
slomoBenC: you can get an updated libraw1394 here: http://slomosnail.de/~slomo/temp/12:03
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sladendoes anyone have access to wiki backups from 2 weeks ago (or shell access to the webserver)12:16
sladentrying to get back the laptoptestingtemplate that somebody deleted and then overwrote12:17
Riddellwhiprush_: for fridge's in the news section http://business.bostonherald.com/technologyNews/view.bg?articleid=112160&format=text12:18
mdkesladen, henrik has access to them. failing that, the admins12:18
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whiprush_Riddell: on it!12:19
mdkewhiprush is a fridge machine12:20
Riddellwhiprush_: also Kubuntu came third here if you havn't seen it http://www.linux-community.de/Neues/story?storyid=1833712:20
Riddelland Mark got the "Outstanding contribution tons of Linux/open SOURCE"12:24
whiprush_wow, that last link is awesome.12:25
whiprush_gonna ask silbs about a press release though.12:26
whiprush_I think they prefer the press release to accompany a story12:26
mvowhiprush_: thanks for your blog entry on gdebi!12:32
whiprush_mvo: yeah it's rocking so far, worked on everything but skype, but that's because their .deb depends on something not in the archive anymore.12:33
whiprush_opera and gizmoproject .debs worked.12:33
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mvowhiprush_: rock, it figured all the dependencies right and installed them? *nice*12:33
=== mvo beams
whiprush_as far as I can tell12:34
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mvowhiprush_: well, if the stuff works and neither apt/synaptic/gdebi itself found any incosistencies in the cache it should be fine (gdebi will check the cache before and after the install)12:35
whiprush_I haven't really put it in a complicated situation yet though.12:36
mvo you already tested two debs I haven't tested :) 12:37
whiprush_maybe I'll post something in the forums, those people are all about third party debs.12:37
neuralismvo, gdebi seems like really cool technology, but i really, really hope we never ship with it enabled by default.12:38
mdkeyeah good idea for the forums12:38
mvosounds like a good idea, I got a request about a backport of the required changes in python-apt/vte. I will look into this tomorrow12:38
mdkedoes it give an error if it can't find the dependencies?12:38
mvoneuralis: you have security concerns?12:38
whiprush_for sure it knows if the installed version is newer, which I thought was nice.12:39
mvomdke: yes, it will do dependency analyis before the install12:39
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mvomdke: it will never break the apt cache (unless there is a bug in it of course), but it is pretty careful12:40
mdkesounds good12:40
mdkeif we shipped it by default though, it might encourage people to install packages from outside the distribution and dodgy places like marillat or people's blogs.12:40
neuralismvo, yes, very much so. the fact we have such an enormous package repository gives us an amazing way out of the security hell of competing operating systems.12:40
neuralismdke, exactly.12:40
mdkebut it is a good tool to have12:41
mvopeople install all kinds of crazy things right now and complain that dpkg -i breaks things12:42
mvobut I agree that security is a big issue here12:42
neuralismvo, it's a great tool, i just think it should not even be considered for shipping with a default install. mentioning it on the wiki means those users who care can find it easily, but those users who are tempted to just download a deb and double-click it don't get pwned.12:42
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mvoneuralis: I see your point. one issue we have is that we can't ship/distribute all software (think of skype or opera). shouldn't we offer it to users then to make the install of those easy?12:46
mdkeit's a difficult problem12:46
mdkehow to give users choice, and prevent them from breaking their systems?12:46
mdkethe age old problem ;)12:47
mvoyeah :)12:47
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neuralismvo, it's a cost/benefit thing. gracefully handling the special cases (skype, opera, etc) is not worth directly sacrificing this phenomenal advantage we have with being able to keep users' systems secure.12:50
neuralismvo, i agree we should find a good solution for the most common special cases - but i think we should never consider making a double-click deb install a reality.12:51
dholbachusers will always install the latest crack, i think it's rather a matter of "raising awareness" instead of "making it harder for them to 'do it'"12:52
mvoneuralis: it will never be a simple double click, they will always have to enter their password and confirm the install with clicking on "Install"12:54
mdkedholbach, totally agree12:55
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mvobut yeah, we shouldn't make it too easy12:56
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daniels'morning dholbach12:56
dholbach_hey daniels, magnon :)12:57
magnonhello other daniel as well12:58
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devintIs it just me who's saying this, or is the i386 version of Ubuntu much more polished than the amd64 version?12:59
HrdwrBoBit's the same12:59
devintyou would think so right?12:59
devinthowever, i had several problems with the amd64 version, but the i386 -- everything works, it even detected my monitors maximum resolution correctly01:00
danielsyes, resolution detection doesn't work properly on amd64 yet01:00
danielsbut, ironically, laptops are better supported01:00
devintmy network card works, when in amd64 it doesn't, the lilo install procedure works in debian-installer, when in amd64 it doesn't...just more polished, i must say01:01
HrdwrBoBwhy are you using lilo01:01
devintbecause grub takes over 2 minutes to get to the grub menu when you have both a SCSI hdd and IDE hdd installed01:01
devintvery annoying01:01
devintand inescapable, i might add01:02
danielsworks fine for me, with sata and ide.  but this is a #ubuntu question rather than #ubuntu-devel.01:03
devintthat's assuming there's a workaround, correct?01:04
devintbecause if the installer program doesn't recognize this by default, then it is most certainly an #ubuntu-devel question01:05
danielsthat's what it did out of the box; bug reports are for bugzilla.ubuntu.com, support questions are for #ubuntu, #ubuntu-devel is just for specific, detailed, development discussion01:05
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dholbachgood night01:24
mvogood night01:30
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kbrooksis making linux distros too easy ... dangerpis?02:02
kbrooksreferring to:02:02
wasabiYes. Users should not be trusted with computers. Obviously we should institution a world wide computer users licensing system.02:03
kbrooks'mvo neuralis: it will never be a simple double click, they will always have to enter their password and confirm the install with clicking on "Install"'02:03
kbrooksmdke: ?O02:03
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mdzinfinity: ping02:22
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infinitymdz : pong.02:27
mdzinfinity: good morning.  I wanted to check with you regarding that VGA mode change for usplash etc.02:29
mdzinfinity: do you have those changes somewhere ready to go already?  they should go in quite early02:29
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infinitymdz : I'll need to shove the vga16fb change into Ben's next kernel upload.02:29
mdzinfinity: oh, it requires kernel changes? hmm02:30
infinityAnd since there's another upload right around the corner for other reasons, I think It's reasonable to expect we can do it in a day or two, and get testing/exposure of the new mode by the weekend.02:30
infinitymdz : Well, it requires changing the default mode for vga16fb, which (unlike other framebuffers) is hardcoded.02:31
mdzinfinity: can't we change the mode at runtime rather than changing the hardcoded default?02:32
infinitymdz : Not with the driver as it currently stands.02:33
mdzinfinity: so it's not only the default mode, it's the *only* mode? ;-)02:34
infinityLooks like it, yes.02:35
infinityIt would be reasonably trivial to make the module take arguments, but it certainly doesn't appear to right now.02:35
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=== infinity goes to find some lunch, then will come back to blow up random VGA resiters on his girlfriend's computer.
BenCmdz: ping03:27
mdzBenC: pong03:31
BenCmdz: I want to do something in the BTS to cleanout the old bug reports03:32
BenCmdz: like mass NEEDSINFO for anything that hasn't had any activity in > 6 months, and give it 2 weeks before I close them03:32
mdzI don't think assuming NEEDINFO in that case is safe03:33
BenCNEEDSINFO meaning "tell me if it still applies to breezy"03:33
ogranight all03:33
BenCwith a message in addition to the status change03:33
mdzthat should be mostly reasonable then03:34
mdzyou should be able to do that with an advanced search + "change several bugs at once"03:34
BenCyeah, I just want to get it down to something manageable03:35
BenCI really want a better handle on the bugs for dapper03:35
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mpoolare breezy bugs being filed into malone now?03:44
Riddellmpool: no, don't think so03:45
mpoolanywhere else?03:46
mpoolor just to the list?03:46
mptbugzilla until flag day04:03
zakameflag day?04:04
mptA flag day is any day on which there is a large, non-interoperable change from one system or process to another04:04
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mpoolrather like sweden changing which side of the road they drive on04:16
danielsnot so much a flag day as a sign day in that case04:16
danielshaw haw04:16
mpoolthe very definition of non-interoperable :)04:18
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bmonty_laptopelmo: are you familiar with the motu-tools that \sh wrote??04:30
KinnisonNight all04:32
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floamhow long does it usually take something to propagate to apt once it's source has been uploaded?04:51
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spstarr_homehmm, is there a wiki on how to build the debian/ubuntu installer for dapper? I wanna add FAI support bits05:21
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danielsthe installer bits in dapper currently won't work at all, and dapper is very uninstallable anyway05:26
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infinitydaniels : Pessimist.05:41
danielsinfinity: well, noting that d-i's merges aren't done yet, and zlib is allegedly uninstallable, along with other stuff :P05:42
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infinityPicky, picky.05:44
infinityOuch, britney is angry.05:45
infinityOh, it's not as bad as it looks.05:45
infinityMostly libssl fallout.05:46
infinityAnd assorted..05:46
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daniels... ephemera.05:47
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spstarr_homewell, I got it built, albeit a very rough installer05:59
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spstarr_homehaha, the installer won't let me quit :)06:06
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jianggwwhat is the difference between ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-motu?06:11
daniels-devel is for core development stuff, and generally pretty in-depth stuff06:13
danielsmotu will help you get involved and they're much better at showing you the ropes06:13
jianggwhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/teams/ ,why can't I find a team named ubuntu-develop?isn't there such a team? 06:14
crimsunno, there's no such team.06:17
crimsunthese are better asked in -motu probably06:17
jsgotangcothere's an lp core team though06:17
jianggwhttps://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-dev ,https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-core-dev/ ,I find two teams.why not list them in http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/teams/ ?06:19
crimsunjianggw: because those two are more hierarchical than http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/teams/ shows06:20
jianggwthanks.Is the leader of each team appointed by community council or self-appointed?06:24
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jianggw http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=3590&d=1132034495 is a structure chart of community drawn by me.Is it correct?Who can help me draw a better and correct one?06:31
jsgotangcowow an org chart06:48
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marilizeBurgundavia: ping08:47
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Burgundaviamarilize, pong08:49
JaneWwho handles PHP?08:53
marilizeBurgundavia: we can send you CD's without covers.......08:54
Burgundaviamarilize, excellent. It was more a preliminary inquiry. If everything goes to plan, I will need several hundred for the dapper release08:56
infinityJaneW : I do.08:59
marilizeBurgundavia: thats fine, at least we  know now we can do it..........but when you decide to do it, just give enought time when you order....09:00
Treenaksmorning all09:01
Burgundaviamarilize, if and when it happens, it will be well coordinated with malcolm and yourself09:01
