
Diablo-D3hey Riddell 12:07
Diablo-D3is it a known bug that the gtk theme selector doesn't list anything but qt and raleigh?12:09
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_TDiablo-D3: here does list all12:33
Tm_Tbah, sleep ->12:34
Diablo-D3it wont for me =/12:34
RiddellDiablo-D3: gtk theme selector lists qt?  cool01:27
Diablo-D3Riddell: the one in kcontrol =P01:47
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RiddellDiablo-D3: maybe that's the only themes you have01:51
Diablo-D3Riddell: no, I have others installed01:52
Diablo-D3Riddell: gtk2-engines-clearlooks01:53
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Verwilstwhat site did you use to make this?10:02
Verwilsti was there once, but i forgot, and i want to make a few of those myself :(10:02
Diablo-D3I think I have that in my bookmarks10:02
Diablo-D3follow the links off that page10:03
Diablo-D3he links to two or three sites that do that10:03
Verwilstyes! thanks!!10:04
Diablo-D3I just realized something10:05
Diablo-D3I may, infact, have all the interesting parts of the net in my bookmarks10:05
Diablo-D3I have significantly increased the startup time of firefox due to the size of my bookmarks10:05
=== Diablo-D3 measures his bookmark file in megs.
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bobuseHi there ! How does adept go to admin mode ? I want to allow to adept to be launched without password, but adept isn't launched with sudo command but with kdesu10:21
bobuseI've looked at sources ( http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/sysadmin/ept/manager/app.cpp?rev=465064&view=markup ), but found nothing :-(10:22
tvobobuse: you say it, it goes to admin mode via kdesu..10:35
bobuseok, but I want to bypass the password dialog box, how can I do ?10:35
tvothere's a keep password checkmark on the dialog, but I've never used it10:36
tvoif that doesn't work then I don't know..10:36
bobuseI've added /usr/bin/adept in sudoers with NOPASSWD10:37
bobusebut it works only when I run adept in a term by "sudo adept"10:37
bobusetvo: the checkbox doesn't work through session10:38
Verwilstalias kdesu='sudo' ? :)10:42
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hunger_Any KDE updates planned for dapper?10:43
Tm_Tthere's something mentioned10:43
hunger_Tm_T: I am stuck with a horrbly broken desktop since the qt update in dapper. It would be great if some fixes would make it into that distribution, too10:46
hunger_Oh, the stuff is waiting for the C++ transition.10:47
Tm_TI have all working fine10:47
Tm_Tdapper and 3.5RC110:47
hunger_Good, I can understand that:-)10:47
hunger_Tm_T: I'm at dapper plus beta2.10:48
Tm_Tthen use RC110:48
hunger_Tm_T: Thanks for the tip.I'll do that (even though I had hoped not having to use non-dapper repositories).10:48
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freeflyingTm_T: can you make akregtor(from kde3.5rc1) work in dapper11:15
Tm_Twell, I compile kdepim myself11:15
Tm_Tfrom svn11:15
Tm_Tand is working just fine11:15
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lamont-awayRiddell: kdeaddons_4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1 needs ICE-love02:54
Riddelllamont-away: which it will get with the 3.5 upload due after the libstdc++ transition, but I can do a 3.4.3 upload if you want02:55
lamont-awayno worries - if it's just going to change and all that, it can wait a week02:55
lamont-awayalthough I might forget and upload it.... :-)02:55
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lamont-awayRiddell: fwiw, kdebluetooth also ICE03:16
lamont-awayand amarok03:17
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\shamarok needs more love then only ICE03:36
\shor I will remove again the libvisual support03:36
Riddell\sh: couldn't get libvisual working?03:41
\shRiddell: well..libvisual is failing on ppc03:42
\shRiddell: and libvisual-plugins is broken like hell...not worth it to fix it by ourselves...I checked with fedora and they removed half of the shiny stuff03:43
