
ograJeromee, ?12:35
Jeromeeis checkinstall included in edubuntu?12:35
ograits in universe afaik12:37
Jeromeefrom what I hear12:37
Jeromeeits a rather sweet thing12:38
ogranot really12:38
ograit produces broken stuff...12:38
ograit doesnt work out dependencys... 12:38
ograthe only advantage is that you can easily uninstall the software through the package manager12:39
ograif you want to produce packages, have a look at the debian new maintainer guide... 12:40
=== smykes [n=jsmykil@24-48-164-246.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #edubuntu
smykesno live cd huh?12:41
ogranext release12:41
ograwe needed to get the stuff in shape first12:41
smykesnext release meaning drak?12:42
ograif i find a lot of sparetime (very unlikely) i'll remaster a ubuntu CD ... 12:42
smykesis that when content filtering is going to make its appearance as well?12:42
ogracontent filtering with a nicely integrated gui is one of my main targets for dapper12:43
smykesits HUGE12:43
smykesall the pcs at my school have content filtering on them12:43
smykesso I dont let the kids on the ubuntu box12:44
ograwhy dont you have a centralized solution ? 12:44
smykesi think there is12:44
smykesbut then there is content filtering on top of that12:44
ograits a lot of wasted administration time to have one on every pc12:44
smykesIm not the administrator12:45
smykesIm the Music teacher :D12:45
ograheh.. then current edubuntu will suck for you, sorry... we have no sound support in ltsp yet12:45
smykesyeah I installed ubuntu on my biggest fastest computer in my room12:46
smykesthe rest were shitty boxes and wouldnt run it12:46
smykesits allright as the screen isnt virtually flat so I cant look at it for more then 10 minutes at a time12:46
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089DE73.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #edubuntu ["Verlassend"]
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ograwrong key12:47
smykesdoes it have gnome baker standard?12:47
ograwe have serpentine for audio12:48
ograand nautilus for data...12:48
ograno need to duplicate the functions12:48
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smykesand rhythm box for audio?12:49
ograand gnomebaker in main would mean to rip out the nonfree codecs and functions, i think its better to keep a full equipped gnome baker in univese12:49
ograyes, rhythmbox fr audio12:49
smykesbe nice if someone just wrote a complete app\12:50
smykesitunes eske12:50
smykesthat did everything out of the box12:50
ograi heard amarok shall be wuite good..12:50
ograits a KDE app though...12:50
smykesdoes alexandria come standard or do you have to apt-get it?12:50
crimsun(I love how gnomebaker 0.5.5 was released two days after Breezy. Sigh.)12:50
ograbut since we have a mixed environment in edubuntu anyway, it wouldnt hurt12:51
smykesi had big issues with alexandria in hoary12:51
ograsmykes, we only targeted a single classroom with this release... bibshelf would be my suggestion for this usecase rather than alexandria12:52
ograalexandria is rather for big setups... 12:52
smykesyeah or small, depending on what your scope is12:52
ograwe'll consider it for dapper... depending on free diskspace on the CD12:53
smykesi doubt its very valuable to anyone else12:53
ogracurrently you need to get it from universe12:53
smykeswhat I really need is something that will catalog my sheet music12:53
ograits valuable for all librarys12:53
smykesi wish i had more time at work to tinker at school12:54
ograit should be better in breezy... if it isnt, please report it to me and i'll trigger a backport from dapper12:54
smykeswell im not very advanced so it just didnt work for me12:55
ograyes, and my target is to make it "just work" ;)12:55
smykesheh so I might be your perfect target ;)12:56
ogra... for people like you12:56
smykesas I am primarily an OS X user12:56
smykesbut the school has no mac hardware12:56
ograand linux has no qbase :)12:56
ograisnt that the state of art for musicians ? 12:57
smykesI use logic12:57
smykesyou are thinking of cubase12:57
smykesi got confused with the q12:57
smykesa good gui for lilypond would be nice heh12:58
ograoh, yes... non musician here, just consumer :)12:58
ogracu indeed12:58
smykeslogic and protools are the defacto12:58
=== alison [n=alison@ool-457a6b4c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #edubuntu
smykeslilyponds output is beautiful though01:00
alisonhi, I'm trying to follow the directions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowtoNAT to enable internet access on my clients, and when I do sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, I get "permission denied."01:07
ograheh, thats a wrong comand from someone used to use root :)01:09
alisonso what should I do instead?01:10
ogratry: sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'01:13
ogratell me if it works, i'll correct the wiki later...01:14
alisonterminal gave no complaint01:14
ogracat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward01:14
ograshould give 101:14
ogragreat :)01:15
ograwiki fixed01:19
=== crimsun_ [i=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #edubuntu
alisonexcellent. I got the internet access going.01:28
