=== tuxedo_kamen [n=ss@bl6-196-248.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #launchpad | ||
tuxedo_kamen | hi everyone | 12:19 |
tuxedo_kamen | i have some questions about translating xchat, can anyone please help me? | 12:19 |
tuxedo_kamen | please? :| | 12:24 |
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=== mdke_ [n=matt@81-178-234-142.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
mdke_ | tuxedo_kamen, sup? | 12:37 |
tuxedo_kamen | :| | 12:37 |
tuxedo_kamen | can you help me? | 12:37 |
mdke_ | tuxedo_kamen, it depends what your problem is | 12:37 |
tuxedo_kamen | translating xchat | 12:38 |
tuxedo_kamen | for example, this: ---$t$1 added to notify list. | 12:39 |
tuxedo_kamen | should I just translate he text, or the strange numbers too? | 12:39 |
mdke_ | tuxedo_kamen, just the text | 12:49 |
mdke_ | sorry for slow reply | 12:49 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum, ok | 12:49 |
mdke_ | tuxedo_kamen, are you using rosetta? | 12:49 |
tuxedo_kamen | it's just that on the suggestions everything is wrong! >_< | 12:49 |
tuxedo_kamen | yep | 12:49 |
mdke_ | it is a good idea to have a look at a translating guide | 12:49 |
mdke_ | and also, read the instructions that rosetta gives you about strange symbols (it sometimes gives comments on strings) | 12:50 |
tuxedo_kamen | I know that, but I just found it weird that their suggestion always had the wrong numbers | 12:50 |
mdke_ | tuxedo_kamen, it is probably because the suggestion comes from an older version of the software, or something | 12:50 |
tuxedo_kamen | for example: orignal % 2 2 2 | 12:50 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum, yeah, maybe | 12:50 |
tuxedo_kamen | thanks for your help | 12:50 |
mdke_ | good luck! | 12:52 |
tuxedo_kamen | thanks :) | 12:52 |
tuxedo_kamen | oh, and I have some technical questions, but I'll ask them another day | 12:52 |
mdke_ | ok | 12:53 |
=== mdke_ is now known as mdke | ||
=== radix [n=radix@c-67-186-54-77.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@d83-176-83-100.cust.tele2.it] has joined #launchpad | ||
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gato2005_cl | nick | 04:00 |
gato2005_cl | |list | 04:00 |
gato2005_cl | !list | 04:00 |
Ubugtu | Admin, Bugzilla, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User | 04:00 |
tuxedo_kamen | ? | 04:07 |
jamesh | lifeless: any chance to look at that merge problem with rocketfuel? | 05:21 |
lifeless | jamesh: currently looking at it. | 05:22 |
lifeless | (thats the bzr check running on chinstrap) | 05:22 |
jamesh | okay | 05:22 |
jamesh | thanks. | 05:22 |
lifeless | its merged fine in both directions | 05:23 |
lifeless | so I can offer a work around : | 05:23 |
lifeless | take a copy of devel | 05:23 |
lifeless | merge your branch into that | 05:23 |
lifeless | merge that into your branch | 05:23 |
jamesh | lifeless: it's a bit weird: the file that it claims is missing a revision didn't change according to the baz-1.x patch log | 05:23 |
tuxedo_kamen | o_O | 05:23 |
tuxedo_kamen | LOL | 05:23 |
lifeless | jamesh: right | 05:23 |
jamesh | I'll give that a go | 05:23 |
tuxedo_kamen | that sure is weird! :| | 05:23 |
lifeless | jamesh: I'm suspecting a bug in the conversion script or some such | 05:24 |
lifeless | btw you have sample data conflicts | 05:33 |
jamesh | lifeless: probably due to the switch to postgres 8.0 | 05:38 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum... sorry to ask, but what are you talking about? | 05:39 |
jamesh | my branch has sample data changes, but I last updated it with pg 7.4 | 05:39 |
jamesh | tuxedo_kamen: Launchpad code | 05:39 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum, ok | 05:39 |
tuxedo_kamen | hey, can you teach me how to use it better? | 05:39 |
jamesh | is there anything in particular you want to know? | 05:40 |
tuxedo_kamen | i already translated many things, but I am a newbie to the system itself | 05:40 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum...what is hackergotchi, ssh keys, gpg keys, code of conduct and packages? | 05:40 |
jamesh | tuxedo_kamen: a GPG key is an encryption key, so you can encrypt or sign things | 05:41 |
tuxedo_kamen | (the keys I know what they are, but what are they used for in the system?) | 05:41 |
jamesh | tuxedo_kamen: if you tell Launchpad about your key, you can use the bug tracker via email | 05:41 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum, ok | 05:42 |
tuxedo_kamen | what about hackergotchi, code of conduct and packages? | 05:43 |
lifeless | hackergotchi are cute photos | 05:43 |
lifeless | shown beside people in various places | 05:43 |
jamesh | the SSH keys are for a related system: the supermirror | 05:43 |
jamesh | which allows you to publish bazaar branches | 05:43 |
tuxedo_kamen | ok... | 05:44 |
tuxedo_kamen | so, in hackergotchi should I submit an image I like? | 05:44 |
jamesh | tuxedo_kamen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackergotchi has some details about the term | 05:45 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum, ok | 05:45 |
jamesh | tuxedo_kamen: the hackergotchi image gets displayed on your user page | 05:46 |
tuxedo_kamen | i think these are my last questions... | 05:46 |
=== jamesh still finds it amusing that wikipedia has a page about hackergotchis | ||
tuxedo_kamen | what else can i contribute, besides bugs and translations? | 05:46 |
tuxedo_kamen | :| anyone? | 05:49 |
jamesh | those are the main areas at the moment. | 05:51 |
tuxedo_kamen | hum... is there any way i can offer applications to use in ubuntu? | 05:53 |
jamesh | lifeless: I get the same error when trying to merge back into my branch | 05:53 |
jamesh | that is, merging the copy of rocketfuel merged with my branch | 05:54 |
=== tuxedo_kamen imagines what kind of things lie behind those strange words | ||
jamesh | tuxedo_kamen: teething pains after switching to a new revision control system | 06:03 |
lifeless | jamesh: funny, it worked for me | 06:05 |
jamesh | lifeless: could it be due to the previous failed merge? | 06:06 |
lifeless | jamesh: yes | 06:07 |
lifeless | do a reweave from your rocketfuel-that-merged-you . | 06:08 |
lifeless | in your branch | 06:08 |
jamesh | lifeless: no difference | 06:18 |
lifeless | jamesh: weird | 06:21 |
lifeless | 30 minutes till check finishes | 06:21 |
lifeless | we'll see then | 06:21 |
tuxedo_kamen | i am getting lots of timeout errors | 06:27 |
spiv | lifeless: I wish there was an easy way to know in tearDown if the test failed, so that TwistdTestCase could know not to delete log files in that case. | 06:31 |
spiv | lifeless: Any other suggestions? :) | 06:32 |
jamesh | spiv: you could do it with a decorator on the test method ... | 06:34 |
spiv | Well, the easy workaround is to temporarily comment out those lines in tearDown ;) | 06:35 |
=== lamont [n=lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
spiv | jamesh: I guess that wouldn't be too bad; if an error is raised it could copy the log file to something named after the test. | 06:36 |
lifeless | spiv: hmm | 06:37 |
lifeless | no, no errors are raised from run() | 06:37 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
lifeless | the only way to know that a test has failed from within the test is to supply your own run() method. | 06:37 |
lifeless | because you can fail in tearDown() | 06:38 |
lifeless | or you can fail in the test() | 06:38 |
lifeless | if you want a less generic solution... | 06:38 |
lifeless | then yes, a decorator around the test method can save the failure in the test object and you can look at that in tearDown(). | 06:39 |
lifeless | what we do in bzr though is easier: we've taught our runner about log files. It copies them from the test when needed. | 06:39 |
lifeless | downlevel behaviour is simply to not copy them - easy as pie ;) | 06:43 |
spiv | Well, it's not enough of an irritation that I'm going to go out of my way to fix it if there's no simple, easy answer :) | 06:48 |
