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lfittlwhat should be done with motu bug reports that request a breezy backport? (malone #3852)12:14
UbugtuMalone bug #3852: breezy zeroconf package can cause ARP storms Fix req. for: zeroconf (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/385212:14
siretartlfittl: first step would be to fix it in dapper12:16
lfittlsiretart: it is already fixed in the dapper version12:17
\shthen write a mail to ubuntu-backports ml12:18
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\shok..good night folks12:20
crimsun'night, \sh12:20
\shyou have to take over now :)12:20
siretartgn8 \sh12:20
crimsun'evening/'morning, siretart12:21
siretartlfittl: if the fix is reasonably small, and someone prepares an upload, you could also upload it to dapper-updates12:21
siretartbut mdz would have to approve it12:21
lfittlyou mean breezy-updates?12:21
siretartargl, sure breezy-updates12:22
siretartcrimsun: I'm going to bed soon ;)12:22
siretartI just reassigned that bug12:22
crimsunsiretart: kk :)12:22
lfittlk, I will check the amount of changes for the bug fix12:23
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lfittlseems that backporting the new version is the best thing, I'm going to bed now, gn8 all :)12:33
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ajmitchafternoon :)12:48
crimsunajmitch: 'afternoon :)12:48
ajmitchI see the channel is a bit quieter now than it was earlier12:49
ajmitchthankfully ;)12:49
ajmitchhow's the merge progress today?12:50
crimsunI've done about ten (early this morning), digging back into it now12:51
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=== ajmitch has barely touched anything
crimsunriddell, sh, and siretart have both been pounding away12:53
ajmitchyeah, I've see \sh_away's efforts12:54
ajmitchdoes he sleep at all?12:54
crimsunhe's purportedly asleep now, but dapper-changes might reveal otherwise ;)12:54
=== ajmitch has to do a bit of cleanup on his debian packages first
=== siretart is going to sleep now
siretartgn8 folks12:55
ajmitchjust fixing f-spot so it compiles again12:55
ajmitchnight siretart :)12:55
ajmitchoops, forgot 00list12:55
=== ajmitch rebuilds
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ppp-69-229-207-54.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockazeem: any progress towards getting the new ghemical in sid?01:07
azeemno, sorry.  I still need to fix mpqc first01:08
azeemI'm hacking on heimdal right now, after that, I'll look at mpqc again01:08
KyralDo we have a new MOTUScience member LJ?01:08
crimsunwhat's broken with mpqc?01:08
LaserJockazeem: sweet01:08
crimsunI did the libstdc++ allocator merge earlier this morning01:08
azeemcrimsun: new upstream needs tuning01:08
crimsunazeem: k01:09
azeembut yeah, I could just use the old one01:09
LaserJockKyral: oh yea, parktownprawn on ubuntuforums01:09
ajmitchhi azeem01:09
azeemhi Andrew!01:10
LaserJockKyral: the latest MOTUScience member is Kevin Goldstein, he worked a lot on the UbuntuScientists wiki and is parktownprawn on the ubuntuforums01:12
LaserJockKyral: do you mean azeem01:12
Kyralor him...01:12
LaserJockazeem should be ;-)01:13
KyralI can't wait for the merge to end01:13
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LaserJockhi bmonty01:14
bmontyhey LaserJock01:15
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LaserJockI know that checkinstall is very well looked upon but what would you guys suggest for people wanting to make their own .debs?01:27
LaserJockwow s/is/isn't/01:27
KyralI say read the New Maintainers Guide01:27
LaserJockperhaps, but I think a lot of people would be turned off by the NMG because it is quite lengthy. Maybe that is just something they are going to have to deal with01:30
KyralIf they intend to distribute then they have to use the DNMG01:30
LaserJockKyral: I understand that but what if it is for them only (and maybe some friends). I've used checkinstall in the past and it was very easy01:31
Kyralif that is the case go ahead01:31
KyralBut just because you can use Checkinstall doesn't mean you know how to make debpacks01:32
LaserJockright, I was just wondering if there was an alternative that was kind of a compromise01:33
KyralNot to my knowledge01:34
LaserJockI guess that that would be a good reason for having the Ubuntu Packaging Guide ;-)01:34
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Kyralhey Corey01:34
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Burgundaviasalut Kyral01:35
spaceywhere is that guide?01:35
KyralOh wait I'm signed up to do the install guide right01:35
ajmitchI'd better talk with doko before I merge all these zope packages01:37
=== ajmitch signs himself up for all the bugs anyway
LaserJockspacey: it is on doc.ubuntu.com but it is just started so it will probably change a lot01:38
KyralLJ need any help on that01:38
LaserJockKyral: I certainly will at least when I get to pbuilder  ;-)01:38
LaserJockKyral: right now I'm trying to figure out where to go with it. What the needs are, etc.01:39
KyralYah what should I do for the install guide01:39
=== Tralilalilo is now known as Tralilalilette
LaserJockKyral: I certainly don't know ;-)01:42
ajmitchwoohoo, I got to file bug #5000 on malone ;)01:43
UbugtuMalone bug #5000: cmfsin (Ubuntu) - zope-cmfsin: merge new debian version Fix req. for: zope-cmfsin (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU Merge Team, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/500001:43
ajmitchI wonder how bug 4743 is showing up on the assigned merge list?01:48
UbugtuMalone bug #4743: zope logrotation insists in handling a "default" instance even when it doesn't exist. Fix req. for: zope (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/474301:48
ajmitchI don't think that kiko is going to be merging zope 2.601:48
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Kyralhey hub02:42
Kyraldamn Bored2k02:43
LaserJockKyral: you on #ubuntuforums again?02:46
KyralI'm always there02:46
Kyralbored2k went rampage02:46
KyralGot the people in #debian pissed off02:47
KyralI didn't even see that he buzzed here02:47
LaserJockKyral: you know where there is a log for #ubuntuforums?02:55
KyralKingBahumut and Flexius already have it02:55
KyralThey will deal with bored2k02:55
KyralI'm sure you could ask for one though02:56
=== Kyral sighs
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crimsunwho is "bored2k?"03:18
Kyralits over now03:19
Kyralforget it03:19
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bmontyis there a way to make debchange default to dapper?03:24
bmontyi set dapper in the changelog and then debchange changes it back :(03:25
tsengbmonty: you could use dch.03:26
tsenghm oh03:26
tsengdebchange is just an alias?03:26
bmontyi think so03:26
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minghuadch == debchange03:27
tsengyes i see that03:27
minghuabmonty: just remember to use -D option :-)03:27
minghuaIs there any MOTU who can review my sync request?03:27
crimsunsure, what's up?03:28
minghuait's for grace and libmath++, bug #4403 and #408703:28
UbugtuMalone bug #4403: grace: merge new debian version Fix req. for: grace (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU Merge Team, Status: PendingUpload http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/440303:28
bmontyminghua: I try to remember, but I forget too often03:28
minghuacrimsun: I've tested both in dapper pbuilder, just sync'ing from debian would be good03:28
crimsunminghua: then that's enough03:29
bmontycrimsun: can you please upload malone #4574? I have now pulled my head out of my ass and made it dapper.03:32
UbugtuMalone bug #4574: fam: merge new debian version Fix req. for: fam (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU Merge Team, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/457403:32
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crimsunbmonty: done.03:43
bmontycrimsun: thanks03:43
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hubI have a library that does not change the soname04:21
hubbut has a minore that changes04:21
hubshall I keep the same binary package name>04:21
crimsunwhat is the binary package?04:22
hubI'm package the 1.2.0 so that I can build AbiWord HEAD04:24
crimsunit's -already- libenchant1c2a, or it was libenchant1c2 before?04:24
crimsunif the latter case, the situation is moot due to the libstdc++ allocator transition04:25
hubalready 1c2a04:27
hubbut I want to upgrade to 1.2.004:28
hubcurrent is 1.1.604:28
crimsunI presume the bump is from new symbols?04:29
hubbut soname is the same04:29
hubso I suspect it is upward compatibility04:30
hubI'll ask the upstream maintainer anyhow04:30
crimsunyeah, that's a better bet04:30
hublooks like I'll have to provide a package source for them04:35
hubunless it hits dapper04:35
=== hub goes and file a malone bug
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jabraI would like to get some comments on a security tool I have been working on. I am wondering if any would like to take a look?07:05
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aigariusI just fixed the stupidest bug ever in libgphoto2 - see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1367324&group_id=8874&atid=108874 for a one line fix that reduces memory usage when downloading photos via PTP from serveral hundred MB to 5-10 Mb07:45
aigariusIt would be very nice to fix this in Ubuntu dapper and breezy07:46
Burgundaviaaigarius, file a bug in malone on gphoto07:46
Burgundaviaand include your patch07:46
Burgundavialink it to the sourceforge bug as well07:47
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Burgundaviaaigarius, as your are DD, if you fix it in sid it will ubuntu07:47
=== Treenaks writes a chunk of apache config to change the default directory-listing icons to Tango icons
Burgundavias/it will/it will hit07:48
aigariusBurgundavia, I just did a NMU to sid07:48
Burgundaviaaigarius, then in the your malone bug report simply ask for a sync07:48
TreenaksBurgundavia: so far, 128 people have watched you say that you use ubuntu :)07:50
BurgundaviaTreenaks, where does that place me int he rankings?07:51
TreenaksBurgundavia: 17th07:52
Treenaksuh no07:52
Burgundaviahow many videos are there?07:52
Burgundaviais marilize first?07:52
Treenaksno, sabdfl, then claire, then jdub, marilize is #407:52
Burgundaviain other news, I need a new hackergotchi07:53
Burgundaviamarilize and claire said I looked "evil" in my hackergotchi and was much funnier in real life07:54
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TreenaksBurgundavia: didn't hub take a picture of you?07:54
Burgundaviahe might have07:55
Burgundaviabut I think I successfully avoided the cameras at UBZ, just like at Mataro07:55
TreenaksBurgundavia: hub took one of mine, and Seveas tried to gimp it... http://www.kaarsemaker.net/home/guid58#guid5807:55
Treenaksuh, one of me07:55
TreenaksBurgundavia: you could take a still from the video and gimp that into a hackergotchi07:56
BurgundaviaI like the donkey ears07:56
Treenaksthey're supposed to be devil-like horns...07:57
Burgundaviathey look like donkeys ears....07:57
Treenaksoh well :)07:57
BurgundaviaTreenaks, how did the translating go?07:59
TreenaksBurgundavia: great!07:59
Treenaksalthough we mostly translated the webpage etc.07:59
Treenaks(as translating dapper is pointless without a string freeze)07:59
Burgundaviaas is documenting it08:00
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=== StevenK wonders if he wants speech-dispatcher wanting to run ./configure in make clean.