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paxguys, I uninstalled edubuntu-desktop but it's still shows the art-work at boot, what's the package(s) to remove to cmpletely make edubuntu go away?05:13
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.39.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #edubuntu
HiddenWolfHey guys, Is there some half-decent mindmap program in the archive?07:40
jsgotangcoi know theres something...07:40
jsgotangcolet me check..07:41
jsgotangcohmmm i can't find it07:43
jsgotangcoi know its there somewhere07:44
jsgotangcoi don't even remember07:44
=== jsgotangco is in a fresh install
HiddenWolfI saw this freemap wiki the other day, and that was just way too much bother for me. :)07:44
HiddenWolfAnd yes, there we go, blackboard is down yet again.07:45
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
HiddenWolf:( only mindmap tool that turns up in the archive is kdissert.07:52
HiddenWolfWhy, oh Why?07:52
Jeromeebecause, life sucks07:53
Jeromeethen you die07:53
HiddenWolfOh, I'll die anyway.07:55
Jeromeeme too07:55
HiddenWolfThe piont is doing someful useful before then. :)07:55
JeromeeI've been smoking cigarettes since i was 907:55
Jeromeeits been 9 years now07:55
JeromeeI'm sure my lungs are done07:55
JeromeeI'll probably have lung cancer at 2207:56
HiddenWolfYou're 18 and so cynical?07:56
Jeromeedamn this world.07:56
Jeromeeheh, indeed.07:56
Jeromeewhats wrong with being cynical?07:56
HiddenWolfYou could just prove it to yourself and quit. :)07:56
Jeromeeits hard07:56
JeromeeI'm working on it though07:56
Jeromeebelieve it or not07:57
HiddenWolfWell, cynisism usually hides other things. :)07:57
JeromeeI'm illergic to the patch, and the gum.07:57
JeromeeI hide nothing07:57
JeromeeI'm so cynical because my father died when I was 1607:57
JeromeeI watched him die for 2.5 years, and cared for him for 2.5 years.07:57
Jeromeethats why I'm so cynical.07:57
Jeromeekinda fucks with your head yanno?07:58
=== HiddenWolf kicks eur.edu, fbk.sin-online, osiris
Jeromeebut theres kids whose dads died of the same shit, and have turned out worse, so I'm not so concerned.07:58
HiddenWolfJeromee, I can get into that.07:58
Jeromeewhat is a mindmap tool anyway?07:59
HiddenWolfJeromee, you're the one who rules your life. You decide where you end up.07:59
HiddenWolfJeromee, mindmapping is a way of storing information. Summarising in a graphical way, rather than written.07:59
JeromeeI know this, and this is why I'm back in school, getting my diploma, and going to college with a scholarship07:59
HiddenWolfDid you drop out?08:00
Jeromeeyeah, I was supposed to graduate two years ago08:00
HiddenWolfI don't get the US system. Here you wouldn't be allowed to.08:00
Jeromeeyou're allowed to skip grades here...08:00
JeromeeI skipped 2nd08:01
Jeromeeand 7th grade08:01
Jeromeestarted early too08:01
HiddenWolfYeah, here too, but you're not allowed to leave school before you're 17, and you better damm well have a diploma.08:01
JeromeeI might be doing dual enrollment next year, I plan to get out of college asap.08:02
Jeromeenext semister rather.08:02
HiddenWolfUniversity is good. :D08:02
JeromeeI'll be going to community college08:03
Jeromeebut our community college here, is on par with alot of Universities08:03
Jeromeewhere are you from?08:04
Jeromeeshould have noticed... being in the NL ubuntu channel :-)08:05
HiddenWolfGo WHOIS. :)08:05
JeromeeI'm like08:06
Jeromeestill half asleep though08:06
Jeromeegirlfriend woke me up, went and got some cigarettes, just got back in08:06
HiddenWolfheh, yeah. I had 5 hours of sleep tonight, and it's 8.06am.08:06
Jeromeedebating on when to go back to sleep08:06
Jeromeeits 2:04 am08:06
JeromeeI feel asleep at 12:1008:06
Jeromeewoke up at 1:2008:06
HiddenWolfI slept at 2, was up at 7.08:06
Jeromeeyou're only 6hrs ahead of me08:07
HiddenWolfI've got 2 lectures today, and a meeting. Need to shop and cook too. :)08:07
Jeromeeare you a teacher?08:07
HiddenWolfNo, student.08:07
Jeromeewhats your major?08:07
JeromeeI assume you're in college08:07
HiddenWolfSystem is slightly different here, I'm in university.08:08
HiddenWolfInternational Business.08:08
Jeromeeoh, fun fun08:08
JeromeeI'll be majoring in Computer Programming/Computer Network Management08:08
HiddenWolfOne can actually pay for higher education here. :)08:08
Jeromeeits insane here08:09
Jeromeeif I don't have a scholarship08:09
=== HiddenWolf is paying 1500eur/year + books
JeromeeI won't be attending anything.08:09
HiddenWolfI'm waiting for the supermarket to open.08:10
HiddenWolfI'm hungry, and out of bread. :)08:10
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-148-148.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-167-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohi JaneW 08:25
JaneWmorning jsgotangco 08:25
dabaRHi. Is there somewhere you can log in to the edubuntu wiki? I can not seem to find a place to log in.08:26
dabaRAll the pages say locked page for me, even though I am logged into the ubuntu wiki, with the rosetta login, I think.08:30
dabaRIs that how it should be? locked?08:31
=== Oly [n=Oly@81-178-228-30.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #edubuntu
Olyjust a quick quesstion of intrest, are we going to see a forum for discussing edubuntu ?08:41
jsgotangcowe could probably ask the forums to add one08:41
