
kkathmanIm back :)12:04
kkathmanJuerd might you still be here?12:05
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greenladenczesc, nie spi to ktos b pytanie mam dosc wazne12:11
greenladenodnosnie kubuntu12:11
greenladena konkretnie problemu12:12
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marsHi I have question12:26
marsDuring installing Breezy i have choosen 1024x 768 only. But i would like to use higher one. How can I add them. Do i have to reinstall kubuntu12:27
marseveryone sleeping..12:30
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kkathmanGreetings...wow had a scare here12:45
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kkathmananyone around?12:48
mmport81me - if i am included in everyone :)12:48
mmport81in anyone*12:48
mmport81have quick curious question12:48
eckhartakregator package for kde 3.5 beta 2 is hopelessly broken12:49
eckhartcomplete metakit archive backend is missing12:49
mmport81when i call a program in konsole i get one program, when i call it with alt f2 i get another12:49
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kkathmanyes you are mmport81 12:49
mmport81anybody have anyideas?12:50
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qatsihello everybody. Can anyone please tell me what to download in order to play DVD's ?...thanx :D12:50
kkathmanwow I have no ideas on that...are you on standard kubuntu and breezy?12:50
kkathmanqatsi: if you have standard breezy and kubuntu, check the K-menu under multimedia12:51
kkathmanmmport81: sorry man, I have no clue then12:51
_marsWhat is the best way to restart x?12:51
qatsicontrol alt backspace i think....then startx12:51
mmport81basically i have always called realplay thru alt f2, but then wanted oss emulation so called a script called realplay in order to get oss emu working12:51
kkathman_mars: just reboot/restart12:51
kkathmanqatsi: wont that just start another X instance?  Maybe Im wrong.12:52
qatsikkathman: uhmm, im not shure...12:53
kkathmanqatsi: ya me neither really12:53
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kkathmannalioth :)12:55
qatsieverybody looks for nalioth :P12:55
kkathmanhey nalioth whats the best way to restart X  ?12:55
kkathmanthat question comes up alot12:55
naliothkkathman: i always log out. but you can ctrl-alt-bksp to get the same effect12:56
kkathmanahh so ctrl-alt-backspace kills the current X and then you simply do a startX12:56
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kkathmanSOrry I meant that for nalioth  :)12:57
naliothkkathman: if your system is working, ctrl-alt-bksp will kill your  current X, and the system will restart x for you12:58
kkathmannalioth: thanks very much I appreciate it12:58
beasthi Riddell12:59
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stupendo44I have a quick question. Aren't the global shortcuts in amaroK supposed to be able to be used while amaroK is not focused?01:34
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_jaypeehello, i would like to compile mplayer under kubuntu, do I have to ./configure --prefix=/usr or just ./configure01:38
stupendo44using the prefix is generally recommended01:38
_jaypeeso that prefix is fine?01:39
_jaypeethanks a lot!01:39
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jayparadiseanyone know what kernel arguemnets go in this grub line01:44
jayparadisekernel /boot/vmlinuz  root=/dev/hda4 01:44
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jayparadiseis it fine to leave it like that with no arguments?01:45
kkathmanIm back again, sorry I've had some ISP speed problems I had to get resolveed01:45
stupendo44jayparadise: just gonna look at mine for a sec...01:45
jayparadisei acutally couldnt get grub to boot recently with kubuntu, it said there was a problem with the line root=/dev/hda401:46
stupendo44mine says: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-k7 root=/dev/hdc1 ro quiet splash01:46
jayparadiseso started knoppix and chrooted and ended up compiling a new one01:46
stupendo44ro may be required, I'm not sure what it is01:46
jayparadisei dont get that ro thing01:46
stupendo44I'm guess quiet and splash are not required01:47
jayparadisethat other problem stumps me01:47
stupendo44but apparently they are normal, because they're there in mine01:47
jayparadisei was thinking the /dev/ files were currupted01:47
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asranielhhmm... kubuntu sees my cpu only as 790 mhz cpu, but it should be 1,8Ghz01:50
g|patrickasraniel: amd athlon 64?01:50
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Juerdasraniel: Possibly it was throttled at the moment of detection.01:51
stupendo44what cpu is it?01:51
kkathmanjayparadise and stupendo44  you might want to discuss this in #ubuntu, people there are more on the technical side to help you there01:51
Juerdasraniel: It may automatically increase when it's needed01:51
kkathmanthis channel tends to be more for kubuntu, or kde based ubuntu :)01:51
asranielJuerd,stupendo44: pentium M 1,8601:51
kkathmanhi juerd :)01:51
g|patrickhmmm... can someone help me with kopete01:51
g|patricki dont get it01:51
stupendo44jayparadise: sorry I can't help much, I'm not much of an expert01:51
Juerdasraniel: My Pentium M 1.5 is "seen" as a 600 MHz 01:52
g|patricki try to import styles with images01:52
g|patrickbut kopete never loads the images of the styles01:52
kkathmang|patrick: sorry I dont use kopete so I cant help you01:52
g|patricktried already google01:52
asranielJuerd: but does it operate at the correct speed or not?01:52
stupendo44my athlon xp 2800 is seen as 2084 Mhz, but it actually is close to that01:52
g|patrickbut there i only find complains about direct file transfer ;(01:52
kkathmang|patrick: so you downloaded some new style and it wont load?01:53
Juerdasraniel: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq01:53
Juerdasraniel: Do that on a command line01:53
asranielJuerd: gives me 186700001:54
Juerdasraniel: It operates on high speed when high speed is needed. When not needed, it automatically lowers, to save energy.01:54
Juerdasraniel: Then it's detected correctly01:54
g|patrickkkathman: i can load the css-file01:54
kkathmang|patrick: I see a major problem right now, its duplicating entries01:54
g|patrickbut the images of it dont appear01:54
g|patrickcss... wait xslt?01:54
Juerdasraniel: Repeatedly do: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq01:54
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Juerdasraniel: While you start a lot of programs01:55
Juerdasraniel: You'll see the frequency increase01:55
stupendo44Juerd: there's nothing under /sys for me, is there a reason?01:55
Juerdstupendo44: Are you using Kubuntu breezy?01:55
g|patrickstyles are one data-folder and one stylefile01:55
stupendo44Juerd: yeah01:55
Juerdstupendo44: Did you mess with /etc/fstab?01:56
asranielJues, i started glxgears, cpu is at 100%, but freq doesent increase01:56
Juerdstupendo44: Then you probably removed the /sys line :)01:56
asranielJuerdi started glxgears, cpu is at 100%, but freq doesent increase01:56
kkathmang|patrick: so did you download a new style and then load it...is that what you tried to do?01:56
stupendo44Juerd: I didn't think so, but I guess it's possible... Is there a sample somewhere so I can put it back01:56
Juerdasraniel: Did you remove or disable powernowd?01:56
g|patrickja... tried from gui01:57
g|patrickand i tried to place it into the kopete folders directly01:57
Juerdstupendo44: I just discovered that /sys is mounted without /fstab01:57
g|patricknothing worked01:57
Juerdstupendo44: I don't know howt it works exactly, sorry01:57
g|patrickit still only loads the default skins01:57
stupendo44jue, no big deal01:57
asranielJuerd: never touched it01:57
Juerdasraniel: Are you running Kubuntu breezy?01:57
asranielJuerd: i do01:58
kkathmang|patrick: did you double check to assure that the style was compatible with the Kopete release?01:58
Juerdasraniel: Did you compile a custom kernel?01:58
asranielJuerd: no, i only replaced the dsdt so that acpi works for my laptop01:58
JuerdWhat is dsdt?01:58
g|patrickusing kopete 0.10.401:59
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JuerdOh, I know what it is (long live Google)01:59
JuerdHow does one change the dsdt?01:59
JuerdDoes that involve recompiling the kernel?01:59
g|patrickkkathman: there  are no compatibliy issues mentionend: http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=22640 02:00
asranielJuerd: no, its with that initrd trick02:00
kkathmang|patrick: yes, now is that new style you downloaded, compatible with that new release?02:00
JuerdIf so, make sure that you have frequency scaling enabled02:00
Juerdasraniel: Run "ps ax" and confirm that powernowd is running02:00
kkathmang|patrick: other than that, try change to a default style and see if you can do that02:00
asranielJuerd: its running02:01
g|patricki can install the xslt02:01
g|patrickit displays the colorcode02:01
Juerdasraniel: Run "lsmod | grep freq" and see if speedstep_centrino is listed for freq_table02:01
g|patrickbut it doesnt load the images02:01
kkathmang|patrick: sounds like a bug either in the style, or in kopete02:02
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kkathmang|patrick: why dont you try IMing me and lets see if the styles work02:02
asranielJuerd: it does... realy strange all this, perhaps a wrong config somewhere? but i never touched one02:03
Juerdasraniel: cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU/throttling02:03
Juerdasraniel: Does that list multiple states? Is it at T0, 00%?02:03
g|patrickkkathman: i tried several styles02:04
g|patrickits always the same02:04
kkathmang|patrick: and none of them work?02:04
g|patrickonly the defaults are working!02:04
kkathmanthen its probably a bug02:04
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g|patrickdo u know a how to that explains in detail how to install those themes?02:05
kkathmang|patrick: there is an entry there under HELP to report a bug on Kopete02:05
kkathmang|patrick: no I dont actually02:05
kkathmanbut you should be able to go to the Kopete site and possible look there02:05
asranielJuerd: yes, but i can set the state with KLaptop myself. problem is, with 00% the speed is at 797. interesting is that with 37% its still 797 MHz, but everything is slower02:05
Juerdasraniel: Then I have really no idea what could be wrong. I suggest you report a bug at bugzilla.ubuntu.com02:07
g|patrickkkathman: there they are talking about plugins :(02:08
g|patrickbut nothing about styles :(02:08
kkathmanhmm let me check02:08
g|patrickand they explain how to make a skin02:09
g|patrickbut not how to make it active ;(02:09
g|patrickkopete.kde.org btw.02:09
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kkathmang|patrick:  here it tells you: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdenetwork/kopete/faq.html02:11
MPCdoes a USB drive, like a SanDisk Cruiser, need to be partitioned before formatting? ... e.g. MS-DOS format?02:11
kkathmanMPC: I dont think so, no02:12
g|patrickcustomizing icons ---> smileys02:12
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kkathmang|patrick: read further down the page02:12
MPCthanks.  I'm having trouble getting the USB drive recognized by XP in my dual-boot notebook.02:12
g|patricksry... i am tired 02:12
g|patrickits hard to concentrate 02:13
MPCLinux "sees" the USB drive; XP can no longer - after I re-booted to XP02:13
g|patrickwhere can i find the kde-dir?02:15
MPCshould I use any special format (e.g. other than mkDOSfs?02:15
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g|patrickkkathman: /home/patrick/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles/Sakahagi/ <-- in that folder are xslt-file and the images02:21
g|patricknow i imported that xslt but no images02:21
g|patrickstill there?02:25
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Hobbseemorning all :)02:27
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Tallia1-KubuntuBhi guys..02:31
Tallia1-KubuntuBis there a way to rebuild automatically kmenu? 02:31
stupendo55what's the status on ntfs support? is it considered alpha or beta? should I use it?02:31
g|patrickstupendo55: i'd rather use ext3 on ur drives02:32
g|patrickand give windows ability to read ext302:32
g|patrickthere are plugins02:32
g|patrickthat would be safer, because ntfs is still buggy02:32
ubotuHobbsee: Are you on ritalin?02:33
g|patrickits easier to teach windows linuxfilesystem than linux windows ones02:33
stupendo55I bet02:33
stupendo55I'm using a fat32 partition for cross-compatability, but I have a ntfs drive that I need to access. I'm reading it fine right now, but I'd like to know if I should enable writing so I can delete files that I copy off of it.02:34
Hobbseewell, if you do enable writing, it could screw up your drive02:34
ubotuquam: I give up, what is it?02:34
quamwindows can read ext3?02:34
Hobbseewhy not make sure that you delete whatever you want to from it when you boot back into a windows partition02:34
Hobbseequam: yep02:34
Hobbseewith a program02:34
stupendo55ok, I'll take that as a no... :)02:35
quamgot a url for that or some place i can get more info?02:35
Hobbseequam: getting it, about to go and put it in the bot when i find more info02:35
g|patrickkkathman: didn't helped me02:35
g|patrickno images, only the naked style02:35
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Hobbseeah ha!02:36
ubotuI guess explore2fs is to get read/write access to your Linux ext2/3 partitions from windows, see http://www.fs-driver.org/02:36
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quamHobbsee: sorry, what'd I miss. Konversation froze up on me like a damn windows program. I almost forgot what OS I was in.02:37
Hobbsee!tell quam about explore2fs02:37
Hobbseelol...i hate that02:37
Hobbseehappens so rarely, but when it does, it's a pain02:37
quammuch obliged02:37
g|patrickbut stupendo55, u have to save ur data first02:37
Hobbseefound that there was a factoid for the program :)02:37
g|patrickif u change the filesystem by formating, anything will be lost02:38
Hobbseeg|patrick: what was your question about kopete?02:39
g|patrickany clues?02:39
Hobbseedont know, havent seen the question...02:40
g|patricktried to install themes02:40
Hobbseeonly came in here around 10 mins ago lol02:40
g|patrickbut i get images loaded in that styles02:41
g|patrickall styles i added are naked02:41
g|patrickonly the stylecolor settings02:41
g|patrickno images, nothing02:41
g|patrickbut images are working in the default ones02:41
Hobbsee^  ^ - that's weird!02:41
g|patrickim am totally confused02:41
g|patrickthe easiest way should be, that kopete could read tar.gz and install it directly02:42
Hobbseei've got no idea, havent tried theming kopete main window02:42
m_tadeuI'm having the same prob02:42
g|patrickno..chat window02:42
Hobbseeah...yes, i do do that02:42
g|patrickthe mainwindow style is the system default :P02:43
Hobbseeusing import, location, etc02:43
g|patrickimport worx only for the style-file02:43
Hobbseewell that's what i thought...but then someone said i could change the little icons if i hated them02:43
g|patricksmileys are not part of my problem02:44
g|patrickthere is an additional menu for that02:44
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g|patrickkopete calls them emoticons02:44
Hobbseeooh, new version of efficient...that means i can try it out02:44
Hobbseei know, i was meaning the ones in the main window with the contacs02:44
g|patrickmaybe someone has the copyright on "smiley"02:44
g|patrickHobbsee: no02:44
g|patrickthe chat window :D02:45
wezloevening all - is anyone else missing the "window" menu in konqueror?02:45
g|patrickHobbsee: i tried to install this: http://kdelook.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=22640&file1=22640-1.png&file2=22640-2.png&file3=&name=Sakahagi+kopete+theme02:46
stupendo55wezlo: no window menu here02:46
wezloanyone know how to get it back?02:47
stupendo55don't you have tabs?02:47
stupendo55why do you need a window menu then02:47
wezloI like to split my view to file transfers02:47
wezloI know the commands but was wondering where the menu went02:47
Hobbseeg|patrick: ah...i see...efficient just imports a .xsl file02:48
g|patrickis "efficient" a new built02:48
stupendo55wezlo: did previous builds with the window menu have tabs?02:49
wezlokonq's had tabs forever02:49
stupendo55I don't know then...02:50
wezloI upgraded from hoary and went, "???"02:50
wezlolike I said, I know the commands, split the view for file transfers usin the fish kioslave is just awesome02:51
g|patrickHobbsee: so u have no idea either :(02:52
wezlostupendo55, thanks for the chat - you all have a good night!02:56
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kkathmanhey Hobbsee  :)03:02
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Hobbseehey kkathman :)03:02
kkathmang|patrick: you still having probs with Kopete?03:02
Hobbseesorry g|patrick i had to go out for a min03:02
kkathmansorry I was away03:02
Hobbseeg|patrick: sorry, no idea03:03
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kkathmanHobbsee: was he asking about Kopete still?03:03
Hobbseekkathman: yes03:04
kkathmanHobbsee: I gave him a web page that explicitly expliained how to do what he was trying to do03:05
kkathmanit goes step by step03:05
Hobbseeah right03:06
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g|patrickkkathman: ja03:07
g|patrickstill the same ;(03:07
g|patrickkkathman: and i answered that it didn't worked03:07
g|patricki followed it STEP by STEP but it did'nt changed anything 03:07
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Hobbseekkathman: g|patrick is also getting help in #kde03:10
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kkathmanthere's probably an error in Kopete...thats always been a pretty buggy app03:11
kkathmanand they are embroiled in alot of legal things too that might shut them down03:11
Hobbseeugh great...i like kopete!03:12
Pablo_Cack... legal.... run.. run away03:12
kkathmanyah.. AOL and Microsoft are suing them...it bodes badly03:13
Hobbseei'd really have to prefer not to use gaim...03:13
Hobbseewhatever for?03:13
kkathmanunathorized access to their messaging systems03:13
Hobbseeright, and gaim, trillian, and all the others are allowed?03:14
kkathmanTrillian was threatened with the same thing, but they got around it03:14
Hobbseeah right03:14
kkathmanso did gaim03:14
kkathmanbut Kopete is not US based.. so they fall under the EU restrictions and got nailed03:14
kkathmanEU is always messing with things like that03:15
kkathmanHopefully they will get a favorable outcome03:16
Hobbseeheh...the advantages of living in australia...no US or EU law here...not sure what our own laws are on that sort of stuff though03:16
Hobbseeyeah, hopefully!03:16
kkathmanI dont particularly like Kopete because its too buggy, but I kinda like stickin it to AOL and MS03:16
kkathmanHobbsee: really doesnt matter about your national laws, its the international treaties..and Kopete is a European outfit, so they fell under those restrictions and AOL/MS complained03:17
Hobbseetrue...but there's gaim and kopete...havent really found anything else that will do all the protocols03:17
kkathmantheir complaints kinda fell on deaf ears here03:17
kkathmanYah I use Gaim, cuz its very reliable03:18
kkathmanToo bad they dont have Trillian for open 03:18
Hobbseemmm...and trillian is fairly slow to start03:18
kkathmaneach of those programs (even Trillian) hack into the host networks, and thats what AOL and MS complain about03:19
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kkathmanthey say its a "security" issue....yeah right03:19
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Hobbseeyeah, it stops people using the original clients...funny that03:20
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kkathmanyah...and because AIM and MSN are free, the complaints fell on deaf ears here, but apparently the EU had a different take on it03:20
_judithI have sound troubles. What do I have to install?03:20
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kkathmanboga: what kind of troubles?03:20
bogakkathman: it's no longer working, but was working before03:21
kkathman!tell boga about soundproblems03:21
kkathmancheck that PM boga03:21
kkathmansee if that helps03:21
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kojakdoes kubuntu   come with a firewall03:22
