logical_mark | Hey could someone help me out in understanding the categories in the menu of gnome-look.org . What is the difference between GTK 1.x/2.x and how do I install GDM Themes? | 12:00 |
ale3hs | ribs, i see ....thanx | 12:00 |
Mart | anyone had trouble and fixed installed the nvidia graphics drivers? | 12:00 |
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thoreauputic | logical_mark: gtk 1.2 is the old gtk | 12:00 |
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DShepherd | thoreauputic: seemed I didnt have totem-gstreamer instaleld | 12:01 |
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thoreauputic | DShepherd: neither do I - I have totem-xine | 12:01 |
logical_mark | thoreauputic, so running Ubuntu 5.10 I should look in 2.x right? Also how do I install a GDM theme? | 12:01 |
=== Epix [n=chatzill@toronto-HSE-ppp3963234.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epix | anyone want to recomend a game on ubuntu? | 12:02 |
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thoreauputic | logical_mark: there's a dilog for login in system admin I think (i'm in fluxbox so I can't look atm) | 12:02 |
DShepherd | Epix: frozen-bubble | 12:02 |
ssmith | how can I isntall java across firefox w/all users? | 12:02 |
thoreauputic | *dialog | 12:02 |
Epix | anything networked? | 12:02 |
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logical_mark | thoreauputic, thanks no that you mention it I remember seeing that | 12:02 |
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Radiobuzz | do you think my 5 copies are corrupted? in that case, could I ask for other copies? | 12:03 |
nekron | how i back to default gnome? | 12:03 |
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djm62 | Epix: I think liquid war is networked | 12:03 |
Comrade_Vladimir | thoreauputic no i got it running finally no thanks to the wiki | 12:03 |
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logical_mark | thoreauputic, could you tell me why when Ubuntu was starting up it said FAILED next to "Loading local filesystems" | 12:03 |
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thoreauputic | Comrade_Vladimir: *shrug* | 12:03 |
chromate | hello. i was wondering if there was a way to choose/change the default font file chosen for foreign languages? | 12:03 |
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DRAGON_Ultra | how do you adda trash can to your desktop | 12:03 |
nekron | i installed the kde and now the gnome is broken.. | 12:03 |
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thoreauputic | logical_mark: not really - is everything working OK ? | 12:03 |
Comrade_Vladimir | ino | 12:04 |
DShepherd | thoreauputic: I had totem-xine installed but I need totem-gstreamer | 12:04 |
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Epix | is there a linux liero port? | 12:04 |
logical_mark | thoreauputic, yeah no problems at all. | 12:04 |
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thoreauputic | DShepherd: really ? Odd - usually it's the other way around | 12:04 |
Mart | how do you know what kernel-source to use installing the nvidia drivers? | 12:04 |
thoreauputic | logical_mark: then don't ix it ;-) | 12:04 |
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duckduckduck | Mart: what's your linux-image? | 12:05 |
DShepherd | thoreauputic: it worked for me | 12:05 |
thoreauputic | DShepherd: ah well - that's good then :) | 12:05 |
Mart | ... | 12:05 |
logical_mark | thoreauputic, story of my life right there - thanks for the help | 12:05 |
DShepherd | thoreauputic: yup | 12:05 |
Mart | i hate to sound stupid but... | 12:05 |
thoreauputic | logical_mark: heh | 12:05 |
duckduckduck | Mart: dpkg -L linux-image | 12:06 |
butcherbird | DRAGON_Ultra, you could always ln -s /home/thrush/.Trash /home/user/Desktop/Trash :) | 12:06 |
thoreauputic | Mart: uname -r will tell you your linux image version | 12:06 |
mcphail | Does anyone have totem-gstreamer working under amd64? | 12:06 |
duckduckduck | oops...that's what i ment | 12:06 |
duckduckduck | uname -r yeah | 12:06 |
mjr | mcphail, yes, no particular problems | 12:06 |
mcphail | breezy? | 12:06 |
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Mart | blimey... where you lot get your info is boggling.. :P | 12:07 |
Mart | 2 mins... i will tell you my linux image :P | 12:07 |
thoreauputic | Mart: it's like becoming a good pool player - you have to waste a lot of time doing it ;) | 12:07 |
misfit_toy | thoreauputic, nice comparison | 12:08 |
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qos | is somebody familiar with vsftpd? | 12:08 |
butcherbird | qos, a little | 12:08 |
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yrnjt | hi all | 12:09 |
mcphail | totem-gstreamer does not work at all on my box. Multiple crashes with "this app has closed unexpectedly", "unable to read dvd chapter info" etc. | 12:09 |
misfit_toy | mcphail, try totem-xine | 12:09 |
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qos | hmm, its installed its running, and the easy configs are done ... now i want to add users with now connection to system-users ... is it possible? | 12:09 |
mcphail | misfit_toy: yes, that works. That's not the point, though ;) | 12:09 |
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misfit_toy | mcphail, but you didn't say that now did you? ;P | 12:10 |
LjL | !tell DRAGON_Ultra about desktop-icons | 12:10 |
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butcherbird | qos, u want to add users using pam? | 12:10 |
opnsrc | Thanks, everything works | 12:10 |
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killfill | hi | 12:10 |
mcphail | totem-gstreamer works fine on my 32bit box | 12:10 |
qos | whats pam? | 12:10 |
killfill | im installing ubuntu 5.04 | 12:10 |
mulder | qos, authentication modules | 12:10 |
noobs_piss_me_of | awesome | 12:10 |
killfill | how do i upgrade to the new version? | 12:10 |
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duckduckduck | killfill: why not 5.10? | 12:10 |
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LjL | killfill: why don't you install the current version in the first place? | 12:11 |
eruin | duckduckduck, the same question came to my mind | 12:11 |
duckduckduck | killfill: change hoary to breezy in /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:11 |
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duckduckduck | killfill: then sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:11 |
killfill | LjL just notice the CD was old.. already start the instalation.. | 12:11 |
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qas | butcherbird, router disconnect ... please post your answer again .. | 12:11 |
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killfill | duckduckduck just that?.. s/hoary/breezy/g?.. | 12:11 |
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duckduckduck | killfill: yup | 12:12 |
killfill | greate | 12:12 |
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duckduckduck | killfill: then sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:12 |
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killfill | yup | 12:12 |
butcherbird | qos, sorry not too familiar with that. If u figure it out let me know Ive been too lazy to look it up myself :) | 12:12 |
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Radiobuzz | please, does anybody knows what the problem could be? :( | 12:12 |
LjL | killfill: well, you'll have to download the whole of breezy anyway, so why not get the new cd... | 12:12 |
duckduckduck | however...you might be missing a package or so that might be new to breezy | 12:12 |
=== Mart [n=smithmar@cpc1-sout1-6-0-cust25.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mart | hi again.. | 12:12 |
qas | butcherbird, okay. but whats pam? | 12:12 |
Toran | Will I be able to use a wireless G card in ubuntu without ndiswrapper? | 12:12 |
LjL | killfill: but, of course, the advice you've been given is right, too | 12:12 |
Mart | Found my linux image, thanks for that. | 12:12 |
=== KB1FYR [n=Alex@d-66-63-85-222.suscom-maine.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duckduckduck | was update-manager available for hoary? | 12:13 |
pepsi | duckduckduck, ubuntu-desktop should take care of that, shouldnt it? | 12:13 |
duckduckduck | you'll want that probably | 12:13 |
Mart | 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic | 12:13 |
killfill | LjL yah, i think getting the packages will be quikier.. :-) | 12:13 |
duckduckduck | pepsi: i don't know | 12:13 |
mulder | Toran, depends on your chipset | 12:13 |
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Toran | It's made by D-Link | 12:13 |
pepsi | i believe thats what that package is for | 12:13 |
johnf | anyone here have any familiarity with incredibly slow (30 minutes) hibernation on thinkpads, I have this problem after the thinkpad has been up for 7 days | 12:13 |
mulder | Toran, my intel pro 2915 is supported in the kernel | 12:13 |
qas | are there others who are familiar with vsftpd? | 12:13 |
killfill | duckduckduck.. i guess its matter of delete "gnome" package and install it again?.. it will get all the deps, right?.. | 12:13 |
LjL | killfill: quicker, maybe. if i were in you, though, i'd start with a clean breezy install, but that's just me | 12:13 |
mulder | qas, what do you need to know | 12:13 |
djm62 | Toran: I use a netgear wireless-g card | 12:13 |
Toran | I'm actually asking for a friend, he's planning on setting up Ubuntu and I was hoping he wouldn't have to use ndiswrapper to get his wireless working | 12:14 |
duckduckduck | killfill: don't delete it...sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade it | 12:14 |
KB1FYR | I uncommented the "universal" mirrors in my sources.list, but only dselect reflects that, I don't see any of the extra categories/packages in aptitude (CLI GUI aptitude, not apt). | 12:14 |
qas | mulder, want to add own users ... not depending on the system ones | 12:14 |
pepsi | killfill, ubuntu-desktop depends on the gnome stuff and just about everything else in the normal desktop installation | 12:14 |
johnf | KB1FYR: er, universe, not universal, right? | 12:14 |
butcherbird | qas, athentication module like I said ive been wanting to learn to use it to authenticate users like u do in windows but never fooled with it much | 12:14 |
KB1FYR | Wait, ignore me. I found it. | 12:14 |
djm62 | Toran: there's a page on wireless cards in the wiki | 12:14 |
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killfill | ooh cool thx pepsi | 12:14 |
mulder | Toran, http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=357&question=General%20Wireless | 12:14 |
kb3eqa | hello all | 12:14 |
KB1FYR | Yeah probably, johnf. I found it anyway, ty. | 12:15 |
johnf | np | 12:15 |
B_166-ER-X | how can i 'install' or 'run' a .run file ? | 12:15 |
Mart | anyone know what kernel-source you need to install nvidia graphics drivers. | 12:15 |
mulder | qas, oh, there should be a custom ftp passwd thing you can make. it's been so long since i've used vsftpd though | 12:15 |
z0rz | I'm installing an eggdrop bot and I need a good identd ... what should I use? | 12:15 |
z0rz | oidentd? | 12:15 |
Mart | linux image is:2.6.12-9-amd64-generic | 12:15 |
kb3eqa | i need a bit of assistance. i finally got ubuntu up and running, and its fantastic. I cant find mplayer in the apt repositories though, so I downloaded the package from packages.ubuntu | 12:15 |
johnf | so, no one with experience with the thinkpad incredibly slow suspend to disk problem then? | 12:15 |
misfit_toy | B_166-ER-X, usually "sh filenam.run" | 12:15 |
qas | mulder, so? | 12:15 |
kb3eqa | its a .deb file extension, which i'm told can be used by apt-get | 12:15 |
B_166-ER-X | thx | 12:15 |
kb3eqa | so how do I point apt at the file on my system? | 12:15 |
djm62 | kb3eqa: have you enabled the universe and multiverse repositories | 12:16 |
kb3eqa | um | 12:16 |
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kb3eqa | I uncommented everything in the sources.list | 12:16 |
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thoreauputic | kb3eqa: don't - enable multiverse and install | 12:16 |
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djm62 | kb3eqa: and did apt-get update | 12:16 |
LjL | kb3eqa: multiverse isn't in sources.list, and mplayer is in multiverse | 12:16 |
thoreauputic | !info mplayer | 12:16 |
kb3eqa | hmm | 12:16 |
LjL | !tell kb3eqa about sources | 12:16 |
kb3eqa | how do I add multiverse? | 12:16 |
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misfit_toy | !mplayer | 12:16 |
ubotu | well, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 12:16 |
thoreauputic | !tell kb3eqa about repos | 12:16 |
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ubuntu | 12:17 | |
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ubuntu | google.com | 12:17 |
mulder | qas: userlist_enable | 12:17 |
mulder | If enabled, vsftpd will load a list of usernames, from the filename given by userlist_file. If a user tries to log in using a name in this file, they will be denied before they are asked for a password. This may be useful in preventing cleartext passwords being transmitted. See also userlist_deny | 12:17 |
misfit_toy | if anyone likes to burn .avi's to vcd, svcd or dvd, check this: | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | anyone know what serpentine is? | 12:17 |
misfit_toy | !tovid | 12:17 |
adjacent | whats the mount command to mount a device rw to everyone? | 12:17 |
ubotu | tovid is, like, possibly the greatest video encoder, with a GUI, located at http://tovid.sourceforge.net | 12:17 |
=== Dairylee [n=dairylee@cpc1-midd1-5-0-cust18.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Impotence | www.justfuckinggoogleit.com :> | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | hi Kamping_Kaiser | 12:17 |
mulder | qas: fyi, that was in the man page :P | 12:17 |
kb3eqa | google wasn't much help | 12:17 |
Impotence | ^working address! | 12:17 |
Toran | tovid simply a frontend to mencoder and other tools | 12:17 |
misfit_toy | gnomefreak, serpentine is an annoying unfinished cd burner program | 12:18 |
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misfit_toy | Toran, yes | 12:18 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: its a gnome app for making CDs of music from oggs and mp3s etc | 12:18 |
gnomefreak | i didnt even know i had it :( | 12:18 |
kb3eqa | so copy the deb <url here> into the sources.list? | 12:18 |
Toran | It does none of the actual encoding. Therefore, the statement "tovid is the greatest encoder ever" is flawed. You really mean that mencoder is the greatest encoder ever ;-) | 12:18 |
frank23 | misfit_toy: what version of tovid are you using? | 12:18 |
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qas | mulder, i allready recognied that, but i think its only a whitelist to specify which of the systemusers are valid | 12:18 |
thoreauputic | kb3eqa: no - read the howto ubotu told you about | 12:19 |
misfit_toy | Toran, ok, you are correct ;p | 12:19 |
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misfit_toy | frank23, I think it's like 2.3? hold on | 12:19 |
kb3eqa | read the whole page | 12:19 |
kb3eqa | not seeing any howto | 12:19 |
butcherbird | qas, are u wanting to lock certain system users out or add non system users? | 12:19 |
mulder | qas: ok, my bad. 1 tick doing omre digging | 12:19 |
kb3eqa | oh wait | 12:19 |
kb3eqa | nm | 12:19 |
thoreauputic | !tell kb3eqa about sources | 12:20 |
misfit_toy | frank23, 0.22 | 12:20 |
z0rz | What package should I install to make a public accesable ssh server that is secure.. but still is useful? | 12:20 |
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thoreauputic | !tell kb3eqa about mplayer | 12:20 |
Radiobuzz | could the problem I have may be because I'm installing the spanish version...? | 12:20 |
qas | butcherbird, want to add user which have nothing to do with the normal system users which can be found in /etc/passwd | 12:20 |
=== misfit_toy heads off for a small cigar, bbl | ||
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frank23 | misfit_toy: I have 0.22 too but I had to use the idvid script from 0.23 to identify my videos correctly. | 12:20 |
johnf | z0rz: you can't give people a shell and call it safe | 12:21 |
johnf | er, s/safe/secure/ | 12:21 |
butcherbird | z0rz, openssh-server should be fine. I always change default port though and since root isnt enabled u should be fine | 12:21 |
frank23 | misfit_toy: Without that newer idvid, I would get no sound in the output videos | 12:21 |
misfit_toy | frank23, weird, the only issue I have seen is like one in about 50 vids don't get sound identified correctly. | 12:21 |
z0rz | so they won't be able to do much as long as they aren't an admin? | 12:21 |
misfit_toy | ahah! | 12:21 |
johnf | z0rz: what you propose is not a good idea | 12:21 |
butcherbird | qas, thats what I thought I would like to do that myself ;) | 12:21 |
johnf | and what do you mean by public ssh server? | 12:21 |
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Impotence | <help me> i cant get my SB live to work [and there's nothing on the creative site] | 12:22 |
johnf | you mean like, you're going to let anyone who wants to log in to a user account on your server? | 12:22 |
misfit_toy | frank23, so did you just copy the script from the .23 version over to the .22 install? | 12:22 |
frank23 | misfit_toy: what I did was download tovid 0.23 and copy the idvid file in /usr/bin | 12:22 |
z0rz | yeah john | 12:22 |
misfit_toy | frank23, cool, maybe that will fix that sound issue I run across from time to time | 12:22 |
misfit_toy | frank23, thanks! | 12:22 |
LjL | z0rz: be sure to point me to it when it's ready :) | 12:22 |
Comrade_Vladimir | what does it mean when i see an error msg connot find an approite hxplay or realplayin the system path to use as an embedded player im spreamin vidoe? | 12:22 |
frank23 | misfit_toy: yeah, it fixed my problem | 12:22 |
z0rz | LjL why's that? | 12:23 |
z0rz | there are plenty other free shell accounts out | 12:23 |
johnf | z0rz: really bad idea in my opinion, it's very very hard to give someone a shell and not give them the potential to root your box | 12:23 |
LjL | z0rz: hm, well, not really "plenty" | 12:23 |
=== Stormchaser [n=storm@BSN-77-102-212.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
z0rz | silenceisdefeat.org | 12:23 |
frank23 | tovid-gui is not available for 0.23 yet. that's why I did that | 12:23 |
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z0rz | great free shell with 50mb of web space and no ads | 12:23 |
Stormchaser | 'lo. What is the default root password for ubuntu? | 12:23 |
z0rz | I'm on it righ tnow (irssi) | 12:23 |
djm62 | freeshell.org (if you don't mind bsd elitism) | 12:23 |
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Agrajag | Stormchaser: there is no root pasword | 12:24 |
mulder | qas: /usr/share/doc/vsftpd/EXAMPLE/VIRTUAL_USERS/README.gz | 12:24 |
johnf | z0rz: all I'm saying is I wouldn't do it, and I would recommend doing it on a box that matters to you | 12:24 |
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Agrajag | Stormchaser: use sudo | 12:24 |
Agrajag | !rootsudo | 12:24 |
ubotu | from memory, rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 12:24 |
draftkid | im a nebie with this ubuntu os, if any one can help me is would be much appricated....pls private message me | 12:24 |
z0rz | There isn't a way to physically harm the box is there? | 12:24 |
djm62 | draftkid: how does the help system work for you? | 12:24 |
LjL | !tell draftkid about anyone | 12:24 |
z0rz | Like you can't overclock it if you get root.. can you? | 12:24 |
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draftkid | Laughing Out Loud | 12:25 |
djm62 | z0rz: there's a way to physically harm you...mr jihad sympathiser warez-meister | 12:25 |
Stormchaser | I get it... Thanks :) | 12:25 |
matrix-ubuntu | how do i uptdate my GNU | 12:25 |
qas | mulder, thx i will take a look at this | 12:25 |
LjL | z0rz: i wouldn't be so sure, with all the software control hardware is offering lately | 12:25 |
Comrade_Vladimir | what does it mean when i see an error msg connot find an approite hxplay or realplayin the system path to use as an embedded player im spreamin vidoe? | 12:25 |
Impotence | you could overclock, but the machien woudl just turn off if it got *bad* | 12:25 |
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matrix-ubuntu | how do i uptdate my GNU | 12:26 |
Comrade_Vladimir | hey my audio works now thnk nickrud but i dont know why? | 12:26 |
draftkid | does any know how i can start a internet connecting with a wirless card? | 12:26 |
kb3eqa | umm | 12:26 |
nick01 | lol @ matrix-ubuntu | 12:26 |
kb3eqa | I already had multiverse in my repositories | 12:26 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: how do you do what? | 12:26 |
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kb3eqa | I guess it got added yesterday | 12:26 |
djm62 | nobody read "godel, escher, bach"? no unbreakable record players! | 12:26 |
kb3eqa | but I still cant find mplayer | 12:26 |
matrix-ubuntu | i want to uptdate GNU | 12:26 |
Comrade_Vladimir | i wonder why beep wont playit | 12:26 |
LjL | kb3eqa: then "apt-cache search mplayer" should show everything there is to show, if you did a "sudo apt-get update" | 12:26 |
Comrade_Vladimir | so does anyone know my old ? | 12:26 |
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Impotence | matrix-ubuntu: wtf m8? | 12:26 |
djm62 | draftkid: have you tried the menu: System->Administration->Networking ? | 12:27 |
Radiobuzz | ok, thank you so much for your unpayable help | 12:27 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: apt-get update; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 12:27 |
matrix-ubuntu | i want to uptdate my gcc compiles | 12:27 |
saik0 | What WM should I use for Gaming, emphasis on minimal rescources (with some usablility) | 12:27 |
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Impotence | *shuts up* | 12:27 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: sorry, what you're saying doesn't make any sense | 12:27 |
nick01 | matrix-ubuntu, gcc not gnu :P | 12:27 |
djm62 | saik0: some relative of blackbox | 12:27 |
draftkid | yes, its shows its there and iv tryed to put in my ip and stuff but it doesnt seem to be working | 12:27 |
saik0 | I was thinking matchbox | 12:27 |
Impotence | lol :P | 12:27 |
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kb3eqa | somethings borked | 12:28 |
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draftkid | it says its active though | 12:28 |
djm62 | saik0: matchbox is more for embedded I thought? fluxbox is pretty nice, but not much more than blackbox resource-wise | 12:28 |
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LjL | matrix-ubuntu: if you want to update your gcc compile*r*, then i think you shouldn't, Breezy has a quite recent version of GCC. | 12:28 |
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Xen | I was trying to demo Ubuntu on a friend's compy and his x won't start--the "ati" driver won't work with his X600SE. Any ideas? | 12:29 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: i don't really see why you'd want to update it | 12:29 |
Red-Sox | in x-chat going back and typing something has the same effect as say, <any letter> then <delete (NOT BACKSPACE!> | 12:29 |
djm62 | draftkid: how many network interfaces have you got up? | 12:29 |
deja2004 | Xen: me too | 12:29 |
matrix-ubuntu | i am tryin to install bison i get this error | 12:29 |
kb3eqa | oh | 12:29 |
saik0 | djm62, it is, figured it was more lightweight for that specific reason. Thats based purely on speculation though | 12:29 |
kb3eqa | got it | 12:29 |
matrix-ubuntu | configure: error: GNU M4 1.4 is required | 12:29 |
Xen | deja2004, you're using an X600SE? | 12:29 |
deja2004 | i have a Toshiba L25-S1193 | 12:29 |
Agrajag | matrix-ubuntu: why aren't you just doing sudo apt-get install bison? | 12:29 |
deja2004 | no, but i have an ati card | 12:29 |
kb3eqa | it didn't take when I checked the restricted software repository thing | 12:29 |
deja2004 | radeon 200m | 12:29 |
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djm62 | saik0: you don't want to miss functionality, for all the difference you might as well use a life-size wm | 12:30 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: then couldn't you have said "gnu m4 1.4" instead of that meaningless "update my gnu"? | 12:30 |
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LjL | matrix-ubuntu: sudo aptitude install m4 | 12:30 |
Xen | deja2004, all I know is that his won't work but the ati driver worked fine with my Radeon 9500 and X800XTPE | 12:30 |
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saik0 | djm62, i'm going to be switing sessions to play games Using GNOME for day to day activities | 12:30 |
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warreng | what's the difference between totem-xine and totem-gstreamer? | 12:30 |
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Agrajag | matrix-ubuntu: if you want to install bison, install the version that is in apt. | 12:30 |
LjL | warreng: one uses xine, one uses gstreamer :) | 12:30 |
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draftkid | im sorry if this is wrong but are you asking what kind off possible connections can i connect with, is so ,,,it say wirless connection, ethernet connection, and also modem connection | 12:31 |
frank23 | warreng: I have had much more success with xine than gstreamer | 12:31 |
deja2004 | mine's a Radeon Xpress 200M | 12:31 |
djm62 | saik0: you /could/ benchmark these things, but I strongly suspect the difference between matchbox and fluxbox is much much less than the difference between fluxbox and gnome | 12:31 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matrix-ubuntu | sudo apt-get install bison | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | Lser paketlistor... Frdig | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | Bygger beroendetrd... Frdig | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | Paketet bison r inte tillgngligt, men ett annat paket hnvisar till det. | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | Detta betyder vanligen att paketet saknas, har blivit frldrat eller | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | bara r tillgngligt frn andra kllor | 12:31 |
Xen | any of you have problems with Totem in the AMD64 version not supporting...anything? (MP3, QT, WMV, MPG, etc) | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | E: Paketet bison har ingen installationskandidat | 12:31 |
Agrajag | matrix-ubuntu: don't do that | 12:31 |
matrix-ubuntu | i get swedish warnin that it does not work | 12:31 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: DON't PASTE IN HERE | 12:31 |
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djm62 | draftkid: what connections do you have up? | 12:32 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: read the topic please | 12:32 |
Xen | deja2004, I'll google it up | 12:32 |
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deja2004 | i appreciate it man... sorry for being such a n00b | 12:32 |
Xen | deja2004, also--are you using the i386 or AMD64 version? | 12:32 |
noobs_piss_me_of | no problem | 12:32 |
djm62 | (nothing at all against matchbox, in its proper problem domain btw) | 12:33 |
mcphail | Xen: have you switched to totem-xine? | 12:33 |
draftkid | im my desktop, that im taking to to with is ethernet, but on my laptop it will be wirless, i have cable | 12:33 |
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deja2004 | i386 | 12:33 |
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LjL | matrix-ubuntu: i cannot read much swedish, but it seems that something is wrong there... try "sudo apt-get update" please | 12:33 |
Xen | mcphail, xine stuff works fine | 12:33 |
nekron | i crate a new user and now i can't use sudo.. | 12:33 |
nekron | why? | 12:33 |
deja2004 | it's a celeron m :-/ | 12:33 |
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djm62 | draftkid: and on your laptop you can enable the wireless card (with your essid and probably dhcp)? | 12:33 |
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mcphail | Xen: i mentioned above: totem-gstreamer doesn't work on amd64 | 12:33 |
saik0 | djm62, I would imagine so. If fluxbox is more configurable and prettier and only usies _slighty_ more resources then I guess it would probably be best | 12:33 |
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draftkid | yes | 12:34 |
LjL | matrix-ubuntu: can you tell me what "hnvisar" meanar, also? | 12:34 |
Siph0n | neone know of a program like QuickPar, but for linux/ubuntu ? | 12:34 |
nekron | Seveas, can help me? pls | 12:34 |
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djm62 | nekron: in a nutshell, sudoers | 12:34 |
saik0 | I have nothing against any of the *boxes =) just wanted an opinion | 12:34 |
seife | whats the terminal command to search for a package? | 12:34 |
nekron | djm62, ? nutshell? | 12:34 |
matrix-ubuntu | it says there is no bison | 12:34 |
Dr_Willis | Siph0n: may have to google for that.. or use wine and run the program. I never did find a par program for linux lsat i looked.. that was several Months ago however. | 12:34 |
LjL | seife: apt-cache search | 12:34 |
draftkid | it says its active | 12:34 |
Red-Sox | in x-chat going back and typing something has the same effect as say, <any letter> then <delete (NOT BACKSPACE!> | 12:35 |
djm62 | nekron: your new user has to be in the file sudoers in /etc | 12:35 |
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mcphail | Xen: which is a major pain, as it is the default media player for everything... | 12:35 |
kb3eqa | gah | 12:35 |
kb3eqa | still no mplayer | 12:35 |
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kb3eqa | even with the multiverse repository enabled | 12:35 |
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LjL | kb3eqa: query | 12:35 |
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Siph0n | o k | 12:35 |
=== Chand| [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-2-174.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red-Sox | Chand|: hi | 12:36 |
nekron | djm62, but how i write there if i can't use sudo to write? | 12:36 |
djm62 | nekron: use your old user | 12:36 |
Agrajag | nekron: log in as the other user | 12:36 |
Siph0n | ok, another question :), it seems the last song part from a dvd i just watched keeps playing... but the movie window is closed... and now i cant get the dvd out... probally cause of the sound still play :) | 12:36 |
Siph0n | ne ideas ? | 12:36 |
Talisker | !tell talisker about mp3 | 12:36 |
djm62 | draftkid: so is your laptop working on wireless? | 12:36 |
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draftkid | no | 12:36 |
AndiM | Siph0n: fuser -v /dev/dvd or so | 12:36 |
AndiM | kill -9 <PID> | 12:37 |
djm62 | draftkid: can you open a terminal and type "ping www.google.com" | 12:37 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | wow i thought i was gonna fry my ram there | 12:38 |
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Siph0n | thanx AndiM :) | 12:38 |
draftkid | djm62 - like in fire fox? | 12:38 |
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LjL | matrix-ubuntu: i can assure you there *is* a bison. if you paste your sources.list *on the pastebin*, perhaps i can tell you what is wrong | 12:39 |
Xen | deja2004, I'm going to try installing ATI's actual driver | 12:39 |
