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arkan0xmhz_dinner, ?? tai02:00
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mhzarkan0x: ping02:33
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Yagisanmhz: ping01:11
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patberhello. i have a question. can i use a 64bit as a terminal server and 32bit terminals?02:46
Yagisanpatber: yes - but that patch is not in the edubuntu release based on breezy02:47
Yagisanpatber: any reason you would like to do that ? (I run 64bit server with 32bit clients)02:48
patberi would like to use an amd64 server02:49
patberi'm not sure if the 32 client would boot02:50
Yagisanpatber: In 64bit mode, or 32bit compatibility mode ?02:50
patberi'm not sure if the 32 client would boot02:50
patber32bit mode for the clients02:50
Yagisanpatber: In the current edubuntu setup, amd64 servers can not boot i386 (32bit) clients02:50
Yagisanpatber: you can run 32bit edubuntu on amd64, and boot 32bit clients02:51
patberso i should use an 32bit server?02:51
Yagisanpatber: with 64bit edubuntu you don't get non-free things like flash in firefox eg02:52
patberdo you get more performance with your 64bit server?02:52
Yagisanpatber: In some apps yes, in others it is actually slower. I built it as 64bit, as I need 64bit software development02:53
patberi see. thank you for your help.02:53
Yagisanpatber: I had to stuff around setting up a 32bit chroot for firefox+flash+java02:53
Yagisanpatber: at the moment, if you have less then 3/4GB RAM and you want your system to just work02:54
Yagisanpatber: I would install 32bit edubuntu on the amd64 server02:54
Yagisanpatber: have you used the amd64 version of ubuntu ?02:55
patberyes, i would have 20 clients so the ram would be < 4gb02:55
patberno, i have not used the 64bit version02:56
patberi am planning for the hardware i have to use02:56
Yagisanpatber: It has some trouble with proprietary software (vendors don't support amd64 in 64bit mode), 02:57
Yagisanpatber: 32bit edubuntu runs fine on amd64 systems, faster then Intel P4 systems.02:58
patbermaybe a 64bit system is easier to upgarde in the future02:58
Yagisanpatber: biggest advantage of the 64bit system is the extra memory address space, and the extra registers02:59
Yagisanpatber: next release of edubuntu should support 32bit clients with 64bit server out of the box03:00
Yagisanpatber: I know, as I wrote the first patch to support that.03:00
patberwell, in the meantime i will try the 42bit edubuntu on a 64bit sytsem03:00
patberwell, in the meantime i will try the 32bit edubuntu on a 64bit sytsem03:00
Yagisanpatber: no worries, let us know how your edubuntu system turns out :)03:01
patberi will do so. it will be a school in berlin03:01
Yagisanpatber: cool, I believe ogra (main developer) is also from germany.03:02
patberthanks for your help. bye.03:03
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Yagisanogra: how are the thin client bofs going ? (have they started yet ?)03:18
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ogralooks like we can get the Thin Client bootup down to 30sec (from 1.5 min currently)03:20
ograi'm not really happy with the sound stuff, but we'll have to support dapper for 5 years, so we cant do the newest and gretest03:21
Yagisanogra: cool. I look forward to quicker boots03:21
ograyou can look yourself btw03:21
ogralook for thin client03:22
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mhzhi there03:24
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Yagisanogra: Is it possible to reduce client memory usage ? currently the clients need more then 32mb installed to boot03:46
ograthats a requirement of the ubuntu kernel03:47
ograit needs at least 48MB03:47
Yagisanogra: what about network swap ?03:47
ogranbd ? 03:47
ograits prepared ...03:47
Yagisanogra: whatever - but have it kick in on low ram boxes03:47
Yagisanogra: we had a few bitches^W complaints about edubuntu not booting in 32mb boxes03:48
Yagisanogra: some people didn't like being told to buy more ram03:49
Yagisanogra: We should wiki that 48MB requirement in big bold letters - possibly list it in the topic too03:50
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mhz_docingdoes anyone here know how to say 'Desarrollo Sustentable'  in english?05:16
mhz_docingSustainable Development?05:16
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highvoltageedoo: hi06:00
