=== \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu === ajmitch__ is now known as ajmitch_ === pitux [i=pitux@217-183-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu === cata_lemc [n=ircap751@111-232-28.dial.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu [01:36] hello, zorry for my english, but i am chilena [01:37] hello cata welcome to the channel [01:37] also can your visit the channell ubuntu-es [01:39] thanks [01:39] soy el jose [01:39] si esta es tu primera visita por el irc [01:39] te puedo ayudar, no hay problema [01:40] sadly not a community exists even in Spanish [01:40] a hola pepe la cata de lemc [01:40] entre como le dije al profesor [01:40] no exist the oficial community in spansih [01:41] pero te invito a visitar ubuntu-es [01:41] como no lo encontre [01:41] esa es la comunidad de ubuntu en espaol [01:41] ayer llegue a la casa y me puse a buscar informacion y no encontre na [01:41] a el mauricio talvez se conecte mas tarde [01:42] y que canal es esa comunidad [01:42] por que el profe me dio esta no ma [01:43] esa es la comunidad de edubuntu [01:43] ya pero que dire pa cvachar [01:43] osea nos juntamos todos los usuarios de ubuntu que hablamos espaol [01:43] y damos soporte a los osuarios que recien empiezan [01:43] hablamos de cualquier cosa [01:43] participamos en proyectos etc [01:44] y esta es la comunidad de edubuntu [01:44] para usuarios de edubuntu [01:44] que es una ubuntu pere con mas software educativo [01:45] ya pero esa comunidad ene spaol [01:45] tiene alguna pagina u otro canal donde se reunan [01:45] si ps todos hablan en espaol [01:46] ahi puedes decir por ejemplo "hola quiero instalar linux alguien me puede ayudar" [01:46] y la gente que esta te va dando consejos etc [01:46] el canal es #ubuntu-es [01:46] en este mismo server [01:47] si freenode es el server [01:47] donde hay mas comunidades de software libre a nivel amundial [01:47] pka [01:49] oye tu estas en esa sala tambien o no? [01:53] sip [01:53] yo me conecto como cinco canles siempre === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu [01:54] oye me meti y no existe [01:54] pedi un listado y tampoco aparece [01:54] yo estoy adentro se llama #ubuntu-es [01:54] en freenode [01:55] por dionde chateas pone "/join #ubuntu-es" [01:55] ya po si es este mismo server o no? [01:55] sin las comillas dobles [01:56] te va a mandar directamente al canal [01:56] el slash lo debes respetar [01:56] si ya gracias === mhz [n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #edubuntu [02:00] hi [02:00] mhz [02:00] holas [02:00] recibi la encuesta [02:01] thx [02:01] una comapera entro a freenode [02:01] heeeeeee [02:01] y como se sintio? [02:01] nadie respondio [02:01] solo yo [02:01] hehehe [02:01] que canal? [02:01] esta chateando ahora en ubuntu-es [02:01] como se llama? [02:01] cata_lemc === mhz leaving to yet another install === arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-157-87-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu [02:24] http://dotgnu.org/ !!!----> look! [02:24] hello arakan0x [02:24] hi pitux , se ownearon dotgnu [02:24] pa lla voy [02:26] arakan0x, que es Digital mind? [02:26] un grupo de hackers [02:26] me meti a la pagina peo hay una foto que no logro ve [02:26] sipos , se la ownearon [02:27] fijate en lo que dice abajito [02:27] ahhhh si cacje === arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-157-87-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu === fersfeir [n=fernando@] has left #edubuntu [] === pitux [i=pitux@191-187-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #edubuntu === DaSkreech [n=develope@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #edubuntu [03:30] hi bluefrog-10 === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu === \sh is now known as \sh_away === trondm_gone [i=trondm@developer.skolelinux.no] has joined #edubuntu === crimsun [i=crimsun@hacked.org] has joined #edubuntu === ajmitch_ [n=ajmitch@port161-157.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #edubuntu === dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-148-148.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #edubuntu === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu === apokryphos [n=apokryph@] has joined #edubuntu === ealden [n=ealden@ipdial-165-105.tri-isys.com] has joined #edubuntu === mwest [n=mwest@tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #edubuntu === mhz [n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #edubuntu [04:17] hip [04:18] hello [04:18] hi === arkan0x is away: (- -) .. xD! === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu === mwest [n=mwest@tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #edubuntu === farruinn [n=nathan@cpe-69-201-11-248.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu === trondm_gone [i=trondm@developer.skolelinux.no] has joined #edubuntu === \sh_away [n=sh@ubuntu/member/backslash-sh] has joined #edubuntu === apokryphos [n=apokryph@] has joined #edubuntu === th1a [n=hoffman@modemcable124.0-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #edubuntu === ealden [n=ealden@ipdial-165-72.tri-isys.com] has joined #edubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu === DaSkreech [n=develope@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #edubuntu [] === magnon [n=co@photogeeks/magnon] has joined #edubuntu === magnon [n=co@photogeeks/magnon] has joined #edubuntu === ealden [n=ealden@ipdial-165-72.tri-isys.com] has joined #edubuntu === nybbled [n=nybble@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/nybble] has joined #edubuntu === nybbled [n=nybble@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/nybble] has left #edubuntu [] === th1a [n=hoffman@modemcable124.0-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #edubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu === silvester [i=kappa@tauware.de] has joined #edubuntu === juliux [n=juliux@] has joined #edubuntu [08:30] morning === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu === aeon17x_ [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu === jinty [n=jinty@] has joined #edubuntu === zakame [n=zak@] has joined #edubuntu === zakame [n=zak@] has joined #edubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu === zakame [n=zak@] has joined #edubuntu === signifer123 [n=michael@pool-70-16-12-170.