
jdubyay, jon changed tense12:02
=== astronut [n=astronut@sfnc-162-39-87-180.sandhills.us] has joined #ubuntu-devel
astronutdid the arvhies get F*'d? some people in #ubuntu (me included) are having gpg errors and 404's with apt12:03
jdubman those hp ads with the picture frames are *brilliant*12:06
astronutjdub: you jsut saw those?12:06
astronuti know the debian organization but not ubuntu..who handles archives?12:06
jdubthey've been around for a while12:07
=== sivang reads the release process proposal thread before sleep
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astronutarchive person is?12:16
tsengastronut: you can point fingers at Znarl 12:16
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=== Znarl hides
astronutZnarl: 404's all over plus gpg errors12:17
Znarlastronut : Not very descriptive but I believe I know the solution.12:17
tsenggpg errors = packages.gz out of sync12:17
astronutgpg errors in apt-get update :-P12:17
astronutZnarl: immediatly following upgrade to breezy12:18
astronutFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mplayer/mplayer-586_1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9_i386.deb  404 Not Found12:18
astronutErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main libxine1c2 1.0.1-1ubuntu1012:18
astronut  404 Not Found12:18
astronutErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe amarok-xine 2:1.3.1-0ubuntu412:18
astronut  404 Not Found12:18
astronutErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe amarok-engines 2:1.3.1-0ubuntu412:18
astronut  404 Not Found12:18
Znarlok, ok, fixing.  Hold on mate.12:18
astronutappreciate ti12:18
astronutwhat's the issue?12:18
ZnarlSync problem, should be solved in a few minutes.12:19
jdubtseng: NO MORE PONIES!12:19
ajmitchjdub: you're all out?12:20
dredgmmm ponies12:20
jdubi just can't keep funding tseng's pony habit12:20
jdubthe return on investment is *terrible*12:20
jbaileyAre they vegan ponies?12:20
ajmitchjdub: was ubuntu on tap going on the fridge?12:20
jdubajmitch: yes, when davyd's docs are ready - that'll make it more relevant :)12:21
=== jdub watches CNN savage hugo chavez
ajmitchgreat :)12:22
=== ajmitch needs his fridge fix regularly
astronutZnarl: let me know when?12:22
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=== ogra looks up where Vanuatu is... we obviously have a edubuntu user there
Znarlastronut : 10 minutes.12:26
astronutZnarl: k12:26
=== Znarl heads for bed
tsengjbailey: only if you eat them12:26
ajmitchogra: interesting :)12:26
Riddellogra: how do you know?12:26
ograRiddell, he just posted to the M :)12:27
jdubi should totally do a pacific island tour12:27
ograhmmm :) looks like a Pacific Paradise Island :)12:27
jdubogra: it is near fiji12:27
ajmitchjdub: start with LCA 12:28
ograyes, and they are the owners of .vu ... never knew that... wow, edubuntu is sooo educating me :-D12:28
ajmitchand then tour from there12:28
jdubajmitch: nz so doesn't count12:29
ajmitchsure it does12:29
ajmitchwe've got the most polynesians of any part of the pacific, I'm sure :)12:29
jdubogra: i'd be surprised if it were a real vanuatuan12:29
jdubogra: there are lots of tongans on the internet, but almost none of them live there (they just want .to domain names...)12:30
jduber, "tongans", with quotes ;)12:30
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ajmitchjdub: just come to dunedin & you'll see our tropical pacific island weather12:30
lifelessyou mean antarctic12:31
ograjdub, he sends "greetings from Vanuatu"12:31
lifelessthe tropics are WAY north.12:31
jdubogra: rad!12:31
ograyep :)12:31
ajmitchlifeless: close enough12:32
ograi realized the .vu part while reading wikipedia12:32
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lifelessdidymo: pong12:45
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mjg59lamont: Hi01:02
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bob2oh, dang01:27
bob2fn-f12 actually triggers suspend-to-disk now01:27
bob2is that disablable?01:27
HrdwrBobit would just generate an acpi event01:27
bob2oh, good point01:28
infinityYou're complaining because your silkscreened hotkeys actually work properly?... That's new. :)01:29
HrdwrBobinfinity: damned if you do...01:30
bob2I'm complaining that my fat fingers hit fn-f12 instead of ctrl-f12 sometimes ;)01:30
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bob2monsieur stub01:31
HrdwrBobbob2: been using a toshiba?01:35
HrdwrBobstupid toshiba fn is between crtl and alt, I have an IBM and a toshiba, it's hell switching between them01:35
bob2heh, yeah, a friend's vaio01:44
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infinityHrdwrBob : Yeah, same here, though I tend to say "stupid IBM", only because my fingers are trained from years of desktop use to fly far-left for CTRL... I'm getting used to the IBM, though.01:51
HrdwrBobwell, stupid both! though it makes it very easy to turn on the thinkpad light, bottom left+top right01:52
infinityTrue, but if they wanted the light to be accessible in the dark, they could have given it its own button. :)01:53
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mjg59HP have a BIOS option to switch Fn and Control01:55
HrdwrBobooh, damn them to heck.01:56
mjg59Only on their business range, though01:56
astronutZnarl: still get 404's01:59
=== ajmitch wanders back in
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mptmjg59, should/could stuff like that be configurable in the Keyboard Preferences?02:16
=== mpt hugs uControl
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mjg59mpt: Not really - most machines don't provide sufficient information for that02:17
mptah, pity02:18
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diemannifty, backuppc found my laptop was back on the network and restarted that full backup i interruped by going away earlier today02:38
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bddebianogra: You around?03:19
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mdzoh god, yada is in main?03:56
ajmitchand it caused pain for breezy too03:57
ajmitchI'm sure certain maintainers are quite sick for using it :)03:57
=== ajmitch looks over at bob2
bob2hey, I've been yada-clean for months now03:58
ajmitchI'm glad03:58
ajmitchI had to reintroduce bugs in universe packages because I couldn't break UVF for yada days before release ;)03:58
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infinitymdz : Would accept a trivial fix to -updates for #16911? (usplash exits early in initramfs)04:47
infinitymdz : I already assumed "No", since the fix wouldn't be seen until the next initramfs regeneration, but.. <shrug>04:48
mdzinfinity: I would, but the fix isn't quite trivial...still might be OK04:48
infinitymdz : The fix is incredibly trivial.04:49
mdzthere will be a steady stream of kernel security updates to regenerate initramfs04:49
mdzinfinity: increasing/decreasing the usplash timeout?04:49
infinitymdz : Yup, wrapped around the load_modules() call.04:49
infinity(There's also a lingering bug in usplash itself, but that can be fixed in dapper)04:50
mdzdoesn't quite fall under my definition of trivial, but might be OK for -updates nonetheless04:50
infinityNamely, despite the compiled in default timeout of 15, it seems to exit earlier for some people.04:50
mdzodd, never seen that04:50
infinityYeah, I assumed that bug submitters just can't count, but mjg59 confirmed it sometimes exits in 5 seconds or so, for no good reason.04:51
infinityThough maybe he's also basing this on anecdotal bug submitter evidence.04:51
mdzthe trouble with touching initramfs-tools at all is that any problem we introduce can break the user's system in a way which is quite complex to fix04:52
infinityGenerally, submitters inflate numbers though ("Oh my god, loading modules took 3 minutes!"), rather than deflating numbers (well, it took 15 seconds, but I'll tell you 4), so I dunno.04:52
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mdzeven if we upload a fixed version, the user needs to know the magic incantation04:52
mdzso while a mistake is unlikely, the impact of one can be extremely severe04:52
infinityYeah.  It's a harmless hack, but I'm also a bit wary of touching it at all when we know it (more or less) works.04:53
mdzand meanwhile, it is a cosmetic bug04:53
mdzI'm not dead set against it, but it makes me itch04:53
infinityWell, I can deal with a cosmetic bug here and there.04:54
infinitySo perhaps we should just let it be.04:54
infinityMore curious is WHY the loading modules stage takes so effin' long on a select few systems.04:54
infinityThe initramfs isn't really doing much of anything there.04:54
infinityI need to find a system where it takes more than 2 seconds, so I can at least see it happening.04:54
infinityOne submitter claims it happens "only on k7 sysems", but that datapoint seems suspect. :)04:55
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mdzinfinity: plenty of SCSI systems will take a long time there05:25
mdzsince it'll scan the bus05:25
jdubyo mdz 05:27
Amaranthis there something wrong with the archive?05:27
Amaranthhmm, it might just be the us mirror05:29
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stubwiki authentication and launchpad will be offline for approx. 20 mins in 15 minutes time unless anyone feels like bitching05:31
infinitymdz : True, but I think jbailey had feedback from some pure IDE users on this as well.05:31
infinitymdz : Either way, the timout would need to be increased for SCSI users.05:31
mdzjdub: sup05:31
jsgotangcohmmm opera should warn users that their default ubuntu download requires some kdelibs05:34
jsgotangcokubuntu people aren't affected05:34
crimsunjsgotangco: the libqt3-mt bit?05:35
jsgotangcoyeah something like that05:36
jsgotangco(i don't remember)05:36
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infinityjsgotangco : Does their package not properly depend on libqt3-mt?05:58
crimsuninfinity: not for Breezy, no05:59
infinityjsgotangco : In which case, the problem isn't with them, it just with us lacking a really user-friendly way to install .debs with dependency resolution (though "dpkg -i *.deb && apt-get -f install" works fine)05:59
infinitycrimsun : For breezy, what's the problem?... They haven't recompiled yet with gcc-4.0?05:59
crimsuninfinity: not sure about Breezy, but they don't depend on libqt3c102-mt for Hoary06:00
infinityThey do for the breezy/etch download.  Just grabbed it.06:01
crimsunor libqt3c102 if it was non-multithreaded06:01
crimsunah, great.06:01
infinityThough they do scary and wrong things and depend on "libqt3-mt (>= 3.3.4) | libqt3c102-mt (>= 3.3.4)"06:01
=== infinity shudders.
