
Kinnisonelmo: 76G archive12:08
kikoKinnison, with new gina run or not?12:08
Kinnisonkiko: that's direct from staging as of now12:09
elmoKinnison: that sounds small?12:09
kikoKinnison, so no new gina run :-(12:09
Kinnisonelmo: w/h/b i386/amd64/ppc12:09
Kinnisonelmo: +source12:09
elmoKinnison: hum, ok12:10
Kinnisonkiko: Erm, dunno, I thought you and stub were in charge of that12:10
kikoKinnison, stub refused to do it because he thought your packages were precious, argh12:25
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lifelesswelcome to the house of fun.12:29
Kinnisonkiko: my packages?12:29
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kikoKinnison, in the database. fun indeed.12:30
kikonever mind.12:30
kikowe'll just need to redo the run tomorrow :-*12:30
=== Kinnison shrugs
Kinnisonthe majority of the pain is getting the files on disk12:31
Kinnisonchanging the packaging metadata isn't too bad12:31
lifelessmdz, can yo uvisit, https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-dev and see what it says about 'Your involvement' - after logging in12:32
lifelessKinnison: are we scheduling or something ?12:33
kikoKinnison, but gina takes a long time to run!12:34
Kinnisonlifeless: I'm not12:34
Kinnisonkiko: I agree12:34
Kinnisonkiko: but since I'm not at all sure what you're on about in terms of calling packaging data precious, I'm not sure what I'm meant to do and when/how12:35
kikonuking SPR and BPR and the publishing tables12:37
lifelesskiko: ah, are *we* shceduling or something ?12:40
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kikolifeless, nah, we're relaxing. steve was supposed to add room names, but..12:46
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=== Kinnison subscribes to some specs
=== Kinnison hopes this gets reflected in the schedule for tomorrow
Kinnisonit should chew up one of my slack periods12:52
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kikoahoy there05:07
kikostub, dude!05:07
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stubkiko: yo05:44
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Mez|Awayhey stub06:13
Mez|Awayhows the card game going?06:13
Mez|Awaystub: apologies.... i thought kiko was asking you if you were Kinnison 06:15
Mez|AwayLP down?06:33
Belutzis uploading .po file in rosetta is not working at the moment?06:54
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jordiBelutz: it should, why do you ask?09:29
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zyga_desktopcarlos, ping10:16
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zyga_desktopcarlos, join #ubuntu-desktop once you are around please, I've made some progress with gettext support for desktop files and I'd like to discuss this with you10:28
jordizyga_desktop: for langpacks?!10:28
jordizyga_desktop: that's awesome dude10:28
zyga_desktopjordi, yes10:28
zyga_desktopjordi, it works today10:29
jordizyga_desktop: how do you do it, in summary?10:29
zyga_desktopjordi, I've patched pyxdg and libgnome-desktop, both patches are in malone10:29
zyga_desktopjordi, I use, if possible an extra key X-Gettext-Domain to lookup all localized strings10:29
zyga_desktopthis method takes priority over legacy key[$LOCALE] =value data10:30
zyga_desktopI yet need to patch a volume of desktop files to notice the performance problems that many have talked about10:30
zyga_desktopanyway I plan to patch gettext to support a proxy for all the .mo files in a lightweight database of some sort if this becomes an issue10:30
jordizyga_desktop: having gnome get those strings from .mo files could be the answer. Do you know why they chose to have them in the .desktop?10:31
zyga_desktopjordi, performance10:32
zyga_desktopjordi, it's easier to read one file instead of reading lots of .mo files10:32
zyga_desktopbut that point is really moot IMHO10:32
zyga_desktopit's better to have a useful design (the one with .mo files) that less efficient now than have a crappy design that is efficient10:32
zyga_desktopand besides, proxying will solve any performance issues10:32
jordihaving all in one file defeats many advantages in the mo format10:33
zyga_desktopjordi, anyway that's the first step10:33
zyga_desktopjordi, it works today and I'd like to get some feedback on this :-)10:33
zyga_desktoptoo bad that UBZ is going on now :)10:33
jordiyeah. I'm leavign tomorrow for .ca10:34
zyga_desktopmvo could have some ideas about gnome-app-install that is using a horde of desktop files10:34
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=== zyga_desktop has read the xdg mailing list archive
zyga_desktopso now we basically need a gettext proxy to solve the performance issue11:01