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edooheya, highvoltage!06:00
magnonogra: quick approval :-)06:01
magnonif it was you06:01
ogramagnon, ?06:14
magnonogra: launchpad06:14
magnonI signed up for the edubuntu group and got approved seconds later06:15
ogramagnon, oh, that was JaneW i guess ;) she always beats me to it06:15
juliuxogra, hi  if you have time take a look at http://www.juliux.de/linux/edubuntuworkshop.odt 06:16
magnonogra is between bofs RIGHT now so he has ;-)06:22
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JaneWogra: yes it was ;)06:47
JaneWogra: hey I do what I can :P06:48
highvoltagehi JaneW 06:48
JaneWhello highvoltage 06:48
highvoltagefeels like ages since i last talked to you06:48
=== JaneW just went outsdie in daylight for the first time since last week Tuesday... ;)
highvoltagegeez. feeling better?06:49
JaneWand now I feel guilty06:49
highvoltageyou 'sound' better :)06:49
JaneWyes it was good to see ppl in the real world06:49
highvoltagedon't worry, it's also been a while for me (since i saw daylight)06:49
JaneWand I finally sent a postcard back home :)06:49
highvoltagehow's UBZ? anything exciting? i haven't been able to follow on-line.06:50
JaneWyes it's going well so far I think, not as manic as UDU, more organised and focused IMO06:50
ograJaneW, you shoud start smoking... going out every hour lets the guilty feeling go away ;)06:53
highvoltageogra: how do you feel about the next edubuntu release?06:53
highvoltageany ideas come up so far at this conf?06:54
ograyup, we just finished up thin client sound06:54
ograadditionally we can cut down the thin client boot to a third of the time it uses now06:55
highvoltageyes, booting is very schloppy atm.06:55
ograbut 30sec until login sounds ok, doesnt it ?06:57
highvoltagei wish i could be there. next year i'm making a plan to attend the conference we're having.06:58
highvoltageperhaps i should start campaigning that it should happen in .za06:59
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JaneWhighvoltage: there's talk of that... or germany07:08
JaneWI am still viaing for THAILAND!07:08
=== highvoltage votes for .za, definately
JaneWhighvoltage: Thailand is cheap for us, and so much fin07:18
JaneWfun too07:18
highvoltageok, thailand does sound cool.07:19
highvoltageand next year i will make more money, so it should be ok.07:19
JaneWogra: someone... corey maybe, told me to tell you about the follwoing links LATE last night... http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=101007:25
JaneWand http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=69107:26
=== highvoltage will check in a mo'
ograJaneW, thats the third time he tells me....07:26
ograJaneW, and i wont tell him the third time that we cant ship gambas based software07:27
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JaneWogra: sorry...07:27
ogradont worry :)07:27
=== JaneW will thwap him next time I see him ;)
ogragnutu would duplicate schooltool :)07:28
Burgundaviaogra, JaneW sorry, I have a bad memory07:28
ograBurgundavia, no worries ...07:28
JaneWgnutu - sounds like an ubuntu derivative07:29
ograwe should have gnutu available in universe, looks cool for the workstation 07:29
ogra(for home usage)07:29
JaneWBurgundavia: np, I just didn;t want to forget if it was smoehting we wanted07:29
highvoltagewhat i like about schooltool is the amount of thought that went into it to do it properly.07:29
JaneWlunch time yay07:29
BurgundaviaJaneW, yes07:29
ograLUNCH !!!!07:29
th1aI'd never heard of gambas.07:32
th1aBut I suppose something like that had to exist, whether it is a good idea or not.07:32
highvoltagegambas? what's that.07:37
highvoltageedoo: google for gambas07:37
th1aApparently, free visual BASIC, more or less.07:37
th1aIs edoo a bot?07:47
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th1aApparently so.07:47
Conan59good day to all.07:47
Conan59I need someone to point me to a nice start about using edubuntu with LSTP07:48
Conan59I haven't understood all the details on the LSTP site enough to translate them to edubuntu07:49
bluefrog-10what do u need to know?07:49
bluefrog-10Conan59, what do u want to know?07:51
Conan59Basically an easy way to start07:56
Conan59What do I install?07:56
Conan59where do I get it..07:56
Conan59I already have the latest version of edubuntu07:56
Conan59and I'm going to install it on a computer later today07:57
