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artnay | hello | 04:18 |
derek[] | hi | 04:18 |
artnay | I'm creating a long todo list | 04:19 |
derek[] | for? | 04:19 |
artnay | for artwork team | 04:19 |
derek[] | dapper? | 04:19 |
artnay | yep | 04:19 |
derek[] | ok | 04:20 |
artnay | Usplash: Improvements coming, consider 24-bit picture and 16 colour fallback picture, GDM Theme: ??, GNOME Splash: this shouldn't be neede anymore as GNOME 2.14 tries to minimize the loading time to "none", still fallback should be provided, backgrounds: create/choose nice set of backgrounds and GDM theme to fit with bg, Font: Consider font change?, Iconset: Humility under development, probably a name change coming with new icons. Think about Tango, | 04:24 |
artnay | what about GRUB theme? Calendar? | 04:24 |
artnay | make AUC known, it's not listed anywhere on ubuntulinux.org or ubuntuforums.org | 04:24 |
artnay | what else? | 04:24 |
artnay | let's gather things up, wiki is a fucking mess | 04:25 |
derek[] | i see | 04:25 |
derek[] | well I haven't run Ubuntu yet :( | 04:25 |
derek[] | still waiting for getting some new hardware before I can install it | 04:26 |
artnay | what's preventing you? | 04:26 |
derek[] | but I'm a designer, and am up for help to Ubuntu | 04:26 |
artnay | Ubuntu's artwork needs help, it's not very well organized at the moment | 04:26 |
derek[] | i'm waiting for a new computer on which i can run linux | 04:26 |
artnay | artwork team | 04:26 |
derek[] | i see | 04:26 |
artnay | that's the beauty of GNU/Linux, you can run it allmost on any computer ;9 | 04:27 |
derek[] | are you one of the organisers? | 04:27 |
artnay | no I'm not | 04:27 |
derek[] | k | 04:27 |
artnay | I've been watching this for months now | 04:27 |
artnay | nothing seems to happen | 04:27 |
artnay | mailings lists and this channel are pretty dead | 04:27 |
artnay | and I'm tired, I want to see something to happen | 04:28 |
derek[] | okay | 04:29 |
derek[] | I must first be in Ubuntu and see the present artwork in use | 04:29 |
derek[] | cuz when you say: <artnay> what about GRUB theme? Calendar? | 04:29 |
derek[] | I've not yet seen it | 04:29 |
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artnay | there's no GRUB theme currently AFAIK | 04:30 |
artnay | calendar should be set for one release cycle | 04:30 |
artnay | that is six months | 04:30 |
derek[] | which calender? | 04:31 |
artnay | it's a bunch of backgrounds for different months | 04:31 |
artnay | it's a metapackage | 04:31 |
artnay | oh dammit, go install ubuntu and then install ubuntu-calendar ;) | 04:31 |
artnay | ubuntu needs you | 04:32 |
derek[] | :) | 04:32 |
artnay | are you running win? | 04:33 |
artnay | we also should consider how to select the backgrounds/icons/themes that will be included by default | 04:35 |
artnay | there's not much space left on one cd install | 04:35 |
artnay | anybody? | 05:30 |
artnay | I need some help here ;) | 05:30 |
=== Danten [n=danten@h235n12c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu-artwork | ||
artnay | Danten: | 05:42 |
Danten | artnay | 05:43 |
artnay | hey | 05:43 |
Danten | hi | 05:43 |
artnay | I'm just gathering a todo list for artwork team, wanna help? | 05:43 |
artnay | here's the current one: http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo | 05:44 |
Danten | hmm not really sure, Im not part of the team actually | 05:44 |
artnay | I thought I would make it more complete before posting it to lists | 05:44 |
artnay | me neither | 05:44 |
artnay | :) | 05:44 |
Danten | :) | 05:44 |
artnay | but we can still help | 05:44 |
Danten | oki | 05:44 |
artnay | there's ~nothing happening so everyone's input is more than welcome | 05:45 |
artnay | tell me if you have things to add | 05:45 |
Danten | well I'm not really sure what I can do but :) | 05:45 |
artnay | same thing | 05:46 |
Danten | I can't find anything particular to add, the only thing that's needed at the moment is structure so we can assign people to things | 05:47 |
Danten | Which is rather sad as Ubuntu has got al lot of buzz of its artwork (brownish) :) | 05:49 |
Danten | But your plan was to update the wiki? | 05:52 |
artnay | no | 05:52 |
Danten | no? | 05:53 |
=== bachler [i=rakahang@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
artnay | my plan is to make that list as complete as I can (maybe with help of others), then post it to mailing list | 05:53 |
artnay | then we should clean the wiki page | 05:53 |
artnay | add all those topics there, links to subcategories | 05:53 |
Danten | ahh, then I understand | 05:53 |
Danten | well, I start scanning the forums for stuff | 05:54 |
artnay | that's why I'm asking for help in here :) | 05:54 |
