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sivang | Good night all | 01:14 |
lifeless | night | 01:15 |
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sabdfl | i always read that as "stub sweeps into the room" | 02:24 |
stub | hmm | 02:25 |
stub | Is the job in PQM at the moment the same one SteveA was bitching about being stuck, or has PQM already had its enema? | 02:26 |
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lifeless | its busy enough | 02:42 |
lifeless | strace shows lots of action | 02:42 |
stub | I killed it, as there seemed to be a duplicate request in the queue directly after. | 02:46 |
stub | The librarian needed a kill -9 | 02:46 |
stub | lifeless: Did you create those 'stablish-for-production' bzr and config-manager branches? | 02:51 |
stub | sabdfl: Do you know if kiko landed everything he needed to for a Gina run? | 03:07 |
sabdfl | stub: i don't, no. seems like pqm is stuck on a trivial from him, though, with nothing else in the queue | 03:08 |
stub | that job is fine - pqm was stuck on a previous job that has been killed | 03:08 |
sabdfl | from him? | 03:09 |
stub | Yes - it was in the queue twice. The first one was hung | 03:09 |
stub | I've got no emails so I guess not yet. I don't think it is Sunday in Brazil yet anyway. | 03:11 |
sabdfl | he sounded pretty confident this morning | 03:15 |
stub | sabdfl: That double config/config in your doc. Is that a bzr bug, or just because you didn't change into the directory you just checked out (lp-config, in which case it should be lp-config/config | 03:15 |
sabdfl | ah, sorry, i half-fixed it. should be build lp-config/configs... | 03:16 |
sabdfl | and lifeless has promised to move the inner config out the way once we are FreeOfBaz | 03:16 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] Improve error message when a GPG key retrival from our keyserver fails (patch-2707: christian.reis@canonical.com) | 03:16 |
sabdfl | could you fix it please? | 03:17 |
stub | Cool.... so config manager doesn't insist on the config file being in the current tree like baz did. That will improve the layout on the fs. | 03:17 |
stub | yup | 03:17 |
sabdfl | hell yes | 03:17 |
sabdfl | that was a major pita | 03:17 |
sabdfl | this will make it much easier to have multiple trees | 03:17 |
stub | I assume I'm allowed to move bzr branches around my fs without screwing up other branches that branched from them? (except that my default upstreams might need resetting?) | 03:21 |
sabdfl | stub: i don't know if it knows about a default upstream | 03:29 |
sabdfl | stub: looks like there was no landing from kiko today | 03:30 |
sabdfl | saturday | 03:30 |
stub | bzr pull pulls from where you branched from I think | 03:30 |
ajmitch | it records the last pull location in .bzr/parent, from the look of things | 03:32 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] various bugs fixed (patch-2708: steve.alexander@canonical.com) | 03:57 |
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aaron1 | hello | 07:49 |
aaron1 | what is launchpad? | 07:49 |
aaron1 | hello? | 07:50 |
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sivang | Good morning all | 10:43 |
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Belutz | hello all | 01:22 |
Belutz | in rosetta, i got this "translator-credits" | 01:23 |
Belutz | Developer note: Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2 | 01:23 |
Belutz | should i translate the "translator-credits" or fill the translation based on developer note? | 01:23 |
mdke | Belutz, the translation based on developer note | 01:34 |
mdke | always read the developer notes | 01:34 |
Belutz | mdke, so i put in my name? | 01:35 |
mdke | yes | 01:35 |
mdke | and email, year etc as it says | 01:35 |
Belutz | is it ok if i just entered 1 year? | 01:37 |
Belutz | just 2005, it's ok isn't it? | 01:37 |
mdke | yes | 01:38 |
Belutz | ok, thanks mdke :) | 01:39 |
mdke | np | 01:39 |
Belutz | i'm translating the faqguide :D | 01:39 |
jordi | Strange | 01:40 |
jordi | ah, it's the faqguide, nm | 01:40 |
sivang | hey jordi , 'sup? | 01:41 |
jordi | woa | 01:41 |
jordi | Debian got OOo 2.0 | 01:41 |
sivang | wheee, it's about time :) | 01:41 |
jordi | sivang: I'm stealing bandwith to my dad. :) | 01:41 |
ajmitch | morning jordi | 01:42 |
jordi | well, it's been out like 2 days | 01:42 |
sivang | hey ajmitch | 01:42 |
ajmitch | hi sivang | 01:42 |
sivang | jordi: what sort of network connection do you have there? | 01:42 |
jordi | ADSL 1024/256 or something | 01:43 |
ajmitch | sleep time, see you all later :) | 01:44 |
jordi | later | 01:44 |
sivang | night ajmitch | 01:45 |
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bayr00t | hi everyone | 02:02 |
bayr00t | can someone help me with uploading translation templates into rosetta? | 02:02 |
bayr00t | i'd like to translate Drupal (CMS) into croatian | 02:02 |
sivang | bayr00t: jordi is your man :) | 02:04 |
bayr00t | he around? | 02:05 |
jordi | bayr00t: HOLA! | 02:05 |
bayr00t | i created this rosetta BRANCH thing here: https://launchpad.net/products/drupal/4.5.0 | 02:05 |
jordi | bayr00t: before uploading drupal to rosetta, you may want to contact the developers to ask them if they are ok with this. | 02:06 |
bayr00t | oh, ok. how can i see who they are? | 02:07 |
jordi | bayr00t: they might be around #drupal now | 02:11 |
jordi | bayr00t: send them to me if they have questions | 02:11 |
bayr00t | ok, thanks. will try to contact them. cu | 02:12 |
bayr00t | jordi: is the developer i have to contact the same as debian's .deb package mantainer? | 02:27 |
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Belutz | can i do the translation offline? | 03:14 |
Belutz | if i could, how? | 03:15 |
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kiko | yarrr | 03:40 |
kiko | yarrrrrrrr | 03:40 |
kiko | yo ho ho | 03:40 |
kiko | where's the stubber | 03:40 |
HiddenWolf | We had pirates day a few weeks back already? ;) | 03:41 |
kiko | everyday's pirate day on #launchpad | 03:41 |
HiddenWolf | What do I need in order to get permission to close bugs on malone? | 03:42 |
sabdfl | kiko: stub's around | 03:42 |
kiko | and sabdfl's around too! | 03:42 |
sabdfl | kiko: question. can i go ahead and create a Dapper entry on staging before we do the gina run? | 03:42 |
sabdfl | i'd like to see that it doesn't stick anything in there | 03:43 |
kiko | HiddenWolf, it depends. on what would you like to close the bugs | 03:43 |
kiko | sabdfl, of course | 03:43 |
stub | yo | 03:43 |
kiko | how are you stub | 03:43 |
sabdfl | hey stubarooney | 03:43 |
stub | good enough | 03:43 |
sabdfl | looks like the bake-gina-brat-pack is in place | 03:43 |
HiddenWolf | kiko, I'd just like to be able to set NOTABUG to some random drivel. | 03:43 |
