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PlanarPlatypusdoes anyone know where I would file a bug against the eclipse packages?  bugzilla.ubuntu.com is being obtuse at me12:17
PlanarPlatypusHiddenWolf, thanks12:18
HiddenWolfPlanarPlatypus, np12:18
Riddellsiretart, _Tonio_: the kdelibs4-dev problem is that some far off dependency didnt want to install, no idea if it's been solved12:19
Kyralsup people :D12:21
ajmitchdiscussing ubuntu problems with debian people12:22
KyralLeave me outta it :D12:22
ajmitcha lot of it is how ubuntu people (especially MOTUs) don't do much to work with debian12:23
KyralHey I have an escuse, I never used Debian ;P12:23
ajmitchnot much of an excuse12:23
=== Kyral shrugs
HiddenWolfajmitch, read that link I posted. It's painful. :(12:23
ajmitchconsidering how 99% of what we do is changing debian packages :)12:24
KyralI don't really care either way12:24
HiddenWolfKyral, you should12:24
ajmitchHiddenWolf: I've seen it on planet debian12:24
Kyral"Humanity Towards Others" remember?12:24
HiddenWolfKyral, pissing off debian is not a good plan.12:24
HiddenWolfKyral, working together saves time and effort, keeping them happy keeps us happy too12:24
ajmitchwe have enough problems with debian already12:24
=== Kyral shrugs
ajmitchI'm putting together a wiki page about this12:24
HiddenWolfajmitch, and we should work to resolve those12:25
ajmitchabout what MOTUs should do12:25
KyralHiddenWolf, I don't know who you are, but honestly I just like to be left alone to do my work12:25
KyralPolitics of any kind piss me off ;P12:25
ajmitchit's not politics, it's common sense12:25
=== Kyral holds up his hand
ajmitchinstead of us making a nice wide split with debian12:25
_Tonio_Riddell: thanks for the info.12:25
KyralPlease don't involve me in this12:25
HiddenWolfKyral, it's not politics. if you can work together with debian, they will do the work for you, so you don't have to work12:25
_Tonio_Riddell: anyway, ther's no emergency, we can wait before upload ;)12:25
ajmitchKyral: it's something to deal with as a MOTU :)12:26
KyralYah yah12:26
Riddell_Tonio_: what's to upload?12:26
HiddenWolfajmitch, suggestion, get some good docs up in coordination with those disgruntled debian guys, and/or ask their input.12:26
Kyrallook at my line above12:26
_Tonio_Riddell: packages to revu12:26
Kyral"Humanity Towards Others"12:26
ajmitchHiddenWolf: I am a disgruntled debian guy ;)12:26
KyralWhen we signed the Code Of Conduct for Ubuntu, we swore to that motto, no?12:26
=== tigger^ plans to cheat and only maintain things for which he is upstream anyway
ajmitchKyral: others includes debian12:26
KyralThats my point12:27
KyralI'll play nice with Debian12:27
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KyralMy point is why is there a fight about it?12:27
ajmitchit's not a fight12:27
ajmitchit's a fair list of complaints12:27
Kyraldiscussion, whatever12:27
ajmitchwe can disagree without breaking the code of conduct12:27
HWolfKyral, because we want to stay as close as possible to debian, to avoid duplication of work, and increase maintainability12:28
ajmitch"humanity towards others" doesn't mean a mushy lovey tolerance where anything goes12:28
=== Kyral shrugs
KyralAs I said, I stay out of politics12:29
HWolfKyral, it's not politics, it's a technical issue12:29
KyralWhich I know nothing about12:29
KyralSo again I shall stay out of it ;P12:29
=== ajmitch thinks it should be made part of the MOTU approval process :)
ajmitchmost people will disagree with me of course12:30
Kyralwhat should?12:30
tigger^ajmitch: depends what the idea is :)12:30
HWolfI wouldn't, but I'm not a motu. :)12:30
tigger^ajmitch: I have no plans to feed debian changes12:30
ajmitchtigger^: changes to packages in debian12:30
KyralI'll give my bugfixes to Debian and vice versa12:30
tigger^debian don't carry my stuff12:30
ajmitchtigger^: which is fine12:30
=== dredg exudes mushy lovey tolerance in ajmitch's general direction
KyralUbuntu shouldn't become Debian. Isn't the right to fork a part of the GNU philosopy?12:31
=== ajmitch waves a hammer in dredg's direction :)
marcin hi all12:31
tigger^ajmitch: quite :)12:31
ajmitchKyral: a fork is what we don't want to be12:31
HWolfKyral, we're not, and will not be debian, but we don't want to fork12:31
ajmitchnot in the sense of a full split12:31
=== Kyral shrugs
HWolfKyral, we want to take advantage of those ~1000 developers, and improve12:31
HWolfKyral, where we can give back, we should.12:31
marcingot a question - could someone tell me if doxymacs package is buildable in breezy repo?12:31
KyralDo I think Ubuntu should be binary compatable with Debian, yes12:32
dredgKyral: uh, a handful of MOTUs replicating the work of 1000 debian developers is... a bit of a task12:32
KyralI should be able to install something from Sid without Sid trying to replace X12:32
ajmitchbinary compatibility is hard, you're talking about getting closer to debian than we are now12:32
=== Kyral shrugs
KyralI'm better with code than I am with words my friend ;D12:33
ajmitchsid is always moving, we freeze12:33
Kyralwhich is something I like sometimes (Why do you think I jumped to Dapper so fast? I got BORED ;P)12:34
KyralI can tell you somethin' I don't like. Having to "have" Ubuntu-Desktop to upgrade properly. Can someone explain that to me? :P12:36
ajmitchKyral: how else would you like to get the new desktop components?12:37
KyralBy having the packages installed....12:37
schweebubuntu-desktop ensures that you have the entire desktop distributoin12:38
ajmitchI said new ones12:38
ajmitchnot existing packages, which have to be fetched somehow12:38
tigger^including nano12:38
=== tigger^ boggles
KyralI don't know. But don't make it so that you have to reinstall Ubuntu-Desktop12:38
tigger^quite how that's a desktop thing I dunno12:38
schweebthere's no way around it Kyral.12:38
KyralYah there is. Make a meta pack12:38
Kyralwith all the new stuff12:38
schweebit IS a meta package....12:39
dredgKyral: it's a core package that pulls in other packages as needed12:39
=== Kyral falls down
KyralI know what Ubuntu Desktop does12:39
ajmitchthen why suggest something identical?12:39
schweebubuntu-desktop is the tie that holds the whole desktop distro together12:39
KyralI'm not. You said Ubuntu-Desktop is needed to pull in all the NEW desktop components12:39
schweebthe new ones, and the old ones12:40
Kyralwell, what if I don't use some of the packages in Ubuntu-Desktop?12:40
schweebKyral: say a package name changes12:40
KyralI personally have a very customized system that I don't want to be cluttered12:40
schweebyou put a conflict in ubuntu-desktop12:40
ajmitcheg mozilla-firefox ->firefox12:40
schweeband the old package is removed12:40
Kyralschweeb, do what they did with the FireFox package12:40
schweeband the new package is added12:40
Kyraltransitional package12:40
schweebthat gets sloppy12:41
KyralNo kiddin12:41
schweebyou're just being stubborn.12:41
tigger^PlanarPlatypus: working fine now ;)12:41
schweebubuntu-desktop is THE way to do it12:41
tigger^Kyral: I have to say, coming from what I used before, it sucks having to have certain things installed :)12:41
schweebif you don't like it, it is possible to work around it12:41
PlanarPlatypustigger^, excellent.  Fyi eclipse now works, bit of a hack needed but it works12:42
KyralThat I may be. But I just think I should be able to jump releases without having to reinstall a bunch of stuff that I'm only going to remove immediately12:42
schweebyou could always manually query ubuntu-desktop, and manually upgrade the packages you know of12:42
KyralThis is an idea. But if you read the documentation on how to upgrade to Breezy it makes it sound like you absolutely must have Ubuntu-Desktop installed12:43
ajmitchbecause the upgrade procedures need to be as simple as possible12:44
schweebthat's the Ubuntu Approved (tm) way to do it12:44
=== Kyral shrugs
schweebif you want to do it otherwise, it's your perogative12:44
KyralI know I know. For the beginners. I'm a power user :D12:44
schweebthen you don't need the docs12:44
schweeband can figure it out yourself12:44
KyralJust wanted to make a suggestion for us non-beginners12:44
whiprushthe beginners won't remove ubuntu-desktop.12:45
schweebI'm a power user, and I find it easier to do it the right way *shrug*12:45
whiprushand the experts know to read documentation12:45
KyralThey may by accident12:45
