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kkathmanunsurreal: if you dont like KDE why are you in this channel then?  YOu should be in ubuntu :)12:10
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qoshey guys ... i am searching an secure ftp server WITH an nice GUI ... ?12:12
=== kkathman throws nozzbozza a life preserver
nozzbozzaHi, trying to setuo NIC - sis900 any help please?12:13
unsurrealwats the problem12:14
unsurreali think ive got the same one and i dont have trouble12:14
nozzbozzaHi unsurreal, are you talking to me?12:14
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nozzbozzaCool, thanks.  I have MSI notebook with built-in SIS900 series NIC.  lspci | grep 900 shows it's detected but it doesn't function with niether static nor dynamic IP address.  Any ideas please?12:17
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kevmanI just installed the kwin-baghira theme in Breezy, but its not listed under Themes in Theme Manager12:21
raphinkit's not a theme12:21
raphinkit's a style + windows decoration12:21
kevmanOh... So how do I use it/12:21
raphinkso you'll find it listed in both12:21
raphinkyou can set the windows decoration with it12:21
raphinkand the style ;)12:22
chavothen you can save that as a theme12:22
raphinknever used themes ;)12:22
raphinkI set all the things separately12:22
raphinkI think themes have icons too, though12:22
raphinkand baghira has no icon theme12:23
kevmanI onlt see the "baghira" style theme...12:23
raphinkkevman: there's also a baghira entry in windows decorations12:23
chavobaghira isnt a theme, you said it yourself12:23
chavobut there are some osxish icon themes12:23
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raphinkbaghira is great with other kinds of icons12:24
raphinkI use it with crystal clear or nuovext12:24
raphinkand I love it :)12:24
kevmanOhh, this is cool.12:24
chavonuovext is my favorite at the moment also12:25
raphinkit used to be12:25
chavogoes with just about anything12:25
raphinkI just switched to crystal clear12:25
raphinkI love it12:25
raphinkexcept that I just saw that there are these Linspire signs all aroun12:25
raphinkand I don't like that12:25
raphinknuovext is surely a great icon set :)12:26
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b44ai  used hoary and did a dist-upgrade, but the machine crashed during the procedure12:32
raphink /list12:32
raphinksudo apt-get -f install12:32
raphinkb44a: that will repair your db12:33
raphinkfinish the current installs if needed12:33
b44ai did that12:33
raphinkwhat did you get?12:33
b44abut a lot of packages are missing12:33
b44ait installed a few12:33
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raphinkthen run12:33
b44abut i don't have x for example12:34
raphinksudo apt-get install ubuntu-base12:34
raphinksudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:34
The_Voxwell, that was a failure...anybody gotten the tilt wheel on a MS mouse working on breezy yet?12:34
raphinkno MS mouse here :s12:35
The_Voxraphink: if logitech learned to make bigger mouses than they do, I'd probably use a logitech...but the only mouse that feels right in my hand is MS Explorer, which is the biggest mouse I've ever found12:35
raphinkI have a logitech12:36
raphinkpretty small indeed12:36
raphinkif I had money I would get a wireless trackball12:36
The_Voxif I had the money, I'd get one of the new wireless laser MSExplorers :)12:36
raphinkI'd buy anything but MS stuff12:37
b44aok, it's running now12:37
raphinkgood :)12:37
b44awell apt-get12:37
b44anot yet breezy :)12:37
raphinkdid you run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?12:38
b44athis new dsl line rocks12:38
raphinkalice ...12:38
raphinkhere alice is 20 mbps12:38
The_Voxraphink: I've always said that MS should sell mouses and nothing else....everything they do sucks, except their mouses12:39
raphinkhaha ok12:39
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The_Voxraphink: I moved to linux in '96 and haven't used windows since then (thank the netgods)12:40
raphinkhaven't used windows on a computer of mine ever12:41
raphinkI was on mac before I got on linux12:41
b44ai wonder: an aspect i like of ubuntu very much is the slick design. however when updating to brezzy my old ~/.kde dir is kept, is it possible to somehow have that eyecandy in my old user account aswell?12:41
The_VoxI was on apple before the mac...but the mac put me off, and I moved to x8612:41
The_Voxb44a: remove your ~/.kde or rename it...you will lose all your personalized settings, tho12:42
b44ayeah, i figured :/12:42
b44ai'll backup the old dir, and copy stuff into the new one, once i miss something12:43
The_Voxthat's usually the easiest way :)12:43
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manchineis the liveCD edition installable?12:49
manchineis the liveCD edition installable?12:51
raphinkthe live DVD is12:52
raphinknot the live CD I think12:52
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manchineraphink:  thanks. gonna grab the install vs, then12:53
kevmanIs there any way to get transparencies working? I always get an error about Xorg >6.8 or something.12:54
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_andreahi guys12:58
raphinkhi _andrea 12:58
_andreahi raphinick12:59
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Drakesonkevman: have you enabled Composite in xorg.conf?01:03
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kevmanDrakeson, no, I guess not.01:04
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KnowerrorsHi all, trying to use the kubuntu 5.10 cd to upgrade my kde, and I get this: http://rafb.net/paste/results/jFumn815.html01:07
Knowerrorsthats a paste of the attempt, any ideas?01:07
BlissexKnowerrors: that means you haven't installed the signatures needed to verify the packages on the CD/DVD. I think there is a Wiki page on APT and signatures.01:08
Knowerrorson kubuntu site or ubuntu?01:09
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BlissexKnowerrors: ubuntu, it is a generic issue, nothing to do with KDE.01:09
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Knowerrorssearching the official ubuntu wiki, nada yet01:11
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BlissexKnowerrors: uhm, I found something in the Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ actually: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#h2add01:14
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bobbydthe 'window' menu is missing from konqueror in breezy for me, does anyone else see that?01:15
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Knowerrorsso Blissex : youre suggesting I do step #5?01:18
BlissexKnowerrors: I guess... Cannot harm.01:18
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Knowerrorsbut only that step right? :)01:18
BlissexKnowerrors: the story is briefly discussed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptAuthenticationInstructionsForHoary01:19
TylerEIs 3.5beta2, erm, borked? Pulled the packages via apt-get on a fresh breezy install, and i'm getting constant artsd crashes, even AFTER disablinga artsd in the control panel!01:19
BlissexKnowerrors: yes, 5. should be the only one needed01:19
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Knowerrorsgpg: no ultimately trusted keys found01:21
BlissexKnowerrors: weird. I suspect your installation did not setup the APT key/signature information properly. Try to ask in #Ubuntu.01:22
PupenoHow do I restart only one network intreface ?01:23
BlissexPupeno: 'man ifup' or 'man ifdown'01:24
KnowerrorsI hate that channel, too busy01:26
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TylerEwell, my artsd problem cleared up after restarting KDE01:28
TylerEstill not a good welcome though01:28
Pupeno_I can't get the wifi to work :(01:28
KnowerrorsBlissex: can I tell apt to temporarily ignore needing a key?01:28
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propagandhiKnowerrors: you can but you shouldnt01:29
BlissexKnowerrors: yes, but I can't remember how. There is quite an extensive APT-and-keys document on the Debian site.01:29
BlissexPupeno_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto01:30
Knowerrorscould one of you send me the right ubuntu keys? combine them with my own01:30
Pupeno_Blissex: thanks.01:30
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Pupeno_Blissex: that explains how to do it using the ubuntu tool.01:32
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kududehello all.01:33
BlissexPupeno_: and you want to do it _without_ using the Ubuntu tool?01:33
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kududeanybody here got .Net 1.1 to install on Wine?01:34
Pupeno_Blissex: I don't even have installed and I don't know in which package it is.01:34
BlissexPupeno_: 'apt-cache search ....' can often help.01:34
Pupeno_Blissex: and the instructions to do it without the tool doesn't work.01:34
jrjxxkudude: Getting .Net to install under Wine sounds ... ambitious.  01:35
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kududejrjxx: Why? J.. if wine is porting windows.. .Net needs to be ported too.01:40
kududeI develop a lot of Apps already using Visual Stuio.Net.01:40
bobbydkudude, check out the mono project01:41
kududeI really love Ubuntu.. very stable, fast, and lots of free tools. However, I hate the fact that I have to re-boot to windowsXP(argg) to use VS.NET01:41
bobbydkudude, it's an implementation of the CLI runtime, it lets you run .net applications under linux01:41
bobbydkudude, check out kdevelop too, quite like VS01:41
kududebobbyd: I am using that too.. it's kinda week on Windows.Forms. though.01:41
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bobbydkudude, well, it's not windows :)01:41
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kududeit's ok on ASP.NET etc.. but week on Windows.Forms.01:42
bobbydkudude, there is a better way, a cleaner way :)01:42
kududebobbyd: I will try it out though..thanks. gonna do some read-up right now.01:42
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kududeso I guess the answer is.. wine does not support .Net..01:43
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kududewonder if they ever will.01:43
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bobbydkudude, don't think so at the moment01:43
kududeI also see a wine-mon lib.. don't know what's that for.01:43
bobbydkudude, I think mono is a safer bet there01:43
kududebobbyd: ok man.. I will try it out.01:43
kududecya guys..01:43
kududeoh before I go..01:44
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kududeI can's seem to get my ATI Radeon 9600 to work with a dual-head, i've read so many forums.. but many weird things happen to my display.01:44
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kududebobbyd: any suggestions?01:45
kududejrjxx: how about you. Any suggestions? (see previous text).01:45
jrjxxkud: About your video?  I know nothing about that, sorry.01:49
Knowerrorshow can I add the cdrom drive to my repositories?01:50
jrjxxkud: As for .Net, if you really want to run *that* (as opposed to Mono), I'd check out the commercial variants of Wine first to see if that sort of thing is supported.01:50
jrjxxIt's just ... Windows is fundamentally undocumented, inside, and I assume .Net is undocumented inside (the internals).  Trying to get .Net to run on Wine, with all that undocumented stuff, sounds like something that'd cause one to tear one's hair out.01:52
jrjxxKnow: I just ran across a command-line command, "apt-cdrom".  That might help?01:52
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bobbydkudude, sell your ATI card and buy and Nvidia one. trust me, you'll only have pain with ATI under linux01:53
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kudude:) hehe! thanks a lot. I guess I should tell my employer that. :)01:53
bobbydkudude, if they can't afford to buy you decent hardware, get another job!01:53
bobbydkudude, you should also look at C++ and qt as a good cross platform development option01:54
kududebobbyd: eheheh! cool..do you suggest a model? I probably could buy it, and they re-emberse me. :)01:54
bobbydkudude, geforce 6800 if you can get it01:54
Knowerrorsjrjxx: maybe? tell more01:55
bobbydkudude, otherwise, anything will do really01:55
kududebobbyd: I'm gonna start doing that.. Have to port all my applications though..01:55
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jrjxxKnow: Open up a command line shell, or otherwise do "man apt-cdrom".  That'll tell you everything I know.  The man page sounded like it applies to your question, tho.01:55
bobbydkudude, maybe mono would be easier then01:55
kududebobbyd: wonder if there's a script to do C#toQT :)01:55
bobbydkudude, you may be able to use C# with mono and qt, I'm not sure01:56
kududebobbyd: for now I will use mono, but will develop in the future on QT..cause I know QT runs on windows.01:56
kududebobbyd: Yes there's a QT# a .Net class for mono.01:56
bobbydkudude, you could ask in #mono :)01:57
bobbydkudude, that may work on windows too01:57
bobbydok well ,I have to go, good luck01:57
kududebobbyd: I really love the structure of .Net though..kinda hard to stray away from it. even though I think I want to leave windows completely.01:57
kududebobbyd: I see you in #mono too.. :)01:58
raphinkanyone's got konqueror crashing when the mouse is over any icon?01:58
bobbydyeah I just joined to see if it existed01:58
raphinkin kde 3.5 beta201:59
=== propagandhi thinks kudude is stalking bobbyd
bobbydpropagandhi, I do too01:59
kududebobbyd: yeah! but it's kinda dead.01:59
bobbydkudude, I only use c++ at work, so i don't know about c#01:59
kududebobbyd: man I must say i am inlove with ubuntu..01:59
kududebobbyd: i've many sleepless nights lately..02:00
propagandhiyou can use C# with mono, but if its the Visual studio as opposed to the language that you love, you're screwed02:00
bobbydok dude02:00
kududebobbyd: have to get back my proper sleep though.02:00
bobbydgoodnight sir!02:00
kududepropagandhi: I am too worried about VisualStudio. I just need my dotnetprogram.exe to run in linux.02:00
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kududeI can write the source code in MonoDevelop or something.02:01
kududekinda sorry I left c++ and jumped to .Net..02:01
kududeI was too lazy to master pointers, and messages in c++, that's why I jumped to .Net..(MS made my life easier).02:02
propagandhi.Net is good stuff though, makes programming pretty easy02:02
kududepropagandhi: I know man.. I could do a quick app in much less time than MFC stuff..02:03
=== da_bon_bon [n=rohan@unaffiliated/dabonbon/x-000000001] has joined #kubuntu
da_bon_bonhi all02:03
da_bon_boni updated to kde 3.5 beta102:04
Knowerrorscan anyone show me where an apt sources list is, I think mine is messed up02:04
da_bon_bonand HELL .. on startup i get errors errors and more errors about crashed soundserver02:04
da_bon_bonwhat do i do ?02:04
Tm_Tda_bon_bon: disable KDE sound system from kcontrol02:04
apokryphosTm_T: hey, do you by any chance have debian gpg key for their repos? Trying to get some source from them02:04
Tm_Tapokryphos: debian? not atm02:05
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apokryphosack, ok.02:05
kududeknowerrors: there should be a backup copy in /etc/apt/02:05
da_bon_bonTm_T: ok. why is it happening ?02:05
_pcmancan I install Debian packages on kubuntu02:05
Tm_Tda_bon_bon: its broken02:05
kududeda_bon_bon: how is 3.5? anything new? or just bug fixes?02:05
Knowerrorskudude: no, thats no good, I need someone elses02:05
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Tm_Tkudude: it's not backup copy, it's actual sources list02:06
kududeKnowerrors: ..ok one sec.02:06
kkathmanTm_T: I think I am going to wait on the ole KDE 3.5 :)02:06
kududeKnowerrors: I kinda forget iRC stuff. how do you send a file?02:06
da_bon_bonkudude: nothing greatly new.. DONT UPGRADE TO IT02:06
da_bon_bonTm_T: didnt work02:07
kkathmanda_bon_bon: yah...agree02:07
kududeda_bon_bon: didn't plan to. my ubuntu is too stable.02:07
da_bon_bonTm_T: that trick didnt work02:07
kkathmanmy hoary was very stable, but breezy is now just as stable as far as I can tell02:07
kududeI was madly inlove with SUSE 9.3 and 10.. untill it start giving me headaches with hardware,and multimedia.. so I tried ubuntu.02:07
kkathmanI had a flawless upgrade02:07
Knowerrorsif youre using konversation, just right click on my name and go to send file02:08
Tm_Tgood night comrades ->02:08
_pcmancan I install Debian packages on kubuntu?02:08
kkathmanTm_T: do you know if there are other KDE based irc progs?02:08
kkathman_pcman: most of the time, yes02:08
kududethen I deleted my SUSE parition.. :)02:09
kkathman_pcman: best way to check is to see if they are in the repositories02:09
kududeKnowerrors: check your DCC window.02:09
_pcmanwhat is the repositories? dependecies?02:09
kududekkathman: there's lots of others.02:09
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Hobbseemorning all02:10
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : KDE 3.5beta2 out: http://tinyurl.com/ad4x6 | Breezy Released! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/breezy-release.php | HAL/GPG/Konsole font fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Don't flood the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
Knowerrorskudude, it didn't pop up02:10
kududeok will do again.02:10
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kududeKnowerrors: maybe have something to do with my firewall.02:11
orangeyhey all!02:11
Knowerrorswhat would be great is if I could get a copy of someones apt key file02:12
Hobbseewhich apt-key?02:12
kududeKnowerrors: sorry then.. can't help you.02:12
KnowerrorsIm getting this error:gpgv: Can't check signature: public key not found02:13
Knowerrorsso whatever key file to fix that02:13
kududeanybody here knows of a Linux Client to MS SQL Server?02:13
HobbseeKnowerrors: you should be able to ignore it02:14
Hobbseebut see !gpgerr02:14
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PupenoHow do I get some kind of log to troubleshoot why my wifi card is not working ?02:20
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ecobuntuwhen i run kaffeine it always show the first-time wizard, is this a bug?02:37
apokryphosnever heard of it02:37
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frank23ecobuntu: I don't get that, you said in #ubuntu that you use kde 3.5 beta02:37
ecobuntudo you know what i mean though?02:37
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ecobuntuno i use gnome02:37
frank23ecobuntu: oh....02:37
ecobuntuand i am running kaffeine02:37
ecobuntui was inquiring about kubuntu-desktop02:38
propagandhiecobuntu, it probably means kaffeine isn't writing it's configuration, if you were to run it as root, it probably would - test that02:38
apokryphosdo you go through the wizard properly?02:38
ecobuntuyeah i do apo02:38
ecobuntui'll try that prop02:38
apokryphosproblem could come about from running it as root... (something you never should've done)02:38
ecobuntui don't use root02:39
ecobuntui've been on linux for almost 2 years now02:40
propagandhiexecuting kaffeine as root once wont hurt02:40
kkathmangood evening apokryphos  :)02:40
apokryphospropagandhi: of course it will02:41
ecobuntuha ha ha...it did hurt!02:41
ecobuntunow i can run kaffeine as a regular user02:41
apokryphosif you use it enough to alter any config files02:41
ecobuntuchris@ubuntu:~$ kaffeine02:41
ecobuntukdeinit: Aborting. No write access to '/home/chris/.ICEauthority'.02:41
ecobuntuERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication.02:41
ubotuUse kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.02:42
ecobuntui never knew about kdesu02:42
apokryphosbut you would obviously never use it for kaffeine02:42
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apokryphosonly for, say, an editor like kate/kwrite etc02:42
apokryphosroot should only be used when you *need* to02:42
apokryphosecobuntu: sudo chown -R chris:chris /home/chris02:43
apokryphos(close all instances of kaffeine first)02:43
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034074072.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
ecobuntuok i got it back now...thanks apo02:44
ecobuntubut it made me run through that damn first-time wizard!02:44
apokryphostry finishing it, then shut down kaffeine cleanly02:44
ecobuntui have apo02:45
ecobuntui do it every time...02:45
apokryphoswait for a few seconds, and check that no more instances of kaffeine are active (ps aux|grep kaffeine)02:45
ecobuntulike i said it's not grave...but it's annoying02:45
apokryphosdefinitely; it should be fixed02:45
satafterhso there are alot of bugs with kde3.5?02:45
apokryphosthere shouldn't be02:45
apokryphosare you on beta1?02:46
apokryphoskaffeine, though, has nothing to do with kde3.5 (it's in Extragear)02:46
=== Pupeno_ [n=pupeno@host152.201-252-48.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
satafterhno beta 202:46
ecobuntui should type this now ps aux|grep kaffeine)02:46
ecobuntuminus the )02:46
apokryphossure, go for it02:46
ecobuntuand what should i see?02:47
ecobuntuchris    11056  0.0  0.1   3060   752 pts/1    R+   18:47   0:00 grep kaffeine02:47
apokryphosnothing else?02:47
apokryphosOk, it's shut down. Try relaunching kaffeine now from [your user]  terminal02:47
troyhey, the topic mentions some HAL fixes - but I don't see anything in adept...02:48
=== kurtbec [n=kurt@ppp-70-226-98-50.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphostroy: do you have breezy-updates enabled?02:48
ecobuntuok i typed kaffeine02:48
troyapokryphos: I think so - I've just been apt-get upgrading since one of the RC's02:49
apokryphostroy: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:49
apokryphos(make sure you have kubuntu-desktop first)02:49
kurtbecalright anyone else having problems installing mozilla-mailnews?02:49
kurtbec /msg NickServ IDENTIFY Grelton!02:49
sampanapokryphos  would the HAL fixes be already incorporated in kubuntu-desktop (gotten from apt-get earlier today)?  02:49
apokryphoskurtbec: time to pw change ;-)02:49
sampanor should will i have to get them separately?02:49
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ecobuntukaffeine bug 02:50
apokryphossampan: they would be; if you had breezy-updates enabled, and you installed all the packs there, then you'd be fine02:50
sampankk :)02:50
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apokryphosecobuntu: last thing: could you try mv ~/.kde/share/config/kaffeinerc ~/.kde/share/config/kaffeinercold, then re-run kaffeine, go through the wizard, close, and restart kaffeine02:52
duendeHelp: I'm trying to run xvinfo or xdpyinfo , but i keep getting "Unable to open display "" "02:52
apokryphos(make sure you have no instances of kaffeine when you run the command)02:52
ecobuntuso "mv ~/.kde/share/config/kaffeinerc ~/.kde/share/config/kaffeinercold 02:53
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ecobuntuoh well02:53
ecobuntui'll report a bug?02:54
apokryphosyes please02:54
ecobuntucould not send bug it says02:56
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosecobuntu: no, report on bugzilla.ubuntu.com02:56
ecobuntumy sender is not liked...so sad to be unliked02:56
troycan someone spam a copy of their known-good breezy sources.list to #troy so I can compare to mine02:57
ecobuntuwhere do i file the bug?  under kubuntu or ubuntu?02:57
ecobuntuor either?02:57
sampantroy, did you get one?02:58
troynot yet, no02:58
apokryphos!tell troy about sources02:59
apokryphosecobuntu: kubuntu02:59
troythanks :)03:00
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ecobuntuok bug reported03:06
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PupenoIs there a repository that works ?03:07
HobbseePupeno: for what in particular?03:08
troyhrm, still nothing in my updates -- did the updates only hit x86 perhaps?03:08
PupenoHobbsee: linux-image-2.6.12-9-686 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-68603:09
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Hobbsee!info linux-image-2.6.12-9-68603:09
ubotulinux-image-2.6.12-9-686: (Linux kernel image for version 2.6.12 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.), section base, is optional. Version: 2.6.12-9.23 (breezy), Packaged size: 19004 kB, Installed size: 54904 kB03:09
Hobbseeshould be in the main repositories03:09
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PupenoHobbsee: I do now that.03:10
PupenoI am looking for a main repository that works.03:11
=== Pupeno is getting tired of (k)ubuntu.
Hobbseethey should be the defaults...post your sources list in the pastebin?03:11
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PupenoHobbsee: http://pastebin.com/39817603:14
=== Pupeno tries with the mirrors in de, maybe it works there.
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Hobbseebad header line?03:14
Hobbseeprobably a good idea03:14
=== syslogd [n=syslogd@doc-24-206-195-131.jv.in.cebridge.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== leetcharmer [n=ch4rm@pool-71-240-168-246.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Pupeno is tired of switching mirrors.
leetcharmerhihi all :D03:15
Hobbseehi leetcharmer again :)03:15
laszlokIs anyone else having problems with arts crashing all the time in KDE3.5 Beta2?03:16
leetcharmerwell poopies, the entire reason I wanted to try kubuntu was to see if I could get amaroK to work ... and alas, it still won't w/ online radio :(03:16
Hobbseelaszlok: absolutely03:16
leetcharmerit just buffers over and over again forever :(03:16
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Pupenosame thing, all mirrors are screwed, I spent hours with the wifi, Gentoo was easier than kubuntu, I am done.03:17
Hobbseelaszlok: all the time, many people03:17
propagandhigentoo easier than ubuntu??03:17
Pupenopropagandhi: the wifi drivers didn't have a work(not(random()))03:17
ecobuntusomeone should recommend gentoo to newbies :)03:17
Hobbseelaszlok: you just need to killall the process that is using it - ie try knotify or something03:18
Pupenopropagandhi: the repositories were accessible.03:18
Hobbseeecobuntu: i considered gentoo as a newbie...so greatful i never tried it...03:18
ecobuntuyeah gentoo is not for newbies03:18
Pupenonope, gentoo is not for newbies.03:18
leetcharmergentoo will cut your bawls off.03:19
ecobuntuand waste your time03:19
propagandhigentoo is fun for a few months, then its just downright annoying and aggravating03:19
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ecobuntui found that with slackware too03:20
ecobuntui love the debian package manager03:20
ecobuntuapt-get is the bomb!03:20
propagandhiyeah the apt system is awesome03:20
leetcharmergentoo's leet if you want your linux to be customized directly for your machine03:20
leetcharmeras opposed to pre-packaged03:20
Hobbseeoh good, my sound is working thru amarok now - i knew there was a command i'd forgotten03:20
propagandhifirst thing I've done when using suse or fedora etc is to add apt to it03:20
=== Pupeno will try Debian.
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leetcharmerwhich is good for performance boosts, but -- I don't mind the small loss of performance boost w/ quick installation :D03:21
Hobbseesyslogd: what's up?03:21
propagandhithe performance boost is so miniscule its not worth the compile time03:21
ecobuntudebian is fun03:21
syslogdjust typin in wrong place :)03:21
ecobuntuif it was only a tad bit quicker with releases i would be using that instead03:22
Hobbseesyslogd: good to see03:22
ecobuntubut ubuntu is great as well!03:22
=== Hobbsee makes mental note to learn irssi
ecobuntuirssi is the best!03:22
Hobbseenever figured out how to use it03:22
Hobbseetried it last night while reinstalling the entire system03:22
Hobbseewell, the linux section of it, couldnt be bothered with the windows section03:23
laszlokHobbsee: I dont know what knotify is, but disabling the sound server in system settings and using the xine engine with amarok seems to work fine03:26
cyneanyone know how to burn mp3s with k3b ?03:27
ubotuHobbsee: Did you get hit by a windmill?03:27
Hobbseecyne: like you burn anything else in there?  i thought there was a setting for it03:28
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-166-236-90.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
propagandhithere is a separate package to add MP3 support to k3b though isnt there03:28
Hobbseelaszlok: disabling the sound server in system settings is pretyt much th esame as killing knotify...03:29
Toma-propagandhi: yep. k3b-mp303:29
Hobbseelaszlok: there's a page on the ubuntu wiki about the problems, and you're free to add to them03:29
Toma-anyone know where to turn off the auto-play dvd thing? its such a pain.03:29
Hobbseei added that aRtsd problem last night03:29
cynenice, thanks03:30
laszlokohhh, knotify = KDE System notifications03:31
=== Hobbsee makes mental note to backup system files so she doesnt have to reconfigure the firewall every time she reinstalls...again
Hobbseeat least i remembered the sources list this time...03:34
laszlokToma-: Is it an ivam automount issue, where dvd is automounted and program is automatically run?03:36
sampanhobbsee, how many times have you reinstalled?  i've done twice :/  03:36
Toma-i put the dvd in, konq opens up saying "media://hdc" save as, open with, and cancel. and kaffine pops up too and tries playing it03:37
Hobbseesampan: um...let me count...03:37
sampanif you have to count that's a BAD sign! ;x03:38
Hobbseeit's been around 4 times with breezy, way more than that with hoary03:38
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Hobbseetwice was a dist upgrade to breezy03:38
Hobbseeonce was a install off cd to test it out, once was last night after those beta 2 packages for kde03:38
Hobbseeon hoary, i didnt know how to fix a lot of things, so the easiest way was to reinstall03:38
Hobbseeparticularly when i didnt like wine that much - it wasnt doing what i wanted it to do03:39
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Hobbseesampan: in short, enough times to be able to do it without thinking, including the partitioning tool...03:39
laszlokCorrection: ivman03:39
Hobbseeon a dual boot machine03:39
laszlokToma-: I put something on the wiki about that. Let me find it...03:40
laszlokhere we go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IvmanConfigAction.xml03:40
sampan*nod* i hear that -- i've installed a ton of distros testing them out in the last 6-8 months (3 mandrivas, two mepis, one vector linux, one pclinuxos, hoary three times, breezy twice)03:40
sampancan do it with my eyes closed now03:40
Toma-cool  thanks03:40
Hobbseesampan: hehe nice...03:40
Hobbseenever bothered trying anything apart from kubuntu/ubuntu03:41
Hobbseeoh, and i learned the merits of sticking /home on a separate partition, after all the reinstalls!03:41
sampanyeah for sure! that makes it a -whole- lot easier03:41
Hobbseeoh yeah03:42
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Hobbseesampan: oh, i forgot to mention the times where windows decided that it wouldnt install on the space created for it, and decided to take over the entire machine03:43
regeyaHobbsee: would it at least open the pod bay doors?03:43
sampanoooooooh ... that bad, evil tricksy windows!03:43
regeyatricksy windows fools us into wiping out the precious...data03:44
Toma-thanks laszlok! nice wiki :)03:44
regeyawicked wicked false03:44
sampanall the installs of linux finally nerfed my windowsxp partition -- i think i forgot to defrag it one time and the swapfile or something was at the end of the partition when i resized it -- all sorts of system services were nerfed after that 03:44
Hobbseeregeya: i dont understand...it's still early in the morning03:44
Hobbseei need it for some of the games03:45
sampani gave up gaming for linux ;)03:45
sampanerrr lent03:45
Hobbseesoon it's going to get another reinstall, where it will become a gaming partition, and not be connected to the net at all03:45
Toma-i play any game i want on linux :)03:45
Hobbseei wish03:45
regeyaHobbsee: I'm sorry, Hobbsee, I'm afraid I cannot explain that.03:45
Hobbseeah right03:46
Hobbseei'll probably realise what you mean in a couple of hours03:46
sampantoma-, i wasted 3 years of my life on UT/UT2k3/UT2k4 -- linux was, in part, a conscious choice to make it harder to game so i'll finish my damn phd and get on with life03:46
=== regeya begins the hoary->breezy process
sampanerrr sorry for the cussword :X03:46
Toma-i played quaketf right thru my music degree... :P03:46
sampanyou have more discipline than i ;(03:47
Hobbseegood luck regeya!03:47
=== regeya takes this moment to laugh at everyone who has to do major upgrades by booting an official stamped installation CD
Toma-now i play a good 3 hours of AA or gta3 before work each day03:47
Hobbseeregeya: i used an RC, there wasnt that many updates03:47
laszlokToma-: Finally somebody appreciates my work :)03:47
Hobbseewhat'd you do instead?03:47
=== regeya further decides to run off for food.
