
ograwe'll support it (at least for user management) in the next release12:04
VelmontHmm. I'll look at it more tomorrow. At work ;) :P Need to find a good and easy solution.12:04
mhzVelmont: there are some case scenarios already configured, so you endup just following instructions12:05
sven-tekdoes eubuntu have a special application for account management of classes, or a frontend for teachers to make restrictions?12:07
ogranot yet12:07
ograits on the plan for next release ... i'll backport it if we have something usable12:07
sven-tekis there a project one could look at? Are there use-cases or something these tools will be based on?12:09
mhzsven-tek: maybe it is not exactly what you look for but did you check SchoolTool?12:11
sven-teknope *google*12:11
ograsee TeachersPet on the wiki12:12
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-83-72-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzogra: hi there. Any summary of categorized applications for education, you included on current 5.10? (besides the one on EdubuntuDesktop?)12:17
sven-tekcool stuff everywhere i look12:22
sven-tekone could take edubuntu and build a medicubuntu for doctors, so they can have quiet, cheap thin clients in their rooms, ever heard of that idea?12:25
sven-tekthey would need internet, mail and appointment management, databases for medical stuff as well12:26
mhzwell, yes. But basically, once you know how to customize and set the LTSP environment, you could use any distro to do that.12:29
ogramhz, nope, i want a separate summit for it... but sabdfl has to decide that, i'll talk to him at UBZ12:31
mhzogra: LTSP does all the work load on the server side. Any way the workload can be shared between clients CPUs and the server one. I.E.: 1 server -> 30 clients. Could they all run openoffice at the same time? If so, can they distribute the load of each process or it will always be the server responsibility?12:33
ograi'd love to add that for dapper by clustering, but time is very short this release, i'm not sure i can make it for this release12:34
mhzI was just wondering if it was possible :)12:35
mhzogra: I believe there's a guy already testing Edubuntu on a 'real' education center. D'u knowhis name or nick?12:36
=== mhz feels very happy with current edubuntu performance, BTW
ograjelkner ? 12:36
mhzoh, yeah!12:36
sven-tekisnt memory the bottleneck in edubuntu practise? i would think so because nearly every edu-software uses a different toolkit and programming language12:37
mhzsven-tek: yes, and no12:38
mhzyes 'cos the server is responsible12:38
mhzno, because it depends on how many clients are running how many apps. and how much memory they need to :)12:39
mhzand, personally I have only tested it with light desktops (WindowMaker and Fluxbox)12:40
mhzso, yes. Memory and Cpu are kind of bottlenecks12:40
sven-tekfor instance, if everything would be build on gtk. unique. then shared libaries would work well. but if one opens a java program, a gtk-based game and browser - another pupil starts a qt based edu software - then sharing is not that effektiv (java is a killer)12:40
ograyup, but you cant avoid that...12:42
sven-tekbut i suppose the only solution is to get more ram12:42
mhzhehehe, indeed12:42
ograclustreing is helping a little here to share uneeded ressources12:42
mhzhowever, we ahave already noticed there's a bigger bottleneck: The User12:42
sven-teklayer 8 problem12:43
mhzunfortunately... TheUser is usually TheTeacher12:43
sven-tekgive pupils admin accounts and restrict the teacher, it will be fine12:44
mhzogra: vmoral will connect now12:51
mhzogra: he has some nice points for us and he's been testing edubuntu with me12:52
mhzogra: he's the tech guy here in tecnocimiento12:53
ogramhz, i'm about to go to bed, its 1am here ..12:53
