=== mpt [n=mpt@201-27-7-139.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
Kinnison | ciao all | 12:40 |
=== john__ [n=john@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
john__ | In the FAQ Guide the titles should be bolded not the menu location | 01:27 |
john__ | its hard to navigate | 01:27 |
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segfault | hi. anyone around? | 02:04 |
Burgundavia | mdke, pong | 02:05 |
segfault | I registered the "learnlinux" project to start translating it to my language (pt_BR). | 02:06 |
segfault | Do i have just to send it (the po files) to rosetta admins? | 02:06 |
mpt | segfault, yes | 02:07 |
mpt | and Launchpad-related questions are more likely to get an answer in #launchpad | 02:07 |
segfault | i know, i asked here because the doc team had worked in some situations like this. | 02:08 |
segfault | those books are made by several PO files, and not one per book | 02:08 |
segfault | i dunno if it can be dangerous or no. | 02:08 |
segfault | IIRC, they converted the faqguide into one big file because of some problems | 02:09 |
john__ | hi | 02:09 |
segfault | mdke, jbailey? | 02:11 |
ajmitch_ | hi | 02:12 |
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-69-205-47-165.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
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jabra | anyone know about a new ubuntuguide? (someone working on it, do they need help etc) | 05:19 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Doc Team - general discussion - backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | We are string frozen for Breezy release | Projects on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamProjects | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Remember the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct first. | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Burglaptop at Sun Sep 11 04:55:55 2005 | ||
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
fabbione | hi guys | 08:14 |
fabbione | hmmm kjcole isn't around.. | 08:14 |
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mdke | morning all | 08:40 |
mdke | Burgundavia, ping take two? | 08:46 |
mdke | jabra, yes have been working on one | 08:46 |
mdke | segfault, learnlinux is not our project | 08:47 |
mdke | jdub, ? | 08:54 |
jdub | mdke: yo? | 08:55 |
mdke | jdub, did you get my mail about planet? | 09:05 |
mdke | good morning btw | 09:06 |
jdub | dunno | 09:13 |
jdub | will check later | 09:13 |
jdub | returning to sleep now ;) | 09:13 |
mdke | thanks | 09:13 |
mdke | bah | 09:13 |
=== mdke goes to work | ||
Burgundavia | mdke, grr, seems we misssed each other again | 09:33 |
Burgundavia | mdke, email me | 09:34 |
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@info1-181.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
Burgundavia | salut jsgotangco | 09:45 |
jsgotangco | hi Burgundavia | 09:45 |
jsgotangco | how's things? | 09:46 |
Burgundavia | tired but happy | 09:46 |
Burgundavia | just came back from our Breezy release party | 09:46 |
jsgotangco | ohhh | 09:47 |
jsgotangco | we're going to have ours tommorow | 09:47 |
jsgotangco | after the the LUG meet | 09:47 |
Burgundavia | just 4 of us, myself, madpilot, robitaille and a mutual friend of madpilots and mine | 09:48 |
jsgotangco | that | 09:49 |
jsgotangco | that's Ubuntu Victoria? | 09:49 |
Burgundavia | indeed | 09:50 |
jsgotangco | wow | 09:50 |
jsgotangco | its so quiet today... | 09:50 |
Kinnison | Morning | 09:59 |
Burgundavia | morning Kinnison | 10:00 |
Kinnison | hey corey. How's you? | 10:00 |
Burgundavia | pretty good | 10:00 |
Kinnison | coolio | 10:05 |
jsgotangco | brb | 10:13 |
rob^lt | hello | 10:22 |
jsgotangco | hey rob^lt | 10:22 |
rob^lt | lt == laptop | 10:22 |
=== rob^lt got a new one | ||
jsgotangco | whoa | 10:23 |
rob^lt | that reminds me, I should enter it on the laptop page | 10:23 |
