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federico_luHi all! Is it a must to do an "emerge -e system" after upgrading the GCC version? What are the benefits, and the negative points?12:09
federico_luoops sorry wrong channel ;) sorry all! *shame-on-me*12:09
nxv_what can i do to get suspend or hybernate work? 12:12
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Admin mode fix in breezy- and hoary-updates | Breezy Released! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/breezy-release.php | HAL/GPG/Konsole font fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Don't flood the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by apokryphos at Mon Nov 7 12:46:13 2005
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
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=== ubotu decapitates fatejudger conan the destroyer style, courtesy of fatejudger
bimberiha, i wondered if it gave away the caller :)12:29
Hobbseeyeah, it does, most unfortunately12:29
Hobbsee!lart #kubuntu bimberi 12:30
=== ubotu rm -rf's #kubuntu bimberi
Hobbseei didnt do that in this channel, i'm sure....12:30
Hobbseei did that in a private message....12:30
fatejudgerdamn samba12:30
Hobbseestill not working fatejudger?12:30
fatejudgerall I want now is just to erase samba data12:31
fatejudgerso when I reinstall it'll be fresh12:31
Hobbseefatejudger: you wouldnt happen to be using firestarter would you?12:31
fatejudgerI don't see how making a user would be affecting it12:31
fatejudgerno, I'm not12:31
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fatejudgerit's something to do with permissions or the samba conf12:31
Hobbseegood - i've had it interfere with samba and connecting before12:31
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fatejudgerI have no idea12:31
Hobbseehmmm...completely remove samba, then search for the configuratoin files, and remove them12:33
Hobbseewould be my usual guess12:33
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fatejudgeris there a way to tell Kubuntu not to load Konq on automount?12:56
fatejudgersince KDE 3.5 does it for you12:56
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Riddellfatejudger: killall ivman01:01
Riddellalso remove ivman from /usr/bin/startkde01:01
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fatejudgerRiddell: thanks01:05
fatejudgerRiddell: would wouldn't happen to know a thing or two about samba would you?01:09
fatejudgerRiddell: damn, oh well01:10
fatejudgerI swear, if I don't figure this Samba problem out soon, I'm going to kill someone01:11
fatejudgerI don't see how something could just stop working because a new user was created01:11
fatejudgerit doesn't make any sense01:11
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trothhas anyone tried the new kernel yet?01:18
Hobbseeno, but i'm kind of tempted to...01:18
trothya, i wonder if its worth it01:19
Hobbseei'm wondering if my machine will properly reboot with it01:19
Hobbseecould be fun01:19
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stupendo44what command can I use to launch a file from the terminal the same way it would be if it was double-clicked on the desktop?01:28
stupendo44it's not an executable01:28
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bennettghow do i make the multimedia work in kubuntu?01:43
stupendo44bennettg: what multimedia?01:44
bennettgi am noob.  wish to watch .wmv, etc.  01:44
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stupendo44ok, you should install vlc and w32codecs01:45
bennettggot those01:45
bennettgno luck01:45
stupendo44are you trying to view it with vlc?01:45
bennettgwork 50% in ubuntu, not kubuntu01:45
bennettgyes from wthin firefox01:45
stupendo44oh, I've had a lot of trouble with that01:46
bennettg1/2 the time01:46
stupendo44I just save everything, and view it external01:46
bennettgkonqueror wont work either01:46
stupendo44I wish I could help you. I will invest more time to solve this issue myself, but I haven't had a ton of luck. I haven't even gotten java working in firefox yet. I have falsh working, though.01:46
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bennettghumbolt state?01:47
stupendo44it can be done, I know that01:47
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humboltnop, humbolt stream01:48
humbolthumboldt to be exact01:48
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bimberibennettg: mplayer (and mozilla-mplayer) might be worth a try01:50
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stupendo44I have gottens something with mplayer to work with mozilla before, but I didn't like it for some reason. Either it had no interface, or something else. can't remember01:52
stupendo44bimberi: btw, he left01:52
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zero0anyone here uses KOffice?01:54
stupendo44I do01:54
bimberistupendo44: ha, missed that somehow :)01:54
stupendo44I like it generally, but some of the applications leave features to be desires01:54
zero0how good is KOffice for Kubuntu?01:55
zero0is Kubuntu doing anything to support KOffice development?01:55
stupendo44it's pretty fast. I was suprised after using OOo 2.0rc101:55
stupendo44what do you mean?01:55
zero0i mean of all the applications people use, KOffice should be number 1 or number 2 on the list01:56
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zero0i was expecting more resources/funding be given to KOffice01:56
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stupendo44from kubuntu? They're all developers working on a similar project. I doubt they're shifting money around much. They contribute code mostly01:57
Riddellzero0: I support koffice the same way I support KDE, making packages fast and making a great distribution for it02:06
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beastRiddell: and you are doing a great job of it :)02:08
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LjLkoffice must be the most promising office suite i've seen yet, even though i've seen it crash too many times for my likings02:19
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RaReCan anybody help me: While runnning installation files i get a "Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library" on the shell.02:31
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RaReAnd if I ignored it and continued to install I get a "kbuildsycoca running...        Reusing existing ksycoca" Followed by a whole bunch of "kbuildsycoca: WARNING: .........."02:32
RaReThen the program won't run02:33
RaRe4 programs (games) so far have the same problem02:34
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KaoticEvilhey everyone :)02:43
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KaoticEvilfor some reason, compiling a compiler just doesnt seem right03:04
LjLwhy, it's one of the coolest things in the world03:05
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KaoticEvilstill.. it doesnt feel right :P03:06
fatejudgerI think I need to bring ubotu over with me to the samba channel and decapitate some developers03:07
KaoticEvilim still not used to compiling programs.. at least not programs from other people :P03:07
fatejudger!go to #samba03:07
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, fatejudger03:07
fatejudgerdamn you03:07
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, LjL03:07
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fatejudger!kill samba03:08
ubotufatejudger: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?03:08
fatejudger!lart samba03:09
=== ubotu frags samba with his BFG9000
LjLyou joking? it's probably larger than half the windows source03:09
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  having fun? :P03:09
fatejudgeryes, yes I am03:09
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fatejudger!lart samba.conf03:10
=== ubotu frags samba.conf with his BFG9000
fatejudgeryou can't do the same thing twice03:10
fatejudger!lart samba03:10
=== ubotu duct-tapes samba to the floor and drools on him
LjLcan you try an aptitude install boson? i mean, by now i've already filed a bug report for broken deps, but if you can confirm it's broken i'll live happier...03:11
LjLit's a game03:13
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fatejudgera game03:16
fatejudgerI think I'm going to make a game03:16
fatejudgerit's going to have a Samba voodoo doll03:16
fatejudgerand I'm going to torture it03:16
fatejudger!lart samba_voodoo_doll03:17
=== ubotu pours hot grits down the front of samba_voodoo_doll's pants
fatejudgerOMG YES!!!03:17
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fatejudgertorture is great...03:17
troypoor snr in here (/me doesn't help)03:19
KaoticEvilmethinks fatejudger == S&M fan :P03:19
LjLubotu fatejudger is an S&M fan03:19
ubotuLjL: okay03:19
fatejudgerI don't mind the S&M actually03:20
KaoticEvilhow bout the B&D? :P03:20
fatejudgermy last gf was a fan...03:20
KaoticEvilnever got into that...03:20
fatejudgernot the crazy stuff03:20
fatejudgerbut the more mild-medium end of it03:21
fatejudgerI don't know exactly how we started talking about S&M03:21
KaoticEvil. o O ( wierdo! )03:21
KaoticEvil"fatejudger torture is great..."03:21
fatejudgeryes, yes it is03:21
LjLubotu knows03:22
ubotuLjL: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:22
LjLor maybe not03:22
fatejudgerubutu, fix my computer03:22
=== KaoticEvil wonders what all ubotu DOES know...
fatejudgerubotu, fix my computer03:22
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, fatejudger03:22
fatejudgerubotu: kill samba03:22
ubotufatejudger: Wish i knew03:23
LjLubotu kaoticevil03:23
ubotuhmm... kaoticevil is someone who dislikes ubotu03:23
KaoticEvilubotu:  KaoticEvil like ubotu 03:24
ubotuKaoticEvil: Syntax error in line 103:24
KaoticEvilubotu:  LjL 03:25
ubotuKaoticEvil: Do they come in packets of five?03:25
LjLfortunately not03:25
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LjLfortunately for the rest of the world, i mean03:25
KaoticEvilyeah, heh03:25
LjLwho was talking to you? i was explaining ubotu03:26
jaypee_on my kmix, i can only adjust volume with pcm03:26
jaypee_how can i make pcm default in systray everytime i start kde03:26
jaypee_is there kmix config file somewhere?03:27
LjLdoesn't right click and "select channel" do it?03:27
LjLor does it forget the setting?03:27
jaypee_LjL: it does, however when i restart it resets back to master03:27
LjLi see03:27
jaypee_so i don't know how i can make the settings stick03:28
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LjLwell, the config file is at ./.kde/share/config/kmixrc03:29
LjLand also at ./.kde/share/config/kmixctrlrc03:29
LjLtho i can't find that setting03:29
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jaypee_ooo thanks a lot LjL03:30
ubotuljl is, like, totally, Maybe he doesnt come in packets of five, but what does these days?03:30
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bettseany ideas why sftp in konqueror isn't working under this practically brand new kubuntu03:37
ubotuhmm... samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently03:38
KaoticEvilwhy does my samba server need to be reset all the time?03:39
fatejudgerI have no idea03:39
fatejudgerbut this samba thing is pissing the hell out of me03:39
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  cant get it working?03:39
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fatejudgerbut my other computer is broken too now03:40
fatejudgerwho here has KDE 3.5?03:40
egatsanyone want to help me get my samba server working?03:41
fatejudgerKDE 3.5 Beta 203:41
fatejudgerno one has KDE 3.5 Beta 2?03:42
KaoticEvilhow did my workgroup get changed? o.O03:42
fatejudgercmon, I'm in the damn Kubuntu channel03:42
egatsbreezy comes with 3.4.203:42
LjLhaven't dared to install it yet03:42
fatejudgeregats: it comes with 3.4,303:43
egatsok, maybe recently. but definitely not 3.5.03:43
egatspoint is, not everyone puts in the effort to get KDE and compile it on their own03:44
egatsKaoticEvil: do you have your samba server working then?03:45
fatejudgeregats: there are binaries03:45
KaoticEvilegats:  yes, samba is working for me.. but somehow my workgroup got changed03:45
KaoticEvilwhich doesnt matter on *my* box... but on my XP box, well... yeah, it matters there lol03:45
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egatsKaoticEvil: do you think maybe you could help me figure out why mine isn't working?03:46
KaoticEvilegats:  i can try... altho i should tell you upfront that im not all that good with linux03:47
egatsi posted my smb.conf here: http://pastebin.com/42388703:48
KaoticEvilok.. ill take a look at it03:49
KaoticEvilill cmpare it to mine... 03:49
egatswhen i try smbclient --list=localhost, it times out03:49
KaoticEvilegats: you did install the samba server, right? (dont take offense, i forgot :P )03:50
egatsyes, i installed the samba package through adept03:50
egatssmbd and nmbd are showing up on my process list03:50
fatejudgerI'm just trolling in the samba channel right now03:51
KaoticEvilegats:  i really have no idea... 03:55
KaoticEvilmine is only *half* working...03:55
KaoticEvili can browse it when i go to remote places.. but not form my XP box :(03:55
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egatsit sounds like you have your conf set up wrong then03:56
egatsdo you have your subnet in host allow?03:57
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KaoticEvili just fixed it too :D04:12
KaoticEvilegats:  would you like me to post my smb.conf ?04:12
egatsKaoticEvil: yes, please04:15
ubotusamba is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:15
=== utta [n=utta@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
egatsalready been there, guys04:16
egatsi'm trying to set it up through the .conf file04:16
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KaoticEvilegats:  would you like me to paste my smb.conf ? it works now :)04:20
egatsKaoticEvil: yes, please! :)04:21
KaoticEvilok.. doing it now :)04:21
KaoticEvilif i can get pastebin to load...04:21
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KaoticEvilegats:  here ya go -> http://rafb.net/paste/results/8bQ3zg43.html04:23
KaoticEvilit works for me...04:23
KaoticEviloh, and one other thing...04:23
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KaoticEvildont know if it matters, but i use a different command to restart samba...04:23
KaoticEvili use:  sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart04:24
KaoticEvilnalioth:  hey :)04:26
naliothKaoticEvil: howdy04:26
KaoticEvili got samba working fully :)04:26
naliothKaoticEvil: great!04:27
KaoticEviland i got my IP issues sorted as well :)04:27
KaoticEviland i did it all on a shell :)04:27
egatsKaoticEvil: i was also looking for that script! thanks :)04:27
KaoticEvilscuse me.. by using the Force :P04:27
KaoticEvilegats:  no worries04:27
KaoticEviljust glad i could help :)04:27
naliothKaoticEvil: great04:27
KaoticEvil. o O ( feels cool to be able to help people thru some of the same problems ive had :) )04:28
KaoticEvilegats:  lemme know it that works, eh? (the smb.conf)04:28
naliothKaoticEvil: karma is a circle04:28
KaoticEvilheh nalioth 04:28
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egatsKaoticEvil: yeah, i'm comparing it with mine04:29
egatsKaoticEvil: so you're using passwd to auth instead of smbpasswd? i didn't know you could do that.04:35
egatsKaoticEvil: also, why do you have workgroup defined twice?04:37
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KaoticEvilegats:  i do?04:38
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egatsKaoticEvil: yes, at the top of global, and also under your ###MISC### section04:39
KaoticEvilheh.. i do... 04:39
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KaoticEvili dont know...04:39
KaoticEvillol i never even noticed it tbh04:39
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egatsKaoticEvil: so about the passwd vs. smbpasswd?04:40
KaoticEvil*shrugs* it just works... i simply modified the existing one to include my workgroup and shares.. i didnt change anything else04:41
KaoticEvilexcept to enable guest ok = yes04:41
egatsdid you set it up through kcontrol first?04:42
KaoticEvilthe share, yes...04:42
KaoticEviland it would work.. then after so long, just stop working04:42
egatsoh, ok. i'm trying to do it without the kcontrol.04:43