ubotuit has been said that firewall is Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter. see !firestarter03:22
Hobbseesame with kubuntu03:23
ubotumethinks firestarter is Ubuntu has, like every other Linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is Firestarter, which can be installed via Breezy's "Add Applications" or Synaptic03:23
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kojakthat sentence is confusing man03:23
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kkathmankojak: bottom line...go look at firestarter :)03:23
pwn3rwhere is the configuration files for kdm? ie: Xsetup, Xstartup, etc..03:24
kkathmanpwn3r: try k-menu and System Settings03:24
Hobbseefirestarter never worked for me...it kept blocking my smb connections03:25
Hobbseepwn3r: what did you want to do with it?  system settings doesnt let you control kdm03:25
kkathmanHobbsee: yah me too, I have a router tho and it has NAT protection..so Im good03:25
ubotuWish i knew, hyperactivecrond03:26
ubotuHobbsee: Bugger all, i dunno03:26
Hobbseehyperactivecrond: which were you looking for?03:26
pwn3rHobbsee:  run synergy in kdm before login03:26
hyperactivecrond!kde3.5 is KDE 3.5beta2 out: http://tinyurl.com/ad4x603:26
ubotuhyperactivecrond: okay03:26
Hobbsee!info synergy03:27
ubotusynergy: (Share mouse and keyboard over the network), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.2.2-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 493 kB, Installed size: 1472 kB03:27
Hobbseebefore login...if it were after login, you could just make a symlink and stick it in ~/.kde/autostart03:28
pwn3ri think i found it in /etc/kde3/kdm/03:28
Hobbseebefore login, that i do not know how to do03:28
kkathmananyone know any good linux newsgroups...they seem to be few and far between03:29
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kkathmanhey there strike4ce 03:29
strike4cekkathman: hi03:29
kkathmanHobbsee you know about this synergy thing?03:30
strike4ceI need help with installing a ati driver03:30
Hobbseekkathman: nope03:30
ubotusomebody said ati was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1003:30
kkathmanoh ok03:30
Hobbseekkathman: well, not beyond the info thing before03:30
strike4cedoesnt help03:30
kkathmanthat sounds kinda kewl...I have four computers I'd love to do that with...right now Im using a switch03:31
kkathmanits a pain03:31
pwn3ri may have gotten it figured out, if i have, where do you suggest i post the info too?03:31
kkathmanpwn3r: how about here :)03:31
pwn3rok i can do that03:32
kkathmanthanks alot for your willingness :)03:32
pwn3rneed to reboot to test the auto start now. :) 03:32
pwn3rbe back soon03:32
Hobbseehere's good03:32
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strike4ceHow do you know if you have 3d going on kubuntu03:34
Pablo_Cput on your 3d glasses and see if stuff is jumpin out at ya03:34
strike4ceumm lol03:34
Hobbseeno, there is a command...i'm just trying to remember what on earth it is...03:34
strike4ceI wish it was that easy03:34
kkathmanlol Pablo :)03:35
Hobbseecouldnt tell you...it's one that i only used once, so dont remember03:35
g|patrickah crap03:35
g|patrickeven they cant help03:35
g|patrickmiranda is not avaible for linux03:35
g|patricki cant stand gaim03:36
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g|patrickkopete is too bugg03:36
strike4cedamn why is it so hard to install an ati driver?03:36
g|patrickwhich messenger remains in the pool of linux :(03:36
Pablo_CI use gaim03:36
kkathmanIve been telling people that its too buggy, but yet they still use it :)03:36
kkathmang|patrick: gaim comes standard and its VERY reliable03:37
kkathmang|patrick: just go to the K-menu, look under Internet03:37
strike4ceHow can I see what graphics driver I have?03:37
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strike4ceanyone know?03:38
kkathmangood question03:39
kkathmanthat I dont know03:39
g|patrickkkathman: gaim - i simply dont like it03:40
kkathmanwell Im afraid theres Kopete, which is very buggy, and Gaim pick your poison :)03:41
kkathmanone works and the other doesnt03:41
g|patricku are telling me, that in the huge linux world are only gaim and kopete?03:42
g|patrickcome on, ur kidding :(03:42
kkathmanthat is correct03:42
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kkathmanwhy not go ahead and search in Google :)03:42
g|patrickgive me a clue03:42
g|patrickon the first 10 site "instand messenger linux" are only gaim and kopete and demands for miranda :(03:43
kkathmanhow bout that :)03:43
kkathmanto my knowledge those are the only ones 03:43
g|patrickcrap :(03:43
g|patricknot its almost 4AM and i wasted 5hours for this shitty app again03:44
kkathmangaim works very well and is very reliable03:44
g|patrickbut gaim is crap03:45
g|patricki even lacks of functions that kopete has03:45
g|patrickand kopete hasnt much03:45
kkathmanso yanno, turn on the setting in KDE to show Gnome apps like KDE and you got it03:45
kkathmanit has all the functions Kopete has 03:45
kkathmanand handles all protocols03:45
g|patrickand its horrible GUI03:46
g|patricki hate gaim03:46
g|patrickits even worse than gimp03:46
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kkathmanthose are your options03:46
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g|patrickgaim is no option :(03:46
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g|patrickgaim is an example how good ideas can be killed with damned user guidelines03:47
g|patrickand thats although its final03:47
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strike4ceI get this in terminal when I run glxgears:  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".03:53
g|patrickstrike4ce: u have do reconfigure xserver03:55
g|patrickthen choose fglrx as graphicdriver03:55
g|patrickdri is the extension, that enables hardware acceleration03:55
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pwn3rit seems kdm does things synergy doesnt like03:58
pwn3rlike locks keyboard and mouse access until after login03:58
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strike4ceg|patrick: What is the command to reconfigure xserver please?04:04
ubotustrike4ce: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:06
ubotuwell, xorg is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:06
hyperactivecrondthere you go04:06
=== hyperactivecrond pets ubotu
g|patrickdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:07
strike4cehyperactivecrond: I can select the module myself right?04:07
g|patricku might need xserver-xfree04:07
g|patricki am not sure if that worx04:07
hyperactivecrondstrike4ce: i guess04:08
strike4ceg|patrick: I have a ati driver on my desktop04:08
g|patrickhave u installed it yet?04:08
strike4ceno thats what Im trying to do04:08
strike4ceI converted it04:08
g|patrickfollow it step by step =D04:09
strike4ceahhh do you have the same card?04:09
g|patrickhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589&posted=1#post423589 this is newer04:09
g|patrickstrike4ce: 9800 :)04:09
g|patrickati drivers becoming better :P04:09
g|patrickbut their still bumpy in comparsion to nvidias04:10
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strike4ceHow do I find my bus identifier?04:12
pwn3rok well i got synergy working just fine now but it seems unless i use gdm I will always have to login from the server system before i can use the mouse and keyboard on the clients to login.04:12
strike4ceg|patrick: any idea what a bus identifier is?04:13
g|patrickuse default04:14
g|patrickonly change driver to fglrx04:14
g|patrickdont change anything04:14
g|patrickbtw. u have installed the driver already?04:16
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strike4ceg|patrick: 9600 and no im not finished04:17
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g|patrickwell this should be done after u have installed the driver04:18
g|patrickhave u tried those which are supplied with the universereposortories?04:18
g|patrickcrap, theire only 8.16.20 :(04:18
strike4ceg|patrick: its a dell laptop monitor dunno wha to put there?04:19
g|patrickmake a autodetection04:20
g|patricki hope u haven played aorund with the keyboard settings 04:20
g|patricki have some experience with that...04:20
g|patricki killed my ubuntu with that x(04:20
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g|patrickare u sure, that u have not installed the driver u have on ur desktop?04:21
occyIf I have Ubuntu Breezy, and I want to get all the KDE stuff for kubuntu, can I just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?  (it'll keep my gnome stuff right?)04:22
g|patrickoccy: i guess so04:22
apokryphosyes, it will04:22
occyg|patrick, I want to get KDE another shot... but, don't want to nuke my gnome setup.04:22
occyapokryphos, yah?04:22
apokryphosvery good idea04:23
g|patrickoccy: u will be able to switch on the login area04:23
strike4ceg|patrick: Yes, sorry was configuring, but im going try that page you gave me now04:23
g|patrickhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589&posted=1#post423589 :D04:23
occyg|patrick, I guess if I wanted to try kdm, I could just /etc/init.d/gdm stop  and then start kdm huh?04:23
g|patricksimply log out04:23
g|patrickchoose kde for the next session04:24
g|patrickand login within kde04:24
occywill it automagically use kdm the next time?04:24
apokryphosyou can use gdm to effectively login with kde; but if you want to switch to kdm it's easy04:24
g|patricku can choose04:24
occyor does kubuntu use gdm?  04:24
apokryphosoccy: it will ask you (on install) which you want as default04:24
g|patrickbtw. kdm, gdm?04:24
g|patrickwhats the difference?04:24
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apokryphoskde display manager -- gnome display manager04:24
occyahhh ok.04:24
apokryphosa few differences04:24
occythanks guys04:24
g|patrickapokryphos: ok...04:25
occythar she goes04:25
g|patrickhowever... i always have to laod libraries of both sets04:25
g|patrickso its not important what will be the default04:25
g|patricki personally prefer the gtk login screens :D04:25
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apokryphosyuck :P04:25
KnowerrorsHey all, running Kubuntu 5.10, is there a way to make all new windows that open default to maximized?04:26
g|patrickoccy: u can choose i u want login with kde permanatly or only per seesssion04:26
apokryphosthough I personally prefer no login screen at all; don't really want an extra step between me and kde ;-)04:26
g|patrickstrike4ce: i have to go now...04:26
g|patrickgood luck :)04:26
occyg|patrick, nod04:26
g|patrickand dont kill ur config as much as i did x)04:26
occythanks bunches 04:26
occyg|patrick, night!04:26
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occyapokryphos, tx too04:26
xtacocorexanyone know how to get kscd to not autostart in breezy?04:26
xtacocorexnevermind, found it04:28
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ElsanWhat is the apt-get command to get the Kubuntu files with normal Ubuntu?04:33
pwn3rsudo apt-get install kubuntu_desktop ##is this the one you are looking for?04:33
ElsanYes, thanks04:35
ElsanI reinstalled Ubuntu hoping a bigger swap would help make Rhythmbox work and it didn't. So now I need to get KDE again :(04:35
pwn3ryour welcome04:35
kkathmanpwn3r: did everything work for you on that kdm issue?  I had to step away.04:36
apokryphosElsan: why use rhythmbox?04:36
apokryphosand it's kubuntu-desktop (not kubuntu_desktop)04:37
Elsanyeah :P I know04:37
Elsanapokryphos: Is there better?04:37
apokryphosfar better, yes04:37
apokryphosamaroK or JuK04:37
pwn3rkkathman:  i ended up switching to wdm 04:37
kkathmanahh ok04:37
pwn3rkkathman: i couldnt get kdm to start the synergy server after login for some reason04:38
pwn3rbut i dont mind04:38
kkathmanthat sounded like a neat proggie...I could have used it04:38
kkathmanI have 4 computers right here around me and I share my keyboard and mouse via a switch right now04:39
pwn3rit does work great, it shares clipboards across systems as well04:39
ElsanClipboards! :004:39
kkathmanpwn3r: does it do it across samba shares also?04:39
pwn3r1 mouse, 1 keyboard, 2 monitors, 2 cpu's04:40
pwn3rim not sure what you mean04:40
pwn3rkkathman: what do you mean accross samba shares?04:40
pwn3ri don't think it does (if i understand correctly). it uses TCP/IP.04:42
kkathmanpwn3r: I mean, I set up a network in my home...it has several computers, including Windows boxes..I was wondering if I could share the keyboard and mouse across those machines too04:43
KnowerrorsIs there a KDE global settings for all windows to always revert to maximized on new open?04:43
pwn3rkkathman: yea it is cross platform04:43
kkathmanwow kewl04:43
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pwn3ri hope in the future they figure a way to drag entire files across monitors :)04:44
kkathmanKnowerrors: I am not aware of any setting that does that, but we can check the Windows Behavior in the System Settings04:44
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kkathmanpwn3r: there's a program that does that in Windowx04:44
kkathmanKnowerrors: check under the System Settings, Desktop, Windows Behavior and play with some of those options04:45
pwn3rkkathman: is that with a multi head setup?04:46
pwn3ri havent heard of anything like that04:46
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=== pwn3r dropped windows @ warty release
kkathmanpwn3r: my son was playing with it last year...he found it as a shareware thing on downloads.com...its a piece of software that runs on both computers and links them04:47
kkathmanI dont remember the name of it04:47
Knowerrorskkathman: nope nothing there... really irritatin to have to maximize every program window when I open a new one04:47
kkathmanahh ok04:47
kkathmanKnowerrors: you know you might try this... open the app, maximize it, then close it. Then open it again...I know Opera and a few others will "remember" the size it was the last time you shut it down04:48
Knowerrorsyeah, Gwenview did, and amarok, but not Konq04:49
kkathmanKnode works that way too04:49
kkathmanso try that04:49
os2macso I see that OpenOffice got a new release... does anyone know how long it takes to populate out to the universe?04:50
kkathmanyes you can with Konq...you need to open it, maximize, then Settings, Save as Web Browser...close and reopen04:50
kkathmansorry "Save View as Web Browser"04:50
pwn3ri know some apps will run maximized if you start it with the --maximize argument04:51
kkathmanKnowerrors: see what I said above?04:51
pwn3rnot sure how to make ever app do it tho04:51
kkathmanpwn3r:  each app is different04:51
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Knowerrorsyeah, I'll try that04:51
kkathmanpwn3r: but in general if you maximize it, then close..it will open maximized the next time04:52
kkathmanKonq is different, in that you can actually SET the particulars04:52
kkathmanI just did it and it worked like a champ04:52
KnowerrorsI tried the save view as web browser, didn't stick the size04:53
kkathmanKnowerrors: well, it sure worked for me04:53
KnowerrorsIll try that --maximize thing04:53
pwn3rdo you know how to make konqueror always start with the view mode set to "detailed list view"?04:53
kkathmannow I have to reset it :)04:53
Knowerrorsdoh, save window size with profile wasn't checked ;)04:54
Knowerrorsnow it works04:54
kkathmanpwn3r: yes04:54
strike4ceapokryphos: can you help me out?04:54
apokryphosstrike4ce: with? And, have you asked in the channel?04:54
kkathmanpwn3r: do the same thing I told Knowerrors ,  open Konq, configure the way you like it, then Settings-Save View as Web Browser.04:54
strike4ceapokryphos: no04:55
pwn3rok thanks kkathman 04:55
strike4ceapokryphos: im getting this message in terminal04:55
strike4ceapokryphos: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)04:55
apokryphosstrike4ce: always better to ask the channel directly than to only one person04:55
kkathmanI set this myself to use Konq as a file manager and open in a split window everytime04:55
apokryphosstrike4ce: breezy-backports isn't out yet; remove the lines wiht breezy-backports from your repositories04:55
strike4ceapokryphos: ok04:56
pwn3rthat works fine now (no more icons :P )04:57
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kkathmanpwn3r: excellent!!04:59
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pwn3rif i add a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ will it be automaticly detected and included?05:02
kkathmana device driver?05:09
pwn3ryea i need to specify options for my tvcard05:09
pwn3rit isnt properly detected05:10
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kkathmanyah I didnt think so05:10
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kkathmanyou might ask that question in #ubuntu and see if the techies there know05:10
kkathmanor how you might get those options loaded05:11
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pwn3rok thanks, i was just adding it to the bottom of the alsa file in there and it was working05:11
pwn3rbut it would be nice to know the right way05:11
kkathmankewl glad its at least working :)05:12
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strike4ceok can someone help me with this?05:13
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pwn3rask your question strike4ce 05:13
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strike4ceIts ati module generator v 2.005:13
TokenBadok question05:14
TokenBadI can't get to login05:14
TokenBadI am on kubuntu live now05:14
TokenBadto find out whats going on05:14
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kkathmanTokenBad: Tell us what you've done so far05:14
strike4ce/bin/sh: /usr/bin/gcc-3.4: No such file or directory05:14
strike4ce/bin/sh: /usr/bin/gcc-3.4: No such file or directory05:14
strike4celn: `./libfglrx_ip.a.GCC': File exists05:14
strike4cemake: *** [libfglrx_ip.a.GCC]  Error 105:14
strike4cebuild failed with return value 205:14
kkathmanjust installed?05:14
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pwn3rstrike4ce: looks like you need to install gcc-3.405:15
kkathmanstrike4ce: maybe you dont have the build-essentials, gcc, or g++05:15
strike4cepwn3r: im following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589&posted=1#post42358905:15
strike4ceok how do I get them please?05:15
kkathmanstrike4ce: in the repos05:15
kkathmanadept, kynaptic either05:16
kkathmanin kynaptic its under "development"05:16
strike4cekkathman: I'll try that thanx05:17
strike4cepwn3r: thanx05:17
kkathmanI'll be back in a while...got company05:17
pwn3rsee you05:17
strike4cepwn3r: g++ 3.4 is that what I should install?05:18
pwn3rwell if you use apt-get it would be called gcc-3.405:18
pwn3rim not sure what any gui tools would call it, sounds right tho05:19
pwn3rer maybe not05:19
pwn3rdid you miss any steps in that page you linked me to?05:19
strike4cepwn3r: thats it05:20
strike4cepwn3r: Iwill start from scratch again05:20
strike4cepwn3r: wont hurt will it?05:20
pwn3rwell the one staep that says "sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 module-assistant" is the one i think something may have happened05:20
strike4ceok cool this ati driver stuff is difficult05:20
pwn3ryea my nvidia has been a royal pita as well05:21
strike4cepwn3r: ahh i see now when I opened link it scrolled me down I was at the next post.  I already converted with alien05:24
pwn3rno problem05:24
strike4cepwn3r: on that site it gives this command;sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg #Select the ATI driver05:26
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strike4cepwn3r: then reboot, Do I need to go thru it all the way or select ati then leave and reboot?05:27
Knowerrorsdoes Kubuntu come with a firewall, if so how do I control/monitor it?05:27
pwn3ryou should go all the way through05:27
strike4cepwn3r: Im guessing I go thru the whole process05:27
pwn3rstrike4ce: yep05:27
pwn3rKnowerrors: i do not think it comes with a firewall05:28
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pwn3rKnowerrors: the only one i have tried is called 'firestarter'. Look on the ubuntuforums to see if there is a howto on there.05:29
strike4cepwn3r: default right?05:29
pwn3rstrike4ce: default for what?05:29
Knowerrorsthats pretty sad if it doesn't come with one by default, being a supposed newbie friendly thats big security misstep05:30