sivang | Hey there all :) | 03:43 |
sabdfl | stub: so, is the staging db ready? librarian ready? | 03:43 |
HiddenWolf | kiko, I'd rather not have to bug -devel and -motu with it all the time. | 03:43 |
sabdfl | can we prevent it from nuking itself tonight, so we can continue to examine the fallout tomorrow? | 03:44 |
stub | yup | 03:44 |
sabdfl | HiddenWolf: i'm thinking of adding a QA person to distro, and letting those people have edit on any bug tasks associated with the distro | 03:44 |
sabdfl | make sense? | 03:44 |
HiddenWolf | sabdfl, yeah. | 03:44 |
sivang | sabdfl: sounds like a nueclear melt down :) | 03:44 |
sabdfl | sivang: ? | 03:44 |
sivang | sabdfl: nuking, fallout | 03:45 |
sabdfl | right | 03:45 |
sabdfl | maaayyybe | 03:45 |
Belutz | sabdfl, you got a minute? may i pm you? | 03:45 |
sabdfl | it's all on the kikoman's shoulders | 03:45 |
sabdfl | will she, or won't she? | 03:45 |
sivang | hehe | 03:45 |
sabdfl | Belutz: briefly, yes | 03:45 |
stub | * Scanning for full-tree revision: .. | 03:45 |
stub | * from revision library: rocketfuel@canonical.com/hct--devel--1--patch-22 | 03:45 |
stub | * tree version set rocketfuel@canonical.com/hct--devel--1 | 03:45 |
stub | unable to rename "/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/staging/launchpad/lib/,,get.hct.1130068981.752.2745" to "/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/staging/launchpad/lib/hct" (Not a directory) | 03:45 |
stub | PANIC: I/O error | 03:45 |
HiddenWolf | sabdfl, I'm not a coder, but when I come across wacky bugs, I'd like to be able to close them. this bug suggesting ubuntu-doc is messed up for not showing the upgrade path to dapper already, for instance. :) | 03:45 |
sabdfl | HiddenWolf: so that fits the qa team model nicely | 03:46 |
HiddenWolf | sabdfl, piont is, who do you trust? ;) | 03:46 |
Keybuk | stub: lib/hct is now a symlink to sourcecore/hct it seems | 03:47 |
sabdfl | HiddenWolf: reason i haven't done this is because we haven't really discussed permissions much in LP | 03:47 |
Keybuk | stub: lifeless should probably have mailed the list before doing that | 03:47 |
sabdfl | and obviously, we need to get that right over the coming weeks | 03:47 |
Keybuk | even I didn't expect that one | 03:47 |
sabdfl | options are: a team on the distro, or a team on the actual release (hoary), or both... | 03:48 |
stub | Keybuk: Indeed. Because staging isn't updating and I now only have half a staging server :-( | 03:48 |
\sh | sabdfl: hmm...looks like that distro team == ubuntu-core-dev? | 03:48 |
sabdfl | and questions are: do we want separate teams for bugs / support / specs? | 03:48 |
sabdfl | \sh: well, if there is a separate field, then its easy to set it to the same value | 03:48 |
Keybuk | stub: he moved hct, sourcerer, psycothingican'tspell and sqlos from lib to sourcecode and replaced them with symlinks | 03:48 |
\sh | sabdfl: because I could close/reject the bug... | 03:49 |
sabdfl | if there is no separate field, you're assuming that only devs should be able to close bugs | 03:49 |
sabdfl | and that's not true | 03:49 |
sivang | sabdfl: well, eventually you're gonna get a defined support team, as one use case. | 03:49 |
sabdfl | right. and the support team could include ubuntu-dev and ubuntu-core-dev | 03:49 |
stub | Keybuk: ok. So I should be able to hack the local config file and keep this thing limping along until we actually have bzr and config-manager available on the staging box | 03:49 |
sabdfl | as well as anybody else we give those permissions to | 03:49 |
Keybuk | stub: none of those are in bzr yet | 03:49 |
Keybuk | we're still turfing out the bugs | 03:49 |
Keybuk | it's just the baz branches that got moved | 03:50 |
sabdfl | stub: staging's bad gatewaying for me? | 03:50 |
stub | Keybuk: But the dists tree is in bzr now, but I can't use it on asuka yet. So I think I need to backport the changes | 03:50 |
stub | (20:48:08) stub: Keybuk: Indeed. Because staging isn't updating and I now only have half a staging server :-( | 03:50 |
sabdfl | half a staging server? | 03:51 |
Keybuk | ahh | 03:51 |
kiko | ffs | 03:51 |
\sh | hmmm...montreal can come....hilfiger ready to be used again | 03:52 |
sabdfl | mdz: around? | 03:52 |
Keybuk | sabdfl: still far too easy mdz-time | 03:53 |
Keybuk | is 6am on Sunday there or something <g> | 03:53 |
Keybuk | uh, early! | 03:53 |
Keybuk | not easy | 03:53 |
Keybuk | obviously | 03:53 |
stub | ok. this looks healthier | 03:55 |
kiko | he called me the other day at 6am | 03:56 |
sivang | is something like #3494 going to fixed / scheduled for fix ? (Maybe that's too harsh of a bug report, will close it on feedback) | 03:58 |
stub | Bug 3494 | 03:58 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #3494: successful login page is counter intuitive and crippeling. Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/3494 | 03:58 |
stub | sivang: I think it is underway actually. | 03:59 |
kiko | sivang, yeah, salgado's working on it | 03:59 |
kiko | SteveA just needs to ok the implementation | 03:59 |
sabdfl | stub: should staging be working right now? | 03:59 |
sivang | cool, then sorry for the dup I just had to do that since that's been bugging me like for ever :) | 04:00 |
kiko | sivang, you need to stop clicking on log in :) | 04:00 |
stub | sabdfl: It is doing a fresh rebuild right now. Probably be another 15 mins for the full text indexes to reset | 04:00 |
sabdfl | ok, cool, thanks | 04:00 |
kiko | man today is the last day of the roy lichtenstein expo | 04:00 |
sivang | kiko: :) | 04:01 |
kiko | gina had better not cancel that one for me | 04:01 |
stub | sabdfl: Did you need to do anything before I nuke the sourcepackagereleases and binarypackagereleases for Gina? | 04:01 |
kiko | if build: | 04:01 |
kiko | # XXX: check if there are other packages in this build with this | 04:01 |
kiko | # same package name | 04:01 |
sabdfl | stub: nope | 04:01 |
stub | kiko: Just put a 'sleep(60*60*4)' at the top so you will have a 4 hour window before we know it has crashed | 04:02 |
kiko | :) | 04:02 |
sivang | stub: lol | 04:02 |
jordi | KIKO | 04:03 |
jordi | bayr00t: no, not the Debian maint, but the upstream authors | 04:04 |
kiko | JORDI | 04:04 |
sabdfl | stub, kiko: ALTER TABLE BinaryPackageRelease ADD CONSTRAINT binarypackagerelease_build_name_uniq UNIQUE (build, binarypackagename); | 04:04 |
sabdfl | should do the trick | 04:04 |
kiko | sabdfl, that sounds better than any check I can do | 04:04 |
sabdfl | there is currently a unique (build, name, version) | 04:04 |
sabdfl | i think that could be tightened to (build, binarypackagename) | 04:05 |
sabdfl | stubarooney? | 04:05 |
kiko | sabdfl, what is the difference between them? | 04:05 |
sabdfl | in fact, i know it could | 04:05 |
