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chromatehello. i was wondering if there was a way to choose/change the default font file chosen for foreign languages?12:03
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`NomadHi all..  A friend of mine is selling the MB from his linux server..  So he needs to access his files which are on an ext2 or 3 partition, from, GULP!  Windows..  Is there a conversion that anyone knows about?  Cuz google don't I think12:24
`NomadHe wants to plop the drive in a windows box..12:25
frank23`Nomad: there is a windows ext driver that can give you read access out there but I don't know the name and have never used it12:26
splittacan anyone get me unbanned from #ubuntu ?...promise not to misbehave12:27
`Nomadfrank:  I just found it, I searched for just "read ext2".  Looks interesting.. Read-only  12:28
`Nomadas a temp solution it'll do :)12:28
frank23`Nomad: great!12:28
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ClayGnice it works12:47
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neoncodeHey does the mozila firefox flash plugin requre any fonts? Because fonts won't display in flash files?01:14
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ubotuubotu gives neoncode a hug.  There, there, is that better?01:24
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_alexanyone get japanese input to work in breezy?01:32
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kairu0hey all02:02
beemergood evening all02:02
kairu0beemer, 02:02
beemeryo-yo ;-)02:02
beemerhey - know anything about getting usb wireless to setup at boot?02:03
kairu0usb wireless? nope i have pcmcia wifi02:04
beemerhrmm...did you have any issues with dhcp not giving it an address at boot?02:04
kairu0well, when i set the timeout to 5 it didnt work02:04
kairu010 seconds is enuf every time for me02:05
beemerahh - where's the timeout setting? maybe that's my problem - ndiswrapper loads, the card get's its essid and wep key but doesn't get the ip02:05
beemeras soon as I boot I can "sudo dhclient wlan0" and it get's an address02:05
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beemerkairu0 - can you tell me where the timeout setting is?02:14
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kairu0beemer, if you havent defined it, then its 6002:14
beemernope - haven't defined it02:15
beemerso then that's probably not it ...02:15
beemerthanks tho :)02:15
kairu0well it could be that your usb is coming up after your network daemon?02:16
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beemerhrmm...i don't think it is - i'll check02:17
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kairu0beemer, heres another thing to try02:17
kairu0in /etc/rc2.d you should have a gdm file and a network file02:18
kairu0change the number at the start of the networking file to match the gdm file02:18
beemerboot log shows hotplug devices then network config02:18
kairu0it might work02:18
kairu0on the other hand theres the chance the kdm wont come up next time, so make sure that you can switch it back if you have to from the console02:19
beemeri see a kdm file but not a network file at in that path02:20
beemerin rc0.d i see...02:21
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beemerS35networking and K89hotplug-net02:21
kairu0damn 02:21
kairu0well, if you search on ubuntuforums for laptop network timeout you can find someone who knows better than i02:22
beemerthanks :)02:22
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Drakesonsuppose that I have a formula in tex. what is the easiest way to make a png/gif/jpg/... file out of it?02:43
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ccccan i add a second panel under kde? if so, how?03:24
cccfound it03:27
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rgc'ello all03:32
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jilocasin'ello all03:33
jilocasinJust got kubuntu installed and up and running, quick question for KDE folks, how do I make the fonts/icons/etc. smaller?  1280x1024 feels like 800x60003:35
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jilocasinJust got kubuntu installed and up and running, quick question for KDE folks, how do I make the fonts/icons/etc. smaller?  1280x1024 feels like 800x60003:36
Hobbseejilocasin: check in system settings03:36
jilocasinHobbsee: where would that be?03:36
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Hobbseekmenu, system settings?03:36
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jilocasinHobbsee: nevermind....03:37
xstHow do I choose the default audio device? (I have two soundcards in the box) and the wrong device is currently selected as default output.03:37
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rcmnxst what apps 04:14
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mosiaci seem to be having an issue with my wireless card, i enable it but it instantly turns itself off anything i should try?04:28
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nxv_here i cant find the identity settings in kopete. but at another pc today i saw there were identity setups in kopete. 05:02
nxv_the other pc had an older version. have the identity infos moved somewhere else?05:02
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Hobbseenxv_: it's new in kopete 0.1105:04
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durtif i apt-get kubuntu desktop, will kdm be run by default rather than gdm? what changes will happen? (im in regular ubuntu)05:05
bimberidurt: when kdm is installed you'll be asked whether you want to keep using gdm or not05:07
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nxv_Hobbsee: what is new? the pc i saw it ran Kopete: 0.9.2 an here i have 0.10.405:08
durtah - ok.05:08
Hobbseeah ok, that's odd05:09
Hobbseei've never run 0.9.2, but i've never seen that feature in 0.10.4, and i have in 0.1105:10
kkathmanI need to check for new versions of Kopete and Kontact05:10
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nxv_when will 0.11 come to breezy?05:10
kkathmanKontact seems to be acting up lately05:10
jsubl2riddell has been busy.. new kde stuff posted for dapper kubuntu6405:10
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durtwhat config file lets controls whether gdm or kdm is run?05:11
darkfilehi all05:11
nxv_or can i only get it by using backports05:12
darkfileim new to kubuntu 05:12
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nxv_hi darkfile 05:12
darkfileand already got my first problem ;-)05:12
kkathmanthere are no problems, only opportunities for learning :)05:12
darkfileamark wont build me this mp3 libary05:13
darkfilei can play mp3s with it now and i can select which folders to search05:13
darkfilebut it only shows me the foldes, but no songs inside them05:13
darkfilegoogle didnt help me out 05:13
darkfile(with it shows me folders i mean this list of artists)05:15
kkathmanHobbsee might be able to help you out..I dont even use sound on my Linux box at all05:15
darkfilehehe, always the first thing i try ;-)05:15
darkfiledirectly after networking is up05:15
kkathmanlol networking is always 1st :)05:16
Hobbseenxv_: it's in kde 3.5, which there's an RC of, but it's not fully released05:16
Hobbseedarkfile: ummm...05:16
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darkfileHobbsee: for example i can see now that i got music from offspring05:17
darkfileand in the very lower part you can see "339 songs / 39 artists"05:18
nxv_Hobbsee: so will it come to breezy ? apt-cache search kde 3.5 doesnt schon anything05:18
darkfilebut there are only the folders :(05:18
ubotukde3.5 is, like, KDE 3.5 Release Candidate 1 is out: http://tinyurl.com/dycgf05:18
Hobbseedarkfile: you're on the "collection" tab?05:18
Grundlebug question here.  I'm trying to install wireless-ng drivers from source but I'm getting an error saying that the linux source code wasn't found in /usr/linux/src05:20
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GrundlebugThing is, I've installed the source for my kernel, unzipped it and made a symbolic link to /usr/src/linux05:21
darkfileHobbsee: yes05:21
Hobbseeswitch to the files tab :P05:21
Hobbseesee if that helps05:21
Grundlebugdo I need to be doing something differently to install the source from the tar file?05:21
darkfileyes, that works05:21
darkfilebut i thought the collection would sort it for me and so?05:21
darkfilenot only show me the names of the interprets ;)05:22
Hobbseei'm not sure on that one05:22
nxv_ubotu: thx for the url, can i securely install these packages. mean i had to do a clean reinstall because of using backports when switching from horay to breezy :)05:22
nxv_ups i am already talking to a bot :)05:23
darkfilei will try it with mysql instead, maybe that helps05:23
Hobbseenxv_: you should be able to install them without a problem05:24
darkfilewith mysql it works05:32
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darkfileif anyone complains about seeing no songs in the amarok collection tab, he should switch to mysql :-)05:32
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Grundlebugany help on the source install?05:34
darkfilehey, and amarok is really cool, should have tried it before05:35
darkfilealready got my first album covered ;-)05:35
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erixcan i ask somthing ?06:01
kkathmango ahead06:01
erixis there channel hir in philippines06:02
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erixactually this is my first tym hir06:02
kkathmanIm not sure if there is or not06:02
erixhow can i registered hir?06:03
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darkfileerix: this could be somewhat difficult06:08
darkfilemaybe you should look at the homepage?06:09
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WolfManz611does the adept package manager update system files say if a bug is discovered in kubuntu?06:11
darkfilehi WolfManz611 06:12
darkfileyou mean if you can hold your box up-to-date?06:12
darkfileyes, sure06:12
darkfilefirst you should "fetch updates"06:13
darkfileafter that you can see which packets got updates in the lower part06:13
WolfManz611like lastnight i noticed the 5.10 version of kbuntu had a big that wouldnt let me use he root password as in i would type it in and nothing would happend 06:13
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WolfManz611big = bug06:14
darkfilethere is no root password ;)06:14
darkfilenot in ubuntu06:14
WolfManz611so i had to search sum bug database and in there was a fix 06:14
darkfileyou mean sudo for sure?06:14
WolfManz611well su password you know the one you need to do the higher level stuff like the user manager06:14
darkfileas said, with "fetch updates" you will get a recent list of packages06:15
WolfManz611well that was buuged so i downloaded a update that seemed to fix it could adept get that update as well?06:15
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darkfileafter that you can look and decide for yourself which updates you want06:15
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darkfileor just let adept do it for you (full update)06:16
WolfManz611i just updated everything lol there are no updates left 06:16
darkfilemaybe your bug was too new to make it into the stable branch?06:16
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darkfilethe fix i mean ;)06:16
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WolfManz611ya i think that was the case. Alot of people had the issue though 06:17
darkfileby the way06:17
nxv_back with 3.506:17
darkfilewhile we are talking about bugs ;)06:17
darkfilewhen u use amaroks collection function06:18
darkfilecan u see album and songs as well? or only the artists names06:18
nxv_can i setup autocycling through wallpapers without adding any single file?06:18
WolfManz611i have no idea i'm new to linux lol06:18
darkfilewolf, had a bug with it today06:19
darkfileoh, if you are new06:19
darkfilebe sure to enable the universal sources for packages in adept06:19
darkfileso you can download mp3 support and so on06:19
darkfileits not installed by default, because of patents06:20
WolfManz611ya i just downloaded xmms and that tooks care of the mp3 support06:20
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darkfileWolfManz611: give amarok a try ;)06:23
darkfileusing it since today, and i think its great06:23
nxv_amarok is amazing. i espacaly love the show lyrics option06:24
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WolfManz611i would except i wouldnt here anything lol i got two machines here and i'm on the other machine on TeamSpeak talking to a budy and the headphones are plugged into the windows machine where the teamspeak is 06:25
darkfilenvx to your question with he cycle06:25
darkfilethats easy06:25
darkfileroation is directly under the option where you choose the wallpaper06:25
nxv_how? i am just working on inserting it into ~/.kde/share/config$ vim kdesktoprc06:26
darkfileno editor needed ;)06:26
nxv_darkfile: right but i have to choose all the wallpapers first06:26
nxv_and i dont want to do it for every single file06:26
darkfileokay write yourself a shell script :p06:26
nxv_or am i wrong?06:26
darkfileinsert it into cron 06:27
WolfManz611Drakfile do you have the exact name of the source i have should enabled for adept?06:27
darkfileand so on ;)06:27
darkfilewolf you only need to activate it in adept06:27
darkfileadept -> manage repositorys06:27
WolfManz611i'm in adept but there are a few options o sellect what one do i pic?06:28
nxv_i would appreciate any easier way to do it06:28
darkfilethere are 2 greyed out entrys which have "universe" on the end06:28
darkfileactivate them06:28
darkfileand apply06:29
darkfileafter that fetch updates06:29
darkfileand there you go ;-)06:29
WolfManz611ok thanks got it 06:31
WolfManz611i'm prett impressed with this kubunto distro i tried unbuntu first but couldnt really get uised to gnome 06:32
WolfManz611i have always liked the look of KDE and when i seen the kde version of unbuntu i had to try it. 06:32
WolfManz611I like the fact it hardly comes with anything as well 06:32
WolfManz611i had mepis before this and it was loaded right up with stuff 06:33
bsdboyI use Kubuntu, my boss uses Ubunut.06:33
bsdboyHe greats me in the morning with "Hello KED user"06:33
nxv_is there kde support for the autoupdate anouncer?06:33
nxv_i mean the little popup that occures when new updates are available and leads one through the installation steps?06:34
darkfilemy new background ;)06:36
darkfilenxv_: no idea06:36
libbenwhat do i type to check my cpu's temp? i have lm-sensors installed06:37
nxv_this would be the last step before installing kubuntu to a linux newbie in my eyes06:37
darkfilelibben: try with acpi06:39
darkfilego to /proc/acp/thermal_zone06:39
crimsunacpi -t06:39
darkfilethere you can find the sensor06:39
darkfileand than write "cat filename_of_sensor"06:39
darkfile@fra-nbk001:/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM$ cat temperature06:40
darkfiletemperature:             40 C06:40
crimsun''acpi -t'' does that06:40
darkfileok, thats easier ;)06:40
libbenno device found bla blah =)(06:40
darkfileno acpi support?06:41
darkfiletry to go to /proc/acpi/06:41
darkfileand have a look what you can find there06:41
libbenwell. i have some other folders06:42
libbenbut in them i dont find any usefull information06:43
darkfileyou can cat most of the files06:43
darkfilecat filename06:43
darkfileto see what they provide06:43
libbenallready done that06:44
libbenand no help06:44
libbenim looking in ksensors just now06:44
libbenprogram that is06:44
darkfileif your acpi doesnt work as expected try google06:44
libbenidle 75.5 || sys 7.6 || nice 0.0 || user || 1906:44
darkfilefor sure, other people hat the same problem before06:45
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WolfManz611power to the penguin lol07:09
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cduran#channel monterrey07:12
cduranhow can i log to a new channel07:12
cduranwhat is the command that i need to enter07:13
cdurancan anybody help me07:13
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regeya /join #monterrey07:14
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cduranthanks :)07:14
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drumlinedamned installer halted at 48%07:34
WolfManz611cd bad?07:36
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drumlinedunno... It's installed correctly on the box I'm using now.07:40
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robotgeekdoes amarok play flac? i sure hope it does!07:43
SatanGolgarobotgeek: i got the wifi running :)07:51
robotgeekSatanGolga: what did you use?07:52
robotgeekSatanGolga: more importantly, did you update the wireless wiki?07:52
SatanGolgahmm, no, i used WPC54G_driver_utility_v3.1%2C0.zip with ndiswrapper and it went active and onlien ^^07:53
robotgeekSatanGolga: would you be kind enough to update the wiki?07:53
SatanGolgasure, soon on my way to school though07:54
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sampanhrmmm, i just added mtr (traceroute util) via apt-get and it "removed ubuntu-standard" (along with mtr-tiny) ... is this something I should worry about?08:01
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WolfManz611why would using adpet make your drive icons dissapear from the desktop?08:04
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Kamping_Kaiserhi Hobbsee :)08:07
Hobbseehey Kamping_Kaiser :)08:08
Kamping_Kaiseryour with bigpond :O evil!08:08
Hobbseeyes, my bigpond - parents choice, not mine08:08
Kamping_Kaiserlol. i tell my parents what we go with ;)08:08
Hobbseei wish08:08
Hobbseenah, it's cable here at the moment, which leaves us with few optoins08:09
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs internode
Kamping_Kaiserah, oh08:09
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Hobbseenasty rsi08:13
WolfManz611why would using adept make your drive icons dissapear from the desktop?08:14
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robotgeekdoes amarok play .flac?08:54
robotgeekyes it does, robotgeek 08:56
sampantalking to yourself is one of the signs of impending madness ;)08:56
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robotgeeksampan: i'm excluded, i'm half human, half robot09:05
sampanlol one half talking to the other half -- i get it ;)09:06
chakie_workif you are suffering from schizofrenia it's good if the different personalities have different skill sets :)09:06
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=== robotgeek thinks this was funny. maybe someone should put it in at the quotes page. i'm too tired
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raphinknow wazza ???09:11
raphink $ konqueror09:11
raphinkASSERT: "!icon.isEmpty()" in /root/kdebase/kdebase-3.5-rc1/./libkonq/konq_pixmapprovider.cc (79)09:11
raphinkit worked fine yesterday !!09:11
Kamping_Kaiserdid you run knoq with sudo?09:11
raphinkthats weird09:12
raphinkand kopete won't connect anymore either09:12
raphinkthere's something weird with my KDE ... :s09:13
raphinkI'll take this occasion to switch to dapper again09:13
raphinkcan't be worse than konq not working09:13
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_adminwhats the command to run files with bittorrent?09:15
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raphinkcapiCrimm: btdownload for ex09:16
raphinkor 09:16
raphink773 packages to upgrade ;)09:18
raphinkkontact won't work either .... :s09:24
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aftertafthe kubuntu live cd doesnt find my harddrive....09:47
aftertafcant load ide-genric module.09:47
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b0nnhey all09:50
b0nnIve just installed kubuntu09:50
aftertafnice one :)09:51
b0nnand trying to run anything that requires root priviledges from the run command on the start menu is giving me the 'incorrect password please try again' run around :)09:51
aftertafb0nn: use sudo and YOUR password09:52
b0nner.. theres no option .. its trying to run as root09:52
b0nnIve set roots password09:52
aftertafb0nn: open a terminal and use sudo09:52
b0nntried that, tried my users password, and tried blank09:52
aftertafb0nn: you set a root passwrd?     sure? try su -   in a terminal and put roots password, does it work?09:53
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Delvien is there an equivalent to KDE-apps.org for gnome???09:53
aftertafgnome site? any links there?09:54
b0nnok.. why do I have to run it from a term?09:54
aftertafb0nn: the run command cant ask you for a sudo password.09:57
aftertafb0nn: dont run as root in x, run with sudo09:57
b0nnyeah.. it asks for roots password09:57
aftertafb0nn: what are you wanting to run?09:58
aftertafb0nn: use adept09:58
b0nnthat wants root password as well09:58
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aftertafnope, put your own.....09:59
aftertafits the sudo wrapper09:59
b0nnit worked that time :\09:59
aftertafits not the root pw it wants, its your own!09:59
b0nnI didnt click :\10:00
aftertafbut the sudo gfx wrapper is a bit dicky sometimes.10:00
b0nnIm not sure if I like all this sudo10:00
sampanif you give it a chance, you'll like it10:00
aftertafb0nn: hehe, but its a safety net...10:00
b0nnIve been using Linux & *BSD's for 5 years10:01
b0nnIve gotten used to not liking sudo10:01
aftertafb0nn: yeah.... but its a good habit to relearn.. i did too.....10:01
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b0nnheh.. its too late in the eveing for a flame war on the pros/cons of sude :)10:02
aftertafthere is debate about it even among longtime ubuntu users10:02
aftertafbut being for 1st timers too..... its a good thing.10:02
dghi all!10:02
aftertafand us 'hardcore' users can sudo or su -10:02
b0nnhow do I get Kaffeine to play mp3's?10:03
b0nnI see a few mp3 librarys in the default install10:03
ubotufrom memory, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats10:03
aftertafb0nn: ^^^10:03
aftertaflegal issues10:03
dgI have problem with VPN client in Kubuntu,i have configured this client and connected to vpn,the problem is i send huge amount of data but recieving nothing? ANY IDEA?10:03
b0nnyeah.. mp3 is proprietory10:03
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=== raphink is stuck in console
aftertaflol raphink :)10:06
aftertafmornfall: hi!10:06
raphinkdon't switch to dapper if you have an ATI with fglrx10:06
raphinkX doesn't work with it (yet)10:07
aftertafraphink: i use nv right now too10:07
mornfallyou can always use "ati"10:07
raphinkgood for you10:07
aftertafmornfall: debtags is borked, so no adept in dapper10:07
