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bnDcan someone let me know the command to upgrade my kernel from 386 to 686?12:54
bnDanyone know how to turn down touchpad sensitivity or disable touchpad clicking?12:59
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magnonhey ogra02:21
ogramagnon, did i tell you that complaints about the logo of s-c-p have to be paid by contributions ? ;)02:22
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deangIs there a way to find out the default Edubuntu/Ubuntu I'm running besides the default browser page?  System~About seems to leave this out02:36
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arkan0xmhz, !02:46
arkan0xmhz, ping02:46
mhzarkan0x: pong02:49
mhzarkan0x: como van las cosas en CDSL?02:49
ogradeang, run lsb_release -a in a terminal02:51
mhzogra: hi02:51
mhzdo you know the topics for tomorrow's meeting?02:52
mhzogra: I installed edubuntu on a PC and it takes too long to complete booting. It gets kind of stuck after an error on 'fonts missing dir'02:53
mhzPDF disabled02:53
mhzif I Ctrl+C it, then it completes booting02:53
ograhit escape on boot ad edit the kernel commandline, remove the word splash from it and boot to see where its really stuck02:55
ograusplash hides a lot02:56
mhzyou mean, edit grub?03:01
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mhzogra: BTW, this is the exact pseudo-error:   /usr/share/fonts/truetype/mstcorefonts does not exist. PDF support disabled.03:28
mhzchecking battery state .... [ok] 03:28
mhzthat's what I see before CTRL +C03:28
ograhmm, probably a acpi problem03:29
ograthats a laptop ?03:29
ograi have to go to bed now, night ...03:33
mhzc ya 2morrow03:34
ogracheck if adding noacpi or pci=noacpi helps you 03:34
mhzokidoki, thx and it's no laptop03:34
mhzstill meeting tomorrow?03:34
mhzzero killed03:34
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mhzhi jsgotangco 04:44
jsgotangcomhz, hello how have you been?04:45
mhzwell, TIRED04:45
mhzbut fine04:45
mhzand motivated04:45
jsgotangcothat's good04:46
=== jsgotangco has been busy at work
mhztoo many meetings to get funds04:46
mhzjsgotangco: i hope you don't have too many layer 8 or 0 (depending) endusers04:46
jsgotangconot really04:47
jsgotangcoi've just been busy with my new work and preparing for a trip04:47
mhztrip to a talk?04:48
=== mhz has been watching :D
jsgotangcowell i got invited to do a talk in seoul but i have yet to secure my visa...04:52
=== mhz is off to bed and wake up for meeting
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ihsannahi everyone, i'm ihsan, first time into this channel. 07:45
JaneWhi ihsanna 07:46
ihsannaI've just started reading about edubuntu but not yet started anything. My wife is a secondary school teacher, hope can do something for her. 07:51
JaneWihsanna: great, I hope you/she likes it07:52
JaneWwhat's available now is just our first release, so there are plans to improve a lot for next April's release07:53
JaneWogra is owrking hard on those additions and improvements already07:53
highvoltagehi ihsanna, welcome to #edubuntu07:53
ihsannahope i can contribute something. upss, need to go. bye.07:56
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highvoltageJaneW: from OSdir: "OSDir's got some damn sweet shots of Edubuntu 5.10 Official."08:14
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highvoltagedo we think it's appropriate for us to link to a site where they say that?08:14
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JaneWhighvoltage: well it is the official osdir edubuntu page...08:17
JaneWand this URL is a little long http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=471&slide=4&title=edubuntu+5.10+official+screenshots08:17
JaneWbut use this one if you think it's more appropriate ^08:17
highvoltageJaneW: i don't really mind, but there are many difficult people.08:18
JaneWhighvoltage: ok use the long one, I was going to suggest that first and then thought it was really long and strange, but maybe link it with a few words instead of showing the URL, that will solve the problem easilly08:19
JaneWthanks :)08:22
dabaRhow about that tinyurl thing?08:33
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWhi Burgundavia 08:37
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Burgundaviasalut JaneW 08:49
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chang-xiAre there technical questions permitted here?08:54
Burgundaviachang-xi, yes08:56
chang-xiOk- I have edubuntu server & 1-client machine for test. When loading a cd/dvd in the server (logged in as a user) it also shows up in the client &, I cannot eject the cd unless the client closes the window & ejects it.08:59
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Victorjiang what is the difference between ubuntu,kubuntu and edubuntu?09:26
BurgundaviaVictorjiang, Ubuntu is gnome based, kubuntu is kde based09:27
Burgundaviaedubuntu is a version of ubuntu for schools09:27
Burgundaviathe default DE for edubuntu is gnome09:27
Victorjiang what is the difference between ubuntu and edubuntu?In edubuntu more software about school are installed?09:29
=== dabaR_ [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-156-77.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #edubuntu