jsgotangcothey do actually its nice to stray away from Konqueror to do all the stuff (sorry Riddell)06:02
infinityStill, they were built with gcc-4.0, so it will work fine on breezy.06:02
jsgotangcoit works fine06:02
jsgotangcojust the dependency06:02
infinityRight, that dependency resolution is our issue though, not theirs. :)06:02
infinityThere was a recent thread on -devel about a simple GUI deb installer.06:03
jsgotangcothe static binaries re best at the moment though06:03
infinityWhat's so hard about "dpkg -i *.deb && apt-get -f install"?06:03
infinity(The latter being what will pull in the deps for you)06:03
jsgotangcowell its not a problem for me, but for other people i guess...06:03
infinityAnyhoe, I expect that if mvo finds a round tuit or two, this will be resolved in dapper.06:04
=== glick [n=glickina@cpe-24-193-252-184.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
glickexcuse me i think gv is broken06:07
glicki cant download xaw3dg when i try to install it06:08
glicki get a 404 from the mirror06:08
infinityglick : If you're getting 404s from mirrors, you're probably in need of an "apt-get update"06:09
glickinfinity, i get this...06:10
glickW: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>06:10
infinityTry again.  That's a transient error.06:10
glicksame thing06:10
infinityOh, bah.  us.archive has been pointed back at tds...06:11
glickwhats that mean?06:11
infinityglick : That means that mirror may (still) be broken.06:11
glickdamn :(06:12
infinityIf you switch from us.archive to archive in your sources.list, you'll probably be fine.06:12
glickthanks infinity, worked06:13
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Keybukhmm, it looks mdz has discovered I'm an emacs user07:58
KeybukI suddenly have a bunch of emacs bugs in my INBOX07:58
=== Lathiat laughs
mdzI knew you were an emacs user, though I hadn't yet made the connection of emacs user<->distro team07:59
infinityKeybuk : DOOM.07:59
mdzsomeone needs to care about emacs around here07:59
fabbionemdz: rm -rf pool/main/e/emacs* will do :)08:00
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fabbionenothing more efficient :)08:00
=== HrdwrBoB [n=matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionemdz: your way of assigning bugs to me is impressive.. out of 4 i can probably fix 108:02
Keybukfabbione: bzrk was written in emacs ... think about that before you criticise08:02
fabbionemdz: i have no printers, never used LDAP or perl :)08:02
mdzfabbione: I have faith in you08:02
fabbioneKeybuk: *cough*meh*cough*08:03
fabbionemdz: ahahha08:03
ajmitchKeybuk: bzrk looks quite impressive & shiny08:03
fabbionemdz: can i quote that??08:03
mdzfabbione: a) that's not a printing bug, it's about adding a package to main (and possibly desktop).  there is nothing in it that requires access to a printer08:04
fabbionemdz: i didn't even read all of them yet :) just looking in my inbox :)08:04
fabbionemdz: don't worry.. i will work on them08:04
mdzfabbione: b) that's not an ldap bug, it's an autofs bug.  and nobody uses autofs :-)08:04
fabbionemdz: just tickleing your reassign power :)08:04
mdzfabbione: c) that's not a perl bug; it's a perl-tk bug. perl-tk is a C module08:04
fabbionemdz: exactly... i don't use autofs either :P08:04
KeybukLathiat: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/software/bzrk.png08:05
fabbionemdz: it still contains perl in the name.. ;)08:05
Lathiatoh, nifty08:05
fabbionemdz: don't worry tho.. i will look at them.. i just love to see how much you really love me :P08:05
infinityMeh, I need to de-yada libnss-db, too.08:06
danielswe have tk in main??08:07
fabbionefirst i need to polish some d-i stuff for partman-auto-lvm08:07
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spearhi !08:13
pittiGood morning!08:15
Keybuk"Indeed, it's become something of a joke that the only things you can't avoid in life are death, taxes and Ubuntu reviews."08:15
speari can't find what exactly is required by Usplash ... what kernel options ? Same as for Bootsplash ? I checked the readme, nothing's told ... i use a home-built kernel ... i'll try to contact Paul Sladen, but if anybody has an idea ?08:15
Keybukthank gods I'd just finished my coffee08:15
Keybukspear: just "splash" with a kernel framebuffer ... usplash is an entirely user-space solution, no kernel patches08:16
danielstry #ubuntu08:16
spearthank you Keybuk08:16
spearsorry daniels for annoying, but no one seems to know nowhere, in ubuntu-fr, ubuntu and even on the forum ... and documentation is non existing :(08:17
ajmitchmorning pitti 08:18
speari think i'll make the documentation myself and put it on the wiki08:18
pittiHey ajmitch, how's it going?08:18
ajmitchgood, how are you today?08:18
Keybukspear: documentation is always most welcome08:18
spearso, for a freshly downloaded kernel from kernel.org, framebuffer and splash kernel options are the only needed ?08:19
=== spear thinks he should become a developer ... it's so quiet here ... :)
infinityspear : You need initramfs support in the kernel too, since usplash is started from an initramfs.08:21
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spearok, so initramfs, framebuffer & splash ... that's all ?08:24
infinityYou don't build with any splash options, you just need "splash" on the command line.08:25
spearoh, ok !08:25
spearso framebuffer & initramfs are the only options required08:25
spearthank you for your patience, i imagine if everyone comes here and ask support questions, you'll get mad ... it was really because i didn't find some documentation that i came here, and i thank you08:27
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spearso, finally i conclude that usplash is totally different from " bootsplash ", a new program in fact (and it has nothing to do with the bootsplash prerequisites then)08:31
infinityspear : yes, I think that was mentioned by Keybuk.08:31
infinityspear : usplash is an application that runs in uderspace and writes to a framebuffer.  bootsplash is an intrusive kernel patch that does scary things we didn't really want to do.08:32
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dholbachgood morning08:32
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speargood morning !08:33
danielswhereas solutions like gensplash run in ber space08:34
danielssplashy runs in unterspace, though08:34
highvoltageis usplash developed for ubuntu? when i google usplash the entire first page is ubuntu related :)_08:35
infinityhighvoltage : yes.08:35
speari read something about Upower in the development pages, it seems to be linked ?08:35
infinityNo.  Two entirely different projects.08:38
spearok, so i misunderstood08:38
spearbut it works on the same " objective " as usplash does, no ?08:40
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spearhave a good day ! thanks !09:00
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sivangMorning all09:03
pittiHi sivang 09:08
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sivangpitti: Hey Martin, how are you ?09:10
pittifine, thanks! and you?09:10
sivangpitti: not bad myself :)09:13
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siretartgood morning everybody!09:24
Lathiatevening siretart 09:25
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pittiHi mvo09:41
mvohey pitti 09:41
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sivangyo zyga 09:51
zygahello sivang09:51
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KeybukKamion: is there any particular reason why, in second-stage if they have configured network, we couldn't download the "better" kernel from the network and install it for them?09:57
Lathiatdoes a "better" kernel actually make any noticable difference?09:58
Keybukquite a bit, depending on the system09:58
Lathiatyeh? what commonly?09:58
Keybukperformance, generally; the kernel can use more cpu tricks09:59
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fabbioneKeybuk: the kernel is big and you might be on a slow pipe? what if you are installing N boxes at the same time?10:04
fabbioneKeybuk: that will mostlikely kill your bw10:04
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Keybukwe already have that bite for language packs though10:05
KamionKeybuk: no code exists for anything remotely like that *shrug*10:05
Kamionand if they have configured network in the second stage, they probably have it in the first stage10:05
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fabbioneKamion: yo.. i am preparing the mail to debian-boot. Please don't spend more time on trying to get diffs out of google cache10:06
fabbioneKamion: they miss the steps from ubuntu2 to other revisions...10:06
fabbioneKamion: :/10:06
KeybukKamion: right, but is there any particular reason we couldn't do that (in either stage?)10:06
fabbionei noticed too late10:06
Kamionfabbione: I wasn't going to spend any more time on it :)10:07
fabbioneKamion: perfect :)10:07
KamionKeybuk: just the download delay thing10:07
Kamionand more complexity, etc. that step fails quite often as it is10:07
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Kamionactually, it can't be done at that point in the first stage - haven't set up sources.list yet10:08
Kamionso it would have to be in the second stage, which means you need an extra reboot to get your system to its final state, which I'd like to avoid10:08
Kamionbasically "not now, maybe later once we've reorganised lots of stuff" :-)10:08
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pittilifeless: great, bzr push now seems to ignore unknowns. Thanks!11:19
pittiKeybuk: ^ that means your bzr-push is now obsolete11:19
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Keybukpitti: well, when it's actually folded into bzr proper11:24
Keybukmy bzr-push has other bugs though, it's  not perfect11:24
Keybuk(it rsyncs local changes, for example)11:24
pittiKeybuk: well, bzrtools' push is good enough for me now11:24
pittithe old one was annoying11:24
zygabzr is developing quite rapidly11:26
pittiyes, it's nice - you report a bug, and lifeless tells you "ah, I fixed it yesterday"11:27
Keybukheh, I had one of those the other day11:27
zygahehe :-)11:27
Keybuka bug was really annoying me, so I went into the code to fix it11:27
Keybukpulled first to make sure I was up to date11:27
Keybukand realised the bug had gone11:27
\shdefault breezy (gnome) install...ff -> the default page is missing11:27
pitti\sh: ? WFM11:28
\shpitti: I installed just now a new 5.10 and the default homepage in ubuntu-artwork is just missing 11:28
\shbetter it's a kubuntu-desktop issue 11:29
\shwhere is the link11:29
\shwhere is the divert?11:29
MithrandirKeybuk: bzr-tools doesn't appear to be packaged, though11:29
KeybukMithrandir: it's in jbailey's snapshots thing11:29
