
ograyou do that in the language selector in breezy...12:04
jelknerok, i just installed spanish language support for gnome and openoffice12:04
jelkneri've tried putting the keyboard applet on the gnome panel before and switching to spanish12:05
ogragreat... the language selector does that automatically btw if you check the tickbox fr the desired lang12:05
jelknerbut i could never figure out which key did what12:05
ograyou should ask a spanish person :)12:05
mhz: would give you n12:05
mhz} = accents12:05
ograbut there must be a way to get tis with a us keyboard12:06
mhzif it's live or dead for you, 12:06
mhzI could provide a more detailed GUI map tomorrow12:06
mhzwell, Apple OSes used to have an application that showed all possible characterd output while you pressed some keys and combinations of them12:07
jelkneri just asked the young man to log out, select "Spanish" as the language, and log back in.... nothing seemed to have changed12:08
ograjelkner, but you used the language selector to select translations and writing aids for spanish ??12:09
ogra(from System->System Tools)12:10
jelknerhold on, let me try...12:10
mhzjelkner: the solution I mentioned did not ask to log out12:10
mhzit take changes immediately12:10
ograyes, no need to log out12:10
mhzanyways, i gotta go again12:10
mhzogra: i can't imagine how to bypass this card issue unless i use a diff distro.12:11
mhzSuSe worked perfectly on this box before12:11
mhzso did Debian12:11
jelknerok, System -> Administration -> Language Selector requires sudo privaledges12:11
jelknermhz: talk to you later12:12
ogramhz, try to get hold of daniels probably he can help12:12
jelknerand the guest user doesn't have those12:12
ograjelkner, yes, since it chnages global settings (installs the langpacks)12:12
mhzjelkner: as soon as i get home, i'll open a gnome session so i could replicate what i think i meant12:12
jelknerok, thanks12:12
jelknerthis is an issue that will come up a lot, so i want to learn how to handle it12:13
mhzjelkner: and this solution can be applied by normal users12:13
ograjelkner, you installed the langpacks only through synaptic, the breezy way is to use the langiage selector12:13
mhzand thx again Lord Oliver12:13
ograits heh12:13
jelknerogra: aah, i'm installing spanish through the language selector now...12:15
jelknerogra: how is this for a solution, after installing openoffice spanish language support, he ran his document through the spell checker, which put in all the accents and stuff for him! ;-)12:21
jelkneri'm thinking now we set up another guest account12:22
jelknercalled invitado12:22
jelknerand when you log in a invitado, everything is in spanish12:23
jelknerok, library is closing, i've gotta run...12:29
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=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-235-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_AthurI have a problem01:49
Lord_AthurI cannot use the floppy driver01:49
Lord_AthurWhat do I have to do for use this?01:49
ograon a Thin Client ? 01:51
Lord_AthurI'm sorry, What is a thin client?01:52
ograthe terminals you use in a classroom ... the target setup for edubuntu...01:52
ograbut if you dont know what it is, i guess you probably dont use it, which answers my question :)01:53
Lord_Athurjejeje ok01:54
Lord_Athurno I'm not using this01:54
Lord_AthurI'm using the common terminal01:54
Lord_Athurand it tells me this:01:55
Lord_Athurroot@N:~#  mount -t vfat /dev/floppy /mnt01:55
Lord_Athurmount: el dispositivo especial /dev/floppy no existe01:55
ograin edubuntu ? 01:55
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_arkanoxmodprobe floppy02:08
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=== toddobryan [n=toddobry@12-202-61-230.client.insightBB.com] has joined #edubuntu
toddobryanHi...newbie question...04:32
toddobryanI'm trying to install edubuntu on a server in my classroom.04:32
toddobryanWe figured out that the IP address it asks for is the IP for the lab server.04:33
toddobryanBut then we need to use DHCP to get the IP address the box will have on the rest of the network.04:33
toddobryanAt that point we're lost.04:33
toddobryanWe've got two NICs in the machine.04:33
toddobryanAny helpful pointers or ideas about what we should do?04:37
jsgotangcoyou have a separate DHCP box?04:38
toddobryanWell, this would be a lab in one room.04:38
toddobryanWe have our own server which the county supplies.04:38
toddobryanWhich is part of a Windows ActiveDirectory system that actually spans the whole state.04:39
toddobryanThe less I have to talk to people up the chain of command, the better.04:39
toddobryanSo, yes, there's a DHCP server giving out addresses to all the machines in the school.04:40
toddobryanIs this not a common thing? Sticking a terminal server in a school that already has a bunch of windows machines?04:45
jsgotangcosorry i was out for a while04:45
jsgotangcowell if you have a terminal server, it would probably be best to have it run on its own network imo04:45
toddobryanIf there were some way that the installer could auto-detect which NIC is connected to the school network (presumably by seeing if it gets assigned an IP by a DHCP server) and then magically configure the other one to hand out addresses to the terminals it would make things easier.04:46
toddobryanThat's not an option, really. The only connection to the internet goes through the school server.04:47
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089E0A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
ajmitch_wb ogra 04:48
jsgotangcoogra, do we have rc?04:48
ajmitch_I think the last daily was fairly good, right?04:49
ogranope, Kamion didnt have the time and now the build servers are busy with release testbuilds04:49
ajmitch_is it worth grabbing the last daily release?04:49
ograi wanted to have it as RC, yes04:49
=== ajmitch_ will resume wget then :)
ograit wont change, main uploads are locked04:50
ograi cant change a bit anymore, so what is there is the release04:50
ajmitch_so I'll probably have about 600MB of data left in my monthly quota until the 24th :)04:50
ograthus i didnt force a RC04:50
ograno rsync ?04:51
ograits way cheaper... 04:51
ajmitch_rsync dribbles in at about 4K/sec for me04:51
ajmitch_it's painfully slow04:51
ajmitch_I can get a single image at 180K/sec with wget04:51
ograsyncing from yesterdays to todays costed me 6 min :)04:51
ograbut wget doesnt compress and doesnt omit unneded data from the transfer04:52
ajmitch_but it's the only way I can get an image in time to test it04:53
ajmitch_rather than waiting a day for rsync04:53
ajmitch_so I'll just have slow internet after release :)04:53
ajmitch_no big deal04:53
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograjsgotangco, the release notes you made are quite good, lets take them for final...04:53
jsgotangcoi'm just going to integrate the stuff with the breezyreleasenotes04:54
mhzso I can translate them for final? educool04:54
ogramhz, i just tested xubuntu-desktop on a thin client... funny desktop :)04:54
toddobryanSo, is it possible to setup a server with two NICs so that one gets an "outside" address from a DHCP server and the other has an "internal" address which its terminals see?04:55
ograjsgotangco, nope, dont mention breezy features there, mdz was very upset that breezy features were in the preview notes04:55
ogratoddobryan, yup04:55
ograjsgotangco, we should only mention edubuntu feature04:55
jsgotangcoit'll be clean and short then04:56
mhzogra: I haven't yet. recommend it?04:56
ogramhz, yes04:56
toddobryanogra, We're getting stuck.04:56
ograif you need a very small desktop04:56
toddobryanWe can't figure out how to join an already existing network...04:57
mhztoddobryan: did yu read the wiki. there's a good page about it :)04:58
toddobryanWhat's the title?04:58
ogratoddobryan, the install asked you for a IP... that should be the static one for the thin clients04:58
toddobryanOK. We did that.04:59
toddobryanBut then we couldn't get it to grab an external address from the DHCP server.04:59
ograhttp://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPServerSetup there is a link at the bottom04:59
ogralinking to a page showing how to set up NAT05:00
mhztoddobryan: site down. it is being merged, afaik05:00
ograjust configuring the other card with the natwork-admin tool for dhcp didnt work ? 05:00
ogramhz, its wiki.edubuntu.org now05:01
ogra*network indeed05:01
toddobryanSo, it looks like picking would save some headaches later.05:02
toddobryanI'll try that tomorrow.05:02
mhztoddobryan: the url ogra provided and the nat howto should do perfectly05:02
