
SteveAi'm trying the .deb of integration now12:04
SteveAi'll see how that goes12:04
Kinnisonmdz: Updated, can you look at the Packages file again?12:04
mdzKinnison: loads better12:05
Kinnisonmdz: those two words just made my day12:07
mdzKinnison: most of the noise I see is now #353512:07
mdzKinnison: is the fact that Release.gpg is missing expected?  does that happen at the very end or something?12:08
mdzI'll report it as a bug and trust that you'll DTRT if it's expected12:09
Kinnisonmdz: It's a case of "I don't have a key, so there's no final signing of the Release files" :-)12:12
=== Kinnison has a shell fragment to sign the Release files later
mdzKinnison: the diff is still too long to review due to #3535, but I did find one other issue (#3541) which could be gina-related12:14
Kinnisonbug 3535 is possibly related to our lack of extra-overrides support12:16
UbugtuMalone bug #3535: publisher (upstream) - Missing Bugs: and Origin: headers (overrides?) Fix req. for: launchpad-publisher (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/353512:16
=== Kinnison isn't quite sure how to solve that yet
Kinnisonas for bug 3541...12:16
UbugtuMalone bug #3541: publisher (upstream) - Missing linux-meta Fix req. for: launchpad-publisher (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/354112:16
=== Kinnison greps logs
Kinnisonoddly the source appears to be imported12:17
Kinnisonbut the binaries are borked12:17
mdzperhaps related to the fact that bash source and the 'bash' binary are in main, while these are in universe?12:18
mdzthe bash binary itself is OK12:18
KinnisonI think it's to do with the component, certainly12:20
Kinnisonkiko had a fix for it I think12:20
SteveAKinnison: still have the problem.  Can I get a tarball please?12:32
KinnisonSteveA: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/integration.tar.bz212:33
Kinnisonthere's distrorelease specific stuff in denise for the overrides12:34
=== Kinnison cries
=== cprov goes home !
Kinnisonsodding sodding gah12:36
=== Kinnison scps the overrides home to prod at
=== tav [n=tav@host-212-158-205-5.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad
SteveAKinnison: thanks12:39
=== Kinnison stares at denise's do_extra
=== Kinnison sighs
elmoKinnison: I forgot about that myself, until I was opening dapper, FWIW - sorry12:46
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=stevea]  Add dependency-aware scoring algorithm and [trivial]  tweaking buildd-scoring values again, heavy weight for package component. (patch-2716: celso.providelo@canonical.com)12:46
Kinnisonelmo: s'okay, you've had a lot on your mind12:58
KinnisonBe want is croissant trammel01:01
Kinnisonwhat a fantastic spam subject01:01
=== BlackLotus [n=Lotus@cpe-66-65-244-241.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #launchpad
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo
Kinnisonciao all01:45
=== Kinnison heads to bed
sabdflnight Kinnison01:51
=== spiv [n=andrew@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #launchpad
sivangnight all02:08
=== stub [i=stub@sweep.bur.st] has joined #launchpad
SteveAhi SteveA 02:28
SteveAhi stub 02:28
SteveAi'm having some problems getting postgreql 8.0 set up for lp02:28
SteveAroot@einheit:~# sudo -u postgres createuser -a -d steve02:28
SteveAcreateuser: could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server: No such file or directory02:28
SteveA        Is the server running locally and accepting02:28
SteveA        connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?02:28
SteveAroot@einheit:~# ls /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.*02:29
SteveA/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433  /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433.lock02:29
SteveAwhere does postgresql find what socket it should be using?02:30
stubYour psycopg is build for 7.4. You will need to set unix_socket_directory in /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf to '/tmp' I think (and restart postgres)02:30
SteveAwhat has psycopg to do with it?02:30
stuboh... erm. Sorry. Answering a differnet question.02:31
SteveAchanging the unix_socket_directory didn't help02:32
stubI don't know why createdb is trying to connect to a non-existant socket. Is PostgreSQL running? Is the version of createdb you are running the 7.4 binary and not the 8.0 binary?02:32
stubSteveA: You would need to change it to /var/run/postgresql I'm sorry02:32
SteveAyeah, i have various things from 7.402:33
SteveAi'll remove packages and try again02:33
sabdflstub: i just landed some bits on rocketfuel, will you be updating the staging code soon?02:34
stubI will be now02:34
sabdflalso, i think it may be a good idea to bring all this gina testing up on drescher and let staging do its normal daily update thing02:35
sabdflwhen do you head for montreal?02:35
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quannumHi, any ideas who I should contact to have two launchpad accounts consolidated? I seem to have ended up with two :-o02:38
jameshquannum: you can request the merge yourself if you have access to the registered emails of the two accounts02:42
jameshquannum: https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge02:42
jameshSteveA: the Postgres 8.0 Ubuntu package runs on a non-standard port02:43
quannumjamesh: Thanks, that did the trick02:44
jameshSteveA: if you set it to 5432, things seem to work as expected02:44
SteveAjamesh: okay, that seems to fix it02:45
Nafallojamesh: doesn't it use that by default?02:45
Nafalloatleast it does here.02:45
jameshNafallo: when I tried Postgres 8.0, the package configured itself to run on 543302:47
jameshSteveA: one thing I noticed is that recreating the sameple data with 8.0 ended up with more differences than expected02:48
jameshwhich can cause problems during merges02:48
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stubsabdfl: Whats a dresher? Elmo made a cryptic comment about this box but I don't know what it is earmarked for.02:56
stubPG 8 won't run on the standard PG port because it is designed to run simultaneously with PG 7.4 and PG 8.1. And each postmaster needs a unique port.02:57
stubsabdfl: I think I fly out on Monday02:57
sabdfldrescher is earmarked as a parallel server for "this sort of stuff", i too it to mean archive publishing from elmo's comment02:57
stubSounds like a replacement asuka02:58
sabdflso, asuka would continue as "staging, running yesterday's data against today's code"02:58
sabdfland drescher would be more flexible02:58
sabdfli think02:58
sabdflelmo: ?02:58
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elmodrescher is the new ftp-master03:16
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elmoIMNSHO the box that runs apt-ftparchive needs it's own box; I don't  much care what else runs on there, but what kinnison and I discussed and what makes sense for me is for the uploader, queue processor, CAP and apt-ftparchive to run on there03:17
elmoit has nothing to do with staging (in the long term) - it's meant for production, as soon as LP is ready to do the archive in production03:17
elmooh, it's also obviously, ftp-master in the sense that mirrors rsync the final, live, production etc. copy of the archive from03:18
elmoas jackass is to dak, drescher is to LP - for anyone who knows what jackass is of course..03:19
stubok. Would Gina run on there or stay on macquarie?03:21
elmo*shrug* either is fine by me03:22
elmosince gina AIUI, doesn't require much in the way of resources except for the initial run03:23
elmo(i.e. once dapper is on LP, it'll mostly be monitoring pocket updates)03:23
