
madsentseng: !?! It just gave me the 'this application has quit' dialog - no output at all...12:02
zakamepardon my ign, but how do I put footnotes in the ubuntu wiki page?12:03
wasabi_Hmm. I am trying to call a Makefile, and pass it a CFLAGS addition, without overwriting the CFLAGS that the Makefile itself adds to it.12:03
madsentseng: See why I'm so mystified now?12:04
madsentseng: I didn't mean to throw a red herring when I said "screwed up mono install" - I meant that my mono install was really messed up. Don't know how, don't know why - but it definitely is.12:05
tsengdid you build anything from source12:06
tsengbecause ive had no reports in all this time of this behaviour from packages12:07
madsentseng: Nope, all binary breezy packages.12:07
tsengi use them daily myself12:07
madsentseng: I'm thinking that my base-install might have laid out the foundation for a really messed up system. I installed with debootstrab from a chroot under Agnula/Debian.12:08
tsengi see12:08
madsentseng: However, I did follow the instructions from the wiki...12:08
wasabi_Is 2.6.13 going to be uploaded at any point in the near future?12:08
wasabi_Silly kernel module requires it.12:08
tsengwasabi_: no12:08
tsengkernel 2.6.14 is the target for dapper12:08
tsengmadsen: well i obviously cant speak to our software working on someone elses kernel and libc12:09
wasabi_But 2.6.13 isn't going to be up in the meantime?12:09
madsentseng: No no, I installed breezy in the chroot.12:09
tsengchroot doesnt boot a kernel12:10
madsentseng: an entire breezy and then booted on it.12:10
tsengfor starters12:10
madsentseng: I know, but grub does. ;)12:10
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-48-184.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsenghm well if that sounds like the instigating factor id like to hear how it works in a native breezy12:10
tsengi dont have any other clues, first ive heard of it12:11
tsengwasabi_: 2.6.14_rcX will go in12:11
madsentseng: Uh, I think you lost me there...12:11
wasabi_tseng, okay, awesome... just don't know the timeframe?12:11
tsengwasabi_: nope, not my baby12:11
wasabi_I wonder only because I'm packaging a kernel module that requires > .1312:11
tsengwasabi_: sorry12:11
tsengmadsen: well, when debugging a problem, you normally try to elimante potential causes of the problem one at a time until it works..12:12
tsengmadsen: you've only proposed one so far12:12
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
madsentseng: Well, it works fine on breezy installed from CD - as you know.12:13
tsengwell then12:13
madsentseng: But I can't install from cd because I have no cds...12:13
tsengcan you please try to track down the problem factor between the cd and the chroot12:14
tsengbecause i have mono in a chroot also12:14
tsengit works.12:14
madsentseng: I've been trying to do exactly that for 3 days...12:14
madsentseng: I debootstrapped hda3, chrooted to it and installed linux-686 and ubuntu-desktop, booted and it seemed to work. Then I installed banshee and encountered these problems...12:16
tsengim at a loss pending another clue, both methods work for me12:17
madsentseng: I've tracked the problem to having to do with mono, since even "hello world" in c# is acting weird...12:17
slomowhat does hello world do?12:17
slomosame problem?12:18
madsenit echo'es "hello world" but doesn't exit...12:18
madsensame goes when I compile hello world with mcs.12:18
slomowhat hello world? can you paste the code somehwere?12:18
ajmitch(not in this channel)12:18
madsenslomo: Sure12:18
ajmitchpastebin again, please :)12:19
=== tseng notes that ajmitch also uses extensive chrooting of mono crack
madsenajmitch: I know. :) I'm not a newb. :)12:19
tsengfrom bootstrap12:19
slomomadsen: ok, nothing wrong with it ;) hmm12:20
madsenJust did an strace on the execution of hello world...12:21
madsenA whole lot of nanosleep there...12:21
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tsengstracing mono is useless12:21
madsentseng: Apparently... Unless it has to do with missing files.12:21
tsengas i said those files missing is non-critical12:21
madsentseng: I know, but _sometimes_ they're not. :)12:22
Kamionelmo: please sync os-prober, when you have time out from the meeting12:22
madsenI'm really, really confused here - I hope you see why.12:23
tsengyes, you've managed to confuse me12:23
slomosame here12:23
madsentseng: lol! Sorry about that.12:23
madsenslomo: --^12:23
madsenI've also tried with a brand new user - same problems.12:24
=== Jimbob [n=jcape@c-67-173-146-239.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
slomomadsen: hm, a guess... try apt-get --reinstall install mono-classlib-1.012:24
slomomadsen: we fixed that already but maybe you got that bug...12:24
slomono idea12:24
madsenslomo: I did that 12 hours ago...12:25
madsenslomo: Could it be that the fix could in some way have _not_ reached the mirrors?12:25
slomoit has12:26
madsenOh wait, I'm using archive.ubuntu.com...12:26
madsenHmm, interesting... beagled is able to get to the main loop before it dies with the same error as the others.12:29
madsenAt least it says to in the log.12:29
slomomadsen: http://slomosnail.de/~slomo/test.exe12:29
slomomadsen: does this show an empty window? or does it crash before?12:30
tsenghm yes, gtk# bug12:30
madsenslomo: It shows an empty window.12:30
madsenslomo: and hangs when I close it (like hello world).12:30
slomoyes, that's normal ;) i was too lazy12:31
slomobut hello world shouldn't hang12:31
slomotseng: any other ideas?12:34
tsengno =/12:34
tseng"install normally"12:34
tsengit would be great to have an error to go by12:34
madsentseng: Not an option atm. I don't have any cd's - only an iso image a friend messed up and burned (as a file) on a cd.12:34
slomomadsen: reget that file and run it... what does happen?12:35
madsenslomo: nothing, it just hangs...12:35
tsengno window now?12:35
slomotseng: just a empty writeline12:35
madsenNope, nothing.12:35
slomomadsen: and this one?12:36
madsenslomo: still nothing12:36
slomomadsen: but it exits?12:36
madsenslomo: nope12:36
slomomadsen: this one?12:37
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tsengstarting to sound like funky jit?12:37
madsenslomo: Arg, wait a sec, I messed up... I kept wgetting them, but not deleting the old... :( :( :(12:37
=== madsen slaps himself.