jsgotangcogiven enough interest08:42
Olyyeah, seems like a good idea to me, especially as IRC does not work at school because the provider blocks the portds08:42
Olywhile i am here may as well ask a quick question, installed edubuntu last friday before i finished work 08:43
Olygot it to network boot a laptop, but it booted to a terminal08:43
Olyand said it needed an nfs server, do i need to install this seperate ?08:44
Olyi assumed it would just boot to a gui with out any other work08:44
jsgotangcoJaneW, is it possible to add Edubuntu to the official forums?08:44
Olynot really had chance to look into it more, thought i would ask now while i can :p08:44
juliuxOly, it should boot a gui by default08:45
jsgotangcowell by default it should boot gdm08:45
Olyi thought that might be the case08:45
Olywhich means something went wrong somewhere 08:45
juliuxOly, check if the gdm is running08:46
Olywill look into it when i get to work, 08:46
Olyit did not look like it got that far08:46
Olyfrom what i remember 08:46
juliuxOly, ps aux |grep gdm helps08:47
Olyi will try later, see if its there 08:47
juliuxOly, if the gdm is not running you can start it with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start08:47
Olybut i think a service is bumming out and stopping the boot08:48
Olyokay i will try starting it manually, and see if it is launched08:48
Olyalso write down any of the errors08:48
\shgood morning 08:49
jsgotangcomoin \sh08:51
juliuxmoin \sh 08:51
\shok...I don't know if you heard about it, ogra and I were testing amd64 ltps server + i386 client :) works now with a couple of lines of patches 08:52
jsgotangcohow about the ppc client?08:52
\shjsgotangco: ppc iso were fcked up because of a kernel install thingy..08:53
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-167-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
\shgood morning JaneW :)08:54
JaneW\sh morning08:54
\shJaneW: I think ogra will be back to normal this week...after this weekend ,-)08:55
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dabaRso noone knows about my wiki issue where I can not log in to make changes?08:58
JaneWdabaR: does it not offer a place to log in?09:02
dabaRI can not see one, no.09:03
JaneWum... my logon is automatic... I will try to replicate...09:04
JaneWare you using the orange and red edubuntu wiki skin?09:04
dabaRafai can see09:05
dabaRthat makes even my ubuntu wiki locked.09:06
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dabaRwait, maybe not, let me check here...09:06
DemisMwhat is the difference between edubuntu and ubuntu?09:06
JaneWboth use the launchpad login09:07
JaneWaccess through ww.edubuntu.org09:07
dabaRNo, it does not, just the edubuntu wiki pages are locked.09:07
dabaRJaneW: you see a login screen or textboxes at edubuntu anywhere?09:07
JaneWand click on wiki linkg - you should get a login link in the top of the orange bar at the top09:08
JaneWtry go to http://wiki.edubuntu.org/UserPreferences09:08
dabaRHah, never saw it. thank you.09:09
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-74-97-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWdabaR: you sorted now?09:18
YagisanG'day ogra - haven't seen you for a few days09:20
ajmitch_hi JaneW, Yagisan 09:23
JaneWhi ajmitch_ 09:24
JaneWYagisan: I don;t think ogra is up yet09:24
ajmitch_probably still sleeping off the effects of having \sh visit09:24
YagisanG'day ajmitch_09:25
Yagisan\sh what did you do to him ??09:25
\shYagisan: we had a nice weekend with a lot of drinks, extreme after release relaxing :) 09:26
\shwhen I counted right09:26
Yagisancool - are you going to demo the multi-client-arch edubuntu at UBZ ?09:27
\sh1 bottle glen grant, 1 bottle glen fiddich, half a box of beer (12 bottles) and a half bottle of rum...09:28
\shYagisan: I think we should show it to the world :)09:28
Yagisan\sh - yeah- we know what you drank :) but what about ogra :-P09:31
\shYagisan: i had the beer and the rum ;)09:31
Yagisan\sh - have you noticed that the clients don't have a volatile directory or non-free modules ?09:31
\shYagisan: no....we were happy that it was working like this...and now ogra can have a closer look what's there and what not09:32
Yagisan\sh: I noticed it a few days ago, none if my i386 clients got a nvidia.ko module09:34
Yagisan\sh: for systems that need firmware - it may be an issue09:34
\shYagisan: the only thing which is really annoying is the fade out effekt during logoff09:34
\sheffect even09:35
Yagisan\sh: that goes so sssssssslllllllllllooooooowwwwwwwwwww on my p2 clients09:35
\shbecause it takes a hell of a lot of bandwidth09:35
Yagisan\sh: even on crossover it is dog slow09:35
\shand it looks like an old dia-show of hires boob pictures on c6409:36
Yagisan\sh: you think we can get a c64 working as a client ?09:36
Yagisan\sh: would look cool :)09:37
\shYagisan: hmm...there is a tcp/ip stack for a c64 via userport09:37
\shand if there is a running implementation of the X protocol for c64...09:38
Yagisan\sh: booting from tape may take a while ..09:39
=== Gand_ [n=Gand@81-208-84-206.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #edubuntu
Gand_hi all09:53
Gand_my gnome icons on bottom bar are little messed up (bin is placed left to desktop) no problem with a new created user. How can i fix it? thank09:55