MithrandirI should hunt down that sources.list line, then11:30
KeybukI think11:31
Keybukis in there as bzrtools11:32
pittiMithrandir: yes, and it is called "bzrtools" (without the dash)11:32
ograwoah, that was a lot of mail to read today...11:33
pittiHi ogra11:33
ajmitchsadly not in breezy :)11:33
ajmitchmorning ogra 11:33
\shmoins ogra11:33
ajmitchhow are you?11:33
pittiogra: I agree, yesterday's and today's mail flood was amazing..11:33
=== \sh needs to configure evolution :(
ajmitchplenty of discussion on the UVF ideas11:33
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ajmitchfirst time I've posted to -devel for awhile :)11:34
highvoltageJaneW: guess what. telkom now tells me that they don't know when they'll have adsl in my area, and that i should call them back every three months to check.11:35
JaneWhighvoltage: that's just ridiculous11:36
JaneWhighvoltage: move to a normal area? ;)11:36
sivanghey JaneW 11:36
highvoltagei complained to them for 10 minutes, and they're help desk agent put me on hold... for the same amount of time...so i just hang up11:36
highvoltageand sent them a loooong e-mail.11:36
ajmitchhighvoltage: sounds like NZ :)11:36
JaneWhi sivang11:37
highvoltageoops, thought i was in #edubuntu there11:37
highvoltageajmitch: it can't be *that* bad in NZ ;)11:37
ajmitchhighvoltage: close enough11:38
zygamvo: ping11:38
mvozyga: pong11:38
zygamvo: are you running non-english locale?11:38
mvosivang: thanks for your mail about "gdebi", the code is availabe as a bzr branch if you are interessted11:39
mvozyga: no, usually not11:39
zygamvo: run firefox and check help->'translate this application'11:39
mvozyga: sometimes for testing11:39
zygamvo: it's not translated even though every other application has this translated alreday11:39
zygamvo: I know that firefox uses different i18n tools11:39
zygamvo: is there any way to fix this?11:39
mvozyga: let me check. IIRC sivang or seb128 did the ff integration11:40
sivangmvo: :) I'm interested in opening .debs for inspecting their to be installed conffiles, as per SetupSnapshots. (would greatly appriciate your feedback there as well, although the specs are not finished yet)11:40
seb128zyga, mvo: it's not translated11:42
zygak, now on how to fix this11:43
zygaff is using some strange xul stuff right?11:43
seb128good luck11:43
seb128and translation don't use gettext11:43
seb128and when I marked the string as translatable it crashed with translation packages since they don't have it11:43
sivangseb128: Bon Jour :) how are you?11:44
sivanggood, thanks.11:45
ograhey, wont we have a dapper-changes list ? there is nothing on lists.ubuntu.com yet11:46
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seb128is dapper open for uploads?11:46
ograno idea, but i'd like to subscribe to the list ...11:46
seb128if not, why should we already have a list?11:47
ograto finish the bureaucracy in advance ? 11:47
seb128what about letting time to jdub or whoever to do that?11:47
ograbah... :)11:47
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zygamvo, seb128: is anyone on that ff-i18n bug?11:50
seb128you? :)11:50
mvozyga: no, but we are happy about volunteers :)11:51
=== sivang stays away from stuff that are named like alien charachters "Xul" :-)
zygamvo: I don't know jack about xul - I don't know how to fix it at all11:52
=== seb128 suggests using epiphany-browser, it has a nice GUI using GTK with correct translations :)
zygamvo: is this similar to an extension?11:52
zygaseb128: I am using epiphany :-)11:52
zygamvo: extension can ship with their own translations AFAIK11:53
zygabut we'd neet to roll all translations into that integration package (again bad thing)11:53
zygamvo: OTOH, what do you think about that mockup of mine?11:54
mvozyga: I haven't read the rational (complettly) yet. it looks like this is going to be quite a development efford 11:54
zygamvo: not really, no11:55
zygamvo: without others to support this it'll be a dead idea anyway 11:55
Keybukmaybe today I shall update my desktop to breezy11:55
zygamvo: I plan to develop 100% of the backend support, initial repo with all of ubuntu's translations, a gui tool and the evangelization11:56
zygaonce that is packaged and working I'll try to convince one group I cooperate with to use this11:56
mvozyga: ok (/me goes and reads the blog now)11:57
zygamvo: wait11:57
mvozyga: ok11:57
zygamvo: I was about to update with current progress and other stuff11:57
zygamvo: I'll let you know11:58
mvozyga: ok, thanks. I'll wait for your ping then :)11:58
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jdubogra: yeah! dapper-changes!12:10
=== jdub potters off to create the list
pittijdub: is it there?12:10
ogracool !12:10
pittijdub: can you migrate the breezy-changes subscriptions?12:10
ajmitchoh yay12:12
ajmitchjdub: there'll be a separate list for autosyncs (if they happen)?12:13
jdubpitti: yep12:13
jdubajmitch: hmm12:13
ajmitchI think you split the list for breezy at one point12:14
ajmitchotherwise our poor mailboxes will hurt12:14
sivangso are we open for bussiness already?12:14
ajmitchsivang: not that I'm aware of12:14
zygamvo: ping12:28
zygamvo: done, check and comment if you whish :)12:28
zygaactually, everyone is invided to do so: http://www.suxx.pl/blog/index.php/next-generation-l10n-system/12:28
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KamionLathiat: whoa, assigning bugs to "Ubuntu Development Team" sends mail to a lot of people12:40
Kamioncould you not do it if you don't have to? :)12:40
ajmitchLathiat: uh oh ;)12:40
KamionI don't think it really buys a lot over "unknown"12:40
=== fabbione sighs
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pittisjoerd: ping12:55
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Dizietkamion: Joy, another web UI to fight with :-).12:58
Keybukoh, finally12:59
Keybukthey're pre-releasing the 770s12:59
ograDiziet, bugzilla will go away for it12:59
KamionDiziet: have fun ... although I'm told there is an e-mail interface (albeit a bit weird)12:59
=== Mithrandir chuckles at ogra's newest xscreensaver bug
=== ogra waits for the mail notification
fabbioneMithrandir: number?01:00
Mithrandirogra: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1802901:00
ogragah... i get them constantly...01:00
mvopoor ogra 01:01
ajmitchxscreensaver seems to attract interesting bugreports01:01
zygaogra: add gender to about me dialog ;-)01:02
ograpre release people called me racist because our default background in edubuntu shows a white girl... http://art.ubuntu.com/backgrounds/edubuntu/1301:02
zygaand be sure to include options like 'both, none, i ait gonna tell'01:02
Treenakszyga: yes, but what would be the default?01:02
zygaTreenaks: ;-))01:02
ogranow i'm also a chauvinist :)01:02
zygaTreenaks: I aint gonna tell01:02
Treenaksogra: white? she's yellow!01:02
ograTreenaks, people seem not to notice :)01:03
zygaoh yes!01:03
zygawe need to include skin colour01:03
Mithrandirogra: dude, Magni didn't call you a chauvinist, she just asked for the beard to be removed. :-P01:03
Treenakszyga: just make a hackergotchi mandatory ;)01:03
zygaand varioius facial differences too ;-)01:03
zygaTreenaks: heh01:03
Kamionpitti: btw, I think your openssh advisory text was a bit misleading01:04
zygaogra: I've got a tip though01:04
zygaogra: you can use existing code in the potato guy ;-)01:04
Kamionpitti: not only does the vulnerability not affect openssh-server in the default configuration, but it doesn't affect openssh-server unless you rebuild the package with different options01:04
fabbioneogra: ahahah you score :)01:04
ograi'll talk to mdz if he sees it as an breezy-update ... but i doubt it... and its simply the default icon ...01:04
pittiKamion: oops, right01:05
DizietThe crypto on malone mails is just antispam, right ?01:06
ajmitchDiziet: what crypto do you see?01:06
fabbioneDiziet: that will work until all our gpg keys will be compromised :)01:06
Diziethttps://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc says one has to sign various emails.01:06
fabbioneajmitch: i think he means gpg sign01:07
ajmitchah right01:07
=== ajmitch was thinking of mail that malone sends out
Kamionwe had a long debate about that at UDU01:07
KamionI thought the sabdfl-conclusion was not to require signing at least for most operations01:07
fabbionethe interface sounds *scary*01:08
Kamionwhy signing appeared again, I'm not sure; some people had strange ideas about what operations required authentication01:08
Keybuklauchpad has strange ideas about permissions too01:09
Keybukonly the developer can resolve a bug, for example01:09
Diziet`GPG keys are required to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct' ?!01:09
Diziet`This key hereby promises not to be a flaming arsehole'.01:10
Kamions/to/in order to/, I think :-)01:10
Keybukthat's because it makes it legally equivalent to an ink signature01:10
Keybukso when the user complains about being thrown out, you can show them something they signed to say they wouldn't behave like that01:10
DizietWhy do you need to show them anything ?  You can just throw them out.01:11
=== Diziet boggles.
Keybukwhat happens when they decide to sue01:11
fabbioneDiziet[respectpoint] ++01:11
=== Diziet sues Keybuk for disagreeing with him.
Keybukexactly that kind of thing01:11
Keybukis just a "dude, you signed a document to say you wouldn't do that, no go away"01:11
Keybukand it makes people read it, too, which helps01:11
Diziet_Nothing_ can stop people sueing.  You can sue no matter how idioticly stupid your case is.01:12
ograand its a prerequisite to be an uploader ... so you already signed it, didnt you Diziet ? ;)01:12
Keybukdidn't say it _stopped_ them sueing01:12
DizietThe point of legal CYA is to avoid _losing_.  But in this case there's no difficulty on that score.01:12
Keybukjust said it was for when they did01:12
Kamionogra: Diziet signed a contract with Canonical01:12
Kamionwhich is sufficient01:13
DizietBut this is all silly politics and I'm sure we must all have something better to do.01:13
ograDiziet, just hang around in #ubuntu for 24h01:13
DizietThanks but no thanks ...01:14
ajmitchogra: now..01:14
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sjoerdpitti: pong01:15
pittisjoerd: Hi! how are you?01:16
pittisjoerd: I'm just merging hal01:16
pittisjoerd: you did the udev transition, cool01:17
Diziet-davenant:~/mail> gpg t.asc01:17
Dizietgpg: CRC error; 963a33 - dc396301:17
Dizietgpg: packet(5) with unknown version 14901:17
pittisjoerd: however, your preinst did not remove the obsolete dev.d/hotplug.d conffiles01:17
DizietBizarre.  Not sure why it faffs with sending me a cryptogram, either.01:17
pefis dapper open ?01:17
Kamionpef: when it is, the topic will be changed01:18
=== Diziet is lost in a twisty maze of hedge-cryptography.