KaoticEvilwell, the modifications i did with pico04:43
egatskcontrol gives me all kinds of problems when i have to enter "administrator mode"04:43
egatsso i was trying to do it all from shell04:44
KaoticEvilyeah, same here... the workaround to that.. Run -> kdesu kcontrol04:44
KaoticEvilthat starts it in root mode04:44
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egatshow is kdesu different than sudo?04:45
KaoticEvilkdesu is, i believe, a K frontend for sudo04:45
KaoticEvilit does the same thing, from what i can tell04:46
KaoticEvilhmmmmmmmmm... i may attempt to mount these shares into ~04:46
ubotuUse kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.04:46
KaoticEvilheh.. ty nalioth 04:47
naliothegats: if you open a kde gui app using sudo, it will mangle your userspace permissions04:47
KaoticEvilnalioth:  why?04:47
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naliothegats: then forevermore will be the error msgs and "cannot write to directory"04:47
egatsyeah, i had all kinds of crazy problems trying to do sudo kate04:47
naliothegats: ewww, i hope you've not mangled your perms already04:47
egatswell, kate proceeded to crash, and i had to sudo kill it.04:48
=== sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.Sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu
egatshow could i tell if my perms are mangled?04:48
sophie_hello all I<m wondering how do you use katapult04:48
egatssophie_: ALT-SPACE04:49
sophie_egats: does not work for me04:49
ubotukatapult is, like, an application for KDE designed to provide faster access to applications, bookmarks and other items. Once you've installed it, alt+f2 ->katapult, then hit Alt+Space. When splash screen appears, type the command you want.04:49
KaoticEvilso its like prefetch?04:50
naliothKaoticEvil: more like alt-tab on steroids04:50
KaoticEvilthats even better :>04:50
KaoticEvil<< RELIGIOUS user of Alt+Tab04:50
egatsnalioth: how can i tell if my perms are botched?04:50
Hobbseehehe...love katapult here too04:51
Hobbseeand alt+tab, and shortcut to switch desktops04:51
naliothegats: you'll start having permissions problems as described above04:51
sophie_nalioth: i<ve installed the package but alt-space does not work04:51
egatsnalioth: you mean like admin mode not working in kcontrol?04:51
KaoticEvilit doesnt work here either..04:51
naliothsophie_: i dont use katapult04:52
Hobbseesophie_: tried using alt+f2 and typing katapult?04:52
naliothegats: no, that is another bug, you should upgrade04:52
Hobbseethen hit enter, and try?04:52
sophie_Hobbsee: from the command line I get:04:53
sophie_sophie@ubuntuphil:~/Desktop/kbfx-0.4.8rc1$ katapult04:54
sophie_kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype Katapult/Catalog not found04:54
sophie_kio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype Katapult/Display not found04:54
sophie_Hobbsee: what do u get from command line04:54
Hobbseeignored duplicate item then showing a lot of my bookmarks that are in firefox and konq04:55
KaoticEvildoes apt-get keep packages around after installing them?04:55
sophie_can katapult be configured in kcontrol should an entry exist04:56
naliothKaoticEvil: it does. /var/cache/apt/archives/04:56
Hobbseesophie_: hit alt+f2, type katapult - does it give you an icon in the box?04:56
Hobbseeas in, not a blue one, a kinda grey one?04:56
sophie_Hobbsee: yep grey gear04:56
Hobbseenah, katapult's not in kcontrol - you cant really configure it04:56
Hobbseeok, go into kcontrol04:56
Hobbseesearch for keyboard, pick the one for keyboard shortcuts04:56
Hobbseethat says that katapult is indeed installed :P04:57
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sophie_Hobbsee: should there be a keyboeard shortcut for katapult in the appliation shortcut tab04:58
Hobbseeno, but check if anything else has a shortcut of alt+space04:58
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Hobbseeusually windows, windows operations menu04:59
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sophie_Hobbsee: no kde shortcut to alt-space05:00
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Hobbseehmm ok05:00
Hobbseehave you restarted kde since installing katapult?05:01
squidbulletslots of jacking around my friend nalioth 05:01
naliothsquidbullets: type /j #kubuntu-offtopic 05:01
squidbulletsnew problem nalioth05:01
naliothsquidbullets: oh?05:01
sophie_Hobbsee: I think so for the restart05:01
Hobbseefor some reason, it doesnt always start after installing it, i recall05:02
squidbulletsnalioth=8D missing user list in X-chat terminal window, reset and restarted X-chat, same basic terminal window. did those bucket-heads in the other chat room do this to me or is this a setting I unwittingly tampered into non-existance all by myself05:03
naliothsquidbullets: all by yourself05:03
squidbullets=8D  IDUDITZ!05:03
naliothsquidbullets: this is linux, no one can "do anything" to you05:03
sophie_Hobbsee: I'll try to restart kde05:04
stbainsquidbullets: are you set on using X-chat05:04
squidbulletsnalioth=8D how to unDO myself then?05:04
Hobbseesophie_: or just reboot the machine05:04
naliothsquidbullets: stbain may have some enlightenment for you05:04
stbainsquidbullets: well... there's Konversation05:04
stbainwhich is tabbed IRC client05:05
stbainI like MDI05:05
stbainso I can monitor multiple channels at once05:05
stbainso I installed kvirc05:05
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KaoticEvilwell hell.. 05:08
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sophie_Hobbsee: Reboot and no katapult man I really wanted to try it out05:09
Hobbseedarn it!05:09
sophie_Hobbsee: got it to work!05:11
squidbulletsstbain=8D EVERYthing is up in the air at this point-not set on anything really, actually I do not really have time for endless chatting and tinkering, my primary hobby is music.  I was asking nalioth where my user list on the right went so i could put it up and visit a bit with some lunatics on another server before i recorded a ska song.  I need there lunatic perspective and had planned on doing it all tonight so I could give it to s05:11
squidbulletsomebody and let her know there is a man in me singing "I care I care". so that is why tonight would not be a good time for changing things up.  thank you for pointing me to MDI. I hope I will remember it so I can check it out later.  Is it wrong for me to type these huge inputs?05:11
Hobbseesophie_: yay!05:11
sophie_did sudo kbuildsycoca05:11
naliothsquidbullets: check your view menu05:12
sophie_had to do same thing for amarok when I installed05:12
Hobbseeah ok, yep05:12
KaoticEvilsophie_:  what does that do?05:14
squidbulletsnalioth=8D  PSYCHOTIC COMPUTER MODE = TRUE/ invalid drop down menu name...{valid option=1 0f 6[X-Chat IRC Server Window Help]   if not 1 of 6 search menu::keyword^view^}05:15
naliothsquidbullets: i have 0 clue05:15
sophie_Hobbsee: katapult is great but how to I change the delay before it resets your typing05:15
Hobbseeno idea if that's possible, but i'd check somewhere in ~./kde/ for a configuration file05:16
KaoticEvilok.. ive got to test my IP config...05:16
sophie_Kaoti: kbuildsycoca  Rebuilds the system configuration cache05:18
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RaRehelp someone tell me what to do with this please...  "*** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0xb7c2f938 ***" 05:37
crimsunRaRe: what are you using to get that error?05:42
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pc22how do i watch avi file in ubuntu?05:57
pc22how do i watch avi file in kubuntu?05:57
bimberipc22: hopefully this will help you - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:58
naliothubotu: tell pc22 about multimedia06:03
ubotu[multimedia]  for codecs,  http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia06:05
=== KaoticEvil [n=KaoticEv@host-64-72-33-53.classicnet.net] has joined #kubuntu
fatejudgerI'm having the hardest time getting anything to play using gstreamer06:06
KaoticEvilcool :) it works 06:06
fatejudgernalioth: are you any good with samba?06:06
fatejudgernalioth: I've tried asking everyone about my samba problem06:07
fatejudgerI think I'm going to have to reformat...06:07
naliothfatejudger: i dont own windows boxen, sorry06:07
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  whats the problem youre having again?06:07
=== KaoticEvil has a windowsXP box on his network
naliothfatejudger: perhaps KaoticEvil can help you06:08
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: dude, you couldn't figure it out 3 hours ago06:08
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: nor could you figure it out the day before06:08
=== KaoticEvil also has a bad memory
fatejudgerI can see computer06:08
fatejudgerI can see the folders inside the computer06:08
fatejudgerbut I can't go into the shared folders06:08
fatejudgerit says they don't exist or I don't have access to them06:09
KaoticEvilpermission denied error?06:09
KaoticEvilfreom windows?06:09
fatejudgerboth from Windows and from Kubuntu06:09
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fatejudgermaybe a working smb.conf might help06:09
KaoticEvilare the sahres passworded?06:09
fatejudgerI don't see how06:09
KaoticEvilwanna see mine?06:09
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: they shouldn't be06:09
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: I wouldn't know what to look for06:10
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  compare it to yours?06:10
fatejudgersure, why not06:10
fatejudgerpastebin it06:10
KaoticEvilthats how uhhh... some other guy got his working lol06:10
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  here ya go -> http://pastebin.com/42400206:12
KaoticEvilplease dont ask me why my workgroup is defined twice, because i dont know... i *do* know that it works tho :P06:12
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dreamwaveokay.  here's a strange questions.  what browser do you use when purchasing stuff on ebay?  if konqueror, does it work alright?06:14
regeyaI've used konq for ebay purchases06:15
regeyaworks fine06:15
regeyaon those rare occasions when konq won't do, keep firefox handy.  when that's not enough, find a friend with windows.06:15
naliothbah. any browser will do, i've used galeon, konq and ff for online purchases06:16
dreamwaveregeya: ah.  thanks.  i've got windows on the other partition.  i just don't want to reboot if i don't truely need to.06:16
dreamwavenalioth: cool!06:17
KaoticEvilhow do i disable that damned auto-spell check globally?06:17
KaoticEvilits pissing me off, really06:17
KaoticEvili searched thru ever option in kcontrol, and i /cannot/ find it06:17
egatsKaoticEvil: try spelling things correctly. then it won't bother you :p06:18
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KaoticEvilegats:  it has nothing to do with that...06:18
KaoticEvilits slowing me down :P06:18
KaoticEvilive only got a 400MHz celeron :(06:18
regeyanalioth: I said *rare* :-)06:19
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: your smb.conf is strange06:21
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: it's global06:21
egatsare there supposed to be two instances of smbd running?06:21
fatejudger!lart egats06:23
=== ubotu frags egats with his BFG9000
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  it works tho :P06:24
fatejudgercan someone else send me their working smb.conf?06:24
fatejudgerI need something less global06:24
fatejudgerand more configurable06:24
=== KaoticEvil shrugs... i tried
=== egats respawns and slices ubotu with his chainsaw
fatejudgerlol, egats can't hear me06:26
fatejudger!lart egats06:26
=== ubotu duct-tapes egats to the floor and drools on him
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egats*lmao* :D06:28
fatejudger!lart egats06:30
=== ubotu stabs egats
fatejudgerI wonder if he knows its a bot06:30
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naliothfatejudger: let's keep the !larting to -offtopic please06:33
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squareffany reason timidity would work and kmid not?06:34
KaoticEviloh, and i think i fixed my xmms sound server problem too :)06:34
KaoticEvili changed it from arts to alsa, and havent had a problem with it since *yay*06:34
squareffKaoticEvil: isn't xmms obsolete and replaced with bmpx?06:34
KaoticEvilsquareff:  dont know.. only thing ive ever used is xmms :P06:35
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: many programs don't use alsa standard06:35
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: like web browsers06:35
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: and a few KDE apps06:35
squarefffatejudger: they use what then?06:35
KaoticEvilthe only thing i care about for sound is my music player06:35
fatejudgersquareff: arts06:35
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: well there you go06:35
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: not like it matters though06:35
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squarefffatejudger: but isn't alsa better?06:35
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: better to have support for all apps06:35
fatejudgersquareff: how do YOU think alsa is better?06:36
KaoticEvili want my OS to be *silent* except for my music06:36
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: no flash videos?06:36
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  occasionally... not often tho06:36
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: well they won't work now06:36
squarefffatejudger: i don't have my own opinion, i just heard so06:36
KaoticEvilno, just changed xmms to use alsa...06:36
fatejudgersquareff: alsa - dmix has less lag than alsa06:37
squarefffatejudger: do you have reasons to believe the oposite?06:37
fatejudgerI mean06:37
fatejudgerless lag than arts06:37
fatejudgerbut arts is compatible with almost every app06:37
fatejudgerand is the KDE standard06:37
fatejudgergstreamer will soon be the KDE standard though06:37
squarefffatejudger: btw, do you think this is why kmid doesn't work and timidity does on my machine?06:37
fatejudgersquareff: do you only use alsa?06:38
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  in my sound server settings, i have it set to autodetect... i simply changed the settings in xmms06:38
squarefffatejudger: yes, i guess so06:38
fatejudgersquareff: then yes06:38
squarefffatejudger: i don't see arts installed on my machine06:38
fatejudgersquareff: how have you been living without it?06:38
squarefffatejudger: (maybe i don't know how to... see it)06:39
fatejudgersquareff: do you have the Beta 2 or something?06:39
squarefffatejudger: this is my first day to try to use sound on this machine06:39
fatejudgersquareff: I'm sure you have it06:39
squarefffatejudger: how do i check this?06:39
fatejudgersquareff: just poke around the KDE settings for sound06:40
fatejudgersquareff: system settings if you use Breezy06:40
KaoticEvilhmmmm... 06:40
squarefffatejudger: i see. thank you.06:40
KaoticEviloh, terrific...06:40
fatejudgerI'm beginning to think this whole Samba problem is a KDE bug06:42
=== ubotu judo chops egats, courtesy of egats
KaoticEvilanyone use icecast?06:43
egatslol. sorry06:44
KaoticEvili cant get the icecast-server to start06:44
fatejudgerwhat does it do?06:44
KaoticEvilits a shoutcast clone06:44
KaoticEvilstraming audio06:44
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fatejudgerwhat is the name of the server part of Samba06:46
fatejudgernot the client package06:46
fatejudgerbut the server package06:46
Noah0504Is it possible to always have windows open maximized in KDE?06:46
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  its samba, isnt it?06:46
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: that's the general package06:46
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: it isn't a real package06:46
KaoticEvilsmbd, i think06:47
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: it just collects up a bunch of packages06:47
KaoticEvilive got a list of all the packages.. lemme check06:48
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  samba (3.0.14a-6ubuntu1) a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix06:50
KaoticEvilits not a metapackage06:50
fatejudgeryeah, I see that06:50
fatejudgerI've figured out what the problem is06:51