toddobryanWell, I don't have the prereqs. The server can't connect to the internet.05:03
ogratoddobryan, yes, and post install just configure the second card from the desktop with the gui tool :)05:03
mhztoddobryan: basically, whichever range of IP you wish to use, then means you have to take care of editing everything else accordingly05:03
ograthen go with an ip from your net and make the changes to /et/ltsp/dhcp.conf05:03
toddobryanIt could be that we were trying too hard. The student who was trying to do it is a FreeBSD head and may have been trying to use a command-line tool when the GUI would have worked.05:04
mhztoddobryan: yes, do not edit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf  ONLY /etc/ltsp/05:04
toddobryanThat explains the problem.05:05
mhzFreeBSD is very similar to the linux tree05:05
toddobryan(There are disadvantages to having smart kids.)05:05
mhzbut when we talk about LTSP, it depends on different trees05:05
toddobryanI think he was looking in dhcpd.conf05:05
ogratoddobryan, just use any IP you like, and then follow strict the wikipage... copy and paste will do for most steps05:05
mhztoddobryan: the wiki is the bible05:06
toddobryanOK. We did look.05:06
mhzand if you dont find enough info there or you have doubts about the infor there, this is the living bible05:06
ograhmm, it hasnt even an old testament yes, only a handfull of pages :)05:06
ograyes, come here to ask questions... 05:07
mhzwell, bible started from scratch too!05:07
toddobryanI think the problem is that we didn't think the fact that it wasn't connecting itself was an LTSP problem, so we didn't look there.05:07
=== KingBahamut [n=bahamut@c-24-98-229-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzi had same problem the 1st time05:07
ograyes, but it took them far more than 2000 years to get some hundrets of pages...05:07
mhzand many others, that's why oliver wrote such simple notes on the wiki05:08
mhzogra: because they did not have MoinMoin wiki :D05:08
toddobryanI wish my district didn't block IRC so I could try the install and know this was available when I got stuck.05:08
ograthere are html based clients i heard05:09
toddobryanBut I'll give it a try tomorrow. All my kids are taking the PSAT, so I'll have some time.05:09
toddobryanThat would be awesome.05:09
ogragoogle for it, i never used one myself but i met people here who did05:10
mhzogra: i couldnt help the idea of imagining what it would have been like if apostols had a wiki to discuss and edit each other's ideas. just imagine what a potential mess!05:10
mhzJohn reverting Judas pages :D05:10
toddobryanThanks very much, all!05:11
ogratoddobryan, youre welcome :)05:11
mhzhope you're back05:11
mhzand provide some feedback05:12
toddobryanWish me luck as I try to convince people to dump MS, at least in one lab.05:12
=== mhz wishes toddobryan luck
jsgotangcoone lab at a time =)05:12
mhztoddobryan: tell'em that the edubuntu apostols will go there and kick some butts05:13
toddobryanmhz: first feedback...if you could auto-detect which NIC is plugged into the network and which isn't and configure appropriately, that would get rid of one possible source of stupidity (or Wiki-illiteracy :-)05:13
jsgotangcoLinux for Young Human Beings???05:13
toddobryanEver hear of the Children's Crusade?05:13
jsgotangcoogra, what happened to our frontpage???05:14
mhztoddobryan: it does autodetect if you specify to use DHCP05:14
jsgotangcoi know were doing a transition...05:14
ograjsgotangco, wiki merge going on05:14
mhzand if your network provides DHCP05:14
toddobryanAfter the install?05:14
mhzonce you log in05:14
toddobryanI'll give this another try tomorrow.05:15
mhzu r welcome05:15
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ogratoddobryan, i planned to autogenerate the dhcpd.file, but my patch wasnt accepted by our release manager anymore it was to late in teh release cycle...05:15
mhzhe left05:15
ograyup i saw it while hitting enter05:15
=== mhz is now known as toddobryan
ograhey, its 5am here... i'm allowed to miss stuff :)05:16
toddobryanok, thx ogra :)05:16
=== toddobryan is now known as mhz
ogra(sitting here since 11am)05:16
mhzyour poor butt is beging you for some minimum considerations05:17
mhzjsgotangco: what time's it there?05:18
jsgotangcoerrr 11:20am05:18
mhzwill we have the wed meeting?05:19
jsgotangcoif ogra is still awake at that time heh. he's currently doing an all-nighter05:19
ograoh, damned, according to our webpage i missed the release on the 10th05:19
ograand i even find weird errors in webpages :)05:20
jsgotangcoheh the site is down at the moment (elmo must be fixing something)05:20
mhzunbelievable, ogra still has some sense of good humour05:20
ogranope, www.edu....05:21
ograit was from the cache here, the site is down ...05:21
ograok, enough for today... night all05:24
jsgotangconight ogra 05:24
ajmitch_night ogra 05:24
ajmitch_sleep well :)05:24
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzwhich is the polemic desktop bg in GNOME?07:20
mhzI see no girl07:21
=== highvoltage catches up
highvoltageyippee, dns, etc sorted!07:54
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-167-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWhighvoltage: YAY :))08:57
highvoltageJaneW: and hno73 has done some nice design tweaks too.08:58
highvoltageJaneW: he sent you the link?08:58
jsgotangcohi JaneW 08:58
highvoltagehi jsgotangco 08:58
jsgotangcohey jonathan08:59
JaneWhighvoltage: no, I saw monday's link last... got one for me?08:59
JaneWjsgotangco: howdy :)08:59
JaneWjsgotangco: when does your new job start?08:59
jsgotangcoJaneW, mid-november08:59
JaneWjsgotangco: oic, so still 6 weeks or so...09:00
JaneWjsgotangco: just wondering09:00
jsgotangcoJaneW, since we don't have an RC our RC annoucment would be our gold annoucement i guess09:00
JaneWI think so yes09:00
ajmitch_hi JaneW 09:00
jsgotangcoJaneW, are you planning for another edubuntu summit?09:01
JaneWwe will borrow from the ubuntu announcement, but then must focus on what and why edubuntu is...09:01
JaneWajmitch_: morning (nearly evening for you I guess)09:01
jsgotangcoJaneW, done : http://wiki.edubuntu.org/DraftBreezyRC09:01
JaneWjsgotangco: sabdfl said we prolly would get another, but he wants to review our release to see how impressed he is09:02
jsgotangcoJaneW, err http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuReleaseCandidate rather....09:02
JaneWpresuming we do a edubuntu dapper (which is intended) we'll need to impress eveyone with it09:02
JaneWhopefully at ubz we can harness some more developer input, so Oli doesn;t have to shoulder the whole release virtually by himself again...09:03
JaneWjsgotangco: thanks I'll take a look09:03
ajmitch_more volunteers would be good09:06
ajmitch_I think with a first release you'll get more people interested 09:07
jsgotangcoi can focus on just edubuntu itself if asked09:08
jsgotangcothe last few days was a backbreaker for the docteam or whoever is left contributing09:09
=== jsgotangco should stop slacking off and start collecting brownie points to upload
=== ajmitch_ should just stop slacking off
jsgotangcoat least you can upload atm09:10
ajmitch_hopefully I can commit a decent amount of time for dapper09:12
JaneWthe input of both of you is very appreciated09:22
=== Burgundavia is current slack hardcore mode when it comes to Ubuntu
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, did you sort out your thing with userful? or just can't do much because of the work?09:27
BurgundaviaI sorted out things with Userful. No restrictions for at least 6 months09:27
Burgundaviabut softly, softly is the word09:28
highvoltageJaneW: can you get a quote, for what it would cost to clone oli? ;)09:30
JaneWhighvoltage: heh good idea09:30
highvoltagei feel bad about how much he did, and how little i could do, i really couldn't do much either, time tying me down at work.09:30
JaneWBurgundavia: hi, I wanted to ask you something last night09:30
JaneWhighvoltage: understood09:31
JaneWBurgundavia: was looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryHedgehog09:31
ajmitch_hm? sabdfl wants edubuntu delayed?09:32
JaneWBurgundavia: and was wondering if you are willing and able to do something similar with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyBadger (which is virtually abandoned) but still listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/09:32
JaneWajmitch_: huh?09:33
ajmitch_20:32 < sabdfl> Kamion: can we delay edubuntu without affecting everything else?09:33
JaneWsheesh, and sabdfl just pinged me...09:33