=== rob^lt [n=rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
rob^lt | who messed around with restrictedformats? | 11:03 |
rob^lt | oh my bad, someone just put in a toc | 11:04 |
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=== rob^ [n=rob@dsl-202-52-55-156.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
rob^ | anyone know the current status of getting help.ubuntu.com going? | 01:12 |
segfault | dunno | 01:43 |
segfault | i can help to configure apache if wanted | 01:43 |
rob^ | yeah I'd like to get this going soon now that breezy is out the door | 01:44 |
mdke | yeah i posted the status on the list last night | 01:48 |
mdke | any replies are welcome | 01:48 |
rob^ | oh didn't see it | 01:48 |
rob^ | whats the go? | 01:48 |
mdke | as set out in that email | 01:49 |
=== rob^ hasn't got it | ||
mdke | k | 01:50 |
mdke | http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.doc/3377 | 01:50 |
mdke | a further message in that thread says that the 3rd item in that list is fixed | 01:51 |
rob^ | well I can help out with number 2 if I get the time | 01:52 |
mdke | cool | 01:52 |
mdke | the main ones are the last two | 01:52 |
rob^ | I also have some web hosting space if we want to temp host stuff | 01:52 |
mdke | re: the first one, we can always release at doc.ubuntu.com/breezy IMO | 01:52 |
mdke | there are 3 GB free on the linode so space isn't an issue | 01:52 |
rob^ | segfault mentioned before he can help us with apache | 01:53 |
rob^ | the rev history I can move to another page | 01:54 |
rob^ | I beleave we need it somewhere as a requirement for one of the licences | 01:54 |
rob^ | yay my spelling is great tonight | 01:55 |
mdke | hang on | 01:57 |
mdke | there should be a way to build the doc without the rev history | 01:57 |
mdke | don't edit the doc because you'll break the translations even more | 01:57 |
rob^ | yeah, maybe I can just pull a copy out of svn and work on that for the web site | 01:58 |
mdke | no | 01:58 |
mdke | we want the translations to be able to go on the website too, don't forget | 01:58 |
rob^ | still want translations on the site too | 01:58 |
rob^ | yeah just thought that | 01:58 |
=== mdke nods | ||
mdke | or other websites | 01:58 |
mdke | segfault, if you can figure out what is wrong with apache and provide some patches, i'd be glad. I can give you a login | 01:59 |
rob^ | hmm, well when will we be able to get a new translation? This would work out good because it gives me a chance to squash some bugs to boot | 01:59 |
mdke | ? | 01:59 |
mdke | you'll have to squash them for the next release I think | 02:00 |
rob^ | so the website is out until dapper? | 02:00 |
mdke | the docs were frozen ages ago dude | 02:00 |
mdke | i don't see a reason to have two versions of the faqguide , one in the distro and one on the web | 02:01 |
mdke | do you? | 02:02 |
rob^ | yeah true | 02:02 |
mdke | the bugs are not bad anyhow | 02:03 |
mdke | I'm sure there is a way to build the doc without revhistory, because that doesn't appear in the main body of the document | 02:03 |
mdke | i'm just waiting for someone who understands xsl to tell me | 02:04 |
rob^ | hmm | 02:04 |
rob^ | a little above my head without some googling | 02:05 |
mdke | ok i gtg | 02:05 |
rob^ | ok | 02:05 |
rob^ | cya | 02:05 |
mdke | claude had an answer but it didn't work | 02:05 |
mdke | see that thread | 02:05 |
mdke | (gone) | 02:05 |
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eruin | I've got a slight issue when translating the faqguide | 02:57 |
eruin | warning and caution is the same in my language | 02:58 |
eruin | should I just make the two the same in my translation, though it'd look weird? | 02:58 |
mpt | eruin: hmm, interesting question | 03:23 |
mpt | do you know which is more serious? | 03:23 |
=== mpt hasn't seen the faqguide in a while | ||
mpt | ok, warning is more serious | 03:24 |
mpt | could you translate that as a word like "danger" instead? | 03:24 |