\shbut for amarok we do need libvisual on our 3 main platforms...and libvisual-plugins for the "funny sparkeling and jumping pixels while u are listening to tekkno and using extasy"03:44
\shwhich means...fixing libvisual is 1st prio..(i need some ppc to work and test) and libvisual we could send to universe03:46
Riddelldoes libvisual do anything without libvisual-plugins?03:50
\shRiddell: lets say it like this: libvisual-plugins are not doing anything without libvisual...03:51
\shRiddell: and without libvisual-plugins, the libvisual support in amarok is useless03:51
\shbut thinking about it now...we could bring amarok-1.3.5 or what ever amarok is out there now to dapper without libvisual{-plugins} and waiting to have working libvisual plugins for dapper +103:53
Riddellhttps://launchpad.net/people/tvon  who's that?  in katapult-dev team04:04
Riddellnot tvo?04:04
tvois there a katapult dev team on launchpad?04:13
Riddellapparantly there is :)04:13
=== tvo joins
=== tvo joins kubuntu team too
\shRiddell: what do u think about removing libvisual support from amarok and do it for dapper+1?04:18
Riddell\sh: fine with me :)04:19
\shRiddell: ok...I'll prepare some packages :)04:20
jjesseRiddell can you edit the members of that team in launchpad?  it says mine has expired?04:20
\shor actually we can wait after c++ trans and kde3.5 uploads04:20
Riddelljjesse: which team?04:21
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Tonio_hi all07:24
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alleeHolTonio_: what's the status of yukuake?08:08
Tonio_alleelast version is uploaded to dapper08:10
Tonio_alleeHol: 08:10
Tonio_sorry ;)08:10
Tonio_so we're up to date08:11
alleeHolwell, then I had a typo.  Question is had you an wnpp submitted?  Background: anja just commited a version for debian :(08:11
Tonio_wnpp ? what does this mean ?08:12
alleeHolhmm nothing: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=yukuake08:12
Tonio_alleeHol: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=yakuake&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all08:13
alleeHolhttp://bugs.debian.org/wnpp   # this is the pseudo pkg used to submit ITP RFS and RTP ;)08:13
alleeHolTonio_ I'll write anja to contact you about yukuake08:15
alleeHolTonio_: If you've any other pkgs only in kubuntu it would be nice if you could submit RFS (request for sponsor) to wnpp pkg.  Wnpp is normaly the first place a debian devel check before starting pkging08:16
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alleeHolAFAIR this was also somewhere in MOTU pages08:16
Tonio_in fact I'm taking away from the debian community ;)08:17
Tonio_that's not a good thing, of course, but that's it...08:17
alleeHolTonio_: just a wnpp is not much additional work. One has to do it only once in pkg lifetime08:19
Tonio_only once ?08:19
Tonio_I quite don't understand.....08:19
Tonio_and what about updates ?08:19
Tonio_in fact about all my packages aren't packages for debian08:20
alleeHolIf one starts pkg one submits an wnpp bug report (ITP interest to pkg) and with claims: I do it, don't waste your time.08:20
alleeHolwith first upload you close the bug in the changelog:  * Initial upload (Closes: #itp-bug-number) that it.08:21
alleeHolIn your case: you send a RFS or RTP (request for sponsor/ to package) and let others know that you are working on it to prevent duplicate work08:22
Tonio_what do you call a "request for sponsor" ?08:23
Tonio_what to goal of it ?08:23
alleeHolA debian devel interested in the pkg will contact you and upload the pkg for you08:23
Tonio_in fact, consider that I don't know anything about wnpp :)08:23
Tonio_and what about packages updates ?08:24
Tonio_I understand the point for an initial package08:24
Tonio_but do we have to send a RFS for every update ?08:25
alleeHolTonio_: wnpp bug-reports are there to prevent duplicate pkging efford in debian08:25
alleeHolfor updates there are several possibilities:08:25
alleeHolTonio_: a) as I do:  devel on kubuntu.  pbuild and test on sid and send to sponsor. He upload and ubuntu autosyncs ;)08:26