=== Hobbsee takes this moment to go and kill off regeya's computer, just to see what she would do, while trying to upgrade it to breezy
Toma-hmm :( AA or let this dvd finish ripping.... im stuck :*(03:48
=== warlock [n=warlock@cpe-24-167-120-154.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
warlockanyone else lose their dev icons?03:50
Toma-not i03:51
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warlockyou can see your HD's on the desktop after the update?03:51
Toma-let me seee03:51
Toma-oh i havent restarted yet (03:52
warlocklol.. been trying to figure this one out for a while..sigh.. and it was working soooooo nice too03:52
Toma-tried reconfiguring stuff?03:53
warlockyup.. all drives working and can be accessed in konqueror through the /mnt. but wont show on the desktop now03:54
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warlockthis sucks.. i was happy too. :(04:00
Hobbseequestion: do i have to use aRts, or is there another sound thingo i can use that will give less problems?04:03
unsurrealanyone available right now04:04
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Hobbseeunsurreal: possibly, definetly not if you dont ask your question04:05
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unsurrealHobbsee: know anything about konqueror?04:07
kkathmanevening again :)04:07
kkathmanunsurreal: are you still having probs with Konqi?04:07
kkathmanwhat seems to be the problem?04:08
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Hobbseemorning kkathman04:08
unsurrealsame as earlier, when i navigate to music folder it will make my entire system choppy04:08
kkathmanhowdy Hobbsee :)04:08
unsurrealuntil i go to a different folder04:08
kkathmanunsurreal: choppy??04:08
sampanunsurreal  is it loading 'previews' of the sound files?04:09
Hobbseekkathman: had to reinstall breezy, cos i was getting so many errors with kde 3.5 beta 2 lol :(04:09
unsurreali do not think so04:09
unsurrealmouse , sound, typing wont be smooth04:09
kkathmanHobbsee: Yes I believe that KDE 3.5 isnt exactly ready for prime time04:09
Hobbseekkathman: lol...beta 1 seems to be, but not beta204:10
kkathmanunsurreal: have you put gkrelm on it to see if there is an unusual hit on the CPU and Mem?04:10
unsurrealwhere can i see whats being previed04:10
Hobbseekkathman: still, serves me right, seeing as it is a beta, and i tried it as soon as it came out!04:10
unsurreallol i can tell u that there is one sec tho04:10
laszlokDoes anyone know approx. release date for 3.5?04:10
kkathmanHobbsee: well call me a stick in the mud, but I usually wait until the release :)04:11
kkathmanworking for 25 years in software development and sales, I know what "beta" really means04:12
Hobbseelaszlok: developer.kde.org - i recall november sometime04:12
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Hobbseekkathman: that means you must be a lot older than me lol...04:12
Hobbseeand depends on who's makign the beta, as to how stable it is04:13
masterlokiHi there does anyone is having problems with KDevelop??04:13
masterlokiit just won't start04:13
Hobbseemasterloki: try running it thru a konsole, and seeing what the error is04:14
Hobbseemasterloki: also, do you have to run it as root?04:14
propagandhikdevelop fine for me04:14
kkathmanHobbsee: well, I dunno, but Im on downside I think...and its my experience that beta means, in all cases, "we dont have enough people to test everything in a real environment, so let it out and lets see what happens"04:15
masterlokiHobbsee: do I have to run it as root first?04:15
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Hobbseemasterloki: not sure, but you can try running kdesu KDevelop04:15
kkathmanand thats based on 25 years experience working with some very big companies :)04:15
Hobbseekkathman: where have you worked?  i'm curious now04:16
=== Bicchi [n=Bicchi@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
propagandhino u dont need to execute kdevelop as root04:16
Hobbseeoh ok04:16
BicchiMy Firefox extensions are not updating? The screen just hangs there and nothing downloads.04:16
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masterlokiodd I tried to run KDevelop wizard from menu and it crash but with kdevelop3 it runs fine04:17
HobbseeBicchi: seems to happen here too, always has for me, did you see if there's a bug for it filed?04:18
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BicchiHobbsee nope, it happened with hoary also but i thought it would be working by now04:18
HobbseeBicchi: maybe it's a firefox problem, and not a kubuntu/ubuntu problem04:19
BicchiHobbsee i am using gnome so i think its a problem with firefox itself04:20
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kkathmanHobbsee: several companies...right now with Fujitsu, but also with IBM, and a couple of startups, and Texas Instruments04:21
HobbseeBicchi: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=312143 this is it, right?04:22
Hobbseekkathman: nice!04:22
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kkathmanBicchi: I need to check that also, I am running straight Firefox here, but on my Win box I run it with extensions04:22
kkathmanIm a bit partial to Opera actually but I havent reinstalled it after my upgrade04:23
Bicchikkathman Hobbsee: i was using some script with ubuntu that fixes the problem but its not working on breezy. i did work on hoary.04:24
propagandhiOpera is awesome04:24
propagandhii really like its IRC client too04:24
Hobbseeooh nice04:24
Hobbseehope you can get it working for breezy!04:25
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kkathmanNow that Opera is free, its a no brainer really04:25
Hobbseekkathman: lack of adblock though, although i hear there is one extension that will get it back again04:26
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kkathmanOh really?? I have adblock on Firefox on my winbox04:27
kkathmanit works fairly well04:27
propagandhihas anyone used webcam on kopete04:27
Hobbseei meant the lack of adblock on opera, or an equivalent04:27
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satafterhis there a way to revert back to kde 3.4.304:30
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Hobbseesatafterh: not easily...did anyone find a solution?04:30
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Hobbseesatafterh: IIRC there's a thread on ubuntuforums that says how you could remove it.  search for kde 3.5 beta04:31
satafterha system restor feature would be nice right now04:31
Hobbseehehe...yeah...i know04:32
satafterhi will have a look in the forum04:33
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kkathmanI wonder if anyone has installed Opera on breezy yet?04:35
propagandhii have04:36
Hobbseekkathman: i have, not since last nigth though04:36
kkathmanpropagandhi:  under hoary I had to install libqt3c1-2-mt....is there something like that I need to do?04:36
ubotuI'm a bot, I'm a bot. Set fire to me, I'll get hot. Reply to hobbsee? I think not. Bot, plot, chicken... rhyming sucks.04:37
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, regeya04:37
Hobbseeah, i see04:37
regeyawhiskey tango foxtrot, over04:38
troystupid bot...04:38
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regeya!burn ubotu04:38
uboturegeya: I don't know, could you explain it?04:38
regeya!start an editor war04:38
ubotugvim is better than xemacs04:38
propagandhikkathman: you probably will need to do the same on breezy04:38
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=== ep [n=ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
ephow can i tell how much ram i have?04:42
Toma-run that for a good time04:42
Hobbseeep: kinfocenter04:42
Hobbseeep: memory tab04:43
Toma-katapult is the greatest thing ever.04:43
Hobbseeit is :)04:44
Hobbseei found out that you can just start typing in writer, to get the OO.o writer, instead of having to type the full thing04:45
ep128 meg of ram enough for KDE?04:45
ubotuNo idea, Hobbsee04:46
Toma-ep: yeh, just dont use all the eye-candy04:46
Hobbseemight run better under gnome, or way better under xfce or another light display manager04:46
Toma-and dont expect to play bf1942 on it04:46
kkathmanwell it looks like opera is uninstallable with breezy :(04:48
Hobbseekkathman: where'd you get the installer from?04:48
kkathmanHobbsee: I went to Opera.com, got the sarge version, no tar04:48
ecobuntuwhy do you want opera out of curiousity?04:49
Hobbseekkathman: static deb worked for me before04:49
ecobuntuwhy not galeon?04:49
ecobuntuor epiphany or konqueror or firefox?04:49
kkathmanwhich one is that Hobbsee?04:49
ecobuntuor ..add your web browser of choice...04:49
kkathmanecobuntu: because I like it04:49
Toma-personal preference i suspect.04:49
ecobuntufair enough!04:49
ecobuntuhave you tried the other ones?04:49
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kkathmanHobbsee: which one is the static deb?04:50
Toma-ecobuntu: are u a salesman?04:50
Hobbseekkathman: http://downloads.planetmirror.com/pub/opera/linux/850/final/en/i386/static/opera-static_8.50-20050916.1-qt_en_i386.deb04:50
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Hobbseethe one that says it's a static deb lol...where you pick the version you want04:50
kkathmanthanks Hobbsee  :)04:50
kkathmanI'll try that04:50
Hobbseeno problems04:50
Hobbseeworks beautifully here, just installed it from that link04:51
kkathmanHobbsee: I went and got the sarge version...which is what I did in the past, but requires the lib3c102-mt which is not in any of the repos :(04:51
Hobbseenah...either grab the ubuntu version, which wasnt working at firs,t or grab the static deb04:52
Hobbseethat's hwat everyone was syaing when it first came out free04:52
kkathmanHobbsee: Many thanx!! Works great :)04:54
Hobbseeno problems :)04:54
kkathmanyou da man :)04:54
Hobbseehehe...the woman, you mean04:54
kkathmaner..sorry ... woman :)04:54
kkathmannice :)04:54
kkathmanI very much apologize :)04:54
Hobbseeit's ok04:54
Hobbseemany, many people do it, even in RL when i'm clearly wearing a skirt - and i have long hair and look very much like a girl, so they have no excuse!04:55
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kkathmanHobbsee: well, its hard to know here, but I appreciate your help :) Works great!04:55
Hobbseehehe...yeah, i know.  glad to help :)04:56
=== kkathman is majorly embarassed, but also pleasantly surprised :)
sampanhard to judge gender on irc04:56
Hobbseeit's not like my nick is feminine or anything04:56
Hobbseeyeah, and on here, most people are male, same as the forums04:56
sampanheh it can work both ways though hobbsee -- i used to hang out on undernet as "bamboo"04:56
Hobbseemmm...that could be either04:57
sampanthe number of guys who would hit on me thinking i was a willowy asian woman ... was amazing :/04:57
Hobbseewhich is precisely why i dont give out the links to my pictures on the net04:57
Hobbseevery, and they're named oddly (ie dont have hobbsee in them) so they wont come up via a google search04:57
kkathmanHobbsee: lol, well I wouldnt ask for pictures...I'm very happily married, and have been for 28 years04:59
sampanyeah -- it's best to keep things like your irc nick and other 'web-presences' completely separated -- people -DO- searches like that04:59
Hobbseesampan: mmm...pity it's a little late for that04:59
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Hobbseekkathman: lol...you're a lot older than me then!  and they wouldnt be bad pictures, so dont worry :P05:00
kkathmanhaha :)05:00
kkathmangeez I feel ALOT older now :)05:00
kkathmanHobbsee: not THAT old :)05:01
kkathmanyou are as old as you feel and act (please believe me that's scary in my case :)05:02
Hobbseefess up, how old are you then?05:02
Hobbseebah...that's hardly old at all05:02
frank23I know 50 year olds who feel and act younger than my 25 year old roommate!05:03
sampanthanks for that opera link -- worked perfect05:03
kkathmanI have 3 children, one just turned 23 and is graduating college in December headed for law school in the Fall, 2006, one that is a junior in college, theatre arts major, and my youngest is about to be 16 a soph in HS05:03
Hobbseesampan: even if it's too late for that, i do make sure that hobbsee doesnt link to anything that has my real address / info for finding me, etc05:03
Hobbseeooh nice!05:03
sampanhobbsee, that's smart ... i only learned the hard way to keep things separated myself ... when i started getting calls at my residence from people on irc, i really had to do some clean up -- it's not fun but it sounds like you got it covered :)05:04
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Hobbseesampan: you're welcome to go search for me at google - see how far you get05:05
Hobbseeyou'll find that my whois reveals more than any of that does...05:05
Hobbseelocation wise, anywya05:05
frank23sampan: were the calls from guys who thought you were a "willowy asian woman"?05:05
sampanhahahaha lol i'll take your word for it ... never been much of the 'stalker' type!05:05
Hobbseewell, i have the advantage that i know what you'd have to use to go and find me05:06
sampanfrank23, lol -- thankfully no!  my wife would have been most disturbed by those: "what haven't you been telling me???"05:06
Hobbseethen of course, if you wanted to visit, you would have to buy an expensive plane ticket, so that would probably stop you05:06
sampanpfffffft, i'll be just north of you in a few short months ;)05:07
Hobbseeooh goody, in queensland?05:07
frank23Hobbsee: no need for that: from here I just need to dig a very very very deep hole05:07
Hobbseebe nice and warm up there05:07
sampanstill a plane ticket, but not that expensive from taiwan to australia ;)05:07
Hobbseegood point05:07
Hobbseethat assumes that they make your luggage go with you, too05:08
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Hobbseehmmm...this is scary..most of the stuff coming up for Hobbsee is actually me05:14
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kkathmanGosh are you promoting your celebrity?05:15
kkathmanHmm.. this bikini pic is nice (jk)05:15
Hobbseehehe no, i was curious05:15
Hobbseesomething tells me you'll never find a picture of me in a bikini online05:15
MachineScrewwhen I compile somthing from source what do i 'make' to make a deb pkg05:15
kkathmansomthing tells me I would never look :)05:15
MachineScrewcheckinstall ?05:16
_chavoMachineScrew, make checkinstall05:16
zaphar_psMachineScrew: dpkg --buildpackage also works I think05:16
MachineScrew_chavo: ok if it dosn't work what deb devel package do I need to apt-get05:16
zaphar_psMachineScrew: sorry I meant dpkg-buildpackage05:17
zaphar_psit automatically builds and creates a debian package based off the debian rules05:17
kkathmanl have no bikini pic BTW05:17
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MachineScrewzaphar_ps: what packages do I need to make deb packages ?05:18
MachineScrewany ?05:18
frank23zaphar_ps: what? you can do ./configure    make    dpkg-buildpackage?05:18
MachineScrewzaphar_ps: I know rpm need it 05:18
Hobbseekkathman: i'm very glad of that!05:18
godzeroDoes anyone have windows compositing working with ati/fglrx?05:18
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MachineScrewthe rpm-devel package05:18
MachineScrewthat is05:18
MachineScrewwhen on a rpm system05:18
MachineScrewzaphar_ps: I will try it see what happens05:19
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MachineScrewzaphar_ps: the theme is still compileing05:19
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MachineScrewreally awsome them I am getting05:20
MachineScrewMech-Tek 50005:20
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frank23MachineScrew: when I install from source, I do  ./configure   make  checkinstall05:21
MachineScrewbased in part on baghira theme I wan't the latest one05:21
frank23MachineScrew: are those themes for kde?05:21
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MachineScrewfrank23: make checkinstall says there is no rule for checkinstall 05:21
MachineScrewfrank23: ya05:21
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MachineScrewfrank23: found it on kde-look05:22
frank23MachineScrew: make first to compile   then checkinstall to build the deb and install it05:22
frank23checkinstall replaces make install05:22
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MachineScrewfrank23: i did that with some other programs but it didn't work i do ./configure and then make05:22
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MachineScrewfrank23: one sec I give you the error05:23
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MachineScrewmake: *** No rule to make target `checkinstall'.  Stop.05:23
MachineScrewfrank23: that is why I was wondering if I need and deb devel packages to make debs05:24
frank23MachineScrew: are you writing   checkinstall   instead of make install?05:25
MachineScrewfrank23: and if so what are they so I can apt-get them05:25
MachineScrewfrank23: yes05:25
frank23MachineScrew: I don't know how to make debs any other way05:25
MachineScrewhence why is gave the error about checkinstall05:26
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MachineScrewfrank23: I am just asking are there debian-development packages to make deb pkgs05:26
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frank23MachineScrew: I'm sure there are but I have no idea what they are05:27
MachineScrewfrank23: dpkgfosster is not included on a default install 05:27
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MachineScrewfrank23: ok I will look05:27
kkathmanDang Opera rocks!!05:27
propagandhiI'm sure he was typeing 'make checkinstall'05:27
kkathmanfor once, its almost the same under Linux as under Windows :)05:28
eitanHello, how do I get media codecs on kubuntu breezy?05:28
propagandhikkathman: totally agree05:28
ubotupropagandhi: I don't know05:28
naliothmake checkinstall05:28
dumycrasheryou can try "apt-cache search deb development"05:28
dumycrasherto see if there is anything therer05:28
ubotupropagandhi: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?05:29
ubotupropagandhi: I haven't a clue05:29
propagandhiwhats that command!!!05:30
ubotuw32codecs is a set of audio/video codecs for DVD-Video. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats deb to download: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy)05:30
propagandhithats the studd05:31
eitanhmmm...tinyurl...where have i seen that before...05:31
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frank23hmmm... what does w32codecs have to do with DVDs? (ubotus message)05:31
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newubuntuhello all05:32
ubotuA -- MARK -- message is printed in the log every 15 minutes, so you know the logger is running. This is perfectly normal. Your kernel has not been hacked by a danish guy called 'Mark'.05:32
newubuntuis there anyone here who might help me figure out a thing or two about running Ubuntu on an older imac?05:33
eitanoh hey...vlc works...cool05:35
frank23eitan: vlc rocks05:36
eitanfrank23: yes...it's pretty cool...i wish it was easy to get codecs on breezy like it was on hoary tho05:37
frank23eitan: yeah they cleaned up hoary-extras05:38
kkathmanyanno the ubuntu people should change the ubuntuguide.org main page..its still at 5.0405:38
frank23there is still this: http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf05:38
frank23kkathman: ubuntuguide.org is not official and not recommended05:39
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kkathmanBS frank23  its been a reputable guide in the past05:39
ubotumethinks ubuntuguide is out of date, breaks PCs and doesn't explain anything. The official FAQ Guide, which is based on ubuntuguide is the help menu in Breezy. For more information see !faq.05:39
kkathmanand it HAS been recommended highly by many05:40
eitanfrank23: yes...it's pretty cool...i wish it was easy to get codecs on breezy like it was on hoary tho/05:40
kkathmanI agree its out of date for sure05:40
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eitanhuh...that's not what i typed05:40
kkathmanbut I couldnt have gotten through hoary without it 05:40
eitanit was nice for hoary...they need to make one for breezy05:41
frank23eitan: they can't do it officially.  libdvdcss is not legal everywhere and w32codecs is legal nowhere05:41
Tm_Tgood morning05:42
kkathmanfrank23: how much of the ubotu factoid there was political do you think?05:42
kkathmanhey Tm_T  :)05:42
eitanwell...that's fine...i'm happy to use unofficial repositories...i just need a guide to tell me how because i'm too nooby to figure it out myself05:42
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frank23kkathman: about the ubuntuguide?  the main problem with it is that it's nice for people who know linux but dangerous if you don't what you're doing05:43
sampanheh, i went one step further into unofficial-dom with hoary; i used that community-cd (downloaded via bittorrent)  which had everything on it and then a script to install05:43
frank23!tell eitan about restricted05:43
frank23!tell eitan about w32codecs05:44
frank23eitan: should take care of pretty much everything you need05:44
propagandhi3.5 beta2 is very buggy05:44
kkathmanfrank23: ok I appreciate your opinion on that :)05:45
eitanumm...i'm confused...i read "!tell eitan about restricted"05:45
sampaneitan  ubuto should have sent you some private messages05:45
godzeropropagandhi: DO you have problems with vidoe not being keyed (Painted on the actual screen)?05:45
frank23sampan: for breezy there is something called easy-ubuntu in the forums. It installs stuff your you05:45
propagandhigodzero: no not that problem, but dozens of others05:46
sampanfrank23  yeah ... and there's the "automatix" script too -- i wanted to be a little more independent this time05:46
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propagandhidoes anyone know or use this http://klik.atekon.de/05:46
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sampanplus, i'm not really concerned with playing dvds or most video ... so that makes it easier -- just audio stuff needed to be dealt with05:47
frank23sampan: yeah you don't learn anything with those scripts05:47
sampanyep -- that's exactly right05:47
godzeropropagandhi: I wonder if it has to do with my ati setup, can't get compositing to work, pluss beta 2 killed kaffiene05:47
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guyabanosos please... hi there, i am connected to the network but i cant see other computers but i can ping them05:47
eitanthanx frank2305:47
frank23eitan: no problem05:48
guyabanosos please... hi there, i am connected to the network but i cant see other computers but i can ping them05:48
propagandhigodzero: I couldnt tell you, but I thought beta 1 was really good, i didnt expect beta 2 to be worse, at least not this much worse05:48
kkathmanguyabano: ok what kind of network protocol are you using?05:48
frank23guyabano: what do you mean: can't see other computers05:48
kkathmanguyabano: excellent...do you have both linux and windows on the network?05:48
guyabano<frank23> i need to access files from other computers05:48
guyabano<kkhatman>yes sir05:49
godzeropropagandhi: ;P none of the bugs with beta 1 that I ran into are fixed05:49
godzeropluss a couple new ones05:49
kkathmanahh I see frank23  is addressing your needs...I shall retreat :)05:49
propagandhiyeah same here, i think they just multiplied the bugginess05:49
frank23kkathman: umm I'm not an expert with samba05:49
guyabanoplease help me05:50
propagandhiguyabano: try smb4k05:50
frank23!tell guyabano about samba05:50
propagandhialso, if they're on windows, you might need to allow the samba ports through the windows firewalls05:50
propagandhiports 137,138 and 139 i think - but not 100% on that05:51
guyabano<propagandhi> my pc is kubuntu05:51
frank23guyabano: did you get the message from ubotu?05:51
guyabano<frank23> yeah05:51
godzeroguyabano: if you want *nix <--> *nix, maybe fish would be better, especially under kde05:52
guyabano:( i dont understand05:52
propagandhiguyabano: thats nice but what about the computers you're trying to access05:52
propagandhiwhat operating system are they running?05:52
guyabanoim trying to access a computer running on kubuntu05:52
kkathmanwell time to retire...night all05:52
propagandhiok, so you can use SSH, and the fish protocol as suggested by frank2305:53
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godzerofish is a secure ssh tunnel that the file transfers work thru...05:53
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frank23propagandhi: I didn't suggest fish...05:53
propagandhisorry i meant godzero05:54
=== godzero looks for linky....
ubotumethinks ssh is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto05:54
guyabanowhen i try to access the ipaddress/name of the computer, the message was:  could not connect to host for smb://bigas/05:54
frank23guyabano: basically install samba and then open konqueror and select network shares05:55
propagandhiguyabano: you may already have enough to use fish, try this 'fish://xxx.xxx.xxx'05:55
propagandhiwhere 'x' is  a number of the ip address05:55
frank23propagandhi: kubuntu doesn't have a ssh server by default05:56
propagandhifrank23: fair enough, so he can 'apt-get install openssh' ?? is that right05:56
propagandhiopenssh-server i think05:57
frank23actually I never used fish but it seems very easy to use05:57
propagandhiits heaps goods05:57
guyabanoit says openssh-server is already the newest version05:57
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propagandhiguyabano: ok, now use that fish:// statement i mentioned05:58
guyabanoAn error occurred while loading fish://
guyabanoCould not connect to host
propagandhiok, is openssh-server on both machines05:58
propagandhiyou might need to start the daemon as well05:58
guyabanohow do i start a daemon05:58
propagandhiwith '/usr/sbin/sshd' i think05:59
propagandhitype that in a terminal05:59
godzero192.168.0.1 maybe wrong (192.168.X.1 is usually a router)05:59
guyabanobut thats the ipaddess of our server05:59
propagandhiok, so thats the gateway as well?06:00
=== regeya thinks the server would go faster with a new paintjob
godzeroyour gateway is running kubuntu?06:01
=== propagandhi thinks a subwoofer might help too
regeyarock ON06:01
regeyaand a big spoiler!06:02
regeyaGROUND EFFECTS!06:02
guyabanook.... i think ill eat first, and inquire here again later... this whole stuff made me hungry... im starving..........06:02
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regeyamaybe some hydraulics...06:03
guyabanothanks for those who try to hekp06:03
guyabanobye 06:03
godzerothat meens the target machine has more that 1 nic... I'm not sure if openssh binds to a nic/ipaddr. may also be a fire wall issue06:03
regeyaI almost said 'hasta'06:03
propagandhithat guy was a freak06:03
regeyathat would have been a major faux pas06:03
propagandhi'hello help bye' ???06:03
=== regeya smirks in apokryphos's direction
dreamwavegood evening.  i'd like to install kde into my ubuntu 5.10 system.  what's the main package i should fetch?06:05
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frank23dreamwave: kubuntu-desktop06:05
dreamwavefrank23: ah.  thanks06:05
=== regeya notes that hoary->breezy is taking a while on his machine...
