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bhuvan* bhuvan goes back to sleep12:15
mdkeRiddell, do we absolutely _have_ to use meinproc? it seems to drag in all sorts of kde specific dependencies. Weren't things ok with xslproc?12:32
Riddellxsltproc doesn't make the index.cache.bz2 file12:33
mdkeRiddell, i see. But wasn't it done with xsltproc for breezy?12:34
Riddellyes, and all the files had <FILENAME=FOO> at the top of them which meinproc gets rid of when it splits up the pages12:34
mdkeyou sure that is not just a setting that needs to be changed?12:35
Riddellwell it's in the stylesheets12:35
mdkeRiddell, and xsltproc doesn't read those stylesheets properly?12:36
Riddellit reads the properly and puts the <FILENAME=FOO> stuff at the top and bottom of each page12:38
Riddellthen doesn't split the pages up12:38
mdkeRiddell, i would think that is due to it not having the correct xsl stylesheets, perhaps it needs the chunk rather than the single ones or something12:39
Riddellthat is the chunk one12:39
RiddellKDE wants to convert it to one big file with those <FILENAME=FOO> tags around each "page" and put it in an index.cache.bz2 file12:39
Riddellthen the next step, usually done at viewing time not build-time is to convert that to normal html pages12:40
Riddellwhich is a lot faster than doing docbook->html at viewing time as gnome does12:40
Riddelland takes up less space than html does12:40
mdkeRiddell, what is wrong with making the html at build time?12:40
Riddellmdke: too much disk space12:41
mdkeRiddell, ok.12:42
mdkeRiddell, i am just fiddling with removing the preliminary k from documents12:43
mdkeRiddell, i've build some things, and I notice that the releasenotes-web has this in the html:12:43
mdke<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stable/common/kde-default.css" type="text/css">12:43
mdkeis that from the kde website or something?12:43
Riddellshould be /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/common/12:44
mdkein the web target?12:44
Riddellwell, copy that directory to /stable/common/12:45
Riddellin the web target12:45
mdkeit should be ../../kde-default.css12:45
mdkeas I had it in kubuntu/libs/kde-ubuntu-web.xsl12:45
RiddellI just stole the stylesheet from docs.kde.org, feel free to fix it.  XSL scares me12:46
mdkei don't want to muck around with the directory structure on the webserver too much12:46
mdkeRiddell, ok, i might try and figure out how much it differs from the previous setup12:46
mdke(default stylesheets + kde css)12:47
mdkes/default/default xsl12:48
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kevogodhttp://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all_files/note.png is a broken image02:19
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jsgotangcowhats up?02:58
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jsgotangcoxchat has this strange red line in dapper in the chat window03:09
Burgundaviamy dapper disk failed to install03:12
Burgundaviaburning another now03:12
jsgotangcoits pretty much the same03:13
jsgotangcoexcept system tools only has 2 entries at the moment03:13
Burgundaviaah crap03:14
Burgundaviathat cd just crapped out on me03:14
Burgundaviano dapper tonight it seems03:14
jjessemy kubuntu dapper failed during installation and i haven't wasted the time ton install it03:18
jsgotangcoits pretty much the same except the borked debconf thing at the end of the installation which doesn't do anything really03:22
jsgotangcosee you guys later i need to get my visa to the embassy office03:26
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=== Burgundavia decides to watch harry potter rather tahn fight with cds
jjesseBurgundavia which harry potter?04:12
jjessethe new one goblet of fire is great04:12
kevogodI am going to see it next week probably.04:16
kevogodIs it the best out of the bunch?04:16
jjessekevogod: i think so, its the most violent04:16
jjesseit's alos long 2hours 45 minutes or somethng like that04:18
jjessei won't spoiil anything :)04:18
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MadpilotBurgundavia: just pulled that drive from my box, all ready for reinstalling07:00