kiko | tests pass | 04:05 |
kiko | ROCK | 04:05 |
jordi | kiko: I have a mission for you | 04:05 |
sivang | stub: recalling that you said there were plans to implement the sort of google suggests thingy to the entiy search window, there a spec about it somewhere? | 04:05 |
kiko | jordi, shoot and I will fall | 04:05 |
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sabdfl | the existing one suggests someone thought that you could get two packages with the same name and different versions | 04:06 |
sabdfl | but, i don't believe that should happen | 04:06 |
stub | sabdfl: sounds fair to me. Kiko can add it on his branch if he hasn't finished landing | 04:06 |
sabdfl | so i'd like to tighten the constraint | 04:06 |
stub | sabdfl: we can always relax a unique in the future. No data to migrate. | 04:07 |
kiko | sabdfl, in the same build, two packages with the same name but differing versions? that's crack indeed | 04:07 |
kiko | stub, can you add it? I really don't want to do that now :-( | 04:07 |
jordi | Erdal Ronahi has multiple accounts | 04:07 |
sabdfl | ah... hmm... i wonder if the existing one is there so it can be part of a remote "points back at this table" index / constraint | 04:08 |
kiko | jordi, okay | 04:08 |
stub | kiko: ok. But it will tie up PQM if you are trying to land after. | 04:08 |
jordi | Thanks. By the way, can you permanently delete the users reimar-heider and | 04:08 |
jordi | reimar-heider-merged, which also run under the name "Erdal Ronahi" in several | 04:08 |
jordi | teams? I cannot delete them, because their pages are in fact deleted (because | 04:08 |
jordi | they were successfully merged). They only show up in some team lists, where | 04:08 |
jordi | there seem to be two "Erdal Ronahi" because of that. Not beautiful... | 04:08 |
kiko | stub, I'll give you a branch name for me if you want to use that directly | 04:08 |
jordi | is that enough info? | 04:08 |
stub | kiko: I can assemble the file for you to baz add in your branch | 04:08 |
kiko | jordi, that's a bug that was fixed, but there's data leftover -- stub just needs to drop the membership entries | 04:08 |
kiko | stub, perfect. | 04:08 |
sabdfl | kiko: i would like you to add this code in place of the XXX as well | 04:08 |
sabdfl | what's the name of the BPR you just created before this code? | 04:09 |
sabdfl | or, the variable that has the name? | 04:09 |
kiko | sabdfl, binary.package, let's say | 04:09 |
sabdfl | and is that a BinaryPackageRelease, or some local class? | 04:10 |
kiko | binary is a local class but has anything you need | 04:10 |
sabdfl | if build: | 04:11 |
sabdfl | for bpr in build.binarypackages: | 04:11 |
sabdfl | if bpr.binarypackagename.name == binary.package: | 04:11 |
sabdfl | raise AssertionError('There should never be another BPR with the same name in a Build') | 04:11 |
sabdfl | that should do it | 04:12 |
kiko | okay. | 04:12 |
jordi | kiko: does stub need info about these entries, or can they be detected automatically? | 04:12 |
jordi | ie, should I forward this to him? | 04:12 |
sabdfl | binary.package is a string? | 04:12 |
stub | eh? | 04:14 |
kiko | sabdfl, yes | 04:15 |
=== kiko adds and re-runs tests | ||
kiko | runs fine | 04:18 |
kiko | okay | 04:18 |
kiko | stub, I'm going to submit this to PQM | 04:18 |
stub | https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileVzEice.html | 04:19 |
stub | kiko: ^^^ | 04:19 |
kiko | stub, where do I put this? | 04:20 |
sabdfl | sec | 04:20 |
stub | kiko: database/schema/patch-25-44-0.sql | 04:20 |
kiko | sabdfl, what? | 04:20 |
sabdfl | i think that binarypackagename_key is used. is there a foreign key that points at it? | 04:20 |
sabdfl | it looks like something that was added so that something else could point at it | 04:20 |
=== stub waits for his db to rebuild | ||
kiko | the constraint? | 04:21 |
stub | kiko: Nuke that line. We can drop it later if it is redundant. | 04:22 |
kiko | okay. | 04:23 |
stub | So just the first ALTER TABLE | 04:23 |
kiko | sure. | 04:25 |
=== kiko rebuilds db | ||
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kiko | sabdfl, you need to create all the distroarchreleases for hoary/breezy if we don't have them already. | 04:25 |
sabdfl | ok. i don't know if there's UI for that | 04:26 |
sabdfl | there is UI for distrorelease | 04:26 |
sabdfl | not sure about distroarchrelease | 04:26 |
sabdfl | may need some sql commands | 04:26 |
sabdfl | wow. there really is no UI for it | 04:29 |
stub | SQL is a UI ;) | 04:30 |
kiko | sabdfl, could you file a bug on that? | 04:30 |
sabdfl | kiko: i will fix it myself, now, and land it | 04:30 |
sabdfl | it will just take a little while thanks to baz | 04:30 |
kiko | well | 04:31 |
kiko | I'm sending off gina to pqm | 04:31 |
kiko | I haven't managed to finish the multi-arch test | 04:32 |
kiko | so I'll work on that meanwhile | 04:32 |
sabdfl | stub: from a db design point of view, i'd like your preference | 04:36 |
sabdfl | the idea is to model whether or not a spec is really on the agenda of a sprint | 04:36 |
sabdfl | the options are: | 04:36 |
sabdfl | A) to have a SpecSprint.confirmed, starts NULL, can become TRUE or FALSE | 04:37 |
sabdfl | B) to have a SpecSprint.confirmation int enum starts UNCONFIRMED, can become DECLINED or APPROVED | 04:38 |
sabdfl | preference? | 04:38 |
stub | lifeless: Can you chmod -R a+xR /home/warthogs/source/rollouts (paramiko in particular) | 04:38 |
lifeless | sure | 04:38 |
sabdfl | gosh. several minutes into baz status and no sign of progress. Give me Bzr NOW! | 04:38 |
sivang | lol | 04:38 |
lifeless | stub: a+x surely | 04:39 |
stub | a+rX | 04:39 |
lifeless | invalid mode string dude | 04:39 |
sivang | sabdfl: those db preferences, having an int would cater for more values should they be required in the future | 04:39 |
lifeless | ah | 04:39 |
sivang | sabdfl: like, postponed, deffered etc | 04:39 |
kiko | sabdfl, stub: christian.reis@canonical.com--lozenge/launchpad--devel--0--patch-231 until pqm has it. | 04:39 |
stub | sabdfl: Today I lean towards B | 04:39 |
lifeless | done | 04:40 |
sabdfl | stub: ok | 04:51 |
fabbione | hey guys | 05:00 |
fabbione | how is it going? | 05:00 |
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sivang | hey fabbione | 05:02 |
fabbione | hey sivang | 05:03 |
stub | Does 'all architectures' mean i386, ppc and amd64 for the time being? | 05:05 |
lifeless | no | 05:05 |
lifeless | well | 05:05 |
lifeless | theres all and any | 05:05 |
lifeless | which do you mean ? | 05:05 |
stub | Gina | 05:06 |
kiko | stub, test only i386 first, please | 05:06 |
stub | kiko: ok | 05:06 |
kiko | I am still working on a test to ensure all archs/pockets work as expected | 05:06 |
kiko | actually | 05:07 |
kiko | it seems to have magically run now | 05:08 |
