
ograsivang, au12:03
sivangah 12:03
hughsieogra: hey, you been following hal-devel list?12:03
sivangogra: are you more comfotable with XChat then irssi?12:03
ograonly very rough...12:03
ograsivang, yup12:03
hughsiewhat you make of it?12:03
hughsieAnother opinion if you will..12:04
ograhughsie, you mean "HAL is not for hardware management" ?12:04
hughsieogra: yes that whole thread with the *really* long emails12:04
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hughsiejust wanted an ubuntu perspective12:05
ograi totaslly agree with you... had a long dispute with pitti already, because he disaGREES12:05
ograwhoops.. sorry for the caps12:05
hughsieogra: seems to have got people quite passionate12:05
sivangogra: why HAL is not for hardware management ? (sorry, I haven't been following the threads just curious)12:05
ograi think a "hardware abstraction Layer" should also manage hardware... work in both directions...12:06
hughsieogra: seems crazy to me to do it twice by two different daemons12:06
hughsieif we have the information in hal, like acpi.battery12:06
ograelse i'd call it a "Hardware Information Layer" ... but we dont talk about HIL :)12:06
hughsiethen we have to decode the system type, work round bugs, lauch the update addons etc,12:07
hughsieand then do it *again* in anothe daemon12:07
ograyes, thats silly12:07
hughsiewhat's pitti's take on this?12:07
ograi  trhin your approach is the right way...12:07
ograpitti sees HIL, not HAL :)12:07
hughsieogra: thanks, i was starting to get worried that i was alone!12:07
hughsiei think davidz agrees too12:08
hughsieHIL is great when you want to name a disk.12:08
hughsieHAL is great when you want to mount that disk using crypto automatically, or change the lcd brightness12:08
ograyes... pitti is our security guy, he's very cautious about possible security flaws being created through a two way HAL12:08
hughsieogra: i can see that too -- but then the dbus stuff lets ppl lock it down12:09
ograbut i thnk its the right approach12:09
hughsieit's just a big change for the one daeom does this, another does this type way of thinking12:09
ograjust design it carefully, and it will be fine...12:09
hughsiei'm not quite sure how to reply to matthias12:09
hughsieI mean, i respect the guy, and his work is very good, but I think he is wrong.12:10
ograhmm, probably wait for david to speak up12:10
ograhe cant ignore that thread12:11
hughsieogra: yes, good plan. will do.12:11
hughsiei figured if he didn;t like the direction he wouldn't have merged my patches12:11
ograand since he gives thedirection for HAL, he'd be the authorized source12:11
hughsie(he was the one who wrote the script invokation support!)12:11
hughsieif he does agree with me, then it will have been good to clarify what HAL is, and what it *should* do12:12
ograi really think HAL must work in two directions12:12
hughsieyes, thanks. I'm not going crazy then!12:12
ograso your approach is right imho... but even inside ubuntu we have different opinions about it12:12
hughsieyes, it's divided quite a few ppl12:13
hughsiebut then you can turn HAL back into HIL editing a few fdi files12:13
ograits a hairy thing because it can always introduce security breakage if not designed right12:13
ograits quite fragile... 12:13
ograbut we need such a layer imho12:13
hughsieyes, i know12:14
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hughsiewhen you talk to pitti, can you ask him what other issues he sees using HAL as, well, HAL?12:15
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ograhughsie, will do :)12:16
hughsieogra: I keep upsetting people. first the ial and FnFX guys, now mattias with ppbuttonsd!12:17
ograpbuttonsd sucks a lot, but there is nothing better yet12:17
ogralots of people asked for removal pre breezy here... but there is no replacement yet... 12:18
hughsieogra: yet. there's lots of stuff i could do with HAL for PMU using the pbuttonsd code and enhancing the pmud addon, but that throws up more politics!12:18
ograprobably someone should encance HAL enough to replace it12:18
hughsieI really need a powerbook laptop to borrow so i can write the pmu stuff12:19
ograsure, but its the right way12:19
hughsieogra: what does pbuttonsd do that hal doesn't at the mo?12:20
ograyes, i need one too, edubuntu ppc couldnt get released, we had not enough testers12:20
ograno idea, no ppc around here12:20
hughsiei want a really shit one with a cracked screen or something12:20
hughsiecheers for the re-assurance ogra, appreciated.12:22
ograthankls for all the work :)12:22
hughsieogra: well, it's getting to the stage where it "just works" for me12:23
hughsiei.e. i remove the acadapter and the screen gently dims12:23
hughsiefc5 has removed battstat applet in favour of g-p-m12:24
ograwe'll hopefully be able to do it for dapper12:24
hughsieogra: cool :-)12:24
ajmitchand hopefully gss to go with it :)12:25
hughsieg-s and g-p-m play very nicely together12:25
ograg-s-s is a must for dapper12:25
hughsieg-p-m uses g-s for all the X detection stuff12:25
ograi dont want to touch x-s-s again...12:25
hughsiex-s-s is a mess..12:26
ograand it wont get better12:26
ograas long as it keeps its maintainer12:26
hughsiewell, it could do with some love... or a re-write... ohh wait..12:27
ograif g-s-s hadnt shown up, i'd have started at least gconf integratiojn12:27
ajmitchand probably gone crazy because of it12:27
hughsiethe architecture in g-s-s is sound too.12:28
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ograits a bit odd because of dbus though12:28
HiddenWolfogra, cool12:28
HiddenWolfogra, is that moving along nicely?12:28
HiddenWolfIf I'd had a working video driver, I'd sort out those screensavers.12:29
HiddenWolfThe bad, the worse, the ugly, and the passable. In that order. :P12:29
ograbut integrating with acpid until g-p-m takes over will be a PITA12:29
ograsince you cant easily access a users dbus session as root12:29
hughsiewhy would you want to integrate with acpid?12:30
ograberather acpi-support...12:30
HiddenWolfhughsie, power down cpu and monitor after a while.12:30
hughsieHiddenWolf: that's left to g-p-m12:31
hughsiei'm pretty sure g-s will never do that12:31
ograour hibernate tries to lock the screen for example... so you have to giver your password on resume12:31
hughsieg-p-m does that now12:31
ograthats very hard to do currently12:31
hughsieg-p-m locks the users screen using .lock() from g-s, and then calls hal to do the hibernate12:32
ograbut g-p-m runst in the session... we need access from outside the session...12:32
hughsieogra: why must you access from the system?12:32
sivangguys, when currently someone chooses a language in d-i, does he get all the menus in that language after installing ?12:32
ograand there the dbus api stands in the way12:32
ograsivang, in german, nearly all...12:32
sivangogra: so you do get all the menus in he choosen language, ok12:33
ograhughsie, probably its solved with your option in g-p-m note we are on a older version in ubuntu12:33
sivangogra: are you also getting a GNOME kbd selector ready to switch between english and germen?12:33
hughsieogra: you have a very old version12:33
ograupstream version freeze...12:33
hughsiethe maintianer of g-s-s only fixed the bug in dpms last week12:33
hughsieand i only added support for locking then hibernating a couple of weeks ago12:34
ograthe maintainer would be me... that was mjg59 who fixed that12:34
hughsieogra: okay, nice one!12:34
ograupstream version freeze locked the version down... that was a matter of luck that it was updated :)12:35
hughsiegood show12:35
ajmitchluck & pain ;)12:35
hughsiein (new ubuntu devel tree) are you going to ship a more up2date g-p-m?12:35
ograuntil UVF again... its always a matter of the release schedule....12:36
hughsiesure, no worries12:36
hughsieyou def shipping hal 0.5.5?12:36
ograthe one for dapper will probably be more strict, because we'll have 3 year support12:37
ograis 0.5.5 out ?12:37
hughsienot yet, give it a week12:37
hughsiegot *lots* of fixes form 0.5.412:37
hughsieall over the shop12:37
ajmitchogra: something we need to discuss for MOTU as well12:37
ograso it wil be int i think12:37
hughsiegood :-)12:38
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ograajmitch, lets just go with the schedule for motu12:38
=== ajmitch will try & set some time aside for the MOTU meeting on tursday (for me)
ajmitchogra: sure, but we'll need to put in a couple of extra milestones for us, imho12:38
sivangajmitch: MOTU and the 3 years support policy that is?12:38
ajmitchotherwise we'll have a crazy time in the last 2 months again12:39
ajmitchsivang: MOTU & UVF - we want to have universe in extra-good shape for dapper12:39
HiddenWolfI think universe UVF would be good. :)12:39
ograyes, for dapper it would12:39
ografor breezy it wouldnt have been achievable12:40
HiddenWolfTrue, due to the conversions.12:40
HiddenWolfbut people upping new versions till the release day was kinda odd. :)12:40
infinityA universe UVF one month after main's UVF sounds reasonable.12:40
sivangogra: what are plans for MOTU stuff over UBZ?12:40
HiddenWolfAnyhow, need to go. bye12:40
infinity(Though you're welcome to freeze at the same time, if you think you'll be able to do all your syncs/merges on time)12:40
ograwe're not enough people to cope with the real dates, but a month extra sounds like a great idea12:41
infinityWell, I expect we may want to discuss Universe a bit at UBZ anyway.12:42
infinityAt least, Universe for dapper.12:42
infinityNot Universe in general.12:42
ajmitchso much good stuff that people want is in universe12:42
infinityIn general, Universe is unsupported, archive locks down when we release, the end, sucks to be you.  And I'm cool with that.12:42
ajmitchthen we beg to put fixes in -updates, etc12:43
infinityBut for a 3/5-year supported release, we may want to pay a bit more attention to make sure the unsupported Universe at least gets enough love to not be a mess at release time.12:43
ajmitchyou wouldn't be able to recruit another 50 MOTUs for us, would you?12:43
=== Lathiat grins
infinityNo, but there are ways to make it workable.12:43
ajmitchogra: might be time to put out a recruitment mail to the users & devel lists12:44
infinityKeep your diffs from Debian very small, make sure meges are something that you can do in 5 minutes, not an hours.12:44
infinity(And I mean to smack someone around about the diff thing too)12:44
Lathiatwhich diff thing?12:44
Lathiatajmitch: we both need to harass people into sending appropriate patches to debain12:44
Lathiaterr, debian12:44
infinityI've seen many MANY MOTU uploads now that add a patch system for the sake of adding a 4-line patch to the Debian source.12:45
LaserJockwhat about having a level of contribution below MOTU for people to join?12:45
LaserJockMOTU can be intimidating12:45
Lathiatinfinity: well, thats the advise lots of people seemed to be giving out...12:45
infinitySo, instead of 4 lines in the diff.gz, you now have a 4-line patch, a build-dep on dpatch (debian/control), and a diff to debian/rules.12:45
infinitySeems counter-productive to me.12:45
Lathiati thought so to12:45
Lathiatbut others didn't seem to think so12:45
ajmitchinfinity: yes, we've been discussing that12:45
infinityajmitch : I can merge a package with a 4-line Debian-Ubuntu diff in about 3 seconds.12:45
infinityajmitch : One with debian/rules and debian/control mangled is more likely to conflict and cause Real Work to happen.  Ew.12:46
ajmitchI've done a number of uploads with just applying the patch, rather than using dpatch12:46
crimsunwhat about changes to source?12:46
ajmitchcrimsun: that can still be separated out without dpatch12:47
infinitycrimsun : What about them?... That's what the diff.gz is FOR.12:47
infinityThe only time it makes sense to use a patch system is when there's already one there in Debian.12:47
crimsuninfinity: that's what I use; if there's one in place, I use it.12:47
infinity(Or when we have a LOT of changes between Debian and Ubuntu, but that's terribly rare, and usually only happens in main)12:47
Lathiaton that note, it should be required in the debian policy ;)12:47
crimsunthere are some packages that already use dpatch that are simply unmaintainable if I apply the changes directly to the source without using dpatch12:48
ajmitchcrimsun: that's fine, they already use dpatch12:48
Lathiatcrimsun: as infinity said, if it already uses dpatch its fine12:48
infinitycrimsun : Well, yes, obviously.  If the packages uses a patch system, use that.12:48
infinitycrimsun : I'm saying, don't ADD one.12:48
ajmitchmost of the patches we did were for gcc 4.0 issues12:48
Lathiathopefully alot of that will clear up in dapper12:49
crimsunok, so I misunderstood the intent, and I was following the guidelines all along. Nothing new, nothing to see here. :-)12:49
infinityThe gcc-4.0 patches shold all clear up in dapper, or mostly so.12:49
infinityThe libGL changes are something we'll have to carry for anothe release, probably, unless gravity gets Xorg 7.0 in Debian the day it's released upstream.12:50
infinityAside from gcc-4 and libGL, we shouldn't have that many diffs.12:50
Lathiatmm, theyre a bit of a hassle12:50
Lathiatbecause those lines have a habbit of changing12:50
Lathiat= effort :)12:51
infinityI'm hoping we can get them sorted in Debian ASAP, so you can drop your patches there.12:51
ajmitchand those few dbus-using packages12:51
ajmitchanother large set we carry is for default python version 12:52
LaserJockwhat is the general policy about sending ubuntu patches to Debian maintainers? If I make a *ubuntu1 or something like that should I be emailing the Debian maintainer?12:52
LathiatLaserJock: well, it depends12:52
dokoajmitch: python will clear up as well12:52
Lathiatwhether it applies to debian or not12:52
infinitypython versions in Debian shuld jump soon.12:52
ajmitchdoko: will debian go for 2.4 or 2.5 as default?12:52
Lathiate.g. libGL, dbus dont12:52
infinityLaserJock : If you're fixing a bug that applies to Debian too, please forward it to them.12:53
ajmitchdoko: I haven't heard any rumours of a shift, but I haven't kept track12:53
dokoajmitch: first 2.412:53
infinityLaserJock : If it's Ubuntu-specific (ie: packaging related), obviously don't.12:53
LaserJockok, that is what I figured, I just wanted to clear that up12:53
ajmitchdoko: great, that'll ease the merge load then12:54
infinityUniverse should ideally deviate from Debian as little as possible, or you guys will be up shit creek.12:55
Lathiatany ideas on dates for python?12:55
infinity1000 Debian developers can be reasonably helpful, but not if we keep reinventing the wheel with a couple dozen MOTUs.12:55
Lathiatalso dbus sicne thats now in experimental12:55
Lathiatjust wondering about initial merging efforts being wasted12:56
infinityIt mostly comes down to Debian release managers trying to manage transitions one or two at a time, so sid -> etch testing migration doesn't become such a massive tangle that nothing moves.12:56
infinitySo, dbus will probably get a green light once the C++ transition looks good, etc.12:57
infinityDebian moves a bit slower than Ubuntu with this sort of thing, unfortunately.12:57
infinityI have a feeling doko will be pushing for the python transition pretty soon, though. :)12:58
LaserJockdoko: did you fix Malone #3123 ?12:58
=== infinity looks at doko.