BurgundaviaJaneW, make it a clearing house page for various Breezy things?09:34
BurgundaviaJaneW, the earliest I will be able to seriously touch it will be the weekend, but I will do it09:36
jsgotangcoJaneW, about?09:37
JaneWBurgundavia: that would be great, anything which makes the page more relevant would be great09:38
JaneWjsgotangco: I ponged and no he hasn't said anything...09:38
JaneWajmitch_: what did mdz respond?09:38
BurgundaviaJaneW, it is 1am here, I think he is asleep09:38
ajmitch_no responses yet09:38
Burgundaviaspeaking of which, I must crash as well09:38
JaneWwe asked mdz if we could stagger the release previously and he said no09:39
JaneWmdz is talking09:39
JaneWin #u-d09:39
BurgundaviaJaneW, if you have anything specific you want done with the BreezyBadger page, should fire me an email09:39
Burgundaviabeyond what we just discussed09:39
JaneWBurgundavia: I just noticed it was OLD (since before UDU), I haven't time to really plan anything now, but anything that makes sense would help, perhaps point ro release notes and BreezyGoals etc?09:40
jsgotangcoi'll just do it09:40
jsgotangcoi'll just comment the whole page just to be safe09:41
jsgotangcoand add whatever needs to be there09:41
ajmitch_hm? I don't see mdz around at all :)09:41
JaneWajmitch_: he may have left, he was saying it was 10pm, so perhaps that was some time ago... sorry09:43
JaneWogra: PING (when you are up)09:43
ajmitch_yeah, it was, he was off for a bit of rest before attacking the release again09:44
JaneWdoes anyone has=ve the link to the edubuntu screenshots in osdir?09:51
JaneWsabdfl HATES our wallpaper09:52
ajmitch_if it's the same one in that screenshot, I don't blame him :)09:53
ajmitch_that's.. bright :)09:53
JaneWno we changed it from the mustard one09:53
JaneWto the little girl09:53
jsgotangcoshe doesn't like edubuntu girl?09:54
JaneWbut it was one of the top rated ubuntu wall papers for week and we voted on it09:55
ajmitch_heh :)09:55
JaneWweeks even09:55
JaneWand the whole idea was, fun, young and vibrant09:55
ajmitch_it captures that idea well09:55
ajmitch_but I don't think I'd like it on my desktop09:56
JaneWbut who keeps the default wall paper anyway?09:56
ajmitch_not I09:57
JaneWPLUS it is aimed at 6-18 year olds not adults09:57
=== ajmitch_ has a photo of his 2 month old niece instead :)
jsgotangcomy daughter likes edubuntu girl09:57
=== JaneW has photos of her kids ;)
JaneWexactly the target market likes it09:57
=== JaneW wonder if job ads seraches will be required soon
jsgotangcojob ad search?09:58
=== ajmitch_ might have to start asking sabdfl if there's job openings :)
jsgotangcoi'd probably apply but i doubt if i'm good enough09:58
JaneWajmitch_: mine might be open soon10:00
ajmitch_JaneW: I hope not10:00
=== JaneW too
jsgotangcoJaneW, eh??10:00
ajmitch_it's not all bad :)10:08
JaneWhighvoltage: PING URGENT10:24
=== jsgotangco rests a bit
highvoltageJaneW: PONG have to go in like 40s10:29
JaneWhighvoltage: URL for new wiki, web layouts please10:34
JaneWjust sent mail to mark and wanted latest ver10:34
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jsgotangcohenrik had the layout right?10:43
JaneWargh what happened to http://www.edubuntu.org/MeetingRecords???10:46
jsgotangcogo to wiki.edubuntu.org/MeetingRecords10:47
JaneWoh yay http://www.edubuntu.org/ is gone10:47
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JaneWcan you guys remember when it was we decided on the edubuntu girl wallpaper?10:55
JaneWjsgotangco: ta10:55
jsgotangcoi didnt know edubuntu girl was decided at all...i just said " like it" compared to the mustard backtground10:56
JaneWwe had a discussion about it10:56
JaneWI thought it was in a meeting but it must have been here on the #10:57
JaneWsabdfl wnats to know where, when , who etc10:57
jsgotangcoare we having a meeting later?10:57
jsgotangcoJaneW, i think the fuss about edubuntu girl is the face, not the backgroud itself...11:01
=== JaneW is feeling a bit deflated ...
ajmitch_why deflated?11:03
JaneW'This is absolutely NOT of the quality I would expect from EduBuntu.'11:04
jsgotangcobecause of the wallpaper?11:04
jsgotangcowell it would have helped if ogra had some help really11:05
jsgotangcowe could count in our hands who contributed11:08
=== pere_gone is now known as pere
jsgotangcoajmitch_, what did you grab 12.1?11:17
ajmitch_yes, I did11:19
jsgotangcothis is what's being tested now?11:20
ajmitch_I believe so11:20
ajmitch_of ubuntu, anyway11:20
ograJaneW, pong 11:20
ajmitch_I was grabbing 20051012 of edubuntu11:20
ajmitch_hi ogra 11:20
jsgotangcoyes right, it has the same time (12.0 and current)11:20
ajmitch_what's wrong?11:21
JaneWogra: seen the mails yet today?11:21
ograjust reading11:21
jsgotangcoajmitch_, i'm grabbing an image atm11:21
JaneWogra: let me know if you agree with my response (been getting grilled this am)11:22
ograJaneW, <Kamion> ogra: make a new edubuntu-artwork upload with wallpaper the way sabdfl wants it11:31
ogra<ogra> Kamion, ok11:31
ogra<Kamion> and do it quickly11:31
JaneWogra: I haven;t had any feedback as to what he wants though11:32
JaneWogra: I asked11:32
JaneWPM and e-mail11:32
ograi was fine with the "mustard", but now i need a quick suggestion...11:34
JaneWno sabdfl doesn;t like the mustard11:34
JaneWJaneW that is consistently the most popular edubuntu wallpaper11:35
JaneWJaneW it was one of the top rated of all wallpapers for a few weeks, and this one was not done by Oliver, but by a community member11:35
JaneWJaneW it was also discussed and agreed in the channel and in an edubuntu meeting. I am happy to change it though if it is not acceptable.11:35
JaneWJaneW this was the previous wallpaper (the one ogra put together in 10mins)  http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=434&slide=4&title=edubuntu+5.10+preview+screenshots11:35
JaneWsabdfl hmm... it's certainly an improvement on that, yes11:35
JaneWsabdfl i'm just amazed there was no professional artwork11:35
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JaneWogra: see new e-mail11:36
JaneWedubuntu girl stays11:37
jsgotangcooh my11:37
=== JaneW 's ability to argue and justify a point remains
JaneWthe world is not ending11:37
ajmitch_heh :)11:37
ajmitch_well done11:37
JaneW*dance of joy*11:37
jsgotangcoi like edubuntu girl really11:37
jsgotangcoi was about to suggest DawnOfUbuntu11:38
ograhmm, sad, that would have been *the* opportunity to fix the css colors for about edubuntu....11:39
ograbut well..11:39
jsgotangcohmm yeah11:40
JaneWogra: LMAO11:40
JaneWogra: so you welcomed this11:40
JaneWdang should have spoken up earlier ;)11:40
jsgotangcowell it would have been a good opportunity to actually push the other things that were cancelled (like the yelp page)11:41
ograheh, i dont really care ;) i liked the mustard, i like edubuntugirl and i have no problem that our about page has a white background... its a ll well :) it would have been space for improvement but i'm really not after more work ;)11:42
jsgotangcofor 3.5 months of work, this is pretty big i'd say11:42
enycI would just like to pount out the edubuntu main homepage confusingly says 'On Thursday October 10th we will release Edubuntu 5.10'11:42
jsgotangcoheh yep11:42
ograheh, yes11:42
enycdoes that mean cd images etc...?11:45
ograyes, we release tomorrow, its a typo on the site :)11:45
enyci notice TuxPaint annoyingly doesnt use ESD sounh ;-(11:47
enycbut 'esddsp tuxpaint' works....11:47
enycdiscovered this last nicht...11:47
enycnight even11:47
ograhmm... i'm not allowed to change a byte anymore on the CD images... file a bug so we can sort it for next release11:48
enycbut Im trying to type dvorak atm........11:49
enycim not quite there yet ;-)11:50
JaneWogra: how are you doing?12:00
JaneWogra: is our RC our Release?12:00
ografine, very tired... i was up until 5:3012:00
ograyes, Kamion was just to busy yesterday... and i didnt see the point of making a RC 8h before archive lockdown12:00
JaneWogra: can you hack a list of cool features together, baring in mind matt's comments from last time, they must be about Edubuntu so we can prepare the release notice12:01
ograi'm just starting my test install of the final image12:01
jsgotangcoJaneW, yup hehehe we were doing the RC annoucement last night but i asked ogra if its still needed...12:01
JaneWogra: also I'll need to get Matt to pre-approve it this time12:01
JaneWjsgotangco: we'll just turn it into the release announcement12:01
jsgotangcoJaneW, its in the wiki12:01
ograthe Rc announcement already has a small list, i'll enhance that one... i wiped all ubuntu features12:01