alleeHolb) send a notification that to the one uplaoded the pkg to sid and let take him/her care08:27
alleeHolc) for a development team so both know that going on and when to upload ;)08:27
alleeHolTonio_: c) is the best imho08:28
alleeHolTonio_: I'll cc you the Mail to anja08:28
Tonio_I don't understand c ;)08:28
Tonio_alleeHol: can you describe C ?08:29
alleeHolTonio_: yes ...08:29
Tonio_ no verb in your phrase, and my english is quite limited lol08:30
alleeHolTonio_: I'll try to avoid noun too, maybe this helps08:30
Tonio_alleeHol: yep :)08:31
Tonio_my question would be08:32
alleeHolTonio_: for c): e.g., use a source code repo [or keep each other informed via e-mail (stone age;) ] 08:32
Tonio_what is REVU usefull for ?08:32
MezTonio_ for reviewing packages by MOTUs08:32
Tonio_if I follow you, it is better packaging for debian, and then let ubuntu autosync right ?08:32
alleeHolTonio_: well, when one cares that a pkg is also in debian and uptodate yes (IMHO)08:34
Tonio_sounds strcturally like a kind of mess ;)08:34
alleeHolTonio_:  yes, unfortunately :(08:35
=== olwin installation kubuntu sAway at the moment
alleeHolTonio_: but it's no requirement that a kubuntu pkg cares about debian (nice if he does not not required)08:37
alleeHolTonio_: nevertheless as a minimum of care I consider to submit a RFP to the wnpp pseudo-package to bugs.debian.org08:38
alleeHolTonio_: back to were we started, right?08:39
=== alleeHol is now known as allee
Tonio_allee: yes ;)08:41
Tonio_the problem is that I wanna contribute and help in the best way08:41
Tonio_but anyway, I have a private life, a job etc...08:41
Tonio_I don't want to become addicted to this08:41
Tonio_but I'll have a look at that yes08:42
alleeTonio_: no offense intended.  We all do your best and mine of most of the time not worth to mention 08:42
Tonio_maybe just posting rfs would be good08:42
Tonio_allee: don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your effort in elping us (and me !) to make things in the best possible way08:43
alleeof RTP, this means you will not test on debian and the one who pick it up for debian should do it08:43
Tonio_the problem is in the source in fact08:44
Tonio_not to what you ask, that I perfectly understand08:44
Tonio_why don't they decide of a unique package format, that would be build by the upstream08:44
Tonio_argh !!! ;)08:44
Tonio_that debian/ubuntu/mepis/blabla world would need a unique plateform08:45
Tonio_for packagers08:45
alleedistros are too different ;)08:45
Tonio_talking about ubuntu yes08:46
Tonio_mepis is just a debian packaged in a specific way08:46
alleethink about dependencies,  mit API changes backporting gets non trival even in the same distro08:46
Tonio_I don't think ededicated developpment is done on mepis08:46
Tonio_allee: you're right ;) (frustrating, but you're always right hehe)08:47
alleeWell, I only care about kubuntu and debian. More than enough for my free time.  never tried mepis yet08:47
Riddellmepis breaks the GPL and ships win32codecs08:48
Tonio_we all have the same problem -> days are 24 hours only....08:48
alleeTonio_: until later.  Kids make a revolution here.  They need a peacemaker :)08:48
Tonio_need to migrate to venus for exemple08:48
Tonio_one day is 6 months here hehe :)08:48
Tonio_Riddell: ah ? I new for w32codecs, but never heard about the GPL.....08:49
Tonio_Riddell: that's really bad.......08:49
RiddellI havn't been able to find sources for their Qt installer, and neither has anyone else08:50
Riddellpossible the guy has a licence, but I suspect not08:51
Tonio_allee: I'm in a very, very bad moon today in fact08:52
Tonio_allee: that is the reason I'm not very "positive" like always08:53
Tonio_allee: I'm preparing to the worst week in my working career...08:53
alleeTonio_: oh!08:53
Tonio_allee: can you imagine I'm going in a company to install a linux server, with apache, then make an index.html with two frames, and just create another page with html links08:54
Tonio_allee: and I have to stay there for 5 days.........08:54
Tonio_WHAT WILL I DO ???????????08:54
=== Tonio_ thinks he is gonna die........