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zakamehi all09:12
zakameei crimsun :)09:13
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crimsun'evening, ajmitch09:55
ajmitchhow's things?09:55
ajmitchI see you've been taking good care of wpasupplicant :)09:55
=== StevenK waves.
ajmitchhey siretart, StrikeForce09:56
=== StevenK giggles.
ajmitchnever rely on tab completion09:57
siretarthuhu StevenK, ajmitch, crimsun and rest of '*' :)09:57
StevenKajmitch: I noticed you're watching my wiki page ...09:57
ajmitchsiretart: having a relaxing weekend? :)09:57
crimsunajmitch: n'bad, of course in my excitement I forgot to handle the upgrade case, heh09:57
siretartajmitch: well, I'm hacking on revu209:57
ajmitchStevenK: watching * :)09:57
ajmitchsiretart: great!09:57
crimsun'lo, siretart, StevenK09:57
ajmitchsiretart: if I can help out in any way..09:58
siretartajmitch: sure. have you a checkout if the current svn09:58
=== ajmitch will
siretartokay, I started to write accept.py, which is for accepting uploads from contributors09:59
siretartit uses the DSCParser and Changesparser, which I've stolen from StevenK ;)09:59
ajmitchsiretart: svn url?10:00
StevenKThat's ChangesParser. :-P10:00
siretartajmitch: do you have an trac account?10:00
siretartStevenK: ;)10:00
ajmitchsiretart: probably not10:01
siretartajmitch: 2 possibilites: if you want to checkout via http (and use trac), then please add yoursef to /srv/revu-trac/trac.htpasswd10:02
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siretartajmitch: or you check out /srv/svn/revu2 directly10:02
ajmitchchecking out directly for now10:02
ajmitchwill add myself there as well10:02
siretartas you wish.10:03
=== StevenK fixes linda.
ajmitchI'd better look over the spec again too :)10:03
ajmitchsiretart: how far did you get with the launchpad auth?10:04
ajmitchstill blocked on LP, I guess?10:04
siretartajmitch: well, it is mainly a elmo matter10:04
siretartajmitch: he 'just' needs to open an tcp port on the AuthServer10:05
ajmitchI understamd he has a long queue :)10:05
siretartthe implementation is just a few lines copy'n pasted from the lp wiki10:05
ajmitchabout 2 lines, iirc10:05
siretartI was counting checking the lp group, too ;)10:06
ajmitchI'm sure it could be done in < 2 lines of perl ;)10:06
ajmitchwhether you could read it 5 minutes later is another matter altogether10:06
siretartbut noone would want to read it, then ;)10:06
siretartajmitch: I think you must be in group www-data for being able to checkout revu2 via svn+ssh10:09
ajmitchI checked it out fine10:10
ajmitchI won't be able to commit though10:12
ajmitchnot until I'm in the www-data group10:12
siretartah, thats possible10:12
siretartwell, you are root anyway ;)10:12
ajmitchI'll try not to break too much ;)10:13
siretartsistpoty has mainly worked on the classes/ dir, that are the classes for the webinterface10:13
siretarti'm currently working on scripts/accept.py, which is for accepting uploads from contributors10:13
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ajmitchsuggestions for something for me to look at?10:15
=== ajmitch could try & work on something in the post-upload checks
siretartthats what I would call 'stage2'10:17
siretartaccept.py is doing 'stage1'10:17
siretartit passes a debian sourcepackage with orig.tar.gz to stage2,10:17
siretartif the uploader 'forgot' to attach the orig.tar.gz, accept.py tries to download it from the revu archive, and falls back to ubuntu and debian archives10:18
siretartso that stage2 can be sure that a 'dpkg-source -x' will succeeed10:18
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siretartajmitch: stage2 should call all checks, which should be triggered automatically, like linda/lintian etc10:19
ajmitchbut not building10:20
ajmitchsince packages need to go into a build approval queue after stage 110:20
siretartajmitch: so how about setting up a dapper chroot under the account 'elma', and scripting something which does the lintian/linda reports in that chroot?10:21
ajmitcha package should be well formed by the time it passes stage 1, right?10:21
siretartso I'd suggest that we write all tests, automatic ones and non-automatic ones in separate scripts, so that stage2 can call them individually10:21
=== ajmitch has setup far too many chroots lately ;)
siretartuse 'sudo -u elma -i' to become elma, it has no password set10:21
ajmitchheh, sudo asks for my password though :)10:22
ajmitchsu would work better10:23
siretartthats on purpose, because su would ask for elma's pw, which is not set10:24
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ajmitchsiretart: you merged gobby, but we have to rebuild it again sorry ;)10:41
=== StevenK still waits to become whitelisted on dapper-changes.
ajmitchthe cursed libsigc++2.0-0c2a10:42
=== ajmitch doesn't want gobby to be removed just because apt is updated
StevenKYes, we've done a C++ transistion, so Mathius thought it would be fun to do a C++ transistion in a C++ transistion.10:42
ajmitchI love c++ now10:42
StevenKKeep talking, I'm reloading.10:43
siretartStevenK: have you already applied for ubuntu membership?10:43
StevenKsiretart: No. I thought I had to have a significant contribution first.10:44
ajmitchthere was some rumour that DDs got in from their debian contribution10:44
siretartI think we had cases10:44
ajmitchbut I only recently heard that one10:45
siretartfor ubuntu membership, that should be okay. This would get you a stevenk@ubuntu.com, which is autowhitelisted10:45
ajmitchI wish I got in with that exception :)10:45
StevenKYou didn't?10:45
ajmitchno, I became a MOTU at the start of the year10:45
siretartcareful, I'm talking about ubuntu member, not ubuntu developer!10:45
ajmitchwhen it was easy10:45
ajmitchI can't recall if I was made member & MOTU in the same meeting10:46
ajmitchmain upload rights took a little longer10:46
=== StevenK nods. I'm aware there is a difference between member and developer.
crimsunajmitch: yes, you were fasttracked pre-Hoary10:46
StevenKI'd like to know if my Debian contributions do count, though.10:46
siretartyes, there was a pre-hoary exception for recruiting motus. I tried to fall into that exception, but I was too late ;)10:46
ajmitchhm, nifty gnome 2.12 splash on debian experimental10:47
siretartStevenK: for ubuntu membership, I think so, because we have all your packages in ubuntu ;)10:47
UbugtuError: Error getting Gnome Bugzilla bug #2: NotFound10:47
StevenKSo do I add myself to the CommunityCouncil wiki and show up?10:47
StevenKDoesn't that mean I need someone to vouch for me?10:48
crimsunyou need to do that (add yourself, show up)10:48
siretartStevenK: yes, and try to join this group https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntumembers10:48
ajmitchbut the CC is made up of DDs10:48
StevenK(And this gives me three e-mail addresses at home, whee)10:48
siretartStevenK: that group is moderated, and the CC goes through that list10:48
ajmitchonly 3?10:48
crimsunI don't think someone will need to vouch for you, since you already are a DD10:48
ajmitchoh good, f-spot works fine10:48
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ajmitchready for upload to experimental for jordi :)10:49
crimsunparticularly since you've been documenting your work on the wiki10:49
StevenKWell, as soon as I can figure out what to do with speech-dispatcher, that'll be four merges.10:50
StevenKWhich is what, nothing? :-P10:51
schweebajmitch: well, I'm a member, but not a MOTU10:51
schweebnext week... Dapper time10:51
ajmitchStevenK: more than I've uploaded to dapper :)10:51
schweebthen pkg mgmt++10:51
StevenKDuh, I'm new, and still care.10:51
ajmitchsince I've got a nice backlog of debian stuff to get through10:51
StevenKMy Debian stuff is waiting on a Perl package going through NEW.10:52
ajmitchno point letting my debian work slip further :)10:52
StevenKDamn it, it's been like two weeks.10:52
StevenKajmitch: Want to maintain a very small Perl package? :-)10:53
ajmitchStevenK: now we just have to figure out how to make the debian developers love us10:53
ajmitchperl & I don't mix10:53
StevenKapt-cache show libpoe-perl10:53
ajmitchit's bad enough that I just inherited a php package10:53
schweebI need to re-learn perl10:53
=== StevenK gets paid to code Perl.
schweebstill haven't bothered with python yet10:54
=== StevenK codes Python for fun.
=== ajmitch gets paid to code php :(
schweebI still have systems that don't have PERL yet :(10:54
ajmitchubuntu isn't done until sysvinit is replaced with python10:54
=== siretart gets paid to code in AspectC++ ;)
siretartajmitch: explain that to the ltsp guys ;)10:55
ajmitchsiretart: they won't mind :)10:55
ajmitchpython is good for the soul10:55
Lathiatruby is better10:56
=== Lathiat hides from the mob
ajmitchyay, language flamewars10:56
ajmitchLathiat: good to see you round, got your LCA tickets sorted? :)10:56
schweebone of the biggest LTSP guys lives right here near Detroit, I don't think he cares terribly about python10:56
Lathiatall set to go10:56
siretartI think mono would win the flamewar, because it can integrate all of them ;)10:56
Lathiatand i just started a job but i informed him i'd be at a conference in january and hes fine with that :)10:57
ajmitchoh nice, still at uni though?10:57
ajmitchwe need to get avahi 0.6.1 into dapper10:57
Lathiatgonna take next year off10:57
schweebavahi being mdns?10:58
ajmitchavahi being the only decent, free mdns implementation10:58
schweebI have yet to use any mdns implementation10:58
ajmitchmorning \sh10:58
Lathiatsiretart: mono integrates with ruby?10:59
ajmitch\sh: you're burning through all the merges :)10:59
schweebyou hear jorge/whiprush went all faggoty for a while?  he may be all winodws now?10:59
ajmitchschweeb: eh what?10:59
schweebexcuse my termage10:59
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schweebbut he went to mostly windows.. somehow he's all disenchanted10:59
ajmitchI find it hard to believe11:00
siretartLathiat: aren't there ruby bindings for mono?11:00
Lathiatsiretart: 'bindings' ?11:00
siretarthi \sh11:00
Lathiatno langauge interpretor for ruby for mono that im aware of11:00
schweebajmitch: me too... he's the one that convinced me to go from RH->Sid in the frist place11:00
\shmoins siretart11:00
Lathiatcoudl be a fun project maybe :)11:00
siretartLathiat: bad ruby ;)11:00
schweeblike 3 yrs ago11:00
ajmitchschweeb: we need independant confirmation for these sort of ill rumours11:01
ajmitchsurely he couldn't just turn11:01
schweebI'm the first harbinger of such turnage... although he may still yet be saved11:02
schweebbelieve me, I was the most disappointed of all11:02
=== StevenK adds 11 hours to 1400 and comes up with 1am 7th of December.
