi | The first public release of Ubuntu was the Ubuntu 4.10 Preview (codenamed "the Warty Warthog", or just "Warty"). | 06:56 |
Strike4ce | whats wrong with kubuntu? | 06:56 |
kevogod | It was actually 4.10. | 06:56 |
kevogod | err sorry | 06:56 |
kikinovak | TodFlanders: thanks very much | 06:56 |
maximaus | Strike4ce, the color bloo :P | 06:56 |
kevogod | Strike4ce, Nothing. | 06:56 |
kikinovak | maximaus: thanks for the superfluous lesson. | 06:56 |
dougsko | came out, oct. 4th | 06:57 |
dougsko | no, sorry, oct. '04 | 06:57 |
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@pcp0012069148pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lui | Strike4ce, I think nothing, but Ubuntu was designed with gnome in mind | 06:57 |
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Strike4ce | it reminds you of microsoft right the color lol? | 06:57 |
kevogod | Kubuntu is a fork. | 06:57 |
kevogod | sort of | 06:58 |
joe_ | nalioth, when i use taht command it unpacks and then says setting up win32codecs and then get s me back to prompt | 06:58 |
crimsun | no it's not. | 06:58 |
nalioth | joe_: then you've installed it correctly | 06:58 |
propagandhi | maybe ubuntu was designed with gnome in mind, but the only difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is the window manager and some artwork | 06:58 |
dougsko | kikinovak: who r u writing a piece for? (just curious) | 06:58 |
crimsun | Kubuntu is a community-based project based on Ubuntu. Its packages are in the Ubuntu repository. | 06:58 |
dmlinux | Whenever i do synclient -h it says NO TOURCHPAD FOUND, but when i dmesg i get [4294693.369000] input: AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint on isa0060/serio1 Can anyone help me or give me a link to fix this | 06:58 |
maximaus | tbh, I'm really glad that Kubuntu exist, but it's not for me. | 06:58 |
joe_ | nalioth, yet i still get no video output | 06:58 |
TodFlanders | sorta funny question, I want to try out kde again can I just install kbuntu desktop on top of ubuntu breezy? | 06:58 |
kevogod | crimsun, Yes, but it still is considered an entirely different distribution. | 06:58 |
maximaus | TodFlanders, yup | 06:58 |
calc | hmm 5.10 images aren't cut yet | 06:58 |
Strike4ce | how do I uninstall ubuntu? | 06:58 |
kevogod | Even though it really isn't. | 06:58 |
nalioth | joe_: what video are you trying to play (the filetype)? | 06:58 |
lui | propagandhi, that's it | 06:58 |
crimsun | kevogod: for people who wish to consider it thus, perhaps. | 06:58 |
=== calc guesses at tomorrow night | ||
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joe_ | nalioth, a .wmv file | 06:59 |
dougsko | maximaus: def. the more choices, the better | 06:59 |
ZeZu | damn this chan is pretty big | 06:59 |
propagandhi | its a matter of personal preference which way you go - kde, gnome or other | 06:59 |
Strike4ce | I can just go into windows and delete the partition right? | 06:59 |
nalioth | joe_: i'm afraid you are out of luck. some wmvs wont play no matter what you do | 06:59 |
orko | do u need to do any symlinking to build a kernel from source (linux-source and linux-headers are installed.. ) | 06:59 |
lui | Strike4ce, why in the world you want to do that to you r pc? | 06:59 |
joe_ | well i tried doing a .avi as well | 06:59 |
nalioth | Strike4ce: yes | 06:59 |
joe_ | no luck | 06:59 |
dmlinux | Whenever i do synclient -h it says NO TOURCHPAD FOUND, but when i dmesg i get [4294693.369000] input: AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint on isa0060/serio1 Can anyone help me or give me a link to fix this | 06:59 |
joe_ | just audio | 06:59 |
SuseUX | xine usually plays them better, gstreamer dont | 07:00 |
Strike4ce | im going to install kubuntu | 07:00 |
maximaus | Strike4ce, windows is in a state of denial and won't even see the partition | 07:00 |
crimsun | orko: you need linux-tree-2.6.10 (or -2.6.12 in Breezy) and build-essential. | 07:00 |
nalioth | joe_: avis are container files and can contain many things | 07:00 |
SuseUX | same with .mov | 07:00 |
Strike4ce | yes it sees it but says unkown | 07:00 |
ZeZu | i'm have some trouble w/ getting fglrx drivers working in ubuntu, and the www page says to try reinstalling but apt-get isn't finding the package (i've tried typing it quirte a few diff. ways) | 07:00 |
maximaus | Strike4ce, you can have both installed, just open up synaaptic and install it | 07:00 |
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joe_ | SuseUX, i get a green screen when i try xine | 07:00 |
lui | Strike4ce, you don't need to uninstall kubuntu to do that | 07:00 |
=== ZeZu wonders if its because he was typing 2.6.10 when he is using breezy | ||
Strike4ce | ok how do I install kubuntu now? | 07:00 |
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crimsun | install kubuntu-desktop | 07:01 |
nalioth | Strike4ce: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:01 |
TodFlanders | strike4ce, search synaptic for kubuntu-desktop | 07:01 |
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SuseUX | joe_, thats the thing about microsoft format, it changes every version | 07:01 |
ZeZu | how can i check what packages i can download from apt-get ? so i know what the exact filename is ? | 07:01 |
dougsko | Strike4ce: put in the cd and reboot should work | 07:01 |
TodFlanders | great minds think alike, i may do the kbuntu-desktop tomorrow | 07:01 |
joe_ | SuseUX, what about divx? | 07:01 |
nalioth | ZeZu: use synaptic | 07:01 |
lui | Strike4ce, in the terminal write sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:01 |
propagandhi | kubuntu with kde 3.5 beta is excellent | 07:01 |
TodFlanders | ZeZu try synaptic | 07:01 |
dougsko | ZeZu: run synaptic, its a gui front-end to apt | 07:01 |
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jwd_ | hey balioth | 07:01 |
ZeZu | synaptic ? | 07:01 |
ZeZu | ok | 07:01 |
joe_ | SuseUX, apt-get install divx? | 07:01 |
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jwd_ | I mean nalioth | 07:01 |
wastrel | how do i change my screen resolution? | 07:01 |
SuseUX | joe_, divx works fine | 07:02 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell ZeZu about synaptic | 07:02 |
jwd_ | I got everything running :-) | 07:02 |
nalioth | joe_: howdy | 07:02 |
nalioth | jwd_: cool | 07:02 |
jwd_ | apache setup as well | 07:02 |
Strike4ce | downloading now lol | 07:02 |
dmlinux | Anyone know how to edit Synclient properties??? | 07:02 |
joe_ | nalioth, HI | 07:02 |
jwd_ | damn proud of myself | 07:02 |
jwd_ | hehehe | 07:02 |
dougsko | wastrel: system->screen resolution | 07:02 |
nalioth | jwd_: now there is more to learn | 07:02 |
SuseUX | joe_, divx should be in that codec package you installed | 07:02 |
jwd_ | oh I know | 07:02 |
Strike4ce | I still like microsoft | 07:02 |
eXcentra | How do I make it so that when I put headphones into the headphone jack, the sound only comes out in the headphones? | 07:02 |
jwd_ | I used to be in the field before the attacks | 07:02 |
lui | Strike4ce, of course man, and you know why? because linux is the best! :) | 07:02 |
wastrel | doug system->preferences->screen resolution tells me that i don't have RandR support | 07:03 |
joe_ | SuseUX, is it a player persay? | 07:03 |
jwd_ | its just been so long | 07:03 |
dougsko | wastrel:system->preferences->screen resolution | 07:03 |
jwd_ | you forget so much | 07:03 |
Strike4ce | lol that must be abot | 07:03 |
dougsko | yeah sorry... | 07:03 |
crimsun | eXcentra: should be automatic. | 07:03 |
joe_ | divx movie.wmv? | 07:03 |
dougsko | im not a bot | 07:03 |
jwd_ | I was surprised how much of vi I remembered! | 07:03 |
nalioth | joe_: divx are usually .avi | 07:03 |
lui | Strike4ce, and you can use kubuntu and ubuntu at the same time | 07:03 |
eXcentra | crimsun, it comes out in both the headphones and speakers. :| | 07:03 |
wastrel | i've edited my XF86Config-4 file but it didn't seem to work | 07:03 |
SuseUX | joe_, any linux player can play that format, just ned the codecs | 07:03 |
propagandhi | Strike4ce: keep using linux and you will steadily grow hatred for all things M$ | 07:03 |
dmlinux | Does anyone know how to configure Synclient ? please :P | 07:03 |
dougsko | ive been doing emag homework all night and im a little drunk right now | 07:03 |
joe_ | oh i see | 07:03 |
Strike4ce | well what about my vid card? | 07:03 |
dougsko | sorry | 07:03 |
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TodFlanders | wastrel did you edit the right color depth? | 07:03 |
dougsko | just trying to help | 07:04 |
Strike4ce | i use this laptop to watch dvds | 07:04 |
wastrel | TodFlanders: i edited them all | 07:04 |
joe_ | i was under a diiferetn impression | 07:04 |
=== Flarex_Ruin [n=ctidder@d207-6-146-121.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TodFlanders | do you have a vertrefresh and horizrefresh setting in their? | 07:04 |
Strike4ce | I have a ati radeon 9600 pro turbo | 07:04 |
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lui | "Strike4ce: I still like microsoft" ---- you were going well until that phrase :D | 07:04 |
wastrel | TodFlanders: in the monitor section yes | 07:04 |
ZeZu | if i have a p4 my arch is 686 right ? | 07:04 |
Flarex_Ruin | Hello, I'm trying to convert from Windows to Ubuntu, would anyway please assist me? (I have downloaded the .iso) | 07:04 |
crimsun | eXcentra: paste amixer output onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:05 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, you got to first tell us if you wish to dual boot or not ? | 07:05 |
dmacdonald111 | dougsk: Thanks for your help - I have renamed the files and they it's working. I still have a few errors, but at least I can look for it now! | 07:05 |
TodFlanders | wastrel is rour res real bad or just want higher? | 07:05 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: we will all assist you | 07:05 |
Flarex_Ruin | Yes, I think I'd like to dual boot to start | 07:05 |
bam_ | Flarex_Ruin, burn the iso to dvd the reboot with dvd in the drive, follow instructions | 07:05 |
wastrel | TodFlanders: i am trying to get my laptop to output on an external monitor | 07:05 |
Flarex_Ruin | If I unexpectatly leave, it's because my windows crashes | 07:05 |
wastrel | TodFlanders: it doesn't want to work. | 07:05 |
dougsko | dmacdonald111: good stuff, these guys r calling me a bot! | 07:05 |
Strike4ce | I was kidding I like tinkering with this | 07:05 |
dougsko | lol | 07:05 |
Flarex_Ruin | How do I burn a ISO, I have Alcohol 120% | 07:06 |
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wastrel | TodFlanders: so i'm trying to dumb it down to 640x480 to see if i can get things going at all before i tweak | 07:06 |
dmacdonald111 | haha! That's cos you are answering everyone's questions that is :D | 07:06 |
TodFlanders | oh :/ not sure about all that, if the res options are too low you may have to tinker with refresh settings which im nt that great at | 07:06 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: alcohol has an image burning wizard | 07:06 |
orko | is it possible to compile only one module in a kernel.. (i only want to build drivers/scsi/aacraid) | 07:06 |
Flarex_Ruin | Right, found it | 07:06 |
=== logical_mark [n=mark@24-179-13-40.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eXcentra | crimsun, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2984 | 07:06 |
TodFlanders | have you gotten any output to it yet? | 07:06 |
wastrel | TodFlanders: the res options are too high. i commented out everything but 640x480 but i'm still at 1400x1500 | 07:06 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, is it possibile to ask a local linux guru to help you ?? | 07:07 |
Flarex_Ruin | Can I burn the .rar? | 07:07 |
Strike4ce | anyone know how to get my vid card working at its best with ubuntu or kubuntu? | 07:07 |
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wastrel | TodFlanders: it works while i'm in the console mode, but once X starts it doesn't | 07:07 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, nope ... rar is not image | 07:07 |
Flarex_Ruin | I don't know what a local linux guru is | 07:07 |
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SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, just burn the iso to cd | 07:07 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, I mean you know anyone who live near you that knows linux well ? | 07:07 |
Flarex_Ruin | It comes in a .rar format though | 07:07 |
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me_ | hey people. just used gparted to attempt at partitioning my second hard drive. how do i write files to it? its located at /dev/sdc and its an ext3 and the partition is called New Partition #1.. i don't know where to go from here | 07:07 |
=== Leiboureen [n=emmanuel@dsl-200-67-19-39.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | wastrel: are u using the nvidia driver? | 07:07 |
Flarex_Ruin | wickedpuppy, negative | 07:07 |
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propagandhi | Flarex: is the iso in a rar file, or is it a rar icon because u have winrar installed | 07:08 |
wastrel | dougsk: it's ATI | 07:08 |
joe_ | SuseUX and Nalioth, the win32codecs file is a zip file that has more files in it. i do not know where to extract to. when i open the file it asks me to use the archive manager | 07:08 |
duncanm | what do i have to do to get usplash to work? | 07:08 |
=== SillyCone [n=2012@pcp06932379pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TodFlanders | wastrel have you seen this howto? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23628&highlight=tv+output | 07:08 |
duncanm | i installed the splash manager, and some splash packages, but i don't see any listed as installed | 07:08 |
Strike4ce | it pisses me off that i cant use this to access my work site on a emulator. it wont work without Microsoft Virtual machine. otherwise I would leave microsoft | 07:08 |
crimsun | eXcentra: try toggling Headphone | 07:08 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, if it's a rar then it's not ubuntu | 07:08 |
=== FliesLikeABrick [n=someone@cpe-72-224-123-80.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
budluva | how do i add a command at boot for my x session? my monitor is old and dark, so i have to manually type this command in a term every time i log in, xgamma -d :0 -gamma 3.0 and would like to automate this, how do i go about it? | 07:08 |
Flarex_Ruin | Ill check propagandhi | 07:08 |
ubuntu_ | anybody know the su password for ubuntu live? | 07:08 |
crimsun | ubuntu_: there is none | 07:08 |
dmacdonald111 | ubuntu_: I think its root | 07:08 |
wickedpuppy | ubuntu_, i just su -s and i am in # | 07:08 |
nalioth | joe_: are you talking about the file ending in .deb? | 07:08 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: winrar labels .iso files with its archive icon | 07:08 |
nalioth | ubuntu_: there is non | 07:08 |
Strike4ce | anyone know anything about using Microsoft virtual machine with ubuntu? | 07:09 |
joe_ | yes | 07:09 |
Flarex_Ruin | Should I try to burn the file I downloaded? | 07:09 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, go download the iso file from ubuntu's website | 07:09 |
wastrel | ok thx i'm done for the night :] | 07:09 |
wastrel | will try again later | 07:09 |
joe_ | nalioth, and i mv that file to then usr/local/lib/codecs dir | 07:09 |
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nalioth | joe_: you've installed it. it doesnt need to be opened or anything else | 07:09 |
Flarex_Ruin | I did SuseUX | 07:09 |
joe_ | oh | 07:09 |
=== jcarr [n=jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: use alcohols image burning wizard - browse to the file and burn it | 07:09 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, yes ... Flarex_Ruin you seems to be ... totally newbie ... I strongly plead that you seek help or backup everything you got on ya windowz | 07:09 |
ubuntu_ | thanks | 07:09 |
jcarr | how can I add fonts for all my apps to use | 07:09 |
jcarr | ? | 07:10 |
dougsko | wastrel: hmm...try this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12570 | 07:10 |
=== informant [n=informan@static-67-62-110-100.t1.cavtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TodFlanders | wastrel good luck i havent tried that ever | 07:10 |
ZeZu | i have tried everything to get these fglrx drivers working ;( can anyone think of any suggestions, fglrx still says mesa | 07:10 |
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ZeZu | i just replaced w/ the 686 fglrx driver and no help | 07:10 |
lui | question: what are the differences between a normal package and a devel package? | 07:10 |
eXcentra | crimsun, err, how do I toggle it? | 07:10 |
Flarex_Ruin | How can I back up everything? | 07:10 |
nalioth | jcarr: put any ttf fonts you like into ~/.fonts | 07:10 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, you got to burn every think you think is important | 07:10 |
Flarex_Ruin | Wow, that'll be a while | 07:11 |
nalioth | lui: the dev pkgs allow other programs to be compiled to use the program | 07:11 |
TodFlanders | flarex_rain http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087&highlight=exclude | 07:11 |
SuseUX | lui, dev packages has development and libraries files | 07:11 |
shreevatsa | ubotu, add | 07:11 |
SuseUX | :-) | 07:11 |
ubotu | add is, like, To add an item to me, type "ubotu <keyword> is <description description description>", without the carets | 07:11 |
ZeZu | else this is going to be one more distro down the drain due to crappy ati drivers | 07:11 |
wickedpuppy | thats what I do ... i don't wanna cry later when my install go bad | 07:11 |
SuseUX | to many helpers :-) | 07:11 |
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shreevatsa | ubotu, sources | 07:12 |
ubotu | from memory, sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 07:12 |
dougsko | Flarex_Ruin: leave a dvdRW in yr drive and have a cron job burn whatever u want each night on it | 07:12 |
wickedpuppy | ZeZu, ati support is always crappy on all distros | 07:12 |
Flarex_Ruin | Is there anyway I can upload these important files, or hide them on my hard drive? | 07:12 |
ZeZu | yea so i'm told | 07:12 |
ZeZu | but some people do get it working | 07:12 |
dmacdonald111 | Did someone mention something about a new release of breezy earlier? | 07:12 |
Flarex_Ruin | I don't have a DVD drive, only CDRW | 07:12 |
ZeZu | i'd like to be one of those poeple | 07:12 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, why dont you try live cd? | 07:12 |
propagandhi | dougsko: i dont think that will be very helpful to Flarex_Ruin | 07:12 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, if you got external harddrive or any place to put them | 07:12 |
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lui | nalioth, like.... what kind of programs in first place need the program in second place? | 07:12 |
dougsko | propagandhi: just an idea... | 07:13 |
ZeZu | i have checked all the proper shit, nothing helps tho | 07:13 |
Flarex_Ruin | Negative, wickedpuppy | 07:13 |
propagandhi | dougsko: but he knows nothing about linux yet it seems | 07:13 |
wickedpuppy | Flarex_Ruin, then i suggest you burn everything you think you will miss ... | 07:13 |
joe_ | nalioth, even tho the files inside the .deb package are tar.gz files? | 07:13 |
nalioth | lui: mplayer is a very useful program to play audio/video. if you write a program to play audio, you can write parts of mplayer into it, so as to make your work not so hard | 07:13 |
SuseUX | live cd dont touch your harddrive | 07:13 |
dougsko | propagandhi: thats ok, ill answer any questions he has to the best of my knowledge | 07:13 |
nalioth | joe_: the deb has instructions to your system's dpkg as to where to install the contents | 07:14 |
ZeZu | anyone even have any good idea why fglrx might not work on my system : i have a asus p4c800 delux board and the card is a saphire radeon 9800 pro | 07:14 |
meng | SuseUX: u know how to add suse to ubuntu's grub? | 07:14 |
ZeZu | using breezy | 07:14 |
TodFlanders | flarex who you hiding them from? a uneducated user? if so just disable the read prsmiison for everyone | 07:14 |
joe_ | ok | 07:14 |
lui | nalioth, oooohhh, okkkkk, thanks :) | 07:14 |
joe_ | i will work on this tomorrow, thanks for your help :) | 07:14 |
kevogod | Um, it is not that difficult. | 07:14 |
SuseUX | meng, dont use SuSE, so.. | 07:14 |
kevogod | In fact, it is quite trivial. | 07:14 |
joe_ | SuseUX, thanks for your help as well | 07:14 |
SuseUX | :-) | 07:15 |
ZeZu | i remember there was a log file i read that told me what wasn't starting last time | 07:15 |
Flarex_Ruin | My problem is, windows is constantly crashing on me, i have spyware/viruses everywhere, i can't system restore it always crashes, my IE always crashes (has for almost a year), so I'm trying to run away from my problems | 07:15 |
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ZeZu | anyone know what file that might be? had all the modules start output | 07:15 |
meng | SuseUX: was thinking of Mandriva, but you know about the membership costs | 07:15 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: but you still have crucial data that needs to be backed up? | 07:15 |
SuseUX | meng, it's free | 07:15 |
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Flarex_Ruin | and I would burn everything important and wipe my HD, but I don't know how to do that, nor do I think I can re-install windows afterwards... | 07:16 |
ZeZu | i guess xchat doesnt have support for being on multiple servers ;| | 07:16 |
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Strike4ce | ok kubunu is done now what? | 07:16 |
meng | SuseUX: i meant Mandriva 2006 | 07:16 |
nalioth | ZeZu: sure it does | 07:16 |
Flarex_Ruin | prop, yes i do | 07:16 |
ZeZu | or the cmd cmd format is not the same | 07:16 |
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ZeZu | damn | 07:16 |
ZeZu | just not used to it ;) | 07:16 |
Flarex_Ruin | some of my parents stuff on here is extremely crucial | 07:16 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: you dont seem to be in a position to attempt this yet then | 07:16 |
nalioth | ZeZu: x-chat > server list | 07:17 |
SuseUX | meng, ahh, but the iso's will be soon, I just cannot stand Mandriva | 07:17 |
Flarex_Ruin | What are my other options? | 07:17 |
ZeZu | ah no server -n,m host or smth ? | 07:17 |
Flarex_Ruin | I got a few boring days coming up, our teachers are on strike | 07:17 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, Do you really need WIndows? | 07:17 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: another hard drive, an external hard drive, another computer | 07:17 |
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Flarex_Ruin | Not if Ubuntu can handle my Windows programs | 07:17 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, Linux has it's own | 07:18 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: dont count on ubuntu running your windows software | 07:18 |
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dougsko | ok, well, i have class at freakin 8 am tomorrw, so ill see yall tomarrow. take it easy guys, and dont smash yr box yet, it can work beautifly :) | 07:18 |
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ZeZu | i dont suppose anyone answered my question about what log file i should look at to see what is happening when fglrx fails to load the ati driver while i was parted ? | 07:18 |
Flarex_Ruin | My buddy, who got me into this, says it runs EA stuff for him... | 07:18 |
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tritium | ZeZu, /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 07:18 |
ZeZu | i seem to remember it being a /var smth | 07:18 |
ZeZu | ah thx | 07:18 |
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=== dmacdonald111 shakes fists as ubuntu users | ||
dmacdonald111 | damn you users! lol | 07:18 |
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bam_ | kill -9 dmacdonald111 | 07:19 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: it CAN do some stuff like that, but not without learning and installing stuff - and it definitely wont run all EA stuff, maybe a select few | 07:19 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, you can play games, Windwos games with cedega and some native linux games | 07:19 |
dmacdonald111 | nooooooooooooooo! | 07:19 |
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bam_ | ;) | 07:19 |
ubuntu_ | he4y where are the harddrives mounted if i'm using a ubuntu live cd | 07:19 |
Flarex_Ruin | I'll be honest, I'm quite afraid of Linux | 07:19 |
ZeZu | everything in it is OK unless its (EE) right ? | 07:19 |
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propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: so i bill gates | 07:20 |
dmacdonald111 | not my fault! last time I was in here, I was told that breezy was totally stable! | 07:20 |
SuseUX | ubotu, they are not | 07:20 |
propagandhi | *is | 07:20 |
ubotu | SuseUX: I think you lost me on that one | 07:20 |
Flarex_Ruin | Is there any Windows Emulators...? | 07:20 |
mojo | Quequeg: hi i got a weird problem... my DEL key stopped doing anything. It shows in xev okay, other kbds make no diff, but X does not seem to respond to it (X.Org). any ideas? | 07:20 |
bam_ | you have to give linux at least 4 weeks | 07:20 |
ZeZu | (II) is info | (WW) is warning ? | 07:20 |
bam_ | wine | 07:20 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: you can use vmware under linux | 07:20 |
dmacdonald111 | aw, do I have to? | 07:20 |
ZeZu | Flarex_Ruin, there is wine and there is vmware which you can run windows on | 07:20 |
dmacdonald111 | ^wining | 07:20 |
dmacdonald111 | hehe | 07:20 |
ubuntu_ | anybody? | 07:20 |
Flarex_Ruin | Whats that prop? | 07:20 |
bam_ | lol | 07:20 |
Quequeg | mojo, not particularly -- why single me out? ;) | 07:20 |
SuseUX | it's pointless telling him about running Windows programs | 07:21 |
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bam_ | no win(dows)e(mulator) | 07:21 |
propagandhi | it runs windows in a window under linux | 07:21 |
Flarex_Ruin | What makes Ubuntu better then them? | 07:21 |
tritium | dmacdonald111, it's not even released yet, | 07:21 |
bam_ | easy to config | 07:21 |
mojo | Oh, sorry. I typed Q - Colon to mean question. X-Chat musta did a username lookup / substitution. :-D | 07:21 |
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jmhodges | umm.. probably a FAQ for breezy, but anyone else experienced a problem with totem knowing what to do with mpegs? | 07:21 |
bam_ | took 20 minutes to install ubuntu on my laptop | 07:21 |
ZeZu | (WW) Ignoring request to load module GLcore | 07:21 |
dmacdonald111 | as I've just seen tritium. lol. I have it though :) | 07:21 |
bam_ | recognized everything(except my firewire) | 07:22 |
mojo | Quequeg: Oh, sorry. I typed Q - Colon to mean question. X-Chat musta did a username lookup / substitution. :-D | 07:22 |
Flarex_Ruin | Can I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows, and select which one at start up? | 07:22 |
bam_ | yup | 07:22 |
SuseUX | jmhodges, yer, it dont play them :-) | 07:22 |
bam_ | thats what grub is for | 07:22 |
dmacdonald111 | but it isn't easy Flarex_Ruin | 07:22 |
lui | yes Flarex_Ruin | 07:22 |
Flarex_Ruin | Darn, I'm looking for easy | 07:22 |
SuseUX | it's easy | 07:22 |
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bam_ | depends on what you consider easy... | 07:22 |
mojo | Flarex_Ruin: not terribly hard either, just need to be sure u know what is on what partition already | 07:23 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: you wont be able to do it if you dont at least have a spare partition, and if you cant afford to lose your existing data, and you cant back it up | 07:23 |
dmacdonald111 | not if you don't know linux at all | 07:23 |
ZeZu | (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found | 07:23 |
kevogod | It IS easy if you have Windows installed first. | 07:23 |
SuseUX | most distros now do it automaticly | 07:23 |
bam_ | if he has an extra hdd he can use it | 07:23 |
ZeZu | does agp have a pci busid ? | 07:23 |
bam_ | dual boot | 07:23 |
kevogod | If not, it may be more of a challenge for a novice. | 07:23 |
jmhodges | back | 07:23 |
propagandhi | thats right but he said he didnt | 07:23 |
Flarex_Ruin | C:\ has my windows and some stuff, D:\ is mostly programs | 07:23 |
ZeZu | or does it just scan that first ? | 07:23 |
mojo | Flarex_Ruin: If Win is already installed, esp. if room to spare, Ubuntu will install after and include the Windows install in GRUB | 07:23 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: then move everything to C: | 07:23 |
jmhodges | SuseUX: yeah, thanks.. just installed totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer.. silly me | 07:23 |
budluva | anyone know what mirror i can apt j2re? | 07:23 |
duncanm | is eclipse still broken on breezy? | 07:24 |
propagandhi | and you can use D: | 07:24 |
kevogod | duncanm, Broken for me. | 07:24 |
jmhodges | btw breezy is amazing | 07:24 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell budluva about java | 07:24 |
bam_ | then he can use partition majic in windows and resize the partition | 07:24 |
mojo | Flarex_Ruin: GRUB being the GRand Unified Boot-loader that lets u pick the OS to boot | 07:24 |
lui | Flarex_Ruin, you don't have 2 hardrives, or do you? | 07:24 |
jmhodges | so, thanks for rocking | 07:24 |
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bam_ | just free up say 10 gigs | 07:24 |
Flarex_Ruin | No way I can move everything to C:\ it's only 20 gigs and D:\ is 60 gigs | 07:24 |
duncanm | jmhodges: frankly, i don't see it to be that different from hoary | 07:24 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tritium] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | 2 days to Breezy! | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation - http://doc.ubuntu.com | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Channel Logs - http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | ||
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Flarex_Ruin | 1 hard drive partitioned | 07:24 |
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SuseUX | jmhodges, xine is good, gstreamer dont play .mov files | 07:24 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: do you have the windows cd | 07:24 |
bam_ | so you have 2 hdd's | 07:24 |
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nalioth | SuseUX: it does if you install libquicktime | 07:25 |
kevogod | duncanm, One step at at time, one step | 07:25 |
jmhodges | SuseUX: exactly, yeah.. i just forogt that when the distro upgrade happens, it autoinstalls totem-gstreamer again.. need my w32codecs :-/ | 07:25 |
mojo | QUESTION: hi i got a weird problem... my DEL key stopped doing anything. It shows in xev okay, other kbds make no diff, but X does not seem to respond to it (X.Org). any ideas? | 07:25 |
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Flarex_Ruin | No, I don't have the windows CD, the people that put together my system are out of business and they never gave me anything regarding windows | 07:25 |
kevogod | !tell jmhodges about w32codecs | 07:25 |
cafuego_ | SuseUX: even on amd64 it plays .mov | 07:25 |
SuseUX | nalioth, did that, gstreamer didnot play it | 07:25 |
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lui | Flarex_Ruin, ok, the best optio is 2 hardrives but that is out of this discussion ;) | 07:25 |
nalioth | jmhodges: if you upgraded, your codecs should still be there | 07:25 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: can you obtain said windows | 07:25 |
SuseUX | unless soemthing has changed | 07:25 |
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Flarex_Ruin | said? | 07:25 |
jmhodges | nalioth: yeah, thanks | 07:25 |
shreevatsa | !tell me about w32codecs | 07:26 |
propagandhi | can you get a windows cd from any source | 07:26 |
Trashcan | !tell me about w32codecs | 07:26 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, do you want a simple solution? | 07:26 |
Flarex_Ruin | My dad has a windows xp disc I believe | 07:26 |
jmhodges | kevogod: i just insatalled via marillat.. | 07:26 |
mojo | ALSO: The DEL on Num-pad works fine (when numlock off, of course ;-) | 07:26 |
Trashcan | lol shreevatsa, nice timing | 07:26 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: xp pro or home | 07:26 |
jmhodges | thanks though, guys | 07:26 |
Flarex_Ruin | SuseUX: that's why I'm here ;o) | 07:26 |
Trashcan | !tell me about w32codecs | 07:26 |
jmhodges | but thats a solved problem for me | 07:26 |
jmhodges | heh | 07:26 |
Flarex_Ruin | I'm not sure prop, I know I'm running XP | 07:26 |
jmhodges | !tell trashcan about w32codecs | 07:26 |
Flarex_Ruin | Give me 2 secs | 07:26 |
Trashcan | thansk jm ;) | 07:26 |
propagandhi | I mean your dads cd | 07:26 |
Trashcan | thanks* | 07:26 |
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SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, firstly backup you important data, liek music files, docs, NO programs | 07:26 |
jmhodges | Trashcan: np, next time try !tell trashman yourself ;0 | 07:27 |
ZeZu | here is the error | 07:27 |
jmhodges | er.. :) | 07:27 |
ZeZu | (EE) fglrx(0): [agp] unable to acquire AGP, error "xf86_EINVAL" | 07:27 |
eXcentra | How do I toggle Headphones in with amixer? | 07:27 |
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rewine | hi | 07:27 |
Leiboureen | can somebody help me with a TV card? | 07:27 |
Trashcan | it worked, it just said 'someone already said that 22 seconds ago' | 07:27 |
Flarex_Ruin | it's pro | 07:27 |
jmhodges | kevogod: the jre debs would have been handy before i made them myself.. | 07:27 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, Secondly, If Windows is that bad just install ubuntu fresh | 07:27 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: ok, easy | 07:27 |
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=== jmhodges booksmarks | ||
rewine | kinsa clasmet dha cliff john gwapo | 07:27 |
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jmhodges | never doing that again.. ick | 07:27 |
shreevatsa | How do I ask questions to the ubotu without irritating everyone? | 07:27 |
shreevatsa | I mean, without everyone seeing it? | 07:27 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: do you have all the software you need to reinstall | 07:27 |
nalioth | !msg the bot | 07:28 |
rewine | gwapo c cliff ayaw saba | 07:28 |
cafuego_ | shreevatsa: just send ubotu a private message | 07:28 |
Flarex_Ruin | Should I just back up all my important things, and then just wipe and re-install? | 07:28 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, thats the way, just do it and start using Linux | 07:28 |
shreevatsa | thanks | 07:28 |
tritium | jmhodges, it's not so hard to build a java .deb | 07:28 |
propagandhi | Flarex_Ruin: yes, move them to D: | 07:28 |
bam_ | yes | 07:28 |
rewine | FUCK YOU SUCCERS | 07:28 |
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SuseUX | nice | 07:28 |
kevogod | jmhodges, Well, those debs are sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb, the ones I have built are update05 | 07:28 |
aurax | haha | 07:28 |
propagandhi | then install windows to D: but do not format the partition | 07:28 |
Flarex_Ruin | and then I'll install ubuntu and have a brand new HD | 07:28 |
cafuego_ | It's "suckers". | 07:28 |
Slaj_R | Question: I followed the steps at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683, and I still have no wireless. Troubleshooting suggestions? | 07:28 |
aurax | that was fast nalioth | 07:28 |
propagandhi | and then you can install ubuntu on C: | 07:28 |
=== pupil [n=pupil@CPE000d883f2082-CM00407b878b33.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shreevatsa | !msg ubotu java | 07:28 |
ubotu | shreevatsa: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 07:28 |
sambagirl | should you download .rpm files? | 07:29 |
aurax | lol | 07:29 |
nalioth | shreevatsa: /msg ubotu msg the bot | 07:29 |
shreevatsa | !msg ubotu w32codecs | 07:29 |
ubotu | parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, shreevatsa | 07:29 |
cafuego_ | aurax: It never takes long after thay start speaking in tongues. | 07:29 |
jmhodges | kevogod: ahh ok | 07:29 |
shreevatsa | oops | 07:29 |
nalioth | sambagirl: not really | 07:29 |
tritium | sambagirl, what for? | 07:29 |
bam_ | you wont have to partition it, ubuntu will do that for you | 07:29 |
aurax | hehe | 07:29 |
kevogod | jmhodges, Not that it really makes any difference | 07:29 |
SuseUX | WTF? | 07:29 |
SuseUX | install on C:? | 07:29 |
CaiN_SA | i got a new hp 8220 and the ubuntu installer doesnt want to start any ideas ? | 07:29 |
aurax | wtf? | 07:29 |
kevogod | jmhodges, But I like having the latest version | 07:29 |
aurax | lol | 07:29 |
aurax | this is funny | 07:29 |
sambagirl | i gnormalize | 07:29 |
pupil | what player should I use if I want to play mpeg, avi and wmv files? | 07:29 |
jmhodges | crap.. my vids now have a strange blue tone.. almost like sepia..not sure what the word is | 07:29 |
sambagirl | some kind of thingy | 07:29 |
nalioth | pupil: any you like | 07:29 |
jmhodges | pupil: totem-xine and also install w32codecs | 07:30 |
sambagirl | xmms to much difficulty | 07:30 |
cafuego_ | pupil: totem with plugins or xine or mplayer | 07:30 |
SuseUX | Flarex_Ruin, just follow what I said and you canot go wrong | 07:30 |
nalioth | sambagirl: install beep media player | 07:30 |
propagandhi | SuseUX - i am using a terminology Flarex_Ruin understands | 07:30 |
bam_ | thingy...whats a thingy? | 07:30 |
pupil | jmhodges, can I apt-get it ? | 07:30 |
Flarex_Ruin | ill start backing up all my files | 07:30 |
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me_ | hey people; how can i set up multiple monitors in breezy? | 07:30 |
eXcentra | Does anybody know how to toggle Headphones in amixer? | 07:30 |
ZeZu | damn these are the exact same errors i have had the whole time | 07:30 |
nalioth | pupil: you can apt the totem | 07:30 |
sambagirl | juts type install beep[ media playet ? | 07:30 |
ZeZu | and patches didn't work last time | 07:30 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell pupil about w32codecs | 07:30 |
ZeZu | wtf ubuntu doesn't come w/ gcc ? | 07:30 |
calc | bam_: not to be confused with thingee ;) | 07:30 |
nalioth | sambagirl: use synaptic | 07:30 |
sambagirl | nalioth what i should type? | 07:30 |
bam_ | Flarex_Ruin, good | 07:30 |
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Flarex_Ruin | back a few seconds guys, my computer is crashing | 07:30 |
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ZeZu | also does it not create a root act ? | 07:31 |
bam_ | i thought thingee was plural | 07:31 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell ZeZu about root | 07:31 |
=== Nadien [n=Nadien@116-143-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bam_ | of thingy | 07:31 |
jmhodges | anyone futzed with totem's colors.. the Saturation, Hue, etc. dont seem to do anything | 07:31 |
lui | Flarex_Ruin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//WindowsDualBootHowTo | 07:31 |
calc | bam_: heh | 07:31 |
ZeZu | yes thats what i thought | 07:31 |
SuseUX | Propagandhi, C:/ it not right in the frist place for starters | 07:31 |
cafuego_ | No, it would be C:\ | 07:31 |
bam_ | no-dual boot, no-dual boot | 07:31 |
propagandhi | did i write C:/ | 07:32 |
=== mcquaid [n=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erick | anyone from the group know how to disable the bios password of UM8498F, there is no cmos batterry | 07:32 |
sambagirl | is earched for beep it did not see it | 07:32 |
bam_ | wait I dual boot | 07:32 |
sambagirl | searched | 07:32 |
propagandhi | no i didnt | 07:32 |
propagandhi | i wrote C: | 07:32 |
mcquaid | hello, i've just upgraded to breezy without too many issues. however i use a custom kernel and i'm having some difficulty recompiling it | 07:32 |
cafuego_ | erick: what bios is it? award? | 07:32 |
nalioth | sambagirl: beep-media-player | 07:32 |
=== ZerockedGalathil [n=ctidder@d207-6-146-121.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
bam_ | yes, nice player | 07:32 |
SuseUX | Propagandhi, thats just plane picky | 07:33 |
mcquaid | i didn't want to recompile the kern, but nvidia flagged me that gcc4 is in use but my existing kernel was compiled with 3.x | 07:33 |
ZeZu | synaptic says i have gcc3.3base installed but gcc/make are not doing anything ? | 07:33 |
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propagandhi | SuseUX: and what would u say your doing | 07:33 |
calc | banshee looks cool | 07:33 |
mcquaid | so i thought i'd recompile the kern but getting this error with make gconfig: | 07:33 |
nalioth | ZeZu: install "build-essential" | 07:33 |
ZeZu | thx | 07:33 |
mcquaid | /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: gcc-3.4: command not found | 07:33 |
ZerockedGalathil | crap, i can't click anything on my desktop again -_- | 07:33 |
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jmhodges | omg, libnotify is being used in breezy? | 07:33 |
cafuego_ | mcquaid: the nvidia modules are already compiled. linux-restricted-modules | 07:33 |
jmhodges | sweet! | 07:33 |
sambagirl | nalioth it does not see it | 07:33 |
SuseUX | Propagandhi, never mind | 07:33 |
=== nickrud [n=aias@adsl-69-152-236-188.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcquaid | ya i know i don't use those | 07:33 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell sambagirl about sources | 07:33 |
erick | cafuego AWARD v4.50G | 07:33 |
propagandhi | SuseUX: great, thanx for your input | 07:33 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell sambagirl about repos | 07:33 |
=== thewayofzen [n=delaney@mctnnbsa31w-142166090035.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | erick: use AWARD_SW as pass, then remove the real pass. | 07:34 |
orko | how would I go about replacing the aacraid.ko module that the hoary installer cd uses | 07:34 |
erick | its my old 80486 | 07:34 |
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ZeZu | thank god i have a good connection, else this would be a mess | 07:34 |
cafuego_ | mcquaid: Then support is availble on www.nvidia.com | 07:34 |
XtR | Gah. How do I reconfigure X in Ubuntu? | 07:34 |
thewayofzen | minimal ubuntu install .. done with a server install.. then installed xfce.. no gnome. | 07:34 |
ZerockedGalathil | rebooting again | 07:34 |
erick | cafuego wow, its work thanks | 07:34 |
thewayofzen | would anyone be able to explain why gaim wont play sounds and i get errors | 07:34 |
mcquaid | hmm, ignore that i mentioned nvidia, i'm just trying to compile the ubuntu source with make gconfig | 07:34 |
thewayofzen | but xmms works fine with alsa | 07:34 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell XtR about fixres | 07:34 |
SuseUX | Propagandhi, telling someone that they install ubuntu on c: is just plain wrong | 07:34 |
mcquaid | why am i getting gcc3.4 not found errors | 07:34 |
calc | cafuego_: heh sounds like award bios is really secure ;) | 07:35 |
sambagirl | nalioth can't i typpe apt get beep-media | 07:35 |
XtR | Thanks. | 07:35 |
cafuego_ | mcquaid: Coz gcc 3.4 isn't installed. | 07:35 |
Slaj_R | quick question: in the tutorial at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683, under step 3, how do I know where the line breaks are in that code? | 07:35 |
nalioth | mcquaid: is it installed? | 07:35 |
Octane | anyone know if flash is out of ramd64? | 07:35 |
sambagirl | apt-get | 07:35 |
cafuego_ | mcquaid: hint: install it | 07:35 |
nalioth | sambagirl: ? | 07:35 |
mcquaid | heh yes i should do that, i have 3.3 and 4.0 | 07:35 |
propagandhi | SuseUX: u missed the vitals of the conversation, i was explaining what he could do with his current setup | 07:35 |
sambagirl | nevermind :) | 07:35 |
mcquaid | i thought ubuntu was using 4.0 now | 07:35 |
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mcquaid | so i thought i had to force it to use 4.0 or something | 07:35 |
=== lucaas [n=LMX@h178n7c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | mcquaid: Yes, but not for the kernel. | 07:35 |
nalioth | mcquaid: it does. install "build-essential" and "gcc-3.4" | 07:35 |
=== hwaara [n=blah@c213-89-56-122.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
propagandhi | SuseUX: he explained his partitions as C and D, I merely told him he would be able to use what he knew as C to install it | 07:36 |
propagandhi | SuseUX: i was telling him to move the data from his C to the D | 07:36 |
cafuego_ | propagandhi: | 07:36 |
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mcquaid | ah i forgot, build-essential got flagged for removal during breezy | 07:37 |
mcquaid | thx | 07:37 |
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propagandhi | cafuego_: | 07:37 |
cafuego_ | if he wants to dual-boot, he should leave C: as windows can't boot off D without having an 8Mb FAT32 partition on C; | 07:37 |
ect4 | hi | 07:37 |
thewayofzen | i used to get sound out of gaim in xfce by configuring the sound to COMMAND and then using play %s | 07:37 |
thewayofzen | no advice? | 07:37 |
SuseUX | cafuego_, correct | 07:38 |
erick | cafuego can 80486 support boot on cdrom | 07:38 |
nalioth | erick: use a boot floppy | 07:38 |
cafuego_ | erick: If the bios supports it, sure. | 07:38 |
propagandhi | cafuego_: thats not true | 07:38 |
cafuego_ | propagandhi: Yes, it is. | 07:38 |
propagandhi | cafuego_: well explain why I am doing it right now | 07:38 |
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cafuego_ | propagandhi: Unless you start swapping drives about in the bios. | 07:38 |
erick | but nalioth I want to try the pxe thin client that can only boot on cdrom | 07:38 |
=== mojo smells badgers | ||
cafuego_ | propagandhi: Maybe I imagined the whole thing then. | 07:39 |
=== jmspeex [n=jmspeex@idefix.CeNTIE.NET.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | erick: try your machine. if cdrom wont boot, you can make a boot floppy that'll boot the cdrom | 07:39 |
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=== mojo thinks they are quite breezy indeed... :) | ||
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SuseUX | some people have a weird way of explaining things | 07:40 |
sambagirl | is there a channel for getting rudimentary ubuntu support? | 07:40 |
tristan622ph | how do i install java? | 07:40 |
cafuego_ | !java | 07:40 |
ubotu | javadeb is, like, totally, for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) 64-bit? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 07:40 |
nalioth | sambagirl: you are here | 07:40 |
erick | nalioth, yeah I know that thanks | 07:40 |
sambagirl | haha | 07:40 |
mojo | sambagirl: this one | 07:40 |
tristan622ph | i already installed it but when i run the azureus it says Starting Azureus... | 07:40 |
tristan622ph | Java exec not found in PATH, starting auto-search... | 07:40 |
tristan622ph | OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /usr/java/ hierarchy | 07:40 |
tristan622ph | You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://java.sun.com | 07:40 |
nalioth | tristan622ph: dont paste in here | 07:40 |
sambagirl | ok i downloaded 2 different ones | 07:40 |
tristan622ph | sorry | 07:40 |
sambagirl | so they are .deb | 07:40 |
nalioth | tristan622ph: you got your answer from ubotu | 07:40 |
sambagirl | so now i'm stuck | 07:40 |
cafuego_ | tristan622ph: Check the appropriate url as posted by ubotu. | 07:41 |
nalioth | sambagirl: what is a deb? | 07:41 |
sambagirl | this is unix iknow. | 07:41 |
sambagirl | a debian file compressoin scheme, no? | 07:41 |
mojo | deb is a debian package file | 07:41 |
sambagirl | iwas close right? | 07:41 |
mojo | sambagirl: similar to an rpm file for the redhat package manager | 07:41 |
sambagirl | ahh ok | 07:42 |
jmhodges | ok, i dont understand something | 07:42 |
=== aztektum [n=mikey@c-24-21-62-86.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sambagirl | so .sco is santa cruz organizatoin | 07:42 |
jmhodges | when i take the totem screenshot of a file, the color is just right | 07:42 |
mojo | sambagirl: but the .deb packages are usually managed with apt/aptitude/synaptic | 07:42 |
jmhodges | but the video still plays heavily tinted in blue | 07:42 |
sambagirl | well how do i get thiem in there? | 07:42 |
aztektum | is there a way to use wpa w/o wpa_supplicant which doesn't support my pcmcia driver | 07:42 |
nalioth | sambagirl: ubotu sent you some info | 07:42 |
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mojo | sambagirl: Ubuntu is based on the work of Debian, another distribution that serves as a base for many others | 07:42 |
cycom | sambagirl: only they update it more often than once a millenia. | 07:43 |
sambagirl | ok thanks for your help, i appreciate it. | 07:43 |
cafuego_ | cycom: decade, not millennium. | 07:44 |
sambagirl | nite | 07:44 |
sambagirl | :) | 07:44 |
sQ | is there any download manager for ubuntu available? | 07:44 |
mojo | sambagirl: gnite, gluck | 07:44 |
cycom | When they moved from woddy to sarge as 'stable', I thought it was the coming of the apocolypse. I was waiting for the seven horsemen and all that. | 07:44 |
nalioth | sQ: many | 07:44 |
cycom | I got indegestion and a cold. | 07:44 |
cafuego_ | sQ: firefox, wget | 07:44 |
Belutz | sQ, d4x | 07:44 |
sQ | are they available on synaptic? | 07:44 |
nalioth | sQ: yep. enable your universe and multiverse repos | 07:45 |
sQ | okay.. thanks.. | 07:45 |
sQ | any recommandations of which is the better one? | 07:45 |
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SuseUX | wow, more updates | 07:45 |
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sambagirl | ahh i did update of supository and now it works | 07:45 |
ZeZu | well replacing libdri.a didn't help | 07:45 |
sambagirl | thanks much. | 07:45 |
nalioth | sQ: use them all, keep what you like | 07:46 |
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mojo | lol sambagirl | 07:46 |
nalioth | Sandollar: no problema | 07:46 |
cycom | sambagirl: yes, but where did you put the updates? | 07:46 |
leah | hello | 07:46 |
budluva | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-ae79fed9d60ccdf06f400ae76ad53867d94bb2b8 <--- is this the correct way to watch xvid/divx? or do i need to find those codecs elsewhere? | 07:46 |
sQ | nalioth, do they accelerate download? | 07:46 |
SuseUX | nalioth, is it a bug that the update dont how until you acually go into the updates and refresh? | 07:46 |
nalioth | sQ: some more than others | 07:46 |
mojo | supository = repository? ha ha | 07:46 |
nalioth | sQ: also try prozilla | 07:46 |
SuseUX | show* | 07:46 |
nalioth | y'all be nice to sambagirl, she doesnt speak english as her first language | 07:47 |
cycom | nalioth: I want to know where she learned suppository. | 07:47 |
mojo | nalioth: sambagirl: just playing, no problm | 07:47 |
sambagirl | i just choose update thingy in the thing you know. | 07:47 |
sambagirl | the synaptic thing | 07:47 |
mojo | nalioth: yeah, that is one she'll want to get straight for future reference | 07:47 |
cycom | sambagirl: be glad that English ain't your first language, because it makes about as much sense as MS Windows. | 07:47 |
SuseUX | updater dont work proper in 5.10RC | 07:48 |
r0xoR | how do i find the latest version of a package with apt-get | 07:48 |
r0xoR | root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install linux-tree- | 07:48 |
r0xoR | says | 07:48 |
cafuego_ | sQ: Normally Linux downloads as fast as your connection can handle. Acceleration is not required. | 07:48 |
r0xoR | E: Couldn't find package linux-tree- | 07:48 |
=== Jitsumi [n=Jitsumi@ti400720a080-9766.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | budluva: those instructions are accurate - note the part about disabling the marillat repos afterwards so you don't hose your system | 07:48 |
cafuego_ | r0xoR: apt-cache search <string> | 07:48 |
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mojo | r0xoR: i think apt-cache show packagename | 07:48 |
erick | cafuego, how about the other brand how can I dissable it | 07:48 |
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budluva | maddler, marillat or nerim? | 07:48 |
cafuego_ | erick: sorry, which brand? | 07:48 |
nalioth | budluva: both | 07:48 |
budluva | ok thanks | 07:49 |
erick | any brand that you know just for reference | 07:49 |
cafuego_ | erick: Just award :-) | 07:49 |
mojo | r0xoR: but first apt-get update to re-download lists from repositories | 07:49 |
r0xoR | mmm... i did the "updates" when i first installed my system | 07:49 |
r0xoR | does that count? | 07:49 |
erick | k cafuego tnx | 07:50 |
calc | hmm banshee is still a bit buggy | 07:50 |
SuseUX | calc, yer but look real promising :-) | 07:50 |
r0xoR | well i just ran update so apparently it counts | 07:50 |
calc | SuseUX: yea | 07:50 |
mojo | cafuego_: isn't the accelerator tech doing compression on the data in conjunction with a back-end at the isp? | 07:50 |
calc | also seems to be a bit heavy on ram usage ~ 190MB on my box | 07:51 |
SuseUX | mono | 07:51 |
cafuego_ | Mojo: firefox already does transparent gz compression on text (if apache is set to support it) | 07:51 |
SuseUX | thats why | 07:51 |
mojo | cafuego_: sweet, didn't know that. :) | 07:51 |
calc | yea hopefully they can reduce mono memory usage | 07:51 |
cafuego_ | mojo: If I were an ISP I wouldn't be wasting cpu cycles on marginally speeding up a download for $USER | 07:52 |
cafuego_ | calc: Oh, I'm only swapping 500 MB ;-) | 07:52 |
mojo | cafuego_: yeah me neither. i just was wondering how those svcs worked. i can see dialup isp services tho needing that to help compete nowadays | 07:52 |
SuseUX | calc, yer f-spot shows it can | 07:52 |
cafuego_ | Mojo: <heh> dialup funny. Most shitty DSL here si cheaper then dialup these days. | 07:53 |
mojo | cafuego_: at 56k raw data, it would not take too much for a box to handle multiple connex | 07:53 |
=== TylerDurden [n=TylerDur@adsl-69-208-167-43.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lui | bye people, thanks | 07:53 |
calc | cafuego_: heh i'm only 284MB into swap with just a couple apps open, gaim, gweather, gnome-terminal, xpdf, firefox | 07:53 |
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cafuego_ | mojo: But you're still limited to 56K down. Modems would compress anyway. | 07:53 |
mojo | cafuego_: yeah dsl really wants to compete with cable but just cant it seems | 07:53 |
SuseUX | banshee is vey much like rhythmbox | 07:54 |
nalioth | cafuego_: root access to the mysql database? | 07:54 |
swamych | adsl problem | 07:54 |
calc | firefox shows its using ~ 450MB | 07:54 |
TylerDurden | does anyone know of how i could play mpg files? | 07:54 |
TylerDurden | i just installed w32codecs | 07:54 |
mojo | cafuego_: true that, i almost forgot about MNP protocol and all that | 07:54 |
cafuego_ | mojo: DSL2 here is is faster then cable (and offer by ISPs that don't suck) | 07:54 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: mplayer, totem, kaffeine, etc | 07:54 |
TylerDurden | and it sitll wouldnt play | 07:54 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: eh? | 07:54 |
nalioth | cafuego_: installing blootbot | 07:54 |
TylerDurden | totem wont play it even with w32codecs | 07:54 |
mojo | cafuego_: been a while since i had to work with modems. (takes me back...) | 07:54 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: wmv3 is out of our reach | 07:54 |
cycom | mojo: I use my cell phone and my laptop when I can't hit wifi. | 07:54 |
cycom | mojo: it goes at 14.4 | 07:55 |
TylerDurden | mpg | 07:55 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: Oh yeah, to set up its tables. The default mysql root pass word is blank. | 07:55 |
TylerDurden | not wmv3 | 07:55 |
joe_ | nalioth, heres what i found ---->Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 07:55 |
joe_ | Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 07:55 |
sambagirl | beep beep does not play it just freezes | 07:55 |
sambagirl | blah | 07:55 |
mojo | cafuego: where are u? I am in middle Tennessee | 07:55 |
calc | cycom: i hear EvDO is cool :) | 07:55 |
cycom | mojo: but that's because I'm too cheap to go for the high speed | 07:55 |
cafuego_ | mojo: Melbourne (AU) | 07:55 |
nalioth | joe_: mirrormax is not up anymore | 07:55 |
cycom | calc: it is! I use the store phone for that | 07:55 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell joe_ about backports | 07:55 |
cycom | sambagirl: what just freezes? | 07:55 |
sambagirl | i wish they had delitracker of something for ubuntu some amiga program would work | 07:55 |
joe_ | so what other backports whoudli use? | 07:55 |
sambagirl | no output | 07:55 |
sambagirl | i pick song and it just locks | 07:55 |
=== calc bbl, gone to bed | ||
nalioth | joe_: ahem, ubotu msgd you | 07:55 |
mcquaid | anyone know of a good voip/sip irc channel? | 07:55 |
cafuego_ | cycom: We have 3G/CDMA pcmcia card here now, up to 1.5M wirelessly | 07:55 |
sambagirl | i had this issue with Xmms | 07:55 |
TylerDurden | nalioth, i meant mpg | 07:56 |
mojo | sambagirl: run the UAE on Linux (Universal Amiga Emulator, i think) | 07:56 |
sambagirl | i dont have the roms | 07:56 |
sambagirl | this i know for fact | 07:56 |
cycom | cafuego_: we have it too, but I have an older phone with 1x, so my max is 230kbit | 07:56 |
sambagirl | i get tomorrow maybe. | 07:56 |
mojo | sambagirl: check in Synaptic for emulators, it is prob there i think i saw it before | 07:56 |
sambagirl | ok | 07:56 |
sambagirl | brb | 07:56 |
cycom | cafuego_: Verizon kicks quite a bit of ass by offering the 14.4 speed for free | 07:56 |
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | cafuego_: another project that has befuddled me b4 it starts | 07:57 |
cycom | cafuego_: especially since I could get it working for me in windows and linux. I was most pleased. | 07:57 |
mojo | I am planning to get a wireless router here soon and share my cable connect with the neighbors (and they'll chip in). | 07:57 |
sambagirl | ok not to make big noise aobut this but is there war between kde and gnome? | 07:57 |
mojo | I live in an apartment complex | 07:57 |
cafuego_ | cycom: Ha. Telstra (shite) offer it by the Kb downloaded. | 07:58 |
nalioth | sambagirl: no more a war then the one between chevy and ford | 07:58 |
jmhodges | ok, howabout this | 07:58 |
cycom | sambagirl: no, between KDE and Gnome USERS! :) | 07:58 |
sambagirl | ahh | 07:58 |
sambagirl | ok | 07:58 |
sambagirl | nite! | 07:58 |
jmhodges | anyone know where totem saves its hue and saturation settings ? | 07:58 |
sambagirl | thank you | 07:58 |
[LethAL] | !start a desktop war | 07:58 |
ubotu | fluxbox is much better than xfce! | 07:58 |
cycom | cafuego_: ouch! well, this just uses minutes. | 07:58 |
cycom | cafuego_: but nights and weekends are free | 07:58 |
=== _Rappy_ [n=hunt-pre@dsl-253-122.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | If I get the funds to dedicate an old box, I'll set it up as a free WAP | 07:58 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: ... and you haven't even seen the blootbot code yet! | 07:58 |
cycom | cafuego_: my last bill showed 1200 minute usage, but over 1000 were night and weekend | 07:58 |
=== kYotiK [n=kyotik@h65.161.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cycom | mojo: just buy a few wrt54g routers and run openwrt | 07:59 |
nalioth | cafuego_: it wont install, i'm off to talk to uncle google | 07:59 |
=== psichron [n=Carel@nomad.eendrag.sun.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0xoR | !tell me about nvidia | 07:59 |
neighborlee | why isn't auto-apt working ....? ( auto-apt search glx.h < yields a blank line ) | 07:59 |
mojo | cycom: yeah, i was thinking along those lines too | 07:59 |
cycom | mojo: you can make a pretty gnarly network off a few of those. You can use em as bridges and stuff. | 07:59 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: Well, it *is* evil. | 07:59 |
=== netdur [n=adel@adsl196-165-66-206-196.adsl196-3.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | cycom: i was also looking into MeshBox and MeshAP, among others. | 07:59 |
cycom | mojo: Get a pair for a few houses and you have a community wireless network. | 07:59 |
mojo | cycom: and I am also interested in projects like Netsukuku, FreeNet, Tor, and such | 08:00 |
sambagirl | they have satellite tracking program | 08:00 |
cycom | mojo: Haven't seen those yet! | 08:00 |
cycom | I'll have to look | 08:00 |
SuseUX | hmm, totem still dont play mpeg | 08:00 |
=== intelikey [n=greg@0-1pool89-31.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | cycom: Netsukuku is a net to run on wireless meshes that uses fractal mapping to compress route tables, it is really cool idea for free mesh networking | 08:01 |
kYotiK | im trying to compile xgdipc, and it depends on GTK >=1.0.2, I already have a newer version installed of course, but i keep getting build errors saying: "configure: error: Cannot find GTK+: Is gtk-config in executable path?" can anyone help me out? | 08:01 |
mojo | cycom: TOR, The Onion Router, is an anonymizing network you can read about at eff.org | 08:01 |
sambagirl | wow it asking for cdrom for doing install is this normal? | 08:01 |
jmhodges | ok, i found the gconf settings | 08:01 |
jmhodges | but changing them doesnt seem to do anything | 08:01 |
cafuego_ | kYotiK: you need the gtk -dev package too. | 08:01 |
jmhodges | im very, very confused.. | 08:01 |
cycom | mojo: whoa. that's for big efficeint networks, yeah? | 08:01 |
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cycom | sambagirl: you can remove it from your apt-sources, if you like, I think. | 08:02 |
cafuego_ | sambagirl: If you didn't remove the crdom from the list of available sources, yes, that's normal. | 08:02 |
mojo | cycom: FreeNet is a distributed file store and publishing network, also anon and with encrypted local store for deniability of liability for whatever happens to be there (u dedicate some store to the collective, basically) | 08:02 |
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cycom | mojo: like the borg :) | 08:02 |
cycom | mojo: What OSs does it runinmificate on? | 08:03 |
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mojo | cycom: I am VERY interested in promoting darknet/alter-net, and free mesh wireless networks | 08:03 |
mojo | cycom: ha ha | 08:03 |
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mojo | cycom: Linux | 08:03 |
kYotiK | cafuego_, what is the gtk-devel package? whats it called do you know? | 08:03 |
cycom | mojo: only? | 08:03 |
cafuego_ | cycom: it's java, runs on whatever java runs on. | 08:03 |
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intelikey | sambagirl yes it is normal, if you have cdrom(s) as sources and what you are installing "including any deps" can be found there. | 08:04 |
ZeZu | haha | 08:04 |
cafuego_ | kYotiK: 'apt-cache search gtk dev' is your friend. | 08:04 |
cycom | cafuego_: ah HA! | 08:04 |
ZeZu | i have a file named ~ in my user directory | 08:04 |
ZeZu | how can i mv it so it has a diff name ? | 08:04 |
cafuego_ | ZeZu: mv \~ foo | 08:04 |
ZeZu | thx | 08:04 |
intelikey | or quote it. | 08:05 |
mojo | cycom: http://netsukuku.freaknet.org/ | 08:05 |
nalioth | cafuego_: will infobot info help me? | 08:05 |
mojo | cycom: these are open source projects | 08:05 |
cafuego_ | nalioth: Nah, blootbot is just broken. | 08:05 |
mojo | cycom: http://freenetproject.org | 08:05 |
nalioth | great | 08:05 |
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cafuego_ | nalioth: Install, edit the postinst script (make it exist immediately) then set up the DB by hand, edit the cfg files. | 08:06 |
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cafuego_ | nalioth: coz the postinst is eeeeevil! | 08:06 |
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mojo | cycom: http://mnetproject.org/intro | 08:07 |
cycom | mojo: Thanks! | 08:07 |
jmhodges | ok, yep, its a totem xine problem.. hmm | 08:07 |
mojo | cycom: http://freehaven.net/anonbib/topic.html - anonymity bibliography | 08:07 |
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mojo | cycom: only a couple more, b r b | 08:07 |
jmhodges | but now that i switched over to totem-g, changed the hue, then switched back.. it works | 08:07 |
jmhodges | wtf | 08:07 |
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mojo | cycom: oh, no prob. told ya i'm intrerested in promoting the ideas | 08:07 |
cycom | mojo: that seems like an awesome idea, but a double edged sword. | 08:07 |
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jmhodges | but the sliders in totem-xine are totally disconnected | 08:08 |
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mojo | cycom: http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/tor/FrontPage is the Hidden Wikki, running over TOR (eff.org) | 08:08 |
woodwizzle | Anyone using breezy get live queries in beagle to work? | 08:08 |
dmacdonald111 | ain't there a lot of people here. | 08:08 |
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cycom | mojo: I was hoping to create an on campus site at my college for linux distros for people to try and download | 08:09 |
Trashcan | anyone know of a nix codec for WMA? | 08:09 |
mojo | cycom: that would be an awesome project | 08:09 |
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cafuego_ | Trashcan: Not for WMA9. | 08:09 |
Trashcan | bah | 08:09 |
Trashcan | ok | 08:09 |
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Trashcan | thanks | 08:10 |
Trashcan | <-- entire music collection (286gb) in wma :) | 08:10 |
aftertaf | ouch | 08:10 |
mojo | cycom: finally found last one, http://tor.eff.org/ (duh!) | 08:10 |
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dmacdonald111 | is wma smaller than ogg? | 08:11 |
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Trashcan | not sure | 08:11 |
mojo | cycom: dbl edged sword? | 08:11 |
nalioth | dmacdonald111: wma is evil | 08:11 |
cafuego_ | dmacdonald111: I believe so. I also think they sound worse | 08:11 |
mojo | cycom: like freedom of speech? (ya gotta let the spch u dont like too) | 08:11 |
dmacdonald111 | I've just been reading about it on the forum. ogg is smaller than mp3 and better quality. | 08:12 |
moua | does anyone here use easy ubuntu after a fresh install ? | 08:12 |
dmacdonald111 | At least I know what all those files are now :) | 08:12 |
Trashcan | i prefer ogg over mp3 | 08:12 |
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cafuego_ | I prefer what my player can play. | 08:12 |
Trashcan | but my ripping software, and mp3 player, don't support ogg | 08:12 |
c0p | yay 2 days | 08:12 |
intelikey | /cycle | 08:12 |
cycom | mojo: no, I mean like people could abuse it | 08:12 |
mojo | Trashcan: me too. patent free is the way to be. likewise FLAC over SHN | 08:12 |
cycom | mojo: but I'd rather have it abused than eliminated | 08:13 |
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moua | mp3 is a very old format... but it's now universal. Almost everything with the capacity to play digital sounds can play mp3 | 08:13 |
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Trashcan | i absolutely do NOT like patented formats- that's like saying you have to pay a fee to write in italian | 08:13 |
dmacdonald111 | why ogg though? Did they think of the future? - 'ooh! I'm getting an ogg player for christmas' - and the like. lol | 08:13 |
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mojo | cycom: what can't ppl abuse? honestly. ppls will find ways to communicate. but it is neighborly to help make it easier. the future always lies in the shadow of regulation/control/censorship | 08:13 |
HrdwrBob | dmacdonald111: ogg is 'free' | 08:13 |
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cycom | mojo: exactly | 08:13 |
mojo | cycom: namaste! | 08:14 |
dmacdonald111 | ah! Makes sense! | 08:14 |
moua | free is not enouth HrdwrBob :/ | 08:14 |
cycom | mojo? | 08:14 |
mojo | cycom: (sanskrit word for meeting of the minds | 08:14 |
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mojo | cycom: (sanskrit word for meeting of the minds and a salutation | 08:14 |
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cycom | mojo: but yeah, my concern is that my college will see it as 'file sharing' and be irritated, but I think they may have to suck it up. | 08:15 |
DShepherd | dmacdonald111: Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of Open Source | 08:15 |
cycom | mojo: where abouts you from? | 08:15 |
dmacdonald111 | All this new technology. tut! I dunno. Still trying to work out the bl**dy dvd player | 08:15 |
mojo | cycom: oh, i see. well how could that be for ur project? ur only doing distro sampling, no? | 08:15 |
dmacdonald111 | I really must find out more about this open source millarky. Sounds interesting | 08:16 |
erick | Just to ask if used ubuntu for server purposes | 08:16 |
mojo | cycom: i live in middle tennessee, as of recently. i spent 20 years near saint louis, and a few years up in minnesota (pre-teen) | 08:16 |
intelikey | millarky dmacdonald111 ? | 08:16 |
nalioth | intelikey: malarkey in some places | 08:16 |
dmacdonald111 | lol. Millarky - stuff | 08:16 |
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HrdwrBob | moua: it's free and better | 08:17 |
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moua | DShepherd : AAC (and AAC+ and eAAC+) are many more used in this case | 08:17 |
HrdwrBob | moua: however if you have an mp3 player | 08:17 |
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HrdwrBob | it is of no use to you | 08:17 |
dmacdonald111 | it's like a funny way to say damn thing! - with a sense of humour kind of thing. Well, that's what I use it for anyhoo. lol | 08:17 |
Yawgmoth7 | I think htat dpkg is screwed up | 08:17 |
Yawgmoth7 | I can install anything | 08:17 |
Yawgmoth7 | I always get this error: | 08:18 |
dmacdonald111 | I'm going to change | 08:18 |
navyn | dmacdonald111, but it won't play in your cd/mp3 player | 08:18 |
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cycom | mojo: yeah. That doesn't affect my idea. But I'm also interested in running a free file distribution system. The problem is that they would probobly mix music and movies in with the legit free stuff | 08:18 |
Yawgmoth7 | dpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory | 08:18 |
cycom | mojo: I live in Connecticut. I'm originally from Mississippi. | 08:18 |
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Myrtti | sponk | 08:18 |
cycom | but I only lived there for about 6 month before we moved up here. | 08:18 |
Yawgmoth7 | And that is right after it starts to configure the packages | 08:18 |
dmacdonald111 | yeah, but you could get around that navyn I think. I don't know how everything works (or anything) but it seems to me, that if you could build a computer system from the ground up, a little player shouldn't be too much of a problem. | 08:18 |
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erick | Guys can I used ubuntu for my email server? I used postfix and openwebmail | 08:19 |
dmacdonald111 | ah! | 08:19 |
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foXgamer | s'beta! | 08:19 |
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cycom | awright. Time for bed. it's 2 in the morning and I have a trig quiz tomorrow | 08:19 |
mojo | dmacdonald111: if u r havin probs with DVDs, you probably need the dvddecss library to remove the CSS scramble that the proprietary-information folks at the movie companies and the drive mfg's put in there to keep you from reading it w/o their blessing | 08:19 |
erick | cycom gudluck | 08:19 |
intelikey | howto jail(chroot) a user at login ? | 08:19 |
mojo | foXgamer: (was dmacdonald111) - there is a place where free/nonfree software is touching you | 08:20 |
foXgamer | mojo: er, I have been having problems with playing dvd's, but I haven't mentioned it. Are you pyschic? | 08:20 |
ZeZu | where are the source code packages for ubuntu ? | 08:20 |
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cycom | erick: thanks! | 08:20 |
Slaj_R | question: | 08:21 |
foXgamer | touching me? eugh! get it off! get it off! ah! | 08:21 |
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erick | cycom what course you are taking | 08:21 |
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ZeZu | just linux-source * | 08:21 |
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ZeZu | ? | 08:22 |
Slaj_R | In the "how to configure wireless cards with Broadcom chipsets" tutorial, is the "for...do...done" routine to be entered as one single statement? | 08:22 |
nalioth | ZeZu: cdimage.ubuntu.com | 08:22 |
Slaj_R | Anyone? | 08:22 |
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cycom | erick: trig 119. I got to skip math 099 and 101 because of my placement test. | 08:23 |
sQ | how do i create a shortcut to an app on gnome panel? | 08:23 |
cycom | erick: a quick step ahead so I can start computer science. | 08:23 |
sambagirl | what is apache geronimo? | 08:23 |
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sambagirl | some contest? | 08:24 |
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mojo | foXgamer: no, i was reading you as dmacdonald111 and you mentioned it | 08:24 |
ZeZu | how can i disable DRM ? | 08:24 |
erick | Guys when I boot on floppy and select option 1 that support cdrom I got this error PCI READ CONFIGURATION FAILURE, I replace my IDE cable and still i got this error, I want to boot on cdrom, what do you think is problem | 08:25 |
intelikey | comment it out in /etc/X11/xorg.conf will work ZeZu | 08:25 |
ZeZu | ok | 08:25 |
mojo | foXgamer: You said... All this new technology. tut! I dunno. Still trying to work out the bl**dy dvd player | 08:26 |
Slaj_R | anyone have a quick answer: is "for...do...done" at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 all entered in one statement at the prompt, or separated by cr's? | 08:26 |
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Razor-X | have the hoary repos stopped being worked on? | 08:26 |
Slaj_R | Instructions are vague. | 08:26 |
foXgamer | mojo: oh! I mean the one attached to the telly. lol. Don't worry. My humour takes a lot to get used to :) | 08:26 |
SuseUX | ok, I really like OO.o2 | 08:26 |
nalioth | sQ: /msg ubotu smeg | 08:27 |
erick | cycom you mean to say that you are in highschool level | 08:27 |
foXgamer | I am having problems playing on the computer though. I don't seem to be able to find a css file that works on 64bit though | 08:27 |
SuseUX | gnome icons and gtk+ | 08:27 |
benplaut | anyone know how to make OOo2 auto-double space at start of sentence? | 08:27 |
cycom | erick: no, that's college level. | 08:27 |
cycom | erick: freshman college. | 08:27 |
propagandhi | Slaj_R: enter all on one line | 08:27 |
jans | hi ace | 08:27 |
cycom | erick: trig is a cakewalk, but I need it for comp sci | 08:28 |