pwn3rKnowerrors: have you looked for a howto on the subject? i suppose i should too :)05:31
Knowerrorslooking now...05:32
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strike4cedpkg: error processing fglrx-control_8.18.6-1_i386.deb (--install):05:42
strike4ce trying to overwrite `/usr/share/gnome/apps/fireglcontrol.desktop', which is also in package fglrx-6-8-005:42
strike4ceErrors were encountered while processing:05:42
strike4ce fglrx-control_8.18.6-1_i386.deb05:42
strike4cepwn3r: ok now im getting the above05:42
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regeyadumb question: could a missing apm kernel module cause random lockups?05:43
strike4ceohhh i think i know05:43
Knowerrorsis dma enabled by default in 5.10?05:44
strike4cepwn3r: more then one file with similar name so I deleted it05:44
=== regeya is also trying to track down the source of inexplicable, completely random freezes
pwn3rim not sure if thats the best thing to du but ok05:45
strike4cepwn3r: nope still same error05:45
pwn3rdid you complete the step "Remove old fglrx driver" before starting?05:46
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marchow can su in kubuntu??05:47
pwn3rsorry strike4ce i dont have the same gfx card so i dont know how much help i can be with this05:47
Drakesonhow can I use the breezy live cd/dvd to just install grub on mbr05:48
pwn3ri would suggest searching the forums and making a new post if you find nothing that helps05:48
pwn3r@ strike4ce 05:48
strike4ceI dont see thta gnome file on my desktop?05:48
strike4ce@ pwn3r05:49
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pwn3rstrike4ce: which gnome file are you talking about05:50
strike4cepwn3r: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/gnome/apps/fireglcontrol.desktop05:50
pwn3rstrike4ce: ah yea sorry05:50
pwn3rstrike4ce: i see now05:50
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strike4cepwn3r:  Know how to get rid of it?05:51
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pwn3rstrike4ce: there is a option to force overwriting files for dpkg05:52
pwn3rstrike4ce: im not sure if i should reccomend it tho05:52
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neoncodeErr I have a question or two about amaroK...05:53
strike4cepwn3r: i just deleted it lol no I will try again05:53
pwn3rstrike4ce:  ok :)05:53
gubatronneoncode, me too05:53
gubatronneoncode, do you have an ipod?05:54
neoncodeNope I have a Creative zen xtra05:54
strike4cepwn3r: How do I overwrite?05:54
gubatronneoncode, the amarok that comes with the latest kubuntu just closes it self after reaching a 100% when sending files to the ipod05:54
neoncodeI haven't tryed to get it to work yet though... it pretty low on my list of priorites...05:54
pwn3rstrike4ce: with the "--force-overwrite" option for dpkg05:55
pwn3rstrike4ce: be careful it doesnt overwrite anything importand :)05:55
neoncodeI carn't get amaroK to play local media files, it can play CD's just fine and when I attempt to play mp3's it has a litte popup saying that GStreamer carn't play them...05:56
strike4cepwn3r: i have some kind of program called ati control.  That is what is causing the problem.  I wonder how I can remove it?05:56
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pwn3rstrike4ce: how did you install it?05:57
strike4cepwn3r: not sure?05:57
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strike4cepwn3r: can it be removed thru adept maybe?05:57
pwn3rstrike4ce: if thats how it was installed then yes05:57
strike4cepwn3r: lol?05:57
pwn3rstrike4ce: sudo apt-get remove package-name05:58
neoncodeAnyone got any help?05:59
strike4cepwn3r: no go05:59
strike4cepwn3r: its an application05:59
gubatronneoncode, I have the same problem on my sister's computer. I could solve it on my laptop by changing the GStreamer engine to use alsasink06:00
gubatronneoncode, however on her desktop, still having the same problem06:00
gubatronAnyone actually uses Totem? It seems to be a great drawback for KDE, VLC should be included as the default player, not totem, that player plays nothing06:00
neoncodegubatron: nope, i'm already useing alsasink with GStreamer in amaroK setting page...06:01
pwn3rstrike4ce: sorry im getting out of my area of expertise, 06:01
gubatronneoncode, I guess I ended up downloading someting else, did you look in synaptic for 'mp3' to see what it has to offer, maybe there are some mp3 libraries that you don't have installed yet06:02
strike4ceAny experts here?06:03
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neoncodeI have k3b-mp3 but it's not just Mp3's excudeing CD's amaroK cannot play ANY local file...06:03
pwn3rstrike4ce: sorry i cant help more but i have to go 06:04
strike4cepwn3r:  one more thing how do i use force command?06:04
pwn3rstrike4ce: what do you mean? for dpkg?06:04
strike4cepwn3r: yes and install06:05
pwn3rstrike4ce: for example: "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i fglrx-control_8.18.6-1_i386.deb"06:05
pwn3rstrike4ce: i think thats how it works, i havent needed it myself yet though06:06
quamare usb devices an issue in kubuntu/ubuntu? my usb flash drive will work if i plug it in after boot, but my mice (i've tried 2, one wireless, one not) have to be plugged in at boot to work.  sometimes if i unplug my usb wireless adapter, it'll freeze the whole system06:06
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Octaneanyone know if kde 3.5 kubuntu packages are out for amd6406:07
Knowerrorswhen I go to system settings in kde, and click on administrator mode, it asks for the sudo passwd, when I want it to ask for root, how do I change that?06:09
neoncodeYay! I got it amaroK to play stuff! I used adept to install kynaptic and then used kynaptic to install Gstreamer0.8-mad then I restarted the soundserver and it worked!!!06:13
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gubatronneoncode, awesome, so you updated your Gstreamer06:17
gubatronlet me try that too06:17
strike4ceanyone know how to force remove ati control panel?06:19
strike4ceor just remove?06:20
neoncodegubatron: but now it only plays mp3's I'm just gonna find every GStreamer related pakatge on kynaptic and install the lot... that might help...06:25
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djperegrineI just tried to install kubuntu06:53
djperegrineI have a hp pavilion zv500006:54
djperegrineand it said I needed a 32-bit system06:54
djperegrinemine is 64-bit06:54
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SillyConeDoes anyone know why KDE might restart when trying to run a GL screensaver or XMMS visualization plugin?07:26
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pwn3ris anyone here familier with bttv and bt878 drivers?07:39
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pwn3rhi richardc 07:59
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richardci ran systemsttings in console, to get an error message about why i cant switch to administrator mode08:00
richardcand this is what i get08:00
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richardcdoes anyone know how i can fix the problem08:01
quamrichard, try sudo systemsettings?08:03
el-stupidoif yer in the home dir dont need to sudo08:03
el-stupidowhat are you tryijng to do?08:03
quamwtf does being in the home dir have to do with sudo08:03
quamthe point of sudo is to have root access :P08:03
=== el-stupido shuts up
richardcquam: that works, but its only a workaround08:04
el-stupidopoint is systemsettings runs w/o sudo08:04
richardcknow how i can fix it?08:04
quamstupido: oh :P yeah, it does :P 08:04
richardci appreciate it though08:05
el-stupidorichardc: what are you trying to do>?08:05
quamrichardc: permanently, no. i don't use systemsettings that often, so im ok with using a workaround once, getting everything how i need it, then not using it again until i need to change something :P08:05
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richardcel-stupido: get the admistrator mode button in system settings to work08:05
quamadministrator mode in kubuntu 5.04 was a pain in the ass like that too08:06
quamin fact, nothing that needed root access worked when i had just installed kubuntu from cd, only when i installed ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop packages08:06
quamwith hoary i mean08:07
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el-stupidowhere can I find the logs for a game?08:26
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_mat_this is my first timeon irc08:31
_mat_is anybody out there?????08:31
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Chameleon22i am configuring nagios and noticed that when I break something ... eg status critical , alert mail/sms send mail messages get frozen in the mail queue. So for example message comes in ... 9m  1.5K 1ETD4E-0005i0-1v <from@email.com>   but after a while from email address gets deleted and message frozen:  1ETD4E-0005i0-1v <> *** frozen ***  and ideas why this is happening?08:51
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azertyuuuhey all, what's the difference between Nvidia Driver and nvidia LEGACY driver ? Both start at boot, can i diable 1 of them ?09:20
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paguxhi folks09:27
paguxno firefox in kubuntu ?09:27
azertyuuubut easy downloadable with Adept 09:32
azertyuuuhow can i change the menu-style, menu editor is not what i'm looking for, it's somthing else09:32
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=== ztonzy pokes apokryphos if he is awake
el-stupidois tar.gz same as tar.bz2?09:49
ztonzyel-stupido, no09:49
ztonzytar.bz2 is needed by the command/binary  'bunzip2'09:50
ztonzyel-stupido, check with 'man bunzip2'  in a terminal09:50
el-stupidoso but i can unzip it right? 09:50
ztonzyel-stupido, in kde there's probably built in support in a contextmenu if you RMB click the file09:51
el-stupidoso bzcat -xf filename will unzip it?09:51
ztonzyRMB = right mouse button09:51
ztonzyel-stupido, bzcat ?09:51
ztonzytry bunzip2 <extra paramteres here> filenamehere09:52
el-stupidowhats the command to unzip it?09:52
ztonzyel-stupido, I typed it 2 times already LOL09:52
ztonzyel-stupido, the command is:  ' bunzip2 '09:52
ztonzyin terminal09:52
el-stupidothankyou ztonzy  sorry lol i didnt read it i need to highlight my nick09:52
ztonzyel-stupido, hehe...need some coffee ;) ?09:53
el-stupidoztonzy: yeah.. could help lol09:53
el-stupidomy left nostrils making a buzzing sound when i breathe out09:54
ztonzyel-stupido, but...I havent tried the bzcat thing before...better read the manual (you) if you want full support)09:54
ztonzyel-stupido, ack! same here...almost...well been home for 2 days because of my cold09:55
el-stupidoztonzy: i read the man bzcat apparently unzips and sends output to sdout09:55
el-stupidoztonzy:  thats bad.. its a "cold" wave lol.. almost everyone here in my city is sniffing09:55
ztonzyel-stupido, we must hope it isn't the birdflue :-O09:55
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el-stupidoztonzy: hope not lol.. 09:56
el-stupidoztonzy: tho i doubt here in India anyone will diagnose it as that till theres bout a 100,000 dead09:56
ztonzyel-stupido, I were at the Blender Conference in Amsterdam last weekend...and being there makes you be up late...being social...drinking beers and what ever...and you sleep to little,..in the end you get a cold (as all times after that conference LOL)09:57
ztonzyel-stupido, eeeww09:57
=== ztonzy is swedish
el-stupidoztonzy: ahh.. i'm Indian 09:58
el-stupidoztonzy: whats a Blender Conference (never used a Blender meself lol)09:58
el-stupidoztonzy: smoking pot too?? lol09:58
ztonzyel-stupido, worlds most famous Open Source 3D application ;)09:59
ztonzywww.blender.org 09:59
ztonzypot ? :O09:59
el-stupidoYEAH RIGHT09:59
ztonzyel-stupido, you dont belive me...I would never...beers and drinks are enough for me10:00
el-stupidoztonzy: just kidding mate.. lol anyways Blender seems good10:00
ztonzyel-stupido, so did you manage to extract the file(s) ?10:01
el-stupidoztonzy: can I use it for CAD?10:01
ztonzyel-stupido, hehe...you never know10:01
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ztonzyel-stupido, hmm no...not for CAD, but you can use of for visualize the enviroment/object in use10:01
el-stupidoztonzy: hehe well. . i didnt have to .. a friend needs it to install KPPP on his Mandrake m/c and set up a dialer account10:01
ztonzyel-stupido, check the official gallery10:01
el-stupidoztonzy: ahh okay.. lets say i have QCAD can i export the design to Blender to view it?10:02
ztonzyel-stupido, ok10:02
ztonzyel-stupido, hmm...dont know if there's exporter for it...I can ask10:02
el-stupidoztonzy: okay10:02
el-stupidoztonzy: you a pro gaphic designer?10:03
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ztonzyel-stupido, no...I am a hobbiest...never managed to get a job in media...quite difficult to find such job 10:03
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frank23hello and good night10:06
ztonzyor goodmorning10:07
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azertyuuuhey all, what was the name of the prog to CHANGE the munu-STYLE  (not the menu-editor)10:08
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frank234am here.  good night for me! ;-)10:09
che_benwayHi. Just installed clam av. Does anyone know how to run it?10:09
frank23che_benway: its mostly useless if you run only linux10:10
che_benwayoh? Why is that?10:10
azertyuuubecause there are almost no virusses for linux 10:11
azertyuuuit is stable as a rock10:12
=== fate143 [n=fate@c-67-164-18-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
fate143so what the hell is up with the picture on kubuntu.org?10:12
fate143that woman10:12
fate143she's creeping the hell out of me10:12
fate143she's got that smug ass look on her face10:12
che_benwayfrank23:  thanks. But just for reference how do I run programs that don't appear in the K menu? Or how do i make them appear in the menu so that I can simply click10:13
fate143does anyone else know what picture I'm talking about?10:13
azertyuuuhey all, what was the name of the prog to CHANGE the munu-STYLE  (not the menu-editor)10:13
fate143who's in charge of the content on that website?10:14
fate143I demand to speak with that person10:14
azertyuuuhey all, what was the name of the prog to CHANGE the munu-STYLE  (not the menu-editor)10:14
aftertaflol fate143 :)10:14
shogoukiazertyuuu: dont flood10:14
fate143somebody must answer for this10:14
fate143how can I read the website with that THING on there?10:15
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pwn3rfate143: close your eyes. oh wait... nm10:18
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fate143pwn3r: I think I'm going to have to resort to more drastic measures10:19
pwn3razertyuuu: i think you will have to be more descriptive with your question.10:19
fate143*opens adblock*10:19
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mcp_dkhey all10:20
mcp_dkanybody know of a good image resizing tool for Linux?? 10:20
mcp_dkprefferably one that can do a batch of files10:20
pwn3rthe gimp :)10:21
mcp_dkused to use Irfanview in windows10:21
mcp_dkcan Gimp do batch resizing ?10:21
pwn3rill check 10:21
johndilleymcp_dk: imagemagick is the standard package for that IIRC10:21
mcp_dkis that commandline based ?10:22
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mcp_dkis it difficult ?10:22
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mcp_dkhears somwherethat Konqueror could do it as well but i haven't found that function in my version10:23
johndilleyI don't think it's too difficult, though it's ages since I've used it10:25
hater2winproftpd or vsftpd? which is better, which should i use?10:25
mcp_dkokay i will give it a shot. From the website it looks not too hard.10:25
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SillyConehi, how can I configure my system so that when I open a window, it opens maximized?10:31
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whistlerhere is my fstab entry /dev/hda5       /home/toxix/hardas auto umask=777       0       0  10:32
whistlerany ideas of whats wrong herE?10:32
SillyConei figured out how to remember settings for specific programs, but is there an option to maximize all windows by default?10:32
fate143hater2win: WTF bitch, where's my money?10:33
SillyConewhistler, specify file system type10:33
Hobbseefate143: language10:33
_hater2winfate143:  i took your mom out for dinner10:33
_hater2winand spent the last 5 bucks on condoms10:33
_hater2winwe didnt end up using them though10:34
fate143_hater2win: fuck you, I'm gonna go over and kick the shit out of you10:34
_seezerSillyCone: don't know if there is a global setting, but most programms do or allow 'save window orientation/size'. so just open it once, maximize and next time it should open maximized.10:34
fate143_hater2win: now where the hell is my money?10:34
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SillyConewhistler, try /dev/hda5     /home/toxix/hardas  ext3  umask=777       0       0  10:35
_hater2winfate143: wtf, eat a dick bitch, i dont know you10:35
whistleri tryed10:35
_hater2winyou are a bastard child10:35
whistlermount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda5,10:35
whistler       missing codepage or other error10:35
_hater2winyour mom should have swallowed you10:35
whistler       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try10:35
whistler       dmesg | tail  or so10:35
whistleri get this10:35
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whistler*sorry for flood10:35
whistlerso what can i do?10:36
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fate143_hater2win: fucking taco bender, why don't you go back to Mexico10:36
SillyConewhistler, what is the problem with this entry? what kind of error r u getting?10:36
whistleri pasted10:36
uboturumour has it, ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth10:36
whistlersillycone few lines up10:36
_hater2winfate143: because in mexico its legal to kill idiots like you10:36
Hobbseehehe...was hoping there was a factoid for that aftertaf10:36
fate143_hater2win: leave your mom here though, she can work the streets and send money orders back10:37
_hater2winfate143: and even if it wasn't id find a way10:37
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SillyConewhistler, is there any data on this partition? try to reformat it10:37
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whistlerSillyCone yes there is.And ubuntu can use it10:38
whistlerbut kubuntu cant10:38
whistlercause in setup i selected to not to mount it10:38
aftertafthoreauputic, can you op?10:38
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SillyConewhistler, hm, i dont know then :)10:38
fate143fate143: it isn't legal, the cops are just too busy being fucking lazy ass beaners10:38
thoreauputicaftertaf: for a while - I have to go soon10:38
fate143_hater2win: fucking bastard10:38
aftertafyou get that pm thoreauputic ?10:39
_hater2winfate143: hey, leave the mexicans alone, they make good food10:39
fate143_hater2win: go suck a cock you dirty fucking Mexican10:39
thoreauputicaftertaf: yup hang on a tic10:39
aftertaffate143, _hater2win end of conversation10:39
SillyConewhistler, try ext3 instead of auto and defaults instead of umask10:39
naliothgentlemen please be civil10:40
thoreauputicaftertaf: sorry I don't have ops in #kubuntu10:40
Hobbseeplease tell me that someone who isnt idle has ops!10:40
thoreauputicaftertaf:  /msg nalioth10:41
crimsun/ignore fate143 10:41
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fate143that was hillarious10:41
Hobbseenalioth: has no ops in kubuntu either10:41
thoreauputicsorry nalioth10:41
fate143I can't believe no one was here to kick us out10:41
whistlerSillycone thx defaults helped10:41
ubotuops is, like, totally, Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth10:41
fate143so when do I get to get kicked out?10:42
aftertaffor ubuntu only10:42
nalioththoreauputic: that factoid only works for ubuntu10:42
crimsunfate143: nothing to see here, move along.10:42
fate143so why doesn't the Ubuntu team write ISOs that are made for 700mb discs?10:43
fate143I mean, who uses those crappy 650 ones anymore?10:43
crimsuna lot of people10:43
_hater2winfate143: all us beaners who can't afford 700 mb ones10:44
=== _hater2win is now known as hater2win
fate143they don't even make 650 ones anymore10:45
