=== StR [n=str@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Zeep | stupendo44: Maybe these links help: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51186&highlight=links+thunderbird http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=295536 | 12:06 |
stupendo44 | Zeep: thx, I'll check them out | 12:06 |
Zeep | stupendo44: But as I'm not running thunderbird, I can't give you any more information - sorry! | 12:07 |
stupendo44 | ok | 12:07 |
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stupendo44 | Zeep: thanks for the help. the mozillazine article had the answer | 12:13 |
=== naima [n=naima@bgp01138128bgs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Zeep | stupendo44: No problem :-) | 12:16 |
naima | hello i am having problem installing kwin-baghira | 12:18 |
naima | i compiled and installe it through the repo | 12:19 |
naima | but it doesnt show up in kcontrol | 12:19 |
naima | any help would be appreciated | 12:19 |
flixor | Is it possible to setup adobe reader to use cups instead of /usr/bin/lp | 12:19 |
flixor | ehm | 12:19 |
flixor | i installed kwin-baghira | 12:19 |
flixor | naima, does it not show up in the style settings | 12:21 |
naima | yesh it does not | 12:21 |
strike4ce | what is the command to edit the source list? | 12:21 |
naima | i can see it under window decoration but not under style | 12:21 |
strike4ce | the command in terminal | 12:21 |
strike4ce | anyone? | 12:21 |
stupendo44 | !tell strike4ce about sources.list | 12:21 |
stupendo44 | !tell me about sources.list | 12:22 |
strike4ce | !sources | 12:22 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, sources is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) | 12:22 |
flixor | ehm strange naima well i running linux for the second they in my life so if i could work it out you could allso but i am sorry i dont know enough to help you with that | 12:22 |
naima | ok | 12:22 |
flixor | second day | 12:22 |
naima | thanks anyways | 12:22 |
flixor | np naima maybe in a couple of days i know more to help other people with there problems | 12:23 |
flixor | but in the mean time i am learning and reading a lot about linux and kubuntu | 12:23 |
flixor | i am reading know something about printing on linux, very interesting i mus say | 12:24 |
flixor | and i am trying to figure out if its possible to use in adobe reader the cups printing system instead of the /usr/bin/lp system | 12:25 |
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flixor | ehm nevermind naima | 12:26 |
=== propagandhi [n=pclaven@CPE-144-131-132-107.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flixor | i need to learn a lot | 12:26 |
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humbolt | is it normal that kmail performs extreamly bad with mdir mailboxes with several 1000 mails, the kind you have when you are subscribed to a mailing list? | 12:28 |
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_david | How do I know what the most current stable version of the Linux Kernel (x86_64) is so I can compile on Ubuntu? | 12:31 |
strike4ce | How do you edit the sourcelist from terminal? | 12:32 |
hydrogen | www.kernel.org | 12:32 |
hydrogen | sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:32 |
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Phazeman | how do i make services to start/stop at boot ? the alternative to mandriva's chkconfig ? | 12:34 |
pax | services-admin | 12:35 |
Phazeman | pax: i don't want the gui mode... only CLI | 12:35 |
pax | rcconf | 12:35 |
Phazeman | thank | 12:36 |
Phazeman | thanks | 12:36 |
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strike4ce | hello | 12:36 |
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propagandhi | strike4ce - nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:44 |
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lordheavy | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY lordheavy | 12:55 |
fatbrain_ | where does kubunto stores the /.files ? | 01:03 |
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fatbrain_ | in home... of course... | 01:04 |
strike4ce | propagandhi: how do i save my repos in treminal ctrl and ???? | 01:07 |
gerardocb | strike4ce, ? | 01:07 |
gerardocb | strike4ce: how are u editing the repos? | 01:08 |
strike4ce | nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:08 |
strike4ce | gerardocb: thats how | 01:08 |
strike4ce | how do I save that? | 01:08 |
gerardocb | Ctrl-X | 01:09 |
strike4ce | gerardocb: thats all? | 01:09 |
gerardocb | yes | 01:09 |
propagandhi | strike4ce: and hit 'Y' | 01:10 |
gerardocb | Actually, Ctrl-X is for getting out of nano | 01:10 |
gerardocb | But if u have unsaved changes, it will ask for confirmation | 01:10 |
propagandhi | yes, so to to answer his question its the combination of the 2 isnt it | 01:11 |
gerardocb | sure | 01:11 |
strike4ce | gerardocb: thanx | 01:11 |
gerardocb | it's fine | 01:11 |
strike4ce | why is it so hard to setup my damn ati card | 01:11 |
gerardocb | I dunno | 01:12 |
gerardocb | I've got an nvidia card | 01:12 |
gerardocb | :-D | 01:12 |
=== mustard5 [n=Mustard@251.a.001.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
strike4ce | gerardocb: u bastard lol j/k | 01:12 |
gerardocb | hahahaha | 01:12 |
strike4ce | this driving me nuts linux is difficult to say the least | 01:13 |
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gerardocb | It may be, strike4ce. | 01:14 |
gerardocb | But with the apropriate hardware u will have no problems... | 01:14 |
strike4ce | lol um yea not ati friendly | 01:16 |
strike4ce | ati no likee | 01:16 |
strike4ce | linux no likee ati no no | 01:16 |
=== Blissex [i=pcg@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu | ||
The_Vox | ati doesn't like anything | 01:17 |
strike4ce | The_Vox: u have ati? | 01:18 |
The_Vox | strike4ce: not only no, but Hell No! | 01:18 |
The_Vox | :) | 01:18 |
=== The_Vox trully abhors ati vidcards.... | ||
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gerardocb | strike4ce, just go out and buy a nvidia card... :) | 01:19 |
propagandhi | ati video cards are fine if you run windows | 01:19 |
The_Vox | propagandhi: if you don't mind sucky drivers, sure | 01:19 |
propagandhi | they still do the trick for a windows user | 01:20 |
propagandhi | i dont own one at present, and dont use windows either | 01:20 |
strike4ce | gerardocb: im using my laptop | 01:20 |
=== hyperactivecrond [n=chris@adsl-68-255-185-158.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
strike4ce | gerardocb: ctrl what? to exit after saving in terminal? | 01:22 |
hyperactivecrond | how do you get k3b to burn cds with mp3s as input files? | 01:22 |
hyperactivecrond | in breezy | 01:23 |
gerardocb | strike4ce, Ctrl-X | 01:23 |
gerardocb | hyperactivecrond: I dunno, but I think u need something like a plugin | 01:23 |
gerardocb | try apt-cache search k3b|grep mp3 | 01:24 |
hyperactivecrond | really gerardocb | 01:24 |
hyperactivecrond | heh | 01:24 |
m_tadeu | hyperactivecrond: you want to burn an audio cd? | 01:24 |
hyperactivecrond | yes | 01:24 |
hyperactivecrond | got it | 01:24 |
hyperactivecrond | k3b-mp3 | 01:24 |
gerardocb | hyperactivecrond, was I right, or what?? :-D | 01:24 |
strike4ce | ok i edited my sourcelist hit ctrl-x and Y then I quit and I cant open adept | 01:25 |
m_tadeu | hyperactivecrond: I don't recal the packages...I just install everything k3b needs :D | 01:25 |
gerardocb | strike4ce, are u editing as root? (with sudo) | 01:25 |
m_tadeu | but give it a try...after that, just d'n'd mp3 into the project | 01:26 |
strike4ce | yes as root | 01:26 |
hyperactivecrond | i got it! | 01:26 |
hyperactivecrond | Mk | 01:26 |
strike4ce | what is the other command kdesu kde? | 01:27 |
gerardocb | uh? | 01:27 |
strike4ce | The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or something similar. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. | 01:27 |
strike4ce | thats what I get when I try to open adept | 01:27 |
gerardocb | undo or verify the changes you just made to the sources list | 01:28 |
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@35-245-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | evening all :) | 01:32 |
hyperactivecrond | kkathman: evening | 01:32 |
kkathman | hey there hyperactivecrond :) | 01:32 |
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=== hyperactivecrond smacks his head | ||
hyperactivecrond | no WoNder kopete is buggy | 01:32 |
kkathman | ?? | 01:32 |
kinfo | i don't understand. | 01:32 |
hyperactivecrond | i thought kopete was stable as in 1.x release | 01:33 |
kkathman | lol | 01:33 |
kkathman | hyperactivecrond: to my knowledge, Kopete hasnt been a stable app in its existence :) | 01:33 |
hyperactivecrond | kkathman: heh | 01:33 |
kkathman | hyperactivecrond: I though they were going out of business anyway | 01:34 |
hyperactivecrond | define they | 01:34 |
kkathman | the "Kopete" people hehe | 01:34 |
hyperactivecrond | heh | 01:34 |
kkathman | the EU jumped on them with both feet I thought | 01:34 |
hyperactivecrond | 'bout what? | 01:34 |
kkathman | security violations | 01:34 |
hyperactivecrond | : | 01:35 |
hyperactivecrond | :\ lovely | 01:35 |
kkathman | i.e they (and other proggies like gaim, trillian, et al ) hack into the proprietary networks | 01:35 |
kkathman | but because they were in the EU, AOL and MSN got them to lean on the Kopeteans | 01:35 |
hyperactivecrond | -hack into-??? | 01:35 |
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kkathman | yah hack into | 01:36 |
hyperactivecrond | wow | 01:36 |
kkathman | the protocols that MSN and AOL use are actually quite proprietary | 01:36 |
hyperactivecrond | so we may have to use the loser aim for linux | 01:36 |
kkathman | but gaim and trillian got away with it cuz they are in the US :) | 01:36 |
hyperactivecrond | hehe | 01:36 |
kkathman | there's always Gaim :) | 01:37 |
=== hyperactivecrond records a +1 | ||
hyperactivecrond | true | 01:37 |
=== hyperactivecrond uses gaim | ||
propagandhi | strike4ce: did you get that | 01:37 |
hyperactivecrond | although i belive MSN for getting biatchy bc MSN is run by M$ | 01:37 |
kkathman | hehe me too :) | 01:39 |
kkathman | well those two are talking now to see if they can come up with the ultimate suck | 01:39 |
kkathman | MSAOL | 01:39 |
kkathman | lol | 01:39 |
hyperactivecrond | omfg | 01:39 |
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hyperactivecrond | and teh person who wrote the QT program that lets you connect to AOL on linux prob will get s(crew)ed/sued | 01:40 |
kkathman | well possibly :) | 01:41 |
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strike4ce | propagandhi: yes sorry was busy | 01:42 |
hyperactivecrond | i've heard that M$ and Sun are talking... | 01:43 |
hyperactivecrond | about java | 01:43 |
hyperactivecrond | and (implied) about java and linux | 01:43 |
m_tadeu | nop | 01:43 |
kkathman | yah I dont think that MS will be getting into the Linux biz :) | 01:44 |
hyperactivecrond | more like pulling java possibly... if java gets an ms overdose | 01:45 |
m_tadeu | does the sound server crashes with any device? I tryed alsa, oss, enligtment and all of them crashed | 01:45 |
hyperactivecrond | actually microsoft actually tried to do unix but it didnt work | 01:45 |
kkathman | yah I dont know what to think about Java anymore | 01:45 |
=== MCCPicky [n=ubuntu@CPE-60-229-191-243.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
m_tadeu | I heard the MS bought a distribution( or a part of it ), is it true? | 01:47 |
kkathman | I cant imagine them doing that actually | 01:47 |
hyperactivecrond | m_tadeu: well they gave some components to Linspire, but only bc of a lawsuit | 01:47 |
kkathman | but its always possible for them to tear it apart and play with it | 01:47 |
hyperactivecrond | that they filed and screwed them over | 01:47 |
hyperactivecrond | and Vista's UI looks suspiciously like PlastiK, but in a diff. color | 01:48 |
kkathman | lol | 01:48 |
hyperactivecrond | :\ smells like copying | 01:48 |
m_tadeu | lol in deed....the functionality is XP...nothing or very few new things | 01:49 |
hyperactivecrond | just adding a Fisher-Price powered UI | 01:49 |
hyperactivecrond | my major (non-unix besides Linux and distros) OS ranking: | 01:50 |
hyperactivecrond | 1. Linux (ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu/xubuntu) | 01:50 |
hyperactivecrond | 2. Mac OS | 01:50 |
hyperactivecrond | 3. Winbloze | 01:50 |
hyperactivecrond | btw if I'm bugging any1 with this discussion, tell me and i'll move the discussion | 01:50 |
strike4ce | ok I use the nano command to edit the source list then I save and I still cannot open adept? | 01:51 |
strike4ce | anyone? | 01:52 |
kkathman | lol hyperactivecrond :) | 01:53 |
gerardocb | I don't use adept, so I don't know | 01:53 |
strike4ce | will it doesnt matter what I use the sourcelist is messed up | 01:53 |
nalioth | strike4ce: try doing what the error msg said | 01:53 |
strike4ce | how do I make the change permanent in terminal? | 01:53 |
strike4ce | all i need to do is get rid of line 2 | 01:54 |
hyperactivecrond | well, i have been banned from a distro that rhymes with Bent Spew 's irc channel for trolling... call me paranoid... | 01:54 |
nalioth | strike4ce: in front of line 2, put a # and save it | 01:54 |
nalioth | hyperactivecrond: my brain isnt working. you were banned from #redhat? | 01:55 |
hyperactivecrond | no nalioth | 01:55 |
hyperactivecrond | #gentoo | 01:55 |
nalioth | strike4ce: you may have to use sudo on a console editor | 01:55 |
nalioth | hyperactivecrond: what are you crying about? | 01:55 |
hyperactivecrond | i'm not but i'm just saying because i'm _still_ not 100% sure what trolling is | 01:55 |
hyperactivecrond | like in application | 01:56 |
hyperactivecrond | although i must admit (this may be troll bait) that gentoo was really fast... i could compile a kernel in 5 minutes wit. Intel PIV @ 2.0 ghz wit 512 megs of ram | 01:57 |
strike4ce | nalioth: how do I do that? | 01:57 |
nalioth | strike4ce: which file are we talking about? | 01:58 |
hyperactivecrond | woah Chanserv from #redhat stalks me after I leave | 01:58 |
strike4ce | repository | 01:58 |
strike4ce | nalioth: repos | 01:59 |
nalioth | strike4ce: open a konsole and type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" | 01:59 |
hydrogen | hyperactivecrond: you couldn't compile a kernel for the first time in 5 minutes | 01:59 |
hydrogen | maybe recompile | 01:59 |
hyperactivecrond | hydrogen: ok 7 mins | 01:59 |
hyperactivecrond | but it had _just_ what i needed | 01:59 |
hydrogen | even thats a recompile | 01:59 |
hydrogen | initial compile takes a good while | 01:59 |
strike4ce | nalioth: ok did that now what? | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | this was with prac. nothing running | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | like no X, no bg processes | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | etc | 02:00 |
hyperactivecrond | ok maybe 10 mins | 02:01 |
hyperactivecrond | but still | 02:01 |
nalioth | strike4ce: put a # in front of line 2 (you'll see other # just do the same with line 2) | 02:01 |
strike4ce | nalioth: I cut it | 02:01 |
nalioth | strike4ce: now type ctrl-o (to write) and then ctrl-x (to quit) | 02:02 |
nalioth | strike4ce: then type "sudo apt-get update" | 02:02 |
=== hydrogen starts a flamewar | ||
hydrogen | vi > | 02:03 |
hyperactivecrond | hydrogen i suggest you don't flame | 02:03 |
hydrogen | you can just do ^X in nano and it will ask to save if need be | 02:03 |
hyperactivecrond | /bin/echo "+1" > hydrogen | 02:03 |
hyperactivecrond | s/hydrogen/the ^X thing | 02:04 |
strike4ce | nalioth: I was hitting enter after I did all that finally got ot thanx | 02:05 |
kkathman | evening tere nalioth :) | 02:05 |
kkathman | oops there I mean | 02:05 |
m_tadeu | I'm using kde beta2....how do I install arts from 3.4? | 02:05 |
nalioth | kkathman: howdy | 02:05 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
m_tadeu | anyone :P ? | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | morning all | 02:09 |
hyperactivecrond | s/morning/night | 02:09 |
hyperactivecrond | s/night/evening | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 02:09 |
nalioth | salutations, Hobbsee | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | whichever one it is | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | hi nalioth | 02:09 |
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hyperactivecrond | Hobsee: s/morning/whatever your appropriate time is | 02:10 |
hyperactivecrond | :) | 02:10 |
Hobbsee | hehe yeah...it's 10.10 am tues morning here | 02:10 |
hyperactivecrond | 8.10 monday evening here ;) | 02:11 |
m_tadeu | 1.10 am monday :P | 02:11 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 02:11 |
Hobbsee | great time to be awake, 1 in the morning | 02:11 |
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m_tadeu | the most relaxing part of the day | 02:12 |
mrmarcel | wow | 02:12 |
gerardocb | m_tadeu: 1.10 am monday :P <---- ???? where are u? | 02:13 |
hyperactivecrond | m_tadeu: s/monday/tuesday i presume? | 02:13 |
gerardocb | I think so... | 02:14 |
m_tadeu | gerardocb: portugal | 02:14 |
gerardocb | ha | 02:14 |
hyperactivecrond | tuesday then | 02:14 |
gerardocb | right | 02:14 |
m_tadeu | lol yep | 02:14 |
gerardocb | I got confused | 02:14 |
hyperactivecrond | heh | 02:14 |
Hobbsee | i'd be rather worried if it were 1.10am on monday... | 02:14 |
m_tadeu | back in time :D | 02:14 |
Hobbsee | seeing as it's tues here, and the furthest people are away from each other is just under 24 hours | 02:15 |
=== xtacocorex [n=bobw@65-101-172-191.desm.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gerardocb | 18:15 over here... | 02:16 |
hyperactivecrond | 20.16 | 02:16 |
xtacocorex | anyone have problems getting synaptic touchpads to work in breezy, mine worked in hoary, but now it doesn't scroll | 02:16 |
hyperactivecrond | well, im outta here | 02:17 |
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apokryphos | Riddell: re: network systemsettings bug -- it doesn't get much smaller. Bad on smaller resolutions; doesn't fit at all on 800x600 IIRC | 02:23 |
apokryphos | in kcontrol it can go significantly smaller, but in systemsettings it seems to refuse | 02:24 |
Riddell | apokryphos: yes, there's a bugzilla entry about it | 02:25 |
apokryphos | Riddell: yeah, that's what I was responding to | 02:26 |
apokryphos | a couple of people in here mentioned it; one might be the one I recommended to report | 02:26 |
=== liquidbinary [n=liquidbi@pool-71-103-68-197.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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_liquidbinary_ | Is there no motif toolkit package? | 02:28 |
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apokryphos | For anyone who wanted to try out Project Looking Glass -- there's a LiveCD now: http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/05/10/24/202219.shtml?tid=185&tid=106 | 02:32 |
apokryphos | very slow (only i386), and very embryonic, but fun to play around with for a bit | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | project looking glass? sounds fun | 02:33 |
apokryphos | it was announced aaages ago, of course, and there was a big hype | 02:35 |
apokryphos | (remember it getting some displays at the LinuxExpo last year) | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 02:36 |
apokryphos | screenies: http://www.sun.com/software/looking_glass/details.xml | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | oh ok, cool | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | i tried the link in the slashdot article, but it was already dead | 02:37 |
Blissex | LG is a waste of time and hardware, unless one has nice goggles. | 02:37 |
Blissex | and there are other 3D desktops too, one can download right now, including for MS Windows. | 02:37 |
Hobbsee | yuck...but that would require actually using ms windows! | 02:37 |
Hobbsee | but true | 02:38 |
Blissex | Hobbsee: there are other 3D thingies for GNU/Linux too. | 02:39 |
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apokryphos | Blissex: a waste of time to make, perhaps; not a waste of time to play around with. Enjoyed it. | 02:40 |
Blissex | as to the kind of goggles I would really to have, these seem pretty good: http://www.emagin.com/3dvisor/ | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | that is true...without a decent video card, doesnt seem like much point though | 02:40 |
=== henrym_ [n=henrym@219-89-139-139.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Blissex | apokryphos: Hobbsee: there is not much point with a 2D screen and a 2D mouse,. there is a good point with a VR headset... | 02:40 |
apokryphos | heh | 02:40 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: mirrordot.org | 02:41 |
Hobbsee | k | 02:41 |
Blissex | https://e-store.emagin.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=E&Product_Code=Z3V only $899. | 02:42 |
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apokryphos | goggles must be the way forward 8) | 02:45 |
Blissex | apokryphos: I wish I could afford them. I think they solve a lot of problems. | 02:49 |
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apokryphos | bigger question is if e17 will be completed before LG ;-) | 02:50 |
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apokryphos | though I doubt it'll ever really be speedy | 02:50 |
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pax | koffice is any good? | 03:05 |
nalioth | pax: if you like it, it's all good | 03:06 |
pax | smart answer, but I'm wondering if it's better than oo2 | 03:06 |
pax | hey nalioth, btw you switched to kubuntu? :) | 03:07 |
=== troth [n=troth@oh-strongsvillecadent1-3c-60.clvhoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | pax: I never used koffice. from what I heard, its less demanding on ram but not as good opening/saving in microsoft formats | 03:09 |
nalioth | pax: i have k/x/ubuntu on my box (plus flux, enlightenment and a few more) | 03:09 |
pax | frank23, great to know, thanks, sounds like what I need, I careless if MS products can't read. Installing :-) | 03:10 |
Riddell | amarok testers wanted, get it here first! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.3.5.php | 03:10 |
seth_k | yay for amarok! | 03:10 |
pax | nalioth, x? didn't know about it | 03:10 |
Riddell | seth_k: a volunteer? | 03:10 |
seth_k | Riddell, I'm on it | 03:10 |
seth_k | I have an iPod too | 03:10 |
seth_k | so can test that crasher | 03:11 |
pax | I'm in for amaroK, I need to test it with ipod nano | 03:11 |
nalioth | pax: wiki.ubuntu.com/xubuntu | 03:11 |
crimsun | Riddell: rockin'! | 03:11 |
pax | thanks nalioth :) | 03:11 |
Hobbsee | nice! | 03:11 |
nalioth | Riddell: got source? i run ppc | 03:11 |
Hobbsee | can we leave the old version of amarok there, or remove it? | 03:11 |
crimsun | it should upgrade just fine | 03:12 |
hydrogen | Riddell: rumor has it at least some people have problems with that tarball | 03:12 |
Riddell | nalioth: http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-1.3.5/ | 03:12 |
crimsun | oh, you meant on the Web page probably | 03:12 |
hydrogen | and by some I do mean one | 03:12 |
Riddell | hydrogen: when, where? | 03:12 |
hydrogen | Riddell: in #amarok right now | 03:12 |
Riddell | yes, that'll be the old broken one | 03:12 |
seth_k | Riddell, does this have the mp4/m4a patch | 03:12 |
Riddell | seth_k: what's that? | 03:13 |
hydrogen | seth_k: no | 03:13 |
hydrogen | thats 1.4, not 1.3.5 | 03:13 |
seth_k | bah | 03:13 |
seth_k | Riddell, KDE bug 89045 | 03:13 |
pax | Setting up amarok (1.3.5-0ubuntu0.1) ... | 03:13 |
pax | :-) | 03:13 |
seth_k | support mp4 / m4a / m4b in AmaroK | 03:13 |
crimsun | seth_k: mmm | 03:13 |
logikal | who wants to help my retarded self | 03:13 |
logikal | get my camera working | 03:14 |
logikal | I can see it | 03:14 |
logikal | etc | 03:14 |
logikal | Hp Photosmart 635 | 03:14 |
logikal | I see nothing on it tho | 03:14 |
pax | Riddell, do you know if this one has the nano patch? | 03:14 |
Riddell | pax: what's that? | 03:14 |
Riddell | seth_k: I think that's 1.4 | 03:15 |
hydrogen | that was applied notthatlongago | 03:15 |
seth_k | Riddell, yeah it is, I see now | 03:15 |
hydrogen | but | 03:15 |
hydrogen | pax, you may want to risk svn and use libgpod | 03:15 |
hydrogen | as 1.4 will | 03:15 |
pax | Riddell, amaroK crashes for me when it tries to sync ipod nano, I was wondering if this one has the patch | 03:16 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: does this need the beta 2 to work? looks like it here... | 03:16 |
Hobbsee | beta2 of kde, that is | 03:16 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: oh, hmm, evil | 03:16 |
nalioth | Riddell: pm? | 03:16 |
Riddell | that means I need new chroots | 03:16 |
seth_k | Sweet Riddell, my 3G iPod now synchs no problems | 03:16 |
pax | hydrogen, libgpod is installed here | 03:16 |
Riddell | nalioth: what about? | 03:17 |
nalioth | Riddell: channel civility | 03:17 |
Riddell | nalioth: /msg me | 03:17 |
seth_k | Does Dapper have anything new yet? | 03:19 |
seth_k | or are the repos just open | 03:19 |
crimsun | they just opened hours ago | 03:19 |
nalioth | seth_k: they are empty | 03:19 |
seth_k | ok | 03:19 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: it's definetly requiring 3.5 beta 2 (3.4.92) | 03:20 |
crimsun | archive doesn't have the dapper pool open yet, but we can upload. | 03:20 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: yeah, my fault. I'll make new chroots and recompile | 03:20 |
frank23 | crimsun: will there be significant changes in dapper (like gcc4 or modular xorg) or will ubuntu try to stabilize breezy for dapper which will be supported 3 years (at least) | 03:20 |
Riddell | thanks for testing all :) | 03:20 |
Hobbsee | hang on...but it says that 1.3.5 is working, even though there were errors installing it | 03:20 |
Hobbsee | no problems :) | 03:21 |
crimsun | frank23: modular xorg is already being uploaded | 03:21 |
crimsun | frank23: the first few weeks will be chaotic, but we have to stabilise -fast- | 03:21 |
seth_k | frank23, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81592 | 03:21 |
crimsun | frank23: no major transitions, though. | 03:21 |
seth_k | sabdfl on Dapper polish & stability | 03:21 |
frank23 | seth_k: south african benevolent dictator for life? | 03:22 |
crimsun | self-appointed. | 03:22 |
frank23 | oh ;-) | 03:22 |
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strike4ce | propagandhi: Im back | 03:23 |
pax | freaking awesome, it works with nano!! | 03:23 |
frank23 | is anyone here coming to montreal for BelowZero? | 03:24 |
seth_k | I wish I could, but too far for me | 03:24 |
pax | I wish | 03:24 |
seth_k | and too expensive | 03:24 |
seth_k | if they have it anywhere in the Midwest or even the South, I'm there. But unfortunately I think montreal is the closest it will ever get to me :P | 03:24 |
strike4ce | what does this mean? What do I need to do? | 03:24 |
strike4ce | Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 03:25 |
strike4ce | display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 03:25 |
strike4ce | OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org | 03:25 |
strike4ce | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 03:25 |
strike4ce | OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1) | 03:25 |
Riddell | frank23: I am | 03:25 |
frank23 | (It's too far for me too (one hour walk) thank god for the bus!) :) | 03:25 |
frank23 | Riddell: cool | 03:26 |
Riddell | frank23: I'll see you there then? | 03:27 |
pax | oh shoot, all my ipod artwork is gone! | 03:27 |
frank23 | Riddell: I might go for Ubuntu Love Day. The rest seems to be a bit beyond me | 03:27 |
Hobbsee | wish i'd been there for the sydney one - could have gotten there without a problem | 03:27 |
strike4ce | anyone know? | 03:27 |
Riddell | frank23: you'll have to come and cheer at my talk | 03:28 |
frank23 | Riddell: what is it? when? | 03:28 |
crimsun | strike4ce: are you using Nvidia drivers? | 03:28 |
strike4ce | no ati | 03:29 |
Riddell | frank23: on kubuntu for ubuntu love day | 03:29 |
crimsun | strike4ce: did you follow the instructions from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ? | 03:29 |
Riddell | frank23: I'll expect to see you standing at the front going "woo woo woo, KDE rules!" | 03:29 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: transcripts? could be interesting to read | 03:29 |
frank23 | Riddell: oh, then yeah I'll try and see it! | 03:29 |
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frank23 | Will there be cameras like the debian meetings? | 03:30 |
strike4ce | When I put this command in nothing happens? | 03:30 |
strike4ce | sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old | 03:31 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: unlikely, I havn't written anything yet and I'm usually the one who makes transcripts at conferences | 03:31 |
Riddell | frank23: no | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: darn! | 03:31 |
Riddell | frank23: well dunno, maybe love day will have one, but I suspect not | 03:32 |
strike4ce | anyone here help me? | 03:32 |
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strike4ce | Im following these instructions and when I get to this command nothing happens? | 03:33 |
crimsun | strike4ce: nothing's supposed to -appear- to happen, but if invoke a directory listing, you'll see the target file made. | 03:33 |
frank23 | Riddell: ok. I was just asking because I saw a video of Shuttleworth's presentation at debconf2005 which was really nice. I thought maybe they would do something similar | 03:33 |
strike4ce | sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old | 03:33 |
strike4ce | Open the xorg.conf file: | 03:33 |
strike4ce | $ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:33 |
Hobbsee | strike4ce: the cp is just a copy - you wont see anything... | 03:33 |
Riddell | frank23: this isn't a conference, it's a developer summit | 03:33 |
Hobbsee | you will see the gedit command though | 03:33 |
frank23 | Riddell: ok. | 03:33 |
Riddell | frank23: was there a video of mark at debconf? I thought it was just an empty room they videoed | 03:34 |
strike4ce | ok but when I do gedit it says: sudo: gedit: command not found | 03:34 |
gerardocb | Oh... you're using kubuntu... | 03:34 |
strike4ce | yes | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | strike4ce: kdesu kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:34 |
gerardocb | try kate instead of gedit | 03:34 |
gerardocb | :-D | 03:34 |
strike4ce | ahhh | 03:34 |
gerardocb | or kwrite, sure | 03:34 |
frank23 | Riddell: yeah it's meetings-archive.debian.org I think | 03:34 |
gerardocb | gedit is the de-facto editor for gnome | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | and use kdesu instead of sudo, otherwise you'll get a tongue-lashing from riddell :P | 03:34 |
seth_k | sudo + KDE apps = sadness :( | 03:35 |
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pax | that's what kdesu is for I guess | 03:36 |
frank23 | Riddell: Is there any hope of seeing the kcontrol go to admin bug be fixed anytime soon? (by whoever is responsible) | 03:36 |
gerardocb | naaahhh... it's just the way it awk for the user's password | 03:37 |
gerardocb | ouch... | 03:37 |
gerardocb | s/awk/ask | 03:37 |
Riddell | frank23: that problem has been in KDE since 2003 | 03:37 |
Riddell | and if it's not gone by dapper I'll be muchos annoyed with myself | 03:37 |
frank23 | Riddell: yeah but Kubuntu is really the distribution most affected by it, right? because of sudo and no root password | 03:37 |
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flixor | hya everybody | 03:38 |
flixor | is anybody using kipi with gwenview | 03:38 |
Riddell | frank23: that does seem to have an effect | 03:38 |
gerardocb | frank23: Riddell: yeah but Kubuntu is really the distribution most affected by it, right? because of sudo and no root password <--- what is "it"? | 03:38 |
frank23 | Riddell: what is the correct workaround for it? | 03:38 |
frank23 | gerardocb: the kcontrol go to admin bug | 03:39 |
gerardocb | Oh... | 03:39 |
=== Fuji-san [i=Smith@d46120.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gerardocb | I see it... | 03:39 |
Fuji-san | hi | 03:39 |
Fuji-san | is this ubuntu | 03:39 |
gerardocb | That's very annoying, indeed | 03:39 |
flixor | this is kubuntu | 03:39 |
Fuji-san | ?? | 03:39 |
kinfo | what? | 03:39 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: this is #kubuntu | 03:39 |
Fuji-san | hi nalioth | 03:39 |
Fuji-san | we meet again | 03:40 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: yes we do | 03:40 |
frank23 | Riddell: the wiki and ubotu should have something to say about that bug too | 03:40 |
Fuji-san | why do they ban me so quick i'm banned from 4 ubuntu channels :( | 03:40 |
Riddell | frank23: no known workaround | 03:40 |
Fuji-san | whats wronf with people today | 03:40 |
Riddell | running kbuildsycoca temporarily fixes it | 03:40 |
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gerardocb | Is it specific for kubuntu? | 03:40 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: your attitude is what is doing it | 03:40 |
Fuji-san | whats is kubuntu? | 03:40 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: kubuntu is ubuntu+kde | 03:41 |
gerardocb | www.kubuntu.org | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | !kubuntu | 03:41 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 03:41 |
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Fuji-san | k ty | 03:41 |
frank23 | Riddell: should every system settings module work correctly after running kbuildsycoca? | 03:41 |
Fuji-san | i cant behave when the ops are invisable | 03:41 |
Fuji-san | thats the problem | 03:42 |
Fuji-san | ;( | 03:42 |
crimsun | you -can't- behave when they're invisible? | 03:42 |
flixor | guys i need some help with setting up the kipi plugins for gwenview | 03:42 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: learn how | 03:42 |
Fuji-san | i'll try here nalioth | 03:42 |
Fuji-san | i'll make a fresh start ":) | 03:42 |
flixor | i installed the plugins but somehow gwenview is not seeing or using the plugins | 03:43 |
seth_k | Fuji-san, if you pull what you pulled in #ubuntu-devel I'm coming after you | 03:43 |
Fuji-san | after me seth_k? | 03:43 |
seth_k | yes | 03:43 |
seth_k | with a big stick | 03:43 |
Fuji-san | like..? | 03:43 |
Fuji-san | where are you from seth_k? | 03:43 |
Fuji-san | ok seth_k | 03:44 |
Fuji-san | i wont be like that | 03:44 |
frank23 | hmmm. Dapper on server will be supported for 5 years. how does this compare with debian releases? | 03:44 |
jsubl2 | yeah that is sweet.. i am trying to get my company to look at ubuntu | 03:45 |
Riddell | debian is supported until whenever their next release is | 03:46 |
seth_k | but with debian, that might be more than 5 years | 03:46 |
seth_k | </joke> | 03:46 |
frank23 | hehe | 03:46 |
Fuji-san | lol hahahaha whahahaha nice 1 seth_k :O | 03:46 |
nalioth | Riddell: who'se the russian puzzle maker? | 03:46 |
wotnarg | heheh | 03:47 |
wotnarg | seth_k: Sad part is, thats not a joke :( | 03:47 |
Fuji-san | Kasparov nalioth | 03:47 |
Riddell | nalioth: hmm? | 03:47 |
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nalioth | Riddell: the amarok-bleh-orig.gz has a amarok -bleh- .bz2 in it | 03:47 |
flixor | anybody know a app wich can read exif data | 03:47 |
Fuji-san | Alexey Pajitnov nalioth? | 03:47 |
flixor | or is there a linux exif reader | 03:48 |
Riddell | nalioth: tell me about it. some people think it's clean. I think it's just a pain | 03:48 |
crimsun | flixor: apt-cache search exif | 03:49 |
Fuji-san | was i right nalioth? | 03:49 |
Fuji-san | he invented tetris | 03:49 |
Fuji-san | and many others | 03:50 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: i was looking for the kubuntu developer who likes russian puzzles | 03:50 |
Fuji-san | k | 03:50 |
flixor | hya crimsum thanks for the tip | 03:50 |
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flixor | i am running along with kubuntu :) i think i will never need windows on my box again well atleast at home :) | 03:51 |
os2mac | If I could get Solaris to look like this I would | 03:51 |
nalioth | isnt dpkg-buildpackage supposed to pick up the .dsc file and run with it? | 03:51 |
frank23 | flixor: my mp3 player absolutely needs windows. so I still need to have it | 03:51 |
flixor | Oh well i dont have a mp3 player :( i want to buy one some day | 03:52 |
Fuji-san | So kubunutu is the open source from ubuntu? | 03:52 |
flixor | but first i need a new camera :) | 03:52 |