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Slaj_R | thanks, prop. | 08:28 |
intelikey | Slaj_R if you enter a for statement on the command line you use ";" simicolen to seperate the parts of it. "for this in blah ;do that to $this ;done" | 08:28 |
erick | cycom K, yes I remember, trigo thats my favorite subject when Im on college level | 08:28 |
Trashcan | <-- highschool | 08:28 |
Slaj_R | then it seems there's a missing semicolon. | 08:28 |
Slaj_R | Is that an accurate assessment? | 08:28 |
Razor-X | I'm in high school as well | 08:28 |
Trashcan | <offtopic> what year? | 08:29 |
cycom | erick: I took AP stat in highschool. Easy, but boooooooriing. | 08:29 |
Slaj_R | I want to make sure I've got it right. My finger's hovering over 'enter' | 08:29 |
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jans | hi | 08:29 |
Razor-X | cycom: AP Stats is a waste of time, i'm not going to waste my brains on that :P | 08:29 |
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cycom | Razor-X: Amen brother! | 08:29 |
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erick | cycom yeah I know but it is a part of the curriculum, any course | 08:29 |
Razor-X | although, I will be finished by all math courses (AP and not) by Junior-year summer | 08:30 |
logikal_ | Can kaffiene play embedded video? | 08:30 |
propagandhi | Slaj_R: in that same thread theres a mod to that command, instead of that do this sed -e 's/RadioState|1/RadioState|0/' /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5/*.conf | 08:30 |
Razor-X | not quite sure what'll happen then | 08:30 |
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cycom | erick: I shoulda taken calc. | 08:30 |
Razor-X | cycom: what are you going to major in? | 08:31 |
Slaj_R | propagandhi: That replaces the whole command? | 08:31 |
propagandhi | yes | 08:31 |
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propagandhi | but u need to run it with sudo | 08:31 |
daxxar | If I want to configure my moniter in Xorg properly, what do I need? I can only find one herz-range (50-90Hz), but I seem to need two? | 08:32 |
cycom | Razor-X: comp sci and mech engineering. Hopefully dual major. Robotics is the goal. | 08:32 |
jans | hi | 08:32 |
Slaj_R | okay, so "sudo <what you posted>"? | 08:32 |
Razor-X | cycom: doesen't everyone go into Comp Sci? :P | 08:32 |
jans | hi | 08:32 |
Razor-X | cycom: my dad's a mechanical engineer, so, meh | 08:32 |
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marck | bohol | 08:32 |
cycom | Razor-X: I love computers, and I love machines. Robotics seems logical. | 08:32 |
daxxar | I wonder if the Cybernetics study is any fun (: | 08:32 |
Razor-X | cycom: boring stuff to me, hoping to major in pure mathematics, and if I feel so inclined as to pursue engineering, electrical engineering | 08:32 |
Razor-X | computers are nice as a hobby, but, a hobby is where it'll stay | 08:33 |
Razor-X | wow, #ubuntu is a lot quieter than before | 08:33 |
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ZeZu | what version of xorg does breezy use ? | 08:33 |
jans | hi | 08:34 |
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HJJHH | HELLOOW | 08:34 |
jans | hi | 08:34 |
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Slaj_R | propagandhi: Should that command have returned a long list of settings? | 08:34 |
HJJHH | UR BOY | 08:34 |
katzor | ZeZu 6.8.2-74 | 08:34 |
nalioth | HJJHH: did you have an ubuntu question? | 08:35 |
propagandhi | Slaj_R: no, it should have updated text in config files | 08:35 |
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xukun | I installed ubuntu on xp laptop on a other partion but I get the massege hal.dll is missing if I try to boot to xp. any idea's? | 08:35 |
jans | hi | 08:35 |
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Slaj_R | propagandhi: It spat out a bunch of text. | 08:36 |
KlinkMeister | I use Ubuntu, but a friend wants Vista, is there a channel about it here? | 08:36 |
cycom | Razor-X: it's amazing how fast a hobby can turn into a career. | 08:36 |
propagandhi | Slaj_R: private message the text | 08:36 |
Razor-X | cycom: meh | 08:36 |
Razor-X | cycom: well, I find math way more interesting than computers even, so... :P | 08:36 |
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cycom | Razor-X: and I bet it was a hobby as well! | 08:36 |
nocturn | Hi guys | 08:37 |
propagandhi | xukun: http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_haldll_missing.htm | 08:37 |
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Slaj_R | propagandhi: hope you don't mind, there's a lot. | 08:37 |
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Slaj_R | I assume it's a confirmation of the output. | 08:37 |
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erick | anyone familiar with pxes thin client | 08:38 |
propagandhi | Slaj_R: most probably | 08:38 |
Hendric | why can't i access my floppy?? "Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume" this is a fresh install breezy.. how can i fix it? | 08:38 |
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Slaj_R | Then I'm not concerned yet. I'm gonna try rebooting and see if it worked. Wish me luck... | 08:38 |
Razor-X | cycom: of course it's a hobby | 08:38 |
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Razor-X | cycom: I pursue higher math than my school's crappy career-based system allows me to take | 08:38 |
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cycom | Razor-X: which is why it should be your career! | 08:39 |
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Hendric | any help? | 08:39 |
erick | Hendric is your floppy mounted | 08:39 |
Hendric | it is in Computer:/// | 08:39 |
erick | try this mount /mnt/floppy | 08:39 |
Hendric | if i double click the icon to access it.. it gives out the error | 08:39 |
marck | hi | 08:39 |
nocturn | erick: I've used it out of interest a couple of times | 08:40 |
B|4ckm0r3 | Hi all!I've a little problem with alsa driver, i have an asus a7v8x-x with onboard audio and coaxial output(spdif)!It used to work but since 2 weeks i can't use spdif output! | 08:40 |
Hendric | erick, that's wat im doing.. but this floppy is working fine in hoary... i just double click its icon in the Computer:/// | 08:40 |
benplaut | anyone know how to make OOo2 auto-double space at start of sentence? | 08:40 |
erick | try access it through cmd line like this /mnt/floppy | 08:40 |
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Hendric | erick, i can access it that way.. i just want it to work like normal | 08:41 |
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erick | what version you are using | 08:41 |
malv | i must say, breezy is working great | 08:41 |
marck | hi | 08:41 |
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Hendric | im on breezy.. a fresh install.. it should support floppies out of the box.. like in hoary | 08:41 |
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cantona_ | checking for FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden... no | 08:42 |
cantona_ | how can I enable this for libXft2 | 08:42 |
malv | when I plugged in a flash drive and it just appeared on desktop -- that was divine | 08:42 |
marck | hii | 08:42 |
marck | jjj | 08:42 |
B|4ckm0r3 | is there a way to reconfigure alsa driver? | 08:42 |
marck | eee | 08:42 |
RANGEL | HO U? | 08:42 |
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nocturn | erick: None at the moment. I played with it when my systems were running mandrake | 08:43 |
B|4ckm0r3 | i've noticed that something changed in alsamixer... | 08:43 |
marck | hi | 08:43 |
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marck | bohol | 08:43 |
DukGalNamu | i left for a couple of days to find my computer off, any reason why ubuntu would just shut down like that? | 08:43 |
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liable | powercut? | 08:43 |
nalioth | DukGalNamu: check your memory modules | 08:43 |
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DukGalNamu | nalioth: too late | 08:44 |
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sammy | wow ubuntu is awesome | 08:44 |
RANGEL | HO ? | 08:44 |
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sammy | first linux ive been able to use for more than 3 hours | 08:44 |
DukGalNamu | nalioth: don't i have to do that with UBD or something of the like | 08:44 |
DukGalNamu | ? | 08:44 |
nalioth | RANGEL: did you have an ubuntu question? | 08:44 |
maestro | hi all | 08:44 |
nalioth | DukGalNamu: i believe memtest is available at your boot screen | 08:44 |
marck | hi | 08:44 |
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marck | hi | 08:45 |
B|4ckm0r3 | nalioth: please help me!i've this sound issue and i'm going crazy! | 08:45 |
DukGalNamu | nalioth: in either case, my computer doesn't sound all to well | 08:45 |
nalioth | marck: did you have an ubuntu question? | 08:45 |
RANGEL | NO? WER U? | 08:45 |
Slaj_R | Hallelujiah! By golly, ndiswrapper is working. I just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the help. | 08:45 |
DukGalNamu | nalioth: is it possible that the hard drive has suffered a fatal error or the CPU over heated? | 08:45 |
Slaj_R | Now if I could just get my "mute" button working... | 08:45 |
RANGEL | NALIOTH | 08:46 |
nalioth | DukGalNamu: i'd go memory checking first, then check your internal cooling situation | 08:46 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: what sort? | 08:46 |
nalioth | RANGEL: may i help you? | 08:46 |
DukGalNamu | nalioth: i know it runs hot, my cpu tends to go over 60 C | 08:46 |
nalioth | DukGalNamu: heat kills | 08:46 |
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Trashcan | DukGalNamu: most likely is either memory, overheating, or drivers | 08:46 |
RANGEL | yes | 08:46 |
kYotiK | how do i schedule a job an app to run every so many minutes? i gdipc to run every minute so that my dynamic DNS stays fresh on my server.. does anyone know what i need to do? | 08:46 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: it's strange but alsa stopped to work correctly!so i can't use my spdif (but analogic output works) | 08:46 |
DukGalNamu | Trashcan: drivers or drives? | 08:46 |
nalioth | kYotiK: open a term and type "man cron" | 08:47 |
Trashcan | drivers | 08:47 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: cat /proc/asound/modules | 08:47 |
DukGalNamu | and if it was memory then wouldn' | 08:47 |
DukGalNamu | t | 08:47 |
kYotiK | nalioth: i have tried cron and it says something is locked | 08:47 |
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DukGalNamu | it have shown up earlier? | 08:47 |
nalioth | kYotiK: use sudo | 08:47 |
RANGEL | wer u know? | 08:47 |
Trashcan | my soundcard driver tends to cause a hard reboot from time to time (maybe once a year) on XP | 08:47 |
kYotiK | i did | 08:47 |
Trashcan | dunno if it works the same on linux, but I'm sure its possible | 08:47 |
DukGalNamu | Trashcan: this isn't XP | 08:47 |
nalioth | RANGEL: general chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:47 |
B|4ckm0r3 | 0 snd_via82xx | 08:48 |
B|4ckm0r3 | 1 snd_mpu401 | 08:48 |
DukGalNamu | Trashcan: and XP tends to cause a hard reboot from time to time regardless | 08:48 |
RANGEL | how can i find? | 08:48 |
nalioth | DukGalNamu: i'd check the memory and cooling situation first | 08:48 |
nalioth | RANGEL: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:48 |
nocturn | /part | 08:48 |
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nalioth | RANGEL: what language do you speak? | 08:48 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: 0 snd_via82xx 1 snd_mpu401 | 08:49 |
DukGalNamu | nalioth: yeah i suppose i will, but dang.... this sucks, i almost had it back up to 30 days uptime | 08:49 |
B|4ckm0r3 | that's all | 08:49 |
nalioth | DukGalNamu: i've given up on uptime til breezy gets out a month or two | 08:49 |
foXgamer | 19th November 1994. <sigh> | 08:49 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: paste amixer output onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:49 |
DukGalNamu | nalioth: all well, my gentoo system is more than stable enough, although the hardware is questionable :P | 08:50 |
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RANGEL | can u speak visayan? | 08:50 |
=== ZeZu sighs | ||
nalioth | RANGEL: no i can not | 08:50 |
ZeZu | i dont know why i waste so much time | 08:50 |
ZeZu | i always end up back on windows | 08:50 |
ZeZu | what is the point | 08:50 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: why? | 08:50 |
ZeZu | damn ati drivers never work | 08:51 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: had the same danged problem | 08:51 |
ZeZu | i've tried every setting i and many other people can think of | 08:51 |
ZeZu | and even editted sc | 08:51 |
ZeZu | rebuilt | 08:51 |
RANGEL | wer your residence? | 08:51 |
ZeZu | nothing helps | 08:51 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: best thing you can do is just stop buying from ATI till they offer better linux support | 08:51 |
ZeZu | sure, that doesnt help me now tho | 08:51 |
nalioth | RANGEL: please join #ubuntu-offtopic, and i'll be happy to talk with you there about my residence | 08:52 |
ZeZu | still leaves me having no 3d suport in linux | 08:52 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: you can get a cheap nvidia card for about 60 | 08:52 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2985 | 08:52 |
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ZeZu | but why do i want a cheap card in my system when i have a good card ? | 08:52 |
RANGEL | can i have ur cel no.? | 08:52 |
ZeZu | it makes no sense | 08:52 |
ZeZu | i play games and write a lot of opengl stuff | 08:52 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: it will outproform the ATI on linux | 08:52 |
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ZeZu | but not on windows, and i have doubts i will ever completely discard win | 08:53 |
Hendric | i mounted /dev/fd0 to a directory.. but how can i make it writable???? | 08:53 |
ZeZu | i need shaders | 08:53 |
Madpilot | ZeZu: which ATI card do you own? | 08:53 |
ZeZu | 9800 pro | 08:53 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: i have an mx400, and it is only half as fast as my 9800 pro | 08:53 |
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RANGEL | wat your language used? | 08:53 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: did you change any settings or dist-upgrade from Hoary to Breezy recently? | 08:53 |
ZeZu | half is half | 08:53 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: the mx4000 should be more than capable of blowing the 9800 pro out of the water | 08:53 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: the mx4000 is about 60 right now | 08:53 |
ZeZu | ? | 08:54 |
RANGEL | im from bohol. | 08:54 |
ZeZu | something about that didn't make sense | 08:54 |
RANGEL | u? | 08:54 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: pay attention to the 0's | 08:54 |
Madpilot | ZeZu: I've got a 9600XT, and it runs fine; the fglrx drivers should work for the 9800 as well | 08:54 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: yes i dist-upgraded when the release candidate was released and this problem came 1 week later more or less! | 08:54 |
nalioth | RANGEL: please join #ubuntu-offtopic. #ubuntu is for ubuntu help | 08:54 |
ZeZu | ah | 08:54 |
eben123 | yahoo.com | 08:54 |
ZeZu | Madpilot, they dont | 08:54 |
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ZeZu | or it could be an issue w/ my agp | 08:55 |
ZeZu | but my agp is fully supported | 08:55 |
ZeZu | so i dont know | 08:55 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: yeah it was hell getting my 9800 pro to work | 08:55 |
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ZeZu | but you did get it to work ? | 08:55 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: and when i did i only got 3k FPS | 08:55 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: somehow | 08:55 |
orko | whats the difference between a .deb and a .udeb? | 08:55 |
ZeZu | hmm | 08:55 |
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ZeZu | i have tried patching the source to the driver (and a few other things) | 08:55 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: not immediately after you dist-upgraded? | 08:55 |
ZeZu | you dont happen to remember what you did to get it working ? | 08:56 |
erick | need help. my machine doesn't support boot in cdrom I used boot on floppy and choose the first option that is with cdrom support but still I have no luck and get this error PCI READ CONFIGURATION FAILURE | 08:56 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: i'm not shure...!do you think it's related to breezy upgrade? | 08:56 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: now my mx400 ( four hundred) gets half of that, with half the memory less tahn a quater the price (now) and its older than snot | 08:56 |
Trashcan | DukGalNamu : the ati drivers don't run the 9800 pro off the bat? | 08:56 |
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DukGalNamu | Trashcan: nope | 08:57 |
Trashcan | weak | 08:57 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: yes | 08:57 |
erick | i will install ubuntu on my 486 machine | 08:57 |
Trashcan | guess running ubuntu on my pc wouldn't do much better than on this lappy | 08:57 |
RANGEL | can ihave your cel no.? | 08:57 |
ZeZu | yes on windows it will not have anywhere near the same performance tho | 08:57 |
Trashcan | can't find a single working driver that supports the rage mobility | 08:57 |
ZeZu | and the 9800 will probably beat the mx4k as well | 08:57 |
DukGalNamu | Trashcan: then i popped an old nvidia into a gentoo system and got the drivers working almost immediatly, plus X was working before that | 08:57 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: there's something to do? | 08:57 |
Trashcan | would be nice to at least have smooth window resizing :\ | 08:57 |
mcquaid | hello, i'm trying to set up the nvidia bin in my custom kern, i've done it many times without issue but now the nvidia driver is stating i'm trying to compile the driver with one different than the one the kernel was compiled with | 08:58 |
ZeZu | i'm not up to date on that stuff but mx are cheaper cards | 08:58 |
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crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: do this: in a Terminal, sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload && rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-via82xx | 08:58 |
ZeZu | use older gpus etc | 08:58 |
mcquaid | how do i set the cc environment variable? | 08:58 |
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crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: then unmute Master, PCM, and the two IEC958 elements | 08:58 |
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DukGalNamu | ZeZu: true, but the linux drivers are more effective than the windows ones | 08:58 |
Hendric | how d i mount a floppy drive which is writable... mount /dev/fdo /mnt/floppy mounts it readonly... pls help | 08:58 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: you'll need to adjust the volumes then. | 08:58 |
ZeZu | for nvidia cards | 08:58 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: let me know if that resolves the issue | 08:58 |
nalioth | mcquaid: export cc=/usr/bin/gcc-<version> | 08:58 |
mcquaid | ok thx | 08:59 |
nalioth | mcquaid: maybe the cc should be CC | 08:59 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: yes, ati are weak on both in my estimation, they got the hardware, but their drivers suck | 08:59 |
mcquaid | nalioth, before i do that how do i see what it's currently set to? | 08:59 |
ZeZu | indeed | 08:59 |
gefbals | anyone can help me with my Canon LBP-800? | 08:59 |
nalioth | mcquaid: type gcc --version | 08:59 |
mcquaid | when i do gcc --version i get 4.0 | 08:59 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: it tells me that i cant remove asound.state:permission denied (i sudoed) | 08:59 |
mcquaid | did it use that version to compile the kernel? | 08:59 |
Hendric | how d i mount a floppy drive which is writable... mount /dev/fdo /mnt/floppy mounts it readonly... pls help | 08:59 |
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ZeZu | anyways, i probably wont be getting a new gfx card for a while, so i guess i'll head back to wintendo... i've tried to fix this more than once on like three diff. distros | 09:00 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: did you sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state? | 09:00 |
ZeZu | i rather like ubuntu too | 09:00 |
dustigroove | mount -w /dev/fdo /mnt/floppy | 09:00 |
Madpilot | gefbals: is that a camera, a printer, or what? | 09:00 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: i put that old GPU into my older system and actually experienced a slow down (the nvidia card) but on my linux system, there is a definate marked proformance. | 09:00 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: yes i did it!now i've removed it | 09:00 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: and because of that i will only buy nvidia | 09:00 |
gefbals | Madpilot: a printer... | 09:01 |
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ZeZu | yea i'm sure my next card will be nv | 09:01 |
ZeZu | but that is then | 09:01 |
gefbals | Madpilot: i cant print .... | 09:01 |
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DukGalNamu | ZeZu: and of course i learn all of this AFTER getting a 250 dollar GPU | 09:01 |
ZeZu | this is now, no new gfx cards until i get a whole new pc | 09:01 |
mcquaid | i was getting this error before, and thought it would go away once i compiled the kernel | 09:01 |
Trashcan | same zezu | 09:01 |
mcquaid | assuming that they'd both use the new gcc | 09:01 |
Madpilot | !tell gefbals about printers | 09:01 |
ZeZu | if you dont use it then there is no real point | 09:01 |
duncanm | anyone using SCIM on breezy here? | 09:01 |
ZeZu | i use mine ;) | 09:01 |
gefbals | Hendric: just look this site http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-8039.html | 09:01 |
duncanm | it segfaults when i start scim-setup | 09:01 |
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Trashcan | having a 6800 or x800 is pretty silly considering i still use an AMD 2000+ | 09:02 |
ZeZu | anyways unless someone has some suggestions i'm going to bed | 09:02 |
aftertaf | mcquaid: it foes that a lot..... thats why if you can use a standard kernel and the nvidia drivers in the restricted modules package for the kernel it is easier. | 09:02 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: like i said, you get a cheaper nvidia card and it will outproform the windows version of the same card and some of the better ones | 09:02 |
aftertaf | mcquaid: the same binary that you get from nvidia website is in the retricted mods package for the kernel. | 09:02 |
duncanm | open("/home/duncan/.scim/chinese/pinyin_table", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) | 09:02 |
duncanm | read(13, "SCIM_Pinyin_Table_BINARY\nVERSION"..., 8191) = 8191 | 09:02 |
duncanm | --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) --- | 09:02 |
Madpilot | gefbals: check the msg ubotu sent you; those two URLs are very useful... | 09:02 |
duncanm | hmm | 09:02 |
DukGalNamu | ZeZu: but if thats the route you wanna go i understand, i will actually do the same thing | 09:02 |
ZeZu | yea i'm not going to replace a 9800 pro w/ something that doesn't have shaders hehe | 09:03 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: it doesn't work : | 09:03 |
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gefbals | Madpilot: k tnx... | 09:03 |
ZeZu | anyways cya, thx for the help guys | 09:03 |
Trashcan | later | 09:03 |
dustigroove | anyone aware of a script (or can whip one up) that will allow you to choose between "play" and "rip" when you insert a cd? | 09:03 |
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blackwhite | Hi, at work, some sites/pages on the internet are being blocked. How can i overcome this? | 09:04 |
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blackwhite | <I'm on windows XP by the way> | 09:04 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: are you using the correct output? (plug:spdif) ? | 09:04 |
crimsun | (or plug:iec958) | 09:04 |
DukGalNamu | blackwhite: tell you boss about it | 09:05 |
DukGalNamu | *your | 09:05 |
Trashcan | hehe | 09:05 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: where can i see? | 09:05 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: just test it with aplay and a wav file (read the man page) | 09:05 |
blackwhite | what's the solution to being auto-blocked to some sites/pages | 09:05 |
Trashcan | blackwhite: you can't unless you know what you're doing. they are probably being blocked for a reason | 09:05 |
dustigroove | blackwhite: google "web proxy"... try the-cloak.com | 09:06 |
blackwhite | Trashcan: i can't overcome it? I don't know wthat to do, but I'm willing to try. | 09:06 |
DukGalNamu | blackwhite: hack into your router and disable the parental controls :P | 09:06 |
Trashcan | seems like a weird question to ask in a linux channel considering you're on windows, too | 09:06 |
blackwhite | dustigroove: i tried the-cloak.com. I get the "This page is being blocked" message even when I use that website. | 09:06 |
Trashcan | blackwhite: what page are you trying to visit, exactly? | 09:06 |
blackwhite | Trashcan: some pages on google for instance. | 09:07 |
tristanmike | blackwhite, don't risk getting fired over a website | 09:07 |
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Trashcan | no kidding. | 09:07 |
cafuego_ | duncanm: sloppy coding | 09:07 |
blackwhite | tristanmike: i think that the blocking is not specific to some websites. I think they are using some software to just block stuff generally. | 09:07 |
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duncanm | cafuego_: oh? | 09:08 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 09:08 |
duncanm | cafuego_: it used to work okay in hoary | 09:08 |
duncanm | cafuego_: and i think the version in breezy is quite old | 09:08 |
da_bon_bon | crimsun: the "stupid java" problem was easily solved by man update-alternatives :) | 09:08 |
tristanmike | blackwhite, then perhaps you should bring it up with management if it's valid | 09:08 |
Trashcan | aye | 09:08 |
crimsun | da_bon_bon: excellent. | 09:08 |
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blackwhite | i want to try to solve it on my own first | 09:09 |
cafuego_ | duncanm: it's failing to open "pinyin_table" (the fd returned is -1) and then somehow reads from fd #13. | 09:09 |
da_bon_bon | why is ubuntu trying to use an open java stack ? | 09:09 |
talios | evening crabstic | 09:09 |
talios | er crimsun | 09:09 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: aplay -D iec958 this worked!we're near the solution ^__^ | 09:09 |
Trashcan | blackwhite: then hack the box your work line proxies through and shut down the parental controls | 09:09 |
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=== talios curses that which is gcj | ||
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blackwhite | Trashcan: is there no way to just replace the proxy info? | 09:10 |
tristanmike | blackwhite, I work in management and my advice would be to let them know before you go messing with their computers. Otherwise this sounds like something for #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:10 |
Trashcan | the router you are connected to would be connecting through the proxy, so no | 09:10 |
Madpilot | gefbals: not good news, but here: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-LBP-800 | 09:11 |
Trashcan | and yes- this is an offtopic issue | 09:11 |
Hendric | damn floppy.. only allows root to right... | 09:11 |
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LePoulpe303 | hi all | 09:12 |
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gefbals | Madpilot: yah... | 09:12 |
mojo | QUESTION: hi i got a weird problem... my DEL key stopped doing anything. It shows in xev okay, other kbds make no diff, but X does not seem to respond to it (X.Org). any ideas? | 09:13 |
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mojo | ALSO: The DEL on Num-pad works fine (when numlock off, of course ;-) | 09:13 |
Hendric | how can i make this floppy drive writable by users. not root only?? | 09:13 |
mojo | Hendric: maybe permissions on the device file in /dev ? just guessing | 09:14 |
gefbals | Madpilot: i already try this but it doesnt work with XP thing....my active directory service for windows 2000 is damage .... | 09:14 |
LePoulpe303 | i have a lot of refresh problem using builtin vnc clone .... anyone knows how to fix that ? | 09:14 |
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Hendric | leme try | 09:14 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: how can i force ubuntu to use iec958 output? | 09:14 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: by default? | 09:14 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: yes | 09:15 |
da_bon_bon | anyone update from hoary to breezy found that "About Ubuntu" is system menu wont work anymore ? | 09:15 |
crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: in System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector> Default Audio Sink, choose customsink, then in the box below that type: alsasink device=iec958 | 09:15 |
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da_bon_bon | or is it "my problem" only ? | 09:15 |
tristanmike | da_bon_bon, see if yelp is installed? | 09:16 |
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da_bon_bon | tristanmike: actually, the error is about wrong url | 09:16 |
da_bon_bon | Te Uniform Resource Identifier ghelp:about-ubuntu is invalid or does not point to an actual file. | 09:16 |
da_bon_bon | *The | 09:16 |
orko | i have a haory cd installer mounted as a loop. i've replace a udeb package and now i need to rebuil tthe iso and burn a cd. anyone know what options i need for mkisofs and cdrecord so it actually boots? | 09:16 |
tristanmike | da_bon_bon, I use Hoary, and that became an issue, yelp solved it if I remember correctly, sorry | 09:17 |
da_bon_bon | orko: why are you trying to install hoary ? wait for breezy. | 09:17 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: it doesnt work for me either | 09:17 |
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da_bon_bon | nalioth: yay! i aint alone /:) | 09:17 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: i expect it will be fixed within 4 days | 09:17 |
da_bon_bon | nalioth: and in the ubuntu faq guide, none of the "exmaple XX.conf" works, right ? | 09:18 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: i've done it (and test works) but gnome still doesn't use it!Should i reboot alsa driver (or pc?) | 09:18 |
da_bon_bon | nalioth: you mean two days | 09:18 |
orko | da_bon_bon: no choice, breezy crashes on boot and I had to replace the aacraid driver | 09:18 |
da_bon_bon | oh ok, orko | 09:18 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: i have no clue, i haven't used it | 09:18 |
orko | im all set - i just need to mkisofs the installer cd tree, then cdrecord the image. I did it once but the cd wasn't bootable.. | 09:18 |
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crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: you'll probably need to uncheck the Enable Sound Server Startup in System> Preferences> Sound | 09:18 |
da_bon_bon | orko: i think cdrecord has option, if you provide the boot image. | 09:19 |
da_bon_bon | orko: to get the boot image, use "barts boot image extractor" | 09:19 |
bam_ | does anyone know how I can change the prompt in console | 09:19 |
blackwhite | guys, oh, i just had to update the proxy info from the work's default web browser (IE) to mine (Fx). Thanks everybody!!! | 09:19 |
blackwhite | I love ubuntu. | 09:19 |
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blackwhite | looking forward to breezy in 2 days. | 09:20 |
logikal_ | guys | 09:20 |
logikal_ | How do i create a new folder? | 09:20 |
vengeful | mkdir foldername | 09:20 |
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Trashcan | mkdir | 09:20 |
blackwhite | What time exactly does breezy become officially released ? | 09:20 |
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jipi | hi folks, anyway we can get eclipse into amd64 these two days? | 09:20 |
nalioth | logikal_: right click | 09:20 |
erick | logicak where do you wnat to create folders | 09:20 |
da_bon_bon | blackwhite: /topic :) 13th oct | 09:20 |
blackwhite | What time on the 14th? | 09:20 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: i've unchecked it!now should i reboot? | 09:20 |
blackwhite | da_bon_bon: I know that. I asked for the time. | 09:20 |
logikal_ | I want to create a folder in | 09:20 |
Madpilot | blackwhite: when it's finished on the 13th, I think | 09:21 |
logikal_ | /usr/local/share/mplayer/ | 09:21 |
logikal_ | I want to create a folder called skin | 09:21 |
bam_ | mkdir | 09:21 |
blackwhite | Madpilot: how do i know when EXACTLY i can start the upgrade process? | 09:21 |
Trashcan | sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin | 09:21 |
tristanmike | bam_, this may be what you're looking for http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31247 | 09:21 |
vengeful | sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin | 09:21 |
da_bon_bon | blackwhite: blackwhite What time on the 14th? | 09:21 |
Madpilot | logikal_: sudo mkdir | 09:21 |
vengeful | hehe | 09:21 |
aftertaf | blackwhite: it will never be 10000% free of bugs anyway..... | 09:21 |
erick | try this mkdir /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin | 09:21 |
logikal_ | Thank you all 932 of you that helped me | 09:22 |
logikal_ | lol | 09:22 |
vengeful | ;-) | 09:22 |
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crimsun | B|4ckm0r3: just log out of and back into GNOME | 09:22 |
Madpilot | logikal_: easy questions are like raw meat to sharks, you attract a crowd... ;) | 09:22 |
=== vengeful a big shark | ||
logikal_ | LOl | 09:23 |
aftertaf | lolm | 09:23 |
logikal_ | Want a non-easy one? | 09:23 |
foXgamer | Anyone know if openoffice Math program actually solves problems or is it just to make the forumlae look nice? | 09:23 |
vengeful | and its rare i can answer a question | 09:23 |
nalioth | vengeful: that will change | 09:23 |
B|4ckm0r3 | ok tnx | 09:23 |
vengeful | sure will...pick up loads of useful info here | 09:23 |
logikal_ | Ok | 09:24 |
logikal_ | here's another one | 09:24 |
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logikal_ | when i try to extract the file | 09:25 |
logikal_ | it says I dont have permission | 09:25 |
vengeful | sudo again | 09:25 |
vengeful | maybe | 09:26 |
logikal_ | how can i extract it in the terminal with sudo? | 09:26 |
logikal_ | Yeah but im doing it by right clicking, extract to | 09:26 |
logikal_ | how do i extract in terminal? | 09:26 |
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nalioth | logikal_: you cant extract into system folders | 09:26 |
logikal_ | well I need to lol. | 09:26 |
da_bon_bon | how do i change the "schema" of gnome terminal ? i am used to konsole | 09:26 |
nalioth | logikal_: the system is protecting itself | 09:27 |
logikal_ | Unpack the archive and put the contents in /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/ or | 09:27 |
logikal_ | ~/.mplayer/Skin/. MPlayer will use the skin in the subdirectory named default | 09:27 |
logikal_ | of /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/ or ~/.mplayer/Skin/ unless told otherwise via | 09:27 |
logikal_ | the '-skin' switch. You should therefore rename your skin subdirectory or make | 09:27 |
logikal_ | a suitable symbolic link. | 09:27 |
Belutz | i got this error: unable to lookup <machinename> via gethostbyname(), what should i do? | 09:27 |
logikal_ | sorry! | 09:27 |
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foXgamer | logikal_: If you don't have permission, type sudo -s You will then be asked for your password and then you will have permission | 09:27 |
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logikal_ | sorry about that, I thought it would be one line. | 09:27 |
foXgamer | logikal_: If you don't have permission, type sudo -s You will then be asked for your password and then you will have permission | 09:27 |
nalioth | logikal_: the 'mv' or 'cp' command is your friend | 09:27 |
aftertaf | Belutz: have you changed your PC's name? | 09:29 |
aftertaf | or Belutz habe you changed hosts file? | 09:29 |
Belutz | aftertaf, no | 09:29 |
Belutz | aftertaf, yes i change the hosts file | 09:29 |
vengeful | nalioth, any idea with this? http://pastebin.com/389883 trying to help a friend with debian problems | 09:29 |
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nalioth | vengeful: what are y'all tryin to do? | 09:30 |
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logikal_ | foXgamer, | 09:30 |
vengeful | naolith it happened during the night..after that error in log the system is unwriteable | 09:30 |
logikal_ | How do i extract in the terminal? I dont know how.. | 09:31 |
B|4ckm0r3 | crimsun: it wasn't the "enable sound server at startup"!i've muted the iec958 playback ac97-spsa and now it works perfectly!! | 09:31 |
nalioth | vengeful: is the system still up? | 09:31 |
vengeful | yes | 09:31 |
vengeful | just cant write to it | 09:31 |
Blejdfist | hardware problem | 09:31 |
Blejdfist | i have that too | 09:31 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foXgamer | what is the extension of the file you are trying to install logikal? | 09:31 |
vengeful | yeh i thought hdd on last legs | 09:31 |
tristanmike | logikal_, do you mean like a .bz2? | 09:31 |
logikal_ | Yep.. | 09:31 |
aftertaf | Belutz: there you go..... your change is wrong | 09:31 |
Blejdfist | i have a cronjob that activate DMA :) | 09:31 |
logikal_ | one secon | 09:31 |
logikal_ | d | 09:31 |
Blejdfist | hdparm -d1 /dev/??? | 09:31 |
aftertaf | Belutz: change it back...... what did you change/remove? | 09:31 |
logikal_ | tar:/home/logikal/standard-1.9.tar.bz2/ | 09:32 |
brownie17 | who knows anything about gnutella? do limewire and Amule use the same network? if so, then why does aMule turn up about 50000000000 times more sources and results? | 09:32 |
vengeful | hdparm -d1 /dev/??? , so i should try that? | 09:32 |
Blejdfist | you should make a backup and replace the disk | 09:32 |
Belutz | aftertaf, i just add another ip and name into a new line, i'll try to delete it | 09:32 |
Blejdfist | vengeful: replace ??? with the actual device | 09:32 |
vengeful | eh yeh got that bit :-O | 09:32 |
Blejdfist | it will activate DMA again | 09:32 |
vengeful | hehe | 09:32 |
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tristanmike | logikal_, tar xvjf standard-1.9.tar.bz2 | 09:32 |
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nalioth | vengeful: if you can't write to the HD, the system will fail shortly | 09:32 |
logikal_ | hunh? | 09:32 |
foXgamer | then you will need <tar -xjvf standard-1.0.tar.bz2> (without the <>). You need to be in the right dir, but that should work | 09:33 |
tristanmike | logikal_, the "tar" is the decompressor | 09:33 |
Belutz | aftertaf, still get the same error | 09:33 |
logikal_ | oh | 09:33 |
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logikal_ | roger that! | 09:33 |
logikal_ | ok | 09:33 |
tristanmike | logikal_, the "j" is for .bz2 | 09:33 |
logikal_ | all that did was show me a list of the contents | 09:33 |
brownie17 | aftertaf, why does aMule turn up heaps more results than limewire? | 09:34 |
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tristanmike | logikal_, the "v" was for verbose, to tell you what it extracted | 09:34 |
nalioth | brownie17: limewire sucks? | 09:35 |
tristanmike | logikal_, "man tar" for more info, but it should be extracted | 09:35 |
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foXgamer | logikal_: Try using the letters zxvf instead | 09:35 |
dougsko | brownie17: cause its all crap, torrents are they only way to go now if want anything reliable | 09:35 |
logikal_ | where did it extract to | 09:35 |
tristanmike | logikal_, working directory | 09:35 |
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logikal_ | ? | 09:36 |
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tristanmike | logikal_, if it didn't do it, try what foXgamer said | 09:36 |
brownie17 | nalioth, unfortunately for me i cannot open ports, so limewire is the only one i can use, because it is the only one with firewall detection i have found. do you know any others? | 09:36 |
aftertaf | nalioth: could be that yeah :) | 09:36 |
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dougsko | brownie17: u dont need to open ports to us torrents | 09:36 |
dougsko | *use | 09:36 |
nalioth | brownie17: find the port limewire uses and use another client on that port | 09:36 |
brownie17 | dougsko, you sure? i once tried to use bittorrent with windows and it didn't work. | 09:37 |
fek | morning | 09:37 |
foXgamer | morning fek | 09:37 |
logikal_ | tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 09:37 |
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brownie17 | nalioth, you think that will work? ok | 09:37 |
logikal_ | Gave me error msg when using the letters zxvf | 09:37 |
dougsko | brownie17: yeah, its just like anything else, it works better if people can connect to u, but if not, it still works | 09:37 |
nalioth | logikal_: xvzf | 09:37 |
aftertaf | logikal_: try xvjf | 09:37 |
nalioth | logikal_: the order is important | 09:37 |
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aftertaf | oh ok... yeah. | 09:38 |
dougsko | get azareus, its java, so its a little slow to load, but it can accept rss feeds which is sweet | 09:38 |
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brownie17 | nalioth, dougsko, do you guys know any torrent clients that use uPnP? | 09:38 |
nalioth | brownie17: idk what uPnP is | 09:39 |
logikal_ | still the same error when using xvzf | 09:39 |
dougsko | i think they all do ( at least can) | 09:39 |
nalioth | logikal_: see aftertaf's suggestion | 09:39 |
foXgamer | logikal_: Try here -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=259143 which explains how to unpack tar's. That should help | 09:39 |
tristanmike | logikal_, you are in the directory where the file is, right? | 09:39 |
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brownie17 | nalioth, it stands for universal plug and play. | 09:39 |
nalioth | brownie17: i dont use windows | 09:39 |
logikal_ | tar: standard/exit.png: Cannot open: File exists | 09:40 |
logikal_ | it said that for all of them | 09:40 |
tristanmike | logikal_, "ls" | 09:40 |
brownie17 | nalioth, it is not a windows thing, it is a router thing | 09:40 |
nalioth | brownie17: then i really dont know | 09:40 |
tristanmike | logikal_, you should have a folder of the same name as the compressed file | 09:40 |
brownie17 | nalioth, ok, thanks | 09:40 |
dougsko | brownie17: just try azareus, or maybe bittornado, or bitcomet, it really doesnt matter, once you get away from emule and Co., you'll never go back | 09:40 |
=== intelikey [n=greg@0-1pool89-31.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
logikal_ | yes mike | 09:41 |
logikal_ | I've extracted it | 09:41 |
tristanmike | it worked the first time | 09:41 |
logikal_ | I need to get it in /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin | 09:41 |
logikal_ | which the problem is | 09:41 |
brownie17 | dougsko, is there a .deb package for azareus? is it supposed to be in the repos? | 09:42 |
logikal_ | I know how to extract | 09:42 |
=== Jaivaz [n=Jaivaz@ppp-70-249-46-212.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | brownie17: i dont know, hold on | 09:42 |
tristanmike | logikal_, perhaps you should move it to the mplayer skin folder in your home directory | 09:42 |
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brownie17 | dougsko, know any good torrent sites? | 09:42 |
dougsko | yes! | 09:42 |
Calav3ra | heyhey | 09:42 |
El_Che | brownie17: it's just an java app, you can download it upstream and will work after untarring the package (no install needed) | 09:42 |
brownie17 | El_Che, ok | 09:42 |
logikal_ | there is no mplayer folder in my home directory? | 09:43 |
dougsko | torrentspy.com and torrentreactor.net are probly the only 2 sites youll ever need | 09:43 |
vengeful | hehe machine cant even reboot | 09:43 |
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Calav3ra | i have problems with starting ubuntu 5.04 from a external firewire device.... | 09:43 |
N6REJ | go | 09:43 |
brownie17 | dougsko, it is supposed to be in the repos then? | 09:43 |
foXgamer | logikal_: In the menu for the file browser, make sure you have show hidden files selected. It will begin with a period (.) | 09:43 |
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tristanmike | logikal_, it may be hidden, "ls -a" | 09:43 |
dougsko | just google it | 09:43 |
brownie17 | nalioth, i am getting an error when opening synaptic | 09:43 |
N6REJ | g'morning everyone | 09:43 |
brownie17 | nalioth, #flood? | 09:43 |
dougsko | you cant miss... | 09:43 |
logikal_ | Oh wait | 09:43 |
logikal_ | there is | 09:43 |
logikal_ | nevermind | 09:44 |
tristanmike | logikal_, hidden files are designated with a "./" | 09:44 |
=== Sherman [n=Sherman@bus-210-211-100-026.sa.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | i can't believe i actually installed ub again. "is there a phyc**...in the house?" </troll> | 09:44 |
Sherman | 2 days :D | 09:44 |
Jaivaz | I just rebooted after the upgrade to Breezy and I have a problem with my moniter. The screen loads completely except that it's at least one inch to the left.. so the far right is literally completely black. | 09:44 |
foXgamer | yeah. took me ages to realise that when I started using linux! hehe | 09:44 |
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Calav3ra | can anyone help a little bit? it seems that my harddisk isnt recognized at bootup | 09:44 |
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aftertaf | brownie17: running as root? have a 2nd apt process running? borked your repos? | 09:44 |
foXgamer | Jaivaz: It sounds like you need to change the settings on the monitor rather than on the system. HAve you tried? | 09:44 |
logikal_ | ok | 09:45 |
logikal_ | but when i run | 09:45 |
Sherman | its most likely a different refresh rate | 09:45 |
logikal_ | gmplayer | 09:45 |
intelikey | Calav3ra what error ? | 09:45 |
dougsko | Jaivaz: is yr refresh rate correct? | 09:45 |
logikal_ | it doesn't work.. | 09:45 |
Calav3ra | two: grub error 21 | 09:45 |
brownie17 | aftertaf, i pasted the erro in root, no other ones running, running as root, "borked"? | 09:45 |
Calav3ra | every second time or more ....often, when i bootup | 09:45 |
Jaivaz | .. HAhahaha | 09:45 |
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aftertaf | borked is a polite way of saying f***ed | 09:46 |
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Calav3ra | installation works fine on my samsung x20 ... i read that it should work very good | 09:46 |
Jaivaz | Yes, all I needed to do was an auto-adjustment on my moniter | 09:46 |
dougsko | Jaivaz: did u fix it? | 09:46 |
tristanmike | logikal_, what doesn't work, the skins? | 09:46 |
Jaivaz | Yes. | 09:46 |
N6REJ | I have a question about setting up postfix. In the wiki it mentions how to : "The How-to is a step by step process in which teaches the user here to pull together a smtp-auth to the users server. All applications and dependencies have been recommended in order to go forth with this process." My question is, is this the best way to setup postfix to help keep it from being hijacked,... | 09:46 |
dougsko | excelent | 09:46 |
N6REJ | ...spam'd, etc. &/Or is this already done when you first install postfix. My server is nat'd so I'm not sure what I should do. | 09:46 |
foXgamer | logikal_: Have you moved the skins to the appropriate directory? You may need to reboot to enable it to pick them up | 09:46 |
logikal_ | The GUI mplayer all together | 09:46 |
logikal_ | well look here | 09:46 |
logikal_ | http://pastebin.com/389891 | 09:46 |
logikal_ | that's the instructions | 09:46 |
foXgamer | Jaivaz: I has the same problem yesterday! | 09:46 |
logikal_ | All we did was put the skins in /home/logikal/mplayer***/skin/ | 09:47 |
tristanmike | logikal_, then skins are pretty pointless at this stage, :P | 09:47 |
logikal_ | well it says | 09:47 |
dougsko | man, you guys aren't on the east coast, are you? | 09:47 |
N6REJ | as it stands right now I can send mail fro the server but not recieve it. | 09:47 |
tristanmike | I am | 09:47 |
logikal_ | I just need to get GUI mplayer working.. | 09:47 |
Sherman | mplayer ubuntu howto: http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/tfiles/hack/ubuntu.txt | 09:47 |
Sherman | works everytime for me | 09:48 |
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foXgamer | I'm on the west coast! | 09:48 |
dougsko | hard core dude, im gonna be so fucked for class tomarrow, but damn im so sick of that shit | 09:48 |
tristanmike | logikal_, ok, you did what it says | 09:48 |
kemik | Sherman: mplayer is available thru apt | 09:48 |
Sherman | I know kemik | 09:48 |
logikal_ | Thank you sherman. | 09:48 |
dougsko | im ready to just burn the whole f'er down | 09:49 |
foXgamer | dougsko: That's the west coast of the uk :D | 09:49 |
intelikey | Calav3ra google does turn up a blank on that error doesn't it..... | 09:49 |
dougsko | lol | 09:49 |
=== ptlo [n=senko@83-131-30-205.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaivaz | That's odd. My XMMS script for Xchat now comes up with " " instead of the information | 09:49 |
nalioth | gentlemen, please watch your language | 09:49 |
N6REJ | aftertaf: you awake? | 09:49 |
ormandj | i'm impressed, breezy has turned into a pretty good release so far | 09:49 |
Calav3ra | lol, i foind info, wait a sec | 09:49 |
brownie17 | cya everyone | 09:49 |
ormandj | very few lil niggly bugs left | 09:49 |
Sherman | but this howto installs gcc etc, mplayer, gmplayer, and thew codecs and xmms and a few internet radio stations | 09:49 |
dougsko | sorry, but i figured it's 3:49am, and there's no kids or women for that matter here | 09:50 |
kemik | Sherman: apt-get install build-essential | 09:50 |
Madpilot | Sherman: why do you need all those players? all you need is one or two that work for you... | 09:50 |
N6REJ | nalioth: morning | 09:50 |
nalioth | N6REJ: howdy | 09:50 |
Madpilot | dougsko: it's not 0350 everywhere, remember... | 09:50 |
nalioth | dougsko: this is a world wide channel | 09:50 |
Sherman | lol kemik, I know | 09:50 |
N6REJ | dougsko: no, but some of us don't particularly like that kind of behavior | 09:50 |
intelikey | yes ? | 09:50 |
tristanmike | dougsko, assuming your in North America, it's the middle of the afternoon on the other side of the world | 09:50 |
Sherman | and kemik, it just works :P | 09:50 |
dougsko | im sorry i said, im sorry | 09:51 |
foXgamer | Jaivaz: I think you may have to re-write your script. I don't know much about scripts (enough to put on the back of a postage stamp with room left) but I have the same problems with funny characters in xchat | 09:51 |
tristanmike | dougsko, :P | 09:51 |
N6REJ | nalioth: you familiar with setting postfix up? | 09:51 |
Sherman | Madpilot, Im just installing mplayer with the gui and xmms | 09:51 |
nalioth | N6REJ: never heard of it | 09:51 |
kemik | Sherman: i know that stuff works, but it's really not neccessary to compile mplayer by yourself ;) | 09:51 |
intelikey | 8-{ | 09:51 |
N6REJ | nalioth: Am I the only guy using ubuntu for a server :P | 09:51 |
nalioth | N6REJ: dunno | 09:51 |
aftertaf | n6mod: lol yeah, i am :) | 09:51 |
vengeful | could be some other crazy people about hehe | 09:51 |
crimsun | N6REJ: of course not. Ubuntu's Web servers run...(guess what?) | 09:52 |
nalioth | vengeful: did you get that box sorted? | 09:52 |
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marck | hi | 09:52 |
N6REJ | aftertaf: morning.... I need some help getting postfix running properly | 09:52 |
vengeful | i think my friend is crying atm | 09:52 |
N6REJ | crimsun: well, thats a good assumption | 09:52 |
intelikey | Calav3ra no i got 20 sorry. | 09:52 |
ormandj | N6REJ, i've got a 2800 server cluster i'm building using ubuntu | 09:52 |
vengeful | so when i get news il let you know hehe | 09:52 |
ormandj | does that count? | 09:52 |
crimsun | N6REJ: not precisely an assumption, heh. | 09:53 |
Sherman | kemik, I learnt how to compile software by doing it. That mplayer howto was the first time that everything worked from the word go. I know mplayer and the build essentials can be installed via mplayer, but how does one learn his way around a linux distro when its as easy as that. I *do* use apt all the time, but for mplayer, I compile it... Ive had more luck with that way anyway | 09:53 |
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Sherman | I see your point tho kemik | 09:53 |
ormandj | and hi crimsun :) | 09:53 |
dougsko | however, i do purpose a toast. anyone who is of legal age, get yourself a drink, and lets have a worldwide drink together in honor of this fine OS. what do you guys say? | 09:53 |
N6REJ | ormandj: well, I'm having problems getting postfix running properly. | 09:53 |
aftertaf | N6REJ: never setup a linux server yet, unfortunately..... | 09:53 |
ormandj | N6REJ, what problem? | 09:53 |
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ormandj | dougsko, i'm all for that | 09:53 |
Sherman | bah EECore | 09:53 |
N6REJ | ormandj: it will send mail via the mail command to my mailbox ON the server. And will recieve mails from the server.... And from the world. But I can't pull my mail OFF the server. | 09:54 |
dougsko | cool, ill be back in a sec, gotta pour... | 09:54 |
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=== foXgamer gets pint of vodka | ||
ormandj | N6REJ, that's because postfix doesn't do that | 09:54 |
foXgamer | bottoms up all! | 09:54 |
ormandj | N6REJ, install courier imap/pop3 | 09:54 |
ormandj | foXgamer, cheers, vodka here too | 09:54 |
vengeful | abit early for me atm | 09:54 |
vengeful | i have a hot chocolate tho | 09:54 |
foXgamer | bit early here too vengeful - not even 9am yet! | 09:55 |
foXgamer | lol | 09:55 |
N6REJ | ormandj: apt-get install courier imap/pop3? | 09:55 |
ormandj | N6REJ, no, find out the package names, and install them | 09:55 |
Sherman | ... | 09:55 |
dougsko | haha thats ok, its the thought that counts | 09:55 |
ormandj | there are a few, for imap, pop3, etc | 09:55 |
Calav3ra | ianyone having a samsung x20 in here??? | 09:55 |
ormandj | here, let me find you a howto :) | 09:55 |
N6REJ | ormandj: recommendations? | 09:55 |
dougsko | i just hope im not the only one with a real shot of whiskey in front of him | 09:55 |
foXgamer | I should be doing mathematical theories but I can't be bothered | 09:55 |
ormandj | http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-sarge/ <-- ignore all the mysql stuff, etc | 09:56 |
Sherman | Calav3ra, I am 'having' a KFC meal here!!! | 09:56 |
ormandj | but it shows the packages | 09:56 |
ormandj | recommendation is use google.com :P | 09:56 |
N6REJ | Sherman: SUSH! I went to bed without supper yesterday cause I had been up for 2 days | 09:56 |
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ormandj | (Same as i did) | 09:56 |
nalioth | dougsko: sorry, ive got a bottle in front of me | 09:56 |
N6REJ | ormandj: cc | 09:56 |
Sherman | :/ damn! | 09:56 |
dougsko | haha nice | 09:56 |
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ormandj | ill brb, grabbing vodka, wine, and some smokes | 09:56 |
dougsko | nice | 09:56 |
Sherman | nice combo | 09:57 |
ormandj | make that cigar | 09:57 |
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ormandj | :P | 09:57 |
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N6REJ | ormandj: dumb questions... is it recommended to set postfix up for smtp-auth & TLS? | 09:57 |
Sherman | god I cannot wait 2 days | 09:57 |
ormandj | yes N6REJ, most def. but you don't need a mysql backend for authentication | 09:57 |
ormandj | you'll want to use the local user accounts most likely | 09:57 |
ormandj | virtual delivery is a bit out of the league of a single server | 09:57 |
ormandj | unless you need to host multiple domains | 09:57 |
ormandj | in which case, go for it | 09:58 |
ormandj | anyways let me brb :P | 09:58 |
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N6REJ | ormandj: k | 09:58 |
cafuego_ | N6REJ: If that's what you want, yes it's recommended. | 09:58 |
foXgamer | so if I already have breezy and been updating every day, should I still get the stable version when it's out in 2 days? | 09:58 |
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Sherman | ormandj!! ormandj !!! BAH! | 09:58 |
cafuego_ | foXgamer: No, just run a dist-upgrade in 2 days and you'll be right. | 09:58 |
dougsko | foXgamer: itll be the exact same thing if u just keep updated | 09:58 |
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foXgamer | cool. thanks guys. My phone company thinks I'm an international company with all the downloading I've done over the past few months! | 09:59 |
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aftertaf | lol foXgamer | 09:59 |
N6REJ | cafuego_: I'm not sure what I want. I DON"T want to be hijacked, spammed, I am nat'd but still..... I'm used to Engarde which is secure as heck! I do plan to install tripwire, but.................. | 09:59 |
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dougsko | N6REJ: dude, just limit the services u have open to the net. no ftp and the likes | 10:00 |
=== foXgamer 's failed attempt at doing some theory work -> =( | ||
airxdres | hi to all | 10:00 |
logikal_ | Error: X11 support required for GUI compilation | 10:00 |
logikal_ | :( | 10:00 |
foXgamer | hey airxdres | 10:00 |
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Sherman | foXgamer, lol | 10:01 |
dougsko | people cant exploit whats not there | 10:01 |
logikal_ | I hate mplayer! I hate linux! :(:(:( | 10:01 |
Sherman | logikal_, ouch | 10:01 |
nalioth | logikal_: install xlibs-dev and xlibs-static-dev | 10:01 |
aleitner | anybody else sees a "Reloading postfix configuration failed" message during boot up after a hoary->breezy upgrade ? | 10:01 |
aftertaf | logikal_: and take 5......;) | 10:01 |
=== dockane [n=dockane@p5084E534.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dockane | hi all | 10:01 |
N6REJ | cafuego_: I'm setting up a server that will have 3 main functions.... 1) personal server serving sites for each kid, 1 e-store site, 1) intranet site for building/testing web apps the daily usage like calendars and such. | 10:01 |
foXgamer | logikal_: Are you using gnome? What do you want the player for? | 10:01 |
Sherman | you *are* doing exactly what that howto is telling you to do? | 10:01 |
airxdres | they organized UbuntuParty for the liberation of breezy ? | 10:01 |
logikal_ | KDE | 10:02 |
Sherman | oh | 10:02 |
logikal_ | Becuase totem is a total pos | 10:02 |
airxdres | hi foXgamer | 10:02 |
logikal_ | yes | 10:02 |
logikal_ | I am doing EXACTLY | 10:02 |
nalioth | foXgamer: imho, mplayer could use a good recompile | 10:02 |
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logikal_ | except for the essential package is newer im using. | 10:02 |
airxdres | Becuase totem is a total pos <- jaja se te salio el espaol | 10:02 |
airxdres | xD | 10:02 |
cafuego_ | N6REJ: If you're feeling adventurous, try ZCS | 10:02 |
foXgamer | you're right nalioth. It's on my system collecting dust. | 10:02 |
N6REJ | dougsko: I'm using sftp & mod_dav, though I haven't turned on the dav yet because I don't understand the full implications of it. | 10:02 |
foXgamer | hehe | 10:02 |
cafuego_ | N6REJ: it's not packaged up though. | 10:02 |
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dougsko | airxdres: newer isnt always better... | 10:02 |
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Jeromee | will ubuntu ever be releasing versions for sparcs? | 10:03 |
cafuego_ | Jeromee: doubtful. | 10:03 |
airxdres | dougsko, yeah ;) | 10:03 |
dougsko | N6REJ: thats cool, i only know that dav is pretty bad in winblows (i know 1st hand :) ) | 10:03 |
N6REJ | cafuego_: I'll read up on that, its in freshmeat | 10:03 |
Burgundavia | Jeromee, it already does, unofficiallly | 10:03 |
aleitner | anybody knows what is wrong if i see the message "reloading postfix configuratio failed" during bootup (besides the obvious :)? | 10:03 |
Burgundavia | Jeromee, ports.ubuntu.com | 10:03 |
Jeromee | hmm | 10:04 |
logikal_ | nalioth, I have those packages. | 10:04 |
Jeromee | is it supported? | 10:04 |
Meister | hi there... | 10:04 |
dougsko | i have no idea though about linux to be honest | 10:04 |
Burgundavia | Jeromee, not in terms of security | 10:04 |
airxdres | In Chile we will organize ubuntuparty day 13 | 10:04 |
cafuego_ | N6REJ: I run postfox+courier with mysql backend myself. But then, I host over 100 mail domains. | 10:04 |
=== Meister is now known as Meister_Lampe | ||
N6REJ | dougsko: what does that mean? I always used proftpd before and was told not to so...... | 10:04 |
cafuego_ | Jeromee: Would you want to use it as a desktop box? | 10:04 |
airxdres | much beer and conversation | 10:04 |
Jeromee | not likely | 10:04 |
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Jeromee | just as a toy server, its only 110mhz | 10:05 |
cafuego_ | Jeromee: if it's to be a server, just use Debian. | 10:05 |
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N6REJ | cafuego_: I don't PLAN on doing more but who the heck knows.... I've gotta generate SOME kind of extra income. | 10:05 |
Jeromee | I suppose | 10:05 |
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dougsko | N6REJ: go to bugtraq or maybe securityfocus and look it up. one search should tell you if its safe or not | 10:05 |
Jeromee | I was hoping to use ubuntu, it seems to be more properly supported, yanno? | 10:05 |
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Meister_Lampe | does anyone know, why the "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main" doesnt work anymore? | 10:05 |
cafuego_ | Jeromee: stable, tested, stable, stable... | 10:05 |
dockane | i am looking for a command line tool which scales images down: my choice is imagemagick. no i am looking for a way to convert tif images of different sizes (mostly scanned) down to jpgs but with -resize or -geometry. instead i would like to give a max value of filesize, i.e. 800 kb and let imagemick choose the right options . any idea ? | 10:05 |
foXgamer | aleitner: I don't know about postfix but I would scrutinise your startup files | 10:05 |
aftertaf | airxdres: nice :) | 10:05 |
cafuego_ | Jeromee: Did I mention stability yet? ;-) | 10:05 |
Sherman | Meister_Lampe, its because they have stopped those servers | 10:06 |
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aftertaf | Meister_Lampe: | 10:06 |
aftertaf | oops sorry ... | 10:06 |
Sherman | hehe | 10:06 |
dougsko | nothing it 100% safe, you can only be maybe 90% at the very best | 10:06 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 10:06 |
Meister_Lampe | thanks, but where can i get the w32codecs for example, instead? | 10:06 |
Jaivaz | Eep, Azureus is running very slowly | 10:06 |
aleitner | foXgamer: hmm, thanks for the hint. i don't think i am too good at that. besides. | 10:06 |
Jaivaz | Well, it's running ok but it's downloading slowly... very slowly. | 10:06 |
dougsko | so minimizing services open to the web is the single best thing you can do | 10:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Meister_Lampe about w32codecs | 10:06 |
N6REJ | dougsko: ok. I haven't even decided 100% on a html editor. I've got NetObjects Fusion 7.0, GoLive 6.0, & Frontpage 2003. | 10:06 |
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airxdres | somebody uses muine ? | 10:06 |
Sherman | Meister_Lampe, www.mplayerhq.hu | 10:07 |
da_bon_bon | it takes a LOT of time while i use apt to install anything -- it stops for a lot of time at "Reading database" any ideas ? | 10:07 |
Madpilot | airxdres: I do, yes | 10:07 |
da_bon_bon | Meister_Lampe: marillat | 10:07 |
omeg | Hey guys I'm pretty sure you've already seen this or millions of people have already pasted this link, but: http://cgi.ebay.ca/UBUNTU-Linux-Windows-Replacement-Super-Cool-OS_W0QQitemZ5812690227QQcategoryZ11227QQcmdZViewItem | 10:07 |
intelikey | what' muine ? | 10:07 |
N6REJ | dougsko: LOTS OF decisions right now.... I'm just taking it one little issue at a time so I don't get overwhelmed as I have bi-polar disorder. | 10:07 |
foXgamer | aleitner: hehe. That's my limits at the mo - keep nagging others. dougsko is quite knowledgable ;) | 10:07 |
Sherman | da_bon_bon, marillat dont work | 10:07 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: please dont recommend nerim or marillat | 10:07 |
Madpilot | intelikey: an album player, similar to Rythymbox | 10:07 |
da_bon_bon | why ? | 10:07 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell da_bon_bon about w32codecs | 10:07 |
da_bon_bon | i use the package from marillat | 10:07 |
Sherman | the servers aint up | 10:07 |
airxdres | Madpilot, it requests plug you know to me as it is ? | 10:07 |
intelikey | ah i use "play" | 10:07 |
aleitner | foXgamer: (; | 10:07 |
foXgamer | N6REJ: hey! I'm a sufferer too! | 10:07 |
dougsko | N6REJ: haha its cool. dont worry too much about what you design yr page with, id say just use whats most comfortable and easy for ya | 10:08 |
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aftertaf | hi onkarshinde :) | 10:08 |
Madpilot | airxdres: sorry, I didn't understand your question at all... | 10:08 |
aftertaf | hows things where you are man? onkarshinde | 10:08 |
onkarshinde | aftertaf: hi | 10:08 |
airxdres | ok | 10:08 |
da_bon_bon | but why doesnt marillat not work ? | 10:08 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: debian repositories will break ubuntu | 10:08 |
onkarshinde | aftertaf: I didn't know you were waiting for me so eagerly | 10:08 |
da_bon_bon | shit! | 10:08 |
N6REJ | foXgamer: so you understand... I had to just shutdown yesterday @ 1600. Couldn't hang anymore.... Plus I have oxygen deprevation so that don't help either.... I swear I've lost tons of brain cells.... I can't remember 1/10th of what I used to know. | 10:09 |
Sherman | da_bon_bon, they dont work... | 10:09 |
da_bon_bon | what am i to do now ? | 10:09 |
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N6REJ | foXgamer: all this stuff used to be easy for me. | 10:09 |
logikal_ | I hate everything :( | 10:09 |
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dougsko | so you guys ready to do a shot or what? | 10:09 |
aftertaf | hehe.... onkarshinde with what happened sort of in your neck of the woods....... | 10:09 |
Sherman | da_bon_bon, marillat seems to be down or the repos dont exist etc | 10:09 |
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da_bon_bon | Sherman, nalioth : but all videos and music is playing | 10:09 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: what are you doing? | 10:09 |
dougsko | lol, im gettin thirsty | 10:09 |
aftertaf | !beer | 10:09 |
ubotu | beer is, like, totally, Stop! Have a beer...... Mine's a John Smith's | 10:09 |
Sherman | da_bon_bon, well you got a package that worked, when the repos were up | 10:09 |
da_bon_bon | nalioth: i installed w32codecs from marilat. didnt add the repo, just installed the pacakge | 10:09 |
Sherman | but they arnt any more | 10:09 |
N6REJ | dougsko: NOPE, let me go get my can o pepsi!, I'll have a tiny bit of rum with it since I haven't taken my meds yet LOL | 10:09 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: then you rock | 10:09 |
Sherman | heh | 10:10 |
foXgamer | N6REJ: Yes, I do understand. I only got it recognised a few months ago, so I am still learning about it | 10:10 |
dougsko | ok dude, just let me know | 10:10 |
onkarshinde | is there anything rquivalent to rpmbuild in for debian packages/ | 10:10 |
ormandj | back now | 10:10 |
dougsko | logikal_: dont you worry man, you stick around here, and youll be a guru before you know it | 10:10 |
aftertaf | lol dougsko | 10:10 |
foXgamer | hehe! too true! | 10:10 |
da_bon_bon | nalioth: uh.. i am not familiar with english slang :( will that break my sys or no ? | 10:10 |
intelikey | deb-rpm | 10:10 |
ormandj | alien! | 10:10 |
ormandj | :P | 10:10 |
aftertaf | lol | 10:11 |
foXgamer | I've picked up more today than the past month on my own! | 10:11 |
cafuego_ | foXgamer: Woo! How many chicks did you pick up today? | 10:11 |
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N6REJ | foXgamer: take your time, take your meds, educate your family!!! There will be times you will need them desperately to put you back together. | 10:11 |
foXgamer | cafuego: hehe | 10:11 |
ormandj | family? that's mistake #1 :P | 10:11 |
Sherman | foXgamer, you lucky bastard | 10:11 |
onkarshinde | ormandj: No. I don't want to convert an rpm package in deb. rpmbuild reads a spec file and converts a source tarball intp rpm by doing all the necessary things. | 10:11 |
N6REJ | ormandj: lol nope, I'm so dumb I did it 2x LOL | 10:11 |
ormandj | onkarshinde, i know, i was kidding :) | 10:12 |
ormandj | N6REJ, lol, some of us have to learn from mistakes :P | 10:12 |
cafuego_ | onkarshinde: You cna always run 'checkinstall' on an extracted source tarball. | 10:12 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: if you have debian binary repos in your /etc/apt/source.list you will have problems | 10:12 |
ormandj | onkarshinde, there are a bunch of good deb packaging tools, you could google for it | 10:12 |
foXgamer | N6REJ: That's the prob. Doctors around my area are morons. I've only just been put on prozac. My friends have been on higher doses for just losing a job! | 10:12 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: if you install some debian packages you will have problems | 10:12 |
logikal_ | I'm out of beer, mplayer wont work, what else could go wrong? | 10:12 |
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foXgamer | Sherman: Who says me getting the ladies makes me lucky? lol | 10:12 |
onkarshinde | ormandj: if not for tools, how does one normally make a deb package? | 10:12 |
da_bon_bon | nalioth: no, no debian repos. just that one package from marillat | 10:13 |
ormandj | onkarshinde, http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+a+deb&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial | 10:13 |
cafuego_ | logikal_: earthquake | 10:13 |
nalioth | da_bon_bon: debian SOURCE repositories are ok in your sources.list | 10:13 |
ormandj | amazing how helpful google is: "how to make a deb" | 10:13 |
Sherman | foXgamer, I do | 10:13 |
Sherman | so meh | 10:13 |
foXgamer | rofl | 10:13 |
cafuego_ | Osamas machine seems to work, he tested it on Pakistan. Next target: LA. | 10:13 |
N6REJ | ormandj: LOL, <---- 6 kids, ( 1st marriage = 22yr, 18yr ( boys ), 2nd ( 13yr, 11yr, 8yr boys & 10yr daughter ) | 10:13 |
ormandj | i don't get geeks who didn't learn to use google :) | 10:13 |
intelikey | logikal_ your installation of '*' could trash your hd. | 10:13 |
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logikal_ | it probably will | 10:13 |
ormandj | N6REJ, rofl, you're far gone, it's too late now, poor guy :P | 10:13 |
intelikey | more likely than earthquake..... | 10:13 |
da_bon_bon | nalioth: no debian repos at all :) | 10:14 |
=== ormandj writes an epitaph for N6REJ | ||
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dougsko | yeah its like i dont know howd id know anything without google and kickass irc people | 10:14 |
onkarshinde | Give me one advice. I am on hoary. dist-upgrade or clean install? | 10:14 |
ormandj | "the poor man who couldnt keep it in his pants lays here, he died in debt, and with a hardon from internet porn" | 10:14 |
N6REJ | foXgamer: get a diff doc. I'm on a ton of meds, 3 major ones, but what they do... is give you the split second to be able to make a sane decision.... Also ask for guidance from above... but thats a different conversation. | 10:14 |
N6REJ | LOL @ ormandj | 10:14 |
dougsko | for the least headaches, my gut says: go clean | 10:15 |
ormandj | <-- almost fell into the trap, but managed to escape by breaking off his engagement :P | 10:15 |
da_bon_bon | what was the method to disable ipv6 in hoary ? | 10:15 |
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foXgamer | N6REJ: Yeah. Thanks. It's all in hand luckily. Still can't get motivated to do this bl**dy theory though! lol | 10:15 |
foXgamer | ^any offers? | 10:15 |
ormandj | for? | 10:15 |
Sherman | no | 10:15 |
Sherman | no | 10:15 |
Sherman | no | 10:15 |
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foXgamer | hehe | 10:16 |
dougsko | foXgamer: what r u working on? | 10:16 |
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topyli | onkarshinde: just upgrade | 10:16 |
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foXgamer | number theory - chance and chaos :D | 10:16 |
ormandj | onkarshinde, dist-upgrade, it works great | 10:16 |
dougsko | i was ready to pay someone through paypal to do my emag homework | 10:16 |
ormandj | foXgamer, i'm good with number theory :) | 10:16 |
da_bon_bon | how do i change / use different usplash themes ? | 10:16 |
N6REJ | lol | 10:16 |
=== foXgamer has a degree in mathematics and computers and has forgotten it all | ||
logikal_ | ill do homework for money | 10:16 |
ormandj | foXgamer, and cryptography would be the reason i am ;p | 10:17 |
N6REJ | now I KNOW I'm a dinosaur | 10:17 |
logikal_ | as long as it doesnt have to do with making linux work, thats a subject i suck at | 10:17 |
N6REJ | <----- /nick grandpa hall | 10:17 |
ormandj | <-- loves qbit cryptography lala | 10:17 |
foXgamer | mine isn't homework. It's just a theory I have. Nothing that HAS to get done. Just wanna do it that's all. | 10:17 |
ormandj | <-- also programs in OS/VS COBOL on os/360 mainframes as a hobby | 10:17 |
dougsko | im serious, if you can do gaussian sufaces and crap like that...wooooow boy, we could be in business | 10:17 |
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foXgamer | <--feels totally inadequate. Again. | 10:18 |
foXgamer | lol | 10:18 |
da_bon_bon | is there any amarok like program for gnome ? | 10:18 |
logikal_ | amarok | 10:18 |
logikal_ | lol | 10:18 |
foXgamer | why is everyone so brainy? why can't i be brainy? | 10:18 |
dougsko | im a 5th year EE student, and im so F*************** sick of school it unbelievable | 10:18 |
aftertaf | lol logikal_ | 10:18 |
aftertaf | foXgamer: :/ | 10:18 |