lifeless | ;) | 06:50 |
spiv | (Although, I know an easy answer for this in trial: pass self.mktemp() as the log file name, while will create it in _trial_temp/test-case-name/blah, or something like that) | 06:51 |
spiv | s/while/which/ | 06:51 |
lifeless | yah, thats essentially what bzr's runner does | 06:51 |
lifeless | except it uses 'dependency injection' -> the containing suite sets the directory name. | 06:51 |
lifeless | erm, thats wrong. let me see | 06:52 |
lifeless | ah right | 06:53 |
lifeless | its a test case class variable | 06:53 |
=== lifeless should fix that | ||
=== tuxedo_kamen vai embora, at qualquer dia, gente! | ||
jamesh | lifeless: any luck with the "bzr check" run | 07:39 |
jamesh | ? | 07:39 |
=== kalos [n=kalos@CPE001310050565-CM0014e8b55ec6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== kalos [n=kalos@CPE001310050565-CM0014e8b55ec6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | good morning | 07:54 |
SteveA | jamesh: nice work on the bzr ssh hacking | 07:57 |
jamesh | SteveA: I still find rsync more usable for moving branches around though ... | 08:01 |
lifeless | jamesh: well, I have some diags now, looking for the data ;0 | 08:04 |
sivang | Morning all. | 08:08 |
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | jamesh: how is the error reporting stuff looking? | 08:54 |
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=== carlos [n=carlos@62-14-141-190.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | morning | 09:15 |
carlos | stub, hi, around? | 09:17 |
SteveA | morning carlos | 09:20 |
carlos | SteveA, morning | 09:20 |
carlos | SteveA, I have my branch ready except for a problem I having with the notification system | 09:20 |
carlos | SteveA, should I send you the diffs now or wait for the notification system? | 09:21 |
SteveA | this is your improvements on the branch i reviewed last week? | 09:21 |
carlos | SteveA, yes | 09:21 |
SteveA | let's see if stub can help you with the notification stuff first | 09:22 |
carlos | TranslationUploads | 09:22 |
carlos | ok | 09:22 |
jordi | yay carlos | 09:23 |
carlos | jordi, hi | 09:23 |
carlos | jordi, dude, I did a crazy thing... I asked for the Wanadoo 20Mb ADSL line... | 09:23 |
jordi | lol | 09:24 |
jordi | wanadoo is shit man | 09:24 |
jordi | what about the TV and stuff? | 09:24 |
carlos | jordi, I don't have the TV since last week, too much money | 09:25 |
carlos | jordi, I prefer 1Mb/20Mb link than 128Kbps/1Mb + TV | 09:25 |
jordi | nod | 09:25 |
jordi | I guess I'll wait a few months to see if Telefnica get a clue | 09:26 |
jordi | or move somewhere else as well | 09:26 |
jordi | carlos: won't you be left offline for a while? | 09:26 |
carlos | jordi, they said "1 month", I said "no way", they say "will try to get it in 1 week" | 09:27 |
stub | carlos: yo | 09:27 |
carlos | and I have my University connection as a backup | 09:27 |
carlos | jordi, so, I don't think it will be a problem | 09:27 |
carlos | stub, hi | 09:27 |
jordi | carlos: you're going to be fucked up | 09:27 |
carlos | stub, I'm not able to get the notifications with the API you gave me | 09:27 |
jordi | "we will try" means "shut up, we'll do whatever we want" | 09:27 |
carlos | stub, I don't get the notification messages | 09:28 |
carlos | jordi, I don't mind, I can ask for Ono in one week or just change provider and move back to Telefonica | 09:28 |
stub | Are you setting notifications before the current page has started rendering, or are you issuing a redirect after setting notifications? | 09:28 |
carlos | jordi, I don't need my phone number at all | 09:28 |
carlos | stub, no redirect | 09:29 |
jordi | nod | 09:29 |
carlos | about the rendering... I set them on submit | 09:29 |
carlos | stub, should I "raise" it as part of the __init__ call? | 09:30 |
stub | carlos: I don't follow what you mean by 'set them on submit' | 09:30 |
carlos | I'm not using LaunchpadView there | 09:30 |
carlos | stub, as a call from the page template | 09:30 |
carlos | stub, <div metal:fill-slot="main"> | 09:31 |
carlos | <tal:dummy condition="view/submitForm" /> | 09:31 |
stub | Likely by that time, the section of the page that displays the notifications has already been rendered. So you won't see them. So you need to set the notifications before then (such as __init__, or initialize() in LaunchpadView | 09:31 |
carlos | ok | 09:31 |
carlos | so I will move the submits to the __init__ class until we migrate those classes to use LaunchpadView | 09:32 |
stub | Generally the form would redirect on success (displaying the messages), or fail (displaying the errors next to the form controls) | 09:32 |
carlos | stub, ok | 09:32 |
=== carlos tries | ||
stub | I'd jump straight to LaunchpadView - it isn't particularly complicated code. | 09:32 |
carlos | stub, I used it already | 09:33 |
carlos | but I need this branch merged as soon as possible | 09:33 |
carlos | so I prefer to do it in a second review, if SteveA does not mind to do it that way... | 09:33 |
carlos | wow, POFileView's __init__ method is huge... | 09:36 |
=== ddaa [n=ddaa@ordo.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad | ||
stub | Can someone please try ' python test.py -f --test=person.txt' -- I'm getting failures in HEAD with freshly rebuild sample database | 09:56 |
stub | Looks like Karma - I suspect some of the sample data might have aged, causing the tests to fail? | 09:57 |
SteveA | carlos: if POFileView's __init__ is huge, that's all the more reason to move it to LaunchpadView soon. | 10:01 |
SteveA | having lots of work done in an __init__ is a problem in many different ways | 10:01 |
ddaa | SteveA: lifeless: meeting time? | 10:03 |
ddaa | mh... looks like niemeyer's not around. | 10:03 |
SteveA | ddaa: i'm on #c-m | 10:04 |
ddaa | lifeless: ^ | 10:04 |
ddaa | so am I | 10:04 |
carlos | SteveA, I'm moving it to LaunchpadView already due other problems so it will be done now anyway... | 10:05 |
SteveA | ok | 10:05 |
lifeless | ddaa: I'm there now | 10:07 |
lifeless | SteveA: me too | 10:07 |
lifeless | sorry about not being there before, lynne rebooted my machine on the weekend :[ | 10:08 |
=== niemeyer [n=niemeyer@] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | SteveA, ok, I really don't understand this.... | 10:11 |
carlos | SteveA, I'm adding import pdb; pdb.set_trace() to the __init__ method but it's not executed ever... | 10:11 |
carlos | how is that possible? | 10:12 |
carlos | the .zcml points to that class and it's not a new one | 10:12 |
SteveA | carlos: i'm in a meeting right now. we can talk about this in 1 hr or so | 10:12 |
carlos | ok | 10:12 |
carlos | SteveA, ping me when you are ready. Thanks | 10:12 |
BjornT | stub: i'm getting a karma related error in person.txt as well. i guess the test doesn't account for karma decreasing by time. | 10:25 |
stub | BjornT: I've got a fix in pqm, with a test to stop this particular time bomb happening again. | 10:26 |
stub | BjornT: But your merge will fail | 10:26 |
BjornT | cool. i'll resubmit later, after i've merged in the fix then. | 10:27 |
stub | lifeless: Can I kill BjornT's PQM job if it is still in the setup-the-tree stage, and if so what do I need to do? Kill arch-pqm and remove the patch.xxx entry from ~pqm/arch/queue ? | 10:38 |
lifeless | stub: remove/move the patch. | 10:39 |
lifeless | then kill the pqm script (normal kill, NOT -9) | 10:39 |
lifeless | tail ~/arch/queue/arch-pqm/arch-pqm.log to see it start up again | 10:40 |
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stub | lifeless: Now bitching about a lock file - nuke that too? | 10:42 |
lifeless | una momento | 10:44 |
lifeless | yes | 10:44 |
lifeless | its failed to unlock for some bizarre reason | 10:44 |
lifeless | new-pqm has a nicer layout for these files btw. | 10:44 |
SteveA | spiv: ping | 10:56 |
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=== matsubara [n=matsubar@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
