=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-boot === Keybuk [n=scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-boot [09:07] Keybuk: have you split out udev into hooks? === makx looks into the ubuntu patches. [09:07] yes, our udev package will ship its own udev hook script and normal scripts [09:08] (But he hasnt made those uploads yet, so looking for patches is useless) [09:08] I've also taken the hook out of initramfs and the code itself out of the source [09:08] nice [09:08] infinity: I'm gonna do them today [09:08] \o/ === makx is fed up of running after Md. [09:08] is lrm ready? [09:08] I'm doing LRM today. [09:08] #341014 new udev related rc bug. [09:08] BenC is doing one last kernel upload tomorrow before we do -meta. [09:09] cool [09:09] makx: yeah, there's a zillion copies of that one -- doesn't affect us :) [09:09] (Which will be an ABI bump and another LRM, but that's no big deal) [09:09] Keybuk: haven't looked at it yet. [09:09] didn't know there are more than this one. [09:09] Keybuk : Is there any chance of us converging with Debian's udev again, or are we forking too far to come back at this point? [09:09] makx: afaict it's a user using a udev that requires 2.6.15 on 2.6.14 [09:10] infinity: forking it and never looking back [09:10] upstream is our rock for udev now [09:16] Keybuk: any recommendation how i should handle that bug? === makx wanted initramfs-tools to migrate to testing. [09:16] but udev keeps it away atm. [09:16] d-i needs initramfs-tools in testing. [09:16] Depends: linux-image-2.6.15- would work [09:27] kernel tomorrow? OK, Flight 2 is officially next week, not this week [09:27] I'm not going to try to get it out two days after a major kernel upgrade [09:31] hmm newer udev works on my box [09:31] even with 2.6.14 *strange* [09:33] Kamion : Wimp. :) [09:33] Kamion : After some of my other tasks are settled, CD buildability/installability is moving up my personal priority list. [09:45] Kamion : Have you decided what to do about cdebconf and libgtk+2.0-directfb-dev? [10:04] bahh could reproduce while recreating initramfs [10:11] infinity: not yet === pitti_ [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-boot [10:11] inclined to rip it out of cdebconf for the moment until it stabilises upstream, though === pitti_ [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-boot [10:52] Kamion: can i safely assume that architectures that have special /boot requirements are properly coded in partman-auto recipes? [10:53] it looks to me that it is a "true" statement and that the recipes are done in such a way that / is always on an ext3 fs [10:57] if so, that will simplify my life of a magnitude [11:11] Keybuk: i've fixes for udev 0.76, will integrate your separation after. [11:15] fabbione: the partman-auto recipes shouldn't create anything incorrect [11:15] by themselves [11:16] Kamion: ok.. i did recheck and it looks like i am right.. in that case i can save a few tons of code :) [11:58] Kamion lshttp://people.ubuntu.com/~tfheen/bzr/cdebconf-keystep/ [11:58] grr [11:58] Kamion: http://people.ubuntu.com/~tfheen/bzr/cdebconf-keystep/ and http://people.ubuntu.com/~tfheen/bzr/cdebconf/ might be interesting. [11:58] they should be pullable now [11:59] I'll have a look later; buried in syslinux right now [11:59] sure, have fun. :-) [12:02] unlikely :-/ === Kamion idly curses Fabian [12:02] "please apply 3000 lines of assembly patch, kthxbye" [12:03] +.nosusedata: [12:03] NO, THIS ISN'T DISTRO-SPECIFIC AT ALL, WHY DO YOU ASK? [12:03] it's early enough that you can't use C sensibly? [12:03] syslinux is mostly assembly, yes [12:03] there's some C in the higher-level areas, but this is all very low-level [12:04] +lxrc_data db ' SuSE=' [12:04] heh [12:18] Kamion: it's debian-cd which generates the syslinux configuration for the install CDs, right? [12:22] Mithrandir: currently, yes [12:22] colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/debian-cd--ubuntu--0 [12:22] cheers [12:26] I think I have a somewhat ugly hack for it to reboot after checking. Set MENU to /bin/cdrom-checker;/sbin/reboot [12:34] i think i got partman-auto-lvm to do exactly what we want [12:34] Kamion: is the latest parted (with lvm support on ppc) in dapper? [12:36] fabbione: yes [12:37] $ bash [12:37] $ MENU='foo;id' [12:37] $ exec echo $MENU [12:37] foo;id [12:37] Mithrandir: I don't think that will