ormandj | foXgamer, well pmsg what you're working on already, i'll see what i can do to help :) | 10:18 |
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logikal_ | because foXgamer , stupid people are often more happyu. | 10:19 |
logikal_ | happy. | 10:19 |
ormandj | i'm also a human trafficer, i could sell you some women on the side :P | 10:19 |
foXgamer | lol. I wouldn't let you waste your time ormandj. But thanks. :) | 10:19 |
ormandj | logikal_, close. smart people who let the world think they are stupid do best ;) | 10:19 |
N6REJ | einstiend was functionally illiterate! | 10:19 |
foXgamer | I said the other day that I would love to be more stoopid so I could be happier | 10:19 |
ormandj | N6REJ, as seem you, einstein :P lol j/k | 10:20 |
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aftertaf | except the verb is: stoopiderer | 10:20 |
foXgamer | Richard Branson is dyslexic | 10:20 |
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N6REJ | lol | 10:20 |
foXgamer | aftertaf: hehe | 10:20 |
ormandj | aftertaf, what happened to more stoopiderer? | 10:20 |
ormandj | don't forget the adjective :P | 10:20 |
N6REJ | aftertaf: as in more of a stoop? LOL :P | 10:20 |
topyli | did you ever see einstein's dog speaking to him? no, because it was a smart dog. albert would have bothered him all the time if he discovered how smart the dog was | 10:20 |
aftertaf | :) | 10:20 |
aftertaf | !cigarette | 10:20 |
ubotu | It's bad to smoke, but aftertaf needs one all the same... Here dude, have a light :) | 10:20 |
onkarshinde | Is it necessary for the swap partition to be double size of RAM? | 10:20 |
foXgamer | wouldn't that make you stoopided? | 10:20 |
ormandj | smoking is good | 10:21 |
ormandj | just make sure to drink lots of wine for the anti-oxidents | 10:21 |
ormandj | (enough to get drunk) | 10:21 |
foXgamer | onkarshinde: yup | 10:21 |
ormandj | :P | 10:21 |
N6REJ | onkarshinde: NOPE, but then why not | 10:21 |
N6REJ | onkarshinde: how much ram you got? | 10:21 |
foXgamer | I would | 10:21 |
topyli | onkarshinde: no if you have lots of ram | 10:21 |
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foXgamer | That's what I was told | 10:21 |
ormandj | N6REJ, because if you allocate too much swap, the memory management subsystem starts swapping like mad when it'd be better just to fail on malloc() | 10:22 |
TTilus | After upgrading warty -> hoary, acrobat reader plugin stopped working in mozilla | 10:22 |
topyli | foXgamer: that was more true when we all had 32M of RAM | 10:22 |
foXgamer | topyli wins! That makes much more sense than my idea :) | 10:22 |
onkarshinde | Currently 128 RAM and 256 swap. But planning to add 512 RAM chip. That will make 640 of RAM total. | 10:22 |
foXgamer | lol | 10:22 |
N6REJ | ormandj: OH | 10:22 |
dougsko | meanwhile, id like to make a toast to all the people in this room who are making ubuntu the sweet distro it is, because as good as the software is, itd be nothing without the support of cool people like yourselves. CHEERS! | 10:22 |
foXgamer | my head hurts. lol | 10:22 |
TTilus | already tried to purge and reinstall them all (acroread packages and browser) | 10:22 |
=== foXgamer goes to make a coffee | ||
dougsko | *cough | 10:23 |
N6REJ | ormandj: if I use smtp-auth & tls with postfix what am I gaining? Why is it worth it? | 10:23 |
dougsko | haha | 10:23 |
onkarshinde | Do i need swap at all with 640 MB RAM? | 10:23 |
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N6REJ | ty doug! | 10:23 |
N6REJ | onkarshinde: YES! | 10:23 |
=== foXgamer slaps dougsko | ||
TTilus | any suggestions? | 10:23 |
airxdres | onkarshinde, YES ! | 10:23 |
airxdres | xD | 10:23 |
dougsko | lol | 10:23 |
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airxdres | lol | 10:23 |
airxdres | xD | 10:23 |
airxdres | jajajaja | 10:23 |
airxdres | \\ | 10:23 |
ormandj | N6REJ, encrypted password transfer, so things aren't sent plaintext | 10:23 |
airxdres | || | 10:23 |
nalioth | airxdres: may we help you? | 10:23 |
ormandj | and it's a 5 minute setup in ubuntu so :) | 10:23 |
Cynos | Hi all - Usplash - anyone tweaked it yet? | 10:23 |
ormandj | well worth it | 10:23 |
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N6REJ | ormandj: AH!!! ok. | 10:23 |
onkarshinde | N6REJ: airxdres: how much? 2 x 640 of swap? | 10:24 |
dougsko | yeah, thats some good 4:23am irc fun... | 10:24 |
ormandj | smpt-auth so you don't act as an open relay and spam the world unwillingly | 10:24 |
TTilus | where can i check plugins and mime settings of mozilla firefox? | 10:24 |
TTilus | (just to see if there's anything wrong) | 10:24 |
ormandj | and so even if you visit romania, you'll be able to send mail, outside of your local netblock | 10:24 |
airxdres | onkarshinde, I have 1024 MB to him | 10:24 |
airxdres | to swap | 10:24 |
N6REJ | ormandj: ok, so I need a bit of help... please look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix and look at the line under the square box starting with <- Internet Site I don't understand that line at all. | 10:25 |
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onkarshinde | TTilus: type about:plugins as url | 10:25 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: ok | 10:25 |
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Jedrick | where can i edit the boot, coz everytime i boot i promted 3 linux and 3 fail safe.. i want to remove the duplicated ones.. can anyone help | 10:26 |
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ormandj | N6REJ, the second prompt where it asks you for something, put "NONE" | 10:26 |
ormandj | :P | 10:26 |
ormandj | i would assume | 10:26 |
ormandj | i just hand edited the config file | 10:26 |
N6REJ | ormandj: those are prompts? | 10:26 |
onkarshinde | Jedrick: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:26 |
station7u | nick single_f` | 10:26 |
Jedrick | ok thnx | 10:26 |
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N6REJ | ormandj: I'm reading the wiki printout right now. | 10:27 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: there is nppdf.so listed and enabled=yes, mime application/pdf | 10:27 |
TTilus | looks like okay | 10:27 |
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logikal_ | I'm a failure | 10:27 |
=== station7u is now known as single_f` | ||
logikal_ | Im going to bed | 10:27 |
TTilus | still when i try to view pdf i get blank white screen | 10:27 |
ormandj | N6REJ, those are your responses to prompts, in order | 10:27 |
dougsko | i dont know if this is just plain obvious, but just a little tip to anyone starting any internet damons, i think its a good idea to nmap yrself just to see what the 'hackers' see, a lot of times you can change service banners, so maybe port 21 will still be open, but itll say https or something confusing like that instead of wu-ftp | 10:27 |
topyli | Jedrick: they should also be removed if you remove the old kernel packages | 10:27 |
ormandj | aka the first prompt it gives, answer internet site | 10:27 |
ormandj | second prompt it gives, answer NONE | 10:27 |
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ormandj | and so forth | 10:27 |
Jedrick | what you mean/ | 10:28 |
dougsko | just a thought | 10:28 |
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Jedrick | how to remove the old kernel package? | 10:28 |
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onkarshinde | TTilus: Can you give me link of pdf? | 10:28 |
topyli | Jedrick: which you might as well remove, because you can't boot them anyway if you remove them from the grub menu :) | 10:28 |
N6REJ | ormandj: ok, ty.. I didn't realize that those were propmpts | 10:28 |
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TTilus | onkarshinde: ok, wait a sec | 10:28 |
ormandj | np mate | 10:28 |
foXgamer | dougsko: damon? nmap? eh? | 10:28 |
Jedrick | topyli: how to remove the old package? | 10:28 |
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fortran01 | anyone getting server errors with gmail? | 10:29 |
Jedrick | coz i update yesterday and when i turn on my pc on.. thats what i got.. | 10:29 |
topyli | Jedrick: search for linux-image in synaptic and see what you have installed. then remove the ones you don't want | 10:29 |
=== foXgamer whimpers | ||
Jedrick | ok | 10:30 |
onkarshinde | Jedrick: Are you sure all the entries are same? | 10:30 |
Jedrick | yes | 10:30 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: ayh | 10:30 |
TTilus | http://www.free-culture.cc/freeculture.pdf | 10:30 |
dougsko | nmap is a port scanner, its gonna tell me what ports are open on your computer and what services you are running on them. so, say for instance, i see that you're running some old version of wu-ftp on port 21, well, you're just asking to be hacked. but you can change default ports that services run on, change banners, so that i dont know that you have apache version 1.33.3 v1 (just an example) | 10:31 |
topyli | Jedrick: do "cat /proc/version" to see which kernel you're running. you probably don't want to remove that :) | 10:31 |
juliux | hi i have upgraded from hoary to breezy, but now i can not install eclipse-ecj, the problem is that the libnspr4 is a old version and apt dont want upgrade them | 10:31 |
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Jedrick | topyli: i have 4 linux-image installed | 10:31 |
juliux | can someone help me? | 10:32 |
onkarshinde | TTilus: which ubuntu? | 10:32 |
dougsko | maybe im a little paranoid, but on the web i think its kinda fun to be, cause i know what can be done...hehe | 10:32 |
shreevatsa | er, how do I install w32codecs from the url that ubotu gives? What should I add to my sources.list ? | 10:32 |
melvztechie | juliux: what your problem, state it here;) | 10:32 |
Jedrick | here's my version Linux version 2.6.12-9-686 | 10:32 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: that shows just blank white (not even pdf plugin controls) on mozilla, but if i download and view with xpdf everythign works ok | 10:32 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: hoary | 10:32 |
foXgamer | dougsko: So basically, what you're telling me is that my computer is open to attacks and if I get attacked it will probably be you? :P | 10:32 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: stopped workin after warty -> hoary | 10:32 |
juliux | melvztechie, hi i have upgraded from hoary to breezy, but now i can not install eclipse-ecj, the problem is that the libnspr4 is a old version and apt dont want upgrade them | 10:33 |
topyli | Jedrick: ok, keep the latest version of that and uninstall the rest | 10:33 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: or at least if noticed it only after upgrade :) | 10:33 |
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TTilus | onkarshinde: s/if/i/ | 10:33 |
onkarshinde | TTilus: The pdf is big. about 2.6 MB. May be you should just wait for sometime. Arte you on slow connection? | 10:33 |
Jedrick | ok | 10:33 |
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dougsko | lol, no no no, i would be telling you this stuff otherwise. but i believe that one safe computer makes the whole web a little safer | 10:33 |
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onkarshinde | shreevatsa: Please give me link, i will tell you what to add. | 10:33 |
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TTilus | onkarshinde: doesn't depend on size | 10:34 |
shreevatsa | http://giannaros.org/public/hoarydebs/ is the link that the bot here gives | 10:34 |
dougsko | but, lets just say, i am familar with what can be done, and trust me, its pretty scary | 10:34 |
shreevatsa | It doesn't look like a standard repository | 10:34 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: i can see no pdf | 10:34 |
Jedrick | topyli: what will i do " mark for removal" or " mark for complete removal" which one? | 10:34 |
foXgamer | so how do I go about making my computer safe? | 10:34 |
onkarshinde | TTilus: is this just when viewing in browser? | 10:34 |
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onkarshinde | !w32codecs | 10:34 |
ubotu | somebody said w32codecs was a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 10:35 |
dougsko | 1st and foremost, run a firewall | 10:35 |
N6REJ | ormandj: ok, something is goofy... posftix has localhost listed 2x... mail.cogyfarm.com, adam.cogyfarm.com, staff.cogyfarm.com, localhost.localdomain, localhost.localdomain, localhost_ ( The machines name is adam., mail is cname, ) ( mail & adam point to which is nat'd ip from world to server, and staff points to which is OUTSIDE the dhcp table so I ASSUME... | 10:35 |
N6REJ | ...its also blocked by the routers firewall from being able to be seen from the world. Its designed for our intranet ) | 10:35 |
topyli | Jedrick: complete, it will also remove the configuration for those packages | 10:35 |
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dougsko | you guys are all running firewalls right | 10:35 |
dougsko | ??? | 10:35 |
Jedrick | ok | 10:35 |
melvztechie | juliux: i just hope bob2 is here, he can tell most problems on upgraded packages | 10:35 |
anchovie | Hey, when Ubuntu 5.10 RC starts up, at the part where it says Configuring Network Interfaces, it always takes a really long time and which result in a rediculously long boot up time, how can I fix this? For example, disabling the system to "configure network interface" at boot process. | 10:35 |
foXgamer | I got told that I don't need a firewall in linux! | 10:35 |
headgoat | hi all. brand new ubuntu user. Trying to install Zope, and I guess I need the developers tools. Any suggestions as to how I download those? Package Manager (what's that!?) - sorry newbie here | 10:35 |
dougsko | OMG! | 10:35 |
shreevatsa | onkarshinde: yes, that expands to the same link | 10:35 |
juliux | melvztechie, ok thanks | 10:35 |
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dougsko | no!!!!!!!!! | 10:35 |
N6REJ | ormandj: .100 isn't even its own nick... its eth0:0 | 10:35 |
shreevatsa | onkarshinde, but it just has 3 .deb files at that place | 10:36 |
=== looga [n=opera@FLH1Abu192.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsko | you MUST have one | 10:36 |
onkarshinde | shreevatsa: No need to add anything. Download the deb package and install with 'sudo dpkg --install packagename.deb' | 10:36 |
dougsko | MUST | 10:36 |
looga | hi | 10:36 |
=== foXgamer runs around the chatroom, hands flapping, screaming "ah! not safe! unclean! unclean" | ||
shreevatsa | onkarshinde, ok, thanks | 10:36 |
dougsko | i suggest firestarter, because it is VERY easy to set up | 10:36 |
dougsko | lol | 10:36 |
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ormandj | N6REJ, delete one of the localhost entries. | 10:36 |
ormandj | you don't need two | 10:36 |
dougsko | you can apt-get it | 10:36 |
looga | what time on Oct 14 will the official breezy be ready for download? | 10:37 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: i'll create a tiny test, waitasec | 10:37 |
N6REJ | ormandj: I didn't think so. | 10:37 |
=== nalioth points foXgamer to the lavatory | ||
ormandj | personally, i say screw the ubuntu wiki and read the postfix docs, and google to find a nice guide | 10:37 |
Seveas | * foXgamer runs around the chatroom, hands flapping, screaming "ah! not safe! unclean! unclean" | 10:37 |
Seveas | --> darksatanic (n=hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk) has joined #ubuntu | 10:37 |
Seveas | how coincidental :) | 10:37 |
ormandj | you'll learn a lot more that way | 10:37 |
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TTilus | onkarshinde: y, only when viewing in browser | 10:37 |
nalioth | foXgamer: dont worry about a firewall | 10:37 |
dougsko | what? | 10:37 |
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foXgamer | but dougsko just said....................... | 10:37 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: no problems anywhere else with xpdf of acroread | 10:37 |
Seveas | looga, around noon on Oct. 13 I guess | 10:37 |
dougsko | nalioth? | 10:37 |
dougsko | are u serious | 10:37 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: no pdf views in firefox | 10:37 |
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melvztechie | juliux: have your tried synaptic to upgrade the package | 10:37 |
Seveas | !firewall | 10:38 |
ubotu | it has been said that firewall is Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter. | 10:38 |
darksatanic | Seveas: Coincidence? I think not. :) | 10:38 |
Seveas | dougsko, you're too windows-minded... | 10:38 |
Seveas | Ubuntu by default exports no services to the outside world | 10:38 |
anchovie | Hey, when Ubuntu 5.10 RC starts up, at the part where it says Configuring Network Interfaces, it always takes a really long time and which result in a rediculously long boot up time, how can I fix this? For example, disabling the system to "configure network interface" at boot process. | 10:38 |
Seveas | hrnce no firewall | 10:38 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~terotil/tmp/hi.pdf | 10:38 |
onkarshinde | TTilus: Do you have acrebat reader also installed? May be FF doesn't know which program to use or may be acrebat reader is screwed up. | 10:38 |
topyli | foXgamer: sometimes you want some functionality in iptables (IP masquerading for example) but it's not necessary for security | 10:38 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: thats definitely small, but doesnt show | 10:38 |
dougsko | no, im not. it s true you can easily set up kernel level packet filtering, but you DO have to set it up | 10:39 |
TTilus | onkarshinde: yes i have reader too, how come? | 10:39 |
nalioth | let me scroll up | 10:39 |
foXgamer | topyli: eh? Damn. This is all new to me. I have a lot to learn. | 10:39 |
dougsko | firestarter just provides a simple gui to do so | 10:39 |
dougsko | seriously guys.... | 10:39 |
N6REJ | ormandj: anything else I should add/change to that line? | 10:39 |
dougsko | you NEED a firewall | 10:39 |
topyli | foXgamer: by default, ubuntu has no services listening to any ports anyway | 10:39 |
onkarshinde | TTilus: I am on windows currently. So can't really compare. But I use xpdf and don't even have acrobat installed. | 10:39 |
Seveas | dougsko, nonsense | 10:39 |
Seveas | stop spreading fud. | 10:39 |
nalioth | dougsko: you dont need a firewall with a default install | 10:39 |
N6REJ | Seveas: g'morning | 10:40 |
Seveas | ni N6REJ | 10:40 |
looga | Seveas: noon in what time zone? | 10:40 |
N6REJ | Seveas: btw, names Troy | 10:40 |
nalioth | dougsko: using nmap to see the doors is a whole different thing then entering said doors | 10:40 |
Seveas | looga, that's the trick ;) | 10:40 |
anchovie | So anybody have any ideas about my "configuring network interface" takes too long problem? | 10:40 |
looga | huh? | 10:40 |
looga | how do we know when it's ready | 10:40 |
looga | ? | 10:40 |
topyli | foXgamer: if you set up a service, then you most likely don't want to immediately block its port by a firewall :) | 10:40 |
foXgamer | hehe. penguin with a match. | 10:40 |
N6REJ | anchovie: do you have it actually plugged in? | 10:40 |
dougsko | wow...ok man, please show me one respectable webpage that says you dont need a firewall | 10:40 |
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Seveas | looga, there will be e-mails to all ubuntu lists and an announcement on the forum | 10:41 |
Trashcan | if my name was troy, i'd run around pretending i was brad pitt and stabbing people in the neck | 10:41 |
xuniluser | Help: The applications I launch doesn't appear in my panel bar. What should i do? | 10:41 |
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Trashcan | that was a gooood movie. | 10:41 |
melvztechie | how do we start firestarter: for example i installed apache2 | 10:41 |
onkarshinde | Can someone explain me exactly what is UTC? | 10:41 |
N6REJ | Trashcan: LOL | 10:41 |
foXgamer | topyli: I do have a website and an eggdrop in a chatroom. Will it help or hinder having the firewall? | 10:41 |
anchovie | N6REJ: I'm on my wireless network. | 10:41 |
dougsko | it wont matter | 10:41 |
shreevatsa | onkarshinde: UTC is a timezone; the standard one | 10:41 |
Seveas | xuniluser, add the window list to your panel again | 10:41 |
ormandj | N6REJ, no idea man, i gotta go to bed :) up in 2 hours :) | 10:41 |
N6REJ | anchovie: is it working? Wireless has problems getting configured properly. | 10:41 |
ormandj | cheers and best luck | 10:41 |
dougsko | you have to let a service such as a web server though your firewall | 10:41 |
N6REJ | ormandj: k. | 10:41 |
anchovie | N6REJ: The wireless is working properly. | 10:42 |
looga | Seveas: how do i sign up for announcements on forum? I don't want to sign up for email lists because I don't want many emails coming to my emailbox | 10:42 |
dougsko | which is why you must choose it carefully | 10:42 |
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vengeful | WEP or WPA? | 10:42 |
aftertaf | Trashcan: which movie? | 10:42 |
N6REJ | anchovie: k, then it should only take a few minutes | 10:42 |
topyli | foXgamer: you can use a firewall but then you will of course open the respective ports for those services to be useful | 10:42 |
looga | .sign up for ONE and ONLY one announcement | 10:42 |
vengeful | just curious..cos i didnt get wpa to work yet | 10:42 |
shreevatsa | onkarshinde: (Was called GMT earlier) | 10:42 |
Trashcan | aftertaf : Troy :) | 10:42 |
nalioth | foXgamer: i can tell you one good reason you dont need a firewall | 10:42 |
Seveas | looga, subscribe to ubuntu-announce or ubuntu-news lists | 10:42 |
aftertaf | dougsko: by default you dont need a firewall.... if you want to setup network services, the corresponding ports will be opened. | 10:42 |
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Jedrick | How to run 3dchess? | 10:43 |
anchovie | N6REJ: It's just takes too long. Is there anyway to by-pass the "configure network interface" step? | 10:43 |
aftertaf | Trashcan: ohhhhhhhh yeah :) got it. horse of troy n all that; yeah good film. | 10:43 |
nalioth | anchovie: hit ctrl-c at that point | 10:43 |
foXgamer | topyli: Thanks for the info :) I will have a play | 10:43 |
phiqtion | g | 10:43 |
anchovie | nalioth: I did, but nothing happens. | 10:43 |
xuniluser | Seveas: thanks! | 10:43 |
dougsko | that doesnt matter, if you set up a service, those ports will be open anyway. but why let ALL your ports be open, its not a good idea AT ALL | 10:43 |
trograin | anyone here knows how to fix a real aannoying Bad superblock problem on a sata drive???? I have trye for a week now, read manuals here and there, and still the problem is there....and its a NEW harddrive, allmost, its only 3 months old :( | 10:43 |
Trashcan | i just liked when brad pitt was a badass.... which was pretty much all the time. That's for ubuntu-offtopic though :) | 10:43 |
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Seveas | dougsko, syop being a gibsin | 10:44 |
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herrpoon | hello all! | 10:44 |
herrpoon | can someone help me | 10:44 |
Seveas | dougsko, stop being a gibson* | 10:44 |
nalioth | herrpoon: if you ask | 10:44 |
aftertaf | dougsko: not all your ports are open by default, thats the thing ;) | 10:44 |
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herrpoon | im looking to get rid of the description | 10:44 |
herrpoon | at the bottom of apache | 10:44 |
foXgamer | dougsko = mel | 10:44 |
foXgamer | hehe | 10:44 |
lixiaolong | hello erevyone | 10:44 |
=== Trashcan hax the gibson | ||
herrpoon | you know it says | 10:44 |
Seveas | it's complete bullhit that a port is 'open' or 'closed' | 10:44 |
herrpoon | perl version 2.4 | 10:45 |
Trashcan | zomg, where do i get a 3d shell | 10:45 |
herrpoon | whatever that stuff | 10:45 |
Trashcan | so i can fly to the garbage file | 10:45 |
Seveas | Trashcan, look in apache.conf | 10:45 |
herrpoon | i want to hide all that stuff | 10:45 |
Trashcan | best. movie. ever. | 10:45 |
aftertaf | Seveas: open!=closed!=stealth...... | 10:45 |
herrpoon | can that be done? | 10:45 |
dougsko | Seveas: hey im not trying to be your mom, you do do whatever you want, but it's not smart, simple as that, and no one here can show me any evidence otherwise | 10:45 |
nalioth | dougsko: this ISNT windows | 10:45 |
Trashcan | the only thing better than that movie is dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hda | 10:46 |
Seveas | dougsko, why would it be un-smart ? | 10:46 |
Seveas | give me ONE reason | 10:46 |
aftertaf | we can take it offtopic and debate with a glass of port, guys ;) | 10:46 |
foXgamer | Well I have started the firewall and I feel safer already :) | 10:46 |
nalioth | dougsko: this is linux. vulnerabilities (when found) are fixed w/i hours | 10:46 |
dougsko | have you ever been to a little site called bugtraq? | 10:46 |
Sherman | BAH! | 10:46 |
N6REJ | yeah, but I can't remember how. | 10:46 |
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Seveas | herrpoon, look in apache.conf | 10:46 |
herrpoon | k thanks | 10:46 |
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dougsko | seriously, how about securityfocus? | 10:46 |
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Seveas | dougsko, that is not related to this | 10:46 |
dougsko | how about milw0rm? | 10:47 |
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nalioth | dougsko: read what we are saying. linux is patched (if necessary) w/i hours of a vulnerability | 10:47 |
erick | nalioth need help | 10:47 |
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nalioth | erick: ask | 10:47 |
onkarshinde | is GNOME latest release included in breezy (2.12.1)? | 10:47 |
Seveas | onkarshinde, yes | 10:47 |
Trashcan | i installed firestarter and it's not in my menu :( | 10:47 |
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Trashcan | looossee | 10:47 |
nalioth | dougsko: and besides, you need user/pass to make use of a linux box anyway | 10:47 |
onkarshinde | Trashcan: Try logout and login | 10:47 |
foXgamer | onkarshinde: yes, and it's very nice :) | 10:47 |
phiqtion | is breezy RC is gonna be the same as Final October 13th? thanks.... | 10:47 |
erick | I want to install ubuntu on my 486 machine but it doesn't support boot on cdrom, | 10:47 |
dougsko | thats simply just not true, it is sometimes, but not always. i mean come on... | 10:48 |
Trashcan | bahhhhhh ok | 10:48 |
Jedrick | how to play .dat file ? | 10:48 |
onkarshinde | phiqtion: AFAIK. Colony 5 is more updated than RC | 10:48 |
nalioth | you guys dont come cryin when your boxen cant see the net cuz ya twisted your iptables out of whack | 10:48 |
dougsko | like i said, whatver, you do whatever you want, im just trying to help | 10:48 |
Seveas | onkarshinde, no | 10:48 |
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foXgamer | erick: Have you looked in the bios? | 10:48 |
Seveas | RC is 5 days old | 10:48 |
topyli | Trashcan: just do "sudo firestarter" in a terminal | 10:48 |
nalioth | erick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto | 10:48 |
erick | yup, a and c only, I try booting on A and select the boot with cdrom support | 10:49 |
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onkarshinde | Jedrick: Lots of options are there. Install totem-xine or install vlc | 10:49 |
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Seveas | dougsko, spreading fud is not helping | 10:49 |
Jedrick | k | 10:49 |
dougsko | seriously, i cant believe you guys are coming down on me for recomending a firewall...jeez | 10:49 |
erick | foxgamer thanks i check it | 10:49 |
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Seveas | nor does a firewall help against dos-ing | 10:49 |
Trashcan | thanks whoever said logout | 10:49 |
phiqtion | onkarshinde, what do you mean "Colony 5"? | 10:49 |
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onkarshinde | Seveas: Sorry I didn't know that | 10:49 |
erick | nalioth thanks | 10:49 |
Trashcan | now who wants to explain this: every time i log in, my panel gets ****ed | 10:49 |
dougsko | linux is not invinsible | 10:49 |
N6REJ | anyone here a postfix guru? | 10:49 |
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onkarshinde | phiqtion: It is one of the beta releases made. They started from Colony 1. | 10:50 |
dougsko | it is cool though | 10:50 |
foXgamer | erick: It's strange that your bios doesn't pick up your cd rom drive. Are there any advanced settings you can look at? | 10:50 |
phiqtion | onkarshinde, where can i download colony 5 from? | 10:50 |
foXgamer | what's cool dougsko? | 10:50 |
Seveas | onkarshinde, it's C1 C2 C3 C4 PR C5 RC FR | 10:50 |
Seveas | phiqtion, you want the release candidate, it's newer | 10:50 |
N6REJ | Seveas: can you help with postfix? | 10:51 |
shreevatsa | Seveas, FR means Final Release? | 10:51 |
Seveas | N6REJ, maybe | 10:51 |
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Seveas | shreevatsa, yes | 10:51 |
phiqtion | Seveas, im downloading RC form the main website? is that the latest? thank yoyu | 10:51 |
onkarshinde | Seveas: Have you ever downloaded Ubuntu with jigdo? | 10:51 |
dougsko | linux is, i think it's wonderful. i jus want everyone to have the best experience with as possible. sorry a little security sense seems to be ruining everyone's good time | 10:51 |
Seveas | phiqtion, yes, onkarshinde, no | 10:51 |
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nalioth | phiqtion: the latest would be at cdimage.ubuntu.com under current | 10:51 |
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onkarshinde | phiqtion: Yes it it. Sorry for my wrong previous answer | 10:52 |
Seveas | dougsko, you are not spreading security sense but fud | 10:52 |
foXgamer | nah. I ditched windoze like an unwanted pile of poo as soon as I heard about linux | 10:52 |
Seveas | security sense would be configuring services you install properly | 10:52 |
[A] ndy80 | hi | 10:52 |
phiqtion | onkarshinde, no problem ;) | 10:52 |
onkarshinde | anyone here who has tried downloading Ubuntu with jigdo? | 10:52 |
onkarshinde | [A] ndy80: Hi | 10:52 |
dougsko | all i said was to limit yr network services, and maybe change the default ports they run on. oh and possible run a firewall | 10:53 |
pitti | onkarshinde: yes, I only use jigdo for keeping my install isos up to date | 10:53 |
Seveas | security sense is not having to wonder about this on a default install since no services listen on anything but lo | 10:53 |
phiqtion | will ubuntu be fully compatible with my intel PRO wireless 22000BG wifi card? | 10:53 |
N6REJ | Seveas: ok, i'm following the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix instructions... I'm at a screen that is asking what "network blocks it should relay mail for". my internal network is 192.168.2.x and my outside ip is, so is this correct? When I looked at the logs earlier postfix was complaing about the /128 statement.... x 192.168.2/128 | 10:53 |
[A] ndy80 | I cannot install libgda0 because it cannot install libgda-common... is it a common problem? | 10:53 |
[A] ndy80 | I'm using breezy | 10:53 |
Seveas | dougsko, changing ports is security by obscurity | 10:53 |
Seveas | that is extremely bad security sense | 10:53 |
dougsko | it is, but it's a simple thing that can help | 10:53 |
nalioth | dougsko: this is not windows | 10:53 |
Seveas | it's not | 10:53 |
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dougsko | im not saying that one thing alone is good enough | 10:54 |
TTilus | dougsko: it doesnt... | 10:54 |
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onkarshinde | pitti: I will be having boradband connection that imposes restrictions of total download. Can I use jigdo for part download in this month and part in next? | 10:54 |
Seveas | stop thinking like a windows-minded gibson hippie | 10:54 |
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phiqtion | will ubuntu be fully compatible with my intel PRO wireless 22000BG wifi card? | 10:54 |
nalioth | onkarshinde: use bittorrent and watch your download totals | 10:54 |
foXgamer | I think it's good to have different views. Both views are right, but it's nice to know both sides of it. See I didn't even know the options were there! | 10:54 |
dougsko | ok, you guys are picking apart my words too much, im sorry i said anything....nevermind | 10:54 |
[A] ndy80 | phiqtion: I'm using that wifi card in this moment :) | 10:54 |
pitti | onkarshinde: tricky; it is not actually designed for stepwise operation | 10:54 |
nalioth | foXgamer: if you misconfigure your iptables, you'll be w/o network of any kind, and may not have a working box | 10:55 |
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onkarshinde | pitti: Doesn't it first download packages and then make an iso from them? | 10:55 |
TTilus | dougsko: just trying to say: obscurity is a dead end | 10:55 |
phiqtion | [A] ndy80, rock on! does it recognizes it automatically? or does it require any extra setup? btw. which laptop u got? | 10:55 |
pitti | onkarshinde: but you can just start it, kill it in between, and on the second attempt it should reuse the debs you already downloaded | 10:55 |
dougsko | TTilus: its just a little somehting that CAN help some. thats all | 10:55 |
foXgamer | nalioth: Well, I've got firewall installed now, and everything (fingers crossed) is working okay. I like feeling safe :) | 10:55 |
Jedrick | ey man still wont play .dat file on totem-xine | 10:55 |
pitti | onkarshinde: it mixes; first it collects the debs you already have (make it scan in /var/cache/apt/archives, old CD images, and so on) | 10:56 |
onkarshinde | pitti: That is what I am trying to say. It should continue downloads of remainng of isos | 10:56 |
onkarshinde | I mean packages | 10:56 |
foXgamer | If I don't see it doing anything, I'll take it off again. | 10:56 |
pitti | onkarshinde: then it downloads 10 debs, installs them into the iso, goto 1 | 10:56 |
phiqtion | can anyone shed me some light in the: Ubuntu/HP work | 10:56 |
TTilus | dougsko: you should put your limited effort to things that WILL help, not to things that CAN help, gottcha? | 10:56 |
pitti | onkarshinde: I never tried this, but it should be possible | 10:56 |
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nalioth | foXgamer: turn it off and visit grc.com and see what you get from it's port scanning tool | 10:56 |
nalioth | foXgamer: then turn it on and visit again and see the difference | 10:56 |
aftertaf | hehe nalioth | 10:56 |
foXgamer | okaly! | 10:56 |
Seveas | nalioth, grc is an idiot | 10:56 |
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[A] ndy80 | phiqtion: automagically | 10:57 |
onkarshinde | phiqtion: I just know that I installed Hoary custom version on HP laptop and it works perfectly | 10:57 |
N6REJ | Seveas: any idea? | 10:57 |
aftertaf | Seveas: home of the gibson hippies ? | 10:57 |
nalioth | Seveas: yes? his port scanner thing works well enough | 10:57 |
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SpiderMan | I'm looking for some help with reinitiating grub on my laptop, can anybody help ? | 10:57 |
Seveas | N6REJ, no :) | 10:57 |
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N6REJ | Seveas: :P no {_}? for you! | 10:57 |
onkarshinde | SpiderMan: What exactly do you need? | 10:57 |
Seveas | nalioth, 'stealth' is nonsense and break all kinds of interrnet standards | 10:57 |
Seveas | aftertaf, yup | 10:58 |
phiqtion | onkarshinde, awesome! :D i got an hp dv1340us laptop. and all other distros wouldn't get the sound working and internet. :(. But breezy is here to save the day! | 10:58 |
onkarshinde | phiqtion: I am not sure they have made a custom breezy version yet. I tried Hoary. | 10:58 |
intelikey | SpiderMan "man grub-install" | 10:58 |
Seveas | nalioth, aftertaf http://grcsucks.com/ is quite interesting to read | 10:58 |
phiqtion | onkarshinde, let's see how it works with breezy | 10:59 |
onkarshinde | phiqtion: Mine was HP Nx 6120. everything other than SD Card reader worked | 10:59 |
N6REJ | ok, simple question... if I want a abreviated netmask for everything in the 192.168.2 network, is it 192.168.2./128 or??? | 10:59 |
Jedrick | how to play .dat file ? | 10:59 |
aftertaf | grc: The worrisome header contained in your request is: | 10:59 |
aftertaf | Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive | 10:59 |
onkarshinde | Jedrick: Did n't you read my reply? Either install totem-xine or vlc | 10:59 |
dougsko | what the heck is a gibson anyway? | 11:00 |
aftertaf | grc is useful in a windows world for windows users using windows, right Seveas ? | 11:00 |
N6REJ | www.grc.com | 11:00 |
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Seveas | aftertaf, not even there | 11:00 |
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aftertaf | Seveas: loool | 11:00 |
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Jedrick | onkarshinde: its not working.. i already ave vlc but it wont play.. and i do what you told me install the totem-xine.. and still it doesnt work | 11:00 |
SpiderMan | Well I run dual boot on my laptop, and just reinstalled Windows, and it overwrote the boot sector, so grub doesnt come u, how do I re-enable it | 11:00 |
foXgamer | hmm. site recognised me with and without the firewall on. | 11:01 |
onkarshinde | Jedrick: Then most probably the file is corrupted. But still you can try installing w32codecs | 11:01 |
intelikey | SpiderMan "man grub-install" | 11:01 |
onkarshinde | !w32coddecs | 11:01 |
ubotu | onkarshinde: I don't know | 11:01 |
onkarshinde | !w32codecs | 11:01 |
ubotu | well, w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 11:01 |
SpiderMan | intelikey I cant get into linux ? | 11:01 |
Jedrick | how to isntall w32codecs? | 11:01 |
dougsko | foXgamer: yes it will cause you initiated contact wit it first | 11:01 |
[A] ndy80 | why libgda-common has broken deps on breezy? If I try to install it, it requires me to remove: gnome-app-install gnome-blog libgda2-3 libgda2-common libgnome-cil libgnomedb2-4 libgnomedb2-common monodoc monodoc-browser python-gnome2-extras | 11:01 |
intelikey | SpiderMan grub-install is how you reinstall it. | 11:01 |
SpiderMan | so I cant type man-grub-install | 11:01 |
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Trashcan | !tell jedrick about restricted formats | 11:02 |
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intelikey | SpiderMan use a boot disk. | 11:02 |
foXgamer | dougsko: I went in with it off, went out, turned it on and went back in. Is there something else I should have done? | 11:02 |
onkarshinde | Jedrick: Doesnload the package from the above link and then command 'sudo dpkg --install filename.deb' | 11:02 |
Jedrick | i already have w32codes. w32codecs is already the newest version. | 11:02 |
foXgamer | Can't SpiderMan use the cd that he installed ubuntu with and re-install grub that way? | 11:02 |
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Jedrick | i already installed the w32codecs | 11:02 |
intelikey | Jedrick yes that is a boot disk.... | 11:03 |
aftertaf | " his entire site is full of emotional manipulation, misinformation, and misdirection" | 11:03 |
shreevatsa | Jedrick, so what do you want? | 11:03 |
Jedrick | i want to play a .dat file | 11:03 |
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dougsko | no, just turn it on, unless you have any services running, you dont have to configure anything. basically you cant connect to whoever you want, but your kernel will simply drop packets from anyone else trying to connect to you | 11:03 |
=== frickel [n=netuse3@p54B994FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foXgamer | aftertaf: where's that quote from? | 11:03 |
frickel | Is it possible to watch DVD with Ubuntu?? | 11:03 |
dougsko | * you can connect to whoever you want, sorry | 11:04 |
poningru | !tell frickel about dvd | 11:04 |
jnoon | hey i just installed ubuntu, last time i used it was warty or something.. i now have the preview release... is adding stuff all supposed to be done through this Add Applications program now? i used to use synaptic.. is that not the way to do it anymore or is it? | 11:04 |
frickel | thx for the bot | 11:04 |
aftertaf | foXgamer: grcsucks website | 11:04 |
foXgamer | hehe | 11:04 |
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poningru | frickel: just /msg ubotu !hoary-extras | 11:04 |
poningru | frickel: if you want to know more | 11:04 |
Jedrick | how can i play .dat file movie | 11:05 |
nalioth_zZz | poningru: no ! in a pm to ubotu | 11:05 |
poningru | oh true | 11:05 |
poningru | my bad | 11:05 |
=== foXgamer has been trying ages to get dvd player working. | ||
poningru | frickel: just /msg ubotu hoary-extras | 11:05 |
nalioth_zZz | poningru: your gonna have ubotu sellin crack | 11:05 |
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poningru | rofl | 11:05 |
onkarshinde | jnoon: Synaptic is the way. Add applications will just give you options for some default set packages | 11:05 |
jnoon | onkarshinde, thanks! | 11:05 |
frickel | poingru: I use breezy | 11:06 |
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shreevatsa | Jedrick, do you have mplayer installed? just asking... | 11:06 |
frickel | !tell frickel about hoary-extras | 11:06 |
Jedrick | yes i have | 11:06 |
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frickel | (sry, forgot my pwd) | 11:06 |
N6REJ | If I say does that cover everything in the 192.168.2.x ? | 11:07 |
Jedrick | im trying to play .dat file from a cd | 11:07 |
jnoon | onkarshinde, should i have more than universe in my repos? | 11:07 |
shreevatsa | Jedrick, what happens when you try "mplayer <name of the file>"? | 11:07 |
nightswim | N6REJ: yes | 11:07 |
poningru | !tell frickel about hoary-extras | 11:07 |
poningru | woah thats def not it | 11:08 |
Jedrick | the name of the file is avseq01.dat | 11:08 |
N6REJ | nightswim.. TYVM... I never did get a good grip on the netmasking thing. | 11:08 |
poningru | frickel: hold on that is wrong | 11:08 |
Jedrick | when i try to play it on mplayer.. ammm it wont play dude | 11:08 |
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shreevatsa | Jedrick, Yeah, so what happens when you type, in the terminal, "mplayer avseq01.dat"? | 11:08 |
poningru | frickel: if you are using breazy just turn on the multiverse and universe | 11:08 |
foXgamer | Jedrick: What errors do you get when you try and play it? | 11:08 |
poningru | frickel: in synaptic | 11:09 |
frickel | should be on | 11:09 |
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poningru | frickel: then just install libdvdcss | 11:10 |
poningru | I think | 11:10 |
onkarshinde | jnoon: You may want to add hoary-extras (or breezy-extras) and hoary-backport (or breezy-backport) repos. | 11:10 |
poningru | !dvd | 11:10 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some dvd's require libdvdcss2, which can be found in !hoary-extras | 11:10 |
jnoon | thanks | 11:10 |
poningru | libdvdcss2 | 11:10 |
poningru | install that package | 11:10 |
foXgamer | poningru: livdvdcss2? That's news to me! | 11:10 |
=== foXgamer runs to check | ||
poningru | there is no breazy-backports | 11:11 |
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onkarshinde | poningru: Of course it will be when breezy is released | 11:11 |
Ng | you don't need to add any crazy -extras repositories to get dvd-css | 11:11 |
Ng | there's a script installed by default | 11:12 |
Ng | /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 11:12 |
poningru | right not gonna happen for atleast couple of weeks | 11:12 |
Ng | /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh if you install libdvdread3 | 11:12 |
poningru | onkarshinde: ^^^^ | 11:12 |
aftertaf | Seveas: grcsucks..... :) a lot of info on there, raw sockets, false security debate and handicapped networking! | 11:12 |
Ng | and to be frank, -extras repositories are a nightmare ;) | 11:12 |
frickel | poingru: there is no libdvdcss, but Universe seems to be there | 11:12 |
=== dbug hi ppl | ||
foXgamer | I have a link which has all the .rpm's of libdvd :D | 11:12 |
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gibson | hey man | 11:12 |
foXgamer | hey mel! | 11:12 |
onkarshinde | Ng: I never had problem with extra repos. | 11:12 |
foXgamer | lol | 11:13 |
Ng | onkarshinde: how wonderful for you :) | 11:13 |
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onkarshinde | foXgamer: rpm don't work out of box | 11:13 |
onkarshinde | foXgamer: you need deb | 11:13 |
Seveas | Ng, if you pick the right repos or simply download single .debs you have no problem :) | 11:13 |
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foXgamer | can't you use Alien on them? | 11:13 |
siimo | how do you guys create .ps files in linux ? in openoffice - tried generic printer but the ps that came out was totally blank | 11:13 |
Ng | Seveas: single .debs is fine, but adding repos seems to me to generally cause more problems than it solves if you aren't especially clued up | 11:13 |
frickel | isn't Library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams. also fine?? | 11:14 |
poningru | Seveas: did we take out all legally questionable stuff from the universe? | 11:14 |
cafuego_ | Dude, you cna generate a libdvdcss deb from the script that comes with libdvdread3 | 11:14 |
poningru | or was that always in the multiverse? | 11:14 |
Seveas | Ng, true :) | 11:14 |
onkarshinde | foXgamer: Yes, you can. But I don't think the person who asked the question was so much used to ubuntu. That is why extra repos | 11:14 |
frickel | Universe or Multiverse??? | 11:14 |
intelikey | print to file | 11:14 |
foXgamer | ah. | 11:14 |
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poningru | frickel: check to see if the script that Ng said about it there | 11:14 |
cafuego_ | !find install-css.sh | 11:15 |
Ng | libdvdread3: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 11:15 |
foXgamer | So this law thingy. Is it just the American side this relates to? I've never heard of it until recently. Never been a problem before. | 11:15 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Search of 'install-css.sh' (1 shown): (/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh) in libs/libdvdread3. | 11:15 |
cafuego_ | Install, run, done. | 11:15 |
poningru | frickel: try that | 11:15 |
frickel | ok | 11:16 |
poningru | cafuego_: why cant we replace that for running !dvd? | 11:16 |
poningru | in ubotu I mean | 11:16 |
cafuego_ | foXgamer: The US law now applies almost everywhere else too. Did you miss the "free trade agreement" news? | 11:16 |
frickel | poingru: it is not | 11:16 |
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aftertaf | why would a 5.04 or 5.10 install cd install lilo instead of grub? any reasons? | 11:16 |
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cafuego_ | poningru: WHy should I? Why can't you? | 11:16 |
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Ng | aftertaf: are you booting off a raid array or something odd like that? | 11:16 |
poningru | cafuego_: I was asking wether its ok or not | 11:16 |
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foXgamer | cafuego: uhm. yup! never heard of it. | 11:17 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: xfs disk? logical volumes? | 11:17 |
poningru | cafuego_: because running a script is not user friendly | 11:17 |
poningru | well end user friendly | 11:17 |
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aftertaf | ahh ;) ok cafuego_ cheers ;) | 11:17 |
intelikey | aftertaf only if you select lilo... | 11:17 |
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cafuego_ | poningru: File a bug on libdvdread3 and demand a gui thingie for it <heh> | 11:17 |
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poningru | cafuego_: hehe I guess | 11:17 |
Admiral_Snyder | hi there | 11:17 |
=== poningru salutes | ||
poningru | attention on deck | 11:17 |
Admiral_Snyder | *g* | 11:18 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: Note that if you have root on lvm, you will need to 'rm /dev/dm' each time you upgrade the lilo boot record | 11:18 |
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Admiral_Snyder | why did i knew this would happen? | 11:18 |
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poningru | hey with a name like that | 11:18 |
poningru | :) | 11:18 |
Admiral_Snyder | hehe | 11:18 |
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Admiral_Snyder | this is the ubuntu support - channel, right? | 11:18 |
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poningru | yeah dude | 11:19 |
intelikey | kinda | 11:19 |
aftertaf | cafuego_: ok. a kubuntu user with the cd got lilo installed instead. no volumes though (but he might be wrong and not realise it) | 11:19 |
poningru | frickel: so that install script didnt work? | 11:19 |
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foXgamer | hmm. install-css.sh worked fine right until the end. | 11:19 |
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cafuego_ | aftertaf: probably lvm OR xfs. | 11:19 |
frickel | poingru: please wait, I still try | 11:19 |
Admiral_Snyder | allright. i'm afraid, i need support (well, help might be more right)... | 11:19 |
cafuego_ | foXgamer: Yes, it needs to run through sudo. | 11:19 |
intelikey | aftertaf you can choose lilo or grub while installing. | 11:19 |
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poningru | Admiral_Snyder: just ask the question | 11:20 |
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cafuego_ | intelikey: Not on the default install, it just picks what it thinks is appropriate. | 11:20 |
intelikey | yes you can | 11:20 |
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Admiral_Snyder | the most simple question is: why does the ping command try to ping throug my eth2, even though the network cable is at eth1? | 11:20 |
intelikey | i've done it | 11:20 |
aftertaf | cafuego_: its a windows user who shrunk his ntfs partition to install kubuntu | 11:20 |
cafuego_ | intelikey: on breezy Colony4 anyway | 11:20 |
foXgamer | cafuego: Through sudo? You mean log in with sudo? | 11:20 |
Siropel | mailing webhosts about their servers security problems is a good thing ? | 11:20 |
Seveas | Siropel, yes | 11:20 |
gibson | what do u think guys, go to be for like 2.5 hours, or just stay up and go to class at 8 am? | 11:20 |
poningru | Siropel: a very good thing | 11:20 |
cafuego_ | foXgamer: 'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh' | 11:21 |
foXgamer | ah. Thank you. | 11:21 |
Admiral_Snyder | (i do only have a bash on that machine, no gnome at all...) | 11:21 |
Tomcat_ | gibson: Throw a coin :) | 11:21 |
intelikey | simply refuse to enter the correct info and it falls back to expert mode..... | 11:21 |
cafuego_ | intelikey: It didn't ask on my last 2 installs. | 11:21 |
intelikey | simply refuse to enter the correct info and it falls back to expert mode..... | 11:21 |
Bergcube | gibson~ Stay up, drink coffee, take it like a man. | 11:21 |
cafuego_ | intelikey: the amd64 just installed grub and the laptop just installed lilo. | 11:21 |
Belutz | gibson, stay up :D | 11:21 |
gibson | yeah thats what im thinking | 11:21 |
TTilus | $ acroread foo.pdf | 11:21 |
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TTilus | /usr/bin/acroread: line 12: /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread: No file or directory. | 11:21 |
Siropel | i just spent half hour today by mailing alot of them, found alot of hosts connected on irc, that belong to dreamhost and etc | 11:21 |
gibson | however, Seveas, i still dont know what a gibson is.... | 11:21 |
foXgamer | Admiral_Snyder: I know how it's done with gnome, but not from bash :( | 11:21 |
cafuego_ | TTilus: $ evince foo.pdf | 11:22 |
=== YeTr3 [n=yetr2qua@pool-71-98-233-28.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | don't know why it would default to lilo. but you can select cafuego_ | 11:22 |
aftertaf | cafuego_: intelikey is there a fdisk command to check if disk is dynamic or not? (still somewhat n00b.....) | 11:22 |
TTilus | and that line 12 is | 11:22 |
TTilus | /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread "$@" | 11:22 |
cafuego_ | gibson: OH MY GOD! | 11:22 |
Admiral_Snyder | that's why i mentioned it...*g* | 11:22 |
aftertaf | he said it wouldnt take grub | 11:22 |
Seveas | gibson, read grcsucks.com | 11:22 |
gibson | if you can call me one, you can tell me where its from | 11:22 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: 'df' | 11:22 |
gibson | ok | 11:22 |
aftertaf | df willdo that? really? ok :) | 11:22 |
cafuego_ | gibson: "hack the planet!" | 11:22 |
TTilus | cafuego_: evince? | 11:22 |
cafuego_ | aftertaf: it will tell you what device root is, so yes. | 11:22 |
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Seveas | cafuego_, which planet? Planet Ubuntu? | 11:23 |
cafuego_ | TTilus: open source pdf reader | 11:23 |
frickel | poingru: I'm now install libdvdcss | 11:23 |
cafuego_ | Seveas: planet gibson. | 11:23 |
Admiral_Snyder | does anybody of you know a special channel of german language? not that i want to leave here, but if it becomes more complicated... | 11:23 |
TTilus | and there is no /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread | 11:23 |
Seveas | hehe | 11:23 |
=== cafuego_ runs off with the garbage file | ||
foXgamer | nope cafuego. same error message. lol. | 11:23 |
cafuego_ | Seveas: Actually, Planet Ultra. | 11:23 |
TTilus | cafuego_: ah, related to xpdf? | 11:23 |
cafuego_ | !de | 11:23 |
Tomcat_ | Admiral_Snyder: #ubuntu-de | 11:23 |
ubotu | Bitte gehen sie nach #ubuntu-de fuer deutschsprachige hilfe | 11:23 |
Seveas | TTilus, it's in /usr/local/lib -- where did you install acroread from? | 11:23 |
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TTilus | cafuego_: does it have firefox plugin? | 11:23 |
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cafuego_ | TTilus: Ah, no... | 11:23 |
Admiral_Snyder | thank you. | 11:23 |
TTilus | but, but, there _is_ /usr/lib/Acrobat5/bin/acroread.sh | 11:24 |
frickel | poingru: the configure givrs me a: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 11:24 |
frickel | , but cpp should be installed!! | 11:24 |
poningru | hmm | 11:24 |
gibson | haha, very funny.... | 11:24 |
intelikey | not that i know of aftertaf but if you supply the wrong address durring install it refuses to install (actually fails) and falls through to expert mode menu so you can run "install grub" or "install lilo" or any other step again. | 11:24 |
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Seveas | frickel, apt-get install build-essential | 11:24 |
aftertaf | be | 11:25 |
TTilus | ln -s acroread.sh acroread | 11:25 |
TTilus | and now i get ERROR: Cannot find installation directory. | 11:25 |
swamych | adsl problem | 11:25 |
frickel | ok | 11:25 |
Gangster | Hey, I'm trying to get my Kubuntu to install, and I wanted to know if there is any special parameter that I should add when trying to get my IBM ThinkCentre to boot it up? | 11:25 |
gibson | im gonna get some smokes, "dont get hacked while im gone"...haha | 11:26 |
YeTr3 | Gangster, only if it doesn't work the first two times | 11:26 |
frickel | Seveas: There had been missing some parts... | 11:26 |
Gangster | It didn't. | 11:26 |
phiqtion | is the RC gonna change in 2 days? im currently downloading it now and wouldnt want to download again. thanks | 11:26 |
swamych | what about breezy | 11:26 |
Tomcat_ | phiqtion: It'll be final then. :) | 11:26 |
poningru | Gangster: also make sure that you have a good cd | 11:26 |
YeTr3 | Gangster, ok, what part of te setup did it crash on? | 11:26 |
Gangster | I do. | 11:26 |
poningru | Gangster: if you burned it yourself then you should check it | 11:26 |
Seveas | phiqtion, yes, bugs are still being fixed but you don't have to download the iso again, just use apt-get upgrade to upgrade the changed packages | 11:26 |
Gangster | It doesn't go past boot: loading /install/vmlinuz | 11:27 |
Gangster | I did check it. | 11:27 |
poningru | oh | 11:27 |
poningru | hmm | 11:27 |
aftertaf | he has checked the md5. | 11:27 |
TTilus | Ha! Now I found it. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21733.html | 11:27 |
YeTr3 | hmm | 11:27 |
foXgamer | when I installed, mine hung for ages on vmlinuz. I just left it and it eventually carried on. | 11:27 |
Gangster | Hmm. | 11:28 |
YeTr3 | I would suggest disabling every advanced feature possible.. | 11:28 |
foXgamer | don't know if that helps Gangster. | 11:28 |
TTilus | Acobat reader 5 is simply broken, not me or my installation | 11:28 |
Gangster | How would I go about doing that? | 11:28 |
phiqtion | Seveas, how much will the package in MB total will be aprox.? thx | 11:28 |
aftertaf | Gangster: BIOS...... and if you have more than one mem chip, try removing one (could be a bit dicky) | 11:28 |
Seveas | phiqtion, no idea, depends on what changes | 11:28 |
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poningru | Gangster: he means update your BIOS | 11:29 |
Seveas | if they change OO.o, the kernel and xorg again it can come close to 200 MB | 11:29 |
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YeTr3 | where grub asks what kernel image to boot off the cd, normally, you would just push enter, or let it time out and carry on, instead edit the kernel line to contain all the kernel 'cheat codes' or how ever you decide to label them | 11:29 |
poningru | Seveas: we upgrade using diff right? | 11:29 |
poningru | on a users computer | 11:29 |
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phiqtion | Seveas, with your personal experience in linux. what can change in 2 days? | 11:30 |
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Seveas | poningru, no, you use apt-get upgrade :) | 11:30 |
frickel | poingru: what was the console order to install a deb package.... | 11:30 |
Trashcan | dpkg -i thedeb | 11:30 |
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frickel | thx | 11:30 |
Trashcan | scuse me... sudo dpkg -i thedeb | 11:30 |
YeTr3 | frickel, `sudo apt-get install 'package'` | 11:31 |
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frickel | YeTr3: yes, but I have a debian package here | 11:31 |
YeTr3 | meh, I'm alittle slow right now... gimmie another 20 minutes and I'll have processed all of the information | 11:31 |
intelikey | apt is just a front end for dpkg | 11:31 |
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poningru | Seveas: for example if there is a 200 KB lib and its being upgraded the new one is 240 KB does the user download 40KB or 240KB? | 11:33 |
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poningru | I am on too fast a connection to notice | 11:33 |
Seveas | phiqtion, everything :) | 11:33 |
Ng | 240KB | 11:33 |
poningru | ic | 11:33 |
Ng | there are no binary package patches | 11:33 |
Seveas | poningru, 240kb + the control files | 11:33 |
intelikey | actually i havent tested it to see, maybe some one else has; but apt-get should accept literal addressing as well as package names. | 11:33 |
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poningru | why isnt it 40 + control files? | 11:33 |
poningru | firefox is doing this currently | 11:33 |
Ng | poningru: binary patches are bad news | 11:33 |
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erick | nalioth, just try the smart boot manager and download it, then on the 2nd procedure need to make boot floopy using rawwrite, is 2nd option really need or just to create SmartBootManager is enough | 11:33 |
poningru | Ng: why? | 11:33 |
Ng | poningru: there is far more scope for them to go wrong | 11:33 |
poningru | err explain please | 11:34 |
poningru | ic | 11:34 |
YeTr3 | poningru, dependencies can be easily broken if not everyone is using the same version of the file, which happens often | 11:34 |
Seveas | I have been thinking about a way to change this (using something I call partial debs) and will make a suggestion to the devs once my ideas settle :) | 11:34 |
intelikey | e.g. apt-get install /home/blah/packagename.deb should work. | 11:34 |
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poningru | Seveas: in time for dapper? | 11:34 |
TTilus | Acrobat reader plugin now works. Happy, happy, joy, joy! | 11:35 |
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poningru | TTilus: why didnt you just use evince? | 11:35 |
Ng | Seveas: is it really worth the effort? network is getting constantly cheaper/faster | 11:35 |
poningru | Ng: thats for us | 11:35 |
Ng | Seveas: if people care that much it might be easier to make it easy to setup your own autobuilder and they can just grab cvs diffs or something ;) | 11:35 |
Seveas | poningru, probably not since it would require MASSIVE infrastructure changes | 11:35 |
YeTr3 | TTilus, I dislike acrobat reader as it does not function at all with my cups server beyond versions of +6.x | 11:35 |
TTilus | poningru: I'm using xpdf as standalone reader | 11:35 |
erick | hi Ng | 11:35 |
Ng | hey | 11:35 |
TTilus | poningru: I wanted firefox plugin | 11:36 |
phiqtion | does Wine work well with Ubuntu? | 11:36 |
Seveas | Ng, I think downloading 50 MB (the kernel) when one file (1kb) changed is stupid... | 11:36 |
poningru | TTilus: ic | 11:36 |
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poningru | Ng: many people in 3rd world countries will not have high speed for a while | 11:36 |
TTilus | YeTr3: ack, do you know about other browser-pdf-plugins than acrobat | 11:36 |
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poningru | same for many rural places in developed countries too | 11:36 |
intelikey | poningru yeah like arkansas | 11:37 |
intelikey | :) | 11:37 |
YeTr3 | TTilus, not in Win32 | 11:37 |
poningru | rofl | 11:37 |
Ng | Seveas: thats a pretty corner cae though, how often has the kernel been updated in the life of hoary? and how many were actually necessay individually? | 11:37 |
YeTr3 | Seveas, then don't update it unless there is a fix or something that applies to you. | 11:37 |
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DjKritical | breezy kicks ass! | 11:37 |
Ng | argh, my keyboard batter is dying | 11:37 |
Seveas | Ng, same for openoffice, X, you name it... | 11:37 |
TTilus | YeTr3: why are we suddenly talking about win? | 11:37 |
Seveas | shaving 99% off your downloads is a lot | 11:37 |
YeTr3 | TTilus, acrobat reader +6.x on win32 does not print to my linux cups server, it refuses to. | 11:38 |
TTilus | YeTr3: ach | 11:38 |
gibson | man, i deep fired some chicken wings yesterday, and my apartment reeks like delicicious fired chicken. but it is getting old, and kinda gross.... | 11:38 |
Ng | Seveas: X is modularising more, that problem goes away | 11:38 |
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Seveas | ng, no | 11:38 |
gibson | *fried, sorry i just cannot spell | 11:38 |
Ng | Seveas: what happens if the user is several revisions behind? they could actually end up downloading more than being able to skip to the very latest and just download that | 11:38 |
Seveas | if the source package is rebuilt, all binary packages have a newer version | 11:38 |
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intelikey | i have a question. i don't start x very often so cli is always the env. why does ub not recognize windows keys by default ? | 11:39 |
TTilus | Ng: rdiff updates would still be cool | 11:39 |
Ng | most updates to stable simply don't apply to most users | 11:39 |
Seveas | Ng, so if xorg-driver-foo changes the COMPLETE xorg needs to be re-downloaded | 11:39 |
Ng | TTilus: I think the nightmare aspect would overrule the cool aspect ;) | 11:39 |
Ng | Seveas: that's insane and unnecessary | 11:39 |
foXgamer | gibson: That's really grose. Don't you have windows? lol | 11:39 |
Seveas | Ng, exactly | 11:39 |
YeTr3 | intelikey, because they are not mapped to any special purpose by default, you would need to map them yourself | 11:39 |
gibson | lol | 11:39 |
foXgamer | got your smokes then? | 11:40 |
Ng | Seveas: I was under the impression though that that is going away | 11:40 |
Jedrick | how can i play .dat file movie ? | 11:40 |
gibson | oh yeah | 11:40 |
gibson | im good | 11:40 |
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poningru | Jedrick: dude it should play in anything that plays mpg | 11:40 |
TTilus | Ng: don't necessarily think so, rdiff could be done against deb cache, not to filesystem directly | 11:40 |
foXgamer | nothing plays mpeg on my machine | 11:40 |
aftertaf | seems that grub cant always be instaled on a windows laptop having just one disk. | 11:40 |
irvin | i recently upgraded my kernel image from 386 to 686, suddenly some apps like blender, and ppracer don't work | 11:41 |
poningru | aftertaf: what do you mean? | 11:41 |
Ng | TTilus: hmm? | 11:41 |
intelikey | YeTr3 other distros recognizes them and they are r.win=alt+r.arrow l.win=alt+l.arrow very handy for console users. | 11:41 |
SpiderMan | aftertaf speaking of that . . . | 11:41 |
gibson | gonna throw on some more coffee, i made the mistake of drinking whiskey and beer to make me sleepy after drinking coffee earlier, before i decided to stay up | 11:41 |
Trewas | Jedrick: if the .dat file is in a cd, sounds like it is a (s)vcd, so you should play that with command "mplayer vcd://1". The .dat-file cannot be played directly because vcds do not have normal filesystems, and the video-files are in separate tracks | 11:41 |
irvin | glxgears spits Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 11:41 |
irvin | Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual | 11:41 |
gibson | what's you guys' favorite native linux game? | 11:42 |
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aftertaf | supertux | 11:42 |
Ng | tribes2! | 11:42 |
aftertaf | my 9 year old loves it :) | 11:42 |
gibson | yeah supertux is sweet | 11:42 |
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Trashcan | lol | 11:42 |
YeTr3 | intelikey, different distrobutions have different beliefs on how a default setup of linux should look like. Ubuntu is one of the only distrobutions I've seen that doesn't let you have the root accunt by default, rather, and uses sudo for all the administrative tasks | 11:42 |
gibson | i wish it supported a controller though | 11:42 |
foXgamer | hey SpiderMan. Didn't notice you back! Did you get it all sorted? | 11:42 |
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gibson | YeTr3: yeah it is kinda wierd | 11:42 |
YeTr3 | it doesn't mean it can't be changed by the end user thou | 11:43 |
gibson | true | 11:43 |
gibson | but it really doesnt need to be | 11:43 |
intelikey | yeah. well server default install or any expert install fixes that. | 11:43 |
SpiderMan | foXgamer nothing, how did I initiate the grub install from the ubuntu cd ? | 11:44 |
gibson | just gotta make sure you pick an extra good password for your regular account, or am i just being a "gibson" again ;) | 11:44 |
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SpiderMan | or should I use another dist cd ? | 11:44 |
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Seveas | gibson, you should always use good passwords :) | 11:44 |
foXgamer | hmm. I thought it may have picked up that it was already installed. | 11:44 |
gibson | lol | 11:44 |
foXgamer | I'll see if I can find any info for you SpiderMan | 11:45 |
foXgamer | hehe. I never thought I would say that! | 11:45 |
Seveas | ....says a guy (me) who uses passwords like qwertyuiop | 11:45 |
intelikey | and you're right YeTr3, ub is 100% geared toword gui. kinda like windows(R) | 11:45 |
=== intelikey ducks ! | ||
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Seveas | /kick intelikey | 11:45 |
poningru | Seveas: let me know if you need my any help hashing that thing out | 11:45 |
SpiderMan | thanks foXgamer, I am trying to use the livecd, maybe go that route round, but I can remember the command to turn off my PCMCIA, coz it keeps hanging there | 11:45 |
Seveas | :p | 11:46 |
YeTr3 | intelikey, actually, I normally don't use the gui | 11:46 |
foXgamer | SpiderMan: So are you using the computer at the mo? | 11:46 |
intelikey | "gui thats that thing for looking at pictures isn't it?" | 11:46 |
SpiderMan | yeh I am actually in the windows side of things | 11:46 |
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SpiderMan | coz I reinstalled the windows side yesterday and it overwrote the boot sector | 11:47 |
YeTr3 | while in linux, I'm normally sitting infront of a bash console.. | 11:47 |
foXgamer | SpiderMan: Do you have the live cd? | 11:47 |
phiqtion | "why have the window when you can have the full house" :P | 11:47 |
gibson | bash is nice, anyone else have a fav. shell? | 11:47 |
aftertaf | YeTr3: yet we insist on having 3D graphics cards.... makes NO sense at all :) | 11:47 |
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renatosansevero | | 11:47 |
phiqtion | FOR FREE! sorry caps... lol | 11:48 |
Cicakman | has anyone ever installed postgresql in ubuntu? | 11:48 |
irvin | i recently upgraded my kernel image from 386 to 686, suddenly some apps like blender, and ppracer don't work | 11:48 |
irvin | glxgears spits Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 11:48 |
irvin | Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual | 11:48 |
SpiderMan | yeh i do | 11:48 |
Cicakman | SpiderMan: r u replying to me? | 11:48 |
aftertaf | irvin: install the restricted modules package for your processor type and kernel number | 11:48 |
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YeTr3 | and it'll be like that untill I manage to implant a USB HID interface in the base of my skull, connected to my brain so I can just walk around and jack into any PC I want to and work without the needs of using my hands | 11:48 |
zenrox | irvin, did you install linux-restricted-modules-686 too | 11:48 |
foXgamer | SpiderMan: Cool. If you go to http://www.shahidhussain.com/wordpress/index.php?p=33 that gives instructions. If that doesn't help, come back :) | 11:49 |
SpiderMan | sorry Cicakman, no to foX | 11:49 |
aftertaf | irvin: ^^ zenrox gave you the right name..... | 11:49 |
SpiderMan | sweet, thanks | 11:49 |
gibson | irvin: i tried blender for a little, but it pretty tough | 11:49 |
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irvin | aftertaf, zenrox, gibson yes | 11:49 |
foXgamer | what's the diff between 386 and 686 kernels anyhoo? | 11:49 |
gibson | cycas is a pretty cool 3d cad pog with rendering capabilities | 11:49 |
Licker | anyone got a spare minute to figure some things out about my ubuntu web server | 11:49 |
Seveas | foXgamer, cpu optimizations | 11:50 |
Seveas | Licker, just ask questions :) | 11:50 |
foXgamer | ah. | 11:50 |
zenrox | irvin, didja ge your nvidia or ati card a little modprob ing | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | 686=64bit? | 11:50 |
zenrox | gnomefreak, no | 11:50 |
YeTr3 | gnomefreak, no | 11:50 |
intelikey | no | 11:50 |
foXgamer | 64bit=64bit. hehe | 11:51 |
gnomefreak | lol | 11:51 |
YeTr3 | x86_64 | 11:51 |
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YeTr3 | ia64 | 11:51 |
irvin | i'll did some xorg.conf edits brbr | 11:51 |
aftertaf | irvin: ok...... not a "x wont start" problem..... but a 3D bug b.... | 11:51 |
intelikey | x86=80x86 | 11:51 |
TTilus | gnomefreak: 686 is still x86 arch + some extensions | 11:51 |
erick | what is different bet i386 i686 and i586, it defend on architecture? is i386 for pentium | 11:51 |
YeTr3 | intelikey, x86_64 is 64bit... | 11:51 |
gnomefreak | oh ok | 11:52 |
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YeTr3 | yerah... I'm slow | 11:52 |
intelikey | ya | 11:52 |
aftertaf | gnomefreak: 686 is Pentium 4 etc..... read linux-686 in synaptic for more info :) | 11:52 |
Ng | 686 is pentium2 upwards afair | 11:52 |
TTilus | erick: different extensions to x86 arch | 11:52 |
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irvin | ahh finally | 11:52 |
aftertaf | Ng: hence the etc ;) | 11:52 |
larsbjar | ok, I'm completely new to linux, and need help getting Opera (web browser) to work. When I run Opera in terminal i get this: /usr/lib/opera/8.50-20050916.6/opera: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:52 |
larsbjar | so i need this package, but how do I get it? help ! | 11:52 |
zenrox | i 386 = for a 386 cpu , i586= pent1 ,i686 = pent2 and above | 11:52 |
aftertaf | irvin: you break your xorg? | 11:52 |
irvin | aftertaf, no | 11:53 |
foXgamer | my brain has stopped working. I need to go to bed :( | 11:53 |
crimsun | larsbjar: Breezy? | 11:53 |
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aftertaf | k7 = athlon, duron | 11:53 |
TTilus | erick: correction: extensions to x86 instruction set | 11:53 |
larsbjar | yes | 11:53 |
crimsun | larsbjar: you need libqt3-mt | 11:53 |
irvin | nvidia-glx-config couldn't change nv to nvidia | 11:53 |
aftertaf | foXgamer: /etc/init.d/brain restart | 11:53 |
larsbjar | yes, that one, but how? | 11:53 |
foXgamer | lol | 11:53 |
Licker | i setup a web server right. ( www.cnmafia.com ) well, it wont show the images i have there. (open it and click on a link/pic) they say you dont have permission to view them. i dont know why etc. Or what to do. I just strted using linux a bit ago and havnt learned all the commands etc yet. (got rid of crapy windows) :/ | 11:53 |
zenrox | irvin, so its fixed now | 11:53 |
foXgamer | if only | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | larsbjar: in terminal type "sudo apt-get install libqt-mt | 11:53 |
irvin | so i changed it manually | 11:53 |
onkarshinde | Can I expect OOo 2 beta in breezy to be updated when OOo2 final comes out? | 11:53 |
irvin | zenrox, yes | 11:53 |
YeTr3 | i586 is the origional pentium only, after that, all the upgrades were i686 including pentiumMMX | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | no qoutes | 11:53 |
zenrox | irvin, now try glxgears | 11:54 |
irvin | thanks for the restricted-modules hint | 11:54 |
aftertaf | Licker: where are the image files? ad what are the permissions on them/ their parent folder? | 11:54 |
zenrox | n/p | 11:54 |
irvin | :-) | 11:54 |
aftertaf | onkarshinde: yes, in true debian style | 11:54 |
foXgamer | if SpiderMan is still having problems. Can someone apologise and, well, help him. Gotta help these superheroes ya know. | 11:54 |
foXgamer | nn all! | 11:54 |
gibson | type ls -al in yr web root directory to see the permissions | 11:54 |
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irvin | quit | 11:54 |
larsbjar | gnomefreak, then I get: could find package libqt-mt | 11:54 |
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aftertaf | larsbjar: apt-cache search libqt | 11:55 |
onkarshinde | aftertaf: what does breezy installes by default? OOo2 beta or OOO 1? | 11:55 |
erick | thank TTilus | 11:55 |
intelikey | licker you can chmod 644 /the-dir/where/they/are/* and you should be able to view them. | 11:55 |
aftertaf | dunno.... b2 i think | 11:55 |
gibson | OOo 2 | 11:55 |
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zenrox | OOo2 | 11:55 |