Conan59but what do I need to configure and how do I plug the clients?07:57
juliuxConan59, the clients boots via pxe or a little bootimage, you didn't have to install anything at the client07:58
Conan59So I don't need the chip for the network card?08:02
Conan59I can make a floppy image and run from the server?08:02
Conan59I guess I need to disable my existing DHCP server, right?08:02
Conan59being a linksys router I don't think it supports what I need, does it?08:03
juliuxyes on the edubuntu the dhcp server should run08:05
bluefrog-10better if you disable it to test, just to make sure there is no interference08:05
juliuxand then the clients can boot via network08:05
bluefrog-10install edubuntu while following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPServerSetup?highlight=%28ltsp%2908:05
bluefrog-10u might have a pb to log in with your clients, if it's the case come back here and it will be solved in no time08:06
Conan59OH thanks :D08:07
Conan59Thank you very much for your help08:07
Conan59that's exactly what I was looking for.08:07
Conan59I'll come back as soon as I have it up and running.08:08
Conan59Thanks again.. see you later!08:08
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xDudexHave any of you deployed Edubuntu yet?  If so, for what?08:48
xDudexas a Terminal server... I meant =/08:49
bluefrog-10xDudex, schools would be the best example08:49
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juliuxor fair teams like the german ubuntu/edubuntu fair team08:50
xDudexfair teams?08:51
juliuxyes we make booth at fairs08:51
juliuxor conferences08:51
xDudexahh, ok08:52
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xDudexis it possible to create a customized desktop setup and then use that as a template so-to-speak for a group of users?08:52
juliuxyou can make it by hand08:53
xDudexyeah, but say I need it to be identical for 20 users, is there a way to avoid doing it all by hand? =)08:54
bluefrog-10yes certainly08:54
juliuxyou can also write a little script08:54
bluefrog-10can't tell u right now how but am pretty sure that it's possible to define several default desktops and then assign them to groups08:55
xDudexok, cool, that's helpful in my search, knowing that it is possible08:56
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highvoltagexDudex: you can also copy a costomised home directory to /etc/skel09:02
highvoltageall new users will then have that setup09:02
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xDudexhighvoltage, yeah, I was just reading about that on a site09:20
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XRaxXoh snap09:51
XRaxXthis is quite easy09:51
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XRaxXSet up one user as the model, copy its config files into /etc/skel09:51
XRaxXthen all new users will be set up like the model09:51
bluefrog-10how would u do then to assign a skeleton to someone depending on the group he is memeber of?09:54
bluefrog-10there must be a way to achieve that, no?09:54
XRaxXI don't know09:56
XRaxXstill doing more reading on it =)09:56
bluefrog-10something like create /etc/skel  /etc/skel1 and so on :)09:56
bluefrog-10i need to have a look into ldap directory to see if it can be done thru it09:57
XRaxXI have never used an ldap directory09:58
neurogeekbluefrog-10, /etc/skel is group-independant AFAIK09:59
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XRaxXcorrect, neurogeek09:59
XRaxXthe question is then, is there a way to do the same thing /etc/skel does, but make it group dependant?09:59
neurogeekXRaxX, unless you add script support to it.. by modifing useradd 10:00
neurogeekit shouldn't be that difficult10:01
XRaxXwhat do you mean?10:01
bluefrog-10yes but then it would for users only10:02
bluefrog-10u wouldn't change a group at once , would u?10:02
bluefrog-10or to be clearer, change a user skel by adding him to a group10:03
neurogeekI mean.. changing useradd code.. that way you can do what you want to skel.. or creating a new adduser program10:03
bluefrog-10adduser yep seems better10:03
neurogeekbluefrog-10, yes.. 10:04
bluefrog-10am having a look at smbldap-useradd, there is an option for the skeleton there10:06
neurogeekyes.. but with group support??10:07
bluefrog-10-m creates home dir and copies /etc/skel -k specifies skeleton dir10:07