LarstiQzyga_desktop: afaik, reading lots of files is a major performance killer for gnome11:21
zyga_desktopLarstiQ, that depends on how it's done, it *may* be a performance killer, it does not have to11:22
zyga_desktopOTOH: how to remove / upgrade an attachment in malone?11:24
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cprovmorning guys11:35
BjornTzyga_desktop: at the moment you can't. feel free to file a bug about it, i'll try to get around implementing it some day.11:35
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matsubaragood morning!12:14
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stubelmo, Znarl: ping01:23
Znarlstub : Pong01:31
stubZnarl: Can you tell what is thrashing Asuka's disk?01:31
ZnarlHold on, I'll take a look.01:32
stubI've been doing a DB restore which normally takes about 1.5 hours for the last three hours now01:32
stubIt might just be the restore (maybe the production database has changed more than I expected since the last restore I timed, maybe two weeks ago).01:35
stubWhich is the stuff running as the postgres user01:35
stubOr maybe all this new disk is real slloooowww01:36
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ZnarlNo, no, the disks are the normal super fast outstanding disks.01:39
fabbionehey Znarl 01:39
ZnarlHello fabbione 01:40
fabbioneZnarl: it was a pleasure to meet you in London.. too bad there was not time to talk01:41
Znarlfabbione : Thank you, you too.  01:43
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ZnarlHopefully next time you're in London we can have more time to chat.01:44
fabbioneZnarl: you can bet on it01:49
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Znarlstub : It could be the hardware RAID kicked out a disk and it's rebuilding.  I'll find out in a few hours when I can eyeball the machine.01:58
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stubZnarl: No probs.02:16
stubMy restore has finished now... cool.02:17
stubHmm.... back to normal load. Must have been me. Might need to get the darling more RAM or something.02:18
MezI'm getting expired stuff on specs02:18
SteveAwhat were you restoring stub?02:32
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stubSteveA: Staging. Just kicked off a fresh gina run for kiko02:54
=== stub packs his laptop up for the flight
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mdzlifeless:  You are the owner of this team, but not currently an active member.03:23
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lifelessmdz: interesting.03:24
lifelessmdz: you should be by inclusion though right ?03:24
lifelesssalgado: ping03:25
salgadolifeless, pong03:25
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lifelesssalgado: team mmbership - if someone is in a team that is in a team, should they be listed as a member of the latter team ?03:25
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lifelesssalgado: jbailey and I were looking at some permission errors yesterday, and this 'not in the team' thing seems a likely candidate03:27
salgadolifeless, right now you're not listed as a member on the team's page, because that page lists only direct members of a team03:28
lifelesssalgado: ok.03:28
salgadobut maybe it's a good idea to list indirect members too. I'm not sure03:28
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salgadolifeless, how can I reproduce the bug you mentioned?03:29
lifelesssalgado: are you in montreal ?03:30
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salgadolifeless, not yet. I'm leaving .br tomorrow night03:30
salgadotoday, in fact03:31
lifelessuhm, jbailey has a bug03:31
spivlifeless: Btw, I've started implementing SupermirrorFilesystemHierarchy -- I expect I'll have the hard part, the SFTP changes, working during the flight.03:31
spivBut now, I need to sleep so I can make that flight :)03:32
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salgadolifeless, the RocketFuelSetup page mentions a "bzr pull --clobber" command line. would the correct be "bzr pull --overwrite"?03:34
salgadoI ask because there doesn't seem to be a --clobber option for pull03:34
lifelessyes, its changede. I'll fix03:35
bradbHey, I want to get K-lined.03:36
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lifelessstub ping03:50
lifelessSteveA: ping03:51
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SteveAlifeless: 03:51
lifelessshould breezy using devs be using posgreesql 8 or 7.4 ?03:52
SteveAeither should work03:52
SteveAproduction is 703:52
lifelesswhat *should* we be telling them to use ?03:52