aftertaf | which is quite stable | 11:55 |
erick | 00o2 beta | 11:55 |
gibson | yeah its a very nice office suite | 11:56 |
Cicakman | damn... apt-get upgrade breaks my ubuntu (breezy badger) | 11:56 |
intelikey | Licker "man chmod " to learn more about permissions. | 11:56 |
Cicakman | all icons are gone | 11:56 |
aftertaf | Cicakman: notnormal at all. | 11:56 |
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gnomefreak | you may have to add the .so.3 but it worked fine for me without that part | 11:56 |
denial | c ya | 11:56 |
aftertaf | Cicakman: re update and dist-upgrade | 11:56 |
gibson | Licker: or google 'chmod usage' to get some examples | 11:56 |
aftertaf | or install kde ;) | 11:56 |
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aftertaf | (shameless plug) | 11:56 |
Cicakman | aftertaf: did that... and it says no update available | 11:57 |
gibson | aftertaf: do u use kubuntu? | 11:57 |
aftertaf | yep | 11:57 |
gibson | what do u think? | 11:57 |
aftertaf | Cicakman: weird..... | 11:57 |
intelikey | also apache can set uid but i'm not a net-tech can't help with that. | 11:57 |
aftertaf | gibson: fantastic ;) | 11:57 |
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aftertaf | and 3.5 beta is looking lovely (even on a P3 500 laptop) | 11:58 |
erick | Guys are familiar with the Book of Postfix? | 11:58 |
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gibson | cool, ive used 3.4 and i did like it | 11:58 |
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gnomefreak | larsbjar: here do #1 on this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=364326 | 11:58 |
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gibson | so where are you guys from that it's not 6 am where you are? | 11:59 |
gibson | or is it :) | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | it is here :( | 11:59 |
vengeful | 11am | 11:59 |
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aftertaf | midday (in france) | 12:00 |
vengeful | i live in a real time zone | 12:00 |
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vengeful | we british invented time you know.. | 12:00 |
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Jost | hi.. im having problems getting an ip address. bought a new motherboard from asrock dual sata 2.. with uli 1695 chipset.. anybody been having the same problems? btw installed the breezy rc.. still no sucess! | 12:00 |
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gnomefreak | if you read down on that thread will help with the libs | 12:00 |
intelikey | hmmm [02:29pm] [intelikey] <--- maybe it's time to set my clock...... | 12:00 |
vengeful | problem getting an ip address? | 12:00 |
gibson | yeah ya did...lol | 12:00 |
vengeful | using a router? | 12:00 |
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lemics_ | @vengeful then its time to get rid of Blair | 12:00 |
vengeful | ahh hes ok | 12:00 |
vengeful | could be worse | 12:01 |
Jost | yep using a router | 12:01 |
=== vengeful looks at us president | ||
vengeful | oh dhcp? | 12:01 |
vengeful | or you manually doing it? | 12:01 |
Jost | dhcp si senor | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | since when does motherboard have anything to do with ur ip address? | 12:01 |
vengeful | kinda wondering that myself hehe | 12:01 |
gibson | what does ifconfig give you? | 12:01 |
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gnomefreak | i thought router/modem had all that info | 12:01 |
intelikey | step time server offset 138645.651337 sec | 12:01 |
erick | Guys Im installing the default installation of ubuntu in my 486 do you think it will run? | 12:01 |
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intelikey | i guess it was kinda off..... | 12:02 |
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lemics_ | it should | 12:02 |
gibson | erick: only one way to find out... | 12:02 |
YeTr3 | intelikey, all my clocks perpetually blink 12:00 | 12:02 |
intelikey | sure will. erick | 12:02 |
xukun | I installed ubuntu on xp laptop on a other partion but I get the massege hal.dll is missing if I try to boot to xp. any idea's? | 12:02 |
Jost | the lan interface is on the motherboard .. just wondering if there is still no hardware support for my mb on ubuntu | 12:02 |
xukun | anybody? | 12:02 |
intelikey | only the gui will be slugish | 12:02 |
teoh | how to set another charset in my xterm w/irssi? | 12:02 |
erick | gibson, intelkey hope it will cause i will use it for my workstation | 12:03 |
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gnomefreak | jost: can you connect to internet with that pc? | 12:03 |
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larsbjar | ok, its libqt3-mt not libqt-mt appearently :) thanks people | 12:03 |
gibson | erick: it really should, dont worry | 12:03 |
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YeTr3 | xukun, reinstall XP or get a hacked live disk version of XP to replace the 'hal.dll' file with as right now linux kernel does not have the writing support to ntfs that you reqire | 12:04 |
basti__ | How do I change the keylayout that is being used at login? | 12:04 |
intelikey | if you are a cli kinda guy you'll love it erick, but if you are one of those gui only people. you will probably boot it one time and repartition...... | 12:04 |
Jost | nope that is the prob.. im stuck on windoze to connect to the internet.. | 12:04 |
gibson | basti__:reconfigure X? | 12:04 |
gnomefreak | jost: what does ifconfig give you for output? | 12:05 |
intelikey | how much ram does it have erick ? | 12:05 |
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basti__ | but my keylayout isnt in there (I use Swedish Dvorak) | 12:05 |
erick | intelikey its not for me, I will try to implement this on my network and used it for my company | 12:05 |
erick | memory 100 dont know | 12:06 |
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Jost | ill have to get back to you on that one.. | 12:06 |
intelikey | making a server out of it ? yeah that will work. | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | ifconfig should list your ip addresses for most part | 12:06 |
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Jost | i know.. but im on win right now so i cant run ifconfig | 12:07 |
xukun | YeTr3, hacked live cd of xp? | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | i understand that i was just letting you know | 12:07 |
gibson | /etc/network/interfaces contains all the network setup stuff, just edit it with nano | 12:08 |
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gnomefreak | i dont ever remember seeing a live xp version :( | 12:08 |
Licker | intelikey: and gibson: I said a SPARE Minute for a reason. I dont want to read a whole shit load of stuff. Alls I was asking for is some help/examples. Sheesh. | 12:08 |
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Licker | intelikey: I have chmod 777 atm | 12:08 |
gibson | then do ifconfig eth0 down, ifconfig eth0 up, that's assuming your configuring eth0 interface | 12:08 |
erick | I dont thinkd there is a live cd for windows | 12:08 |
intelikey | i've got a 486 lappy with no cdrom no network and only 248m hd 24m ram i loaded mdk9 on it by floppys and run cli (no X) | 12:09 |
Cicakman | i'm at the point of banging my head with installing postgresql @ ubuntu. I dont know how to start the server...... | 12:09 |
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shawarma | I ordered a bunch of CD's a couple of weeks back, and on shipit it says they were sent to shipping company, but I was ordering Breezy CD's.. How does that add up? | 12:09 |
poningru | Cicakman: you sure its not running already? | 12:09 |
poningru | cause most servers start up when you install em | 12:09 |
poningru | err | 12:09 |
intelikey | Licker like i said if you have apache doing some suid stuff there, i can't help ya. | 12:09 |
poningru | not exactly but... | 12:09 |
Cicakman | poningru: doing ps -u root doesnt show any postgresql | 12:10 |
poningru | hmm | 12:10 |
poningru | hold on | 12:10 |
poningru | how did you install? | 12:10 |
poningru | compile? or deb? | 12:10 |
Cicakman | through synaptic.... | 12:10 |
poningru | ok cool | 12:10 |
poningru | hold on just a sec | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | shawarma: did you order one of the packages of cds? or did you make a custom order? | 12:10 |
shawarma | gnomefreak: Custom. | 12:10 |
gibson | sorry Licker, but there could be a few things causing the problem | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | shawarma: they are sending the order to the company prolly to ok ur order | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | custom arnt automaticlly accepted | 12:11 |
intelikey | erick odd you should mention "<erick> I dont thinkd there is a live cd for windows" i made one one time..... it can be done. or at least could with win9x. | 12:11 |
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Cicakman | poningru: r u still there? sorry.. x-chat just crashed | 12:12 |
shawarma | gnomefreak: I know.. It just sounds weird that they "sent it to shipping company" when the CD's don't exist yet. | 12:12 |
asraniel | hi all. does any one know how to tell alsa to use the second sound card as the primary one? | 12:12 |
gnomefreak | shawarma: concider that a good thing that they are working on it befor the cds are out :) | 12:13 |
poningru | Cicakman: yep | 12:13 |
poningru | Cicakman: what package did you install exactly? | 12:13 |
shawarma | gnomefreak: Heh.. That's true. | 12:13 |
Cicakman | i tried postgresql-8.0.. it didnt work | 12:14 |
Cicakman | so i went to postgresql-7.4.. didn't work as well | 12:14 |
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SpiderMan | foXgamer I can boot any type of linux at all, keeps hanging on my pcmcia card ? | 12:14 |
poningru | hmm | 12:14 |
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poningru | Cicakman: what do you meant didnt work? | 12:14 |
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poningru | I thought you said you installed it | 12:15 |
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Cicakman | postgresql server wasnt running | 12:15 |
poningru | oh | 12:15 |
poningru | gotcha | 12:15 |
intelikey | Cicakman try booting with "nopcmcia" | 12:15 |
Cicakman | i.e. running createuser or any postgresql commands say that it couldnt connect | 12:15 |
gibson | SpiderMan: i know that you can boot kanotix with the option pcmcia=off, but im new to ubuntu, so i dont know how to do it here | 12:15 |
poningru | Cicakman: try what intelikey said | 12:16 |
gibson | *sorry to plug another distro here... | 12:16 |
Cicakman | intelikey: hmmm... interesting there.. but how do i do that, and i 'm not sure if i understand how that is related to my problem .... | 12:16 |
SpiderMan | i remember it being something like nopcmcia=yes, or pcmcia=false ? | 12:16 |
C-Keen | hm... | 12:17 |
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iceman | hi anyone has an asus laptop? | 12:17 |
intelikey | SpiderMan it depends on whether you are passing the command to the kernel or an installer. for the kernel it should be boot: <linux-kernel?> nopcmcia [enter] | 12:17 |
Oetzi | hi | 12:18 |
gibson | hi Oetzi | 12:18 |
SpiderMan | found it, its hw-detect/start_pcmcia=flase | 12:18 |
intelikey | where linux-kernel is what ever kernel you are bootine. | 12:18 |
Oetzi | i have a problem with audacity | 12:18 |
intelikey | i do to. | 12:19 |
intelikey | oh ...... ;/ | 12:19 |
Oetzi | the font looks really strang | 12:19 |
C-Keen | I am having troubles with burning an isoimage. using cdrecord it tells me that space on the cd is not enough for my image (which is 200MB) the cd is a new fresh-unwrapped-800MB CD-R..any suggestions? | 12:19 |
SpiderMan | just totally off the topic though, do you guys know how I can set the volume on alsa at startup ? | 12:19 |
HrdwrBob | SpiderMan: alsactl save | 12:19 |
C-Keen | SpiderMan: usually with alsactl | 12:19 |
gibson | C-Keen: use k3b | 12:19 |
C-Keen | gibson: I did. which does not change a thing (k3b uses cdrecord as backend) | 12:20 |
intelikey | SpiderMan install aumix and run it from console it saves the volume settings. | 12:20 |
HrdwrBob | C-Keen: right click it | 12:20 |
HrdwrBob | press write to disk | 12:20 |
gibson | hmm... | 12:20 |
pacchetto | haw can I change the nickname password on the irc server? | 12:20 |
C-Keen | HrdwrBob: I did that too. then it complains about the image being too big for the media | 12:20 |
SpiderMan | sweety thanks guys, i wish all techie help was this quick, (nothing aimed at Microsoft) | 12:20 |
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Trewas | C-Keen: maximum length of CD is 700MB, 800MB CDs are a kludge working against standard and you may have to enable overburn in the program you use for burning | 12:20 |
C-Keen | Trewas: oh...ok thanks | 12:21 |
JDigital | Maybe you're out of hard drive space to make a temporary CD image to? | 12:21 |
intelikey | HrdwrBob yeah alsactl that too. i keep forgetting it..... | 12:21 |
Cicakman | intelikey: could you tell me why i need to have that nopcmcia? | 12:21 |
gibson | Trewas: i never knew that | 12:21 |
Trewas | I have some 800MB tdk CDs with fail to burn with the same whine about image being too large if -overburn flag is not used with cdrecord | 12:21 |
iceman | no asus laptops here? | 12:22 |
JDigital | He says his problem here is burning 200MB. | 12:22 |
hai | hello everyone. | 12:22 |
gibson | hey hai | 12:22 |
JDigital | hi hai | 12:22 |
lemics_ | hi hai | 12:23 |
intelikey | Cicakman that wasn't for you. it was for SpiderMan | 12:23 |
bimberi | Cicakman: what does "sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql status" output? | 12:23 |
intelikey | i had to scroll back up and see who it was..... | 12:23 |
hai | i have a simple question: i'm trying to get my cpd e500 monitor to run at 1920X1200. er, being that i just installed ubuntu hours ago, can anyone tell me what i should put into the etc/X11/xorg.conf file? | 12:23 |
hai | oh, hello! | 12:23 |
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asraniel | hi, what is the easiest way to make a whole partition rw for every user? now its only for the root rw, others have only r. i tried this, but it doesent worksudo chmod -R +777 * | 12:24 |
C-Keen | Trewas: Blocks total: 49473 Blocks current: 49473 Blocks remaining: -62709 do your 800Mb CD-Rs look like this? | 12:24 |
hai | (i do know how to sudo in order to have root access to the file in question.) | 12:24 |
Cicakman | Version Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file | 12:25 |
Cicakman | 8.0 main 5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/8.0/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.0-main.log | 12:25 |
lemics_ | change umask ? | 12:25 |
Cicakman | hmmm cluster is already running | 12:25 |
Cicakman | but when i run 'createuser', this error message was returned: createuser: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: user "agwibowo" does not exist | 12:25 |
gibson | hai: take a look at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto?highlight=%28monitor%29%7C%28resolution%29 | 12:26 |
intelikey | asraniel what fs ? are we talking linux native /ext3 ..... or vfat or what ? | 12:26 |
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dockane | does anyone know a similiar pendant to cumulus in ubuntu ? | 12:27 |
hai | thanks. i'm going to do that now. | 12:27 |
bimberi | Cicakman: iirc you need to add a new user as the postgres user - "sudo su - posgtgres", then try the createuser command | 12:27 |
samu2 | So, there's only two more days til' Breezy? | 12:27 |
pitti | Cicakman: I'm the postgresql maintainer. What do you want to do? | 12:27 |
intelikey | asraniel ? | 12:27 |
=== bimberi backs off :) | ||
pitti | Cicakman: you don't need to create the postgres user, that happens automatically | 12:28 |
daxxar | C-Keen, you mean chmod 777 -R /, I bet? :) | 12:28 |
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pitti | bimberi: the user wasn't created for you? postgresql-common does that | 12:28 |
Trewas | C-Keen: yeah cdrecord -atip is reporting 49473 blocks for total length of the 800MB cd, while a random 700MB cd-rw reports 359849 blocks | 12:28 |
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daxxar | Eh. | 12:28 |
Cicakman | pitti: i can see the postgres user | 12:28 |
daxxar | not C-Keen, sorry. : | 12:28 |
pitti | bimberi: ah, sorry, I misread | 12:28 |
pitti | Cicakman: ok, what do you want to do? | 12:29 |
daxxar | asraniel, you mean chmod 777 -R /path/to/stuff, I bet? :) | 12:29 |
Cicakman | pitti: but when i run "createdb" from my normal user account, it says " could not connect to database template1: FATAL: user "agwibowo" does not exist" | 12:29 |
daxxar | asraniel, also, you could just do chmod go+rwX -R /path/to/stuff | 12:29 |
bimberi | pitti: s'ok (he wants to create a "agwibowo" user) :) | 12:29 |
Cicakman | pitti: i'm not sure what i need to do here | 12:29 |
pitti | Cicakman: ah | 12:29 |
pitti | Cicakman: look at /usr/share/doc/postgresql-common/README.Debian | 12:29 |
daxxar | Hmm, +777 should work. :) | 12:29 |
pitti | Cicakman: it explains the first steps | 12:29 |
pitti | Cicakman: as bimberi said, you need to create a psql user for you | 12:29 |
Cicakman | ok..... thx | 12:30 |
pitti | Cicakman: sudo -u postgres createuser yourname | 12:30 |
pitti | Cicakman: or, better: sudo -u postgres createuser yourname -D -a | 12:30 |
Cicakman | yourname <- is this my normal account, or separate account for postgres? | 12:30 |
daxxar | asraniel, if it's fat, you should put this into the options of the mount: umask=000, but you're better off doing uid=someUser,gid=someGroup,umask=007, then just make sure everyone that needs rwx is in someGroup. (: | 12:30 |
pitti | Cicakman: you should use your login name | 12:30 |
Cicakman | ok.. that's done.... | 12:31 |
pitti | Cicakman: if you don't spefify -D -a, createuser will just ask you about the privileges of your user | 12:31 |
intelikey | daxxar it looks like we lost asraniel but if it is vfat or ntfs or something chmod wont help... it will have to have a umask= line in fstab | 12:31 |
Cicakman | ic.... | 12:31 |
daxxar | intelikey, aye. | 12:31 |
daxxar | intelikey, (and better not 777, but something like 770, i.e. umask 007, and setting gid= and uid= in the mount) | 12:32 |
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Cicakman | i think i've got it | 12:32 |
Cicakman | thx a lot guys | 12:32 |
JDigital | np | 12:32 |
Skid | pop a cheque in the post | 12:32 |
=== intelikey nods | ||
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daxxar | intelikey, enjoy. | 12:33 |
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Cicakman | errr... how do i quit from this psql | 12:34 |
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bimberi | Cicakman: \q | 12:34 |
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pitti | Cicakman: \q or just press Ctrl+D | 12:34 |
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asraniel | intelikey, daxxar: i was eating. yes its fat, i will try yout tips | 12:34 |
Cicakman | thx... i'm a noob... :P | 12:34 |
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pitti | Cicakman: do you think the instructions in README.Devel can be improved? | 12:34 |
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Cicakman | msyql user who is learning postgresql | 12:34 |
daxxar | asraniel, you should generally not set 777, rather set 770, and make people member of a group. :) | 12:35 |
pitti | Cicakman: ah :-) | 12:35 |
pitti | Cicakman: it might take a while to adopt to psql's user handling | 12:35 |
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vladuz976 | once breezy becomes stable, will there be anymore packages added to the repos? it not, then can one just comment out all repositories except the backports until the next distro-upgrade? | 12:35 |
Cicakman | pitti: nah... should be ok... although what u said before " sudo -u postgres createuser agwibowo -D -a | 12:35 |
Cicakman | " is different from what is there,, but i'm sure they are the same... | 12:35 |
Cicakman | one thing though.... i dont know if this file exists... i can't find it in the wiki page either | 12:36 |
Cicakman | maybe setting up a wiki page that points out this file will really help | 12:36 |
pitti | Cicakman: yes, it's a bit more detailled | 12:36 |
bimberi | pitti: as a sql*plus user, psql is ... interesting :) | 12:36 |
pitti | Cicakman: it's a standard documentation place for all Debian packages | 12:36 |
Cicakman | ohhh ..... again.. the noob side of me... | 12:36 |
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pitti | Cicakman: don't worry - if you learned something today, that's great :-) | 12:37 |
gibson | vladuz976: if you install breezy now, then apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, youll be right on par with the final release | 12:37 |
Cicakman | thx a lot | 12:37 |
cafuego_ | Whoa! | 12:37 |
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ccooke | vladuz976: there will be new packages in the repositories after release - to cover bug fixes and security updates. | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | vladuz976: i would think that would depend on what packages you wanted and personally i wouldnt comment out any repos | 12:37 |
cafuego_ | Pretty nice kernel lock on the secondary production box. | 12:37 |
vladuz976 | gibson: and backports? disable them and enable once breezy is out? | 12:37 |
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Cicakman | is there any tool that allows me to graphically model the database in ubuntu? | 12:38 |
ccooke | Cicakman: what database? | 12:38 |
gibson | apt-get upgrade will only install the latest packeges | 12:38 |
Cicakman | ummm.. postgresql? | 12:38 |
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ccooke | Cicakman: there are (mostly web-based) graphical front-ends to mysql and postgres | 12:39 |
ccooke | is that roughly what you want, or are you talking about software that will produce nice relationship diagrams? | 12:40 |
pitti | Cicakman: pgadmin3 is a nice administration tool (standalone application, not web-based) | 12:40 |
Cicakman | ccooke: hmm i'm talking about a software that allows me to draw tables, build relationship between them... and also a functionality to generate the sql scripts.... | 12:40 |
pitti | Cicakman: you can create tables with it and the like | 12:40 |
Cicakman | pitti: thx... | 12:40 |
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eythian | Cicakman: I've not used it, but maybe Rekall does it. | 12:41 |
pitti | Cicakman: you can't build queries with it, thouhg | 12:41 |
gibson | Cicakman: i think webmin has a mysql module | 12:41 |
poningru | WOAH | 12:41 |
ccooke | Cicakman: you want a drag and drop database builder? | 12:41 |
poningru | who is benjamin mako? | 12:41 |
poningru | here | 12:41 |
gibson | and maybe postgres, im not sure | 12:41 |
haffe | Hi, I installed ubuntu server package, but now I want to install xorg. What package should I install? xserver-xorg-core? | 12:41 |
Seveaz | poningru, Benjamin 'mako' Hill | 12:41 |
eythian | Cicakman: or the OO.o2 database thingie, if it's far enough along. | 12:41 |
Seveaz | guess the nickname :) | 12:41 |
poningru | oh | 12:41 |
poningru | Seveaz: is he the guy behind unhappybirthday? | 12:42 |
Seveaz | yes | 12:42 |
Cicakman | ccooke: not sure what you meant, but something like Dezign (http://www.datanamic.com/dezign/) | 12:42 |
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ccooke | Cicakman: hmm. apt-cache show tora - is that what you need? | 12:43 |
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jonasbjork | hello people | 12:43 |
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bimberi | Cicakman: i've used a graphical design tool called DBDesigner4. It's not integrated with postgresql though (ie. no scheme generation or reverse engineering) | 12:43 |
gibson | hi jonasbjork | 12:43 |
Cicakman | bimberi: i tried that.. but can't run it in ubuntu | 12:43 |
ccooke | Cicakman: ... right. I've not heard of any open-source tool that does that | 12:43 |
jonasbjork | i am looking for a good guide that helps me building packages for ubuntu linux | 12:43 |
Cicakman | bimberi: funny it says "Starting DBDesigner4" but nothing pops up | 12:44 |
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Cody` | WTF | 12:45 |
Cody` | stuck in 800x600 mode | 12:45 |
Cody` | iwth screen scroll when mouse gets to edge | 12:45 |
JDigital | heh | 12:45 |
bimberi | Cicakman: hm, it works ok for me (on hoary) | 12:46 |
gibson | jonasbjork: this site show how to make debian pkgs, they are basically the same thing, http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT8047723203.html | 12:46 |
jonasbjork | gibson: thanks :] | 12:46 |
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hai | hello again. | 12:47 |
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hai | i was hear earlier concerning a resolution question. | 12:47 |
hai | it's answered. thanks for the help! | 12:48 |
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gibson | hai: awesome, did that site help? | 12:48 |
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N6REJ-AFK | Seveaz: I'm having problems.... can you please tell me whats wrong with this? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2989 | 12:50 |
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Cicakman | hmmm | 12:51 |
N6REJ | any postfix experts? | 12:52 |
Cicakman | tora says that the connection to postgre is refused | 12:52 |
Cicakman | although supplying the same username/password to psql works fine | 12:52 |
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gibson | N6REJ-AFK: no, but maybe it might be easier if you edit each field in the .conf file | 12:53 |
johnsie2 | how do you change which program is associated with a file type? | 12:53 |
N6REJ | gibson: ok.. ty. | 12:53 |
johnsie2 | in gnome | 12:53 |
gibson | N6REJ: just back it up first | 12:54 |
tarzeau | johnsie2: /etc/mailcap or ~/.mailcap ? not sure | 12:54 |
N6REJ | gibson: yep, did that already :D | 12:54 |
frickel | I can't install ardour-gtk, it depends on packages that can't be installed... can someone help me? | 12:54 |
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poningru | cafuego_: can we have ubotu do cowsay? | 12:55 |
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daxxar | And ubotu do banner and ubotu do figlet! :o | 12:56 |
Ng | frickel: it looks pretty broken at the moment unfortunately | 12:56 |
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johnsie2 | eww that's a dirty text file.... I think I'm gonna have to write a GUI for it | 12:57 |
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jonasbjork | poningru: cowsay is in universe. | 12:57 |
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poningru | jonasbjork: I know | 12:58 |
poningru | I was just wondering if the bot in here can do that in channel | 12:58 |
poningru | not in here obviously | 12:58 |
poningru | only in ubuntu-offtopic | 12:58 |
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erick | gtg guys time to go home thanks | 01:00 |
jonasbjork | poningru: aha, i see. . :/ | 01:00 |
dougsko | cya erick | 01:01 |
sH4 | Hi | 01:01 |
dougsko | hey sH4 | 01:01 |
sH4 | dougsko ,yep~ | 01:01 |
jas_ | Hi | 01:01 |
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sH4 | jas_ : HI , | 01:01 |
jas_ | I just started using ubuntu a few days ago | 01:02 |
jas_ | Its interesting | 01:02 |
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dougsko | yeah, its nice compared to the "pure" distros where everything is a fight to get stuff working | 01:02 |
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jonasbjork | anyone know if ubuntu works flawless on a powerbook G4 ? | 01:03 |
dougsko | at least for me anyway | 01:03 |
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jonasbjork | airport extreme does not work - as i know | 01:03 |
jonasbjork | but otherwise? | 01:03 |
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jas_ | I'm running it on a compaq presario 900z | 01:04 |
dougsko | jonasbjork: id venture to guess ubuntu takes a little tweaking on every system to get it just right | 01:04 |
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jas_ | So far no problems | 01:04 |
donalerandro | salut! | 01:04 |
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Paradoxx | has backports been removed or smthing? | 01:05 |
dougsko | donalerandro: hi | 01:05 |
jonasbjork | jas_: a powerbook (mac/ppc) and a compaq (pc/x86) is different things ;) | 01:05 |
JDigital | Who needs backports when we have Breezy in two days | 01:05 |
pilgrim_executer | hey all, my buddy is trying to partition his HDD but cant unmount it to resize, it just keeps saying its busy - how does he un mount it? | 01:05 |
jas_ | i am very aware of that I was just saying hey this is what I am running | 01:05 |
donalerandro | hi dougsko | 01:05 |
sH4 | ' ' | 01:06 |
frickel | Ng: thats not good | 01:06 |
donalerandro | please help me ! | 01:06 |
jonasbjork | pilgrim_executer: sudo fuser -k /dev/DEVICE | 01:06 |
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donalerandro | hello all chaters please helpe me! | 01:06 |
dougsko | donalerandro: whats wrong?? | 01:07 |
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frickel | Does anyone know where "Beneath a Steel Sky" Gama Data is stored and what name it gets?? I want to run it in scummvm... downloaded it with synaptic....can't find it | 01:07 |
pilgrim_executer | jonasbjork, thank you very much | 01:07 |
jonasbjork | pilgrim_executer: np :) | 01:07 |
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donalerandro | I want to create a apllication kind a dictionnary | 01:07 |
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punkie | how do you reconfigure your xserver?? | 01:07 |
donalerandro | but I don't know how to do it? | 01:08 |
Paradoxx | hmm, question... | 01:08 |
dougsko | punkie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto?highlight=%28monitor%29%7C%28resolution%29 | 01:08 |
Paradoxx | if i do a dist upgrade now? will breezy break? | 01:08 |
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jonasbjork | punkie: dpkg --reconfigure xserver-org | 01:09 |
jonasbjork | or something like that | 01:09 |
dougsko | Paradoxx: it shouldnt, but computer are sweet like that | 01:09 |
jonasbjork | punkie: dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:09 |
jonasbjork | Paradoxx: from hoary? | 01:09 |
jonasbjork | Paradoxx: i did upgrade hoary to breezy, and it worked. my friend did the same but his broked. | 01:10 |
jonasbjork | Paradoxx: he missed some xorg-packages. installed them and everything went fine. | 01:10 |
alkuovi | Good day all, I have installed linux-image- version 2.6.10-34. I have used apt-get upgrade and my 386 kernel is version 2.6.10-34.7. Why isn't 686 updated to that version? | 01:11 |
jonasbjork | Paradoxx: a great idea is to backup your data (documents, pics and such) before upgrading | 01:11 |
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Tiran | hello! when will be 5.10 out? | 01:14 |
bimberi | Tiran: 13th | 01:14 |
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pilgrim_executer | jonasbjork, still says device busy:( im trying it on my pc with no luck too | 01:15 |
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steve_don | q | 01:16 |
steve_don | quit | 01:16 |
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JDigital | heh | 01:17 |
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alkuovi | Ups, I looked the version number from wrong location. 686 is up to date. | 01:18 |
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pilgrim_executer | can anyone help me unmount my HDD for patitioning? always says its busy | 01:20 |
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C-Keen | pilgrim_executer: you need to boot off something else than your hard disk to do it properly | 01:20 |
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pilgrim_executer | C-Keen, lice-cd? | 01:21 |
pilgrim_executer | live cd even hehe | 01:21 |
C-Keen | pilgrim_executer: a good start yes | 01:21 |
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pilgrim_executer | C-Keen, thx im on it :) | 01:22 |
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Adross | i wish to make a website from scratch. This would be a bunch of tutorials for open source apps for windows. Anyone recommend a good program? | 01:22 |
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nomed | hi all | 01:22 |
Skid | Adross: nvu | 01:22 |
C-Keen | pilgrim_executer: no problem :) | 01:23 |
N6REJ | what is the importance of the pass phrase when setting up smtp-auth in postfix? | 01:23 |
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Adross | Skid: i tried installing that, but it won't work | 01:23 |
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N6REJ | is it something I'm going to be typing daily, or ???? | 01:23 |
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nomed | i have this string in debconf: xserver-xorg/autodetect_keyboard: true | 01:24 |
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nomed | but it seems during dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive xserver-xorg it can't set the keyboard | 01:24 |
nomed | it was working with hoary ... | 01:24 |
nomed | do i need some pkge in particular | 01:25 |
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nomed | ? | 01:25 |
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Adross | so, anyone know any good website authoring utils? | 01:28 |
abhayks | hi has anyone played music from www.raaga.com | 01:29 |
Siropel | i will ...now | 01:30 |
C-Keen | Adross: maybe WebGUI is what you are looking for | 01:31 |
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Seveas | Adross, nvu? | 01:31 |
Adross | how does one install webgui? | 01:31 |
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abhayks | Siropel, I always get initializing player -- but never get player initialized | 01:31 |
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Adross | Seveas: tried installing, but it won't run | 01:32 |
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ian_ | Anybody running ubuntu on a DE | 01:33 |
ian_ | on a DELL | 01:33 |
hablandocontigo | Running back and forth from this computer to the one I was messing with yesterday is a bit like George Washington's guerilla tactics during the War of American Independence. | 01:33 |
hablandocontigo | I am. | 01:33 |
ian_ | specifically an Inspiron 2200 | 01:33 |
hablandocontigo | Dell GX 200 Inspiron | 01:33 |
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hablandocontigo | err Optiplex | 01:33 |
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Kimppa | Hello. I'm having huge problems with starting up my X after booting it | 01:34 |
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Kimppa | when I run the command /etc/init.d/gdm restart, I get the following error | 01:35 |
N6REJ | I need some help understanding what the passphrase does in postfix guys. | 01:35 |
dougsko | Andross: wordpress is nice for blog type pages | 01:35 |
Sonderblade | how do i download addons so i can play .avi-files in totem? | 01:35 |
ian_ | sorry should have been more specific, it's a laptop - DELL Inspiron 2200, can get hold of one for a pretty good price and Im interested to here if anybody is running ubuntu on this platform... | 01:35 |
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Kimppa | "I cannot start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?" | 01:36 |
Kimppa | If I choose yes, I only get a blank screen | 01:36 |
abhayks | Sonderblade, gstreamer* | 01:36 |
Kimppa | with on "ok" button | 01:36 |
Siropel | abhayks: doesn't work for me either, i am using fedora right now | 01:36 |
mohkohn | After defecting to gentoo for 4 days it is good to be back! | 01:36 |
Kimppa | then I get a message telling me X server is disabled for now, and I should check my configuration | 01:37 |
Sonderblade | Kimppa: did you upgrade the kernel? | 01:37 |
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Admiral_Snyder | hi there | 01:37 |
dodgyville | How do I install dcom98 using wine? | 01:37 |
Admiral_Snyder | (once again) | 01:37 |
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dodgyville | hi | 01:38 |
Kimppa | Sonderblade: Hmm... now that you mention it, it's possible. I was trying to install my drivers for my ati card, and I needed to install kernel headers | 01:38 |
Sonderblade | abhayks: do you mean gstreamer0.8-plugins? | 01:38 |
abhayks | yes | 01:38 |
Sonderblade | thanks | 01:38 |
Admiral_Snyder | can anybody of you tell me why i can access my ubuntu-computer with putty on any of it's NIC IPs even when the network cable is only assigned to one of them? | 01:38 |
Kimppa | Sonderblade: but the kernel version seems to be the same as the version I hade before trying to install the drivers | 01:38 |
mustard5 | dodgyville, winetools | 01:38 |
Sonderblade | Kimppa: i think the ati driver has to be recompiled | 01:38 |
Kimppa | Sonderblade: Hmm.. ok, how do I do that? | 01:39 |
abhayks | Sonderblade, Siropel has found it hard to make avi file run in totem, -look at his msg | 01:39 |
DMFDSandman | can someone help me figure out how to get my wifi card working? | 01:40 |
DMFDSandman | wireles | 01:40 |
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ian_ | DMFDSandman: I'll try... | 01:40 |
Sonderblade | abhayks: i get the sound from the files but no video | 01:40 |
dodgyville | mustard5: Thanks | 01:41 |
ian_ | what wifi card are you using? | 01:41 |
mustard5 | !tell DMFDSandman about wireless wifi | 01:41 |
abhayks | Sonderblade, I do not have any avi files right now -- can u send me a small one | 01:41 |
bimberi | ian_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops, failing that http://www.linux-laptop.net/ | 01:41 |
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mustard5 | !tell DMFDSandman about wifi | 01:42 |
DMFDSandman | well i have a broadcom built into my laptop and i have a belkin pre-n | 01:42 |
ian_ | Cheers bimberi | 01:42 |
mustard5 | dodgyville, np | 01:42 |
Kimppa | can anyone tell me how to recomiple the ati drivers? | 01:42 |
DMFDSandman | thanks for the link mustard | 01:43 |
mustard5 | DMFDSandman, np | 01:43 |
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lemics_ | can someone help me on the therm_adt746x module ? i want to set from the start cpu_fan to 0 is this ok ? | 01:46 |
lemics_ | on a ibook | 01:46 |
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fortran01 | getting errors in gmail? | 01:51 |
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joacim_ | is it possible to show the layout for a keyboard/language combination, in more extent than what the keyboard-layout tool in gnome shows? | 01:56 |
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nocturn | Hi guys. | 01:56 |
kagen_ | I find it funny that on this old 300mhz, here on linux, I can play video clips just fine, even clips that ran like total utter shit on windows. haha | 01:57 |
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Licker | I am trying to remove Apache2 from my PC. I ran the uninstall on the synamptic but it can still host a web site. (www.firestreak.com ) any idea why it didnt get totaly removed and or another way to remove it and the DIRs it came in? | 01:57 |
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dragoonz | what are the minimum specs I can run ubuntu on? | 01:57 |
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kagen_ | dunno | 01:57 |
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kagen_ | i'm running it on a 300mhz with 390 megs of ram | 01:57 |
mahangu | dragoonz, pretty low end machines | 01:57 |
mahangu | ive seen it run fine on p3s with 128 | 01:58 |
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dragoonz | a p1 166mHz? | 01:58 |
nocturn | dragoonz: that dpends on what you will be using. Gnome will not run well on a PII with 128 MB Ram | 01:58 |
mustard5 | about 3Gb hard drive | 01:58 |
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dragoonz | ah | 01:58 |
dragoonz | I intend to use gnome | 01:58 |
kagen_ | Gnome was not good for this system at all | 01:58 |
dragoonz | because I'm a noob | 01:58 |
kagen_ | XFCE came in handy | 01:58 |
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mustard5 | it will run ok | 01:58 |
mustard5 | maybe slow :) | 01:58 |
nocturn | Xfce is nice, but it does not do automounting etc | 01:58 |
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limguohong91 | Hey guys, how do i edit this file /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes? It appear to be locked how do i unlock it? | 01:59 |
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nocturn | dragoonz: For Gnome, Ram is important | 01:59 |
keith | hello everyone | 01:59 |
mustard5 | keith, hi | 01:59 |
kagen_ | gnome is cool, when I get a new computer, i'll use it | 01:59 |
limguohong91 | Hi :) | 01:59 |
nocturn | Hi Keith | 01:59 |
enigmatic | I run gnome 2.12 with 256mb of sdram and it goes along fine | 01:59 |
keith | hi | 01:59 |
michel | ltsp: cliient starts but i have login, but i cannot log me any ide? | 01:59 |
kagen_ | I think my 390 megs of ram was good enough, but the 300mhz cpu probably lagged me back | 02:00 |
limguohong91 | Hey guys, how do i edit this file /usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes? It appear to be locked how do i unlock it? I am the admin of this computer | 02:00 |
keith | i wonder, is there sth work with rar formate? | 02:00 |
enigmatic | yeah, unrar | 02:00 |
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_jason | limguohong91: are you using sudo? | 02:00 |
keith | thx | 02:00 |
mustard5 | why would you want to edit it, limguohong91 ? | 02:00 |
limguohong91 | sudo? | 02:00 |
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fortran01 | limguohong91: try check permissions ls -l | 02:01 |
nocturn | BTW, I have some Breezy problems | 02:01 |
aftertaf | !tell limguohong91 about sudo | 02:01 |
_jason | !tell limguohong91 about sudo | 02:01 |
_jason | oops | 02:01 |
limguohong91 | I want to add it more brushes to The Gimp | 02:01 |
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enigmatic | lol | 02:01 |
mustard5 | k | 02:01 |
_jason | oh ubotu is smart... | 02:01 |
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aftertaf | hehe, not oops :) | 02:01 |
keith | em/ | 02:01 |
mustard5 | ah its a directory! *light goes on* | 02:01 |
nocturn | My laptop battery only does 30 minutes against 90-120 in Hoary | 02:01 |
aftertaf | !good bot | 02:01 |
ubotu | :) | 02:01 |
enigmatic | limguohong91, you must be su to write to that dir, get more brushes and add them as su | 02:01 |
keith | and sth like sterm? | 02:01 |
nocturn | and Ndiswrapper (Broadcom) is dead in the water | 02:01 |
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limguohong91 | su? | 02:01 |
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enigmatic | superuser | 02:01 |
limguohong91 | I see | 02:01 |
limguohong91 | Thanks :) | 02:01 |
keith | how can i find applications by functions, not just name, hehe, | 02:02 |
aftertaf | w00t | 02:02 |
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enigmatic | do sudo mv files to /path/to/gimp/plugins/brushes | 02:02 |
aftertaf | keith, adept can do that, it uses debtags | 02:02 |
limguohong91 | okay :) | 02:02 |
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mustard5 | keith, search by name and description | 02:02 |
keith | thank you all | 02:03 |
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nocturn | Any Breezy+Ndiswrapper+Broadcom users here? | 02:03 |
b0uncer | is gdm fixed already? | 02:03 |
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mustard5 | nocturn, no | 02:04 |
mustard5 | maybe later | 02:04 |
lrc | anyone knows the solution for the 65-bit openoffice printer setup thing? | 02:04 |
b0uncer | lrc, yes, buy another printer | 02:05 |
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lrc | b0uncer, it doesn't solve the problem | 02:05 |
lrc | b0uncer, the problem is on the OOwriter itself | 02:05 |
keith | haha, | 02:05 |
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b0uncer | ok..but that _would_ solve the problem | 02:06 |
b0uncer | imo | 02:06 |
lrc | b0uncer, you know the problem with openoffice.org ang 65-bit system? | 02:06 |
JDigital | heh | 02:06 |
b0uncer | the goal is to get something printed, isn't it? | 02:06 |
lrc | b0uncer, im using 5 different network printers | 02:07 |
b0uncer | lrc, not really, but describe it? | 02:07 |
keith | sorry, but i cant find adept in my source, | 02:07 |
lrc | b0uncer, on my 64-bit system using hoary 5.10 printers are detected by print manager and can print test page but on openoffice.org i can't see the printers i addedd only generic printer | 02:07 |
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limguohong91 | There seem that there is no root account? | 02:08 |
intelikey | 65-bit ? | 02:08 |
limguohong91 | So how do i do sudo? | 02:08 |
kagen_ | i'll mess with printer someday on here, for now, my windowsxp workstation exists. | 02:08 |
nihao | I got this with "top" command: Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 97700k cached | 02:08 |
b0uncer | limguohong91 you must enable it | 02:08 |
oxez | seems *.ubuntu.com are down? | 02:08 |
b0uncer | with passwd and sudo | 02:08 |
mustard5 | sudo uses the user password | 02:08 |
nihao | does this mean that I have no swap partition? | 02:08 |
lrc | intelikey, 64 bit i mean | 02:08 |
limguohong91 | I see | 02:08 |
limguohong91 | Thanks :) | 02:08 |
b0uncer | limguohong91 sudo passwd root | 02:09 |
b0uncer | or something like it | 02:09 |
b0uncer | :) | 02:09 |
limguohong91 | Okay :) | 02:09 |
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Kimppa | Does anyone have any idea how I can uninstall the ati drivers and use the default drivers instead? | 02:10 |
b0uncer | do your GDMs in Gnome 2.12 (breezy rc) work all right? | 02:10 |
b0uncer | when you log out of Gnome then try to log back in? | 02:10 |
intelikey | limguohong91 there is a root account. but you probably don't have a passwd set for root. sudo uses $UID's password (assumes they are in sudoers) to run commands as root for $UID. | 02:10 |
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chapeaurouge | how's the hoary to breezy dist-upgrade? | 02:10 |
limguohong91 | So when i enable it it run as who? | 02:10 |
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limguohong91 | Run as my name or run as root? | 02:10 |
intelikey | as root. | 02:11 |
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keith | ur named account | 02:11 |
SpiderMan | thanks foXgamer, grub is working 100% | 02:11 |
limguohong91 | XD.... 2 answers..... | 02:11 |
nihao | hello, how to know if I have swap partition or not? | 02:11 |
mustard5 | nihao, type 'mount' in terminal | 02:11 |
b0uncer | :D | 02:11 |
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intelikey | nihao "free" will tell you if a swap partition is enabled. "fdisk -l" will tell you if one exists. | 02:12 |
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keith | mustard, can u tell me some app, like sterm ? | 02:12 |
mustard5 | ah 'free' sorry | 02:12 |
mustard5 | keith, what are you looking for? | 02:12 |
lemics_ | mustard you mean df ? | 02:13 |
slept | nihao, cat /proc/swaps | 02:13 |
keith | some application like sterm in win | 02:13 |
mustard5 | lemics_, yep | 02:13 |
slept | what is sterm ? | 02:13 |
b0uncer | SpermTerm | 02:13 |
b0uncer | surely | 02:13 |
lemics_ | lol | 02:13 |
mustard5 | what does sterm do? | 02:13 |
keith | superterm? thanks | 02:13 |
intelikey | i feel kinda see-throughish ..... | 02:13 |
keith | en, telnet | 02:13 |
keith | login | 02:14 |
b0uncer | mustard5, what would you think? ;) | 02:14 |
mustard5 | :) I'm being slow :D | 02:14 |
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keith | hehe n_n | 02:14 |
b0uncer | duhh..gotta go back to work. Just installed linux on a 300gig raid thingie, screwed up, started again...takes sooooo long | 02:14 |
slept | keith, don't use telnet its insecure | 02:15 |
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intelikey | ssh | 02:15 |
keith | ok, i just use it to log in bbs of my uni | 02:15 |
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alex3305 | hi | 02:17 |
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intelikey | be [right,write,rite] back....... | 02:18 |
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nihao | mustafu: there is no swap identified in the output, does this mean there is no swap enabled? | 02:20 |
nihao | inc|freaky: Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 99924k cached --> so, no swap? | 02:20 |
intelikey | nihao i said eariler "fdisk -l" to see if any swap partition exists. | 02:21 |
nihao | slept: cat /proc/swaps give me no output --> does this mean there is no swap (or not enabled)? | 02:21 |
slept | nihao, do you have a swap partition ? if so do swapon /dev/hd.. | 02:21 |
slept | yes | 02:21 |
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Admiral_Snyder | is one of you a crack concerning the interfaces file? | 02:23 |
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intelikey | i'm a bit of a crack-pot does that count ? | 02:23 |
Admiral_Snyder | hehe | 02:24 |
slept | Admiral_Snyder, I'm not , but what is your problem ? | 02:24 |
Admiral_Snyder | i have a computer running ubuntu, that i want to use as a router for my network | 02:24 |
Admiral_Snyder | this machine has 3 NICs | 02:25 |
Admiral_Snyder | the one onboard i want to use to connect to the internet. | 02:25 |
lemics_ | you need to load some routing modules | 02:25 |
chapeaurouge | Admiral_Snyder, have you tried ipcop? (just a thought) | 02:25 |
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nihao | inc|freaky: I typed the command, it told me that "Cannot open /dev/hda8" | 02:25 |
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liable | Admiral_Snyder: ipmasq, or shorewall, or fireholl, or firestarter, or ... | 02:25 |
Admiral_Snyder | what is ipcop? | 02:25 |
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lemics_ | i think tldp.org has something about it | 02:26 |
chapeaurouge | Admiral_Snyder, a ready to go linux router/firewall with nice web interface | 02:26 |
Admiral_Snyder | im not that far as to the firewall. | 02:26 |
nihao | this is the line in /etc/fstab "/dev/hda8 none swap sw 0 0" | 02:26 |
chapeaurouge | ipcop.sourceforge.net | 02:26 |
Admiral_Snyder | first i need to configure the ip's of my NIC's | 02:26 |
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Admiral_Snyder | does ipcop run on a bash? i only have one | 02:26 |
chapeaurouge | Admiral_Snyder, there is nothing to do with ipcop.. basically plugit in and go.. very good for this purpose | 02:26 |
nihao | inc|freaky: this is line in /etc/fstab --> "/dev/hda8 none swap sw 0 0" | 02:26 |
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chapeaurouge | Admiral_Snyder, runs on LFS | 02:26 |
slept | nihao, do fdisk -l | 02:27 |
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Admiral_Snyder | sorry, overread your former statement | 02:27 |
Admiral_Snyder | it has to be that ubuntu | 02:27 |
chapeaurouge | ah ok. | 02:27 |
slept | nihao, if the line would be right you have swap | 02:27 |
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Admiral_Snyder | so. my nic's | 02:27 |
Admiral_Snyder | the outgoing is | 02:28 |
Admiral_Snyder | the others are and | 02:28 |
lemics_ | this ones nice but on BSD http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200207/transpfobsd.html | 02:28 |
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Admiral_Snyder | will that work? | 02:28 |
BockBilbo | anyone here uses mythv and has been able to make it work properly? | 02:28 |
nihao | slept: 'fdisk -l' prints nothing. what does this mean? | 02:28 |
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slept | nihao, to make a partition swap do mkswap /dev/hd8 | 02:28 |
slept | nihao, sudo | 02:29 |
slept | use | 02:29 |
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slept | nihao, for fdisk | 02:29 |
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Kyozabe` | Hey, uh, could someone tell me the default password for Ubuntu Live, please? | 02:30 |
Admiral_Snyder | (i generated a firewall script for rcfirewall, and it works fine until now, but i have to configure the ip's first) | 02:30 |
Kyozabe` | I kinda need to use my laptop, but it's prompting me to login to get back to the desktop | 02:31 |
poningru | Kyozabe`: there is no password | 02:31 |
slept | Kyozabe`, just press ENTER | 02:31 |
Kyozabe` | yeah | 02:31 |
Kyozabe` | "Login cancelled" | 02:31 |
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poningru | Kyozabe`: um just press the power button | 02:31 |
poningru | it should just shutdown | 02:31 |
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intelikey | nihao `if' /dev/hda8 exists in the output of "fdisk -l /dev/hda" then "sudo mkswap /dev/hda8 ;swapon -a " if you want swap..... i don't use swap here.... it slows this thing down..... | 02:32 |
poningru | but this seems like a bug | 02:32 |
Kyozabe` | But I don't want it to... | 02:32 |
poningru | Kyozabe`: oh | 02:32 |
poningru | hmm | 02:32 |
Kyozabe` | Setting up stuff for it is ass :/ | 02:32 |
Admiral_Snyder | nobody who can help? | 02:32 |
poningru | well this is a live cd | 02:32 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: what are you trying to do? | 02:32 |
Kyozabe` | Well, I closed my laptop last night | 02:32 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: yes? | 02:32 |
Kyozabe` | Opened it today, and when I try to get out of the screen saver, it prompts me to input a password | 02:33 |
da_bon_bon | hi all | 02:33 |
nihao | slept: yes, i see it in fdisk -l /dev/hda now. "/dev/hda8 8455 8511 457821 82 Linux swap / Solaris" | 02:33 |
da_bon_bon | does ubuntus hibernate unmount all disk drives before hibernating ? | 02:33 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: can you get to a console by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 ? | 02:33 |
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Kyozabe` | Yyyyep | 02:33 |
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C-Keen | fine. can you login there? | 02:33 |
nihao | slept: this is the output of "top" --> "Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 97780k cached | 02:33 |
nihao | " | 02:33 |
Kyozabe` | No idea how, really :x | 02:34 |
poningru | Kyozabe`: what are you trying to do? | 02:34 |
nihao | slept: anything wrong? does this mean that swap partition is not used? | 02:34 |
slept | nihao, do swapon /dev/hda8 to test if it works if not do what intelikey said. forget about top | 02:34 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: well do you see a login prompt? | 02:34 |
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Kyozabe` | No, I see a terminal | 02:34 |
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C-Keen | Kyozabe`: so you see a shell prompt? | 02:34 |
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poningru | Kyozabe`: because if this is a live cd then you are not supposed to be doing much | 02:34 |
Kyozabe` | yeah | 02:34 |
kagen_ | yeah I do | 02:34 |
Kyozabe` | I'm not! | 02:34 |
kagen_ | took me a moment to find out how to get back to my gui =\ | 02:35 |
Kyozabe` | all I did was close the damn laptop and it's asking me for a password I never set | 02:35 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: fine. type whoami to see who you are | 02:35 |
Kyozabe` | ubuntu | 02:35 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: try to set a password with passwd | 02:35 |
nihao | slept, intelikey : yes, I see the swap now. thanks! | 02:36 |
Kyozabe` | that's the problem | 02:36 |
intelikey | Kyozabe` your user account has no passwd ??? | 02:36 |
Kyozabe` | I don't have a passwd for "Current" | 02:36 |
Kyozabe` | or I don't know it, or something | 02:36 |
slept | Kyozabe`, you want to get into your system via live cd ? | 02:36 |
nihao | intelikey, slept : I am asking for this, because my computer always get frozen with only 2-3 applications open. | 02:36 |
bimberi | Kyozabe`: <ctrl><alt>F2 then "sudo passwd ubuntu" then <ctrl><alt>F7 and use that password | 02:36 |
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sivang | HOwdy folks | 02:37 |
C-Keen | Kyozabe`: do what bimberi says | 02:37 |
sivang | does anybody know how to make a NIC that won't show up work ? | 02:37 |
sivang | that is, hal-device-manager sees it, | 02:37 |
nihao | intelikey, slept : I have 256mb memory, maybe that's too little. so I think if swap would help. | 02:37 |
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BiSK-8 | hello | 02:37 |
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BiSK-8 | how can i change from xfce to gnome? | 02:37 |
Kyozabe` | thanks :p | 02:37 |
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sivang | but when I try ifup eth1, it says "device do not exist" | 02:37 |
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slept | nihao, 256 should be enough and swap is always a goos idea | 02:37 |
mahangu | BiSK-8, download gnome | 02:37 |
mahangu | and switch sessions | 02:37 |
poningru | sivang: eth0 | 02:38 |
kagen_ | BiSK-8, if you already have gnome, logout and change sessions | 02:38 |
poningru | do you have more than one nic? | 02:38 |
sivang | poningru: yeah | 02:38 |
sivang | poningru: exactly | 02:38 |
poningru | oh nm | 02:38 |
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intelikey | nihao maybe... but this box only has 98m ram and no swap. you should boot memtest next time and test your memory sticks | 02:38 |
BiSK-8 | mahangu, how?, when i log it goes directly 2 my desktop | 02:38 |
BiSK-8 | no login page | 02:38 |
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poningru | sivang: you sure its working correctly/ | 02:38 |
poningru | ? | 02:38 |
poningru | err bad question nm | 02:38 |
nihao | slept, intelikey : ok, I will test the memory. but my windows in the same box seems don't have problem. | 02:39 |
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sivang | poningru: yeah, I know it works , in works in XP | 02:39 |
Admiral_Snyder | is there a known howto about interfaces (nic's) | 02:40 |
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nihao | intelikey: amazaing that you run it with 98MB :-) this is annoying me so much that I thought it was a fault in kernel... | 02:40 |
pinucset | will today breezy be released? | 02:40 |
slept | Admiral_Snyder, man interfaces | 02:40 |
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zyga | pitti_live: re | 02:40 |
intelikey | nihao also you have a non-standard configuration there. because fdisk -l should never return without listing all parts/hd's | 02:41 |
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pitti_live | zyga: performance is poor that way (1GB RAM), but i'll try that on an installed system | 02:41 |
pitti_live | zyga: mouse works on the desktop, but not on the menu bar for some reason | 02:41 |
pitti_live | zyga: but anyway, I'm impressed :-) | 02:42 |
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intelikey | nihao i run linux on a laptop with 24m ram and 48m swap | 02:42 |
nihao | intelikey: sorry, I found previously I didn't use sudo | 02:42 |
zyga | pitti_live: not on the menu bar? strange, did you try that in fullscreen mode? | 02:42 |
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yapyccky | hello guys | 02:42 |
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pitti_live | zyga: I just noticed that it works, it just had a 2 minute latency :-) | 02:42 |
yapyccky | i've a "problem" with my laptop and ubuntu...my sistem is "too slow" | 02:43 |
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zyga | pitti_live: !!! | 02:43 |
zyga | :D | 02:43 |
sivang | pitti_live: hey :) can I ask you somethign related to configuring a second ethernet card ? | 02:43 |
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lemics_ | install minix :D | 02:43 |
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intelikey | kernel 2.4 there ^ | 02:43 |
zyga | pitti_live: I guess for 2GB of ram it could be much faster, qemu is based on botchs, isn't it? | 02:43 |
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poningru | sivang: hmm | 02:43 |
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nihao | intelikey: incredible :-) but I don't know how I can fix the problem to my ubuntu package... | 02:44 |
lutty | does anybody know if KGET was included in the kdenetwork packages in kubuntu? | 02:44 |
poningru | sivang: I dont know what to tell ya dude | 02:44 |
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pitti_live | zyga: I guess so; however, the underlying live image already needs lots of RAM | 02:44 |
pitti_live | sivang: sure | 02:44 |
nihao | intelikey: I use gnome. maybe this is too heavy | 02:44 |
slept | lutty, use apt-cache show to find out where packages come from | 02:44 |
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nihao | intelikey: here is warings from fdisk "The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 9729. | 02:45 |
nihao | There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, | 02:45 |
nihao | and could in certain setups cause problems with: | 02:45 |
nihao | 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) | 02:45 |
nihao | 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs" | 02:45 |
nihao | intelikey: does this matter? | 02:45 |
intelikey | no it doesn't nihao | 02:45 |
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intelikey | that is only telling you that the bios may have trubble booting it. | 02:46 |
lutty | slept: says "E no packages found" | 02:46 |
sivang | pitti_live: I think it may be related to some bug we had with hotplug/udev, I've added a second etherent card to a R40e laptop of a freind, and hal sees it, but when trying ifup/down or ifconfig the device won't show there | 02:46 |
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intelikey | if it boots. nihao then the warning is "nothing". | 02:46 |
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slept | lutty, you have to enter the name use apt-cache search to find out the name | 02:46 |
nihao | intelikey: ok, nice to know. | 02:47 |
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slept | lutty, I think that could be done in synaptic aswell , but I'm not familliar with | 02:47 |
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slept | sivang, you have to add a interface in the interfaces file | 02:48 |
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neoyyf | ddd | 02:48 |
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lutty | slept: nothing shows for kget....although it shows the kdenetwork package is installed...i just cant find the kget binary anywhere | 02:48 |
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neoyyf | hello every one | 02:49 |
sivang | slept: did that as well :) | 02:49 |
neoyyf | good evening | 02:49 |
sivang | slept: seems it cannot configure the device itself, not the specification of it in the interfaces file | 02:49 |
slept | sivang, you added an entry for eth1 ? | 02:49 |
slept | sivang, you can paste that file in #flood | 02:50 |
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da_bon_bon | does ubuntus hibernate unmount all disk drives before hibernating ? | 02:50 |
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intelikey | one can only hope so.... | 02:50 |
sivang | slept: sure | 02:50 |
intelikey | 8-{ | 02:50 |
neoyyf | I like linux | 02:50 |
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slept | who doesn't | 02:51 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: yes I am pretty sure | 02:51 |
intelikey | neoyyf me too | 02:51 |
neoyyf | anybody talk with me? | 02:51 |
GlueGadget | I want to resize my root partition to free up some of it's space for installing another distro, could any one help? | 02:51 |
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neoyyf | hello | 02:51 |
pitti | sivang: what was your question? | 02:51 |
slept | GlueGadget, what fs do you use ? | 02:51 |
da_bon_bon | poningru: how can i check ? | 02:51 |
GlueGadget | ext2 | 02:51 |
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poningru | da_bon_bon: the docs I guess | 02:52 |
poningru | search for it | 02:52 |
da_bon_bon | hmm.. | 02:52 |
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da_bon_bon | where is the "hibernate" script located ? | 02:52 |
slept | neoyyf, we all like linux | 02:52 |
neoyyf | I am a programmer,I want to study linux | 02:52 |
intelikey | find / -name hibernate | 02:52 |
bimberi | da_bon_bon: /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh | 02:52 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: the reason I say this is because there is a dev list email thread | 02:53 |
BiSK-8 | neoyyf: so? whats the prob? | 02:53 |
poningru | that is crying about this | 02:53 |
nihao | intelikey, slept : but how to automatically enable swap during booting? | 02:53 |
poningru | err complaining | 02:53 |
intelikey | da_bon_bon man hibernate. | 02:53 |
slept | neoyyf, unless you want to do kernel development you are interested in gnu | 02:53 |
neoyyf | This is my first time to use x-chat | 02:53 |
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da_bon_bon | intelikey: ok. | 02:53 |
da_bon_bon | poningru: link ? | 02:53 |
intelikey | nihao it will now. | 02:53 |
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GlueGadget | slept, could you help me? | 02:53 |
slept | nihao, with the fstab entry you allready have, should work now , try with reboot | 02:54 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: um its in my imap server | 02:54 |
sivang | pitti: ok, I'm trying to add a second etherent card to a freind's r40e latop, now when I plug the PCIMCA card, hal can see it | 02:54 |
da_bon_bon | ohok, poningru | 02:54 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: dont know if they have the archives | 02:54 |
gavin | hi, i am looking for help with apt | 02:54 |
sivang | pitti: however, when ifup/down and ifconfig -a , I can't see it - I added the right enteried to eth1 | 02:54 |
poningru | gavin: whats wrong dude | 02:54 |
sivang | pitti: s/eth1/interfaces/ | 02:54 |
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intelikey | nihao unless you have monkey'd with the scripts in /etc/init.d/ (like i always do) then it will automaticly enable it at boot time. | 02:54 |
da_bon_bon | never mind, poningru | 02:54 |
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poningru | da_bon_bon: found the archive? | 02:55 |
sivang | pitti: do you know if you need to do anything other then that to make it work? (it works in XP) | 02:55 |
pitti | sivang: can you put your /etc/network/interfaces somewhere? | 02:55 |
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da_bon_bon | poningru: no.. i take your word for it :) | 02:55 |
gavin | tries to remove eclipse-ecj, any attempt to apt-get install or apt-get remove returns E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:55 |
da_bon_bon | why does hibernate on ubuntu blank the screen ? that way, people like me, who donot use acpi cant know when to switch of the computer. | 02:55 |
slept | GlueGadget, you need to use resize2fs | 02:55 |
pitti | sivang: ifconfig does not display it? | 02:55 |
sivang | pitti: I'll check, the machine cannot have network currently so I may need to use a usb key or something | 02:55 |
sivang | pitti: gemme 10secs | 02:55 |
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poningru | da_bon_bon: that was also raised as an issue dont worry its being looked at | 02:55 |
mahangu | what codecs do i need to play real audio? | 02:55 |
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mahangu | for xine | 02:55 |
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da_bon_bon | poningru: yay! but is the fix in for breezy ? or breezy+1 ? | 02:56 |
SpiderMan | Do you guys recommend using the dist-upgrade from Hoary ? Or should I go through the reinstall ? | 02:56 |
gavin | any attempt to apt-get install or apt-get remove: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 02:56 |
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nihao | intelikey, slept : /etc/fstab is as it is now for a long time. but I see the difference in TOP command after I input "swapon" commands as you instructed. so a bit weird to me... | 02:56 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: not for breazy, it will probably be in for dapper | 02:56 |
da_bon_bon | :( | 02:56 |
mahangu | real audio codecs anyone? | 02:56 |
da_bon_bon | so i cannot use hibernate in breezy | 02:57 |
JDigital | multiverse maybe | 02:57 |
da_bon_bon | ubotu: tell mahangu about w32codecs | 02:57 |
damo21 | when is dapper scheduled for release? | 02:57 |
gavin | mahangu: why no use real? | 02:57 |
JDigital | damo21: like six months | 02:57 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: yeah sorry dude without acpi I dont think you can use hibernate at all | 02:57 |
da_bon_bon | damo21: 200604 | 02:57 |
mahangu | gavin, eh? | 02:57 |
kagen_ | uh hey guys, ever since I moved to XFCE, theres no search feature, and I really need that feature, what I can I do? | 02:57 |
da_bon_bon | poningru: hibernate works fine, but i must use my judgement on when to switch the pc off | 02:57 |
gavin | mahangu: use realplayer for linux | 02:57 |
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mahangu | gavin, apt-get? | 02:57 |
gavin | no | 02:58 |
vengeful | argh did someone just say realplayer | 02:58 |
mahangu | compile? | 02:58 |
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vengeful | how did that filth get into linux anyway | 02:58 |
da_bon_bon | vengeful: ya ! its not filth | 02:58 |
mahangu | hehe | 02:58 |
damo21 | kagen: use gnome-search-tool or xfglob4 | 02:58 |
mahangu | i just downloaded south park | 02:58 |
wezzer | breezyyy! | 02:58 |
mahangu | i need .rm | 02:58 |
mahangu | i hate it too | 02:58 |
=== quendi [n=mika@dyn177-220.adsl.php.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
da_bon_bon | mahangu: ask ubotu about w32codecs ! that includes real ! | 02:58 |
quendi | hi there friends | 02:58 |
poningru | da_bon_bon: yeah thats what I meant | 02:58 |
=== DJWillis [n=djwillis@82-32-72-107.cable.ubr02.bath.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | !tell mahangu about realplayer | 02:59 |
quendi | i got this problem and i just thought about asking if some ubuntu-related solutions could exist | 02:59 |
poningru | mahangu: have you read through that? | 02:59 |
da_bon_bon | !tell da_bon_bon about realplayer | 02:59 |
gavin | does anyone here know what to do when apt-get crashes due to one application that does not want to cleanly remove or re-install? | 02:59 |
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quendi | the most stupid thing..forgot my bios password and i got no floppies so is there any other way of flashing my bios? | 03:00 |
poningru | gavin: have you tried wgetting the thing and using the deb? | 03:00 |
mahangu | poningru, thanks ill have a look | 03:00 |
poningru | oh doh | 03:00 |
damo21 | gavin: try dpkg -P badpackage | 03:00 |
da_bon_bon | poningru: grep umount * in /etc/acpi gives nothing | 03:00 |
poningru | gavin: belay that | 03:00 |
Admiral_Snyder | quendi aren't there any master-passwords? | 03:00 |
gavin | the point is i cant use apt-get for anything | 03:00 |
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neoyyf | This is my first time to use X-Chat,nice to meet you | 03:01 |
danimarquez | hi, i'm totally new with linux, and ubuntu... anyone could explain me, from A to Z how to install and use the "wine"? | 03:01 |
share_moon | quendi, take ur battery of main board | 03:01 |
poningru | gavin: does synaptic work? | 03:01 |
quendi | snyder i dont think so but where can i find out? i got a shuttle mk40vn board | 03:01 |
gavin | it runs, but wont install or remove anything | 03:01 |
quendi | share_moon that works? i think i tried allready | 03:01 |
poningru | gavin: hmm ic | 03:01 |
neoyyf | good luck,every one | 03:01 |
share_moon | it works | 03:01 |
damo21 | gavin: try dpkg -P badpackage | 03:01 |
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share_moon | but u have to wait sometime | 03:02 |
quendi | ok kewl! =) good that i got it on setup mode | 03:02 |
lemics_ | can someone help me on therm_adt746x ibook module on ubuntu ? | 03:02 |
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damo21 | gavin that will remove the package completely from your system | 03:02 |
quendi | yeah share i think i didnt wait long enough..sorry about the off-topic | 03:02 |
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danimarquez | or tell me a website where explains how to install things on Ubuntu, clearly for a user of Windows... I use the Synapter, and it seems that installs Wine, but I dont find it anywhere later | 03:03 |
=== icewt [n=icewt@MDCCXXIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kagen_ | hey, I just installed wine, but I don't know how to use it.... | 03:03 |
poningru | danimarquez: what did you want to install using wine? | 03:03 |
mahangu | poningru, i cant do apt-get | 03:03 |
da_bon_bon | kagen_: wine foo.exe | 03:03 |
mahangu | no installation candidate? | 03:03 |
share_moon | what is wine about? | 03:03 |
danimarquez | incredimail, for example | 03:03 |
damo21 | $ wine win32binary.exe | 03:03 |
da_bon_bon | mahangu: no install candidate of what ? | 03:03 |
CrackersKeenan | ok anybody know how to get yahoo messenger working with webcam? or how to get new format wmv's to play on ubuntu? | 03:04 |
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mahangu | da_bon_bon, ralplayer | 03:04 |
mahangu | *real | 03:04 |
signius | Is webcam supported on yahoo messenger under Linux | 03:04 |
poningru | CrackersKeenan: no on both not possible, wmv3 is experimental on vlc | 03:04 |
da_bon_bon | mahangu: realplayer is in the hoary-extras | 03:04 |
danimarquez | poningru: different programs, like incredimail and maybe Office XP | 03:04 |
signius | It didn used to be only used to work under windows | 03:04 |
CrackersKeenan | poningru: does "experimental" mean it won't work? | 03:04 |
damo21 | danimarquez: use OPENOFFICE! | 03:04 |
kagen_ | uhm that doesn't make any sense... | 03:04 |
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mahangu | da_bon_bon, what's the deb uri for that? | 03:05 |
mahangu | can you query it to me? | 03:05 |
mustard5 | !tell CrackersKeenan about webcam | 03:05 |
poningru | CrackersKeenan: experimental means its being worked on right now, expect it very soon | 03:05 |
da_bon_bon | mahangu: http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net -- explore from there on in pool | 03:05 |
