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artnay | hey guys | 12:17 |
artnay | umh, tango updated. new view-refresh icon x) | 12:17 |
artnay | still I don't get it why the yellow spot is on left side in address-book-new icon | 12:18 |
artnay | every else *-new icon has it on the right side :o | 12:18 |
artnay | derek[] : did you install ubuntu? ;) | 12:26 |
derek[] | hi | 12:31 |
derek[] | no I didn't yet | 12:31 |
derek[] | what is tango? | 12:32 |
artnay | http://tango-project.org/ | 12:37 |
derek[] | OK | 12:51 |
derek[] | I'm first learning about FHS: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/ | 12:51 |
derek[] | Here's something that may be useful for you: | 12:53 |
derek[] | http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/2.0/icons.html | 12:53 |
artnay | that's GNOME's way to handle icons | 12:57 |
artnay | AndyFitz is developing Humility | 12:57 |
artnay | that should replace the default GNOME set | 12:57 |
artnay | well at least it's supposed to replace, although I don't know how things are at the moment | 12:58 |
derek[] | k | 01:01 |
artnay | ok, I've been updating the todo list: http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo | 01:12 |
artnay | If dapper gets Debian's GUI installer, artwork team should put some input on it | 01:20 |
klepas | hi you two :) | 01:23 |
artnay | hey klepas | 01:27 |
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lapo | hi there | 01:28 |
artnay | klepas: you're one of the team members, right? | 01:28 |
artnay | lapo: hi | 01:28 |
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artnay | ok, lots of new ppl here. care to give comments on this? http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo | 01:29 |
klepas | artnay: yea, 'so-to-say' :) | 01:33 |
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klepas | And more people. | 01:34 |
klepas | Welcome th1nk | 01:34 |
th1nk | hey | 01:35 |
klepas | [http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo] artnay: I'll go over it when I can | 01:36 |
klepas | Thanks for taking the initiative to do this. We really need to get a move on :) | 01:36 |
artnay | I fully agree. I try to make that list as complete as I can (with help of others, credits are there as well), then I'll post it to the mailing list | 01:38 |
klepas | good idea | 01:38 |
klepas | it's getting late on my end | 01:38 |
klepas | well, soon early actually | 01:38 |
klepas | but yea | 01:38 |
klepas | will go over when i find the time | 01:38 |
artnay | we need to solve out what's there now, what we (community) want, how should the changes be done, what's preventing us to do that stuff etc. | 01:39 |
artnay | so if you have information on any of those topics, just keep it coming here | 01:40 |
klepas | what's preventing us... well that would be laziness :) | 01:40 |
derek[] | Does Ubuntu follow SUS or POSIX? | 01:40 |
artnay | klepas: disorganization | 01:40 |
klepas | And that too | 01:41 |
artnay | derek[] : ubuntu is based on linux and GNU, now isn't it? ;) | 01:42 |
derek[] | yeah | 01:45 |
derek[] | and linux is POSIX complaint? | 01:45 |
derek[] | compliant* | 01:45 |
derek[] | (anyway, its offtopic) | 01:46 |
artnay | well I don't know how compliant it is, haven't read IEEE's / RMS's standard *g* | 01:47 |
artnay | I suppose it's quite native though | 01:47 |
derek[] | I think I've read linux's relation to POSIX in the past.. not sure | 01:48 |
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artnay | bachler: I updated the list a bit | 01:56 |
bachler | oh | 01:56 |
bachler | im @ school now.. so i cant look right now | 01:56 |
bachler | just got my xchat config to schoolcomputer | 01:57 |
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bach_skol | there.. | 01:57 |
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klepas | guys | 02:26 |
klepas | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=31941 | 02:26 |
artnay | it's simple and classy, I like it | 02:30 |
artnay | although it still has "GDM flaws" (in point of view of windows user) | 02:31 |
artnay | what's that Actions button? for init 6? | 02:32 |
artnay | user name and password should separated into two different sections and there should be "OK" button | 02:33 |
klepas | it's just a mockup | 02:33 |
klepas | :) | 02:33 |
artnay | I'm not saying it should be like that by default, but it should be possible. that way migration from windows to ubuntu would be a bit easier | 02:34 |
klepas | make it reality, and improve it | 02:34 |
artnay | I don't know if it's even possible with the current version of GDM | 02:34 |
lapo | only one field for username and passowrd is better imho | 02:35 |
artnay | lapo: yeah, when you get used to it | 02:36 |
artnay | but image how many support calls help desk would get only for that... don't overestimate people :P | 02:36 |
lapo | you always need to get used to "new" things | 02:37 |
lapo | the support call came for more serieous issue, like not complete vfs support | 02:37 |
artnay | lapo: I'm talking about ppl who only surf the web and do some office jobs | 02:38 |
artnay | like 40-year-old female secretary who doesn't even know what OS is | 02:38 |
artnay | I prefer the GDM way, but as an option the MS would be good | 02:38 |
artnay | ok, remove that female part. It could be a male as well. | 02:39 |
klepas | well i'm off | 02:41 |
klepas | getting earlier and earlier in the morning =) | 02:41 |
klepas | need the sleep | 02:41 |
artnay | bye | 02:41 |
klepas | btw, lapo: nice accessories icon. great work. | 02:42 |
artnay | lapo: what was klepas referring to? | 02:43 |
artnay | would you like to show it? :) | 02:44 |
lapo | it'svtigert work | 02:44 |
lapo | lirj http://xoomer.virgilio.it/bat/Icons | 02:45 |
lapo | lurk, one key offset :-) | 02:45 |
lapo | wait, it's in http://xoomer.virgilio.it/bat/tmp | 02:45 |
artnay | hmm, /Icons is a mix of tango and some GNOME influenced icons, right? | 02:47 |
artnay | are you doing icons for tango project? | 02:47 |
lapo | yes some | 02:48 |
artnay | ok, I really like those media icons | 02:48 |
artnay | replaced the ones I had with those | 02:48 |
artnay | thanks | 02:48 |
lapo | these are the current tango media icons | 02:50 |
lapo | they need some love btw | 02:50 |
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artnay | yeah, I noticed they are the CVS icons. kind of blurry, although I might fcuk something up | 02:53 |
artnay | what kind of love are planning? colours? shapes? | 02:53 |
lapo | I like the shapes, I think I'll plastify the whole set again | 02:53 |
artnay | ok. I added a few links to todo lists, mainly to icons section | 02:56 |
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artnay | ok, to-do list has been changed. I was chatting with mjg59 about Usplash, it's improving | 05:16 |
artnay | http://users.evtek.fi/~jirig/artwork-todo | 05:16 |
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