
=== mfuentes [n=mario@] has joined #launchpad
lifelessso yes, nothing merged12:05
mfuentesIs the registration system of the launchpad ok?12:05
mfuentesThe URL sended to the mail for activate my account es 404 :\12:06
lifelesskiko: btw the changes were not bzr related, they were a reorganisation requested by steve12:06
kikolifeless, thank god12:07
kikomfuentes, what URL was that?12:07
kikomfuentes, did you take too long?12:07
kikomfuentes, can you try again?12:07
mfuentespage not found :(12:08
lifelessmfuentes: ask for another email kiko means12:09
lifelessmfuentes: they time out.12:09
carloslifeless, hi12:10
kikomfuentes, they time out, and we haven't yet fixed the bug that would lead the token to have a less horrible page12:10
carloslifeless, I'm following the instructions at https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RocketFuelSetup12:10
lifelesscarlos: ok12:11
carloslifeless, but I get an error with bzr, seems like it does not understand the sftp:// when branching12:11
lifelesscarlos: do you have paramiko installed ?12:11
carloslifeless, yes12:11
lifelesscan you do this for me12:11
lifelesspython -c 'import bzrlib.transport.sftp'12:12
carloslifeless, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filelgXnkv.html12:12
carlosImportError: No module named sftp12:12
lifelesspython -c 'import bzrlib;print bzrlib.__version__'12:13
lifelessthis is decidely strange12:14
lifelessare you running from source or debs ?12:14
lifelessdpkg -l bzr12:14
carlosii  bzr            0.1.1+2005101812:15
lifelessupdate :012:15
carloslifeless, I had to revert to that version because latest one is broken12:15
lifelesscarlos: there is a newer one than the broken one12:15
carlosyeah, it was not there latest time I did the dist-upgrade ...12:16
carlosanyway, I get the same error12:16
Nafallois it?12:19
Nafallo20051020 is the latest one, no?12:19
carloslifeless, sorry, my fault, it's working now12:19
lifelesscarlos: cool12:20
lifelessI'm going to do a faster import process12:20
lifelessso don't do the big branch conversion yet.. but making sure you can checkout everything and so on is good12:21
Nafallohmm, worked here to ;-)12:21
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carloslifeless, ok12:22
lifelessif you want to do branch conversion on non-launchpad branches, thats cool12:24
cprovtime to sleeeeeeeeep, see you tomorrow guys, good night 12:31
lifelesskiko: clean checkout, imports ok :[12:32
=== carlos -> bed
carlossee you tomorrow!12:37
sivangany chacne spec tracker is experiencing problem? I just got the "please report a bug" page trying to add just another one12:38
lifelessKinnison: ping12:38
kikolifeless, no clue as to why?12:43
lifelesskiko: its mystifying me12:43
lifelessI've disabled pqm and when the current merge stops, I'll try inline12:44
kikopyc leftovers?12:44
lifelessclean tree every time12:44
lifelessit gets rm -rf'ed12:44
sivangRemoving Default Programs - better mechanism to remove programs included in the default installation. Not removing ubuntu-desktop, maybe somehow remembering this is a default installation minus program removed, so you won't have problems when upgrading to a new distro version.12:45
kikono! you're fired!12:45
sivanghaha :)12:45
sivangkiko: I filed a bug. spec tracker seem to really no like JUST the spec data I inputted at #343112:48
sivangkiko: otherwise it feels fine with the other specs I;ve registered12:48
sivanghow can I reassign a bug after already entering it?12:50
sivangkiko: you were joking right? (although you're silence is somewhat disturbing ;-) )12:52
kikosivang, you can click on the link in the top box and then change the assignee12:52
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
sivangkiko: where? ;-)12:53
kikoin the little box at the top of the bug page12:53
sivangkiko: bug details?12:53
kikohuh? no, fix requested in12:54
sivangkiko: ok, should I enter "launchpad" as the upstream product?12:54
sivangbecasue pressing "Add" again ives the "error occured in launchpad page"12:55
sivangah! man, I just clicked the whole region there, and finally got it12:56
kikoit's horrible12:56
kikonobody wants to fix it12:56
sivangI wasn't sure this:12:56
kikoI might do that next week12:56
sivanglaunchpad (upstream)    New   Normal   12:56
kikototally horrible12:56
sivangis the link :-D12:56
kikoplease don't rub it in12:56
lifelesskiko: nobody wants to fix it ? I'm sure brad would love too12:56
sivangkiko: that's should be a relatively small UI change no?12:56
kikompt and the sab are in a deadlock over it12:57
sivang(/me is still uneducated aboue it, sorry for how this may sound)12:57
kikoit is a trivial change12:57
kikobut nobody agrees on how to do it12:57
sivangkiko: I see12:57
sivangkiko: spec it for UBZ ? :-D12:57
lifelessI think we should let the same wave his wand12:58
lifelessanything would be better12:58
kikoeven no link12:59
sivangI suggst to add another "obvious" action link12:59
sivanglike "Request fix" thingies12:59
sivangI'm also wondering what the rationale about seperating editing the description, and the other details.01:01
sivangalso, would be nice to ahve a way to search bugs by reporter01:02
kikosivang, can you reproduce the system error you got in +upstreamtask?01:02
sivangkiko: let's try01:03
kikoI can't01:03
sivangkiko: I think that will happen again on a new bug, which has never been "+editbugs'd"01:04
sivangkiko: I'll test that again with a dummy one01:04
sivangah ok01:06
sivangit happened while I Was trying to request and +upstreamtask,01:06
kikocan't reproduce, sivang?01:09
kikoyou typed in launchpad01:10
sivangyes :)01:11
sivangI was just trying to tell you, but my breezy crashed!01:11
sivang(had to do full blown reboot)01:11
sivangshould I not have typed in launchpad?01:12
sivangkiko: when there will be a way to remove specs?01:14
sivanghmm, proxy error on a spec again01:17
kikolifeless, no love?01:25
sivangkiko: so, was me inputting "launchpad" a bad move ?01:26
lifelesskiko: its checking out still01:26
lifelessdoing a make check01:27
lifelessif this passes01:28
lifelessI'll do a merge of your pending request01:28
lifelessand make check again01:28
lifelessif that fails, then I think I know what the problem is01:28
kikothere were two actually01:28
lifelessare you merged up with lp ?01:28
kikoI can resubmit of course01:29
kikoshould I?01:29
lifelessnot yet01:29
kikoI need to leave soonish01:29
kikono lunch today01:29
kikogina still being loved01:29
lifelessin your tree, do 'ls -ld lib/hct'01:29
lifelessdude. 01:29
lifelesschristian.reis@canonical.com--lozenge/launchpad--trivialities--1--patch-69 <- I'm trying to get this one in01:30
lifelessso - 'ls -ld lib/hct' pleas01:31
sivangman, another system error on a spec. probably unrelated to the data itself01:31
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lifelessstub: what branch did your import error on ?01:32
stubcookiecrumber something. I think that branch has given us grief before and is stuffed even for baz IIRC. I suspect we need to skip it.01:33
stubOr delete it.01:33
stubimporting stuart.bishop@canonical.com/cookiecrumbler--canonical--1.2 into /home/warthogs/archives/stuart.bishop@canonical.com/cookiecrumbler/1.2/canonical01:34
stubCleaning up01:34
stubbzr: ERROR: conflict when applying pybaz.Revision('stuart.bishop@canonical.com/cookiecrumbler--release--1.2--patch-1') to /home/warthogs/archives/stuart.bishop@canonical.com/cookiecrumbler/1.2/baz2bzr-yLd8cN/rd01:34
stub  command: '/home/warthogs/source/bzr.integration/bzr' 'baz-import' 'stuart.bishop@canonical.com' 'stuart.bishop@canonical.com'01:34
stub  pwd: /home/warthogs/archives01:34
stub  at /home/pqm/source/pybaz/pybaz/_builtin.py line 2078, in apply()01:34
stub  see ~/.bzr.log for debug information01:34
lifelessstub: ok. uhm, do we use cookiecrumbler ?01:36
lifelessstub: also, do you need help getting staging to build configs with cm ?01:36
lifelessand dogfood01:36
stubYes, but I think we use the modified copy in my Plone tree rather than my modified copy in the CookieCrumbler tree01:37
stublifeless: Dogfood is Kinnison now, although he might want to take my staging work. I'll give staging a go myself once I'm running with bzr and ping you if I get stuck.01:37
stubI guess we will need bleeding edge bzr installed on asuka, gangotri, emperor, maquarie & macaroni if it isn't already01:38
lifelesswell, 0.1.1 at least01:39
kikolifeless, Kinnison wrote about dogfood, did you see that?01:39
lifelesskiko: yes, and its two fold01:39
lifelesskiko: I have fixed the dogfood config for him01:39
lifelessbut his rollout stuff does need to change.01:39
gneumannight guys01:44
stublifeless: So should I give the archive conversion another spin after moving the offending branch out of the way, or is there a way I can tell it to skip that one?01:45
stubI don't think it will cause any issues if we lost it.01:46
lifelessstub: I'm going to do archive conversions for people01:52
lifelessto bootstrap faster01:52
lifelessso, just do branch conversions of your dists branches01:52
lifelessI'll look at that branch for you later01:53
lifelessits a project of its own right ?01:53
stubIf you are doing the archive conversion then there is no need for me to convert my dist branches.01:53
lifelessor is it an lp branch ?01:53
lifelesswell, you need your dist branch to send in changes to dists, no ?01:54
stubCookieCrumber is a 3rd party project for cookie authentication, used as part of plone, that I hacked to stop passwords flying about in clear text.01:54
lifelesswell that, if you dont need the history, yes, just delete01:55
stublifeless: I can make a new dists branch happily01:55
lifelessstub: I'd kind of like to be sure the process works01:55
lifelessmaking new branches is trivial01:55
lifelessin fact, after you delete dists, just start the archive converter01:55
lifelessit will do dists for you01:55
stubok. So I should remove the CookieCrumbler evil and run the conversion again as per the wiki?01:56
stubyou just confused me :-/01:56
lifelessbut when it gets onto launchpad, hit ctrl C01:57
lifelesskiko: tests pass in rf01:59
lifelesskiko: now with your merge01:59
sivangcelso is on france TZ right ?02:01
lifelesskiko: I have the bug isolated02:03
lifelesskiko: fixing02:03
kikothank god02:07
lifelessbroken Makefile in hct02:07
kikolifeless, are you merging me /up-to/ patch 69, or just 69?02:07
lifelesskiko: as you are here, just resubmit whatever you would like merged02:08
lifelessok, 2701 will fix this02:08
lifelessBTW, if you have a situation where pqm fails and local tests do not, run 'make check_merge' it will do exactly what pqm does.02:09
lifelesspqm reenable02:09
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Disable autodetection of sourcecode/projects-to-test due to Makefilefiles not working in all cases. (patch-2701)02:09
lifelessok. that should be good now.02:09
stubok. conversion ran, including dists, and I ctrl-C'd it on the first launchpad branch02:11
kikothanks lifeless 02:11
lifelessnow you should sign your revisions02:12
lifelesskiko: np.02:12
lifelesskiko: If things are completely bolluxed, you can ring me at stupid hours02:12
lifelessI wont be happy, but I will try to help.02:12
stubSo it is correct that the conversion scripts stuffed the bzr branches into my baz archive?02:13
lifelessstub: no, what dir did you run the conversion from ?02:13
stub /home/warthogs/archives/02:14
lifelessstub: there is a 'cd $usercode' that you skipped02:14
stub /home/warthogs/source/bzr.integration/bzr baz-import stuart.bishop@canonical.com stuart.bishop@canonical.com02:14
stubWhich already exists if you did the stuff up the top02:15
stubTo stop other losers doing what I just did, the mkdir can be a mkdir -p, followed by a cd to the $userid directory, then gpg --import ../allcommitters.gpg02:18
lifelessstub: good idea, can you edit it ?02:18
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lifelessrevisions 2555/2727 0:57:5702:38
lifelessare we there yet!02:39
kikolifeless, why do these latest commits not include any patchlogs?02:40
stubResigned my dists branch, but I suspect that modifying that rsync line will trash my chinstrap bzr archive02:46
lifelessstub: hmm02:47
lifelesskiko: which commits ?02:47
sivanggood night people02:47
lifelessstub: we should detangle your archives02:47
stubeh? I think I have if you mean the dud bzr branches created in my baz archive02:48
lifelessok, so what did you mean then 02:48
stubI've rsynced stuff, using the example command line, locally and resigned one of my branches. If I use the same command line with the source and dest reversed it will delete all the .py files on chinstrap I think02:49
=== stub isn't an rsync command line expert
kikolifeless, patch-2701 and 2702?02:49
kikoerr 2700 and 270102:50
lifelesskiko: I commited them directly02:50
lifelesskiko: its the only way to get tree-nesting changes done.02:51
kikoI see02:57
lifelessstub: thats ok.02:59
lifelessstub: those .py files are not needed03:00
lifelessstub: each bzr branch is *both* an 'archive of history' (the .bzr dir), and a working tree (the launchpad source)03:00
lifelessthe only value in the working tree is in changes that have not been committed03:00
kikospiv, stub:03:01
kikodoes this look like a reasonable librarian URL?03:02
lifelesswhy the ?03:02
lifeless(the ? will stop a lot of proxies caching it)03:02
stubThat is a search by sha1, which should only work on the LAN03:02
kikodunno, it's how you talk to the librarian.03:02
spivkiko: Yeah, it is.03:02
kikostub, not even on localhost?03:03
stubyou are your own lan03:03
lifelessspiv: do we have ? in our urls for the librarian to the public ?03:03
stuband everyman is an island03:03