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Kamion] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | Ubuntu 5.10 released: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-October/000038.html | Dapper opens ~Tuesday; topic will be changed when it's open
pefKamion: ok, thanks :)01:18
sjoerdpitti: hrm, seems that they are removed just fine on my system.. but i indeed forgot to force there removal01:20
sjoerdthought that i added that...01:20
pittisjoerd: you do remove /etc/dev.d/block/hal-unmount.dev01:20
pittisjoerd: but not /etc/hotplug.d/...01:21
sjoerdright, that needs to be added in debian then..01:21
ajmitchKamion: when dapper opens, what's the general policy for main uploads?01:21
sjoerdpitti: i gotta go.. lemme know if your finished merging, then i'll merge it back to the debian package again :)01:22
Kamionajmitch: whether we sync is still open for discussion01:22
seb128ajmitch: do them? :p01:22
Kamionajmitch: otherwise open01:22
pittisjoerd: yes; I also do some other fixes01:22
MithrandirKamion: so it's UVF and we just do bugfixes?01:22
KamionMithrandir: that's not yet established01:23
ogradoesnt work for edubuntu...01:23
ograand i guess neither for kubuntu01:23
ajmitchright, there are a few packages that I want to patch for selinux support (chiefly coreutils now)01:23
KamionI think eyeballed merges are likely to be fine at the very least01:23
Kamionbut check with mdz when he wakes up01:23
ajmitchsince I'd want to be getting things like sysvinit, which are reasonably critical :)01:24
Keybukyou know that Nautilus "CD/DVD creator" thing01:24
Keybukwhy the hell doesn't it tell you how much free space you have ?!01:24
Keybukajmitch: I want to get rid of sysvinit by dapper+1 :p01:24
sjoerdpitti: unfortunately i have very limited time for debian these days.. but hopefully i can merge hal and dbus stuff somewhere this week or next week... 01:24
ograKeybuk, patch it :)01:24
maswanKeybuk: rewrite?01:24
ajmitchKeybuk: that'd be great, but then I'd need to put selinux support into whatever else we used if it didn't have it :)01:25
seb128maswan: sure, every time we find a bug we rewrite a new software01:25
Keybukajmitch: what kind of stuff needs to be patched for selinux?01:25
ograseb128, and i thought you would only package it :p01:25
MithrandirKeybuk: you're aware that sysvinit in Debian is actually alive again and is getting dependency init support?01:26
ajmitchKeybuk: getting init to load policy, debian's sysvinit works with it now01:26
ogranow i know why you are so busy01:26
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KeybukMithrandir: yes, and I think they're doing it wrong01:26
Keybukwhich isn't really very shocking01:26
Keybukif you're doing dependency init (which is also wrong) you don't want to base it off sysvinit, you want to do it right01:27
Keybukajmitch: "to load policy" ... you'll have to forgive me, but I don't know much about selinux -- isn't that just an init script activity01:28
ajmitchKeybuk: no, it's done by libselinux calls01:28
ajmitchwhich is what makes all this fun necessary01:28
Keybukajmitch: yes, but what does it _do_ ?01:29
Mithrandirogra: isn't the icon in the screensaver supposed to change if you change the picture in "about me"?01:29
Keybukwhere does it load the policy into?01:29
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ajmitchinto the kernel01:29
Keybukright, so doesn't that just mean it's an S:S01 init script kind of affair?01:30
ograMithrandir, nope... jwz policy... nothing can be loaded dynamically...01:30
ajmitchI don't think that approach works, although it might be worth looking at 01:30
Mithrandirogra: uhm, why is the bearded man there at all, then?01:30
ajmitchinit itself needs to be put into the right security context when it runs01:31
ograMithrandir, because its the default icon representing a user everywhere in the desktop01:31
Keybukajmitch: hmm, but in our system, init isn't the first thing to run01:32
ajmitchso that other processes can get the right context01:32
Keybukdon't you really want to look at loading the policy in initramfs?01:32
ograMithrandir, even if i could load it dynamically, it would have to be computed to be a 90colr indexed xpm01:32
ajmitchKeybuk: right, I've been talking with jbailey about that01:32
ajmitchloading a minimal policy then & then another one from disk later01:32
Mithrandirogra: imo, it shouldn't be there at all, it doesn't have any function.01:32
ograMithrandir, jwz rewrote libxpm and included it in the code of xscreensaver so there gets no .so loaded 01:32
ograMithrandir, it shows a user ... as everywhere in the system if you dont set an icon...01:33
Mithrandirogra: the daemon could reread the image on lock and convert it to xpm internally.01:33
ajmitchif I can load a full policy from disk, from the initramfs, then I wouldn't need to have init patched01:33
Keybukajmitch: why can't you load the full policy?01:34
Keybukwe're already going to be doing most of the fun stuff in initramfs anyway01:34
Keybukbecause we have to start udev there01:34
ajmitchthat's what I have to look at01:34
Keybukwhich is going to be causing the launch of most of our boot sequence01:34
ograMithrandir, yes it could... but i had to start hacking xscreensaver 2.5 weeks before release while i had a lot edubuntu stuff todo... it wasnt planned to rewrite it... thats the best i could do without dropping the edubuntu release01:34
Mithrandirogra: not in the users and group admin tool, for instance.01:35
Mithrandirogra: I'm just proposing to drop the image if you can't have it dynamic. :-)01:35
ograMithrandir, in about me, in gnome-screensaver etc... there are a lo of places, even in gdm its the default icon01:35
ograMithrandir, are you magnio incognito ? 01:43
Mithrandirogra: she's a friend of mine, yes.01:43
Mithrandirogra: no, I'm not her.  Google for her if you don't believe me. :-P01:43
=== ogra marks anothe duplicate
Mithrandirogra: I was told to tell you that she'll write evil stuff about jwz and less evil stuff about Ubuntu in her master's thesis (on sex's role in the free software world)01:46
ograMithrandir, i'm just tired of getting bug reports twice because i marked them as duplicate01:46
mptogra: If 16895 is a duplicate of a wontfix bug, 18029 is not a duplicate of 1689501:46
mptactually, it's not a duplicate regardless of the status of 1689501:47
ogrampt, as long as mdz doesnt say that i should update its a WONTFIX for me... i dont seethe need01:47
jdubmisex, or gender?01:47
jdubMithrandir: ^01:47
ograMithrandir, she can write what she wants, but she should leave jwz out, the icon was my choice01:48
Mithrandirjdub: people have sex, words have gender, I've been told.01:48
mptogra: You mean it's not going to be fixed because xscreensaver isn't going to be used any more?01:48
jdub"people have sex" -> ambiguous :)01:48
Mithrandirjdub :-)01:48
ogrampt, i dont see the need for it to be fixed, it uses the default icon thats used everywhere... even gnome-screensaver uses it01:49
jdubMithrandir: that distinction isn't entirely true in english01:49
jdublike, on a form, i'd answer "M" for either 'sex' or 'gender'01:49
Mithrandirjdub: I've heard it for english, since you don't have the distinction in, say, Norwegian.01:49
jdubthough i'd be tempted to answer "Y" for 'sex'01:49
mptogra: Well that's just what I was going to say, the bug could be moved to gnome-screensaver, and "the bug occurs everywhere" isn't a reason not to fix it01:49
ogrampt, the fix would be to have a neutral default icon... (which wont happen for breezy) so its consistent currently01:49
mptactually if it occurs everywhere, it's maybe an icon theme bug01:49
Mithrandirjdub: yes, but that doesn't mean it (pedantically) makes sense to ask about your gender.  You realise the world around you is buggy, but it's less hassle to second-guess, so you do.01:50
Mithrandirogra: well, we don't close all bugs we can't fix for breezy, we leave them open and fix some of them for dapper. :-)01:50
maswanMithrandir: sex is biological, gender is social. when you make that kind of distinction.01:51
ograMithrandir, i wont touch xscreensaver anymore execpt the hacks...01:51
Mithrandirmaswan: so if you're a male transvestite, you should answer "male" for sex and "female" for gender?01:51
ograMithrandir, we'll switch fully to gnome-screensaver.... xscreensaver daemon and binary will go to universe01:51
jdubnet connection sucks here01:52
maswanMithrandir: you could, I guess. but it also depends on the context of the question, I guess.01:52
ograMithrandir, and loose my lockscreen patch in the next sync01:52
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maswanMithrandir: the department of biology or medicine or whatever studies sex, gender studies is a social science. in general. there might be local differences. I think asking for gender is better than asking for sex, if the context is similar to "should I call it he or she?"01:53
Treenaksmaswan: Ask for a prefix (mr, mrs, ms, etc.), and localise the list for each country, with a gender tag01:58
jdubdapper-changes is ALIVE!01:58
Treenaksjdub: w00t! let's have a beer on that tonight ;)01:58
ajmitchjdub: yay, now we just need uploads to fill it01:58
ograjdub, yay01:59
MithrandirTreenaks: how do you handle the fishes that change sex as they grow up?01:59
ajmitcheveryone who was on breezy-changes is subscribed there?01:59
TreenaksMithrandir: just call them wanda01:59
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maswanTreenaks: not all countries have prefixes.02:00
Treenaksmaswan: good point02:01
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poningruhey guys question02:01
poningruit seems audacity plays mp3 out of the box02:01
poningrudoesnt that make it kinda illegal in the US02:02
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poningruor is universe exempt from that?02:03
pittiponingru: universe is fine02:04
pittiponingru: but we have legal troubles anyway, since libmad0 is in main02:04
ajmitchnight all02:04
pittiponingru: mp3 playback is not illegal itself02:04
pittinight ajmitch 02:04
poningrunight dude02:05
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pittiponingru: you just must not ship it without a license02:05
poningrupitti: right, so arent we shipping it without a license?02:05
pittiwe do02:05
poningruso wouldnt the usage of ubuntu in the US be deemed illegal?02:06
poningrusince its 'bundled'02:06
pittinot sure02:06
poningrumy understanding is not that good either02:06
pittiit does not come on the CDs, AFAIK02:06
ograwe dont "ship" audacity...02:06
pittiso it might not meet the definition of "ship"02:06
ograits fine as it is...02:06
poningruhmm ic02:06
pittiogra: I'm talking about libmad002:06
pittiogra: we put gstreamer0.8-mad in universe for no good reason02:06
ograpitti, yes, audacity build-deps on it02:06
pittiand have the actual decoder in main - we need to fix this ASAP02:07