JaneWinfinity: can I forward you an e-mail from a local guy here who sent a warning to all his users claiming PHP etc is all broken in breezy?09:01
marilizeBurgundavia:  great09:01
infinityJaneW : Uhm, sure.  It's definitely not broken in breezy.09:02
JaneWinfinity: I found the e-mail a bit annoying myself...09:02
infinityJaneW : I do have a security release to do, if that's what he's referring to, but it's for pretty non-critical stuff.09:03
infinity(I should still do it rather soon, though)09:03
infinityJaneW : If he thinks it's broken in other ways, I'd like to know what he's on about.  It works well for thousands of other users.09:03
infinityJaneW : Wow, okay, that was just nonsensical.09:04
JaneWinfinity: yup09:05
infinityWould you like me to respond to you, or to whim directly?09:06
Burgundaviainfinity, the jump from php4 to 5, does it break many apps?09:06
infinityBurgundavia : Pretty much none.09:07
infinityBurgundavia : There's a very short README in the php5 doc directory about possible upgrade caveats, in practice almost nothing will break.09:07
JaneWinfinity:  feel free to respond to him - cc me though please09:07
Burgundaviainfinity, thanks09:08
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infinityJaneW : Sent.09:17
JaneWinfinity: thanks09:21
BurgundaviaJaneW, how did planner work out for you?09:27
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Nafalloelmo: please sync ttf2pt1 from unstable (ubuntu override okey)09:28
JaneWBurgundavia: busy adding resorces right now, it looks nice, simple and straightforward. Thanks09:28
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tepsipakkiargh, my kernel got the kubuntu usplash-image after upgrading to 2.6.15-2.2 ;)09:42
Nafalloelmo: please sync ttt from unstable (ubuntu override okey)09:42
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dholbachgood morning09:45
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fabbionetepsipakki: usplash is not managed by the kernel.09:53
fabbioneblame usplash09:53
siretartfabbione: hi09:56
siretartfabbione: do you have a minute?09:56
fabbionesiretart: hi, yeah09:57
siretartfabbione: it is because of 2 binary packages, which are binary ALL (arch independent), but can only be built on sparc. is there any change to get them into ubuntu?09:57
fabbionewhat's up?09:57
siretartnamly proll and openhackware09:57
siretartyeah, quite annoying09:58
fabbionearch: all means arch: all09:58
siretartyes, I know09:58
fabbionethey must be able to build everywhere09:58
fabbioneif they don't it's a bug in the pkg09:58
siretartbut they are not09:58
siretartI know09:58
siretartbut the debian maintainer disagrees09:58
fabbionefix the pkg :)09:58
fabbionewho is the debian maintainer?09:59
siretartI'm searching for proll09:59
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siretartMaintainer for openhackware is Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>10:00
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siretartaah, and the thing about proll is, that it build-depends on sparc-utils, which is sparc only10:00
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tfheensiretart: the maintainer is wrong in the openhackware case at least.10:01
fabbioneread the stuff again10:01
fabbionehe is talking about ppc10:01
fabbionea B-D on sparc-utils doesn't make it buildable on sparc10:01
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siretartoh, I'm sorry, I mixed up ppc and sparc10:01
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fabbionebut clearly the maintainer is utterly wrong10:02
Treenakssppcarc ?10:02
siretartfabbione: but a B-D on sparc-utils guarantees FTBFS on !sparc10:02
fabbionesiretart: how is the B-D specified?10:02
siretarthttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/p/proll/18-1/proll_18-1_20050607-1857-i386-failed.gz is the buildlog (short)10:03
fabbioneBuild-Depends: sparc-utils [sparc]  ?10:03
siretartBuild-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), sparc-utils10:03
fabbionesiretart: in that case only our i386 would fail and you still don't care. it's a ppc only app with buggy pkg.10:04
fabbionefix the pkg :)10:04
siretartthere are 2 packages. openhackware is ppc, right, I'll look deeper into that10:05
fabbionesiretart: read the last comment from Peter on the bug10:05
siretartthe other one is proll, which Build-Depends-Indep10:05
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=== siretart rereads
siretartfabbione: yeah, he gives an analysis about the problem10:06
siretartfabbione: I was rather asking about a short term solution for ubuntu. 10:06
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fabbionesiretart: the correct solution is to make the pkgs Arch: ppc10:08
siretartthe problem here is, that qemu DEPENDS on both packages. I'm currently working around this in degrading the DEPENDS to a Recommends: field10:08
siretartthe Depend makes it obviously uninstallable on ALL arches in ubuntu10:08
siretartfabbione: that would 'break' qemu10:09
fabbioneoh crack10:10
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siretartI agree that the correct solution would be to make the pkgs arch dependent, but the maintainers seem to disagree, because they want qemu to work10:10
siretartmorning Michael!10:10
fabbionehold on10:10
fabbioneyou mean qemu Depends: foo10:10
fabbionewhere foo is this _all crack package?10:11
fabbioneand i assume that package contain real ppc binaries10:11
fabbionethat can only be built on ppc10:11
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mvogood morning siretart !10:11
siretartthey contain ppc and sparc firmware, AFAIU10:12
siretartbinaries, in fact, yes10:12
fabbionei miss something here10:12
fabbionehow can he build _all from both sparc AND ppc at the same time10:12
pittiKamion: could you please promote the approved stuff on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue to help a couple of FTBFS?10:13
siretartfabbione: openhackware is about ppc, proll is for sparc10:13
fabbioneah ok10:13
siretartboth with a bit different, but similar problems10:13
fabbioneso same technique applied to 2 different pkgs10:13
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siretartfabbione: openhackware only builds on ppc, and proll B-D on a sparc only package10:13
siretartyeah, but I didn't invent that ;)10:14
dholbachcan anybody contact bugzilla?10:14
siretartit happens to work on debian, because there maintainers are uploading binary packages10:15
fabbionesiretart: i think something like that will require buildd admins to build stuff manually10:15
fabbionesiretart: yes i know10:15
siretartfabbione: okay, but you are the sparc buildd admin :)10:15
fabbionesiretart: i can probably do the sparc side of it, given that i can upload _all.deb (and i am not even sure)10:15
fabbionebut we need to discuss a more general solution for this10:16
siretartokay. lets ask infinity then when he arrives10:16
fabbionei need more coffee in the meanwhile10:16
siretartsame here :)10:16
siretartdholbach: bugzilla.ubuntu.com works for me [tm] 10:18
dholbachsiretart: now it works for me... only terribly slow ... hrm10:18
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siretartdholbach: perhaps there are some malone import scripts shaking bugzilla?10:19
dholbachsiretart: no idea... but sounds like the perfect opportunity to take my dog out10:20
mvodholbach: have fun!10:21
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sivangGood morning all10:30
siretarthi sivang 10:31
siretartinfinity: around?10:31
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Nafalloelmo: please sync tzc from unstable (ubuntu override okey)10:36
mvoinfinity: in one of the build-logs (i386) I noticed that lsb_release -i -s seems to have returnd "Debian". is this fixed?10:37
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MithrandirKamion: if you could ping me when you're around and have a little bit of time, I'd be grateful.  I need somebody to bounce cdebconf plugin stuff with.10:56
infinitymvo : Can you be more specific?10:57
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infinitysiretart : pong if it's something quick, if it's not, mail me.  I'm not actually working right now.10:58
mvoinfinity: I CCed you on a bugreport about the problem (#19632)10:59
siretartinfinity: okay, I'll ping you tomorrow. its not quick and important10:59
mvoinfinity: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/s/synaptic/
mvoinfinity: that is the bit with the "lsb_release" returns "Debian"11:00
infinitymvo : And how can we tell this from the log? :)11:00
infinityroot@rothera:~# lsb_release -a11:02
infinityNo LSB modules are available.11:02
infinityDistributor ID: Ubuntu11:02
infinityDescription:    Ubuntu (The Dapper Drake Release) Development Branch11:02
infinityRelease:        6.0411:02
infinityCodename:       dapper11:02
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infinityThat's the same buildd, same chroot, and same versions of lsb-release as before.11:02
mvoinfinity: hrm ... interessting (telling by looking at the cp 00list.Debian <- that name is derived from lsb_release)11:03
mvoinfinity: hm, same version everything? oh well, I'll dig into it and see if it's not me :/11:04
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infinityKeep me updated, but I don't see any obvious issues on this side.11:05
dhonnwe should have a bubble tip when you mouse over the gnome-panel.  Something like, right click here for more options11:06
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seb128elmo: glib2.0 sync please11:07
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Nafalloelmo: please sync uim ulogd from unstable (ubuntu override okey)11:13
siretartseb128:  I read debian is going away from shipping schemas in /etc. Will we ubuntus follow that?11:16
seb128siretart: we already do since hoary11:17
seb128siretart: ls /usr/share/gconf/schemas/11:18
siretartseb128: aah, so the remaining cruft in /etc/gconf/schemas is considered as buggy?11:18
seb128siretart: not really buggy, it doesn't matter11:19
seb128siretart: /etc/gconf/schemas files are not removed on update because they are conffiles11:20
dholbachelmo: could you please sync mdbtools from sid, ubuntu override is ok11:20
siretartseb128: aah, I see. thanks for heads up11:20
seb128the move is done by dh_gconf11:20
seb128so it's automatical11:21
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siretartmdz: acpi-support in breezy Recommends: network-manager, which somewhat breaks automatic installations with universe enabled. Would you accept a package to breezy-updates, which removes the Suggest on 'network-manager'?12:09
=== seb128 guess it's not the right time to get a reply from mdz
siretartseb128: whats up with him?12:10
seb128he's like middle of the night for his tz12:11
siretartoh. I see12:11
siretartwhich timezone is he?12:11
neuralissiretart: he's in LA, which is -9 hours from you, i believe12:11
siretartokay. thanks12:11
Nafalloelmo: please sync plib from unstable (ubuntu override okey)12:14
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Kamionpitti: promotions in progress, thanks12:16
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pittiKamion: nice; we need to update the wiki, did you promote all?12:16
KamionIN PROGRESS :-)12:18
KamionI'm updating the wiki as I go12:19
pittiah, cool; thanks12:19
Nafalloelmo: please sync torch3 from unstable (ubuntu override okey)12:22
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Kamionpitti: ok, all done12:24
JaneWwho handles the menus in ubuntu and more specifically what is displayed in each i.e. app name vs function?12:26
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Nafallomorning Simira :-)12:27
dholbachJaneW: it's handled in every software package itself12:28
JaneWdholbach: I have a specific request to change for instance OOo impress -> Presentation and gedit -> Text Document12:29
JaneWdholbach: with edubuntu we previously discussed making the menu entries more descriptive too because the app names are not very clear most of the time.12:29
JaneWhi Simira 12:29
Kamionthat issue has been discussed back and forward for quite a while ...12:30
dholbachJaneW: hm, traditionally the entry describes the function of the app, like "text editor" or "web browser"12:30
Simiramarilize: the letter worked out, somewhat. The only ultimate way to avoid the tax problems though, seems to be setting the total value less then 20 regardless of the amount of cd's.12:30
SimiraJaneW: good morning! How are you?12:30
=== mvo waves to the sword-fighting woman
dholbachJaneW: doko and Mithrandir maintain openoffice, seb128 and i do gedit12:31
seb128_JaneW: gedit is a texteditor, "Text Editor" is correct, we are not going to change it :)12:32
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Simira:D mvo: wanna fight? ;)12:32
marilizeSimira: good, I'm glad it worked out :)12:33
Simirawb JaneW :) How are you?12:33
Simiramarilize: I've written a "howto" for the Norwegians. Want to link to it from Shipit?12:33
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jane_Kamion: is there any agreement or will the status quo remain?12:34
seb128_jane_: did you get what I said to JaneW about gedit?12:34
marilizeSimira: great thanx, you can send it...12:34
mvoSimira: I would love to see a video or a live-demo someday :D12:35
=== doko thinks about putting a g into the OOo package name ...