jsgotangcoits quite clean already12:01
JaneWogra: so we must put it up on a wiki page as he requested12:01
JaneWjsgotangco: great12:02
JaneWjsgotangco: awesome, you guys rock12:02
ograerr clean == very small :)12:02
JaneWand ogra ^^12:02
JaneWok make it dirty then12:02
ograthe list should be longer... lets see what comes to my mind...12:02
jsgotangcoknown edubutu-specific issues12:02
JaneWmake a big announcement about the ultra cool wall paper :P12:03
ograi agree with phillip from the ML that its to distracting... but i have no children so i'm the wrong one to judge...12:04
jsgotangcomy kid loves it!12:04
ograbtw, i tested xfce last night, its a real slick solutionfor a lightweight desktop :)12:05
JaneWquote from my persuasive e-mail: "I agree that grown adults don't always like the BRIGHT look, but children (and people who know children) consistently do."12:05
ograand it works great with ltsp12:05
ograJaneW, but i think sabdfl is right, we should get a professional artist next time... regarding that we only need wallpaper and splash that shouldnt be to expensiver12:06
JaneWogra agreed12:07
jsgotangcoit would have helped if development started earlier? hello?12:07
JaneWJaneW so can we keep it as is for now? (re-email)12:07
JaneWJaneW I didn't realise a professional design was an option, sorry.12:07
JaneWsabdfl yes, go ahead12:07
ograheh, yes, that too12:07
JaneWogra is the ubuntu stuff done professionally?12:08
JaneWif so I had no idea12:08
JaneWI thought it was community/staff created12:09
ograwallpaper, splash and usplash are done by cliff12:09
JaneWsee I never get answers when asking about the artwork12:09
=== jsgotangco keeps quiet now
ograthe artwork team (community) is still missng a direction, they just throw random stuff togetheer12:09
ograthis needs to get sorted for dapper... probably we can get something from them then12:10
ajmitch_they probably need to work to some specs :)12:10
ograbut the current state wouldnt have given us high quality work, even if they all do technically good stuff...12:11
ograjdub was hoping to get at least a set of calendar images from them... but they still havent any direction or theme for this...12:11
ograoh, heh12:12
ograand i'm alone in #ubuntu-artwork 12:12
ogracosy hanging around with the logbot12:12
ajmitch_even #ubuntu-bugs sees more action12:13
JaneWogra: make a noise12:13
JaneWweird though because art work is the fun stuff, should be popular12:13
ograto much reverb in this empty room ;)12:13
ograits like a chrurch... you get echoes if you get to loud in empty IRC channels ;)12:14
ajmitch_JaneW: not nearly as popular as MOTU work!12:14
JaneWyeah I guess super heros always get all the attention :P12:15
ajmitch_super heroes like ogra :)12:15
ograMOTU really starts to grow up ... and i had no time to give a hand this release12:15
ograbut luckily there is dholbach :)12:16
ajmitch_ogra: we've successfully managed to get things done without you, and even when dholbach has been away12:16
ogra(who is swamped in main stuff too now)12:16
ajmitch_there are some good leaders in the MOTU crowd12:16
ograajmitch_, thats what i maent with "grown up" 12:16
ograMOTU doesnt need external lead anymore... 12:17
ajmitch_btw I got the introdeveloperdocs from unfrgiven today12:17
ograyes, i saw your conversation12:17
ograhow are they ? 12:17
ajmitch_they look quite good12:17
ajmitch_~20 pages 12:17
jsgotangcoajmitch_, wow!12:17
ajmitch_OOo is not playing nice though12:17
jsgotangcoajmitch_, can you forward me a copy ?12:18
=== guim [n=glederer@] has joined #edubuntu
ajmitch_it's funny reading the old tb meetings, and mdz saying that the MOTU leaders should be community people, not canonical :)12:18
ajmitch_jsgotangco: sure12:18
jsgotangcojust in time for breezy? hehe12:20
ajmitch_JaneW: slightly OT, but are you the one to talk to about bounties? :)12:21
jsgotangcoalright i'm gonna go out first and buy some food12:28
jsgotangcoi'll surely attend the meeting12:29
=== highvoltage speedreads trying to catch up
highvoltageJaneW: where did the current wallpaper come from?12:35
JaneWhighvoltage: the stats quo is maintained12:35
highvoltageJaneW: keeping with the mustard?12:36
JaneWhighvoltage: a community member12:36
JaneWno keep edubuntu girl12:36
highvoltagecool, i like edubuntu girl12:36
JaneWhighvoltage: sabdfl love the website and wiki design btw12:36
highvoltageJaneW: I can access edubuntu.org, are you still having problems?12:36
highvoltageJaneW: did he see the real website? the one currently up is a bit incomplete.12:36
JaneWI was expecting to get the heat about those to, but he said "those look rather excellent. The Wiki skin and website skin both look very high quality. Well done."12:37
JaneWso congrats, well done and thank-you :))))12:37
JaneWyes I can access now12:37
highvoltageJaneW: you're feeling deflated now, but when Edubuntu 6.04 is released as a super-duper release, and compared to this one, you're going to feel excellent.12:37
JaneWhighvoltage: hno73 has been working with Znarl again this morning, they want to do the wiki migration later too12:38
highvoltagei'm putting in leave for almost the entire december just to help out with edubuntu :)12:38
JaneWhighvoltage: cool12:38
JaneWhighvoltage: yippee12:38
highvoltagei want to be like ogra one day, i think he's the best.12:38
highvoltageeven better than mds.12:38
highvoltagemdz even.12:38
JaneWhighvoltage: hopefully a lot of ppl will help with edu over the festive season and we can make some good and early progress for 6.0412:38
=== JaneW agrees
JaneWwhen we grow up right ? ;)12:39
=== JaneW dreamed we were at UBZ and edu was done. I dreamed a bought a cigar for ogra :)
highvoltageJaneW: yes, which might not be a long time12:39
JaneWmight have to do it now :)12:39
=== highvoltage might need at least a month or two
=== ajmitch_ might have to help out with edubuntu as well when he has 'spare time'
JaneWogra: did you update kamion on the wall paper decision yet?12:42
ograJaneW, sabdfl did12:43
JaneWogra: ok thanks12:54
JaneWogra: are you up to a meeting in an hour?12:54
JaneW**Reminder** Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in +- 1 hour12:55
ograJaneW, sure01:03
=== ajmitch_ wonders if he'll still be awake then
=== JaneW is going to go get some air... wbbiab
=== ajmitch_ needs beer rather than air
=== ogra goes looking for a can of air while making the next coffee
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograJaneW, what are the "Edubuntu Breezy Installation wallpapers" ?01:45
=== ajmitch_ is so very glad that universe uploads are still accepted
ograyes, i still have a bunch of pending stuff lying around here01:47
ajmitch_I just got bzr 0.1.1 in, thankfully01:47
ajmitch_mpool worked hard to get it ready01:47
JaneWogra: see link01:55
JaneW**Reminder** Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in +- 5 mins01:55
JaneWogra: http://art.ubuntu.com/backgrounds/edubuntu/3101:56
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #edubuntu
JaneW**Reminder** Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting NOW02:01
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=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-19-187-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
mhzYagisan: welcome back03:03
YagisanG'day mhz03:04
Yagisanhow are things going mhz ?03:04
mhzcool! educool! how about your site and family?03:05
jsgotangcodon't start a fad03:05
Yagisanmhz: Haven't worked on the site today - Did my quarterly financials today - and ran into a problem with the 8139too driver http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=997203:06
mhzthat's ethernet card right?03:07
Yagisanmhz: yes03:07
Yagisanmhz: a fad is a short lived craze or fashion03:08
Yagisanthe 8139too driver is a big issue - ALL of my ltsp clients have 8139 based net cards03:08
mhzand that is a very very very common used driver03:09
Yagisanyep - and broken in all recent kernels under high load03:10
mhzI had problems yesterday trying to install edubuntu onto an old pc which has Trident video card, so Xorg complained a lot (still does)03:12
Yagisanmhz: tell it to use the vesa driver03:12
Yagisanmemory may be tight on the card though03:12
mhzreally could work?03:13
Yagisanyes - shouldn't be an issue (unless the card is ISA, then it may not work)03:14
=== th1a [n=hoffman@pool-64-222-41-215.prov.east.verizon.net] has left #edubuntu []
mhzoh, i'll see this evening (6 more hours)03:14
jsgotangcoJaneW, ping?03:19
ogramhz, do it in lts.conf ... there is a example in the ltsp-client docs anywhere03:19
mhzogra: oh, even cooler :p03:20
spaceyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/13916877@N00/48973686/ <-JaneW?03:23
jsgotangcothat's our jane alright03:23
spaceyaha :)03:24
spaceyso i know what to look for on UBZ :p03:24
mhzspacey: what ot who to look for?03:25
spaceyso i can find janew i mean03:26
mhzi know, just me being mean this morning, no worries03:26
jsgotangcodon't worry she knows kata box and aikido03:27
mhzmy wife already kickes my butt everyday, my daughter does that too, and now by being mean, I got another potential agressor :D03:34
=== mhz is too stupid
jsgotangcomhz, how do you lock a wiki page when its supposed to be an open collaborative wiki?03:36
mhzjsgotangco: basically, there are two methods:03:37
mhza) we can use ACL03:37
jsgotangcothe ACLs are set in the server we can't do that without asking elmo03:37
=== jsgotangco has configured Moin for some clients
jsgotangcowhat's b)?03:38
mhzb) we can use CategoryFrozen and ask elmo to implement a kind of script so that all pages under that category get frozen03:39
=== mhz thought jsgotangco was the moin admin for edubuntu :)
jsgotangcono i'm just a slacker here03:39
mhzeither way, we still need the admin guy03:40
jsgotangcocan CategoryFreeze be done by anyone?03:40
ogramhz, hno is the admin of the moin servers, elmo is the server admin, and highvoltage is the guy who cares for the visible stuff03:40
mhzHenrik can implement SomeGroups with special powers and therefore we can use ACL and templates and Categories03:41
mhzjsgotangco: only by those with access to use it03:42
jsgotangcomhz, ah that's nifty then03:42
mhzhowever, ACL + Freeze Template will do very cool03:43
mhzbecause that way we do not need any script03:43
mhzonly the ACL right to use freezing features03:43
mhzjsgotangco: ACL that are not "public" are cool because people dont even notice there are "hidden" pages when visiting RecentChanges. In the case of using a FreezeTemplate, people will see the page but this will be immutable03:45
jsgotangcoif you can grab henrik later maybe you can ask...03:46
jsgotangcobut we're merging wikis so it'll have a social impact03:46
mhzjsgotangco: social impact...... maybe. People will understand we need to freeze03:55
mhzjsgotangco: OR we can use another approach03:55
mhzEdubuntuMasterWiki and EdubuntuWiki03:56
mhzlike moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de and moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de03:56
mhzwe all know that official docs are in moinmaster03:56
mhzand those are the docs we see on our moin servers03:57
jsgotangcobrain overload..03:57
mhzbut all the work is being done daily on moinmoin.wikiwikiweb03:57
jsgotangcowe'll do that when we get there...03:57
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-167-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcotry grabbing henrik later...03:57
mhzjsgotangco: hehehe, sorry03:57
jsgotangcowelcome back lady jane03:57
=== ogra glares at jelkners mail
jsgotangcoi hate it03:58
ogra It seems that appearance was done as an after thought and is given little value by the development process.03:58
jsgotangcoi'd looooveee to rant at him03:59
=== ajmitch_ blinks in confusion
ogrado it, if you keep with the CoC :)03:59
ogra" I can tell none of the current users of Edubuntu are actually pleased with the new artwork" ... how does he tell... we had exactly 3 complaints... so do we have only 3 users ? 04:00
jsgotangcofile a bug...04:01
mhzogra: you have jekner's email addres?04:01
ograits in the mail04:01
jsgotangcoon the list04:01
ajmitch_which mail is this you're talking about? :)04:03
jsgotangco"edubuntu desktop" in the edubuntu ml04:03
=== ajmitch_ spots it
=== ajmitch_ needs more caffiene for 3am :)
JaneWack I was disconnected for ages04:05
JaneWdid I miss anything at the end of the meeting?04:05
ajmitch_wb JaneW :)04:05
jsgotangcojust talking about your hair really04:06
ajmitch_talk about tshirts & the like04:06
ograJaneW, i made the next date the 19th 12:00 UTC...04:06
ograhope thats ok04:06
jsgotangcoand elkner's ass (according to flint)04:06
JaneWogra: thanks04:07
JaneWogra: of course04:07
JaneWjsgotangco: my hair!04:08
JaneWwhat DID I miss04:08
ajmitch_oh, not much :)04:08
ajmitch_ogra decided that the next edubuntu release would be based off suse ;)04:08
ograyes, i just started porting yast and incorporate rpm in ubuntu :)04:09
jsgotangcoJaneW, and thought of making the wallpaper nicer by adding your pic =)04:09
=== mhz would love to see more of gentoo based
ajmitch_ogra: rpm is already there, and you're behind on porting yast :)04:10
mhzeven better, Quinn's finger pic!04:10
jsgotangcomhz, YES04:10
mhzjsgotangco: we could use that pic for not-so-young wallpapers! LOL04:11
jsgotangcolet's see the reaction of the 18 year olds when they use edubuntu with that wallpaper04:11
=== mhz still mean
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:JaneW] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | First official release due in October 2005. NEXT MEETING: Oct 19 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. | Preview Release: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Installation help http://edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting
jsgotangcoJaneW, we're supposed to discuss about the release notes?04:12
=== JaneW catches up on end of meeting
JaneWfwiw my t-shirt said 'Lizzy' 04:16
JaneWjsgotangco: and yes my hair was short (and yucky) once ;)04:16
jsgotangcowe all have bad hair moments04:16
jsgotangcoon camera04:16
jsgotangcoJaneW, we're supposed to discuss about the release notes?04:17
=== mhz is now known as mhz_daughter
jsgotangcook im a bit cranky at the moment04:18
=== mhz_daughter BBL
JaneWjsg shall we give it 15 mins or so04:20
JaneWjsgotangco: or is it past bed time?04:20
jsgotangcojust tired04:20
jsgotangcocan't think atm04:20
jsgotangcomaybe later?04:20
jsgotangcohow about now04:20
=== jsgotangco reads email again
jsgotangcook let's add a lot of edubuntu boys and girls in different colors04:23
jsgotangcothe guy who did the wallpaper probably didnt even consider the color of the girl04:23
jsgotangcooh its Javacide04:24
jsgotangcohe's from Manila too i think04:24
enycwhat is this wallpaper i hear spoken about???04:25
jsgotangcoenyc, this one04:26
ograenyc, our final default wallpaper04:26
ajmitch_very final now :)04:26
enycogra: btw,  what is the best way to workaround/fix the tuxpaint-needs-to-use-esd  issue ?04:28
jsgotangcook that's nice to know Steve Torrefranca is from manila04:28
enyce.g. redirect the binary  or edit menu somewhere?04:28
JaneWjsgotangco: yes he is from Philipines  but lives in Taiwan04:28
ograenyc, i have not looked into that yet.. i'll add a howto to the wiki04:28
jsgotangcoi'll send him an email04:29
JaneWhere's a pic of him http://torrefranca.org/dev/?page_id=204:29
jsgotangcoJaneW, do you have his email?04:29
JaneWand sides the girl is more yellow than white anyway04:29
enycim not sure this happens on edububtu cd install sinec ive not done this yet...... ;-)04:29
JaneWand I didn't even think of race04:29
JaneWand I live in SA where race has been a very historical issue04:30
ograenyc, most likely it will...04:30
JaneWSteve Torrefranca <javacide@gmail.com>04:30
JaneWfrankly (and this is JMHO) if Jeff wanted a say perhaps he could have bothered to have got involved?04:31
ajmitch_night all04:32
JaneWajmitch_: 3am now?04:32
ajmitch_I got moodle 1.5.2 in04:32
JaneWget some sleep dude!04:32
ajmitch_but it still has the wwconfig-common deps, etc04:33
ajmitch_so that'll need fixed for dapper04:33
JaneWgood good04:33
ajmitch_my solution is still half-baked :/04:33
ograajmitch_, i'll fix that as my first dapper action 04:33
ajmitch_ogra: ok, sorry I didn't get that done :(04:34
ogradont worry... its secure and installable...04:34
ograthat all that matters now04:34
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enycogra: .lease try install/run tuxpaint ;-)04:39
enycogra: install 'esound-clients' then run 'esddsp tuxpaint,   ;-)04:40
enycogra: install 'esound-clients' then run 'esddsp tuxpaint' even ;-)04:40
=== jsgotangco [i=jsgotang@] has joined #edubuntu
ograjsgotangco, yuck ? 04:42
ograenyc, sorry, i cant currently, i'm in the middle of release test installs... but i'll note that down for later testing04:43
enyckk ;-)04:43
jsgotangcoogra: elkner's email04:43
ograjsgotangco, the "racists" mail ? 04:43
ograyes, sigh04:44
jsgotangcoits out of hand (topic)04:44
ograthe only chance to not make it a eternal thread is that nobody else answers...04:44
jsgotangcohow would the wallpaper maker react (he's malay)04:44
=== ogra already sees it explode...
