=== mpt [n=mpt@201-26-76-37.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-doc === DouglasBrown [n=brownd@cpc4-rdng1-5-0-cust11.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@201-26-76-37.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu-doc ["http://mpt.net.nz/"] [12:49] Hi, what is the standard thing to do if two pages exist on the wiki that cover the same ground but need updating? Update both? === bhuvan [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@201-26-76-37.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-doc === hyperactivecrond [n=chris@adsl-68-255-185-158.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@201-26-76-37.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu-doc ["http://mpt.net.nz/"] [01:45] ciao === zenrox [n=zenrox@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === apokryphos [n=apokryph@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [03:22] anybody out there from wikiteam ? [03:40] knock knock .. anybody out there from wikiteam ? [03:43] hi bhuvan [03:43] hello [03:43] what's up? [03:44] i've made changes to subversion document, wiki.u.c/SubVersion [03:44] it's in CategoryCleanup. can you check and let me move it off to CategoryDocumentation and UserDocumentation ? [03:45] I'm reading it now; I've never really used SVN, though - except to get the Ubuntu Docs. [03:45] ok [03:46] one minor point: Ubuntu and Linux should always be capitalized [03:46] oh, ok [03:47] under Installation, you should probably mention which repository SVN is in [03:47] Universe, I assume [03:48] ok [03:48] main [03:48] it's too important a tool to have in universe :) [03:48] ajmitch: thanks [03:49] bhuvan: as it's in Main, you don't even need to mention extra repos - Main is always enabled, AFAIK [03:50] repos, i meant here is root directory. under this directory, we can have many projects. under projects, it may contain main, trunk, tags [03:50] bhuvan: sorry, I was talking about the Installation section, not the parts about actually using SVN [03:51] ok [03:51] also there's no real need to mention root access - just sudo. link to RootSudo might be a good idea [03:51] oh, ok [04:02] Madpilot: any other corrections ? [04:06] one more under Installation: if you're giving console commands like apt-get, put them inside a code box [04:06] ok [04:07] apt-get install subversion [04:07] apt-get install libapache2-svn [04:07] gah... [04:07] yeah [04:07] put {{{ before that and }}} after that [04:07] on seperate lines [04:07] yeah, i got your point === Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [04:46] ah [04:47] salut whiprush [04:47] whiprush! [04:47] hello corey/aj [04:47] what's new on the fridge? [04:47] Burgundavia: in case I keep missing docteam meetings... please let the guys know that the fridge is ready to showcase their content. :D [04:48] ajmitch: waiting for jdub to wake up to run a universe tour I did. [04:48] whiprush, ok. The person that really needs to start writing is me, but I have been lazy [04:48] ah nice [04:48] Burgundavia: well then, we're in the same club. :D [04:48] last I heard he was in spain [04:48] whiprush, do you support full html entries>? [04:48] but, if someone does a really kickass wiki page or something, there's no reason why we couldn't do a feature on it. [04:49] ok [04:49] Burgundavia: ironically, when jdub switches my account to allow full html I lose all editing priviledges. === Burgundavia hasn't seen any really kickass wikis yet [04:49] so he just has to turn it into html in the options. [04:49] hmm, that is odd [04:49] Burgundavia: well, I've seen some pages that are better than 90% of the existing crap out there, so it's a start [04:50] shall we start showcasing them at one per week? [04:50] we could. [04:51] jsgontanco and I talked about it briefly at udu. [04:51] you going to be at UBZ? [04:51] basically, follow the docteam on whatever scrub mission it's on. [04:51] going to try to make love day. [04:51] that would be cool [04:51] yeah, gonna try [04:51] spent all my money at the gnome summit [04:52] but jdub is the fridgemeister, so whatever you guys figure out will work. [04:52] luckily I just started a new job, so I have some right now [04:52] but anyway, if you've got someone coming to you itching to write cool stuff about ubuntu, feel free to send them my way [04:53] ok [04:53] have you talked to the marketing team yet? [04:53] and we should definately use it as a showcase of good wiki stuff. [04:53] I'm on the list. [04:53] ok, I am seeing lots of hotair so far [04:54] well, we all have "cool ideas" [04:54] it's that dang implementation thing getting in the way. :D [04:55] Burgundavia: see jane silber at ubz wrt the marketing stuff [04:55] she's rocking. [04:55] I wish to could do more with marketing [04:55] don't we all [04:55] but I will not be doing anything with ubuntu marketing for the forseeable future [04:55] due to my current job [05:00] whiprush, I will fire you some wiki pages by tonight [05:01] ok rocking. [05:01] decent wiki pages... I like to think that BasicCommands works [05:01] whiprush, here is an excellent one to begin the process with [05:01] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands [05:02] Burgundavia: great minds run in the same gutters ;) [05:02] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression === Burgundavia goes to town on UserDocumentation [05:06] Burgundavia: cool dude I'll check those tomorrow === robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === robitaille_ [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === bhuvan [n=ubuntu@b14.gw.maa.collab.