kikowhy does this return notfound for me :-(03:03
spivIt doesn't have any localhost-only access restrictions, but it's never linked.03:03
kikospiv, I'm uploading and then doing a pull for that URL03:04
spivkiko: the "search" resource ought to be configured by daemons/librarian.tac03:04
kikoshould work, shouldn't it?03:04
lifelesskiko: has it finished the commit ?03:04
spivkiko: Are you getting a 404, or something else?03:04
spivAlso, I'm curious about why you need to use that resource -- if you have direct access to the database, just use the database.03:05
kikoI got.. a zero.03:05
kikospiv, hmmm. okay, good point.03:05
spivAh.  So, no results.  Sorry, "notfound" was rather unclear :)03:05
spivI'm not sure that anything is actually using that feature in production...03:06
kikoit worked!03:07
kikochecking the database directly was a good idea.03:07
kikono clue how I actually saw it without committing.03:08
lifelessyou get the id back before the transaction finishes IIRC03:08
spivlifeless: The default mode now is that the client does the database access, including committing.03:09
lifelessspiv: ah03:09
spivSo it's perfectly possible that the client has an id that the librarian can't see in the db yet.03:09
lifelessin my day ... :)03:09
spivlifeless: :)03:09
spivYeah, nothing in production is actually using the search "feature".03:09
stubYou should never need to construct URLs to the librarian anyway. The only thing clients should deal with to get to the librarian is client.py, and bypassing that is unsupported.03:15
stubOr LibraryFileAlias/LibraryFileContent which make use of client.py03:15
kikoclient.py unfortunately is chock-full of deprecated methods03:17
stubkiko: LibrarianGarbageCollection is cleaning them out03:17
kikostub, you added bug 3438 which is a dupe of bug 343603:18
stubAnyway - the good stuff should be exposed on LibraryFileAlias, LibraryFileAliasSet etc.03:18
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug03:18
UbugtuMalone bug #3436: no sensible error message when adding a spec which has already been added. Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/343603:18
kikostub, how about searching malone before filing bugs? :-)03:18
stubkiko: But you do a much better job of it than I ever would ;)03:18
kikoI have one big mailbox full of bugs!03:19
mpoolis it possible to get Ubugtu to join #bzr?03:23
kikoif you ask Seveas /nicely/03:25
mpoolso if i just mention bug 3049 ...03:29
UbugtuMalone bug #3049: revert doesn't remove conflicts Fix req. for: bzr (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/304903:29
mpoolSeveas: ping?03:30
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.37: Cherry picks (patch-4: christian.reis@canonical.com, stuart.bishop@canonical.com, carlos.perello@canonical.com ...)03:37
kikothanks stub 03:44
lifelessSeveas: can you get Ubugtu to join #bzr ?03:51
kiko-zzznight guys03:57
kiko-zzzgina's almost there03:57
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Alinuxalive? 04:29
Alinuxhello all.04:29
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: rs=stevea, stub, ddaa [hackish]  fix for bug 3410: Bazaar index page is broken. Split ProductSeriesSet into a separate ProductSeriesSourceSet class, and use that for the bazaar views. Will have a followup bug to fix this properly. Also Fix for bug 2668: product visible despite being inactive and bug 2669: project still visible, despite being flagged as inactive. Remove inactive products and projects from04:34
lifelesswin 1704:49
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patr1ckHello! is the ability to create new accounts down or something? I ask only cause i've been waiting like 20 minutes for this registration URL to be emailed.05:23
patr1ckah, nevermind, it seems hotmail just sucks. whodathunkit? :) bye!05:31
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jameshlifeless: just looked at the pending-reviews page: your bzr branch didn't turn up because it didn't have the branch name in backticks05:57
jameshlifeless: I fixed that, but it also looks like the path is wrong05:58
jameshI don't see a /home/warthogs/archives/robertc/dists/devel05:58
lifelessah yes05:58
lifelessI moved05:58
jameshI also had the rocketfuel branch URLs wrong initially, but that should be fixed for the next run05:59
lifelesscan you kick one off now ?05:59
jameshwell, it definitely picked up some bzr rocketfuel branches that time: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews.new/rocketfuel-branches06:11
jamesh(it will probably be a while before it hits your branch)06:12
mpooljamesh: how's bzr going for your branches?06:13
jameshmpool: I haven't converted any of my launchpad branches06:13
jameshmpool: I've played with it a bit for some personal projects though, and it seems quite nice06:14
jameshmpool: I'm looking forward to the switching though -- baz was getting to the point where I was considering buying another gig of memory06:15
mpooljamesh: robert is pretty keen on using twisted in bzrlib06:15
mpoolhave you used it at all or run into it in pygtk?06:16
jameshmy experience with twisted is very limited06:16
mpooli wrote a pygtk & http toy on top of twisted and it seemed to go well06:16
lifelessjamesh: so, hows it running ?06:19
jameshlifeless: chugging away.06:19
jameshhttps://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews.new/ <- you can see the progress there06:20
mpoolhow does one authenticate to cinstrap http?06:22
jameshI'll /msg you the password06:22
fabbionehey guys06:40
fabbionewhat does provide ImportError: No module named gettextpo06:40
fabbione ?06:40
lifelessyou have not done 'make build' probably06:41
fabbionelifeless: there is no such thing in the wiki...06:41
fabbionemake build where and when?06:42
jameshfabbione: in the launchpad/ directory06:42
fabbionejamesh: as i told yesterday to lifeless i am following the wiki step by step06:43
fabbionethere is no such thing06:43
fabbionei am at Database Setup06:43
fabbionethe Database setup assume the presence of gettextpo06:43
fabbioneso either we are missing a package in the apt-get steps06:43
fabbioneor as you say it's missing a command06:44
jameshwhat was being run when you got that error, out of interest?06:46
fabbionecd $your_launchpad_checkout/database/schema; make; cd -06:50
fabbionefrom DatabaseSetup06:50
jameshI mean what command was make running at the time it failed?06:52
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fabbione* Installing tsearch2 into ts2 schema06:52
fabbioneTraceback (most recent call last):06:52
fabbionedo you want the full error?06:53
jameshnope.  that's fine06:54
jameshdoes running "make" in $your_launchpad_checkout beforehand fix the problem?06:54
fabbionedunno.. i can try06:56
fabbionemake fixes that problem06:58
fabbionebut the same module comes out with a different error now06:58
fabbioneand yes pg is running06:59
fabbioneand configured as requested06:59
jameshwhat error?07:01
fabbionejamesh: see /msg07:01
jameshis there a unix domain socket by that name?07:02
jameshyou installed the postgres 8 packages ?:)07:02
jameshthe postgres 8 packages are set to listen on a different port (presumably so that you can run both 7.4 and 8.0 at the same time)07:03
fabbioneah i think i know what's wrong07:03
jameshif you want to use postgres 8, I think you need to set the port back to the default07:03
fabbionejamesh: no there is a problem with the procedure07:03
=== fabbione debugs
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fabbionejamesh: hmm no07:07
fabbionejamesh: the make in db/schema is accessing pgsql via unix socketsd07:08
fabbionenot via port07:08
fabbioneso that shouldn't matter at all07:08
fabbioneok the problem is the default pgsql config07:10
fabbioneit sticks the socket in /tmp instead of /var/run/postsgresql07:10
jameshfabbione: sure, but the unix domain sockets are named after the TCP port number used07:11
jameshfabbione: so postgres is listening on /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433 rather than /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.543207:11
jamesheither use postgres 7.4, or edit 8.0's postgresql.conf to use the default port number07:12
fabbionejamesh: no, the problem is not the socket name.. that one is OK07:13
fabbioneit's the path07:13
fabbioneto the socket07:13
fabbioneif you look in /etc/postgresql/8.0/main/postgresql.conf07:14
fabbioneon a default pgsql8.0 install07:14
fabbioneunix_socket_directory points to /tmp07:14
fabbioneinstead of /vat/run/postgresql07:14
fabbionethe socket number is irrelevant since apparently make was able to detect it automatically without me changing anything07:14
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fabbionehi SteveA 07:19
SteveA_hey fabbione.07:20
SteveA_what kinda time in the morning do you call this!07:20
fabbione"morning"? ;)07:20
SteveA_man, this is morningmorning07:21
SteveA_for emphasis07:21
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SteveA_hi stub 07:55
SteveA_i've tried a few times to land that 'top 10 bugfixes' branch07:55
SteveA_but pqm won't let me07:55
SteveA_lifeless: you know about the problems landing stuff in pqm, right?07:56
lifelessSteveA_: fixed07:56
lifelessSteveA_: hct had a makefile07:56
lifelessthe makefiles check statement did not work in the new location07:56
lifelessso I have manually listed the things to test, for now.07:56
lifelessso, finally.07:57
lifelessI have bzr commits doing email07:57
stubSteveA: I tried merging in your trivial-1 branch, but there is too much extra junk in there. If you give me a list of patches I can merge it all into a local branch and roll it out (if you promise you havn't broken any tests since we havn't got PQM to verify it this way)07:57
lifelesssee the latest arch-commits email07:57
SteveA_stub: the only extra there will be is a straight merge from RF07:57
SteveA_so you can try the patchlevel below its latest07:58
stubSteveA: ok07:58
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lordk4rfam i crazy or did the internet just hiccup/split08:44
fabbionelordk4rf: Level3 is half dead08:45
lordk4rfcan anyone explain the ISP agreement between level3 & cogentco or do i have to settle for the articles on news.com about it?08:46
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lordk4rfhttp://news.com.com/Net+backbone+outage+fixed%2C+for+now/2100-1036_3-5891274.html http://news.com.com/Network+feud+leads+to+Net+blackout/2100-1038_3-5889592.html http://news.com.com/Blackout+shows+Nets+fragility/2100-1038_3-5890424.html etc, and so forth08:46
fabbionelordk4rf: this is highly offtopic here08:50
lordk4rfi know that08:56
lordk4rfbut i figured i could strike up a conversation since it seemed to be lulling08:56
jameshlordk4rf: most Launchpad developers have nothing to do with the internet connection to the data centre09:01
lordk4rfunderstood, sorry to interrupt your sleep09:01
SteveA_spiv, stub, jamesh: are you there?09:11
SteveA_so, what database / infrastructure / production specs do we have for UBZ?09:11
SteveA_i have a few09:11
SteveA_ - new security stuff to allow different handling of different sets of attributes without extreme pain09:12
SteveA_ - standard patterns of Content and ContentSet classes09:12
SteveA_ - better logins09:12
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SteveA_ - better calendaring09:12
stubOscarTheGrouch now has use cases09:13
stubSuggestionSearchControl might be wanted to get that back on the rails09:13
SteveA_mark wants some infrastructure to so 09:14
SteveA_mark wants some infrastructure to do 'incremental' queries in the web ui09:14
spivI'm here.09:14
SteveA_sort of filtering step by step09:14
stubShipitWorkflow (not really infrastructure)09:14
SteveA_there are examples online we can look at09:14
jameshincremental == displaying chunks of a result set?09:14
SteveA_stub: kind of is... to do with logins09:14
SteveA_jamesh: more like being offered filtering criteria as you go09:15
spivOh, right.09:15
SteveA_so you start off say with bugs in a context09:15
SteveA_and then you can say 'not fixed'09:15
spivI thought you meant batch navigation :)09:15
SteveA_and then say 'urgent'09:15
stubSounds like data mining09:15
SteveA_and then say 'containing "foo"'09:15
jameshI added a ValidatingSignOnlyGpgKeys spec (not sure if that counts as infrastructure)09:15
SteveA_but, for many different things, not just bugs09:15
=== ajmitch has a couple of suggestions to write up, fyi :)
stubGpgSmtpRelay we might want09:15
stubperson-name-blacklist for sure09:16
SteveA_ajmitch: cool.  there's a phone meeting in a while for just the infrastructure team, so we're talking about infrastrcuture-related specs now09:16
stubperhaps finalize the rss-feeds09:16
SteveA_launchpad over HTTP09:17
stubPerhaps postgresql-transaction-isolation might be worth bofing09:18
jameshstub: especially if it helps with interactions between the webapp and cronscripts09:19
SteveA_ajmitch: you can just add them to the wiki, and add them in launchpad09:19
stubNut out how SQLObject and stuff will handle with <serialized, and what level various cronscripts should be running as.09:19
SteveA_ajmitch: if they're about bug tracking, talk to bjornt about it09:19
ajmitchSteveA_: I will, they've come out of MOTU discussions09:19
ajmitchnot bugtracking this time09:20
SteveA_so bjorn can discuss it in a different phone call later09:20
SteveA_stub: we need to get error handling polished up09:20
stubAll the ones I mentioned except transaction isolation are already in Launchpad atm (but not necessarily scheduled for ubz)09:21
jameshstub: with the lower synchronisation levels, rows get added to the transaction when they're first touched, right?09:21