Comrade_Vladimir | any one got a site for myspace vids on linux? | 12:39 |
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Xen | deja2004, I'll slip it onto the ISO and then try it--how long are you going to be on? | 12:39 |
Red-Sox | bDerrly: hi | 12:39 |
Red-Sox | arcanistherogue: hi | 12:39 |
deja2004 | im just chillin @ panera | 12:39 |
djm62 | draftkid: what does firefox tell you when you do that? | 12:39 |
bDerrly | greetings | 12:39 |
deja2004 | also, my wireless card isn't working | 12:40 |
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ecobuntu | deja2004: what kind of wireless card? | 12:40 |
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draftkid | djm26 - im very sorry, im really new with this, it tells me it could net be found | 12:40 |
deja2004 | it's an atheros ar5005g | 12:40 |
bDerrly | anyone running dapper having xorg seg fault? | 12:40 |
Red-Sox | andy_: hi | 12:40 |
deja2004 | btw, thank you very much for taking some time out for me | 12:40 |
Red-Sox | stuartb: hi | 12:40 |
Red-Sox | meheren: hi | 12:40 |
stuartb | hi Everyone | 12:40 |
Red-Sox | ill stop now | 12:40 |
bDerrly | Red-Sox, are you the official greeter? | 12:40 |
Red-Sox | bDerrly: no, i just like greeting ;) | 12:41 |
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andy_ | hi! My very first time on IRC :) No problem in particular, just chilling | 12:41 |
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djm62 | draftkid: try Applications->Accessories->Terminal | 12:41 |
stuartb | I have a prob I hope someone can help me with. I have broke KDE big style | 12:41 |
Red-Sox | andy_: sounds good to me, a good place for that is #kubuntu-offtopic | 12:41 |
deja2004 | i dont suppose i can some how download it in windows (i'm dual-booting) and install it on my linux partition? i dont have a wired connection to d/ld directly from a repository | 12:41 |
djm62 | draftkid: it will bring up a window where you can type commands | 12:41 |
=== ecobuntu shakes andy_ hand welcome to ubuntu | ||
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draftkid | found it | 12:42 |
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SirKillalot | Hi, I use alsa for sound but I have a some problems since yesterday: I can relay the microphone to the output withouht problems, but I cannot record with any program. It doesn't really say that /dev/dsp is in use or something, It just won't work... any Ideas what I could do now? | 12:42 |
Red-Sox | andy_: that is /join #kubuntu-offtopic, if you are interested | 12:42 |
djm62 | draftkid: in that window, type ping www.google.com | 12:42 |
andy_ | I'm closer to a beginner, but if I can help, that would be great | 12:42 |
draftkid | pingit say unknow host | 12:42 |
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djm62 | draftkid: if you type ifconfig what does it tell you? | 12:43 |
djm62 | draftkid: don't paste, summarise | 12:43 |
AndiM | SirKillalot: run gamix and try to change mixer settings. Most likely you're recording wrong input or so. | 12:43 |
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bDerrly | no one is running dapper? where is the adventure? | 12:43 |
Red-Sox | ptlo: hi | 12:43 |
Red-Sox | im greeting lots | 12:43 |
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draftkid | alot of stuff | 12:44 |
Red-Sox | bDerrly: how? can you direct me to an iso? | 12:44 |
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=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red-Sox | uh oh | 12:44 |
AndiM | bDerrly: I'm already overwhelmed enough trying to cross-grade from Sarge to Breezy, thank you very much ;) | 12:44 |
ptlo | Red-Sox: howdy fella! :) | 12:44 |
djm62 | draftkid: ok, PM me | 12:44 |
SirKillalot | AndiM, ok thanks I'll have a try | 12:44 |
draftkid | \shows connections that i have | 12:44 |
bDerrly | AndiM, :) | 12:44 |
Red-Sox | Lord_Athur: hi | 12:44 |
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Lord_Athur | hi | 12:44 |
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matrix-ubuntu | how do i do make distclean | 12:44 |
Lord_Athur | Red-Sox, hello | 12:44 |
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bDerrly | the xorg server is segfaulting with the latest upgrade... | 12:44 |
ecobuntu | bDerrly: i am running dapper...but it's not very exciting yet...looks and acts a lot like breezy but with more hiccups | 12:44 |
vince_ | my cdrom won't eject a cd until i restart or logoff ubuntu | 12:45 |
Red-Sox | im not gonna say hi anymore, im losing my voice | 12:45 |
bDerrly | ecobuntu, you're not having a segfault problem with x? | 12:45 |
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ecobuntu | bDerrly: nope | 12:45 |
matrix-ubuntu | how do i do make distclean | 12:45 |
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mcphail | vince_: have you typed "eject" at the command line? | 12:45 |
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bDerrly | ecobuntu, hrmm, well, i'm going to dselect and remove all the x crap then reinstall it all fresh | 12:45 |
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bDerrly | ecobuntu, i had a hell of a saturday b0rking around with this crap | 12:46 |
djm62 | matrix-ubuntu: you have to be in the source code directory | 12:46 |
vince_ | lol... | 12:46 |
vince_ | 3rd day on linux.. | 12:46 |
ecobuntu | bDerrly: i see...if things go to hell just wait until friday when flight #2 should be released | 12:46 |
vince_ | thanks mcphail | 12:46 |
tonymahoon | hey guys | 12:46 |
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bDerrly | ecobuntu, sounds good :) | 12:46 |
yUSiyEEE | ubuntu is great! | 12:46 |
mcphail | vince_: or right-click the cdrom icon and select "eject" | 12:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | any one got a site for myspace vids on linux? | 12:46 |
ecobuntu | or sometime soon | 12:46 |
kb3eqa | ok, new question | 12:46 |
ioboss | The file /media/doc/Linux/rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2_rpm does not exist, or it is corrupt. You may have downloaded the wrong file, or put it in the wrong location. Please try again. | 12:46 |
ecobuntu | they are releasing flight cds every 2 weeks | 12:46 |
vince_ | okie dokie | 12:46 |
vince_ | ty | 12:47 |
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kb3eqa | found mplayer with apt | 12:47 |
meheren | im trying to install enlightment on my i386 can sum1 walk me through it? | 12:47 |
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SirKillalot | AndiM, man you're a genius, thanks! | 12:47 |
kb3eqa | its complaining of 4 missing packages, and apt cant install them | 12:47 |
ioboss | this is the mess error when I lunch apt-get | 12:47 |
ecobuntu | ioboss: what are you trying to do? | 12:47 |
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ecobuntu | ioboss: you can't install an rpm with apt-get or dpkg | 12:47 |
Red-Sox | vince_: how do you like it? | 12:47 |
phiqtion | nalioth, busy? | 12:47 |
plumpkin | what are some good suggestions for html editors for linux? dont really care about wyswyg, but would like preview options | 12:47 |
vince_ | AWESOME | 12:47 |
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vince_ | less crap to have to deal with | 12:47 |
yUSiyEEE | anyone instlled gproftpd on ubuntu | 12:47 |
ioboss | the cmq i do is " apt-get install realplay" | 12:48 |
djm62 | plumpkin: bluefish, or nvu | 12:48 |
kb3eqa | bluefish is good | 12:48 |
kb3eqa | whats the one that starts with a Q? | 12:48 |
kb3eqa | I used it on fedora and really liked it | 12:48 |
Comrade_Vladimir | i gotta put a vid on my myspace page that works on linux | 12:48 |
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ecobuntu | ioboss: well if you're d/l an rpm you have to use alien to convert it to a deb | 12:48 |
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plumpkin | thanks :) | 12:48 |
ecobuntu | !realplayer | 12:49 |
ubotu | rumour has it, realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 12:49 |
Comrade_Vladimir | me? | 12:49 |
LjL | ioboss: you might encounter problems doing that, though | 12:49 |
logical_mark | Hey guys. I am looking around GNOME-LOOK.ORG and was wondering, is a splash screen what I see while Ubuntu is loading? | 12:49 |
ecobuntu | !tell ioboss about realplayer | 12:49 |
ioboss | but i dont download a rpm... i do apt-get... .( | 12:49 |
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LjL | logical_mark: that's a splash screen, yeah, but it's not the kind of splash screens you'll find on gnome-look | 12:49 |
ecobuntu | logical_mark: while GNOME is loading | 12:49 |
Red-Sox | la la | 12:50 |
ecobuntu | logical_mark: after you log into GNOME from the GDM you see the splashscreen for gnome | 12:50 |
vince_ | Red-Sox: It's an easy transition just as long as you have wine or crossover office to run windows apps. | 12:50 |
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Red-Sox | vince_: yes sir | 12:50 |
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sklav | hi guys | 12:50 |
logical_mark | ecobuntu, oh ok now I understand. Is there a way to change the screen while Ubuntu is loading. I hate it | 12:50 |
Red-Sox | sklav: hi | 12:50 |
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sklav | hi Red-Sox | 12:50 |
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econobuntu | shut up | 12:50 |
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meheren | when im installing enlightment i do the config | 12:51 |
sorush20 | hi/ | 12:51 |
meheren | then i type make as it tells me to do | 12:51 |
meheren | the terminal syas command not found | 12:51 |
LjL | logical_mark: yes, there is a way. no, i don't know what it is. no, there is no other artwork around for that :) | 12:51 |
econobuntu | just install it through synaptic/apt-get meheren | 12:51 |
sorush20 | hi | 12:51 |
ecobuntu | logical_mark: there is it's under preferences somewhere | 12:51 |
ioboss | thanks a lot! | 12:51 |
ioboss | :D | 12:51 |
meheren | doestn't work | 12:51 |
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meheren | i tryed apt-get install enlightment | 12:51 |
LjL | logical_mark: actually, there is the Kubuntu splash screen, but it's very much like the Ubuntu one, except for being blue and having a "K" | 12:51 |
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sorush20 | just wanted to know what is a good data recovery software for HDD? | 12:51 |
mulder | is there a quick way to configure NAT in ubuntu? | 12:51 |
sklav | mulder, use shorewall | 12:52 |
logical_mark | Does anyone know of a way to get x-chat to play a sound when your name is mentioned in a chat | 12:52 |
sklav | awesome documentation simple and has advanced features | 12:52 |
LjL | logical_mark: hopefully, the next version of Ubuntu (Dapper) will have some better artwork for the spashscreen, as well as an easy way to let you choose it | 12:52 |
meheren | well gtg if you have a suggestion send me a form | 12:52 |
sklav | also if you want a gui there is a webmin module | 12:52 |
mulder | sklav, is that cli or gui? and can it do qos stuff too? | 12:52 |
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sklav | yes it does qos | 12:52 |
mulder | excellent | 12:52 |
ecobuntu | logical_mark: try sessions | 12:52 |
mulder | chees | 12:53 |
mulder | rs | 12:53 |
kyncani | meheren: you can only install as root -> sudo apt-get install enlightenment | 12:53 |
sklav | its by default cli but if you really want a gui install webmin and the shorewall module | 12:53 |
sklav | i believe its in universe | 12:53 |
LjL | logical_mark: also, you can completely remove the splash screen and have the good old textmode boot process if you prefer | 12:53 |
sklav | actually im pretty sure since i installed it using apt-get | 12:53 |
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logical_mark | LjL thanks for the help | 12:54 |
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logical_mark | LjL, did you see my last about X-CHAT? | 12:54 |
LjL | logical_mark: yes, but i don't know the answer, as i'm using Konversation | 12:54 |
draftkid | djm62, what do i do now? | 12:54 |
vbgunz | anybody know how to close an IRC window with a forward slash command? | 12:54 |
LjL | vbgunz: /part #channel, if that window's a channel | 12:55 |
logical_mark | LjL, being new to linux and irc, do you think I should check Koversation out? | 12:55 |
djm62 | draftkid: what have you done? | 12:55 |
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vbgunz | LjL: thanks... will try that | 12:55 |
LjL | logical_mark: Konversation is a KDE program, so no, you should probably stick to X-Chat as long as you're using Gnome and not KDE | 12:55 |
djm62 | draftkid: PM me with the output of ifconfig and iwconfig | 12:55 |
logical_mark | LjL: I have heard that KDE is the way to go if you are an advanced user but not the way to go if you want looks too. What do you find better abour KDE? | 12:56 |
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draftkid | went to the terminal, typed in ifconfig, and it shows me my 3 conections with stuff about them | 12:56 |
DShepherd | logical_mark: I use Gaim to connect to IRC.. it's pretty nice | 12:56 |
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DoubleA | What software do I need to burn CD/DVD discs? | 12:56 |
ecobuntu | logical_mark: but you can install konversation for gnome if you are more comfortable with it | 12:56 |
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Seveas | DoubleA, gnomebaker / graveman / k3b | 12:56 |
vbgunz | LjL: I have this annoying problem, I hate it... Everytime Gaim launches open, three new windows popup with it... The freenode-connect, MemoServ and NickServ windows... I really don't wish to see them when I first log on and don't need to be advised of an incoming message about them... any clues how to get rid of them? | 12:56 |
ecobuntu | logical_mark: it's nice and beats the hell of ksirc | 12:56 |
logical_mark | DShepherd - I will look into using GAIM. Thanks for the info | 12:56 |
Seveas | vbgunz, use a real irc client :) | 12:57 |
ecobuntu | irssi-text is the best in irc programs! | 12:57 |
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LjL | logical_mark: it's very configurable, and i find it quite innovative in certain aspects. i find gnome much more restricted in the configuration options it offers, and also more conservative. but this is just my opinion | 12:57 |
djm62 | DoubleA: or possibly just Nautilus (gnome file manager) | 12:57 |
DShepherd | logical_mark: connects to ICQ, msn, yahoo and jabber protocols too | 12:57 |
LjL | vbgunz: no, no idea. as i was saying to logical_mark, i'm using KDE, so i don't know much about Gnome/GTK programs | 12:57 |
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vbgunz | Seveas: yeah, I hear that... I would probably still need a way to connect to my other accounts... I would rather keep them all in one window | 12:58 |
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DoubleA | Nautilus shuts down when starting to burn, gonme-baker just freezes | 12:58 |
DoubleA | Any idea how to fix this? | 12:58 |
vbgunz | LjL: ok, I thought I ask... Gaim is really getting me uptight... Everytime I log, these three pestering windows popup and I always have to kill them... :( | 12:58 |
LjL | logical_mark: about the looks... bah, both can be made to look just like whatever you feel like. there are hundreds of themes and stuff for both. and anyway, no, KDE doesn't "look worse" per se... Gnome zealots say this. KDE zealots say Gnome looks worse | 12:58 |
DShepherd | logical_mark: I recommend Gaim, cause gaim 2 is about to come out with some nice new features,,, so getting your feet wet with gaim is a plus | 12:59 |
sklav | well depends on the OS | 12:59 |
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LjL | vbgunz: my advice is to use an IRC client (such as X-Chat) for chatting in IRC, and leaving instant messengers such as Gaim for, well, instant messenging | 12:59 |
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djm62 | oooh, gaim 2 | 12:59 |
sklav | on redhat / fedora bluecurve makes them look identical | 12:59 |
DShepherd | LjL: :) | 12:59 |
cdubya | DoubleA, use k3b ? | 01:00 |
cdubya | DoubleA, don't use Nautilus to burn anything typically..... | 01:00 |
draftkid | djm26 - is it possible mabe i neeed driver for the wirless card? | 01:00 |
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djm62 | draftkid: can you find some way of showing me the output from ifconfig and iwconfig | 01:01 |
LjL | sklav: for that matter, my Gnome apps (not that i've got many) look identical to my KDE apps, as i'm using the GTK->QT wrapper that comes with Ubuntu ;) | 01:01 |
vbgunz | how would you ignore a user on IRC? Maybe I can ignore them, unless I wish to explicitly see what they might have to say? | 01:01 |
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navarone | Has anyone upgraded to newest gtk-gnutella,,and if so must you remove previous version first? | 01:01 |
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logical_mark | DShepherd, where can I find all the commands for connecting to channels and stuff. X-CHAT did that all for me | 01:01 |
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LjL | vbgunz: /ignore nickname. the opposite (all-ignore, selective-unignore) can't be done easily AFAIK | 01:01 |
DShepherd | type /help that should work | 01:02 |
vbgunz | LjL: OK, nope, don't think I can ignore these things... | 01:02 |
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DShepherd | logical_mark: you want a how to use gaim? | 01:02 |
vbgunz | DShepherd: I did, I never saw the option for ignore... | 01:02 |
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DShepherd | vbgunz: I guess that one is not available | 01:02 |
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vbgunz | DShepherd: do you know how to get rid of those three windows that popup on first login with Gaim? | 01:03 |
draftkid | djm62 - can you see my text in you pm? | 01:03 |
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vbgunz | the NickServ, MemoServ, etc windows? | 01:03 |
LjL | logical_mark: /server <servername> /join <channelname> /part <channelname> /msg <nickname> <message> these are the most widely used commands | 01:03 |
bluelotus | ^^ Hey, does anyone know why an iwconfig wlan0 ap ##:##:##:##:## wouldn't take? iwlist wlan0 scan shows the network available... | 01:03 |
djm62 | draftkid: no | 01:03 |
logical_mark | DShepherd, I want a "How to use IRC". See when I launch x-chat it displays the ubuntu server/channel (don't know really) and then I click on it and I am there | 01:03 |
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DShepherd | vbgunz: to irc.. noop | 01:03 |
djm62 | draftkid: use a pastebin and tell me the url | 01:03 |
DShepherd | nope* | 01:03 |
vbgunz | DShepherd: :) | 01:03 |
ale3hs | does xmms comes in GTK ?? or at least there is any gtk quality mp3 player?? | 01:03 |
navarone | logical>append port 667 after servername usually as well | 01:03 |
navarone | 6667 rather | 01:04 |
DShepherd | logical_mark: with using gaim right? | 01:04 |
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LjL | navarone: that should be the default port with most clients though | 01:04 |
kyncani | ale3hs: rhythmbox, totem | 01:04 |
logical_mark | DShepherd, yes thats right | 01:04 |
LjL | ale3hs: xmms *is* a GTK app, though not a GTK2 app | 01:05 |
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muszek | hi | 01:05 |
ale3hs | kyncani, totem is really bad, at least 4 video | 01:05 |
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muszek | I want to run a cron job as root... how should I name the file in /var/spool/cron/crontabs ? | 01:05 |
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bluelotus | I guess no one here has an idea? | 01:05 |
kyncani | ale3hs: rhythmbox and totem can both play audio. Best audio players for gnome (beside xmms) i think | 01:05 |
LjL | muszek: uh, i really don't think you should edit those files at all! | 01:05 |
LjL | muszek: see /etc/crontab and /etc/cron.* | 01:06 |
mcphail | muszek: sudo crontab -e -u root | 01:06 |
djm62 | ale3hs: beep-media-player (or bmp) is like a gtk2 port of xmms, I think | 01:06 |
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ale3hs | kyncani, I just saw rhythmbox I didnt know that I had it.. thanx | 01:06 |
muszek | thanks, I'll give it a shot | 01:06 |
Comrade_Vladimir | debian people were bein asinine to me can some one here tell me where i can find myspace videos for linux compatribility | 01:06 |
kyncani | ale3hs: np ;) | 01:06 |
PokerFacePenguin | bluelotus: did you try ifconfig with that command? | 01:06 |
bluelotus | I did not... | 01:06 |
navarone | ale3hs>rhythmbox is quite good...nice playlist/library features and selecting playlists to burn direct to cd | 01:06 |
bluelotus | Didn't know ifconfig took essid | 01:07 |
bluelotus | ^^ | 01:07 |
logical_mark | DShepherd, could you send those common commands one more time | 01:07 |
DShepherd | logical_mark: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/faq.php#q15 <-- try that | 01:07 |
PokerFacePenguin | bluelotus: i havent used iwconfig too much, but i always config my wifi with ifconfig | 01:07 |
logical_mark | DShepherd: thanks, looking now | 01:07 |
DShepherd | logical_mark: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/faq.php#q55 <-- sorry, this is better | 01:08 |
Comrade_Vladimir | they refered me back here | 01:08 |
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bluelotus | it says ap: Host name lookup failure | 01:08 |
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ale3hs | navarone, yea I just see it ...it looks alright.. xmms is not so convinient, interface is not good, plus is not gtk and I cannot moved around the workspaces | 01:08 |
gimmulf_ | hello, my < > just stopped working bought a new keyboard but its still not working :) Could someone please help me with this? | 01:08 |
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PokerFacePenguin | bluelotus: dunno, was curious if it worked the same way too | 01:09 |
LjL | ale3hs: look, i know what you mean with "it's not gtk", but can you stop saying that? you're spreading misinformation, as xmms *IS* GTK! | 01:09 |
bluelotus | ^^ Thanks anyways, PokerFacePenguin | 01:09 |
vbgunz | anyone know of a better all-in-one client like Gaim? I use to use Trillian and miss it so much so I guess I can kiss that messenger good bye... Anyone have any opinions of another all-in-one messenger? | 01:09 |
Orborde | Whoever rules the topic: us.archive.ubuntu.com is no longer down... | 01:09 |
ioboss | ok, now i can see rm filetype whit xine, but realplay play video slowly.. | 01:10 |
madmax424 | I'm running ubuntu 5.1 and I am trying to install the ATI drivers and I am running into some problems, anyone that can help me out? | 01:10 |
bluelotus | ayttm reminded me alot of trillian, vbgunz | 01:10 |
navarone | ale3hs> I thought xmms was great when amarok wouldn't play ball...but the playlist and add file thing is a bit dated and unapealing | 01:10 |
bluelotus | But gaim is by far the best, imho. | 01:10 |
ale3hs | LjL ..is it?? sorry I ddnt realize that uses GTK libs for graphics, it isnst seems | 01:10 |
Orborde | madmax424: It's 5.10, and you're trying to get fglrx to work, aren't you? | 01:10 |
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djm62 | madmax424: unlike in maths 5.1 != 5.10 (it was released on the 10th month) | 01:10 |
madmax424 | *sighs* yes | 01:10 |
vbgunz | bluelotus: what do you do about the three windows that pop up ?memoserv, nickserv, etc"? Do you just ignore them? | 01:10 |
LjL | ale3hs: it doesn't use GTK2, but it does use GTK1 | 01:10 |
LjL | ale3hs: same does VLC, for example | 01:10 |
bluelotus | I don't get any windows... ^^ | 01:11 |
Orborde | madmax424: Have you found the howto on that and tried it? | 01:11 |
bluelotus | Do you mean when going on IRC? | 01:11 |
madmax424 | I'm missing a package.... I think, and I'm not sure where to get it | 01:11 |
madmax424 | yes | 01:11 |
bluelotus | I use xchat for IRC ^^; | 01:11 |
madmax424 | I've found several | 01:11 |
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Orborde | madmax424: What's going wrong exactly? | 01:11 |
navarone | Any gtk-gnutella users know if you must uninstall installed version before upgrade? I have standard deb from freshmeat and I am not sure if it will be compliant with ubuntu setup... | 01:11 |
vbgunz | bluelotus: yes, when going on IRC | 01:11 |
bluelotus | xchat > gaim/ayttm for irc. | 01:11 |
Orborde | madmax424: Are you on AMD64 ? | 01:11 |
madmax424 | the problem is I can never get past the first step without a screen full of errors | 01:11 |
blanky | someone please give me a link to recovering ubuntu after windows install | 01:11 |
blanky | !recoverubuntu | 01:11 |
ubotu | blanky: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 01:11 |
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Orborde | madmax424: What step is that? | 01:11 |
madmax424 | yes, but its the 32bit version of ubuntu | 01:11 |
ale3hs | LjL, I see ..sorry I am not relevant ;) | 01:11 |
LjL | navarone: don't install stray .debs if you can avoid it | 01:11 |
Seveas | blanky, search the wiki for recovering | 01:11 |
vbgunz | bluelotus: yes, I automatically sign on with Gaim to IRC (freenode) | 01:12 |
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bluelotus | vbgunz, I suggest xchat. | 01:12 |
bluelotus | vbgunz, xchat is one of the better irc clients. That, or bitchx. | 01:12 |
LjL | ale3hs: that .deb you found on freshmeat will probably be for debian, and nothing guarrantees it will work on ubuntu, or even that it won't do bad things | 01:12 |
navarone | LjL> is it from gnutella dev team at freashmeat.org...and gnutella is telling me that I have outdated version and upgrade | 01:12 |
vbgunz | I have xchat... just trying to consolidate the IMs... :( | 01:12 |
madmax424 | The first place I looked was the ubuntu forums | 01:12 |
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vbgunz | bluelotus: I understand | 01:12 |
madmax424 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=423584 | 01:12 |
nixon_ | hola | 01:12 |
keverets | Argh. I can't resolve any domain names with ubuntu now. Helpfully the /etc/resolv.conf tells me that it's all managed by NetworkManager now, so I don't need to worry about it. Which would be fine. If it worked. | 01:12 |
nixon_ | alguien habla espaol ? | 01:12 |
navarone | LjL> it is rather than is it...<s> | 01:13 |
djm62 | !es | 01:13 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:13 |
Seveas | !es | 01:13 |
madmax424 | when I ran this command: udo apt-get install gcc-3.4 module-assistant build-essential fakeroot dh-make debconf libstdc++5 gcc-3.3-base | 01:13 |
ale3hs | LjL ..i didnt find any deb on freshmeat ..u ve been mistaken | 01:13 |
nixon_ | thanks | 01:13 |
anto9us | blanky, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 01:13 |
djm62 | ooh, ubotu handles multiple !s nicely | 01:13 |
keverets | how do I convince it to actually resolve some domain names (the proper DNS servers should be picked up through DHCP)? | 01:13 |
anavim | blanky, search the wiki for "recovering ubuntu after windows install" | 01:13 |
LjL | ale3hs: yes, sorry, i was actually referring to navarone | 01:13 |
madmax424 | I get a massive set of errors that all start like this | 01:13 |
navarone | lol | 01:13 |
LjL | navarone: is it gtk-gnutella that you're talking about? | 01:13 |
madmax424 | Couldn't stat source package | 01:13 |
navarone | LjL>yes | 01:13 |
madmax424 | no such file or directory | 01:14 |
ale3hs | LjL by the way, is it okay to install deb rpms in ubunto..?? | 01:14 |
madmax424 | the problems is, theres so many of them, I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm missing | 01:14 |
ale3hs | LjL and what command I use? | 01:14 |
sh10151 | how come ubuntu comes with mawk instead of gawk? | 01:14 |
Red-Sox | how do you make ubotu say things like * ubotu decapitates Red-Sox conan the destroyer style, courtesy of hobbsee | 01:14 |
Orborde | madmax424: Try sudo apt-get update | 01:14 |
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: this may be asking the obvious, but have you installed firewall software that is blocking DNS? | 01:14 |
madmax424 | did that | 01:14 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun there yet | 01:14 |
LjL | ale3hs: debs or rpms? they're different things :o) | 01:14 |
Seveas | Red-Sox, not | 01:14 |
anavim | blanky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 01:14 |
ale3hs | LjL packages for deb | 01:14 |
Orborde | madmax424: Have you messed with your sources.list ? | 01:14 |
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Seveas | Red-Sox, and off-topic talk goes to #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:14 |
madmax424 | yeah, that was the only way to get it to work | 01:15 |
ale3hs | LjL without compiling u know | 01:15 |
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madmax424 | it wouldnt even update the first time I tried it | 01:15 |
LjL | navarone: what does "apt-cache policy gtk-gnutella | grep Installed" tell you? | 01:15 |
Red-Sox | Seveas: people did it in kubuntu-offtopic, it made me curious, sorry | 01:15 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: sadly, no. It's between my laptop and the openwrt router which was working fine yesterday, but firing up the laptop today has made it decide to not deal with DNS. | 01:15 |
Seveas | !lart Red-Sox | 01:15 |
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firefly2442 | how can I force install a package without checking for dependencies? | 01:15 |
LjL | ale3hs: "packages for deb" you mean "packages for debian"? | 01:15 |
ale3hs | LjL yea deb = debian | 01:15 |
navarone | LjL>Installed: 0.95.4-1 | 01:16 |
Orborde | madmax424: Hmm....I don't have time to help you more at the moment, sorry. Paste your sources.list to a pastebin and ask someone else to help. Sorry I can't right now. | 01:16 |
draftkid | djm62 - omg ok , when i try to pasy text document on floppy but it says : unable to mount the selected voulume | 01:16 |
sapo | hi guys, i m desperate, i used mkfs.vfat to format a 80GB HD.. its like 45 minutes formating, the hd is so hot that almost burn my fingers >.< is it normal? | 01:16 |
LjL | ale3hs: well, you shouldn't say "deb" to mean "debian", because with "deb" we usually mean a ".deb" file | 01:16 |
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: and another pc will get DNS from that router fine? | 01:16 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: pon | 01:16 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: yup. | 01:16 |
=== jcape [n=jcape@c-67-175-222-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | ale3hs: also, RPMs have nothing to do with either Debian or Ubuntu | 01:16 |
djm62 | draftkid: you have seriously confused me | 01:16 |
afabian | firefly2442, man dpkg | 01:16 |
LjL | ale3hs: in any case, DO NOT install Debian packages on ubuntu | 01:16 |
djm62 | draftkid: do you intend to email me a floppy? | 01:16 |
=== rhoffa [n=rhoffa@ip70-162-83-183.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ale3hs | LjL, how u say the precompiled software for debian? | 01:16 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: I may try power-cycling ("/etc/init.d/networking restart" doesn't change anything), but this is starting to feel more like Windows all the time. | 01:17 |
pussfeller | i have libmad, and yet xine still wont play mp3s | 01:17 |
keverets | It's trying to be too helpful. | 01:17 |
LjL | navarone: that's the current ubuntu version. i'm not sure why you should upgrade it? | 01:17 |
