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Riddellpef_aw: when I compile qtparted the /usr/sbin/qtparted file ends up empty12:18
Riddellpef_aw: fresh recompile seem to be fine, I think my computer just crashed at the wrong moment12:32
Riddellpef_aw: uploaded12:42
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Riddellpef_aw: new kvpnc uploaded thanks03:46
Riddellseth_k|away: what's the status of kmobiletools?03:47
seth_k|awayRiddell, I've been swamped with exams :/03:50
seth_k|awayif someone wants to finish it off it's almost done03:50
seth_k|awayotherwise I'll probably finish next weekend03:50
seth_k|awaye.g. not tomorrow03:50
seth_k|awaybut Friday next03:50
Riddellseth_k|away: maybe pef will finish it, he's very up and coming on the MOTU scene :)03:51
seth_k|awayok :) or if he is busy, it will be done next weekend one way or another03:53
seth_k|awaymethinks there are just minor changes left as per dholbach's comments03:53
seth_k|awayWhat in the world are you still doing up Riddell, it's like 3 am there03:54
Riddellseth_k|away: actualy it's 21:55 here :)03:56
Riddell(but 3am isn't completely unusual for me either)03:56
seth_k|awayyou're not over in the UK?03:57
seth_k|awayohh, you're over for UBZ?03:58
Riddellyes, montreal03:58
seth_k|awayyeah, I had forgotten03:58
seth_k|awayokay, food time03:58
Tm_TRiddell: about your post in kde-artist mailing list.. no permission to splash package?04:01
Tm_TI get 40304:01
RiddellTm_T: try now04:02
Tm_Tuse it immediately ;)04:03
Tm_Thave to say, very good04:03
Tm_Tget some sleep ->04:03
Riddellpef_aw: kzenthing uploaded, control needed  s/breezy/dapper/04:13
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Riddellhi freeflying, get my e-mail?04:42
freeflyingRiddle:let me check it04:43
freeflyingRiddle:I've told this to minghua ,the maintainer of scim in debian04:45
Riddellfreeflying: great04:46
Riddellfreeflying: going to fix up skim?05:01
freeflyingRiddle: I'm working for it now and soon it will be uploaded05:09
Riddellgive me a ping when it's uploaded05:22
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pef_awRiddell: thank you, but I leaved breezy for a breezy-updates upload, since the problem is similar in Breezy08:00
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_Tonio_hi all09:37
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JRehi _Tonio_ 09:44
_Tonio_hi JRe 09:46
JRe_Tonio_: how are you ?09:47
_Tonio_JRe: fine ;)09:50
_Tonio_isa server to install.......09:50
_Tonio_but fine ;)09:50
_Tonio_JRe: did you saw for standard version in packages ?
_Tonio_I have to note that09:51
Tm_TI can't install ubuntu to my server pc09:51
JRe_Tonio_: ho no I didn't know09:51
Tm_Tinstaller keep saying there's no ethernet but firewire09:52
_Tonio_mornfall: Tm_T 09:52
Tm_Tfirewire in pentium 200MHz sure09:52
_Tonio_morning Tm_T 09:52
_Tonio_^^ still sleeping a bit ;)09:52
Tm_Tmorning _Tonio_ 09:52
Tm_Twell, almost no sleep here09:53
JReI woke up early to give a lesson at the university but it was cancelled :)09:53
Tm_Twell, I guess I got 2h sleep09:54
_Tonio_I woke up too late to be at work and missed my morning meeting ;)09:54
_Tonio_as about always ;)09:54
_Tonio_Tm_T: I was doing this for month, but from now two weeks, I try to sleep at least 5 hours per night....09:55
_Tonio_it is really better during the day ;)09:55
Tm_Tbut sometimes I feel too shit to sleep09:56
Tm_Tanyway, trying to hunt some food ->09:57
_Tonio_JRe: I will package klear toonight09:57
JRe_Tonio_: yep :)09:57
_Tonio_and maybe kompile if klear goes quick09:57
JRe_Tonio_: i have finished my work on ksystemlog. it's a lot better now09:57
_Tonio_here is the problem when you build a new package, it can take from 20 minutes to many hours....09:58
_Tonio_JRe: fine ;)09:58
_Tonio_JRe: any ambition to work on systemsettings bugs ? ^_^09:58
JRe_Tonio_: should be the case soon :) ATM i'm working on my new KFormat09:58
=== _Tonio_ is sad to see somany bugs in the admin toolspart of kubuntu.....