ograsorry, but i really cant look out of my eyes anymore, i had a very busy day sorting the travelling and organizing stuff... i'll fly on wednesday12:55
ajmitch_night ogra :)12:55
mhznight ogra 12:55
ograif i can sleep... sems i have no place to stay for the first three days. ...12:55
ajmitch_ogra: what?12:56
ajmitch_you're not at the hotel with the rest of the people?12:56
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ograthe hostel didnt confirm my booking and doko said its very full12:56
ajmitch_what hostel was that? same one treenaks was looking at?01:00
=== ajmitch_ spots an ogra upload
ajmitch_bbl, lunchtime01:02
ajmitch_sleep well, ogra :)01:02
ograajmitch_, nope, the one doko arrived today at01:02
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barberhow can I tell if my ltsp workstaton is using the X settings I have for it in my lts.conf? can I get a command prompt on the local machine?01:53
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ajmitch_morning JaneW 09:30
ajmitch_how are you?09:30
JaneWhi ajmitch_ 09:33
JaneWsick as a dog actually :(09:33
JaneWnot managing to get anything done :/09:34
ajmitch_oh dear :(09:34
ajmitch_I hope you recover before UBZ09:34
highvoltageJaneW: i'm not even sick and i'm having trouble concentrating on work as well09:34
=== ajmitch_ only has about a day & a half left of work before he goes
JaneWhighvoltage: I thought I just had a post release cold, but it just gets worse and worse09:35
JaneWI have the worst cold/cough ever09:35
JaneWI am waiting for a lung to come out ;)09:35
highvoltageJaneW: take it easy09:35
JaneWI can't imagine how awful it must be to be sick if you are a smoker, this is bad enough!09:36
highvoltageget lots of fresh air, drink lots of water, eat.09:36
ajmitch_JaneW: and get some rest!09:36
ajmitch_UBZ will be hard enough09:36
highvoltagepeople tend to lie in bed when they're sick, it's the worse thing you can do. you end up lying in a pool of germs.09:36
=== jjtechno [n=Miranda@pcp04301392pcs.andrsn01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
jjtechnoOk so what is the smallest gui I can install on a work station. I have an old x86 machine in my kindergardten class that has 4gig total space.09:40
jjtechnoIt must be very early there. I will try again later.09:41
JaneWhighvoltage: but it's all you FEEL like doing...09:46
ajmitch_I wonder if claire will allow me to extend my hotel booking09:52
JaneWajmitch_: probably... how long09:56
ajmitch_until the 10th09:56
JaneWajmitch_: you may have to cover the extension yourself though...09:56
ajmitch_I'm already covering it all myself..09:56
JaneWajmitch_: but they get cheaper rates etc09:56
ajmitch_since they didn't want to sponsor me :)09:56
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
ajmitch_morning \sh 09:56
JaneWajmitch_: then it shouldn't be a problem at all09:56
JaneWajmitch_: :(09:56
JaneWajmitch_: I know the reigns wereza_en/index.jsp pulled in for this one...09:57
JaneWajmitch_: I know the reigns were pulled in for this one...09:57
ajmitch_I know09:57
\shhey ajmitch_ 09:57
ajmitch_there were people more deserving than I that didn't get sponsored09:57
\shgood morning JaneW 09:57
crimsunI didn't even notice the za_en/index.jsp until second reading09:57
JaneWajmitch_: nod09:57
JaneWabout deserving ppl not getting sponsored09:57
JaneWnot about you NOT being deserving ;)09:58
ajmitch_and some like \sh who certainly deserved it, and did :)09:58
JaneWhi \sh09:58
=== ajmitch_ needed a holiday anyway :)
\shajmitch_: gnarf09:58
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ajmitch_\sh: how are you?09:59
\shajmitch_: i'm fine..and preparing some things for the channel line up change todays/tomorrows night and tomorrow morning10:00
ajmitch_aha :)10:02
ajmitch_preparing for your big talk on love day?10:02
\shbig talk on love day?10:02
=== \sh didn't see himself on the love day schedule...somethings changed?