ajmitchwhiprush: nice to see the universe tour on the fridge12:45
KyralRemoving Evolution for one12:45
ajmitchI doubt I've got ubuntu-desktop installed, and I can manage upgrades12:46
KyralAnyway, I've stirred up enough trouble for one day12:46
=== Kyral goes to sit in his corner
ajmitchnothing compared to the trouble I can stir up >:)12:46
KyralWhich is why I'm shutting up ;P12:47
whiprushajmitch: yeah woo!12:47
=== luk_ is now known as luk
marcinguys where can I find build log reports produced by lamont?01:13
marcini forgot url01:13
marcinok nevermind got it01:15
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ajmitchafternoon all04:21
ajmitchhi Arrogance, how are you?04:21
ajmitchgoing to turn up at UBZ?04:21
ArroganceI'm tempted.  You going?04:22
=== Kyral starts installing XFCE
Arroganceis it safe for 2 Andrew's to be in Montreal at the same time?04:22
Arrogancejb might be too confused04:23
ajmitchI think he'll manage04:23
KyralAs long as its not two hurricane Andrews ;P04:23
ajmitchit's confusing enough with jblack & jbailey :)04:23
ajmitchor jdub & jbailey04:24
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jtan325hi, if i am the maintainer for something that's in the repos, how do i request a newer version to be uploaded?07:34
ajmitchjtan325: you give us a link to a package that's newer? and then we can get it in dapper07:34
ajmitchjtan325: or if the new version is in debian, it'll get synced automatically until UVF07:37
jtan325[ spacey        ] 07:37
jtan3251.3.3 is the newest version07:37
jtan3251.3.1 is what's currently in the repositories07:37
ajmitchand you've talked to your debian sponsor?07:37
jtan325no, i sent an email today07:38
ajmitchbecause that way avoids duplication of work, and avoids breaking syncability07:38
jtan325ok, i'll wait for a response from him then07:38
ajmitchas soon as we upload something with a version like -0ubuntu1, it'll stop automatic syncs in future07:38
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ajmitchhey dholbach08:28
ajmitchhow are you?08:28
ajmitchnot in .ca yet? ;)08:28
dholbachnot yet, no08:28
ajmitchI leave tomorrow morning08:29
dholbachi'll be there on 19th08:29
dholbach29th, yes :)08:29
ajmitchI'll get in a few hours before you08:29
dholbachwe'll be quite a bunch motus :)08:30
dholbach... of ...08:30
=== YokoZar [n=scott@c-67-182-179-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TreenaksI'm arriving on the 29th as well, but in the evening08:31
Treenaks19:25 local time08:32
dholbachso we'll be the guys that complain about jetlag? ;)08:33
ajmitchof course08:33
Treenaksdholbach: no, if you arrive in the evening, you'll be exhausted (I mean, timezone-corrected it's 00:30)08:36
Treenaksdholbach: so you get a good night of sleep, and it's 9:00 in the morning :)08:36
Treenaksdholbach: minor jet-lag :)08:36
dholbachi arrive at 12:00 :)08:37
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sivangTreenaks: I will arrive in the evening, guess it will be good for sorting the timezone09:20
pefsomeone knows a simple way to get his gpg passphrase cached ? I can get something working using kgpg/pinentry-qt/gpg-agent. Only seahorse (gnome) works fine. Any idea for a Kde based solution ?09:25
sivangpef: why do you need to cache it?09:26
pefsivang: debuild packages again and again :)09:27
sivangpef: ah :)09:27
sivangpef: I don't mind entering mine everytime, it makes it secure :-)09:27
pefzyga: morning09:27
zygapef: seahorse09:28
pefsivang: mine is realy a "phrase", and is longer to type09:28
\shseahorse is bad09:28
zygapef: ah sorry didn't read to the end09:28
Mithrandirpef: why are you signing stuff you don't upload?09:28
pefMithrandir: musn't I sign sources packages when I run dpkg-buildpackage ?09:29
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pefMithrandir: when I upload something to revu, dput seems to check my sig09:30
sivangpef: how long  ?:)09:32
=== sivang wonders why his public key is realtively shorter then others he'd seen
sivangwhen exported with --armor09:33
zygaoh side question09:33
Treenakssivang: maybe you have less signatures on it09:33
Nafallois it supposed to be no sound in monkey-bubble?09:34
Treenakssivang: or less uids, or the key has less bits :)09:34
zygawhen I build stuff with dpkg-buildpackage seahorse works fine and asks for passphrase09:34
zygawhen I build stuff with debuild it never works, I'm asked to type the passphrase in the shell and it's aways incorrect09:34
zygaNafallo: you need the sound package AFAIR09:34
Nafallowhere is that then?09:35
pefzyga: I find this as a bug in bugs.debian.org, very old bug I remember09:35
Nafallonope, there are /usr/share/monkey-bubble/sounds/*09:35
zygaNafallo: hmm, used to be split up..09:35
pefsivang: 2.5Ko09:35
Nafallozyga: you're not thinking of frozen-bubble then?09:36
zygaNafallo: ahhh09:37
zygaNafallo: sorry, similar name09:37
sivangTreenaks: If you look at it (from lp) can you tell me what you think?09:39
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pefgo to motorcycle lessons, bye !09:43
sivangTreenaks: btw, as more signatures I have, the longer it gets?09:44
Treenakssivang: yes, because those will be exported too (so when you import, you get all signatures back :))09:45
\shTreenaks: thx for your comment ;)09:46
Treenaks\sh: np ;)09:46
\shTreenaks: but as i said yesterday, my HG looks better then me in the moment09:46
Treenaks\sh: I'll compare again in Montreal09:47
ajmitchhmm, people alerting the u-devel mailing list about dapper bugs already? ;)09:47
\shdamn...i won't make it to get an appointment for a hairdressre09:47
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sivang\sh: I hope you feel better soon09:47
ajmitch\sh: I'm sure we can sort something out in montreal for you ;)09:47
sivangajmitch: lol, then it would be for me as well09:48
\shso...I my hair will grow09:48
\shanother long haired motu for the future ,)09:48
ajmitchnot nearly as long as some09:48
\shogra is my idol ,)09:49
\shi wonder if he found a hostel or hotel room now...he should be in montreal09:49
ajmitchhe has09:49
ajmitch11:04 < ajmitch> in montreal already?09:50
ajmitch11:04 < ogra> yup09:50
ajmitch11:04 < ogra> since 10 min in the hostel09:50
Mithrandirscreen -rd09:51
Mithrandirheh, oh well09:52
TreenaksMithrandir: wb :)09:52
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_Tonio_morning all09:55
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thesaltydogI have seen that bum has been synched in dapper. Today there is a full new v.2.0.0 available on debian. Is there any motu that can sync this new version?10:01
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=== \sh is doing some real life work....brb
dholbachit will be autosynced10:07
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thesaltydoggrazie daniel10:10
thesaltydogI didn't know about this autosynching process.10:10
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zygaLathiat: hi10:15
Lathiatzyga: sup10:16
ajmitchhello zyga10:16
zygaLathiat: do you know anything about lucas' cooperation with debian?10:16
zygaajmitch: hi :-)10:16
Lathiatzyga: whos lucas?10:16
Lathiatas in irc nick lucas?10:16
zygaLathiat: yes10:17
Lathiatno idea10:17
zygalucas: ping10:17
=== zyga didn't notice lucas is here
lucaszyga what do youi mean ?10:17
zygalucas: you were saying that ruby should be fixed in debian and then synce10:17
zygaI was wondering wether there is any progress in this matter10:18
Lathiatwhats wrong with it?10:18
Lathiatwhich bug?10:18
zygaLathiat: generic ruby issues10:18
Lathiatbug no?10:18
zygaLathiat: packaging scheme and such10:18
zygaLathiat: I'm not sure there is any but somene might correct me10:19
Lathiatits hard to fix bugs10:20
Lathiatif there is no bug10:20
Lathiatthere should be one, at least in ubuntu, if not debian10:20
lucaswhat are the problems with the packaging scheme ?10:23
=== zyga must need memory chip replaced
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zygalucas, Lathiat: maybe I've confused something - I feel terrible today10:24
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pef\sh: re :)12:41
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\shsivang: just packed the book of bob young in my bag12:42
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ajmitchhmm, bags12:43
ajmitchI should probably pack sometime ;)12:43
ajmitchI've still got ~12hrs before I fly12:43
ajmitchplenty of time12:43
\shoh well...12:43