Gand_I've oslved dragging them, thank09:57
Gand_just wonder why after upgrade icons were messed up09:58
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YagisanGand_: were you logged in twice ?10:01
YagisanGand_: sometimes that happens if you are logged in twice at the same time10:01
Gand_YYagisan you mean logged twice on my machine? no, I did never10:07
YagisanGand_: I had it happen to me when I logged in from a few terminals at once10:08
YagisanGand_: It cleared up for me when I logged them all out, then did a single log in10:09
Gand_I restarted computer, so all logged user were logged out, and I didn't log twice, anyway I solved, no prob, thanks10:11
Gand_As my school students are about 14/18 years old, where can I find previous edubuntu desktop (little bit less K12 style :)10:11
Gand_not yet available here: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Preview_Wallpaper_Examples10:13
jsgotangcoJaneW, no habla espanol10:13
YagisanGand_: I don't know -  try right clicking the desktop to change it10:14
YagisanGand_: The current one was what was voted for - that's why they shipped it10:14
jsgotangcoi don't think we'll be able to put up wallpapers of boy bands and hip hop groups to cater that age group for legal reasons :)10:15
JaneWjsgotangco: no10:16
JaneWGand_: I'll u/l it for you....10:16
Gand_just have it available10:18
Gand_as I find other one, but not the previus shipped10:18
=== jsgotangco starts chewing a handful of mentos
JaneWGand_: er I just need to find it again...10:19
Gand_lost in space :)10:19
JaneWGand_: on ogra's page somewhere ;)10:20
ajmitch_jsgotangco: throw some this way :)10:21
Gand_I think it had to be added on "Preview wallpaper example" page on edubuntu site10:21
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JaneWGand_: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/wallpaper/10:22
JaneWGand_: I'll u/p it to  "Preview wallpaper example" now10:22
JaneWno problem10:23
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highvoltagemorning, got to run again, so bye!10:32
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=== przemek [n=przemek@aql189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #edubuntu
enycamybody know why my edubuntu 5.10 i386 install asking me for ip address ??11:44
enycits connected to dhcp network....11:44
magnonyes, you're installing the server, apparently11:45
magnonthat means it will BE the dhcp server thus needs an IP11:45
enycwell yes11:45
enycbut i didnt ask for server11:45
magnonI don't have a recent installation here, I don't know11:46
magnonedubuntu is server by default I think11:46
magnonjust do the installation and then configure it for dhcp later if you can do that11:47
jsgotangcoon boot type workstation so as not to install the server components11:47
ogramorning everybody11:48
jsgotangcohi ogra 11:48
ograJaneW, i uploaded the wallpaper already to art.ubuntu.com... waiting for moderator approval...11:49
ajmitch_hi ogra 11:49
ajmitch_how's the head? ;)11:49
enycit says type 'server' for server install11:49
magnonmorning ogra11:49
magnonenyc: umm, probably a bug. That's inherited from Ubuntu proper11:49
JaneWogra: oic... 11:49
ograenyc, yes, there are som cosmetic bugs in the installer11:49
=== JaneW too
JaneWogra: morning11:49
enycso i need to select 'workstation' at boot prompt ???11:50
ograenyc, like http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes says ;)11:50
jsgotangcoenyc, yes11:51
ograif you want a ubuntu with an edubuntu-desktop only workstation is right11:51
=== jsgotangco wonders if the oem instructions got into edubuntu as well
ograi think so... they are in the default install, arent they ? 11:53
jsgotangcoi'll try it later i guess11:53
jsgotangcothe oem will install server hehehe11:53
=== ogra never tried that
jsgotangcoits pretty neat actually11:53
=== enyc aaaaaaaaaaaaaarghs about trying to type qwerty on dvorak-key-board
jsgotangcothe only instruction for oem avaialble was the one i wrote about and published in planet11:54
ograi'll check it... i only know the hwdb client doesnt work...i didnt even know he used it until release day11:54
magnonthursday is my departure for eventually ending up in Montreal =)11:56
=== bluefrog-10 [n=admin@] has joined #edubuntu
bluefrog-10hi all11:57
bluefrog-10anyone could help with xserver pb on thin client?11:58
ograbluefrog-10, sure11:58
bluefrog-10got a fatal error unrecognized option vttty1. don't know where from this thing is coming11:59
ogradid you create a lts.conf ? 12:00
bluefrog-10copied it from k12ltsp which is working ok12:00
ogradid you look for the line it complains about in this file ? 12:01
bluefrog-10trying to switch to low vesa server as my server card is intel 915 and got a nvidia on client. no vttty1 in my conf. getting from somewhere else but am not good enough with grep to find out where12:02
ograthis is no string our ltsp uses anywhere, it must be something you added... i.e. through lts.conf12:02
ograyou dont need to configure X that happens automatically, did you try without lts.conf already ? 12:03
bluefrog-10haven't fiddle for sure with a vttty1 anywhere12:03
ograwe have native i915 support ....12:03
bluefrog-10without lts.conf was telling me lts.conf was mising12:03