seth_k | no, Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome | 03:52 |
jsubl2 | !tell Fuji-san about kubuntu | 03:52 |
Fuji-san | whats KDE? | 03:52 |
jsubl2 | !tell Fuji-san about kde | 03:53 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: www.kde.org | 03:53 |
Fuji-san | i cant receive spam jsubl2 | 03:53 |
Fuji-san | my spamfilter | 03:53 |
jsubl2 | not spam Fuji-san | 03:53 |
Fuji-san | i'm reading the website though | 03:53 |
Fuji-san | it is to my spamfilter jsubl2 | 03:53 |
Fuji-san | i need to reconfig it | 03:53 |
Fuji-san | soz | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | !kde | 03:53 |
ubotu | A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hoary/ | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | that better? | 03:54 |
jsubl2 | what ubotu is sending you is NOT spam | 03:54 |
frank23 | does anyone here have problems with the ksysguard applet? | 03:54 |
Fuji-san | i know | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | hmmm...that's slightly out of date...we're not with hoary any more... | 03:54 |
wotnarg | frank23: What kinda problems? | 03:54 |
flixor | ehm frank23 i dont know but to be honest i dont know what that is yet | 03:54 |
flixor | but i google it up | 03:54 |
nalioth | !info kde | 03:55 |
ubotu | kde: (The K Desktop Environment), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 5:44ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 03:55 |
Hobbsee | !kde | 03:55 |
ubotu | kde is probably A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 03:55 |
frank23 | wotnarg: after updates to kde, the applet doesn't work until I delete some configuration file. Does anybody else have this? | 03:55 |
wotnarg | heh, the fun of misleading meta-packages :) | 03:55 |
Fuji-san | KDE looks like a xp | 03:55 |
Hobbsee | only cos it has one menu bar, and not 2 | 03:56 |
wotnarg | frank23: not I. Sorry I can't help. | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | and it's easy enough to change if you dont like it | 03:56 |
flixor | frank23, do ou know something about kipi plugins | 03:57 |
frank23 | flixor: nope, sorry | 03:58 |
flixor | oh no problem my question was how to enable the plugins into other programs | 03:58 |
Fuji-san | i like the crocodiles | 03:58 |
flixor | because the plugins are installed but no other program can see them at the moment | 03:58 |
Fuji-san | so how do i install kde? | 03:58 |
seth_k | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:59 |
seth_k | ^ in terminal | 03:59 |
Fuji-san | so kde and gnome are shells for ubuntu? | 03:59 |
Hobbsee | they're desktop environments for the kernel... | 04:00 |
Fuji-san | i'm a n00b sorry | 04:00 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: desktop managers | 04:00 |
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Fuji-san | i only have ubuntu with gnome how do i get rid of gnome know just overwrite with kde..? | 04:01 |
Fuji-san | now* | 04:01 |
crimsun | they coexist peacefully right dandy | 04:01 |
seth_k | you don't need to remove it | 04:01 |
seth_k | they can be happy together | 04:01 |
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Fuji-san | no conflicts?? | 04:02 |
seth_k | no | 04:02 |
crimsun | nope | 04:02 |
seth_k | i run both | 04:02 |
Fuji-san | so they are dual bootable? | 04:02 |
seth_k | um | 04:02 |
seth_k | no | 04:02 |
seth_k | not the right term | 04:02 |
Fuji-san | k | 04:02 |
seth_k | but your idea is right | 04:02 |
wotnarg | Fuji-san: After you boot your computer, you are provided an option of which to use. | 04:02 |
Fuji-san | no stack overload form running bot at once? | 04:03 |
Fuji-san | both* | 04:03 |
Fuji-san | k i see | 04:03 |
=== Hobbsee is liking running kde without the kicker...feels really odd though... | ||
nalioth | Hobbsee: being deviant? | 04:03 |
jsubl2 | Hobbsee: what do you run instead | 04:04 |
Hobbsee | well, kicker is hidden to the side, using alt tab, katapult, shortcut to swap desktops... | 04:04 |
frank23 | Hobbsee: kbfx? | 04:04 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: of course, i'm already deviant enough to be here | 04:04 |
Hobbsee | no, still standard kde | 04:04 |
frank23 | Hobbsee: is that an insult or a compliment to us all? being deviant | 04:05 |
crimsun | can only be a compliment ;-) | 04:05 |
Hobbsee | actually, it was a reflection on how few girls use linux at all, but you can take it as a compliment | 04:05 |
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seth_k | I heart Linux girls | 04:05 |
StR | Hi all | 04:06 |
jsubl2 | why is that hobbsee | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | hi StR | 04:06 |
StR | do we already have a breezy backports? | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | jsubl2: got no idea, interested in other things, i suppose | 04:06 |
crimsun | StR: no | 04:06 |
seth_k | Str, no | 04:06 |
StR | ok | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | dad still think's im nuts :P | 04:07 |
jsubl2 | falcons are blowing away the jets | 04:07 |
nalioth | stupendo44: not yet, give it a few weeks | 04:07 |
Fuji-san | i'm impressed screens look better then xp | 04:07 |
crimsun | well if you consider the slim percentage of people who really -love- computing, it kinda makes sense | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | lol...that is true... | 04:07 |
jsubl2 | my wife does not know the diff between a file and a folder. been down that road and it aint worth persuing | 04:08 |
Fuji-san | lol | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | yeah, but then some of the guys would be in that category too | 04:08 |
jsubl2 | 4 sure | 04:08 |
nalioth | ah my tab completion skills are rusty today | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | we find we have to be able to use computers to some degree, with assignments and school adn all that | 04:08 |
crimsun | yeah, computing is fast becoming an utter requirement in many countries | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | hehe...that they are nalioth, particularly when the other guy had already left | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | is here...including powerpoint presentations | 04:09 |
jsubl2 | well ubuntu impressed me the other day having rails package | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | which is kinda good, kinda bad - i want powerpoint 97, and dont have it anymore! | 04:09 |
jsubl2 | could not find rails packages for suse at work | 04:10 |
crimsun | I try to stick to OpenOffice.org Impress ;-) | 04:10 |
frank23 | jsubl2: but a folder is just a file ;-) | 04:10 |
=== StR [n=str@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Fuji-san | wow if i wasnt banned in all these other ubuntu channels i would have never found out about kubuntu :) | 04:10 |
wotnarg | frank23: lol | 04:10 |
Fuji-san | i'm so lucky :P | 04:10 |
StR | Fuji-san: lol | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: maybe i'll try that...i had a bit of a look, didnt import my .ppt file very well, havent had to do one in a while | 04:11 |
frank23 | wotnarg: it's true, isn't it? | 04:11 |
wotnarg | frank23: yes, but still :p | 04:11 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: the alignment on ppt imports is still a bit wonky, but it does passably | 04:11 |
wotnarg | frank23: Unix isnt fair to people like that, since everything is a file. Once they learn thier mouse is a file, something probably goes pop in thier mind... *grin* | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | true...the backgrounds were what i noticed...it totally botched them up in terms of colours | 04:12 |
frank23 | Hobbsee: the emails attachment ppt which are songs played with images are bad for OO | 04:12 |
frank23 | wotnarg: lol | 04:12 |
crimsun | I'd argue that people shouldn't have to know their mouse is a file. | 04:12 |
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Hobbsee | right | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | the mouse is a file? well there you go | 04:12 |
flixor | crimsun, how can i get rid of this message : configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation! | 04:13 |
crimsun | as desktop environments on and Linux itself matures, we'll begin to see that become a reality. | 04:13 |
nalioth | flixor: insstall libqt -bleh- -dev | 04:13 |
wotnarg | crimsun: True, they shouldn't have to know that, but if they saw that somewhere, it would probably mess with them. | 04:13 |
crimsun | flixor: install qt3-dev-tools | 04:14 |
flixor | but its saying that its already installed | 04:14 |
crimsun | wotnarg: gotta love the old UNIX way sometimes | 04:14 |
jsubl2 | i generally pick a package in the repos similiar to one i am going to build and do an apt-get build-dep kaffeine-xine | 04:14 |
wotnarg | crimsun: :D | 04:14 |
wotnarg | crimsun: Too bad plan9 didn't catch on, its even worst on some thing like that. | 04:15 |
crimsun | flixor: you also need what nalioth said, libqt3-mt-dev | 04:15 |
frank23 | vmware is releasing a vmware-player for free. It can "play" images but not create them. This should be a great way to preview different linux distributions easily | 04:15 |
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nalioth | crimsun: or something resembling what i said, eh? | 04:16 |
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crimsun | nalioth: good ole '*' | 04:16 |
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Fuji-san | WHo has seen Revolution OS (2001) ?? | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | hmmm...now what did i do with my kubuntu cd.... | 04:18 |
frank23 | One of the vmware images you can download at vmware.com is a browser image aimed at providing a totaly secure way to browse for windows users. It is in fact hoary running firefox | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | got it | 04:19 |
=== Fuji-san shaked hands with Richard Stallman ;-) | ||
Fuji-san | gotta love GNU freedom :)) | 04:20 |
flixor | yeah thanks crimsun and nalioth | 04:21 |
flixor | i am trying to compile my second program :) crimsun | 04:22 |
Fuji-san | :) | 04:22 |
Fuji-san | can you send to me after its finished flixor ;) | 04:23 |
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flixor | the binary you mean Fuji-san | 04:24 |
flixor | why Fuji-san, you dont know wich program it is | 04:24 |
StR | anyone using katapult? | 04:24 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: you'd be better off compiling it yourself | 04:24 |
Fuji-san | You guys know about the open letter of bill gates where he nags about software :) | 04:24 |
Fuji-san | i know flixor i was joking | 04:25 |
flixor | Ah no problem Fuji-san | 04:26 |
flixor | are you allso a linux user Fuji-san | 04:26 |
=== pospeselr [n=pospesel@AFC-11-176.rh.ncsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Fuji-san | i'm getting there flixor | 04:26 |
pospeselr | can anyone help me with a problem with my touchpad; namely, it won't work. | 04:26 |
Fuji-san | i have ubuntu installed but i dont use it enough yet | 04:26 |
crimsun | pospeselr: synaptics? | 04:27 |
flixor | kee i see , well this is my second day Fuji-san and i like it very much there is so much to learn | 04:27 |
pospeselr | yes | 04:27 |
Fuji-san | GNu's not unix | 04:27 |
flixor | but i am trying software wich i might use | 04:27 |
Fuji-san | GNU= | 04:27 |
pospeselr | i have a presario r3000 series laptop | 04:27 |
=== Knowerrors [n=flow@Node142-1-42-66.1dial.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | flixor: If you're new to ubuntu, check out the wiki | 04:27 |
flixor | i already used firefox and openoffice | 04:27 |
flixor | yes i already been there :) | 04:28 |
Fuji-san | mozilla netscape open source | 04:28 |
pospeselr | i'm running a modified version of this xorg.conf | 04:28 |
pospeselr | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19937&highlight=1280+800+compaq+presario | 04:28 |
Knowerrors | Hey all, kubu isn't letting me set the time properly, what is the command line way to do date/time/zone by root? | 04:28 |
pospeselr | and i have apt-get installed xog-driver-synaptics | 04:28 |
Fuji-san | who wrote the http protocol> | 04:28 |
Fuji-san | ? | 04:28 |
flixor | but its nice if you like to find out and test things yourself Fuji-san | 04:28 |
Fuji-san | i know | 04:29 |
pospeselr | the only modification to xorg.conf i have made is to make it an english versus a french keyboard | 04:29 |
Knowerrors | I mainly need to tell the computer the hd clock is not set to utc | 04:29 |
crimsun | pospeselr: you've probably been bitten by the reverted synaptics driver. Paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl to be sure. | 04:29 |
Fuji-san | flixor which debugger do you use? | 04:29 |
pospeselr | i'm running hoary hedgehog | 04:30 |
pospeselr | if that matters | 04:30 |
Fuji-san | and which source code? | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | Knowerrors: http://www.mepis.org/node/7678 - 3rd solution from the bottom | 04:30 |
flixor | wich debugger, i know what is it because i read about it this afternoon but to be honest i dont know yet | 04:30 |
satempler | any one know why I can't watch a video on an external hd | 04:30 |
crimsun | pospeselr: not 5.10/Breezy? | 04:30 |
pospeselr | nope | 04:30 |
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Fuji-san | lol flixor | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | Knowerrors: someone else has used that, and it fixed their problem | 04:30 |
crimsun | pospeselr: you have no excuse; you're on a fat pipe, so use it! dist-upgrade to Breezy | 04:30 |
Knowerrors | thx | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | no problems | 04:31 |
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satempler | any one | 04:31 |
pospeselr | i remember when i first tried running hoary on my laptop i remember finding a solution that consisted of executing three commands in the console, but I couldn't get wireless to work properly, but that was before i knew of ndiswrapper, so i installed winxp over it | 04:32 |
nalioth | satempler: we need more info to answer your question properly | 04:32 |
pospeselr | crimsun: just out of curiosity, how do you know i'm on fat pipes? | 04:32 |
frank23 | pospeselr: /whois | 04:32 |
satempler | nalioth: I am trying to open a video file the codec isn't the problem | 04:32 |
frank23 | pospesel@AFC-11-176.rh.ncsu.edu | 04:33 |
crimsun | pospeselr: because I'm only a couple hops from your subnet. | 04:33 |
pospeselr | alright, fair enough | 04:33 |
Fuji-san | but open source isnt public domain right? | 04:33 |
satempler | nalioth: I have it on a removeable hd but it says there is no plugin to handle the video | 04:33 |
Fuji-san | its copyleft instead of copyright | 04:33 |
crimsun | pospeselr: you're 152.7/16, I'm 152.8/16 | 04:33 |
satempler | nalioth: but when I copy it to my laptop it plays fine | 04:33 |
pospeselr | state student? | 04:33 |
crimsun | pospeselr: professor at A&T | 04:34 |
Fuji-san | GNU general public licence | 04:34 |
wotnarg | Fuji-san: right | 04:34 |
flixor | But the funny thing is that i need to learn in wich package the header files and the liberies are | 04:34 |
crimsun | pospeselr: in any case, dist-upgrade to Breezy, then report if it's still an issue | 04:34 |
nalioth | satempler: is your media player seeing it properly? | 04:34 |
frank23 | flixor: what are you trying to do? | 04:34 |
satempler | nalioth: i belive so | 04:35 |
Fuji-san | so flixor you are forced to share it with other people after your finished compiling :) | 04:35 |
satempler | nalioth: how would I know this for shure | 04:35 |
flixor | i am trying to compile gwenview with kipi support | 04:35 |
flixor | because the binary version has no kipi support | 04:35 |
flixor | or its seems like it frank23 | 04:35 |
frank23 | flixor: what is kipi? a image format? | 04:35 |
nalioth | satempler: i'm not too up on media players, i DO know that some of them have to be pointed correctly at the file to work | 04:35 |
jsubl2 | flixor: sudo apt-cache showpkg gwenview | 04:36 |
satempler | nalioth: well it works with one I have to xvid files | 04:36 |
satempler | nalioth: one works one dosn't | 04:36 |
satempler | nalioth: so that bogles my mind more so | 04:37 |
nalioth | yep | 04:37 |
flixor | kipi is a plugin system wich anenble other programm with extra options | 04:37 |
nalioth | "linux is for tinkerers" | 04:37 |
Fuji-san | yush | 04:37 |
flixor | i did that jsubl2 i got a lot of output | 04:37 |
satempler | nalioth: I had this working before and I have all known plugins | 04:37 |
Fuji-san | nalioth may i ask questions here about ubuntu when i'm stick? | 04:38 |
Fuji-san | stuck* | 04:38 |
pospeselr | xorg | 04:38 |
satempler | nalioth: they all know to open kaffeine | 04:38 |
Fuji-san | which toolkit are you using flixor ? | 04:38 |
frank23 | Fuji-san: if you're running Ubuntu (not kubuntu) then #ubuntu might be more apropriate some times | 04:38 |
Fuji-san | frank23 | 04:39 |
Fuji-san | i cant | 04:39 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: ask anything | 04:39 |
Fuji-san | ok ty | 04:39 |
flixor | i am using the qt toolkit i quess and some times the gtk2 toolkit for programs like the gimp etc etc | 04:39 |
Fuji-san | so just the kernel is called linux? | 04:39 |
frank23 | is there a kde tool to do regular checks of the repos and alert me when there are updates? | 04:40 |
Fuji-san | is it like sun OS? | 04:40 |
Hobbsee | frank23: adept update manager | 04:40 |
frank23 | Fuji-san: linux is the kernel, GNU is most of the rest of the OS so together it's GNU/Linux | 04:40 |
Hobbsee | frank23: but it doesnt auto sit in the tray as the ubuntu one does | 04:40 |
Fuji-san | ok i see | 04:41 |
frank23 | Hobbsee: that's what I mean. | 04:41 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: also remember there is #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:41 |
Hobbsee | frank23: not that i've found | 04:41 |
jsubl2 | sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 04:41 |
Fuji-san | k ty nalioth | 04:41 |
frank23 | Hobbsee: ok | 04:41 |
flixor | wow my god its to late | 04:41 |
flixor | guys i need to go to bed | 04:41 |
flixor | i am comming back tommorow | 04:41 |
flixor | and learn a lot more about this wonderfull system called linux and the distro called kubuntu | 04:42 |
flixor | adios and have a nice day or evening | 04:42 |
Hobbsee | you too | 04:43 |
flixor | thanks Hobbsee | 04:44 |
=== flixor is now known as flixor-sleeping | ||
Fuji-san | Does ubuntu use apache? | 04:49 |
frank23 | Fuji-san: you can install apache but it's not there by default | 04:50 |
Fuji-san | ok i see | 04:51 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: enable universe and multiverse and look around in synaptic | 04:52 |
Fuji-san | ok | 04:53 |
satempler | any one know how to add meta data to a file | 04:53 |
Riddell | ** testers needed http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.3.5.php | 04:54 |
satempler | Riddell: whats new ? | 04:54 |
Fuji-san | WHo has read the cathedral and the bazar? | 04:55 |
satempler | Fuji-san: I haven't but check out the dvd Revolution OS | 04:55 |
frank23 | Riddell: is kde 3.5beta necessary for the amarok packages? | 04:55 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: off to go test | 04:55 |
Hobbsee | frank23: we'll see lol | 04:56 |
Riddell | frank23: not for these new ones | 04:56 |
Riddell | satempler: 0.0.2 better | 04:56 |
hydrogen | 1.3.5 is bugfixes | 04:57 |
hydrogen | bigbugfixes | 04:57 |
nalioth | Riddell: it compiles and runs fine on ppc (amarok 1.3.5) | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: same with x86, kde 3.5 beta1 | 04:57 |
Riddell | nalioth: groovy, want me to upload them? | 04:57 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: same what? | 04:58 |
nalioth | Riddell: i didnt use pbuilder | 04:58 |
satempler | well 3.5 made arts errors | 04:58 |
satempler | I saw the downgrade link | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: as in, same runs fine, on x86, with the new link, kde 3.5 beta1 | 04:58 |
satempler | is there a way to upgrade to 3.5 without arts | 04:58 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: cool :) | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | got a message the first time about not finding the engine, restarted amarok, works fine | 04:59 |
Riddell | satempler: who uses arn't anyway, let it crash :) | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | LOL | 04:59 |
nalioth | Riddell: i know almost nothing about making debian pkgs | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: well, is there somethign else better than arts to use? | 04:59 |
nalioth | (if someone can send me to a howto for dummies, i'd appreciate it) | 04:59 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: kaffeine and amarok just use gstreamer | 04:59 |
hydrogen | -fvisibility is broken again with 3.5 according to flameeyes | 04:59 |
satempler | Riddell: any one using kde right | 04:59 |
hydrogen | s/broken again/still broken | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: yeah, i knew that...i was actually wondering about a way to not have to use arts for anthing, including knotify and all that | 05:00 |
hydrogen | nah | 05:00 |
hydrogen | not possible | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | pity | 05:00 |
hydrogen | well | 05:00 |
hydrogen | for kde 4 | 05:01 |
Riddell | actually suse doesn't use arts | 05:01 |
hydrogen | when kdemm takes over | 05:01 |
hydrogen | OH SHUSH and let me feel right for once! | 05:01 |
hydrogen | :) | 05:01 |
satempler | why is every thing going with gstreamer it sucks | 05:01 |
hydrogen | cause it plays everything? | 05:01 |
seth_k | hydrogen, s/s\/broken\ again\/still broken/s\/broken\\ again\/still\\ broken\// | 05:01 |
seth_k | :P | 05:01 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:01 |
Fuji-san | You guys ever heard about the source..?? | 05:01 |
Hobbsee | what's suse use then? | 05:01 |
satempler | hydrogen: not without meta data | 05:01 |
Riddell | nalioth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPackagingGuide | 05:01 |
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satempler | Fuji-san: yes | 05:02 |
seth_k | 3.5 is making arts errors for me too | 05:02 |
hydrogen | yea | 05:02 |
hydrogen | thats the fvisibility bug | 05:02 |
seth_k | I had to chmod arts to 000 to get it to stop | 05:02 |
hydrogen | arts errors being crashes? | 05:02 |
satempler | Hobbsee: suse uses gstreamer or xine | 05:02 |
seth_k | even disabling the sound system didn't work | 05:02 |
seth_k | yeah, crashes every 2 seconds | 05:02 |
nalioth | Riddell: i will attempt to muddle thru all that | 05:02 |
satempler | ya same here | 05:02 |
seth_k | um | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | seth_k: that's a pain...i hate that | 05:02 |
hydrogen | yep | 05:02 |
seth_k | although now that I think about it | 05:02 |
hydrogen | blame qt/kde :) | 05:02 |
satempler | seth_k: they said to downgrade arts untill a fix is made | 05:03 |
seth_k | how am I playing music right now? | 05:03 |
Hobbsee | seth_k: by using gstreamer, not artsd | 05:03 |
satempler | must not be using arts | 05:03 |
seth_k | oh right | 05:03 |
satempler | esd or alsa | 05:03 |
seth_k | gstreamer | 05:03 |
satempler | gstreamer even | 05:03 |
Fuji-san | A dutch guy / inventor invented a new language for coding it takes only 128 KB of storage space with his new technique... | 05:03 |
seth_k | ---------- 1 root root 170100 2005-10-16 15:20 /usr/bin/artsd | 05:04 |
seth_k | word | 05:04 |
seth_k | that'll fix you, silly errors | 05:04 |
seth_k | :P | 05:04 |
Fuji-san | The principle worked apparently simple. Just like there is for a piece text but a limited number of characteravailable, a film is built from a finite number of colours and sounds. All those basic facts were stored in five algorithms in five different memories | 05:04 |
seth_k | Fuji-san, #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:04 |
seth_k | not here | 05:04 |
Fuji-san | lol soz | 05:04 |
Sonny_Wertzik | can someone tell me how to load a program at startup automatically? | 05:05 |
satempler | seth_k: what do you mean | 05:05 |
regeya_ | all right, how do I do a split window in konqueror now. I cannot live without split windows. | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | !startup | 05:05 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: I haven't a clue | 05:05 |
=== regeya_ may have exaggerated a bit | ||
seth_k | satempler, I just chmodded artsd to 000 | 05:05 |
seth_k | as a temp fix | 05:05 |
satempler | seth_k: oh | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | Sonny_Wertzik: place a system link in ~/.kde/Autostart | 05:05 |
seth_k | Sonny_Wertzik, put a shortcut in .kde/Autostart | 05:05 |
seth_k | bah, beaten | 05:05 |
=== frank23 [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
regeya_ | seth_k, you know you can disable the sound server | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:05 |
seth_k | and me using windows terms like shortcut | 05:05 |
Sonny_Wertzik | ahhh thanks guys | 05:05 |
seth_k | regeya_, yes I did that first | 05:05 |
seth_k | but that didn't help the crashes | 05:05 |
m_tadeu | Sonny_Wertzik: place links to the apps in ~/.kde/Autostart | 05:05 |
regeya_ | uh | 05:06 |
regeya_ | how can something a.) not be running and b.) crash, all at the same time... | 05:06 |
Sonny_Wertzik | m_tadeu, thx | 05:06 |
frank23 | I wanted to Alt-Ctrl-Backspace in vmware. Guess what I ended up doing! | 05:06 |
seth_k | no idea. Maybe the disabling didn't work? | 05:06 |
regeya_ | lol frank23 | 05:06 |
seth_k | but all I know was that unchecking the box and hitting apply | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | regeya_: easy, something else using it instead | 05:06 |
seth_k | didn't make it stop crashing | 05:06 |
satempler | seth_k: so that makes it so it dosn't run right ? | 05:06 |
seth_k | and CHMOD'ing it did | 05:06 |
seth_k | satempler, right | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | seth_k: try killing off knotify next time you have that... | 05:06 |
regeya_ | Hobbsee: that doesn't satisfy my conditions, but it works anyway | 05:06 |
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Hobbsee | regeya_: well...yeah...i know...but i think you get the idea of what i meant | 05:07 |
Fuji-san | So does xp use open source aswell? | 05:07 |
seth_k | Hobbsee, yeah if I would've thought a bit more I would've looked to see what was using it | 05:07 |
seth_k | but I got annoyed with crash / 2 sec | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 05:07 |
seth_k | so found first solution I could think of | 05:07 |
seth_k | ;) | 05:07 |
satempler | seth_k: well I thing downgrading is better | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | tell me about it...had that for a while.. | 05:07 |
regeya_ | seth_k: if you use apps that require artsd, artsd will be spawned. sad but true. | 05:07 |
kkathman | good evening all :) | 05:07 |
=== regeya_ notes that part of the reason he uses amaroK is b/c it doesn't *require* artsd | ||
regeya_ | Fuji-san: tcp/ip stack | 05:08 |
Fuji-san | ?? | 05:08 |
kinfo | what? | 05:08 |
regeya_ | Fuji-san: microsoft <3 bsd | 05:08 |
slicslak | what's that app that allows you to turn off/on startup items? sysctrl or something similar? | 05:08 |
slicslak | doh, wrong room | 05:08 |
Fuji-san | ok lol | 05:08 |
Fuji-san | ;) | 05:08 |
Hobbsee | hi kkathman! | 05:08 |
kkathman | hey Hobbsee :) | 05:08 |
kkathman | What's new tonight? | 05:09 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: testing amarok 1.3.5, apart from that, not a lot | 05:10 |
kkathman | ahhh ok | 05:10 |
Fuji-san | Whats the difference between the freesoftware movement and the opensource community? | 05:10 |
kkathman | how is it? | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | quicker to get than a cd lol | 05:10 |
seth_k | Fuji-san, #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | it's nice, works without a problem now | 05:11 |
seth_k | stick to KDE / Kubuntu questions in here | 05:11 |
kkathman | ohh puhlease :) | 05:11 |
seth_k | kkathman, Fuji-san has already been banned from 4 ubuntu channels tonight :) | 05:11 |
satempler | ok I told adept to do an full upgrade and unmarked arts and the arts libs | 05:11 |
Fuji-san | seth_k i wanted to know it so i can place ubuntu in a category | 05:11 |
satempler | see what that dose | 05:11 |
kkathman | its supposed to be a friendly channel...its kewl | 05:12 |
kkathman | as long as their isnt any abuse | 05:12 |
kkathman | hehe | 05:12 |
satempler | any one still having problems with VMware | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: yeah, it's quiet enough to allow general chat too | 05:12 |
seth_k | I wish Adept could grab changelogs la Synaptic | 05:12 |
Fuji-san | lol | 05:12 |
kkathman | exactly | 05:12 |
seth_k | as of now I still use Synaptic | 05:12 |
satempler | I am trying to go all kde | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | i was using synaptic before, till i reinstalled a week or so ago...might have been slightly longer | 05:13 |
satempler | though I use vmware most of my stuff is kde | 05:13 |
Fuji-san | seth_k if the people didnt have opensource there would be a topic to begin with :) | 05:13 |
kkathman | satempler: Adept is at the first release...it'll grow :) | 05:13 |
Fuji-san | wouldnt* | 05:13 |
Fuji-san | You thank your topic to my question,,, | 05:13 |
flixor-sleeping | kkathman, thanks for a couple of hours ago for the help | 05:13 |
kkathman | Hobbsee: yah..I still gander at kynaptic occasionally | 05:13 |
nalioth | open source ONLY gets better with each iteration | 05:13 |
satempler | kkathman: ya I am shure it will but its way better than kynaptic | 05:13 |
kkathman | flixor-sleeping: hey no prob...sorry I couldnt help more :) | 05:14 |
regeya_ | Fuji-san: true, but this isn't exactly a forum for general open-source talk :) | 05:14 |
flixor-sleeping | no you helped me a lot | 05:14 |
flixor-sleeping | by pointing me to that aritcle | 05:14 |
satempler | at least with adept I get discriptions in kynaptic i get on liner tool tips | 05:14 |
kkathman | ahh kynaptic aint that bad...I like the way things are organized...then I use apt-get :) | 05:14 |
flixor-sleeping | because now my printer is working again it seemed that i had to change some config files | 05:14 |
flixor-sleeping | so thanks again | 05:14 |
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kkathman | flixor-sleeping: HEY Thats great!! Thats what I like to hear! | 05:14 |
kkathman | and you got to work through it too :) | 05:15 |
satempler | I think though searching is slower than searching google | 05:15 |
=== kane is now known as insanekane | ||
flixor-sleeping | anyway i need to go sleeping very soon | 05:15 |
=== Hobbsee shudders at the thought of her printer, and getting it to work | ||
kkathman | have a good night flixor-sleeping :) | 05:15 |
satempler | using any pakage manager | 05:15 |
flixor-sleeping | yeah you too | 05:15 |
kkathman | ahh Hobbsee you got more experience in all this than most...you'll get it workin :) | 05:15 |
Fuji-san | How big is the kubuntu community? | 05:16 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: hah...in some things, yes, in others, not at all | 05:16 |
satempler | why can't they make a Package manager with google speed | 05:16 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: whats the problem ? doesn't the KPrinter setup wizard help ? | 05:16 |
kkathman | Shoot I got MINE to work through cups no less :) | 05:16 |
kkathman | insanekane: worked for me | 05:16 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: it's a hp deskjet 500, connects via a parallel port | 05:16 |
insanekane | kkathman: mine too | 05:16 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: ok ... so ? | 05:16 |
Hobbsee | kprinter doesnt find anything in the parallel port | 05:16 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: i don't think its supposed to see anything | 05:16 |
kkathman | Hobbsee flixor-sleeping had an HP that didnt have a stated driver...and I found an article for him...so I have hope for ya | 05:17 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: i don't think its supposed to find anything | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | right... | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | then how is it supposed to configure? | 05:17 |
kkathman | but that 500 is kinda old tho :) | 05:17 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: simply hit continue after selecting the appropriate parallel port ? | 05:17 |
kkathman | yah the wizard is great | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | there's only 1 parallel port, and it gives me an error dialog saying "empty uri" | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | it is, for smb printers - find's the other one fine | 05:18 |
Fuji-san | Does the kubuntu community have installfests? | 05:18 |
kkathman | Fuji-san: you might check on the net and see..I dunno :) | 05:18 |
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Fuji-san | ok | 05:19 |
Fuji-san | ;) | 05:19 |
insanekane | hmm | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | yeah, i've always thought it was weird! | 05:20 |
Fuji-san | LOL | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | it detected something during the install, as it installed the HP imaging and printing thingo.. | 05:20 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: thats something more generic ... just made by HP | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | HP linux printing and imaging system, and that starts everything on boot | 05:20 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: i have it too ... though no HP in sight :) | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | right, but that probably also means that it knows there's something HP related in the port... | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | oh ok... | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | i didnt see that on my hoary installs, not sur ewhy | 05:21 |
logikal | Hobbsee, do you have embedded movies working? | 05:21 |
logikal | In FireFox ? | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | logikal: i did a while ago, i dont think i've configured it to do so again | 05:21 |
Fuji-san | Mircrosoft used the existence linux(so also kubuntu as 1 of the linux distributions) as a defence in their monopoly case.. to state that they don't have a monopoly :) | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: it's not *that* big a deal if it refuses to work, but it would be nice if it did work | 05:22 |
kkathman | Fuji-san: yep they did...along with the Mac OS too and others. | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | there is another printer connected to a computer in another room, so i can still print to there (while it's on) | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | or i can boot to windows if i want to print something really long on that computer | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | *on that printer, i mean | 05:23 |
kkathman | Hobbsee: I guess I was lucky. I have one printer attached to a winbox, and cups just found it and configured it with no problem :) | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: same here - that one configured just fine | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | configures every single time | 05:23 |
kkathman | yep | 05:24 |
Fuji-san | Could a company like microsoft make a own linux distribution? | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | well, you say autonomous while scanning, it gives an error about NT denied, then you hit back, go anonymous, and then scan and it works fine | 05:24 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: if they wished to, yes | 05:24 |
kkathman | Fuji-san: sure...but I doubt they would | 05:24 |
kkathman | IBM teamed with RedHat I believe...so did Dell | 05:25 |
Fuji-san | yer | 05:25 |
kkathman | it would be more likely, if it ever happened, that MS would cooperatively partner with someone | 05:25 |
Fuji-san | well it would be good for Microsoft image public relation wise | 05:25 |
kkathman | and then turn the install, maintenance and consulting business over to its partners | 05:26 |
Fuji-san | lol | 05:26 |
kkathman | Fuji-san: they need no PR..they are the 300 lb Gorilla and can sit anywhere they want right now :) | 05:26 |
Fuji-san | well imagine the event where the open source community invents an app that microsoft really needs in its own OS... then they would have to adapt that piece of software in their OS as open source.. | 05:27 |
nalioth | kkathman: they on a diet? i thought they were the 200kt gorilla | 05:27 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: could you run the kprinter add printer dialog again, and this time, go the bottom of the devices list, and see if there is a section called "HP devices" ? | 05:27 |