Burgundaviasounds good07:01
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rob1Fetching external item into 'kubuntu/serverguide'08:01
rob1Updated external to revision 2109.08:01
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bhuvanRiddell: ping08:10
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Burgundaviaah crap, there is another corey involved in Ubuntu now08:33
MadpilotBurgundavia: you'll survive08:34
MadpilotBurgundavia: did you do the Breezy kernel update today? it's eaten my fglrx drivers... again...08:35
Burgundavianope haven't done it yet08:36
Burgundaviawelcome to the fun of non-free crap08:36
Burgundaviafor dapper we can look forward to completely free 3d drivers08:36
MadpilotI've already restarted this box more today that I have in the previous month...08:36
Burgundavia<Babajobu> Imagine how poorly suited to modern life a person who found circuit boards to be irresistably delicious would be08:38
robitaillecool, firefox 1.5 is getting into dapper tonight08:44
Burgundaviaanother random link, possibly not work safe08:46
Burgundavia    "A personal computer is called a personal computer because it's yours," said Andrew Moss, Microsoft's senior director of technical policy. "Anything that runs on that computer, you should have control over." 08:50
MadpilotBurgundavia: thanks for that link... "His Noodly Appendage" has whole new realms of meaning when you see that thing... :P08:52
Burgundaviaironically, my background is "touched by his noodly appendage" with the photoshopped FSM in place of god08:53
Madpilotthe Sistine Chapel photoshop?08:54
=== Burgundavia is calling C
Madpilotback later, got to reconfigure X to use 3d accel again, dammit...08:58
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Madpilotback - with 3d again - linux-restricted-modules-<new #> didn't update itself for whatever reason09:11
Burgundaviathat is because it cannot be built until the linux part is in the archive09:13
Burgundaviaepiphany does the same thing09:13
Burgundaviaa solution needs to be found for this problem09:13
BurgundaviaMadpilot, flight gear just released a new version09:18
Madpilotit'll make dapper?09:18
Burgundaviamost likely09:19
MadpilotI'm impressed so far with the Dapper packages - lots of stuff updated to the very latest stable. Nice change from the Breezy/Hoary sameness09:19
rob1stable is it?09:34
Burgundaviacurrently the entire archive is not building, so I don't know how stable it is09:35
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bhuvanfolks taking care of kubuntu docs here ?09:41
bhuvanwish to discuss couple of changes in kubuntu/Makefile to make it compatible with meinproc09:42
rob1can't say I've used meinproc much09:45
rob1why do you want kubuntu docs to use that?09:45
bhuvanmeinproc is to build kde documents09:46
rob1in the end it doesn't matter that much09:46
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rob1not for ubuntu/kubuntu anyway09:46
bhuvanit's similar to xsltproc09:46
rob1what advantages are there?09:47
Burgundaviabhuvan, can I ask why you want to build the kubuntu docs different from the ubuntu docs?09:47
bhuvanwe can use it to generate the cache file, thus we can display the document in khelpcenter09:47
rob1but you can just view html in khelpcenter anyway, right?09:47
bhuvanmoreover currently the .desktop files are unused. it's meant to be used with meinproc09:47
bhuvanthe kde docteam uses meinproc to maintain their docs..09:48
rob1meinproc doesn't appear to support xincludes09:48
rob1unless it does it by default, I can't see any mention in the man page09:49
Burgundaviabhuvan, I am more interested in internal consistency with Ubuntu/Kubuntu than with what any upstream does09:49
rob1I think its up to the kubuntu authors if they want to use meinproc09:49
bhuvanimo, kubuntu docs must be compatible with kde apps. ubuntu docs must be compatible with gnome apps09:49
Burgundaviabhuvan, the person you need to talk to mdke, at any rate09:50
bhuvanwas looking for Riddell, he have done couple of related changes in kubuntu/Makefile09:50
bhuvanBurgundavia, sure i'll speak to him09:50
