
BenCdamnit, ppc failed to build12:39
infinityBenC : Still around?05:51
=== jianggw [n=jianggw@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
jianggw http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=3590&d=1132034495 is a structure chart of community drawn by me.Is it correct?06:05
jianggwin the webpage http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/council,it wrote:The Chairman of the Community Council is yet to be determined.Isn't sabdfl the chairman?06:07
infinityOuch.  I had a PPC buildd still churning on the -1.1 kernel build... With a 50 gig log file.06:12
infinityBenC : ^^^06:26
infinityBenC : Same thing on two ia64 buildds, with -1.1 and -2.2... Stuck in config loops.06:27
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maks_zul: your blog isn't syndicated on planet.u.c??11:49
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janimoany easy (bandwidth-wise too) way of switchung to vanilla linus branch inside the ubuntu git tree?11:54
janimocurrent ubu kernel doesn;t boot and I want to see if it's same with upstream11:55
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BenCinfinity: wow, I knew they would hang in the config, but I didn't think it would do some weird loop and fill the log file01:36
dokoBenC, do you already build the kernel with 4.0?01:39
janimoBenC, is there an easy way to switch the ubuntu git  tree to a vanilla one without excessive downloading?01:39
janimoI'd like to see if vanilla fails to boot as well01:40
janimoif not I'll probbaly dl from kernel.org01:40
jbaileyBenC: Side effect of no tty?01:46
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BenCdoko: these kernels are built with gcc-4.002:13
BenCjanimo: not really02:13
janimothanks, I'll use kernel.org then02:14
BenCjanimo: there is one way to help02:14
BenCbut it's hard to explain02:14
BenCrepo's can share the .git/objects directory02:15
dokoBenC: hmm, svenl did claim that the 64bit kernel cannot be built, see #33616702:15
BenCdoko: it built for me02:15
janimoBenC, thanks, I guess I'll just go tar.gz since git repos take up a _lot_ of space too02:15
dokoanyway, it's a svenl report02:15
BenCmaybe they did something to work around it in 2.6.1502:16
BenChehe, very true02:16
janimobasically I have a softlock on boot on a HP laptop and want to track it down02:16
janimowill send feedback as I progress02:16
BenCjanimo: that's why all my repo's share the objects, reduces space02:16
janimowhy doesn't git do that by default since objects are immutable?02:16
BenCjanimo: regression between breezy and dapper kernel?02:16
janimoyes, 12 works 15 nope02:16
BenCjanimo: there's probably a way to do the clone and tell it to use something else for the shared objects02:17
janimobreak in some acpi list setup02:17
BenCjanimo: ah, ok02:17
janimook I'll read up the horribly detailed git docs02:17
BenCjbailey: ping02:33
jbaileyBenC: pong02:34
BenCjbailey: do you have a G5 that you can use to test a 2.6.15 kernel?02:35
jbaileyBenC: Yes. ppc64-smp, but it's my main machine so I don't like to reboot often.  Can we time it for lunch time or end of day?02:35
BenCjbailey: sure, I'll put the image at p.u.c/~bcollins/2.6.15/powerpc/02:36
jbailey'kay, lemme know.02:37
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CataEnryhi all04:13
janimoBenC if we find bugs which are in upstream too, tell you or lkml?04:27
janimoi.e are you the MUX for all ubuntu work :) ?04:28
BenCif you know the correct upstream person, then to them directly04:28
BenCbut mainly you can go through me (bugzilla) and I'll proxy04:29
BenCif there's an upstream person, they'll be the one asking you to do things, so me being int he middle of a quick debug cycle is a waste04:29
janimook, I am recompiling now I think I found the commit which broke booting on my laptop04:31
janimowas in 2.6.12 got reversed in 1304:31
janimoworked in breezy but does not now04:31
makxfabbione: ping04:38
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lamont-awayDefault I/O scheduler07:56
lamont-away> 1. Anticipatory (DEFAULT_AS) (NEW)07:56
lamont-away  2. Deadline (DEFAULT_DEADLINE) (NEW)07:56
lamont-away  3. CFQ (DEFAULT_CFQ) (NEW)07:56
lamont-away  4. No-op (DEFAULT_NOOP) (NEW)07:56
lamont-awaychoice[1-4?] : Default I/O scheduler07:56
lamont-away> 1. Anticipatory (DEFAULT_AS) (NEW)07:56
lamont-away  2. Deadline (DEFAULT_DEADLINE) (NEW)07:56
lamont-away  3. CFQ (DEFAULT_CFQ) (NEW)07:56
lamont-away  4. No-op (DEFAULT_NOOP) (NEW)07:56
lamont-awaychoice[1-4?] :07:56
lamont-awayfabbione: that's why buildd.mmjgroup.com was ENOSPC07:56
=== lamont-away kicks the kernel
lamont-awayBenC: you have time to make sure hppa doesn't go into a terrible loop?  (or maybe we could teach make oldconfig to _DIE_ when it gets EOF, instead of looping...07:57
=== lamont-away adds 'fix hppa configs' to his list of things to do later
CataEnrybye all :)08:08
BenClamont-away: yeah, I was trying to figure that out aswell08:11
lamont-awayBenC: you have an hppa box?08:11
BenCnot running yet08:11
BenCstill sitting with my other servers from the move08:11
lamont-awayBenC: I'll figure out what config file options we need to add.. I still haven't bothered figuring out jit yet...08:12
lamont-awayso I'll probably just paste you some options...08:13
zulBenC: might arent you popular today08:32
dilingerBenC: autograph my chest!08:33
lamont-awayBenC: wow.  mega changes in the config08:36
lamont-awayBenC: are any of the hppa cvs/jit/whatever changes merged into that source?08:36
BenCdilinger: I have a broken PCI card I can use to carve it in08:36
lamont-awaybecause I expect there is a new config set for hppa with the right answers...08:36
BenClamont-away: no, nothing08:37
BenClamont-away: and there's no "hppa" changesets listed in git-log, so it's probably going to be a mess to get the patch to apply :)08:37
BenCdilinger: append :) to that08:38
lamont-awayBenC: ok.  I'll just ignore the poor beast for a day or 3. :-(08:38
lamont-awaybut it would be nice if make oldconfig died instead of looping...08:39
lamont-awayyour fame would be uncountable...08:39
BenClamont-away: working on it08:39
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BenCif I do silentoldconfig, it will die with an error if tty is not valid, and it has a question08:42
BenCmake-kpkg calls oldconfig, not me :/08:42
dilingeri did that for debian's kernel packaging08:43
dilingerer, sorry, as a helper script, to verify that the configs were correct08:45
BenCok, I've got a fix that works08:49
BenCchecks stdin for feof() if fgets() fails08:50
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zul_jbailey: ping09:26
jbaileyzul_: On phone.09:36
zul_jbailey: i got a basic git package together last night im going to try to finish it off tonight and ill send you the diff so you can have a look.09:36
jbaileyAh, cool!09:37
zul_just let me know you need09:43
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CataEnryhi all11:32
=== BenC [n=bcollins@richmond-209-163-125-175.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel

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