\shi'm w8ing for my washing to be finished, so that i have dry clothes for saturday ,)12:44
ajmitchmine is mostly dry12:44
\shmy first load of washing is not even finished...12:44
\shthat reminds me of something...i hope my jacket is here in my flat somewhere and not in my ex-wifes house12:47
ajmitchmine is sitting here, got it a couple of weeks ago :)12:47
\shi mean the boss one12:47
\shbut hey...nobody told me to take casual clothings with me...so t-shirts and warm stuff must do12:48
ajmitchdefinitely casual12:48
\shno...for me is casual something like trousers != jeans != leather12:49
\shu know..a nice boss outfit12:49
\shlets check12:49
ajmitchwhen do you fly?12:50
ajmitchhm, someone emailing me directly asking about IDEs for doing pygtk work12:51
\shajmitch: saturday...means in less then 36 h12:52
\shglade and emacs12:52
Nafallowhy does monkey-bubble eat 100% CPU? :-)12:52
\shor glade and vim12:52
\shor eric12:52
\shwhich is qt python stuff12:53
\shbut my jacket is here...and my ties as well12:53
ajmitch\sh: yeah, this guy looked at glade & anjuta & boa constructor12:54
\shso i'm prepared12:54
ajmitchso I don't know what I can add :)12:54
\shthats all12:54
=== ajmitch will suggest the use of libglade, at least
\shboa constructor is pygtk-wx12:55
ajmitchwants something to put together interfaces easily, which is usually glade12:55
ajmitchnot that I've used it much :)12:55
ajmitch\sh: you sound a lot more prepared than I am12:55
ajmitchand I fly in ~12 (now 11) h12:56
HWolfWhere must I suggest packages that not in debian for inclusion into universe?12:56
ajmitchor upload to REVU if you have a package12:57
\shajmitch: yeah..but i think i'm more nervous then u r :)12:57
ajmitch\sh: dunno why :)12:57
ajmitchall I need is laptop, ticket & passport ;)12:57
\shajmitch: just because I have problems during take offs and landings12:58
\shthat means...i have to write my last will12:58
ajmitchI have problems having to sit in a seat & get bored for hours on end12:58
\shajmitch: oh well..this is not my problem at all..ok, the stewardess will be a bit annoyed to come with the beer every 10 mins ,)12:59
ajmitchhehe :)12:59
\shand i hope air canada has nice movies on the plane...just like BA12:59
ajmitchI'll be on an air NZ plane to the US01:00
ajmitchI hope I get an upgraded plane :)01:00
dholbachNafallo: ouch yes, it does :)01:01
\shdholbach: still in .de?01:01
Nafallodholbach: I noticed on the fan and then looked at gnome-system-monitor ;-)01:02
dholbachnow berlin, tonight, trier, saturday frankfurt :)01:02
Nafallothe worst thing was that it takes 100% with only the first screen up :-P01:02
Nafalloand that I have no sound... ;-)01:02
dholbachfeel free to send me a patch, i will include it ;)01:04
siretartFlight 9604 from frankfurth anyone?01:08
siretartexcept \sh ;)01:08
TreenaksBA0435 from Amsterdam on Saturday anyone? Or BA0095 from Heathrow? ;)01:15
Treenakssiretart: luckily, I got another ubuntu-nl guy to come with me :)01:16
Treenakssiretart: so I won't be bored all the time :)01:16
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=== Hirion [n=Hirion@p5487F880.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tigger^why does dh_make create manpage files?01:18
tigger^I assume I can just bin them?01:18
dholbachdoes upstream ship manpages?01:18
tigger^I do01:18
dholbachthen you can :)01:18
dholbachsome upstreams don't :)01:19
dholbachthen the package mainteinaer has to take care of it01:19
tigger^I would comment on all this packaging stuff, but I can't phrase it without sounding like a flame01:19
tigger^Which it really isn't01:20
tigger^But I'll keep quiet and just do it ;P01:20
pefdholbach: hello01:20
dholbachpef hello, how are you?01:20
pefdholbach: fine, thanks, and you ?01:21
dholbachme too, thanks :)01:21
tigger^what is "emacsen"?01:21
dholbachremove it :)01:22
dholbachemacs stuff01:22
dholbachyou probably won't need01:22
pefdholbach: concerning this bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kcheckgmail/+bug/2018, can I upload the corrected package to REVU ?01:22
pefdholbach: an upload to revu makes the review faster, isn't it ?01:25
dholbachno idea :)01:25
pefso I will upload both of them01:26
dholbachjust do malone01:26
dholbachi have a look01:26
dholbachthat's a problem in hoary?01:27
pefdholbach: I think, because package in Hoary is an old version, and I can't see any fix on hoary-updates01:29
=== _Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachis the bug in breezy and dapper too?01:29
pefdholbach: for breezy I have change my fix, and for dapper a sync from Debian (they have applied my fix) is needed01:30
pefchanged my fix to apply on breezy's version01:31
dholbachif you can check the packages on breezy and hoary, we can push them in via breezy-updates and hoary-updates, but that's something for mdz/kamion to review01:31
ajmitchdholbach: hatari? how was that sponsored?01:33
dholbachit was an apt-get.org thing01:33
ajmitchchangelog just doesn't say what was changed :)01:33
dholbachthe maintainer asked me to upload it and i didnt want to ask him to change version/distribution01:34
pefdholbach: ok, I will try to write a patch for hoary's version. Another question, package's version on breezy is 5.3a-1build1, should I increase it to 5.3a-1build2 or to 5.3a-2 ?01:34
dholbachif you do a change, then it's 5.3a-1ubuntu101:34
dholbacha REAL change :)01:34
ajmitchdholbach: sorry to complain, I just don't like seeing changelog entries like that :)01:35
ajmitchsince it give very little info01:35
dholbachyeah, i should have made a proper use of -v01:35
=== ajmitch shouldn't tell off the master MOTU - you're the one who has the power ;)
pefdholbach: applying a patch is a REAL change ? (without the patch the app doesn't work)01:37
dholbachno, it was perfectly right, to say that01:37
ajmitchpef: certainly01:37
ajmitchpef: any change to the source or the packaging01:37
dholbachpef: yes, buildN is just for rebuilds (where you just change the changelog)01:37
pefok, thanks ! :] 01:38
ajmitchok, got ac adaptor for phone, camera & laptop01:39
ajmitchtickets, passport, laptop..01:39
ajmitchI guess I just need to finish packing clothes :)01:39
\shajmitch: when r u arriving in CA? local time?01:40
ajmitch0711 on the 29th ;)01:41
ajmitch(yes they put 11)01:42
Treenaksajmitch: date line \o/01:42
ajmitchTreenaks: yep, leave NZ friday night, arrive friday lunchtime in US :)01:42
ajmitchdholbach: about that Universe, MOTU, & Debian BOF.. it came out of a discussion on #d-devel earlier today01:43
pefdholbach: for information, only mdz approve breezy-updates changes01:44
dholbachpef: merci01:44
dholbachajmitch: i see, yeah, we should talk about it01:44
\shajmitch: so early in the morning...+4915201542346 (priv. mobile) siretart and I will arrive around 1600 at the airport...so i hope 1700 at least i'm ready to have some food and drinks01:44
ajmitchdholbach: I still have a bias towards getting things into debian where possible :)01:44
ajmitch\sh: heh ok01:45
\shajmitch: i can't speak up for siretart01:45
ajmitch\sh: I'll be busy at 5pm, but I should be around before then or after 601:46
=== ajmitch can't get to church on sunday, so has to go saturday evening :)
\shajmitch: send me your mobile no. so I'll send an sms01:47
\sha sms..not an sms01:47
\shajmitch: or query it ,)01:47
ajmitchhopefully roaming will work there01:47
Treenaksajmitch: check the wiki :)01:47
ajmitchTreenaks: I know :)01:47
Treenaksajmitch: I added a note about what _should_ work :)01:48
=== jinty [n=jinty@p54BF7CB3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchTreenaks: I'll check it out tomorrow at the airport - I've got a 6 hour wait up in auckland :)01:48
ajmitchI know vodafone supports roaming there, I think I need to request it though01:49
TreenaksI get to try Vodafone/UK first :)01:49
\shTreenaks: which wiki page?01:49
Treenaks\sh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBelowZero01:49
=== ajmitch shoudl still have his australian SIM somewhere
Treenaks\sh: under "Travel"01:49
\shgot it :)01:50
ajmitchwhen spending a couple of months in .au last year, I found it was a little cheaper to get a SIM locally :)01:50
\shi hope the nokia 6100 and 6230i is triband01:50
\shi never really cared01:50
sivang\sh: heh thanks :)01:50
Treenaksajmitch: it usually is, but it's less convenient (number changes, nobody can call you, etc.)01:50
=== ajmitch checked, has a triband phone :)