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu === zakame [n=zak@ubuntu/member/zakame] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"] === dade [n=dade@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu === dade [n=dade@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"] === pere_gone is now known as pere === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu === \sh_away is now known as \sh === mhz [n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #edubuntu [01:32] hi there [01:33] Anyone from UK here? === \sh is now known as \sh_away === zakame [n=zak@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #edubuntu === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu [02:45] mhz: I am 8) [02:45] hey [02:45] hi all [02:45] hi zakame [02:45] hi [02:45] what's up? [02:46] apokryphos: yesterday I was on a 1-day-seminar and had the chance to talk to one UK guy from Becta.org.uk [02:46] he said he'd be very interested in seeing how edubuntu works [02:47] and maybe have some contact with the UK community [02:47] wow, nice [02:47] mhz: there's a few more of us in #ubuntu-uk. sabdfl himself is located in London, IIRC. [02:47] cool! :D [02:48] now, if he lives in Chile (don't know but he spoke good spanish) I can demo it to him. If not, maybe you could get him there [02:48] mhz: whereabouts in the UK is he? [02:49] hihi [02:49] yeah. I know there's a -uk channel, however, IMHO, there's quite a diff between Linux topics (ie #ubuntu) and ICT issues regarding education [02:49] certainly === \sh_away is now known as \sh [02:50] I'm pretty familiar with the edu components of ubuntu; perhaps moreso the KDE ones (I've written quite some documentation for them) [02:50] Edubuntu people (me, ie) are fans of Linux (not mandatory) but we are mainly interested on how we apply ICT foe better processes [02:51] and so, my idea of edubuntu gang getting in touch with people working on education [02:51] I use edubuntu with Wmaker, Kde, Gnome, Fluxbox and XFCE4 [02:52] I installed Linux on a couple of school computers; convinced the technicians after some time 8) [02:52] just depending on the server + network layout and the clients [02:52] right [02:52] cool [02:53] Next wed. I'll install on 16 lab computers, at Universidad de Santiago, for 'about-to-become-Math teachers' [02:53] sorry... lab with 16 pcs [02:53] nice; it's good to see Linux comps being used more. Been tutoring a few computer science friends on a lot of basics, too [02:54] indeed [02:54] so, shall I get in touch with this guy and see if someone from edubuntu can contact him? [02:55] I'm not on any Edubuntu team [02:55] ohh [02:55] currently, there are no teams, AFAIK [02:55] we are THE team [02:55] 8) [02:56] there's an Edubuntu team listed on Launchpad isn't there? [02:56] ohh, well, yes [02:56] yep === zakame reminds himself to get a copy for upgrading from hoary [02:56] are you familiar with it? can you talk about edubuntu? [02:57] sure; perhaps not as well as Kubuntu, but I'd think so [02:58] the result of being a terrible addict to IRC and *buntu =) [02:59] ehehhee === th1a [n=hoffman@] has joined #edubuntu [02:59] see? then u're ready [03:00] I can't find his biz card yet but I will [03:00] Ok, let me know where he's located. If it's nearby, I wouldn't mind making a visit [03:00] educool [03:00] now i gotta get cooking [03:00] hihi [03:01] heheh [03:01] enjoy [03:01] thx === mhz is now known as mhz_cooking === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu [03:01] JaneW: hi [03:02] mhz_cooking: hello, how's the cooking? [03:02] hehehe [03:02] about to start [03:02] mhz_cooking: I see you have been trying to get hold of me... Mark is about to start the program for the day... [03:03] JaneW: as I mentioned before, we're planning and actually doing a lot of stuff here in Santiago, Chile regarding Edubuntu [03:03] the schedule has been pretty full, I have been allocated from 9am to 8pm each day [03:03] okidoki [03:03] np === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu [03:03] mhz_cooking: I have told MArk that we have an interested and active Chile community [03:03] as long as you still love me [03:03] yes we love you a lot [03:04] community? so far we're no more than 4 active people [03:04] :( [03:04] we are just trying to do as much as we can while we are here... [03:04] 4 can be a community ;) [03:04] it;s a start [03:04] but next wed i have a huge "let's see what edubuntu is like" and I could use some officiality :D [03:04] in what way? [03:05] 16 Math teachers will be trained on edubuntu [03:05] these 16 techers are in their final term of studyng at university [03:06] and we are convincing them (motivating them) to start 'crossing' the math curriculmm with ICT tools (edubuntu) === jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu [03:07] yesterday one of them joined IRC (here) for 1st time but no spanish speakers found [03:07] so she called me :) [03:08] next Thursday, I have to demo edubuntu to one of the