matsubara | good morning! | 11:59 |
Kinnison | Morning matsubara | 11:59 |
carlos | lifeless, hi | 12:07 |
carlos | lifeless, around? | 12:07 |
=== cprov [n=cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
cprov | morning guys | 12:25 |
=== daf [i=daf@muse.19inch.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | hi daf | 12:25 |
daf | hello | 12:25 |
SteveA | how's it going? | 12:26 |
daf | not bad | 12:26 |
daf | what's cooking in Launchpad land? | 12:26 |
Kinnison | Hi daf | 12:26 |
daf | morning | 12:26 |
spiv | SteveA: pong | 12:28 |
spiv | daf: G'day! | 12:28 |
daf | hi spiv :) | 12:28 |
Kinnison | matsubara: is kiko around? | 12:29 |
spiv | daf: We're cooking with bzr instead of baz now, lots of exciting new quirks ;) | 12:30 |
daf | aha | 12:30 |
daf | same people to bother when it all goes wrong? | 12:30 |
spiv | Yep. | 12:31 |
spiv | Well, and mpool. | 12:31 |
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
spiv | It doesn't eat all my ram anymore, though :) | 12:32 |
lifeless | daf: hey! | 12:32 |
matsubara | Kinnison: I think he just arrived. | 12:32 |
carlos | daf, hey!! | 12:32 |
carlos | daf, welcome! | 12:32 |
kiko | hello Kinnison | 12:33 |
=== lifeless hugs daf | ||
kiko | should we do a new publisher run? | 12:33 |
kiko | daf! | 12:33 |
kiko | DAF! | 12:33 |
daf | hi guys | 12:33 |
Kinnison | kiko: Yo | 12:33 |
Kinnison | kiko: done | 12:33 |
Kinnison | kiko: 6 minutes ago it finished | 12:33 |
kiko | Kinnison, you rock the boat | 12:33 |
kiko | do you know how to run the comparator? | 12:33 |
Kinnison | No | 12:33 |
=== kiko would like to ensure that the archives are totally in-sync but wth | ||
kiko | Kinnison, did you manage to fix any of the bugs I reported? | 12:34 |
Kinnison | Whatever asuka read from is in ~dsilvers/asuka-archive | 12:34 |
=== Kinnison rsyncs it | ||
Kinnison | kiko: I've not done any publisher updates yet | 12:34 |
=== Kinnison needs to switch context from ftpmaster tools | ||
=== Kinnison will do that today | ||
kiko | Kinnison, okay -- just so we can unblock the gina production run | 12:34 |
=== Kinnison nods kiko | ||
=== Kinnison appreciates the importance of this and is giving it his full attention today | ||
niemeyer | SteveA: I'm curious about the listiterator stuff.. | 12:37 |
Kinnison | kiko: I'm just updating my publisher-fixes branch with latest rocketfuel | 12:37 |
niemeyer | Kinnison! kiko! | 12:37 |
Kinnison | Morning niemeyer | 12:37 |
niemeyer | Good morning | 12:37 |
kiko | hello niemeyer | 12:40 |
kiko | what's the story? | 12:40 |
niemeyer | kiko: iter(DatabaseClass.select()) returns a listiterator | 12:41 |
=== koke [n=koke@ubuntu/member/koke] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | niemeyer, how spectacular | 12:41 |
kiko | niemeyer, when do you arrive? | 12:41 |
niemeyer | kiko: Which looks strange to me.. since it means it's building a list with everything in memory. | 12:41 |
niemeyer | kiko: My flight leaves at 12h25m and arrives in Ribeirao Preto at.. | 12:42 |
niemeyer | 15h20m | 12:42 |
kiko | niemeyer, it indeed is a bit odd. I wonder if it's intentional though | 12:43 |
niemeyer | kiko: I've looked into the code and it's something about transactions vs. race conditions | 12:43 |
niemeyer | kiko: Haven't had time to really understand it though | 12:43 |
niemeyer | kiko: Nevertheless, it's still strange | 12:44 |
niemeyer | A few selects on the wrong thing and the system is gone | 12:44 |
spiv | niemeyer: Weird indeed. | 12:44 |
spiv | kiko: I don't think that would be intentional. | 12:44 |
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
spiv | It's because Transaction.iterSelect calls iter(list(...)) for some reason. | 12:48 |
spiv | Which seems dumb to me. | 12:48 |
kiko | so dumb it appears intentional, but.. | 12:51 |
kiko | how does it look upstream? | 12:51 |
=== carlos workraves | ||
=== niemeyer leaves.. | ||
niemeyer | kiko: See you soon | 01:09 |
=== jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad | ||
salgado | stub, ping | 01:27 |
lifeless | carlos: pong | 01:30 |
Kinnison | stub: ping? | 01:41 |
stub | salgado: pong | 01:42 |
stub | Kinnison: pong | 01:42 |
Kinnison | stub: If a db is missing patches from the -25- range, how do I get upgrade.py to apply them? | 01:42 |
stub | Kinnison: You can manually apply them | 01:43 |
stub | psql -d launchpad_dogfood -U postgres << EOF | 01:43 |
stub | \i patch-25-xx-0.sql | 01:43 |
stub | erm... | 01:43 |
Kinnison | stub: urgh | 01:43 |
stub | begin; \i patch-25-xx-0.sql; commit; | 01:44 |
Kinnison | stub: if I copy the patches into database/schema will upgrade.py cope? | 01:44 |
=== stub shrugs | ||
=== Kinnison grins | ||
Kinnison | ta | 01:44 |
=== Kinnison will try | ||
stub | kiko, Kinnison: I nuked the Gina records from staging earlier and am rerunning her now - I trashed some stuff from the librarian that shouldn't have been and I felt it best to start from a clean slate. | 01:46 |
Kinnison | stub: that'll explain why it's so damned tiny | 01:49 |
Kinnison | stub: okay, I'll stop doing publisher tests for now | 01:49 |
Kinnison | stub: eta on her? | 01:49 |
=== SteveA --> lunch | ||
kiko | Kinnison, you know, couple of days | 01:50 |
Kinnison | kiko: urgh | 01:50 |
=== Kinnison guesses he'll have lunch and then get on with other things | ||
Kinnison | ciau | 01:50 |
kiko | 2 days | 01:50 |
kiko | yeah | 01:50 |
kiko | sounds like the plan | 01:50 |
=== Kinnison --> lunch | ||
BjornT | jamesh: what's up with chinstrap/~jamesh/pending-reviews ? | 01:50 |
kiko | Kinnison, but did you do the publisher run successfully? | 01:50 |
salgado | stub, that shipit query still timing out: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file4RepdU.html | 01:53 |
salgado | stub, anything else we could do about it? | 01:53 |
=== jinty [n=jinty@] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== JanC [n=janc@lugwv/member/JanC] has joined #launchpad | ||
stub | salgado: The query is wrong (should have picked it up during review). It should be SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ShippingRequest.id) FROM ShippingRequest WHERE ShippingRequest.fti @@ ftq('kiko') OR recipient IN (SELECT Person.id FROM Person WHERE Person.fti @@ ftq('kiko') UNION SELECT EmailAddress.person FROM EmailAddress WHERE lower(EmailAddress.email) LIKE 'kiko%') AND ShippingRequest.cancelled = FALSE AND ShippingRequest.approved IS NULL; | 02:04 |
stub | ie. No needless JOIN with the person and emailaddress tables, making it return a few billion rows... | 02:04 |
salgado | ouch | 02:10 |
=== salgado fixes it | ||
kiko | stub, salgado's excuse is that he had never heard of the UNION statement before <wink> | 02:12 |
stub | kiko: He copied the UNION bit just fine ;) | 02:13 |
kiko | I'm being ironic; he wrote the UNION support for SQLObject | 02:14 |
stub | salgado: Where can I find that query again? I can patch that live | 02:23 |
salgado | stub, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileb08J5L.html | 02:24 |
stub | salgado: found it. I removed the clauseTables like and production will bounce in 10 mins. Please merge in a cherry pickable patch though. | 02:26 |
stub | salgado: I'll approve that patch | 02:27 |
salgado | sure. will do it. | 02:27 |
=== radix [n=radix@c-67-186-54-77.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | hey radix | 02:36 |
radix | yo kiko | 02:36 |
kiko | what's the story | 02:36 |
radix | It's not written yet :) | 02:36 |
stub | salgado: Please try that shipit search again | 02:36 |
salgado | stub, working fine now. :) | 02:39 |
kiko | salgado, was that the only query that was timing out? | 02:40 |
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salgado | kiko, well, that's the only query we have | 02:51 |
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kiko | heh | 02:51 |
kiko | stub, salgado: wow, order of magnitude response improvement, you guys rock and roll | 02:52 |