mhzbluefrog-10: but what is exactly what you need? UserGroup have access to this application while UserGroup2 does not?10:07
bluefrog-10hang on hang on one thing at a time ... :)10:07
neurogeekbluefrog-10, thats the standard way useradd does it10:07
neurogeekmhz, hello.. how are you??10:07
bluefrog-10oh yes was checking useradd but missed it10:08
mhzMauricio Hernandez Z.10:08
mhzneurogeek: has bad memory :)10:08
bluefrog-10mhz, no someone was asking if possible to assign a skel to a group10:08
bluefrog-10so that all members of a group have same desktop10:08
neurogeekmhz, no.. jeje.. i asked about how are you doing? how are your things? jeje10:09
mhzneurogeek: oohhh, my tired eyes, duh!!! 10:09
=== mhz slaps himself
neurogeekmhz, don't worry.. nice seeing you again10:09
mhzbluefrog-10: oh, same desktop for G1 but will users in G2 still see SAME menus?10:10
bluefrog-10not sure of what the guy wanted but for me it would be like this yes10:11
bluefrog-10eventually having different icons on desktop as well in relation to waht they are doing10:12
mhzhmm, I guess 'adduser' has some options to specify /etc/skel but I doubt this will provide a diff menu depending on Group :(10:12
bluefrog-10G1 accounting has accounting icons on desktop and so on10:12
mhzwell, that'd be cool for schools purposes10:12
XRaxXthat simplifies it though because you just make a few different /etc/skel 's based on the groups you need10:12
XRaxXthen specifiy which to use in creation10:13
mhzbut I think this will be possible under Wmaker or Fluxbox desktops10:13
neurogeekbluefrog-10, modifiying adduser or useradd is the only way to do that10:13
mhzi doubt it under GNOME10:13
mhzneurogeek: but doesn't adduser offer a flag for a diff /skel ?10:14
bluefrog-10ok then to make it simpler, a useradd script which asks in which group he's going to be, then we the input to define the skel?10:14
neurogeekmhz, yes.. you can specify what is going to be your skel dir.. but not to make group differences between them10:14
XRaxXwouldn't it just be easier to use that switch?10:14
mhzneurogeek: you mean no -G flag or something?10:15
XRaxXit doesn't have to be fully automated...10:15
neurogeekbluefrog-10, easier.. write a script that calls useradd specifiying it what sekl dir to grab by group10:15
mhzneurogeek: oooh, now i see10:15
bluefrog-10yes that's what i meant (i think) in very bad english :)10:15
mhzbluefrog-10: your english is fine10:16
neurogeekmhz, -m -k (skel dir)10:16
mhzcommunication is the key10:16
bluefrog-10my scripting is less :)10:16
XRaxXneurogeek, yes10:16
mhzbluefrog-10: my scripting is Zero10:17
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bluefrog-10so far zero is a high score for me10:17
neurogeekbluefrog-10, it will be easy.. you just have to wrap useradd, with the parameters you want10:17
mhzbluefrog-10: IIRC, OSX had an option to do exactly what we're discussing from GUI :D10:18
mhz.oO(neurogeek's right)10:18
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blue-jameshum my first xchat window has gone somewhere but where exactly i don't know..;10:20
blue-jamesam bluefrog-1010:21
XRaxXhaha, weird10:21
blue-jamescould you point me to a site where i could find simple scripting example so that i can learn from live stuff?10:22
blue-jamesam no programmer so theory is a bit above my head10:22
neurogeekgoing to check10:23
blue-jamesbut i can make my way with real stuff10:23
blue-jamesand then i go back to theory10:23
XRaxXshell scripting?10:24
blue-jamessh scripts10:24
XRaxXsame thing =P10:24
blue-jamessuch as as for a user input and use that input afterwards10:24
blue-jamessuch as ask..10:24
mhzbluefrog-10: have you ever used WebMin stuff?10:25
mhzi'd bet webmin has what you need from GUI10:25
XRaxXthat is more advanced than what I know, heh10:25
blue-jameshave had a look itno their scripts already but tough10:25
XRaxXmaybe http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ ?10:25
mhzi'd bet webmin has what you need from GUI (adding users with profiles)10:26
blue-jamesbecasue they are calling so many things, it makes me dizzy :)10:26
XRaxXis webmin an ubuntu package?10:27
blue-jamescool will have a look into Example 4-1. Variable assignment and substitution10:27
blue-jameswebmin yes10:27
neurogeekblue-james, you just need (as simple as i see it ) something like this http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/2004?_nevow_carryover_=1130880435.99127.