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infinity'Morning, daniels.12:59
ajmitchmorning daniels 12:59
ajmitchlunch time, bbl :)01:02
dokoLaserJock: minor01:08
dokojust install python2.301:08
LaserJockI have to install python2.3 just to get a tutorial?01:09
dokoLaserJock: it's a bug, I did tell you a workaround, so what? sure, it will be fixed for dapper01:10
LaserJockwell, that is what I am wondering. I was thinking of trying figure it out. I'm not personally worried about it01:11
LaserJockI was just wondering why  python-numeric-tutorial.postinst was getting python2.3 for $PYTHON01:12
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hughsieogra: night.01:32
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BenMmdz, on the wireless bug, i'm having trouble finding a linux laptop that's not a dell 600m01:55
BenMis there anything i can do with the affected laptop now?01:55
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tritiumhey bddebian 04:08
ajmitchhello bddebian 04:10
bddebianHeya tritium, how's it going?04:10
bddebianHeya ajmitch 04:10
tritiumnot bad, yourself?04:10
bddebianOK thanks04:13
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diemanlamont: poke04:51
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danielsi thought breaking your blog was relatively difficult to do, but then I read planet.u.c and realise that the same ten entries from \sh are at the top again05:16
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Amaranthdaniels: do something to change a timestamp and it's planet \sh05:18
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MithrandirKeybuk: any thoughts on 17343?  It's basically "dpkg barfs if user in statoverride doesn't exist", or just close it as user error?06:50
Keybukprobably right for it to barf, it can't do what you said06:52
Keybukand that might be critical for security, etc.06:52
Mithrandirit might be refiled as "userdel should check for user in statoverride file" and wishlisted instead.06:52
Mithrandirpossibly deluser instead of userdel, though06:52
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pittiGood morning08:06
danielsmoin pitti08:08
Amaranthdaniels: is X in breezy really that bad?08:08
danielsAmaranth: it's held together by alarming amounts of duct tape.  it's not long-term supportable; i think that it works is a minor miracle that should result in a payrise for me.08:09
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Amaranthany guess on when 7.0 will actually release? from the sound of it waiting for 7.1 would be better08:10
Burgundaviadaniels, would it have been saner to release a monolithic 6.8.2 and to wait for 7.0 for dapper?08:10
AmaranthBurgundavia: 7.0 was supposed to make it in time for breezy, with time to spare08:11
jsgotangco7.0 it'll be fun08:11
HiddenWolfBurgundavia, I guess someone needed to make the plunge and break it up, learn from the experience, and get upstream better about it. :)08:11
Burgundaviaya, that is what I figured08:12
danielsBurgundavia: the plan was to do 7.0 for breezy; it was only after we'd gone far far far far too far to go back that it was decided to defer the rest of 7.0 to dapper08:13
Amaranthyeah, i think we were the guinea pigs for modular X :)08:13
danielsAmaranth: 7.0 is supposed to release 'soon'.  we're hoping for rc1 this week.08:13
HiddenWolfwell, only gripe i've got with breezy is that it hardlocks the system when I try running the binary nvidia drivers. Worked out damn well. Props to Daniels. :)08:13
danielsAmaranth: after it was decided that we weren't going to do X for breezy, I more or less stopped release-related work on 7.0 (you have no idea how not fun it is), and we started pursuing a less aggressive schedule.08:14
HiddenWolfAmaranth, besides, the changelogs where a blast to read. :)08:14
danielsHiddenWolf: heh, thanks08:14
Amaranthi guess i never paid attention to them08:15
Amaranthjust "works", "doesn't work, time to pin and hack"08:15
danielsin any case, I can't imagine needing to support the monolithic tree for three years08:15
HiddenWolfAmaranth, daniels is an artist when it comes to changelogs. :)08:15
LathiatHiddenWolf: well mine dont hard lock, but i get no 3d :)08:15
Lathiatyeh daniel changelogs are great08:16
Lathiatdaniels: so, how, exactly, did you stitch al of that cruft from X together such that it works?08:16
bob2you should totally compile debugging symbols into the module and file a bug08:16
bob2oh WAIT08:16
danielsshould put that on my resum: 'changelog artistry'08:16
AmaranthHiddenWolf: I used to do fun stuff like that but I'm too lazy to think up good things to say.08:16
danielsLathiat: 'badly'08:16
HiddenWolfAmaranth, make it more fun for us groupies, be creative.08:17
AmaranthHiddenWolf: but the only package in ubuntu i touch is smeg, not much to work with there08:18
Amaranthi suppose i could swear a lot...08:18
HiddenWolfAmaranth, fix up something cool for me.08:18
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HiddenWolflike, ehm, uwh. *tries to think of something cool and useful that's not default ubuntu yet*08:19
Amaranthall of the redhat config tools i was working on got ubuntu replacements08:20
=== jsgotangco hides
Amaranththey made me swear a lot anyway08:20
HiddenWolfwho needs oracle. :)08:20
bob2is smeg in Debian yet?08:20
HiddenWolfAmaranth, who needs redhat.08:20
Amaranthbob2: maybe?08:20
Amaranthbob2: I haven't tried getting it in.08:20
jsgotangcoHiddenWolf, Amazon uses it? heh08:20
bob2due to lack of interest or time?08:21
Amarantha little of both08:21
HiddenWolfjsgotangco, their loss. :)08:21
jsgotangcoyeah right08:21
Amaranthi wrote it for ubuntu specifically, it seems other distros all like to hack things differently and anything running GNOME 2.10 is a nightmare08:21
bob2is smeg obsolete in 2.6.12 then?08:22
bob2"gnome 2.12"08:22
Lathiatno because the inbuilt one sucks08:22
Amaranthno, 2.12's gmenu-simple-editor only lets you show/hide existing entries08:22
Amaranththis is why breezy uses smeg instead :)08:22
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bob2so there's no current way to edit menus at all in sid, and in experimental the method is crap?08:23
bob2mind if I ITP it then?08:23
Amaranthif you want08:23
Amaranthbut it doesn't have any translations and 0.8 is nearing release (for the 3rd or so time)08:24
LathiatAmaranth: you away from college or something?08:24
AmaranthLathiat: Nope, I just finished one of my projects in 2 days, it was supposed to take 2 months. :)08:24
AmaranthIt's fun knowing more HTML than the teacher.08:25
=== chris38-home2 [n=Christia@LSt-Amand-152-31-21-96.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HiddenWolfdaniels, btw, is there any way to get my thumbbuttons working (mouse) without imwheel?08:27
Amaranth3 months to make a 5 page website, we were supposed to learn a tag and add it to our site as we went08:27
Amarantherr, 2 months08:27
HiddenWolfAmaranth, LOL08:27
MithrandirHiddenWolf: Just Works for me. :-P08:27
bob2what degree is this?08:27
MithrandirHiddenWolf: evdev is rumoured to work, too08:27
Amaranthtech school is a joke08:27
Lathiatmy cisco course (1st year) isnt so bad08:28
Lathiatmultimedia was a joke08:28
Lathiatjava is a pain in the ass08:28
Amaranthbut you have to do well in high school or at least, you know, finish to get into a regular school ;)08:28
danielsHiddenWolf: probably, with Option "Buttons" "12" or some crap in xorg.conf08:28
bob2Lathiat: the only thing I know about cisoco training is some of my friends became CCNAs without knowing about CIDR08:29
=== Lathiat laughs
bob2which disturbs me deeply08:29
Lathiatwe do cidr stuff08:29
Amaranthsounds like MSCE08:29
Lathiatin ccna1 in fact08:29
Lathiatthey probably  just forgot it08:29
Lathiatand muddled through the exam somewhow08:29
Mithrandirbob2: the first cisco course is dead easy.  The next one isn't.  Afaik, at least.08:29
bob2Lathiat: this was a few years ago08:30
Lathiatyeh CCNP is harder08:30
Amaranthwhich reminds me, i'm also Word, Excel, and Powerpoint 2000 certified, whatever that means08:30
ajmitchpoor fellow08:30
HiddenWolfAmaranth, that you're an MS-lackey, and hopelessly out of date? ;)08:30
Amaranthwell, i am on windows right now...08:30
HiddenWolf*shakes head*08:31
Amaranthi'm broke so i've got windows only dialup (some compuserve knockoff) and a windows only modem08:32
Lathiatheh joy08:33
Lathiatstick it in a qemu and run winroute and route in and out of it. :)08:33
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Amaranththat would be...awesome08:34
Amaranthgot a link? google just gives me junk about firewalls08:36
Lathiatcisco finally fixed their vpnclien tfor linux08:36
Lathiatto use an interface08:36
Lathiatrather than eating kernel packets going out the ethernet interface at the kernel level and firing them over the vpn08:36
Lathiatexcept they eat packets goign out *all* interfaces08:36
Lathiatso i cant use bluetooth networking, etc08:36
MithrandirLathiat: use vpnc instead?08:36
LathiatMithrandir: doesn't work at my uni08:36
Lathiatsomethign aout tcp tunnels08:36
LathiatAmaranth: yeh winroute is a combined firewall/route/other shit for windows08:37
Mithrandirroute through a qemu instance or some other crack, then.08:37
Lathiathavent used it in years tho08:37
LathiatMithrandir: well i could do it in a windows qemu08:37
LathiatMithrandir: but i couldnt do it in a linux one08:37
Mithrandiroh, why?08:37
Lathiat(because itd eat the ethernet im trying to route through!)08:37
Lathiatbut they fixed it anyway now08:37
Lathiatin 4.6 or whatever08:38
bob2that's really quite fucked08:38
Amaranthwinroute sounds like an expensive wrapper around Internet Connection Sharing08:38
Lathiatonly just last week tho08:38
fabbionethere was a nice hole in the Cisco VPN client that was dead easy to exploit08:38
Lathiatbob2: i thought so08:38
bob2unless they use route tags or something08:38
LathiatAmaranth: yeh but it actually does proper routing, i suppose ICS could do it08:38
Amaranthi think the main thing is getting qemu access directly to the hardware08:38
bob2however you're supposed to route ipsec on 2.608:38
LathiatAmaranth: its pci right?08:38
LathiatAmaranth: (qemu does that)08:38
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Amaranththis is getting better and better :)08:38
bob2I dispute your use of "better" for a plan involving both running windows and letting qemu poke pci devices!08:39
Lathiatbob2: hehe08:39
Amaranthbob2: It means internet on linux, it's better than xchat for windows and tortoisecvs08:40
LathiatAmaranth: are you developing smeg on windows? ;p08:40
Lathiatpython, gtk2 for windows and cygwinX? ;)08:40
Amaranthnope, i reboot to work on it08:40
Lathiatpoor soul :)08:40
Lathiatwell i figure08:41
Lathiatits probably more productive08:41
Amaranthit's not08:42
Amaranthi keep playing blobwars08:42
Lathiatuninstall it ;p08:42
Amaranthi'd lose all my progress :(08:43
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Amaranthi beat it on easy, now i'm doing it on hard08:44
Mithrandirinfinity: shall we just close 11355 as WFM?08:45
Lathiatlol "harvesting cherries and studying astro physics"08:47
AmaranthLathiat: got any sites that explain exactly what to do?08:49
AmaranthLathiat: or will it "Just Work"?08:49
LathiatAmaranth: for the qemu thing?08:49
LathiatAmaranth: you just need to setup that pci device to go into windows08:50
Lathiatand then your right ICS will probably do08:50
Amaranthgo into windows is the part i don't understand ;)08:50
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-167-38.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Amaranthack, it requires a kernel patch?08:55
Lathiatit does08:55
Lathiatthat sucks08:55
Amaranthanyway, bed time08:56
LathiatAmaranth: do you know what im doign right now? :(08:56
Lathiatplaying blobwars08:56
Amaranth"Actually, a linux host CAN give that access, as long as it is a PCI card you are giving the guest access to - but then only the guest can use it exclusively."09:03
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dholbachgood morning09:12
pittiHi dholbach 09:12
dholbachhey martin :)09:12
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njrCongrats, guys - Breezy is a work of art.09:30
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sivangMorning all!09:39
sivanghey dholbach , pitti 09:39
pittiHi sivang 09:40
dholbachhi sivan :)09:41
sivanghey dholbach 09:41
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=== sivang brb
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tepsipakkiis there hope for pam >0.76 for dapper?09:58
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dholbachgood morning seb! :)09:59
ajmitchtepsipakki: since 0.79 is in debian, I'd say it's likely10:00
seb128hi dholbach10:00
ajmitchtepsipakki: is there something that you need in > 0.76?10:00
tepsipakkiajmitch: ok, didn't notice that..10:00
tepsipakkiajmitch: well, nothing that I can point right now ;)10:01
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ivoksuh, that samba :/10:04
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dholbachmorning mvo10:25
=== jsgotangco looks at dholbach face on p.u.c.