stub | kiko: You want me to run with --verbose, --quiet or normal? | 05:08 |
kiko | stub, that's a tricky one, but I guess --verbose because it's possible to filter stuff out later. | 05:09 |
stub | Yup. makes sense | 05:09 |
stub | kiko: warty, hoary & breezy? | 05:09 |
kiko | stub, if you have the guts for it, so do I :) | 05:09 |
stub | kiko: The more I run, the longer you have at your exhibition before someone pages you ;) | 05:10 |
kiko | stub, the problem is the 5-minute exception it will raise after starting :-( | 05:11 |
kiko | you know software... | 05:12 |
lifeless | heh | 05:12 |
kiko | ARGH | 05:12 |
lifeless | stub: so are you in melbourne still ? | 05:12 |
kiko | WHO CONFLICTED WITH ME | 05:12 |
stub | lifeless: Nope. Bangkok. | 05:13 |
kiko | ffs | 05:13 |
kiko | ffs | 05:13 |
stub | Oh yeah... I noticed a conflict when I merged in your branch. | 05:13 |
lifeless | Keybuk: pushed | 05:13 |
=== stub ducks | ||
lifeless | Keybuk: merge now :) | 05:14 |
kiko | stub, how solvable is it? | 05:15 |
Keybuk | lifeless: exxxxcellent | 05:15 |
stub | kiko: It is a trivial conflict. Looks like you conflicted with yourself | 05:15 |
Keybuk | shall I try a pqm-submit-merge too? | 05:15 |
kiko | stub, okay. are you using my branch, then? | 05:16 |
stub | kiko: About that exception.... | 05:16 |
kiko | yeah | 05:16 |
kiko | privmsg me | 05:16 |
stub | kiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileYnbdwD.html | 05:16 |
lifeless | Keybuk: yes | 05:16 |
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kiko | stub, you need to nuke the librarian files that were uploaded | 05:17 |
stub | LibraryFileContent.sha1 isn't unique. You need to just pull the first one that matches. | 05:17 |
Keybuk | lifeless: tomorrow we'll do the same for sourcerer, and then work out replacing the branches with the right ones? | 05:17 |
lifeless | dear evolution, you suck donkey balls. Thats MY donkey. Please stop. | 05:18 |
kiko | stub, I can cope with the exception, but you need to cope with the entries in the librarian :) | 05:18 |
stub | kiko: The entries in the librarian are fine. | 05:18 |
stub | kiko: LibrarianGarbageCollection will remove them eventually | 05:18 |
kiko | stub, no, gina won't run. | 05:18 |
kiko | (if you don't clean them out) | 05:18 |
kiko | sabdfl asked me to do this check | 05:18 |
stub | kiko: You cannot clean them out. | 05:18 |
kiko | so I added it | 05:18 |
kiko | then I don't know what to do. | 05:18 |
lifeless | Keybuk: yes | 05:19 |
stub | kiko: It won't work with that. sha1 isn't unique, and never will be due to race conditions. | 05:19 |
kiko | you can comment out check_not_in_librarian calls, stub.. | 05:19 |
kiko | stub, so there's no way of knowing if the librarian already has a file? | 05:19 |
lifeless | Keybuk: what I'd like you to do, is to do a 'merge' from rf, and then a push, before any merge in a converted branch. | 05:19 |
stub | kiko: Yes. You search for the sha1. You just have to be aware that it might have several copies. | 05:20 |
Keybuk | lifeless: any particular reason? | 05:20 |
stub | kiko: So don't use selectOne. Use select and grab the first one in the resultset. | 05:20 |
kiko | stub, but I can't be sure that I have the right file, can I? | 05:20 |
lifeless | Keybuk: yes. | 05:21 |
lifeless | Keybuk: it should trigger a reweave | 05:21 |
stub | kiko: The sha1 is identical. If that isn't good enough you have to download it and do a byte-by-byte comparison. | 05:21 |
Keybuk | right | 05:21 |
kiko | stub, okay. can we run with those calls commented out for now? it's going to take me time to fix this the right way | 05:21 |
lifeless | a reweave is only triggered when two branches have a parent they disagree on | 05:21 |
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lifeless | that happens to the *second* branch to have the combined history | 05:22 |
stub | kiko: Although I think we decided that if the sha1 is the same they are the same file. So just replace selectOne with select()[0] and a suitable exception handler. | 05:22 |
kiko | okay. | 05:22 |
stub | kiko: what calls and where are they | 05:22 |
lifeless | the first branch just gets a new copy of the revisions it did not have | 05:22 |
lifeless | wooo | 05:23 |
lifeless | Keybuk: its up to the make check_merge | 05:24 |
lifeless | Keybuk: I'm confident it will continue | 05:24 |
lifeless | if it wedges, stub is your man | 05:24 |
kiko | stub, how does this look? | 05:24 |
kiko | return LibraryFileContent.selectBy(sha1=digest).count() > 0 | 05:24 |
kiko | stub, instead of selectOneBy. | 05:24 |
lifeless | stub: you know how to remove a stale patch command if pqm starts looping ? | 05:24 |
stub | kiko: Looks good | 05:24 |
lifeless | stub: they are files in ~/arch/queue/patch.* | 05:24 |
kiko | cool. | 05:24 |
stub | lifeless: No idea | 05:24 |
lifeless | stub: so just remove the lowest numbered file | 05:25 |
lifeless | (if pqm is looping that is) | 05:25 |
stub | lifeless: How do I know if pqm is looping? | 05:25 |
lifeless | Keybuk: if this goes through, please make thumbs up motions at sabdfl | 05:25 |
lifeless | stub: well, it will email me lots. | 05:25 |
Keybuk | lifeless: is that the "it works for keybuk, it MUST be ready for the world" pass? :p | 05:25 |
Keybuk | be sure to bounce mpool to merge the fixes into bzr.dev | 05:26 |
lifeless | but primarily, it will be going round in circles so the process will always be doing shit but nothing advancing in the queue | 05:26 |
stub | lifeless: How do *I* know ;) | 05:26 |
lifeless | Keybuk: 'bounce' heh. Trampoline I think | 05:26 |
lifeless | stub: someone says 'its been 4 hours for that merge', and you look and its attempting that merge still, but not 'stuck' in the classical sense. | 05:26 |
stub | lifeless: ok. so if it is clogged but pqm is still doing shit, nuke the lowest number file in ~/arch/queue/patch.* and... ? | 05:27 |
lifeless | and thats it | 05:27 |
lifeless | it will then move on | 05:27 |
stub | kill the current job? | 05:27 |
stub | ok. | 05:27 |
kiko | stub, but note that this will still error out (because gina doesn't want to see these files in the librarian) | 05:27 |
lifeless | this happens for completely untrapped exceptions | 05:27 |
kiko | stub, so either nuke the entries or comment out any calls to check_not_in_librarian. | 05:28 |
lifeless | which is important, as they then tell me what to get out and fix :) | 05:28 |
stub | kiko: We can't nuke them, either on staging or on production so please comment them out on your branch. | 05:28 |
lifeless | gnight all | 05:28 |
stub | The files are in the librarian and they will be in the librarian. | 05:29 |
kiko | sabdfl, it's all your fault. | 05:29 |
stub | Until I or someone else completes LibrarianGarbageCollection (the first half of which is awaiting review) | 05:29 |