rhoffa | how many people cant get mp3s to play, thats what im here for too | 01:17 |
LjL | ale3hs: eeeh? | 01:17 |
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keverets | Where does the local caching DNS server live? How's it configured (besides the unhelpful NetworkManager)? | 01:17 |
afabian | keverets, there's always Slackware. It's rarely accused of trying to be too helpful. =) | 01:17 |
=== TGM [n=tgm@c-24-22-60-224.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | ale3hs: the precompiled software for debian is "debian packages" | 01:17 |
=== _Dom_ [n=dom@cpc2-leed11-3-1-cust112.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | ale3hs: if that's what you mean | 01:18 |
navarone | LjL> On gnutella site there is notice of older version being banned to esure network stability or something like that | 01:18 |
keverets | afabian: I'll probably just continue to use Debian. Thanks for the suggestion, though ;) | 01:18 |
rhoffa | i can get mp3s to play to xmms but i want them to play in amarok or rythmbox and they wont, how can i fix that? | 01:18 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun nm i figured it out but i was refered to u in high esteem | 01:18 |
sapo | omg my hd is gonna burn =/ | 01:18 |
madmax424 | Heres another problem, is there any way to set permissions for an ntfs hard drive so that I dont hafta be logged in as root to view it and copy files from it? | 01:18 |
Comrade_Vladimir | so nm | 01:18 |
TGM | On Breezy is there a way to install/set up/use differnt cursors then the default, if so, how? I haven;t been able to figure it out yet | 01:18 |
=== Jimbob_ [n=jcape@c-67-173-146-239.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: lol, not even close to those headaches...try to recycle....see if it helps....maybe u can pastebin some stuff and work it out | 01:18 |
snausages | how can i turn off the "glowing" in the taskbar when i play a song in xmms ? | 01:18 |
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=== Tigerhawk [n=katsarts@ppp13.pm3-6.kal-ch.mi.localnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ale3hs | LjL yea, that I was meant .. thanx, I les u work, or do whatever do .. | 01:18 |
Tigerhawk | Hello | 01:18 |
navarone | TGM> I think there is a gnome cursor package | 01:18 |
ioboss | mount /media/game/juiced/Juiced.CD1.bin /cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop | 01:19 |
ioboss | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop2, | 01:19 |
ioboss | missing codepage or other error | 01:19 |
ioboss | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 01:19 |
ioboss | dmesg | tail or so | 01:19 |
LjL | navarone: well, i think you should wait and see what happens... i have a feeling the Ubuntu gtk-gnutella won't be left there not working | 01:19 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: OK, I'll try the recycle. Any hints on what I should pastebin if that doesn't help? | 01:19 |
ioboss | i try to mount a sio image... | 01:19 |
rhoffa | could someone help me get mp3 playback in some software when it works in others | 01:19 |
=== neoplasticity [i=neoplast@user-0c99r1o.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TGM | I have several but I can;t figure out how to add more or chose differnt ones then the default | 01:19 |
ioboss | what the problem? i don'y understand.. .( | 01:19 |
neoplasticity | is there a default root password in server install? | 01:19 |
ioboss | :( | 01:19 |
neoplasticity | i just did server install | 01:19 |
neoplasticity | and it never asked me for root password | 01:19 |
navarone | Ljl> I always have phex as a back up into the network ...lol thnx | 01:19 |
=== gimmulf [n=gimmulf@h34n2c1o1043.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | !tell neoplasticity about root | 01:19 |
djm62 | neoplasticity: there is no root user, use sudo | 01:19 |
gimmulf | !keyboard | 01:19 |
ubotu | gimmulf: Are you smoking crack? | 01:19 |
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: have you modified resolv.conf at all? | 01:19 |
draftkid | djm62 - lol wast trying to email it but swich the files over to this pc so i could give them to you | 01:20 |
djm62 | oh! | 01:20 |
djm62 | draftkid: I'm sorry, that all makes more sense now | 01:20 |
draftkid | Laughing Out Loud im glade | 01:20 |
TGM | I also have an intrst in installing Qemu, Is this the place to ask for help on how to do that or should I try another channel? | 01:20 |
draftkid | glad* | 01:20 |
Tigerhawk | I have a problem, I have ubuntuon a computer, that is not connected to the internet, yet, I want some of the other multimedia plugins | 01:20 |
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: wonder what would happen if you renamed the /etc/resolv.conf file to something else before u reboot | 01:20 |
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | I cannot connect to the internet in any way nor will I try to connect it to the internet, just so you know | 01:21 |
blanky | hey has anyone here used debian (yes I know about #debian) | 01:21 |
neoplasticity | thanks djm and crimson | 01:21 |
mcphail | TGM: sudo apt-get install qemu should work! | 01:21 |
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rhoffa | mp32 playback works in xmms, but not amarok or rhythm.. anyone know whats wrong? | 01:21 |
muszek | bye | 01:21 |
gimmulf | Hi my < > button on my kayboard just stopped working please help | 01:21 |
TGM | Ah, alright, I'm still figureing this all out, thank you very much for the help ^^ | 01:21 |
Orborde | TGM: Figuring out how to USE it, though, is probably another matter entirely. | 01:21 |
=== svu [n=svu@host-194-46-240-4.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
draftkid | djm62 - but for the error for the floppy its saying " error:givin udm is not a mountable volume" | 01:22 |
mcphail | TGM: if you'd rather compile from source, it's a bit more difficult | 01:22 |
snausages | how can i turn off the "glowing" in the taskbar when i play a song in xmms ? | 01:22 |
anavim | why doesn't ubotu respond to private messages anymore? | 01:22 |
draftkid | boy o boy :P | 01:22 |
jfletcher | he's in a mood. | 01:22 |
TGM | I don;t dare use souce yet, I'm gonna stick with Binary untill I get the hang of things | 01:22 |
jfletcher | angry @ the world | 01:22 |
TGM | *source | 01:22 |
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jfletcher | TGM: there's allways a readme with source,,, unless its so simple.. | 01:23 |
djm62 | draftkid: here in the UK I have to hit the sack | 01:23 |
mcphail | TGM: vmware workstation is an excellent product | 01:23 |
n0dl | mcphail: Do you happen to teach at Mt Sac Antonio somewhere near pomona california by chance? | 01:23 |
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=== Cartesian1984 [n=chatzill@69-161-101-140.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jfletcher | djm62: i'm UK, night's only young ;) | 01:23 |
Tigerhawk | How can I install the Libraries (multiverse) and Libraries (universe), without connecting to the internet with the ubuntu computer? | 01:23 |
draftkid | ok thats for taking the time to try and help | 01:23 |
mcphail | n0dl: nope. UK. | 01:23 |
n0dl | oh i c | 01:23 |
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jfletcher | Tigerhawk: get whatever you can from the CD? | 01:23 |
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Tigerhawk | yah, everything Icould | 01:24 |
anavim | Tigerhawk, apt-zip? | 01:24 |
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Tigerhawk | but it says I have to conect to a server to update my lists | 01:24 |
Tigerhawk | which I can't do | 01:24 |
selinium | mcphail: What are you still doing up? it's 00:24! :) | 01:24 |
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Tigerhawk | apt-zip? | 01:24 |
navarone | Tigerhawk> why no internet in buntu? | 01:24 |
mcphail | selinium: young baby, sleepless nights! | 01:24 |
=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp169-240.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Epix | anyone played marathon yet? free game from bungee, win/mac/nix... http://source.bungie.org/ | 01:24 |
`ns` | Tigerhawk, comment out the internet servers in your sources.list ? | 01:25 |
anavim | Tigerhawk, use only cdrom and file in your sources.list | 01:25 |
Tigerhawk | because I have dial-up and no switch, or hub, or simular for net sharing | 01:25 |
LjL | navarone: it appears that you can continue using the version you have installed without any worry. the ban is not from the network -- rather, version 0.95 of gtk-gnutella has a time limit built into it. but i think Ubuntu version has that limit removed, so no problem | 01:25 |
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afabian | Tigerhawk, there aren't any master ISO images like Debian with everything, so a lot of stuff will have to come off of the network at some point. BUT you could just as easily burn the .deb files downloaded from an FTP mirror to a CD-ROM and add it to your sources.list. | 01:25 |
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@24-205-238-53.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== erythro [n=erythro@18.Red-83-33-160.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | they would complain if Iswitched the net to ubuntu and from this windows system(which they all use) | 01:25 |
admrl | alrighty i compiled the webcam drivers spca5xx a few weeks ago and now its broke | 01:25 |
admrl | it freezes when i try to use the webcam | 01:25 |
=== EY [n=JEYTY@cpc2-farn1-5-0-cust56.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
admrl | i went to /dev/ | 01:25 |
admrl | and i did cat /video0 | 01:26 |
Tigerhawk | sources.list is where? | 01:26 |
admrl | and my computer frize | 01:26 |
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admrl | froze | 01:26 |
afabian | Tigerhawk, /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:26 |
navarone | LjL> Thanks...not really worried...can always use other client...which, incidently, I installed from outside deb...and no probs... | 01:26 |
admrl | and i tried to compile them again and it still doesnt work | 01:26 |
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phiqtion | nalioth, busy? | 01:26 |
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afabian | Tigerhawk, you may want to consult man sources.list | 01:26 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp196-40.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | brb | 01:26 |
rhoffa | how do i get mp3 playback in rhythmbox if it works in xmms | 01:26 |
admrl | i think it is becuz the kernel was updated | 01:26 |
phiqtion | Seveas, busy? | 01:26 |
crimsun | rhoffa: install gstreamer0.8-mad | 01:26 |
nalioth | phiqtion: not at all | 01:26 |
phiqtion | nalioth, about the "shred" command | 01:27 |
nalioth | phiqtion: but Seveas and I are by far NOT the only folks in here | 01:27 |
purplefeltangel | is there a package available to get support for .mov files and if so what is it called? | 01:27 |
admrl | can anyone help me | 01:27 |
admrl | ..? | 01:27 |
nalioth | phiqtion: can you join me in #kubuntu-offtopic please? | 01:27 |
bluelotus | Why would iwconfig wlan0 ap ##:##:##:## not assign that accesspoint when iwlist wlan0 scan displays it? | 01:27 |
rhoffa | crimsun - i did that, xmms player works buyt rhythmbox doesnt, im stumped | 01:27 |
phiqtion | nalioth, sure | 01:27 |
LjL | navarone: that's good, but keep in mind that debian debs are not ubuntu debs, and you may have problems installing them. i do install debian debs myself when i think i have no other choice (and i cross my fingers when i do!), but you should definitely look around you before doing that | 01:27 |
admrl | oh and my webcam always seems like its working | 01:27 |
admrl | its being used | 01:27 |
crimsun | rhoffa: what happens instead? | 01:27 |
admrl | it has a light for when its being used and its being used | 01:27 |
=== rabihkh [n=rabihkh@p54A70A99.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | navarone: and you should definitely never use a debian deb just to get a (not very much) updated version of something | 01:28 |
AndiM | bluelotus: LOTS of reasons: encryption mismatch, rate mismatch, mode mismatch, ... | 01:28 |
neoplasticity | btw | 01:28 |
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neoplasticity | us.archive.ubuntu.com is no longer down | 01:28 |
AndiM | bluelotus: a scan is a scan, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with actually getting an association to a cell. | 01:28 |
admrl | ive been to all the forums i can find | 01:28 |
neoplasticity | so someone should change the channel topic | 01:28 |
blanky | how do you stop something | 01:28 |
rhoffa | crimsun - it says this file is not an audiop stream | 01:28 |
admrl | if anyone knows anything about it pm me | 01:28 |
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blanky | etc/init.d/something stop ? or how do you do it | 01:28 |
admrl | please please please | 01:28 |
crimsun | rhoffa: can you use gst-launch-0.8 to play it? | 01:28 |
crimsun | rhoffa: read the syntax in the man page | 01:29 |
kyncani | blanky: exactly | 01:29 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: Haven't touched /etc/resolv.conf (though it looks like NetworkManager has)... rebooting didn't help. Will try the removing of /etc/resolv.conf before rebooting this time. | 01:29 |
blanky | k | 01:29 |
bluelotus | AndiM, Thanks for the reply. Why would my laptop *running breezy* connect fine to the same AP with the same command? Could it be the difference in wireless adapters? | 01:29 |
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: worth a shot | 01:29 |
rhoffa | crimsun - it plays fine in xmms | 01:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ | ||
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: i would rename it instead of delete it | 01:30 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:crimsun] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com/ | Support options: http://ubuntu.com/support | Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting | IRC Info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat | If you have to ask how to use dapper, don't. | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun | ||
gimmulf | Hi, my < > button on kayboard wont work.... setxkbmap -print shows me: xkb_keymap { xkb_keycodes { include "xfree86+aliases(qwerty)"}; xkb_types { include "complete"}; xkb_compat { include "complete"}; xkb_symbols { include "pc(pc101)+se"}; xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc101)"};}; but im using Option "XkbModel" "pc105" in my xorg.conf | 01:30 |
gimmulf | please help | 01:30 |
z0rz | WShat's the best bit torrent client for linux?' | 01:30 |
=== jack_ [n=jack@eycb01-00-cntnga-69-164-218-7.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcphail | Is the MBR on a SATA drive 512bytes like PATA? | 01:30 |
jack_ | hi | 01:30 |
Comrade_Vladimir | how come when ever i try to play a mp3 file im beep or xmms it looks like it worked but doesnt play and when i push play it crashes | 01:30 |
z0rz | I don't want to use azureus because it uses too much memory | 01:30 |
=== eric [n=eric@ool-4576ee6b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | rhoffa: so test using gst-launch-0.8 | 01:30 |
z0rz | I really like uTorrent for windows.. | 01:30 |
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop??? | 01:31 |
DShepherd | z0rz: try bittorrent | 01:31 |
=== Astinus [i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | crimsun - new to linux, dont know how | 01:31 |
blanky | jorge@blankpc:/usr/bin$ sudo perl vmware-config.pl | 01:31 |
blanky | Making sure services for VMware Workstation are stopped. | 01:31 |
blanky | sh: /etc/init.d/vmware: Permission denied | 01:31 |
blanky | Unable to stop services for VMware Workstation | 01:31 |
blanky | Execution aborted. | 01:31 |
blanky | sorry,...wrong window | 01:31 |
z0rz | that's included? | 01:31 |
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scott_kirkwood | does anyone know if there a way to have a different set of icons on different workspaces? I'd like to setup one desktop for my son with game icons. | 01:31 |
DShepherd | z0rz: yup | 01:31 |
crimsun | rhoffa: man gst-launch-0.8, read the examples section toward the end | 01:31 |
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Tigerhawk | It says I need to reload the package list from the servers | 01:31 |
kyncani | gimmulf: i think you can also configure your keyboard in gnome (could be mistaken). And you can use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to setup xorg (no need to hand-edit the config file). | 01:31 |
Tigerhawk | which I ca't do | 01:31 |
=== navarone thinks it's quiet...to quiet | ||
navarone | !xchat | 01:32 |
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ubotu | rumour has it, xchat is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto http://www.xchat.org/ | 01:32 |
DShepherd | Tigerhawk: sudo aptitude update | 01:32 |
Tigerhawk | brb again | 01:32 |
_Dom_ | whats the package to install dvd playback in breezy | 01:32 |
logical_mark | Hey guys I messed something up and need help fixing it. I changed something in the Login Screen Setup so that now I can't login to ubuntu. I instead get a screen that is scanning for computers on my network to login to. How do I get past that so I can login and turn that off!!? | 01:32 |
gimmulf | kyncani: wont that mess with my monitor settings and such+ | 01:32 |
DShepherd | !tell _Dom_ about RestrictedFormats | 01:33 |
=== surfdue [n=surfdue@user-0c6t1rl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | gimmulf: i use debconf to setup my monitor | 01:33 |
rhoffa | crimsun - i understand what your sayign but i dont know how to do that, i typed it in the terminal and it said no pipeline | 01:33 |
Comrade_Vladimir | will someone answer this how come when ever i try to play a mp3 file im beep or xmms it looks like it worked but doesnt play and when i push play it crashes | 01:33 |
crimsun | rhoffa: the syntax is given in the man page | 01:33 |
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_Dom_ | thanks :) | 01:33 |
=== Corrupter [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | thus the system freezes | 01:33 |
DShepherd | _Dom_: np | 01:33 |
Comrade_Vladimir | admrl i believed so | 01:33 |
Tigerhawk | >< | 01:34 |
=== matrice64_ [n=matrice6@pcp08623314pcs.500ash01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | rhoffa: as in: gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location="foo" ! spider ! alsasink | 01:34 |
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admrl | i went straight and did sudo apt-get install gstream* | 01:34 |
admrl | this way anything that stands w/ gstream installs so you get all the codecs | 01:35 |
logical_mark | Anyone see that last? I REALLY need to know how to fix this problem? | 01:35 |
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navarone | anyone else have to reconnect to server just then? | 01:35 |
rhoffa | crimsun - hang on.. | 01:35 |
Comrade_Vladimir | i did already its just beep and xmms it works in rysmbox and totem admrl | 01:35 |
Corrupter | whats a good DVD player for Ubuntu? | 01:35 |
blanky | hey guys how can I stop vmware from running, I tried sudo /etc/init.d/vmware stop but it didnt work | 01:35 |
ericmoritz | does anyone have a laptop that has the vertical scrolling via the touchpad working? | 01:35 |
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DShepherd | Corrupter: totem-xine | 01:36 |
kyncani | Corrupter: gxine | 01:36 |
admrl | i have no clue than sorry Comrade | 01:36 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | hmm | 01:36 |
kyncani | DShepherd: ;) | 01:36 |
Comrade_Vladimir | got any referances | 01:36 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: It didn't have anything in it, anyway. | 01:36 |
logical_mark | Hey guys I messed something up and need help fixing it. I changed something in the Login Screen Setup so that now I can't login to ubuntu. I instead get a screen that is scanning for computers on my network to login to. How do I get past that so I can login and turn that off!!? | 01:36 |
DShepherd | kyncani: neva heard of gxine | 01:36 |
blanky | what's the package name of kernel headers | 01:36 |
admrl | nope i dont know what to tell you | 01:36 |
admrl | look in the forums | 01:36 |
bluelotus | AndiM, I think it's the rate, but it complains when I say sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M | 01:36 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: that's vague, what do you mean by "played"? | 01:36 |
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop????? | 01:36 |
rhoffa | crimsun - error pipeline doesnt want to play | 01:36 |
=== Chand| [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-28-31.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
purplefeltangel | i am trying to play a .mov file in firefox . . . it plays the first second of the file and then freezes. i installed all the codecs for nonfree formats and stuff and it's still not working. what should i do? | 01:36 |
LjL | blanky: apot-cache search linux-headers | 01:36 |
kyncani | DShepherd: has a nicer menu | 01:36 |
crimsun | rhoffa: cat /proc/asound/cards | 01:37 |
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop????? | 01:37 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: got an error from /etc/init.d/resolvconf that /etc/resolv.conf is not a symbolic link to /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf, so I made that link, restarted resolvconf and now it sees the DNS again. | 01:37 |
keverets | Suck. | 01:37 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun My slat ? ? | 01:37 |
keverets | PokerFacePenguin: thanks for your help. | 01:37 |
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop????? | 01:37 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: come again? | 01:37 |
PokerFacePenguin | keverets: cool beans...good job | 01:37 |
LjL | jack_: don't spam please | 01:37 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun no my new one is why wont beep or xmms work for any media | 01:37 |
Tigerhawk | @_@ | 01:38 |
jack_ | YES!!! so you guys can hear me | 01:38 |
jack_ | :) | 01:38 |
rhoffa | crimsun - nforce - nvidia ck804 (w/al665 at 0xfebfd000, irq 22) | 01:38 |
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crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: meaning that it plays but you can't hear anything? | 01:38 |
crimsun | rhoffa: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 01:38 |
LjL | jack_: i realize that the channel's a little "fast", but that's one more reason to avoid spamming | 01:38 |
rhoffa | i have sound, i have mp3 playback in xmms just not in rhythmbox | 01:38 |
crimsun | rhoffa: paste onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:38 |
crimsun | rhoffa: have you executed ''sudo gst-register-0.8''? | 01:39 |
Siph0n | btw: there is a package called par2 in the synaptic thing u can get... it verifies or creates or repairs par2 files :) | 01:39 |
synackuator | anyone know why dhclient would be broadcasting and not receiving any responses on a public wireless ap? | 01:39 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun no it looks like it loads up but no sound and movement | 01:39 |
rhoffa | ill try that | 01:39 |
jack_ | LjL: yes, but there is no point just rewording a question so its not "spamming" | 01:39 |
crimsun | !info par2 | 01:39 |
ubotu | par2: (Parity Archive Volume Set, for checking and repair of files), section universe/utils, is extra. Version: 0.4-2build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 115 kB, Installed size: 368 kB | 01:39 |
TGM | to install vmware what do I ente into the terminal? I tried sudo apt-get install vmware but it can;t find it | 01:39 |
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Corrupter | how do i get zine? | 01:39 |
Tigerhawk | okay, where can I download gstreamer, the plugins, the ffmpeg and well everything | 01:40 |
purplefeltangel | i am trying to play a .mov file in firefox . . . it plays the first second of the file and then freezes. i installed all the codecs for nonfree formats and stuff and it's still not working. what should i do? | 01:40 |
Tigerhawk | ill install things manually if I have to | 01:40 |
admrl | im trying one more time i compiled the spca5xx and it worked then after a few updates it stopped working | 01:40 |
Tigerhawk | I just want it done | 01:40 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: what output plugins are you using for xmms and bmp? | 01:40 |
LjL | jack_: actually, i'd still call it "spamming" even if you reworded it | 01:40 |
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_Dom_ | anyone happen to have a decent working driver for the belkin FSD6020 version 3 wirless card? | 01:40 |
rhoffa | just loaded 156 plugins | 01:40 |
Corrupter | what livdvdcss? | 01:40 |
purplefeltangel | tigerhawk: packagemanager ;) | 01:40 |
rhoffa | was that my problem? | 01:40 |
Tigerhawk | pakagemanager | 01:40 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun i dunno | 01:40 |
LjL | jack_: you posted the very same question at a distance of about 30 seconds, that's called spamming, and ain't nice | 01:40 |
Tigerhawk | to bad I don't ahve internet | 01:40 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: then check. | 01:41 |
purplefeltangel | tigerhawk: if you dont have internet then how are you here? | 01:41 |
Tigerhawk | well on the ubuntu system | 01:41 |
jack_ | LjL: ok ok | 01:41 |
Tigerhawk | I do on here, but not on the ubuntu system | 01:41 |
purplefeltangel | tigerhawk: well then i dont know how you expect to get them if you cant download them. | 01:41 |
logical_mark | Hey guys I messed something up and need help fixing it. I changed something in the Login Screen Setup so that now I can't login to ubuntu. I instead get a screen that is scanning for computers on my network to login to. How do I get past that so I can login and turn that off!!? | 01:41 |
Tigerhawk | I can downlaod them, just not from there | 01:41 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun refresh my | 01:41 |
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Corrupter | does anyone know what livdvdcss is? | 01:42 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: ? | 01:42 |
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_Dom_ | !tell dom about wireless | 01:42 |
kyncani | Corrupter: _libdvdcss_ | 01:42 |
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navarone | Tigerhawk> do you havea winmodem and cannot get online in ubuntu? | 01:42 |
rhoffa | crimsun - i got a warning after lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 01:42 |
purplefeltangel | corrupter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:42 |
Tigerhawk | no, I only have dial-up and I don't wanna haul a giant system down a few flights of stairs | 01:42 |
Tigerhawk | no phone lines upstairs | 01:42 |
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navarone | ahh | 01:42 |
TGM | What command do I input to install VMware? I've tried sudo apt-get install VMware and it's not likeing it, I take it I have to type in something other then VMware? | 01:43 |
rhoffa | crimsun - cant stat ext3 file system /dev/.static/dev | 01:43 |
Corrupter | !opera | 01:43 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 01:43 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun run me through how to find out | 01:43 |
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logical_mark | nalioth, are you at your keyboard? | 01:43 |
anavim | Tigerhawk, apt-zip | 01:43 |
LjL | Tigerhawk: apt-cache search apt-zip, might be useful for you if i've understsood your problem | 01:43 |
Tigerhawk | okay | 01:43 |
Corrupter | !tell corrupter about opera | 01:43 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: preferences> plugins> output | 01:43 |
Tigerhawk | how do I use apt-zip | 01:43 |
crimsun | rhoffa: that's all the output? | 01:43 |
Tigerhawk | ahh | 01:43 |
LjL | Tigerhawk: i haven't the slighest idea, i never used it, but it comes with a man page ;) | 01:43 |
navarone | Tigerhawk> I assume you haev too puters...one downstairs with windows and another upstairs with ubuntu? | 01:43 |
purplefeltangel | i am trying to play a .mov file in firefox . . . it plays the first second of the file and then freezes. i installed all the codecs for nonfree formats and stuff and it's still not working. what should i do? | 01:43 |
Comrade_Vladimir | oh yea | 01:43 |
Tigerhawk | yes | 01:43 |
mcphail | TGM: you need to download it from their website. It is a commercial app with a free trial licence. | 01:43 |
Tigerhawk | this one down here is windows xp sp2 pro | 01:44 |
nalioth | logical_mark: i am. | 01:44 |
Tigerhawk | upstairs is ubuntu 5.10 | 01:44 |
navarone | Tigerhawk> why didnnt you install on puter with phoneline? | 01:44 |
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rhoffa | crimsun - lsof: WARNING: can't stat() ext3 file system /dev/.static/dev | 01:44 |
rhoffa | Output information may be incomplete. | 01:44 |
rhoffa | mixer_app 28863 rhoffa 36u CHR 116,0 6601 /dev/snd/controlC0 | 01:44 |
_Dom_ | anyone run guild wars on ubuntu well? | 01:44 |
TGM | ah I didn't realise it was a trial, nuts. | 01:44 |
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Tigerhawk | becuase this one has to stay windows | 01:44 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun not sein the plugins part | 01:44 |
Tigerhawk | it works, I dont fix what isn't borken normally | 01:44 |
DShepherd | LjL: do you know if aptitude can zip too? | 01:45 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: in which? I don't use either app. | 01:45 |
LjL | TGM: you can try QEmu instead, that's a free program. it's much slower than VMWare, though, unless you install the "accelerator module", which is free but not open-source (and thus not packaged) | 01:45 |
logical_mark | nalioth, could you assist me with a problem I am having with my login screen? I have messed it. Now when Ubuntu boots up instead of getting a login screen I get a screen that is scanning for computers on my network AND no way at all to login to uncheck that option | 01:45 |
LjL | DShepherd: don't think so | 01:45 |
DShepherd | LjL: ok | 01:45 |
Corrupter | how do i change opera to my default browser? | 01:45 |
Tigerhawk | oooo, opera rulez, I use it on here | 01:45 |
mcphail | TGM: it is worth the money if you are serious about virtualisation | 01:45 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun its in the ubuntu gui | 01:45 |
nalioth | logical_mark: when it starts scanning for other boxen, hit ctrl-c and see if it continues | 01:45 |
logical_mark | nalioth, I was playing around in the "Login Screen Setup" | 01:45 |
Tigerhawk | nice slim browser | 01:45 |
navarone | Corrupter...right click a html file in file browser and chose the prog you want to use | 01:46 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: no, I'm referring to XMMS's and bmp's preferences each | 01:46 |
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LjL | Tigerhawk: yeah, it's got the disadvantage of being propertary, though | 01:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun i no how do i get to them | 01:46 |
Comrade_Vladimir | i ll look aroundf | 01:46 |
logical_mark | nalioth, I will have to reboot to try that because I am on the Live CD right now. Should that not work do you have any other ideas. And I need it to let me login, not just stop scanning | 01:46 |
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crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: secondary-click | 01:46 |