jameshstub: I think sqlobject should be fine with that09:21
stubjamesh: read committed gives you phantom reads - If you issue the same select twice in the same transaction you might get different results.09:22
SteveA_spiv: can you check that all these specs we've discussed are added to launchpad before the phone call?  i have an appointment right now, until the phone call.09:22
spivSteveA: Ok.09:22
stubjamesh: which is the default level in psycopg2 I think09:22
SteveA_than you09:22
SteveA_jamesh: did you talk with the travel agent?09:23
jameshstub: okay.  That might cause troubles with sqlobject's caching09:23
jameshSteveA_: yeah.  I'm picking up the reissued tickets on Monday09:23
SteveA_jamesh: please put your new dates on the wiki, if you haven't already09:24
stubjamesh: I'm not so sure. We already have plenty of issues like this, which we work around by invoking the sync routines as needed09:24
stubjamesh: I'm also pretty sure many of the cronscripts won't care, as they have a very simple workflow (stuff like the karma updater and the statisticians for example)09:24
jameshstub: really? the existing sync functions are needed to fix problems that can occur in a single transaction at full isolation09:25
stubjamesh: Yes. eg. the select you issue not seeing results you expect to see because the modifications you have made to objects has not yet been synced to the database. Also, SQLObject works in databases with less strict isolation I think. But I don't think launchpad is the main target - the cronscripts should be since they tend to have longer running transactions.09:27
jameshstub: I was talking about the caching of reads rather than the caching of updates09:28
jameshstub: sqlobject caches a copy of all the field values when you grab an instance, which is different to the problem of lazy updates09:28
stubjamesh: Sure. But the issues are similar. Any code that issues raw SQL (which we need to do whenever SQLObject doesn't cut it) will cause a desync with the caches.09:31
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stub15:29:20~ $ bzr branch sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/stub/stuart@stuartbishop.net/dists/devel production10:30
stubbzr: WARNING: Adding ssh-rsa host key for stuartbishop.net: 25C22626CBB79A58BE0CDC45B7F943C010:30
stubSSH id_rsa password:10:30
stublifeless: If I hit enter to each of the three prompts, it continues happily. ie. bzr is trying password auth before realizing that there are ssh keys available to be used.10:32
stuberm... I take that back10:32
spivstub: Heh.10:32
carloslifeless, shouldn't we change the setup information for Zope to use python2.4 at https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RocketFuelSetup ?10:32
spivIt's geting confused by the "@" it would seem.10:32
stubI see.10:33
stubSo the archive name created by the migration script is bogus (for everyday use anyway)10:33
spivIt seems like it.10:34
=== stub tries again with the correct email address just in case
spivtry sftp://stuart@chinstrap/.... to workaround it.10:34
spivAlthough I wouldn't be shocked if you have to give a full host name too, I have no idea if paramiko tries to make use of openssh's config files.10:35
stubI have no idea what a paramiko is :)10:35
spivstub: The SFTP library bzr is using :)10:35
stubheh... it is the think that blows up when I do your suggestion ;)10:35
spivHooray! ;)10:36
jameshstub: try percent encoding the @?10:38
stubok. Seems to be doing something (ie. sitting there giving me no feedback) if I put in the stub@ at the start of the URL and use the fully qualified domain name of chinstrap.10:39
stubjamesh: I'd rather just rename the directory on chinstrap10:39
SteveA_stub, jamesh, spiv: can you join the phone call10:42
SteveA_number on #canonical10:43
spivSteveA: following instructions from #canonical a moment ago?10:43
stubErm... this could be a problem. I'm used to conference calls that call me. I don't think I have many Baht on my card10:44
SteveA_oh.  we'll have to do this online then.10:44
jameshso I should hang up?10:45
SteveA_hang on a sec10:45
SteveA_spiv: are you on the call?10:48
spivSteveA: nearly10:49
SteveA_stub: anything you can do to sort it out?10:49
stubNot really. I can go buy a chargeup card, work out how to activate it, and then hope I bought enough because I havn't the foggiest idea what the i18n rates are.10:50
zygacarlos: ping :)10:50
carloszyga, pong10:50
zygacarlos: I was wondering about something10:51
=== BjornT checks if he has enough credit on his phone account for later today...
carloszyga, tell me10:51
SteveA_stub: if you can do that in the next 20 mins, then yes10:51
zygacarlos: AFAIK final langpacks for breezy contained only about 40% of the stuff in rosetta, is that true?10:51
SteveA_if not, then we'll do your part on irc10:51
carloszyga, more or less, yes10:51
zygacarlos: is the remaining 60% exportable?10:52
carloszyga, don't know if the 60% but most of it, yes but need manual review to set the right translation domain10:52
carloszyga, next language pack update should contain a full export10:53
stubSteveA: I honestly don't know how long it will take me. I can head off now and see what happens or hang around here online.10:53
SteveA_hang around here then10:53
zygacarlos: hmm? translation domain is incorrect? I don't understand how that could happen10:53
carloszyga, because we were not able to guess it automatically10:53
zygacarlos: but....... all the translations come from some .po files anyway and are bound to a .pot file, how cannot you know the domain?10:54
zygaI'm surely missing something10:54
carloszyga, because the .pot's filename is no always the translation domain10:54
carlosthere are many 'template.pot' files10:55
zygaokay one more question10:55
SteveA_stub: maybe you can get a calling card recharge online?10:55
zygathose tarballs I'm using - they contain everything or are they just the 40% we're talking about10:55
carloszyga, the 40% we are talking about + anything we fix10:57
zygaI'm having a tough nut to crack (I hope that's a saying in english too)10:58
stubCharge on you credit card (available                          soon)10:58
zygacarlos: what is the approximate size of all messages?10:58
zygaand the total number of messages?10:58
zygaif you know10:58
carloszyga, I don't know if it's the same in english, I don't understand it anyway ;-)10:58
carloszyga, no idea, sorry10:59
zygacarlos: it means that I've got a hard things to do10:59
zygaokay launchpad says there are 0.5M msgids11:00
zygain 191 languages11:00
zygaI'd guess that's about 1.4GB of data11:00
carloszyga, but that includes Hoary and Breezy11:01
zygaokay thanks11:02
zygacarlos: does it count duplicates?11:04
carloszyga, I think so, yes11:04
zygacarlos: if I've got 3 identical messages, I get +3 not +111:04
zygadarn :)11:04
zygaI'm trying to 11:04
zyga1) minimze number of files that need to be on a single mirror11:05
zyga1) minimize server-to-server traffic11:05
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zyga2) minimize server-to-client traffic11:05
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zyga4) minimize the amount of wasted download per client (so that the client fetches only what it really needs to use)11:05
zygawithout 1) everything else is easyt11:06
zygabut I don't know what the 'good' value is11:06
zygahaving 25K small files is bad11:06
=== zyga just recalculated
zygaonly 11K files11:09
carloszyga, I think is easier if you write down a small specification with the requirements you have and I would try to tell you if it's possible or not11:09
zygathe rest is junk/directories I guess11:09
zygacarlos: I don't have a specs at all11:09
zygaI'm trying to get two things possible11:10
zyga1) daily translation update11:10
zyga2) rare translation update11:10
carloszyga, I know you don't have specs, that's why I'm asking you one ;-)11:10
zygaif I'd just put all the .po files in a big tree I've got 2 as easily as 1 but then performance sucks on various parts11:11
carlosthat way I will know exactly your requirements11:11
zygacarlos: in progress, good idea :)11:13
zygacarlos: does rosetta keep any extended stats around?11:23
zygacarlos: like the daily number of commits11:23
zygacarlos: that kind of stuff11:23
carlosI think we would get that from the database11:23
carlosbut we don't have any UI for that11:24
zygacarlos: is it possible to extract this kind of information from the commit logfiles11:24
zyga(curse the ui)11:24
carloswe store the date when a translations was added11:25
carlosso yes, we could build that kind of information11:25
zygaI'd like to get the number of daily upgrades per each language11:25
zygaso I guess every day we could count the number of entries that were updated today11:25
zygagroupped by language11:26
carloszyga, please, file a bug report with the request11:26
zygacarlos: okay11:26
SteveA_(really good qa on links based on navigation)11:29
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SteveA_stub: i have a breezy package of skype if you want to try it for later11:36
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zygaSteveA_: skype built updated packages?11:37
=== Kinnison returns cursing all that is mechanical
zygathat work with breezy?11:37
stubAny more planned calls? I rarely make phone calls, let alone international ones.11:37
zygaSteveA_: cool11:37
SteveA_i followed some instructions online11:37
zygais it possible to put them into multiverse?11:38
SteveA_about getting the existing package, unpacking it, changing dependencies and repacking11:38
SteveA_dunno, maybe11:38
=== zyga thinks cannonical + skype could talk about that
stubIt aint 'free' so I suspect that is as likely as canonical talking to sun about java11:39
zygastub: it's free as in beer11:40
carloszyga, there are other options using standard SIP protocol11:40
zygastub: equally not free are the binary drivers and we ship those11:40
carlosI don't remember the URL, but they aim to offer the same services than skype11:41
carlosand you don't need to use their client, a SIP compatible program is enough11:41
zygacarlos: I don't know what that is but I assume that's something for voice, right?11:41
jameshzyga: we have to pay for beer over here.11:41
carloszyga, yeah11:41
zygacarlos: as usual,  I care about the namespace11:41
zygacarlos: If I canot find my friedns/clients online other client is not good enough11:42
zygajamesh: :-)11:42
=== zyga has a bucket of beer from the countryside house leftover from summer :)
carloszyga, but this one is Free software and follows the standards and exists for Windows, MacOS and Linux...11:43
carloszyga, http://www.gizmoproject.com/11:45
zygacarlos: can I connect to skype namespace?11:45
carlosno, skype is not using open protocols so is impossible to connect with them, that's exactly its problem!11:45
zygaso we're stuck again11:46
zygacarlos: thst's free software?11:46
zygaI cannot see any source code11:46
zyganm, got it11:47
zygaanyway I think that skype in multiverse could be nice11:47
zygaespecially since a few of my firends with ubuntu were angry when I upgraded their system to breezy11:47
zyga'skype went away, aww'11:47
carloszyga, I think it was last time I looked at it, anyway if it's not (I'm not able to see the source code download link now), it's using open standards11:47
zygacarlos: the source is misslabeled as a debian package11:48
zygacarlos: the link goes to .tar.gz11:48
stubOh, I'm all for skype in Multiverse. I'm just drawing a parallel with Java, which last I heard we had never contacted Sun about shipping.11:48
=== zyga thinks sun would agree
zygasun officials said numerous times that they are willing if anyone asks them about it11:49
Lathiatwell we are shipping ibm java not sun java11:49
Lathiatbe nice to ship sun 1.511:49
zygabut I care for skype more then for java11:49
zygajava has many implementations11:50
zygaskype does not11:50
SteveA_shtoom, man11:50
zygawe've got some java, none skype to say it better11:50
stubIndeed. Whenever I have raised the issue, the converstation degrades into discussions about free jvm implementations despite the original topic being *sun's* java. Which is what 99% of people mean and want when they say 'java'.11:50
zygahow about a dapper goal11:51
stubAnd strangely enough, the same thing just happened here with Skype ;)11:51
zygawe could support 3rd party stuff that is free as in beer and works for linux I guess 11:51
zygavmware player could be there too11:51
SteveA_stub: no11:51
SteveA_stub: i was telling you to keep shtoom ;-)11:51
zygawhat is shtoom?11:52
SteveA_in python11:52
zyga(by support I mean, hey-its-nice-of-you-to-show-some-effort-we-will-at-least-not-ignore-you)11:52
stubIndeed, which has nothing to do with Skype besides providing similar functionality11:52
zygastub: exactly11:53
zygaokay 11:53
=== ajmitch recalls that skype can't even go in multiverse
zygaSteveA_: is it legal to repackage the .deb they provide?11:53
zygaajmitch: why?11:53
stubajmitch: Has anyone actually contacted the company in question? Until then, it is nothing but speculation.11:53
=== zyga thinks that if this is ever going to succed something official must happen
zygaskype as in company will just ignore individual requests11:54
ajmitchstub: as it stands, it's not redistributable iirc11:54
stubThey might say 'no', or they might say 'sure - you can distribute it under these conditions'. And if those conditions meet our requirements too, it can go in.11:54
zygathey will get a ton of lubricant if a company asks though11:54
stub'Hi. We would like to ship out over 1M CDs containing your software'11:55
stubWell.. it wouldn't go on the cd...11:55
zygastub: hehe11:55