tsengsince the non-exiting gtk# bit shows something12:38
slomook, test all you got ;)12:38
madsenslomo: The last one exits, but I don't know about the previous one - I deleted it. :(12:38
slomook, test this one12:39
madsenslomo: Not exiting.12:39
slomothis one?12:40
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madsenslomo: exits12:40
madsenslomo: Getting somewhere?12:40
slomoseems like your mono keeps some threads around12:40
slomowhich shouldn't be there12:40
madsenHmm indeed...12:41
madsenShould I try a non-breezy mono perhaps - or will that give too many problems with libs and stuff?12:42
slomohm, you could try mono 1.1.9 from debian unstable12:42
madsenslomo: Just the one package or the whole shabang?12:43
madsenslomo: I'll try as little as possible first... mono, mono-common and mono-jit...12:44
slomomadsen: and mono-classlib-1.012:44
madsenslomo: Oh yeah, that too. :)12:45
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-124-72.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== tseng wonders why this is a good idea
slomotseng: why is it a bad idea?12:48
tsengbecause his system will end up even further off the mark12:48
slomohe can reinstall the old breezy versions later if it doesn't work12:48
tsengand it wont tell us very much12:48
tseng( was reinstalling the key alone? was it one of the many changes between 1.1.8 and 1.1.9.x? is it ubuntu vs debian bug? )12:49
tsengnot to discourage, just wondering12:49
madsentseng: Indeed. :( But I'm mystified to the point that I'm starting to think "just work dammit!"... I've spent the last 3 days trying to figure this out.12:49
slomotseng: but when it works (which i doubt) we have a direction where to look at...12:50
slomoand he tried to reinstall before... didn't help12:50
tsengworks for me.12:50
madsentseng: Once I actually get my breezy cds I'll of course try those - no matter if the debian packages work or not.12:50
tsengmadsen: great :) i hope you have good luck with those12:51
madsentseng: Me too - otherwise I'll be ubuntu-scared for the rest of my life... :-p12:51
madsenK, got the debian packages - now for the install, which will probable complain a lot...12:52
tsenghm the packages arent far apart12:52
madsenWoh! No complains at all! :)12:52
madsenAnd now I'm getting a new error with banshee, but 'beagle-settings' work! :) :)12:53
slomowhat error with banshee?12:53
slomoand does monodoc for example work?12:53
madsenUnhandled Exception: DBus.DBusException: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-MofjP4qFhA: Connection refused12:53
slomougly dbus12:53
madsenslomo: I haven't installed monodoc yet.12:53
madsenslomo: Indeed.12:53
slomologout and login again... or even reboot ;)12:54
madsenslomo: Yeah, I'll just configure beagle and take a moment to be happy that _something_ actually works. :)12:54
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madsenOk, installing monodoc - it'll take quite a while, I'm on a 256k connection. :(12:56
madsenOk, so with a minimal number of mono packages from debian unstable, it seems to work ... better at least... :)12:58
slomowhat works better and what doesn't work ;)12:58
madsenslomo: Well, I haven't tested banshee and monodoc yet. :)12:58
madsenslomo: I just didn't want to be too bold. ;)12:58
madsenIn a minute I can tell you if monodoc works.12:59
madsenslomo: monodoc works! :D01:00
madsenGotta log out and back in to test banshee... Brb!01:01
slomoare you on x86 or amd64?01:01
ajmitchslomo: he said x86 earlier01:02
slomohmm, maybe nptl problems... debian doesn't use it for !amd6401:03
madsenYup, x8601:03
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madsenDamn, gnome still takes 10 minutes to just log me in...01:03
madsenslomo: nptl?01:04
slomomadsen: google ;) native posix thread library01:05
madsenslomo: Oh01:05
slomohmm, we could test it...01:06
madsenslomo: mind if I do a reboot? Dbus is still acting up. :-/01:06
slomono... just come back ;)01:06
madsenslomo: I will stay here all the time. :) (screen + irssi) ;)~01:07
slomook, wait some minutes please01:11
madsenK, I'm not in a hurry. :)01:11
=== madsen will go get some cigarettes then.
=== mpt is momentarily confused by a reference to Max Zimmerman
ograa secret brother ? 01:13
mptlike Brad Shuttleworth01:14
ograhe's not this secret ...01:15
spaynenight all01:17
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ogrampt, did you know that bob dylans real last name is also zimmerman *and* he also plays guitar ... you'll never know the secrets of mdz ;)01:21
madsenHmm, still getting dbus errors...01:21
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ogras/secrets/secret relations/01:25
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slomomadsen: please try the relevant packages from http://slomosnail.de/~slomo/mono/01:34
slomomadsen: is the problem coming back?01:34
madsenslomo: K!01:34
ivoksenjoy at UBZ!01:34
madsenslomo: I'll grab them right away.01:34
slomomadsen: and i'll go to bed now... please report here anyway :) i'll read it tomorrow... good night everybody :)01:34
madsenslomo: K! Sleep tight - and thanks for all the help! :)01:36
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madsenslomo: Yes, the problem is back... :-/01:39
slomofine... what kernel are you running?01:39
slomo(still here =) )01:39
slomoso breezy kernel... weird01:41
slomoi'll think about it and tell you tomorrow :)01:41
=== slomo disappears
madsenslomo: hehe. Sleep tight! :)01:41
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dholbachnight guys02:26
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AndyFitzhere's the newest revision of the ubuntu-title font for derivative logos...  http://brisgeek.com/fonts/ubuntu-title.otf     source: http://brisgeek.com/fonts/ubuntu-title.sfd03:37
AndyFitzogra,  can we replace the package in universe ? :) 03:37
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=== ajmitch returns
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ajmitchhello bddebian 03:54
bddebianHeya ajmitch 03:55
ajmitchhow are you?03:55
bddebianBusy :-(  You?03:56
ajmitchgot a todo list a mile long before friday04:00
bddebianBah, mine is RL work :'-(04:00
=== ajmitch also
bddebianOh :-)04:01
fabbionecya in .ca04:01
=== fabbione &
ajmitchbye fabbione 04:01
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lamont-awaydaniels: libxaw hates me...  /usr/bin/ld: .libs/libXaw6.la-43.o(.text.1+0x3e8f0): cannot reach 00000038_XtSetTypeConverter+0, recompile with -ffunction-sections04:42
=== daniels shrugs.
danielsfix your toolchain?04:45
danielsor do I really need to put -ffunction-sections in every lib I have for hppa?04:45
danielswe have libdirectfb-dev in main?04:47
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lamont-awaydaniels: so far it's just libxaw and boost, it appears.04:49
infinityboost is the root of much, if not all, evil.04:50
lamont-awayit's a toolchain issue with a non-trivial fix (as in, I'm not sure they understand the best way to make it go away...)04:50
danielsyou can upload to fix it if it's really bothering you; my machine is slammed with other things (primarily mesa)04:50
lamont-awayinfinity: women are the root of all evil.  boost must just be most.04:50
lamont-awaydaniels: ok.  I'll probably upload something that adds -ffunction-sections on hppa (and mips, I gather... not that ubuntu cares...)04:50
danielslamont-away: okay04:51
lamont-awayyou need a diff when I get ther?04:51
=== lamont-away will file bugs and such...