regeyaotoh, here I am, typing away.06:07
regeyawheee.  it's as if an upgrade isn't really going on.  BUT IT IS.  yeah, I was introduced to debian years ago, but after doing the Panther->Tiger shuffle a while back, I'm delighted all over again06:08
godzeropropagandhi: what other bugs have you ran into?06:08
propagandhikonqueror occasionally crashing, the kicker/panel crashing06:08
propagandhiway more lag than i'd like at times06:08
propagandhilike window rendering when switching between/multi-tasking seems very poor06:09
godzerokaffeine sefaults, lots of kde apps segfault on close..06:09
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godzerodrawing is really slow06:10
propagandhiyeah, it makes me a very sad panda06:10
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_chavopropagandhi, I run 3.5 too, but build it from source. I haven't had that many problems06:10
_chavoa couple of issues yes, but nothing major06:10
godzerothat's what I'm wandering... bad source, or bad compile06:11
_chavoof course 3.5 final is still about a month away06:11
propagandhi_chavo: i wouldnt class mine as major, I can deal with it, but I used the binaries, will consider source. I'm also running 3.5 beta 2 on Suse 1006:11
godzerosame hardware?06:11
satafterhKDE 3.5beta2 pretty buggy?06:11
_chavoI had a problem with kmail crashing, but tracked it down to one certain message which was spam anyway06:12
propagandhiumm, it actually is performing a little better under suse than it is under ubuntu06:12
_chavoalso scrolling with mouse wheel in konq on large pages eats up a lot of cpu06:12
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propagandhibut as i prefer using kubuntu, i have taken more note of those issues06:12
propagandhi_chavo: yes i have seen that too06:13
satafterh#propagandhi - what do you think of suse06:13
godzeroI still think the gcc 3.4 --> 4.0.x migration will be causing a lotta bugs for a while06:13
_chavoah ok so it's not just me06:13
propagandhiI really like Suse 10 hey06:13
ecobuntukde easts up a lot cpu!06:13
ecobuntuoops eats up06:13
propagandhibahh.. kde kicks butt06:13
ecobuntui like kde it06:13
cyneanyone know how to insert an image into an email in Kontact?06:13
ecobuntubut it's a hog on my computer06:13
ecobuntubut so much nice eye candy!06:14
propagandhiecobuntu: whats the setup u run?06:14
propagandhias in hardware06:14
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ecobuntudell inspiron 11100 celeron processor06:14
ecobuntuwhoops 06:14
frank23ecobuntu: you gotta suffer to be pretty06:14
_chavoecobuntu, KDE runs great here, very fast06:14
ecobuntui know06:14
ecobuntui've run kde on this06:14
_chavowoah 11G processor!!!1111106:14
propagandhiSuse 10 has excellent hardware detection, really good laptop support from what i've seen, power management wise, resolution etc06:14
ecobuntuit's not slow06:14
ecobuntuit's just not as quick as gnome06:14
propagandhiand it even correctly configured my touchpad with 4 way scroll perfectly06:15
_chavowell for me KDE is quicker, could be because I build it from source and some of the patches I used06:15
sampankde feels quicker to me too -- even just straight out of the box06:15
ecobuntui like both kde and gnome06:15
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ecobuntubut i think i prefer gnome a little more 06:16
sampangnome always feels like the menus take two seconds to open -- plus, it's just plain-jane06:16
_chavoYeah to me Gnome feeels the slowest06:16
propagandhii cant stand gnome, for my own personal reasons06:16
ecobuntui am not currently running kde anyways06:16
sampanif i'm gonna run something so 'plain', i'll use xfce06:16
regeyagnome is nice, but yeah, a bit plain.06:16
_chavognome is just too stripped down and simplified06:16
sampansame plain-ness and lightning fast06:16
cyneanyone know how to insert an image into an email in Kontact?06:16
_chavoit's great if you're just starting out06:16
ecobuntulol gnome is?06:16
ecobuntumore than kde?06:16
ecobuntuhow do you figure?06:16
ecobuntukde is way more like windows06:17
frank23actually windows->kde transition is much easier06:17
ecobuntui agree frank2306:17
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_chavoI didn't say windows->Linux06:17
regeyaecobuntu: even kde devs have acknowledged that kde needs work in the usability dept.  hush. :-)06:17
sampankde has so many options though -- so it's easy to get overwhelmed for someone just new -- but the default is pretty windowish06:17
godzerocyne: I don't use kontact much, but I wouldhave thought drag-n-drop would work06:17
ecobuntuanyways i like them both06:17
regeyabear in mind that people could--and I know this is a stretch--have an ubuntu box be their first computer-using experience.06:18
frank23_chavo: maybe you're right. gnome would be simpler for a new computer user06:18
ecobuntui like in ubuntu that they look different too not like in fedora06:18
_chavoI just like a lot of the little things KDE does, remembering window positions, changing desktops with scrollwheel, etc06:18
sampanregeya, it's a theoretical possibility you mean ;)06:18
regeyahonest to pete, I live in the good ol' u.s.-of-a. and I just had the pleasure of introducing someone to the world of desktop computing.06:18
regeyaI wish I was joking.06:18
propagandhii also like kde's software selection a lot better than gnomes06:18
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propagandhinot that i dont use gnome software06:19
regeyaworse, she was hired for a job where she'd primarily be using computers.06:19
sampanyikes 06:19
regeyaeven more horrible, I'll be the one keeping her computer running. *wink*06:19
_chavoI have gnome installed too, I only really use the Gimp and synaptic though06:19
godzeroI still don't think (k)ubuntu is as polished as the older desktop distros, but that's not why I use it06:19
ecobuntuthe only kde apps i care for our kaffeine and amarok06:20
regeyaI use, hm, kino comes to mind, also inkscape.06:20
ecobuntui've heard inkscape is pretty neat06:20
ecobuntui've never used it06:20
sampankonsole is a huge draw for me -- all the other term programs seem to mess up with irssi output at some point06:20
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godzerokonqueror is my favorite browser. 10x better than firefox06:20
ecobuntui like galeon06:21
stupacamen to that06:21
chavoyes I think konq is the best browser out there06:21
stupacunfortunatly I wish it had the extensions of firefox06:21
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chavostupac, which extensions?06:21
godzeromost of the extentions I wanted are already in konq06:21
stupacI'm big on the stumbler one, do they have that one for konqueror now?06:21
=== regeya uses firefox for extensions, also use firefox under windows and os x, no need to use three browsers for three platforms
propagandhiopera is getting pretty damn good, but it still has a few rendering issues 06:22
godzerostumble apon, not that I know of06:22
stupacyeah thats it, I just wish it had that06:22
propagandhii like how you can have browsing, email and IRC all in the one app06:22
godzeroopera is off my list. proprietory and all that06:23
stupacbut for practicality, but it's superior in all else06:23
chavooh don't know what that is. I don't really like firefox it seemjs out of place in any platform06:23
stupacyeah, can't stand the adds06:23
propagandhithere are no ads06:23
propagandhiits open source now06:23
regeyawow, this crowd is better than gnome crowds; usually hear the p&m sessions about how much better and more integrated epiphany is.06:23
chavoyeah opera is free now06:23
godzerofree, yes, but source?06:23
regeyanot nearly as integrated as konq, but heh06:24
sampanthey still require you to click an EULA06:24
sampani just installed it06:24
stupacon opera? pretty neat, I'll have to check it out06:24
chavostupac, as of the latest version opera has no more ads06:24
sampanthe static deb (for opera) worked perfect for me06:24
propagandhiok, maybe not open source06:24
propagandhibut free in any case06:24
sampanfree, no ads, but still proprietary06:24
propagandhiand its mail facility rivals most, as well as its IRC client, and the browser has gotten a lot better than when i was checking it out a few years back06:25
godzerobummer, had my happy for a sec there06:25
regeyaand that's what I like about it, chavo.  looks somewhat native, but also looks very similar on all supported platforms.  whatever floats your boat. :-)  heh, on my kubuntu box I switch between konq and ff, and at work on os x I switch between safari and ff.06:25
regeyareal shame about safari's khtml codebase veering further away from mainline khtml though.  apple's branch seems to work very nice.06:26
godzeroI use konq90%/firefox10% fire fox is ok for a slim browser, pluss it works with some sites konq doesn't fully(like gmail)06:27
chavogodzero, gmail works for me in konq06:27
regeyaooh, hand't tried konq w/gmail yet06:27
=== regeya should try that, and also gg maps. gg maps + safari == no go
Tm_Tgtalk works for me on kopete ;)06:28
godzerogmail's advanced stuff doesn't work, like settings06:28
chavochange your browser identification for google maps and it loads fine06:28
DigitalHobbitcan anyone recommend a reliable and fast US mirror? looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive right now06:29
chavoI set mine to Mozilla 1.7.3 and the maps work great06:30
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godzerowhy do I type "plus" with 2 Ss today? gotta be that crack I'm smoking. Look back, every plus is spelled pluss, arg06:30
laszlokkonqueror is awesome - i just discivered web shortcuts06:30
xblhelp!!! my X can't start!06:30
laszlokfirefox takes too long to load compared to konqueror (which is preloaded under KDE)06:31
xbli have installed kubuntu 5.10 and ubuntu for i think 7 time already06:31
frank23laszlok: just leave firefox on on one desktop screen06:31
godzerowell 1/4 - 1/2 preloaded anyways06:31
xblplease help....06:33
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godzerohow do you revert to kde 3.4.x ? remove the entrys from sources.list and aptget update/upgrade?06:38
propagandhixbl: whats the error06:38
godzeropropagandhi: too slow06:38
godzeroI ran out for a cigarette, and he had logged out. ppl got give it a few minutes when the ask a question before the take off06:39
frank23godzero: its more complicated than that... 06:40
godzerofrank23: that's what I thought06:40
propagandhigodzero: thats funny, thats exactly what I just did too06:40
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frank23godzero: there is no easy way to downgrade and to tell you the truth I don't know exactly how to do it06:41
el-stupidohmm.. i just installed UT GOTY and when i run the application it does nothing.. just sits there for a long time..06:41
godzerofrank23: short of ripping out kde and reinsatlling it06:41
propagandhiI'm resigned to being patient and waiting for the next beta/final06:41
frank23godzero: yeah that's what I would do!06:41
godzeroI think I'll grin and bear it06:42
godzerotoo many apps installed that depend on qt, etc06:42
el-stupidoanyone can help?06:42
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manverui just got the breezy-badger live-dvd, but when i type 'live' at the promt, it wants me to install06:42
godzeroel-stupido: lanch it from konsole, note the errors if any06:43
frank23el-stupido: try to run it in a console. error message?06:43
manverui mean, i wanted to install kubuntu anyway, but i need to know if it works fine with my hardware06:44
godzerowhy does the name el-stupido make me think of homer simpson in a zoro outfit? Must be tooooo late.06:44
frank23manveru: I never tried the dvd... it won't boot live?06:44
manveruit 'loads installer components from cd' and fails to copy something06:45
el-stupidocan I just paste the error here?06:46
godzeromanveru: may be a bad burn... 06:46
frank23manveru: I don't know... try the live cd instead?06:46
el-stupidogodzero: Can I just paste the error here?06:46
manveruyeah, i thought so06:46
godzeroel-stupido: no06:46
godzeroel-stupido: pastebin it06:46
manverui certainly won't dl the cd as well... just hardly got the 3GB down06:46
godzerounless it's 1 line06:46
el-stupidogodzero: how do i do that? what is it lol06:46
manveruel-stupido; rafb.net/paste06:47
frank23look at the topic06:47
godzeroDon't flood the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com 06:47
el-stupidohehe ok06:47
manveruah, checking dvd-integrity shows me some errors...06:48
manveruso lets burn it again06:48
el-stupidothis is awesome06:48
el-stupido<3 KUbuntu (Linux)06:48
godzeroI don't know why, but a lot of install disks burn bad... dunno why06:48
chavogodzero, I've noticed that also, I just burn them at a slower speed and it seems to help06:49
el-stupidowont work even if i use sudo06:49
godzeroel-stupido: sudo /usr/local/games$ ut06:49
el-stupidosame error06:50
frank23el-stupido: how did you install it?06:50
el-stupidoCouldn't run Unreal Tournament (ut-bin). Is UT_DATA_PATH set?   <--- this bit06:50
el-stupidoi used the Loki installer06:51
el-stupidoi have the 2 cd pack GOTY06:51
el-stupidoinstallations successful (least what it told me)06:51
el-stupidobut i did run into trouble installing the NVidia drivers06:51
godzerosudo rm -r /home/shantanu/.loki   ??? try again06:51
frank23el-stupido: glxinfo | grep direct   to check 3d06:52
el-stupidook.... it came up with a lot of gibberish06:53
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el-stupidocant make head or tail of that06:53
frank23el-stupido: what giberish?06:53
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frank23from glxinfo?06:54
el-stupidopastebin again?06:54
frank23one line:   glxinfo | grep direct06:54
godzerochavo: I never had a prob myself with dvds, but you see a lot of it in the channels and forums06:55
el-stupidono direct rendering06:55
frank23el-stupido: 3d acceleration does not work06:55
el-stupidoOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:55
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el-stupidoso you think ut might not be running cos of the driver?06:56
fatejudgerwhat the hell is up with Java in Breezy?06:56
frank23did you install nvidia with synaptic or adept?06:56
fatejudgerAzureus doesn't work anymore06:56
godzeroel-stupido: you'll need to load the module, or reboot to load the module after a driver install06:56
el-stupidoneither.. i downloaded the NVidia 7676 driver yesterday for 32 bit but couldnt install them06:56
frank23el-stupido: I don't know if it's the drivers fault but   you need   direct rendering: Yes06:56
frank23el-stupido: its easier to install with adept06:56
frank23!tell el-stupido about nvidia06:57
frank23fatejudger: you upgraded and azureus stopped working?06:57
frank23sudo update-alternatives java06:57
fatejudgerI formatted and reinstalled06:57
godzeroya, just adept|synaptic, search & install nvidia stuff, edit xorg.conf, reboot06:57
stupacI just tried upgrading to breezy, and I got an error half way through06:58
fatejudgerbut that's the GNU java compiler right?06:58
frank23fatejudger: oh.. you need to install a real java06:58
stupacnow half my stuff doesn't work06:58
fatejudgerfrank23: I tried downloading it off of their website06:58
fatejudgerfrank23: but the preinstalled one overwrites it06:58
stupacI'm trying to get openoffice back cause I gotta write a paper for psych due monday06:58
fatejudgerfrank23: Azureus only uses the preinstalled one06:58
el-stupidofrank23: I dont seem to have Adept .. should i just apt-get it?06:58
fatejudgerI either need to remove that one06:58
fatejudgeror I don't know06:58
godzeroel-stupido: not on breezy? what you waiting for?06:59
frank23fatejudger: no  if you installed a sun java,      sudo update-alternatives java  lets you choose what will be used06:59
fatejudgerfrank23: well I uninstalled it06:59
stupacI'm trying to fix the broken packages on my system cause I think that will fix it, but heres the error I get: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/39835806:59
fatejudgerfrank23: someone referred me to a package06:59
frank23el-stupido:   use synaptic or kynaptic06:59
fatejudgerbut the package made my computer crash06:59
ubotumethinks javadebs is for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or javadebs is for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy)07:00
insanekaneel-stupido: you can install it using 'sudo apt-get install adept'07:00
el-stupidofrank23: i dont seem to have them07:00
frank23el-stupido: system->package manager07:00
el-stupidogrr i have Adept07:00
el-stupidolol sorry07:00
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frank23el-stupido: install nvidia-glx07:01
insanekanestupac: what error did you get ?07:02
el-stupidofrank23: done07:02
stupacyou can see it all, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/39835807:02
frank23el-stupido: now sudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:02
insanekanestupac: delete the file, and just apt-get it again ... most probably a bad download07:03
el-stupidosudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found07:03
insanekanestupac: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/openoffice.org2-help-en-us_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu5_all.deb ....07:03
fatejudgerfrank23: that's the package that made my computer crash07:03
insanekanestupac: then, sudo apt-get install openoffice.org207:03
stupacI'll give that a try real fast07:03
frank23fatejudger: what do you mean your computer crashed?07:04
insanekanestupac: but ... i don't see why you need the help files to actually run OOo207:04
manveruok, second dvd was bad as well07:04
el-stupidofrank23: it wont work mate says command invalid07:04
stupacI never get past the splash screen though, so I'm not sure what is up07:05
godzerostupac: also try unistalling OOo2, then reistall it07:05
el-stupidofrank23: or not found rather07:05
frank23el-stupido: try again...  sudo /usr/sbin/nvidia-glx-config enable  maybe07:05
manveruthe same package (acpi-modules) has wrong checksum07:05
fatejudgerfrank23: the screen was completely screwed up07:05
fatejudgerfrank23: like X had totally crashed07:05
frank23fatejudger: because of java????07:05
el-stupidofrank23: still not found07:05
insanekanestupac: then, it may be another problem07:05
stupachmm, all it did was download the package then it spat back the same error07:05
frank23el-stupido: commit changes in adept to install stuff, right?07:05
insanekanestupac: you should try running it from console ... oowriter2 ... see if it spits any errors07:06
el-stupidofrank23: i clicked on "Keep"07:06
insanekanestupac: its immaterial ... the help files don't help anyway, and they are not necessary for running OOo afaict07:06
godzeromanveru: soulds like you may have a bad copy, md5 the .iso, and compare it to the one at the website07:06
insanekanestupac: it downloaded 23 MB in 2 minutes ?!?!07:06
manverugodzero; doing that already...07:07
stupacI got a 3MB/s07:07
godzeromanveru: good man07:07
el-stupidofrank23: got it07:07
fatejudgerfrank23: there is some memory leak07:07
insanekanestupac: amazing :)07:07
fatejudgerfrank23: I just tried it again07:07
fatejudgerfrank23: it didn't crash this time07:07
fatejudgerfrank23: but I could tell it was writing to the swap like crazy07:07
el-stupidofrank23: installed07:07
frank23fatejudger: that's strange...07:07
fatejudgerfrank23: it sure it07:08
stupacok, heres what I got when I ran it in console, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/39836907:08
fatejudgerfrank23: but didn't you say I needed to change which java version I used?07:08
godzeromanveru: about a month ago the daily build was bad. Maybe again?07:08
frank23fatejudger: basicallay you need    java -version  to say you're not using gnu's java07:08
fatejudgerfrank23: that command you gave me doesn't work07:08
el-stupidofrank23: In order to take full advantage of the changes, X needs to be restarted07:09
fatejudgerfrank23: is there another way to do it?07:09
insanekanestupac: try deleting /tmp/.ICE-unix/820307:09
manverugodzero; i don't think it's the daily build, it should be the official 5.10, right?07:09
manveruhell, that md5 takes quite some time07:09
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godzeromanveru: correct, just wondering if the same prob crept up again07:09
manverugodzero; ok, my checksum is bad07:10
frank23fatejudger: sorry its   sudo update-alternatives --config java 07:10
el-stupidofrank23: /etc/init.d/kdm stop ???????07:10
godzeromanveru: well, sounds like you know what to do, btw: did you d/l it by http/ftp or torrent?07:10
stupacgot the same error message after removing it, I also got a popup error /home/stupac/ does not exist07:10
frank23el-stupido: yes to restart X   (then  /etc/init.d/kdm start07:11
insanekanestupac: did the X server upgrade occur properly ?07:11
stupacI don't know, probably not07:11
manverugodzero; took the http-way, because torrent was creeping on 20kb/s over 2 days07:11
insanekanestupac: also, try this in console ... kdesu oowriter207:11
el-stupidogrr then i'l have to exit Konversation07:11
stupacI can't remember where it quite or what the rror was07:11
el-stupidofrank23: stay put lol jk07:12
manverugodzero; i will try to fix it using the torrent... wonder what happens07:12
godzerogood idea07:12
stupacnope, same thing07:12
insanekanestupac: hmm, its not a good idea to continue running your system ... but then you need the OOo immediately i think07:12
insanekanestupac: since you have about 3MB/s ... why don't you use the live CD ?07:13
godzeromy thought too07:13
fatejudgerfrank23: thanks, works great07:13
stupactheres an Idea07:13
insanekanestupac: that way you can take your time fixing the system, and you will have a working base to do your psychology report07:13
godzerofix it tomorrow07:13
stupacI got one sitting here07:13
frank23fatejudger: it works? what does  java -version say?07:13
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stupacthats a good idea07:13
fatejudgerI don't know07:13
fatejudgerbut I changed it to number 307:13
fatejudgerwhich is the one I installed07:13
fatejudgerand now Azureus runs a lot faster07:13
insanekanestupac: :)07:14
stupacbut you don't think my systems probably worth salvaging, just reinstall?07:14
fatejudgerand connects to people07:14
insanekanestupac: im very sure it can be salvaged ... that is what i love abt apt07:14
frank23fatejudger: yeah... mine didn't connect to peers with gnu's java07:14
insanekanestupac: im just not sure its worthwhile doing it right *now* seeing as you need to work on other stuff07:14
stupacjust might take a bit07:14
stupacyeah, I'll have to work on it later07:15
godzerostupac: prolly ok, unistall OOo, flush cache, /temp, try to reinstall07:15
fatejudgerfrank23: that's because it's old07:15
fatejudgerfrank23: GNU java sucks07:15
fatejudgerfrank23: there's no reason for it07:15
insanekanegodzero: its probably not an ooo issue07:15
godzerostupac: after ther report07:15
stupacalright, I'll have to get on that later07:15
frank23fatejudger: what? gnu's java is NEW and in development07:15
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stupacit's just gonna be bothering me until I can finish this darn report07:15
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insanekanestupac: :)07:15
fatejudgerfrank23: there's no use for a GNU version of Java07:15
stupacalright, later guys, thanks for the help guys, insanekane, godzero, you guys are awesome07:15
fatejudgerfrank23: especially since Java sucks compared to memory conserving languages like C++07:15
insanekanestupac: ciao07:16
godzeroinsanekane: I know, but it may be a moemroy overflow, so take it 1 step at a time07:16
unsurrealanyone very familiar with konqueror?07:16
el-stupidofrank23: ok done07:16
el-stupidofrank23: whats the grep command again?07:16
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frank23glxinfo | grep direct07:16
godzerounsurreal: whats the Q?07:17
billytwowillyhey, what's up with  amarok and tunepimp not working with mp3 in breezy?07:17
billytwowillymake: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk'.  Stop.07:17
ubotuI heard restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:17
frank23fatejudger: : a gnu version could be freely distributed: that's good07:17
billytwowillyI get that error when I try and build tunepimp07:17
insanekane!tell billytwowilly about mp307:17
el-stupidodirect rendering: Yes07:18
frank23el-stupido: 3d is good to go07:18
fatejudgerfrank23: why would that be any better than the package I got?07:18
el-stupidofrank23: Couldn't run Unreal Tournament (ut-bin). Is UT_DATA_PATH set? <--- still wont work mate07:19
billytwowillyinsanekane, I know about that, I'm trying to compile tunepimp to work properly and it is failing as shown above.07:19
frank23el-stupido: ;-)07:19
godzerounsurreal: What's your question? Almost everyone use konq here07:19
unsurrealgodzero: take a look at this pic http://www.mozillaquest.com/Linux04/Graphics/KDE-Konqueror-file-manager_2-tabs_578x423.jpg07:19
unsurrealsure its not current but w/e07:20
fatejudgerKonq sucks!07:20
unsurrealim missing the window drop down menu at the top, and side bar on the left07:20
unsurrealwas wondering how to get those things07:20
el-stupidofrank23: any suggestions?07:21
frank23el-stupido: I don't know anything about that loki installer07:21
chavounsurreal, hit F9 for the sidebar, the Window menu I believe was removed07:21
unsurrealhow come?07:21
unsurrealprolly dont knw that?07:21
frank23el-stupido: and those   mkdir   permission denied errors are very strange...07:21
chavounsurreal, I think they are trying to simplify konq, I build my own KDE though07:22
manverugodzero; ok, officially proof that torrent is dumb... it starts at the point that has the problem, and that is 2.5gb left07:22
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godzerounsurreal: they're trying to slim it down. I'm not happy with it either07:23
frank23el-stupido: try to run ut from your home directory07:23
godzeromanveru: you're prolly missing a few bytes, so the rest are leftshifted07:23
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unsurrealchavo or godzero: next q, when entering music folder on mounted iwndows partiton, my entire system becomes choppy07:24
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manverugodzero; wonder if jigdo or something is able to repair07:24
el-stupidofrank23: nah man.. same problem07:24
da_bon_bonhi all07:24
el-stupidofrank23: and i cant even find anything on the forums07:24
chavounsurreal, haven't seen that problem07:24
frank23el-stupido: where did you get the loki installer?07:24
da_bon_bonapokryphos: saw the light .. removed gnome .. but have gaim , xchat .. gparted installed :D07:24
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unsurrealwould it be the mere fact that there are 5000 files in that one folder07:25
godzeronever used jig, but prolly would do the same07:25
manverugodzero; is there jigdo for the dvd-release?07:25
user0why are the x86 ISO downloads broken?07:25
da_bon_bonhey .. i upgraded to kde35b2 and now i dont see any mounts in "Storage media" folder .. HELP!07:25
chavoda_bon_bon, there's a qtparted you know07:25
manveruuser0; don't know, mine as well07:25
unsurrealda_bon_bon: its a beta07:25
unsurreali went back to 3.4.307:25
frank23da_bon_bon: you can always use   kopete, konversation, qparted  ;-)07:25
da_bon_bonchavo: which tharashed my hard disk two times07:26
el-stupidofrank23: downloaded it from here --->http://www.princessleia.com/UT.html07:26
da_bon_bongparted is much safer07:26
da_bon_bonyes, frank23 :)07:26
da_bon_bonbut no alternative to firefox07:26
unsurrealchavo: would the konq prob be because of a vast amount of songs?07:26
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propagandhiok, I have the weirdest problem now. My disk keeps filling up, I'm sure its a log file or something thats growing huge from kde 3.5 beta 2 errors or something, when I restart its normal, then it just grows as i use the OS.07:26
da_bon_bonunsurreal: so ?07:26
chavoda_bon_bon, it's just a front end to parted07:26
godzeropropagandhi: that's all the warez I'm uploading to your hdd07:27
propagandhigodzero: oh in that case... its fine07:27
da_bon_bonchavo: but still, its bad :)07:27
da_bon_bonthe main problem is the mounts! :(07:27
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el-stupidofrank23: whats a stock install?07:27
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el-stupidofrank23: check this http://www.sujee.net/geeky/ut.html you think this could be the problem?07:28
guyabanohi there...07:28
godzeropropagandhi: how fast is the drive getting used up? I can't imagine a log getting that big that fast07:29
guyabanosos:  can someone please tell me how to connect on my network. i can ping other computers but i cant acces the files from other computers, im using samba07:29
da_bon_bondoes anyone else face the same problem >?07:29
propagandhiwell it takes a few hours07:29
propagandhiits on a 20GB partition with 14.4GB ACTUALLY used07:30
propagandhibut in a few hours from now it will be full07:30
frank23el-stupido: I don't think that's it... look in /usr/local/games/ut/ if the maps are there  (I think thats the right directory)07:30
godzeropropagandhi: so, like a gig an hour? wow, time think about the nuklear option07:31
guyabanosos:  can someone please tell me how to connect on my network. i can ping other computers but i cant acces the files from other computers, im using samba07:31
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el-stupidofrank23:  i see the maps07:32
frank23el-stupido: I really don't know how to help you...07:32
el-stupidofrank23: you have done enough mate thank you for your time07:33
da_bon_bondoes anyone on kde 3.5 beta 2 have the problem that no mounts appear in "storage media" ?07:34
chavoda_bon_bon, just checked and I have nothing in media:/ either, I never use it though07:35
da_bon_bonis it recomended to build kernels on ubuntu ? i want a 2.6.13 kernel with suspend2 enabled ..07:35
user0are the x86 iso images going to be back up any time soon?07:35
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el-stupidofrank23: you know anywhere else where i can ask for help?07:35
da_bon_bonchavo: system:/media ?07:35
el-stupido.j games07:36
chavoda_bon_bon, same thing07:36
da_bon_bonoh ok, chavo 07:36
frank23el-stupido: look for the transgaming / cedega forums07:37
frank23el-stupido: maybe there is somthimg there07:37
el-stupidofrank23: looking now07:39
godzeroso.... where's that kde 3.5 beta 2.1?07:40
da_bon_bongodzero: read the topic. kde beta 2 , not 2.107:41
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godzerolol, I have beta 2, but it's verrrry broken07:42
godzerojust my lame attenpt at humor07:43
chavoda_bon_bon, I'm getting an error starting kdemedia manger, you get anything like that when accessing media:/?07:43
da_bon_bonyes, chavo , i get that error after i restart hal once.07:44
da_bon_bonkde 3.5 is fucking broken.07:44
da_bon_boni want to go back.07:44
da_bon_bonis there any way to downgrade ?07:44
godzerochavo: I fet no error there, just a cd-r and floppy icon(s)07:44
da_bon_bongodzero: same here. we must have mounts.07:45
da_bon_bongodzero: do this -- /etc/init.d/hal restart07:45
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godzeroda_bon_bon: sudo: /etc/init.d/hal: command not found07:46
godzerolocate hal07:46
diwakerhey, does anyone know a good solution to the artsd crashing problem in the latest kde3.5beta2 packages?07:46
godzerosorry, cursor was still here07:46
da_bon_bondiwaker: in sound settings, disable kde sound system07:46
da_bon_boni meant dbus07:47
da_bon_bongodzero: do this -- /etc/init.d/dbus restart07:47
diwakerda_bon_bon: i did that. thats not a very solution though07:47
da_bon_bondiwaker: the best one at the momen07:47
diwakerdo we know what exactly the problem is?07:47
da_bon_bonmaybe Riddell does.07:47
chavothe problem is people expecting beta software to work flawlessly07:48