kkathman | nalioth: lol | 05:28 |
Fuji-san | lol | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: hp:/no_device_found? you mean? | 05:28 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: hmm | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: yes, definetly hmm | 05:28 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: your printer is switched on and connected ? | 05:28 |
satempler | so any one know how to add metadata to a video | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | yes, and yes | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | *double checks* | 05:29 |
insanekane | Fuji-san: MS would just replicate it with an army of programmers | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | yeah, it is | 05:29 |
Fuji-san | thats not allowed in open source insanekane | 05:29 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: hmm ok | 05:29 |
satempler | Fuji-san: it's allowed | 05:30 |
Fuji-san | its the copyleft rule :) | 05:30 |
satempler | Fuji-san: that has nothing to do with it | 05:30 |
Fuji-san | ms would have to share its entire os for free then | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: i doubt it's a parallel port problem, or a connection problem or that sort of thing, as the printer works fine in windows, connected in exactly the same way | 05:30 |
satempler | Fuji-san: nope | 05:30 |
insanekane | Fuji-san: if the open source/free software community makes an app that MS really needs in their OS, then MS would just hire an army of programmers to replicate ... better yet, they would hire the exact same people who made the open/free version of the software to make the MS version | 05:30 |
Fuji-san | yer thats prolly true insanekane | 05:31 |
kkathman | insanekane: thats probably true | 05:31 |
kkathman | but right now its mostly the other way around | 05:31 |
Fuji-san | unless Richard Stallman made it :) | 05:31 |
kkathman | lol | 05:31 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: yeah, just trying to figure it out ... it seems HP printers are handled by an hp backend, irrespective of which bus it uses | 05:31 |
Fuji-san | then they are screwed | 05:31 |
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Fuji-san | tschss | 05:31 |
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Hobbsee | insanekane: go for it :) | 05:31 |
kkathman | Unfortunately, for Linux to survive, the distribution companies have to find a way to sell it more. Right now the economics arent viable | 05:32 |
kkathman | but that already has happened..and will continue I think | 05:32 |
nalioth | support is where the money is in linux | 05:32 |
Fuji-san | How many users does Linux have? | 05:32 |
Fuji-san | 40% of all os | 05:33 |
kkathman | nalioth: exactly | 05:33 |
kkathman | no no not that high at all | 05:33 |
kkathman | WIndows is in the high 90% range | 05:33 |
Fuji-san | wow | 05:33 |
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Fuji-san | but windows is pirated alot | 05:33 |
kkathman | however, Linux I believe just recently went past OSX but I may have read that wrong | 05:33 |
scotty | hi | 05:34 |
kkathman | yeah Fuji-san go to Best Buy and ask for a computer with LInux on it see what happens :) | 05:34 |
kkathman | lol | 05:34 |
Hobbsee | hehe...i want to try that at some point | 05:34 |
Fuji-san | ;) | 05:34 |
scotty | Its not a pleasant experience :-) | 05:34 |
Hobbsee | but it'll be at the computer stores here, of course | 05:34 |
kkathman | I think you can get one at Dell tho | 05:34 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: instead of selecting "Local printers" ... please check "Other class of Printers" | 05:35 |
insanekane | err | 05:35 |
Fuji-san | i bought my pc in a store that sells it w/o os .. | 05:35 |
insanekane | Class of Printers | 05:35 |
Fuji-san | they dont sell operating systems | 05:35 |
kkathman | Esp since Michael Dell ponied up a rather large donation to RedHat | 05:35 |
kkathman | but nalioth is right, any money to be had in Linux is in support right now | 05:35 |
Fuji-san | Can you play games on kubuntu? | 05:35 |
frank23 | kkathman: apparently his investment firm did it without him knowing... but that me be the official line to not piss off Microsoft | 05:35 |
scotty | yes | 05:36 |
kkathman | Fuji-san: sure ... it comes with many games | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: yes, what about it? just shows study printer which is connected via smb | 05:36 |
Fuji-san | but support is free aswell i mean here on freenode | 05:36 |
kkathman | frank23: I can absolutely say with not even a doubt that Michael Dell knew exactly what he was doing | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | Fuji-san: and the forums, too, they're a good resource | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | hehe @ kkathman | 05:36 |
kkathman | I know the man personally | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | i'll bet he did | 05:37 |
frank23 | kkathman: really? try to convince him to start selling AMD. ;-) | 05:37 |
Fuji-san | ok i'll have a look | 05:38 |
kkathman | and yes, Michael and Bill ARE good friends | 05:38 |
kkathman | frank23: yah I dont think that will happen :) | 05:38 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: hmm | 05:38 |
kkathman | if it does, it wont be on anything you or I would buy anyway | 05:38 |
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Hobbsee | insanekane: definetly strange | 05:39 |
scotty | Michael dells server success is a test with linux | 05:39 |
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kkathman | scotty: yep they've been playing with that for a while..longer than you might think :) | 05:39 |
frank23 | kkathman: you mean it would only be on servers? | 05:39 |
scotty | Of course, Unix was orignally a server thing | 05:39 |
kkathman | frank23: I'd wager that yes | 05:39 |
scotty | Red hate 9 (or is it 10 now?) is offered on desktops | 05:40 |
Fuji-san | i heard Bill Gates has spies on freenode ;0 | 05:40 |
scotty | hat* | 05:40 |
frank23 | kkathman: away from the public spotlight.. | 05:40 |
kkathman | frank23: well that a little bit, but mostly, cuz theres no money in it for him | 05:40 |
kkathman | remember Dell is a bank that sells computers on the side | 05:40 |
Fuji-san | lol | 05:41 |
kkathman | Im serious | 05:41 |
kkathman | every computer that is ordered they get 30-60 days on money. the interest is amazing | 05:41 |
scotty | Thats how they keep prices low | 05:42 |
scotty | Its not pure undercutting | 05:42 |
kkathman | in other words, the computer that you pay $1000 for today, they pay for the parts in 60 days | 05:42 |
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insanekane | Hobbsee: you can use hp-info on the console to see if the printer was recognized | 05:43 |
kkathman | scotty its pure supply chain management and being the behemouth....kinda like Wallmart in their industry | 05:43 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: why don't you try as root ? perhaps your user doesnt have the rights to access the parallel port | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | [ERROR] : No devices found. | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | [ERROR] : Error occured during interactive mode. Exiting. | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: | 05:43 |
kkathman | ouch Hobbsee ! | 05:43 |
scotty | Difference being Dell isn't in a position where they can raise prices, they have to consistantly stay low inorder to stay in the game | 05:43 |
frank23 | kkathman: so Dell wouldn't work if computer component prices were stable? | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: that would require bothering to go and enable the root account...but i shall try | 05:44 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: tried as root ? | 05:44 |
Hobbsee | nope | 05:44 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: no ... jhust use sudo | 05:44 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: sudo hp-info | 05:44 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: use sudo -s | 05:44 |
kkathman | scotty: stay in the game??? are you nuts? They ARE the game LOL. About a year ago, HP was raising their prices and Dell was lowering. | 05:45 |
Hobbsee | still nothing found | 05:45 |
kkathman | frank23: nah if component prices were stable it wouldnt matter | 05:45 |
Hobbsee | insanekane: same error, still nothing found | 05:45 |
insanekane | Hobbsee: yes, i saw ur message | 05:45 |
Hobbsee | cool | 05:45 |
kkathman | frank23: just because of volume | 05:45 |
scotty | It sure seems that way, but others are becoming much more compeitively priced. Hear rumors of PCs become as cheap as 199 | 05:46 |
scotty | thats damn near dirt | 05:46 |
kkathman | scotty...at Dell yu can get a P4 2.8Ghz, 512 mem, 200GB drive AND flat screen panel monitor with printer.... $699 | 05:47 |
kkathman | and they'll warrant it for 3 years | 05:47 |
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scotty | I'm into the building thing myself | 05:47 |
nalioth | scotty: where have you been? my local Frys sells pcs for $159 | 05:47 |
kkathman | Hell its hard to MAKE a computer for that yourself :) | 05:47 |
kkathman | haha | 05:47 |
scotty | Ok. Now I should note something: I live in rural minnesota | 05:47 |
kkathman | nalioth: what kind of PC tho?? lol | 05:48 |
=== Hobbsee is envious - no decent computers around here for that money... | ||
kkathman | shoot, last one I built ... cost me $300, sans monitor | 05:48 |
scotty | I can build a super computer out of a paperclip, two pens and some gum :P | 05:48 |
Fuji-san | guys who plays Serious Sam? | 05:48 |
nalioth | y'all hang on and i'll drop a URL | 05:48 |
kkathman | and that was an AMD | 05:48 |
scotty | they call me mcgiver | 05:49 |
kkathman | scotty is related to the professor off Gilligan's Island | 05:49 |
scotty | only if I get royaltys from TB | 05:49 |
scotty | TBS* | 05:49 |
kkathman | I have an old Dell in my home...its running Hoary now :) | 05:50 |
kkathman | haha | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | KUBUNTU!!! | 05:50 |
scotty | Best damn OS ever | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | i'm going to install it :) | 05:50 |
scotty | Its good | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | i only used the live cd till now | 05:50 |
scotty | I didn't like gnome, not my taste | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | lmao | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | yer its to brown | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | lmao | 05:50 |
Fuji-san | :p | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | you can change the brown easily enough, the rest of it takes a while though | 05:51 |
scotty | KDE is a little more windowish I guess, which is what I just migrated from 3 hours ago | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | lol | 05:51 |
Fuji-san | lol | 05:51 |
Fuji-san | can i download the install cd with kde instead of gnome??? | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | cant understand how gnome people dont use kcontrol... | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | Fuji-san: of course | 05:51 |
Fuji-san | where.. | 05:52 |
Fuji-san | i cant find it | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | grab the kubuntu cd, instead of the ubuntu cd | 05:52 |
Fuji-san | i looked allover | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | !kubuntu | 05:52 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 05:52 |
Fuji-san | k ty | 05:52 |
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Hobbsee | the last link, make sure you pick the install cd, and for the correct architecture | 05:52 |
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Fuji-san | my kid brother bought a pc with xp on it and its driving him insane he gets a dll error with each install lmao | 05:53 |
Fuji-san | its horrible :/ | 05:53 |
Fuji-san | the xp os is in his hardware :/ | 05:53 |
Fuji-san | he cant remove it | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | eek | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | sounds like it needs a reinstall then | 05:53 |
Fuji-san | he did | 05:54 |
Fuji-san | same error again | 05:54 |
kkathman | Hobbsee: still no luck with the printer? | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | lol | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: nope | 05:54 |
kkathman | dang | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 05:54 |
scotty | Gotta fly see ya | 05:54 |
Fuji-san | xp is such crap utter crap even | 05:54 |
nalioth | the $159 pc doesnt show up online any more, but it's a sempron 2200 with an all in one board, 256mb ram 40gb HD | 05:54 |
Fuji-san | 159$ for that pc nalioth? | 05:55 |
Fuji-san | thats cheap | 05:55 |
kkathman | Hobbsee: when you start up the wizard do you ever get to the point of being able to choose your printer? | 05:55 |
frank23 | nalioth: those really low price PCs are great. you add a bit of RAM and they are perfect for alot of people | 05:55 |
Fuji-san | hardware is expensive in europe | 05:55 |
Fuji-san | yer | 05:56 |
Fuji-san | where did you buy it nalioth? | 05:56 |
kkathman | nalioth: that might be a good price for that...the Semprons are being obsoleted | 05:56 |
kkathman | 256 isnt much mem and 40gb isnt much either | 05:56 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: yeah, i can get to the local port selection box, then it just cant find anything in the parallel port, saying empty uri | 05:56 |
kkathman | but thats not a bad little system for your wife :) | 05:57 |
=== Hobbsee only has a 40 gig hard drive, dual booting XP and kubuntu...it's not that bad | ||
kkathman | thats weird...I looked for "Empty URI" on Google and came up with ZERO | 05:57 |
Hobbsee | till xp decides to try and kill off everything as it formats it | 05:57 |
Hobbsee | really? | 05:57 |
Hobbsee | i find terribly much on google when i looked there a couple of months ago | 05:58 |
frank23 | kkathman: hey, if you don't download anything p2p, 40 Gigs is plenty | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | in terms of this printer, anyway | 05:58 |
nalioth | i dont own that box, i see it in my newspaper advertised once a month | 05:58 |
kkathman | frank23: I guess thats true | 05:59 |
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kkathman | my main linux box is 250gb and runs one of those outdated Sempron 2500+ | 06:01 |
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Fuji-san | help i cant download the kubuntu install cd. I am getting this error: The requested URL /kubuntu/breezy/ was not found on this server. | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | !kubuntu | 06:03 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 06:04 |
Hobbsee | should be there...lets see... | 06:04 |
Hobbsee | Fuji-san: you on i386, presumably? | 06:04 |
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Fuji-san | x86 yes | 06:05 |
Fuji-san | well AMD really :) | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | there are AMD ones... | 06:06 |
Hobbsee | http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/kubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.iso | 06:06 |
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nalioth | Fuji-san: you dont have to d/l it, you can upgrade online | 06:06 |
Hobbsee | but to get rid of gnome as well...it's almost easier to download agian | 06:07 |
frank23 | Fuji-san: stick with i386. amd64 is more annoying to setup | 06:07 |
Fuji-san | ok | 06:07 |
frank23 | Fuji-san: do you have a Athlon64 processor? | 06:08 |
Hobbsee | is wget just a standard downloader, or is it a download accelerator? | 06:08 |
Fuji-san | i'm not sure | 06:08 |
tarheelcoxn | I've got a wireless PCI nic with a prism2.5 chipset | 06:08 |
Fuji-san | i think i do but i think its 32 bits | 06:08 |
Fuji-san | lol | 06:08 |
tarheelcoxn | I installed ubuntu then switched to kubuntu-desktop | 06:08 |
tarheelcoxn | when I checked lsmod, the hostap driver was there | 06:08 |
Fuji-san | yer but i want to have kde right away | 06:08 |
frank23 | Hobbsee: just a downloader that can also resume but doesn't use multiple connections for the same file AFAIK | 06:08 |
tarheelcoxn | but I can't seem to bring up wlan0 | 06:09 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: standard "very configurable" downloader | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | frank23: right | 06:09 |
tarheelcoxn | is it something other than 'wlan0' under breezy? is there something else I might have missed? | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | nalioth: how does one go about configuring it? | 06:09 |
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nalioth | Hobbsee: if it has a URL, wget can d/l it | 06:09 |
Fuji-san | The requested URL /kubuntu/breezy/kubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso was not found on this server. | 06:09 |
nalioth | Hobbsee: ah you ask a question close to my heart.. .. | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 06:09 |
Fuji-san | its not there anymore ;/ | 06:09 |
Hobbsee | it should be there, was when i looked | 06:10 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: go to kubuntu.org and follow the links | 06:10 |
Fuji-san | k | 06:10 |
tarheelcoxn | nobody has any suggestions on hostap? | 06:10 |
tarheelcoxn | should I just go grab source and compile a module with make-kpkg like I did under debian? | 06:11 |
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tarheelcoxn | also, under debian I got mplayer, libdvdcss, etc. from deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main | 06:18 |
Fuji-san | hehe it works now i'm getting the kubuntu iso ;) | 06:18 |
Fuji-san | my isp dns was screwed | 06:18 |
tarheelcoxn | I'm not seeing some of those packages under multiverse | 06:18 |
tarheelcoxn | likely because I consistently get 404s :P | 06:19 |
MCCPicky | running kubuntu 5 .04 (?) conextant hsf modem listed in pci but not detectable via kppp, I believe it has to be turned on...how/ | 06:19 |
MCCPicky | ? | 06:19 |
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regeya_ | MCCPicky: conexant hfs modem is a winmodem, sadly, and a non-crippled driver is a commercial product. | 06:20 |
MCCPicky | ah, yes I had come acroos that | 06:21 |
MCCPicky | thank you | 06:21 |
regeya_ | just threw out an hsf modem a while back | 06:21 |
humbolt | is there a way to make quanta or kate format my php or html code with text indents ... | 06:21 |
=== tarheelcoxn coughs | ||
regeya_ | http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/ <- conexant drivers | 06:21 |
Hobbsee | tarheelcoxn: which 404 errors? | 06:22 |
=== regeya_ hands tarheelcoxn a cough drop | ||
Hobbsee | like, 404 errors for what? | 06:22 |
regeya_ | NC | 06:22 |
tarheelcoxn | us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/main | 06:22 |
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tarheelcoxn | 404 Not Found [IP:] | 06:23 |
MCCPicky | actually when doing query modem I'm getting unable to create lock file | 06:23 |
jesusfish | anyone here know why gam_server starts eating my cpu/memory? | 06:23 |
nalioth | jesusfish: it's a common gam_server bug | 06:23 |
nalioth | jesusfish: you can kill the process if you wish | 06:24 |
tarheelcoxn | Hobbsee: also | 06:24 |
jesusfish | nalioth: then a new one starts up and starts eating | 06:24 |
nalioth | jesusfish: it's a bug we all live with | 06:24 |
jesusfish | nalioth: ummm....so I just let it slow my system down? | 06:24 |
nalioth | jesusfish: i'm not sure how to fix it, you might check the forums for an answer or ask in #ubuntu | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | tarheelcoxn: that's odd...it's replying after pinging it, assuming i did the ping correctly | 06:25 |
jesusfish | nalioth: found the fix | 06:27 |
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=== tarheelcoxn holds palms up, shrugs | ||
tarheelcoxn | dunno what to say | 06:30 |
tarheelcoxn | TWC sucks? my internets are broken? | 06:30 |
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jesusfish | nalioth: fixed :) | 06:32 |
regeya_ | let's turn off the intarnet | 06:32 |
kkathman | nalioth: re the gam server....whats that all about? | 06:32 |
nalioth | kkathman: gam_server is the daemon that keeps up with your drives contents | 06:33 |
nalioth | gnome and kde both use it | 06:33 |
kkathman | ok...well funny I have 2 of those running...but cpu isnt being affected | 06:33 |
jesusfish | nalioth: is it a replacement for famd? | 06:33 |
nalioth | jesusfish: i have 0 clue | 06:33 |
jesusfish | lol..k | 06:33 |
kkathman | nalioth: I do wonder why kate continues to run on the system even after you exit it | 06:35 |
tarheelcoxn | jeebus... I can't get kernel-package or linux-headers or etc. etc. etc. | 06:35 |
tarheelcoxn | :( | 06:35 |
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=== tarheelcoxn wants multiverse | ||
nalioth | kkathman: sounds like a bug to me | 06:36 |
Foodcoman | nalioth: kkathman: Greetz. | 06:36 |
nalioth | Foodcoman: eatz | 06:36 |
kkathman | hey Foodcoman :) | 06:37 |
Fuji-san | Can anyone give me a thread about gaming on ubuntu os? | 06:37 |
kkathman | nalioth: yah I just noticed it....and should I have 2 gam-servers?? one for my user name and one for root? | 06:37 |
Foodcoman | nalioth: True That! | 06:37 |
nalioth | kkathman: why not? | 06:38 |
kkathman | lol well ok...why?? | 06:38 |
Fuji-san | HELP | 06:39 |
Fuji-san | Can i run steam based games on ubuntu? | 06:39 |
kkathman | and I have a konqueror instance running too and no window open | 06:39 |
nalioth | kkathman: every user has their own processes | 06:39 |
nalioth | kkathman: hmmm perhaps its running your desktop and all you see? | 06:39 |
kkathman | ??? | 06:39 |
kkathman | konq? | 06:40 |
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nalioth | kkathman: i'm not sure what draws your desktop icons and such | 06:41 |
kkathman | nalioth: you think konqeror does that? | 06:42 |
kkathman | hmm | 06:42 |
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nalioth | kkathman: kill the process and see <EG> | 06:42 |
kkathman | nalioth: ok ok..so much for trying to obtain knowledge...I can take a hint | 06:43 |
=== wirwzd [n=wirwzd@c-24-63-233-117.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Foodcoman | Hey guys, do I need libdvdcss for commercial DVDs? | 06:45 |
nalioth | Foodcoman: libdvdcss2 | 06:46 |
Foodcoman | Not in me repos mate. | 06:47 |
=== Foodcoman starts the hunt. | ||
nalioth | ubotu: tell Foodcoman about dvd | 06:47 |
nalioth | Foodcoman: for a solution, visit #kubuntu-offtopic | 06:47 |
Foodcoman | Gracias | 06:48 |
Foodcoman | Pretty slick! Works like a charm. | 06:50 |
regeya_ | !start an editor war | 06:53 |
ubotu | gvim is better than xemacs | 06:53 |
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tarheelcoxn | that's not an editor war | 07:01 |
tarheelcoxn | that's a full-fledged crusade | 07:02 |
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tarheelcoxn | it got gnome involved | 07:02 |
tarheelcoxn | :P | 07:02 |
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clrc | hi everyone | 07:09 |
clrc | :D | 07:09 |
clrc | i'm a new user | 07:09 |
clrc | :D | 07:09 |
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propagandhi | clrc: thats good news | 07:09 |
tarheelcoxn | propagandhi: your nick worries me... a lot | 07:10 |
tarheelcoxn | :P | 07:10 |
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propagandhi | ha ha | 07:13 |
propagandhi | and why is that | 07:13 |
Fuji-san | wow i was just playing Serious Sam2 its amazing :P | 07:14 |
Fuji-san | well do you do you wanna go.. propagandhi? | 07:15 |
tarheelcoxn | propaganda = baaaaad | 07:15 |
Fuji-san | :P | 07:15 |
tarheelcoxn | gandhi = gooooood | 07:15 |
Fuji-san | Serious Sam 2 is amazing | 07:16 |
Fuji-san | ;P | 07:16 |
Fuji-san | gfx are stunning | 07:16 |
Fuji-san | :) | 07:16 |
cyne | what about secret agent sam? | 07:16 |
cyne | :P | 07:16 |
Fuji-san | Who can tell me more about the possiblities to play window based games on ubuntu? | 07:16 |
cyne | Fuji-san: cedega | 07:17 |
Fuji-san | cedega | 07:17 |
Fuji-san | is that an app | 07:17 |
cyne | it's a keyword to help you search | 07:17 |
Fuji-san | is there a tutorial | 07:17 |
Fuji-san | haha | 07:17 |
Fuji-san | i know dude | 07:17 |
cyne | great | 07:18 |
Fuji-san | cyne ty | 07:18 |
propagandhi | lol | 07:18 |
Fuji-san | ;:) | 07:18 |
Fuji-san | cyne where are you from? | 07:18 |
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Fuji-san | propagandhi my spamfilters are config. proper | 07:20 |
Fuji-san | so it thinks you are tryng to spam it | 07:21 |
propagandhi | Fuji-san, you might be interested in http://www.tuxwarez.com | 07:21 |
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cyne | Australia | 07:22 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
propagandhi | I was avoiding pasting that here, but u and ur damn spam filter | 07:22 |
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Fuji-san | propagandhi ty m8 | 07:23 |
propagandhi | no worries | 07:25 |
Fuji-san | could you help me propagandhi | 07:27 |
Fuji-san | give me some info abou cedega | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | !cedega | 07:28 |
ubotu | help for cedega is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | !tell Fuji-san about cedega | 07:28 |
n48_4h4 | haiii | 07:29 |
sampan | gah, why would acroread stop working? every time i launch it it just flashes the splash screen and then vanishes. | 07:33 |
sampan | i even tried removing and then reinstalling the package -- still no joy. | 07:33 |
propagandhi | sampan: I am also having that problem | 07:33 |
nalioth | sampan: try your ~/.acroread or whatever it is | 07:34 |
sampan | nalioth, same thing -- flash of the splash screen then *poof* | 07:34 |
sampan | i swear it was working last week | 07:34 |
nalioth | sampan: try with the --purge option (using apt-get) | 07:35 |
sampan | apt-get --purge acroread apt-get --purge acroread ? | 07:36 |
nalioth | you can use adept or kynaptic, point is to purge the config files | 07:36 |
nalioth | sudo apt-get --purge remove acroread | 07:36 |
sampan | ahhh gotta have the remove in there | 07:37 |
Fuji-san | nalioth is there something you need to install to get your gfxcard to work on linux for playing games using cedega? | 07:37 |
sampan | so now reinstall it i suppose | 07:38 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: not really. if your card works, it works | 07:38 |
nalioth | sampan: yep | 07:38 |
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sampan | after reinstalling, it's the same thing -- flash and then nothing | 07:38 |
Fuji-san | ok | 07:39 |
Fuji-san | but can i update my card on ubuntu? | 07:39 |
Fuji-san | install drivers and all? | 07:39 |
Fuji-san | i'm sorry i'm such a n00b | 07:39 |
nalioth | Fuji-san: your software should be up to date | 07:40 |
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Fuji-san | ok | 07:40 |
sampan | *sigh* makes no sense to me ... i haven't done anything strange, haven't mucked with system files or put anything on here really | 07:41 |
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Fuji-san | You guys ever heard about fiberoptic.... | 07:50 |
Fuji-san | or Burny S. ? | 07:50 |
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TobyK | how does one add the multiverse stuff to kubuntu 5.10? | 07:51 |
Fuji-san | you dont know him.. | 07:51 |
Fuji-san | wow | 07:51 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell TobyK about repos | 07:51 |
TobyK | thanks | 07:51 |
Fuji-san | get the docu here: http://disgruntledmass.v2.nl/media/video/GNU_-_Freedom/Freedom%20Downtime.avi <-- neat documentary | 07:53 |
TobyK | does anyone have like a script or something that will automagically get and install stuff for multimedia, like win32codecs and stuff? | 07:53 |
Fuji-san | You guys know Kevin Mitnick? | 07:54 |
nalioth | TobyK: stay away from those scripts, unless you like danger | 07:54 |
TobyK | ok | 07:54 |
nalioth | !tell TobyK about msg the bot | 07:54 |
Fuji-san | lol | 07:55 |
nalioth | TobyK: ubotu can help you greatly | 07:55 |
Fuji-san | never trust scripts you havent compiled yourself ;) | 07:55 |
TobyK | ok i'll remember that | 07:55 |
propagandhi | Fuji-san: yeah kevin mitnick is pretty well known | 07:55 |
Fuji-san | propagandhi get that docu :) | 07:55 |
Tm_T | who? | 07:55 |
Fuji-san | its good | 07:56 |
TobyK | !restricted | 07:56 |
ubotu | I guess restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ; also see !javadebs (for sun-java debs) and !w32codecs | 07:56 |
=== Danny| [n=Danny|@83-131-184-12.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
propagandhi | Fuji-san: the torrent isnt working for me | 07:56 |
TobyK | !w32codecs | 07:56 |
ubotu | I guess w32codecs is a set of audio/video codecs for DVD-Video. To download the debs: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy) | 07:56 |
Fuji-san | Go here propagandhi: http://disgruntledmass.v2.nl/media/ | 07:57 |
propagandhi | !restricted | 07:57 |
ubotu | restricted is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ; also see !javadebs (for sun-java debs) and !w32codecs | 07:57 |
Fuji-san | Btw it isnt a torrent propagandhi | 07:57 |
Fuji-san | its on a server there | 07:57 |
Fuji-san | alot of documentaries there | 07:57 |
propagandhi | Fuji-san: thankyou | 08:00 |
Fuji-san | no worries :) | 08:01 |
sampan | propagandhi if you ever get that acroread problem solved, let me know please ;) | 08:01 |
sampan | kpdf is okay, but acroread is much better and pdf files are "mission critical" for me | 08:01 |
Tm_T | err | 08:02 |
propagandhi | sampan: i will be looking into it again shortly, if i make any progress i will | 08:02 |
Tm_T | to me, kpdf is far better | 08:02 |
sampan | k thanks :) | 08:02 |
cyne | sampan why do yu oneed acroread? | 08:02 |
cyne | kpdf is much bettre for me too | 08:02 |
Tm_T | :) | 08:03 |
propagandhi | sampan: i just noted if i run it as root, a whole bunch of plugins fail to load, but it does open | 08:03 |
propagandhi | sampan: and then i ran it as the normal user, with the same results | 08:04 |
propagandhi | it is open and running now | 08:04 |
propagandhi | but before if i executed as the standard user it would only flash the splash screen as you described | 08:05 |
sampan | Tm_T and cyne, there's no accounting for taste -- but many of the things I use it for include online interactive pdf forms for doctoral grants in multiple languages -- i'd really like to make sure that i'm working with the same application that the grant institutions and universities are working with | 08:05 |
sampan | thanks propagandhi, i'll give that a try | 08:05 |
Tm_T | sampan: ah, true | 08:05 |
propagandhi | the official has a lot of features and usability kpdf doesnt have, but under normal circumstances kpdf is fine for me also | 08:06 |
Tm_T | sampan: I mostly use Kpdf to read magazines etc | 08:06 |
nalioth | evince | 08:06 |
sampan | all it takes is one "glictch" in an online form that sends a misconfigured line or character and my application gets tossed in the trash and i don't get the money | 08:06 |
cyne | sampan, true enough :) | 08:07 |
sampan | propagandhi did you sudo acroread kdesu acroread? both of those just do the same thing for me :/ flash and close | 08:07 |
propagandhi | sampan: i actually executed as root from a terminal, its still missing loads of plugins, but I'm looking into that also | 08:08 |
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sampan | hrmmm ... if i sudo or kdesu i get flash and close ... if i su into root and then try, i get two Xlib errors and then a 0.0 connection refused and it closes | 08:09 |
sampan | sheesh | 08:09 |
sampan | gtk error: cannot open display -- *poof* | 08:10 |
propagandhi | sampan: try xhost +localhost | 08:11 |
Fuji-san | propagandhi you see Takedown? | 08:11 |
Fuji-san | seen* | 08:12 |
propagandhi | yeah i have | 08:12 |
Fuji-san | is it any good? | 08:12 |
sampan | propagandhi same thing -- same gtk error and same 0.0 connection refused by server | 08:12 |
sampan | *sigh* so stupid to have to go do those forms with windows because of a silly glitch that i can't waste time trying to fix | 08:12 |
crimsun | xhost? eeek. | 08:13 |
propagandhi | sampan: did you install from the package from the adobe site? | 08:13 |
crimsun | please don't use xhost; use xauth instead. | 08:13 |
sampan | nope, from ubuntu repos | 08:13 |
propagandhi | ok, I'm using the package from the adobe site | 08:13 |
Fuji-san | dont leave me in suspense now propagandhi ;P | 08:13 |
sampan | i might still have us.archive in my sources list though -- that wouldn't have been a problem would it? | 08:14 |
sampan | crimsun, if i did xhost +localhost -- should i xhost -localhost to unset what i set? | 08:15 |
sampan | <_< | 08:16 |
crimsun | sampan: yes, then read xauth(1) | 08:16 |
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sampan | k | 08:16 |
propagandhi | Fuji-san: i think its very good | 08:17 |
propagandhi | very hollywood, but good nonetheless | 08:17 |
Fuji-san | do have it in xvid propagandhi | 08:18 |
Fuji-san | you* | 08:18 |
Fuji-san | shit i cant find it anywhere :(( | 08:18 |
propagandhi | Fuji-san: i dont have it personally | 08:20 |
Fuji-san | ok lol | 08:20 |
Fuji-san | worth a shot :) | 08:20 |
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cyne | has anyone successfuly run Kylix 3 under Kubuntu? | 08:22 |
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Fuji-san | sup cyne | 08:22 |
Fuji-san | ;p | 08:22 |
cyne | sup | 08:22 |
Fuji-san | watching a docu about Kevin Mitnick called Freedom Downtime | 08:23 |
aftertaf | mitnick :] | 08:23 |
Fuji-san | yush | 08:24 |
cyne | when he got out of gaol, he couldn't even use a web browser that's how long he had been gone | 08:24 |
Fuji-san | get the docu here: http://disgruntledmass.v2.nl/media/video/GNU_-_Freedom/Freedom%20Downtime.avi <-- neat documentary | 08:24 |
Fuji-san | lol cyne | 08:24 |
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propagandhi | 10 years wasnt it? | 08:29 |
propagandhi | now he runs a specialist security company or something hey | 08:29 |
Fuji-san | yer | 08:29 |
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propagandhi | Fuji-san: did you get Revolution OS | 08:33 |
propagandhi | http://www.kevinmitnick.com | 08:33 |
Fuji-san | yes | 08:33 |
Fuji-san | i have it | 08:33 |
Fuji-san | its on that site propagandhi ;) | 08:34 |
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Fuji-san | Wb propagandhi | 08:47 |
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propagandhi | Fuji-san: cheers | 08:51 |
logikal | Hey guys | 08:53 |
logikal | I want to get my USB headset working, how do i go about this? | 08:53 |
crimsun | you plug it in? | 08:54 |
BlankC | !vmware | 08:55 |
ubotu | BlankC: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 08:55 |
propagandhi | BlankC: whats the problem with vmware | 08:56 |
BlankC | the new vmware player does not work "out-of-the-box" with breezy.. have to do compiles with an old gcc I was seeing if anyone had already put a package with just those files. | 08:57 |
propagandhi | BlankC: if you 'sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4' and then 'export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4' and then run the vmware-config.pl it should work, providing you have your kernel headers etc | 08:58 |
BlankC | yep. I read that in a couple places. But rather than doing that I was hoping someone else had already done it and issued something. | 08:59 |
propagandhi | BlankC: its quick and easy to do that, and effective | 08:59 |
logikal | Hey | 09:00 |
logikal | anyone wanna help me get sound working | 09:00 |
logikal | USB Headset | 09:00 |
logikal | I need to switch from 2 devices too | 09:00 |
logikal | logikal@linuxbox:~$ ls /dev/dsp* | 09:00 |
logikal | /dev/dsp /dev/dsp1 | 09:00 |
propagandhi | logikal: no, I'm about to go home | 09:00 |
logikal | no? | 09:00 |
logikal | Please please please | 09:00 |
logikal | :) | 09:00 |
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propagandhi | lol, I dont get paid overtime here, so I have to go with my previous statement | 09:01 |
logikal | this is an easy question? | 09:01 |
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Fuji-san | but i am on alot of channels aswell | 09:02 |
crimsun | logikal: it's simple in GNOME | 09:02 |
Fuji-san | oops wrong chan | 09:03 |
crimsun | logikal: I presume you can just change the default ALSA device in KDE's control center | 09:03 |