ajmitchTreenaks: nah, it was convenient enough01:51
ajmitchI just gave people in .au my new number01:51
tigger^ajmitch: how do I handle adding user/group accounts for a package?01:51
ajmitchoh that's fun01:51
ajmitchsomething to look up in debian policy & developer's reference01:52
tigger^I don't like it when peopl say that ;P01:52
ajmitchI know :)01:52
ajmitchbut it's the easiest way, honestly01:52
=== ajmitch has to do it to a package as well
tigger^no no01:52
tigger^I don't mind reading :)01:52
tigger^I mean I hate "that's fun"01:52
\sh6230i is triband01:52
ajmitchtigger^: there's an example there01:53
=== Treenaks has a Motorola E1000
tigger^ok, ta01:53
Treenakswhich is triband + WCDMA2100 ("UMTS")01:54
Treenaksso I can even use it in Japan :)01:54
=== ajmitch has sony ericsson k700i, useful little phone
Nafallosiemens mc60 :-P01:56
ajmitch\sh: sent you a test sms from here :)01:57
Treenaksajmitch: need my number too? :)01:57
ajmitchTreenaks: sure01:57
\shajmitch: k...i'll check the mobile it has to be charged first :(01:57
\shbut the 6100 is as well triband01:57
\shajmitch: write down this...+49160368327301:58
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\shajmitch: it's company number, but if vodaphone is not working...german telekom has to01:58
tigger^ajmitch: hmm. that's kinda ugly01:59
Treenaksajmitch: do you have a hackergotchi? :)01:59
tigger^ajmitch: handling that every time in each package which needs to do this :/01:59
ajmitchTreenaks: not currently, look for UDU photos :)01:59
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Treenaksajmitch: ok :)01:59
ajmitch\sh: got it01:59
\shajmitch: send u a test message from the 160 no02:01
ajmitch\sh: got it02:01
ajmitchwe need jabber clients on phones :)02:02
\shajmitch: i tried tipic on the 6230i it ran but i couldn't get any connection to the tipic jabber server...02:03
Treenaks\o/ vodafone :)02:03
ajmitch\sh: I wonder if there's one for my phone..02:03
\shTreenaks: i send it via t-mobile now..the vodaphone mobile is just charging :(02:03
ajmitchI don't have a data plan setup anyway02:03
\shajmitch: check tipic.com02:03
\shajmitch: I paid 12  for the test of tipic ..stupid gprs data fees02:04
ajmitchhmm, none for the phone I have :)02:05
TreenaksI need to hop by the vodafone store and make them tell me how to setup a GOOD umts connection02:05
Treenaks(i.e. one from my laptop)02:05
Treenaksthe current connection only works with WAP traffic02:05
Treenakswhich SUCKS02:05
=== ajmitch hasn't bothered to use his laptop & the phone together for internet
ajmitchtoo expensive02:05
ajmitchI suppose I should write down which hotel I'm going to ;)02:06
Treenaksajmitch: nah ;)02:07
=== Treenaks has an address + google maps printout for the Hostel -> HolidayInn route
ajmitchI'll just say to the taxi driver - 'UBZ thanks'02:07
Treenaksajmitch: "kthxbye"02:07
\shok...i think my first load of washing is finished...lets check02:08
Treenaksoh, and you'll ALL be videotaped saying that you use Ubuntu, of course ;)02:10
ajmitchmy laptop just happens to be in a french locale now02:10
Treenaksajmitch: uh.. any special reason for that?02:12
ajmitchTreenaks: I felt like it02:12
ajmitchI was playing around with the language selector :)02:12
Treenaksajmitch: "It was an accident! Really!"02:12
ajmitchI didn't expect the default locale to change02:13
ajmitchso gdm is in french now02:13
TreenaksMot de passe02:13
=== ajmitch did learn french for a few years, probably good to refresh that
Nafallobaah, be smart. do as slomo. learn swedish :-).02:14
ajmitchnobody speaks swedish :)02:14
TreenaksNafallo: Swedish is just Dutch with an accent :P02:15
Nafallothe swedes do ;-)02:15
NafalloTreenaks: tsss ;-)02:15
ajmitchbut noone really takes notice of them ;)02:15
ajmitchTreenaks: yeah, I should learn dutch before I learn french :)02:15
sivangguys, do we have a godo WYSIWYG html editor in universe?02:20
Treenakssivang: nvu?02:21
sivangTreenaks: thx02:21
sivangbluefish is wyiwyg ?02:21
ajmitchscreem is wysiwyg?02:21
sivangmore of a coding editor, IIRC02:21
Treenakssivang: if you have firefox open next to it, and know your Ctrl+R, yes02:21
sivangI think nvu is the true one02:21
ajmitchwysiwyg html editing is visual layout, not writing html :)02:22
Treenaksit's also the name of a group of Dutch neo-nazis02:22
dholbachnice :)02:22
Treenaksdholbach: www,nvu.info02:22
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dholbachwe have them in germany too02:23
dholbachit's just dvu02:23
ajmitchwe have our share of neo-nazis as well02:23
sivangajmitch: whee, I LIKE! "$ avahi-broswer --all" :)02:23
Lathiatsivang: try 'avahi-discover' :)02:23
Treenakssounds like I should install avahi before UBZ :)02:24
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sivangLathiat, ajmitch : do we have a GUI for those ?02:24
Lathiatsivang: for what?02:24
TreenaksLathiat: avahi*02:24
Lathiatsivang: avahi-discover *is* the gui :)02:24
sivanglike avahi integration with pYGTK gui02:24
sivangit would rock :)02:24
Lathiatsivang: it is pygtk :)02:24
ajmitchsivang: uh.. see those packages we listed :)02:24
Lathiatavahi-discover is in avahi-utils02:24
AmaranthLathiat: don't you know pygtk is slow and a memory hog </d-d-l>02:24
sivangajmitch: and the applet? I don't see it installed02:25
LathiatAmaranth: of course, use gtk# and mono instead!02:25
ajmitchsivang: so get it02:25
ajmitchLathiat: no02:25
ajmitchLathiat: java on ikvm on  mono02:25
Lathiatajmitch: oh oh!02:25
Lathiatmy bad!02:25
sivangajmitch: installed it, cannot add it through "add to panle" though02:25
ajmitchsivang: just wait02:26
ajmitchsivang: gnome-panel has update issues at times02:26
Treenakspanle? a British panel? :P02:26
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ajmitchwb Lathiat!!!102:26
sivangajmitch: I'll remove and readd to the sessoin then02:26
ajmitchobviously I shoudl sleep ;)02:26
=== sivang smiles evily seeing all those Remote Desktop discoveries on his internal LAN :)
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LathiatSeveas: :)02:27
ajmitchwb Seveas02:27
=== Amaranth smiles as his whois
Amaranththanks Seveas02:27
TreenaksSave As :P02:27
=== ajmitch wonders whether he should ever get a cloak
Lathiatajmitch: of course!02:28
Lathiatlast one ins a rotten egg02:28
ajmitchLathiat: yes, but which one?02:28
Lathiatubuntu, obviously02:28
ajmitchubuntu cloak? DD cloak?02:28
Lathiatits cooler02:28
Lathiati know02:28
Lathiatget a gentoo cloak02:28
ajmitchoh yeah02:28
ajmitchbecause I do -O99 all the way02:28
Lathiatonly 99?02:28
Lathiatyou disappoint02:28
Mithrandir-O-1 is teh love02:29
ajmitchgcc 4.2 snapshot of course02:29
Lathiathaha Mithrandir02:29
Amaranthit's funny, most of the time all those things actually slow things down, but don't tell #gentoo that02:29
Amaranthand -Os is almost always the best one to use02:29
Treenaksall possible -fflags02:29
MithrandirAmaranth: not if you have 64MB L2 caches.02:29
Amaranthwell, sure02:29
Amaranthbut that's an itanium02:29
SeveasAmaranth, after jdubs talk one of the worst gentoo-ricers I know is know using Ubuntu02:29
Seveasand he likes it :)02:29
Lathiati tried to install gentoo the other day02:29
Lathiatjust for the hell of it02:29
Amaranthwho uses an itanium on a desktop?02:30
Lathiata day later i had like a half working kde02:30
Lathiatand my favourite games were broken02:30
ajmitchLathiat: admit it, it was so that you could be cool02:30
=== Lathiat hides from ajmitch
ajmitchAmaranth: someone with shares in the power company02:30
Amaranthno, you'd have a dual core xeon then02:30
Amaranthor a POWER502:30
MithrandirAmaranth: hey, it's occasionally cold here in .no02:30
Amaranththose fsckers can use over a megawatt02:30
ajmitchAmaranth: a megawatt?02:31
=== ajmitch finds that a little hard to believe
Amaranthwhy? the dual core xeon uses like 30002:31
ajmitchkilowatt, you mean :)02:31
TreenaksAmaranth: megawatt = 1000000 watt02:31
Amaranthoh, my bad02:31
Amaranthearly morning02:31
ajmitchif I had 1MW usage on my house I'd be seriously worried02:32
Amaranthi don't deal with measurements smaller than giga* these days ;)02:32
TreenaksAmaranth: jigawatts!02:32
ajmitch1.21 of them, of course02:32
Lathiatcompiling in gentoo02:32
Lathiatmakes my laptop cpu force itself down to 800MHz02:33
Treenaksajmitch: yes, but keep them away from jdub's blog :)02:33
Lathiatand still sits on 63 degrees :(02:33