fatejudgerit's an access issue06:51
fatejudgerI've fixed everything so I can browse the windows computers06:51
fatejudgerthe Kubuntu computer I need NFS to browse06:51
fatejudgerI can dual share06:51
fatejudgerbut for some reason, other computers don't have access to the folders06:51
KaoticEvildo you have guest ok = yes set?06:52
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DelvienHas anyone got their Microsoft Bluetooth mouse's scroll wheel working?06:53
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fatejudgerKaoticEvil: yes06:55
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: globally and for every share06:55
KaoticEvilthats really odd...06:57
KaoticEvildo you also have public = yes and browseable = yes set?06:58
fatejudgerI think so06:58
fatejudgerlet me check06:58
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: yes, I have all of those06:59
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: I'm thinking maybe I should transfer my smb.conf from my working computer to replace the non-working one06:59
KaoticEvilthere ya go :)07:00
KaoticEviljust replace the share entry names.. and you *should* be set07:00
KaoticEvilbut then again... these *are* computers07:01
pc22how do i install w32 codec07:01
KaoticEvilthings dont always work like they should :P!w32codec07:02
KaoticEvilthings dont always work like they should :P07:02
ubotufrom memory, w32codecs is for w32codecs in Breezy visit http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/breezy-extras/07:02
KaoticEvilyou should be able to just apt-get it...07:02
fatejudgerw32 codecs are great07:02
KaoticEvilyeah they are07:02
fatejudgerI always encode my music as .wma07:02
fatejudgersince it works on my computer and mp3 player07:03
KaoticEvilewwwwwww @ wma07:03
fatejudgerwell I'd use ogg07:03
fatejudgerbut my mp3 player just isn't THAT cool07:03
KaoticEvili never liked wma even when i ran windows :P07:03
KaoticEviljust use MP3 :P07:03
fatejudgerwma is the next best thing to ogg07:03
fatejudgerwma vbr is just super07:04
fatejudgergreat compression and quality07:04
=== KaoticEvil is of the opinion that wma isnt even close to the best anything :P
fatejudgermp3 doesn't even compare07:04
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: yeah well, look at audio tests07:04
KaoticEvilthen again, i detest MS...07:04
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: you have to reject all that hatred of Microsoft07:04
KaoticEvilso i may be slightly biased :P07:04
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: Linux is great, but so is MS07:04
fatejudgerwhich is why I have a mixed box setup07:04
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  they make great things07:05
KaoticEvilwindows is great... i like it.. alot07:05
fatejudgerI like the configurability of Linux though07:05
KaoticEvilMS Office is the best office suite ive ever used07:05
fatejudgerit's like a manual transmission vs automatic07:05
fatejudgereh, I'm not a powerpoint fan07:05
fatejudgerI'm going to get flamed in here because of this but07:05
KaoticEvilno, powerpoint sucks lol07:05
fatejudgerI like Keynote07:06
fatejudgerI don't own anything Apple though07:06
fatejudgerso I can't use it07:06
KaoticEvili was talking about outlook and word, mainly :P07:06
regeyakeynote...wait, is that the apple presentation app?07:06
fatejudgerKeynote is just awesome07:06
=== regeya shrugs
KaoticEvilOutlook 2003 and Word 2003 are great...07:06
fatejudgerOpenOffice.org should have copied THAT interface07:06
fatejudgerinstead of PowerPoint07:06
fatejudgerthat was a stupid stupid decision07:06
regeyafatejudger, you'd be surprised how many apple fanboys hang in 'loonix' crowds07:06
KaoticEvilOpenOffice.org shouldnt ahve written it in java either :P07:07
regeyaOOo isn't a java app07:07
fatejudgerJava is horrible07:07
fatejudgermemory hog07:07
KaoticEvilno, java is great07:07
fatejudgerespecially in Linux07:07
KaoticEvilfor what its DESIGNED for..07:07
KaoticEvilweb-based apps07:07
fatejudgerweb-based apps?07:07
KaoticEvil*not* stand-alone apps07:07
KaoticEvilapplets* scuse me07:07
fatejudgerthat WAS NOT what Java was designed for07:08
fatejudgerit was designed as a replacement to C++07:08
fatejudgerwhich it will never be07:08
KaoticEvilit failed miserably in that respec07:08
fatejudgercause it has inherant flaws07:08
fatejudgermemory hoggyness07:08
KaoticEvilmeh... i sling my code in FreePascal+Lazarus/Delphi :P07:08
KaoticEvilDelphi is just great07:08
fatejudgerC++ QT07:09
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fatejudgerRuby QT07:09
fatejudgerthose are my languages07:09
KaoticEvili dont know C++ :(07:09
KaoticEvili wanna learn tho...07:09
fatejudgergo to school07:09
KaoticEviltoo old :P07:09
fatejudgerhow old?07:09
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KaoticEvil26 :P07:09
fatejudgerI'm 1707:09
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KaoticEvilbesides... everything else i know ive learned the hard way07:10
KaoticEvilschool of hard knocks07:10
KaoticEvildude... ive been fixinf computers almost as long as youve been alive...07:10
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nybbleso, anyone having any fritzy cd-roms?07:11
Delvieni have a fritzy mouse :P07:11
KaoticEvili have fritzy hair...07:11
nybblewell, join the fritzy club07:11
regeyasure.  I have some that are scratched up, nybble, so they don't work well in my drives.07:12
Delvienlater taters07:12
nybbleheh. I'm thinking that i might re'install de ol' kernel07:13
regeyaI must point out that Java wasn't just intended to be a heavier, slower version of what Flash turned out to be07:13
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KaoticEviljsava turned out to be nearly worthless, imo07:14
Talia1KubBrzyis there a way to shot a movie of what happens on the screen?07:14
Talia1KubBrzylike kscreenshot...... kmoovieshot07:14
regeyaKaoticEvil: that would explain the number of enterprise web apps and embedded devices using Java07:15
firephotoTalia1KubBrzy: yeah, it uses vnc... can't think of the name.07:15
KaoticEvilregeya:  meh... i still think its pretty worthless...07:15
KaoticEvilmy cell phone uses java for the IM clients... its sucks07:15
firephotoTalia1KubBrzy: vnc2swf07:16
Talia1KubBrzyok, i'll try07:16
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regeyavnc2swf rocks, btw07:19
regeyapyvnc2swf, rather...thanks icewt...uses pygame, is python-based.07:19
regeyahave been using it at work to do short tutorials07:20
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KaoticEviloh, wow... KHotKeys is sweet :D07:30
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IamMehello... 07:31
=== KaoticEvil nods at IamMe
IamMecan someone tell me how to switch from the ubuntu desktop to the kubuntu desktop?07:31
=== IamMe nods back at kalenedrael
=== IamMe nods back at KaoticEvil :)
naliothIamMe: when you log in, click on 'sessions'07:32
IamMeand then it will give me a drop down for kubuntu?07:32
naliothIamMe: it will give you choices for whatever DE are on your box07:32
=== IamMe appreciates any help provided :)
IamMethank you nalioth 07:32
IamMei will try that07:32
KaoticEvilhmmmm... i may not be ale to create buttons in gyach... but i can damn sure make hotkeys for em :>07:33
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WibblyWobblyso quiet in here now.07:51
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srobbinsI've got a PCIE card, and ATI's driver installer mentions not having proper kernel modules in /usr/src...08:13
srobbinsI've looked, and there are AGP modules, but I see no mention of PCIE buses.  Where can I get these?08:14
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bauhausnecesito ayuda con ati.208:17
naliothbauhaus: hi. we dont speak much spanish in here08:17
srobbinsbauhaus: Yo tambien.08:17
bauhausneed somy help with driver ati.208:18
naliothbauhaus: por espaol, vaya de el #ubuntu-es08:18
srobbinsYeah, I need help too.  More like some pointers, that's all.08:18
bauhausneed to configure that driver08:19
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bauhaussomeone with "AVView"08:20
stdoubtbauhaus: do you have all this installed?08:20
stdoubtfglrx-kernel-source xorg-driver-fglrx xserver-xorg08:20
bauhausmmm not, thank you08:21
stdoubti think you need them for ati08:21
bauhausi need something like that answer08:21
bauhausok let me search08:21
srobbinsstdoubt: I've got Xorg, it's just unaccelerated.08:21
stdoubtand which ati driver you using?08:22
srobbinsOh... 8.something.  From their website.08:22
stdoubtwhat's the problem you're having?08:23
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srobbinsLemme pull it up again.08:24
srobbinsstdoubt: [Message]  Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.08:25
srobbinsstdoubt: Something to the extent of that.08:25
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stdoubti boot u all! LOL08:27
stdoubtI'm having a really. weird. problem.08:28
stdoubtI can 'sudo chown user: /media/hdb1/'08:28
stdoubtbut then if I remount, it changes back and my user can't write to it08:28
gigcsI have question08:28
stdoubtwhat in kubuntu does that - i'm used to debian08:28
aftertafstdoubt: check your fstab permissions08:28
stdoubt"/dev/hdb1       /media/hdb1     vfat    defaults        0       0"08:29
stdoubtI have a /dev/hda3 with the same flags and my user can write to it no prob.....08:29
stdoubtdrwxr-xr-x  20 root root 32768 1969-12-31 17:00 hdb108:30
gigcsmake distro ubuntu08:31
gigcsdevelp ubuntu08:31
stdoubtthis changes back to owner root after a remount.....even after i chown it08:33
stdoubt(to user)08:33
stdoubthow can i make the user able to write to hdb1? 08:33
stdoubtI can't expect my users to go "sudo umount" etc... I thought this ubuntu stuff was automatic :-(08:33
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stdoubtis this channel here?08:45
naliothstdoubt: no we're all gone08:45
aftertafnoone left08:45
naliothstdoubt: what channel did you misplace?08:45
stdoubt:- 0 is this channel having problems?08:45
naliothstdoubt: nope. whats up?08:46
stdoubti keep seeing everyone on channel disconnect08:46
naliothstdoubt: netsplits affect the whole network08:46
stdoubtmust be client-side :-\08:46
aftertafreally? i disabled that stuff08:46
stdoubthmm netslips -new one on me08:47
stdoubtanyhoo- there's a new Spanish language forum at http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ for anyone who might want 08:48
stdoubtso this "Admin mode fix in Breezy"......I went to that URL but can't stat "admin fix" wtf eh?08:50
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  just modify /etc/fstab08:51
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stdoubtKaoticEvil: I did - it works now -just didn't work out of the box ..08:51
KaoticEviloh, ok08:51
KaoticEvilmine didnt either ;)08:52
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stdoubtthere was someone here last night talking about how he couldn't get admin mode in System Settings......I have same problem is this "Admin fix" the same thing?08:52
naliothstdoubt: there is a fix for it, iirc08:53
stdoubtwhereabouts por favor08:53
stdoubthttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/breezy-release.php has no info about it08:54
naliothstdoubt: what version of kde are you running?08:54
stdoubtthe default 5.1008:55
naliothstdoubt: have you updated recently?08:55
stdoubtjust apt-get update yes but  08:56
stdoubtbut that just updates the available packages list no?08:56
stdoubtdo i go 'apt-get upgrade' if i want  recent fixes etc?08:57
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stdoubtor is there a more targeted way?08:57
KaoticEvilapt-get upgrade upgrades all available and upgradeable packages08:57
naliothstdoubt: just your usual update should find any updates, yes08:57
stdoubtnalioth: if i apt-get update, it won't upgrade any packages right?08:58
stdoubthave to 'upgrade'?08:58
naliothstdoubt: update and upgrade08:59
stdoubtwell, being on dial-up i hesitate to upgrade stuff ile OO.o and KDE....kinda won't work- so how can i still get security updates? 0_o08:59
stdoubtsecurity updates and admin mode fixes ;] 09:00
stdoubtam i pooched?09:01
naliothstdoubt: you'll need to figure something out, and i think it will involve large data packets09:01
stdoubtok hmm09:01
stdoubti guess i can always use the -s "simulate" switch to see what will happen 1st to prevent disaster heh09:02
KaoticEvilalright! my code hacks worked :)09:03
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KaoticEvilstdoubt:  nope, hardly...09:04
stdoubtoh suuuuuuuurr ;] 09:04
KaoticEviljust modified some source for a chat client :)09:04
stdoubtnice - whats it do now?09:05
stdoubtorder pizza with a cron job? :P09:05
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stdoubthey thats funny dammit!09:05
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stdoubt....i still can't get "Detailed List View" to STAY that way. freakin KDE09:12
stdoubtSettings -> Save View Profile taunts me09:12
naliothstdoubt: in view or tools or settings, there is an option to 'save current profile'09:13
stdoubtyes....and it reverts itself -for example I hit Home folder in Konq, set the view, then open Storage Media, then close Konq. Well when I open it again Home is the same but hda or hdb will be back to default view 09:15
stdoubtbig giant irritating icons09:15
KaoticEvillol stdoubt 09:17
KaoticEvilno, i just changed some of the colors :P09:17
KaoticEvilits written in C, and i dont know C09:17
stdoubtahh - sounds fun anyway09:17
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stdoubtwe are all tweakers at heart if we like linux ;] 09:18
KaoticEvilit was, actually :)09:18
KaoticEvilnow... i thnk ive found a way to get me more space on / :)09:19
KaoticEvilyup, another 3GB would be nice09:19
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stdoubtKaoticEvil: apt-get remove Open office? 09:20
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stdoubtto get the space back?09:20
KaoticEvillol no :P09:20
KaoticEvilmove ~ to my other partition :)09:21
KaoticEviland resize it while im at it09:21
KaoticEvili alrady removed OOo :P09:21
stdoubtyeah - it's huge09:21
KaoticEvili know09:22
KaoticEvilKOffice is almost as bad09:22
KaoticEvili may remove that as well09:22
stdoubtthere was a prog called (i think) debpigs that showed disk usage of each of the 10 or so biggest programs - it's not in ubuntu archives tho09:22
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KaoticEvilsee, ive got hda1 (/), hda2 (swap), and hda3 (/windows/data.. vfat partition, backup of my data from windows...)09:23
KaoticEvili may move /home to hda3, and that would allow me ro recover 3+GB on hda109:23
stdoubta good lightweight wordprocessor is  abiword09:23
stdoubtbut but but.......that would kill windows09:23
KaoticEvili dont need a word processor... Kate does all i need... and nedit or kedit for quick text entry09:23
stdoubtoh a backup09:23
stdoubtwell, kill it anyway ;] 09:24
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  windows is already dead.... its just data backup :)09:24
KaoticEvilthats a lot of work tho..09:24
stdoubtding song the witch is dead!!!!!09:24
stdoubts/song/dong lol09:24
KaoticEvilis gparted destructive when it resizes partitions?09:24
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stdoubt<don't know09:24
stdoubtbut i thought the idea behind it was to not be destructive......i've only used 'parted'09:25
KaoticEvilyeah... it *looks* like a PartMag clone09:25
stdoubtand parted resized safely for me a fat32 windows install09:25
stdoubtafter a defrag mind you09:25
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KaoticEvilim going to convert hda3 to ext3 anyway :P09:26
KaoticEvildoes ext3 need defragging, like FAT/FAT32/NTFS?09:26
stdoubtthat's fun.. i went from ext3 to 2 once so i could actually delete stuff ;] 09:27
hussamI have been thinking about that. How do you defrag a ext3 hard disk09:27
stdoubtyou can't go from fat32 to ext3 without destroying th data on the partition....09:27
KaoticEvili know that09:27
stdoubtno ext2 nor 3 need defragging09:28
KaoticEvilwhats the deal with reiserfs?09:28
stdoubterr.....they don';t need to be defragged09:28
hussamwhat if it is over 5% fragmented09:28
stdoubtreiser afaict, is like a ferarri..... fast fun but flakey09:28