fate143and why did you have the _ in front of your name?10:45
fate143and why am I not asking you this on the phone...10:45
fate143I ran out of CD-RWs10:47
fate143I mean CD-Rs10:47
fate143and only have these scratched up CD-RWs10:47
fate143which don't seem to work too well10:47
fate143what can I do?10:47
fate143I need to put Kubuntu on tonight10:47
el-stupidoztonzy: you still there?10:48
ztonzyel-stupido, hey yes10:48
el-stupidook.. my friend extracted the tar.bz2 file10:48
el-stupidoztonzy: now how do i install it?10:48
ztonzyel-stupido, no idea how the content of the file/directory is10:49
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ubotuI don't know, fate14310:53
fate143!I love you10:53
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, fate14310:53
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on this channel! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my databanks on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:54
ubotufate143: Are you on ritalin?10:54
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, fate14310:55
fate143what the hell10:55
fate143it doesn't answer that often10:55
ubotufate143: Did you get hit by a windmill?10:55
ubotufate143: Do they come in packets of five?10:55
ubotuWish i knew, fate14310:56
=== ubotu pulls out the cookie jar and finds gpg... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GPGKey or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/8746
pwn3r!kicktroll fate14310:57
ubotupwn3r: Are you smoking crack?10:57
fate143I started asking it questions in a private chat10:58
fate143so as not to bother everyone10:58
fate143it doesn't seem to like to talk10:58
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azertyuuucan you help me, i need to change the menustyle , but not with the "Menu Editor" , there was someting else11:03
johndilleywhat about the menu style?11:04
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azertyuuujohndilleys, i want all the applications in my menu11:09
icemanin flood 11:09
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johndilleyazertyuuu: then I think menu editor is the only way to do that, but I may be wrong11:13
azertyuuuyes, but if you set to "complete" , you can not change the style anymore, i'm stucked11:13
roguejedixDoes anyone have an idea why amaroK won't play mp3s properly? They all sound garbled, but when I tried them via Knoppix they were fine11:14
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asranielquestion, will the bug that konqueror crashes on webpages with videos, be fixed? is there a workaround?11:25
fate143asraniel: there is no such bug11:29
fate143asraniel: at least to my knowledge there isn't11:29
asranielfate143, sure there is, wait11:29
asranielfate143: go on the webpage www.mediamarkt.ch11:30
fate143asraniel: Konqueror opens up Kaffeine when a video file needs to be played11:30
fate143asraniel: Kaffeine uses Gstreamer11:30
fate143asraniel: gstreamer crashes11:30
asranielyes, and kaffeine crashes, and so does konqueror11:30
fate143ok well, that isn't a problem with Konqueror11:30
fate143that's a problem with gstreamer11:30
asranielok, then gstreamer crashes, to point is that at the end konqueror crashes11:30
fate143and possibly a problem with you11:31
roguejedixActually, I'ce set mine to use xine and it still crashes11:31
fate143since you may not have the proper codecs installed11:31
fate143I've never had that problem11:31
fate143I use Breezy11:31
fate143and I can watch embedded video11:31
asranielwell, for me as a user its still a konqueror/kubuntu bug11:31
fate143asraniel: track down the real source11:31
fate143asraniel: it doesn't help developers if you complain about a bug that isn't there's to deal with11:31
roguejedixSo, any idea about that mp3 thing?11:32
asranielfate143: easy, i know that, already reading the bugzilla11:32
=== _albert [n=albert@132.Red-83-43-224.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
asranielfate143: at least im not the only one: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1733511:33
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=== Toxix [n=Toxix@] has joined #kubuntu
Toxixhow to install java??11:34
Corvus"java" is installed by default11:34
uboturestrictedformats is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'11:35
seaLneToxix: ^11:36
Toxixhow to install java plug-in??11:36
roguejedixToxix: 1: Click on that long blue thing with letters. 2: Read.11:37
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tencohi! how can i import my old konqueror bookmarks?11:56
fate143by not using Konqueror11:59
fate143it's gay11:59
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pwn3r./ignore that guy. trollin all nite12:00
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el-stupidohow do i find out the kernel version?12:09
pwn3runame -r12:10
fate143pwn3r: I've been "trolling" have I?12:12
hater2winfate143:  yeah you fucking troll ass12:12
fate143hater2win: stfu loser12:12
hater2winfate143: i bet you have a giant diamond in your stomach dont you12:12
hater2winfate143: and you guard a bridge12:12
hater2winfate143: cuz you're a fucking troll12:12
hater2winfate143: you trolling asshat.12:13
fate143hater2win: I bet you smell like beans and love taking siestas. Because you're a fucking beaner.12:13
=== fenoamby [n=fenoamby@AAmiens-154-1-13-128.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
hater2winfate143: i bet you smell like a dirty whore because that's what your embryonic sac was surrounded by12:14
Benaventhola buenas12:14
Benaventcomo puedo saber la MAC de mi portatil?12:14
fate143hater2win: oh look, it's one of your bretherin12:14
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
fate143hater2win: maybe you can talk to him in the rat language12:15
apokryphoswhat's the problem?12:15
apokryphosnalioth: ?12:15
fate143we're just messing around12:15
hater2winBenavent: tip en su browser12:15
fate143nothing much to do12:15
naliothapokryphos: read your pm from me, please12:15
fate143I think we're about to be kicked12:15
naliothfate143: i'd leave now12:15
fate143oh this sucks12:16
fate143you can't blame me for being bored...12:16
hater2winnalioth: im leavin im leavin12:16
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b fate143!*@*] by apokryphos
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b hater2win!*@*] by apokryphos
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apokryphosand guys, the !ops command isn't the same at all here ;-). I'll make a new !kops now12:20
naliothapokryphos: doesnt matter if there's no ops around12:20
apokryphossure, but it does if there are12:21
naliothmost of the ops in the access list dont even come online anymore12:21
apokryphosactually, most of them do, but some don't12:22
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apokryphosztonzy: hi =)12:23
bubblenutwhat line should I use in my fstab for an ntfs partition?12:23
ztonzyapokryphos, hi12:23
apokryphoshow's it going?12:24
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ztonzyapokryphos, me? it is okej,,,have had a bad cold...12:24
naliothubotu: tell bubblenut about ntfs12:25
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bubblenutcheers nalioth12:26
nikkiamorning apokryphos12:27
apokryphosnikkia: not here for all the action? ;-)12:28
=== nikkia shrugs
apokryphosnikkia: how you doin' today?12:29
nikkianot great12:29
naliothnikkia: you missed all the scatologicaly uncivilized action12:34
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bubblenutanyone know where I can find a list of all the fstab options and what they mean?12:36
naliothbubblenut: open a terminal and type "man fstab"12:39
rysiekhello guys12:39
rysiekI am quite fed up with the fact, that under (K)Ubuntu, wich uses already libqt3-mt, almost all the programs I'm trying to compile will tell me that they need qt-mt installed - just because somebody forgot to make the ./configure script check both for libqt3c102-mt AND libqt3-mt12:41
rysiekanybody knows a walk-around?12:41
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libbenanyone tried dapper repos yet?12:45
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rysiekdarkness I see here ;)12:46
rysiekgtg, cu guys12:47
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buzW: GPG error: http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:53
buzis that an error with that repo or a more general one (i think it actually points to the UK servers anyway)?12:55
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_mariuxwhich subpixelhinting should i use (if at all) on my laptop?12:55
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buz_mariux: thats hard to say ;912:55
_mariuxim guessing not rgb since lcd's dont have that12:55
buzsubpixel hinting IS for lcd12:56
buzyou need to figure out how your pixels are aligned12:56
_mariuxit is?12:56
nikkia_mariux: LCD's are RGB12:56
=== eeki is now known as eeki^
_mariuxthought it was for crts?12:56
buzbecause lcds have 3 subpixels for each "pixel"12:56
Hobbsee!tell buz about gpgerr12:56
nikkiaTFT is literally a transistor per subpixel12:56
hettarrgb is what I use on my asus laptop12:56
_mariuxsince they actually have rgb12:56
nikkia_mariux: what did you THINK LCDs used if not RGB ?12:57
_mariuxwell, it seems to me like they dont have subpixels12:57
=== buz still wonders if he can downgrade kde somehow
buzyou need better eyes then ;)12:58
_mariuxas i cant really see them like on my crt12:58
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nikkia_mariux: they're there, 3 small transistors on a film (assuming its TFT :)12:58
buzon 19" i can see them because of their sucky dpi12:58
buzon a 100+ dpi display i cant12:58
_mariuxi have a 1400x1050 15"12:59
Hobbseebuz:  from which kde to which?12:59
nikkia(and i know that TFT isn't LCD, but most displays are TFT today, and people still call them LCD)12:59
buzHobbsee: 3.5b2 to breezy ;)01:00
Hobbseebuz: happen to have gnome on you?01:00
buznot installed01:00
_mariuxbuz: and it works great?01:00
nikkiabuz, the reason you can't see them, isn't actually DPI...01:00
buzwhy not? smaller pixels are harder to see01:00
Hobbseebuz: in theory, what you can do is remove kde, edit your sources list with nano, and then install kubuntu-desktop01:00
_mariuxi once heard someone say you shouldnt use AA on lcd01:01
nikkiabuz, the reason you don't see subpixels on a flat panel, is simply because there isn't a big grid around the pixels, the transitors, or liquid crystal elements, are right up next to each other01:01
Hobbseebuz: in practice, that gets a little hard, in trying to uninstall kde01:01
_mariuxbut i tried turning it off now and omg how ugly :)01:01
buznikkia: try looking at an OLD (maybe 2000 or so) LCD, you will see the grid if you try hard enough01:01
_mariuxhmm, i just installed a new freetype and it seems it made my fonts uglier01:01
buzwith more recent ones it's much harder01:02
nikkiabuz, i had a TFT in 2000, but older than that, its probably possible, yes01:02
_mariuxto try to find a kde bug01:02
buzmhh deinstalling kde is a pain01:02
buzi'd be fine with 3.5b2 if i could fix amarok at least01:03
nikkiabuz, if you have a 640x480 or 800x600 flat panel that's at a decent size, of course its pixels are going to be bigger, which means either the subpixels will be spaced out more, or bigger01:03
buzon the plus side, hal works in 3.5b2 ;)01:03
Hobbseebuz: what's up with amarok?01:03
buznikkia: exactly. which is why i said with low dpi displays ;)01:03
Hobbseetell it to use another engine, and you shouldnt have a problem01:03
buzHobbsee: it doesnt even show me the gui since i updated to 3.5b201:04
buzjust silently crashes01:04
nikkiabuz, yes, but the difference between a CRT and LCD isn't because of the DPI, its because of the shadow mask01:04
buzi know that01:04
Hobbseebuz: which crashes?  artsd or amarok?01:04
buzkaffeine can play mp3 just fine01:04
buzbut it sucks as player01:04
hettarartsd crashes for me.01:04
buzwell that one crashes, too ;01:04
buzbut i'm not terribly worried about it01:05
hettarSo I disabled it and use alsa directly01:05
hettarthen amarok works fine01:05
buzin 3.5b2?01:05
buzweird i cant even get the gui to show up01:05
buzmaybe trash amarok config completely ;)01:05
buzfind . -name "amarok*" | xargs rm -rf helped it seems ;)01:06
buznow of course my collection is gone but that doesnt matter too much01:06
neoncodecan gstreamer play wmv's?01:07
hettarsome of them01:07
buzolder ones01:07
buzwmv10 probably not01:07
hettaryeah some work fine, others don't. I think it is the MS DRM crap01:07
buzlikely so01:07
neoncodetrust micro$uck to do that01:08
buzthen again, wmv is a totally f***** codec anyhow01:08
hettartrue true. It is pretty shitty01:08
buzhettar: what engine do you use for amarok? xine? gst?01:09
neoncodeI have a tone of videos in wmv i'll have to convert it..01:09
buzdont do that01:09
hettargstreamer -> ALSA at the moment01:09
buzthe quality will get much worse even01:09
buzwhich one needs the least cpu? gstreamer?01:09
hettargstreamer is very nice I find01:09
buzi think amarok needs shitloads of cpu anyway01:10
Hobbseebuz: probably aplay :P01:10
hettaruses about 3% here01:10
buzsometimes it just sits thereplaying some mp3 and eats 20% of my 2.8ghz machine :(01:10
buz(and no, i'm not feeding it to arts)01:10
hettarand thats with the cpu stepped down to 800MHz01:11
buzsomething's wrong here01:11
hettarbuz: Is it building your albums ?01:11
buzright now it is. but when i looked at top it wasnt01:11
buzi dont care if it eats all my cpu when it scans the collection ;)01:12
hettarIt does eat my CPU on occasion. Usually after I have had it playing a net stream for a few hours01:12
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Hobbseebuz: you can comment on it on the wiki01:14
buzwell at least it doesnt crash every 30min like 1.2.3 did for me ;)01:14
buzall in all, amarok is one of the better media players out there01:16
buzsure as hell like it better than itunes01:16
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cyneanyone else here use dosbox?01:16
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buzanother thing, how do people update dvd burner firmware if the vendor only provides some windows flash thingy?01:17
buzi dont want to install winwoes just to flash my burner01:17
Corvusi don't think anyone has tried to update hw under wine...01:23
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chimaerawhen i try to strt kooka, i get the following:01:24
chimaera$ kooka01:24
chimaera*** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x10215990 ***01:24
chimaeraAlarm clock01:24
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MaliciAAaje voudrais le unbuntu francais please01:36
ubotuwell, fr is Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais01:36
MaliciAAaHobbsee:  c sympa01:37
shogoukiMaliciAAa: on est sur #kubuntu-fr01:37
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PtitOurshow can i see all channels ?01:43
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HobbseePtitOurs: /list01:45
Hobbseebut it's a very, very long list!01:45
nalioth_zZzPtitOurs: and hope you got big pipes01:45
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roguejedixDoes Kaffeine crash for anyone when trying to open a second file?01:53
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tencois knode borken?02:04
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tencoi cannot connect to a local leafnode server with it, but tin works02:04
neilhi i want to swith to 5.10 but dont know where to find a new source.list, any link ? thx02:05
Hobbsee!tell neil about repositories02:05
neilHobbsee: thanks :)02:05
Hobbseeno problems neil :)02:05
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Riddellkalle1?  not the kalle?02:06
tencoknode gives also an error when i start it from the commandline:02:07
tencokdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.02:07
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blippohi, i changed from utf8 to iso8859-15 but evolution keeps writing filenames in utf8 i think i missed something02:08
chimaeratenco: i'm using latest knode from breezy, no problems here (using  the gmane-server)02:08
blippoany idea02:08
Chousukeblippo: where did you change from UTF-8 to iso?02:09
blippoi ran dpkg reconfigure locales 02:09
Chousukefunky. it should work.02:10
ChousukeThough I prefer UTF-8 anyway ;P02:10
blippoit works however evolution ignores it, is there a special setting for gtk-applications?02:10
tencochimaera: breezy, too02:10
chimaeratenco: but no local server here, so i dunno..02:11
tencochimaera: ok, seems like its an issue with leafnode :(02:11
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blippoChousuke: do you think i might solve something reinstalling evolution (i changed locals on a running system maybe evo did not like it )02:12
blippohmmm sure i forgot to change somthing somewhere 02:14
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timlinuxhow can I get split view kongi working in kubuntu 3.5 b2?03:09
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timlinuxthe menus seem to have disappeared03:10
edulixany openoffice 2final deb packages out there for kubuntu?03:13
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breezyuserhello cud anybody help me recover my su or sudo accounts?03:27
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timlinuxbreezyuser: what do you mean by 'recover'03:42
Lupin__IIIhi all. is there a way to disable autobrowse when i insert a cd media or a usbstick?03:42
Lupin__IIIin fstab is disabled03:43
breezyuseractually I did a expert install of kubuntu03:43
breezyusersetup by root password03:43
breezyuserbut the installer forgot to add me to sudo for some reason03:43
breezyuserthen I cud not use sudo at all03:43
timlinuxbreezyuser: use visudo03:43
timlinuxmust run as root  03:44
breezyuserso I tried diabling root user thinking that may be they are mutually exclusive03:44
breezyusernow root user is disabled and sudo is not setup.03:44
breezyusernow how do I enable anyone of them03:44
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Lupin__IIIusing a livecd?03:45
timlinuxyou need to boot to runlevel 103:45
breezyuservisudo say /etc/sudoers: Permission denied03:45
breezyusernope insytalledo n my HDD03:45
timlinuxbreezyuser: yes because you need to run visudo as root03:45
timlinuxor using sudo03:45
breezyuserI tried Recovery mode but on boot it says Enter root password for maintenance:03:45
timlinuxbreezyuser: you need to get in at runlevel 103:45
breezyuserdoesn't single user mean I shud be logged in directly??03:45
timlinuxor use a live cd03:46
timlinuxmount your ubuntu install03:46
breezyuserhow do I do that?03:46
Lupin__IIIi mean. try a livecd mount in RW an03:46
breezyusercan install CD be of any help?03:46
timlinuxundisable root login in /etcpasswd03:46
timlinuxcan be03:46
timlinuxpress alt f303:46
timlinuxactivate the terminal03:46
timlinuxmoutn your disk03:46
timlinuxedit /etc/passwd03:46
breezyusertimlinux: press alt + f3 where?03:47
breezyusercurrently I have booted via Rcovery mode kernel03:47
timlinuxwhen you start ubuntu install procedure from install disk03:47
timlinuxif you dont have a livecd03:47
breezyusertimlinux: mount which partition?03:48
breezyusertimlinux:  I have defined two partitions / and /usr03:49
timlinuxyour root partition 03:49
breezyusertimlinux: ok...then I edit /etc/passwd and do what changes?03:49
timlinuxundisable your root account03:49
breezyusertimlinux: I cat /etc/passwd but nowhere is the root user commented or different from the other users03:50
timlinuxhow did you disable it?03:50
breezyusertimlinux: any flag I have to unset?03:50
timlinuxhow did you disable it?03:50
breezyuserpasswd -l root03:50
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Lupin__IIIyou can also edit /etc/sudoers03:50
timlinuxno 03:51
timlinuxyou should not hand edit03:51
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breezyusertimlinux: I didn't handedit anything. only ran the above command before my ship hit the iceberg :(03:52
Lupin__IIIwas only a guess... sorry03:52
timlinuxbreezyuser: I was referring to Lupin__III suggestion03:52
timlinuxbreezyuser: if you did passwd -l03:53
breezyuserOn booting via Grubs Recovery mode kernel, it asks for root passwd. I enter my root passwd but since the account is disabled it does not log me in and the input prompts say press Ctrl+D to resume normally and I am logged in normally03:53