salgado | thanks stub for that, it was he who suggested how to make it faster | 02:54 |
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=== carlos [n=carlos@62-14-141-219.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | hey carlos! | 03:00 |
carlos | kiko, hi | 03:01 |
kiko | how's it going? | 03:01 |
carlos | kiko, fine, thanks | 03:02 |
carlos | kiko, and you? | 03:02 |
kiko | pretty good, not amazingly busy as usual | 03:02 |
kiko | which is a relief | 03:03 |
kiko | carlos, tell me about POMsgSetView? | 03:03 |
carlos | kiko, what do you want to know? | 03:03 |
kiko | its status, for starters :) | 03:03 |
carlos | kiko, not started yet | 03:04 |
carlos | I'm with a big change atm | 03:04 |
carlos | TranslationUploads | 03:05 |
=== carlos hates the migrations... | ||
carlos | the postgresql migration broke my sampledata!!!! | 03:05 |
kiko | yeah | 03:07 |
kiko | in a way it would be a way to solve bug 80 | 03:08 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #80: cannot see who put in bad translation Fix req. for: rosetta (upstream), Severity: Wishlist, Assigned to: Matthew Paul Thomas, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/80 | 03:08 |
Kinnison | kiko: no, because I re-ran it after stub had cleaned it out | 03:09 |
carlos | kiko, feel free to start with it | 03:09 |
Kinnison | kiko: thusly there's bugger-all present | 03:09 |
carlos | kiko, anyway, I prefer if translationUploads is done before that as it has many changes | 03:09 |
kiko | yeah, sure. | 03:10 |
kiko | Kinnison, argh. okay. | 03:10 |
kiko | carlos, also note that bug 5103 is in line with some of our top complaints. I can try looking at the SQL we're generating and seeing if stub has any suggestions. | 03:13 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5103: Can't translate nautilus for Dapper Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/5103 | 03:13 |
kiko | or perhaps.. | 03:13 |
kiko | salgado, would you have time to performance debug a rosetta page? | 03:13 |
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salgado | kiko, yes, I think I can have a look this afternoon | 03:15 |
kiko | salgado-lunch, that would be awesome | 03:21 |
kiko | salgado-lunch, just getting us information on how many/which queries are being run would be very useful | 03:21 |
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carlos | kiko, I think it's a performance error so yes, if you could try to detect where the problem is would be really good. | 03:24 |
kiko | carlos, I'll ask salgado to look at that page and at the other rosetta page which is timing out the most ()https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+lang/fr/+index | 03:25 |
bradb | hm, it appears that my merge request disappeared | 03:26 |
bradb | pqm++ # die | 03:27 |
carlos | kiko, that other page will need some cache action or change it a bit | 03:28 |
carlos | kiko, to fix the timeout problems. | 03:28 |
kiko | carlos, well, we'll see about that | 03:30 |
radix | man, you launchpad guys are hard to get ahold of :) | 03:33 |
radix | or maybe my privmsgs are disabled :( | 03:33 |
radix | SteveA: you're not around, are you? | 03:34 |
radix | hopefully more cylindrical, I guess | 03:34 |
carlos | radix, feel free to ask here, perhaps any other developer can answer your question.... | 03:40 |
carlos | ok, so I'm fucked with sampledata... | 03:41 |
kiko | carlos, maybe start from zero? | 03:41 |
carlos | kiko, dude, it's a branch that is more than one month old | 03:41 |
carlos | kiko, I don't remember exactly all changes I did there | 03:41 |
kiko | carlos, suggestion: generate a diff of the sampledata that you had back then, and try reissuing the SQL in today's model | 03:42 |
=== carlos tries to manually merge but still thinks this sucks... | ||
kiko | carlos, use baz for a bit | 03:42 |
carlos | kiko, I think our policy should have that every time you add a new db patch you must update the sampledata | 03:43 |
kiko | carlos, that would make for even more conflicts, wouldn't it? | 03:43 |
carlos | that way other sampledata updates will not be touching other unrelated tables .... | 03:43 |
carlos | kiko, not really | 03:43 |
carlos | if you add a new field for say... 'POTemplate' | 03:44 |
carlos | you add that new field and the sampledata gets it | 03:44 |
carlos | so if tomorrow, salgado adds a new field to the Person table | 03:44 |
carlos | he will not get also the updates to POTemplate | 03:44 |
carlos | and his patch will be related *only* to what he changed | 03:44 |
=== radix makes french toast for breakfast | ||
=== thierry [n=thierry@modemcable058.142-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | carlos, oh. so you're proposing making sampledata changes /in database patches/? | 04:01 |
carlos | kiko, no | 04:01 |
carlos | kiko, when you merge your database patch | 04:01 |
carlos | you must merge too a sampledata update | 04:02 |
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carlos | if that database patch changes anything that appears as part of the sampledata | 04:02 |
carlos | for instance, constraints usually doesn't change the sampledata | 04:02 |
carlos | but add/remove fields does | 04:03 |
SteveA | hi radix | 04:07 |
SteveA | i was having lunch | 04:07 |
bradb | lifeless: Do you use Malone to track pqm bugs, or something else? | 04:08 |
radix | SteveA: and me breakfast :) | 04:12 |
stub | If you can ever merge sampledata, consider youself lucky. Sample data changes should always be maintained as a seperate .sql file that you can replay as necessary, because it will never merge well. | 04:13 |
kiko | is stub's policy actually stated anywhere perennial, though? SteveA? | 04:14 |
SteveA | it should be stated in the sample data itself, with a pointer to it from the hacking faq | 04:15 |
carlos | it merges well if noone else is changing those tables, that was the point behind the SQL sort script .... | 04:15 |
SteveA | radix: when do you want to have a phone conversation? | 04:15 |
radix | SteveA: I'm available right now | 04:15 |
SteveA | radix: shall we say at half past? | 04:17 |
SteveA | radix: i'll call you | 04:17 |
radix | SteveA: yep that's good | 04:17 |
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bradb | lifeless: To my eyes, it looks like the bzr submit script is submitted bad merge requests (missing a /, if you look at the pqm queue.) Sanity check: sed -e 's|^\(.*\):/|sftp://\1|g' should be sed -e 's|^\(.*\):/|sftp://\1/|g', right? | 04:20 |
bradb | s/submitted/submitting/ | 04:20 |
=== stub [n=stub@costello.z3u.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
stub | If you can ever merge sampledata, consider youself lucky. Sample data changes should always be maintained as a seperate .sql file that you can replay as necessary, because it will never merge well. | 04:22 |
carlos | it merges well if noone else is changing those tables, that was the point behind the SQL sort script .... | 04:23 |
kiko | <kiko> is stub's policy actually stated anywhere perennial, though? SteveA? | 04:23 |
kiko | <SteveA> it should be stated in the sample data itself, with a pointer to it from the hacking faq | 04:23 |
stub | carlos: The SQL sort script makes it more likely - it doesn't promise anything because it can't | 04:24 |
carlos | stub, the problem I have atm is that both sampledatas seem to be completely different | 04:24 |
salgado | carlos, are you using postgres 8? | 04:25 |
carlos | salgado, yes | 04:25 |
salgado | IIRC, jamesh said once that the sampledata generated by postgres 8 was in a completely different order than the one we have now | 04:26 |
carlos | salgado, I know, that's why I regenerated the sampledata again from both branches and tried again without many luck | 04:26 |
stub | kiko: I think I'm going to have to kill the gina run, nuke the librarian, and restart. The LibrarianGarbageCollection script which is running looks like it will take over 5 days for the initial run (!), because there are half a million records to remove carefully. | 04:28 |
