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bhuvanhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/*-2005-11-[07,08] .txt contains 0 bytes, anybody looking into it ?06:13
bhuvanand *-current.html too06:13
Burgundaviabhuvan, ping fabbione06:13
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Burgundaviasalut jsgotangco 06:53
jsgotangcoBurgundavia: you're back :)06:53
jsgotangcoBurgundavia: do you use irssi?06:53
=== jsgotangco wonders how to switch between channels
=== jsgotangco forgot
Burgundaviactrl-pg up?06:55
bhuvanalt+pgup ?06:56
bhuvanalt+1,2,3 ?06:56
jsgotangcobhuvan: hi btw06:58
Burgundaviajsgotangco, we almost have more than 2 hand fuls of people06:59
Burgundaviajsgotangco, did you see what I /query-ed to you?07:01
jsgotangcoi don't know how to switch07:02
jsgotangcostupid irssi07:02
jsgotangcoi'll move to x-chat07:02
highvoltageirssi stupid?07:05
BurgundaviaI don't understand this facination with running Gnome and then running curses apps that are hard to use and totally non-discoverable07:06
highvoltageirssi is nice.07:07
highvoltage<esc> 1 <esc> 2 etc switches channels.07:07
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jsgotangcoBurgundavia, as you were saying?07:07
highvoltagejsgotangco: <esc> 1 <esc> 2 etc switches channels.07:07
highvoltage(in irssi, in gnome-terminal)07:07
highvoltageirssi is very nice. i think xchat is equally good.07:08
BurgundaviaI am probably going to move to xchat-gnome on my laptop07:08
highvoltagethe big benefit for irssi is, you can run it in screen. so it's easy to run remotely.07:08
jsgotangcoi like irssi.....07:08
jsgotangcohighvoltage, esc doesn't work07:10
jsgotangcoah wait07:11
jsgotangcoit works07:11
jsgotangcobut i want continuous switching07:11
jsgotangcoi did this before07:11
Madpilotone advantage of having your IRC client rolled into your web browser - no need to learn another set of commands just to switch between channels...07:12
jsgotangcoMadpilot, that's pretty crappy if you ask me07:13
Madpilot<shrug> it works - it lets me surf & monitor IRC at the same time... and frankly, if I had to use XChat all the time I'd stop using IRC...07:14
bhuvanjsgotangco: <esc> pgup, <esc> pgdn works ?07:20
jsgotangco<esc> 1...<esc> n works07:21
bhuvanok. i'm not used to irssi. i use centericq. but, alt+pgup, alt+pgdn seem to work though. i doubt something related to your specific setting though ?07:22
jsgotangcoprobably i'll just check it later07:22
jsgotangcohmm interesting activity in Yelp lately07:24
jsgotangcoYelp upstream is getting quite chatty atm07:24
Burgundaviajsut noticed that myself07:25
Burgundaviaquite pleased07:25
Burgundaviasweet, rb now has audio cd playback in cvs07:25
Burgundaviaas well as podcast support07:26
MadpilotI just got an email via my wiki page - again - but this one was sort of cool - the guy emailing was a ww2 USAAF pilot, had 6000hrs flying in the war, and is trying Ubuntu now...07:36
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Madpilotyeah, that makes the guy at least 75... good for him!07:39
jsgotangcohello Belutz @ubuntu.com07:43
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highvoltagei think i should try centericq some time.07:49
jsgotangconice our workplace now has piped-in music07:49
jsgotangcowhat's better is that its currently playing rage against the machine07:49
highvoltagecool :)07:49
bhuvanhighvoltage, interesting. imo, it's wonderful07:50
Madpilotjsgotangco: piped in music that's actually worth listening to? wow... :)07:51
jsgotangcoMadpilot, i'm working in a game studio now that's why07:52
jsgotangcowahaha the guys here are on crack07:54
jsgotangcowe're actually playing slayer07:54
rob^so what does ubuntu membership get me now?07:55
=== rob^ wonders
robitaille@ubuntu.com email addresss...07:55
rob^how can I set that up?07:55
jsgotangcoits automatic07:55
jsgotangcounless you haven't signed your CoC07:56
rob^i have07:56
jsgotangcowell you should have robbieboy@ubuntu.com by now forwarding to your default lp addy07:56
rob^so how can I find out what my email address is and how to access it?07:56
rob^can it be changed?07:56
jsgotangcorob^, its only a forwarder07:56
rob^jsgotangco, thought so07:56
rob^does changing your name in Edit Personal Details change what it is?07:57
rob^(the email address)07:57
jsgotangcoi haven't really tried07:57
robitailleyes, if you change you preffered email address in LP will change the forwarding of your @ubuntu.com07:58
=== rob^ tries it
robitailleI have done it in the past, but it is a cron job, so it may take a hour to take effect.. (or 2)07:59
rob^I ment the @ubuntu.com email address, can I change whats before the @07:59
robitaillethat I haven't tried...07:59
jsgotangcorobbieboy sounds cute =)08:01
=== jsgotangco evil grin
jsgotangcorob^, i think you could, mdke had a very bad lp name imo08:01
jsgotangcoi think he changed it08:01
robitailleactually, isn't his email address be rob1@ubuntu.com ?08:01
jsgotangcobefore it was gulliver8234 something08:02
=== rob^ changed my name to rob1 about 5 minutes ago
robitailleah  I see.  By theway, you can't try to test it from the same gmail account your are forwarding it to.  It will not work08:03
=== rob^ just used another email account to check