raphinkmornfall: yeah I just have to reset my xorg.con10:07
mornfallaftertaf: tell me something i didn't know ;p10:07
raphinkI'm trying to compile the fglrx package right now10:07
raphinksee if that helps10:07
mornfalldiablo-d3 was bitching about it in #kubuntu-devel yesterday10:07
aftertafi imagine10:08
raphinkcompilation failed :p10:08
mornfallyou'll get adept 1.88 in few (2?) weeks anyway10:08
aftertafa lot of kde borked in dapper right now10:08
aftertafyeah :)10:08
mornfallthat is, if i move my ass in some direction :)10:08
mornfallaftertaf: first alpha in the 2.0 run10:08
mornfallalpha translates to "not feature complete" in this case10:09
mornfallit may even crash less than 1.0 :P10:09
aftertafquit chatting, get coding !!! :)10:09
mornfallbah :p10:09
mornfalli'm coding java right now anyway10:10
raphinkquit chatting, get fixing on my side ;)10:10
mornfallit sucks but needs to be done10:10
aftertafraphink: use ati for now.10:10
raphinkyeah I guess I'll do that 10:10
aftertafkde 3.5 final not yet out either?10:10
mornfallguess i'll play some music10:10
aftertafraphink: i'm waiting, such is the joys of dapper :)10:10
mornfallIn Flames - F(R)iend (on Soundtrack to Your Escape)10:11
raphinkX launched10:11
raphinkwith startx, since kdm can't be installed10:11
mornfallraphink: wow, it didn't even hurt that bad (did it?)10:11
raphinknor can kubuntu-desktop10:12
mornfalland i complain about sid huh? :)10:12
aftertafsid has to be always broken10:12
aftertafotherwise the fun goes out of it10:12
raphinkheh ;)10:12
mornfallit's like the magic smoke10:12
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raphinkmornfall: apt-build is much more advanced than my script but there are things it still can't do and mine can10:33
Hobbseehey aftertaf 10:34
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aftertafhi here too Hobbsee 10:35
mornfallraphink: right, that's why you should extend it ;-)10:35
raphinkmornfall: yeah I've got a different approach than apt-build with the same goal10:37
raphinkso it can be complementary in a way10:37
aftertafcalmement :)10:37
Hobbseehow do i find out what packages are inside a particular package file?10:41
raphinkget the source and look inside debian/10:42
l3mapt-file 10:44
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~/Desktop/mozilla$ apt-file kde-devel10:45
Hobbseebash: apt-file: command not found10:45
aftertafi'm gone, stuff to do.... interview this afternoon :)10:46
Hobbseecommand not found10:46
aftertafopen adept and look at the other apt packages10:46
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Hobbseeah...i'll try that10:46
aftertafcu all later...10:46
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raphinkRiddell: why does kdm depend on kubuntu-default-settings ?11:04
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raphinkI had to remove this dependency and compile again11:05
raphinks/compile/build the package/11:05
mornfallraphink: because kdm is evil :)11:05
raphinkmornfall: no really, I don't think kdm should depend on kubuntu11:05
raphinkno kde stuff should depend on kubuntu imo (if I might give my opinion on it)11:06
raphinkbut kubuntu surely has to depend on kde stuff11:06
raphinkthe result of this is that I can't install kdm since there is a pb with kubuntu-default-settings package11:06
raphinkand this is not normal11:06
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raphinkthe fact that all dependencies in kubuntu are not met yet shouldn't prevent me from installing parts11:07
raphinkdon't you think?11:07
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mornfallshould i? :)11:07
mornfallit's sort of obvious, hmm? :)11:07
raphinkkdm depends on kubuntu-default-settings, which depends on adept and amarok and many more11:07
mornfallthat's still wrong11:07
raphinkso implicitely, kdm depends on .... amarok and adept ... !!11:07
raphinkthere's a pb there11:08
mornfallkubuntu-default-settings shouldn't depend on anything much11:08
mornfallkubuntu-desktop should bring in all this stuff11:08
raphinkit's the wrong way round11:08
mornfalland nothing of individual components should need the -settings package11:08
raphinkbut kdm shouldn't depend on it11:08
raphinkrather kubuntu-* might depend on kdm11:08
raphinkbut not the other way round11:08
mornfallraphink: i'd suggest you beat Riddell until that's fixed ;-)11:09
raphinkso I removed it in kdebase*/debian/control in the kdm settings and am building the package again to see11:09
raphinkand I'll bug Riddell ;)11:09
mornfall(poor guy... he could pick a less stressful job..).11:09
raphinkyes ;)11:09
raphinkall the more that I already bug him a lot about my packages to be reviewed11:09
mornfallit's all fine as long as you don't bug me11:10
raphinkI'll bb11:10
raphinkif you see Riddell around, you can tell him ;)11:10
mornfallIn Flames - Cloud Connected11:11
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neoncodesorry wrong chanel, I was talking to ubotu11:12
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Delvienis there anyway to make KDE use a different directory for its desktop ?11:19
amuDelvien: no, the linux standart is userbased, every user has his home-dir which is only writeable by himself, well what you can do is, you can link/mount the homedir ex. to /dev/ram, if the hole filesystem is ro  11:23
Delvienamu :( im looking to use different folders from gnome to KDE for desktop , so i can use a different desktop (not the same icons / links ) on each DE11:24
amuDelvien: the defaults of each desktop are located in different dirs /usr/share   11:26
Delvienamu o. because im looking at my desktop in gnome atm and it shows a bunch of the stuff i have on KDE, if i delete these, will they be deleted in KDE?11:27
amuDelvien: thats the wrong way11:28
amuin the .desktop files there is a definition shownonkde, shownongnome 11:28
amuthe files still exist, but they are not displayed in your menues, whatever 11:29
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Delvienamu o , where do i edit these .desktop files to shownonkde?11:30
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amu /usr/share/applications 11:31
Delvienkk thanks bro11:32
amuDelvien: a good example is kcontrol.desktop 11:34
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amuDelvien: please referer to xorgs .desktop standard, you have there different options, in those .desktop are defined, if they where shown on kde or gnome on not 11:39
amus/on/or 11:45
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xstHow do I select the default sound card to be used?12:03
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dddsanyone interested in connecting to my KDE desktop to configure dhcp12:07
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Kamping_Kaiserddds: what's wrong?12:08
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dmlinuxhey amo where can i find that configuration file for shownonkde again, sorry hehe my konversation got shut down before i got a chance to get to  it12:10
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^rob^i am looking for a program to grab video from a bttv card - with gui - anyone know something?12:20
^rob^i want to grab from composite 112:20
Kamping_Kaisertry kino12:21
^rob^it is not working with composite12:21
^rob^only with digital cams12:21
^rob^i have an old vcr12:21
^rob^and i try to grab it so12:21
Riddellraphink: it depends on kubuntu-default-settings for the kdm theme12:21
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, i know the deal, I'm trying to find something that works as well ^rob^ ;)12:22
^rob^Kamping_Kaiser: damn - noone used to make a tool to do that?12:23
Kamping_Kaiserdunno, i havent had much time to try and hack stuff and make it work I'm afriad, it was a case of 'kino wont do it, oh well'12:24
Kamping_Kaiser'move on and do work'12:24
^rob^i've seen lots of tools - the text one has no gui - i have no control of what am i grabbing, the gui ones has no /dev/video0 settings.12:25
Kamping_Kaiserthe text ones any good? 12:25
^rob^i haven't managed to make it work on input 1 - all goes on tv12:26
^rob^lavtrans for example12:26
^rob^or mencoder12:26
Kamping_Kaiserhavent tried mencoder, think it's installed though12:27
^rob^how can i make mplayer to play what's on /dev/video0 ?12:31
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_kazui attempt to upgrade to the last kde 3.5 version, but it don't want to upgrade kde-base, any idea ?12:33
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^rob^_kazu: you can't12:33
Kamping_Kaiser_kazu: that's ok12:34
Tm_TI don't understand12:34
Tm_T"I wan't to upgrade kde but not kde-base"12:34
Kamping_KaiserTm_T: "but it dont"12:34
Kamping_Kaisersmart upgrade has desised to hold back KDE-base12:34
CyberMadwhat is the shortcut key to return to XWindow from konsole?12:34
Tm_Tsmart =)12:35
_kazuthaht's ok  u mean that it's  normal and the depandancies wil be solved ater ?12:35
Kamping_Kaiser_kazu: yes. we hope :)12:35
Kamping_KaiserCyberMad: ctrl+alt+f712:35
CyberMadokay thx.. :)12:35
_kazuok Kamping_Kaiser :p the date to the final version is supposed to be oday isn't it ?12:35
Kamping_Kaiser_kazu: yes, but that wont be in packages yet12:36
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_kazuok thks Kamping_Kaiser  hum the depots to use is : kubuntu.org/packages/kde3.5 breezy main ?12:37
_kazu( just to check if i'm doing right :p12:37
Kamping_Kaiserdon't know. don't use it ;)12:37
_kazuok will use the rc2 so  ;)12:38
Hobbsee_kazu: say what?12:38
ubotuI heard kde3.5 is KDE 3.5 Release Candidate 1 is out: http://tinyurl.com/dycgf12:38
_kazuok thks12:39
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Hobbseedeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35rc2 breezy main12:39
Hobbsee_kazu: is the rc2 link12:39
_kazuok ;)12:39
Hobbseeand you can try "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"12:40
Hobbseeand see what it gives you12:40
_kazuyes no worry 12:40
_kazuit's actually upgrade12:40
_kazui just miss the kde-base package12:40
_kazubut it 'll comme later according to u12:41
_kazuthks a lot12:41
Hobbseesudo apt-get install kde-base12:41
_kazuHobbsee: i tried that but there is a lot of dependancies broken 12:41
Kamping_Kaiserit's actualy, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get whatever12:41
Hobbseepost the dependancy errors to pastebin?12:41
Hobbseei'm not sure which one this is...12:42
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_kazuHobbsee: i just pastebin in12:42
Hobbseehmmm - is that with the rc1, or rc2 in your sources.list?12:44
Hobbseehave you run a sudo apt-get update?12:44
Hobbseeok, just checking :)12:44
Kamping_Kaiser_kazu: can we see your whole sources list?12:45
Hobbseewhat does a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade show?12:45
Hobbseepaste the result to pastebin12:45
Delvienanyone know how to change default file browser in gnome?12:46
Hobbseeyou might want to ask that in #ubuntu :P12:47
Hobbseeyeah, i thought that might be the problem12:48
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_kazuHobbsee: what might be the problem ?12:49
Hobbsee_kazu: you on i386 or amd64?12:49
Hobbseeyeah, ok, thought so - didnt think there were amd64 packages12:49
Kamping_Kaiser_kazu: remove the spaces from the start of your sources list lines12:49
Kamping_Kaiserbefore the 'deb http' bit12:50
_kazuok Kamping_Kaiser  i will try that12:50
_kazui 've the same problem :) i don't think the spaces were changing anything but in all cases they should'nt be there so thks to make me remove them12:52
morrowKnown Problems with Kubuntu's KDE 3.5 Release Candidate 2 Packages 12:52
morrowaha... seems like another RC is coming?12:52
Kamping_Kaisermorrow: released final today12:53
Hobbseemorrow: it's here now, it just wasnt announced...12:53
morrowok.. lets see if the kmail bug has disappeared12:54
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_kazuquestion, am i the only one with the kde-base package which don't wn't to upgrade or is it normal ?12:54
Hobbsee_kazu: i had that problem a while ago12:55
_kazuok but it seems that a few apps are still in 3.4.312:55
Hobbseeyes, that's probably due to the kdebase not upgrading...12:56
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_kazui was thinking that the message eror was telling the opposite: kde-base doesn't want to upgrade because of these few apps which are in 3.43 when i am ding apt-cache policy on the12:57
_kazuok i have put the rc1 in sources.list and it seems ok now12:58
Hobbseedid you take out rc2?12:58
_kazuseems to be a prob with rc212:59
Hobbseei've gone straight from 3.4.3 to 3.5 rc2 without a problem12:59
Hobbseebut i did have that error a while ago, in a previous install01:00
Hobbseeand it went away by itself01:00
_kazuok i am restarting kde to see the change : i come back01:01
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MenZa`I'm using Ubuntu with KDE and GNOME installed, but on KDE everything seems very big, despite I'm using 1600x1200. The text seems incredibly large - can this be helped?01:06
HobbseeMenZa`: you can change the font size in system settings...01:09
Hobbseeis this all programs, or just gnome ones?01:09
MenZa`All programs01:09
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MenZa`I got help in #KDE, thanks anyway :D01:10
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kazui'm back01:10
kazuok seems to works well01:11
kazufor kontact, i have a problem : before i had a all in one window now it's a new windows per apps01:12
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Delvienanyone know how to get Gnome applets to run in KDE?01:16
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kazuhum Delvien  install gdesklets and it should be ok :) gtk apps are ported to kde and qt to gnome now :)01:18
Delvienkazu well i want the battery monitor in gnome, on the systray of KDE01:18
_menzaOkay, the font seems to work now :) - can anyone tell me how to extract the music from my NTFS Windows drive to my Linux one?01:19
kazuah that i test it 5s01:19
ubotu[mount]  the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f01:19
Phazemanpeople, any news about KDE 3.5 final ?01:19
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Delvienany luck kazu01:21
_menzaI'm getting an error saying "mount: special device /dev/hdal does not exist"01:21
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_kazuDelvien: do u had my last msg ?01:21
Delvien_kazu all i see you say was ah that i test it 5s01:22
_kazuDelvien:  sudo apt-get install power-manager01:22
_kazuit was that :p01:22
_kazufor kontact, i have a problem : before i had a all in one window now it's a new windows per apps : any ideas for that ?01:22
Delviensec , lemme go back to KDE01:22
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Phazemanpeople.. stupid question... i never found a logical answer for it but i will try here :-) when upgrading KDE, is it better to stop the running KDE (by stopping the DM) or it doesn't matter and you only have to restart the X server after the upgrade finish ?01:23
MenZa`No help :\?01:23
robotgeekPhazeman: you need to restart for the changes to take effect01:24
HobbseePhazeman: well, it's probably logical to do a kde upgrade in a virtual terminal, and log out of x, but it seems to be fine to restart kdm once the upgrade is done - but not during the upgrade01:24
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robotgeekHobbsee: hello01:24
MenZa`I'm trying to mount my windows partition with help from http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#fg-windows-partitions - but I get the error "mount: special device /dev/hdal does not exist" - can anyone help me?01:24
Hobbseeis it /dev/hda1 or /dev/hdal?01:25
Hobbseeie, did you stick in a lower case "L" rather than a 1?01:25
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Kamping_KaiserPhazeman: if you install in the gui, then it will delete itself out undr you, so it will break if you try and keep using it01:25
MenZa`Ah, Hobbsee 01:26
Kamping_Kaiseryou should upgrade then restart imiediately01:26
MenZa`I did :P01:26
MenZa`Thanks ;P01:26
Hobbsee:P no problems01:26
Delvien_kazu installing now01:27
MenZa`Hobbsee: : How do I view my partition then?01:27
MenZa`in GUI if possible :S?01:27
HobbseeMenZa`: follow the rest of the guide?01:27
MenZa`Just tells me how to unmount and to check disk space methinks01:27
MenZa`Or wait01:28
Delvien_kazu i dont see it anymore. how do i start the applet?01:28
MenZa`Got it :)01:28
Hobbseeno problems01:28
Delvien_kazu you there?01:30
HobbseeDelvien: i'd try running the program name via alt+f201:31
Delvienhobbsee alt f2 doesnt do anything01:31
MenZa`Hobbsee: could you tell mei f i should/should not demount my windows partition? what can happen if i leave it open?01:31
Hobbseerun command...01:31
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HobbseeMenZa`: did you mount it in /etc/fstab?01:32
kazu_Sorry Delvien aol is stupid in london01:32
MenZa`nope, /media/windows01:32
kazu_are u here Delvien  ?01:32
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Delvien_kazu thats cool, i installed it and it shut off klaptop, but i dont have any batt monitor now01:32
=== MenZa` is playing ? Lift ? by Poets of the Fall on Signs of Life [amaroK]
MenZa`why'd it do that01:33
MenZa`I didnt really click anything :o01:33
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andreas_I'm running breezy now, should I expect alot of problems if I dist-upgrade to dapper?01:33
kazu_lol Delvien sudo apt-get install gnome-power-manager01:33
kazu_and then Delvien alt+f2 and launch gnome-powe-manager01:34
Delvienwhat does alt f2 do, does nothing for me01:34
kazu_alt+f2 == kde menu execut a command01:34
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Delvienwhat the hell, now my volumn buttons dont work01:36
Delvienkazu_ can i run it in terminal ? 01:36
kazu_Delvien: yes u can just put  a & after01:37
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Delvienkazu_ ah not exactly the thing i was looking for...01:38
Delvienkazu_ i want the one that is native to gnome. the one controlled by ACPI01:38
kazu_hum ? explain exactly wha u are looking for01:38
kazu_do u the it's name ?01:39
DelvienBattery Charge monitor01:39
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kazu_Delvien:  just go to #ubuntu and ask for the name of the apps then in a terminal under kde just launch it ( if u can tell me the name of the apps )01:40
Delvienthats the name , i just got out from under gnome01:41
kazu_Delvien:  i mean the name of the package to launch01:41
MenZa`Hobbsee: Humm, new problem01:42
Delvienah i will try01:42
HobbseeMenZa`: what is it?01:42
MenZa`I downloaded the akode-mpeg and did killall artsd01:42
MenZa`but I still can't play mp3s01:42
ubotuI heard multimedia is for codecs,  http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia01:42
Hobbseedid you get the gstreamer stuff as well, then register it?01:43
MenZa`Negative, I didn't :S01:43
MenZa`Didn't say anything about it in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/wiki/InstallingKDE/01:43
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Hobbseei think you need the gstreamer plugins on gnome too...01:45
Delvieni forgot how do i set my volume keys to work, 01:45
dennis_pI've had success with mythtv guide so far but run into trouble at stage: http://www.abarbaccia.com/content/view/17/32/01:46
dennis_pfor example sudo apt-get install mysql-server or mythtv gave me the default option to run the database at localhost but i think i mistakingly typed another name. But i can't find that blue screen when I retrace my steps with dpkg-reconfigure or apt-get remove --purge.01:46
dennis_pI want it to install with the localhost as default.01:46
MenZa`Hobbsee: I installed gstreamer0.8-plugin, but I still can't play mp3s when I try loading then into amaroK (I did killall artsd)01:48
Hobbseetry "artsd" in console then01:49
MenZa`returns nothing01:49
HobbseeMenZa`: gst-register-0.801:49
Hobbseeyeah, it wont, but it needs to be run01:49
MenZa`well, it removed my menza@Ubuntu :S01:50
MenZa`hoold on01:50
MenZa`added loads of plugins :)01:50
MenZa`thanks :D01:50
Hobbseenow does it work?01:50
morrowhmmm kde 3.5 final has kubuntu packages :)01:50
MenZa`gonna check :)01:50
Hobbseemorrow: where was this?  i didnt see it01:51
Delvieninstalling gnome screwed with my volume settings (my volume keys dont work with the kmixer system volume anymore) only with amaroK...01:51
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morrowHobbsee: http://download.kde.org/download.php?url=stable/3.5 01:52
=== Hobbsee checks a different mirror, rather than the au ones which are 19 hours current
ubotuI heard checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall01:53
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morrowwell.. the files on the mirror are from the 24th01:54
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Hobbseeah, i think that's rc2 isnt it?01:55
morrowno idea... just saw the final announcement on golem.de :)01:57
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dmlinuxok have that stupid DECnet installed again when i was trying to install kbatt.. What is the command to go into a recovery from a Install CD?02:06
dmlinux anyone?02:07
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_roothello guys02:23
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angelocan anyone help me ?02:23
dipnlikangelo: if you make your question02:24
angeloi have something like incorret kde prefix or something... in console, when i'm compiling some apps02:24
angelo(im newbie)02:25
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angeloin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed.02:26
angeloSo, check this please and use another prefix!02:26
angelothis is it02:26
angelo(i'm from poland)02:26
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Riddell** KDE 3.5 released http://dot.kde.org/1133270759/ **02:30
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l3mis there a way to change the "mousegesture" button in opera?02:34
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brosiozexist a versione of kubuntu live ?02:37
brosiozin dvd?02:37
Kamping_Kaiserlive yes, not sure about dvd02:37
dipnlikbrosioz: the DVD version is live + install, IIRC02:38
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Delviensomeone out there needs to create a BETTER battery monitor 02:40
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Cr0wis there anybody here ??? :D02:53
Cr0wI've got a question02:53
Cr0wDoes anyone knows how to install 3D Acc for ATI Radeon Mobility 970002:54