stubok. I think we should move Gina to dresher at some point, as it keeps all the stuff together that messes with the distro in one controlled environment, which will be good if I can tighten up the database permissions.03:27
stubMight even make the archive mirror on macquarie redundant03:27
elmoyeah, I guess so, I don't think anything else uses it03:28
mdzI get occasional RequestQueryTimedOut errors from the spec tracker; a retry generally works.  is there some horrifically slow query in there?03:30
stubwhich particular URL?03:30
mdzwhatever https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+addspec posts to03:31
mdzlooks like it posts back to itself03:31
stubSometimes it is caused by page rendering times, other times by delays waiting for database locks where the ugly whery is from another process03:31
mdzI got one just a moment ago03:32
stubmdz: I'm pretty sure that is being triggered because something else is locking resources in the db03:39
=== stub sighs
Seveas:S is the launchpad calendar buggy as hell ar am i doing something wrong?03:51
Seveasdate/duration of events cannot be set correctly03:52
Seveasit always adds 40 minutes to the time03:54
Seveasand duration handling is beyond recognition 03:55
mdzI think jamesh is the person to ask03:57
sabdflnight all04:05
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
stubAnyone know how to specify a URL to a local directory in a config-manager config file?04:44
jblackTry file:///this/dir/here04:49
jblackThough I'm surprised that /this/dir/here doesn't work.04:50
jblackstub: that work for you?04:52
stubThat was the second thing I tried. ValueError: unknown url type 'file:///home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/hct/1/devel'04:53
stubI guess it needs to know what sort of archive to find there so might need some magic prefix04:53
jblackheh. the cm code is in __init_.py04:57
jblackIt should work.04:59
jblackFor bzr, that is.04:59
jblackif from_location.startswith("file://"):04:59
jblack   from_location = from_location[7:] 04:59
jameshthe code for detecting branch types looks like it needs some work05:00
jblackLifeless has a style about him...05:00
jameshyou can't just check the URL scheme to differentiate between sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0 and sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel05:01
jblackstub: Does it give a trace for which line is failing? Its all wrapped in a big eception. 05:02
stubTraceback (most recent call last):05:04
stub  File "/home/warthogs/source/config-manager/cm.py", line 24, in ?05:04
stub    main(sys.argv)05:04
stub  File "/home/warthogs/source/config-manager/lib/config_manager/__init__.py", line 205, in main05:04
stub    config.update(os.path.abspath(os.curdir))05:04
stub  File "/home/warthogs/source/config-manager/lib/config_manager/__init__.py", line 74, in update05:04
stub    entry.update(dir)05:04
stub  File "/home/warthogs/source/config-manager/lib/config_manager/__init__.py", line 156, in update05:04
stub    return self.build(path)05:04
stub  File "/home/warthogs/source/config-manager/lib/config_manager/__init__.py", line 144, in build05:04
stub    raise ValueError("unknown url type '%s'" % self.url)05:04
stubValueError: unknown url type 'bzr:///home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/hct/1/devel'05:04
stubI'm attempting to build a launchpad tree on chinstrap without using sftp05:04
jblackWould you mind walking it through pdb? 05:07
mdzstr could use "strip this prefix" and "strip this suffix" methods05:09
mdzlike ${#} and ${%} in shell05:09
stub>>> 'foo'.strip('oo')05:11
stub>>> 'foo'.rstrip('oo')05:11
stub>>> 'foo'.lstrip('f')05:11
stubmdz: ^^05:13
mdzstub: >>> 'foo'.rstrip('o')05:15
stubclose but no cigar?05:15
mdzit's interpreted as a list of characters, and all occurrences are stripped05:15
mdzrather than a string suffix/prefix05:15
mdzI was referring to this use case:05:16
mdz<jblack> if from_location.startswith("file://"):05:16
mdz<jblack>    from_location = from_location[7:] 05:16
mdzwhich I see all the time05:16
jblackYeah. strip takes a list of characters, and keeps stripping until the first failure.05:17
jblack>>> 'abcdabcd'.strip('abd')05:17
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #launchpad
stub121                         from bzrlib.merge import merge05:23
stubImportError: 'No module named bzrlib.merge'05:23
stubI need to set my PYTHONPATH better05:24
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brendenit's be nice if it were possible to search the irc logs...06:45
fabbioneso guys07:08
fabbionewhat's new in bzr-integration ?07:08
fabbionespecially... which one should be using?07:11
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  make ILibrarianClient.remoteAddFile() send the content type.  Fixes bug #3347 (patch-2717: james.henstridge@canonical.com)07:39
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  production and staging config updates and topPeople performance regression fix (patch-2718: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)08:52
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sivangGood morning all10:12
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #launchpad
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
sivanghey carlos10:36
fabbioneKeybuk: nice :))10:58
sivangKeybuk: lol11:01
sivangKeybuk: what's that machine you're holding there?11:01
Keybuksivang: Nokia 77011:02
sivangKeybuk: is it a combined Cell+PDA ?11:02
Keybuksivang: no, it's neither ... it's a pocket-sized web browser/email client11:02
sivangKeybuk: ah, nice indeed11:02
Keybukthe "thumb-nail sized" portlets scare me11:03
Keybukthe screen on it is utterly gorgeous, you really can read them11:03
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.38: [trivial]  Production 1.38 cherry picks (patch-1: stuart.bishop@canonical.com, rocketfuel@canonical.com, christian.reis@canonical.com)11:17
KinnisonKeybuk: aye, the 770's screen is nice11:23
=== Kinnison did feel that it was another toy he could cope without though
Keybukit does have an unusual killer feature I wasn't expecting; when it can see my phone via bluetooth, the phone just appears in the file manager11:24
Keybukand I can browse it and grab things off it without thinking11:25
Keybukmakes it the handiest thing for taking photos on the phone, and sticking them on the web11:25
Keybukand I must admit, it also does satisfy that "must quickly look something up on the web" need without having to drag the laptop out and boot it11:27
KinnisonI guess so11:28
Kinnisonbut without ubiqutous networking, or cheap gprs, it's a bit useless when sat in the pub with no wireless11:28
Kinnisonerm, is staging's librarian down?11:29
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KinnisonIs there a way to aggregate specs across different products?11:34
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Kinnisonstub: ping?11:45
Kinnisonhey carlos11:45
carlosKinnison, hi11:45
stubKinnison: pong11:51
stubKinnison: I'm currently attempting to rebuild staging with bzr11:52
stubYou need it urgently? Or can I keep it down for a while longer?11:52
Kinnisonstub: I can wait11:53
Kinnisonstub: I just figured I'd try and get as full an archive as we have published11:53
Kinnisonstub: before mdz wakes up11:53
stubok. I was just going to try another rebuild of the tree, which takes 20 minutes interestingly enough.11:54
Kinnisonokay well let me know when it's back up11:54
=== Kinnison will carry on with spec triage in the meantime
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #launchpad
=== Kinnison registers bug 3552 -- anyone else want this kind of functionality?