carlos | wow | 04:28 |
stub | And there won't be enough space to complete the run otherwise | 04:28 |
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kiko | stub, sore, that's fine | 04:28 |
kiko | sore but sure | 04:29 |
stub | DELETE FROM LibraryFileAlias WHERE id = 1 takes just under 1 second, and deleting multiple records per statement doesn't decrease overall time | 04:30 |
=== carlos workraves | ||
=== bradb looks at the pqm queue, wondering how it's possible that the merge requests aren't immediately failing, given that they're missing a slash, i.e. "sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.comhome/..." | ||
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stub | salgado: There is a missing '/' in your bzr-submit-merge script. The version on the wiki has been updated. | 04:43 |
salgado | stub, I've noticed it and fixed the script already. thanks for pointing out | 04:44 |
stub | bradb: Looks like the dud requests were causing the merge script to crash - blocked totally :-/ | 04:46 |
bradb | Death, taxes, and pqm pain. | 04:47 |
Kinnison | stub: 15:48:48 WARNING Bad object name 'public.plpgsql_validator(oid)' | 04:49 |
Kinnison | stub: I get that running security.py on dogfood | 04:49 |
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Kinnison | stub: any clues? | 04:49 |
=== carlos gets it too | ||
carlos | it hapens since postgres 8.0 migration | 04:51 |
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stub | Kinnison: It is because the dogfood database is still 7.4 - ignore it | 05:02 |
stub | carlos: If you see that exact error message, you are still connecting to the 7.4 database | 05:02 |
carlos | stub, it's a bit difficult.... | 05:03 |
carlos | stub, I purged it from my laptop | 05:03 |
carlos | carlos@aragorn:~$ ls /usr/lib/postgresql/ | 05:03 |
carlos | 8.0 | 05:03 |
Kinnison | stub: ta | 05:03 |
carlos | hmmm | 05:04 |
carlos | stub, seemd like I don't get that error now.. could be that I had an old launchpad code base? | 05:04 |
stub | carlos: I expect you were getting a similar error message, but not that exact one. | 05:04 |
carlos | stub, well, i thought it was exactly the same... | 05:05 |
carlos | but now that you say it's not possible, I'm not so sure.... | 05:05 |
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stub | If you were running 8.0, you used to get a 'No permissions specified for public.plpgsql_validator(oid)'. But that was fixed (causing the current warning if you are running against 7.4) | 05:06 |
carlos | ok | 05:08 |
=== carlos needs to go offline for some hours | ||
carlos | will be available on my mobile phone | 05:09 |
carlos | later | 05:09 |
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kiko | stub, should we encode best practices for working with sampledata? | 05:22 |
kiko | it's been the subject of pain lately | 05:22 |
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BjornT | kiko: do you have time to review an 80-line diff (mostly doctests)? | 05:27 |
kiko | yes | 05:28 |
kiko | right now | 05:28 |
BjornT | cool, i'll send it to you | 05:28 |
bradb | stub: Maintainership is empty on production, right? | 05:29 |
kiko | it should better well be | 05:31 |
kiko | cprov, assigned a trivialish bug to you, check it out later | 05:32 |
cprov | kiko: sure | 05:32 |
=== bradb remembers the Maintainership demolition at UBZ, but just wanted to be sure | ||
kiko | cprov, shouldn't bug 4796 be assigned to mpt? | 05:32 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #4796: Create a fmt:icon for Build Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Minor, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4796 | 05:32 |
kiko | and bug 3839? | 05:33 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #3839: New icons required Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Wishlist, Assigned to: Matthew Paul Thomas, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/3839 | 05:33 |
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cprov | kiko: I'm checking | 05:33 |
cprov | kiko: 4796 is pretty trivial, I've planned to fix it today, but if you think it's worth i can assign to mpt; it's up to you . | 05:35 |
kiko | cprov, well, I only thought that working on an icon wasn't going to be the best use of your time. what do you think? | 05:36 |
kiko | matsubara, have you considered when you would be starting on bug 3322, or should I assign it to bradb/bjornt? | 05:36 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #3322: It should be possible to indicate a binary package when filing a bug Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Diogo Matsubara, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/3322 | 05:36 |
cprov | kiko: you're right, but the bug itself does not involves icon design, only a clearer adapter rather than a context method, it's code, not icon at all | 05:37 |
kiko | cprov, oh. | 05:38 |
cprov | kiko: yep, more one adapter class in webapp/tales.py like BugTaskFormatterAPI, so straightforward like that | 05:40 |
=== cprov is having a hell day with messy failures in lp test suite. | ||
matsubara | kiko: if you can re-assign it to one of them, I would be glad, I'm kinda busy here. | 05:42 |
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matsubara | kiko: btw, if you want to test the 4852 fix just http://walrus:8086 | 05:46 |
cprov | kiko: btw, work on 4810 today isn't a good idea, see 3530, jamesh's bugzilla-import branch (under review) changes it, what do you think ? | 05:47 |
kiko | cprov, oh, I'm not suggesting doing it today,no | 05:48 |
cprov | kiko: then perfect, I'll keep it on top of my TODO list. | 05:48 |
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=== fevoldj2 [n=fevoldj2@p54A6F54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
fevoldj2 | Hello, I am having trouble filing a bug report. I get a page not found error. | 05:56 |
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stub | bradb: yes | 05:57 |
bradb | ok, thanks | 05:58 |
bradb | fevoldj2: What URL are you using? | 05:58 |
fevoldj2 | I'm at launchpad.net | 05:58 |
fevoldj2 | I clicked bugs and then open a new report | 05:58 |
fevoldj2 | open a new bug* | 05:58 |
stub | kiko: yes | 05:58 |
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kiko | stub, do you want to cook up a suggestion? I think you're the best person to do so. If you send something to launchpad I can take care of encoding it in the wiki | 05:59 |
bradb | fevoldj2: What is the URL of the bug filing page on which you get the 404? | 05:59 |
fevoldj2 | https://launchpad.net/people/fevoldj2/+filebug | 05:59 |
bradb | fevoldj2: You typed that URL in manually, presumably? | 06:00 |
fevoldj2 | No I cliked a link | 06:00 |
bradb | fevoldj2: What is the URL of the page from which you clicked the link? (Sorry, just trying to follow the exact same path as you here.) | 06:01 |
Kinnison | ddaa: Whatever you did to Archive/Branch etc, you've broken trebuchet | 06:01 |
Kinnison | ddaa: Just thought you'd like to know | 06:01 |
fevoldj2 | https://launchpad.net/ | 06:02 |
fevoldj2 | Then I clicked bugs | 06:02 |
ddaa | Kinnison: that's a well known fact. | 06:02 |
fevoldj2 | https://launchpad.net/malone | 06:02 |
ddaa | Kinnison: they'll be a hct meeting wednesday about fixing that and other issues. | 06:02 |
fevoldj2 | Oh I see | 06:02 |
Kinnison | ddaa: cool | 06:02 |
fevoldj2 | There's something wrong with the user home pages | 06:02 |
ddaa | Kinnison: btw, you should try my much improved bzrk. | 06:02 |
fevoldj2 | If i follow the link on the home page, it works fine. | 06:02 |
Kinnison | ddaa: Remind me of the branch url? | 06:03 |
Kinnison | stub: ping? | 06:03 |
ddaa | Kinnison: it boasts ignore of redundant parents (fixes the problem with my branch), improved collating of related revisions, and more accurate colour group. | 06:03 |