mpt | hmm, perhaps that's too dramatic | 03:25 |
mpt | perhaps translate caution as something like "be careful" | 03:25 |
jabra | could I help out with the ubuntuguide for breezy? | 03:37 |
eruin | mpt, yep, my initial translation amounts to something like "critical warning", which might seem a bit over the hill | 03:45 |
mpt | eruin: Keep in mind that you don't need to translate the sentences directly -- you could translate them in another way that gets across the same meaning, like a map legend for example. | 03:47 |
mpt | but really, that section of the document is rather embarrassing, it shouldn't exist at all | 03:47 |
eruin | I really wish I had the time and resources to create a document detailing all the parts of varios packages that make a translator's life difficult ;) | 03:49 |
eruin | direct translations is indeed a problem | 03:50 |
eruin | I correct many of them every day | 03:51 |
eruin | :/ | 03:51 |
eruin | many translators also seem to use less formal language than you'd normally see in proprietary applications | 03:51 |
eruin | we really should have a guideline for things like that | 03:52 |
eruin | if there isn't one already | 03:52 |
jabra | I am currently working on a step by step guide to install ubuntu breezy | 03:56 |
jabra | doing it in vmware with a movie to play back | 03:56 |
jabra | is there anything I could help with for the ubuntuguide? | 03:56 |
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=== spayne [n=spayne@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
mdke | ah crap | 06:05 |
mdke | segfault, still here? | 06:05 |
segfault | yeah | 06:05 |
segfault | what happened? | 06:06 |
mdke | know anything about character encoding? | 06:06 |
segfault | a little | 06:06 |
segfault | whats cracking? | 06:06 |
mdke | ok here is the situation | 06:06 |
mdke | check out http://help.ubuntu.com/quicktour/quicktour.html | 06:06 |
mdke | symbols are all cranky until you put your browser to utf-8 | 06:07 |
mdke | so the solution would probably be to set apache DefaultEncoding to utf-8 | 06:07 |
mdke | but when I do that, the faqguide goes crazy | 06:07 |
segfault | the html file should tell the browser what he's using | 06:07 |
segfault | or at least some .htaccess | 06:08 |
mdke | i guess the problem is that the quicktour uses utf-8 and the faqguide iso | 06:08 |
mdke | but that really shouldn't be a problem :/ | 06:09 |
mdke | there must be something wrong with apache | 06:09 |
segfault | # AddDefaultCharset Off | 06:10 |
segfault | you can add that to .htaccess file | 06:10 |
mdke | if I put AddDefaultCharset Off in the apahce conf, would that work too? | 06:11 |
segfault | humm, dunno | 06:11 |
segfault | IIRC, the default charset isn't really set | 06:11 |
mdke | ok it works :) | 06:11 |
mdke | cool thanks | 06:12 |
segfault | np | 06:13 |
mdke | jbailey, any luck on that Makefile? | 06:17 |
=== spayne [n=spayne@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
jbailey | mdke: Nope, but I can look at it now easily enough. | 06:22 |
mdke | yay | 06:22 |
jbailey | I'm mostly back up and running. | 06:22 |
jbailey | mdke: So the problem was that you want to generate HTML stuff, yes? | 06:22 |
mdke | jbailey, the makefile generates html stuff | 06:22 |
jbailey | Is this to go into wiki.ubuntu.com? | 06:22 |
mdke | jbailey, i need two changes, 1. to build all languages rather than just C and 2. to build one faqguide rather than for 3 arches | 06:22 |
mdke | jbailey, it is to go onto help.ubuntu.com | 06:22 |
mdke | and in the case of the translations, to whichever site the LoCoteams wish | 06:23 |
jbailey | Ah, help.ubuntu.com is new to me. | 06:23 |
mdke | jbailey, it is new | 06:24 |
mdke | it has only been working for 5 minutes :D | 06:24 |
jbailey | Ah! | 06:25 |
jbailey | Where is it hosted? | 06:25 |
mdke | on our linode | 06:26 |
mdke | which is well slow | 06:26 |