zygastub: we would like to facilitate the installation of your software on over 1M boxes 11:56
ajmitchit'd depend on canonical making a request to redistribute, I guess11:56
ajmitchwhich is just speculation as to whether it might happen :)11:56
zygabut I'd say skype would bend over and say 'please do'11:56
stubSorry... 1.4M and counting11:57
zygawe can redistribute it11:57
ajmitchit'd be canonical encouraging users to support a closed program & closed protocol11:58
zygaajmitch: yes that's bad11:58
zygaajmitch: but then again fglrx and nvidia are bad 11:58
ajmitchzyga: the text says that we can ship a downloader11:58
zygabut it's what the users want11:58
zygaand I'd say ubuntu wants users11:58
ajmitchit doesn't say we can distribute11:58
ajmitchusers at what cost? (getting OT)11:58
zygaajmitch: ah, true11:58
zygaajmitch: good point11:59
zygabut then again11:59
zygathere will always be some software that is non-speach-free11:59
zygathat is beer-free and for which there is a demand12:00
ajmitchI know12:00
zygasaying 'no' is only partially good12:00
ajmitchI can accept that there's some use of this12:00
zygawe kind of support free software this way12:00
ajmitchbut skype is a closed protocol as well12:00
ajmitchwhich I really don't like :)12:00
zygaskype is all but open - true12:00
zygabut that is irrelevant to the culeless and that's what I'm talking about12:01
zygaoh god12:03
zygaa skype autopackage that gains popularity ...12:03
zygathat could be hell :D12:03
stubGaim supports a number of closed protocols as well as Jabber for IM.12:04
=== zyga thinks that skype could even pay for pre-installed skype on ubuntu cds
zygastub: untill it support skype it's off topic12:04
zygausers don't care about protocols, they care about namespace12:05
ajmitchstub: they're 'open' enough that someone has reverse-engineered them12:06
stubYer. So people writing VoIP stuff will see all their audience is on Skype, so they need to get some sort of compatibility in order to migrate people away from it.12:06
ajmitchwhich hasn't successfully been done yet on skype 12:06
=== ajmitch should get back on-topic and find someone who knows about the distro pages in launchpad - have got some small ideas
zygaremember that skype was written by the people who created kazaa12:07
zygait might be a complex protocol12:07
Kinnisonajmitch: there's a huge rework of those pages due to land soon IIRC12:08
ajmitchKinnison: right, I'm thinking of functionality seen on debian for checking dependencies & installability12:09
ajmitchI was going to write up some code to do that for the MOTU team but figured it'd be better suited for launchpad12:09
Kinnisonajmitch: well, sabdfl knows most about those pages, but I imagine he'll be very busy on the lead-up to UBZ12:10
Kinnisonajmitch: writing a spec for UBZ would be a good way to get involved in this12:10
ajmitchyes, I was going to write it up this weekend12:10
=== ajmitch will be at UBZ, thankfully :)
=== niemeyer [n=niemeyer@200-140-204-121.ctame7004.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #launchpad
carloslaunchpad's specs page starts to be a bit difficult to follow12:15
=== Kinnison sits down to work through what celso managed last night and to check on the specs
=== carlos -> university
carlossee you later12:25
Keybuk^ for emacs users, now we're switching to bzr12:27
=== Kinnison makes rude grunting noises about the lack of smoothness in the transition
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@p5083E09B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
KinnisonOkay, I have a spec against soyuz but I think it'd be better filed against rosetta12:33
Kinnisonhow do I reassign the spec in launchpad?12:33
jameshKinnison: no web UI for that at the moment12:35
KeybukUPDATE specs ...12:35
Kinnisonoh FFS12:35
=== Kinnison writes on his notepad about this
jameshthere is a bug for it12:35
=== Kinnison nods
jameshbug 342612:36
=== cprov [n=cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
jameshapparently it is really unfair12:37
cprovmorning guys12:39
Kinnisonhi cprov12:39
cprovjamesh: interesting new SingleJoin property in sqlobject0.7 ...how difficult would be to backport it ?12:40
cprovKinnison: hi12:40
jameshcprov: I don't know.  I just saw it in the documentation12:40
jameshcprov: it probably wouldn't be too difficult12:40
cprovjamesh: do you think it'd be worth to have it ?12:41
jameshcprov: if it makes it easier to express what you want to do, then sure.12:41
jameshcprov: the question is whether to back port it or try to move forward to the new sqlobject version12:42
cprovjamesh: yes, it does, 2 or 3 points in soyuz, we might have other12:43
cprovjamesh: indeed, I thought  we are going near upstream, at least, in sqlobject12:44
stubSo does bzr give us any sort of aliasing ability, or do we need to setup environment variables to avoid having to type sftp://blahblahblahblahblahblah/the_branch all the time?12:46
Keybukthere's a branches.conf thingy12:48
Keybukyou could also just use shell variables like subversion12:48
=== Kinnison glares at dilyz
Kinnisonspit it out girl12:49
Kinnisonoh, she's not even here12:50
Kinnisonthat'd explain it12:50
=== Kinnison grins
Kinnisonanyway... wooyay \o/ process-upload finally landed12:56
ajmitchwell done12:57
stubbah. No HTML bzr documentation installed :-(12:59
stubWould that be because the daily .deb is currently rooted?12:59
ajmitchI'd hope not12:59
Kinnisonstub: is that 'rooted' in the same manner as people laugh when I pronounce 'routed' the correct way?01:00
=== ajmitch thinks the package just doesn't have html docs
jameshKinnison: we pronounce "routed" the way we do to avoid confusion01:00
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
stubKinnison: That is the one01:01
stubajmitch: The ReST documentation is in there. The HTML could be generated from there with a script on install.01:01
stubWhich would fail atm because the post inst stuff dies01:01
mptGoooooood morning01:02
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@195-23-220-130.net.novis.pt] has joined #launchpad
ajmitchmorning mpt 01:03
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mptrats, forgot my headphones this morning01:04
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ajmitchstub: yes, I see build-api could be run to get api documentation01:05
Keybukjamesh: the funny thing is that the way you pronounce "routed" is English slang for exactly the same thing that Australian slang is for the way we pronounce "routed"01:09
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kikoKinnison, yo?01:15
Kinnisonkiko: hey dude01:16
=== Kinnison is kinda busy sorting out queue stuff, what can I do for you?
kikoKinnison, I wonder if I could get some review time from you for gina... tomorrow morning. :)01:17
Kinnisonit's my grandmother's 90th birthday party01:17
KinnisonI can certainly have a look over it01:18
Kinnisonbut you shouldn't rely on just me to review it01:18
kikoI travel out of here monday01:18
kikoit will be in your hands from saturday onwards01:18
kikoso I suggest you /do/ make time for it01:18
=== Kinnison looks at the clock and wonders how to make it stop for everyone else
kikojust make it stop for gina01:19
kikodo you remember that twilight zone episode?01:19
kikothe one where the lady finds a watch buried in her garden?01:19
=== Kinnison doesn't quite see how all this is meant to rest on his shoulders
kikowell, if you do, think about how that episode ends :)01:20
kikoheya SteveA_ 01:20
kikoSteveA_, #canonical-meeting01:21
SteveA_i'm there01:21
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SteveA_bug 345101:49
UbugtuMalone bug #3451: Test pages exposed on normal layer when they need not be Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Stuart Bishop, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345101:49
SteveA_bug 344901:50
UbugtuMalone bug #3449: Common HTML quoted variable interpolation code Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/344901:50
SteveA_bug 345001:50
UbugtuMalone bug #3450: NotificationList has a bogus __getitem__ Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Stuart Bishop, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345001:50
SteveA_what's up02:01
mptbaz crashed during a switch02:02
mptand now nothing works02:02
SteveA_what kind of crash?02:02
mptunable to rmdir "/home/mpt/ubuntu/launchpad/,,merge-three-way.1129895862.16407.3/,,changeset/patches/lib" (Directory not empty)02:02
mptbaz: uncaught exception: -1:(I/O error)02:02
SteveA_seeing as it is baz02:02
SteveA_which we won't need from monday02:02
SteveA_i suggest getting your tree back into shape02:03
mptsure, that's all I wanted instructions for02:03
mptnot to report a bug or anything02:03
mptIs it as simple as rm -r, then baz get?02:04
kikompt, try nuking the ,, directories02:05
kikoand trying again02:05
SteveA_do baz status after nuking the directories02:05
SteveA_just to check it can still do that02:05
SteveA_and hasn't got thoroughtly hosed02:05
mptstatus: launchpad--bug-listings-love--0 is not imported yet.02:05
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SteveA_i don't know what that means02:06
stubI've done what mpt has done a few times and never been able to recover (although I don't recall that last message)02:06
mptthat's after deleting the ,,*02:06
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mptI've missed you02:08
mptaha, RocketFuelSetup is (almost) all about bzr now02:09
mptkiko: So, rm -rf ~/ubuntu/launchpad; baz get mpt@canonical.com/launchpad--bug-listings-love--0 ~/ubuntu/launchpad02:12
mptDoes that look right"?02:12
kikompt, well. do you really want to nuke sourcecode?02:12
mptprobably not02:12
=== heyko [n=heyko@p54843F6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
kikompt, so mv sourcecode somewhere else02:14
kikothen baz get02:14
kikothem move your sourcecode back in02:14
SteveA_don't forget lib02:15
SteveA_in lib there are other trees too02:15
kikoSteveA_, oh. I thought that was no longer the case?02:15
mptIf sourcecode/ and lib/ are moved somewhere else, so baz get doesn't see them, how will that speed things up?02:15
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
mptWon't baz get think "oh, they're not there, I'd better download them"?02:15
SteveA_kiko: it will be changed by monday02:15
SteveA_don't know what the current state is02:15
SteveA_mpt: you'd need to keep just the external trees in lib, not the canonical subdir or symlinks02:16
kikompt, because baz isn't recursive.02:28
SteveA_bzr handles this better02:29
SteveA_of course ;-)02:29
kikoKeybuk, SteveA_, niemeyer, sabdfl: time02:31
Keybukkiko: I'm waiting for the leader, apparently02:31
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=stevea]  Add dependency-aware scoring algorithm (patch-2705: celso.providelo@canonical.com)02:34
=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later02:34
cprovcarlos: see you02:35
Keybukkiko: apparently I'm still waiting02:36
Keybukthe hold music is nice02:36
kikoKeybuk, so am I. so you like new age? I like nokia 770s02:37
Keybukmine hasn't arrived yet02:38
Keybukeither today or tomorrow02:38
kikocvd has mine02:38
kikoniemeyer, ping?02:39
niemeyerkiko: Pong!02:39
kikoniemeyer, are you not dialled in?02:40
niemeyerkiko: Nope..02:40
niemeyerkiko: Dialing02:40
kikoyou're late02:40
=== kiko kicks niemeyer
=== niemeyer yields
=== niemeyer still trying
kikoniemeyer, 00 21 44 1452 567 58802:42
niemeyerkiko: What's the "valid digits"?02:43
kikoniemeyer, don't you read email?02:43
kikoprivmsgd it02:44
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egoleoLaunchpad could not import GPG key, the reason was:.Check if you published it correctly in the global key ring (using gpg --send-keys KEY) and that you add entered the fingerprint correctly (as produced by gpg --fingerprint YOU). Try later or cancel your request02:59
egoleocan someone help me02:59
Kinnisonwhat is your key fingerprint?02:59
egoleo578A 9920 F14C 2474 E126  4EEC 8156 5CE7 1445 0D1B03:00
egoleothat is it03:00
Lathiati cant find that key on subkeys.pgp.net, 03:00
Lathiathow long ago did you --send-keys it?03:00
Lathiatit takes a while for them to sync around the keyserver03:01
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=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo
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egoleoi just did it03:24
=== auth00 [i=auth@fiji.grd.sgsnet.se] has joined #launchpad
kikoegoleo, I'm going to update that message, cool03:24
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egoleohow do u mean kiko03:31
kikoegoleo, the message launchpad gives you is a bit cryptic. I have improved it.03:41
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mptCan I switch to bzr now? </whine>03:49
kikoKinnison, I had an idea.03:50
Kinnisonkiko: I have them all the time. Let me know if you ever work out how to get rid of them03:51
Kinnisonideas get me into all sorts of trouble03:51
kikoKinnison, this one might be good. can I send you an updated gina.txt file today, to see what you think of it?03:52
kikoit will take you 30m-1h of reading through it to fully grasp all the little corner cases03:52
kikoyou can reply to me by tomorrow morning my time03:52
kikoI won't ask for your code review03:53
Kinnisonsure, send it over03:53
KinnisonI may have to review it tomorrow morning my-time03:53
Kinnisonbut I'll definitely make sure to take it with me to my parents' place03:53
kikojust found a friggin failure03:54
stubbradb: Do you happen to remember why we allow milestones to be linked to both a product and a distribution at the same time? Or did I write a bad constraint?03:54