danimarquez | Ok, about OpenOffice... I used once and it went too slowly (in Windows at least), but I will give it another opportunity | 03:05 |
JDigital | That's one thing I dislike about Synaptic; it doesn't add menu items for thigns you install. | 03:05 |
=== macgeek [n=macgeek@pool-71-112-109-68.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | wait that backports mirror is down | 03:05 |
mahangu | da_bon_bon, thanks mate | 03:06 |
CrackersKeenan | mustard5 and poningru: thanks lads | 03:06 |
mahangu | ah fudge | 03:06 |
mustard5 | CrackersKeenan, np | 03:06 |
poningru | mahangu: dude use the official backports | 03:06 |
damo21 | danimarquez: its only a matter of time before people format their windoze and switch to linux/openoffice | 03:06 |
quendi | so is there a general / that contains the software | 03:06 |
da_bon_bon | mahangu: np : | 03:06 |
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kagen_ | you're not making any damn sense, I installed wine with synaptic, now how do I use it? | 03:06 |
mahangu | poningru, i think ihave, what's the uri? | 03:06 |
poningru | mahangu: why arent you just using the helix? | 03:06 |
kagen_ | I can't find it anywhere | 03:06 |
mahangu | poningru, realplayer? | 03:06 |
CrackersKeenan | when is breezy coming out? | 03:06 |
mahangu | helix? | 03:06 |
JDigital | CrackersKeenan: In two days :) | 03:07 |
poningru | mahangu: yeah helix its the realplayer for linux | 03:07 |
mahangu | CrackersKeenan, 13th | 03:07 |
CrackersKeenan | wow cool | 03:07 |
mustard5 | kagen did you install binfmt as well? | 03:07 |
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kagen_ | no, I don't even know what that is | 03:07 |
quendi | if anyone hasnt noticed, you can allready order the breezy disk in advance | 03:07 |
danimarquez | damo21: you are right, i would give a full oportunity to the linux programs... and agree with Office... but Incredimail I used to like, effective and nice. Any idea? | 03:07 |
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mustard5 | you can start programs in wine using the command line | 03:07 |
poningru | !tell kagen_ about wine | 03:07 |
mahangu | poningru, couldn't find package helix | 03:08 |
poningru | !wine | 03:08 |
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=== Rotund [n=anne@d13-87.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CrackersKeenan | cool... will be very interested | 03:08 |
mustard5 | just type 'wine <program.exe>' | 03:08 |
kagen_ | type that where? | 03:08 |
poningru | mahangu: hold on | 03:08 |
damo21 | danimarquez: i dont know of incredimail, try evolution very similar to outlook | 03:08 |
JDigital | Use Alt-F2 to open a terminal window | 03:08 |
mahangu | !backports | 03:08 |
ubotu | Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted" to /etc/apt/sources.list. More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports | 03:08 |
mustard5 | in a terminal window | 03:08 |
JDigital | There really needs to be a well-written Ubuntu beginners' manual :) | 03:08 |
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JDigital | The Amiga had a ton of awesome manuals. | 03:08 |
kagen_ | ..wine command not found | 03:08 |
share_moon | amiga? | 03:09 |
mustard5 | if you install binfmt it allows you to double click on executables | 03:09 |
share_moon | where is it? | 03:09 |
CrackersKeenan | so i guess there's no way to convert wmvs to mp3? | 03:09 |
kagen_ | i'll go get that then | 03:09 |
CrackersKeenan | or a website that can somehow emulate playing it? | 03:09 |
quendi | do you know what do to with .run links ? planeshift has one, and i have no idea what it does | 03:09 |
mustard5 | what directory is your .exe file in ? | 03:09 |
danimarquez | damo21: ok, thanks a lot. I have other questions... My tv card is detected, but I think I should configure it, and don't know how | 03:09 |
JDigital | mplayer plays .wmv I think | 03:09 |
JDigital | or xmms | 03:09 |
kagen_ | hold on | 03:09 |
JDigital | You can get wine from Synaptic | 03:09 |
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JDigital | I think you have to add the universe/multiverse repositories though | 03:09 |
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damo21 | danimarquez: dvb card? | 03:10 |
poningru | mahangu: http://www.real.com/freeplayer/?rppr=hc.org | 03:10 |
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danimarquez | damo21: tv card. Avertv USB 2.0 | 03:10 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, you using xawtv? | 03:10 |
kagen_ | mustard5, where is binfmt? | 03:10 |
mahangu | thanks poningrru | 03:10 |
mustard5 | in synaptic | 03:11 |
mustard5 | i might have spelling wrong | 03:11 |
poningru | np dude | 03:11 |
damo21 | i have dntv live dvb card .. ubuntu found it no problem i can stream it directly to mplayer | 03:11 |
poningru | kagen_: dude read through the thing that ubotu msged you about | 03:11 |
mustard5 | if you search for name and description 'wine' in synaptic it should come up in the list | 03:11 |
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danimarquez | mustard5: no, using Tvtime Television Viwer... anyway, I think I have to find the way to configure it, because the program doesnt find the source of video | 03:11 |
poningru | I dont understand why wine installed without binfmt | 03:11 |
kagen_ | poningru, alright alright. | 03:12 |
N6REJ | hey guys, I've got a problem again.... I followed the wiki for gettting postfix smtp-auth & tls to work, and it doesn't look like it does. It says I should telnet into port 25 and see "startTLS" but I don't | 03:12 |
sivang | pitti: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/interfaces , the eth1 entries I added by hand | 03:12 |
damo21 | danimarquez: if it is a dvb card it wont work probably | 03:12 |
damo21 | not in tvtime | 03:12 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, ok..I use xawtv which is configured using scantv | 03:12 |
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danimarquez | Ok, I will try with xawtv | 03:13 |
sivang | pitti: including the "map eth1" entry | 03:13 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, you on hoary or breezy? | 03:13 |
danimarquez | mustard5: the problem is that i dont know how to install things from Synaptics, only from "Add Aplications" | 03:13 |
steigweis | the font "courier" is not displayed on my system. on this page everthing in the content space is blank http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/ww3.html | 03:13 |
Whistler | i want to set up phpmyadmin.I installed apache and php and mysql.So can i just type apt-get install phpmyadmin? | 03:13 |
mustard5 | ah k | 03:13 |
danimarquez | mustard5: I don't know... the last one, version 10 I think | 03:13 |
mustard5 | 5.10 ok | 03:14 |
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steigweis | any suggestions how to get the courier font displayed? | 03:14 |
pitti | sivang: that looks odd - there is no eth0 nor eth1 | 03:14 |
sivang | danimarquez: snyanptic is really easy, after you executed it, you just need to search for the package you want, apply it , acccept its dependencies and that;s all | 03:14 |
gavin | eclipse users: beware of major bug in eclipse ecj that will break apt-get | 03:14 |
pitti | sivang: oh, ok, eth1 is there | 03:14 |
mustard5 | if you get a terminal up can walk you through it | 03:14 |
primoturbo | Is there any other sites beside gnome-art that allow u to customize gnome? | 03:14 |
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gavin | solution is in the forums | 03:14 |
pitti | sivang: try adding "wireless-mode managed" to ath0 | 03:14 |
primoturbo | I'm looking for some custom stuff | 03:14 |
sivang | pitti: eth0 as well "iface ath0 inet dhcp" | 03:14 |
primoturbo | any ideas? | 03:14 |
damo21 | WOW wine worked with an old 16-bit app which talks directly to raw midi port | 03:14 |
share_moon | gavin: where is the forum? | 03:14 |
intelikey | nihao danimarquez wine ? how about you type "sudo apt-get install wine " in a terminal? | 03:14 |
Whistler | I installed apache and php and mysql.So can i just type apt-get install phpmyadmin? | 03:15 |
pitti | sivang: please clean up ath0 vs. eth0 and try the wireless-mode | 03:15 |
danimarquez | sivang: but i tried to install things, like "wine" and it says that is installed but i don't find it anywhere | 03:15 |
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intelikey | sorry nihao was not supposed to be in that one ^ | 03:15 |
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sivang | danimarquez: maybe it doesn't have a menu entry, try runnign wine from a terminal | 03:15 |
kagen_ | thx for the link, sorry, just kinda ancy right now =\ | 03:15 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, if you got you System >> Administration>>Synaptic you can install from there | 03:15 |
sivang | pitti: you mean, to try using only the ath0 with wireless mode? | 03:15 |
share_moon | exit | 03:15 |
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intelikey | danimarquez to run wine try "wine <some/windows.app> " | 03:16 |
Slaj_R | Question: I've been using Ubuntu for 3 days now, and in the tray I have a notification that over 100 updates are available. Is it generally a good idea to just install all of them? | 03:16 |
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pitti | sivang: yes | 03:16 |
poningru | Slaj_R: yeah def a good idea | 03:16 |
JDigital | Yeah | 03:16 |
pitti | sivang: does manual ifconfig work? | 03:16 |
JDigital | It might take a while though | 03:16 |
mustard5 | what type of internet connection Slaj_R ? | 03:16 |
sivang | pitti: hmm, I didn't try , I will try that as well | 03:16 |
nihao | intelikey: it doesn't matter. I make the similar mistakes often :) | 03:16 |
Slaj_R | Okay, 'cause a lot of them look the same as what I have already... OOo v. 1.9.129, for example. | 03:17 |
Slaj_R | mustard5: cable | 03:17 |
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mustard5 | uk | 03:17 |
danimarquez | intelikey, does it mean that i have to replace > | 03:17 |
mustard5 | k | 03:17 |
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intelikey | yes | 03:17 |
sivang | pitti: what if I want to have only regular non wifi PCIMCA card for eth1 ? | 03:17 |
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mahangu_ | poningru, just downloading the .bin | 03:17 |
sivang | pitti: (that is waht I currently try to test, as start) | 03:17 |
mahangu_ | do i just dbl click? | 03:17 |
mahangu_ | thanks guys | 03:17 |
danimarquez | intelkey, does it mean that i have to replace <some/windows> for the name of the program that i have in my desktop? | 03:17 |
pitti | sivang: I don't understand the question | 03:17 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, yes..replace that part with your application name | 03:17 |
poningru | mahangu: sudo realwhatever.bin | 03:18 |
poningru | run it in terminal | 03:18 |
Slaj_R | also, can someone remind me -- what's the command to check if a particular package is installed? i forget offhand. | 03:18 |
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mahangu_ | poningru, thanks | 03:18 |
mustard5 | and make sure you are in the right working directory, danimarquez | 03:18 |
mahangu_ | after it installs i can just kill the bin? | 03:18 |
poningru | mahangu: it should stop by itself | 03:18 |
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poningru | mahangu: I would let it run its course | 03:18 |
danimarquez | mustard5: i feel a little stupid in front all of you... im very new... but i wanted to learn linux. i think your suggestions inspire me to continue with my experiments | 03:19 |
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intelikey | danimarquez "wine '/my_windows_dir/Program Files/accessories/wordpad.exe'" or something along that line. | 03:19 |
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mustard5 | :) | 03:19 |
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mustard5 | everyone is new here , danimarquez | 03:19 |
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N6REJ | where is everyone today... nobody wants to answer questions :( | 03:19 |
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Proteque | hey. where should the codecs for mplayer be copied to on ubuntu? | 03:20 |
sector10 | N6REJ: what you got? | 03:20 |
danimarquez | intelikey: you mean that i have to go to the directory of windows? that's saying that the program has to be installed in windows and not in ubuntu? | 03:20 |
N6REJ | <----- feels like he's the only one using breezy as a server. | 03:20 |
sivang | pitti: I don't want to use ath0 anymore, just regualr wired connection through eth1 | 03:20 |
jonasbjork | N6REJ: i installed breezy yesterday as a server for a client | 03:20 |
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intelikey | danimarquez no. that was only an example. | 03:21 |
gfxstyler | hi | 03:21 |
N6REJ | sector10: I'm following the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix and at the end it says I should telnet 25 and see STARTTLS and I don't | 03:21 |
da_bon_bon | how do i disable update notifier for good ? i tried removing from startup, saved a session after closing it, but stil it starts | 03:21 |
gfxstyler | do i need postfix and fetchmail to check my mails in evolution or thunderbird? | 03:21 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, when wine is configured it can create a fake windows directory | 03:21 |
sector10 | N6REJ: oh im not. im using fedora core 2 for that, wish i could switch | 03:21 |
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N6REJ | well, I'm TRYING to get smtp-auth & TLS to work | 03:21 |
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mahangu_ | anybody here run photoshop under wine? | 03:22 |
intelikey | danimarquez "wine qv2.exe" will work if qv2.exe is in the $PWD | 03:22 |
N6REJ | jonasbjork: it seems to work well, just slow for me to configure | 03:22 |
poningru | danimarquez: what exactly are you trying to install because almost everything thats in windows is in linux as well | 03:22 |
sector10 | N6REJ: for a mail server? is it qmail? | 03:22 |
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N6REJ | sector10: postfix | 03:22 |
lemics_ | you can use xwine as well | 03:22 |
poningru | danimarquez: many small time games usually are not | 03:22 |
jonasbjork | N6REJ: i used to run debian on servers before, only two own left, then it's ubuntu everywhere i go :] | 03:22 |
sivang | pitti: thing is, that when I try ifup eth1 it tells me device does not exist, do you think its due to the messiness of the file currently? | 03:22 |
alex3305_ | how can i use standby in Ubuntu (5.10-pre) ? | 03:22 |
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longsleep | hey folks i am trying to compile zope on hoary and the large file support check fails with IOError .. but only with a user account but works fine as root .. why is that? | 03:22 |
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dbug | Proteque, usualy put in /usr/lib/codesc | 03:23 |
dbug | *codecs | 03:23 |
N6REJ | jonasbjork: well, if I can get this last part of postfix fixed I'll have mail working I think. | 03:23 |
danimarquez | intelikey and mustard5 and poningru: thanks for your ideas... i will try to follow what you inspired me. Just a last thing: how I do to write in Arabic? I mean, sometimes in Arabic sometimes in English... | 03:23 |
jonasbjork | N6REJ: great :] , my mailserver is running debian stable for now. dont have the time to migrate ;) | 03:23 |
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mirak | what is the name of the ATI control panel ? | 03:23 |
mirak | the binary | 03:23 |
pitti | sivang: as long as "ifconfig eth1 <ip> up" does not work, ifup can't do better | 03:23 |
N6REJ | jonasbjork: do you use smtp-auth? | 03:24 |
sivang | pitti: ok, I will check and report back | 03:24 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, I have no idea :) | 03:24 |
jonasbjork | N6REJ: nope. all isp's in sweden blocks port 25 anyway so our clients uses isp's smtp-relay | 03:24 |
intelikey | longsleep hmmmm. maybe file system reserved superuser space interfearing with it..... | 03:24 |
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N6REJ | jonasbjork: interesting. | 03:24 |
sector10 | N6RE: sorry, i use qmail i just reinstalled it after a smtp-auth problem | 03:25 |
N6REJ | sector10: what was ur smpt-auth problem? | 03:25 |
mirak | what is the name of the ATI control panel ? | 03:25 |
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danimarquez | mustard: i mean, to change the keyboard, like in windows, that there is the language try down | 03:25 |
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da_bon_bon | how does one change the theme of usplash ? | 03:26 |
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longsleep | intelikey: mhm that might be .. any idea how to turn that off? | 03:26 |
danimarquez | mustard5: i mean, to change the keyboard, like in windows, that there is the language tray down | 03:26 |
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mustard5 | danimarquez, system>>preferences>>keyboard? | 03:26 |
intelikey | danimarquez i'm not familear with gnome but kde has an app for that. part of the kdesktop-tools i'm sure that gnome does too. | 03:27 |
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danimarquez | mustard5 and intelikey: thanks a lot | 03:27 |
mustard5 | danimarquez, np | 03:27 |
sector10 | N6RE: smtp was not running, problem was /etc/xitetd.d/smtp.psa | 03:27 |
intelikey | longsleep i never tried after a format. you can select that before you format it..... tune2fs might be able to. | 03:28 |
danimarquez | mustard5 and intelikey: thanks a lot really. Now I have to go. My neighbour is calling me | 03:28 |
danimarquez | bye! | 03:28 |
mustard5 | bye | 03:28 |
N6REJ | sector10: k, I'll check.. ty | 03:28 |
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sector10 | N6RE: no. do you use plesk? | 03:28 |
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Cat111 | hiya! | 03:28 |
Cat111 | any of you guys have mariah carey for ubuntu? | 03:28 |
sector10 | N6REJ: no. do you use plesk? | 03:28 |
TiMiDo | hi Cat111 | 03:28 |
TiMiDo | Cat111 huh? | 03:28 |
Cat111 | hey TiMiDo | 03:29 |
Cat111 | a/s/l | 03:29 |
TiMiDo | Cat111 #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:29 |
intelikey | longsleep tune2fs -m | 03:29 |
mustard5 | :D | 03:29 |
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intelikey | it would be worth looking into. | 03:29 |
Hendric | hi all... i got a problem with serial mice... why does it frequently stops moving??? is this a SERIAL PORT issue?? doesn't happen on PS2 mice.. | 03:29 |
TiMiDo | Hendric usb? | 03:29 |
sector10 | N6REJ: i had to rename that file and restart xinetd | 03:30 |
Hendric | not USB.. d old SERIAL COMPORT | 03:30 |
WhyvasLT | anyone have a copy of the current prism54 drivers?? | 03:30 |
mustard5 | hairs in the way, Hendric ? | 03:30 |
WhyvasLT | the site is down | 03:30 |
mustard5 | ah k serial | 03:30 |
sector10 | N6REJ: then everything worked, i wish there was a server irc somewhere for us | 03:30 |
Hendric | i got old PCs here with only SERIAL port.. doesn't have a PS2.. mouse stops moving.. then after a few mins moves again.. dunno why.. | 03:30 |
Hendric | i think a certian program is accessing it rendering my mouse to stop moving... | 03:31 |
mustard5 | Hendric, dirty rollers? | 03:31 |
longsleep | intelikey: i just did a tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sda1 | 03:31 |
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longsleep | intelikey: but still the same problem | 03:31 |
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Hendric | no not dirty rollers... d mouse works fine on windows... | 03:31 |
sector10 | N6REJ: if it helps this is the command i used to restart.../etc/init.d/xinetd restart | 03:31 |
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Hendric | any way to see which program is accessing my serial port??? | 03:32 |
longsleep | intelikey: anytime i try f.seek(2147483649L) on a file in python as user i get IOError, but works fine as root | 03:32 |
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Hendric | be back | 03:32 |
sector10 | N6REJ: hello? are you there? | 03:32 |
sector10 | oh well | 03:33 |
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termitor_taff | cd /j #debian | 03:33 |
termitor_taff | ls | 03:33 |
sector10 | has anybody installed opera? | 03:33 |
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morgan | hi | 03:34 |
damo21 | does norton ghost work with linux partitions? | 03:34 |
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tarvid | breezy upgrade went badly, many update, upgrades, dist-upgrades, -r installs and still errors that won't fix | 03:34 |
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tarvid | damo21, yes | 03:34 |
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damo21 | which file systems does it support? | 03:34 |
tarvid | is there a fresh install in my future?\ | 03:34 |
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tarvid | damo21, ext3,2 | 03:34 |
morgan | could some body help me with AMULE | 03:35 |
sector10 | tarvid: i would fresh it, just back up home directory first | 03:35 |
damo21 | not xfs? | 03:35 |
ScatterBrain | Anyone know if a *working* mPlayer will be in Breezy? | 03:35 |
tarvid | damo21, not sure, never tried it | 03:35 |
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TiMiDo | ScatterBrain nope | 03:35 |
damo21 | :) | 03:35 |
Tomcat_ | morgan: What's the problem? | 03:35 |
mustard5 | ScatterBrain, I didn't notice one | 03:35 |
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morgan | I cant find server | 03:36 |
damo21 | I'll give it a go, if it doesnt work i'll format to ext3 | 03:36 |
damo21 | hehe | 03:36 |
ScatterBrain | Ok, thanks guys. | 03:36 |
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Tomcat_ | morgan: Try ed2k:|server||4242| | 03:37 |
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morgan | Tomcat_: thank you | 03:37 |
occy | 2 days! | 03:37 |
occy | :) | 03:37 |
Tomcat_ | I'm currently on there, so it should work. | 03:37 |
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mahangu_ | ok i got the realplayer.bin | 03:37 |
mahangu_ | how do i execute it? | 03:37 |
Tomcat_ | mahangu_: chmod u+x realplayer.bin && ./realplayer.bin | 03:37 |
N6REJ | at the risk of starting a flamewar what smtp servers do people use? | 03:37 |
Tomcat_ | N6REJ: exim :) | 03:38 |
N6REJ | I was looking at courier because of the nat features. | 03:38 |
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bartp | hi | 03:38 |
Tomcat_ | Well, to be honest, exim4 came with debian, so I just used it... I don't need many features, and spamassassin works well with exim. | 03:39 |
Strog | courier isn't smtp | 03:39 |
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N6REJ | strog, your right I sit corrected, I MEANT the sister part to postfix | 03:39 |
mahangu_ | tomcat : what path should iinstall to? | 03:39 |
mahangu_ | /usr/bin/realplayer? | 03:40 |
sector10 | tarvid: cp -R /home/* <destination> then go for breezy. is what id did. | 03:40 |
damo21 | how do u create the right registry entries for pc-games in wine? | 03:40 |
Tomcat_ | mahangu_: Eh... no idea, I don't use realplayer. You might want to check the forum, or maybe somebody here knows. | 03:40 |
Strog | N6REJ: Ahh, postfix. A great mail server. :) | 03:40 |
sector10 | N6REJ: if it helps this is the command i used to restart.../etc/init.d/xinetd restart | 03:40 |
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occy | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes <-- I guess this still isn't recommended huh? | 03:40 |
pc15 | hola a todas | 03:40 |
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pasopirita | holap' | 03:40 |
pasopirita | genesis habla | 03:41 |
mustard5 | occy, I'm not sure | 03:41 |
sH4 | i use touchpad,usb mount in my laptop , but i only want to use usb mouse, how to is it ? , can u help me.. ? | 03:41 |
pc15 | si ya cacho | 03:41 |
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sH4 | usb mount -> usb mouse.. sorry; | 03:41 |
mahangu_ | ah | 03:41 |
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mahangu_ | i installed it but it doesnt work | 03:41 |
pasopirita | oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee | 03:41 |
occy | sH4, I have hotkeys set to turn off my touchpadd. | 03:41 |
pasopirita | lok maana me voy a arica ...... | 03:41 |
pc15 | oye es un poco raro este chat | 03:41 |
N6REJ | strog, so what do I use for the other half of postfix? I was trying to install smpt-auth & TLS but I think maybe I missed somethign because telnet servername 25 doesn't say "startTLS" like the wiki said it would... says lots of other things but not that. | 03:41 |
occy | sH4, F7/F8 turn off and on my mouse pad. | 03:41 |
mahangu_ | pasopirita, #ubuntu-es | 03:42 |
pasopirita | siiii..... | 03:42 |
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sH4 | occy , hm.. thx just test it ; | 03:42 |
pc15 | oye te vas a arica | 03:42 |
apoZ` | 03:42 | |
pc15 | ? | 03:42 |
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sH4 | ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff | 03:42 |
occy | umm | 03:42 |
pasopirita | oye genesis | 03:42 |
Tomcat_ | wth | 03:42 |
occy | Seveas, heh, wake up. | 03:42 |
pc15 | que ? | 03:42 |
pasopirita | no o ea mentira .... | 03:43 |
mahangu_ | Seveas, ping | 03:43 |
occy | Seveas, some real channel spammers are here. :) | 03:43 |
pasopirita | jajajjajjaa | 03:43 |
pasopirita | XD | 03:43 |
Tomcat_ | Oh lawd is dat sum spamming? :> | 03:43 |
N6REJ | pc15: pia #ubuntu-es | 03:43 |
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pc15 | jajaja | 03:43 |
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mahangu_ | there we go | 03:43 |
Strog | N6REJ: You can use courier for imap or dovecot is nice too. postfix just handles the receiving side of it. | 03:43 |
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N6REJ | strog, great, ty! | 03:43 |
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occy | Seveas, thanks | 03:43 |
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N6REJ | strog: if imap is missing will the startTLS not be there as well? | 03:43 |
Seveas | occy, mahangu_ there is the !ops trigger too | 03:44 |
Strog | correct | 03:44 |
occy | Seveas, I ain't touchin' nothing. | 03:44 |
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occy | :P~ | 03:44 |
mahangu_ | Seveas, thanks | 03:44 |
mahangu_ | what does that do? | 03:44 |
N6REJ | strog: ok, then that explains whats happening... tyvm. | 03:44 |
Seveas | !ops | 03:44 |
ubotu | ops is, like, Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth | 03:44 |
Seveas | that | 03:44 |
TiMiDo | !ops i love u =) | 03:44 |
ubotu | TiMiDo: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:44 |
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mahangu_ | ah | 03:44 |
Amaranth | what? | 03:44 |
Amaranth | oh | 03:44 |
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mahangu_ | haha | 03:44 |
mahangu_ | there we go | 03:45 |
Seveas | see, it works =) | 03:45 |
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=== Amaranth kicks Seveas | ||
N6REJ | lol | 03:45 |
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mahangu_ | man this is a pita | 03:45 |
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Seveas | I love you too Amaranth :) | 03:45 |
mahangu_ | realplayer downloaded | 03:45 |
paulissen | lo folks | 03:45 |
mahangu_ | i installed the bin | 03:45 |
mahangu_ | but wont run | 03:45 |
paulissen | i have a display problem | 03:45 |
Amaranth | trying to do school work here :P | 03:45 |
N6REJ | back later guys | 03:45 |
occy | mahangu_, :( | 03:45 |
occy | mahangu_, I hate video under Linux | 03:45 |
paulissen | i only have the option for 640 * 480 | 03:45 |
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paulissen | desktop... | 03:45 |
paulissen | so it sucks so low resolution... | 03:45 |
paulissen | please help me out | 03:45 |
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occy | mahangu_, the Ubuntu Guide had good help for getting video going under Ubuntu, but apparently it's "The Wrong Way" to do things. | 03:46 |
Seveas | !resolution | 03:46 |
ubotu | methinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:46 |
Seveas | occy, Ubuntu now has it's own official FAQ guide | 03:46 |
sH4 | occy , maybe i have not hotkeys; | 03:46 |
mahangu_ | anyway i can get rm to work in xine?> | 03:46 |
occy | Seveas, yeah? | 03:46 |
Seveas | system -> help | 03:46 |
mahangu_ | id love that | 03:46 |
mahangu_ | or totem even | 03:46 |
occy | jdub, you here? | 03:47 |
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lemics_ | use vlc duh | 03:47 |
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paulissen | thanks ubotu | 03:47 |
paulissen | gonna check it out | 03:47 |
=== occy wonders if Ubuntu is going to participate in the Tango project. | ||
Amaranth | occy: Maybe dapper+1 if it's not cracktastic. :) | 03:48 |
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occy | Amaranth, hehe | 03:48 |
occy | cracktastic. Great word. | 03:48 |
apoZ` | Hi, can anybody help me please | 03:48 |
TiMiDo | ask | 03:48 |
Merovingian | Hello everyone, can someone please help me a little. I recently downloaded Ubuntu, but a lot of the programs I want to use are availible for Linux but when I try to install them, for some reason I cant. However, many of these programs are availible for Redhat and Debian...Should I switch to one of those? | 03:48 |
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onkarshinde | what does exactly DVD image of breezy contains? Is it just all three architecture CD isos on one DVD or something else? | 03:48 |
occy | Amaranth, with Garrett and that crew, anything can become cracktastic.[tm Amaranth] | 03:49 |
paulissen | ubotu, that is a slow site isn't it? | 03:49 |
apoZ` | I would like to play music, archived on my other network pc | 03:49 |
ubotu | paulissen: I think you lost me on that one | 03:49 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: Please state your question | 03:49 |
Amaranth | occy: I got cracktastic from irc://irc.gnome.org/gnome-hackers :) | 03:49 |
mahangu_ | paulissen, ubotu is a bot | 03:49 |
paulissen | looool | 03:49 |
paulissen | but the wiki site is slow | 03:49 |
apoZ` | but i can only open LOCAL folders in all my music-applications | 03:49 |
Hendric | can anyone help me with old serial mice?? frequently stops responding.. but responds back after a few minutes.. SUSPECT: another program accesses the serial port stopping the mouse. | 03:49 |
occy | Seveas, where is this Official Ubuntu guide you speak of? | 03:49 |
apoZ` | Does anybody know how to play music from a network folder ? | 03:49 |
Amaranth | occy: it's the wiki | 03:49 |
occy | Amaranth, ahh | 03:50 |
Amaranth | occy: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 03:50 |
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Seveas | occy, system -> help | 03:50 |
occy | interesting | 03:50 |
Seveas | or doc.ubuntu.com (soon: help.ubuntu.com) | 03:50 |
occy | that's kinda cool | 03:50 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: In Places menu there is something called connect to server | 03:50 |
occy | man | 03:50 |
occy | I love Ubuntu | 03:50 |
occy | :) | 03:50 |
netstar | Do you think the rc is likely to change much? | 03:50 |
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Hendric | cool.. breezy got 100+ updates today only. | 03:50 |
occy | these kids are really stepping things up with the SVG icons as of late. | 03:51 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: See if it helps. Also AFAIK xmms supports playing songs from network. | 03:51 |
occy | Amaranth, you seen the new Vista Inspirate icons? (it's incomplete as a set, but...) | 03:51 |
onkarshinde | Hendric: When did you last update? | 03:51 |
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Amaranth | occy: nope, link? | 03:51 |
Hendric | onkarshinde, yesterday | 03:51 |
occy | sec | 03:51 |
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apoZ` | onkarshinde, i know where to find my network files, but i can't play them | 03:51 |
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occy | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=28352 | 03:52 |
Hendric | onkarshinde, my fresh installed breezy yesterday got 497 updates.. when i wake up today... it asks me to update 129 updates | 03:52 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: I think that tool will help you mount your network storage as local folder.May be after that you can try playing those file. | 03:52 |
mahangu_ | Hendric, packages are being updated daily b/c it's close to release | 03:52 |
occy | Amaranth, and he uses Ubuntu. :) | 03:52 |
mahangu_ | that's why we suggested people wait till after the 13th | 03:52 |
mahangu_ | when it's declared stable | 03:52 |
Hendric | mahangu_, yeah i know.. i was amazed by the hardwork | 03:53 |
apoZ` | onkarshinde, what tool ? | 03:53 |
mahangu_ | Hendric, oh, my bad :) | 03:53 |
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mahangu_ | these guys are awesome eh? | 03:53 |
Hendric | mahangu_, they are angels... | 03:53 |
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onkarshinde | apoZ`: Somewhere on Places menu there is something called connect to network | 03:53 |
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apoZ` | yes | 03:54 |
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Hendric | can anyone help me with old serial mice?? frequently stops responding.. but responds back after a few minutes.. SUSPECT: another program accesses the serial port stopping the mouse. | 03:54 |
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Hendric | any work around?? my 4 PC's with serial mouse interface are experiencing the same problem.. PS2 PCs worked fine.. | 03:54 |
morgan | Tomcat_: are you still there? | 03:55 |
onkarshinde | anyone using XFCE on breezy? Which version is installed by default? | 03:55 |
Hendric | onkarshinde, im on it... | 03:55 |
Hendric | XFCE4 | 03:55 |
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lemics_ | what version did you expect :) | 03:55 |
netstar | 4.0 4.1 4.2? 4.2.2? | 03:55 |
onkarshinde | Hendric: That's oka XFCE 4. but which minor version? 4.1 or 4.2? | 03:55 |
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Hendric | 4.2 | 03:56 |
Amaranth | occy: I don't like it. | 03:56 |
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Tomcat_ | morgan: Yeah. | 03:56 |
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occy | Amaranth, well, taste is different for everyone, but... they are doing some neat things with SVG is all I'm sayying. | 03:56 |
onkarshinde | Hendric: Please give me exact number, 4.2.x | 03:56 |
apoZ` | onkarshinde, nopez, still doesn"t work | 03:56 |
morgan | Sorry man, but I am new working with ubuntu and amule | 03:56 |
Amaranth | occy: yeah, SVG is always good | 03:56 |
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why-oh-why | the | 03:56 |
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morgan | and I can find a serve | 03:57 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: are you using Rhythmbox? Did you try xmms? | 03:57 |
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Whistler | how do i make nautilus to boot together with icewm ? | 03:57 |
Hendric | 4.2 only | 03:57 |
Amaranth | occy: Used Firefox 1.5 Beta 2? It's got SVG using Cairo (all platforms) and <canvas> support, people are actually making games and such with the two + Javascript. :D | 03:57 |
apoZ` | onkarshinde, i'm using Rhytmbox idd, what is xmms ? | 03:57 |
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selinium | Hi all, for some reason FIrefox 1.0.7 is not working on my machine. It fails to initialise. Any ideas? | 03:57 |
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selinium | Hi Seveas | 03:57 |
why-oh-why | hiya Seveas | 03:57 |
why-oh-why | and hi selinium | 03:57 |
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selinium | Hi apokryphos | 03:58 |
lemics_ | check the logs | 03:58 |
selinium | hi why-oh-why :) | 03:58 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: xmms is (or was) considered the best music player around. You can install it from Synaptic | 03:58 |
helpme | is there any place where i can search all the ubuntu repos for a particular package?? im on another dsitro right now....... | 03:58 |
Whistler | anybody can help me? | 03:58 |
Hendric | Seveas, can i discuss a certain suspected BUG i experienced??? can be helpful maybe... | 03:58 |
onkarshinde | helpme: archive.ubuntu.com | 03:59 |
Whistler | how do i make nautilus to boot together with icewm ? | 03:59 |
onkarshinde | Whistler: what help do you need? | 03:59 |
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Whistler | onkarshinde 2 lines abowe | 03:59 |
onkarshinde | Whistler: Most probably by editing your .xinitrc | 03:59 |
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apoZ` | onkarshinde, no results when searching for xmms | 04:00 |
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onkarshinde | Whistler: But I am not sure it will work. | 04:00 |
Hendric | apoZ`, add more repos | 04:00 |
Whistler | onkarshinde is this file at home dir? | 04:00 |
Amaranth | helpme: http://packages.ubuntu.com | 04:00 |
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apoZ` | already did that yesterday | 04:00 |
occy | Amaranth, that's scary. | 04:00 |
Kalidarn | anyone know why X-Chat v2.4.5 isn't in Ubuntu? | 04:00 |
apokryphos | selinium: hi | 04:00 |
selinium | apoZ`, You cant find xmms? | 04:01 |
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Kalidarn | i would have thought that someone would have added it to the repository already. | 04:01 |
Kalidarn | as well as Azureus. | 04:01 |
apoZ` | nope | 04:01 |
Hendric | apokryphos, is the synaptic error fixed already???? | 04:01 |
enigmatic | Kalidarn, with over 15,000 packages need to have some patience :P | 04:01 |
Amaranth | occy: I was using this cool 3D thing the other day. It was a simple 3D environment that you could walk around in using the keyboard. All done using <canvas> and Javascript. | 04:01 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: I think you have not enabled universe repos. | 04:01 |
apokryphos | Hendric: what error? | 04:01 |
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occy | Amaranth, things like that, for some reason, scare me to no end. | 04:02 |
Kalidarn | enigmatic: :) theyre just really really really common ones, infact X-Chat is defaultly in ubuntu so i figured someone would have noticed it needed upgrading. | 04:02 |
Hendric | about the "failed to run /usr/bin/synaptic as root: child process terminated with 100 status" | 04:02 |
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why-oh-why | Hendric: You've probably changed to a driver that doesn't support 3D stuff. | 04:02 |
occy | Amaranth, I guess it simply signals the death of the web as we know it. | 04:02 |
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Hendric | happens with a fresh install breezy | 04:02 |
Kalidarn | Hendric: RC1? | 04:02 |
Amaranth | occy: It signals the birth of a better web. :) | 04:02 |
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occy | nod | 04:02 |
why-oh-why | The Turks are taking over the web! ayyyyy! | 04:02 |
Amaranth | occy: gmail++ to the extreme | 04:02 |
apoZ` | onkarshinde, I get an error when i open Synaptic | 04:03 |
enigmatic | Kalidarn, like I said, there are over 15,000 packages and a new release coming out and no real security/vulnerability issues with either so it isn't that much of a priority in comparison to other things | 04:03 |
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selinium | occy only TWO days now! :) | 04:03 |
onkarshinde | apoZ`: What error? | 04:03 |
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occy | selinium, heh, :) | 04:03 |
Kalidarn | enigmatic: 2.4.4 has a security vulnrability thats why 2.4.5 is out. | 04:03 |
Hendric | Kalidarn, d one available for download plus all the updates... | 04:03 |
comforteagle | I'm trying to install a few webapps on a home ubuntu box.. each time in the install scripts where installing the db the apps will go blank. I can use phpmyadmin to mess wth the dbs. any ideas on what gives???? | 04:03 |
apoZ` | onkarshinde, Ok found xmms, installing now | 04:03 |
Hendric | apokryphos, about the "failed to run /usr/bin/synaptic as root: child process terminated with 100 status" | 04:03 |
mustard5 | apoZ`, breezy or hoary? | 04:04 |
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oxez | Kalidarn: it's available on debian (xchat-2.4.5) | 04:04 |
=== enigmatic recompiles bmpx | ||
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Kalidarn | ah | 04:04 |
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Kalidarn | okay oxez | 04:04 |
Kalidarn | enigmatic: 10-Sep-2005 | 04:05 |
Kalidarn | Released 2.4.5 for Linux/BSD/Unix. This version has been tested on FC4 and FreeBSD 4.11. It's recommended you upgrade to this version for security reasons. | 04:05 |
herrpoon | hi there, can anyone tell me how much bandwith ssh'ing takes up? | 04:05 |
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selinium | apoZ`, Will you be playing mp3's? | 04:05 |
vengeful | hardly any? | 04:05 |
enigmatic | herrpoon, depends on what you're doing | 04:05 |
kagen_ | obviously i'm a fucking dumbass or something, because following a tutorial doesn't even work for me | 04:05 |
kagen_ | fuck | 04:05 |
oxez | Kalidarn: ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/x/xchat/ | 04:05 |
herrpoon | well jsut using irc | 04:05 |
herrpoon | say | 04:05 |
enigmatic | if you're grabbing files, it'll consume as much as you allow it to | 04:05 |
enigmatic | very little | 04:05 |
onkarshinde | Does XFCE runs fast as compared to GNOME on 128 MB RAM? | 04:05 |
herrpoon | ok cool | 04:06 |
vengeful | it will run faster | 04:06 |
enigmatic | onkarshinde, faster | 04:06 |
herrpoon | i use gnome on 128mb ram | 04:06 |
vengeful | why dont you people buy better computers :-P | 04:06 |
herrpoon | altouhgh i mainly do stuff in the terminal now thoough | 04:06 |
onkarshinde | SO I think I will install XFCE and use it by default till I get enough money to add memory to my machine. | 04:06 |
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Jonny-T | Hi | 04:06 |
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kagen_ | vengeful, why don't you give us all money? | 04:06 |
herrpoon | i found my ubuntu computer in a bin pretty much | 04:06 |
herrpoon | hehe | 04:07 |
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vengeful | i keep for myself ;-) to buy myself computers | 04:07 |
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Hendric | onkarshinde, im on a 64MB with 450MHZ dell optiplex with 4mb ATI rage onboard... and fast as magic... | 04:07 |
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Kalidarn | thanks oxez | 04:07 |
herrpoon | if i had the money id be running ubuntu on dual xeons 4gb | 04:07 |
herrpoon | well probably not :P | 04:07 |
kagen_ | well then, MAYBE there is reason i'm on a 300mhz, cause, oh, I don't know, i'm completely broke and have no money? | 04:07 |
onkarshinde | vengeful: Hey, I am in India and in our country the definition of better computer never go by RAM but by GHz, hard disk, optical drive and which version of Windows etc. | 04:07 |
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Jonny-T | i thinked about taking mandrake, kubuntu, deian, suse, but i've chosen ubuntu | 04:07 |
herrpoon | what does it go by? | 04:07 |
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Jonny-T | its the best for windows user | 04:08 |
herrpoon | what ubuntu? | 04:08 |
herrpoon | i think its a good first step | 04:08 |
apoZ` | selinium, yes | 04:08 |
Jonny-T | ubuntu the newest version gnome | 04:08 |
herrpoon | oh | 04:08 |
herrpoon | yeh probably | 04:09 |
onkarshinde | herrpoon: read last part of my reply. It goes but 'GHz, hard disk, optical drive and which version of Windows' | 04:09 |
herrpoon | i probably prefer kde tbh | 04:09 |
selinium | !tell apoZ` about mp3 | 04:09 |
herrpoon | wihhc veresion of windows! | 04:09 |
herrpoon | bah | 04:09 |
Jonny-T | i have windows now, but I'l make a second partition. | 04:09 |
kagen_ | that tutorial I got on installing wine didn't help me at all | 04:09 |
sivang | pitti: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/interfaces, still cannot up the intereface. I think some other defitiontions need be done for ifconfig to be able to bring up the interface. | 04:09 |
selinium | apoZ`, You will need to read the stuff on restricted formats :) | 04:09 |
vengeful | i thought i had problems...i was just looking for a gadget to buy :-) hehe | 04:09 |
kagen_ | all I get is errors saying it can't find packages | 04:09 |
mustard5 | why is that kagen_ ? | 04:09 |
herrpoon | cya | 04:09 |
vengeful | kagen, not working via synaptic? | 04:09 |
mustard5 | ah k | 04:09 |
onkarshinde | selinium: It is not about what he wants to play. He wants to play files on network storage. | 04:10 |
mustard5 | have you set up repositories before? | 04:10 |
sivang | pitti: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/lspci-v.txt | 04:10 |
kagen_ | yes, I have. | 04:10 |
Jonny-T | im german my english is not very good.... i wnat to say you much but can't! Laughing Out Loud | 04:10 |
mustard5 | hmmm | 04:10 |
selinium | onkarshinde, He would still need to be able to play the stream? | 04:10 |
mustard5 | it would help to see the errors | 04:10 |
Jonny-T | ^^ | 04:10 |
mustard5 | otherwise its guesswork | 04:10 |
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mustard5 | paste in the pastebin | 04:11 |
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kagen_ | what paste bin? | 04:11 |
mustard5 | !tell kagen_ about pastebin | 04:11 |
vengeful | a checkout lady shouted at me when i was in germany..for not speaking german. she seemed to think i should learn it for visiting for two weeks | 04:11 |
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=== vengeful going to offtopic, before anyone says anything | ||
why-oh-why | !tell kagen_ about pastebin | 04:12 |
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mustard5 | paste your error messages in the pastebin and then show us the url to your paste | 04:12 |
N6REJ-AFK | Strog: what about hula? | 04:12 |
sector10 | anybody got opera? | 04:12 |
=== enigmatic doesn't use opera | ||
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Jonny-T | hmmmmm learning german is very 'anstrengend' like germans say | 04:12 |
Strog | N6REJ-AFK: Possibly, I don't know anything about it though. ;-) | 04:13 |
sector10 | cant find the frigin plug-in setting in preferences | 04:13 |
N6REJ-AFK | Strog: k, ty, back to AFK | 04:13 |
Jonny-T | i wouldnt learn german iff i was english, i would learn english i was france | 04:13 |
apoZ` | selinium, so i can't play MP3's with ubuntu ???? :| | 04:14 |
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mustard5 | apoZ`, you can | 04:14 |
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kagen_ | mustard5, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2990 | 04:15 |
selinium | apoZ`, Yes just follow the instructions, MP3 needs to be enabled | 04:15 |
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mustard5 | thanks kagen_ | 04:15 |
N6REJ-AFK | Strog: OMG, there are a million courier packages... How do I know what I need/want? | 04:15 |
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mustard5 | kagen_, are you installing from cvs or something? | 04:16 |
kagen_ | mustard5, i'm using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996 | 04:17 |
mustard5 | k | 04:17 |
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kagen_ | Opengl, wine tools, and the compiling all mess up, just gives me errors, dunno why, I did exactly what it told me to | 04:17 |
mustard5 | kagen_, do you have gcc installed? | 04:18 |
onkarshinde | kagen_: I think that thread is for hoary. | 04:18 |
apoZ` | Where can i type the command : sudo apt-get install j2re1.4 ?? | 04:18 |
=== RockyBurt [n=rocky@207-236-225-174.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kagen_ | mustard5, I don't think so | 04:18 |
Strog | N6REJ-AFK: Start with the basics and build up as your go. grab base and imap or pop3 (or ssl versions of those if desired) and get the basics working | 04:18 |
mustard5 | install gcc | 04:18 |
kagen_ | onkarshinde, are the differences between breezy and hoary that big? | 04:19 |
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apoZ` | selinium, Where can i type the command : sudo apt-get install j2re1.4 ?? | 04:19 |
kagen_ | mustard5, how do I install that? apt-get install gcc or something? | 04:19 |
onkarshinde | I suppose the names of packages have changed. For breezy you may need libglu1-mesa-dev | 04:19 |
mustard5 | try that | 04:19 |
mustard5 | check the version when it installs | 04:19 |
selinium | apoZ`, in a terminal Application/System Tools/Terminal | 04:19 |
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onkarshinde | kagen_: And for installing esential build tools you can install package build-esential | 04:20 |
kagen_ | 4.0 | 04:20 |
mustard5 | k | 04:20 |
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kagen_ | k, i'm using that to compile it right now | 04:20 |
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kagen_ | i'll have to get the GL and winetools stuff later | 04:20 |
kagen_ | I gotta go | 04:20 |
mustard5 | k | 04:20 |
onkarshinde | kagen_: And regarding libgtk, you don't need to add 1.2 at the end | 04:20 |
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mustard5 | check back later kagen_ :) | 04:20 |
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sector10 | so wherhe is ubuntu hiding motif plug in needed for opera? | 04:20 |
kagen_ | will do. | 04:21 |
RockyBurt | hm... just did an apt-upgrade and rebooted... ubuntu is no longer auto-loading speedstep-centrino :( | 04:21 |
kagen_ | drivers test | 04:21 |
kagen_ | bah | 04:21 |
N6REJ-AFK | Strog: k, ty. | 04:21 |
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apoZ` | selinium, no Terminal in Application/System Tools | 04:22 |
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selinium | apoZ`, Are you on breezy? | 04:22 |
apoZ` | jep | 04:22 |
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bpf | what's the _best_ app for streaming music from an online radio station? every one I use seems fine for a while but then starts to get bad | 04:23 |
Erwin | Is there a way to install ubuntu on an existing linux partition, without mkfs'ing it? In expert mode, skipping the partitioning and mounting /target myself almost works -- but e.g. grub gets the wrong device numbers and /dev/cdrom is a wrong link. | 04:23 |
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mustard5 | !tell apoZ` about javadeb | 04:23 |
selinium | apoZ`, then right cilck on the desktop. I dont know where it is on breezy! :) | 04:23 |
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padmawan | apoZ: try find terminal in Application/Accessories | 04:24 |
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apoZ` | selinium, Ok it's working | 04:25 |
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mustard5 | is their an irc client for terminal? | 04:25 |
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oxez | mustard5: irssi / bitchx | 04:26 |
apoZ` | selinium, forgot to tick : use as terminal :) | 04:26 |
selinium | mustard5, irssi | 04:26 |
mustard5 | really hehe | 04:26 |
mustard5 | cool :D | 04:26 |
mustard5 | that would be very handy | 04:26 |
apoZ` | I'm new to ubuntu , u see: ) | 04:26 |
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comforteagle | I removed php4, installed php4-mysql, restarted apache, but mysql still isn't supported in phpinfo? are there any package problems with ubuntu & php/apache??? | 04:27 |
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xxtreme | sector10_ u here | 04:27 |
Whistler | ppl i did a HORRIBLE mistake | 04:27 |
imc_ | Hi, running breezy what;s the best way to install real? I tried apt-get and the script there wants RP8 | 04:28 |
Whistler | i acidentaly formated my hdd | 04:28 |
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Whistler | i reseted pc at 13 % | 04:28 |
Whistler | is there any way of restoring my files? | 04:28 |
Whistler | at least some of them? | 04:28 |
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mustard5 | Whistler, thats a tough question :) | 04:29 |
sproingie | Whistler: how much is your data worth? data recovery experts could do it, but it'll easily cost you 10 grand or more | 04:29 |
mustard5 | most likely not | 04:29 |
rawiramdhan | Whistler: In windows it;s possible:) | 04:29 |
Whistler | my data is not so worthful | 04:29 |
=== LootBeer [i=1000@cm160.omega127.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Whistler | but my father and bro are going to kill me | 04:29 |
sproingie | rawiramdhan: with FAT maybe. with NTFS, if he wiped out the MFT, he's just as hosed | 04:29 |
=== joeyy [n=joey@68-185-138-107.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | Whistler, if you have another drive then have a look at coroners tool kit | 04:30 |
joeyy | how do i set quota 20mb soft and 50mb hard for a user | 04:30 |
Whistler | one disk was in ntfs.But no valuable data there | 04:30 |
sproingie | joeyy: man quotactl | 04:30 |
Whistler | and there were 52 gb fat32 disk | 04:31 |
richx | hello | 04:31 |
sproingie | joeyy: nevermind that's the syscall | 04:31 |
richx | does anybody know, why they deleted the "Gnome Boot Manager" (for grub) from Breezy? | 04:31 |
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Whistler | so any way of restoring my data | 04:32 |
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mustard5 | I don't know, richx | 04:32 |
sproingie | Whistler: unless you already have some really expert knowledge in data recovery, you're out of luck | 04:32 |
LootBeer | anyone here? | 04:32 |
richx | mhh | 04:32 |
richx | i liked it | 04:32 |
mustard5 | yes LootBeer | 04:33 |
Whistler | pls somebody kill me | 04:33 |
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mustard5 | Whistler, :) | 04:33 |
Whistler | grr i hate ubuntu lite install cd | 04:33 |
LootBeer | my firefox is totally wacked, using a stupid fony size n theme and i cannot even see and use another one cos the use another theme buttons broken, how? | 04:33 |
sproingie | Whistler: the police have forensic kits that can recover data from a HD that's been partly or even completely formatted, but they ain't cheap or easy | 04:34 |
Whistler | i just started the setup and there were no partitioner it started to format my hdd | 04:34 |
Tomcat_ | LootBeer: Try moving your profile to another location, then start a new one. | 04:34 |
Whistler | i got scared and reseted my pc | 04:34 |
Whistler | at almost 13% | 04:34 |
Whistler | /dev/hda1 1 25 200781 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 04:34 |
Whistler | /dev/hda2 * 26 9729 77947380 83 Linux | 04:34 |
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Whistler | grrr | 04:34 |
Whistler | i had 5 partitions before | 04:35 |
Whistler | :( | 04:35 |
joeyy | does any one know how do i set quota 20mb soft and 50mb hard for a user | 04:35 |
hexion | hello | 04:35 |
LootBeer | Tomcat_> how do i do that, sir? | 04:35 |
mustard5 | I don't know joeyy | 04:35 |
mustard5 | its a good question though | 04:35 |
Whistler | k cya all later | 04:35 |
sproingie | a busted partition table can be recovered if you put it back to exactly how it was. a destroyed MFT is not recoverable except from backups | 04:35 |
mustard5 | cya Whistler | 04:36 |
Whistler | i am going to tell my father about this | 04:36 |
Whistler | =[ | 04:36 |
hexion | I can't use my joystick (soundcard port) with XMAME... can anyone help me? | 04:36 |
mustard5 | it will be ok | 04:36 |
Whistler | i dont think so | 04:36 |
apoZ` | What are the advantages of ubuntu <-> XP ?? | 04:36 |
Whistler | he had few gb`s of data | 04:36 |
Whistler | apoZ` no viruses,no trojans or spyware | 04:36 |
Whistler | open source and a lot more | 04:36 |
mustard5 | I burnt a shed down......it happens | 04:36 |
sproingie | apoZ`: where to begin ... the fact that you can change the window decorations to something other than plain, blue, or silver is nice :) | 04:37 |
hexion | I need help with my joystick in Ubuntu | 04:37 |
=== quendi [n=mika@dyn177-220.adsl.php.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apoZ` | you got screenshot of your environment? | 04:37 |
sproingie | apoZ`: otherwise ... depends on what you're trying to do. it's usually faster than windows for most things | 04:37 |
quendi | i was wondering if i should use the ubuntu provided nvidia driver or the nvidia linux forceware? | 04:38 |
mustard5 | apoZ`, the price | 04:38 |
sproingie | apoZ`: my own environment is dreadfully plain | 04:38 |
sproingie | someone want to point apoZ` to a skins site? all i know of is kde-look | 04:38 |
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sproingie | i suppose enlightenment's site has maximum eye candy, but ubuntu doesn't really use e | 04:39 |
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apoZ` | I don't know how to program open source, new to ubunt, but i like to learn it since i'm thinking about computerstudies, anybody got tips? | 04:39 |
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sproingie | ah, gnome-look of course | 04:39 |
bpf | repeat: what's the _best_ app for streaming music from an online radio station? every one I use seems fine for a while but then starts to get bad | 04:39 |
sproingie | apoZ`: browse around www.gnome-look.org and you'll see different screenshots of people's desktops | 04:40 |
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quendi | how can i connect ubuntu to gnome-look..repositories? | 04:40 |
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TiMiDo | quendi art.gnome.org for themes | 04:41 |
apoZ` | Q: Do i need to restart after enabling MP3, cause still not working | 04:41 |
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mustard5 | quendi, do you play games? | 04:42 |
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bpf | apoZ`, what did you do to 'enable' it? | 04:43 |
=== apokryphos grrs at Seveas | ||
apokryphos | Seveas: that was an opportunity to teach them about /msg at the same time, but hey | 04:43 |
quendi | mustard5 just adom and planning on planeshift.. | 04:43 |
=== Seveas grrs back | ||
imc_ | Realplayer help for breezy? | 04:43 |
apoZ` | bpf, sudo apt-get install k3b-mp3 | 04:44 |
imc_ | Trying to install using apt-get and it's not working | 04:44 |
imc_ | and I can't seem to find source on the real website, jkust bin and rpm | 04:44 |
bpf | imc_, you should visit real.com and install the .bin | 04:44 |
mustard5 | !tell imc_ about realplayer | 04:44 |
bpf | imc_, i don't think you will get a recent version through apt | 04:44 |
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imc_ | Right, bpf, thanks, however it breaks. when I try to install the bin | 04:45 |
bpf | i have never gotten it to work myself, but I haven't spent much time/energy on it either | 04:45 |
imc_ | complains of ...wait I have to check what it complains about! | 04:45 |
imc_ | Thanks bpf | 04:45 |
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bpf | i just mount the dir over the network and play rm files on my windows laptop :) | 04:45 |
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Chadza | Where is apache put in the default .deb install? | 04:50 |
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TiMiDo | Chadza whereis apache | 04:50 |
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Chadza | It returns "apache: " | 04:51 |
TiMiDo | then u haven't installed apache | 04:51 |
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xukun | what is the lease date for breezy? | 04:51 |
TiMiDo | xukun 2 more days | 04:51 |
Wiltuk | 13th | 04:51 |
TiMiDo | oct 13 | 04:51 |
xukun | thanks guys | 04:51 |
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TiMiDo | np | 04:51 |
vschneck | moin leute | 04:51 |
TiMiDo | vschneck !de | 04:51 |
xukun | I cant wait! | 04:51 |
vschneck | is that ger server? | 04:51 |
TiMiDo | !de | 04:51 |
ubotu | Bitte gehen sie nach #ubuntu-de fuer deutschsprachige hilfe | 04:51 |
lemics_ | moin schneck | 04:51 |
vschneck | hi | 04:51 |
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atripathi | goodevening all | 04:53 |
egoplastiek | when closing an admin app like synaptic, it restarts immediately, prompting for root password. how can i fix it? | 04:53 |
TiMiDo | good evening atripathi | 04:53 |
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egoplastiek | shite, gotta go | 04:54 |
egoplastiek | bye | 04:54 |
lemics_ | bye | 04:54 |
mustard5 | :) | 04:54 |
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shawarma | Breezy is supposed to feature a Ubuntu logo in Gnome panel instead of the foot... It doesn't happen on my system. Any good guesses? | 04:56 |
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HiddenWolf | shawarma, using custom icon theme? | 04:57 |
Ng | shawarma: do you have ubuntu-artwork installed? I think you need that | 04:57 |
bpf | Chadza, did you find apache? it should be in /etc/apache | 04:58 |
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bpf | and the default document root is /var/www | 04:58 |
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bronson | The Ubuntu logo in Breezy looks awful... The transparency on the antialiasing is messed up so it only works on top of a white background, it's too large, and it doesn't fit in with the rest of the icon theme. | 05:01 |
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bronson | I'm hoping they fix it in the next couple days... Otherwise I'll definitely revert to the foot. | 05:01 |
LootBeer | my firefox is using a screwed up theme thus rendering it awful looking and worst totally unusable, how can i change a theme... seems stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 05:01 |
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mustard5 | sounds more like a firefox problem | 05:02 |
mustard5 | your chrome folder is mucked up mostl likely | 05:02 |
bpf | anyone in here using breezy on amd64 yet? | 05:02 |
bronson | LootBeer: only firefox? "firefox -safe-mode" | 05:02 |
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bpf | anyone? on amd64? mostly wondering if vmware works | 05:07 |
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lalala | hello ... i'm new with linux and seek for someone who wants to help me out a bit | 05:12 |
elvstone | hello. when i search the packages on http://packages.ubuntu.com and find ruby packages the ends with 'ruby16', 'ruby18' and just 'ruby'.. does that mean that the ones ending in just 'ruby' works with both ruby 1.8 and 1.6? | 05:12 |
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TiMiDo | lalala try asking? | 05:12 |
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TiMiDo | and then we will see what we can do, | 05:12 |
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elvstone | i just want to make sure that the ruby gtk package is available for breezy with version 1.8 of ruby installed. | 05:13 |
lalala | i wanna make a samba server ... (later on a gateway, first just share a partiton with a windwos pc) | 05:13 |
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lalala | first of all i want the deamons smbd and nmbd to start at boot | 05:14 |
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elvstone | i have a minimal POS (point of sale) app written using ruby 1.8 and gtk, and i'm considering using ubuntu on the point of sale terminal.. | 05:14 |
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coobra | Seveas: o/ | 05:14 |
Seveas | !info ruby-gtk | 05:14 |
lalala | for this i have to edit the init.d file and make some links ... and ther's my problem ... how do make thos links | 05:14 |
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elvstone | anyone know for sure that the 'libgtk2-ruby' for breezy works with ruby 1.8? | 05:15 |
Seveas | it needs libruby1.8 (>= 1.8.2-9) so i guess it will | 05:15 |
lalala | so ... ? | 05:15 |
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elvstone | Seveas: ah. okay. thanks. | 05:16 |
daved | how can i tell which package i need to install to get a certain file? is there any way to query the file lists of uninstalled packages? | 05:16 |
daved | i'm looking for ac_nonexistent.h | 05:16 |
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Seveas | !find ac_nonexistent.h | 05:16 |
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alegs | anybody can tell me how to configure a lan for mail?? | 05:17 |
lalala | please help someone ... | 05:17 |
adwait | hey ppl | 05:17 |
daved | Seveas: ? | 05:17 |
Seveas | daved, the bot is slow ;) | 05:17 |
daved | Seveas: what command can i run to find that file in uninstalled packages? | 05:17 |
daved | on my local system | 05:17 |
Seveas | daved, apt-file | 05:17 |
daved | is there one? | 05:17 |
Seveas | but it's not in any package | 05:17 |
adwait | alegs: what do u mean confugre a lan for mail? | 05:17 |
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ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'ac_nonexistent.h' returned no results. | 05:18 |
daved | Seveas: hmm.. gimp 2.3.4 source is looking for it | 05:18 |
alegs | adwait: for use mail between compputer of lan | 05:18 |
Seveas | daved, apt-get build-dep gimp (that drags in all build dependencies) | 05:18 |
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Mercutio150 | hey can anyone help me with bit torrent? | 05:19 |
daved | Seveas: cool, thanks | 05:19 |
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daved | Seveas: hopefully this will work even for the new version | 05:19 |
liff | hi, i'm trying to install sysprof on breezy but it says it needs libiberty, which is nowhere to be found | 05:19 |
daved | i'm fresh off a fedora install, so i'm still trying to translate my package manager knowledge :)( | 05:19 |
Ghoat | can breezy be downloaded and installed with synaptic? | 05:20 |
gleesond | I just installed ubuntu and I was wondering what the command was to update. is there something like yum for fedora. also I didn't set a root password, and now that I'm on the machine I cant gain root privleges for anything | 05:20 |
gleesond | i.e. my nfts partition | 05:20 |
adwait | Ghoat: ur better of running a apt-get dist-upgrade from the command line | 05:20 |
daved | gleesond: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade | 05:21 |
Ghoat | adwait:why is apt-get better than synaptic? | 05:21 |
daved | gleesond: and you should be able to sudo anything from your user | 05:21 |
Seveas | gleesond, apt-get | 05:21 |
Seveas | !tell gleesond about root | 05:21 |
adwait | Ghoat: edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and change all "hoary" to "breezy" and then run apt-get | 05:21 |
Seveas | !tell gleesond about winfs | 05:21 |
Seveas | !tell gleesond about ntfs | 05:21 |
TiMiDo | !tell Ghoat about breezy | 05:21 |
daved | Seveas: oh, fine, be all efficient with an infobot | 05:21 |
adwait | Ghoat: because when X is running, sme files don't get upgraded and cause problems.....so you Shitft + Alt +f1 and in console mode kill gdm.......and then run the upgrade | 05:21 |
Seveas | daved, s/efficient/lazy/g | 05:22 |
daved | :) | 05:22 |
daved | Seveas: looks like that build-dep grabbed everything i needed :) thanks | 05:22 |
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CarlFK | livecd - is there a boot param to just load bash (no X) ? | 05:23 |
daved | the gimp configure script gives terrible errors... i had to dig into the config.log to find out that .h file was missing... the error it gave me was cc1 is broken | 05:23 |
Ghoat | how do I save this chat log? | 05:23 |
daved | Ghoat: transcribe it to pad & paper by hand | 05:23 |
adwait | hehe | 05:23 |
bpf | or look in your IRC client for logging | 05:23 |
Ghoat | daved:copy and paste, good idea | 05:24 |
adwait | Ghoat: which client are u using | 05:24 |
bpf | or copy/paste into a text editor | 05:24 |
atripathi | Ghoat you try learning windows buddy | 05:24 |
Ghoat | adwait:Hoary? | 05:24 |
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Ghoat | X-chat 2.4.1 | 05:24 |
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adwait | Ghoat: umm........no, client as in chatx or konversation etc. | 05:24 |
adwait | *uuh xchat | 05:24 |
DonCD | If you were to install the breezy RC candidate, can you patch to stable in a few days? | 05:25 |
adwait | Ghoat: well there's a save log to file option somewhere in it.......cant rememver where | 05:25 |
Ng | yes | 05:25 |
Ng | DonCD: yes | 05:25 |
xxtreme | mplayer help New face failed= maybe the font path is wrong can someone help me please | 05:25 |
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Ng | rather :) | 05:25 |
adwait | DonCD: yes | 05:25 |
Trackilizer | Hey guys.. just wanted to ask, all i have to do to update to the new version of ubuntu is "apt-get upgrade" right? | 05:25 |
Ghoat | adwait:i'll find it....thanks | 05:25 |
bpf | one more time: anyone in here using breezy on amd64? wondering if my vmware is going to stop working | 05:25 |
adwait | Trackilizer: nope.......u need to change all there references to "hoary" to "breezy" in /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:26 |
DonCD | Or would you just wait? | 05:26 |
adwait | then run apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:26 |
adwait | bpf: i think i saw something like that on ubuntuforums.org..........try searching | 05:26 |
Trackilizer | So, all i have to do is remove "hoary" and write "breezy"? | 05:26 |
adwait | Trackilizer: yes | 05:26 |
DonCD | adwait, or would you just wait? | 05:26 |
Trackilizer | Cool! rather simple | 05:27 |
Trackilizer | Thanks alot. | 05:27 |
shawarma | does any happen to know if there's going to be sent out a press release about Breezy? And if so, is this press release going to be leaked ahead of time so it can be translated and sent to the relevant national newspapers? | 05:27 |
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Trackilizer | Will do that. | 05:27 |
adwait | DonCD: wait for what? | 05:27 |
DonCD | adwait, wait for stable? | 05:27 |
adwait | naah......its goopd enough | 05:27 |
adwait | they aren't about to make any major changes in 2 days! | 05:27 |
adwait | Trackilizer: uuh........run apt-get update and then apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:28 |
adwait | (just to be clear) | 05:28 |
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joe_alf | i'm trying to remove ntpdate from starting from boot. so i 'sudo update-rc.d -f /etc/init.d/ntpdate' then reboot but it still start on boot. is this a bug or what. any idea how to solve this. | 05:28 |
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adwait | joe_alf: that's wierd......i tried that command and worked fune | 05:29 |
joe_alf | adwait, doesn't work for me i'm using ubuntu 5.10 breezy | 05:29 |
Ghoat | under Window menu, last item Save Text....good | 05:29 |
yapyccky | hello everyone, who can give me some advise ti make my ubuntu faster? | 05:30 |
xxtreme | any mplayer people here, i need your help | 05:30 |
yapyccky | i dunno why but its really slower than win... | 05:30 |
adwait | joe_alf: i am using the same too........anyway if u really want to stop the update, just open the file /etc/init.d/ntpdate and erase everything in it | 05:30 |
adwait | joe_alf: just be sure to back it up, just in case | 05:31 |
gigaclon | yapyccky, how much swap space did you give ubuntu | 05:31 |
yapyccky | that's good question... i dont remember | 05:31 |
joe_alf | adwait, i'm just going to rename thanks anyway | 05:31 |
adwait | yapyccky: what r ur system specs? | 05:31 |
adwait | joe_alf: np | 05:31 |
yapyccky | adwait : asus laptop p4 3.2 ht | 05:32 |
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adwait | yapyccky: u could try a light weight desktop environment , like xfce or icewm | 05:32 |
adwait | but it shouldnt really run slow considering ur configuration | 05:32 |
yapyccky | adwait: it does.. and i dunno why | 05:33 |
yapyccky | adwait : can it be cause of kernel version? i386 instead of 686 smp? | 05:33 |
atripathi | it depends but Gnome is pretty good too. My P4 3.0 GHz HT is running fine | 05:33 |
atripathi | I am running Hoary | 05:33 |
yapyccky | im running Breezy | 05:34 |
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yapyccky | i've installed prelink to open programs faster | 05:34 |
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delaney | found something in synaptic the other day that allowed me to place an xmms control applet in my gnome panel.. and after a reinstall i cant find it. anyone remember the package name? | 05:35 |
zeroverse | i've got an amd 64 3000. would i notice a significant speed difference if i actually used the 64 bit version instead? | 05:36 |
atripathi | fire synaptic and search for xmms. You will get it :) | 05:36 |
yapyccky | gigaclon :my swap is 104391 blocks | 05:36 |
yapyccky | should i make it bigger? | 05:37 |
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Lord_Maynoth | how many more days till breezy? | 05:37 |
alegs | hi, i was trying to configure fuse-2.4 but not work configure, the reason is: checking kernel source directory... Not found | 05:38 |
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gigaclon | yapyccky, how big is each block? | 05:38 |
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alegs | i was download kernel source in /usr/src | 05:38 |
yapyccky | gigaclon ...dunno..tell me how can i check size of my swap.. please :) | 05:39 |
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Trackilizer | Would anyone mind giving me a link to the new sources.list file? | 05:39 |
Ross__ | lo all | 05:39 |
goh | Hi, my printer can print, but it prints incorrectly. All pages are printed to only to stamp size, instead of A4. Can any1 help? | 05:39 |
Ross__ | can any one help me with setting up a new monitor in ubuntu | 05:39 |
Ross__ | need to set the resolution but the one i want is not in the list | 05:40 |
Ross__ | ? | 05:40 |
mustard5 | !tell Trackilizer about repos | 05:40 |
Trackilizer | Thanks dude. | 05:40 |
yapyccky | gigaclon : i found out .. i've 102mb of swap | 05:41 |
gigaclon | yapyccky, I would expand it that is prolly your problem | 05:41 |
yapyccky | ic | 05:41 |
yapyccky | how can i do it now? | 05:41 |
yapyccky | should i reinstall ubuntu?? | 05:41 |
mustard5 | !tell Ross__ about resolution | 05:41 |
Trackilizer | So, has anyone update thier system to the new version yet? | 05:41 |
Trackilizer | How did it go? | 05:42 |