ubotuati is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1002:54
Cr0wcheers :D02:54
Kamping_Kaisertry the first link Cr0w :)02:54
Cr0warf but I have AMD64 :s02:55
Cr0wand the first line specifies : no drivers for AMD64 :s02:55
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Cr0wI think I'll never find a solution for this fucking video card :p02:56
Kamping_Kaiserlol. owned02:57
Cr0warf :D02:58
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yannzcrow, but do you use an 64-bit operation system?02:59
Delvieni wonder.. is it possible to run gnome-panel inside of KDE? just have it at the bottom or something?02:59
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Cr0wKUbuntu for amd64 :s02:59
yannzcr0w,good guess is that you should be using kubuntu for i386 (or k7:) .. and be able to use their driver for i386.02:59
yannzcr0w, only scientists need 64bit. gamers keep up with 32bit. the amd64 is good for both.. :)03:00
Cr0warf ... do I have to reinstall all ?? :p shit !!!! I wasted my time for days finding a wifi comptible distro (for my "LAPTOP" !!!! :s)03:01
Cr0wI'm more a developper but I'd like to play a bit03:01
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Cr0wAnd does anybody knows where to find libmsn.c ????03:04
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Delvienhehee im running Kpanel and Gnome panel in KDE . MWAHA03:10
MenZa`hmm, I think my desktop sorta "crashed"03:12
MenZa`I can't use it :<03:12
MenZa`And I can't view my files03:12
MenZa`The rest works, the toolbar, kmenu, everything03:12
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ubotuwell, windows is unnecessary, everything runs in Linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office or find an !alternative, or what you remove to make room for kubuntu03:44
ubotuMenZa`: Syntax error in line 103:44
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ubotuSuperKaramba is a KDE application that allows you to create interactive eye-candy on your desktop. Official site: http://netdragon.sourceforge.net SK Themes: http://kdelook.org03:48
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DexterFis it possible to migrate kubuntu 5.10 to debian etch?03:50
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Kiseonikyay. Got kubuntu installed today.03:52
Kamping_KaiserDexterF: yes, but not wth ease03:52
DexterFreinstall would be easier?03:52
Kamping_KaiserDexterF: *shrug* if your new yeh03:52
Kamping_KaiserKiseonik: wd03:52
DexterFwell, cleaner anyway I guess03:52
KiseonikNow I need to figure out how to totally obliterate grub and framebuffer from my kubuntu install.03:53
DexterFinstall lilo over grub?03:53
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Kiseonikyeah, i'm booting from the floppy - didn't want kubuntu trashing my lilo03:54
DexterFflop...py... that's these little wobbly discs from the late sixties of the 20th century, right?03:56
raphinkKiseonik: why didn't you install kubuntu with lilo if you want to keep it?03:56
raphinkDexterF: I think so03:56
raphinkhaven't used one for about 10 years so I'm not sure03:57
raphinki've seen people use some lately though03:57
MitjaHow to tell konsole to open a new window in bash?03:57
raphinksome people love old stuff you know ;)03:57
raphinka new konsole window ?03:58
Mitjaraphink: yes03:58
raphinka new shell tab ?03:58
Kamping_Kaiserraphink: i have about 200 of the bastards here03:58
raphinkhmm using dcop I guess Mitja 03:58
Kamping_Kaiserusing some for floppy based linux installs03:58
Mitjaraphink: a new shell tab03:58
KiseonikI didn';t have a choice about whether to use grub or lilo, raphink.03:58
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raphinkMitja: look at the dcop commands for Konsole03:58
raphinkusing kdcop for ex03:58
raphinkKiseonik: if you want to have the choice, install kubuntu in expert mode03:59
raphinkgrub is chosen by default because it's much better than lilo03:59
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raphinknow if you want to use lilo, you can choose to use it while installing as expert ;)03:59
Kiseonikahh. Thanks :) I'm a kubuntu newbie.03:59
=== raphink thinks lilo is for floppy fans ;)
raphink(belongs to the past)03:59
berkeshey, anyone here who knows some stuff about aspell/ispell in KDE04:00
raphinkwhy berkes ?04:00
berkesI am having quite some trouble with aspell, but I cannot find a way to fix it, 04:00
Kiseonikraphink, lol. lilo is awesome.04:00
berkesi see a lot of "Unknown" langiuages in my dict. dropdown04:00
berkesas well as a lot of non-working dictionaries04:01
raphinkKiseonik: what's the use of a boot loader according to you Kiseonik ? to be good looking?04:01
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raphinkKiseonik: why do you think we use grub if lilo looks better ? ;) we're not stupid ;)04:01
berkesnon-working == i select 'em and it reverts to default04:01
KiseonikI thought people say that GRUB looks better!04:02
raphinkberkes: did you install the packages for them?04:02
berkesraphink: aspell is installed04:02
raphinkKiseonik: if you want to tune your grub, you can have it as nice as lilo04:02
raphinkbut it's not the gola04:02
Kiseoniknice as lilo??04:02
raphinkKiseonik: I don't think anyone would pretend grub looks nicer than lilo04:02
berkesraphink: but not ispell (still it shows up under kcontrol)04:02
raphinkcause it doesn't04:02
raphinkbut it's much nicer becaues it's more powerful04:02
Kiseonikgrub has graphical themes and skins and stuff like that...04:02
Kiseonikand lilo's powerfull too04:03
raphinkyes Kiseonik 04:03
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raphinkKiseonik: http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/archives/linux-il/05-2004/9672.html04:04
berkesraphink: what packapges do you want to know about ? 04:05
raphinkdid you try installing ispell packages berkes ?04:05
berkesraphink: i dont really want ispell :)04:06
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berkesi want aspell to work as expected. Aspell is supposed to be much better too04:06
goldmemberwhenever i use hard-disk intensive programs like cp in my konsole, the whole system gets really slow, windows are hangig and not reacting for minutes; any idea how i could optimize that?04:06
gochooHi all, I have some trouble with VPN client, i configures everything, it connected to server, and it sends huge amount of data but recieving nothing? I think there is something wrong with routing. ANY IDEA?04:07
Drakesonoh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why don't you change the topic? (3.5 final)04:07
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berkesraphink: why do you say tht I should install ispell?04:08
raphinkwell I don't use aspell or ispell 04:08
raphinkjust proposing ideas ;)04:08
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raphinktoo tired to have a look at it ;)04:09
berkesnah, I am serious; :)04:09
berkesdoes anyone know where kde and aspell sore all the dictionaries?04:09
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Rogue_Jedi_XHappy KDE 3.5 Day!04:12
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Rogue_Jedi_XHey raphink. How goes it?04:13
raphinkspent a few hours setting my dapper 04:13
raphinksince upgrading broke some stuff04:13
Rogue_Jedi_XAny luck?04:13
raphinkthere are pbs with kde dependencies in dapper :s04:13
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raphinkwell sure04:14
raphinkI compiled some packages to install them04:14
raphinkamarok, kdm, and others04:14
raphinkotherwise there was no chance to install them04:14
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Rogue_Jedi_XOuch. kdm must've taken a while04:14
goldmemberany ideas? i got dma enabled04:14
DocTomoeHi ... I am giving up: Where do I find the Package for getting quantas html documentation to work? I tried installing kdewebdeb-doc-html, but to no avail. This is Breezy with 3.5.0 final04:15
raphinkindeed Rogue_Jedi_X, kdm is generated by kdebase04:15
raphinkso it took a few hours to build04:15
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raphinkI can't install quanta :(04:15
Kiseonikuname shows kernel version 2.6.12-9-386, but Adept shows kernel-source-2.6.11 is avaliable.... where can I get the kubuntu-patched 2.6.12 source tree?04:15
raphinkit requires a build dependency that is not available in dapper yet04:15
jbuelerI need help getting my external hard drive working...any ideas?04:15
berkesI have like 150 "dictionaries" when I spellcheck in kate. 04:15
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berkesits really p**sing me off04:15
raphinkok I'll have a look berkes 04:16
Rogue_Jedi_Xkate has spell checking? I never used it, thought it was just another kwrite/kedit-like app04:16
DocTomoeI think Dapper is yet to instable for use ... I am trying to make a living with my system, so instable distros are a bad thing ;)04:17
Rogue_Jedi_Xhttp://www.kde.org/announcements/visualguide-3.5.php <- Does this page work properly for anyone?04:17
Rogue_Jedi_XIt may be getting hammered or it may be my connection04:18
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DocTomoeRouge_Jedi_X: take a peek at slashdot ... kde has just been announced.04:19
DocTomoevirtually thousands of ppl are trying to access this site this very second. No wonder it wont load ;)04:20
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Rogue_Jedi_XSlashdot strikes again, huh?04:20
berkesRogue_Jedi_X: its down indeed04:20
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raphinkno it's not down04:20
raphinkit's overcrowded04:20
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raphinktakes hours to open but it does open04:20
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: the page just finished loading, after 2 minutes04:21
DocTomoeI remember when it all began ... used to be a regular slashdot fan (Rocky Horror Show songs singing again)04:21
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Rogue_Jedi_XDocTomoe: It's actually pretty useful, though some stories are just...dumb.04:22
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Kiseonikuname shows kernel version 2.6.12-9-386, but Adept shows kernel-source-2.6.11 is avaliable.... where can I get the kubuntu-patched 2.6.12 source tree?04:22
DocTomoeRouge: Have you heard of digg.com?04:22
tucoz Hi, I am experiencing sound-delay when playing flash-based video in kubuntu. E.g. video.google.com etc. Do you know if this is fixable?04:22
Rogue_Jedi_XDocTomoe: Can't say I have, no.  What is it?04:22
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Kiseonikdigg.com :D04:23
DocTomoeSomething like a mix betweegn del.icio.us and slashdot. pretty useful, imho04:23
=== Rogue_Jedi_X checks
DocTomoehas some kind of "voting"-System for stories. idiot stories are automagically filtered out.04:23
DocTomoetry it04:23
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Kiseonikand there is diggnation podcast with kevin rose and double D04:23
tucozDocTomoe, and I also like the friendlier comments digg. Not the constant flame-war as for slashdot.04:24
Rogue_Jedi_XDocTomoe: Nice.04:24
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Rogue_Jedi_XWow. Kopete gets webcam support in KDE 3.5. I don't have on myself, but still.04:25
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tucozDo you know if there is some kind of sound buffer that might be tuneable, so that the sound isn't lagging when playing flash-based movies in firefox for instance?04:26
KiseonikSo, where can I get the source code for the kubuntu kernel?04:27
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BlankCKiseonik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto04:30
Rogue_Jedi_XOh, yeah. raphink, your demerge tool has some dependency issues, I think04:31
raphinkwhat is it Rogue_Jedi_X ?04:31
Rogue_Jedi_XTried to install kaffeine, but it forgot to drag kaffeine-xine and kaffeine-gstreamer along for the ride04:31
Kiseonikso i presume it's linux-tree-2.6.1204:32
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: ?04:32
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Remember when you gave me that app you wrote, demerge?04:33
raphinksure I remember04:33
raphinkwhat is there with it ?04:34
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Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Well, since I had a broken kaffeine package, I removed everything kaffeine related from my puter and tried to demerge it04:34
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: It compiled just fine, but it didn't install the backends for it04:34
raphinkwhat did it say?04:34
raphinkcan you paste it to me in a pastebin?04:35
Rogue_Jedi_Xum... I kinda shut my puter off in the morning, sorry x_x04:35
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raphinkhaha ok04:35
Rogue_Jedi_XI'll try it again and paste it into a file, if that's okay04:35
raphinkwell I guess I know why04:35
raphinkit must be linked to the stuff I corrected lately04:36
raphinkbut I have yet to find a way to set that stuff04:36
raphinkthe thing is that04:36
raphinksome source packages create several binary packages04:36
raphinkfor example, kdebase creates about 20 .deb04:36
Rogue_Jedi_XOh, like something and something-dev?04:37
raphinkso for example if you try to demerge kdm04:37
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: no, that's for libs04:37
raphinkhmm well yes in a way04:37
Rogue_Jedi_XOh, sorry. Keep going04:37
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raphinkin the sense that a library source packages creates at least two packages, with the -dev04:37
raphinkso you're right on this04:37
Rogue_Jedi_XI see your point. That may be just a WEE bit troublesome04:38
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raphinkI changed little thing that sets it right most of the time04:39
sorush20guys how do I install flash for konqueror04:40
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raphinksorush20: you isntall it in firefox first04:40
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: That's awesome. So it's like 0.2 now? :)04:40
raphinkthen go to konqueror config and adds firefox libs to konqueror04:41
raphinkI'll give it to you Rogue_Jedi_X 04:41
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: you could try with apt-build too04:41
raphinkapt-build has another approch to it04:41
berkessorush20: and if you do not have FF, you can install it directly, lemme hunt for the howto04:41
raphinkit's much more mature, too ;)04:41
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Yeah, but some apps aren't so much mature as they are senile :P04:42
raphinkthat's a point04:42
sorush20the kubuntu people are so much more help full.04:42
raphinkapt-build is more complete04:42
raphinkbut it fails sometimes where demerge doesn't fail for some reasons04:43
sorush20I want to use konqueror because I just want to change all the time.04:43
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raphinkand I don't think what demerge does could be easily brought into apt-build04:43
sorush20Once the extensions for konqueror get going as big as firefox then konqueror is better than firefox04:43
seth_k|lappyI can't use Konqueror b/c it can't use bookmarklets (JS bookmarks)04:44
seth_k|lappyand I rely on them too heavily04:44
berkessorush20: you can install it from the macromedia site04:44
berkesseth_k|lappy: YOU CAN04:44
berkessorry caps04:44
Rogue_Jedi_XI'm just waiting for the gecko engine to be implemented into Konqueror04:44
berkesthey are callled minitools04:44
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berkesand yhe KHTLM engine is much better then gecko04:45
berkessorush20: http://freebsd.kde.org/howtos/konqueror-flash.php04:45
Rogue_Jedi_Xberkes: It is?04:45
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seth_k|lappyberkes, they don't work for me, what voodoo do I need?04:45
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: I'll just make a short CHANGELOG really quick ;)04:45
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Sure, no rush04:46
berkesRogue_Jedi_X: yup. It passed the acid2 test, it has better suppotr for css3 and better support (by now) for ugly IE page hacks04:46
berkessorush http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux&P3_Browser_Version=Netscape404:46
berkesseth_k|lappy: do you have the konq plugins installed?04:46
Rogue_Jedi_Xberkes: Did not know that. What's acid2, by the way?04:46
seth_k|lappyRogue_Jedi_X, http://www.webstandards.org/act/acid2/04:47
seth_k|lappyberkes, erm04:47
Kiseonikback to slackware. bye and thanks :)04:47
berkesRogue_Jedi_X: its a test, when the browser passes it, it is fully standard compliant04:47
berkeskonq is the second (after safari) to pass that (in kde 3.5)04:47
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berkesand most of all, html is much faster then gecko, so they say04:48
seth_k|lappyberkes, looks like I have konq-plugins installed, yes04:48
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berkesseth_k|lappy: then visit "settings" >> plugins 04:48
Rogue_Jedi_XSpeaking of which (kde 3.5), any idea how to start my puter without starting kdm?04:48
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berkesthere you find two tabs, one is called "Hulpmiddelen" here, duno the english one :)04:49
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seth_k|lappyScan | Plugins04:49
berkesseth_k|lappy: no, not the the general settigns04:50
berkesteh one above that04:50
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berkessettings >> Fo Bar PLuings04:50
seth_k|lappyah, they're called Extensions here04:50
seth_k|lappymini-tools, yeah, there it is04:50
berkesyea, choose that one04:50
berkescheck that one, its the konq ersion of what you want :)04:51
raphinkI'm surprised grubconf is not in ubuntu... I'll have to add it ;)04:51
raphink it's so great a tool04:51
mornfallgrubconf? what is that good for04:51
berkesseth_k|lappy: it needs some brushin, but minitools work. 04:51
mornfallwhen we have update-grub...04:51
seth_k|lappycheers berkes 04:51
raphinkmornfall: how do you deal with splashimages with update-grub ?04:51
mornfallsplashimages? oh my04:51
berkesseth_k|lappy: one hint: do not import your huge tree of bookmarklets at once. 04:51
mornfallraphink: i don't reboot ;-)04:52
mornfallraphink: only for kernel updates or power outage04:52
berkesseth_k|lappy: 'cause the minitools do not have hierarchy. 04:52
raphinkmornfall: kubuntu is a desktop distro, with many newbies who don't understand why we use grub while lilo looks nicer04:52
raphinkit could be nice to have nice splashimages to propose them for grub04:52
berkesso basically it present you one huge list of em ;/04:52
raphinkcreating a grub splash shouldn't be so long ;)04:53
Rogue_Jedi_XThere are some nice Kubuntu-specific grub splash images on kde-look.org04:53
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sorush20any data recovery software around I messed up my partitions, I made a new partition from free space but my original full part of the old partition has become empty?04:53
Rogue_Jedi_XThat's where I got mine, in fact04:53
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: hot from the oven04:53
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Sweet! Will try out04:54
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Rogue_Jedi_XAnyone know of an app that doesn't compile long?04:55
raphinkRogue_Jedi_X: then there could be a kubuntu-grub-splashimages package in universe04:55
Rogue_Jedi_Xkvirc was a bad idea04:55
raphinkthat could be nice04:55
mornfallraphink: newbies need better things to care about than prettiness of the 2-3 second boot prompt04:55
raphinkmornfall: some do mind :p04:56
Rogue_Jedi_Xhttp://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31630 <- I use this one04:56
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Rogue_Jedi_XThough there are others04:56
mornfallraphink: so those who mind should fix04:56
mornfalleasy as that =)04:56
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raphinkI'm surprised you're not using LFS mornfall ;)04:57
Kamping_Kaiserraphink: tallented people don't have to be machochists04:58
raphinkKamping_Kaiser: sorry?04:58
Kamping_Kaiser(02:27:39) raphink: I'm surprised you're not using LFS mornfall 04:58
raphinkso ?04:58
raphinkwhat's wrong with LFS?04:58
mornfallraphink: it's about 800% more work than neccessary04:58
raphinkI just say people who think things have to be fixed by the users should use LFS ;)04:59
raphinkmornfall: for you maybe ;)04:59
mornfallraphink: i didn't say users, i said those who mind04:59
raphinkmornfall: there are grub splashimages existing for ubuntu04:59
raphinkI'll just grab them, make a package out of them04:59
raphinkthat'll take 1 hour or so04:59
neoncodeHey does flashplayer for linux (the "offical" one) need any fonts to work properly? Fonts won't display....04:59
termleechi just added the kde 3.5 repo to my kubuntu installation, i was wondering how to upgrade to kde 3.5?05:00
mornfallso it's you who minds and who will fix it :-) so i was right anyway05:00
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raphinktermleech: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:00
termleechraphink: thank you05:00
jjessesudo apt-get update first05:00
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bl3ssingGood Day people05:01
bl3ssingho'wre you doing ?05:01
Rogue_Jedi_XBlessings to you, child05:01
Kamping_Kaiserhi bl3ssing05:01
neoncodebl3ssing: Not too good, as no one wants to help me. T_T05:01
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ubotuI heard ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards05:03
_roothi all05:03
ubotuwell, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:03
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, not a fork ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/05:03
Rogue_Jedi_XHow does one install a KDE update? Something tells me that kdm should not be running when doing so05:03
Kamping_KaiserRogue_Jedi_X: it can, jut restart striat after05:04
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Rogue_Jedi_Xubotu: I thought Kubuntu was Ubuntu-Gnome+KDE05:04
ubotuRogue_Jedi_X: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!05:04
raphinkdoes that work better Rogue_Jedi_X ?05:04
Rogue_Jedi_XKamping_Kaiser: Oh, that's cool then. Thanks for the info05:04
_rooti have LCD display which supports 1280x1024 resolution, but in my display option highest resolution to choose is 1024x768. in xorg.conf file my display is recognized as just "generic".05:04
_rooti coudnt find driver for my display05:04