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bradb | fevoldj2: I'm still unable to find the link you clicked to get to /people/fevoldj2/+filebug, unfortunately | 06:03 |
fevoldj2 | I just signed up, I clicked the verification link and then I saw I could open a new bug. | 06:04 |
ddaa | All in a pretty ugly slab of a code. I'll need to factor it out into a class. http://ddaa.net/bazaar/bzrk | 06:04 |
fevoldj2 | I can attempt to find a way to the page if you want | 06:04 |
bradb | fevoldj2: Ah, after signup...interesting. | 06:04 |
fevoldj2 | Yeah | 06:04 |
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stub | kiko: Yes - I'll start knocking something up tomorrow | 06:05 |
bradb | fevoldj2: If you can find a clickable link that goes to /people/fevoldj2/+filebug, I'd be very interested to know the URL. Otherwise, I'll see if I can reproduce the problem locally doing a signup. | 06:06 |
Kinnison | stub: librarian-gc cronscript errors out when run on dogfood | 06:06 |
Kinnison | stub: did you forget to update the dogfood config? | 06:06 |
fevoldj2 | I'll look | 06:07 |
Kinnison | ddaa: looks much better, thanks | 06:07 |
fevoldj2 | Well if you click your username next to the logout button, it takes you to the user page. | 06:08 |
ddaa | Spent my week-end on it, but I'm pretty proud of it :) | 06:08 |
fevoldj2 | Then click bugs | 06:08 |
fevoldj2 | Then there is a link to open a new bug. | 06:08 |
Kinnison | ddaa: You had a much more productive weekend than me then | 06:08 |
=== Kinnison spent his time trying to find a backup tool for backing up to DVD | ||
=== Kinnison failed in the end :-( | ||
bradb | fevoldj2: There is? I don't see it. | 06:09 |
fevoldj2 | Really? | 06:09 |
bradb | fevoldj2: What is the textual name of the link in that page? | 06:09 |
fevoldj2 | Look near the top right | 06:09 |
fevoldj2 | Next to logout you should see your username | 06:09 |
fevoldj2 | Click it | 06:09 |
=== bradb cliks | ||
bradb | and clicks | 06:10 |
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fevoldj2 | You dont' see it? | 06:10 |
kiko | matsubara, the patch for tabindexing comments looks okay. if you could get spiv to test it first it would be nice (ask him to review it?) | 06:10 |
bradb | fevoldj2: Nope. | 06:10 |
salgado | fevoldj2, he doesn't see because that link is shown only if there's no bugs assigned to you | 06:10 |
fevoldj2 | oh | 06:10 |
fevoldj2 | Well that's why :p | 06:11 |
salgado | fevoldj2, bradb, https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/4442 | 06:11 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #4442: https://launchpad.net/people/xeon/+filebug -- File not found Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Guilherme Salgado, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4442 | 06:11 |
bradb | Ah. | 06:11 |
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Kinnison | stub: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileCnnzmM.html | 06:19 |
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mdke | how can you quote previous comments when making a comment of your own in malone? | 06:27 |
salgado | SteveA, around? | 06:27 |
salgado | BjornT, ping | 06:28 |
BjornT | hi salgado | 06:28 |
salgado | hi BjornT | 06:29 |
kiko | mdke, via email? :) | 06:30 |
salgado | BjornT, I have a security proxied StringIO object, but apparently zope doesn't have an interface for that. where should I define it, in case there isn't one that I can just hook on zcml? | 06:30 |
mdke | kiko, not from the interface, except by doing it manually? | 06:30 |
kiko | mdke, that is the case. I was the one who wrote the original "reply" patch to Bugzilla, and I didn't get a lot of love for it.. | 06:32 |
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mdke | kiko, hmm. So if I give you love, you'll incorporate a quote button in the malone GUI? | 06:33 |
mdke | what sort of love is required? | 06:33 |
stub | Kinnison: Fixed in my branch | 06:33 |
Kinnison | stub: Feh, I'll wait for you to pqm it | 06:33 |
BjornT | salgado: you don't need an interface, you can simply use attributes="..." instead of interface="..." | 06:35 |
kiko | mdke, I guess I could port it over, but I'd need mpt to okay it. Is the email interface too cumbersome, or is this for bugs you don' thave in email form? | 06:36 |
salgado | BjornT, right. I was thinking that there could be an interface for file-like objects that I could use... | 06:36 |
kiko | thanks stub | 06:36 |
mdke | kiko, i'm not used to using email for bugs yet, and yeah, when I want to comment on bugs that don't come to me by email | 06:36 |
salgado | BjornT, anyway, do we have any place to write zcml for things from the standard library or should it be in launchpad/zcml/something.zcml? | 06:37 |
BjornT | salgado: hmm, i'm not sure. ask SteveA about it. | 06:37 |
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Kinnison | stub: any idea when you'll be trying to land it? | 06:39 |
kiko | mdke, try convincing mpt during this week, when he is back in office! | 06:40 |
stub | Kinnison: its with pqm (that patch might have already landed - no sure) | 06:40 |
kiko | Kinnison, stub landing what? | 06:40 |
Kinnison | stub: hmm | 06:40 |
SteveA | hi salgado. i'll be around in a short while. | 06:40 |
Kinnison | stub: "LibrarianGarbageCollection fixes for staging"? | 06:40 |
stub | Kinnison: Yup | 06:41 |
Kinnison | that's nr 5 | 06:41 |
=== Kinnison may as well go shopping :-) | ||
stub | Kinnison: Or just merge that branch into yours | 06:42 |
=== stub goes to bed | ||
mdke | kiko, ok, perhaps I'll file a bug and assign it to him | 06:43 |
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mdke | is there currently, or will there be in the future, a tool for testing the validity of po files in rosetta? e.g. if the string contains %d but the translation uses %s, does rosetta tell the translator about it? | 06:52 |
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kiko | mdke, that's validation. I believe there is something done, but I don't know whether your example is catered for. carlos is the person to ask | 06:54 |
kiko | Kinnison, jamesh, lifeless: is supporting V3 RSA keys out of the question, very difficult, etc? | 06:54 |
Kinnison | kiko: Well, we can't just accept fingerprint | 06:55 |
Kinnison | kiko: since the keyid isn't in the fingerprint in v3 keys | 06:55 |
mdke | jordi, any idea about that question ^^? | 06:55 |
kiko | Kinnison, so we'd need to have a field for fingerprint and another for keyid? agh. | 06:56 |
salgado | elmo, around? | 06:56 |
Kinnison | kiko: essentially, yes | 06:56 |
kiko | Kinnison, if we did that, would it be difficult to do the actual processing? | 06:57 |
cprov | kiko: Kinnison: or a check box for v3 keys ? | 06:57 |
Kinnison | kiko: Erm, given we keep keyid and fingerprint separate in gpgkey, I don't think it'd be too hard | 06:57 |
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Kinnison | kiko: just gotta add the v3 key types to the dbschemas | 06:58 |
cprov | Kinnison: does the keyserver supports both types ? | 07:00 |
Kinnison | cprov: the keyserver is a proper one, so it should | 07:00 |
Kinnison | cprov: and zeca looks easy to fix if it doesn't cope | 07:00 |
kiko | Kinnison: could you add your evaluation to bug 4746? I could do it but I hate to sound like a proxy for you here given you understand the issue much better than I do | 07:01 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #4746: Launchpad does not accept older GPG fingerprint formats Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Major, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4746 | 07:01 |
cprov | Kinnison: good, is there any restriction about v3 keys ? can they sign/encrypt properly ? can we use gpgme ? | 07:03 |
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Kinnison | cprov: they should be fine | 07:04 |
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cprov | Kinnison: ok, thanks for the explanation | 07:10 |
=== Kinnison -> shopping, back later | ||
