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Keybukso, err, anyone here? :)09:06
bmonty_laptopHi Keybuk 09:07
slomohi Keybuk, bmonty_laptop :)09:07
Keybukis it my timezone math that's screwy, or everyone else's? :p09:07
slomoprobably everybody else's... maybe the didn't notice that dst is over ;)09:08
bmonty_laptopmy timezone math says it is 2000 UTC09:08
Keybukso hi, and welcome to the quietest and least quorate Technical Board meeting in history09:08
dholbachhi :)09:09
slomohi dholbach :)09:09
dholbachslomo: didn't you say you'd turn up an hour later?09:09
Keybuklet me just send a few text messages :P09:09
slomodholbach: 10 minutes... yes... but i was faster :)09:10
dholbachah ok :)09:10
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dholbachKeybuk: how does the messaging go? :)09:13
Keybukmy phone is being uncooperative09:14
=== sivang is here
sivang20:00 on my UTC as well09:15
KeybukMark is currently somewhere between Frankfurt and Tunis apparently09:15
KeybukI do hope he's not texting on his plane09:15
sivanginteresting :)09:15
KeybukMatthew has had a bad day and has asked to send apologies09:16
sivangKeybuk: lol, what does he have in Tunis ? ;-)09:16
Keybuk(Garrett, that is)09:16
Keybuksivang: Open Source conference thing coming up09:16
dholbachseems like "no tb meeting" this time, hm?09:17
dholbachi think we should at least decide on a new date?09:17
KeybukI don't think mdz has long got back from Montreal, via other places, so he might be in bed09:18
ograKeybuk, did you ping mdz ?09:18
Keybukok, let's abandon for now09:26
KeybukI'll send everyone a further message asking when they think we can retry09:26
sivangso we're adjonred? :-)09:27
sivang(man that was faster then a speeding bullet)09:28
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ograKeybuk, we have dapper dev meeting on thursday anyway09:29
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:dholbach] : Agendas: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingAgendas | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | ?? ??? ??:?? UTC: TechBoard | 16 Nov 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 17 Nov 08:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 18 Nov 14:00 UTC: DocTeam | 22 Nov 22:00 UTC: Community Council
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Riddellpitti: you missed the meeting10:01
pittioh, crap10:01
pittithe wiki said 2000 UTC10:02
Riddellpitti: was was an hour ago.  nobody else turned up so it didn't happen10:02
pittioh, right10:02
=== pitti is still used to DST
=== pitti readjusts his mind for the current UTC offset
pittiwell, the agenda was empty anyway10:03
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