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: So far so good. Tried something reasonable this time. ktuberling05:04
Kamping_KaiserRogue_Jedi_X: yes, it's -Gnome05:05
_rootis there any way to solve this problem?05:05
neoncodesometimes virtual desktops can be a curse If you carn't rember what is open where doing what...05:05
Kamping_Kaiser_root: don't brows as root, and as for your question, when you dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, select 'medium' toward the end, and select the res yhou want05:06
newbie_If I'll have some errors on my kubuntu ... what should I do? reinstall the kubuntu? :(05:06
Rogue_Jedi_XErrors on kubuntu? Heavens!05:06
neoncodedifine errors05:06
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_rootkamping_Kaiser, thanks05:07
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bl3ssingwhen I'm trying to modify something in System Seetings, it will appear a window saying that one error occured ....05:07
Kamping_Kaiserbl3ssing: 'erroers'?05:07
bl3ssingand ... another one ...05:07
kkathmanbl3ssing: its a bit difficult for us to help, when you arent specific :)05:08
bl3ssingwhen I'm using the Adept ... if I'll press install/keep ... for some times ... than ... Adept it will crash and ... it will not consider my new functions I've said to it to do ... it will just blocke so that I won't be able of seeing what it is doing ... 05:08
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Kamping_Kaiserbl3ssing: what if you use apt05:09
mornfallbl3ssing: bug#? backtrace? how to reprocude?05:09
bl3ssingkkathman: a huge problem is this one: I'm trying to make a new folder on my desktop. When I want to look on it, it  appears the Open With Window; why? I didn't ask for any Open with window, but for opening the contained information of the new folder I've created ... 05:10
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kkathmanbl3ssing: you need to pin the applications you have updated or modified first.05:10
bl3ssingapt ... is this Apdet? 05:10
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bl3ssingwhat you mean kkathman; sorry bro ... I don't understand (you know I'm a newbie ... but .. on my way of becoming the best one. :-)) LOL ...)05:10
regeyabl3ssing, 'apt' is the command-line package management system.  Adept is a graphical client.05:11
Kamping_Kaiserbl3ssing: apt- is how you work with packages in a terminal05:11
ubotuapt is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto05:11
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Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Success!05:11
raphinkgood :)05:11
kkathmanbl3ssing: open your /etc/apt/preferences file, then pin each application you have changed (i.e. want to keep)05:11
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kkathmanbl3ssing: that will permanently keep them05:12
Kamping_Kaiserkkathman: i think under the circumstances, he can probably aford to lose them....05:12
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: In the end, I opted for megahal since ktuberling would do a recompile of the entire kdegames package05:12
raphinkI'm packaging some grubsplashimages if you want to try Rogue_Jedi_X 05:12
raphinkhehe ok05:12
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: Sure. Random ones or Kubuntu-specific?05:12
Kamping_Kaiserbl3ssing: can you open konsole?05:13
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raphinkthere is already a package named grub-splashimages for general ones05:13
Kamping_Kaiseruntill that quick change thying it was alt+f2, not sure now05:13
raphinkso I'm making a kubuntu-grub-splashimages one that just adds kubuntu specific ones05:13
Kamping_Kaiserhi gise05:13
Rogue_Jedi_Xraphink: That's cool. I was actually looking at the grubsplashimages package the other day. Having a Gentoo splash screen just ain't right05:15
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raphinkok I didn't finish the copyright part but I'll send you the first package05:15
gisesome body talk05:16
Rogue_Jedi_XWell, my net is about to get axed. See ya05:16
raphinkI'm gonna try some stuff05:17
raphinkbye for now05:17
kkathmanbl3ssing: im not sure I understand your question on the folders on your desktop.05:18
gisecomo se configura el sonido en ubuntu05:18
jbuelerumm i am really new at this and was wondering what it would take to get an external Usb hard drive to be mounted and available?05:19
kkathmangise Ingles, por favor05:19
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:19
jjessejbueler: did you just try and plug it in?05:19
giseok tank you05:20
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-214-8-125.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanjbueler:  you'll need to create a mountpoint for it in /media  then mount it using the mount command05:20
bl3ssingok kkathman; I'll try to explain in a better way ... :-) "I want to open the New Folder I've allready created on my Desktop. I can't ... cause when I'm opening it the "Open With Window" is appearing and I don't need that window, but the window which might show me the information of the New Folder I've said about in the beginning. Do you understand now kkathman? Hope so ... :-) Sorry for ... "05:20
bl3ssingmy wick of explication05:20
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kkathmanbl3ssing: how did you create the folder on your desktop in the first place?05:21
Kamping_Kaiservery broeken system05:21
kkathmanKamping_Kaiser: probably05:21
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Drakesonhave you guys tried yahoo mail in konqueror? for me some buttons do not work properly05:22
Drakesone.g. reply button05:22
=== Kamping_Kaiser suspects a good "suod apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get -f install" will help
=== _jkop [n=jkop@M1814P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanbl3ssing: did you just right click and create it?05:22
gochooHi all, i have some trouble with VPN in kubuntu, i have connected to VPN server, and i send huge amount of data, but recieves nothing, ANY IDEA?05:23
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu
=== kkathman thinks maybe sudo will work better than suod tho :)
=== kkathman gives Kamping_Kaiser a ice cold Coopers :)
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Kamping_Kaiser takes coopers.
Kamping_Kaiserbrill mate :D05:23
bl3ssingI've pressed with my mouse on Desktop; than ... on Create New ... And than ... New Folder. :-)  ...05:23
bl3ssingkkathman: 05:24
kkathmanbl3ssing: ok..and the purpose of this folder, is what ??05:24
bl3ssingyou're perfectly right Drakeson ... and it is not only for the reply button, but for Mark As Unread Mail ... too. I'm using right now the Mozilla one05:25
=== mark--- [n=mark@c-24-6-120-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanbl3ssing: because I just created a new folder, like you, and when I click it, Konqueror automatically opens it05:25
bl3ssingthe purpose was to open the window to get to the etc/apt/preferences ... from the gui one, not from any konsole. kkathman05:25
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bl3ssingyeap ... this happend to me before, but not anymore. :-(05:25
bl3ssingoh ... I see.05:25
bl3ssingI got it.05:25
bl3ssinghold on kkathman05:25
bl3ssingI think this was the reason ...05:25
bl3ssingI've uninstalled kongueror05:26
bl3ssingand I'llneed to open it with a browser, right? :-)05:26
kkathmanbl3ssing: I dont understand why you wanted to create a folder to open a file...you just simply open the file using your favorite text editor 05:26
bl3ssingthanks kkathman ... good idea.05:26
=== Kamping_Kaiser points to kubuntu -desktop ;)
kkathmanbl3ssing: dont create a folder at all :)05:26
bl3ssinghehehe kkathman05:26
bl3ssingbut ... how can i get into the etc/apt ... or another directory without any konsole?05:27
bl3ssingkkathman: 05:27
mark---If I do a 'complete removal'  of Kontact (for example) will it also remove my data files? I'm having some sort of corruption problem and want to completely reinstall kde-desktop on my breezy ppc.05:27
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kkathmanbl3ssing: you are running kubuntu right?05:27
Kamping_Kaisermark---: anything you change *should* get left, but usual bakcups warning05:27
bl3ssingright bro ... kkathman05:28
Kamping_Kaiserbl3ssing: do you have konsole?05:28
mark---yes, I've already backed up in preparation for this maneuver... thanks.05:28
kkathmanbl3ssing: then ALT-F2 and type kdesu kate, which will open a text editor, then manipulate to the path and file you want05:28
bl3ssingyeap Kamping_Kaiser, but I don't want to use konsole for viewing a containing folder right now ... 05:28
=== kkathman hates the word folder
=== rinux [n=rinux@] has joined #kubuntu
=== Kamping_Kaiser agrees
=== kkathman in linux there are directories and files
=== Kamping_Kaiser gets confused at what it is somethimes :S
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserkkathman: no, in linux there are files ;)05:29
kkathmanKamping_Kaiser: precisely05:30
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rinuxalguien habla espaol?05:30
kkathmanyah actually thats true :)05:30
redondoshi. should I dist-upgrade to get kde 3.5?05:30
bl3ssingI don't have any preferences file ... on the apt Fol... (kkathman hates the word F...)05:30
redondosrinux: yo.05:30
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:30
rinuxoye, acabo de instalar el KUBUNTU05:30
rinuxy no puedo escuhar mp305:31
Kamping_Kaiserbl3ssing: what you want is sorces.list05:31
rinuxque podr hacer?05:31
redondosrinux: entra a #ubuntu-es05:31
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kkathmanrinux: Ingles solomente aqui05:31
kkathmanhope that was right05:31
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redondospretty much05:32
kkathmanthanx redondos :)05:32
redondos"Aqu solamente se habla Ingls"05:32
redondosanyway, how can I install KDE 3.5?05:32
sorush20I want to be able to recover data from my HDD, its a Maxtor 160GB EIDE Udma 133 I think, 5400 rpm, I was installing Kubuntu and I choose the option to repartition the free space and install a new Kubuntu linux to that partition also removing some space from the free spcae to make new swap partition? There was about 52gb used on hda1, and swap was 2.6 gb, the The rest was free. After the new partition was made and I boot05:32
redondosI was about to "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" but I'm not so sure.05:32
kkathmanredondos: you might want to wait...just a few days...the final KDE 3.5 is coming out05:32
_alienhello all, just installed 3.5 on Breezy, can't find superkaramba, any suggestion ?05:32
kkathmanredondos: otherwise you'll be installing a release candidate05:32
kkathman_alien: alt-F2 and type superkaramba05:33
redondoswasn't it out today?05:33
kkathmanredondos: well, I dont think its made it to the repos yet05:33
MenZa`when kde 3.5's released, is it possible to update by a simple konsole command?05:33
kkathmanmaybe it has 05:33
redondosMenZa`: try "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"05:33
MenZa`ta :)05:33
Kamping_Kaiserredondos: the source is out today05:34
kkathmanMenZa`: yes  just a simple Adept update or apt-get update05:34
Kamping_Kaiserthe debs will flow throught in the next few days05:34
kkathmanit should be in the ubuntu repos in a day or two Im sure05:34
kkathmanif that05:34
Kamping_KaiserKDE is fairly chunky05:34
_alien'Could not run the specified command'05:35
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MenZa`redondos: updating :D05:35
kkathman_alien: if that doesnt do it, then its not there05:35
redondosMenZa`: great... you did add the kubuntu repository, right?05:35
_alienweird, thought it would be built-in along with 3.505:35
kkathman_alien: superkaramba isnt part of 3.505:36
MenZa`redondos: I'm assuming it's downloading from the kubuntu repositories by standard :S?05:36
kkathmanMenZa`: 3.5 is not in the repositories yet05:37
redondoslisten to kkathman 05:37
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MenZa`redondos: Uh oh... So, what's this then :S?05:38
MenZa`an RC?05:38
MenZa`Can I abort it :O?05:38
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redondosMenZa`: read http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php05:39
jbuelerkkathman: forgive my ignorance....I'm trying to switch everything over from windows...how do I create a mount point...05:39
redondosthat page suggested that if I added the repository they list there, I could get v3.5 final. so I did and I am upgrading at the moment.05:39
redondosjbueler: create a directory anywhere. there you go, you have a mount point.05:39
MenZa`awesome redondos 05:39
reagleBRKLNmy control settings applet doesn't work when i click the general app in 3.505:40
jbuelerok then how would I use that to access my external usb drive?05:40
reagleBRKLNperhaps because replace by "systemsettings"05:40
kkathmanjbueler: well theoretically, USB Drives **should** automount, that is..when you plug it in. However I guess there are times that they dont :)05:41
MenZa`redondos: I did the first two commands - just apt-get install kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key then?05:41
redondosjbueler: mounting it there. for a quick test try: sudo mkdir /mnt/usb ; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb -t vfat -o rw,users05:41
reagleBRKLNplastik icons look pretty bad too05:42
redondosMenZa`: that's for adding this guy's gpg key.05:42
jjesseredondos: doesn't usb drives automount?  mine does05:42
=== MenZa` rubs head
bl3ssingjjesse: you're right, it does.05:42
redondosMenZa`: do this: sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade05:42
redondosjjesse: yes, they should, but in case it didn't05:42
MenZa`(; seperates lines, aye?)05:42
redondosMenZa`: ayer.05:42
redondosMenZa`: aye*05:42
MenZa`danke sehr :P05:42
redondosMenZa`: np. can also use &&05:42
=== _jkop is now known as wunex
kkathmanyes USB drives should automount...if they dont, try attaching them, then rebooting05:43
MenZa`awesome, thanks mate :D05:43
kkathmanthe 2.6 kernal should autodetect it on reboot05:43
kkathmanif not...theres something weird going on and you have to do alot of things05:44
bl3ssinghas anybody any idea why I can't see my cd-rom files ...? If I'm in konsole (like midnight commander ...) I can see them, but not from my desktop. :-(05:44
kkathmanbl3ssing: I dont know midnight commander, but the standard kubuntu install, puts a symlink at the root level so be sure to use it05:45
bl3ssingthe Adept has crashed again. :-(05:46
bl3ssingI've pressed Install packages and than keep them ... and it crashed. ;(05:46
bl3ssingwhere can I send this bug?05:46
bl3ssingcause it must be fixed.05:46
=== wunex is now known as jkop
bl3ssinghow can I use that symlink at the root level ... kkathman? :-)05:47
kkathmanbl3ssing: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/05:47
kkathmanbl3ssing: click on it05:47
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tingoh hi05:48
tingI am trying to install kde 3.5 and running into problems.. so can anyone help ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9667905:48
MenZa`ting: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php05:49
MenZa`Those instructions should work05:49
kkathmanting: what kinds of problems05:49
tingshud i tell here05:49
tingos should I give url >>05:49
MenZa`can anyone recommend a nice cd-writer application to burn anything?05:50
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tingk3b menza05:50
tingbtw menza those instructions dont work05:50
MenZa`ting: I'm using them myself :S05:50
MenZa`redondos:  is aswell :P05:50
tingbut in my case they arent working05:50
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tingso please help if possible05:50
tingshud I post the problem here05:50
tingor you prefer the URL ? 05:51
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tingMenza : you still there ?05:52
MenZa`ting: I'm not really an advanced user of ubuntu, so I can't tell you, sorry :<05:52
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tinghmm ok no probs05:54
tingmenza : btw did u try k3b ?05:54
=== ting asks for help regarding kde 3.5
blueyedRiddell: have you packaged kde 3.5? kamera and therefor kdegraphics are still not upgraded.. I'm currently dist-upgrading, will take a closer look later.05:54
tingkkathman : did u look @ the URL http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96679 05:55
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kkathmandid I miss anyone's question...appologize I had to take a phone call06:11
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blueyedRiddell: kamera: Depends: libgphoto2-2 (>= 2.1.6-1ubuntu6.1) but 2.1.6-1ubuntu6 is to be installed06:12
Dr_Fatecan I apt-get the new KDE?06:12
connhi, I want to compile an app but I don't know what packages I need to enable KDE support, what's the name for the KDE dev packages?06:12
kkathmanconn: kubuntu-desktop06:13
connkkathman: no, I'm running kubuntu, I mean the KDE *dev* packages06:13
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kkathmanconn: the development is I think.. kde-libs  but let me check06:13
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kkathmanconn:  do a apt-cache search kde | grep libs    then take a look there06:14
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connkkathman: thanks06:16
kkathmanconn: you may wish to get package kde-devel also06:17
kkathmanconn: that usually gives you a decent start06:17
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_alienanyone knows where to find mldonkey and kmldonkey ? Even with universe and multiuniverse enabled I can't find them06:18
troyhas anyone had any luck installing the new 3.5 release packages on amd64? (don't want to much up my system if they are broken)06:18
=== lengi [n=michi@p5494CBAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
kkathmantroy: best to wait until its in the repos :)06:19
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haypohi! can someone help me on Kmail? I would like to import my emails from Evolution, but import menu item is gray (disable) !?06:21
troykkathman: it won't be in the official repos until dapper I'm sure - but what about http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php06:21
Sonny_Wertzikdoes anyone here use amarok?06:21
troyI do :)06:21
_alienI do06:21
=== troy is listening to Mortal Kombat theme song right now *grins*
Sonny_Wertziktroy, do you use the new version 1.35 or greater?06:22
_alien1.3.1 here06:22
Sonny_Wertzik_alien, me too ...im wonder if the new version has internet radio built in06:23
l3myay. kde3.5 final06:23
_alien@Sonny afaik 1.3.5 doesn't have it but not quite sure06:23
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MenZa`k3b f*cking owns >:D06:24
connhey, anyone that installed kde 3.5, did you notice packages held back? is that normal?06:24
troySonny_Wertzik: I'm using 1.3.1 I think...06:24
l3mconn the i don't have packages hold back, but i upgraded from 3.5rc106:24
pointwoodwee....KDE 3.5 final :)06:25
Sonny_Wertzikdang ...it would be nice if amarok was set up to get shoutcast listings and stuff...does anyone know if the new version has that?06:25
connl3m: is it safe to manually select these packages?06:25
connthere's 14 kept back including kmail, knotes and kontact06:25
l3mconn: well there is a reason why they're held back. 06:26
=== kkathman decides to wait until the upgrade is in the repos :)
l3mconn: at least my desktop still works fine06:26
l3mbut ofcoz there's no guarantees06:26
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kkathmanl3m: are there ever any guarantees ?? hehe06:27
troyI'm trying it now with kde 3.5 on amd64 - I'll let you folks know in a while06:28
Sonny_Wertzikdoes anyone know a place to get gimp script-fu scripts?06:28
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
troyit changes like 150 packages :)06:28
connI'll try enabling the other repos and see, but it seems it depends on libgnokii2 which isn't installable06:28
DaSkreechIs kubuntu being rereleased?06:29
troyDaSkreech: no, there won't be a new release until Dapper06:29
DaSkreechso more or less apt-get kde 3.5?06:29
kkathmanDaSkreech: just updated soon06:29
kkathmanDaSkreech: not yet  its not in the repos06:29
DaSkreechkkathman: Understood but I mean you won't have a 3,5 iso?06:30
l3mubotu: kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php06:30
ubotu...but kde3.5 is already something else...06:30
troykkathman: it's in Jriddel's repos06:30
troybuilt for breezy06:30
l3mubotu: no, kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php06:30
ubotul3m: okay06:30
kkathmantroy: yes I know06:30
ubotukde3.5 is, like, totally, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php06:30
troykkathman: he makes the official repos too, so I'll trust it :)06:30
kkathmanbut 5 million people hitting one repo?  yeah... you can download for 16 hours06:30
=== troy is 44% done downloading - started like 5 mintues ago
kkathmantroy:  I trust it too :)  just Im not that anxious06:31
=== troy thinks kkathman is just a skeptic
kkathmannope..Im a safety nut :)06:31
=== l3m is at uni - download was waaay faster than preconfig+replacing the old libs
DaSkreechWon't someone think of the bandwidth?06:31
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l3mDaSkreech: we do. we feed it kde3.5!06:32
troyI'll have to restart shortly, but download is blazing fast :)06:32
Tm_TIwan't my 3.5!06:32
Tm_Tbut, Dapper gets it later :/06:32
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=== DaSkreech laughs. Ok I'll go prep my machine and install over the weekend
=== gregor [n=gregor@p85.212.12.137.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechhows Dapper btw?06:33
reagleBRKLNsound server keeps dieing loading extension from '/usr/lib/libarts_akode.la' failed: file not found06:33
DaSkreechStarted going crazy unstable yet?06:33
reagleBRKLNand akode conflicts with libakode2 which is required by juk06:33
kkathmanDapper is a bit unstable at the moment..but people are running it06:34
=== gregor is now known as gflash
troyI like how each package is separated in ubuntu...06:34
=== slubman|Mobile [n=slubman@AMontsouris-151-1-28-161.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanits entering tha chaotic stage :)06:34
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DaSkreechkkathman: ok I'll run it through December and then upgrade our dev box to it at work some time Feb0606:34
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reagleBRKLNhrmm... sounds works with akode, but not with libakode2 which is what juk is dependent on06:35
=== troy uses amarok anyway...