Tigerhawk | opera should(if its anything like the windows cersion) have a option in its preferences | 01:46 |
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nalioth | logical_mark: if it stops scanning, it should continue the login procedure, i would think | 01:47 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun ahh it says oss output plugin | 01:47 |
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navarone | Corrupter> System /Preferences/Preferred Applications | 01:47 |
slashx1896 | hey | 01:47 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: so change them both to use ALSA | 01:47 |
logical_mark | nalioth, I only say so b/c there is a cancel button. and when I click it, it stops scanning but stays at that window... The other button is refresh | 01:48 |
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slashx1896 | i have a quick question | 01:48 |
n0dl | For some reason whenever i try to print out a document some of the words are cut out (like the page with half of an h. How do i fix this? I tried to adjust the margins but taht didnt work | 01:48 |
nalioth | logical_mark: then i'm not sure what you've gotten into | 01:48 |
slashx1896 | can i run games i ran on windows xp before on ubuntu? | 01:48 |
TGM | Ljl: How do I install the accelerator? | 01:48 |
n0dl | slashx1896, you may need cedega | 01:48 |
pixelmonkey | I'm running Galeon and j2sdk1.5, and java applets crash Galeon. Anyone else have this problem? Epiphany doesn't crash, whereas Firefox doesn't even see my Java plugin for some reason | 01:48 |
nalioth | logical_mark: ask crimsun or Seveas | 01:48 |
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crimsun | ? | 01:48 |
purplefeltangel | i am trying to play a .mov file in firefox . . . it plays the first second of the file and then freezes. i installed all the codecs for nonfree formats and stuff and it's still not working. what should i do? | 01:48 |
slashx1896 | cedega? | 01:48 |
crimsun | darned nick highlight | 01:48 |
anavim | how do I change the font size of a gtk theme? | 01:48 |
logical_mark | nalioth, will do thanks | 01:48 |
mcphail | TGM: this is not an easy task | 01:48 |
LjL | TGM: you've got to download it from the author's site and compile a custom version of QEmu using it, i'm afraid | 01:49 |
logical_mark | crimsun, I need help with a login issue I am having. Can you spare a moment? | 01:49 |
LjL | TGM: i've given up doing that myself (not that i've tried very hard) | 01:49 |
crimsun | logical_mark: shoot | 01:49 |
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navarone | Logical_mark> maybe you are having problem because you are using LiveCd <?> | 01:49 |
mcphail | TGM: i can talk you through, if you want | 01:49 |
DShepherd | anavim: try sys -> pref - fonts | 01:49 |
TGM | Ah, well I think I can live with slower games untill I figure out an alternative that free thanks anyway ^^ | 01:49 |
n0dl | slashx1896, yeah cedega... its a graphical front that allows you to play games on linux | 01:49 |
LjL | mcphail: take me in into the talk while you're there ;) | 01:49 |
n0dl | slashx1896, you may also need to configure your flrgx driver | 01:49 |
Corrupter | navarone: what do i do in preferred applications, it's not in the list | 01:49 |
Siph0n | how come every time i close VLC, it keeps the sound playin? :) ne ideas? | 01:50 |
Comrade_Vladimir | now i get my old error of Couldn't open audio. | 01:50 |
Comrade_Vladimir | Please check that: | 01:50 |
Comrade_Vladimir | 1. You have the correct output plugin selected.2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard.3. Your soundcard is configured properly. crimsun | 01:50 |
TGM | Mcphail: I'm a little slow but if you have the patience I'd appreciate it greatly | 01:50 |
LjL | TGM: wait a moment, slower games? you're doing that in order to run windows games? | 01:50 |
rhoffa | crimsun - so what should i do now? | 01:50 |
slashx1896 | im gettin cedega rite now | 01:50 |
TGM | Yeah | 01:50 |
navarone | Corryupter what browser you want to use...Opera? | 01:50 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I have full install of Ubuntu and I was customizing the login screen. When I reboot now all I get instead of an area to login is a screen that is searching for computers on my network to login to. If I cancel out of it the screen goes blank and then goes right back to the screen that came up scanning. | 01:50 |
TGM | a friend reccomended it since Wine wasn;t working for me | 01:50 |
crimsun | rhoffa: does it work with the gstreamer pipeline that I gave you? | 01:50 |
mcphail | LjL: TGM: ok, download the latest qemu and kqemu from the author's website | 01:50 |
Corrupter | navarone yes | 01:50 |
n0dl | slashx1896, you have to understand however... You need to configure your flrgx drive | 01:50 |
Tigerhawk | grr... now the system freezes up at the boot up screen(at module dependencies) | 01:50 |
delpij | hi there | 01:50 |
LjL | TGM: i don't think VMWare's 3D performance are quite acceptable, though i'm not sure! but you should check out Wine and Cedega probably | 01:50 |
delpij | i'm looking for tips | 01:50 |
crimsun | logical_mark: what precisely did you modify? | 01:50 |
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n0dl | slashx1896, you must also keep in mind even if you get cedega and configure that drive its not gauranteed your games will work | 01:50 |
delpij | to optimize fglrx drivers | 01:50 |
wethion | Just started ubuntu. How do I get ndiswrapper for ubuntu? | 01:51 |
delpij | any link for me? | 01:51 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun? | 01:51 |
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crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: ? | 01:51 |
slashx1896 | its just 1 game | 01:51 |
mcphail | LjL: vmware is fine for directx8 | 01:51 |
n0dl | slashx1896, what game? | 01:51 |
TGM | LjL: The game I want to play is relatively old, I don;t think it will be too much of an issue, I'm intent on playing Diablo II :P | 01:51 |
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logical_mark | crimsun: I think what I need to know is how to boot into the terminal where I can login, then startup gnome... Right? I modified the startup theme, but I must have also clicked something else in a different tab. I don't know what though. | 01:51 |
TGM | McPhail: Done | 01:51 |
LjL | mcphail: the source package you mean, i suppose? | 01:51 |
wethion | !ndiswrapper | 01:51 |
rhoffa | crimsun - i dont think i got the pipeline from you | 01:51 |
ubotu | ndiswrapper is probably a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper | 01:51 |
slashx1896 | n0dl: City Of Heores | 01:51 |
navarone | Corrupter> try custom and in command type "opera %s" with no quotemarks | 01:51 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I mean login theme | 01:51 |
mcphail | LjL: yes - i haven't used the binary as im on amd64 | 01:51 |
LjL | mcphail: check | 01:51 |
crimsun | rhoffa: yes you did, I pasted an entire gst-launch-0.8 line to you for you to modify | 01:52 |
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Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun what do i do now | 01:52 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 01:52 |
mcphail | untar qemu and move the kqemu tarball into that directory. Untar kqemu there. | 01:52 |
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n0dl | slashx1896, hmm... You may have a problem... | 01:52 |
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crimsun | logical_mark: you changed the login theme? | 01:52 |
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rhoffa | crimsun - sorry i must have missed it i only got the lsof thing you told me to paste back in that linked window | 01:52 |
TGM | McPhail: So pretty much have them in the same folder untarred? | 01:53 |
LjL | mcphail: check | 01:53 |
slashx1896 | n0dl: what u mean? | 01:53 |
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navarone | Corrupter> or try the frop down arrow for other programs if there are any | 01:53 |
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mcphail | qemu won't compile with gcc4.0 (which comes with breezy) so sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 01:53 |
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n0dl | slashx1896, well its an mmorpg right? | 01:53 |
logical_mark | crimsun: Yes, but I also looked around at the other options and clicked some of them. Obviously one I clicked had to do with that. I just need to login to change it all back.. See what I checked that shouldnt be | 01:53 |
LjL | mcphail: aw, that was probably my problem | 01:53 |
slashx1896 | n0dl: yes | 01:53 |
Tigerhawk | I did sudo aptitude update, the system froze up(I waited several minutes) so I reset now it freezes up at module dependencies | 01:53 |
Comrade_Vladimir | can i paste it in ur channel | 01:53 |
mcphail | You'll also need the linux headers for your kernel | 01:53 |
=== FX|Gamer [n=FX@71-10-126-185.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Comrade_Vladimir | crrmsun | 01:53 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: no, use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 01:54 |
n0dl | slashx1896, well you see... cedega has several probelms with supporting mmos for some reason... There is a chance you might not be able to connect to ther server | 01:54 |
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FX|Gamer | Hello | 01:54 |
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purplefeltangel | i am trying to play a .mov file in firefox . . . it plays the first second of the file and then freezes. i installed all the codecs for nonfree formats and stuff and it's still not working. what should i do? | 01:54 |
rhoffa | crimsun - and i pasted you the result in pm | 01:54 |
TGM | McPhail: I'm lost at Linux headers <<; | 01:54 |
LjL | TGM: apt-cache search linux-headers | 01:54 |
FX|Gamer | Wondering if someone could help me with a fresh install. I have lftp which seem to be corrupt. :( | 01:54 |
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n0dl | slashx1896, or you cant update... Your 3d drive wont work... OpenGL might crash if you dont do the flrgx drive thing or might not work at all | 01:54 |
LjL | TGM: and then sudo apt-get install <version-you-have> | 01:54 |
slashx1896 | is it worth trying? | 01:54 |
crimsun | rhoffa: don't paste to me in private, because my client ignores unidentified users. | 01:54 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I am looking now and I changed under the Tab XServer an option to "chooser" | 01:55 |
crimsun | rhoffa: /msg nickserv help register | 01:55 |
purplefeltangel | can someone please help me fix an issue with .mov files??? | 01:55 |
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mcphail | Next, run ./configure with no options (it doesn't seem to take them properly) | 01:55 |
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TGM | LjL: I just got a whole big list of them I'm not sure which to do | 01:55 |
logical_mark | crimsun: If there is just a way to bypass the login screen and the get into gnome that would be great. | 01:56 |
n0dl | slashx1896, yes it is but be sure you cp your /etc/X11/xconf.org just in case you mess up | 01:56 |
rhoffa | crimsun - what was that pipeline you wanted me to try | 01:56 |
wethion | For someone who doesn't like Gnome, why is ubuntu better than Debian Unstable? I"m not trolling, I'm honestly curious. | 01:56 |
rhoffa | the gst- something one that didnt work | 01:56 |
crimsun | logical_mark: that's a GDM option. You can just startx without gdm | 01:56 |
FX|Gamer | anyone have any ideas on how I can fix my broken lftp package or corrupt package? | 01:56 |
rhoffa | or i didnt get it to work correct it said no "foo" | 01:56 |
slashx1896 | n0dl: i dont wana mess anything up ij ust got ubuntu today | 01:56 |
LjL | TGM: just type this: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 01:56 |
LjL | TGM: note the quotes | 01:56 |
Comrade_Vladimir | see it crimsun? | 01:56 |
logical_mark | crimsun: so when I boot into ubuntu what do I do to get to the terminal to startx? | 01:56 |
crimsun | logical_mark: echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 01:57 |
=== Chen-Zhen [n=paolo@85-18-14-7.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0dl | slashx1896, well to be quite honest thats the best way to learn linux... break it constantly | 01:57 |
bDerrly | i cannot log in to gnome through gdm as myself. i get an error that it can't open my session so will put me in a failsafe terminal session. my wife can login just fine, any ideas? | 01:57 |
Tigerhawk | well i'm gonna go reinstall the thing | 01:57 |
Sanne | wethion: I switched from Debian Unstable because the repositories stay stable until the next release. I found I was too paranoid to do a system update in Debian Sid ;) | 01:57 |
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n0dl | slashx1896, ive had linux for only a month and i broke a crap load of things since day one | 01:57 |
gimmulf | how do i put syntax on by default in vim? | 01:57 |
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crimsun | logical_mark: then sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop, and startx | 01:57 |
Comrade_Vladimir | u see it? | 01:57 |
bDerrly | gimmulf, edit your .vimrc with... | 01:57 |
Comrade_Vladimir | whats wrong | 01:58 |
mcphail | LjL: TGM: everyone ready? | 01:58 |
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JonOrn | host | 01:58 |
TGM | McPhail: Not quite ^^; | 01:58 |
bDerrly | gimmulf, syntax on | 01:58 |
JonOrn | sorry | 01:58 |
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crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: please be patient, I'm answering a few questions. You're not the sole person I'm helping. | 01:58 |
purplefeltangel | can someone PLEASE help me fix an issue with .mov files??? | 01:58 |
LjL | mcphail: nope... i've had to make up some diskspace for the kernel headers ;-) but i should be fine in few seconds | 01:58 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun k | 01:58 |
n0dl | is there a better way to set up a printer than cups? | 01:58 |
bDerrly | n0dl, not really | 01:58 |
n0dl | hmmm | 01:58 |
smo | wethion, the same basic logic as anyone that does use gnome. regular, timely, stable releases rather than chosing between 3-4 year old releases or unstable. I run ubuntu on mail & web servers for the same reasons I run it on desktops | 01:58 |
logical_mark | crimsun: but how do I get to the terminal to do all this | 01:58 |
TGM | I'm still unsure of the headers, I added the quoted stuff as LjL suggested but that gave me nothing x.X | 01:59 |
slashx1896 | n0dl: where can i dl Cedega? | 01:59 |
wethion | Sanne: so Ubuntu is basically a distro that is for Debian noobs..? I mean no insult to you, Sanne, but if you're leery of updating in unstable, you should not be running unstable... ahhh. I see.. but you still want the current applications. | 01:59 |
mcphail | TGM: did you use backquotes? | 01:59 |
n0dl | slashx1896, well bad news buddy you have to pay for it | 01:59 |
crimsun | logical_mark: press ctrl+alt+F1 | 01:59 |
giany911 | slashx1896 cedega is not open source | 01:59 |
crimsun | logical_mark: then login | 01:59 |
LjL | TGM: type "uname -r". that will show your kernel version. install the "linux-headers" package corresponding to that version | 01:59 |
logical_mark | thanks | 01:59 |
slashx1896 | o.o | 01:59 |
slashx1896 | damn ok | 01:59 |
TGM | McPhail: as in single ones? yes | 01:59 |
n0dl | hmm... i could help you out though | 01:59 |
logical_mark | crimsun: thanks. I am going to try that now | 01:59 |
n0dl | just promise me you WONT give this to anyone else | 01:59 |
wethion | I honestly do not mean to insult anyone.. | 02:00 |
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wethion | or insult your distro. | 02:00 |
crimsun | rhoffa: gst-launch-0.8 filesrc location="foo.mp3" ! spider ! alsasink | 02:00 |
giany911 | slashx1896 try wine ..its almost the same | 02:00 |
mcphail | TGM: no ` rather than ' | 02:00 |
LjL | TGM: no, as in ` as opposed to ' | 02:00 |
crimsun | rhoffa: of course you need to change "foo.mp3" | 02:00 |
Chen-Zhen | can anyone please help me figure out why my scim doesn't work? | 02:00 |
slashx1896 | is it possible to boot up my computer in xp if i dont want to run ubuntu? | 02:00 |
crimsun | Chen-Zhen: it's fairly broken in Breezy. Use the Ubuntu-jp's version of scim. | 02:00 |
FX|Gamer | Guess no one can help? :( | 02:00 |
LjL | mcphail: aw, hold on, shouldn't ./configure be typed with a "CC=gcc-3.4"? | 02:00 |
wethion | who does the testing and bug tracking in Ubuntu if not the community? Is there an "unstable" Ubuntu? | 02:00 |
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Chen-Zhen | the problem is i need it for chinese not for japanese | 02:01 |
ubuntu | whats up!!! | 02:01 |
crimsun | wethion: there's a development branch currently called Dapper, which will become 6.04. | 02:01 |
mcphail | LjL: no - it doesn't seem to add this to the makefile for some reason. Im coming to that... ;p | 02:01 |
crimsun | Chen-Zhen: doesn't matter, it's the version of scim that's at issue. | 02:01 |
n0dl | slashx1896, yeah there is its called dual boot | 02:01 |
LjL | mcphail: ok. in that case, i'm ready | 02:01 |
TGM | McPhail: LjL I did type in the right ones but I still have no response to them in the terminal | 02:01 |
Sanne | wethion: I'm not exactly a noob anymore, but I found the release philosophy of Ubuntu a bit more soothing to my mind ;). And yes, I liked to have a bit more recent apps than Debian Woody provided at the time I used it. | 02:01 |
slashx1896 | n0dl: can u teach me how to do it? | 02:01 |
Comrade_Vladimir | crimsun i g2g to work ill talk to u in a little while ok | 02:01 |
Chen-Zhen | I just updated to dapper to see if it's any better but it's still pretty messed up | 02:01 |
n0dl | im not sure how to dual boot but you might have to reinstall ubuntu | 02:02 |
mcphail | !info linux-headers | 02:02 |
Elsan | How do I add an icon set I download from www.gnome-look.org% | 02:02 |
Elsan | ? | 02:02 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: ok. Make sure you stop esd. | 02:02 |
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LjL | TGM: what do you mean "no response"? "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-xxxxx" is bound to tell you something? | 02:02 |
LjL | mcphail: there is no "linux-headers" package per se | 02:02 |
Comrade_Vladimir | esd plugin how quick crimsun? | 02:02 |
wethion | so Dapper is the Debian equiv of unstable. are there repositories for those who wish to dip their feet into the risky world of Dapper? | 02:02 |
TGM | Negative, it just gives me another blank prompt, no response whatso ever | 02:02 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
smo | wethion, I lean towards ubuntu for a lot of things simply because clients feel better knowing there's commercial support available if they ever need it. The 'polished' desktop is far from the only reason it's popular | 02:02 |
blanky | hey guys, is there anything like vmware that's free? | 02:02 |
mcphail | TGM: i'm not sure which repository they are in... | 02:02 |
blanky | I've heard of QEMU | 02:03 |
Elsan | How do I add an cursor set I download from www.gnome-look.org? | 02:03 |
LjL | TGM: that can't be... it should at least say it doesn't find them | 02:03 |
deja2004 | Xen: you still here? | 02:03 |
crimsun | Comrade_Vladimir: no, not the _plugin_ but the actually process. Uncheck System> Preferences> Sound> Enable sound server startup | 02:03 |
LjL | mcphail: main | 02:03 |
wethion | smo: Ubuntu is a commercial endeavour? | 02:03 |
crimsun | s/actually/actual/ | 02:03 |
n0dl | slashx1896, ask someone here if they know | 02:03 |
slashx1896 | does anyone here know how to dual boot? | 02:03 |
TGM | LjL: I know, I thought that too but it gives me nothing. | 02:03 |
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crimsun | wethion: it's not quite Sid, it's both more and less than Sid. It's not an equivalent comparison. | 02:03 |
LjL | TGM: type sudo apt-get update; sudo aptitude install linux-headers | 02:03 |
c6h12o6 | dual boot what | 02:03 |
wethion | slashx1896, google for dual boot howto | 02:04 |
mcphail | TGM: try searching for linux-headers in synaptic | 02:04 |
Comrade_Vladimir | k | 02:04 |
slashx1896 | ok | 02:04 |
Comrade_Vladimir | c ya | 02:04 |
Artemis3 | hmm | 02:04 |
smo | wethion, it's backed by a commercial endeavour. canonical sell support and hire coders. The distro itself is free in all aspects, however | 02:04 |
blanky | HEY GUYS! Is there anything like vmware that's free, I heard about QEMU but it has no GUI does it? | 02:04 |
crimsun | wethion: and yes, you can dist-upgrade to Dapper, or you can install from Flight 1 and dist-upgrade | 02:04 |
bimberi | slashx1896: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 02:04 |
=== mushanti [n=mushanti@CPE000f66a585e2-CM014500001448.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FX|Gamer | am I here? | 02:04 |
c6h12o6 | dapper? | 02:04 |
LjL | blanky: there is a KDE gui for qemu, even though it's not packaged in Ubuntu | 02:04 |
c6h12o6 | wtf | 02:04 |
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-218-055.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TGM | Brb phone | 02:05 |
mushanti | quick question from a noob, how do I load modules? | 02:05 |
c6h12o6 | i'm behind in what's going on | 02:05 |
c6h12o6 | hahah | 02:05 |
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | blanky: and by the way, qemu isn't quite the same thing as vmware | 02:05 |
crimsun | mushanti: what sort of modules? | 02:05 |
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mushanti | orinoco drivers | 02:05 |
bimberi | ubotu tell c6h12o6 about dapper | 02:05 |
=== logical_mark [n=mark@68-113-126-35.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | mushanti: they should be loaded automatically. | 02:05 |
LjL | blanky: another alternative is xen, but that's even weirder | 02:05 |
c6h12o6 | dapper drake? | 02:05 |
wethion | smo, crimsun : interesting. Kk, I'm convinced, lets see what I can do. I hope y'all not take offense if I don't install Gnome tho'. E and Eterms are my weapon of choice. | 02:05 |
mushanti | yeah they are.. but scan mode doesn't work. | 02:05 |
TGM | Back | 02:05 |
smo | and dapper is closer to 'testing' than 'unstable'. it's release+1 before it's released .. not a playground for the newest, shiniest crack devs can find | 02:05 |
c6h12o6 | that's kinda odd sounding | 02:05 |
mcphail | TGM: i'll need to finish this as sleep is calling. You can /lastlog later | 02:05 |
FX|Gamer | Hello? | 02:05 |
mushanti | so I compiled new drivers | 02:05 |
logical_mark | crimsun: you there? Man you were right on the money. Everything you had me do worked perfectly. Thanks a ton man! | 02:05 |
wethion | FX|Gamer, yes FX|Gamer you're online | 02:06 |
mushanti | and they don't seem to be loaded after i did a make install | 02:06 |
FX|Gamer | whew. lol | 02:06 |
crimsun | smo: actually it does tend to be shiny crack, so it's far closer to Sid than Etch currently | 02:06 |
TGM | McPhail: Okay | 02:06 |
mcphail | LjL: did ./configure run without any warnings? | 02:06 |
pygrammer | Hey. | 02:06 |
FX|Gamer | So how would I fix my corrupt lftp package from a fresh install? | 02:06 |
LjL | TGM: type sudo apt-get update; sudo aptitude install linux-headers`uname -r` please copy and paste it directly from here | 02:06 |
crimsun | logical_mark: np | 02:06 |
pygrammer | Any possibilities on why Firefox doesn't show ASCII curly quotes correctly? | 02:06 |
crimsun | logical_mark: remember to change /etc/X11/default-display-manager back if you modified it. | 02:06 |
pygrammer | It just shows them as regular quotes when you use the HTML character code | 02:07 |
LjL | mcphail: yes. there is a "no" to a few items, but no warnings per se | 02:07 |
pygrammer | but when you paste them directly, it shows them correctly. | 02:07 |
LjL | mcphail: kqemu support is "yes" | 02:07 |
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TGM | LjL: Got it this time | 02:07 |
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logical_mark | crimsun: what do you mean? I just typed what you told me so I am not sure what I did. I have to find out what I need to change in Login Screen Setup too... but it dosn't seem to want to load | 02:07 |
smo | crimsun, I guess I didn't word it well. implying it's destined to freeze and release, as testing does; whereas unstable never does | 02:07 |
mcphail | TGM: now run ./configure | 02:07 |
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=== DestroySBC [n=destroys@c-67-184-204-0.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | smo: yeah, I understand what you intended :) | 02:08 |
TGM | McPhail: what's it I needed to do before ./configure again? | 02:08 |
tolstoy | folks, i need to build the orinoco_usb drivers. looking for /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build. Which package provides that? | 02:08 |
mcphail | LjL: manually edit config-host.mak and change gcc to gcc-3.4 on both occasions | 02:08 |
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pygrammer | Anyone? Curly quotes in Firefox/Linux? | 02:08 |
tolstoy | The kernel-source package downloads a tarball. | 02:08 |
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blanky | LjL: Sorry man I was AFK, yeah I wanted to try xen, can I get it for ubuntu? | 02:08 |
crimsun | logical_mark: did you ever type the ''echo false | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager''? | 02:08 |
mcphail | TGM: nothing. Just ./configure | 02:08 |
logical_mark | yes | 02:08 |
LjL | mcphail: done | 02:08 |
tolstoy | Real question: what's the real package name for the kernel source for the latest update on Breezy? | 02:09 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: the frst step is to boot into windows, i dunno how | 02:09 |
crimsun | logical_mark: then you need to type this now: ''echo /usr/sbin/gdm : sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager'' | 02:09 |
crimsun | logical_mark: err, sorry | 02:09 |
crimsun | logical_mark: then you need to type this now: ''echo /usr/sbin/gdm | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager'' | 02:09 |
mcphail | LjL: Now it's a simple make then sudo make install | 02:09 |
TGM | McPhail: I'm getting a no directory response. | 02:09 |
LjL | blanky: no, you'd have to get it from the home site. by the way, you know that xen needs specifically modified version of the guest OS's it runs, and that it doesn't run Windows? | 02:09 |
FX|Gamer | ugh......Guess I'll go somewhere else for help. Thanks!!! | 02:09 |
=== FX|Gamer [n=FX@71-10-126-185.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
LjL | mcphail: let me change that to a sudo checkinstall ;) | 02:09 |
blanky | LjL: aww seriously, so it's hard in other words, cause I wanted to try debian on ubuntu | 02:09 |
DestroySBC | so i herd a STABLE ntfs write kernal is around? does it work with Ubuntu | 02:09 |
mcphail | TGM: thats dot-slash-configure | 02:09 |
LjL | mcphail: hmm, make isn't going well | 02:09 |
blanky | LjL: But I keep getting errors when trying to install vmware | 02:09 |
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pussfeller | ubuntu isnt setting dma on my cddrives, how do I fix | 02:10 |
joekm | Hello, I'm having trouble with setting up a VPN tunnel to my work. The VPN connection is active, but I can't (or don't know) how to actually browse the files. Could somebody help me? | 02:10 |
mcphail | LjL: checkinstall stops with an error. there is a workaround, but i don't know it | 02:10 |
pussfeller | !dma | 02:10 |
LjL | mcphail: oh, i'm missing zlib | 02:10 |
bimberi | slashx1896: ok, what's your situation? ubuntu and windows installed but can only boot ubuntu? | 02:10 |
slashx1896 | yes | 02:10 |
Red-Sox_studying | is there a way to killall esd automaticly? | 02:10 |
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blanky | LjL: what doyou mean by a modified version o.0 | 02:10 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: yeah, i had windows installed normmaly, i installed ubuntu now whenever i boot my computer it goes onto ubuntu | 02:10 |
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logical_mark | crimsun: ok done. Do you know why Login Screen Setup won't load now? | 02:10 |
tolstoy | This doesn't seem right that I have to untarball every single kernel source as the kernel gets upgraded. Hm. | 02:11 |
Tigerhawk | well for the best that I am reinstalling, it didn't automatically use my old swap area(2.2 gb) | 02:11 |
LjL | blanky: read xen's site... in order to maximize performance, they require using versions of the guest kernels specifically modified for xen | 02:11 |
bimberi | slashx1896: does it have windows as an option on the grub boot menu? | 02:11 |
crimsun | logical_mark: do you the applet or the actual login itself? | 02:11 |
DShepherd | static and shared versions or opera? what's the difference? | 02:11 |
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slashx1896 | bimberi: i dont think so | 02:11 |
mcphail | LjL: when it is installed, do "sudo modprobe kqemu" and run qemu | 02:11 |
_dom_ | hey guys i took the plunge and dove in the deep end and removed windows and now only boot ubuntu, the only problem is wireless | 02:11 |
_dom_ | ive been through all the documents and a friend has helped me | 02:11 |
bimberi | slashx1896: let's check. Paste the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst to the pastebin... | 02:12 |
Elsan | How do I extract. RAR under Ubuntu? | 02:12 |
bimberi | !pastebin | 02:12 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 02:12 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I don't understand the question. I go to System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup, and then it says it is loading, but then goes away without error or anything | 02:12 |
LjL | mcphail: it's compiling smoothly, apparently | 02:12 |
_dom_ | and we think we have narrowed it down to ubuntu not looking for my pcmcia slot or whats in it | 02:12 |
torcail | Looked like there was a problem with my nick, just changed it. So I'll re-ask...anybody have experience with using pptpconfig to set up a VPN connection? | 02:12 |
afabian | Elsan, unrar | 02:12 |
wethion | what do I do if I want to install all of the Gnome utilities, games, etc, etc, but don't want to have gnome desktop and gdm installed ( I LOATHE gdm, it is so damn impossible to get rid of.) | 02:12 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: wat u mean | 02:12 |
mcphail | LjL: excellent! | 02:12 |
_dom_ | what would be an easy way of telling/fixing this? | 02:12 |
mcphail | LjL: the gcc-3.4 thing is the key | 02:12 |
LjL | mcphail: do you mind if i re-arrange this "howto" from my irc logs and put it on the wiki? | 02:13 |
=== wickedpuppy [n=wickedpu@cm25.epsilon165.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TGM | I still can't get ./configure to work x.X | 02:13 |
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Artemis3 | DShepherd, static includes its own libraries, shared tries to uses the ones on the system. | 02:13 |
LjL | TGM: what does it say? (you can paste errors on the pastebin) | 02:13 |
DShepherd | Artemis3: thanks | 02:13 |
Elsan | afabian: Thanks | 02:13 |
mcphail | LjL: i'd be delighted. Give me a mention! | 02:13 |
DShepherd | Artemis3: I guess I will go for static then | 02:13 |
crimsun | logical_mark: what's reported in the Terminal if you ''gksudo gdmsetup''? (ignore the GnomeUI-WARNING) | 02:13 |