ajmitchStevenK: no kidding11:02
ajmitchit's hard for me, that'd be 3am11:02
StevenKajmitch: Hell, I was going to ask you to be in my fanclub, but not if it's 3am.11:02
schweebhttp://schweeb.wordpress.com/2005/11/17/the-linux-bandwagon/ <--- this is about him11:03
ajmitchso I tend to skip most of the nighttime meetings now unless they're MOTU meetings11:03
schweebajmitch: he makes me ;_;11:03
schweebI'm pouting a lot11:03
ajmitchjust slap some sense into himi & he'll come out of it11:04
Lathiatsiretart: hrm, http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-PaloAlto/9251/ruby/nrb.html and http://www.saltypickle.com/rubydotnet/11:04
schweebhe's a pretty stubborn bastard11:04
schweebbelieve me11:04
=== StevenK notes he has until the 7th.
schweebknown him long enough to know that11:04
ajmitchStevenK: mako always looks for 'sustained' contributions11:05
=== schweeb becomes drunker with every sip
StevenKSo, a merge I'm doing runs $(MAKE) distclean on clean, which will run ./configure if the Makefile doesn't exist. Should I stop it doing that?11:05
ajmitchso if the DD thing doesn't help, you need to be around at least a month or usually 2, to get membership11:05
StevenKThen I may as well wait.11:05
StevenKBut I don't want to bug elmo to whitelist me.11:06
siretartwhy not?11:06
ajmitchhe'll get to the whitelisting11:06
siretarthe gets paid for that ;)11:06
schweebI've heard mako isn't employed by canonical anymore... and he wasn't a huge help on the CC for getting me membership when I emailed them11:06
schweebalthough he's still a kickass guy11:06
ajmitchschweeb: he's not, and he's still on the CC11:06
schweebah, makes sense enough11:07
ajmitchhe's doing the $100 laptop thing now11:07
Burgundaviaschweeb, he is a very very busy person11:07
schweebso I've seend11:07
ajmitchStevenK: I generally just care about whether the package builds properly from a fresh start in pbuilder, I like to introduce as few changes as necessary11:07
ajmitchanything that debian maintainers don't accept, we have to carry to the mext merge cycle11:08
ajmitchor drop11:08
StevenKajmitch: It's a one-line patch in debian/rules, and it stops ./configure being run twice.11:08
schweebone of these days, he's been pondering starting an open source neighborhood in the Detroit (free housing) area... be interested (very much so) in seeing how that turn sout11:08
StevenKThis is my problem - it's a small change, but do we want to keep maintaining it.11:08
azeemStevenK: how does it run ./configure when the Makefile doesn't exist?11:09
ajmitchStevenK: if it works, & is documented in the changelog, might as well try it11:09
ajmitch& send it to the debian maintainer11:09
ajmitchhi azeem11:09
schweebI'm usually like Mr HaHa... <lost reference... nm>11:11
StevenKI'm not sure. the first three lines of the clean target are dh_testdir, rm and $(MAKE) distclean11:12
StevenKAnd running fakeroot debian/rules clean shows dh_testdir and then ./configure, so it is the $(MAKE)11:12
\shStevenK: not obvious11:12
crimsunmm bombard-elmo-with-syncs hour :)11:13
azeemdoes it depend on some other target, like config.status?11:13
ajmitchcrimsun: sure :)11:13
StevenKAhhh, it depends on config.status for some reason.11:13
StevenKAhhhh, that runs ./configure11:13
azeemthat's what dh-make does, for some reason11:14
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StevenKajmitch: And you said elmo would get around to it. It's been four days, damn it. :-)11:25
ajmitchthat's not long11:26
ajmitchit took him at least 2 weeks to get my new GPG key into the keyring :)11:26
StevenKajmitch: I went from NM to DD in five days. I lost my key and had a new one in the keyring in two days.11:27
StevenKajmitch: I'm *incredibly* lucky when it comes to dealing with elmo. :-)11:27
MithrandirStevenK: whom did you sleep with for that to happen? :-)11:27
ajmitchthat was early 90s, right? ;)11:27
StevenKajmitch: Nope, 2001.11:27
ajmitchMithrandir: it's called 'riding the wild elmo'11:27
StevenKMithrandir: No-one, actually.11:27
StevenKRan 198 tests in 4.207s11:28
StevenKFAILED (failures=4, errors=75)11:28
=== StevenK ponders adding himself to the wiki page.
=== StevenK curses siretart.
StevenKI'd forgotten how fragile Linda's bootstrapping stage is.11:31
=== siretart innocent!
=== siretart just user of linda!
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ajmitchhi pef11:34
ajmitchsiretart: it's part of your secret plan to sabotage debian?11:34
ajmitchdrive all the DDs mad11:34
=== StevenK chuckles.
StevenKDrive? I'm already mad.11:36
siretartajmitch: sabotaging debian to make my own nm procedure more easy.. sounds like a plan :)11:36
ajmitchno, it means less for us to merge11:37
SloMoSnailand more work for us to fix stuff or stay uptodate ;)11:37
ajmitchStevenK: you're australian, mad by default ;)11:37
ajmitchwe have jdub as the 'typical aussie' :)11:38
Seveasin an orange prison overall :)11:40
=== Fuddl [n=fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:20f:eaff:fe4d:d7b7] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKOh my God.11:42
StevenKjdub is nowhere typical.11:43
StevenKEr, nowhere typical11:43
StevenKBloody hell, nowhere near typical11:43
Seveasjdub is a typical jdub11:43
Seveasa unique species :)11:43
ajmitchStevenK: don't worry, I've spent enough time in .au to know they're not that bad :)11:44
=== StevenK wishes to unbreak Linda.
ajmitchyou have linda in some revision control?11:48
StevenK*nods* SVN11:53
=== StevenK gives up on Linda.
siretartis she so bad?11:55
ajmitchsleep time, night all11:55
slomogn8 ajmitch11:56
siretartgn8 ajmitch11:59
=== siretart searches a breakfast
StevenKsiretart: At the moment she is.11:59
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\shwell..when do heise.de drop their "the southafrican linux distribution" thing....that's not true01:39
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hubhe siretart02:59
siretarthey hub!03:02
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siretart\sh: http://tiber.tauware.de/~siretart/unmet/03:10
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\shsiretart: cool03:12
zakamehi all03:12
\shsiretart: but i think we will wait for the unmet deps until uvf03:13
siretart\sh: yes, so do I03:13
siretart\sh: but I was too annoyed about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseUnmetDeps03:14
=== minghua [n=minghua@69-153-139-23.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shsiretart: not only u03:14
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\shsiretart: well...lets check if we can do a nice list system like the MoM stuff now03:14
siretart\sh: this time, I think we should use something like lpbugs for unmet deps03:16
\shsiretart: well...it's easy to adjust :) new text and file bugs :)03:16
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zakamehi there03:25
=== herve [n=hcauweli@ubuntu/member/herve] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shgood afternoon herve and a happy 1. sunday 4 weeks before x-mas :)03:30
herveargh, I need ideas for presents!03:30
=== siretart too
hervegood afternoon to you too03:30
zakameawww herve03:30
=== hub should finish reinstalling all his machines
\shhub: u moved already?03:40
hub\sh: last sunday03:40
hub\sh: done in 2 weeks03:40
hubfrom the time I search for a new place to the end03:40
\shhub: so no montreal anymore :)03:41
hubOttawa now03:41
hubthat's life03:41
\shwell...when I have the money and time...then I have to visit you and your wife in ottawa :) repeating the meeting from montreal :)03:41
hubI have more room now03:43
hubit is a house03:43
\shwow :)03:44
sivanghub: Ottawa is better then montreal ?03:55
hubsivang: just that I got a new job03:55
hubthat's the sole reason03:55
hubactually I'm in Gatineau/Hull03:55
sivanghub: oh cool , what do you do btw?03:55
hubon the other side of the river03:55
hubI will work for Xandros03:56
\shxandros? another debian based distro?03:57
hub\sh: yep03:58
hubthe "proprietary" one03:58
\shhub: hmmm.."go away..don't steal our power" ,)03:58
siretarthub: have fun at xandros! :)03:58
hub\sh: I'll write software not packages03:58
\shhub: this company who sells this stuff...03:58
sivanghub: congrets!03:58
siretartI installed it once for my mother03:58
sivang\sh: are you a DD stephan?03:58
siretartI don't think its a bad distro. the computer was just too slow ;)03:59
\shsivang: no..why should I?03:59
\shsiretart: hahahaha03:59
siretart\sh: according to infinity, all motu's should start nm ;)03:59
sivang\sh: I was just wondering about your pkging knowledge, it seems like you\re one of those old time DDS :)03:59
\shsivang: to be honest...I don't have any clue about what I'm doing here...04:00
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\shsivang: but makefiles I'm able to read since I started to work on a MPM machine :)04:00
=== sivang gives \sh a penalty card "Lying!"