UbugtuMalone bug #3552: no way to cross-link specs across products Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/355212:08
=== ajmitch would like it
Kinnisongood, then I'm not alone :-)12:08
ajmitchexcept that my specs are on the ubuntu distro, rather than products12:08
stubKinnison: staging is back up12:19
Kinnisonstub: thanks, I'm gonna run a CAP run12:20
Kinnisonstub: then can we re-run gina to see what's left for her to import?12:20
stubWhat is CAP btw?12:20
KinnisonCanonical Archive Publisher12:21
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has joined #launchpad
Kinnisonhey sabdfl 12:22
Kinnisonsabdfl: any chance of bug 3552 being fixed before UBZ?12:22
UbugtuMalone bug #3552: no way to cross-link specs across products Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/355212:22
=== zyga is back from work :-)
=== thisfred [n=thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #launchpad
Kinnisonerm stub: the librarian on staging appears to be naffed12:27
stubWhat are you seeing?12:27
stub2005/10/25 11:26 BST [-]  Starting factory <twisted.web.proxy.ProxyClientFactory12:28
stubinstance at 0x2a9af71b48>12:28
stub2005/10/25 11:26 BST [ProxyClient,client]  Stopping factory <twisted.web.proxy.ProxyClientFactory instance at 0x2a9af71b48>12:28
stubThat is useful...12:28
KinnisonOi, spiv!12:28
stubOohh! The files arn't there because I rebuilt staging. Hang on and I'll put them back12:29
stubYou added any new files?12:29
stubsince I just brought it up?12:29
Kinnisonjust trying to publish what should have been there from before12:29
stubKinnison: ok. they should be there now12:31
sabdflstub: while you are working on production, can you change the owner of the ubz sprint do 'ubuntu-drivers' please?12:31
stubsabdfl: done12:33
Keybukrandom Q ... on lp/people/techboard there are two mdz's, one of whom is "exmdz-merged" who when clicked gives you a 40412:44
Keybukknown bug or not?12:44
Kinnisonknown peoplemerge bug12:48
sabdflstub: thanks muchly12:53
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=== stub goes to grab food
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=== matsubara [n=matsubar@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
matsubaragood morning!12:58
carlosSteveA, the login form from https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/langpacks-desktopfiles/+subscribe/+login does not redirects you to the +subscribe page, instead it says "You are already logged in"12:59
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mptGooooooooooooooooood morning01:04
cprovmpt: morning01:04
salgadocprov, have you seen https://launchpad.net/errors/showEntry.html?id=1130236133.50.0141519736646 (not sure if it's your department, but it seems to be)01:07
cprovsalgado: let's have a look01:07
cprovsalgado: yes, it is, I've catched it sometime ago too, hope it's already solved, I  will rollout my last merge 01:09
cprovsalgado: it's not merged yet, will do it ASAP, thank you 01:12
salgadocprov, cool. ta01:15
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo
stubdatabase is going down in 11 minutes. The wikis will be in read only mode and launchpad and shipit unavailable. Estimated downtime is 30 mins.01:18
mptSteveA: I think "To _____, you need to log in" shouldn't look like an error message, it should just be a normal paragraph01:26
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ajmitchany idea when lifeless will be back on the ground & on irc?01:29
jblackYou probably wont see much of him until you're in person.01:33
jblackprobably a few pockets, with luck. Email is a better shot.01:33
ajmitchwas just wanting to ask about pqm, packaging it now01:34
stubajmitch: He won't land until tomorrow sometime. Should be on the wiki.01:35
jblackanything I might be able to asnwer?01:35
ajmitchpqm is the preferred name?\01:35
jblackYeah. pqm. _not_ bzrpqm. :)01:35
ajmitchcopyright info has canonical as (c) 200401:35
ajmitchnot arch-pqm? ;)01:35
jblackthis new pqm does arch as well.01:36
ajmitchit was called arch-pqm upstream01:36
jblackIs this a permanant decision that will haunt us for all eternity?01:36
ajmitchbut it does bzr now as well01:36
ajmitchit's *possible* to rename01:36
=== ajmitch will upload to dapper first, debian will take too long
jblackWHen I called it bzrpqm, he was clear to tell me that its called strictly "pqm"01:37
jblackHowever, that wasn't in the context of package names.01:37
ajmitchpqm is what I've called it01:37
mptThe Launchpad product is called pqm :-)01:37
jblackI don't see how it'll be a big issue, as thats' whre it is everywhere.01:38
ajmitchjblack: consistency :)01:38
ajmitchI retitled the debian RFP from arch-pqm to pqm01:38
jblackOk. Yeah. Call it pqm. If he seems miffed, tell him I took charge.01:39
ajmitchhe'll understand01:39
jblackHe'll be so thrilled that I took a risk that he'll only ream me half way. (chuckle. :)01:39
=== ajmitch also needs an adequate description paragraph :)
jblackSure. gimme a good twenty seconds..01:39
=== ajmitch is considering naming pybaz as python-baz or python-bazaar, to be consistent with debian naming :)
jblackbtw, did you depend upon gpg? 01:40
ajmitchnot yet, I'm just sorting out these parts before I read through the code in depth01:41
jblackGpg isn't strictly a requirement, but if you're not using it, then you're also likely the sort that drives around on motorcycles. without a helmet. Backwards. While eating tacos.01:41
ajmitchI'll put it as a depends01:41
ajmitcheveryone should have it anyway01:41
ajmitchfor the apt repository signing01:42
fabbioneajmitch: force it as Depends: becaue it is not mandatory to have repo signing01:42
ajmitchfabbione: I saw :)01:43
jblackHow's this for a shot:01:47
jblackPatch Queue manager is an tool that provides an email interface for the01:47
jblackmanagement of Bazaar and Bazaar-NG branches. A variety of capabilities are01:47
jblacksupported including merging with or without checking test cases prior to merge. This tool is particularly useful to multi-developer projects that would like01:47
jblackto serialize write access to Bazaar and Bazaar-NG branches.01:47
ajmitchjblack: very useful, thanks01:48
jblackajmitch: Anything else I can do for you before I hit the sack?01:49
jblackOr anyone else, for that matter?01:49
ajmitchjblack: no, you've been a good help01:50
jblackI hope so, because you're doing me a heck of a favor.01:51
Kinnisonstub: out of interest, has staging's tables been analysed since gina ran?01:51
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jblackOh, my quick hack for the day is to flip the lcd brightness each time i get a mail.01:51
stubKinnison: In theory yes, autovacuum is running. But I don't trust it that much in 7.401:52
stubRunning an analyze now01:52
ajmitchok, deb built, now to clean it up01:54
Kinnisonstub: okay, s'just that the publishing run is taking ages to extract the overrides01:55