Burgundaviaedubuntu also comes with ltsp and the configuration for making it easy to use LTSP in a school environment09:30
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DeeJay1I have a small question - where can I set the default desktop wallpaper for all users in edubuntu?11:12
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mhzhi all11:59
=== mhz yaaaaaaawwwwn
JaneW**Reminder** Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 1 hour.11:59
mhzhi JaneW12:00
JaneWhi mhz12:00
mhzfamily ok?12:00
mhzbaking good?12:00
mhzJaneW: I did 'apply' for edubuntu CD shipping but I never got an official 'no' answer12:02
=== mhz making breakfast
=== mhz is now known as mhz_cooking
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=== JaneW is still trying to catvh up after ubz
JaneWcatch I mean12:14
JaneWthere is SO much to do12:14
JaneWmhz_cooking: I will update that page soon, we will continue to gather info for when we do have CDs (in 5-6 months)12:15
=== JaneW has already made a cake on Sat... (for my son's birthday)... I was tired and it's didn't come out perfect...http://www.flickr.com/photos/13916877@N00/63548379/
=== jane_ [n=JaneW@wbs-146-135-232.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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KatsumotoDoes any1 know how to recover Unallocated disk space?12:50
KatsumotoI use Partition Magic Pro 8.0 and tried to 'undelete' it...but that didn't help much.12:51
Katsumotoany1 know of a programm that can repair hdd's that way?12:51
mhz_cookinghhhhmmm, Katsumoto 12:51
mhz_cookingsorry, never been there yet12:51
Katsumotome neither12:52
mhz_cookingdid you google?12:52
mhz_cookingdid you also visit #ubuntu12:52
Katsumotonot yet I'm trying a format first12:52
Katsumotomaybe that'll help12:52
Katsumotonow I did :p12:52
mhz_cookingone thing for sure, Yagisan may know but he's not here yet12:52
mhz_cooking(time zone issue :D )12:52
Katsumotoyes exactly12:53
KatsumotoI'm in GMT+1 so12:53
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Katsumotoenjoy :)12:53
mhz_showerbrb for meeeting12:53
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JaneW**Reminder** Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 4 minutes12:56
JaneW**Reminder** Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now01:01
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juliuxmhz, i have talked with slibs yesterday about conferenc pack, she said if you didn't get any response send a mail to her01:30
mhzjuliux: thx!01:30
mhzdo you have slibs email?01:31
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juliuxmhz, jane.silber@ubuntu.com01:31
mhzjuliux: oh! jane silber01:31
juliuxmhz, i have said here there i didn't get any repsonse and so she said e-mail me i will it to me01:32
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juliuxogra, i have arrange a ubuntu both on the cebit 01:34
juliuxogra, do you want to do a talk about edubuntu?01:34
ograjuliux, i'm not sure if i want to go to cebit (i grew up in hannover)01:34
ograi'll notify you ...01:34
ograthey are having opportunitys to talk there this time ? 01:35
JaneWJane Silber can also be reached at jane@ubuntu.com, which is why I am always known as Jane*W*01:37
mhzooooohhh, thx JaneW01:39
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KatsumotoYay, I'm installing Edubuntu :)02:09
mhzKatsumoto: welcome!!!02:09
mhzyou have chosen the good pill02:09
Katsumotohaha nice1 ;)02:09
KatsumotoI completely formatted the other pc I have.02:10
Katsumotofirst I tried 2 diff windows cd's...nothing happened, didn't even boot up02:10
KatsumotoI was like: oh what the heck, *inserts ubuntu cd* and it boots02:10
Katsumotoamazing :p02:11
mhzhehehe, see?02:11
KatsumotoI was told you can configure your network settings with Samba right?02:16
mhzhmm, samba is for 'making MS talk to Linux'02:16
Katsumotoyes that's what I need..02:16
Katsumotosince the linux pc will be connected through the MS pc02:17
mhzLinux already talks to many OSes. It's MS that doesnt02:17
Katsumotoindeed :P02:17
mhzNetwork settings are set from GNOME desktop (in this case)02:17
ograKatsumoto, "through" or to the MS pc ? these are different things ...02:18
Katsumotothe pc I'm one uses MS02:18
Katsumotoit's the host pc for the other one I have downstairs02:19
ogra"to" means you need samba, "through" means you just need to enable connection forwarding on windows and tell your linux to use it as gateway02:19
KatsumotoGateway(router/modem) <----------- Host PC (this one, uses MS) <--------------- 2nd PC (linux)02:20
Katsumoto<-- resembles network cables :P02:20
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Katsumotomhz: on this pc (MS) I have a shared connection so that the one downstairs can use it as well..02:26
ograthe you just need to tell the linux pc to use the windows pc as gateway (in the network settings tool)02:26
mhzKatsumoto: yup, Linux is like anyother box in that case02:27
mhz(just betta)02:27
Katsumotoohke :) cool02:29
KatsumotoMy dad's wondering if he'll be able to work with it well enough.02:30
Katsumotohe's not much of a computer person :p02:30
mhzhe will enjoy as long as he understand this is NOT M$. it another OS02:31
Katsumotothat I told him...he was glad the cd booted and he'll be able to email/write/browse again :)02:32