largest Teachers/Schools oriented orgs, here (they reach 4000 schools!) [03:08] JaneW: if i can convince this org to help us, then we can do huge stuff for Edubuntu Chilean Tour [03:09] JaneW: IMHO, edubuntu 'fans' profile is bit diff from xUbuntu users [03:11] mmm??? [03:11] so 'officiality' could mean to have access to 'formal' docs (paper, cards, posters, etc) that help us show we're not talking only about a 'distro' but a serious company-like worl [03:12] JaneW: yesterday I was on a semninar talking with Chilean Gov. people (education minester, ie) and Schools principals, etc. === jeffbuntu [n=chatzill@i3se011a.univ-brest.fr] has joined #edubuntu === magnon [n=co@photogeeks/magnon] has joined #edubuntu [03:16] these people are SO USED to having M$ campaigns and M$-like biz images that everytime I mentioned what we are doing (esp. when mentioning the 'comunity') they couldn't quite get all ideas. They asked me for brouchers, studies or surveys regarding % of teachers willing to use Edubuntu in schools, how the tools in edubuntu would help on specific chilean educational curriculum , etc [03:19] mhz_cooking: are you requesting for support? === mhz [n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #edubuntu [03:22] re [03:22] JaneW: sorry [03:22] (i forgot I was on batteries) [03:24] JaneW: basically, I guess that 'officiality' for these people would mean to have 'real official things', at least while I get time to produce all the data we'll need (surveys, studies, etc). Officiality could even be "official Edubuntu Cd's", broucheres, stand, etc [03:27] mhz: that's asking a lot in my opinion [03:28] jsgotangco: yes, indeed [03:28] jsgotangco: and I am not asking for ALL that, BTW [03:29] mhz: we're too small atm [03:30] please, don't think I want that. I am just saying/discussing here that we could have a plan [03:30] we could even figure out what to say to many FAQ's or comparission these kind of peopl do [03:33] jsgotangco: ie. i could afford to have some biz cards printed out. Can I print or even include edubuntu logo on biz cards? === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu [03:34] biz cards are easy [03:34] but edubuntu-marketing is another story [03:35] jsgotangco: i guess, but my current biz cards say 'tecnocimiento' and they do not mention edubuntu anywhere. I dont' knw if i can just include it or I have to follow a certain procedure, ie. [03:36] I got disconnected so I'll resend my last msges in case they weren't received [03:36] mhz_cooking: we don't have much official stuff wrt edubuntu, but there are a few ubuntu resources available [03:36] mhz_cooking: I don't think we'll have any 'marketing' budget for edubuntu before dapper is releases [03:37] mhz_cooking: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences for what is available and how to get it... [03:37] JaneW: ok [03:37] mhz: you'll see a brochure or two that mentions edubuntu... [03:37] mhz: it was done with breezy in mind [03:38] JaneW: what if i get some funds here in Chile, what can/can't I do with them using Edubuntu name/image? [03:38] jsgotangco: ok [03:38] mhz: but feel free to make your own as well, who knows they might be used as well [03:39] jsgotangco: so, you say that there's no 'procedure' i must follow before? [03:39] mhz: printing your own stuff is not an issue at all, jeff elkner and paul flint has done the same thing [03:39] mhz: logo usage for ubuntu applies for edubuntu as well i assume [03:39] ohh [03:40] mhz: in fact you're empowered to make a business model behind it [03:40] mhz: it would be nice if we can see what you produce... but I don;t think even that is compulsary, but please do use your discretion [03:40] yes logos are trademarked to Canonical and must be stated as such [03:41] JaneW: any news on CDs" [03:41] ? [03:41] mhz: we are not getting CDs for breezy, but will get some for Dapper when it's more polished === mhz snifs [03:41] again you are free to make your own, and we'll encourage ppl to use your packaging if they do so [03:42] JaneW: ahh that makes things clearer then :) [03:42] mhz: don't worry its called growing pains :) [03:42] we will also look at ogra's suggestion of using his contact to press and ship Cds for a small fee (to cover costs) [03:42] we are still seen as a community project === vincenzio [n=vmarks@adsl-065-015-231-005.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #edubuntu [03:43] JaneW, we'll need a text for the CD cover... "lorem ipsum" isnt really informative to the users ;) [03:44] ogra: no problem, I can solve that 2day === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #edubuntu [03:44] copy and pasting parts of the release notes and wrapping it in some text should be enough [03:45] JaneW: I was talkign to apokryphos a bit before suggesting he gets in contact with a UK guy from becta.org.uk [03:45] he was interested in seeing edubuntu an talk to an 'official edubuntu' memeber? [03:46] when I told him we're a community... his faced changed a bit [03:46] :) [03:46] You have to be in Linux a lot of time to notice the community; never noticed it at all when I wasn't in it [03:46] peple seem to be reticent to 'communities' when it comes to make biz decision based on 'community' tools [03:47] JaneW: so that's one of the little stupid questions so far I have no proper answer for. [03:48] mhz: its a community project, business are empowered to make a business model behind it [03:48] (maybe stupid is not the corrct word i meant) [03:48] jsgotangco: yes, indeed. I 100% agree [03:49] jsgotangco: I think I'll endup doing that [03:49] if business insists on having solid stuff we'll probably end up like red hat or suse [03:49] (which isn't really bad imo) [03:49] not bad, but not the sense [03:50] sir gotangco, good evening po! ^^ [03:50] aeon17x: hi [03:51] aeon17x: are you the one at LP? https://launchpad.net/people/snoocete [03:51] Yup, that's me. [03:51] jsgotangco: apokryphos mentioned he's not a memeber of edubuntu team. Does he need to be listed on launchpad to say he's memeber? :D [03:51] I think. [03:52] aeon17x: hihi :) [03:52] mhz: I'm not really involved in edubuntu in a real way; I'd feel dirty being listed there 8) [03:52] mhz: well since the lp page is controlled by ogra and JaneW, they are empowered to approve people based on contributions to the project.. [03:52] Oh my, Launchpad is down. =/ [03:52] its under maintenance [03:53] okidoki [03:54] mhz: a lot of development stuff will revolve around lp in the near future, at the moment, most of malone stuff is benefitting the group structure of lp [03:54] aeon17x: you're at UP too right? [03:54] mhz: now its being used heavily for specs in ubz [03:55] zakame: yeah, UP Diliman. [03:56] aeon17x: ooh :) Why not come up at #ubuntu-ph? :) [03:56] zakame: We have a local Ubuntu channel? Yay! *teleports* [04:04] mhz: we could get more solid ground on future stuff if we actually make at least a manual that integrates all the default components [04:12] jsgotangco: so, from your perspective, what are the current benefits to be or not to be in LP === zakame [n=zak@ubuntu/member/zakame] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:13] mhz: what do you mean about not listed? ppl can request to be included in the team... it is moderated so ogra and I would approve the memebership, but we encourage ppl to participate and join the team === farruinn [n=nathan@cpe-69-201-11-248.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu [04:14] indeed you need a LP account to join [04:14] mhz: and wrt your request about starting a spanish language mailing list for edubuntu, I think go ahead! However obviously Oliver and I would not be able to contribute to it, and if you have anything of relevance to the rest of the group please pst it to the english list as well. ok? [04:15] mhz: lp is an infrastructure that is unique to ubuntu/canonical, anything ubuntu related will use it [04:15] JaneW: heheh ok. it's just that I am so used to IRC and ML's that LauchPad is fairly new to me, so whan apokryphos mentioned he was not listed.. I then got questions in my head [04:15] mhz: including packaging [04:16] I am not sure what the protocal is for having it set up and whether you can use the ubuntu servers, ogra do you know? [04:16] https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu/+join ;) [04:16] JaneW: perfect! Oliver asked me to go thruogh the validation key process and I am on it now [04:16] mhz: and I the ide aof the survey is great, good idea, thanks! [04:16] JaneW, jdub is the guy to go to [04:16] JaneW: he'll have to ask jdub to set up a list [04:16] ok great [04:17] JaneW: but if i recall, our list can support multiple languages [04:17] mhz: sorry to have been ignoring you for days, it was a case of just being too busy to be here on IRC - sorry [04:17] as it is I have just missed the talks this morning so have no idea about BZR and HCT... [04:17] JaneW: as I said, np as long as you still love me :D [04:18] oops [04:18] JaneW: BZR is BAZ-NG [04:18] I love everyone who loves edubuntu and helps here :))) [04:18] heheh [04:18] educool then [04:18] esp ogra [04:18] JaneW: even slackers? [04:18] even slackers [04:18] jsgotangco: BUT YOU AREN;T A SLACKER :) === ogra throws air kisses to JaneW [04:19] i'm quite afraid at my future output for dapper... [04:19] yes, I guess ogra is the one receiving love on daily basis [04:19] jsgotangco: what you mean? === flint [n=flint@] has joined #edubuntu [04:20] hey flint [04:20] ok then... [04:20] ogra: thanks for the kisses, workrave forced me to strech first before reposnding ;) [04:20] lol [04:21] hey flintstone [04:21] mhz: my job is getting more and more complicated by the day [04:21] non-ubz ppl the BOFs are starting now.. [04:22] jsgotangco: have you started your new job now? [04:22] JaneW: yes its terribly time-consuming at the moment [04:22] i only have time to idle around and chat [04:22] jsgotangco: hehehe [04:22] jsgotangco: lol [04:23] jsgotangco: well I hope you are enjoying it [04:23] seriously, my first week is hell [04:23] jsgotangco: i bet you knew all new processes are moe time consuming [04:23] let's wait a couple weeks and you'll be able to have more idling time :) [04:24] i truly doubt it [04:24] hehe [04:25] what do you do there? [04:25] slave around on 10 RHEL servers locally and 10 more remotely === zakame [n=zak@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #edubuntu [04:25] ooooops [04:25] how many users in total? [04:26] dunno probably millions its carrier grade linux [04:26] oooohhhh [04:26] then, u're right. [04:27] you won't have more time [04:27] at least more than current [04:27] at least no more than current [04:28] mhz: its a fun job and new for me (carrier grade), paycheck is good, pays the bills and enough to save more, but stress level is probably higher than usual because we're dealing of 24x7 systems on telco level [04:28] jsgotangco: if iget the funds for edubuntu here in chile, I promise at least you'll receive a t-shirt or mug (don't know which is 1st) [04:29] i'd love that :) [04:29] so you won't miss that much [04:29] but keep in mind that there'll be a chilean flag somewhere :) [04:30] oh i'll surely be around...but on a different level..i've been testing stuff on other fields that will most likely help edubuntu [04:30] and I DO NOT MEAN a $ tshirt -f