rob1anyone can make changes to the make file, but I'm more intrested in keeping riddell/jsgotango happy09:51
bhuvanrob1, me too09:51
rob1in respect to k* issues anyway09:51
Burgundaviabhuvan, I am not directly opposing any shift to two different build systems. I just think that the benefits and costs need to be weighed out09:52
rob1hmm.. should "getting help" be another category, or an appendix..09:52
Burgundaviaand clearly communicated09:52
=== rob1 wonders
Burgundaviaanyway, night09:53
rob1cya Burgundavia 09:54
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`6oghi all11:47
`6ogI'm just looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto and  under the "copying files over ssh" heading there is a line like this "bash:~$ scp <file> <username>@<ipaddress>:<!DestinationDirectory>" I'm wondering if that ! is a markup error or if it's supposed to be there for some reason?11:48
`6ogit's repeated a few lines later as well11:49
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Riddellbhuvan: hmm?12:49
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WaterSevenUbhey guys....01:03
WaterSevenUb#u-translators has been working in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslationTeam01:04
WaterSevenUbtrying to make it a translation portal for new translators specially01:04
WaterSevenUban idea came out... what about a01:05
WaterSevenUbUbuntu Translation Guide "a la" http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gtp/l10n-guide/01:05
WaterSevenUbto ship with ubuntu-docs ?01:05
mdkei don't think the world needs another translation guide. That one is enough01:06
mdkea guide to using rosetta would be useful01:06
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mdkemake sure you talk to the rosetta guys to make sure that you don't do duplicate work01:06
`6ogdoes anyone know about that wiki thing?01:08
`6ogbtw. whos the auther? i have a few comments... (or should i just hack it?)01:08
mdke`6og, hack away01:08
mdkei don't see that the ! can be intended01:08
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WaterSevenUbmdke, yeah... perhaps... would be useful to package the gnome guide?01:09
`6ogok. thanks. *hopes nothing breaks*01:09
jsgotangcohey all01:09
mdkeWaterSevenUb, i don't think so really01:09
mdkehi jsgotangco 01:09
Madpilot`6og: it's fairly hard to break the wiki - we can always revert serious messes, or just re-edit others. ;)01:09
`6oghi jsgotangco01:09
jsgotangcognome guide?01:09
`6ogMadpilot:  :)01:10
`6ogit's more how public the break it, and how i feel about it ;)01:10
`6ogbbl. hacking01:10
jsgotangcohi `6og 01:10
mdkegood man01:10
jsgotangco(hard nick to type)01:10
`6ogjsgotangco: yeh, sorry01:10
WaterSevenUbthe only worry that I have is that people now have a easy way to reach launchpad and make some translations01:11
WaterSevenUband they should have basic taughts before doing saw.01:12
mdkeWaterSevenUb, there is an easy way to do that01:12
mdkebefore approving people in translating teams, they should read the guides01:12
mdkeand you should check their translation is of a good quality01:12
mdkerosetta is online, so there is no reason why translators shouldn't use online guides. I don't see a need for packaging the translating guide01:13
WaterSevenUbwell.. checking translations of some guy I think is not yet implemented01:13
WaterSevenUbright, zyga?01:13
mdkeWaterSevenUb, it doesn't need to be01:14
WaterSevenUbbefore approval ... yeah, it's a good suggestion01:14
mdkeyou can check by eye01:14
mdkethe italian team has that system01:14
WaterSevenUbsmall teams need to take some momentum before being so restrict with people that want to help...01:15
mdkeif you go to the people/user page, then click translations, you'll see what packages the person has suggested translations for. Go through it, check them, decide whether the guy speaks good enough english and/or portugese01:15
zygaI'm not sure really: it's difficult to see all actuall translations of person X01:15
zygamdke: it's hard to filter that person's translation01:15
zygait's a manual process01:15
WaterSevenUbzyga, I agree01:15
mdkezyga, not really. I do it regularly01:15