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timlinuxthe only reasonable way to get it back is the replace the pasword hash03:53
timlinuxin /etc/shadow03:53
timlinuxmy suggestiong03:53
timlinuxmy suggestion:03:53
timlinuxinsert install cd03:53
breezyusertimlinux: how?03:54
timlinuxonce its booted, dont do anything03:54
timlinuxpress alt-f303:54
timlinuxactivate terminal03:54
timlinuxedit /etc/shadow file03:54
timlinuxcopy the password hash from a know loggable innable user acct03:54
timlinuxover the root password03:54
breezyuserafter mount my partion that is?03:54
timlinuxyes after mounting rw your root partition03:54
timlinuxsave shadow03:55
timlinuxreboot without install cd03:55
timlinuxuse cloned password for root login03:55
timlinuxreset root password03:55
breezyuserso ur saying if I copy my current users passwd hash into root's I shud have my root account reenabled?03:55
timlinuxrun visudo03:55
timlinuxgive yourself admin perms03:55
timlinuxand never touch root acct again...03:55
breezyusertimlinux: I swear03:56
timlinuxbreezyuser: yes thats what Im saying03:56
breezyuserok let me try it. pray it helps :)03:56
Lupin__IIIis there a way to disable autobrowse when i insert a cd media or a usbstick?03:57
timlinuxnot sure what editor if any is available in that shell03:57
breezyusertimlinux: can I do something w/o using install cd?03:57
timlinuxbreezyuser: unlikely 03:57
breezyusertimlinux: I have two cases.03:57
breezyusertimlinux: one is using recovery mode brub option03:58
breezyusertimlinux: it boots but prompts for root passwd03:58
breezyusertimlinux: which obviously does not work03:58
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timlinuxmy advice should not affect or overwrite your current install in any way03:58
breezyusertimlinux: second If I go to brub command line and boot the kernel03:58
timlinuxbut obviously make a backup first03:58
timlinuxbreezyuser: also your partition layout: I usually make home a sepearte partition03:59
breezyusertimlinux: it boots fine but does not complete load everything03:59
timlinuxthen I can reinstall my system without touching my user data03:59
breezyusertimlinux: actually was not sure of how much /usr wud require and /home03:59
timlinuxI dont see much point in making /usr a separate partition in a home system03:59
breezyusertimlinux: since in the second way, it cannot load /etc and fails but gives me the root prompts04:00
timlinuxdesktop system I mena04:00
breezyusertimlinux: but damn passwd command is not working04:00
breezyusertimlinux: I tried mounting /usr04:00
kkathmanGreetings :)04:00
timlinuxbreezyuser: are you in install cd shell?04:00
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breezyusernope. currently logged in via recovery mode04:02
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ubotuI heard kde3.5 is KDE 3.5beta2 out: http://tinyurl.com/ad4x604:02
breezyuserlet me try ur suggest and get back.04:03
breezyusertimlinux: thanks04:03
buzhyperactivecrond: i'd recommend not to upgrade right now04:03
hyperactivecrondbuz: why?04:04
buzquite buggy04:04
buzand no real way back04:04
hyperactivecrond:\ mk04:04
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pwn3rhow can i disable the auto browse feature for removable media?04:07
Lupin__IIIpwn3r: i'm asking the same thing me too04:07
Lupin__IIIseems that noone want this feature and there's no way to disable04:09
hyperactivecrondddamn the ubuntu site's slow when u go to apt-get install something04:09
Lupin__IIIgoogle doesn't help04:09
Lupin__IIIhyperactivecrond: try changin mirror04:10
pwn3rwhat would happen if i disable this? k-menu > system settings > KDE Components > Service Manager > KDED Media Manager04:11
pwn3rdoes that disable auto mounting as well as auto browse?04:11
Lupin__IIIi've already tried04:11
erikstiHey.. I'm trying to get the KWifiManager going.. can't you specify the IP somewhere?04:12
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pwn3rhi kkathman 04:12
Lupin__IIIkwifymanager only selects the avaiable access point04:13
seezerLupin__III, pwn3r stopping hald should help04:13
Lupin__IIIwhat's hald? a daemon?04:13
Lupin__IIIor kde component?04:13
seezerhald - daemon for Hardware Abstraction Layer04:13
seezerThe  HAL  daemon detects devices present in the system and provides the org.freedesktop.Hal service04:13
seezer       through D-BUS.04:13
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kkathmanHey good morning pwn3r  :)04:14
kkathmanhi seezer :)04:14
seezerthis does the automatic recognition for removable media04:14
seezerkkathman: hi :)04:14
Lupin__IIIseezer: who calls hald at startup?04:14
Lupin__IIIkde or the system?04:15
pwn3rseezer: im guessing it would be in the system services item of system settings?04:15
pwn3rwhich i just noticed i cant access :P04:15
ubotuHAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is a library and daemon to get hotplug notifications as hardware is added and removed.04:16
kkathmankind of analagous to plug and play in Windows is how I think of it04:16
roguejedixEr, this might be a stupid thing to ask, but could the reason for Kaffeine crashing be the missing animation that plays when opening another file while one is running?04:16
pwn3ri dont mind the auto detection. but the window that pops up is annoying.04:16
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kkathmanroguejedix: Hmm..probably not, because Kaffeine has always been a bit buggy in my estimation04:17
seezerpwn3r: yeah, same here. but since i didn't find a way to disable this..04:17
Lupin__IIIubotu: so, to disable hal i have to modify hotplug script, right?04:17
ubotuLupin__III: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about04:17
seezerLupin__III: eliza got you ;)04:18
seezerLupin__III: it's a bot04:18
roguejedixkkathman: Bugger. I really like it, apart from the whole crashing thing, that is.04:18
seezerpizzatime :)04:18
Lupin__IIIi make you laught!04:18
kkathmanSome K-apps are well maintained and improved, others like Kaffeine and Kopete are not04:19
kiei ve got a question. i recently updated my kubuntu to breezy, like it is described on kubunto.org. It is running, but there is no adept installed.  how can i fix it?04:19
seezerkie: apt-get install adept04:19
kkathmankie: there should have been...check your k-menu04:19
roguejedixThat's weird. It should be installed by default04:19
kkathmanyah adept is the suggest package manager now04:20
kkathmanexcept I still like the apt system personally04:20
Lupin__III<!-- Default value for storage.automount_enabled_hint for devices of04:20
Lupin__III       capability storage - this can be overridden by .fdi files.04:20
Lupin__III       Setting this to false results a whitelist policy, e.g. policy04:20
Lupin__III       agents should only automount storage devices with a .fdi file04:20
Lupin__III       saying so.04:20
Lupin__III       Conversely, setting it to true results in a blacklist policy04:20
Lupin__III       where policy agents should always automount unless this is04:20
Lupin__III       explicitly overridden by .fdi for devices causing trouble.04:20
roguejedixkie: Nothing in K -> System ?04:20
Lupin__III  -->04:20
Lupin__III  <storage_automount_enabled_hint>true</storage_automount_enabled_hint>04:20
kkathmanLupin__III: please dont flood like that04:20
kieno nothing in the k menu04:21
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kkathmankie:  K-menu and then at the top under your System option04:21
roguejedixkie: You sure you downloaded the official release and not a release candidate by mistake?04:21
pwn3rLupin__III: did you find it? :)04:22
kieno whre in the k menu or in the system group of it04:22
seezerpwn3r: this is configuration of HAL04:22
Lupin__IIIi'm guessing if setting to false04:22
Lupin__IIIdisable hal04:22
seezerpwn3r: so if you exclude it here, you could also turn it off.04:22
kkathmankie did you upgrade from hoary?04:22
kieyes i did.04:22
kkathmanyou used apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade ?04:23
kieyes i did04:23
pwn3rwhat file is that in?04:23
kkathmanwell I cant explain it then, go to a console and do a sudo apt-get install adept04:23
pwn3rok thanks04:24
seezerLupin__III: you had a hald.conf by default?04:24
kkathmankie you DID remember to change your repositories before upgrading right?04:24
roguejedixWell, since Kaffeine is out, does anyone have any other suggestions for a K media player? Preferably one that is able to select audio in video streams from the menu (for ogm and mkv files)?04:25
kiei ve updated my source.list04:25
Lupin__IIIso it would seem, because i didn't know even what hal is04:25
kkathmankie ok...well just do the sudo apt-get install adept then04:25
pwn3rseezer: i have one too :)04:25
seezerkie: did you type 'adept'?04:26
seezeri don't have one04:26
seezerjust /etc/hal/fdi/...04:26
kiei ve tried to start it within the termina04:26
kkathmankie just do the apt-get install04:26
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kieokay kkathman 04:26
CzarAlexwhat is SuperKaramba vs Karamba? Are they two different programs?04:26
kkathmanCzarAlex: the only offering now I think is SuperKaramba04:27
Lupin__IIIi've fdi/  and   hald.conf04:27
apokryphosCzarAlex: not different; karamba was superceeded (basically changed name) to sk04:27
seezerLupin__III: could you send it to me?04:27
kkathmanmorning apokryphos  :)04:27
CzarAlexapokryphos, so sudo apt-get install karamba will get me what i need?04:27
seezeror post it somewhere04:27
kie@kkathman: okay it is running.04:27
apokryphosCzarAlex: nope, but sudo aptitude install superkaramba will04:27
kiethe update is running04:27
roguejedixI wish superkaramba wouldn't drag xmms into the mix04:28
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Lupin__IIIseezer: have you got an icq or msnger account?04:28
apokryphosCzarAlex: running karamba is basically just a really old version of superkaramba04:28
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kiebrb, if uodate is done04:28
kkathmankie ok good, I truly cant explain why adept didnt install on your upgrade04:28
apokryphoswhich could perhaps not even work now04:28
seezerLupin__III: by email would be nice04:28
seezerthank you04:28
CzarAlexapokryphos, thank you. You've been very helpful.04:28
seezergonna eat now. cu later guys.04:29
kkathmancya seezer04:29
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Lupin__IIIseezer: i can't browse your "contact info" where can i get your email address?04:34
kieyeah perhaps i understand the problem @ kkathman04:35
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kiei just replaced hoary but did not replace Hoary -.- @kkathman04:36
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kiei did not replaces the Hoary with a capital H with the replace function of Kate...04:38
kiejust with an h04:38
kkathmankie in your repositories?04:38
kkathmanwell thats your problem, you should have replaced them with "breezy"04:38
kkathmanyou are still on hoary I reckon04:39
kiecan i do the update once again, without problems?04:39
kkathmanplease go here and follow the instructions carefully:   http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes04:39
kienot  completely... i got the new KDE and some othr stuff new i think... dunno why... but thats why i was thinking everthing was sucessfull.04:40
kiethank you very much04:40
pwn3rhow can I install the nvidia legacy drivers. 04:41
pwn3ris there a tip for me from ubotu?04:41
pwn3rubotu: ?04:42
ubotupwn3r: What?04:42
kkathman!tell nvidia04:42
ubotuI guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:42
pwn3rah thanks you 04:42
Lupin__IIIpwn3r: have you find solutions for hal?04:43
pwn3rwell not really04:43
mattois there anyway to get video playing inside Konq?04:43
pwn3ri just did the update to the hal/media fix04:43
pwn3rif it annoys me more i will persue it04:44
Lupin__IIIpwn3r: what update?04:44
Lupin__IIIfor the error tha says media:/blablabla was not found...04:45
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Lupin__IIIpwn3r: can you point me the solution?04:46
Lupin__IIIso it would be less annoyng04:46
sephirothi everibody04:46
pwn3ri just had to sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade04:46
pwn3rthen that problem was gone04:47
pwn3ryea just now04:47
Lupin__IIIok i try04:48
pwn3rit says in the channel topic04:48
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pwn3ralso my usb Hard drives show on the desktop :D04:48
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pwn3rdamn im spoiled04:48
Lupin__IIImm nothing for me...04:49
Lupin__IIIno updates04:49
Lupin__IIIstill get error04:49
pwn3rhmm weird04:49
pwn3ri also logged out and back in.04:50
Lupin__IIIbut i haven't done any update04:50
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Lupin__IIIwhat's your source.list?04:51
Lupin__IIIcould ypu send me via mail?04:51
pwn3rhere http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/40192204:52
pwn3rlol i love the hypno toad04:53
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kkathmanhypno toad?04:54
kkathmansounds like a great screen name04:54
pwn3rits from a cartoon called futurama04:54
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kkathmanohhh yeah I've only seen that maybe once04:55
pwn3rone of my favorites04:55
hyperactivecrondin breezy's default kubuntu-desktop, no system sounds play and ogg files won't play in controlcenter. How do i fix this?04:55
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ubotuhyperactivecrond: Did you get hit by a windmill?04:55
kkathmannot thats clever04:56
kkathmanhyperactivecrond: I suspect that you have to find a player that supports that particular format04:56
kkathmanhyperactivecrond: did you try amarok?04:57
pwn3rwhat in linux doesnt support ogg :o04:57
kkathmanno clue, I dont play music on my linux boxes04:57
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kkathmanbut if you find a player that does, you can set it as the default in the system settings04:58
hyperactivecrondin controlcenter04:58
hyperactivecrondno system notifications that are oggs play04:59
hyperactivecrondwavs play 04:59
kkathmanyah it used to be called control center, yes...in breezy and Kubuntu they now call it System Settings lol04:59
hyperactivecrondd'oh nvm04:59
hyperactivecrondheh turns out that output was disabled05:00
kkathmanohh hehe that'll do it to05:00
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libbenanyone played quake4 yet under kubuntu?05:01
agneshey all!05:01
roguejedixQuake 4 is out?05:02
agnesis the issue with kaffeine / gstreamer resolved yet?05:02
agnesroguejedix: Yeah! I was shocked too!05:02
apokryphosroguejedix: yes05:02
roguejedixHuh. That was fast05:02
agnesapparently the singleplayer is amazing05:03
pwn3rquake 4 has a native linux installer :D05:03
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apokryphoskind of wish the ftp:/ for it was working; can't friggin' use torrents here05:03
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roguejedixGod bless id software. Or was Raven developing?05:04
agnesid / activision05:04
roguejedixRight, right. Thanks, agnes 05:04
kkathmananyone play freeciv?05:05
roguejedixI did05:05
kkathmanroguejedix: I want to install it...but it says the freeciv package is now transitional and can be deleted :(05:05
roguejedixLemme check05:05
ubotuhyperactivecrond: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about05:05
kkathmanI know there is a freeciv205:06
hyperactivecrondi've got freeciv installed...05:06
kkathmanbut it doesnt show up under apt-cache05:06
roguejedixThere's also freecol, but that's *cough* Java05:06
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kkathmanhyperactivecrond: how did you install freeciv?05:06
hyperactivecrondsudo apt-get install freeciv05:07
roguejedixkkathman: Try installing freeciv-client-gtk05:07
kkathmanyeah but it says its transitional now :(05:07
kkathmanroguejedix: wouldnt I need the server files also though?05:07
roguejedixkkathman: Yeah, but it drags them along for the ride anyway05:07
kkathmanahh ok05:08
hyperactivecrondheh i dpkg --purge 'd freeciv and apt-get install freeciv  'ed and it worked05:08
roguejedixkkathman: There's also Civilization II: Call to Power by the defunct Loki Software. No idea where to get it though05:08
roguejedixErr, sorry. By Activision and PUBLISHED for Linux by the defunct Loki Software05:09
kkathmanI actually have Civilization III on Windows I should just play it there :)05:09
roguejedixkkathman: Try cedega then05:09
roguejedixOr wine might work too05:09
kkathmanohhh ok05:10
kkathmanughhh wine05:10
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roguejedixHeh. I prefer Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire anyway :P05:11
agneshmmm. what's the best p2p software for kde?05:12
kkathmanI need to check if Civ3 will run on my AMD6405:12
roguejedixagnes: aMule05:12
kkathmanagnes depends on what you are attempting to do...aMULE is good05:12
roguejedixWhoops, missed the "for KDE" part05:12
roguejedixagnes: You could also try mldonkey with kmldonkey05:13
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ubotumurr: I haven't a clue05:13
hyperactivecrond!tell mur about restrictedformats05:13
kkathmanwell you can rule gnome apps on KDE if you didnt just install kubuntu (which you shouldnt)05:13
hyperactivecrond!tell murr about restrictedformats05:14
Lupin__IIIseezer: hald.conf is at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/40192705:14
hyperactivecrondtry Apollon05:14
hyperactivecrondfor p2p05:14
roguejedixYeah, there's that. Though mine won't connect to OpenFT05:15
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murrhyperactivecrond: thank you05:15
hyperactivecrondnp murr05:15
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roguejedixDoes anyone know how the Dark Oberon deb packages are coming?05:16
Oratorhi, i have problem with installer driver ati about mobility 9700, i can't replace driver mesa with driver fglrx, help me please05:17
ubotuhyperactivecrond: What?05:18
ubotu[xorg]  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:18
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hyperactivecronddo that Orator05:19
hyperactivecrondand where it gets to driver pick fglrx05:19
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Oratorso i do run this command sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?05:19
hyperactivecrondyes you do05:20
Oratorok, i try05:20
Oratorbecause i have ati control panel installed too05:20
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Oratoronly driver with acceleration doesn't work05:20
hyperactivecrond:\ well you need to enable the driver first (with the command that you (supposedly) are running now)05:20
Oratori try, thankz 05:20
libbengood one05:21
Frederichello all, I have a usr5416 wireless pci card. When I start kubuntu, I've never access to the internet. After I did dhclient wlan0, I tried to surf, but kubuntu hangs. Can somebody help me please? 05:22
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Fredericit's the 64bit05:23
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doctormoI have kubuntu 50.4 installed05:25
doctormohow do I update the packages?05:26
Kamping_Kaiserdoctormo: using the 5.10 cd or internet?05:26
Kamping_Kaiser(in short) edit the sources list, then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.05:27
Kamping_Kaiseryou can get teh soruces list from ubotu05:27
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agnesdoctormo: see the topic in #ubuntu for the easiest instructions05:27
doctormoubotu? do you have a link for that?05:27
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agnesops: How come there isn't a link for the breezy upgrade in the topic here?05:28
Kamping_Kaiserdoctormo: its a bot05:28
ubotuI'm a bot, I'm a bot. Set fire to me, I'll get hot. Reply to kamping_kaiser? I think not. Bot, knot, chicken... rhyming sucks.05:28
Kamping_Kaiser!tell doctormo about repositories05:28
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libben!tell doctormo about repos05:28
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doctormothanks guy05:30
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Kamping_Kaiserany more questions just ask05:30
Fredericwhy does my linux crash when i try to connect to the internet? I have a us robotics 5416 pci wireless card. 05:32
libben!tell libben about spam05:32