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el-stupido | changes I make in my nvidia-settings dont stay :/ | 09:12 |
frank23 | anyone using amarok 1.3.5? I can't get mp3s to work. I have gstreamer0.8-mad. do I need anything else? | 09:17 |
frank23 | !restricted | 09:17 |
ubotu | hmm... restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats ; also see !javadebs (for sun-java debs) and !w32codecs | 09:17 |
logikal | How do i switch sound devices in KDE? | 09:18 |
frank23 | logikal: what do you mean? | 09:19 |
logikal | sound cards | 09:19 |
logikal | where do i change them | 09:19 |
frank23 | logikal: you mean which sound card you will use? | 09:19 |
logikal | yeah | 09:20 |
logikal | where can i change them. | 09:20 |
frank23 | logikal: I'm really not sure if there is a kde configuration tool for this | 09:21 |
crimsun | there is, we're talking him through it in #ubuntu (of all places) | 09:22 |
crimsun | frank23: which amarok engine are you using? | 09:23 |
frank23 | gstreamer | 09:23 |
frank23 | xine worked but I'm trying the new amarok Ridell compiled which can only use gstreamer | 09:24 |
crimsun | frank23: can you play the mp3 using gst-launch-0.8? | 09:24 |
crimsun | $ gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location="/path/to/file.mp3" ! spider ! alsasink | 09:25 |
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frank23 | gstmad.c(1206): gst_mad_check_caps_reset: /pipeline0/spider0/mad0: | 09:26 |
frank23 | Failed to negotiate 44100 Hz, 2 channels | 09:26 |
frank23 | no | 09:26 |
frank23 | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/404988 | 09:27 |
crimsun | do you have mpg321 installed? | 09:28 |
crimsun | doesn't matter, we'll just use a wav file | 09:29 |
crimsun | does ''aplay foo.wav'' work? | 09:29 |
frank23 | mpg123 did not work for the first mp3 I tried, but it does for other mp3s | 09:31 |
nalioth | frank23: did your music play with earlier amarok? | 09:31 |
=== nalioth thought ridde11 was asking for volunteers for testing amarok 1.3.5 today | ||
frank23 | the amarok-xine in breezy worked but not amarok-gstreamer | 09:32 |
frank23 | the mp3 that mpg123 can play cannot be played with amarok-gstreamer | 09:34 |
=== BlankC [n=blank@adsl-66-143-163-58.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | also, kaffeine-xine works and kaffeine-gstreamer doesn't | 09:36 |
morrow | anyone tested ipodslave with breezy (and kde beta2?) | 09:38 |
el-stupido | is there a way to recover the root password if one forgets it? | 09:38 |
frank23 | el-stupido: no but there is a way to reset it | 09:38 |
Quarupted | can i just do apt-get install java, or is it still in some weird repository??? | 09:41 |
frank23 | !info j2re | 09:41 |
frank23 | !java | 09:42 |
ubotu | I heard java is to install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb | 09:42 |
frank23 | installing j2re1.4 | 09:42 |
frank23 | is the easiest and its in the repos. | 09:42 |
frank23 | !javadeb | 09:42 |
ubotu | javadeb is probably for sun java debs packaged for ubuntu, Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy) | 09:42 |
frank23 | the sun java here is also pretty easy to install | 09:43 |
Quarupted | here? | 09:43 |
Quarupted | where is here? | 09:43 |
nalioth | Quarupted: the !javadeb link, ubotu posted | 09:43 |
Quarupted | oh | 09:43 |
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Quarupted | How can i get my tuner card workin with Ubuntu? | 09:47 |
Quarupted | ? | 09:48 |
crimsun | should be autodetected | 09:49 |
crimsun | then just use a program like tvtime or mythtv | 09:49 |
Quarupted | How can I tell if it was? | 09:49 |
Quarupted | I dun need the drivers for it? | 09:50 |
Quarupted | Its an ATI all in wonder | 09:50 |
crimsun | check via the output of lsmod | 09:50 |
crimsun | (don't paste here) | 09:50 |
Quarupted | Ya i know | 09:51 |
Quarupted | what will the module be called? | 09:51 |
crimsun | maybe bttv? I don't know all the ATI tuner chipsets. | 09:51 |
Quarupted | well its pretty pointless then cause i dont know wither | 09:52 |
Quarupted | either | 09:52 |
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=== CrypTom [n=CrypTom@proxy.gymkirchenfeld.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CrypTom | hi, how do I get adept to use a proxy? | 10:06 |
CrypTom | configuring the proxy in the "system settings" -> "connections" did not seem enough | 10:07 |
_kane | CrypTom: umm ... try setting the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, and then trying adept | 10:09 |
_kane | CrypTom: or, you can set up an Apt::Proxy as well | 10:09 |
CrypTom | _kane: is there a graphical frontend to set env vars? | 10:10 |
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_kane | CrypTom: probably not | 10:11 |
bubblenut | Hi, I'm trying to install initng with kynaptic but it won't let me select it to be installed. It doesn't give any error message it just won't select it. Any ideas? | 10:11 |
CrypTom | _kane: I manage to set the proxy in the shell (I'm using debian sid on my laptop), but I was wondering if there is an "easy" way for users without much linux-knowledge | 10:14 |
Fuji-san | I know this sounds stupid but how do install kubuntu with the install cd? | 10:14 |
_kane | CrypTom: atm no ... | 10:14 |
Fuji-san | from boot... | 10:14 |
CrypTom | _kane: ok, thanks | 10:14 |
Fuji-san | help please | 10:14 |
_kane | Fuji-san: setup the boot sequence in the BIOS so that the CD is booted | 10:15 |
frank23 | Fuji-san: you mean boot from the CD? | 10:15 |
_kane | Fuji-san: then, place the CD in the CDROM drive, and restart the machine | 10:15 |
Fuji-san | yes | 10:15 |
Fuji-san | ok i get otn thanx | 10:16 |
Fuji-san | it* | 10:16 |
Fuji-san | can i install ububtu on 4 gb? | 10:21 |
Fuji-san | of free space | 10:21 |
crimsun | yes | 10:21 |
Fuji-san | ok | 10:21 |
crimsun | only requires 1.8 | 10:21 |
Fuji-san | kewl | 10:21 |
Fuji-san | one more thing i have windows installed on my second partition how do i uninstall it? | 10:22 |
Fuji-san | xp* | 10:22 |
nalioth | uninstall windows? | 10:22 |
Fuji-san | yes i have xp on both partitions | 10:22 |
nalioth | the kubuntu installer will enjoy eating it | 10:22 |
Fuji-san | k so i can choose to overwrite it | 10:23 |
Fuji-san | thats kewl | 10:23 |
Fuji-san | well i'll bbl then wish me luck :) | 10:23 |
Fuji-san | and thanx for the support | 10:23 |
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amarock | im disappointed with kubuntu breezy...hoary booted & shutdown sooooooo fast!!....breezy takes soooo much time!! | 10:35 |
CrypTom | when I insert an usb-stick, konqueror opens and tells me: An error occured while loading media:/sda1: | 10:36 |
CrypTom | but I see my stick beeing mounted to /media/name_of_the_stick | 10:36 |
amarock | that shouldnt be a prob then:) | 10:38 |
bubblenut | amarock: try installing initNG, it sets up concurrent loading on the boot to greatly reduce boot time ... incidentally I'm having difficulty installing it through Kynaptic, can you suggest a better way? | 10:38 |
Juerd | bubblenut: apt-get, on the command line | 10:38 |
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Juerd | bubblenut: That's almost always better. It's not hard, either. | 10:38 |
amarock | bubblenut: im a newbie myself......there is a howto on ubuntuforums for this..check that out | 10:38 |
bubblenut | Once again I surpass myself in stupidity, it didn't even cross my mind, thanks guys :) | 10:39 |
amarock | lol | 10:40 |
amarock | bubblenut: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80423 | 10:40 |
bubblenut | woohoo! Thanks amarock :) | 10:41 |
=== Danny| [n=Danny|@83-131-184-12.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amarock | bubblenut: welcome.....btw u have a nice n funny nick:) | 10:41 |
CrypTom | amarock: it is a problem for my pupils ;-) | 10:42 |
amarock | CrypTom: i see........ | 10:44 |
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CrypTom | amarock: what I dont know is, if the problem is, that I installed edubuntu-desktop und ubuntu-desktop over kubuntu | 10:45 |
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amarock | CrypTom: and i installed kubuntu-desktop over ubuntu...what a big mistake!! | 10:46 |
CrypTom | amarock: really?! | 10:46 |
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amarock | i thought i'd like ubuntu...but well i HATED gnome...not so much its looks..but its capabilities | 10:47 |
amarock | kde is more powerful AND easy:) | 10:47 |
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CrypTom | amarock: thats why I chose kubuntu from the beginning... that some of the pupils like gnome... so I thought... | 10:48 |
CrypTom | amarock: "that" should be "but" | 10:48 |
amarock | CrypTom: have u been facing any problems sincle installing ubuntu/edubuntu?? | 10:48 |
bubblenut | I'm trying to do this Hoary but I'm getting a failed dependency on libc6, but I can't upgrade libc6 because it says that it's at the newest version :/ | 10:48 |
CrypTom | not really, fact is, I haven't played a lot with kubuntu before installing the others... | 10:49 |
bubblenut | How can I view the package (like with yum list) | 10:49 |
CrypTom | its just little things: usb stick mounting... proxy settings | 10:49 |
amarock | oh i see......im thinking of doing fresh install of kubuntu...and remove everything gnomish:) | 10:49 |
amarock | bubblenut: with synaptic:) | 10:49 |
flixor-sleeping | hya goodmorning everybody | 10:49 |
amarock | moin:) | 10:50 |
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flixor-sleeping | i was wondering is there a simelar program under linux for irfanview | 10:50 |
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amarock | flixor: lots of 'em:)......gwenview, gthumb etc. etc. | 10:51 |
amarock | flixor: what disto r u on? | 10:51 |
nalioth | flixor: enable universe and multiverse and have fun looking through adept | 10:51 |
flixor | ehm thanks amarock i have gwenview installed but its not using the kipi plugins | 10:52 |
flixor | i am on kubunut amarock | 10:52 |
amarock | i see...try digikam..more powerful | 10:52 |
flixor | kee | 10:53 |
flixor | amarock, i need a program wich can do batch processing | 10:53 |
amarock | ehm whats batch processing?:) | 10:53 |
_kane | flixor: what kind of batch processing ? | 10:53 |
flixor | _kane, like resizing 400 pictures | 10:54 |
flixor | adding some contrast to the pictures | 10:54 |
flixor | that kind of processing _kane | 10:54 |
_kane | flixor: well, if it is resizing then there is a .desktop file you can download that allows you to do so | 10:55 |
flixor | wich one is that | 10:55 |
_kane | flixor: ... within konqueror ie ... look in kde-apps.org | 10:55 |
amarock | hmm | 10:55 |
=== TiffOn [n=TiffOn@218.Red-217-126-197.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | flixor: there are command line image processors | 10:55 |
flixor | name a couple so i can look for it | 10:56 |
nalioth | imagemagick leaps to mind | 10:56 |
flixor | kee lets try it | 10:56 |
_kane | yes, the .desktop file (that adds some menu entries to the contextual menu) uses ImageMagick for the batch processing | 10:56 |
nalioth | flixor: use your adept, have fun searching and trying out | 10:56 |
amarock | yes adept is wonderful! i love it! | 10:57 |
_kane | btw, gwenview, digiKam, showimg all support kipi plugins | 10:58 |
flixor | yes but the one you download has no support for kipi | 10:58 |
flixor | i man with apt-get | 10:59 |
flixor | i mean | 10:59 |
flixor | so i tried to compile it myself en enable kipi support but i failed | 10:59 |
_kane | flixor: are u using kubuntu ? | 11:00 |
flixor | yep | 11:00 |
flixor | i have gwenview en the kipi plugins installed | 11:00 |
_kane | flixor: the gwenview in my kubuntu (breezy) has a menu item called Plugins, which has a submenu called Batch processing ... i suspect that if i install kipi plugins, all the batch processing needs will be met | 11:00 |
flixor | but | 11:01 |
flixor | when i open gwenview the plugins are not enabled | 11:01 |
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flixor | so gwneview are not using the plugins | 11:01 |
_kane | flixor: try configuring in settings->configure gwenview | 11:02 |
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flixor | thanks again _kane | 11:04 |
=== TiffOn [n=TiffOn@218.Red-217-126-197.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flixor | btw brb | 11:04 |
flixor | need to switch users | 11:04 |
_kane | damnu left ... | 11:05 |
_kane | http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11505 | 11:05 |
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nalioth | he'll be back | 11:06 |
_kane | nalioth: i really don't care either way ;) | 11:06 |
_kane | nalioth: people should stay on, and answer questions if necessary too right ? ;) | 11:06 |
_kane | not if necessary .. if they can :) | 11:06 |
raphink | Hello | 11:07 |
raphink | :) | 11:07 |
nalioth | when you have to switch users, ya gotta switch users, lol | 11:07 |
_kane | how are you ? | 11:07 |
raphink | I've just installed and set fglrx on this kubuntu box | 11:07 |
raphink | but it seems the 3D acceleration won't start | 11:07 |
raphink | when I launch glxinfo I get | 11:08 |
raphink | name of display: :0.0 | 11:08 |
raphink | display: :0 screen: 0 | 11:08 |
raphink | direct rendering: No | 11:08 |
raphink | :( | 11:08 |
raphink | hmm apart from that I'm fine _kane :=) | 11:08 |
raphink | :) | 11:08 |
raphink | any idea what might be wrong with my fglrx? | 11:09 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raphink | the whole graphic interface seems to be slower actually :( | 11:10 |
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amarock | how should i checkinstall....as normal user or sudo? | 11:13 |
nalioth | amarock: since checkinstall replaces "make install" use sudo | 11:13 |
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amarock | hey i installed gcc..but its saying its not in my path!! | 11:14 |
nalioth | amarock: install "build-essential" | 11:14 |
amarock | nalioth: hmm..strange...when i clicked install it began applying changes..how could those packages be already there when i didnt install them?? | 11:16 |
amarock | i mean build-essential etc. | 11:16 |
nalioth | perhaps your install didnt follow thru earlier | 11:16 |
amarock | nope..this is first time im fetching these packages...but i do have kdevelop installed...... | 11:17 |
amarock | now what! checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. | 11:18 |
nalioth | !xincludes | 11:18 |
ubotu | xincludes is, like, for X dev libs, install xlibs-dev, xlibs-static-dev and x-window-system-dev | 11:18 |
amarock | im compiling kaffiene actually......so what should i do? | 11:18 |
nalioth | boy that bot was taught well, if i say so myself, heh | 11:18 |
nalioth | amarock: ahem ^^^^ | 11:19 |
=== jpgeerets [n=jpgeeret@213-73-248-41.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | amarock: why are you posting in #ubuntu and #kubuntu ? | 11:20 |
jpgeerets | hi folks | 11:20 |
jpgeerets | can someone give me a hint how to install realplayer? | 11:20 |
raphink | jpgeerets: use automatix | 11:20 |
amarock | nalioth: then where?:( | 11:20 |
raphink | that's the easiest way imho | 11:20 |
jpgeerets | raphink: instead of realplayer? why? i guess you will have a reason for that? | 11:21 |
nalioth | amarock: it's kinda confusing me to see the same question in both channels | 11:21 |
raphink | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66563 | 11:21 |
raphink | jpgeerets: that will install a set of non free programs | 11:21 |
raphink | like acrobat reader, some codecs, etc. | 11:21 |
jpgeerets | ok, sounds good | 11:21 |
jpgeerets | where can i find that prg? | 11:21 |
jpgeerets | sorry, you send already a link | 11:21 |
raphink | I just gave you the link | 11:22 |
raphink | hmm | 11:22 |
nalioth | raphink: did you just send a link to an 'easy script'? | 11:22 |
raphink | yes nalioth | 11:22 |
raphink | hmm wait a min | 11:22 |
Tm_T | DON'T USE AUTOMATIX | 11:22 |
raphink | not sure it does real play | 11:22 |
nalioth | i wish y'all wouldn't do that | 11:22 |
raphink | i think easy ubuntu does it | 11:22 |
raphink | why nalioth ? | 11:22 |
Tm_T | repeat: DON'T USE AUTOMATIX | 11:22 |
nalioth | those "easy scripts" are easy to wreck a box | 11:22 |
raphink | i've used them on several machines | 11:22 |
raphink | and it worked great | 11:22 |
nalioth | not all machines are the same | 11:22 |
raphink | sure | 11:22 |
raphink | I've installed them on 4 different machines so far | 11:23 |
nalioth | and i've seen several folks in #ubuntu with wrecked boxen due to them | 11:23 |
raphink | and it worked smoothly | 11:23 |
Tm_T | nalioth: yu | 11:23 |
raphink | ok | 11:23 |
amarock | lol | 11:23 |
Tm_T | nalioth: not several, tens of | 11:23 |
Tm_T | fucking force-all | 11:23 |
nalioth | jpgeerets: bottom line: use synaptic and ubotu to get your box the way you want | 11:23 |
raphink | sorry to hear that | 11:23 |
nalioth | !ubotu | 11:23 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on this channel! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my databanks on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:23 |
raphink | !realplayer | 11:23 |
ubotu | realplayer is, like, totally, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:23 |
amarock | so whr should i go? plz help..whr to ask my question:( | 11:24 |
=== raphink still thinks it's much faster to use scripts ;) | ||
nalioth | amarock: where to go for what? | 11:24 |
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Tm_T | raphink: and it's sooo fast way to break your linux | 11:24 |
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raphink | Tm_T: break a Debian based distro... | 11:24 |
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raphink | Tm_T: I used to have my apt base very much screwed up | 11:25 |
raphink | but I could always repair it | 11:25 |
Tm_T | :p | 11:25 |
raphink | it'snot like we're using urpmi | 11:25 |
amarock | i cant compile kaffeiene.........checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. | 11:25 |
raphink | apt-get can auto-repair | 11:25 |
nalioth | raphink: please dont advise the 'easy scripts' | 11:25 |
raphink | amarock: you miss X headers | 11:25 |
raphink | sure nalioth | 11:25 |
nalioth | amarock: did you not see what ubotu sent to the channel? look again | 11:25 |
nalioth | !xincludes | 11:25 |
ubotu | [xincludes] for X dev libs, install xlibs-dev, xlibs-static-dev and x-window-system-dev | 11:25 |
raphink | i'll still use them though ;) | 11:26 |
Tm_T | anyway, I'm off. and still repeating: DON'T USE AUTOMATIX | 11:26 |
Tm_T | -> | 11:26 |
raphink | nalioth: actually, I think the easy scripts should be replaced by metapackages | 11:26 |
amarock | nalioth: so what should i install now?? | 11:26 |
amarock | im newbie:) | 11:26 |
nalioth | amarock: have you installed what ubotu just posted? | 11:26 |
jpgeerets | same to me..... | 11:27 |
raphink | amarock: just what ubotu told you to | 11:27 |
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raphink | jpgeerets: did you read what ubotu said about your question, | 11:27 |
raphink | ? | 11:27 |
raphink | ubotu: tell jpgeerets about realplayer | 11:27 |
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jpgeerets | yes i did... | 11:27 |
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raphink | and.. ? | 11:28 |
iceman | ok, xmms works fine in gnoe, whats the issue with it in kde.. | 11:28 |
raphink | xmms sucks ;) | 11:28 |
raphink | hehe | 11:28 |
aftertaf | bmp | 11:28 |
aftertaf | :) | 11:28 |
amarock | ok got that | 11:28 |
iceman | recomend another | 11:28 |
raphink | why would you use xmms in kde, when you can have amarok | 11:29 |
raphink | and some people switch to linux only to be able to use amarok | 11:29 |
raphink | ? | 11:29 |
_thumper_ | anyone got a nVidia GeForce FX 5200 working sweetly? | 11:29 |
bdmp | Synaptic says this repo is not working. Is there a way to replace it?http://kubuntu.org/dists/hoary-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found | 11:29 |
amarock | amarok roks | 11:29 |
_thumper_ | just upgraded drivers now jaggies and lost transparency on superkaramba | 11:29 |
jpgeerets | realplayer can play mpeg. xmms not i guess | 11:29 |
aftertaf | raphink: i dont like amark much.... too self contained | 11:29 |
iceman | amarok, will it play shoutcast broadcast | 11:29 |
jpgeerets | or im am wrong | 11:29 |
raphink | iceman: or juk is you find amarok too heavy a program | 11:29 |
raphink | sure jpgeerets xmms can | 11:29 |
raphink | you don't need to instal realplayer | 11:30 |
raphink | to play any file | 11:30 |
aftertaf | amarok does too much stuff by itself, i get the feeling i'm bothering it by clicking away on it | 11:30 |
raphink | just the realplayer librairies | 11:30 |
iceman | i need a player to play shoutcast | 11:30 |
raphink | so the other players can play realplayer files | 11:30 |
jpgeerets | then i need a codec or something? | 11:30 |
raphink | yes | 11:30 |
nalioth | bdmp: try again in an hour or so | 11:30 |
raphink | you need to install codecs | 11:30 |
raphink | !codecs | 11:30 |
ubotu | somebody said codecs was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 11:30 |
iceman | well cant apt-get amorak .. now next suggestion | 11:31 |
amarock | why does ubotu give that stupid link? it only gives links to install gstreamer thats it | 11:31 |
aftertaf | iceman: did you spell it right? | 11:31 |
aftertaf | amarock: it gives w32codecs to... | 11:32 |
raphink | ... | 11:32 |
nalioth | !w32codecs | 11:32 |
ubotu | methinks w32codecs is a set of audio/video codecs for DVD-Video. To download the debs: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy) | 11:32 |
raphink | amarock: you can scroll in webpages | 11:32 |
jpgeerets | im downloading 13 Mb of codecs now | 11:32 |
amarock | but not libdvdcss2 | 11:32 |
aftertaf | lol raphink | 11:32 |
iceman | ararok ... spelling | 11:33 |
iceman | amarok the spelling ? | 11:34 |
amarock | help! i cant scroll webpages! ive got troll-infection! | 11:35 |
iceman | no you cant apt-get amarok ... tried twice ... next media player | 11:35 |
raphink | amarock: you mean gnome infection? | 11:36 |
raphink | ;) | 11:36 |
amarock | lol | 11:36 |
nalioth | !libdvdcss2 | 11:36 |
ubotu | rumour has it, libdvdcss2 is run this file for libdvdcss2 (it is on your machine right now) /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 11:36 |
iceman | sudo apt-get install amarok amarok-engines | 11:37 |
iceman | that workes | 11:37 |
amarock | what! lidvdcss2 is already on my system! wow! | 11:37 |
=== rysiek [n=rysiek@213-238-74-41.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amarock | how come? | 11:37 |
nalioth | amarock: it is not | 11:37 |
nalioth | amarock: read the blurb | 11:37 |
rysiek | hello everybody | 11:37 |
nalioth | amarock: the .sh file is on your machine | 11:38 |
amarock | blurb? | 11:38 |
amarock | i see | 11:38 |
=== adsva [n=adsva@c-5081e253.012-35-7570701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rysiek | does anybody know how and in which program can I view a film WITH subtitles from a text file? | 11:38 |
amarock | still thats convenient....this ain't discussed in ubuntufroums btw..if im right | 11:38 |
amarock | time for lunch.........bye all:) | 11:39 |
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rysiek | Kaffeine/Noatun/Kaboodle don't seem to have the option (actually, in Kaffeine there's a menu item "Add Subtitles", but it doesn't work 8-/ ) | 11:39 |
rysiek | any ideas? | 11:39 |
Phazeman | btw... what media player you use people to watch movies ? is it amarok ? | 11:39 |
erc | rysiek: i use xine | 11:39 |
rysiek | hmmm, ok, trying ;) | 11:40 |
Phazeman | what about mplayer ? | 11:40 |
amarock | amarok for movies! | 11:40 |
amarock | anyone tried vlc player? | 11:40 |
amarock | xine's interface is awful!!! | 11:41 |
bdmp | Can someone tell me where there is a paste bin? | 11:41 |
Phazeman | btw... whever pointed the link from the wiki - the w32codecs deb file is borken | 11:41 |
Phazeman | it won't install in here... | 11:41 |
Phazeman | s/whever/whoever | 11:42 |
nalioth | vlc uses subs | 11:42 |
nalioth | Phazeman: what do you mean? | 11:42 |
amarock | subs?? | 11:42 |
nalioth | subtitles subs | 11:42 |
raphink | !w32codecs | 11:42 |
ubotu | methinks w32codecs is a set of audio/video codecs for DVD-Video. To download the debs: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy) | 11:42 |
Phazeman | nalioth: dpkg: error processing w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb (--install): corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive: Success | 11:42 |
amarock | nalioth: have u tried vlc player? | 11:42 |
iceman | amarok by default seem to stinking large, it skinable | 11:42 |
nalioth | Phazeman: d/l it again | 11:43 |
nalioth | amarock: i use it all the time | 11:43 |
Phazeman | doing right now | 11:43 |
amarock | does vlc player play things out-of-box? | 11:43 |
nalioth | amarock: it does | 11:43 |
amarock | nalioth: what stuff can it play by default which other players cant by default...plz say? | 11:43 |
Phazeman | raphink: tinyurl doesn't work either lol | 11:44 |
nalioth | avi, some wmv, divx, etc etc | 11:44 |
iceman | nalioth can you skin amarok | 11:44 |
raphink | yes :( | 11:44 |
nalioth | iceman: you can | 11:44 |
amarock | nalioth: cooooooooooooooooooool:) | 11:44 |
iceman | nalioth url to skins please | 11:44 |
amarock | bye all....lunch time | 11:44 |
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Phazeman | raphink: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats#head-d93d2c4f9433a699fe995b94eae1be4d3c136315 <- this is what i was meaning | 11:45 |
nalioth | Phazeman: http://giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 11:45 |
Phazeman | thanks | 11:45 |
nalioth | iceman: kde-look.org, www.deviantart.com | 11:45 |
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el-stupido | Is there an application that will open a*.rar file? | 11:46 |
nalioth | el-stupido: yes, many. but you have to have unrar-nonfree installed | 11:46 |
iceman | nalioth thanks | 11:47 |
raphink | deb ftp://cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/ breezy main | 11:47 |
raphink | this one works | 11:47 |
raphink | just tried it | 11:47 |
raphink | then | 11:47 |
raphink | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 11:47 |
nalioth | raphink: please dont do that | 11:48 |
nalioth | debian binaries will cause ubuntu to grind to a halt | 11:48 |
raphink | sorry nalioth ? | 11:48 |
el-stupido | nalioth: can i gte it from Adept? | 11:49 |
Phazeman | nalioth: it works now.. thanks | 11:49 |
nalioth | and since most new users arent gonna know to disable that repos when they're done getting it from there, their systems become at risk | 11:49 |
el-stupido | nalioth: nvm got it | 11:49 |
raphink | do I have bad glasses or does the link I just gave contain "ubuntu" in it? | 11:49 |
nalioth | raphink: official ubuntu archives do not have w32codecs in them, hence yours is 'unofficial' | 11:50 |
raphink | yes it's unofficial | 11:50 |
raphink | but it's compiled for ubuntu | 11:50 |
nalioth | i can call myself "president of the world" but that does not make it so | 11:50 |
raphink | sure | 11:50 |
el-stupido | nalioth: now that i have it installed what should I get to extact rar's? | 11:50 |
nalioth | el-stupido: once you have unrar-nonfree installed, you should be able to right-click or double-click on rar files and get them going | 11:51 |
el-stupido | nalioth: ok thanx | 11:51 |
raphink | I'd think people are responsible and can choose whether they want to take that risk or not | 11:51 |
raphink | since the repo given in the "official" howto doesn't work | 11:51 |
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nalioth | raphink: if they have the knowledge, yes. you are gonna tell me that a fresh from windows-land user is gonna know about differences in binaries? | 11:52 |
raphink | before they learn it, they don't | 11:52 |
raphink | but I believe as long as they don't hav eto learn, they'll keep having to trust what you tell them and not make choices ;) | 11:53 |
raphink | just my point, yo udon't have to share it of course ;) | 11:53 |
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iceman | how the hell do you config amarok with a look ... | 11:55 |
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fujisan | sup iceman | 11:55 |
raphink | what do you mean iceman ? | 11:55 |
fujisan | sup raphink | 11:55 |
raphink | hi fujisan | 11:55 |
fujisan | hi | 11:55 |
raphink | ik ben goed fujisan :) | 11:55 |
iceman | It skinable, to stinking bulky to be practackal .... | 11:55 |
fujisan | which software is integraded in ubuntu for burning ,..like nero | 11:56 |
morrow | k3b | 11:56 |
fujisan | oh hallo raphink ik ook= me too | 11:56 |
raphink | k3b :) :) | 11:56 |
nalioth | fujisan: nautilus has a built in burning capability. i recommend k3b | 11:56 |
fujisan | k ty | 11:56 |
raphink | nautilus is more of a gnome app | 11:56 |
fujisan | is kde better performance wise then gnome or more bigs? | 11:57 |
fujisan | bugs* | 11:57 |
raphink | gnome is a bit faster imo | 11:57 |
raphink | but kde has more functions | 11:57 |
raphink | I personally prefer kde | 11:57 |
fujisan | yes kde looks 20x better though | 11:58 |
raphink | for you :) | 11:58 |
raphink | and for me too | 11:58 |
fujisan | :) | 11:58 |
raphink | but I knwo many people who prefer gnome | 11:58 |
fujisan | is grub autoinstalled? | 11:58 |
nalioth | but with ubuntu, one can run xubuntu and use any kde/gnome/X app they want | 11:58 |
raphink | (don't understand why, but well `de coloribus et gustibus non discutandum') | 11:58 |
fujisan | so i should install ubuntu first | 11:59 |
fujisan | and then kde | 11:59 |
raphink | hmm not necessarily | 11:59 |
raphink | if you only want kde | 11:59 |
fujisan | thanx for the tip nalioth | 11:59 |
raphink | you can just install kubuntu | 11:59 |
fujisan | i want to keep my options open of course | 11:59 |
raphink | if you only want gnome, then ubuntu | 11:59 |
raphink | if you want more, then xubuntu | 11:59 |
raphink | you always kep your options open | 11:59 |
fujisan | yes | 12:00 |
nalioth | fujisan: you can have k/x/ubuntu on your box and choose from the sessions menu which one you want to use | 12:00 |
fujisan | can you install xbuntu on kubuntu and change? | 12:00 |
raphink | it's not about changing | 12:00 |
fujisan | switching* | 12:01 |
raphink | not about switching either | 12:01 |
fujisan | ok | 12:01 |
nalioth | fujisan: any order you like | 12:01 |
raphink | kubuntu and xubuntu are somehow parts of ubuntu | 12:01 |
raphink | just particular cases | 12:01 |
raphink | so you can install kubuntu and get a box working like xubuntu or ubuntu | 12:01 |
raphink | or install ubuntu and get it to work as kubuntu | 12:01 |
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nalioth | i have k/x/ubuntu on my box and use kde programs under gnome and gnome programs under kde and everything in xfce4 | 12:01 |
fujisan | lol that seems confusing | 12:02 |
raphink | hmm | 12:03 |
raphink | well | 12:03 |
raphink | say | 12:03 |
raphink | in the beginning there was only ubuntu | 12:03 |
raphink | which was is project including gnome as the default window manager (wm) | 12:03 |
raphink | then people wanted to have kde running on ubuntu | 12:03 |
raphink | so they added the kde packages into the universe repository | 12:03 |
raphink | and eventually created a project called kubuntu | 12:04 |
fujisan | is kde, gnome underneath with a few addons and different fonts? | 12:04 |
raphink | which is ubuntu with kde with kde as default wm | 12:04 |
raphink | no fujisan | 12:04 |
fujisan | ok | 12:04 |
raphink | kde and gnome are differnet projects | 12:04 |
nalioth | fujisan: no it is kde | 12:04 |
fujisan | ok i see | 12:04 |
raphink | now you can well install kubuntu | 12:04 |
raphink | and choose to add gnome programs | 12:04 |
raphink | or install ubuntu and add kde afterwards | 12:04 |
raphink | whatever you want | 12:04 |
nalioth | fujisan: there are more desktop managers than gnome or kde or xfce4, tho | 12:05 |
nalioth | fujisan: you can have an enlightenment desktop, or fluxbox or many others | 12:06 |
fujisan | yer but i'll still with kde to start with | 12:06 |
fujisan | i'll just make a second install cd with ubuntu and kubuntu | 12:06 |
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iceman | God, Amarok sucks trying to skin it | 12:08 |
=== swp [n=swp@traveller.kawo1.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | !tell Echramath about java | 12:08 |
fujisan | Is cedega hard to setup? | 12:09 |
fujisan | emulating windows sounds so buggy | 12:09 |
Tm_T | !tell Echramath about javadeb | 12:09 |
nalioth | nikkia: good morning to ya! | 12:10 |
nikkia | morning nalioth | 12:10 |
fujisan | nalioth you from UK | 12:10 |
swp | hi, im using kubuntu hoary, and i installed kdevelop3, but when i try to compile the "Hello World" program, it gives me this error: aclocal: configure.in: 8: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library | 12:10 |
fujisan | moin nikkia | 12:10 |
nalioth | fujisan: i am not. | 12:10 |
fujisan | Usa? | 12:10 |
fujisan | where then nalioth? | 12:10 |
nalioth | swp: install build-essential | 12:11 |
nalioth | fujisan: you gonna send me a gift? | 12:11 |
fujisan | curiousity is a human atribute is it not..? | 12:11 |
fujisan | i need to satisfy it :) | 12:11 |
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swp | hm, thanx, but still same error | 12:12 |
nalioth | Houston, Tx | 12:12 |
swp | when i compile directly with g++ then it works fine | 12:12 |
nalioth | swp: install libtool | 12:12 |
fujisan | kewl | 12:12 |
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fujisan | Texas is cool.. | 12:13 |
swp | nalioth, thank you :) | 12:13 |
nalioth | swp: np | 12:13 |
fujisan | You guys still have Jeb Bush as governor, nalioth? | 12:13 |
nalioth | fujisan: um, i think you are thinking of Florida, and yes they do | 12:13 |
fujisan | haha | 12:13 |
fujisan | oh yeah | 12:13 |
nalioth | my governer went on to the presidency | 12:13 |
fujisan | yer see i knew there was a Bush there :) | 12:14 |
nalioth | not any more | 12:14 |
fujisan | they all look a like i guess :) | 12:14 |
nalioth | but this belongs in -offtopic | 12:14 |
fujisan | ok soz | 12:14 |
fujisan | i got carried away | 12:14 |
fujisan | bbl | 12:15 |
fujisan | installing kbuntu | 12:15 |
raphink | :) | 12:20 |
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vicks | how good is kword at opening .doc? | 12:35 |
crimsun | pretty darned good. | 12:35 |
el-stupido | okay.. anyone has UT installed? | 12:36 |
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nalioth | i could only wish | 12:36 |
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el-stupido | lol.. i cant get the darn user.ini to play my binds | 12:37 |
el-stupido | its all text | 12:37 |
el-stupido | but it wont do it | 12:37 |
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_Tonio_ | hi | 12:38 |
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TobyK | ubotu tell me about disk activity | 12:52 |
TobyK | !disk | 12:52 |
ubotu | TobyK: I haven't a clue | 12:52 |
nalioth | TobyK: what do you want to know? | 12:52 |
nalioth | TobyK: ask the humans a question | 12:52 |
TobyK | i want to know why my hardrive is churning even when my laptop is idle | 12:53 |
robin_2 | TobyK: updatedb running ? | 12:53 |
TobyK | i tried disabling logs and stuff | 12:53 |
robin_2 | TobyK: ps -e | 12:53 |
darxburn | cine e roman de aici? | 12:53 |
nalioth | TobyK: your machine runs system maintenance daily (usually in the middle of the night) | 12:53 |
TobyK | no updatedb runing | 12:53 |
nalioth | darxburn: excuse me? | 12:53 |
TobyK | it's more like it reads the hard drive every 5 seconds or something | 12:54 |
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darxburn | what? | 12:54 |
robin_2 | darxburn: speak english aici | 12:54 |
darxburn | :D | 12:54 |
robin_2 | if aici means 'here' :) | 12:54 |
darxburn | romaneste nu se speak p aici | 12:54 |
nalioth | darxburn: que idioma? | 12:55 |
robin_2 | yeah idiot | 12:55 |
darxburn | what that means? | 12:55 |
Tm_T | =) | 12:55 |
TobyK | so how do i find out what is reading my hdd? | 12:55 |
Phazeman | can someone please tell me what is wrong with this line ? cat get | awk -F "\'" {print $2}; | 12:55 |
Phazeman | i'm getting an error | 12:55 |
nalioth | darxburn: what language do you speak? | 12:56 |
darxburn | romania | 12:56 |
TobyK | phazeman: try cat get | awk -F "\' {print $2}" | 12:56 |
darxburn | u? | 12:56 |
Phazeman | thanks TobyK | 12:56 |
TobyK | i think, i'm not sure | 12:57 |
Phazeman | TobyK: no.... it's no go | 12:57 |
Phazeman | all i wated to do is make the separator to be ' | 12:57 |