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jeff_away [n=jeffsch@fatwire-204-157.uniserve.ca] has left #ubuntu-doc ["gone] === poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-51-39.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc === poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-27-175.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc [10:06] Madpilot, if you and corey have any thoughts on that BetterWikiDocs spec, please add em! [10:06] hi mdke [10:06] hello [10:09] rob^, any luck on fixing those xinclude errors? [10:10] no, I haven't had time to have a look [10:10] picked up extra shifts at work in the last week [10:10] ah [10:10] bummer [10:10] mdke: will do; I had a look at it a few days ago, but not recently === enrico [n=enrico@debian/developer/enrico] has joined #ubuntu-doc [10:10] yeah, considering I don't get paid anymore for em [10:11] Madpilot, we only wrote it yesterday [10:11] and it was mainly inspired by corey's idea so make sure he looks at it [10:11] mdke: I guess it was only yesterday I read it, then... it's been a long week already, and it's only (barely) Tuesday here... [10:12] :) [10:18] mdke: Corey's signed up on the BetterWikiDocs page already, so he's aware of it [10:19] i signed him up, but yes, I think he is aware of it === WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jsgotangco [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:21] hey all [12:21] hi [12:26] hi [12:26] hey mdke [12:26] nice spec [12:27] thanks, it's still early days yet === mdke is still aching to get onto planet === ajmitch isn't on planet either ;) [12:30] heh bug jdub [12:30] its a crying shame [12:31] that the two most fascinating people in the Ubuntu community don't have a voice [12:31] who? [12:31] me and ajmitch [12:31] you other guys are well boring [12:31] right [12:31] :p [12:31] at least i don't blog about useless stuff [12:31] nice post about the accessibility thing btw [12:31] i did it this morning [12:32] its hard [12:32] (handsfreememail) [12:32] yeah [12:32] especially since gok crashes on me [12:32] im pretty insterested in accessibility lately === ajmitch is hardly interesting [12:33] i was chatting to henrik yesterday about it [12:33] he gave me a few cheats :) [12:33] heh [12:33] he is the only one who can do completely hands free though [12:33] i have been busy lately :( [12:34] after i see completed specs i start working... [12:34] :) [12:34] but for now i focus on adjusting to my new job [12:35] i've been reading a lot on kde docs [12:36] im in a friend's cafe that has been invaded by linspire [12:36] good thing i have a live cd [12:49] mdke, where are the translations in d.u.c? [12:49] i mean help.ubuntu.com === mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-doc [01:14] jsgotangco, replace C with country code [01:15] mdke, its not linked at all :( [01:15] correct [01:16] henrik suggested during the meeting that we use a wiki page [01:16] so locoteams can do it, and if they move docs to their own server, amend the links [01:16] right... [01:47] hello there, i'm unable to edit wiki pages. it reports, auth database is temporarily unavailable. [01:47] any maintenance work in progress ? [01:47] yes [01:47] the problem is in wiki.u.c .. [01:47] ok [01:47] should be about 30 minutes [01:48] oh, ok [01:48] btw the auth database is at launchpad.net [01:48] ok [01:48] ok brb === jsgotangco [n=ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] [01:49] in future, atleast we can set this as a channel message or wiki broadcast message :) [01:50] it was announced on -devel and #launchpad [01:50] oh, ok! so, i must join #launchpad :) === enrico [n=enrico@debian/developer/enrico] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mdke_ [n=matt@81-178-163-183.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mkde [n=matt@mailgate.20essexst.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mkde is now known as mdke [02:37] how can we set TOC in moin ? [02:38] TOC - table of contents [02:38] in mediawiki it's set by default based on head{%d}. how about moin ? [02:39] [[TableOfContents] ] [02:39] see HelpOnMacros [02:39] ok, thankx === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc [03:00] what's the status of rss implementation for RecentChanges page in moin ? [03:00] rob^, there? === jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc [03:06] morning :) [03:10] hi jjesse [03:11] thanks for your e-mail [03:11] morning Seveas [03:11] your welcome [03:11] I'd like to see you and rob^ as members for all the good work, but we need a few statements from other people [03:12] is there anywone here who can vouvh for your work? [03:12] vouch* [03:12] Seveas: anyone here, Riddell can as well [03:12] ok, nice [03:13] (ah, you mailed me again -- so much for my impatience :)) [03:13] grin no worries [03:13] Riddell, ping? [03:13] Seveas, sure [03:13] rob^ and jjesse are both active and vital