sabdfl | kiko: ? | 05:29 |
kiko | sabdfl, I can't use the librarian to check. | 05:31 |
kiko | <stub> Until I or someone else completes LibrarianGarbageCollection (the first half of which is awaiting review) | 05:31 |
sabdfl | to check... if the file has been imported before? | 05:31 |
kiko | yes. | 05:31 |
sabdfl | why not? | 05:31 |
sabdfl | we know they need to be imported | 05:31 |
sabdfl | and the librarian won't create dups | 05:32 |
kiko | read the above | 05:32 |
kiko | <stub> kiko: We can't nuke them, either on staging or on production so please comment them out on your branch. | 05:32 |
stub | The librarian does create dupes, which are then cleaned up by the garbage collector. This avoids some race conditions. | 05:32 |
sabdfl | kiko: the current architecture tags in the db are: i386, amd64, powerpc | 05:33 |
sabdfl | does that gel with what actual binary packages are named? | 05:33 |
kiko | yes | 05:33 |
kiko | that's perfect | 05:33 |
kiko | it is also the name of the directories under each component | 05:34 |
kiko | sabdfl, stub: rocketmerged, conflict solved, mirroring | 05:37 |
stub | mirror finished? | 05:40 |
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kiko | not yet :-(. christian.reis@canonical.com--lozenge/launchpad--devel--0--patch-233 | 05:41 |
kiko | #@#! baz | 05:41 |
kiko | done! | 05:42 |
kiko | stub, good to go. | 05:42 |
kiko | kiko@lozenge:~/devel/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/gina$ grep XXX * | wc -l | 05:42 |
kiko | 31 | 05:42 |
kiko | I add XXXs like they were toys | 05:42 |
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=== kiko submits to pqm | ||
kiko | stub, tell me about the 5 minute exception. | 05:45 |
stub | Just kicked it off | 05:45 |
kiko | I'm going to drink some water and have a small heart attack if that's okay with you | 05:45 |
sivang | kiko: lol, take it easy man :) | 05:46 |
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stub | Seems to be running ;) | 05:46 |
sivang | sounds like you guys are preparing for take off :) | 05:46 |
kiko | at least there are some tests for the damn thing now | 05:47 |
kiko | I mean, tests which aren't "run with 2 packages and see if it doesn't raise any exceptions" | 05:47 |
stub | ;) | 05:49 |
kiko | stub, how many ERRORs so far? | 05:49 |
stub | kiko: Into warty's 'b''s | 05:49 |
=== kiko expects some at least | ||
kiko | because universe isn't self-consistent | 05:49 |
kiko | main should run without ERRORs though | 05:50 |
stub | launchpad@asuka:/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/gina-logs$ grep ERROR warty.out | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:15 ERROR Error processing package files for 3270 | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:16 ERROR Error processing package files for 3dchess | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:16 ERROR Error processing package files for 3ddesktop | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:17 ERROR Error processing package files for 3dwm | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:17 ERROR Error processing package files for 44bsd-rdist | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:17 ERROR Error processing package files for 6in4tunnel | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:17 ERROR Error processing package files for 6tunnel | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:18 ERROR Error processing package files for 9menu | 05:50 |
stub | 15:45:18 ERROR Error processing package files for 9wm | 05:50 |
stub | (thats it) | 05:50 |
kiko | that's odd. | 05:50 |
kiko | are these packages missing in our archive? | 05:50 |
stub | No idea ;) | 05:50 |
kiko | stub, if you look at the output it will tell you what files are missing | 05:50 |
fabbione | they look from universe | 05:50 |
kiko | the line after that one | 05:50 |
kiko | indeed they are universe | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG Running dpkg-source -sn -x /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/3/3dchess/3dchess_0.8.1-11.dsc | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > LANGUAGE = (unset), | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > LC_ALL = (unset), | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > LANG = "en_AU.UTF-8" | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > are supported and installed on your system. | 05:51 |
kiko | I am concerned because it seems they all start with numbers and I don't test package names starting with numbers | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 DEBUG > dpkg-source: extracting 3dchess in 3dchess-0.8.1 | 05:51 |
stub | 15:45:16 ERROR Error processing package files for 3dchess | 05:51 |
stub | -> http://librarian.staging.launchpad.net/1016087/1016120/WSfRieIIGSoi2YzbfGQ6clpXT3.txt (Failed processing 3dchess (perhaps see /tmp/tmpb9HPPl): list index out of range) | 05:51 |
stub | What stupid twat decided to put the link on a seperate line? | 05:51 |
kiko | cool. | 05:51 |
kiko | a bug. | 05:51 |
kiko | stub, can you send me that directory tarred up? | 05:52 |
kiko | or, well. | 05:52 |
kiko | 3dchess, huh? | 05:53 |
sivang | fabbione: I think I sas 3270 in a main seed sometime ago | 05:53 |
sivang | /sas/sa | 05:53 |
sivang | w | 05:53 |
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fabbione | sivang: i doubt | 05:54 |
fabbione | if not 3270, 3ddesktop never has | 05:55 |
sivang | fabbione: 3ddesktop is universe, right | 05:56 |
stub | Boom | 05:57 |
stub | 15:56:58 DEBUG Removing lock file: /var/lock/launchpad-gina.lock | 05:57 |
stub | Traceback (most recent call last): | 05:57 |
stub | File "./gina.py", line 318, in ? | 05:57 |
stub | main() | 05:57 |
stub | File "./gina.py", line 103, in main | 05:57 |
stub | run_gina(options, ztm, target_sections[0] ) | 05:57 |
stub | File "./gina.py", line 184, in run_gina | 05:57 |
stub | importer_handler) | 05:57 |
stub | File "./gina.py", line 211, in import_sourcepackages | 05:57 |
stub | importer_handler) | 05:57 |
stub | File "./gina.py", line 238, in do_one_sourcepackage | 05:57 |
stub | source_data = SourcePackageData(**source) | 05:57 |
stub | File "/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/staging/launchpad/scripts/../lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/gina/packages.py", line 335, in __init__ | 05:57 |
stub | AbstractPackageData.__init__(self) | 05:57 |
stub | File "/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/staging/launchpad/scripts/../lib/canonical/launchpad/scripts/gina/packages.py", line 231, in __init__ | 05:57 |
stub | missing = [attr for attr in self._required if not getattr(self, attr)] | 05:57 |
stub | AttributeError: 'SourcePackageData' object has no attribute 'format' | 05:57 |