chile :D [04:32] jsgotangco: great [04:32] now... i do gotta getr back to cooking [04:32] THANK you all for saving me the time to write so many mails with my doubts on it === mhz is now known as mhz_cooking [04:34] Sir gotangco, I have a suggestion. === magnon [n=co@photogeeks/magnon] has joined #edubuntu [04:34] aeon17x: sure please don't call me sir === magnon_ [n=co@] has joined #edubuntu [04:35] :) [04:35] Hehe... anyway, I believe there should be a way for Edubuntu to be installed in an XFCE environment instead of GNOME straight from the installer. [04:36] aeon17x: the next version would most likely use XFCE for clients [04:37] Hah, that's great. [04:37] xubuntu-desktop [04:38] aeon17x: it'll depend on the guys BOF'ing it at UBZ (ogra, jammcq, sbalneaves, etc.) [04:39] jsgotangco, unlikely... [04:39] but you can always install xfce [04:39] mhz_cooking: you are approved :) [04:39] ogra: eh? [04:39] mhz_cooking: sorry I made you wait for 18 minutes ;) [04:40] jsgotangco, xfce is not in main [04:40] Dang. [04:40] and i wont be able to take care of an additional DE [04:40] unless someone makes an inclusion report? [04:40] additionally it wont fit on the CD [04:40] ogra: true [04:40] unless we seed something different entirely [04:40] (given 6 months of developmet that is asking too much already) [04:41] launchpad will support making derivative distros very easy, you should be able to make a xfce based CD then [04:41] jsgotangco, we only have 6 weeks [04:41] not 6 months [04:41] huh? [04:41] January? [04:41] dapper will freeze 1 month earlier ... === ogra mubles something about 5 year support [04:42] is there a release schedule already? [04:42] no big changes are allowed, only polish [04:42] nope, but thats the tendency [04:42] (i undestand the 5 year support for servers though) [04:42] jsgotangco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule [04:42] and 3 years for desktops [04:43] apokryphos, thats not final yet [04:43] sure [04:43] im interested on the milestone and freeze dates [04:44] they should be public next week... [04:44] there are still discussions going on [04:45] but the main scope is to polish dapper and bring in as less new stuff as possible, modulo gnome, xorg and the kernel [04:45] s/dapper/breezy/ [04:46] ogra: we're sticking to 2.12.1? [04:47] i said modulo :) [04:47] aaye...didnt notice [04:47] these are the things that get updated in any case [04:48] xorg that'll be fun === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu [04:48] xorg is already nearly 7.0 in breezy... the updates will be minopr [04:50] hola === magnon_ is now known as magnon [05:08] ogra: edubuntu is 47 now. W00t! [05:11] http://distrowatch.com/index.php?dataspan=4 [05:12] :-D === ogra needs to update his presentation ;) [05:29] wow freebsd 6 is released === \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh [05:51] JaneW: congrats [06:02] highvoltage: pour ce qui ? [06:02] I'm having my tenth grade class set up edubuntu and a science lab of clients. [06:03] but we're doing it as a gateway with two nics, NAT style. [06:03] any pitfalls we should look for? [06:03] highvoltage: sorry I am incredibly slow wrt your commnts, I got it... [06:04] vincenzio: there's nothing wrong with that type of setup, no [06:04] install the system with both nics inserted, or install with one and add the second nic and turn on NAT after the fact? [06:05] is this the server? [06:05] yes. [06:05] JaneW: sorry, i don't understand. [06:05] so the server will act as the gateway to the internet for all the thin clients and eventual thick clients as well? [06:05] hmm [06:05] what do you mean with slow wrt to my comments? [06:05] no, not the thick clients as well. [06:05] just the thin. [06:06] wow Edubuntu is no. 44 [06:06] vincenzio: so you have another gateway somewhere then [06:06] yes. [06:06] you won't need NAT on the terminal server [06:06] the thin clients connect to the internet from the terminal server anyway [06:07] oh good. [06:08] the programs are running on the server, so they're not connecting from the thin clients [06:08] so then they'll get DHCP from where? the main gateway? [06:08] from the terminal server [06:08] but two NICs is still a good idea [06:08] I use 2 nics, BTW [06:09] ISP -> eth0 AND eth1 -> switch -> thin clients [06:10] vincenzio: and dhcp is run from eth1 [06:10] I was going to do ISP->linksys gateway->switch->edubuntu eth0 and then edubuntu eth1->switch->clients [06:11] should work afaik [06:11] yeah, that's no problem [06:11] ogra did some nice 'tuxpaint' drawing about some layouts [06:12] :) === mhz_cooking is now known as mhz_kinder === mhz_kinder taking daughter to schol and bb === \sh is now known as \sh_away [06:22] highvoltage: it means "what for?", and then I understood [06:23] aaaaah. for the 47 position :) [06:23] sorry, seems like i'm a bit slow. [06:23] i think we're going in a circle :) === pere is now known as pere_gone [06:34] pere_gone: how are you? i didn't realise you were petter. [06:34] edoo: pere is Petter Reinholdtsen [06:34] highvoltage: gotcha [06:34] re [06:35] re? [06:38] yes re [06:39] don't ask where i come from [06:43] but we know you're from .de :) [06:44] edoo: highvoltage.location is South Africa [06:44] highvoltage: sure thing [06:44] highvoltage, yes [06:44] highvoltage, but there are no german words for re [06:45] what does re mean? [06:46] BTW zimmerman and olli gave a great dog and pony to the LTSP mafia! [06:46] regarding? [06:46] edoo: flint is Paul Flint [06:46] highvoltage: sure thing [06:46] hi flint! [06:46] a dog and pony? [06:48] a dog and pony show. [06:48] a presentation of what the edubuntu project was. [06:48] where