Phazeman | -F changes the separator | 12:57 |
TobyK | oh sorry :( | 12:57 |
Phazeman | but i can't make it to print | 12:57 |
TobyK | usually the {print} stuff needs to be in inverted commas | 12:57 |
TobyK | do u by any chance know how to find out what program is writing to disk? | 12:58 |
Phazeman | what do you mean ? "program that writes to disc" ? | 12:58 |
Phazeman | burner program? | 12:58 |
TobyK | no | 12:58 |
TobyK | sorry i wasn't clear | 12:58 |
nalioth | TobyK: run top and watch it | 12:58 |
TobyK | i mean, my hard drive is constantly reading/writing and yet no program is running - how do i find out what is causing it | 12:59 |
swp | ok, some other question for kdevelop: it compiles a Qt example without problems when i paste the code into a generated QMake project, but not when i choose the "simple hello world program", because it cant find the libs, how do i tell him to find em? | 12:59 |
nalioth | swp: install them | 12:59 |
TobyK | can i sort by i/o in top? | 12:59 |
swp | nalioth, hm, but it compiles when i choos the right type of project | 01:00 |
=== fujisan [n=fujisan@d46120.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fujisan | hello | 01:00 |
nalioth | swp: then dont use the projects that need the missing libs | 01:00 |
fujisan | i'm on kubuntu finally :P | 01:00 |
nalioth | fujisan: welcome | 01:00 |
fujisan | lol ty | 01:00 |
Phazeman | TobyK: i'm looking for it... i think i know about how to find it | 01:00 |
TobyK | thanks it would be a great help Phazeman | 01:01 |
fujisan | how do i get msn? | 01:01 |
TobyK | use Kopete | 01:01 |
TobyK | or Gaim | 01:01 |
fujisan | !kopete | 01:01 |
ubotu | Kopete is the KDE IM, supporting AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, IRC, Gadu-Gadu, Novell GroupWise Messenger, and more. See http://kopete.kde.org | 01:01 |
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Tm_T | kopete <3 | 01:02 |
fujisan | lol | 01:02 |
swp | nalioth, well, ill try the working variant, im just afraid that it will make problems some day | 01:02 |
nalioth | swp: you cant go wrong with more -dev libs | 01:02 |
fujisan | lol i feel like i bought a new pc :p | 01:02 |
dipnlik | lol, ubotu tells about 8 protocols that kopete supports, pretty nice | 01:02 |
fujisan | yer | 01:02 |
Tm_T | dipnlik: don't forget Googletalk | 01:03 |
=== Tm_T likes | ||
dipnlik | Tm_T: yesterday someone told "Gaim is better, it has more protocols". But I don't want to remember more of the (futile) discussion | 01:04 |
Phazeman | TobyK: you know what files exactly are accessed ? | 01:04 |
fujisan | So how do i install stuff on kubuntu just like on windows? | 01:04 |
dipnlik | Tm_T: I use GTalk on bitlbee :D | 01:04 |
dipnlik | fujisan: easier to install software on kubuntu | 01:04 |
Phazeman | fujisan: lol you don't :) you run adept | 01:04 |
TobyK | phazeman - nope, my guess would be /var/log | 01:04 |
Phazeman | TobyK: is it a regular access cycle ? or it ALWAYS used ? | 01:05 |
nalioth | nice thing about open source. you can try what you see, and use what works for you | 01:05 |
Tm_T | dipnlik: actually afaik Kopete has more protcols :p | 01:05 |
TobyK | phazeman: regular, every 5 seconds or so | 01:05 |
nalioth | fujisan: use adept | 01:06 |
Phazeman | TobyK: the answer to you comes from Roobarb from #mandriva: | 01:06 |
Phazeman | <+Roobarb-Work> its probably the filesystem flushing to disk | 01:06 |
Phazeman | 13:06 <+Roobarb-Work> or | 01:06 |
Phazeman | 13:06 <+Roobarb-Work> tail -f /var/log/messages | 01:06 |
Phazeman | <+Roobarb-Work> I had an ssh dictionary attack on my server that gave a disk access like that | 01:07 |
Phazeman | TobyK: you with me ? | 01:07 |
TobyK | yup i'm reading :) | 01:07 |
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TobyK | ok i'l tailing /var/log/messages but nothing coming thru | 01:07 |
TobyK | how do i check/enable write caching? | 01:08 |
Phazeman | that i dunno | 01:08 |
ubuntu | hmm | 01:08 |
Phazeman | TobyK: do you have mldonkey running ? | 01:08 |
fujisan | lol i have my first serious problem | 01:08 |
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Phazeman | TobyK: to check/enable - hdparm | 01:09 |
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fujisan | i dont have administrators right to creat a new folder... help :/ | 01:09 |
TobyK | i don't know this is a clean kubuntu install | 01:09 |
Phazeman | fujisan: sudo mkdir [dirname] | 01:09 |
Phazeman | TobyK: sudo /etc/init.d/mldonkey status | 01:09 |
Phazeman | see if there is such file | 01:09 |
TobyK | no nothing of the sort | 01:09 |
fujisan | Phazeman: ? | 01:10 |
Phazeman | fujisan: ? | 01:10 |
fujisan | i dont get it | 01:10 |
Phazeman | i just told you how to create a folder | 01:10 |
Phazeman | fujisan: in ubuntu/kubuntu you don't need to use root | 01:10 |
Phazeman | fujisan: you use sudo | 01:10 |
Phazeman | TobyK: try to see with hdparm if you have the caching enabled | 01:10 |
Phazeman | bbi5 | 01:10 |
TobyK | heh, i did hdparm -S 1 /dev/hda and it doesn't even sleep 'cos it's so busy | 01:11 |
TobyK | i'm trying to fiigure out how to read the write caching state using hdparm | 01:11 |
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Riddell | yo hydrogen | 01:11 |
Riddell | hydrogen: can I nab the image from the amarok 1.3.5 bit on the web page to put on the amarok 1.3.5 bit on the kubuntu webpage? | 01:12 |
fujisan | oh shit do i need to install security packeges? | 01:13 |
fujisan | i done nothing yet | 01:13 |
TobyK | ahh write cache is enabled | 01:13 |
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TobyK | maybe it's reading | 01:13 |
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TobyK | gawd it's so annoying | 01:13 |
TobyK | hey toby :) | 01:13 |
toby | Hey, you sound like a cool dude :) | 01:14 |
TobyK | i am indeed, u sound cool too | 01:14 |
TobyK | anyone ever call you toby-wan kenobi? | 01:14 |
toby | I get called Toby-wan a lot, yes :) | 01:15 |
TobyK | aah coomon toby problem | 01:15 |
toby | I find that the majority of Tobys I meet are actually canine. | 01:15 |
TobyK | canine? | 01:16 |
toby | I think you're around the 4th or 5th human, whereas I know about 10 dogs called Toby | 01:16 |
fujisan | k i downloaded kopete how do i install it now? | 01:16 |
TobyK | oh yes | 01:16 |
dipnlik | LOL | 01:16 |
toby | :D | 01:16 |
Tm_T | fujisan: apt-get install kopete ;) | 01:16 |
toby | Anyway...I've just learnt that Kubuntu doesn't come with a default firewall, so I have to choose one. A quick survey: What firewall do you use on Kubuntu, and was it simple to set up? | 01:16 |
toby | (question to everybody) | 01:16 |
Tm_T | toby: iptables | 01:16 |
Tm_T | toby: and it's there | 01:16 |
TobyK | i'd use iptables | 01:16 |
TobyK | altho guarddog is cool | 01:17 |
Tm_T | never heard of any other firewall | 01:17 |
fujisan | Tm_T: i dont understand what that means | 01:17 |
fujisan | :( | 01:17 |
Tm_T | toby: it's just iptables frontend =) | 01:17 |
toby | I used to use Shorewall on Mandrake, but I understand that it was an iptables frontend too | 01:17 |
Tm_T | firestarter is goof | 01:17 |
Tm_T | good | 01:17 |
TobyK | yup, 'cos try telling someone how to setup a firewall with iptables :) | 01:17 |
fujisan | lol | 01:18 |
dipnlik | almost every graphical program is a frontend :) | 01:18 |
fujisan | Tm_T: what does it mean what you just said to me? | 01:18 |
Tm_T | fujisan: use adept to install kopete | 01:18 |
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toby | The silly thing is, on Mandrake, I wouldn't use the gui to configure Shorewall, but manually edit /etc/shorewall/rules using vi. | 01:18 |
TobyK | doesn't anyone else have the problem that their disk churns away after booting into ubuntu? | 01:21 |
_Tonio_ | for those who are using xine and wanna test : | 01:22 |
_Tonio_ | http://ns2708.ovh.net/temp/codeine_1.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 01:22 |
_Tonio_ | any feedback would be appreciated ;) | 01:22 |
=== Glin|Jol [i=bobo@cpe-24-193-203-81.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | _Tonio_: got source? | 01:22 |
_Tonio_ | I personnaly have a too high defaut contrast but I'm the only one so.... | 01:23 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: you would like the sources to test ? | 01:23 |
toby | TobyK: No churning here.. can't you use a task manager to see who's using the CPU? | 01:23 |
nalioth | _Tonio_: i run powerpc. your URL wont work for me | 01:23 |
TobyK | nothing is using the cpu other than top and konversation | 01:23 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: wait a sec | 01:23 |
Phazeman | can someone please remind me what is the name of the kde app that sits in the tray and allows to change the screen resolution ? | 01:23 |
Phazeman | TobyK: any success ? | 01:24 |
TobyK | phazeman: resize and rotate | 01:24 |
TobyK | randr | 01:24 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: deb-src http://dinton.no-ip.org/kubuntu breezy main | 01:24 |
Phazeman | TobyK: not krandr ? | 01:24 |
toby | Phazeman: I use ctrl-alt-Numpad+/- | 01:24 |
TobyK | randr or something | 01:24 |
_Tonio_ | if you wanna get the source package | 01:24 |
nalioth | _Tonio_: is that site up? it's been down the last few days | 01:24 |
TobyK | and no, no luck | 01:24 |
Phazeman | TobyK: randr will only have 60Hz in there and i want 80Hz | 01:24 |
Phazeman | where do i change it ? | 01:24 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: it will be closed for binaries now.... | 01:24 |
TobyK | krandrtray | 01:25 |
Phazeman | TobyK: hmm... did you try running hdparm ? | 01:25 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: discussed with motus and external repos can cause problems in bug reporting etc... | 01:25 |
TobyK | phazeman: yup, no luck | 01:25 |
Phazeman | hmmmm | 01:25 |
Phazeman | grrrr.... adept doesn't have krandr :( | 01:25 |
TobyK | my batteries will get flattened fast the way this hard drive is going | 01:25 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: we're gonna provide backports and mainly packages for dapper | 01:25 |
nalioth | _Tonio_: i only get source anyway (i run powerpc) | 01:26 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: but the source repo's still up or those who wanna test | 01:26 |
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TobyK | phaze: krandrtray is already installed | 01:26 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: but no binaries anymore ;) | 01:26 |
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nalioth | TobyK: nah, i prefer to roll my own (if not from official binary repos) | 01:26 |
_Tonio_ | nalioth: and therefore the webpage has been removed too, of course..... | 01:26 |
nalioth | well aren't i lucky to have it in my sources already? | 01:27 |
Phazeman | hmmm... what is the program in ubuntu to set up the monitor ? anything GUI ? | 01:27 |
Phazeman | i think my monitor wasn't detected correctly and it won't let me get more then 60 Hz | 01:27 |
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Phazeman | anyone ? | 01:29 |
Phazeman | how do i redefine my monitor ? | 01:29 |
nalioth | Phazeman: in a terminal, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 01:30 |
Phazeman | nalioth: thanks | 01:30 |
nalioth | Phazeman: dont answer anything not causing trouble | 01:30 |
fujisan | how do i tell adapt to install kopete i opened it but i cant load the location>? | 01:31 |
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nalioth | fujisan: i dont understand | 01:33 |
fujisan | i dont understand how to tell adept to install kopete which i just downloaded? | 01:33 |
fujisan | open with adept? | 01:33 |
fujisan | after right click? | 01:34 |
eriksti | commit changes | 01:34 |
mornfall | fujisan: you shouldn't have downloaded it... adept will do that part for you | 01:34 |
nalioth | fujisan: no 1. you dont download anything, adept does | 01:34 |
fujisan | ok but how do i tell adapt to download kopete then>? | 01:34 |
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golan77 | hi guys | 01:34 |
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mornfall | fujisan: just open adept, find kopete (by using quick filter, presumably), select it for install (click preview changes) and commit | 01:34 |
nalioth | fujisan: you find it in the search window click it and hit apply | 01:34 |
golan77 | a question: how can I add a "show desktop (that is: minimize all open windows) on my menu list on the "K" in the bottom left corner? | 01:35 |
_kane | hello mornfall and thanks for adept :) | 01:35 |
mornfall | hello, np :) | 01:35 |
Phazeman | nalioth: got it working correct now :) thanks | 01:36 |
nalioth | Phazeman: great! | 01:38 |
_kane | ok ciao all and keep up the good work mornfall !!! :) | 01:38 |
Phazeman | damn i love this system !!! | 01:40 |
Phazeman | i love when things works right out of the box | 01:40 |
Phazeman | and adept is really great ! | 01:40 |
Phazeman | after mandriva (that i use since 2000) this thing is SMOOTH | 01:40 |
fujisan | ok it worked thanx | 01:41 |
=== mornfall should really start working on adept 2.0 | ||
mornfall | but i have a cryptography homework first and some java client/server gui crap for a system verification tool | 01:43 |
mornfall | bah :p | 01:43 |
fujisan | ;p | 01:43 |
Phazeman | mornfall: what for ????? if it works - don't touch it ;-) | 01:43 |
fujisan | You made adept mornfall ? | 01:43 |
eriksti | what do you study mornfall, and where? | 01:43 |
fujisan | computer science | 01:44 |
eriksti | I study that also.. 4th year | 01:44 |
nalioth | mornfall roX! | 01:44 |
mornfall | eriksti: i'm in 2nd year of CS | 01:45 |
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eriksti | mornfall: how many years in total? | 01:45 |
mornfall | eriksti: 3 for bachelor's, another 2 for master's, another who-knows-how-many for PhD | 01:46 |
eriksti | mornfall: gonna get phd? | 01:46 |
mornfall | eriksti: nearly determined to | 01:47 |
eriksti | mornfall: I've decided to stop after 5 years | 01:47 |
mornfall | just hope it won't interfere with my employment | 01:47 |
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eriksti | takes a lot of time.. | 01:48 |
mornfall | i'll have to reduce to parttime, i guess (fulltime job, PhD and work on OSS and possibly trying to have a family all at same time isn't going to do me well) | 01:48 |
eriksti | nah, can't happen | 01:49 |
mornfall | not to mention i already work in lab at school... another time sink | 01:49 |
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mornfall | damn damn | 01:49 |
=== mornfall scratches head | ||
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Phazeman | can anyone sugest a nice superkaramba system monitor ? | 01:50 |
mornfall | i'm not overly impressed with SK | 01:51 |
eriksti | don't start playing chess at least.. takes way too much time if you get addicted to playing regularly :) | 01:51 |
Phazeman | mornfall: so what do you use ? | 01:51 |
fujisan | i dont see people from aim on kopete not one nick not online or offline what does that mean?? | 01:51 |
mornfall | eriksti: i used to play at night, but i gave up on that ;-) | 01:51 |
mornfall | eriksti: not for long enough to get addicted, fortunately | 01:51 |
eriksti | mornfall: I've been playing online for around 5 years now :| | 01:52 |
mornfall | Phazeman: use for what? :) | 01:52 |
Phazeman | mornfall: system monitor | 01:52 |
Phazeman | cpu/mem/etc... | 01:52 |
mornfall | Phazeman: top ;-) | 01:52 |
fujisan | nvm got it | 01:52 |
=== mornfall is a bit old-school | ||
Phazeman | mornfall: lol i want it to be on desktop all the time and i really don't like top to be there :) | 01:52 |
Phazeman | mornfall: i use top also... but i want my desktop to be pretty | 01:52 |
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mornfall | i only monitor system if i need to, for some reason... those fancy monitors produce more load than whole mail system ;-) | 01:53 |
Phazeman | i hear ya :) but i still used to it to be there | 01:53 |
mornfall | at some point, i'll possibly get something... but it ain't gonna SK :-) | 01:54 |
Phazeman | i was using gkrellm ALWAYS... but kinda tired of it now | 01:54 |
Phazeman | want something different | 01:54 |
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apokryphos | Phazeman: cynapses is the old classic | 01:55 |
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Phazeman | apokryphos: i've just seen it | 01:56 |
Phazeman | but i dunno | 01:56 |
fujisan | I dont hear sounds in kde who can i enable it? | 01:56 |
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raphink | Phazeman: ksim | 01:56 |
mornfall | Phazeman: http://www.cs.unm.edu/~dlchao/flake/doom/ =) | 01:56 |
apokryphos | Phazeman: there's other good ones; that spring to mind: aero-g, bakkake (or something like that), ubermon | 01:57 |
Phazeman | ahh... yes... aero-g | 01:57 |
apokryphos | SuperMonitor isn't bad | 01:57 |
Phazeman | thats what i was looking ! | 01:57 |
raphink | http://ksim.sourceforge.net/ | 01:57 |
Phazeman | mornfall: LOL | 01:57 |
fujisan | hey why doesnt ubuntu recognise my burner? | 01:59 |
fujisan | wth :((( | 01:59 |
burepe | Question: Any time I try to delete a file with the gui I get "Creating folders is not supported with protocal trash" How do I delete files without using the command line? | 01:59 |
burepe | Did you mount the burner? | 01:59 |
fujisan | nope | 01:59 |
fujisan | mount the burner wth? | 01:59 |
fujisan | lmao | 02:00 |
raphink | fujisan: what do you have in your /etc/fstab? | 02:00 |
fujisan | i haveno idea | 02:00 |
fujisan | ;/ | 02:00 |
=== mornfall syncs up kde and starts building | ||
raphink | fujisan: run `more /etc/fstab' in a console and PM me the result | 02:00 |
fujisan | how do i do that..? | 02:00 |
burepe | I am no pro, but you gotta find wich device represnents the burner in /dev. Then you make a folder in /media to mount it to. The | 02:01 |
raphink | how do you do what? use the console or PM ? | 02:01 |
fujisan | use the console | 02:01 |
fujisan | of course | 02:01 |
burepe | sudo nano -w /etc/fstab | 02:01 |
fujisan | i just started with ubuntu | 02:01 |
burepe | that is the command fujisan | 02:01 |
fujisan | i dont understand how to execute that command | 02:01 |
raphink | fujisan: in the K menu -> System -> Konsole | 02:01 |
raphink | to open a console | 02:02 |
burepe | copy and paste to the command line | 02:02 |
fujisan | found it | 02:02 |
raphink | ok | 02:02 |
raphink | then | 02:02 |
raphink | more /etc/fstab | 02:02 |
burepe | that command will work too | 02:02 |
raphink | and paste the result in pastebin : http://ksim.sourceforge.net/ | 02:02 |
raphink | burepe: that command it dangerous for a newbie | 02:02 |
raphink | and we don't know if it's necessary to edit the file | 02:03 |
burepe | true | 02:03 |
raphink | let's just read it first | 02:03 |
burepe | I am a newbie | 02:03 |
burepe | so.. | 02:03 |
raphink | ;) | 02:03 |
raphink | so I prefer fujisan to run `more' than 'nano -w' to check the issue | 02:03 |
burepe | Actually I just mounted a harddrive in fstab, what should I put under options | 02:03 |
raphink | btw, mounting the burner won't change anything | 02:04 |
raphink | what kind of HD is it? | 02:04 |
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
burepe | what do you mean? | 02:04 |
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raphink | IDE, USB, etc... internet, external ? | 02:04 |
raphink | internal | 02:04 |
raphink | sorry | 02:04 |
burepe | 120 ide | 02:04 |
raphink | ok | 02:04 |
burepe | i think | 02:04 |
burepe | that fat chord | 02:04 |
raphink | what is the line you've put so far? | 02:04 |
burepe | internal | 02:04 |
Phazeman | hmmmmm... odd.... no gkrellm themes deb..... how can it be ? | 02:04 |
Phazeman | there is rpm for it for sure... why not deb ? | 02:05 |
raphink | you can install gkrellm manually | 02:06 |
raphink | it's easy | 02:06 |
burepe | $/dev/hdb1 /media/120baby | 02:06 |
raphink | ok | 02:06 |
Phazeman | raphink: its installed... now i look for the themes | 02:06 |
raphink | do you want users to be able to mount it? | 02:06 |
burepe | yah | 02:06 |
raphink | or should it only be mounted by root? | 02:06 |
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raphink | like at boot | 02:06 |
raphink | Phazeman: you can find themes on the gkrellm website | 02:06 |
burepe | root is driving me crazy, I can't delete files from the hard drive with the gui | 02:07 |
raphink | burepe: do you want your partition to be mounted at boot? | 02:07 |
mornfall | just get ksim :)[ | 02:07 |
burepe | yah | 02:07 |
mornfall | :) even | 02:07 |
raphink | ok | 02:07 |
raphink | well thenI think the best thing to use is | 02:07 |
LostFan84 | What is the different between Kubuntu and Ubuntu and what's recommended? | 02:07 |
raphink | /dev/hdb1 /media/120baby defaults 0 2 | 02:07 |
mornfall | 120baby? | 02:08 |
raphink | LostFan84: kubuntu uses KDE as default window manager | 02:08 |
burepe | kubuntu is slick ubuntu is quick | 02:08 |
raphink | and ubuntu uses gnome | 02:08 |
mornfall | raphink: kde ain't no stinkin' window manager | 02:08 |
raphink | mornfall: agreed on ksim | 02:08 |
mornfall | *hides* | 02:08 |
raphink | sorry mornfall ? | 02:08 |
raphink | I use KDE ... | 02:08 |
burepe | 120baby is the file that I mounted it to | 02:08 |
mornfall | right, and it's not a WM | 02:08 |
LostFan84 | raphink: You mean GUI? | 02:08 |
mornfall | kde is a bit to the desktop side :) | 02:08 |
raphink | yes mornfall | 02:09 |
logikal | KDE is for people who like to use buttons | 02:09 |
mornfall | well... you could think of it as a very heavy window manager ;-) | 02:09 |
LostFan84 | Ok one more question....so I understand there are all these different Linuz distros...How come everyone I've tried looks the same? | 02:09 |
LostFan84 | Linux* | 02:09 |
logikal | KDE and Gnome may look the same | 02:09 |
raphink | they *look* the same | 02:09 |
raphink | because they use the same programs | 02:09 |
raphink | but they don't *feel* the same | 02:09 |
raphink | like the administration and stability can be very differnet | 02:09 |
mornfall | because they use the same programs? :-) | 02:09 |
LostFan84 | Hmm... | 02:10 |
raphink | they mightnot the recognize the hardware as well, or the same way | 02:10 |
burepe | I say get both if you can and experiment. If you install kubuntu then do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or vice versa | 02:10 |
apokryphos | amaroK 1.3.5 packages for anyone who wants them: http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.3.5.php | 02:10 |
raphink | and thus might not be used for the same purpose | 02:10 |
burepe | then you have both | 02:10 |
LostFan84 | I have the Kubuntu 5.10 Breezy...and I''ve been getting used to it: commands, functions | 02:10 |
LostFan84 | Just wondering what the differences were is all. | 02:10 |
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LostFan84 | I got my partitions to auto-mount last week...that was a milestone for me :) | 02:11 |
=== mornfall starts kde compile, uh oh | ||
LostFan84 | How do I upgrade the KDE package? | 02:13 |
LostFan84 | I have Universe and Multiverse | 02:13 |
burepe | raphink: do you know how I can delete files from that hard drive with the gui? I get "Creating folders is not supported with protocal trash" all the time. | 02:14 |
raphink | o_O | 02:14 |
burepe | yeah huh | 02:15 |
raphink | hmm | 02:15 |
=== _etienne [n=etienne@bri69-1-82-231-123-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raphink | burepe: just saw there's something missing in your line in /etc/fstab | 02:15 |
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raphink | you have /dev/hdb1 /media/120baby defaults 0 2 , right? | 02:16 |
burepe | really | 02:16 |
burepe | heah | 02:16 |
burepe | yah | 02:16 |
raphink | you miss the partition type | 02:16 |
raphink | what kind of partition is it? | 02:16 |
raphink | ext2, ext | 02:16 |
burepe | fat32 | 02:16 |
burepe | thanks | 02:16 |
raphink | ext3, fat32 | 02:16 |
raphink | ok | 02:16 |
burepe | thanks | 02:16 |
raphink | well you haev to put that after the mount point | 02:16 |
raphink | so | 02:16 |
burepe | I did auto | 02:17 |
raphink | /dev/hdb1 /media/120baby fat32 defaults 0 2 | 02:17 |
raphink | oh ok | 02:17 |
burepe | cool | 02:17 |
raphink | then | 02:17 |
raphink | sudo mount /dev/hdb1 | 02:17 |
burepe | i already mounted it should I do it again? | 02:18 |
raphink | then | 02:18 |
burepe | I mounted it before I edited it | 02:18 |
raphink | sudo umount /dev/hdb1 && sudo mount /dev/hdb1 | 02:18 |
burepe | umount? | 02:18 |
burepe | k | 02:18 |
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burepe | How do I change a folders permissions and all the files in it? | 02:22 |
raphink | chmod | 02:22 |
raphink | if you want it to be recursive, then chmod -R | 02:22 |
burepe | ok | 02:22 |
raphink | if you want to change the owner and the owner group | 02:22 |
raphink | then use chown | 02:22 |
raphink | see | 02:22 |
raphink | man chmod | 02:22 |
raphink | and man chown | 02:22 |
raphink | ;) | 02:22 |
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burepe | what do i put if I want anyone to be able to delete and write? chmod -R /folder 777? | 02:23 |
richard_ | any ideas how to run 2 different instances of x on different virtual terminals? | 02:23 |
darxburn | hyy | 02:23 |
raphink | hmm yes I think so burepe | 02:24 |
raphink | :) | 02:24 |
burepe | cool | 02:24 |
raphink | richard_: if you're using KDE, you can just go to the K menu and choose Change user -> Open new session | 02:25 |
raphink | or start new session | 02:25 |
raphink | don't remember who it's written ;) | 02:25 |
raphink | otherwise, in a terminal : | 02:25 |
raphink | X :1 -query localhost & | 02:25 |
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raphink | to start X on vt8 | 02:26 |
raphink | with a login screen | 02:26 |
richard_ | ok, but i wanted to run xdm with a single app | 02:26 |
raphink | sorry gtg | 02:26 |
raphink | bye | 02:26 |
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spongebob | hi evryone : do you know where i can find a step by step for stupid newbie tutorial to install firefox on my kubuntu ? | 02:34 |
Fuji-san | lol | 02:35 |
apokryphos | spongebob: breezy? | 02:37 |
Phazeman | hmm... my amarok says it can't play mp3 files coz of the engine... and i can see GStreamer is the only one there.... what is it about ? | 02:39 |
Fuji-san | lol | 02:39 |
apokryphos | Phazeman: install gstreamer0.8-mad | 02:40 |
Phazeman | spongebob: run adept and install it from there | 02:40 |
apokryphos | Phazeman: also, you may want to use other engines. Install amarok-engines package | 02:40 |
Phazeman | apokryphos: thanks going to try | 02:40 |
apokryphos | Phazeman: also get akode-mpeg (it's on the Kubuntu.org FAQ) | 02:41 |
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nitroxide | hi | 02:41 |
nitroxide | i am searching how to upgrade my kubuntu from hoary to breezy | 02:41 |
nitroxide | somebody could help me ? | 02:42 |
=== Danny| [n=Danny|@83-131-188-182.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | !tell nitroxide about breezyupgrade | 02:42 |
nitroxide | thx apokryphos | 02:42 |
Fuji-san | apokryphos: How do i download cedega..? | 02:42 |
aftertaf | Fuji-san: its $$$ware;) | 02:43 |
apokryphos | Fuji-san: /msg ubotu cedega | 02:43 |
nalioth_zZz | ubotu: tell nitroxide about upgrade2breezy | 02:43 |
Fuji-san | ty apokryphos | 02:43 |
Fuji-san | /msg ubotu cedega | 02:43 |
Fuji-san | /msg ubotu cedega | 02:43 |
Tm_T | :( | 02:43 |
apokryphos | erm, remove the gap you have | 02:44 |
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TobyK | where does kde store it's printer list (on the dard drive)? | 02:47 |
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Phazeman | hmm.... almost done with configs.... all that left - xkb config | 02:48 |
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Phazeman | anyone here uses more then 1 keyboard layout with XKB ? | 02:48 |
Phazeman | mine screams that it can't load keyboard description | 02:49 |
Phazeman | any ideas ? | 02:49 |
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pili | nasss | 02:54 |
pili | hi0 | 02:57 |
burepe | Can someone explain the "mode" permissions in chmod? I don't get it. | 03:01 |
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Blissex | burepe: do a web search for something like "unix file permissions tutorial OR introduction", there are several online discussions | 03:04 |
TobyK | burepe: chmod uag+rwx reads u=user,a=all,g=group,+ means add, r = read, w = write, x = execute | 03:04 |
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TobyK | so to remove read permission from all, do chmod a-r * | 03:05 |
burepe | thanks | 03:05 |
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Calilasseia | Hello eveyone ... | 03:08 |
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Calilasseia | I've just visited the Kubuntu site and discovered that Breezy is now an offical release ... is there an easy upgrade from Hoary Hedgehog or do I have to reinstall from scratch? | 03:09 |
jjesse | Calilasseia: you can change your /etc/apt/sources.list by replacing anything w/ "hoary" in it to "breezy" | 03:10 |
TobyK | i might be wrong here, but a search and replace of "hoary" with "breezy" in /etc/apt/sources.list followed by apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade should do the trick | 03:10 |
Calilasseia | Hang on taking notes ... | 03:10 |
spongebob | hey phazeman you're still here ? | 03:11 |
Calilasseia | OK, took notes ... | 03:11 |
jjesse | Calilasseia: from the run command do a kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.iist | 03:11 |
Calilasseia | This will upgrade the kernel as well ... | 03:11 |
Calilasseia | Argh forgot the "?" | 03:11 |
Phazeman | spongebob: yes | 03:12 |
jjesse | Calilasseia: it will upgrade everything that has changed in breezy | 03:12 |
Calilasseia | Oh good ... but it would still be a good idea to download the full install CD image just in case? | 03:12 |
TobyK | kdesu... so that's how u run kate as root? sudo kate always crashed | 03:12 |
Phazeman | spongebob: i've got my issue solved... did you want to ask anything ? | 03:12 |
spongebob | yes | 03:13 |
spongebob | you know about firefox | 03:13 |
spongebob | i does not appear in adept | 03:13 |
Phazeman | spongebob: yes | 03:13 |
TobyK | if you've got the install cd, then just change the initial line at the top to: | 03:13 |
jjesse | TobyK: yeah kdesu | 03:13 |
Phazeman | spongebob: means you have to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the universe | 03:13 |
spongebob | i tried "fetch update" and "full upgrade" | 03:13 |
TobyK | deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main | 03:13 |
TobyK | restricted | 03:13 |
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TobyK | soory that should be on one line | 03:14 |
spongebob | ....... | 03:14 |
Calilasseia | In my experience with hoary, you have to obtain Firefox the hard way ... | 03:14 |
Phazeman | spongebob: just edit that file with sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the line where it says universe | 03:14 |
spongebob | ok thanks | 03:14 |
Calilasseia | Plus there are issues with Flash plugins in hoary ... yet to find out if they've been resolved in breezy ... | 03:15 |
Calilasseia | I obtained the official Macromedia Flash plugin for Linux from the official location and it works ... how shall I put this ... when it feels like working ... | 03:15 |
Calilasseia | Sometimes sound appears but no video, sometimes video without sound, and it hates Flash based chat applets ... | 03:16 |
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Calilasseia | I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Flash plugin to no avail ... | 03:17 |
Calilasseia | Which is a shame because everything else works superbly ... | 03:17 |
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Calilasseia | Anyone else here have problems with Flash plugins? | 03:18 |
Calilasseia | And, more to the point, anyone solved them? :) | 03:18 |
Phazeman | Calilasseia: i'm installing it right now | 03:18 |
Phazeman | lets see | 03:18 |
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jjesse | Calilasseia: i wonder if the upgrade to breezy would help solve your issues | 03:19 |
Calilasseia | You on hoary or breezy Phazeman? I think this might make a difference ... although only might ... | 03:19 |
spongebob | Phazeman you're my heroe :) | 03:19 |
Phazeman | Calilasseia: i'm on breezy | 03:19 |
Phazeman | spongebob: ;-) | 03:19 |
Calilasseia | Jesse, I intend tupgrading sometime, but right now it's a bit inconvenient ... | 03:19 |
strike4ce | anyone have any experience using ati drivers? | 03:20 |
Calilasseia | Strike, I have an ATI Radeon 7000 card ... | 03:20 |
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Calilasseia | When I installed Kubuntu's hoary release, it never asked for drivers ... it just found my card and said "oh yes, i understand this" and my graphics have been flawless from day one ... | 03:21 |
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strike4ce | I have a Dell laptop with an ati mobility radeon 9600 pro turbo 128mb card | 03:21 |
Calilasseia | If you have a later card (including one of the high spec gaming cards) then your mileage may differ considerably ... | 03:22 |
strike4ce | I want 3d and at least 1300-1400 fps | 03:22 |
Calilasseia | Oh, 9600 pro turbo .... hmm ... | 03:22 |
Phazeman | Calilasseia: it works just fine here | 03:22 |
strike4ce | Calilasseia: that what I have | 03:22 |
eriksti | hey .. anyone know of a good tool to generate UML from c++ code? | 03:22 |
Calilasseia | Phazeman, do you visit any sites that use the 123 Flash chat applet? | 03:23 |
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Phazeman | nop... but i've opened a webpage that contains the flash | 03:23 |
Phazeman | and it worked just fine | 03:23 |
Calilasseia | Only if you do, it would be nice to know if your installed plugin works ... only mine renders all the text invisible ... | 03:23 |
strike4ce | mine is terrible | 03:23 |
Phazeman | Calilasseia: gimme and example ? | 03:23 |
Calilasseia | Hang on, I'll see if I can find one ... | 03:24 |
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strike4ce | How do I get xfree86? | 03:24 |
strike4ce | anyone know how I can make my default browser firefox? | 03:25 |
Calilasseia | xfree86? Shouldn't that be part of your install from the word go? | 03:25 |
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Phazeman | my screeny http://phazeman.dyndns.org/kubuntu_25_10_2005_1.jpg ;-) | 03:26 |
strike4ce | Calilasseia: when the mesa drivers install its missing | 03:26 |
Calilasseia | Hmm, interesting ... | 03:27 |
aftertaf | Calilasseia: its xorg, not xfree | 03:27 |
Calilasseia | Hmm ... | 03:27 |
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Calilasseia | Meanwhile I'm still trying to find a chat room that uses 123 other than my usual one (which is probably a NSFW one) ... | 03:28 |
strike4ce | aftertaf: yes but when I type in fglrxinfo it states im missing xfree86 | 03:29 |
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wie | could somebody tell me how i can load the standard kde profile into konqueror | 03:32 |
Calilasseia | Phazeman, 123 flash chat demo room is here ... http://www.123flashchat.com/demo.html | 03:33 |
Calilasseia | When the Flash chat applet comes up, tick the "guest" box, make up a username, and log in ... | 03:33 |
Calilasseia | If your Flash plugin works with it let me know ... | 03:34 |
Calilasseia | Only mine dies a death ,,, | 03:34 |
strike4ce | How do I make firefox my default browser? | 03:34 |
wie | your default browser | 03:35 |
wie | strike4ce, i dont think that matters on linu | 03:35 |
Calilasseia | I'm going to have to take my leave ... boring chores that need attiending to (sigh) ... | 03:35 |
Calilasseia | Thanks for the upgrade tips everyone ... | 03:35 |
Calilasseia | Bye ... | 03:36 |
wie | but strike4ce if you want to handle all html to firefox just right click on a html document and then say open with firefox and say remember | 03:36 |
wie | strike4ce, and then every html document will be handled by firefox | 03:37 |
Phazeman | sorry had to go to the kids... | 03:37 |
wie | but does anybody know how i can remove the universal sidebar from my desktop | 03:37 |
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amackay | Hi people. When i try and open some apps such as amsn or totem it just thinks about it for a bit and then doesn't bother. Any ideas why? | 03:40 |
jeh_work | maybe they aren't worth launching? | 03:41 |
jeh_work | sorry... | 03:41 |
strike4ce | wie thats not the best way | 03:42 |