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adwait | Trackilizer: went fine......just in case u run into any problems, kill gdm and run apt-get install -f | 05:43 |
adwait | and then again apt-get dist-upgrade to pick up from where it left off | 05:43 |
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Trackilizer | OMG!! so, i souldn't do apt-get upgrade? | 05:43 |
Trackilizer | I sould do apt-get dist-upgrade? | 05:43 |
adwait | apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:43 |
adwait | yes | 05:44 |
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Ross__ | any 1 know what i can do bout fixing my screen resolution? | 05:44 |
adwait | Ross__: try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-conf | 05:45 |
adwait | Ross__: try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver | 05:45 |
Ross__ | ta | 05:45 |
adwait | Ross__: the second one.......first one was a typo | 05:45 |
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wftl | Ross_ : good question, perhaps somebody can tell me how to get a decent resolution with the Live CD. All I seem to be able to get (on either my notebood or desktop test system) is 640x480. | 05:45 |
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adwait | wftl: sounds like ur drivers arent included......ull just hv to install them later, if u decide to install ubuntu | 05:46 |
mustard5 | !resolution | 05:46 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:46 |
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Ross__ | says that package isnt installed? | 05:47 |
Ross__ | should i install it? | 05:47 |
adwait | Ross__: what's not installed xort-xserver? not possible......check the spelling | 05:48 |
adwait | *xorg-xserver | 05:48 |
Ross__ | typed sudo dpkg-reconfigure xort-xserver | 05:49 |
Ross__ | says xort-xserver is not installed | 05:50 |
Ross__ | oh | 05:50 |
Ross__ | k | 05:50 |
Ross__ | =) | 05:50 |
Ross__ | same thing? | 05:50 |
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mustard5 | Ross, yes | 05:51 |
mustard5 | with xorg | 05:51 |
mustard5 | not xort | 05:51 |
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wftl | ubotu : I appreciate the link, but I was looking for something boot time for the Live CD, not an install Ubuntu. I want to show it off to people, but every time I try it, I get 640x480. | 05:52 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, wftl | 05:52 |
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Ross__ | didnt work with xorg-xserver | 05:53 |
wftl | Just as a comparison, I can pass the screen resolution I want to a Knoppix disk when I boot. There doesn't seem to be anything like that for the Ubuntu Live CD. | 05:54 |
Ross__ | says its not installed=) | 05:54 |
bpf | damn, I'm running hoary on amd64 and there was an update today for mozilla-thunderbird. after installing it, I get no gui on my mail app - yet the process is running | 05:54 |
Ross__ | promise, checked it properly | 05:54 |
bpf | maybe I'll just dist-upgrade to breezy and try it out | 05:54 |
wftl | Preferences, Screen Resolution only gives me 640x480 as a choice . | 05:55 |
bpf | try upping your refresh rates on the max end | 05:56 |
Ross__ | that might be a driver issue | 05:56 |
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bpf | is there more than one section in xorg.conf? | 05:57 |
wftl | Ah, ubotu is only a bot. | 05:57 |
bpf | and which one is set as default? | 05:57 |
=== keikoz bsoir$ | ||
sambagirl | how do you make beep media player work? | 05:57 |
sambagirl | it does not output sound for me. | 05:57 |
sambagirl | how do you change screen resolution? | 05:58 |
bpf | under preferences | 05:58 |
Seveas | sambagirl: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound | 05:58 |
sambagirl | thank you | 05:59 |
sambagirl | how do i change my screen resolution? | 05:59 |
bpf | under system -> preferences | 05:59 |
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sambagirl | i'll look things over closely before i ask these questions but the sound things is different. thank you both. | 06:00 |
Ross__ | is there another way to edit you screen res than configuring xorg-xserver? | 06:00 |
Ross__ | i tried to change an entry in the registry thing | 06:00 |
Ross__ | but that didnt do anything | 06:00 |
=== Equiya [n=heretic_@cpc2-nthc3-5-0-cust83.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bpf | Ross__, look in the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:01 |
bpf | there should be a section for each of your available resolutions | 06:01 |
CuriousCat | was anyone here successful in setting up an agere ac97 modem on ubuntu? | 06:01 |
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Equiya | the installation cd... do i HAVE to be in windows to install, or can I do so from booting? | 06:02 |
Ross__ | ok | 06:02 |
bpf | Equiya, you should boot to it | 06:02 |
Belutz | Equiya, you must boot from the CD | 06:02 |
Ross__ | oh cool | 06:02 |
Equiya | and then i can install it fully? | 06:02 |
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Ross__ | so if i change that will it work? | 06:02 |
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bpf | Ross__, when you view the system -> preferences -> screen resolution do you have the same number of options that are in the conf file? | 06:03 |
CuriousCat | Equiya: you're using the live CD right? I don't think you can install from that version. You need the Ubuntu installer itself. | 06:03 |
Ross__ | no | 06:03 |
Ross__ | in the file it only gives my 1152X768 | 06:03 |
Equiya | if i get the installer itself, do i have to use it within windows? | 06:04 |
Ross__ | in the other thing i get 1024X768 and 800X600 aswell | 06:04 |
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Equiya | i don't have either yet btw | 06:04 |
Spudchat | hi everyone | 06:04 |
bpf | CuriousCat, did you assume that or did Equiya say which cd he/she has? | 06:04 |
TiMiDo | hi Spudchat | 06:04 |
Spudchat | so whats gonna happen in two days? breezy packages will be put into the repositories and hell upgrade himself to it? | 06:04 |
CuriousCat | bpf: He mentioned it on the #ubuntu-unreg before he finally got into this channel. :) | 06:05 |
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dansydo | howto for installing fc4 with multiple drives and multiple os's? | 06:05 |
bpf | Ross__, I had to change my Sync and refresh rates to include a higher top end range, otherwise some of my display resolutions did not appear in the gui tool | 06:05 |
bpf | CuriousCat, thanks, i was confused how you knew that :) | 06:05 |
Equiya | the main problem is that my 30 days of windows activation time are up | 06:05 |
smi|e | !limewire | 06:05 |
ubotu | smi|e: Bugger all, i dunno | 06:05 |
Equiya | i can't activate though | 06:06 |
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Equiya | and there's stuff i need to get off | 06:06 |
Ross__ | bpf, it only gives me the option of 55 in the refresh rate drop down | 06:06 |
brlancer | WINE put stuff under ~/.wine/drive_c ~/.wine/dosdevices - were those just compile time defaults from the ubuntu build? | 06:06 |
Ross__ | must i change it some where else | 06:06 |
Equiya | i can't activate because i've done it too many times or something | 06:06 |
gigaclon | if you have the Installtion CD, you can install Ubuntu | 06:06 |
bpf | Ross__, look for Section "Monitor" in xorg.conf. you will have HorizSync and VertRefresh rates | 06:07 |
Ross__ | ahh | 06:07 |
Ross__ | ok | 06:07 |
bpf | they are a range, and mine did not go high enough | 06:07 |
Proteque | where is that place for pasting? | 06:07 |
CuriousCat | Equiya: Do you still need Windows or do you want to completely get rid of it? | 06:07 |
[LethAL] | !paste | 06:07 |
ubotu | paste is, like, totally, please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 06:07 |
gigaclon | Equiya, if you install Ubuntu to another partition, you can get access the file thru ubuntu | 06:07 |
Equiya | i only need windows for a while, as there are files of very important work i need from it | 06:07 |
Equiya | once i have those, i don't care | 06:07 |
Ross__ | bpf, its set to 28-57 for HoriSync and 43-60 VertRefresh, thats should be ok for my monitor? | 06:07 |
Proteque | thanx | 06:08 |
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gigaclon | Equiya, do you have another partition on your hard drive? | 06:08 |
Equiya | ahh good | 06:08 |
=== BackSLaSh [n=backslas@adsl-205-96.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bergcube | Question: The D-Link wireless NICs for laptops (for example DWL-G650) look promising. (And perform very well under the Redmond alternative OS). Has anyone tried them under Ubuntu? | 06:08 |
Proteque | I have a problem with k3b. cant get it to burn. the debug gives me this output: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2991 | 06:08 |
Equiya | actually... no i don't | 06:08 |
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bpf | Ross__, what kind of monitor do you use? I changed the top end on my ranges to 81 and 76 respectively | 06:08 |
CuriousCat | Equiya: Ok. Create a partition using your Windows OS or some other 3rd party tool like Partition Magic. Then install ubuntu to that partition. :) | 06:09 |
Ross__ | bpf, could i not just change the res in the file? | 06:09 |
bpf | i'm using a 19" dell LCD (dual actually, but that's irrelevant) | 06:09 |
Spudchat | allright i guess ill find out in a couple days :) | 06:09 |
Spudchat | lates everyone | 06:09 |
Equiya | and i can do all this without booting to windows first? | 06:09 |
luite | Bergcube: the dwl-g650 is based on an atheros chipset, should work fine with the madwifi driver | 06:09 |
Ross__ | the depth 24 one ? | 06:09 |
bpf | Ross__, is there a line for Modes? with different resolutions on it? | 06:09 |
brenner | Ross__: missed the start, but are you having res problems? | 06:09 |
Ross__ | ja | 06:09 |
Ross__ | yes i mean | 06:09 |
Ross__ | can i just edit that ? | 06:10 |
gigaclon | if you need to get files off you can also use the Live CD, Equiya | 06:10 |
bpf | i have section "screen" then subsection "display" contains this line: | 06:10 |
Bergcube | luite~ Sounds great. I'm glad to hear that. Thanks. ( And boy am I looking forward to the new release.... ) :-) | 06:10 |
coobra | Ross__: swede | 06:10 |
Ross__ | cept its read only? | 06:10 |
bpf | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 06:10 |
Ross__ | no, south african | 06:10 |
Equiya | can i? | 06:10 |
coobra | :P | 06:10 |
coobra | ok | 06:10 |
Ross__ | afrikaans | 06:10 |
bpf | Ross__, you need to use sudo to edit that file | 06:10 |
Ross__ | =) | 06:10 |
Ross__ | ok | 06:10 |
Equiya | i have a live cd of another linux distribution... and i can't get my files with that | 06:11 |
bpf | sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:11 |
Ross__ | using sudo vim ok? | 06:11 |
brenner | Ross__: OT: cricket fan? | 06:11 |
Equiya | unless i'm missing something | 06:11 |
bpf | yep | 06:11 |
CuriousCat | Equiya: You'll have to boot up windows first. Then create the partition. Unless you have a 3rd party tool that avoids deleting windows, and is able to create a partition without booting up windows. | 06:11 |
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Equiya | i see | 06:11 |
Equiya | as long as i don't have to log on to any accounts it'd be fine | 06:11 |
bpf | the tension is building here - just did apt-get dist-upgrade from hoary to breezy on my amd64 workstation | 06:11 |
Equiya | as thats an impossibility | 06:12 |
bpf | 2 hours to get the packages :( | 06:12 |
Ross__ | how do i save in vim =) | 06:12 |
bpf | :w | 06:12 |
bpf | colon w | 06:12 |
Ross__ | cool | 06:12 |
Ross__ | thanks | 06:12 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-139-17.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bpf | for write | 06:12 |
Ross__ | must i reboot now? | 06:12 |
bpf | q for quit | 06:12 |
gigaclon | Equiya, you can use a live CD from another distro, | 06:12 |
bpf | nomed, but you need to restart X | 06:12 |
bpf | ctrl-alt-backspace should do it | 06:12 |
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CuriousCat | has anyone here been successful in setting up an agere ac97 modem on ubuntu? | 06:13 |
Equiya | however, if i can use the live cd to get my files, i shall use that, and then, install with the installation disk completely deleting windows, would that work? | 06:13 |
bpf | s/nomed/no :) | 06:13 |
gigaclon | that would work | 06:13 |
CuriousCat | equiya: you should be able to. | 06:13 |
Equiya | ahh excellent | 06:13 |
Equiya | guys, i appreciate your help | 06:13 |
Ross__ | hmm | 06:14 |
Equiya | thank you | 06:14 |
bpf | Ross__, that will also kill xchat, so you will have to come back in here | 06:14 |
Ross__ | now i only have 800x600 and 1024x768 =) | 06:14 |
bpf | and any other gui apps running | 06:14 |
Ross__ | chatting on a windows machine =) | 06:14 |
bpf | aha | 06:14 |
bpf | what did you change? | 06:14 |
Ross__ | no | 06:14 |
Ross__ | in that i file i chaged 1152x768 to 1024x1024 | 06:15 |
Ross__ | in the depth 24 entry | 06:15 |
Ross__ | if any of that makes sense ? | 06:15 |
brenner | no such res as 1024x1024 afaik | 06:15 |
bpf | what resolution are you trying to get? | 06:16 |
bpf | and what type of monitor are you using? | 06:16 |
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Ross__ | 1280x1024 | 06:16 |
Ross__ | sorry | 06:16 |
lucaas | hmm, when apt-get update'ing i get: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz MD5Sum mismatch | 06:16 |
Ross__ | typo | 06:16 |
brenner | just point him to the wiki | 06:16 |
Ross__ | its a flat pannel thing | 06:17 |
Ross__ | thats it native | 06:17 |
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bpf | what options are on the "Modes" line? | 06:17 |
Ross__ | looks blurry at the mo = | 06:17 |
Ross__ | "1280x1024" "800x600" | 06:17 |
Ross__ | and above that it says depth 24 | 06:18 |
bpf | first, you should check the max resolution of your hardware | 06:18 |
Ross__ | its native resoultion is 1280x1024 | 06:18 |
Ross__ | just got it=) | 06:18 |
brenner | Ross__: then your rates are wrong | 06:18 |
Ross__ | works on windows box | 06:18 |
brenner | !fixres | 06:19 |
ubotu | well, fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:19 |
brenner | go there. there's a command to automatially get your rates | 06:19 |
bpf | nice work brenner | 06:19 |
brenner | if that doesn't work, you'll need to google | 06:19 |
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Ross__ | thanks for the help =) | 06:19 |
Ross__ | will look at the web link | 06:19 |
bytheway | is bidwell down? | 06:20 |
brenner | bpf: i told you to point him there earlier. ;) | 06:20 |
bytheway | oops, wrong channel, sorry | 06:20 |
bpf | i wasn't aware of that page | 06:21 |
brenner | bpf: heh. you seemed to know your stuff anyway. | 06:21 |
wezzer | question for you: how do I install dbus-sharp to hoary? | 06:22 |
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wezzer | there is no such package in repositories | 06:22 |
=== apoZ` [n=bram@d54C3A55F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bpf | thx | 06:23 |
apoZ` | Hi, I enabled MP3 but still can't play MP3's.... help please | 06:23 |
brenner | apoZ`: define enabled | 06:24 |
Ross__ | thanks | 06:24 |
brenner | Ross__: worked? | 06:24 |
Ross__ | on the right track with the dpkg thing | 06:25 |
Ross__ | just had to copy some file across =) | 06:25 |
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apoZ` | brenner, explain ?? | 06:25 |
Ross__ | got it now | 06:25 |
brenner | apoZ`: how'd you enable it? | 06:25 |
brenner | and what player are you trying? | 06:25 |
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apoZ` | Using the apt-get command | 06:27 |
dbug | 2 days to the final release out ? | 06:27 |
apoZ` | Rhytmbox, XMMS , Nuime | 06:27 |
ompaul | dbug, if the 13th is two days away :) | 06:27 |
dbug | :) | 06:28 |
apoZ` | sudo apt-get install k3b-mp3 | 06:28 |
brenner | apoZ`: xmms should work (if it's freezing, change the output plugin to esound or alsa) ...rythmbox requires a codec, not sure about nuime | 06:28 |
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=== spiral [n=spiral@laf31-2-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brenner | apoZ`: not sure why you're installing that package for....you need gstreamer0.8-mad for rythmbox | 06:29 |
bpf | brenner, any chance you are using an amd64? | 06:29 |
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brenner | bpf: not much, no | 06:29 |
spiral | hi | 06:29 |
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bpf | i'm taking the leap and upgrading now from hoary | 06:29 |
brenner | bpf: there's usually a few of you in here though | 06:29 |
brenner | bpf: i heard..have fun :) | 06:30 |
bpf | thx, hoping it will be smooth sailing :) | 06:30 |
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brenner | bpf: should be....getting really close now | 06:30 |
dansydo | how do i update the repository, or is it automatic? | 06:31 |
brenner | dansydo: either reload in synaptic, or apt-get update | 06:31 |
brenner | no, afaik, it's not automatic | 06:31 |
apoZ` | brenner, xmms freezes idd | 06:31 |
brenner | apoZ`: did you change the output plugin? | 06:32 |
dansydo | i reloaded, but i don't seem to have a lot of packages | 06:32 |
apoZ` | yes | 06:32 |
brenner | it's in preferences | 06:32 |
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apoZ` | I right-click on a MP3 and say : Open with xmms | 06:32 |
brenner | dansydo: you can enable universe and multiverse if you so wish | 06:32 |
apoZ` | xmms opens, but nothing hapens | 06:32 |
dansydo | how | 06:33 |
brenner | apoZ`: what did you change the plugin to? | 06:33 |
brenner | !tell dansydo about repos | 06:33 |
darius_ | I performed a fresh install from CD only on an HP nc6230 last night. Everythin was running well. I upgraded all of the packages and now the X server won't start. This is Breezy. I get: "Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_clip.o": No symbols found Anyone know what this is? | 06:33 |
apoZ` | fist to esound | 06:33 |
apoZ` | now to alsa | 06:33 |
apoZ` | none of both is working | 06:33 |
darius_ | actually, I also get: Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a:fbmmx.o": No symbols found | 06:34 |
brenner | apoZ`: hmm, at least one of them should work.....tried rythmbox after installing gstreamer0.8-mad? | 06:34 |
apoZ` | how to insall gstreamer ? | 06:34 |
apoZ` | synaptic ? | 06:34 |
brenner | apoZ`: if you want | 06:35 |
apoZ` | what other option ? :) | 06:35 |
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brenner | apt-get, aptitude... | 06:35 |
brenner | :) | 06:35 |
apoZ` | How to manually download with apt-get ??? General formule , | 06:36 |
gleesond | I got my nfts file partition working but now it won't play any of my mp3's :( it says unknown error | 06:36 |
apoZ` | ?? | 06:36 |
brenner | darius_: tried reconfigging the xorg package? | 06:36 |
brenner | apoZ`: sudo apt-get install <package> | 06:36 |
brenner | gleesond: using what app? | 06:36 |
apoZ` | brenner, tx :) new to ubuntu ... :) | 06:36 |
darius_ | brenner: I'm not much of an X configurer.. any recommendations? | 06:36 |
brenner | darius_: back up your xorg.conf file first, then: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:37 |
muep | it's easy | 06:37 |
apoZ` | brenner, nope, still not working... Is it because my files are on a network place ?? | 06:38 |
gleesond | oh, it defaults to totem video player, what player should I use? | 06:38 |
brenner | darius_: if you're unsure of anything, default option they suggest is usually ok | 06:38 |
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Syruss | arg | 06:38 |
Syruss | evolution is driving me mental | 06:38 |
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brenner | gleesond: up to you really.....but maybe you don't have the mp3 codec for totem | 06:38 |
brenner | apoZ`: not sure really...you installed gstreamer0.8-mad? | 06:39 |
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apoZ` | yes | 06:39 |
brenner | in that case, i'm not sure.....try looking at this page | 06:40 |
brenner | !mp3 | 06:40 |
ubotu | methinks restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 06:40 |
apoZ` | I've insterted a normal cd, I hear nothing, yet it is playing | 06:40 |
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brenner | apoZ`: maybe you have a sound problem | 06:40 |
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brenner | anyway, gtg, good luck.....try searching ubuntuforums.org or asking again in here | 06:41 |
[N] ame | apoz you have any sound at all | 06:41 |
apoZ` | [N] ame, yes, i hear system sounds | 06:41 |
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Sarkie | Can anyone help me to stop MYsql Error message on shut down, becuase it is trying to use a user that isnt used? | 06:42 |
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mirak | hhi | 06:42 |
mirak | there is a problem with the boot splash and the TV-out of ATI | 06:43 |
apoZ` | ok, sound working :) | 06:43 |
gleesond | thanks for the MP3 info | 06:43 |
gleesond | bbl | 06:43 |
mirak | the splash gives an incorrect sync with tvout | 06:43 |
[N] ame | apoZ`, I had the same problem. Had system sounds but no audio from mp3 or videos | 06:43 |
mirak | disabling it fixes the problem | 06:43 |
mirak | but well maybe something can be done for splash parameters | 06:43 |
mirak | boot splash | 06:43 |
[N] ame | but I got a new hdd from my laptop so I did a reinstall and it all works now | 06:43 |
[N] ame | rofl | 06:44 |
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apoZ` | [N] ame, i still can't play MP3's from my network folder, you know why ?? | 06:45 |
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=== BreezyInCalif [n=Hurray@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BreezyInCalif | Good day to all | 06:47 |
mahangu_ | good day | 06:47 |
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apoZ` | Anyone can tell me the basics of programming in ubuntu ??? :) Seems tough question i know | 06:47 |
[N] ame | apoZ`, can you play it locally? | 06:48 |
apoZ` | dunno | 06:48 |
apoZ` | got no mp3 local | 06:48 |
BreezyInCalif | I have run out of space in my /usr partition and want to non-destructively enlarge it. I have a great deal of extra space in my /home partition. Has anyone here used qtparted to do this? *I haven't done this before* and need to be sure not to destroy data in /home partition, so would like advice about what to do or avoid doing. | 06:48 |
=== Adsum [n=Adsum@81-224-193-166-no17.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dunston | kopy one? | 06:48 |
apoZ` | I'll try right away :) | 06:49 |
mahangu_ | how can i compltely remove a .bin file i installed? | 06:49 |
BreezyInCalif | Also, advice about how large to make /usr would be helpful. I'm thinking of bumping it up from its current 2GB to 5GB but would like to only have to worry about all of this once ... if possible :) | 06:49 |
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apoZ` | Nautilus is freaking :) | 06:50 |
rob_p | BreezyInCalif: Back your data up! If you screw things up, all won't be lost. | 06:51 |
Bergcube | BreezyInCalif~ I have resized several NTFS partitions with Qtparted. Worked like a charm every time, and no loss of data. I always defragged the partitions before. I cannot say anything about how it'll go on other types of partitions. | 06:51 |
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BreezyInCalif | rob_p Definitely. I've backed it up to a different partition. | 06:51 |
Pickle_Weasel | is there any way to fix sound in flash? the fix on the page did not work, and i had it working when i first installed it | 06:51 |
Pickle_Weasel | before a reboot | 06:51 |
ecki | hello | 06:51 |
BreezyInCalif | Bergcube ty | 06:51 |
rob_p | BreezyInCalif: Then be brave :-) | 06:51 |
=== BreezyInCalif is brave :) | ||
ecki | does anyone know where i can get freenx(nomachine) for breezy ? | 06:52 |
Adsum | bah, probably wrong channel to ask but could anyone tell me if cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ogre login is the right line to login to sourceforge's cvs? Im _really_ inexperienced with cvs so... | 06:52 |
BreezyInCalif | I guess my main worry is that the two partitions - the one I want to shrink and the one I want to grow - are not next to each other. (hda10 and hda14 respectively). Is this going to matter? | 06:52 |
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erUSUL | BreezyInCalif: yes | 06:53 |
BreezyInCalif | Drat. | 06:53 |
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mirak | the bootsplash sucks | 06:54 |
mirak | it's ugly | 06:54 |
apoZ` | Yes, rhytmbox does plays mp3 local, but not in a network | 06:54 |
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BreezyInCalif | erUSUL - Could I shrink hda14 and then grow hda13 - then shrink hda13 and grow hda12 - and so on, until I get hda10 to grow to where I want it? | 06:54 |
apoZ` | [N] ame, A local MP3 works on rhytmbox, but MP3 on network folder doesn't play | 06:54 |
kagen_ | I don't know why, but it must require rocket scientist brains to install wine | 06:55 |
BreezyInCalif | Sort of a dominoes approach? | 06:55 |
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[N] ame | apoZ`, could be a permissions issue | 06:55 |
Prof_Frink | BreezyInCalif: you can just move all the partitions in between# | 06:55 |
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BreezyInCalif | Prof_Frink - I'm sorry but I don't think I understand | 06:55 |
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apoZ` | [N] ame, can't be, always worked fine in windows XP | 06:55 |
^rob^ | hi | 06:55 |
apoZ` | [N] ame, I've got no permissions in my network | 06:56 |
erUSUL | BreezyInCalif: well it is a risky game to play like that whith partitions but it is up to you. it should work | 06:56 |
^rob^ | is there any way to make mozilla open with middle button in new tab? - now it opens in new win! ??? | 06:56 |
=== Zhukov_ [n=jpoa@bl5-134-195.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zhukov_ | Seveas, are you there? | 06:56 |
Zhukov_ | hi everyone! | 06:56 |
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Seveas | Zhukov_, yes | 06:57 |
Zhukov_ | hi there :) | 06:57 |
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[N] ame | apoZ`, are the files on a windows or linux server | 06:58 |
Zhukov_ | Seveas, can i download w32codecs package from you server? | 06:58 |
Zhukov_ | im doing an add-on cd for breezy | 06:58 |
apoZ` | windows server | 06:58 |
apoZ` | (got to go and eat, bye !!) | 06:58 |
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kennethlove | can anyone point me to a guide on installing/running postgresql on ubuntu? | 07:00 |
BreezyInCalif | Prof_Frink - can I msg you and ask you more about moving all the partitions in between the two I want to resize? I'm not clear on it but it sounds more direct than doing it partition by partiion like dominoes | 07:01 |
kennethlove | or at least tell me where it installs it? | 07:01 |
Belutz | kennethlove, sudo apt-get install postgresql | 07:01 |
kennethlove | Belutz: yeah, i got that part. :) | 07:01 |
pitti | kennethlove: just install postgresql-8.0 and follow the instructions in /usr/share/postgresql-common/README.Debian.gz | 07:01 |
Pickle_Weasel | does anyone know how to fix the flash sound bug? | 07:01 |
C-Keen | re. | 07:01 |
Belutz | kennethlove, then run it sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start :D | 07:01 |
Pickle_Weasel | the fix on the restricted formats page did not work | 07:01 |
pitti | kennethlove: well, postgresql or postgresql-8.0 depends on whether you run hoary or breezy | 07:01 |
pitti | Belutz: ^ | 07:01 |
smi|e | !sources | 07:01 |
ubotu | well, sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 07:01 |
pitti | Belutz: and it starts automatically | 07:02 |
Prof_Frink | BreezyInCalif: it's basically the same, I don't know _for sure_, and don't want to be responsible for killing your hd | 07:02 |
kennethlove | pitti: i'm running breezy. it install 7.4 | 07:02 |
kennethlove | Belutz: heh. thanks. | 07:02 |
BreezyInCalif | I see. Thanks, I appreciate the honesty :) | 07:02 |
Zhukov_ | Seveas, can you help me? | 07:02 |
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pitti | kennethlove: "postgresql" is a transitional package for hoary upgrades | 07:02 |
pitti | kennethlove: if you install from scratch, you should use 8.0 | 07:02 |
BreezyInCalif | I don't either ... but I don't know what else to do; is there another option besides resizing /home and /usr? | 07:02 |
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kennethlove | pitti: ok. | 07:03 |
Zeke1 | hi can anyone help me..my ati-drivers for my x800 were working fine...i did an update and now i get this error when i try run a certain program: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 07:03 |
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smi|e | !sources | 07:04 |
ubotu | from memory, sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 07:04 |
BreezyInCalif | Alternatively - does anyone know of a similar support chan or forum for qtparted? | 07:04 |
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Zeke1 | oh i have a 64amd and its a pci-express card | 07:05 |
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jrattner1 | 2 days | 07:05 |
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florian___ | hi, how to move all files in a directory? mv * says 'cannot stat' | 07:06 |
bpf | sounds like permissions, try sudo mv ... | 07:06 |
florian___ | its 777... | 07:07 |
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sn0n | hey all | 07:07 |
funkyHat | try mv ./* | 07:07 |
funkyHat | maybe? | 07:07 |
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florian___ | doesn't work either | 07:08 |
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Zeke1 | hi can anyone help me..my ati-drivers for my x800 were working fine...i did an update and now i get this error when i try run a certain program: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 07:08 |
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wabble | anyone here who has configured a thinkpad with the ati m6 graphics chip to use an external panel screen? Help! :D | 07:10 |
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erUSUL | florian___: check permisions in the destination directory | 07:11 |
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BreezyInCalif | Well ... I'm going to gather up my courage (after reading through qtparted docs again) and give this a shot. Wish me luck! And "thank you" to all here. | 07:11 |
wabble | good luck | 07:12 |
wabble | ;) | 07:12 |
BreezyInCalif | ty | 07:12 |
BreezyInCalif | :) | 07:12 |
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SanderD | Hi. Firefox and Epiphany are currently working very slow here. I'm using Breezy. Is this a common problem? | 07:13 |
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[N] ame | SanderD, what do you mean by working slow? | 07:14 |
SanderD | er, "slowly" it is I think :-) | 07:14 |
SanderD | It sometimes hangs for some seconds, and doesn't do anything then.. | 07:14 |
Sarkie | can someone help me to install 1.5? | 07:15 |
Sarkie | Java* | 07:15 |
wabble | SanderD: change your dns? | 07:15 |
=== Phanatic [n=phanatic@dsl51B69DB8.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phanatic | hi all | 07:15 |
wabble | maybe | 07:15 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: there is an entry with a step-by-step explanation on the ubuntuforums | 07:15 |
wabble | Sarkie: on breezy or hoary? | 07:15 |
Sarkie | breezy | 07:15 |
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=== Sarkie looks | ||
SanderD | wabble: That's only for internet connection trouble, isn't it? It's the program that doesn't do anything. Now it seems to work again though... | 07:16 |
wabble | Sarkie: well, just go to applications and add applications, search for blackdown java | 07:16 |
wabble | or java | 07:16 |
Sarkie | thats 1.4.2 tho | 07:16 |
[N] ame | SanderD, it could be net traffic and lag | 07:16 |
wabble | Sarkie: oh, sorry | 07:16 |
Zhukov_ | Seveas... | 07:16 |
[N] ame | Sarkie, is it a deb package | 07:16 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: for the 1.5 sdk you need to build the debs yourself. it is not very hard though | 07:16 |
SanderD | [N] ame: Will the program hang because of that? I'd think that only pages would load more slowly, when I've got connection problems. | 07:17 |
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Sarkie | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaPackageBuildNewVersions | 07:17 |
wabble | SanderD: ok, well i was thinking if there was a long response time it could be a slow dns | 07:17 |
Sarkie | that me then? | 07:17 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: yep | 07:17 |
SanderD | (Maybe it was just a temporary problem, fixed with a new package) | 07:17 |
wabble | Sarkie: that works ;) | 07:17 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: I have done so a couple of days ago. Worked for me (tm) | 07:17 |
[N] ame | SanderD, neither program is know to be lighting fast in metacity. | 07:17 |
Phanatic | could somebody help me with a laptop issue? my ibm thinkpad r40e boots only with acpi=off | 07:17 |
Sarkie | didnt work this morning | 07:17 |
Sarkie | may have been tired | 07:17 |
wabble | SanderD: goodie ;) | 07:17 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: oh? | 07:18 |
=== DoomsMachine [n=Cr4sh@host-84-9-83-201.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[N] ame | SanderD, how much ram do you have | 07:18 |
Sarkie | I got Note: the build may fail with this error: | 07:18 |
SanderD | [N] ame: 1024 MB | 07:18 |
[N] ame | well thats more than enough | 07:18 |
SanderD | It seems to work now, so maybe it was just a starting problem or something like that... | 07:18 |
[N] ame | ive found both are rather slow | 07:19 |
=== Yetr2 [n=yetr2qua@pool-71-98-235-85.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[N] ame | firefox for windows sadly seems faster | 07:19 |
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SanderD | yup | 07:19 |
XTR-II | :( | 07:20 |
Sarkie | do i need rpm.bin or .bin? | 07:20 |
SanderD | I'll just have to live with it then, or maybe use Fluxbox or something.. | 07:20 |
wabble | bin | 07:20 |
Sarkie | rpm is red hat? | 07:20 |
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[N] ame | id like to get openbox going in breezy | 07:20 |
[N] ame | it smokes metacity | 07:20 |
[N] ame | and gives the system an over all faster feel | 07:20 |
Sarkie | Changes to java-package files | 07:21 |
Sarkie | Skip this step if you're running Ubuntu Hoary. | 07:21 |
misterdiff | hi all. i've got an amd x2 3800+ processor and am having trouble installing ubuntu on it | 07:21 |
Sarkie | same for breezy ?? | 07:21 |
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misterdiff | i've tried to install but in the part where it gets to pick out the proper kernel it gives me an error that says and can't find a suitable kernel for the processor | 07:22 |
[N] ame | Sarkie, yes redhat package manager | 07:22 |
Sarkie | [N] ame, what about this crap? Change to the directory /usr/share/java-package/. | 07:22 |
[N] ame | 8) | 07:22 |
Sarkie | Look in the file sun-j2sdk.sh for the part with: | 07:22 |
misterdiff | i can't even boot with a live distro | 07:22 |
[N] ame | huh | 07:22 |
Sarkie | misterdiff, can you boot windows? | 07:22 |
misterdiff | i've tried i386, and amd 64 | 07:23 |
misterdiff | Sarkie: yeah i can boot to windows | 07:23 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: yes same for breezy | 07:23 |
Sarkie | thanx C-Keen | 07:23 |
wabble | misterdiff: you got two 3800+? | 07:23 |
misterdiff | wabble: yeha | 07:23 |
misterdiff | yeah | 07:23 |
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misterdiff | noooo | 07:23 |
misterdiff | wait, sorry misread that last | 07:23 |
wabble | misterdiff: isnt that when you are supposed to use the smp kernels? Not sure | 07:24 |
misterdiff | i've got one amd x2 3800+ | 07:24 |
[N] ame | wabble, no he has a dual core 3800+ | 07:24 |
Sarkie | x2? | 07:24 |
wabble | ah, ok | 07:24 |
[N] ame | essentially 2 processors on 1 | 07:24 |
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juliux_ | hi | 07:24 |
[N] ame | ok need more coffee | 07:24 |
wabble | me too | 07:25 |
misterdiff | i'm getting tired of running my sys on windows and i need a change | 07:25 |
juliux_ | i have upgraded from hoary to breezy but know i can't install a newer libnspr4 | 07:25 |
=== Zeke1 [n=joesoap@tbnb-165-211-211.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Zeke1 | hi can anybody help me my ati drivers were working i did an update and now they are not? | 07:25 |
wabble | misterdiff: i did a complete change on my systems some months ago, has worked out great | 07:25 |
misterdiff | wabble: thats great | 07:26 |
misterdiff | wabble: what change :) | 07:26 |
Sarkie | I still get | 07:26 |
Sarkie | sarkie@Dave-Ubuntu:~/Downloads$ fakeroot make-jpkg --full-name "Sarkie" --email "Sarkie@Sarkie.com" jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin | 07:26 |
Sarkie | Creating temporary directory: /tmp/make-jpkg.XXXXDGWREk | 07:26 |
Sarkie | Loading plugins: blackdown-j2re.sh blackdown-j2sdk.sh common.sh ibm-j2re.sh ibm-j2sdk.sh j2re.sh j2sdk-doc.sh j2sdk.sh j2se.sh sun-j2re.sh sun-j2sdk-doc.sh sun-j2sdk.sh | 07:26 |
Sarkie | No matching plugin was found. | 07:26 |
Sarkie | Removing temporary directory: done | 07:26 |
Zhukov_ | who wants to install java? | 07:26 |
Zhukov_ | i can help you | 07:26 |
smi|e | me | 07:26 |
Zeke1 | i need my ATI drivers to work again | 07:26 |
wabble | misterdiff: from xp to ubuntu on all machines, i was tired of pressing yes and ok, activating and verifying all the time. All that ms bs | 07:26 |
smi|e | Zhukov_ help me | 07:27 |
Zhukov_ | smi|e, www.jpoa.ecwhost.com | 07:27 |
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smi|e | ty | 07:27 |
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Sarkie | Zhukov_, me | 07:27 |
misterdiff | wabble: ah yes, that. i've done that to all of my systems except this one which i just bought not even a week ago | 07:27 |
Zhukov_ | Sarkie, www.jpoa.ecwhost.com | 07:27 |
Zhukov_ | download DEIUCbuntu COlony 1 | 07:27 |
Sarkie | looking | 07:27 |
Zeke1 | anybody know hot to get these to work after an update | 07:27 |
wabble | misterdiff: i'm sorry i dont know anything about the dual cores, have you tried a boot from knoppix to see if that works? | 07:28 |
misterdiff | wabble: no. i'm affraid i'll just keep wasting cds. i've already wasted 5 trying to get a live distro to work. don't wanna keep that up you know | 07:29 |
Zhukov_ | looks like Seveas is in a bad mood today... :( | 07:29 |
=== T6 [n=Jan@dslc-213-023-143-060.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zeke1 | where can you set a different place to retireve files for apt-get update | 07:29 |
wabble | misterdiff: well, best advise i can give is a post on the ubuntuforums | 07:29 |
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wabble | brb | 07:30 |
misterdiff | wabble: thanks | 07:30 |
Zeke1 | where are the sources files situated | 07:30 |
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WinZ | Anybody knows how to edit mp3-tags of a lot of mp3-files? | 07:30 |
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Zeke1 | where can i set the sources? | 07:31 |
PlanarPlatypus | WinZ, depends what you want to do with them, are you just trying to make them correct or is this a case of the ripping program made a snafu | 07:32 |
runedude | hey all | 07:32 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: either by editing /etc/apt/sources.list or by using apt-config or by using the synaptic package manager | 07:32 |
C-Keen | the latter is the most convenient for most people | 07:32 |
runedude | anyone know anything about setting up PTR records for ipv6 reverse dns w/ named? | 07:32 |
PlanarPlatypus | WinZ, short form of that being "yes, what are you trying to do?" | 07:32 |
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C-Keen | Zeke1: sorry I misread the question | 07:33 |
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wabble | WinZ: EasyTAG? | 07:33 |
ccfiel | hello ppl | 07:33 |
ccfiel | where is the log file of printer errors? | 07:33 |
WinZ | PlanarPlatypus, I want to delete all tags from all mp3-files, because of crashing my player with German language tags | 07:34 |
=== cazzam [n=cazzam@ip70-188-16-175.rn.hr.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Zeke1 | C-Keen, i have a problem with my ati drivers can you help? | 07:34 |
cazzam | Can someone please help me install Java Runtime Environment? | 07:34 |
ccfiel | cazzam use synaptic | 07:35 |
WinZ | PlanarPlatypus, beep-media-player is crashing when it's trying to show such mp3-files | 07:35 |
tarzeau | please can join me playing http://bub-n-bros.sf.net ? | 07:35 |
ccfiel | where is the log file of printer? please help | 07:35 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: sure, what are you trying to do? | 07:35 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, well they were working fine...but i did an update and now the Mesa drivers are back...also when i try run a certain program i get this error: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 07:36 |
PlanarPlatypus | WinZ, "easytag" might be what you are after | 07:36 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: did you install those drivers manually? | 07:36 |
florian___ | has anyone of you experienced the problem that the machine gets slower the longer eclipse is running? | 07:37 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: that is from source? | 07:37 |
C-Keen | "source" | 07:37 |
WinZ | PlanarPlatypus, thanks a lot! | 07:37 |
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C-Keen | florian___: that would be a feature *ducks* | 07:37 |
cazzam | This system is really annoying...The "Add Applications" does not list it, and if I download it and attempt to use the apt-get command it wont do anything | 07:37 |
florian___ | when i force eclipse to quit then i get an JVM error | 07:37 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, well i did an apt-get install for the ati drivers | 07:38 |
C-Keen | cazzam: use the "advanced mode" and it will get listed | 07:38 |
=== primoturbo [n=primotur@HSE-Ottawa-ppp161923.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C-Keen | Zeke1: so the drivers are still in place. maybe the xorg.conf has changed? | 07:38 |
primoturbo | What do I need to install to get the convert command? | 07:38 |
wabble | any suggestions on addictive fun games when traveling? | 07:38 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, i thought so too but it looks fine to me??? | 07:39 |
primoturbo | I'm trying to convert an image file | 07:39 |
primoturbo | convert -resize 640x480 -colors 14 wallpaper.png splashimage.xpm && gzip splashimage.xpm | 07:39 |
florian___ | primoturbo, imagemagick | 07:39 |
primoturbo | but I have no convert command | 07:39 |
Sarkie | installed? | 07:39 |
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C-Keen | Zeke1: is the ati driver loaded? have a look at your xorg logfile | 07:39 |
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primoturbo | imagemagick will give me this command? | 07:39 |
C-Keen | primoturbo: yes | 07:39 |
primoturbo | alright, thnx | 07:39 |
mbirkis | hi... can someone tell me if there is issues with running a sata disk, and then adding a ide disk?? | 07:39 |
Dalkus | how can I make a tar archive (tar cvzf) but omitting a directory named 'music' | 07:39 |
=== apoZ` [n=bram@d54C3A55F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cazzam | I hope learning this OS and all these commands will be worth it | 07:40 |
apoZ` | Does anyone where apt-get store the install files ? | 07:40 |
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Zeke1 | C-Keen, where is that | 07:40 |
wabble | mbirkis: in what way? On hoary i had some problems with speed | 07:40 |
apoZ` | cazzam, me 2, new too ? | 07:40 |
PlanarPlatypus | mbirkis, shouldn't be but it depends on exactly what you are doing, if it is just a data disk then it should be fine | 07:40 |
apoZ` | Does anyone where apt-get store the install files ? | 07:40 |
wabble | mbirkis: but lazy me installed breezy and it worked out | 07:40 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: usually in /var/log/ | 07:40 |
primoturbo | Also one more question is there anyway to speed up ubuntu/gnome the desktop feels a little slugish anything I can disable? | 07:41 |
PlanarPlatypus | apoZ`, /var/cache/apt/archives iirc | 07:41 |
cazzam | apoZ` Yea, and so far I am getting nothing from it but irritation | 07:41 |
mbirkis | PlanarPlatypus: i can't find the disk... it should be slave on primary ide controller... is there a command to know if it works?? | 07:41 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, ok what will it say im looking in Xorg.0.log | 07:41 |
apoZ` | cazzam, me 2 :) | 07:42 |
=== HappyFool [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p498.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zeke1 | C-Keen, can i give you an output in a pvt message? | 07:42 |
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C-Keen | Zeke1: yes go ahead | 07:42 |
wabble | cazzam: it is | 07:42 |
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C-Keen | Zeke1: it should be something like LoadModule: "Ati ....." | 07:43 |
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C-Keen | Zeke1: with no error following | 07:43 |
kennethlove | sorry, have another postregesql question. i have it running, but what's the password for the postres user? | 07:43 |
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darius_ | kennethlove: there is no default password | 07:43 |
C-Keen | kennethlove: there's none as the postgres user is never supposed to login | 07:43 |
apoZ` | How to open a .deb file ??? | 07:44 |
kennethlove | C-Keen and darius_ : hmm | 07:44 |
Sarkie | my sources are knackered | 07:44 |
Sarkie | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:44 |
Sarkie | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:44 |
Sarkie | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:44 |
Sarkie | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 07:44 |
Sarkie | E: Package grubconf has no installation candidate | 07:44 |
nalioth | apoZ`: you dont. debs are to be installed. sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 07:44 |
nalioth | Sarkie: DO NOT paste in here | 07:44 |
apoZ` | :) | 07:44 |
Sarkie | sorry | 07:44 |
cazzam | Ok, I have installed every "Java" file listed in the synaptic and I still cannot view any websites that require the plug in. What is step two? | 07:44 |
C-Keen | Sarkie: yes they are please never ever again paste something that big | 07:44 |
florian___ | will breezy be finally released on thursday ? | 07:44 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell cazzam about java | 07:44 |
Dalkus | how would I delete a file named '-x' ? | 07:45 |
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florian___ | rm '-f' ? just a guess | 07:45 |
HappyFool | Dalkus: try 'rm -- -x' | 07:45 |
apoZ` | very annoying the terminal shuts down so quick | 07:45 |
=== oris_wolfbane [n=oris@82-38-121-195.cable.ubr01.hali.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wabble | cazzam: using breezy or hoary? | 07:46 |
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Zeke1 | C-Keen, ok i pasted it but i dont think thats everything | 07:46 |
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Zeke1 | C-Keen, when i run fglrxinfo i get this: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 07:47 |
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Zeke1 | X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 07:47 |
Zeke1 | Major opcode of failed request: 144 (GLX) | 07:47 |
Zeke1 | Minor opcode of failed request: 5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent) | 07:47 |
Zeke1 | Serial number of failed request: 39 | 07:47 |
apoZ` | Question, I need to install a driver for a printer, I made a terminal and did it. What now ? Where is the PDD file ?? | 07:47 |
antix | what version of mysql-server is present in breezy? | 07:47 |
Phinite | is there agood howto for installing/configuring cvs on hoary? | 07:47 |
cazzam | I dont know, how do I find out? | 07:47 |
nalioth | antix: whichever one you install. see packagss.ubuntu.com | 07:47 |
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Zhukov_ | packages.ubuntu.org/<packagename> | 07:47 |
antix | ok thanks | 07:48 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell cazzam about java | 07:48 |
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Dalkus | thanks HappyFool worked a charm. :) | 07:48 |
=== ksmurf [n=ksmurf@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wabble | antix: 4.0.24-10 | 07:48 |
Phinite | ubotu: tell Phinite about cvs | 07:48 |
apoZ` | Repeat : Question, I need to install a driver for a printer, I made a terminal and did it. What now ? Where is the PDD file ?? | 07:48 |
Syrra | good afternoon, evening, morning, night and so forth | 07:48 |
antix | wabble, hm I want 4.1.... | 07:48 |
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wabble | anti-net_: its there also | 07:49 |
apoZ` | nalioth, I made a terminal to install the driver, I got a .deb file, now i installed the .deb with your command | 07:49 |
wabble | multiverse package(?) i think | 07:49 |
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apoZ` | nalioth, what now ? | 07:49 |
Madeye | Audio codec 'MPEG 2 Layer 3 CBR' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies | 07:49 |
Madeye | any idea? | 07:49 |
ksmurf | sorry for the noobish question but I seemed to have lost the ability to switch between open windows with ALTTAB and window focus by clicking on it.... any ideas? | 07:49 |
antix | wabble, ok | 07:50 |
Trackilizer | Just wanted to ask, why is "sudo" better than "su"? | 07:50 |
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HappyFool | !tell Trackilizer about root | 07:50 |
ksmurf | Track .... sudo expires su does not | 07:50 |
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lorenzod | Trackilizer, not better: different | 07:50 |
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HappyFool | Trackilizer: read that wiki page; probably covers most of the pros/cons | 07:50 |
Trackilizer | Thanks for that. | 07:50 |
comforteagle | after installing apache2 & php4... if i install php4-mysql shouldnt' the mysql extention work??? | 07:51 |
stianh | Hello everyone. Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble to access the ubuntu website and (norwegian) apt archive? | 07:51 |
comforteagle | my php.ini file continues to read "--without-mysql" | 07:51 |
wabble | I have a thinkpad x31 with the ati m6 graphics chip, anyone want to help me configure external display on it? | 07:51 |
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clinfix | where can I find java 5.0 ? | 07:51 |
ksmurf | clinfix Suns website | 07:51 |
Syrra | where can I find a good mud client? | 07:51 |
wabble | clinfix: www.sun.com | 07:51 |
apoZ` | Help please... | 07:52 |
nalioth | clinfix: wiki.ubuntu.com//java | 07:52 |
ksmurf | sorry for the noobish question but I seemed to have lost the ability to switch between open windows with ALTTAB and window focus by clicking on it.... any ideas? | 07:52 |
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-21-166-0.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | apoZ`: if you installed the deb, you are done | 07:52 |
cazzam | Ok, what does "Make the downloaded file executable. At the command line, change to the directory where you downloaded the file, and type | 07:52 |
cazzam | " mean | 07:52 |
antix | does vhcs work with breezy? | 07:52 |
apoZ` | nalioth, I'm able to print now ? | 07:52 |
nalioth | apoZ`: idk what you were installing | 07:52 |
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N6REJ | <---- is ready to pull his hair out!!! :~ | 07:53 |
apoZ` | nalioth, I was installing a driver for a printer, first I made a terminal for the driver, then did the terminal, then the .deb file came in cache/apt, then I installed the .deb file | 07:53 |
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N6REJ | :S | 07:53 |
Syrra | *is generally annoying* | 07:53 |
HappyFool | cazzam: what file is it? | 07:53 |
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nalioth | apoZ`: i havent owned a printer in years and years, i'm not much on printing help | 07:54 |
N6REJ | nalioth: HELP!!!!!!!! mail is driving me insane!! I've been working on it since 0300!! | 07:54 |
HappyFool | Syrra: tried 'apt-cache search mud' ? or the search in synaptic? | 07:54 |
cazzam | It is Java, "jre-1_5_0_05-Linux-i586.bin | 07:54 |
TiMiDo | !javadeb | 07:54 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, javadeb is for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) 64-bit? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#java | 07:54 |
apoZ` | Ok tespage worked :D finally programmed my first shit :D | 07:54 |
nalioth | N6REJ: need a strait-jacket? | 07:54 |
TiMiDo | there's you're anwer cazzam | 07:55 |
cazzam | Ok I did that and I downloaded the file | 07:55 |
Syrra | I did, they aren't very good. I tried Gnome mud and Papaya so far, the other ones are generally something I don't want/need in a client | 07:55 |
HappyFool | cazzam: you can use the debs TiMiDo just pointed to; let me know if you want to continue with the .bin | 07:55 |
apoZ` | Does anyone had GMAIL and has configured his Evolution properly ? | 07:55 |
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Syrra | payaya needs logging, and gnome mud needs to be updated a bit | 07:55 |
nalioth | cazzam: open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg -i YOURFILENAME.deb | 07:55 |
cazzam | Its not a .deb file | 07:55 |
cazzam | Its Bin | 07:56 |
TiMiDo | read the link | 07:56 |
TiMiDo | and the instructions | 07:56 |
cazzam | Also, I have no idea if I am on Breezy or Hoary | 07:56 |
magnusthe | cazzsam, try making it executable and then run it... if you dare | 07:56 |
wabble | i think he needs the fakeroot package | 07:56 |
HappyFool | cazzam: 'lsb_release -a' will tell you | 07:56 |
nalioth | cazzam: open your terminal and type "cat /etc/issue" | 07:56 |
=== replay`- [n=sleepy@chello080108195146.3.13.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
replay`- | hi | 07:56 |
TiMiDo | replay`- hello | 07:56 |
replay`- | does somebody use the rc1 ? | 07:57 |
apoZ` | Repeat : Does anyone has GMAIL and has configured his Evolution properly ? | 07:57 |
cazzam | Ok its Breezy So I will try the link for it | 07:57 |
rob_p | apoZ`: Yes. | 07:57 |
Trackilizer | I know everyone here knows this anyways but Ubnutu is simply amazing, everything that never seemed to work with other distros simply works with Ubuntu. | 07:57 |
Syrra | Do you want me to try right now apoZ? | 07:57 |
Trackilizer | It's the future of desktop-linux. | 07:57 |
Syrra | I have gmail, but I don't use the clients, I will try mine for you if you llike | 07:57 |
sorush20 | guys can somone help I can' t see the project window.. and I don't know how to make it appear.. http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2994 | 07:57 |
N6REJ | nalioth: just about!! My bottle of rum is AWFUL close to me... I'm not supposed to have it very often, but I've already had one glass today!!! I've got postfix I THINK all setup, but I can't get mail.. .no smtp server.... fine, so I install "HULA" it uninstalls postfix, fine, but still no mail, so then I uninstall hula and it UNINSTALLS MYSQL-SERVER! EEEEEK... so I reinstall Mysql-server... | 07:57 |
N6REJ | ...and IT reinstall's postfix!! ok fine, I'll try courier!, ok, great, but IT is fighting with postfix and says I can't get mail because I don't have maildir!!!, FINE!!! I uninstall courier, and IT TAKES MYSQL-SERVER out ALSO!! | 07:57 |
nalioth | apoZ`: please wait 5 minutes b4 repeating the same question. visit wiki.ubuntu.com or ubuntuforums.com | 07:57 |
N6REJ | what do I do?????????? | 07:57 |
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ksmurf | anyone have an Idea how I can Program alt-tab to switch open windows? | 07:58 |
nalioth | N6REJ: take a break. take the dog to the park | 07:58 |
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nalioth | ksmurf: i thought it did switch open windows | 07:58 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, it doesn't do it by default? | 07:58 |
Syrra | Already does it on mine ksmurf | 07:58 |
rob_p | apoZ`: Did you login to your Gmail account and enable pop access? | 07:58 |
ksmurf | No I lost the ability to do it | 07:59 |
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bpf | this upgrade is taking forever!!!!!! | 07:59 |
ksmurf | it no longer works on mine | 07:59 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, check your key settings, should be clear where | 07:59 |
gnomefreak | is there a trick to printing pdf forms? mine is printing | as a letter all the letters are like pipes or lines | 07:59 |
N6REJ | nalioth: wish I could.. can't walk very far :D.... I think your right though.. I'll do something mindless for a few minutes.... | 07:59 |
Syrra | flash games are good for that | 07:59 |
nalioth | N6REJ: watch oprah, or something <EG> | 07:59 |
Syrra | ew oprah | 07:59 |
bpf | N6REJ, have you done this before? my experience is that even with the right packages you will need to configure your email apps to get things working | 08:00 |
N6REJ | either way though I'm going to have to find out what smtp server to use for TLS & SMTP-AUTH... why isn't this covered in the docs? | 08:00 |
rob_p | N6REJ: Ham? | 08:00 |
N6REJ | bpf: its been forever... and never with debian. | 08:00 |
nalioth | N6REJ: i'm sure you haven't visited ALL the docs available | 08:00 |
=== devilshit [n=hjfdsko@host-81-191-11-207.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N6REJ | rob_p yep! | 08:00 |
bpf | try workaround.org. they have a nice howto for debian mail servers | 08:00 |
devilshit | hi | 08:00 |
rob_p | N6REJ: Make a few QSOs and come back to it! | 08:00 |
Syrra | hey | 08:00 |
N6REJ | nalioth: probably not, me and wiki don't get along well. | 08:00 |
cazzam | Ok, when I type sudo dpkg -i YOURFILENAME.deb it tells me the file cannot be found, when I type sudo dpkg -i /home/colin/Desktop/YOURFILENAME.deb It says there is an error in "exit status 2" I dont understand any of this | 08:01 |
devilshit | need help to set up wireless in ubuntu | 08:01 |
wabble | N6REJ: use your isp's smtp if you don't know | 08:01 |
Syrra | is it always like this in here? | 08:01 |
Bad_Magic | So... breezy final in 2 days... cant wait to upgrade =x | 08:01 |
nalioth | N6REJ: i was discussing the big wiki | 08:01 |
N6REJ | rob_p: sounds like a good idea | 08:01 |
bpf | N6REJ, are you using ubuntu as a server? or are you installing mail services on your desktop? | 08:01 |
ksmurf | I have nothing under window managment for keyboard shortcuts | 08:01 |
HappyFool | cazzam: you have to download the .deb file first | 08:01 |
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cazzam | I did | 08:01 |
nalioth | devilshit: please change your nick | 08:01 |
HappyFool | cazzam: where to ? your desktop? | 08:01 |
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cazzam | I renamed it file, and where it says YOURFILENAME I replaced it with the name of the file | 08:01 |
N6REJ | bpf: I am using breezy as a server. | 08:01 |
bpf | devilshit, what is the problem? | 08:01 |
cazzam | Yes | 08:01 |
nalioth | cazzam: did your prompt return? | 08:02 |
N6REJ | nalioth: which big wiki? There's more then one? | 08:02 |
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puseklatten | is it ok now | 08:02 |
lastnode | nalioth, problems playing .rm files for me mate | 08:02 |
nalioth | N6REJ: <EG> yes. the wiki named google | 08:02 |
bpf | N6REJ, why? i would think you want a machine without X and all the extra user packages | 08:02 |
=== BreezyInCalif [n=Hurray@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cazzam | HappyFool it says No such file or directory | 08:02 |
N6REJ | nalioth: lol :P | 08:02 |
BreezyInCalif | hi room | 08:02 |
nalioth | lastnode: did you install realplayer or variant? | 08:02 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, what do you mean, nothing? | 08:02 |
Syrra | hello | 08:02 |
N6REJ | bpf:I don't have x or any of that on it! "ubuntu install server please"... OK BOSS DONE! | 08:03 |
Syrra | is there a secondary channel for unurgent questions? | 08:03 |
puseklatten | can somebody help me to set up wireless in ubuntu pleas | 08:03 |
N6REJ | puseklatten: what nic? | 08:03 |
TiMiDo | Syrra #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:03 |
Syrra | thanks | 08:03 |
puseklatten | hehe | 08:03 |
bpf | N6REJ, I am not a mail server expert, but I will again refer you to www.workaround.org | 08:03 |
TiMiDo | no | 08:03 |
TiMiDo | np | 08:03 |
=== coolkev [n=coolkev@CPE0006255ab096-CM0011e6bec6bf.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ksmurf | In the keyboard shortcuts tab of the admin options WIndow Managment has no shortcuts | 08:04 |
HappyFool | cazzam: you said you renamed the file? to what? and where is it now? | 08:04 |
N6REJ | bpf: I'll take a look ty. | 08:04 |
coolkev | How do i swtich to Breezy now that the final version is out, I'm currently on Hoary | 08:04 |
=== _rawler [n=rawler@c-dea672d5.01-1-73746f3.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BreezyInCalif | I'm going to try to use qtparted to *non-destructively* resize my /home partition (shrinking it and moving three other partitions into the resulting free space) so that I can add space to my /usr partition. I've written a brief plan, and because I have *never tried this before* would like a sanity-check before I proceed. | 08:04 |
HappyFool | breezy final is out? | 08:04 |
Phinite | has anyone set up a cvs server on an ubunto box? I need to know how to do this correctly or where to look to learn how. | 08:04 |
cazzam | HappyFool: It is file.deb and it is on the desktop | 08:04 |
TiMiDo | HappyFool to more days | 08:04 |
BreezyInCalif | I thought final was not for a couple of days | 08:04 |
TiMiDo | on the 13th | 08:04 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, do you mean there are no shortcuts set, or that there are no shortcuts to set? | 08:04 |
HappyFool | TiMiDo: i thought so | 08:04 |
N6REJ | coolkev: apt-get update [enter] apt-get dist-upgrade [enter] | 08:04 |
apoZ` | Does anyone know how to play MP3's from a network folder ??? Help please | 08:04 |
mojo | BreezyInCalif: the word is backup ;-p | 08:04 |
ksmurf | Both | 08:04 |
HappyFool | cazzam: ok, what does 'ls -l /home/colin/Desktop/file.deb' say? | 08:04 |
N6REJ | rc is out | 08:05 |
BreezyInCalif | mojo - yes indeedy. Did that. | 08:05 |
mojo | lol k just to be sure. | 08:05 |
nalioth | apoZ`: open a terminal and "man nfs" or ask uncle google about nfs | 08:05 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, what window manager are you running? | 08:05 |
cazzam | HappyFool: -rw-r--r-- 1 colin colin 878430 2005-10-11 13:58 /home/colin/Desktop/file.deb | 08:05 |
magnusthe | apoZ` music on a windows share? | 08:05 |
N6REJ | puseklatten: what nic card are you trying to use? | 08:05 |
sorush20 | is anyone here haveing the same problem with Thunderbird and its web mail extension.. | 08:05 |
HappyFool | cazzam: 878k ? looks a bit small | 08:06 |
shinu | anyoen using the latest mplayer? ive got some problems with the time elapsed and toatl time not showing up... | 08:06 |
_rawler | Phinite: I would STRONGLY recommend something other than CVS.. look at SVN, for instance.. | 08:06 |
BreezyInCalif | coolkev - in between update and dist-upgrade, I *think* you should install or reinstall ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop | 08:06 |
BreezyInCalif | Maybe someone could sanity check that too | 08:06 |
ksmurf | lolnowihavelostspacerofl | 08:06 |
puseklatten | i got ha siemens v2000 withe a intel wireless2200 | 08:06 |
coolkev | i used those two commands | 08:06 |
ksmurf | damnkeyboard | 08:06 |
N6REJ | BreezyInCalif: you could be right... sorry. | 08:06 |
coolkev | and it just checked a bunch of sites and then that's it | 08:06 |
HappyFool | cazzam: just a second... | 08:06 |
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ksmurf | magnuthegnome | 08:06 |
Phinite | _rawler, any major reasons? I have not used subversion before and we have some developers who will be using .NET code and I know there is a cvs plugin for that, but not sure about svn | 08:06 |
cazzam | HappyFool: the website said I had to download a file to install the other file because its a .torrent | 08:06 |
HappyFool | cazzam: um | 08:07 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, lol, try to log out and come back in... sounds like you have serious problems | 08:07 |
nalioth | _rawler: cvs or svn depends on the file provider, right? | 08:07 |
BreezyInCalif | I had a problem going to breezy and resolved it by re-running the upgrade and making sure to reinstall those two pckgs before dist-upgrade | 08:07 |
_rawler | Phinite: TLA, BitKeeper or MonoTone seems to be pretty decent as well, if I recall correctly.. | 08:07 |
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C-Keen | bitkeeper is evil (tm) | 08:07 |
clinfix | I followed the instructions but j2sdk doesnt exist with hoary | 08:08 |
N6REJ | puseklatten: does this help you/ http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/ | 08:08 |
_rawler | Phinite: TortoiseSVN provides excellent SVN-functionality for windows.. | 08:08 |
clinfix | where can I find java-package | 08:08 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell clinfix about java | 08:08 |
_rawler | nalioth: huh? | 08:08 |
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HappyFool | cazzam: none of those files is smaller than 10 MB | 08:08 |
cazzam | HappyFool: When I click on the link for Breezy, I get sent to "http://www.giannaros.org/tor/bt/" | 08:08 |
HappyFool | cazzam: try download again | 08:08 |
nalioth | _rawler: i'm not up on versioning but arent cvs and svn dependent on the file providers? | 08:08 |
HappyFool | cazzam: i'm reading that page now | 08:08 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-177-44.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | cazzam: download the torrent for the java you want, and then start your torrent client to get it | 08:09 |
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_rawler | nalioth, Phinite: SVN is simply a system designed to supersede CVS, and today, I'd definately say SVN beats CVS by far in just about anything.. | 08:09 |
N6REJ | puseklatten: here's one for hoarty... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-13576.html | 08:09 |
gnomefreak | how do you change default mail cleint from evo to thunderbird? | 08:09 |
ksmurf | magnuthe I have my space back but still no Alt Tab | 08:09 |
HappyFool | tortoisesvn is cool | 08:09 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, music on windows share idd | 08:09 |
cazzam | HappyFool: Which one do I want on that page? | 08:09 |
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Jedrick | How to install media player as plug-ins on firefox? | 08:09 |
puseklatten | i use 5.1 | 08:09 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by nalioth | ||
magnusthe | ksmurf, check the keyboard settings first, then go on to keyboard shortcuts | 08:10 |
_rawler | nalioth, Phinite: (if you want you can just look at how many OS-projects that have recently moved their versioning from CVS to SVN) | 08:10 |
HappyFool | cazzam: jre1.5 i think | 08:10 |
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HappyFool | cazzam: i think that is java 5, though i'm not completely sure | 08:10 |
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BreezyInCalif | My planned changes: Take 15GB from /home (/dev/hda14 in my current scheme). Move /tmp, /var, and /usr/local (hda 11, hda12, and hda13) into the free space after current hda14. Move the free space that's left (there will be about 10GB left) so that it's adjacent to /usr (hda10 in current scheme). Add the space to /usr. Edit /etc/fstab to reflect changes. Mount /home and /usr manually to make sure they're OK. Reboot. Go on with li | 08:10 |
BreezyInCalif | fe. | 08:10 |
apoZ` | nalioth, what to do after MAN NFS, in terminal ? | 08:10 |
BreezyInCalif | life, even. | 08:10 |
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BreezyInCalif | Does that make sense? | 08:10 |
ksmurf | K I have reset my keyboard to defaults. No Alt Tab | 08:10 |
Phinite | ok, I'll ask the easy question then... is there a good howto for that? | 08:10 |
apoZ` | magnusthe, Yes a windows share idd | 08:10 |
N6REJ | puseklatten: try that anyway... it might work.. let me look some more though | 08:10 |
HappyFool | Phinite: what sort of access? | 08:10 |
nalioth | apoZ`: read | 08:11 |
magnusthe | apoZ`, try to mount the windows shares... shouldn't be difficult but it was too long since I did it myself to give you detailed instructions | 08:11 |
pie | good evening, can I break in with a question? | 08:11 |
_rawler | Phinite: Subversion is DEFINATELY a better alternative than CVS.. (and it's excatly what it's designed for) | 08:11 |
HappyFool | Phinite: if you have ssh (secure shell) access already setup, it's very easy for either | 08:11 |
BreezyInCalif | Step zero, of course, was backup | 08:11 |
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nalioth | _rawler: so advising svn only is good advice to a developer for providing files? | 08:11 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, ok, now check the keyboard shortcuts again | 08:11 |
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apoZ` | magnusthe, i have no idea how to mount windows shares | 08:11 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, any chance of setting window-related shortcuts? | 08:11 |
_rawler | nalioth: noopers.. SVN is a complete replacement for CVS. | 08:11 |
Phinite | a repository on a central server (also a samba server). connections from primarily windows machines. mostly java, some using only .NET | 08:11 |
_rawler | Phinite, nalioth: http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 08:11 |
Knorrie | pie: don't ask to ask, just ask :) | 08:12 |
eko | what is backports? | 08:12 |
cazzam | HappyFool: Ok I got that one and double clicked it and not it is downloading the deb file... | 08:12 |
ksmurf | magnuthe If I knew how | 08:12 |
pie | Can somebody tell me how to setup ICQ? | 08:12 |
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apoZ` | magnusthe, O yes, i remember, i already did that | 08:12 |
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N6REJ | puseklatten: do you have the latest build? | 08:12 |
Bad_Magic | pie: just use gaim | 08:12 |
Bad_Magic | =x | 08:12 |
HappyFool | cazzam: didn't gnome-bittorrent start up? | 08:12 |
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Ti_Uhl | hello, i'm trying to get vlc to work with hoary, but it keeps telling that it can't open /dev/dsp ? | 08:12 |
ksmurf | no go | 08:13 |
Knorrie | apoZ`: apt-get install smbfs | 08:13 |
mart | hi, can anyone suggest how to get a more up-to-date version of pdflatex? the version in breezy is a little elderly :( | 08:13 |
pie | Bad Magic: Sorry? | 08:13 |
puseklatten | what du you mean N6REJ> | 08:13 |
Knorrie | apoZ`: mount -t smbfs etc... | 08:13 |
HappyFool | cazzam: that is, gnome-btdownload | 08:13 |
magnusthe | apoZ`, smbmount or something like it.. I think nautilus can do it for you (not sure) | 08:13 |
ksmurf | magnuthe No go. Still can't set it | 08:13 |
pie | Bad Magic: What is gaim? | 08:13 |
Bad_Magic | pie: gaim has support for the ICQ protocol (last i checked) | 08:13 |
Ti_Uhl | does anyone now how to fix this ? i checked permissions and the user is in the audio group | 08:13 |
Bad_Magic | pie: it also supports jabber,msn,aim | 08:13 |
Knorrie | pie: gaim is an instant messaging client | 08:13 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, hmmm, start a terminal and run 'pgrep -l meta' what's the output? | 08:13 |
gnomefreak | anyone know how to change default mail client? | 08:13 |
pie | Bad Magic: Where / how do I do..? | 08:13 |
ksmurf | k | 08:13 |
N6REJ | puseklatten: I haven't checked lately but they just released the release candiate today... many changes... I don't have the link to them... perhaps nalioth does. | 08:13 |
Bad_Magic | pie: sudo apt-get install gaim | 08:13 |
Bad_Magic | i believe | 08:13 |
nalioth | N6REJ: see /topic | 08:14 |
Phinite | I can ssh into the box easily, I just need a nice how to, and then I have to explain how to get/put code to windows developers | 08:14 |
HappyFool | Phinite: well, i mean every client needs ssh | 08:14 |
cazzam | HappyFool: All I know is I am downloading the .deb file | 08:14 |
puseklatten | i downloaded the release 5.1 dvd yesterday | 08:14 |
pie | Bad Magic: I will try then, sorry , but all off Ubuntu is very new for me.. | 08:14 |
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Ti_Uhl | hello, i'm trying to get vlc to work with hoary, but it keeps telling that it can't open /dev/dsp ? but the perm are ok and audio works with mplayer and xine ? anyone ? | 08:15 |
HappyFool | Phinite: if that isn't setup, and you don't want to, you can use Apache for SVN access instead | 08:15 |
Phinite | HappyFool: that shouldn't be a big deal, we have putty. | 08:15 |
Bad_Magic | pie: no problem, if that doesnt work you probably need to update your repositories listing | 08:15 |
pie | Bad Magic: I got kickt-off by MS all the time, because the key.. | 08:15 |
N6REJ | nalioth: CC sorry | 08:15 |
rawler | Phinite: look at TortoiseSVN for a starter.. play around with creating local on-disk repositories and try it out.. | 08:15 |
Dalkus | how important is it to defrag a windows partition before shoving linux on it? | 08:15 |
shinu | where does kde have its trash directory? | 08:15 |
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HappyFool | Phinite: ok, then all you need to do is have an account on the server for each developer, and setup the repository like you would for local access | 08:16 |
jwd_ | ls | 08:16 |
rawler | Phinite: then, check the Subversion book.. it's and excellent documentation.. | 08:16 |
magnusthe | Dalkus, no need at all, different file systems | 08:16 |
HappyFool | Phinite: if you setup SSH for each dev, you can equally easily provide CVS | 08:16 |
mart | shinu: .local/share/Trash | 08:16 |
Dalkus | magnusthe, many thanks | 08:16 |
HappyFool | Phinite: yeah, the subversion book gives a pretty good howto for setting up a svn repository | 08:16 |
ksmurf | 7265 metacity | 08:16 |
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Phinite | ok, looking now | 08:16 |