ogralibmad0 was planned to get dropped from main soon afaik02:07
poningruoh ok ic so universe is ok since we dont actually ship it02:07
pittiit was planned for breezy actually02:07
pittik, gotta leave for a couple of hours - cu later02:08
ograbye pitti 02:08
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jordikoke: ping02:23
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zygawho will/can open dapper?02:36
bob2there's five months and 27 days left02:37
Treenaksjdub in wonderland?02:38
zygahmm ;-) ?02:39
Lathiatquick we'll have to cancel dapper02:40
TreenaksLathiat: and then?02:40
TreenaksLathiat: good one02:41
=== Treenaks starts running in circles
=== poningru moons to break the tension
poningrusorry had to be done02:42
Treenaksponingru: Never moon a werewolf.02:42
jdub  ~.02:43
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highvoltagehi, i'm trying to use debmirror to download the breezy archive, and i receive the following message:03:03
highvoltageany ideas?03:03
highvoltageWon't mirror without dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz signature in Release at /usr/bin/debmirror line 1187.03:03
Lathiatyou need to pass --ignore-release-gpg03:05
Lathiator whatever it is03:05
Lathiatdebmirror --help03:05
Lathiati forget why03:05
highvoltageLathiat: ah, thanks.03:05
highvoltagestill does it.03:06
Lathiathighvoltage: what command are you running?03:10
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highvoltageLathiat: debmirror --method=http --dist=breezy --section=main,universe --host=archive.ubuntu.com --ignore-release-gpg .03:14
TreenaksI'm getting03:15
TreenaksW: GPG error: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: Unknown error executing gpgv03:15
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maswanEhm, my debmirror seem to be working without --ignore-release-gpg03:17
Treenaksyes, I know how to make it _work_03:17
TreenaksI'm getting lots of reports03:18
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highvoltageTreenaks: so, how do i make it work? :)03:18
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Treenakshighvoltage: I don't know :)03:19
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zoot_hi there - does anyone know what the status (if any) of breezy's apcupsd- being upgraded to apcupsd-3.10.18? ... .18 is a bugfix (and in debian unstable) for UPS APC devices which several folks, including myself require. url is http://packages.debian.org/unstable/source/apcupsd03:32
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zoot_the bugfixes pertain to USB APC cabled APC UPSs under linux 2.6.12 kernels03:33
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\shdid I miss the opening of dapper?03:48
Kinnisonjdub got the -changes list ready03:49
Kinnisonbut that's about it so far03:49
Kamion\sh: topic03:49
Keybukfiglet -fsmall ARE WE THERE YET?03:50
KinnisonKeybuk: figlet -fhuge NO!03:51
\shKamion: well...irssis fault..and my day in hell part 203:51
bddebianHeya \sh.  Opening of Dapper, hell we released already.. ;-P03:51
\shbddebian: nice...U fixed the life, the universe and the rest? ,-)03:52
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pkernAre the release goals for dapper already available somewhere?04:09
HiddenWolfpkern, not decided yet.04:09
bddebianAfter UBZ I assume04:09
HiddenWolfpkern, they'll be decided at the summit in a week or so.04:09
pkernHiddenWolf: Not even some preliminary ones?04:09
HiddenWolfpkern, check the wiki for BOF's04:09
pkernOh I thought UBZ happened already.04:10
bddebianNope, end of this month.  NP :-)04:10
Lathiattheres a list of bofs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBelowZero/BOFs04:11
Lathiatso i guess thats 'perliminary' 04:11
pkernYep, I'm currently crawling it. UBZ would be quite interesting, but hey guys... Please do your next conference in Europe. (=04:13
jbaileypkern: Two conferences ago was in Europe, as was the one before that.04:13
jbaileyI have no idea how the rotation is done, but it seems to me that it likely wouldn't go there next.04:13
pkernOk ):04:13
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Lathiaterghhh, something has eaten my ZeroConfSpec04:15
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bddebianNext is the US ;-P04:16
Lathiathrm actually04:17
Lathiatthe page seems to never stop loading04:17
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=== Kinnison hopes we don't ever have a conference in the US
Riddellbddebian: conferences in the US are difficult04:18
wickedpuppynone in asia ?04:18
RiddellLathiat: it took a while but the page has now loaded fine for me04:19
LathiatRiddell: yeh same04:19
Lathiatit took *ages* but04:19
Lathiatlike, 3 minutes or so04:20
Riddellwickedpuppy: it needs someone local to help organise it04:20
Lathiatin a wget the speed slowed to 0K/s for quite a while04:20
bddebianRiddell: Why is that?04:20
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Riddellbddebian: visa restrictions04:20
HiddenWolfRiddell, why is that?04:21
Riddell"what's this free software?  sounds like a communist meeting, you're not getting in"04:21
bddebianOh give me a freakin break04:21
HiddenWolfRiddell, lol04:21
HiddenWolfRiddell, gnome summit was in boston, right?04:21
=== Keybuk won't attend a conference in the US
pkernMh all launchpad merge requests are resulting in "RequestExpired"04:22
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Riddelltrue, would be insteresting to know what sort of visa fun gnome summit must have04:22
KeybukRiddell: all the attendees are in Boston *anyway*04:22
Keybukit's basically a RH and Novell love-in, isn't it? :p04:22
mjg59Riddell: From Europe? None04:22
jdubvery few visa issues04:22
Kamionbddebian: some Canonical employees have had visa problems in countries with fewer visa issues than the US; it's not a joke04:22
jdubKamion: the south africans. but they're special.04:23
Kamionincluding things like refusal to believe that Canonical exists because of its somewhat weird status04:23
LathiatKamion: 'weird' status?04:24
Keybukjdub: not just the south africans04:24
Keybukbut those are a particular group, yes04:24
hungerjdub: Yeap, visa is not the problem... but you do have to give your fingerprints, etc.04:24
KamionLathiat: multinational, incorporated in Isle of Man, that kind of thing04:24
=== Kinnison has no desire to be treated like a criminal automatically upon entry to a country
Lathiatwhat is the isle of man 04:25
hungerKinnison: Neither do I...04:25
ograLathiat, an island04:25
KamionLathiat: what is google? :-)04:25
KeybukLathiat: it's a country just offshore of the United Kingdom04:25
jdubLathiat: in between the big islands04:25
Kamioncome on dude, first hit04:25
Lathiatand why is canonical incorporated in the isle of man?04:25
LathiatKamion: yeh yeh i got it ;p04:25
jdubLathiat: tax haven04:25
KeybukLathiat: convenient tax haven04:25
Keybukrunning an international company that employs developers in 14 different countries is *hard* when you have to deal with local corporate tax law04:26
Lathiatah ok04:26
wickedpuppyRiddell, how much money does it normally take for a conference ?04:26
Riddellwickedpuppy: lots I imagine, dunno04:26
pkernIsle of Man is not under UK law that is?04:27
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Riddellbandwidth costs at ubuntu down under must have been a lot :)04:27
Keybukpkern: no, because it's not part of the UK04:27
pkernAnd there's a real office at Isle of Man?04:27
jdubRiddell: not really, just annoying04:27
mptjdub: yo04:27
jdubmorning mpy04:27
Keybukpkern: there's a bank :)04:28
pkernKeybuk: Ok, but under the crown. (:04:28
maswanhow big is an ubuntu conference?04:28
jdubmaswan: > 100 people04:28
Kamionpkern: crown> so's Canada04:28
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jdubmaswan: s/conference/developer summit/04:28
maswanjdub: but <300?04:28
mptjdub: We have a SoundEvents spec that (afaik) is marooned without an implementor, and we have an Ivic Ico Bukvic in ubuntu-devel@ offering his desktop sound theme04:28
pkernKeybuk: *cough*... "a bank"?04:28
mptPerhaps the two could be brought together?04:28
maswanjdub: ACK04:28
Keybukpkern: it's a member of the commonwealth, yes04:28
jdubmaswan: yeah04:28
Riddellpitti: could you join us in #kubuntu-devel for a second?04:29
sladenpkern: Bank.  An organisation that pushes money around and scrapes off a little bit for itself04:30
pkernsladen: Yes, but so the only part of Canonical that really resides on the Isle of Man is the money? (:04:31
maswanjdub: interesting, just curious mostly. I'm not sure I have the local organisation or the international flight connections for UbuntuWithBandwidth 2007. ;)04:31
Keybukpkern: and the board of directors and legal stuff like that04:32
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pkernKeybuk: Ok.04:32
pkernIs the people merger in Launchpad broken?04:32
Keybukbut in general no, it's just where the company is "based"04:32
Keybukthe offices are in London04:32
Kinnisonpkern: It is slightly broken at times04:33
pkernKinnison: Ok.04:33
Amaranthmpt: that'd be awesome04:33
Amaranthmpt: and since the theme was appearently designed for KDE it could be used on kubuntu too04:34
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RiddellAmaranth: what's that?04:34
pkernMalone #3318 is funny, is 5.04 still in the archives as a kind of "oldstable"?04:34
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bddebianThere were several Hoary bugs in Malone still last I looked04:35
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Kinnisonpkern: warty is still supported04:36
AmaranthRiddell: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/012148.html04:36
AmaranthRiddell: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=12584 is the theme itself04:36
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truluxpitti: hey05:11
pittiHi trulux05:12
truluxpitti: Doing well?05:12
=== trulux had an exam today
pittiyes, sure05:12
truluxpitti: I'm working on the next vsec packages, I've finished the cap_over stuff and will release new version soon05:13
pittitrulux: how far is the todo list?05:13
truluxpitti: well, we are focusing on vsecurit right now, next will be SELinux. it's going pretty good and I'm proud of the work being done by the volunteers05:16
truluxpitti: I need your word though05:16
truluxpitti: I told you I want to work all-together with "official" Ubuntu Linux maintainers05:16
pittiright, great05:17
truluxI really suggest you to join the channel, now there's much more activity05:17
truluxI'll introduce you to Jeff, he's helping me on many vsec-related stuff05:17
truluxgreat guy05:17
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pittiRiddell: right, langpack-o-matic could not determine the locale of -af because of the missing mo files05:20
pittiRiddell: can you please install pkgstriptranslations, activate it in /etc/pkgstriptranslations.conf, and build the package again?05:21
