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ddunne | so, i have a question if anyone is currently on... | 03:38 |
ddunne | i'm looking at the wiki page, and the art.ubuntu.com page, and i'm not really finding anything that says, "we need this, who wants to do it?" do we have a list somewhere on projects that need to be worked on? | 03:39 |
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artnay | ddunne: as far as I know, there's no up-to-date list available. maybe you should post mailing lists about it. | 01:12 |
artnay | artwork needs a good project leader or a few... | 01:12 |
artnay | actually I think Canonical should hire at least one full-time developer dedicated to artwork | 01:13 |
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ddunne_ | So, should we just create a section on the wiki page with projects on it and more or less some specifics? | 03:45 |
ddunne_ | i mean, there's already the projects section, but all it has is the humility icons project | 03:46 |
artnay | it should have also calendar, gtk and metacity themes etc. | 03:58 |
artnay | default backgrounds included? | 03:59 |
artnay | the current default is quite messy and breezy doesn't have a consistent theme | 03:59 |
artnay | imo the current splash theme is nice, but when it comes to gdm and desktop | 04:01 |
artnay | I'd rather see i.e. simple human gdm and background based on that (actually I guess the background was first and GDM was made after that) | 04:01 |
artnay | then colours would match all the way from booting to desktop | 04:02 |
artnay | what do you guys think? | 04:03 |
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artnay | I might be missing something since my system is dist-upgraded since warty, but hopefully breezy CDs will ship soon | 04:04 |
artnay | I'm just curious how will artteam and desktopteam co-operate from now on | 04:09 |
artnay | and where is ubuntulog's log located? | 04:09 |
ddunne_ | which log? | 04:09 |
artnay | log of #ubuntu-artwork | 04:10 |
ddunne_ | http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 04:10 |
artnay | ok, thanks. where did you get the URL? | 04:11 |
ddunne_ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtTeam | 04:11 |
artnay | guess I haven't been paying enough attention | 04:11 |
artnay | ;) | 04:11 |
artnay | that too obvious | 04:11 |
ddunne_ | so as far as projects, we need to add [calendar, gtk, and metacity] ? | 04:12 |
ddunne_ | i just happen to have that page open | 04:12 |
artnay | and AUC should be promoted, I can't find a link there from www.ubuntulinux.org | 04:13 |
artnay | I mean, let's make it more public | 04:14 |
ddunne_ | AUC? | 04:14 |
artnay | art.ubuntu.com | 04:14 |
ddunne_ | i think that until we get a little more organized, we should keep that on the dl as just a repository, but that's just me | 04:15 |
artnay | that's an idea, too. AUC needs more functions (and content!) anyway, so maybe it could be announced later on when some work has been done to it | 04:17 |
artnay | it's not well-known at the moment. people keep sending their work to gnome-look, kde-look, deviantart, their own websites etc. | 04:18 |
artnay | maybe we should mail those guys and ask for their permission to add their contributions to AUC | 04:19 |
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artnay | there's 23+1 people involved in artteam according to wiki, but still it's quiet in here and lists :( | 04:22 |
artnay | what do you think about the idea of asking people to share their work in AUC? | 04:23 |
ddunne_ | that would be damn fine, but i doubt they would do the work, i think we just need someone in charge of contacting people that submit to those sources, and getting their permission/ask them to submit their work to auc | 04:23 |
ddunne_ | well, i am just getting unburdened from bieng basically snowed under at work from hurricanes katrina and rita | 04:24 |
ddunne_ | so that's why i'm chimimg in so late | 04:24 |
artnay | and artteam should also be in contact with desktop team as it seems they share the same goals | 04:25 |
artnay | at leasts goals should be separated so that the same thing won't be done twice | 04:27 |
ddunne_ | i think that ours is definately a less intergal role, we make pictures, they write code... but we should have an...emmisary or something to coordinate and offer up stuff that we came up with definately | 04:30 |