_Tonio_s/toolspart/tools part09:59
_Tonio_JRe: nice09:59
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pef_Tonio_: standards-version should be 3.6.2, not ;)12:23
_Tonio_pef ?12:25
pef[09:51]  <_Tonio_> JRe: did you saw for standard version in packages ?
_Tonio_pef : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=65812:26
_Tonio_look at Riddell 's revu....12:26
pef_Tonio_: I've asked to a dd, and another MOTU told me not to use last digit12:27
_Tonio_pef, okay, so we'll have to make it clear ;)12:27
_Tonio_pef: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=77712:28
_Tonio_same here....12:28
pef_Tonio_: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=80312:28
pef_Tonio_: look at #ubuntu-motu ;)12:29
_Tonio_pef: okay, I admit, but then I think all revuers have to decide of a standard12:29
pef_Tonio_: yep12:29
pefRiddell: hello, I think you're wrong when setting Standards-Version to, you should'nt use last digit12:30
pefRiddell: allee, dholbach and amny dd in #debian-devel agree to use only 3 digits (3.6.2)12:31
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cmvoRiddell: Hi Jonathan!12:45
pefRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-i18n/+bug/485 This is fixed by a simple rebuild. Should I upload the rebuilded version to revu, or just add a debdiff ?02:34
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jjessei'm trying to build nessus thrugh the nessus installer and it is having problems with not findng flex, lex and yacc what package do i need to install for those?03:28
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Riddellgood morning all03:40
Riddellpef: add a debdiff and poke me is probably good as any03:40
Riddelljjesse: tried installing flex and bison packages?03:40
jjesseis yacc in one of those packages?03:41
Riddellshould be in bison I think03:42
Riddellit is a pune or play on words03:42
Riddellpef: that kde-i18n-se beastie is invalid03:48
=== Mez [n=cobra_77@host-83-146-33-98.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Mezhows things?04:00
Riddelltres bien04:00
Mezgood good04:00
Mezwhen you flying to montreal btw?04:00
Riddellalthough the swimming pool is just too short to get a proper swim in04:00
Riddelllast wednesday :)04:00
Mezhow is it?04:07
Riddellbetween the quebecois and the chinese it's quite cultural04:08
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cmvoRiddell: Hi Jonathan!04:09
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Riddellhi cmvo baby04:10
cmvoI think I found something (or it :-) in case of the admin problem:04:12
cmvokdesu_stub gets passed "KDESYCOCA=/tmp/kde-user/ksycoca" in the environment by 04:12
cmvo /tmp/kde-user/ksycoca is a symlink to /var/tmp/kdecache-user/ksycoca04:13
cmvoThis symlink does not exist after a reboot, but gets created by kbuildsycoca.04:13
cmvoWhen the symlink is created admin mode works, when it is delete it does not.04:14
Riddellcmvo: wow04:21
cmvoWhen kded later detects a change in software (I don't know what kded is watching in detail) it runs kbuildsycoca which also creates the link.04:23
Riddellso get kdesu to create that link and we're sorted04:23
cmvoThis could be an explanation why the problem is so erratic. Anytime kded runs kbuildsycoca admin mode begins to work until the next reboot.04:24
Riddellmakes me wonder what deletes that symlink04:25
Riddellbut it does sound like the sort of thing that could get deleted by various things which is why other distros would have occational problems too04:25
cmvoIsn't /tmp cleaned on any reboot?04:26
Riddellhmm, not sure04:27
Riddellbut if it was then how come it works most of the time04:27
cmvoIts cleaned in /etc/init.d/bootclean.sh after $TMPTIME days. TMPTIME is 0 int /etc/default/rcS.04:28
Riddellyou're ahead of me :)04:29
RiddellI guess it works after reboot if there's been a good reason to run kbuildsycoca04:29
Riddellwhich explains why a fresh install or new user is fine since they will have had kbuildsycoca run04:30
cmvoJust searched to /tmp in init.d :-)04:30
cmvos/to/for/ (I type too fast)04:31
cmvoAlso kded runs kbuildsycoca when it delects new kde programs. Then admin mode also works until the next reboot.04:32
cmvoBut I don't think it should be kdesu to create the link. Maybe kded is the better place.04:33
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cmvoAs a bandaid fix add:04:34
cmvo[General] 04:34
cmvoto .kde/share/config/kdedrc then kbuildsycoca is run on every reboot.04:35