infinitylamont-away : May as well do the Debian arches too, in case gravity decides to sync from our packaging.04:51
danielsgravity is syncing from our packaging04:52
danielslamont-away: diff will be useful but not essential04:52
minghuainfinity: are you going to UBZ?04:52
lamont-awaydaniels: I'll stick it in the bug, I expect.04:52
infinityminghua : Yup.04:52
danielslamont-away: thanks04:53
minghuainfinity: I was thinking of writing something up about SCIM support on wiki04:53
minghuainfinity: so if I do write it, you are going to be there selling it/getting feedback/etc.?04:53
infinityminghua : Well, I believe I'm leading a BOF about input methods, so anything you have to add would be nice, ezpecially if you can't be there in person.04:53
minghuainfinity: cool, I'll definitely write up a page on wiki then04:54
minghuainfinity: I would like to go, but I don't have vacations04:54
infinityminghua : Thanks.  Mail me at adconrad@ubuntu.com with a pointer to it when you're done. :)04:54
minghuainfinity: sure04:54
minghuainfinity: where should I put it?  does DapperGoals sound a good place?04:55
minghuaor do you have a page for your BOF?04:56
lamont-awaymdz: any chance of getting hppa/sparc into bz's architecture list?04:56
infinityminghua ; There's an InputMethods page... That's not the BOF page, though.04:57
minghuainfinity: it's not going to be a user guide for scim, I don't have time for that04:57
infinityminghua : Oh, but the BOF links to that page currently.04:57
minghuainfinity: it's just going to be "what does scim provide, what does debian currently have, and what I/we plan to do in additional to debian" type of thing04:58
infinityminghua : Look at InputMethods, and if you have stuff to add to that, just make your own section and babble in it.04:58
infinityminghua : I'll write a formal spec at UBZ, but I can't be bothered starting one now.04:58
minghuainfinity: all right, I'll put something either in or under InputMethods04:58
lamont-awaydaniels: 18483, assigned to me05:02
=== lu|brb [n=louie@c-66-31-46-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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luis__is there a dapper weather report?05:04
luis__like, 'stormy- hold off on updates', or 'clear skies- update now', or...?05:04
infinityHow about "we just uploaded and built 2000 random source packages, and we have no clue if any of it works"05:05
infinityDoes that help?05:05
luis__well, yes, that helps me personally ;) but I was wondering if there were a more public news-y source that mentioned those kinds of things, that could be monitored instead of poking the channel05:06
lamont-awayluis__: the first month or two tend to be fraught with peril.05:06
luis__(mozilla used to do such a thing for HEAD, but gave up because it was fairly resource intensive for them)05:06
mdzlamont-away: I think that's a twiddle-in-the-db sort of operation05:06
mdzlamont-away: it should appear in malone fairly soon though05:06
lamont-awayluis__: it's a development release... anything before UVF is something that developers want to install on a test box long before they put it on any machine they care about, and users really don't want ot mess with..05:07
=== bddebian wonders if that is like twiddle-dee-dee
luis__lamont-away: I'm not a total newb, thanks ;)05:07
infinityluis__ : Subscribe to dapper-changes and ubuntu-changes-auto if you want to see what's going in on any given day.05:07
infinityluis__ : If you had done that two days ago, your INBOX would be flooded right now.05:07
=== lamont-away takes one 'dee' from bddebian
=== luis__ really wants a new mono, but fears the rest of the associated pain
lamont-awayinfinity: I only have 1MB of dapper-changes... hardly anything. :-)05:08
lamont-awaybreezy finished out at 59MB05:08
lamont-awayand hoary only had 21MB... that's a scary trend.05:08
luis__40MB of that being X changes ;)05:09
infinitylamont-away : Well, yes, the people who whined to me about -changes got an earful about builg log mail. :)05:09
=== lamont-away blames daniels and xorg
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wasabiHmm. Isn't there some simple daemon tool to make init scripts that just launch and monitor simple commands?05:09
lamont-awayinfinity: yea, verily05:09
lamont-awaywasabi: start-stop-daemon05:09
wasabiThat will watch?05:09
wasabiI need to monitor for death.05:09
infinityYou want daemon-tools, but without the djb crack associated with it.05:10
infinitySomeone must have NIHd it by now.05:10
infinitywasabi : runit, perhaps?05:12
wasabiHmm. Cool.05:12
sfvt_wasabi, see monit: http://www.tildeslash.com/monit/05:13
infinityAnother daemontools-alike...05:13
infinityThough, it seems a bit more..bloated.05:14
danielsugh, daemontools05:16
infinityThe conecept doesn't irk me nearly as much as the implementation.05:16
danielswell, the usual djb NIH05:17
daniels'unix? what's that?'05:17
infinityThat fact that runit does daemontools-like things, but in a SysV init system makes it pretty attractive.05:17
danielssee, in a sysv system, makes it far better already.  plus its author presumably isn't as much of a useless tool.05:17
infinityI'll admit to never having installed runit, though, it just looks neat on paper. :)05:17
wasabiTrying to make a dirt easy init process for vblade (AoE)05:17
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danielswhat's this new multi-contributor changelog format we're all supposed to be using or something?05:27
infinitydch creates it automagically if it detects a need.05:28
danielsoh, so it does.  neat.05:29
infinityI, personally, detest the format.  But whatever. :)05:29
danielsi thought it was meant to be a ' -- Foo Bar <baz@quux.tld>  [date] ' for everyone05:30
infinityThat would break the changelog format in horrible ways.05:30
infinityThis is non-intrusive and works with older parsers.05:31
minghuainfinity: just for curiosity, what is the format you want?05:32
infinityminghua : The one I use. :)05:32
infinity * Contributor One <contrib@one.com>05:33
infinity   - Changed stuff05:33
infinity * Contributor Two <contrib@two.com>05:33
infinity   - Changed other stuff05:33
minghuaI see05:34
infinityBut, to each their own.05:34
infinityIt's irritating that the devscripts format removes the email address for all but the uploader.05:34
bob2isn't that basically how everyone has done it in Debian for a thousand years?05:35
infinityMakes it harder to hunt down the person responsible for change Foo.05:35
bddebianperfect :-)05:35
minghuamaybe the devscripts maintainer can be persuade to use [Contributor one <contrib@one.com>]  in the current format?05:35
infinityYeah, probably, but I've never bothered to file a bug (or change devscripts in Ubuntu to be gratuitously different), because I just don't care that much. :)05:36
=== infinity decides it's time to go shopping for UBZ supplies.
infinityNo, I'll get that in Canada. :)05:41
infinityI need a new backpack, though.05:41
infinityAnd a haircut.05:41
infinityI figure Mark's shallow enough that if I want to talk about money, I best be looking.. Well.. Dapper.05:42
infinityLa la la.05:43
=== infinity hopes he can take a joke. :)
HrdwrBoBmullet... business in front, party out back!05:44
bob2loooooong at the back05:45
bob2but short at the sides05:45
infinityHrdwrBoB : I think a reverse mullet would be more fun.05:45
sabdflinfinity: hmmm?05:46
bddebianUh oh05:46
infinitySo much for the "make fun of the boss while he's asleep" scenario. :)05:46
sabdflinfinity: i never really sleep, you know05:47
infinityJoin the club.05:47
infinityAnyhow, I better go get my head blinged, now that I've made a big deal of it.05:48
danielsit'd better be a mullet, or we'll all be very disappointed.05:49
danielsbonus points if you go the westie variant, and shave off everything but a ratty fringe and the back mullety bit05:49
bob2daniels: don't forget to take pictures05:50
infinityI seriously wish my hair was long enough to do a reverse mullet.05:50
infinityJust for a day05:50
infinitysabdfl : If I get a really fantastic haircut with an Ubuntu logo shaved in it, can I talk you into buying hppa buildds for the DC? :005:55
danielsubuntu on top, kubuntu and edubuntu on the sides05:57
danielsand buntu or something on the back05:57
infinityWith an as-yet-undetermined server logo tattooed on my forehead?05:57
danielsthe server logo has to actually be 2U big, on your head05:58
danielsnone of this miniaturisation crap05:58
infinityThat could be tough.05:58
daniels(to which the obvious rejoinder is, 'well, you do have a big head.')05:59
sabdflinfinity: if you can get LAMONT to get a really fantastic haircut...06:00
infinityI don't think that can be done.06:00
infinityI could give him one in his sleep, though.06:01
danielsmaybe we could dreadlock bob2's hair into the ubuntu logo06:01
danielsthat would be phat06:01
lamont-awaysabdfl: depends on how permanent it is...06:01
infinityI've never had a permanent haircut...06:01
infinityWe could scalp you, I suppose.06:02
daniels'surprise! you've got no head!'06:02
danielsthat's semi-permanent, yes06:02
lamont-awayhrm... I think my hair is long enough to do a tropical-fish dew for the day...06:02
=== lamont-away hands dilinger a pirate keyboary
dilinger files list file for package `gnome-applets-data' contains empty filename06:03
dilingerErrors were encountered while processing:06:03
dilinger /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-applets-data_2.12.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb06:03
dilingerthis machine's hung twice during this dist-upgrade06:03
lamont-awaydilinger: way cool.06:03
dilingerand now it looks like ext3 is going to stage a revolt :/06:04
danielsi wonder if anyone would notice if I added XK_yarr to keysymdef.h, rebuilt libx11 against it, and changed the default keymap to 'pirate' one day06:04
danielsevery key -> skull and crossbones06:04
lamont-awaysabdfl: although it would be kinda cool to run ubuntu-server on hp's superdome06:04
sabdfllamont-away: in the hair department, i'm learning that nothing is permanent06:05
lamontsabdfl: pulling it out does not count as 'balding'. :-)06:05
=== lamont considers his hairline, shuts up.