=== jsgotangco ignores the thread then
ograbut probably it would break the silence on the ML ...04:45
jsgotangcoi showed the thing during LinuxWorld over here and people loved it (the look)04:46
ograi'd very much like to see our community wake up04:46
jsgotangcoi have 2 schools committing to use it already and didnt even react on the artwork, just the functionality04:46
enycif release is tomorrow.....04:46
enycwhat happens r.e. copying images to  mirrors etc...?04:47
jsgotangcothey sync eventually when the release is announced04:47
ograits the same process ubuntu uses... we are located on te same servers04:47
=== JaneW replied to race mail - sorry ;)
jsgotangco3rd parties can always check the site for mirror instructions04:48
ograsince we are "contained" in ubuntu04:48
enycthere will be manic download-overlaod tomorrow then ;p04:48
ograJaneW, probably its good to have such thread to get our community awake...04:48
JaneWogra: yes04:48
jsgotangcohow many subscirbers do we have?04:48
ograyes, around this04:49
Yagisanis there really such as fuss over the wall paper ?04:49
JaneWogra: I am asking chmj if he finds it offensive as well (just to be sure)04:49
ograYagisan, yes04:49
jsgotangcoby one email yes04:49
JaneWYagisan: yes, unbelievably04:49
jsgotangcoits crazy04:49
ograYagisan, when i work up today, everyone including sabdfl had alrady pinged me04:49
jsgotangcofirst it was termed creepy04:49
jsgotangconow racist?04:49
JaneWogra: good freudian slip there04:49
Yagisanwhat on earth for ? It looks fine to me - I'd normally turn it off on a low memory client though04:50
jsgotangcoyes exactly04:50
jsgotangcoit can be easily changed04:50
JaneWjsgotangco: and it's not even JessicaX^ saying it :)04:50
=== Yagisan isn't on the mailing list
jsgotangcoelkner is reacting too much04:50
ograi should have replied "we took it because we listen to our trolls"04:51
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jsgotangcoeven if we change the artwork it'll bork the whole build process for hours04:52
JaneWtrouble is he reacts straight to sabdfl04:52
pips1hi all04:53
jsgotangcoi can imagine how he reacts during UBZ04:53
ograJaneW, and ? cant we cope with that ? 04:53
pips1I see you are still discussing the artwork...04:53
JaneWok release notes04:53
JaneWogra: we can, as evidenced this am ;)04:53
JaneWpips1: afraid so04:53
ograpips1, sadly, yes... we'd have better things to do and cant change it anymore anyway04:54
pips1i see04:54
jsgotangcowe'll see how reviewers see it anyways in a few days04:54
jsgotangcowe can't be bothered by a few comments04:54
pips1I will write a *nasty* review ;-)04:54
JaneWSteve's duaghter is gorgeous :))04:54
=== JaneW kicks pips1
ograpips1, do you like it, or dont you like it ? 04:55
pips1hmmm I wrote my opinion to the list already04:55
ograoh, hi phillipp :=04:55
Yagisanahh - I found the mail - hmm they need their eyes checked - it's obviously a yellow girl - much like the simpsons are yellow04:55
pips1hi oliver04:55
=== pips1 thinks he missed a lot of funny conversations
ograpips1, a good headline for your review "Racistic educational branch of ubuntu found !"04:56
jsgotangcowell i just sent an email to the local list that the wallpaper was made by a fellow countryman and that is good news for us04:57
pips1good one!04:57
ograthat will bring a good amunt of attention :)04:57
pips1I not so worried about the skin colour of the girl really, but I do think it is a distracting image for a desktop background04:58
pips1oops /I/I'm04:58
Yagisanheh - its actually more yellow then my little girl - and she's half japanese04:59
ograpips1, it is distracting... but people didnt like the former one it seems and all others are idistracting too or have weird colors that make your eyes hurt... in fact it was the highest rated one we have on art.ubuntu.com...05:00
jsgotangcoogra: too late, i've already spammed the local lists and blogs saying that the wallpaper came from a local...heheh05:00
pips1yes, I understand all that... hmm05:00
ograand we cant change it back anymore now...05:01
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pips1well, I kind of sends out the signal THIS IS FOR KIDS!!! :-)05:01
ograthere was a short timeframe this morning where i had the opportunity, but sabdfl stepped back agaim05:01
pips1I have been guessing that this was happening in a somewhat heated rush... 05:03
pips1oh wel05:03
pips1talking about rushing things, I need to improve my irc typing ;-)05:04
ogranope, there was no rush... but not discussing it on the ML was a mistake05:04
pips1you are right05:04
jsgotangcopips1: the wallpaper has been a communitry contribution for months...05:04
JaneWpips1: that';s the POINT05:04
ograbut who are we to not learn from our mistakes, i mean, hey, we make a edu distro, give us room to learn :)05:05
JaneWit was actually one of the first wall papers we received05:05
JaneWogra: excellent point05:05
pips1jsgotangco and JaneW: I know05:05
jsgotangcoits the wallpaper i used for my demos05:05
JaneWok my kid is just contrary05:06
pips1jsgtangco: oh, how did people receive it then?05:06
JaneWI called my nearly 6 year old in and he chose mustard over edubuntu girl05:06
=== JaneW makes a doctors apoointment ;)
JaneWok jsgotangco release note are these right? 05:07
JaneWThe Estate Agents commission for the sale of 100 3rd Ave was: R34 20005:07
JaneWincl VAT.05:07
JaneWoops not that05:07
pips1hey, guys I have clearly missed something, why do you think was sabdfl in favour of the edubuntu girl?05:07
JaneWthis http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuReleaseCandidate05:08
ograJaneW, wow, thats cheap05:08
JaneWogra heh05:08
jsgotangcoJaneW: that's the latest that we have and seems stable05:08
=== JaneW is trying to work out CGT for tax return (forgotten about and nearly overdue)
ograpips1, because its community contributed...05:08
pips1fair enough!05:09
JaneWjsgotangco: ok I'll edit so it no longer says candidate05:09
ograpips1, he and mdz totally misunderstood my post about the 10min gimp job05:09
pips1ogra: in what way?05:09
ograthe thought the girl was this gimp job, not the mustard...05:09
jsgotangcoJaneW: right, and have ogra pass on it in case there are further changes05:10
pips1ogra: and then, huh?05:10
jsgotangcomustard was the 10min gimp job05:10
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jsgotangcothey thought it was the face05:10
jsgotangco*the first post said it looked creepy*05:10
ograand sabdfl objected strongly to have a 10min gimp job wallpaper that looks "like that" ... after he found out the opposite ws the case, he was fine05:10
JaneWjsgotangco: where is ubuntu's announcement for tomorrow- just to compare05:11
ograbeing community contributed beautified it it seems ;)05:11
jsgotangcohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseNotes -> is the ubuntu release notes05:12
pips1yes i understood that mustard was the 10 min job, but what made sabdfl + mdz's choose the edubuntu girl because of that misunderstanding?!05:12
jsgotangcohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftBreezyAnnouncement -> is the draft 5.10 release annoucement05:13
ograpips1, the question was if i should revert it and risk another some hour lasting build of all isos or not...05:14
pips1ah ok05:14
ograand we have no other artwork than mustard and the stuff on art.ubuntu.com ...05:14
JaneWogra: do we have these completed? Install CD for the PC (Intel x86), 64-bit PC (AMD64) and PowerPC (Apple iBook and Powerbook, G4 and G5) architectures05:14
JaneWjsgotangco: many thanks05:14
ogramaking a sane decision would have involved to discuss it again which takes time05:14
jsgotangcothe build would be a big issue05:15
ograJaneW, absolutrely...05:15
ograJaneW, with my latest changes we have even more than 20MB space... if i could upload *now* i could add all artwork to the package :/05:15
JaneWcool - but too late ;/05:16
jsgotangcocrazy day for sure05:16
JaneWjsgotangco: the announcement needs to be e-mail friendly no? '''[http://www.ubuntu.com Ubuntu] ''' wont work05:16
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ograoh, the space comes from dropping gcompris from ppc, we should note that too... i couldnt find anything to compensate a 50MB package ...05:17
jsgotangcolet me check05:17
jsgotangcoah so evil gcompris left the ppc05:17
ograbut it not an issue... since mdz and sabdfl belive we wont have ppc users (i doubt that though)05:17
jsgotangcoppc clients perhaps05:18
pips1to be honest: this episode is quite ironic: the sabdfl makes decision without prior discussion (on the list) and his decision is fuelled by "but it [the artwork]  is community involvement" ;-)05:18
JaneWogra: is this true with 5.10, mdz thought not "The aim is that an educator with05:19
JaneW> limited technical knowledge and skill will be able to set up a computer05:19
JaneW> lab, or establish an on-line learning environment, in an hour or less,05:19
JaneW> and then administrate that environment without having to become a05:19
JaneW> fully-fledged Linux geek."05:19
ograif it would have been easy doable, i'd have dropped all server apps from ppc... but that would have required heavy changes to the installer and Kamion was overworked already05:19