ajmitch_the MOTU workshop10:03
\shI think I'm il10:03
ajmitch_can't get out of it now10:03
ajmitch_\sh: we can't leave ogra & dholbach to do all the workshop10:03
\shhehe...we will help them10:03
ajmitch_with 3 hours to fill in, we'll be helping them10:04
\shBTW is dapper open?10:04
ajmitch_open & being flooded10:04
ajmitch_autosyncs are running10:04
ajmitch_and other uploads are running hot10:04
ajmitch_daniels with the current record of > 100 uploads10:04
\shI just realised that  my inbox JUST EXPLODED10:04
ajmitch_you're not subscribed to the auto changes list are you?10:05
ajmitch_so lots of new toys that edubuntu can use...10:05
ajmitch_I see seb has uploaded sabayon10:05
\shajmitch_: dapper-changes?10:06
ajmitch_ah good10:06
ajmitch_new libselinux for me to play with10:06
\shautomatically subscribed :)10:06
ajmitch_\sh: ubuntu-changes-auto as well10:06
\shi have to adjust my sieve10:06
ajmitch_for all the debian imports10:06
ajmitch_only about 1000 of those so far ;)10:07
\shajmitch_: subscription via mailman_10:08
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089CCAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagejjtechno: xfce4 is very nice, icewm is also small, if you have very little ram, you might want to try fluxbox10:09
\shmorning highvoltage :)10:10
jjtechnoThanks I will give fluxbox a try10:20
\shmoins ogra10:56
\shJaneW: should we file all UbuntuBelowZero/BOFs/* stuff to LP?10:56
JaneW\sh: yes10:58
JaneWall edubuntu stuff must go under distro/ubuntu , so just preface topic with Edubuntu so we can identify them easily please10:58
\shJaneW: k10:59
ograto late11:00
highvoltageso, anyone figure out what "infinite justice" means on an ubuntu server setup?11:00
ogramost of the edubuntu bofs were added by mdz without prefix already...11:00
ograthere is only edubuntu user management afaik11:00
JaneWogra: ack...11:08
JaneWogra: so how are we meant to differentiate them?11:08
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ograwe cant... but for the thin client stuff thats ok11:09
ograsince it applies to the whole distro11:09
JaneWogra: ok goo11:10
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ograbut indeed its hard to proof that we did work specifically on edubuntu :)11:11
jeffubuntuHi, all11:12
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jeffubuntusomeone know the best method to forbiden screensaver on client ?11:14
ograjeffubuntu, they shouldnt show up at all, else its a bug11:17
jeffubuntuok, fine it's because actually i use some fat client with a small debian on it11:20
jeffubuntuwith X -query11:20
ograyou can set mode to "blank" in /etc/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver if it occurs that the LTSP_CLIENT environment var doesnt work as expected ...11:21
ograas a workaround11:21
ograwill work for all users that didnt play with their settings already11:22
jeffubuntui think the better thing to me, it's to install an etherboot on the hd off my client11:23
jeffubuntubecause they don't want an floppy11:23
ograshould be possible with the rom-o-matic images ...11:26
highvoltage"X -query"- doesn't that use xdmcp?11:28
jeffubuntuyes with Xdmcp11:28
jeffubuntui put an respawn on the client11:29
jeffubuntuif someone kill the xserver, it restart11:29
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ograjeffubuntu, then you dont use edubuntu i assume11:31
ograso the LTSP_CLIENT variable wont be set at all11:32
jeffubuntui just migrate of ubuntu to edubuntu yesterday11:32
jeffubuntuand i use debian on client, because in the past i try ltsp11:32
ograbut not with the edubuntu/ubuntu brezy ltsp11:32
ograit doesnt support xdmcp or other unsafe transports at all11:33
ograall X transport is ss tunneled in breezy...11:33
jeffubuntubut i'had some problem with my video i84011:33
ograand all x setup works automatically...11:34
ograespecially helpful for things like i81011:34
jeffubuntubut yesterday i try one pc with a floppy and edubuntu, it's work great ;)11:34
jeffubuntuthis is why now i must install the etherboot on the hd11:35
ograwait until Yagisan comes around, he's the absolute etherboot specialist around here :)11:36
jeffubuntuthis thread can interest some teacher who must (!) preserve an windows on the client11:39
jeffubuntuwith an dual boot : etherboot or windows11:40
=== sven-tek [n=sven-tek@p508E65A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograjeffubuntu, if you got it running, feel free to make a wikipage about it so we can poin others with the same prob there ;)11:41
jeffubuntuok i try, this is my "mission" and i accept ;)11:43
ogracool, you rock :)11:43
jeffubuntuc you11:45
ograbye :)11:45
highvoltagejeffubuntu: rom-o-matic can also create lilo boot images for you11:45
JaneWogra: if you look on distrowatch - 'last month', edubuntu has climbed to possition 48  from 72 :)11:52
ogra<- impressed11:53
highvoltagewow. that's cause for more cake!11:56
=== \sh wants cake too....