shinu | mart: thanks | 08:16 |
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HappyFool | Phinite: we have a similar setup at work: linux box with SSH serving CVS and SVN to windows clients | 08:17 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, good, as expected | 08:17 |
magnusthe | Dalkus, my pleasure | 08:17 |
pie | Bad Magic: see you maybe later, thanks! | 08:17 |
pie | bey,bey.. | 08:17 |
Knorrie | pie: you can also use synaptic, it's a bit more friendly | 08:17 |
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Knorrie | pie: i mean synaptic instead of apt-get | 08:17 |
krax | anyone experienced some initial DNS problems with 5.10? | 08:17 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, you are sure you have all necessary packages installed? run 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' to make sure | 08:18 |
nalioth | Dalkus: it's important to partition regularly | 08:18 |
nalioth | Dalkus: er defragment | 08:18 |
wabble | I have a thinkpad x31 with the ati m6 graphics chip, anyone want to help me configure external display on it? | 08:18 |
pie | knorrie: Thanks! | 08:18 |
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Answer | Hello. I have a dual-boot harddrive. I am in ubuntu, and I mounted the windowsxp ntfs partition as /mnt/winxp. I can read it fine but it's in read only. can I chmod it or what | 08:18 |
x_or | I have an ubuntu box with three nics. One is set to DHCP, the others are set to static IPs, but only the DHCP nic is plugged in. It has an IP, and I can connect to it. I cannot get outside of my LAN with this box, however, not via web browser, nor ping, nor ssh. How do I troubleshoot what is wrong here? | 08:19 |
stpere | Answer, ntfs is readonly in linux | 08:19 |
zenrox | Answer, no ntfs =read only | 08:19 |
lucaas | whats the best command to get the size of a file? | 08:19 |
Knorrie | lucaas: ls -l ? | 08:19 |
magnusthe | Dalkus, nalioth, filesystems on Linux don't really need to be defragmented... I've never had more than 2% non-contiguus files on any partition in my 5+ years as a user | 08:19 |
Answer | How do I write to ntfs?? There must be a way! Why can it only read? | 08:19 |
nalioth | Answer: to writeto NTFS is to be on your way to a all linux box | 08:19 |
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nalioth | magnusthe: Dalkus was asking about his windows drive | 08:19 |
Answer | nalioth, cmon tell me how | 08:19 |
Dalkus | Answer, its in development. you can't for a few years | 08:20 |
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ksmurf | magnuthe It says it's the newest version | 08:20 |
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Answer | Dalkus, where is it in development? Why can I read and not write it's the same mechanism | 08:20 |
lucaas | Knorrie, ah, that worked i didnt think you could ls a file, ty :) | 08:20 |
magnusthe | nalioth, ah sorry.. missed that | 08:20 |
Dalkus | Answer, use FAT32 if you wanna share a partition between windows and linux | 08:20 |
nalioth | Answer: writing to NTFS from linux, can destroy the partition container | 08:20 |
HappyFool | Answer: ask ms to release the ntfs specs ;). or google for 'captive-ntfs', which won't work out the box on ubuntu (or so i believe) | 08:20 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, hmmm, then I'm at a loss... at least remotely like this | 08:20 |
Zhukov_ | Seveas... Are you there? | 08:20 |
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Dalkus | Answer, I'm not sure, I saw a sourceforge.net project workking on it. google for "linux ntfs" | 08:20 |
Knorrie | lucaas: yes :) and perhaps you like the `du` command as well | 08:20 |
Answer | ubotu: damn microsoft | 08:20 |
ubotu | Answer: Syntax error in line 1 | 08:20 |
ksmurf | Thanks for the help anyway | 08:21 |
TiMiDo | microsoft is a pease of crap | 08:21 |
Dreamglider | Answer, you can indeed write to NTFS but it s a pretty bad idea. | 08:21 |
magnusthe | ksmurf, sorry I can't help more | 08:21 |
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morrolan | Micro$haft | 08:21 |
emile | there are also commercial solutions to writing ntfs with linux | 08:21 |
lucaas | Knorrie, the du was more what i was lookoing for :> | 08:21 |
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Answer | emile: What are such commercial solutions? | 08:21 |
Dalkus | emile, are they any good? | 08:21 |
emile | Answer: i believe paragon makes one | 08:21 |
emile | Dalkus: never tried it | 08:22 |
ksmurf | I'll get it solved .... I know I can do it givin enough time and installs.....rofl | 08:22 |
Zhukov_ | Damn anyone has Seveas w32codecs package? | 08:22 |
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emile | but if you pay for it and it won't work you know where to go ;-) | 08:22 |
magnusthe | Knoppix now supports using a file on NTFS as a writable partition that's merged (unionfs) with the read-only part on the CD | 08:22 |
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TiMiDo | Zhukov_ i think it does | 08:22 |
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ksmurf | zhukov what's the diff between seaves and anyone elses? | 08:22 |
Answer | Paragon NTFS for Linux 1.0, free download! http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Utilities/System_Maintenance_and_Repair_Utilities/Paragon_NTFS_for_Linux.html | 08:22 |
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tucoz | Hi, I wonder where to find what changes are made to an updateable package | 08:22 |
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magnusthe | so, there is (limited) support for writing files on NTFS, and it's stable enough for the Knoppix-devs to include it | 08:22 |
ksmurf | magnuthe Thanks | 08:23 |
Knorrie | it's more easy to use a second machine with samba, put your hdd over there and mount the shares in xp and in linux | 08:23 |
magnusthe | what I heard the limits are on the number of new files that can be created in a directory | 08:23 |
krax | i just installed 5.10 and i can ping websites and all but the only actual site i can get to is ubuntu.com.. so im thinking theres a dns problem.. any ideas on how to resolve this issue? | 08:23 |
Dalkus | just use FAT32, it's not so bad | 08:23 |
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Answer | Dalkus: I don't know how to convert a winxp ntfs drive to fat32 | 08:23 |
Dalkus | I have a 'share' partition to keep my files that I want both OS's to access | 08:24 |
Dalkus | youd have to use a partitioning program and set it's filesystem to FAT32 | 08:24 |
Dalkus | you'll have to read up about that | 08:24 |
=== Answer is looking for the Answer, not various ways to work around microsoft's proprietyness | ||
Answer | hehe | 08:24 |
Answer | thanks everyone | 08:24 |
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Dreamglider | Answer, you could download Ultimate Boot CD is has lots of nice tools | 08:25 |
Answer | Dreamglider: Ultimate Boot CD? sweet | 08:25 |
st_ | kubuntu-fr | 08:25 |
HappyFool | *sigh* i break emacs more often on ubuntu than on windows | 08:25 |
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Dreamglider | Answer, once you have booted with UBCD press F3 then F1 and youll be able to make the partion change | 08:27 |
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wef | how do i check my checksum? | 08:27 |
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runedude | horray | 08:28 |
magnusthe | wef, you mean the checksum of the CD? | 08:28 |
wef | yeah | 08:28 |
wef | please | 08:28 |
magnusthe | wef, what OS are you using to check? | 08:29 |
wef | ubuntu | 08:29 |
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wef | linux | 08:29 |
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magnusthe | wef, hold on a sec | 08:29 |
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magnusthe | wef https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto | 08:30 |
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wef | thanks | 08:31 |
magnusthe | wef, let me know if it's clear enough... since I wrote the page :) | 08:31 |
wef | cool thanks | 08:32 |
wef | y is it SSL | 08:32 |
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wef | ahh | 08:32 |
wef | very good thanks | 08:32 |
magnusthe | wef, the link I gave you? hmmm, don't know... that's where I ended up, that's all | 08:32 |
wef | k thanks | 08:33 |
Bad_Magic | they like wasting processor cycles to encrypt non-sensitive information | 08:33 |
BreezyInCalif | Can I raise this qstn again, pls? I'm planning to resize a couple of partitions because I've run out of space on /usr and want to give it more space. Since that's dangerous, I wanted to sanity-check my plan before running around with scissors <g> | 08:33 |
Bad_Magic | or, they like to protect your privacy | 08:33 |
Bad_Magic | pick one | 08:33 |
Bad_Magic | =P | 08:33 |
kbrooks | magnusthe: so you have written a few guides eh =P | 08:33 |
BreezyInCalif | The plan: Backup /home. Take 15GB from /home (/dev/hda14 in my current scheme). Move /tmp, /var, and /usr/local (hda 11, hda12, and hda13) into the free space after current hda14. Move the free space that's left (there will be about 10GB left) so that it's adjacent to /usr (hda10 in current scheme). Add the space to /usr. Edit /etc/fstab to reflect changes. Mount /home and /usr manually to make sure they're OK. | 08:33 |
BreezyInCalif | Reboot. Go on with life. | 08:33 |
Answer | BreezyInCalif, just buy another harddrive | 08:33 |
magnusthe | kbrooks, it's happened | 08:33 |
BreezyInCalif | lol | 08:33 |
BreezyInCalif | Thanks. | 08:33 |
kbrooks | magnusthe: what has? | 08:33 |
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fastly | is it worth waiting for the official release of breezy badger, or will the preview release upgrade gracefully? | 08:34 |
Answer | cost of harddrive << frustration after destroying your partitions | 08:34 |
Answer | fastly: it will be easy to upgrade. no need to wait | 08:34 |
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nalioth | fastly: if it aint fixed now, we're in trouble | 08:34 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, sounds reasonable... how are you planning on copy the data? | 08:34 |
Answer | !upgrade2breezy | 08:34 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 08:34 |
fastly | :-) | 08:34 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, BTW moving /tmp isn't really necessary | 08:34 |
BreezyInCalif | magnusthe - planning *nondestructive* resize with qtparted. __I hope!___ | 08:34 |
fastly | i'm currently a gentoo user and love everything about portage except my lack of patience on compile times | 08:34 |
apoZ` | How to install a driver ??? | 08:34 |
kbrooks | i want to see a gnupg guide on the wiki | 08:34 |
magnusthe | kbrooks, it has happened that I've written a guide | 08:34 |
BreezyInCalif | Reason I'd figured to move /tmp was b/c it's on an adjacent partition to /usr | 08:35 |
BreezyInCalif | I planned badly. | 08:35 |
fastly | ubuntu has a package manager which rivals gentoo? | 08:35 |
kbrooks | anyone written one? | 08:35 |
Answer | fastly: synaptic | 08:35 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell fastly about apt-get | 08:35 |
Answer | !synaptic | 08:35 |
ubotu | I heard synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 08:35 |
fastly | and doesn't need to compile everything from scratch right? | 08:35 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, are you sure? my /tmp is tmpfs... i.e. not a real partition at all | 08:35 |
=== Loki_VA [n=loki@ppp197-184.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Loki_VA | hi people | 08:35 |
nalioth | fastly: not unless you want to | 08:35 |
kbrooks | fastly: no | 08:35 |
Loki_VA | does anyone know why hal may fail on login? | 08:35 |
magnusthe | kbrooks, just put it in there | 08:36 |
apoZ` | Help : I've got a install cd, but for windows. Can i install it, using the driver-folder ??? | 08:36 |
kbrooks | fastly: i used stage 3 on gentoo to avoid that, b/c i'm a linux newbie (at least, i think so) | 08:36 |
fastly | are packages available which are optimised for both AMD64 and Pentium M processors? | 08:36 |
fastly | i.e. not just generic x86.. | 08:36 |
magnusthe | kbrooks, ah sorry... misread... there are several good gnupg guides around... no real need to write another on the wiki | 08:36 |
kbrooks | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto | 08:36 |
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BreezyInCalif | I was an absolute n00b when I set up this box so went with someone's "recommended" partition scheme. He put /tmp on its own partition. I would be happy to get rid of it; that would make life 2GB easier for me and since it's right next to /usr I could add the space directly to /usr and be a happy Breezy user. | 08:36 |
Sg4you|sleepy | hi leute | 08:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
Sg4you|sleepy | kann einer deutsch ? | 08:37 |
BreezyInCalif | How "move" /tmp to tmpfs? | 08:37 |
kbrooks | magnusthe: above | 08:37 |
nalioth | !de | 08:37 |
ubotu | Bitte gehen sie nach #ubuntu-de fuer deutschsprachige hilfe | 08:37 |
wezzer | I hardly can wait breezy! | 08:37 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@host-200-58-70-4.supernet.com.bo] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, just see what 'mount' outputs... chances are you are already using it (which means you have wasted space :) | 08:37 |
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apoZ` | Repeat : Help : I've got a install cd, but for windows. Can i install it, using the driver-folder ??? | 08:37 |
flodine | guys how do i get mplayer it not in synaptics | 08:38 |
nalioth | apoZ`: i dont understand " but for windows" | 08:38 |
BreezyInCalif | I'm seeing tmpfs - but not for /tmp. Is there a way to post output of mount so I can show/tell you? | 08:38 |
BreezyInCalif | tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) | 08:38 |
BreezyInCalif | is the line | 08:38 |
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me | im with a server blocking my connections for all sites without www.centrobritanico.com.br e www.orkut.com.br | 08:38 |
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BreezyInCalif | But: /dev/hda11 on /tmp type ext3 (rw) | 08:39 |
me | can i degonfigurate that? | 08:39 |
Knorrie | me: hack the server? | 08:39 |
me | im trinng aCESSES SERVER FIREWWAL | 08:39 |
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me | sorry | 08:39 |
me | caps on | 08:39 |
apoZ` | It's a USB-device, I'd like to use it, But the cd with the driver is designed for windows | 08:39 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, ah, looks like you really are using a partition for /tmp, which isn't really necessary (actually it isn't to recommend) | 08:39 |
BreezyInCalif | I have /usr on /dev/hda10 so if I could delete /dev/hda11, that'd give me adjacent space to add to /usr | 08:39 |
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BreezyInCalif | So, I would just umount /tmp and take that out of fstab? | 08:40 |
apoZ` | nalioth, It's a USB-device, I'd like to use it, But the cd with the driver is designed for windows | 08:40 |
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BreezyInCalif | And /tmp will take care of itself? | 08:40 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, please get a second opinion before you go ahead, I don't want to become known as "destroyer of Ubuntu systems" | 08:40 |
BreezyInCalif | lol | 08:40 |
wezzer | !breezy | 08:40 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 08:40 |
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magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, you need to edit /etc/fstab manually | 08:41 |
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BreezyInCalif | Understood; I'm fine with editing /etc/fstab | 08:41 |
doloris | nabend zusammen | 08:41 |
doloris | kann ma bitte jemand helfen | 08:41 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, if you can wait until tomorrow you can always send me an email so I can get all the details right | 08:41 |
kbrooks | Seveas: there? | 08:41 |
nalioth | doloris: deutch in #ubuntu-de, bitte | 08:41 |
Seveas | kbrooks, no, here | 08:41 |
apoZ` | nalioth, ??? | 08:41 |
BreezyInCalif | magnusthe - I can certainly wait; no urgency (or at least, I don't think I've got any urgency) | 08:42 |
NoUse | apoZ` you can't use Windows drivers in Linux | 08:42 |
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apoZ` | Isn't there a way to add hardware ? | 08:42 |
nalioth | apoZ`: then it depends if your mobo can boot from a usb device | 08:42 |
NoUse | what kind of device is this? | 08:42 |
BreezyInCalif | Especially if I move /usr/doc as smne recommended above | 08:42 |
apoZ` | like the "Add Hardware wizard" in windows ? | 08:42 |
magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, how the hell do I send a private message? I don't want to advertise my email address to the world | 08:43 |
flodine | are the backports for breezy no good | 08:43 |
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NoUse | apoZ` that would only help if the vendor included drivers for Linux, which most don't. So in Linux 9 out 10 times if its supported, its dedtected and installed at boottime | 08:43 |
BreezyInCalif | magnusthe - type "/msg breezyincalif" and say hi ... | 08:43 |
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primoturbo | Need some help I have a RAR file I downloaded, I got unrar but I have no idea how to use unrar. What's the terminal command for it? | 08:44 |
kbrooks | Seveas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto <== looks like you made this guide | 08:44 |
hubsi | http://www.wobshite.co.uk/b3ta/watching_you.gif <- LOL | 08:44 |
monkster | anyone: where can I find out how to fix this GStreamer / "did you run gst-register?" problem | 08:44 |
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Seveas | kbrooks, yes | 08:44 |
primoturbo | Can someone pls tell me how to use UNRAR? | 08:44 |
primoturbo | or at least how to open a RAR file | 08:44 |
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kbrooks | Seveas: i recongize your full name. :) | 08:45 |
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nalioth | primoturbo: "unrar -x file.rar" | 08:45 |
flodine | hello i got backports in my repositories for breezy is that ok or not | 08:45 |
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marti | was is das? | 08:45 |
fastly | what is the apt-get equivalent for etc-update? | 08:45 |
nalioth | flodine: there are no backports for breezy | 08:45 |
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magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, write down your plan as well so I can read through it with no pressure :) | 08:45 |
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kbrooks | fastly: what is etc-update? | 08:45 |
primoturbo | bash: unrar: command not found | 08:45 |
BreezyInCalif | Will do - and thank you *very* much! | 08:46 |
nalioth | primoturbo: install unrar-nonfree | 08:46 |
primoturbo | I did | 08:46 |
kbrooks | fastly: it has been so long since i have used gentoo | 08:46 |
fastly | shows you what config files are pending an update after upgrading packages | 08:46 |
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nalioth | primoturbo: that command works for me | 08:46 |
primoturbo | unrar command doesn't work | 08:46 |
apoZ` | What is the apt-get formule ?? | 08:46 |
primoturbo | that's really odd | 08:46 |
Eldessar | fastly, run man aptitude | 08:46 |
Knorrie | apoZ`: apt-get moo | 08:46 |
kbrooks | I think apt has that built in, fastly. | 08:46 |
ced_ | Hello there. I've got a problem with Rhythmbox 0.9 on Breezy Badger: When I import a folder in Rhythmbox, it looks ok (progress bars etc.) and I end up with the correct names and album titles in the library, but no single file is in the library. 0! | 08:46 |
NoUse | apoZ` you should probalby use synaptic | 08:47 |
fastly | i.e. xorg.conf may be updated when xorg is upgraded... the old config file is not touched until you have used etc-update and viewed the diff | 08:47 |
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fastly | Eldessar, will do thanks.. | 08:47 |
kbrooks | fastly: you will get prompted | 08:47 |
wabble | I have a thinkpad x31 with the ati m6 graphics chip, anyone want to help me configure external display on it? | 08:47 |
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BreezyInCalif | Many thanks to all here, btw! | 08:47 |
wabble | dont need help with ati drivers because they dont work on this chip | 08:47 |
kbrooks | fastly: the configuration file wont be touched if you press N | 08:47 |
BreezyInCalif | Be well ... | 08:47 |
Eldessar | fastly, that sounds like a gentoo-specific thing | 08:47 |
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kbrooks | Eldessar: no it isnt | 08:47 |
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magnusthe | BreezyInCalif, CU | 08:48 |
frickel | do someone know the name of a kylix like free programm? | 08:48 |
BreezyInCalif | cu all | 08:48 |
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primoturbo | I'm going to try installing Ark | 08:48 |
primoturbo | unrar-free doesn't seem to work | 08:48 |
apoZ` | I found this at google : "It is supported by the ftdi_sio driver in kernels >=2.4.22-pre6 and >=2.6.0-test2 " What does it say ?? | 08:48 |
kbrooks | fastly: it will be changed if you press Y | 08:48 |
stpere | frickel, Kylix open edition? ;-) | 08:48 |
Zeke1 | can anybody help me with my ati drivers?? | 08:48 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, are you still here? | 08:48 |
kbrooks | as for the diff, I don't remember which key | 08:48 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: yes :) | 08:48 |
NoUse | apoZ` what kind of device is this? Ubuntu should support it if that statement is true | 08:49 |
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kbrooks | but you should be informed of what key to press to get a diff | 08:49 |
Eldessar | kbrooks, i've been working with unix for 8 years and never heard of etc-update. | 08:49 |
frickel | stpere: i mean not from borland | 08:49 |
wabble | C-Keen: help me instead :p | 08:49 |
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C-Keen | wabble: ? | 08:49 |
wabble | I have a thinkpad x31 with the ati m6 graphics chip, anyone want to help me configure external display on it? | 08:49 |
kbrooks | Eldessar: the *function* of etc-update is done by package managers like apt | 08:49 |
wabble | xorg stuff i think | 08:49 |
apoZ` | NoUse, It's a synchronisation-thing for a mobile | 08:49 |
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stpere | frickel, look for designer from qt (trolltech) | 08:50 |
C-Keen | wabble: I have tried that aeons ago and I gave in. I would not be much help | 08:50 |
frickel | stpere: thx | 08:50 |
Seveas | kbrooks, etc-update is broken by design, like so many gentooisms :) | 08:50 |
stpere | frickel, it's not exactly the same tho | 08:50 |
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wabble | C-Keen: damn you :P | 08:50 |
kbrooks | Eldessar: Some package managers move the file and put in a new file | 08:50 |
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wabble | ok, i will bother someone else then;) | 08:50 |
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C-Keen | wabble: I would prefer if you don't curse me | 08:50 |
necronudist | excuse...does anyone have a "trust spacecam 150 portable" webcam? | 08:50 |
kennethlove | what do i need to install if i get a 'readline library not found' error? (and don't just answer 'readline') | 08:51 |
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kbrooks | Eldessar: RPM does that | 08:51 |
wabble | ok, sorry. Was ment as a joke | 08:51 |
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flora | is there a line for breezy yet? | 08:51 |
C-Keen | wabble: no offense taken :) | 08:51 |
flora | where does it start | 08:51 |
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Eldessar | kbrooks, so on some sytems this is a script, and on others it's built into package menagement? | 08:51 |
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kbrooks | flora: line for what? | 08:51 |
wabble | C-Keen: good :) | 08:51 |
kbrooks | Eldessar: Yeah. | 08:51 |
flora | for breezy kbrooks | 08:51 |
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apoZ` | NoUse, where can i find the ftdi_sio driver in kernels >=2.4.22-pre6 and >=2.6.0-test2 | 08:51 |
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kbrooks | flora: be specific | 08:51 |
flora | kbrooks: BREEEZY | 08:51 |
kbrooks | flora: backports? | 08:51 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell flora about upgrade2breezy | 08:52 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, im still having problems with my graphics driver | 08:52 |
NoUse | apoZ` you already have the right kernel | 08:52 |
flora | no foo STABLE BREEZY | 08:52 |
NoUse | apoZ` you have at least 2.6.8 if you are runny Ubuntu | 08:52 |
Knorrie | flora: don't yell | 08:52 |
kbrooks | flora: breezy is not stable yet | 08:52 |
Seveas | !tell flora about sources | 08:52 |
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kbrooks | wait until thursday | 08:52 |
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flora | Knorrie: that isn't yelling that is just using clear diction | 08:52 |
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Seveas | flora, it's yelling | 08:52 |
apoZ` | I am | 08:52 |
Seveas | stop that | 08:52 |
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C-Keen | Zeke1: I thought so :) did you have a look in your xorg.conf and see if you enabled the right modules? you could also use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (I cannot remember the right package name) | 08:52 |
kbrooks | flora: dont argue | 08:52 |
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C-Keen | flora: please play nicely | 08:53 |
flora | yes i was making a joke y'all... like, as if there's a line to d/l breezy started already? | 08:53 |
kbrooks | pointless to argue, you wont win in the end | 08:53 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, i did all of that...still gives me that same error | 08:53 |
flora | sheesh i must be over your heds | 08:53 |
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NoUse | apoZ` I've never used any sync devices with Linxu so I'm not sure how to help you from here | 08:53 |
nalioth | flora: ubotu sent you a msg | 08:53 |
flora | thanks nalioth | 08:53 |
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_mars | Hi | 08:53 |
TokenBad | ubuntu and ati 3d card... | 08:53 |
_mars | I have Big problem | 08:53 |
TokenBad | good or bad? | 08:53 |
C-Keen | Zeke1: I am out of idea then if everything really looks ok... | 08:53 |
=== flora happily reading about where to find the line to d/l breezy | ||
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kbrooks | flora: download the breezy iso? | 08:54 |
sunshine | doe anyone know how to config mythtv | 08:54 |
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kbrooks | or upgrade to breezy? | 08:54 |
nalioth | kbrooks: upgrading is easier | 08:54 |
nalioth | kbrooks: via network | 08:54 |
flora | kbrooks: both | 08:54 |
flora | i'll upgrade my main laptop, but will be installing fresh on some other boxes | 08:54 |
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morrolan | Hi guys, I'm looking for gnome-bluetooth-manager, but because the backports have gone offline I can't get hold of it :( | 08:54 |
Zeke1 | C-Keen, ok but i get this eroor: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 08:54 |
benedetto | hi | 08:55 |
flora | geeez is it so bad to have a lil excitement over here? | 08:55 |
_mars | So i typed usermod -G video mars, cause in instruction it was write that i need it to install window decoration and it works. But then now i type something with sudo it shows:mars is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.. I dont know wjhat to do now. PLease help! :/ | 08:55 |
apoZ` | Problem : I would like to connect my mobile with Ubuntu, using my synchronisation thing. How to ? | 08:55 |
kbrooks | flora: CAPS equals shouting | 08:55 |
TokenBad | ATI Radeon 7000 work with ubuntu without much problems? | 08:55 |
N6REJ | !apt-get | 08:55 |
ubotu | apt-get is, like, totally, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ | 08:55 |
cazzam | Is there a way to search for files? | 08:55 |
flora | kbrooks: you still stuck on that? | 08:55 |
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Seveas | cazzam, slocate | 08:55 |
kbrooks | flora; no just a reminder | 08:55 |
Ropechoborra | Hi | 08:56 |
Ropechoborra | Got quest. | 08:56 |
kennethlove | is 'make' the same as 'gmake'? | 08:56 |
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kbrooks | Ropechoborra: then ask | 08:56 |
flora | kbrooks: thanks for treating me like a newbile | 08:56 |
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apoZ` | Problem : I would like to connect my mobile with Ubuntu, using my synchronisation thing. How to ? | 08:56 |
Seveas | kennethlove, on linux systems: yes | 08:56 |
Ropechoborra | Whats that about a free distribution ?? They send it to you for free?? | 08:56 |
Knorrie | TokenBad: I got a ATI Radeon 9550 and it works fine | 08:56 |
Zeke1 | anybody ever get this message with graphics drivers : libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 08:56 |
kennethlove | Seveas: thanks. | 08:56 |
nalioth | Ropechoborra: just your time | 08:56 |
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kbrooks | Ropechoborra: and you can download it for free | 08:56 |
Seveas | Ropechoborra, yes, http://shipit.ubuntu.com | 08:56 |
sunshine | does | 08:57 |
Ropechoborra | <nalioth> Ropechoborra: just your time <--- didnt get that (not english speaker) | 08:57 |
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nalioth | Ropechoborra: you must wait for the post to arrive | 08:57 |
sunshine | does anyone know how to config mythtv | 08:57 |
Zeke1 | anybody ever get this message with graphics drivers : libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed i need help? | 08:57 |
TokenBad | Knorrie, any probs installing the drivers? | 08:57 |
Ropechoborra | Ohh... and how much do i have to wait for it comeing to my door ?? :D | 08:57 |
Seveas | Ropechoborra, 4 to 6 weeks | 08:57 |
nalioth | 4 or 6 weeks | 08:57 |
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Knorrie | TokenBad: no, i got a copy of xorg.conf from a friend and had none probs | 08:58 |
Ropechoborra | Woow | 08:58 |
kbrooks | Ropechoborra: ubuntu cd comes with a package of two cds. live cd, use to test ubuntu, and install cd, usee to install ubuntu | 08:58 |
Knorrie | TokenBad: even dual-screen :P | 08:58 |
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Seveas | Ropechoborra, you can also download it for free, copy and share it for free and upgrade it for free... | 08:58 |
kbrooks | Ropechoborra: i have gotten just 1 cd this way | 08:58 |
frank23 | Ropechoborra: its much faster to download ubuntu... even witgh dialup | 08:58 |
cazzam | What are .jar files? | 08:58 |
Knorrie | TokenBad: and i did not need to install any driver that wasnt in ubuntu already | 08:58 |
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kbrooks | frank23: "faster"? | 08:58 |
Zeke1 | anybody ever get this message with graphics drivers : libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed i need help? i have an ATI x800 | 08:58 |
nalioth | cazzam: java executables | 08:58 |
wabble | Knorrie: can you send me a copy of your xorg, i want that so i maybe understand xorg configuration | 08:58 |
Ropechoborra | So.... Isnt the people who do this loosing money ? | 08:58 |
Seveas | Zeke1: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too. | 08:58 |
TokenBad | Knorrie, ok | 08:59 |
wabble | xorg.conf that is | 08:59 |
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frank23 | kbrooks: compared to waiting 4-weeks for a cd | 08:59 |
flodine | why cant i install j2se runtime for breezy | 08:59 |
kbrooks | frank23: under dialup its slow | 08:59 |
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Knorrie | wabble, TokenBad ill put it online for you | 08:59 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell flodine about java | 08:59 |
Seveas | Ropechoborra, yes | 08:59 |
wabble | ok, great | 08:59 |
Ropechoborra | <Seveas> Ropechoborra, you can also download it for free, copy and share it for free and upgrade it for free... <---- Got Dialup ( 5 kb/s download speed...) =P | 08:59 |
kbrooks | nalioth: No. | 08:59 |
cazzam | Nalioth: I am trying to get a program for my math class to work, and it had me download a file and it gave me this command "cp aleksPack10.jar /usr/java/j2re1.4.1/lib/ext/" | 08:59 |
kbrooks | nalioth: javadeb | 08:59 |
Seveas | Ropechoborra, ask a friend with DSL to download & burn it | 08:59 |
runedude | after almost 2 days, i finally got ipv6 + rdns + bind working properly :) woot! | 08:59 |
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Seveas | that's perfectly legal | 08:59 |
nalioth | kbrooks: /msg ubotu java please | 08:59 |
Ropechoborra | I know... :) | 09:00 |
nalioth | cazzam: you need to install java | 09:00 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell cazzam about java | 09:00 |
wabble | Knorrie: just pm the link then? ;) | 09:00 |
cazzam | Nalioth, I did install it | 09:00 |
flora | you realize that the hoary-breezy upgrade makes fc3-fc4 look like a trainwreck? | 09:00 |
kbrooks | nalioth: how does all those bot wizards do those aliases? :) | 09:00 |
Knorrie | wabble, TokenBad : http://tom.tlm.thrijswijk.nl/~krh/zooi/xorg.conf | 09:00 |
Seveas | flodine, fc IS a trainwreck... | 09:00 |
kbrooks | flora: meaning what? | 09:00 |
wabble | Knorrie: ok, thanks! | 09:00 |
nalioth | flora: dont mention fc in here, please, (ugh) | 09:00 |
wabble | :) | 09:00 |
=== matthew5 [n=matthew_@ip70-176-180-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
nalioth | kbrooks: meaning fc sucks | 09:01 |
=== oris_wolfbane [n=oris@82-38-121-195.cable.ubr01.hali.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flora | nalioth sorry and thank you | 09:01 |
kbrooks | nalioth: in terms of upgrades? | 09:01 |
nalioth | kbrooks: fedore/redhat has many issues | 09:01 |
flora | you can't upgrade fc you have to reinstall | 09:01 |
kbrooks | flora: wait a sec. it's not easy to upgrade fc you mean | 09:01 |
primoturbo | What can I get to open RAR files? Thanks | 09:01 |
Seveas | !tell primoturbo about restricted | 09:02 |
kbrooks | anyway, /me drops | 09:02 |
Zeke1 | can anybody help me with ati drivers and a amd64 with Ati x800? | 09:02 |
flora | kbrooks: ROGER | 09:02 |
flora | primoturbo: apt-get install rar? | 09:02 |
kbrooks | flora: pls don't shout | 09:02 |
sunshine | does anyone know how to config mythtv | 09:02 |
flora | apt-cache search rar | 09:02 |
=== kbrooks drops it | ||
primoturbo | no such thing as rar | 09:03 |
nalioth | primoturbo: we have told you. unrar-nonfree. open a term and type "unrar -x file.rar" | 09:03 |
Ropechoborra | So supous that i got some game for windows ex. Age of Empires, how can i make it to run in ubuntu ? | 09:03 |
Seveas | primoturbo, uboty sent you a message | 09:03 |
Knorrie | wabble: you can lookup your BusID (mine="PCI:1:0:0") with lspci -v | 09:03 |
Seveas | read that | 09:03 |
primoturbo | yes but it says nothing about rar | 09:03 |
wabble | Knorrie: ok :D | 09:03 |
Seveas | Ropechoborra, wine may work, or cedega | 09:03 |
=== damo21 [n=damo@CPE-60-224-145-209.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
primoturbo | RestrictedFormats wiki says nothing | 09:03 |
cazzam | This is too complicated | 09:03 |
Ropechoborra | They come with the pack ? | 09:03 |
Ropechoborra | :) | 09:03 |
=== axeus [n=Randy@pcp0010677045pcs.cornth01.ms.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Loki_VA | is there a cli network card setup app ? | 09:03 |
damo21 | hi, i have a problem formatting dos floppies in ubuntu | 09:04 |
necronudist | damned webcam | 09:04 |
primoturbo | no such thing as unrar-nonfree only unrar-free which doesn't work | 09:04 |
=== LaserLine [i=idan_mm@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
damo21 | mkdosfs fails ... cant write FAT | 09:04 |
LaserLine | Hello All ! | 09:04 |
Seveas | primoturbo, enable multiverse | 09:04 |
Seveas | !tell primoturbo about repos | 09:04 |
LaserLine | How can I install Ubuntu and Dual Boot it, but without Installing GRUB to the MBR ? | 09:04 |
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=== sandollar [n=sandolla@pool-141-153-50-247.char.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
damo21 | Anyone tried formatting a dos floppy in ubuntu? | 09:05 |
kbrooks | LaserLine: GRUB detects other operating systems. | 09:05 |
=== urbanfox [n=urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | LaserLine, let grub install itself on a floppy (/dev/fd0) | 09:05 |
kbrooks | i feel like reinstalling breezy | 09:06 |
primoturbo | Seveas: Doing this now, thnx | 09:06 |
damo21 | I spent ages making a nice dos boot image and now i cant write it with dd!! | 09:06 |
primoturbo | Seveas: Is it possible to see your desktop, just wana see how a pros setup looks like :) | 09:06 |
=== urbanfox [n=urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Seveas | damo21, dd if=/your/file out=/dev/fd0 | 09:06 |
Ropechoborra | Seveas who are you... Some sort of ubuntu magigian ? xD | 09:06 |
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Seveas | Ropechoborra, yes | 09:07 |
Ropechoborra | Cool | 09:07 |
Knorrie | wabble: lspci shows a hexadecimal number, just to be clear, so e.g. BusID "PCI:1:14:0" <= lspci says 01:0e.0 | 09:07 |
Seveas | primoturbo, sec. | 09:07 |
Ropechoborra | O_o | 09:07 |
Ropechoborra | And that? | 09:07 |
damo21 | Seveas: dd: writing to `/dev/fd0': Input/output error | 09:07 |
nalioth | Ropechoborra: Seveas is a bot | 09:07 |
Loki_VA | Anyone, is there a cli network card setup app ? | 09:07 |
LaserLine | Seveas, I have a Windows XP Desktopo with 18GB of UnAllocated space, I would like to Install breezy in 2 days (already have an just Hoary laptop). I read that I can install Ubuntu with GRUB but instead of putting grub I can make a boot partition and then boot from it, but I don't know how I can do that... | 09:07 |
=== Sylwae [n=Sylwae@bdn33-2-82-226-186-49.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Knorrie | damo21: floppy is fubar, try the next one | 09:07 |
Ropechoborra | <nalioth> Ropechoborra: Seveas is a bot <--- Dont belive it | 09:07 |
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Seveas | primoturbo, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2995 | 09:08 |
esac | anybody have any success in setting up xsupplicant or wpa_supplicant with authenticating to a microsoft IAS server ? | 09:08 |
Ropechoborra | Seveas speek spanish ?? (if that, then i know nothing) | 09:08 |
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Seveas | Ropechoborra, yo no hablo espaol | 09:08 |
kbrooks | Ropechoborra: only english here | 09:08 |
nalioth | Ropechoborra: espanol en #ubuntu-es | 09:08 |
damo21 | Knorrie: all my floppies are fubar :( | 09:08 |
Ropechoborra | <Seveas> Ropechoborra, yo no hablo espaol <--- espaol | 09:08 |
primoturbo | I see, looks good | 09:08 |
Ropechoborra | xD | 09:09 |
apoZ` | Anyone uses SyncML ??? | 09:09 |
primoturbo | btw unrar-nonfree is not there I enabled multiverse and all | 09:09 |
primoturbo | only unrar-free is here, using breezy | 09:09 |
Seveas | Ropechoborra, set your system to UTF8 if you want to start living in the 21st century... | 09:09 |
nalioth | primoturbo: did you update your apt? | 09:09 |
_mars | so you cant help me :/ | 09:09 |
Ropechoborra | Seveas UTF8 ? | 09:09 |
primoturbo | update apt? | 09:09 |
Knorrie | damo21: perhaps it's the drive then which broke :| | 09:09 |
LaserLine | Seveas Have any Idea how to install GRUB on a boot partition ? | 09:10 |
=== sunshine [n=sunshine@80-43-42-29.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PalleLap | - :) | 09:10 |
Ropechoborra | What is UTF8 ? | 09:10 |
=== dmoyne [n=dmoyne@dyn-83-155-141-205.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
primoturbo | I enabled repo. and used synaptic to search | 09:10 |
Seveas | LaserLine, grub-install /dev/yourpartition | 09:10 |
damo21 | Knorrie: my drive is ancient, never replaced it | 09:10 |
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sunshine | does anyone know how to conf a webcam | 09:10 |
LaserLine | Seveas I mean from the Ubuntu installation CD... | 09:10 |
=== derFlo [n=florianq@obur-d9b95f61.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Knorrie | _mars: help with what? (sorry) | 09:10 |
nalioth | !info unrar-nonfree | 09:10 |
ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 82 kB, Installed size: 208 kB | 09:10 |
nalioth | primoturbo: it is there | 09:10 |
damo21 | Knorrie: didnt think hardware fd0 would break | 09:10 |
Seveas | primoturbo, hit the reload button in synaptic | 09:11 |
_mars | So i typed usermod -G video mars, cause in instruction it was write that i need it to install window decoration and it works. But then now i type something with sudo it shows:mars is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.. I dont know wjhat to do now. PLease help! :/ | 09:11 |
primoturbo | I did that already | 09:11 |
LaserLine | Seveas I don't have Linux on that desktop, I wiped the drive, and Installed XP, only used 62GB of the drive, and now I have 18GB of space not touched. | 09:11 |
_mars | Knorrie: | 09:11 |
damo21 | Knorrie: i didnt smash it too many times against that wall | 09:11 |
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dmoyne | Hello I have migrated to Breezy but I have lost in menus the superuser console ! ; how to re-install it ? | 09:11 |
Knorrie | damo21: lol | 09:11 |
primoturbo | I'm on breezy | 09:11 |
primoturbo | was it removed from breezy? | 09:11 |
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=== Mr-Falkor [n=falkor@ti541210a080-12719.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | !info unrar-nonfree breezy | 09:11 |
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ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB | 09:11 |
nalioth | !info unrar-nonfree breezy | 09:11 |
oris_wolfbane | hey, im on brezzy and the icon for my volume control has vanished | 09:12 |
primoturbo | !info unrar-free | 09:12 |
Knorrie | _mars: you added mars to the video group | 09:12 |
primoturbo | !info unrar-nonfree | 09:12 |
ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 82 kB, Installed size: 208 kB | 09:12 |
primoturbo | !info unrar-nonfree breezy | 09:12 |
ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB | 09:12 |
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mbirkis | can i download the breezy now, and just update it after its released? | 09:12 |
Knorrie | _mars: that doesnt affect the sudo configuration | 09:12 |
nalioth | primoturbo: you are flooding the channel | 09:12 |
primoturbo | my bad | 09:12 |
dmoyne | I mean the superuser console can no more be accessed from menus as with Hoary ; what is to be done ? | 09:12 |
nalioth | primoturbo: use your scroll function | 09:12 |
damo21 | does gnome have the option to scroll off the side of the screen to get to the next workspace? | 09:13 |
nalioth | damo21: i dont think so | 09:13 |
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damo21 | nalioth: :( thats the only thing i really need | 09:13 |
Knorrie | _mars: or did sudo stop working after you did the usermod? | 09:13 |
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nalioth | damo21: there are window manglers you can use that do | 09:14 |
damo21 | nalioth: i guess i'll stick with xfce then until gnome makes that an option | 09:14 |
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=== ColonelKernel DEMANDS the release of breezy stable RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND. | ||
kbrooks | damo21: enable it | 09:14 |
kbrooks | somehow | 09:14 |
flora | so is breezy stable and all ready to go via apt and its just the ISOs that come out in 2days? | 09:14 |
primoturbo | where is sources.list located? | 09:14 |
Seveas | primoturbo, /etc/apt/ | 09:14 |
primoturbo | ty | 09:15 |
nalioth | flora: breezy is as ready as it's gonna get | 09:15 |
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flora | nalioth: well Hot Dog! | 09:15 |
_mars | Knorrie: I think yes | 09:15 |
seife | Hi | 09:15 |
damo21 | kbrooks: i would, but im not a hardcore gtk programmer | 09:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
seife | How do i burn a CD with Ubuntu? | 09:15 |
flora | i guess that makes me an earnest jackass :) | 09:15 |
coobra | seife: like a iso | 09:15 |
kbrooks | damo21: no need | 09:16 |
mbirkis | seife: install a burning application like k3b or gnomebaker | 09:16 |
kbrooks | damo21: let me see | 09:16 |
=== HeMan [n=jimmy@1-1-7-40a.far.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apoZ` | Anyone using DSS20 syncstation??? | 09:16 |
sandollar | haha flora you can d/l the breezy iso now | 09:16 |
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damo21 | kbrooks: whats the point of having 4 workspaces if u cant scroll off the edge of the screen to reach them | 09:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@*112.adsl.terra.cl %fistros4!*@*] by Seveas | ||
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tuesday23 | hi | 09:17 |
=== Lord_Maynoth [n=chatzill@h183.54.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seife | coobra, yes. | 09:17 |
HeMan | Hi! I have an application (that isn't open source) which crashes the entire X-server, is there any way to debug that? | 09:17 |
ELClaudio | is gnome 2.12 available for download (got hoary) ? | 09:17 |
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Lord_Maynoth | when is breezy going to be out | 09:17 |
_mars | Knorrie: aNY IDEA WAT I CAN DO NOW? | 09:17 |
kbrooks | ELClaudio: upgrade to breezy | 09:17 |
_mars | Knorrie: sorry | 09:17 |
Seveas | Lord_Maynoth, /topic | 09:17 |
damo21 | on the 13th | 09:17 |
seife | mbirkis, synaptic tells me that k3b is installed but i dont see it. | 09:17 |
nalioth | damo21: use ctrl-alt-right/left arrow | 09:17 |
Knorrie | _mars: can you `su` to get a root prompt? | 09:17 |
kbrooks | we need a FAQ | 09:18 |
Knorrie | _mars: instead of sudo | 09:18 |
kbrooks | and guess what? :P | 09:18 |
=== squid0 [n=squid0@ndn-165-128-182.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | seife: alt-f2, enter 'k3b' | 09:18 |
Seveas | kbrooks, there is.. | 09:18 |
kbrooks | Seveas: umm | 09:18 |
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_antix | faq shmaq | 09:18 |
sunshine | doe sanyone know why when i try an config gnome meeting it say there is no devices found | 09:18 |
damo21 | nalioth: meh too much effort, xfce is easier :P | 09:18 |
squid0 | hello all | 09:18 |
_antix | because there's no devices found? | 09:18 |
ELClaudio | to kbrooks > i don't want to break my config | 09:18 |
kbrooks | this "when is breezy going to be out", afaik, is the MOST FREQUENT QUESTION asked | 09:18 |
Knorrie | _mars: i guess `sudo visudo` won't work :P | 09:18 |
seife | couldn't find dirrection <<file:/k3b>> | 09:18 |
nalioth | damo21: install xubuntu-desktop in breezy | 09:18 |
=== LoveBug356 [n=lovebug@d51A40E46.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
damo21 | oh? | 09:19 |
cevizoglu | what is the difference between suspend and hibernate from the logout menu, and are both of those commands known to work on a thinkpad t43? | 09:19 |
nalioth | seife: then you may not have it installed. open a terminal and type "which k3b" | 09:19 |
Seveas | kbrooks, stop shouting :p | 09:19 |
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=== libervisco [n=daniel@cmung2614.cmu.carnet.hr] has left #ubuntu ["www.libervis.com"] | ||
kbrooks | cevizoglu: suspend to ram | 09:19 |
kbrooks | hibernate to disk | 09:19 |
ozzy_cow | hi guys, I'm trying to run ubuntu live cd on an old imac 333 G3 | 09:19 |
_mars | mars@lunar:~$ su | 09:19 |
_mars | Password: | 09:19 |
_mars | su: Authentication failure | 09:19 |
_mars | Knorrie: | 09:19 |
ozzy_cow | but I dont know how to make it boot from the cd | 09:19 |
kbrooks | Seveas: i am serious | 09:19 |
seife | that doesnt do anything | 09:20 |
ozzy_cow | any mac guys around? :-) | 09:20 |
nalioth | _mars: do not paste in hre | 09:20 |
Lord_Maynoth | if I install the release candidate now will I be able to update it to make it the official or will I have to reformat and install the offical | 09:20 |
=== pennywise_ [n=pennywis@ip-64-12.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | _mars, don't paste. And use sudo -i | 09:20 |
nalioth | ozzy_cow: yes ask a question | 09:20 |
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nalioth | Lord_Maynoth: surely, you will | 09:20 |
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nalioth | Lord_Maynoth: ubuntu is designed so you never have to install again | 09:20 |
cevizoglu | ozzy_cow, did you start up the computer while holding the c key? | 09:20 |
ozzy_cow | yes i did! | 09:20 |
LaserLine | Does Breezty support Reiser4 ? | 09:20 |
damo21 | OHH i didnt know there was an xubuntu package!! | 09:20 |
ozzy_cow | the screen flashes and thats it | 09:20 |
ozzy_cow | boots into os 8.6 | 09:21 |
Seveas | LaserLine, not yet afaik | 09:21 |
damo21 | WOW | 09:21 |
nalioth | ozzy_cow: try it holding the alt-0ption key at the chime | 09:21 |
Ropechoborra | damo21 xubunto package ?? | 09:21 |
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_mars | Seveas: Doesent work still shows that i am not idn sudoers file :/ | 09:21 |
Seveas | LaserLine, ehm | 09:21 |
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Knorrie | _mars: dont flood, i dont know if you're locked in now :| | 09:21 |
nalioth | oh wait. ozzy_cow what kind of machine do you have? | 09:21 |
ozzy_cow | i downloaded and burned the iso on windows, is that a problem? | 09:21 |
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Seveas | I'm wrong, reiser4 is supported | 09:21 |
cevizoglu | ozzy_cow, is 8.6 the only operating system you have on there right now? | 09:21 |
ozzy_cow | yes | 09:21 |
Seveas | _mars, boot into recovery, add yourself to sudoers | 09:21 |
ozzy_cow | its imac 333 G3 | 09:21 |
gleesond | is there a way to make the file management all in one window instead of multiple | 09:21 |
apoZ` | Help please | 09:21 |
LaserLine | Seveas What filesystem would you recommend for a desktop ? | 09:22 |
nalioth | Ropechoborra: xubuntu-desktop in breezy installs an xfce4 desktop system | 09:22 |
seife | what do u you guys prefer Gnome or KDE? | 09:22 |
nalioth | ozzy_cow: is that new world? | 09:22 |
Seveas | gleesond, yes, in the preferences | 09:22 |
cevizoglu | ozzy_cow, I think you might need to set up an oldworld boot... I couldn't really give the details about it, though | 09:22 |
nalioth | LaserLine: ext3 | 09:22 |
apoZ` | I would like to get my syncstation for my mobile working | 09:22 |
Seveas | tab behaviour, select "aways open in brower" | 09:22 |
ozzy_cow | hmmm | 09:22 |
ozzy_cow | old world? | 09:22 |
sandollar | i like KDE | 09:22 |
=== sunshine [n=sunshine@80-43-42-29.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
nalioth | ozzy_cow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/OldWorldMacs | 09:22 |
Proteque | seife: none. I prefer sawfish + aterm and Esetroot for seting a backgroundpicture. | 09:22 |
damo21 | nalioth: which are the other packages i could uninstall if i just use xubuntu | 09:23 |
ozzy_cow | thanks! im going to read | 09:23 |
LaserLine | nalioth Why Ext3 and not ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS or JFS ? | 09:23 |
nalioth | damo21: keep all your files, they'll all work under xfce4 | 09:23 |
seife | sandollar, why? | 09:23 |
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nalioth | LaserLine: ext3 is more stable and has better tools to work with it | 09:23 |
seife | im planning to change from ubuntu to kubuntu | 09:23 |
seife | kde looks nice | 09:23 |
nalioth | seife: you can have all the DMs you want | 09:24 |
morrolan | KDE looks too much like Windows for me | 09:24 |
Lord_Maynoth | maybe in a few years gnome will be usable | 09:24 |
Lord_Maynoth | they finally got around to adding a menu editor i hear | 09:24 |
damo21 | so kubuntu is a different distro? is there an xfce distro too? | 09:24 |
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seife | nalioth, DMs? | 09:24 |
morrolan | yeah, it's called SMEG of all things | 09:24 |
Lord_Maynoth | LOL I hate smeg | 09:24 |
Kyral | Kubuntu and Xubuntu are "variants" | 09:24 |
frank23 | damo21: kubuntu is the same distro using kde instead by default | 09:24 |
Lord_Maynoth | doesn't even work and just hides the icons | 09:25 |
nalioth | seife: desktop manager kde, gnome, xfce4, enlightenment, fluxbox, blackbox, etc | 09:25 |
LaserLine | nalioth But distro"s like Suse use ReiserFS as default... So I get confused :-( | 09:25 |
morrolan | I've never had an issue with SMEG | 09:25 |
nalioth | LaserLine: suse has issues | 09:25 |
seife | nalioth, ok | 09:25 |
morrolan | not the most versatile program, but it looks as if it has potential | 09:25 |
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Knorrie | LaserLine: i've always used reiserfs in debian and ubuntu, and without problems | 09:26 |
damo21 | so, lets say i wanted to create a list of default packages tweaked for xfce... what would be the main packages? xubuntu-desktop? | 09:26 |
_mars | Seveas: Will i need to type any command? | 09:26 |
apoZ` | I would like to get my syncstation for my mobile working. HELP PLEASE ? | 09:27 |
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damo21 | is that all i need? just xubuntu-desktop? :D | 09:27 |
Knorrie | _mars: `visudo` and add most easy is to add the line 'mars ALL=(ALL) ALL' at the end of the file in the editor | 09:27 |
LaserLine | nalioth I ask because I had to Install Hoary 3 times on my laptop because EXT3 keep's crashing, and ResierFS has no problems. and now I want to install Breezy on my desktop, and I'm searching all over the net about FileSystems...to decide.. | 09:27 |
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nalioth | LaserLine: go with what you are comforable with, i've never had a problem with ext3 | 09:27 |
LaserLine | Knorrie I use ReiserFS on my laptop too (see above line) | 09:27 |
Knorrie | LaserLine: yes i read that :p | 09:27 |
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LaserLine | Knorrie Now that Reiser4 is out, is it any good ? | 09:28 |
damo21 | why does xubuntu-desktop require abiword? | 09:28 |
LaserLine | nalioth Thanks :-) | 09:28 |
nalioth | damo21: abiword is a very light txt/rtf editor | 09:29 |
Knorrie | LaserLine: don't know, but i would not recommend taking any risk losing all your stuff | 09:29 |
LaserLine | Knorrie What's so special about XFS ? | 09:29 |
damo21 | whats graveman? lol | 09:29 |
nalioth | damo21: a not so good cd burner | 09:29 |
Knorrie | LaserLine: i even use reiserfs on LVM and RAID etc, nice is that you can resize partitions on-the-fly | 09:29 |
apoZ` | I would like to get my syncstation for my mobile working. HELP PLEASE ? | 09:30 |
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Knorrie | LaserLine: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/extendlv.html :) and XFS can handle really laaaarge filesystems | 09:30 |
abarbaccia | Can't locate Date/Manip.pm in @INC --- how do i install that perl module? | 09:30 |
LaserLine | Knorrie I just need a desktop, not a server... And I need something stable AT LEAST as NTFS (yeah, you can laugh!) My windows works with NTFS... | 09:31 |
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cwillu_ | Is there any way to adjust the tiem sensitivity of the x-mouse mode? | 09:31 |
apoZ` | Is there a tutorial site for open-source codes ?? | 09:31 |
cwillu_ | bah... tiem=time | 09:31 |
nalioth | LaserLine: linux cant write to NTFS | 09:31 |
Knorrie | abarbaccia: libdate-manip-perl | 09:31 |
nalioth | apoZ`: codes for what? | 09:31 |
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LaserLine | nalioth I know, that's why I made a 5GB FAT32 partition... | 09:31 |
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apoZ` | nalioth, the programming and stuff like that | 09:31 |
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damo21 | whats so special about LVM | 09:32 |
apoZ` | nalioth, a site for ubuntu-noobs :) | 09:32 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell apoZ` about cli | 09:32 |
squid0 | cwillu, are you using gnome? | 09:32 |
cwillu_ | yes | 09:32 |
stewarto | I installed Breezy from Preview iso and last night performed an update ( which included a later kernel ). Although everything boots and works ok I have lost the fancy boot splash. Any ideas what I need to do to fix that? | 09:32 |
apoZ` | nalioth, tx | 09:32 |
cwillu_ | not the "raise window after x seconds" | 09:32 |
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fmasi | how do i rite something into /boot/grub/menu.list whithout having it erase by ubuntu | 09:32 |
Knorrie | LaserLine: yes i know, i can recommend reiserfs, but i never used ext3 much, so im not an expert to tell differences | 09:32 |
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damo21 | it looks more confusing than extended partitions | 09:33 |
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Knorrie | damo21: LVM is cool, no more partitioning woes | 09:33 |
damo21 | oh? | 09:33 |
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apoZ` | How open terminal in Breezy ? | 09:33 |
castlerock | Knorrie> ext3 is great for general purpose, ReiserFS is good if you have many small files because it balances the Filesystem | 09:33 |
nalioth | apoZ`: Applications > system tools > terminal | 09:33 |
damo21 | LVM u can resize on the fly? | 09:34 |
Knorrie | damo21: yes | 09:34 |
castlerock | apoZ`: Also Right Click on the Desktop > Terminal | 09:34 |
damo21 | :) | 09:34 |
Seveas | fmasi, don't edit between ## BEGIN DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST and ## END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST | 09:34 |
Knorrie | damo21: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/benefitsoflvmsmall.html | 09:34 |
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stewarto | apoz I think its under accessories in Breezy ... moved | 09:34 |
LaserLine | Knorrie I have ReiserFS on my laptop and I use Beagle, and it works, But some people say it works much slower then EXT3... I wasn't able to use EXT3 on my laptop because INODES didn't like each other and kept fighting.. it was installed, and after you finished setting all your stuff and reboot (FS was clean) all INODES starting to go bezerk.... (maybe because it's a old Hard drive, but NTFS didn't make these problems)... | 09:34 |
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apoZ` | castlerock, i don't see terminal in right click :) | 09:35 |
cwillu_ | How can I set the delay before activation (as opposed to autoraise) when using "activation follows mouse"? | 09:35 |
Knorrie | castlerock: thanks, yeah, reiserfs is great on partitions with cyrus imap spools, where every email is a file | 09:35 |
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vbgunz_ | hello everyone, I have a question | 09:35 |
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stewarto | apoz: Applications/Accessories | 09:36 |
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nalioth | apoZ`: install nautilus-open-terminal with apt-get | 09:36 |
apoZ` | stewarto, thx :) | 09:36 |
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vbgunz_ | I just tested a friends installation of Windows without a firewall active and found all his ports were not stealthed but closed. I tried the Ubuntu Live CD and tested the ports and found it equivalent to Windows... All ports were closed *but* not stealthed... I thought Linux was a firewall and hid the PC from the net... Is this not true? | 09:37 |
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apoZ` | nalioth, what should happen after installing it ? | 09:37 |
ben__ | hey | 09:37 |
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ben__ | I am a new user of linux, I try to install skype, but I don't get it | 09:38 |
cwillu_ | vbgunz_: linux _has_ a firewall, but it can be turned off just like the one in windows; | 09:38 |
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vbgunz_ | Ubuntu/Windows without a firewall running *both* show the same amount of open ports... Ubuntu doesn't stealth anything, why? I thought it had a firewall | 09:38 |
Knorrie | LaserLine: http://kerneltrap.org/node/5654 (search for 'slow' :) ) v4 is faster, but it's unlikely you would experience difference on a workatstion | 09:39 |
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vbgunz_ | I thought it was a firewall... one built into Linux *but* test show ports all as closed? | 09:39 |
squid0 | ben__, how have you gone about it? | 09:39 |
damo21 | yes LVM looks good, but then there is so much abstraction from the physical sectors on the disk, if u try data recovery it will be very difficult | 09:39 |
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heatxsink | hello all | 09:40 |
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LaserLine | Knorrie Yeah, but I understand Beagle works diffrently, so that's why it works slow with ReiserFS (evenm though I got it to work on my old laptop) | 09:40 |
heatxsink | is universe donw? | 09:40 |
heatxsink | down* | 09:40 |
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cwillu_ | vbgunz_: and it's not neccessary for a firewall to merely drop packets, it's quite allowable for a firewall to actively deny connections | 09:40 |
fmasi | Seveas could i create ablend new one or i will nead to do another kernel entry just to be able to set my setings ? | 09:40 |
nalioth | apoZ`: you'll have right-click-terminal | 09:40 |
Knorrie | damo21: that's true | 09:40 |
apoZ` | nope :) | 09:41 |
damo21 | :) | 09:41 |
apoZ` | It says i already have the package nautilus-open-terminal | 09:41 |
Seveas | fmasi, read that file if you want to add settings to kernel lines. It has instructions on how to do that | 09:41 |
aphex | !wireless | 09:41 |
ubotu | methinks wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 09:41 |
Knorrie | damo21: i would say: it's more difficult, not very difficult ;-) | 09:41 |
=== afief [n=afief@DSL217-132-3-82.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | apoZ`: then you should be able to right click on the desktop or in nautilus and get a terminal option | 09:41 |
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fmasi | Seveas but i no able to have a clen file i am oblige to have it the way it is right ? | 09:41 |
damo21 | Knorrie: well, all it would require is a plugin module for LVM recovery | 09:42 |
damo21 | :P | 09:42 |
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mari | sal all | 09:42 |
apoZ` | nalioth, nope no right click terminal | 09:42 |
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Seveas | fmasi, it's better to use the ubuntu-specific things because all kernel packages use that | 09:42 |
aphex | !fuck | 09:42 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, aphex | 09:42 |
nalioth | apoZ`: then i'm lost | 09:42 |
apoZ` | :) | 09:42 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %aphex!*@*] by Seveas | ||
vbgunz_ | cwillu, ok, my point I guess is why is Windows unsecured out of the box without a firewall whereas Linux in my test showed the same exact ports as closed... How does Linux better in not needing a firewall... In a sense would it be true then that Windows does *not* need a firewall? I am really curious, since I see the same in both OS, I no longer think I understand... Just asking for insight about it, I am unsure | 09:42 |
afief | how do i install new languages to ubuntu? | 09:42 |
fmasi | Seveas ok thx | 09:42 |
nalioth | aphex: not nice | 09:42 |
apoZ` | it's ok, i've added it to the panel :) | 09:42 |
dbug | how can i have a update list to do on terminal | 09:42 |
Seveas | afief, system -> administration -> language selector | 09:42 |
dbug | ? | 09:42 |
apoZ` | is there a dutch channel of #ubuntu ??? | 09:43 |
Seveas | !nl | 09:43 |
ubotu | Op #ubuntu-nl staat de koffie al voor je klaar. | 09:43 |
Knorrie | koffie! | 09:43 |
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | vbgunz_: linux doesnt open up to any request | 09:43 |
Seveas | met koek :p | 09:43 |
squid0 | afief: using synaptic find and install language packs and bases, the ones you want | 09:43 |
heatxsink | what other mirror's could I use besides ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov | 09:43 |
=== mbirkis_ [n=marius@selvapc027-dot1x.studentby.uit.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jedrick | how to install media player plug-ins on firefox? | 09:43 |
damo21 | is there a way to display the minimum list of packages which would be the root of all dependencies? | 09:43 |
heatxsink | for breezy packages? | 09:43 |
squid0 | en 'n paar biskuite ook | 09:44 |
rob_p | vbgunz_: If you want your ports "stealthed", then configure iptables to drop inbound connection requests. | 09:44 |
afief | Sevas: there is no language selector there. I just installed 5.04 perhaps after the update? | 09:44 |
vbgunz_ | nalioth, although both OS show all ports as closed Vs stealth, the difference lies in the fact that Windows will respond to request whereas Ubuntu will not? | 09:44 |
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florian__ | is there a tutorial on how to play wmv-files with mplayer | 09:44 |
florian__ | ? | 09:44 |
Seveas | florian__, mplayer filename.wmv | 09:44 |
LaserLine | Knorrie This Hans Reiser is a smart guy (reading the interview) | 09:44 |
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mari | can anyone give ma a hint about wine? | 09:44 |
vbgunz_ | rob_p, hello bro, I haven't been home all day, am typing this from another friends house off the live CD ;) | 09:44 |
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sorush20 | can some one tell me why the init.d/plugin is not running. it stops.. what the hell is going on.. | 09:45 |
rob_p | vbgunz_: Hey man. How's it goin? | 09:45 |
apoZ` | mari, it's red and it's in a bottle | 09:45 |
mari | I'm trying to install wine and have no succes for a two weeks | 09:45 |
=== sandyeggoboy [n=sandyegg@ppp-71-129-252-241.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | vbgunz_: windows is full of security holes (unpatched systems and unknown holes) which make it easy to get into a windows box | 09:45 |
florian__ | Seveas, MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_video | 09:45 |
mari | it drives me crazy | 09:45 |
afief | Sevas: there is no language selector there. I just installed 5.04 perhaps after the update? | 09:45 |
Seveas | florian__, that's a segfault. Did you compile it yourself? | 09:45 |
damo21 | how do u print out the list of packages on your system? | 09:46 |
Seveas | afief, the lang. selector is new in breezy | 09:46 |
florian__ | Seveas, no, just installed the package | 09:46 |
vbgunz_ | rob_p, I've been too two friends house and been on the net from the live on both... Am cool, just tried to show one friend the difference in regards to the firewall issue *but* believe I misunderstood it... | 09:46 |
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Seveas | you can install language packs with syanptic and use sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales to switch language | 09:46 |
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Apartevent | Whazza!! | 09:46 |
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Apartevent | Hello? | 09:47 |
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vbgunz_ | nalioth, so basically, Linux and Windows are the same on the firewall issue, the difference then lies in unpatched and unknown holes on Windows? | 09:47 |
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cwillu_ | vbgunz_: basically, except that the linux firewall is also infinitely more configurable; this may or may not have any use for 'simple' uses however | 09:48 |
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nalioth | vbgunz_: every OS is the same in respects to firewalls. windows has some very gaping security issues that make a firewall necessary on it (not going into the 'programs phoning home with your credit card info problems) | 09:48 |
damo21 | This APT has Super Cow Powers? | 09:49 |
vbgunz_ | cwillu, I was just thinking that I would have made the test and found that everything came back as stealth... I was just surprised that it didn't turn around like that... So, I thought I ask whats the difference between both OS since they btoh returned the same results | 09:49 |
nalioth | vbgunz_: linux was designed from the beginning (actually unix) to be a network operating system | 09:49 |
damo21 | :-P | 09:49 |
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nalioth | vbgunz_: windows has only come lately into "network operating system" | 09:50 |
cwillu_ | you _can_ set it up to stealth everything, but that makes things trickier in a home network without really making more secure | 09:50 |
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nceterval | Hi, I'm having a reoccuring problem with my Breezy installation. Apps such as apt-get or synaptic lauched using sudo keep exiting with seg faults. Even more odd is that sometimes an apt-get command will get further in its operation than other times before it crashes with a segfault error, no specific operation seems to be doing it. How do I fix this? | 09:50 |
nalioth | cwillu_: a firewall isnt necessary for a default ubuntu install | 09:50 |
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cwillu_ | nalioth: I believe I said that before :p | 09:51 |
cwillu_ | but if you can tell me how to set the activation delay for activation-follows-mouse, I'll be happy to stop confusing the issue :p | 09:52 |
nalioth | cwillu_: sorry, i'm doing many things at once | 09:52 |
cwillu_ | np | 09:52 |
damo21 | this is so strange..... my floppy disk drive can format disks, but wont write to them | 09:52 |
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GNULinuxer | is it okay to upgrade to breezy now? | 09:53 |
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TiMiDo | GNULinuxer yeah why? | 09:53 |
meatwad | ok i can't seem to get to re-install grub correctly | 09:53 |
GNULinuxer | TiMiDo: or is it still unstable? | 09:53 |
TiMiDo | don't give up meatwad | 09:53 |
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vbgunz_ | nalioth, ok, I will look up more information on it, I would just like to know more about it and will google for it when I get home. *but* basically the difference between both OS you're saying is, Windows has gaping security holes and is not a network operating system Vs Ubuntu whereas it was built from the ground up as a network operating system... I'll take this with my on my search, thank you! | 09:53 |
apokryphos | GNULinuxer: again, it's technically not stable, but it's fairly close to it | 09:53 |
meatwad | windows over-wrote my bootloader and i can't seem to get it to work correctly | 09:53 |
GNULinuxer | TiMiDo: I want to upgrade | 09:53 |
TiMiDo | it is GNULinuxer until 2 more days | 09:54 |
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meatwad | i got it re-write to the MBR | 09:54 |
meatwad | but linux won't start up | 09:54 |
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TiMiDo | try a knoppix disk or the ubuntu live cd | 09:54 |
coobra | liten :p | 09:54 |
DShepherd | meatwad: reinstall grub | 09:54 |
meatwad | basically when i install grub it knows root is ext2fs...but when i try to load it...it thinks its ntfs | 09:54 |
Subliminal | could somebody help me with mouse problems, it thinks i'm clicking when i'm not :-/ | 09:54 |
entil | umm, guys, shouldn't breezy be out soon? | 09:54 |
GNULinuxer | TiMiDo: hmm, i don't understand. Sid is _always_ in a usable state ... why is it different with Ubuntu? | 09:54 |
meatwad | so something is backwards | 09:54 |
TiMiDo | entil yeah in 2 more days | 09:54 |
borgista | entil: the 13th | 09:54 |
borgista | very soon | 09:54 |
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meatwad | i'm using the ubuntu live cd | 09:54 |
entil | I tried forcing breezy in a 32-bit chroot but it dies with hal, so I figured it must use the hal of the main system, which fails then | 09:54 |
entil | because proc and friends are shared | 09:55 |
entil | but if it's out on the 13th I can dist-upgrade now :> | 09:55 |
nceterval | So, does anyone have any idea why sudo commands might be segfaulting on Breezy...? | 09:55 |
TiMiDo | meatwad ok i will help you | 09:55 |
entil | the web page is very ambiguous about this | 09:55 |
TiMiDo | do this meatwad mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/foo | 09:55 |
entil | seems it'd help people if there was even a statement or something on the front page | 09:55 |
borgista | Quick question: Why doesn't my graphical pager no longer show previews?(Breezy) | 09:55 |
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TiMiDo | or whatever the partition is | 09:55 |
meatwad | here is what i do | 09:55 |
meatwad | i go into the live cd | 09:56 |
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meatwad | mount my linux drive | 09:56 |
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TiMiDo | ok | 09:56 |
meatwad | then chroot in there | 09:56 |
meatwad | and run grub from there | 09:56 |
meatwad | basically my linux is /dev/hdc1 | 09:56 |
TiMiDo | don't forget source /etc/profile | 09:56 |
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gleesond | how do I create shortcuts to folders | 09:56 |
aphex | !WIRELESS | 09:56 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards | 09:56 |
sorush20 | guys I can't remove files from my computer space can somone help please. | 09:56 |
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TiMiDo | gleesond right click on gnome | 09:56 |
borgista | Quick question: Why doesn't my graphical pager no longer show previews?(Breezy | 09:56 |
Belutz | gleesond, using ln -s | 09:57 |
borgista | sorush20: what do you want to remove? | 09:57 |
sorush20 | I have logged in but I can't delete thing in my space.. ? | 09:57 |
TiMiDo | did you do that meatwad source /etc/profile ? | 09:57 |
meatwad | yea | 09:57 |
sorush20 | borgista: just and file that is sitting in my /home/myusername/ | 09:57 |
TiMiDo | ok | 09:57 |
entil | ok thanks for the tip, dist-upgrading | 09:57 |
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meatwad | i'm in my /boot/grub dir | 09:57 |
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TiMiDo | ok, | 09:57 |
TiMiDo | chroot /mnt/foo /bin/bash | 09:57 |
sorush20 | I can't delete any files.. | 09:57 |