stdoubtit can screw up on ya easier than ext09:29
stdoubtin fact last i read Linus won't let reiser4 into mainstream09:29
stdoubtit'll make it eventually if enough ppl want it i'm sure09:30
stdoubti've heard good things about xfs, but ext2's good enough for lil old me09:30
naliothKaoticEvil: linux native filesystems usually run >%5 fragmentation as they defragment as they write09:31
naliothKaoticEvil: in general, no "defragmenting" is necessary09:31
fatejudgerhow do I get the KMenu to refresh?09:31
KaoticEvilnalioth:  thats awesome09:32
KaoticEvilhow would one check file fragmentation?09:32
naliothKaoticEvil: why? there's usually not enough to bother with09:32
stdoubtfatejudger: did you go file ->save in KDE Menu Editor?09:33
fatejudgernalioth: does that apply to ext3 as well?09:33
fatejudgerstdoubt: that's not what I meant09:33
fatejudgerstdoubt: I just installed a new program in adept09:33
fatejudgerstdoubt: and it isn't show up in the KMenu09:33
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  adept should add the menu entry for you...09:33
naliothfatejudger: ext2 and 3 are virtually identical. the -3 is journaled09:33
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: it will, eventually09:34
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: but it takes a few minutes09:34
naliothfatejudger: is it a gui program?09:34
KaoticEvilnalioth:  out of curiosity :)09:34
fatejudgernalioth: yes09:34
fatejudgernalioth: what does "journaled" mean exactly?09:34
KaoticEvilive wonderer that myself09:34
stdoubta database of 'metadata' describing the structure/state of the filesystem is maintained by the journal09:35
naliothfatejudger: means that if your power goes out suddenly and linux didnt get a chance to shut down cleanly, you've got a 'journal' of what was currently going on, so your box can 'pick up where it left off' more easily09:35
stdoubtexactly ;] 09:35
KaoticEvilless chance of file corruption, in other words?09:35
naliothKaoticEvil: during a harsh reboot, yes09:35
KaoticEvilbut at a sacrifice of speed, no doubt? (even if only minimal)09:36
stdoubtKaoticEvil: pretty sure yes09:37
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stdoubtfatejudger: i've had progs fail to add themselves to the Kmenu....not all of them are supposed to though....some need to go into the "Debian" menu section of the Kmenu09:39
nalioththere are pros and cons to every filesystem09:39
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KaoticEvilnalioth:  im aware of that :)09:39
stdoubtyou'll see the Debian listing appear in Kmenu when you install 'menu' i believe09:39
fatejudgernalioth: what are the cons to ext3 vs ext2?09:39
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fatejudgerstdoubt: all programs do that for me09:40
naliothfatejudger: speed09:40
fatejudgerstdoubt: they just take awhile09:40
KaoticEvilnalioth:  how do i change the location of ~ from a shell?09:40
fatejudgernalioth: ext2 is faster?09:41
fatejudgernalioth: if so, by how much?09:41
naliothKaoticEvil: the location of what?09:41
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KaoticEvilmy home directory09:41
naliothfatejudger: not enough for a human to notice09:41
fatejudgernalioth: so ext3 is superior to ext2?09:41
KaoticEvili figured a solution to my hard drive space problem :)09:41
stdoubtKaoticEvil: if you're moving home you want to take some time and read a tutorial -trust me-09:41
naliothfatejudger: why else would it exist?09:42
fatejudgernalioth: as a different option09:42
naliothKaoticEvil: yes read plenty of tutorials09:42
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KaoticEvilhmmm... ok09:42
naliothfatejudger: not much use of ext2 nowadays09:42
aftertafKaoticEvil: move home to a new partition and mount it?   or chage where ~ points to?09:42
KaoticEvilshit... i should have known it wouldnt be easy :P09:42
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aftertafKaoticEvil: its doable to move it. i did it :)09:42
KaoticEvilaftertaf:  more /home to another partition09:42
naliothKaoticEvil: it is easy as pie. just dont drop the pie09:42
KaoticEvillol nalioth 09:43
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KaoticEvilnalioth:  one thing im finding is that not many things are "easy" ;)09:43
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naliothKaoticEvil: sure they are, it's the learning that's "hard"09:44
stdoubtin linux execution, administration, maintenance are all easy.......learning how to do it all is the hard part ;] 09:44
KaoticEvilok, well, i know i can format that drive...09:44
fatejudgernalioth: what's your favorite FS?09:44
aftertaflol true09:44
=== nalioth uses ext3
aftertafKaoticEvil: its good to do it.... jst concentrate while doing so ;)09:45
fatejudgernalioth: ok, cool09:45
aftertafKaoticEvil: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/articles/partitioning-p1.xml09:46
aftertafi used that and borked not one thing ;)09:46
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KaoticEvilcool :)09:46
adnanim new on this... from where i can read and learn it ?09:47
adnanthe kubunt09:47
aftertafadnan: google, internet, here, man pages........ 09:47
adnanthe kubuntu09:47
adnanim finding it hard..09:48
adnanbut i want to learn it09:48
adnani like it09:48
KaoticEvilim not going to be able to do this in K09:48
aftertafadnan: have you ever used linux before? do you come from a windows environment?09:48
aftertafKaoticEvil: you need to go console ;)09:48
KaoticEvili know09:48
KaoticEvilhow do i change from tty1 ?09:48
adnanaftertaf:  thats my first time i use linux09:48
aftertafalt Fx09:48
naliothadnan: help.ubuntu.com09:48
naliothadnan: welcome :)09:48
aftertafadnan: welcome to our world, then ;)09:48
adnanthank you guys09:49
=== KaoticEvil verifies he has a console IRC client
KaoticEvil. o O ( just in case...09:49
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: you could always apt-get in the CLI09:49
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  already got irc :)09:49
stdoubtadnan: here are the official forums: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/09:49
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: in case you forgot09:49
KaoticEvilill be back in a bit...09:49
KaoticEvildropping to CLI09:49
fatejudgeradnan: are you using Kubuntu or Ubuntu?09:49
aftertafadnan: most things you do in linux are nothing like windows ways of doing things. its a whole new world. accept that part and open yourself up for new ways of doing things. you'll be hooked before long ;)09:50
fatejudgergstreamer is just pooping out of me any time I play some sort of media in konq09:50
fatejudger*on me09:50
fatejudgerthat was a bad typo09:50
stdoubthehe i liked it09:50
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adnanfatejudger:  kubuntu09:51
fatejudgeradnan: nice, you'll love it09:51
stdoubtisn't gstreamer a GNOMEy thing? no suprise it messes up in KDE -i can't stand the gnome stuff -too interated09:51
adnanfatejudger:  how i can listen to songs if i downloaded it ?09:52
painesi cannot execute a programm as root under kde, when starting it with the quickstart programm (alt+f2). i always get password is wrong, which isn't09:52
fatejudgerstdoubt: gstreamer is a audio plugin thing09:52
fatejudgerstdoubt: which KDE is planning on replacing arts with09:52
stdoubtfatejudger: i thought it was a media player09:52
fatejudgerstdoubt: no09:52
fatejudgerstdoubt: it's like xine09:53
fatejudgerstdoubt: but more full featured09:53
aftertafpaines: root is disabled, the pasword you put, is it your user pw?09:53
ubotuit has been said that multimedia is for codecs,  http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia09:53
painesaftertaf, no, root's09:53
aftertafpaines: you enabled root pw?09:53
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kaoi just thought of something...09:53
painesaftertaf, no, i installed in expert mode, and the root pw is enabled by default09:53
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aftertafpaines: alt+F2 will run a command, is it asking you for password? try the same command in a shell09:54
KaoticEvilhow do i get to straight command shell?09:54
KaoticEvilif i exit K, it restarts.09:54
painesaftertaf, in shell it works, but not from alt+f209:54
stdoubtKaoticEvil: Ctlr+Alt+Fx09:54
KaoticEvilah, ok09:55
stdoubtFx = F1-F609:55
aftertafpaines: you typing what exactly?09:55
KaoticEvilok... off to try this then...09:55
painesaftertaf, alt+f2 -> setting/properties -> run as a diffrent user, theris I put in root and his pw, and the command, and it doensn't work09:55
stdoubtthen to get back to X just Alt+L or R arrows 09:55
aftertafok....   try doing kdesu yourcommand in alt-F2.... same pb?09:56
painesaftertaf, same09:57
aftertafpaines: erf ok....    does a different app/command work?09:57
painesaftertaf, nope09:57
=== aftertaf painstakingly meticulous
aftertaf ;)09:57
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aftertafpaines: ok bugreport time ten i imagine .....09:58
painesaftertaf, does it work for you ?09:58
aftertafpaines: i cant test now, im in e17, not kde..... :/09:59
stdoubtpaines: can you login as root at the command shell?09:59
painesstdoubt, yes09:59
stdoubtlike from tty1?09:59
painesfrom shell everything is fine09:59
thomasis there a way to import applications from kde to e16 or e17?10:00
stdoubtaftertaf: help thomas ;] 10:00
thomasthanks :)10:00
aftertafhehe :)10:01
aftertafthomas: you mean, the menu entries?  yes there is a tool.10:01
aftertaffor e17 DR17 anyway10:01
stdoubtpaines: have you tried your user passwd under KDE for what you want to do?10:01
aftertafbut there are so many of them that you have a bag load of apps afterward. you can edit the .order files and the eaps though :)10:01
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naliothe17 ?10:02
KaoticEvilaftertaf:  how did you get to init 1?10:02
aftertafKaoticEvil: sudo init 1 ;)10:02
KaoticEvili tried it, and it wont accept my password10:02
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aftertaftry sudo anything to see if you've got it right ;)10:02
stdoubtactually sudo is not true root.....just fwiw10:02
KaoticEvili know stdoubt...10:03
aftertafstdoubt: youre right...... KaoticEvil enable root afaik10:03
aftertafand login as root10:03
stdoubtaftertaf: that's too scary! ;] 10:03
stdoubtb careful KaoticEvil heh10:04
aftertafthomas: e17genmenu 10:04
KaoticEvilthat dont work :(10:04
aftertafKaoticEvil: capslock?10:04
naliothaftertaf: what are we doing?10:04
KaoticEvilenable root doesnt work10:04
painesis e17 in repos ?10:04
stdoubtKaoticEvil: "sudo su -" ?10:04
stdoubtthat's gotta work10:04
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KaoticEvilnalioth:  i cant get init 1 because it wont accept my password10:04
aftertafpaines: long story, not exactly.... but there are packages for it elsewhere for breezy.10:04
thomasafterdaf: thanks a million, i will have a look at it :-)10:05
painesaftertaf, i see. does keyboad shortcuts work now ?10:05
aftertafpaines: but better to get it from cvs... and build yourself == more fun10:05
aftertafpaines: in e17, nope. they bind to WM, ie K10:05
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  yup, that works10:06
aftertafKaoticEvil: can you login as root at all ?10:06
painesaftertaf, :-(. bad. without keybord shortcuts I am half the man I used to be10:06
KaoticEvilaftertaf:  yeah, i did sudo su -10:06
aftertafpaines: you set em up as you want though ;)10:06
KaoticEviland it works...10:06
painesaftertaf, hmm. maybe I will try it. e17 is fun. would like to have rasterman coding skills10:06
aftertaftotally :)10:07
KaoticEvilok.. back in a bit10:07
aftertafbut cvs sourceforge sux badly10:07
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KaoticEvilok, it *still* doesnt accept my pass...10:12
aftertafKaoticEvil: weirdage abounds10:12
KaoticEvilaftertaf:  i know10:12
aftertafyou sure about your pass?10:12
painesKaoticEvil, caps lock ?10:13
aftertafah thats the pb. there is only 100 % . . .10:13
KaoticEvilpaines:  its off10:13
KaoticEvil:P aftertaf 10:13
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naliothKaoticEvil: is is supposed to be "on" ?10:14
KaoticEvilnalioth:  no ;)10:14
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: are you using E17?10:15
KaoticEvilfatejudger:  using what?10:15
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: Enlightenment10:15
fatejudgerKaoticEvil: someone said E1710:15
stdoubtKaoticEvil : as root did you run passwd    10:16
KaoticEvilnalioth:  on that lost password link... it tell how to get full root shell access... could i use that?10:16
naliothKaoticEvil: do you have a choice?10:16
aftertaflol nalioth seems not ;)10:17
KaoticEvillol :P10:17
KaoticEvil*gets an idea*10:17
stdoubtthat's funny 'multiplayer notepad' thank god it's not multiplayer vi10:18
stdoubtor maybe that would be funner.......hmmm10:18
manveruhow was it called?10:18
manverui remember seeing something like that in the repos...10:18
fatejudgeris amarok written using QT?10:18
manverufatejudger: yeap10:18
aftertaffatejudger: twas I :)10:19
fatejudgeraftertaf: ?10:19
aftertaffatejudger: enlightenment DR1710:19
manveruhow is e17 performing without render-accel?10:20
manverujust thought about trying it on my notebook10:20
aftertafmanveru: sweeeeeeeeet10:20
manveruwell, k10:21
manveruso i just get it, restart x and it's in kdm?10:21
manveruoh, it's e16 btw :)10:22
aftertafyep.   but its E16.999     e1710:23
aftertafnot the same thing as e1610:23
manveruthat's only when you've got floating-errors10:24
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aftertafe16.999 is E DR17, not yet quite alpha, but sexy as hell 10:25
thomasthere actuelly is a really nice liveCD with e16 and e17 in action to find here: http://www.elivecd.org/10:30
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KaoticEvilit WORKED! :D10:41
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KaoticEviltyvm aftertaf  :)10:41
KaoticEvilnow what do i put in /etc/fstab for uptions, dump, and pass? :P10:42
KaoticEvilthe example on the gentoo page is for ext2, and im using ext310:42
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stdoubtthey must all be reading elivecd.org heh 10:48
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aftertafKaoticEvil: same thing.... no worries ;)10:49
stdoubtit's funny the soft that's worth buying is free10:49
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stdoubtthese days10:50
aftertafKaoticEvil: my home: /dev/hda2       /home           ext3    defaults        0       210:50
stdoubtthe stuff you get charged for is crap10:50
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KaoticEvilaftertaf:  yup, thats what i got :)10:51
stdoubtholy crap -> elive-3.jpg are those minimized windows in the upper left? sweeeeeeeetnessss10:52
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KaoticEvilstdoubt:  where are you looking?10:53
aftertafyeah where?10:53
stdoubtthats a really nice way to minimize i dare say thats almost an innovation10:55
KaoticEvilthats just... wow...10:56
aftertafive no idea what they are. 10:56
aftertafbut aint it sweeeeeeeet10:57
stdoubt<glad i have school tomorrow -bringing a cdr heh10:57
aftertafe17 is revolutionary in its style and sweetness. and the swine is fast10:57
KaoticEvili love the minimalistic approach to the desktop10:57
KaoticEvilthats beautiful10:58
aftertafKaoticEvil: #e10:58
stdoubtyes -love the lightweight stuff10:58
stdoubtwhat's a good file/disk manager that's 100% keyboardable?10:58
KaoticEvili dont have the horsepower to run anything new... even breezy is REALLY laggy here10:59
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  bash? :P10:59
aftertafKaoticEvil: i have 256 meg & pIII 5 mhz10:59
stdoubti actually miss the windows explorer from win95 -10:59
KaoticEvilaftertaf:  i have 128MB and a celeron 40010:59
aftertafKaoticEvil: try it dude ;)10:59
KaoticEviland a 1MB onboard Intel i810 video :P10:59
aftertafe uses 20 meg ;)11:00
aftertaffile manager11:00
stdoubtapt-cache evidence11:00
KaoticEvili gont konqi :)11:00
stdoubtapt-cache show evidence11:00
ubotumethinks e17breezy is E17 on breezy: : http://www.soulmachine.net/wiki/index.php?title=Enlightenment_on_Ubuntu_5.10_%28Breezy_Badger%2911:00
KaoticEvili can deal with lag.... i think its mostly from my video card11:00