mdzthat ship sailed long ago for me06:06
dilingeri can't even dpkg --purge --force-all gnome-applets-data06:06
danielsi still retain my beautiful flowing locks06:06
luis__thats because you're, like, 1206:07
danielseasy, or I'll break your hip06:07
dilingerhey, neat.  i dunno wtf this is in /var/lib/dpkg/info/gnome-applets-data.list, but it's definitely not the package's file list06:08
infinityIs it binary? :)06:08
sabdfllamont: if you can get them donated and shipped, we will love them and house them and tend to them and even build on them06:09
dilingerno, text.  it looks like part of a Packages file, and.. something else mixed in.06:09
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-18-5-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinitylamont : Start the shaving process.  He's unconvinced.06:09
danielssabdfl: as opposed to, say, love them and house them and tend to them and just cat /proc/cpuinfo on them for kicks every now and again06:10
sabdfljbailey: around?06:10
lamontsabdfl: I expect I can scrounge up something fat to ship06:10
dilingerterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'06:10
dilinger  what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid06:10
sabdfllamont: DOIT06:10
lamontI assume '4' is the magic number?06:10
sabdfl4... u?06:10
sabdfl4.... processors?06:11
lamont4 machines06:11
sabdfl4.... me?06:11
danielsjbailey: how much convincing would it take for you to turn your very nice long hair (and it is very nice) into a huge rat tail?06:11
infinitylamont : Oh, if you can, then ship to me, too.06:11
=== dilinger wills keybuk onto irc
lamontinfinity: I expect I probably can... it's more a scrounging exercise....06:11
lamontsabdfl: I'll shoot for something in the 2U range, and at least 2 of them.06:11
lamontprobably don't really need a porter-machine for hppa06:12
infinitylamont : Multi-core?06:12
lamontinfinity: could be 2-way, I expect06:12
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sabdfllamont: that will likely do. tradition has for 1 porting and 3 buildd, but you would know what you need06:13
infinitylamont : 8900s, or are they too shiny to free up?06:13
mdzsabdfl: jbailey turned in about 45m ago06:13
sabdflwhat would really be nice is enough remote management for you / infinity to test the installer against them when they are not building06:13
sabdflsensible man06:13
sabdfland since we are now on his timezone, i think i might do the same06:14
=== Gman is now known as GmanAFK
mdzsleep is almost a foregone conclusion with an 0645 pickup06:14
infinitysabdfl : That would be rather nice if we could get remote console access to the current machines, yes.06:14
sabdflmdz: spec bits charging for production at an alarming rate, take a squizz in 2006:14
sabdflinfinity: help iwj / mdz / elmo spec automated install testing at ubz06:15
mdzsabdfl: you haven't slept?06:15
sabdflmdz: no. drank a little though06:15
mdzsabdfl: sometimes that counts06:16
danielsnear enough's good enough06:16
sabdfldaniels: so, you're suggesting up not move to dapper before heading for bed, then?06:16
mdzsabdfl: launchpad told me it was going down for maintenance in 7 minutes, about an hour ago06:16
sabdflmdz: it came up. going back down. will come back up. then take a squizz.06:17
danielssabdfl: x is still half-half, because some packages are binary-NEW06:17
mdzsquizz standing by06:17
lamontsabdfl: we'll eventually get all 4...06:17
mdzalmost finished packing06:17
danielssabdfl: but the packages themselves work fine (the same packages that upgraded okay for everyone else, same packages I've been running for a few days), so06:17
lamontI'll probably wind up shipping one, getting it happy, and then shipping the one that is the current buildd for hppa/ubuntu06:17
lamontthen comes the hard scrounging06:17
lamontas in actually finding someone who's willing to pony up a little cash for my pet project.06:18
sabdfllamont: that's cool. scrounging means a bit of diversity, which is actually nice06:18
danielssabdfl: it's generally solid, though06:18
sabdfldaniels: ok, will brave the drake at ubz06:18
danielssabdfl: being able to beat the person responsible for breakage usually makes for good upgrading06:19
infinityAmen to that.06:19
mdzqueue/new is bulging06:19
sabdfldaniels: it's not technically in your contract, but i'll hold you to it. or it to you.06:19
sabdflelmo: ?06:19
infinitymdz : Yeah, I've noticed. :)06:19
danielssabdfl: what're you talking about? there's a whole section about optional bonuses, right there.06:20
sabdflbinus whooopin'?06:20
infinityI'm not sure that means that your employer can optionally assign himself the bonus of beating the tar out of you.06:21
infinityBut an interesting interpretation.06:21
danielsinfinity: not an interpretation I'm sure I like06:22
danielssabdfl: that's not *quite* what I had in mind ...06:22
sabdflinfinity: you haven't ever been to an ubuntu dev summit in a foreign timezone, haveya?06:22
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infinitysabdfl : And after this one, I still won't have, since I htink I've been living in Canadian timezones ever since I moved to Australia.06:23
danielsyeah.  oxford wasn't a foreign tz for me, since by then I had no home tz.06:23
daniels(slept two random two-hour hits most days, at totally random times.)06:23
mdzdaniels: the only binary-new obviously-X package I see is xserver-kdrive06:24
=== lamont reuploads, this time to dapper instead of breezy... sigh
danielsmdz: hm, xdmx-utils (xorg-server) should be NEW06:26
wasabiI thought X was moving out of /usr/X11R606:28
infinitymdz : Scratch that, daniel has some FTBFSs to deal with. :)06:28
lamontsabdfl: I'm trying to remember - does this mean I have to shave my head, or not?06:35
infinitylamont : It can't hurt.06:35
lamontinfinity: yes it can.06:35
lamontthere's this scar, you see..06:35
infinityEven better.06:35
infinityDress it up.06:35
lamontit seems that the Japanese have really short doors.06:35
sabdfllamont: no. just send 'em and we'll tend 'em06:36
sabdflnight now. really.06:36
infinitymdz : readline-common needs to be promoted to main.06:36
infinitymdz : New libreadline5 depends on it.06:37
infinitymdz : We'll be hitching up on a fair few builds until that migrates.06:38
mdzinfinity: looks like elmo updated teri for dapper, so I'll move it06:38
infinitySweet, thanks.06:38
mdzinfinity: is gcc unbroken?06:46
mdzlooks like jamesh and I will be on the same flight06:50
mdzinfinity: you, too, but on a different day06:50
danielsi'm flying through frigging honolulu06:54
danielssince edward somehow managed to book me on a direct syd->yvr flight that no longer exists originally06:54
=== CaiN_SA [n=cain@rrba-146-94-75.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsLos Angeles police sparked a surprising sight when they led away real-life versions of cuddly Sesame Street Muppet Elmo and cartoon hero Mr Incredible.07:00
=== dilinger blinks
dilinger"They jumped out of their cars with guns drawn," said Mr Harper, who says he makes up to $400 a day in tips.07:05
dilingeri'm in the wrong business07:05
daniels80k/yr, presumably tax-free, isn't too bad07:07
=== ajmitch wouldn't mind
HrdwrBoBthat's a good point, how on earth does the US tax all those tips?07:11
minghuaI read (on my tax forms) you are supposed to report the amount yourself07:12
HrdwrBoBheh, I'm sure that goes very well07:12
dilingerprobably the same way the US taxes other forms of income that aren't through some company; the honor system07:13
=== daniels sighs at mesa.