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bradbI think that would be a bad constraint.03:55
kikostub, wow, gneuman asked about this yesterday03:55
stubkiko: He just asked me. My thinking is with brad03:55
sivang'afternoon all03:55
kikohey sivang 03:56
stubWe discussed this but the only write up is a photo of a whiteboard. I remember drawing diagrams in there, but don't remember the conversations ;)03:56
mptThe launchpad! It runs!03:56
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sivangmpt: Where does it run?04:04
mptsivang: on this computer04:06
mptafter major surgery04:06
BjornTmpt: how's the bug-listing-love landing going?04:06
sivangmpt: I hope it sustained more of his natural parts :)04:07
kikostub, note that I /think/ that mark plans to redo our milestoning.04:07
kikothe current situation is a hack, we all know that04:07
mptBjornT: The 6th landing attempt just failed04:07
bradbdear baz, you DON'T need 2G of revlib to cache b.b@c.c, mmkay?04:08
=== bradb is very curious to see bzr's disk space, CPU and memory usage patterns
BjornTmpt: ok, let me know if i can do anything to help. i have a branch that i want to land after yours.04:10
bradbmpt: Do you run the tests with "python test.py -f canonical.launchpad" (after making sure you're synched with rf) and make sure there are no failures before submitting a merge request?04:10
mptbradb: normally I just run the pagetests04:11
kikoBjornT, can you explain to me the technical difficulty in getting our tests to run a single story of pagetests?04:11
mptthat's what caught me in the 1st and 2nd attempts, because the failure was a doctest and I didn't realize04:11
kikompt, type make check and go have lunch04:12
kikowhen you come back, you'll have results04:12
SteveA_kiko: there isn't a great difficulty.  it just needs coding04:12
kikoor submit to pqm and wait04:12
mptkiko: I know what the problem is, PQM told me04:12
kikoSteveA_, how much coding? I'd buy a DVD to the person who did it04:12
kikoSteveA_, it /really/ makes life slower for development04:12
SteveA_i just run all the pagetests04:12
mptBjornT, kiko: https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/342504:12
SteveA_which doesn't take too long04:12
UbugtuMalone bug #3425: Mysterious failure of pagetests/foaf/30-mergepeople.txt Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/342504:12
=== bradb has lost a few days due to not being able to run stories
SteveA_i'd guess 3 hrs max coding04:13
kikoSteveA_, a DVD of /your/ choice04:13
SteveA_bradb: did you run the pagetests instead?04:13
kikoSteveA_, they take 25 minutes here04:13
bradbSteveA: no, make check04:13
SteveA_kiko: i know about your clandestine connections to the porn film industry...04:13
SteveA_bradb: well, there you go04:14
SteveA_you have the ability already to run all page tests04:14
kikoSteveA_, 25 minutes. think about it.04:14
SteveA_kiko: i accept that point04:14
kikomultiply by 4 * 5 per day. for 3h + a DVD.04:14
mptYou could watch the DVD while waiting for the tests to run!04:15
stubI think the bounties system only accepts $US estimates. There is no support for DVDs04:15
SteveA_whatever, *i* wont' be doing it today... specday ate my code04:15
kikostub, I can change that, just watch me04:16
bradbSteveA: Unless I'm missing something, the README.txt in pagetests/ seems to refer to a binary "pagetests" that doesn't exist.04:16
stubkiko: I would suggest a quick and dirty hack to test_pages.py, where it only builds a single story if an environment ariable is set. Should only take 5 minutes, plus PQM landing time.04:17
SteveA_bradb: you know how to run just the pagetests don't you?04:17
bradbSteveA: Like most people here, no, I don't. :)04:18
SteveA_stub: passing in --story=name should be just a bit longer04:18
SteveA_bradb: i told you it repeatedly on irc04:18
SteveA_you ran them04:18
bradbWe still get people asking how to run *one* test :)04:18
mptoh, for smeg's sake04:19
mptI just got the same error04:19
mptso my tree is hosed again04:19
ddaampt: humbly suggesting you go write specs and come back on monday.04:25
ddaano point on pulling your hair out on baz today04:26
kiko-fudhe probably has changes in that tree he doesn't want to lose04:26
bradbmpt knows that more conflicts await him!04:26
bradbmy changes /shouldn't/ conflict with mpt's, mind. I'm mostly writing Python code to display feedback in the UI.04:27
=== bradb does some good ole manual library-add's
KinnisonUmm, I'm getting a ForbiddenAttribute error04:29
Kinnisonbut the attribute in question is in the interface04:29
KinnisonAnd the interface is in the zcml04:30
kiko-fudread the traceback carefully04:30
Kinnisonanyone have any ideas?04:30
mptddaa: yeah, I was thinking about that, except I'm kinda blocking Bjorn04:30
mptBjornT: Perhaps you could branch off my branch to fix the mass editing?04:30
=== bradb wonders if that would be useful, given the bzr switch on Monday
SteveA_Kinnison: paste the traceback04:31
BjornTmpt: actually, we could do like this. i merge your branch into mine, and land both.04:31
kiko-fudBjornT, please, do that.04:31
SteveA_kiko-fud: i think we should get some time with the infrastructure team to improve test infrastructure in general, pair programming at ubz04:31
bradbKinnison: who's allowed to edit that attrib?04:32
mptBjornT: That's kinda what I meant, though I would suggest branching instead otherwise you'll have a lot of merge conflicts04:32
SteveA_Kinnison: what permission does that attribute have?04:32
kiko-fudSteveA_, sounds good.04:32
Kinnison    status = Int(04:32
Kinnison            title=_("Queue status"), required=True, readonly=False,04:32
Kinnison            )04:32
Kinnisonbradb: I don't understand your question04:33
KinnisonSteveA_: that's all I know ^^04:33
=== bradb leaves it to SteveA
BjornTmpt: our branches already have conflicts, that's why i was waiting for you to land yours, so i would be the one to resolve the conflicts.04:34
SteveA_Kinnison:  in the zcml04:34
Kinnison    <content class="canonical.launchpad.database.DistroReleaseQueue">04:34
Kinnison        <allow interface="canonical.launchpad.interfaces.IDistroReleaseQueue" />04:34
SteveA_where is the interface mentioned... 04:34
bradbbtw, are the conferences running on time this morning?04:34
Kinnison    </content>04:34
SteveA_yeah, there04:34
SteveA_bradb: calls, yes04:34
SteveA_and is 'status' from that interface?04:34
Kinnisonit's on IDistroReleaseQueue04:35
Kinnisonand DistroReleaseQueue implements(IDistroReleaseQueue)04:35
SteveA_you're setting it04:35
SteveA_what permission do you want to protect setting that attribute?04:35
KinnisonI haven't got a clue04:36
SteveA_what code needs to set it?04:36
Kinnisonthe queued04:36
SteveA_a cron script04:36
SteveA_or deamon then04:36
SteveA_so, protect it with launchpad.Admin04:36
SteveA_like this04:36
KinnisonUmm, what happens if later we want to put it in the webapp too?04:36
mptok, see y'all Monday for hot bzr action04:36
Kinnisonand have distro admins be able to edit it?04:36
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #launchpad []
Kinnison(this is a *VERY* likely scenario)04:37
SteveA_  <require permission='launchpad.Admin' set_attributes='status' />04:37
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SteveA_at that point, we'll need to use an appropriate permission for that04:37
SteveA_maybe launchpad.Admin, maybe launchpad.Edit04:37
SteveA_or maybe i'll have removed permissions entirely by then... depending when it is04:37
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SteveA_to make it run in a cron script or daemon04:38
Kinnisonokay, so for now it's only changed in tests and the scripts on appservers04:38
SteveA_you just need it to have *some* permission04:38
SteveA_it ought to work like that in your cronscript, but might still fail in your doctest04:38
SteveA_because they're running with different security policies04:38
Kinnisonthe cronscript works, yes04:38
SteveA_sorry -- cruft alert04:39
Kinnisonwhich is nice04:39
egoleomy thing is still not updated04:39
egoleois still not working04:39
SteveA_Kinnison: you'd need to add a security adapter class for IDistroReleaseQueue and permission launchpad.Admin04:39
egoleokey fingerprint04:39
KinnisonSteveA_: urgh, how do I do that?04:39
=== Kinnison sobs
SteveA_that says anonymous is allowed to or something... erg... not nice, just for the purposes of testing04:39
SteveA_so instead04:39
Kinnisonall I want to do is test it04:39
SteveA_in the test04:39
SteveA_you should remove its security proxy04:40
egoleoLaunchpad could not import GPG key, the reason was:.Check if you published it correctly in the global key ring (using gpg --send-keys KEY) and that you add entered the fingerprint correctly (as produced by gpg --fingerprint YOU). Try later or cancel your request.04:40
egoleoany help04:40
Kinnisonwon't that ruin the purpose of the test?04:40
SteveA_i think something like  from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy04:40
=== Kinnison is testing that realiseUpload() works
SteveA_if you grep for 'naked' in the launchpad source code, you'll find an example04:40
=== Kinnison sighs
SteveA_this will be easier once i've refactored the security stuff, as needed for some other things04:41
Kinnisonif I'm gonna have to remove the proxy I may as well get the object directly instead of through the utilities04:41
SteveA_yes and no04:41
SteveA_yes, in one way04:41
SteveA_no because then we're left with wanting to re-do it later when the security works appropriately04:41
SteveA_but anyway, do what you need to do now04:41
SteveA_i'm glad you're putting together tests04:42
=== Kinnison is learning see ;-)
egoleoLaunchpad could not import GPG key, the reason was:.Check if you published it correctly in the global key ring (using gpg --send-keys KEY) and that you add entered the fingerprint correctly (as produced by gpg --fingerprint YOU). Try later or cancel your request.04:42
KinnisonYou can put that on my next review. "Seems more positively disposed towards actually testing his goddamned code" :-)04:43
KinnisonI assume the next review is around april time?04:43
egoleoLaunchpad could not import GPG key, the reason was:.Check if you published it correctly in the global key ring (using gpg --send-keys KEY) and that you add entered the fingerprint correctly (as produced by gpg --fingerprint YOU). Try later or cancel your request.04:45
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
SteveA_Kinnison: i think there's a small review coming up in the next couple of months04:47
SteveA_and a full review next year04:47
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has joined #launchpad
=== Kinnison nods
KinnisonSteveA_: I remove the security proxies at as small a granularity as the tests will allow for now04:49
KinnisonSteveA_: and I've added an XXX and am just filing a bug04:49
SteveA_okay, that's great04:50
Kinnisonwoo \o/.04:50
=== Kinnison got bug 3456
UbugtuMalone bug #3456: upload-and-queue (upstream) - queue doctest removes security proxies Fix req. for: launchpad-upload-and-queue (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345604:50
ddaaI have a little dbschema problem that needs fixing urgently (need it for some code to be done before UBZ)04:50
Kinnisonddaa: What's up?04:51
=== Kinnison did a bunch of dbschema work recently
ddaaKinnison: I did not mean dbschema, but db schema :)04:51
Kinnisonddaa: Oh, database schema04:51
ddaaHere's the problem: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/GhostRevisions04:51
ddaaIn a nutshell, I want to be able to say "i know this revision id is an ancestor of that revision, but I know nothing more about it", and04:53
SteveA_sabdfl: feature for the spec tracker: when you get a spec not found, render a custom 404 page that gives you a one click option to create that spec04:53
SteveA_that way, people need to enter the spec url once only ,in the wiki page.  click it, register it. done.04:53
ddaabe able to fill in the revision details if I ever find it at a later time, but without ever doing UPDATE on the Revision table, and without loosening the non-NULL constraints there.04:54
ddaaI sort of guess I might get away with another level of indirection, but that would suck.04:54
ddaaIOW, I want polymorphism...04:55
=== rjwittams [n=robert@mailgate.antistream.com] has joined #launchpad
SteveA_bug 345704:56
UbugtuMalone bug #3457: spec tracker should have 404 page that lets you make new spec Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345704:56
rjwittamsI am getting "Application error.  Unauthenticated user POSTing to page that requires authentication." when trying to post a bug in malone. I am logged in. 04:56
ddaaMh... maybe I could get away with adding Revision.ghost boolean, and telling sqlobject to refuse doing UPDATE on a Revision where the ghost is False.04:57
ddaaSteveA_: do you think that can be done?04:57
SteveA_ddaa: you can write the logic for that in sqlobject, sure04:58
SteveA_hi rjwittams 04:58
bradbSteveA, kiko-fud, BjornT, jbailey: conf time for us?04:58
bradband sabdfl, of course04:58
ddaaSteveA_: got a pointer to get me going, this "refuse to update if FOO" logic is new to me...04:58
SteveA_rjwittams:  if you go back to the previous page, and shift+reload it, and try again, same problem or not?04:58
SteveA_ddaa: write a method.  use the method to do updates... ?04:59
ddaaSteveA_: but then I want to prevent other code from being careless and directly setting attributes.04:59
rjwittamsSteveA_: I tried a few times. 04:59
SteveA_rjwittams: sorry that i can't look into this right now.  got a phone conference call about to start05:00
SteveA_ddaa: use your interface05:00
ddaaSteveA_: the code that updates this tables is zopeless05:01