Simiramvo: I don't have any of me. there's a couple on http://flammensorden.laiv.org though, by friends of mine.12:36
Simiramarilize: marilize@canonical?12:36
seb128_doko: I've some menu changes for openoffice12:36
seb128_doko: let me know when you have planned to do an upload12:36
=== mvo takes a loook
marilizesimira: yes12:36
dholbachSimira: good to know that "bilder" is still "bilder" for me :)12:37
JaneWseb128: no I was disconnected after : Kamion that issue has been discussed back and forward for quite a while ...12:37
JaneWSimira: I am well thanks and you?12:37
dokoseb128: not before mid december12:38
KamionJaneW: it's at least in part a Mark thing12:38
pittiKamion: bah, seems that I forgot two small perl libraries to make the po4a chain work12:39
seb128_doko: k, I'll have to do an upload so12:39
seb128_doko: should I drop you a patch with my changes or something?12:39
Kamionpitti: libxml-simple-perl for libparse-debianchangelog-perl12:39
SimiraJaneW: not too bad. Trying to get a lot of work done before the weekend. :-)12:39
Kamionand libtie-ixhash-perl for that12:39
Simiradholbach: that's good :-)12:39
pittiKamion: right12:39
pittiKamion: will do reports for them soon (gtk still needs to build anyway)12:39
Kamionpitti: and libyaml-perl for libmodule-build-perl too ...12:40
ograKamion, he wanted a drag and drop interface to assemble your own menus at the edubuntu summit ...12:40
dokoseb128: yes, file it as a report12:40
pittiKamion: btw, gnutls12 is a no-brainer - just a new version12:40
Kamionpitti: ok, done12:41
ograJaneW, we never talked about renaming the apps, just grouping them different (while i agree that OOo impress should have a more descriptive name)12:41
JaneWogra: hi, but I do thing the education menu needs descriptive names too, can we do that?12:42
ograJaneW, for the menus, yes, for the apps... i would object ...12:43
seb128_JaneW: gedit is a texteditor, "Text Editor" is correct, we are not going to change it :)12:44
seb128_(what I said before)12:44
ograthere goes his alter ego :)12:44
tsengi knew there were 2 of him12:45
ograhi tseng 12:45
JaneWseb128: yes I just looked at that, not sure what the user's issue is with that...12:45
JaneWogra: I am not sure I follow what you mean?12:46
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\shlooks like I need another job...to whom I have to send my CV? :)12:46
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ograJaneW, we can rename and restructure menus, but not app names ...12:46
JaneWogra: sure that's all I want obviously the app name is the app name, but the menu item pointing to it should be descriptive12:47
seb128there is some menu items that are not optimal and we can work with upstream to get them fixed though12:47
ograas we talked... having a task driven menu system for edubuntu with diffrerent profiles for different tasks ... 12:47
JaneWideally and providing there's enough space I am all for appname - function e.g. 'KTouch - Typing Tutor' etc12:47
kbrooks\sh: :)12:47
seb128JaneW: if you want to read the GNOME policy about this: http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/2.0/desktop-integration.html#menu-item-names12:48
ograJaneW, if we can fix it upstream, thats fine, but i wouldnt start changing names for well known apps, its 1.) confusing and 2.) we could hire someone to just care for these changes all the time, it generates a lot of extra work12:48
JaneWogra: I think te menu groupings is another issue, which needs to be resolved too, the descriptions would be global to that and apply no matter what groupings/masks were chosen12:48
JaneWseb128: thanks12:49
JaneWogra: so if I understand it correctly does the upstream decide how it will display in the menu on installation?12:49
seb128you're welcome12:49
ograJaneW, currently menu profiles are easily doable with sabayon (thats its purpose)12:49
=== Nafallo sees the word "hire" ;-)
KamionJaneW: at the moment (as I understand it) descriptions of individual menu items are stored in the relevant packages, not centrally (which is a good thing) and changes to them will apply to Ubuntu and Edubuntu so it needs to be carefully coordinated12:49
JaneWNafallo: down boy!12:50
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KamionJaneW: the upstream may or may not ship a .desktop file which includes the menu item name; the packager may override it, at the cost of having to redo all translations12:50
JaneWKamion: oic, so if one particular app is confussing consistently we should approach the upstream and request that they make it easier to dechiper.12:50
seb128JaneW, Kamion: the name for a menu item is the "Name=" field of /usr/share/applications/<app>.desktop12:51
\shDo we have a list of the "official visitors of UBZ" with names and email addresses? I just forgot to ask the impilinux guys for their email addresses12:54
tsengI bet info@impilinux.co.za works. (http://impilinux.co.za/)12:55
JaneW\sh: cvd could give it to you12:57
JaneW\sh: although you may need to pay her, esp if you want to use the list to spam us all ;)12:58
dholbachthat's how ubuntu sustains itself: get mail adresses, sell them to spammers01:00
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ograhey, cool idea ... we could make a universe package with addresses ;)01:01
neuralisdholbach, and the launchpad "confirm email address" feature is just a cog in the conspiracy machine!01:01
dholbachneuralis: you know it :)01:01
pittiKamion: ok, I finished the review and the reports, wiki updated01:01
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Kamionpitti: promoted, thanks01:07
sivangogra: maybe we could hack in a script, that  fetches source packages of pakcages we want to change from a db, scans the desktop files, reaplces the names through a lookup table, repackages the sources, and ready for duploads ? 0:-)01:07
sivanghrm, s/we/you guys/ ;-)01:08
Kamionsivang: and automatically translates all the changed names with artificial intelligence?01:08
=== sivang runs aways
sivangdid I say anything ? :)01:08
Mithrandirgrmf.  We hatesss code duplication.01:08
Kamionoh bugger, I have to update all the *-meta/update scripts01:09
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janimoKamion, couldn't those use a common update script somehow, instead of being out of sync w/ eachother?01:11
janimobuild-dep on a package which has update01:11
slomoelmo: please sync wavpack from debian... ubuntu changes can be dropped01:11
janimoand only provide the derivative name as a param for it01:11
janimoor something01:11
Kamionjanimo: I guess it could go in germinate01:13
Kamionjanimo: project for another day, though :)01:13
janimoKamion, when you have time to brief or mail me with what it takes for DYO iso building I am all ears :)01:14
Kamionjanimo: did I give you references to the code?01:14
janimobesides germinate whic I know about01:15
Kamionok, install the bazaar package01:15
janimonot bzr?01:15
Kamionnot yet, no01:15
KamionI'll convert at some point01:15
janimoI have both already anyways01:15
janimobaz & bzr I mean01:15
Kamionbaz register-archive http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/archives/colin.watson@canonical.com--200501:15
Kamionbaz get colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/cdimage--mainline--0 cdimage01:15
Kamioncd cdimage && baz build-config configs/devel01:15
Kamionthat should get you started01:15
Kamionyou'll need a complete local mirror01:16
janimocomplete as in 70Gb? :)01:16
janimowhich subset I need01:16
Kamionfor xubuntu, main+restricted+universe with whatever architectures you need01:17
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Kamionyou can get away with only including the packages you want to put on the CD, if you feel like maintaining a mirror like that01:17
janimocan I use apt-proxy or I need a full mirror frm the start?01:17
Kamionyou need it all locally from the start; you're going to end up downloading it all anyway01:18
janimooh joy, with 20Kbytes/ps01:18
KamionI guess you could run the requests for everything you need through apt-proxy to seed it01:18
Kamionnaturally you will need a somewhat well-connected host; I assume you weren't planning to serve CD images off a host with 20K/s anyway01:18
janimonope I was hoping someone else will do this :), butI'll see what I can do01:19
janimomaybe do it and get someone to duplicate the steps on better linnked host01:19
Kamionyou'd need to teach a number of bits of that code about xubuntu; I'm happy to take those patches01:20
janimowould it make sense to try getting xubuntu pkgs in main first?would that ease something?01:20
Kamionthat would make life a lot easier in general, yes01:20
janimodo I need one wiki page/package for mainInclusionreport? They are most coming from same source with same security (lack of) background etc.01:21
Kamionby the time that's done we *may* be able to reconsider building the images centrally, depending on what the load on cdimage and me looks like at that point01:21
janimooh that would be great01:21
Kamionbut I can't promise01:21
Kamionyou need one wiki page / report per source package, for tracking purposes01:22
Kamionwe need to be able to go back later and see "why did we add that anyway?"01:22
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juliuxdoko, dholbach ping01:24
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dholbachjuliux: pong01:25
juliuxdholbach, do you have breezy cds?01:26
dholbachjuliux: no01:26
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juliuxdholbach, do you know somebody in germany who can send us some to the linuxworldexpo in frankfurt?01:26
dholbachjuliux: http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2005/11/15/gnome-at-linuxworld-expo-frankfurt/01:27
juliuxdholbach, hehe there we get the cds from, there are no more cds01:27
juliuxdholbach, that is the problem01:28
dholbachjuliux: sorry, that's everybody i know who was provided with a big bunch of CDs in germany01:28
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\sh100 Ubuntu ShipIt CDs spread this morning at ISH HQ 01:35
\shtwo school classes were visiting us...70 people, age around 16-23...all Ubuntu Branded now 01:35
RiddellISH may be getting a few more support calls in future01:36
\shRiddell: no...I will#01:37
\sh30 people from NOC Monitoring are  Ubuntunized, too :) 01:39
\shI just had a presentation about ubuntu linux now...15 mins with 3 people here who were interested to replace their windows on their machines at home01:39
janimo\sh, did orders from pre breezy get migrated or do  Ineed to place a shipping req with the LP id?01:41
\shjanimo: no...I just placed a new order during pre-ordering period of breezy via the new ship it system01:42
\sh200 still left...I have to check if we need more cds during the linux days in essen (3.-4. December)01:43
MithrandirKamion: newt-plugin-detect-keyboard.so just built out-of-tree here. \o/  No idea if it works yet, though.01:44
=== Mithrandir goes to celebrate with a cup of tea.
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seb128infinity, lamont-away, Kamion: could you give a retry to abiword build?01:52
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seb128elmo, Kamion: could you sync gtkmathview from Debian?01:55
KamionMithrandir: cool01:55
Kamionseb128: abiword> done01:56
Kamionseb128: sync> s/, Kamion//01:57
seb128Kamion: I've ", Kamion" because I've pinged elmo like 2 hours ago for a sync and doesn't work, and if we want to roll a CD this week better to not wait 4 hours for every single fix01:57
seb128so if you can do it to speed up01:58
seb128other way that's fine too, but that will be slower to get a installable state again to roll a CD01:58
Kamionseb128: elmo asked me not to do it unless he was away very long-term, because it causes problems when he tries to get up to date again; so no02:00
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seb128Kamion: k, fine with me, thanks anyway02:01
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=== mvo whines aobut bugzilla
seb128with folder/a and dir/02:10
seb128cp -a folder/a dir/02:10
seb128creates a dir/a with Debian02:10
seb128and breaks with dapper02:10
seb128which breaks GTK build02:11
ograthat will break a lot more than GTK ...02:11
Kamionbreaks how?02:11
seb128dir/ is not a directory: No such file or directory02:12
seb128cp: target dir/ is not a directory: No such file or directory02:12
dokoworking outside a chroot?02:12
seb128I've not tried with a chroot02:13
ograseb128, is your coreutils package up to date ? 02:13
seb128GTK doesn't build on my dapper02:13
seb128same source package build with a Debian experimental pbuilder02:13
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Kamionour coreutils is in sync with Debian unstable at the moment02:13
Kamionis your Debian installation up to date?02:13
ograyes, but the package was updated yesterday ...02:13
KamionI know] 02:13
seb128Kamion: ii  coreutils                5.2.1-2.1                The GNU core utilities02:13
seb128is the pbuilder working02:13
seb128(not update)02:13
Kamionthat's out of date02:13
ogra5.93 02:14
seb128ii  coreutils                5.93-2                   The GNU core utilities02:14
seb128is my box02:14
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Nafalloelmo: please sync tla from unstable (ubuntu override okey)02:14
BenCanyone here have the ipw2200 where it didn't work with 2.6.15-2.2, and also anyone with a USB atmel wireless?02:18
BenCneed 2.6.15-3.3 tested02:18
seb128cp -a folder/a dir/a works02:19
seb128cp -a folder/a dir/a/ breaks02:19
seb128and both work with previous coreutils02:19
KamionI think that's correct actually02:19
Kamionat least arguably02:19
Kamiona/ refers to the contents of an existing directory02:19
seb128maybe, that still breaks working stuff02:19
seb128ie: the GTK build :)02:19
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Kamionwell, using dir/a/ to refer to a nonexistent directory is extremely confusing02:20
seb128I agree and will fix the GTK package02:21