LjL | mcphail: argh,,,, make: *** i386-softmmu: No such file or directory. Stop. | 02:13 |
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TGM | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 02:13 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: im in boot/grub/ but theres not menu.lst | 02:13 |
slashx1896 | o | 02:13 |
slashx1896 | nvm | 02:13 |
LjL | TGM: you aren't in qemu's directory i suppose | 02:13 |
bimberi | slashx1896: open http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl in a browser and paste the contents of the file in there | 02:14 |
mcphail | LjL: it's definitely using gcc-3.4? | 02:14 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: ok | 02:14 |
logical_mark | crimsun:Could not access GDM configuration file. | 02:14 |
LjL | mcphail: looking at make's output, yes | 02:14 |
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Tigerhawk | okay, where can I download the gstream0.8-plugin.deb? | 02:14 |
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LjL | mcphail: i changed "CC" and "HOST_CC" to "gcc-3.4" in config-host.mak | 02:14 |
madmax424 | When I run the apt update command, all I get is this: Reading package lists... Done | 02:14 |
DestroySBC | so i herd a STABLE ntfs write kernal is around? does it work with Ubuntu | 02:14 |
_dom_ | any guru free to gimme a hand :) | 02:14 |
madmax424 | does that mean I have the most up to date packages or what? | 02:15 |
mcphail | LjL: that _should_ do the trick | 02:15 |
LjL | mcphail: and, indeed, there *is* no i386-softmmu file or directory | 02:15 |
TGM | LjL: I have no clue, honestly | 02:15 |
Hobbsee | madmax424: try sudo apt-get upgrade after that... | 02:15 |
Sanne | madmax424: no, it means you have updated your package lists so apt knows about the latest packages. | 02:15 |
afabian | madmax424, that's all it does. try apt-get upgrade to upgrade afterwards. | 02:15 |
=== Epic| [n=awd@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | TGM: please paste me your current shell prompt | 02:15 |
crimsun | logical_mark: then that's why. What happened to /etc/gdm/gdm.conf? | 02:16 |
TGM | tgm@ubuntu:~$ | 02:16 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5164 | 02:16 |
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madmax424 | Reading package lists... Done | 02:16 |
madmax424 | Building dependency tree... Done | 02:16 |
madmax424 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 02:16 |
wickedpuppy | TGM, do ls and do ./configure ... and copy those outputs to pastebin | 02:16 |
DestroySBC | so can anyone confirm for me the NTFS support? | 02:16 |
smo | DestroySBC, I believe you're looking for 'captive ntfs'. I don't believe it's in the stock kernel, and I believe there's probably a good reason why | 02:16 |
madmax424 | so that means I'm updated as much as I can be? | 02:16 |
Tigerhawk | actually | 02:16 |
logical_mark | crimsun: How should I know. I have been using linux for a month now.... | 02:16 |
DestroySBC | is it unstable still | 02:16 |
DestroySBC | i see it for like Fedora and RedHat but im not that knowledgeable in Nix | 02:17 |
crimsun | logical_mark: start by listing it to see if it [still] exists. | 02:17 |
=== killfill [n=killfill@pc-200-74-44-159.asturias2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | TGM: then you must type cd qemu-0.7.2 | 02:17 |
killfill | hey | 02:17 |
Tigerhawk | looking at whats already installed on ubuntu, it should play mp3's and mpeg files, but it doesn't | 02:17 |
killfill | is asterisk in the ubunto repos? | 02:17 |
crimsun | killfill: no. | 02:17 |
afabian | DestroySBC, Microsoft doesn't make NTFS documentation available. Write-support for NTFS is probably going to be like the advancement of WINE... slow, painful. | 02:17 |
LjL | TGM: and, anyway, you must unpack the kqemu archive *THERE*, in qemu-0.7.2, not in your home directory (not **K**qemu, not qemu) | 02:17 |
=== w1nt3r [n=w1nt3r@adsl-4-118-103.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | !info asterisk | 02:17 |
wickedpuppy | Tigerhawk, mp3 play is never suppotred by default install .... | 02:17 |
ubotu | asterisk: (open source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)), section universe/comm, is optional. Version: 1:1.0.9.dfsg-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1061 kB, Installed size: 2992 kB | 02:17 |
logical_mark | crimsun: yes gdm.conf still exists | 02:17 |
DestroySBC | http://www.linux-ntfs.org/content/blogcategory/0/50/ | 02:17 |
killfill | crimsun i guess the debian deb's wont work.. will them? | 02:17 |
crimsun | killfill: sorry, I mean it's in universe. | 02:17 |
DShepherd | Tigerhawk: you have restricted formats already? | 02:17 |
mcphail | LjL: what architecture are you running? | 02:18 |
Artemis3 | DestroySBC, reading? its just fine. | 02:18 |
LjL | mcphail: AMD 32bit | 02:18 |
DestroySBC | yah i know reading works on almost all | 02:18 |
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killfill | err.. | 02:18 |
bimberi | slashx1896: how many HDDs do you have? | 02:18 |
DestroySBC | but i have 500GB in setup i cant lose at the moment | 02:18 |
TGM | LjL I typed cd qemu-o.7.2 and got bash: cd: qemu-0.7.2: No such file or directory | 02:18 |
DestroySBC | and a 4gb hdd spare | 02:18 |
DestroySBC | :\ | 02:18 |
Tigerhawk | huh | 02:18 |
=== AlexMBas [n=Alexandr@beigetower/alexandre] has joined #ubuntu | ||
w1nt3r | Hey, my sound isn't working... I'm not sure of my sound card, but isn't there something I can type into terminal to fix it? | 02:19 |
Artemis3 | dont risk writting then | 02:19 |
kestas | guys how do I play m4a on ubuntu? | 02:19 |
LjL | TGM: err, i hope you actually typed "qemu-0.7.2", not "qemu-o.7.2" :) | 02:19 |
Artemis3 | better make a smaller fat32 partition | 02:19 |
slashx1896 | 1 | 02:19 |
=== ^majik^ [n=majik@68-119-96-36.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
mcphail | LjL: it is possible to use ./configure to eliminate build targets such as 386-softmmu, but i don't know why yours isn't working | 02:19 |
kestas | I dont think you can play m4a on ubuntu, you need itunes right? | 02:19 |
bimberi | slashx1896: ok, pastebin the output from "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" | 02:19 |
Tigerhawk | well on 5.10 it shpows that it has a mp3 stuff and so on installed, but I can't play any of them | 02:19 |
wickedpuppy | TGM, can you do ls and ./configure ? and paste the output to pastebin ? | 02:19 |
Tigerhawk | i'm not sure what you mean | 02:19 |
LjL | TGM: have you done "tar zxf qemu-0.7.2.tar.gz"? | 02:19 |
slashx1896 | ok | 02:19 |
=== GNULinuxer [i=ghoseb@unaffiliated/gnulinuxer] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TGM | LjL: Nope | 02:19 |
crimsun | logical_mark: ok, so strace it. | 02:19 |
killfill | crimsun you use it?.. | 02:19 |
crimsun | killfill: no | 02:19 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I am looking at the file now and it all looks fine. Nothing out of that catches my eye... why dont you send me yours and I will just write over mine, then go into the Login Screen Setup and change the theme to what I want | 02:19 |
logical_mark | crimsun: what is strace? | 02:20 |
killfill | ok.. | 02:20 |
LjL | TGM: well, clearly you should have unpacked the archive before trying to use it... | 02:20 |
killfill | System trace | 02:20 |
wickedpuppy | Tigerhawk, mp3 got patent stuff ... unless you install extra codecs it will not play out of the default install .. not on ubuntu not on fedora | 02:20 |
mcphail | TGM: LjL: I'll need to go - bedtime | 02:20 |
afabian | DestroySBC, trying to write NTFS in such a situation under Linux is probably asking for trouble. In fact, not having a full backup is asking for trouble...but that's another story. ;) | 02:20 |
TGM | Wickedpuppy: ls just lists the stuff in my homefolder ./configure still doesn;t work for me yet | 02:20 |
LjL | mcphail: ok, thanks for your help, and cya | 02:20 |
jnymo | hi yall | 02:20 |
TGM | McPhail: G'night thanks for the help ^^ | 02:20 |
=== tck_ [n=tck@213-202-148-152.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | logical_mark: it's a utility to trace system calls | 02:20 |
DestroySBC | on SuSE you can play MP3s i htink | 02:20 |
Tigerhawk | wickedpuppy: so what do I need to do? | 02:20 |
wickedpuppy | TGM, you havn't unpacked the stuff as discovered by LjL :P pls kindly follow him :P | 02:20 |
DShepherd | Tigerhawk: you need restricted formats to play mp3s and stuff | 02:20 |
=== xxtreme [n=xxtreme@pool-68-162-21-79.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | where do I get those | 02:20 |
DShepherd | !tell Tigerhawk aboutRestrictedFormats | 02:21 |
logical_mark | crimsun: so how do I strace the file, and how will it help? | 02:21 |
wickedpuppy | !tell Tigerhawk about mp3 | 02:21 |
mcphail | LjL: good luck - you're nearly there! Also check out the howto on the debian-administration site | 02:21 |
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DestroySBC | but suSE lost my vote with suSE 9.3 ::shivers:: | 02:21 |
DShepherd | !tell Tigerhawk about RestrictedFormats | 02:21 |
crimsun | logical_mark: sudo -s, then strace -o debug.txt -fF gdmsetup | 02:21 |
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LjL | logical_mark: "strace -o outputfile yourprogram" | 02:21 |
crimsun | logical_mark: the debugging output is for me to look at | 02:21 |
wickedpuppy | DestroySBC, suse 9.3 is a very good distro ... i used it for a while .. no problem | 02:21 |
LjL | logical_mark: do like he said :) | 02:22 |
jnymo | anyone know how to run a live cd in qemu? | 02:22 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5165 | 02:22 |
=== cddesjar [n=chris@S0106000625926fb6.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DestroySBC | it hated my PC i used 9.2 amazing and 9.3 just messed it all up to where it wouldnt boot and none of my attachment drives worked | 02:22 |
LjL | TGM: ok, let's redo this from scratch? | 02:22 |
xxtreme | anyone know why amarok 1.3 crashes when tryng to connect to ipod nano | 02:22 |
TGM | LjL: Alright | 02:23 |
Tigerhawk | so I need those | 02:23 |
LjL | TGM: can't assure it will work for you, as it's not working for me... but apparently, it's a problem with my computer | 02:23 |
crimsun | xxtreme: use te 1.3.6. backport from kubuntu.org | 02:23 |
crimsun | xxtreme: s/te/the/ | 02:23 |
Tigerhawk | I have no internet on the ubuntu system | 02:23 |
LjL | TGM: let's do it in a query, it's real confusing here | 02:23 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I get an error "Could not access GDM configuration file." | 02:23 |
Tigerhawk | so how do I use apt-zip to do it? | 02:23 |
cddesjar | apt-zip? | 02:23 |
DShepherd | Tigerhawk: oh | 02:23 |
Tigerhawk | someone mentioned it earlier | 02:23 |
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DShepherd | cddesjar: yes apt-zip | 02:23 |
logical_mark | crimsun: Then it halts for a few seconds and gives me the prompt... | 02:23 |
crimsun | logical_mark: ls -l debug.txt | 02:23 |
xxtreme | crimsun_ thanks | 02:23 |
cddesjar | wow | 02:23 |
cddesjar | i've never heard of such of a thing | 02:23 |
=== mushanti_ [n=mushanti@CPE000f66a585e2-CM014500001448.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cddesjar | (i just read about it on apt-cache search apt-zip) | 02:24 |
logical_mark | crimsun: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 214376 2005-11-28 19:23 debug.txt | 02:24 |
Tigerhawk | so how do I use it? I'm downloading the deb files now | 02:24 |
pussfeller | !usb | 02:24 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, pussfeller | 02:24 |
crimsun | logical_mark: bzip2 debug.txt | 02:24 |
bimberi | slashx1896: there is no windows partition on that disk? (i may have misunderstood the situation) | 02:24 |
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crimsun | logical_mark: then send it to me via dcc | 02:24 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: i think i accdienty deleted my windows partitions | 02:24 |
xxtreme | crimsum_ do i just add that backport to my repos and then update amarok | 02:24 |
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cddesjar | slashx1896: what's the output from sudo fdisk -l | 02:25 |
crimsun | xxtreme: I think you need to download the deb(s) manually and dpkg -i | 02:25 |
=== TGM is now known as TurtleGirlMan | ||
killfill | how do i see what version of packs will apt-get install install? | 02:25 |
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop????? | 02:25 |
crimsun | killfill: apt-cache policy package | 02:25 |
bimberi | slashx1896: oh no, it does appear so, (i was hoping you were going to say you were going to install it) | 02:25 |
logical_mark | crimsun: whats the name for the prompt in the terminal? Is it bash? Sending that file now by the way | 02:25 |
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xxtreme | crimsun_ ok | 02:25 |
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crimsun | logical_mark: yes, the default shell is bash | 02:25 |
Tigerhawk | well I'm almost done downloading kubuntu(after about 8-10 days downloading | 02:25 |
w1nt3r_ | What do I need to do to get to speaker configuration? My speakers aren't working. | 02:25 |
killfill | hm.. | 02:26 |
Tigerhawk | should Iinstall that if I want multimedia | 02:26 |
=== mojo [n=mojo@220-245-150-113-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | w1nt3r_: as in no sound period? | 02:26 |
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop????? | 02:26 |
killfill | asterisk version 1.0.9.,. pretty old.. :-/ | 02:26 |
w1nt3r_ | crimsun, yes no sound whatsoever | 02:26 |
crimsun | w1nt3r_: cat /proc/asound/cards | 02:26 |
ted | related quiestion: does ubuntu use more power than windows in it's default configuration? i'm getting pretty substandard battery life on my ibm x40. | 02:26 |
killfill | crimsun where could i search for a newver package? | 02:26 |
slashx1896 | bimberi: wait wat? | 02:26 |
crimsun | killfill: newer packages don't enter breezy. | 02:26 |
logical_mark | crimsun: File send says that it is still waiting | 02:26 |
cddesjar | ted: i've noticed no difference between XP and ubuntu | 02:26 |
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Artemis3 | multimedia gets fixed with automatix, the problem with kubuntu is that you need a bunch of extra packages to make it run... | 02:27 |
crimsun | logical_mark: you don't appear to have attempted to dcc it to my client. | 02:27 |
jack_ | anyone know how to configure power settings for a laptop????? | 02:27 |
killfill | crimsun can i apt-get install -t unstable them somehow?.. or something similar.. | 02:27 |
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | Tigerhawk: check your pm | 02:27 |
crimsun | killfill: not a good idea | 02:27 |
crimsun | killfill: you might check breezy-backports | 02:27 |
Tigerhawk | I see | 02:27 |
killfill | breezy-backports?.. | 02:27 |
logical_mark | crimsun: attempting again... Do you not see it? | 02:27 |
=== jorge_ [n=jorge@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jorge_ | !root | 02:28 |
ubotu | root is probably rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 02:28 |
w1nt3r_ | crimsun: This is what I got. 0 [I82801DBICH4 ] : ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4 | 02:28 |
w1nt3r_ | Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC202 at 0xffa7f800, irq 17 | 02:28 |
jorge_ | !enableroot | 02:28 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1, jorge_ | 02:28 |
cddesjar | jack_: you only need to ask your question once | 02:28 |
jorge_ | someone please tell ubotu to tell me about enabling root | 02:28 |
killfill | crimsun what/where 's that? | 02:28 |
bimberi | slashx1896: i'm saying that yes you have (accidentally) deleted your windows partitions - i was hoping that you were going to say you hadn't installed windows yet | 02:28 |
cddesjar | !tell jorge about enabling root | 02:28 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I am right clicking on your name, selecting Direct client to client, and send file... then I select the file and it shows a screen with Waiting in the status column | 02:28 |
=== faded_ [n=faded@host86-131-230-8.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slashx1896 | ooo | 02:28 |
cddesjar | !tell jorge about root | 02:28 |
cddesjar | !tell jorge_ about root | 02:29 |
w1nt3r_ | !tell w1nt3r_ about sound | 02:29 |
DShepherd | Tigerhawk: vlc plays everything without need to download all those other stuff | 02:29 |
Artemis3 | Tigerhawk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66563 | 02:29 |
jorge_ | cddesjar, I know that already, I mean enabling root | 02:29 |
w1nt3r_ | crimsun, its like als something right?? | 02:29 |
crimsun | logical_mark: I haven't received a notification at all | 02:29 |
cddesjar | jorge_: have you googled it? | 02:30 |
crimsun | logical_mark: just e-mail it to crimsun at fungus dot sh dot nu | 02:30 |
jorge_ | yeah, I had the link | 02:30 |
ajmitch_ | jorge_: did you read the link that gave you? | 02:30 |
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jorge_ | yes... | 02:30 |
ajmitch_ | which has a section about enabling root? | 02:30 |
jorge_ | it does? sorry then, didn't read ... thought there was a special page | 02:30 |
bimberi | logical_mark: it's probably because you're not (registered and) identified to freenode | 02:30 |
crimsun | w1nt3r_: please paste the output from ''amixer'' onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 02:30 |
jack- | ajmitch_: sudo passwd root | 02:31 |
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=== cddesjar thinks everyone wants to know but no one wants to read | ||
Tigerhawk | to many users on that ftp | 02:31 |
ajmitch_ | jack-: I'm aware of that thanks :) | 02:31 |
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Artemis3 | that would set the password to "root" | 02:31 |
ajmitch_ | Artemis3: no, it wouldn't | 02:31 |
b3nw | has anyone seen this error before: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5166 | 02:31 |
dooglus | Artemis3: no, it wouldn't. it would set the password *for* root | 02:31 |
Tigerhawk | sudo passwd root | 02:31 |
jack- | :~ | 02:31 |
Tigerhawk | then do what you need to | 02:31 |
cpare | Hello | 02:31 |
logical_mark | bimberi: how do I do that? | 02:31 |
Artemis3 | to enable root? | 02:31 |
logical_mark | crimsun: sent | 02:32 |
=== kakashi [n=kakashi@pool-71-109-226-132.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | wait | 02:32 |
Tigerhawk | no it wouldn't | 02:32 |
dooglus | just "sudo passwd" works. no need to specify the user name | 02:32 |
cddesjar | b3nw: what are you trying to do | 02:32 |
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Tigerhawk | sudo passwd root, that allows you to input the password for root | 02:32 |
Artemis3 | yes i use sudo passwd | 02:32 |
cddesjar | b3nw: make a directory? | 02:32 |
Tigerhawk | sudo passwd, by itself sets it for your user | 02:32 |
=== Fushi [i=Fushi@68-235-158-30.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | that your logged on as | 02:32 |
Xen | Any idea how to get a computer with an X600SE not to fail on x's start? | 02:32 |
bimberi | logical_mark: /msg nickserv help register | 02:33 |
dooglus | Tigerhawk: "passwd" sets the password for the current user. when you run "sudo", the current user is root. | 02:33 |
cpare | can anyone assist with my VPN woes? | 02:33 |
b3nw | cddesjar - i get that error no matter what I do when I try to create any type of file or directory | 02:33 |
dooglus | cpare: what woes? | 02:33 |
Artemis3 | any sudo command is behaving like root... | 02:33 |
Tigerhawk | it doesn't work that way when I did it through the terminal | 02:33 |
madmax424 | Xen: I'm working on the ATI driver too, I am having a ton of trouble with it. I'm not wondering if I should just go back to an rpm based distro | 02:33 |
cpare | I amlooking for someone to help me connect to my office from my Ubuntu workstation | 02:33 |
cddesjar | b3nw: do you have permissions for the folder? try sudo mkdir | 02:33 |
b3nw | i'm in as root | 02:34 |
crimsun | logical_mark: gonna take a bit | 02:34 |
cpare | I have tried too many times without success | 02:34 |
cpare | :( | 02:34 |
cddesjar | oh | 02:34 |
b3nw | but this error is for every user | 02:34 |
cddesjar | hmm... | 02:34 |
b3nw | its like the drive is mounted read only | 02:34 |
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cddesjar | oh | 02:34 |
b3nw | i don't know what EXT3-fs error (device sda3) in start_transaction: Journal has aborted | 02:34 |
b3nw | means either | 02:34 |
afabian | cpare, that's more than a little vague. VNC, RDP, SSH, VPN... | 02:34 |
Xen | madmax424, rpm-based isn't the trouble--the ati driver works with my Radeon 9500 and Radeon X800XTPE, just not my friend's X600SE | 02:34 |
DShepherd | cpare: you connecting to another linux workstation at work? | 02:34 |
logical_mark | crimsun: no rush. thanks for the help. I am going to get on some math homework so just email me what you find if thats easeir for you. markgreene at gmail dot com | 02:34 |
dooglus | b3nw: do you speak english? or is there a different language you're more comfortable with? | 02:35 |
madmax424 | Xen: well then you are farther ahead then I am | 02:35 |
=== Eddie [n=eddie@unaffiliated/eddie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | help guys im in trouble | 02:35 |
Eddie | i tried to install an xlibs package | 02:35 |
Eddie | in order to get xshipwars to compile | 02:35 |
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cpare | DShepard: I expect a MS VPN server | 02:35 |
Eddie | and then apt-get removed a load of essential packages | 02:35 |
Eddie | it just went nuts | 02:35 |
Eddie | removed half of gnome | 02:35 |
b3nw | dooglus - english | 02:35 |
Eddie | the xwindows base | 02:35 |
Xen | madmax424 what video card do you have specifically? | 02:35 |
DShepherd | cpare: oh.. sorry.. | 02:35 |
Eddie | serpentine | 02:35 |
crimsun | logical_mark: pgrep gdm | 02:35 |
Eddie | a whole lot | 02:35 |
ssmith | anyone know good media player for ubuntu ? | 02:35 |
b3nw | i understand what it says just not what it means | 02:35 |
madmax424 | Xen: 9800 pro | 02:35 |
DShepherd | cpare: cant help you | 02:35 |
cddesjar | Xen: you can convert rpms to deb with alien | 02:35 |
Eddie | so now if i reboot or lose power, i am royally screwed | 02:35 |
logical_mark | crimsun: what is that? I don't understand | 02:36 |
cddesjar | ssmith: music, movie? | 02:36 |
Eddie | is there some kind of apt repair command | 02:36 |
ssmith | music | 02:36 |
Eddie | that can sort me out here | 02:36 |
crimsun | logical_mark: type that in a Terminal | 02:36 |
cpare | DShepard: No Problem - Thanks... | 02:36 |
Xen | cddesjar I know--wasn't asking about that | 02:36 |
cddesjar | ssmit: amarok is nice | 02:36 |
madmax424 | Xen: It works like a champ in SuSe and Fedora, in fact, I have never had an issue. | 02:36 |
cddesjar | Xen: ok | 02:36 |
Xen | cddesjar thanks anyway though | 02:36 |
=== fletcheo [n=fletcheo@pc-6-5-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xxtreme | crimsun_ i cant find that amarok 1.3.5 in backports, any ideas on where to get it without compiling it | 02:36 |
ssmith | I cannot get the rythym box working | 02:36 |
cddesjar | ssmit: amarok has real pretty eye candy | 02:36 |
logical_mark | crimsun: ok I did... it took without error | 02:36 |
cpare | Perhaps dooglus can :) | 02:36 |
Tigerhawk | anyone know a secondary location where Ican get w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb, opera says the server has to many users | 02:36 |
dooglus | b3nw: can you rephrase "i don't know what EXT3-fs error (device sda3) in start_transaction: Journal has aborted" so it makes a sentence? | 02:36 |
afabian | Eddie, not so much. The tools did whatever they thought they were supposed to do. There's nothing to "repair." :x | 02:36 |
b3nw | its what is in my dmsg | 02:36 |
=== dom_ [n=dom@cpc2-leed11-3-1-cust112.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b3nw | flooding it | 02:37 |
crimsun | xxtreme: you mean http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-1.3.5/ ? | 02:37 |
Eddie | afabian: so I need to reinstall? :( | 02:37 |
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ajmitch_ | dooglus: it was english, split over 2 lines, and unquoted :) | 02:37 |
xxtreme | crimsum_ lol, thanks dude | 02:37 |
cddesjar | ssmith: alternatively a lot of people like beep music player...i've never used it myself | 02:37 |
Xen | madmax424, I've used straight up Debian and Ubuntu on the 9500 and I've tried Ubuntu on the X800--neither had an issue. If I knew how to slip the ATI prop driver into the livecd ISO, I'd try that. | 02:37 |
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crimsun | logical_mark: meaning that it returned nothing? | 02:37 |
dooglus | ajmitch_: oh, I see. | 02:37 |
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alexfs18 | hola | 02:37 |
=== Chand [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-31-162.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Awal [n=andy@adsl-69-155-45-146.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eddie | beep music player is practically xmms | 02:37 |
dom_ | /msg nickserv identify domdom | 02:37 |
dom_ | /msg nickserv identify domdom | 02:38 |
afabian | Eddie, I've used Debian more than Ubuntu. I'm guessing there might be some standard package that has the 'basic desktop install' packages as a dependency... mark that one for install, if it exists... and reinstall the packages. | 02:38 |
dooglus | ajmitch_: you must have a more adaptable parser than I do | 02:38 |
Eddie | dom_: id change my pass man if i were you | 02:38 |
logical_mark | crimsun: it returned nothing | 02:38 |
dom_ | bollocks | 02:38 |
crimsun | logical_mark: that's why. gdmsetup looks for an active gdm instance. It can't find one (it can't find /tmp/.gdm_socket) | 02:38 |
dom_ | os | 02:38 |
dom_ | ops | 02:38 |
=== joefre [n=joefre@halls-129-31-77-108.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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soothsayer | is it worth upgrading from hoary to breezy? | 02:38 |
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crimsun | logical_mark: so you need to log out and execute ''sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart'' | 02:38 |
Eddie | afabian: mind if i msg you the list of removed items? | 02:39 |
dooglus | soothsayer: no. there weren't any improvements. just small graphic updates. | 02:39 |
afabian | Eddie, it wouldn't really do me any good. | 02:39 |
Eddie | I tried to reinstall them from apt | 02:39 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I'll do that now thanks | 02:39 |
alexfs18 | hello i'm mexican | 02:39 |
Eddie | but each attempt at a package had a dep or conflict to yap about | 02:39 |
dooglus | alexfs18: hi. i'm not. | 02:39 |
Eddie | alexfs18: Hello im eddie | 02:39 |
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soothsayer | hah, well i'm just a bit confused on how to upgrade :) | 02:39 |
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dooglus | soothsayer: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 02:40 |
Tigerhawk | I really don't wanna flood the server | 02:40 |
afabian | Eddie, hm, odd. I'd say to make sure you have all of the packages and force things, but... I'm not really sure why it'd be complaining at you. | 02:40 |
soothsayer | that's it? | 02:40 |
alexfs18 | how to install squirrelmail for ubuntu? | 02:41 |
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=== logical_mark [n=mark@68-113-126-35.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | alexfs18: enable universe and install it | 02:41 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I restarted and it took me to where the login screen should be, but instead i had that stupid screen that was scanning for computers on the network | 02:41 |
dom_ | ok guys any guru got 20 minutes to help me through my wireless worries | 02:41 |
alexfs18 | what is universe? | 02:42 |
crimsun | !tell alexfs18 about repos | 02:42 |
dooglus | dom_: I'm no guru, and I've only got 17 minutes. any use? | 02:42 |
cpare | Anyone able to VPN into a MS network - I cant get mine to work... | 02:42 |
dom_ | hopefully | 02:42 |
dooglus | so what's the problem? | 02:42 |
madmax424 | Xen: How did you get the driver to install? did you run the utility provided by ATI? | 02:42 |
soothsayer | well time to give it a try :) | 02:43 |
dom_ | ive got a belkin fd something or other wireless card that im trying to get working, ive checked all the wiki documents, installed ndsiwrapper-utils | 02:43 |
Red-Sox_studying | why does everyone quit in globs? | 02:43 |
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-69-151-243-152.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dom_ | ive installed the offical belkin driver which gave me an error | 02:43 |
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Dr_Willis | Red-Sox_studying, net split perhaps. | 02:43 |
dooglus | dom_: good start. did you "sudo ndiswrapper -i <filename>.inf" ? | 02:43 |
Eddie | think ive managed it | 02:43 |
=== jorge_ [n=jorge@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red-Sox_studying | Dr_Willis: hm | 02:43 |
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Eddie | afabian: when i changed my sources.list to breezy it was more co operative | 02:43 |
dom_ | so i installed a compatitble one which is installed fine | 02:44 |
Eddie | afabian: glad i hadnt bothered to upgrade just yet | 02:44 |
Tigerhawk | heh | 02:44 |
dooglus | dom_: ok | 02:44 |
crimsun | logical_mark: please make a new user, and reproduce the gdm issue with it | 02:44 |
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Tigerhawk | well I guess opera isn't all that great with ftp downloads | 02:44 |
dooglus | Tigerhawk: try using something free rather than opera | 02:44 |
alexfs18 | i have problems with the install of squirrelmail | 02:44 |
Drakeson | suppose that I have a formula in tex. what is the easiest way to make a png/gif/jpg/... file out of it? | 02:44 |
dom_ | so when i do wrapper -l i get net8180 driver present | 02:44 |
afabian | Red-Sox_studying, they don't, really. People don't intuitvely understand the difference between "evenly distributed" and "randomly distributed." It would be odd if users didn't sometimes appear to quit in clumps. But, you have to look for evidence to the contrary. Scrolling back, I see more single quits. It's just an artifact of there being so many people in the channel. | 02:44 |
dom_ | im not sure what the present means | 02:44 |
dom_ | but | 02:44 |
afabian | Red-Sox_studying, flip a penny 100 times in a row. Odds are, you will get 6 heads or 6 tails in a row sometime, even though it semes unlikely. | 02:45 |
dom_ | then i have to do sudo ndiswrapper -m | 02:45 |
dooglus | dom_: I think it means that the driver is already loaded. | 02:45 |
alexfs18 | alguien que hable espaol | 02:45 |
madmax424 | blast!!! the same error!! wth does this mean??? dpkg-buildpackage: command not found | 02:45 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp134-252.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexfs18 | ???? | 02:45 |
dooglus | dom_: it's present - it doesn't need loading agaib | 02:45 |
Sanne | Tigerhawk: you can use wget from a terminal, just do "wget ftp://path_to_download" in the directory where you want to save the download. | 02:45 |
dooglus | dom_: again | 02:45 |
dom_ | which always gives me modprobe config already contains alias directive | 02:45 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I don't understand what you mean. I can create new user until the cows come home. Ubuntu never gets me to the login screen | 02:45 |