mvohey dholbach 10:25
bob2that's a lovely flower10:27
ajmitchdholbach: great photo there :)10:28
jsgotangcolooks good as a wallpaper10:28
=== \sh blames planet software for spamming the planet with my postings again *gnarf*
jsgotangconice i have a new wallpaper10:28
jsgotangcotime to post to planet10:29
Treenaksjdub: where?!10:29
=== ajmitch needs to put his blog someplace where it could withstand planet punishment
\shajmitch: i can give u space + bandwidth ;)10:29
\shajmitch: and a nice s9y ,-)10:30
ajmitch\sh: then I'd just need content :)10:30
jdub\sh: dude, it's your blog software giving it the irrits10:30
jsgotangcosure write like mako10:30
\shajmitch: no I can't write your blog ;)10:30
\shjdub: NO ! s9y is rss2 conform10:30
ajmitch\sh: but I don't speak german ;)10:31
Treenaksajmitch: Warum nicht? ;)10:31
\shajmitch: so...s9y is available in many different languages ;)10:31
jdubyou can push valid rss2 and still be pushing stupid crap10:31
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\shjdub: do u have a debug logfile...so we can have a look in it...at least I can work around planets bug ,-)10:32
\shjdub: i need something on how planet makes the decision what planet saw and what he will see 10:32
jsgotangcobollywood dreams...10:33
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\shhmmm...is there a small netinstall image which fits on a 16mb or < 128mb usb stick?11:20
=== magnon notes that 16mb is <128 anyway :P
\shmagnon: well...yes..better to say 16 > N < 128 ,-)11:20
magnonright ;)11:21
=== magnon was at the yearly meeting for his youth political party this weekend and is very very formal and picky today
hungerWhen will the dapper repository go online? tomorrow?11:21
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bob2hunger: /topic11:22
magnonit says about tomorrow in the topic11:22
hungerbob2: Aehm...sorry. Don't have the topic visible in this client at all times.11:29
=== hunger should do something about his new-debs addiction:-)
mvoping mdke 11:33
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mvomdke: could you please correct string 42 of update-manager in rosetta? A typo in the markup (or anyone else from the italian translations team)11:35
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ograKamion, ping.... edubuntu DVDs are good to go (modulo ppc)11:52
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KamionKeybuk: how're we going to cope with this "you must PURGE the hotplug package!" business?12:38
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KeybukI've a planned set of specs12:40
Keybukwe really need to fix all that stuff anyway12:40
Keybukbecause breezy released in a mess12:40
pittiKeybuk: nice, you did already? to get rid of hotplug maps, etc.?12:41
Kamionok, if you have a clue what to do, I don't really want to know ;-)12:41
sabdflbreezy released in a mess?12:41
pittisabdfl: we still use a lot of obsolete hotplug/udev scripts and the like12:41
pittisabdfl: we made it reasonably working, but it is no option for a 3 year desktop release12:42
KamionKeybuk basically spent two weeks kludging it into submission ;-)12:42
pittisabdfl: e. g. hotplug maps will become hopelessly out of date, since new hardware is developed constantly12:42
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=== Kamion creates dapper seeds
sabdflright, we need the new devfs, right?12:43
Kamiondevfs is dead ...12:43
pittisabdfl: well, we need to get rid of this usb procfs12:43
pittisabdfl: right now, scanners and cams access /proc/bus/usb/001/005, for example12:44
Keybuksabdfl: little things ...12:44
pittisabdfl: but this is braindead12:44
Keybuklike, oh, plug in any removable device before you boot12:44
Keybukhoary it mounts and works fine12:44
Keybukbreezy goes "la la la" and ignores it12:44
pittiKeybuk: I thought we caught that?12:44
KeybukKamion: yup, I know12:44
Keybukpitti: nope!  sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't12:44
pittiKeybuk: by switching back hotplug.d->hotplug?12:44
pittiyes, things like that12:45
Keybukpitti: no, hotplug isn't even run is the problem12:45
sivangrehi all, what's the current discussion ? :-)12:45
Keybukbecause the block events happen in initramfs12:45
KamionKeybuk: know what?12:45
Keybukso all that userspace stacking we have doesn't get a look-in12:45
KeybukKamion: how to deal with it12:45
Kamionah, right, good12:45
KeybukKamion: sorry, you caught me right as TAKE A BREAK! came up12:45
pittiKeybuk: ok, we should spend a fair amount of time and spec to clean this up12:45
=== Kamion is currently doing the upgrade on a Debian system and hoping it comes back up ;-)
Keybukpitti: yes, I added lots of little ones to the BOF list ... I have a two-release (one year) plan in my head for it all12:46
sivangpitti: whose the successor for hotplug ?12:47
Keybuksivang: udev12:47
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infinityMithrandir : May as well (re: 11355 WFM), the submitter hasn't responded to any of the WFM comments with additional info.01:06
Seveashmm, zilla died?01:06
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Seveasignore, it's back :)01:06
RiddellKamion: fancy reviewing some kubuntu breezy-updates sometime?01:07
KamionRiddell: sure, send me mail01:08
ograKamion, saw my statement about the edubuntu DVDs above ?01:09
=== Riddell bounces
=== zakame [n=zakame@unaffiliated/zakame] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zakamehi all01:12
Kamionogra: oh, yeah, briefly forgot, will sort that out now01:13
ograKamion, thanks :)01:13
Kamionogra: so both amd64 and i386 have been tested in default, server, and workstation modes?01:13
zakamewhat do I do if I wanted to compile an external kernel module for breezy, and breezy lacks gcc-3.3.5, which the 2.6.12 kernel was compiled on?01:14
ogra\sh, witnessed it this weekend... while we were at it we quickly worked out multiarch ltsp :)01:14
fabbionezakame: the kernel was compiled with gcc-3.401:14
=== Yagisan has eyes light up at mention of multi-arch
ograYagisan, your patch needs some fixage, but after that worked fine :)01:15
zakamefabbione: not according to /proc/version01:15
Yagisanogra: what was wrong ?01:15
fabbione cat /proc/version 01:15
fabbioneLinux version 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 (buildd@king) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)) #1 Mon Oct 10 13:13:36 BST 200501:15
ograYagisan, we dont have our chroot in ~/ ;)01:15
fabbionei read 3.4 there01:15
fabbionezakame: the kernel compiler is forced.. there is no way it could have been built with 3.301:16
ograYagisan, i fixed the second script snippet you have in the patch... once i reviewed and tested more, i'll add the updated version to the bug01:16
fabbionenot by us at least01:16
zakamefabbione: wait, gcc-3.4 isn't shipped in the cd :((01:17
pittizakame: neither are the kernel sources01:17
Yagisanogra: oops - thank's for catching the typo01:17
zakamepitti: not the sources, but the headers are ;)01:18
pittizakame: right01:18
Mithrandirinfinity: it's your bug, so I'll leave it to you. :-P01:18
pittizakame: but shipping two compilers on the CD would even more be a waste than shipping one01:18
infinityMithrandir : Bah, if you leave it to me, I'll be inclined to DTRT by installing this Netware trial I downloaded and testing.01:19
zakamepitti: but shipping no compiler where the kernel is built on is also unsettling ;(01:19
infinityMithrandir : Best if you close it before I have to do that. :001:19
pittizakame: so what, you can easily download it01:20
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pittizakame: the CDs are already tight enough01:20
infinityThe past argument for compiler+headers on the CD has always been that if your network requires a custom-compiled kernel module, you're screwed.01:21
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zakamepitti: that would be fine for my current setup, but think about other setups where downloading isn't easy01:21
infinityI have a feeling breezy's lack of kernel compiler has more to do with it not being explicitely seeded, because we always used to ship "gcc" and the headers (and probably still do)01:22
Kamionneither explicitly seeded nor (build-)depended-upon01:22
pittizakame: I know, but we need to fit a good desktop on the CD, we can't ship all development stuff, too01:22
Lathiati had that issue at uni the other day01:22
Lathiatneeded to compile a cisco pn client01:22
pittizakame: but you can use the DVDs if you need everything off-line01:22
Lathiatand couldnt get to an archive unless i did01:22
pittizakame: also, maybe we can build future kernels with the default compiler again01:23
zakamepitti: that could do, but i'm a wimp and i don't have a dvd drive at hand :(01:23
zakamei am saving up for a dvd combo drive though :)01:23
fabbioneKamion: well the kernel must B-D on gcc-3.4 and it does..01:24
pittizakame: compiling your module with 4.0 doesn't work?01:24
Lathiatpitti: no, why should it?01:24
Lathiatthe kernel is compiled with 3.401:24
pittiLathiat: so what?01:24
Lathiatand trying to load a module compiled with 4.0 the kernel will bark at you01:24
zakamepitti: works, but the versioning detection of the kernel prevents it to work01:25
pittiLathiat: oh, I didn't know that - there is no intrinsical reason why it should01:25
pittiprobably just a safety measure then01:25
Lathiatpitti: yeh the kernel includes gcc version and some other stuff in the module01:25
Lathiatyou can override it01:25
infinityYou can always force insertion, if you really need something to work.01:25
infinityBut it'd still be nice to have kgcc on the CD.01:25
zakamehmmm, pardon my ignorance, but how do I do force insmod again?01:26
infinityToo late for breezy at any rate, so not much point in whining about it.  I suspect one or more of us will remember for dapper.01:26
Lathiatmodprobe -f01:26
Lathiatno idea about insmod01:26
zakameLathiat: thanks :D01:26
zakameinfinity: hopefully :)01:26
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=== infinity wonders if we could add a "kgcc" meta/symlink package to gcc-defaults, to more easily identify/select the kernel compiler.
=== infinity looks at doko.