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libbenthought there would be a funny mess in that but nope, nothing funny at all05:33
Kamping_Kaiseroh :( 05:34
libbenis kde 3.5 stable ?05:34
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libbenseemed to be so much hassle to get buggy kde =)05:34
libbenso im waiting for it to be more stable.05:34
hyperactivecrondlibben: nope05:34
ubotu[kde3.5]  KDE 3.5beta2 out: http://tinyurl.com/ad4x605:34
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pwn3ri cant figure out which nvidia driver to use :( neither seem to support my chipset05:40
pwn3rlspci says it is a "nVidia Corporation NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT]  (rev 15)"05:40
pwn3rbut the vanta is not listed in adept as any of the supported cards.05:41
tilohello, i got an annoying problem with german 'umlaute' when using them saving files from gtk applications like gimp, within kde the characters get messed up, under gnome all looks fine - does that sound familiar to anybody?05:42
Kamping_Kaiserpwn3r: how old is it?05:42
pwn3rim not sure, pretty old05:42
Kamping_Kaiserpwn3r: you probably need the legacy (or whatever its called) driver05:42
Kamping_Kaisertilo: ask in kubuntu-de, somone may have your problem, as they may be using the same setup :)05:43
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pwn3rok thanks, i am confused because of what it says in the description in adept. it says "Unless your chipset is explicitly listed in the above paragraph, please use the nvidia-glx driver"05:44
tiloi did but unsuccsessfully, i switched from utf-8 to iso-8859-15 but it seems: not completely05:44
marcomesa too :(05:44
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Kamping_Kaisertilo: im not sure how to fix your problem myself :( perhaps 'dpkg-reconfigure locales; will help?05:44
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tilothanks Kamping_Kaiser, but i did this already, wont help05:45
Kamping_Kaisertilo: oh ok :(. it sounds like a kde problem alright, but im afraid i cant help with it05:46
tilothanks anyway, yes seems to be a kde problem05:46
Kamping_Kaisersorry :(05:47
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m_tadeuhi...whats the best way to capture a video from my desktop?05:58
m_tadeusorry...kopete has them enabled by default....i just forget about it05:59
m_tadeuthat reminds me to make a bug report about that06:01
m_tadeuabout capturing my desktop into a video...? is there an easy way to do it?06:02
Tm_TI have no idea06:02
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_annaHi all, anyone up for a bit of troubleshooting with a breezy upgrade? :-)06:11
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Kamping_Kaiser_anna: yeh, ok :|06:13
sergio3Hallo zusammen, kennt sich jemand mit der Erkennung von USB_2.0 Festplatten aus?06:14
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Kamping_Kaisersergio3: kubuntu-de06:14
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kkathman_anna go ahead06:19
kkathmanwe'll try to help as best we can06:19
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javbpeople, i installed the ATI acceleration graphic from ubuntu repositories, i have no acceleration and the "driver" doesnt appear to be working, i see that on the screensaver.. when i start the graphic interface dconfig tool.. it says  : "Drivers does not provide the FireGL X11 extensions! Panel component will operate only partially" any idea guys06:19
kkathmanjavb: updated driver maybe available?  did this work in hoary?06:20
ubotuati is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1006:20
javbdidnt have hoary, im using Breezy for the first time..06:20
kkathmanthose are some references, you might try those06:20
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kkathmanahh then try those refernces then06:20
kkathmanhey hussam :)06:20
kkathman_anna: you still need help?06:21
Kamping_Kaisershes hiding :|06:21
hussamkkathman: hey buddy06:21
sergio3Auf Kubuntu.de hab ich auch getippt, in meinem Fall erkennt der Port USB-Sticks aber keine Festplatte, am USB_1.0 Port jedoch schon.06:21
kkathmanKamping_Kaiser: got her cornered with a drink eh Kampo :)06:21
Kamping_Kaiserkkathman: a hard drive actualy ;)06:21
ubotukkathman: Not a clue06:22
Kamping_Kaisersergio3: english in here06:22
kkathmanlol Kamping_Kaiser  :)06:22
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_anna@kkathman: sorry for the lag. do you know if Xosd works for anyone in breezy?06:25
Kamping_Kaiserwtf is taht? lol06:26
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sergio3sorry :-) My System doesn't recognize USB-Hardisks under USB_2.0, but it does on USB_1.0. Does anyone know why?06:26
Kamping_Kaisersergio3: kubuntu without updates? iirc there is an update for usb probs out in teh last few days06:27
seezer_anna: it does work fine here.06:27
_annahmmm... for me it worked in hoary but now with breezy it's shot06:28
_annaseezer: do you know a way how to test it?06:31
sergio3I'm using Kubuntu 5.10 (aka Breezy), downloades Yesterday, should I use apt-get update?06:31
Kamping_Kaisersergio3: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:32
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seezer_anna: search a tool that uses xosd06:33
seezeror write one ;)06:33
seezeri use it with lineakd (for my access keys on my keyboard)06:33
_annaseezer: well actually my problems started with lineakd crashing when it started to load xosd-plugin06:33
seezerhave lineakd compiled myself06:34
_annaseezer: so i tried osd_cat and it nicely waits for some seconds but it doesnt really display anything06:34
seezerdidn't get the breezy rc builds to run06:34
_annayeah, now that i took awat the xosd plugin, lineakd has other issues ;-)06:34
seezersorry have to go now. preparing girlfriends bday party.. :)06:35
Kamping_Kaiserlater seezer06:35
seezerperhaps we can tomorrow or the day afte06:35
_annaseezer: have fun!06:35
seezereven got segfaults with the breezy lineakd builds06:35
seezerthx. bye06:35
sergio3Kamping_Kaiser: Thanks I will give it a try. Btw, do you know witch packages are affected?06:36
Kamping_Kaisersergio3: no i dont, i just have a recolection of this coming up on the list06:37
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qatsihello  everybody !!...06:41
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qatsidows anybody know how to manage the loaded modules at bootup ?...for example: i dont want eth0 to be loaded at boot, how can i do that ?...thanx06:42
gubatronany one knows a key shortcut to switch terminals in Yakuake?06:42
Kamping_Kaiserqatsi: thats in /etc/network/interfaces, leave the modules alone :)06:42
qatsiKamping_Kaiser: :) all righty then :) ill check it up :) thanx06:43
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stodgeHey folks. What do I need to inttall to mount a USB memory card reader?06:43
Kamping_Kaiserstodge: should 'just work', and if it doesnt, try updating06:45
aljosais there a fake package which install full media codecs (mp3/xvid/*)?06:45
stodgeI should be rich but I'm not! :) I'm up to date on my updates06:45
Kamping_Kaiserstodge: lol. yeh, with a name lik ehtat you should be ;)06:46
Kamping_Kaiseraljosa: no, there isnt06:46
stodgeAh - I unplugged it and plugged it in again and it's ok06:47
gubatronstodge: open synaptic, look for "usb" and make sure you have "usbmount" packge selected06:48
stodgeI don't - installing now06:48
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Kamping_Kaiserbut a new thing to add to teh 'usb fix' list06:49
gubatronI think we might need more than that, I'm still having trouble with my USB SD card reader06:49
gubatronbut other usb devices are working06:49
paguxi cant find mplayer in 5.10 repo .....06:50
gubatronit tries to mount my usb sd reader in /sda1 (sata??? wtf)06:50
gubatronor sda as in Sd card?06:51
paguxadept search in kubuntu gives me no results :-(06:51
paguxi cant find mplayer in 5.10 repo .....06:51
Kamping_Kaisergubatron: traditionaly sd* is scsi, now sata+ usb :|06:51
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paguxis mplayer not included in 5.10 ?06:52
Kamping_Kaiserpagux: not in main06:54
angystardustpagus the package is not included in main06:54
Kamping_Kaiserits in multiverse06:54
Kamping_Kaiser(just checked)06:54
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Kamping_Kaiserngiht all06:57
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gubatronstodge: any luck?06:58
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gubatronI get "An error occurred while loading media:/sda1:"06:58
paguxdo i have add any additional repo for mplyer? 06:59
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apokryphospagux: yes, multiverse07:00
paguxmultiverse ...what that ?07:02
paguxforgive me I am migrating from RH......07:03
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berkesis there any docs on what I need to change to sources.list in order to upgrade to Breezy? kubuntu.org has no info on this, it seems07:06
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berkes.... by editing /etc/apt/sources.list and running ....id like to add a wiki page that describes *what* to edit07:08
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qatsiberkes: try apt-get dist-upgrade and youll get to  breeze07:09
berkesqatsi: no editing needed then?07:09
berkesif so, qatsi, the line on kubuntu.org should be changed, IMO07:09
qatsiberkes: i dont think so, well, at least i didnt had to :p07:09
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berkesqatsi: thanks. GTG now. will check it out and change the wiki to be more helpfull on this later07:10
qatsiberkes: all right07:10
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nmorseDoes anyone else have Kaffeine crash when they try to open another video?07:13
nmorseRight after you stop another one or while one is still playing?07:13
paguxhow do  I add multiverse ?07:13
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libbenmade my own gimp splash screen... look real nice.07:17
paguxhow do  I add multiverse ?07:19
libben!tell pagux about repos07:21
berkesallright. the sources.list needs editing; because here it points to hoary/XXX 07:21
berkes!tell berkes about repos07:21
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chimaera*** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x1003d5e0 ***07:53
chimaeraanyone using a scanner? scanimage -L gives me the msg above..07:53
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djperegrineI tried installing the 64-bit on a hp pavilion zv500007:56
djperegrinebut It said I needed the 32-bit version07:57
djperegrineI have a AMD atholon XP 3000+07:57
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ztonzyapokryphos, awake ?08:02
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aljosawhere to find w32codecs for breezy?08:03
chimaeraaljosa: check marillat's repository..08:04
chimaeraaljosa: http://debian.video.free.fr/08:05
aljosachimaera: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sarge main in sources.list?08:06
chimaeraaljosa: i'd say so, yes.08:07
aljosachimaera: thanks08:07
chimaeraaljosa: but coming from debian, i simply don't know if there actually is a 'specialized' (k)ubuntu repository for this,,08:07
ubotuw32codecs is a set of audio/video codecs for DVD-Video. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats deb to download: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy)08:09
stbainthat help, aljosa?08:10
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=== ztonzy wants skype installed but got issues
aljosastbain: not sure, looking it now08:13
pwn3rim getting a segmentation fault in glxgears. does anyone else get this?08:14
paguxi cant find multiverse repo for brezy 5.1008:14
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aljosastbain: yes, thanks08:15
paguxall documentation refers to haory08:15
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qatsihi all. dows anybody knows anything about this cedega thing ?....im trying to find out how to use it :p08:16
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pagux i have added blackports to adept repo but still no mplayer :-(08:17
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unsurrealis backports even active yet08:19
unsurrealqatsi: ive used it and it really works well08:19
Tm_Tdon't think so08:20
qatsiunsurreal: is it free ?08:20
unsurrealheh i just downloaded the cvs08:20
unsurrealbut no08:20
unsurrealits ;like $5 or somethin08:20
qatsiunsurreal: uhmm.....darn, i cant find anywhere to see that :s08:20
paguxwhats the muliverse repo for breezy where I can install mplayer ?08:21
Tm_Tqatsi: it's 5$/month08:21
Tm_Tqatsi: or, you can get some of it for free08:21
paguxwhats the muliverse repo for breezy where I can install mplayer ?08:22
qatsiTm_T: uhmm darn, it should be free. Im getting used to the OpenSource software :p08:22
libbenTm_T: what u mean some of it for free?08:22
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mikonianhi, can i have some help please?08:23
=== kalenedrael [n=kalene@c-24-34-72-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
pwn3rcedega source code is free to download from the cvs08:23
pwn3rbut the binary's and support cost $08:23
pwn3rand there is one part of it that is closed source as well08:24
qatsipwn3r: so i can use it, but i wont get support.........08:24
pwn3ryea, and the click2play part is closed source so you wont get that08:24
libbenso what? the source is free ? so there should be alot of daily downloads of cvs ? and then handmade debs for us?08:24
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pwn3rthere is a nice script around that does that for you actually08:25
Boronkkernel 2.6.12--amd64-k8-smp does not boot08:25
Boronkwith breezy08:25
mikoniancan someone help me with something?08:26
Boronkthis really sucks08:26
satafterhhello all, what do i need to have installed to be able to run the command ./configure?08:26
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Boronkhas somebody the same problem?08:26
qatsisatafterh: uhmm, you cant execute it ?....are you a super user ?...if not, sudo -i and then type the admin password :D08:26
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apokryphosztonzy: yup08:27
chelohi ppl 08:27
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cheloneed some help if someone can answer08:27
chelocannot find some libqt3-headers or q3 at all on kynaptic 08:28
paguxany body installed mplayer in breezy ?08:28
paguxif yes pl tell me the thev repo 08:28
apokryphoschelo: install libqt3-mt-dev08:28
Tm_Tlibben: most of the Cedega stuff is available as sources tru cvs08:29
apokryphospagux: add the multiverse repository; follow this guide:08:29
Tm_Tlibben: but, not all08:29
apokryphos!tell pagux about repos08:29
satafterhhere is what i am getting afterrunning the ./configyre command - checking host system type... configure: error: can not guess host type; you must specify one08:29
apokryphossatafterh: what are you trying to compile?08:30
mikonianhow do i unistall kde from ubuntu?08:30
satafterhlxdoom 1.4408:30
qatsiok, this CVS thing is new to me...i must have a cvs client, as i see...which one do you recomend....or is there just one ?08:30
cheloapokryphos: i dont have it in kynaptic that is a strange thing 08:31
apokryphossatafterh: is there an INSTALL or README file; and, have you done all the things it says?08:31
cheloi use hoary 08:31
qatsiahhh, forget it, i have pserver...08:31
satafterh#apokryphos - yes there in an install, dumb de dumb dumb dumb lol08:32
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apokryphoschelo: it's a good idea to upgrade to breezy, but anyway...08:33
apokryphoschelo: install libqt3-dev and libqt3-headers08:33
apokryphoschelo: though, why do you want the headers? Trying to build something?08:33
cheloyes 08:33
chelocvs of valknut08:33
cheloand im stuck with it 08:34
apokryphoschelo: type sudo apt-get build-dep valknut08:34
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apokryphos(close kynaptic first)08:34
ztonzyapokryphos, thanks anyway...got skype fixed08:34
apokryphosoh ok, cool08:34
os2machas anyone noticed kicker freezing on them?08:34
mikonianhow do i unistall kde from ubuntu?08:35
apokryphosmikkohuo: remove kdelibs-data package08:35
cheloReading package lists... Done08:35
cheloBuilding dependency tree... Done08:35
cheloE: Unable to find a source package for valknut08:35
apokryphoschelo: have you enabled the universe repository?08:36
chelothis is my sources.list if i can paste it in here ?08:37
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apokryphoschelo: no08:37
apokryphoschelo: use a pastebin service08:37
cheloaha ok08:37
mikonianapokryphos : how? serious n00b08:38
mejidoes someone here use Koversation as their IRC client?08:38
os2macI am 08:38
mejican you tell me how do I browse the history?08:38
mejiof channels and private users?08:39
spine55does anyone know how to get divx or xvid working on breezy?08:39
mikoniani was thinking of using apt-get --purge remove libartsc008:39
shogoukimeji: ctrl+008:39
os2macMeji... no sorry I have never used the history functions08:39
cheloi dont know but i think some fault is with tha sources.list becose some of packages is impossibile to install trought kynatic08:39
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os2machas anyone had problems with Kicker freezing?08:40
pwn3ris a Gforce FX 5200 considered a 'legacy' card now?08:40
Tm_Tnot a single08:40
Tm_Tpwn3r: no08:40
pwn3rsweet thanks08:40
apokryphoschakie: hm, looks ok. Try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get build-dep valknut08:40
Tm_Tpwn3r: Geforce2 is "legacy"08:40
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cheloapokryphos: same shit man 08:42
chelo"Unable to find a source package for valknut"08:42
apokryphosah, hoary must not have it08:42
apokryphoschelo: why not upgrade to breezy?08:42
apokryphosdo you have a slow connection?08:42
chelostrange that hoary dont have it 08:42
cheloi did some update to breezy but im not sure if that was 100% ok08:43
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hussamTm_T: which cards are legacy and which are not? I have a geforce fx 5200. is that one legacy?08:43
apokryphosspine55: yes, xine plays all those just fine08:43
apokryphosas does mplayer, vlc etc08:43
Tm_Thussam: 21:40 < Tm_T> pwn3r: Geforce2 is "legacy"08:43
cheloapokryphos:what is the easyest way to do that or i need to burn new cd??08:43
cheloi have good connection 08:44
spine55apokryphos: thanks08:44
apokryphosthen you need to just edit one file and type one command =)08:44
cheloso connection is not a problem08:44
apokryphos!tell chelo about upgrade2breezy08:44
chelohahaha that was cool thing 08:44
chelothanx man 08:44
hussamTm_T: ok thanks08:44
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Tm_Thussam: I think legacy package has some info itself08:45
apokryphoschelo: just make sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed before you go for the upgrade (as noted on the Pre-Upgrade point)08:45
apokryphosit's a package08:46
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cheloaha im gonna check08:47
cheloyes i have installed 1 packege with name kubuntu-desktop08:48
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apokryphosok, then go for it08:48
qatsino, im lost :S:S how can iinstall a CVS ?08:50
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pwn3ris there something wrong with this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia08:55
chelothis was a fastest distro update i can remmeber :)08:55
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cheloi hope it works 08:56
pwn3rit doesnt mention changing the "nv" to "nvidia". or am i cracking up and thats not needed anymore.08:56
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Tm_Tpwn3r: it's needed08:56
pwn3rah ok08:56
pocowhats the name of the program to configure the x login ? something like kcontrol maybe  or a kubuntu specific?08:56
pwn3ri wonder if someone removed it from the wiki. it seems kinda important08:57
Tm_Tpoco: kcontrol08:57
pocoTm_T: thx08:57
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apokryphospwn3r: it should be there; add it in =)08:58
chelook im on good way now is breezy done but i get this error :   Failed to satisfy Build-Depends dependency for valknut: cdbs08:59