Kamionit has different behaviour depending on whether you've created the directory yet ...02:21
MithrandirKamion: hmm, how would we know what plugin to depend on?  If we have the kbd-chooser, like today, it would have to depend on the right plugin (or maybe it could use anna-install) depending on the frontend.02:22
KamionMithrandir: I think I'd been thinking of doing cdebconf-newt-detect-keys Provides: cdebconf-detect-keys Debconf-Frontend: newt, kbd-chooser Depends: cdebconf-detect-keys, and anna checks Debconf-Frontend:02:24
Kamionor something like that02:24
Mithrandirthat'd work, yes.02:25
Kamionpretty much the same way as we currently handle Kernel-Version:02:25
Kamionjanimo: at the very least it looks like I'm going to end up making *-meta/update use python modules from germinate ...02:28
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janimoKamion, cool02:37
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mvoelmo: please sync guile-1.6 from debian (override ok)02:46
seb128libcurl3 Depends on ca-certificates which is universe02:47
seb128is somebody working on that?02:48
seb128that makes openoffice2 and some other stuff uninstallable02:48
KamionRemoved debconf from minimal-ia6402:53
Kamiond'oh. this can't be right02:53
Kamionah, debootstrap, she is confused02:53
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sbalneavMorning all!02:54
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ogra_hey sbalneav 02:58
sbalneavHey there ogra_!02:58
sbalneavHow's it going?02:58
ogra_fine ...02:58
sbalneavWe had about 60cm of snow here yesterday.  I was out with the snowblower, doing my driveway, and 5 other neighbors driveways.  My hands are swollen up today.  Makes it hard to type :(02:59
Treenakswhere is that?03:00
ograwinnipeg 03:00
mvodoko: around?03:02
dokomvo: yes03:07
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mvodoko: I want to request a sync for jade, you made it use g++-3.4, debian is using 4.0. any special reason or can I go ahead with the sync?03:08
mvo(it seems to build fine with g++-4.0)03:08
=== ddaa [n=ddaa@nor75-18-82-241-238-155.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ddaaHey, who's our official printer guru?03:09
mvoddaa: pitti AFAIK03:09
ddaamh... not here ATM03:09
mvoddaa: was the synaptic import successful (/me ducks)03:10
ddaaThe server is just too unreliable :(03:10
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mvoddaa: right, thanks for keeping on trying. I'll probably ask for a tarball of the svn dir instead or something03:10
ddaaYes, getting a clone of svn repo on a stable host for the initial import would be a quick way of fixing the problem.03:11
ddaaI could probably hack cscvs to be less picky though. But no time for that ATM.03:11
mvoddaa: thanks, I'll ask for a tarball then03:12
=== Kamion decides to split out a 'boot' seed; I'm tired of handling certain bits of minimal specially
dokomvo: yes, use 4.0 when possible03:13
ograKamion, are there plans to rename the "server" CD option ? else i'd like to rename it at least for edubuntu ... its a bit confusing there03:14
mvoelmo: please sync jade from debian (override ok)03:14
mvodoko: thanks03:14
Kamionhmm, no, maybe that won't work03:14
Kamionogra: not right now, no03:14
Kamionogra: feel free to suggest a different name for Edubuntu03:15
ograi will ... have to think about it ...03:15
ogra"bare" or "core" probably ... lets see 03:16
mvoelmo: please sync mpack from debian (override ok)03:16
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mvo"core" sounds good to me03:16
ddaaSince pitti is not around. I'll ask my quick question here: is there a (vaguely) sane way of getting gutenprint-5.0.0-rc1 up and running on breezy, short of packaging it. Failing that, is it possible to get a specific chosen driver working? I tried "configure --with-cups --prefix /opt/gutenprint-5.0.0-rc1" but it still tries to overwrite (at least) one system file in /usr...03:17
=== mvo thinks that "bare" sounds like "naked". but that might be just me
ograat least better than server for a distro that does a server install by default :)03:17
ddaaalso tried to just pick the ppd i needed, but that's obviously bogus and did not work.03:17
Kamionogra: 'custom' was the original name before Mark asked me to change it to improve server messaging03:18
Kamion(i.e. because the "Ubuntu is just for desktops" meme was spreading too far)03:18
ograbut "custom" sounds like i have to customize something ...03:18
Kamionwell, you probably do if you're just installing the base system03:19
ogratrue ...03:19
mvoelmo: please sync ots from debian (override ok)03:21
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BenCanyone here ever experience the "k8 clock runs at double speed" bug?03:25
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mvoelmo: please sync opensp from debian (override ok)03:25
NafalloBenC: how to check it? :-)03:25
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BenCNafallo: if your clock runs twice normal, then you have it (you'd know if you did)03:26
NafalloI don't :-)03:26
=== mvo has a k8, but hasn't noticed this problem yet
BenCmy k8 Sempron laptop had it, but I don't have that laptop anymore03:26
BenCjust wondering if 2.6.15 fixes it03:26
ogramine shows 15:26 ... which should be right for my TZ03:27
BenCit's real noticable03:27
BenCyou have to boot with noapictimer to get it to work right03:27
BenCeven pings twice a second03:27
TreenaksBenC: did you get the "screenshot" pic correctly? :)03:27
BenCTreenaks: yes, thanks03:27
BenChaven't had a chance to look at it yet, just fixing the easy stuff and getting ppc to build so I can upload -3.3 today03:28
Treenakseasy stuff like firmware? :)03:28
BenCyeah, I got the ipw2200 fixed03:29
=== ddaa tries the obviously foolish thing of building the debian/testing package
HiddenWolfBenC, dude, do you sleep?03:31
mdzsiretart: the Recommends should be changed to a Suggests, and yes, that's fine for breezy-updates03:32
BenChidden: whem the computer is compiling, I sleep :)03:32
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HiddenWolfBenC, hah, ok. :)03:32
BenCluckily I have a slow computer03:33
Kamionmdz: so, I'm doing a big shake-up of the *-meta/update scripts, in order to make them support a few new bits of syntax in the seeds which we need them to support now03:33
Kamionmdz: (doing this by making them use germinate's python modules)03:33
mdzKamion: will you have them pull directly from bzr while you're there?03:33
mdzwhat's the new syntax?03:33
Kamionmdz: bzr> not yet, but I will eventually, yes03:34
Kamionmdz: well, kind of old syntax actually, but "Languages: ar as at ..." / "language-pack-${Languages}"03:34
Kamionmdz: in the process I ran smack into the weird way that linux-* and the bootloaders are handled in the minimal seed (because we don't want debootstrap to install them), and decided I didn't really want to hardcode the list of exceptions in yet another place03:35
Kamionmdz: so I'm splitting out kernels and bootloaders from the minimal seed to a new 'boot' seed03:35
mdzhmm, ok03:36
Kamionthat won't be installed by debootstrap, and ubuntu-minimal won't depend on it, but it will obviously end up on CD images03:36
Kamionthis was necessary because once we started using germinate to parse the seeds, germinate noticed that grub and yaboot in the live seed were duplicated from minimal, and ignored them03:36
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Kamionseems to work so far, although I haven't tried a CD image build in the new world order yet03:38
HiddenWolfBenC, dare I ask why 2.6.15 is so troublesome?03:41
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BenCHiddenWolf: it's not really03:41
BenCor are you having problems with it?03:41
TreenaksBenC: he's scared of it now :)03:41
HiddenWolfBenC, your changelogs made me cry of fear. :P03:42
mdzBenC: you did write in the changelog "I know it's broken"03:42
BenCthat was just to alleviate all expectations of "perfect" :)03:42
BenCthe correct statement would have been "I don't expect this to work for everyone, so you shouldn't either"03:43
siretartBenC: does the new 2.6.15 package have any expectations about the userland? (like udev from dapper or something like that)03:43
xhakerit seems to work great.. shaved of 3 seconds at boot.. but is this 2.6.15 or 2.6.14? shouldn't 2.6.15 depend on udev 0.71 ?03:43
mdzI don't think anyone has expectations of perfection, certainly not in dapper ;-)03:43
BenCsiretart: so far, it's working ok for me, except that pmount and stuff doesn't seem to want to believe that the cdrom is mounted and open it (like in gnome)03:44
xhakersiretart, kinda my question too03:44
mdzxhaker: I don't think so; I believe the reverse is true (newer udev will require 2.6.15)03:44
BenCmdz is correct03:44
NafalloBenC: aha! that's the kernels fault.03:44
=== Nafallo just something to blame ;-)
Nafalloinsert found on relevant place :-)03:45
BenCthe kernel did it's job and mounted it...gnome needs to handle it from there :P03:45
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mdzBenC: I get a corrupted vga16fb on my laptop with 2.6.1503:48
Treenaksmdz: everyone did, I guess03:48
ddaawell, it looks like it actually worked...03:49
BenCusplash is broken for starters, but I've not been able to test vga16fb (except on a machine where it didn't work in breezy)03:49
ddaawhoever's closest to the backport guys could mention that datum: gutenprint from debian/testing appears to be compatible with breezy03:49
BenCusing vesa I was able to get it working (vga=0x### on the kernel cmdline)03:49
xhakerworks here with vga too03:50
xhakermy only gripe is i can't compile fglrx03:50
mdzdoko: what happened with hplip? it looks like your split to hplip-base was reverted03:50
BenCmdz: I need to revisit vga16fb, we had some minor hacks in breezy for it to make it modular, it's possible I missed something03:50
ograxhaker, who needs 3D accel in development.... there is no time for playing anyway ;)03:51
=== BenC watches bugzilla choke down the mass bug changes
dokomdz: I'll have a look03:52
mdzMithrandir: see above regarding hplip; that was your merge?03:52
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Mithrandirmdz: yes, I thought it was split, then merged in d-i.  Sorry. :-(03:53
fabbioneBenC: i will probably need some help with -security for this release. There are some weird things going on03:53
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xhakerogra, i don't even play.. it's just curiosity why it doesn't build03:53
fabbioneBenC: 03:54
ograxhaker, heh ..03:54
fabbione  SYSMAP  .tmp_System.map03:54
fabbioneInconsistent kallsyms data03:54
fabbioneTry setting CONFIG_KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS03:54
fabbionei have seen that error once already03:54
fabbionebut i don't remember how we did fix it03:54
Mithrandirmdz: I'll fix it.03:54
BenCodd, add that config option03:54
mdzMithrandir: thanks03:54
BenCit's a hack, but it will get the job done03:54
Mithrandirmdz: (but I want to test this cdebconf stuff I'm working on fixed first)03:54
fabbioneBenC: yeah it does.. apparently :)03:55
fabbioneanyway i am out of here for today03:55
doko * Merge hplip-base and hplip packages.  Current upstream code makes it03:55
doko      a losing battle to try to keep the two separate03:55
dokomdz: ^^^03:56
fabbionelater guys03:56
mdzdoko: that's unfortunate03:56
Mithrandiruhm, $ file initrd03:57
Mithrandirmdz: why is it a problem?03:57
mdzMithrandir: iirc, it pulled in some dependencies we didn't want in the desktop (or perhaps in main)03:58
mdzall I see in anastacia.txt is python-qt3, though, which seems reasonable enough03:58
MithrandirI can disable the qt stuff if we don't want it, I guess.03:59
BenCactually, we never touched vga16fb, just vesa for modular03:59
BenCso if vga16fb is broken, it's not our (my) fault :)04:00
mdzMithrandir: I don't see a problem with it; doko would know what the issue was for sure04:00
mdzBenC: it doesn't look like you changed the status of this mass of bugs04:02
BenCmdz: doh, I missed that, it wont let me set them to needsinfo04:03
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BenCbut it let me set them to P5, which I think is pretty empty04:03
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dokoMithrandir, mdz: afaik, that's the only interface to check for the ink status, focus the print-head etc04:04
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dokobut maybe the best thing to do for now :(04:04
TreenaksBenC: re: 2129: what other info is needed? or is it being marked by mistake?04:05
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Mithrandirhmm, so for some reason, cdebconf doesn't see the module.  Or ignores it.04:10
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dokomdz: does a bug import from debian to malone work, or can we import bug reports (even universe) to bugzilla (allocator change)?04:13
=== Kamion -> school run
BenCTreenaks: probably mistake04:16
ograoh, there is snow outside !04:16
BenCTreenaks: bugzilla wont let me search by "no comments added for > 6 months"04:16
BenCogra: there shoud be snow where I am, but for some reason I have to have the AC on still04:18
BenCway too hot for this time of year04:18
ograBenC, i'd have no objections to chang with you :) i *hate* snow04:19
BenCdon't get me wrong, I love this weather, but it just feels wrong :)04:19
ograbut your place seems to be similar to mine ... in the middle of nowhere :)04:21
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BenCpitti: hey04:23
ograpitti, spending your free day on irc ? :)04:24
BenCpitti: you had the atmel usb wireless, correct?04:25
mvoBenC: I have one04:25
BenCmvo: i386?04:25
mvopitti: hey pitti, do you mind if I fix #10174 (you touched dhcp3-client last)?04:25
BenCTreenaks: oh, and you had ipw2200, right?04:25
mvoBenC: amd64, but I can install a i386 dapper if needed04:26
pittiogra: we just watched a cute movie about penguins :)04:26
BenCI need 2.6.15-3.3 tested for atmel usb, and ipw2200 firmware updates04:26