zakameso, the other solution for breezy would be to get linux-sources and kernel-package, right?01:27
Lathiatis it possible dappers kernel might be compiled with gcc4?01:28
infinityI doubt that gcc4 will like the kernel (or the kernel like gcc4) any more with the next minor revision of each.01:29
dokoinfinity: good idea, but that should be built from a separate source. I don't mess around with kernel maintainers, which compilers should be used01:31
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fabbionedoko: give us a compiler that builds on all arches first :P01:55
mvoKamion: would the debdiff in #17946 something for breezy-updates?01:58
=== mvo inserts a "be" at the appropriate place in the last sentence
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dokofabbione: I thought spaaarc did release, so it must have a compiler :-P02:00
Kamionmvo: the translation breakage is annoying02:01
Kamioncan we fix just the error and leave the broken message for dapper?02:01
mvoKamion: right, that can be fixed by leaving the old (potential incorrect) error message02:01
zygamvo: hi :-)02:01
=== mvo waves to zyga
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zygamvo: I've got something to show you :)02:02
mvozyga: I hope something nice :)02:02
zygamvo: yes :)02:02
zygaa mockup of new gui tool for translation providers :-)02:02
zygaATM I've got a glade file02:02
mvozyga: I'm curious :)02:02
zygamvo: I can give you the .glade if you want to have a loook now :)02:03
=== Hirion [n=Hirion@p5487F912.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvozyga: yes please. either mail it to me or put it on the web somewhere :)02:04
zygamvo: just mounting /www02:05
zygamvo: or better02:05
zygamvo: how about a tla/baz/bzr archive?02:06
zygawhich one do you prefer?02:06
zygamvo: pick one and msg me, I need to grab some food 02:06
mvozyga: bzr please02:07
zygamvo: okay, one secon02:07
zygamvo: http://www.suxx.pl/ubuntu/gnome-translation-providers02:08
zygaI didn't ever publish any bzr archive so tell me if it works02:08
zygaI did an import+commit02:08
zygaand then cp -R to /www/... 02:09
mvozyga: looks good, just "bzr get" it. there is a "bzr push" plugin that may be interessting for you to publish your changes02:09
=== mvo thinks that bzr rocks really really hard
zygamvo: how to get the push plugin?02:10
zygaany .deb to pull?02:10
mvozyga: it's in jeff bailys archive 02:10
fabbionedoko: right :) just dont' break it more :P02:10
zygamvo: apt-source if you may :-)02:10
zygasources.list line if you may :)02:11
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sivangHI mvo :) , this is waht I rolled on last night inspired by my bug report , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneClickI18n02:12
mvozyga:  deb  http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr ./02:12
Mithrandirpitti: what do I need to twiddle to get back my old permissions in /proc/bus/usb?  This was changed fairly late in the breezy cycle, iirc?02:12
pittiMithrandir: actually not, it works that way since warty02:12
pittiMithrandir: what are your "old" permissions?02:13
dokofabbione: it's not X ;-P02:13
mvosivang: oh, thanks. looks like a lot of people are interessed in this02:13
Mithrandirpitti: some g+rw at least.  I don't want to run gpg as root to access my openpgp card.02:13
pittiMithrandir: uh, I only ever dealt with libsane and libgphoto, not with other USB crack02:13
Mithrandirpitti: .. what was the fix in sane?02:15
sivangmvo: yes I know :) 02:15
sivangmvo: this would also help me reduce 90% of the noise about that over my local community02:15
pittiMithrandir: the real fix is to drop all these hotplug scripts, usermaps, and accessing of /proc/bus/usb by apps02:15
zygamvo: bzrtools?02:15
zygathat's the packge?02:15
mvozyga: yes02:15
pittiMithrandir: and instead use udev to create a proper device in /dev, and make libsane/libgphoto use it02:16
sivangzyga: what's the gnome-translation-providers app going to do?02:16
zygasivang: ah, that's a long story02:16
Mithrandirpitti: and the "I just want this to work, dammit" fix is just to what the hotplug scripts?02:16
zygasivang: check my blog for initial idea: http://www.suxx.pl/blog/index.php/next-generation-l10n-system/02:16
pittiMithrandir: libsane intermediately switched to a hotplug.d script, which brkoe02:16
zygasivang: g-t-p will be a end-user tool for manipulating translation providers02:17
=== mpt falls into the tarpit of glade
zygasivang: update-manager will be upgraded to support them02:17
mvoKamion: fix for #17946 updated, can/should I upload? or wait a bit and see if something else comes up for gksu?02:17
Mithrandirpitti: etc/hotplug is teh new and shiny now, right?02:17
pittiMithrandir: so I switched it back to /etc/hotplug/usb/libsane, as in hoary and warty02:17
=== zyga is off to dinner
pittiMithrandir: no, it is even older than hotplug.d02:17
zygaI'll be back in an hour :-)02:17
zygacomments welcome02:17
pittiMithrandir: but both ways are obsolete02:17
mvozyga: are you on planet.ubuntu ?02:17
zygamvo: no I need to be a member for that02:17
pittiMithrandir: this usb file system will disappear in the kernel (in .14?)02:17
mptzyga: What's a use case for wanting to change the translation providers?02:18
zygamvo: I'd love to be a member BTW :-)02:18
mptIs there a spec on it?02:18
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Mithrandirpitti: *sigh*, what's the newfangled way to do it?  Add a udev script in /etc/udev/rules.d?02:18
pittiMithrandir: and udev with proper /dev nodes is the way to go (it was just too late for breezy)02:18
mvozyga: and you aren't? come to the next CC meeting then02:18
pittiMithrandir: yes02:18
zygamvo: will do02:18
Mithrandirpitti: are those scanned on each udev event, so I can just hack it, or do I need to reboot and such?02:19
zygampt: trivial use case: I'm paid by an organization to translate evolution, they need to get up-to-date messages every day, after my work is done I can upload everything upstream02:19
zygampt: another use case: I collaborate with a group of friends and provide translations for interesting applications, upstream denies updates as they feel our work is insignificant/bad02:19
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zygampt: a group of translators, say gnomepl.org is providing easy-to-get translations for all gnome apps02:20
zygampt: you dont want to trust the distributor to pick every signle translations - you can pick them yourself and then send upstream if you whish02:20
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zygampt: another use case: ubuntu is using clean upstream translations and then provides an overlay for all ubuntu-specific strings02:21
zygampt: that's not all obviously but I hope you get the idea anyway :-)02:21
=== zyga really needs to go
zygaI'll be back in one hour02:21
zygac'ya then02:21
mptit just seems really complicated to me02:21
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pittiMithrandir: and read sysfs attributes to decide about the device class, instead of playing catch-up with silly hotplug maps02:23
Mithrandirpitti: hmm, but then I suddenly need inode numbers and other silliness, don't I?  Or I can possibly wrangle it out from /sys?02:28
pittiMithrandir: why inode numbers?02:28
Mithrandirpitti: because dev nodes have them?02:28
pittiMithrandir: erm, I don't understand02:29
Mithrandirpitti: I'll just fiddle around and see what I manage to break. :-)02:29
pittiMithrandir: you ask udev to create a /dev/usbscanner0 for a new USB scanner02:29
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pittiMithrandir: and query device class etc. from sysfs02:29
desrtpitti; g'morn02:29
Mithrandirpitti: yes, but I supposed it needs major/minor number?02:29
Kamionmvo: go ahead and upload; it'll sit in a queue for a bit anyway :-)02:30
pittiMithrandir: yes, of course02:30
pittiHi desrt 02:30
pittiMithrandir: not sure whether they are already defined02:31
mvoKamion: ok, I'll upload to 'breezy-updates' then, thanks02:31
pittiMithrandir: there are definitively numbers for SCSI scanners02:31
Mithrandirpitti: this is an USB smart card reader. :-)02:31
pittiMithrandir: but I'm not sure about camera scanners02:31
pittiMithrandir: no idea about those, sorry02:31
Lathiatumm, with XFS, the equivalent of 'user_xattr' works by default right?02:33
Mithrandirpitti: it says driver -> ../../../../../../../bus/usb/drivers/usbfs/, though.. That looks suboptimal02:33
=== CaiN_SA [n=cain@rrba-146-64-17.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubKeybuk, Diziet: what's the current thinking about the alternative proposal on http://www.dpkg.org/Triggers ?02:41
Keybuk"current thinking" ?02:43
pittiMithrandir: this shift did only take place in kernels recently02:44
jdubKeybuk: you know, those noises in your head02:44
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bob2like headaches with pictures02:45
Keybukjdub: to be honest, I put no further thought into it after writing it down after debconf02:46
Keybuk"not for dapper" :p02:46
=== jdub way pefers the alternative design
jdubwas discussing just that with some of the RH guys during the summit02:47
KeybukI like it, but I'm also not convinced02:47
Keybukit's a bit mad02:47
Keybukcome to my LCA talk <g>02:47
hughsiepitti: you got a minute?02:47
jdubasked Kamion if it were sane,  he pointed out that it was alreayd there02:47
Keybukit does seem like the kind of thing the package manager could do, doesn't it02:48
hughsieogra: help!02:49
jdubKeybuk: and only requires a tidbit of configuration from single, tool-owning packages02:49
jdubrpm has hacks in it for stuff like this02:50
jdubrpm itself02:50
KeybukI've looked at rpm a lot recently02:50
Keybukfor example rpm's evil stuff to deal with 32-bit/64-bit shit02:50
jdubthe only bit i was concerned about was ownership of generated files02:50
KeybukI have a personal distaste for anything "hard-coded" like taht02:51
bob2rpm doesn't have multiarch either?02:51
Lathiatwhats that apt-cache command that prints out available versions02:51
Lathiatlike the hidden one02:51
Lathiatwith a girls name02:51
bob2or madison02:52
Lathiatmadison, thats the one02:52
Keybukapt-cache madison02:52
Keybukthough policy gives more info02:52
Keybukelmo: which madison is that named after ?!02:52
lamontdieman: eep02:53
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Kamionogra: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/breezy/release/ - link added from releases.u.c too02:54
=== sivang didn't know apt has such hidden easter eggs :)
KamionKeybuk: Madison Michele according to katie/docs/README.names02:55
Kamionsivang: it's hardly "hidden" - it's in the man page, although admittedly not in the --help output02:55
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jdubKeybuk, Kamion: hmm, alternative triggers is interestingly related to proposed classes functionality02:59
Keybuknoticed that too, eh <g>02:59
Keybuk"when doc installed into <path>, run scrollkeeper"02:59
diemanlamont: was wondering how big the scc archive is.03:03
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infinitydieman : Less than half the size of the FCC archive, at a guess.03:06
infinityOr, wait.  No.  More than half.03:06
=== infinity can't be bothered to actually check.
infinitydieman : You could just run a --dry-run rsync and see.03:07
infinitydieman : Note that ports doesn't have source, so it's just 3 binary arches (with fewer packages built, and fewer released versions than the FCC arches)03:08
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diemanahh, k03:12
diemani was asking lamont because he was asking for a us mirror 03:12
diemanit shouldn't be a huge problem03:12
jdubinfinity: s/FCC/supported/03:13
infinityjdub : FCC is easier to type, and dieman knew what I meant.03:15
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mdkeKamion, is the TB the correct place for a proposal for an ubuntu-docs update or can/should it be done by approaching you/mdz/A.N.Other?03:15
jdubevil language :)03:15
=== Kinnison 's partner is installing breezy on an amd64
Kinnisonit is sat saying "no installable kernel was found"03:15
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nomednvidia driver let me use just 800x600 res on toshiba satellite laptop (i should use 1024x768)03:16
Kinnisonthis is very odd indeed03:16
Kinnisonany clues?03:16
KinnisonKamion: ^^03:18
Kamionmdke: the TB seems like overkill; we have an established policy for -updates03:18
nomedthe card is GeForce4 420 Go 03:18
Kamionmdke: probably best to mail mdz03:18
infinitynomed : Does it work with the 'nv' driver?03:18
nomedinfinity: yes03:18
KamionKinnison: look for base-installer: in /var/log/syslog03:18
KamionKinnison: chances are that 'apt-get update' failed to read from the CD03:18
mdkeKamion, alrighty, i'll do that03:18
mdkeKamion, is the policy documented?03:19
Kamionmdke: I think mdz restates it virtually every time the subject comes up on -devel ...03:19
mdkeKamion, i'll have a search then03:19
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infinitynomed : Try 'Option IgnoreEDID "1"' in your xorg.conf03:19
KinnisonKamion: what do we try for fixing that?03:19
Kamionit's something like "simple, obvious, and safe", or something similarly like what you'd expect for updates to a supported release03:19
infinitynomed : In the Device section.03:20
KamionKinnison: first confirm that that's actually the problem03:20
zygamodem died again, argh :/03:20
KinnisonKamion: seems to be03:20
KinnisonKamion: "apt-update failed: 1"03:20
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KamionKinnison: second, standard advice is (a) burn at a lower speed if possible, (b) invest in disc/drive cleaning kit03:20
Kinnisons@//@/ /@03:20
KinnisonKamion: right03:20
nomedinfinity: ok03:20
mdkeKamion, ok i think we ought to be able to satisfy that :)03:20
KinnisonKamion: we'll try, thanks03:21
KamionKinnison: the installer gives that advice in some other situations, but there are so many places where a failed CD read can kill things ...03:21
jbaileyjdub: ping?03:23
jdubjbailey: pong03:23
zygamvo: when is the next CC meeting?03:25
mdkezyga, a week tomorrow, see the wiki page03:25
mvozyga: 25.10 it seems (see topic in #ubuntu-meeting)03:25
pittiKamion: do you happen to have the ssh GSSAPI patch (CAN-2005-2798) easily available?03:29
pittiKamion: if not, I can pull it from upstream cvs (not a problem), but maybe I can save the effort03:29
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Kamionpitti: mailed03:35
pittiKamion: thanks a lot03:35
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zygayay, crappy new exploit for firefox/thunderbird/epiphany/ and everything else based on gecko03:54
pittizyga: ?03:55
zygapitti: slashdot03:55
zygapitti: works and locks the browser in endless htmlparse loop03:55
zygatested on ff/epiphany 03:55
zygalooks fixable though (check the attached source)03:56
zygaBTW: what *is* based on gecko/03:56
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pittiHi trulux 04:00
truluxpitti: heya! I've been looking for you the last two weeks!04:01
truluxHow's it going?04:01
elmoinfinity/lamont: is b-at still in the buildds to-do list?04:01
pittitrulux: well, I was online throughout the day04:01
Kamionzyga: depressingly short exploit code there04:01
infinityelmo : Yes.04:01
elmogood good04:01
infinityelmo : I meant to discuss that with you, but I'm assuming doko already has?04:02