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infinitymdz : gcc will remain broken until it gets synced from sid.08:53
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mdkequestion: are the backports repositories going to be created on release for dapper, or some time after? If the latter, we need to correct our documentation...09:12
=== daniels battles Mesa, emerges bloodied and victorious.
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B1D11.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachgood morning09:24
Treenaksmr holbach! :)09:25
ajmitchhello dholbach 09:26
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dholbachhey Treenaks, ajmitch :)09:32
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spaynemornin' all10:13
mdkecan anyone answer my backports question, above?10:14
spaynemdke: what's the question? sorry - just joined10:15
sivangGOod morning all10:15
=== rob^ looks in
mdkespayne,  are the backports repositories going to be created on release for dapper, or some time after?10:16
dholbachubuntu-backports@ should know10:16
spaynehey dholbach10:16
spaynemdke: i think they start as soon as packages that are in Dapper and want to be backported10:17
spaynelaunchpad is down - is that known?10:18
mdkedholbach, thanks10:18
spayneit's up now :)10:18
mdkespayne, pretty strange to have the archive in the default sources.list but not even create the archive10:18
mdkedholbach, is that @lists?10:18
spaynemdke: i know but it was part of the deal when backports become offical IIRC10:19
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spaynesigh - still not on the Members list ;)10:22
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mdkespayne, you don't lose anything by not being on there10:22
spaynemdke: thanks10:23
mdkeif it's blocking your work you should definitely contact someone about it10:24
spaynemdke: without that, is there any proof i'm a member :)10:25
ajmitchspayne: does it matter if you haven't been added within a few hours?10:26
spayneajmitch: no no, not at all10:26
mdkespayne, who do you need to prove it to?10:26
spaynemdke: no one10:27
=== spayne thinks this conv. should stop here
=== spayne apologises for starting it
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spaynejdub: ping10:56
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freeflying/usr/include/c++/4.0.2/bits/stl_vector.h: In function int main(int, char**):11:10
freeflying/usr/include/c++/4.0.2/bits/stl_vector.h:495: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault11:10
freeflyingPlease submit a full bug report,11:10
freeflyingwith preprocessed source if appropriate.11:10
freeflyingSee <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.11:10
freeflyingFor Debian GNU/Linux specific bug reporting instructions,11:10
freeflyingsee <URL:file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.0/README.Bugs>.11:10
=== martink [n=martin@p54B39C9A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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infinityfreeflying : Pasting in an IRC channel doesn't count as submitting a bug report.11:14
freeflyingIt's seems there sre errors of my RAM11:15
hungerfreeflying: Use memtest86 for a couple opf hours to make sure.11:15
freeflyingwhen I use gentoo to emerge something big like Xorg ,my gcc will crach 11:17
infinityAre you overclocking your front side bus?11:18
infinityOr just plain overheating in any way?11:18
infinityThat'll make GCC segv like nobody's business.11:18
freeflyinghaven't overclock anything11:19
freeflyingmemtest is nightmare11:19
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slomoelmo: please sync cli-common from debian unstable... ubuntu changes can be dropped11:20
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dholbachhi zyga, hey koke11:33
sivanghi dholbach !11:36
dholbachhi sivan11:36
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zygalast day to get specs online11:39
zygadholbach: should my spec be created in launchpad or in the wiki?11:39
infinityCreate the spec in the wiki, then register it in launchpad.11:40
infinity(launchpad will ask you for the URL of the wiki page)11:40
zygaah, okay11:40
=== zyga goes to check launchpad
=== koke [n=koke@169.Red-217-127-113.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangzyga: if you want it to get approved, you can "Request feedback" from someone specific11:46
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ajmitchsivang: approval would come during/after UBZ, I'd think?11:47
zygasivang: how do I do that?11:48
sivangajmitch: approval = approving if the BOF will get discussed, AFAICT11:51
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sivangajmitch: e.g., there are many suggested ideas - we couldn't possibly discuss all of them in the tight schedule, or could we? :)11:52
sivangzyga: after you registered your spec in lp,notice the right menu has "Request feedback" item11:52
ajmitch"The person responsible for approving the specification, and for reviewing the code when it's ready to be landed."11:53
zygaah, okay I'm still copying the specs to the wiki from gedit, it'll take a while11:53
infinitysivang : no, from my phone discussion with mdz and sabdfl, it looks like the "approver" is the person assigned to go over the spec after it's drafter ad make sure it's sane.  Which comes after the BOF.11:53
zygaWaterSevenUb: morning :-)11:54
sivanginfinity: ah, sorry for the mis guidance then - thanks for correcting me11:54
WaterSevenUbzyga, mooorning :)11:54
sivangzyga: then, what infinity said :) and you probably don't need to use that then11:55
zygawhere is pitti/11:55
ajmitchinfinity: ie, the people to convince and/or bribe?11:55
dholbachzyga: travelling11:55
zygadoes anoyne know what happens to translations of universe packages11:55
zygathey are not rolled out as language packs11:55
zygaare they 'synced' with the package only at release time?11:56
infinityajmitch : That's one way of looking at it.  I prefer to look at it as "the people who will shoot down the crackpot stuff, thus lessening my workload, post-UBZ", but YMMV. :)11:56
infinityzyga : universe packages don't get translations stripped.11:56
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infinityzyga : They stay in the package.11:57
ajmitchinfinity: a reasonable description also :)11:57
infinityWe were severely lacking in crackpot-shooting-down with UDU, so ended up with a huge stack of randomly-assigned specs that didn't seem to go anywhere or be useful enough to implement anything with.11:58
zygainfinity: so i18n 'update' for universe happens only at release11:58
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infinityLangpacks aren't done for universe because they'd be HUGE.11:58
zygainfinity: thanks I'm working on fixing that in general :-)11:59
infinityIn theory, we could do post-release universe langpacks that only contained updates, but not the original translations.  Even those would get big fairly quickly, though.11:59
WaterSevenUbinfinity, how big are we talking here?:)11:59
infinityBut, yeah.  Look at the size of the main langpacks.  Look at the number of packages in universe versus main.  Do math.11:59
zygalangpacks are a compromise12:00
infinityHeck, even the main ones were big enough that we split them (ingo base, gnome, and kde)12:00
zygaI want to scrapt them and do the right thing12:00
infinityWhat's the "right thing"?12:00
infinityDoing out-of-band updates that bypass dpkg seems evil on many levels.12:01
Riddellinfinity: the split is mostly to stop unnecessary files on ubuntu for kubuntu and vice-verse12:01
zygainfinity: just read my spec in an hour ;-)12:01
zygainfinity: apt is used as a vector12:01
zygainfinity: anyway --- just wait :-)12:01
infinityRiddell : Yes, where you say "unnecessary files", I say "size"... Tomato, tomahto.12:01
zygaI'm effectively saying the same things in two windows ;-)12:01
infinityRiddell : We wouldn't care about "unnecessary files" if they were tiny and insignificant.  But they're not.12:02
infinity(Heck, if translations were tiny and insignificant, we wouldn't strip them in the first place)12:02
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ajmitchhi pitti 12:03
pittiHi everybody12:03
infinityzyga : Note that langpack translations get installed to a different search path than translations in the packages themselves, so there's no overlap issues if we were to provide universe langpack updates to override/augment the shipped translations.  It's just the size issue that's worth looking at.12:04
infinityHey pitti. :)12:04
pittiHi infinity - greetings from the London office12:04
infinitypitti : dpkg-deb diversion hack is a success.12:04
zygainfinity: I know :-)12:04
zygapitti: morning :-)12:04
pittiinfinity: just read your reply to Scott, nice12:04