pittimvo: merge? sure, anyway, I don't sit on it04:26
TreenaksBenC: ok, I'll try that tonight when I'm home04:26
BenCI have i386 images built04:26
ograpitti, ah, cool04:26
BenCTreenaks: ok, thanks04:27
pittiBenC: btw, after resuming from STD, USB did not work any more with yesterday's kernel04:27
pittiBenC: I'll test it soon, but not now04:27
mvoBenC: how long will a amd64 build take?04:27
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BenCmvo: not sure04:28
HiddenWolfWoei, de vlieg is dood.04:28
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BenChttp://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/2.6.15/ if anyone wants to test it04:30
truluxpitti: hey04:31
BenCis there anything wrong with closing bugs in bugzilla after they've been resolved for some time?04:31
pittiBenC: I never understood the difference between resolved/fixed and closed04:31
pittior, rather, I was never told04:32
HiddenWolfpitti, fixed -> "i believe it should work now"  - closed -> "over and done with"04:32
HiddenWolfsomething like that?04:32
BenCI've always done resolved, but I'd like to flush all of them to closed04:33
DizietWhose bright idea was renaming the mozilla-firefox package, anyway ?04:33
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BenCkernel has 729 "Resolved" bugs, going back as far as bug #5204:33
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mvoDiziet: iirc it was someting with there trademark policy 04:34
HiddenWolfBenC, i'd say close em. unless there's any debate about if they're still unsolved. :P04:34
jdong_so, can anyone here gimme an estimate of when breezy-backports stuff will start building?04:35
BenCwell, I'm not about to go through each one, so mass close, and if any debate exists I'll reopen04:35
Dizietmvo: ?!04:35
mvoBenC: feel free to ping me when amd64 is ready, I'm happy to test04:35
BenCmvo: ok04:35
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mvoDiziet: IIRC/AFAIK it can only be called "mozilla firefox" for official buils or something 04:35
jdong_mvo: correct -- our FF is too patched for it to be considered MOZILLA Firefox04:36
BenCwe should call it "Ubuntu Browser" like AOL does :)04:36
MithrandirDiziet: http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/policy.html04:36
DizietAnd this is not true of Debian's ?04:36
Chipzztalking about which04:36
ograand get a ubuntu logo as throbber ? 04:36
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Chipzzis there a ff 1.5 beta package yet? :P04:36
jdong_mvo: SuSE/Fedora/FreeBSD are fairly vanilla, and have gained permission to be mozilla-branded04:37
jdong_Chipzz: I was told it's in the works04:37
BenCogra: a Dapper Drake doing the dapper dance04:37
mvojdong_: thanks for clarifing04:37
Dizietchipzz: That's what I'm doing now.  I'm just merging the control files and then I'll make it fail to build.04:37
siretartDiziet: there has been a giaant discussion in debian-legal and debian-devel about the 'mozilla-firefox' package in debian04:38
Dizietsiretart: Oh joy.04:38
DizietAnd what did they decide ?04:38
jdong_hmm, where have we heard about Debian getting into legal flamewars recently ;)04:39
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DizietDon't tell me: they decided the licence was non-free and we all had to beat ourselves with birch branches.04:39
siretartDiziet: thats the funny part. I think the discussion ended in an agreement of the firefox foundation admitting, that the debian firefox package are good enough to retain the branding 'mozilla-firefox'04:39
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jdong_heh, we don't have any hope of that!04:40
DizietThere were 25k lines of diff between upstream 1.0.7 and Debian's.04:40
siretartand honestly, I'm still confused by that flamewar04:40
jdong_Why _do_ we patch our Firefox so much?04:40
siretartjdong_: because vanilla firefox is broken like hell?04:40
Diziet1.5beta is going to be _much_ less patched.04:40
jdong_Diziet: sweet, thanks04:41
jdong_would it be (perhaps) FASTER?04:41
DizietHey, what do I know ?  I'm just wading around up to my eyeballs in a giant morass of C++ and JavaScript.04:41
siretartjdong_: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=mozilla-firefox&archive=yes to get an impression04:42
jdong_siretart: oh? I've been a pretty heavy user of vanilla FF... what's wrong with it?04:42
jdong_siretart: yes, but why is Ubuntu Firefox specifically so slow in Breezy?04:42
siretartit is? *shrug*, not for me ;)04:43
HiddenWolfbreezy as a whole isn't the fastest, to be honest.04:43
ografor me neither04:43
DizietMost of the diffs between upstream 1.0.7 and breezy have been somehow incorporated upstream, but in many cases in a substantially rewritten way.04:43
DizietI suspect that the slowness is something to do with i18n and/or UTF-8.04:44
DizietOr possibly pango.04:44
jdong_#15534 for those unfamiliar04:44
HiddenWolfDiziet, rewritten in a good or bad way?04:44
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DizietPass.  I didn't get as far as trying to do a code review on 50kloc of diffs to font and graphics handling.04:45
=== mvo sobs a bit about baz
jdong_is elmo still ultra-busy with ubz and such?04:46
ogramvo, you dont like bzr ? 04:47
Nafallojdong_: ubz is over.04:48
jdong_so any idea why elmo still isn't queuing up Backports builds for me?04:48
ograjetlag ? 04:48
Nafalloelmo: thanx :-)04:49
jdong_so he should be back to normal fairly soon, right?04:49
ograi costs me normally about 3 days until its near normality ...04:50
Kamionjdong_: I heard mutterings that breezy-backports will be opening once dapper's on launchpad; but that could be scurrilous rumour for all I know04:51
Nafallojdong_: no idea. why don't you ask him?04:51
jdong_I have been unsuccessful in contacting him04:51
Kamionjdong_: I know elmo's been moderately busy with meetings, his job not being *solely* administering the archive04:51
ograKamion, backports was officially opened last week04:51
BenCI'm glad no one is next to the bugzilla machine, it's probably crying right now04:51
jdong_e-mail, never really found him on IRC.....04:51
Kamionogra: it was? news to me04:51
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jdong_Kamion: yes, it has04:51
jdong_there are 20-30 packages waiting to be built04:51
HiddenWolfBenC, you mass-closed those bugs? :)04:51
ograKamion, yes, elmo opened it on the old build arch for now04:52
BenCdamn right04:52
jdong_Kamion:  I know it's not his sole job, but if he's going to have 7+day lag, I think we need to change something04:52
jdong_his response speed was excellent in hoary-backports04:52
BenCjdong_: change what you feed him, I think he prefers pop-tarts and munchkins04:53
Mithrandirand pepsi max.04:53
zakamethere's no sugar04:53
Nafalloeeew! pepsi :-P04:54
jdong_well, I gotta go... class is almost over....04:54
jdong_have fun, everyone04:54
BenCblasphemy, pepsi is all goodness!04:54
BenCuh oh, I think jdong made elmo mad04:54
Nafallococa cola and jolt is the stuff.04:55
BenCI miss jolt, they don't sell it around here anymore though04:55
NafalloBenC: oh? :-)04:55
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NafalloI stopped with *caffeine* :-)04:56
Nafalloit wasn't good for me :-)04:56
BenCcigarretes, jack daniels and caffeine04:57
BenCnot so much the jack, but the other two are a real problem for me :)04:57
HiddenWolfBenC, stereotypical. ;)04:57
NafalloI will never start with nicotine :-)04:57
BenChidden: my front yard is a cow pasture, sue me :P04:58
Amaranthnicotine and caffeine, the two things that get me through an all night coding session04:58
BenCAmaranth: amen04:58
Amaranththe jack is for after the session04:58
BenCstop the caffeine jitters04:59
HiddenWolfAmaranth, try working during daylight, might save you the all-nighters. :P04:59
Amaranthalthough i don't really drink so...04:59
AmaranthHiddenWolf: daylight? what is this daylight you speak of?04:59
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Amaranthactually i only pull all nighters like that when i've got a deadline for something04:59
Amaranthor during summer04:59
BenCspeaking of cigarettes...05:00
Amaranthtoo cold here05:01
Amaranthi've gone out twice and only smoked about half a cigarette each time before my fingers froze05:01
MithrandirKamion: I have something which mostly works, apart from the fact that it claims that my plugin is malformed.  I'll investigate that further tomorrow, since I have to go for an RPG session now.05:03
HiddenWolfMithrandir, you nerd. ;)05:03
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KamionMithrandir: ok, have fun. "Malformed plugin module" means that it can't find the <frontend>_handler_<plugin-name> symbol.05:06
seb128elmo: could you sync gtk+2.0 from Debian incoming?05:09
mdzBenC: so far I haven't had any reason to distinguish between RESOLVED and CLOSED in our process05:09
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slomoBenC: did you get the url of my updated libraw1394 package?05:10
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siretartis elmo actually processing syncs today?05:14
seb128he just did some05:16
mvosiretart: I got a bunch just now05:16
siretartelmo: could you please have a look at my key?05:17
Nafallosiretart: yes05:17
mdzZnarl: is there nothing that can be done about macquarie?05:19
mdzZnarl: it's a big problem for us not to be able to work with bugzilla05:19
Znarlmdz : I know, I saw the nagging this morning.  :/05:20
mdzI have a backlog of 1400 bugs to look at, and it takes about a minute just to load up each bug in a browser05:21
=== seb128 does non-bug stuff for the moment, bugzilla is too slow to work with
neuralismdz: *hint*specs*hint* and then bugs? :)05:22
dokomdz: does a bug import from debian to malone work, or can we import bug reports (even universe) to bugzilla (allocator change)?05:24
BenCmdz: not sure what the purpose is either, but for whatever reason, I'm changing them all to closed, so maybe it will help me later :)05:24
mdzdoko: it should be possible to import them to malone, yes05:25
BenCif only so I can get some accurate bug statistics for dapper cycle05:25
mdzBenC: I don't think it will be helpful, and it produces a lot of unnecessary mail. probably best to leave them alone unless we have a reason to do so05:25
Nafallowhat's up with dapper-changes? my syncs katie told me about 40 minutes ago haven't ended up there yet.05:26
BenCthe statistics is my main thing05:26
mdzBenC: which statistics?05:27
BenCwhen dapper releases, I want to be able to see that X number of bugs were resolved, and do a mass closing after dapper again for the next cycle05:27
BenCmaybe that makes more sense05:28
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[splinux] hi all05:29
mdzyou've just landed another 50 emails in my inbox05:29
BenCis there a way to do it so it doesn't send email?05:29
mdzif the idea is to count how many bugs were closed during the cycle, there are surely easier ways05:29
Nafallomaybe that's why _I_ don't recieve mails :-P05:30
BenCwell, I stopped the process05:32
mdzbugzilla does have a reporting facility which may very well give you the report you want05:32
mdzwithout changing status information05:32
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Nafallobut then again, the build-logs stopped also :-/.05:33
BenCmaybe it's just my nature, but I hate leaving them unclosed :)05:33
mdzof course, by the time dapper releases we'll have migrated to malone anyway, and the bugzilla distinction of resolved vs. closed won't exist there anyway05:33
BenCvery true05:33
siretartis there a timeframe for that? we hat someone earlier today in #ubuntu-motu asking that05:34
mdzZnarl: can we run jamesh's job on a different machine?05:34
siretarttimeline, even05:34
mdzsiretart: no, there isn't05:34
BenCis lp deemed production ready yet for dapper, or are they still working out some of the stuff from ubz?05:35
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diemanare we to submit all bugs to malone yet, or bugzilla or what?05:35
BenCdamn, I might aswell finish this up, closed 500 of the 729 bugs already anyway05:35
dholbachdieman: universe -> malone, main -> bugzilla05:36
xhakerdieman, main to bugzilla.. 05:36
BenCmaybe I'll do 50 a day till it's done :)05:36
diemanstill main to bugzilla05:36
xhakerBenC running your 2.15.3 kernel now05:36
xhakeranything you want feedback on?05:36
BenCdo you have a ipw2200 of atmel usb?05:37
xhakeripw2200 :P05:38
BenCis it working?05:38
xhakerit is05:38
xhakeronly change is the firmware right? drivers are still 1.0.8?05:38
diemanipw2200 rocks :)05:38
xhakerit's spitting out a warning but i don't think it's important05:38
BenCxhaker: yeah, I updated from 2.3 to 2.4 firmware05:38
xhakerchecking dmesg05:38
=== mvo reboots and sees if he can make his machine crash with a zd1211 usb stick
xhakernot this05:39
xhaker[17179595.184000]  Warning: PCI driver ipw2200 has a struct device_driver shutdown method, please update!05:39
diemanBenC: oh, so your why bugzilla is going at glacial pace ;)05:40
mdzdieman: no, that's a separate issue05:40
diemannoticed all the closed bugs i just got :)05:40
KamionRiddell: should amu really still be the Maintainer: of kubuntu-meta?05:41
BenCdieman: yes, I beat on bugzilla, and I feel a lot better now :)05:41
RiddellKamion: not really05:41
xhakerBenC.. there are other errors/debug lines in the dmesg for ipw2200 but i had them before05:41
BenCxhaker: interesting, I'll have to do a build without that function defined and see if it still works05:41
KamionRiddell: thought not05:41
RiddellKamion: I'll change that on next upload, or you can if you're about to uploda05:41
KamionRiddell: I only noticed after upload unfortunately05:42
NafalloBenC: I think you (temporarily) stopped katie from sending me mail ;-/.05:42
xhakerBenC, lines like [17179695.116000]  ipw2200: Failed to send CARD_DISABLE: Command timed out. and [17179857.460000]  ipw2200: Unknown notification: subtype=40,flags=0xa0,size=4005:42
xhakeri doubt that helps tho05:42