apokryphoschelo: did you restart your computer?08:59
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chelonope :)08:59
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cheloi need to that yea?08:59
hussamdoes dazuko module build under breezy?08:59
apokryphoschelo: it's under the instructions, yes :)08:59
chelook im back in 1 minute09:00
cheloi was litle bit fast 09:00
=== liquidbinary [n=liquidbi@pool-71-103-68-197.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
pwn3rapokryphos: I'll add it in after i get my drivers working.  :)09:01
neoTheCathi, i am a newbie to the kubuntu world.  just a warning... i added the list from http://www.kubuntu.org/anouncements/kde-35beta2.php, and now when i try to install kubuntu-0.40, it is saying it can't install kdebase (missing dependencies).  any help would be appreciated.09:01
qatsiahhh, im blowing my head off !!...i cant download the CVS of Cedega :S can anybody help me ?09:01
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pwn3rqatsi: have you looked at this page? http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=4509:03
pwn3rit has a script that will get the sources and build it for you09:03
qatsipwn3r: yep, im actually there09:03
pwn3rok :) i used it and it worked ok for me (on hoary tho)09:03
qatsipwn3r: uhmm, then i didnt get thtat part :p because i have the script but i was looking for the download :p09:03
pwn3rthe script should download the sources for you09:04
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qatsipwn3r: ok, ill try it09:05
qatsipwn3r: downloading...09:05
pwn3rqatsi: when it gives you a list of different types of installs you can do just pick the first one.09:05
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pwn3rthat kinda confused me but the first one worked fine09:06
qatsipwn3r: ok, ill do that :D thanx09:06
pwn3rno problem09:06
cheloim back 09:06
cheloreboot is done 09:06
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paxanyone got ipod nano to work with banshee, amaroK , gtkpod or any other prog?09:08
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cheloapokryphos: what was for commado to get that bloody valknut :)09:09
apokryphoschelo: you want to get the one from the repositories?09:09
apokryphoschelo: then you can just use the Kubuntu Package Manager for it. Alt+F2 -> adept09:10
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chelothat dcgui-qt and dcgui is just bad versions,windows and shit is on the whole wrong sides and works bad09:11
cheloim gonna try with kynaptic now09:11
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apokryphoschelo: kynaptic is lame =)09:11
apokryphosBreezy ships with the better package manager -- adept. Use that09:11
patorusohi 09:12
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pwn3ri cant get my nvidia drivers to work fo the life of me09:12
patorusoi'm using kubuntu 5.04 and i want to know how to upgrade to 5.1009:12
apokryphos!tell patoruso about upgrade2breezy09:12
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patorusook i'll check the guide thanks09:13
_liquidbinary_pwn3r: What problem are you having?09:13
cheloapokryphos: yes its lame i se now,im not alowed to mark that package of valknut 09:14
pwn3ri installed the two packages mentioned in the wiki, then i change nv to nvidia and comment out the 2 options. 09:14
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apokryphoschelo: ok, close the package managers. Type sudo apt-get install valknut09:14
_liquidbinary_pwn3r: Yes, I was having problems with my fx 520009:15
apokryphospwn3r: then?09:15
pwn3rran nvidia-glx-configure enable09:15
apokryphos_liquidbinary_: works perfect here09:15
_liquidbinary_sporadic freezes09:15
apokryphospwn3r: try doing a whole dpkg-reconfigure. Then restart X09:15
pwn3rthen try to logout and restart my dm09:15
_mars!tell _mars about respo09:15
apokryphospwn3r: so, that is: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:16
pwn3rim using wdm and last time i tried to restart it with the nvidia drivers set up it made a louder than usual noise :/09:16
_mars!tell _mars about respositories09:16
pwn3rhehe bur i do aree that sould like a good idea so i will try it :)09:16
_marswhat the command for respositories for bot is?09:17
cheloapokryphos: can you read this if you have time ?09:17
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apokryphos!tell _mars about repositories09:17
chelosome of backages are broken and not working or ?09:18
apokryphoschelo: you definitely had kubuntu-desktop before you upgraded?09:18
apokryphoschelo: dpkg -l|grep kubuntu-desktop ..gives?09:18
Boronkany smp-amd64 users here in?09:18
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_cheloand i still have hoary in sources toghether with breezy 09:22
_cheloim sure i changed in source.list all hoary to breezy09:22
apokryphos_chelo: did you not follow the instructions *exactly*?09:22
apokryphosyou're meant to replace your whole sources.list file09:22
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shik45is Adept an apt frontend09:24
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chimaerashik45: yes.09:25
shik45good 09:26
_cheloim sure i did but i had some problem with it becose they explane how to do in synaptic and i use kynaptic that not look same 09:26
_chelomaybe that firts change i did wrong 09:26
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_chelo<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">09:26
_chelo<body><H4 id="head-6bf38f295a8dc4a304de4a8e7d9b65cfa4590ebf">Through Synaptic Package Manager</H4>09:26
_chelo<OL type="0"><LI><P> Open up Synaptic Package Manager      </P></LI>09:26
_chelo<LI><P> Change your repositories to look for Breezy </P><UL>09:26
_chelo<LI style="list-style-type:none"><P>From 09:26
_chelo</P><PRE>         URI: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/09:26
_chelo         Distribution: hoary09:26
_chelo         Sections: main restricted</PRE></LI></UL></LI></OL></body>09:26
_chelosorry 09:26
apokryphosyou shouldn't paste in here09:28
apokryphosand I meant the apt-get method, obviously; didn't think you had synaptic09:28
_cheloyes i know my mistake 09:28
_cheloapt-get metod whnt fine 09:29
apokryphospastebin your current sources.list09:30
_chelodont understand why kynaptic gets hoary hosts when i changed all host to look for breezy 09:30
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_cheloshit man my fault i changed those 4 last host to breezy but those 2 in upper part of document are still hoary 09:32
hanarkerragazzi c  qualcuno?09:32
hanarkersome one can post source.list ??09:32
_chelohuman faul allways :)09:32
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hanarkercan you post me your source.list??09:33
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_chelojust a sec09:34
hanarkerthx ;)09:34
hanarkerleave it09:35
qatsiok, when im installing the cedega thing, i need to have msttcorefonts, so i do apt-get install msttcorefonts, and it says that the package isnt available, but is referred to by another package....what should i do ?09:35
hanarkeri found on an italia server09:35
hanarkertry wine09:35
hanarkerit's the same09:35
qatsihanarker: wine instead of msttcorefonts ?09:36
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_chelothis is a mine source.list for breezy:      http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/40220309:36
hanarkeri don't know09:36
hanarkerok 09:36
hanarkerthx chelo09:36
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_cheloits ok09:36
=== aljosa [n=aljosa@83-131-176-195.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu
pwn3r_winex(cedega) has better dirextx functionality from what i hear09:37
aljosamedia:/ is not showing partitions. any help?09:37
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aljosafonts don't look to good. any help on that?09:39
djperegrineqatsi, stop wining :P09:39
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djperegrinebada boom09:40
qatsidjperegrine: uhmm :p i cant....i want Warcraft III in linux09:40
djperegrineWINEing :P09:40
djperegrinebut yea09:40
qatsidjperegrine: if that happens, i will change 100% to linux :p09:41
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djperegrineI think I am going to biuld a monster PC and just dedicate it to gaming09:41
qatsidjperegrine: wait to the dual core proccesor :p09:41
qatsidjperegrine: and buy 2 PCI-Express video cards :D then....install cedega and tell me how to :D:D09:42
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durihello guys ... where did you hide the 'Show Desktop' icon in kubuntu ?09:47
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qatsiyep, ive been looking for it too duri :p lets wait for someone to answer :p09:48
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duriqatsi: it's seems very strange why they would do that ...09:48
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duriqatsi : I got it09:49
duriright click on Kpanel then 'Configure Panel'09:49
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durino . right click on Kpanel then Add Special Button, choose Desktop Access09:50
qatsiduri :uhmm, ok, ill look for it :)09:50
qatsiduri: yep, its there :D thanx a lot :p09:51
duriqatsi: no problem09:51
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qatsivictor si quieres en espaol entra al canal kubuntu-es, o ubuntu-es09:55
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volkerCould you help me with my sound problems in my ThinkPad?10:01
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SillyConeHi, it looks like my system is using 999/1024MB RAM ...is that normal? :)10:05
JuerdSillyCone: Yes!10:06
JuerdSillyCone: Unusued RAM is *wasted* RAM!10:06
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JuerdSillyCone: The OS fills it up with whatever it thinks can come in handy later.10:06
ChironI'm having a little bit of trouble getting Breezy working on my laptop10:07
Chironthe resolution is really tiny10:07
Chironand I can't make it bigger10:07
SillyConeJuerd, ok, thanks ..i was thinking that some programs dont get unloaded from memory10:07
Chirondo I need to download some driver?10:07
JuerdSillyCone: They might not.10:07
JuerdSillyCone: Because when you restart them, you'd have to load the same thing again.10:07
JuerdSillyCone: Instead, the system tries to make guesses about what to keep, and what not to.10:07
SillyConeJuerd, will they unload automatically when the memory is needed for something else?10:08
JuerdSillyCone: Whenever a lot of memory is actually *needed*, the old cruft is automatically overwritten.10:08
SillyConeJuerd, ok, i get it now10:08
JuerdThis is all to make your system efficient.10:08
SillyConeJuerd, thanks :)10:08
hussamcan somebody help me install dazuko module?10:08
JuerdSillyCone: Thank the developers who thought of this :)10:08
SillyConeChiron, what kind of video card do u have?10:09
hussampax: hi10:10
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ChironSillyCone: it's an integrated video card10:10
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ChironSillyCone: I think it said in the xorg conf file10:10
_poisonhi ^^10:10
ChironSillyCone: let me go bring my laptop into this room10:10
SillyConeChiron, I dont know much about laptop drivers, sorry10:10
SillyConeChiron, I only have experience installing ATI and GeForce cards10:11
SillyConeI'm not sure what kind of drivers laptops use10:12
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paxhi hussam, long time no see :)10:12
ChironSillyCone: maybe someone else can help me figure it out10:12
ChironSillyCone: I thought that Breezy was supposed to have tons of support for laptops10:13
humehi...how can I make my konqueror show TWO panes instead of the one that i get as default in kubuntu? The options that I was used to from debian, a file managment setting, is not there.....10:13
SillyConeChiron, you probably still have to download the drivers using synaptic or apt-get10:13
ChironSillyCone: that's what I figured10:13
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SillyConeChiron, try to found out what your card is10:14
ChironSillyCone: but I don't know which ones to get10:14
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ChironSillyCone: okay, I found it10:14
hussampax: are you running breezy?10:14
SillyConeChiron, what is it?10:15
paxyes hussam, just upgraded few days ago10:15
ChironSillyCone: "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]  Chipset Integrated Graphics Device"10:15
ChironSillyCone: that's the identifier10:15
SillyConeChiron, ok, now google it :)))10:16
ChironSillyCone: it uses the "i810" driver10:16
ChironSillyCone: I found two different ways of doing it, both involve editing the xorg.conf10:17
paxanyone got ipod nano to work with banshee, amaroK , gtkpod or any other prog with breezy?10:17
SillyConeChiron, why is that a problem?10:18
humehow do i load a view profile in konqueror, then? i find an option for saving, but none forloading....?10:18
ChironSillyCone: I don't know which one to use10:18
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ChironSillyCone: how do I back up my xorg.conf using the CLI?10:19
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SillyConeChiron, just use cp xorg,conf xorg.conf_backup10:19
SillyConeit makes a copy of your xorg.conf file10:20
ChironSillyCone: are you sure this isn't going to mess anything up?10:22
ChironSillyCone: people keep putting disclaimers below their supposed "fixes"10:22
SillyConeChiron, no, I'm not sure of anything :)10:23
SillyConeChiron, but cp just makes a copy of your xorg.conf ...so, if something goes wrong, you can replace it with the previous file10:24
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snugglemonkeycan someone please tell me why I have compilers installed, but it seems as if applications can not compile on kubuntu?  I am trying to use kdesvn-build.10:26
ChousukeYou do not have the required libs installed?10:27
humesnugglemonkey, what errors do you get?10:27
=== snugglemonkey thinks it might be path related...
snugglemonkeyI looked in /usr/bin and I see the gcc linked to gcc-4.010:28
Chousukethat's normal.10:28
frank23snugglemonkey: almost everything in breezy is compiled with gcc-410:28
djperegrinethere is gcc-4 now ?10:29
snugglemonkeymake: g++ command not found.10:29
snugglemonkeyso, it seems to be looking for g++ lol.10:29
Chousukeyou need g++ then10:29
Chousukesudo apt-get install g++ ? :P10:29
snugglemonkeyit's installed.  lol10:29
snugglemonkeymight have to change ln10:29
Chousukeare you sure it is?10:29
Chousukewhich g++10:29
ChironSillyCone: I'm trying to find the vertical refresh and horizontal sync for my monitor10:30
snugglemonkeyChousuke: 410:30
Chousukedjperegrine: has been around for ages now :P10:30
ChironSillyCone: but it isn't in the documentation10:30
hussamWhat is the kernel module called "capability"?10:30
Chousukesnugglemonkey: I meant type that command.10:30
Chousuketo see its path10:30
frank23snugglemonkey: maybe make wants a specific version of g++? is it possible10:30
snugglemonkeyChousuke: /usr/bin/gcc10:30
snugglemonkeyof course..10:30
djperegrinelast time I checked was a few mounths ago :P10:30
snugglemonkeyI'll install all of the gcc and see, Chousuke 10:31
Chousukesnugglemonkey: my g++ is /usr/bin/g++ 10:31
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ChousukeYou need g++.10:31
Chousukewhich is and is not gcc10:31
snugglemonkeyit's funny that compling somethign on kubuntu can be so tedious.   Definately isn't set to build. :)10:32
Chousukeyou just need g++10:32
Chousukewhat does dpkg -l g++ say?10:32
ChousukeAlso, it's "definitely"10:32
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Chousukethat error is so common I'm forced to correct it.10:33
hussamI have a kernel question. I compiled an installed dazuko kernel module. how do I get it to load before "capability" does?10:33
snugglemonkeyChousuke: thanks, mom.   :-D10:33
Blissexhussam: thats not totally easy depending on how they load.10:33
Chousukesnugglemonkey: Ha ha :P10:34
Blissexhussam: a ''static'' way is to list them in '/etc/modules' in the right order.10:34
hussamBlissex: capability is not in /etc/modules10:34
Chousukeanyway, now tell me what dpkg -l g++ says10:34
Blissexhussam: another way is to use one of the directives in the modutils config file.10:34
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hussamBlissex: I didn't understand that10:35
Blissexhussam: first or second?10:35
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hussamBlissex: second10:35
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Blissexhussam: when 'modprobe' is invoked to load a module it consults one or more configuration files (version dependent) to see which options to use for loading the module. You can put in one of those files an option to load module A before loading module B.10:36
hussamBlissex: the  modutils config file part10:36
libbenRiddell: http://kubuntuforums.net/index.php?topic=335.msg3746#msg374610:37
hussamBlissex: so I need to exit something in /etc/modutils ?10:39
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ChironI'm trying to edit my wireless settings in the "system settings" area10:40
Chironbut when I type in my root password10:40
Chironit reads it10:40
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Blissexhussam: yes, like adding a file with the right directive.10:40
Chironand then doesn't let me edit stuff10:40
hussamBlissex: any idea how I could do that?10:41
frank23Chiron: That is a bad KDE bug...   The way I did it was to  install  gnome-system-tools  and then run  sudo network-admin10:42
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franzhi there. using kubuntu (live) for the very first time!10:42
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Blissexhussam: well, any text editor. Look at 'man 5 modprobe.conf' and in particular for the 'above' and 'below' directives.10:43
Chironfrank23: I just kdesu'd the systemsettings program10:43
Chironfrank23: do you know how to get this wireless thing working?10:43
Chironfrank23: I tried setting the settings, but it doesn't want to connect10:44
ChironI'm surprised there isn't an autodetect10:44
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hussamBlissex: I'm still not getting any of this. what are 'above' and 'below' directives?10:46
franzwent to Disk&Filesystems - System Settings and choosed "Administarator Mode" but it doesn't let me enable my existing partitions on my hd10:46
frank23Chiron: network-manager is supposed to be able to autodeteck networks10:46
frank23Chiron: I never used network-manager though because there is a conflict with vmware10:47
Chironfrank23: do I have to download that?10:47
franzHow can I access my hard disks from kubuntu live ?10:48
Blissexhussam: they are explained in 'man 5 modprobe'10:49
Blissexfranz: just mount them manually10:49
franzBlissex: they are not seen from konqueror. I dunno how kubuntu names them10:50
Blissexfranz: have a look at the '/etc/fstab' file.10:50
franzsure, thanks Blissex 10:50
Blissexfranz: and I doubt very much that they get automatically, you need to mount them manually.10:50
Blissexfranz: at worst, open a Konsole, do 'sudo bash', and then 'fdisk -l /dev/hda' or similar and then 'mount /dev/hda /mnt/hda' or similar10:51
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wiehya everybody i want to ask how can i insatll gcc with kubuntu10:52
hussamBlissex: I already read 'man 5 modprobe.conf"10:53
Chirondoes anyone here know how to set up a wireless connection in Kubuntu?10:54
ChironI can't seem to find a guide online10:55
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libbenwhats the diffrence by installing by ./configure and make make install comparing it to a deb file?10:58
libbendeb file is the windows exe. but whats the ./configure and all that compared to?10:59
hussamactually deb is like a windows .msi 10:59
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frank23Chiron: yes you have to get network-manager with adpet11:00
frank23Chiron: yes you have to get network-manager with adept11:00
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libbenim into installing kbear. but its not updated in the repos and i know i can install it by ./configure and make and make install.. but ive never made this step. and i wanna know what can go wrong. do i need to change any paths for kubuntu? cause of its hierchay11:00