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KaoticEviland that will soon be rectified :)11:01
=== KaoticEvil is getting a Radeon 7200 from a friend :)
KaoticEvilnot great, but HELLA better11:02
KaoticEvilonly thing thats gonna suck... im gonna have to totally reconfigure X to take advantage of it :(11:02
KaoticEvilincluding the radeon drivers...11:02
KaoticEvilyeah, thats gonna suck11:02
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KaoticEvillearning experience tho :)11:03
KaoticEvilit feels good to be learning more about my computer again... i had pretty much leveled off with learning more on windows...11:04
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manveruwell, e17 is impressive :)11:05
manverubut my menus are a mess now...11:05
manveru200+ apps in the GNOME-menu, because i had none before11:06
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hussamopenoffice2 1.9.129 keeps hanging on me when I insert more than 2 images into a text document11:10
hussamthis happens almost everytime.11:11
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stdoubthussam: have you tried saving the file before adding the 2nd image? That's all i'd know to try11:14
hussamyeah I always save every 15 minutes or so I don't lose much work if it crashes.11:15
hussambut it shouldn't crash in the first place11:16
stdoubttrue -then again maybe Sun is trying to sabotage the platform.....11:16
stdoubtif you don't need a full-blown office suite, try abiword11:17
hussamI never did like sun11:17
stdoubtabiword is a wysiwyg word processor11:17
stdoubtbut it's light11:17
hussamok, I did killall soffice.bin and restarted openoffice, it recovered most of my work up till the last 20 minutes before it froze.11:20
aftertafback. ip borkage11:25
manveruhmm, the more i see from these advanced DEs the more i feel the need to use one of those _some day we might even support mouse_ WMs...11:26
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stdoubtmanveru: i feel ya -but have you run gkrellm in ion? heh11:27
manverui've got no gkrellm anyway11:27
manveruusing irssi for chatting... (but would have to find a replacement for kopete)11:28
stdoubtwhat i'd like to see is a good old damn ncurses desktop11:28
manveruthe problem with DEs is that they just don't make everything easier11:28
manveruand fiddling with a mouse all the time on a laptop is just uncomfortable11:29
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stdoubtncurses desktop with advanced features 100% available by keyboard....and framebuffer the puppy11:29
manverustdoubt: and how would you use firefox then?11:29
stdoubtstrange it's not out there.....11:29
stdoubti'd use w3m or so11:30
manveruw3m with cacalib for displaying images?11:30
stdoubtbut see your point11:30
stdoubtcacalib? lol is that what does it?11:30
manveruit's an gfx2ascii converter :)11:31
manveruthere is even gstreamer-caca and caca-xine out there11:31
stdoubtahh -well, there is an extension for w3m that displays images -jpegs etc11:31
stdoubtread about it a day or 2 ago11:32
manverui guess i would just miss the ease of JS and CSS11:32
stdoubton the intro page of the distro 'grml' IIRC11:32
stdoubtgrms nice if you like lightwt11:33
stdoubtand it's debian based11:33
manverunever heard about it11:33
aftertafKaoticEvil: you getting e17 then?11:33
stdoubta distro for "system admins and ppl who use text editors"11:33
stdoubtseriously that's their tag11:34
manveruproblem being that i have to do web-dev, and without FF this might be a bit hard11:34
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stdoubtgrml has fluxbox by default but boots to CLI11:35
stdoubtiso is like 180mb11:35
stdoubtit's live but can install too11:35
stdoubtomg im a grml pimp11:35
manverubtw, what was xubuntu using?11:36
hussamis there any way to integrate kpdf with firefox so I can remove acrobat reader?11:36
stdoubtubuntu = GNOME kbunutu = KDE11:36
hussammanveru: xubuntu uses xfce I think11:36
manveruhussam: i don't think so11:36
stdoubtoh my ..there's an actual Xubuntu11:37
manveruuhm, regarding your question :)11:37
ubotumethinks xubuntu is Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu11:37
manveruisn't that nice11:37
manverubut i'm no fan of XFCE11:38
aftertafme neither11:38
manveruand looking at e17, it's nothing i would use too long11:38
hussamI used xfce for a while. It's better than gnome. But KDE 3.4 is way better and much faster than xfce11:39
manveruis that so?11:39
naliothhussam: not on a pentium 233/128mb ram, it's not11:39
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manverui find it funny that i use 3ddesk&shortcuts for switching desktops now... and it's more comfortable than doing it via mouse11:40
_jaypeedo any of you guys use krita over gimp?11:40
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hussamnalioth: i ran xfce for a while but removed it later. I have a 1.3ghz Celeron with 384MB ram and kde is faster even on a celeron11:41
stdoubttried krita.....krita aint no gimp -"Long live the GIMP!"11:41
naliothhussam: xubuntu is aimed at very old machines11:41
stdoubt_jaypee: is krita alot faster?11:41
manverukrita compared to gimp is like comparing paint with photoshop...11:42
stdoubtman i'm getting tired of typing sudo and passwd to get stuff done.......11:42
manverunot exactly of course...11:42
hussamnalioth: xfce was released the other day11:43
manverustdoubt: nobody says you cannot have a 'sudo su' shell open...11:43
naliothmanveru: please dont do that11:43
stdoubtmanveru: but even though krita is not as pumped as gimp it may be a better option for slow machines11:43
naliothmanveru: sudo -s or sudo -i11:43
KaoticEviloh, this sucks! :(11:43
thoreauputicsudo -i is easier and gives you the right root environment11:44
manverunalioth: i don't do that... i don't need root-access all the time11:44
stdoubti though "sudo su - " gave true root path11:44
_jaypeestdoubt: it's a little faster to me, but i prefer gimp, just wanted to get concensus from kubuntu users11:44
KaoticEvilmy preferred IDE for FreePascal only comes as RPM or src-RPM :(11:44
manverunalioth: but ty, didn't know about sudo -s11:44
KaoticEviland its 30MB.11:45
manveruKaoticEvil: and you cannot build a deb from the source?11:46
KaoticEvilmanveru:  if i knew how, im sure i could11:46
manveruKaoticEvil: well, with checkinstall it should be easy11:47
manveruKaoticEvil: and there is alien as well, to create debs from rpm11:47
stdoubtthe util alien will build a deb from an rpm *binary* i think11:47
KaoticEvilmanveru:  checkinstall ?11:47
thoreauputic!info checkinstall11:47
naliothubotu: tell KaoticEvil about checkinstall11:47
ubotucheckinstall: (installation tracker), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.5.3-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 34 kB, Installed size: 132 kB11:48
manveruKaoticEvil: try alien before trying checkinstall11:48
naliothKaoticEvil: read waht ubotu sent you11:48
KaoticEvilnalioth:  i always do :)11:48
_jaypeeis there anyway for flash to use alsa when viewing content from konqueror11:48
naliothmanveru: please dude11:48
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thoreauputicKaoticEvil: checkinstall makes a deb for you when you compile code11:48
manveruthe problem is only that you have to collect 500+ different dev-packages11:49
stdoubtjust don't use alien on source packages11:49
naliothmanveru: apt-get does it all for you11:49
KaoticEvil500 dev packages?! O.O11:50
naliothmanveru: alien is not advised due to pkg conflicts11:50
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manverunalioth: is there some apt-get build-dep?11:50
naliothmanveru: for what?11:50
manverunalioth: for checkinstall11:50
manverunalioth: like emerge does11:50
KaoticEvilmanveru:  apt-get does all that11:50
KaoticEvilselects and installs deps11:50
thoreauputicmanveru: apt-get build-dep gets dependencies for you11:50
naliothmanveru: it's in the repos11:51
manveruyeah, but not for source i guess11:51
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thoreauputicmanveru: yes11:51
naliothmanveru: checkinstall is for when you hand compile code11:51
KaoticEvilnalioth:  what conflicts with alien?11:51
manverulet's say i want to build a pkg out of source with checkinstall - but i still have to get x-libs and qt-libs and whateverlibs11:51
thoreauputicKaoticEvil: rpm s are not necessarily compliant with Ubuntu/Debian 11:51
stdoubtapt-build lets you download, compile and install source packages11:52
naliothKaoticEvil: alien uses packages desinged for redhat or slackware. do you want a redhat or slackware pkg on your system?11:52
thoreauputicKaoticEvil: simple stuff can work but it's a lottery11:52
naliothstdoubt: apt-get does too, and easier11:52
KaoticEviltrue that11:52
manverustdoubt: yeah, but these source-packages have to be in the repos somewhere11:52
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naliothmanveru: what pkg are we talking about aliening?11:52
thoreauputicmanveru: of course11:52
manverunalioth: about KaoticEvils FreePascal11:53
KaoticEvilLazarus, actually11:53
KaoticEvilits an IDE for FreePascal11:53
KaoticEvilive got DEB's for all the FP stuff11:53
naliothif it's "free" there'll be source code11:53
manveruthoreauputic: well, and if i want to build the newest amarok, i cannot because it's not in the repos11:53
manveruthoreauputic: that is the reason in first place for me to build a pkg11:53
KaoticEvilnalioth:  there is a src-RPM11:54
thoreauputicmanveru: well, that's true of some packages of course - but apt-get build dep still helps then11:54
thoreauputicmanveru: most deps will still be found11:54
manveruthoreauputic: and how would i do that when i have some source? just cd in there and say apt-get build dep?11:54
thoreauputicmanveru: I sometimes do exactly that - do apt-get build-dep <something> then the standard compile, with checkinstall instead of make install11:55
naliothKaoticEvil: grab the src-rpm and decant it11:55
manveruthoreauputic: let me try that :)11:56
thoreauputicthat way most deps are there before you start11:56
KaoticEvilnalioth:  decant <some-RPM> ?11:56
thoreauputicmanveru: the package has to exist of course ;)11:56
naliothKaoticEvil: you can use alien or rpm (yes rpm is available for ubuntu) to unpack the source rpm where you can build it11:57
manveruthoreauputic: i have no package that exists - that is the reason why i want to build one11:57
thoreauputicmanveru: i.e. you don't just blindly type apt-get build-dep foo11:57
KaoticEvilok, cool11:57
stdoubtdont use alien on source packages plz11:57
thoreauputicmanveru: 1) apt-cache search <package or key words>  (see if there's something similar) 2) then do apt-get build dep11:57
stdoubtbinary packages is what u want11:57
thoreauputicmanveru: not always possible but sometimes can help a lot11:58
manveruthoreauputic: yeah, i get it now11:58
manveruthoreauputic: there is almost always something similar around11:58
thoreauputicmanveru: yes11:59
thoreauputicmanveru: and if you just want a recent source ( CVS or SVN or similar) of a debian or ubuntu package, then the build-dep thing is a good start11:59
stdoubtanyone using strong crypto that you can recommend? (for block devices?) besides dm_crypt and cryptoloop12:00
thoreauputicI mean one that hasn't hit the repos yet of course12:00
manveruthoreauputic: yeah, of course12:00
manverubut most apps have some precedessor that had the same dependencies12:01
thoreauputicor similar at least12:01
naliothstdoubt: he wants to build it from source, and can only find a source rpm12:03
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KaoticEvilno, actually, i *dont* want to build it from source :P12:04
KaoticEvilbut theres no DEB... its only src-RPM and RPM...12:04
stdoubtno tar.gz?!12:05
thoreauputicKaoticEvil: do you have a choice?12:05
aftertafKaoticEvil: whats it called you package?12:05
KaoticEvilheres my choices: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=89339&package_id=9371812:05
KaoticEvilaftertaf:  yup12:05
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KaoticEviltheres a tgz.. but its an old version. o.o12:06
KaoticEviloh, wait.. heh... *im blind*12:06
thoreauputicpeter@prospero:~ $ apt-cache search lazarus12:06
thoreauputictct - Forensics related utilities.12:06
stdoubtDownload lazarus-0.9.10-0.tar.gz12:06
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  yeah, i just saw that.. lol12:07
KaoticEvilben a long day, and i been up since 7am...12:07
stdoubtmmmm raw source12:07
KaoticEvilits a lil after 5am now12:07
KaoticEvil22 hours, not bad. o_o12:07
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thoreauputicKaoticEvil: looks like that one contains what you need...12:08
KaoticEvil@_@ <- thats what i feel like12:08
KaoticEvileither that or *_* somethin.. 12:08
thoreauputicaftertaf: apt-cache show tct says, inter alia,  Tools contained within this package: grave-robber, lazarus,12:09
thoreauputic inode-cat (ex icat), ils, unrm and pcat.12:09
KaoticEviloh, hell.. thats hella easier...12:10
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thoreauputicKaoticEvil:  sudo apt-get install tct   12:10
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stdoubthey KaoticEvil: do you program in Pascal?12:11
thoreauputiclooks like a simpler way than aliening all over the place12:11
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  a lil bit, yeah12:11
KaoticEvilDelphi is what i started on... 12:11
KaoticEvilwhich is really nothing more than Object Pascal with Borland's VCL added12:11
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naliothaliens should be avoided. they cause memory loss 12:11
stdoubtcould you (you) port a Delphi program to *nix?12:12
KaoticEvilheh nalioth... dont forget about ana..... m/n :P12:12
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  perhaps...12:12
KaoticEvilall the apps that *i* have written in delphi were win32 specific12:12
KaoticEvilactually, NT specific12:12
stdoubtI always wanted Xnews (written in Delphi) on Linux.....12:13
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  ouch12:13
KaoticEvildont want mcuh, do ya? :P12:13
KaoticEvilmuch eithe12:13
=== KaoticEvil kicks his keyboard
stdoubtmajor job?12:13
KaoticEvilid have to look @ the src12:13
KaoticEvilNNTP client?12:13
stdoubti do believe it's open -could be wrong12:14
KaoticEvilhmmmmmmm... i may do that for myself ;)12:14
stdoubtbut i've since become used to Pan, so do go to much trouble k? :P12:14
KaoticEvilcheck and see if it open-src... ill see what i can do12:14
KaoticEvilpan's alright12:14
KaoticEvilAgent is the shit tho...12:14
stdoubtXnews was an all time favorite12:14
stdoubtPan's pretty good in full frame mode 12:15
KaoticEvilyeah, its not bad12:15
KaoticEvili use it myself ;)12:15
stdoubtI need to give them a donation12:15
KaoticEvili need to GET some donations :P12:16
stdoubtwant to try and donate to all the top program teams12:16
KaoticEvilyeah, if i could afford to, i would...12:16
stdoubtby top meaning top progs I use12:16
KaoticEvilhell, i can barely afford smokes :(12:16
stdoubti feel ya12:16
stdoubti do wonder though about the developers - i know good soft when i see it and i'm constantly impressed by OSS12:17
KaoticEvil. o O ( is THAT what that was.... )12:17
KaoticEvili need to get my SHOUTcast server back online.. people are jonesing for KAOS Radio o.o12:18
stdoubti need to fire up my orbiting brain lasers and take care of a few 'problems' heh12:20
KaoticEvildamn these packages are so freakin HUGE! :(12:22
KaoticEvil21 MB, 12MB, and 30MB o_o12:22
stdoubtgood thing you're a cable kidde ;] 12:30
KaoticEvilno joke12:33
=== nxv_ [n=matrix@dslb-084-056-100-234.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
aftertaf04:20 :)12:40
KaoticEvil. o O ( wait... "kiddie"?! :-\ )12:42
=== KaoticEvil is not a kiddie...
stdoubtok ok heh12:42
=== KaoticEvil is not a skriddy either
stdoubtwe're all young at heart12:42
KaoticEvilmeh... only to a certain extent12:43
stdoubtyou prove my point by saying "meh" heh12:43
=== _simon_ [n=simon@host-84-9-146-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
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=== olwin [n=olwin@dyn-83-156-86-198.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtholy crap scramdisk for linux.... been looking at crypto programs for 2 days and now I see this12:53
=== LeeJunFan opens up a coke for breakfast.