ograand you are sure you use edubuntu with edubuntu ltsp ??12:04
ograit shouldnt bother with a missig lts.conf... our ltsp surely doesnt give such a message12:04
bluefrog-10not for certain. as i had pb with dhcp i fiddle a bit with packages. going to reinstall and have a look now that i know how to run dhcp.12:05
bluefrog-10when i install from scratch do i have to run ltspadmin afterwards?12:06
ogradid you follow the http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes ?12:06
ograyou only have to replace the IP range in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to match the IP you selected on install... restart the dhcp server and thats all... no further action needed12:06
bluefrog-10ok then a clean reinstall should do the trick ty. will come back if same problem12:07
ograjust follow the instructions from the wiki (and from the linked pages there)12:08
ogragah, to slow12:08
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enycim having dhcp trouble01:34
bluefrog-10dhcp won't start?01:34
enycbut nettwork works etc....01:35
enyctrying knoppix01:35
bluefrog-10hi all. made clean install. switch on client. getting at the ltsp display manager. trying to log on, keeps throwing me back at the display manager. haven't touched anything yet on the server. can anyone help pls01:37
Yagisanbluefrog-10: select gdm off the menu01:38
bluefrog-10selected GNOME01:38
Yagisanbluefrog-10: soory - I don't have a box handy - At least it starts with G :)01:39
bluefrog-10done that but no luck. is there a log somewhere on the server?01:39
Yagisanbluefrog-10: sounds like you have the ssh key problem then01:40
Yagisanbluefrog-10: on the server run sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys and see if that helps01:41
ograbluefrog-10, did you see the known issues list on the wikipage ? ;)01:41
ograthe menus in the loginmanager dont work... dont waste time to select stuff :)01:41
bluefrog-10seen something like that yes. tried for the sake of it01:42
ograis sshd running on the server ?01:42
Yagisanogra: the menus doesn't work - odd, sometimes picking gnome worked for me01:43
ograYagisan, we dont use gdm in ubuntu ltsp :) its called ldm...01:43
bluefrog-10apparently yes as i can ssh test@edubuntu01:43
Yagisanogra: I'm tired and can't spell - I got the right first letter01:43
ograbluefrog-10, and you log in with the same userdata via ldm ? 01:44
ograhmm, k.... 01:45
bluefrog-10tried the  sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys. no change01:45
bluefrog-10have created a user test pwd test01:45
bluefrog-10trying as well with the install created user01:45
ograyou can set a rootpw for the client and look into the ldm.log there01:45
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd01:46
ogra^^^sets a root pw...01:46
ograyou can then log in on console on the client as root... look at the last lines of /var/log/ldm.log01:46
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd -l locks the password again afterwards01:47
bluefrog-10permission denied publickey,password01:48
bluefrog-10trying private key /root/.ssh/id_rsa01:49
ogradoes /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts exist and contain the right key ? 01:49
ograelse delete it and run ltsp-update-sshkeys again01:49
ogranote that this command is run by the installer at the end of the install... if you run it afterwards, you may have the same key twice in there... 01:51
bluefrog-10done rm and run again no luck01:51
ogracan you scp the log file to the server and post it to a pastebin service ? 01:52
bluefrog-10setting up a password for root on server wouldn't help would it? (guess it's a stupid question)01:52
ogranope, it wouldnt01:52
bluefrog-10wow wow scp pastebin, u talk chinese to me. give me a url where i can post the log01:53
ograthe only place where a root pw helps is in the chroot to read the logfile... but it should contain the explicit error01:53
bluefrog-10btw the client took an awful long time to boot, is that normal for now?01:53
ograyes, we'll improve boot time for dapper and also add the bootsplash to the thin client boot01:55
bluefrog-10hang on am in with the install created user right now01:56
ograthere is also a next generation ldm already that didnt make the freeze date for breezy... it is themeable and looks not as ugly as the current one01:56
ograwow, great news :)01:56
bluefrog-10as for the uesr i created am gonna try again but it seems to be an Xauthority lock pb01:57
ograhow did you create the user ? 01:57
bluefrog-10sudo useradd01:57
ograhmm... rather take the gui tool for that.... it has user profiles ...01:58
bluefrog-10stupid me it no home for test01:58
ograheh :)01:58
ograthat explains the error in the log :)01:59
bluefrog-10yep sure helps to have a home. going alright. there was still this key pb solved by rm and recreating it02:00
ograif you want to tweak it, you could now transfer the essential parts to /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf from your former lts.conf...02:01
ograit should have existed in the first place if you didnt run ltsp-udate-sshkeys manually02:02
ograas i said above, that might add the same key twice...02:02
bluefrog-10am abit baffled though as ther's no lts.conf in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc.02:02