ajmitchLathiat: you do anything other than compiling?02:33
TreenaksLathiat: C of F ?02:33
LathiatTreenaks: C02:33
ajmitchLathiat: don't worry02:33
Lathiatand im not so sure that that limit isnt a sensor limit, being at 63 :)02:33
dholbach see you later02:33
ajmitchmy desktop still sits at ~80C02:33
Lathiatso maybe my poor laptop is at 1337 degrees :)02:33
ajmitchbye dholbach02:33
Lathiatajmitch: yeh but your desktop is  desktop02:33
Lathiatthi is a laptop02:33
Treenaksdholbach: bye02:33
ajmitchLathiat: my desktop is a toaster02:34
Lathiatwhich after halving and locking its cpu speed02:34
Lathiatstill is hot :(02:34
Amaranth~80C in a laptop == no kids02:34
Lathiati had an old toshiba02:34
Lathiatand it had a fan control progrma02:34
Lathiat(it would never turn itself on)02:34
Lathiatso i renamed it to 'i_want_to_have_kids_one_day'02:34
ajmitcha suitable name :)02:34
sivanganybody here uses p4-clockmod ?02:36
ajmitchhm, so what else should I remember to put on my laptop before I go? :)02:36
Amaranthajmitch: lots of pr0n02:36
ajmitchright, need latest bzr code & plugins..02:37
ajmitchand bzr branch of my scripts02:37
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tigger^ajmitch: ok, so riddle me this.. the guide says use preinst/postinst, but our makefile chowns a file to that user02:41
tigger^ajmitch: so dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot barfs02:42
tigger^invalid user02:42
tigger^oops :)02:42
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sivangajmitch: it's called "Zeroconf Discovery Service" in the pannle add-to02:46
sivangajmitch: looks nice, currently found only on emachine to ssh to02:46
sivangajmitch: why not also adding Remote Desktop links to it?02:46
Lathiatsivang: i think it sees VNC ?02:47
Lathiatnot sure02:47
=== Lathiat looks
sivangLathiat: I saw them! Really02:47
sivangLathiat: I saw them on the command line when I uses avahi-browser --all02:47
Lathiatthe service discovery applet only shows a few known services02:49
Lathiatthat it can launch things for02:49
Lathiat(thats the whole point of it)02:49
Lathiati guess vnc could be added02:49
ajmitchtigger^: I'd say look at some example packages :)02:50
sivangLathiat: can I help you with that? can I fetch avahi using jhbuild?02:52
Lathiatsivang: you can get avahi i think02:52
Lathiatbut not s-d-a02:52
sivangah I see02:52
Lathiattalk to sebest on #avahi/freenode02:52
sivangnot in freedesktop/gnome.org ?02:52
Lathiathes the s-d-a master02:52
sivangk, thanks02:53
sivangLathiat: you're the backedn guy then?02:53
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Lathiatsivang: yeh me, and lennart02:53
Lathiatsebest wrote alot of the utilities02:53
Lathiatsome other people did stuff02:53
Lathiatc# bindings02:53
Lathiatthat was uh02:53
Lathiati keep getting him confused with slomo02:54
Lathiatbecause of the starting s02:54
Lathiatso i went to look in svn log to check02:54
Lathiatim terrible i know :(02:54
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sivangmornign Kyral03:04
Kyralhey sivang sup?03:05
Kyralhey mitch03:05
sivangTreenaks: what?03:05
sivangKyral: fine, you?03:05
Treenaks15:05 <       Kyral> hey sivang sup?03:05
sivangTreenaks: ah yeah :)03:06
=== ajmitch wonders why people call him 'mitch' :)
Kyral'cause I'm too lazy to type out "ajmitch"03:06
Mithrandiraj<TAB> :-P03:06
Kyralanyway I switched over to XFCE last night03:06
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Kyraland coming to grips with the fact that I'm gonna have to get up at 5 AM to make it to UBZ03:08
ajmitchthat's nothing03:09
sivangKyral: you're canadian ?03:09
Kyralsivang, American :D03:10
sivangKyral: up north ? :)03:10
Kyralbut my college is 2 1/2 hours south of Montreal03:10
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Kyralyah, very close to the border03:10
sivangKyral: Ithaca ?03:10
sivangeh, then I don't know about it :)03:10
sivangKyral: I had some freinds and family over Cornell, and some over Ithaca college - so that's the only region there I know some, the tompkins county03:12
sivangKyral: (never really been there, just from photos and talks)03:12
KyralDidja hear about Tompkins County?03:12
=== ajmitch doesn't know anything about the region :)
sivangKyral: Cayuga lakes are amazing03:13
KyralGo read this week's DistroWatch Weekly03:13
KyralYah mean the Finger Lakes?03:14
sivangKyral: I was told one that was shown to me in photos is Cayuga lake, maybe it's one of the finger lakes, can't recall03:14
KyralCayuga, Senaca, Canandaigua, damn I forgot the other two03:15
sivangwould relaly like to visit there03:15
KyralWhere are you from sivang?03:15
sivangbut US visa is long long process for us :-)03:15
sivangKyral: .IL03:15
=== ajmitch is going to visit NY state after UBZ
KyralForgive my idiot Americanness?03:16
sivangKyral: nahh, Israel03:16
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Kyralajmitch, come visit Clarkson :P03:16
ajmitchKyral: as long as you know what .nz is, you're fine03:16
KyralNew Zealand I believe03:16
=== sivang really appriciates NY state's policy regarding outdoor/pub smoking ;-)
ajmitchand .at? ;)03:16
Kyraldamnit ;P03:17
sivangah,, no avahi in hoary's universe..03:17
ajmitchsivang: I'd be surprised if it were in hoary03:17
KyralAnyway I need breakfast03:18
sivangajmitch: I wanted to instal in on my hoary server03:18
Kyralcya all at UBZ :D03:18
ajmitchconsidering when the first release was :)03:18
sivangKyral: laters03:18
ajmitchbye Kyral03:18
sivangajmitch: backports? :) <blink>03:18
ajmitchsivang: please no03:18
sivanghehe, kidding, really03:19
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Lathiatsivang: avahi wasnt even out at the time of hoary :)03:24
thesaltydogwhat is our policy concerning BSD-licensed software?03:25
ajmitchthesaltydog: 3 or 4 clause?03:25
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ajmitchboth are free software03:25
thesaltydogajmitch, uh...don't know.03:26
ajmitchhow many conditions does it have listed? :)03:26
thesaltydogajmitch, so a BSD-licensed software can be uploaded to universe?03:26
ajmitchit only matters for things like linking to GPL software03:26
ajmitchthesaltydog: much of universe is BSD-licensed03:26
ajmitchand much of main, in fact03:26
thesaltydogok. thanks..03:26
thesaltydogajmitch, it is 3 clauses03:29
ajmitchwhich is 99% of BSD software :)03:30
ajmitchso no problems at all03:30
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pefcan someone have a look at this patch ? I think it's a gcc4 problem http://dev.erodia.net/ubuntu/ginac_const-fix.diff04:05
ajmitchnight all04:17
lukDapperDrake: can I join the Dutch loco team?04:20
lukI'm a DD and I want to help with syncing and merging, can somebody give me a pointer where to start?04:21
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siretartluk: thanks for your offer! Atm, we are waiting for the merging bugs to be created on bugzilla04:26
siretartluk: for hoary, we had an autocreated bug on bugzilla for every package which needed manually merging04:27
siretartluk: I think we will do the same for dapper, but I'm not really sure, because it isn't there yet. but it will come, for sure04:27
siretartluk: for merging work http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/ has proved to be very very useful!04:28
luksiretart: I tried that URL, but it just keeps loading and doesn't show anything04:29
siretartthats strange, that url works for me [tm] . hmm.04:29
lukthe README worked though, and I know that there should be sub folders only not sure which ones04:29
siretartthere is a very long list of packages for me..04:30
lukoh, now it works04:30
lukmaybe related with the maintenance of launchpad etc?04:30
siretartperhaps a webserver restart?04:30
siretartI don't think p.u.c is using launchpad infrastructure04:31
spaynewhat is up with launchpad atm?04:35
spayneah! i feel i belong in Ubuntu land now :)04:39
spaynepeople are not bad mouthing me as much04:39
Mithrandirsiretart: MOM isn't running until after UBZ04:40
lukMithrandir: anything else I can start with in the meantime taking in consideration that launchpad isn't available atm?04:42
siretartMithrandir: aah, thanks for pointing. didn't know that04:42
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lukno? then I'll do some upstream (= Debian) work :-)04:47
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Mithrandirfor those who wondered04:52
Mithrandir16:52 < stub> launchpad is backup04:52