xhakermust be something beyond build skills05:43
BenCxhaker: probably best to see the ipw2200 maintainers about that one...if it works, that's all I care about (especially if it did the same in breezy)05:43
BenCmvo: you have a zd1211?05:44
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=== mvo is back after his system had a really bad freeze
BenCmvo: that's what I heard about zd1211 driver05:49
BenCdid Alt+SysRQ work at all?05:49
mvoBenC: yes, send you a mail about it, makes my system crash on ifup though05:49
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mvoBenC: other people (beside me) have the problem as well? interessting. well, alt-sysrq does work, but +t does not show anything :/05:50
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BenCno IOMMU for amd64!?!05:51
mvoBenC: that's what the kernel tells me05:51
BenCmaybe I need to do a 32bit DMA mask for that driver05:51
BenCmvo: no, no other reports, I just didn't make the connection that the email was from you at first05:52
BenCmvo: ok, zd1211 dma is on my todo list now05:52
BenCI'll let you know I get something to test05:52
mvoBenC: cool, thanks! I'll try to find a i386 box to test it there as well05:53
mvo(and the atmel thing)05:53
BenCsounds like zd1211 will work on 32-bit05:53
BenCprobably just a 64-bit issue with high dma memory05:53
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BenCwould be good to know if it did or didn't though05:54
BenCmvo: thanks for the testing05:54
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DizietMaybe I should get more RAM for this box so I can keep a firefox tree or two in core.05:56
=== mvo reboots to test the new kernel
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xhakeri'm trying to reproduce the daily build of the 14th using jigdo and i already got some not found 400 errors :(06:00
xhakeri guess mvo had a bad enconter with the kernel06:01
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mvoBenC: both zd1211 and at76c503 work fine on 2.6.15-3-686 i386 (installed from people.u.c)06:04
Kamionxhaker: yeah, jigdo doesn't have a very long life for daily builds. Try 20051115.2 jigdo, and if you really want 20051114 then rsync back from that.06:06
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xhakerKamion, 15.2 has some bad stuff going on :( it has some broken dependencies right?06:07
ogra_  dbus-1-utils: Depends: dbus but it is not going to be installed06:08
ogra_E: Broken packages06:08
ogra_E: Could not satisfy build-dependency.06:08
ogra_updating pbuilder frequently is like playing russian roulette currently ...06:09
Kamionxhaker: entirely possible. daily builds right at the start of a release cycle are not expected to be sane.06:09
xhakerKamion, rsync back from 15.2 -> 14 is that even possible? *rsync noob alert*06:09
Kamionxhaker: yes06:09
xhakeri just don't want to download the whole .iso06:10
BenCmvo: excellent, thanks06:10
BenCmvo: pretty much makes the zd1211 problem a 64-bit issue, and I'm pretty sure it's a simple fix...I'll get back to you on it06:11
mvoBenC: cool, thanks06:11
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xhakerKamion, thanks.. i got it :P06:13
dokoKamion: is flight-1 still scheduled for Friday? is there anything that needs to be fixed for the build?06:26
seb128pitti: around?06:30
xhakerseb128, look what you've done :\          ;)06:32
Kamiondoko: theoretically Thursday; we'll see, there's an awful lot of main<->universe churn at the moment that's making it difficult to tell06:33
dokoKamion: tell me, I'm currently preparing syncs and renamings for the allocator change, which I can delay06:34
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Kamiondoko: I think I already asked if those could be delayed06:35
mdzBenC: what criteria did you use to select "old" bugs?  I just saw one (5828) which had an insightful comment on October 24th06:35
BenCmdz: I used dates of last change, unfortunately "last change" does not have a way to include a comment being added06:36
mdzodd, I'd expect a comment to be a change06:37
BenCme too06:38
BenCI'll revert that one06:38
KamionMithrandir: your shadow merge just became urgent; adduser needs it06:41
Amaranthhey, if wine comes with an mp3 decoder shouldn't it be in multiverse?06:41
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BenCmvo: I have a patch in -3.3 for zd1211, when it's done compiling I'll ping you06:48
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BenCmdz: one thing I've not heard so far with 2.6.15 is anyone reporting that CDROM's are broken from the DMA enable06:52
xhakerBenC, what do you mean?06:52
BenCxhaker: for dapper DMA is enabled by default for cdrom's06:53
BenCprior to this it has always been disabled by default06:53
xhakermy cdrom reports udma206:53
BenCI expect a blacklist will start soon enough though06:53
NafalloBenC: I've had that in my hdparm.conf for ages so ;-)06:53
mdzBenC: I don't think we'll get broad feedback on that until we make 2.6.15 the default kernel in dapper06:54
Nafallos/so\ //06:54
BenCmdz: as soon as lrm is ready, I'm going to update linux-meta06:54
Kamioncan this be post-Flight-1 please?06:55
BenCKamion: how long till Flight 1?06:55
Kamiona day or two, depending on how soon I can make it all work06:55
BenCthat's good timing then06:56
BenCI don't expect it to happen till next week06:56
dilingerBenC: nice to see that.  disabling DMA for cdroms just seemed like a bad idea06:58
=== dilinger recalls the bug regarding that
HiddenWolfdilinger, not catching a drive for which it breaks is a bad idea too. :P06:59
Kamiondilinger: there are bugs both ways round :(07:00
dilingerHiddenWolf: yes, but there's a blacklist for a reason07:01
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dilingerwhy penalize all cdroms/chipsets when it's merely a select few?07:01
dokoMithrandir: are you currently working on shadow sync?07:02
HiddenWolfdilinger, I doubt it's just a handful.07:02
Kamiondoko: Mithrandir said he was going out for the evening, so I'm working on it now07:04
dokohmm, I really need a _new_ dapper chroot for the installability tests07:06
dilingerHiddenWolf: the bug reports i've seen seem to imply that07:10
dilingeri've personally not had a problem w/ DMA enabled on cdroms except for an ancient PIIX3 system07:10
ograhas anyone else seen problems with dbus in pbuilder ? 07:11
=== mvo goes to have dinner now
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sivangKamion: flight 1 is the codename of the periodical builds? (foremly known as colony and sounder? ) :)07:26
ogradont forget array07:26
=== ogra cries about his pbuilder
Kamionsivang: yes07:29
mdzBenC: what happened to the changelog for 2.6.15-1.1?07:29
mdzBenC: there were a number of significant changes besides merging 2.6.15, e.g. the config changes, unionfs, etc.07:30
BenCmdz: how do you mean?07:30
mdzbut the changelog only mentions  merging and git07:31
BenCmdz: I didn't start the changelog till near the end, so it's a little thin07:31
mdzBenC: it also dropped all of the pre-2.6.15 changelog entries07:31
BenCwell, it was a completely new tree, so everything from 2.6.12 didn't really apply07:32
BenC99% of everything was just taking the patches from breezy07:32
mdzBenC: unless you dropped all of the changes which were in 2.6.12, it does apply07:32
Kamioncarlos: msgcat --use-first so totally rocks07:32
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BenCmdz: I could say "pulled patch XXX from breezy", but that's not that informative07:33
mdzBenC: you could leave the old changelog entries in the file, and that would be informative07:33
mdzBenC: that's what we've done for all of the previous kernels07:34
carlosKamion, ;-)07:34
BenCmdz: what about the 2.0.29 entries?07:34
mdzBenC: the changelog is all of 60k; I'm not worried07:35
mdzthere's no reason to drop all of the history just because it's a new upstream07:36
BenCmdz: My goal was to make the debian/changelog pretty broad in scope, and use a script to pull all the UBUNTU changes from git-log in a ChangeLog-2.6.15.UBUNTU like Linus does for release07:36
BenCmdz: all of the real info is in git-log anyway07:36
mdzBenC: git cannot be a prerequisite for getting useful changelog data any more than CVS is07:37
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BenCmdz: I wasn't talking about making people use git to get the history07:37
BenCmdz: my feeling is that this is a new tree, with new source, and new development. It isn't based on anything else, so the changelog was somewhat irrelevant in showing what was actually going on07:38
mdzBenC: it is based on the breezy tree, which was based on the hoary tree, and so on07:38
mdzall of those patches you pulled into 2.6.15 were dated and documented in the previous changelog entries07:39
BenCit's based on the breezy patches, which are listed in git, and will be extracted and installed with the kernel07:39
BenCactually a lot of them were not all that documented to begin with07:39
BenCI can pull the previous kernel changelog stuff if you think it's really relevant, but I just didn't see the point when everthing was being reworked and redocumented anyway07:40
mdzwhen we get regressions in dapper, we're going to look in the changelog to try to narrow down what happened07:40
mdzthe changelog is now useless for that07:40
BenCwhat good is the previous changelog for breezy/dapper regressions in the kernel?07:40
BenCregressions are usually found with diff, not vi, atleast in these sorts of cases07:41
mdzyou must be joking07:42
BenCok, we have a vga16fb regression between breezy and dapper, how will the changelog help?07:42
BenCI'm not kidding, the changelog doesn't say enough to fix anything like that07:42
mdzit won't, because you didn't document any of your changes in the changelog07:43
BenCI didn't change anything07:43
mdzbut in addition to that, you've thrown away all of the previous changelogs for no apparent reason07:43
BenCI said I would pull them back in07:43
mdzwe didn't throw away the changelogs when we started using baz; I don't see why you want to do that when moving to git07:43
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BenCwith baz, I'm sure you did a mass checking07:44
mdzif you added or removed any patches when going to 2.6.15, that should be in the changelog07:44
BenCand not start with a fresh tree and commit each patch/driver individually07:44
mdz(and I'm sure you did add and remove patches)07:44
BenCdidn't add, but certainly, some patches were obsoleted by upstream07:45
BenCwell, yeah, unionfs07:45
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slomopitti_: are you already working on getting debhelper merged? otherwise i would try it and give it to you for review07:45
seb128the first one that break all GNOME by merging debhelper and pushing a new dh_gconf because the new gconf win a extra point07:46
seb128just a way to say to be carreful on that07:46
BenCmdz: you're right, I could have duplicated all the git log info into debian/changelog, and still can, but it would have added a considerable amount of time to do it07:46
seb128Debian made a bunch of nontrivial gconf changes07:46
seb128and updated dh_gconf according to that07:47
seb128*don't* push a new dh_gconf before we change gconf07:47
BenCright now, I can get all that info and add it on07:47
seb128or every app using gconf will blow07:47
mdzBenC: if you made all of the appropriate notes in git's log, surely it can just be reformatted for changelog07:47
slomoseb128: ok, you convinced me... i won't touch it ;)07:47
mdzI've done that with baz logs for ages07:48
BenCmdz: correct, and my intention was not to flood the debian/changelog, but instead of a seperate changelog that showed all the details07:48
seb128I'll update gconf next week for information07:48
BenC*instead have a07:48
mdzBenC: why would it be any more of a flood than the previous changelog entries?07:49
BenCit's not, it'll be there in -407:51
BenCall of it, previous and current07:51
pitti_slomo: I already merged it last week07:51
slomoseb128: it's already merged... but didn't build07:52
pitti_slomo: but we can merge the new version again, it has some fixes07:52
slomook :)07:52
seb128pitti_: read what I said07:52
pitti_slomo: right, it needs some main inclusion love07:52
seb128pitti_: be warned than the new dh_gconf is likely to break every single app using gconf07:52
seb128pitti_: since we didn't migrate gconf to use the new script it requires07:52
pitti_seb128: really? even in compat level 4?07:52
seb128pitti_: Debian introduced a new gconf-something tool and dh_gconf use it now to register the schemas07:53
seb128pitti: our gconf is recent enough in version for the test but doesn't has the feature07:53
pittiseb128: how does that break existing packages which don't use dh_gconf?07:53
pittiah, cdbs?07:53
seb128so yes, every single postinst trying to register a schemas is likely to blow07:53
seb128pitti: every single GNOME package registring a schemas uses dh_gconf for that, it writes the postinst part07:54
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dholbachelmo: please sync ocaml from sid, ok to override ubuntu changes07:56
seb128k, time for dinner 07:56
dholbachbon appetit :)07:57
ograwas anybody able to build a package that has dbus build deps today ? 07:57
=== lionel_ [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograi just set up a completely new pbuilder, it still breaks with a message that dbus-1-utils cant be installed07:58
ogradholbach, did you build anything dbus related today ? 07:58
dholbachno, i shouldnt think so07:58
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:59
ogra  dbus-1-utils: Depends: dbus but it is not going to be installed07:59
ograE: Broken packages07:59
ograE: Could not satisfy build-dependency.07:59
ograno go here ... 07:59
elmoRiddell: ?07:59
dholbachif you login to the pbuilder and try to insatll them manually?07:59
ograi'll try 07:59
=== ogra wants fatsre disks
ograhmm, same error08:01
ograits adduser thats broken08:01
=== ogra screatches head ....