contributors to the docteam [03:14] Seveas, btw are you a CC member now? [03:14] mdke, cool, jjesse has been trying for a while to become a member, but he's almost always unable to attend the meetings [03:14] hmm? [03:14] mdke, no I am not, I just like to reward the contributions of jjesse/rob^ :) [03:15] Riddell, will you be at the CC meeting tonight (22:00 UTC) [03:15] ah ok [03:15] sure [03:15] it was the "we need" thing that made me think [03:15] sorry for the confusion [03:15] anyhow if I am not there, please pass on my recommendation [03:15] I definitely will [03:16] Riddell, thank you for coming tonight [03:16] the meetings are usually when i am traveling home from work :( [03:16] Seveas, you are aware that rob^ produced the starter guide basically on his own? [03:16] tell em that [03:17] jjesse essentially is the only contributor to kde docs right now [03:17] mdke, I know, but he has had problems coming to the meetings too [03:17] so they are both definitely good candidates [03:17] Seveas, np, just giving you some more ammunition [03:17] :) [03:30] jjesse, make sure you add yourself to the ubuntumembers team on launchpad and that you upload a signed code of conduct [03:31] Seveas, well if you're not a CC member, you are certainly the CC enforcer :) [03:32] :) [03:33] I'm a community-oriented guy :) [03:33] Seveas: i have [03:33] ah right, I see now [03:43] mdke: I need another day on the ubuntu-docs repo. =) [03:43] jbailey, cool [03:43] mdke: I'd like to do an initial upload to dapper right after. [03:44] jbailey, sure, but what about the question of moving to gnome-doc-utils build structure? [03:45] we haven't really talked about it yet, and I don't really know what I'm doing... so I'd appreciate your thoughts [03:45] Have we agreed on that? I thought we didn't get that far in the meeting last Friday. [03:46] no, we didn't [03:46] i meant, I'd appreciate your thoughts on whether it is desirable [03:47] Ah, right! [03:47] I'll have to look at the infrastructure. I had been thinking more along the lines of keeping the repo similar to the installed system. === mdke nods [03:47] But either should work. If it's not the same, we just need to make entities for each of the paths, and have them change at install time. [03:48] well the gnome-doc-utils infrastructure AFAICS is based on the idea of using the same structure as in the installed system [03:48] Sounds lovely. [03:48] http://live.gnome.org/GnomeDocUtilsMigrationHowTo [03:48] Will that be adequate for kubuntu and xubuntu? [03:48] no no [03:48] that would just be for the /gnome subdirectory i think [03:48] Oh. [03:49] That sounds like more work than is probably wanted, but I'll look. =) [03:49] but as I say, I don't understand most of that page [03:49] on the current structure, the translations are more work than is probably wanted [03:50] at least I think [03:50] we can try and rely on your scripts I guess [03:51] in any case the subdirectories (gnome/kubuntu/xubuntu) are and will be shipping as separate packages afaics, and already have different structures [03:51] Right, but you want to avoid having to install three sets of tools if possible. [03:51] The translations problem can be solved reasonably automatically, I suspect. If just needs to get the same love that other packages with pofiles do. [03:52] Then have langpacks deploy the translations. [03:52] ok well you'll have to liase with whoever does the kde packaging then I guess [03:53] jbailey, i dunno if it will be that simple, po files are a bit more tricky with documentation I think, but anyhow, we'll do our best [03:53] we have some time to nail it [03:58] mdke: Yup. Definetly need pitti's opinion on that side of it. =) [03:59] jbailey, i guess you can hammer it out at UBZ? [04:01] mdke: Yes. Although for now I'll try to get uploads in. Part of what I want is to find out how often the pofiles should be imported into rosetta. [04:02] mdke: We don't want the translators doing too much on in-progress documentation that might be completely rewritten underneath them. [04:02] yeah [04:02] in fact the po files shouldn't go into rosetta until the string freeze [04:09] mdke: I see you like Newton [04:10] yeah :) [04:10] where did you see? [04:10] mailing list [04:10] aha [04:10] newton mailing list [04:12] it rocks [04:12] we need a standard wiki markup though [04:13] yeah, standards are great...everybody has one :p [04:13] it's a pain to use different ones all the time [04:14] true === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Kamping_Kaiser [n=Karl@ppp231-180.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu-doc [] === jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Kamping_Kaiser [n=Karl@ppp134-36.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === zenrox [n=zenrox@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === uniq [n=frode@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Seveaz [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu-doc [] === uniq [n=frode@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === bhuvan [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === enrico [n=enrico@debian/developer/enrico] has joined #ubuntu-doc === apokryphos [n=apokryph@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:01] hmm, no jjesse