mhzremember that Linux is the base and desktops may vary in many senses02:34
mhzand performance is relational to hardware02:35
Katsumotoyeh I'm aware of that :)02:35
Katsumotowill make things less boring and more fun to solve :P02:35
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089C957.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzso if you hardware is modern, GNOME or KDE can be very attractive02:36
mhzif as in my case, my thin laptop prefers WindowMaker02:36
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=== littlepaul is now known as juliux
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juliuxogra_, ping02:59
ogra_juliux, pong02:59
juliuxogra, do you have a moment for me?03:00
ograsure, whats up ?03:01
juliuxogra, query?03:01
juliuxogra, about essen03:01
ograif its necessary03:01
ograi prefer to talk in public since the channel is logged ...03:01
juliuxmy english is to bad03:01
juliuxok i will try it03:01
mhzogra: any chances to add the wiki and irc contributions to Karma (LP)?03:02
mhzmy karma is 1003:02
ogramhz, ask #launchpad ? 03:02
mhzat it should be at least 1103:02
juliuxogra, about the workshop03:02
juliuxogra, could you make a short introduction about edubuntu and the idea behin it?03:03
mhzjuliux: I have no problems you talk in german03:03
juliuxmhz, i have to learn to speak in englisch03:03
mhzI'm sure ogra can answer in english03:03
juliuxogra, my idea is that we start the installation and if there is only the progressbar you can tell them something about edubuntu and then if the installation is finshed we show what we talked about, and anserd questions03:05
juliuxogra, what do you think about that?03:06
mhzjuliux: just for statistics, In a talk I did, Edubuntu took 20 minutes to be installed in a 1 GHz and 128 MB ram03:06
ograthats fine 03:06
ogramhz, a default install ? 03:06
ograthat cant be ...03:06
juliuxmhz,  we have 90min time03:06
ograthe install takes more than 1h on all my machines here03:06
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juliuxogra, i will test it in the next weeks03:07
mhzoh, I mean 20 mins after partitioning and stuff. 20 mins available while 'auto-installation- is working03:07
ogra~30min in first stage of the installer and a bit more than 30 in the second stage03:07
mhzunless the student who timed it was wrong03:08
juliuxogra, but i want show them every step in the installation progess so they see how easy it is to install edubuntu03:08
ograjuliux, i have a thin client (a real one) now ... i can bring it, together with my development server (running on my laptop) so we can show upcoming stuff03:08
ograthere are only 5 steps ... 4 of them identical to ubuntu03:09
ograthe rest is progressbars03:09
mhzogra: I'll time it myself so I can tell true facts03:11
mhzand maybe we could wiki those timings as well03:12
Katsumotolol mhz03:12
mhzspecifying hw03:12
Katsumotoit's very easy to work with03:12
mhzKatsumoto: did you time it?03:12
Katsumotoconfiguring email accounts in evolution mail atm :)03:13
Katsumotolooks like mozilla thunderbird :)03:13
Katsumotowhich I'm using03:13
highvoltageor we could get scott to make an 'installerchart' for d-i :)03:15
mhzhighvoltage: hehehe03:16
juliuxogra, very cool03:16
juliuxogra, i will bring my laptop to essen where we can install edubuntu03:16
ografine :)=03:16
juliuxogra, we will also have a extra edubuntu server on the both, where we show edubuntu and ubuntu03:17
=== mhz has no clue how to deal with EdubuntuAutomaticLoadBalancing
mhzjuliux: I am using a 'thin' Fujitsu LifeBook B-2175 as edubuntu main demo (server)03:18
mhzwith only 256 MB and 500 MHz (500 me's ??)03:18
mhzand so far, 1 other laptop booting from this lifebook works ok03:19
mhzthough not very fast03:19
juliuxmhz, i have an extra server for fairs, its my old desktop pc03:19
mhzold? how old?03:19
juliuxmhz, it is a amd athlon XP 2400+03:20
juliuxmhz, with 786MB ram03:20
mhzthat old??03:20
ograthats not much ...03:20
juliuxmhz, and a very very quiet hd03:20
ogra768 Mb will give us not more than 5 clients ...03:20
juliuxogra, if i have money i want to buy more ram03:20
mhzold here is OLD = 700 MHz or less, 192 MB or less03:20
mhzand noisy HD03:21
juliuxmhz, hehe03:21
mhzjuliux: your old is modern here03:21
juliuxmhz, i knoe03:21
mhzI hope you could wiki those specs and some uses or performance03:22
juliuxmhz, but i have a new notebook and i only work on the notebook03:22
mhzesp. after becoming edubuntu server03:22
=== mhz loves laptops much more than deskptops
mhzdesktops are for compiling and rendering03:23
mhzlaptops are for coding and generating wrok bases03:23
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-169-236.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
ogramhz, i'll get a lab for testing such stuff (mem usage etc) soon...03:24
mhzwow!!! cool!03:24
juliuxogra, cool03:24
mhzwe'll have more arguments for evangelising03:24
ograyay JaneW is back03:24
mhzshe was buying materials for baking03:24
juliuxogra, you know that we have founded the ubuntu german club last saturday ?03:25
ograi read the ubuntu-de ML ;)03:25
JaneWogra: hi..03:25
juliuxogra, there was a mail about it?03:25
=== JaneW mutters about the power failures in the western cape atm...
