
LaserJockWere the Hoary pre-release cd's called Array?12:13
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KamionLaserJock: yes12:17
KamionWarty => Sounder, Hoary => Array, Breezy => Colony, Dapper => Flight12:17
LaserJockKamion: aww, thanks12:18
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Kamionanyone here speak any of: Arabic, Czech, Esperanto, Estonian, Farsi, Hindi, Croatian, Korean, Punjabi, Slovak?12:26
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mdkeKamion, maybe i18n on gimpnet?12:33
mdkeor some such channel12:33
Kamionnot bothered enough to join even more channels :)12:34
mdkeKamion, in that case you can use babelfish!12:34
Kamionno, I'm looking for conjugations of "Ubuntu" in those languages12:34
mdkehas anyone who is quite good at linux got a checkout of the docteam svn repo handy?12:35
azeemmdke: "quite good at linux" is a pretty unspecific qualification for -devel chans12:36
mdkeazeem, tbh the main qualification was the second bit12:36
mdkefor the first bit, anything better than me will suffice12:36
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KamionRiddell: how are your merges going? I think you hold the record for most assigned at the moment12:46
Kamiondo you need somebody to help with them?12:46
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=== ajmitch gets away with no assigned merges in main
floamdaniels: sorry to keep bugging you, but have you gotten anywhere with the input issues on xorg 7.0? (bug #20052)12:47
=== mvo goes to bed now
ajmitchnight mvo12:48
mvonight ajmitch 12:48
Kamionfloam: he's on vacation this week12:48
sistpotymdke: he, i just did a checkout... but I don't know if I'm "quite good at linux" ;)12:48
mdkesistpoty, yeah you are...12:50
mdkesistpoty, ok perhaps best if you come to #ubuntu-doc12:50
mdkesistpoty, have you got a spare 10 minutes btw?12:50
sistpotymdke: sure12:50
mhz_dinnermako: ping?12:55
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-167-191.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
azeemmhz_dinner: maybe write him a mail, if he is not watching irc12:56
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mhz_dinnerazeem: okis12:58
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Kamionwoo, one merge to go01:34
Kamion(for me)01:34
=== Kamion goes to bed
sistpotyelmo: pleasy sync labplot from unstable, ubuntu override ok. thx.01:36
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floamKamion: heh great01:56
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mdkethe mailing lists are pretty slow, i think they are about 3 hours behind02:03
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mhz_dinnermdke: r u there?02:05
mdkeyes I am02:05
mhz_dinnermdke: can I intrrupt you idling or anything you are doing?02:06
mdkemhz_dinner, shoot02:06
mhz_dinnerI have created 2 teams in LP02:06
mhz_dinnerboth seem to be ok02:06
mhz_dinnerexcept by the fact that I am requested to get email confirmation02:06
mhz_dinnerand when I try to follow the process, I get error02:07
mhz_dinneryes, I am in #launchpad as well02:07
mdkei think that only they can help you02:07
mhz_dinnerso my only doubt arises...02:07
mhz_dinnerto create teams, do i have to be 100% aproved ubuntu member?02:08
mhz_dinnerafaik, i am 99% only02:08
mdkemhz_dinner, no, i wouldn't have thought so. Anyone can create a team.02:08
mhz_dinneroh, ok.02:08
=== mhz *sighs*
mhzmdke: thx for eliminating variables :D02:10
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=== dilinger twitches
dilingertotem's little popping noises are so incredibly annoying02:13
crimsundefault totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?02:14
dilingerhm, actually, this is gnome's little noises.  good, that means i should be able to shut it up02:14
dilingerah, much better02:14
mdkemhz, what email address are you using?02:17
mdkespeaking of noises, has the Ubuntu login sound changed between breezy and dapper?02:18
floamnot yet02:18
crimsunnot according to the timestamp ,no.02:19
mdkewell it sounds a lot better on my laptop02:19
mdkeguess that means the hardware support has improved02:19
crimsunrunning 2.6.12-{9,10} or 2.6.15-4?02:20
mdkesame as the old breezy kernel02:21
nekohayois there a Matthew Paul Thomas around? :)02:21
mhzmdke: mhz.chile@gmail.com02:22
nekohayoor someone having his email02:22
mhzmdke: i tried mhz@tecnocimiento.cl but it only let me used the gmail one02:22
mdkenekohayo, he is on holiday or away i think02:22
mdkenekohayo, you can get him at mpt at myrealbox dot com02:23
mdkemhz, you've verified the email address?02:23
nekohayothank you mdke (because I started putting together http://start.nanokron.info and just discovered his wiki entry on that matter)02:24
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mdkenekohayo, ah cool02:25
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mhzmdke: what yo mean?02:38
=== mhz was on the phone
=== mhz was then doing the dishes
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=== infinity is paranoid that if he uploads Perl, he'll become the defacto touched-it-last maintainer...
moquistI'm looking at creating a .deb for the vnc-ltsp-config package that is available as an RPM for K12LTSP, and I'm wondering how to handle the extra services that need to be added (e.g., "vnc-1024x768x16 5900/tcp").  I don't see a way to add these services other than by appending to /etc/services, which really doesn't seem like the right thing to do (since this .deb certainly doesn't own /etc/services).  Any advice or ...03:12
moquist... pointers?03:12
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infinitymoquist : It can't work without the extra services entries, or you just want them there for completeness?03:14
infinitymoquist : If they're required, file a bug on 'netbase', it owns the service database.03:15
sistpotyinfinity: is nvtv p-a-s? 03:16
infinity(base)adconrad@lucifer:~/build/dak/srcdep$ grep nvtv Packages-arch-specific03:17
infinity%nvtv: i386 amd64                                                     # [?]  ANAIS, <sys/io.h>03:17
sistpotyhm... strange it didn't build on amd64 yet03:17
moquistwow; so the right thing to do is get those service officially added into /etc/services by netbase?  5900 is the starting point for vnc server ports, so handing it over to vnc-ltsp-whatever doesn't seem like a good thing to do unless that package is installed.03:17
sistpotyinfinity: could you please kick at it for amd64?03:18
infinitysistpoty : Hrm, not registered on amd64.03:19
elmoI've updated p-a-s03:19
infinityelmo : Please sync Packages-arch-specific from ... Oh.. Hi elmo.03:19
ajmitchelmo: please sync f-spot from debian experimental, drop ubuntu changes03:20
sistpotyok, thx infinity, elmo03:20
elmoajmitch: done03:23
sistpotyg'night everyone03:24
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zakameprolly a stupid question, but where's gccmakedep? mas needs it to build :(03:26
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lifeless_windowsdaniels: ping03:51
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wasabiSo Bazaar-NG is pretty badass05:29
wasabiGot rid of the -- naming stuff which confused me, I guess.05:30
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wasabiDoes Bazaar-NG have any sort of daemon component yet? For publishing to a remote branch and doing merge checks and permission checks?05:39
=== akurashy is Away, Reason: ( sleeping then school x_X ) | Since: ( Monday November 28 2005. 19:51:03 ) Xlack v2.1
elmoakurashy: please turn the public away off05:45
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wasabiGrrr. udevstart is now locking me up07:04
wasabii just can't win today07:04
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=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B0C37.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachgood morning07:26
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janimodholbach, morning07:27
dholbachhey janimo :)07:28
janimohey :)07:28
magnonmorning :)07:28
dholbachhi magnon07:29
dholbachyou're up early guys :)07:29
magnonI never went to bed07:29
magnonor, I slept from about 2 to midnight yesterday07:29
magnonthen went down to the office and worked07:29
dholbachi see... :)07:30
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=== viviersf [n=cain@rrba-146-96-186.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
janimoelmo, please sync, override ok : dbh, libxfce4util, libxfcegui4, libxfce4mcs, xfce-mcs-plugins, xfce4-utils, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-appfinder, xfprint4, xfce4-mixer, xfcalendar,xfwm4, xfwm4-themes, xfce4-iconbox, xfce4-systray, xfce4-trigger-launcher07:47
janimothank you07:47
dholbachxubuntu team strikes again :)07:49
magnongood, good :)07:49
janimoelmo, also xfce4-icon-theme, gtk2-engines-xfce, thanks07:50
janimosince it seems people like syncs being asked for ;)07:50
janimocrimsun, hi, debian xfce say that there is no need for autotools-dev in build-dep, and no xinerama either07:51
janimolet's see if these will build on ubuntu w/o them07:51
janimoalthough they require autotools-dev be present on the debian packager's box at build time07:52
crimsunjanimo: they upload debs, though, we don't07:53
janimoI know, I hope I'll be able to convince them07:53
crimsunjanimo: I'm not particularly worried about removing autotools-dev; it's amd64 that may ftbfs07:54
janimoanyway xfce4.2.3 is supposed to have new config.sub &guess07:54
crimsunyeah, if that's the case, then most likely we can strip autotools-dev07:54
janimoand if there's no autotools-dev the rules file is still valid07:54
janimoyeah, that's why I asked for override everything07:54
janimothey picked up most of our non FTBS ubuntu pacthes07:55
janimolet's cross our fingers ::)07:55
crimsunrockin' :))07:55
janimotoo bad we have epochs on some packages which will likely req manual intervention for now on07:57
=== Aegir` [n=richard@d220-238-120-93.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
crimsunyeah, that's a pain07:57
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pittiGood morning08:16
dholbachmorning pitti08:19
pittiHey dholbach 08:19
Mithrandirpitti: did you have a chance to look at sane-backends yesterday?08:19
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pittiMithrandir: no, sorry; let's do it right now, where was the diff again?08:20
sivangGood morning08:21
pittiHi sivang 08:21
Mithrandirpitti: http://people.ubuntu.com/~tfheen/sane-backends/08:21
Mithrandirpitti: and thanks08:21
pittiMithrandir: the new package generates udev rules on the fly?08:21
pittiMithrandir: libgphoto2 is a similar case; I merged it but hold back the upload since the new udev is not yet there08:23
Mithrandirpitti: no, they're created in the debian/rules file?08:23
pittiMithrandir: since libsane uses libgphoto-port which in turn uses libusb, which depends on the newer dev naming scheme of our future udev08:23
pittiMithrandir: so did the merged version already work for you?08:24
Mithrandirpitti: haven't tried it, since I need to patch sane for my driver to work anyway.08:24
Mithrandirbut I don't think uploading a random experimental CVS snapshot of a driver is a good idea, so I'm not going to do that for the packages in dapper08:25
pittiMithrandir: uh, ok; then we should better wait until Keybuk uploads udev08:25
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Mithrandirpitti: that's tomorrow, I think, so ok.08:25
pittiMithrandir: libusb expects the device in /dev/bus/usb/x/y or /proc/bus/usb/x/y08:25
pittiMithrandir: but the current udev creates /dev/usbdevx.y08:26
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infinitypitti / Mithrandir : The new udev will be uploaded as soon as I upload lrm and linux-meta.08:31
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pittiMithrandir: you still install /etc/hotplug/usb08:33
Mithrandirpitti: Is that wrong?08:33
pittiMithrandir: can you please drop these files (script and usermap)?08:33
pittimom, telephone08:33