artnay | ddunne: what's your nick or have you registered to forums/AUC? | 04:31 |
artnay | I think desktop team's goals could be something like what's shown in ~ by default, how to make nautilus to fit ubuntu ideology, how to install stuff from AUC easily etc. | 04:33 |
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artnay | oh yeah, and at least mozilla fx and tb should have ubuntu-like icons that would match to icons used in GNOME | 04:47 |
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ddunne_ | haven't registered on the forums, but it will be my wikiname, and for mozilla stuff, we should just come up with a mozilla theme to be used for both with ubuntu | 04:59 |
artnay | ddunne: yeah, maybe that's true. people who have used fx with default theme should feel familiar with the GUI that ubuntu presentes to them, so... | 05:17 |
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ddunne_ | also, if we just do a theme, we can put it on update.mozilla.org, and get a little free press so to speak | 05:26 |
derek[] | Hi :-) | 05:27 |
artnay | and how about terminal theme? should it be just plain black on white? | 05:31 |
artnay | it would be nice to have a consistent colour/shape theme for all the common applications | 05:32 |
artnay | btw, if you're using irssi, here's a nice brownish theme for it: http://www.irssi.org/themes/ash.png (http://www.irssi.org/themes/ash.theme) | 05:34 |
derek[] | hi artnay | 05:37 |
artnay | hey derek[] | 05:37 |
artnay | it's been lively day here on #ubuntu-artwork today ;) | 05:38 |
derek[] | :) | 05:40 |
derek[] | That's nice to hear! | 05:40 |
ddunne_ | yeah, we've been coming up with a list of projects that we need to work on, because as far as i can tell, we have basically no direction or guideline for what needs to be done that we can find on our pages | 06:28 |
ddunne_ | so far, we've come up with a few projects that we should make some wiki pages for and link to on our artteam page [calendar, gtk, metacity, mozilla themes] | 06:30 |
artnay | what about konsole theme? | 06:32 |
artnay | gnome-terminal of course | 06:32 |
artnay | and other "miscallenous" programs | 06:35 |
ddunne_ | i actually haven't delved into linux that much, and all i have done is in gnome, so judging by that auspicious looking k instead of a c, i'm guessing that it is for kde | 06:36 |
ddunne_ | my vote is that we just focus on what is provided on the install disk, all other things come in second | 06:36 |
artnay | ddunne: yeah, gnome-terminal is included (of course) by default | 06:37 |
ddunne_ | indeed it is | 06:37 |
artnay | I prefer KDE over GNOME, but as G stays as a default DE for ubuntu, then it needs to be polished | 06:37 |
artnay | as many default packages as possible | 06:38 |
artnay | people say they don't like the brownish theme, but I guess they just mean the current default theme | 06:38 |
ddunne_ | that's what i'm talking about, once we manage to get rolling, we'll probably have to split into ubuntu and kubuntu art teams, but that would be much farther down the line | 06:39 |
artnay | http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/theme/screenshots/CL_Cairo-Human.jpg | 06:39 |
artnay | take that as an example, I think that's nicely done GNOME | 06:39 |
artnay | I think kubuntu-artteam exists already | 06:40 |
artnay | not sure though, but I recall reading something about it (forum/lists) | 06:40 |
ddunne_ | yeah, that's sexy | 06:40 |
ddunne_ | there looks to be a kubuntu artwork page, but no actual team | 06:41 |
artnay | I use KDE but I just can't use the default blue theme | 06:42 |
artnay | brown is nice, and it's easy to tweak KDE to use it | 06:42 |
ddunne_ | i have k installed on this box, i just don't use it, it's a little to goofy for me, gnome just feels better | 06:43 |
ddunne_ | but i've been a windows admin forever, and am now just hitting up linux | 06:44 |
artnay | I feel that GNOME restricts user to do so many basic things that I can't stand it | 06:44 |
artnay | that's because it's "easier to use" then. well, whatever. it's nice to have choice | 06:44 |
artnay | enough for now. I have to go and see my girl friend. bye all! | 06:45 |
ddunne_ | adios | 06:45 |
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