ograjuliux, yup03:26
ograthis morning03:26
juliuxogra, ok03:26
ograJaneW, so you missed flint03:26
juliuxogra, a there was some on faster than i03:26
JaneWogra: damn! ;P03:26
ograJaneW, move to bellville then ;)03:27
JaneWogra: that's where TSF offices are, I should have gone in again today... 03:28
JaneWbut then the wi-fi drops every 15 mins or so...03:28
ograyou should get powerline connections there :)03:28
mhzJaneW: I am in #launchpad suggesting to include evangelising, IRC and wiki contributions to count for Karma03:30
JaneWmhz: good for you ;)03:30
mhzno one answered yet03:30
Katsumotofor real, its too easy to work with...03:30
mhzKatsumoto: ?03:30
Katsumotoit even auto detected my home network03:30
Katsumotohave access to it etc03:31
mhzI told you03:31
mhzwe told ou03:31
Katsumotocan exchange files03:31
mhzit is the other way around that DOES not want to work (M$ to others)03:31
Katsumototoo bad I'm running on this pc...otherwise I'd have installed it on this one as well.03:31
Katsumotorunning games*03:31
mhzgames are an issue here 'coz, AFAIK, all companies are in favour of propietary SW03:32
mhzunless they are edu games03:32
mhznah! even edu games!03:32
Katsumotoyeh ok.03:32
=== Katsumoto is stunned
mhzI have seen such perfect ideal edu games on M$ and Mac03:33
Katsumotoit even has XChat preinstalled03:33
mhzno need to suffer :D03:33
Katsumotook lets see if I can connect :)03:33
mhzJaneW: did this just happened?? and it on the web now?? http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=13&art_id=qw1132148532744B21603:34
mhzsimply amazing03:34
mhzwe need to be that effective here in Latinamerica03:35
JaneWmhz: yep... it happened on Friday to, but much worse, so the article was mostly written already from then ;)03:35
mhzyet, still fast03:35
JaneWyes, the article was published at 03:43PM03:36
JaneWthe power failure happened at about 2:50 or so, or whatever time I vanished ;)03:36
JaneWmhz: the speed of info on the internet is incredible03:37
mhzif I ever get to CapeTown, I'll do 3 things: I'll cook empanadas (typical chilean food), I'll see highvoltage car, and I'll take pictures with you guys03:37
JaneWmhz: not unless we get to chile first ;)03:38
zakamemhz: empanadas!03:38
mhzJaneW: please!!! That will rock for our evangelising purposes and show people around we'are serious about the edubuntu domination here :)03:39
mhzzakame: you know empanadas?03:39
zakamemhz: of course, we make those here too :)03:39
mhzJaneW: please convince Mark to send one of you guys down here (or up here?)03:39
mhzzakame: here? where?03:40
zakamemhz: in .ph :) although some variations require baking instead of frying03:40
mhzwe use them both03:41
mhzfried for cheese ones, baked for meat ones03:41
mhzand even (the best ones) in mud ovens03:41
zakamehehe, yeah, empanadas rock, they once even became our source of income :)03:42
mhzzakame:  but you use 'empanadas' in .ph?03:42
zakamemhz: we eat them ;)03:42
=== Katsu [n=bla@bbned225-210-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #edubuntu
mhzzakame: you made me pour some coffee near the laptop!03:43
Katsuworks 03:43
mhzKatsu: educool!03:43
zakamegood to know though, I guess I won't be getting lost in chile, gastronomically speaking :)03:43
Katsueverything works just fine atm :)03:43
mhzKatsu: you've become another dominated GnuLinux user :D03:44
KatsuI'm glad I joined :d03:44
zakameKatsu: welcome! :D03:44
mhzKatsu: you are gonna be sued by M$ now as part of the worldwide virus 03:44
KatsuI recently discovered that yes :P03:45
mhzKatsu: of course, now you'll pay the price of freedom.03:45
mhzfreedom is never easy nor free03:45
Katsuluckily there are ppl who invest in free OSes03:46
Katsu'invest' as in put effort in it to make one03:46
Katsuok I'm logging off from this pc03:46
mhzKatsu: when you edit your /apt/source.list and try Synaptic... you'll see how powerful community wokr is03:46
Katsuoke I'll try that03:46
mhzc ya03:46
mhzogra: hmmm, should StudyPackages be in a diff apt source?03:47
Katsumotooke off to buy some new hardware :)03:48
ograas i saoid yesterday, if it doesnt get to big, we can keep it in the normal archive03:48
mhzogra: oh, indeed. I forgot03:50
ograif it becomes gigabytes of content, we should think about sparation ;)03:50
mhzseparation sounds dangerous to me03:51
mhzogra: is this the name you mean or LtspParams ? EdubuntuLtsParams04:03
ograthe parameters of the lts.conf file04:03
ograso LtsParams should be the right name04:03
mhzwhy Lts?04:04
ograprobably make it LtsConfParams 04:04
=== jinty [n=jinty@226.Red-81-39-9.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograthe file is called likje that04:04
ograits historical04:04
mhzso can I avoid confusion and redirect it to LtsConfParams?04:05
mhz(both pages will exist so subscribed users get notifications) (i guess)04:05
mhzogra: what do you think?04:25