you trot out the best of what you want to show off. [06:49] the purebread of the best specimens that behave just as you like. [06:49] the deal here is that the LTSP maintainers of yore are very happy, interested and comitted to colaboration with the Ubuntu borg... === vincenzio is done defining that expression. [06:49] Yore! [06:49] vincenzio, yore as in the oldsters that have maintined LTSP and K12 for many moons... [06:50] that's very cool. [06:50] I will be bursty on this channel because I am in the midst of the thing... [06:50] :) [06:51] flint: as in the people that made it possible for me to run it on fedora core1. [06:51] which is what I intend to replace with edubuntu [06:51] highvoltage, reenter ? [06:51] although it's using bootp instead of pxe on the clients, and I shall have to etherboot alter those roms. [06:52] vincenzio: what is using bootp? [06:52] k12ltsp 4.00 used pxe and etherboot, edubuntu uses pxe (making it work with etherboot isn't that tough, it seems) [06:52] but you won't need bootp for edubuntu. [06:52] the clients don't use PXE to get the network booting... they're using etherboot, not bootp, I misspoke. [06:52] and this is an OLD k12ltsp install. [06:53] I mean, three years old. [06:53] can edubuntu also do pxe and etherboot at the same time? [06:53] or is it a one-or-the-other proposition? [06:55] i think it's easy hackable [06:55] vincenzio: remind me to test it tomorrow [06:55] if you look at the /etc/dhcpd.conf in Fedora Core 1 (K12LTSP 4.10) [06:56] you'll see that they have a nice hack in dhcpd.conf to make both work, i can't see why that won't work in edubuntu. === \sh_away is now known as \sh [07:00] re === mhz_kinder is now known as mhz [07:07] mhz: how's the kinder? [07:08] highvoltage: I'll ask you to test it on monday, if that's not too much trouble. [07:08] highvoltage: kinder is fine [07:08] no problemo, i'd like to test it, so that ogra can include it. [07:09] mhz: and how are you? [07:09] highvoltage: very tired [07:10] actually, unvelieavably... I was feeling almost the need of not sitting anywhaere near the computer [07:10] :)) [07:11] but on the other hands, pending list must diminish === mhz has more than 2 hands [07:11] [07:15] highvoltage: and how are you feeling today? [07:15] how's life treating you? [07:16] ok, actually. i'm in the process of buying my first car. [07:16] wow! [07:16] dad's old car, really, but it's still a relief. [07:16] much more than just bikes? [07:17] also translating AbiWord into afrikaans on launchpad, which is quite addictive. [07:17] highvoltage: aren't you too young to get a car? [07:17] yes, my motorbike is fine for getting to work and back, but driving between cities suck. [07:17] lol! [07:17] nope, i'm 23. i should've had my licence a few years back :) [07:18] edoo: highvoltage.age [07:18] highvoltage.age is 23 [07:18] .oO( i couldn't help imagining highvoltage on the bike at 40 km per hour [07:19] 40 km/h ? [07:19] that's pretty slow [07:19] yes [07:19] that's what i'm thinking [07:19] i used to drive a yamaha at 100km/h [07:19] my bike is small, but it can go 90 at least comfortably :) [07:19] 300cc [07:19] mine is just a 125cc. [07:20] dirt cheap bike [07:20] highvoltage: then why driving between cities sucked at 90 km/h [07:20] but ever since i got married my wife banned me from driving a bike [07:20] it only cost 1076 US$ new === mhz loves bikes [07:20] http://www.gomoto.co.za [07:20] me too. [07:20] so now i only drive a geerzer family car [07:20] as soon as i paid the car, i'm traiding the bike in for a bigger one :) [07:21] why is that wives always ban us from driving bikes? [07:21] ohhh, highvoltage is single [07:21] :( [07:21] see, i don't have a wife yet, so i should get a proper bike before i get a wife. [07:21] :) [07:21] LOL [07:21] yes [07:22] mhz: because we have kids? [07:22] once i have kids i will be less reckles. [07:22] yes, but I would have loved to get a wife who also drives bikes [07:22] so I BAN her [07:22] heh [07:23] what kind of bikes anyways [07:23] jsgotangco: but I doubt it's only the kids [07:23] I'd say there's gotta be something else [07:23] well i grew tired of bikes anyways [07:23] jsgotangco: I had a 50 cc and a 500 CC [07:23] both yamahas [07:24] both yamahas? [07:24] ? [07:24] 500cc! [07:24] why do you need such? [07:24] yes [07:24] jsgotangco: i am very extremist for my tastes [07:24] i saw a nice yamaha 500cc yesterday. [07:24] :) [07:24] i'm keeping an eye on it for march 2006 :) [07:24] mine sounded like a big old truck [07:25] highvoltage: but jsgotangco is right [07:25] unless you do motogp or motocross i'm not getting a 500cc [07:25] actually, I only used it to go from house to work and back [07:26] i think i'll probably get something slightly smaller as well. [07:26] sometimes to go between cities and beach [07:26] 250 cc is more than perfect [07:26] what i do like about my bike though, is that I only need to put in about R30's petrol in a week. [07:26] yep! [07:26] That I miss!! === mhz has no car nor bike [07:26] just a bycicle [07:26] bicylce [07:26] whatever [07:26] :) [07:27] i don't think i'll survive 1km on one of those :) [07:27] geeeeee! life changes! [07:27] i have a 1.1 petrol car [07:27] life is bazaar === mhz filing a divorce paper!!! [07:27] correction: bizzarre [07:28] hehe [07:28] edoo: exchange 30 ZAR to USD [07:28] it was a good buy last year since after that petrol prices jacked up [07:28] highvoltage: 30.00 (South Africa Rand (ZAR)) makes 4.48939 (United States Dollar (USD)) [07:29] jsgotangco: we should all use electricity or gas, instead of petrol [07:29] hear hear! [07:29] or feul cell technology. [07:29] exactly [07:30] i'm