connquestion, and please don't flame me.. is there a kde/gtk2 theme that mimics the windows 2000 widgets properly? The "Redmond" style is ugly (Windows 95-esque), can someone help?06:36
DaSkreechkde-look doesn't help?06:36
connDaSkreech: I never found it there06:36
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kkathmanconn: there is a gdm called, I think, xpde that is supposed to mimic windows, but its a full gdm not an overlay to KDE06:37
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reagleBRKLNi neededi needed libakode2-mpeg libakode2 libarts1-akode06:39
redondoskkathman: gdm=gnome display manager06:39
redondoskkathman: xpde is a desktop environment06:39
sverihello everybody, i even installed kde 3.5 on breezy and now my kde panel is vanished, does someone know how i can get it back?06:39
reagleBRKLNstill can't play mp3s though06:40
redondosyou can use gdm/kdm/xdm to launch xpde06:40
troysveri: try-> ALT-F2 "kicker"06:40
redondosand xpde uses xpwm as its window manager.06:40
kkathmanredondos: lol I consider gdm = graphical desktop manager (im old school sorry) 06:41
reagleBRKLNi need to set output to akode06:41
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kkathmangdm was a term coined by Xerox back in the 80s06:41
reagleBRKLNi can do that in juk, how to do that for other apps06:41
kkathmanLinux just thinks it made it up :)06:41
redondoskkathman: ok06:41
kkathmanbut I understand :)06:41
kkathmanI let my age slip every once in a while06:42
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redondoscan lead to confusion06:42
sveritroy: that didnt do it, but i even deleted my kickerrc and now i got it back06:42
redondosthat acronym doesn't even appear on http://www.abbreviationz.com/bs.asp?st=gdm&CRAWL=1&SE=106:42
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kkathmanredondos: considering that most people on LInux are under the age of 22  I have to keep in mind that abbreviations are not always universal lol06:43
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connkkathman: I think it's "safer" to try http://metatheme.org06:44
redondoskkathman: I don't mind new acronyms, but that one doesn't exist.06:44
redondosit would be mentioned in more than 500 pages according to google http://xrl.us/izm906:45
redondosbut ok, I like new expressions, so whatever06:45
kkathmanconn: I never really tried that XPDE  just heard about it..seems to be reasonably good for people that cant get Windows off their mind :)06:45
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kkathmanredondos: well it was very commonplace at Xerox :)06:46
redondosI see06:46
redondoswhat were you developing?06:46
kkathmanredondos: the first windows system06:46
redondoskkathman: I thought that was supposed to be Lisa in the early 80s. correct me if I'm wrong.06:46
kkathmanredondos: few people know that Xerox actually invented "windows" even before MS and Apple06:47
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DaSkreechI knew :)06:47
kkathmanredondos: nope, Apple bought the license from Xerox's "Star" system06:47
redondoswhat OS did it run under?06:47
kkathmanredondos: it was its own OS06:47
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kkathmanhardware based06:47
kkathmanvery fast06:47
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troystupid nick thieves - I go offline for one minute....06:48
redondoshardware programmed?06:48
redondosmany many boards I assume06:48
kkathmanbut Xerox was never good at marketing :)06:48
redondosheh, they probably learnt from that, since now photocopier=xerox.06:48
kkathmanredondos: yah a typical Star Office System sold for like $30,000 in 198006:48
troyKDE3.5 packages for amd64 seem to work as expected, lgoin seems faster06:48
redondosconn: my god! metatheme looks just like windows.06:49
kkathmanredondos: Xerox also developed Ethernet...and the Star OS was the first to use it commercially to tie to different stations06:49
redondoskkathman: cool.06:49
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kkathmanredondos: Xerox PARC was the schiznit in the 70s and 80s06:49
redondosyou're just too old :)06:50
kkathmanredondos: dont I know it :)06:50
redondosso... such an old schooler and using linux?06:50
redondosI'd be using bsd, or solaris... dunno.06:50
kkathmanredondos: thats why I hang out with all the young pups ... to stay young :)06:50
troymost old school unix people end up on freebsd I find06:51
MenZa`God, the danish KDE translation is so god damn horrible :<06:51
redondosoh I see06:51
redondosthat's a good way of keeping current06:51
kkathmanredondos: that and having 3 kids :)06:51
redondoskkathman: are they FS users?06:51
DaSkreechkkathman: All up on Pokemon craze then huh?06:51
kkathmanredondos: no, though I got one of them thinking about it :)06:51
redondosdo you even let proprietary software into your house? I don't06:51
=== troy wonders how this superkaramba stuff works
kkathmanDaSkreech: nah way past that :)  They are 23, 21 an 1606:52
redondoscool... just delete all of their partitions and remove the stickers with the serial numbers from their cases. :)06:52
redondosso it's either you steal, or you use free software.06:52
kkathmanredondos: unfortunately I have like  8 computers in the house being used, only 3 are linux :(06:52
DaSkreechThe rest are hardware based OS?06:53
redondoshaha darkheart 06:53
kkathmannah all M$06:53
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redondoskkathman: you should convince them.06:54
redondosusing windows does nothing good to either yourself or humanity.06:54
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ArthurBkword: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde3/libkwordpart.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK11KoGenStyles6stylesEi06:54
redondosusing free software, at the very least, supports free software. which is a pretty decent thing to do.06:54
redondosmy mother's computer has windows xp in it06:54
ArthurBIs it a known problem with kword ?06:54
redondosI don't know how to run ACAD 2005 under linux.. do you guys happen to know anything about it?06:55
DaSkreechMy Mom doesn't know the difference06:55
redondosruns very bad under crossover06:55
redondosDaSkreech: haha, true..06:55
ArthurBmy linux computer has YOUR mom in it06:56
DaSkreechFor her Computer == Evil but necessary06:56
ArthurBMacOsX == lesser evil06:56
l3mArthurB: you probably mixed packages from different repositories06:56
DaSkreechPlus I change things so often she doesn't know anything about icons etc so she just looks for the words Internet, Email, Letter06:57
l3mArthurB: i guess you have at least some from unofficial ones, right?06:57
ArthurBbut not in that field06:57
DaSkreechI keep those the same06:57
DaSkreechSo If i wipe one OS and put on another she logs in looks for Letter then writes06:57
redondosArthurB: I don't see how it is lesser evil.06:57
ArthurBI mean I didn't mess with koffice06:57
DaSkreechMy Brother knows games though so ... he  can tell06:57
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redondosDaSkreech: what if she's looking for her documents?06:57
l3mArthurB: hmm dunno, i have just breezy + kde35 and kword works fine06:58
ArthurBredondos: well at least you have a decent freebsd underneath06:58
DaSkreechShe has her own partition which I mount06:58
redondosDaSkreech: she doesn't tell the difference if MS Word opens up a dialog in My Documents and OOO Writer opens it up in ~/ ?06:58
l3mArthurB: mostly. os x has it's own flaws, though06:58
redondosas long as her docs are in there she's safe06:58
ArthurBl3m: I messed with xine-engine, kaffeine, amarok and the like... heck HAD TO06:58
ArthurBkaffeine is broken in kubuntu06:58
l3mArthurB: did you just get the stuff from cipherpunk or from other sources?06:59
redondosArthurB: install from svn, it works great.06:59
l3mArthurB: and mplayer is > kaffeine anyway06:59
troyI've got amarok crashing like crazy all of a sudden...06:59
ArthurBdebian unstable06:59
teprrrdoesn't kaffeine crash all the time?06:59
ArthurBkubuntu's kaffeine yes06:59
teprrrand if it doesn't crash, it'll keep running on background and then start sucking the resources07:00
l3mkaffeine = evil. see the light and use mplayer ;)07:00
teprrrI'm just thinking what's going on there in my installation: E: Method gpgv has died unexpectedly!07:00
teprrrthat's what I get when doing apt-get update07:00
ArthurBit's sad because it's the default player for kubuntu and it crashes... and not even because of bugs but because of packaging problems07:00
ArthurBhow do you get mplayer to play fullscreen and span the video accross the fullscreen ?07:00
troyhrm, I have a file in my music dir that's breaking it... stupid files! :P07:01
teprrrmplayer -fs :)07:01
teprrrfor fullscreen07:01
l3m-zoom 07:01
ArthurBcommand line mplayer then ?07:01
l3mor cat "zoom=yes" >> .mplayer/config 07:01
l3mfor gui07:01
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ArthurBbut in the gui config I didn't find zoom anywhere07:01
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l3mArthurB: dunno, i don't use the gui. i don't see why i should use my mouse or touchpad to click on tiny buttons which were created in a misguided attempt at copying a realworld interface not sensibly reproducable on a computer. 07:02
l3mi rather use my keyboard07:02
ArthurBwell suppose you suddenly decide you want to change subtitles ?07:03
ArthurBchange the angle07:03
ArthurBthe sound track07:03
ArthurBI don't like the realworld interface mock up either, but the context menu IS useful07:03
l3myou can toggle subs i guess 07:03
l3mb / j 07:04
l3mto toggle through available subtitles07:04
redondosI launch mplayer via a script that autolooks for subs in the current dir and load them all up.07:04
redondosso I can toggle between them with the keyboard.07:04
redondosI'm off. cya07:05
ArthurBI love command line, I love to be able to launch mplayer in a script with a zillion parameters to do precisely what I want. I also love a nice GUI when I want to watch videos.... what I do not like is having to learn 50+ keyboard shortcuts07:05
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l3mArthurB: why would you need any more toggles than just the movie name? 07:05
l3m-toggles +params07:06
l3mand the kb controls are simple07:06
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ArthurBI do, depends on the use you make07:06
l3mbut i guess if you prefer the misguided attempt at.....blabla .. 07:06
ninHerhi all07:06
ArthurBwhat is happening exactly with kword ?07:06
Dr_Fatecan I apt-get the new KDE?07:06
l3mArthurB: all switches easily accessible from the gui can be changed with one key in nongui07:06
ninHerhi all07:06
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l3mArthurB: you mixed sources, therefore you get this error from the dynamic linker07:07
l3mand sources = apt-sources07:07
ubotukde3.5 is probably http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php07:07
ArthurBl3m: yeah but it complains about a libkword library07:08
ArthurBand right now I only have kubuntu sources07:08
ArthurBinstalled koffice only from them07:08
Dr_FateArthurB, thanks!07:09
ArthurBdo you *really* think this is interference for having a debian amarok and kaffeine ?07:09
l3mArthurB: well just changing the apt-sources doesn't change anything. you'll hvae to install --reinstall all packages from the "evil" repo07:09
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l3mArthurB: don't mix debian and ubuntu apt-sources.07:09
ArthurBl3m: even those these packages seem VERY disconnected ?07:10
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l3mArthurB: if you want a more recent version, make from sources or make your own package, both is quite easy07:10
ArthurBI only installed a few such packages, and never never anything relevant to libkword07:10
ArthurBthat seems clean indeed07:10
l3mArthurB: but you did install something relevant to kword, otherwise you would not get your error07:11
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ArthurBhow can I find what ?07:12
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l3mArthurB: check every binary contained in a package you installed from debian against linkage to libkword07:12
nicheadHi there! It's great to see automount included in KDE, but I'm not able to configure it the way I want it: To automatically mount a device and open a konsole window with --workdir mountpoint.07:13
ArthurBhow do I do that ?07:13
nicheadThe problem is that konsole doesn't handle system:/media/sda1 -links as konqueror does.07:13
l3mArthurB: the easy part is to check linkage: "ldd <file> "07:13
nicheadAny idea, how to achieve what i want to do?07:13
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l3mArthurB: the hard part is to find out which binaries ( programs, libraries ) to check07:13
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PupenoLWhy installing fam wants to uninstall the whole KDE ?07:14
dbrouwerhi all, does anybody know where the file detect-autoconf.sh is?07:14
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l3mArthurB: probably apt-file all your debian packages 07:14
l3mand ldd07:14
Dr_Fatejust apt-get Kubuntu desktop?07:14
Dr_FateI'm not in Kubuntu07:14
Dr_Fatejust want to use the new KDE 3.507:15
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l3mDr_Fate: do you have ubuntu? 07:15
ArthurBarthurb@coin:~$ ldd /usr/bin/amarok | grep kword07:15
ArthurBarthurb@coin:~$ ldd /usr/bin/kaffeine | grep kword07:15
Dr_Fatel3m, yes07:15
l3mArthurB: lol. check the libraries installed too, and the libs of all dependencies07:15
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l3mArthurB: someone with such a .. basic.. understanding of debian technology should not mix repos07:16
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dbrouwerautoconf: not found07:16
dbrouwer*** AUTOCONF NOT FOUND!.07:16
dbrouwer*** KDE requires autoconf 2.53 or newer07:16
ArthurBfind / | xargs ldd | grep kword ?07:16
ubotusomebody said kde3.5 was http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php07:16
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rohsomebody knows how to enable 3D acceleration in kubuntu? (laptop, Intel i810)07:16
l3mDr_Fate: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same07:16
l3mDr_Fate: just use above link07:16
ArthurBroh: poor you07:16
dbrouwerthat autoconf is the error i get, but i have 2.59 installed, any ideas?07:16
l3mroh: should be enabled by default07:16
PupenoLIs it possible to make fam run a script when a file is created/changed in a certain folder (can famd do that ? or another service ?) ?07:16
ArthurBtry getting the latest i810 driver at fairlight07:16
ubotumethinks kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php07:17
rohBut when I play games in Cedega 5, runs very slowly07:17
ArthurBLe pb majeur en offshore c'est que tu peux pas faire travailler les gens 07:17
ArthurBavec salaire, car tu ne peux pas vrifier qu'il travaille 8h/j, et il 07:17
ArthurBintervient tjrs des dsaccords  ce niveau (exprience des autres et la 07:17
ArthurBmienne aussi). C'est pour a qu'il faut travailler au forfait. Mais bon, 07:17
ArthurBc'est  vous de voir.07:17
ArthurBSinon, j'ai prix info comme majeure, et a se passe assez bien, mme si j'ai 07:17
ArthurBpas trop le temps de m'investir comme il faut.07:17
ArthurBJ'espre que toi aussi tu vas bien. Qd tu passes par paris, passe moi un 07:17
ArthurBcoup de fil, on pourra se voir, a m'intresse de voir comment c'est aux 07:17
ArthurBusa: 06 60 72 92 45.07:17
Dr_Fatel3m, right, I did, so in synaptic after apt-get update, when I search for desktop I clikc the Kubuntu-desktop right?07:17
ArthurBbah copy paste07:17
ArthurBplease ignore07:17
l3mroh: yes. did you try running the same games in windows? it's equally slow. i810 is a crappy 3d accelerator, and using cedega slows everything down even more.07:18
_martinHey. Anyone have any good firewall, downloadable through Adept?07:18
l3mDr_Fate: hmm no07:18
ArthurBrun   glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark07:18
kkathman_martin: firestarter07:18
l3mDr_Fate: kubu desktop changes the defaults to kde, i think you want to keep your defaults but check out kde? the just apt-get install kde07:18
l3mDr_Fate: after adding the apt-sources in above link07:19
_martinI'll give it a go07:19
rohyes, in windows, Counter Strike Condition Zero runs OK07:19
rohnut in Cedega very slowly07:19
l3mDr_Fate: of course, i'd advise you to install kubu desktop because it beats ubu-desktop ;)07:19
ArthurBroh: what does glx-info say ?07:19
ArthurBsorry glxinfo07:19
_martin@kkathman: I just downloaded FireStarter with Adept but I can't find it in any menus... I guess I'm doing something wrong?07:20
l3mroh: well i know that i can't even play CS on my i810 in windows. 07:20
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l3m_martin: if you want an easy-to-use firewall, i'd suggest guarddog+guidedog. really nice kde guis for NAT and Firewall.07:21
_martinHmmm ok...07:21
l3mroh: but try glxgears as ArthurB suggested07:21
rohin Cedega, 3D accel test = NO07:21
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rohI dont know glxgears07:22
rohwhat's that?07:22
ArthurByou don't have to know it07:22
ArthurBjust run it07:22
ArthurBglxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark07:23
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ArthurBfrom a konsole07:23
abdbI have problem with mounting usb HD. when i type dmesg in console, it finds device, but the usb HD isnt being mounted. i tried to restart but no result. how can i solve this?07:23
rohok, I see an animation07:23
rohin a window07:24
ArthurBdon't resize the window that will popup, leave it in front of everything don't do anything and wait for 10 seconds07:24
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l3mglxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark07:24
LjLhow's it that, after adding the kde 3.5-final repository, i'm not getting *any* package upgraded?07:25
ArthurBroh: ok, the konsole should display a fps07:25
ArthurBif you get 800fps well, that's fair enough07:25
roh586.382FPS - 600 FPS07:25
l3mroh - that's about what i get 07:25
roh620 FPS07:25
ArthurByou have 3d accel on07:25
ArthurBsorry :)07:25
l3mbetween 500 and 1000 fps07:25
ArthurBtype in glxinfo and past the first few lines07:26
l3mabdb: did you manually shutdown some services? 07:26
abdbl3m, no i didnt07:26
abdbit is fresh kubuntu installation07:26
rohname of display: :0.007:27
MenZa`in Konversation, is it possible to put channels on your left side - it's incredibly confusing when 25 channels just squirm together and aren't even sorted by network :\07:27
rohdisplay: :0  screen: 007:27
teprrrLjL, so hmm, does apt-get update work like a charm?07:27
l3mabdb: type media:/ in konqueror07:27
rohdirect rendering: Yes07:27
ArthurByou have accel07:27
rohserver glx vendor string: SGI07:27
Delvienhow do you run glxgears? is it installed when you install your fglrx drivers?07:27
rohmmm... ok07:27
LjLteprrr: it does as far as i can see07:27
LjLteprrr: only, dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade anything07:27
teprrrLjL, okay. so not the same problem Im having07:27
ArthurBDelvien, no it doens't depend on fglrx07:27
ArthurByou probably already have it07:27
teprrrLjL, check out the policy of some package whicvh should have an updated version07:28
abdbl3m, i did, but the usb drive isnt there07:28
rohthe problem is just Cedega 5?07:28
l3mArthurB: i doubt you can play CS:CZ on an i810. i can't even play CS 1.6 reasonably in windows coz iz's so f*5*%* slow07:28