ograit will be read if you create one...02:02
bluefrog-10where does it take the conf from right now?02:03
ograubuntus autodetection mechanisms :)02:03
bluefrog-10k fair enough :)02:03
ograthe file is only necessary if you got values that arent detected or detected wrongly...02:04
bluefrog-10if i remember what i read no use trying to get the sound work on client correct?02:04
ogranext release... i plan to integrate something like a streaming server fo audio... 02:04
ograso we can forward the audion compressed through a ssh tunnel if the latency doesnt get to evil...02:05
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ografor local devices i plan to have a tunneled dbus/hotplug/hal combination so you can just plug in your camera or scanner on the thin client and it gets used as its now in ubuntu02:06
enycwhen does ubuntu tree next 'sync with deb unstable then start ubuntu-paching again etc....?'02:08
ografor this release the target was mainly to have a base to build on for the future02:08
bluefrog-10got u02:08
ograthe archive for dapper opens tomorrow... no idea if the automerges start immediately02:08
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enyci wonder how that workos, etc....02:09
CuriousCatso, edubuntu will still follow the six-month release plan, right?02:09
ograthe time to get new features in will a bit shorter this release, since we'll have to do more stabilization work for a 3/5 year supported release02:09
ograCuriousCat, yes02:09
ograthat way we can benefit from the fast reease cycle ubuntu has an get newest stuff in very fast02:10
enycget on with it then ;p02:10
ograand i only have to care for the edubntu specifics, the rest is done reliably by the ubuntu team....02:11
CuriousCatSo, will it still be the same? I mean, whatever major changes they have in store for ubuntu dapper will also be seen on edubuntu? Just curious since I have plans to use edubuntu for my project next year. :)02:11
enycace you planning for a late 5.10-ppc edubuntu cd once stupid-problem in ltsp fixed ?02:11
ograenyc, its quite easy... all packages that have ubuntu specific changes have a ubuntuX version number... the autosync tool (MOM or merge o matic) doesnt sync them ... but creates a bug with the differences of the packages...02:12
ograso all packages with a ubuntuX version require manual merging... the rest gets in right away from debian02:12
ograCuriousCat, yes, it will always have ubuntu as underlying architecture... 02:13
Yagisanogra: ppc broke ?02:13
ograYagisan, yes :(02:13
Yagisanogra: I don't feel so bad about qemu being unable to process it now02:14
ograenyc, nope we wont hae a fixed iso... but the release iso is on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/ (with the bug in ltsp indeed)02:14
Yagisanogra: I can wait for qemu to get better before implementing ppc client with i386/amd64 server02:15
ograso if you dont want to use a ppc server, you can still do a workstation install from it...02:15
Yagisanogra: what was the problem with ppc ltsp ?02:16
ograthere is no linux package in ppc02:16
Yagisanogra: so it can't get a kernel ?02:17
ograso theltsp client builder from the installer breaks on it ... as well as ltsp-build-client does...02:17
ograwhich breaks the install02:17
Yagisanogra: I see, is it missing from the cd or the archive completely ?02:18
ograltsp-build-client needs an arch check and set the package name accordingly02:18
ograthere was no ppc CD released... we only have the last daily (which is identical with the release but wasnt blessed QA wise)02:19
Yagisanogra: hmm - that would make it a bit more difficult re multi-client-arch02:19
ograwhy ? 02:19
Yagisanogra: I would have to add extra ppc logic02:20
ograif the base arch is ppc or the --ppc option for the client building is set, it uses the right linux package...02:20
ograits not complicated...02:20
Yagisanogra: what package does ppc use instead of linux02:20
ogralinux-powerpc :p02:21
ograor linux-powerpc6402:21
Yagisanogra: bug against linux-powerpc for failure to provide meta-package linux02:21
ograits a question of setting one variable based on autodetection...02:22
ograi'm not sure if its a bug or a feature... that'll need discussion with the kernel team :)02:22
Yagisanogra: or bug against linux-i386 for providing meta-package linux - the achive isn't consistant02:23
ograyes... 02:23
Yagisanogra: Did you notice that the kernel volotile mount is created on the clients ?02:23
=== Yagisan can't spell today
Yagisanogra: I noticed that on a p2 - it displayed an error while booting02:24
ograwe'll fix that.. 02:25
ograwe'll have some BOFs about ltsp, multiarch support local devices etc at UBZ02:26
ograits mdz's babay, so all stuff will need his approval02:26
Yagisanogra: well, no one needs anything that needs it yet (until someone gets a new nvidia or ati card anyway)02:26
=== Yagisan wishes he could go to UBZ
ograi have a nvidia card and tested also the binary driver.... worked fine... but i'm not sure if that was before or after the tmpfs for the volatile stuff was added02:27
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Yagisanogra: any idea why they did tmpfs for volatile ?02:30
Yagisanogra: The old system was working well, but now, I can't see on my filesystem the stuff that is in volatile02:31
