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mhzogra: any special reason why on www.edubuntu.org, the manifesto talks about edubuntu except on the last paragraph?12:22
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mhzogra: any special reason why on www.edubuntu.org, the manifesto talks about edubuntu except on the last paragraph?12:33
dabaRhehe, doesnt look like it.12:36
mhzdabaR: hi. What you mean?12:36
dabaRmhz: hey. does not look like there is  a reason for it.12:37
dabaRmhz: nice to talk to you.12:37
mhzhehe, same from here12:37
dabaRwhat are you up to right now, what are you working on?12:37
dabaRit sounds misteriously interesting...12:37
mhzediting EdubuntuCommunity12:37
mhzwiking a tiny how to IRC12:38
dabaRwriting, or wiking?12:38
mhzany diff? :)12:38
dabaRa typo diff.12:38
dabaRwhat are you writing? pastebin it, or publish what you had written so far, plz12:39
dabaRmhz: I work on ubotu's factoids sometimes, and Im doing school now.12:39
dabaRwith a ruler12:40
dabaRogra is mr edubuntu?12:41
dabaRso are you going to publish?12:42
mhzyou can visit http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuCommunity12:42
mhzand i need to finish it but I 1st gotta take my dauther to bath12:43
dabaRare you going to write GnuLinux too?12:43
mhzof course :)12:43
mhzor you can go ahead12:43
dabaRwhy not just link to gnu.org?12:43
dabaRthere is already enough info on the net12:43
mhzgod point12:43
mhzfeel free12:43
mhzi agree12:44
mhzplease, if you do it, link it to some gnulinux self explanatory url :D12:44
mhzgotta run now or wife will kick my Chilean butt12:44
=== mhz BBL
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dabaRwhat this --> http://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html ?12:47
dabaRjanew is on Comcast.12:49
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jsgotangcoheya kjcole 01:30
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jane_Comcast? what where?02:05
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arkan0xmhz, ? ping 03:46
mhzarkan0x: estoy ordenandome con varias cosas para ir manana03:47
mhzarkan0x: please visit this page ans see if your WiFi Card is listed http://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards03:47
mhzsi no lo esta, dime para agregarla o agregala tu mismo. Claro que para wikiear paginas debes estar insrito primero en LaunchPad03:48
arkan0xmhz, ;D , no problem si no puedes ir mannana , osea igual la family primero :P , yo te cuente despues XD ,y por lo switch , yo voy a llebar el mio igual pa testear 03:50
arkan0xmhz,  D-Link03:52
arkan0xDWL-650  esa teno yo03:52
arkan0xy funca altiro , segun mi experiencia y la del wiki03:52
mhzpero la viste en la lista ya?03:52
arkan0xmhz ,tengo una duda ... :P03:52
mhzre CDSL/ en una de esas si es factible que aparezca cerca de las 12 y despues me vaya a buscar a Lucas (mi hijo) para llevarlo a la casa (aloja alla)03:53
mhzalla = aca en Maestranza :)03:53
mhzarkan0x: shoot03:53
arkan0xaa okis03:53
arkan0xmhz , eske el otro dia estaba testeando edubuntu contra mi notebook antiguo , que en la bios sale pa botear desde nic cardbus(osea desde la red) y googleando piye que ltsp no peskaba muy bien las pcmcia03:54
arkan0xy en etherboot tampoko encontre imagenes pa mi pcmcia , ke es un xircom 03:55
arkan0xuna xircom03:55
mhzarkan0x: aahhhh, re buen punto!!03:55
mhzen una de esas... tu estas en edubuntu mailing list?03:56
arkan0xmmm nu03:56
arkan0xme le voy a suscribir03:56
arkan0xal vuelo03:56
mhzde mas03:57
arkan0xmhz, seria edubuntu-devel ?03:58
arkan0xmhz, tengo consultas sobre moin , voy pal canal moin ?04:00
mhznos vemos alla?04:01
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JaneWwho is raven / ubuntun?03:20
jsgotangcoheya JaneW 03:21
juliuxhi JaneW 03:22
highvoltagehi JaneW, jsgotangco and juliux 03:25
juliuxhi highvoltage 03:26
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JaneWhi all03:39
highvoltageJaneW: what's the time there?03:40
jsgotangcoprobably around 11am03:43
ajmitch_9:43am :)03:43
jsgotangcostill ealry03:45
JaneWjsgotangco: what's the time where you are?03:46
jsgotangcoalmost 11pm03:47
JaneWwow, big difference03:48
highvoltage16:50 here.03:48
jsgotangcowell im on the other side of the world in the first place03:49
highvoltageJaneW: how is UBZ treating you?03:49
jsgotangcobut for me, 11pm is only the start of the night :)03:49
highvoltagei've been wondering a lot.03:49
jsgotangcoJaneW: is UBZ more fun?03:50
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pituxhello mhz04:38
mhzvoy saliendo al CDSL en uno 20 mins04:38
pituxque hay ahi?04:38
pituxinstall fest?04:39
pituxno tenia idea04:39
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pituxoye tengo que hablar algo super importante contigo04:39