going to make lots of money out of fst one day. [07:30] nothing beats fossil fuel,...the sound of a rumbling engine... [07:30] (or so i dream) [07:30] jsgotangco: hehehehe, yes, maybe [07:30] except for warp drive. that sounds cool too. [07:30] highvoltage: still dream??? DEFINATELY: you are single [07:30] :D [07:31] EFI made cars wimps === jsgotangco still has his old 4wd [07:31] mhz: yeah, sadly. i don't think i'll ever stop. [07:31] guys: I say that if we depend on fossil fuel then we depend on M$ products as well. But if we are enlightened enugh to choose Free Technology, then WHY don't we choose otheer means of energy, too? [07:32] because they're all patented and proprietary already :) [07:32] hehehehe [07:32] i wanted to copyright my dna so that Microsoft can't clone me and use me against me. [07:32] let's hacke them (www.hackaday.org) [07:32] but i couldn't, because the medical companies already own most of my dna. [07:33] mhz: sure when a solar car can do 120km/h, i'm getting one [07:33] i'm a bit unhappy that i run on proprietary code, but like someone else pointed out earlier, at least it's cheaply reproducable hardware. [07:33] jsgotangco: we can travel at 90 km/h an less accidents will occur and we'll get there in time [07:33] mhz: asian drivers are crazy [07:34] I have carburettors on my cars, but I'm thinking of converting to EFI with megasquirt [07:34] mhz: comparable with italian drivers [07:34] jsgotangco: when i went to peru (BTW, Peru-Chile are discussing again about territory), I really got scared of the way they drove [07:35] they did not even have traffic signs [07:35] mhz: there's a reason why a typical car has 180 on the dashboard... [07:35] hehe [07:35] hehehe [07:35] highvoltage: you are nutsa [07:35] nuts [07:35] i get that a lot. [07:36] if i had time and money, i'd buy an old mazda rx or a honda type-r [07:36] that, you won't stop either [07:36] check my nice karma: https://launchpad.net/people/jonathan/+karma [07:36] if i had money, i'd make teltrasnportation [07:37] hmmm.. [07:37] highvoltage: dude thats 1253 karma, obviously you have a lot of time to translate [07:37] wow === jsgotangco looks at his puny 114 [07:37] hehehe, I have 10! [07:37] hehehhe [07:38] IRC should count too! [07:38] :D [07:38] and the talks, and the convincing teachers [07:38] jsgotangco: i do it inbetween things. the nice thing is i can do 10 now, 10 again later and so on. [07:38] and the installations [07:38] i can even do it while watching t.v. [07:38] or in meetings while i pretend to take minutes. [07:39] sure [07:39] lol! [07:39] you're the only one doing afrikaans atm [07:39] but us, we do peer review first [07:39] i just want to beat jordie. [07:39] jsgotangco: could we include successfull installations on karma? [07:39] jordi. [07:39] he has 40 000. [07:39] wow [07:39] or he had... at least. [07:39] well [07:40] i think the markings changed, but he has 36xxx something [07:40] jordi's obviously a different case [07:40] jordi is sick [07:40] :) [07:40] one of my big weaknesses is that i get very competitive. *very* [07:40] what's wrong with jordi? [07:40] 3x.xxx is tooooo much [07:41] too much karma can kill [07:41] mhz: not in lp [07:41] BTW, whose idea is the 'karma' score?? [07:42] the lp team who else [07:42] jsgotangco: and talks? [07:42] jsgotangco: booh! [07:42] mhz: request that on miscellaneous [07:42] heh [07:43] more things must count for karma, for sure. [07:43] like when jane baked cake. that must count for something! [07:43] exactly [07:43] jeezz i can bake === mhz sends some mocachinno [07:44] edoo: jsgotangco++ [ can bake ] [07:44] we can do IRC karma [07:44] edoo: karma jsgotangco [07:44] highvoltage: jsgotangco has dulia of 1 [07:44] hehehe [07:44] dulia? [07:44] edoo: karma highvoltage [07:44] highvoltage: highvoltage has neutral dulia [07:44] hehe, what's that? [07:45] dulia [07:45] i think that's indian karma philosophy [07:45] ? [07:45] ahhh [07:45] IRC starts sounding like RPG [07:45] well i gotta catch some zzz [07:45] its almost 3am and i have a docteam meeting at 7am [07:45] hehe [07:45] nap well [07:45] goodnight, jsgotangco [07:45] obviously green tea didn't help at all [07:46] LOL [07:46] jsgotangco: at leat got sense f humour [07:46] :) [07:46] mhz: obviously i exceeded my daily caffeine intake [07:46] indeed, see ya at 22 here [07:47] highvoltage: thanks for your nice sense of humour [07:47] mhz: any time [07:47] but I think I'll obey my tired head and just idle at the sofa [07:48] ok. have a good evening. [07:48] for a little while b4 I get to wiki some stuff [07:48] highvoltage: we could count wiking on karma [07:48] and dulia [07:49] highvoltage: what's the emaning of Ubuntero: Yes [07:50] that sunds spanish [07:50] Ubentero seems to be the new name for Ubuntite [07:50] i think some people must have complained that Ubuntite sounds too gay. [07:52] lol [07:52] well..... it kind of does [07:52] petite ubuntu [07:52] hehe [07:53] i can see the hands waving "are you an ubuntite too, darling!" [07:53] lol!!!!!!!!! [07:53] lol!!!!!!!!! === mhz toilette [07:54] re [07:54] highvoltage: thx and BBL [07:54] mhz: bye! [07:55] BTW, how much is a tkt from southafrica to Chile? [07:55] dont' need to google, just wondering === mhz is now known as mhz_idle === \sh is now known as \sh_away [08:09] edoo: goodbye [08:09] see you again, highvoltage === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu === arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-157-87-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu === magnon [n=co@] has joined #edubuntu === flint [n=flint@] has joined #edubuntu === \sh_away is now known as \sh === magnon_ [n=co@] has joined #edubuntu === JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu === sven-tek [n=sven-tek@p508E4DDC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu === magnon_ is now known as magnon === signifer123 [n=michael@pool-70-16-12-170.