dooglus | dom_: I never had to ndiswrapper -m | 02:45 |
Tigerhawk | 1. Not using linux currently 2. Don't have the net on my linux system | 02:45 |
dom_ | but im not seeing anthing in my network control panel or iwconfig | 02:45 |
Red-Sox_studying | afabian: what a very good point, you are smart | 02:45 |
Tigerhawk | >< | 02:46 |
crimsun | logical_mark: so gdm is borked on your system. | 02:46 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I need to completely reset the way ubuntu allows me to login to the deault at install | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | theres 'wget' for windows also. :P | 02:46 |
dooglus | dom_: did you "modprobe ndiswrapper" ? | 02:46 |
dom_ | yes | 02:46 |
alexfs18 | alguien me puede ayudar con la instalacion de squirrelmail please | 02:46 |
Tigerhawk | don't wanna download it | 02:46 |
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Tigerhawk | I'm using filezilla | 02:46 |
jared | ....ugh | 02:46 |
Sanne | Tigerhawk: heh ok, ... what Dr_Willis said | 02:46 |
Tigerhawk | its working fine | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | or 'prozilla' :P | 02:46 |
logical_mark | crimsun: Some option got set in GDM. If there is a way to revert back to the deafult options, thats what I need | 02:46 |
crimsun | logical_mark: sudo dpkg --force-depends -P gdm | 02:46 |
Tigerhawk | >.> | 02:46 |
Sanne | Tigerhawk: yes, Filezilla is very nice. | 02:46 |
=== WinXperts_ [n=WinXpert@ip70-171-43-254.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madmax424 | I'm trying to install drivers for an ATI Radeon 9800 pro, no matter what I try, whether its the file I got from ATI or a manual install, I get this error: ./packages/Ubuntu/ati-packager.sh: line 86: dpkg-buildpackage: command not found | 02:47 |
madmax424 | It means I'm missing something | 02:47 |
madmax424 | but I dont know what | 02:47 |
madmax424 | any help? | 02:47 |
maddash | I've got this module called "sony-acpi" that's loaded into my kernel everytime I boot up. I know that I can unload it using "modprobe -r sony-acpi", but the effects are only temporary as the module is reloaded upon reboot. How do I get rid of it permanently? | 02:47 |
jared | does anyone know how to explain a newbie how to install a package that i downloaded by using the terminal.....i can't get the friggin command to work i'm trying to install skype | 02:47 |
logical_mark | crimsun: Ok I did that with 1 error returned -> "warning: while removing gdm, directory `/etc/gdm' not empty so not removed. | 02:47 |
logical_mark | " Now what? | 02:47 |
alexfs18 | yes | 02:47 |
=== Paradosso [n=Paradoss@host234-50.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexfs18 | i need help | 02:47 |
crimsun | logical_mark: sudo rm -rf /etc/gdm | 02:47 |
Paradosso | hi everybody | 02:48 |
DShepherd | jared: sudo dpkg -i <package name> | 02:48 |
jared | anyone know how to answer my question | 02:48 |
alexfs18 | madmax please helpme | 02:48 |
logical_mark | crimsun: done without erros returned | 02:48 |
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-24-194-132-157.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jared | ...oh thnx | 02:48 |
=== neoplasticity [i=neoplast@user-0c99r1o.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paradosso | how can I switch from gnome to fluxbox without ending my session? | 02:48 |
neoplasticity | hello | 02:48 |
DShepherd | jared: is it deb right? | 02:48 |
neoplasticity | anyone familiar with ubuntu ppc? | 02:48 |
maddash | !modules | 02:48 |
ubotu | maddash: I haven't a clue | 02:48 |
crimsun | logical_mark: then, sudo aptitude reinstall gdm | 02:48 |
Eddie | panic over | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | Paradosso, not very easially. | 02:48 |
Eddie | feel great once again lol | 02:48 |
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Paradosso | Dr_Willis, I'll explain myself in more detail | 02:48 |
maddash | !modules | 02:48 |
afabian | Eddie, glad you managed to divert disaster. | 02:48 |
jared | dpkg: error processing /Desktop/skype_1.2.0.18-1_i386.deb (--install): | 02:48 |
jared | cannot access archive: No such file or directory | 02:48 |
jared | Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:48 |
jared | /Desktop/skype_1.2.0.18-1_i386.deb | 02:48 |
cddesjar | !javadebs | 02:48 |
ubotu | javadebs is probably Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 02:49 |
Eddie | afabian: thanks for not letting me dive straight intoa reinstall | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | Paradosso, open up a xterl, kill the 'metacity' process, and run the other wm from theshell.. and HOPE it dont all log ya out. | 02:49 |
=== theblue [n=theblue@pcp04402293pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | oops a xterm :P | 02:49 |
theblue | Hi all. | 02:49 |
maddash | !modules | 02:49 |
ubotu | maddash: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 02:49 |
madmax424 | Anyone in here who can help me with missing packages? | 02:49 |
theblue | Does anyone need help? | 02:49 |
DShepherd | jared: dont paste here.. | 02:49 |
jared | me! | 02:49 |
logical_mark | crimsun: Returned this -> "gdm is not currently installed, so it will not be reinstalled. | 02:49 |
logical_mark | " | 02:49 |
jared | ...sorry | 02:49 |
Paradosso | I have screen session detached which is playing audio content, and I'd like to quit gnome and start fluxbox without stopping the audio stream | 02:49 |
DShepherd | jared: use the paste bin | 02:49 |
crimsun | logical_mark: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm | 02:49 |
Paradosso | that's all I need to do | 02:49 |
=== levander [n=chatzill@user-11210mg.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jared | it showed me that error message | 02:49 |
alexfs18 | Anyone in here who can help me with squirrelmail? | 02:49 |
alexfs18 | please | 02:49 |
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desplesda | is it safe to upgrade to dapper? | 02:50 |
logical_mark | crimsun: Seems to have worked. Returned one error -> "Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended. | 02:50 |
logical_mark | invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed. | 02:50 |
logical_mark | " | 02:50 |
maddash | anyone? anything? | 02:50 |
DShepherd | jared: cd into the directory where the file is.. | 02:50 |
jared | huh? | 02:50 |
levander | Anybody know if putting my hard drive on top of the waxy box my router came in is bad for it? | 02:50 |
madmax424 | I've got an error message that I've got no clue about, and when I google it, I get nothing | 02:50 |
DShepherd | jared: you are new to linux? | 02:50 |
alexfs18 | yes | 02:51 |
jared | yes....but i relly want to learn | 02:51 |
DShepherd | jared: ok.. where did you download the file.. | 02:51 |
crimsun | logical_mark: now switch to a terminal and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart | 02:51 |
DShepherd | jared: tell me the path | 02:51 |
jared | onto my desktop | 02:51 |
alexfs18 | i'm new for linux??? | 02:51 |
afabian | levander, should be fine. Be careful of static electricity. | 02:51 |
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Paradosso | any hints Dr_Willis (or someone else), please? | 02:51 |
DShepherd | jared: type cd ~/Desktop/ | 02:51 |
=== Alex` [n=Alex@d-66-63-85-222.suscom-maine.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madmax424 | anyone have a working ATI driver that can help me out? | 02:52 |
jared | okay i typed that | 02:52 |
bimberi | maddash: try adding it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist | 02:52 |
=== benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-066-057-072-151.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DestroySBC | what is Universe and Multiverse repositories real quick boefore i go installing ubuntu | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | Paradosso, you may be able to kill off the window manager itself.. but if you kill the terminal screen is in. it may kill screen off... | 02:52 |
DShepherd | jared: sudo dpkg -i <the_name_of_the_package_name> | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | Paradosso, sounds like a lot of annoyance. :P | 02:52 |
=== dave_ [n=dave@brndmb02dc1-196-123.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluelotus | how do you get support for different codecs for totme | 02:52 |
bluelotus | totem*? | 02:53 |
Eddie | does anyone know an easy way to install xshipwars on ubuntu | 02:53 |
afabian | alexfs18, Ubuntu packages squirrelmail, but there's nothing particularly 'special' about squirrelmail on ubuntu. you might have a better chance hitting the upstream resources (i.e. squirrelmail mailing lists) and reading squirrelmail documentation than trying a general distribution channel. | 02:53 |
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bimberi | ubotu tell bluelotus about restricted | 02:53 |
Paradosso | thanks | 02:53 |
ulinskie | hi! | 02:53 |
ajmitch_ | Dr_Willis: no, killing the terminal would not kill screen :) | 02:54 |
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madmax424 | anyone have a working ATI driver installed that can help me? | 02:54 |
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Dr_Willis | ajmitch_, not even scare it? :P | 02:54 |
=== Corrupter [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Corrupter | whats a super low-recourse DVD player? | 02:54 |
theblue | Does anyone know how to get an 802.11g card with the ACX chipset working? | 02:54 |
ajmitch_ | Dr_Willis: that's why screen exists | 02:54 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-155-180.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | ajmitch_, but what if ya say.. alt-ctrl-backspaced and killed X off with 'extreme prejiduce' :P | 02:55 |
maddash | bimberi: how could I uninstall it? | 02:55 |
=== w1nt3r [n=w1nt3r@adsl-070-157-144-233.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pussfeller | are there any usb dvd burners that I should avoid? | 02:55 |
=== logical_mark [n=mark@68-113-126-35.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | pussfeller, i'd avoide them ALL. | 02:55 |
pussfeller | or, are they pretty much all supported | 02:55 |
jared | it says i don't have certain packages installed | 02:55 |
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548D8DE6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Dr_Willis | ive had very bad luck with external cd/dvd burners. :( | 02:55 |
n0dl | does anyone know how to play .pls files in cli? | 02:55 |
pussfeller | Dr_Willis: i want the power of USB | 02:56 |
Eddie | just get external scsi or sata | 02:56 |
n0dl | mpg123 doesnt play it | 02:56 |
ajmitch_ | Dr_Willis: screen would still live on | 02:56 |
logical_mark | crimsun: I appreciate all the help. That worked perfectly! I can't thank you enough. I learned a lot from you tongiht. Take it easy. I have to go do homework now | 02:56 |
w1nt3r | Okay I have no sound on my Breezy. All I need from here is the alsa configuration code to put in the terminal. It worked the other time I did it. | 02:56 |
Dr_Willis | pussfeller, and the slowness of it. | 02:56 |
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Eddie | what power of usb lol | 02:56 |
crimsun | logical_mark: np | 02:56 |
bimberi | maddash: i wouldn't, better to find what is loading it - hotplug is one possibility and adding it to the blacklist will stop it doing so | 02:56 |
Dr_Willis | ajmitch_, its imortal! :P | 02:56 |
=== kirk [n=iamkirk@hlfxns0148w-142167232022.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madmax424 | anyone have a working ATI driver installed that can help me? | 02:56 |
Dr_Willis | maddash, i followed the binary driver wiki and got it working in a few min. | 02:57 |
=== Elsan [n=geno@HSE-Montreal-ppp336039.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | oops wrong nick | 02:57 |
=== kraehe [n=kraehe@Ia5d0.i.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | madmax424, , i followed the binary driver wiki and got it working in a few min. | 02:57 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 02:57 |
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pussfeller | Dr_Willis: are most of the internal ones well supported? | 02:57 |
Elsan | Is there any way to replace the default Ubuntu icon? | 02:57 |
pussfeller | they are cheaper | 02:57 |
w1nt3r | Okay I have no sound on my Breezy. All I need from here is the alsa configuration code to put in the terminal. It worked the other time I did it. | 02:57 |
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: I tried that, but I got errors last time | 02:57 |
kraehe | moin | 02:58 |
iamkirk | anyone know how i can update totem ? | 02:58 |
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: Lemme give it another shot | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | pussfeller, yes. IDE is 99% of the market I'd guess. | 02:58 |
iamkirk | anyone know how i can update totem from the terminal window ?? | 02:58 |
pussfeller | Dr_Willis: i mean, will they work in linux | 02:58 |
HrdwrBoB | Dr_Willis: less so now | 02:58 |
maddash | Dr_Willis: huh? | 02:58 |
theblue | iamkirk: sudo apt-get update totem, I assume. | 02:58 |
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maddash | bimberi: I searched through hotplug scripts for references to "sony", and I got none. | 02:59 |
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wethion | Is there a development metapackage for C/C++? | 02:59 |
maddash | bimberi: would this have anything to do with /proc/modules? | 02:59 |
iamkirk | i tried that | 02:59 |
iamkirk | kirk@UbuntuBox:~$ sudo apt-get update totem | 02:59 |
iamkirk | E: The update command takes no arguments | 02:59 |
=== Pablo [i=Pablo_C@pppta23-346.ght.iadfw.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Dr_Willis | C - meta package = "build-essentials" | 02:59 |
bimberi | maddash: i don't know sorry | 02:59 |
pussfeller | upgrade.... | 02:59 |
wickedpuppy | wethion, build-essential | 02:59 |
Dr_Willis | oops no s :P | 02:59 |
bimberi | maddash: did adding it to blacklist not work? | 02:59 |
pussfeller | update is for refreshing your sources list | 03:00 |
DShepherd | iamkirk: sudo aptitude upgrade totem <-- try that | 03:00 |
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=== Chand| [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-20-42.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | bimberi: yeah - it didn't | 03:00 |
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: I run this command from the wiki page: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:01 |
wethion | Danke | 03:01 |
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: I get this error: E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglr | 03:01 |
w1nt3r | Okay I have no sound on my Breezy. All I need from here is the alsa configuration code to put in the terminal. It worked the other time I did it. | 03:01 |
ulinskie | got a question..what do you mean having a GPG number? | 03:01 |
gnomefreak | !gpg | 03:01 |
ubotu | gpg is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GPGKey or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/8746 | 03:01 |
=== killfill [n=killfill@pc-200-74-44-159.asturias2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexfs18 | HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 03:02 |
killfill | hey | 03:02 |
DShepherd | hey | 03:02 |
killfill | im not sure iv im doing this right.. | 03:02 |
bimberi | maddash: ah, unfortunately i'm not sure what to try from there :/ | 03:02 |
killfill | im trying to upgrade my kernel to the new 2.6 version. | 03:02 |
=== Nihil85 [n=nihil@host217-108.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: I'm not sure where apt is pointing to, but thats what happens | 03:02 |
killfill | uname -a | 03:02 |
killfill | Linux switch 2.6.10-5-386 #1 Tue Apr 5 12:12:40 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux | 03:02 |
killfill | i have just dpkg --purge kernel-2.6.10 | 03:02 |
Elsan | Is there any way to replace the default Ubuntu icon? | 03:02 |
Nihil85 | hi! i need to mount ISO images without the need to write them. what software can do it in linux? | 03:02 |
killfill | (it asked me if im sure to delete the current running kernel, i telled ok) | 03:02 |
Dr_Willis | madmax424, you need to set up the otther repositories Is my guess. to include the universe/multiverse places most likely. | 03:03 |
AndiM | killfill: uhoh ;) | 03:03 |
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killfill | i think i have a mess.. | 03:03 |
killfill | look | 03:03 |
afabian | alexfs18, http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 03:03 |
AndiM | killfill: I'd then do apt-cache search kernel|less ASAP if I were you ;) | 03:03 |
killfill | killfill@switch:~$ dpkg -l | grep 2.6|grep kernel | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-386 Complete Linux kernel on 386. | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-headers-2.6.12-10 2.6.12-10.24 Header files related to Linux kernel version | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-headers-2.6.12-10-386 2.6.12-10.24 Linux kernel headers 2.6.12 on 386 | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-headers-386 Linux kernel headers on 386 | 03:03 |
cddesjar | killfill: you don't have to delete an old kernel...actually never delete an old kernel | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-image-2.6.12-10-386 2.6.12-10.24 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.12 on 386 | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-image-386 Linux kernel image on 386. | 03:03 |
killfill | ii linux-kernel-headers Linux Kernel Headers for development | 03:03 |
Siph0n | lol | 03:03 |
ajmitch_ | killfill: please, don't flood here | 03:03 |
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cddesjar | killfill: don't paste here!!! | 03:03 |
=== jknife [n=jknife@24-181-245-170.dhcp.snfr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
killfill | what of thouse shold i keep?.. | 03:03 |
killfill | uup | 03:03 |
killfill | sorry | 03:04 |
cddesjar | keep all | 03:04 |
killfill | yah, i shold have use pastebin.. sorry | 03:04 |
ajmitch_ | yes, you should have | 03:04 |
=== AndiM is almost finished with his Sarge -> Breezy cross-grade | ||
killfill | inux-kernel-headers and that one?.. | 03:04 |
jknife | whats the name of the GTK2-Dev pkg | 03:04 |
cddesjar | they would boot you in #deian...lucky ubuntu folks are nicer | 03:04 |
ajmitch_ | AndiM: brave of you to do that | 03:04 |
AndiM | ajmitch_: heh, from my happy voice you can tell that I haven't even rebooted yet ;) | 03:05 |
killfill | what should i do now?.. :-p | 03:05 |
Dr_Willis | Heck in #debian 90% of us would be banned. | 03:05 |
cddesjar | AndiM: why are you switching from debian? | 03:05 |
cddesjar | yeah the folks in #debian are a little rough around the edges | 03:05 |
ajmitch_ | AndiM: it shouldn't be too painful, I went from sid->breezy near the start of breezy development | 03:05 |
bimberi | jknife: libgtk2.0-dev ?? | 03:05 |
killfill | how do i make sure grub will boot this kernel i have installed?... | 03:05 |
jknife | ill try ty | 03:05 |
AndiM | cddesjar: because I *think* Ubuntu has more user-friendly config, but then I'm not sure ;) (my wife is a bit Linux-phobic, ya know, and Debian didn't quite cut it...) | 03:05 |
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cddesjar | i personally see little difference between ubuntu and debian other than the fact that ubuntu has more recent programs | 03:06 |
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cddesjar | and better automatic detection | 03:06 |
AndiM | ajmitch_: indeed, so far it's business as usual, been doing far too many risky Debian upgrades already. | 03:06 |
jknife | yeah it worked | 03:06 |
alexfs18 | afabian: tank you | 03:06 |
killfill | hey cddesjar how do i make me sure grub will boot my kernel?.. i think i mess something up | 03:06 |
iamkirk | kirk@UbuntuBox:~$ sudo aptitude upgrade totem | 03:07 |
iamkirk | Reading package lists... Done | 03:07 |
iamkirk | Building dependency tree... Done | 03:07 |
iamkirk | Reading extended state information | 03:07 |
iamkirk | Initializing package states... Done | 03:07 |
iamkirk | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:07 |
iamkirk | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:07 |
ajmitch_ | AndiM: and now I'm busy breaking things with dapper :) | 03:07 |
iamkirk | what is this ? :P | 03:07 |
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ajmitch_ | iamkirk: please use a pastebin, don't flood here | 03:07 |
seife | wichs the sources.list command line i have to put to get packages from multiverse? | 03:07 |
wethion | alexfs18, That's a sure not to get any. | 03:07 |
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: Oh!!! I see... I'm not new to linux, but I'm new to Ubuntu, you hafta take out the comments so the update terminal can use them!! | 03:07 |
cddesjar | killfill: paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst on pastebin and i'll take a look | 03:07 |
bimberi | iamkirk: it's flooding the channel | 03:07 |
DShepherd | iamkirk: dont paste in here | 03:07 |
bimberi | iamkirk: close synaptic | 03:07 |
ajmitch_ | iamkirk: and you've probably got synaptic running | 03:07 |
AndiM | ajmitch_: on most boxes I'll stay on Debian, I guess, so Dapper is out of the question for me currently. | 03:07 |
cddesjar | iamkirk: exit synaptic | 03:07 |
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killfill | oh, yah.. all the files listed there are pressent.. | 03:08 |
killfill | ill cross my fingers.. :-p | 03:08 |
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killfill | going to reboot | 03:08 |
AndiM | killfill: got an emergency boot CD? ;) | 03:08 |
devnul | i was wondering is anyone knew how i can correct this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq | 03:08 |
cddesjar | if sarge had oo.org2 I would have stuck with it | 03:08 |
donza | hrr | 03:08 |
ajmitch_ | devnul: yes, libpq-dev | 03:08 |
killfill | AndiM, actually a houray install one.. (this is breezy) | 03:08 |
devnul | thanks.. | 03:08 |
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donza | those composite manager drop shadows are sooo sweet | 03:08 |
AndiM | cddesjar: alienating .rpms went fine, AFAICT. | 03:08 |
killfill | brb | 03:09 |
iamkirk | ok , how does one get new decoders for linux ? I am a total newb | 03:09 |
alexfs18 | no te endiendo | 03:09 |
donza | whis i had a proper display adapter | 03:09 |
cddesjar | wow there are almost as many people in #ubuntu than #debian...that never happens | 03:09 |
w1nt3r | Okay I have no sound on my Breezy. All I need from here is the alsa configuration code to put in the terminal. It worked the other time I did it. | 03:09 |
DShepherd | iamkirk: decoders for what? | 03:09 |
AndiM | iamkirk: apt-get install w32codecs or so. | 03:09 |
Siph0n | just burnt my first dvd using k3b and linux :) | 03:09 |
jknife | cddesjar, b/c ubuntu is better the debian | 03:09 |
nickrud | devnul, a quick way to check for those, is add lib to the front and search in aptitude: aptitude search libpq | 03:09 |
devnul | ajmitch_: how were you so quick with that | 03:09 |
jknife | Siph0n, congrats | 03:09 |
seife | wichs the sources.list command line i have to put to get packages from multiverse? | 03:09 |
iamkirk | decoders for totem to run divx avi etc... | 03:09 |
ajmitch_ | devnul: because I knew :) | 03:09 |
cddesjar | jknife: no...it's not better...different | 03:10 |
devnul | ahhh | 03:10 |
=== kraehe [n=kraehe@Ia5d0.i.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
w1nt3r | Okay I have no sound on my Breezy. All I need from here is the alsa configuration code to put in the terminal. It worked the other time I did it. | 03:10 |
w1nt3r | Okay I have no sound on my Breezy. All I need from here is the alsa configuration code to put in the terminal. It worked the other time I did it. | 03:10 |
alexfs18 | todos ustedes son asi??? | 03:10 |
ajmitch_ | devnul: -lpq means it's linking libpq | 03:10 |
illustre | having a problem with the live cd i have a cheap laptop purchased at walmart its a balance-digital laptop currently running slackware 10.2 and its very nice however i needed to use ubuntu livecd to try to resize a partition with gparted when i put the live cd i see a blue screen but the letters are not legible it seems some time of display issue any idea or hints | 03:10 |
devnul | aptitude... | 03:10 |
Siph0n | do i need to get firmware for my dvd burner if i use linux? | 03:10 |
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devnul | i couldn't find the dev for it | 03:10 |
DShepherd | Siph0n: hopefuly not | 03:10 |
jknife | cddesjar, that was imho | 03:10 |
AndiM | Siph0n: no, should work fine, but upgrading firmware might be a problem (those $#@$# windows firmware flashers...) | 03:10 |
madmax424 | Dr_Willis: okay, so I run sudo apt-get update, I have to do sudo apt-get upgrade?? | 03:10 |
=== kraehe wonders how to play video's with Ubuntu/AMD64 ... no mplayer no xine ??? | ||
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Siph0n | k kool | 03:11 |
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killfill | cool. worked. | 03:11 |
bimberi | illustre: hit F1 at the boot prompt and explore some of the special boot options (vga=771 for example) | 03:11 |
madmax424 | okay, so I run sudo apt-get update, I have to do sudo apt-get upgrade?? | 03:11 |
=== kraehe had the problem, that installation with lilo did'nt work during ubuntu install 5.10 | ||
killfill | the new booting grafic thingy looks cool btw... | 03:11 |
Siph0n | and ne idea how to burn the vob ifo or bup files? can k3b burn the video_ts folder? | 03:11 |
=== DShepherd wonders why kraehe doesnt install xine and mplayer | ||
jknife | has anyone been able to build E17-CVS?? if so what pkg do i need to get rid of "aclocal: configure.in: 538: macro `AM_PATH_GTK' not found in library" | 03:12 |
illustre | bimberi: ok thanks i was looking at the optios but i had not seen vga let me try that thanks | 03:12 |
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ajmitch_ | jknife: you probably need the gtk+ headers, along with a number of others | 03:12 |
jknife | i have em | 03:12 |
madmax424 | okay, so I run sudo apt-get update, I have to do sudo apt-get upgrade?? | 03:12 |
bimberi | illustre: np (F5 has details iirc) | 03:12 |
jknife | i have libgtk2.0-dev | 03:12 |
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jknife | madmax424, for what? | 03:13 |
_native_ | with privoxy i'm getting 404 *foo could not be resolved bull 90% of the time. | 03:13 |
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soothsayer | hmm.. when i type in sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:13 |
madmax424 | jknife: for updating ubuntu | 03:13 |
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iamkirk | how do i get new codecs/decorders for totem ? | 03:13 |
soothsayer | i get the following error | 03:13 |
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jknife | yes | 03:13 |
jknife | what version do you have? | 03:13 |
soothsayer | unable to fetch some archives | 03:13 |
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_native_ | tor+privoxy works but most of the time i'm getting 404 errors. | 03:13 |
soothsayer | anyone know what's wrong? | 03:13 |
madmax424 | jknife: Okay, so I did that and this came back: | 03:14 |
DShepherd | iamkirk: sudo aptitude install totem-gstreamer <-- I think | 03:14 |
kraehe | imakirk: i also have the problem that totem does show any of my videos | 03:14 |
madmax424 | jknife: Reading package lists... Done | 03:14 |
madmax424 | Building dependency tree... Done | 03:14 |
madmax424 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 03:14 |
jknife | ok and? | 03:14 |
madmax424 | jknife: 5.10 | 03:14 |
jknife | you up to date | 03:14 |
madmax424 | jknife: schweet | 03:14 |
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DShepherd | iamkirk: sudo aptitude install totem-xine <-- install that first | 03:14 |
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Nihil85 | hi! i need to mount ISO images without the need to write them. what software can do it in linux? | 03:15 |
_native_ | !codecs | 03:15 |
_native_ | me? | 03:15 |
ubotu | I heard codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil. You can get them by going to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, and looking for "The Codecs". Another possible download location is http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 03:15 |
jknife | Nihil85, mount | 03:15 |
DShepherd | Nihil85: use mount | 03:15 |
Nihil85 | jknife, "sudo mount 0cd"? | 03:16 |
kbrooks | bye bye bed | 03:16 |
jknife | no | 03:16 |
Nihil85 | or "mount" is a name of some software? | 03:16 |
trkorecky | How can I increase the sensitivity of the mouse? I've played with some settings, but it still moves too slowly for my tastes. | 03:17 |
jknife | mount -o -t iso9660 <path/to/iso> <path/to/mount/point> | 03:17 |
jknife | i think thats right | 03:17 |
_native_ | is there a DoS occuring? | 03:17 |
madmax424 | So heres another one. I have a NTFS hard drive on my comp with a bunch of music and videos on it. They are on a SATA 200 gig hd, my linux drive is only 40gigs, so I dont want to copy them. How can I get at them without being logged on as root? | 03:17 |
jknife | you dont need sudo if the dir is in you home folder | 03:17 |
wickedpuppy | Nihil85, man mount | 03:17 |
=== kraehe thanks DShepherd for the totem-xine ... i think i have same problem | ||
ssmith | how do I execute a .bin file in Ubuntu? | 03:17 |
Nihil85 | thanks everyone | 03:18 |
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levander | how do i edit the menu for the grub bootloader? don't you edit menu.lst and then run some command? | 03:18 |
DShepherd | kraehe: ok. kool | 03:18 |
wickedpuppy | ssmith, chmod +x nameofthe.bin and ./nameofthe.bin | 03:18 |
jknife | levander, just edit /boot/grun/menu.lst | 03:18 |
wickedpuppy | levander, just edit menu.lst | 03:18 |
jknife | no need to run commads unless it LILO | 03:18 |
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DShepherd | jknife: you need to sudo modprode loop then,, add mount .... -o loop | 03:18 |
=== kraehe curses totem ... there is no plugin to play the movie | ||
ulinskie | hi again.. where can I usually use this gpg key? | 03:19 |
ssmith | wickedpuppy, do I need to sudo? | 03:19 |
jknife | DShepherd, ahh ok | 03:19 |
madmax424 | How do I read files from a NTFS hard drive without being logged on as root? | 03:19 |
jknife | i was close | 03:19 |
DShepherd | jknife: yeah you were | 03:19 |
wickedpuppy | ssmith, if the file doesn't need to put the files in dirs that you do not own then no ... if it does then yes | 03:19 |
DShepherd | Nihil85: check your pm | 03:19 |
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levander | jknife: wickedpuppy thanks guys | 03:20 |
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ssmith | wickedpuppy, how do I know that about the .bin (in this case realplayer10) | 03:20 |
madmax424 | How do I read files from a NTFS hard drive without being logged on as root? | 03:20 |
jknife | np | 03:20 |
wickedpuppy | ssmith, just do it ... if you get permissions errors or something then redo with sudo | 03:20 |
wickedpuppy | lol | 03:20 |
wickedpuppy | thats how i go about installing programs | 03:21 |
madmax424 | I tried that | 03:21 |
ssmith | thanks been addicted to .rpms for a very long time | 03:21 |
DShepherd | madmax424: add umask to your fstab | 03:21 |