teprrrLjL, apt-get policy <package> and check if the installed is older than candidate07:28
rohIn Wondows it works OK with i81007:28
l3mroh: how much ram do you have? 07:28
LjLteprrr: for konqueror, it isn't07:28
rohCentrino 1,407:28
ArthurBfunny, kword crashes when I select text07:28
teprrrLjL, so can you see 3.5 or 3.5-rc1 konq?07:29
DelvienArthurb i have it and running it , how do i find out the FPS ?07:29
ArthurBroh: Centrino != pentium M07:29
l3mroh: do you have a full cedega or just the "free" version=07:29
LjLteprrr: i don't understand the question07:29
LjLteprrr: Installed: 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1   Candidate: 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy107:29
LjLteprrr: i had RC2 installed, not RC1, by the way07:29
l3mLjL: apt-get install --reinstall kde07:29
l3mrc2 = final, i think07:30
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ArthurBcentrino is a buzz marketing word that means unsupported hardware"07:30
l3mArthurB: centrino is fine07:30
LjLl3m: but if rc2=final, then why are there two different repositories?07:30
rohfree version=Wine?07:30
ArthurBl3m: centrino => i810 => NOT FINE07:30
l3mLjL: because the packaging differs07:30
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rohi810 not fine, but in Windows works ok with many games07:30
l3mArthurB: well i have a centrino with i810, it's nice on my laptop ( i play games on my desktop box anyway, since my laptop is ultraportable 10'' ) ;)07:31
rohthe problem is Cedega 5 + Linux07:31
DelvienArthurB do you know alot about gnome?07:31
ArthurBnot a thing07:31
ArthurBI don't let no smelly foot touch my des'top07:31
DelvienWell Anyone know how to have Konqueror be default file browser in GNOME?07:31
roh(I have Windows Xp installed ONLY for Counter Strike LOOOL)07:31
kkathmanDelvien: I dont think you can07:31
l3mroh: well, the problem is that you try to play a game which runs just about on your computer in an emulator on a different OS. of course emulation = SLOW 07:32
LjLl3m: you mean they're the same versions but the Kubuntu packages have changed?07:32
ArthurBI don't think you even wnat to do that07:32
kkathmanDelvien: Konq is a KDE app07:32
Delvienkkathman i was afraid of that.. Is there any other file browser?07:32
LjLl3m: if so, still, shouldn't i get some upgraded?07:32
teprrrLjL, that looks like you've 3.5.0 already installed :P07:32
kkathmanDelvien: uhm.. yah..galleon07:32
l3mLjL: i mean that the kde is the same, afaik07:32
Delvienany good?07:32
l3mLjL: you just have different packages 07:32
rohok, thanks for you help07:32
kkathmanDelvien: about like nautilis I guess... course you can use Firefox too07:32
ArthurBI mean, konq is all about kde integration, kio slaves, etc07:32
kkathmanDelvien: or Opera07:33
ArthurBit's a little strange to use it with gnome07:33
teprrrhmm, is that kde3.5 source working? I'm getting size mismatch for several packages...07:33
l3mworks fine here07:33
l3mworked, that is07:33
LjLl3m: uh... so, it's different packages, but they have exactly the same version number? are they different or are they just in different directories in the repo?07:33
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Delvienkkathman, do you know how to run Gnome applets ( from the panel) on KDE panel?07:33
rohI like Gnome, but Konqueror........07:33
kkathmanArthurB: yah if you are on a pure gnome environment, with no kDE Im not sure Konq would even run :)07:34
rohits powerful than nautilus07:34
l3mLjL: i have no idea what packages you have with RC2. 07:34
kkathmanDelvien: sure..they run fine07:34
Delvienkkathman would have to have all the libraries07:34
Delvienkkathman do you know how to get the gnome battery monitor on KDE?07:34
l3mLjL: but there was only one RC for kde3.5, therefore what would have been RC2 is final07:34
teprrrArthurB, kkathman, sure konq runs when running gnome or anything07:34
rohKonkeror works ++ in LAN than Nautilus07:34
kkathmanDelvien: if you have the gnome core (i.e. ubuntu-desktop) you should be able to run ANY gnome app under KDE07:34
LjLteprrr: "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main" is the final, while i used to have "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35rc2 breezy main"07:34
Delvienkkathman aye, i just cant figure out what command i should be typing to start it07:35
l3mLjL just --reinstall kde 07:35
_martinThanks! GuardDog was just what I wanted! Auto deny everything and select exactly what you want to have access :D :D07:35
kkathmanDelvien: to start what gnome app?07:35
l3m_martin: yeah, guard dog is great ;)07:35
Delvienkkathman the battery monitor that is in the panel of gnome07:35
l3m_martin: you can also enable nat with guidedog07:35
LjLl3m: i don't have "kde" installed, nor do i have the whole of "kubuntu-desktop" installed07:35
l3mthey kind of belong together07:35
kkathmanDelvien: if you know the name, and you have the gnome core, just Alt-F2 and type the gnome app name there07:36
l3mLjL: hmm... well then just --reinstall the packages you have, i guess07:36
ArthurBYeah but it sound a little like: hey I usually spend holiday in the snowy mountains but really enjoy beach volley, can I install a beach volley field behind my chalet07:36
rohOne question, what instant messenger do you use in your Linux?07:36
kkathmanroh Kopete here07:36
l3mkkathman: if he has the app, it will work, since apt-get would have resolved any missing dependencies07:36
ArthurB /version *07:36
Delvienkkathman thats the thing i dont know the command. the name is different than the command07:36
kkathmanl3m: true07:37
l3mkkathman: except for some evil use dpkg --force-something ;)07:37
kkathmanl3m: didnt know where he was coming from tho07:37
kkathmanl3m yah right07:37
rohI ask because I'm testing amsn-CVS and it's very powerful!07:37
l3mDelvien: what's the name of your app?07:37
ArthurBdpkg --force-confilts --are-you-nuts --dont-blame-us-after --ok-well-if-you-insist07:37
l3mroh: kopete is best, imho07:37
kkathmanDelvien: hmm... you need to find the name07:37
rohI haven't test Kopete07:38
Delvienkkathman battery charge monitor http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v119/Kahrgan/ddd.png07:38
l3mroh: it's incredible ;)07:38
kkathmanArthurB: hehe  dpkg --force  =   "Screw my system please"07:38
rohI'm going to test kopete07:38
Delvienroh gaim is better in most ways07:38
ArthurBdpkg --sue-waiver07:38
rohI like Gaim, but amsn have more functions07:39
ArthurBroh: kopete is really nice07:39
LjLl3m, teprrr: looking at the two repos "kde35" and "kde35rc2" using a browser, the dates and times for files and directory are exactly the same. so, i guess that "kde35" is simply a symlink to "kde35rc2"07:39
Delvienkkathman i keep asking in #ubuntu what command i have to type to run it, But gnome users are stupid07:39
kkathmanDelvien: try doing a ps - aux in your konsole and see if you can determine what process is your battery monitor07:39
ArthurBit is less msn oriented than amsn so it lacks some functions but not much07:39
rohnut The new Gaim version (2 I think), I have hear a very powerful things07:39
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rohCam suport, etc07:39
abdbwell i try "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbhd" i get "mount: you must specify the filesystem type", so how? what is the correct syntax?07:39
l3mLjL: hmm makes sense. otherwise apt would have upgraded.... 07:39
l3mnow that you say it07:39
kkathmanGaim is fine, just doesnt look as nice...but it has some features that Kopete does not07:40
ArthurBKopete logs are better than gaim07:40
l3mabdb: hmm the fact that you even have to use a manual mount is an indication that something else went wrong. 07:40
kkathmanAnyone here use Kontact??07:40
ArthurBI do07:40
jjesseall the time07:40
l3mabdb: did you try konqueror and media:/ ??07:40
rohI have read Gaim 2.0 will become powerful07:40
abdbsure, no usb drive there07:40
ArthurBabdb: HAL is broken07:41
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ArthurBit worked for me a week then I don't know what dependency made it failed07:41
kkathmanArthurB: great...I am just recently having probs with the Kmail part...seems it wont check for mail without me closing the app and restarting it? Any ideas?07:41
abdbathurB, what is broken?07:41
ArthurBnow media:/ is silent07:41
ArthurBkkathman: close the app, then restart it07:41
Delvienkkathman its called battstat-applet-2 but i run it in command line and it doesnt show07:42
kkathmanArthurB: yah I did that..and it goes out and checks...But then if I click on the "get mail" icon, it goes out and hangs for some dumb reason07:42
l3mabdb: anyway, man mount would have told you about "usbfs" ;)07:42
Delvienkkathman actually gives me an error07:42
kkathmanDelvien: can you try to Alt-F2 and type that in then?07:42
Delvienkkathman thats what i ran it with07:43
kkathmanwhat erro?07:43
Delvienlemme run it again07:43
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kkathmansorry... Delvien.. what error do you get07:43
abdbl3m, it did: "usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)"07:44
abdbso what now?07:44
Delvienkkathman Cannot display location file//battstat-applet-2  ||| Details: There is no default action associated with this location07:44
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Delvienkkathman lemme switch to KDE really quick07:45
rohUbuntu (gnome) have an updater like windows, but kubuntu (KDE)???07:46
roh(Visual updater)07:46
Riddellroh: adept-updater07:46
kkathmanhey Riddell :)07:46
rikvaadept-updater doesn't run in the systray, does it?07:47
l3mabdb: sorry, i mean mount -t usbfs /blah /blahblah 07:47
ArthurBanyone knows about media:/ not showing anything ?07:47
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Delvienkkathman back07:48
kkathmanArthurB: yah it doesnt for me either but I think its because one of my samba boxes rebooted07:48
ArthurBI don't see anything at all07:49
ArthurBeven local HD07:49
_martinHad a problem with USB devices not being shown. Solved by updating the system via Adept (the one called "System update wizard"07:49
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Delvienkkathman any ideas?07:50
kkathmanArthurB: when I do an ls -l  in /media it goes off and waits like 3 or 4 minutes then errors with a mount error on my samba share, but DOES display other things07:50
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kkathmanI cant seem to get it to refresh that connection when that one box reboots07:50
teprrrhttp://pastebin.com/442511 -- can anyone help me with this?07:51
ArthurBI don't mean /media07:51
ArthurBI mean media:/07:51
kkathmanDelvien: did you try typing that command in kde?07:51
Delvienkkathman aye07:51
kkathmanArthurB: ???07:51
l3mis it just me or is the new konqueror crash-prone?07:51
kkathmanI dont use konq :)07:51
kkathmanbrb...going to reboot.07:52
ArthurBl3m: this implies that YOU are crash prone07:52
Delvienkkathman as it stands it doesnt work in gnome ,unless i right click the panel , click add to  panel and choose it from a list of things to add07:52
kkathmanDelvien: I dunno ... it should work tho07:52
kkathmanDelvien: can you do an Uncle Google and see if there is some other process that should be running?07:52
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libbenwhat can i beg my friend to download for remoting his desktop? his on windows. and im obviously on kubuntu 07:56
libbenhis == he's07:57
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darkheartlibben: Remoting to his desktop or from his desktop?07:57
MenZa`I think he means from libben's to his friends07:58
libbenremoting his desktop. i was looking at real vnc.07:58
libbenbut it wasnt free07:58
darkhearterr...I'm still not clear on whether it's from or to his box.07:58
darkheartYou want to log into his box?07:58
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libbeni wanna remote his desktop. to help him with some problems07:59
darkheartWhat version of windows?07:59
darkheartJust have him set up remote desktop for windows, and you use rdesktop to connect to his box.07:59
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oshSo, kde3.5 is out isn't it? Time to update /topic?08:08
pointwoodyes and yes :)08:08
Delvienkkathman i have to run kicker AND gnome-panel to have the applets work (works on gnome bar only)08:08
Delvienkkathman this stinks... i want that bat mon08:08
kkathmanDelvien:  Ahhh ok08:09
kkathmanDelvien: cant you find a battery monitor for KDE?  Like maybe a superkaramba widget?08:09
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bl3ssing_is there any msconfig in linux?08:09
Delvienkkathman i want it on the panel though, SK takes too much mem for what it does08:10
kkathmanbl3ssing: of course not...thats an M$ program08:10
Delvienbl3ssing why would you want one..... lol08:10
_linusIs it possible to change the directory which apt-get caches the downloaded files in?08:10
kkathmanbl3ssing: what about msconfig are you looking for?08:10
bl3ssing_I want to cancel one program which's running ... KILLING IT! :-))08:11
bl3ssing_kkathman: 08:11
kkathmanbl3ssing: explain please08:11
bl3ssing_I don't like that ....08:11
bl3ssing_yesterday I've changed something08:11
DelvienAnyone know what i should be installing for this ???? checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!08:12
bl3ssing_I wanted to put my xmms to start each time I'm starting my computer, but it doesn't start singing since there's a sound fail ... (If I'm getting in the konsole and typing "killall artsd", than ... if I'll try again the xmms, it will sing; but never when it is my computer starting)08:12
Delviensince when did people replace the word "PLAY" with sing?08:13
kkathmanbl3ssing: you want to keep xmmx from starting up?08:13
kkathmanDelvien:  hehe...I think bl3ssing has english as a 2nd language08:13
Delvienbl3ssing amaroK has that option ootb08:13
Delvienkkathman i think so too08:14
Delvienkkathman you know what this means i have to install ? checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!08:14
bl3ssing_sure kkathman ... but if it is not singing, than I won't ... cause it is disturbing me.08:14
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darkheartDelvien: You need to install the qt dev packages.08:14
bl3ssing_you're right kkathman since my english is not my native lang ...08:14
_linusIs it possible to change the cache directory of apt-get?08:14
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Delvienkkathman know what they are called?08:15
kkathmanbl3ssing: just go to your ~/.kde/Autostart and remove that symlink08:15
darkheartI think bl3ssing wants xmms to start up, but his sound server is screwy.08:16
darkheartSo it won't start up on boot.08:16
bl3ssing_darkheart:  you're perfectly right. :-)08:16
Delvienthats artsd for you..08:16
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kkathmandarkheart: ok..well maybe you can help him ?08:17
_martinBl3ssing: sure you havn't forgotten to set the sound system to give control faster? That's a problem I had. The default setting is 60 seconds, set it to 1 sec and it worked08:17
Delvienkkathman any idea?08:17
Sneaky_Bastard'scuse me08:17
Sneaky_BastardI'm in dire need of help08:17
bl3ssing_breally _martin? I'll check it right now. thanks man.08:17
Delvieni like your name sneaky08:17
Sneaky_Bastardall my audio died after last package update08:17
Delvienshoot sneaky_bastard08:17
Sneaky_BastardI'm using Breezy08:18
darkheartkkathman: I would, but I don't know too much about the sound system >_<08:18
Delviensneaky_bastard restart X , if that doesnt work do a reboot just to be safe08:18
Sneaky_Bastardno, you don't understand08:18
Sneaky_Bastardthe drivers somehow got munged08:18
Sneaky_Bastardreboot does not help08:18
Sneaky_Bastardalsa-utils does not help08:18
Delvieno , that sucks08:18
Delvienreinstall the driver?08:18
Sneaky_Bastardwell that's what I'm trying to find out!!08:19
Sneaky_Bastardhow the hell do I reinstall the audio drivers ?08:19
Delviensearch in adept for alsa08:19
Sneaky_BastardKUbuntu did an automagical hardware scan08:19
Sneaky_Bastardis Alsa supposed to be able to figure out that I have an SB Audigy 1 by itselfF ?08:19
Sneaky_Bastardthere was a kernel update08:19
Delvienalsa is what most people use as the sound driver thingy :p08:20
Sneaky_Bastardthere is alsa and oss08:20
Sneaky_Bastardas systems08:20
_linusAnd esd, by the way :)08:20
kkathmanDelvien: yep08:21
Sneaky_Bastardwell, my application - PureData visual sound language, doesn't know ESD08:21
Delvienkkathman do you know what the QT dev packages are called?08:21
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Delvienkkathman when i do a checkinstall with this applet, it installs DECnet and locks up my computer, i actually have to do a rescue after something installs DECnet.. 08:22
darkheartDelvien: Probably something like qt-dev08:22
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kkathmanDelvien: depends on what you want08:22
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Stormchaser'lo. How come kvirc isn't in the apt repository?08:22
Delvienkkathman  Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!08:22
kkathmanDelvien: its typically libqt4-dev08:23
Sneaky_Bastardso what must I do, Delvian?08:23
Sneaky_Bastardin Adept ?08:23
Delvienkkathman aye i just isntalled that and it gave same error08:23
DelvienSneaky_bastard look for also , and remove, then install the alsa, see if that works08:23
_martinAnyone checked the test CD for Dapper? Lol @ the amount of bugs, hehe, not stable in long time I presume.08:23
bl3ssingnobody knows why my problem's still on? :-(08:23
Sneaky_Bastardremove, reboot?08:24
Sneaky_Bastardthen install ?08:24
kkathmanDelvien: ok maybe qt4-dev-tools then?08:24
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Delvienkkathman thats installed08:24
bl3ssingI'm trying to listen to the system sounds same time with the xmms music. Why can't I hear them? :-((08:24
Delvienanyway to skip ./configure?08:24
Delvienim not going to auto-apt again.. fooks up my system EVERY time.08:25
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_martinNot sure you can listen to system sounds at the same time as XMMS. I have the same thing here08:25
Delviendamn old programmers needing DECnet..08:25
kkathmanDelvien: did you try libqt4-core ??08:25
Sneaky_BastardDelvien: I need to remove alsa, reboot and then reinstall ?08:25
Delvienkkathman thats installed too08:25
bl3ssingtha'ts very sad for linux ... I hate this thing.08:25
DelvienSneaky_bastard remove alsa, then install it again (this isnt garaunteed to work, its just a suggestion)08:25
bl3ssingwindows can do this ... but not linux? I don't think so ... It must be a way ... to find it out ...! I'm very sure about this.08:26
_martinMaybe you can get it to work. I'm still a Linux nOOb. Only running for 1 month ^^08:26
JakubSbl3ssing: alsa+dmix can do that08:26
bl3ssingwhere from can I take mp3 for free? :-) All kind of ...! :-)08:26
Delvienbl3ssing Linux is something you have to work at, thats what makes it so great08:26
JakubStoo bad almost no game works with alsa08:26
JakubSor sound quality is damn poor08:27
bl3ssingI love it ... Delvien and that's why I won't quit with it. Ever!!!08:27
Delvienbl3ssing we dont discuss piracy in distro channels08:27
kkathmanDelvien: you might also try libqt3-headers08:27
Delvienkkathman those are installed too08:27
kkathmanbl3ssing: thats illegal and you know it08:27
Stormchaserokay... Bit better question... IS there any package, that can control my monitor's configuration?08:27