bradb"The leeduh has not yet arrived. Please stuhned by."05:01
ddaawell... I wrote the code to bypass getUtility because i could not get it to work in the zopeless importd environment...05:02
ddaaIgnorance sucks.05:02
rjwittamsSteveA_: is there somewhere else to report the bug? This kind of thing makes people just give up. 05:02
SteveA_ddaa: write the interface to not allow access to the 'direct' attributes05:02
SteveA_BjornT: ping05:03
SteveA_jbailey: ping05:03
BjornTSteveA_: pong, i'm calling now05:03
jbaileySteveA_: Yes? =)05:03
rjwittamsSteveA_: Oh, it finally worked. 05:03
kiko-fudKinnison, ping05:03
SteveA_rjwittams: cool05:03
ddaaSteveA_: I tell you I did not manage to use the interface plumbing there...05:03
Kinnisonkiko-fud: yo05:03
SteveA_please file a bug on it05:03
SteveA_rjwittams: most error pages have an email address you can report bugs to05:04
SteveA_rjwittams: it is a bug that this page doesn't do so05:04
ddaaI'll just do make it unsafe05:04
kiko-fudKinnison, can I get a phone call with you in about 45m05:04
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.37: Cherry pick steve.alexander@canonical.com/launchpad--trivial--1 (patch-5: steve.alexander@canonical.com, stuart.bishop@canonical.com)05:04
rjwittamsrjwittams: This one seemed to just be a single text line with that error. Odd. 05:04
SteveA_thanks stub05:04
SteveA_rjwittams: yes.  that's a bug we should fix05:04
SteveA_actually, i'll file that bug05:05
ddaaThanks for bearing with me. I got an idea to do it in some completely different way to avoid the trouble :)05:05
Kinnisonkiko-fud: erm, I was planning on packing to leave before my spec meeting05:06
Kinnisonkiko-fud: how long will the call take?05:06
kiko-fudit's a gina issue05:06
Kinnisonsooner rather than later is better for me05:06
kiko-fudi'm on the phone now though :-(05:06
Kinnison16:45 if it'll be no more than a 15m call is fine05:07
SteveA_bug 345905:08
UbugtuMalone bug #3459: 'application error, POSTing...' error needs to be a proper error page Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Steve Alexander, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345905:08
SteveA_rjwittams: this is the bug about that error page.  i've accepted it.05:08
kiko-fudthanks steve05:08
=== heyko [n=heyko@p54846D21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
kiko-fudKinnison, UTC?05:18
Kinnisonkiko-fud: local time05:19
Kinnisonkiko-fud: I.E. ring me in 25 minutes05:19
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=== Kinnison has a doctest which confirms that upload->NEW->ACCEPTED->PUBLISHED works
carlosKinnison, congratulations!05:28
Kinnisoncarlos: how's that rosetta thing coming along?05:29
carlosKinnison, busy preparing the specs session for today but I have the whole weekend, don't worry05:30
Kinnisoncarlos: coolio05:30
carloskiko, did you added any Rosetta spec to launchpad already?05:31
=== rjwittams [n=robert@mailgate.antistream.com] has left #launchpad ["Ex-Chat"]
Kinnisonkiko: can I except a call in 5m?05:41
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=stub,mpt (email template)]  add cron script that sends out reminders regarding answered support questions. (patch-2706: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com)05:41
kikoI'll try05:42
=== Kinnison grins
=== silbs [n=jane@] has joined #launchpad
silbshi guys05:43
silbsso, for UBZ elmo is setting up a server to bring with us that will have a complete copy of the wiki05:43
silbs(in case of connectivity issues, etc)05:43
silbsgiven the specs in LP, does that server have to have a copy of the LP produciton db??05:43
SteveA_that will be really hard to sort out...05:44
silbsarg is exactly what I was thinking...05:44
silbsand why I brought the issue to the attention of the experts05:44
=== kiko *args
KinnisonIf connectivity sucks, we're gonna have so many more issues than just the wiki05:44
SteveA_unless we smash the spec table for launchpad / ubuntu on our return...05:44
kikoSteveA_, I got dropped05:44
kikofrom the confcall05:44
kikoSteveA_, plus, I have a call with Kinnison 05:44
kikoit's an urgent gina issue05:45
SteveA_ok, go for it05:45
kikocan I make that call and then rejoin?05:45
SteveA_i'll ping you if questions05:45
carloskiko, I'm doing it atm05:45
carlosso don't worry about that05:45
carlosbtw, the small icon that should appear near our name if you upload a file does not appear at the specs page. I only see the default one there05:46
carlosThe "Emblem"05:46
SteveA_emblems should be for teams only06:00
KinnisonI thought emblems always replaced team icons everywhere06:00
=== Kinnison is wondering why the emblems don't show in the main area on his person page
kikobecause the sab loves portlets :)06:00
Kinnisonthey make little/no sense in the portlet though06:01
SteveA_Kinnison, cprov: call in 27 mins06:03
KinnisonSteveA_: *nod*06:03
cprovSteveA_: right06:03
KinnisonSteveA_: should we ring in at 17:30 or a little before?06:03
SteveA_ring dead on06:05
sivangthere a developers meetin gnow?06:06
kikosivang, no, worse: phone calls :-P06:07
sivangah ok :)06:07
kikoI guess I should brush my teeth so I don't smell funny06:07
Kinnisonpoor kiko will have to hear my dulcet tones06:07
sivangin a phone call? :)06:07
kikosivang, these are special nuclear phones06:08
kikorussian technology06:08
SteveA_what package is 'mail' in?06:08
SteveA_i need it to run submit-merge06:08
kikoyou don't want to talk about that in israel, sivang 06:08
KinnisonSteveA_: Umm, mailx ?06:09
Kinnisonyep, mailx06:09
sivangkiko: lol, stop it :)06:09
SteveA_i'll add it to the dependencies page06:09
KinnisonSteveA_: better yet, add a python script to rocketfuel to do SMTP06:10
kikoKinnison, wasn't there a way to get a longer name than SSPPH?06:11
kikoKinnison, can you take a phone call now?06:11
SteveA_Kinnison: i think not06:11
KinnisonSteveA_: :-(06:11
Kinnisonkiko: sure06:11
SteveA_Kinnison: well... i dunno... i like to be able to queue things up when i'm offline06:11
SteveA_so do you mean smtp to localhost?06:11
SteveA_if so, yay06:12
KinnisonSteveA_: then you'd best add an MTA to the deps06:12
SteveA_it won't allow me to cancel its installatation!06:12
SteveA_and bugzilla is being horrid to me06:14
=== SteveA_ writes that python script
bradbddaa: https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~dsilvers/paste/file32O561.html -- is there a quick way to pinpoint where the (seemingly likely) revlib or arch cache corruption is?06:16
bradbI'd rather not apply 133 revisions all over again.06:16
ddaanot that I know of06:17
ddaabut a tar error is more likely something else06:18
ddaagzip error06:18
bradbLast time I had the exact same thing, and it appeared to be cache/revlib corruption.06:18
ddaaI fail to see how a cache/revlib problem would cause gzip to fail...06:19
ddaaI'd rather attribute that to bad local mirror, network problem, or hardware problem06:19
bradbddaa: maybe it didn't finish downloading the tarball when I Ctrl-C'd or ran out of disk space?06:19
ddaaI think that would cause something else to fail06:19
ddaalike... I don't know, were you runnin rsync on roketfuel at the same time?06:20
bradbLast time I had this exactly same problem, spent a lot of time narrowing down exactly which patch it was that caused the problem, and then removed the relevant patch from the arch cache and my revlib, and all went smoothly after that.06:20
bradbddaa: no :)06:21
ddaapatch in the arch cache?06:21
ddaanever seen that...06:21
ddaaonly seen ancestry information there...06:21
bradb*shrug* I understand nothing about the arch cache. I removed something in the arch cache though.06:21
ddaaI'd be more inclined to think that you are having the same exact problem you had before06:22
bradbMe too06:22
ddaafrankly, I'll tell you two things06:22
bradbLast time it was caused (seemingly) by the fact that I ran out of disk space near the end of a commit ;)06:22
ddaaThat should not cause gzip error in the builder...06:23
carloswho is OndejSur ?06:23
kikoKinnison, one more problem06:23
Kinnisonkiko: hurrah06:23
carlosis he a member of the launchpad development team?06:23
ddaawhat the gzip error means here is that there's a bad compressed changeset somewhere06:23
ddaawhy and how it got bad, and how serious that is, i have no idea06:24
kikoKinnison, if a package doesn't change over releases but is moved from one component to another, boom.06:24
ddaabradb: so the two things I want to tell you06:24
Kinnisonkiko: boom?06:24
kikoKinnison, I don't think that will happen with pockets06:24
Kinnisonkiko: shouldn't be boom06:24
ddaa1. I have no clue how to fix your problem06:24
Kinnisonkiko: it's just a different publishing record06:24
ddaa2. I really cannot be bothered to pretzel my brain about baz issues anymore, since the switch to bzr is next week06:25
=== SteveA_ used thunderbird and enigmail to tell pqm to do stuff
bradbddaa: ok, fair enough. just one small question then: is it safe to remove .arch-cache/archives/rocketfuel@canonical.com?06:25
ddaabradb: might cause unbearable slowness once (thought I think there's some stuff to avoid it), but it's perfectly safe06:26
bradbthanks, i'll try that. other than that, it's all about monday.06:27
=== Kinnison goes to ring in for the confcall
=== cprov waiting for kiko
bradbHm, it's at about this time that I'm really wishing specs were priority null by default06:30
=== bradb mails stub
SteveA_null meaning 'unassigned' ?06:31
=== kiko waits for phone to unbusy here
bradbSteveA: null priority, i.e. like bugtask.priority is null by default, so as not to mislead you into thinking you've prioritized it at all.06:31
SteveA_bradb: just replied, after talking with mark on the phone06:56
SteveA_bradb: it is a nice idea, but there are other things to consider there06:56
carloskiko, all Rosetta specs set as Braindump and draft are now at https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+specs06:56
carloskiko, SteveA, sabdfl I suppose we don't need the ones already Approved or Implemented for the meeting, right?06:57
bradbSteveA: Such as?06:57
bradbI was mainly considering the fact that my life is much more painful due to the way it currently works.06:57
kikocarlos, no, but it would be nice to have them06:58
carloskiko, I know, but I need to prepare the meeting so I will add them later or another day06:59
carlosI think it's a bit weird that the only easy way I have to handle Rosetta specs "easily" is from my personal +specs page to filter out the specs that I don't care about....07:00
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=== Kinnison packs to go
Kinnisonciao all07:32
sivangKinnison: bye 07:33
sivangcarlos: we should have a way for a launchpad person to tag specs that are interested to him and then be able to view only "Specs interesting to me"07:34
=== bradb & # lunch
sivangor call it "My Specs"07:35
carlosKinnison, bye07:35
carlossivang, that exists07:35
carlossivang, you can subscribe to specs07:35
Kinnisonsabdfl: mail sent to cvd and edward07:35
=== Kinnison heads off
sivangcarlos: Doh! right :)07:35
carlosand then visit, for instance, https://launchpad.net/people/carlos/+subscribedspecs07:36
sabdflcheers Kinnison07:36
SteveA_we need a spec tracker spec07:40
SteveA_to collect these comments in07:41
SteveA_maybe there is one already...07:43
=== SteveA_ looks
kikoyeah right07:43
sivangSteveA_: to spec furhter improvments etc?07:44
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SteveA_sivang: yes07:44
SteveA_and also to document what it is all about07:45
=== zyga is back from work
SteveA_so that there's a place people can go to learn the whys and wherefores07:45
sivangSteveA_: I see, well paste the link here if you come across it :)07:46
SteveA_oh here it is https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/SpecTracker07:49
kikosabdfl, there was nothing in your gina-improvements branch07:49
carlosSteveA, kiko, sabdfl should I call now to the number Claire gave me?07:59
SteveA_i'm on there08:01
sivangI have reported a couple of bugs while doing the mass spec registering yesterday and the day before, do anybody think they can count as use cases in the spec that may be worth implementing ? #3375, #3436, #324808:03
jordithis is fucking incredible08:11
jordinot only I don't have internet at home08:11
jordiThe internet access I was using at my mother's house has been cancelled08:11
kikosivang, pester SteveA_ about that, sounds good08:13
jordinow I'm at my father's, which is somewhat away from Valencia.08:13
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@p5083E09B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
SteveA_bug 337508:14
UbugtuMalone bug #3375: No way to continue adding specs after adding a previous one. Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/337508:14
SteveA_bug 343608:14
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug08:14
SteveA_bug 342808:14
UbugtuMalone bug #3428: Cross platform failure Fix req. for: ltsp (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/342808:14
SteveA_bug 345908:15
UbugtuMalone bug #3459: 'application error, POSTing...' error needs to be a proper error page Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Steve Alexander, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345908:15
SteveA_bug 345708:15
UbugtuMalone bug #3457: spec tracker should have 404 page that lets you make new spec Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/345708:15
SteveA_sivang: you can list bugs 3375, 3436, 3248 and 3457 on the spec tracker spec08:16
SteveA_is bug 3436 a security-related one?08:16
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug08:16
=== SteveA_ is on a conference call...