infinityelmo : We wanted to build gcc-4.1 on all arches, pre-seed the b-at chroots with it, and have you do an import.04:02
elmowith one buildd per arch?04:02
truluxpitti: you should join the ubuntu-hardened channel, we are much more active now and need your word04:02
elmoin any event - no prob for me04:02
infinityelmo : won't take that long... Just not as fast as the last build.04:03
elmopitti: WORD TO YOUR MOTH... oh never mind04:03
pittitrulux: I could not yet review your latest  packages, I was (and am still) too busy 04:03
infinityelmo : But there's a catch.  We want to actually upload and save the binaries this time, so we can test them.04:03
elmoinfinity: just don't do it yet - I need to do a mini-micro-petite b-at partial run, to get some test uploads for daniel04:03
truluxpitti: I see, no worries. But be prepared for a bunch of good news04:03
elmoinfinity: we can do that, I guess04:04
infinityelmo : Yeah, s'cool.  It's not urgent, though we may want to do it in time for UBZ, so we can disuss the results there when deciding on toolchain stuff.04:04
elmodude, UBZ is like 9 days away - you'll bearly get main built, even if we start now04:04
infinity12 days, but yeah.04:06
infinityJust main would be fine for discussion purposes.04:06
infinity(If it's building during UBZ, that's also fine, it's not like we'll be taxing the buildds with anything ELSE while we're all at the conference)04:06
zygaKamion: that's a good sign04:06
=== zyga is building firefox and hopes to fix this ;-)
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jbailey12 days?  Phear.04:08
=== Treenaks can't wait
bddebian12 Days 'til what?  UBZ?04:08
=== bddebian can't go because of you commies.. ;-P
Treenaksbddebian: commies? where?04:09
bddebianAren't all you "Free Software" types communists? ;-)04:09
jbaileybddebian: If you have problem with Soviet Canuckistan, then Soviet Canuckistand has problem with you.04:09
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-240-234.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygajdub: autopackage strikes again ;-)04:11
dholbachjdub: sounds like a famous last words...04:11
dholbachoh that page really exists :)04:12
Treenaksjdub: om04:12
Treenaksjdub: omg, even04:12
zygapitti: who is in contact with ff upstream?04:12
jdubwell, there is a bunch of stupid crap on the bofs page anyway04:12
pittizyga: Diziet might be, but I'm not sure04:13
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zygaDiziet: ping04:15
Keybukdoko: when are you updating the Python in Debian to 2.4 ?!04:15
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Yagisanplease please don't do autopackage - it's bound to be a support nightmare04:17
zygaYagisan: let's support autopackage by providing a third-party-native-hook04:17
Keybukdon't worry, if anyone seriously suggests AutoPackage, I know where I can get an AK-4704:17
zygaeither third party builds native debs for given distro04:17
Keybukand I'll shoot their balls off04:17
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zygaor autopackage says 'sorry, go away'04:17
TreenaksKeybuk: only their balls?04:17
KeybukTreenaks: do you know how much pain a bullet to the testicle can cause?04:18
zygaKeybuk: AK-47?04:18
TreenaksKeybuk: a lot, no doubt04:18
YagisanIf It integrated into apt I would not worry - but it spews crap everywhere04:18
Keybukthen they'll beg for one to the head04:18
dokoKeybuk: talking with the release-team: not before kde is in testing04:18
mdkewhat if they are a woman?04:18
=== mdke looks at the BOF
YagisanIt's not hard to maintain a 3rd party repo - I maintain 3rd party ubuntu repos04:18
Treenaksmdke: they have sensitive places as well ;)04:18
Keybukmdke: I credit the fairer sex with more intelligence than to suggest it :p04:19
Yagisancan you imagine on #ubuntu - I installed a backported firefox via autopackage and my system is hosed - help wahhhhh04:19
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mdkeKeybuk, see the BOF posted by jdub04:20
TreenaksYagisan: People already do that04:20
YagisanTreenaks: at least they can downgrade with apt04:20
Keybukmdke: which one?04:22
mdkeKeybuk, AutopackageIntegration04:23
Keybukmdke: right, that's what I was refering to04:24
Keybuksorry, I thought for a second that you meant jdub had _suggested_ such a BOF04:24
Keybukand I was going to have to kill a friend04:24
zygapitti: it's fixed in 1.5.x04:25
mdkeno, no04:25
pittizyga: great, let's hope that they backport it quickly04:25
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infinitypitti : Will I get any support from you if I propose a "MinimisingDuplication" spec, focusing on removing as many duplicate apps/libs from main as we can (multiple versions of libdb, libmysqlclient, libpng, local/static copies of zlib, pcre, libdb, libneon, etc...)?04:30
dholbachinfinity: + gnome1 :)04:30
pittiinfinity: you will have my full support :-)04:31
infinityDo we have much gnome1 stuff in main still?04:31
pittiinfinity: add libnss3 and libnspr4 :-)04:31
Kamioninfinity: not a lot in main; the chief user in universe is gnucash04:31
bddebianHehe, gnucash04:31
jdubxmms in main :|04:31
=== bddebian hides
DizietI'd quite like to get rid of gs-esp.  Do we know why it's still hanging around ?04:32
bddebianHow about we move to the unstable/development branch of GNUCash?? ;-)04:32
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infinityDiziet : Because gs-gpl doesn't support all the same crap, apparently.04:32
infinityDiziet : A gs-esp based on the current gs-gpl version would be nice, at least.  A unified package would be nicer.04:32
elmoironically theonly thing that d or b-d on gs-esp is *-desktop04:33
infinityelmo : Yeah, and that's an | dep.04:33
elmo(in main)04:33
infinityelmo : gs-esp and gs-gpl are (meant to be) interchangeable.04:33
elmoinfinity: oh is it?  hum, I thought melanie knew about them, but apparently not04:33
infinityWe could kick -esp to universe, though, and still have the | dep in -desktop, no?04:34
DizietWhat I mean is, why would anyone want gs-esp ?  breezy's gs-esp is _7.07_ !04:34
Yagisanbddebian: will that break my existing gnucash accounts ?04:34
infinityelmo : Oh, I lie, it's not an | in -desktop...04:34
elmoyeah, I was going to ask how the auto-meta-creation stuff created an | 04:35
Diziet7.07 is hopelessly full of crashy stuff.04:35
infinitySo, if you install gs-gpl, you have -gpl and -esp installed together.04:35
Kamioninfinity: er ... -desktop doesn't do |-deps04:35
DizietYes, and the alternatives are set to prefer gs-esp.04:35
infinityKamion : Yeah, I realised that after I said it.04:35
Kamiongs-esp's in desktop as a consequence of the germinate workaround to make sure we put only one gs-* on CDs04:36
KamionI don't really care which it is - it was a doko thing, IIRC04:36
infinityDiziet : There's a shiny new gs-esp in sid.04:36
bddebianYagisan: No, we should be able to get better HCBI/aqbanking support :-)04:37
Yagisanbddebian: Good, I don't particularly want to get reamed by the tax department if I update then lose access to my accounts.04:37
bddebianOf course TB would probably hunt me down and kill me too ;-)04:37
infinityDiziet : Based on gs-gpl 8.15, which is also the current sid version.04:37
infinityDiziet : So, that should make patching and such easier.  But I still don't necessarily see a reason to keep both in main.04:38
Dizietinf: Yes, we might be lucky this time.  I think in general the whole gs versions thing is a nightmare.04:38
Kamionbddebian: I don't see why the TB would care about a new gnucash in dapper/universe04:38
Kamionbddebian: although shipping development versions is on your own head if it turns out badly04:39
dholbachbddebian: is xmms the only thing in main that wants gnome1?04:39
infinityDiziet : Well, if someone could convince the two upstreams to merge their respective forks again...04:39
elmoxmms doesn't use gnome1?04:39
elmoit uses gtk104:39
hungerIs xmms even in ubuntu-desktop?04:39
DizietWhich one is the real upstream ?  esp keep taking new gs-gsl's.04:39
jdubno, but it's in main04:40
infinityDiziet : gs-gpl is the true ghostscript upstream, but ESP (the upstream for CUPS) does heavy modification to make it more CUPS-friendly, and they include new drivers and such.04:40
infinityDiziet : At this point, they've been forking and re-merging for so long, it's almost as much fun as asking which of NetBSD or OpenBSD is the "real upstream"04:40
DizietThe CUPS-friendliness doesn't seem relevant any more, although it might once have been.  I mean, you can install only gs-gpl and your CUPS will still work fine.04:41
DizietThe driver thing is _really annoying_.04:42
hungerjdub: What is the criteria of something being in main? I thought it was being a dependency for one of the ubuntu metapackages?04:44
KeybukKamion: I was chatting to someone at LinuxWorld who said a gtk 2 version of gnucash is coming soon04:44
infinityhunger : There aren't metapackages for the "supported" seed (which determines main)04:44
ograKeybuk, yes, since 4 years04:45
jdubhunger: xmms is a build dependency of  a package in one of the supported seeds04:45
hungerAh, I see...04:45
KamionKeybuk: "RSN"04:46
Keybukthe claim was by the end of the year04:46
Yagisanogra, Keybuk - hasn't it been longer ?04:46
KeybukI did express "yes! please!" and also reservation they'd make it <g>04:46
bddebiandholbach: How would I know? :-)04:46
bddebianKamion: Aye, I was kinda joking :-)04:47
ograYagisan, Keybuk iirc they announce a gtk2 port "real soon" since 200104:47
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ograbut Yagisan might be right and its even longer :)04:48
Yagisanogra, Keybuk: when they do port to gtk2, we'll have gtk3, 4 or 5 :)04:48
Yagisanogra, Keybuk - at least it's stable :)04:49
Keybukso's my grandma04:49
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=== Yagisan thinks etch+1 will be out before gtk2 gnucash
hungerYagisan: Now you are being unfair;-)04:50
=== bddebian is getting confused. Are we talking about xmms, gs-gpl or gnucash? :-)
hungerbddebian: I think all of them (plus the debian release process).04:51
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Keybukis there any reason cups still using gs ?04:53
Keybukit would be a sweet bounty to get that converted to poppel04:53
dholbachpoppler :)04:53
seb128Keybuk: I though that pitti converted cups to used poppler some months ago?04:54
seb128Keybuk: cups' package has a poppler patch for sure04:54
pittiseb128: well, I converted the pdf2ps backend04:54
dholbachKeybuk: "popel" in german means bogey :)04:54
jdubha ha04:54
jdubdholbach: as in snot?04:54
dholbachjdub: yes :)04:55
jdubdholbach: after havoc wrote libwnck, he wrote libstartup-notification - everyone was sorely disappointed that he didn't call it libsnot :)04:56
dholbachjdub: i'll have a word with him ;)04:57
Keybukhearing havoc pronounce libwnck is an event everyone should witness04:57
Keybukbecause he goes to great and extraordinary lengths to *not* pronounce it them as everyone else04:57
dholbachwe'll have a libsnot transition soon :)04:57
jdubdholbach: "the big sneeze"04:58
mvoKeybuk: haha04:58
ograbless you !04:58
KeybukI always wanted to create a libido04:59
Keybukwhich is one of the few words that also comes out as a word when you do -lido04:59
jdubduring the ISV bof at the gnome summit, half the room said "lib wank", the other half said "lib wink". finally, someone asked if we were talking about the same thing.04:59
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jdubKeybuk: carlos is writing a library for using the system tools backends called liboobs05:00
mvojdub: I just wanted to say that :) 05:00
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jdubhooray for oobies ;)05:00
Keybukhow about a porn video decoder library called libel ?05:01
zyga... sir we need to upgrade our system and install libooobs and libwnck ... 05:01
Keybukor maybe a usenet library05:01
Keybukjdub: could've been worse, HP guys could've been there and called it lieb wunuck05:01
dholbachhm, p0rn-comfort depends on neither of those05:01
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jbaileyajmitch: *poke*05:04
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sivangzyga: lol, carlos garnacho wasn't sure about this name, but eventually due to the big support from me, and a couple of other guys on #gst, the name stuck :)05:07
zygasivang: gst?05:08
zygasivang: ?? :)05:08
zygasivang: lib oobies?05:09
sivangzyga: actually it's liboobs IIRC05:09
sivangzyga: http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/liboobs/05:10
dholbachzyga: gnome-system-tools05:11
bddebianFuck I hate my job. /me begs for job at Canonical ;-P05:11
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sivangbddebian: join the club ;-)05:12
zygabddebian: I'll be your sidekick05:12
bddebianzyga: :-)05:12
zygabddebian: just feed me with remains from your trash can05:12
zygabddebian: are you an ubuntu member05:12
bddebianzyga: I'm supposedly an MOTU ;-)05:13
sivangzyga: ROTFL05:13
zygaworking for cannonical is not reallistic05:14
zygamoving to UK?05:14
zygafilling all those activity reports ;-)05:15
bddebianHey, we can work remotely can't we? ;-)05:16
zygaOTOH it's be the only company I know that pays for sitting on an irc channel ;-)05:16
zygas/ be//05:16
hughsieany of you guys help me with a UI problem (gnome-power-manager)?05:17
mjg59hughsie: Can give it a go05:17
hughsieas i think it was brought up as a concern for ubuntu...05:18
bddebianOh shit, can we vote for you now mjg59? :-)05:18
zygaarrrgh, why oh why cannot the pallete in glade-2 be minimalized !!!05:18
hughsiemjg59: give me your worst :-)05:18
hughsiei was wondering specifically about the "always show in the panel"05:19
hughsieand the "show full devices" bit too05:19
DizietI tried to vote for mjg59 but launchpad broke.05:19
Diziet(To be fair I hadn't logged in yet and when I did it worked ...)05:19
bddebianNeverMind, done05:19
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Kamionzyga: are you under the impression that all Canonical employees live in the UK?05:22
mjg59hughsie: Hmm. Sorry - which bit are we looking at?05:22
hughsieThe new version has more options for displaying the icon in the tray05:23
zygaKamion: yes... so I'm wrong :)05:23
hughsiei.e. when to display and when not to display05:23
hughsiewhat makes sense?05:23
hughsiedisplay the ac icon when battery is fully charged, or show the battery with a full charge?05:23
ograKamion, thanks for the DVD work :)05:23
mdkezyga, it depends how you define UK05:23
mjg59hughsie: Hmm. Good question.05:23
zygahow the hell do I force a label with long long text to fill the entire box it's in and NOT wrap after 40 words???05:24
mjg59hughsie: I think the behaviour of the battery applet is sensible - an ac icon that changes when you're done charging05:24
zygamdke: and how should I define it?05:24
jbaileymdke: Canada and Australia are only commonwealth. =)05:25
hughsieso when the battery is charged, we show just the ac_adapter?05:25
jbaileyWe're not *actually* part of the UK. =)05:25
mdkezyga, if you include both americas, asia and australasia, and all of europe, we're nearly there afaics05:25
bddebianjbailey: I thought you are a part of France?05:25
=== bddebian ducks
zygamdke: darn colonies05:25
jbaileymdke: And ISTR the Americans wasting a whole bunch of perfectly good tea over the issue a little while ago.05:25
=== ogra didntknow jbailey was a part of france ...