pituxque tiene que ver con la generacion de contenido matematico libre y su incorporacion a distros educativas como edubuntu04:40
mhzy por que no nos vemos en el CDSL?04:41
mhzo prefieres por aca?04:41
pituxhoy en la ma~nana estuve viendo que el proyecto matematicas libre a nivel nacional va muy lenteja nadie se pone las pilas y por mas esfuerzos que se hace no se ha podido concretar mucho04:41
mhzo me llamas al 3129513?04:41
pituxlo que pasa es que debo lavar ropa04:41
mhzo me llamas al 3129513?04:41
mhzlo hacemos mas rapido y corto04:41
pituxa que hora es la reunion en el Cdsl?04:41
mhzya empezaron :)04:42
mhzyo voy a ayudar04:42
pituxahhhhh y hasta que hora es04:42
mhzni idea04:43
mhzpero me llamas al tiro?04:43
pituxlo que pasa es que no te puedo llamar04:43
pituxtengo un plan y ya estoy pasado en minutos04:43
mhzte llamo yo?04:43
mhzdame #04:43
mhzcasa, supongo?04:44
pituxigual me da lata pero filo04:44
mhzok, entonces dale por aca nomas04:44
pituxsi pos04:44
mhzpero no te da lata que te llame me digiste?04:45
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pituxya filo04:45
pituxla cuestion04:45
pituxes que conozco gente de Peru, Colombia argentina, ecuador y venezuela que trabaja con software libre y matematica04:46
pituxademas de Chile obvio04:46
pituxasi que quiero empezar a motivarlos para formar matematicaslibre.org04:46
pituxy se que se va a mover mas el asunto04:46
mhzte propongo algo04:47
jsgotangcono habla espanol04:47
pituxesto estaria directamente ligado a que se quiere conseguir a nivel latinoamricano respecto a educacion matematica04:47
=== jsgotangco goes back to idle mode
mhzjsgotangco: sorry, does it bother you? (we can use pv but we thought this may be interesting for other as well)04:48
pituxque me propones?04:48
jsgotangcomhz: no just teasing :)04:48
jsgotangcobut we're logged04:48
mhzque tal si hablamos con JaneW y le contamos lo que deseamos hacer como Edubuntu LoCo team or algo04:48
mhzjsgotangco: hehe, thx04:48
JaneWmhz: huh? ;)04:49
mhzJaneW: hi ther04:49
JaneWhi mhz04:49
pituxok cool04:49
pituxyour helpme in the traslation04:49
jsgotangcohey JaneW again04:49
pituxplease mhz04:49
mhzJaneW: pitux and I are discussing about matematicaslibre (free math content for education)04:49
mhzwe thought that 'maybe' you'd (we the edubuntors) may be interested04:50
mhzJaneW: what if we had edubuntu subprojects regarding contents04:51
JaneWsuch as?04:51
mhzi.e. free math contents04:52
mhzI mean,04:52
mhzEdubuntu is the distro and apps04:52
mhzbut what if we had some repos. or something that teachers , students and communitiy in general could get content from04:53
mhzhistory, language, math, etc04:53
mhzKeduca, i.e., has the ability to get tests from http04:53
JaneWyes absolutely that would be great04:53
JaneWif we could get community input for that it would REALLY help04:53
mhzor maybe ATP-GET math_content04:54
mhzthats our point04:54
pituxbuild a package with content maths contents04:54
mhztool + content + cross curricular activitiies04:54
pituxfor primary secundary university etc04:54
mhzjsgotangco: what do you think?04:54
mhzJaneW: i think that we would kick some butts with stuff like that 04:55
jsgotangcoare you talking about meta packages?04:55
mhzwe add much more value04:55
mhzjsgotangco: don't know04:55
mhzjsgotangco: you are the developer04:55
mhzi am just a person with ideas04:56
jsgotangcoif i get it right, if one guy does apt-get install math_content, all math related apps are installed?04:56
JaneWmhz: seriously we'd LOVE that cos it's the kind of stuff we have spoken about but haven't had the time to look at it at all...04:56
mhzjsgotangco: hmm, nop04:56
mhzJaneW: is that a Yes let's go for it?04:56
jsgotangcomhz: i don't get the idea then04:56
jsgotangcomhz: afaik, some people outside ubuntu make their own repos to work with ubuntu04:57
mhzjsgotangco: you have edubuntu. Now, if you want/need content for the tools you already installed, then get them from an edubuntu repository, ie04:57
jsgotangcomhz: for exaple, i saw a university guy made his own repo for forensic science packages for ubuntu in his own server04:58
pituxthe wiki is a recommendable tool for build collaborative content04:58
jsgotangcoahh content say, curriculum?04:58
mhzjsgotangco: you'e talking about apps or contents?04:58
mhzjsgotangco: yes, excercises, tests, etc04:58
pituxcontents for apps04:58
pituxfor example04:58
pituxkig 04:59
pituxgenerate content about geometric constructions for kig04:59
jsgotangcomhz: the problem i forsee here is04:59
pituxfor prmary and secundary04:59
jsgotangcoa. curricula is diffeerent between nations04:59
mhzIn Chile, we are trying to design a kind of survey that will help us identify teachers profiles, in terms of what teachers would be rady to start using ICT, who feels reticent to, who will definately be an obstacle , etc05:00
jsgotangcob. i don't think we can host them on ubuntu servers05:00