amackay | jeh_work, I guessed that much, but is there any way of diagnosing why | 03:43 |
borisyeltsin | so I've got a source deb that I'm trying to build and I have libmp4v2 and libmp4v2-dev installed, and yet it still won't build with support for mp4v2. how do I point the configure script to the mp4v2 stuff? | 03:43 |
jeh_work | amackay: no idea. i've seen the same om thic fedora machine. happens with firefox at least | 03:43 |
amackay | jeh_work, interesting. Its a bit of a pain as its happining to about half my apps. Not good | 03:44 |
jeh_work | amackay: ugh, that must be annoying | 03:44 |
amackay | jeh_work, just one of those things i guess | 03:44 |
jeh_work | amackay: any obvious errors in ~/.xesssion-errors? | 03:45 |
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strike4ce | anyone know how to set the firefox browser as default? | 03:46 |
strike4ce | !browser | 03:46 |
ubotu | strike4ce: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:46 |
strike4ce | !browser default | 03:46 |
ubotu | strike4ce: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 03:46 |
amackay | jeh_work, it appears not. I'll just have a fiddle. Thanks anyway | 03:47 |
strike4ce | How do I make firefox my default browser? | 03:48 |
strike4ce | anyone know? | 03:49 |
Blissex | strike4ce: no, probably no one knows... | 03:50 |
jeh_work | strike4ce: see Control center -> Component Chooser -> Web Browser | 03:50 |
Blissex | strike4ce: consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask more specific questions. | 03:51 |
strike4ce | Blissex: I did it the other day just cant remember? | 03:51 |
jeh_work | the names may differ a bit on kubuntu... | 03:51 |
Blissex | strike4ce: the problem is that every little ''environment'' has a _different_ setting for ''default browser'', there is no central setting for that. | 03:51 |
Blissex | strike4ce: so <jeh_work>'s suggestion is good for KDE, but non KDE apps will require anoher setting and so on. | 03:52 |
jeh_work | kde apps should honor the setting in control center... | 03:52 |
jeh_work | and some apps may just have it hardcoded in, some use the BROWSER env var etc | 03:53 |
Blissex | strike4ce: so GNOME apps will have a different settings, apps that obey MIME another one, and so on. | 03:54 |
strike4ce | i understand that | 03:54 |
strike4ce | this shit is frustrating | 03:54 |
strike4ce | No one knows what to do | 03:54 |
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jeh_work | strike4ce: well, try what people have been suggesting here and in #kde | 03:55 |
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jeh_work | strike4ce: works for kde at least, and if you run kubuntu that should be your primary environment | 03:55 |
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jeh_work | ooo, a new version of the ipodslave! sexy stuff, need to fire up my compiler when i get home | 03:56 |
strike4ce | jeh_work: no go doesnt work | 03:57 |
jeh_work | strike4ce: in what app doesn't it work? | 03:57 |
strike4ce | kde | 03:58 |
strike4ce | kde componets | 03:58 |
jeh_work | should work, if it doesn't work in some particular application it's a bug | 03:58 |
jeh_work | but now i'm off | 03:58 |
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amiel | KDE on Ubuntu is sensational! | 04:01 |
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morrow | jeh_work: is it in the rep? | 04:03 |
Phazeman | amiel: it's not sensetional.. it just works as it designed to work... ;-) | 04:03 |
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amiel | No sorry.... Its sensational :P | 04:05 |
seezer | hi | 04:08 |
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richard | anyone know how to install amarok 1.3.4 with taglib 1.4 installed at /usr/loacl/taglib | 04:12 |
richard | ?? | 04:12 |
richard | can't find the configure switch | 04:12 |
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enricov | hi to all | 04:24 |
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strike4ce | To change the default browser through the GUI: | 04:26 |
strike4ce | Kmenu > System Settings > User Account (Under the heading "Personal") > Default Applications (on the left side menu). | 04:26 |
strike4ce | 04:26 | |
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morrow | dpkg-deb: building package `ipodslave-dev' in `../ipodslave-dev_20051024-0ubuntu1_i386.deb'. | 04:34 |
morrow | finaly... | 04:34 |
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Tm_T | strike4ce: what about it? | 04:35 |
Tm_T | richard: why not install 1.3.5 | 04:35 |
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strike4ce | Tm_T: thats how you change your browser | 04:38 |
strike4ce | How can I install the latest drivers for my ati card? | 04:38 |
Tm_T | strike4ce: I know, I just wonder why you just told it here | 04:38 |
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strike4ce | people were asking earlier | 04:39 |
Tm_T | ah | 04:39 |
strike4ce | I had to find it myself this stuff is frustrating if you've been a liifetime windows user | 04:39 |
morrow | ahhh the new ipodslave works | 04:40 |
strike4ce | I need help with my ati card | 04:40 |
strike4ce | can I install 3d thru adept? | 04:40 |
strike4ce | can anyone help me? | 04:41 |
Phazeman | strike4ce: the nvidia driver i'm using right at this second were installed through adept | 04:41 |
Phazeman | but i've never used an ATI card in my live | 04:41 |
Phazeman | life* | 04:41 |
strike4ce | ok jus sec | 04:41 |
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strike4ce | Phazeman: would it be xorg-fglrx-dev? | 04:43 |
Phazeman | strike4ce: as i told you - i don't have a clue how the ATI driver package named | 04:43 |
Phazeman | did you try searching for ati in there ? | 04:43 |
Phazeman | just "ati" | 04:43 |
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Mars^ | Hi | 04:46 |
enricov | hi to all | 04:47 |
Mars^ | I have a little problem with Breezy (like with Hoary) I cant switch on admin mode in loging manager. | 04:47 |
Mars^ | Do you know solution? | 04:47 |
enricov | someone know asterisc system ? | 04:47 |
Phazeman | strike4ce: xorg-driver-fglrx | 04:47 |
Phazeman | thats what you need | 04:47 |
paymyBill | hi | 04:48 |
paymyBill | which player do u use for wmv file? | 04:48 |
paymyBill | rm | 04:49 |
icewt | if i make a link to application on the desktop, the default for it is that "blue wheel". where can i find that wheel-icon? | 04:49 |
icewt | err.. "...the default _icon_ for that is..." | 04:50 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | whooo | 04:51 |
icewt | ah, found it | 04:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dapper is open!!! | 04:51 |
Tm_T | ok? | 04:52 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser will dist-upgrade tomorrow, so i dont have to start up the proxy server again | ||
Tm_T | ehm? | 04:53 |
icewt | so now we can start breaking our systems?-) | 04:54 |
Tm_T | Kamping_Kaiser: uh, I bet you can whole lotta out from next release tomorrow ;) | 04:54 |
Tm_T | +get | 04:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. :D | 04:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its open!!!! | 04:54 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser IS ALL EXICITED :d | ||
Tm_T | YAY! | 04:54 |
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Tm_T | its open, it's empty, it must be sooo good | 04:55 |
Tm_T | muy bien | 04:55 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Tm_T: thers a whole heap of xorg stuff | 04:55 |
Tm_T | :o | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | im on the changes mailing list, which is how i found out ;) | 04:55 |
Tm_T | 7.0? | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not yet | 04:55 |
Tm_T | :( | 04:55 |
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Tm_T | then it's worthless ;) | 04:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:56 |
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roman-stefan | does anyone use optical digital output on their linux boxes? | 04:58 |
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kudude | any vmware guru here? | 05:04 |
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nikkia | kudude: i use it, dunno if you'd say i was a guru or not | 05:05 |
kudude | nikki: heheh! oh well maybe you can help.. | 05:06 |
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kudude | nikkia: are you on linux host? | 05:06 |
nikkia | of course | 05:06 |
kudude | nikkia: heheh! | 05:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi nikkia | 05:06 |
kudude | nikkia: did you use Bridge or NAT? | 05:06 |
nikkia | hi Kamping_Kaiser | 05:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 05:07 |
nikkia | kudude: i switch between the two, depending on what i need to do | 05:07 |
nikkia | (VPN to work won't work over NAT) | 05:07 |
kudude | are you on an internal LAN or you are direct to the internet? | 05:07 |
nikkia | internal lan | 05:07 |
kudude | nikkia: did you use static configuration or DHCP for your eth0? | 05:07 |
nikkia | static here, dhcp on my workstation at work | 05:08 |
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kudude | well.. here's my prob. | 05:08 |
kudude | i installed vmware | 05:08 |
kudude | when I run the config I answer the default to all the questions. | 05:08 |
kudude | when come time to run vmware.. it doesn't run, and I can't use my browser.. | 05:09 |
vonHalenbach | I have Kubuntu 5.10 RC. The Knewsreader isnt working. | 05:09 |
kudude | any ideas to what's causing it.. I am kernel 2.6.12... any tips when configuring on linux? security etc... | 05:09 |
nikkia | kudude: a fair idea, its 5.0 isn't it ? | 05:10 |
kudude | yes. | 05:10 |
nikkia | 5.0's kernel modules don't work with recent kernels | 05:10 |
nikkia | they cause a kernel panic in the networking stack | 05:10 |
nikkia | well, a kernel oops, the rest of the kernel goes on, but networking dies until you reboot | 05:10 |
nikkia | upgrade to 5.5rc and it'll be ok | 05:10 |
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=== nikkia rolls her eyes at her company's 'high security' | ||
nikkia | about 2 weeks ago, when i was discussing this project with my boss, i joked 'its probably fucking rot13' | 05:12 |
nikkia | guess what | 05:12 |
kudude | nikkia: that's exactly what's happening to me.. So how come they have no documentation on their web stating that. | 05:12 |
kudude | they totally suck.. | 05:12 |
nikkia | kudude: i don't think they know about it, as i said, its fixed in 5.5rc, which is what i use | 05:12 |
kudude | nikkia: how stable is 5.5rc? | 05:12 |
nikkia | kudude: stable enough, i've been using it for a couple of weeks, running VC++.NET and various other apps, seems fine | 05:13 |
kudude | nikkia: ok gonna download 5.5rc then.. thanks for the info. | 05:13 |
kudude | will let you know if it worked for me.. | 05:13 |
nikkia | kudude: tbh, i can't see them putting much effort into fixing 5.0 anyway, since 5.5 is a free upgrade for 5.x users | 05:13 |
nikkia | 5.5 is probably the right place for such a fix | 05:13 |
kudude | hey one quick question.. for 5.5rc. is it a clean install or is it an upgrade...if I uninstall can I re-attach my pre-configured machines? | 05:14 |
nikkia | kudude: oh, and even tho its a rc, it says 'unlimited' for the time limit on the build | 05:14 |
nikkia | kudude: either will work | 05:14 |
nikkia | kudude: at work i did an upgrade, at home i did a clean install and just used my serial # from 5.0 | 05:14 |
kudude | nikkia: ok man.. latas..will you be on for another 1/2 hour or so? | 05:15 |
nikkia | kudude: as for the VMs, i imagine they're forward compat, but probably not backwards | 05:15 |
nikkia | erm, swap those around :) | 05:15 |
nikkia | backwards compat, but not forward compat | 05:15 |
nikkia | ie, once 5.5 has touched a VM, 5.0 is probably SOL on it | 05:15 |
kudude | nikkia: what's funny is that my installation at home works quite.. fine.. same kernel, same distro.. | 05:15 |
kudude | only that I am using a DHCP at home and not on a LAN.. | 05:16 |
nikkia | kudude: yeah, its weird, its probably some other 'feature' in the network stack that clashes | 05:16 |
kudude | but anyways I will check out 5.5rc.. | 05:16 |
nikkia | for me, it crashes in both after 2.6.9 | 05:16 |
roman-stefan | wow, r u guys employed it IT ????? | 05:16 |
nikkia | actually, it might have worked on .11, not sure | 05:16 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: i'm a games developer | 05:16 |
roman-stefan | cool | 05:16 |
kudude | nikkia: should I risk the 5.5rc then..? I mean, when is 5.5 scheduled to be released? | 05:17 |
nikkia | yeah, soon | 05:17 |
=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-84-228.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vonHalenbach | I have Kubuntu 5.10 RC. The Knewsreader isnt working. | 05:19 |
nikkia | kudude: when 5.5 final is released, you'll be able to move from rc to final i'm sure | 05:19 |
=== StR [n=str@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
StR | Hi all | 05:20 |
StR | anyone having problems with atp-get update? | 05:21 |
roman-stefan | so this chan is like cram packed with all the ppls who make open source software and stuff??? | 05:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | roman-stefan: only a few are makers, many are users | 05:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and some come with questions :) | 05:21 |
=== benfay [n=benfay@adsl-102-200-zh1.datacomm.ch] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
roman-stefan | IM A USER lol | 05:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | str, you may have a temporary problem | 05:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it often happens | 05:21 |
vonHalenbach | Im USER too. | 05:21 |
StR | Kamping_Kaiser: hmm... ok | 05:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | str, which server? | 05:22 |
StR | Err http://gt.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages | 05:22 |
StR | Kamping_Kaiser: that pne | 05:22 |
StR | one | 05:22 |
roman-stefan | nikkia: you don't by chance develop games for linux?? | 05:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | havent heard of issues with it before, but it does happeen to other mirrors | 05:23 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: i have, but i don't develop games that are for 'computers' per se | 05:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | give it 30 min and try again | 05:23 |
roman-stefan | nikkia: ah i c | 05:23 |
StR | Kamping_Kaiser: already, something like 4 hours | 05:23 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: i work on gambling terminal stuff | 05:24 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: some of the terminals run linux, most run windows | 05:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | str then they must not update every 10 min like the master server does. | 05:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | str. you can try another mirror :| | 05:24 |
nikkia | some have uber leet rot13 encryption :P | 05:24 |
StR | Kamping_Kaiser: ok... i will try tomorow | 05:24 |
StR | Kamping_Kaiser: thanks | 05:24 |
roman-stefan | nikkia: i kno very little about all this, how i got this linux thing running, or what is involved in game development, but r u graphics/art or programing? | 05:24 |
=== _sara [n=sara@pool-70-17-61-111.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | str. ok. good luck | 05:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi _sara, back again ;) | 05:25 |
_sara | yeap | 05:25 |
seezer | hi Kamping_Kaiser | 05:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi seezer :) | 05:26 |
_sara | hi everyone | 05:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) hi _sara :D | 05:26 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: programming | 05:26 |
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=== nikkia starts to see why Kamping_Kaiser always says hello now :) | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. | 05:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i can pretend i have friends ;) | 05:28 |
dipnlik | hahahahaha | 05:28 |
roman-stefan | nikkia: great! i want to get a better understanding of how linux werks (and operating sytems in general) know n e a good reference (net or book) thats a good intro? | 05:28 |
kudude | nikkia: do you use DualHead configuration? | 05:28 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: i was more commenting on the fact that you always say hello to me, and seemingly to sara too.... :P | 05:29 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: not really, i just dove in and started using it :) | 05:29 |
nikkia | kudude: not regularly | 05:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia, oh, lol. i say hi to ppl i recognise and have spoken to enough to 'know' | 05:30 |
nikkia | kudude: i have a 23" lcd sat by my main monitor, but its mostly used for my consoles :P | 05:30 |
_sara | anyone knowsa kde alternative to streamtuner? | 05:30 |
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kudude | nikkia: I have two 19" LCDs.. and man, it's so much trouble to get fglrx to work do DualHead on an ATI Radeon 9600 | 05:31 |
nikkia | kudude: i wouldn't use ATI cards if i was paid to do so :P | 05:31 |
kudude | only method works so far for me is BigDesktop.. which is not that bad. but I like the way it's done in windows.. very nice. | 05:31 |
=== sproingie tries typing "any" and "n e" and it always takes him longer to type the second | ||
kudude | i tried so many different xorg.conf files.. | 05:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi sproingie | 05:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 05:32 |
sproingie | guten tag mein Kaiser | 05:32 |
kudude | nikkia: :) heheh! so most people have said. | 05:32 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser greets sproingie | ||
kudude | nikkia: does vmware support dual-screens? | 05:32 |
=== ilya [n=ilya@IGLD-83-130-187-226.inter.net.il] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | kudude: i don't think so | 05:33 |
=== _sara is now known as _sara_ | ||
roman-stefan | are ati bad for linux support? | 05:33 |
sproingie | roman-stefan: oh my yes | 05:33 |
roman-stefan | :'( | 05:33 |
roman-stefan | spewin | 05:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | very :| | 05:34 |
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sproingie | roman-stefan: their driver has gotten more stable, but it still performs lousy for games, and if you're on a laptop, it's still painful to configure | 05:34 |
roman-stefan | nvidia better? | 05:34 |
kudude | nikkia: which card do you recommend? NVidia? | 05:34 |
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sproingie | and if you run any OS other than linux, forget it. nvidia has bsd drivers too | 05:34 |
sproingie | i would definitely recommend an nvidia | 05:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yep | 05:35 |
=== sproingie got an ati because it was cheap | ||
roman-stefan | but they're part of the axis of evil | 05:35 |
sproingie | unfortunately they cheaped out on the damn FAN, so it overheats like crazy too | 05:35 |
sproingie | that's not ATI's fault, just the OEM for this card | 05:35 |
roman-stefan | aren't nvidia cards ordinary when it comes to openGL? | 05:36 |
kudude | heheh! I guess you get what you pay for. | 05:36 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: no | 05:36 |
sproingie | roman-stefan: no, they have better support | 05:36 |
kudude | life sucks though.. when you want good things you have to pay sometimes twice as much. | 05:36 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: nvidia's GL support is very good | 05:36 |
sproingie | which is IRONIC, since ATI cards are based on the firegl core, which once had the BEST OGL support | 05:36 |
nikkia | the only time i've ever been annoyed by nvidia's GL is on GeForce4MX's where there are a few 'wtf did they do that?' issues | 05:36 |
nikkia | sproingie: once, as in about 6 years ago :P | 05:37 |
roman-stefan | damn it i got my 9600 thinking nvidia were going down the Microsoft Direct3D shitty path | 05:37 |
nikkia | sproingie: ATI's GL drivers have always been hopelessly register-limited on x86 too, if you compare GL performance on an x86 machine with ATI GL performance on a PPC, its night and day | 05:37 |
sproingie | nvidia still takes a lot of liberties whereas when ati does GL they tendto do it right | 05:37 |
nikkia | sproingie: erm, liberties like being first to support 2.0 ? :) | 05:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. all i want from nvidia now is support for smp kernels :| | 05:38 |
sproingie | nikkia: i suspect they just didn't vectorize their code properly. SSE2 is just as performant when it comes to ogl ops | 05:38 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: it doesn't work? it did on my P2-333*2 + GeForce 2 that ran linux... | 05:38 |
sproingie | nikkia: and SSE2 is most certainly not register-starved | 05:39 |
=== roman-stefan want his voodoo2 back from 1999 | ||
roman-stefan | oops | 05:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia, its not working on my p4 HT | 05:39 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: my PC at work is a HT'ed P4, with a FX5200, it works ok | 05:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bugger :( | 05:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | maybe i suck at using linux then :| | 05:39 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: and yes, i'm using the -smp kernel package (regular debian tho) | 05:40 |
sproingie | liberties like supporting stuff very half-assed and imprecise. which is fine when it comes to games, not so good when you're doing CAD/CAM | 05:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia :'( | 05:40 |
roman-stefan | so who has an ati card? | 05:40 |
sproingie | it's more a company culture thing -- firegl's were aimed at the CAD/CAM market before getting borged into ATI | 05:40 |
amarock | often i land up in console mode for no apparent reason...then i reboot...then i get into kde....and this ONLY happens when it tells me that hda6 was not cleanly mounted...also i cant go to google or ubuntuforums at times....help! | 05:40 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: i *have* one, don't use it :P | 05:40 |
amarock | are u guys having any new probs with kubutnu breezy? | 05:40 |
amarock | often i land up in console mode for no apparent reason...then i reboot...then i get into kde....and this ONLY happens when it tells me that hda6 was not cleanly mounted...also i cant go to google or ubuntuforums at times....help! | 05:41 |
roman-stefan | do you know how to make it werk ? ;) | 05:41 |
roman-stefan | *please | 05:41 |
roman-stefan | haha | 05:41 |
strike4ce | How do I install java? | 05:41 |
nikkia | roman-stefan: no, it requires lots of luck and black magic, i spent about 4 months trying to get everything to work, never did | 05:41 |
roman-stefan | yay | 05:41 |
roman-stefan | thanx for the tip but | 05:41 |
sproingie | at least the fglrx driver supports vertex and fragment shaders in OGL, which makes up for a lot | 05:41 |
nikkia | (it would do weird things, like i'd get 3d acceleration working, but then alsa would fail to load !?!) | 05:42 |
amarock | !xincludes | 05:42 |
ubotu | well, xincludes is for X dev libs, install xlibs-dev, xlibs-static-dev and x-window-system-dev | 05:42 |
=== sproingie only ever uses 3d whenever he gets the urge to play with blender anyway. which is not often | ||
nikkia | sproingie: its kind of an essential feature when you're programming stuff that uses OpenGL for a living :P | 05:43 |
roman-stefan | ati website had something about driver support for 9500 and later coming soon | 05:43 |
sproingie | nikkia: i imagine so. for me it's one of those things i want to teach myself in my Copious Free Time | 05:43 |
seezer | sproingie: sounds like sun built 'looking glass' for you :) | 05:43 |
strike4ce | How do I install java? | 05:43 |
kudude | roman-stefan: even the driver on ati doesn't work properly.. | 05:44 |
nikkia | !java | 05:44 |
ubotu | somebody said java was to install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb | 05:44 |
sproingie | seezer: some of the features in LG look nifty. on the whole it's a gimmick tho | 05:44 |
roman-stefan | r u on radeon kudude ? | 05:44 |
seezer | sproingie: true true :) | 05:44 |
amarock | no one to help:( | 05:44 |
kudude | roman-stefan: yup. 9600 | 05:45 |
=== sproingie gotta go actually | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | amarock: im not realy sure of you rquestion | 05:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | late rthen sproingie mate :) | 05:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *later then | 05:45 |
=== sproingie has a 9800 ez. works pretty much out of the box on ubuntu once you install restricted-modules and switch the driver to fglrx | ||
roman-stefan | kudude: same !! do you have 3d stuff werking? | 05:45 |
sproingie | this is of course not everyone's story. i got lucky. | 05:45 |
amarock | often i land up in console mode for no apparent reason...then i reboot...then i get into kde....and this ONLY happens when it tells me that hda6 was not cleanly mounted...also i cant go to google or ubuntuforums at times....help! | 05:46 |
kudude | roman-stefan: I am not sure.. I don't recall configuring 3d.. i'm only concerned about DualHead. | 05:47 |
roman-stefan | ah | 05:47 |
roman-stefan | kudude: i can't even run a screensaver with more than 15 fps pretty much | 05:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amarock: your hda6 is probalby the / partition | 05:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | so if you hard reboot it would not have been cleanly unmounted | 05:47 |
amarock | Kamping_Kaiser: no its not! its simply a storage partition...../ one is hdb1, home hdb2 | 05:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. amarock, could you be crashing becaue of something you try and use on the storage partition? | 05:49 |
=== roman-stefan hasn't chatted in irc for ages and is dying to know where ppl are from, as it is past most ppls bedtimes in his timezone | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | roman-stefan: what time is that? | 05:50 |
roman-stefan | 2am | 05:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. so where do you live/ AU? | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yeh, qld | 05:51 |
roman-stefan | in queensland | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi mate :) im in SA | 05:51 |
roman-stefan | kool | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 1.21 :) | 05:51 |
roman-stefan | im from adelaide | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its a small world | 05:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | im in the hills | 05:51 |
roman-stefan | yeah! | 05:51 |
roman-stefan | nice | 05:51 |
roman-stefan | u werk in the hills? | 05:52 |
=== freemanen [n=freemane@c83-248-208-65.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | and im on irc drinking giving advice to ppl in the channel for a distro i dont use ;) | 05:52 |
roman-stefan | hahaha | 05:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i live up here, i dont work (paid) yet | 05:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | im a volenteer only | 05:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | where in qld are you? | 05:52 |
roman-stefan | a kay | 05:52 |
roman-stefan | oakey, near toowoomba | 05:52 |
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=== shogouki [n=nicolas@AMontpellier-251-1-35-165.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
roman-stefan | where did u go to school ? | 05:53 |
kudude | roman-stefan: I guess I don't wanna have to force my boss to buy an NVidia.. i'll just stick with the crap I have until they come up with better support in 2.7 kernels.. etc.. | 05:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. i know where it is during the day, at this time of day its a bit not in my mind ;) | 05:53 |
roman-stefan | a couple of hours west of brisvegas | 05:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | roman-stefan: untill year 6 Hobart (just outside of actualy) in Tas, then from year 6 -> 12 in the hills here | 05:54 |
=== _Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | Mt barker | 05:54 |
roman-stefan | ah k | 05:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | * here in Mt B | 05:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | finished school alst year | 05:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *last | 05:54 |
roman-stefan | kudude: when is 2.7 due? | 05:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | roman-stefan: when 2.6 works ;) | 05:54 |
roman-stefan | hehe | 05:55 |
roman-stefan | so what about other ppls ?? | 05:55 |
=== _thumper_ [n=tim@tpsoft.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | nikki is a pom. not sure about most others | 05:55 |
=== musik [n=yasser@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vonHalenbach | I have Kubuntu 5.10 RC. The Knewsreader isnt working. | 05:55 |
kudude | roman-stefan: don't know dude.. just talking sh*t.. ;) | 05:55 |
roman-stefan | fancy some fish and chips gov?? | 05:55 |
roman-stefan | haha | 05:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ati's driver is getting better | 05:56 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | but its still shit | 05:56 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: wait a min..i have a knoppix persistent home dir on hda6....and the config file....could that be a problem? | 05:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc. it could be, but i would be suprised. is it ext3 or ext2? | 05:56 |
dragonkh | hi | 05:57 |
robin_2 | Hi, is there a way to run wine on amd64 ? | 05:57 |
robin_2 | version of breezy | 05:57 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: hda6 is ext2 i think...how does it matter? | 05:58 |
dragonkh | when i compile a theme for kde - it says im missing kde headers - how to I find them ? | 05:58 |
kudude | nikkia: hey I have one for you. I have an NTFS partition.. 250GB. don't wanna convert it to FAT32.. can vmware 5.5 work with it through linux host? | 05:58 |
amaroc | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. what to do? | 05:58 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: apt-get install kde-devel | 05:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | robin_2: i expect only with dark magic | 05:58 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D0905.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | kudude: in theory, yes | 05:58 |
robin_2 | Kamping_Kaiser: give me the magic :) | 05:58 |
nikkia | kudude: i've never dared try its direct HDD access stuff tho | 05:58 |
kudude | nikkia: what you mean buy in theory.. gimi sometin real man.. | 05:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc, because ext2 would get errors (worse then ext3 does) if not unmounted right | 05:58 |
=== family [n=family@d60-65-107-136.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | robin_2: i cant, or i would have ;) | 05:59 |
robin_2 | Kamping_Kaiser: :) ok | 05:59 |
family | ugh.. konversation is ugly | 05:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bbs. 'nature calls' (i have drunk to much) | 05:59 |
nikkia | kudude: what i mean, is that you can define a physical HD/partition to be present to the VM as a drive/partition, i've never dared try it, so i have no idea if it works or not | 05:59 |
kudude | nikkia: so is it better then to convert my ntfs drive to FAT32? sometimes I do dual-boot to windowsXP.. i haven't completely thrown away my XP Boot yet. | 05:59 |
dragonkh | robin_2 - i get an error saying libasound2 1.0.9-2 is needed but will be installed | 06:00 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: apt-get install -f | 06:00 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: try that.. | 06:00 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: so what should i do? format hda6 to reiserfs....will that fix it? but i never had this prob with any other distro | 06:00 |
=== Venture [n=hohhe@a84-231-172-188.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dragonkh | robin_2 doesnt help :( | 06:01 |
dragonkh | robin_2 - do I have a library incomp problem ? | 06:02 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: so it seems.. | 06:02 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: strange | 06:02 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: you did install something from other source ? | 06:02 |
=== __Ace__ [n=love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dragonkh | robin_2 - hmm I u/g from hoary to breezy | 06:02 |
dragonkh | robin_2 - do i need to uninstall and re-install the libs ? | 06:02 |
robin_2 | dragonkh: sry, I can't help you. | 06:03 |
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amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: u there?? :( | 06:07 |
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=== Kinomees [n=kinomees@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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kudude | nikkia: I'm having trouble installing this 5.5 thing. | 06:18 |
kudude | i'm in the vmware-distrib directory. | 06:18 |
Zeksers | hi, i'm doing some things to my friends pc via shh (i'm never used ubuntu or kubuntu before) and run into some problems | 06:18 |
Zeksers | http://rafb.net/paste/results/MhnPiM97.html | 06:18 |
Zeksers | can anybody help me? ;) | 06:18 |
kudude | ./vmware-install.pl | 06:18 |
=== _xuniL [n=samuelkr@h141n1fls32o279.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Zeksers | i just need to find out how to get those dependencies upgraded | 06:18 |
kudude | bash: ./vmware-install.pl: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: Permission denied | 06:19 |
_xuniL | you need to be root | 06:20 |
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=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Karl@ppp134-36.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kudude | nikkia: it's ok.. i moved it to /root/bin/vmware/ and it worked..I noticed it was a permission thingi. | 06:21 |
=== josh__ [n=josh@dslb-084-058-143-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | sory, missed anything in the last 15 min :\ | 06:22 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: so what should i do? format hda6 to reiserfs....will that fix it? but i never had this prob with any other distro | 06:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc: do you need to read the partition? try mounting it read only - or have i missed the point? | 06:23 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: others are also having this prob....see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=441850 | 06:24 |
=== gadjerico [n=gadjeric@adsl-15-63.38-151.net24.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: really...kubuntu breezy IS very buggy....im really not too happy with breezy...thinking of going back to hoary... | 06:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc: yeh, i agree tbh | 06:25 |
=== _toby [n=toby@cpc4-bary1-3-1-cust6.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amaroc | whats tbh? | 06:25 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | to be honest | 06:26 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: are u facing any new probs with kubuntu? | 06:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc: i use ubuntu, but its still not as good as hoary was on release :| | 06:27 |
_xuniL | i need help.... with config my amarok... i have install the xine engien but in amarok setttings i cant change to that engien? | 06:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but tomororw night ill be using Dapper :D | 06:27 |
amaroc | Kamping_Kaiser: huh? dapper? how come? what issues are u having in ubuntu btw? | 06:27 |
amaroc | _xuniL: i dont think it will work that way....i'd recommend replacing ur amarok with amarok-xine | 06:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc: personaly not many, but lots of ppl i know have hit anoying bugs using breezy they never had with hoary | 06:28 |
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_xuniL | i have installed amarok-xine | 06:28 |
amaroc | _xuniL: it should work then........ | 06:29 |
_xuniL | it dont... its just gstreamer showing.. | 06:29 |
_xuniL | will try uninstall amarok-gstreamer | 06:29 |
amaroc | _xuniL: i really think kubutu breezy is quite buggy.....ya of course u should remove amarok-gstramer | 06:30 |
bhna | can i install the texlive debs (http://www.tug.org/texlive/debian.html) on kubuntu. the deb are for debian sid? | 06:30 |
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amaroc | what is tuxlive? | 06:32 |