Mithrandirpitti: yes, sure.  Is there a policy on how to do hotplugging and udev support those days?08:33
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infinityMithrandir : You may find changelogs (and packages) helpful from here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/packages/new-udev/08:39
pittiMithrandir: your postinst purges the usermap and script for both /etc/hotplug/usb and /etc/hotplug.d08:40
pittiMithrandir: so it hardly makes sense to install them in the postinst08:40
pittiMithrandir: the udev rules should be very simple: if vendor and product ID matches, you should assign OWNER, GROUP and MODE08:41
pittiMithrandir: so you don't need any additional maps and scripts any more08:41
pittiMithrandir: so apart from the two superfluous install commands in debian/rules, the diff looks good (and it's very small)08:42
pittiMithrandir: one nitpick would be that the old hotplug.d/hotplug files shuold be removed in preinst, not in postinst08:42
pittiMithrandir: otherwise dpkg registers them as removed conffiles, but they should go away entirely08:42
pittiMithrandir: right now it is impossible to reintroduce the files again08:43
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Mithrandirpitti: ok, I'll provide a fixed package08:52
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pittiMithrandir: how do the udev rules look like?08:53
dholbachhey vuntz_ 08:54
vuntz_hi all08:55
zakamehey vuntz_ 08:55
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mdkeelmo, Znarl, would love it if you could chase up rt #917 (docteam commit access)09:16
\shinfinity: ping what are you thinking about this apache2 error message: (75)Value too large for defined data type: access to /mirror/isos/ubuntu/breezy-dvd-i386.iso failed09:22
Mithrandir\sh: apache 2.0 doesn't support large files.09:22
\shMithrandir: well..this should be changed :)09:23
Mithrandir\sh: no, it shouldn't.  It breaks a lot of stuff.09:23
Mithrandirit's fixed in 2.109:23
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infinity\sh : You  can rebuild locally with the patches I've included in the source, but it WILL break ABI, and may break some stuff you choose to rebuild against it.09:24
infinity\sh : Poke in debian/rules for the commented out CFLAGS, and in debian/patches/to-review for the LFS patches.09:24
fabbioneinfinity: while you are around, do you mind to babysite devmapper and lvm2 uploads? lvm2 should go dep-wait on the new devmapper09:24
infinity\sh : And don't come crying to me if it breaks.  You've been warned. :)09:24
\shinfinity: hmmm...do you think we will get it for dapper server flavour. Because largefile should be supported somehow09:25
fabbioneinfinity: it should do it automatically.. but you may never know09:25
\shinfinity: i will never cry, when I break things....09:25
infinityfabbione : if it has a versioned build-dep, there's nothing I need to babysit.09:25
Mithrandir\sh: dapper might get 2.1.09:25
fabbioneit does...09:25
\shMithrandir: cool09:25
fabbioneinfinity: it still doesn't ensure i didn't mess it up :P09:25
infinitydapper won't get 2.1 without a miracle.09:25
Mithrandirinfinity: it won't?  I thought 2.1 was supposed to be released around now?09:25
infinityEven if it was (and it's not close), I wouldn't trust it for a fe wmonths.  That makes a pretty tight schedule for dapper.09:26
infinityEspecially for a "supported for 5 years" release.09:26
sivangmornig \sh 09:26
infinityI could probably be talked into doing pre-release 2.1/2.2 stuff for dapper+1 and supporting it for 18 months.09:26
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\shinfinity: alternative is "switching back to apache1"?09:27
fabbione\sh: there is no alternative09:27
infinity\sh : Which also doesn't have proper LFS.09:27
infinity\sh : The alternative is "run on amd64, alpha, or ia64, where all file operations are large by definition"09:28
infinity\sh : LFS on i386/powerpc just won't happen until apache 2.2 is stable.09:28
Mithrandiryou could probably do it with a CGI script?09:28
\shok then...I'll try to steal one of the ds15 alphas here :)09:28
=== fabbione takes away the pipe from Mithrandir
infinityIf you never told apache how large the stream was, and just shoved it out?... Maybe.  But 4.5 gigs of CGI output sounds sketchy.09:29
\shwell...yes...dvd iso streaming...directly into k3b .. let's code this crack asap09:29
Mithrandirinfinity: you could write the Content-Size header yourself and ask apache to stay away from understanding it?09:29
MithrandirI guess you could do it from php, even. *shudder*09:30
=== fabbione sends Mithrandir back to bed
infinityContent-Length, even.  And apache will have a poke at it.09:30
\shI wonder what sort of weed I have to smoke...09:30
infinityYou could do it with a module, though, and override that behaviour.09:30
Mithrandirinfinity: nph could work around it.09:30
Mithrandirfabbione: haha. :-)09:31
\sh@if test "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" != "$(ROOT)/usr/bin" && test "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" != "$(ROOT)/usr/bin/"; then \09:31
\sh         echo "Making symbolic links in /usr/bin..."; \09:31
\shthe best Makefile.am rule ever09:31
\shit's so useless09:31
ajmitch_\sh: eh?09:31
\shbut break builds 09:31
\shajmitch_: read very c a r e f u l l y...09:32
fabbioneit checks the same thing twice09:32
\shfabbione: ah no09:32
fabbioneit does09:32
\shfabbione: debian/rules defines in install: make ROOT=$(CURDIR)/debian/temp09:33
magnonit checks if the same thing really is the same thing :)09:33
\shfabbione: but not destdir09:33
\shfabbione: but even if you devine DESTDIR together with ROOT it fails09:33
\shdefine even09:33
magnonkind of like failing if 2+2 != 409:33
\shmagnon: well...as I said it's useless, and it's not working for a this package...so I have to patch :)09:34
magnonimprove it rather, I mean, if that fails because it SHOULD fail, then something is really wrong :D09:34
=== sivang wonders why it does it.
Mithrandirmdz: hmm, on dappergoals, the network-authentication spec isn't there.  Is it, or is it not a dapper goal?09:37
janimopitti, do main inclusion reports get reviewed only when prompted by anastacia output?09:37
\shreal life work...brb09:37
pittijanimo: no, I might do them earlier, but usually an immediate urge by anastacia speeds up the process :)09:38
janimopitti, since the xfce packages I added to the queue are part of xubuntu seeds which are not build on canonical machines so they do not show up in anastacia09:39
pittijanimo: what do you mean by 'not built on canonical machines'?09:40
janimoon the Canonical CD building machines09:40
janimonot official that is09:41
janimonot by Kamion09:41
janimothe seed list for xubuntu is on my localhost09:42
pittioh, ok; but the packages itself are built on an Ubuntu buildd09:45
janimostandard universe packages09:46
mdzMithrandir: it is, and I've added it to the page now09:46
fabbionehey mdz09:46
Mithrandirmdz: ok, thanks.09:52
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raphinkhi there10:00
raphinkstuck in tty since I just upgraded to dapper again ...10:00
raphinkand X won't start ...10:00
raphinkfglrx doesn't install well it seems10:01
infinityraphink : SWitch to the ati driver for now.  fglrx will be fixed tonight.10:02
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fabbioneinfinity: you should be able to give back lvm210:15
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fabbionenew binaries are in the archive10:15
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fabbione(for libdevmapper)10:16
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pittifabbione: yay, your sparc builder finally built sasl, so db4.1, krb4, and libmysqlclient-lgpl can now go to universe :)10:54
fabbionepitti: yes. it did it yesterday i think10:55
fabbioneafter a couple of main/* give-back10:55
fabbionethere were B-D uninstallable for a while10:55
=== pitti does the DapperRemoveDuplicates dance
ajmitch_yay, more universe junk for us10:56
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sivangajmitch_: lol11:01
pittiRiddell: can you please build kdelibs4 against gamin instead of fam?11:05
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davyddaniels: around?11:06
pittidavyd: he's on vacation until next week11:06
=== davyd nods
davydis nvidia-glx in the queue to be rebuilt for dapper?11:06
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infinitydavyd : yes.11:14
davydcare to hazard a guess at how long the amd64 queue is? would it be faster to grab the source and rebuild it myself?11:15
infinityWhat source?11:16
infinity(hint: I still need to upload stuff to fix your issues)11:16
=== infinity goes away for ice cream before coming back to finish that.
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davydok, I can wait11:18
=== davyd sits in ths corner and twiddles his thumbs
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=== akurashy is back ( Away 5 hours 48 mins 55 secs )
ajmitch_akurashy: please, turn off those away messages11:33
Mithrandirakurashy: oh please, turn of that public away.11:33
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KamionBenC: I've mailed ubuntu-devel@ with some questions about update-initramfs use, FYI11:48
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seb128Kamion: can you promote libgpod-dev/libgpod0 so rhythmbox can build? :)11:52
Kamionseb128: need to rerun cron.sync first, doing that now11:58
Kamionseb128: it's still not showing up in anastacia output?12:01
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seb128Kamion: ups, I've dropped the Build-Depends somewhere, uploading a new revision now with it12:03
Kamionseb128: I've promoted it for now anyway12:03
seb128and package uploaded12:04
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KamionPackage alacarte has broken dep on smeg12:08
Kamion  Considering smeg 0 as a solution to alacarte 012:08
Kamion  Holding Back alacarte rather than change smeg12:08
Kamionhmm, I wonder why dist-upgrade doesn't like this12:08
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slomo_BenC: 2.6.15-5 boots fine on my ibook... (I'm currently using ext2 for /boot)... only problems are hardware clock access doesn't work because genrtc isn't loaded by default... and setting the brightness with the keys doesn't work too12:33
slomo_BenC: also for linux-headers asm/highmem.h is missing which is included by linux/highmem.h12:35
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Kamionis anyone working on mozilla-firefox-locale-all?12:37
Kamionit needs an update for firefox 1.5 in order for language-support-* to be installable again12:38
Kamionlooks relatively easy to update, I guess ...12:39
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slomo_BenC: and evdev should be loaded by default to get brightness setting, etc12:51
mvoBenC: the at76c503 driver can't find it's firmware anymore12:53
mvoBenC: in the 2.6.15-5 kernel (k8)12:53
lifelessDiziet: ping12:55
DizietAh, hi.12:56
lifelessDiziet: ah excellent12:57
DizietI don't know how much you wanted to talk about ?  Should we get a channel or will here do ?  It seems quite quiet here atm ...12:57
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lifelessI've just been pulled into a discussion on #launchpad that I think I need to address quickly.01:01
DizietOh, OK.01:01
lifelessthen I will be all eyes and fingers01:01
DizietHow alarming.01:02
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lifelessDiziet: ok01:10
lifelessso, testing.01:10
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DizietAh, hello again.  Good.01:10
lifelesswhat a whacky day. Hows yours shaping up/01:11
DizietNot too bad.  But I only started an hour and a half ago so it's not had time to go really odd.01:11
DizietBut I have a lunch appointment elsewhere so we should try to have this conversation :-).01:12
lifelessso with the testing spec01:12
lifelessthere seem to be two maybe-three levels of goals01:13
=== sivang watches the testing spec discussion.