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siretartwhoohoo, nicer than before! :)05:00
Lathiatwhat changed?05:03
siretartthe left bar looks nicer05:12
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ivoksuh, loco teams are time consuming :)05:53
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Nafallo\sh: morning :-)07:03
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\shtomorrow I only have to pack my clothes in my bag ,-)07:11
YagisanNafallo: distcc work for you ?07:11
=== \sh is brb restarting dircproxy
NafalloYagisan: as said. I have no hardware to try it with.07:11
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\shhow do i setup this cloak stuff...i see it's registered to my  nick...but07:22
\shsomehow doesn't work ;)07:22
schweebI think it's gotta be setup by someone who is authorized to do so07:23
\shwell...it's setup already :)07:23
\sh(by freenode)07:24
Nafallo\sh: did you identify? :-)07:24
\shNafallo: whois me pls07:24
Nafallo\sh: odd07:24
\shi bet it's the \ in my nick ;)07:25
Nafallo#hyperion for bugs? ;-)07:25
Nafalloor is it Seveas for bugs now? :-)07:25
\shlilo was the one from freenode ?07:26
Seveas-NickServ-   Last Seen Address: n=shermann@ubuntu/member/\sh07:26
\sh19:22 -!- \sh [n=shermann@server3.servereyes.de]  has joined #ubuntu-motu07:26
Seveas\sh, use your nickserv password as server password07:26
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Seveasand indeed: bugs -> Seveas07:27
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Nafallohmm, works for me without using the serverpassword07:27
Seveasthen you have a good irc client :)07:27
Nafalloxchat :-)07:28
Nafallothrough \sh's dircproxy ;-)07:28
Seveasthen it's dircproxy that takes care of it07:28
Nafalloyepp :-)07:28
Nafallonothing sets my password except me ;-)07:28
=== \sh [n=sh@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\sh19:29 -!- \sh [n=sh@server3.servereyes.de]  has joined #ubuntu-motu07:29
Nafallo\sh: Seveas for bugs :-)07:29
Seveas\sh, try without proxy and make sure you identified before entering a channel07:29
\shwell..identification is done before i entered this channel07:30
Seveasit must be done before entering *any* channel07:30
\shSeveas: I setup dircproxy to send a server password now07:30
\sh19:28 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Password Incorrect07:30
\shbut it's correct :)07:31
Seveasyou're identified now07:31
NafalloI got that to.07:31
\sh19:31 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-            Nickname: \sh << ONLINE >>07:31
\sh19:31 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-          Registered: 4 years 6 weeks 2 days (5h 57m 23s) ago07:31
\sh19:31 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-   Last Seen Address: n=sh@ubuntu/member/\sh07:31
\sh19:31 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-  Last Seen Quit Msg: ballard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net07:31
\sh19:31 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-               Cloak: ubuntu/member/\sh07:31
\sh19:31 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)-       Email Address: sh@sourcecode.de07:31
\sh19:30 -!- End of WHOIS07:32
\sh19:32 !calvino.freenode.net NickServ set your hostname to "ubuntu/member/backslash-sh"07:32
\sh19:32 -!- \sh [n=sh@ubuntu/member/backslash-sh] 07:32
\sh19:32 -!-  ircname  : Stephan Hermann07:32
\sh19:32 -!-  channels : #ubuntu-motu07:32
Nafallohm, password works here :-)07:33
\shNafallo: the problem is the \ ,-)07:33
Seveasmeh: --- WHOIS :Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.07:33
Seveas--- [\sh]  End of WHOIS list.07:33
\shnow he got it ,-)07:33
\shbut wrong07:33
Seveasyou want it to just be sh/07:34
Nafalloand it seems whois removes the cloak when not identified and adds it again as soon as I identify, so being on a channel or not has nothing to do with it :-)07:34
\shSeveas: no...07:34
Seveasi think \sh is impossible in a cloak07:34
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\shSeveas: the doc tells the user: the cloak consists of bla/foo/<nick>07:34
\shSeveas: which means, a hostname could consists of \ or | which is not possible ;)07:34
\shSeveas: so the doc is wrong07:35
Seveasyou should poke lilo about that, it's nothing I can solve07:35
\shSeveas: yeah07:35
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\shSeveas: what timezone is he?07:36
Seveas12:36 there now07:37
\shok...i don't wake him up ;)07:37
Seveas(worldclock gdesklet rocks :))07:37
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Amaranthhow do i make my package create a symlink?07:42
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lukAmaranth: dh_link could do that, read the manpage for more info07:45
\shsolved ;)07:46
Nafallo\sh: oh? :-)07:47
\shNafallo: as I said, the cloaks are following hostname rules and not nickname rules07:47
Amaranthhrm, i guess that works07:47
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lukAmaranth: well don't be afraid to ask if it doesn't, I'll be happy to help07:48
Amaranthi just need to figure out where to put it using cdbs07:49
lukAmaranth: putting it in debian/<bin_package>.links will probably just work07:53
jamessan|workAmaranth: you could just have a debian/package.links ... yeah, what luk said07:54
Amaranthoh, cdbs calls dh_link?07:54
=== Amaranth tries it
jamessan|workif you include debhelper, yes07:55
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Amaranthi do07:55
Amaranthdoesn't seem to work07:58
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Amaranthpackage.links should be alacarte.links07:58
Lathiatsuch a crap name07:59
=== Lathiat throws tomatoes at Amaranth
Amaranthok avahi07:59
Seveas\sh, fwiw the '/' is invalid in a hostname too ;007:59
Lathiatavahi is a great name07:59
Lathiatdont knock it :)07:59
=== Lathiat kicks Amaranth
\shSeveas: yeah...but this is what they implemented07:59
AmaranthYes it is, so is alacarte. :)07:59
=== Amaranth kicks lamont
LathiatITS CRAP07:59
Lathiatits official08:00
Amaranthyou're crap08:00
Amaranthit's better than smeg08:00
Lathiatsif it is08:00
Lathiatpeople just need to have watched red dwarf, and not associate it with that other ugly thing. :)08:00
LathiatAmaranth: :)08:00
Amaranthyou're kidding me, lintian wants me to make a manpage for my symlink08:00
Lathiatwhat does alacarte mean anyway08:01
LathiatAmaranth: haha08:01
Lathiatjust made it up?08:01
Lathiator what?08:01
=== lamont throws Amaranth over his shoulder
Lathiathow as it derviced08:01
Amaranthit's french08:01
AmaranthE: alacarte: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/bin/alacarte08:01
Amaranth <--stupid lintian08:01
lamontAmaranth: so link the man page tool08:01
pefLathiat: it means you can choose chat you want08:01
Lathiatah cool08:01
Lathiatwell im going to bed08:01
Amaranthi've tried python (>= 2.4, << 2.5), python2.4, it's just never happy08:01
pefLathiat: good night !08:02
Lathiatpef: IT MAY NOT BE!08:02
LathiatBUT HOPEFULLY :)08:02
Lathiatnearly morning anyway, 2am. :)08:02
jamessan|workAmaranth: Depends: ${python:Depends}08:02
jamessan|worklet dh_python handle it08:03
Amaranthbut then i need to build-dep on python08:04
jamessan|workah yeah.  why not just use: python (>=2.4), python-dev (>=2.4)08:04
ajmitchmorning all08:05
Amaranthok, then how do i depend on python-gtk2?08:05
ajmitchah, the wonders of sleep deprivation :)08:05
Amaranthpython-gtk2 (>= 2.6) or python2.4-gtk2 (>= 2.6)?08:05
jamessan|workunless alacarte works only with 2.4, I'd go with the former08:07
Amaranthbut what if python-gtk2 depends on python2.4-gtk2 and i'm using python2.5?08:08
=== Amaranth punts on the issue
jamessan|workthat's the fun of a python transition08:08
AmaranthE: alacarte: python-script-but-no-python-dep ./usr/bin/alacarte08:09
Amaranthwhoa, the control.tar.gz's control file inside the deb has no Depends line at all, is that normal?08:10
jamessan|workI've never had that happen.  are you using setup.py to install alacarte?08:11
Amaranthcdbs is doing all the work08:11
jamessan|workand you included python-distutils?08:12
Amaranthshould it be before or after debhelper?08:12
AmaranthDepends: ${python:Depends}, python-gtk2 (>= 2.6), python-libxml2 (>= 2.6.17), python-glade2 (>= 2.6), python-gnome2 (>= 2.6), gnome-menus (>= 2.10), python-xdg (>= 0.15, << 0.16)08:12
Amaranthdoes that look wrong to anyone?08:12