da_bon_bonfuck! breezy updates always fails gpg check07:48
godzeroda_bon_bon: yep, that killed media:/07:48
da_bon_bongodzero: kdemediamanager ?07:48
godzeroda_bon_bon: kde mediamanager not running07:48
da_bon_bonits not a kde problem though.07:48
da_bon_bonkde35b2 works falwlessly on my archlinux install.07:49
chavohmm hal is not starting07:49
da_bon_bonchavo: hal is not installed at al07:49
chavoexit with return code 107:50
godzeroI feel sorry for my machine, I'm all too willing to install beta stuff, and run random sudo commands on it07:50
da_bon_bonits installed07:50
da_bon_bonchavo: used strace ?07:50
da_bon_bonthen how come /etc/init.d/dbus restart shows [ok]  ?07:50
chavoda_bon_bon, I get the hal error restarting dbus here07:51
godzerono hall error here07:51
da_bon_bonno error here too07:52
da_bon_bon * Stopping Hardware abstraction layer: 07:52
da_bon_bon/etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal: line 49: kill: (15023) - No such process07:52
da_bon_bon   ...done.07:52
da_bon_bon * Stopping system message bus...07:52
da_bon_bon   ...done.07:52
da_bon_bon * Starting system message bus...07:52
da_bon_bon   ...done.07:52
da_bon_bon * Starting Hardware abstraction layer: 07:52
da_bon_bon   ...done.07:52
da_bon_bonsee ?07:52
da_bon_bonfuck ! i want to downgrade07:53
da_bon_bonhow do i do that ?07:53
da_bon_boni have the packages locally cached07:53
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godzeroI think you would have to either rip out kde and deps wholesale and reinstall 3.4.x,or manuall downgrade every package07:54
da_bon_boni will do "dpkg -i *" in the cache dir07:55
aftertafhi again all07:56
godzeroaftertaf: hi, ps: what is a taf?07:57
diwakerchavo: hey if i expected software to run perfectly, i won't be running beta :)07:57
frank23da_bon_bon: tell us if that works07:57
diwakerchavo: i'm just curious to know what the problem is07:57
aftertaftaf is french slang for work07:57
da_bon_bonfrank23: err .. i was rather hoping someone else would tell me whether that worked :D07:57
aftertafda_bon_bon:  is it that broke?07:57
da_bon_bonbloody borken07:58
manveruok, only curious, but someone knows a tool to repair the download of an iso?07:58
godzeroda_bon_bon: looks like you nominated yourself. good luck :P07:58
propagandhiwell, I'm downgrading my suse 10 to kde  3.5 beta 1 at the moment07:58
da_bon_bongodzero: :(07:58
da_bon_bonpropagandhi: why ?07:58
aftertafda_bon_bon:  gpg error dont matter though07:59
propagandhibecause its rooted07:59
aftertafda_bon_bon:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt- get -f install ?07:59
da_bon_bonaftertaf: why ? no packages are broekn.07:59
godzeropropagandhi: howed it get rooted?07:59
aftertafda_bon_bon:  why not go to console, and remove/reinstall hal?08:00
aftertafda_bon_bon:  wazzup, hal fubarred?08:00
propagandhigodzero: i have no idea whats happened, but something in that update has caused the disk to fill up constantly without me even doing anything!08:00
propagandhiafter this i'll back ubuntu up and reinstall back to beta 1 too08:00
aftertafwhat does rooted mean?08:00
godzeropropagandhi: do you know which directory/partion was filling?08:01
da_bon_bonaftertaf: kde is fscked08:01
aftertafda_bon_bon:  e17 ;)08:01
da_bon_bonpropagandhi: maybe its a virus ? :D08:01
da_bon_bonaftertaf: kewl ! where u got that from ? packages ?08:01
godzerorooted meens someone has root access you your box08:01
aftertafbut it works lovely08:01
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da_bon_bonaftertaf: screenie ?08:01
aftertafgodzero:  ok. pwned for / ;)08:01
aftertafda_bon_bon:  whats the button again for screen capture?08:02
da_bon_bonaftertaf: i dont know .. which button ?08:02
propagandhiits okay, suse is much easier to downgrade than ubuntu08:02
da_bon_bonin e17 ?08:02
da_bon_bonpropagandhi: how come ?08:02
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aftertafda_bon_bon:  in linux :)08:03
da_bon_bonaftertaf: uh.. man import ? :D08:03
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propagandhiit just is.. the tools are there08:03
da_bon_bonaftertaf: u used some script to upgrade / build e17 ?08:03
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godzeroaftertaf: I sometimes assign a shortcut for Prt Scrn launches KSnapshot08:04
aftertafda_bon_bon:  nope, but its easy.    and there are scripts if you have direct net access. here i dont, so i get a tarball of the cvs.08:04
da_bon_boni have.08:04
da_bon_bonany idea of script ?08:04
da_bon_bon*which 08:04
hater2winwhat do i need to get mpeg, mov, avi, files to play?08:05
hater2winis there a certain package08:05
da_bon_bonhater2win: apt-get install mplayer-nogui kaffeine-mplayer08:05
godzerohater2win: enable universe and multiverse, search for you codecs/etc08:06
da_bon_bonapt-get install w32codecs akode-mpeg xine-ui too, hater2win 08:06
hater2winthanks guys08:06
aftertafda_bon_bon:  mail adr?08:07
da_bon_bonhater2win: apt-get install k3b-mp3 , if you want to burn mp3 as audio cds08:07
da_bon_bonaftertaf: email; ? rohandhruva@gmail.com08:07
da_bon_bonamarok is bloody heavy08:10
da_bon_bonaftertaf: ping08:11
godzeroda_bon_bon: I love amaroK, the version with breezy is dated already, but it does it all08:11
da_bon_bondated no problem08:11
aftertafda_bon_bon:  i cant dcc, stupid proxy.08:11
da_bon_bonbut it pushes my piii 550mhz to the limits08:11
da_bon_bonaftertaf: why not directly mail ? :D08:11
godzeroby date I meen the current point release fixes a lot of bugs that I'm suffering08:12
da_bon_bonwhich one ?08:12
da_bon_bonaftertaf: modprobe ip-conntrack-irc work ?08:12
godzeroda_bon_bon:  the one at kde.org?08:13
da_bon_bongodzero: i meant, which bugs does it fix ?08:13
godzerothe thing that stuck in my memory is some fixes to the podcast receiver08:14
aftertafda_bon_bon:  modprobe thing worked.08:14
aftertafda_bon_bon:  do i need to restart irc?08:15
godzerothere were more, but I read it a couple days ago08:15
aftertafda_bon_bon:  you getting a send file?08:15
da_bon_bonbut send once more08:15
da_bon_bonuh - huh .. not working here :(08:16
da_bon_bonfails at connecting08:16
aftertafdoh. check your mail....08:17
da_bon_bonaftertaf: you did not attach any file :)08:17
aftertafcrud :)08:18
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da_bon_bonwhats "crud" ?08:18
aftertafcrap :)08:19
da_bon_bonyou must say krap :D08:19
da_bon_bonaftertaf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59568&highlight=completely+remove+gnome08:19
aftertafgmail aint very clever with file attachments. you have to type in the path n all ... Krap08:19
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da_bon_bonhell.. i am goin ahead and compiling my own kernel .. 2.6.13 :P08:20
da_bon_bonany final thoughts ?08:21
aftertafdont do it. NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo08:21
aftertafwhy do that?08:21
godzeroI tried that once... I stall have flash-backs....08:21
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da_bon_bonfor suspend208:22
da_bon_bonfor suspend2, aftertaf 08:22
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godzerohibernate would be nice08:23
blackflaghello all :-)08:23
blackflagI have a package problem08:23
Tm_Tno you don't08:23
da_bon_bonlol, Tm_T 08:24
blackflagI tried to convert an rpm package with alien08:24
da_bon_bonblackflag: why ? why ? why oh why ????08:24
blackflagand installed it then08:24
aftertafblackflag:  argh!!08:24
da_bon_bondoesnt ubuntu have all that you need ?08:24
Tm_Talien is what it is08:24
blackflagnow I get the error dpkg error 108:24
Tm_Tjust ... alien08:24
da_bon_bonblackflag: paste the error08:24
morrowTm_T: and the only way to install a citrix client :)08:25
aftertafblackflag:  what is the pkg?08:25
blackflagokay, but how can I correct it now08:25
da_bon_bonpaste the error08:25
Tm_Tblackflag: more than 2 lines -> pastebin08:25
da_bon_bonand which package08:25
da_bon_bonTm_T: let him do it here :(08:25
godzeroda_bon_bon: about amaroK.. does turning off the analizer help much with the cpu usage?08:25
Tm_Tmorrow: I don't think so, I bet you can grab sources08:25
blackflagI have to translate the error, momeent08:25
morrowbinary only :(08:25
Tm_Tgodzero: it should08:25
Tm_Tmorrow: oh?08:26
Tm_Tmorrow: stay away from stuff like that!08:26
blackflagthe package should be reinstalled but can not find an archive08:26
da_bon_bongodzero: how does one do that ?08:26
blackflagthats the error08:26
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godzeroda_bon_bon: left clicking the analizer cycles thru the themes(?), one will be "none"08:27
Tm_Tblackflag: ok, what package it is?08:27
blackflagit is w32codec-all08:27
morrowTm_T: u can't demand the company to stop using windows terminal servers... (in fact this system is the only windows machine in the company) :)08:27
aftertafda_bon_bon:  nice site find man :)08:27
Tm_Tthere is w32codecs package08:27
morrowahh there is a tar.gz...08:27
Tm_Tmorrow: I can08:28
javbhello, i installed kubuntu from DVD, when i do apt-get install <something> it seems it doesnt check on the web..  the same with "adept" something i should do?08:28
da_bon_bonaftertaf: which one ?08:28
blackflagyes, there is, but there are not all files in it08:28
Tm_Tmorrow: I demand my school to provide linux-only environment...08:28
aftertafjavb:  yes, enable the http lines in sources list08:28
Tm_Tmorrow: no luck so far08:28
morrowyeah.. school :)08:28
blackflagso I tried to usetzhe -all package08:28
aftertafda_bon_bon:  bleeding edge e1708:28
propagandhii figured out what was smashing my disk08:28
morrowbut there still is no good client for SAP or Checkpoint which does not run on windows...08:28
javbaftertaf --- > mmm how can i do that?08:29
blackflagI used it cause I was not able to watch mpeg's08:29
aftertafjavb:  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list     then   remove the # before each deb http:// line08:29
Tm_Tmorrow: hmm, ok ok, I see the point08:29
godzerojavb: you have to uncomment some of the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list08:29
aftertaf!tell javb about repositories08:29
Tm_Tmorrow: but, rule of thumb, alien prolly does poor job08:29
aftertafand see ubouts link ;)08:29
aftertaf*ubotu's link even08:29
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aftertaf!good bot08:29
ubotuthanks aftertaf :)08:29
Tm_T!sucky bot08:30
ubotuWish i knew, Tm_T08:30
da_bon_bonaftertaf: oh ok.. will do that today nite :)08:30
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blackflagcan someone help with that issue?08:30
aftertaf:) da_bon_bon 08:30
Tm_Tblackflag: install w32codecs package08:30
propagandhigodzero: can u tell me how much cpu the kicker is utilising on your system08:30
aftertafblackflag:  use dpkg to remove/purge it.  08:30
Tm_Taftertaf: yu, carry on, coffee to me ->08:31
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godzeropropagandhi: right now, running konversatrion, a couple instances of konq, and amaroK, using about 5-10% on a 2.8G celeron08:31
=== da_bon_bon compiles a keeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrneeeeeeeeeeelllllllll :)
da_bon_bonwooo hooo08:32
strannikHello guys, i'm very very new to kubunto, i have just installed kde from ubuntu08:32
blackflagdpkg: action --control and --remove are in conflict08:32
da_bon_bonstrannik: kubuntu :)08:32
blackflagso ,what?08:32
propagandhigodzero: kicker alone was using 89% cpu 08:32
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blackflaghas someoen an idea?08:32
strannikcan somebody tell me where do i setup the drivers for the hardware, i was using suse earlier for about a month (thats all of the linux exp. i have using linux) and i did it through yast there08:33
godzeropropagandhi: is your kicker computing the answer to life and all things? Because the answer is 42.08:33
strannikwhere do i do it now?08:33
propagandhigodzero: no, my computer is computing a computer to calculate life and all things08:34
godzeropropagandhi: oh, carry on then...08:34
stranniki need to instal the driver for my lg monitor, because i can't change the resolution to anything exept 640x480 at 60 hz08:35
propagandhigodzero: minute i stopped kicker my disk stopped getting smashed08:35
godzerohmm, maybe kicker is trying to launch a applet, or locate a resource that's unavailable..??..08:36
propagandhigodzero: i have no idea, but the fact that its affecting storage space tells me it must be outputting something somewhere08:37
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godzerois there a command to see what files a process has open?08:38
propagandhinot that i know of08:38
propagandhii could use tail on the file if i knew what it was08:38
godzerowhats tail? tale $filename outputs owner?08:39
propagandhiyou can tail -f or something and it will watch a file being filled08:39
propagandhiso i can see whats happening08:39
el-stupidoanyne plays UT on Linux?08:40
el-stupidoi never thought it'd be this hard08:40
propagandhigodzero: say, like if you outputted apt-get dist-upgrade to a file,  and then tailed it you'd see apt-get dist-upgrade running08:40
godzeroI read to man page08:40
da_bon_boni am off08:41
da_bon_bonccya guys08:41
godzerolast N lines in file08:41
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godzeronow if there was an easy way to see what program is keeping my cd mounted...08:43
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godzerolsof workes for that too? cool08:44
BlankCsomething like lsof /dev/hdc should tell you.08:45
sampancan't the find command be used to find large files?  with the -size flag?08:45
godzeroI was about to say I thought that was only for /dev stuff.. then realized...08:45
sampanpropagandhi  assuming that whatever is clogging up your partition is one gigantic file, you should be able to find it?08:45
BlankCKonqueror has a mode to see big files...its: View -> View Mode -> File Size View08:47
sampandoes that just filter the current folder's view?  if so, he'd still have to surf through every folder till he sees the gigantic file ...?08:48
BlankCyes...but it can help narrow it down. To do it with find: find / -size 200M08:49
aftertafrightclick properties lets you see which folder is huge.... then you track down bit by bit.08:49
BlankCplus: cd / ; du -sh *08:50
BlankCfind and du may work better with a sudo.08:50
sampanyeah the / is important -- as would be "sudo" so you don't get Permission denied :D08:50
sampanjust tried that and got a ton of output -- but propagandhi is talking about GIGABYTES of crud, so maybe a really high number would produce just one result08:51
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BlankCsudo find / -size 2G08:52
propagandhiBlankC - i will check that, and thanx sampan also08:53
sampansure ... glad blankc had the correct syntax 08:53
sampan<--- uber-newb08:53
propagandhiwill that find files that are 2GB, or files 2GB and over08:54
sampanif you use a + it will do larger than i think08:54
sampanbut it might be irrelevant -- not sure 08:54
godzeroI never know what I'll learn next comming to this #. Just lurking here is a good way to learn alot.08:55
=== sampan goes to read a man page
BlankCoops how about: sudo find / -size +2G08:56
propagandhifound the b@#!d08:56
propagandhiTHANX lad08:56
godzerowhat was it?08:56
propagandhii should have thought it'd be /home/user/.xsession-errors08:57
propagandhinow if only i can find a way to limit that file to something more reasonable, say 100MB max08:57
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sampandoes that file get temporarily dumped/refreshed automatically?08:59
propagandhifor your reference guys - i think this is a prob similar to mine08:59
godzerohrmm, just read my xsession-errors..... seems I should do something fatal to kbluetoothd08:59
propagandhithe file is cleared either at boot or shutdown, not sure which yet, but steadily grows when working on 08:59
propagandhistill no idea how to limit in on a number of lines or similar09:00
BlankCNot sure how limit log sizes in general but perhaps logrotate may help.09:01
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godzerochmod -r ?09:01
sampanyeah that bluetoothd is about 75% of the lines in my .xsession-errors09:02
sampanthat's annoying for something i don't and won't ever use09:02
propagandhiBlankC - I've set all other logs to 50MB and to only keep the last 10 stored, but cant find how to do the same with .xsession-errors09:03
raphinkI'm testing the windows transparency in KDE 3.5 and wow you better have at least a 3GHz proc for that!09:03
godzerolink -s /.....xsession-errors /dev/null09:03
raphinkit's just too slow for me09:03
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BlankCcant you just turn off kbluetoothd?09:03
sampani dunno09:03
godzeromine's bluetoothd too, but only 300KB or so09:04
sampancan kill the process -- but how do i keep it from coming up at login?09:05
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BlankCYou can disable it in K -> System Settings : System Services (the thing is called  bluez-utils) Dunno what shutting it off will do.09:08
godzerokded is dead so I can't kill it right now09:10
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sampanthanks blankc -- i'm counting on it being limited to bluetooth (as it's name implies) :X09:11
BlankCI disabled mine..but had to kill the kbluetoothd by hand. Didnt try a reboot yet.09:11
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godzerohey guys, about konqueror... the google search plugin. The auto guess function is crap, sorry Krap. If you qwery isn't in the list, it deletes it09:12
sampanyeah, i made the mistake of killing kbluetoothd by hand and then clicking on "bluetooth" in system settings, which restarted it :/09:12
godzerosampan: lol09:12
sampandefinite "DOH!" moment09:12
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godzeroraphink: what video card are you using?09:17
raphinkasus radeon 9200 128MB09:17
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raphinkyou think it's linked to my video card?09:18
godzeroI have a 9200 se, and I can't get compositing working at all, can I look at you xorg.conf?09:19
deaconHey, I have a Breezy question.  Why didn't Breezy ask me for an Root password when I set it up?09:19
raphinkdid you enable Composite in your xorg.conf?09:19
raphinkdeacon: it has been this way with ubuntu from the beginning I think09:19
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raphinkexcept if you set it in expert mode09:20
sampanno root account by default09:20
raphinkyou have to use sudo09:20
sampanuse sudo with your own password09:20
deaconNo, Hoary asked me for a root password.09:20
godzeroraphink: I had it running fine with my intel inegrated 845gv, but I have something fubarred in xorg.cong I think09:20
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deaconExpert mode??09:20
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blackflaghello all :-)09:21
raphinkI'm sending you my xorg.conf deacon 09:21
Claryplease...helpe me to install a program called XMGR09:21
raphinkdeacon: there's an expert mode at install09:21
raphinkwhen Isolinux boots09:21
blackflagthere is a problem with windows settings in systemsettings09:21
raphinkyou type `expert' in the prompt09:21
deaconand if I didn't use that, is there any way to SET a root password?09:21
raphinksudo passwd root09:22
blackflagwhen I choose an item then it is to large to get the button administer09:22
raphinkbut it's not useful09:22
raphinkdeacon: when you want to be root, you can use `sudo su'09:22
deaconok,  I now have a root password09:22
deaconsudo su isn't very useful in the gui utils09:23
raphinkwhy would you need it for gui?09:23
raphinkthere's kdesu09:23
deaconyou want to go into admin mode,  you need the root password09:23
raphinkyou need YOUR password09:23
deaconthat didn't work09:23
raphinkubuntu is set with sudo by default09:23
deaconI know, I trie 10 times09:23
raphinkshould have worked09:23
godzeroraphink: thanks. Looks alot like mine, but I hava alot of cruft that's prolly interfering, so I'll trim mine down using yours as a guide09:23
deaconbut it should work now09:24
raphinkI doubt it will work with a root passwd09:24
raphinkin gui09:24
raphinkdeacon: you have sudo rights, so it's your own passwd you should enter in gui boxes09:25
deaconnope,  it doesn't09:25
sampani've wondered if there's a way to remove a root pass if someone sets it09:25
deacondoesn't work with either password09:25
deaconHmmm.... possible bug?09:26
raphinkit's not a pb with your num lock ?09:27
deaconI am using the 64 bit version09:27
deaconnope, num lock off09:27
Clary c' qlke buon anima italiana????????????09:27
asranielanyone here that is able to mount window shares with smb4k?09:27
deaconasraniel: I haven't tried it myself09:28
raphinkClary: /join #kubuntu-it09:28
Tm_TClary: no colours please09:28
deaconaww, that's a nice burnt umber though09:28
raphinkClary: no se parla l'italiano ci09:28
Tm_Tuhhh, my eyes09:29
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deaconwell, it's almost 3:30 AM here, I'll figure out the gui utils issue tomorrow, or some other time.  I need sleep now.09:29
godzeroraphink: brb, wish me luck09:30
asranieldeacon: well, it doesent work, i just wanted to know if someone is able to, if not i will fill a bugreport09:39
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godzeroraphink: No luck. Prolly kde 3.5 beta 2 mucking it up09:44
raphinkwhat do you mean?09:50
raphinkit worked for me 09:51
godzeroraphink: are you running kde 3.5 b2?09:51
godzeroI'm gunna cry now09:51
raphinkaw :(09:51
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propagandhigodzero: problem solveed09:54
godzeroI have integrated video (crappy) on the agp bus, and the ati on the pci bus, the intel chip does OK 2d & compositing, but hardly any 3D, so I use the ATI, but no compositing. I have many video probs with kde 3.5 that I didn't with 3.4.x09:54
raphinkyeah konqueror is not crashing anymore :)09:55
godzeropropagandhi: death to kbluetothd?09:55
propagandhigodzero: no remember my issue was kicker09:56
propagandhifilling up my hard disk09:56
raphinkgodzero: 3d works fine for me, not very very fast, but fast enough09:56
godzeroya, wasn't that traced to kbluetoothd? or am I confused again?09:56
raphinkfor celestia or planetpenguin-racer it's enough09:56
propagandhinot sure about that much but I took other measures to ensure the xsession-errors file couldnt be allowed to get that large again09:57
godzeroppracer is fine, quake 3 fine, etc 3d is passable09:57
godzerono celestia - crashs on launch :(09:58
godzeropropagandhi: explain09:58
godzeroraphink: I actualy really like celestia so I'm a little bummed09:59
raphinkaw :(09:59
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propagandhigodzero: i added the xsession-errors file to logrotation, set max limit of the file to 25MB before rotation and told it to only store the last 4 logs10:00
propagandhiso the max space that particular file will be able to cost me is 100MB10:00
propagandhifrom my research Ive noted it has been a problem that has plagued numerous distros at numerous points in time10:01
propagandhiI mean, at one stage that file was 12GB - one log file, 12GB10:01
godzeroHow long do you think it took to do that? a couple days?10:03
propagandhigodzero: think more like 5 hours10:04
godzeromy uptime _was_ like 12 hrs, and my log was only 2-300KB10:05
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propagandhiyep, thats what was driving me nuts10:05
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nikkiamornin apokryphos10:09
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propagandhiuptime 112 days10:10
propagandhithats decent10:10
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godzero3:11am, time for bed. Later people.10:12
raphinkbye godzero 10:12
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DocTomoeAre the bugs in Kubuntus Koalition Packages to be fixed? If not, I'd downgrade to Kanzler because of system stability.10:20
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propagandhiDocTomoe: they'll be fixed, but not until the next beta or final, there are indeed many bugs10:29
raphinkDocTomoe: that's pretty harsh, you're free to do what you want with your machine ;)10:29
DocTomoepropagandhi: I do not speak of KDE's bugs, but of the bugs that only appear in Kubuntus Packages ...10:31
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propagandhiDocTomoe: exactly what do you mean by that10:31
DocTomoestuff like the artsd error that only appear in Kubuntu - but not on my Gentoo system10:32
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DocTomoehas that bug an official name? artsd crashes every 5 seconds or so and there is a "crashed application" dialouge every time10:32
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raphinkhi spiral 10:35
HobbseeDocTomoe: dont know, but it's in the wiki of kubuntu known problems10:36
Hobbseeand the crashed dialogue box is extremely annoying!10:36
raphinknow it crashes only once on mine10:37
raphinkonce per session10:37
Hobbseei just went back to beta 110:37
raphinkI'm keeping beta210:37
raphinkthere are nice things10:37
propagandhiHobsee: i did the same10:37
raphinkand reporting bugs is useful10:37
Hobbseewhat new stuff is there?10:37
propagandhiand i did the same on suse 1010:37
Hobbseei didnt really notice that much new stuff10:37
raphinkjust a few10:38
raphinkI noticed a new version of kopete10:38
raphinkvery nice10:38
propagandhiyes, the new kopete was cool10:38
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raphinkthe desktop manager in kicker supports transparency better10:38
raphinkjust a few things10:38
Hobbseei cant stand the blue faces though!!!!   the rest of it is in pretty colours, but the faces there are bright blue!10:38
Hobbseeewww i say!10:38
propagandhiyou could skin that though couldnt u10:39
raphinkyou can use another icon theme or emoticons theme10:39
raphinkI don't have blue faces10:39
Hobbseeyeah, i was using the msn 7 one10:39
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Hobbseeefficient theme10:40
raphinkI tried the animated one10:40
raphinkit's nice but the shortcuts are weird10:41
raphinkso if you use the icons the guy on the other side will not get any smiley10:41
raphinkand vice versa10:41
Hobbseei didnt know you could skin the main window, i'll have to check that out10:41
Hobbseeyeah, that's a pain10:41
Hobbseeand why i was using the msn 7 emoticons10:41
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raphinkthis didn't change10:43
raphinkthe msn7 theme still makes kopete crash10:43
Hobbseeoh...is that why it crashes every once in a while!10:43
raphinkno idea10:43
raphinkit crashes when I try to add the icon theme10:44
raphinkI'll do it manually see if it works10:44
Hobbseei just get a box that says that it had trouble, but that you can try it anyway10:44
Hobbseeand it lets you use all the emoticons fine10:44
Hobbseehi qos 10:45
qosi am trying to changed the owner of a directory on a mounted fat32 directory, but it fail because of 'no permission'. but i did it as root and with sudo. so whats going on`?10:45
raphinkit works if I install it manually10:45
Hobbseeqos: who does it say it's owned by now?  no one?10:46
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qosHobbsee, the directory is owned by root. i want to change it to my username.10:46
raphinkfat32 uses unix owner permissions?10:47
Hobbseeisnt that something to do with chown in the command line?10:47
raphinkyes you could use10:47
raphinkchown user:group10:47
raphinkif it's a directory10:47
raphinkchown -R user:group dir10:47
propagandhihas anyone used the webcam with kopete yet10:47
raphinkthere's webcam support now ? :)10:47
propagandhiwell, there is on mine10:48
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qosyeah, i typed : "chown -R qos:qos  /path/..."10:48
raphinkwhat version do you have propagandhi ?10:48
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andreas_what to do?10:48
chemaalgun espaol???10:48
qosdid i mentioned that i want to change the ownergroup? the directory itself IS owned by me.10:49
propagandhichema: ENGLISH10:49
raphinkjust what it says andreas_ : run apt-get update and hope it works ;)10:49
chemapropagandhi: ok thanks10:49
raphinkchema: /join #kubuntu-es10:49
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da_bon_bonhi all10:50
raphinkhi da_bon_bon 10:50
da_bon_bonfinally got suspend2 to work in ubuntu10:50
da_bon_bonwith usplash10:50
da_bon_bonhi, raphink :)10:50
da_bon_bon2.6.13 kernel10:51
da_bon_bondebianised :)10:51
Hobbseeda_bon_bon: nice!10:51
Hobbseehow stable is 2.6.13?10:51
da_bon_bonfully stable10:51
da_bon_boni used my own .config , though'10:51
andreas_raphink: it might not have been obvious, but that error happens -after- an update10:51
da_bon_bonand vanilla kernel source10:51
da_bon_bonjsut suspend2 patch10:51
raphinkyes I know andreas_ 10:52
qosso, another question. it think my problem has to do with the way i mounted the partition. what's the best way to mount an fat32 partition?10:52
raphinkthere was a problem fetching some sources10:52
raphinkso you have to wait and try running apt-get update again10:52
raphinkit doesn't seem to be a problem with your machine andreas_ 10:53
raphinkso yes it happened after an update, and an update should set it right 10:53
andreas_raphink: this problem has been persistent for several days and no apt-get updates have worked yet10:53
Hobbsee!tell qos about faq10:53
ubotuhmm... faq is The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://doc.ubuntu.com/gnome/faqi386/C/10:54
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el-stupidoanyone here plays UT?10:54
raphinknot me10:55
da_bon_bonwhere is the option to disable "large desktop icons" ?10:55
Tm_Tnot really10:55
raphinkandreas_: can you still install packages?10:55
raphinkor upgrade?10:55
Tm_Tda_bon_bon: ?10:55
chemasorry for my english but i need install cedega but i dont khnow10:55
Tm_Tda_bon_bon: you mean to get rid of them totally?10:55
da_bon_bonTm_T: yes .. it appears in kpersonalizer .. so it must appear somewhere in kcontrol too ..10:55
ubotusomebody said faq was The Ubuntu FAQ Guide: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or http://doc.ubuntu.com/gnome/faqi386/C/10:56
da_bon_bonTm_T: no.10:56
da_bon_bonTm_T: i want icons on desktop to be small10:56
da_bon_bonnot large10:56
raphinkwhat's cedega chema ?10:56
chemaraphink: tu hablas espaol10:56
ubotuhelp for cedega is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page10:56
raphinkda_bon_bon: you can set that in kcontrol -> icons10:56
raphinkchema: si10:56
chemaraphink: cedega es un programa tipo wine pero para juegos10:57
chemay no se instalarlo10:57
raphinkah ok10:57
chemaaparte de que soy nobato10:57
chemapor decirte que no se instalar el no-ip10:57
chemame da error10:57
da_bon_bonno, raphink 10:57
da_bon_bonraphink: not that ..10:57
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raphinkthen what da_bon_bon ?10:58
da_bon_bonraphink: run kpersonalizer , you will know .. in performance there is a slider of speed vs. appearance, there in avanced options, there is "large desktop icons"10:58
raphinkkcontrol -> look & feel -> icons -> advanced10:59
raphinkoh ok10:59
da_bon_bonwow! konqi is MUCH faster than firefox10:59
da_bon_bonbut it sucks at gmail :(10:59
raphinkno it doesn't11:00
raphinkyou can use spoofing11:00
chemaraphink: sabes de algun manual o algo que te explique?? uso el ubuntu y le aadi kde, que coo uso el kubuntu11:00
raphinkand choose to identify the browser as Firefox 1.011:00
raphinkthen gmail works11:00
raphinkchema: yo no uso juegos, entonces no se11:01
da_bon_bonraphink: ok .. 11:01
raphinkyou know how to use spoofing da_bon_bon ?11:01
el-stupidohow do I install my mic?11:01
chemaraphink: bueno tambien kiero montar un servidor en casa web, lo tengo en windows pero no se migrarlo a linux, es phpnuke, sabes algo de una guia pa eso???11:01
Hobbseei love how samba, and then the printers from there "just work" - scans first go and finds the printer11:02