lifelessthe primary one roughly a more comprehensive lintian01:13
lifelessbut driven by the package01:13
lifelessin that its focused on the packaging aspects of the package.01:13
DizietErr, sort of.01:13
lifelessI know thats terribly handwavy01:14
DizietWell packaging+functionality together.01:14
DizietDo carry on.01:14
mvoogra: did you requested the notification-daemon sync? are all our patches still in?01:14
ogramvo, seb128 cared for it ... i guess they are01:14
mvoogra: ok, thanks01:14
lifelesssecondly to be able to run somewhat arbitrary code which is tests01:14
lifelessin an insulated manner01:15
DizietRight, the virtualisation thing.01:15
lifelessthat is allowed to do unpleasant things as part of testing01:15
DizietThat's essential to integrate the automated testing into launchpad.01:15
lifelessi.e. screw up a system so it can try to repair it, if thats something the package does01:15
DizietIt's not so important in the Debian context because there I think it'll be more ad-hoc.01:15
seb128mvo: yeah, they based the Debian upload on the previous Ubuntu packages01:15
Dizietlifeless: Right.01:16
mvoseb128: ok, thanks01:16
lifelessand what I'm seeing as a third goal is somewhat social, which is to encourage the testing of packages, and the running of their upstream test suites in a methodical manner01:16
lifelessso this isn' the 4 pieces needed to deliver the spec : I'm talking about the strategic outcomes01:16
DizietRight.  One key thing that's needed is to provide a place and a way for everyone to put their test and document them.01:16
lifelessif that makes sense :)01:17
lifelessok cool01:17
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sivangDiziet: I think this is important for even "simple" out of pkg testing, as in TestPlans01:17
sivang(e.g. manual testing)01:18
lifelessso the things I'm thinking about at the moment are:01:18
Dizietsivang: Right, one of the things I'd like to be able to have is for something like TestPlans to say `now invoke the automated test-runner'.01:18
lifeless * should there be a simpler-than-the-control-file API for a test runner01:19
Dizietsimpler API> You mean, a simpler API for the _caller_ ?01:19
lifeless where the control file and virtualisation regime interactions are implemented under that api01:19
DizietOr a simpler interface to providing the tests ?01:19
lifelessuhm. 01:19
lifelessan api with a lot less functionality that can collate the results from what you have described01:20
DizietThe test-runner is the thing that there really only needs to be one of.  The virtualisation regimes and test suites are the things there are lots of.01:20
lifelesswhich lets other test runner environments fit in more compactly01:20
lifelessi.e. move the test runner you have designed down a level. 01:20
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DizietOh, I see, you mean a common interface to (a) this test runner thing I have in AutomatedTesting (b) anything else you think of that doesn't need the virtualisation features and the per-package tests and what-have-you.01:20
lifelessprior art here: the xUnit infrastructure has a runner which can test one and only one test, but the test can report on many tests and do what-have-you as needed01:21
DizietLintian would be an example of (b).01:21
lifelessthis is extremely flexible as long as the interface for *reporting* is comprehensive enough.01:21
lifelessyes, exactly.01:21
lifeless(lintian as an example)01:22
DizietRight.  I think that sounds good but it would need designing.01:22
DizietAnd my design in AutomatedTesting would certainly fit in to something like that.01:22
DizietYou might have to change the `caller' interface to my test-runner to make it fit your new API but that's just a simple matter of a bit of glue.01:22
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sivanglifeless: implementing such an api seems daunting, given amount of of differing functionalities the-control-file could expose, no?01:22
lifelesssivang: not at all, this is why you make it simple. then someone implements their own test to do whatever they need, or they build on the runner Diziet will be doing for the virtualised test regime etc01:23
DizietOTOH I don't really want to get bogged down myself in designing that API just yet.  It's probably best just to see what AutomatedTesting turns out like and then think about what the commonality is between (eg) it and lintian.01:23
lifelessDiziet: I shall do up a straw man for you tomorrow and mail it.01:23
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DizietSure, do.01:23
sivanglifeless: Could I ask you to include me in that email exchange as well please?01:24
lifelesssome things that are extremely useful in running tests are:01:24
lifeless * reporting tests that pass01:25
lifeless * reporting tests that could not run (i.e. this xen is not installed to do nasty-tests with)01:25
lifeless * reporting tests that were not run because they are disabled (i.e. its a buggy test)01:25
lifeless * reporting tests that failed (the exact condition checked for was not found)01:25
lifeless * reporting tests that errored (some random thing went wrong)01:26
lifeless * asking for some subset of tests by a string pattern to run01:26
=== sivang wonders about what-have-you & simpler-than-the-control-file, actually.
lifelessdo they all seem relevant to you ? I'd like use to support them in the top level api for ease of access01:27
DizietRight.  The interface provided by the test-runner will have to specify ways to deal with those things.01:28
DizietI'm not sure that my current plan has support for all of those features.  For example, tests that error (as you say) will probably make the test runner error too.01:28
sivanglifeless: maybe it's beneficial to have another one, like test not supposed to pass yet (e.g. test written ahead of feature implementation)01:28
lifelessah. So theres another point01:28
lifeless * stop the test runner on the first failure | test all tests and report details at the end01:29
lifelesssivang: thats known as an expected failure, we're doing that for Bzr, I missed it above.01:29
lifelesssivang: but the key thing is putting in the idea that these sorts of things can occur, that we should be able to differentiate whats going on01:30
lifelessDiziet: right, we don't need to support all features on day one, but it would be nice to have in mind the sorts of things we'd like to do01:30
DizietI'd be very interested to see your straw man for this.  Absolutely.01:30
lifelesshave you had a chance to eyeball subunit ?01:31
DizietI don't know if you saw but one of the things some people on debian-* pointed out was that my original interface spec requires a fork/exec for each test which can be bad sometimes.  But a more sophisticated fork-and-run-to-do-many-tests needs a more sophisticated API and perhaps you'll pull one out of your back pocket for me :-).01:32
lifelessI plan to reread your spec another time in great detail, but at the moment I'm thinking of a shell (or suitable ?in-essential? language) implementation of subunit01:32
lifelesssubunit happens to do much of this :)01:32
lifelesspmiller has written a C runner for the subunit protocol01:32
lifelesswhich aegis supports01:33
lifelessto save you digging it up ...01:33
lifelessthe subunit protocol says that you run a program01:33
DizietI should look up subunit.01:33
lifelessand the program reports tests like so:01:33
DizietOh, ah, yes, of course, aegis would need a protocol to speak to unit tests.01:34
=== sivang looks at the README lifeless wrote for subunit
lifelessTEST: test foo works01:34
lifelessSUCCESS: test foo works.01:34
lifelessTEST: tar a file.01:34
lifelessFAILURE: tar a file. [01:34
lifeless ] ..  space is eaten.01:34
lifelessfoo.c:34 WARNING foo is not defined.01:34
lifeless] 01:34
lifelessa writeln to stdout01:34
lifelessthe idea is that the TEST: prefixed lines are eaten by the test runner and turned into whatever output its making01:34
lifelessthe stuff in the [ ..\n..\n..\n ]  section is failure log for the failure, which the runner also eats and shows in whatever way it wants01:35
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lifelessand the 'a writeln to stdout' is random output that was not part of the protocol and the runner just outputs to stdout01:35
DizietI should definitely take a look at it.  The less I have to invent the better.01:36
lifelessgoogle should find it just fine ;)01:36
sivanglifeless: so everything after the TEST: are resting targets, and SUCCESS/FAILURE : are response snippets to cpmare against?01:37
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sivangthat is , resolved to response snippets, output01:37
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lifelesssivang: everything after TEST: is the name of the test for the UI01:37
lifelesseverything after SUCCESS and FAILURE is the matching test label01:37
lifelessso that a corrupt child process can be detected01:37
Dizietlifeless: Anything else you want to talk about ?01:37
lifelessDiziet: nup, I think we've covered the salient bits01:38
DizietExcellent.  Right, well I'll rush off to my lunch appointment now then.01:38
lifelessI'm sure we'll find more to talk about as we explore, but I've offered all the suggestions at hand :)01:38
Diziet:-).  Thanks a lot, that's very helpful.01:39
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dokojordi, Keybuk, Diziet: can galeon and epiphany-browser handle plugins as well (i.e. the non-free java)?01:57
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ptlodoko, epiphany-browser works nicely with non-free flash for me ....01:58
seb128doko: you didn't ask me but yeah they do01:58
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jordidoko: yes01:59
jordidoko: just put it in the ff/(moz plugins dir02:00
jordiit'll use whatever is installed for the main browser it's based on02:00
dokoseb128: I'm so sorry that I didn't realize that it starts with g* *grin* ;-P 02:02
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KamionSeveas: you have about a 50% correctness hit rate at closing my bugs or saying they're fixed at the moment ;-)02:09
Kamion(thanks for the efforts, though)02:09
ogragtk2-engines-gtk-qt is EVIL !02:10
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SeveasKamion, ah damn, please correct me where I'm wrong02:12
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KamionSeveas: have done02:13
SeveasJust trying to clean bugzilla cruft02:13
Kamion(in general it would be nice if enhancement bugs with a clear description and clear intent defaulted to being left open)02:14
HiddenWolfKamion, Seveas, update the title to say [enhancement]  perhaps?02:16
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SeveasHiddenWolf, no, the severity already says that :)02:17
HiddenWolfI never noticed that. :/02:17
KamionHiddenWolf: subject line space is valuable and shouldn't be wasted on metadata02:17
HiddenWolfKamion, it's wasted on ramblings mostly. :)02:18
SeveasKamion, http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2203 - should I close it due to inactivity (apart from the unrelated added bug report) or leave it open?02:35
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KamionSeveas: I'll ask if it's reproducible on breezy02:36
Seveaseven better02:37
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KamionSeveas: it would certainly be highly unfair to close it due to inactivity since the reporter was never asked for any more information02:37
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dholbachelmo: please sync glibmm2.4 from sid, ok to override02:43
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mjg59elmo: vbetool has changed from arch:i386 to arch:any02:46
mjg59Does that need manual overriding?02:46
Mithrandirmjg59: PaS need updating, most likely.02:47
=== Kinnison thought we trusted arch lines in ubuntu
elmoKinnison: no02:48
elmomjg59: what tollef said02:48
Kinnisonelmo: right02:48
mjg59elmo: I don't have access to PaS02:48
elmomjg59: http://cvs.debian.org/srcdep/Packages-arch-specific?rev=1.595&root=dak&view=markup02:49
elmomjg59: see comment at top02:49
mjg59Wasn't it on chinstrap at some point?02:50
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elmono, never, it's always been a Debian thing02:51
ograi have an intresting error, if i try to build gtk-qt-engine in my pbuilder i get "config.status: error: cannot find input file: po/Makefile.in" which in fact is a lie ... if i login to my pbuilder and do all the steps manually its all working fine ...02:51
ograhas anybody a hint for me ? 02:51
MithrandirI guess pbuilder has good taste and refuses to build such a thing? :-)02:52
ograsadly it doesnt know my merge bugs :)02:52
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ograthen it would probably more friendly ...02:53
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\shMithrandir: I hope you're not serious about gtk-qt-engine :)03:00
\shok..going home now...laters babes03:01
infinitymjg59 : Will vbetool actually build/work on anything other than i386/amd64?03:03
mjg59Should do, yeah03:04
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mjg59x86emu is cross-platform03:04
infinitymjg59 : Right, I'll pull it from P-a-s, then.  Can you make sure Debian gets your crack?03:04
mjg59vbetool goes to debian and then gets synced03:04
mjg59(Of course, I may always have fucked up the upload)03:05
infinityelmo : P-a-s updated.03:05
elmoinfinity: feel free to add yourself to the P-a-s contact list if you like, btw03:07
elmoupdated in ubuntu, anyway03:07
infinityWill do now.03:07
=== teuf [n=teuf@LSt-Amand-152-31-11-137.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ogra wonders if his error is a cdbs bug ...