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Tonio_allee: the point is, if I do it in 3 hours, which I suspect, my company will be VERY unhappy08:55
=== Riddell hugs Tonio_
Riddellwho's wanting to test a kubuntu flight CD tonight?08:55
Tonio_Riddell: that could be good for my mood ;)08:56
alleeTonio_: install a dapper changeroot and fix pkg bugs or create new pkgs (+ RTP of course ;)08:56
Riddellhopefully it'll be available in a hour or so08:56
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Tonio_allee: I didn't say that -> no access to internet..........08:57
alleeRiddell: I have only 8k downlink. no good idea tonight;)08:57
Tonio_allee: 4 days looking at my screen, pretending that I have a big problem, blablabla08:57
alleeTonio_: no internet??  Call the police, that's criminal08:57
Tonio_allee: in fact they have, but would you, as a contractor, spend your day on the net (they have a loging proxy) ?08:58
Tonio_and I'm not sure that contractors have access anyway08:58
alleeTonio_: eh, really bad!08:58
Tonio_allee: can you imagine that company is gonna pay 3000 for a RHES installation ?08:59
Tonio_that completly STUPID08:59
RiddellTonio_: sneak in a Kubuntu CD there :)08:59
RiddellTonio_: can't you spend the rest of the time fixing Kubuntu bugs?08:59
=== allee nods
jpatrickAnyone know where the "Support" page went?08:59
Tonio_Riddell: fixing ? I'm not a developper.... I only can test and report :)09:00
Riddelljpatrick: link fixed, sorry about that09:00
RiddellTonio_: I'm sure there's lots of bugzilla things can be cleaned out or marked as duplicate or marked as "please explain this" etc09:01
jpatrickRiddell: No problem, someguy on the forums brought it up09:01
Tonio_Riddell: that requires internet access....09:01
=== Tonio_ thinks about commiting a suicide, that the only solution
RiddellTonio_: you don't have internet access?09:02
Tonio_at home yes09:02
Riddellhow are you going to set up apache without internet access?09:02
Tonio_not next week09:02
Tonio_Riddell: yes, I will have to set up apache without internet access09:03
Tonio_that's the trick ;)09:03
Tonio_but it is a redhat ES09:03
Riddellumm, why is it being set up if it doesn't have internet access?09:03
Tonio_everything is shipped with it09:03
Tonio_it is for the intranet, not internet, it is possible09:04
Tonio_Riddell: that's the reason I was talking about my worst week working EVER ;)09:04
Riddelltake a good book?09:05
Tonio_Riddell: hum, I'll be in an open space09:05
jpatrickRiddell: however hard I try I can't seem to get moodin to make a *.orig.tar.gz :(09:05
Tonio_so I will have to pretend to work... for 4 days09:05
Tonio_what a bullshit in fact !09:05
Tonio_ho yes ;)09:06
Riddelljpatrick: you make the .orig.tar.gz, it should pick it up and use it (assuming it's named correctly)09:06
jpatrickThis is the sixth time I've tried09:06
Tonio_Riddell: scanning all the book and read it with a big less in shell ;) nobody will see ;) hahaha09:06
jpatrickMake it by hand it is09:07
Riddelljpatrick: what are you naming the file?09:07
jpatrickJust running dpkg-buildpackage (does it by it self)09:07
Riddelljpatrick: you have to make the .orig file09:07
jpatrickgot it09:07
Riddellit doesn't get done for you09:07
Tonio_Riddell: I may have to time to write documentation for kubuntu !!!09:08
Tonio_that can be done locally ;)09:08
RiddellTonio_: ooh, good idea09:08
jjesseTonio_: writing docs for Kubuntu?09:08
Tonio_hum what king of would be usefull ?09:08
jjessethat would be awesome :)09:08
Riddellalthough I don't know what's ready to be worked on, need to ask jjesse 09:08
Tonio_well, I will unfortunatelly have a lot of time to try not to sleep so ;)09:09
jjessehopefully this weekend will lay the ground work to get started09:09
Tonio_jjesse: I'l be there on sunday evening09:10
Riddelljjesse: make sure to svn update, I've done quite a few changes today09:10
jjessei did already09:10
Tonio_if you have anything to be done, PLEASE ask !!!09:10
Tonio_that would keep me alive !09:10
jjessei almost have the docs moved dropping the k09:11
Tonio_I also can make translation09:11
jpatrickTonio_: Rosseta09:12
Tonio_jpatrick: no internet access !!!09:12
Tonio_jpatrick: yep :)09:12
Tonio_packaging without internet access is also not possible.........09:13