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SillyConehow come gaim systray icon is transparent, but it still has a white square around it in KDE?11:01
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ChironSillyCone: it isn't transparent11:02
apokryphoslibben: no equivalent on Windows; that's compiling from source11:02
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SillyConeChiron, if I open it in GAIM, it is11:02
franzBlissex: Itried as suggested but hda is not in fstab or mtab11:02
ChironSillyCone: the color around the gaim icon is a whitish hue11:02
apokryphoslibben: why do you want to use Kbear? What's wrong with Konqueror?11:02
frank23Chiron: are you using a wired connection on ubuntu right now?11:02
ChironSillyCone: as is the taskbar11:02
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Chironfrank23: no, I'm on my Windows desktop11:02
libbenapokryphos: konq is a ftp also?11:02
Blissexfranz: then you really have to do it manually using the commands above.11:02
SillyConeChiron, I mean GIMP, if I open it in GIMP it is transparent11:02
apokryphoslibben: indeed11:03
libbenis it ssl and some sort of stuff ?11:03
apokryphoslibben: ftp://username@domainname.com11:03
ChironSillyCone: if you look on the gaim website, they tell you it's some bug in KDE11:03
franzi did it manually Blissex!11:03
SillyConeChiron, so, there's no way to change it?11:03
ChironI make my taskbar the same color11:03
wieehm guys how can i install the compilor in kubuntu 11:03
Chironbecause I light a lighter taskbar than the default11:03
Chironif you do some fancy stuff in the gimp11:04
Chirontaskbar textures11:04
Chironyou can really make it hard to tell apart11:04
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Chironjust play around with the gradient tool11:04
ChironSillyCone: I actually got it working one time on Hoary by accident11:04
ChironSillyCone: I compiled it one day and it worked11:04
libbenapokryphos: im sure its good ... but its not the same as a ftp client11:04
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SillyConeok, I never used gimp before, just photoshop11:05
libbenits like using IE for all ur ftp'ing also11:05
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Chironlibben: KBear isn't a very good FTP client11:05
SillyConebut I'll see what I can do11:05
apokryphoslibben: no, it's not. It *is* an FTP client11:05
libbenChiron: its not ?11:05
Chironlibben: no, I used to use it11:05
Chironlibben: I use an ftp client called Kasablanca now11:05
libbenit seems its the answer to flashfxp on windows11:06
Chironlibben: there are plenty of FTP clients to choose from, they're not difficult to make using QT11:06
Chironapokryphos: you seem to know a lot of stuff, do you think you could help me with my wireless?11:06
Chironapokryphos: I just put Breezy on this morning11:07
apokryphosChiron: nope, sorry11:07
libbenmy problem is ive tried diffrent ftp clients when i was on gnome like 5 months ago. and i could not login to my friends ftp with none of em, cause my friend has ssl i think. thinking of using flashfxp with wine to just be able to use his ftpserver11:07
Chironlibben: Wine and Cedega can't use the network11:07
Chironlibben: most FTP clients support SSL11:08
_manveruthere was a really good ftp/sftp-client...11:08
_manveruhad even a nice interface11:08
Chironlibben: try Kasablanca, it's all QTized11:08
libbenive tried it 6 months ago and it dident work then =(11:08
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Chironsomeone has to be able to help me with the wireless11:09
frankChiron: still there?11:10
Chironit's detecting the network, and connected to it11:10
Chironfrank: yeah11:10
frankChiron: you can connect?11:10
Chironfrank: it connects, but I can't get it to work11:10
Chironath0: IEEE 802.11g wireless card11:11
Chironconnected to ESSID: Chiron11:11
libbenChiron: no kasablanca in the repos11:11
frankI just tried setting mine up with the system setting network module and failed11:11
ChironI can't be far off11:11
Kibouhow can I stop konqueror from popping up when i load a cd?11:11
Chironfrank: well I can't exactly get packages on that computer11:11
frankChiron: this is why I use gnome-system-tools11:11
_manveruah, the client i was talking of was gftp, maybe not a good choice11:11
Chironfrank: there has to be a better way11:11
Chiron_manveru: gftp is okay, I'm not sure whether it works with the GTK-QT engine11:12
_manveruit's on gtk11:12
Chiron_manveru: I always prefer native QT applications11:12
libbenso whats the diffrence between using a deb and make make install? 11:12
_manveruyeah, i know11:12
_manverume too11:12
_manverubut i had to drop kbear, it was too unstable11:12
libbencause a deb is fixed for debian, but ubuntu use another hierachy ?11:12
Chiron_manveru: which is why I suggested Kasablanca11:12
frankChiron: take a look in bugzilla about wireless configuration in kubuntu: you're not the only one having problems. I just am not sure exaclty how to fix it11:12
Chironfrank: well can't I use the CLI to configure it?11:13
_manveruChiron: i never tried or heard Kasablanca, i think i will give it a try, but in the meanwhile i use konqueror11:13
frankChiron: yes you can but I don't know how exaclty11:13
Chironfrank: I mean, it's connected11:13
libbenso if i use a ./configure instead of a deb, wouldent it get some wrong paths?11:13
Chironlibben: no, compiling is great11:13
frankChiron edit   /etc/network/interfaces11:14
Chironlibben: especially if the app was build for KDE11:14
libbenas kasablanca is, hence the K in the name =)11:14
libbenChiron: well, yes for kde, but kde is on more then just debian systems11:14
frankChiron: I can show you my interfaces file if you want an example..11:14
Chironfrank: okay, pastebin?11:15
_manverulibben: to compile, you have to get all the dependencies - means a lot of work... and it is not that easy to upgrade or remove...11:15
_manverulibben: if you want to compile your stuff, use gentoo :)11:15
Chiron_manveru: compiling is awesome, what are you talking about?11:15
franklibben: compiling is ok if the program you want is not in the ubuntu repositories11:15
Chiron_manveru: just use checkinstall, not make install11:16
ChironI laugh at the people who use make install11:16
_manveruwhat does checkinstall do?11:16
libbenso instead of make install, checkinstall11:16
Chironautomagically creates a .deb packages from source and installs it11:16
Chironlibben: sudo checkinstall11:16
_manveruwithout me requireing to make a deb-spec?11:16
frankyeah I use checkinstall to: it works great11:17
Chironlibben: you have to get the checkinstall package first11:17
frankChiron: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/40231511:17
frankChiron: I have a static IP and  no encryption11:18
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_davidAnyone got a moment to help me with a seemingly simple question?11:18
_manverujust ask11:19
_davidI ran Adept Updater two days ago and got a bunch of upgrades.  Also, my clock changed...11:19
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_davidIt says the time, the day of the week then "New York"11:20
_davidI want it to say, the time, day of week and the date11:20
Chironfrank: I need to use DHCP though11:20
frank_david: right click clock->Show time zone->local timezone11:20
timlinux_david: just middle click the clock11:20
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timlinuxit will cycle through your configured time zones11:21
_davidThe middle clicking worked11:21
Chironfrank: do I have to reset something?11:21
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_davidOne problem down, a few more to go :-P11:21
_davidThanks a lot though!11:21
qatsiahhh, finally Warcraft is installin under Wine....:D11:22
wieguys i want to compile a program and i get some output c compiler cannot create executable11:22
ChironWine? lol11:22
wiehow can i solve this problem 11:22
qatsichimaera:  why lol? :p11:22
Chironwie: do you have build-essential?11:22
wiedunno 11:22
timlinuxwie: how long is a piece of string? you will need to give a _lot_ more detail than that11:22
Chironwie: well I would look if I were you11:23
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wieChiron, wat are the build essential 11:23
Chironfind a package called "build-essential"11:24
frankChiron: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/40232511:24
frankChiron: with dhcp11:24
Chironfrank: okay, thanks11:24
Chironfrank: how do I apply the settings?11:24
_davidOkay, here is another one... anyone here have AMD64 with Kubuntu? Does your cool'n'quiet work?11:24
Chironfrank: should I just restart?11:24
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wiethanbks now its building 11:25
wiethanks Chiron 11:25
Chironwie: no problem11:25
wielol 11:25
LostFan84Chiron: hi11:25
ChironLostFan84: hello11:25
wieChiron, do you know what x includes are11:25
Chironwie: I know what includes are11:26
frankwie:   xlibs-dev  probably11:26
Chironfrank: I just restarted my computer11:26
Chironfrank: we'll see if it works11:26
Chironfrank: always feel stupid when I restart linux, like I'm defeating the purpose of the whole thing11:27
frankChiron: to restart networking, do sudo /etc/init.d/networking  restart11:27
Chironfrank: okay, I'll remember that for future reference11:27
frankChiron: only kernel changes require restarts. everything else is just ignorance ;-)11:27
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frankChiron: it works?11:28
Chironfrank: yeah, I once knew this crazy Linux guy11:28
kinfoAvailable commands: !help, !uptime, !netuse, ??, !!, !cs, !whoset, !learn, !relearn, !forget, !topten, !status11:28
Chironfrank: who refused to restart his computer11:28
ubotuTm_T: I haven't a clue11:29
Chironfrank: because he thought he wouldn't be any better than the Windows people11:29
Tm_Tok, what's cs11:29
Chironfrank: yeah, it works11:29
kinfo[uptime]  - [total]  119d 4h 12m 37s - [eu.freenode.net]  3d 21h 50m 33s - in a total of 21 connections11:29
james13Can you help with sound and Beezy?11:29
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Tm_TLostFan84: tell me, what's the point of that bot?11:30
frankChiron: kubuntu really suffers from those systemsettings problems. Apparently, the fault lies with KDE11:30
LostFan84Tm_T: It tells you how long it's been up.11:30
Tm_TLostFan84: I mean whole point of that bot?11:30
Tm_Tbeing here11:30
LostFan84Tm_T: For help?11:31
Tm_Tis it useful for us?11:31
LostFan84Tm_T: Sometimes11:31
LostFan84Tm_T: Sometimes it's an a$$11:31
kinfoAvailable commands: !help, !uptime, !netuse, ??, !!, !cs, !whoset, !learn, !relearn, !forget, !topten, !status11:31
ubotuLostFan84: I haven't a clue11:31
kinfoTop ten learners: 1. uniq [20] , 2. seth_k [4] , 11:31
Tm_Tcan't see anything useful11:31
LostFan84see what i mean11:31
frankLostFan84: I don't think non-silent bots are allowed here11:32
Chironfrank: yeah, but it's a great idea11:32
Chironfrank: super integrated, easy to use11:32
Tm_TLostFan84: how it's useful to me?11:32
LostFan84frank: They don't bother me11:32
Chironfrank: they're probably gonna have it working by 3.5, which is almost out11:32
Tm_Tplease explain11:32
LostFan84Tm_T: I dunno....it's simply a matter of opinion11:32
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Tm_Tseems to me it's just annoying bot11:33
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Tm_Tits my opinion as long as there's no good explanation11:34
frankChiron: that's true but it still sucks for people who won't think of upgrading to 3.5 or just want to stick with the stable version11:34
Chironfrank: that's what is so good about all of this integrated upgrading11:35
Chironfrank: all people will have to do is add a repository11:35
Chironfrank: and click upgrade11:35
frankChiron: yeah, apt is great11:35
libbenso know what ?11:35
Chironfrank: it's beautiful11:35
libbenive tar -xvvf my kasablanca gzipped file11:35
Chironfrank: so what was that gnome wireless manager package?11:36
libbeni should not use ./configure and make?11:36
frankChiron: gnome-system-tools11:36
libbenso what do i type with checkinstall?11:36
Chironlibben: sudo checkinstall11:36
franklibben: you do  ./configure  then  make  then  checkinstall11:36
franklibben: you do  ./configure  then  make  then  sudo checkinstall11:36
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frankChiron: and there is also  network-manager  but I never used it11:37
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frank... ignorance is bliss11:39
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Chironfrank: I wonder why my link quality is so low on my wireless11:39
Chironfrank: I'm right next to the router11:39
_davidAnyone here know much about Kernels?11:39
libbenfrank: dont i need -d on checkinstall also11:39
libben-d == building debian package11:39
frankChiron: are you running kwifiwireless?11:40
frankChiron: are you running kwifimanager  sorry11:40
=== thib [n=thib@Mix-Montpellier-106-2-13.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
_davidHow do I install a more up-to-date linux kernel?11:40
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Chironfrank: what is that?11:40
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franklibben: um without -d,   checkinstall  builds the .deb and installs it automatically11:40
Chironfrank: I just have the Wireless Manager Applet for the Kicker running11:40
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raphink_david: apt-cache search linux-image11:41
raphink_david: then choose the kernel that fits your needs the best11:41
raphinkdepending on your proc11:41
Chironhow do I restart kdm?11:41
timlinuxcan anyone recommend a good 'known to work' pci wireless adapter for use in kubuntu breezy?11:41
raphinkChiron: sudo killall kdm && sudo kdm &11:41
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Chironfrank: it says "ULTIMATE - Signal Strength: 60"11:42
Blissextimlinux: not so easy... Look at RAlink based ones, there are a few 11b ones.11:42
Chironraphink: do I have to exit KDE first?11:42
frankChiron: that's good11:42
timlinuxBlissex: thanks11:42
raphinkChiron: if you don't exit KDE, it will do it for you ;)11:42
raphinkby force11:43
Blissextimlinux: note that I said '11b', the driver for the RAlink 54g ones is not quite there yet.11:43
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frankChiron: the wireless applet says my connection is bad too but it's because the max it thinks I can reach is not possible11:43
raphinkso it's better if you exit it cleanly first11:43
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raphink_david: got your kernel?11:43
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Chironfrank: the wireless meter for my card in Windows is really messed up11:44
Chironfrank: It'll say I have an excellent connection until I go too far and it drops11:44
Chironfrank: fortunately it doesn't drop unless I leave my property11:44
Chironup the street11:45
libbenwhen i type man checkinstall11:45
libbenit tells me -D builds deb file11:45
frankChiron: ;-)11:45
Chironlibben: stop being dumb11:45
Chironlibben: sudo checkinstall11:45
franklibben: I run checkinstall  with no options all the time11:45
Chironlibben: do you know how many times I've compiled programs like that?11:45
_davidI think I found a repeatable crash in OOo, can anyone else please verify? I'm running OOo 2.011:45
libbenChiron: im not asking in a dumb way. it just i looked thru the man page before i do it.11:46
libbenand it states -D11:46
timlinuxBlissex: b should be fine for net access over a cable modem11:46
libbenbut im sure if u just use as it intended too,. it builds debs11:46
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libbenafter all, checkinstall is made for debs11:46
wieChiron, in wich package are the qt liberies and header files and how can i find out myself 11:46
frank_david: sure if it doesn't take too much time11:46
libbenand has options for rpm and another package11:46
_mars!tell _mars about repositories11:46
_davidfrank: it's easy11:47
_marscan someone ask for repositories form me ? :] 11:47
Chironwie: if you use KDevelop the QT library is statically compiled in11:47
_davidOne sec, let me restart OOo again :-P11:47
frankwie what are you trying to compile?11:47
wieksmoothdock 11:47
wiefrank, ksmoothdock 11:48
_davidOkay, frank, ready? Open OOo writer, at the bottom of the screen, it says "100% - INSRT - STD - HYP"11:48
_davidClick on "STD" a bunch of times11:48
libbenconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH11:48
wielibben install the build-essentiels11:49
libbenbash: /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games: No such file or directory11:49
frank_david: ok11:49
wiejust heard it mysel :)11:49
_davidDid that crash it?11:49
_marsAsk ubotu about respositories for me please11:49
frank_david: how many time?11:50
_david5 or 611:50
frankI must have clicked 50 times11:50
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_davidOkay, strange11:50
_davidSO why does mine hang ?11:50
Chirondoes Linux not have a sleep mode?11:50
qatsihello !...does anybody knows how to install Warcraft III Frozen throne and make it work under wine ?11:50
Chironqatsi: you don't use wine11:51
qatsiChiron: i cant install Cedega :S11:51
Chironqatsi: you have to use Cedega11:51
wiedavid build-essential11:51
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Chironqatsi: why can't you install Cedega?11:51
wiedavid, i wrote it wrong11:51
wieyes 11:51
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_davidWhat about it?11:51
qatsiChiron: i have errors while executing the sh file...specifically in the make section11:52
wiesorry that was meant for libbeb 11:52
frankwie: to get kde build-dependancies, try   sudo apt-get build-dep kuser11:52
_davidAh, okay :-P11:52
_davidFrank what arc are you using?11:52
frankwie: you need to have the deb-src repos enabled for that11:52
frank_david: 38611:52
libbenchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!11:52
libbenthe last line in ./configure11:52
_davidOkay, I'm on the AMD64 - let me restart and see if it keeps doing it11:53
zyndid you install xlibs-dev?11:53
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Blissextimlinux: if you just require 11b, then  use an USB stick.11:53
franklibben: did you install libx11-dev ?11:53
wielibben xlib-dev11:53
libbenapparntly not11:53
wielibben xlibs-dev11:53
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libbenwhy doesnt anything says this?11:53
wiedunno 11:53
qatsiChiron: ?11:53
wielibben you have a fresh install like i do 11:54
Blissextimlinux: I have got a ZyDAS 1201 11b USB stick and it works pretty well,.11:54
_marsWhere can i find respo for breezy?11:54
franklibben: every time ./configure complains about includes or headers, you need some -dev package11:54
wieand you need a lot of software and liberies and header files to be installed 11:54
libbenit had som deps that one 11:54
Blissextimlinux: ah BTW, I misremembered the RAlink 2500 54g based driver works well, it is the ZyDAS 54g one that is not quite finished.11:54
Chironqatsi: what?11:54
Chironthey have packages11:55
LeeJunFanMan, this automounting sh1t is pissing me off. What is mounting my usb HD against the wishes of my fstab config?11:55
qatsiChiron: im trying to install Cedega once more...but ive tried without luck :S11:55
Chironqatsi: PM11:55
libbendo i really wanna have this much deps =)11:56
libbengetting the feeling of bloated system11:56
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wiewhat do you get libben 11:56
franklibben: those are not programs, just files11:56
qatsiChiron: wait, i have to log in to send personal messages11:56
Chironqatsi: are you sure?11:56
Chironqatsi: I'm not logged in11:57
frankyou need to be registered yeah11:57
qatsiChiron: well it says that PM are only for registered11:57
frankChiron: if you make a new channel, qatsi can join it too11:57
_marsI asked you to write !tell _mars about repositories pleade11:58
Chironqatsi: did you get my PM this time?11:58
qatsiok...ill make a channel called #chiron, join please Chiron :)11:58
Chironwell, why don't you respond?11:58
Chironjust msg nickserv register password11:58
libbennow what11:59
qatsiChiron: uhmm, wait a se12:00
libbenChiron: ^^12:00
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libbenwie: what do i need more?12:02

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