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pittiogra: cdbs does not have bugs, just lots of features that aren't documented anywhere...03:15
ograso i wonder if its a hidden feature ...03:16
ogralike --fail-with-silly-errors03:16
pittiHi teuf03:16
teufpitti, I had a question about yesterday's discussion about malloc int overflows03:17
teufcan such bugs easily be exploited ?03:18
pittiteuf: yes, that's pretty much a standard pattern03:18
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pittiteuf: there are lots of security holes in image processing software and the like03:18
teufpitti, do you happen to have any link describing a concrete exploit of such an issue?03:18
pittiteuf: i. e. you trick somebody to open a malicious image, and if you craft the image properly, you can execute arbitrary code with the victim's privileges03:19
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pittiteuf: e. g. https://www.ubuntulinux.org/usn/usn-214-1, a very recent one03:20
pittiteuf: well, that one isn't an int overflow, lemme search for another one03:21
pittiteuf: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2005-3186, another recent one in GTK03:23
pittiteuf: see /msg for details03:24
teufok, what I need to learn about are heap-based buffer overflows ;)03:25
pittiteuf: the stack based ones are easier to exploit03:26
Seveasogra, --fail-with-silly-errors is the default :)03:26
ograyes, sadly ...03:26
jbaileyteuf: AFAIK a heap based exploit is just as likely to give you as segfault as an actual exploit.03:26
ograand i really have no idea how to compile this crap ...03:26
teufpitti, yeah, I pretty much understand how a stack based overflow can be exploited03:26
pittiteuf: but due to the nature of virtual memory handling, heap management is/can be predictable, too, and exploited03:26
teufthese are the heap based ones that I have more troubles understanding how they can be exploited ;)03:26
Seveasogra, is the source from dapper? 03:27
teufI'll google around for that later03:27
pittiteuf: memory management is not completely arbitrary; well the physical allocation is, but not the virtual one03:27
pittiteuf: yes, there are several papers about exploiting heap overflows03:27
teufpitti, aren't there some patches to randomize a process address space or something like that?03:27
teufI guess this helps avoiding these issues ?03:27
pittiteuf: yes, that's what e.g. grsecurity does03:28
ograSeveas, nope, the debian and dapper sources produce a hard crash of gnome, i'm trying the upstream source package from freedesktop03:28
mdkeplanet.u.c rss feeds are broken again03:28
pittiteuf: randomization helps to turn arbitrary code execution into a simple crash03:28
dholbachogra: what are you talking about=?03:28
ogradholbach, our most evilpackage 03:28
ogradholbach, gtk-qt-engine03:28
pittiteuf: but additionally you should have nonexecutable writable memory pages (exec-shield, PaX, etc.)03:28
dholbachah i see :)03:28
ogragcompris is only big, its not evil at all :)03:29
jsgotangcomost evil haha03:29
ograswitching to QT in gnome makes *every* gtk app crash03:29
pittiteuf: with those, you are reasonably sure against all standard exploits; it's not 100% secure, though, but already helps a great deal03:29
mdkedoes quim gil come on here in irc?03:29
Seveashmm, planet should send a charset...03:30
ogramdke, i'm not sure, but if, then you might find him in #edubuntu03:30
mdkeogra, know his nick?03:30
ograno idea 03:30
SeveasI had the same problem on planet.ubuntulinux.nl which sent ISO-8859-1, while the content was ITF-803:30
ograbut he's active edubuntu member03:30
teufpitti, thanks for all the details :)03:30
=== mdke nods at Seveas
Seveasand p.u.c sends no charset at all (not in http header, not in xml)03:30
pittiteuf: you're welcome, if you are interested in that stuff and it helps you to write more secure software, then my job gets easier :)03:31
mdkeSeveas, that is why the & breaks the rss i guess03:31
teufpitti, I guess I'll be a bit more careful when doing mallocs now ;)03:31
Seveasmdke, hmm, if he uses a bare & his feed is wrong :)03:32
mdkeelmo, dunno if you can fix the planet.u.c rss, it seems to break with the symbol "&" in post titles03:32
Seveasmdke, ah THAT is simply a planet misconfiguration03:32
mdkei get the feeling that elmo can't access the planet configuration at the moment03:32
Seveasping jdub to fix his rss20.xml.tmpl and let it properly escape the title :)03:33
elmomdke: I don't maintain planet; jdub does03:33
elmohis/our baz tree is broken, so I can't update it get your feed or any other fixes.  jdub's working on moving planet to another box in the meantime03:34
mdkeelmo, right, but i seem to remember you says that you had to sync it from his archive in order to get his changes03:34
=== mdke nods
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mdkei'll mail him about this "&" problem03:34
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teufpitti, at least, you got me worried about rhythmbox daap code :-/03:41
ograyippie :)03:42
ograit works if i patch with latest CVS ....03:42
ograbah, its sooo ugly ...03:42
ograbut doesnt crash :)03:44
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ogragrrr ... this sucks ...03:48
zakameogra: awww03:49
ograwhy the heck is this crap in main ... even upstreams website states that it doesnt work03:49
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ogralamont !03:58
lamont:-)] 04:00
ogralamont, any news about my livefs ? :)04:01
lamonthrm... thought I'd done that.04:01
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lamontogra: I'll check on it momentarily04:01
ograthanks :)04:01
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pittiHi zyga 04:07
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trappistmouse-drv.so and kbd-drv.so seem to be missing from the new xserver-xorg04:10
zygapitti: hello04:10
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sivangre zyga 04:13
Nafallotrappist: that's probably a question for #ubuntu, but you might want to have a look at xserver-xorg-input-*04:13
zygaclueless work office drones suck...04:13
Diziethttp://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ghostscript/2005-11/msg00001.html> Hmm, GNU have decided to take a more aggressive approach to gs.  That'll be interesting to watch and see how it turns out.04:14
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carlosseb128, ping04:32
carlosseb128, I know what's the problem with totem04:33
davydinfinity: did you end up uploading a new nvidia-glx?04:34
janimoelmo, when/if syncing the xfce related packages I asked earlier today, you can omit xfce4-icon-theme and xfce4-mixer (has epoch), thanks04:35
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trappistNafallo: I also reinstalled xserver-xorg-input-* and the files are missing from those as well04:36
seb128carlos: pong04:39
seb128carlos: ah, cool :)04:39
carlosseb128, the .pot is missing from the extracted tarballs04:39
carlosseb128, if you send me the latest .pot for the breezy's sourcepackage I will fix it manually04:40
seb128doko: I've reassigned poppler sync bug to you, your changes are directly to the diff.gz and quite a mess ...04:41
seb128carlos: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/totem.pot04:41
seb128carlos: thanks04:43
carlosseb128, please, review dapper's sourcepackage to know what's wrong with totem 1.204:44
carlosseb128, no worries04:44
carlosseb128, sorry for the delay04:44
seb128carlos: it doesn't generate a pot, that's all04:44
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mantienahi all04:44
seb128carlos: I'm not sure it did before, there is no mention of such change to the package changelog04:44
seb128carlos: you probably set this pot by hand first time04:44
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seb128Hi mantiena04:45
mantienaI wanna talk about gksudo patch in .desktop files04:45
mantienaI think it's bad decision04:45
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carlosseb128, I suppose the POTFILES.in has a reference to an unexisting file or something like that04:45
zygacarlos: hey04:46
carloszyga, hi04:46
zygacarlos: I'll try to finish the importer today04:46
seb128carlos: no, the package doesn't use CDBS so it doesn't get the magic that's all04:46
zygaI'm so frelled up with my daily job I need ubuntu to fix my mind04:46
carlosseb128, oh, so that means that 1.2 removed the .pot file...04:46
seb128carlos: probably yep04:46
carloszyga, ;-)04:46
seb128carlos: I'll add a call to intltool-update -p from the debian/rules04:46
carloszyga, don't worry, next week I will be on holidays and I doubt I will be able to use your script this week so you have one extra week :-)04:47
mantienanow most software, which needs root privileges doesn't work from GNOME/KDE/XFCE menus if user enters root password during installation04:47
carlosseb128, ok04:47
zygacarlos: oh, good to know04:48
Nafallotrappist: really? I have them see...04:49
Nafallonafallo@darkelf:~ $ dpkg -L xserver-xorg-input-mouse | grep so04:49
seb128mantiena: entering a passwd doesnt prevent to use sudo04:50
mantienamvo, it seems bug http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8775 is assigned to you and I need to talk with you about removing gksudo patch ?04:50
mantienaseb128, look at bug http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=877504:50
dokoseb128: please check your email, I did send you the patches, did ask you before applying them, and you agreed to forward them upstream.04:51
Kamionmantiena: that's probably more an installer bug; we could change the installer to still give the first user sudo privileges by default even if you enter a root password during installation04:51
seb128doko: ups, forgot about that. But please use debian/patches for patches04:51
mantienaseb128, I'm talking about situation, when there are no user, which is added to admin group04:51
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KamionI did it that way because I reckoned people who wanted to set a root password might be the sort of people who'd want to disable sudo privileges for the first user04:52