jjesseRiddell: svn up should get the docs w/ k's09:13
jpatrickTonio_: unless you send the package by snail mail (on a floppy etc)09:14
Tonio_jpatrick: well internet is necessary to get informations, checking which packages are required09:14
Tonio_and also, pbuilder without internet is limited unless I have all in the cache09:15
Tonio_documentation is the only thing I can do, but I'd like to ;)09:16
alleeRiddell: okay to add REVU and wnpp to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingKubuntu  to resources to check for pkging work under way?09:16
Riddellallee: please do09:16
allee'k.  I'll make a list out of it.  the sentense is already quite long09:17
Riddellallee: add wnpp to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuSuggestedPackages09:17
Riddellallee: what does wnpp stand for?09:17
jpatrickRiddell: ah now I have a diff.gz and a orig.tar.gz :)09:17
Riddelljpatrick: awooga09:17
alleewnpp is the pseudo pkg in bugs.debian.org used to organize pkging effort (Work Needing and Prospective Packages AFAIR)09:18
alleeRiddell: http://bugs.debian.org/wnpp09:19
=== jpatrick wonders if ksplash-engine-moodin_0.4.2 was the right thing to call it
Riddellallee: I know what it is, just didn't know what it stood for.  quite a cryptic name09:19
Riddelljpatrick: looks good09:19
Riddelljpatrick: let me know when you want me to review it09:19
alleeRiddell: heh! quite true09:19
jpatrickksplash-engine-moodin_0.4.2.orig is not <package>-<upstreamversion> (wanted ksplash-engine-moodin-0.4.2.orig)09:20
jpatrickDid say that^09:20
Riddelljpatrick: hmm09:23
Riddelljpatrick: .orig should be ksplash-engine-moodin_0.4.2.orig.tar.gz09:23
Riddelljpatrick: directory should be ksplash-engine-moodin-0.4.209:24
Riddell** flight-1 testers please http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20051118.2/09:29
jjessewhats a flight testor?09:29
Riddelljjesse: flight is the name of the occational dapper testing CDs09:31
Riddella flight is the collective noun for dragons09:31
Tonio_Riddell: downloading09:31
RiddellTonio_: what arch?09:31
RiddellI'll do amd64 then09:32
Riddelldon't suppose we have any ppc users here?09:32
=== Riddell eyes up amu
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Tonio_Riddell: necessary to test install cd or is there a livecd ?09:33
jjessedownloading i38609:35
RiddellTonio_: live CD is building stilL09:35
Riddelljjesse: excellent09:35
Tonio_Riddell: okay, so testing the installcd09:36
jpatrickRiddell: okay09:36
Riddelljjesse: who's the server guide dude again?09:37
jjesseRiddell: bhurvan or something like 09:37
Riddellah yes, we need to ask him not to use xinclude since kde doesn't like that09:37
jjessehis name should be on w.u.c/ServerGuide09:37
jpatrickRiddell: is this what the copyright should look like? http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/43464909:38
jpatrickkeeps saying: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file09:39
Riddelljpatrick: just remove last paragraph with address in it, it's not necessary09:40
jpatricklast two lines going off09:40
Riddelljpatrick: no, the one before that09:40
Riddelljpatrick: you also need a part saying who owns the copyright  (C) Copyright Christian Leh <moodwrod@web.de> 200509:41
jpatrickhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/434654 ?09:42
Riddelljpatrick: keep the last paragraph as you had it before, remove the paragraph with the FSF address in it09:43
Riddelladd a blank line after the (C) line09:44
jpatrickah okay09:44
jpatrickI guess that's fixed all the errors you found09:46
jpatrickRiddell: only problem now: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath10:03
Riddelljpatrick: amd64?10:03
jpatrickno i38610:03
Riddelljpatrick: cdbs?10:03
jpatrickdon't think so10:04
Riddelljpatrick: then add --disable-rpath to the ./configure options10:04
jpatrickthat's fixed10:06
jpatrickI suppose unknown-section universe/kde doesn't count10:06
Riddelljpatrick: just set it to kde10:06
jpatricklintian reports nothing now10:17
jpatrickError '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of ksplash-engine-moodin_0.4.2-0ubuntu1.dsc10:18
Riddelljpatrick: uploading to revu?10:20
jpatrickRiddell: yep10:20
Riddellmaybe he's run out of disk space10:21
jpatrickoh dear10:21