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu === IxR [n=jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu [09:21] edoo: hello [09:21] wassup, IxR! === IxR is now known as looplooploop [09:28] edoo: seen dade [09:28] I haven't seen dade, looplooploop === looplooploop [n=jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has left #edubuntu [] === \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh === bdoin [n=coudoin@home.gcompris.net] has joined #edubuntu === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu === \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh [09:51] sabdfl gave a very good talk at the LTSP.... [09:58] flint: what about? ltsp? === francoisb [n=francois@lns-bzn-44-82-64-92-167.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu [10:25] Bonjour, je teste Edubuntu en version franaise et j'ai deux petits soucis. [10:25] je peux peut-etre t'aider [10:27] Super! Un : le gestionnaire de connexion sur les clients ltsp ne semble pas ragir au changement de langue et le clavier est en mode qwerty. [10:28] quelle est la langue du serveur? [10:28] je veux dire le le layout du clavier sur le serveur [10:28] fr, et en azerty sur le serveur [10:29] essaye de forcer le layout fr dans /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf [10:29] un instant... [10:30] XkbLayout = "fr" [10:30] francoisb, http://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPClientKeymap [10:30] ;) [10:31] hi ogra === fersfeir [n=fernando@] has joined #edubuntu [10:32] Ok, avec cela je vais pouvoir tester. Deux : le CD Edubuntu ne contient pas tout le franais, ce qui oblige avoir une connexion adsl au moment de l'i nstallation. Est-ce que l'on peut tlcharcher le pack fr sur un CD ou bien tlcharger une image "fr" [10:33] non [10:33] mais.. [10:33] enfin oui tu peux telecharger tout ca [10:33] ogra, can you bring a edubuntu banner to essen? [10:34] en fait si tu as fait toute l'installation du serveur en francais les paquets sont dans /var/cache/apt/archives [10:35] juliux, we dont have such a thing [10:35] maintenant le plus simple a mon avis est d'installer apt-proxy qui te permettra d'avoir un mirroir partiel sur ton disque dur et y acceder en reseau [10:35] ogra, hm then i will look if we can print some for you [10:35] Je vais essayer cela aussi. [10:35] ou de graver ce mirroir partiel sur un dvd [10:36] apt-proxy est ds universe [10:36] un instant... [10:36] Je veux installer edubuntu dans des coles ou il n'y a pas toujours l'adsl. [10:37] ogra, Is there an Edubuntu DVD? [10:37] bluefrog-10, yes there is one [10:37] ogra, will all language file then I presume? [10:37] bluefrog-10, on the dvd is everything from main [10:38] k ty, any url for it? [10:38] or torrent? [10:38] torrent is the fastest one [10:38] bluefrog-10, sure :) [10:39] Question bte : comment on imprime le contenu d'un chat pour garder les pistes? [10:39] sadly the language packs get installed in the end of the install process (after reboot) [10:39] fenetre sauvegarder texte [10:40] so it would be required to put in the dvd during the second stage of the install (need to document that somewhere) [10:40] bien vu. [10:40] (else it tries to fetch them from the net) [10:40] ogra, not a problem, the guy needs the file cause the schools where he wants to put edu may not have adsl [10:40] if all goes fine, we'll have a second CD in dapper with all the languages [10:41] ok, i have to change rooms again... next meeting pending [10:41] It'll be fine. [10:41] ogra, have a link handy to give francoisb to download dvd? [10:42] Can I get the language pack from my ubuntu? [10:42] oui, si tu as installer ton serveur en francais tu l'as deja ds ton cache [10:43] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/current/ there you can download the dvd [10:43] juliux, ty [10:43] i also have the i386 dvd iso on my server [10:44] Merci tous. Je donne des nouvelles ds que j'ai test tout cela. [10:44] francoisb, tu es d'ou? [10:44] Blois [10:44] un peu loin, pour moi, suis de lyon mais.. [10:45] Je suis content de dcouvrir une communaut ubuntu edubuntu. [10:45] comme je cherche du boulot eventuellement tu peux me trouver ici si t'as besoin d'aide, [10:46] je te conseille de telecharger le dvd, car recuperer les paquets de ton cache pour les utiliser apres ailleurs est un peu tire par les cheveux.. [10:47] Ok, J'ai test Abuledu, Je suis de prs Skolelinux et je suis plutot emball par la simplicit de edubuntu. J'utilise ubuntu sur mon portable depuis 3 mois. [10:47] oui pour l'instant c une des meilleures que j'ai vu [10:48] Je vais tenter de tlcharger le DVD. [10:48] tu sais te servir du torrent? [10:48] J'ai essay pour edubuntu mais cela ramait. [10:49] oui c pareil pour moi [10:49] enfin je vois qu'il y a les deux, je n'avais pas fait attention... [10:49] finalement c'est le tlech direct qui a march. [10:49] re === mhz_idle is now known as mhz === \sh is now known as \sh_away [10:53] Je lance le tlchargement : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/current/ 2,3 Go : bigre! [10:56] bon il est l'heure dormir, salut, bye all time to hit the sac. === \sh_away is now known as \sh === francois_b [n=francois@lns-bzn-43-82-249-145-135.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu [11:14] Bonne soire tous [12:01] JaneW: any special reason why on www.edubuntu.org, the manifesto talks about edubuntu except on the last paragraph?