artnay | bachler: hey | 05:54 |
bachler | hey | 05:54 |
artnay | bachler: do you want to help? | 05:54 |
bachler | yeah, if i can | 05:55 |
artnay | ok, take a look at this http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo and tell what to add/modify | 05:55 |
bachler | kk | 05:55 |
artnay | I've heard there's a program for GNOME that fetces stuff from art.gnome.org | 05:56 |
artnay | do you happen to know the name? | 05:56 |
artnay | I'm not a GNOME person :o | 05:57 |
bachler | http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=889 | 05:58 |
bachler | ? | 05:58 |
bachler | is that what your thinking about? | 05:58 |
artnay | yeah, I guess that's it | 05:59 |
bachler | ok.. | 05:59 |
artnay | thanks | 06:00 |
artnay | do you have any exprience with it? | 06:00 |
artnay | ohhh, what a day for typos | 06:00 |
Danten | hmm me thinking, what about that each version of Ubuntu has it's own personal logo that get used in wallpapers, splashes, screensavers etc. | 06:00 |
artnay | Danten: that's being thought at the mailing list | 06:01 |
bachler | about the artwork-todo, really good work there, putting it all together.. but its kind of hard for me to think of anything more to add right now.. | 06:01 |
artnay | wait a sec | 06:01 |
Danten | so then that could be a goal | 06:01 |
artnay | so could GNOME Art be forked to fetch stuff from both art.gnome and art.ubuntu? | 06:01 |
artnay | it's GPL and there's plenty of time left | 06:02 |
bachler | i guess so, yeah.. | 06:02 |
bachler | btw, the link for the mousetheme.. it doesnt work for me | 06:02 |
artnay | oh | 06:02 |
artnay | I'll check it out | 06:02 |
bachler | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=19506 | 06:02 |
bachler | nice | 06:02 |
artnay | bachler: oh, I thought the link isn't working. so is the theme working? | 06:03 |
artnay | if it would be an ideal world, that todo wouldn't be needed. all that information should be easily available at wiki | 06:04 |
bachler | when i come to think about it, it would be quite cool if the gnome art program could be froked to fetch stuff for ubuntu, but i really think that the original functionallaty to get themes from art.gnome.org is good to keep.. | 06:04 |
artnay | now it's a mess, outdated mess | 06:04 |
artnay | bachler: sure, but they share the same code | 06:05 |
artnay | and what about dupes? | 06:05 |
artnay | well, that needs people to develop it | 06:05 |
bachler | artnay: i cant get the link to work, so i cant get the mouse theme, so i havent tested it | 06:05 |
artnay | let's just try to sum it all up | 06:05 |
artnay | it works for me, odd. | 06:06 |
artnay | are you able to connect www.gnome-look.org ? | 06:06 |
bachler | yeah.. where are u? im in sweden using loopia as dns.. mabye its the thing.. whats the ip of gnome-look? | 06:07 |
artnay |, finland | 06:07 |
bachler | oh.. that works | 06:07 |
bachler | strange.. | 06:07 |
artnay | it traces through telia to gnome-look.org | 06:08 |
bachler | well, anyway.. im no ruby guru.. but im sure that someone could fix the gnome art program to fetch art from art.ubuntu | 06:08 |
artnay | bachler: yeah, I'm pretty positive on that, too. | 06:09 |
bachler | hmmm, do you have the name of the mouse theme | 06:09 |
artnay | Pinux's Tux Cursors Theme | 06:09 |
bachler | ok.. ill check that out | 06:10 |
bachler | im kind of busy at the moment.. schoolwork.. | 06:10 |
artnay | me too, I'm at work. trying to do all these things simultaneously | 06:10 |
bachler | but, regarding the artwork-todo. nice job.. but as i said, i cant really come to think of anything to be added right now.. ill give you a shout if i do | 06:11 |
artnay | GAIM theme? | 06:12 |
artnay | gnome-terminal theme? | 06:12 |
artnay | firefox/thunderbird theme? | 06:12 |
bachler | ill check with some friends at school too | 06:12 |
artnay | it should fit with the default look | 06:12 |
bachler | yeah, a gaim theme would be nice | 06:12 |
bachler | add it, i say! :-D | 06:12 |
artnay | that's one of the reasons why people want to change fx to epiphany | 06:12 |
bachler | fx= firefox? | 06:13 |
bachler | oh,, yeah.. | 06:13 |
bachler | mabye a firefox/thunderbird theme would be nice too | 06:13 |
bachler | anymore... | 06:13 |
bachler | xmms? | 06:13 |
bachler | bmp | 06:14 |
Danten | dosen't it exist an ubuntu theme for bmp? | 06:14 |
bachler | yeah, but i dont think its installabel throug apt | 06:14 |
Danten | aa | 06:15 |
artnay | ok, added irssi as well | 06:15 |
bachler | i always (after a fresh install) need to go to like, gnome-look or something to get a nice xmms/bmp skin | 06:16 |
bachler | xchat colors? | 06:16 |