mdkewhat a waste of tea05:26
hughsiemjg59: so when the battery is charged, we show just the ac_adapter?05:26
jbaileyogra: Either the UK or France would suit me.  I'd love to have an EU passport. ;)05:28
ograwhat do you gain with a EU passport over a canadian one ? 05:29
jbaileyThe ability to work in Europe.05:29
jbaileyI've wished a few times to go and spend a year or two there.05:29
=== Diziet finds another distributed rcs/scm tool, `Mercurial'.
jbaileyDiziet: jblack has a bunch of comparisons of bzr vs. mercurial.05:30
mdkethe UK is in the EU?05:30
=== mdke runs off
jbaileymdke: IIRC, a UK passport gives work priviledges on the mainland.05:31
=== zyga creates ubuntu.suxx.pl
=== jbailey blinks
mdkejbailey, yes it does, for a certain period of time, i was just kidding05:32
jbaileySorry, thought that was a perl script. =)05:32
mjg59hughsie: I think there needs to be some indication that you're on ac05:33
hughsiethere's already the curly adapter like http://gnome-power.sourceforge.net/images/gpm-taskbar.png05:33
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mjg59Yeah. I think something like that indication is good (though I'm not keen on that specific artwork)05:37
Dizietjbailey: Ooh.  Do you have a handy ref. or shall I google ?05:37
jbaileyDiziet: I don't.  Try pinging him, he lives in te US and might be awake.05:37
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infinityhughsie : Am I the only person who'se complained that the g-p-m icons look overly cartoonish compared to other taskbar icons?05:41
hughsieinfinity: they were done for diana fong for bluecurce05:41
hughsieyou know what I mean..05:41
hughsiei'll happily ship other icons05:41
infinityI need to sit down with andyfitz at UBZ and talk icons with him.05:43
infinityI'd like to replace g-p-m's icon set, GAIM's, and network-manager's.05:43
infinityWhen I replace the net applet and the battstat applet with n-m and g-p-m, I feel like I'm using a completely different OS, the style difference is that striking.05:44
hughsieinfinity: if you do some icons, do them in svg05:45
mjg59Yeah. Bluecurve is a lot more cartoony than the standard gnome icon set05:45
mjg59infinity: Can you replace gaim instead, please?05:45
infinityHah.  What with?05:45
mjg59Something that works05:45
mjg59Something that doesn't crash whenever my panel gets restarted, something with a UI that doesn't make me scream in anguish, something that integrates well with the rest of my OS05:46
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tsenggajim is getting nicer05:47
=== dholbach likes gossip
tsengif you are cool with jabber transports vs native protocol05:47
infinityThe only two bugs I feel an urge to fix is the breaking/crashing on panel restart, and the "insists on having a taskbar entry for the buddy list" thing.05:47
hughsieso infinity: i would love some more icons :-)05:48
Keybukspeak to andyfitz05:48
Keybukhe's good at icons05:48
infinityhughsie : I'll see if I can whip andyfitz into action.05:48
Keybukjust not at delivering them <g>05:48
infinityAlternately, my girlfriend kinda likes playing with vector art, maybe I'll sic her on some icons.05:49
=== zyga [n=zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityBut, yes, I'd love icons for g-p-m and n-m that match the default GNOME icon set, so I'll see what can be done.05:49
zygasuspending on my laptop works just like ripping the battery and the power cord at the same time05:49
infinityThe cartoony theme just doesn't do it for me.05:49
hughsiezyga: not cool.05:50
hughsieinfinity: thanks05:50
zygahughsie: no, not cool at all05:50
hughsiezyga: what happens if you use the /sys/power interface? the same?05:51
zygahughsie: I never did, tell me what to do05:51
hughsiezyga: echo mem > /sys/power/state05:52
zygahughsie: testing in 30 secs05:52
=== Keybuk wishes suspend worked on his laptop
mjg59Keybuk: Scream at ATI05:53
infinitySuspend is so snazzy on my laptop it hurts.05:53
infinityI still can't figure out why hibernate suddenly stopped loving me, though.05:53
Keybukmjg59: sadly I don't expect they'd listen05:53
mjg59Or get me a dump of the registers under Windows05:53
KeybukI have no idea how to install windows on here05:54
jbaileyinfinity: We can step through it together if you'd like.05:56
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infinityjbailey : Sure.  Let me prepare myself for Constant-Reboot-Mode05:57
infinity(ie: stop surfing pr0n)05:57
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jbaileyinfinity: =)05:57
jbaileyinfinity: Oh, admit it, you were reading FAILED build logs.05:58
zygaI did see some acpi interrupt messages05:58
zygathen everything died again05:58
zygahughsie: no luck 05:58
Keybukif somebody has a CD drive that 05:58
Keybukfits an hp docking thingy, then we should do it at UBZ :p05:59
jbaileyinfinity: First thing, grep ^RESUME /etc/mkinitramfs/initramfs.conf05:59
infinityjbailey : Yeah, that's fine, same thing it's been set to for months (RESUME=/dev/sda2, which is my swap)06:00
hughsiezyga: kernel bug?06:00
zygahughsie: beats me06:00
zygahughsie: anything else I can echo there?06:00
infinityjbailey : Note that this failed not only on my existing "ripe" installation, but on a fresh installation done to another partition.06:00
jbaileyinfinity: Lovely.  Next step is to reboot, add break to the kernel command line06:00
jbaileyinfinity: That'll drop you into the initramfs-tools06:01
zygahughsie: the exact thing was like that: some message with progress bar, some acpi interrupt stuff, something else, powerdown06:01
zygahughsie: is this logged anywhere?06:01
infinityjbailey : Sec.  Let me power up the auxiliary laptop so I can stay on IRC.06:01
jbaileyinfinity: 'kay06:01
jbaileyinfinity: While you're here.06:01
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jbaileyI'll get you to cat /sys/power/resume06:01
infinityOr, you want me to do that after I reboot? ;)06:02
jbaileyNo, now is right.06:02
=== infinity is still waiting for the Toshiba-of-doom to boot.
zygahmm what is that file?06:02
jbaileySo that also tells us that it's setting it correctly.06:02
zygamine has 0:006:02
jbaileyCan you suspend rather than rebooting?06:02
jbaileyAnd then bring it up without quiet and splash, but with break ?06:02
infinityjbailey : Yep, that was the plan.06:03
jbaileyzyga: That tells the kernel where to hibernate to.06:03
infinityjbailey : I assume you mean s/suspend/hibernate/ :)06:03
zygajbailey: where does the system hibernate anyway? I have no swap file around06:03
jbaileyzyga: If it's not set, the kernel will hibernate to your swap, but it's a hint that initramfs-tools doesn't know how to resume06:03
infinityzyga : If you have no swap, it doesn't hibernate.06:03
zygaah, that's why it keeps crashing ;-)06:03
jbaileyzyga: It needs a swap partition.  We can't resume from a swapfile.06:03
jbaileyinfinity: Whatever.  Suspend to disk. =)06:04
zygainfinity: does the swap partition need to be exactly the same size as ram?06:04
infinityAlright, screen to the rescue.  Laptop-of-doom on IRC.06:04
jbaileyzyga: I usually use double on most systems, and triple on low-memory systems.06:04
infinityzyga : Or bigger.06:04
zygaI've got 512 megs and 509 swap :/06:04
zygathat's a rather bad bad luck06:04
=== jbailey waves at Adam from the other screen.
zygaokay I need to run06:05
zygac'ya guys06:05
zygaI'll try to repartition my laptop today and try again06:05
=== zyga runs
infinityMan, the panel on this Toshiba is PAINFUL.06:06
infinityI can't believe I took this thing to UDU.  Imust have been a laughing stock.06:06
Keybukyour hat, or the laptop? :P06:07
Yagisaninfinity: I didn't even have a laptop to take06:07
infinityErr, that's right.06:07
infinityjbailey : I don't think you can help me.  It doesn't look userlandish.06:08
infinityjbailey : I get the wholr "reading image data" thing, then the "stopping tasks" mojo, then... Uhh... Nothing.06:08
jbaileyinfinity: Mmm.06:09
jbaileyinfinity: I don't think my file hack has made it back into Ubuntu yet.06:09
infinityjbailey : It's like swsusp just decided that I suck, less than a month before release.06:09
jbaileyBut the newest version of file can tell you if there's a suspend image in the swap.06:09
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jbaileyHeya Carsten06:09
carstenhhi jeff06:10
infinityjbailey : If there wasn't a suspend image in it, would it even get this far?06:10
infinityEd Zachary.06:10
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mjg59infinity: You have working swap?06:10
infinitySo, I have no friggin' clue what's decided to break.06:10
infinitymjg59 : Yes.06:10
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infinitymjg59 : Well, I will after I reboot from this failed resume attempt.06:11
infinitymjg59 : Same swap (same partition layout) that used to work.06:11
infinityWhat happens during (or right after) the "stopping tasks" progress bar thingee?06:12
infinityAm I perhaps in need of unloading some module on hibernate that's causing a hang right there?06:12
mjg59That's it resuming your previous console state06:13
infinityHrm.  Let me try hibernate/resume from a clean, no-fb, no-X, text-only boot.06:14
jbaileyinfinity: Maybe kill usplash and console-* ?06:14
infinityY'know, I bet the last time this worked was before usplash suppoted vesafb, so I was booting with vga= and no usplash...06:17
infinityBut the only thing that would change is the state of vc8...06:18
jbaileyinfinity: The console font setter will also have started working.06:18
infinityYes, ironically, my "fault".06:18
infinityTesting that too.  But first, just testing from a very barebones boot.06:19
infinityDang.  Okay, hibernate/resume from a single-user, no-fb boot works fine.06:20
=== infinity wonders what to add back into the mix first.
Kamionfabbione: where did your broken-out partman-auto-lvm diffs disappear to?06:25
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fabbioneKamion: *cough*i think i trashed them by mistake*cough*06:26
fabbioneKamion: well i guess i will have to take care of the merge later on06:27
fabbioneKamion: but most of them are not suitable for upstream06:27
fabbionegiven that they were using lvm2 only commands06:27
infinitymjg59 / jbailey : do we restore console state in userspace, or kernel?06:27
fabbioneKamion: that's what you told me at least at that time :/06:28
Kamionfabbione: I checked, upstream's happy with them now06:28
Kamionso I suppose I will have to pick them apart piece by piece. lovely.06:28
fabbioneKamion: ah.. ok.. well the point is that it is still duplicate code.. the same as in lvmcfg06:28
infinitymjg59 : Alright, well, usplash is off the hook, I reproduced the failure without it.06:28
Kamionunless the wayback machine has it06:28
infinitymjg59 : Next step is exit 0 at the top of console-screen.sh06:29
fabbioneKamion: so if you and upstream are nmot in a hurry, we can do a proper merge tomorrow06:29
fabbioneKamion: and avoid tons of redundant code06:29
Kamionnope. sigh06:29
fabbioneKamion:  i don't mind to resplit them.. really06:29
Kamionfabbione: tomorrow's fine, it's just I was about to do it today :-)06:29
fabbioneKamion: well i understand.. the patches have been there for ages and i understood they were not ready for upstream.. so i did clean up :)06:30
Kamionfabbione: http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2005/09/msg00210.html06:30
fabbioneKamion: ok.. just tell joeyh that i did delete them by mistake06:31
fabbioneand that i will work tomorrow on a new set of more clean patches06:31
fabbioneit shouldn't be a big deal06:31
Kamionfabbione: ah, I think google's cache has them06:32
fabbionethat's what i was looking :)06:32
Kamionany way to automatically retrieve stuff from google's cache?06:32
fabbionenot that i know off06:33
fabbioneiirc there were about 9 patches06:33
Kamiontry about three times that06:33
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fabbionei can'06:34
fabbionei can't even find them06:34
fabbioneah cool06:34
fabbionecan't you lftp on that url?06:34
Kamionno, the links aren't munged to point to the cache06:34
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poningrumako: you there?06:36
poningrucan I pm ya?06:36
fabbioneKamion: i guess it needs to be done by hand06:36
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fabbioneKamion: but if i click on them, it still pushes me to people06:37
Kamionfabbione: there's a perl module, I'm on it :)06:38
fabbioneKamion: ahahha cool06:38
fabbioneKamion: anyway if you want to CC me in the thread06:38
fabbionewe can actually discuss about a batter implementation06:38
fabbionelike making functions commont to both lvmcfg06:38
=== hkais [n=dpalic@dslb-084-056-082-061.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneadd the "can_be_lvm" tag into partman-auto reciepe06:39
Kamionfabbione: feel free to post to -boot with suggestions; the thread I pointed to was old so nobody will mind a new thread06:39
KamionI'm just acting as a go-between at best here06:39
fabbioneKamion: ok06:39
=== azeem__ [n=mbanck@host45.natpool.mwn.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneKamion: i will take time to write tomorrow than.. i really need to spend sometime with my wife today06:40
hkaisI was searching for XEN packages if they will be available in the new upcoming release.06:40
hkaisIt seems there won*t be support for XEN?06:40
hkaisIf so, how can I get involved into making pakets for XEN?06:40
hkaissorry XEN pakets for ubuntu ;-)06:41
infinitymjg59 / jbailey : Alright, commenting out console-screen.sh doesn't seem to help a bit, but doing a normal boot with no vga and no splash (so, no fb loading at all, vga16 or vesa) makes it happy.06:41
Diziethkais: Don't tell me: just like all of those reporters, you've got hold of the top secret Xen 3.0 release :-).06:41
fabbioneKamion: oh! important.. there was a patch we did to partman-auto on which pal depends on06:41
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fabbioneKamion: i remember clearly uploading that one06:42
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hkaisDiziet: I haven't got it?06:42
=== infinity tries single with a framebuffer.
