=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-69-205-47-165.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-69-205-47-165.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork [07:12] Whos is author of => http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu/ === Mini-NuX [n=mininux@i01v-62-35-126-136.d4.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Konversation] === derek[] [n=UserName@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-artwork === derek[] [n=UserName@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork [06:31] Hi === miketech [n=miketech@dslb-084-056-249-240.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork [06:41] hi miketech [06:41] hi derek[] [06:42] sup? [06:42] sup? [06:43] = what's up? [06:43] :) [06:44] ah :) [06:44] where are you from? [06:45] from germany [06:45] i am just learning some stuff for university [06:45] and you? [06:45] I thought so .. I remembered talking to you before [06:45] India [06:45] yeah possible :) [06:45] :) [06:45] are you the one using mac at work? [06:45] hm no [06:45] k [06:45] :) [06:46] :) [06:46] hey [06:46] I was thinking [06:46] next try :) [06:46] well, don't know, what we have been talking about [06:46] how would it be if Ubuntu makes a version specially for Graphic-Designers? [06:46] a version specially for graphic-designers? how should it look like? [06:46] with all the programs used by designers, pre-installed [06:47] that's it [06:47] ah [06:47] hm [06:47] what do u wanna install? [06:47] inkscape and gimp? [06:47] :) [06:47] well yes [06:47] of course those two [06:48] and blender3d [06:48] why not simply installing it? [06:48] :) [06:48] it was just a thought [06:48] well, another idea: [06:48] btw, I'm not a using linux [06:48] yes? [06:48] what are you using? [06:48] btw, I'm not using linux [06:48] extending the ubuntu installer with profiles [06:49] windoze for now :| [06:49] a profile "designer", "developer" and so on [06:49] waiting for new hardware to install Ubuntu [06:49] and then everything needed is installed [06:49] miketech, yes [06:49] like in Flash [06:49] hm isn't ubuntu running on your current machine? [06:49] no it isn't. [06:49] what are you working on? [06:50] working at [06:50] ( i think ) [06:50] :) [06:50] personal work [06:50] nothing for ubuntu-artwork atm [06:50] and what machine is it? [06:50] well i've not worked for it ever [06:50] this was what i meant *g* [06:50] windoze [06:50] yeah but the hardware [06:51] p4 [06:51] this is enough for ubuntu :) [06:51] by new hardware I meant, either a new hard disk to install linux, or we may get a new computer [06:51] ah i see [06:52] have you ever worked with linux? [06:52] yes [06:52] 2-3 years back [06:52] oh ok *g* [06:52] redhat 7.3 [06:52] i thought you were new to this issue [06:53] no :) [06:53] and.... how... is it working with windows? :) [06:53] heh [06:53] sick :( [06:53] I don't like it anymore [06:54] I want to explore the open source OS [06:54] are u using ubuntu or kubuntu? [06:54] and migrate to it permanently [06:54] in the future i mean :) [06:54] good idea :) [06:54] I'll use ubuntu [06:54] ah k === derek[] - playing chess on Yahoo [06:55] hehe enjoying the weekend [06:55] Spielst du sheck(sp?) ? [06:55] sheck(sp?)? [06:56] you are speaking german? [06:56] yes [06:56] how do you say "chess" in German? [06:57] schach [06:57] ja [06:57] Bitte [06:57] ah :) [06:57] :) [06:57] no, i am not playing chess [06:57] it's a game needing too much time [06:58] :) [06:58] ok [06:58] Was spielst du gern? [06:58] hmm [06:59] I like volleyball :) [06:59] :) [06:59] but i don't play computer games [06:59] programming in the game for me :) [06:59] in = is [06:59] nice :) [06:59] and i have to learn a lot [06:59] and I only play computer games [06:59] hehe [07:00] learn a lot? [07:00] yeah [07:00] in the uni you mean? [07:00] yup [07:00] what are you studying? [07:00] computer science [07:00] in german "informatik" [07:00] okay [07:00] how many years? [07:00] it's very nice. [07:00] kurs [07:01] since 2 years [07:01] fifth semester now [07:01] hard but nice :) [07:02] are you studying too? [07:02] not formally [07:02] but at home [07:02] ah [07:02] the usual learning [07:02] designing [07:02] usual learning? *g* [07:02] yeah. you know you always learn a new thing about the computers every day [07:03] designing isn't usual :) otherwise i could learn it too :)) [07:03] yea its not usual [07:03] and i really can't :) [07:03] :) [07:03] its actually my profession [07:03] cool [07:04] so that's the reason being here? [07:05] yeah [07:05] I am very grateful to the open source community [07:05] so we will see some artwork of you in the future? [07:05] :) [07:05] I hope so [07:05] yeah me too [07:05] hehe oki [07:06] i am anxious to [07:06] i am curious about it [07:06] this is the better one :) [07:07] :) [07:07] oki but now i have to continue working [07:07] Welche Stadt du wohnst in? [07:07] what are you working on? [07:07] learning :) [07:08] :) [07:08] have to do assignments [07:08] i see [07:08] and i have been lazy a few days :) [07:08] have a nice weekend bye [07:09] Auf Wiedersehen! [07:09] :) [07:09] you didn't answer one question ;) [07:09] near Stuttgart [07:09] ok. gut! [07:09] Karlsruhe [07:09] tschuess! [07:09] this region [07:09] I see :) [07:10] oki :) bye === miketech [n=miketech@dslb-084-056-249-240.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu-artwork [] [07:10] :) bye === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-artwork