Kinnisonand this is plausibly a lack of analysis01:56
stubCould be. Anyway - it is running now.01:56
stubWhich will slow things down further for a few more minutes ;)01:56
=== Kinnison nods
Kinnisonwell, CAP is off into apt-ftparchive now anyway02:07
\shjblack: btw...you come to ubz? if yes, when? and would u give me a small sprint over all those magic LP support tools like baz/bzr/tla/hct?02:09
=== ajmitch is sure that pqm was never meant to be installed properly, but just sits in place :)
ajmitchjudging from the state of what make dist & friends do02:10
sivangWhat's the maintainance launchpad is undergoing ?02:12
stubWeekly code update, which includes database patches and data migration stuff02:17
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
sivangstub: ah, cool02:25
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=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
=== carlos -> lunch
mptargh, the "Register Specification" link is so hard to find02:48
sabdflstub: is production up and running with the new code?02:49
sabdflit looks rather like the old code... staging seems quite different02:50
stubsabdfl: Production is running new code. patch-2711 with cherry picks of  2713, 2714 and 271803:14
=== bradb_ [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
\shhmm...the weekly view of the LP calendar is somehow broken...03:17
\shyou see only the start and the end of an appointment..while looking on daily basis, you see the appointed in this interval..03:17
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: r=salgado. first go at pre-defined bug listings. this merge also includes mpt's bug-listings-love, r=bjornt for that one. (patch-2719: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com, mpt@canonical.com)03:30
sabdflstub: can we plan for another rollout on Sunday?03:32
sabdfli suspect we'll be tweaking various bits throughout the week and want to push those out before the conf03:32
mptthanks BjornT03:33
stubsabdfl: Although Sat would be better. Too many people will be in the air on Sunday03:34
stubMight be able to do it with cherry picks anyway. We can wait and see what lands.03:35
Kinnison 1800 launchpa  15   0 3076m 1.8g 2140 D  0.7 91.3   9:18.45 python03:36
Kinnisongo python03:36
Kinnisonit's your birthday03:36
Kinnisonsqlobject and its caching really do make for big python processes03:38
KinnisonIs there a "flush the sqlobject cache" type call?03:38
KinnisonAnd a subsequent "now sodding garbage collect" call?03:38
stubKinnison: Mind if I kick off another Gina run now?03:39
Lathiatyou have to fight with the python garbage collector 03:39
Kinnisonstub: staging is kinda busy still03:39
SteveAKinnison: if the size of the process is an issue, there are knobs to tweak about that03:39
stubKinnison: You want SteveA on that I think - he was last seen playing with the caches03:39
SteveAKinnison: so, add a bof for it or something03:39
stubKinnison: Yer, but is it ok to make it busier?03:39
Kinnisonstub: it currently has a mere 30M of free ram03:40
=== Kinnison would recommend against it
stubOh.. you are running that on asuka ;)03:40
stubasuka only has 1GB btw03:40
Kinnisonand I'm using both of 'em03:41
=== Kinnison laughs
stubCan you or SteveA kick off /srv/launchpad.ubuntu.com/gina.sh when you have finished?03:41
Kinnisonone sec03:41
stubAs the launchpad user03:41
mptSteveA: mpt@canonical.com/launchpad--design-fascism--0 is now conflict-free03:41
=== Kinnison hits ctrl+\ in the relevant window
Kinnisonscrew death row03:41
Kinnisonyou can start gina03:41
sabdflstub: will you not be in montreal by sunday?03:42
Kinnisonsabdfl: I now land saturday night in montreal03:43
sabdfli will also want to do a production rollout the following sunday (day before lp week)03:43
sabdflso that everything that got coded during the distro week lands for them the day they get home03:44
sabdfland lastly, i'd like to bring gina / cap etc into production next week or over the weekend03:44
sabdflif you want to do it saturday, let all of us (and me specifically) know which version of RF you are tagging off so we can have stuff that's easily cherry-pickable03:45
stubI thought we would turn on Gina this week?03:45
sabdflstub: we will run gina in parallel this week, if the archives are perfect and builds look good too then i'm happy to go this week03:45
sabdflnext week will really have everyone in one place so i think kinnison will make very quick progress on any outstanding items03:46
=== Kinnison nods
sabdflsalgado: ping03:49
=== berend_ [n=berend@chasin.xs4all.nl] has joined #launchpad
berend_Hi all!03:50
=== Kinnison sits and stares at gina's output
=== Kinnison feels a headache forming
salgadosabdfl, pong03:50
sabdflsalgado: a note on style03:51
sabdfl    def getAllOptions(self):03:51
sabdfl        """See IPoll."""03:51
sabdfl        return getUtility(IPollOptionSet).selectByPoll(self)03:51
sabdfldon't overuse FooSet's03:51
sabdflthis would be far better as:03:51
sabdflclass Poll:03:51
sabdfl    def getAllOptions(self):03:51
sabdfl        return PollOption.selectBy(pollID=self.id)03:52
sabdflmake sense?03:52
mptyay, baz corrupted my tree again03:52
sabdflmpt: it hardly ever corrupts mine, are you using your branches too long?03:52
sabdfli find if i make more, shorter-lived branches, i get better justice03:53
matsubarait seems i'm not the only lucky one! :)03:53
sabdflanyhow, soon to be replaced with a whole new load of bugs03:53
berend_the launchpad bug system is behaving weird, it'll add a new comment whenever I try to edit the description.03:53
salgadosabdfl, yes, it does03:53
berend_not expected behaviour i'd say..?03:53
sabdflsalgado: if you have a poll, and you want to get things related to it, just get them directly03:53
sabdflsalgado: ok. i'm adding a new portlet for the poll options, too03:54
salgadosabdfl, I'm trying to remember why the hell I wrote that. in general, having a method in a FooSet that takes a Foo object as argument is an indication that something might be wrong03:55
mptsabdfl: Both the branch I was switching from and the one I was switching to have only been around as long as it's taken me to finish them03:55
mpta couple of weeks for both03:55
sabdflsalgado: also, please move IPollOption into interfaces/polloption.py, and similarly for database, zcml, browser etc03:55
BjornTberend_: i assume this only happens when you edit the description of a bug that has no comments? this is intentional, in order to preserve the original bug report. if you edit the description once again, no new comment should be added.03:56
sabdflmpt: that means many merges from rocketfuel03:56
sabdflmpt: in general, with bzr, i would encourage you to have smaller chunks that you put up for review and landing03:56
berend_BjornT: ok, I was about to file a bug report. Still a bit strange.03:56
berend_but thanx03:56
salgadosabdfl, sure. will do it03:56