sivangSteveA_: let's talk later, ping me up :)08:16
SteveA_sivang: would like to, but i'm on calls all night long08:17
sivangSteveA_: ok, monday ?08:17
sivangor sunday :) , or tommorow. I will be available08:17
sivang3436 was somehow made private,08:17
sivangduonno why08:17
sivang(I didn't tag it as a secret bug)08:18
SteveA_bug 324808:20
UbugtuMalone bug #3248: SupportTracker should have the notion of "Tracks" Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/324808:20
SteveA_bug 343608:21
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug08:21
sivangSteveA_: I myself cannot access it, I think it was something about adding a specname that already existed08:21
SteveA_bug 343608:22
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug08:22
SteveA_bradb: interesting malone bug here08:22
SteveA_BjornT_: also ^^^08:24
SteveA_bug 3436 is not private08:24
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug08:24
SteveA_but inaccessible to Ubugtu 08:24
sivangSteveA_: I'm getting "no permission" error when trying to view it08:24
SteveA_sivang: okay08:25
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SteveA_sivang: i'll leave it as it is, so that brad or BjornT_ can diagnose the problem08:25
sivangSteveA_: ok, should I open a bug about it?08:25
=== lamont__ is now known as lamont
=== bradb returns
sivangbradb: what you're email in launchpad to assign you a bug?08:30
bradbAt first instinct, that's a Ubugtu bug, not a Malone bug08:31
bradbProbably because the null bugtask page returns a 404, though a useful page is presented to the user.08:31
sivangbradb: what does a null bugtask means?08:32
kikobradb, a 404?!08:32
SteveA_sivan gets an error going to that bug08:32
bradbsivang: it comes from the null object pattern. i.e. being able to represent an object when you don't have one.08:32
sivangbradb: ah08:32
SteveA_kiko: null bugtasks give you a 40408:32
bradbkiko: yeah, that's what SteveA and mpt told me to do08:32
SteveA_so you don't get them in history / bookmarks08:32
SteveA_but this seems to be a different bug08:32
SteveA_bradb: that bug, it is a real bug in that context08:33
sivangbradb: I was able to access it before08:33
SteveA_bradb: and sivan can't access it08:33
bradbsivang: what URL are you referring to, exactly?08:33
bradbsivang: so, to clarify in human terms a null object allows us to present a page to you about bug #42 on Launchpad, even though it may not have yet been directly reported on Launchpad (instead giving you a button that says "Yes, I want to report this on Launchpad", etc.)08:34
UbugtuMalone bug #42: Bug description listed in task is not the correct description Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4208:34
sivangbradb: I listed all the bugs I reported, then tried to click it following : https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/343608:35
UbugtuError: I cannot access this bug08:35
sivangbradb: I see then. But still this is a real bugreport :)08:36
bradboh right, darn08:36
bradbthere's a dup of that bug that is marked private, shown on that bug page08:37
sivanguh-ha :)08:37
bradbi meant to have fixed this kind of error from happening, but i perhaps this page tries to access an attribute that i haven't made public for priv bugs08:37
=== bradb looks
sivangbradb: I wonder why that bug would have been kade unpublic in the first place , then.08:38
jordicarlos: are we doing a big import today? Files are taking a while to appear.08:41
carlosdon't think so08:42
jorditwo tiny imports I've done don't appear08:43
jordinet6 and obby08:43
sabdfljordi's been busy :-)08:43
jordia needed update for lliurex, including Spanish, so why not :)08:45
jordignomebaker needs language cleanup08:45
bradbsivang: the private bug has traceback info in it, which makes some people decide to mark it private08:45
jordiThere's a lot of Foo (Country) pots that should be removed as soon as possible08:45
sivangbradb: ah , I see. UNderstood08:45
SteveA_bradb: can you make sivang a subscriber to the private bug?08:46
SteveA_sivang: then, you'll be able to see it08:47
jordiright now, the feature to see the translation of a string in any of your preferred languages is not enabled, is it?08:47
sivangSteveA_: thanks08:48
jordisabdfl: do you know why this was removed (seeing French strings as reference when translating to Catlaan)08:49
bradbsivang: done08:49
=== sivang rushes to see
=== bradb gets bitten by the popup window for selecting a person; pretty awkward in a browser config that opens all new windows in a new tab instead :)
sivangbradb: btw, that window needs ALOT of improvment. it's usable, but has it's amount of pain :)08:51
sivangshould be faster to search people etc, maybe cache some of the results and let user choose them client side08:51
bradbsivang: I've been hoping for a Google Suggest widget for quite a while now, but we haven't seen much movement on that end, unfortunately.08:52
SteveA_bradb: on the ubz list08:53
bradbHm, it looks like null bugtasks *aren't* returning 404's.08:53
SteveA_no test?08:53
sivangbradb: ah, that's the twisted/ajax thingy?08:54
bradbor an incorrect test08:54
bradbsivang: yeah :)08:54
bradbSteveA: hm, the tests look like this:08:56
bradb>>> check("/products/netapplet/+bug/1")08:56
bradb>>> check_not_found("/products/netapplet/+bug/1/+viewstatus")08:56
bradb>>> check_not_found("/products/netapplet/+bug/1/+editstatus")08:56
bradb(i.e. for testing when a bug is not yet reported on a context)08:56
SteveA_looks right09:04
SteveA_write a 'manual' 404 page test09:04
SteveA_to check it out09:04
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
bradbSteveA_: does it look right though? i thought you wanted: /products/netapplet/+bug/1 to return a 404 as well (i.e. that's the page that provides the button to easy-file the bug)09:06
SteveA_mpt: hi09:06
sivangmay I as what /netapplet/ means in the path?09:07
mpthi SteveA_, just got back from class09:08
kikoyo SteveA_ you dropper09:08
bradbsivang: it's a Product.name09:08
bradbso, /products/firefox/+bug/1, /products/bazaar/+bug/1, etc.09:09
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sivangKinnison: I think he left for somewhere dunno09:33
kikoI think so too09:33
kikothat was a last desperate measure09:33
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sivangbradb: how do you know/make netapplet not have a bug #1 ?09:37
UbugtuMalone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/109:37
bradbsivang: Well, it's either reported in netapplet or it isn't, but you can always view bug #1 in the context of netapplet.09:38
UbugtuMalone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/109:38
bradbmore generally, you can always view the context of any bug in any context09:38
carlosjordi, around?09:39
bradber, s/the context of//09:39
sivangbradb: so for the sake of testing, you will change it when bug 1 will become exisiting for netapplet?09:40
UbugtuMalone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/109:40
mptsivang: In other words, netapplet already doesn't have a bug 1. But if it was useful to do so, you could ask for that bug to be fixed in netapplet specifically, and one of the ways of doing that would be by hacking the URL.09:40
UbugtuMalone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/109:40
sivangbradb: what the context of bugs in the path of /malone/bugs/... ? 09:41
bradbsivang: that redirects to the first context it finds09:41
SteveA_bug 009:42
UbugtuError: Error getting Malone bug #0: Bug does not exist09:42
zygabug latest09:44
zyga(this should display bug with highest id)09:44
sivangzyga: tell Seveas , I think he's the Ubugtu hacker :)09:47
Seveaszyga, why would it be useful?09:48
kikoSteveA_, I'm buzzing mpt back in09:51
kikoone moment09:51
SteveA_mpt: ???09:52
mptSteveA_: Sorry, I was just trying to find out what to dial before the country code09:54
zygaSeveas: I've just filed a bug about this thing being missing09:54
zygaSeveas: it;s the latest bug09:54
zygajust kidding thoug (no bug)09:54
zygaI think it could be usefull when someone is talking about a just-filed bug09:54
SeveasI doubt it (and it would not be too easy given malones crappy interface for automation09:55
sivangmpt: is MaloneSupportINtegration part of the sprint agenda for launchpad already ?09:55
zygaSeveas: how does ubugtu work ATM?09:56
zygaSeveas: can id do sql queries?09:56
Seveasit parses malone html09:56
Seveas(or bugzilla xml, which is MUCH nicer ;))09:56
zygaparsing html is like getting dust off the desert09:57
SeveasI can't access the database directly (for a good reason, i'm no launchpad dev or canonical employee :)) so it's the only option since malone has no xml interface yet09:57
sivangMalone is going to have XML-RPC support schduled for discussion on UBZ, by bradb  and jbailey 09:57
SeveasI know, can't wait for it to become a reality :)09:58
bradbThat was the one spec I added yesterday but forgot to mention in the conf call earlier.09:58
sivanggoing to get something to eat, bbl09:58
bradbHopefully that is a fairly high priority at UBZ09:58
zygaSeveas: what is Ubugtu written in?10:02
zygacan I see the source code?10:02
Seveasit's a supybot, I merely enhanced the bugzilla plugin to spak malone-ish10:02
zygaI've always wanted to know how that stuff works10:02
SeveasNo, I'm too ashamed of it :) You can get the supybot code (includes the normal plugin) though with apt-get10:03
SeveasI'm still working on a neat rewrite of my malone hacks10:03
zygaSeveas: oh come on10:04
SeveasIf you promise not to laugh ;)10:04
zygaI'll show you my code if you want to laugh10:04
SeveasThe standard bugzilla code is good enough to look at though10:05
SeveasI just added lots of special cases (if bz == 'malone': do something diffrent)10:05
zygajust cut to the bzr repo URL10:05
Seveasand the do something different is grabbing the html and letting a massive regex extract things :)10:05
Seveaslol, it's not in version control :)10:06
zygaSeveas: than make it :)10:06
mptsivang: I hadn't heard of MaloneSupportIntegration until two minutes ago10:08
zygaSeveas: can you share your config file :)10:11
zygaI'd like to see how this bugger works in real time10:11
mptsivang: wow, that spec is from the Cape Town era10:12
Seveaszyga, make sure you don't join any 'production channels' like #launchpad10:12
mptand it talks about RT rather than about Launchpad's own support tracker10:12
zygaSeveas: don't worryt10:12
Seveaszyga, s/Bugzilla.py/Ubugtu.conf/10:13
Seveasthere's the config10:13
Seveasdid you grab it already?10:13
Seveasif so: please delete without looking....10:14
zyganot yet10:14
Seveas(contains the bots nickserv pass)10:14
=== zyga didn't start terminal yet
zygaafter fresh boot10:14
zygastart synaptic or anything else that touches dpkg's database10:15
zygaIMHO the performance severely degraded since hoary 10:15
zygaI was recently playing with readahead for gnome-terminal10:15
Seveasok, grab the config now :)10:15
zygacat > /dev/null all files it reads10:15
zygagot it10:15
bradbmpt: ping10:24
mptbradb: pong10:26
bradbmpt: I was curious: let's say you have bug #42 and #55, #55 is a dup of #42...10:27
UbugtuMalone bug #42: Bug description listed in task is not the correct description Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4210:27
bradb#55 is private, #42 is public.10:27
bradbhow do you show bug #55 in the dups portlet on the bug #42 page when 1. the user isn't logged in, 2. they are, but not with a user that has perms to view that (private) bug and 3. they are logged in as someone who does have the perms to view that bug10:28
UbugtuMalone bug #55: pybaz needs commit --no-cacherev Fix req. for: bazaar (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Robert Collins, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/5510:28
UbugtuMalone bug #42: Bug description listed in task is not the correct description Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4210:28
mptFor (1) and (2), "55: [secret] "10:29
mptFor (3), *probably* "55: Summary of bug", but I'm not certain of that10:29
mpter, summary->title10:29
mpt(damn Malone data model)10:29
bradbhm, titles seem like microcontent to me, where portlets are like nanocontent10:30
bradbn/m, i guess we're already wedging the bug title into other portlets10:31