pittiRiddell: this will produce a _translations.tar.gz05:21
pittiRiddell: I can sneak this into lamont's directory, so that it is imported05:21
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Riddellpitti: ok05:26
HiddenWolfany of the server admins, NL.archive.ubuntu.com is having problems again.05:28
AmaranthHiddenWolf: so is uk, us, etc05:29
HiddenWolfAmaranth, what's up then?05:29
Amaranthno idea05:29
pittiKeybuk: cool, hal now works without a hotplug.d script and uses a udev RUN rule05:29
KeybukI'm tempted to not run dev.d or hotplug.d from the start05:30
pitti/etc/hotplug.d$ find -type f05:30
pittiKeybuk: that means after I uploaded the new hal, udev can be upgraded and hotplug.d can go away05:30
Keybukactually, it can't :p05:31
pittiKeybuk: however, we need to fix libsane and libgphoto05:31
Keybukbecause that default.hotplug is still there05:31
pittiKeybuk: but it's from hotplug itself?05:32
Keybukit's what _runs_ hotplug :p05:32
pittiah, does it to the older-style emulation?05:32
pittiso it runs /etc/hotplug/bus/script?05:32
Keybukthough obviously, at the same time you upload that new hal05:32
pittior, rather, *.agent05:32
KeybukI will almost certainly be uploading the new udev05:32
Keybukand stuffing hotplug into the jaws of death05:32
pittiKeybuk: what about sane and gphoto?05:33
Keybukhell, there'll probably be a new GNOME out by the time dapper opens :p05:33
Keybukpitti: those will break05:33
Keybukand then we shall fix them05:33
pittiKeybuk: AFAICS we need to convert them to use proper device nodes05:33
Keybukthere's a patch for that05:33
pittiKeybuk: I just wonder which major/minor numbers to use then?05:33
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KeybukI have "learn git" on my TODO list05:33
Riddellpitti: http://kubuntu.org/~jr/tmp/kde-i18n-af_4:3.4.3-0ubuntu2_amd64_translations.tar.gz05:33
pittiKeybuk: devides in /proc don't have major/minors, have they?05:33
Keybukthen I'll find out whether that got applied to the kernel05:33
pittiRiddell: sweet, thanks05:34
Keybukpitti: the /proc/bus/usb things aren't proper "devices", they're kernel hacks05:34
pittiKeybuk: right05:34
Keybukthere's a kernel patch for them to move them to under /sys where they belong05:34
pittiKeybuk: that's what I meant, there is no obvious major/minor for them - or does the kernel patch introduce a proper device for those?05:34
KeybukI'm not sure whether it introduces a proper device or moves the hack05:34
KeybukI'll learn git tomorrow and find out05:35
Keybuk(udev itself is now in git)05:35
pittiKeybuk: or just quickly write git2bzr and use your favourite tool :-P05:35
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KeybukI'd get complaints for usurping the "import process"05:36
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Diziet-davenant:~> zcat /export/mirror/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz |egrep '^Conflicts:.*<<'  | wc -l05:54
Diziet    90905:54
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=== ogra guesses there are myn python packages in that list
DizietNo, the python packages don't seem to do that so badly.  Mainly they're full of dummy packages.05:58
Diziet-davenant:~> zcat /export/mirror/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz |egrep '^Description:.*transitional'  | wc -l05:58
Diziet     1805:58
DizietNot so bad, even though it's probably an underestimate.05:59
Diziet-davenant:~> zcat /export/mirror/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz |egrep '^Description:.*dummy'  | wc -l05:59
Diziet     2905:59
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Dizietogra: the wiki thinks you had the ubz BOF wiki page lock but it has timed out.06:15
ograhmm... i tought i stored06:15
DizietLet me know when you've sorted it.  It gave me the lock but I haven't made any edits.06:15
ograits stored, edit away06:16
ograthanks for pointing it out :)06:16
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poningru_classls yes06:23
poningru_classsorry wrong window06:23
pittielmo: is it possible to add a new langpack to breezy-updates?06:25
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ZnarlHiddenWolf : Hi, I am a server admin.  What's wrong?06:28
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HiddenWolfZnarl, we've been getting gzip/pgp errors for a few days06:33
HiddenWolfZnarl, W: GPG error: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: Unknown error executing gpgv06:33
HiddenWolfW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:33
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ZnarlHiddenWolf : Darn, ok.  I'll redirect nl.archive back to the UK.  06:34
mirakthe breezy kernel uses gcc4 or gcc3.4 ?06:34
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HiddenWolfZnarl, where does it go now?06:34
mvoHiddenWolf: can you run "apt-get update -o Debug::Acquire::gpgv=true" and store it in a pastebin?06:35
HiddenWolfmvo, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/328706:36
HiddenWolfZnarl, best to wait untill we can get a solid ISP to mirror ubuntu.06:38
mvoHiddenWolf: thanks06:38
HiddenWolfZnarl, uk.archive has gotten me up to 600kbs during the Breezy cycle06:38
\shhmmm....gstreamer-mad has problems with 24bit mp3s ,-)06:39
\shor amarok has problems to receive 24bit mp3-stream correctly06:39
ZnarlHiddenWolf : heanet has 4gigs of bandwidth.  Far far more than most sites.06:40
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ogra\sh, tra with rhythmbox, if it breaks too, its gstreamer... else its amarok06:40
HiddenWolfZnarl, true, but it's quite irish. :) #u-nl is working on bugging ISP's about local ubuntu mirrors.06:41
\shogra: yeah...just now when I setup the r200 ;)06:41
ZnarlHiddenWolf : mirrors@canonical.com if any ISPs need to contact us, and yes Heant isn't exactly NL.06:42
HiddenWolfZnarl, I'm trying to bug my own ISP atm, most have debian mirrors anyhow.06:43
HiddenWolfI'll piont them there if they're interested.06:43
mirakare you sure linnux-image 2.6.12-9 is built with gcc 3.4 ?06:46
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ogramirak, there is no support upstream for newer compilers yet06:48
mirakI am tring to build the module cdfs from cdfs-src with module-assistant but it fails06:49
mirakit fails at inserting06:49
mirakFATAL: Error inserting cdfs (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/fs/cdfs.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)06:49
dholbachdoes dmesg say anything useful?06:49
mirakcdfs: Unknown symbol PAGE_BUG06:50
mirakI used gcc 3.406:50
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carstenhogra: JFYI: debian uses a newer compiler with 2.6.12.x06:52
ograoh ? 06:52
ograhas lins finally switched ? 06:53
carstenhogra: try cat /proc/version06:53
carstenhLinux version 2.6.12-1-amd64-k8 (buildd@athlon) (gcc version 4.0.2 (Debian 4.0.1-9)) #1 Wed Sep 28 02:31:26 CEST 200506:53
carstenh^^ on debian/amd6406:53
ograLinux version 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 (buildd@king) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)) #1 Mon Oct 10 13:13:36 BST 200506:53
ograubuntu amd64 :)06:53
ogramirak, cdfs-src_2.4.20+2.6.3-2_all.deb ??06:54
ogramirak, that somehow indicates it works with 2.4.20 and 2.6.306:54
HiddenWolfmvo, just curious, what did you just tell me to execute?06:55
mirakogra: cdfs-2.6.12-9-386_2.4.20+2.6.3-2+2.6.12-9.23_i386.deb06:56
ogramirak, where di you get that ? 06:56
mirakok this one is built one from sources, wait06:56
mirakFilename: pool/universe/c/cdfs-src/cdfs-src_2.4.20+2.6.3-2_all.deb06:57
mirakogra: this is the sources 06:57
ograyup... see above...06:57
mirakogra: so it can't work06:57
ograno idea, but thats what i'd guess with these version numbers06:58
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mirakogra: I will try with debian one07:01
ogramost likely it didnt get updated in universe for breezy07:02
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mvoHiddenWolf: it just turns on debug in apts gpg checking07:04
mvoother than that it's a normal update07:04
HiddenWolfmvo, cool. :)07:04
mirakogra: this works with this one07:05
ZnarlHiddenWolf : Changed nl.archive.u.c.  Please let me know if you still get the same error.07:06
HiddenWolfZnarl, I'll keep you updated.07:07
ZnarlThanks, and be aware of DNS cache issues too.07:07
HiddenWolfZnarl, cool07:08
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WaterSevenUbseb128, would you check http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=18050? Can this be solved through a breezy-update?07:10
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WaterSevenUbor someone involved with yelp and ubuntu-docs....07:11
seb128WaterSevenUb: maybe jbailey has an idea on that07:12
dholbachWaterSevenUb: what did the guys on #ubuntu-docs say?07:13
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WaterSevenUbdholbach: I'm going to ask them....07:14
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predius_guys, theres a problem with kernel 2.6.12-9-686.07:19
predius_it's compiled with gcc 3.4/07:19
pittipredius_: that itself is not a problem07:20
predius_therefore, to compile alsa modules, I had to get gcc-3.407:20
predius_hasn't ubuntu switched to 4.0?07:20
dholbachnot for the kernel07:20
dholbachthere is other stuff compiled with 3.4 too07:20
predius_then gcc-3.4 should be also included in build-essential07:20
Amaranththe kernel fails to compile with gcc407:20
Amaranthi think the kernel-source packages depend on gcc3.407:21
dholbachpredius_: no, it's not the default compiler07:21
pittipredius_: no, linux-source-2.6.12 build-depends on gcc-3.407:21
predius_the headers do not.07:21
^rob^stupid slow mirror capped at 5500k/sec07:21
predius_and i need the headers to compile the alsa modules.07:21
^rob^kinda sad, it's quicker to download a LiveCD and open it in a virtual machine than it is to run updates ;)07:22
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^rob^hrmm, uhoh, Firefox is showing the download at 930 megs so far :(07:23
ograpredius_, there are alsa modules we dont contain in the linux package ? 07:23
predius_ogra: i used module-assitant, and did the usual.07:23
ograthe ususal ? 07:24
predius_prepare, selected alsa, then did all the steps.07:24
predius_build failed because compiler was different from kernel compiler07:24
WaterSevenUbseb128,dholbach, he isn't around I guess.. well I'll try again tomorrow.07:24
dholbachWaterSevenUb: ok07:25
dholbachpredius_: then you have to set the compiler you use for alsa*07:25
ograpredius_, and you are sure the module you need isnt already there ? 07:25
predius_i already did it, but i know what gcc-3.4 and gcc-4.0 mean07:26
predius_people don't/07:26
predius_and they would probably get stuck there.07:26
pittipredius_: people usually don't compile ALSA modules either07:26