Amaranthi know when my Conflicts line was invalid it was getting tossed08:12
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ajmitchpython-xdg (>= 0.15, << 0.16)08:13
Amaranthwhat's wrong with it?08:13
ajmitchsplit that into 2 depends!08:13
Amaranthit worked before08:13
jamessan|workAmaranth: I include debhelper first08:13
Amaranthme too08:14
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jamessan|workso, the problem is probably what ajmitch pointed out08:14
Amaranthyay, lintian finally shut up08:14
Amaranthoh, that explains why linda was dying08:15
Amaranthit spit out python-xdg (<= 0.15 as a part of the error08:15
jamessan|workmight want to reportbug that so it handles it more gracefully08:15
Amaranthnot important, i should have known when i saw the error08:16
Amaranthlinda and lintian both like my deb, changes, and dsc08:16
Amaranthcrap, python-libxml2 is in universe, that can't be right08:17
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Amaranthpython2.4-libxml2 is in main08:17
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pef_awbye !08:35
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keyeshello siretart slomo_09:06
slomo_hi keyes09:07
keyesI was thinking about a thing09:07
keyeswe don't have the right to redistribute RealPlayer, but you (Ubuntu/Cannonical) if you ask maybe they can allow you09:08
keyesYou just give more customers to their09:08
crimsunwe could also just provide an installer akin to multiverse's msttcorefonts09:08
crimsunand flashplugin-nonfree09:08
keyescrimsun:  ?09:09
ajmitchcrimsun: I believe there is one09:09
ajmitchand I believe that the general policy is no ubuntu-specific licenses which we can't grant to the users - might not apply for multiverse, but it does for main/universe09:10
keyesI'm speaking about an agreement between Ubuntu and Real09:10
keyesto ditribute Real into Multiverse09:11
crimsunthat's precisely what ajmitch is talking about.09:11
ajmitch"Must not be distributed under a licence specific to Ubuntu. The rights attached to the software must not depend on the program's being part of Ubuntu system. So we will not distribute software for which Ubuntu has a "special" exemption or right, and we will not put our own software into Ubuntu and then refuse you the right to pass it on."09:12
ajmitchas applies to main & restricted, so by extension that's probably multiverse as well09:12
Amaranthhow can we have ati and nvidia drivers then?09:13
Amaranthi thought you couldn't redistribute them09:13
crimsunbecause we -can- distribute those09:13
crimsunboth ATI and Nvidia explicitly allow that09:13
Amarantheveryone can?09:13
ajmitchAmaranth: because ubuntu doesn't have a special agreement09:13
Amaranththen how come no one does? :P09:13
crimsunMandriva does, no?09:13
ograSuSE and redhat do ...09:13
Amaranthhmm, maybe it is just debian that doesn't09:14
crimsunDebian's rightly strict09:14
Amaranthlast time i used anything else was 200209:14
ajmitchAmaranth: http://ftp.egr.msu.edu/debian/pool/non-free/n/nvidia-modules-i386/09:15
ajmitchthat's for debian09:15
keyesMandriva don't distribute 3d drivers in the free ISOs09:15
keyesbut they are in commercial packs09:15
keyesthis is a "buisness plan"09:15
ajmitchand we won't have a commercial ubuntu version09:16
ajmitchthere can be ubuntu-based distributions, which aren't ubuntu09:16
keyesI know09:16
keyesthis was just an idea09:16
keyes(a bad idea I see)09:16
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ajmitchthere's plenty of things we'd like to be able to do :)09:16
keyesalso we are distributing realplayer (even if we can't) in the PLF repository09:17
ajmitchthat's PLF09:17
ajmitchwe're not free to break copyright :)09:17
ajmitchredistribution terms generally fall under copyright rather than just an EULA09:18
keyesajmitch:  I know09:21
ajmitchhm, I'd better not forget to throw my ubuntu tshirt in the suitcase :)09:26
=== \sh doesn't have a ubuntu shirt...trying to print a "MOTU" shirt tomorrow
=== ajmitch has his one from UDU
ajmitcha shame we didn't have time to get MOTU shirts for all the guys who'll be there :)09:29
ajmitch\sh: duck is winning by a narrow margin09:29
ajmitchon the fridge :)09:30
\shajmitch: well...I knew about marks "Here be Dragons" ,-) but when he has a "Dragon" as icon ;) why not using kde as main desktop ;)09:30
ajmitchoh because noone uses kde ;)09:31
keyesI prefer Dragons than Duck! Duck has "influenza" in Europa09:33
slomo_keyes: hehe... good reason for using the middle english translation of dapper ;)09:34
=== ajmitch preferred dragon
Amaranthjust not a green dragon09:34
ajmitchI think I need to run out & grab some breakfast before I leave09:35
keyesWhy not a Panther09:35
keyesThis is much an africal animal09:36
Treenakskeyes: Pansy Panther?09:36
keyeshum :)09:36
keyesthe pink panther ...09:37
slomo_apple will sue us ;)09:37
Amaranthtawny tiger!09:38
siretarthi keyes09:38
keyeshi siretart how are you?09:38
ajmitchhello siretart09:39
siretartkeyes: I'm in a pub using wlan ;)09:39
siretarthuhu ajmitch09:39
Amaranth"brownish orange tiger"09:39
Treenaksajmitch: lonely lion ?09:39
Treenakslovely lion?09:39
keyessiretart:  you don't have a beer to drink?09:39
Amaranthleaping leopard09:39
ajmitchTreenaks: why me?09:39
Treenaksajmitch: you're suggesting things right?09:39
Treenaksoh wait09:39
=== Treenaks shuts up
Treenaksajmitch: you need to teach me to read next week09:39
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siretartkeyes: sure, just needed to check something09:41
keyesok ;)09:41
siretartkeyes: we are going to ski in france in january ;)09:41
keyesyou are lucky09:41
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keyesMirno and I have snow but no mountains :p09:41
Mirnokeyes: ywhat the ... ?09:42
keyesMirno:  on a de la neige mais pas de montagnes :p09:42
Mirnokzoui oui09:42
Mirnokeyes: merci je parles mieux anglais que toi je te rappels, je pigeai juste pas pourquoi tu disais a09:42
MirnoKaloz_: eyou didn't come to the barbecue09:43
Mirnokeyes: you didn't come to the barbecue09:43
keyes<private>m'en fou j'ai 17.5 de moyenne en anglais pour l'instant mouhaha</private>09:43
Mirnokeyes: that's desapointing :)09:43
keyesyou don't have teel me what09:43
slomo_please talk english :P09:44
Mirnokeyes: <private>c'est mme honteux vu le niveau des questions :)</private>09:44
Mirnokeyes: please go pv fore <private> :) lol09:44
keyesand i go stick SCALP posters in few minutes09:45
Mirnokeyes: ok. Wana go to the linux62 AG or not finally ?09:45
spaynehaven't seen bddebian for a while09:45
keyesMirno:  when?09:45
KyralSomeone just put a copy of a fortune cookie on my door that read "If you don't program yourself, life will program you"09:45
Mirnospacey: what's dbdebian ?09:45
MirnoKyral: you have geeky neighbours09:46
KyralMirno, I think it was because they know I'm a CS Major :D09:46
slomo_Kyral: that's a miracle... start a big, great project ;)09:47
MirnoKyral: what's CS acronym for ?09:47
KyralComputer Science :D09:47
MirnoKyral: oh, I'm sorry for you09:47
KyralOuch....that one stung09:48
MirnoKyral: just kidding sorry09:48
KyralSo was I09:48
KyralI hang out in multiple Linux channels and am trying to become a developer, I know what I am ndoing :D09:48
MirnoKyral: RUUN RUUUN damn you before you become a developper .. insanity isn't far from it09:49
MirnoKyral: look at me, i'm insane09:50
MirnoI apologies for my little crisis.09:50
MirnoI'll try to not do that again.09:50
Mirnoi'm sorry I need to get repent myself to Saint TUX09:51
=== Mirno is away : repenting to Sain TUX
=== ajmitch wishes he could be a cool developer ;)
\shajmitch: u r the coolest ;)09:54
ajmitchI can't compete with the german MOTU team09:54
siretartwe have a german team? ;)09:55
ajmitchthe collective :)09:55
ajmitchI think >50% of the MOTU work done comes from .de09:56
siretartthere are many germans, but that much?09:56
siretartthe number seems a bit high to me09:56
\shsiretart: it is ;)09:56
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
ajmitchogra, dholbach, \sh, siretart, slomo_, etc09:57
slomo_and sistpoty... but that are all? or did i forget someone? ;)09:57
ajmitchyes, sistpoty too..09:58
slomo_ah, right...09:58
=== ajmitch needs to move to .de ;)
slomo_why? it's only countries... doesn't matter anyway ;)10:00
ajmitchmy suitcase still seems far too empty10:01
=== Kyral wonders if he should create a webserver just to hold his backported packages...