seb128mantiena: add it04:52
mantienaKamion, what add ?04:53
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mantienaseb128, what add ?04:53
seb128mantiena: give sudo rights to your user and that's fixed04:53
mantienaKamion, you did right decision04:54
mantienaseb128, please look at bug http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=877504:54
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carlosseb128, "64 files were queued for import from the tar file you uploaded."04:54
carlosseb128, latest tarball for totem uploaded. It should appear in next 24 hours04:54
mantienaseb128, bug is not in my system, there are lots of administrators, who don't want to use sudo04:54
seb128carlos: thanks04:54
carlosseb128, you are welcome04:54
seb128mantiena: this bug is clear enough04:55
mantienaseb128, there is better decision than replacing gksu with gksudo in .desktop files04:55
seb128mantiena: what else do you want to change?04:55
KamionSeveas: in what universe is James Troup in charge of creating the ISOs? :-P04:56
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mantienaA good solution to this is set "sudo-mode = yes" in /etc/gksu.conf and use gksu 04:56
mantienain the launchers. This will have the same effect of gksudo and will make the04:56
mantiena life of some users "not so hard" giving the chance to disable sudo commenting 1 line in 1 file - /etc/gksu.conf 04:56
SeveasKamion, apparently in a parallel universe in my brain04:56
seb128mantiena: I know this bug, but you have some other idea or you just want to point it ?04:56
maswanSeveas: a parallel universe populated all by elmo clones?04:56
Seveasmaswan, that would be scary04:57
mantienaseb128, I just wanna ask why this bug isn't solved until now04:57
mantiena Additional Comment #1 From Matt Zimmerman  2005-04-07 23:37 UTC  [reply]  -------04:57
mantienaSounds reasonable to me; we should probably do this for Breezy04:57
mantiena------- Additional Comment #2 From Sebastien Bacher 2005-04-11 17:31 UTC [reply]  -------04:57
mantienaright, I'll change that for breezy04:57
seb128mantiena: because we have thousand and bugs and it's easy to forget one change04:58
tsengmantiena: seb has 100s of bugs fwiw04:58
mantienawill this be changed in dapper ?04:58
Seveastseng, oh my, shouldn't he be in the hospital right now?04:58
seb128mantiena: if somebody take the time to do the change yep04:58
KamionSeveas: see #2540 for my reply04:58
seb128mantiena: but better to ping on bugzilla than IRC04:58
SeveasKamion, do I dare to watch?04:59
mantienaseb128, ok, I just wanna know if problem is in free time or not04:59
Kamiongenerally stuff assigned to me *is* actually my responsibility ;-)04:59
seb128as said before, thousand of bugs, easy to drop a wishlist05:00
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seb128mantiena: I'll set the milestone to 6.04 for this one so we don't forget about it05:00
wasabi(WW) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap05:01
=== wasabi investigates.
mantienaseb128, thans05:02
seb128mantiena: you're welcome05:02
SeveasKamion, ok, I'm still learning and trying to make myself useful05:03
SeveasThere was a suggestion a few weeks ago to create a list of Ubuntu developers and their responsibilities, is there any progress with that?05:03
Seveas(It would sure help me in my bugzilla raids)05:03
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ogragrumble 05:09
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mantienabtw, I don't find any help or FAQ, or readme about laptop support in default Ubuntu Breezy installation :( agains which package should I report the bug?05:11
wasabithere is somethign totally messed up with the mouse prefs right now haha05:13
wasabiif I change it, my mouse gets Really Slow05:13
wasabiand the faster I move it, the slower it gets.05:13
wasabiLike acceleration is backwards.05:13
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carlosseb128, the import is done, just in case you want to check it05:27
seb128carlos: will do, thanks again05:27
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mdkeseb128, are you absolutely sure that #20257 is a dup of #20134? the former bug does not happen when opening yelp, which works fine. it is only when opening xml files in yelp.05:36
Seveasbugs on libqt3 are for jriddell, right?05:36
seb128mdke: I'm sure of nothing without a backtrace05:37
mdkeseb128, well can I reopen the bug and provide one then?05:37
seb128provide one, I'll reopen if required05:38
seb128but yelp doesn't work on dapper05:38
seb128that's due to firefox1.505:38
mdkeseb128, it works because firefox1.5 doesn't get installed on dapper, it get's held back05:38
mdkei can view html in it, but not xml05:38
seb128lack of this information to the bug05:38
seb128we should get a page "how to fill a bug" :)05:39
mdkethey exist05:39
seb128ie: when you say "yelp crashes on latest dapper"05:39
mdkei thought i was being pretty clear when I said "yelp crashes on opening xml files"05:39
seb128that's not coherent with "firefox1.5 doesn't get installed"05:39
mdkeok i'll try again05:39
seb128I've read "yelp crash on dapper"05:40
seb128and dupped with the other05:40
seb128because yelp just crashes on startup on dapper05:40
seb128which is due to firefox1.505:40
mdkeseb128, no problem, i'm not gonna argue, i'll just reopen it05:40
seb128that's probably a gnome-doc-utils bug anyway05:41
seb128that's the piece which changed yesterday05:41
mdkethe file it complains of is in yelp tho05:41
seb128I don't have a /usr/share/yelp/xslt/db2html.xst05:42
mdke.xsl ?05:42
seb128ups, typo05:43
seb128it didn't change for weeks this one05:43
mdkei'll do the backtrace05:43
mantienaI don't find any help or FAQ, or readme about laptop support in default Ubuntu Breezy installation :( agains which package should I report the bug?05:44
dholbachmantiena: we heard you on the first time, if nobody answers, that's a good sign to take it to the mailing list05:46
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seb128mantiena: the question is not clear, what do you call "laptop support"05:47
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Kamionelmo: could you sync rootskel 1.27 from incoming, please? our current version is broken05:50
=== ogra kicks gtk-qt-engine heavily
elmoKamion: done05:51
=== ogra cries
Kamionelmo: ta05:52
=== pitti hands ogra the universe demotion axe
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ograpitti, its not even suitable for universe imho05:53
dholbachpitti: you're so mean... poor motus05:53
pittidholbach: the MOTUs don't HAVE to care about all packages in universe..05:54
elmoshould 2.6.15 be in main?05:54
elmoBenC/Kamion: ^-- ?05:54
BenCelmo: blah05:54
Kamionelmo: yes05:54
pittiogra: no packages except kubuntu-desktop depend on it05:54
Kamionit won't be long before stuff is fixed to depend on it05:54
BenCelmo: yes, it should05:54
elmoBenC: .. why blah?05:55
BenCas soon as lrm is ready, linux-meta will be updated for 2.6.1505:55
elmooh, never mind, cron.sync just ran before the latest ABI got  into main is all, that's why anastacia wants to demote it all05:55
BenCelmo: blah == ping this time of the day :)05:55
ograpitti, but there must be a reason why Riddell  wants it (even if it had the same bug that crashes all of gnome since hoary apparently)05:56
elmoBenC: ah, heh05:56
pittiogra: if it's helplessly broken, why bother?05:56
ograbecause it works on the kde side if you dont use gnome apparently05:57
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ogra(for single apps)05:57
ograbut using it in gnome makes your panel and the session manager crach hard ... 05:58
Seveasthen let it Conflicts: gnome-panel :)05:58
mdkeseb128, my attempt at getting a trace has failed because the version I yelp I built crashes on startup ;) anything else I can do for that bug?05:58
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ograSeveas, that would mean installing kubuntu-desktop removes gnome-panel :p06:00
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elmooh, ok, now anastcia only wants to demote all the 2.6.15 d-i stuff06:02
elmokamion/benc: shall I just ignore it?06:02
Kamionelmo: please - I'll fix it up when we actually switch, fixing it now would be complicated and confusing for CD builds06:02
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elmook, no prob, just checking06:02
elmobtw, I assume genromfs will just fix itself once sparc builds d-i?06:03
BenCI'll upload -6 abi with new linux-meta to make it easier06:03
Kamionelmo: yeah, should do, need to check what's up there06:03
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Kamionboggle, I just sent SIGTERM to a vim process madly spinning in select(), and not only did the process not die, but it actually fixed itself and is still usable as an editor06:04
mdkeseb128, ah, it is because build-dep installed firefox 1.5 lol. I'll have to wait until the other bug is fixed, and then provide a trace if my bug still exists06:04
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seb128mdke: k, now you have the common situation :)06:08
mdkeyeah, bummer06:09
mdkestupid build-dep06:09
mdkeseb128, i suppose the common situation will take some time to fix?06:10
mdkeor is it pending pretty soon?06:10
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seb128mdke: yelp doesn't build with current firefox06:14
seb128epiphany upstream has some hack fixing it, but they don't know what exactly does this06:15
seb128so either we wait to get firefox fixed or patch yelp06:15
seb128anyway should be fixed this week06:15
Kamionjbailey: the grub merge is interestingly non-trivial actually - we never sent Nathaniel's nonaltoptions change to Debian, so now they've implemented the same option with a different name06:16
Kamionyay migration06:16
mdkeSeveas, great06:16
jbaileyKamion: Joy.06:16
mdkeseb128, great06:16
jbaileyKamion: I inherited grub quite late.  I don't think I ever actually made an upload with it.06:16
jbaileyKamion: Tollef did send me a patch for supporting multiple initramfs', so if it's alot of work he might have looked at the internals more recently than anyone else.06:17