mhzredirected from SwList04:25
mhzmaybe normal TableOfContents will look betta?04:26
ogranope, looks very cool04:26
mhzThis 'tweak' is good for over 3 levels of TOC04:26
mhzusing edubuntu theme?04:26
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohiya folks04:28
ograhey jsgotangco 04:28
mhzhi jsgotangco 04:30
mhzogra: ok, you should get email notification after redirecting04:30
mhzplease let me know if you dont04:30
jsgotangcohey ogra, mhz how's it going?04:30
=== mhz is now known as mhz_cooking
jsgotangcosorry i wasnt able to attend the meeting at all04:31
mhz_cookingso far, so cool04:31
ograjsgotangco, fine, thanks ... you were missed at ubz :)04:31
mhz_cookingwe missed ya04:31
=== mhz_cooking bbl
jsgotangcoi'll make sure i attend the next conference04:31
=== jsgotangco is going to seoul next month
zakamewhat's in seoul again?04:33
jsgotangcoogra: are we open for main inclusion reports already? (i assume yes)04:33
ograjsgotangco, yes, but the selection wont change much04:33
ogradapper is the conservative "polish only" release04:34
ograso moodle and one to three desktop apps will be all...04:34
jsgotangcodid you see highvoltage's chalk theme?04:35
ograedubuntu-artwork will change heavily and ltsp will get a lot of improvement04:35
jsgotangcozakame: software insight conference 2005, see ConferenceAppearances04:35
zakamejsgotangco: oh04:36
jsgotangcoso we're getting professional artwork now?04:36
jsgotangcozakame: pretty big foss conference by the gov't04:36
zakamejsgotangco: wow, that's big indeed04:36
jsgotangcoogra: since were doing a polish release then its safe for me to continue the cookbook?04:37
jsgotangcozakame: xandros will be there too04:37
jsgotangcoogra: cool..i got a box ready atm i can test the apps finally04:37
=== spacey [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #edubuntu
mhz_cookingJaneW: i did email jane.silber 1 hr or so ago04:43
zakamejsgotangco: that's good04:43
mhz_cookingabout conf. pack04:43
=== juliux [n=juliux@p54B16606.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
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juliuxwb mhz 05:28
mhzyou too05:28
mhzjuliux: what do you do on daily basis?05:28
juliuxmhz, i am study 05:29
juliuxmhz, at technical university in dresden05:29
mhzwhy interested in edubuntu, juliux ?05:31
juliuxmhz, i interested in gnome and so in ubuntu05:31
juliuxan 2 days befor breezy \sh_away ask in the german channel who has a ppc and can test the breezy dvd image05:31
juliuxand so i try to download the ppc image05:32
mhzok, but any specific edubuntu interests?05:32
juliuxso long until ogra said there is no ppc image, and then i testet edubuntu and i find it cool05:32
mhzppc rocks! it's a pity Apple will no longer use them05:32
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juliuxbecause it is so simple to install a running ltsp05:32
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juliuxand i find that the idea behind ebuntu is cool05:33
juliuxand so i decide to suppport edubuntu on fairs05:34
juliuxin germany05:35
mhzjuliux: thx for that help05:35
juliuxmhz, what do you do on daily basis?05:35
mhzwe need much05:35
juliuxmhz, no problem05:35
juliuxmhz, and ogra and \sh_away want that i develop something for edubuntu but i don't know what and when05:36
mhzjuliux: I am 'unemployed'. As i do not want to work for stuff I do not like or share ideas with, I decided to spend my savings (turning to zero pretty soon, about 1 month) on stuff I do believe in: Free access to Knowledge and Technology.05:37
juliuxah cool05:38
=== Katsumoto [n=teraflop@bbned225-210-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #edubuntu
mhzjuliux: but the volunteering has some huge CONS if you have family. My wife is telling me: where's the money in Free as in Freedom :D05:41
juliuxmhz, i know that05:45
mhzso some months ago, I started to motivate a small group of friends to work together on www.tecnocimiento.cl05:46
jsgotangcogood night =)05:47
mhzc ya05:47
juliuxmhz, my girlfriend everytime tell me that she want to have time with me05:48
mhzhehehe, that too05:49
juliuxmhz, i do too match for gnome and ubuntu in germany05:49
mhzthere's a GNOME devel community here05:49
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089F0BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
juliuxmhz, at the moment i am on the linuxworldexpo in frankfurt and make a gnome/ubuntu both05:52
mhzwow! sounds cool to have so much happening there05:53
juliuxmhz, hm05:54
=== highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu
mhzhighvoltage: nice to see ya06:08
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highvoltagemhz: hi mhz06:16
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ryanbisdhowdy guys...06:18
ryanbisdis there an easy way to have edubuntu authenticate the logins thru ad?06:19
=== mhz needs to go offline a while.