pittiHi zyga12:04
zygapitti: can I assign you to my specs?12:04
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Keybukinfinity: I just meant that the "dpkg-deb --extract" codepath isn't used when unpacking debs12:07
Keybuk(which most people think it is)12:07
Keybukit still does use dpkg-deb to actually pull the deb apart into the two tarfiles12:08
sabdflmdz: ping12:12
infinityKeybuk : Yes.  I noticed. :)12:14
infinityKeybuk : I've also decided that dpkg-diverting dpkg-deb is about the dumbest idea ever.  So I went ahead and did it anyway.  Works great.12:14
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pittizyga: my time is a bit limited, so I probably can't be the assignee of all specs12:19
pittizyga: but I'll happily subscribe to them12:19
pittizyga: I can also draft them if necessary, that's not a problem12:19
pittizyga: but I might not be able to code them12:19
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zygapitti: I'm for the coding part12:25
zygapitti: but a review is nice12:25
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=== Gman is now known as Gman_
=== Gman_ is now known as Gman
pittizyga: works for me12:29
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Diziettructions to create your account:12:33
Diziet   https://launchpad.net/token/23TZx0W264NkP9rn5QnQ12:33
DizietThe Launchpad is a web portal for open source developers that12:33
Dizietincludes easy web based translation and bug management. We'll12:33
Dizietbe adding new features to The Launchpad based on your12:33
Dizietsuggestions, so feel free to contact us on #launchpad on12:33
Dizietirc.freenode.net with ideas. Malone and Rosetta are just12:33
Dizietthe tip of the iceberg ;-)12:33
DizietThank you!12:34
DizietOops, wrong window!12:34
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spaynewho runs The Fridge?01:00
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slomospayne: jdub afaik01:01
spayneslomo: i think he is away, is he not?01:01
slomono idea01:02
spaynefor 16 hours anyway :)01:02
mdkeZnarl, got a free 60 secs?01:03
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mdkespayne, you can contact the fridge at fridge-devel@u.c01:27
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zakamehi all01:47
=== dholbach -> lunch & shopping some bits for .ca
zakamewhere can I get a list of all packages shipped in the Breezy CD?02:11
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Nafallozakame: http://releases.ubuntu.com/5.10/*.list02:13
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zakameNafallo: ah, thanks :D02:15
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mdkewho would be a good person to ask to review a spec for moving documentation out of the wiki?02:57
mdkei want a few more eyeballs on it, if poss.02:57
Lathiatwell, i'll look02:58
Lathiatisnt that what help.ubuntu.com is for?02:59
Lathiatand also02:59
Lathiatif a wiki isn't for documentation02:59
Lathiatwtf is it for/ :)02:59
bob2Lathiat: duh, that's what the forums are for02:59
mdkeLathiat, the ubuntu wiki is used for specs, documentation, community, locoteams, and other development tools02:59
Simirayes, that's nice02:59
mdkethe spec is at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/better-wiki-docs02:59
bob2wikis will weed out useful stuff like how to make the nvidia driver go faster by selecting the PCI ID02:59
jsgotangcoSeveas: awesome email...traffic in the making....02:59
Simiraeverything in one place!03:00
bob2or how none of the k8 kernels work on amd64s03:00
mdkethere are several disadvantages of the "all in one place" theory03:00
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=== Simira likes it
mdkeas detailed in the spec. Anyhow, the more eyes on the spec, the better03:00
Lathiatbob2: nah, you need to recompile xorg with -ffast-math03:00
=== jsgotangco didn't like the edubuntu/ubuntu wiki merge
zakamejsgotangco: yeah, reminded me to join #edubuntu :D03:00
Lathiatselecting the pci id just doesnt do enough03:00
Lathiatmdke: so i dont think it shoudl so much be a "better wiki" as such the help.ubuntu.com site03:01
Lathiatperhaps in some kind of "unofficial" area03:01
bob2erk, designing everything through specs is dangerous03:01
Lathiatand it *really* needs to be organised better03:01
mdkeLathiat, sorry, I don't understand that03:01
Lathiatmdke: it should be on help.ubuntu.com, but probably in some kind of "Unofficial User Suggestions" area03:01
Lathiatand perhaps promoted by someone intelligent to some "better" area03:02
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Nafallobob2: ehm, none of the k8-kernels work?03:02
mdkeLathiat, you are suggesting forking to two documentation wikis? that would be pretty crazy03:02
bob2Nafallo: according to some delightful forum posts03:02
mdkeanyhow, OT, let's go to #-doc03:02
Lathiatmdke: no, im suggesting putting it in a subsection03:02
Lathiatmdke: /Unofficial/Blah, or whatever03:02
Nafallobob2: wow. must be lusers :-).03:02
bob2letting random clueless people put documention up is a danger03:02
=== jbailey reads the backscroll and phears.
mdkeanyhow the question was, who would be a good "official-ish" person to read the spec, other than those who have written it?03:03
jbaileyAnyone know *why* sabdfl was pinging me in the middle of a discussion about haircuts? =)03:04
bob2that spec seems to have stated a problem without any evidence03:04
mdkebob2, -doc03:04
=== mdke goes looking for a photo of jbailey
mdkeaha, yeah nice hair03:06
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=== jbailey wonders which picture mdke found
ssh_rdphey , where is fabbio ?03:07
Seveasjsgotangco, thanks03:07
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jsgotangcothe one with blue highlights!03:08
jsgotangcoor the one eating a banana during UDU03:08
ssh_rdpfabbione 03:09
mdkejbailey, google just has one under images03:09
jsgotangcotry removing the adult filters heh03:10
jbaileymdke: This is my favourite one right now: http://www.pateam.org/images/OLS/OLS2005/tn/IMGP0238.jpg.html03:10
Treenaksjbailey: that's you from the front?03:11
Treenaksazeem: ...03:11
jsgotangcojbailey: the blue highlights look sooo anime...03:13
jbaileyazeem: True, but in fairness at least it's not http://web.walfield.org/~neal/photos/200307-norway/vigeland-neal-marcus-1-small.html =)03:13
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jbaileyjsgotangco: Yeah.  I need to get them redone soon.03:14
Treenaksjbailey: or http://web.walfield.org/~neal/photos/200307-norway/vigeland-neal-2-small.html03:15
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ssh_rdpwhen can i find him?03:17
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mdkebob2, i'd like to know your views, can you join #ubuntu-doc?03:20
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lifelessjbailey: hello from the same city!03:20
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jsgotangcolifeless: already in montreal?03:22
jbaileylifeless: Ooo!  You're in Montral already?03:24
lifelessjbailey: yeth03:24
lifelessjsgotangco: ditto03:24
zakamejsgotangco: when are you going? :)03:24
jbaileylifeless: Interested in coming over and keeping doko and I from getting work done? =)  We're in a toolchain minisprint. =)03:24
=== Treenaks will be going next Saturday
lifelessjbailey: how far to your place ?03:25
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jbaileylifeless: From here?  2 or 3 metres.03:25
Treenakswhat's the weather like in $city?03:25
=== lifeless slapths jbailey
lifelessjbailey: from $whereIam03:26
Treenakslifeless: maps.google.com :)03:26
lifelessTreenaks: and that helps me determine travel time how ?03:26
jbaileylifeless: It has source and destination.03:26
Treenakslifeless: it'll give you distance03:27
jbaileylifeless: But better than that.. WTH are you? =)03:27
Treenakslifeless: distance / speed = time03:27
lifelessjbailey: holiday inn03:27
LathiatTreenaks: or better yet distance / time = speed03:27
lifelessTreenaks: I am not a crow03:27
jbaileyTreenaks: Effective temp (including windchill) of -1C, Actual 4C, raining.03:27
Treenaksjbailey: thanks, now I know what to pack :)03:28
jbaileylifeless: Do you remember off hand which subway station is closest?03:28
lifelessjbailey: you have a subway ?03:28
jbaileyTreenaks: Remember to bring a Hallowe'en costume. =)03:28
jbaileylifeless: No, but the city does.03:28
jbaileyI had one but had to sell it..03:28
=== jbailey sings MONORAIL!
lifelesshope you got a profit03:28
Treenaksjbailey: I have Corel Linux CDs03:29
lifeless  Holiday Inn Select03:29
lifeless99 VIGER AVE & ST. URBAIN ST.03:29
lifelessMONTREAL, QC H2Z1E903:29
jbaileylifeless: You're 4km from here.03:30
=== Diziet realises why davenant (house server) was being slow. The overnight mirror run just finished.