cmvoI don't know if /tmp/kde-user is a historic place for ksycoca. Maybe kdesu shouldn't pass it on in the first place. kdesu uses locateLocal() to create the tmp path. And this04:48
cmvofunction disappears in the depth of KDE. Maybe it just searches /tmp before /var/tmp.04:49
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pefsomeone knows ho to find all bugs assigned to Kubuntu team in Malone ?04:54
JRepef: yes go to kubuntu-team page05:00
JRepef: and click on the bugs menu entry (top of the page)05:00
JRepef: https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+assignedbugs05:01
pefJRe: thank you :)05:02
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JReRiddell: if I make a patch to fix layout problems of systemsettings, is there any chance that it will be integrated into breezy-updates ?05:21
RiddellJRe: unlikely but it would be very welcome for dapper and kde 3.505:25
Riddelland it could go in breezy-backports if you ask mez05:25
JReRiddell: ok I'll try to fix it 05:26
Riddellcmvo: do you think that if we just patch kdesu to pass KDESYCOCA=/var/tmp/kdecache-user/ksycoca that would fix it?05:29
cmvoI've looked through kded.cpp maybe just changing the first parameter of locateLocal() from "tmp" to "cache" could fix it too.05:36
cmvoI just give it a try and look and see what parameter gets passed to kdesu_stub05:36
cmvos/and see//05:37
Riddell_Tonio_: are you a motu?05:42
_Tonio_Riddell: no not yet ;)05:47
_Tonio_Riddell: I'm even not a member at the moment05:47
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Riddellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/k/ktranslator/0.3-0ubuntu1/  compiled05:48
Riddellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/k/kinstaller/0.2-0ubuntu1/ compiled05:49
Riddell_Tonio_: are you on amd64?05:49
_Tonio_no.... jre is05:49
_Tonio_maybe he could try a pbuilder and tell us what about05:49
Riddell_Tonio_: then your pbuilder should be able to compile05:49
JReyes I do may I test these packages _Tonio_ ?05:49
_Tonio_I'll test toonight05:50
Riddellamd64 is failing on evething05:50
RiddellI assume it's not KDE's fault05:50
_Tonio_JRe: you may find the sources on our repo.... same sources except a patch on the  .desktop file05:50
JRe_Tonio_: k05:50
_Tonio_Riddell: if it works, I will start uploads this weekend....05:51
_Tonio_I have plenty of packages to upload :)05:51
Riddell_Tonio_: uploads to revu?05:51
_Tonio_Riddell: yes05:51
_Tonio_about 12 packages I think, something like that05:52
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cmvoRiddell: kdebase build still grinding along...06:16
RiddellI know that feeling06:17
JRelibreadline5: Depends: readline-common but it is not installed06:17
Riddellalthough you should be able to just cd obj-<tab>; cd kdesu; make; make install06:17
JRe(while running pbuilder create on amd64, dapper distrib)06:18
JReRiddell: arg dapper debootstrap seem broken06:22
cmvoRiddell: cd obj... But only after the first build? (I still have a lot to learn about debs...)06:23
RiddellJRe: what's broken about it?06:24
JReRiddell: does yours try to installreadline-common ?06:24
Riddellcmvo: run debuild until ./configure is done then you should be able to do that06:25
JReRiddell: when I am trying to create the base.tgz it mess with libreadline506:25
Riddellcmvo: packages get built in obj-xx directory rather than in the source directory, keeps things tidy06:25
RiddellJRe: that's an amd64 problem, it's why nothing is compiling on amd6406:25
RiddellJRe: tried making an i386 pbuilder?06:26
JReRiddell: nop but I'm going to do that ;)06:26
cmvoRiddell: Is there a shortcut to create obj and the makefiles without a complete build? I tried ./configure, but should habe used the configure parameters from debian/rules.06:33
Riddellcmvo: run debuild06:35
Riddellonce it gets to the compiling start stop it with control-c06:35
Riddellcd obj-<tab>; cd wherever; make06:35
JRecan it be noe with fakeroot debian/rules binary ?06:35
JReha no you need a partial rebuild 06:36
Riddelldebuild -nc  will carry on the compile without cleaning it first06:36
cmvoChange kdesu.cpp line 300 to: QCString ksycoca = "KDESYCOCA="+QFile::encodeName(locateLocal("cache", "ksycoca")); and kdesu passes /var/tmp/kdecache... to kdesu_stub (at least here :-)06:48
Riddellcmvo: rocking06:48
Riddellcan you make a debdiff?06:48
cmvotry to :-)06:49
cmvoRiddell: What do you need, a debdiff of the source packages?06:58