crimsunoh no, not the 'b' word10:01
=== Kyral hides
ajmitchyes, the 'b' word already10:02
ajmitchalthough calls for that started about 6 weeks ago10:02
KyralYah yah, I'm trying to help NOW10:02
Kyral???? Why not?10:02
\shKyral: Backports are evil...if you want to help, ping jdong10:03
KyralHe hasn't been around10:03
\shKyral: write a mail to ubuntu-backports ml10:03
KyralI know the right way to do them....and I'm using a Breezy PBuilder...10:03
\shKyral: or send me a mail to sh@sourcecode.de and I'll talk to Mez durin mez to get u involved in ubuntu-backports10:04
=== ajmitch is so happy to have tools like bzr for offline development ;)
KyralI figure it would be a good thing to get an intro to packaging10:04
=== Kaloz [n=kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunhehe, I caught that, too10:05
KyralI'll be there for the first day ;P10:05
\shI just heard a very good idea from the german loco team for a fair in december10:07
\sh"Make A Photo With A MOTU"10:07
ajmitchthe (in)famous MOTUs!10:07
\sh"Take A Photo With A MOTU"10:07
\shand get money for it *lol*10:07
slomo_who gets the money? we? ;)10:08
=== \sh rotfls
\shslomo_: the german loco team for german motus ;)10:09
=== juliux [n=juliux@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shslomo_: MOTUS are all Creative Common licensed10:09
\shwelcome juliux he's the one who had the idea10:09
KyralI plan to take loads of pics at UBZ ;P10:10
juliuxthxs \sh10:10
\shjuliux: so what u need? naked pics of MOTUs or just "meet and greet" pictures?10:10
=== \sh laughs
juliux\sh, hm10:11
KyralDamnit \sh why did you put that in my MIND!10:11
KyralI have an exam tonight!!10:11
KyralJeez man.....10:11
slomo_\sh: we are? ;)10:11
juliux\sh, i take every thing i can make to money :-D10:11
\shslomo_: sure....MOTUs are opensource ;) and open minded ;)10:11
slomo_\sh: but i don't want to share my deepest secrets with everybody :(10:12
\shslomo_: oh...yeah..we need an exception in the CC ,)10:12
\shjuliux: it's a really good joke :)10:13
Kyral\sh: I sent you an email10:14
\shKyral: k10:14
siretart\sh: when do you arrive in fr?10:14
\shsiretart: 11:45 or something10:14
slomo_juliux: so was this idea for real or just a joke? ;)10:14
\shjuliux: I'll do it for linuxtag in essen10:14
\shjuliux: but only with girls ;)10:14
\shjust for the fun of it ;)10:15
\shsiretart: when is your flight from nuernberg?10:15
slomo_\sh: ah, i plan to get there too :)10:15
\shjuliux: u have 2 motus ;)10:15
siretart\sh: I arrive at FR at 10:3010:16
slomo_siretart: you go to UBZ? have fun there :)10:17
\shsiretart: ok..so I'll give u a ring on your mobile10:17
siretartslomo_: thanks :)10:17
siretart\sh: you still have my number?10:17
\shsiretart: order the bier ,-)10:17
siretart\sh: will do ;)10:17
slomo_and drink a beer for me too ;)10:18
\shsiretart: 017297..10:18
siretart\sh: right!10:18
\shlets try10:18
siretartoh, its off atm10:18
siretartno battery, I think, wait10:18
siretartno its empty, sorry10:19
\sh"Sie sind verbunden mit der Vodaphone mailbox von >>Rheinhard Tartler<<" ... ,-)10:20
siretart\sh: try again10:20
siretartah, okay, in the mean time I found an adapter10:20
slomo_fuck... my first failed-to-build upload to dapper... and it was a main package ;) someone needs to fix tetex :/10:21
\shsiretart: it was loud :)10:21
siretart\sh: it is over here ;)10:24
\shsiretart: but it works with from vodaphone to vodaphone ;)10:24
siretart\sh: do you happen to know where to check if an s55 works in canada?10:25
siretartit is "triband"10:26
\shsiretart: siemens?10:26
\shsiretart: should be on siemens webpage..10:26
\shsiretart: but I'll bring two cells with me ;)10:26
=== Kaloz [n=kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartthey tell me it's "triband"10:27
\shsiretart: both are triband ;)10:27
\shsiretart: so u can use one if your's not working10:28
siretart\sh: boah, great! thank you! :)10:30
ajmitchok, time to go offline, will reattach screen when I can ;)10:30
\shsiretart: all for one, one for all :)10:30
ajmitchsee you in canada10:30
\shajmitch: have a good flight :)10:31
siretartcu ajmitch!10:31
siretarthave a good flight!10:31
slomo_ajmitch: have fun at UBZ :)10:31
=== Kaloz [n=kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shok...going to bed...compiling python-qt310:44
\shcu tomorrow10:44
Nafallowhy compile things in bed?10:45
spayneNafallo: what ever turns you on :)10:46
NafalloI don't compile the kernel anymore10:47
spayneNafallo: if you have dreams about GCC, that's your business ;)10:47
Nafallomaybe \sh still doh ;-)10:47
Nafallonope, not GCC. the kernel :-).10:47
=== sebest [n=chatzill@sebest.ovibes.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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spayneanyone alive?11:43
dredgspayne: in general terms, yes. someone is alive.11:46
spayneis mythtv and mythgame broken atm in Dapper?11:46
=== zyga is alive as well but plans to go to bed
=== trulux [n=lorenzo@unaffiliated/trulux] has joined #ubuntu-motu
spaynewhere are multiverse bugs stored?11:51
dredgmalone i would imagine11:52
=== marcin [n=user@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
schweebis mako still the one taking care of CoCs and ubuntite status?11:57
spayneschweeb: no11:57
spayneschweeb: it is done through launchpad11:57
schweebis he taking care of membership status?11:58
schweebI'm supposed to be a member, and ubuntite, but nothing in launchpad currently :-/11:58
dredgthe stuff in launchpad is user configurable11:59
dredgyou can sign the CoC and upload it to launchpad11:59
dredgit will cover the rest11:59
schweebyes.  I sent my CoC into mako months ago though, was hoping I didn't have to do all this again :(12:00
dredgah, i did the same about a year ago12:00
=== schweeb counts...
dredgand then a couple of months ago i went onto launchpad and did it all again12:00
schweebyea, probably a year ago12:01

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