mhzhighvoltage: yo uknow jane.silber?06:19
highvoltagei've met her onse, but I don't know her well.06:20
mhzryanbisd: ad?06:24
ryanbisdactive directory06:24
mhzdon't know. I do know that we use SSH for logins06:24
=== mhz has never used M$ and its products in the las 6 years or so
ryanbisdwell... I work for a school district06:25
ryanbisdand we use ad06:25
ryanbisdim setting up edubuntu to use as a terminal server.06:25
ryanbisdall the students have their own logins06:25
ryanbisdthru ad06:26
ryanbisdall I want on it, is to use Icewm.. and firefox06:26
ryanbisdthats it06:26
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=== Katsu [n=bla@bbned225-210-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #edubuntu
KatsuI'm trying to install the linux version of Java runtime env.06:32
Katsuit's a self extracting file it says06:32
ogra_take the one from multiverse, unless you urgently need the newest ...06:33
Katsuno I just want it to work properly :)06:33
ogra_it comes preconfigured for the firefox plugin etc ... no need to fiddle with it06:33
ogra_then thats the way to go... its tested and all config stuff is already done in the package06:34
mhzKatsu: which java runtime are you trying?06:34
Katsuhmm it said I had to manually dl the java runtime app. in order to display certain things06:35
KatsuJava Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 506:35
Katsuthat one.06:35
ogra_the package from multiverse is way easier ...06:35
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neurogeekmhz, ping06:36
ogra_you dont have to modify files in etc, move parts around to get the plugin working etc06:36
neurogeekmhz, how are you doing??06:36
mhzneurogeek: pong06:36
mhzneurogeek: tired but still motivated06:37
Katsuhmm ogra, could you give me a link to the muliverse one06:37
mhzneurogeek: you?06:37
KatsuCan't really find it I guess...or I just overlooked something06:37
neurogeekmhz, great, tired as well, but everything in order06:37
mhzogra_: mayb he means the name of the package to be apt-getted or gotten? :D06:37
neurogeekmhz, check your email.. strusberg should have sent you an email about the event at Maracaibo06:38
mhzneurogeek: in order? really? I thought geeks had little order :)06:38
=== mhz checking
neurogeekmhz, jeje.. well things are going well.. jeje06:38
ogra_that pulls in all needed components06:38
Katsuok thnx :)06:39
ryanbisdhow do i install xdmcp?06:40
ogra_we dont use xdmcp on ubuntu.... 06:40
highvoltageryanbisd: are you sure you want xdmcp? edubuntu doesn't use it.06:41
ryanbisdfor ltsp?06:41
ogra_we use ssh tunneling06:41
ogra_indeed if you like the old insecure way, you can use xdmcp with gdm ... needs some tweakage though06:42
highvoltageogra_: what's the best way to connect from an existing fat client system to an edubuntu server through ssh tunneling?06:42
ogra_highvoltage, probably a script ...06:42
ogra_have a look at ldm ...06:42
ogra_the connection routines from there can easily be adapted06:42
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ryanbisdis it setup automatically in edubuntu?  to work with ltsp?06:43
ogra_i'll put our ltsp in bzr this week, so you can easily check out the branch from there06:43
ogra_ryanbisd, yup06:43
ogra_nearly 100% automatic06:43
ogra_see: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes06:43
ogra_installing edubuntu is mainly answering 5 questions, waiting ~1h and adjust /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf (if needed) and youre done06:45
highvoltageogra_: how's bzr like, you like it?06:45
highvoltage/nick ogra :)06:45
ograhave a trxy with bzr .... it has a real cool gui vizualization of the branches and merges of a tre06:46
ograit finally made me understand the process :) and its way easier to use than bazaar06:46
highvoltagenice, i'll play with it this weekend when i have internet at home again. atm i'm connected with gprs where it costs me +/- US$0.50/MB06:47
highvoltagecool, i want better understanding too.06:47
highvoltageeven the merges confused me.06:47
ogradeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/snapshot/bzr/ ./06:48
ogra^^^ dapper package06:48
ograinstall bzr and bzrk 06:48
=== highvoltage copies and pastes that into text editor
ograhighvoltage, then try: bzr viz http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/student-control-panel-0.1/06:50
Katsuogra: is it possible to play .avi files?06:58
Katsuif so, I need plugins for it...where can I find those?06:58
=== Katsu apologizes for his noobness :p
ograout of the box there are only free codecs installed ...06:58
mhzKatsu: try mplayer (afaik)06:59
ograyou find all the nonfree stuff in multiverse ... look for gstreamer-plugins06:59
ograor even install the totem-xine backend ...06:59
ograor mplayer as mhz said06:59
Katsuit uses Totem player as a default07:00
ograso totem-xine does only change the backend and you dont need a gazillion plugins :)07:01
ogratotem default needs all the gstreamer backends07:01
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mhzneurogeek: wow! the email got listed with date Nov 7th07:01
mhzso either I missed it or he has a little issue with 'date'07:02