Riddellcmvo: yes please07:01
Riddelldebdiff foo-old.dsc foo-new.dsc07:01
cmvoOk, it'll take a bit, have finish the build, to get the new dsc. Do I need to change the version in changelog to get a differently named file or just move the original source files out of the way so they don't get overwritten?07:05
cmvoRiddell: Do I need to change the version in changelog to get differently named files or just move the original source files out of the way so they don't get overwritten?07:18
\shRiddell: how is the weather in montreal?07:26
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cmvo\sh: It seems to be 5C and overcast :-)07:46
_jpetso...ok, now for the newlyswitched ones07:47
_jpetsoi'm trying to compile some autotools stuff that I had compiling on Gentoo before, and it doesn't work yet in Ubuntu07:47
_jpetsoit says (extract):07:48
_jpetsoconfigure.in: 8: automake requires `AM_PROG_LEX', not `AC_PROG_LEX'07:48
_jpetsoautomake: examples/fact/Makefile.am: lex source seen but `AC_DECL_YYTEXT' not in `configure.in'07:48
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jpetso...I hope no one has said something important? seems like I'm getting disconnected regularly... (which also wasn't the case in Gentoo, but hey)07:52
\shjpetso: what did u try to compile and why?08:05
jpetsokdevelop-pg, the new parser generator for KDevelop, because I'm writing a grammar for it08:05
=== jpetso is still here
\shjpetso: and how do you compile? looks like u have a wrong version auf autotools stuff08:07
jpetsoI've got the breezy standard stuff08:07
jpetso\sh: ...and just tried installing automake1.9 additionally, don't help so far08:08
jpetso\sh: except automake --version still says 1.408:08
\shjpetso: so u called aclocal-1.9 \n automake-1.9?08:08
jpetso\sh: I didn't, what does that do?08:09
\shjpetso: the default version "aclocal/automake" is 1.408:10
\shjpetso: to call 1.9 version u have to call aclocal-1.9 and automake-1.908:10
Riddellcmvo: dch -i to add a new changelog entry08:10
jpetsook, seems logical08:10
Riddell\sh: slightly nippy but not freezing08:10
jpetso\sh: done, but automake --version still says 1.408:11
\shjpetso: yes...because it's 1.4 and not 1.908:11
\shRiddell: ok..good to have warm clothes with me08:12
jpetso\sh: ok...so how do I get 1.9 to be used by make -f Makefile.cvs08:12
Riddelljpetso: remove automake, install automake1.908:12
Riddell /usr/bin/automake just points to alternatives08:12
jpetsoRiddell: remove like rm, or like in Adept?08:13
\shjpetso: rm like rm ;)08:13
Riddelljpetso: adept :)08:13
Riddelldon't listen to \sh 08:13
Riddellespecially when he tells you to rm -rf /08:13
\sh*grmpf* i never tell such stupid things08:13
\shwell...anyways...it's actually the wrong way08:14
\shthe right way is debootstrap a breezy or better dapper08:14
\shand compile there08:14
\shand create a real .deb package08:14
jpetso\sh: if I knew now what debootstrapping means, maybe08:14
\shjpetso: everything to learn is on wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources ... there is a link to Debootstrap08:15
Riddelljpetso: ubw:DebootstrapChroot08:15
\shjpetso: just like installing gentoo from the installer iso with a clean HD08:15
\shbut much easier08:15
\shjpetso: ubw: works only in konqueror...08:16
jpetso\sh: i knew that, i even knew i had replaced smth:bla with smth bla08:16
\shneed to find a way to implement this in ff, too08:16
jpetsoRiddell, \sh: so cool, it worked!08:20
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cmvoRiddell: Got to go. The build is still running, tried to continue it, but --nc implies -b, which means no source. So the diff has to wait till tomorrow. Cu!09:04
Riddell\sh_away: can you see Edit Emblem on https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team ?09:46
Riddellmight be on one of the subpages09:47
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=== lamont looks for tomatoes to toss at Riddell
lamontRiddell: Build-Depends: ..., g++-3.4 [10:23
lamontarm m68k hppa] 10:23
=== lamont uploads kdenetwork
Riddelllamont: what's the problem?10:28
lamontlack of build-depends kinda makes gcc-3.4 unusable...10:30
lamontsee http://buildd.mmjgroup.com/buildLogs/k/kdenetwork/4\:3.4.3-0ubuntu1/kdenetwork_4\:3.4.3-0ubuntu1_20051028-1307-hppa-failed.gz 10:30
lamontwell, without the \ chars...10:30
lamontI uploaded a -0ubuntu2 with the build-dep above10:31
Riddellah, oops, sorry10:35
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