pittipredius_: we already ship ALSA modules, so there is no reason why a newbie would even think about the possibility of compiling ALSA on their own07:27
sivanghmm, what mirrors do we have for ISO downloads other then the LOndon one in EU ?07:27
pittisivang: jigdo rocks :-)07:27
predius_well, i have to go.07:27
Znarlsivang : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/07:27
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sivangZnarl: k :)07:27
sivangpitti: is it straight forward like using bitorrent ?07:28
pittisivang: I don't know, bt doesn't work for me07:28
pittijigdo-lite http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/breezy-install-amd64.jigdo07:28
pittisivang: ^ that's everything07:28
sivangcool :)07:28
pittisivang: of course I wrapped it in a script which automatically mounts my old ISO so that jigdo can scan it, and the like07:29
pittibut basic operation is trivial07:29
Kamionjigdo is really only beneficial if you have either a local mirror or an old image07:29
pittisivang: and you can use an arbitrary mirror (including local ones) and scan existing iso images, /var/cache/apt/archives, and so on07:30
Kamionotherwise you might as well download the whole thing :-)07:30
sivangyes, I'm at my parentt's house, and left my CDRW with the latest daliy at my flat :-/07:30
sivangso it will be from-scratch download for me07:30
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pittisivang: then it's indeed no big win, unless your connection to any mirror is significantly faster than cdimage.u.c07:31
\shdigital tv nrw is broken again :( 07:31
=== dholbach comforts \sh
\shI hope I can fix it remotely via phone :(07:33
=== ogra pats his dish
jbaileyogra: Like my cats when they're hungry? =)07:33
sivangpitti: is there a .de mirror for the ISOs ?07:34
pittisivang: none that I'm aware of07:35
ograjbailey, now that you remind me, i have to feed mine... thats the strange noise from the kitchen ... :)07:35
pittisivang: well, my local hard disk :-)07:35
sivanghehe, ok07:35
dholbachsivang: i pushed out 7GB of isos, but i guess, i don't qualify as a mirror :)07:35
jbaileyogra: One of mine has discovered that standing on my hair when I'm sleeping 1) Wakes me up, 2) Keeps me from effectively beating him away. ;)07:35
dholbach. o O { cats... :) }07:36
Nafallo\sh talked about something 4Gbit pushing out isos.07:36
DizietHmm.  It looks like most of our HUGE diff from firefox upstream is not necessary any more.07:36
ogramine like to put their paws in your mouth while you sleep... 07:36
DizietAnd Debian's diff against 1.4.99betawossname is a snip at 5k lines or so.07:37
dholbachNafallo: oh, i was just talking about 7 gigabyte i pushed in total :)07:38
Nafallodholbach: yea, but I'm sure it wasn't you on 4gb/s he was talking about. if you only did 7GB on that speed I'm amazed ;-).07:38
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dholbachhaha :)07:39
Nafallo\sh: fck? :-)07:39
\shyes...I have to eat my dinner and hurry into office :(07:40
Nafalloehm, oki :-P07:40
Nafallohf even07:40
\shNafallo: there is no fun involved anymore07:41
Nafallo\sh: something bad happened then? :-/07:41
\shNafallo: just because i'm the "ops guy living 20 mins from office, so lets call him"07:41
ograNafallo, 4mio customers without TV ...07:42
sivangpitti: should jigdo-list be available by path?07:42
Nafalloah. you should move to za, they can't say that then :-)07:42
pittisivang: I never heard about -list07:42
sivangpitti: err, nm. got it.07:42
sivangpitti: it's not in jigdo pkg, only in jigdo-file07:43
pittisivang: right, jigdo is for creating images07:43
Nafalloehm, jigit anyone? :-)07:43
\shNafallo: oh yes...moving to ZA helps a lot ;)07:45
Nafallo\sh: well.. sure. they can't say you're the closest one to the office then :-)07:47
sivangnice, I'm getting HTTP connection timeotus. Iguess I'll stick to rsyncing.07:47
\shso laptop testing team has to wait for my report of breezy final a little bit longer07:47
sivang\sh: how does it help? 07:47
\shsivang: first of all: I can eat biltong all the time, second, I can have chili cheese lam burger at durbans coconut grove take away every day and third, I could try to work for a IT company which is using linux as their fav. standard OS ;)07:50
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\shbut first I have to find no. three to achieve goal 2 and 107:50
Nafallo\sh: just keep the server on your old job... :-P07:51
sivang\sh: hehe :-)07:51
\shNafallo: well...there is no server at my old job...digital tv is only using some pieces of strange appliances running shareware ,-)07:51
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\shNafallo: and the ISP plattform (which is also our responsibilty) is running without any problems...only digital tv :(07:52
\shogra: you have my voice at TB if i'm not back at 20 UTC...07:53
sivanganybody else have experienced the low throughput from a.u.c (rsync) ? It used to be almsot using most of my bandwidth but now...07:53
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pittisivang: why do you rsync from archive?08:05
sivangpitti: to be able to continue downloaidng should the downlod fail08:08
pittisivang: from archive?? you mean from cdimage?08:08
sivangpitti: hrm, yes08:08
pittisivang: wget -c can continue an interrupted download08:09
pittisivang: rsync is a total waste if you don't have an existing image08:09
sivangI had the impression it was less robust08:09
sivangok, will do that now, thanks!08:09
sivang(robust in recovering an interrupted download)08:09
dereks__pitti: rsync would be appropriate for a mirror though, right?08:11
sivangpitti: yet, I think the archive is crying under the load08:11
pittidereks__: sure, yes08:11
ogradereks__, you win with rsync if you only snyc diffs08:12
ograelse its just a normal download, even if you use rsync08:12
dereks__ogra: hmmm08:12
ograi.e. if yo already have an archive, the binary difference only get synced...08:13
dereks__ogra: i just built a new comp with tons of hd space to spare, so i was going to make a mirror that syncs nightly08:13
ograduring breezy release cycle i could rsync a CD image in 6-10 min over a 768k line here08:13
dereks__for my computers08:13
ogra(between two dailies)08:13
dereks__using rsync08:14
ograthats great... just the first rsync will be a normal download... later you only get diffs08:14
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dereks__i would just run " rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" nightly right?08:14
Kamiondereks__: rsync's pretty hard on servers - I wouldn't use it for lots of smallish files08:14
dereks__Kamion: so initially do a wget?08:15
Kamionunless I was running a full mirror, in which case the maintainability win is obvious08:15
dereks__then rsync?08:15
DizietI reallyshould package up magicmirror  one of these days.08:15
Kamiondereks__: if you're running a full mirror, it's best to get in touch with admins so that they can point you to a good local mirror to rsync from, rather than everyone turning up and trying to rsync from archive.u.c08:15
Kamionsaving Diziet's magicmirror, debmirror's probably the simplest packaged option08:16
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dereks__Kamion: alright, i will keep that in mind, first i have to figure out why amd64-smtp isn't working :)08:16
DizietMaybe I'll do that tomorrow.  That way I can put off fighting the ffox diff swamp :-).08:16
Kamionogra: you don't get any download-differences-only win with rsync over (something like) debmirror, because the files in a Debian-style archive are either preserved, or replaced by files with different names; rsync can't deal with renamings automatically, and in any case .debs aren't usefully rsyncable in general08:18
ograKamion, ah... ok, i have not much archive mirroring experience...08:18
Kamionit's much more useful for large files like CD images because (a) their names don't change often and (b) they tend to be quite rsyncable, in that only bits of the file change from day to day08:19
DizietI should bolt jigdo into the back of it too, so you can have a daily CD ready and waiting each morning, just in case.08:20
ograDiziet, is jigdo better than rsync for that ? 08:20
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DizietYes, much, if you're keeping a mirror anyway.08:21
Kamionogra: if you're already downloading the files for a local mirror anyway, jigdo saves you from having to download them again08:21
Kamionread up on how the various tools work, then the trade-offs should be more obvious :)08:21
ograyes, will do ;)08:22
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dereks__kikidonk: ping?08:25
kikidonkdereks__: yes :)08:26
kikidonkyes ?08:26
dereks__kikidonk: just wanted to say, amazing work on deskbar08:26
kikidonkoh ! thanks08:26
dereks__my favorite new toy :)08:26
kikidonkcvs is much better08:26
dereks__hmmm, are you going to make me upgrade now :)08:27
kikidonkthere is also a #deskbar on Gimpnet, if you want08:27
kikidonki'd do it :P08:27
dereks__ahh, let me head over08:27
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herzigut, dann kopier' ich dir die auch noch fix08:46
=== pitti beats tarfile
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HiddenWolfpitti, why the violence?08:54
pittiHiddenWolf: It took me 45 minutes to debug a problem that is eventually a tarfile bug08:55
=== HiddenWolf hands pitti a bat
HiddenWolfThat sucks. :(08:55
pittiHiddenWolf: when I add several files to an open tarfile, it randomly creates hardlinks to already existing files08:56
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pittiif I close and reopen the tarfile object in between, it works08:56
HiddenWolfpitti, nice.08:56
=== pitti currently writes a test case
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pittiany python expert here?09:13
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sivangmvo: ping09:15
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sivanghey zyga 09:21
\shreally..some days I should erase from my calendar09:22
zygaI've finally got a working low end printer for linux :)09:23
zygaand it's really pretty too...09:23
mvosivang: pong09:32
zygacool article on ./ about yellow dot patterns in laser printers09:33
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sabdflmjg59: around for the TB in 15?09:43
mjg59sabdfl: Sure09:44
sabdfl\sh: yeah, agreed, it's been one of those09:44
sabdflmjg59: cool09:44
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Kamion] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | MOM/NDA producing bad diffs | Ubuntu 5.10 released: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-October/000038.html | topic will be changed when Dapper opens
Kamion(guessing it won't open today after all, although perhaps I'm underestimating the remaining few hours)09:44
ajmitchmorning all :)09:44
ajmitchjbailey: ping09:45
jbaileyAndrew my friend!09:45
=== jbailey pours a vodka for eacah.