=== _utter_kde [n=keith@utterhome.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtLeeJunFan: Coke can strip grease out of concrete y'know12:54
=== macintosh [n=macintos@host13-16.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtwhat's the difference between Freshmeat and Sourceforge??12:57
viviersfthey are different sites12:58
stdoubtbut they are both OSTG....why 2 sites12:58
stdoubtwas just wondering12:58
=== flexer [n=flexer@host193-171.pool8019.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
=== flexer is now known as flexerItalia
stdoubtvive Italia!01:00
flexerItaliathank you01:00
flexerItaliawhat's new here?01:01
stdoubt<- American -say a prayer for me ;] 01:01
stdoubtum... cause we're in deep01:01
flexerItaliaI don't think so! You have a LOT OF FRIENDS01:02
flexerItaliame to01:02
stdoubthaven't you heard? our government is fsck'ing up the world01:02
stdoubtthank you01:03
stdoubtwe'll see how it all comes out.01:03
flexerItaliadon't care about government! I love american people01:03
stdoubtthat's very nice to hear01:03
stdoubt....unless you're also a big fan of Mousellini ;] 01:03
stdoubtspelling check 01:04
flexerItaliaI'm from Italy! do you really think that mine government is better than yours?01:04
stdoubtall governments I know of are run by assholes it's true01:04
flexerItaliasorry, my english is poor01:04
stdoubtIt's better than my Italian ;] 01:04
stdoubtanyway - how you liking kubuntu?01:05
flexerItaliawe have here a new mussolini name berlusconi01:05
stdoubtmaybe he and Bush can get together and walk into the ocean heh01:05
hussamis RC1 for kde 3.5 out?01:06
stdoubtI think so01:06
flexerItaliame the same01:06
flexerItaliabut i not try yet01:06
stdoubti went from 3.2 to 3.4 and speed is much better01:07
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flexerItaliayes I think the same but something in wrong yet01:07
stdoubtwhat's wrong?01:08
flexerItaliaepson epl6200l driver01:08
flexerItaliaI can't set up01:08
stdoubtoh that would be a Linux problem not KDE eh?01:08
flexerItaliabut in MDK 10.2 work fine01:09
stdoubtyou using a binary driver from epson or something in the kernel?01:09
=== sugoruyo [n=sugoruyo@ppp17-adsl-208.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu
flexerItaliaI read that is very difficult set up that printer and I downloaded a beta driver from linuxprinting.com01:10
flexerItaliabut didn't work01:10
flexerItaliait's a debian bug01:10
sugoruyohi can someone help with some apt probs?01:11
stdoubtwas the driver binary or was it a kernel module to be patched into the kernel01:11
flexerItaliadriver binary01:11
=== icewt [n=icewt@MMMCCCXXXIX.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu
flexerItaliasugoruyo explain your problem01:12
sugoruyoi installed kubuntu from my breezy cd01:12
sugoruyobut i also need gnome01:12
sugoruyoso i put in my ubuntu dvd01:12
sugoruyoafter i saw adept requires the apt line be entered bu hand01:13
sugoruyoi fetched synaptic01:13
sugoruyoso i go to add cdrom01:13
sugoruyoand it only sees my cdrom drive01:13
=== ethanfel [n=ethanfel@ARouen-152-1-26-126.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
sugoruyoso go to terminal01:13
sugoruyoand do apt-cdrom add01:13
sugoruyoit finds the dvd and then says01:14
sugoruyoit can't open the release and release.gpg files01:14
flexerItaliahave you a large band internet connection?01:15
sugoruyoyou mean broadband?01:15
sugoruyowell if u think 384 down and 128 up is broad01:15
sugoruyoi guess...01:15
=== wilper [n=wilper@] has joined #kubuntu
flexerItaliaif you go in adept and manage repositories and add some source ...01:17
flexerItaliayou can install gnome simply01:17
sugoruyoit's not about gnome only01:17
sugoruyoi have the entire dvd downloaded01:18
sugoruyoi shouldn't have to re-download all these programs by hand01:18
sugoruyoi was wondering if this could be fixee01:18
flexerItaliayou can't manage it from adept manager?01:19
stdoubtsugoruyo: that error is strange but did you try apt-cdrom add *as root*??01:19
stdoubttry sudo apt-get cdrom add01:20
sugoruyoit won't be added to apt's sources01:20
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sugoruyothe error returned when it doesn't find the files01:20
sugoruyois permission denied01:21
stdoubtif that command does not work as root then the disk is corrupted -that's my best guess01:21
=== ethan [n=ethan@ARouen-152-1-26-126.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtpermission denied = do it as root01:21
=== ray_ [n=ray@pool-151-203-194-181.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtsugoruyo: sudo apt-cdrom add01:22
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sugoruyothe file it can't access is on my hdd01:22
stdoubtso run the command as root and it will 'find' it01:23
sugoruyoit's now reading the signatures01:23
sugoruyoi need to get some sleep01:23
sugoruyoi'm slippin'01:23
sugoruyo38h on top of pc01:24
stdoubtthat's unhealthy01:24
stdoubtunless it's pure fun -but i'm guessing it's not ;01:24
sugoruyoit isn't01:25
flexerItaliatry "kdesu konqueror", browse the file and right click and select adept01:25
stdoubtmust.... make.......computer .....PERFECT!!!!! 01:25
sugoruyomy computer IS perfect01:25
sugoruyoit's a mac with tiger :D01:26
=== Kyaneos [n=kyaneos@66.Red-83-46-72.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
sugoruyobut i GOTTA have linux01:26
sugoruyoon it as well01:26
stdoubtthat's the spirit01:26
sugoruyoso i gotta finish with the pc first01:26
sugoruyoand then go for the mac01:26
flexerItaliasugoruyo ...01:27
sugoruyoand of course windoze is givin me trouble01:27
sugoruyoflexerItalia: yep?01:27
=== ldziomba [n=ldziomba@p5489E744.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtwindoze will always give you trouble01:27
flexerItaliait's a .deb package?01:27
KaoticEvilstdoubt:  windows never gave me trouble :)01:28
KaoticEvilyou just gotta know how to use it01:28
raphinkand be very patient 01:29
=== KaoticEvil is not patient, raphink ;)
sugoruyoyou gotta keep clicking start to shut down01:29
sugoruyokinda neat01:29
flexerItaliahave you try with kdesu konqueror?01:29
raphinkflexerItalia: I wouldn't do that if I were you01:29
KaoticEvilsugoruyo:  thats odd.... i always click "Doze" to shut down ;)01:29
raphinkthis is the best way to get a newbie to screw up his system01:29
raphinktelling him to use konqueror as root01:30
=== KaoticEvil modded his windows :) (hex editors are great :D )
sugoruyoi'm ok now thx01:30
sugoruyoi just forgot to go into root to do it01:30
=== cullmann [n=cullmann@pool017.vpn.uni-saarland.de] has joined #kubuntu
raphinkKaoticEvil: computers are like air-conditioners. They don't like when Windows are open01:30
ubotuI don't know, flexerItalia01:30
=== cullmann [n=cullmann@pool017.vpn.uni-saarland.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
sugoruyoi hate typing sudo in front of everything01:31
sugoruyoso i give root a pwd01:31
sugoruyoand this time i forgot to su01:31
flexerItalianow work?01:31
=== milutiar [i=milutiar@hspc01.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #kubuntu
flexerItaliaok guys! here it's launch time! see you asap01:33
=== DottorDivago [n=wyze@85-18-14-10.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu
sugoruyobut i still can't add the dvd01:34
sugoruyodamn it01:34
stdoubtwth? i thought you said it worked...01:34
sugoruyofor cds01:34
sugoruyoit only tries to mount my cdrw01:34
sugoruyobut dvd has to be in dvdrw01:34
sugoruyoit won't mount dvdrw so dvd don't exist for it01:35
sugoruyothis sucks01:35
=== pablo [n=pablo@lolek.ciel.polsl.gliwice.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
stdoubtso if crd drive is empty and dvd drive has disk apt-cdrom add sees nothing?01:35
stdoubt(i have only 1 optical drive)01:35
stdoubtthat's a bugger01:36
KaoticEvilsugoruyo:  whats the mount line in /etc/fstab?01:36
sugoruyoseems to work01:36
sugoruyoi added -d /media/cdrom1 as it has the dvd in fstab01:37
sugoruyoafter the apt-cdrom add command01:37
KaoticEvilthe installer didnt do that for you?01:37
sugoruyoand it sems to be indexing01:37
sugoruyoi want to add ubuntu dvd01:37
sugoruyoon kubuntu01:37
sugoruyoinstalled from cd01:37
stdoubtso it worked?01:37
sugoruyosave me some time from dling overnet01:38
sugoruyoover net01:38
KaoticEvilwhat are you installing?01:38
sugoruyoseems so01:38
sugoruyoanything in synaptic's list01:38
stdoubtcheck sources.list and show me what it put in there plz?01:38
KaoticEvildamn dude01:38
=== rebroad [n=rebroad@cpc4-clif5-6-0-cust25.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtso:   apt-cdrom add -d /media/cdrom1    :worked?01:39
sugoruyoi just had to tell it explicitly where the disc was mounter01:40
stdoubtapt freakin owns01:40
sugoruyoapt is good01:40
sugoruyoprefer it to rpm01:40
rebroadHi. I have two users logged onto kubuntu, and when I connect a USB camera, the filesystem is mounted so that it's readable by only one of the users (the mount point becomes owned by that one user). Anyone got any idea how to make it so that the user using the console is able to access the mounted device please?01:40
sugoruyoreason why i prefer debian-based distro01:41
stdoubtrebroad: what's the fstab entry for the device look like ?01:41
stdoubtcould you print it01:42
rebroadstdoubt: there is no fstab entry for it!01:42
stdoubtwhat does it show up as in konq?01:42
stdoubt(Storage Devices)01:43
=== pablo [n=pablo@lolek.ciel.polsl.gliwice.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Cheapie"The utility lha is not in your PATH."  :(01:43
freeflyinghi ,all how to enable gpg in kmail01:44
rebroadstdoubt: In Konq it shows up as "media:/sdb1", and in df output it mounts as "/media/usbdisk".01:44
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sugoruyostill not working properly01:45
sugoruyonow it asks me to put dvd in cd drive to read from01:45
stdoubtrebroad: you *could* add a line to fstab to define the device's options01:45
sugoruyoi'll link /media/cdrom against /media/cdrom1 and see if it works01:46
stdoubt/dev/sdd1       /media/usbdisk  vfat    noauto,users,exec       0       201:46
rebroadstdoubt: but /media/usbdisk is owned by a user who's logged in via vncserver, perms 70001:46
Cheapiejust got lha and compiled it01:47
rebroadstdoubt: but i also often mount other usb storage devices.. how do i ensure they all grant access to the console user also?01:47
stdoubtactually /media/usbdisk can be owned by root and still have users able to read and write to the device01:47
rebroadstdoubt: ideally, I want to make it default to 755 for FAT based filesystems when it mounts them01:48
rebroadstdoubt: that would be perfect. how do i do that please?01:48
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rebroadstdoubt: on second thoughts, perms giving plugdev read/write access would probably be more ideal..01:50
stdoubtrebroad: add a line for the device in fstab and have the parameters set like: noauto,users,exec,umask=000 0 001:50
=== kings is now known as dragonkh
stdoubtor thereabouts01:50
rebroadand then add users to plugdev who i want to be able to read/write to usb devices used FAT FS01:50
stdoubtthat should work too -the group thing01:50
stdoubtgroup access01:50
rebroadstdoubt: surely kubuntu should do what it's currently doing out of the box...?01:51
rebroadstdoubt: i mean "shouldn't".01:51
stdoubtit's definately not perfect ;] 01:51
stdoubtI've had device access issues too01:51
stdoubtit's almost like its too automatic01:52
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stdoubtand it defaults to very safe defaults01:52
rebroadstdoubt: why isn't "/etc/hotplug/usb/libgphoto2" running? That's supposed to chown the mount point to do what I'm expecting to happen.01:52
stdoubtrebroad: i have no experience with libgphoto2 sorry01:53
=== qbit [n=qbit@66-44-105-171.s933.apx2.lnhdc.md.dialup.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
stdoubtCheapie: what's lha?01:55
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Cheapiestdoubt - a compression format01:59
stdoubtoh yeah... i remember it fro DOS days01:59
stdoubtyou can't use it as regular user?01:59
Cheapiei can now02:00
Cheapiecan't extract old dos lzh sfx'ers tho02:00
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rebroadstdoubt: do you know much about udev please?02:03
stdoubtonly that it dynamically creates devices in /dev.... so that they appear to come and go. I dislike it so i don't use it02:04
stdoubti think it's the default on FedoraCore402:04
rebroadstdoubt: ah... the problem is with "ivman", the man page explains why...02:08
dragonkhkaftan: its all just apples and pairs 02:09
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rebroadstdoubt: Hi. I tried adding the fstab entry, but it complained that it didn't like filesystem type "auto"..02:18
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stdoubtyou'd want "noauto" for any removable media devices02:19
stdoubtprint me the fstab entry?02:19
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stdoubtnoauto would mean it won't be automounted on bootup02:19
stdoubtbut it should still "automount" on USB insertion02:20
=== KaoticEvil suspects that rebroad is talking about FS type ;)
=== enric [n=enric@3.Red-80-35-137.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
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enricALGUIEN ME LEE?02:22
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stdoubtrebreaod: what's the filesystem on the device02:25
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stdoubtrebroad: you might try vfat in place of auto if it's FAT-based02:27
stdoubtKaoticEvil: clone windows explorer for me k? ;]  & make sure it's all KB-driven... TY02:28
stdoubtand i mean WE from win95c02:29
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=== DottorDivago is now known as GiacomoILlegato
stdoubtman -i set "open folders in separate windows" in konq and it doesn't do it........02:31
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stdoubtgood luck all --gotta go into sleep mode02:33
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XsPiDeRhello .. i use kubuntu 5.10 how i can change my type of monitor ?? becouse with default monitor working at 60HZ ... ( My monitor is Gateway Vivitron 17)02:34
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freeflyinghow to use gpg with kmail02:38
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jjessewondering if i could get some help02:54
jjesserestarted laptop and am no longer getting any sounds02:54
jjesseno system sounds, no sound from mp3s etc02:56
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hussamI got firefox 1.5 from ftp.mozilla.org but firefox won't use the gtk2 fonts like other gtk2 apps like synaptic. any ideas?03:03
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aftertafsudo  modprobe soundcore03:10
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naliothhussam: firefox is a self supporting program. it doesnt use system settings at all03:11
naliothhussam: if you want more configurabilityin a gecko based browser, use galeon or epiphany03:11
naliothhussam: or use konqueror03:11
keIs the only difference between kubuntu and ubuntu the gui?03:12
naliothke: pretty much, yes03:13
=== pmcdade [n=pmcdade@adsl-065-013-006-010.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
keCould you just name fast a few pros and cons for chosing?03:15
Riddellkubuntu has dragons03:16
naliothke: why choose? you can have x/k/ubuntu installed all at the same tim03:16
keHmm, you're right03:16
naliothRiddell: good day. 03:16
Riddellcertainly is03:16
naliothRiddell: did you see my question of the other day?03:16
keA bit new to linux, but that's logical anyways03:16
Riddellnalioth: not sure, what was the question?03:16
naliothRiddell: something about building the kde 3.4.3 tree for powerpc03:17
RiddellI don't remember any such question03:17
naliothRiddell: iirc, it was do you need binaries for hoary and breezy?03:17
naliothyou were being asked other things, it was overlooked03:17
Riddellbreezy has 3.4.3 03:18
naliothok then03:19
=== nalioth is still looking for "building debian packages for dummies"
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naliothRiddell: ty03:22
=== duende_ [n=duende@wiley-336-81143.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #kubuntu
hussamnalioth: thanks. I mainly use konqueror but some sites that have ads, I view with firefox because of the adblock extension03:25
naliothhussam: do you not run an adblocking hosts file?03:25
hussamnalioth: interesting how?03:25
naliothhttp://accs-net.com/hosts/    <<<< read this hussam 03:26
naliothhussam: this is the same principle as the adblock in ff, but it protects your whole system03:26