XRaxXroger that, found it10:27
neurogeekOf course.. validating the existence of both $group and /etc/skel_$group10:28
neurogeekblue-james, its not the most elegant thing in the world.. but it'll do10:29
blue-jamesexactly what the guy asked and exactly what i needed to start to understand how to do them ty very much10:29
XRaxXyeah, cool, thanks10:29
blue-jameselegant stuff is one thing, wroking stuff i prefer :)10:29
mhzblue-james: then after, please wiki a page stating how you solved the 'problem'10:30
neurogeekthats my motto on pressure times.. jaja10:30
blue-jamesmhz, am working on samba-ldap dhcp3 bind howto10:31
blue-jameshave done all my tests 4 or 5. i need to write now10:31
blue-james4or5 times10:32
mhzexcuseme, educool!10:32
blue-jamesi still need to explore postfix. bit hard as i was used to sendmail10:32
mhzfree as in freedom is harder path, but much more gratefull in the end10:33
blue-jamesi would prefer postix as it is in breezy but if loosing too much time i will go sendmail in universe10:33
mhzhmmmm, boooh10:33
blue-jamesi mean postfix in itself, i can do but apparently i have some pb to integrate an imap server with it10:34
blue-jamestried courrier and cyrus, no good. i prefer dovecot anyway but i haven't started yet10:35
blue-jameswell started but just a little10:35
blue-jamesby no good i mean i was no good :)10:36
mhzdovecot you said? I read a terrific howto10:36
mhzblue-james: need a url?10:36
blue-jamesif in conjunction with postfix yes by all means10:37
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blue-jamesotherwise yes as well anyway :)10:37
blue-jamesbut so far my dovecot pb seems to come from ldap auth.10:37
blue-jamesdidn't have those pb with K12LTSP but now that 've dumped K12 i need to understand things a bit deeper10:38
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=== mhz getting the url
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mhzblue-james: http://www.howtoforge.com/taxonomy_menu/1/410:46
blue-jamescool i killed my first window, will be back.. ty10:47
blue-jamesor maybe can i just take back my name from here without shuting don xchat?10:47
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signifer123so what advantages does edubuntu have for High Schools?11:42
bluefrog-10less money involved in clients, maintenance...11:43
bluefrog-10when i say less it's an euphemism11:43
bluefrog-10understand big money saved11:43
bluefrog-10money that can be used on training people11:44
corey_time is another thing that may not be directly expressed as money, but certainly would be felt11:47
corey_that is what edubuntu saves11:47
magnontraining is generally a cost, but it's a long term thing11:54
corey_yes, and if you make the system as turn-key as possible, you eliminate a great deal of training11:56
bluefrog-10training as in training pple how to use a computer, openoffice and so on....11:57
magnonI don't think you would always need a course as of such11:57
bluefrog-10training as having night courses for elderly and so on.;11:58
signifer123but how about on restrictions?11:58
magnonif they're not completely illiterate they'll find their way around11:58
magnonsignifer123: restrictions to what users can do?11:58
signifer123like keeping them from accessing certain aprts of the fs11:58
bluefrog-10am not talking about the IT guy who is going to install..11:58
signifer123for students11:59
magnonwell, edubuntu does or will do restrictions11:59
signifer123what does it do as of now?12:00
magnonogra: answer please :-)12:01
magnonI'm not sure12:01
bluefrog-10what u need it to do12:01
magnonbut you have the basic unix separations12:01
bluefrog-10define your needs12:01
signifer123keep them from accessing the main aprt of the linux fs12:01
magnonwhy would you?12:01
signifer123why would they have to12:01
bluefrog-10they don't have access to files system12:01
signifer123if they mess something up then you have to ghost it12:02
magnonto start programs and such?12:02
magnonthey won't have an access to write it12:02
magnononly an admin would12:02
signifer123just allow them to see their home dir thats it12:02
magnonthat's silly12:02
signifer123they can't even see the other stuff12:02
magnonthat's a security measure that you don't need12:02
signifer123i guess so...12:03
signifer123does wine support netware?12:03
ograa normal user can mess up parts of the os in linux12:03

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