lifelessthe dbsetup instructions are wrong, I need to correct them, and it requires a choice03:52
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SteveAit is good to have a mix at this point03:52
SteveAif stu has imminent plans to upgrade03:53
lifelessapt-get install postgresql-plpython03:53
SteveAthen we should all use 803:53
lifeless <- does not exist, have to do -7.4 or -8.003:53
SteveAwe need to ask stu when he arrives03:53
bradbMy baz -> bzr conversion bombed out fairly early on with an exception. Should I file it as a bzr bug in malone, or send this error output somewhere else?03:53
lifelessok, I'm not aware specific plans to upgrade.03:53
lifelessbradb: give it to me03:53
bradblifeless: sent03:55
bradbpoor, poor chinstrap04:01
jameshSteveA: I noticed that the pg_dump output of postgres 8.0 is a bit different to the equivalent dump from 7.4, which affects generation of sample data04:01
jameshSteveA: which means having a mix of the two versions will lead to merge conflicts when people are updating the sample data04:02
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SteveAcan you put in a pastebin an example of the difference?04:02
bradb"bzr branch" and "bzr merge" would seem to be running in ultra-slow motion due to the load on chinstrap.04:03
jameshI don't recall the exact differences (I think they were a combination of whitespace and ordering of some output)04:03
jameshbut it meant that regenerating the sample data touched almost every line of the file04:03
lifelessbradb: are you running them on chinstrap ?04:03
bradblifeless: yep04:03
BjornTah, true, i noticed that as well. SteveA, it seems that with 8.0, all tables are ordered alphabetical, so it's quite a huge diff. i got more than 1Mb diff for a simple sample data addition04:03
jameshso I got big conflicts when someone else updated the file04:03
bradblifeless: I've been waiting on "bzr branch" for several minutes already.04:03
bradblifeless: And seen no progress output or output of any kind thus far.04:04
lifelessbradb: I need the command line you used too04:04
bradbbradb@chinstrap /home/warthogs/archives/bradb/launchpad $ bzr branch /home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel malone-talks-back-contd04:04
lifelessfor the conversion04:04
bradbah, ok04:04
bradbhow do I scroll back through the scroll buffer in screen?04:05
lifelessctrl-a [, then pgup04:06
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bradbpgup scrolls my terminal's scroll bar04:07
lifelesstry arrows then04:07
bradbwait, found the magic incantation, i think04:07
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bradbbradb@chinstrap /home/warthogs/archives/bradb $ /home/warthogs/source/bzr.integration/bzr baz-import brad.bollenbach@canonical.com brad.bollenbach@canonical.com ../rocketfuel04:08
lifelesscan you mail me your ~/bzr.log please04:12
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bradblifeless: sent.04:15
LarstiQbradb: for scrolling in screen after ctrl-a-[, ctrl-f and ctrl-b are good (as well as hjkl)04:17
eruinmeh, I wish there were tighter bonds between gnome-i18n and rosetta translators04:18
eruinI'm slowly losing track of all the i18n mailing lists, etc I'm following :P04:18
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mpoolhttps://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+spec/nathansprangers is not a bzr spec04:20
mpoolcan i move it?04:20
mpoolit should be an ubuntu spec04:20
lifeless..not yet AFAIK04:21
lifelessbug 372704:23
UbugtuMalone bug #3727: Cannot move specs added to a product to a different product or to a distro. Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/372704:23
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mpoolis there a way to mark a spec as closed/invalid?04:30
lifelesserm, not really.04:30
lifelessyou can say 'obsolete'04:30
mpoolit looks like someone just changed it04:31
lifelessyes, I corrected it. But there is no ui, so I filed a bug.04:32
jameshmpool: it can be declined for ubz though04:34
lifelessjamesh: that leaves noise in the product though04:37
lifelesswhich is, I think, mpools concern04:37
kikobradb, yo?04:39
kikohow's it going my man04:40
bradbnot bad, not bad. how's the bike?04:40
kikonot bad!04:40
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kikomy throat is not so great thouh04:41
kikobradb, what time did the lappie arrive?04:41
mpoolif it's really just a typo then there should be a way to delete it04:41
mpooli think04:41
kikoor was it supposed to?04:41
bradbkiko: they said they get deliveries between 11 and 304:41
kikookay, cool, thanks04:41
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mpoolbradb: where are you?04:42