jsgotangcoJaneW: the link works05:19
JaneWjsgotangco: but surely not if cut into an e-mail?05:19
ograJaneW, yes, with using the documents that is achievable05:20
jsgotangcojust move the Moin tags05:20
=== JaneW is doing that
YagisanI'm sure there will be powerpc users - do know how many schools have old macs lying around05:21
JaneWerk but do we want to keep a wiki version too?05:21
JaneWmaybe I shouldn;t remove them till I cut and paste in an e-mail05:21
ograYagisan, if you install from DVD it will be contained... or you can install it afterwards... there was just no way to make it fit on a CD 05:22
Yagisanogra: I meant powerpc users in general (I'm a bit lagged here)05:23
ograwe have a CD for them... just not with 50MB gcompris :)05:23
Yagisanqemu doesn't want to cooperate with me :( 05:25
Yagisanit makes it difficult to make my multi-arch work :(05:26
jsgotangcook im going to sleep05:30
jsgotangconight all05:30
JaneWogra: some nice friendly mails from Matt just in05:30
JaneWdoes anyone have time to change links in our wiki to point to wiki.edubuntu... instead of www.edubuntu ???05:36
ograJaneW, sigh... i dont want to delay... not for a wallpaper change... except we can get cliff to create something for us05:37
JaneWogra: sorry but please give me the link to your install notes again05:37
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=== hno73 [n=hno73@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
hno73Hello! We are now planning to migrate the wiki, so there will be some down time05:43
JaneWplease could we have proof readers for http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuReleaseCandidate05:45
ograInstallNotes was editied...05:45
JaneWogra: please could you also prrof and add/remove from the features list as required05:45
ografirst let me fix the install notes05:45
JaneWedited a lot?05:46
ograwhy cant people put comments at the bottom instead of the middle of the text05:46
JaneWogra we need to synchronize changes to the release notes and the announcement05:50
JaneWhttp://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuReleaseCandidate <- announcement05:50
hno73JaneW, ogra: I see that you are both actively using the wiki now05:50
hno73just be aware that it will go down soonish, for about 15 min05:51
JaneWI'll need to stop soon though05:51
JaneWkids need attention05:51
JaneWogra will you take a look at them when you have a mo?05:51
JaneWI'll look again later, but it will need to be after 9pm05:51
ograhno73, jus go ahead, i got both pages open here and wont edit bfore its up again05:51
hno73I would suggest you save edits to gedit locally in that period so you dont lose work05:51
JaneWhno73: go ahead, good luck and thanks :)05:51
JaneWI have closed all edits now05:52
hno73ogra: it wont come up again in the same place though :)05:52
ograhno73, doesnt matter :)05:52
hno73same URL, but different wiki05:52
hno73ok :)05:52
ograwhoops, there its gone :)05:52
hno73here we go ...05:53
=== JaneW holds breath
ograJaneW, hmm, why is the complete feature list added again to ReleaseNotes ? i wiped it yesterday05:53
JaneWogra: dunno05:54
JaneWogra: sholdn;t it be there?05:54
JaneWjsgotangco prolly added it..?05:54
ograi'm pressty fine with EdubuntuReleaseCandidate 05:54
JaneWcool :)05:54
ograpretty too :)05:54
ograbut it differs from EdubuntuReleaseNotes05:55
ograi like the first one more05:55
JaneWedit away!05:55
=== JaneW must go for a bit
mhz_daughterhno73: hi06:04
hno73mhz_daughter: hello!06:04
mhz_daughteranychance we can have ACL enabled for EditorGroup or alike? 06:05
mhz_daughterso we can use FreezeTemplate on some "master" documentation?06:05
mhz_daughteror EdubuntuEditorGroup06:06
hno73we are just now moving the wiki ...06:08
hno73pages are now up on wiki.u.c06:08
mhz_daughterand possibly later? basically, the idea is to start cleaning "a little" the jungle06:10
mhz_daughterand help jerome tasks, as wll06:10
ograhno73, ouch, you just copied them ? 06:12
ograthats a bit weird...06:12
mhz_daughterogra: not in Moin06:12
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallNotes 06:12
ograit is...06:12
ograwe need to rename all pages ten06:12
mhz_daughterwell, linking is an issue06:13
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ogranot the linking... but if i open the above url i wouldnt expect a edubuntu install note :/ we have to change announcement etc...06:13
hno73ogra: yes that way you preserve edit history and attachments06:13
hno73you might want to rename some of them afterwards06:14
ograhno73, i thought we'll get our own namespace 06:14
mhz_daughterso, hno73 is it gonna be /data (merged) or /data (unmerged) with InterWiki features06:14
hno73ogra: you will. phase 2 ...06:14
ograthats a bit odd... i understood it different06:14
ograsigh, ok...06:14
ograare you sure you didnt overwrite things like the ReleaseAnnouncement for ubuntu we have some pages with similar/the same names06:15
hno73yes, I cleaned it all out 06:15
hno73renaming where needed06:16
mhz_daughteroh, so it'll be /data 'merged' not InterWiki06:17
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JaneWogra: one point there's no known issues list in our release notes... neede to fix that06:55
ograi'll add them to the install notes rather...06:56
hno73We now have a new front page and a new wiki skin on wiki.edubuntu.org I'm not sure this is exactly how you guys wanted it done, but hopefully it's progress. I can spend some time restructuring the Edubuntu pages in the wiki if you want, with a main page and a Table of Contents and stuff, so things will be easier to find.07:18
hno73One nice thing is that the edubuntu wiki skin is much cooler than the ubuntu one now, so I for one always browse with that set as my default :)07:19
ograhno73, oh, you didnt say step 1 and 2 would both happen today :)07:19
hno73sprea the word07:19
hno73oh, sorry07:19
hno73Is it causing problems for you?07:19
ograso im fine now, awesome wrk, we owe you one or two...07:20
ograi'm as happy as i can be :)07:20
hno73ok, weel just let me know if anything needs tweaking07:20
ograhmm, i have to select the css for ubuntu too ? 07:23
ograi see the same css on both wikis07:23
ogranow i'm on the launchpad wiki07:25
ograhno73, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ reliably redirects me to the launchpad wiki07:27
hno73yes, confirmed (!?) investigating ...07:27
ograit only happens with https07:28
hno73I guess we need to add a line to the apache conf07:28
ograbut since ubuntu redirects me automatically from http to https, its common to edit the url to go to wiki.edubuntu.org...07:28
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=== jono is also known as highvoltage
jonohno73: nice work on the web pages / wiki. i'm connected via gprs now, so i can't see images, etc. i see you've renamed the other page to index-future.html07:32
jonocan everyone who is present state so, I want to put up the F.A.Q.07:33
hno73ah, index-future should be deleted07:33
jonohno73: i can't see atm, do you have the menu's, etc on top?07:33
jonowhich quesstions should we have on the F.A.Q? And what is the questions we've been asked most so far?07:34
hno73where, front page or wiki?07:34
hno73(both have icons)07:34
jonook, cool.07:34
jonohno73: thanks a billion gazillion, btw.07:34
jonohno73: i was real stressed out about the site, and just didn't get to it.07:35
hno73though you might need to change your skin in the wiki to see it07:35
hno73np :)07:35
hno73happens. I'll ask you for some help another time :)07:35
jononow that you mention it, i do. i had it changed on the ubuntu wiki previously.07:36
jonohno73: :)07:36
hno73Once I saw what needed to be done I just pushed it forward. I might have been a bit thin on communication though (sorry for any surprises folks :) )07:37
jonohno73: i probably said it before, but i have lots of respect for you for the work you have done in the free software community. being able to communicate with people like you and ogra on a regular basis is a real privilage07:37
jonohno73: no problem, whatever gets the job done :)07:37
hno73feel the ubuntu flow :)07:37
jonohno73: the news link on the site, can we point it to something like http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuNews/20051012 on the wiki, and then manage the news through the wiki?07:38
jonothe /EdubuntuNews page can contain the news archives.07:39
jonocan you lock down that page so that only privilages users can edit it?07:39
hno73I don't actually have edit rights on the front page (orcadas) do you?07:40
hno73Sounds sensible07:40
jonolet me check, i'm vi'ing the file now.07:40
hno73yes, we can limit edit rights07:40
hno73I've had to mail changes to Karl so far07:41
jonoyes, i can write to index.html on orcadas07:41
hno73But if you can edit it, please do07:41
jonook, editing now..07:41
hno73ok, I'll step back from that then :)07:41
jonostep back? byt why!?07:42
hno73I'll let you tweak and expand the front page as needed07:42
jonook. i'm sure elmo can tweak the groups and permissions to give you access to :)07:42
hno73it still needs a few tweaks, like IE-friendly images and a red footer07:42