sabdflsalgado: you have a FooSet method that takes a Bar as an option03:57
sabdflbut since every Foo has a Bar, it makes more sense to make it a method on Bar03:57
sabdflsalgado: and please do that for any other classes you are responsible for03:57
sabdfleach table gets a class in a file03:57
uwsBjornT, berend_: What's the rationale behind this behaviour?03:57
sabdflit has to be that way, so everyone else knows where to poke at your stuff03:57
BjornTberend_: the comment is actually already there, it's just not shown if it's the same as the description. i agree that it can be somewhat confusing, though.03:57
sabdflberend_: ah. i added that feature03:58
sabdflwe keep the original description as the first comment03:58
sabdflif we displayed it all the time, many bugs would look like comment...comment.03:58
berend_makes some sense, unless you're fixing typos03:58
mptberend_: That should be fixed as part of KeepingBugsConcise03:58
mpthmm, I should register that03:58
sabdflsalgado: why do we still have IPollOption.shortname?03:59
sabdflwtf is a shortname?03:59
sabdflhave you seen a shortname on any other LP class?03:59
sabdflwe have: name, displayname, title, summary, description... you pick only the ones that make sense04:00
salgadosabdfl, that's something kiko suggested to make sure we can fit an option in a select box or something like that04:00
sabdflin this case, name and title i think are all that are required04:00
sabdflsalgado: we have plenty of select boxes with titles displayed04:00
salgadohe argued that we could have too long options, and that would be a problem04:00
sabdflplease eliminate shortname, we only need name and title04:00
SteveAjbailey: ping04:00
sabdflin that case, add a IPollOption.summary04:01
sabdflthen you could display it as radio buttons, with the title in bold, and the summary in class="lesser" text below04:01
sabdflthat would be very neat04:01
sabdflwe can pair program it in Montreal, remind me04:01
salgadosure. that will be great. /me makes a note04:02
jbaileySteveA: pong04:02
SteveAmpt: i'd like to see a page, on the debug layer of launchpad, that gives an example of page layouts we use, but with the text used named after the CSS styles used.  So the title might say <h1>This is an h1 title, for the description of what you're looking at</h1>04:02
SteveAjbailey: i'm getting a 404 error when trying to install the latest bzrtools package from the 'small red circle' update manager in breezy04:03
SteveAjbailey: i think maybe the packages file is not consistent with the available .debs04:03
jbaileySteveA: Update the listings.  When I checked it this morning, something had gone wrong and there were no debs there.04:04
jbaileySteveA: I'm still not sure why, as when I ran the scripts by hand all the debs landed correctly.04:04
jbaileySteveA: But in any event, they're there now.  I'll watch for it tomorrow.04:04
jbaileyI rewrote all the scripts yesterday to be consistant with one another (since I'm now doing nightlies for bzr, bzr-integration, bzrtools and bzrk)04:04
SteveAjbailey: yep, working now.  thanks.04:05
=== heyko_ [n=heyko@p548468A2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
mptSteveA: ok, on the to-do list04:07
UbugtuMalone bug #3565: Demonstration pages of launchpad CSS. Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Matthew Paul Thomas, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/356504:07
sabdfl              <tal:block condition="python: x != y">04:10
sabdfl                <td tal:condition="python: x != 0 and y != 0"04:10
sabdfl                    style="text-align: right">04:10
sabdfl                  <span tal:replace="python: pairwise_matrix[x] [y] " />04:10
sabdfl                </td>04:10
sabdfl                <td tal:condition="python: x == 0 or y == 0">04:10
sabdfl                  <span tal:replace="python: pairwise_matrix[x] [y] " />04:10
sabdfl                </td>04:10
sabdflplease don't put python in page templates04:10
uwssabdfl: The bug aliasing stuff sounds cool04:12
SteveAsalgado: if you want to produce a matrix, make your view class generate a list of tuples04:12
SteveAand then have the page template simply go through that list of tuples, presenting the data04:13
SteveAthere are special tal:repeat features to let you do special things in the first or the last column or row04:13
SteveAso you never need to compare to say 'is the row number 0' or anything like that04:14
SteveAsalgado: here is some documentation for SimpleTAL, which is a little bit different from what we are using, but not significantly so.04:17
SteveA  http://www.owlfish.com/software/simpleTAL/tal-guide.html04:17
KinnisonSteveA: urgh, gina got stuck, know how to fix it?04:18
SteveAnote in the example how you can say  <li tal:repeat="fruit context/getTheFruit"><span tal:replace="repeat/fruit/number">: <span tal:replace="fruit"/></li>04:18
salgadoSteveA, I had two tal:repeat blocks, and had to compare the index in both (like <tal:block condition="python: x != y">, where x is the index I'm in on the first repeat block and y is the index on the second block), and I couldn't find out how to write that without python:04:18
SteveAsalgado: so, return a list of tuples.  Inside each tuple you have dicts.  The dict looks like {'cssclass': 'whatever', 'value': 'valueofcell'}04:20
SteveAthen you can precompute what you need in the view class04:20
SteveAand simply render it using simple tal:repeat and tal:condition04:20
SteveAKinnison: i need a bit more information than that.   gina on staging?04:20
KinnisonSteveA: yes04:21
KinnisonSteveA: she seems blocked on writing her log04:21
=== mpt bangs his head against the "You're already logged in" message
SteveAmpt: pleasantly enough, that's what i'm working on now04:21
SteveAKinnison: what makes you think that?04:22
=== bradb_ gives mpt a helmet
mptSteveA: rock04:22
KinnisonSteveA: strace04:22
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #launchpad
=== SteveA gives mpt the rock
=== mpt gives SteveA the paper
SteveAKinnison: can you pastebin the last part of the trace?04:24
=== Kinnison sshes in as launchpad and unblocks it
KinnisonSteveA: I've just resumed the screen session04:24
Kinnisonthat appears to have unblocked her04:24
SteveAdoes screen have a max buffer size or something?04:24
Kinnisonnot a clue04:24
Kinnisonsux if it does04:24
KinnisonI'll leave the screen session open04:25
cprovSteveA: hi, do you have time today to review my buildd-loading-zcml branch ? 04:26
SteveAcprov: i expect so04:28
SteveAis it on the reviews page?04:28
cprovSteveA: yes, it is04:29
KinnisonDo we have any idea when kiko will get to montreal?04:30
cprovSteveA: it's not that huge, but includes many files, I hope you can do it 04:30
=== Kinnison goes to eat painkillers
cprovKinnison: me ? he is leaving br tonight 04:31
KinnisonI thought he left yesterday04:31