madmax424 | DShepherd: where, in the options column? | 03:21 |
bluefoxicy | hmm | 03:21 |
wickedpuppy | ssmith, .bin can be used on fedora too .. nothing to do with ubuntu | 03:21 |
Red-Sox_slumber | how do you tell if someones nick is registered or not? | 03:22 |
bluefoxicy | it would be cool to have a more fluid ubuntu where the stuff that actually "works" (tested) is backported continuously | 03:22 |
DShepherd | madmax424: yeah | 03:22 |
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bluefoxicy | tested<-testing<-devel->stable | 03:22 |
_native_ | im getting 404 can not be reolved from privoxy most of the time, its so annoying. :] | 03:22 |
wickedpuppy | Red-Sox_slumber, /msg nickserv help reg | 03:22 |
giany911 | has any1 tried to install nfs underground2 on ubuntu ? | 03:22 |
bimberi | Red-Sox_slumber: some irc clients (irssi?) have a special hilight, otherwise there's whois | 03:22 |
kraehe | is there some extra repository (like nerim) for apt.sources to view video under ubuntu ? ... totem is unable to show any mpg,avi,divx,... | 03:22 |
jknife | who has built E17 from CVS? | 03:22 |
wickedpuppy | just reg that nick | 03:23 |
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jknife | kraehe, is nerim a debian source? | 03:23 |
donza | hmm | 03:23 |
DShepherd | bluefoxicy: yeah it would be nice | 03:23 |
bluefoxicy | stable being i.e. breezy; tested being i.e. breezy + new Gnome themes; testing being i.e. tested + new Xorg which 'works' in devel | 03:23 |
nickrud | !w32codecs | 03:23 |
ubotu | methinks w32codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil., and they're available from http://giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 03:23 |
giany911 | kraehe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:23 |
kraehe | nerim is unofficial debian for mplayer and even the m$ codecs ;) | 03:23 |
DShepherd | kraehe: vlc plays everything outside the box | 03:24 |
jknife | if its a deb pkg it will work w/ubuntu | 03:24 |
donza | why apt-get says The following packages have been kept back: linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 | 03:24 |
bluefoxicy | the idea being that "tested" would never break; "testing" should never break; "devel" probably breaks like hell; and "stable" is just a quick freeze on "tested" every 6 months | 03:24 |
DShepherd | kraehe: sudo aptitude install vlc | 03:24 |
donza | am i not supposed to install those | 03:24 |
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gp_aaron | does ubuntu ask you to make a root password on the install? | 03:24 |
bluefoxicy | donza: dist-upgrade; they have other things they need installed | 03:24 |
bluefoxicy | gp_aaron: nope. | 03:24 |
_native_ | w32codecs + xine = crap. | 03:24 |
Xenguy | !tell gp_aaron about root | 03:24 |
DShepherd | gp_aaron: not that I know of | 03:24 |
bluefoxicy | _native_: xine works better than skippy-freezy totem | 03:25 |
donza | bluefoxicy: so can i safely do dist upgrade | 03:25 |
jknife | gp_aaron, NO!!!! | 03:25 |
bluefoxicy | donza: what arey ou upgrading | 03:25 |
_native_ | bluefo | 03:25 |
DShepherd | _native_: totem-xine works fine for me | 03:25 |
_native_ | bluefoxicy; i know | 03:25 |
gp_aaron | do you need the root password for anything on ubuntu? | 03:25 |
Red-Sox_slumber | what does hibernate computer mean? | 03:25 |
donza | bluefoxicy: i just checked the updates with apt-get update/upgrade | 03:25 |
bluefoxicy | Red-Sox_slumber: copy all ram to swap and turn off | 03:25 |
DShepherd | gp_aaron: there is no root password really | 03:25 |
donza | bluefoxicy: and i was wondering what that means | 03:25 |
mike_ | like stanby but right completly off | 03:25 |
_native_ | my prob is with privoxy | 03:25 |
DShepherd | !tell gp_aaron about sudo | 03:25 |
Red-Sox_slumber | bluefoxicy: is it harmful... sounds pretty deep | 03:26 |
bluefoxicy | donza: it means they want to install other things too | 03:26 |
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gp_aaron | DShepherd: i mean like running synaptic? | 03:26 |
jknife | DShepherd, there is no "root" really | 03:26 |
jknife | no its your password | 03:26 |
gp_aaron | ahh | 03:26 |
donza | bluefoxicy: ok.. thanks.. i assume that i can safely do the dist upgrade :) | 03:26 |
bluefoxicy | Red-Sox_slumber: well, you'll lose ps/2 touchpad control until you rmmod/modprobe psmouse on some laptops; but otherwise it's fine. | 03:26 |
_native_ | !root | 03:26 |
ubotu | root is, like, rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:26 |
gp_aaron | where in the menu is synapic located? | 03:26 |
mike_ | hibernat.....no, not harmful | 03:26 |
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kraehe | ubotu: is giannaros does not contain a Packages.gz | 03:27 |
ubotu | kraehe: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 03:27 |
Red-Sox_slumber | bluefoxicy: hmm.... i still a bit iffy | 03:27 |
jknife | System|Admin | 03:27 |
bluefoxicy | Red-Sox_slumber: oh, that and when it comes back up everything is swapped out and doing anything is painful for a bit because it has to be swapped back in. | 03:27 |
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_native_ | gp_aaron; system -> admin> synaptic | 03:27 |
DShepherd | gp_aaron: alt+f2 and type synaptic works nicely if you can bother seaching the menus | 03:27 |
DShepherd | cant* | 03:28 |
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Red-Sox_slumber | well, bluefoxicy is there a way to... we put it to sleep, yknow, turn the fan off etc. | 03:28 |
mike_ | can some one help me with my wirless card? | 03:28 |
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gp_aaron | i don't like the way ubuntu is set up.. | 03:28 |
_native_ | mike_; what card / chipset and state your problem | 03:28 |
jeff__ | Does anyone have a few minutes to help with a vpn routing setup? | 03:28 |
DShepherd | gp_aaron: what dont you like about it? | 03:28 |
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gp_aaron | DShepherd: the whole root password setup and everything | 03:29 |
oxez | anybody got an xchat script for rhythmbox 0.9.x? | 03:29 |
gp_aaron | it's prefect for people that want everything set up | 03:29 |
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_native_ | gp_aaron; its the best way | 03:29 |
gp_aaron | personally slack/arch > * | 03:29 |
mike_ | native - d-link dwl-650+ ibm thinkpad 700mkz p3 ubuntu | 03:29 |
gp_aaron | but that is for ME | 03:29 |
_native_ | slack sucks | 03:29 |
DShepherd | gp_aaron: you can set a root password if you want | 03:30 |
fosorio | hi.. I downloaded a .deb, but it has some unmet dependencies. how can I install those dependencies automatically? | 03:30 |
DShepherd | !root | 03:30 |
ubotu | I heard root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 03:30 |
gp_aaron | DShepherd: i know | 03:30 |
nickrud | gp_aaron, it's still debian under the skin, so it can be as customized as you like. | 03:30 |
_native_ | id use slack if it was 1995 | 03:30 |
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gp_aaron | nickrud: apt-get == underpowered for my liking | 03:30 |
DShepherd | gp_aaron: so what dont you like then? | 03:30 |
nickrud | gp_aaron, then look at aptitude | 03:30 |
gp_aaron | pacman | 03:30 |
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tgm_ | Grr | 03:31 |
mike_ | me? | 03:31 |
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jared_ | How do i use the broken filter | 03:31 |
tgm_ | Just a sec, LjL, Waiting for my Nick to die x.X | 03:31 |
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LjL | tgm_: oh, ok | 03:31 |
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LjL | tgm_: type /msg nickserv ghost TurtleGirlMan your-password to make it die | 03:32 |
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jared_ | Can anyone tell me where my broken filter it at | 03:32 |
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jared_ | is at* | 03:32 |
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gp_aaron | ok | 03:32 |
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oxez | Hm, ANyone know the name / location of the file where rhythmbox store the currently playing files and stuff? | 03:33 |
gp_aaron | alt+f2 doesn't work for this kid is there any other way to get to the run prompt quickly/ | 03:33 |
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illustre | bimberi: thanks that did it one problem what is the root passwd i need to be root not ubuntu to run gpaerted and load the driver for wireless card | 03:33 |
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mcadory | gp_aaron: if in X ctrl+alt+f2 | 03:33 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell illustre about sudo | 03:33 |
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jared_ | Bimberi: how do you get into your BRoken FIlter | 03:34 |
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rhoffa | is there a way to go back to my basic installation, like a rebuild or something | 03:34 |
mike_ | native - do you know any thing about my problem? | 03:34 |
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rhoffa | i dont know what its called but just make everything default | 03:34 |
rhoffa | like the minute after you installed | 03:34 |
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bimberi | illustre: there is no password on the live CD, use sudo (sudo -i gives you a root shell) | 03:35 |
mike_ | k, ill try but im sure i did it allready | 03:35 |
giany911 | how can i install a .rpm ? | 03:35 |
jared_ | bimberi:where is my BRoken filter | 03:35 |
illustre | i see | 03:35 |
Hobbsee | !tell giany911 about alien | 03:35 |
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Hobbsee | !tell giany911 about rpm | 03:36 |
nickrud | giany911, and look for a deb first :) | 03:36 |
bimberi | jared_: "broken filter"?? | 03:36 |
giany911 | ty | 03:36 |
jared_ | on myupdate thing it said one of the files was messed up and said to use the broken filter | 03:36 |
DShepherd | giany911: yeah sometimes rpm and alien dont like each other | 03:36 |
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dotheuganda | hello | 03:37 |
DShepherd | hi | 03:37 |
mike_ | hi | 03:37 |
gp_aaron | k | 03:37 |
dotheuganda | im new to ubuntu! | 03:37 |
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mike_ | same lol | 03:37 |
DShepherd | dotheuganda: welcome! | 03:37 |
dotheuganda | kind of tough to figure out | 03:37 |
=== kraehe thanks DShepherd for vlc idea ... but vlc does not play starwars ./mpg/kurzfilme/starwars/rec420.mov: Apple QuickTime movie (unoptimized) | ||
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dotheuganda | thank you | 03:37 |
akiro | giany911: Just use alien as long as it's not a base file, something that's needed for Ubuntu to function. | 03:37 |
DShepherd | mike_: welcome too | 03:37 |
gp_aaron | now i need to tunnel sshd threw a router know port.. what is the easiest way on ubuntu | 03:37 |
mike_ | thxs | 03:37 |
dotheuganda | does anyone here have museek? | 03:38 |
rhoffa | is there anyway to restore ubuntu | 03:38 |
mike_ | are you running 2 os on your system? - rhoffa | 03:38 |
mcadory | rhoffa: what are you trying to do? did you bork something? | 03:39 |
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dave_ | im trying to install ubuntu 64 and i keep getting this error ohci_hcd unlink after no-irq? any help is appreciated | 03:39 |
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dotheuganda | someone must have museek :) | 03:39 |
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rhoffa | well, i dont know i did alot fo things i didnt know trying to get mp3 playback in rhythmbox, nothign worked so id rather just go back without reinstalling and start over | 03:39 |
DShepherd | dotheuganda: what's museek? | 03:39 |
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akiro | rhoffa: If you install ubuntu with a seperate home drive and you back up your apt and cache. If there's ever a problem you can do a full install and when your done you have basically the same system that you had before | 03:40 |
jared_ | does anyone know why i got a message saying to use my broken filter to find the broken file | 03:40 |
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dotheuganda | its like soulseek (music dowloading) | 03:40 |
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bimberi | jared_: I'm having a hard time understanding. Put the command and the output on a pastebin ... | 03:40 |
dashoffen | Does anyone know how to make Mplayer work on Ubuntu 5.10? | 03:40 |
bimberi | !pastebin | 03:40 |
rhoffa | no its just ubuntu | 03:40 |
ubotu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 03:40 |
xst | How do I choose the default audio device? (I have two soundcards in the box) and the wrong device is currently selected as default output. | 03:40 |
rhoffa | no windows | 03:40 |
DShepherd | dashoffen: what do you want to do with it | 03:40 |
dotheuganda | rhoffa i had trouble with the mp3 also | 03:40 |
DShepherd | rhoffa: is something not working? | 03:40 |
jared_ | okayl...ther eis not a command. up at the top ther eis a red circle and i double click and it says that i have missing packages then it closes down that window then says i have broken files and to use the broken filter | 03:41 |
rhoffa | well i cant play mp3 in rhythmbox but i can in xmms | 03:41 |
dashoffen | I would love to be able to install it, because this totem thing cant play anything | 03:41 |
dotheuganda | type in apt-get install xmms-dev. (i think thats how it went) | 03:41 |
illustre | bimberi: sudo -i or sudo -s | 03:41 |
dotheuganda | oh so you got it in xxms | 03:41 |
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nickrud | xst, I think you can do that in system-preferences-sound, select the default sound card | 03:41 |
mcadory | jared_: open synaptic and look for a filter for broken packages. | 03:41 |
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rhoffa | so i would just rather start over and try again cause i changed a bunch of stuff | 03:41 |
akiro | dashoffen: Just download the w32codecs.deb file (Google is your friend) then install the MPlayer package from the repos. And your done. | 03:41 |
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illustre | bimberi: do i need to add a new user or just sudo by itself / | 03:42 |
DShepherd | rhoffa: you can try reinstall rhtyhmbox | 03:42 |
rhoffa | well, | 03:42 |
nickrud | rhoffa, apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad to get mp3 support for rhythmbox | 03:42 |
dotheuganda | type mp3 into synaptic and download like crazy! (might get rythmbox to work) | 03:42 |
dashoffen | ok, hey do you happen to know what repos i can find it in? | 03:42 |
xst | nickrud: Ok - but I use kubuntu which is slightly different. Do you accidentially know how to do it on kubuntu? | 03:42 |
rhoffa | i get an error message now when i go into synaptic | 03:42 |
nickrud | xst, no :) | 03:42 |
bimberi | illustre: sudo -i gives you a root login shell | 03:42 |
rhoffa | i just wanna know if theres a way i can restore the os first | 03:42 |
xst | bugger. :-) | 03:42 |
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illustre | bimberi: login ? | 03:43 |
majyk | does anyone know if Linux will recognize a pcmcia sound blaster audigy card? | 03:43 |
rhoffa | nickrud - i did that, it kept saying my mp3 werent a valid stream or something | 03:43 |
DShepherd | rhoffa: there's no Restore button or function in ubuntu | 03:43 |
nickrud | rhoffa, no, there's no default rollback feature | 03:43 |
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dotheuganda | does anyone here program with java? | 03:43 |
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rhoffa | ok well, i did the apt-get for gstreamer, worked fine | 03:43 |
jared_ | nothing in the synaptic.....could i just reinstall the ubuntu...that would fix it | 03:43 |
bimberi | illustre: equivalent to if you had log in as root (for example $HOME is set to /root) | 03:44 |
rhoffa | but my mp3s wont play in rythembox or amarok but will in xmms | 03:44 |
DShepherd | rhoffa: you registered gstreamer? | 03:44 |
illustre | bimberi: ok this trhew me off a bithttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo thanks | 03:44 |
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giany911 | dpkg: need an action option | 03:44 |
giany911 | what does this mean ? | 03:44 |
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rhoffa | is that when i downloads all the plugins and codecs | 03:44 |
giany911 | got it :) | 03:44 |
rhoffa | what do i type to register it | 03:45 |
illustre | bimberi:then sudo -i will not ask for any password nor username at all | 03:45 |
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bimberi | illustre: not on the LiveCD no | 03:45 |
DShepherd | rhoffa: st-register-0.8 | 03:45 |
DShepherd | rhoffa: gst-register-0.8 | 03:45 |
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arne_ | hi | 03:45 |
dotheuganda | no one programs with java? | 03:45 |
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nickrud | rhoffa, go try wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ; that should help you | 03:46 |
subgud | does anyone know how to reset my password? | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, #hava | 03:46 |
Tigerhawk | reset? | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, #java | 03:46 |
subgud | yeah | 03:46 |
dotheuganda | what does that mean? | 03:46 |
nickrud | subgud, passwd is the command to change your password | 03:46 |
subgud | i must have mistyped it during the installation | 03:46 |
bimberi | subgud: System -> Preferences -> About Me | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | subgud, you lost or you want to reset the current pass ? | 03:46 |
Tigerhawk | yes but to reset it | 03:46 |
Tigerhawk | .. | 03:46 |
rhoffa | nickrud - mp3 play fine in xmms, not rythymbox so its something different | 03:46 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, #java for java programmers | 03:46 |
subgud | i cant log in | 03:46 |
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bimberi | subgud: boot into recovery mode and then "passwd <yourusername" | 03:47 |
rhoffa | ok itt said it loaded 156 plugins | 03:47 |
rhoffa | i did that before | 03:47 |
subgud | and i tried the guide i found in the wiki | 03:47 |
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subgud | i use it on ppc | 03:47 |
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nickrud | rhoffa, xmms does not use the gstreamer backend; amarok and rhythmbox do. | 03:47 |
dotheuganda | wickedpuppy i installed kate text editor but i cant seem to save .java for some reason | 03:47 |
rhoffa | ohhh | 03:47 |
rhoffa | so gstreamer wont play my mp3s why? | 03:47 |
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subgud | and i dont know what grub is | 03:47 |
iamkirk | you know what.... screw linux | 03:47 |
nickrud | rhoffa, yes, it does :) go to that page | 03:47 |
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iamkirk | im going crawling back to winblows | 03:47 |
dotheuganda | ha dont give up! | 03:48 |
giany911 | any1 tried installing underground2 on ubuntu ? | 03:48 |
foolswisdom | iamkirk: don't do it | 03:48 |
iamkirk | linux is great when you have time to try make everything work | 03:48 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: xmms does not use the same decoding system as rhythmbox | 03:48 |
iamkirk | this is just ridiculous | 03:48 |
DShepherd | iamkirk: limited mind!! | 03:48 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, i thought you are looking for java programmers ... lol ... you can save as anything then rename or use "filename.java" | 03:48 |
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rhoffa | nickrud : your link didnt work | 03:48 |
iamkirk | counterstrike runs like garbage , i cant watch red vs blue | 03:48 |
bahblahblahbah | does anyone have any asm include files (.inc). I just need one | 03:48 |
subgud | bimberi: how do i boot into recovery mode? | 03:48 |
dotheuganda | oh really | 03:48 |
cpare | iamkirk: ubuntu is much better than the RH 5.3 I started on... | 03:48 |
iamkirk | thats 92% of my life there | 03:48 |
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nickrud | !restricted | 03:48 |
ubotu | hmm... restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 03:48 |
wickedpuppy | iamkirk, i got no time for anti-virus ... thats why i use linux | 03:48 |
giany911 | underground2 .. ? .. | 03:48 |
DShepherd | iamkirk: get a new life :) | 03:48 |
Agrajag | if you want to play windows games, then you run windows. | 03:48 |
dotheuganda | so at the end of the name i just go like (helloworld.java?) | 03:49 |
nickrud | rhoffa, ^^^ about restricted | 03:49 |
bahblahblahbah | does anyone have any asm include files (.inc). I just need one | 03:49 |
bahblahblahbah | to see what it's like | 03:49 |
bimberi | subgud: (i don't know how the PPC version works) When you boot is there a menu presented - with an option for "recovery mode" | 03:49 |
dotheuganda | i will try that | 03:49 |
bimberi | ? | 03:49 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, yes ... btw kate is a text editor ... i sugggest you try scite or emacs/vi | 03:49 |
DShepherd | bahblahblahbah: google | 03:49 |
cpare | 03:49 | |
rhoffa | nickrud - ok i did an spt-get install vlc | 03:49 |
rhoffa | hopefully that works | 03:49 |
Agrajag | wickedpuppy: java files are text | 03:49 |
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bahblahblahbah | I did but they just keep coming with source files | 03:50 |
subgud | bimberi: do i just type "recovery mode"? | 03:50 |
iamkirk | ill miss you guys | 03:50 |
iamkirk | <3! | 03:50 |
wickedpuppy | Agrajag, i mean there is no syntax highlighting and such ... | 03:50 |
dotheuganda | i used to use text pad editor on xp | 03:50 |
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wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, then use scite ... btw try eclipse | 03:50 |
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dotheuganda | thank you so much wicked puppy! | 03:51 |
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rhoffa | nickrud - still have this file is not an audio stream message | 03:51 |
nickrud | rhoffa, try another file | 03:51 |
bimberi | subgud: not on the i386 version. It's an option in the boot menu that can be selected using the arrow keys and hitting Enter | 03:51 |
wickedpuppy | no problem ... i love textpad .... lol ... but nothing comes close to emacs | 03:51 |
dotheuganda | oh really | 03:51 |
subgud | bimberi: ok.. i dont have that | 03:51 |
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rhoffa | ok i will, can i ask you something else to in a bit about another problem im having | 03:51 |
Sneaky_Bastard | greetings good people | 03:51 |
aj_ | still struggling with getting gdm to work with breezy | 03:52 |
dotheuganda | do you how i can install emacs easily? | 03:52 |
Sneaky_Bastard | would somebody smart please explain to me the what the difference is between Universe and Multiverse repositories ? | 03:52 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, same way you install other things | 03:52 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I already enabled Universe and got access to a bunch of stuff I needed | 03:52 |
dotheuganda | haha yes it takes me too long | 03:52 |
nickrud | I'll be in and out, if I'm around (and it's part of the little I know) of course. | 03:52 |
mwe | Sneaky_Bastard: enable multiverse and you'll get access to even more | 03:53 |
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bimberi | dotheuganda: package is "emacs21" | 03:53 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | well, I guess I'm asking what sort of stuff is in there that is not in Universe ? | 03:53 |
dotheuganda | on like synaptic? | 03:53 |
Sneaky_Bastard | and why the stuff in Universe is not in the regular one ? | 03:53 |
subgud | bimberi: i only have a prompt that lets me choose which iso to boot | 03:53 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, synaptic or apt-get ... you used them before right ?? | 03:53 |
jack- | in a future release, we'll have omniverse too | 03:53 |
bimberi | Sneaky_Bastard: universe is Free software, multiverse is non-Free or legally questionable | 03:54 |
dotheuganda | sorta | 03:54 |
nickrud | !tell Sneaky_Bastard about components | 03:54 |
Sneaky_Bastard | OH!!! | 03:54 |
jack- | with all the stuff thats still missing from the debian unstable trees.. ;p | 03:54 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ty | 03:54 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, apt-get is no different from yum .. if you used fedora before | 03:54 |
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dotheuganda | im new to the whole linux experience | 03:54 |
Sneaky_Bastard | hey nick, that's a cool trick | 03:54 |
Sneaky_Bastard | thank you!! | 03:54 |
Sneaky_Bastard | :D | 03:54 |
bimberi | subgud: sorry, i don't know the PPC boot process :/ otherwise i'd try to help | 03:54 |
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SCMark | how do I get the calendar in the top right to begin it's weeks with sunday? | 03:55 |
wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, time to read a lot of stuff :P | 03:55 |
dotheuganda | yes any good sites for newbies? | 03:55 |
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wickedpuppy | dotheuganda, google | 03:55 |
pixelmonkey | anyone know the best way to get j2sdk1.5 on Ubuntu breezy? | 03:55 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ok, seems like Multiverse is not very safe | 03:55 |
dotheuganda | ah | 03:55 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ty | 03:55 |
=== Chand [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-43-206.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wickedpuppy | !tell pixelmonkey about javadebs | 03:56 |
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dotheuganda | wicked puppy you must have heard of museek | 03:56 |
DShepherd | Multiverse isnt safe? :=( | 03:56 |
dotheuganda | once i have museek i will be happy | 03:56 |
Agrajag | it's perfectly safe | 03:56 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | agrajag, I know that nick! | 03:56 |
Sneaky_Bastard | :o | 03:56 |
Sneaky_Bastard | from somewhere. | 03:56 |
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Agrajag | oh no, not again | 03:56 |
rhoffa | nickrid - when i do apt-get install for w32codecs, libdivx4linux and lame it wont work | 03:56 |
rhoffa | why is that | 03:56 |
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rhoffa | couldnt stat source package, what does that mean | 03:57 |
DShepherd | SCMark: that's a good question. I dont know the answer to though, but I would sure like to knoe | 03:58 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: did you run sudo apt-get update? | 03:58 |
=== wizatcom [i=wizatcom@pool-71-240-225-169.fred.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | Does anyone know how to set the firstday of the week to Sunday and not Monday | 03:59 |
rhoffa | yea | 03:59 |
=== kraehe goes *oups* whats that : ./configure -> checking for gcc... no | ||
rhoffa | can i pm you my message i got from the terminal | 03:59 |
=== kraehe wonders if Ubuntu is a unix look like system ? | ||
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@cpe-67-10-75-70.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paradosso | does anyone use fluxbox? | 03:59 |
mwe | kraehe: install build-essential to get gcc and friends | 03:59 |
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oKtosiTe_ | Paradosso: I'm sure someone does... | 04:00 |
rhoffa | package w32codecs has no installation candidate | 04:00 |
rhoffa | whats that mean | 04:00 |
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=== logical_mark [n=mark@68-113-126-35.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | i did the apt-get update | 04:00 |
Agrajag | w32codecs isn't in any of the repositories | 04:00 |
chungaroo | hey, how do i write a script or a batch file or w/e that i can make do w/e i want? for example start up streamripper and start recording tracks | 04:00 |
Steil | Is there a program that'll remove underscores from file/folder names for me? | 04:00 |
rhoffa | how do i add them to the repositories | 04:00 |
Agrajag | download it manually, there's a link on that wiki page | 04:00 |
rhoffa | i though i did that earlier | 04:00 |
Paradosso | how do I change theme in fluxbox? | 04:00 |
rhoffa | i pasted something in sources | 04:00 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I have another question, you all: I have an old user account on /home from a previous versoin of linux.... kunbuntu won't let me into that old user directory | 04:01 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | I want to copy some stuff out of it | 04:01 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | what do I do ? | 04:01 |
logical_mark | I am using a Logitech MX700 mouse. Can anyone tell me how to get ALL the buttons on it to work, like back and forward? | 04:01 |
chungaroo | hey, how do i write a script or a batch file or w/e that i can make do w/e i want? for example start up streamripper and start recording tracks | 04:01 |
oKtosiTe_ | Paradosso: may I suggest asking in #fluxbox ? | 04:01 |
_jason | chungaroo, google "bash scripting" | 04:01 |
mwe | Steil: from a whole directory, recursively? | 04:01 |
Steil | mwe: Yes | 04:01 |
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chungaroo | _jason, thanks | 04:01 |
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=== kraehe thanks mwe ... apt-get running | ||
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Sneaky_Bastard | it's a madhouse in here :( | 04:02 |
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Steil | Sneaky_Bastard: man chown | 04:02 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I know how to use chown damnit | 04:02 |
rhoffa | agrajag - i get a warning message when i open synaptic, thats not normal is it? | 04:02 |
Sneaky_Bastard | it WON'T LET ME | 04:02 |
nickrud | Sneaky_Bastard, sudo chown? | 04:02 |
oKtosiTe_ | Sneaky_Bastard: must be because of you ;-) | 04:02 |
Steil | did you toss sudo infront? | 04:02 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ah, now that's what I was wondering about | 04:03 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ok | 04:03 |
DShepherd | sudo is your friend | 04:03 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: no it's not | 04:03 |
_jason | logical_mark, you may want to read: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471 | 04:03 |
Sneaky_Bastard | let me try that in a terminal window I guess | 04:03 |
mwe | Steil: some "find" and "sed" magic would do the trick. let me see if I can figure the excact command | 04:03 |
Steil | mwe: Thanks :) | 04:03 |
rhoffa | agajag - if i told you what it said would you know what my problem is | 04:04 |
Agrajag | maybe, maybe not. | 04:04 |
Sneaky_Bastard | *excellent* | 04:04 |
Sneaky_Bastard | thank you guys | 04:04 |
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_jason | logical_mark, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3828 will give you the side buttons. I don't know if the 700 has any more. If it does, the first link will be more helpful. | 04:05 |
surfdue | any designers in here? | 04:05 |
logical_mark | _jason thanks I will look at the both of them | 04:05 |
=== SGC|Home [n=SGC|Home@66-188-219-129.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neoplasticity | any mac ubuntu people here? | 04:06 |