ograwhy does dbus depend on adduser ??08:02
DizietUrgh, it looks like I have a bunch of mess to clear up in this merge.08:03
DizietBy dapper+1 we'd better have a good working hct.08:04
dholbachelmo: please sync findlib from sid, ok to override our changes08:07
elmodholbach: done08:10
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dholbachelmo: thank you very much, if you now sync gmetadom from sid and override our changes, i'm happy :)08:11
dholbachmerci beaucoup08:11
ogradholbach, dont upgrade your pbuilder ... its shadow thats broken, pending merge. this will affect a lot of packages ...08:13
dholbachogra: thanks for notifying, but it's too late already - slomo and i had the conversation yesterday :)08:14
dholbachregarding shadow08:14
ograoh, ok08:14
slomotouching /etc/shadow fixes it for now ;)08:14
ograslomo nope, not that08:14
ograthe package shadow is not installable at build time, thats something else08:14
slomoah ok... yes08:14
ograi had to fix my pbuilder yesterday as well08:15
elmodholbach: done too08:17
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sistpotyelmo: could you please add my key (8D7FCA91) to the keyring for universe uploads? (rt.admin.canonical.com #784)08:23
robertjmvo: are you about? gdebi is b0rk here...sudo --: command not found08:25
dholbachrobertj: sudo not found?08:25
robertjerr something of that sort apparently08:25
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dholbachrobertj: could you look up, what the message is?08:26
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dholbachrobertj: do you have gksu installed?08:26
robertjI mean that's the message, I'll give you the preceeding when this strace is done08:26
Nafalloelmo: hi! did you sync ttf2pt1?08:27
xhakerKamion, you there? 08:28
xhakerKamion, i'm trying rsync -Pz --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20051114/dapper-install-i386.iso08:29
elmoNafallo: nothing to sync?08:29
mvorobertj: do you have gksudo latest version insalled (from dapper)?08:29
xhakerand guess what.. doesn't work08:29
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robertjmvo: I'll check when this is done stracing08:29
slomoBenC: when will we get a ppc buildable 2.6.15 kernel? ;) and did you get the url to my updated libraw1394?08:30
robertjgksu is old, upgrading08:30
Nafalloelmo: oh. you must have done that one earlier then :-). I lost my katie-mail for it somewhere.08:30
Nafalloelmo: thanx anyway :-)08:31
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Kamionogra: I'm fixing shadow, but it's a not-entirely-small job08:32
Kamionxhaker: the rsync base URL is rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ not rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/08:32
Kamionxhaker: you can use 'rsync -av rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/...' to just do a directory listing08:33
xhakerthank you.. i was already reading some spanish page in the wiki08:34
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ograoops, sorry08:38
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BenCslomo: -3.3 will get ppc building, and please email me the URL for libraw09:02
slomoBenC: adress? benc@u.c?09:03
BenCmvo: ping09:03
hungerBenC: You are the kernel person of ubuntu, aren't you?09:03
BenChunger: that's what they told me in Montreal, so who am I to argue :)09:04
hungerBenC: Any plans for xen kernels yet once that gets into the vanilla kernel tree?09:04
mvoBenC: pong09:05
slomoBenC: mail sent09:05
hungerBenC: I'm asking as I am rolling xen debs just now:-)09:05
BenCmvo: amd64 kernels at p.u.c/~bcollins/2.6.15/09:05
BenChunger: can you elaborate on what xen is?09:05
BenCand I'm guessing that if it's not in 2.6.15 yet, it wont get in, so it's very doubtful it will be a dapper feature09:06
mvoBenC: downloading now09:06
hungerBenC: Xen is basically a microkernel that provides a virtual architecture for other OS kernels to run on concurrently.09:06
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BenChunger: not going to happen for dapper, I'm sure09:06
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hungerBenC: Redhat and suse are trying to get that into vanilla kernels.09:07
BenChunger: dapper+1, if you want it, you should start specing it now :)09:07
hungerBenC: Yes, I would have been surprised if it did.09:07
Riddellelmo: hi09:07
hungerBenC: There is a spec. Xen even used to be a breezygoal.09:07
elmoRiddell: what's the deal with gettext-kde?  it got uploaded once, we discussed it on IRC (unfortunately I forget, and didn't record the details), and it ended up getting REJECTED.  now it's back?09:08
ograBenC, it was dropped... it was a SoC bounty that didnt work out right ... 09:08
=== hunger should write up his thoughts on Xen in ubuntu and mail that to the list.
=== Nafallo upgrades to that amd64 kernel BenC had URL to.
hungerogra: It was?09:08
ograand fabbione has some objections against xen iirc09:08
BenCNafallo: yeah, let me know how it works out for you too09:08
ograhunger, yup09:08
hungerogra: Oh, SoC bounty, read ubuntu bounty:-)09:09
Riddellelmo: it was rejected in the hope that we might be able to use the normal gettext.  discussed with carlos as UBZ that isn't possible and the best way is to just use this version 09:09
BenChunger: find the spec on wiki.u.c and update that09:09
hungerogra: Anyway, what are the feelings about xen? I get mixed signals on it;-)09:09
BenChunger: is it anything like UM?09:10
hungerogra: Some people seem to be seriously in favour of it, others seem to be very critical.09:10
ograhunger, better talk to fabbione ... i'm no kernel guy ... but he was seeing some issues with it ...09:10
hungerBenC: Somewhat... It has stronger separation between the OS kernels.09:10
hungerBenC: and it can run more than linux:-)09:10
BenCsounds interesting09:11
BenChunger: how do suse and redhat support this in their products?09:11
hungerBenC: It is. SuSE, Redhat and IBM are pushing it.09:11
BenCare they shipping anything based on it yet?09:11
Riddellelmo: shall I re-upload?09:11
hungerBenC: IIRC FC4 has it, and I heared opensuse supports it as well.09:12
elmoRiddell: why isn't it possible?  09:12
BenCso they install xen first, and then their OS becomes an instance of xen?09:12
hungerBenC: I doubt that they will support it fully before they get it into the vanilla kernel.09:13
=== xTina [n=xTina@p54A27CD5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BenCor does xen require Linux to run09:13
hungerBenC: redhat assumes a timeframe of about 2 month for that. We will see how realistic that is.09:13
BenC2 months is right about when 2.6.16 devel will open up :)09:13
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hungerBenC: Xen is a microkernel. You load that via grub plus linux (plus initrd).09:14
BenCthey need to hit that 2 week window when 2.6.16 starts taking patches09:14
hungerBenC: The linux kernel is adapted to run on the Xen hypervisor instead of the real hardware.09:14
Riddellelmo: because the patch used by kde is not portable to current gettext09:14
BenCguess I'll read up on it when it hits the kernel09:14
BenCsounds like it's doing mainframe work in software :)09:15
hungerBenC: The new intel and amd cpus have support for that in HW:-)09:15
elmoRiddell: ok, reupload for now if you want09:16
Riddellelmo: thanks09:16
hungerBenC: Xen can even run windows next to linux on such boxes:-)09:16
elmoXen can't run standard windows09:16
hungerBenC: No need for changes to the OS kernel if the CPU extensions are there;-)09:16
BenCso how do you switch between consoles of such machines, and does it support things down to like video accel (GL) and such?09:16
hungerelmo: It can on VMX-enabled CPUs.09:17
elmohunger: in Xen 2?09:17
hungerBenC: You assign the HW to one virtual machine. That has full access and can export that as virtual devices if needed (and supported).09:18
hungerelmo: No. Xen 3 has that kind of support in the works.09:18
elmoright, and Xen 3 isn't out yet, and won't be for Dapper timeframe09:18
hungerelmo: From what I read they want to release that in about 2 month).09:18
hungerelmo: Sure. I am not interested in getting xen into dapper.09:19
hungerelmo: I am just curious whether there is interesst with other people to get it into dapper+x (whenever xen makes it into the vanilla kernel).09:19
slomohunger: i'm interested in xen ;)09:20
BenChunger: short answer is, if people are interested, it will get spec'd at the developer summit for that release09:21
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hungerBenC: Good answer. So basically I shouldn't bother till there is a spec for a release?09:23
BenChunger: well, you should bother to do the spec if you are that interested :)09:23
BenCget it prepared for dapper+n09:24
hungerBenC: Good... so I'll try to think about how to do it and ask people for there oppinion on how to do it till then.09:25
mvoBenC: a nice oops, but no freeze :)09:27
mvoBenC: zd121109:27
BenCmvo: still an oops?09:27
BenCcan you email it to me?09:27
BenCactually, that's right, it froze before09:27
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Kamionmdz: are we going to promote hplip to main, then? (re the earlier discussion)09:32
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mvoBenC: mail send09:33
BenCmvo: thanks09:33
hunger_Sorry, lost my connection.09:34
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-59-183.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachwb seb :)09:34
Nafalloare we talking about hplip in ubuntu-desktop or just supported?09:34
=== Nafallo think it would be ugly to bring in qt3 on his nice gtk-system :-P
KamionNafallo: main09:35
hunger_Hi Kamion.09:36
Kamiondesktop is rather definitely a subset of main09:36
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Nafallofor me main = desktop+standard+minimal+ship+supported :-)09:36
=== Pazzo [n=Pazzo@host130-250.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Pazzohi all! my Breezy desktop is using LOTS of memory and as I don't like it to do so I tried to discover who is gonna wast all my memory...09:38
Pazzo...I'm running gnome, 8 desktops with evolution, xchat, lots of terminals, notepads, thunderbird as a newsreader, amule from time to time, oo2 etc...09:40
BenCmvo: ok, it doesn't like GFP_DMA when it has to grow the slab...not sure what to do here09:40
BenCmvo: in all honesty, I think this is an amd64 bug (I've seen the dma problem in other drivers)09:40
PazzoI discovered that most memory is used by two shared libraries, both part of libpango1.0-009:41
Pazzo(and probably caused by firefox to use all this memory)09:41
Pazzoforgot to mention: there are also some firefoxes running on this 8 virtual desktops, each of them with lots of tabs09:42
mdzKamion: currently I don't see any reason not to09:42
mdzKamion: might be good to check with doko first09:42
Pazzocurrently memstat shows me:09:42
Pazzo426836k: PID  4607 (/usr/lib/pango/1.4.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so)09:42
Pazzo426836k: PID  4607 (/usr/lib/pango/1.4.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so)09:42
Pazzo256692k: PID 18807 (/usr/lib/pango/1.4.0/modules/pango-thai-fc.so)09:43
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Pazzo(sorry for posting the same line twice)09:43
hunger_Pazzo: So grab the sources and fix it:-)09:43
mvoBenC: no problem, if you need more testing, let me know09:43
Pazzohunger_: step by step please :)09:44
PazzoI'm here to find out if someone else has the same issue09:44
PazzoI know that firefox uses a lot of memory - but that's too much09:44
hunger_Pazzo: I'd guess those modules contain unicode informations (wild guess only!).09:44
Pazzoand it seems kinda strange to me that libpango is atm using >750 megs of ram on my host09:45
hunger_Pazzo: Maybe you could try to avoid surfing to thai sites? ;-)09:45
Pazzono thai site, sorry09:45
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PazzoI'm wondering about the pango-thai-fc.so too!?09:46
hunger_Pazzo: Well, I have no real clue what goes wrong here.09:46
Kamiondoko_: ^-- hplip in main?09:46
KamionNafallo: incomplete list - but anyway, main is the union of the 'all' outputs from germinate for the ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, and ubuntu-server seeds for all architectures09:48
KamionNafallo: (incomplete> you were missing 'live', 'installer', 'casper', and as of this afternoon 'boot')09:48
hunger_Pazzo: I get the basic-fc loaded as well. uses about 8k.09:48
NafalloKamion: ah, right :-).09:49
Pazzohunger_: may be I should post a bug report regarding this somewhere?09:49
dholbach"somewhere" would be upstream rather than ubuntu and looking at recent  blog entries, they're working on it09:51
hunger_Pazzo: You can always put it into gnome's bugzilla.09:51
Pazzoclosed all firefoxes, pango calmed down09:52
Pazzobut there is also:09:52
Pazzo 429520k: PID  4607 (/usr/share/locale-langpack/de/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo)09:52
Pazzohmm... cool, this one is caused by amule09:53
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hunger_memstat gives a total mem usage of ~280MiB here:-)09:53
Pazzowhat does amule do with >400mb langpack???09:54