siretartanother round of mao here? ;)04:00
sivangsiretart: but ofcourse :)04:01
\shsivang: really...I just build one or two debian packages in my past for my own software...but that was it04:01
\shsivang: the rest is only adaptation of building rpm packages04:01
\shsivang: and reading makefiles :)04:02
\shsivang: and writing shell based ebuilds for gentoo :)04:02
zakame\sh: could you check my package in revu then, its full of makefiles :D04:03
\shno one believes me...I know that :)04:03
sivang\sh: interesting, so rpm is much like .deb ?04:03
\shsivang: no04:03
sivangso where does the "adaptation" come ?04:04
\shsivang: but packaging is always similar...only the tools and ways are differente04:04
sivang\sh: ah ok04:04
\shsivang: dependencies e.g. u need to know the packagenames, or at least how to determine them...then u need a bit of knowledge how the whole linux system is working to build init scripts, or postinst postrm etc. scripts] 04:05
\shsivang: do you remember those Cobalt Cubes and Raq machines?04:05
\shsivang: this company was bought by sun later04:05
sivangI think I recall something04:06
\shsivang: I was one of the first people who managed to replace the UI of cobalt (webbased, mixture of hardcoded perl html creation scripts and dynamic written html stuff) from the "Blue Theme" to an Orange one for a company in germany04:06
\shsivang: I managed to replace all this shit with one package and one final "reset to manufactur defaults" reboot04:07
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\shsivang: the package was a mixture of a rpm package, put into an tar.gz and added a header to it, cpio it...voila cobalt package ready to install via webconsole04:08
=== gazer_ [n=gazer@ADSL-200-59-106-159.capfed2.uolsinectis.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shit took us 2 days to replace 1000 cubes with the new UI04:08
\shsivang: the only problem at this time...there was no real documentation about how to package cobalt stuff..04:10
looksausat first sight, the following may sound like an inappropriate question to ask here04:11
\shand the guys from the german cobalt hq were asking me, how did I manage it04:11
looksausI hope you'll see some relevance in it; maybe you could even point me to a better suited place04:11
\shlooksaus: why don't you ask straight away? :)04:12
looksausI'm trying to resize an A4 PostScript document to A304:12
looksaususing psresize, part of the psutils from universe04:12
\shoh this is more a #ubuntu question04:12
looksausthese seem to use gs-esp, a gs version that lacks quite a bit04:13
looksaus... laGs quite a bit behind gs-gpl and gs-afpl04:13
\shlooksaus: hmm..please file a bug in malone (http://launchpad.net/malone) if something is wrong with this package04:14
looksaus\sh, the cropping bug I seem to encounter in gs-esp is old and well known, it seems04:15
minghualooksaus: debian has gs-esp 8.15 now, so I assume dapper should follow soon (if not already)04:16
looksausgs-esp seems to be needed for some printing needs, though04:16
sivang\sh: still waiting for the end of the story :)04:16
\shsivang: that was the end :)04:17
looksausminghua, I know, I personally poked Jonas Smedegaard about it (Debian packager)04:17
\shsivang: I couldn't give them an answer, because the answer was obvious..."try and error" and "banging my head against a wall"04:18
looksausbut my question is where the appropriate channel would be to ask about configuring things so that I can use gs-gpl or gs-afpl with these psutils04:18
minghualooksaus: you mean ubuntu maintainer?  since gs-esp's debian maintainer is Hatta-san and Muto-san04:18
sivang\sh: ok, then I just need to make myself some more spare time to practice trial and error, it's too weird taht I can hack C/GTK but bumps in packaging :)04:18
zakamemhatta and dancer :D04:19
minghuazakame: no, kmuto.  dancer is Uekawa-san04:19
zakameminghua: errr, yeah, right04:20
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minghualooksaus: uninstall gs-esp and install gs-afpl doesn't work?04:21
looksausminghua, have a look at http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gs-gpl.html, he's a comaintainer04:21
\shsivang: well..it's training nothing else I think..same happens to me when I learn a new programing language...if I like it, I learn quite fast04:21
minghualooksaus: you mean your bug still exists in gs-esp 8.15?04:22
zakamecan someone please check malone 4106 debdiff, thanks :D04:22
UbugtuMalone bug #4106: netatalk: merge new debian version Fix req. for: netatalk (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: MOTU Merge Team, Status: PendingUpload http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/410604:22
minghuags-gpl and gs-esp are at the same version now anyway04:23
looksausnope, actually, my comment was quite irrelevant, sorry, just saying he's a comaintainer and has been doing hard work on gs-gpl in Debian lately04:23
sivang\sh: I opened some bug on apt-file, I hope that's a real bug and not something I shoul dhave done to make it work04:25
\shzakame: looking04:25
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zakame\sh: many thanks :D04:26
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\shzakame: debdiff failed to apply to the mom version04:30
\shzakame: did u use the debian package?04:30
zakame\sh: err, its 2.0.3-2 -> 2.0.3-2ubuntu104:30
\shzakame: please tell me which package to use..debians or moms :)04:31
zakame\sh: debian, sorry :)04:31
\shzakame: np04:32
\shzakame: will test the package just now....I have to wait for openvrml and gtkmathview to compile04:33
zakame\sh: again, my many thanks :D04:33
\shzakame: if you have more packages to upload...please write a mail with the bugnumbers to sh@sourcecode.de I'll deal with it04:35
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\shzakame: or syncs..everything which is needed to clean the mom list04:37
\shogra_: frohen 1. advent :)04:37
zakame\sh: will do ;-) actually the ones I have for upload are for sync, overriding ubuntu changes04:37
\shzakame: send it to me04:37
\shzakame: including the bug numbers :)04:37
minghua\sh: is telling you on irc okay?04:38
ogra\sh, thanks, same to you04:38
minghua\sh: or email is preferred?04:38
slomohmm, when i set a package to pending upload it disappears from the merges list04:38
sivang\sh: was that in germen? :)04:38
sivangbtw - does anyone remmebers how to enable debugging for a perl script?04:38
zakameslomo: I usually set a sync to PendingUpload... is that ok?04:39
\shminghua: email prefered :) but you can query as well...I don't know when I requesting or testing this stuff...depends on the time ... but I'll deal with them all :)04:39
ograsivang, adding prints in the appropriate places ?04:39
slomozakame: doesn't seem like it's ok... they're dispearing to newhere04:39
minghua\sh: I'll send emails then04:39
\shzakame: well...problem is, that they are disappearing04:39
zakamesivang: debugging as a perl switch? or the `use warnings` pragma?04:39
sivangzakame: switch :)04:39
\shsivang: yepp04:39
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slomo\sh: why are they disappearing?04:40
\shslomo: i can't search for pending uploads right now...04:40
\shslomo: lp is b0rked to do special searches04:40
zakamesivang: according to `perldoc perldebtut`, there's -d and -w04:40
slomo\sh: *sigh*04:40
\shslomo: bug is filed already :)04:41
\shcompile u bloddy bastard of nc6000 2 pbuilders is nothing :)04:41
\shbloody even04:41
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minghua\sh: mail sent :-)04:45
\shminghua: k04:45
zakame\sh: I've sent mine too :)04:53
slomook, bugs reset to New ;)04:53
\shslomo: hehe :)04:56
zakameslomo: woot04:59
\shzakame: thx for the list05:00
zakame\sh: and thanks for your good person ;)05:00
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\shzakame: netatalk uploaded.05:09
\shzakame: syncs requested05:09
\shminguha: syncs requested05:09
\shplease pay attentions to the buildds thx05:09
zakame\sh: will do :)05:10
\shzakame: hardware-monitor is new...please adjust your debdiff05:11
\shnew version: 1.2.1-305:11
zakame\sh: ok no prob :D05:11
\shin debian05:11
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakamehi hub05:15
\shzakame: loglib-common uploaded05:17
\shaeh logilab-common :)05:18
slomois someone here who uses libnss-ldap?05:19
zakamekeeping two eyes on the buildlog, one for netatalk, another for logilab-common :)05:20
siretartogra: are you around and have some time to move http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/buildlogs/ to tiber?05:20
=== minghua [n=minghua@69-153-139-23.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograsiretart, i'm around, yes ...05:23
\shminghua: syncs requested05:23
minghua\sh: thanks05:23
siretartogra: how we do it? I'll give you a tiber account and you move the scripts?05:23
siretartogra: or if you are too busy and installing isn't that complicated, you can also pass me the scripts05:23
hubslomo: I have used it at one point05:24
ograsiretart, can you give me a dir with exec cgi ... i'll have to inspect the script to tell if i need something additional, its a while ago05:24
hubslomo: that is something SuSE does out of the box05:24
siretartogra: we have a normal apache setup, you should be able to use any override in .htaccess files05:24
slomohub: can you take a look at the ubuntu package? debconf shows one informative message which is rated critical (and seems to break automated installs as you can't disable it)... can i safely set this to high?05:25
ograimport sys05:25
ograimport re05:25
ograimport cgi05:25
ograimport cgitb; cgitb.enable()05:25
ograimport css_template05:25
ograimport urllib, sgmllib05:25
ograimport zlib05:25
ograthats what i need ...05:25
hubslomo: in dapper?05:26
slomohub: or breezy, it's the same currently05:26
ogra(css_template is local ...)05:26
ograsiretart, python modules indeed05:26
siretartogra: do you happen to know which packages that corresponds?05:26
ograi'll look itr up05:26
ograbut it ran on my woody server first, so it should all be fairly standard05:27
siretartmost propably they are already installed05:29
siretartbecause we need quite some python stuff for revu, too05:29
ograi just see there is only a python2.3 backport installed on my old server05:29
ograso it should all be included05:29
siretartogra: you should get email with your pw soon05:30
ograthanks :)05:30
ogranormal ssh access i assume05:30
siretartstandard breezy box05:30
zakamehmmm is there any reason not to strip hardware-monitor?05:31
zakameI get a lintian warning about that05:31
slomohub: what do you think?05:31
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hubslomo: build or install?05:32
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zakamehey bojan05:34
zakameand botein too :D05:34
siretartAh, I see the pw arrived :)05:34
hubslomo: I don't get any error05:34
slomohub: i ask because it breaks automated installs for botein and he want it to be changed ;) and as i know nothing about ldap i think it's better to ask someone else... but imho the importance can be lowered05:34