mptthe portlet doesn't show the title currently, does it10:31
bradbthe "latest bugs" one does10:31
mptbut, but10:31
bradbthe dups one does not10:31
mptit should do10:31
mptthen it's more googlable10:31
bradbthe anchor title is the title10:31
mptAfter all, it's quite likely that the reason the duplicate was reported in the first place is that the reporter was using different terminology, and failed to search for the terminology of the original bug10:32
mptso when the duplicate gets marked, the original bug page gets that terminology printed on it10:32
mptin the duplicates portlet10:32
mptwhich is good10:32
bradbmpt: ok, so IOW make the dups portlet look like the latest bugs portlet?10:33
mptanyway, that should be part of BugHistory10:33
mptrather than a portlet10:33
mptbtw, the terminology for portlets isn't "nanocontent", it's "chartjunk" ;-)10:33
bradbamen to that10:34
bradbin this case, the dups portlet and the recent bugs portlet, though meaning very different things, will look nearly identical10:35
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nanouckI would like to know how to browse launchpad code source?10:48
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Seveasyou can't unless you are a launchpad developer11:00
jordicarlos: can you add https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-hr/ to the Ubuntu translators group?11:02
jordicarlos: same for Slovak: they are more than one, so it needs to change from "Peter Chabada" to ubuntu-l10n-sk in Ubuntu translators.11:07
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nanouckwhy cannot I get launchpad source in read only mode?11:22
Seveasbecause it is not open source yet11:25
zygalaunchpad is not open source?11:26
Seveasnot yet11:27
sivanghmm, is mpt going to be back?11:27
Seveasand this is not really the place to discuss that, come to UBZ if you want to talk about launchpad with the developers...11:27
zygaI cannot come to UBZ11:27
zygaI really dont understand why launchpad is closed source11:27
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kikozyga, I'll explain a bit11:36
kikolaunchpad is really bleeding edge conceptual11:36
kikoa lot of it is untested and being designed11:36
kikoso if we released it today we'd probably get a lot of traffic but not a lot of contributions11:37
kikothe plan is for it to be OSS11:37
kikobut we need to prove it works minimally (by supporting ubuntu first)11:37
kikowe don't even support ubuntu main yet in the processes we want to11:38
kikothat's a sign of immaturity11:38
Seveasand currently it is not nearly in a release-able state11:38
kikowe'll get there, but we don't have much in the way of concrete plausible promise yet11:38
kikojust ask mdz 11:38
kikohe's tell you all about it11:38
kikoyou can ask sabdfl for more details11:38
nanouckok kiko11:39
kikoman am I tired today11:39
nanouckI'm looking tools for create devel portail like gforge11:40
sivangkiko: what's time is it for you now?11:40
kikobut I've been at it for a couple of days11:40
sabdflelmo: ping11:40
kikoand the days have been long11:40
=== kiko is just downloading packages to be able to test at home
nanouckso when I have seen  launchpad I would have been interested11:41
sabdflkiko: rather get some sleep and nail it in the morning11:41
kikowell, this testing is fun :)11:41
kikodownloading the releases files is not however11:42
nanouckkilo: on which web server is based launchpad interface11:42
kikopeople need to stop uploading to universe11:42
kikonanouck, it's a zope3 application, so it uses zope's web server11:42
sivangkiko: however, there is an apache at web end that redirects requests to zope no?11:43
kikosivang, there's pound, a caching web proxy, AIUI11:43
kikoI've never studied that part of our setup11:43
nanouckok thanks, when I discovered plone, I thought it will be great to include a good tracker, mailing and many components to make it a great devel web app11:44
kikonanouck, we use part of the plone style, so the UI actually looks more than a bit plonish11:44
sivangnanouck: you're invited to register your products against launchpad, and use its facilities to help you 11:44
kikooh, yes, I should have said that11:44
sivangnanouck: there are already some that use it11:45
sivangnanouck: not ubuntu/gnome/[...]  related :)11:45
nanouckkiko, I registered half hour ago11:45
sivangeh :)11:45
=== zyga understands
jordioi kiko 11:46
nanouckIn fact I study tools for intranet11:46
ajmitchevening jordi :)11:46
jordikiko: can you do those two bits I said before,11:46
jordi23:02 < jordi> carlos: can you add https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-hr/ to the Ubuntu translators group?11:46
jordi23:07 < jordi> carlos: same for Slovak: they are more than one, so it needs to change from "Peter Chabada" to ubuntu-l10n-sk in Ubuntu translators.11:46
kikojordi, I can always do anything for you but what are these bits and how much will you pay me11:46
nanouckthe firm where I work was long time closed sources11:47
nanouckbut now it begins enjoying free software11:47
jordikiko: I will get up at 7 if you do it.11:47
jordiajmitch: hey man11:47
kikojordi, 6.11:47
sivangyo jordi 11:47
carlosjordi, sorry, I was not here11:47
kikoand that's wimping out11:47
jordicarlos: no worries11:47
jordiI'm about to leave11:47
jordihey sivan11:47
kikocarlos, doing it already11:48
carlosjordi, ask kiko11:48
jordisivan: you'll be in UBZ, right?11:48
sivangjordi: yes :)11:48
carloskiko, you owe me 50% of the money that jordi pays you :-)11:48
carlosuuppps, wasn't it a private message?11:48
=== kiko kicks carlos
nanoucksivang, "nanouck: there are already some that use it" which ones?11:48
carlosjordi, I will do it now, don't worry11:48
jordiI'm going to a techno party I'm probably not going to like that much11:48
kikonanouck, look at /products11:48
kikodon't techno for an answer11:48
sivangjordi: are you preparing something interesting for me ? :)11:49
jordibut the gf is sooooooooooooooooooooooo interested11:49
jordiand has free tickets11:49
carlosjordi, ;-)11:49
jordisivang: probably not :)11:49
carlosjordi, do you want to see Antonio Orozco next Thursday? 11:49
jordikiko: techno is ok, but just ok. The real thing needs a guitar, a bass and some drums11:49
sivangjordi: just meeting is also coolio indeend :-)11:49
kikojordi, done11:50
jordieven if it's not in Spain :)11:50
carloskiko, you did it?11:50
jordikiko: great. I will be UP AT 5AM.11:50
kikojordi, you should come to some of the serious psytrance raves11:50
kikocarlos, yes11:50
carlosman, you are too fast for me....11:50
kikolive guitar11:50
kikothe sab does nothing11:50
kikohe commands the view11:50
sivangjordi: oh, I love catalunya :)11:50
kikoI'm GTFOOH11:51
jordiyou think he won't join us any day?11:51
jordikiko: there's a swimming pool too. COOL11:51
sivangnanouck: https://launchpad.net/products11:51
jordisivang: Catalan politics are so fucked up these days :)11:51
sivangjordi: I imagine :) anyway, gotta say good night for the night!11:52
sivangbye all!11:52
sabdflcarlos: if we open dapper on katie now, do we need to have rosetta ready for the PO files or will they just queue up?11:52
sabdflnite sivang11:52
sivangnight sabdfl, jordi :)11:52
carlossabdfl, the translations will not be queued11:52
kikojordi, he told me he doesn't like you11:52
sabdflkiko: so... vote of no confidence in gina?11:52
kikothat's why he doesn't wake up at 611:52
carlossabdfl, will be lost unless Kinnison stores a link to the tarball so we could import them later manually11:52
sabdflcarlos: katie is the same infrastructure we were using for breezy11:53
carlossabdfl, oh, we are not using the new buildd?11:53
kikosabdfl, I'm confident I'll deliver something that is tested on a fraction of sampledata tomorrow, and I think it stands a 80% chance of succeeding the import of the archive without blowing up or damaging data. It may drop packages it couldn't parse. 11:53
carlossabdfl, then nothing will be lost11:53
jordikiko: REALLY11:54
nanouckAnother question, which p2p protocol or network are "promoted" canonical or ubuntu?11:54
kikosabdfl, tested across multiple releases, components, archictectures and pockets11:54
kikonanouck, IRC?11:54
carlosbut I would prefer if the attatch script is removed from the cronscript (if it's not done already) so we don't start importing potemplates11:54
sabdflkiko: so are you +1 or -1 on going live on dapper monday?11:54
kikosabdfl, -1, on the basis this is mission-critical and has never been tested with real data 100% successfully.11:55
sabdflkiko: speak up then11:55
kikobut then again, people want to migrate to bzr on monday, and that's true for bzr as well :)11:55
jordicarlos: ah, those imports did appear in rosetta after all11:55
carlosjordi, :-)11:55
jordino, not obby11:55
jordionly net611:56
jordiobby is stuck11:56
sabdflkiko: does staging have enough space to do the whole enchilada? warty / hoary / breezy, all architectures?11:56
kikosabdfl, no. only i386.11:56
carlosjordi, are you subscribed to the launchpad-error-reports ?11:56
carlosyou can see any problem with hte imports there11:56
sabdfloh for pete's sake, so the plan was to go live with no test of all architectures?11:56
jordicarlos: isn't having access to /errors enough?11:56
sabdflthat would be exciting11:56
sabdflZnarl: ping11:57
sabdflelmo: ping11:57
carlosjordi, no, /errors are only the errors from the website11:57
carlosjordi, the imports are done by a script11:57
jordicarlos: ah. well, not subscribed, no11:57
kikosabdfl, you'd have to bring that up with Kinnison, I've not been really in the loop, but I believe that's true.11:57
sabdflthat's no good11:57
kikosabdfl, gina wouldn't have run over multiple pockets successfully.11:57
kiko(without my work)11:57
sabdflkiko: but it will tomorrow?11:57
jordicarlos: sent subscription request11:57
kikoit will tonight, it's really not complicated11:57
sabdflok, well done, and thanks11:57
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kikojust that it needs to be tested11:58
kikosabdfl, I didn't speak up because I was never asked. the issue with opening dapper on this is that, well, we learned from language packs: real world data is painful.11:58
nanouck_Another question, which p2p protocol or network are "promoted" by canonical or ubuntu?11:59
sabdflok. kiko: speak up when you have a strong opinion, then let me take a bad decision if i must ;-)11:59
sabdfli do not think we should open without a full test11:59
kikosabdfl, okay. there is one more thing, then.11:59
kikosabdfl, I think opening dapper on the week we are moving to bzr is a shot in the foot.11:59
kikobzr is going to cause issues for us11:59
carlosjordi, I think htat it will be retried tomorrow, we had a concurrent update of the same table and the import failed and stub wrote code so we don't retry it until one day later12:00
kikowe in launchpad are accustomed to the toolchain kicking our ass12:00
sabdflwe'll have to try to get staging in shape for a proper run on sunday12:00
kikobut sabdfl, the distro expects a higher level of service than we do :-(12:00
sabdflthat's ok, we'll raise our game to meet expectations12:00
sabdfland LP will do far more for the distro team than they are expecting, given time12:01
kikogiven time, I agree entirely. but it needs serious QA if we need reliable launches12:01
sabdflwell, i'm a little pissed at the plan to roll out with no real testing12:01
sabdflbut we can fix that12:01
kikolanguage packs could have been tested 200% more12:01
kiko2000% more even12:01
kikobut there was no consideration for that12:02
kikosampledata testing and off we go12:02
sabdfli do want to know where lifeless is going to be, hour by hour, while we are in bzr transition12:02
kikothat's why the distro guys were so unhappy with it12:02
lifelesssabdfl: given I fly on tuesday, perhaps we should wait for after dapper ?12:02
carloskiko, yeah, real data sucks12:02
kikocarlos, it's a fact of life.. just need to plan for it12:02
sabdflcarlos: would have been easy to be testing with it from early on12:03
kikowith the full dataset12:03
kikoI mean12:03
kikoubuntu gives us this amazing opportunity12:03
kikowe have so much data we can flow through launchpad12:03
kikojust need to cut time out to use it12:03

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