Yagisanogra: and it's not good on low memory systems02:32
ograask the kernel team ... #ubuntu-kernel :)02:32
ograhehe http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/BootingClientWithoutPxe02:33
highvoltageogra: hi02:37
highvoltageogra: what would happen if you installed ldm on a normal ubuntu system?02:38
highvoltagecould you connect to the server through that?02:38
ograyou cant02:38
ograthere is no separarte package02:38
Yagisanogra: you noticed that now ???02:38
highvoltageogra: if there were a seperate package, would it work? or if you install ltsp-thin-client and fix things up, would it work?02:39
ograYagisan, the wikipage ? yes :)02:39
Yagisanogra: I need to clean it up and add more instructions later for hard disk boot, but I'm to busy now02:39
Yagisanogra: You wouldn't believe how many people I've tried to help while you were hungover er resting02:40
ograhighvoltage, yes, it *could* work, no promises though... we also planned to put it in a separate package02:41
ograYagisan, thats great news... we need more community... 02:41
=== Yagisan admits - I'm not actually running edubuntu
magnonogra: know where claire davis works, and if she's on irc at the moment under some strange name?02:52
JaneWmagnon: her nick is cvd02:54
JaneWmagnon: and she is in London02:54
magnonah, thanks02:55
JaneWshe should be on-line now, I have been chatting to her throughout the day02:55
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highvoltagehi JaneW 03:03
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mhzhi you all03:28
mhzhi magnon 03:29
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mhzJaneW: could we talk about the CD stuff?03:44
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enycgot udubuntu 'workstation' going...04:36
enycerrr edeubuntu04:40
enycid really like to have a specified user login automatically....04:41
enycpassword can be used when sudoing...04:41
enyci.e. for a standalone non-multiuser-setup04:42
enycwhich is what i want *at the moment*04:42
ograyou can set this up in the loginmanager settings for gdm...04:43
Yagisanenyc: that's not such a good idea from a security point of view ... but it's your call04:47
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enycyes i know this04:53
enyci am well aware of the consequences etc...04:53
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enycim in "login screen setup"04:57
enycautologin didnt work05:04
enycargh wrong keyswitch setting05:04
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juliuxogra, ping05:28
ograjuliux, pong05:28
juliuxogra, do you know where i can manipulate the log out prozess from gnome?05:29
ogramanipulat ? in which way ? 05:29
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enycquestidon ;-)05:30
juliuxogra, ich want that if a user log out that the home dir of the user is backspace to a default content05:30
enycif i plug edubunte/ubuntu box into a duifferent  DDC (plug/pray) monitor......05:31
enycand boot it....05:31
enycwill the x-server detect the new freq. range settings ??05:31
ograenyc, you'll probably have to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:32
ograto generate a new xorg.conf05:32
enyci see i see05:32
ogradepending o the monitor05:32
enycthats what i suspected05:32
enycill get out a worse monitor then do that ;p05:33
Yagisanenyc: the clients should auto detect05:33
juliuxogra, it is clear what i mean?05:33
enycor set ranges manually05:33
ograjuliux, yes....05:33
enycthis is standalone/workstation for now05:33
ograenyc, ... the above only applies for non ltsp indeed... ltsp clients autodetect the settings05:33
ograjuliux, the only thing that comes to mind would involve ugly ldm hacks...05:35
juliuxogra, i think that there was a simple shell skript that runs if you log out05:36
juliuxogra, but i did not know where i should start my search05:36
ografor gdm, yes... but ldm doesnt have such a function yet05:37
juliuxogra, ldm?05:37
ograltsp display manager ...05:37
juliuxogra, ok05:37
ograthe login manager05:37
juliuxogra, but isn't there a log file which logs which user logs in and out?05:38
ograwhat we do is to run /etc/X11/Xsession through a ssh tunnel... you could also hack on this file or the files in /etc/X11/Xsession.d05:38
ogra/var/log/auth.log ?05:39
juliuxi will look there if i find time05:39
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juliuxogra, but a daemon that look the hole time on the log file is not very nice05:43
ograthats what i meant with weird ldm hack :)05:43
juliuxogra, hm05:44
ogralook in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/sbin/ldm05:44
ografind the ssh_remote_command array05:44
juliuxat first i will boot the server05:44
ograadd your script before 'kill -1 $PPID'] 05:45
juliuxogra, thanks05:45
ogranow it will get executed before the session is killed05:45
juliuxok 05:45
ograbut its very ugly and will get overwritten on upgrade 05:45
juliuxi know05:45
ogra(not that i'd expect upgrades to ltsp ruing breezy)05:46
juliuxbut no risk no fun05:46
ograjuliux, there is also a beatified version of the login manager with theme support... http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/05:46
Yagisanogra: There have been sec updates already - I've updated my ltsp chroots - libssl anyone ?05:48