highvoltagethat means...11:58
highvoltagethat edubuntu has already passed the distrowatch rankings of K12ltsp :)11:58
=== ogra just wants a room for his first three days in montreal... the hotel didnt confirm :(
=== ajmitch_ will bring a tent
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | NEXT MEETING: Nov 16 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. | Edubuntu 5.10 is out, grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Installation help http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | edubuntu on position 48 in last months distrowatch stats
ograajmitch_, "below zero" !!12:02
ajmitch_ogra: bring a warm sleeping bag :)12:02
ajmitch_ogra: I'm surprised that you can't get into the holiday inn12:03
ajmitch_you've told claire about this?12:03
ograi'll try, but i ddnt ask 12:03
=== ajmitch_ suggests you do :)
ograi wanted to stay separate for some days12:03
JaneWogra: what is it with you and flights and hotel bookings? ;)12:04
ograto see some of the city and i like hostels...12:04
ajmitch_you don't like the rest of us? ;)12:04
JaneWhighvoltage: no cake baking will be happening today I am afraid12:04
ograJaneW, my flight is fine... its just that the hostel didnt onfirm anything and doko who already stays in the same hostel told me they are full seemingly12:04
ajmitch_perhaps another hostel will have space12:05
ograso i'll have to try to find something spontaneous...12:05
\shogra: bridge? ,-)12:05
=== ajmitch_ was more worried about his passport than where to stay
JaneWogra: there's always jbailey...12:05
\shogra: sleeping bag 12:05
ograajmitch_, i guess so... but this one had guaranteed free wireless12:05
ajmitch_JaneW: true, but him & angie in their apartment already? :)12:05
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ajmitch_I guess jeff might have room on the floor :)12:06
jsgotangcohey all12:06
ograworst i'll pay for three nights in the holiday inn myself ... i dont really cae, its only three nights12:06
ajmitch_hey jerome12:06
ograbut it breaks my concept :)12:07
\shogra: that means >=150  times 312:07
jsgotangcohalo halo12:07
ogra\sh, so ? 12:07
ajmitch_\sh: it's not quite that expensive12:07
jsgotangcoahhh trip planning...yum12:07
ograbah... come on..12:07
ajmitch_CA $135/night12:08
ajmitch_was what claire told me, if you're not sharing a room12:08
ograif i have holidays i stay at home... so its ok to spend some money for that12:08
ajmitch_ogra: yep, this is my holiday ;)12:08
ograthats not even 10012:08
ograa fine price ...12:08
\shajmitch_: well...if my ex hadn't be fired from holiday inn, she could help to get a room for 25 in the same hotel..employee rate12:08
ajmitch_\sh: eek12:09
ajmitch_ogra: I thought so, and I'm sharing a room, so 1/2 that rate12:09
\shajmitch_: we did that in dubai to stay at holiday inn ressorts12:09
ajmitch_although I just asked for an extension in my booking12:09
\shajmitch_: normally 300  per night12:09
\shajmitch_: employee rate 25  per night ,-) 12:09
ograin europe you even pay ~75 for the cheapest etap/ibis hotel where you sleep in a room thats rather a plastic box12:09
=== ajmitch_ doesn't have 300 a night to spend :)
\shogra: check for best western in montreal12:10
ograi'll do... 12:10
\shajmitch_: me neither 12:10
jsgotangco300 euros? jeeezz12:10
ograwhatever has space for me is fine12:10
ajmitch_jsgotangco: come on, you've got the  key on your laptop ;)12:11
\shjsgotangco: first I wanted to have a suite in this 7 star class dubai most famous hotel..where a breakfast egg costs 50 US $12:11
ajmitch_that's insane12:11
jsgotangcoajmitch_, hahaha im in a friend's cafe using a live cd12:11
=== jsgotangco left his laptop at home
ograajmitch_, nope, thats golden :p12:11
jsgotangcoits a nightmare here12:11
\shajmitch_: well...the suite (smallest I think is 75 squaremetres) cost 1500 US $ per night or so12:11
ajmitch_better than win XP12:12
jsgotangcoajmitch_, I SEE BLUE12:12
jsgotangcogood thing i have i gave him a cd pair12:12
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ppp-36-225.grapevine.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWwe need to get more ppl to review edubuntu12:49
JaneWno one has submited feedback to our feedback page yet...12:49
jsgotangcoi can review but..it'll be biased....12:49
JaneWjsgotangco: that's fine12:50
JaneWjust be honest12:50
JaneWhello btw12:50
jsgotangcopreparing for the trip?12:50
JaneWmaybe we can ask ogra to review :)12:50
JaneWjsgotangco: yes12:50
ograbeware, it wont be a good review i know the bugs and drawbacks :)12:50
jsgotangcooh btw12:51
jsgotangcoi have an acid test tommorow12:51