Riddelljpatrick: poke siretat10:21
jpatrickhe appears to be away10:22
jpatrick(according to Konversation)10:22
jjesseRiddell: are you going to be changing the make file?10:31
jjessefor kde docs?10:31
jjessekubuntu i meant10:31
Riddelljjesse: in which respect?10:32
jjesseRiddell: because the docs are no longer kfaqguide etc or should i do that?10:32
Riddelljjesse: I have some changes to commit in a minute, could you do it after?10:32
jjessesure can i commited the changes to docs to remove the k from them all so svn up10:33
Riddelljjesse: committed10:35
Riddelljjesse: after this weekend do you think we'll be able to svn remove the obsolete docs?10:36
jjesseRiddell: sure10:36
Riddellhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/pudsey/appealnight/doctor_who_special.shtml new doctor who!  woo!10:37
Riddelldinner, doctor who, flight testing10:38
jjessedinner new harry potter movie :)10:40
=== jpatrick needs to get British satelite TV
Riddelljpatrick: whatever for?10:49
Riddelljjesse: that's out today?10:49
jjessein the US it is 10:50
jpatrickRiddell: watch British shows ?10:50
jpatrickNot a lot of good television in Spain :|10:51
Riddelljpatrick: uknova :)10:52
Riddellnot that I even have a TV but10:52
jpatrickRiddell: I can't believe it's not television!10:53
Riddell** install CDs are being remade, don't test current ones (but download so an rsync can happen)10:56
=== seth_k|lappy [n=seth@d-ip-129-15-213-50.wireless.ou.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessedoes this flight have kde3.5 on it?10:58
jpatrickRiddell: thanks for uknova thing. Even then I won't have sound :(11:00
jpatrickbedtime now11:01
=== divan [n=divan@wbs-196-2-118-20.wbs.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jmg [n=cartel@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jmghey all11:16
jmgis it safe/smart for me to be upgrading to 3.5rc1?11:16
jmgor even useful? :)P11:18
Riddelljmg: yes, I'm running it no problem11:19
Riddelljmg: it's very useful so long as you report back to me if it works or not11:19
=== _olwin [n=olwin@dyn-83-157-241-108.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jmgRiddell: whats the sources line for it11:20
Riddelljmg: see kubuntu.org/announcements11:20
jmgRiddell: i may upload an emacs cvs package soon (emacs22), huge python enhancements11:20
jmgRiddell: thansk11:21
jmgRiddell: more useful to be using breezy and fixing/reporting bugs or Dapper?11:26
Riddelljmg: test the flight-1 CD11:27
jmgCds suck :P11:27
Riddelljmg: should appear soon at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/ as 20051118..3/11:27
jmgpxe represent :)11:27
Riddelljmg: well dapper in that case, but dapper doesn't have kde 3.5 rc1 yet11:27
jmgRiddell: rgr rgr11:28
jmgRiddell: what is flight-111:28
Riddelljmg: it's the first testing CD from dapper11:28
jmgRiddell: flight of drakes?11:28
Riddellyep :)11:28
jmgnow i get it :)11:29
jmgwhere do the names of the releases come from? some book?11:29
=== jmg tried to find this out before, but couldnt
RiddellMark makes them up, someone tells him not to be so silly and he comes but with a more sane one11:29
=== jmg is waiting for Orange Owl
Riddelljmg: they're alphabetical now, may take some time11:30
jmgRiddell: is a drake a real animal?11:30
jmgsome type of flying lizard?11:31
Riddelljmg: it's a species of dragon11:31
jmgRiddell: fire drakes were little lizards in the dragons of pern11:31
jmgRiddell: that they engineered into the dragons11:32
Riddelldragons of pern?11:32
jmgyup, Anne Mccaffrey11:32
jmgpretty cool series... starts off sci fi, moves into fantasy and then back to sci fi11:32
jmgi havent seen anyone do that since... pretty unique11:33
jmgthey use genetic engineering... and then things get all twisted and the geneering becomes almost magic11:34
jmgbut at the end they find their ships crashed AI core who tells them how to beat the Thread (bad guys)11:34
jmgand it goes back to sci fi again :)11:35
Riddelljmg: of what?11:36
jmgRiddell: dist-upgrade11:49
Riddelljmg: to dapper or 3.5?11:49
jmgif 3.5 fucks this box... ill install dapper :)11:49
jmgRiddell:  kdegraphics: Depends: kamera (>= 4:3.5-rc1-1ubuntu0breezy1) but it is not going to be installed11:59
jmgRiddell: BRB11:59

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