kiko | okay. | 05:57 |
kiko | I can handle that too. | 05:57 |
sivang | fabbione: I can't find it anyomre in the DesktopSeed where I first noticed it, guess it was removed / demoted to universe or soething | 05:58 |
Keybuk | > star-merge /home/warthogs/archives/scott/hct/baz sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/hct/1/devel | 06:05 |
Keybuk | Command was successful. | 06:05 |
Keybuk | ooh | 06:05 |
Keybuk | (though dilys doesn't seem to have noticed) | 06:05 |
stub | dilys needs to be updated to cope with the new pqm I believe | 06:07 |
mdz | sabdfl: here now | 06:09 |
mdz | kiko: how goes it? | 06:10 |
kiko | mdz, it's going. | 06:10 |
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mdz | kiko: can I be of assistance? | 06:14 |
kiko | mdz, nah, now it's a matter of dealing with test coverage. :-( | 06:15 |
sabdfl | hey mdz | 06:16 |
mdz | sabdfl: morning | 06:16 |
sabdfl | kiko: **source? not going to get through *my* review ;-) | 06:17 |
kiko | sabdfl, I can't fix everything you know :) | 06:19 |
sabdfl | kiko: understood. just so's you knows. | 06:19 |
kiko | I /hate/ that part! | 06:19 |
sivang | morning mdz | 06:19 |
kiko | sabdfl, stub: I've fixed those bugs. I'm going to mirror my changes and let's re-run. stub, can you have the log output mailed to me automatically? | 06:30 |
kiko | I am going to skip out for fud and profit | 06:30 |
kiko | (after the 5 minute run :) | 06:30 |
stub | kiko: They are big. I can try but one of our mail systems might eat them. | 06:31 |
kiko | stub, gzipped perhaps? | 06:31 |
stub | I'll see if I can copy them to chinstrap | 06:31 |
mdz | sabdfl: did you need something from me earlier? | 06:31 |
kiko | cool | 06:32 |
mdz | kiko: I didn't call you at 6am, I actually ended the call at 6am in order to go to sleep | 06:33 |
kiko | yeah yeah | 06:33 |
kiko | you called me at 6 | 06:33 |
kiko | err | 06:33 |
kiko | you called me at 5 | 06:33 |
mdz | I meant to call you earlier the previous evening but didn't get the chance | 06:34 |
kiko | heh. stub, mirrrored as christian.reis@canonical.com--lozenge/launchpad--devel--0--patch-234 | 06:35 |
kiko-afk | goner! | 06:35 |
kiko-afk | sabdfl, stub: call me if necessary | 06:36 |
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dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: rs=sabdfl Serious rewhack to Gina: massive code cleanups, a new, acceptable, functional doctest for her. Rewrote the main source package, binary package and build verification queries. Many many other changes; look at the individual commit messages for more. (patch-2709: christian.reis@canonical.com) | 06:40 |
sabdfl | taking my name in vain, i see. ah well | 06:41 |
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sivang | sabdfl: hehe | 06:47 |
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sabdfl | stub: are we rolling out HEAD? | 07:00 |
sabdfl | because i just branched from HEAD to add the distro UI stuff we need | 07:01 |
stub | sabdfl: Hopefully not | 07:01 |
sabdfl | erk | 07:01 |
stub | sabdfl: That should be fine. | 07:01 |
sabdfl | can you try cherrypicking to see if it works? | 07:01 |
sabdfl | am still running tests | 07:01 |
sabdfl | mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com/launchpad--soyuz-to-production--0--patch-1 | 07:01 |
stub | I havn't got a production branch to cherry pick to I'm afraid. | 07:02 |
sabdfl | do you want me just to land that on HEAD? | 07:02 |
stub | yes. It is only a problem if other people also land changes to the files you are messing with. | 07:02 |
sabdfl | seems like the current config is fux0rd | 07:02 |
sabdfl | hct issues | 07:03 |
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stub | Have you updated your configs recently? There were some movements of stuff from lib to sourcecode that require updates to the build config | 07:04 |
sabdfl | hey SteveA_ | 07:05 |
sabdfl | stub | 07:05 |
sabdfl | yes | 07:05 |
stub | sabdfl: There should be no mention of 'lib' in the config you are building from | 07:05 |
sabdfl | hmm.. there are some | 07:05 |
sabdfl | i think i'm running the last of the baz configs | 07:05 |
sabdfl | will get the one from bzr | 07:06 |
stub | That would do it. That was what bit me on staging too. | 07:06 |
SteveA_ | hi | 07:07 |
SteveA_ | yeah, i asked lifeless to make the config simpler, so that all subtrees go in 'sourcecode' and only symlinks and directories in the same tree are in lib | 07:07 |
SteveA_ | we've been talking about this for ages | 07:07 |
SteveA_ | now was a good opportunity, given changes in configs anyway | 07:08 |
=== SteveA_ goes to get food and pack bags | ||
mdz | sabdfl: so the plan is to roll out kiko's new gina to staging and try things there? | 07:17 |
stub | mdz: Kiko's new gina is being run on staging right now | 07:20 |
mdz | stub: oh, ok | 07:20 |
mdz | stub: any detonations yet? | 07:20 |
stub | mdz: Currently into 'lib*' or warty | 07:20 |
stub | mdz: Yes, but he patched and we are trying again ;) | 07:20 |
mdz | so this is patch-2709+ now? | 07:21 |
stub | I think sourcepackages are fine. Next test will be when it gets onto binarypackages. | 07:21 |
stub | patch-2709 is the code I'm running now (the earlier version never got as far as rocketfuel) | 07:22 |
mdz | ah | 07:22 |
mdz | how long does the run usually take? | 07:22 |
stub | A fixed gina I can't be sure. I think it will take 4-6 hours. | 07:23 |
stub | at least this first run | 07:24 |
stub | Maybe more - she has been running for nearly 1 hour and is up to 'm' in the sourcepackages | 07:26 |
stub | (for warty) | 07:27 |
stub | ohh... and we are running all architectures.... hmm.... that could triple the run time :-/ | 07:28 |
mdz | depending on the value of 'all' | 07:28 |
mdz | it could sextuple it | 07:28 |
stub | nope... take that back. This initial run is just i386. | 07:29 |
stub | all so far is just i386, ppc and amd64 in launchpad - the entries in the database for the other architectures have not been created yet. I think Mark or Daniel was going to type the descriptions'n'stuff up. | 07:31 |
stub | Getting late. I can't keep my tenses straight :-( | 07:32 |
stub | p... | 07:33 |
mdz | stub: you going to sleep tonight? | 07:36 |
stub | Yer. I'll see how Gina goes when she gets onto the binary packages, and then head off to bed and let her chew through hoary and breezy. | 07:37 |
stub | SteveA: The script I'm running is /srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/gina.sh, and the logs are going into /srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/gina-logs | 07:38 |
stub | r... | 07:39 |
stub | s... | 07:41 |
sabdfl | stub: it will take a little while to be able to test the other architectures | 07:45 |