jsgotangco44 clients 1 server12:51
jsgotangcoat the college of saint benilde12:51
JaneWhey we have a really advanced user: "I have installed Edubuntu 6.10 on a test desk top which I will be using as a test server. "12:51
JaneWjsgotangco: good luck!12:52
jsgotangcowell wish me luck will be out the whole day12:52
ograjsgotangco, how do you manage to get the 10GB of extra MEM in for 44 clients ?12:52
jsgotangcooh i didn't...the lab did12:53
jsgotangcoits a school anyways12:53
jsgotangcothey said it was an ltsp server before12:53
ograoh, so the server actually has enough mem ? 12:53
jsgotangcoon the morning we will try to set it up12:53
jsgotangcoif it fails we remove clients12:53
jsgotangcobecause in the afternoon we expect 20 people to do hands on12:53
ogranote that you need around 100 (rather a bit more) ram for each client you attach12:54
jsgotangcothat's no problem12:54
jsgotangcothey are PCs not really thin clients12:54
jsgotangcothey wanted to do a proof of concept for the officers12:54
ograbut edubuntu doesnt use the local ressources yet12:54
jsgotangcoits a new lab12:54
jsgotangcoi still haven't seen it12:55
jsgotangcothey have 2 servers avaialable12:55
jsgotangcoboth are smp12:55
ograi mean you wont gain anything with real PCs as clinets12:55
jsgotangcoits a pretty rich school anyways12:55
jsgotangcoits their lab not mine :)12:55
jsgotangcoi told them about it12:55
jsgotangcosince everyting runs with their gigabit network12:55
jsgotangcoim not so much a network person but i saw their diagram its pretty solid12:56
VelmontWohoo! :D LTSP is up and running! How cool :]  Now I just want to connect many computers to the server, to see how much it can handle. Too bad there is so little space here.01:20
ograstack them ;)01:20
Velmontogra: hehe. Ill try... ;) Just have to get them up-and-running. Some of the IBM PL300's doesnt come with network-boot-option! Although most of them do. Strange problem.01:21
VelmontHave to make a boot cd I guess.01:22
VelmontBut, what is the best way to make users for LTSP? I mean, I don't really want everybody being able to log onto the server etc. Right now I just made a normal account using the GUI-user administration program.01:35
ograthats the way to do...01:36
ograthe session runs on the server, so you need a user on the server to log in...01:36
VelmontOk. So they can log onto the server itself as well? I can't restrict them from doing that? Kinda like "only allow login via ssh"?01:39
ograprobably something to evalate for dapper+1 ... 01:40
VelmontWell, ok :) Isn't a real problem now anyway. Just wanted to do The Correct Thing(tm).01:40
ograbut not even legacy ltsp can do that01:41
VelmontAnyway, the implementation is way cool, kudos! ;D01:41
ograonly half of it can go to me ... the design is made by mdz :)01:42
ograthe cool thing is, that you could make a server from every machine rinnung ssh in your network ... 01:43
ograi'm thinking about to make up a gui for the login manager to set up sessions this way... somehow like xdmcp... but you dont need X installed on the server01:44
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Velmontogra: Hmm... I've installed normal Edubuntu on the server, should I maybe not start X, to make more resources avaiable to the clients?01:51
ograif you need more mem, that would be a easy step, yes ...01:51
Velmont250MB ram on the server :P It's actually using swap right now, 4MB mem free. 157MB swap used.01:55
ogra250B is quite low :)01:57
VelmontYes, I know :p But it was for testing, not serious :) Hm. How can I find CPU-speed?01:59
VelmontAnother thing, the ntpdate is kinda bothering when you don't have internet. It stops at that place for a long time.01:59
Velmontogra: It doesn't give you that info? Only % being used.02:00
ograremove it from /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d02:00
VelmontOf course :p - I keep forgetting it's a own installation in there. Well, I'll go ghost some win98 machines.02:02
VelmontThanks :)02:02
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzhi there03:43
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mhzogra: ping03:44
mhzyesterday, vmoral and I disussed about the pros and cons of edubuntu for Chilean schools env.03:45
mhzogra: He mentioned something I consider very imprtant: AFAIK, if LTSP works via SSH, then X is sending packages all the time. And if so, then the real bottleneck is the network load/capacity.03:51
mhzif 10 clients are executing parallel sessions of OOO, then the network will collapse.03:51
mhzmainly because X sends packages at once (per request)03:52
mhzogra: is that so?03:52