da_bon_bontrying it out.11:02
raphinkchema: tienes que instalar un servidor web, como apache211:02
da_bon_bondoes kubuntu specially modify konqi such that java script works ?11:02
raphinkI don't think so11:03
chemaraphink: si pero la bbdd donde va alojada?? la direccion, es que no se donde meterla11:03
raphinkits a normal konqui I think11:03
raphinkmeterla que?11:03
raphinkque es bbdd?11:03
chemala base de datos del phpnuke que tengo ya creada11:03
chemabbdd es base de datos11:03
da_bon_bonerr .. why not #ubuntu-XX ?11:03
raphinkyes I said so already da_bon_bon 11:03
raphinkchema: /join #ubuntu-es11:04
raphinkseria mejor para ti11:04
qoshas anybody tried to shared an firefox profile on an fat32 partition to use it in linux an windows?11:04
raphinkte pueden ayudar en espanol11:04
chemasupongo, pero espero que haya gente 11:04
raphinkqos: ouch11:04
chemaraphink: gracias por ayudarme mil gracias11:04
raphinkseguro si chema 11:04
qosraphink: why ouch?11:05
raphinkqos: sharing settings between several linux distros is already not very wise11:05
_mindspinach wenn ich doch spanisch knnte11:05
Hobbseenow i see the advantages in learning a foreign language...11:05
raphinksharing with mac os is worse11:05
raphinksharing with windows is a very bad idea11:05
raphinkja _mindspin ;)11:05
_mindspinHobbsee: ;-)11:05
Hobbsee_mindspin: that sounds a lot like german...or am i being tricked!11:05
_mindspinyep thats german11:05
raphink_mindspin: es ist gut um mit spanischen mdchen zu sprechen11:06
qosraphink, did you try it?11:06
Hobbseegood to see ich habe vergessen alle meine Deutsch11:06
raphinkqos: never had windows11:06
raphinkbut I wouldn't try it if I were you11:06
_mindspinspanish girls are very rare here ;-)11:06
asranieli should also use my espagnol...11:06
raphinkconsidering the issues I had sharing my settings with mac os x already11:06
Hobbseespeaking to spanish girls are you?11:06
qosraphink: ;) but i am searching an nice methode to share my browsersettings and emails on both systems11:07
raphinkasraniel: tiens un francophone ;)11:07
Hobbseecant type fast enough, clearly11:07
asranielraphink: pas vraiment, je suis suisse-allemand, mais je m'en sort pas mal en francais, ou moins j'essaye11:07
raphinkwell you can still try qos11:07
raphinkqos maybe save your settings first11:08
raphinkand then try to share them11:08
raphinkasraniel: c'est parceque tu as dit `espagnol' ;)11:08
raphinkqui est un mot franais11:08
asranielraphink: oui je viens de voir :-D c'est parceque je vis dans la partie francais de la suisse...11:08
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_mindspinl'expression exaczte serais castilliano n'est pas ?11:08
raphinkespanol serait dj bien11:09
raphinksinon castillano11:09
helpmeubuntu has docs when it gets installed...are there preinstalled docs in kubuntu too?11:09
qosraphink: sure, i already did. firefox starts and asks to select which profile, but the desired one is always in use.11:09
Hobbseehelpme: kmenu, help11:09
asraniel_mindspin: oui je crois, parceque si tu dis "espagnol" les cubains ou des autres americains latins sont vexer., je crois11:09
el-stupidohow do I test if my mic is working?11:10
raphinkyou can try with krecord for ex el-stupido 11:10
_mindspinbut my french is just enough for shopping .....11:10
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raphinkwhere are you from _mindspin ?11:11
_mindspingermany/frankfurt area11:11
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asraniel-mindspin: its not that bad...11:11
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raphinkmy german is not good either _mindspin 11:11
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_mindspinbut I never feel confortable when speaking french11:11
_mindspini love the english language11:12
raphinkhey I just saw that I lost my keyboad selector in kicker ! :(11:12
qos_mindspin: och deutsch ist doch auch nicht schlecht ;)11:12
asraniel_mindspin: well, english is just simple.. french is a nice language, as is german. and spanish is nice too, but im realy bad at it :-D11:13
raphinklately I'm trying to learn dutch11:13
raphinkthis is terrible11:13
_mindspindutch is also easy and nice language11:13
raphinkI can understand when it's written11:13
raphinkbut when it's spoken it just doesn't sound like anything :s11:13
_mindspinik hou van nederland ;-)11:13
_mindspinen ik geloof ik ben de eenige duitser ....11:14
raphinkik kan niets nerderlands goed spreken11:14
raphinknot sure this is correct11:14
_mindspinleave out the s in niets and it is ok11:14
raphinkthat's because it seems to me it's pronounced with an s when I hear it ;)11:15
raphinkik denk niet dat je de eenige duitser ben 11:15
_mindspinpronounciation is difficult because there are some regional forms of dutch speaking11:15
raphinkI'm used to Amsterdamer 11:15
raphinkwell I have been mostly between den Haag and Amsterdam11:16
_mindspinbut we are a minority here in moffenland11:16
raphinkmy best friend is from Aalsmeer 11:16
raphinkthat's why I'm learning ;)11:16
raphinkwell trying to at least11:16
_mindspinwhat do you  think, when is kubuntu breezy ready for productional use? any guesses?11:18
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helpmehow fast do kde apps load in gnome? same as in kde or faster?11:21
raphink you miss an option 11:21
el-stupidoraphink: i tar'd the krecord file.. nw how do i install it?11:21
raphinkel-stupido: that's not the best wayto install programs on linux11:22
raphinkyo uhave get used to easy ways to install programs ;)11:22
el-stupidoraphink: lol .. can ya show me one?11:22
raphinkyou can install from adept or synaptic or kynaptic  or whatever11:22
raphinkor from the console if you prefer11:22
raphinkjust open adept11:22
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raphinksearch for krecord11:22
raphinkand click install11:23
el-stupidooh that.. i tried... didnt find krecord11:23
el-stupidohad to d/l it11:23
helpmehow does adept fare with synaptic? what do u guys think?11:23
=== comm[A|n] der [n=robert@p54B39013.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
raphinkdidn't find krecord?11:24
comm[A|n] derhi all11:24
raphinkwell then in a console11:24
raphinkthat's weird11:24
raphinkdid you enable universe el-stupido ?11:25
el-stupidolemme see11:25
el-stupidodont see it11:25
el-stupidowhere do i do it from?11:26
aftertafweird. a kubuntu hoary install cd worked on 3 PCs, now it cant copy kdelibs-data. system borking on install :/11:26
raphinkwait a min el-stupido 11:27
aftertaftring the 5.10 iso freshly burned11:27
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ubotusources is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy)11:27
raphinkel-stupido: in adept, go to Adept -> Manage repositories11:28
=== el-stupido taps his fingers on the desk
el-stupidoraphink: ok11:29
el-stupidoraphink: then?11:29
raphinkthen you look at what ubotu told you11:29
el-stupidoubotu hasnt told me anything yet lol11:33
ubotuel-stupido: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?11:33
=== DocTomoe [n=martin@p54A90B4A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
raphinkel-stupido: look11:33
ubotufrom memory, sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy)11:33
raphinkthat was aimed to you11:33
el-stupidolol ok11:33
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aukeHi, does anyone know what I basically need in order to be able to build software? I Already installed make, gcc and g++, but obviously that not all yet.11:38
Kamping_Kaiserauke: build-essentails package 11:38
raphinkauke when you need to buidl a package from source11:39
raphinkfor example package foo11:39
raphinkyou can run11:39
raphinksudo apt-get build-dep food11:39
asranielthere are kde updates in kubuntu, where can i find a list of changes?11:39
raphinksudo apt-get --build source foo11:39
raphinkthat will build the package 11:40
raphinkso to answer your question11:40
raphinksudo apt-get build-dep foo11:40
raphinkshould make you sure you have the right dev libs before building11:40
aukeAnd what do i need if i want to do the ./ configure ands make stuff?11:40
_mindspinbuild essentials afaik11:41
raphinkwell just make, gcc and g++ most of the time11:41
raphinkI'm off11:42
_mindspinbut I would stick to ubuntian packages if possible11:42
_mindspinwhat do you want to install auke?11:42
aukeMindspin, i want to try to build lame. I haven't found a .deb for it11:43
raphinkthere is an ubuntu package for lame auke11:43
raphinkdo you have universe activated?11:44
_mindspinlame is in the repos yep11:44
_mindspinau revoir11:45
aukeWell, I guess I have to change something in my sources.list.11:45
_mindspinadd universe and multiverse and you'll have nearly everything you want11:46
aftertafi got a pb with kdelibs4 package on hoary cd install. CD not working, and i got breezy CD and added with apt-cdrom add.11:46
_mindspinmaybe you should wait afew days if you use breezy11:47
aftertafbut i can't install anything cos it says kdelibs4 needs reinstalling and it cant find a candidate.11:47
aukeCan you tell me to which line I have to add it?11:47
aftertafanyone know a funky dpkg command i can use to tell it to stop messing me about?11:48
_mindspinauke: whereever you want ;-) i would suggest at end of file11:48
_mindspinaftertaf: sorry, no idea11:48
aftertafauke:  add it to all of them.... heres my 3 line sources.list...11:49
aftertafdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy main restricted universe multiverse 11:49
aftertafdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy-updates main restricted universe multiverse11:49
aftertafdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy-security main restricted universe multiverse11:49
aftertafshort n sweet11:49
aukeAftertaf, thank!11:49
aukeMindspin, Also thanks!11:50
aftertaf_mindspin:  hehe yeah :)11:50
aftertafgot it sorted, i think.11:50
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aftertafgave apt both cds and then did apt-get -m install11:51
aftertafnow crossing fingers11:51
_mindspingood luck11:51
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aftertafseems to work...11:52
aftertaf600+ packages from the cd (no net access)11:52
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aftertafhmmm... buffer I/O error on device hdb (cdrom drive) logical block xxxxxx...11:54
_mindspinsounds like a corrupted cd11:54
aftertafive changed CDs, ive changed cdrom drives, i've changed IDE primary/secondary.11:54
_mindspinburn it again sam with lower speed11:54
aftertafburned at 4x :/11:55
_mindspinthet helped me several times11:55
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_mindspinchanging RAM ??11:55
aftertafdone it once for linux-kernel-headers 2.6.11xxx.deb11:55
aftertafRAM? realy?11:55
_mindspinsometimes RAM is the culprit11:56
aftertafyou think that could help?   seems to do it on same files each time.11:56
aftertaf3 files borked on hoary CD11:56
aftertafbut cd worked on 3 installs and hasn't been used as a coffee mat or anything.11:56
_mindspinget you anew iso file and burn it again11:56
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_mindspinor the machine is corrupted11:57
aftertafi suspect motherboard11:57
_mindspinI have a pc here which never installed any linux11:57
_mindspincould be11:57
_mindspinwhich type of mboard?11:58
sikor_sxei updated to breezy yesterday and after a bit of a hazzle i'm quite content, however i wonder where i can set firefox as my default browser now11:58
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_mindspinin kontrol center?11:59
_mindspinfile preferences?11:59
aftertafcomponent chooser methinks12:00
aftertafArrrrrrr ;)12:00
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sikor_sxei don't find that tab12:00
sikor_sxethere's no control center any more12:01
sikor_sxeit's system settings now12:01
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sikor_sxea found it12:01
sikor_sxein user account12:01
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jeh_workhm, qt4 can't be compiled on my breezy12:04
jeh_workcc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-fvisibility=hidden"12:04
Java_the_HuttQuestion: I am getting Unknown host messages while surfing with Konqueror may be 20% of time. But with Firefox i have no problem. Any ideas ?12:05
jeh_workthis with: g++ (GCC) 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)12:05
jeh_workok, there are packages of qt4 for breezy... fine, no need to compile then :)12:06
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jeh_workhoary didn't jhave them, that's why i had a locally compiled version that i now tried to recompile...12:07
ubotuA -- MARK -- message is printed in the log every 15 minutes, so you know the logger is running. This is perfectly normal. Your kernel has not been hacked by a danish guy called 'Mark'.12:07
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jeh_workheh, evil: Need to get 66.6MB/66.6MB of archives. After unpacking 234MB will be used12:09
jeh_workfor qt4...12:09
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wks04hai ada orang nggak 12:12
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=== Comco wishes propagandhi would stop thinking out loud
=== jeh_work didn't know there could be words that started with "ngg"
jeh_workok, when one is seriously hurt in the balls those words may be uttered12:15
jeh_workbut then they are usually capitalized and with a extra exclamation mark12:16
jeh_workah, the qt4 package is seriously broken. it can't be used together with an installed qt312:17
nikkiajeh_work: for an end-user i certainly wouldn't suggest even contemplating installing Qt4 at this point12:18
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jeh_worknikki_a: why not?12:18
jeh_worki want to continue developing my qt4 app, and as breezy can't compile qt4 from source i'm left with using the packages12:19
nikkiajeh_work: because KDE 3.x is written against Qt3, and there can be unintended interactions between KDE and an additional Qt install12:19
jeh_worknikkia: sure, i know that. i thought the package would be created to not break stuff. but i see it's not really even tested12:20
jeh_workall qt4's libs are libQt*, and not libqt* as for qt3, the binaries have an extra prefix -qt4, the includes are in /usr/include/qt4 so it looks ok12:21
jeh_work"extra postfix"12:22
Java_the_HuttQuestion: I am getting Unknown host messages while surfing with Konqueror may be 20% of time. But with Firefox, i have no problem. Any ideas ?12:22
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jeh_workJava_the_Hutt: i have seen that from time to time too, but have no real idea what's wrong12:23
Java_the_Huttjeh_work: did it pass away ?12:23
jeh_workJava_the_Hutt: just trying again solves it for me12:24
jeh_workJava_the_Hutt: and it isn't 20% for me, maybe 1% 12:24
_mindspinlooks like a name resolution issu12:25
Java_the_Hutt_mindspin: But firefox works perfectly well how do you explain that ?12:28
_mindspinI f I could, I would12:28
_mindspinhave a look if there's a differenc between your kcontrol network settings and the etries in your etc files concerning networking12:29
jeh_workhm, is the g++ in breezy very broken?12:29
jeh_worki get loads of these when even trying to compile anything qith qt4:12:30
jeh_work /usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qstyleoption.h:579: warning: `visibility' attribute does not apply to types12:30
jeh_workneither could qt4 itself be compiled due to -fvisibility not being recognized12:30
propagandhianyone from australia12:31
nikkiajeh_work: is that a gcc 4.0 specific flag ?12:31
jeh_worknikkia: i would think so12:31
jeh_worknikkia: i have no idea why it's being used12:32
jeh_workmaybe the qt4 packages are compiled with a newer compiler12:32
nikkiaor an older one :)12:33
nikkiahmm, it looks like the visibility stuff is in gcc 3.4 at least12:33
nikkiathere's a test suite for it, anyway12:33
jeh_workah. this is in the depencencies: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.1)12:33
nikkiaactually, looks like it might be the other way around, it was in gcc prior to 4.0 but might be broken/deprecated in 412:34
nikkiathe -fvisibility seems to be documented as far back as g++ 2.4 anyway12:34
jeh_work2.4? that's almost around my birth...12:35
nikkia(and it looks like a gcc extension that shouldn't be relied upon in code such as Qt, IMO)12:35
nikkiaapparently, it provides finer grain access rights to class members12:35
jeh_workqt4 when compiled tries to use it. either by itself or then through some setting somewhere12:35
jeh_workyes it does12:36
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jeh_workwell, i won't go installing gcc-4 and see my whole system go down in flames12:37
Java_the_Huttsearch lan12:37
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jeh_workbut i can't compile qt4 myself nor can i use the packages. i guess i'm stuck using some other distro while waiting for the new kubuntu version12:37
Java_the_Huttjeh_work: A possible reason may be, KDE's connection timeout is smaller than GTK's or what ever. Today my isp is very slow also. thus Firefox connects, konqueror drops the connection what do you think ?12:38
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mariuxhi, does anyone have a problem with the pc (laptop) going into suspend when logging into kde? It seems its the klaptopdaemons fault.... So my login takes about 15sec extra since it has to suspend and then resume to complete the login12:38
jeh_workJava_the_Hutt: seems possible, maybe even likely12:38
nikkiaJava_the_Hutt: very plausible, i've noticed short timeouts on konqueror in the past12:39
bleertepcross your fingers for me please, i am dist-upgrding ^^12:40
nikkiaactually, i'd say its likely in khtml, because when i used a mac i noticed similar 'firefox works, safari doesn't behaviour12:40
aftertafanyone get arts control applet to work?12:41
Java_the_Huttnikka in deed KDE's time out is about 10s12:43
Java_the_Huttbut really my isp sucks today12:43
Java_the_Hutteither with firefox or kde12:43
mariuxdoes anyone really use noatun to play vids? it seems to me like it doesnt support any format, atleast not any i use12:45
mariuxthey work great in mplayer and vlc though12:45
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bleertephmm, i dont like noatun at all12:49
morrowany fixes available for this hibernate / splash thing?12:49
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kkathmanGood day all :)01:53
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Tm_Tkkathman: sir! o701:53
kkathmanTm_T:  morning (here at least) o/01:53
kkathmanTm_T:  no need to salute :)  at ease :)01:54
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Tm_Tkkathman: yes, sir01:54
kkathmanTm_T:  Im thinking maybe we need to remove the KDE 3.5beta2 from the topic...I dont think its ready 01:54
Tm_Tkkathman: hmm, there's afaik two issues with it01:55
kkathmanTm_T:  at least until they get a patch for the artsd issue...there may be other issues too01:55
Tm_Tarts an kontact01:55
kkathmanTm_T: right, I mean, we are getting inundated with the same issues, and its pretty clear that the developers might have jumped the gun in the beta2 release...01:57
kkathmanWonder how they missed an artsd problem as severe as that?01:58
Tm_Tkkathman: I think it's only Kubuntu issue01:58
kkathmanohhh..hmmm interesting01:59
kkathmanTm_T: I would think that it wouldnt be tho...KDE surely depends on the standard kernel yes?01:59
Tm_Tkkathman: ?02:00
kkathmanand so, is ubuntu (kubuntu) changing the kernel so much that its incompatible?02:00
kkathmanthat doesnt seem likely02:00
nikkiacould be out-of-date alsa or such02:01
Tm_Tkkathman: I think it's just bad luck when building packages02:01
kkathmanhmm nikkia  good point...and yes, might be bad packaging...that happens02:01
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kkathmanI am just saying we might not want to be encouraging people to try it out just yet :)02:02
kkathmanI figure until adept updates my system with it, it isnt ready :)02:03
kkathmanyou disagree?02:04
Tm_Twell, I have no trouble at all with beta202:04
=== hettar [n=hettar@ppp99-58.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanyou fixed the artsd issue, or just turned it off?02:05
Tm_TI don't use arts, I compile some progs myself etc02:05
Tm_Tso to me, it's just fine02:05
kkathmanwell I'd do ok I suppose, cuz I dont use sound on my linux box, and dont use kontact02:05
Tm_Tand blame me, it was me who said first "it's great, release it"02:06
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kkathmanwe wont blame you :)02:06
Tm_Twhy not?02:06
kkathmancuz you didnt release it :)02:06
kkathmanbut if it makes you feel better......02:07
Tm_Tshort moment I was important, or so I thought02:07
kkathmanlol...you are important :)02:07
kkathmanI got Opera installed and running...works great now :)02:08
kkathmansad face?02:09
Tm_TOpera :(02:10
Tm_Tforced ads...02:10
Juerd_Tm_T: Not anymore02:10
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Tm_TJuerd_: so I heard02:11
kkathmanTm_T: nope02:11
Tm_TJuerd_: but can't help, still feeling that way02:11
Juerd_Tm_T: That is your problem.02:11
kkathmanTm_T: they recently, with version 8.50 made the decision to freely distribute 02:11
kkathmanNo ads02:11
Juerd_Tm_T: If you want to badmouth Opera, do it for one of the many real reasons.02:11
kkathmanI use Opera on both Linux and Windows actually02:12
Tm_TI use Konqi, I'm happy with what I have to be happy with02:12
kkathmanBrowsers, I've found, tend to be a matter of taste and preference02:13
Juerd_I use firefox02:13
Juerd_Konqui lacks adblock :)02:13
kkathmanI know lots of people that use firefox and even IE02:13
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Juerd_And the web developer toolbar02:13
Juerd_(I want to enable/disable stuff easily. Stuff like javascript, animation, java, referer:, colors)02:14
kkathmanFirefox under windows has a few probs (latest version only) with streaming audio02:14
kkathmanJuerd_: thats pretty easy to do with Opera too02:14
kkathmanboth FF and Opera are nicely skinniable02:15
Juerd_What's pretty easy? 02:15
Juerd_More than two clicks is not acceptable.02:15
kkathmanI think this next offering from IE will be multi-tab and skinniable02:15
kkathmantwo clicks is what it takes me in Opera02:15
Juerd_Does Opera understand javascript already? :)02:15
Juerd_(Konqueror does it wrong too)02:16
Juerd_document.onload is supposed to be called when all images have loaded02:16
Juerd_Konqueror and Opera do it before then02:16
Juerd_There is no hard spec on this, but it'd be nice if they followed the major browsers (gecko, ie) on this, for compatibility.02:16
kkathmanAs far as I can tell it does, I use Jscrpt in my websites and it doesnt seem to have a prob02:16
Juerd_See photo.juerd.nl, and then any of the photo pages02:16
Juerd_You shouldn't see the photos load02:17
kkathmanwell, gecko is ONE standard02:17
Juerd_But instead a counter.02:17
Juerd_kkathman: Gecko does it consistently with netscape and ie.02:17
kkathmanI'd prefer to see content as soon as its ready personally02:17
Tm_TJuerd_: ehm02:17
Juerd_kkathman: Besides that, Netscape practically invented Javascript, so it's always a good place to start :)02:17
Tm_TJuerd_: Konqi does have adblock02:17
Juerd_Tm_T: Oh, neat. Where?02:17
kkathmanand we see how popular Netscape is now :)02:18
Tm_TJuerd_: just in konqi configure02:18
Juerd_kkathman: In the form of Gecko, very.02:18
kkathmanGecko is a good engine, no doubt02:18
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kkathmanLike I said, browsers tend to be a personal choice02:19
Juerd_Tm_T: Can't find it02:19
Tm_TJuerd_: your kde is...02:19
Juerd_Tm_T: Whatever comes with kubuntu breezy02:20
kkathmanIm not that fond of Konqeror, because it tries to double as a browser and a file manager02:20
Tm_TJuerd_: hmm, in configure konqueror -> between java and fonts?02:20
kkathmanLinux needs a really effective file manager 02:20
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Juerd_Tm_T: There's nothing in between the two.02:20
Juerd_kkathman: It is a great browser and a great file manager.02:21
kkathmanNot in my opinion02:21
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Tm_TJuerd_: strange...02:21
Juerd_kkathman: I'd prefer them separate too, but I do like both Konqueror as browser and it as fm.02:21
Tm_TJuerd_: all konqueror related packages are installed?02:21
kkathmanIn my opinion, its a fair browser, and a lousy file manager02:22
Juerd_Tm_T: Afaik02:22
Tm_TJuerd_: strange02:22
kkathmanWhen I open a file manager, I want to see files immediately (your click thing for instance)02:22
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Juerd_kkathman: Then open it that way02:23
kkathmanI dont want to have to go to the "addressline" and put in a location02:23
Tm_TJuerd_: well, atleast it is here, KDE 3.5 beta202:23
Juerd_kkathman: Go to your home directory with kubuntu. Instant file display.02:23
Ichanzhi all...02:23
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Juerd_Tm_T: I'll wait for that then. Thanks02:23
Ichanzhow to make flashdisk appear on media:/ ????02:23
kkathmanJuerd_: secondly, I dont like that I cannot have a tree on the left and files on the right on a consistent basis...or be able to have multiple instances open02:23
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kkathmanI dont want to open a "tab" for a subdirectory02:24
kkathmanI want to see the subdirectory on the right..which isnt possible in Konq02:24
NeedHelpHi, i need help, i have a master HD where i mounted Kubuntu, and i have a slave where i mounted windows, can i browse my slave? how?02:24
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=== boncel is now known as Ichanz
Kibouwhere can I get some more info on katapult?02:25
kkathmanKibou: do an alt-f2 and type katapult ... this will start it for the first time and will then work from now on02:27
tiitNeedHelp: is windows fat or ntfs?02:27
kkathmanthen to use it, simply press alt-space and start typing the app02:27
ubotuI heard katapult is an application for KDE designed to provide faster access to applications, bookmarks and other items. Once you've installed it, alt+f2 ->katapult, then hit Alt+Space. When splash screen appears, type the command you want.02:27
Juerd_How is katapult better than alt+f2?02:28
Juerd_Alt+f2 is faster and understands non-kde applications02:28
kkathmanJuerd_: autocomplete02:28
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kkathmanother than that, its about the same02:28
Juerd_I'd like to start, for example, firefox with katapult02:28
Juerd_But I have no idea how.02:28
Ichanzhalooo I need Help... how to make sda1 appear on konqueror media:/ 02:29
NeedHelpHi, i need help, i have a master HD where i mounted Kubuntu, and i have a slave where i mounted windows, can i browse my slave? how?02:29
kkathmanJuerd_: type alt-space type fir  then hit return02:29
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Juerd_kkathman: That gives me the "Firefox Central" bookmark... in Konqueror.02:29
Kibouhmm.. katapult completes to 'firefox central'02:29
kkathmanJuerd_: yep02:29
NeedHelptiit: i dunno!02:29
Juerd_It's not firefox. I wanted firefox.02:30
kkathmanworks that way for me cuz firefox is my default :)02:30
Juerd_I like Konqueror as the default02:30
Juerd_That lets me easily see if I opened something, or if the computer did :)02:31
tiitNeedHelp: type fdisk -l (in terminal )02:31
kkathmansince Katapult is new, Im not sure how apps get on its "registered" list02:31
NeedHelptiit: fdisk is /sbin/fdisk02:31
NeedHelpbash: type: -l: not found02:31
kkathmanI keep telling myself that katapult is new in this release of kubuntu and as such will evolve02:32
tiitor type "sudo fdisk -l"02:32
kkathmanJuerd_: being a single click philosophy person myself, I just create an icon on the launch bar or on my desktop :)02:33
NeedHelpDisk /dev/hdb: 40.0 GB, 40027029504 bytes02:33
NeedHelp255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4866 cylinders02:33
NeedHelpUnits = cilindri of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes02:33
NeedHelpthis is the slave02:33
tiitand thats all?02:33
NeedHelpTHis is all:02:33
NeedHelpDisk /dev/hda: 203.9 GB, 203928109056 bytes02:33
NeedHelp255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24792 cylinders02:33
NeedHelpUnits = cilindri of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes02:33
NeedHelpDispositivo Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System02:33
NeedHelp/dev/hda1   *           1       24605   197639631   83  Linux02:33
NeedHelp/dev/hda2           24606       24792     1502077+   5  Esteso02:33
NeedHelp/dev/hda5           24606       24792     1502046   82  Linux swap / Solaris02:33
NeedHelpDisk /dev/hdb: 40.0 GB, 40027029504 bytes02:33
Juerd_kkathman: I'm a zero clicker :)02:33
NeedHelp255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4866 cylinders02:33
NeedHelpUnits = cilindri of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes02:34
NeedHelpDispositivo Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System02:34
NeedHelp/dev/hdb1   *           1        4110    33013543+   7  HPFS/NTFS02:34
Juerd_kkathman: By default, I am using a text terminal. My hands are on the keyboard. I want to keep them there if possible.02:34
tiitwindows is in ntfs02:34
Juerd_Also, after opening a browser, I will likely be typing an address02:34
Juerd_So the round trip to and from the mouse is a lot of work 02:34
tiitthere are some problems with ntfs support in kernel02:34
NeedHelpoh :|02:34
tiitwith fat, no problem02:35
NeedHelpSo i cant browse?02:35
tiiti'll try to mount my ntfs disk02:35
NeedHelpok, i have icq, if u want 16293654102:35
tiitI don't use icq02:36
NeedHelpDo you use something? :P02:36
aftertafNeedHelp:  could you use pastebin?02:36
kkathmanJuerd_: hehe02:36
NeedHelpaftertaf: What? XD02:37
kkathmanJuerd_: have you upgraded to breezy yet?02:37
aftertaf:] 02:37
Juerd_kkathman: Yes.02:37
kkathmanJuerd_: there is much less configuration for Konq now, and as such, I've been unable to get it to launch only in file manager mode. 02:38
kkathmanthats why I said there is a real need for a good file manager in Linux02:38
tiitNeedHelp: type "sudo mkdir /media/windows"02:38
tiitthen "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222"02:39
aftertafkkathman:  i run konq then hit F902:39
NeedHelpnow? What must i do?02:40
Juerd_kkathman: Try the tree-only viewm02:40
tiitthen open konqeror02:40
Juerd_kkathman: It takes some getting used to, but I love it.02:40
tiitor nautilus02:40
NeedHelpWOW! THANKS02:40
NeedHelpI VIEWED02:40
NeedHelpI LOVE YOU!! :*02:40
NeedHelpThanks a lot02:40
tiitif you want to mount this disk on boot02:41
tiitthen you need edit /etc/fstab 02:41
Juerd_kkathman: And you can try F9 :)02:42
kkathmanaftertaf: now thats a great thing I didnt know!!  In my case though it opened bookmarks, but I just clicked to HOME02:42
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Juerd_Oh, aftertaf said that already02:42
tiitNeedHelp: this windows is read only, no write rights!02:42
kkathmanaftertaf: once you go to the HOME and exit, from now on it comes up home...excellent...thank you :)02:43
aftertafhehe :)02:43
Juerd_kkathman: Still, do try the single pane tree view02:43
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kkathmanJuerd_: wow ok...the F9 thing made all the difference..this is actually what I want:)02:43
=== kkathman sends aftertaf a cookie :)
mariuxanyone wanna doublecheck a bug for me?02:44
Juerd_The single pane thing lets you have several folders open at the same time02:44
aftertafmariux:  fire away hombr?02:44
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mariuxhttp://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4100/2005h/Ovinger/aud/audov07.pdf download that one and "preview in kpdf" in konqueror02:44
Juerd_So you can see the contents of multiple folders at the same time.02:44
mariuxit should open but show just a cross over the page02:44
Juerd_I have it open all the time.02:45