=== Virtuall[BZA] [i=virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Speed up fti.py (patch-2720: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)04:33
cprovKinnison: me too, but just recieved a call from our travel agent looking for him .. he probably had troubles with his flight04:34
KinnisonSteveA: also you have the queue processor in your review bundle04:35
KinnisonSteveA: that's kinda important to get done soon04:35
bradbBjornT: around? I was wondering if you had a moment for a question related to the +filebug refactor review.04:36
=== mdke_ is now known as mdke
SteveAjblack: around?04:39
SteveAcprov: celso.providelo@c.c/launchpad--buildd-loading-zcml--0 ?04:44
SteveAKinnison: daniel.silverstone@c.c--desktop/launchpad--upload-and-queue--2--patch-38 ?04:44
cprovSteveA: yup04:44
SteveAcprov: there is a conflict04:44
cprovSteveA: will sort it out now .. go to dsilvers's one before04:45
KinnisonSteveA: aye04:45
=== Virtuall[BZA] [i=virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #launchpad
sabdfllifeless: in baz, how do i tell the last revision of mainline launchpad that was merged into my branch?04:47
=== Kinnison goes for a lie-down
=== Kinnison has a horrid headache
=== cprov -> lunch back in 40 min
sabdflKinnison: hope you recover quickly!04:51
SteveAddaa: ping?04:56
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
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=== doko [n=doko@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
dokohmm, launchpad doesn't let me add a new spec ...05:24
dokoany hints?05:25
sivangdoko: works for me05:26
sivangdoko: maybe try again :)05:26
dokosivang: same error05:31
sivangdoko: are you logged etc?05:31
sivang(stupid question, but still)05:31
dokosivang: I am logged in05:32
Lathiatmm interested bug05:32
Lathiatopen a bug report, click on the status05:32
Lathiatthen click the login loink05:32
Lathiatonce you login you get two notices05:33
Lathiat * The requested page is protected. You will need to login.05:33
Lathiat * You have been logged in05:33
Lathiatand the page appears properly05:33
Lathiati guess the check/login check is just out of order05:33
mdkedo all specs have to be in launchpad?05:33
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Lathiatmdke: i beleive so05:33
Lathiatfor ubz anyway05:33
mdkewhat is the LP/wiki relationship?05:33
Lathiatyou link to the wiki page with the spec05:34
Lathiatbut pu tthe name/summary/people doing it in LP05:34
mdkewhere do I file the spec if it is related to ubuntu but not to a package (e.g. the website)?05:35
Lathiat /distros/ubuntu/+specs05:36
mdkeand also, can somebody adjust https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecSpec to reflect the fact that the spec needs to be linked to the spec and shouldn't have the name/summary/people doing it on the page?05:37
Lathiatit probably should05:37
mdkeok, but if I understood you correctly, you said that that stuff should be in LP05:37
mdkeperhaps just show me a model spec? ;)05:38
sivangmdke: did you get the -devel emails me and sabdfl sent? that's the workflow, and you can choose when creating a new spec on the wiki to use "SpecTempalte"05:38
mdkeloads of the ones I see don't have LP links05:38
sivangmdke: that should make things cleaer05:38
sivangmdke: well, if you create a new one, make it follow the current SpecTemplate05:39
mdkesivang, no, and the existing specs all say "See SpecSpec" for a template05:39
sivangmdke: SpecSpec is not a template, it contains guidelines05:39
dokomdke, sivang: so you can create new specs?05:39
sivangmdke: SpecTemplate is a template in which you can fill in data05:39
sivangdoko: yes05:39
mdkesivang, dude, look at it05:39
mdke"This is an example Ubuntu specification"05:40
sivangmdke: At spec template?05:40
mdkeanyhow, i see the other template page now05:40
mdkehaving 2 is a bit confusing05:41
jbaileyLooking at this bug that doko's seeing, it says to report the bug but doesn't give any information to add to the report.05:41
jbaileyDo we just give the date and time and assume that it'll get dug out of the log files/05:41
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Various small publisher fixes (patch-2721: daniel.silverstone@canonical.com)06:02
SteveAmpt: approved your winnowing branch.  but see email.06:02
mptok, thanks06:03
SteveAKeybuk: question about the librarian find-by-digest API in your email.06:07
KeybukSteveA: huh-whuh? -ECONTEXT06:09
Keybukahh, you mean in my INBOX :p  not [the email you sent] 06:10
bradbBjornT: You've got mail. :)06:13
SteveAKeybuk: yes, 'your email' not 'your email'06:15
mptthat's what happens when you engage in synecdoching06:16
SteveAthanks scott06:16
bradbHm, didn't we used to have a soyuz product, like, yesterday?06:20
bradbI could have swore that's where I saw the PackageSubscriptions spec reg'd06:20
ddaasabdfl: ping06:32
sabdflddaa: pong. on calls, so will be slow06:32
ddaasabdfl: I'd like to have a small meeting with your and niemeyer in #canonical-meeting06:33
sabdflddaa: i'm on spec calls for distro team will 23:30 UTC06:33
mptsalgado, you beat me to that duplicate by about 30 seconds06:35
ddaasabdfl: okay, then we'll have that meeting tomorrow.06:37
mptbradb: Yes, it caused a 404 on https://launchpad.net/specs06:46
bradbmpt: What caused a 404 on that page?06:48
mptbradb: The list of most recent specs included a link to https://launchpad.net/products/soyuz/+spec/something that no longer existed because https://launchpad.net/products/soyuz no longer exists06:48
bradbIt looks like we didn't migrate the data over either (ISTR there being several specs reg'd on soyuz), but maybe I'm missing something.06:49
SteveAmpt: design-fascism reviewed06:56
SteveAcprov: how's that updated branch doing?06:57
SteveAddaa: hi06:57
cprovSteveA: almost there, archive-mirror takes ages 06:57
SteveAddaa: i want to get my mirrored archive from chinstrap, and make it my working archive on my laptop 06:57
mptSteveA: THANKYOU06:57
SteveAddaa: other than the mechanics of copying the archive to my laptop, and registering it there, anything else i need to do?06:57
ddaaSteveA: you need to remove the =meta-info/mirror there06:58
ddaathat turns a non-committable mirror into a committable master06:58
ddaaand be sure that you do not have any cache data that refers to stuff not in branch06:59
ddaa(variant of "do not remove comitted revisions)06:59
SteveAyou mean, nuke my revlib?07:01
mptKinnison: ping07:01
=== bradb & # lunch
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo
=== Kinnison returns
Kinnisonmpt: pong07:22
Kinnisonsorry I took so long07:22
KinnisonI fell asleep07:22
=== Kinnison must be channelling daf today
mptKinnison: "No Commits have occurred, cannot perform incremental tobaz"07:23
mptKinnison: What's a tobaz?07:23
mpt(apart from being the sibilant version of a topaz)07:23