mdkeespecially if a person has made a substantial contribution to untranslated strings01:15
zygahmm, is there any way to sort by translator?01:15
mdkenot yet01:15
zygawell it's easy then01:15
zygaI agree about rosetta being online01:16
mdkejust view untranslated strings01:16
zygabut that doc is good enough to likn from the wiki01:16
WaterSevenUbso... you think that we should focus on Rosetta usage documentation....01:16
mdkezyga, go ahead and link it01:16
WaterSevenUbin a newbie perspective?01:16
WaterSevenUbwith pictures of Rosetta....01:16
WaterSevenUbgo here... click here.. do that...01:16
mdkeWaterSevenUb, yes, but ask in #lp01:16
mdkebecause they are probably documenting it too01:16
WaterSevenUbmdke, just wondering for now ;)01:16
WaterSevenUbmdke, ok , thx.01:17
mdketranslation styleguides are very useful, you can definitely link them01:17
WaterSevenUband ubuntu == gnome style?01:17
mdkein l10n-it we use the one at the italian linux translation project, rather than the gnome one01:17
mdkeWaterSevenUb, all translation style should be consistent IMO01:17
mdkeanyhow, it's definitely important to check that people translating Ubuntu know what they are doing, because otherwise it is worse than having no translation at all01:21
mdkebut this is really OT for #ubuntu-doc, more a question for the translators mailing list01:22
WaterSevenUbmdke, thx for your input...01:22
WaterSevenUb-> lunch.01:22
jsgotangcoerr we have a styleguide01:24
jsgotangcoplesae refer to it01:24
jsgotangcoif it looks a bit thin, please contribute to it01:24
=== jsgotangco and jeff improving some parts of styleguide atm
mdkewe're talking about translation01:25
mdkein general, rather than of docs01:25
jsgotangcotranslation howto?01:25
mdkethat's right01:26
mdke [12:05:18]  < WaterSevenUb> an idea came out... what about a01:26
mdke [12:05:28]  < WaterSevenUb> Ubuntu Translation Guide "a la" http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gtp/l10n-guide/01:26
mdke [12:05:35]  < WaterSevenUb> to ship with ubuntu-docs ?01:26
jsgotangcowell we did want to incorporate such in the style guide01:26
jsgotangcobut no one seems interested really01:27
mdkewe're talking about guides for translating in general, not translating documentation01:27
mdkemy view is that the online ones are enough01:27
mdkewe don't need to ship external (and irrelevant) documentation in ubuntu-docs01:27
Kamping_Kaisercan someone look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto. the bit about ssh-copy-id specifically - it says copy to root@remotebox. if remotebox is an ubuntu box, then there is no  (useable) root user... or have  i missed something?01:27
jsgotangcolike i said we wanted something similar :P01:28
=== jsgotangco is not going to argue about semantics
mdkei'm not going to argue at all01:28
mdkeKamping_Kaiser, i always copy my ssh id to matt@remotebox01:28
mdkedunno why root is necessary01:29
Kamping_Kaiserso i should change the page ?01:29
=== jsgotangco goes back to playing gw
Kamping_Kaiseractualy, can i not, i don't know enough about that stuff yet :|01:29
mdkei'll take a look later01:30
bhuvanRiddell: ping01:32
jsgotangcomdke: :P01:36
Riddellbhuvan: pong01:40
bhuvani was looking for you to discuss about using meinproc for kubuntu01:41
bhuvanbut, mdke made things clear in this email01:42
bhuvanseems, we can defer this proposal atleast till we create kubuntu documents01:42
Riddell?  there are kubuntu documents01:42
bhuvanthere are. seems, there's no further development ?01:43
bhuvanwe already started using meinproc for desktopguide01:44
bhuvanbut, is it worth implementing this for all other documents ?01:45
Riddelland the KDE documents use meinproc now01:45
bhuvanin addition, seems we must make few more amendments as per my proposal w.u.c/DocteamKubuntu01:47
Riddellthe trunk branch does everything mentioned in DocteamKubuntu I think01:49
bhuvani guess, no01:49
bhuvanmeinproc, yes for all kubuntu documents01:49
bhuvanas per proposal, things to do includes:  1) rename the files (*.docbook)  2) apply default stylesheet  3) may be merge foo-html & foo-web01:50
RiddellI don't see any advantage in renaming to .docbook in the archive but the debian packaging installs them as index.docbook01:52