rob^hmm looks like it failed08:04
rob^maybe it takes a while to change, via a cron job or something08:05
robitaillelike I said, it could take a hour before it worked;  when I got mine, that was the pattern when I experimented with a few things08:05
rob^I guess I'll just want and see what happens08:06
robitailleif you want to get elmo mad at you, delete all your email address from LP except your new @ubuntu.com address, then send yourself an email.  It will loop and he will get an error message :) 08:06
robitaillebeen there, done that....08:06
jsgotangcoi guess lp is tied up with the smtp server08:07
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Burgundaviarob^, robitaille yes you can08:47
Burgundaviachange your lp name that is08:47
Burgundaviago to edit your details08:47
Burgundaviaand edit that first bo08:47
Burgundaviait is your email08:48
rob^so they are one in the same08:57
Burgundaviathe box is labelled "Name"08:57
Burgundaviamake certain you get that one, not the "Display Name" one08:58
rob^yeah, in Edit Details08:58
=== Burgundavia hunts down malcolm yates to beat him with a stick about the press release
jsgotangcopress relesae?09:01
Burgundaviathe db2 one09:01
Burgundaviait is a pdf09:01
Burgundaviaand it doesn't render properly in evince09:01
Madpilotyeah, the logo at the bottom is fubar'd09:03
Madpilotit works in Acroread, though...09:03
robitaillealso look pretty bad in Kghostview...09:04
Burgundaviabloody suse using marketing wonk09:04
Burgundaviaactually, malcolm is a nice guy09:04
robitailleaccording to the comment in the pdf, it was produced with OOo209:05
robitaillebut OOo2 doesn't always export to pdf properly; I discovered that with my impress presentation last month.09:05
Burgundaviayou might want to mention that to him09:06
BurgundaviaI think he is at mdy@canonical.com09:06
robitailleI'll send him an email09:08
MadpilotAcroread is still the gold standard for PDF rendering, which is too bad...09:08
robitaille(and that's his correct email address)09:09
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robitailleemail to Malcom Yates  has been sent.09:22
highvoltagecool. i got jonathan@ubuntu.com. judging by the amount of jonathan's in Ubuntu, i'm quite lucky :)09:25
robitailleI didn't even think of trying daniel@ubuntu.com.  Judging by the number of daniel around, maybe that would have been too confusing from everyone09:26
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robitailleand jdub is back!09:26
=== Belutz` is now known as Belutz
Burgundavianight all09:31
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rob^how do I attach an attachment to the wiki?09:51
robitaillein the pull down menu (middle of the page nearf the top), select attachment10:00
rob^oh I see, thanks robitaille 10:00
robitaillethe "more actions" menu10:00
=== rob^ just has another presentation to add to the list
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jjessemorning jsgotangco 03:27
jsgotangcohi jjesse 03:31
jsgotangcohow do i upload a document in the wiki?04:03
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highvoltagewhat should I add to the end of a wikipage to mark it for deletion again?04:42
jsgotangcogood night05:02
bhuvanwhich tutorial i should study to quickly grasp the diff between various docbook versions, (4.1.2, 4.3, etc) ?05:09
highvoltageanyone have the rights to delete EdubuntuDocumentation/StepByStepLtspSetup ?05:28
highvoltagesorry, i see i can too.05:29
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=== Belutz` is now known as Belutz
bhuvanmdke: ping06:12
mdkebhuvan, yes06:41
mdkehighvoltage, there are no acl's on the wiki06:42
bhuvanwish to know whether you have gone through new w.u.c/ServerGuide ?06:42
mdkebhuvan, no, not yet06:42
mdkebhuvan, why?06:43
bhuvanfine, look at it when you get some time and give your feedbacks/corrections/suggestions06:43
mdkealright :)06:43
mdkejjesse, here?06:51
jjessesometimes :)06:52
mdkejjesse, you are interested in getting kubuntu docs for BREEZY translated?06:53
jjesseits probablly too late for that ?06:53
jjessebut dapper i would06:53
mdkejjesse, ok cool. We will only upload docs for translation in dapper when they are finished06:54
jjessemdke: that would be wonderful06:55
mdkeno problem, if you are interested in breezy, you'll need to get permission to do an upload with the translations, it might be non-trivial because the current package has no translations, but if you want to investigate it with Riddell, I can help with Rosetta06:55
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jjessemdke: thanks i'll chat w/ riddell and see if he wants the packages for breezy into rosetta as well07:02
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bhuvangood night07:47
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janimohttp://www.ubuntu.com/community has pretty old info08:11
janimore teams, member names etc.08:11
janimois it superseded by another area of the site?08:11
mdke_janimo, no that's an integral part of the site08:12
mdke_janimo, it will be updated very soon08:12
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geekchic9hi, zenrox!11:43

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