=== Kinnison , using his amazing powers of deduction and context inference, with his brain the size of a planet, despite the incredible pain in all the diodes down his left hand size, decrees that it is the conversion process for baz/bzr archives and that the error is because you haven't mirrored your changesets
mptI'm not getting the error, I'm copyediting it :-)07:25
Kinnisonlooks like my headache affected me more than I thought07:26
KinnisonWanna try giving me some context07:26
mptKinnison: So will the "tobaz" term already be familiar to those encountering this error?07:26
Kinnisonhow the heck should I know?07:27
mptoh, this isn't your code?07:27
Kinnisontell me where the error is and I may be able to help07:28
Kinnisonddaa or lifeless code then07:30
=== Kinnison looks
KinnisonRight, it's a totla() which converts to baz instead of tla07:30
Kinnisonit's part of the process where we import all svn, cvs, etc repositories into the supermirror07:31
Kinnisonan "incremental tobaz" is where we already converted some of the branch and we're converting new commits07:31
Kinnisonthe error is clearly because there haven't been any07:31
=== Kinnison would recommend you steer clear of that code for now because surely we'll be making tobzr() before long?
mptyeah, that's what I was thinking07:32
mptI suppose it's a bit unnecessary to error it at all anyway -- it should be more "yay! nothing to do!"07:32
mptbut anyway, I was just copyediting07:32
mptit came up on a search for "occured"07:32
mptthanks Kinnison07:33
Kinnisonglad to be of help07:35
Kinnisonanyone know if kiko's around?07:35
mptI think he's on a plane somewhere07:38
Kinnisonarse :-)07:42
=== Seveaz [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #launchpad
KinnisonSteveA: thanks for the review, I'll get to it when I get back from the cinema07:54
SteveAwhat ar eyou seeing?07:54
Kinnisoncurse of the were rabbit07:55
SteveAi want to see that07:55
=== Kinnison is told it's very good
Kinnisonand I wanted to see something but didn't want to drive, so cunningly choosing something a friend wants to see means I can cadge a lift :-)07:56
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Revert fix for https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/2662 (PersonAccountToMergeVocabulary() contains the person that is logged in) as that caused people merge to always time out. (patch-2722: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)07:56
mptwhoa, there's a Brad Shuttleworth07:57
Kinnisonmpt: pardon?07:57
SteveAsure there is07:57
mptthat's going to be confusing07:57
KinnisonThe gestalt entity brabdflb07:57
SteveAone of mark's brothers07:57
SteveAhe did some nice things with the schooltool logo / website some time ago07:59
SteveAalthough i think the way the site looks has been changed since then07:59
=== Kinnison hopes his shiny new inhalers are ready by friday
salgadois production down?08:03
salgadoor is it just our crap link here in .br?08:03
cprovsalgado: second option ;)08:04
SteveAit isn't happy08:04
cprovSteveA: what shall I do, cry instead ? 08:06
cprovthe current link we have is the most blocker I've ever had to work08:06
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has left #launchpad []
SteveAproduction will be back up shortly08:09
=== Kinnison burps healthily
Kinnisongood dinner08:10
SteveAthe box had run out of space because of a huge logfile of some sort08:11
SteveAelmo was on the case already08:11
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SteveAcprov: did you make any changes on that branch i need to review, other than to remove the conflict?08:30
=== Kinnison heads off, ciao
SteveAon a vespa?08:33
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mdzmpt: please subscribe to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-express08:52
bradbBjornT: around?08:55
BjornTbradb: yeah, just got back. i'm reading your mail now.08:55
bradbok, cool08:56
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mptmdz: done08:57
SteveAcprov: reviewed08:57
cprovSteveA: great !08:57
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mdzmpt: thanks09:02
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SteveAmpt: reviewed stylesheet-sanity09:24
mptSteveA: thanks :-)09:26
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.4: bugfix from 1.4.3 (patch-72: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr, thelove@canonical.com)09:26
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ || Next developers' meeting is UBZ
SteveAmpt: i'll actually attach the review...09:29
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BjornTbradb: you've got mail09:36
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mpthi sabdfl, SteveA has reviewed mpt@canonical.com/launchpad--stylesheet-sanity--051010:17
mptit reduces our style sheet bandwidth from 56 KB to 18.5 KB10:17
mpt(I could have reduced it further, but I was getting sick of resolving conflicts)10:17
salgadojbailey, what's the best place to ask for help on initramfs-tools?10:17
=== BjornT -> bed
jbaileysalgado: #ubuntu-devel, me or infinity.10:26
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mptSteveA: bug 1588 is fixed now, right?10:32
UbugtuMalone bug #1588: Plain text exceptions in failing pagetests Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Steve Alexander, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/158810:32
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SteveAmpt: you now get plain text exceptions in page tests10:37
SteveAbug 158810:40
UbugtuMalone bug #1588: Plain text exceptions in failing pagetests Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Steve Alexander, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/158810:40
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=SteveA]  Abolishes the /foaf URL-space, and the wonders therein. (patch-2723: mpt@canonical.com)10:42
sabdflmpt: good landing. tell me about stylesheet sanity..?10:48
sabdfli had to RE fix anchors in portals yesterday, and the spacing of LI items in portals too10:49
sabdfli don't really want to fix those again10:49
sabdflportlet links should not be underlined. portlet lists should not be widely spaced10:49
mptsabdfl: In rocketfuel, about half of launchpad.css is fixing bugs or poor design decisions in plone.css10:51
mptThen there's a lot of plone.css that we'll never use because Launchpad isn't a magazine site10:51
SteveAmpt: i think the size of .css files should not be all that important.  we should add chacheing headers to them so that they are generally loaded only once.10:51
mptAnd it's hard to fix bugs because of all the odd stuff plone.css is doing10:52
=== Nafallo goes to sleep, gnight
mpte.g. making the tab borders break10:52
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
mptso launchpad--stylesheet-sanity--0510 merges the style sheets, merges the conflicting rules, and removes the unused rules10:53