Riddellthe default stylesheet is used01:52
bhuvanand all other kde apps install them as index.docbook01:53
Riddellfoo-html is for offline while foo-web is for online, they use different stylesheets01:53
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bhuvanimo, we dont have two types of html document for ubuntu docs01:54
bhuvanwhy should we do it just for kubuntu ?01:54
Riddellbecause they use different stylesheets, feel free to fix it so that they use only one though01:56
bhuvanguess, it'd be solved if we merge it ?01:57
bhuvanlet it use kde-default.css01:57
Riddellbhuvan: the server-guide under kubuntu is a external (i.e. symlink) to the one in generic, it's just so it can be built using the KDE stylesheet02:01
jjesseRiddell: i think mdke wasw having issues w/ it, is it because it is just a symlink?02:02
Riddelljjesse: is what because it's a symlink?02:03
jjesseRiddell: i think he tried to remove it from svn yesterday and couldn't do it02:03
Riddell"Can somebody remove the02:03
Riddellserverguide from the trunk/kubuntu folder? I tried yesterday but it02:03
Riddellseems to have been added in a slightly odd way and it wouldn't let me02:03
Riddellremove it with "svn delete" or "svn rm"."02:03
Riddellbless :)02:03
jjesseRiddell: he was getting erors?02:03
Riddellspose I should subscribe to ubuntu-doc02:03
jjesseRiddell: i added it via svn copy and couldn't delete it either :(02:03
jjesseit was discussed on IRC not on the mailing list :)02:04
jjesseso you don't neccesarly have to subscribe to yet another list02:04
bhuvanjjesse, it was discussed on mailing list as well02:05
RiddellI seem to have missed quite a few kubuntu related threads on ubuntu-doc02:06
jjessei just noticed the one on meinproc being discuessed now02:08
Riddelloh cool, quicktour in docbook02:10
Riddellbhuvan: are you going to add stuff to the makefile for that?02:11
Riddellah, needs a stylesheet still02:12
jjesseRiddell: i'm almost done adding/changing the switching your friend to windows guide02:12
jjessesorry from windows02:12
Riddellhah, don't get that the wrong way round :)02:12
jjessegrin i haven't had my coffee yet thsi morning02:12
bhuvanRiddell, based on what you say. imo, we can merge foo-web and foo-html, but except for server guide02:13
Riddellbhuvan: why except for server guide?02:15
jjessethe server guide should have the same stylesheet as all the kubuntu docs02:15
jjesseeven if its generic02:15
Riddellhmm, mdke removed the external to serverguide, wonder how he's expecting the .deb to be built then02:17
bhuvanif we've a link, then i can include serverguide too and merge *-html & *-web02:20
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Riddellbhuvan: if you do merge -html and -web make sure it doesn't affect the .deb packaging and that it can be done on the webserver using whatever is on there02:24
=== Riddell is somewhat nervious that it would break at least one of those two
bhuvanif you meant the url, yes i'll try to take care02:26
Riddellbhuvan: could you change serverguide to not use <xi:include>, meinproc doesn't understand it02:32
bhuvani've not uploaded the recent server guide though02:33
Riddellwell change it whenever but I can't see a way around it02:35
Kamping_Kaisersorry to go a different tangent to existing conversation, but rather then "5 3 * * * /usr/bin/apt-get update" as a demonstration of cron, should be use somthing that doesnt A, need to edit roots cron, and B call the same program people will try and use to auto download + apply packages (which afaik is not recomended)02:46
mdkeRiddell, in breezy, the ubuntu-docs deb was built without external links to generic/faqguide in the gnome/ directory. Also, this "don't use xincludes for your documents" is not something we can just accept blindly. xincludes are a feature of our documentation.02:51
mdkei think this needs better discussion02:52
mdkei think the best solution may be to use xsltproc, standard xsl stylesheets and the kde css from kdelibs-data02:53