stub | sabdfl: This run is just i386. I think kiko wanted to run i386 first to shake out any glitches quickly before doing the other architectures. | 07:46 |
sabdfl | stub: i'd like to get multi arch tested asap | 07:47 |
sabdfl | seems like we should know what glitches are there | 07:47 |
sabdfl | the cycle is very slow | 07:47 |
stub | New gina hasn't gotten as far as importing a binary package yet. | 07:47 |
sabdfl | mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com/launchpad--soyuz-to-production--0--patch-2 should have everything needed to create new distroreleases and distroarchreleases | 07:48 |
stub | (but will soon - up to 'u' | 07:48 |
sabdfl | it hasn't mirrored | 07:48 |
sabdfl | up | 07:48 |
sabdfl | am running tets | 07:48 |
sabdfl | can you land code on staging without tests passing? | 07:48 |
stub | yes, but you have to say three hail marys and an our father. | 07:48 |
stub | x... | 07:52 |
=== sivang didn't know stub was religious | ||
stub | ok. Binarypackages seem to be importing happily.. 199 from warty so far. | 08:02 |
stub | sabdfl: So I shall cherry pick your branch and restart Gina with all architectures. | 08:02 |
sabdfl | go ahead, i will fix all tests and land on HEAD | 08:02 |
stub | sabdfl: your patch is live on staging now. | 08:05 |
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sabdfl | ok. dapper and relevant ports created on staging | 08:10 |
sabdfl | stub: is gina much faster on SPR's te second time around? | 08:10 |
stub | sabdfl: I don't know. I just deleted all the entries to make sure we were doing a clean run :-/ | 08:10 |
sabdfl | ok | 08:10 |
sabdfl | and all architectures are going to be processed? | 08:11 |
stub | Gina is running again, this time with i386, ppc and amd64, and will process warty, breezy and hoary including security and updates | 08:16 |
stub | And I've scheduled the search cache to rebuild after each distro has been imported | 08:17 |
stub | So now we just have to sit back for 6 hours - 1 day for things to happen. | 08:18 |
mdz | stub: can folks other than yourself monitor its progress? | 08:18 |
stub | SteveA has access to the logs, as do Znarl and elmo. The logs are in asuka:/srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/gina-logs. | 08:19 |
mdz | thanks | 08:19 |
stub | probably need to grep for ERROR - the full output is being generated and it is rather verbose | 08:19 |
=== sivang --> out | ||
sabdfl | stub: thanks muchly | 08:22 |
HiddenWolf | sabdfl, is that english? :) | 08:22 |
sabdfl | first thing tomorrow, stub, could you run the update-pkgcache script? | 08:22 |
zyga | launchpad will manage everything, cool? | 08:23 |
stub | sabdfl: It is scheduled to run after the warty import, then after hoary and lastly after breezy | 08:23 |
sabdfl | stub: tests pass | 08:23 |
sabdfl | just need to figure out to submit to PQM | 08:23 |
sabdfl | is it down? | 08:23 |
sabdfl | i sent the mail | 08:23 |
stub | Don't think it is down | 08:23 |
stub | kiko landed before, and lifeless is asleep so hasn't messed with it | 08:24 |
sabdfl | hmm... i'm sending messages to pqm, no rsponse | 08:26 |
sabdfl | Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; host fiordland.warthogs.hbd.com[] said: 550 <pqm@ubuntu.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command) | 08:26 |
sabdfl | hmm.. | 08:26 |
sabdfl | ah | 08:26 |
sabdfl | fixed | 08:27 |
jordi | my house is fun. Not only no internet. Now there is no water either. | 08:27 |
mdz | jordi: so you are both unproductive and smelly | 08:28 |
jordi | mdz: I have seeked shelter at my father's for now. | 08:29 |
jordi | he has broadband and running, water. | 08:29 |
jordi | It can be HOT water if I want. | 08:29 |
mdz | you are living in the lap of luxury | 08:29 |
jordi | yeah man | 08:30 |
mdz | jordi: sometimes it is better to have no water than to have water where you do not want it | 08:30 |
jordi | mdz: having no water was the workaround to LOTS OF WATER flooding the kitchen. | 08:30 |
jordi | mdz: but yes, I know what you mean. | 08:30 |
mdz | jordi: oh no | 08:31 |
jordi | totally yes | 08:31 |
=== beyond [n=beyond@201-1-131-16.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== zyga is crushed :-( | ||
sabdfl | zyga: ? | 08:48 |
zyga | sabdfl: Poland is having elections today, we've just elected the wrong president :-( | 08:48 |
zyga | sabdfl: the pro-social one instead of the pro-economy one | 08:49 |
sabdfl | oops | 08:49 |
zyga | the pro-social is a real jerk, having many objections and giving backwards ideas | 08:49 |
zyga | the difference was just few percent | 08:50 |
zyga | a real tragedy for the whole country IMHO | 08:50 |
zyga | sabdfl: is cannonical looking for an emploee that is willing to move to UK? | 08:57 |
zyga | (just kidding, I'm not worth hiring) | 08:57 |
sabdfl | zyga: i'm sure you'll be worth hiring to someone! will take a while to get up to speed for canonical though | 08:58 |
=== sivang --> attached, back | ||
sivang | zyga: you were the only gov that standed against the patent ruling in EU, at start :) | 08:59 |
zyga | sabdfl: I was joking, I've been using linux for the past two years and while I do code pretty good in C and other I'm not an asset to ubuntu | 09:00 |
sabdfl | zyga: sure you are | 09:00 |
zyga | sivang: yes but our president-elect is entirely different story | 09:00 |
sabdfl | it's great to have you around | 09:00 |
zyga | sabdfl: say that again if dapper ships with l10n-ng that works :-) | 09:00 |
sabdfl | ok | 09:01 |
JanC | zyga, radio news here says only exit-polls are available? | 09:01 |
zyga | JanC: yes | 09:01 |
zyga | JanC: but they are really accurate | 09:02 |
JanC | exit polls are sometimes 10% off ;-) | 09:02 |
JanC | you can't be sure they are accurate until after the real counting | 09:02 |
zyga | JanC: stats people say those can be at most 2-3% | 09:02 |
JanC | you know what they say about stats ;-) | 09:03 |
zyga | JanC: this are the second stage elections | 09:05 |
zyga | JanC: in the first stage the difference was 0.7% or something | 09:05 |
zyga | JanC: it's pretty much solid | 09:05 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] UI for DistroRelease and DistroArchRelease creation (patch-2710: mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com) | 09:07 |
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=== BjornT [n=bjorn@] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA_ | sabdfl: i'm going to be in the office for an hour or two tomorrow morning before leaving for my flight. is there any gina stuff i should do then? | 09:17 |
sabdfl | SteveA_: let's see how tonights run goes. will mail you if there's anything | 09:18 |
SteveA_ | ok. i read the scrollback, so i know where the script and logs are on asuka | 09:19 |