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zygadoes anyone remember bootchart package and gnome startup profiling?06:19
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pittijbailey: yay, 'copy' resolution works now :)06:22
pittiHi mdz06:22
jbaileypitti: Sweet!06:22
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ograhey mdz06:24
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ograRiddell, is there a real urgent need for gtk-qt-engine in kubuntu ? it causes heavy instabilities in gnome and seems pretty unusable from the gnome side ... i.e. #18210 but there are also many similar bugs in other distros, its not ubuntu specific06:31
Riddellogra: there's not an urgent need no06:31
ogracould we demote it to universe ? 06:32
dholbachto morgue please ;)06:32
RiddellI'll look at the problems and may well remove it for dapper if it's too much of an issue06:32
Riddellbut it is really nice when it works06:32
ograi dont think its even in alpha state ...06:32
ograand for sure not something we want support for 5 years06:32
ogra(or even 3 for the desktop)06:33
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ograseb128, uuuh, what made debian decide to accept such a patch ... ?06:44
dholbachogra: which one?06:47
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ogradholbach, see -devel06:47
dholbachnobody knows :)06:47
ograi 06:47
seb128ogra: dunno if it has been "accepted", I guess it has been made by the maintainer06:48
ograis it still ryan ? 06:48
seb128yep :/06:49
ograiirc he was asked in pre-ubuntu times already to give it to the gnome team ...06:50
ograodd ...06:50
seb128he said he would not give it and not accept any NMU06:50
seb128upload with an epoch if required, etc06:50
ograhow about leaving the debian package alone completely and have our own gdm  ?06:51
dholbachhaha... good idea :)06:51
ograso you wont suffer from him06:51
=== dholbach hugs seb128
seb128that's quite the case06:52
seb128I've switched it to cdbs06:52
seb128and I update it :p06:52
ograheh, good ...06:52
dholbachcdbs to the rescue! :)06:52
dholbachseb128: two times a year should be enough06:52
ograi mean, if we can go away from debian with wine, we can also do it with gdm :)06:53
ograand if BenC finally follows mike hearns suggestion, we can all just "modprobe gnome" in the future :)06:54
siretartogra: lol06:54
=== ogra stops being silly now
siretartogra: this guy is so annoying.. unbelievable..06:55
=== fabbione hangs ogra on a kernel spin lock
BenCogra: atomic_dec(modprobe_gnome_idea)06:55
ograsiretart, see http://planet.autopackage.org/ if you want to know more about him :)06:56
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siretartogra: oh, he is one of the autopackage drivers?06:57
ograhe's THE autopackage drivers06:57
siretartI see06:57
siretartbookmarked and on my way home06:57
siretartcu later guys!06:57
=== dholbach couldn't find the integrate kernel and gnome bit
dholbachbye siretart 06:57
ograwhy do you think he wants gto get rid of distributors :=)06:58
sivangogra: they have a planelt?06:58
sivangerr, planet06:58
ograsivang, check the url06:58
sivangogra: checked, it's your freind there :)06:58
=== BenC [n=bcollins@richmond-209-163-125-167.dynamic-dialup.coretel.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangah sorry06:58
sivangs/ogra/\sh/ freind :)06:59
sivangogra: \sh_away keeps mentioning him :)06:59
ograyes... see -devel over the last days :)06:59
sivangI don't have time for such LONG threads :)07:00
ografrom my experience you can be sure it becomes a loooong thread if a mail from him hits -devel 07:00
sivangI accidently ^D's it07:00
sivangsee my 2 last responses ^^07:00
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mdzpitti: this postgresql 8.0 debconf note on every upgrade is very annoying; what is its purpose?07:01
pittimdz: well, to be annoying :)07:02
mdzit's displayed twice on every upgrade; this seems excessive07:03
pittimdz: I want to avoid that people run unsuported software07:03
pittimdz: hm, it seems that it is displayed twice for everybody except me :(07:03
mdzpitti: do you propose that all universe packages should have such a note on every upgrade? ;-)07:03
pittimdz: how do you upgrade?07:03
pittimdz: hm, I usually install with sudo dpkg -i, maybe that's the difference why I only see it once07:04
fabbionemdz: it's probably just a reminder to apt-get --purge remove pgsql && apt-get install mysql ;)07:04
mdzpitti: yes, the first one is during debconf preconfiguration07:04
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pittimdz: ah, ok, will fix that07:04
mdzfabbione: launchpad requires a real database07:04
pittimdz: with some fiddling it should be possible to display it just once07:04
fabbionemdz: ehhe i know07:05
mdzpitti: once on every upgrade is still too much; it should at most be displayed once ever07:05
pittimdz: I just need to display the same note for all unsupported versions (db_subst magic)07:05
pittimdz: right, that's what I meant with my second 'once'07:05
elmomdz: ?? that's a bit of a turn-around from Mister Mysql07:05
mdzelmo: http://www.oracle.com/corporate/press/2005_oct/inno.html07:06
elmoah, right07:07
sivangpitti: I apt-get dist-upgraded and it popped it up for me only once as well, so you're not alone.07:07
mdz<mysql> I'm hurt bad!07:07
=== sivang wonders if that means oracle will push some efforts into the InnoDB
sivangor port stuff from XE into it ,etc07:09
seb128mdke: k, I've figured what's wrong07:10
mdkeseb128, rock07:10
seb128mdke: g-d-u has a CVS file which is not shipped with the tarball07:10
seb128yelp 2.13.1 doesn't crash but complain about /usr/share/xml/gnome/xslt/docbook/html/db2html-bibliography.xsl07:10
seb128elmo: gtk+2.0 2.8.8 sync from Debian incoming please07:11
ograelmo, there must be a binary called kanagram stuck in NEW somewhere, its the renamed kmessedwords, could you process it ?07:12
dholbachelmo: and if you didn't do it yet, please sync glibmm2.4 from sid (override ok)07:13
elmoseb128: done07:13
seb128elmo: thanks07:13
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elmodholbach: done07:15
dholbachmerci beaucoup07:15
elmoogra: there's nothing in NEW07:15
elmoogra: assuming you mean ubuntu07:15
ograhmm, strange 07:15
ograits build by kdeedu ... but doesnt appear in the archive07:15
elmo  kanagram | 4:3.5-rc2-0ubuntu1 | dapper/universe | amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc07:16
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ograelmo, thanks for the effort ... i'm to silly... i always look in main...07:18
ogramdz, do you do anastacia currently ? if so, yould you promote kanagram (former kmessedwords) for edubuntu-desktop ?07:20
janimoelmo please sync override ok : dbh, libxfce4util, libxfcegui4, libxfce4mcs, xfce-mcs-plugins, xfce4-utils, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-appfinder, xfprint4,  xfcalendar,xfwm4, xfwm4-themes, xfce4-iconbox, xfce4-systray, xfce4-trigger-launcher, gtk2-engines-xfce, thank you07:20
mdzogra: anastacia output is published every 15 minutes or so to http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/anastacia.txt07:21
ogramdz, i know ...07:21
ogramdz, i want the package in main again :)07:21
ograthey renamed it07:21
mdzogra: ok, anastacia doesn't do that, but I can07:21
ograthast what i mean :)07:21
ogradamn, my typing sucks today07:22
mdzRiddell: amarok is still uninstallable in main07:22
tepsipakkias is most of KDE07:24
Riddellmdz: looking at it now07:25
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DizietROTFL.  firefox has just prompted me what I would like to do with a file, and is offering to open it with ... /usr/bin/firefox.07:28
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ograivoks, whats the reason for not syncing kile the elmo way ? 07:30
pittiDiziet: go MIME...07:30
DizietGo firefox's completely batshit mime type handling.07:31
=== Gman- [n=gman@nwkea-socks-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59siretart: Latest acpi-support on dapper should work out of the box for you07:33
DizietHrm, I think I should try stripping file extensions off too to see if I can separate out madness due to guessing the file type by looking at it from madness based on the filename.07:33
elmojanimo: done07:34
janimoelmo, thanks07:34
ivoksogra: my mistake07:35
pittielmo: please sync db4.107:35
elmopitti: ...07:36
elmosync it from what?07:36
ograivoks, if you really made changes to the package you synced, -Xubuntu1 would have been the right versioning... if not, a sync from elmo would have been better than syncing manually ... 07:36
elmotroup@spohr:~$ madison -s unstable db4.107:36
ograivoks, dont forget we have to live for 3/5 years with the mistakes we make now :)07:36
pittielmo: oh, I still have a merge bug open07:37
pittielmo: we recently eliminated its usage in main07:37
elmoyeah, and I just removed it07:37
ivoksogra: i know :/07:37
ivoksogra: there are no changes, only new build07:37
elmopitti: so just close the bug ;)07:37
elmoare we supporting hoary -> dapper?07:37
pittielmo: cool, I thought some universe packages still used it, but so much the better :)07:37
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elmodoko: if not, can openoffice.org-debian-files go?  the track-debian-removals script wants to kill it07:38
elmopitti: they might; my script doesn't care07:38
elmoif it's been removed in Debian, we shouldn't have it in universe - if it breaks stuff, they get fixed07:38
pittiah, ok:)07:38
tepsipakkipitti: there's a file conflict with libcupsys2 & libcupsys2-gnutls10 (/etc/cups/client.conf)07:41
ivoksogra: i'm sorry :(07:42
pittitepsipakki: hmm, I never encountered that; will look at it, can you please file a bug?07:42
ograivoks, its not the end of the world ...07:42
pittielmo: can you please sync libpng?07:43
ograand -build1 will be overridden anyway ...07:43
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ivokssure it will, thats why it is -Xbuild107:44
elmopitti: done07:44
elmoivoks: ogra is right tho; if you can sync, always sync07:44