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SteveA | salgado: ping | 07:30 |
salgado | hi SteveA | 07:30 |
SteveA | you were asking about the StringIO ? | 07:30 |
SteveA | and its security declarations? | 07:30 |
salgado | yep | 07:30 |
SteveA | this should actually go upstream, in Zope 3 | 07:30 |
salgado | right. is there an existing interface for file-like objects or should I write a new one? | 07:31 |
SteveA | best thing to do (long term) is file a bug, assign to stub or spiv, that upstream Zope 3 should have security declarations for a StringIO | 07:31 |
SteveA | unless you have commit rights to Zope 3 | 07:32 |
SteveA | ? | 07:32 |
salgado | I don't think I have | 07:32 |
SteveA | does this block you from doing stuff? | 07:32 |
SteveA | i mean, not having this for launchpad now? | 07:32 |
salgado | yes, it does. AFAIK, I have to seek to the beginning of the file befor uploading it to librarian | 07:33 |
salgado | and right now, I can't seek | 07:33 |
SteveA | you don't need to declare the interface for this. just make zope.Public its non-mutating attributes | 07:33 |
SteveA | okay | 07:33 |
SteveA | so, file a bug, and add zcml for this in launchpad/webapp/bug-1234.zcml and include that from launchpad/webapp/configure.zcml | 07:33 |
SteveA | one of the zope3 committers can remove that zcml file when this is fixed in zope3 and we have that version in RF | 07:34 |
salgado | I tried doing this, but had problems because cStringIO.StringIO is actually a function (I didn't know that), and in my case, what I have in hand is a cStringIO.StringO object | 07:34 |
SteveA | problems doing what? | 07:35 |
salgado | <content class="StringIO.StringIO"> | 07:35 |
salgado | <allow attributes="seek read readlines readline write writeline | 07:35 |
salgado | writelines getvalue" /> | 07:35 |
SteveA | ah, right | 07:35 |
salgado | class="cStringIO.StringIO", in fact | 07:36 |
SteveA | >>> type(cStringIO.StringIO()) | 07:36 |
SteveA | <type 'cStringIO.StringO'> | 07:36 |
SteveA | cStringIO.OutputType | 07:37 |
SteveA | that's what you want | 07:37 |
SteveA | and, it looks like a bug in python | 07:38 |
salgado | duh!. how dumb I am. I looked at the modules contents but didn't realize that's what I wanted | 07:38 |
SteveA | bug in python | 07:38 |
SteveA | there is another way to register security stuff, for when the type is not available from a dotted name | 07:39 |
SteveA | but that's not using zcml, and i'd have to look it up | 07:39 |
salgado | SteveA, the bug is that type(cStringIO.StringIO()) should actually be <type 'cStringIO.OutputType'>? | 07:41 |
kiko-afk | file a bug on python | 07:42 |
SteveA | the bug is that type(cStringIO.StringIO()).__name__ is not present in its __module__ | 07:44 |
SteveA | that can be fixed in a number of ways | 07:44 |
=== Kawer [n=Kawer@0x50a7fab8.taanxx2.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #launchpad | ||
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Kawer | I've just got this live cd and install cd from one of my friends that order it on your page, but i'm using a mac computer current... Isn't it possible to run live cd's from mac's ? | 07:48 |
kiko-afk | Kawer, it is, but you need a mac-specific (powerpc) CD | 07:48 |
Kawer | don't know what that is :/ | 07:48 |
kiko-afk | a different type of CD, basically | 07:49 |
Kawer | that i can order on your page ? | 07:49 |
Kawer | oh | 07:50 |
Kawer | i can | 07:50 |
bradb | kiko-afk: I'm pretty sure stub's mention of LaunchpadTestRequest/Response is to do with making sure we have a test request that works with the new self.request.response.addNotification stuff. Currently, when view code that uses this is tested, the tests break because they use TestRequest, which does not support notifications. | 07:50 |
bradb | bug 4898 | 07:51 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #4898: Browser notifications machinery breaks in test code Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Stuart Bishop, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/4898 | 07:51 |
Kawer | Is it free to order ubuntu cd's ? | 07:51 |
Kawer | from the shipit site | 07:52 |
salgado | Kawer, yes, it is | 07:52 |
Kawer | oh thats nice | 07:52 |
kiko-afk | thanks bradb for dealing with the bug I posted, you rock | 07:52 |
kiko-afk | bradb, ah, I see. | 07:52 |
bradb | np | 07:52 |
kiko-afk | and /afk now for real for 20m | 07:52 |
Kawer | salgado: how long time will it take before they are at my door ? | 07:52 |
Kawer | (im from denmark) | 07:52 |
salgado | Kawer, usually it takes between 4 and 6 weeks | 07:54 |
Kawer | okay :) | 07:54 |
jordi | mdke: if you do that, AFAIK rosetta does not accept your translation | 07:57 |
mdke | jordi, ah cool | 07:58 |
salgado | SteveA, you said you'd like to talk about the ProperSignUpWorkflow spec. should we schedule some time for us to talk about it? | 08:08 |
jbailey | bradb: =) (re: 3529) | 08:22 |
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Kawer | doesn't ubuntu live cd autoconfig wireless networks ? or do i have to do it myself? | 08:58 |
mdke | Kawer, #ubuntu | 08:58 |
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=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@d83-176-109-139.cust.tele2.it] has joined #launchpad | ||
Alinux | hello :) I'm searching for Martin Pitt :) | 09:18 |
jblack | You're looking for mpitt then. Its a little late in the day for him though. | 09:18 |
sivang | Alinux: and he usually hangs around #ubuntu-devel | 09:19 |
Alinux | thank you guyes! | 09:19 |
Alinux | :) | 09:19 |
sivang | Alinux: ping him on #ubuntu-devel, his nick is pitti | 09:19 |
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jblack | That's right. Its pitti | 09:20 |
Alinux | ;) | 09:21 |
sivang | jblack: Hey James :) | 09:25 |
jblack | sivang: Hi! | 09:26 |
jblack | How are things? | 09:26 |
sivang | jblack: pretty good apart from being a bit busy at dayjob, other then that I seem to be like the way you resolve conflicts in bzr, although I've been using it for a small project (command-not-found-magic) | 09:29 |
jblack | Definitely cool. Did you get it up on the bzr page? We list projects using bzr. | 09:30 |
lifeless | bradb: malone, pqm product | 09:33 |
sivang | jblack: I will do that, do we do that on supermirror ? | 09:34 |
jblack | The sm isn't doing bzr quite yet. Jan 31 is the deadline | 09:35 |
jblack | deadline is the wrong word. Target. | 09:35 |
lifeless | liveline ? | 09:36 |
jblack | loveline? | 09:36 |
sivang | jblack: deadlines sound negative, target is nicer :) | 09:36 |
sivang | jblack: or fatal :) | 09:36 |
jblack | Hmm | 09:37 |
lifeless | so jblack up for some pair programming | 09:37 |
lifeless | ? | 09:37 |
jblack | Tonight? | 09:38 |
jblack | Or now? | 09:38 |
lifeless | either is good | 09:38 |
lifeless | (for me) | 09:38 |
jblack | Yeah. I'd like to pair up again, but would prefer our customary time. | 09:39 |
lifeless | in 4.4 hours ? | 09:39 |
lifeless | (4 hours 20 minutes I mean( | 09:39 |
lifeless | spiv: ping | 09:40 |
jblack | Yeah. 4.333333 hours. | 09:40 |
lifeless | elmo: ping | 09:40 |
lifeless | works for me | 09:41 |
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=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away | ||
bradb | Seveas: If you're interested, you can use links like http://launchpad.net/bugs/42 for the bot too. | 09:55 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #42: Bug description listed in task is not the correct description Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Fixed http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/42 | 09:55 |
Seveas | bradb, as you see, the bug takes it already :) | 09:56 |
Seveas | s/bug/bugbot/ | 09:56 |
bradb | "Fix req. for" could be just "In:" as well | 09:56 |
Seveas | hmm, good one | 09:57 |
Seveas | !reload bugzilla | 09:57 |
Ubugtu | Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. | 09:57 |