tvocould someone running breezy open this pdf in konqueror or kpdf and tell me what he/she sees? --> http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=13038&action=view02:45
mariuxnow try to close the tab in konqueror and konqueror will freeze02:45
kkathmannow it would be nice if you just clicked the Konq icon and it would come up this way without F9 :)02:45
mariuxtvo: !!!02:45
Juerd_It also encourages you to keep directories small. But that proves handy in more places too02:45
kkathmanmariux: it didnt for me02:45
mariuxdidnt crash?02:45
mariuxdid you preview it inside konqueror?02:45
mariuxdoesnt crash with the standalone kpdf app02:45
aftertafohhhhhh preview ;)02:46
tvooh sorry I didn't notice this was about kpdf&konqueror too :)02:46
mariuxneither does it crash (and it actually displays the file) with kghostview02:46
kkathmanmariux: nope I had preview on too...didnt crash on me02:46
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aftertafi had preview auto, thx to ??02:47
mariuxdid it show the content with the kpdf embedded?02:47
Kiboucan you somehow show hidden folders in the tree view?02:47
Juerd_kkathman: In the setting menu, choose to save the profile.02:47
aftertafopened in kpdf had a dcop error but konq cloed ok.02:47
mariuxmine only shows the content with kghostview embedded02:47
kkathmanmariux: I just navigated to a directory of photos, and it works fine02:47
Juerd_kkathman: That lets you open it the next time without having to press F902:48
kkathmanJuerd_: excellent!! Many thanx :)02:48
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Juerd_You're welcome02:48
mariuxwell when i open preview it in kpdf it doesnt show anything but nothing hangs, so i can change tab and do whatever, but when i go back to the tab later and try to close it it will hang02:48
=== kkathman is proof positive you CAN teach an old dog new tricks :)
kkathmanmariux: oh you mean a pdf...hadnt tried that02:49
mariuxi got a stalled on that file tvo02:49
mariuxnot any pdf02:49
NeedHelpHi, i installed wine, and i restarted my siste, but an error comes up: "the manager of the KDE devices is not in execution" It appears every time i install a new packet by Adept,if i disinstall it the error doesen't come up can u help me?02:49
mariuxhttp://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4100/2005h/Ovinger/aud/audov07.pdf that pdf02:49
tvomariux: huh, strange02:49
mariuxand also http://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4100/2005h/Ovinger/aud/audov03fasit.pdf i think02:50
tvomariux: my konqueror get's stalled on your pdf..02:50
mariuxwhen trying to close it, correct?02:50
aftertafor set up a shortcut running konqueror with arguments....02:50
aftertafkonqueror --profile filemanagement02:51
aftertafkonqueror --profiles   shows you wich ones :)02:51
mariuxill submit a bug rthen02:51
mariux*bug-report then02:51
aftertafNeedHelp:  let go of windows ;)02:51
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tvomariux: yeah, when closing it, but only if there is at least 1 other tab open (as you say)02:52
NeedHelpHi, i installed wine, and i restarted my siste, but an error comes up: "the manager of the KDE devices is not in execution" It appears every time i install a new packet by Adept,if i disinstall it the error doesen't come up can u help me?02:52
Juerd_aftertaf: filemanagement doesn't include the panel by default02:53
kkathmanNeedHelp: wine is not always reliable02:54
aftertafkkathman:  konqueror --profile filemanagement, save the profile with F9 pressed, then try again.02:54
aftertafJuerd_:  02:54
kkathmanaftertaf: hehe got it already thanks :)02:54
NeedHelpkkathman: this problem appears EVERY TIME i install a new program, is not in specifical for wine02:54
aftertafJuerd_:  sorry ... ;)        did what i said, it works(tm)02:54
kkathmanNeedHelp: a new windows program?02:55
NeedHelpkkathman: no , a new program downloaded by adept02:56
NeedHelpit worked for a wile, then it don't worked02:58
kkathmanNeedHelp: what happens if you try to install the new program using apt-get?02:58
NeedHelpit install it02:58
NeedHelpand then when i restart my pc02:58
NeedHelpi enter kubuntu and it says "the manager of the KDE devices is not in execution""02:58
kkathmanNeedHelp: Have you tried uninstalling wine, then try Adept again?02:58
NeedHelpif i unisnstall wine it works without "the manager of the KDE devices is not in execution"" but if i install EVERY PROGRAM by adept, it appears"the manager of the KDE devices is not in execution"" at the reboot02:59
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kkathmanNeedHelp: Hmm... I have not had this problem at all. Did this start after you installed wine?  Wine is very unpredictable.03:00
kkathmanAdept has run very well for me every time I've run it since my upgrade03:01
NeedHelpno it started after a friend sayed me to activate the full duplex, the system crashed, i rebooted and i've seen for the 1st time "the manager of the KDE devices is not in execution"so i deactivated the full duplex. But by there every time i install a program there is this problem03:03
kkathmanNeedHelp: I searched the KDE database for that message and couldnt find any instance of it03:04
NeedHelpok :\03:04
mariuxyou running 3.4.3 tvo ?03:05
kkathmanbut, you might report your expereince as a bug to the kubuntu developers03:05
NeedHelphowto report im sayng03:05
tvomariux: kpdf 3.4.3 on kde 3.5beta103:05
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mariuxsuper :)03:06
icanhelp ::: how to make sda1 appear on konqueror media:/03:07
kkathmanoops he left :)03:07
kkathmanoh well03:07
kkathmanguess ubotu doesnt know about bugs03:08
mariuxtvo: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11468603:08
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inventascan any 1 tell me a web to get cool stuff for linux ??03:16
inventascan any 1 tell me a web to get cool stuff for linux ??03:16
aftertafinventas:  what is your dfinition of cool stuff?03:20
aftertafinventas:  a fridge seller?03:20
aftertafwww.electrolux.com ?03:20
aftertafhi Kamping_Kaiser :)03:21
nikkiaaftertaf: maybe one of those 'smart fridges' runs linux + qt/embedded03:21
Kamping_Kaiserhi aftertaf :)03:21
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inventassom plus to linux03:22
aftertafnikki_a:   :] 03:22
nikkiacase in point:   http://www.redflag-linux.com/chanpin_old/ecp.php?id=10000008  <- hot linux stuff!03:22
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aftertafomg my laptop is at 93?c03:25
Tm_Taftertaf: is it laptop or just coffeemaker with lcd?03:25
nikkiaaftertaf: probably a lie, i let mine run to about '80C' as reported by acpi, as that's the best 'lap warming' level :)03:25
nikkiawhen its stone-cold acpi reports 35C, so i don't believe its numbers very much03:26
aftertafe17 candy says 93?     but the bugger is hot !03:26
nikkiaturn the fan on, then :P03:26
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icananyone can help me???03:30
Kamping_Kaiserican: no, we all sit here for teh pleasure of it :D03:31
kkathmanTm_T: is Kontact the program that gets news from things like KDE.org?  I forget03:32
nikkiakkathman: it can, it can do lots of things03:33
nikkiaone thing it doesn't do, that i wish it would, is take over from korganizer's system tray icon03:33
icanbut i was asking many times... nobody answer me.... How to make sda1 appear on konqueror mediaL/03:34
icanbut i was asking many times... nobody answer me.... How to make sda1 appear on konqueror media:/03:34
kkathmannikkia: I used to use something, and I think it was kontact, to get updates from kde.org and related sites. Just was verifying...I wont use it for mail...I use thunderbird for that03:35
nikkiai just use it as a better, and single, interface to korganiser and kaddressbook's functionality03:36
kkathmanahh yes thats what it was...it still has my defauts :)03:36
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kkathmanI could never really get that korganizer working the way I wanted.03:37
kkathmanbut honestly I didnt spent alot of time with it03:37
icankubuntu suck.... it doesnt even recognized flashdisk easily03:37
kkathmanican: before you make such a broad statement, what have you tried?  Mine works just fine.03:38
icani really do.... try to plug in flashdisk... and error message will appear03:39
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Riddellican: you need the updated kdebase from breezy-updates03:39
kkathmanican: that could be many things...did you recently upgrade or install from scratch?03:39
kkathmanGreetings Riddell :)03:40
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ican<Riddell> ican: you need the updated kdebase from breezy-updates <-- see above... i have ask many times.. no one answered... geee.. this is the answer... THANKS03:40
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kkathmanican: there are always many reasons why things dont work, and we dont always get around to answering questions immediately. Some people, like Riddell, may have personal experience, while others are trying to ascertain your issue. Please give us at least a chance.03:42
icanok khatman... 03:43
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raingrovekubuntu rocks but thanks to some friend of mine i switched to suse and i find suse a little annoying in many aspects03:45
icannow.. next question... how to updated kdebase.. since i have use adept to update and the message says ... 'updated'03:45
sproingiesuse has yast which is quite awesome.  also tuned better out of the box than redhat, that's for sure03:46
sproingiei have identical boxes at work, one's running rhel, the other suse9.  the suse box runs circles around the rh box03:46
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sproingieprobably owing to filesystem-intensive work and suse's choice of reiserfs03:46
tvoanyone mind testing this pdf file? --> http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=13038&action=view03:48
kkathmanican: so you ran adept, clicked the "Fetch Updates"03:48
icanok... i will try03:49
raingrovesproingie, yast is indeed good, but i find deb package system better03:49
icanthanks very much kkathman03:49
kkathmantvo: looks good to me :)03:49
sproingieraingrove: i find deb and rpm about the same.  apt certainly has more mature repositories than most rpm repos03:49
raingrovesproingie, yast is still the best rpm package manager i've seen though03:49
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sproingieraingrove: yast is an everything-manager, that's what's great about it.  transactional configuration changes with rollback ability ... quite nice03:50
tvokkathman: no rectangles instead of greek symbols?03:50
luminosohi people.. i am a newbie and i'm having problems dealing with pendrives... i can access only when using su on console...03:50
kkathmantvo: they all looked like basic formulas with rho and deltas03:51
kkathmanall the greek symbols were fine03:51
tvokkathman: what are you running, hoary or breezy?03:51
kkathmantvo: breezy and It launched in Firefox03:51
kkathmantvo: using xpdf03:52
tvokkathman: ah ok, that might explain it. Mind opening the pdf in konqueror or kpdf?03:52
kkathmantvo: will do... one moment please03:52
luminosoplease.. someone can tell me to solve this?03:53
tvook thanks03:53
kkathmantvo: uhm...yes they are rectangles03:54
tvokkathman: ok thanks, so it's not just my system03:58
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kkathmangreetings hussam!04:02
kkathmantvo: nope seems to be an issue with Konqueror or kpdf04:02
kkathmantvo: firefox and xpdf rendered it just fine04:02
tvokkathman: yup, and kghostview renders it fine too; I already filed a bug04:03
kkathmanluminoso: is your pendrive a USB?04:03
luminosoyes kkathman 04:04
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hussamkkathman: hey buddy, what's up?04:05
kkathmanluminoso: are you running breezy or hoary?04:06
reagleBRKLNi have deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted in sources.list but I do not see the updated packages04:07
reagleBRKLNfor hal/gpg/konsole04:07
seaLnei'haven't seen them either04:08
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kkathmanubotu: tell reagleBRKLN about gpgerr04:09
kkathmanreagleBRKLN: check you PM04:10
kkathmanhussam: good to see you everything ok with you today?04:10
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hussamkkathman: yeah. it's been a fun day.04:11
kkathmangreat to hear!04:11
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hussamhow come Linux recognises my DVD-rom dirve as CD-rom drive? ( I can still read dvds fine ) Could it be a bios thing?04:14
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raingrovehussam / i am sure it is recognized as dvd rom..perhaps just the icon?04:16
shantanuBitchx is a text mode IRC client right?04:16
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el-stupidoBitchx is a text mode IRC client right?04:17
hussamraingrove: under media:/ it is CD-ROM (hdd) and not DVD-ROM but yes, it does read files from DVDs fine04:17
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luminosokkathman, 5.1004:19
EcksEightySixHowdy. I just installed Kubuntu 5.10 (as 04:21
EcksEightySixserver) and on startup, sshd is not running04:21
EcksEightySixhow to turn it on?04:21
EcksEightySixturn it on/automate it on startup ?04:21
satafterhafter i installed breezy i have no access to my hd in media, any way to correct this?04:21
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raingrovehussam/ mine is DVD-ROM/CD-RW and it just says "CD Recorder"04:22
raingroveit is fine though04:22
EcksEightySixany clue?04:23
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hussamraingrove, can I see your /etc/fstab?04:23
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kkathmanluminoso: I believe there are a few bugs or issues with USB operation, but there may also be fixes04:24
EcksEightySixanyone know why a fresh breezy instal (as server) would not start sshd on startup ?04:24
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luminosokkathman, i am using a 5.10 fresh install04:26
kkathmanluminoso: try going here and reading down the thread until you get to the USB issue: http://dot.kde.org/1126308415/04:26
kkathmanthere are a couple of suggestions if you keep reading04:27
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Kibouis there a way to prevent katapult to be loaded?04:28
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luminosothanks kkathman 04:28
hussamEcksEightySix: not sure, try sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/ssh04:28
KibouI'm not using it and I can't find the option to disable it..04:29
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kkathmanKibou: just bring up the monitor and kill it I suppose04:30
raphinkuninstall it04:30
kkathmanits not like its obtrusive...it only takes up resource when you invoke it04:30
Kibouhmm... guess you're right..04:30
reagleBIs very good source line for mplayer Kplayer, or Xine? Also, unfortunately, since I want the latest version of KVirc out of Debian unstable, that might cause me some conflicts.04:30
reagleBs/very/there a/04:31
StRanyone using kde3.5b1?04:31
kkathmanraphink: its a part of kubuntu, so Im not sure if you can uninstall it...can you?04:31
raphinkStR: beta2 here04:31
kkathmanyou CAN stop it04:31
raphinkyou can install anything kkathman 04:31
raphinkuninstall sorry04:31
StRraphink: where are the rep for 3.5b2?04:31
reagleBOr, if I could get KVirc from somewhere else, that would be welcome04:31
kkathmanreally so how would you uninstall katapult?04:31
raphinksudo apt-get remove katapult I04:32
raphinkI guess04:32
raphinksorry without the I in the end04:32
raphinkStR: http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35beta1.php04:32
raphinkStR: http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35beta2.php04:32
raphinknot very stable to my opinion though04:32
hussamHow do I use katapult?04:32
kkathmanthe beta2 is not advised04:32
raphinkI don't have katapult btw04:33
kkathmanuboto: tell hussam about katapult04:33
StRraphink: thanks04:33
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kkathmanubotu: tell hussam about katapult04:33
kkathmanhussam: check PM04:33
raphinkubotu tell hussam about katapult04:33
raphinkwithout : I think04:34
kkathmannah it worked04:34
raphinkok :)04:34
raphinkdoes it work with `me' ?04:34
kkathmantryit :)04:34
Kamping_Kaiserkkathman: or just !tell 04:34
Kamping_Kaiser :)04:34
raphinkubotu: tell me about k3b04:34
Kamping_Kaiser!tell raphink about k3b04:35
raphinkoh yes it works04:35
hussamI ran katapult but alt+space does nothing04:35
raphinkbut it doen't konw what k3b is04:35
kkathmanKamping_Kaiser: thanks...nice tip :)04:35
raphinkubotu tell me a story04:35
Kamping_Kaiserubotu k3b is this burning app!04:35
ubotuokay, Kamping_Kaiser04:35
raphink<ubotu> No, raphink, I won't. (target invalid?)04:35
kkathmannow, if Konversation would just get the capabiltiy to make macros like mIRC :)04:35
ubotumethinks k3b is this burning app!04:35
raphinkyou can make macros in konversation kkathman 04:36
mustihello.. i need some help.. how can i listen my mp3s.. i got a win xp with nfts system.. but parrelel i use kubuntu..04:36
Kamping_Kaiserkkathman: what is k3b? may as well make the entry usefull :D04:36
raphinkyou can make scripts in bash, perl, whatever04:36
kkathmanraphink: hey..really???? can you tell me how?04:36
kkathmanI dunno about k3b04:36
raphinkkkathman: the scripts are in /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts/04:36
kkathmanraphink: just edit with gedit or something?04:37
Kamping_Kaiser!info k3b04:37
raphinkthen you can add them to konversation in Configure > Configure Konversation > Aliases04:37
ubotuk3b: (A sophisticated KDE cd burning application), section otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.12.2-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 3658 kB, Installed size: 7880 kB04:37
raphinkwith whatever you want kkathman 04:37
raphinkk3b is the best burning GUI imho04:37
kkathmanraphink: great thanks!04:37
Kamping_Kaiserubotu: k3b is "A sophisticated KDE cd burning application", its said to be the best burning GUI out there!04:37
ubotu...but k3b is already something else...04:37
raphinkkkathman: scripts often use dcop to make macros04:38
Kamping_Kaiserubotu: forget k3b04:38
ubotui forgot k3b, Kamping_Kaiser04:38
raphinkso you can use the scripting language you want04:38
Kamping_Kaiserubotu: k3b is "A sophisticated KDE cd burning application", its said to be the best burning GUI out there!04:38
raphinkusing dcop inside it04:38
Kamping_Kaiser!tell me about k3b04:38
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raphinkubotu: tell me everything04:38
raphinkpff he won't tell me :(04:39
raphink<ubotu> No, raphink, I won't. (target invalid?)04:39
hussamraphink: lol04:39
kkathmanask him to tel you about the meaning of life :)04:39
Kamping_Kaiserok. i should have updated ubotu. lets try :D04:39
ubotuk3b is probably "A sophisticated KDE cd burning application", its said to be the best burning GUI out there!04:39
raphinkubotu: tell me about the meaning of life04:39
kkathman!tell raphink about the answer to life04:40
hussamubotu: tell me about the meaning of life04:40
raphinkgood answer04:40
hussam<ubotu> Someone already said that 13 seconds ago04:40
kkathmancompliments of Douglas Adams04:40
raphink!tell hussam about the answer of life04:40
raphinkyes kkathman 04:40
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raphinkI thought it was Asimov04:40
kkathmanraphink: nah...Hitchhikers Guide04:41
kkathmanraphink: what were you saying about dcop?04:41
hussamubotu: tell me about the answer of life04:41
kkathmananswer to life04:41
raphinkkkathman: you can use dcop in your scripts to control kde programs04:41
hussamit doesn't know what is the answer of lif04:41
Kamping_Kaiserjust say it in chan04:42
kkathmanhussam: try answer "to" life04:42
Kamping_Kaiserleave the poor bot alone ppl ;)04:42
kkathmanlol Kamping_Kaiser 04:42
raphinkyou can easily browse the available dcop callings for each program using kdcop for example04:42
hussampoor bot lol04:42
satafterhtrying to run gedit from root promt, get this error, anyone know what it means, (gedit:16477): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:??04:42
mjpeghello. Is there a shn plugin for k3b?04:42
raphinksure satafterh 04:43
raphinkit is not good to use gui as root04:43
Kamping_Kaisersatafterh: you ran sudo did you?04:43
raphinkKamping_Kaiser: I think he ran as su04:43
raphinkrather than sudo04:43
satafterhso gedit wont work as root?04:43
raphinksatafterh: what's the point in using gedit as root?04:43
raphinkwhta you can do satafterh is use kdesu04:44
raphinkto run gedit with a sudo04:44
raphinkrun 04:44
raphinkkdesu gedit urlofyourfile04:44
raphinkthat will prompt for your password and open gedit as sudo04:44
satafterhwant to edit souces.list. befor i upgraded I could just got to the apt dir and right click on it and edit as root but have no access to root dir any more04:45
raphinkuse nano04:45
raphinkthat's better04:45
raphinkyou make less mistakes ;)04:45
Kamping_Kaiserwhy are you using gedit in kde? prefer it over kate?04:45
raphinksudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list 04:45
raphinkas normal user ;)04:45
Kamping_Kaiser(intrest, i dont care either way)04:46
raphinkkwrite powa :)04:46
raphinkKamping_Kaiser: well I guess a typical gnome user who switched to kde and doesn't know we also have editors in here ;)04:46
Kamping_Kaiserraphink: over in this retro joint? ;) no, we gnome users belive all kde users use nano :P04:47
satafterhok i will try that, any way to get access to my mounted hd in storage media again?04:47
raphinkwhat do you mean satafterh ?04:47
ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:47
Kamping_Kaisersatafterh: looked at that?04:47
raphinkwho talked about ntfs Kamping_Kaiser ?04:48
satafterh#raphink - all i see i storge media now is my floppy and dvd drives, hd is gone04:48
Kamping_Kaiserhis storage partition raphink04:48
raphinksame here satafterh 04:49
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raphinkI only have CD, DVD and removable medias in storage media04:49
raphinkI don't have my partitions04:49
satafterh#raphink- is it a bug because it really bugs me lol04:50
raphinkno idea04:50
kkathmanraphink: you said Configure - Configure Konversation.....I dont seem to find "Configure" anywhere... Im sure Im just looking in the wrong place04:50
raphinkyou can go to /media04:50
raphinkto see your drives04:50
raphinkhmm I don't know the english version04:50
raphinkhere it's the 5th menu from the left04:51
satafterhyou mean in the console04:51
raphinksatafterh: no04:51
raphinkin konqueror for example04:51
raphinkgo to /media04:51
raphinkand you'll have your media04:51
satafterh#raphink - no its not there either04:51
raphinknot sure this is what you want04:51
raphinkwhat exactly do you want?04:52
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satafterh#raphink - want to see my hd so i can access the root dir, 04:52
raphinkoh you want to access the root dir?04:53
raphinkthen type / in konqueror04:53
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satafterh#raphink - that worked, you the man04:53
raphinkwell / is the roo04:53
raphinkthe storage media is a windows-like replacement tool04:54
brizzioje suis franaise04:54
raphinkhi brizzio 04:54
kkathmanraphink: where is Configure?04:54
brizzioraphink speak french04:54
satafterh#raphink - so you do not see your hd either>04:54
raphinkbrizzio: tu peux aller sur #kubuntu-fr pour parler franais04:54
brizzioi am lost04:54
raphinkno I don't see my hd either satafterh 04:54
raphinkbrizzio: tape /join #kubuntu-fr04:55
raphinkkkathman: I told you, in my konversation it's the 5th menu from the left04:55
satafterhthanks for the help04:55
raphinkyou're welcome brizzio 04:55
raphinkI meant satafterh 04:55
brizzioi am speak with you also you anderstand me?04:55
raphinksatafterh: to access your root dir, it's always called /04:56
raphinkeven in console04:56
raphinkyou can type 04:56
raphinkcd /04:56
Kibouare there any drawbacks if I just deinstall kubuntu-desktop?04:56
raphinkto go to your root dir04:56
raphinkno Kibou 04:56
raphinkit won't deinstall anything04:56
raphinkbut the metapackage04:56
raphinkyou won't lose any program04:56
kkathmanraphink: problem is...I dont have any menus on my konversation at all :)04:56
reagleBkaffeine_part.desktop not found in search path.04:56
raphinkwait a min kkathman I had found the solution to this04:56
brizzioraphink tu parles bien franais04:57
satafterh#raphink - thats good to know, I had always gone through media and clicked on my hd and entered that way04:57
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raphinkje suis franais brizzio a aide04:57
brizziooui c'est sur tu peux me donner  ou  tuyaux je dbarque04:57
raphinkbrizzio: on va parler sur kubuntu-fr ok?04:58
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satafterhcan somehelp edit my sources.list to show my newly download breezy dvd and not hoary cd05:01
Kamping_Kaisersatafterh: run 'sudo apt-cdrom' in konsole05:02
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xuniL____bhaa gott a problem now with X... it crashes then i turn on the computer..05:04
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kkathmanraphink: I keep looking all around for how to enable the dang menus in Konversation...there must be a way :)05:06
raphinkyes and I found it some time ago05:06
raphinkbut not anymore05:06
raphinkI keep searching05:06
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satafterhwhere can i get a list of back port?05:10
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azertyuuuhey all, what is the best PDF-viewer ?05:14
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kkathmanazertyuuu: use xpdf if you need to see advanced formulae, because there is a bug in kpdf05:16
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kkathmankdpf wont render certain characters, so you might want to make firefox your default browser and point it to xpdf for maxmum flexibility05:17
pigpen_anybody know why an ibook g3 would crash on wake-from-sleep ? fresh 5.1 kubuntu install05:18
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raphinkre brizzio 05:20
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raphink /join #kubuntu-fr05:20
kkathmanraphink: Control-M05:20
raphinkbien jou kkathman 05:20
raphinkj'ai mis des mois  trouver05:20
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kkathmanraphink: you're welcome :)05:22
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raphinkoups sorry05:22
reagleBRKLNfor the life of me, I cannot get to my LCD monitor to run at its optimum 60 Hz; as you can see in http://rafb.net/paste/results/O3igO382.html I even locked down VertRefresh     60 but still, it runs of 75 Hz05:22
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Kamping_Kaiserhi pupeno05:29
pupenoI have a clean kubuntu installation now. What method do you recommend to configure mi wifi card ?05:29
Kamping_Kaiserdepends on the card05:29
Kamping_Kaiserim not entirely sure what you should do, i dont have a card myself05:29
pupenothe card is an atheros card that works very well with madwifi drivers. I had it working like a charm with Gentoo, but Kubuntu doesn't seem to be able to handle it.05:30
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raphinkdid you try using kwifimanager pupeno ?05:31
pupenoraphink: I use it to watch the lever, but the configuration... will it write a coherent /etc/network/interfaces ?05:32
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raphinkno idea pupeno 05:32
gsuveganyone know, a breezy deb from kplayer ?05:32
gsuvegkaffeine insane slow play dvd05:33
pupenoraphink: be carefully then, a program like kwifimanager may screw up configurations.05:33
raphinkI don't have a wifi card 05:34
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pupenoI've run kwifimanager and it is now a zombie process... I would say madwifi drivers on Ubuntu are totally screwed up.05:35
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kkathmangsuveg: try this http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/518730/KPlayer.html05:45
kkathmanno guarantees05:45
Tm_Twhy not Kmplayer?05:45
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Tm_Tkmplayer give more choices05:46
kkathmanpreach it Tm_T  :)05:46
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gsuvegTm_T: are you joke ?05:46
Tm_Tare you insulting me?05:47
Tm_Tgsuveg: yes, Kmplayer is better than Kplayer05:47
gsuvegTm_T: ah. wehre is deb from it ?05:48
Tm_Tgsuveg: Kplayer can use only mplayer, when in Kmplayer you can choose between mplayer, xine and gstreamer05:48
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Tm_Tgsuveg: I have no idea, I compile it myself05:48
Tm_Tmaking sure I get newest :p05:48
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Tm_Tkkathman: heh, as I said, it let you choose05:50
Tm_Tand if mplayer/xine/gst crashes... Kmplayer doesn't care about it :p05:50
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gsuvegTm_T: cool. in src have debian dir! ;)05:51
gsuvegit play dvd with menus ?05:52
Tm_Thmm, yes05:52
kkathmanTm_T:  udaman05:53
kkathmanTm_T: you are from Finland yes?05:54
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kkathmanTm_T:  Are people from Finland called Finlanders?  Is that right?05:56
kkathmanthanx :)05:56
Tm_TFinlanders is really afwul band05:57
kkathmanjust wanted to be politically correct :)05:57
sproingiewhat's that make linus then?05:57
sproingiehe's from finland, but he's swedish05:57
Riddellhe's finnish05:57
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Tm_Tsproingie: err, he is finnish05:57
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Tm_Tsproingie: but speak swedish05:58
Kamping_Kaisersproingie: it makes him 'one of them' ;)05:58
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Tm_Tsproingie: minor part of finnish people talk swedish as their native language05:59
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sproingiei guess the answer would be "ask linus"05:59
Tm_Tsproingie: eh?05:59
Tm_Tno need to bother him05:59
Tm_Tsproingie: and because of that minority, all finnish kids have to learn swedish06:00
Tm_Tnever learnt it properly06:00
icewtno, it's :)06:01
icewtthe more languages you know the better06:01
josh__but that's quite confusing... because swedish compared to finnish is much more "easier",.. imho :)06:01
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Tm_Tjag mste sig att jag kan inte talar bra svenska06:02
josh__hej :D06:02
Tm_Tjosh__: yes, different "family" of language06:02
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sproingiehmm boy.  ok, later all06:02
Tm_Tpolski perkele06:02
Kamping_Kaiserlater sproingie06:03
gsuvegTm_T: ist rock!06:03
Tm_Tgsuveg: np :)06:03
Tm_Tkkathman: you see?06:03
gsuvegnot perfert, but it works ;)06:03
Tm_Tgsuveg: nothings perfect06:04
kkathmanTm_T: see what?06:04
epI've got a FAT partition which is normally read only.  I like it this way (read only) normally but on occasion I want to write to it as a normal user, paste files in using kong for instance.  06:05
epWhat is a convienent method to change permission on the fly.06:05
asranielwhy is the kubuntu installation on my laptop so slow? "panic"06:06
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xuniL____he is finnish sproingie06:06
epIs that a stupid question?06:07
kkathmanep: you want to change the whole partition ?06:07
xuniL____on the fly?`06:07
Kamping_Kaiserep not a stupid quiestion, just not poissible06:07
kkathmanep: or just a directory06:07
kkathmanyah..you cant change the whole partition...you'd need to release it, then just use file/directory permissions06:08
kkathmanat lease to my knowledge you cant change a partition06:09
epA fat partiion that i use to transfer stuff from windows.  I dual boot.  The partition is normall read only for the normal user (me).  I can write to it as root.06:09