TiMiDo | did u do that? | 09:57 |
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borgista | sorush20: maybe you created it as root?(sudo) | 09:58 |
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meatwad | yeah | 09:58 |
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primoturbo | Does Cedega cost money? | 09:58 |
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TiMiDo | meatwad do this better dude chroot /mnt/foo /bin/bash | 09:58 |
TiMiDo | bla not that | 09:58 |
borgista | in terminal do: sudo rm -f /home/yourusername/filename | 09:58 |
damo21 | dd: writing to `/dev/fd0': Input/output error: 17+0 records in 16+0 records out 8192 bytes transferred | 09:58 |
TiMiDo | meatwad /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda | 09:58 |
primoturbo | Has anyone tried running steam on Cedega | 09:58 |
TiMiDo | that | 09:58 |
TiMiDo | it's easy | 09:58 |
meatwad | oh | 09:58 |
TiMiDo | put the partition on /dev/hda | 09:58 |
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meatwad | so /dev/hda=windows drive? | 09:58 |
primoturbo | Guys, has anyone used Cedega? Does it cost money and can it run steam? | 09:59 |
TiMiDo | yeah it is | 09:59 |
meatwad | like mine is /dev/sda | 09:59 |
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TiMiDo | meatwad did you put the command? | 09:59 |
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meatwad | i did /sbin/grub-install /dev/sda | 10:00 |
borgista | sorush20: did that work? | 10:00 |
meatwad | and it printed out some stuff | 10:00 |
TiMiDo | ok did something | 10:00 |
TiMiDo | such as? | 10:00 |
vbgunz_ | oh did you guys hear about Halo the movie? Peter Jackson is going to take on the project and has upfronted 5 million to Microsoft for it. Funny thing is Weta Digital (I believe owned by Peter Jackson) has over a thousand computers working on the film. They all run Linux... | 10:00 |
TiMiDo | pasted them on pastebin.ubuntu.nl | 10:00 |
meatwad | (hd0) /dev/hdc | 10:00 |
nceterval | primoturbo: You can download the source for free, I believe, but not a packaged/supported version. | 10:00 |
TiMiDo | ok | 10:00 |
TiMiDo | great. | 10:00 |
meatwad | (hd1) /dev/sda | 10:00 |
borgista | Quick question: Why doesn't my graphical pager no longer show previews?(Breezy | 10:00 |
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TiMiDo | !tell borgista about xorg | 10:00 |
TiMiDo | so it did work meatwad? | 10:00 |
[TvM] | hi | 10:00 |
vbgunz_ | Microsoft's Halo the movie, is produced by 1,000 computers running Linux... In short... | 10:01 |
LaserLine | Knorrie If I choose ReiserFS from the Breezy Installer, what version will I get ? 4 or 3 ? | 10:01 |
Knorrie | 3.6 | 10:01 |
Knorrie | the stable one | 10:01 |
TiMiDo | did it worked meatwad? | 10:01 |
LaserLine | Knorrie Is ResierFS managable to upgrade ? 3.6 to 4 ? like EXT2 to EXT3 ? | 10:02 |
meatwad | well i think | 10:02 |
TiMiDo | reboot and u will see, | 10:02 |
meatwad | i have to reboot to know for sure | 10:02 |
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TiMiDo | ok, come back | 10:02 |
meatwad | i was doing it different before | 10:02 |
Knorrie | LaserLine: i dont know | 10:02 |
[TvM] | hi! i have instaled ubuntu in my laptop (hp pavilion) and im geting these errors every 2 s | 10:02 |
TiMiDo | lol | 10:02 |
[TvM] | Error: Not ready -- (Sense key=0x02) | 10:02 |
[TvM] | Incompatible medium installed -- (asc=0x30, ascq=0x00) | 10:02 |
[TvM] | The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was: | 10:02 |
[TvM] | "25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " | 10:02 |
damo21 | which fs: xfs or reiser? | 10:02 |
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TiMiDo | well come back meatwad | 10:02 |
[TvM] | how can i fix that? | 10:02 |
TiMiDo | [TvM] please do not pasted here, | 10:02 |
[TvM] | TiMiDo soz | 10:02 |
TiMiDo | soz? | 10:03 |
lorenzod | damo21, for which purpose? | 10:03 |
HappyFool | [TvM] : take any disc in your cdrom/dvd out | 10:03 |
meatwad | ok that didn't work | 10:03 |
damo21 | desktop system, 40gb + 30gb | 10:03 |
[TvM] | i have no disk inside | 10:03 |
LaserLine | Knorrie From the interview you sent me, I didn't understand if Beagle is suppoed to work faster or slower the EXT3 (I know the XTTR is available for ReiserFS 3 in hoary) | 10:03 |
TiMiDo | meatwad u sure? | 10:03 |
meatwad | i'm confused what i messed up | 10:03 |
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meatwad | when i try to boot | 10:03 |
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[TvM] | i boot withou any disk in drive | 10:03 |
TiMiDo | that's how u reinstall grun into the MBR | 10:03 |
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meatwad | it is trying to boot off the ntfs drive it seems | 10:03 |
cwillu_ | is there any way to set a delay on activation-follows-mouse? | 10:03 |
meatwad | so i'm wondering if i have menu.lst backwards | 10:03 |
TiMiDo | bla | 10:04 |
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HappyFool | [TvM] : in that case i don't know; sorry. maybe an unsupported cd/dvd drive or drive error | 10:04 |
TiMiDo | check | 10:04 |
TiMiDo | or just do grub new | 10:04 |
TiMiDo | and ur done, | 10:04 |
[TvM] | how can i "turn off" the cdrom? | 10:04 |
meatwad | because when i try to select windows...it says filesystem type is ext2fs | 10:04 |
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Knorrie | cwillu_: yes, menu system -> preferences -> windows | 10:04 |
cwillu_ | nomed, that's the auto-raise delay | 10:05 |
TiMiDo | ok meatwad do this boot with ubuntu again and do this grub new | 10:05 |
cwillu_ | bah... nomed = no... not sure where the med came from :) | 10:05 |
meatwad | what do i do? grub new? | 10:05 |
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TiMiDo | yeah as root | 10:05 |
meatwad | oh ok | 10:05 |
TiMiDo | and then reboot it | 10:06 |
cwillu_ | it's not the raising I'm looking for, it's the interval before activation | 10:06 |
Spudchat | hi everyone...im usin kubuntu and would like to upgrade to breezy...is it the same procedure? | 10:06 |
squid0 | cwillu: ie so you click something, and then you want it to pause for a bit until it executes it? | 10:06 |
nalioth | Spudchat: yes it is | 10:07 |
Spudchat | ty :) | 10:07 |
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cwillu_ | nomed, I mouse over something, and I want a .1second delay before it activates | 10:07 |
cwillu_ | I can do it under windows :( | 10:07 |
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squid0 | cwillu: how? | 10:07 |
[TvM] | how can i "turn off" the cdrom? | 10:07 |
cwillu_ | tweak ui | 10:08 |
TiMiDo | and tell me how it went meatwad | 10:08 |
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damo21 | cwillu u can do this with xfce | 10:08 |
meatwad | alright soon as i reboot i'll let you know if it worked | 10:08 |
squid0 | cwillu: more specifically? | 10:08 |
TiMiDo | ok | 10:08 |
=== TiMiDo is nervious to know (: | ||
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chiico | hi. i need find lines that not matching in 2 files, the 2 out of order | 10:09 |
cwillu_ | I turn on activation-follows-mouse, and then I set the delay before it _activates_ a window; I can do the same thing with the _auto-raise_ behaviour (on/off + setting delay) | 10:09 |
chiico | there is some way? | 10:09 |
TiMiDo | chiico dd file1 file2 | 10:09 |
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chiico | the line in the 2 files are not in same place | 10:09 |
squid0 | TiMiDo: whoa. does that not copy/overwrite the changes? | 10:09 |
TiMiDo | nope squid0 | 10:09 |
TiMiDo | man dd | 10:10 |
damo21 | what about diff | 10:10 |
TiMiDo | true diff also | 10:10 |
chiico | i will use excel | 10:10 |
chiico | hehehe | 10:10 |
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TiMiDo | cool, | 10:10 |
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Zeke1 | has anyone ever gotten this error: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 10:10 |
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TiMiDo | Zeke1 enable framebuffer | 10:11 |
Cryptid | Is there a Qbasic Compiler for Which will work under Ubuntu?????????? | 10:11 |
damo21 | wine qb | 10:11 |
TiMiDo | Cryptid build-essential | 10:11 |
[TvM] | how can i replace gnome and put kde in ubuntu? | 10:11 |
nalioth | Cryptid: apt-cache search qbasic | 10:11 |
Cryptid | damo21, it wont work man i tried | 10:11 |
meatwad | isn't gambas basic-based? | 10:11 |
squid0 | [Tvm] kubuntu.org | 10:11 |
cwillu_ | xfce = xfce4? | 10:11 |
nalioth | [TvM] : install "kubuntu-desktop" | 10:11 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, how do i enable the framebuffer | 10:12 |
damo21 | cwillu: get xubuntu-desktop | 10:12 |
meatwad | ok i did grub new | 10:12 |
cwillu_ | cryptid: do you have existing source, or is it because you are familiar with qbasic? | 10:12 |
meatwad | now what? | 10:12 |
=== EasterSunshine [n=silverte@pool-151-202-189-83.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TiMiDo | /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda | 10:12 |
TiMiDo | that meatwad | 10:12 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, is that the kernel framebuffer in the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg you are talking about | 10:12 |
meatwad | inside of that grub command line? | 10:12 |
TiMiDo | yeah Zeke1 | 10:12 |
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meatwad | i'm confused | 10:12 |
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cwillu_ | damo21: xubuntu-desktop: where is that? | 10:12 |
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TiMiDo | yeah just put that there | 10:13 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, ok cool thanx let me try | 10:13 |
nalioth | cwillu_: in breezy | 10:13 |
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meatwad | oh ok | 10:13 |
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Cryptid | cwillu, i am femiliar with qbasic and i find it irritating to restart and login to Windows | 10:13 |
damo21 | cwillu: it is in synaptic | 10:13 |
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meatwad | it doesn't know that command | 10:13 |
cwillu_ | how does breezy interact with backports? | 10:13 |
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TiMiDo | are u serious? | 10:13 |
Cryptid | cwillu, i have a .bas file i need to compile | 10:13 |
meatwad | it says unrecognized command | 10:13 |
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TiMiDo | do cd .. | 10:13 |
TiMiDo | and try again | 10:13 |
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damo21 | cwillu: it installs xfce window manager instead of gnome | 10:14 |
gleesond | does anyone know of an IM program that mannages different types of accounts i.e. aim icq | 10:14 |
TiMiDo | gleesond gaim | 10:14 |
nalioth | cwillu_: xubuntu-desktop is available in breezy only | 10:14 |
damo21 | gleesond: gaim | 10:14 |
meatwad | i'm confused though | 10:14 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, do i need to reboot after doing that | 10:14 |
TiMiDo | Zeke1 yeah reboot the X | 10:14 |
meatwad | you can't do system commands while in grub command line can you | 10:14 |
TiMiDo | meatwad as you as root? | 10:14 |
gleesond | cool | 10:14 |
TiMiDo | *are | 10:14 |
cwillu_ | meatwad... you're probably looking for 'sudo <command>' | 10:14 |
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cwillu_ | Cryptid: what's the program? are you a programmer? | 10:15 |
meatwad | no well i don't think the grub command line app can do system commands | 10:15 |
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cwillu_ | meatwad: what are you trying to do? | 10:15 |
TiMiDo | meatwad well exit from there (: | 10:15 |
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meatwad | lol | 10:15 |
TiMiDo | and try again | 10:15 |
Cryptid | ya i wrote this stupid program which is sort of a loop trojan | 10:15 |
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damo21 | i used to write qb45 but i linked it with lots of asm hacks.... wont work in linux i suspect | 10:16 |
cwillu_ | lol | 10:16 |
Cryptid | cwillu, ya i wrote this stupid program which is sort of a loop trojan | 10:16 |
SuperTails92 | dosbox or dosemu seem like decent choices | 10:16 |
TiMiDo | after u do that command that i give u to the grub new | 10:16 |
TiMiDo | and then u reboot | 10:16 |
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Cryptid | cwillu, I wrote QuickFLood.a which is categorised as DDos program i am writing the second version of it | 10:17 |
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xml-blog | hi all, sorry for the noob question, but googling breezy brought back a bunch of results that said "Don't upgrade till 10/13" Since it's only 2 days away I'm wondering if it's safe to just change sources.list and go for it ? | 10:17 |
N6REJ | apt-get remove left behind parts of hula, how can I make everything gone? | 10:17 |
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cwillu_ | Crypid: what exactly does it do? | 10:17 |
TiMiDo | xml-blog if you know what you're doing yes | 10:17 |
nalioth | xml-blog: go for it | 10:17 |
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meatwad | hmm that doesn't make sense | 10:17 |
TiMiDo | meatwad what doesn't | 10:17 |
meatwad | what does the new after grub do exactly? | 10:17 |
TiMiDo | ? | 10:17 |
Cryptid | cwillu, i added random strings to it so it wont be detected by avs so now i need a qbasic compiler for ubuntu can u help me | 10:17 |
xml-blog | TiMiDo, nal, thanks! | 10:17 |
TiMiDo | meatwad updates the os on ur menu.lst | 10:17 |
TiMiDo | np xml-blog | 10:18 |
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | will I need any gnome libs if I'm using kde? | 10:18 |
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cwillu_ | Cryptid... what _exactly_ are you trying to do | 10:18 |
nalioth | sorush20: not unless you are gonna run gnome programs | 10:18 |
meatwad | menu.lst isn't modified | 10:18 |
cwillu_ | last chance :p | 10:18 |
TiMiDo | ok meatwad then did you put the command? | 10:18 |
meatwad | do i need to go through grub new and set up root and setup? | 10:18 |
TiMiDo | do the command i give you and then grub new as root | 10:19 |
TiMiDo | everything as root | 10:19 |
N6REJ | Seveas: hula didn't remove cleanly what do I do now? | 10:19 |
meatwad | yeah i have been | 10:19 |
Cryptid | cwillu, i have the .bas file i need to compile and make it a .exe file i tried doing wine qb.exe but it dosent work | 10:19 |
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TiMiDo | ok then reboot meatwad | 10:19 |
cwillu_ | **plonk** | 10:19 |
nalioth | N6REJ: sudo apt-get --purge remove blah" | 10:19 |
damo21 | cryptid: rewrite the code in C | 10:20 |
SuperTails92 | Cryptid, try dosemu | 10:20 |
N6REJ | ty, I knew it was something like that. | 10:20 |
meatwad | i'm gonna switch the menu.lst entries because that file hasn't been changed so i don't think its went through | 10:20 |
TiMiDo | ok | 10:20 |
TiMiDo | changed it and reboot | 10:20 |
damo21 | Cryptid: better still, write a parser and lexer for qbasic in C | 10:20 |
damo21 | :P | 10:20 |
=== Florob [n=Florian@xdsl-87-78-51-72.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cryptid | damo21, alright ne ways i will first try to use DOS-emu | 10:21 |
meatwad | wow that didn't work i'm having some real bad luck | 10:21 |
=== IRCMonkey [n=chatzill@APuteaux-151-1-8-253.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TiMiDo | u reboot already? | 10:22 |
SuperTails92 | Cryptid, enable universe and multiverse, then install dosemu, dosemu-freedos, and xfonts-dosemu | 10:22 |
meatwad | yea | 10:22 |
sorush20 | why the hell is that the internet connection is never what they say it is.. like 2mb is just 200kb.. | 10:22 |
meatwad | i'm talking on my laptop | 10:22 |
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Cryptid | SuperTails92, ya i am doing it | 10:22 |
meatwad | its my desktop machine that i'm trying to fix | 10:22 |
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TiMiDo | ok meatwad let's do something else then | 10:22 |
Zirrush | anyone fooled with ndiswrapper much? been trying to get my linksys wmp54g (v1.2) card to work... installed ndiswrapper from source using this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto but I get a fatal error when I try inserting the module | 10:22 |
TiMiDo | go back with the cd | 10:22 |
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meatwad | ok i'm booting up the live cd again | 10:22 |
Zirrush | "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid module format" | 10:22 |
Florob | Hy, does someone here know why the caligula themes wich come with gtk+ 2.8 seem to be not packaged for breezy? | 10:23 |
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damo21 | its not much fun writing an equation parser in qbasic | 10:23 |
damo21 | lol | 10:23 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | 2 days to Breezy! | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation - http://doc.ubuntu.com | Upgrading to breezy? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | Ubuntu IRC info - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | ||
meatwad | i didn't know anyone used qbasic | 10:24 |
Cryptid | meatwad, well i do | 10:24 |
meatwad | hehe | 10:24 |
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cwillu_ | meatwad: I've seen enterprise apps written in the last 5 years written in ms-pro-basic (i.e., qb's predecessor) | 10:24 |
TiMiDo | did u boot meatwad? | 10:24 |
cwillu_ | quite disturbing, but they do exist :) | 10:24 |
meatwad | you mean like ibm basic? | 10:24 |
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cwillu_ | nomed, the original ms basic | 10:25 |
meatwad | its still goin TiMiDo | 10:25 |
TiMiDo | ok | 10:25 |
damo21 | meatwad: it was my favourite language on my xt8086 | 10:25 |
meatwad | oh i've only used ibm basic then qbasic | 10:25 |
SuperTails92 | Feh, I prefer Python anyway. | 10:25 |
damo21 | basica | 10:25 |
hyphenated | not gwbasic or basica? | 10:25 |
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cwillu_ | look it up: integrated support for a form of isam database | 10:25 |
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linad | hallo dennis | 10:26 |
cwillu_ | I've got the manual at work | 10:26 |
damo21 | it didnt even have a compiler back in those days | 10:26 |
damo21 | only an interpreter | 10:26 |
damo21 | :) | 10:26 |
hyphenated | one of those two basic interpreters had a really obscure way of quiting.. I ended up rebooting most of the time because I couldn't remember to type in "system" | 10:26 |
damo21 | lol | 10:26 |
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meatwad | TiMiDo..i'm booted now | 10:27 |
Cryptid | SuperTails92, cwillu , meatwad if u wanna see the code here is the striped version http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2996 | 10:27 |
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TiMiDo | ok do this chroot /mnt/sysimage | 10:27 |
solidgroove | when is 5.10 going to be out? | 10:27 |
meatwad | ok hold on | 10:27 |
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TiMiDo | 2 more days solidgroove | 10:27 |
TiMiDo | 13th | 10:27 |
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abarbaccia | how do you restrict a package from beign upgraded? | 10:27 |
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cwillu_ | figures... my 5.04 cd's just got here last week :) | 10:27 |
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damo21 | yes, ctrl-alt-del was sometimes the only solution to get out of an infinite loop or invalid memory poke | 10:28 |
R_de_re-evolucio | some trouble with the norwegian repository... | 10:28 |
R_de_re-evolucio | anyone? | 10:28 |
meatwad | ok | 10:28 |
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TiMiDo | u did it meatwad/ | 10:28 |
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meatwad | yea | 10:28 |
R_de_re-evolucio | hoary | 10:28 |
timberwolf | evening all | 10:28 |
TiMiDo | ok now do this /sbin/grub-install /dev/hd | 10:28 |
Zirrush | can anyone point me in the right direction with a prob I'm getting with ndiswrapper? | 10:28 |
R_de_re-evolucio | hi--- | 10:28 |
meatwad | just /dev/hd? | 10:28 |
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meatwad | well grub comes up when i boot | 10:28 |
TiMiDo | you're partition | 10:28 |
Zirrush | FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid module format <--- getting that on modprobe ndiswrapper | 10:28 |
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timberwolf | shheees | 10:29 |
meatwad | its just it doesn't boot correctly | 10:29 |
TiMiDo | ok | 10:29 |
TiMiDo | well the device that windows is in, | 10:29 |
meatwad | ok i'll try it | 10:29 |
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hyphenated | Zirrush: did you build it yourself or something? | 10:30 |
R_de_re-evolucio | I have a connection to the server at work and i am trying to update my apt sources but it does not work... | 10:30 |
lancellor | i'm downloading breezy right now is it ok if upgrade from cd ??? or shoul i do fresh install | 10:30 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, hi again i tried enabling the framebuffer but i still get the same error after reboot | 10:30 |
meatwad | i cant' believe how bad the past 2 days have been | 10:30 |
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Zirrush | yeah, made the deb packages for 1.4 | 10:30 |
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sector10 | does anyone know if disk manager is working to add windows partition?? | 10:30 |
Zirrush | used the SetupNdiswrapperHowto off the site | 10:30 |
nalioth | lancellor: upgrade from the network if you are able | 10:30 |
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meatwad | i fixed it :) | 10:30 |
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meatwad | i edited my menu.lst myself | 10:31 |
tarzeau | sector10: cfdisk? | 10:31 |
TiMiDo | u did/ | 10:31 |
lancellor | is it better?? | 10:31 |
TiMiDo | so now it boots? | 10:31 |
meatwad | yeah | 10:31 |
TiMiDo | cool | 10:31 |
abarbaccia | guys - how do i tell apt-get to not upgrade a package - i need a degraded version for a compatibility reason | 10:31 |
meatwad | the root (hdx,x) were backwards | 10:31 |
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TiMiDo | oh | 10:31 |
nalioth | lancellor: *nix is designed to not have to be "reinstalled" to upgrade | 10:31 |
meatwad | whew | 10:31 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, the error is that libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed | 10:31 |
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lancellor | ok i should do acording to this?? http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes | 10:31 |
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sector10 | tarzeau: i mean under menu system: admininstration: disks | 10:31 |
TiMiDo | np meatwad | 10:31 |
meatwad | the whole reason i got in this mess was because i wanted to get rid of x64 windows and windows wanted to write to the mbr of the linux partitions | 10:32 |
tarzeau | sector10: haha, no idea | 10:32 |
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mwe | lancellor, I got some weird problems upgrading, so I ended up backing up my home dir etc and then did a fresh install. | 10:32 |
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lancellor | or how do i do a network upgrade sorry newbie | 10:32 |
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lancellor | ok | 10:32 |
_ack_ack | hi all, any recommendations for a nice graphical ftp/scp program for ubuntu? | 10:33 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell lancellor about upgrade2breezy | 10:33 |
Zeke1 | TiMiDo, sorry would you be able to help me or are you busy? | 10:33 |
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nalioth | _ack_ack: gftp | 10:33 |
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orion2012 | _ack_ack: nautilus works fine | 10:33 |
lancellor | ok i'm going to try wishme luck | 10:33 |
_ack_ack | nautilus works fine but i can't set file permissions, the files that are on the remote servers. | 10:33 |
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meatwad | one thing that annoyed me about nautilus...it wouldn't let me set permissions recursively | 10:34 |
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Zeke1 | as anybody ever gotten this error: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed??? | 10:35 |
cwillu_ | sori, what's the easiest way to ubgrade to breezy? | 10:35 |
cwillu_ | i.e., is there any one click method? :) | 10:35 |
cwillu_ | sori = so | 10:35 |
NotThomMay | cwillu: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:35 |
titanium | apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:36 |
titanium | damn | 10:36 |
NotThomMay | :P | 10:36 |
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Zirrush | oh well, gonna reboot and smash some more keys until I get ubuntu online... be back later | 10:36 |
NotThomMay | you have to change your apt sources to breezy first though | 10:36 |
jwd_ | anyone have a site to add to source.list to get windowmaker | 10:36 |
cwillu_ | prsumably I have to set repositories first? | 10:36 |
R_de_re-evolucio | Testing apt sources... | 10:36 |
R_de_re-evolucio | Err http://no.archive.ubuntu.com hoary Release.gpg | 10:36 |
R_de_re-evolucio | Could not connect to no.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out [IP: 80] | 10:36 |
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nalioth | R_de_re-evolucio: please dont paste in here | 10:36 |
meatwad | is there a clearlooks cairo theme yet? | 10:36 |
R_de_re-evolucio | anyone? | 10:37 |
sector10 | nalioth: Hi! do you know if disk admin has changed any for setting up windos partition? | 10:37 |
orion2012 | R_de_re-evolucio: try a different mirror | 10:37 |
R_de_re-evolucio | ok sorry... | 10:37 |
nalioth | sector10: i dont know disk admin | 10:37 |
R_de_re-evolucio | of course i've tried... | 10:37 |
R_de_re-evolucio | and then sweden worked... | 10:37 |
sector10 | nalioth: last time i used it i was hosed | 10:37 |
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xml-blog | cwillu, i'm in the middle of same thing in sources.list s/hoary/breezy/g then sudo apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:38 |
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sector10 | ive done lots of updates since and am current | 10:38 |
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R_de_re-evolucio | security.ubuntu.com | 10:38 |
R_de_re-evolucio | that's the one giving me problems | 10:38 |
R_de_re-evolucio | mirrors to thta one? | 10:38 |
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orion2012 | R_de_re-evolucio: of course | 10:38 |
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sector10 | i think if you click just the ok tab in disk manager for your windows partition you are in trouble | 10:39 |
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orion2012 | R_de_re-evolucio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 10:39 |
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sector10 | it will lock you out | 10:39 |
cwillu_ | xml-blog: thanks | 10:39 |
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yasha | si breezy final is coming out tommorrow or thursday ? | 10:40 |
xml-blog | cill, no problem. | 10:40 |
ompaul | yasha, in some places the 13th is tomorrow :) it will be out on that date | 10:40 |
sector10 | anybody used disk manager up in system for windows? | 10:41 |
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yasha | hehe... true | 10:41 |
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flora | ok i apt upgraded to breezy | 10:41 |
flora | weee | 10:41 |
flora | now what? | 10:41 |
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cwillu_ | what's the status of backports with breezy? | 10:41 |
orion2012 | flora: now nothing | 10:41 |
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orion2012 | flora: that's pretty much it | 10:41 |
sector10 | one click and i can format windows does not seem right | 10:41 |
robbkidd | Can anybody confirm bug #17508 for me? | 10:42 |
flora | nothing? | 10:42 |
flora | isn't there supposed to be fun new stuff? | 10:42 |
abarbaccia | i want apt-get to NOT upgrade a specific package | 10:42 |
yasha | on a more important note anyone ever try to installing hoary on sony s150 laptop, the fonts look really bad, it's not clear and crisp | 10:42 |
flora | what gives | 10:42 |
abarbaccia | how do i do this/ | 10:42 |
sector10 | me too | 10:42 |
orion2012 | flora: should reboot for the new kernel | 10:42 |
orion2012 | flora: yeah, you apt-get dist-upgraded? | 10:42 |
sector10 | yasha: i got breezy on my sony its fine | 10:42 |
robbkidd | abarbaccia: Run the Synaptic Package Manager, highlight the package and select lock version. | 10:43 |
flora | oh no i only did upgrade | 10:43 |
flora | thx orion2012 | 10:43 |
xml-blog | do we need to dpkg-reconfigure X ? | 10:43 |
xml-blog | after breezy? | 10:43 |
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bimberi | xml-blog: some people have had to yes | 10:43 |
yasha | sector but it's not clear though, like i adjusted to to 96 dpi and followed the forum but it's just not clear enough | 10:43 |
xml-blog | bimberi, thanks | 10:44 |
mwe | xml: the keyboard driver changed to kbd. the font paths changed too | 10:44 |
yasha | am i missing something ? | 10:44 |
ompaul | robbkidd, which app are you getting that in? | 10:44 |
nalioth | xml-blog: you shouldnt have to adjust a thing | 10:44 |
cwillu_ | disty | 10:44 |
robbkidd | ompaul: Am I getting the bug? Firefox. | 10:44 |
cwillu_ | ahh | 10:44 |
cwillu_ | now I figure out why I'm getting random input in x-chat | 10:44 |
abarbaccia | robbkidd - i wanted to do it via command line (i'm ssh'ed into my mythtv box) | 10:44 |
xml-blog | nalioth, hmm ok I like that answer better ;) | 10:44 |
bimberi | :) | 10:44 |
cwillu_ | sori, who do I blame if breezy buggers my system? :) | 10:45 |
mwe | heh | 10:45 |
abarbaccia | robbkidd, but i got it now - thanks | 10:45 |
orion2012 | cwillu_: yourself | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | okay | 10:45 |
sori | (me?) | 10:45 |
orion2012 | cwillu_: it's still not final :) | 10:45 |
xml-blog | lol | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | no | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | sorry | 10:45 |
sori | :p np | 10:45 |
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robbkidd | abarbaccia: Alrightie. | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | I keep typing extra characters | 10:45 |
ompaul | robbkidd, I would need a web page that has italics on it and that font to check | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | i.e., x-chat autocompletes so to sori for me :) | 10:45 |
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sori | i see :) | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | sori, I see | 10:45 |
cwillu_ | seethru, I typed "so, I see" | 10:46 |
cwillu_ | gh!! | 10:46 |
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cwillu_ | make it stop!! | 10:46 |
meatwad | hmm linux boots but now windows doesnt...i can't win | 10:46 |
cwillu_ | seethru=see :) | 10:46 |
mwe | heh | 10:46 |
cwillu_ | I think I need to turn that off | 10:46 |
robbkidd | onpaul: The text in my first bug comment can be cut and pasted into an HTML file to replicate the bug. Or just go look at Slashdot. | 10:46 |
orion2012 | so, who likes the new usplash? | 10:46 |
yasha | btw i gotta compliment u guys ubuntu by far the works better then any distro i tried ;) | 10:46 |
robbkidd | ompaul, even. | 10:46 |
cwillu_ | or at leatst change the completion char to : instead of , | 10:46 |
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robbkidd | ompaul: Ah. I replicated the bug by manually setting my Firefox preferences to have Proportional = Bitstream Vera Sans at 14 point size. This is, I believe, the default setting. | 10:48 |
ScatterBrain | quit $home | 10:48 |
ompaul | robbkidd, okay let me look (though if there was a page that one could point at it would be much easier | 10:48 |
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R_de_re-evolucio | does apt always try to reach security.ubuntu.com in order to test(evt. verify!?) the apt sources one has downloaded from the different mirrors? I seem to be blocked out of security.ubuntu.com... and there is no answer in the wiki... anyone? | 10:49 |
N6REJ | nalioth: are you good wth the server side of breezy? | 10:49 |
robbkidd | ompaul: Is there a place I could put the page? I don't bother with a web presence of my own. | 10:49 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: you can ask, you may get lucky | 10:49 |
orion2012 | R_de_re-evolucio: which release? | 10:49 |
ompaul | robbkidd, well if I confirm it I will do it for ay | 10:50 |
ompaul | ya | 10:50 |
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Evil_Taco | Uh why is it when I try to burn a cd, 9 out of 10 fail? | 10:50 |
Evil_Taco | This is with Ubuntu | 10:50 |
c0rrupt | burn at a slower speed | 10:50 |
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N6REJ | nalioth: take a look.... http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2997 I think this is wrong. | 10:50 |
puneypunk | hey how would i go about networking my two ubuntu boxes one has a working wifi connection already, and is connected to the other by its eth0 with a Xover cable, do i have to set up a dhcp server or something? | 10:50 |
c0rrupt | 4x works good | 10:50 |
cevizoglu | how do I install xorg-driver-fglrx driver for the ATI drivers on breezy? is it doable? apt says the libstdc++5 package is missing.. | 10:50 |
yasha | so any ideas why my deskop fonts dont look crisp and clear ? | 10:51 |
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Answer | who was it that pointed me to the Ultimate Boot CD earlier today?? | 10:51 |
Evil_Taco | So even though I'm trying to burn a music CD, I'm going to have to burn it at x4 in order to be able to succefully burn a cd using the ubuntu OS? | 10:51 |
Answer | who was it that pointed me to the Ultimate Boot CD earlier today?? | 10:51 |
robbkidd | ompaul: And, once you have the default font settings (Proportional = Vera Sans @ 14), any page that does not set the font face or size itself will show this problem. | 10:51 |
nalioth | N6REJ: what's wrong with it? | 10:51 |
Answer | who was it that pointed me to the Ultimate Boot CD earlier today?? | 10:51 |
cwillu_ | are you running at the native resolution? | 10:51 |
nalioth | Answer: dunno who it was. why? | 10:51 |
yasha | cwillu, what do u mean ? | 10:51 |
Answer | nalioth: it was a virus that tried to install to the Mozilla Firefox plugins directory and launch every type of bad program there is | 10:52 |
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N6REJ | nalioth: the 216 is outside the firewall. its the ip the router answers to. Also the ip that the domain resolves too. | 10:52 |
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nalioth | Answer: ubcd.sourceforge.net | 10:52 |
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Answer | Who is logging this channel from earlier today? I want to know who told me to get the Ultimate Boot CD. the link was a virus | 10:52 |
Answer | bastards | 10:52 |
c0rrupt | that sucks | 10:52 |
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nalioth | Answer: ubcd.sourceforge.net is not a virus | 10:53 |
orion2012 | Answer: the ubcd is not a virus | 10:53 |
c0rrupt | maybe the server was compromised | 10:53 |
nalioth | Answer: see /topic for channel logs | 10:53 |
Answer | nalioth: ubcd.sourceforge.net is also not the link | 10:53 |
cal | /join #psybnc | 10:53 |
cal | oops | 10:53 |
cal | sorry, stupid xchat | 10:53 |
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cal | is there an offical psybnc help chan? | 10:53 |
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mwe | cevizoglu: I went through hell installing the ati drivers. I ended up having to change gcc version back to 3.3 and doing my own kernel plus linking /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib/libGl.so.1.2 (after backing up the original) | 10:53 |
Evil_Taco | Seriously, in order to successfully burn my MP3 CD I have to burn it on X4? | 10:53 |
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Evil_Taco | Or is there any way to tweak Ubuntu for that? | 10:54 |
cevizoglu | mwe: oh, I see. Guess I will wait for the package to show up on breezy then... :( | 10:54 |
phoenixbyrd | how can I make a 5 gig blank partition? ;/ | 10:54 |
mwe | mwe: and manually downloading the drivers from ati as well | 10:54 |
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puneypunk | hey how would i go about networking my two ubuntu boxes one has a working wifi connection already, and is connected to the other by its eth0 with a Xover cable, do i have to set up a dhcp server or something? | 10:54 |
nalioth | phoenixbyrd: parted or g- or qt- | 10:54 |
=== _ack_ack [n=help_me@c-24-7-68-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phoenixbyrd | I tried qtparted, it gives an error tho | 10:55 |
mwe | cevizoglu: yeah maybe that'll be your best bet | 10:55 |
_ack_ack | hello one and all! i come here yet again with another problem. | 10:55 |
gleesond | is there a way to download the thunderbird pkg from the command line? | 10:55 |
eracerbit | mwe - did u use fglrxconfig | 10:55 |
DoomsMachine | can anyone please tell me how to edit my synaptic repositories, file and send me the links !!! | 10:55 |
nalioth | gleesond: apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird | 10:55 |
gleesond | thanks | 10:55 |
_ack_ack | i want to use opera and dl /home/hai/Desktop/opera_8.50-20050916.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb | 10:55 |
_ack_ack | erm, now, how do i install it? | 10:56 |
eracerbit | i cant get dri with my ati card, working only mesa | 10:56 |
deFrysk | dpkg -i <package> | 10:56 |
mwe | eracerbit: no, I used my old xorg.conf from hoary which was set up to use fglrx with a few modifications | 10:56 |
deFrysk | sudo | 10:56 |
c0rrupt | MM | 10:56 |
phoenixbyrd | nalioth: QTParted says this : | 10:56 |
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phoenixbyrd | Error: Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted! You should e2fsck. Modifying an unclean filesystem could cause severe corruption. | 10:56 |
phoenixbyrd | Error: Could not detect file system. | 10:56 |
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crana | Hello ;p | 10:56 |
mwe | eracerbit: like changing the font paths and the keyboard driver to kbd | 10:56 |
ompaul | robbkidd, too much noise here I do not have that font on my machine I have veranda | 10:56 |
eracerbit | hmm what kinda radeon do u have exactly | 10:57 |
N6REJ | nalioth both & 216 are both supposed to be for the public web pages and the .100 for the intranet. | 10:57 |
[TvM] | how can i "turn off" ..unmount or something the cdrom? | 10:57 |
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eracerbit | yeah the font path change in breezy had me for a minute =x | 10:57 |
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N6REJ | tvm: umount /dev/cdrom | 10:57 |
nalioth | N6REJ: i'm not sure what you're wanting to do | 10:57 |
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nalioth | N6REJ: join #kubuntu-offtopic please | 10:57 |
N6REJ | nalioth CC | 10:58 |
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_ack_ack | thanks! deFrysk | 10:58 |
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[TvM] | not working | 10:58 |
cal | i wonder if #ubuntu-chat exists | 10:58 |
eracerbit | mwe: any chance i could borrow your xorg config | 10:58 |
ompaul | cal, #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:58 |
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deFrysk | cal, ubuntu-off-topic | 10:59 |
cal | ok ok | 10:59 |
mwe | eracerbit: sure | 10:59 |
jwd_ | hey I am compiling windowmaker but it says libXft2 not found when it is installed | 10:59 |
jwd_ | where is it? | 10:59 |
=== ompaul deFrysk's deFrysk | ||
=== singus [n=singus@port126.ds1-sol.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jwd_ | find didn't return anything | 10:59 |
ompaul | :) | 10:59 |
deFrysk | libXft2-dev | 10:59 |
deFrysk | get that | 10:59 |
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eracerbit | u can email it to eracerbit at gmail | 10:59 |
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nalioth | jwd_: you need libsft2-dev | 10:59 |
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mwe | eracerbit: give your email and I'll send it. I currently have some problems dcc sending | 11:00 |
Evil_Taco | How do I enable DMA acceleration for my CDRW device? | 11:00 |
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jwd_ | excellent | 11:00 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell Evil_Taco about dma | 11:00 |
jwd_ | gracias | 11:00 |
c0rrupt | de nada | 11:00 |
frickel | can I use multiverse as source if I have breezy | 11:00 |
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c0rrupt | !breezy | 11:00 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 11:00 |
Evil_Taco | thanks :) | 11:00 |
gleesond | is PyGTK a package that I can install or is it already their? | 11:00 |
eracerbit | mwe: ty, been fiending for some crack_attack | 11:01 |
[TvM] | c0rrupt es tuga? | 11:01 |
mwe | eracerbit: or I can paste it at pastebin | 11:01 |
eracerbit | thats cool too | 11:01 |
nalioth | frickel: enable universe and multiverse | 11:02 |
orion2012 | frickel: yes | 11:02 |
nalioth | frickel: you'll be a happier ubuntu user | 11:02 |
c0rrupt | que? | 11:02 |
nalioth | !es | 11:02 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:02 |
c0rrupt | nien | 11:02 |
=== eracerbit at gmail | ||
eracerbit | dot com | 11:02 |
eracerbit | ^_^ | 11:02 |
=== hypn0_ [n=chatzill@host81-7-58-148.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | eracerbit: please dont paste in here | 11:02 |
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c0rrupt | hablo espanol | 11:03 |
c0rrupt | y engles | 11:03 |
frickel | nalioth: could you give me the line for sources.text | 11:03 |
nalioth | c0rrupt: spanish in #ubuntu-es please | 11:03 |
eracerbit | soz | 11:03 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell frickel about sources | 11:03 |
c0rrupt | haha im just kidding.. english is my native language | 11:03 |
orion2012 | just append multiverse to the line that has main | 11:03 |
frickel | thx | 11:04 |
jwd_ | whats the jpeg package for apt-get | 11:04 |
jwd_ | and or tiff | 11:04 |
mwe | eracerbit: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2998 | 11:04 |
eracerbit | jwd: apt-cache search jpeg | 11:04 |
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jwd_ | awesome | 11:04 |
bpf | anyone having issues with the ia32-libs packages? | 11:04 |
jwd_ | didn't know how to do that | 11:04 |
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bpf | it has been giving an error for a while now when upgrading but nothing critical | 11:05 |
mwe | eracerbit: it's configured for Synaptics touchpad though ... | 11:05 |
orion2012 | jwd_: synaptic has search functionality as well | 11:05 |
eracerbit | apt-cache show shows details on a package | 11:05 |
Zeke1 | hi can anyone help me with my ati driver problem | 11:05 |
bpf | today i tried to upgrade to breezy and it's holding me up. i apparently need it but can't install it | 11:05 |
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bpf | apt-get -f install doesn't help either | 11:05 |
eracerbit | mwe: i have one =) | 11:05 |
orion2012 | bpf: what's blocking it? | 11:06 |
eracerbit | but im just going to take bits of it i think | 11:06 |
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bpf | i finally have given up and tried to return to hoary, but now i'm getting the same error and my machine is unusable! | 11:06 |
mwe | eracerbit: ok | 11:06 |
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nalioth | bpf: tried apt-get -f install ia32-libs ? | 11:06 |
juanito | hola | 11:06 |
bpf | yep | 11:06 |
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bpf | error creating symbolic link | 11:07 |
Zeke1 | i have a strange error after installing ati drivers can anybody help me? | 11:07 |
bpf | no such file or directory | 11:07 |
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rdario_mx | hola | 11:07 |
c0rrupt | hola! | 11:07 |
ompaul | !es | 11:07 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:07 |
linad | is this an ibm | 11:07 |
jwd_ | hey orion | 11:07 |
dbug | on terminal how i exclude pachs from upgrade? | 11:07 |
bpf | so, how can I remove/purge this package and move on? | 11:07 |
kemik | Zeke1: post your error on pastebin or ask a real question | 11:07 |
[TvM] | how can i see what module my cdrom is using?? | 11:07 |
pinucset | i have downloaded breezy and its unpacking. How many time will it be unpacking?? | 11:07 |
jwd_ | will ubuntu automatically pick up windowmaker | 11:07 |
nalioth | bpf: apt-get --purge remove pkgname | 11:07 |
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jwd_ | or how will I change that? | 11:07 |
Zeke1 | kemik, ok i get this error: libGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed after installing ati drivers | 11:08 |
bpf | nalioth, thanks I'll see if that works | 11:08 |
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orion2012 | jwd_: "pick up"? | 11:08 |
linad | will take half an hour | 11:08 |
jwd_ | when the login screen comes up | 11:08 |
pinucset | ok | 11:08 |
jwd_ | it lets you select | 11:08 |
jwd_ | Gnome | 11:08 |
kemik | Zeke1: followed the wiki ? | 11:08 |
orion2012 | jwd_: as long as theres an X session entry for it | 11:08 |
bpf | lib32z1 depends on the package | 11:08 |
bpf | wtf! this is killing me | 11:08 |
Zeke1 | kemik, yeah...my drivers were working fine...i did an update and now i get that error | 11:09 |
XTR-II | :( | 11:09 |
bpf | i'm removing that one now, don't know what i'd need it for | 11:09 |
orion2012 | ibGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed after installing ati | 11:09 |
orion2012 | drivers ibGL error: drmMap of framebuffer failed after installing ati | 11:09 |
nalioth | orion2012: please dont paste | 11:09 |
kemik | Zeke1: update? to breezy ? | 11:09 |
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orion2012 | accidental, sorry | 11:10 |
Zeke1 | kemik, no i was using breezy from the start...just a normal update | 11:10 |
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Zeke1 | kemik, update as in updating packages etc | 11:10 |
orion2012 | nalioth: you have that bound to a key? | 11:10 |
Zeke1 | kemik, as in apt-get update and dist-upgrade | 11:10 |
nalioth | orion2012: bound to what key? | 11:11 |
kemik | well donno then | 11:11 |
orion2012 | nalioth: please don't paste | 11:11 |
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nalioth | orion2012: muscle memory | 11:11 |
gleesond | when I did the program that made it so I could see my NFTS partition I said yes to make it so only I could wright to it but now I can't delete anything off of it | 11:11 |
Zeke1 | kemik, what do you mean? | 11:11 |
orion2012 | nalioth: sweet | 11:11 |
nalioth | orion2012: i have to override my script to remove pasters to write it | 11:11 |
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julo | hi | 11:11 |
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kemik | Zeke1: dunno what todo ... | 11:12 |
Zeke1 | orion2012, i get the same drmMap error | 11:12 |
julo | I've got a problem with ghostscript: it lacks a /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts folder. Does anyone know which package provides it ? | 11:12 |
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kemik | gleesond: you cant write to ntfs | 11:12 |
orion2012 | nalioth: I'm sshed through OS X, the keybindings do weird things to irssi | 11:12 |
gleesond | yes | 11:12 |
=== lsald [n=james@cpe-24-33-236-185.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kemik | gleesond: using captive ? | 11:13 |
Zeke1 | orion2012, what did you do about that drmMap error | 11:13 |
gleesond | whats captive | 11:13 |
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orion2012 | Zeke1: I don't get it, it was an accidental highlight that pasted accidentally to the chan | 11:13 |
MEtaLpREs | how do i use a .run file? | 11:13 |
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Zeke1 | orion2012, oh ok | 11:14 |
[TvM] | how can i see what module my cdrom is using?? | 11:14 |
=== Subliminal [n=angel@user-5448.lns3-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
R_de_re-evolucio | ok... when trying to change mirror apt-setup tries to check the sources to security.ubuntu.com (which does not work at the moment) but aptitude (synaptic/apt-get) works fine when running.. So the problem is just when the verification process start after apt-setup is done and the apt list is saved. Anyone having this problem with hoary (it should not be a "problem" but it's better to ask and get it straight..) | 11:14 |
Zeke1 | i am very tempted to re-install | 11:14 |
TMM | Subliminal, hey! what a surprise :) | 11:14 |
Subliminal | heh | 11:14 |
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TMM | Subliminal, please put up your sources.list on the pastebin so I can check for potential breakage due to strange repos :) | 11:14 |
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Subliminal | sure | 11:15 |
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orion2012 | Zeke1: if you don't use fglrx do things go back to normal? | 11:15 |
MEtaLpREs | im trying to get bnr2 installed and the .run installer doesnt seem to do anything, and i cant find any prebuilt packages | 11:15 |
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Zeke1 | orion2012, well yes except i program in c++ and openGL and the program wont run properly without fglrx | 11:16 |
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R_de_re-evolucio | Re'install is the best option: Tip: have two differnt physical drives. One with the system and the other one mounted as /home - Is easy when reinstalling and you never have to think of problems with drive resizing or anything ;) | 11:16 |
kemik | Zeke1: doing something special in opengl? :) | 11:16 |
R_de_re-evolucio | about the security.ubuntu.com with apt-setup... anyone? | 11:16 |
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p3r4m3r | what do I need to install in order to run .mov files | 11:16 |
phoenixbyrd | why is it hard to get help... | 11:17 |
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TMM | p3r4m3r, see wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:17 |
Seveas | p3r4m3r, mplayer+w32codecs | 11:17 |
nalioth | phoenixbyrd: whats your question? | 11:17 |
Zeke1 | kemik, yeah im programming a palace with specific architecture to persia | 11:17 |
R_de_re-evolucio | p3r4m3r : install mplayer | 11:17 |
Subliminal | TMM: http://pastebin.com/390517 | 11:17 |
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phoenixbyrd | nalioth: can I pm u with my problem, easier for us to both read | 11:17 |
R_de_re-evolucio | www.ubuntuguide.org will make your life easy | 11:17 |
Zeke1 | orion2012, but when i remove fglrx the error goes away | 11:17 |
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nalioth | phoenixbyrd: pastebin it | 11:17 |
p3r4m3r | so could i type apt-get install w32codecs? | 11:17 |
nalioth | R_de_re-evolucio: no it will not | 11:17 |
nalioth | p3r4m3r: no | 11:17 |
Zeke1 | kemik, why do you ask? u an opengl fan? | 11:18 |
phoenixbyrd | what's pastebin? | 11:18 |
R_de_re-evolucio | no? well with hoary at least... it should | 11:18 |
phoenixbyrd | ah forget it | 11:18 |
TMM | p3r4m3r, check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats :) its all explained :) | 11:18 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell p3r4m3r about w32codecs | 11:18 |
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nalioth | phoenixbyrd: ask in here, so more folks can see | 11:18 |
deFrysk | phoenixbyrd, see /topic | 11:18 |
kemik | Zeke1: done some stuff init, that's all | 11:18 |
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p3r4m3r | alright i'l check the wiki | 11:18 |
jki | Could someone please explain why there's a tmpfs mounted in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile eating 13MiB of memory? That's a lot for a low-end machine. | 11:18 |
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bpf | even with w32codecs, i haven't gotten quicktime movies to play :( | 11:19 |
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phoenixbyrd | nalioth: I'm having trouble with QTParted... I need to make a blank 5 gig partition | 11:19 |
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Zeke1 | kemik, yeah this stuff is getting crazy and i need direct rendering and it wont work...thats why im going crazy | 11:19 |
TMM | Subliminal, ok, just change all the occurences of 'hoary' with 'breezy' and remove backports, and don't let me see that in your sources.list ever again :) | 11:19 |
=== jorgp2 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial-118.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bpf | i get pictures, but no sound | 11:19 |
nalioth | p3r4m3r: check your msgs from ubotu | 11:19 |
TMM | Subliminal, also comment out the skype line for now | 11:19 |
nalioth | phoenixbyrd: what kind of trouble? | 11:19 |
djak | test | 11:19 |
=== jules [n=jules@pool-68-239-120-193.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
phoenixbyrd | nalioth: Error: Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted! You should e2fsck. Modifying an unclean filesystem could cause severe corruption. | 11:19 |
phoenixbyrd | Error: Filesystem was not cleanly unmounted! You should e2fsck. Modifying an unclean filesystem could cause severe corruption. | 11:19 |
phoenixbyrd | Error: Could not detect file system. | 11:19 |
kemik | Zeke1: i'd use hoary or wait for breezy stable ... but it's 2 days away .. | 11:19 |
TMM | Subliminal, you can have breezy-extras though, that's not bad | 11:19 |
MEtaLpREs | using .run files... anyone? little help | 11:19 |
kemik | Zeke1: i mean, just use a stable system that works :) | 11:19 |
TMM | Subliminal, just not the line that says hoary-backports | 11:19 |
phoenixbyrd | nalioth: idk what to do | 11:20 |
nalioth | phoenixbyrd: are you on the machine you are using qtparted on ? | 11:20 |
phoenixbyrd | nalioth: yea | 11:20 |
deFrysk | MEtaLpREs, nvidia ? | 11:20 |
MEtaLpREs | ati | 11:20 |
phoenixbyrd | nalioth: and I've tried using yoper's qtparted to do it, and it also won't partition my drive | 11:20 |
Zeke1 | kemik, yeah i had problems with hoary aswell | 11:20 |
LokeDK | How do I set the keyboard layout _temporarily_ to US layout? should not be saved | 11:21 |
nalioth | phoenixbyrd: you cant use parted on a machine you are currently on. use the livecd | 11:21 |
deFrysk | MEtaLpREs, usually its sh <blah.run> | 11:21 |
MEtaLpREs | ok | 11:21 |
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erisco | hey i was wondering, can linux be infected with keyloggers of any type? i am concerned about losing my passwords | 11:21 |
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MEtaLpREs | works, thanks deFrysk | 11:22 |
nalioth | erisco: unless you give your passwords out, no | 11:22 |
TMM | eracerbit, if you run untrusted software, then yes, theoretically it can be infected with keyloggers | 11:22 |
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Zeke1 | oh i have another weird error...everytime i restart i have to maually set my eth1 device to up why is that? | 11:22 |
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orion2012 | Zeke1: check /etc/network/interfaces | 11:23 |
jules | So wait 2 days to ship this server to the hosting co with Breezy or go nuts and install the current release tonight? So many decisions... | 11:23 |
orion2012 | Zeke1: make sure auto eth1 is in there | 11:23 |
hajiki | zeedo, make sure the line that says 'auto lo' includes eth1 in it. like this 'auto lo eth1' | 11:23 |
orion2012 | Zeke1: is agpart loaded before the fglrx modprobe? | 11:23 |
ompaul | erisco, theory and practice are different - however if you asked me which was more secure and Linux was one of the options and some software that runs on between 89 and 91% of the words PCs I would say Linux by a factor of hundreds | 11:23 |
Zeke1 | orion2012, i dunno how do i check lsmod? | 11:24 |
orion2012 | Zeke1: yes | 11:24 |
hubuntu | so when breezy is release stable (tried the preview and release candidate at work but i need to run vmware on it so I ended up with hoary...) in two days all it takes is: apt-get update | 11:24 |
sambagirl | i installed a bunch of ham radio things and now i cannot find them. where di they go? i used from universe option in synamtic | 11:24 |
hubuntu | apt-get upgrade ? | 11:24 |
orion2012 | Zeke1: lsmod | grep agpart | 11:24 |
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Jaivaz | What was the Java repository? | 11:24 |
ompaul | s/factor/order/ of magnitude | 11:24 |
Zeke1 | orion2012, oh i have a pci express though | 11:25 |
deFrysk | hubuntu, see the upgradesnotes in /topic | 11:25 |
Maikeru | ahh | 11:25 |
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sambagirl | bbl chao | 11:25 |
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hubuntu | ok | 11:26 |
bpf | anyone in here use rapidsvn? | 11:27 |
bpf | i've always used the command line and wondering if it's useful | 11:27 |
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=== primoturbo [n=primotur@HSE-Ottawa-ppp161923.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Maikeru | is www.sf.net down for neone else? | 11:27 |
Maikeru | hmm | 11:27 |
Maikeru | seems to be back up now | 11:27 |
primoturbo | I downloaded a deb file how do I install it? | 11:27 |
deFrysk | dpkg -i | 11:27 |
kemik | dpkg - debfile.dev | 11:27 |
kemik | dpkg - debfile.deb | 11:27 |
dbug | dpkg -i file.deb | 11:28 |
primoturbo | thnx | 11:28 |
TylerDurden | Could not start plug-in executable 'operamotifwrapper'. | 11:28 |
TylerDurden | /usr/lib/opera/plugins/operamotifwrapper-3 | 11:28 |
TylerDurden | Please install Motif. | 11:28 |
ompaul | primoturbo, | 11:28 |
kemik | ughg | 11:28 |
TylerDurden | how do i fix this? | 11:28 |
primoturbo | yes? | 11:28 |
ompaul | primoturbo, before you run it which package is it | 11:28 |
kemik | TylerDurden: it says so | 11:28 |
Zeke1 | orion2012, so any idea what i should do | 11:28 |
kemik | TylerDurden: "please install Motif" | 11:28 |
yasha | anyone used crossover office in breezy ? | 11:28 |
TylerDurden | yeah but how? | 11:28 |
primoturbo | a debian package | 11:28 |
TylerDurden | i couldnt find it in synpatic | 11:28 |
gorthaug | hi, i've a problem with gdmsetup, it's open a very large window, i'm in breezy installed from de rc cd and upgraded | 11:28 |
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ompaul | primoturbo, in a lot of cases .debs should not be run except they are built for your platform explicidly | 11:28 |
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primoturbo | it's for my platform | 11:29 |
ompaul | primoturbo, better if it is not available to do source, which package is it | 11:29 |
ompaul | primoturbo, what you running sarge? | 11:29 |
djak | hi! (salut | 11:29 |
=== Antonio77 [n=antonio@host178-100.pool8534.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djak | I would like deb http://user:pass@seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ ubuntu-seveas section . please | 11:29 |
cwillu_ | um, should I be worried about the pages and pages of cannot fstat xxxxxxxx | 11:29 |
cwillu_ | ? | 11:29 |
primoturbo | I was running sarge | 11:29 |
primoturbo | i'm on ubuntu now | 11:29 |
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meatwad | how many people here run 64 bit ubuntu | 11:30 |
ompaul | primoturbo, then a .deb from debian is not for you | 11:30 |
TylerDurden | i installed opera but how can i tell it to show in Applications? | 11:30 |
ompaul | primoturbo, which package is it? | 11:30 |
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orion2012 | Zeke1: if your kernel was built with agp, agpgart will need to be active | 11:30 |
nalioth | djak: what did you want from seveas' repo? | 11:30 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: use smeg | 11:30 |
primoturbo | I already installed it works so don't worry about it | 11:30 |
Antonio77 | hi | 11:30 |
djak | I not authentifications. I would like deb http://user:pass@seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ ubuntu-seveas | 11:31 |
cwillu_ | umm, | 11:31 |
cwillu_ | help! | 11:31 |
jules | Anybody installed on a dell 1850 with the PERC4ei? | 11:31 |
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cwillu_ | dist-upgrade is doing weird things | 11:31 |
flora | i'm having a hard time getting ubuntu to boot on a dell lattitude d610 via docking station and external monitor | 11:31 |
XsXs | should i put jobs that i get paid under the table on my resume? | 11:31 |
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flora | it boots, but doesn't appear on the external monitor | 11:31 |
flora | anyone experienced that? | 11:31 |
orion2012 | Zeke1: cat /boot/config* | grep CONFIG_AGP | 11:31 |
ompaul | primoturbo, okay, but please be aware the only reason I said this is because we have had people do strange and not so wonderful things :) | 11:32 |
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Subliminal | engl python-parted python-pexpect python-pgsql python-pisock python-pyopenssl python-pyorbit | 11:32 |
Subliminal | python-reportlab python-simpletal python-sqlite python-syck python-tk python-twisted python-xdg python-xml python-xmpp | 11:32 |
Subliminal | python2.4 python2.4-dbus python2.4-egenix-mxdatetime python2.4-egenix-mxproxy python2.4-egenix-mxstack | 11:32 |
Subliminal | python2.4-egenix-mxtexttools python2.4-egenix-mxtools python2.4-eunuchs python2.4-examples python2.4-gdbm python2.4-geoip | 11:32 |
Subliminal | python2.4-glade2 python2.4-gnome2 python2.4-gtk2 python2.4-id3lib python2.4-imaging python2.4-imaging-sane python2.4-librdf | 11:32 |
Subliminal | python2.4-libxml2 python2.4-libxslt1 python2.4-minimal python2.4-musicbrainz py-pycurl python2.4-pyopenssl python2.4-pyorbit | 11:32 |
Subliminal | p | 11:32 |
ompaul | Subliminal, no pasting | 11:32 |
Subliminal | #oops | 11:32 |
=== Khaaaaaan [n=nicholas@69-161-72-233.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orion2012 | See, I'm not the only one | 11:32 |
tristanmike | Subliminal, don't paste in here please | 11:32 |
deFrysk | Subliminal, bad boy | 11:32 |
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Khaaaaaan | hey guys | 11:32 |
din | flood flood! | 11:32 |
ompaul | Subliminal, paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 11:32 |
zoexii | hey, how do I get help for the MemoServ? I have just been told that I have a memo. How do I read it? | 11:32 |
Khaaaaaan | Quick question | 11:32 |
gorthaug | hi, i've a problem with gdmsetup, it's open a very large window, i'm in breezy installed from the i386 rc cd and upgraded | 11:32 |
TylerDurden | where r most programs instralled to? | 11:32 |
=== whispers_of_clay [n=guy@cpe-70-112-252-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Khaaaaaan | K3B is making audio cds that play on my comp, but not in my cd player | 11:33 |
C-Keen | TylerDurden: /usr/bin | 11:33 |
mustard5 | zoexii, try running 'Mutt' in console | 11:33 |
Khaaaaaan | what is going on? | 11:33 |
XsXs | zoexii /msg memoserv help | 11:33 |
ompaul | TylerDurden, in bin directorys /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin | 11:33 |
mustard5 | oh that type of memo :) | 11:33 |
mustard5 | hehe | 11:33 |
TylerDurden | thanks | 11:33 |
TylerDurden | what about icons? | 11:33 |
=== mustard5 goes back to sleeping with eyes open | ||
deFrysk | gorthaug, run sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg ans leave the defaults and set the resolutions correctly | 11:33 |
XsXs | mustard5 :P | 11:34 |
C-Keen | TylerDurden: /usr/share/pixmaps | 11:34 |
orion2012 | TylerDurden: /usr/share/icons | 11:34 |
=== calvin [n=calvin@pool-71-112-58-118.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | TylerDurden, all over the place; in a teminal do this command to find files anywhere if you have some clue as to their name: updatedb | 11:34 |
calvin | Can anyone tell me how to in ubuntu release my IP so I can move my DSL modem to another computer? | 11:34 |
djak | _help!! i would deb http://user:pass@seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ ubuntu-seveas | 11:34 |
nalioth | TylerDurden: smeg allows you to choose icons | 11:35 |
Tomcat_ | calvin: sudo ifdown <interface>, where interface is the one the DSL modem is using. | 11:35 |
ompaul | TylerDurden, that command creates a database that is queried with the command: locate so then you do this "locate icons" have a nice day | 11:35 |
TylerDurden | nalioth yeah i know but i dont know where to point it to | 11:35 |
Tomcat_ | calvin: Or use the network manager to deactivate the network card. | 11:35 |
deFrysk | djak, you need a pass for that | 11:35 |
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nalioth | TylerDurden: or right click on the opera executable and choose an icon for it | 11:35 |
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deFrysk | djak, ask seveas wheb hes around | 11:35 |
djak | where? | 11:35 |
deFrysk | when* | 11:35 |
calvin | thanks | 11:35 |
=== yannick [n=yannick@AAmiens-154-1-18-117.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joetheodd | Hey, whats a nice FTP client? | 11:36 |
zoexii | hello, hopefuly this has an easy answer, synaptic has told me that it cannot 'stat' any of the package lists. I can not see anything that isn't already installed on my computer. what is causing this problem. | 11:36 |
nalioth | djak: what did you want from seveas? | 11:36 |
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TylerDurden | how do i know if a program came with an icon or not? | 11:36 |
orion2012 | joetheodd: ncftp | 11:36 |
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djak | freenx breezy | 11:36 |
joetheodd | zoexii: I think that the repositories are down if it says that | 11:36 |
djak | freenx sur breezy | 11:36 |
nalioth | djak: then you'll have to wait for seveas | 11:37 |
djak | and other truc | 11:37 |
nalioth | djak: i can point you to java and w32codecs but you'll need Seveas for the other stuff | 11:37 |
zoexii | joetheodd, alright, is there a way for me to confirm that? aside frorm trying later... | 11:37 |
tristanmike | TylerDurden, check the /usr/share directory and see if your progam has a folder, it may have an icon in it | 11:38 |
joetheodd | zoexii: I'm downloading something from the repositry right now so I guess its not down. Not sure what to do =/ | 11:38 |
deFrysk | djak, reason is the amount of bandwith seveas has available | 11:38 |
TylerDurden | how come when i search for a program it shows /home/username/.program name. but i cant see it in natulis | 11:38 |
[TvM] | what codecs i need to play mp3? | 11:38 |
tristanmike | TylerDurden, because the "." means hidden | 11:38 |
TylerDurden | oh ok | 11:38 |
TylerDurden | i think i know how to unhide | 11:38 |
orion2012 | joetheodd: there are many mirrors, zoexii's mar be down | 11:38 |
Tomcat_ | [TvM] : gstreamer0.8-mad package | 11:38 |
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[TvM] | i cant find it with apt | 11:39 |
orion2012 | may* | 11:39 |
deFrysk | !tell [TvM] about restricted formats | 11:39 |
zoexii | orion2012, can I change mirrors then? | 11:39 |
tristanmike | TylerDurden, ls -a or check/uncheck under View in Nautlius | 11:39 |
orion2012 | zoexii: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 11:39 |
tristanmike | *Nautilus | 11:39 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell [TvM] about mp3 | 11:39 |
=== darkheart [n=darkhear@cpe-24-170-59-251.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerDurden | show hidden files is checked but is till dont see them | 11:39 |
cwillu_ | what should I do with updated config files? | 11:39 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell [TvM] about sources | 11:39 |
djak | how to make? deFrysk | 11:40 |
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Subliminal | /msg TMM gkrellm says around 130k/s | 11:40 |
Subliminal | bugger | 11:40 |
deFrysk | djak, to make what ? | 11:40 |
tristanmike | TylerDurden, if you're in your /home/<User> you should | 11:40 |
TylerDurden | =/ doesnt show in smeg | 11:41 |
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TylerDurden | nvm | 11:41 |
TylerDurden | got it | 11:41 |
deFrysk | who wants to see hidden files ? | 11:41 |
tristanmike | deFrysk, he's gone, think he got it | 11:42 |
deFrysk | hehe | 11:42 |
[A] ndy80 | hi, I'm trying to repair a system. I booted from a live cd, mounted the partition, chrooted to that partition, and tried to run lilo. but I get permission denied... how can I fix it? | 11:43 |
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djak | it lack do not nxagent to install freenx | 11:43 |
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nalioth | [A] ndy80: did you follow this? | 11:44 |
test34 | andy, use sudo | 11:44 |
nalioth | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 11:44 |
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fryfrog | Could anyone help me analyze an X configuration issue on a lappy with an ati mobility 200M chipset? I'm having trouble finding what is "wrong" in the output log, which can be seen at http://pastebin.com/390554 | 11:46 |
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joetheodd | Whats a easy-to-use program to make and write an ISO image? | 11:47 |
fryfrog | cdrecord? | 11:47 |
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fryfrog | or gui? | 11:47 |
xorion | hola | 11:47 |
fryfrog | i hear "k3b" is good | 11:47 |
Hackphil | hi to all | 11:47 |
=== Rev-Marc [n=chatzill@cpe-069-134-224-162.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xorion | k3b is very good | 11:48 |
muep | and gnomebaker also | 11:48 |
muep | only a bit simplier | 11:48 |
=== Kelraith [n=Kel@67-20-110-202.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nalioth | k3b has the most features | 11:49 |
muep | yes | 11:50 |
Rev-Marc | is #wine the help channel for wine? | 11:50 |
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debugger | hi | 11:50 |
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fryfrog | either that or drink :) | 11:50 |
muep | but one might prefer gnomebaker if he's using gnome | 11:50 |
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wrtpeeps | hi, how do i install the ATI drivers? :) | 11:51 |
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LasseL | !ati | 11:51 |
ubotu | ati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10&highlight=fglrx | 11:51 |
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wrtpeeps | cheers LasseL | 11:51 |
vbgunz | I have an interesting question... I've put an installation of Ubuntu onto my NW-HD1 Sony Walkman's USB2 HDD. I dedicated 5GB to Ubuntu on this USB HDD *but* I cannot access it because A. the HDD is not bootable and B. Even if it were bootable, my PC doesn't support it :(... Is there a way, to insert, the live CD and use it as a jump start? | 11:52 |
wrtpeeps | This page does not exist yet | 11:52 |
LasseL | and if I am still talking in 5 minutes the latest breezy/freezy update fixed that fglrx drivers are freezing on older ati cards | 11:52 |
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LaserLine | Does the Breezy Kerner Support INotify ? | 11:52 |
LaserLine | Breezy Kernel* | 11:53 |
Kelraith | I know I did this to myself, but I updated from hoary to breezy now I cant access my media slot on my hp printer.. Can anyone give me a clue | 11:53 |
Kelraith | ? | 11:53 |
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anchovie | Hey, I'm trying to play DVD using VLC. I inserted the disc, opened VLC, then File -> Open Disc -> Disc Tab -> DVD(menus) Radio Button and clicked Ok, but nothing happenes. The VLC was working great last night, when I just logged on 30 minutes ago I got prompt to update my packages from the Update Manager, so I'm not sure if that's what's causing the problem. Anybody have any ideas? | 11:54 |
=== me [n=me@CPE000625db6e8a-CM001225d8a0d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
me | i'm on breezy and i'm trying to get w32codecs. can anyone help me | 11:54 |
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nalioth | ubotu: tell me about w32codecs | 11:54 |
nalioth | me you'll have to change your nick | 11:55 |
foXgamer | evening all! | 11:55 |
LaserLine | Does Anyone here know if the Ubuntu Breezy or Hoary Kernel suppory Inotify ? (it's for beagle) | 11:55 |
nalioth | me m/m | 11:55 |
nalioth | !w32codecs | 11:55 |
ubotu | well, w32codecs is a set of codecs for popular audio/video formats (wmv etc). Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/87ofx (Breezy) | 11:55 |
me | ok i'll register | 11:55 |
me | what would i type to install it from those locations? | 11:55 |
fryfrog | Could anyone help me analyze an X configuration issue on a lappy with an ati mobility 200M chipset? I'm having trouble finding what is "wrong" in the output log, which can be seen at http://pastebin.com/390554 | 11:55 |
nalioth | me: the bot cant see you to send you info with that nick | 11:55 |
nalioth | me: download the pkg and install it. it's a deb | 11:56 |
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tristanmike | me, /msg nickserv register | 11:56 |
me | so i would do: sudo dpkg whatever.deb ? | 11:56 |
enigmatic | sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 11:57 |
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me | how can i change my name? this one's already registered | 11:57 |
enigmatic | type /nick newnickhere | 11:58 |
ompaul | me /nick newnickname | 11:58 |
me | thanks | 11:58 |
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anchovie | Anybody have any idea with my DVD problem? =) | 11:58 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@pcp0012090390pcs.nanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | me now type >> /msg nickserver register <some-less-important-password> | 11:59 |
ompaul | snet now type >> /msg nickserver register <some-less-important-password> | 11:59 |
=== steve_don [n=steve@stephendonovan.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foXgamer | anchovie: Do you have libdvdcss installed? | 11:59 |
=== urbanfox [n=urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== rrezende [n=arakno@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== snet is now known as x10 | ||
tristanmike | that one taken too eh? | 12:00 |
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