\shwow.ogra on tiber...what a feeling ... tiber is blessed by the uber-MOTU :>)05:35
hubslomo: btw debian unstable as a more recent version05:35
slomohub: no error, but you get a critical informative debconf message where you have to confirm05:35
slomohub: i already requested a sync ;)05:35
hubonly configuration information05:35
slomohub: yes and one is only informative... that you need to edit some configuration file because it's not handled automatically05:35
hubI didn't catch that05:36
slomohub: but you got this message? "nsswitch.conf is not managed automatically"05:37
hubyep I get it05:37
slomodo you think this can be lowered from critical to high?05:38
bojan zakame: hi05:38
slomo\sh: ? :)05:38
siretartgrr, options in user dirs not allowed yet, just a sec05:38
ograsiretart, yes, grokked that :)05:39
slomosiretart: you use zsh? are the unicode problems finally fixed? :)05:40
ogra\sh, lol05:40
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\shogra: sorry, couldn't resist05:40
siretartogra: overrides should be allowed now05:40
siretartin your public_html05:41
siretartperhaps a ScriptAlias or something like that is still needed, but you should be able to use every override in your public_html05:42
boteinhub: what do you think about libnss-ldap?05:43
ograsiretart, overrides work... can i have read access to the error log ?05:43
siretartogra: sure, here you are05:44
siretartAllowOverride is not valid in .htaccess, only in apache config05:44
ograits years ago that i had to fiddle with apache :)05:45
zakame\sh: just updated hardware-monitor's debdiff, now diffs from 1.2.1-3 debian05:45
ograoh, it wants a cgi-bin ...05:46
\shzakame: k...will have a look just now05:47
zakame\sh: thank you... will be turning to sleepyland now, ;)05:47
zakamegood night all!05:47
siretartogra: hm. I tried something, and symlinked your script. now http://tiber.tauware.de/cgi-bin/buildlogs.cgi seems to work05:47
siretartI think you should create a ScriptAlias in your .htaccess05:48
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\shi need to be in the office at 6 o'clock05:53
\shso let me do some more merges and transitions :)05:57
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ograsiretart, its fine as is ...06:02
siretartogra: okay. then lets keep the symlink, okay?06:06
ograwhile i'm at it, i'll add a link at the top of the individual buildlog to jump to the error ...06:07
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\shlooks nice this shiny buildlog tool...06:11
\shhow do i check old buildlogs?06:12
herve\sh, do you remember why we need a specific gtk-mist-engine?06:12
\shbut I synced it just now06:12
\shi don06:12
siretart\sh: If I read the code correctly, you dont06:13
\sh't even know what it is...06:13
siretart\sh: it is 'just' a nice interface to http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/byDate/today.html06:13
\shogra: hmmm...can u add such a functionality?06:13
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ogra] : its not implemented yet
siretartbut maybe I missed something important06:13
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:siretart] : Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU |
siretart          http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/LOGS/mom.20051107{b}.log - Grep for06:13
siretart          Universe for Universe Merges | How To Track Merge Status -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge"06:14
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ogra] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/LOGS/mom.20051107{b}.log - Grep for Universe for Universe Merges | How To Track Merge Status -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge
siretartthe topic is outdated anyway06:14
ograi hate my jumpy kbd06:14
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:siretart] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | How To Track Merge Status -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge | Grab your merge here: http://tiber.tauware.de/~sistpoty/MoM/index.py?state=new
ograhmm, you wiped the intro06:16
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ogra] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | How To Track Merge Status -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge | Grab your merge here: http://tiber.tauware.de/~sistpoty/MoM/index.py?state=new
siretartis it really that important? ;)06:16
siretartokayokay, you win :)06:16
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\shelmo: please sync gtkmathview , gtodo-applet , guifications , guppi from unstable, dropping ubuntu changes ok, thx06:20
ogra\sh, ENOELMO06:20
siretart\sh: wrong channel ;)06:20
siretart\sh: but would you like to have a look njam? it somehow seems to ftbfs06:21
\shsiretart: i saw it..will have a look just now06:21
\shhmm...looks like i fixed it now06:25
\shlets see06:25
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siretartsearching some food06:31
\shjo..fixed njam06:34
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\shhmm...the letter "g" on the MoM list just finished06:49
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bojanChristian_: hi07:03
Christian_na bitte geht doch07:03
=== ogra scratches head about wine and the mingw32 suggestion ....
ograso we should have a buildd that runs wine and mingw32 ? ?07:15
\shogra: i wrote something07:15
ograthis thread is so silly....07:15
\shogra: just send..this guy never tell me again about cluelessness07:15
ograbe careful .... CoC !07:16
\shogra: I have to think about the future of wine...I should remove it from the repositories07:16
\shogra: i'm not as pissed as he is :)07:16
\shogra: i'm totally clueless :)07:16
\shogra: because I'm always right (tm)07:16
ograbe happy he doesnt start to talk about autopackage again07:16
\shogra: read this: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites07:17
\shand that http://gemal.dk/mozilla/build.html07:17
ograbtw, thanks for keeping my gworldclock changes :)07:17
\shogra: well..I read the reports and the diffs sometimes :)07:17
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ograyeah, we need a cygwin buildd running on wine, lol07:18
\shogra: building windows binaries is not really the problem.07:19
\shogra: the problem is, mingw is not in main, and I think nobody will maintain it for main07:19
\shogra: so that's for the story wine to main07:19
ograbuilding them *inside* the wine package is tricky i think07:19
\shogra: no...u can do it via crosscompiler07:19
\shogra: but building it via crosscompiler e.g. firefox is something really stupid07:20
\sh1. no one will support it07:20
ograits complete nonsense imho ...07:20
\sh2. not even mozilla itself. they're supporting their own builds and/or the official builds via official build toolchain which is MSVC07:21
\shyou know that they're very strict...and maintaining a third or fourth mozilla package for windows ... no waus07:21
\shways even07:21
\shogra:  read my post...and tell me that I can take my hat and go somewhere else :)07:24
ogra\sh, we all know you are clueless, dont worry :P07:26
ogra20-50 clueless uploads a day ....07:27
slomo...and they even work ;)07:27
\shslomo: sometimes07:28
\shonly sometimes07:28
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ograwhat a lucky guy you are ;)07:31
ograsure ....07:32
bojanyou guys are funny :)))07:32
ogradoing clueless uploads that even *work* ... must be a lot of luck *g*07:32
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\shogra: well...the holy compiler helps me sometimes :)07:35
siretartogra: no. the package would 'just' need a build dependency on mingw3207:37
siretartogra: no changes to build infrastructure necessary07:37
siretartin fact, I don't find that idea too bad07:38
ograit should rather be in a separate package07:38
siretartwhat excatly?07:38
ografirefox ?07:38
ograactiveX controls ?07:38
ograwhatever they decide to bundle07:39
siretartI still did only read from \sh that they want to ship firefox bundled with wine07:39
siretartwhat I'm still reading is that they want to build some .dll's, which go along the wine distribution07:39
ogramike hearn siad thet it might happen in the future07:39
ogra\sh only reacted on this statement07:40
siretartoverreacted, imo07:40
\shah no07:40
ograi dont think so ...07:41
siretartlet him go on, if wine really starts to make braindead stuff, we can strip that off anyways07:41
ograbeing called clueless isnt really firendly07:41
siretartthats right07:41
\shThis doesn't seem to prevent us from giving out the07:41
\shpackage with the DLL included, however users wouldn't be able to07:41
\shredistribute it.07:41
\shthe first mail of scott ritchie07:41
siretart\sh: there are 2 separate points in the thread. please dont mix them07:41
\shthere is one package of this activeX mozilla stuff which ships officially and alloweded the mfc.dll07:42
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siretartatm, there is NO package07:42
\shsiretart: that is the beginning...and that's why I said, don't distribute windows userland binaries/libraries07:42
siretartlet him do some work, and lets flame him afterwards07:42
\shsiretart: actually I don't flame...I want to avoid this before start07:42
siretart\sh: don't. let him do that07:43
\shsiretart: you never read me in usenet, when I starting to flame...right now, I'm really calm07:43
siretarthe will see where this will end07:43
\shif anyone is seeing sistpoty...please ask him where he got the information that hk-classes has to be transitioned07:44
siretart\sh: I think I will see him tomorrow in class07:44
\shmoins ajmitch07:44
slomohi ajmitch07:44
ograohh, roundup was orphaned in debian ?07:44
\shsiretart: please ask him...I think the information is wrong...07:45
slomoogra: python-gnome too... what shall we do with it? merge anyway or drop it?07:45
siretartogra: obviously07:45
ograslomo, i think debian is about to drop all gtk1 stuff in the near future ....07:45
siretartogra: we should really discuss package removals from universe at the next motu meeting07:45
ograi know some companys running roundup as ticket system ...07:46
\shthey should use RT07:46
ograthey are still actively usind it07:46
siretartbecause we have quite some stuff which was in debian at some point, but got removed from unstable then07:46
slomoogra: hmm, anyway, i'll merge it for now... and some people are actively using gtk1.2 (xmms for example)07:46
ogra\sh, if they have the ressources to switch, sure ...07:46
siretartthere was a plan to setup an RT on tiber07:47
\shogra: hmmm...could be another job after I leave ISH ,)07:47
ograusing a new system involves to set it up and maintain it07:47
siretartI think ogra wanted it, right?07:47
ograslomo, yes, go ahead07:47
ograsiretart, we had several meetings about it, it wasnt only me ...07:47
\shsiretart: can u live with a lot of perl stuff on tiber?07:48
ograit was about having something more sane for UniverseCandidates ... i dnt insist on RT07:48
\shwe have the support tracker07:48
siretartaah, for universe candidates. Isee07:48
ograany kind of ticket system will do for that...07:48