TreenaksDiziet: you did 'sync'03:30
lifelessjbailey: thats reasonably close03:30
TreenaksDiziet: and it's syncing everything out to disk?03:30
lifelessjbailey: cab//subway best ?03:30
jbaileylifeless: You're closest to Place D'Armes mtro03:30
lifelessWhere do I need to get to ?03:31
jbaileyhttp://www.stcum.qc.ca/ is english metro map03:31
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lifeless(subway wise)03:31
jbailey(switching to /msg)03:31
Diziettreenaks: No, just a simple matter of making 108145 hardlinks.03:31
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TreenaksDiziet: still needs to be synced to disk :)03:32
zakamewb Seveas03:32
=== Treenaks download map to phone :)
=== Treenaks cuts map into pieces, then downloads to phone
sivangTreenaks: this time we arrive the same time so you wouldn't be able to publish photos eh? :)03:35
sivangdoes anybody know if we got soft midi working out of the box in breezy?03:35
Treenakssivang: no, and I probably won't be staying at the same place as you03:35
sivangTreenaks: oh03:36
Treenakssivang: unless you're staying in the 500m-away-hostel03:36
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=== lifeless -> jeffs
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salgadojbailey, around?03:49
jbaileysalgado: yoyosup?03:49
=== lamont idly wonders if MOM is online and doing her job.
salgadojbailey, does the scripts inside the hooks/ dir will be run after mkinitramfs finishes?03:51
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sivanglamont: she's supposed to file auto merge bugs into bugzilla right?03:52
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jbaileysalgado: They're invoked as part of mkinitramfs.03:53
jbaileysalgado: Are you just trying to figure out the order, or is there a bug you're chasing?03:53
jbaileysalgado: (So I know what info to give you)03:53
salgadojbailey, I was trying to figure out the order. I need to add a post-mkinitramfs-run script03:54
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salgadois it possible to do that?03:54
jbaileysalgado: Not really, no.  The hooks run near to the end, but not after it.  What do you need the script to do?  Maybe we can solve the problem another way.03:55
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lamontSimira: yes03:56
salgadojbailey, I want to have the network bootable images automatically generated when a new kernel is installed03:56
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jbaileysalgado: Right, you have two problems I think:03:57
jbailey1) initramfs can be regenerated by many apps in dapper03:57
jbailey2) There's no promise that this is the last step in preparing the kernel in the kernel scripts.03:58
jbaileyTo solve #1, you need hooks in initramfs-tools03:58
jbaileyTo solve #2, you need a hook in the kernel package.03:58
salgadosomething like a postinst in the kernel package? or would that be run before the initramfs is generated?04:00
Keybukjbailey: here's a crazy thought ...04:00
Keybukgenerate it in an rc6.d script04:00
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Keybukit's not actually a "funny"04:03
KeybukWindows does this for a few things, stashes them to be done at shutdown/reboot04:03
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Keybukif the user just powers off their machine or hard-resets it, there are other potential problems like whatever we just put on the filesystem not being there anymore ...04:05
zakameoh, the "haha" :( sorry, wrogn chan)04:07
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Keybukit's soooo quiet04:39
zakameI suppose folks are packing for Montreal04:40
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jsgotangcoKeybuk: where does the F1 app pull data from? the live timing? was thinking of the same for A104:46
Keybukthere's a server the FIA provide that outputs it04:47
Keybukno idea whether A1 have anything similar04:47
Keybukmost of the work was painstakingly reverse engineering the network protocol to figure it out04:50
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sivanghey trulux 05:09
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mdkeZnarl, ping?05:18
zakamehey trulux05:19
Znarlmdke : Hello!05:19
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mdkeZnarl, the ip address of doc.ubuntu.com seems to be weirdly oscillating between the old and new, (http://pastebin.com/406321) is this normal? any ideas what is wrong?05:19
truluxheya guys :)05:19
truluxhow's it going?05:19
Znarlmdke : Ohh, I'll fix that.05:20
mdkeZnarl, merci05:20
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mdkeZnarl, also, any news on rt #56705:20
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Znarlmdke : That's going to have to wait I'm affraid.05:21
ZnarlIt's super urgent?  Generally urgent or nice for it to be done?05:21
mdkeno not urgent, just nice, but i've been waiting a couple of weeks on it, due to no fault of you guys05:22
mdkelet's face it, it's not gonna be done once UBZ starts, right?05:23
Dizietubuntu.com: warning: glueless NS ns0.blackcatnetworks.co.uk ([]  g.gtld-servers.net, server for com)05:23
sivangmdke: can anyone access rt?05:23
mdkesivang, not sure05:24
DizietAnd the same warning about ns1.05:24
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ZnarlDiziet : Yes. :(  This will be fixed in the next few days.05:24
DizietI just thought you might like to know ...05:25
ZnarlWe're changing our DNS hosting to avoid many problems such as this one and mdke strange docs resolving issues.05:25
DizietI use BCN and don't have glueless nameservers :-P.05:25
Diziet(And I don't have `strange resolving issues' either, generally.)05:26
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ZnarlDiziet : Yes, thanks for letting me know about ubuntu.com.  :P05:27
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dholbachhi BenC 05:33
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xTinaIs it on purpose that /usr/bin/xterm does not write any utmp entries, even if run with +ut?05:52
=== robitaille [n=robitail@p238-121.public.uvic.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukdoes Canada use dodgy american spit at you and try to kill you power sockets?05:58
dilingeramerican power sockets spit at you?05:58
Keybukyes, they're evil05:59
dilingerwhat'd you do to piss them off?05:59
sivangKeybuk: I didn't know that05:59
dilingerlast time i was in montreal i seem to recall not needing power adapters05:59
Keybukdilinger: they just barely hold the plugs in, and spit at you when you plug things in, pull things out, or even go near them06:00
robitailleI'm looking around me in my office, and none of these canadian power sockets are spitting at me this morning :)06:00
dilingerKeybuk: i think that's more a factor of the wiring in the place you're in, and the state of the wall sockets06:00
dilingersomeplace that isn't falling apart or 100 years old shouldn't be spitting at you or dropping your plugs06:01
robitaillebut generally canadian wiring/sockets are exactly like the ones in the US.06:01
mdkesurely US voltage is ok for european stuff, it's only the other way round that things start getting crazy06:01
Keybukdilinger: bear in mind the country I come from believe in absolute safely when it comes to plug design, there's absolutely no possible way you can be electrocuted or start a fire with a british plug, and if you get mugged you can use them as a weapon06:02
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dilingerKeybuk: we like to let our kids learn about electricity at a young age, w/ hands-on experience06:03
lamontKeybuk: I mean, it's not like it'll kill you or anything........06:04
sivangKeybuk: lol, do you have a photo of those? what's the voltage there in England?06:05
DizietTry running a British kettle off US voltage and see how long it takes to boil water ...06:05
zulheh i shocked my electiricy lab partner06:05
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spaynewhy not just take a portable generator with you :)06:06
spaynewould probally save a lot of problems06:06
lamontKeybuk: I like the .za plugs much better for weapons potential.06:07
lamontof course, it's always appropriate to bring UK adapters (so you can plug into a UK outlet) to ubuntu conferences06:08
sivangDiziet: that's a british one? 06:09
MithrandirI'll just bring my spiked ball-o-death which can also be used as a weapon.06:09
DizietHopefully in Montreal I'll be able to buy a US-plug-to-3-pin-laptop lead.06:09
=== sivang is worried. Will me US t43 adaptor work in canada?