kkathmanDelvien: hmmm Im at a loss then08:27
bl3ssinghei, it is not about piracy Delvien! I just need some examples of ... what's the right word in english ... I know it, but forgot it too. :-(08:28
Delvienkkathman trying to get this http://kbatt.sourceforge.net/08:28
kkathmanStormchaser: what seems to be the difficulty on your monitor?08:28
bl3ssingI know it is illegally there, but not in my country (YET!); soon it will be and I'm very proud of this08:29
kkathmanbl3ssing: its illegal everywhere..and its not morally right, whether illegal or not!!!08:29
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naliothDelvien: do you have kdebase-dev, kde-devel, libqt3*-dev libqt4*-dev and 08:29
ubotumethinks xincludes is for X dev libs, install xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev and x-window-system-dev08:30
djk_it's not illegal everywhere.. and morals are insignificant.08:30
darkheartmp3s aren't necessarily illegal, but that's all I have to say.08:30
kkathmandarkheart: some are not..thats true..but in reality, we all know what the truth is08:30
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darkheartkkathman: Yep.08:30
kkathmanmorals are ALWAYS significant08:30
djk_kkathman: what would the truth be08:30
Stormchaserkkathman: refresh frequency is all...08:31
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_martinThere are always multiple sides of any story. If I make MP3's of my own original and recorded music and share it with people it's not illegal since I'm the owner of the music and have to copyright to it08:31
Delviennalioth yep have all 308:31
djk_kkathman: don't mention truth then ;)08:31
kkathmanStormchaser:  you might check your xorg.conf file then08:31
naliothDelvien: you have the xincludes?08:31
kkathmanblah djk_08:31
Berikhi, where can i find a repository for Codeine?08:31
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Delviennalioth fix includes?08:32
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naliothDelvien: read EVERYTHING i wrote above and follow the conversation tree08:32
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termleechis there any easy way to create a .deb from an rpm?08:33
JakubSweird, Xorg.0.log says direct rendering: Enabled but glxinfo disagrees08:33
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JakubScard is i91508:33
Delviennalioth installing x-window now08:33
JakubSis there some debug switch to investigate it more?08:34
Delviennalioth nope get the same error08:34
DelvienQt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!08:34
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naliothDelvien: you need libqt3*-dev and libqt4*-dev08:35
naliothDelvien: * is a wild card and means "any combination of characters"08:35
Stormchaserkkathman: I'm aware of that, but are there any tools to modify xorg? I don't want to fry my monitor...08:35
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Delviennalioth i have libqt3-mt-dev installed08:36
Delviennalioth and libeqt4-dev is installed as well08:36
naliothDelvien: there are more -dev pkgs than that, iirc08:36
teprrrtpr@tulibuntu:~$ /usr/bin/update-menus.real08:36
teprrrSegmentation fault08:36
teprrranyone seen this before? all post-installs which try to run the menu seem to hang08:37
Delviennalioth i only see those when i search libqt3 and libqt4 , there are things like libqt3-mysql and stuff08:37
bl3ssingthe MP3 are not illegally as long as you've converted them from the originally cd you've bought them, right? that kind of mp3 I do have ... so I'm not ILLEGALLY listening to my own mp3-s; and ... one more thing: IT IS IMORALLY TO TAKE UNORIGINALLY MUSIC FROM INTERNET WITHOUT PAYING!!!08:37
JakubSok, found, it would be cool if kubuntu installed libgl1-mesa-dri by default08:38
Delviennalioth does this mean anything ? ii found it in the confi.log  int magnolia = QEvent::Speech; /* new in 2.2 beta2 */08:38
naliothDelvien: are you running breezy standard kde or the 3.5 tree?08:38
Delviennalioth breezy standard08:38
Delviennalioth 3.4.308:38
bl3ssingnalioth: can I ask you something? I want to hear more sounds smae time (with differents audio programs or the same...).  Why can't I? :-(08:39
naliothbl3ssing: i'm not up on kde sound issues08:39
JakubSbl3ssing: 1) need to setup dmix, 2) apps have to use alsa instead of oss08:40
bl3ssingI can't find any dmix on my Adept. Why? 08:40
JakubSkde, xmms and lots of other stuff can use alsa as backend so it should not be a problem08:40
bl3ssing:-( 08:40
Delviennalioth http://pastebin.com/442573 this might help08:41
bl3ssingwow ... that's cool ...08:41
JakubSbl3ssing: because it is already part of alsa and you have it installed08:41
bl3ssingoh, I see.08:41
teprrrbreezy should use dmix as default, afaik08:41
bl3ssingso ... should I start alsa instead of xmms?08:41
teprrruse alsa plugin instead of oss plugin in xmms08:41
naliothDelvien: i suspect you are missing -dev libs08:41
JakubSteprrr: really? withe kernel <2.6.13 it requires /etc/asound.conf08:41
Delviennalioth hehe , happen to know which ones :P08:42
teprrrJakubS, that's at least what I've been told..08:42
bl3ssingit is working. Thanks guys...08:43
bl3ssingGod bless all of you.08:43
bl3ssingI'm so excited.08:43
bl3ssingI told you people I won't be dissapointed. :-)08:43
JakubSbl3ssing: http://tlug.dnho.net/?q=node/127 - asound.conf for enabling dmix08:44
=== JakubS needs to restart xorg to make synaptics finally work
teprrrbl3ssing, so you can now play from different sources? :p08:45
bl3ssingyeap teprrr08:45
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bl3ssingthanks ... terr08:45
Berikhi, where can i find a repository for Codeine?08:46
Delviennalioth im trying to install this http://kbatt.sourceforge.net/08:46
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Delviennalioth if i auto-apt it it installes DECnet which locks my computer up , and i have to do a rescue because after that linux wont boot08:47
teprrrbl3ssing, oh, cool :)08:47
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JakubSyup, synaptics and direct rendering now work08:48
bl3ssingkkathman: how can i change the backgroung of the kvirc ... this one where I can watch what people are chatting about in the kubuntu channel? I've tried to find it by myself, but nothing.08:50
bl3ssingwhat is Codeine doing, Berik? :-)08:50
naliothDelvien: i'm not much help other than what i have offered08:51
naliothDelvien: what is "DECnet"?08:51
bl3ssingwhich's the best irc people? somebody said that irss, kvirc ... x-chat, konversation ... any other one ... a better gui one? :-)08:51
LjLdarkheart: just don't install DECNet perhaps?08:51
LjLi meant, Delvien, just don't install decnet perhaps?08:51
Delviennalioth i have no idea but it wants to istall that and the dnet packages08:51
LjLDelvien: auto-apt *asks* what you want to install and what you don't08:51
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Delvienill try it again :/08:51
ubotuit has been said that checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall08:51
naliothDelvien: you realize that kbatt is ancient, right? klaptopdaemon has that functionality in kde 3.4/3.508:52
LjLDelvien: another possibility: run configure under auto-apt, DO NOT install everything, and let it fail08:52
naliothDelvien: i mean, REALLY ancient08:52
LjLDelvien: then only install the *last* package that auto-apt had asked you about08:52
LjLDelvien: then repeat the process08:52
Delviennalioth i know hehe, but its exactly what im looking for a better LOOKING battery mon08:52
naliothDelvien: then look to some themes/icon packges08:53
naliothDelvien: or superkaramber or conky or gkrellm08:53
Delviennalioth does klaptop handel the meter (the green showing less when the batters powery go down) ?08:53
naliothDelvien: yes it does08:54
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Delviennalioth so in theory i could use the icons from Gnomes Battery monitor (which is what i wanted to begin wih )08:54
Delviennalioth my orignal plan was to use Gnomes Battery Charg monitor in KDE panel, but i cant figure out how to make it work08:55
Judaxnalioth: DECnet is a networking protocol used by DEC equipment: VMS o/s, etc.08:55
Delvienit locks up systems if you install it to the wrong kind of machine :P08:56
naliothDelvien: you'll have to convert the image formats08:56
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bl3ssing_hello people08:56
bl3ssing_I'm on irssi08:56
Delviennalioth aye thats no problem 08:56
bl3ssing_it is a nice interface ... but a simple one. :)08:56
bl3ssing_I'd love to have a better gui irc ...08:56
Delviennalioth happen to know where those icons are?08:57
Beriktry xchat08:57
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Berikor konversation08:57
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lithiumhi all08:58
naliothDelvien: try kde-look.org or www.deviantart.com for battery monitor themes08:58
JakubSbl3ssing_: one vote for konversation :-)08:58
Judaxbl3ssing: I like konversation or kvirc08:58
JakubSmmm, fish:// rocks so much :-)09:00
Berikanyone know where to get Codeine?09:00
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lithiumis it to restore the original kde images in the kmenu and the konqueror activity image?09:01
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oshKDE3.5 is pretty. Some good improvements too. :-)09:01
JakubStoo bad upgrade to 3.5 on kubuntu wants to remove amarok :-(09:01
oshJakubS: What does fish:// do?09:01
LjLbl3ssing_: listen, could you give me a screenshot of you X-Chat running? i'd like to see what is going wrong with its interface09:01
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Delvienosh hows it run?09:01
LjLbl3ssing_: because i am pretty sure that x-chat is the client that you remember from red hat09:02
oshJakubS: Didn't for me. Remove amarok that is.09:02
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oshDelvien: Very good. Not that 3.4 was bad, but 3.5 really feels like a step up. :-)09:02
JakubS3.5 changes provides kdelibs4c2a instead of kdelibs4c2 (yet another abi breakage) and amarok relies on latter09:03
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Delvienanyone else find that kfind is absolutely useless?09:04
oshJakubS: That's funny. I am on 3.5 now and amarok is still availible and working.09:04
oshJakubS: via xine if that matters...09:04
JakubStime to another apt-get update it seems09:04
_linusI'm sorry, stupid question: How's the "boot.local" from SuSE called in Ubuntu?09:05
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l3mJakubS: you have dapper packages09:06
LjL_linus: what's boot.local in suse?09:06
l3mJakubS: use the breezy ones09:06
l3mfor kde 3.509:06
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ubotu[kde3.5]  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php09:06
l3m^^ these09:06
JakubSnothing breaks that way?09:07
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_linusLjL: I don't know exactly ^^ I have to mount the apt-get cache folder on another partition, and as I don't want to do this manually every time, I was told to write it into the boot.local (which is called different in Ubuntu)09:08
l3mJakubS: no. c2a = dapper, c2 = breezy09:08
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LjL_linus: uh, i'm not sure09:08
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_linusLjL: Well, I'll do it manually, I anyway don't need it that often. Thanks anyway :)09:09
l3m_linus: just use fstab to mount it? 09:09
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_linusl3m: Hm, I have to use mount --bind for mounting a folder, which is not possible in the fstab, as far as I know...09:09
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l3m_linus: mount the whole partition somewhere and place a symlink=09:10
_linus>toilet ^^09:10
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bl3ssingsure LjL; I'll give you in a sec. :-)09:12
bl3ssinghow can I send you the screenshot? 09:13
bl3ssingLjL: ?09:13
_linusl3m: Hm, I first try the manual mount --bind09:13
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getacereshas anyone updated to kde 3.5?09:13
LjLbl3ssing: in the menu, Graphics / KSnapshot09:13
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LjLbl3ssing: save it, and then you can load it into the pastebin09:13
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l3m_linus: yeah, but if you have to do this everytime i think it would be way easier to just mount the partition and symlink that folder. hmm why do you want to mix the apt cache anyway?09:14
oshgetaceres: yes09:14
bhnagetaceres: yes09:14
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l3mgetaceres: yes09:14
libbenhow long will it take before ff 1.5x is in repos? cause its final release tonight09:14
bhnathink ivman is obsolet for kde3.5?09:15
getaceresdo you have the "get new stuff" button in kopete enabled or disabled?09:15
getaceresI have it disabled, I don't know why09:15
_linusl3m: I just have to do this when upgrading the whole distro, like now from Hoary to Breezy09:15
oshgetaceres: get new stuff?09:15
_linusl3m: I just haven't got enough space for the whole stuff, but still enough for smaller updates or programs09:16
JakubSbhna: i think yes09:16
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SbCl3is kde 3.5 available on apt?09:17
bhnaSbCl3: www.kubuntu.org09:17
getaceresyes, in the configuration, of kopete, where you configure the emoticons and chat style used, is a disabled button that's supposed to let you install new themes from kde-look.org automatically09:17
SbCl3well, i think kde 3.5 is big enough for a topic change09:18
getaceresjust like the wallpapers you can install through the get new stuff interface09:18
oshgetaceres: yes, install new theme is disabled for me.09:18
oshgetaceres: sorry, get new themes.09:19
getacereswell, I have it in spanish, so I don't know how it's in english09:19
bl3ssingLjL: how can I send the picture to you? :-( through the pastebin I can't find the opportunity of uploading .... :-(09:19
getaceresanyway, there are two main features in kopete in KDE 3.5: Webcam support and get new stuff integration09:20
getaceresit's a shame that kubuntu blocks one of them09:20
djk_bl3ssing imageshack.us for example is a image-hosting-site.09:20
oshwww.putfile.com i think too.09:20
djk_or rapidshare.de ;)09:21
LjLbl3ssing: use this pastebin http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/09:21
bl3ssingLjl ... http://img314.imageshack.us/my.php?image=xchatsnapshot15lx.png09:22
LjLbl3ssing: well, it looks right to me. it's probably just that it looked better with red hat's gnome theme09:24
Redleeris there any difference between ubuntu and kubuntu except kubuntu uses kde?09:25
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LjLRedleer: no09:25
sambagirlhow long it taking to register a channel?09:26
sambagirloh nevermind09:26
libbenrofl http://www.2december.co.uk/09:27
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:seth_k] : Fix a beastie for Kubuntu Hug Day, #ubuntu-bugs | Dapper Flight 1 http://tinyurl.com/d5gfk | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
libbenhow long will it take before ff 1.5x is in repos? cause its final release tonight09:29
oshlibben: dunno09:30
libbenwould be nice with a official made deb into the repos when it gets released09:30
libbenso sick and tired of this slow browsing. 1.5 far more superior and better09:31
bl3ssinghow can I install a file? I got a gz here and I want to install it. How can I do it ...? what command should I use ...09:31
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oshlibben: it will. i just dont know how long it takes.09:31
l3mhmm konqui and opera are far superior to firefox, i wonder why people care for it so much ;)09:31
l3m<flame> ;)09:31
seth_klibben, rc3++ is already in dapper, 1.5 final will be in shortly09:31
libbenwhats rc3++?09:32
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seth_ka version that is greater than rc309:32
ttrocalHello, a problem has recently emerged on my Breezy system where I am unable to log back on to my KDE session after the screen has been locked.  It will tell me my password is invalid, though I'm sure it is not.  I can still log in through KDM normally.  What might be wrong?09:32
oshl3m: because it's the first browser to make a dent in IE's stats.09:32
seth_kbut less than 1.509:32
libbenwhats rc3?09:32
djk_libben: release candidate 3??09:32
libbenu mean there is firefox version 3 in dapper?09:33
andregetaceres: add "ForceNewStuff=true" to your kopeterc in the ChatWindowSettings-section to enable the feature. it was disabled because it's acting a bit strange sometimes09:33
l3mosh: yeah, but on linux there are far superior programs ;)09:33
seth_klibben, http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/ o_009:33
andregetaceres: it's not kubuntu's fault09:33
seth_kRelease Candidate 3, dude09:33
getaceresandre: Thanks09:33
andrenp :)09:33
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getacereswhat is the strange behavior?09:33
blockykopete + webcams is awesome09:33
andrenot being able to deinstall themes and other misbehaviours09:34
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getaceresi'll try it09:34
oshl3m: perhaps. also, I've gotten my bank to support firefox. I think they'll go bananas if I throw konqeror on them.. ;-)09:34
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djk_osh: isn't the reason that ff makes a dent in IEs stats the kiddies who love FF because it is FF. sorta like a recursive loop, thankfully finite loop09:35
bl3ssinghow can I install a file? I got a gz here and I want to install it. How can I do it ...? what command should I use ...09:35
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oshdjk_: I think most people love the plugins. I got my father hooked on FF because of the popup-blocker and the plugins.09:37
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blockycan somebody tell me where the msn webcam should appear in kopete?09:39
djk_osh: seems to me that people who like the plugins usually don't know what other progs are capable of. oh well.09:39
sampanis there an easy way to import firefox bookmarks into konqueror?  i can't even find the file where konq stores bookmarks :/09:39
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seth_k|awaysampan, it's easy, just open the Konq bookmarks manager, then File > Import > Mozilla09:40
seth_k|awaysampan, the bookmarks for Fx are stored in ~/.mozilla/firefox/09:40
SbCl3if kde has updated successfully, should i see version "3.4.3" on the "About KDE" window? it does't seem right, but i logged off and that's all that's required for the kde update i think09:41
sampanseth, thanks -- i just looked there and my eyes slid right over that import line 09:41
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bl3ssinghow can I start EPICirc  program09:42
dbrouwerhi all, upon ./configure i get: "configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check"  any idea's?09:42
bl3ssingk ... I'll get some sleep now. God bless all of you. 09:44
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blockycan anyone help me view other peoples webcams over msn in kopete09:46
blockyits supposed to be supported in the new kde09:46
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Tm_Tblocky: what you need to know09:47
darkheartAnyone know offhand where I can set KDE to allow pop up windows to grab the focus?09:48
blockywell i tried viewing a friends webcam09:48
blockyand it said connected fine for him09:48