mhzneurogeek: Ricardo asks me to cover the air tickets Chile-Venezuela. He can take care of 'me' from there.07:04
mhzneurogeek: *sigh*07:04
mhzneurogeek: believe me, I am so willing to be there. Esp. for the Instituto Latinoamericano de Tecnologias Libres07:05
Katsuhmm where can I get this totem-xine07:12
ograuniverse 07:12
mhzapt-get install totem-xine07:12
ograjust use synaptic and enable all the additional repositorys07:12
ograthen search for it07:13
mhzwell, that too07:13
ogradoubleclick and click apply07:13
Katsuhmm do I need to be logged into root?07:13
ograthere is no root :)07:13
ograwe use sudo all over the place ... 07:14
KatsuE: Kon het vergrendelingsbestand '/var/lib/apt/lists/lock' niet openen - open (13 Permission denied)07:14
ograso in the gui, if a password dialog pops up, just give your password07:14
ograand in terminal put sudo in front 07:15
=== mhz is offline for a while
=== mhz is now known as mhz_offline
Katsusudo apt-get install totem-xine07:16
Katsuasks for a pass07:16
Katsubut I can't enter anything07:16
ograyou just dont see anything ;)07:16
ograenter your pw and hit enter 07:17
ograthats why i normally not refer to commandline in support :)07:17
Katsuhmm is says it' either can't find the totem-xine application or it's just not there.07:18
Katsulibtotem-plparser0 should be an option it says07:18
ogrado you have universe enabled ? 07:18
Katsudont know where to see that.07:19
ogradeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe multiverse07:20
ogra^^^ this line should be in /etc/apt/sources.list without a # sign in front07:20
ograalternatively use synaptic07:20
ograopen Settings->Package sources from the menu07:21
ograand add the missing ones ...07:22
Katsuright I searched for totem-xine...I found it..it says it's installed07:35
Katsuwhen I click Package I dont have an option to upgrade it..07:35
ograit has agreen square in front ? 07:36
Katsuyes it has07:36
ograhmm, and you cant play avi files ? 07:37
ograhmm, works here07:40
ograare you sure its avi, not wma or something ? 07:40
KatsuI want to play LotR, whe I double click it, it starts up totem player but after that it says that  there were no decoders found to handle the stream07:40
ograthe evil codecs are in the w32codecs package we cant ship07:40
Katsuyou might need to install the corresponding plugins."07:41
ogratotem-xine shouldnt say such things ...07:41
ograbut try to install w32codecs07:41
Katsuwhich can be found in the synaptic package manager?07:42
ograit is highly illegal, we cant ship it07:42
ogratry downloading this and install it with: sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb07:42
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for more information07:43
KatsuI'll try07:43
Katsushould the file be in any specific folder to be installed?07:43
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ograbut in the folder you cureently are, else you need to give the path where its located in front of the filename07:45
Katsuit's in My Downloads07:45
ograso go there in a terminal and issue the above command07:46
Katsuah the file was downloaded into File System > tmp07:49
ograthen cd /tmp in your terminal07:50
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Katsuhow would that command be: sudo dpkg -i /tmp w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb?07:50
paolobGuys, what about migrating to edubuntu from testing now?07:50
Katsuok its installed07:52
Katsustill gives that same error.07:52
ograpaolob, `07:54
ograsudo dpkg -i /tmp/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb07:54
ograpaolob, err that should be a ?07:54
ograpaolob, you want to migrate from etch to edubuntu ? 07:55
ogra(edubuntu breezy to be precise)07:55
Katsusry ogra, but I have very little knowledge about linux.08:01
KatsuI have dl-ed nvidia display drivers for linux. it's in my /home/<name> dir08:02
Katsuwhat would the command line be to install it?08:02
ograwe have a package ;)08:02
ogramake sure linux-restricted-modules is installed08:02
ograadditionally install nvidia-glx for the non module stuff08:03
KatsuI have that installed yes: 3 appz, all have a green mark08:04
Katsuah installing :)08:04
Katsuthanks again :P08:05
ograput a line reading nvidia in /etc/modules08:07
ograand change "nv" to "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:08
ograthen reboot and you should see the nvidia logo08:08
Katsuso I installed nvidia-glx08:13
KatsuSection "Device"08:15
KatsuIdentifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] "08:15
Katsuthat's what it says08:15
ograchange nv to nvidia08:16
ograand make sure the modulename nvidia is in /etc/modules08:16
Katsuoke, wasn't sure if that was what u meant :)08:16
Katsuhm opened xorg.conf with gedit08:18
Katsucan't seem to add/remove words08:18
ogradid you use sudo ?08:19
KatsuI don't have an /etc/modules dir08:22
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
neurogeekmhz, hello!!08:30
neurogeekmhz, so.. what do you think of the proposal for Maracaibo?08:33
mhzI love it08:33
mhzit's just that I have no funds I can use for the travel08:33
mhz(so far)08:33
neurogeekmhz, I hope you can go 08:34