pituxyes but shared nore tipocs05:00
pituxyes but shared more topics05:00
pituxmhz: quiero decir que hay en los curriculos hay muchos topicos en conjunto05:00
mhzjsgotangco: also, edubuntu provides the tools, But, some teachers have already asked me.. now what? How do i give this better use based on the ministry plan05:01
pituxmhz: muchos topicos comunes 05:01
mhzpitux: cross-curriculum contents05:01
jsgotangcomhz: if you would pick up my brain on the Edubuntu matter, Edubuntu provides a framework but won't spoonfeed everything, its up to you people/users to decide on how to harness that infrastructure provided, much like how launchpad is thriving at the moment.05:02
mhzjsgotangco: is that the only problem you see? any other?05:02
mhzjsgotangco: yes, i agree what edubuntu is05:02
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jsgotangcomhz: not much, but definitely showstoppers in my opinion05:03
mhzjsgotangco: the point is 'motivation'. Last thursday, on this seminar on ICT for education, all the expertes were talking about edutools and stuff, and in the end they all got to the same conclusion: How can you make teachers see this tools are available but we need their help to give them value05:04
mhzjsgotangco: any sinonim for showstoppers05:04
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juliuxJaneW, hi  can we calculate with the conference packs for essen/germany ?05:05
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jsgotangcomhz: dude, Edubuntu is a framework, in Chile, you have your educational system that is entirely different from say, ZA, USA and PH, I don't think if I do content/curricula for Edubuntu, say im an educator in ZA, won't be usable in Chile05:06
jsgotangcomhz: you're in Chile, you're the most visible Edubuntu person there in my opinioin, you have the ideas, you're more likely to know what to do and how to execute it in an Edubuntu framework05:07
mhzjsgotangco: hmmm05:07
=== mhz thinking
JaneWmhz: sure go ahead - discuss tech detaiks with ogra please.05:08
JaneWjuliux: huh?05:08
mhzjsgotangco: I'd agree, except that i.e. Math is universal05:08
juliuxJaneW, i have send two times a e-mail but no response05:08
mhzscience in general, I'd say.05:08
JaneWjuliux: mail it again to marilize@canonical.com05:09
juliuxok i will do05:09
juliuxJaneW, thanks05:09
jsgotangcomhz: sure but methodoligies of teaching aren't05:09
mhzjsgotangco: and cross-curriculum contents on those areas may add very cool value. Mayb even seduce more people to use Edubuntu, and so we may need less resources to "evagelize" them :)05:10
mhzjsgotangco: that i agree 100%05:10
mhzmethodologies will vary05:10
mhzjsgotangco: taking apart the pros and cons, or if this fits or not on the objectives... d'u think is technically possible? what would be the diffiulties?05:11
jsgotangcosure its possible05:12
jsgotangcoits only content05:12
jsgotangcoyou tie up an app with your content05:12
jsgotangcoill come back later05:15
mhzJaneW: thanks for your help.05:28
mhzJaneW: BTW, next thursaday, I have one of the key meetings regarding Edubuntu Chilean Tour, esp. for funds05:30
JaneWmhz: great I will be able to chat to you on monday I think - if you need me to05:31
JaneWhave a good w/e05:31
mhzyou too05:31
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highvoltageedoo: JaneW 06:59
edooJaneW is Jane Weideman06:59
highvoltageedoo: ogra06:59
edooogra is Oliver Grawert06:59
highvoltageedoo: mdz06:59
edoomdz is Matt Zimmerman06:59
highvoltageedoo: mdz06:59
edoomdz is Matt Zimmerman06:59
highvoltageedoo: mdz06:59
edoomdz is Matt Zimmerman06:59
JaneWedoo: highvoltage07:00
edoohighvoltage is Jonathan Carter07:00
highvoltageedoo: mdz07:00
edoomdz is an oppertunistic troublemaker07:00
highvoltagethat's better :)07:00
JaneWopportunistic btw07:00
highvoltagegot that from https://launchpad.net/people/mdz07:01
highvoltagebut yes, i did spell it wrong..07:01
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Karbonadehellow ? i need some help with my wirless :)07:33
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highvoltageKarbonate's "h" was about 17 characters to early.07:38
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highvoltageedoo: goodnight09:48
edoogoodnight, highvoltage. I'll keep an eye out for the MS spies while you sleep.09:48
highvoltageedoo: edoo++09:48
bluefrog-10how do you capitalize words in bash command line, pls?09:48
highvoltagewhat do you mean?09:49
bluefrog-10i need to transform test in TEST09:50
bluefrog-10have been googling, found a lot of stuff, but not able to apply what's explained, and nobody answers on #bash09:51
bluefrog-10got an answer, its' tr10:01
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signifer123howdy ya'll11:43

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