=== sivang hopes with all this package removal talk, that merges are still in need of help
ogradoesnt necessarily need to be RT07:48
siretart\sh: I need to go now. lets talk about perl stuff tomorrow, okay?07:48
sivangrt uses perl, but is very comprehensive and allows flexiability07:49
siretartsivang: they are!07:49
\shsiretart: i play with the support tracker on launchpad07:49
siretartsivang: flexibility translates in maintenance work :(07:49
siretart\sh: ok07:49
sivangsiretart: true, but why do you need an issue tracker, or why drop roundup ?07:49
ograsivang, because debian dropped it07:50
bmontyis python-gnome a dead project?07:50
siretartogra: not yet, it is 'just' orphaned07:50
ograbmonty, thats gtk1 ....07:50
sivangogra: does that usually mean that a project is dying ?07:50
ograsiretart, yes :)07:50
siretartperhaps a new maintainer finds interest in it07:50
ograsivang, that does mean that debian has no maintainer for it07:51
ograsince debian packages are personalized, it might disappear completely unless someone adopts it07:51
sivangogra: ah, so that just means that there is nobody from the DDS that is willing to take care of it07:51
ograit has nothing to do with upstream... but if its not in debian anymore it means more work for us to maintain it07:52
siretartokay folks07:52
=== siretart is off for today
\shcu siretart07:52
ograciao siretart07:52
siretartsee you tomorrow!07:52
\shhave a nice evening07:52
siretartthank. you too!07:52
sivangnight siretart07:52
ograbmonty, gtk1 itself will die at some point upstream07:53
bmontyogra: I didn't realize that python-gnome was gtk107:53
ograthe gtk2 version is python-gnome2 :)07:54
bmontyogra: ok, I've been trying to find some documentation on their classes with no luck :(07:54
ograwhich wil get dropped in favor of python-gnome3 at some point in the far future ;)07:54
slomognome-python, python-gnome2 is no more ;)07:54
=== ajmitch reads the fun threads about wine
bmontyI think I'm going to stick with only pygtk :)07:56
ograthats not always possibl ;)07:57
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slomobmonty: why?07:57
ograi.e. try to write a app that uses fullscreen mode .... you'll need gnome stuff ...07:57
bmontyslomo: because I can't find documentation on how to use the python gnome bindings mostly07:58
ograaehm ...07:58
ograjust run python in a terminal, type help()07:58
ograand then help gnome ;)07:58
ajmitchit's good being a MOTU, just sit back & watch \sh burn through the merge list ;)07:59
ogra(drop the second help)07:59
\shajmitch: now I know why debian is sometimes so slow ,)08:00
\shajmitch: i think debian needs a \sh08:00
bmontyogra: that helps a little, thanks :)08:00
\shajmitch: but i'm too lazy to go the NM way :)08:00
ajmitch\sh: that would require handling the politics of NMUs08:01
ograstop talking about politics ....08:01
\shajmitch: well..u could be my mentor :)08:01
ajmitchsince you have to notify a maintainer, preferably in advance08:01
ograor Diablo-D3 will come back08:01
=== ajmitch shuts up
=== \sh shuts up
sivang\sh: did infinity answer your question why MOTU need be DDs ? :-)08:02
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ograsivang, huh ?08:02
sistpotyhi folks08:02
\shsivang: nah...i didn't read anything from him08:02
ajmitchhey sistpoty08:02
sivangogra: \sh asked him about it some hours ago08:03
\shah sistpoty08:03
=== ajmitch must have missed that
\shsistpoty: hk-classes...why is it on the list of renames?08:04
ajmitch\sh: btw I grabbed most of 'z' on the merge list, sorry ;)08:04
\shsistpoty: it wasn't on the list of doko :)08:04
sistpoty\sh: mom, I'll take a look08:04
ajmitchsistpoty: the accepted page is broken! :)08:04
slomoajmitch: mr. zope :P08:04
\shajmitch: thx :) I don't want to deal with zope :)08:04
ajmitchsistpoty: take a look at the bug report for zope, kiko never said he'd merge it08:04
ajmitch\sh: I thought I'd better look at the packages I said I'd care for :)08:05
sistpotyajmitch: he, i found out on thursday/friday, that the mail-parsing script was wrong and didn't look for the bug-title... thus any malone bug for a package on the list would move it to accepted08:06
sistpotyajmitch: this should be fixed now08:06
sistpotyajmitch: I'll reset zope ;)08:06
ajmitchthanks, I'll check with doko_ if we're dropping it08:07
ajmitchzope is v 2.608:07
sistpotyajmitch: should i set you as assignee for zope then?08:08
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sistpotyajmitch: did you file a merge bug for zope yet?08:08
ajmitchdidn't want to until I harassed you about it ;)08:09
ajmitchI'll file it now08:09
sistpotyajmitch: ok08:09
ajmitchno need to worry about it08:09
ajmitchremoved from dapper already08:10
\shsistpoty: did u see siretarts unmet dep list?08:10
sistpoty\sh: no, i didn't08:10
ajmitchsiretart: you used britney to get unmet deps, or some of your own magic?08:10
sistpotyajmitch: so zope should be deleted from the list?08:10
ajmitchsistpoty: please08:11
\shsistpoty: do u think we can create a list of sourcepackages with the unmet-deps on binaries?08:11
ajmitchcool, I can delete my scripts which did the same thing08:11
sistpoty\sh: sure thing...08:12
\shsistpoty: cool :) but we will use it first after UVF08:13
sistpoty\sh: but I'll have to think about how this could be handled best... if I happen to meet siretart at uni tomorrow, I'll talk with him bout it08:13
=== \sh hugs sistpoty
\shand I write a spec tomorrow for launchpad to have support tickets created against a team :)08:13
\shto get rid of the UniverseCandidates08:14
ajmitchwhy support tickets?08:14
\shbecause it's to correct way...if someone wants to have software X in universe, which has to be packaged etc. it's a support request08:16
\shnot a bug08:16
\shs/to correct/the correct/08:16
\shhmmm..hdf5 was something with haskell, right?08:17
sistpoty\sh: no idea... at least I haven't read it on ghc6-transition ;)08:18
\shah no..08:18
\shsomething else..come on u stupid merge :)08:18
\shnow it's mine08:18
ajmitchsistpoty: I've grabbed revu2 source from svn to hack on it08:18
sistpotyajmitch: cool :)08:19
sistpotyajmitch: add yourself to the authors then ;)08:19
ajmitchonce I've done some coding ;)08:20
sistpotybtw.: \sh: you should also add yourself to authors for revu ;)08:20
\shsistpoty: oh i didn't do enough hacking on it :08:21
ajmitchsistpoty: all I've done so far is argued about the spec08:21
sistpotyperhaps this will encourage hacking then ;)08:21
\shsistpoty: I'll start to hack hardly on glpbugs after UVF/FF08:21
\shmeans from 19th january on08:21
sistpotyyeehaa :)08:22
sistpoty\sh: hk-classes is a rename based on http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-November/013025.html08:23
sistpotystrange enough, it's no longer on the list doko mailed to announce08:24
sistpotymaybe this is done already?08:24
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-167-254.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shsistpoty: then it's gone magically on this actual list : http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2005-November/000016.html08:25
\shsistpoty: i see that hk-classes was renamed in debian..not according to ubunut08:25
\shubuntu even08:25
sistpotyhm... strange08:25
\shwell...no problem at all...I requested a sync08:27
ajmitch\sh: hah, nice blog post08:27
\shit's not even renamed during breezys cxx08:27
ajmitchyay for ogra worship ;)08:27
sistpotyf4t w00t :)08:28
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=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchhey hub08:34
=== ajmitch checks the merge list to see if there's anything left to do
\shajmitch: lol08:39
=== Gazer [n=gazer@ADSL-200-59-106-159.capfed2.uolsinectis.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shajmitch: 249 packages for u to go08:39
\shajmitch: rock rock rock08:39
ajmitchuniverse will be done before main is ;)08:40
\shajmitch: oh I did also one or two main merges until now08:40
\shactually I "merged" python-qt packages before even merge bugs were filed08:40
\shclueless...u know :008:41
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchoh shutup barry ;)08:41
ajmitchok, pyparsing is good for sync08:42
\sh /nick God08:42
ajmitchdecompyle only works with python <= 2.308:43
ajmitchso I don't care too much about it08:43
=== sampo_v2 [n=v2@cs181082.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sampo_v2hello, i'm looking for the people packaging ardour for ubuntu08:46
=== ajmitch points an accusing finger over to .de
ajmitchsampo_v2: it's the debian packaging, more or less08:47
\shsampo_v2: yepp...I'm the merger08:48
\shsampo_v2: I just got the email08:48
ajmitch\sh: what did you break?08:48
sivangand he has no clue....such a shame :)08:48
\shajmitch: nothing...08:48
\shajmitch: actually it needs a give back only :)08:49
=== sivang aspires to be as clueless as \sh in rpm packages
ajmitchsivang: if \sh has no clue I really really worry about the rest of us08:49
\shsampo_v2: so what especially is broken in ubuntus ardour package?08:49
sampo_v2\sh: one concern with the package is that the current binary package is quite old08:49
\shsivang: I never said I don't have a clue about rpm packages :)08:50
sivang\sh: neither did i :)08:50
sampo_v2\sh: another one is that when i was instructing a user to "apt-get build-dep ardour" and "apt-get -b source ardour", the build failed due to missing dependancies08:50
sivang.oO(look for the srcasm in my voice)08:50
\shsampo_v2:  ardour_0.99-3ubuntu1.dsc08:50
\shsampo_v2: this is the version which is right now in dapper..but not build because of missing deps08:50
\shsampo_v2: that's why I said it needs only a give-back by the buildd admins...which can happen very soon..08:51
sivangajmitch: he has LOTS of clues. he just being modest :)08:51
sivanganyway,m enough talking08:51
=== sivang rushes to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources
ajmitchsivang: nah, he's just fishing for compliments ;)08:51
sivangyeah :)08:52
sivangI wonder why he does that08:52
\shajmitch: no ways :) every single time dholbach is writing something about me in motu reports..i remove my name08:52
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ajmitch\sh: I've done the same08:52
ajmitchexcept yours deserves to be there08:52
sampo_v2\sh: there are other issues as well, more on the grander level08:52
sampo_v2\sh: one of the is system library linking08:52
ajmitchwork time, bbiab08:52
\shsampo_v2: hmmm...well08:53
sivang\sh: are you running from the government ? :-)08:53
sampo_v2\sh: ardour is supposed to be built against the included version of sigc++08:53
=== sivang hopes he deserves to be here, by ajmitch's opinion
\shsampo_v2: ah...this is something new...why?08:53
sampo_v2\sh: ardour / sigc++ binary interface is quite fragile to compiler differences08:55
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\shsampo_v2: actually we got a new sigc++...and I'm starting now a new build of ardour to see which lib the package is using08:55
=== sivang notes that everything he says here should not be taken seriously. I'm only joking fellas.