lifelessbradb: where are you?04:42
mptbradb, get your behind down here04:42
kikoget your behind behind here04:42
mptYou're in high demand04:43
bradbok, ok, ok, ok!04:43
=== bradb was obeying the wiki schedule
kikoI OBEY04:43
mptWe're on floor S104:43
lifelessbradb: as if04:43
mpoolif i can spend 30h flying you can get the metro! :)04:43
bradbright, i'm on my way04:43
lifelessbah 30, you lightweight!04:43
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kikohey brenden duderino05:01
kikobradb disappeared ;)05:01
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highvoltagehi guys. where can I check for existing bugs in launchpad?05:04
kikohighvoltage, what are they bugs on? ubuntu? launchpad?05:04
thisfredhighvoltage, https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bugs ?05:07
highvoltagethanks thisfred, for some reason i mis-looked it.05:09
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highvoltagei want to translate binutils, but my language isn't there. is there a way i can add it?05:22
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jameshhighvoltage: what language is it?05:25
kikohighvoltage, talk to jordi!05:25
mpoolis it a known bug that i get an error of unauthenticated user tried to post to a page that requires auth"05:26
highvoltagejamesh: Afrikaans05:26
highvoltagejordi: I want to translate binutils to Afrikaans, but Launchpad doesn't have it listed under binutils05:27
salgadompool, yes, it is05:27
jameshhighvoltage: we have Afrikaans in the system05:27
jameshhighvoltage: have you selected Afrikaans as one of the languages you know?05:27
highvoltagejamesh: i think so. let me double-check...05:28
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jameshhighvoltage: https://launchpad.net/rosetta/prefs <- that's the language selection page05:29
jameshhighvoltage: iirc, your selected languages are always listed when you look at a translation template in Launchpad05:29
highvoltagejamesh: yes, i have05:29
jamesh(even if they have no translations at that point)05:29
highvoltagejamesh: no, i lied. it's good now :)05:30
highvoltagejamesh: thanks05:30
jameshno problem05:30
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jsgotangcoits lp getting timeout problems?05:40
kikojsgotangco, yes, more or less continually. we need to work this out this week05:41
jsgotangcoah ok thanks kiko, hope montreal is doing good for the lp team =)05:41
kikojsgotangco, it will do! lots of little specs to work on05:42
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highvoltagehow do i insert a <tab> in a web form?05:54
Mezctrl tab or shift tab sometimes works05:55
kikohighvoltage, but mostly it doesn't05:55
highvoltagegnome seems to take that.05:55
highvoltagei'll just insert <tab>. perhaps the po maintainers can fix it05:56
kikohighvoltage, uhm05:56
kikohighvoltage, what are you doing?05:56
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mpoolhighvoltage: paste it?05:58
highvoltageok, i'll try that. perhaps an "insert tab" would be nice in rosetta.05:59
kikohighvoltage, read the legend. you're supposed to use [tab] 06:00
kikothat's in the left-hand portlet area06:00
highvoltagekiko: ah, ok. sorry, launchpad is big, i forget to read all the stuff on the left and right hand side. thanks.06:01
kikohighvoltage, it's big and kinda confusingly cluttered. we're working on it.06:02
highvoltagekiko: great job, btw. i think it's wonderful how you guys make it fun to contibute.06:06
highvoltagethanks for all your help06:06
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lifelessddaa: the fix for code is trivial06:10
lifelessI'm just reweaving my branch06:10
mpooli'd like a mozilla plugin that turns the seleted text into a new bug, then puts the url of that new bug in the clipboard06:11
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Mezcan someone approve an email address for me06:44
Mezit seems the ubuntu servers dont like sending email to *@ubuntu.com emails06:45
kikoMez, approve?06:45
Mezand I want to be able to use mez@ubuntu.com with sourcecontrol06:45
Mezkiko: confirm sorry06:45
SteveAcould be -- the mail rules behind the scenes are very complex right now06:45
SteveAi'll have a word with elmo06:45
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jsgotangcothat's strange i just requested a po file and it sent confirmation to my ubuntu.com email06:47
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SteveAMez: I just checked, and the server launchpad is running on can send email to @ubuntu.com addresses07:08
SteveAcan you tell me a bit more about what happens?07:09
MezI dont recieve any email07:10