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== mhz leaves for another edubuntu demo
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enycogra: btw, on installed edubuntu, the problem with tuxpaint-sound didnt appear to happen [!] 04:34
ograenyc, cool04:34
ogragah, i missed mhz04:34
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
enycogra: BUT the tuxpaint link was copied to desktop...04:45
ograhuh ? 04:45
enycogra: Im not sure if it failed when ran from the menu-item04:45
enycogra: and the machines not here now ;p  its off in tha land of kiddies <g>04:46
ograhmm, it should be identical with a copied one on the desktop04:46
enycremember... when in wasnt working... running 'tuxpaint' from cmd-line worked...04:47
enycanyway ... brb.....04:47
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enycback even ;p05:30
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invasifspecieshello edubuntu05:32
invasifspeciesanyone here?05:33
pirastjust write your question :-)05:33
invasifspeciesI'm a science ed graduate student in Columbus Ohio, I just installed edubuntu and I'm impressed. I plan to try it out in some local schools....05:35
ogracool :)05:35
invasifspeciesdoes anyone know if a ppc version is likely any time soon?05:35
ograthe ppc ltsp package had a heavy bug, we couldnt release it ...05:36
ograif you only want to use a workstation install, use the last edubuntu daily from cdimage.ubuntu.com, its 100% identical with the release05:37
invasifspeciesThat's useful info. I may try the workstation. Also, where can I learn about supported ppc machines for ubuntu and kubuntu? I have one of the pre USB G3 laptops. I think it is the last of the old world roms and it wont boot from ubuntu CD. Will it work if I try some other boot engine?05:38
ograanother way to use it on ppc is to install ubuntu and post install just install edubuntu-desktop, that also brings you a workstation install05:38
invasifspeciesI can wait for a ppc version but it will be extremely useful to know that one will be available eventually......05:39
ograi only know that we officially onyl support new world, but there were some related threads on ubuntu-users and i think there is also info in the ubuntu wiki05:39
invasifspeciesor will you just skip ppc and instead aim for edubuntu for the new intel macs?05:39
ograi didnt plan to have non this release ;) the ltsp bug showed up while testing the release isos only..05:40
ograwe had not enough ppc testers during development that would have discovered it05:40
invasifspeciestoo bad05:40
invasifspeciesmaybe I can find some for you.05:40
ograthere are lots of ibm blade servers serving thin clinets out there... as long as i have something to say in the distro we wont drop ppc ;)05:41
invasifspeciesbecause many schools are full of old macs05:41
ogranot in europe though... but io heard about US being a big field for them at schools05:42
invasifspeciesactually old world mac edubuntu would probably cause me to do a dance of joy since there are thousands of them in schools here and OS 9 is really obsolete now.05:43
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ogralook on the wiki... there is info about old world macs somewhere05:43
invasifspeciesAnyway, let me take this opportunity to thank the team for your work... I absolutely love what I see so far and I think it has great potential for underfunded schools in the US05:44
invasifspeciesHow is the foundation funded?05:44
invasifspeciesand have you considered doing the rounds of some of the major educational conferences to tell teachers about the advantages of edubuntu?05:45
ogracurrently only by marks donation ... i'm not really sure how its supposed to fund itself in the fututre..05:45
invasifspeciesDo you have a grant writer?05:45
invasifspeciesI bet NSF would be interested05:46
ograyes, but thats a matter of payment... we'll have our conference in montreal next week and i think we'll discuss such things there05:46
invasifspeciesI can think of a bunch of places where you could apply for grants. tech in education is highly fundable.05:47
ograwe'll certainly do ...05:48
ogracurrently money is not our major prob ... first we need a community and more developers edubuntu breezy was a one man show... development wise ..05:49
invasifspeciesI'm thinking of doing some published research on using edubuntu in schools. I wonder if there might be any opportunity for some kind of formal collaboration. Do you have some kind of research group or any academic partnerships at this time?05:49
invasifspecieswould you like to?05:49
ograyes, absolutely...05:50