bhna | amaroc: texlive s an tex-distribution | 06:32 |
_xuniL | amaroc its still just showing gstreamer.. | 06:33 |
amaroc | never heard of it:).....anyways cant u find a ubuntu deb for it? its not good idea always to mix non-ubuntu debs | 06:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bhna: if theres no ubuntu deb, try using the sid one, but no promices | 06:33 |
amaroc | _xuniL: i really think kubutn breezy is buggy.....try playing mp3s........is it working? xine plays mp3 without any plugins | 06:34 |
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amaroc | one interesting question: is there any other debian-based distro like kubuntu??? | 06:35 |
_xuniL | i can lissen to music with amarok... but the gstreamer engien use almost full CPU | 06:35 |
bhna | Kamping_Kaiser: only debs for sid. is breezy sid or etch? | 06:35 |
seezer | amaroc: it's doing fine here | 06:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bhna: breezy is sid stablised. etch debs are usualy ok | 06:35 |
amu | amaroc: linspire, xandros | 06:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | knoppix | 06:36 |
amaroc | seezer: not for me....having tons of probs...like this one im having right now and it drives me crazy......others are also having this prob....see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=441850 | 06:36 |
amu | *lool* knoppix is a liveCD | 06:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amu: it can be installed | 06:37 |
amaroc | a debian-based distro which is free, packs newset stuff?? | 06:37 |
amu | ... so cool without any support | 06:37 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | amaroc: not sure about atht :| | 06:37 |
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bhna | Kamping_Kaiser: i am looking for tetex3 debs for breezy. any chance? i need this for my thesis. | 06:38 |
amaroc | i dont think there is any distro like ubuntu:( | 06:38 |
amu | amaroc: opensuse ? | 06:38 |
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amaroc | amu: its rpm-based.....uggggghhhhhhhhhh | 06:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bhna: iirc teh tex support in ubuntu is lacking | 06:38 |
seezer | amaroc: archlinux perhaps. but again not debian based. | 06:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. 'rpm-based, uggh' so true | 06:39 |
amu | amaroc: yeah but the best, worse case :D | 06:39 |
amaroc | not many pakages in opensuse..but opensuse is reallyyyyyyyy good...but i need some biology stuff..which i can only find in deb repos | 06:39 |
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amaroc | yeah ive heard lotsa good things abt archlinux | 06:39 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: iirc, tetex is there, what else would anyone need ? :) | 06:39 |
amu | amaroc: ack, also nice | 06:40 |
amaroc | but suse is THE BEST rpm distro i think....all others suk | 06:40 |
nikkia | !find tetex | 06:40 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'tetex' (8 shown): tetex-base ;; tetex-bin ;; tetex-brev ;; tetex-doc ;; tetex-extra ;; tetex-frogg ;; tetex-frogg-doc ;; tetex-src. | 06:40 |
amaroc | all other rom distros i mean:) | 06:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia, yes, its there, but its old iirc | 06:40 |
amaroc | rpm distos:) | 06:40 |
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nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: tex hasn't been updated in god knows how many years, ditto latex, just how up to date does it need to be ??? | 06:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nikkia, i dont use it, im just saying what i heard ;) | 06:41 |
nikkia | Kamping_Kaiser: afaik, 3.1415 is still the latest version of latex, it was a humourous version number in 1990... :P | 06:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 06:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i see :| | 06:42 |
bhna | nikkia: its teetx 2.0 (2002) tetex 3.0 is out since may 2004 | 06:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its Pi, right? | 06:42 |
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ku_dude | nikkia: are you there? | 06:42 |
nikkia | ku_dude: yes | 06:42 |
ku_dude | nikkia: you're da bomb.. dude.. it works.. | 06:43 |
nikkia | grrr | 06:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 06:43 |
bhna | Kamping_Kaiser: so i have to change my distribution for tex? this is ... | 06:43 |
ku_dude | now i have to figure out how to make the ethernet1 connect automatically. | 06:43 |
ku_dude | I had to connect it manually. | 06:43 |
nikkia | ku_dude: i have an allergy to being called 'dude', please desist | 06:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bhna: you should ask someone who is stone cold sober :|, which im not | 06:44 |
nikkia | bhna: tetex is a piece of cake to install manually, if you so wish to | 06:44 |
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nikkia | bhna: its little more than downloading 2 files, and running a couple of scripts, thats about it | 06:44 |
ku_dude | nikkia: hahah sorry.. are you a lady? | 06:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 06:45 |
nikkia | bhna: which is, iirc, the whole point of tetex, it simplifies the hassle of building tex/latex/pdflatex/etc | 06:45 |
nikkia | ku_dude: yes | 06:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: yes | 06:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *she* is :P | 06:45 |
ku_dude | nikkia: sorry about the dude.. now I know.. respect due sis. :) | 06:45 |
bhna | nikkia: but kile depends on tetex 2 debs | 06:45 |
ku_dude | heheh! all this time i thought you where a guy.. man,,.. i mean. girl.. sorry.. | 06:45 |
nikkia | bhna: so install tetex 2 from packages, then hand-install tetex3 in /usr/local (the default location) | 06:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: dont try and make up for it to hard, or your going to screw up again ;) | 06:46 |
ku_dude | I kinda feel like neo in Matrix.. when he was talkint to trinity. thinking trinity was a guy. | 06:46 |
ku_dude | anyways nikkia.. you're cool. | 06:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 06:47 |
bhna | nikkia: this is shit. i have a package management and then i have to install tex twice, manualy and with apt for kile? | 06:48 |
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nikkia | bhna: if you want the latest version, yes, thats sometimes how it is | 06:49 |
bhna | nikkia: the latest version? tetex 2 is more than 2 years old outdated for pdf production (e.g. microtyping) | 06:50 |
nikkia | bhna: so harass whoever is listed as package maintainer | 06:51 |
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nikkia | in particular, ask debian wtf its taken them 2 years to get tetex into the 'experimental' repositories | 06:53 |
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nikkia | i think you'll get the same answer everyone else seems to have gotten - that tetex3 is full of security issues | 06:53 |
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fatbrain_ | Where can I get libdvbpsi2 (what source should I use?) | 06:58 |
bhna | nikkia: ok i will take a look at texlive installation cd. | 06:58 |
fatbrain_ | (it's a dependency for vlc) | 06:58 |
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roman-stefan | does anyone here use mplayer? | 06:58 |
amarock | i do:) | 06:58 |
fatbrain_ | roman-stefan: I used to use it, but I'm eager to give VLC a go | 06:59 |
toby_ | A quick survey: Which firewall do you use on Kubuntu, and if it is iptables, do you use a front-end? | 06:59 |
fatbrain_ | roman-stefan: I didn't find a kubuntu binary, I had to build it myself. | 06:59 |
roman-stefan | is: (sudo -S apt-get install MPlayer) the right command to install it? | 06:59 |
amarock | but i can find mplayer & vlc in repos:) | 07:00 |
toby_ | I'm trying Shorewall as a front end to iptables, and it's not straightforward. Can anyone suggest another firewall? | 07:00 |
roman-stefan | what is the reason for no mp3's or videos being able to play in kubuntu? | 07:01 |
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roman-stefan | i had the same problem with fedora 3 | 07:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | roman-stefan: you need to install some packages | 07:02 |
roman-stefan | could the media being stored on a usb fat32 device be a problem? | 07:02 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | no, probalby not roman-stefan | 07:02 |
roman-stefan | okay | 07:02 |
_mariux | anyone here using konqueror and azureus? | 07:02 |
toby_ | No-one here has a firewall? | 07:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | toby_: its part of the kernel | 07:05 |
roman-stefan | Kamping_Kaiser: it tells me it couldn't find package MPlayer when i use that command (and i am in the MPlayer-20050806 directory) | 07:05 |
rikva | toby_: guarddog maybe? | 07:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | roman-stefan: did you download the mplayer deb? | 07:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | using apt? | 07:05 |
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roman-stefan | whats a deb ? | 07:05 |
rikva | !deb | 07:05 |
ubotu | rikva: Are you on ritalin? | 07:05 |
rikva | ehm. | 07:06 |
tenco | hi! where can i get a mysql-doc package for breezy ? its not in the repos | 07:06 |
rikva | roman-stefan: a deb is a file extension for binary debian/ubuntu application install files | 07:06 |
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toby_ | rikva: Thanks, I will try Guarddog. I see it is KDE, so might integrate nicely with Kubuntu | 07:07 |
rikva | toby_: hmm, i thought it was GTK | 07:07 |
roman-stefan | Kamping_Kaiser: there is a 'debian' and 'debian-build' folder in the mplayer extracted folder | 07:07 |
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rikva | toby_: oh wait, i'm confused | 07:07 |
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rikva | toby_: guarddog is like firestarter a iptables config tool | 07:08 |
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Tm_T | rikva: yes | 07:08 |
rikva | toby_: i know a realtime firewall app, can't get on the name of it | 07:08 |
ku_dude | hello again ppls.. | 07:08 |
toby_ | That's exactly what I need - iptables is arcane and I don't trust myself to config it properly | 07:09 |
ku_dude | I have a 250GB ntfs partition.. is it safe thing to use GParted. to convert to a FAT32 partition? Or am i risking data loss? | 07:09 |
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Originoo | hey, where i can find the config for the gateway? | 07:09 |
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rikva | toby_: I mean firestarter. It does use iptables but you can use it to monitor realtime, add alerts and rules. But it is GTK, though it works good in KDE. | 07:10 |
ku_dude | nikkia: can you help me out with converting ntfs to fat32 with Gparted? | 07:11 |
toby_ | rikva: Thanks, I will try it after I try guarddog. I'd rather stick to KDE apps on Kubuntu if possible | 07:13 |
rikva | toby_: oki | 07:13 |
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amarock | ku_dude: i converted ntfs to fat32 using qtparted.then installed win98 on it | 07:15 |
pekka | i seem to have very serious root password problem, anyone care to help? | 07:15 |
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rikva | pekka: speak :) | 07:16 |
amarock | ku_dude: but i got some errors on win98 install.....so i had to do scan disk...then things wree ok | 07:16 |
pekka | ok rikva :-) | 07:16 |
fatbrain_ | How can I enable SSH? so that I can access my files remotly? | 07:16 |
ku_dude | amarock: thanks. (I'm afraid to say dude or something.. don't wanna get in trouble). | 07:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | fatbrain_: apt-get install ssh | 07:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *sudo apt-get install | 07:17 |
pekka | when installing kubuntu from cd, it asks the "root password", next it asks for "normal user and password" | 07:17 |
ku_dude | does fat32 supports 250GB? | 07:17 |
fatbrain_ | Thank you | 07:17 |
pekka | given those the install completes normally | 07:18 |
amarock | ku_dude: whats wrong with saying dude or buddy..i say it all the time:) | 07:18 |
fatbrain_ | Kamping_Kaiser: Does it need configuration after I | 07:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: not well | 07:18 |
fatbrain_ | 've installed it? | 07:18 |
ku_dude | not nikkia though.. she's a girl..and she scoled me for calling her dude. :) | 07:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | fatbrain_: it will 'just work', but you are free to modify the config (i moved the default port for example) | 07:19 |
rikva | pekka: but ... | 07:19 |
pekka | but when i log in kubuntu and try to do any administrative tasks and give the "root password" i only get message "wrong password" | 07:19 |
rikva | pekka: with sudo? | 07:19 |
rikva | or su | 07:19 |
fatbrain_ | Kamping_Kaiser: Ok, thanks. | 07:19 |
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ku_dude | amarock: gonna do the conversion now.. and if it doesn't work.. I'm gonna hunt you down and beat you up.. :) heheh! | 07:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | pekka: are you surae it asked about a root apsswrd? | 07:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *password | 07:19 |
fatbrain_ | What command would I use if I wanted to see my IP-address? | 07:19 |
_thumper_ | anyone with an nVidia GeForce FX 5200 working nicely? | 07:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ifconfig fatbrain_ | 07:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | _thumper_: yeh, nikkia iirc | 07:20 |
rikva | pekka: with sudo / kdesu , you should enter the password of your user. | 07:20 |
ku_dude | fatbrain_: I guess your brain aint that fat after call.. | 07:20 |
ku_dude | you can try ip add too. | 07:20 |
ku_dude | you should download linux guide at www.tldp.org | 07:20 |
pekka | the normal case it asks the password is when i start adept. | 07:21 |
ku_dude | lots of free documentation there. and even pdf ones too. | 07:21 |
_thumper_ | nikki_a: do you have a nVidia GeForce FX 5200 working nicely? | 07:21 |
amarock | ku_dude: lol | 07:21 |
rikva | pekka: did you try entering the password of your user? | 07:21 |
_thumper_ | Kamping_Kaiser: nikki_a been idle for 21 hours, know anyone else? | 07:22 |
amarock | ku_dude: i hope u know how to fix things up in windows....if not i'd not recommend converting things.... | 07:22 |
pekka | rikva... after unsuccessfully trying the rootpsw, i of course put in the user psw, the kdesu or something halts with "su error" and crashes | 07:22 |
rikva | pekka: wow | 07:22 |
Originoo | pekka: run xterm, sudo kcontrol | 07:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | _thumper_: yes, but nikkia was here about 2 hours ago ;) | 07:22 |
pekka | please wait, i try it again with only the user password | 07:22 |
ku_dude | nobody answered me about fat32 supporting 250GB.. | 07:22 |
_thumper_ | Kamping_Kaiser: probably someone else then ;-) | 07:22 |
rikva | pekka: are you logged in as the orginal user you created at the setup, or a new account? | 07:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 07:23 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: yeh, i said not well | 07:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: by the time you have a 32 gig partition, its starting to get worthless | 07:23 |
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ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: that sound scary.. what you mean not well? | 07:24 |
pekka | i log in as the normal user (nor superuser) | 07:24 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: when you have a 32 gig fat32 partition, you will loose about 1 gig to the FS FAT table iirc | 07:25 |
ku_dude | arg.. I wish linux did writable NTFS.. i don't really wanna split up my 250GB man. | 07:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | so a 250 is not nice ;) | 07:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: yeh, its a pity :( | 07:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or MS could do ext* write..... | 07:25 |
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ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: I know.. isn't there third party tools to mount ext3 in rw mode on Windows? | 07:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: there is one to do ext2, but not ext3 | 07:26 |
aay | do i need to add some repositories to my sources.list to get the new version of amarok now listed on the kubuntu page? i've apt-get updated, but there seems to be nothing available to me above amarok 1.3.1. | 07:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and iirc the ext2 one has large "this will damage shit" warnings all over ;) | 07:27 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: so what do I do then.. man. life sucks..I guess that's what you get when you are using OpenSource software anyways.. why complain when it's free. | 07:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: you can complain, just be constructive :) | 07:27 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: heheh! | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | as for what can you do | 07:28 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: any suggestion then? | 07:28 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: do you use vmware? | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try finding teh 'captive ntfs' project on SF.net | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no i dont | 07:28 |
ku_dude | or do you dual-boot? | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no | 07:28 |
rikva | pekka: did it work? | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | just ubuntu, on all my boxes :) | 07:28 |
ku_dude | captive ntfs I hear is experimental. so I wouldn't use it. | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *proud* | 07:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but i will be installing some other stuff (just not doze) | 07:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: hm. so is wine ;) | 07:29 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: I still use .Net software to do development. | 07:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | risc you run | 07:29 |
pekka | rikva: i tried to give the "normal user" password because im logged in as "normal user", the dialog says : (translated from finnish): conversation with programme "su" failed | 07:29 |
rikva | hmm | 07:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: captive should use an existing windows dll to mount the ntfs partitions, it should be stalbe enough | 07:29 |
rikva | did you use the expert install? | 07:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its been in knoppix forages | 07:29 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: so tell me this.. how many gigs would I lose if I convert the 250 ntfs to fat32? | 07:30 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: Does captive recompile the kernel? how does it work with linux? | 07:30 |
pekka | yes rikva, i did use the expert install | 07:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: well, a 250 gig hdd will only give about 230 anyway (because of GIG-> GIB loss) | 07:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | +loss from fat32, i expect about 5 gig (if you can get a 256 gig fat32 drive :O) | 07:31 |
ku_dude | mmhh.. | 07:31 |
rikva | pekka: please check if you or %admin are in /etc/sudoers (as root) | 07:31 |
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ku_dude | wonder if I should risk that 20g loss, or risk installing captive. | 07:31 |
ku_dude | does captive work well well ubuntu (kernel 2.6.12) ?? | 07:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dont know | 07:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | only used it on knopix 3.6 :) | 07:32 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: on what kernel? | 07:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: not sure. | 07:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its about 6 monhts old | 07:33 |
_mariux | how can i tell how long a specific layer should be shown when using gimps animation feature? | 07:33 |
ku_dude | Kamping_Kaiser: so did you get any problems when you use captive? or is it ok? | 07:33 |
_mariux | i have a file with two layers, the first one i want to show for 10sec and the second one for 0.1 sec | 07:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ku_dude: for teh small amount of time i used it it was fine | 07:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no promices though :\ | 07:33 |
pekka | rikva: please help, how can i do that? without not being able to do things as "root" ?? | 07:34 |
aay | hmm. anyone catch my question about apt-geting the latest amarok? are there some extra repositories I need to enable me to get the 1.3.5 release advertised on the kubuntu page? | 07:34 |
rikva | pekka: you can su to root (with just su) in a console, right? | 07:34 |
rikva | or not :| | 07:34 |
pekka | just read the file? | 07:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | aay: sorry, i cant answer :( | 07:35 |
pekka | please help a comlete newbie, how can i do / try that? | 07:35 |
rikva | pekka: you are root now? | 07:35 |
rikva | pekka: in the console | 07:36 |
fatbrain_ | How do I terminate a process? | 07:36 |
aay | Kamping_Kaiser, hmm. well i can always just download the that are pointed to on the page, but i figure they've got to be available via apt somehow. | 07:36 |
rikva | fatbrain_: kill | 07:36 |
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rikva | pekka: please tell me, _can_ you su to root by entering "su" in a console and entering the root password? | 07:37 |
fatbrain_ | rikva: Care to elaborate that? I want to kill a process with a given PID | 07:37 |
pekka | no, i logged in as non-root user. i tried "su" in konsole with non-root password of course. and it didnt work. next i try doing "su [Enter] root password] and see what happens | 07:37 |
rikva | pekka: what happens? | 07:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | fatbrain_: do this | 07:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ps aux |grep $appname | 07:38 |
rikva | fatbrain_: "kill -9 <pid>" | 07:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | then sudo kill -9 PID | 07:38 |
rikva | fatbrain_: ah sorry i misunderstood you | 07:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | fatbrain_: or pkill $appname | 07:38 |
pekka | voila!!! the prompt starts with the magical letters "root" | 07:38 |
pekka | thank you rikva | 07:38 |
rikva | pekka: ok nice | 07:38 |
frank23 | fatbrain_: you can also kill user processes with ksysguard | 07:39 |
rikva | pekka: now type: "cat /etc/sudoers" and copy/paste it into http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/ | 07:39 |
pekka | i think we have it going now... what next ;-D | 07:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | rikva: its never good practice to put sudoers or similar files on teh putic record | 07:40 |
rikva | pekka: Send it and give give the url | 07:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *public | 07:40 |
rikva | Kamping_Kaiser: sudoers doesn;t contain any passwords, right? | 07:40 |
rikva | or does it :-o | 07:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | rikva: it does | 07:40 |
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rikva | hm | 07:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *all * passwords | 07:40 |
rikva | pekka: cancel that. | 07:40 |
rikva | Kamping_Kaiser: /etc/passwords | 07:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah ok | 07:41 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser has a few beers under his belt :| | ||
rikva | np :p | 07:41 |
rikva | ok pekka never mind ;) | 07:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :(* | 07:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sorry for the fus | 07:42 |
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pekka | hehe rikva.... :-) i've got that copied in the "memory" there's not much to paste that into anything.... | 07:42 |
rikva | Kamping_Kaiser: that's /etc/passwd btw, but anyhow those passwords are encrypted. still not wise to publish them though. but /etc/sudoers only contains usernames or groups | 07:43 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser is now known as Kaiser_Sleeps | ||
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rikva | pekka: you can paste it here? http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/ | 07:43 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | rikva: yeh, on reflection i understand :( | 07:43 |
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kkathman | good day all :) | 07:43 |
ep | How can I verify that DMA is enabled? | 07:43 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | /etc/passwd and the hashed one | 07:43 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | h i kkathman :)D | 07:43 |
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pekka | ehh... i did that | 07:44 |
kkathman | ahhh there Kaiser_Sleeps walking in his sleep again :) | 07:45 |
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rikva | pekka: you should have an url now, can you give it to me? | 07:45 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | kkathman: drunk again ;) | 07:45 |
rikva | pekka: ah i got it already | 07:45 |
pekka | tell me rikva, what did you get from me? | 07:46 |
rikva | pekka: yep you've got the exact same problem as i had 2 days ago | 07:46 |
=== slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DCC60.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pekka | how can you tell my url?? | 07:46 |
kkathman | well Kaiser_Sleeps thats better than me..I've been at a boring conference all morning :) | 07:46 |
rikva | pekka: it's at the recent posts at the pastebin :) | 07:46 |
kkathman | You've been much more productive :) | 07:46 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | loll kkathman | 07:46 |
slow-motion | hallo | 07:46 |
=== Kaiser_Sleeps falls on kkathman | ||
Kaiser_Sleeps | oopps | 07:47 |
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=== kkathman wakes up finally after being comotose for most of the morning | ||
rikva | pekka: you need to add one line to the /etc/sudoers file. do this as following in the root console: "nano /etc/sudoers", add this line on the bottom: "your_username ALL=(ALL) ALL" and save the file with CTRL+O | 07:48 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | night all | 07:48 |
Kaiser_Sleeps | *sleeps* | 07:48 |
rikva | pekka: this will add your user to the users that can sudo, e.g. run applications as root/another user | 07:49 |
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pekka | rikva: i suppose that next i have to log out and log in again ? | 07:52 |
roman-stefan | what is it going to take to get videos and mp3's to run in Kubuntu ? | 07:52 |
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kkathman | roman-stefan: uhm... try any of several audio players and look at totem | 07:52 |
rikva | pekka: I'm not sure. Try starting adept again, and enter your user password | 07:52 |
roman-stefan | should i go thru the whole 'building and installing xine from source' on xines web page? | 07:52 |
rikva | roman-stefan: no | 07:53 |
kkathman | no | 07:53 |
roman-stefan | i need one with walkthrough steps on installation | 07:53 |
rikva | !tell roman-stefan about w32codecs | 07:53 |
=== Aapzak [n=aapzak@ip44-163-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rikva | hmm | 07:53 |
kkathman | roman-stefan: its already installed probably | 07:53 |
rikva | !w32codecs | 07:53 |
ubotu | w32codecs is, like, a set of audio/video codecs for DVD-Video. To download the debs: http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy) | 07:53 |
kkathman | but rikva is right, you might need the codecs for video | 07:54 |
roman-stefan | so the problem isn't the gstreamer ? | 07:54 |
Aapzak | hey kubuntu people, I just did a 5.10 install, damn that looks awesome, 3.4.3 on Kubuntu is very very sexy | 07:54 |
kkathman | roman-stefan: you dont have to use gstreamer | 07:54 |
_mariux | i like kde for its power rather than its looks :) | 07:55 |
roman-stefan | how can i install/what can i install instead? | 07:55 |
Aapzak | _mariux: KDE has both | 07:55 |
_mariux | sure :) | 07:55 |
kkathman | roman-stefan: have you tried playing an mp3 in something? | 07:55 |
frank23 | roman-stefan: I always have problems with gstreamer. install kaffeine-xine and switch the kaffeine engine | 07:55 |
pekka | TO EVERYONE:!!! thank you rikva! at least your advice helped me to get adept starting with not notifying the normal: you can only read but not change anything.... thank you!!! | 07:55 |
rikva | np pekka, happy linuxing :) | 07:56 |
kkathman | frank23 gets a cookie :) thats what I was going towards :) | 07:56 |
Aapzak | _mariux: I'm totally in love with the kioslave | 07:56 |
_mariux | same here :) | 07:56 |
pekka | rikva: thank you so very many :-) | 07:56 |
roman-stefan | kaffeine-xine isn't on adept package lists :( | 07:56 |
pekka | btw... is this a common bug?? where in heaven / hell is that documented... | 07:57 |
Aapzak | I love KDE for its clean and clear design. Everything just works and there is nothing which shouldn't be there. Perfect | 07:57 |
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rikva | pekka: it only happens when you choose the expert install. | 07:57 |
Aapzak | and ohh, kcontrol in Kubuntu is very handy, much better than the original | 07:58 |
Zeep | Whoa, I just played Quake 4 - really great game, and very nice graphics | 07:58 |
rikva | pekka: the normal install adds the group admin to the sudoers file, and makes your user member of the group admin. | 07:58 |
kkathman | roman-stefan: try going to a console, and type sudo apt-get install kaffeine-xine | 07:58 |
Zeep | Aapzak: I find the original kcontrol much better than the kubuntu replacement, but that's a matter of taste ;-) | 07:58 |
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mornfall | pekka: huh? | 07:59 |
Aapzak | Zeep: haven't seen everything yet, first glance made me happy | 07:59 |
rikva | pekka: but propably 'experts' don't want this ;) | 07:59 |
=== mornfall got a bit scareb | ||
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mornfall | scared | 07:59 |
_mariux | Zeep: sure if you have the pc to play it :) | 08:00 |
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Zeep | _mariux: Hehe, luckily my PC can bear it ;-) | 08:00 |
teprrr | evenings.. does amarok work for anyone on kubuntu's kde 3.5b2? | 08:00 |
teprrr | ** (process:10087): WARNING **: No GConf default audio sink key and esdsink doesn't work | 08:00 |
teprrr | that's all I got and then window suddenly disappears | 08:00 |
=== scanner [n=scanner@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
scanner | Hi people | 08:01 |
Zeep | scanner: hi | 08:01 |
scanner | Ciao zeep | 08:01 |
scanner | :-) | 08:01 |
Zeep | scanner: Bonjour, mon ami :-) | 08:01 |
scanner | Happy Kubuntu to all!!! | 08:01 |
scanner | Hey | 08:01 |
pekka | rikva: i have found out some of the other deficits of the "expert" (experimental) installation... it installs all the numerous languagepackages and graphic drivers... it doesnt ask anywhere which display adapter i might to want to use... well... that might not be a bug ... | 08:02 |
rikva | pekka: the normal installation also does this | 08:02 |
scanner | It's something strange happenened to my kubuntu | 08:02 |
kkathman | scanner: like? | 08:03 |
scanner | I can have just one time write permission to my vfat partition | 08:03 |
scanner | and then | 08:04 |
scanner | root and user | 08:04 |
scanner | canno't moe | 08:04 |
scanner | more | 08:04 |
pekka | now... im putting my kid to bed... rebooting and logging in kubuntu soon again, trying it and perhaps, if any problems arrive... at least then i will again join this useful channel. THANK YOU SO MUCH rikva :D | 08:04 |
scanner | Why | 08:04 |
scanner | ???????????? | 08:04 |
Zeep | scanner: which options are set for this particular partition in your /etc/fstab? | 08:04 |
rikva | pekka: gn8! | 08:04 |
scanner | this from the unofficial ubuntu guide | 08:05 |
scanner | OSoleMio | 08:05 |
Zeep | users,gid=users,umask=0002, | 08:05 |
Zeep | utf8=true | 08:05 |
scanner | iocharset=utf8,umask=000 | 08:05 |
scanner | it's a fat32 | 08:06 |
Zeep | jep | 08:06 |
scanner | not a ntfs | 08:06 |
Zeep | scanner: I know - hang on a second ;-) | 08:06 |
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scanner | :-) | 08:06 |
scanner | thx | 08:06 |
scanner | What can i do? | 08:07 |
Zeep | scanner: That way, it works for me: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/3601 | 08:07 |
Zeep | scanner: These options should help - you have to edit your /etc/fstab | 08:07 |
=== CaiN_SA [n=cain@rrba-146-94-75.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
scanner | Uhaooooooooooooo | 08:08 |
scanner | It's work | 08:08 |
scanner | ;-D | 08:08 |
Zeep | scanner: According to your configuration, of course ;-) | 08:09 |
Zeep | scanner: ? | 08:09 |
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scanner | Thx ZEEPPY | 08:09 |
scanner | :-p | 08:09 |
=== manito [n=manito@ppp-82-135-73-103.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
manito | hi | 08:09 |
manito | i'm having some serious problems using gnome with kubuntu breezy | 08:10 |
scanner | zeep | 08:10 |
manito | anybody here who can help? | 08:10 |
=== Spudchat [n=spud@adsl-69-211-28-19.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
scanner | zeep?????????? | 08:11 |
manito | logging into gnome (using gdm) i'm stuck on a brown empty screen | 08:11 |
scanner | I'm sorry. It's don't work again :"( | 08:12 |
scanner | What's happens???? | 08:12 |
Zeep | scanner: Yes? | 08:12 |
Zeep | scanner: Ah, no problem ;-) | 08:12 |
scanner | It's don't work.......... | 08:12 |
scanner | :"( | 08:12 |
scanner | But there is another problem | 08:13 |
Zeep | scanner: What error message do you get? Did you mount/umount the partition | 08:13 |
scanner | Yes I have done it | 08:13 |
scanner | with sudo mount -a | 08:13 |
scanner | But nothing | 08:13 |
scanner | :( | 08:14 |
kkathman | manito: why were you logging into gnome if you have kubuntu? | 08:14 |
Spudchat | hi everyone...im having a problem running apt-get update | 08:14 |
kkathman | Spudchat: did you change your repos? | 08:14 |
Spudchat | it tells me that the following signatures were invalid | 08:14 |
Zeep | scanner: Try umount /dev/hdx (change to correct drive), then mount /dev/hdx | 08:14 |
Spudchat | yeah im applready usin breezy | 08:14 |
Spudchat | sorry allready | 08:14 |
kkathman | ahh ok | 08:15 |
Zeep | scanner: As root, of course :-) | 08:15 |
Spudchat | would you like me to paste the error message in the pastebin? | 08:15 |
scanner | :""""""""""( | 08:15 |
manito | kkathman: just because i don't see any reason why it shouldn't work | 08:15 |
scanner | the same problem | 08:15 |
scanner | nothing is changed | 08:16 |
kkathman | manito: did you just install ? | 08:16 |
manito | kkathman: also i have a problem in general with gnome apps. starting gedit (for example) from within konsole takes more than 1 minute show show up anything | 08:16 |
manito | kkathman: no. i installed kubuntu hoary and upgraded to breezy | 08:16 |
kkathman | manito: so when you installed, did you install clean, then apt-get kubuntu-desktop? | 08:17 |
kkathman | or did you install kubuntu? | 08:17 |
manito | i installed kubuntu itself. then i upgraded to kubuntu breezy. then i installed ubuntu-desktop | 08:17 |
scanner | I have to reboot and then I have write permission to my vfat partition for just one time........... | 08:17 |
Zeep | scanner: Can you paste the specific line of your fstab | 08:17 |
scanner | yes | 08:17 |
scanner | wait | 08:18 |
kkathman | manito: when you upgraded to Breezy, did you do the pre-upgrade steps? (see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes) | 08:18 |
scanner | "/dev/hda4 /risorse vfat users,gid=users,umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0" | 08:19 |
manito | aaaa... let's see what is written there | 08:19 |
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kkathman | Spudchat: can you give me a synopsis of your error...or if the error is a single line go ahead and paste here | 08:19 |
kkathman | Spudchat: if its a complex error, go ahead and use pastebin and let me know | 08:20 |
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Zeep | scanner: hm, should be correct - what error message do you get? | 08:21 |
Zeep | scanner: After you wrote to your partition once? | 08:21 |