artnay | http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/showimage.php?i=1374 | 06:16 |
bachler | i personally use xchat | 06:16 |
artnay | well I use "ubuntued" theme on irssi ;) | 06:16 |
artnay | I'll add X-Chat as well | 06:16 |
bachler | thats a nice irssi color theme.. maby "port" it to xchat? | 06:17 |
Danten | and then maybe gnome-terminal too | 06:18 |
bachler | yeah.. but how doest that work with ls --color? | 06:18 |
artnay | added | 06:18 |
Danten | have no clue :) | 06:18 |
bachler | hehe,.. i could try to get some work done with this this weekend | 06:19 |
artnay | it's nice to have ideas but there's always a danger that too much of brown here and there makes people to hate it | 06:19 |
artnay | that's the danger to change the default themes of programs | 06:19 |
artnay | but it's an idea, and we're looking for those, right? | 06:20 |
Danten | yepp :) | 06:20 |
artnay | I have to clean that list later today | 06:20 |
bachler | i dont really think that there sould be a change to the default theme, just added themes.. | 06:20 |
artnay | if you have links to themes you're talking about, please paste | 06:21 |
artnay | bachler: yeah, maybe we should at least provide an easy way to unify the look of desktop | 06:21 |
artnay | apt-get install foobar | 06:21 |
bachler | yeah, thats kind of what i was looking for i think | 06:22 |
artnay | dapper also needs metapackages for complete themes | 06:22 |
bachler | like ubuntu-artwork | 06:22 |
artnay | mmm, sort of | 06:22 |
bachler | well im no xpert on the apt stuff... | 06:22 |
artnay | it would be to nice to get KDE brownish only with one command :> | 06:23 |
bachler | yeah | 06:23 |
bachler | hmm, i think i need to do some other stuff now.. but. keep up the good work | 06:24 |
bachler | and cya | 06:24 |
Danten | cya | 06:25 |
Danten | a question: | 06:25 |
Danten | SHAPES, Deadline ??, Members ??: | 06:25 |
Danten | - ?? | 06:25 |
Danten | whats that? | 06:25 |
artnay | what shapes should be used in metacity decorations, on background, GDM theme etc. | 06:25 |
Danten | a | 06:26 |
artnay | rounded? | 06:26 |
artnay | do we want something like this: http://art.ubuntu.com/backgrounds/ubuntu/64 | 06:26 |
artnay | bachler: bye and welcome back ;) | 06:26 |
Danten | so practically shapes and colour is the common direction for artist to go | 06:28 |
artnay | there are some rules already | 06:28 |
artnay | like palettes to use etc. | 06:28 |
Danten | So this goal is like "extended rules for Dapper"? | 06:29 |
Danten | and then we have a new goal for dapper+1 | 06:29 |
artnay | I guess the rules at wiki are still for Breezy | 06:30 |
artnay | the whole wiki is Breezy-oriented | 06:31 |
artnay | it's outdated | 06:31 |
artnay | but I guess the same rules apply to Dapper | 06:31 |
Danten | oki | 06:31 |
Danten | hmm thinking again :) how easy is it for an artist to start working on a new installed ubuntu machin? like does he has all programs needed or are they easy to get through apt? (as you can see I have no clue) :) | 06:33 |
artnay | what kind of graphics? | 06:34 |
artnay | vector, pixel, 3d? | 06:34 |
artnay | gimp is there by default (for pixel graphics) | 06:34 |
artnay | inkscape is available from repos (vectors) | 06:35 |
artnay | and then there's maya3d etc. for 3d | 06:35 |
artnay | I'm not familiar with 3d programs | 06:35 |
Danten | well, I thought all kinds of artist (including audio) and that maybe we should make it easy to know which applications to get, maybe with ubuntu art or so | 06:36 |
artnay | well I haven't found a suitable audio editing program yet | 06:37 |
artnay | but you can run some windows stuff using wine | 06:37 |
Danten | ;P | 06:37 |
artnay | it's a shame, I know | 06:37 |
bachler | audacity | 06:38 |
bachler | i use it when i make sampels for tracking music | 06:38 |
artnay | that might work for some people | 06:38 |
Danten | Then maybe that could be a goal to collect a list of good applications that can be recomendated | 06:38 |
artnay | Danten: I don't think that's artwork team's job, talk to documentation team | 06:39 |
Danten | hmm maybe | 06:39 |
artnay | they might give some recommendations at help.ubuntu.com or system -> help | 06:39 |
artnay | or then ubuntuforums should be bookmarked by default ;) | 06:40 |
artnay | "umh, what's this" | 06:40 |
Danten | hehe ^^ | 06:40 |
artnay | I'm out of ideas now. It's been a long day and I've nearly finished my work (that's a miracle if you think about what I've been doing here) | 06:44 |
Danten | good :) (not that you are out of ideas but I think you got that ;) ) | 06:45 |
artnay | and that's it, I'm off. later guys! | 06:49 |
Danten | later | 06:49 |
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