sampo_v2\sh: we've seen very strange user reports from debian systems where ardour has been linked against the system libsigc++08:56
\shsampo_v2: if you want you can have a look right now on the build log...http://motuhome.homelinux.net/ardour_0.99-3ubuntu1.dsc.buildlog08:56
\shoh yes..it uses systems libsigc08:58
sivang\sh: anywya, what were those u-d threads you were mentioning ?08:58
sampo_v2\sh: i see nothing from that address08:59
\shhmmm..scons determine the installed system lib by itself..means..if I remove the build dep...08:59
\shsampo_v2: press reload it's building just now...:)09:00
sampo_v2\sh: SYSLIBS=009:00
\shsampo_v2: k..but i have to do more09:00
\shdebian upstream defined syslibs=yes09:01
sampo_v2\sh: another problem with audio use on ubuntu is that there are no firmware packages. this means people with soundcards like the RME multiface (like me) can't use their soundcards without hacking09:01
\shsampo_v2: well.this is more a legal problem,09:01
sivanganywa guys, I've had an exhusting sunday at work (= monday blues around the rest of the world) will head off now09:01
\shsampo_v2: nothing to do with ardour09:01
sivanglaterz all09:02
sampo_v2\sh: yes, debian insists on defining syslibs=yes, but it isn't the Right Thing To Do09:02
\shsampo_v2: I think the maintainer don't want to deal with issues in the upstream source...09:02
\shsampo_v2: so he's using the syslibs...btw...which version of libsigc++ are u using?09:03
sampo_v2\sh: the RME firmware is distributed with the alsa source packages, so it CAN be distributed. i guess it clashes with debian policy09:03
sampo_v2\sh: 1.209:03
\shsampo_v2: what about 2.0?09:05
\shsampo_v2: and about this firmeware issue...can u please file a bug in bugzilla.ubuntu.com about it?09:06
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\shsampo_v2: libsigc++-1.2 has libsigc++-1.2.5 build....if this is appropriate..i don't see why to change it09:08
sampo_v2\sh: using any externally linked sigc++ is not advisable09:08
sivangI don't believe it, it DOES has docs09:08
\shsampo_v2: rational? are u changing something on the sigc++ source...well..I have to understand why I should not use the system lib :)09:09
ajmitch\sh: especially as in debian it's always *highly* recommended to use the debian libs09:09
ajmitchI've got to hack the build system on 1 of mine to use system libffi/libgc :)09:10
sampo_v2\sh: we've seen non-duplicatable issues with ardour when people were running it linked agains a system library sigc++09:10
\shajmitch: well...thinking about the user, I don't mind to do a change..if this works...but I want to know "what is different between sigc++ shipped with upstream source and standard 1.2.5 shipped with ubuntu"09:10
ajmitchsampo_v2: from the point of the distribution, we have to reduce as much of this duplcation as possible09:10
sampo_v2\sh: different versions of g++ create a bit different binary code09:11
ajmitchlibs are shipped by a distro for this reason :)09:11
ajmitchsampo_v2: that's fine then09:11
ajmitchsampo_v2: all our libs & apps are compiled with the same g++09:11
sampo_v2\sh: ardour users have suffered from non-"deterministic" issues created by linking ardour against system libraries09:11
ajmitchwe do source-only uploads09:11
sampo_v2ajmitch: there is evidence pointin otherwise09:12
sampo_v2ajmitch: do you think we have sigc++ in our cvs for fun?09:12
\shsampo_v2: please give me a detail view..if there is an issue between libsigc++-1.2.5 and gcc4.0.2 please state09:12
sampo_v2\sh: no09:13
sampo_v2\sh: this has been caused by even minor version changes in g++09:13
\shsampo_v2: so there must be a difference between the official libsigc++ package and yours...09:13
\shsampo_v2: do u think it changes when we compile all the sources with g++-4.0.2?09:13
\shsampo_v2: if it's the same source of sigc then it compiles the same09:14
sampo_v2\sh: the day you switch to g++-4.0.2-1 and compile only sigc++ with it, this issue will trigger09:14
\shsampo_v2: so what is different between your shipped version and the 1.2.5 version09:14
\shsampo_v2: well...this will never happen :) because if the toolchain is changed we have to recompile the stuff09:15
ajmitch\sh: I think it's just that they're compiled together09:15
sampo_v2\sh: even different optimizer flags can cause this bug to trigger09:16
\shajmitch: i don't want to introduce 1. another delta between debian and ubuntu...and 2. I don't want to introduce new .so09:16
\shsampo_v2: our buildds are running with the same cflags...only and only if the source package tells otherwise...which happens...but most of the time as result with discussions upstream09:16
sampo_v2\sh: the only changes to sigc++ is to make scons compile it, and to make to create a statically linked lib instead of a shared lib09:16
\shsampo_v2: ok...this is something I wanted to hear :)09:17
\shsampo_v2: so I don't have a problem with new dynamic libs09:17
ajmitch\sh: I agree, I don't like getting changes from debian :)09:17
\shajmitch: what do u think...forgetting that you are dd :)09:17
sampo_v2\sh: suggested reading: http://plan99.net/autopackage/Linux_Problems#cxx09:17
=== ajmitch is still waiting for firefox to thrash into memory - yay for winxp
\shajmitch: if upstream is telling us that is better to compile the self shipped versions...09:18
\shajmitch: thinking about static libs...and no .so09:18
ajmitch\sh: I've heard similar things from upstreams before ;)09:18
\shajmitch: i could live with it...09:18
\shajmitch: should we test?09:18
ajmitchI could live with it, but I don't like it09:18
ajmitchthink of things like the zlib security updates09:19
\shajmitch: this is something else..i never said I like it, because it gives me now more work09:19
ajmitch& archive bloat for package sizes09:19
\shsampo_v2: which version is upstream now?09:19
ajmitchnext chance I get I'm going to take an axe to my debian packages & make them work with system libgc/libffi09:19
sampo_v2\sh: sorry, unknown lingo09:19
\shsampo_v2: 0.99.3 is latest debian version ... what is prefered?09:20
sampo_v2\sh: 0.99 is the newest version of ardour at the moment09:21
\shsampo_v2: so we are ok with the version.09:21
sampo_v2\sh: the time when there was no binary of 0.99 was a few weeks ago09:21
\shsampo_v2: I'll to you something now :) which is logged....09:22
sampo_v2\sh: how about the build dependancies?09:22
\shsampo_v2: it needs to be given back to the buildds ..then it builds cleanly...09:22
\shsampo_v2: but for a word: after UVF I will create a testing package with your libs compiled in ..09:22
\shsampo_v2: so right now, the people using dapper can test the package like it is now...and after UVF I'll send a message for testing new packages with the libs compiled in from upstream source package...ok?09:23
\shsampo_v2: another thing..when are you switching to sigc++ 2.0?09:24
sampo_v2\sh: does UVF really stand for Ulster Volunteer Force? :)09:24
sampo_v2\sh: we are doing the 2.0 port as we speak, that meanst gtk1 => gtk2, sigc 1.2 => 2.0 etc.09:24
\shsampo_v2: Upstream Version Freeze09:24
ajmitchno, I don't think Kamion is involved :)09:24
=== StevenK just loves how quickly his Perl becomes unreadable.
sampo_v2\sh: lol, i thought the ulster volunteer force sounded quite appropriate..09:25
\shsampo_v2: do you think it's ready just before the 19th of January?09:25
ajmitchStevenK: there's no 'quickly' about it :)09:25
\shStevenK: that's perl...what do you expect?09:25
ajmitchsampo_v2: most people probably don't know what the ulster volunteer force is :)09:25
\shajmitch: right...clueless :)09:25
sampo_v2\sh: good question. in beta probably, but not stable09:25
sampo_v2ajmitch: neither do i, but everything2.com does!09:26
StevenKajmitch: :-)09:26
\shsampo_v2: ok...then after 19th January I'll provide some new test packages with your shipped libs compiled09:26
\shsampo_v2: and please send bugreporters who have problems with the ubuntu package to launchpad.net/malone and they should file bugs there09:27
\shsampo_v2: so we know about those issues09:27
\shajmitch: acceptable?09:27
\shajmitch: i think yes09:27
sampo_v2\sh: thank you. the next thing we (ardour devs) need to do is to convince debian to see the light as well09:28
sampo_v2\sh: so dapper is the "testing" distro?09:28
\shsampo_v2: dapper is the next release to come next year in april./09:28
ajmitchsampo_v2: yes, we're not making changes to the stable distro09:28
\shsampo_v2: so dapper is unstable right now09:29
ajmitchwe don't have a 3rd 'testing' branch09:29
sampo_v2\sh: ok09:29
\shsampo_v2: thx for raising this issue and thx for coming along :)09:30
sampo_v2\sh: no problem. all in a devs works09:31
\shsampo_v2: :)09:31
\shok last cigarette...i have to be in the office at 5:00 utc09:32
sampo_v2\sh: so, just to make sure i understood correctly: after the freeze, you'll throw the 'SYSLIBS=0' package in unstable?09:32
\shsampo_v2: no..I'll create a package and let the people download it from a to be announced place...(normally from my website)09:33
\shsampo_v2: to be sure that it works better then the actual one in the archives.09:33
\shsampo_v2: if there are positive responses that is has less bugs...then I upload this package to our archives09:34
StevenKprint $_->dump foreach ($_->content_list);09:34
StevenKMaybe that's too confusing. :-)09:34
\shsampo_v2: this has to be in the timeframe between the 19th january and 23rd of february09:34
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\shsampo_v2: after 23rd..there is feature freeze09:35
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sampo_v2\sh: ok. about the firmware stuff09:36
sampo_v2\sh: should i file the bug under "ubuntu" or "ubuntu universe"?09:36
\shsampo_v2: please file a bug in buzilla.ubuntu.com09:36
\shsampo_v2: main :)09:36
\shbugzilla.ubuntu.com even09:36
sampo_v2\sh: ok, i guess almost any alsa-* package will do09:37
\shsampo_v2: choose whatever is suitable09:37
sampo_v2\sh: ok. i'll be in ouch if we get 2.0 out before Jan 19th09:38
StevenKOh crap. The Ubuntu ALSA team will probably punt to Debian's ALSA team, and that includes me.09:38
\shsampo_v2: sh@sourcecode.de is my email addr. feel free to mail :)09:38
\shsampo_v2: or ping me via jabber when i'm online: my JID: sh@linux-server.org09:39