blockybut no webcam window appeared on my end09:48
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blockyi forwarded port 6891 and set it to use only that for webcams in the options09:48
oshdbrouwer: not enough devel-packages installed i'd say.09:48
blockybut the window doesnt appear09:48
blockyi dont have a webcam to test09:48
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Tm_Tblocky: hmm, it suppose to pop up dialog asking would you like to see or not09:50
blockywebcam support on msn is really the only thing ive been keeping windows around for09:50
blockyyea it did09:50
blockyi said yes09:50
Tm_Tok, how your friend did "clicked" to send webcam09:51
matrixsome body can help me for instalar vdr?09:51
Tm_Tbecause what I know about newer MSN Messengers, they try by default get bothways-webcam session09:51
blockyit asked me both questions09:52
Tm_Twell, that's not a good idea09:52
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Tm_Task him to try to send only his webcam09:52
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blockystill not working09:53
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Tm_Tblocky: it should, it works here09:55
Tm_Tcheck your firewall etc settings twice more09:55
blockywhat settings exactly?09:57
oshwhat's the difference between the "fish" and the "sftp" protocol.09:57
l3manyone using lastfm in amarok?09:58
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l3mosh: fish is a graphical ssh while sftp is secure ftp 10:00
l3mosh:  the underlying mechanism differs, even if kde integration is so nice that it looks the same10:00
dennis_pssh is also secure of course :-)10:01
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l3mobviously ;)10:01
oshl3m: right. thanks.10:02
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AlexRMUKcan I get Flash, and erm ... Quicktime in Kubuntu 64bit yet?10:03
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blockyokay well if nobody knows how to make kopete work with msn webcams, can anyone at least tell me how to make display pictures appear normal size in the chat window?10:04
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dennis_pso I added the deb on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php to adept, and clicked Update how do I know what kde version will be installed if I click kde meta package 'kde'?10:09
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ajeetHello, I've just installed Kubuntu, why isn't there a menu entry for Kcontrol, I'm having to run it from a terminal?!10:10
dennis_pIt should be underneath the documentation entry, a screen and a green board icon10:12
Judaxdennis_p: when you click on kde, it will open more detailed info you can see the old and new version10:12
Judaxif you click install, then preview changes button on toolbar you will see what will be changed10:12
hirsajeet: right click K menu and add it yourself10:12
dennis_p5:44ubuntu2 it says10:13
blockyhas anyone here got webcam support working in kopete?10:13
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hirsblocky: well not tested in a conversation, but I can see tv on the settings window10:14
blockywhen i try to view anyones webcam i dont see anything10:14
blockyit asks and i accept10:14
blockyand then no window appears10:14
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dennis_pdoes 5:44ubuntu2 mean 3.5 or 3.4.x ?10:15
hirsblocky: sorry I can't help :(10:16
dbrouweranybody know why " make" gives me "starter.cpp:298: warning: unused parameter `int width'" and then error? 10:16
blockymsn webcam support is the only thing amsn lacks10:16
blockybut its an important feature10:16
blockyi was gonna switch to kopete10:16
blockywhen i read the 3.5 announcment10:17
ajeetBtw, I installed kubuntu via a server install of ubuntu, then doing an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop... Is there a way to bypass that and JUST install a minimal kde system, i tried apt-get install kde, kde-base and others, nothing worked?!10:17
blockyminimal kde is an oxymoron :P10:18
hirsdoes any one tryed kde 3.5 superkaramba?10:19
bhnaajeet: apt-get install kdebas-bin10:19
bhnahirs: yes10:19
blockyyea hirs10:19
blockyit didnt work properly for me10:19
blockysome parts work10:19
blockybut i couldnt install liquid weather10:19
ajeetbhna: what does that give me? No kubuntu, just kde on a ubuntu base?10:19
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ChousukeI wish I could install KDE on my folks' computer. :/10:20
Tm_Twho's stopping?10:20
bhnaajeet: a minimal kde. not kubuntu10:20
Chousukeit hasn't got enough RAM to run KDE 10:20
ChousukeCurrently it runs Gnome and it's slow as hell. as far as I know KDE requires even more :/10:21
Tm_Tnot true10:22
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Tm_TI used KDE in machine with 64M ram10:22
ChousukeWhich KDE? :P10:22
ChousukeBut if they ever get a new computer I'll install KDE on it.10:22
ChousukeI think they'd like it.10:22
ajeetbhna: just out of interest, is this available from usual default repos? and why is it called kdebas-bin?10:23
Chousukeespecially since kopete now supposedly supports the webcam.10:23
hirsIf you like xfce it exists xubuntu10:23
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bhnaajeet: kdebase-bin -the base of kde system. yes, default repos.10:24
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ajeetbhna: thanks!!!10:24
ChousukeBut hmm.10:25
bhnaajeet: if you need kdm then apt-get install kdm10:25
ChousukeIf I ever get some x86 hardware, I'll try out KDE4 after it's released.10:25
ChousukeI hope they have'll some tool even partly equivalent to OS X's quicksilver for KDE4 though.10:26
ajeetbhna: Thanks! Kubuntu is nice but I want a minimal kde system and to be able to install just what I want; I take it kde-base bin is very minimal?10:26
Chousukebecause which ever desktop gets such a tool first will be the one I'll use :P10:27
hirsajeet: you can install apps you like, apt will tacke care of deps, apt-get install kicker konqueror kcontrol10:27
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ajeetbtw, how do I enable flash in konqueror?10:28
ChousukeI'm really excited about this recent development in the Linux desktop front.  10:28
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l3mChousuke: there's a quicksilver replacement in kde right now10:30
l3mit's called katapulot10:30
l3mand it's included in the kubuntu default installation10:30
Chousukel3m: how good is it? :)10:30
l3mwell it's great10:31
Chousukeif it only launches apps, it's only half way there.10:31
dennis_pflash? see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:31
l3mChousuke: try it out... ;)10:31
ChousukeWish I could10:31
Chousukeno Linux installed ATM.10:31
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ChousukeRunning OS X on a powerbook. :/10:31
ChousukeI guess I should download a kubuntu live cd10:32
blockyokay im gonna switch from kopete back to amsn10:32
blockyi wanted webcam support10:32
Chousukelast time I tried it, it was horrible :(10:32
l3mi have to work on osx all day... so nice when i'm back at a konfortable desktop in the evening ;)10:32
dennis_pos x is faster on ppc i feel10:32
blockycan anyone tell me if i need to remove the stable dpkg to isntall the cvs10:32
l3mos x is sooooooo slow10:32
l3meven on a dual g5 10:32
ChousukeI'm very comfortable with OS X10:33
Chousukeit's a pleasure to use. :)10:33
Chousukeespecially with quicksiler10:33
dennis_pwhat is quicksilver/10:33
l3mdennis_p: press ALT-SPACE10:33
Chousukebut after KDE4 is out with input method support is out, and some development on katapult/equivalent stuff is done, I think KDE might be just as good.10:34
JudaxI don't know quicksilver, but katapult does more than just apps10:34
ChousukeJudax: care to tell in a few words what it can do?10:34
JudaxChousuke: opens apps, but also will do web links10:36
darkheartAfter you hit alt+space, what can you do?10:36
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JudaxChousuke: I have only messed with those two parts, so not sure if it has other capabilitites10:37
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l3mquick access to apps, bookmarks, links, whatever10:37
Chousukethat's nice.10:37
eternal9having one hell of a time trying to load nvidia drivers 10:37
l3mChousuke: i work on osx and kde and i prefer kde. os x is just too ..hmm.. it slows you down 10:37
eternal9its always telling me that it can't find the kernel for it ? 10:37
l3mand the apps are worse10:38
ChousukeQS can also be used to control apps, manipulate files and do random stuff... there are plugins 10:38
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eternal9can anyone help me out 10:38
Chousukebut I assume katapult will evolve10:38
l3mChousuke: you don't need that10:38
l3mit's already in kde10:38
Judaxeternal9: did you get the nvidia drivers from the repo?10:38
eternal9no from the site 10:38
dennis_pevolve into finderpop? :-)10:38
l3mChousuke: all quicksilver functionality is10:38
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:raingrove] : Fix a beastie for Kubuntu Hug Day, #ubuntu-bugs | Dapper Flight 1 http://tinyurl.com/d5gfk | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | KDE 3.5 is out
Chousukel3m: all of it?10:38
ChousukeI doubt that.10:39
l3mChousuke: maybe you should use kde once in a while.10:39
ChousukeBut I'll try KDE4 anyway when it's released.10:39
Judaxeternal9: is there a reason you need those particular drivers?  I have several installs and the nvidia drivers from repo work fine10:39
l3mChousuke: hehe. old habits keeping you on a worse system.. well, you'll learn, one day ;)10:39
ChousukeDon't have x86 hardware, and there's one feature 3.x lacks anyway that makes it not usable by me.10:39
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Chousukel3m: What might be worse for you might be better for me, so don't say things like that :)10:40
ChousukeI very much like how OS X works. Not many complaints.10:40
l3mChousuke: kde works as well on ppc as on x86, i don't see what process should have to do with it?10:40
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ChousukeWell, my HD is full.10:41
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Chousukewell, already partitioned that is.10:41
Chousukeand can't be bothered to try the live CD10:41
darkheartWhere do you edit what appears in Katapult?10:41
Chousukeor KDE 3.x10:41
Chousukeso I'll try KDE 4 when it's released and I have a machine to run it on :)10:42
l3mChousuke: then why do you hang around in #kubuntu? ;)10:42
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l3mChousuke: any machine which runs os x flies on kde10:42
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ChousukeBecause I'm interested.10:42
Chousukel3m: speed is not essential10:42
Chousukeit should just get the job done in10:43
dennis_pl3m: mhm running 10.2 on 266MHz beige mac10:43
Chousukeas comfortable manner as possible10:43
Chousukenow carnivale ->10:43
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l3mexactly. comfort is the word. 10:44
ccc_is kdebase all i need for a kde 3.5 upgrade?10:44
l3mi need tabbed terminals10:44
eternal9you mean using the package manager judex10:44
l3mi need a good IDE ( xcode - lol )10:44
l3mi don't need a fuckin spinning beach ball all the time10:44
ccc_...i'm new to kde so i haven't a clue :|10:45
l3mccc_ no. "apt-get install kde" 10:45
hirsccc_: have you added kde 3.5 source?10:46
ccc_l3m: ok, thanks10:46
ccc_hirs: yes10:46
hirsccc_: you can also upgrade the system: apt-get dist-upgrade10:46
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ccc_just added the k7 kernel for my amd, should probably let that do its work first10:47
hirshow can I disable the exit animation in kmplayer?  I can't see any option..10:48
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fevoldj2Hi, I have no-ip setup and I can ping my computer, I forwarded the SSH port 22 to this computer, and nmapped my computer locally to make sure port 22 was open and it is, yet I cannot connect to it even on the network.10:49
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darkheartfevoldj2: is your SSH daemon running?10:50
fevoldj2I can open an ssh connection locally, so it should be10:50
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fevoldj2Hmm restarting it did the trick oO10:51
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Chousukel3m: iTerm, eclipse? What's wrong with XCode anyway. :P10:53
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Chousukel3m: Anyway, arguing about this is pretty pointless.10:53
ChousukeThere are areas where OS X is superior to KDE, and vice versa. 10:54
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Maniquii have a question: is it possible that the ISO has been corrupted during downloading? because I burned it two times in the same CD-RW, and when trying to install, it says that cannot install all packages, and when I check CD integrity, it says is corrupted10:55
jjesseyes there is a possiblity10:55
Maniquithanks jjesse10:55
Maniquii'm dowloading it again10:55
jjessemaybe change mirror location?10:56
Maniquiyes, i change it to one in USA10:56
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oshWhat will happen to kde now that most major distros are going for gnome instead? There's only mandriva (and kubuntu) that does all-out KDE now of the major players, or am I wrong?10:57
l3mChousuke: did you try iTerm`it sucks. and Eclipse c++ support is lacking, apart from that is slows down the g5 even more. and if you'd ever tried XCode you'd probably know. I'm just used to the comfort of Konsole/Yakuake and KDevelop3.... 10:57
l3mChousuke: indeed. 10:57
Tm_Tosh: what you mean? we still have users, sponsors, devels etc etc10:58
l3mosh: "most major distros" don't go for gnome, all of them offer both ?10:59
dennis_pyeah, i'm on kde 3.5 from 5.11: ran the 2 commands in konsole, coied deb line in manage repositories in Adept (don't forget the Apply button there) Fetch Updates button and Full upgrade button, restart. done10:59
oshTm_T: I was thinking about Suse now latest. They're going for gnome aren't they? I much prefer KDE so I would love to see it on some more distros.10:59
Tm_Tosh: they offer gnome by default, nothing more10:59
l3mosh: there is no big distro without kde11:00
l3mosh: and that's for a reason. because there are many happy kde users who don't want to switch, and rather switch distro thatn desktop ;)11:00
oshTm_T: But they used to offer kde by default, didn't they? I'm just concerned.11:00
oshl3m: =)11:00
dennis_pdon't worry they will be back when KDE 4 hits11:01
ccc_i'm back. 'sudo apt-get install kde' gives me "Package kde has no installation candidate" even though the kde35 repo is added.11:01
l3mosh: yes, but they got bought by novell, and novell already had a gnome desktop, so of course ( as any sane business would ) they chose to minimize costs11:01
l3mosh: but if suse stopped offering kde, people would stop using suse11:01
oshWe offer kde (RHES version) at work. It works much better than their gnome counterpart. =)11:01
l3mespecially since one of the primary reasons suse was so successful was that they were the only big commercial distro with kde11:02
l3mas default11:02
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l3mi think kubuntu will fill that spot quite nicely11:02
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oshl3m: let's hope so. I'm here, aren't I. ;-)11:02
dennis_pNovell Management thought it was strange to tell their customers to use Qt solutions instead of 100% Novell, they will get over that when demand makes them see reality11:02
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l3mdennis_p: well novell can change their product but they can't change market demand11:03
oshMandriva still ships with KDE as default afaik.11:03
l3mespecially in europe kde is  used ware more widespread that gnome11:03
l3mand i think i18n support of kde is more advanced than gnomes11:04
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l3mtherefore many non-english speaking countries have more kde users, whereas usa is more gnomic11:04
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dennis_pYes, but Novell HQ and golfcourse is in the USA so Gnome will be their focus next 12 months11:05
l3manyway, the nice things about linux - "it's all about choice" ;)11:05
dennis_pthen demand for KDE 4 will show them reality as demanded outside USA11:05
l3mwell maybe in one year everyone is switching to ebuntu-desktop ;)11:05
l3mwho cares. kde survived 10 years and only grew stronger11:06
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Potterdoes anyone know how I enable KDE desktop after I installked Kubuntu on ubuntu?11:06
l3mand if you check the newsgroups when the first kde is dead posts arrived...must have been 2 hours after kde was announced11:06
l3mPotter: choose kde in your login manager11:07
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oshSo, basically I should just stop worrying then...11:07
l3myes. 11:07
l3mwell, if you like to worry about things like that, feel free to continue11:07
PotterI can't find my login manager. >_<11:08
l3mPotter: it's where you enter your password11:08
l3mwhen logging in11:08
l3myou probably use gdm11:08
l3myou can switch to kdm or use "kde session" or so in kdm11:08
PotterI'm asking for a friend; let me see.11:08
PotterHehe, okay. Thanks, l3m! ^_^11:08
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oshOk, so FF1.5 is out. When can I expect it on the regular repos? ;-)11:28
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andreas__anyone know how to listthe ports currently in use, and which processes are using them?11:29
andreas__list the*11:29
oshandreas__: netstat -an | grep -i listen11:31
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oshandreas__: Shows the listening ports. Omit the grep for all ports.11:31
dennis_pash: Pah FireFox is not even Acid2 CSS test compliant, use KDE 3.5 instead :-)11:31
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andreas__thanks osh, but that doesn't tell me anything about what processes are using those ports11:31
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oshandreas__: Getting there.... ;-)11:32
oshandreas__: Most ports and what processes are described in /etc/services11:32
andreas__osh this might be a hijacked box11:33
andreas__I doubt they list their ports in services11:33
oshandreas__: fuser shows "processes using files or sockets"11:33
oshandreas__: does that work for you?11:33
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oshdennis_p: One reason to use FF. http://www.seb.se -> Right side -> Login -> Choose "Privat" in the dropdown. ;-)11:40
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dennis_pnick taken by famous KDE dev hu :-)11:44
_osh_dennis_p: me?11:45
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dennis_posh sounds familiar isn't that an svg guy or something?11:46
_osh_dennis_p: Dunno. I should probably register a nick but I can't be bothered. I'll just switch if someone demands it.11:47
dennis_pno matter just think too out loud11:47
_osh_dennis_p: http://www.skandia.se -> login -> testa din dator.11:48
_osh_dennis_p: another reason for FF.11:48
dennis_pyeah i know banks and stuff don't know konqueror or standards11:49
_osh_dennis_p: Sais cookies disabled though. cant be right.11:49
_osh_time to walk the baby.11:49
dennis_peven google has set up an auto response for complaining konqueror users11:50
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