SteveAdo you receive email from launchpad sent to another address?07:10
Mezjust not the ubuntu.com one07:10
SteveAcan i try sending you an email?07:11
Mezwell, I've tried to add it to my emails but it doenst accept07:11
SteveAMez: i just sent you an email.  let me know if you receive it soon.07:13
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rmarronnierhi ! Im doing some translations for ubuntu packages, and i want to know if those translations can be used by other distributions ?07:28
kikothey can!07:29
kikothey can be used via upstream -- upstream downloads packages and includes them07:29
kikoother distros can also download translations07:30
rmarronniercool ! 07:30
jameshrmarronnier: the details are here: https://launchpad.net/legal07:30
rmarronnierthanks jamesh07:30
jameshrmarronnier: i.e. translations done in Rosetta are available under the same terms as the software they are for07:30
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rmarronnierBut in reality do mandriva, xandros, debian etc. use those translations or work on their own ?07:32
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jameshrmarronnier: I don't know.  Note that some upstream projects use rosetta for translations, so those distros benefit from Rosetta indirectly when they get new upstream versions of those packages07:33
sabdflstub around?07:34
kikohe's on a plane I think sabdfl07:36
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rmarronnierok thanks07:47
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mdkeis there an official answer of where the name Rosetta comes from?08:21
mdkeif not, how about adding one to RosettaFAQ?08:21
matsubaraMaybe because of the rosetta stone, but I'm guessing08:24
mdkewell I think it is named after the space probe rosetta08:25
mdkewhich in turn is named after the stone08:25
mdkei'm gonna add that to the FAQ anyhows and see if anyone corrects me08:26
TylerMwhich in turn was named after a pre-historic arab sitcom "Rosetta and Rocko"08:26
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mdkenah it was named after the place it was found08:27
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occyDoes anyone think we could get it where ogg vorbis video can work out of the box with 6.04 ?08:29
mdkewrong channel08:29
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medgnowho should I talk to if I seem to have a messed up launchpad account?08:39
kikowhat's up medgno 08:39
medgnoI can't sign up for a new account with my email address, and trying to do a "forgotten password" thing for my email doesn't work either08:40
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Belutzhi all08:42
Belutzis it normal that the process after uploading .po file would took a long time?08:42
Belutzthis is the message in the email "On 2005-10-31 05:51+0000 (4 hours 10 minutes ago), you uploaded 94108:43
BelutzIndonesian (id) translations" it tooks 4 hours?08:43
kikoBelutz, the script is run asynchronously08:44
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kikoso it's possible08:44
Belutzah i see08:44
Belutzthanks kiko :)08:44
medgnokiko: any suggestions on what to do with my email addy?08:46
kikomedgno, when you say "I can't" and "doesn't work" I can only scratch my head. give me more infomration.08:46
kikoand information too.08:46
medgnoemail address is medgno at medievalgnome.org. I am unable to get any information from launchpad about my account. Trying to make a new account says one already exists. Doing the 'lost password' thing says that it sent an email, but I have never gotten one.08:47
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jordidamn, I missed highvoltage08:53
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jameshjordi: we fixed his problem09:04
zygathe amazing thing about FOSS is that no matter where you are, what time it is, there is someone, somewhere, always, working on improving something... every single moment :-)09:06
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LarstiQzyga: that's not particular to FOSS I'm afraid09:16
zygaLarstiQ: seesh! you ruined my mood ;-)09:18
LarstiQzyga: aww, I should have followed my heart09:18
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zygamorning log lovers09:31
kikoand goat lovers09:32
zygaI was trying to request bugfix in distro09:32
zygaand launchpad died09:32
kikoit does that sometimes09:32
kikowas it already requested?09:32
UbugtuMalone bug #3743: gvim.desktop should not be packaged with vim Fix req. for: vim (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/374309:32
zygait was a fresh bug09:32
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