scanner | nothig | 08:21 |
scanner | wait | 08:21 |
manito | hmm... everything written in this page was done | 08:22 |
kkathman | manito: only thing I could suggest, is that you might sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment it might clean up anything thats deficient | 08:22 |
Spudchat | The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 08:23 |
scanner | rm: impossibile rimuovere `FILE_NAME': Permission denied | 08:23 |
kkathman | manito: did you ever run gnome prior to upgrading? | 08:23 |
Zeep | scanner: ?? | 08:23 |
Zeep | scanner: No "Access denied" or something like that? | 08:23 |
scanner | It's not possible write to the file: Permission denied | 08:23 |
Zeep | scanner: Hm, maybe someone else can help - but your fstab should be correct | 08:23 |
Pwn3r | is there a kind of 'drawer' for shortcuts for the KDE panel? | 08:24 |
toby_ | rikva: Hey - guard-dog is very swish... I think I'm going to stick with it. | 08:24 |
toby_ | rikva: It really was an absolute breeze. | 08:24 |
scanner | zeep | 08:24 |
rikva | toby_: good :) | 08:24 |
scanner | I cannot see the "media" | 08:24 |
manito | no i never used gnome before my upgrade | 08:24 |
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kkathman | Spudchat: check this out...solution at the bottom of the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75791.html | 08:25 |
Zeep | scanner: yep | 08:26 |
=== frank23 [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | manito: so maybe do the install of the gnome-desktop-environement then and see what happens | 08:26 |
scanner | wath? | 08:26 |
scanner | what? | 08:26 |
scanner | "I don't see my devices in media:/" | 08:28 |
rikva | scanner is not the only one | 08:29 |
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Spudchat | it appears to have worked :) thanks a bunch | 08:29 |
kkathman | excellent :) | 08:30 |
scanner | And I cannot access to the xshell | 08:30 |
_thumper_ | why is it so clucking difficult for the nvidia driver to work on breezy - hoary was fine | 08:30 |
scanner | when I press ctrl+alt+F1 (oder another) I see just a black screen......... | 08:31 |
scanner | ;-(((((( | 08:31 |
scanner | Only with F7 I kann use kde | 08:32 |
Tm_T | yes | 08:32 |
scanner | It's possible that the cause is the nvidia driver? | 08:32 |
Tm_T | no | 08:32 |
Tm_T | it's normal | 08:32 |
_thumper_ | scanner could be | 08:32 |
scanner | ? | 08:33 |
=== flixor [n=wie@ip5457002f.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
scanner | what? | 08:33 |
flixor | hya everybody | 08:33 |
Tm_T | scanner: if you press ctrl+alt+(F1-F6) you got access to tty1-tty6 | 08:33 |
_thumper_ | I think the version installed from breezy repository was 7677 | 08:33 |
_thumper_ | 7667 even | 08:33 |
Tm_T | scanner: right? | 08:33 |
kkathman | Hey Tm_T :) | 08:34 |
manito | kkathman: gnome-desktop-environment is already installed | 08:34 |
scanner | yes, I know :-), but nothig | 08:34 |
scanner | really nothing | 08:34 |
Tm_T | kkathman: hello my young comrade | 08:34 |
scanner | I see only black overall | 08:34 |
kkathman | manito: Im a bit stumped then | 08:34 |
Tm_T | scanner: uhm, that's less good thing =) | 08:35 |
scanner | I canno't use the shell from tty1-tty6 | 08:35 |
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scanner | Why?????????? | 08:35 |
kkathman | scanner: cant use the shell? | 08:35 |
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kkathman | whats that mean? | 08:35 |
wie | hya everybody | 08:35 |
scanner | Nooooooooo | 08:35 |
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scanner | ;-(((((( | 08:35 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | scanner what happens when you go to tty1 ? | 08:36 |
kkathman | or when you open a konsole | 08:36 |
scanner | the monitor from my laptop go down | 08:36 |
Tm_T | scanner: drivers are misbehaving | 08:36 |
kkathman | scanner, try going to the k-menu and open konsole | 08:37 |
Tm_T | scanner: are you sure you are uptodate | 08:37 |
tvo | scanner: did you resume after hibernate? (instead of normal boot) | 08:37 |
kkathman | oooo good point tvo :) | 08:37 |
Tm_T | tvo: uh, lappy specific jargon, go ahead ;) | 08:37 |
scanner | yes, from hibernate | 08:37 |
tvo | Tm_T: I used to use hibernate on my desktop to :) | 08:38 |
=== amigrave [n=amigrave@219-16.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flixor | guys how can i remove the universal sidebar on my desktop | 08:38 |
scanner | but when I go to tty7 | 08:38 |
scanner | opla' | 08:38 |
tvo | scanner: I've same problem, if I hibernate & resume, tty1-6 have a frequency slightly too high for my lcd panel | 08:38 |
scanner | again the kde | 08:38 |
scanner | ;-( | 08:38 |
kkathman | nice catch tvo :) | 08:39 |
tvo | so it's just black with a message from my lcd about invalid frequency | 08:39 |
=== tvo searches the bug # | ||
=== borisyeltsin [n=chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
scanner | My go just down | 08:39 |
scanner | and the light too | 08:39 |
kkathman | Tm_T advises you install Windows ME as soon as possible | 08:39 |
tvo | probably because your hardware vendor didn't add frequency detection or whatever to you display | 08:40 |
scanner | Hey | 08:40 |
Tm_T | kkathman: HEY! | 08:40 |
tvo | I only see a message generated by my panel :) | 08:40 |
kkathman | ROFL :) | 08:40 |
tvo | :D | 08:40 |
scanner | all this happends just when i install the nvidia driver from kubuntu repository | 08:41 |
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scanner | Why all this? | 08:42 |
scanner | ;-( | 08:42 |
tvo | scanner: I filed a bug a while ago, but there's nothing that can be done because it's nvidia's closed source driver | 08:42 |
flixor | kkathman, strange question maybe but how do i remove the universal sidebar from my desktop | 08:42 |
scanner | I like kubuntu | 08:42 |
Tm_T | flixor: easy | 08:42 |
scanner | but I have no time for always a problem | 08:43 |
scanner | :-( | 08:43 |
flixor | oh Tm_T, i am looking for the solution but cant find it | 08:43 |
=== nutate [n=rseymour@dynamic-134-106.usc.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amigrave | I tried to play a DVD on breezy using kaffeine but it tells that "There were no decoders found to handle the stream" I've got gstreamer0.8-plugins and gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse and libdvdcss2 installed but kaffeine-xine is not installed, can gstreamer engine plays dvds or do I need kaffeine-xine ? | 08:43 |
Tm_T | flixor: rightclick your panel -> | 08:43 |
flixor | yes and then | 08:43 |
Tm_T | if I remember right, add to panel -> remove panel -> | 08:43 |
Tm_T | or something | 08:43 |
tvo | scanner: only solution is using nv driver instead of nvidia as far as I know | 08:44 |
Tm_T | can't remember how it was in old KDE | 08:44 |
scanner | I don't want back to Winzozz | 08:44 |
scanner | ;-((( | 08:44 |
=== tvo neither | ||
flixor | Tm_T, the funny thing is that it doesnt work | 08:45 |
flixor | there is no option for remove panel | 08:45 |
tvo | hmm, can't find the bug report | 08:45 |
Tm_T | flixor: look around, it's there somewhere | 08:46 |
tvo | are bug reports in bugzilla erased after some time? | 08:46 |
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scanner | I have installed my kubuntu in this neu Laptop maybe 5 times | 08:47 |
Tm_T | tvo: afaik no | 08:47 |
scanner | Neu laptop, neu kubuntu...........neu problem.......... | 08:47 |
scanner | :-( | 08:47 |
tvo | scanner: do you _need_ to use nvidia driver (for games, rotating screen whatever) ? | 08:48 |
kkathman | hey there flixor :) | 08:48 |
tvo | otherwise you can use nv driver, it doesn't have that problem | 08:48 |
flixor | hya kkathman :) yes i am still here and playing with my new system | 08:49 |
scanner | I'm a 3D graphicher: the 3D is my Life......... | 08:49 |
scanner | ;-( | 08:49 |
kkathman | whats up now? Having probs? | 08:49 |
tvo | scanner: and do you really need tty1-6 ? | 08:49 |
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flixor | who me kkathman | 08:49 |
flixor | not realy | 08:49 |
flixor | everything works great | 08:49 |
scanner | Not really........... | 08:50 |
flixor | just used gwenview to upload my pictures to my gallery website | 08:50 |
flixor | works perfectly | 08:50 |
kkathman | excellent!! | 08:50 |
tvo | scanner: well, don't use it then until nvidia fixed it :) | 08:50 |
scanner | :-( | 08:50 |
flixor | but only one thing that isnt working right now or is working very good but i dont want it That is the universal sidebar wich wont go away lol | 08:50 |
tvo | unfortunately there is no other solution at the moment :( | 08:51 |
scanner | Always I shutdown my system, the monitor is just off | 08:51 |
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scanner | And I have just to wait since the system is total down | 08:52 |
kkathman | flixor: what universal sidebar? | 08:52 |
tvo | scanner: normal shutdown? | 08:52 |
scanner | yes | 08:53 |
scanner | ;-( | 08:53 |
kkathman | flixor: ohhh you mean the kicker? | 08:53 |
tvo | scanner: strange, that problem is unknown to me | 08:53 |
flixor | ehm well i think its is something from konqueror | 08:53 |
scanner | Yes, it's very strange | 08:53 |
scanner | And I have installed 5 times the system | 08:54 |
kkathman | flixor: hmm..can you snapshot it and put it on the pastebin (see topic) | 08:54 |
scanner | but always the same problem | 08:54 |
tvo | scanner: note that it's normal for the monitor to turn off if you hibernate | 08:54 |
flixor | i make a screenshot of it and put it on my website with gwenview | 08:54 |
scanner | Yes, I know It | 08:54 |
flixor | :) | 08:54 |
tvo | k | 08:54 |
scanner | But why if I want use the tty1-6 | 08:55 |
scanner | ? | 08:55 |
scanner | ? | 08:55 |
scanner | ;-( | 08:55 |
kkathman | flixor: how can I see it? | 08:55 |
flixor | onesec | 08:55 |
tvo | scanner: because nvidia driver has a bug which sets wrong frequency for display, so it turns off :) | 08:55 |
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scanner | tvo are you sure? | 08:56 |
tvo | scanner: 99% because my lcd panel shows the frequency if it's invalid | 08:56 |
scanner | There is another problem | 08:56 |
scanner | When I want set my nvidia-settings | 08:56 |
scanner | it's show me that my video card | 08:57 |
scanner | has just 64MB | 08:57 |
scanner | But it's not true!!!!!! | 08:57 |
scanner | I have 128MB | 08:57 |
scanner | My friend I thx to all | 08:57 |
scanner | for your patient | 08:58 |
flixor | kkathman, go to http://www.postproductie.nl/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=Sabine&id=schermafdruk2 | 08:58 |
scanner | Maybe tomorrow I will install Gentoo on this Sony-Vaio | 08:58 |
flixor | kkathman, and then the thing on the right is the universal sidebar | 08:59 |
flixor | wich i cant remove anymore | 08:59 |
flixor | lol | 08:59 |
tvo | scanner: no problem :) | 08:59 |
kkathman | flixor: you are talking about the bar at the right hand side yes? | 08:59 |
flixor | yes that's the one | 09:00 |
tvo | scanner: for the other prob, maybe look if there's a line VidRam in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:00 |
tvo | scanner: sorry, "VideoRam" | 09:01 |
scanner | No VideoRam found | 09:01 |
scanner | ;-( | 09:01 |
kkathman | flixor: thats Konqeror all right | 09:01 |
flixor | yeah | 09:01 |
kkathman | flixor you should just be able to close it | 09:02 |
tvo | scanner: you could try to add it below 'Driver "nvidia"' line | 09:02 |
flixor | yeah i found something i guess wich can do it | 09:03 |
flixor | i have it stupid me | 09:03 |
tvo | scanner: in my xorg.conf is:"VideoRam65536" | 09:03 |
kkathman | flixor go to it and hit ctrl-q | 09:03 |
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scanner | What I have to write exactly? | 09:04 |
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tvo | scanner: paste your xorg.conf in pastebin (see topic) then I'll modify | 09:05 |
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tvo | scanner: you're 100% sure it is 128Mb, I dunno what will happen if it isn't and I set it to 128.. | 09:06 |
scanner | I'm sure | 09:06 |
scanner | Geforce 6200 | 09:06 |
tvo | k | 09:06 |
scanner | ;-) | 09:06 |
tvo | well, they're available with different amount of ram isn't it? | 09:06 |
scanner | But I'm really sure ;-) | 09:07 |
scanner | there is a sticker hier on the case with this wrote | 09:07 |
scanner | ;-) | 09:08 |
tvo | and they didn't lie? :p | 09:08 |
scanner | People, sorry for my English | 09:08 |
scanner | ;-) | 09:08 |
tvo | anyway, paste at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/ and i'll modify | 09:09 |
scanner | done | 09:11 |
scanner | thx | 09:11 |
tvo | scanner: ok, I added the line and pasted: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/405624 | 09:13 |
tvo | scanner: line 77 | 09:13 |
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scanner | ok, thx | 09:14 |
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tvo | ok, restart X to make it have effect | 09:15 |
scanner | I cannot reboot x system right now: I'm rendering a work for my job. I will do it later. | 09:16 |
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scanner | Thanks to all. | 09:17 |
tvo | ok thx, hopefully it helps :) | 09:17 |
scanner | ;-) | 09:17 |
scanner | See you later | 09:17 |
scanner | Bye Bye | 09:18 |
scanner | ;-) | 09:18 |
tvo | Bye :) | 09:18 |
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thel0rd | hiho | 09:20 |
tvo | hi | 09:22 |
thel0rd | how's it goin* | 09:22 |
thel0rd | -*+? | 09:22 |
tvo | * | 09:22 |
thel0rd | replace the * with an ? :D | 09:22 |
thel0rd | do you use kubuntu? | 09:23 |
tvo | ah, I understood it as how's it going? -: bad *:average +:good :p | 09:23 |
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tvo | yes | 09:23 |
thel0rd | I'm wondering if I should install kubuntu on my parents computer... | 09:23 |
thel0rd | right now they are using debian w/ kde but that is very slow... | 09:24 |
thel0rd | Gnome runs much smoother | 09:24 |
kkathman | thel0rd: is that a function of the machine tho? | 09:24 |
thel0rd | kkathman: what do you mean by that? | 09:25 |
kkathman | debian w/KDE is kinda what ubuntu is...not exactly tho...but my system is very performant...just wondering if the system itself was underpowered | 09:25 |
kkathman | KDE takes quite a bit of resource | 09:26 |
thel0rd | its a Celeron 1GHz w/ 256 Megabytes of ram | 09:26 |
tvo | thel0rd: if gnome runs much smoother, why don't they go with gnome ? | 09:26 |
kkathman | yah that might be a little stretch | 09:26 |
tvo | if you upgrade the ram it should be enough | 09:27 |
thel0rd | because when I first installed their system, I didnt know much about Gnome and now they got used to KDE | 09:27 |
tvo | i'm running on 800 Mhz w/ 384 Megabytes here | 09:27 |
kkathman | but I ran KDE once on an HP with 96mb of RAM..it ran but was dead slow | 09:27 |
icewt | hmm.. i have duron 1GHz / 256MB of ram, and KDE runs much smoother than gnome for me ;) | 09:27 |
ajus_ | i don't have "window" menu in my konqueror.. what's wrong?? help please.. | 09:27 |
thel0rd | shortly after I installed ubuntu 5.04 on my Athlon 2800+ w/512 megs of ram | 09:28 |
thel0rd | with that came my first Gnome | 09:28 |
thel0rd | and I loved it... | 09:28 |
kkathman | ajus there isnt one standrd on the new simplified version | 09:28 |
_mariux | they cleaned it up a bit | 09:29 |
thel0rd | and since my brother messed something up with some dependencies which I am neither able nor willing to fix | 09:29 |
tvo | :) | 09:29 |
thel0rd | I want to install either ubuntu or kubuntu | 09:29 |
kkathman | ajus if you want to change it back...read this: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror | 09:29 |
thel0rd | I'll probably stick to ubuntu though... | 09:29 |
ajus_ | kkathman, that means i can't pop up konsole from konqueror? | 09:29 |
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tvo | thel0rd: and your parents have no preference for either gnome or kde? | 09:30 |
kkathman | ajus_: see my previous post | 09:30 |
kkathman | check that site | 09:30 |
thel0rd | .. if kubuntu developers didn't manage to make KDE much faster than debian developers... | 09:30 |
thel0rd | tvo: I dont think so | 09:30 |
tvo | I can't compare, never ran debian | 09:30 |
thel0rd | they'll be a little confused because it looks different | 09:30 |
strike4ce | Does anyone know why fglrxinfo keeps saying missing Xfree86-dri? | 09:30 |
thel0rd | but I dont think it will be too much of a struggle to get them into Gnome... | 09:31 |
ajus_ | kkathman, ok thanks alot | 09:31 |
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tvo | thel0rd: I'd say it's either: slow kde, upgrade ram + fast kde, or fast gnome, the way you describe it :) | 09:31 |
_mariux | kkathman: does that apply for getting the sidebar aswell? | 09:31 |
wie | kkathman, hya i am back i closed xchat with the control q command | 09:32 |
_mariux | i want the current look only with the sidebar (i dont want all those other extra buttons and menus) | 09:32 |
wie | and then my best friend called me | 09:32 |
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strike4ce | anyone have ati card? | 09:33 |
kkathman | strike4ce: this is a long post, but might help you on your issue: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/327981 | 09:33 |
thel0rd | tvo: I think I'll stick with Gnome... first, I like its look + feel and second, I'm saving for a ThinkPad and thus I don't have much money to spend on my parents computer... | 09:33 |
kkathman | _mariux: I dont know, but it gives back the interface in the hoary version of konqy | 09:33 |
tvo | don't your parents have money on their own? ;-) | 09:33 |
thel0rd | yes, they do, but they don't think it is necessary to have a fast pc... | 09:34 |
tvo | but if you ('re parents) like gnome, go ahead | 09:34 |
Aapzak | thel0rd: they're right off course | 09:34 |
kkathman | _mariux: I dont exactly know about that sidebar..I dont use konq except for a file manager | 09:34 |
Aapzak | @ work I'm running Kubuntu on a P3-600, works just fine | 09:34 |
tvo | it all depend on RAM in my experience | 09:35 |
kkathman | thel0rd: of course you could install one of the other desktop managers also | 09:35 |
Aapzak | KDE is also brilliant in that department :) | 09:35 |
kkathman | tvo I agree :) | 09:35 |
Aapzak | KDE stays responsive, even on slow machines, maybe the RAM is the only important factor with KDE | 09:35 |
Aapzak | luckaly RAM is cheap | 09:36 |
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tvo | KDE runs slower on my parents Sempron 2600+ w/ 256Mb than on my Duron 800Mhz w/ 384Mb | 09:36 |
viktor | hi.. i have a small problem.. when i try to comple a theme for kde i get a errormsg saying i'm missing libstdc++.la how do i fix that? | 09:36 |
_mariux | Aapzak: and easily upgradeable | 09:36 |
Aapzak | yes it is | 09:37 |
Aapzak | tvo: kind of proves my point I think, | 09:37 |
tvo | sorry Sempron w/ ~223 Mb (shared video), proves your point even more :) | 09:37 |
kkathman | viktor: you'll need to install it | 09:37 |
viktor | i have libstdc++ installed | 09:37 |
Aapzak | BTW are you guys aware of the huge amount of RAM instant messengers like Gaim claim? | 09:38 |
tvo | no | 09:38 |
_mariux | they do? | 09:38 |
viktor | kkathman, i have libstdc++6 libstdc++6-dev and dpkg | 09:38 |
Aapzak | yeah, just as much as firefox | 09:38 |
Aapzak | which is a lot :) | 09:38 |
viktor | dpg | 09:38 |
kkathman | viktor: hmmm...curious | 09:38 |
_mariux | is kopete a "instant messengers like Gaim"? | 09:38 |
kkathman | _mariux: yes | 09:38 |
viktor | _mariux, yes | 09:38 |
Aapzak | lmme check :) | 09:38 |
kkathman | _mariux: but very buggy | 09:38 |
Aapzak | kopete is nice, but buggy | 09:39 |
_mariux | viktor: kkathman i was thinking about it in the contect that Aapzak was talking about | 09:39 |
_mariux | i fint kopete to work great and not buggy at all | 09:39 |
_mariux | but i only use msn | 09:39 |
Aapzak | I have trouble talking to some Microsoft MSN clients in some situations, my msgs just don't arrive | 09:39 |
_mariux | what kinda bugs are we talking? | 09:40 |
kkathman | _mariux: Gaim has some features that kopete doesnt | 09:40 |
_mariux | sure but that isnt a bug | 09:40 |
_mariux | ( kkathman ) | 09:40 |
kkathman | _mariux: Kopete fails to sync with its server many times, which causes duplicate entries in you buddy list | 09:40 |
kkathman | its a known bug | 09:40 |
kkathman | theme install doesnt work properly | 09:41 |
_mariux | the only problem i might have is that it sometimes doesnt connect | 09:41 |
_mariux | but since it s a k-app i choose the integration of kopete over gaim | 09:41 |
tvo | Aapzak: if the messages contained "download.php" it's a server side feature of MS to block those msgs | 09:41 |
teprrr | hmm, anyone knows who maintains kubuntu.org? | 09:42 |
tvo | teprrr: Riddell | 09:42 |
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teprrr | tvo, mmkay | 09:46 |
teprrr | btw, anyone knows why those new packages like amarok 1.3.5 isn't available from any repo? | 09:46 |
Tm_T | teprrr: ask from sir Riddell | 09:46 |
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tvo | teprrr: isn't there a repo given in the news message? | 09:47 |
tvo | :-) | 09:47 |
ajus | whenever i plug my usb disk, i got error, "no such device /sda1".. help please | 09:47 |
Tm_T | uhh, flying tea table | 09:47 |
tvo | Tm_T: lol | 09:47 |
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Tm_T | tvo: yeah, laugh, it's not funny when someone throws furnitures and sutch at you | 09:49 |
tvo | it _is_ funny to read about it though :-) | 09:49 |
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Tm_T | IFO | 09:50 |
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Tm_T | Identified Flying Object | 09:50 |
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tvo | ah, I already tried "wp IFO" in konqueror :) | 09:50 |
Tm_T | =) | 09:51 |
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Tm_T | tvo: aby luck? | 09:51 |
Tm_T | any | 09:51 |
tvo | IFO file is a DVD information file that store information about Chapters, Subtitles and Audio Tracks. | 09:51 |
Aapzak | hey Woestijn_konijn ! | 09:51 |
Tm_T | bah | 09:51 |
Woestijn_konijn | heejjzz | 09:51 |
tvo | :-) | 09:51 |
Tm_T | tvo: we need to add correct invormation | 09:51 |
ajus | whenever i plug my usb disk, i got error, "no such device /sda1".. and tabs poping out in konqueror..help please | 09:52 |
Tm_T | ajus: hmm, and your kde version is... | 09:52 |
Tm_T | 3.4.3 -> update, already fixed(?) | 09:52 |
ajus | 3.4.3 i just installed breezy | 09:53 |
teprrr | tvo, only deb files, no repo for future updates | 09:53 |
Tm_T | ajus: update | 09:53 |
tvo | teprrr: hmm, in that case install the debs and wait until kde35 is out | 09:53 |
ajus | ok.. thanks alot Tm_T | 09:54 |
tvo | I assume amarok is moved to kde35 repos by then | 09:54 |
teprrr | tvo, nah. that sucks, if amarok updates before kde3.5 release | 09:54 |
teprrr | don't know what's the status with 3.5 atm though | 09:54 |
tvo | beta2 | 09:54 |
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teprrr | yup, but about how much there's to fix and what's the schedule.. have been quite busy lately and haven't had time to concentrate on developing and usch | 09:55 |
ajus | one more thing.. i dial up using wvdial... is there anyway i can monitor its activity.. some icons in tray maybe? | 09:56 |
_robert_ | is there any easy way to compile only one kernel modul and not replacing the whole kernel. its about the bug in the ipw2200 wlan modul | 09:57 |
teprrr | _robert_, if you have sources for the same kernel, then just compile and copy the module into its right place | 09:58 |
teprrr | should work | 09:58 |
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at145 | Can you hear me now? | 09:59 |
at145 | hello? | 10:01 |
Aapzak | hey | 10:01 |
Aapzak | at145: do you see me then? | 10:02 |
at145 | thanks. Just checking. | 10:02 |
at145 | yup | 10:02 |
at145 | Sorry, my teammate is upset because his Akonix box is supposed to be blocking IRC outbound ;) | 10:02 |
tvo | teprrr: I'm running kde35beta2 right now, it's pretty stable IMHO | 10:02 |
slow-motion | n8 | 10:03 |
tvo | teprrr: the schedule is probably the one on kde.org plus 1 or 2 weeks | 10:03 |
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Aapzak | lol @ at1as | 10:04 |
at1as | heh. | 10:04 |
at1as | Oh well, they mean well. It's to block the majority of what IRC is found on our network to be: Bot net traffic. | 10:04 |
at1as | I'm probably one of 10 (out of 10k users) | 10:04 |
at1as | that uses IRC for real | 10:05 |
Aapzak | ah, stupid bits | 10:05 |
Aapzak | bots | 10:05 |
at1as | yup | 10:05 |
Aapzak | gtg css now, bbl | 10:05 |
at1as | I'm just looking forward to the time when bots use SILC or some other encrypted mechanism to avoid detection. | 10:05 |
at1as | Gotta run. The car needs work. | 10:05 |
at1as | Later y'all | 10:05 |
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ruben | wenassss | 10:11 |
ruben | soy nuevo en esto | 10:11 |
ruben | alguien me ayuda? | 10:11 |
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ruben | hello | 10:12 |
Riddell | ajus: you need to upgrade from breezy-updates | 10:16 |
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tarheelcoxn | uboto: !ubuntu-es | 10:17 |
tarheelcoxn | uboto: !#ubuntu-es | 10:17 |
fatbrain_ | how do I install tcl ? | 10:18 |
tarheelcoxn | ubotu: tell ruben about spanish | 10:19 |
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tvo | fatbrain_: open Adept, filter tcl, choose the right package, click install, commit | 10:21 |
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tvo | fatbrain_: or on commandline: "sudo apt-get install tcl" | 10:21 |
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fatbrain_ | anyone successfully built sqlite? | 10:25 |
fireboot | it's an english channel? | 10:26 |
teprrr | tvo, yup. looks pretty stable. I was running a week older svn checkout before this :P | 10:26 |
tvo | fireboot: yup | 10:27 |
fireboot | what is the french channel who speak about kubuntu? | 10:27 |
tvo | probably #kubuntu-fr | 10:28 |
frank23 | yeah that's the one | 10:29 |
tvo | 'night | 10:34 |
stupendo44 | how do I stop kbluetooth from running all the time? | 10:34 |
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gambix | salut :) | 10:36 |
fireboot | good bye and long life to mandriva! | 10:37 |
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brunes | Is anyone else having problems with arts crashing in breezy 3.5beta2 ? | 10:47 |
brunes | It won't even run for me at all | 10:47 |
tarheelcoxn | brunes: /me has heard it's buggy | 10:49 |
brunes | Here is the firsat 3 lines of a mostly useless BT... | 10:49 |
brunes | #0 0xb785233e in __gnu_cxx::__pool<true>::_M_reclaim_block () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 | 10:49 |
brunes | #1 0xb7fa7bff in virtual thunk to Arts::SoundServerV2_stub::version() () from /usr/lib/libsoundserver_idl.so.1 | 10:49 |
brunes | #2 0xb7fc78a0 in Arts::SampleStorageEntry_base::_IID () from /usr/lib/libsoundserver_idl.so.1 | 10:49 |
brunes | Anyone has any ideas I will try anything :P | 10:50 |
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tarheelcoxn | brunes: take a step back from 3.5? | 10:50 |
brunes | :/ | 10:51 |
wotnarg | hrm, anyone know how fish works in konq? | 10:51 |
brunes | except that.. I was running 3.5 from CVS fine with Fedora | 10:52 |
brunes | thought I would try ubuntu | 10:52 |
wotnarg | putting in an address doesnt seem to want to work | 10:52 |
tarheelcoxn | brunes: hang around in here and ask again in a few hours. a sound guy should wander through | 10:52 |
brunes | thx tarheelcoxn | 10:57 |
mornfall | *finally* | 11:01 |
stupendo44 | question: how do I stop kbluetooth from running all the time? | 11:02 |
mornfall | another homework in cryptography done | 11:02 |
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mornfall | i have a week to decipher a bunch of cryptotexts, though... bahmpf | 11:02 |
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tarheelcoxn | stupendo44: why do you want to stop it? | 11:15 |
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phoenixbyrd | how do I check if I have a firewall running? | 11:22 |
kkathman | phoenixbyrd: did you start one? | 11:23 |
Riddell | ask a script kiddie to crack into you :) | 11:23 |
kkathman | lol Riddell :) | 11:23 |
phoenixbyrd | kkathman, I don't kno. Does kubuntu come preinstalled with one that starts up or do I have to install one on my own? I'm new to this | 11:23 |
kkathman | no | 11:24 |
phoenixbyrd | ok. ty. | 11:24 |
kkathman | phoenixbyrd: if you want to try one, firestarter is a good one to start with | 11:24 |
tarheelcoxn | man iptables | 11:24 |
tarheelcoxn | :P | 11:25 |
kkathman | phoenixbyrd: you can get that through Adept, or manually by typing sudo apt-get install firestarter at a konsole..but do some research and reading first :) | 11:25 |
kkathman | yeah thats another one | 11:25 |
tarheelcoxn | harumph... he left | 11:26 |
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amackay | Hi, Anyone know why amarok crashes every time i try and play mp3s? | 11:27 |
kkathman | lol tarheelcoxn :) | 11:27 |
kkathman | amackay: explain "crashes" | 11:27 |
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amackay | kkathman: turns off | 11:28 |
kkathman | amackay: any error messages? | 11:28 |
nalioth | amackay: start it from konsole and see what error msgs pop up | 11:28 |
kkathman | hey nalioth :) | 11:28 |
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kkathman | heading in the same direction I think :) | 11:28 |
nalioth | professor kkathman, i presume :) | 11:29 |
kkathman | LOL hardly a professor when you are around, sir :) | 11:29 |
amackay | kkathman, nalioth, no errors | 11:30 |
nalioth | amackay: nothing in the output at all? | 11:30 |
kkathman | amackay: so the track begins to play and then stops? | 11:30 |
amackay | kkathman: nothing, it just looks like its loading, then goes away | 11:30 |
kkathman | ohh so the application never comes up? | 11:31 |
amackay | kkathman: amaroke loads and can play other file types, it just dies when it comes to mp3s | 11:31 |
nalioth | i'm not figuring the empty konsole screen | 11:32 |
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kkathman | amackay: well you answered my next question | 11:33 |
kkathman | so other things work, just not MP3s | 11:33 |
kkathman | nalioth: thats curious for sure | 11:33 |
amackay | yep | 11:33 |
kkathman | nalioth: codec? | 11:33 |
nalioth | amackay: what backend are you using? | 11:34 |
amackay | lame is installed | 11:34 |
aay | anyone know how to keep konq from opening up if i put a cd in the cdrom....or if i attach some usb flash media for that matter? i thought it would be in kcontrol, but I can't seem to find the right setting. | 11:34 |
nalioth | amackay: got amarok-gstreamer? | 11:34 |
amackay | and its using gstreamer | 11:34 |
amackay | nalioth: yep | 11:35 |
kkathman | hmm...maybe another engine would be better? | 11:35 |
kkathman | Im more used to telling people to use kaffeine-xine :) | 11:36 |
seth_k|lappy | gstreamer0.8-mad for mp3s, yes? | 11:36 |
nalioth | amackay: got what seth_k|lappy said? | 11:36 |
amackay | yes, that too | 11:36 |
nalioth | weird | 11:37 |
amackay | indeed | 11:37 |
nalioth | it is ALL mp3s or just one in particular? | 11:37 |
kkathman | hmm odd | 11:37 |
amackay | if i try and open mp3s by using right click and open with amarok, it doesn't die but skips alot | 11:37 |
amackay | all mp3s | 11:37 |
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kkathman | amackay: have you noticed the same on all MP3s you tried? | 11:38 |
amackay | kkathman: yes | 11:38 |
kkathman | amackay: have you happened to try kaffeine to play them? | 11:38 |
amackay | kkathman: it works fine in kaffine | 11:38 |
kkathman | ahh ok | 11:38 |
kkathman | with the gstreamer engine or xine? | 11:39 |
seth_k|lappy | please say xine :P | 11:39 |
kkathman | lol | 11:39 |
amackay | gstreamer i think | 11:39 |
amackay | kaffine-xine isnt installed | 11:39 |
kkathman | ahh ok | 11:39 |
kkathman | hmm | 11:39 |
seth_k|lappy | does amaroK add the mp3s to your playlist? | 11:40 |
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kkathman | Im stumped | 11:40 |
amackay | seth_k|lappy: yep | 11:40 |
kkathman | seth_k|lappy: you wanna a shot? | 11:40 |
seth_k|lappy | lol | 11:40 |
seth_k|lappy | not to rehash a point already made... but gstreamer0.8-mad is in universe... you're suuuure it's installed? ;) | 11:40 |
kkathman | nalioth: sorry I repeated one of your questions...I was momentarily distracted by a child :) | 11:40 |
seth_k|lappy | well, as long as the child is cute, it is forgivable | 11:41 |
nalioth | kkathman: it's all good, bubba | 11:41 |
kkathman | seth_k|lappy: he's almost 16, so thats impossible of course :) | 11:41 |
amackay | seth_k|lappy: yep, definately installed | 11:41 |
kkathman | however he was telling me of a high grade made in geometry so its all good | 11:41 |
aay | there's got to be a way to keep konq from poping up everytime i put in a cd. anyone know? | 11:44 |
kkathman | aay: you could refrain from putting a CD in I suppose | 11:45 |
aay | kkathman, lol. | 11:45 |
aay | yep that would solve ONE problem. | 11:46 |
seth_k|lappy | amackay, you might wait until Riddell releases 1.3.5 to breezy-updates. Since it's obviously an AmaroK issue localised to that software (and thus is not an engine problem) maybe 1.3.5 will make it all better | 11:46 |
seth_k|lappy | amackay, 1.3.5 has packages now but they require KDE 3.5b2 | 11:46 |
aay | kkathman, hmm. reading on the forums someone says remove "ivman" and that will prevent media from automatically being opened. | 11:46 |
nalioth | seth_k|lappy: 1.3.5 isnt available now? | 11:46 |
seth_k|lappy | nalioth, Riddell had packages last night but he built them in a 3.5b2 chroot | 11:47 |
seth_k|lappy | so they only installed on 3.5b2 | 11:47 |
Riddell | seth_k|lappy: that should be fixed now | 11:47 |
amackay | seth_k|lappy: good idea | 11:47 |
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seth_k|lappy | oh, thanks Riddell. Then update, amackay :P | 11:47 |
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nalioth | hmm, my mileage varys, i built mine from source (riddell has no powerpc) | 11:47 |
seth_k|lappy | Riddell, is the package in breezy-updates now? | 11:47 |
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Riddell | seth_k|lappy: no, see kubuntu.org for download | 11:47 |
seth_k|lappy | amackay, ^^ | 11:48 |
amackay | ah good | 11:48 |
_thumper_ | Given that I unwittingly upgraded to KDE 3.5b1, will beta 2 be better or worse? | 11:48 |
seth_k|lappy | I had major issues with b2 | 11:48 |
kkathman | aay: worth a try...and kudos for checking those forums :) | 11:48 |
_thumper_ | or should I just wait till release date in mid Nov | 11:48 |
nalioth | i have a question about 3.5.. do they have ppc binaries for it? | 11:49 |
Riddell | nalioth: I do not | 11:49 |
Riddell | since I don't have a ppc | 11:49 |
nalioth | Riddell: guess i should get off my lazy arse and contribute, eh | 11:50 |
nalioth | Riddell: are there a deb-src laying around anywhere for them? | 11:50 |
Riddell | woo! | 11:50 |
Riddell | yes, the sources are there | 11:50 |
nalioth | i built flock from source last night, and i'm not impressed | 11:51 |
seth_k|lappy | flock = Firefox + goodies | 11:51 |
seth_k|lappy | but it's still rough, give it time | 11:51 |
seth_k|lappy | I like the tagging | 11:51 |
seth_k|lappy | and the blog editor | 11:51 |
nalioth | Riddell: will using deb-src instead of deb on those kde 3.5b2 links get me source? | 11:52 |
Riddell | nalioth: yep | 11:52 |
Riddell | apt-get source | 11:52 |
Riddell | cd foo | 11:52 |
Riddell | debuild | 11:52 |
nalioth | Riddell: but you didnt include deb-src lines in the kubuntu blog | 11:53 |
kkathman | love that debuild, but think destroy would be better | 11:53 |
Riddell | nalioth: well most people don't want the source, and they can work it out if they do | 11:54 |
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nalioth | not if they'r lazy old men who dont think too well | 11:55 |
kkathman | hey I resemble that :) | 11:55 |
Riddell | well I'm always happy to be poked | 11:55 |
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stupendo44 | in order to stop an item from autostarting, do I have to delete it from /etc/share/autostart, or can I just change it's permissions? | 12:00 |
stupendo44 | oops, */usr/share/autostart that should be | 12:01 |
amackay | Oh nuts, ive just installed the new amarok and gstreamer and it does exactly the same :( | 12:01 |
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