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epBut if I'm root, I can't use kong for conveience.  At least i don't know how.06:10
gsuvegasraniel: what like a notebook ?06:11
kkathmanI dont dual boot so I cant help you06:11
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el-stupidoanyone here play UT?06:11
asranielgsuveg: acer travelmate 810306:11
gsuvegproc ? 06:12
asranielgsuveg: wait, have to look at the spec, its new, only 3 hours old :-)06:12
gsuvegthen a centrino one ?06:12
asranielgsuveg: yes06:12
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gsuveg#define SLOW ?06:13
asranielgsuveg: everything went fine (i had to use linux noapic to start) but then at the copy stage, it looks like stuck on 6%, but i see that the filename that its coping changes from time to time06:14
buzi got 3.5.b1 right now but the dist-upgrade to 3.5b2 says06:14
buzAfter unpacking 291MB of additional disk space will be used.06:14
buzis that how it's supposed to be?06:15
gsuveghmm. wait a little bit06:15
gsuvegasraniel: ^06:15
asranielgsuveg: its just that its since 10 minutes or so on 6%, could there be some magic command to make it faster that i have too use as a bootparameter?06:15
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gsuvegat the install it copy the debs to hdd and after reboot install it06:16
kurtbecanybody else getting broken packages errors when trying to install mozilla-mailnews06:16
shantanuCan anyone help me installing the NVidia drivers?06:17
gsuvegits cca 20-30min imho06:17
gsuvegshantanu: if you dont ask, nobody06:17
shantanuits giving me a gcc-version-check-failed error06:17
shantanugsuveg  how do I fix that?06:17
gsuvegi dont know. i dont have nvidia06:18
shantanugsuveg  lol thanx06:18
shantanuanyone else know how I can fix that?06:18
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epCan't  I can unmount and then remount the partition so that a normal user can write to it?06:19
raphinkwhether a normal user can write on a partition or not06:21
raphinkdepends mostly on whether he has writing rights or not06:21
raphinkon the directories06:21
el-stupidoapparently i seem to be compiling the NVidia Kernel with a diff version than the running Kernel anyone knows how i can change the running Kernel?06:23
el-stupidoor change the compiler for the NVidia kernel?06:23
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gsuvegTm_T: are you instal it from deb ?06:25
StRHi all!06:25
Kamping_Kaiserel-stupido: you have to install gcc-3.406:25
StRi'm trying to use 3.5b2... but arts crashes...06:25
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el-stupidoKamping_Kaiser  how do i do that?06:25
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Kamping_Kaiserel-stupido: using synaptic/kynaptic/apt/blah06:26
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, adeot06:26
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StRanyone here using kde3.5b2?06:27
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Tm_Tgsuveg: nope06:28
gsuvegthats the problem :)06:28
Tm_Tgsuveg: if you mean kmplayer06:28
gsuvegTm_T: yes. sry06:28
Tm_Tgsuveg: I use svn trunk version of it06:29
Tm_Tjust like amarok06:29
StRarts crashes in my kde 3.5b206:29
gsuvegStR: are read it on kubuntu.or g?06:29
Corvusdoesn't kaffeine work with gstreamer plugins ?06:30
Tm_TStR: yup, disable or downgrade06:30
Tm_TCorvus: dunno, Kmplayer does06:30
ivo-sIs there information about the media:/-Problem? My partitions are not there.06:30
Corvusok, i will try06:30
gsuvegTm_T: the debian dependecies dont good for breezy06:30
StRTm_T: downgrade the full KDE, or just arts?06:30
Tm_Tgsuveg: heh06:30
Tm_TStR: arts06:30
gsuvegmsg ?06:30
Corvusthe major problem i have with kaffeine is that it doens't play my dvd's06:30
Corvusand i have libdvdcss2 installed06:31
StRi'm thinkint on that...06:31
Tm_TStR: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuKDE35BetaKnownProblems06:31
StRbut is it just me or every1else?06:31
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Tm_TStR: it's with everyone06:31
Tm_TStR: but propably you don't need arts at all06:31
Corvusany idea why it doesn't work ?06:32
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el-stupidoKamping_Kaiser hmm.. still wont work... gives me the same version check error06:32
gsuveg  kmplayer-lib: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.1.0-1) but it is not installable06:32
gsuveg                Depends: libxine1 but it is not installable06:32
gsuvegTm_T: 06:32
Kamping_Kaiserel-stupido: before you run compile, in the terminal type "CC=gcc-3.4" and that *should* fix it, but i may be rembmering wrong06:32
StRTm_T: why?06:32
StRTm_T: I canont play any sounds without arts, can I?06:33
el-stupidoKamping_Kaiser  nah your right.. i remember that now06:33
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el-stupidoKamping_Kaiser  why does the installer keep saying the current compiler is gcc-4.0 ?06:34
Kamping_Kaiserel-stupido: im not sure, i havent done the nvidia compile since the gcc 3.4 -> 4 switch06:35
el-stupidoKamping_Kaiser  you think i should install gcc 4?06:35
crimsunel-stupido: that's because the current compiler IS gcc-4.006:36
el-stupidoKamping_Kaiser  basically can I lol06:36
crimsunyou have to install build-essential and gcc-3.406:36
StRare there any backports already for breezy?06:36
crimsunStR: no06:36
Kamping_Kaiserel-stupido: try and find out what you ahve to do to make the compiler use gcc 3.4. try symlinking 3.4 to gcc instead of 4.0206:36
StRcrimsun: thanks06:36
crimsunKamping_Kaiser: don't recommend that06:36
el-stupidocrimsun  okay06:36
Tm_TStR: you can06:36
StRTm_T: how?06:36
Tm_TStR: I have full sounds, no arts06:36
Tm_TStR: well, what sounds you need?06:36
Kamping_Kaisercrimsun: yeh, im a bit tired, so everying sounds like a good diea06:37
crimsunel-stupido: like Kamping_Kaiser recommended earlier, you need to export CC=gcc-3.406:37
Tm_TStR: all media player know alsa06:37
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Tm_Tgsuveg: uhm, just compile and install traditional way?06:37
el-stupidocrimsun  i tried doing that.. but it keeps giving the same error saying current compiler is 4.0 not 3.406:38
Tm_TStR: and for notify, you can use external player06:38
gsuvegTm_T: yes :(06:38
crimsunel-stupido: did you type "export CC=gcc-3.4"?06:38
el-stupidocrimsun  i'm only doing it cos i think i need it to play UT06:38
el-stupidocrimsun  no06:38
crimsunel-stupido: what are you trying to compile?06:39
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el-stupidoNVidia graphics drivers x8606:39
crimsunel-stupido: did you follow http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto?06:39
el-stupidocrimsun  no06:39
crimsunel-stupido: there's no need to compile your own drivers; they're already compiled06:39
crimsunel-stupido: you just need to install nvidia-glx and run the enable glx command06:40
crimsunel-stupido: that page has a link to the relevant instructions for Nvidia06:40
el-stupidocrimsun  i did install nvidia-glx06:40
libbenxuniL____: 06:40
el-stupidoand i think i did enable glx06:41
libbenxuniL____:  u had problems with getting the console down with the tilde key? the one under "ESC"?06:41
el-stupidocrimsun  i installed UT using the Loki Linux Installer and it wont work06:41
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el-stupidocrimsun  have you installed UT?06:41
crimsunel-stupido: a long, long time ago, yes. My current machine doesn't have a CD-ROM or enough free HD space.06:42
crimsun(or a decent 3D chipset, for that matter)06:42
el-stupidocrimsun  i have gcc-3.4 AND gcc-4.0 installed .. would that cause a problem?06:43
crimsunel-stupido: no06:43
crimsunel-stupido: what seems to be the problem regarding UT then?06:43
el-stupidocrimsun  then why wont UT run?06:43
crimsunel-stupido: paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl06:43
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liamfoyhmm, how come http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/breezy/kubuntu-5.10-rc-install-i386.iso isn't found?06:45
el-stupidocrimsun  brb06:45
Kamping_Kaiserliamfoy: its no longer an rc06:45
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liamfoyso I want..?06:46
jjessethe install06:46
liamfoyThis is on the 'download' page..06:46
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el-stupidocrimsun: which logs did you want?06:46
el-stupidoCommand not found?06:47
el-stupidocrimsun: Command not found?06:47
liamfoyjjesse: Yes I understand that, but the link is what?06:48
liamfoysince that download page links to a bogus file..06:48
crimsunel-stupido: no, paste the log file onto the Web page06:48
jjesseliamfoy: ttp://www.kubuntu.org/download.php06:48
el-stupidocrimsun: where do i find the log file?06:49
crimsunel-stupido: /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:49
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crimsunel-stupido: download this Python script: http://ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin06:49
el-stupidocrimsun: ok06:49
crimsunel-stupido: read the instructions at the top, and modify it as necessary06:50
el-stupidocrimsun: found it06:50
elementarmywhat does "no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" mean?06:50
liamfoyjjesse: yes, and click US06:50
crimsunelementarmy: install build-essential06:50
liamfoyand try and download the x8606:50
jjesseliamfoy: hmmm having problems w/ the us, choose england or somethting else instead06:50
elementarmywhat sould i do?06:50
jjesseliamfoy: just sent an note up06:50
crimsunelementarmy: run the command I gave you06:50
liamfoyjjesse: cool, I was just kinda letting you guys know:)06:50
crimsunelementarmy: or use Adept to search and install build-essential06:50
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el-stupidocrimsun: i've opened the log file.. now its huge.. you want me to paste everything?06:51
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elementarmyyour link is bringing up kate06:52
jjesseliamfoy try http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/5.10/06:53
jjesseliamfoy try http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/5.10/06:53
reagleBRKLNhow do i enable Konqueror audio (mp3) file "previews"? used to work a while ago, but doesn't anymore. noatun and arts and such do work otherwise.06:53
el-stupidocrimsun: i've opened the log file.. now its huge.. you want me to paste everything?06:53
ivo-sIs there a way to get the harddrive partitions back to media:/ and/or the desktop?06:54
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crimsunel-stupido: use the Python script06:55
el-stupidocrimsun: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/398781   <--- thats the whole file06:55
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elementarmyok got build-esstinals but now it says "cant find x includes"06:56
crimsunel-stupido: you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and comment out the Load "GLcore" and Load "dri" lines06:57
el-stupidocrimsun: i have no clue as to what i do with the script or how i install it.. i can see what it does tho06:57
crimsunel-stupido: forget the script06:57
el-stupidocrimsun: english plz lol i'm a new hehe06:57
el-stupidocrimsun: could you guide me thru it?06:57
crimsunel-stupido: use an editor to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root06:57
el-stupidolike OpenOffice?06:57
crimsunkdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:58
hussamelementarmy: x includes, sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev06:58
el-stupidocrimsun: ok Kate opened06:59
hussamelementarmy: what exactly do you want to compile?06:59
crimsunel-stupido: is the conffile loaded?06:59
el-stupidocrimsun: how do I check that?06:59
crimsunel-stupido: there should be a file loaded in the editor06:59
hussamelementarmy: if it's a kde app, you may need kdelibs-dev as well06:59
crimsunel-stupido: a bunch of text06:59
el-stupidocrimsun:  oh yeah it is .. i thought you meant loaded somewhere else sorry07:00
el-stupidocrimsun: its loaded in Kate07:00
crimsunel-stupido: ok, now scroll down to Section "Module"07:00
el-stupidocrimsun: ok07:00
crimsunel-stupido: do you see a Load "dri" line?07:00
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el-stupidocrimsun: yeah07:01
crimsunel-stupido: put a # at the beginning of that line07:01
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el-stupidocrimsun: done07:01
crimsunel-stupido: if you see a Load "GLcore" in that section, put a # at the beginning of that line, too07:01
el-stupidocrimsun:  ok07:02
crimsunel-stupido: otherwise, if you don't see a Load "GLcore", just save the file, exit, and restart KDM07:02
el-stupidocrimsun: i put the # 07:03
el-stupidocrimsun: i'l save and exit now07:03
el-stupidocrimsun:  done07:03
el-stupidocrimsun: what next?07:04
FiretechAre the HAL fixes still pending?07:05
crimsunel-stupido: restart KDM07:05
el-stupidocrimsun: ok07:07
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_elementarmywhy do i always lose my dsl connection when i use apt/07:08
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el-stupidocrimsun: back07:08
el-stupidocrimsun: I'l chat from BitchX so i wont have to leave chat to restart kdm07:09
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el-stupidoshantanu: is me07:10
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el-stupidocrimsun  you there?07:10
el-stupidocrimsun  what did we just do? lol07:11
crimsunel-stupido: does UT work now?07:11
el-stupidocrimsun  lemme check07:12
el-stupidocrimsun  still wont work :/07:12
el-stupidocrimsun  same error.... 07:12
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elementarmy_has anyone had probs with apt?07:12
asranielok, thats realy not normal, the installation is realy realy slow, but not frozen, if it continues at this speed it will take 24 hours or so...07:13
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crimsunel-stupido: you never told me what the error is07:13
elementarmy_could someone help with a weird prob?07:14
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elementarmy_por favor07:15
Forgottendruhey good morning07:15
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el-stupidocrimsun: http://pastebin.com/39879907:16
crimsunel-stupido: that's not an Nvidia error, that's a configuration or Loki error07:17
crimsunel-stupido: you need to read the instructions that Loki distributes07:17
el-stupidocrimsun: How can I solve it?07:17
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crimsunel-stupido: Loki has instructions.07:17
el-stupidocrimsun: i installed it exactly as per the instructions in the Debina Readme07:17
woddf2How do I enable the Dvorak layout?07:17
crimsunel-stupido: It can't find the data files.07:17
Forgottendrui am still having problems with kubuntu07:18
crimsunel-stupido: please read http://www.idoru.org/unreal.html07:18
el-stupidocrimsun: but i can see the data files are installed when i look in the folders07:18
woddf2How do I enable the Dvorak layout?07:18
woddf2I can't find it.07:18
=== woddf2 waits
crimsunel-stupido: please use Google; I have to return to work.07:19
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raingroveisn't it in regional & locale settings?07:20
el-stupidocrimsun: thank you for your time07:20
Forgottendrucan someone help me?07:20
Forgottendruit wont let me get into network settings07:20
hussamRiddell: After today's kde update for breezy, media:/ is empty again.07:21
Forgottendruit asks for password for admin mode and nothing happens07:21
hussamRiddell: it wasn't empty in the kde that shipped with breezy.07:22
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woddf2Why can't I find the Dvorak layout in Regional & Accessibility?07:22
Forgottendruprobably havent installed it07:22
woddf2How do I do that?07:23
woddf2I have Adept, but not Synaptic.07:23
elementarmy_ok i finally compiled crystal-0.9.5, but when i make i get nothing but erroers, could someone help/07:23
Riddellhussam: try inserting a CD07:24
Riddellor UBS stick07:24
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Forgottendruhalf the time when i boot it doesnt recognise my sound card, half the time it does07:25
hussamRiddell: if I insert a CD, it will automount it and it will apear in media:/07:25
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frank23woddf2: I think dvorak is in the variants07:27
Forgottendruim thinking of removing ubuntu because it is annoying me!07:27
woddf2Variants is blank.07:28
Forgottendrui will install suse07:28
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frank23woddf2: install US then chose the dvorak variant07:28
hussamRiddell: but the tooltip over the icon says "mounted CD writer" although media:/hdd is a DVD-rom drive.07:29
hussamRiddell: my CD writer is /dev/hdc and not hdd07:29
dreamwavegood morning.  on the gnome side, my windows partition shows up on the desktop.  how is this done on the kde side?  my flash drives are showing up correctly on the desktop and in media:/07:30
BlankCwhat happened to kcalc in breezy? Why did it get replaced with SpeedCrunch?07:30
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rysiekhello all07:32
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rysiekgot a question (obviously ;)07:32
chris-xhey guys, any idea why vim isnt able to display colorschemes correctly? (gvim does) for example: zenburn07:32
el-stupidohow do I uninstall a previousl installed game?07:32
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rysiekI have installed lineakd, fighting with it to support my keyboard (and winning! ha!), and I want it to start with KDE07:33
frank23el-stupido: did you ever get ut to work?07:33
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rysiekobviously it would be: screen -d -m lineakd [options]  - but the question is: how to make this line get executed when KDE starts?07:34
el-stupidofrank23: apparently the installer i used from Loki gives that error07:34
el-stupidofrank23: i downloaded a new linux installer (same file another source) and am trying now07:34
el-stupidofrank23: but from what I read on the forums http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67124&page=6&highlight=Unreal+Tournament <--- it should work07:35
bhnahow can i add my harddrives to media:/07:35
rysiekbhna: define them in /etc/fstab ;)07:35
rysiekbhna: man fstab and man mount I would suggest ;)07:36
hussamRiddell: is there anyway to get the default breezy behavior from before today's update for this?07:36
bhnarysiek: have it but htere are no hds in media:/07:36
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rysiekmount -a maybe? :)07:37
el-stupidofrank23: do you know how i can uninstall a previous game?07:37
bhnarysiek: there is only the floppy07:37
rysiekbhna: try "umount <your_newly_added_hd_device>"07:37
rysiekbhna: and then "mount <as_above>"07:37
frank23el-stupido: either you use loki installer to uninstall (I don't know it can or not) or you delete by hand07:38
rysiekbhna: e.g.: "umount /dev/sda1" and "mount /dev/sda1"07:38
rysiekbhna: this will (re)mount the drives07:38
Riddellhussam: turn off hal07:38
bhnarysiek: no effect07:38
rysiekhave you re-loaded media:/ ?07:38
bhnarysiek: yes07:39
rysiekshow me the fstab entries for one of the drives07:39
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bhnarysiek: moment please07:39
hussamRiddell: automount already worked if the original kde from breezy.07:39
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hussamRiddell: sorry, in* the original kde from breezy.07:40
DocTomoehow can I force a downgrade from beta2 to beta1 with apt-get?07:40
bhnarysiek: /dev/hda1       /media/hda1ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       007:40
rysiekbhna: a-ha! do you have a space between /media/hda1 and ntfs?07:41
bhnarysiek: yes07:41
rysiekok, then try adding "defaults" to options07:41
rysiekbhna: like "defaults,nls=utf8,umask=0222"07:42
bhnai cna mount my hda1 and i can copy form ha but there is no had1 in media:/07:42
rysiekok, but do you have read permissions as a normal user?07:43
bhnarysiek: yes07:43
bhnarysiek: this is my other hd /dev/hda7       /media/hda7     vfat    defaults        0       007:43
rysiekthen it has to be something with the media:/ magic, and it's beyond me :/07:43
hussamRiddell: I'll try rebooting07:43
rysiekbhna: sorry07:44
rysiekbhna: wait07:44
rysiekgot an idea:07:44
rysiekbhna: umount the new drives07:44
bhnarysiek: ok just a moment07:45
rysiekand tell me, what do you have in the /media/ folder?07:45
rysiekbhna: ls -l /media/ will be ok :)07:45
bhnarysiek: in the /media folder is the hda1 folder07:46
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bhnarysiek: but there is no hda icon in the kio-slave media:/07:46
rysiekbhna: I understand, but do you have the mount-points? I suppose you do, otherwise mount would complain about it, but I just want to check07:47
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rysiekbhna: leave the kio-slave and go konsole ;)07:48
bhnarysiek: i have the mount-point. thats ok.07:48
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rysiekbhna: then I don't have an idea, what's wrong07:48
bhnai have the hd cions in the media:/ before the updates07:49
ivo-sbhna: the same here07:49
hussambhna: same here. it broke after today's breezy update07:49
ivo-shussam: yes, same here07:50
icewtin the default kubuntu kde theme, when a window is not active, it's title becomes in a way blurred. is there a way to make it not become blurry?07:50
bhnaRiddell: any solutions for our (hussam, ivo-s) problem?07:50
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icewti don't mind, but my sister won't move from windows to linux if the title become blurry :P07:51
Riddellbhna: what's the problem?07:52
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elcucohi all,07:53
elcucoi am experiencing segfaults on the startup of many applications07:54
elcucothe funniest is apt-get07:54
bhnaRiddell: there are no icons for mounted hds in media:/ only mounted usb-drives ans cdroms07:54
Forgottendrucan you help me please07:54
Forgottendrui am having trouble07:54
hussamRiddell: even after the CD-ROM is mounted and konqueror opens media:/hdd , a small "Mounting /dev/hdd" stays on the screen saying 0% although /dev/hdd is already mounted07:55
Riddellbhna: you need to use fstab for hard disks07:56
icewtah.. i got my problem fixed07:56
patorusoanyone speaks spanish?07:56
hussamRiddell: I press cancel on it since hdd is already mounted and the desktop freezes.07:56
bhnaRiddell: the hds are in the fstab and mounted07:57
hussamRiddell: even if the hard disk is in fstab, it won't show in media:/ after today's update07:57
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:57
hussamRiddell: the hds are still accessible in /media/ntfsdisk or similar07:58
patorusoi every1, i'll go to the point, i have ubuntu 5.04 and i want to switch to kubuntu 5.10, i downloaded and burned the cd but i want to have a clean installation how can i do this?, the pc has xp also ubuntu on a diferent partition, sorry for my english07:58
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DocTomoepatoruso: how about editing your sources.list and doing a apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade?08:01
rysiekok, trying to repeat my question: where should I put a single line I want to be executed when KDE starts?08:01
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patorusobut i alreaady have the cd, and my internet conecction is not that fast, i got the cd from a friend08:02
elementarmycould someone help with compiling prob?08:02
DocTomoerysiek: how about putting a softlink to ~/.kde/Autostart?08:02
treefrogfrank32: if you are around.. the latest update fixed the amarok issue.08:02
hussamRiddell: is there anyway to disable the small "mounting /dev/hdd" window from appearing in the first place? it stays at 0% even after the cd is mounted and pressing "cancel" on it makes KDE hang.08:02
patorusohow do i do that?08:03
rysiekDocTomoe: thx, that may be it ;)08:03
DocTomoepatoruso: this really is too bad ... I really recommend not trying to "overwrite" an old ubuntu (or linux) distribution. try an upgrade, really08:03
satafterhKDE 3.5 Beta 2 buggs fixed yet?08:03
xuniL____okey i need help i cant start x.... then i turn linux on08:03
DocTomoesatafterh: not until beta3 or RC ;) Yes, I hate that, too08:03
patorusoi don't want to overwrite i want a clean instalation08:04
satafterh#DocTomoe - you exspect a few buggs as its beta but this one came with a gab full08:04
DocTomoepatoruso: If you insist (and again I advise against that!), backup ~/*, format your hard disk, install from scratch. installation CDs are not upgrade cds ...08:05
satafterhbag full08:05
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DocTomoesatafterh: go tell me the obvious ... I am struggling with this myself (no, I am not a packager)08:05
=== DocTomoe is still trying to downgrade to beta1
patorusoi don't have any important data in this partition i already switch it to another hard disk08:06
patorusothat's why i want to have a clean instalation, but i want to keep xp on the other partition08:06
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satafterh#DocTomoe - should be alfa not beta, lol08:06
rysiekpataruso: then just insert the cd08:06
patorusoand how do i format the linux partition08:07
rysiekpataruso: and do a normal install, but be carefull with the partitioning08:07
patorusoi've never done ir before08:07
rysiekpataruso: have you installed ubuntu/kubuntu yet?08:07
DocTomoepatoruso: then just install it again ...08:07
rysiekpataruso: ok, do you remember the small wizard for disk partitioning?08:07
patorusoformat and install08:07
rysiekpataruso: just select the linux partitions to be formatted08:08
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patorusoand how about the swap08:08
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puckmanHey, I got a super weird problem08:08
patorusohow much do you recommend my pc is P4 2.4Ghz 256RAM08:08
puckmanout of the blue konsole claims that whois and dig are unknown commands?08:09
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puckmananyone ever had that?08:09
DocTomoepuckman: you might want to install them first ...08:09
DocTomoesudo apt-get install whois dig08:09
rysiekpataruso: as far as I know swap should be ~2 times the RAM you have08:10
puckmanah, I had no idea they did not come installed08:10
hussamso does anyone know how to get media:/ to display mounted hard disks and unmounted CD-Roms again?08:10
patorusook thanks all of you, i'll try and come back if i have trouble08:10
rysiekpataruso: just watch out and don't touch the windows partitions :] 08:11
patorusoi'll rememeber that08:11
satafterhcan i install over my currant system to get kde 3.4.3 back with out messing everthing eles up?08:11
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rysiekok, gtg guys08:11
rysiekcu all08:11
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raingrovesatafterh, ya08:12
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os2macis there a way to save you wlan0 settings (essid and key) so that you don't have to reset coming out from hibernation?08:14
roscoI've just installed kubuntu (5.10) but I cannot find the page related to the graphic card (nvidia). Is there a spcial way to do it in kubuntu ??08:14
roscothere is xserver, opengl, but nothing specific about the graphic card08:15
ubotuit has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:15
frank23you can use adept instead of synaptic08:16
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DocTomoeos2mac: I am happily using wlassistant for this task ... you might want to look at kde-apps.org, because there is no native kubuntu package08:16
frank23os2mac: you can look into network-manager although I have never used it08:17
roscook, I'll use adept, but even if I didn't wanted to install nvidia driver, is there a control panel that shows me info about the graphic adapter ?08:18
roscoI found it in KDE (suse) but not in this KDE08:18
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frank23rosco: what so you mean?  once the nvidia drivers are installed, nvidia-settings  can be used08:19
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roscofrank23: I mean for example the panel where i can check the amount of memory of the card, or other parameters08:22
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DocTomoeok, I am trying this in another manner ... how can I make sure that all packages of my distribution are reinstalled? 08:22
frank23rosco: nvidia-settings does that08:22
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libbenhow do i mount manually my floppy08:25
frank23rosco: actually for nvidia-settings you also need to install the nvidia-settings package08:25
NSKlibben: use the mount command08:25
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unsurreallibben: mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy08:28
os2macFrank23: I can't get network-settings to save the settings for after hibernation.08:29
NightieHello, I'm running kubuntu 5.10 on my laptop. If I plug in the ethernet cable, I can't get connection... I have a router with dhcp that works PERFECTLY on my "tower-pc". Laptop has got eth0 for wireless and eth1 for wired network. Can you help me please?08:29
os2macDocTomoe: I can't that package to install.08:29
DocTomoeright: You have to compile it from source ;)08:30
os2macthere is a .deb package.08:30
DocTomoeNightie: What does sudo dhclient eth1 ?08:30
DocTomoeos2mac: right. for DEBIAN. You are using UBUNTU ;)08:30
os2macbut I thought they were the same (evil grin)08:31
DocTomoewell ... a Fiat uno and a tank resemble each other in a kind of way ... so do ubuntu and debian08:31
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Nightie2DocTomoe: thanx, it works now! But... do I have to type this anytime I want to use my router?08:35
DocTomoeI am starting this tool and keep it in the background...solves my problem ...08:36
Nightie2which tool? are you talking to me?08:37
os2macDocTomoe: I am not sure new software will fix it... I think it's not reading the /etc/network/interfaces file upon coming out of hibernation.08:38
DocTomoeNightie2: mistook your statement ... You still want to give me info what dhclient eth0 does to your network problem08:39
Nightie2DocTomoe: well... I can surf the web, now... do you want me to write the output?08:40
DocTomoeNightie2: ok, problem solved ;) you might want to add a line like that to /etc/init.d/networking08:40
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Nightie2well... great... I'm going to do it asap!08:41
chuck87does somebody can help me to update kubuntu 5.04 to 5.10?08:42
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EcksEightySixhowdy. is there a termcap package for ubuntu/kubuntu? tried almost every libtermcap combo with apt-get install, without much success08:43
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EcksEightySixI have to install Sun Web Server, and it's setup require libtermcap.so.208:43
EcksEightySixany hints?08:43
Nightie2Does anybody know what "irqpoll" parameter for kernel actually does?08:44
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chuck87does anybody can help me to update kubuntu 5.04 to 5.10?08:47
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EcksEightySixhowdy. what package should I install if I need libtermcap.so.2 (tried a lot of possible combo with apt-get without much success)08:50
el-stupidoanyone in here play Unreal Tournament08:50
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EcksEightySixso, there's no possible way for me to get a ubuntu (breezy) package that'd install libtermcap.so.2 on my system? :(08:52
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kkathmanHmm I just had something odd happen08:53
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el-stupidoanyone in here play Unreal Tournament?08:53