Seveas | bug 1 | 09:58 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share In: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1 | 09:58 |
bradb | Seveas: Cool. The only reason I suggested the .../bugs/... URL as well was to further shorten the output. | 10:05 |
Seveas | ah right, now i see | 10:05 |
Seveas | scrap the malone part | 10:05 |
bradb | yeah | 10:05 |
Seveas | that means adding something new to the snarfer too | 10:07 |
Seveas | http://launchad.net/bugs/1 | 10:08 |
Seveas | http://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 10:08 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share In: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1 | 10:08 |
Seveas | ah nice | 10:08 |
Seveas | !reload bugzilla | 10:08 |
Ubugtu | The operation succeeded. | 10:08 |
Seveas | http://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 10:08 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share In: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1 | 10:08 |
Seveas | what the... | 10:08 |
bradb | heh | 10:08 |
sivang | Seveas: wtf re: the accepted? | 10:09 |
sivang | :) | 10:09 |
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo | ||
Seveas | the stupid plugin is filled with code duplication | 10:10 |
Seveas | I really should finish the rewrite which is much cleaner | 10:10 |
Seveas | !reload bugzilla | 10:10 |
Ubugtu | Error: invalid syntax (Bugzilla.py, line 436) | 10:10 |
Seveas | !reload bugzilla | 10:10 |
Ubugtu | Error: There was no plugin bugzilla. | 10:10 |
Seveas | !load bugzilla | 10:10 |
Ubugtu | The operation succeeded. | 10:10 |
Seveas | http://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 10:10 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share In: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Accepted http://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 10:10 |
Seveas | there :) | 10:10 |
Seveas | And now I will stop spamming #launchpad :) | 10:11 |
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bradb | lifeless: I opened bug 5140, but it doesn't look like the maintainership information (i.e. the "owner) is correctly established for pqm. | 10:17 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug #5140: Merge emails blow my mind In: pqm (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: New http://launchpad.net/bugs/5140 | 10:17 |
bradb | Seveas: Oh, btw, cool, thanks for shortening that. :) | 10:17 |
bradb | We can get it shorter yet, I think, but one step at a time. | 10:18 |
lifeless | bah | 10:18 |
lifeless | someone smashed it | 10:18 |
lifeless | which was extremely naughty | 10:18 |
lifeless | I'll bet it was a not-completely-thought-through script to update stuff added as part of the imports to be a specific group. | 10:19 |
lifeless | fixed | 10:19 |
lifeless | bradb: short answer - no. | 10:20 |
bradb | lifeless: no? no to what? | 10:20 |
lifeless | long answer: This is not pqm, its the bzr email sender plugin; The email is not sent on *your behalf*, its sent when the repository changes - its not a personal notification. | 10:20 |
bradb | Oh, it's bzr. | 10:22 |
=== bradb would never have guessed | ||
bradb | lifeless: To what question are you answering "no"? | 10:22 |
lifeless | the request to reduce the output to just the summary line | 10:23 |
=== bradb wouldn't want that | ||
lifeless | I do plan to remove the file ids, but not the list of changed files | 10:24 |
bradb | Summary message and diff would be very useful though. | 10:24 |
bradb | and list of changed files would be good, yeah | 10:24 |
lifeless | list of changed files is already there | 10:24 |
bradb | I consider that part of the diff output though, maybe incorrectly | 10:24 |
lifeless | diff isn't. | 10:24 |
lifeless | I'm not convinced about the diff at this point | 10:25 |
bradb | the list says: lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/emailinterface.txt x_Bjorn_Tillenius_<bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com>_Wed_Mar_30_10:52:42_2005_7337.0 | 10:25 |
lifeless | file name, file id | 10:25 |
bradb | when lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/emailinterface.txt would be much more useful | 10:25 |
lifeless | 08:24 < lifeless> I do plan to remove the file ids, but not the list of changed files | 10:25 |
bradb | that would be a nice step in the right direction, IMHO | 10:27 |
lifeless | well as I've said its planned | 10:28 |
lifeless | patches accepted to my email_sender plugin at any poitn | 10:28 |
lifeless | the thing is it has to serve *everyone at once* - its not a personal notification | 10:28 |
bradb | Right now, it doesn't seem to be serving the LP developer. Maybe I'm alone in this view, but I doubt it. :) | 10:29 |
lifeless | stub has a list of things requested w.r.t. bzr on the wiki | 10:30 |
lifeless | the file ids is in that list. | 10:30 |
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away | ||
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo | ||
lifeless | bradb: re submit-bzr-merge, stub updated the wiki copy | 11:10 |
bradb | yep | 11:10 |
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away | ||
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mhz_design | hi | 11:22 |
mhz_design | I have created a team for 1st time and I made a mistake due to the explanatory text on Name field. However, I managed to edit it and it was ok. However, I got email confiormation for both 'naming' and 'name change'. | 11:23 |
mhz_design | should confirm both? | 11:24 |
mhz_design | wont that be confflicitve? | 11:24 |
kiko | I didn't quite understand | 11:25 |
mhz_design | kiko: ok. I created a team | 11:25 |
kiko | so far so good | 11:26 |
mhz_design | I missnamed it | 11:26 |
mhz_design | I changed its name | 11:26 |
kiko | okay | 11:26 |
mhz_design | when I got to check my inbox, I saw 2 emails from LP requesting me to confirm both steps | 11:26 |
kiko | the old team won't exist, most likely | 11:26 |
kiko | have you visited its page | 11:26 |
kiko | ? | 11:26 |
mhz_design | yup | 11:26 |
mhz_design | the new name is ok, so instead of confirming 1st email, I only tried the 2nd email | 11:27 |
mhz_design | and I got ooops error | 11:27 |
mhz_design | :) | 11:27 |
bradb | Anyone know who svaksha is? | 11:28 |
bradb | https://launchpad.net/people/sitsofe # heh, yay personalized homepages! | 11:29 |
mhz_design | kiko: so, no matter which of the 2 mails LP sent me for confirmation (1st name or 2nd), I still get same error | 11:29 |
bradb | aka, ad hoc BTS's! | 11:29 |
mhz_design | kiko: did you understand that? | 11:31 |
mhz_design | kiko: hmm, any ideas would be great. I have 3 people waiting to join those teams | 11:32 |
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kiko | oh, mhz_design -- you get an error? | 11:53 |
kiko | bradb, can you help mhz_design I'm in a meeting atm | 11:54 |
mhz_design | kiko: ok, thx | 11:54 |
kiko | sorry for being busy | 11:54 |
bradb | kiko, mhz_design: Sure, I can try. /me reads scrollback | 11:54 |
mhz_design | bradb: educool | 11:55 |
mhz_design | kiko: no sorry, no worries | 11:55 |
bradb | Hm, something doesn't seem right here. | 11:57 |
bradb | It makes no sense whatsoever to get an email requesting a name change made in the web UI. | 11:57 |
mhz_design | exactly | 11:57 |
bradb | mhz_design: Can you forward me the email for the team you want to create? | 11:57 |
mhz_design | bradb: you stole my thoughts :D | 11:57 |
mhz_design | sure | 11:58 |
bradb | brad.bollenbach@gmail.com | 11:58 |
=== mhz_design reading inbox | ||
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mhz_design | bradb: my mistake. Second email was to confirm 2nd group I created. Still got same errors when trying to get to confirm it | 12:01 |
mhz_design | bradb: mails sent | 12:01 |
bradb | mhz_design: Right, I see the error. I'm trying to get to the error log now, one sec... | 12:02 |
mhz_design | bradb: /me on the phone BRB | 12:02 |
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