\shsabdfl: what happened?09:45
ajmitcha bit early in the morning for that, but oh well :)09:45
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sabdfl\sh: just trying to get some launchpad stuff landed, and also move myself over to Phase III09:46
ajmitchjbailey: where do I access the mounted root filesystem form initramfs?09:46
\shsabdfl: nice...I just had another idea to improve ubuntu for server admins ... 09:46
jbaileyajmitch: Once it's mounted, it's in /root09:46
ajmitchjbailey: right, when does it get mounted?09:47
sabdfl\sh: ok, put it on the TB agenda, unless its a spec, then put it on the UBZ agenda :-)09:47
\shsabdfl: but this is so crazy that I have to think about this idea again and have to do some diagrams09:47
ajmitchjbailey: I'm wanting to load selinux policy as early as possible, and it'd be nice to read it from disk09:47
ajmitch\sh: sounds tempting09:47
\shsabdfl: it's more a "beat RHN" ,-)09:47
jbaileyajmitch: You could probably do this in local-bottom and be certain.09:47
jbaileyOr perhaps we should have an init-bottom hook.09:47
ajmitchjbailey: those hooks run before udev, are the lvm device nodes created before then?09:48
\shsabdfl: I just mentioned a word in a mail about the kernel thread...but right now, don't take me too serious about it...09:48
ajmitchI saw that lvm/evms, etc are in init-top09:48
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jbaileyajmitch: local-premount should have all of the lvm nodes and stuff already.09:49
jbaileyI think most of those get created in local-top09:49
=== ajmitch needs to take a look again :)
ajmitchah right, local-top09:50
ajmitchlocal-premount has suspend09:50
jbaileyRight.  That's the last ditch effort to resume before we mount the partition and screw it all up.09:50
ajmitchjbailey: the main thing is ensuring that both files & processes get the right labels/contexts09:50
ajmitchwhich is why sysvinit is currently patched, and it's not just done in an init script09:51
jbaileyajmitch: Great!  What's a labael/context? =)09:52
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jbaileyGot a site for me to look at? =)09:52
ajmitchjbailey: files get labels when they're created09:53
ajmitchprocesses get contexts, which the kernel uses to allow access to things :)09:53
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ajmitchjbailey: there might be a quick summary site, for some weird definition of quick09:55
sabdfl\sh: not a bad idea, feel free to get into more detail with benc and fabbione about it. fabbione has similar thoughts09:56
jbaileyajmitch: Is it important for every file on disk to be touched like that?09:57
ajmitchjbailey: it's important that every file that is created gets created with the right label, if it's to be used09:57
\shsabdfl: well it was only "real life thinking" and experiences from some companies which are running more then 100 servers ;)09:57
ajmitchrelabelling the whole disk manually isn't often done09:57
ajmitchbut it is possible to relabel :)09:58
ajmitchit's the kernel that assigns these labels, with the policy loaded :)09:58
sabdfl\sh: elmo builds monolithic kernels too. i like the idea of making that easier09:58
\shsabdfl: well it's a matter of how ubuntu defines "support". I don't think we will have much problems with the desktop (well, ok if ubuntu will focus as well pixelpark, then we have to apply server rules as well to the desktop), but for the server, admins are more conservative then Mr. Bush will ever be10:00
tsengyou are funny10:01
\shOr Mrs. Merkel in germany ,-)10:01
ajmitchyay politics10:01
bddebianOh here we go again, it's always got to descend into US bashing doesn't it?10:02
\shforget the politics...10:02
dholbachbddebian: first in #ubuntu-bugs and now in #ubuntu-devel?10:03
\shmeeting now10:03
ajmitchbddebian: that was no bashing :P10:03
mjg59bddebian: Calling the US president conservative isn't really bashing10:03
mjg59(But yes, this isn't the time or place)10:03
ajmitchjbailey: will talk to you later about, I need to look at the code more ;)10:04
\shit wasn't personal...if I hurt somebody, please take my sorry..10:04
bddebian\sh: Nah.. :-)10:08
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HiddenWolfogra, congrats on that blog entry. :)10:17
dereks__who would i talk to about questions about kernels built for different architectures?10:18
ograhehe... thats really something that makes me feel its done... i havent had the feeling yet :)10:18
chimaeraerr, no re.. missing a "k". bye ;)10:18
ograHiddenWolf, thanks10:18
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sourcequenchI'm pretty sure I have a bug in the breezy installer for AMD64.  Would this be the right place to mention it?10:29
tsengbugzilla would be better10:29
tsengassuming its not already reported there10:29
sourcequenchI didn't see anything--I'll go submit it.10:30
tsenggreat, thanks.10:30
HiddenWolfogra, but still, is sitting around #ubuntu having fun a contribution at all, is writing docs, is it coding, or fixing bugs? 10:33
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax6-215.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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zygaTreenaks: ping10:57
chimaerahi. can anyone tell me where the the zd1211 module (wifi) expects to find the configuration for the card? even if i comment the essis, i get " ****** Can't find desiredSSID:" after plugging in the device..10:57
zygaTreenaks: about the bearded guy issue10:57
zygaTreenaks: is there any way to make him less ... dithered!10:57
zygachimaera: check #ubuntu10:57
chimaerazyga: thanks.10:57
=== chimaera [n=chi@p549D0467.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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dholbachgood night guys11:27
ogranight dholbach 11:27
crimsunnight daniel11:29
=== r0bby [n=wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ajmitch needs something like qemu run from console, so he can test init-like crack remotely :)
ajmitchjbailey: you just have test hardware you ran on?11:32
jbaileyajmitch: I used my laptop for all my initramfs-tools stuff.11:32
jbaileyajmitch: I do almost all of my tests on real iron.11:33
ajmitchI don't have my laptop beside me right now, so I guess I'll test at home :)11:33
ajmitchit needs another fresh install anyway11:33
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=== xTina [n=xTina@dslb-084-056-132-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygadoes anyone remember who has made that tiny python app, fanboy?11:39
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvozyga: IIRC it was keybuk11:40
=== Loiosh [n=loiosh@c-67-187-98-56.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygamvo: I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record player11:41
zygabut I've got i18n patches and minor bugifix ;-)11:41
alleeI've a keycodes & description of a Dell USB keyboard.  How to proceed? File a wish (against with pkgs?). Write a xkb file? Add to wiki Keycodes page? Or ...? Any hints lifeless|mjg59?11:41
mdkeallee, bug against acpi-support i think11:42
allee+ keycodes of multimedia keys that is11:42
alleemdke: Sure? with usb acpi is not involved.11:43
alleeI have a look at acpi-support pkg11:43
=== bska|mobile [n=bskahan@dsl254-074-249.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdkeperhaps I'm wrong11:43
mdkebut I'm sure it will be reassigned11:43
alleemdke: yeah. it will.  I like the idea :)11:45
zygathe only things you can't avoid in life are death, taxes and Ubuntu reviews.11:48
Mithrandiryou can avoid some of them by attaining the first one.11:48
=== kyncani [n=kyncani@lns-bzn-40-82-251-173-181.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lifelessMithrandir: nup, because then they are not 'In life'. :)11:50
Mithrandirwell, point.11:50
zygaMithrandir: unless you're caught by the other two while waiting in line for the first ;] 11:50
Mithrandirlifeless: but are you alive when doing taxing ubuntu releases?11:51
lifelessMithrandir: FSVOA11:51
zygaactually doing taxes on ubuntu is not so nice..11:51
=== jinty [n=jinty@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Loiosh reads the meeting email even though he was there for it. Smart mink.
=== derek [n=derek@cpe-66-108-44-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-devel

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