Riddellmdke: the external is needed because the kubuntu-docs packages is made from the kubuntu directory not the trunk directory as the ubuntu one is.  you need to either add the external back or change the packaging to be built from one source02:53
mdkeRiddell, ok i don't have a problem with the one source thing02:54
mdkethanks for the "bless" though :)02:55
Riddellmdke: so you'll change the packaging for that?02:58
Riddellmdke: what's the advantage in using xincludes over the old SYSTEM entities?03:00
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jjessecan i learn the difference between an xinclude and a SYSTEM entry thru reading the docbook manual or some other place?03:08
mdkeRiddell, will get back to later, busy at work suddenly03:09
Riddelljjesse: see the ubuntu desktop guide for xinclude and the kubuntu desktop guide for SYSTEM entities03:10
jjesseRiddell: ok03:11
Riddellxinclude is a proper XML way to do it, SYSTEM entities is an older DTD type way03:11
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jjesseand you are looking to figure out if one is better then the other for packaging?  (sorry trying to learn all of this03:11
Riddelljjesse: so if you want to steal the ubuntu desktop guide to start the kubuntu desktop guide you need to convert it to SYSTEM entities first03:11
Riddelljjesse: meinproc only does SYSTEM entities, xsltproc also does xinclude stuff03:12
jjesseand from early conversation we use meinproc on kubuntu docs correct?03:12
Riddellwe do03:12
Riddellwe could change the kubuntu docs to xsltproc but that would also mean working out how to do the index.cache.bz2 and splitting up into individual HTML files by hand03:13
jjessei'm slowly learning, i have the doc book manual and subversion guide to read this weekend :)03:13
jjesseRiddell: that sounds like a lot of work03:13
Riddellso unless there's any actual advantage in using xincludes (besides it being a more proper way to do it) it would be nice if the ones kubuntu also uses could use SYSTEM entities03:14
Riddelldocbook manual tells you about the docbook language, but doesn't tell you a great deal about the tools used (which is the where docbook troubles begin in my experience)03:14
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jjesseis there a place that i can learn about the tools?03:17
Riddelldunno, maybe xsltproc has a homepage03:17
Riddellprobably xincludes does too and there's probably lots of web pages for xslt for all the good they'll do you03:18
Riddellmeinproc doesn't have a web page as far as I know, I should make one03:18
jjessei was trying to look for one on meinproc couldnt find one, i'll spend some time diggign for xincludes and xslt03:18
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jjesseRiddell:  ping?04:18
Riddelljjesse: honk04:18
jjesseRiddell: is there a kubuntu kdedoctools package that would include checkXML and other tools that i can use w/ quanta+04:19
Riddelljjesse: don't think so04:20
Riddellnot sure what quanta needs for docbook04:20
jjesseok i'll keep looking into it04:27
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mdkeRiddell, are you subscribed to the ML? i think its best if we email about this build business, i can't spend much time on irc at the moment cos of work06:58
Riddellmdke: I am now06:58
mdkeRiddell, cool thanks, mailing now06:59
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Doc Team - general discussion - backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | Website http://doc.ubuntu.com | Projects on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamProjects | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Burgundavia at Tue Nov 8 03:35:03 2005
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LaserJockanybody hear from Unfgiven lately?11:54
mdkei've never heard from him/her11:54
LaserJockhmm, ok. I was just wondering about the Ubuntu Packaging Guide. He said it would be a couple days on the 5th11:56
LaserJockI found a .pdf that was going to be in a Universe package but that's all11:58
mdkeLaserJock, you asked other MOTUs?11:59
LaserJockabout Unfgiven? He seems to have disappeared. No one has talked to him for a couple weeks12:00
mdkeabout the guide12:00

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