mptsabdfl: w.r.t. the links in portlets, I think that was a cherrypick gone wrong -- for several weeks they were without underlines on production, but with them in rocketfuel10:54
SteveAhard to write a test that portlets are rendered without underlines10:55
mptYes, it's hard to test anything related to CSS10:56
mptunless Firefox's DOM Inspector grew an API :-)10:56
SteveAthere is something to be said for keeping up with improvements that the plone guys make to their basic stylesheets.  we'd want to have a regular system of checking their SVN tree, or looking at a bzr import of that, for new additions.10:58
SteveApeople aren't doing a whole lot new with it at the moment, i think.10:59
SteveAthe time of fixing / detecting issues in different browsers has passed, mostly.  although, that might change with the new IE release.10:59
mptSteveA: w.r.t. your review question about style="100%", once the style sheet is in a maintainable state, it'll be easier to work on reducing the use of style= in templates11:11
mpt(style="width: 100%", I mean)11:11
SteveAthis is why i want those debug pages that demonstrate the different styles11:11
SteveAas a launchpad developer, i don't know when to use what styles where11:11
SteveAor which styles are 'supported' in launchpad11:12
SteveAi can copy other templates11:12
SteveAbut they might well be wrong11:12
SteveAso, if we have a few pages, registered on the root object11:12
mptpost-fascism, they should be much less wrong11:12
SteveAthese will be the canonical reference11:12
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SteveAand also, it will be easy to choose a style based on what it looks like11:12
SteveAi've found the correct places in the infrastructure to hook in the Vary header stuff11:17
mptSteveA: What is it set to currently?11:22
SteveAset to?11:23
SteveAright now, there is no Vary header, and the cookie value never varies11:23
SteveAalso, becuase of brad's changes i think, we're maintaining sessions even for not-logged-in users11:23
bradbBjornT: reply sent11:24
mptbah, the online cacheability checkers don't do HTTPS11:24
SteveAwhich makes the problem worse11:24
SteveAin fact...11:24
SteveAi think brad's adding that navigation box has made this problem appear now11:24
SteveAand an instant fix would be to turn it off11:24
bradbSteveA: Interesting, because it hasn't landed. :)11:24
SteveAthe long term fix would be to do the Vary stuff properly11:24
SteveAbradb: not in RF yet?11:24
bradbno, and not for a while11:24
SteveAthere's something in RF which is causing cookies to be issued for anonymous11:25
mptThat's just what I was going to ask11:25
SteveAsomething is using the session stuff11:25
mptWhy is Launchpad emitting a cookie for every image and every everything else11:25
SteveAi don't know11:26
SteveAi'll grep to see what is using sessions11:26
mptAll our images are being sent with "Pragma: no-cache   Cache-Control: no-cache"11:27
mptthat's unnecessary11:27
mptAll images except hackergotchis can be allowed to cache for a week, if not longer11:27
SteveAnotification stuff maybe11:28
mptnotification stuff?11:28
SteveAbradb: ideally, i don't want anonymous users to have sessions created for them11:28
SteveAbradb: we need to see if it is possible to do this11:28
mptoh, for the session stuff11:28
mptThe style sheets have "Pragma: no-cache   Cache-Control: no-cache" too11:29
mptthat's 56 KB with every page load11:29
SteveAbradb: so that might be a case of noting if we need notifications for anon users, and not offering the 'navigation breadcrumbs' to anon users, perhaps11:29
SteveAmpt: yeah.  we can fix that easily enough.  but i don't want to look into it right now.11:29
SteveAi want to get the login bug fixed first11:29
mptfair enough11:30
bradbit seems to me that we need notifications for anon users11:30
SteveAwhat do they do that is worthy of notification?11:31
SteveAthey're not anon then11:31
SteveAso that's okay11:31
SteveAthey're registering11:31
bradbaren't they?11:32
bradbuntil they confirm their email?11:32
mptsabdfl: So, okay to land?11:32
SteveAi don't mind giving such users a session11:32
SteveAbradb: i'm more concerned about making the site work well, even for anonymous users -- like with your breadcrumb innovation11:34
SteveAbradb: but allowing us to keep it scalable11:34
bradbwhat does session data get written to right now?11:35
SteveAin-memory zodb11:35
SteveAwe'll be moving it to its own DB connection onto the main database eventually i think11:35
SteveAand that will support entirely persistent sessions, across restarts11:35
SteveAwe might even use zodb and DB together11:36
SteveAbecause some session data is important -- like login stuff11:36
SteveAbut some we can lose without consqeuence, like breadcrumb stuff11:36
SteveAand it is nice to be able to make innovations using the flexibility of the zodb11:37
SteveAoh poo11:39
SteveAi can't fix the vary header and have logins keep working11:39
SteveAbecause of what pound is doing11:39
SteveAi need to talk with stub11:39
SteveAas a workaround, i can use a separate cookie11:41
SteveAthat is used simply to tell the browser that things have varied in the launchpad cookie11:41
bradbbtw, re: the nav portlet, i was going to revisit it in front of users at UBZ, because mpt told me package subscriptions are more important (which I'm working on now.) and, though kiko liked the nav portlet right away, mpt's first words were to say that he didn't understand it. i'm hoping that people who have little familiarity with LP can shed some light on the idea one way or the other.11:44
bradbmeanwhile, my UI feedback messages branch is moving at glacial speed through the code review process11:46
mptbradb: I think we should have a general "What you can do next" section at the bottom of most pages11:46
mptwith contents that vary depending on the context11:46
SteveAi'm sure that we want some kind of navigation portlet, to show the context of where you've been, but we might want to make it work differently11:46
mptso going to bugs in another product would fit well there.11:46
bradbyeah, i love menus that say, literally "Here's what you can do"11:47
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mptSteveA: I was misreading the header results. It's not Launchpad setting everything's cacheability to 0; it's Firefox doing that.11:50
mptPresumably because it's HTTPS.11:51
SteveAmpt: ok11:51
mptSo style sheet bandwidth does matter.11:51
=== Kinnison yawns
KinnisonSteveA: fillum good11:54
mptsabdfl? Sorry to bother you, but if it's ok, I'd like to land it before the bzr switchover if possible11:58
mptbecause of the time that will take, and the difficulty of resolving CSS conflicts11:58
sabdflmpt: can you bring this up somewhere i can look at it?12:02
mptsabdfl: Sure, not that there's much to see :-)12:04
mptIt looks identical to Launchpad currently12:04

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