lamontsivang: yes, uk adapter06:10
lamontUS appliances tend to work in canada06:10
=== lamont tries to remember if canada is 50 or 60 hz
lamontbut iz 120VC06:10
sivanghmm, I now notice what we have in .IL is probably an antique version of the current british one06:11
dilingeroh yea, right06:11
sivangDiziet: is england 220V ?06:11
DizietEurope has standardised on 230.06:15
spayneSeveas: ping06:15
Seveasspayne, pong06:16
mdkemy bad06:16
=== xTina [n=xTina@laptop-dynip155.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
DizietSee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_wiring_%28UK%29.06:17
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jsgotangcogood night :)06:42
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zulcircuit city has plugs if you need them06:51
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DizietDamn, I made my ffox build get past the sticking point but of course now it actually has to compile the damn files.  (ccache)06:56
lamontmdz/kamion/elmo: if you're so inclined, NEWing tex-common would free up large portions of the dapper world.06:59
lamont(tetex-base is currently uninstallable)06:59
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dholbachlunch :)07:06
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\shTreenaks: I'm looking like my hackergotchi?07:14
\shTreenaks: i think my hackergotchi looks better ,)07:15
=== Nafallo saw photos of \sh on the planet ;-)
sivanghey \sh 07:18
DizietWahey, my strange mutant ffox build finished and made a .deb.  Now I can see how badly it fails to work.07:21
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\shDiziet: hey....u don't work for nagra? ,-)07:37
DizietAnswer: it fails run-time linking :-/.07:38
slomoinfinity: can you tell me what happened to my xmms-musepack upload over one hour ago? it was announced at dapper-changes but even the source isn't in the archives yet... other packages i uploaded after that one are already build and everything ;)07:38
\shDiziet: well..this' better then crashing after 146MB of ram size ... 07:38
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cevizoglujoin #debian07:42
Nafallocevizoglu: all of us?07:43
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Nafalloah, typo :-)07:45
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DizietLooks like my build was tainted somehow and I'll have to start from the beginning.  I hope ccache isn't buggy, or I'll be very confused and then very annoyed.07:58
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=== \sh will now go to bed after 12 hours of hard real life work...
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spaynejdub: ping08:08
jdubspayne: pong08:09
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jdubfuck this! i'm running dapper!09:26
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cevizoglujdub: whatever floats your boat09:29
jdubgosh, even with X, it's only a 100MB download09:29
mdkeit'll get crazier :)09:31
spaynejdub: what's torn you to dapper already?09:44
Amaranthpyxdg did it for me09:45
Amaranth(i could have just downloaded and installed)09:45
Amaranthbut this is a vmware image, i took a snapshot before upgrading the first time09:45
spaynenow that's a good idea Amaranth 09:45
=== spayne wonders if Dapper will have more or less breakages thank Breezy
Amaranthmuch less09:46
Amaranthdapper is more polish, breezy was 3 or so huge changes happening all at once09:46
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spayneGCC 4, Xorg Modularisation and.....09:47
Amarantha couple of package name changes and such that caused massive ammounts of churn09:47
spayneMono as well!09:47
ajmitchthere was no big mono change09:48
spayneajmitch: Mono versions were bumped a lot09:48
spayneajmitch: which iirc, ended up in packages being broken for a while09:48
ajmitchwhich affected only a very small portion of the archive09:48
rob^^^is there a way to add user defined tags to Launchpad entries?09:48
Amaranthsure, mono packages broken for awhile09:48
Amaranthbig deal09:49
ajmitchand most packages were not broken for very long at all09:49
AmaranthX and gcc caused the entire system to break09:49
jdubspayne: diligence as an ubuntu devel branch user09:49
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spayneAmaranth: many an evening, i'd come home and be locked out of X :(09:49
spaynejdub: woo!09:49
spaynejdub: so you''ve ran the stable branch for a week or two :)09:50
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rob^^^spayne: I actually had one machine that made it all the way from hoary to breezy without running unstable09:51
cevizoglujdub: I hate kernel panics, so I only run OS releases three months prior at the maximum  :P09:51
spaynerob^^^:  now, that's a miracle :)09:51
rob^^^A personal box even, the servers really aren't a temptation09:52
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cevizoglulast year I got 35 kernel panics on a friuty  OS which shall rename nameless... no more for me09:52
cevizogluer, remain even09:53
linuxboyI got a question about a document for ubuntu, can I ask it here?09:53
rob^^^cevizoglu: My experience with the Fruit-based computer's Kernel panics is that they are either hardware or copy-protection related 99% of the time09:53
spaynehey linuxboy 09:53
spaynelinuxboy: try #ubuntu-doc09:53
linuxboyoh. spayne 09:53
linuxboyspayne: I think its the wrong place to ask09:54
linuxboyI'll ask here anyway09:54
spaynelinuxboy: what's up?09:54
farruinnrob^^^: I agree - I've only gotten kernel panics due to faulty hardware09:55
linuxboyI have a bunch of ubuntu pcs at work, which I manage. I use things like 'dsh' to do so. Is there a wiki page/doc all about managing muliple ubuntu pcs in a office situation?09:55
spaynerob^^^:  i find that that company must not have a good QA department09:55
linuxboyif not, I want to start one09:55
spaynelinuxboy: have you searched the Wiki09:55
rob^^^I have a lab with 9/16 G5s that were unbootable and had motherboard or cpu swapped during the first year09:55
farruinnthat's really unlucky09:56
spaynerob^^^: i just bought a Mac Mini and dual boot Ubuntu/OS X and love it09:56
linuxboyspayne: a bit, but I'm not too sure which keywords to use09:56
rob^^^I was thinking it would be nice to mark all the drake-related features as to whether they were features or inferstructure09:56
spaynebut my iBook is 18 months old, has had 25 new parts and 9 repairs jobs09:56
farruinnalthough we've sent back countless iMac G4's for motherboard replacement09:56
spaynelinuxboy: have you looked at the LTSP stuff on the Wiki?09:56
rob^^^spayne: I've heard really nothing but good things about minis but everything else Is very questionable09:56
linuxboyspayne: no, these PCs aren't thin clients09:57
spaynewhy did Mako stop writing up the CC meetings10:00
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mdkespayne, lack of time10:01
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spaynemdke: good reason :)10:01
spayneSeveas: sorry to bother you again but ping10:02
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Seveasspayne, pong, but if it's not development related continue in private10:03
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dholbachgood night guys10:44
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spaynenight all11:47
jdub^ um, seriously, wow.11:49
Treenaksjdub: did you get my mail yet? :)11:49
wasabi_Great. Found another breezy bug.11:50
Treenaksjdub: hmm.. shall I resend to another address, try if that server likes it better>11:50
jdubTreenaks: where did you send?11:51
Treenaksjdub: jeff.waugh@canonical.com11:51
jdubtry jeff@waugh.id.au11:51
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-104-16-29.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Treenaksjdub: sent11:53
wasabi_somehow my system has two ldap versions.11:57
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wasabi_The situation with openldap confuses me.12:01
wasabi_openldap2.2 and openldap2 are both in breezy, it appears. One produces libs and slapd, but no dev packages.12:02

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