mhzevery single cent we have collected among some volunteers is being saved for the Edubuntu Chilean Tour08:34
mhzneurogeek: I know I must be there08:34
mhzI know it is the time08:34
mhzwe are in timeline that we need to push harder08:35
mhzLA is getting too much influence from propiatary technology fans and patents guys 08:35
neurogeekmhz, yes.. and strusberg has some plans for education, it would be really nice we could get together and talk about some projects08:35
Katsumotoapparently the graphical X server won't work08:35
Katsumotonow ubuntu won't reboot properly anymore08:36
mhzneurogeek: that's my point08:36
KatsumotoI can login with my name+pass08:36
mhzneurogeek: I asked strusberg for a more formal email I can paste and forward to Emabajador de Venezuela en Chile, just in case they have some funds for this08:36
mhzneurogeek: I asked him to describe why it is important for us to be together08:37
mhzKatsumoto: but?08:37
neurogeekmhz, No prob. He is giving a class right now, he'll be reading that email in no time08:37
mhzI'd like to pay the embassy a visit tomorrow08:38
KatsumotoI tried to re-edit the file again: cd gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf08:38
ograKatsumoto, thats a file, not a dir08:38
ogra(the /etc/modules)08:39
neurogeekKatsumoto, i think you meant sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:39
Katsumotoyes, so any clue how I can fix it?08:39
Katsumotoyes thats what I meant08:39
ogragedit wont work without gui#08:39
ogrause nano08:39
neurogeekKatsumoto, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:40
ograbut: sudo modprobe nvidia && /etc/init.d/gdm restart 08:40
ograshould do it too08:40
ograthe module isnt loaded08:40
ograoh, there is a sudo missing08:41
ograbut: sudo modprobe nvidia && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart 08:41
ograwill work08:41
highvoltagegoodnight ogra (and other edubunteros)08:41
ogranight highvoltage 08:41
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Katsumotoheh, with that cmd line it says: there is no such device08:48
ogralsmod |grep nvidia 08:49
ogradoes that give any output ?08:49
Katsumotolets see08:49
mhzoh, maybe not nvidia?08:50
ograhmm, riva tnt2 ... thats very old...08:51
mhzhow about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   ?08:51
ograwont help with the module08:51
Katsumotoyeh riva tnt2 is very old :P08:51
ograthe x config is fine already08:51
Katsumotoand no lsmod doesn't give anything.08:51
Katsumotoguess I really screwed up somehow08:52
ogrado: apt-cache search nvidia-legacy08:52
ograit should give some output08:53
ograyou need the legacy module which is in linux-restricted-modules-....-legacy08:53
ograand nvidia-glx-legacy08:54
=== mhz has only ati
Katsumotoapt-cache search nvidia-legacy: gave nothing08:56
ograyou need the restricted archive enbled08:56
=== Katsumoto is clueless
ograjust change back /etc/X11/xorg.conf from "nvidia" to "nv" :)08:58
ograthen your X server will work again08:58
Katsumotoyes that's what I was thinkin...but apparently when I do: sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf08:59
KatsumotoI get a blank page...08:59
ograthe X11 is capitalized :)08:59
Katsumotorigh, changed it back to normal. how do I save the changes? just do alt f4 ?09:04
ograi'm no nano user ... but i gess ctrl-k09:04
Katsumoto^G ^X, those symbols I have no clue which keys that are on my kb :P09:04
ograthe little ^ means control09:04
ograsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart should bring you back to a gui login09:05
Katsumotoctl+K means cut text09:07
Katsumoto^J = justify09:07
Katsumotomight be that one?09:07
ografor exit :)09:09
mhzctrl + o to save09:10
=== mhz is nano user
mhz<enter> to accept changes and name09:11
=== mhz is away but you can ping me if need me
=== mhz is now known as mhz_idle
=== Katsu [n=bla@bbned225-210-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #edubuntu
Katsuthanks for helping me once more :P09:14
Katsusry I messed up earlier09:14
ogradont worry :)09:15
ograyup, here too09:16
mhz_idleogra: do you know which TZ is jane silber?09:31
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mhz_idlehehehe, we should have EduPoints in order to motivate more participation09:37
DeeJay1sadly I have some trouble with edubuntu09:40
DeeJay1X windows won't start on the thin client09:40
DeeJay1with a "Fatal server error" Unrecognized option: vttty09:41
DeeJay1vttty1 (sorry)09:41
mhz_idlewhere did that messsage appear?09:43
DeeJay1on the thin client console09:43
mhz_idleand X is running on server?09:44
mhz_idledid you try $ sudo ltsp-update ssh-keys ?09:45
mhz_idle(on server side)09:45
DeeJay1no I din't wait09:45
DeeJay1 /s/din\t/didn\'t/ 09:47
DeeJay1damn keyboard :(09:47
DeeJay1I'm changing the root filesystem to rw09:58
DeeJay1maybe we'll see something in the logs here :/09:58
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yvesCogra, what the deadline for new version of gcompris in drapper?10:09
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DeeJay1hmm, is there the ltsp chroot somewhere to download ?10:28
DeeJay1it did a selfdestruct here :/10:29
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