work, no [12:37] Kamion: thanks [12:38] Mithrandir: shouldn't we just arrange for cdrom-checker to exit 12 in some mode? that will cause rootskel to reboot [12:38] Kamion: oh, it does? If so, that's a trivial change. [12:39] isn't export MENU=${1:-/usr/bin/main-menu} [12:40] bloody unuseful, since it's always called from inittab? [12:44] you can run debian-installer by hand when debugging stuff [12:44] in fact I often do :) [12:45] yes, it's useless in the default path [12:45] yes, but that piece of code means you can't do my hack which was just to set MENU on the syslinux command line [12:45] so I'm wondering if it should leave $MENU alone if it's set. [12:46] any thoughts on that? [12:46] but your hack wouldn't work anyway because variable expansion doesn't work the way you need [12:47] oh, without ; you mean? [12:47] sure, it probably should [12:47] true, so cdrom-checker would need a small adjustment as well [12:47] anyone here know what the SuSE= kernel argument does on SuSE kernels? [12:48] to exit 12 instead of EXIT_SUCCESS if strcmp(argv[0] ,getenv("MENU")) == 0 or something like that. [12:48] that would work ... [12:49] it's a hack, but I don't think it's undesirable. === Kamion nods [12:50] I'll just commit it upstream, I can't see any reason not to take that. [12:50] Kamion: does /lib/modules/.../modules.ofmap exist and contain data for you? [12:51] Keybuk: not on Debian; should I reboot into dapper? [12:52] it may need new module-init-tools [12:53] ok, I won't worry for now [12:54] oh, use-case for having proc in fstab; upgrading chroots and being too lazy to type 'mount -t proc proc /proc' (some packages require mounted /proc to upgrade cleanly) [12:56] true, but then we'd also need /sys in there [12:56] not to mention /dev [01:02] 'mount /sys' seems to work without it being in fstab [01:03] (hmm, maybe /proc would too, haven't tried) [01:03] the minimal set of device nodes debootstrap sticks in /dev is generally enough to get by for just upgrading stuff [01:03] you don't really need hardware devices there, just the virtual ones [01:04] I guess [01:04] I'm not too concerned which way we go [01:04] if we have /proc in fstab, we should have /sys too, both with a note that everything is ignored and it's just there so you can "mount /proc" === fabbione hits lvm & co straight in the balls === jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-boot [01:26] Kamion : People mount proc from inside their chroots?... I mount proc from the base system into all the chroots. [01:34] GO LVM [01:34] DIE DIE DIE [01:58] Kamion: would you rather that I backport my changes (so we have to merge them later), or should I just upload the packages in Debian and wait for them to trickle through to us? It's rootskel and cdrom-checker. [02:02] Mithrandir: just do it in Debian, I think [02:02] particularly since we're in sync with rootskel right now [02:02] ok, sure [02:03] do we sync installer components automatically? [02:04] yes [02:27] coo, syslinux supports assembling multiple initramfs pieces now === fabbione builds d-i to test pal on ppc [02:33] we need to switch to .15 [02:33] or i will be forever doomed to build custom d-i [02:33] fabbione: What's blocking it? [02:33] jbailey: that my ppc is not supported in .12? [02:34] so i had to patch .12 to get a kernel that can actually install on my ppc [02:34] Kamion: I think it has since at least OLS. [02:34] Kamion: HPA and I talked about it there. [02:50] bah [02:50] pal still hates me on ppc [02:51] ok.. it's tomorrow's work to get it fixed [02:56] Kamion: some people might think you're slightly obsessive in your branding when you are changing Debian to Ubuntu inside comment strings in the source. ;-) [02:57] :-) [02:57] hmmm [02:57] yeah, should probably drop those patches [02:57] Kamion: do you think you can help me a second? [02:58] sure [02:58] for some reasons a d-i build from today on ppc [02:58] doesn't have libselinux [02:58] and lvm2 basically doesn't work [02:58] using the last daily install on i386 works.. and i am assuming it has libselinux [02:58] it needs libselinux in the udeb build? that's fucked [02:58] there's no point having libselinux in d-i and I'd rather it weren't there [02:58] pvs: error while loading shared .. [02:58] ok [02:59] there's no selinux udeb [02:59] so i guess i need to play with lvm2 to make 2 different builds [02:59] yes [02:59] that's ok [02:59] it's only linked [02:59] "only" [02:59] if it's linked as a shared object (and if not, why not?) then there needs to be a udeb [03:00] either i got the merge wrong [03:00] (lvm2) [03:00] or we need that [03:00] but right now i am too tired to figure it out [03:01] the new pal should work just fine once this is fixed === pitti_ [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-boot [03:46] Kamion: so, what do you reckon? should I upload new udev and friends now, or wait until wednesday morning [03:46] (on the basis that I'm not contactable at all tomorrow) [03:47] Will it break the current default kernel? [03:48] If 2.6.12-9 continues to work right until I update linux-meta, upload it now. [03:48] Otherwise, drop the upload somewhere where I can get at it, and I'll do it all together. === Kamion agrees with infinity [03:50] it'll braek [03:50] Now I tihnk I'm going to dirnk myself into a stupor and attempt to get some stress-relieved sleep. [03:50] Keybuk : Then sign the uplooad, put it somewhere, and mail me the location. [03:50] Keybuk : I'll make the upload together with linux-meta. [03:53] http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/packages/new-udev [03:55] Keybuk: How brave do we have to be? =) [03:55] works for me :) === jbailey builds [03:56] Do I need to be on 2.6.15? [03:57] Last I checked that was still b0rked on ppc64 [03:57] dpkg-source: error: file udev_076.orig.tar.gz has size 4903 instead of expected 281735 [03:57] yes, you do [03:57] Keybuk: How are you planning to handle the migration from Breezy to Dapper? [03:57] uh, try now [03:57] "migration" ? [03:58] Making sure that a person has the new kernel loaded. [03:58] Works this time, thanks. [03:59] it checks whether /sys/class/mem/null/uevent exists, if not unmounts /dev and puts the old static one back [03:59] Ah, cool. [03:59] it seemed a sane one to look for [04:00] Ooo, cuddly. It provides the initramfs-tools hooks itself. [04:00] yes [04:01] Nice. The hooks are quite clean. [04:02] I'll ask Ben about 2.6.15 when he's on later, and then test it on ppc64 and sparc for you. [04:04] right, gonna have lunch, then go down south -- back wednesday [04:43] hello jbailey [04:43] i've got an upldate for the debian version. [04:43] new udev upstream.. [04:44] closes 1 rc bug, haven't packaged yet. [04:44] makx: Cool. [04:44] will ping you in one hour when it's on mentors. [04:44] makx: Note that Ubuntu and Debian udev packages are about to diverge heavily. [04:44] yes please tell me [04:45] makx: It might be worth taking a look at some of the hacks that Scott's done in his repository. It splits all of the udev stuff into the udev package. [04:45] you are stabilizing? [04:45] i know [04:45] For Debian, you might want to take those hooks and package them into the initramfs-tools package directly. [04:45] is it uploaded already to ubuntu? [04:45] spoke with Md he will take those hooks in middle term [04:46] enough running after udev.. ;) === makx looks up packages.u.c [04:47] uugh missing /dev/input/mouse [04:47] has your kernel also modular mousedev [04:49] Yes. [04:51] :( === dilinger [i=dilinger@mouth.voxel.net] has joined #ubuntu-boot [05:23] Keybuck: where can i find latest udev? [07:04] jbailey uploaded 1 min ago initramfs-tools 0.41 -> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/initramfs-tools/ [07:04] bug reporter did test that version with udev from incoming [07:05] solved all issues for him+me. [07:05] again an high urgency upload. [07:07] also vorlon is letting initramfs-tools 0.40 into testing [07:07] as it works against the udev which is in etch. [07:07] :) === pitti_ [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-boot === sivang [i=sivan@ubuntu/member/sivang] has joined #ubuntu-boot [11:35] Kamion: initramfs-tools migrated to testing :) [11:36] hooray, we can revert that hack after the mirror push then [11:42] Kamion: still around? [11:44] fabbione: yes [11:44] Kamion: do you think we can schedule a 20/30 minutes work together tomorrow? [11:45] yeah, probably. I have to go into town at some point though [11:45] other than between 10:30 UTC and 12:30 UTC ( i have to go to the dentist) [11:45] yeah you tell me when it's best for you outside that slot and i am fine [11:45] there are some issues with pal i need to look at together with you [11:46] because i am not sure 100% how to address them [11:57] 15:00 UTC?