naliothhussam: it might be interesting for you learn more about what the hosts file does03:27
naliothhussam: keep in mind, if you muck up YOUR hosts file, your box wont work anymore03:27
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hussamos I just append stuff to /etc/hosts ?03:29
hussamdo I need to reboot after that?03:29
naliothhussam: yes, append to your existing hosts file, and rebooting isnt necessary, the change is instant03:30
hussamok it backed up the original fine as hosts~03:31
aftertafnalioth: with qemu, what do you do to create a virtual HDD to install to?03:31
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naliothaftertaf: i have never used qemu03:32
aftertafargh ok ...03:32
aftertafusing it now to test the elive cd. NICE :] 03:32
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naliothaftertaf: you cant get e17?03:34
aftertafyes i can, but im being doubly curious (qemu && elive)03:35
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aftertaflooks very nice too :)03:40
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adnanhey guys, i installed the xchat and i cant find it.. can anyone guide me ?03:42
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naliothadnan: click the 'k' and then 'run program' > xchat03:43
adnanoh... ty nalioth 03:43
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_judithHow can I read news in kontact? Some lib cannot be found and I am stuck!04:00
flixorguys question concerning openoffice how can i add the euro sign 04:01
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StRhi all?04:20
StRanyone having problems with their kopete?04:20
StRmine does not connect. doesn't even try to connect... no blinking accounts icons04:20
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manveruStR: lots of problems :)04:28
manveruStR: mine is crashing all 3 hours04:28
StRmanveru: lol04:28
manverubut i won't complain, since i do nothing to fix it04:29
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=== dipnlik hugs irssi and bitlbee
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dipnlikspiral: hi04:44
StRI see the problem04:46
StRI don't find anything in the kwallet04:46
StRno, wait...04:46
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ganymedhallo. does anybody know where i can acquire reliable benchmarks about windows/linux performance?04:51
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ganymedby the way, when i start kde apps it sometimes runs out without having an effect. when i start the app again, it works flawlessly. Any ideas?04:56
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ganymedno ideas???05:10
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Dasnipa] [hmm anyone know why my printer would print fine if i choose 'print buffer' in emacs but any of the postscript modes it starts printing halfway down the page?05:16
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angelaHi, installed 5.10 .. but I can't find games and a few other packages I normally use.. where can I find other repositories?05:45
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inukihi 05:46
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angelaas a side note the switch from kcalc to speedchrunch was a *really* bad choice.....05:46
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Riddellangela: why?05:51
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Riddellangela: kdegames is in universe05:51
angelaRiddell: not easy to use?05:51
angelaor do you mean needing another repository?05:51
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angelaRiddell: well.. I got a default install... and I don't see a kdegames package.05:53
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Riddellangela: you need to add the universe repository05:55
Riddellangela: what's not easy to use about speedcrunch?  type in sum and go05:55
angelaRiddell: why isn't that added by default?  .. I added it and am waiting for it to fetch05:55
angelaRiddell: some of us prefer buttons.05:56
Riddellangela: because universe is (technically) unsupported05:56
angelaalso .. you can just type in kcalc and the sum will show up too ;)05:57
RiddellI've asked the speedcrunch author to add a keypad, but I don't see the need for lots of buttons, I find them unusable05:57
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angelaOk... I'm getting an error downloading the security ones... and the universe one never downloads.05:58
angelaRiddell: I'm glad you find the terminal more useful than a bunch of windows for non-computer people05:59
ubotuI guess repositories is How to add repositories:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list06:00
Riddellgosh, it worked06:00
ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic06:00
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angelaI've already added them.. it's not a problem with it not being added.. it's failing while downloading.06:03
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slicslaki'll be in south afrika for the next couple months and would like to change the clock.  my understanding is the system clock is set to UTC and there is a timezone interpeter somewhere.  how do i change the timezone?   before you answer "just change the kde clock", i need other applications (thunderbird) to know the new time.06:29
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amuslicslak: sudo tzconfig06:31
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havocmorning people06:37
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havocis there a way to install something from source but have it done so it can be easily removed later via the package manager?06:41
havocI thought I had heard something about that06:41
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bhnahavoc: checkinstall06:42
havocyeah, that's it, thanx06:42
bhnahavoc: np06:42
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havocthis is actually for use on a debian server, but I had heard about it here ;)06:43
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havochttp://www.falkotimme.com/howtos/checkinstall/index.php looks like useful info06:47
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Nomadhi everyone..  Would there be a data recovery expert around?  Or a suggestion for a channel?  I am trying to browse files on a drive that has been reformatted to FAT32, hoping to find a folder. :(07:17
NomadI can,t get a list of channels yet, server too busy 07:17
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_melkorgood morning07:21
_melkoranybody feel like telling me what I could do with a .deb file?07:21
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Niomisomething like.. sudo dpkg foo.deb07:22
Niomii'm not too familiar about it, but it's something to do with dpkg. i think.07:22
Nomadto install?   duso dpkg -i file.ded07:23
NomadI think07:23
NomadBut I'm stuck on windows at the moment07:23
Nomadcan't conform07:23
Nomadconfirm I meant.. lol07:23
_melkoryou are conforming07:24
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_melkorwhew I keep encountering problems and going on the net and finding other people have the same problems07:25
_melkor...and thats about it.07:25
_melkorbut thanks for the dpkg -i command that helps07:26
Nomadwhat problems07:26
Nomadso no one has suggestions for data recovery of a reformatted drive?07:27
_melkorwhat file system07:27
_thumper_Nomad, you mean data that was on the drive before the reformatting?07:27
C0r3Dumphello all07:28
C0r3Dumpecho "scale=3; $1*166.386" | bc -l 07:28
C0r3Dumpis there a way to format the output ???07:28
C0r3DumpI mean, instead of 2345,098 --> 2.345,09807:29
_thumper_C0r3Dump: pipe it through something that understands locale formatting, perhaps perl?07:30
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C0r3Dumpuhmm perl, ok I'm going to think about it...07:31
_thumper_Hmm, I notice that there has been no announcement regards KDE 3.5 RC07:31
Nomadthumper: yes07:31
compagnonsca va07:31
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_thumper_Nomad, I think you are up a creek without any propulsion 07:32
Nomadthumper: I know07:32
Nomadand half of the drive has already been re-written over, :(07:33
Nomadoh well, 07:33
=== _thumper_ off to make dinner
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chuckdoes someone knows how to install vmware, i have problems with vm-config07:38
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chuckdoes someone knows how to install vmware, i have problems with vm-config07:47
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=== _olwin is back.
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_melkorback at it08:14
_melkorI'm having a package version conflict...or something08:14
_melkorTo install libboot-python... I need libc6 ver ... but I have an ubuntu version08:16
_melkorI've updated with kynaptic but it is still not good enough08:16
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mariuspurcaruhow can I know the root password ... I'm a new linux so user and I don't know ... I just wanted to install the yahoo messenger on kubuntu so and ... it is asking me about the root right ...08:19
mariuspurcarucan anybody help me, pls?08:19
sorush20guys my kubuntu environment is taking ages to load..?08:19
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mariuspurcaruhow can I know the root password ... I'm a new linux so user and I don't know ... I just wanted to install the yahoo messenger on kubuntu so and ... it is asking me about the root right ...08:20
mariuspurcarucan anybody help me, pls?08:20
_melkorahh yeah force the bitch08:20
Blissexmariuspurcaru: no 'root' password. 'sudo' instead.08:21
Blissexmariuspurcaru: it is a FAQ on the Wiki08:21
ubotufrom memory, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo08:21
mariuspurcaruthank you ubotu08:23
mariuspurcaruhow can I install yahoo messenger now ...? ;)08:23
mariuspurcaruwhere shall I go?08:23
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vicenteque tal kubunteros08:23
mariuspurcaruhola vicente, ...08:23
mariuspurcarucan you tell me .... how can I install yahoo messenger now ...? ;)08:23
mariuspurcaruI am a new user ... and I'm out of linux08:24
_melkormari .. what type of file do you have?08:24
mariuspurcarutrying to learn some basically comands08:24
vicentei am a new user too08:24
_melkorcool type dpkg -i sdasljk.deb08:24
_melkoryou might have to use that sudo stuff08:24
firephoto_did you search with adept to see if it's there? (you might have to add or enable some repositories)08:25
mariuspurcaruthat's right about sudo ...08:25
firephoto_it's in the system menu..08:25
firephoto_run  it, give your psswd.. then type yahoo in the box.08:26
mariuspurcarumelkor .. this is the file: ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb08:26
mariuspurcarubut it doesn't accept my pass08:26
mariuspurcaruI'm not user08:26
_melkoryou can set your root passwd08:26
mariuspurcaruroot ...08:26
=== firephoto_ is reinstalling kubuntu at the moment so I can't look. (stupid cvs savage driver build fiasco heh)
_melkortype sudo passwd root08:26
mariuspurcaruhow can I set my root passowrd?08:26
_melkorthen you can set your root passwd08:26
_melkorthen type 'su' that will log you in as root08:27
_melkorthen go to your directory where your file is and type that dpkg -i ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb08:27
mariuspurcarugreat ...08:28
mariuspurcaruit worked ...08:28
mariuspurcaruthank you melkor08:28
_melkorit will either install or it will tell you what you need08:28
mariuspurcaruGod bless you08:28
mariuspurcaruhow can I change a directory?08:28
_melkordo you use dos?08:28
mariuspurcaruby examply, i'm in the root directory and I want to move myself into the desktop where the file is 08:29
mariuspurcaruI do08:29
_melkorcd is cd ls is dir 08:29
mariuspurcarucd ...08:29
=== firephoto_ is now known as firephoto
mariuspurcaruit is working in linux as well?08:29
_melkoryour desktop might be in /home/(user name) but I don't really know08:29
mariuspurcaruwhere can I find the desktop?08:30
mariuspurcaruthank you melkor ... you've already knew my question I've been ready to ...08:30
_melkorI would suggest going to your desktop and saving it in your home directory08:30
mariuspurcaruI think linux is the best08:30
mariuspurcarui mean ... kubuntu08:30
_melkorjust wait...08:30
mariuspurcaruI'm so fade up with windows08:30
_melkorI love it so much I'm going to go install kubuntu again08:30
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mariuspurcaruwhy again?08:31
mariuspurcarudo you have any pbs? bugs?08:31
mariuspurcaruor ...?08:31
_melkorI've used windows alot, so I dont kno linux08:32
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_melkorI keep loading it up with shit and realizing I don't need it08:32
_melkorwhat I found is if you try to install a file and it doesn't work.  use the package manager and install libraries that could help08:33
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_melkorso now I know how to install what I need I'm going to reboot the system install what I need and not mess with it08:34
mariuspurcaruwill you be back ... melkor? cause I'll need you again. (if I don't disturb you too much)08:36
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: if youhave problems, just ask, someone will help :)08:37
_melkorI don't know much here08:37
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mariuspurcaruI'm trying to install yahoo messenger for linux, and I can't08:41
mariuspurcaruI have downloaded the file ... and I can't do it08:41
firephotowhy don't you use kopete?08:41
mariuspurcaruactually, I don't knwo how to install any file on linux cause I'm a beginner08:41
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mariuspurcaruI use kopete08:41
firephotoyim for linux isn't too feature rich last i looked.08:41
mariuspurcarubut ... one of the reason I want to install yahoo, is that kopete doesn't allow me to save any conversation08:41
firephotomariuspurcaru: kopete logs your convos if you want it too.08:42
mariuspurcaruI'm chatting with my fiancee and I need to save all our conversations08:42
mariuspurcaruthan ... I don't need that yahoo ...08:42
firephotoi think it's the history plugin...08:42
mariuspurcarubut ... how can I start to learn some basically commends on linux?08:42
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: well, you can use kynaptic or adept for package installation08:43
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: adept is better, from what I read08:43
firephotoyou could get a book if you like to read books. or browse the man pages. (man: in the konqueror address bar)08:43
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mariuspurcaruI've tried to install the yahoo messenger, but ... I can't handle. Its seems that there's an error which's showing me that I can't install it08:45
mariuspurcaruand I don't know why.08:45
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dipnlikmariuspurcaru: use kopete or gaim08:50
mariuspurcarudipnlik, I want to learn how to unpack docs ...08:51
mariuspurcaruand I can't08:51
mariuspurcarucause I've used adept08:51
mariuspurcaruand nothing08:51
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: no need to unpack docs, if you install software, most of the time docs are installed too08:52
mariuspurcarubut how to install them08:52
mariuspurcaruby examply, I've downloaded the ymessenger_1.0.4_i386.deb ... and what I have ot do with it?08:52
mariuspurcaruhow can I install it?08:52
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: apedt should be intuitive. if not, wait for answers, I gotta go08:52
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: i really suggest you to use kopete or gaim, install them using adept08:53
dipnlikmariuspurcaru: good luck, see ya08:53
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bimberimariuspurcaru: to install a deb file:  sudo dpkg -i <debfile>08:57
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mariuspurcarulibgdk is not installed08:59
mariuspurcaruwhat is libgdk?08:59
mariuspurcarua kind of winrar on windows? (grrrr ... did I pronounce windows? :-(((( ...)09:00
worzelmariuspurcaru: try this link for a really good free book= www.icon.co.za/~psheer/rute-home.html09:00
mariuspurcaruthank you worzel for the book. ;)09:01
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mariuspurcaruwhy does appear this error: " Su returned wirh an error. "???09:06
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paraxanybody knows how to activate multimedia keys for a portable in kubuntu?09:17
paraxwith ubuntu, it worked out of the box09:18
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rdfmparax: I used hotkeys09:23