mdke | but it was the only quick way to get a site up | 06:26 |
mdke | doc.ubuntu.com is there too | 06:27 |
mdke | the idea is that doc.u.c will be for workinprogress, while help.u.c for stable stuff | 06:27 |
mdke | jbailey, oh there is a 3. as well: the faqguide is currently building html to include the revhistory, if possible I would like it to stop that (http://help.ubuntu.com/faqguide/C/index.html) | 06:29 |
jbailey | Sorry, what's a linode? | 06:29 |
jbailey | Hmm | 06:29 |
mdke | jbailey, it's a virtual server (linode.com) | 06:30 |
jbailey | The revision history can be nice to know if something changed. | 06:30 |
mdke | jbailey, not when the doc is stable and frozen, users want to know how to do stuff, not the revhistory IMHO | 06:30 |
mdke | anyhow, the faqguide as appears in the OS has no revhistory | 06:30 |
jbailey | Ah cool, I didn't know about linode.com before. | 06:32 |
mdke | jbailey, canonical have a couple, originally intended to get more but they realised they were bad value compared to dedicated servers :) anyhow the docteam has one of em | 06:32 |
jbailey | Bad value? How? | 06:32 |
jbailey | I don't see how it could go badly at $20 a month. =) | 06:33 |
mdke | not much power and there are cheap dedicated | 06:33 |
mdke | http://www.serverpronto.com/ | 06:33 |
mdke | ^ is the one they went with I think | 06:33 |
jbailey | These prices are insane. =) | 06:35 |
segfault | i have one at www.valueweb.com | 06:35 |
segfault | stable as rock. | 06:35 |
mdke | jbailey, heh | 06:35 |
mdke | jbailey, so have i been clear about the 3 issues? | 06:35 |
jbailey | Yeah, Ithink so. | 06:36 |
jbailey | do you want the other languages named faqguide.LANG.html ? | 06:36 |
jbailey | I think that's the way Apache usually expects them for content negotiation. | 06:36 |
mdke | hmm | 06:36 |
mdke | i don't mind | 06:36 |
mdke | i wasn't planning to get into that | 06:36 |
mdke | i was just gonna link them all :D | 06:37 |
jbailey | =) | 06:37 |
mdke | jbailey, in fact I think linking them is a good idea because in some cases they will wish to link to external websites (ubuntu-it.org ubuntu-fr.org etc) | 06:39 |
jbailey | 'k | 06:40 |
mdke | so any filename :) | 06:40 |
jbailey | 'k | 06:40 |
jbailey | Bah | 06:50 |
=== jbailey has to install subversion and the stuff to generate the docs. | ||
mdke | jbailey, i can give you a login to the linode server | 06:50 |
mdke | jbailey, you can't commit but you will at least have access to a checkout | 06:50 |
jbailey | No, it's all good. | 06:50 |
jbailey | I need this stuff installed locally anyway | 06:51 |
mdke | k | 06:51 |
mdke | jbailey, gtg now, gimme a bell if you get anywhere with that Makefile. If you do, we can rerun your script to update the translations, and build some translated html :D | 07:12 |
jbailey | Cool. | 07:16 |
jbailey | For dapper should we have regular updates of both then? | 07:16 |
jbailey | The package and the docs.ubuntu.com? | 07:16 |
jbailey | That would mean feeding updates to the LoCoTeams somehow. | 07:16 |
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joker667 | hi everybody | 08:27 |
joker667 | i just got my bluetooth headset working with skype and I wrote a small Howto | 08:27 |
joker667 | Perhaps it would be usefull for someone else, I just posted it in the forums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75978 . Dont know if its good enough for the wiki | 08:29 |
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mdke | jbailey, doc.ubuntu.com will be updated with our dapper stuff yeah, but it won't get translated until doc freeze, so no need to let the locoteams know | 11:33 |
mdke | jbailey, only the released stuff (breezy) is translated | 11:33 |
mdke | (help.u.c) | 11:34 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc4-lich4-3-0-cust247.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc |
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