\shsampo_v2: or even on irc most of the time09:39
sampo_v2\sh: ok. i'll be in touch. thanks09:41
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\shgood night folks09:54
=== Kyral [n=kyral@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Kyralwhoa...Aptitude being removed?09:56
ograreally ?09:59
KyralThis is a good thing?09:59
=== Kyral stands stupified
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ajmitchKyral: libstdc++, etc10:00
=== Kyral blinks
Kyraluhh? I just got back from break, mind explaining this one ot me?10:00
ograKyral, if you dont like aptitude its a good thing ;)10:00
StevenKsteven@broken:~% version xcruise10:00
StevenK$VAR1 = {10:00
StevenK          'breezy' => '0.30-5ubuntu1:',10:00
StevenK          'dapper' => '0.30-6ubuntu1:',10:00
StevenK          'unstable' => '0.30-6:'10:00
StevenK        };10:00
StevenKxcruise already merged!10:00
Kyralogra I don't10:00
StevenKThere we go, an hour of learning LWP::Simple and HTML::TreeBuilder was worth it.10:01
Kyralwait a sec, so thats why k3b is going away10:01
ograis it ?10:01
Kyraland all my Boost libs10:01
ajmitchKyral: running dapper requires reading ubuntu-devel-announce :)10:01
Kyralajmitch: I just got back from break10:01
ajmitchKyral: in short, it's another c++ transition10:01
KyralI have a load to read :P10:01
ajmitchKyral: that's great, so why are you blindly dist-upgrading? :)10:01
KyralBecause I'm bored :P10:02
Kyraland if something breaks, I'll fix it :D10:02
ogranever dist-upgrade, just upgrade on development systems...10:02
ograand cherrypick the held back packages ;)10:02
ajmitchogra: well, that's what I tend to do unless I'm brave10:02
ajmitchyes, cherrypick10:02
ograpick the ones you think you need10:02
ograajmitch, exactly ... dist-upgrade is something to do fridays if you have a whole weekend to fix stuff ;)10:03
Kyralthx for the advice :D10:04
KyralCTRL-C'd out of the cycle and changed command to upgrade :D10:04
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KyralI'll Dist after finals week :P10:05
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ajmitchogra: by the time we get closer to feature freeze it ought to be safer to dist-upgrade10:08
Kyralwhen is the freeze anyway, or should I just read all the mail10:09
=== ajmitch is scared
ajmitchreading about potential libfreetype6 transition in debian10:10
ajmitch> 500 packages affected10:10
ajmitchthe mail is basically saying that maintainers need to be more careful with library handling10:10
sistpotyStevenK: did anyone sponsor offlineimap merge for you yet?10:13
ajmitchhttp://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/11/msg00016.html if you're interested :)10:14
\shi can't sleep10:18
ajmitchtoo many merges still to do?10:19
ajmitchgood to see the number of merges that result in ubuntu changes being dropped10:19
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-139-134.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchless work for us for dapper+1 :)10:19
\shno...not tired somehow..well i test kde3.510:19
tsengwe are getting smarter10:19
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lifelessajmitch: morning10:20
lifelessajmitch: how do I get bicyclerepair from debian synced ?10:20
tsengnow to take a look at firefox-dev10:20
tsenglifeless: tell elmo10:20
lifelesstseng: it needs to keep the prior patch though10:21
lifelessas debian is still python2.3 :{10:21
tsengthen you need to update the source and upload it10:21
\shlifeless: merging10:21
ajmitchmorning lifeless10:21
lifelesstseng: I can't upload to ubuntu, if I could there would not be a question.10:21
ajmitchlifeless: you just need to mention it & \sh will jump on it10:21
lifeless\sh: thanks!10:21
\shlifeless: moment10:21
ajmitchthe rest of us don't have a chance10:22
lifelessalso, fl-cow is not in dapper at all10:22
\shlifeless: ajmitch just volunteered :)10:22
lifelessbut the current debian build should work fine ;)10:22
ajmitchwhen did it get into debian?10:22
ajmitchelmo might need to process binary NEW in ubuntu10:22
lifelessajmitch: a year or so back, but it was FTBFS on the libc ubuntu had at the time10:23
tsengor it ftbfs10:23
lifelessdebian has that same libc now, and I have fixed the package before UBZ10:23
\shlifeless: which version?10:23
lifelessmorning ajmitch :)10:23
lifeless\sh: 0.6-110:23
\shlifeless: bicyclerepair?10:23
lifeless\sh: 0.9-410:24
\shhas to be merged10:24
\shis in main10:24
lifelessadds vim 6.4 support10:24
ajmitchok, will check fl-cow10:25
ogra\sh !!10:25
ograstill awake ?10:25
\shnot on the merge list10:25
\shand not in bugzilla10:25
tsengbrandon@y0shi:~/firefox-1.4.99+1.5rc3.dfsg$ find . -name nsServiceManagerUtils.h10:25
ajmitch    fl-cow |      0.6-1 | dapper/universe Packages10:25
ajmitch    fl-cow |      0.6-1 | dapper/universe Sources10:25
ajmitchseems fine10:25
tsengbut .install10:25
tsengdebian/tmp/usr/include/mozilla-firefox usr/include10:26
tsengit must not be getting copied10:26
tsengworks on gentoo apperantly10:26
\shlifeless: well...I could do it tomorrow just because I switched of my other laptop10:26
lifeless\sh: no rush10:27
\shogra: or can u merge it ;) or ajmitch ...all have main upload rights :)10:27
ajmitch\sh: ok, if you want :)10:27
lifelessthere should be 0 packaging work involved, other than redo the python2.3->2.4 sed ;)10:27
\shajmitch: i don't want ..10:27
\shajmitch: ... at all10:27
\shwhat's the irc nick of phillip kern?10:28
ajmitch\sh: you don't want me to merge? ;)10:29
\shajmitch: merge dude merge :)10:29
\shnot online somehow10:29
\shhe should give me his new gobby package...10:29
\shand I make his dreams come true, that his new package is earlier in ubuntu then in debian :)10:29
ograGOBBY !!!10:30
ajmitchI'd be surprised10:31
ogradamned, i havent prepared the main inclusion report for it yet10:31
ajmitchogra: your friend?10:31
tsenghi ogra :)10:31
ograajmitch, a thing i eagerly want for edubuntu10:31
ograit has a dedicated server mode in the latest version ...10:32
lifelesswith extra crashing ?10:32
ograit didnt crash for me at ubz... i dont know what youre all are talking about :)10:32
\shhe just answered on his blog...he is preparing the last fixes for his sources...he has to ping me10:33
\shogra: no crashes for me at ubz as well10:33
ajmitchogra: it didn't silently eat your document when someone's gobby session died?10:34
ajmitchheh, the 'ubuntu plague'10:35
tsengthe only ubuntu plague is carried by sladen10:36
ajmitchinteresting to see how a few DDs think that way10:36
tsengi cant believe im building firefox10:36
tsengmy poor electic bill10:37
sistpotyStevenK: I just uploaded the offlineimap debdiff from you10:37
ajmitchlifeless: looks like MoM was shutdown before bicyclerepair was uploaded10:38
ajmitchso it's merge by hand10:38
ajmitchif \sh_away didn't finish it :)10:38
tsengajmitch: MoM is shutdown still?10:38
ajmitchtseng: I think so10:38
tsengfor good?10:38
tsengok :)10:39
ajmitchit'd be bad if it was10:39
sistpotyhm... I always merge by hand...10:39
tsengi knew there was an early stop to merges10:39
ajmitchsince we still have a few weeks of UVF left10:39
tsengsistpoty: i merge by memory =/10:39
tsengim the worst10:39
sistpotyomg ;)10:39
ajmitchsistpoty: you don't use MoM debdiffs?10:39
sistpotyajmitch: no... i use newest unstable source and latest breezy source and check the changelog10:39
tsengi just reapply my changes and throw it up there10:39
sladentseng: thom's fault doth I protest10:40
ajmitchsistpoty: ok, and the other way is to use ubuntu source, debian source, and common ancestor10:40
ajmitchsladen: you're unfairly maligned10:41
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ajmitchsistpoty: eg for bicyclerepair I can split out an ubuntu debdiff like MoM does10:41
tsengajmitch is DaD10:42
ajmitch& I see the only change we made is build depends10:42
\shwow..this is really fast10:43
tsengthis is some pretty slick javascript for ff 1.5 users10:43
ajmitch\sh: what is?10:44
sladentseng: watchout, otherwise it'll magically turn into a new Lauchpad Feature10:44
\shmuch faster then 3.410:44
ajmitchalmost as fast as gnome ;)10:44
\shajmitch: sorry to say..but gnome is slow10:44
tsengsladen: feature, bug, or UI insanity?10:44
\shajmitch: check it out...i mean it's not stable right now...but what you see is quite nice10:45
ajmitchI think bicyclerepair could just be synced, rather than merged10:45
\shajmitch: without the python change?10:45
ajmitch\sh: it was python-dev ->python2.4-dev10:45
\shthen rather sync10:45
lifelesswhat about fl-cow ?10:47
\shok..now i can go to bed :)10:47
ajmitchwell it looks like it's current in dapper10:48
\shgood night :)10:48
ajmitchit just didn't make it for breezy10:48
lifelessajmitch: strange, I can't see it in aptitude here ?10:48
lifelessI have universe enabled10:48
ajmitchit's there10:48
ajmitchwhich mirror are you using?10:48
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ajmitchprobably points to us10:49
ajmitchwhich is probably still broken10:49
lifelesshmm ?10:49
lifeless'us' or .us ?10:49
ograus points to a.u.c10:49
ograits unbroken ...10:49
tsengis the final destination10:50
ajmitchlifeless: packages.ubuntu.com/fl-cow shows it10:50
tsengus.archive.ubuntu.com is an alias for ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net.10:50
lifelessajmitch: well, thats good enough for me.10:50
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tsengFilename: pool/universe/f/fl-cow/fl-cow_0.6-1_i386.deb10:50
ogratseng, hmm, last week it pointed to the main archive10:50
tsengogra: i dunno, i dont use it anymore10:51
tsengit is broken more than its not10:52
tsengand when its not it points to archive anyway10:52
ograthats why elmo said he had it pointing to a.u.c now10:52
=== tseng decides to watch a movie while firefox builds
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=== Kyral gahs
KyralI might have to fix FlowDesigner on my own11:54
ajmitchKyral: is that a problem?11:56
KyralNo....but I was waiting for the Devs to email me11:56
KyralI sent the problem upstream11:56
Kyraladd the fact it isn't something I know how to fix off the top of my head :P11:58
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KyralAh well, learning experiance :D12:01

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