DizietSorry, I should stop joking with you.06:43
DizietI've just been reading about Xen and several journalists claim that 3.0 exists but of course it hasn't been released06:43
fabbioneanyway i am off06:44
=== fabbione &
Diziethkais: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates and http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/xen seem relevant.06:44
hkaisDiziet: hehe.... okay now I got it :-)06:44
hkaisDiziet: okay as it seems for me I am too late ...06:45
DizietWell, you're too late for Breezy, yes.06:46
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d5153F60A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
DizietBut 3.0 in Dapper's Universe seems like a good bet, surely ?06:46
hkaissure 3.0 in Dapper would be very fine06:46
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Kamionfabbione: easy to isolate if need be06:47
hkaisDiziet: I will contact the responsible maintainer, maybe I can support him06:48
Kamionfabbione: apparently Google's cache has the index but none of the actual patches. Oh well.06:48
ograhkais, we dont have particular maintainers for particular packages... we have teams...06:48
Kamion... in theory06:49
ograhkais, in case of Xen i'd contact the kernel team06:49
hkaishehe one meening in the one person team ;-)?06:49
ograand see what you can do with the kernel guys that are MOTU06:49
YagisanKamion: your not team Kaimon :)06:49
=== infinity sobs quietly in the corner.
infinitymjg59 : Still around?06:50
ograKamion, hey, i thought we even have a d-i team now :)06:50
Kamionogra: go on, who maintains kickseed then06:50
ograKamion, not the d-i team ? 06:50
Kamionor firefox, say06:50
=== ogra thinks that'd be the diziet team :)
diemannearly crapped my pants when I saw "SSH server vulnerability"06:51
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-216-188.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
diemanon USN-209-106:51
infinityThere is no "I" in "team", but there are three of them in "infinity", which allows me to be a team for all sorts of things.06:51
Kamionogra: nobody but me has ever made any changes to it, and I doubt anyone else understands it; my name's in the maintainer field. If somebody else wants to come along and help, great, but until then saying it's team-maintained is at best a polite fiction06:51
=== Lathiat laughs at infinity
hkaishmm okay...06:51
hkaisnow I'm a little bit confused. Have I to contact the debian guys or, have I to contact the ubuntu maintainer team?06:51
Kamionthere are many packages for which there is no maintenance activity in Debian, and we simply inherit the Debian packaging directly06:52
Kamioner, "no maintenance activity in Ubuntu", I mean06:52
ograKamion, i never give up hope ;)06:52
infinityAnd packages where the Ubuntu and Debian maintainer are the same, so the same person tends to handle both.06:52
Kamionogra: it's still a bit misleading to say things like that to somebody not familiar with our processes; you should make it clear that that's an ideal not always followed in practice, otherwise you're more liable to confuse than anything else, IMO06:53
ograhkais, contact the ubuntu kernel team... there are MOTUs among them 06:53
mjg59infinity: Hi06:53
hkaisorga: thanks I will contact them06:53
ograKamion, at least for this particular case we actually have a team06:53
hkaisorga: as soon as I find the correct email/contact06:54
ograbut otherwise you are right06:54
infinitymjg59 : Curious about findings, or want me to piss off? :)06:54
dholbachhkais: #ubuntu-kernel :)06:54
mjg59infinity: Oh, curious06:54
infinitymjg59 : If I boot with no framebuffers at all (no "splash", no "vga="), it's all good.06:54
mjg59I thought we'd already checked that possibility?06:54
infinitymjg59 : If I booth with vesafb, it appears to stop after the "stopping tasks" progress bar.06:54
infinitymjg59 : But the plot thickens.  With vga16fb, I get a few ACPI: PCI interrupt messages (normal resume fare), then "resume= options should be used to set suspend device............................. swsusp: Need to copy 15145 pages" then it halts.06:55
hkaisdholbach: thx!06:56
dholbachhkais: de rien06:56
mjg59infinity: Ok. That suggests that it may be restarting userspace.06:56
infinitymjg59 : ... But failing miserably still.06:57
infinityAnyhow, I'll poke at it more later and see if I can figure WTF has broken.06:57
infinityFor now, hibernate isn't a feature I use much anyway (especially not since suspend-to-ram actually works for menow)06:57
hkaisDiziet: I have already a running environment of XEN under opensuse, but I want to switch from SuSE to ubuntu-server. But XEN is a must for the switch in my case06:58
DizietSuSE shipped a Xen 3.0 prerelease, didn't they ?06:58
hkaisas far as I know, yes06:59
diemanthats as good as some of the redhat compiler gaffes06:59
DizietIf you don't need the 3.0 features, it's probably worth trying a straight recompile of the Debian
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-37-157.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityjbailey : Oh, all this booting with various different command line options also leads me to believe there's a (cosmetic) bug in how you/I interpreted "quiet" in initramfs.  The output sent to usplash isn't the same as what you get on the console with no usplash.  I'll fix that in dapper.07:00
Dizietgaffe> It's quite confusing.  Lots of journos are confused.  But I think it's the Xen people's fault - they keep talking about `3.0' all the time.07:00
hkais3.0 supports already vanderpool, which will be important for me....07:00
infinityjbailey : And once that's fixed, it also means we can remove the initial "Loading..." message, which is good, cause it messes up VC1 sometimes (again, cosmetically)07:00
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Kamiondieman: pitti's description of that was just drastically confusing07:01
hkaisDiziet: afaik opensuse wants to update their disrti as soon as xEN 3.0 gets public07:01
Kamiondieman: not only does it not affect openssh-server's default configuration, but it doesn't affect openssh-server *at all* unless you apply further patches07:02
KamionKeybuk: fancy adding Packages.gz/Sources.gz files to http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/pybaz/ ? Or is there some better location?07:03
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=== infinity decides it's coming up to bedtime.
KeybukKamion: I just copied those out of chinstrap/~scott/hct-daily07:05
Keybukthough that's https, which apt won't do07:05
Keybuk(not that I have a shell-script to do that for any directory, or anything)07:06
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Kamionah, thanks07:07
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RiddellKamion: did you look at those kubuntu updates?07:37
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mdzRiddell: if you're asking Kamion about the same changes you sent to me, I've responded to your email08:01
mdzand unless there's some emergency, I'll be the only one approving -updates08:01
ogramorning mdz 08:03
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ogramdz, did you see, \sh and i got multiarch ltsp working over the weekend... :)08:06
bddebianHeya mdz08:06
bddebianogra: Wow, nice08:06
ograbddebian, there is already a patch, but that needed some changes to work right ... so it was no biggie :)08:06
mdzogra: no, I hadn't. that's nice.  do you have a howto?08:08
ogramdz, not yet, i'll fix up the patch and we should include it in dapper ltsp...08:08
ogramdz, do you plan to develop on top of breezy ltsp or do you pick the mainline for dapper ?08:09
mdzogra: breezy will only receive security and other critical bugfixes; all new development goes into dapper08:09
ogramdz, do you plan to base dapper work on the ltsp-breezy branch ? or on the ltsp-mainline branch you have ? 08:10
mdzogra: it would be awfully confusing to use a branch called 'breezy' for dapper, don't you think? ;-)08:10
ogra(wher do i apply my patch for merge)08:10
ograyes, but there is a lot different in the main branch already :)08:10
ograso i thought you'd probably rename the braazy branch and work on top of that one for dapper... to selectively add the features08:11
ograah, ok08:11
mdzmainline is where new development happens; breezy was the branch created for breezy08:12
=== bddebian wonders if there is anything he can be doing to help?
ograbut all i did were breezy fixes for now... so i only have the breezy branch yet :) just checking out mainline...08:12
ograbddebian, sure08:13
mdzogra: I'm updating my mirror now with the latest mainline, patch-19808:13
ograok, i'll wait with the baz get08:13
ogramdz, what about a separate ldm packge for dapper ? 08:14
mdzogra: would be reasonable08:14
mdzmirror is updated now08:15
ogragreat :)08:15
bddebianogra: OK, what? :-)08:15
ogralets see, i'll know more after UBZ ... curretly i'm thinking about the specs for the best audio support and for local device support... that will need testers...08:16
ograi thought about something like a tunneled dbus connection to the thin client that uses hal/hotplug/udev to get the device access to th server for example... but thats not fully thught out ....08:17
ograor a theora based streaming tunnel for audio, based fully on gstreamer... but thats not fully worked out either...08:18
Lathiatogra: http://www.livejournal.com/users/davyd/151274.html08:18
ograbddebian, we'll have BOF for both at UBZ ... so the final spec will be done there08:18
mdzogra: our primary focus will be polishing what we have08:19
ogramdz, local devices and sound is a must i think... adding a centralized user management too... beyond that i dont plan enhancements08:19
bddebianogra: Yeah but by then I will probably be working on Merges ;-)08:20
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ograbddebian, do you have the HW for ltsp testing ? then grab a edubuntu. install it and help solving the unploished stuff...08:20
bddebianHeya sabdfl08:20
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ograbddebian, things like omitting error messages on thin client boot wil be one thing thats easy to solve with patches...08:21
=== Kinnison heads out, back later
=== ironwolf [n=ironwolf@c-67-180-86-18.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograalso enhancing what i have built for the new ldm would be fine (all python-gnome)08:22
=== bddebian has no clue :-)
ograbddebian, huntuing down http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=15244 would be a major help :)08:23
bddebianogra: Hmm, you obviously don't know how st00pid I am :-)08:24
ograbddebian, no need for ltsp to get the bug it also happens with normal ssh -X executed binarys...08:25
ograbddebian, i have no clue either what that is, thats why its not solved yet... dont think im smarter here ;)08:25
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mdzogra: we will decide on local devices and sound based on what the LTSP guys have already done08:29
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mdzogra: it's not necessarily something we can build from scratch for dapper08:29
ogramdz, yes, i already spoke to them... i'd like to have a spec for it that works a bit more integrated with ubuntu, even if we implement that ltap solution for now...08:30
ogramdz, in fact they build something similar to my idea, but introduce a replacement for dbus to manage the communication... 08:32
mdzogra: are you talking about what is in ltsp 4.1, or the new things they have been working on since then?08:32
ograthe new stuff i talked with jammcq about08:33
ogramdz, if we introduce that we'll have a lot of dplicate functionallity... i'd rather like to enhance what we have :)08:33
ogramdz, but lets keep this discussion for the edubuntu BOFs i proposed ;)08:34
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lamont__seb128: you around?09:10
seb128lamont__: yep09:11
=== lamont__ points seb128 at the other window
=== HiddenWolf jumps up and down behind the other window.
=== Lathiat shoots HiddenWolf
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HiddenWolfLathiat, Code of Conduct. :P09:19
=== Lathiat hids
Lathiati hope the CoC doesn't include spelling correctly09:19
HiddenWolfNow be good and get your bullet out of my backside!09:19
Lathiati missed anyway09:20
HiddenWolfah, ok. /me figures out he's sitting on his mobile.09:21
=== Lathiat grins
HiddenWolfLathiat, so what's up?09:23
Lathiatavahi hacking!09:24
=== HiddenWolf misses breezy frenzy.