ograwe have a community feedback page on the wiki05:51
invasifspeciesok  I'll check it out.05:51
invasifspeciesso... to be clear... you say that hopefully.. there will eventually be a mac version of edubuntu?05:52
invasifspeciesand is there anything I can do to help make that happen?05:52
ograwith the next release, yes05:52
invasifspeciesin all honesty, I think I could drum up a couple of ppc testers with linux experience... what other qualifications would they need?05:53
ogramotivation would be enough... for technical questios we got the channle here and the edubuntu-devel mailing list ;)05:54
ograok, i'll be afk for some time now, have to prepare my travel to montreal tomorrow05:55
invasifspecieswell thanks for your time... is there an email address for a formal communication regarding some kind of academic collaboration?05:55
ograedubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com ...05:56
ograciao :)05:56
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lidveiganybody there?09:21
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invasifspeciesstupid dell I/O error. edubuntu cant make the partitions it needs. bah.09:56
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brankinhualguem aqui fala portugues??10:12
KurtKrautDoes anyone know a program (free software , of course) that works with spacial geometry ?10:13
KurtKrautFor maths classess10:13
invasifspeciesAlas I don' know Portuguese, but I did once go on holiday in Madeira if that helps.10:14
brankinhuKurtKraut, valeu cara!10:14
KurtKrautinvasifspecies, I've already translated, with my poor english, what brankinhu  asked ;D10:15
ograKurtKraut, you need real GIS software ? 10:19
ograor just geometric stuff10:19
KurtKrautogra, just geometric stuff10:20
KurtKrautThe enough for high school10:21
ograhave you already looked at drgeo and kig ? 10:21
ogra(kig is includedin edubuntu= 10:21
KurtKrautno, I've seen nothing until know10:21
KurtKrautDo you know the official website of these softwares ?10:21
KurtKrautI need to check thru screenshots if they do wht I need.10:21
ograkig is in the kdeedu suite, drgeo will be on sourceforge.net somewhere... 10:23
KurtKrautogra, thanks a lot ;D10:25
ograi would suggest kig btw ...10:25
KurtKrautDoes Edubuntu comes with any software related to biology ?10:28
ograchemistry ... but what would be software for biology ? 10:44
invasifspeciessomething for biometrics....10:45
invasifspeciestranslating dna into protein sequences10:45
ograhmm, i dont even know about such a software for linux...10:45
invasifspeciesI could find it10:46
invasifspeciesloads of packages there.10:48
invasifspeciesDNA processing, tree construction... its all there.10:48
invasifspecieswhat are you looking for specifically KurtKraut ?10:49
KurtKrautinvasifspecies, biology software focusing high school10:50
ograwow, lots of stuff there.... i guess some apps should get packaged for next release10:51
invasifspeciesa couple of bio packages here:10:54
KurtKrautthanks ;D10:54
invasifspeciesThe dictionary here might be useful:10:55
invasifspeciesAs a college biology instructor i can tell you that if the freshman arrived with nothing else but a good grasp of scientific vocabulary i would happily do the rest.10:56
KurtKrautinvasifspecies, where do you teach ? (country)10:57
invasifspeciesbut I am from England10:57
KurtKrautinvasifspecies, I teach in Brazil. Here biology is heavier for kids at school than US10:58
invasifspeciesI know10:58
KurtKrautinvasifspecies, I think here we have to teach more than we should.10:58
invasifspeciesbut you pay a price in terms of exposure to other subjects.10:58
KurtKrautEverything is biochemically justified, exemplified10:58
invasifspeciessince i have been in the US I have actually learned to have some respect for their system.10:58
KurtKrautBut concerning our biodiversity, it is important to have a intensive teaching in biology10:58
invasifspeciesit takes longer... but they get there in the end (ie, in graduate school).10:59
invasifspeciesmy site... please excuse broken links and advertisements... I am behind with site maintenance. http://www.angelfire.com/ri/skibizniz/index.html11:00
KurtKrautI will check it out ;D11:00
invasifspeciesenvironmental and conservation biology are really my specialty... especially integrating video, and computer graphic technology with visual cognition issues during the teaching of field and laboratory biology.11:03
invasifspeciesI also build artificial ecosystems.11:03
KurtKrautartificial ecossystems... sounds interesting11:04
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