
=== ubuntulog [n=ubuntulo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: ubuntu-server discussions and support | for general support see #ubuntu or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat for other channels | Download Ubuntu Server Edition at http://releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/5.10/ | Ubuntu Server forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=45
=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by troy at Tue Nov 22 23:37:49 2005
=== Pygi [n=chatzill@83-131-246-91.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server
Pygihi hi10:13
fabbionehey pi10:14
Pygio, I've got a new nick :)10:14
PygiI see you got ubuntu bot in here10:17
troygood day folks10:20
Pyginight' troy :)10:20
fabbioneno bot10:20
fabbioneit's just a irc log10:20
fabbionelogs are on people.u.c/~fabbione/irclogs10:21
fabbionethe first will appear in about 20 minutes or so10:21
troyfabbione: I've been meaning to mention this: I originally intended this channel to be a general discussion and support channel for server topics10:26
fabbionetroy: discussion ok .. support -> #ubuntu10:26
fabbioneotherwise we can say goodbye to this channel for too much noise in a day or two10:27
fabbionebecause the "server" software is the same that's in the archive10:27
fabbioneand support can be done on #ubuntu10:27
fabbionethere is no difference from any other package10:27
fabbionethey are just package10:27
troyI didn't really intend to become a devel channel - was thinking along the lines of #ubuntu is to #ubuntu-devel as #ubuntu-server is to #ubuntu-server-devel or somesuch -- it's pretty much standard in most freenode projects10:28
troy#kubuntu gets it's own support channel10:28
fabbionetrust me.. too many channels.. too much confusion10:29
fabbionelet's keep the resources to run a project to minimum10:29
fabbioneif we need to scale10:29
fabbionewe can10:29
fabbionethat's the important thing10:29
fabbionebut spreading too few people on too many channels (irc, mailing lists, etc)10:29
troyI'm a big fan of dedicated channels for topics as the need arises10:29
fabbioneit's not productive imho10:30
fabbionetroy: that's why we can start we a minimum and scale if required10:30
fabbionewe also need to keep s/n ratio at a good rate10:30
troywhen #kde became too full in ... 1999 maybe, they split into #kde and #kde-devel10:30
troythe same should happen here10:30
fabbioneif we will have too much traffic we will split10:30
troyat the moment, we can do support in this channel without serious SNR problems10:31
fabbioneas it is now let's keep it mainly for devel10:31
fabbionetroy: we already saw 2/3 users coming here asking for general support10:31
fabbionelike: my nmap doesn't map10:31
fabbionethat's clearly not -server related10:31
fabbioneit will be difficult to tell people #ubuntu for this.. -server for that10:31
fabbioneIF there will be a need for a dedicate server support channel10:32
troyfabbione: of course there will be overlap, just as there is between #ubuntu and #kubuntu10:32
fabbionewe will move development on -server-dev10:32
fabbioneand keep this one open for support10:32
troyin the meantime, lets not shun people coming in here for support10:32
troybecause if I was looking for support for configuring apache, the SNR regarding desktop issues in #ubuntu would turn me away10:33
troyand the people in here would be much more likely to pick up the question (less noise)10:33
fabbioneyes i agree, but here nobody has time to do support10:33
fabbioneat least i don't10:33
fabbioneand considering the amount of people in here10:34
fabbioneit's morelikely he can get an answer on #ubuntu than here10:34
troylike 6 of which are active, yes. but this channel is all of... 3 weeks old?10:34
troyfabbione: are you sponsored by anyone to do linux work?10:36
fabbionetroy: i work for Canonical10:36
fabbione<- fabbione@ubuntu.com10:36
troyfabbione: I understand your stance now - I'm not used to having paid people having to budget their time in IRC channels10:37
fabbionetroy: ehhe10:37
troythat said, I'd like to provide community support here when it's appropriate, and when I can10:37
fabbionetroy: i am not against it10:38
fabbionedon't get me wrong10:38
fabbionei don't want this chan to turn into #ubuntu210:39
troybut you are thinking about providing support in a more official capacity, which requires more people covering more time than the non-obligation varieties of community support10:39
=== troy doesn't know what #ubuntu2 is
troyahhh, not a literal :)10:39
fabbione#ubuntu2 -> yet another #ubuntu support channel10:39
troyright right10:39
fabbionetroy: exactly.. that's why #ubuntu is somehow more appropriate.. because given the S/N ratio. it still has tons of more users that can actually help10:40
fabbionei can't be on IRC 24/710:40
fabbioneneither can you10:40
fabbioneor others10:40
troyno, but we are not obligated to be10:41
fabbionewe are not10:41
troyI put in the topic: for general support see #ubuntu or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat for other channels10:41
fabbionebut if you turn the chan in support, people will be disappointed because it's still a bit too empty ;)10:41
troythat's the way I see it10:41
troymeh, it'll grow10:41
fabbioneyeah it will10:41
fabbioneas soon as i can announce the overall10:42
fabbionethat's all stalled on the only list admin that unfortunatly is without inet connectivity atm10:42
troyI posted a note about it on ubuntuforums, and two or three people showed up from there10:42
troythat was maybe... a week ago or so -- also, added it to wiki list of channels10:43
troyat that point I was operating on the advice of JRiddel (I wonder if I spelled his nick right)10:44
fabbioneriddel yeah :)10:47
fabbionethat's ok10:47
fabbionegood night guys10:51
fabbionecya tomorrow10:51
troycheers fabbione10:52
=== henriquemaia [n=henrique@cb-217-129-168-181.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== troy wanders off for food
=== Valandil [n=chrys@dslb-084-056-084-048.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== henriquemaia [n=henrique@cb-217-129-168-181.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-server
=== henriquemaia [n=henrique@cb-217-129-168-181.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-server

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