elmorather than doing an upload07:44
ivokselmo: i understand07:45
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Riddellmdz: amarok will need libarts1-akode moving to main07:46
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pittidoko: ping07:46
seb128elmo: please sync gnome-doc-utils from Debian incoming07:47
Diziet`We only sniff on something without a type or application/octet-stream.' `... the way07:48
Dizietthe code triggers the downloading dialog is by pretending that a content type07:48
Dizietheader wasn't sent07:48
DizietUrgh, sorry.07:48
mdzRiddell: if that's part of the problem, there are more.  see http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/anastacia.txt07:50
janimoRiddell, Ogra: kubuntu/edubuntu meta packages do not need minimal and standard seed handling. Is it there so the diff to ubuntu-meta stays minimal?07:55
Riddelljanimo: how do you mean?  minimal and standard don't have any desktop stuff in them07:57
janimoI mean those seeds are handled in ubuntu-meta, but are still reffered to by kubuntu-meta/update07:57
janimoand the minimal-ARCH files are generated07:57
slomo_will we get mysql5 for dapper? or shall i adjust b-d to mysql4.1?07:58
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seth_kis new xorg stuff safe to upgrade to, or will I break things?08:05
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tepsipakkiseth_k: works for me (ibm T22 w. savage)08:07
seth_ktepsipakki, using any binary drivers? (fglrx / nvidia-glx)08:07
Dizietmdz: -v option> aimed at me too, no doubt.  Sorry.08:08
mdzDiziet: at no one in particular; I've just been seeing it a lot lately08:08
DizietRight.  I meant me as one of a group of reprobates :-).08:09
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mjg59Nobody's commented on the new usplash artwork yet08:10
seth_koh right, sorry tepsipakki... didn't even notice you put "w. savage" in your reply :P thanks08:10
DizietI think I should give up on understanding mozilla's mime type handling and start thinking about what can be done to make the situation less totally wrong.08:11
ogramjg59, are you prepared to switch to gnome-screensaver with the acpi scripts ? i'll finish my merges this week (which includes xscreensaver) and will make the change directly after filght208:12
mdzmjg59: that's because our framebuffers are broken with 2.6.1508:13
DizietHrm.  Or maybe I should file a bug report upstream, of the form `look! it's totally insane!' (only with more tact).08:13
mdzDiziet: did that XDG patch not work out?08:14
mjg59mdz: No, it was actually a usplash bug...08:14
DizietI haven't looked at the patch yet.08:14
mjg59ogra: Sure, once stuff is in place in the session08:14
mdzmjg59: oh, fun08:14
DizietBut it almost certainly can't fix the problem properly without being very large.08:14
mjg59mdz: Should be working since the weekend08:14
mdzmjg59: reverting to 2.6.12 made it work again08:14
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mjg59mdz: Yeah08:15
=== Burgwork [n=corey@S010600131016cf6f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
DizietI think I'll track down that xdg-mime patch tomorrow and read it.08:15
mdzmjg59: which I had to do anyway because hibernate wasn't working for me with .1508:15
DizietBut the real problem is that the algorithms are (a) fundamentally incorrect and (b) confused and (c) in the wrong places.08:15
mjg59mdz: It was down to usplash no longer loading fbcon, which is now fixed 08:15
ogramjg59, i just wanted to warn because i thought about the dbus stuff ... 08:15
mjg59/Why/ it failed in that way, I have no idea08:15
SurakHello. Is there any motu responsible for flashplugin-nonfree pacakge?08:15
mjg59ogra: I seem to remember someone suggesting a better way of getting the DBUS thing, but I'm not sure08:15
mjg59mdz: Oh. Hibernate was broken? How?08:15
SurakI don't know where to look at it.08:16
DizietTime for me to have some dinner.  TTFN all.08:16
Kamionjanimo: minimal and standard are there because otherwise germinate will put everything from minimal and standard into desktop08:16
ogramjg59, oki ... worst case we can go with the evil /proc/env hack :)08:16
Kamionjanimo: (as the lowest thing it knows about) - at least I suspect it will, and it's much less brain-bending to do it this way08:16
janimoKamion, I was told by mdz to not have those in xubuntu-meta before breezy but it seems either I misunderstood what he meant, or since xubuntu isn't using germinate it really was not needed08:18
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janimobtw, germinate needs to Depend: python-apt :)08:18
ogramdz, do we plan to support mixed etherboot/PXE networks (no idea if that works without MAC address mapped images), i got a user asking in #edubuntu08:18
ogramdz, ltsp that is08:19
Kamionjanimo: you shouldn't actually generate the packages, but you do need to process those seeds08:19
janimoaha,so the minimal-ARCH files were not needed?08:19
Kamionjanimo: i.e. your control file should not include minimal or standard, and debian/rules should have 'for seed in desktop live; ...' or similar08:19
Kamionjanimo: they're by-products of the computation08:19
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Kamionjanimo: python-apt> good point; I'll fix that now, thanks08:20
SurakI'm asking because the flashplugin-nonfree no longer works on breezy anymore. No mirrors provide links for it for now. The flash binary must be downloaded directly from macromedia from now on.08:21
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mdzmjg59: it would go through the motions, power down the LCD, then come straight back to a locked xscreensaver08:23
mdzmjg59: I didn't see anything useful in dmesg.  I'm installing -5 and new usplash now, and will re-test08:23
mjg59mdz: Ok, thanks08:23
mdzI had to leave on a trip and didn't have time to play with it08:24
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mdzmjg59: nice artwork08:25
dholbachSurak: #ubuntu-motu is a better place to ask, and the bug is already filed08:25
mdzogra: if it can be supported with a generic config file, sure08:26
Surakdholbach: the bug on launchpad is not the correct one. I've posted one after it.08:26
ogramdz, thats what i doubt ...08:26
mdzogra: speaking of which, we should add the architecture magic to load the right image08:26
mdzDiziet: how did your talk with lifeless go?08:26
ogramdz, see my mail :)08:26
ogramdz, i have an ltsp/multiarch branch to inspect08:27
mdzogra: I am more responsive to emails with descriptive Subject headers :-)08:27
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ograheh, ok, will regard that in the future08:28
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mdzmjg59: ok, it still does the same thing with 2.6.1508:29
mdzmjg59: mailed you a dmesg08:30
Kamionthe only thing worse than merging packages that use patch systems is merging packages that use *both* patch systems and inline diffs.08:31
mdzmjg59: STR, otoh, seems to just ignore the event and not even try08:31
mjg59mdz: Get the latest acpi-support08:32
mjg59That won't fix STD, though08:32
mjg59Ok. What does /sys/power/state say?08:33
mdza blank line08:33
mjg59Ah. That would explain it.08:33
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mdzok, with new acpi-support, STR and STD both behave similarly08:34
dholbachelmo: please sync libsigc++-2.0 from sid as well, thanks a lot (ok to override)08:35
mjg59mdz: Right, so iz kernel boog08:35
janimoelmo, please sync/override xfce-mcs-manager, thanks08:35
seb128elmo: please sync gnome-doc-utils from Debian incoming08:36
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Kamionmjg59: hmm, grub upstream has implemented another workaround for broken BIOSes that pass the wrong boot drive. I wonder if it supersedes yours?08:39
Kamion         * This is a workaround for buggy BIOSes which don't pass boot08:40
Kamion+        * drive correctly. If GRUB is installed into a HDD, check if08:40
Kamion+        * DL is masked correctly. If not, assume that the BIOS passed08:40
Kamion+        * a bogus value and set DL to 0x80, since this is the only08:40
Kamion+        * possible boot drive. If GRUB is installed into a floppy,08:40
Kamion+        * this does nothing (only jump).08:40
mjg59Kamion: Yeah, sounds like it would supersede mine08:40
mjg59Drop mine, go with that, and I'll test it on the machine it breaks on?08:40
Kamionoh, if you still have it, even better08:41
mjg59mdz: It's an entirely blank line? Seriously?08:44
=== mjg59 blames the acpi people
=== dilinger points to the law that states that any new kernel bug is ACPI's fault
mdzmjg59: potpal:[~]  od -c /sys/power/state08:46
mdz0000000  \n08:46
Kamionmjg59: (the upstream NEWS file says it was done for HP Vectras)08:46
mjg59It's fine on amd6408:47
mjg59mdz: Just let me upgrade an x86 here08:47
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mdzmjg59: this is on my T42 fwiw08:47
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dholbachDiziet: maybe we should just have followed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion :)08:54
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dholbach #ubuntu-meeting ?09:02
janimodholbach, there was nothing on the fridge about TB meeting today09:05
dholbachbut there IS a meeting right now :)09:05
seb128it's on the fridge calendar09:05
ograjanimo, there is ...09:05
janimoyesterday there wasn't on the fridge09:06
janimoonly edubuntu tomorrow09:06
dholbachthe new usplash artwork ROCKs :)09:07
ogragrrr.... 09:07
=== ogra has to wait until the meeting finished to see it
elmoseb128/janimo/dholbach: done09:18
dholbachelmo: merci09:18
pittimjg59: 'Setting up usplash (0.1-24) ...09:24
pitti/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-3-amd64-generic was been altered.  Cannot update.09:24
pittimjg59: is that something to worry about?09:24
mjg59jbailey: ^ ?09:24
ograupdate-initramfs has a force option :) 09:25
pittiright, with -t it worked09:26
seb128pitti: Keybuk does a -t -u for the bootchart package09:26
ograapparently we should use that now ...09:26
=== ogra remembers a meil to -devel ...