rdfmparax: then snarfed the conf file from a linux-laptops linked site09:24
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hussamhow do I tell what package installed or can install a certain file?09:27
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troyhey is gmail borked for everyone else?09:30
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SpumI dont even have gmail :'-(09:32
Blissexhussam: 'dpkg -S/dlocate' for the first part.09:33
_scottvrgin in here...kubuntu newbie :)09:33
Spumfresh mea09:33
_scottLoL...be gentle09:33
SpumHehe :-)09:34
_scottI tell you being a M$ pawn for so long...09:34
Spumtroy.. any chance you could "hook me up with some fresh gmail trims"09:34
SpumOh aye? fresh to Linux then?09:34
_scottthose monkeys have a LOOOonnng way to go to catch up09:34
Spumindeed they do09:35
_scottfresh...? just landed mate ?!09:35
Spumeven Vista isnt scratching09:35
_scottstill sudo-ing and m,ucking about and getting me head round09:35
_scottya...too true09:35
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu
Spumah well, good to have you with us pal09:35
_scottcheers...will b. off and lurk for a bit :)09:36
SpumAh you should stay mate09:36
_scottstill in09:37
SpumEhehe :-)09:37
_scottwhats the crack this evening then ?09:37
SpumSo, how long have ya been using linux matey09:37
SpumOh, i'm watching max'n paddy ;-)09:37
_scotteh...3weeks :)09:37
SpumWow, you must be amazed :-)09:38
_scottcomplete know-nothing numptie09:38
_scottsh#t yeah !09:38
SpumLinux is great mate09:38
_scottI saw a post on a K/unbuntu forum about someone bemoaning how it wasnt this and that etc etc09:38
troySpum: I could hook you up, however you need to send me your existing email addy to send the request to...09:39
_scottbut...a few days of getting the iso burnt right, then a coupla installs...and Robert's your mothers brother ?!09:39
_scottand all this continually evolving...I love it09:39
Spumeither spum@ispconfig.org or randomspum@linuxmail.org09:40
_scottmore power to their elbow09:40
Spumthe latter works09:40
Spum_scott.. serious09:40
SpumK3B pisses on Nero09:40
Spumi used linux about 2 1/2 years ago, came back09:40
_scottused Nero...crap burn after crap burn09:40
Spumso i had to catch up ;-)09:41
_scottgave up and used burnatonce...boom straight off the bat09:41
SpumThe first cut is the deepest eh mate ;-)09:41
SpumMy daughter uses Mandrake Linux09:41
_scottyah yah...once bitten though :P09:41
Spumso does me wife ;-)09:41
=== worzel [n=jim@82-46-10-89.stb.ubr06.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Spumso, have you mastered the shell yet?09:42
_scottwe a M$ house mainly but this machine's getting the Missus attention :)09:42
SpumI love using the shell09:42
_scottoh lordy not yet09:42
_scottgonna get me a *nux for Dummies v. v. soon09:42
_scottthis weekend methinks09:42
SpumThe people here can teach you09:43
SpumI know a few tricks ;-)09:43
_scottonly trub is if I spend much longer at a kybrd might end up single again09:43
_scottsweet...always good to know - and always happy to learn09:43
SpumI'm catching up while working, just passively come on get me info and off i go09:44
Spumalthough i have enough money to retire now :-P09:44
_scottgeddin !09:44
troySpum: sent the invite09:44
troySpum: to the first addy09:44
_scottme = still working for the man09:44
_scott's cool though09:44
Spumtroy, the first goes to the second09:44
Spumoh aye mate09:44
Spumsold 2 businesses and the other 1 is growing09:45
_scottok...better book...have a Bub to check in on09:45
_scottwow...good job Spum09:45
_scottbub = scots for baby09:45
_scottoops Scots ! :P09:45
Spumoh right mate ;-) ehehe09:45
_scottgood talking...catch up soon09:46
SpumMine are already grown up ish09:46
Spum14 and 14 :-D09:46
_scottmine = 9mths09:46
_scotttooooooooo much fun09:46
Spumyou must be buzzing09:46
_scotthell yeah09:46
Spumow old are you mate?09:46
_scottcrawled fwd for the 1st time today - got the call at work 09:46
SpumEeey :-D09:46
_scottlate starter :D :D09:46
SpumE hehe09:47
SpumI had 2 years break from mine09:47
_scotthow come ?09:47
Spumwent around the world on a nice journey to see friends09:47
Spumwent to shitloads of countries :-D09:47
_scottsee earlier comment..."Geddin!"09:47
SpumYeah mate09:47
SpumKids love linux, wife loves linux09:47
SpumI'm still a bit dazed cause i havent used it for a while09:48
_scottpenguin heaven man09:48
Spumbut me son has the right idea ;-)09:48
SpumHe got a bollocking at school for taking down an MSN advert09:48
Spumah har har09:48
_scottRoFL...Good Man ?!?! 09:48
Spumhe replaced it with a google ad ehehe09:49
Spumthey had 2, so he just moved google in09:49
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_scottI just sourced VS.Net team edition for my dev team at work and that B'STURT gates better09:49
_scottbe giving a shitload of his $ back philanthropically cos his licensing costs are astronomical09:49
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SpumOh aye?09:50
Spumwhatcha do at work mate09:50
_scottweb monkey :P09:50
_scottfor a big bank 09:50
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KnowerrorsHey all, I get something weird, when I reboot or start up computer with monitor off, and then turn it on, the video settings are detected as 320x240, but If I boot up with monitor on, it comes up as 1024x768, help please?09:50
Spumhave you tried quanta09:50
Spumthat is fucking ace09:50
_scottLOOoove it09:50
Spumwow, snap mate09:50
_scottwho dyou work for?09:51
SpumMyself ;-)09:51
SpumI used to own a few companies doing that sort of thing, coding and whatever09:51
_scottah...me = Deutsche09:51
Spumthey made some stuff for this sattelite box recently09:51
SpumAnd for the army i think, but yeah09:52
=== libben [n=libben@c80-216-84-228.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #kubuntu
SpumI sold that out, because the guy who owned it with me was a good mate to me, and did a good job with it09:52
Spumso i let him buy it off me09:52
Spumand sold the other meself, to him09:52
_scottsweet ! 09:52
SpumI got enough cash from it anyway09:53
_scottonly way to do it...work for oyourself if you can09:53
Spumaye mate09:53
SpumMe wife and i have a few fitness centers, keeps us in wafers ;-)09:53
_scottI had a nice networking site planned...done a bunch of tinkering 09:53
Spumey, if you want any help just give me a shout mate09:53
_scottnot released it on the unsuspecting interwebbies yet09:53
_scottstill in @lpha LoL09:54
Spumhe he, aright :-)09:54
_scottkind offer Spum09:54
_scottok...going to shoot through...09:54
SpumTake care pal09:54
_scottcant private you...summat about not being registered :(09:55
Spumheh mate09:55
_scottreading the faq09:55
Spumif you want me email it's randomspum@linuxmail.org09:55
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amhi guys09:59
amrunning breezy on ppc ibook10:00
amwhen i was running breezy a few months prior to release10:00
ami had sleep (hibernation) working properly10:00
ambut now i don't10:00
Spumam; it may be a bug10:01
ami was just wondering if there has been a setting changed which i can change back?10:01
amSpum: yeh but it was working, and it was one of the things added to 2.6.1210:01
amwas proper sleep10:01
SpumOh right10:01
ami don't see how a bug which was fixed (and so often talked about) would get fixed, then un fixed for release10:02
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Spumstranger things have happened10:07
=== amackay [n=alasdair@host86-136-144-146.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
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KaoticEvilthere.. *finally* apache does what its supposed to do10:20
n3k0de__anyone know how to change the gAIM buddy list font?10:20
n3k0de__it does it auto in other distros ive used, but not Kubuntu10:21
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SpumGAIM is GTK, not Qt 10:22
n3k0de__I dont have a very new version of GTK10:23
n3k0de__so mabey thats it10:23
Spumaye, i can guess that10:23
n3k0de__i'll look into it more10:23
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KaoticEvilanyone use the xmail mail server?10:27
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=== neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-151-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
neoncodeHey does anyone know of a program that can cut out the exact same area from multiple images and save them as seprate files?10:32
Blissexneoncode: yes.10:32
neoncodeBlissex: Automaticly?10:32
Blissexneoncode: you write a tiny shell script...10:33
neoncodeBlissex: with which program?10:33
neoncodeI don't mean to write the shell script I mean to cut the images10:34
Blissexneoncode: yes, does that.10:35
=== propagandhi [n=propagan@CPE-144-131-132-107.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
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ZzComputerKillerthis is fucking gay im going to dalnet10:38
Blissexneoncode: look at ImageMagick or NetPBM.10:39
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neoncodeBlissex: Thanks10:41
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Blissexneoncode: if you have them already installed, look at 'man convert' for example.10:42
neoncodeBlissex: Can I get imageMagic via Synaptic?10:42
Blissexneoncode: sure.10:42
Blissexneoncode: get also NetPBM.10:42
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MarsI have little question10:43
MarsTomorow i am going to install kubuntu on my friends computer10:43
Marshe has USB modem10:44
Marsi am from poland and i dont know is it also called USB modem in english10:45
MarsI dont know how to install it10:45
BlissexMars: thats often not very good news. Just hope that it is not a winmodem.10:45
neoncodeBlissex: Apparetnly i already have ImageMagic.. I take it it's in the defult Kubunt breezy release...10:45
KaoticEvilhow can i search available packegs with apt-get ?10:46
KaoticEvili know theres a switch for it, but i dont remember it10:46
MarsI found some ways of installing it i polish portal10:46
Marsbut main thing is hat10:46
Marsi dont know will i be able to install kubuntu without net connection from normal CD10:46
icewtKaoticEvil: apt-cache search ?10:47
Marssudo apt-cache search10:47
Marsrun Adept10:47
KaoticEvilicewt:  that would be it :) thanks10:47
icewtMars: you don't need sudo for search10:47
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KaoticEvilive got adept.. im trying to get more used to working in a CLI :)10:48
Marsi am logged as a root so i dont need even to type sudo but i got used to it :] 10:48
Marsi got used to console but now because of my lazynes i use adept "] 10:48
icewtthat's the bad side of sudo. people using it for commands that don't require it :/10:49
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=== mornfall wonders if mars has anything with that mars blog
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Flying_Eaglehow can get behind the interface of the "system settings" to see what the gui is doing behind the visible things?11:11
BlissexFlying_Eagle: with an electron scanning microscope :-).11:12
Flying_Eaglethis would be one of infinite possibilities... but id like to use one of the easiest ones ;)11:13
firephotoisn't it just using the system:/ kioslave ?11:13
Flying_Eaglefirephoto, yeah.11:13
firephotoit just has the initial display arranged different though I think.11:14
Flying_Eaglebut how do i get deeper into it? do i have to read source-files? or do some config-files satisfy me?11:14
firephotothat'd be my guess.11:14
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firephotoit's settings:/  btw.. ;)11:15
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Flying_Eaglesettings/system - whatever - i doesnt keep my mouse-settings X(11:17
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barteki have a problem with ubuntu can anybody help me11:18
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The_Voxbartek: ask your question, if somebody has an answer you'll get it11:20
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RiddellFlying_Eagle: it loads up kcontrol modules layed out according to  /etc/xdg/menus/system-settings.menu11:21
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Flying_Eaglethanks, Riddell. i hope that info will get me further11:23
humboldtOpenOffice2-beta in Ubuntu sucks bigtimes! Is there a relief in sight?11:23
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luispayudenme a configurar el vsftpd11:25
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Riddellluisp: #kubuntu-es ?11:26
luispayudenme a configurar el vsftpd11:28
Merlin`hombre, aqui nadie podra ayudarte11:28
Riddellluisp: /join #kubuntu-es11:29
Merlin`no saben hablar espaol11:29
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The_Voxluisp: solo ingles aqui...#kubuntu-es para espanol11:29
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Flying_EagleRiddell, now i know that "Exec=kcmshell mouse" is executed... but what now?11:30
RiddellFlying_Eagle: what's the question?11:31
Flying_Eaglei want to know what the gui for mouse-settings is doing behind the scenes to write a script doing what i have to do after every restart11:32
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Flying_Eaglemouse doesnt stay at 800 dpi, but goes back to 40011:32
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firephotoFlying_Eagle: you probably need to use xset11:33
firephotothe dpi is probably from one of the llogitech applets though..  logitech mouse?11:34
Flying_Eaglefirephoto, i rather thing that it has sth to do with /etc/hotplug... but im not sure, so i wanna look, what system settings are doing11:34
Flying_Eagleyeah. logitech mouse man dual optical11:34
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firephotolcms or something like that I think...11:35
Curaltongiven someone totally not knowlegable about commandline wants to edit a file via sudu but have an editor gui, does something like "sudo kate file" work?11:37
firephotokdesu would probably be better.11:38
Curaltoninvocation just like sudo?11:38
Flying_Eaglefirephoto, you mean sth like "kcm*" ?11:39
firephotoyeah, 'kdesu kate file.foo11:39
=== paCman [n=jo@Ottawa-HSE-ppp259534.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
firephotoFlying_Eagle: http://www.bedroomlan.org/~alexios/coding_lmctl.html11:40
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Flying_Eaglefirephoto, i shouldnt need this11:42
Flying_Eaglei have everything on board to change the resolution of the mouse, but i dont know what this "everything" is :(11:43
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firephotoFlying_Eagle: kcmshell mouse  is the mouse module...11:47
Flying_Eaglei know11:48
KaoticEvilanyone run a mailserver?11:48
Flying_Eaglehow do i get it to keep the right resolution, firephoto ?11:48
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@host254.201-252-9.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
firephotoit should be saving it but maybe you need to run it as admin to get the settings to stay?11:48
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firephotoFlying_Eagle: i don't have the dpi option with my mx700 so i can't test it.11:50
firephotodoes it actually change when you change it?11:51
Flying_Eagleso you are using lmctl, firephoto ?11:51
firephoto(so you can tell) ?11:51
firephotono, i have used it in the past though.11:51
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Flying_Eaglefirephoto, yes. its changing. its just enerving to set it up after every reboot11:52
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firephotomight look at  share/config/kaccessrc11:54
firephotoin your home dir or ? (i'm looking at this on my gentoo box at the moment)11:55
firephotoI see share/config/system.kdeglobals in the strace too but it says no such file wherver it looks..11:55
=== shevron [n=shevron@i5387FAD8.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu
Flying_Eagletheres no system.kdeglobals...11:56
Flying_Eagleand kaccessrc isnt the right file, too :(11:57
firephotomy user kaccessrc file has a mouse section....  only a mouse section actually.11:57
=== bartek [n=bartek@bnb133.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Flying_Eagleyeah. but theres no MouseResolution or sth like that11:58
firephotoi'm thinking it's a bug. i tried it as root and it still didn't leave any settings for the logitech part.11:59
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Flying_Eagleim one step before reading ugly cpp-code12:01
jburneshi all12:01
jburnesany developers out here?12:01
jburnesI'm about to install kde-devel and I need to make sure I have the right version targeted.12:02

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