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pereSuvarov[work] : hi. :)05:55
Suvarov[work] pere: hello!05:55
pereSuvarov[work] : good evening. :)05:56
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bluefrog-10hi all. where can i find the conf used by ltsp in edubuntu pls?11:08
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ograbluefrog-10, there is none, its autodetected...11:27
bluefrog-10oh sad11:28
ograbluefrog-10, if you want a specific conf, create /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf on the server, there is a example in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/doc/ltsp-client/11:29
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #edubuntu
ogramost of the values from the original ltsp (found on wiki.ltsp.org) will work11:29
ograbluefrog-10, whats not working right for you ? 11:30
bluefrog-10it's just that i installed ltsp on ubuserver as i'd like ti install it at my kid's school but i like the way edubuntu detected the thin client hardawre11:30
bluefrog-10i guess it's coming from the kernel11:30
ograoh, you installed the legacy ltsp ? 11:30
bluefrog-10yes, no offence to your work but having no sound yet prevents me from installing edubuntu right now11:31
ograyes, i understand that very well... i'm also quite sad that we dont have sound yet11:31
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bluefrog-10and i'd like to get away from redhat k1211:32
ograbut for sound the ugly ways k12 or legacy ltsp use might work in edubuntu too11:32
ograi didnt have the time to test such stuff sadly11:32
bluefrog-10so so far ubuserver with ltsp works quite well excepts for the hardware detection. throws me to low vesa while edubuntu finds the correct graphic card apparently11:33
ograbut dvelopment for the next release just starts ... in april we'll hopefully have a rocking audio and local device support11:33
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bluefrog-10yes u told me that yesterday11:33
ograthats an xorg/kernel/hotplug thing...11:33
ograwe use kernel 2.6, legacy ltsp uses 2.4 ... 11:34
ograi think k12 also still uses xfree86 ... 11:34
bluefrog-10well it was just for the sake of research as they will have crappy graphic card at the scholl anyway11:34
bluefrog-10am using 269 with ubuserver but u use 2612 in edubuntu11:35
bluefrog-10i mean in /tftpboot11:35
ograbut you most likely dont ues initramfs and the latest xorg that has many improvements...11:36
bluefrog-10i tried to copy the all stuff but then i have a mount /dev/.static/dev problem11:36
ograespecially for autodetection11:36
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bluefrog-10sry am not linux guru (far far far from it). last question. if i compile new ltsp kernel to have 2612 instead of 269 in tftpboot would the autodetection improved or has it nothing to do with it?11:42
mhzogra: hi. Just wanted to tell you that your ltsp-update-sshkeys worked fine.11:44
mhzClients do login based on .xsession now11:44
ograbluefrog-10, thats rather a thing that has to do with initramfs11:45
bluefrog-10ok then that's chinese to me i'll stick with what i have and will do an upgrade to dapper next year. ty for your time11:46
ograyou wont win anything with a higher kernel version... there is a lot integration wok gone into initramfs/udev/hotplug/kernel combnation11:46
bluefrog-10k the server working ok for me. next big step is ldap. no pb in FC4 but i struglled and quit several times in ubuntu.11:47
bluefrog-10at least with hoary, haven' tried yet in breezy11:48
ograthats on my list for dapper too... but there was a thread in the ubuntu-devel mailinglist yesterday i think where many people showed off their favorite ldap tools11:49
bluefrog-10ain't got noone. so i wont bother u with that. doing it by hand following idealx.org tuto11:50
=== viator [n=viator@pool-70-17-135-230.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
viatorhello do i need two nick cards for edubuntu to work as a terminal server?11:55
bluefrog-10not necessarily11:55
bluefrog-10u can set it up with one11:56
viatori have two but id be robbing from peter to pay paul ie then one of the other pc's would be missing one11:56
bluefrog-10one is fine11:56
ograin fact its way easier with only one card11:56
mhzogra: have you had come to a decision about CD printing_11:57
=== mhz got us keyboard now.. good.
viatori have a couple of REALLY old pc's  whats the minimum specs for them as clients11:58
ogramhz, nope... we'll have our regular meeting on wednesday, lets tlak about it there :)11:58
viatori mean "usable"11:58
ograviator, i'd think 64MB 133Mhz pentium should work fine11:59
viatorreally  great11:59
viatorthe only think that stinks about them is ill have to use floppy11:59
viatorcause theres no option in bios12:00
bluefrog-10or a cd if it boots on cd12:00
viatorone is eltorito the other isnt12:00
ajmitch_the main issues with old PCs as clients is usually the video card12:00
viatorso yeah i can do cd12:00
viatoron one12:01
=== ogra -> dinner
viatoryeah ones an old ibm 166 which is currently running damn small linux the other is a toshiba laptop which is also 16612:03
viatori hate to throw them out if they could be used in anyway so ill try this i guess12:03

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