jonowe'll do that more long-term.07:43
jonoooooh, IE friendlyness.07:43
jonowhat's the problem in IE atm? transparency?07:43
hno73Anyway, if I really feel like tweaking it I'll send files to you07:43
hno73yes, just needs a red background07:44
hno73no big deal07:44
hno73was on the bottom of my todo list :)07:44
jonoJeromee, JaneW, mwest, guim, ajmitch_: ping07:47
=== hno73 also notices that the skin breaks on sub-pages like http://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuBelowZero/BOFs :-(
jonoexample pages:07:53
hno73investigating ...07:53
jonoany ideas on layout?07:53
jonohmmm.. i'll have to check when i have images again07:53
hno73why do you need sub pages for different days (appart from the fact that currently breaks the theme ...)07:54
hno73actually, I guess it makes good sense :)07:55
ograshoudnt the news be on the website like for ubuntu ?07:55
jonooh yes, it breaks themes. :(07:55
jonoogra: www.edubuntu.org07:56
jonoogra: the news highlights go onto the site07:56
jonoand then the stories are on the wiki07:56
jonothe news section will be locked down so that only edubuntites (for lack of better word) can edit it07:56
ograedubuntians :)07:57
jonoogra: what is the problem with the news being on the wiki?07:57
jonoogra: nice word07:57
hno73though I need to look into that07:57
jonohno73: is the theme fixable for sub-pages?07:57
ograjono, if its locked down its ok....07:57
hno73we don't have any pages locked ATM07:57
jonohno73: or is it a limitation we need to work around?07:57
hno73it may even be a policy issue07:57
jonohno73: really? for news pages as well?07:57
hno73wanting to keep it open07:57
jonohno73: ok, we can start a wiki-watchers-subgroup that monitor changes and make sure that no one abuses it (adding spam, etc)07:58
ogranews shouldnt be world editable...07:58
hno73well, we haven't put news in the wiki before ...07:58
jonohmmm :/07:58
ograyes, thats why i was asking07:58
hno73perhaps you can just put it on the site for now?07:58
jonoif we can't lock it down, we should move it out of the wiki.07:59
hno73use the current main page as a template ...07:59
ogranote that even ubuntu only has new news all few months, it wont be edited often07:59
jonook, people can then send news to me or other web editors, and it can be added manually. not a problem.07:59
ograyes, thats how we do it in ubuntu too08:00
jonook. i thought it was part of the plone setup.08:00
ograoh, is it intentional that the startpage shows the ubuntu content ? 08:01
hno73we should set up a new Edubuntu welcome page and point directly into that08:02
hno73not intentional as in thought through08:02
ograits not identical with the FontPage08:02
ograbut it shows all ubuntu content08:02
hno73I don't think 'Welcome' got moved, but I have a copy08:03
hno73it sshould be http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu really08:03
hno73I can rename that to http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuSpec and them place the old 'Welcome'page there08:04
ograhttp://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu is a BOF spec from ubuntu08:05
hno73right, but should be renamed EdubuntuBOF or something08:05
hno73so we can use http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu08:06
ograand should be a subpage of UDU08:06
ograor CategoryBOF or something like that08:06
hno73these name conflics are inevitable when merging wikis I'm afraid08:07
ograhno73, is there a way for easy renaming ? 08:11
ograprobably without loosing the page history ? 08:11
hno73I think renaming preserves history08:12
hno73ogra: checking ...08:12
ograhmm, i must admit i have no idea how to rename a page 08:12
ograhah, blind me08:13
hno73oh, sorry. more actions dropdown08:13
ograok, renamed08:15
ogratook ages... its very slow08:15
ograi dont think this merging stuff works well...08:17
=== jono23 [n=jono@196-46-163-254.gprs.vodacom.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
jono23agh! i loose my connection when I receive an sms.08:21
hno73ogra: was saving pages much faster when the edubuntu wiki was by itself? 08:22
ograyes, a lot08:23
ogra10x or more08:23
hno73The slowness of saving pages has been an issue for a while now08:23
hno73but you have been using the main wiki too right?08:23
ograit takes more than a minute, my browser sits there saying "waiting for ...."08:23
hno73which has been slow for a while08:23
ograyes, it was always slow08:23
ograbut it got worse over time08:24
hno73but the two wikis have always been on the same machine, running the same MoinMoin code08:24
hno73so it must be the number of files that does it08:24
hno73in a particular wiki tree08:25
ograseems like, yes08:26
hno73Anyway, that's useful information. I'll look into that more08:27
ograhmm, but the naming issue is bothering me a bit...08:29
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Community has the same content as http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Community so we force ourselves into prefixing all over the place08:30
jono23ah, i got it saved: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuFAQ08:31
jono23is the release info acurate?08:31
ogranot yet.. i'll do it tonight08:31
ograi need to merge info from the several release notes pages we have08:31
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=== Trackilizer [n=gsg@p54AEC933.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
TrackilizerI just wanted to ask, what's this distro about?09:32
TrackilizerI can't seem to be able to find screenshots.09:32
crimsunit's described on the front page of www.edubuntu.org09:33
crimsunclick on FAQ if you wish to know more09:34
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
ogracould someone check for typos ? and if i missed a known issue we talked about in the meeting, please point it out ... http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes10:04
pips1ogra: I just quickly read throught InstallNotes, no typos 10:14
pips1The wording could be slightly more elegant, but I think it's all understandable. :-)10:15
pips1ajmitch_: hi10:16
pips1BTW, the website skin is looking good, I really like those gartoon icons :-)10:17
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089EE19.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
pips1ogra: I just quickly read throught InstallNotes, no typos 10:41
ograthanks :)10:41
ograyeah... looks like our final CD is up...10:42
pips1hohoho! congratulations, sr:!10:42
=== pips1 is going looking
ograthis will be the final...10:43
ograno further builds planned, no content changes possible10:44
pips112-Oct-2005 20:35 10:45
pips1those ones...10:45
ograyup... (note that UTC times its 15 min old) 10:46
pips1how does it feel?10:46
ograhmm... 10:47
pips1I read even your fellow MOTUs are telling you to get more sleep! ;-)10:47
ograi'm tempted to be happy... but its not really what i wanted... so my feelings are a bit ambivalent10:47
ograheh, yes, i wont leave the bed over the weekend i guess10:48
pips1hey, what is bugging you then? the "known issues"?10:48
ograthere are to many ...10:49
pips1i mean, the stuff that is not 100% working (LTSP glitches, etc.)?10:49
ograbut whats buggin me more are the unknown ones ;)10:49
ograyes... i wnated a shiny slick release with no manual work required.... 10:50
ograand all the tools you need for administration etc...10:51
pips1this is my first time witnessing a distribution release being done (ubuntu, more than edubuntu)... and I am amazing by the whole process!10:51
ograyup, its very exciting :)10:51
pips1yes, it got my excited enough, and I wasn't even coding, fixing stuff, ...!10:52
pips1just submitting stuff to bugzilla and testing... 10:52
ograthats a good contribution :)10:52
pips1ogra, I need to continue with other pressing stuff right now... (schooltool related)10:54
pips1cu l8r ! :-)10:54
ograbye, thanks for helping and have fun :)10:54
pips1my pleasure!10:55
pips1edubuntu 1 might be a "warty" rather than a "breezy" but hey, it's the very first release, don't kill yourself over all those things that didn't quite make it 10:56
pips1I'm already impressed by all the edu apps and I like the edubuntu desktop icons so much, I'll get them for my ubuntu laptop too :-)10:57
ograheh :)10:59
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jintyhey ogra, congrats, hope all goes smoothly11:42
ograme too... just downloading the last image...11:43
ograand tomorrow the DVD11:43
jintycool, also, in future, let me know about any issues with schooltool11:43
jeanghi all - quick question, have a pc running 5.10.  can i dist upgrade to edubuntu next week?11:44
jeangor am i looking at a fresh install>11:44
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ograjinty, i'll do :)11:45
ograjeang, just install edubuntu-desktop and edubuntu-server and you have a edubutu install ;)11:45
jeangogra - thanks11:46
ograjeang, the archive is locked since 24h for non universe uploads, what you get is the final release now... 11:46
ogra(if you only want a desktop, dont install -server indeed ;) )11:47
jeangogra - cool.. see a busy weekend ahead!11:47
ograheh :)11:47
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