hunger_Pazzo: No idea.09:54
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Pazzoand evolution has 181320k => /usr/share/locale-langpack/de/LC_MESSAGES/gnome-vfs-2.0.mo09:55
seb128how do you get those numbers?09:55
hunger_Pazzo: How much RAM is on your system?09:56
Pazzoseb128: memstat09:56
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Pazzohunger_: 1gb + 1gb swap09:56
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Pazzo 430152k: PID  4607 (/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraSe.ttf)09:57
Pazzo(4607 -> amule)09:57
hunger_Pazzo: none of the fonts loaded here needs more than 8MiB. VeraSe.ttf is 80kiB.09:59
hunger_Pazzo: actually only 60. You are doing something wrong:-)09:59
sistpotyseb128: memstab seems to read /proc/%d/maps and calculate hi-lo from the inode10:00
sistpotymemstat even10:00
Pazzoforget it - amule is using 430152k - don't know why it shows the font10:00
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Pazzoamule really eats lots of memory - but that's ok, I don't need it and don't care about10:02
Pazzobut wth is firefox eating that much memory?10:03
neuralisPazzo, firefox is very sloppy with deallocating memory -- if you use it for long enough without closing the entire application, it'll eat a LOT of ram.10:04
Pazzoextensions loaded: webdeveloper, adblock, english & german language pack, dom inspector10:04
Pazzoneuralis: exactly - that's what I have here :(10:05
PazzoI'm using 8 virtual desktops, sometimes also more of them10:05
Pazzolots of terminals, notepads, OOo, evolution etc10:05
Pazzoand 1-2 firefox windows on 3-4 desktops10:06
Pazzolots of tabs in each firefox10:06
Pazzothis system is running 24 hours a day and I really hate it to close 6-7 firefoxes with ~50 tabs more times a day to free my memory10:07
Pazzothat's evil10:07
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NafalloBenC: you had rt2500, right? have you got a working diod when it's ifconfig up'd? :-)10:08
Pazzobefore installing ubuntu I have been running debian sarge (was "testing" at this time" for something like a year - and I didn't have this problems there10:08
lucasNafallo: rt2500 is the driver/chipset, not the card, and this might depend on the card10:08
lucasNafallo: I have a rt2500 pcmcia card, and I have a led that tells me it's ifuped10:09
Nafallolucas: worked with the rt2500-driver. doesn't with rt2x00.10:09
lucasI'm not sure of the one I use. I use the one in breezy.10:10
Nafalloseems network-manager can't see the card either :-/.10:10
Nafallolucas: breezy == rt250010:10
BenCNafallo: rt2500pci only sort of works for me10:11
BenCNaffallo: it connects to the AP, but drops a lot of packets, and eventually stops working10:11
NafalloI wish I had an AP to test it with...10:11
Nafallonetwork-manager doesn't recognise the card anyway :-P10:11
BenCdoes iwconfig recognize it?10:12
BenCif you can ever test it, I'd be interested in the results10:13
NafalloI will put WRT54G on my xmas wishlist then ;-)10:13
Nafallohow long to we have before we have to revert back to rt2500 (and rt2400, rt2570)?10:14
BenCnot long10:15
Kamionmdz: I'm off to bed soon, and will be up for the distro team meeting tomorrow morning - any chance you could mobilise people in the meantime to fix enough uninstallables to get CD builds working?10:17
dholbachi'm off now, see you tomorrow10:17
danielsoh god, distro team meeting10:19
danielsi'd forgotten about that10:19
Nafallodaniels: yes. you have stuff to do right now? I could need your help getting tightvnc synced. I can't get it to find the fonts by default :-/.10:20
Nafallos/synced/synced\ or\ merged/10:21
Nafallowhy is dapper-changes so slow this evening?10:21
Mithrandirdoko_/Kamion: Not _right now_, but yes, I'm working on shadow.  I was intending to do it tomorrow, really.10:22
elmoshadow's done?10:23
danielsNafallo: there's a DefaultFontPath define10:23
elmo    shadow | 1:4.0.13-6ubuntu1 |        dapper | source10:23
Mithrandirelmo: possibly, I just came home.10:23
danielsNafallo: the delta from 1.2.9-6{,ubuntu1} should be pretty tiny and portable; what's up?10:23
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mdzKamion: send me a hit list if you have one10:24
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Nafallodaniels: I used the merged version, which looks like it keeps your patch. that one has the correct dirs but tightvncserver still errors out the same way as in that bugreport :-/.10:24
danielsNafallo: hrm10:25
Nafalloindeed :-)10:25
Simiradaniels: have you fixed my bug yet? I'm still using Windows XP....10:25
KamionMithrandir: too late, done :)10:26
KamionMithrandir: sorry if I stepped on your toes, but was urgent10:26
danielsSimira: yeah, worked out what it was finaly10:26
danielsSimira: (well, janimo caught it before I got to it)10:26
danielsSimira: Option "Accel" in the Device section should fix it10:27
MithrandirKamion: no problem. Reason it took a little was I was waiting for a fix from bubulle which hit two days or so ago and I was working on something else yesterday (iirc).10:27
dholbachbye daniels10:27
danielsNafallo: so if you vim the binary, do you see /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc?10:27
Kamionmdz: I don't - my only comments are to wait until shadow builds everywhere before doing serious triage (adduser uninstallability takes out a bunch of stuff), and that the curl uninstallables need an inclusion report for ca-certificates (or modification of curl)10:27
MithrandirKamion: any excellent ideas what to do about "code which debconf plugins might need, but shouldn't go into the core"?  (See get_text_{height,width} in src/modules/frontend/newt/newt.c for an example.10:27
KamionMithrandir: not tonight :)10:28
Nafallodaniels: hmm, no. if (!$fontPath) {10:29
Nafallo  $fontPath = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,". etc...10:29
Keybukis something up with Bugzilla?10:30
Keybukit's stalling when getting pages10:31
KamionKeybuk: macquarie's load is 1310:32
SeveasBen Collins has been flooding the zilla10:33
KamionSeveas: that's hardly the problem10:33
Seveaskernel bug weeding10:33
KamionKeybuk: jamesh has been doing bzr imports or something like that on macquarie10:33
HiddenWolfSeveas, 700 bugs only, say 2000 mails. :P10:33
Kamionthere's some enormous gpg operation happening at the moment10:33
Seveasgpg --recv-keys * 10:34
Kamionpretty much10:34
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danielsNafallo: ah, yeah10:35
danielsNafallo: that'd do it :) i fixed it in the X server, not in the Perl script10:35
=== Simza is now known as Simira
Kamionelmo: yeah, the gpg stuff and a buildbot instance10:35
HiddenWolfSo bugzilla to malone is still being prepared?10:36
Nafallodaniels: so the bug was never really closed then? ;-)10:36
Kamionit's niced, but ...10:36
mvoKeybuk: mind if I upload a dhcp3-client that fixes #10174?10:36
Kamionthe stuff jamesh is doing *could* be related to bugzilla-to-malone (he's been working on that), although I don't immediately see how10:36
danielsNafallo: *cough*10:37
Simiradaniels: hum, I don't think I got your answer, I got disconnected10:37
Nafallogood to know. been wondering what went wrong with the sync :-)10:37
lifelessKamion: its check pending reviews10:37
Keybukmvo: which bug is that?  Bugzilla won't tell me this week10:37
lifelessKamion: which is workflow for launchpad10:37
Keybukis that the "dhclient tries to do lo too" one?10:37
Kamionlifeless: that kind of load on macquarie seriously impairs the distro team's work10:38
mvoKeybuk: dhclient without arguments removes ipv4 adress from loopback10:38
lifelessstub is going a baz0import10:38
Keybukmvo: yeah, go for it -- I don't have any particular hold over that10:38
lifelessKamion: its load average 2.510:38
=== Kamion -> bed
mvoKeybuk: ok, thanks. I wanted to ask first because it's assigned to you10:38
Keybukmake sure it still works with pitti's recent derooting frenzy10:39
lifelessKamion: surely thats not enough to be a problem ?10:39
Kamionlifeless: it wasn't earlier, and bugzilla has been running like a drain most of today10:39
mvoKeybuk: will do, thanks10:39
lifelessso its bugzilla being slow you are concerned about ?10:39
Kamionanyway, I shall let others be concerned about it while I sleep :)10:39
lifelesswoo boy you gpnna love malone ;)10:39
=== mvo suspects it's a secret plot to make the switch easier for us
lifelessoh, and a pqm test run.10:40
=== seb128 took that as a bug triage vacancy
seb128no way to do any bug triage with this slowness anyway10:40
HiddenWolfseb128, you've got gnome.org bugzilla to work with. :P10:41
lucasthe wiki is often slow too10:41
danielsSimira: Option "Accel" in the Device section should fix it for you10:41
lucascan't define "often" and "too" tho ;)10:41
seb128bugzilla take like 1min to load a page atm10:42
seb128and that's not to commit changes, just to open a bug10:42
mdzsiretart: acpi-support approved, thanks10:42
lifelessah, macquarie, not hcinstrap. my bad. ,ore caffiene please10:43
Simiradaniels: I'll try then *reboots*10:43
lifelessok, it is multiple concurrent debzilla syncs10:43
lifelessI hope the others are blocked on acquiring the lock.10:44
elmoit's mostly that insane gpg import10:45
elmoI just hope he's using keyserver.ubuntu.com :(10:45
lifelessI think I recognize that as the trusted key scan10:45
Seveasseb128, wuss, I did bug triage today (through the mailinglist and on average 5 bugzilla pages loading):)10:46
seb128Seveas: nice :)10:46
seb128I didn't :p10:46
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Keybukelmo: could there be a slight accident on macuqarie, that we could blame on the OOM killer, and that unfortunately leaves lock files lying around10:50
Keybukwaiting five minutes for a bug status change to submit is ... irritating10:50
elmoI think there could be a kill -STOP accident10:50
Keybukoh, that's much better10:54
=== mvo goes to bed now
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Simiradaniels : yay, seems to work! Only gdm didn't restart properly. But I can live with that11:08
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danielsNafallo: cool11:18
Stormx2are there any plans for a graphical installer for dapper?11:21
Stormx2Fedora Core Style?11:21
Nafallodaniels: can't get it to work whatever I do with that file. any other ideas? :-)11:21
HiddenWolfStormx2, no, livecd-based11:22
Stormx2HiddenWolf: I wouldn't really know how that would work! ^.^11:23
HiddenWolfStormx2, search the wiki for ubuntuexpress11:23
Stormx2HiddenWolf: OK :)11:24
Simirajuhuu, I work!11:26
HiddenWolfSimira, is that unusual for you?11:26
=== HiddenWolf hides
SimiraHiddenWolf : somewhat11:27
Simirahm, can I make my webcam work as well? Then it would really make my day...11:28
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SimiraMithrandir : I don't know what I'm doing. You'd better come help me out on this one11:41
SimiraMithrandir : the script said a lot of things I didn't understand11:42
slomo_daniels: i can confirm bugzilla #18975 and that the workaround actually fixes the problem... so maybe adding these symlinks is worth a thought :)11:45
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danielsNafallo: hrm, not sure, sorry11:54
danielsslomo_: yes, been meaning to investigate what's up with that one, but we do have a known workaround11:54
Nafallodaniels: want me to upload anyway since it's not more broken than before? ;-)11:55
=== BenC [n=bcollins@richmond-209-163-125-175.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HiddenWolfdaniels, what's the status of X nowadays? somewhere halfway between breezy and sanity?11:55
NafalloBenC: wb :-)11:55
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danielsHiddenWolf: nafsure, why not ;)11:56
danielshiddstill getting there, yeah11:56
BenCterrible, gdm is too close to gpm when you want to do "/etc/init.d/gpm restart"11:56
HiddenWolfdaniels, any serious breakage coming up? ;)11:56
MithrandirBenC: easy fix, don't use gpm.11:56
BenCI can't live without gpm11:57
danielsHiddenWolf: nah, not that I'm aware of11:57
BenCit's my console buddy11:57
danielscertainly nothing on the breezy level of breakage11:57
danielsi'd get shot by the community people and fired by mdz11:57
MithrandirBenC: get rid of the console. :-)11:57
HiddenWolfdaniels, that is sad news. :P11:57
slomo_daniels: probably some hardcoded paths... i think this workaround is the only way to get it working again without yelling upstream11:57
Stormx2Hey dev guys, what can I do for dev-wise. Should I go and learn a scripting language like Python?11:58
BenCMithrandir: what, and lose touch with my roots? :)11:58
BenCStormx2: see topic11:58
Stormx2Repo maintainers, I saw.11:59
BenCHelpingWithBugs is what I was talking about :)11:59
BenCor do you mean dev-wise as in learning to be a developer?12:00
Stormx2I mean I've coded before, PHP-Wise12:00
BenClearn something useful, like C12:01
tseng-1 Flamebait?12:01
BenCit wasn't meant to belittle other languages, just that C is so broad in scope12:02
=== Simza [n=rpGirl@214.84-48-74.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel

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