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HiddenWolfavahi is the networking service thingy, right?09:24
tsengLathiat: anything on banshee?09:24
LathiatHiddenWolf: yeh, http://freedesktop.org/Software/Avahi09:25
Lathiattseng: nope09:25
bddebianogra: How am I supposed to tell from that .xsession-errors attachment which "can't open display" is the problem?  Are they all indicative of the problem?09:25
Lathiatwe have daap-sharp, i guess the banshee bit hasnt been done yet09:25
ograbddebian, it shows that a ssh connection was established... it indicates that either xauth is at fault or something with the session handling doesnt work... or that DISPLAY is wrong ...09:26
ograbut since DISPLAY should get overwritten by the ssh session it shoudlnt be DISPLAY... i'm not much further with this bug yet09:27
bddebianIs DISPLAY even getting set?09:28
ograbddebian, yup09:28
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ograldm calls ssh -X <serverip> /etc/X11/Xsession09:28
ograerr user@serverip indeed09:29
ograbddebian, the thing is that i see similar symproms with something like ssh -X user@othermachine firefox (nopn ltsp)09:29
ograso i think its something in ssh's X forwarding that is stuck... since its not only triggered by Xsession it seems09:30
tsengis DISPLAY set?09:30
ogratseng, yes09:30
ograto localhost:10.0 09:31
ograas it should be for ssh -X 09:31
ograi was suspecting it doesnt get freed09:31
ograbut that cant be it, since it simply gets overwritten...09:31
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ograi haven looked at xauth yet, which ssh uses for forwarede X sessions09:32
tsengLathiat: thanks for "fixing" beagle "bug"09:33
tsengxfs xattr09:34
tsengon malone09:34
lamont__ogra: and the default ssh config of not forwarding X is changed?09:34
Lathiatoh, was that sarcastic? did i do something wrong?09:34
tsengno, i said thank you09:34
Lathiatthanks :)09:34
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ogralamont__, since ages ? 09:34
tsengjdub: !!!ONE09:35
=== lamont__ shuts up
ograat least since hoary09:35
ogralamont__, thats not the prob... 09:35
Treenakshi jdub 09:35
ogralamont__, if i run ssh -X user@host x-session-manager and log out there, i cant log in with the same command for about a minute...09:36
ograeven if no bits of the X session are left...09:36
jdubno wonder irc was quiet09:39
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lamont__jdub: heh09:40
HiddenWolfjdub, packed your bags yet? :)09:41
HiddenWolfjdub, -nl is holding it's breath. :)09:42
jdubfor me to leave?09:42
HiddenWolf*chuckle* Oh, wait. You're there already? :)09:43
sabdfldoes evolution have gpg support by default?09:43
HiddenWolfjdub, Amsterdam treating you well? :)09:43
jdubsabdfl: sort of - enter your key on the prefs page09:43
jdubHiddenWolf: it is ok ;)09:44
HiddenWolfjdub, don't do joints on the bosses time. ;)09:44
=== jdub is attempting to avoid both types of cones... mayo is evil on frites :)
HiddenWolf*chuckle* That's the way here. Ketchup is a treat. :P09:45
bddebianogra: Is there any chance it's just X not cleaning up well?  I.E. a ghosted process or something?09:46
ajmitchjbailey: *poke*09:47
bddebianHeya ajmitch09:47
ograbddebian, i didnt find any when i looked09:47
jbaileyajmitch: Heya.  You mentioned that you had initramfs-tools selinux patches for me. =)09:47
ajmitchjbailey: I did?09:47
ajmitchjbailey: I said I wanted to discuss how to do it, I haven't worked on patches yet :)09:47
jbaileyajmitch: Oh, I see. =)09:48
ajmitchsorry to disappoint :)09:48
jbaileyajmitch: Not at all.09:48
jbaileyWhat do you need? =)09:48
jbaileyI thought you had said before that most of the setup took place in init, so pre-init things didn't have to worry much.09:48
ajmitchbut what runs in pre-init?09:49
ajmitchand how much more do you plan to put in there for dapper?09:49
jbaileyajmitch: Whatever people feel like putting in there, that's the trick.09:49
jbaileyThe hook scripts make it trivial for people to add whatever.09:49
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sabdfldoko: do you look after thunderbird in ubuntu?09:50
ajmitchhow much of /dev is populated there at the moment?09:50
jbaileyajmitch: Much of it.09:50
HiddenWolfsabdfl, what's up with the mail clients?09:50
jbaileyajmitch: It will probably be less for dapper, but you've at least got ttys, null, and the devices for mounting.09:50
sabdflHiddenWolf: i'm trying to ensure consistency09:50
ograsabdfl, Mithrandir does if he didnt give it away09:50
ajmitchthe trick is to have files created from initramfs to have the right security context afterwards09:50
sabdflMithrandir: how would you fel about making enigmail a default install with t-bird?09:51
HiddenWolfsabdfl, thunderbird is playing a far different ballgame from evo. :)09:51
HiddenWolfsabdfl, and no, no pgp, without extentions. 09:51
jbaileyajmitch: Oh, like in the /dev that gets migrated to the running system?09:51
ajmitchso either have a minimal policy before /dev is populated, or relabel them before they're accessed when policy is loaded :)09:51
ajmitchjbailey: I mainly want the system to be bootable & not open up holes accidentally09:52
Mithrandirsabdfl: that'd be fine with me.09:52
jbaileyajmitch: Right.  I don't know enough about selinux there.09:52
jbaileyajmitch: What happens right now:09:52
jbaileyajmitch: We start, mount a tmpfs on /dev, and run udevstart.09:52
sabdflhmm... Mithrandir on second thoughts, its probably a bit too tech09:52
jbaileyajmitch: Other things can do as they see fit in there.09:53
Mithrandirsabdfl: oh, why?  It tends to keep out of the way unless you get encrypted mails?09:53
jbaileyAt the end of the whole thing, we mount -o move /dev /root/dev09:53
sabdflMithrandir: its a whole extra menu for people to get lost in09:53
jbaileySo that the devices that we're using now are all present on the target system.09:53
HiddenWolfMithrandir, it adds a lot of clutter to TB interface09:53
Mithrandirsabdfl: true.09:53
ajmitchjbailey: if init loads a policy in enforcing mode & device nodes aren't labelled, then things are fairly likely to head south09:53
jbaileyajmitch: Taht lets us do clever things, like have a usplash socket up, or keep debug informatio around. =)09:54
MithrandirHiddenWolf: I wouldn't call it a lot of clutter, but I'm not going to argue that very hard. :-)09:54
ajmitchsounds like it could be good fun then :)09:54
HiddenWolfMithrandir, first time I booted it with enigmail, I was "wtf!"09:54
MithrandirHiddenWolf: you know you've lost when you "boot" your mail client. :-P09:54
ajmitchit might still be possible to pull off without anything in initramfs09:54
HiddenWolfMithrandir, I usually kick it, ;)09:55
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ajmitchby having the first scripts run by init doing some relabelling if selinux is loaded09:55
Mithrandirsabdfl: I'd actually be happier if somebody who uses tb a bit more than I took it over, though.  I just use it for reading the occasional HTML mail, really.09:55
ograMithrandir, that'd be a jbailey thing i guess... to add TB to initramfs ;)09:55
=== Mithrandir bats ogra with the FasterBoot spec
ajmitchogra: sick09:56
ajmitchisn't initramfs going to be redundant once the kernel is rewritten in python? :)09:56
HiddenWolfajmitch, I'd *love* to see you try. :)09:57
crimsunthat's almost as scary a thought as Linux written in elisp09:57
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ajmitchhi \sh 09:58
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bddebianooohhh X11 forwarding with putty and xming works.  You kick ass tseng09:58
dokosabdfl: not on a regular basis, just for bug reports09:58
bddebianHeya \sh09:58
\shre ajmitch 09:59
\shhell of a day :( 09:59
sabdfl\sh: life beating up on you?09:59
\shsabdfl: digital tv is driving me crazy...0 or 1 ... is working or not :(10:00
sabdfl\sh: where are you?10:00
\shsabdfl: now at home10:00
\shafter busy 11h day10:01
ajmitch\sh: you need to sit down & relax with some bugfixing10:01
ogracome on, he relaxed the whole weekend at my place :)10:01
\shajmitch: I just tried to relax to spend all my tax payback10:01
ajmitchogra: yes I heard you were all quite relaxed :)10:01
ograyup, was necessary :)10:02
ograwe had a release barbecue and a lot of nice alcohol10:02
ajmitchgreat :)10:02
\shogra: bought the damn panasonic lumix fx8 in black and a 512mb sd card + a 16x dvd-r / dvd+r dual layer burner 10:03
ogra\sh, coopl10:03
\shogra: george is jealous..but now I lost 500  :(10:04
ogralost ?10:04
=== ajmitch has to get off to work, for however much longer he has this job :)
\shogra: I don't need a dvd burner ;)10:06
ogratrue, but its nice to have one ;)10:06
bddebianogra: Just put a little delay in ldm and say "Loading, Please Wait" ;-P10:08
ograbddebian, 1min delay ? 10:09
\shbddebian: you mean echo 'Load "*",8,1' ; echo 'Loading *' echo 'Ready!'10:10
lorenzodsys 819210:11
bddebianogra: Sure.  We wanna be like MS don't we? :-)10:12
=== zyga hates shopping
\shzyga: p.u.c -> this I don't hate ;)10:23
zyga\sh: p.u.c ?10:24
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\shzyga: hehe..it was the only thing what made me happy today :)10:25
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zygaeh only hi-tech stuff is nice10:26
zygaeveryday crap is depressing10:26
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HiddenWolfGPG error: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>10:29
zygaHiddenWolf: ah, nl. frost must have broken the signature10:32
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\shHiddenWolf: which package? I had it this morning or yesterday as well10:33
HiddenWolf\sh, anything after apt-get update this morning.10:34
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astronuti'm helping a friend and the upgrade from hoary -> breezy wants to remove amarok and some mesa stuff...why?10:48
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bddebianOK, trying to run a full Ubuntu desktop through putty/Xming is NOT such a good idea :)10:48
ajmitchbddebian: use freenx then, I used it for several weeks while I was overseas :)10:49
bddebianajmitch: What's freenx?10:49
ajmitchit was amazingly fast considering my 128Kbps dsl at home10:49
ajmitchcompressing X proxy, essentially10:50
jbaileyajmitch: Does selinux handle labelling?10:51
jbaileyajmitch: We could just as easy say that things loaded in the initramfs need to include some basic policy hints.10:52
ajmitchjbailey: hm? there are utilities to do it10:52
\shsabdfl: will soyuz land this evening or only tomorrow?10:52
=== thierry [n=thierry@modemcable143.48-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ajmitchpolicy is still fairly monolithic although it's being split up & made modular now10:53
jbaileyajmitch: So those would all be included then?10:53
ajmitchif policy is loaded before files are created, they get the right label10:53
jbaileySo we'd need to regenerate the initramfs on policy changes?10:54
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ajmitchjbailey: if the policy only covers things in /dev it shouldn't change often10:55
ajmitchor a similar subset of the system10:56
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ajmitchyou suggested concatting a cpio file on?10:56
jbaileyTrue, that would work.10:56
jbaileyWell, update-initramfs would solve it either way.10:57
ajmitchmaybe something to look at when we have the code in front of us at UBZ :)10:57
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ajmitchI'll try & put something together by then that works10:57
jbaileyajmitch: Bah, I want to start off UBZ with sticky notes on the right hand wall ;)10:57
ajmitchI'd like to as well, but I haven't had much time to hack on this yet :)10:58
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Robicrimsun , alive?11:08
crimsunyes. Ping me in #ubuntu, please.11:08
Robican't , no reg11:08
crimsuntry now11:09
=== ryanthiessen [n=ryan@71-35-159-170.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsengbddebian: damn right11:26
tsengbddebian: xming is the coolest11:26
ajmitchtseng: what is this new crack you speak of?11:27
tsengajmitch: its xorg for windows11:28
tsengajmitch: with a simple installer/launcher, no cygwin hell11:28
ajmitchI might need to try it11:28
tsengxming.fd.o iirc11:28
tsenggoogle knows11:28
tsengit can run a fullscreen xnest-alike or single windows11:29
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tsengjust add -ac to the startup command for DISLPAY love11:29
tsengor use ssh11:29
ajmitchalthough I think nx is probably still better for me11:30
ajmitchto connect to home from work11:30
jdubnew poll on the fridge!11:30
=== ajmitch runs to the fridge
=== dholbach likes the percentage
jdubholy crap11:33
tsengrage, lwn11:33
ajmitchdholbach: 67/33% split? :)11:33
dholbachajmitch: you did those 33% ;)11:34
ajmitchjdub: would be nice if I were subscribed :)11:34
dholbachajmitch: ++11:34
ajmitchdholbach: of course :)11:34
lamont__mjg59: you around?11:34
sabdflhmmm... how does that lwn-subscription-for-dd's magic work?11:34
=== jdub mails jon to say, "dude, *proposal*"
ajmitchHP sponsored it, DDs are meant to mail someone11:35
ajmitchand I still haven't done that yet..11:35
ajmitchsabdfl: http://lwn.net/Articles/13797/11:36
sivangrehi all11:36
ajmitchhi sivang 11:37
sivanghey ajmitch , what's cracking?11:37
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu-devel []
bddebian@#$@#$% subscription11:38
ajmitchsivang: not too  much :)11:39
jdubyou should subscribe to lwn11:39
jdubit is worth supporting :)11:39
sivangjdub: who, me ? :)11:39
=== Kinnison [n=dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== sivang goes and checks the subscription price
sivangmaybe we can arrange group subscriptions like debian has ? ;-)11:41
jdubdebian's subscriptions are sponsored by hp11:43
sabdflah, ok. /me reachs for the plastic11:44
bddebianw00t, sabdfl is buying.. ;-P11:45
=== mitsuhiko [n=blackbir@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-55-47.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-13-254.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== webtoe [n=alex@] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Ex-Chat"]
sivangnight all11:49
dholbachok guys, i'm off to bed - have a nice evening :)11:49
dholbachnight sivang 11:50
bddebianGnight sivang, dholbach11:50
dholbachnight barry11:50
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-13-254.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel

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