tiredbones | I use ubuntu breezy and I tried #ubuntu, could I ask a question about evolution here? | 09:21 |
zyga | tiredbones: no, let's go to #ubuntu again | 09:22 |
zyga | tiredbones: I'll try to help you | 09:23 |
=== Belutz [n=Belutz@] has joined #launchpad | ||
Belutz | i made a typo in rosseta, not closing the link tag, and now the page is not displayed properly, anything i could do to fix that? | 09:39 |
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=== w00f is now known as w00ph | ||
w00ph | hello | 09:44 |
w00ph | can anyone please tell me where i can find the equivalent of yahoo messenger for ubuntu ? | 09:44 |
zyga | w00ph: ask in #ubuntu please | 09:45 |
Belutz | w00ph, gaim, and you should ask in #ubuntu | 09:45 |
w00ph | ok | 09:46 |
w00ph | thanks :) | 09:46 |
=== ajmitch_ [n=ajmitch@port162-102.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch | ||
lifeless | so | 11:01 |
lifeless | SteveA_: hi | 11:01 |
mdz | SteveA_: how does the test run look? | 11:05 |
SteveA_ | mdke: i'll take a look | 11:11 |
SteveA_ | hi lifeless | 11:11 |
SteveA_ | mdke: completion error | 11:11 |
SteveA_ | mdz: i'll take a look | 11:11 |
lifeless | SteveA_: I'd like to convert more branches, PQM seems idle, is this a reasonable time ? | 11:12 |
SteveA_ | mark mailed something out about the conversion of the launchpad tree happening wednesday | 11:12 |
lifeless | yes | 11:12 |
SteveA_ | and the rest tomorrow | 11:12 |
lifeless | erm today | 11:12 |
SteveA_ | so, i guess the rest can happen now | 11:12 |
lifeless | (its monday :)) | 11:13 |
sivang | lifeless: hey again :) | 11:13 |
SteveA_ | mdz, sabdfl: seeing a lot of errors in warty.out | 11:18 |
SteveA_ | i don't know if they are significant though | 11:18 |
sabdfl | SteveA_: example? | 11:18 |
mdz | SteveA_: do you think you could gzip the log and send it to me? | 11:18 |
sabdfl | cc me too please | 11:18 |
mdz | or publish somewhere if it's still huge | 11:18 |
SteveA_ | https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file1Fg0Vs.html | 11:19 |
SteveA_ | that's the traceback | 11:19 |
SteveA_ | "File abiword_2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3.dsc not in archive (/srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/abiword/abiword_2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3.dsc" | 11:21 |
mdz | abiword | 2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com warty/main Sources | 11:21 |
mdz | so I guess something went wrong with the warty source import | 11:21 |
sabdfl | i wonder why he's requiring the DSC? | 11:24 |
mdz | sanity check? | 11:25 |
=== Mars_^ [n=mars@] has joined #launchpad | ||
Belutz | i made a typo in rosseta, not closing the link tag, and now the page is not displayed properly, anything i could do to fix that? | 11:25 |
mdz | it would be a bug to publish a binary without its source | 11:26 |
SteveA_ | log is at warty-copy.out.bz2 chinstrap:~stevea | 11:26 |
SteveA_ | i should go finish packing | 11:26 |
mdz | 18:15:10 INFO Package file abiword_2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3.dsc included into library | 11:26 |
=== Mars_^ [n=mars@] has left #launchpad ["Leaving"] | ||
mdz | the log doesn't seem to include the traceback; is that in a separate logfile? | 11:31 |
mdz | for every binary package import, it unpacks the corresponding source package | 11:33 |
mdz | this strikes me as less than ideal | 11:33 |
SteveA_ | mdz: yes, the traceback is in a librarian file on the staging librarian | 11:33 |
mdz | 19:31:24 DEBUG Publishing SourcePackage abiword-2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3 | 11:34 |
mdz | 19:31:24 DEBUG SourcePackageRelease abiword-2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3 published | 11:34 |
mdz | SteveA_: is it timestamped? is it later than 1931? | 11:34 |
mdz | is the file actually missing from the pool? | 11:34 |
Kinnison | Evening all | 11:35 |
Kinnison | How's things going? | 11:35 |
sivang | Kinnison: Hi Daniel, How are you? | 11:36 |
mdz | Kinnison: scrollback | 11:37 |
Kinnison | mdz: how far back should I scroll? | 11:37 |
=== Kinnison has ca. 36h of it | ||
mdz | Kinnison: <50 lines | 11:37 |
=== Kinnison nods and reads | ||
Kinnison | Hmm | 11:39 |
Kinnison | interesting | 11:39 |
=== Kinnison hasn't had a chance to review gina code | ||
mdz | ... | 11:40 |
Kinnison | can I take my coat off, ablute after a long journey and then look at the logfiles | 11:40 |
=== Kinnison has been on the road for 7h | ||
=== Kinnison also has to upgrade his desktop to breezy | ||
Kinnison | because otherwise I can't use the bzr packages I'm meant to be using as of tomorrow | 11:41 |
Kinnison | elmo's gonna have fun 'cos he'll have to upgrade mawson and drescher too if he hasn't already | 11:41 |
=== Kinnison will brb | ||
mdz | Kinnison: do you have access to staging to try to debug this? | 11:49 |
Kinnison | Nup | 11:49 |
=== jblack [n=jblack@static-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA_ | launchpad@asuka:/srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool$ ls -l ./main/a/abiword/abiword_2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3.dsc | 11:51 |
SteveA_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 archvsync archvsync 1153 Sep 11 2004 ./main/a/abiword/abiword_2.0.7+cvs.2004.05.05-1ubuntu3.dsc | 11:51 |
SteveA_ | mdz: | 11:51 |
Kinnison | SteveA_: I assume you've fixed "roRelease.distribution = 1AND" | 11:51 |
Kinnison | s/1AND/1 AND/ | 11:51 |
SteveA_ | Kinnison: i haven't touched any code | 11:52 |
Kinnison | oh | 11:52 |
Kinnison | well that's one obvious bug | 11:52 |
SteveA_ | and i really don't want to be messing with that tonight. i have still stuff to pack, fresh contact lenses to find, and a plane to catch tomorrow | 11:52 |
SteveA_ | and it is 1am | 11:52 |
=== Kinnison nods | ||
SteveA_ | if you give me specific things you want done | 11:53 |
SteveA_ | i can do them | 11:53 |
SteveA_ | but i won't be able to give them much thought | 11:53 |
Kinnison | I see | 11:53 |
SteveA_ | nor stick around for the immediate consequences | 11:53 |
mdz | SteveA_: if Kinnison is available/willing, could he get access to staging for this purpose? | 11:53 |
Kinnison | Well I'm happy to try, but it is 22:54 and I am knackered | 11:54 |
SteveA_ | i am happy for Kinnison to be granted access to staging, but i don't have authority to grant such | 11:55 |
SteveA_ | need to ask elmo / znarl | 11:55 |
Kinnison | aah | 11:55 |
=== Kinnison is about to quit X to begin the joyful upgrade to breezy | ||
Kinnison | ciao | 11:58 |
SteveA_ | mdz: best plan i think is to mail stub about the sql bug Kinnison found in gina, and ask him to re-run when he's around | 12:03 |
SteveA_ | possibly clearing out tables on staging first | 12:03 |
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