pittibut what is the definition of 'custom' initrd then? I certainly did not touch it manually09:27
pittislomo_: we'll also kill esd so that gstreamer would output to alsa in the majority of cases; that should also help a/v sync09:32
ajmitch_elmo: please sync pingus from unstable, dropping ubuntu changes thanks 09:34
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jdon1hey, rhythmbox 0.9.2 in Dapper, deps needed on libgpod-dev09:36
jdon1build-deps that is09:36
jdon1maybe it's implicit under Dapper one way or another, but Breezy doesn't see it as obvious :)09:37
Kamionjdon1: already fixed earlier today09:37
seb128jdon1: it does09:37
dholbachjdon1: breezy?09:37
jdon1Kamion: I was unaware of that... sorry09:38
seb128dholbach: backport I guess09:38
jdon1dholbach: backports request09:38
seb128what version of the package do you use?09:38
jdon1seb128: what do you mean?09:40
jdon1seb128: 0.9.1 is currently backported already09:40
jdon1seb128: though today requests came in for 0.9.209:41
seb128<jdon1> hey, rhythmbox 0.9.2 in Dapper, deps needed on libgpod-dev09:41
seb128as mentionned by Kamion 0ubuntu2 should be fine09:42
seb128what version do you use ...09:42
jdon1sorry, that info was stale from this morning09:42
jdon1I apologize for not keeping my eyes so peeled on dapper changes :)09:42
seb128np ;)09:42
jdon1there was a mailing list thread on it earlier this morning09:42
jdon1and I was acting on that info09:42
jdon1is there any plans for bittorrent 4.x in Ubuntu? Can our mirrors meet the 6 month clause?09:43
jdon1we are really lacking a good BT implementation that supports multiple torrents09:44
Burgworkjdon1, 6 month clause?09:44
jdon1Burgwork: a new clause in the BT 4.x license is that mirrors must hold on to each version for a minimum of 6 months, I believe?09:44
jdon1which is why Debian refuses to package it09:44
jdon1DFSG stuff again09:44
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jdon1Gnubuntu hasn't infiltrated us all already, has it? ;)09:45
Burgworkjdon1, what the heck? What sort of license is that?09:45
Kamionjdon1: that's impossible for CD images09:45
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jdon1Burgwork: I know, it sounds retarded... :-/09:45
Kamionwe cannot possibly meet that licence requirement there09:45
jdon1but they're releasing crap debs that are a nightmare09:45
mvojdon1: did you got my mail about backporting gdebi? 09:45
Kamionso BT 4.x can die peacefully in a corner somewhere, please :)09:45
jdon1mvo: yes, I did... So it seems like atm a backport of it isn't possible09:46
jdon1Kamion: yeah, I'm all for that too... but shad0w should REALLY get his ass off the couch and make his new GUI09:46
jdon1I no longer want to dedicate 400MB RAM to Azureus09:46
mvojdon1: too much work?09:47
jdon1mvo: backports is not allowed to modify sources in any fashion09:48
jdon1mvo: currently we're only allowed to directly pull from Dapper09:48
jdon1mvo: and due to python-apt conflicts that cannot be done09:48
mvojdon1: oh, I wasn't aware of that09:48
jdon1mvo: np, I am really looking forward to gdebi :)09:48
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jdon1mvo: are you offering any people.ubuntu.com repos of gdebi under Breezy, or does that just not work?09:49
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mvojdon1: I'm considering it, I want to get as much testing as possible for it because it's a testbed for some python-apt enhancements as well09:49
jdon1mvo: cool, glad to hear... though how are you working around the python-apt dependencies?09:50
mvojdon1: not at all, I will/would need to provide a updated python-apt as well 09:51
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jdon1mvo: ok, would that break any existing Breezy packages?09:51
jdon1jdon1: update/upgrade-manager and g-a-i come to mind09:51
mvojdon1: no, I don't think so (the api is only extended, not changed). but that's something I will/would test before doing it :)09:52
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jdon1mvo: cool, glad to hear09:52
jdubseb128: ping09:53
seb128wouah, a jdub here09:53
seb128jdub: pong :)09:53
seb128what's up? :)09:53
jdon1legal freaks: "The Source Code for any version of Licensed Product or Modifications that you distribute must remain available for as long as any executable or other form of the Licensed Product is distributed by you."09:53
jdubseb128: menu changes rock out - i think the totem test has proven itself lame :-)09:53
jdon1that's the line Debian devs had issues with09:53
jdon1though when I read it, it doesn't sound too bad09:53
seb128jdub: yeah, I said it was not a good idea, no? :)09:54
jdubseb128: yeah, but it was worth being handsome and bold for :-)09:54
seb128jdub: totem is to change back ... what about xsane?09:54
jdubseb128: what do you think about that one?09:54
seb128we had some comments about guys feeling that gimp is heavy to start for that and not really easy to find for users09:55
seb128I tend to agree09:55
jdon1oh yeah, you have to waive your right to a jury trial, apparently :)09:55
jdublast time i looked at xsane, it was horrific though09:55
jdon1all for a revamped BT GUI :)09:55
jdubplus we now have scanner support in g-v-m09:55
seb128graphical is not to crowded, I would revert the change09:55
seb128yeah, it's ugly09:55
seb128but useful ...09:55
mdkehaving scanning only in gimp is crazy stuff09:56
jdubjust like me!09:56
=== mdke nods
slomo_pitti: yes, imho a switch which was needed already long ago :)09:56
=== jdub was replying to seb
=== mdke un-nods
jdubseb128: i noticed there is more -desktop discussion on -devel turning up (though i have been too disconnected and swamped to reply to any of it as it comes up)09:57
seb128jdub: yeah, quite a bunch, and -desktop is not really active ... should point some people to it :)09:58
jdubyeah - please spread the smackings liberally ;-)09:58
jdubdholbach: you too :)09:58
=== ajmitch_ wonders when the wine thread will be shut down
tsengjdub: ubuntu-mono mailing list?09:59
dholbachjdub: yep :)09:59
dholbachjdub: ubuntu-* mailing list? :)09:59
jdubyeah man09:59
jdubit's all about ubuntu-*09:59
tsengdude i asked you forever ago09:59
=== dholbach hugs jdub
jdubi'll plough through the list now :-)09:59
jdubtseng: do you want admin address to be tseng@ubuntu.com?10:00
tsengjdub: its brandon@ubuntu.com please10:00
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jdubtseng, dholbach: you guys are going to get some admin emails with the passwords, etc.10:01
ograjdub, !10:01
ograjdub, DSL back ? 10:01
tsengjdub: pants^whats off10:02
dholbachjdub merci beaucoup10:02
jdubtseng, dholbach: log in and give the lists a nice info/description thingy, and then on the privacy page, make them public (that's very important)10:02
jdubogra: just as i was leaving sydney, it came on10:02
jdubogra: but atm i am in portland10:02
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dholbachjdub: righto10:02
ograoh, ok...10:02
ograjdub, mhz is poking me all day about a edubuntu-es ML 10:02
jdubreally annoying :)10:02
ograhe said he mailed you ...10:03
jdubyeah, that's another on my list - was going to ask you about that10:03
ograhe's a member now10:03
Treenaksjdub: so I can start pimping my .torrent file tomorrrow morning (NL time, ~ 12 hrs from now)? :)10:03
jdubdholbach: erk, what's your ubuntu.com address?10:03
jdubdholbach: lbdb is full of malone bug addresses for you now - eeek!10:03
dholbachjdub: dholbach@ or daniel.holbach@10:03
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jdubTreenaks: hrm, please wait for confirmation :)10:04
Treenaksjdub: sure :)10:04
jdubTreenaks: (reason being is that tonight's talk is going to be videoed, and is a more likely candidate for 'official' video, being much later and more fleshed out, despite amsterdam being 2 1/2 hours and having laptop/presentation stolen!)10:05
Treenaksjdub: Oh ok10:06
Treenaksjdub: sounds reasonable :)10:06
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mhzjdub: ping10:07
jdubmhz: just talking to ogra about it10:08
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dholbachzakame: -> #ubuntu-meeting10:08
mhzjdub: hehehe, thx, and i'm sorry to bug so much10:08
jdub'sok, i've been hard to contact recently (travelling, moved house, yada010:08
zakamedholbach: yup, on there now :)10:09
tsengjdub: all set up, thanks a bunch10:10
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janimoelmo, please sync/override xfce4-toys, thank you10:24
mhzmako: ping10:25
mdkemhz, mail him10:25
mhzmdke: thx, I have twice10:25
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mdkemhz, then he will answer I'm sure10:26
mhzmdke: okis, no more pinging m a k o :)10:27
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mdkemhz, you can, I think you'll have more luck by email tho10:28
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dholbachgood night guys10:37
Mithrandirnight, Daniel10:37
dholbachnight tollef10:37
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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ardchoilleAny Ubuntu devs here?10:44
ardchoilleI am damned impressed with Ubuntu 5.10. I have spent an entire 24 hours trying to break it and I can't. I did manage to mess up a package, but that was due to IUS and not Ubuntu;s fault.10:44
ardchoilleThe repos are huge, surprised the hell out of me10:44
ardchoilleKudos to the devs for this awesome distro!10:45
ograardchoille, we are all in a meeting currently, but thanks for the nice feedback :)10:45
mhzardchoille: i'm sure all devels feel very gald you like it (/me is not a devel)10:45
ardchoilleogra: yw10:46
ardchoillemhz: I love it10:46
mhzardchoille: me too :)10:46
mhzardchoille: are you a devel?10:47
ardchoilleNo, just a very happy camper10:47
=== henriquemaia [n=henrique@cb-217-129-170-53.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ardchoilleI wanted to test Ubuntu 5.10 on one box to see if it was good enough to take what I could give it. Well, it took what I gave it, then kicked my arse. Still running and I am impressed.10:48
ardchoilleI have 11 computers that I am going to install 5.10 on today. This is the first distro that just amazes me.10:48
mhzardchoille: you could wiki your comments on users stories10:49
ardchoillemhz: really?10:49
mhzlet me get it for you, however, you gotta create an account on LaunchPad in order to edit pages on the wiki10:50
mhzardchoille: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntumembers/+login10:51
mhzthat account will give you access to all ubuntu wikis10:51
ardchoilleThank you10:51
mhzplus you'll be able to contribute with work if you like.10:52
Kamionardchoille: thanks for the compliments. :-)10:52
mhzardchoille: for success stories, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SuccessStories10:53
ardchoilleKamion: The first distro that I have seen that just ROCKS!10:54
ardchoillemhz: Thanks again10:54
mhznp, thank you for giving it a try and share this with all10:55
ardchoilleI have used 11 distros over the past three years10:55
mhzardchoille: and if you get a bug, please submit it :)10:55
ardchoilleas soon as I become confident with making .deb's for Ubuntu, I plan to become a packager, or help out in that area10:55
mhzardchoille: cool! all help is very welcome10:56
ardchoillemhz: That's my whole point.. I have tried to break this distro and I have not seen any bugs.10:56
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ardchoilleliterally, I _tried_ to break it.. that was easy with other distros (Fedora is crap) but I can't seem to do it with Breezy10:57
ardchoilleI installed almost every package in the repos and all is well10:57
ardchoilleI had one little problem due to IUS but that wasn't Ubuntu's fault.. and Ubuntu even fixed it for me.10:57
ardchoilleWell, whomever the devs are, you all did a fantastic job and other distros should take a lesson from you. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your work.11:00
ardchoillePeace popcorn11:00
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mdkedo the language pack exports from rosetta include updates to .desktop files from the relevant strings in the po files?11:14
mdkepitti ^ ?11:17
pittinot yet11:17
mdkepitti, thanks11:17
wasabiSilly ass X.11:19
wasabiSecond monitor stopped working.11:19
ograwasabi, great, so finally you can buy a second PC for it :)11:24
wasabiNo, monitor is fine.11:27
wasabiX did it. ;011:27
ograno i meant to make use of the spare monitor you have now :)11:29
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pittigood night everybody11:46
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zygamdke: hi12:01
zygamdke: oh sorry, pitti already answered your question ;] 12:01

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