kkathmanone of my samba shares to a winbox, is reporting files that were there, but are not anymore, and those that are there, it says arent :)08:54
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sikor_sxewhich package do i have to install to have the kde headers installed?08:57
treefrogHi anyone know about setting up the Java support in Konqueror. I cant use this site http://myspeed.visualware.com/08:57
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NSKtreefrog: just install java ?08:58
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treefrogfrom Adept? or where? 08:59
treefrogsorry very sill Q I'm sure 08:59
NSKfrom sun, I suppose09:00
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laszlokEcksEightySix: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=libtermcap.so.2&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=breezy&arch=i38609:00
treefrogdid that on my last install atempt and it did not go se well .09:00
treefrogonce biten twice shy09:01
treefrogI'll hve another go09:01
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_vincentsibarra bon, toujours rien09:01
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yogarinequestion: how do I properly set up PPPoE in Kubuntu...?09:08
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drom1n4d0nedd help09:10
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drom1n4d0configure a printer??09:10
drom1n4d0i put a printer for usb09:10
drom1n4d0is the hp deskejet 940c09:11
drom1n4d0someone help me09:11
drom1n4d0i need the printer 09:11
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asranieljust wanted to say how much i love linux.. its so much better than windows (just wanted to say that)09:12
drom1n4d0yes but in windows its easy configure a printer09:12
drom1n4d0in linux is diferent09:13
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drom1n4d0can you tell me09:13
kkathmanwell that was weird09:13
drom1n4d0how configure09:13
asranieldrom1n4d0: try to install a usb keyboard on a windows oem computer.. it wants the xp cd, but i have no xp cd! only a recovery cd!09:13
yogarinedont you hate it when that happens? :P09:14
drom1n4d0my mouse is usb09:14
drom1n4d0and working in linux09:14
kkathmanasraniel: no way...why would it want an xp cd??? I've installed 100's of keyboards and just plugging them in and rebooting works09:14
kkathmanmine too drom :)09:15
yogarineI want to set up my PPPoE properly09:15
yogarinecan anyone help me out?09:15
drom1n4d0i need this printer and you talk about xp09:16
asranielkkathman: well, mine doesent. but surprisgnly it works under linux! grrr09:16
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shivhi all09:16
drom1n4d0what is the comands for working with a printer09:16
kkathmanasraniel: thats just weird :)  must be some kind of odd keyboard then09:16
drom1n4d0apt-get install cupsys09:17
drom1n4d0i put this09:17
kkathmanyogarine: did you upgrade or install clean?09:17
yogarineI configured it using pppoeconf09:17
kkathmanyogarine: then did you have your system plugged into the network while installing?09:17
yogarinebut the bugger wont connect on boot, and pon dsl-thingy wont work09:17
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kkathmancuz I didnt have to do a thing09:18
kkathmanhey hussam :)09:18
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yogarinekkathman: well... dont have a network acutally09:18
shivwhen I start my computer I get this black screen dhcpp3 login: prompt, then I turn it off and restart and I can get my gui back. HOw do I get rid of this black screen with the prompt?09:18
yogarinekkathman: just a dsl modem09:18
kkathmanyogarine: well I mean attached to the internet09:18
kkathman!tell yogarine about adsl09:19
kkathmanyogarine: check your PM09:19
yogarinethanks a million09:20
hussamkkathman: Hey :)09:20
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kkathmanwhat's shakin hussam??09:21
yogarinekkathman: I did that allready, the problem is it wont connect on boot and 'pon dsl-provider' wont work either09:22
hussamkkathman: nothing, I'm just bothered by today's Kdebase update for breezy09:22
kkathmanyogarine: hmmmm dunno then...must be a service thats not starting09:22
kkathmanhussam: whats going on?09:22
yogarinebummer :(09:23
yogarineisnt there some program like the network connection manager in Fedora?09:23
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kkathmanyogarine: did you try the system settings, network settings?09:24
hussamkkathman: media:/ is empty again and the desktop freezes after a CD-rom is automounted. 09:24
yogarinekkathman: yup, but you can set up PPPoE there09:24
kkathmanhussam: odd...I had an anomaly on my system... for some reason one of the winshares in Samba was reporting files that I had deleted, and files that were there, it said were not09:25
kkathmanyogarine: yeah ... I only remember one place to set up that PPPoE and thats during the setup...but Im sure theres a way09:26
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hussamkkathman: so that status of the shared files is not refreshed?09:26
kkathmanhussam: well for some reason, no09:27
kkathmanI populated some files on my winbox, came over to Linux and copied them.. Then I went back to my winbox and removed them09:27
kkathmanthen I added a few more on the winbox...came back09:28
kkathmanwhen I brought the share up, files that I deleted on the winbox, showed up on the share, and files that I just added showed up, but none were available09:28
kkathmanvery odd09:29
drom1n4d0need help09:29
drom1n4d0configure printer in kubuntu?09:29
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kkathmanbut because they are shares, hussam, and they are mounted as media devices, wondered if that might be the same issue you are having09:29
danl_Bhow do i get libxext-dev to install in kubuntu. It says it requires a different version of libxext which i can't get to install09:30
drom1n4d0somebody help me please09:30
hussamkkathman: did that start hapening after today's kdebase updates for breezy?09:30
kkathmandrom1n4d0: go to the Kmenu and under Utilities choose the Printer Manager09:31
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kkathmanhussam: perhaps yes....at least its the first time its done it09:31
kkathmanhussam: but my devices are not deleted09:31
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kkathmanand they mount fine on boot09:32
drom1n4d0and more09:32
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hussamkkathman: that could be it then. I'm not sure though.09:32
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kkathmanhussam: Im going to go delete them on my winbox and see what happens now09:33
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kkathmanhussam: yep its not refreshing09:33
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satafterhis there a quick way to downgrade?09:35
hussamkkathman: the share mounts as a network drive, right?09:35
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kkathmanhussam: yes09:41
kkathmantrouble is that I cant seem to force it to refresh either09:41
kkathmanrebooting works09:41
kkathmanhussam: I even tried to recreate the link on my desktop, and it didnt refresh09:42
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getaceresis anyone using kopete from the KDE 3.5 beta 2?09:47
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kkathmanTm_T:  I found my first serious prob09:49
kkathmanTm_T:  Samba shares arent updating09:50
xxenonanything special to do to get mp3 support in Xine (Breezy) ?09:50
kkathmanTm_T: had files on my winbox, which i have as a samba share on my linux box. Deleted files on the winbox...they still show up on the samba share09:50
Tm_Tnever used samba myself09:51
kkathmanTm_T:  you know of a way to "refresh" ??09:51
jjessewhat is the difference between the server version that just came across the announce list and if i type server in at the install prompt of a kubuntu install?09:51
kkathmanother than booting 09:51
el-stupidoif a file is read only? How do I set it to Write?09:52
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kkathmanel-stupido: you should read up on chmod and chown, and file permissions09:54
AnArKY87any users use kde 3.5 on kubuntu??09:54
el-stupidoi was wondering if there was a graphical way of doing this09:54
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getaceresAnArKY87: Yes09:55
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kkathmanel-stupido: yes there is09:55
el-stupidokkathman: ?09:56
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el-stupidokkathman: note that i am not owner of file09:56
AnArKY87getaceres, how to install??09:56
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kkathmanel-stupido: use Konqueror, navigate to the file, then right click, properties and set the permissions...but you must have that right09:56
getacereslook at www.kubuntu.org09:57
MikeStyleHey guys, i downloaded KXDocker and installed the .deb package but im not sure where KXDocker is!09:57
getaceresadd the repositories in the announce page and do a dist-upgrade09:57
kkathmanMikeStyle: Konsole...do a whereis09:57
AnArKY87ok getaceres 09:57
kkathmanMikeStyle: I.e. whereis KXDocker09:57
hussamkkathman: I gotta go now, tell me later if you get your problem solved.09:57
AnArKY87getaceres, but kde 3.5 is more unstable??09:58
kkathmanhussam: okie dokie cya later09:58
MikeStylekkathman, mike@ubuntu:~ $ wheris kxdocker09:58
MikeStylebash: wheris: command not found09:58
kkathmanMikeStyle: whereis09:58
MikeStylemike@ubuntu:~ $ whereis kxdocker09:58
MikeStylethats all i got09:58
kkathmanMikeStyle: Did you apt-get it?09:59
kkathmanor dkpg09:59
kkathmanoops dpkg09:59
MikeStylekkathman, i dpkg it09:59
kkathmanhmm should work...you can try looking for it in /usr/bin10:00
MikeStylesudo dpkg -i kxdocker_0.32-1_i386.deb10:00
getaceresMikeStyle: Just press alt+f2 and write kxdocker10:00
getaceresyou can do it in the console too10:00
asranieli wonder if i REALY have to recompile the kernel to make my laptop work... hmmm10:00
kkathmanyah that will do it too10:00
MikeStylegetaceres, mike@ubuntu:~ $ kxdocker10:00
MikeStylebash: kxdocker: command not found10:00
kkathmanhmmm it didnt get installed then10:01
MikeStyleor maybe kxdocker isnt the command for the program10:01
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getaceresdid you get an error while installing?10:01
getaceresanyway, execute kappfinder and click on search, maybe it may find it10:01
danl_Bhow do you successfully install moodin for kde splash screen?10:01
getaceresdanl_B: I compiled it, I haven't found a (k)ubuntu package yet10:02
MikeStylekxdocker is not in /usr/bin10:03
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getaceresMikeStyle: have you tried with kappfinder?10:03
danl_Bi can't compile it10:04
MikeStylekappfinder just found me a bunch of non-KDE apps10:04
danl_Bi get an error saying missing x includes10:04
getaceresMikeStyle: are you using breezy?10:05
el-stupidofrank23: Finally got it Running!! WoooHooo!!10:06
asranielis there somewhere a ultimativ laptop guide?10:06
AnArKY87getaceres, what is this error??10:06
AnArKY87W: GPG error: http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu breezy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D508810:06
AnArKY87W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>10:06
getaceresthen just type "apt-get install kxdocker kxdocker-data" it should install kxdocker 0.3510:06
danl_Bn/m, i think i found a kubuntu package at kde-look10:06
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MikeStylegetaceres: mike@ubuntu:~ $ apt-get install kxdocker kxdocker-data10:07
MikeStyleE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:07
MikeStyleE: Unable to lock the list directory10:07
getaceresMikeStyle: sorry, type sudo before the command10:07
MikeStylekxdocker is already the newest version.10:08
MikeStyleThe following NEW packages will be installed:10:08
MikeStyle  kxdocker-data10:08
MikeStyleis this good?10:08
getaceresMikeStyle: try it10:08
MikeStylegetaceres, kxdocker-data is now installed10:08
MikeStylenow what?10:08
getacerestype kxdocker?10:09
kkathmanMikeStyle: might need to do sudo10:09
MikeStylemike@ubuntu:~ $ kxdocker10:09
MikeStylebash: kxdocker: command not found10:09
getaceresI'm installing it now to see what happens10:09
el-stupidoIf a drive (having windows) is mounted how do I browse it?10:09
kkathmanMikeStyle: put a sudo in front of that command10:09
getaceresI don't like kxdocker much, but I'll see if I can make it work10:10
el-stupidook got it10:10
el-stupidosorry lol10:10
MikeStylemike@ubuntu:~ $ sudo kxdocker10:10
MikeStylesudo: kxdocker: command not found10:10
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getaceresAnArKY87: It's a loooong story, but in short, they are not fatal errors and you can install packages normally. It will only warn you that packages installed from these repositories are not signed10:11
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AnArKY87ok I understand10:12
getaceresit works for me just typing kxdocker10:13
MikeStylegetaceres...when i install stuff i always have trouble. like my sources.list file was messed when i upgraded...so now like it always gives me errors: kde-headers not installed. then i try to install stuff and i get "to install, this needs this package, but it will not be installed"10:13
getaceresopen synaptic and search kxdocker10:13
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MikeStylegetaceres, they are both installed says synaptic10:14
el-stupidoOk.. I am trying to overwrite a file with a file from my Windows drive and it says "Unable to change permissions" 10:15
getacereswhat version do you see in kxdocker?10:15
MikeStylegetaceres, but i get a wierd version of installed...like  200059959321-110:15
MikeStyleand data is version 0.12-110:15
el-stupidotho I did use sudo chmod a+w10:15
getacereswell, select kxdocker and then go to package->force version...10:16
getaceresand select breezy version10:16
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getaceresit might warn you, simply accept it10:16
MikeStylegetaceres, doing that10:17
MikeStylegetaceres, done10:17
MikeStylenow what10:17
getaceresapply changes10:17
getaceresdid it install or did you get errors?10:17
MikeStylegetaceres, ok it works now, thanks10:17
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kkathmanhey Mars10:22
marsI have a little problem with window deco crystal GL10:22
marsI mean it doesent work :)10:22
kkathmangee I wish apokryphos or Riddell would stop by :)10:23
kkathmanHey Riddell :)10:23
kkathmanGot a samba share issue that I think was a direct result of an update today :(10:24
marsI downloaded deb and installed it but now when i go to win deco and chose this one nothing happens. In hoary it worked but when i turned to brezzy it doesent :/10:24
marsI have qt10:24
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Riddellmars: it probably wasn't compiled for gcc 410:25
marsyou mean what schould i do?10:25
Riddellrecompile it10:25
_vincentHi, I just installed kubuntu, and my usb key is not automounted when I insert it ???10:25
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kkathmanRiddell: Any ideas on the samba share issue I mentioned... shares arent updating ...is there a way to refresh a samba share manually?10:25
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marsRiddell: I installed this style few times and it still doesent work10:26
marswindow deco i mean10:26
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getaceresdoes anybody know how can I change my password in freenode?10:27
Riddellkkathman: F5?10:28
satafterhany one know what Qt is?10:28
Riddell_vincent: you need the kdebase update from breezy-updates10:28
Riddellsatafterh: a programming library for GUIs10:28
satafterhwhat do i need to install to have it10:29
Riddellsatafterh: libqt3-mt10:29
kkathmanok thats weird, now its ok...wonder if that refresh is timed or something??10:29
_vincentRiddell I did not hace kdebase at all10:29
Riddell_vincent: no that's fine, it's the parts of kdebase that are the important bit10:30
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bubblenutHow do Install .deb packages?10:32
kkathmanbubblenut: use dpkg -i10:33
kkathmanbubblenut: For instance:   dpkg -i foo.deb10:33
stupendo44bubblenut: if you have breezy, you can right-click and select Kubuntu Package menu, and Install Package10:34
bubblenutbrilliant, thanks :)10:34
bubblenutI have breezy but it doesn't seem to give me the option to install10:34
kkathmanwell there ya go...now you have 2 ways :)10:35
_vincentRidell I think I have what you mentionned10:35
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el-stupidowhere can I configure NVidia settings?10:42
_asranieli can see 2 network interfaces in kde, a wireless one and a normal one, but i cant activate any of them. its a centrino laptop10:43
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MikeStylehey guys, i got KXDocker working...but when i try to configure it like adding applications it doesnt work...it removes them im just not sure on how to add them10:44
kevmanCan some direct me to a sources.list with universe, and multiverse? I think i screwed mine up...10:44
frank23!tell kevman about sources10:44
=== kevman smacks the bot.
frank23el-stupido: install nvidia-settings then run nvidia-settings10:45
kevmanubotu, help10:45
kevmanOh, I didn't see the msg..10:45
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kkathmankevman: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes10:47
kkathmanthat has an example of the repos10:47
kkathmanhey frank23 wassup today?10:48
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kevmanI must have been missing a repo. I couldn't get j2re10:50
frank23kkathman: I'm trying this kompile thing I found at kde-look10:53
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NeedHelpHi, i need help. I installed kubuntu, i used adept for a wile, than a friend of mine sayed me to allow the "full duplex" i did it and the sistem crashed,Now every time i install a program by adept, i install it, than i reboot my sistem and a windows appears: it says me "the manager of the services kde is not in execution". If i disinstall the program (EVERY PROGRAM!) it returns normal. What can i do to fix It?10:57
kkathmanfrank23: what thing is that?10:59
kkathmanNeedHelp: If you uninstall what program?11:00
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kkathmanNeedHelp: And where and when does this message come up?11:01
NeedHelpkkathman: if i uninstall the progtam thath i have installed frist of the reboot, every program11:03
NeedHelpkkathman: it comes up on the desktop, when is restoring11:03
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mvvi just installed 5.10, but i can't find any disks in media:/, also i can't change the directorynames in /media11:05
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NeedHelpHow to overwrite the "sources.list" thath is in my desktop, with an old "sources.list" thath is in /etc/apt ?11:12
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naliothNeedHelp: use a text editor11:16
NeedHelpnalioth: it says i haven't the permission11:19
naliothNeedHelp: use kdesu to start your text editor11:20
kinfoi don't understand.11:20
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castlerockhi all11:27
castlerockis there a setting so that there is not an ugly black/white/gray background when X.org starts up?11:27
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Blissexcastlerock: the ''trellis'' background? It is a sacred symbol :-)11:28
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raphinkhi PupenoL 11:29
PupenoLHow much time does it take to install kubuntu (in a modern machine) ?11:29
castlerockBlissex > well then call be a dissenter ;-)11:29
castlerockBlissex > i mean ME11:29
PupenoLhalf an hour ? more ?11:29
raphinkdepends 11:30
frank23is anyone here using klik?11:30
Blissexcastlerock: it cannot be easily changed, but it can easily overriden with say 'xsetroot -solid grey40'11:30
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raphinktried it quite a bit frank23 11:30
PupenoLraphink: 52x cd... ide hd.11:30
frank23raphink: is it good?11:30
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PupenoLraphink: on what else does it depend ?11:30
raphinkfrank23: lots of problems11:30
BlissexPupenoL: as <raphink> says, it depends, e.g. on much you install. Half an hour can be a good time.11:30
frank23raphink: like what?11:30
kkathmanhey raphink good to see you again :)11:31
raphinkfrank23: like packages not working11:31
PupenoLBlissex: afaik, you don't select how much you install, am I wrong ?11:31
raphinkbut it won't ever screw up your install11:31
raphinkso you can use it11:31
raphinkif you want to see how it looks and report bugs :)11:31
castlerockBlissex > could you use X -br?11:31
Blissexcastlerock: and you can put the background change in say '~/.xinitrc' so you need never actually see the sacred symbol11:31
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Blissexcastlerock: you can use it, same as 'xsetroot -solid black'11:33
raphinkhi bobbyd 11:33
castlerockBlissex > thanks11:33
strike4ceI put the beta source list in the repository and now I cant open apt get?11:33
strike4ceshows an error11:34
castlerockBlissex > so I can add it where in the .xinitrc file?11:34
raphinkwhat error strike4ce ?11:34
strike4ceraphink: jus sex11:34
raphinkno thanks11:34
raphinknot with strangers11:34
bobbydsuper user mode in network settings doesn't work for me in my fresh breezy install. It also didn't work in hoary. When I click the administrator mode button, the Routes tab is greyed out.11:35
bobbydIhave to get the default gateway by hand each time I boot. how should I fix that?11:35
raphinkyep bobbyd 11:35
raphinkbobbyd: kdesu kcontrol11:35
raphinkthen it should work11:35
Blissexcastlerock: yes, that allows you to change it to _any_ color; you can also use 'xsetbg' for example to change it to any other texture.11:35
Blissexcastlerock: note that if you log in via a DM you should also look at '~/.xsession'.11:36
_skiyHe folks, can I update to breezy from hoary11:36
_skiyor do I need to download the hoary CD ?11:36
Blissexcastlerock: they get executed so quickly that I never see the trelling background.11:36
raphinkbobbyd: then choose sarge, taht's the closest 11:36
Blissex_skiy: both.11:36
raphinkyou can do both _skiy 11:36
raphinkwell either rather11:37
bobbydraphink, huh?11:37
Blissex_skiy: there is a specific page on the Ubuntu Wiki that describes how to do either.11:37
bobbydraphink, it still doesn't work, it's still greyed out on the routes tab11:37
raphinkwhat did you do bobbyd ?11:37
strike4ceraphink: LOL sorry typo just noticied11:37
raphinkdid you launch `kdesu kcontrol' ?11:37
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_skiyBlissex: i shall check that out11:37
bobbydraphink, kdesu kcontrol does nothing11:38
castlerockBlissex: Ok, I see these files, but where in them should I add the xsetroot -solid black?11:38
strike4ceraphink: it says to do apt-setup apt-get update11:38
raphinkbobbyd: did you close kcontrol before doing that?11:38
bobbydraphink, yes11:38
frank23raphink: where are klik apps installed? is everything installed as a user?11:38
bobbydraphink, kcontrol on it's own works, kdesu kcontrol does nothing11:38
raphinkfrank23: klik apps can be launched from KDE Menu -> Applications (installted by Klik)11:39
Blissexcastlerock: they are shell scripts. List of commands that are executed one after another. So I would say it should be the first command in the file.11:39
bobbydand another thing, where has kcalc gone?11:39
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raphinkbobbyd: where did you launch kdesu from?11:39
Blissexcastlerock: note that if the first line begins with a "#" leave it as the first line.11:39
bobbydraphink, a console?11:39
raphinkbobbyd: that's what you did?11:40
raphinkfroma  console?11:40
bobbydraphink, huh, it's working now11:40
raphinkbe aware that all the settings are for root when you do that bobbyd 11:40
bobbydraphink, that was random, it must have been that I ran it previously from a console without kdesu11:40
Blissex_skiy: there are some links in the second half of http://kubuntu.org/announcements/breezy-release.php11:40
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bobbydraphink, yeah, I guessed that, but thanks though11:40
raphinkbobbyd: to set your network11:41
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raphinkyou might aswell use xnetcardconfig11:41
raphinkwhich is apart from kde11:41
Blissex_skiy: if you can, download/get the full CD, which you can keep around if you need to reinstall, and then upgrade from it. The also upgrade online for packages updated after the CD was imaged.11:41
asranielhei, im quite happy with my laptop, everything seems to work (ok, perhaps no apci...) execot wireless. in the kde network settings i can see the wireless card, but i cant activate it.. any ideas?11:41
strike4ceraphink: how do i save the repository after i made changes in terminal directly?11:42
Blissexin any case a full upgrade upgrades almost all packages, so one ends up downloading almost the full CD.11:42
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_skiyasraniel: what kind of wireless card do you have?11:42
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asranielhmm.. i have a centrino laptop, very new, i'll check it11:42
frank23raphink: at the very least, klick seems a nice way to try new apps11:42
raphinksure frank23 when it works11:42
raphinkstrike4ce: what did you edit with?11:42
os2macahhh nothing like wireless internet, a good cigar and a kegerator....11:43
strike4cestraight thru terminal using apt-setup and edit repository11:43
raphinknever used apt-setup11:43
frahiwhich tools are responsable for spinning down the harddisc? this morning it spins down after 1 sec of inactivity, but now it just runs continously11:43
os2macanyone about?11:43
asranielskiy; should be that : Integrated Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG (802.11 a/b/g tri-mode) 11:44
raphinkstrike4ce: I guess apt-setup changes your sources11:44
raphinkand then you only need to apt-get update11:44
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Blissexfrahi: dozens and dozen unfortunately. Look if you got 'acpid' running11:44
bobbydraphink, it just forgets the default gateway I added when i look again, and there's no entry when I use route fro mthe command line. Is this a known bug?11:45
_skiyasraniel: Is your laptop on this page: http://rfswitch.sourceforge.net/?page=laptop_matrix11:45
raphinkbobbyd: I had to setup my connection manually lately11:46
_skiyasraniel: if not, ndiswrapper (ew..) is your best bet11:46
raphinkso I had pbs with network too11:46
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raphinkI just set /etc/network/interfaces manually11:46
frahiBlissex: yes it is running, but this is reasponsable for mapping acpi events to scripts but not for controlling hd, is it?11:46
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StRHi all!11:46
kkathman_skiy: try this site for upgrading btw:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes11:46
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asraniel_skiy: not realy, i have a travelmate 8103, but on this page its only up to 6000. but i found a tutorial that tells me i have to recompile the kernel, with ipw2000 activated for wireless11:47
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strike4ceI keep getting this error in terminal:  E: Type '*' is not known on line 4 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list11:48
Blissexfrahi: uh, controlling hd perhaps relates to power settings :-).11:48
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Blissexfrahi: the HD either goes to sleep automatically (look at option '-S' in 'man hdparm') or it can be explicitly set to sleep/standby (other option in 'man hdparm).11:49
_skiyasraniel: Is the spec of your 8103 much different to the 6000 ?11:49
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_skiyIf not, then probably the centrino is the same?11:50
Blissexfrahi: who sets the automatic sleep period and/or sets the disk to sleep explicitly using 'hdparm'? Well, the boot scripts, and odds are that 'acpid' has a part in it.11:50
jaypeeeanyone compile xine-lib 1.1.0 ?11:50
_skiyFolks, I have replaced all occurences of "hoary" to "breezy" in my sources.list11:50
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_skiyI assume this is sufficient for updating to breezy. please correct me if I am wrong.11:50
asraniel_skiy: i have never seen the spec for the 6000, but ive heard that it should be similar. both are centrinos  i think (at least mine is)11:50
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Blissex_skiy: I'd rather suggest the upgrade from CD as I said...11:50
_skiyBlissex: OK, I will BT it over night11:51
jaypeeei was wondering if could just do default ./configure or do i have to ./configure --prefix=/usr for xine-lib 1.1.011:51
Blissex_skiy: because a full upgrade is a few hundred MB regardless, and it is going to be much slower than BT'ing the image.11:51
troththis is kind of a windows question but not really, pls help........k my primary drive is my windows drive(hda1,C:\) 10G, i have breezy on the slave 250G, i just ordered another 250G last night and i want to do a complete copy of the primary drive, to keep it exactly how it is. is there a program to do it?11:53
Blissex_skiy: and while you are upgrading it is not good to use the system, but while you are BT'ing it is safer.11:53
_skiykk, thanks Blissex and asraniel good luck with your centrino11:53
_skiyBlissex: Good thinking11:53
_skiyG'nite all11:53
Blissextroth: several, including 'cp'/'dd'.11:53
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Blissextroth: what you can do is actually a very evil thing, if you are a bit geeky.11:54
trothBlissex, that will copy EVERYTHING, hidden files etc., i want to copy and just pop the new one in11:54
Blissextroth: yes, it just copies the disk.11:54
trothok, good11:54
trothwhats so evil about it?11:55
Blissextroth: note that copy and pop the new one is not going to have everything working, including MS Windows. You will have to take some special precautions before and after.11:55
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Blissextroth: well, what would be evil is a technique to raise the chances that MS Windows will continue to ''just work''.11:55
Blissextroth: BTW, you might want to download UltimateBootCD.com, which has a lot of partition/copy utilities.11:56
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strike4cehow do I edit the sourcelist?11:57
Blissexstrike4ce: carefully.11:57
strike4ceBlissex: what is the command?11:58
Blissexstrike4ce: any text editor will do, like 'kate', which is in the menu.11:58
strike4ceBlissex: How do i get to it11:58
trothBlissex: im not understanding your underlying explaination, do i want to raise the chances it works, of course, but you are being very vague about 'evil' :)11:59
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raphinkstrike4ce: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources/list11:59
raphinkstrike4ce: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:59
strike4ceraphink: after that how do I save?12:00
raphink^x to quit12:01
raphinkthen `y' to save12:01
raphinkwhen it asks you12:01
raphinkon the bottom of the console12:01
Blissextroth: the problem is also that you are clear as to what you want to achieve.12:01
Blissextroth: after you have done what you want to do, how will your system look like and behave?12:02
raphinklike windows12:02
trothexactly as it is now, so i dont have to re download programs, drivers, music, my whole primary drive12:02
strike4ceraphink: I type that in terminal window?12:02
raphinksure strike4ce 12:02
Blissextroth: you really need to learn to be more explicit...12:03
raphinkstrike4ce: if you prefer to run a gui12:03
raphinkyou can type12:03

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