rhoffa | agrajag - Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net breezy-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_breezy-backports_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 04:06 |
mwe | Steil: are there a lot of subdirs? I know how to easily do it for the files, but the dirnames might be a problem | 04:06 |
SGC|Home | pseudo, new | 04:06 |
SGC|Home | neo | 04:06 |
rhoffa | i get that message over and over about 4 times | 04:06 |
SGC|Home | neoplasticity, what's up? | 04:06 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: take backports out of sources.list and run apt-get update | 04:06 |
Agrajag | backports are a bad idea if you don't know exactly what you're doing anyway | 04:06 |
_jason | rhoffa, mirrormax no longer hosts backports | 04:06 |
rhoffa | how to i view the sources again | 04:06 |
dotheuganda | how would i compile and run my program in emacs? | 04:07 |
Agrajag | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:07 |
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SGC|Home | running ubuntu on two different systems, I'm missing some options under menu bar items. For instance, the view menu is blank and the file menu does not have "open file"...running 0.8.4. Same release on OSX has the items. | 04:07 |
Agrajag | put a # in front of the line containing backports | 04:07 |
SGC|Home | deleting ~/.vlc has no effect | 04:07 |
SGC|Home | any ideas on where to look? | 04:07 |
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SGC|Home | running VBC 0.8.4 that is | 04:07 |
rhoffa | _jason so what can i do about that | 04:07 |
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SGC|Home | that might help | 04:07 |
SGC|Home | VLC | 04:07 |
SGC|Home | and I can't type | 04:08 |
rhoffa | i dont know the comand to view the sources file agrajag | 04:08 |
_jason | rhoffa, do what Agrajag said and comment that line | 04:08 |
Steil | mwe: Well most of the things needing renaming are directories, it's about 4 layers deep | 04:08 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: I just told you! | 04:08 |
Agrajag | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:08 |
Agrajag | put a # in front of the line containing backports | 04:08 |
jack- | anyone here who happens to have gShield? | 04:08 |
mwe | Steil: oh. then I have no easy command at hand, sorry | 04:08 |
Agrajag | then save it and run sudo apt-get update | 04:08 |
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Agrajag | or you can just delete the line containing backports | 04:09 |
Steil | mwe: What about just renaming all the sub dirs of a specific directory, any easy way? | 04:09 |
Steil | Or just files? | 04:09 |
rhoffa | there was two ## so make it # | 04:09 |
=== adil [n=sadrul@CPE000bdbc4e5ed-CM0011e6c4487f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | rhoffa, pastebin your sources.list | 04:09 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: what | 04:10 |
rhoffa | _jason ? | 04:10 |
=== WhyvasLT [n=poop@fctnnbsc15w-156034086237.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | !pastebin | 04:10 |
ubotu | pastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 04:10 |
rhoffa | whats pastebin | 04:10 |
Agrajag | rhoffa: there shouldn't be any, not now, because it's looking for backports | 04:10 |
=== Milk_ [n=amshake@12-221-188-111.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milk_ | anyone here experianced with Kino for video capture? | 04:11 |
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Rev-Marc | i have 2 problems to solve first I need to install java so my wife can view her Christmas cards | 04:12 |
rhoffa | jason i pastebinned one | 04:12 |
rhoffa | i still have the error messages though | 04:12 |
_jason | ubotu, tell Rev-Marc about java | 04:13 |
oneseventeen | ever since I upgraded the ati driver via system updates my screen resolution is very low :( | 04:13 |
pixelmonkey | Rev-Marc, second, you need to apt-get remove your wife? | 04:13 |
pixelmonkey | ba-da-ching. | 04:13 |
gp_aaron | can someone upload there sources.list file (assuming they are using breezy and have no-free enabled) | 04:13 |
_jason | rhoffa, you need to tell us the link so we can see what you pasted and help you | 04:13 |
rhoffa | _jason did you see it? | 04:13 |
gp_aaron | or show me a example of what to ad | 04:13 |
misfit_toy | pixelmonkey, a sudo apt-get wife-upgrade will fix that | 04:13 |
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rhoffa | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5170 | 04:13 |
rhoffa | sorry | 04:13 |
gp_aaron | thanks | 04:14 |
_jason | rhoffa, lines 33 and 34 need to be preceded by a # | 04:14 |
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_jason | gp_aaron, rhoffa is pasting to be helped with ;o | 04:14 |
ccc | can i compile any (32 bit) source and run it on an amd64 system? | 04:15 |
=== KB1FYR [n=Alex@d-66-63-85-222.suscom-maine.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oneseventeen | My xorg.conf still has 1280x800 listed as the preferred resolution, but it isn't even a choic from system>preferences>screen resolution | 04:15 |
gp_aaron | _jason, damn it | 04:15 |
pixelmonkey | misfit_toy, wife-upgrade depends on sexual-ability, but it will not be installed. | 04:15 |
gp_aaron | _jason, what needs to be fixed? | 04:15 |
Milk_ | oneseventeen have you tried ctrl+alt+-? | 04:15 |
_jason | gp_aaron, do not include the last three lines | 04:15 |
rhoffa | he can take mine rgh | 04:16 |
rhoffa | right | 04:16 |
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rhoffa | thanks that worked _jason | 04:16 |
gp_aaron | _jason, backports no work? | 04:16 |
rhoffa | no error message | 04:16 |
_jason | ubotu, tell gp_aaron about easysource | 04:16 |
rhoffa | nw i still have to see if i can install mp3 | 04:16 |
=== kraehe_ [n=kraehe@I9167.i.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | gp_aaron, rhoffa backports do work now, but they are at a different location | 04:16 |
oneseventeen | Milk_ just tried that, didn't do anything... | 04:16 |
Milk_ | oneseventeen, then you have something not configured correctly in the xorg | 04:16 |
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rhoffa | ok, so do i have backports still? | 04:16 |
subgud | does anyone use ppc ubuntu here? | 04:17 |
Rev-Marc | Actually the good Lord gave her to me and there is no changing that | 04:17 |
Rev-Marc | and the second thing is when I boot her computer I get a message saying "your $HOME/.dmrc file is incorrect and is being ignored"? | 04:17 |
Rev-Marc | and it says something about 644 permisions | 04:17 |
gp_aaron | thanks | 04:17 |
_jason | rhoffa, no | 04:17 |
subgud | i need to get back my lost password | 04:17 |
Milk_ | subgud, for what? | 04:17 |
oneseventeen | it worked with my custom installed one... I think it might be fidgety because I'm using a laptop with ati | 04:17 |
nickrud | oneseventeen, the gnome resolution preferences only allows what X says it can do; look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for some hints about what resolutions are supportd | 04:17 |
subgud | i forgot my passwordc | 04:17 |
subgud | and ppc dont use grub | 04:17 |
Milk_ | oneseventeen, yea.. ATI can be a bit funky | 04:17 |
rhoffa | _Jason - do i want backports | 04:17 |
subgud | so i dont know how to get access | 04:17 |
_jason | ubotu, tell rhoffa about backports | 04:17 |
rhoffa | ps thanks my mp3s are working now... yes | 04:17 |
Milk_ | subgud, password for what account? | 04:17 |
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subgud | and cant find anything on the web or in help files | 04:18 |
_jason | rhoffa, I don't use them | 04:18 |
subgud | my ubuntu account | 04:18 |
regeya | somehow I missed the release of audacious, a fork of beep-media-player, which was a fork of xmms. | 04:18 |
=== dragonbyte [n=dragonby@ip206-246-248-56.east.widomaker.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | ok its just old stuff im assuming | 04:18 |
_jason | rhoffa, the packages can sometimes break your system | 04:18 |
subgud | my useraccount | 04:18 |
Milk_ | subgud, reinstall dude | 04:18 |
=== jorge_ [n=jorge@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oneseventeen | "failed to load module fglrx" | 04:18 |
rhoffa | yea well i can barely use linux to begin with | 04:18 |
rhoffa | so i dont need em | 04:18 |
pixelmonkey | Rev-Marc, I get that too, so annoying. Having fixed it yet. | 04:18 |
Milk_ | oneseventeen, whats the model of the vid card? | 04:18 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pixelmonkey | Rev-Marc, err, s/Having/Haven't/g | 04:18 |
oneseventeen | Milk_ ATI radeon xpress 200M | 04:18 |
rhoffa | how do you uninstall thing on linux | 04:18 |
Rev-Marc | :( | 04:18 |
subgud | Milk_: no other way? cause a friend of mine has installed all this stuff so i could use it as a dev-server | 04:19 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | rhoffa, use synatpic, right click and select remove | 04:19 |
nickrud | subgud, try booting into recovery mode, then do passwd <user> and enter the password you want | 04:19 |
subgud | and i dont want to call him over | 04:19 |
subgud | nickrud: dont know how to access recovery mode | 04:19 |
pixelmonkey | Rev-Marc, if you find out how to fix that, msg me please. I don't mind too much since I suspend/resume all the time, but still stupid. | 04:19 |
subgud | ppc dont have the grub menu | 04:19 |
subgud | so i dont get to choose that on boot | 04:19 |
Rev-Marc | will do | 04:19 |
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nickrud | subgud, it's one of the options ......... on the grub menu :) | 04:19 |
oneseventeen | gotta run, I need to get some laundry done... thanks for trying to help, the log file shows it's a module missing issue | 04:19 |
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mwe | Steil: still here? | 04:19 |
Milk_ | oneseventeen, is that a supported card? | 04:19 |
nickrud | subgud, ask nalioth when he's around, he runs ppc | 04:20 |
Milk_ | subgud, thats why you dont' forget passwords | 04:20 |
oneseventeen | I think it might be because of the fact I use a custom kernel, and I also upgraded the kernel with the recent update as well. | 04:20 |
nalioth | subgud: ppc uses yaboot | 04:20 |
=== pazooza [n=pazooza@pool-68-238-62-105.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oneseventeen | Milk_ supposedly | 04:20 |
oneseventeen | Milk_ I think I'll just recomplie based on the new headers and then install the new fglrx driver manally from ATI's site | 04:20 |
Milk_ | subgud, I've never used it, but the install CD might have a recovery mode | 04:20 |
subgud | nalioth: i know... cant figure out a way to boot the os low-level through yaboot either | 04:20 |
=== nickrud boinks another lurker | ||
=== Paradosso [n=Paradoss@host234-50.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | _jason so anything xmms -XXXX is removable if i am not using that as my player? | 04:21 |
oneseventeen | but as I said before, laundr time, talk to you guys later, thanks again. | 04:21 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp195-130.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | subgud: to open firmware, you mean? | 04:21 |
Milk_ | oneseventeen, I'd stick with the ubuntu drivers personally if at all possible | 04:21 |
=== Paradosso [n=Paradoss@host234-50.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | rhoffa, I'm not sure I understand your question | 04:21 |
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nickrud | nalioth, he needs to reset a forgotten passworld | 04:21 |
subgud | nalioth: no... just booting ubuntu at root lvl to reset the password | 04:21 |
=== GNULinuxer [i=ghoseb@unaffiliated/gnulinuxer] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | its alright nevermind, i just have a bunch of sound video programs i dont need now | 04:21 |
rhoffa | is there a list anywhere of what ubuntu comes with | 04:22 |
atrolinux | Do I have to do anything special to activate a USB mouse (on a laptop, the internal one is still active)? | 04:22 |
nalioth | subgud: ah, i see. i dont know if that option exists with yaboot | 04:22 |
nalioth | subgud: i've never seen it, or the entry in yaboot.conf to enable it | 04:22 |
rhoffa | _jason one last question, my folders have locks on them and wont let me move them, what is that about? | 04:22 |
nickrud | rhoffa, do aptitude search ^.* , that will list everything | 04:23 |
_jason | rhoffa, it means you don't have permission | 04:23 |
subgud | nalioth: nah... doesnt look like it... ive been looking through whatever i could find about it on the web | 04:23 |
subgud | doesnt look like it | 04:23 |
subgud | nalioth: thing is though, i think the keyboardlayout somehow messed up, cause i am pretty confident i have the right password | 04:23 |
rhoffa | why dont i have permission | 04:24 |
rhoffa | its my computer | 04:24 |
subgud | just dont know how to access anything without being able to login | 04:24 |
nalioth | subgud: get a livecd and chroot into your installed version | 04:24 |
rhoffa | i never knew i needed permission to begin with | 04:24 |
=== Black_Hat [n=dev@cpe-67-9-79-6.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | rhoffa, in linux files have permissions and owners. Google: linux file permissions | 04:24 |
subgud | nalioth: thanks... didnt even think of that actually | 04:25 |
Black_Hat | if i am going to update my kernel for a ppc...does it matter if i go with a gzip or bz2 image? | 04:25 |
=== La_PaRCa [n=parca@cable200-116-237-138.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Milk_ | anyone know anything about kino and av/c | 04:25 |
tritium | Black_Hat, you're not going to use ubuntu kernels? | 04:25 |
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rhoffa | ok, and one last thing, i have a native 1366 x 786 montior (or close to that) how can i get that resolution on my desktop | 04:26 |
bird | help me | 04:26 |
bird | hello reffa | 04:27 |
_jason | bird, you need to ask a question | 04:27 |
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Black_Hat | tritium: can i not just install say...the latest 2.6 kernel configured for ppc? | 04:27 |
bird | how old are u? | 04:27 |
encompass | hi all | 04:27 |
_jason | bird, try a support related question | 04:27 |
pazooza | What's a good news reader for ubuntu? | 04:27 |
Black_Hat | i mean would it really make a difference? ubuntu is ubuntu id just be running it on a newer kernel than what it is currently being released with | 04:27 |
tritium | Black_Hat, if you want to. | 04:28 |
bird | please help me my pc cant able to connect with another link | 04:28 |
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encompass | trying to get the rtl8180 chipset wifi card working... had it working in debian, but when I moved to ubuntu apperently the 2.6.12 kernel is too new, any ideas? should I go for ndiswrapper? | 04:28 |
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Black_Hat | tritium: does it matter if i use a .gz or .bz2 image to do it with? | 04:28 |
tritium | Black_Hat, not in the least | 04:29 |
rhoffa | _jason - you know about getting 1366 786 resoltuion | 04:29 |
Xyc0 | wow 64 bit is still really choppy in both Ubuntu and M$ | 04:29 |
tritium | rhoffa, you can either "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", or edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:29 |
=== wotnarg [n=wotnarg@dsl-63-173-190-10.tcq.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dotheuganda | hi | 04:29 |
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encompass | hi | 04:29 |
dotheuganda | how do you add things to the desktop? | 04:29 |
Xen | OK--I have a solution for those people who are having trouble with ATI cards and the "ati" driver | 04:29 |
rhoffa | which one is more easier | 04:29 |
bird | how i can improve my 2gb | 04:29 |
Xen | start a private message session with me if you want instructions | 04:29 |
rhoffa | is their powerstrip for linux | 04:29 |
tritium | rhoffa, start with the first approach | 04:30 |
tritium | !tell rhoffa about resolution | 04:30 |
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underdog | !tell me about dapper | 04:30 |
bird | ok xen tell me how | 04:30 |
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encompass | dotheuganda: you can just drag things to it | 04:31 |
encompass | or rightclick add a folder | 04:31 |
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encompass | dotheuganda: the is a pretty general question | 04:31 |
mekyla | hello there :) | 04:31 |
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dotheuganda | but which file do i add | 04:31 |
encompass | hi | 04:31 |
=== ssmith [n=ssmith@c-24-61-86-163.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
encompass | umm, what do you want to put there | 04:31 |
hamilton | is xorg still broken on dapper? | 04:31 |
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ssmith | w/Ubuntu can one run Windows Media Player? | 04:32 |
majyk | Kubuntu refuses to see my wireless card and locks up the wireless configuration applet even though Ubuntu works just fine | 04:32 |
majyk | how stupid | 04:32 |
underdog | ssmith: you don't need to. ubuntu has a package with all win32 codecs | 04:33 |
jack- | which one is less crappy, gShield or ipkungfu? gimme your 2 cents plz | 04:33 |
Xen | ok, for the ATI thing: | 04:33 |
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tritium | never heard of them, jack- | 04:33 |
jack- | iptables wrappers | 04:33 |
Xen | Step 1) DL the ATI prop. driver using wget from console (ctrl+alt+f2 or something if you need a blank one) | 04:33 |
jack- | stuff for noobs ;) | 04:33 |
Xen | Step 2) apt-get install alien | 04:33 |
tritium | Xen, use ubuntu fglrx package for ATI. Please don't give that advice you're giving | 04:34 |
Xen | Step 3) alien the rpm you downloaded | 04:34 |
tritium | no, no | 04:34 |
Xen | tritium, why--it works | 04:34 |
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ssmith | I have kids pc, how do I then get mozilla and ubuntu to work together for using windows media player | 04:34 |
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tritium | Xen, native ubuntu packages are preferrable | 04:34 |
rhoffa | titium - after first sudo cp... i get an error message | 04:34 |
mekyla | i am wondering, are there any groups within ubuntu dealing in particular with social issues relating to technology (and ubuntu's place in that in particular) -- digital divide, gender issues, accessibility issues, .... (?) | 04:34 |
rhoffa | missing desintation file | 04:34 |
tritium | rhoffa, what are you copying? | 04:34 |
tritium | !tell Xen about ati | 04:34 |
Xen | tritium, the whole point here is that the native package doesn't work--this is what to do when it doesn't | 04:34 |
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tritium | Xen, how does it not work for you? | 04:35 |
=== Chand| [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-33-127.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | It works for others. | 04:35 |
rhoffa | tritium - sudo cp /etc/x11/xorg.conf and thewn samething with custom afterwards | 04:35 |
Xen | the ati driver works fine for me, but for my friend and many others it fails to work at all | 04:35 |
tritium | rhoffa, what instructions are you following? | 04:35 |
giany911 | has any1 installed gta san andreas under ubuntu ? | 04:35 |
tritium | Xen, 64-bit, or what? | 04:36 |
Xen | yes. | 04:36 |
rhoffa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:36 |
tritium | Yes, there are problems with ati drivers on 64-bit | 04:36 |
=== factotum [n=factotum@71-10-76-202.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Xen | I was just trying to give the solution that I found worked in that situation | 04:36 |
=== ogami1972 [n=michael@72-48-74-163.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | rhoffa, what's the failure? | 04:36 |
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tritium | Xen, cool. I didn't realize you were discussing 64-bit. My bad. | 04:37 |
rhoffa | cp cannot stat /etc/x11/xorg.conf : no such file or directory | 04:37 |
tritium | rhoffa, you need to capitalize X11 | 04:37 |
ogami1972 | ok- hi all- i have a new chapter in my battle for sound- it seems i can play thru oss, but not thru alsa... | 04:37 |
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tritium | rhoffa, use tab-completion to help you out | 04:37 |
ogami1972 | oss has really sketchy sound though | 04:38 |
Xen | ok, so once you alien the rpm--use dpkg -i newdebfile to install it | 04:38 |
factotum | anyone know where to turn off the sound server for gnome? not much of a fan of desktop sound schemes | 04:38 |
=== threeseas [n=threesea@c-24-99-72-117.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | just disable the sound scheme. :P | 04:38 |
Xen | then run sudo fglrxconfig and once you've finished type startx | 04:38 |
ogami1972 | is it possible that oss "has" my device, and that is why i have been getting "device is busy" errors? | 04:38 |
tritium | System->Preferences->Sound, factotum | 04:38 |
factotum | thx | 04:39 |
Xen | then your video should start working | 04:39 |
factotum | much better | 04:39 |
=== Toran [n=jon@unaffiliated/toran] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toran | Hey guys, I'm trying to build something from SVN, but I'm getting an error from autogen.sh | 04:40 |
Toran | Ychecking for automake 1.6 or later... checking for aclocal 1.6 or later... no.. ou must have automake installed to compile mpd. | 04:40 |
Toran | I have automake installed, though | 04:40 |
tritium | Toran, do you have build-essential installed? | 04:41 |
ssmith | how do I point to the win32 codecs? | 04:41 |
Toran | tritium: yes | 04:41 |
tritium | good | 04:41 |
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aj_ | anyone know what this error means undefined symbol in libpangocairo.so.1 | 04:41 |
bimberi | ubotu tell ssmith about w32codecs | 04:42 |
Steil | mwe: you still around? | 04:42 |
=== GnoNayme [i=Gn@cpe-024-074-075-014.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atrolinux | I'm having problems getting my usb mouse to work, anybody have some pointers? | 04:42 |
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=== dabaR * | ||
Sneaky_Bastard | well, you apparently don't :p | 04:42 |
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ogami1972 | hahaha | 04:43 |
Toran | Hehe | 04:43 |
khermans | Anyone know how to fix "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" after installing Ubuntu onto an IBM T40 with Win XP on it? | 04:43 |
khermans | seems the NTFS partition got hosed somehow | 04:44 |
aj_ | ok i fixed that error but i still get an error when i try to start gtk apps about libgdk-x11.so.2 | 04:44 |
ogami1972 | can i just remove oss? | 04:44 |
Black_Hat | does anyone know if i ened to configure the ppc kernel at all or if the default kernel config will be adequate? | 04:44 |
Black_Hat | *need | 04:44 |
=== tux0010 [n=raja@cpe-70-113-11-46.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | when installing? | 04:44 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Black_Hat | dabaR: yes. before compiling the kernel | 04:45 |
Black_Hat | going through the kernel config..is default adequate you think? | 04:45 |
dabaR | Black_Hat: see, what I think is: If you need the default kernel, then you dont need to compile. | 04:46 |
tritium | Black_Hat, if you're not going to customize, why bother to compile your own? The ubuntu kernels are adequate, in that case. | 04:46 |
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Black_Hat | tritium: ubuntus default kernel has a bunch of modules floating around i dont need nor want | 04:46 |
dabaR | you will then need to customize. | 04:46 |
dabaR | to get rid of some | 04:46 |
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chungaroo | hey is anyone good at shell scripting? | 04:47 |
dabaR | chungaroo: in bash? | 04:47 |
tritium | Black_Hat, okay, but you can always prevent those that you don't want from loading | 04:47 |
chungaroo | dabaR, yes | 04:47 |
dabaR | chungaroo: #bash | 04:47 |
chungaroo | ah, you're good | 04:47 |
chungaroo | =P | 04:47 |
Black_Hat | dabaR: ive been through this process once before and i ended up fucking up my kernel somewhere along the way that i had to reinstall ubuntu | 04:47 |
Black_Hat | i got kernel panics on my new and old kernel. | 04:47 |
Black_Hat | it was bad | 04:47 |
=== gp_aaron [n=gp_aaron@S0106000d87b24134.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gp_aaron | god ubuntu sucks for new users | 04:47 |
gp_aaron | i would not suggest it to anyone as their first distro | 04:48 |
synd | gp_aaron: No trolling please. | 04:48 |
giany911 | well im a noob and i had almost no problems a long the way | 04:48 |
gp_aaron | synd, ubuntu is a good distro if you know your way around | 04:48 |
giany911 | so i can say its not so bad | 04:48 |
gp_aaron | but if you don't | 04:48 |
tritium | gp_aaron, there are more constructive ways to get your point across | 04:49 |
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giany911 | :)) | 04:49 |
synd | gp_aaron: Thanks for the tidbit. | 04:49 |
gp_aaron | i'm trying to help this kid get gtk-gnutella installed | 04:49 |
gp_aaron | but he can't get it to work | 04:49 |
zenrox | any ubuntu ops around | 04:49 |
=== adil [n=sadrul@CPE000bdbc4e5ed-CM0011e6c4487f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | yes, zenrox | 04:49 |
synd | gp_aaron: sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella from the console. | 04:49 |
gp_aaron | cause for 1) ubuntu doesn't have any non-free stuff | 04:49 |
zenrox | tritium: yes om `23meg is ban | 04:49 |
zenrox | ned | 04:49 |
Black_Hat | tritium: you know of a good how to for installing linux kernel? | 04:49 |
Toran | Is it just me, or does stuff that I build myself run a lot faster on my machine than the ubuntu .deb binaries? | 04:49 |
gp_aaron | synd, doesn't work | 04:49 |
dabaR | gp_aaron: add universe, and install it. http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html | 04:50 |
zenrox | can you help him | 04:50 |
tritium | zenrox, what? | 04:50 |
synd | gp_aaron: Then add the repositories. | 04:50 |
synd | !sources | 04:50 |
ubotu | A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 04:50 |
gp_aaron | synd, he did | 04:50 |
tritium | Black_Hat, the wiki has a good one. I suggest you use kernel-package | 04:50 |
gp_aaron | still doesn't wrok | 04:50 |
=== Telep [n=telep@ZYYYKMMCCCLXXXVII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Black_Hat | i dont even know what kernel-package is lol | 04:50 |
synd | gp_aaron: Then he is doing something wrong. | 04:50 |
dabaR | gp_aaron: follow that page, with the goal in mind of adding universe, and installing gtk-gnutella. Give it a shot. | 04:50 |
gp_aaron | synd, no doubt but this is his very first night with linux | 04:50 |
synd | gp_aaron: We need to see error messages | 04:51 |
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tritium | Black_Hat, it's a package that you can install, and then use the "make-kpkg" command to build kernel .deb packages with | 04:51 |
gp_aaron | synd, he says it says nothing when he did sudo apt-get update | 04:51 |
giany911 | i hope san andreas will work | 04:51 |
Black_Hat | tritium: so it sort of automates the kernel install? | 04:51 |
giany911 | :) | 04:51 |
synd | gp_aaron: Applications -> Add Applications | 04:51 |
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dabaR | whoa:) | 04:52 |
tritium | Black_Hat, not entirely, but it builds nice debian packages for you | 04:52 |
zenrox | tritium: `23meg shuld be contocting you soon | 04:52 |
tritium | zenrox, who is he? | 04:52 |
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=== mat73503 [n=mat@tmp001109853382.STUDENT.CWRU.Edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | what's whoa, dabaR ? | 04:52 |
zenrox | he hangs out in #ubuntuforums a lote | 04:52 |
atrolinux | arrrgh, how can I get a usb mouse that works automagically in win/mac environments to work in ubuntu? | 04:52 |
tritium | I don't hang out there, zenrox ;) | 04:52 |
zenrox | i do | 04:52 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp198-190.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mat73503 | does anyone know if ubuntu has nfts support | 04:52 |
dabaR | tritium: cause broken_ladder got banned by chanserv | 04:52 |
synd | tritium hangs out in my pants | 04:53 |
Hobbsee | !tell mat73503 about ntfs | 04:53 |
=== relbs_ [n=albert@bazang.csail.mit.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | dabaR, yes, for his verbal abusiveness and complete disrespect for others | 04:53 |
dabaR | in here? | 04:53 |
khermans | Anyone seen UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME in Windows XP dual boot? | 04:53 |
zenrox | tritium: thare seems to be a ban banning him *!*@85.10* that prenventing him for joing here | 04:53 |
gp_aaron | sigh.. live cds are so slow.. | 04:53 |
mat73503 | anyone, nfts support? | 04:53 |
tritium | synd, ? | 04:53 |
Hobbsee | mat73503: there is captiventfs as well - not sure how well it works | 04:53 |
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tritium | yes, mat73503 | 04:53 |
dabaR | gp_aaron: entirely dependent on the amount of RAM you have. | 04:53 |
tritium | !tell mat73503 about ntfs | 04:54 |
gp_aaron | 768 on a p4 2.6 | 04:54 |
=== arnducky [n=quacker@S01060030ab077a70.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | gp_aaron: should be flying. use a lighter desktop environment/window manager. I like openbox. | 04:54 |
atrolinux | ubotu isn't responding to me... | 04:54 |
ubotu | atrolinux: I give up, what is it? | 04:54 |
=== swim [n=joshua@ip68-228-47-146.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atrolinux | nm, it's just lagging | 04:54 |
atrolinux | or I am | 04:54 |
tritium | zenrox, yes, that's correct | 04:54 |
gp_aaron | dabaR, i use obox on my arch install | 04:54 |
relbs_ | when manually installing a .deb file, is there a command I can use to automatically try to satisfy the dependencies of the .deb? dpkg -i seems to just complain and quit. | 04:55 |
swim | are there packages one should install when running on an i686 cpu? | 04:55 |
zenrox | tritium: that ban ant for him is it?? | 04:55 |
gp_aaron | but i'm trying to do this so i can show him | 04:55 |
tritium | zenrox, I don't know. I didn't set it. Possibly... | 04:55 |
factotum | i ran a livecd on a dual G5 with 3gb...it was a good time. scared the co-workers though | 04:55 |
dabaR | relbs_: well, install the dependencies manually using apt-get, if you cant install the deb through ubuntu repos. | 04:55 |
=== angryBeaver [n=alan@c-24-98-97-153.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giany911 | who can tell me a cool bittorrent client except azureus | 04:56 |
Artemis3 | thats great factotum | 04:56 |
zenrox | tritium: well some just pop in to #ubuntuforums and said that the spammers are comming from that ip chain | 04:56 |
zenrox | i know for a fact that `23meg ant like that | 04:56 |
factotum | the looks on the faces was priceless | 04:56 |
tritium | ant ;) | 04:56 |
zenrox | tritium: also `23meg is on the forums | 04:56 |
giany911 | bittorrent client? .. except azureus? | 04:56 |
=== dabaR loves super ant | ||
GNULinuxer | when I try to install python-wxversion it says that the file wxversion.py is provided by wxpython and can't be overwritten | 04:56 |
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GNULinuxer | any solutions? | 04:57 |
zenrox | as a forum op?? | 04:57 |
ogami1972 | does anyone here use OSS? | 04:57 |
mat73503 | so how do i can i read my nfts partition | 04:57 |
aj_ | does anyone here know much about cairo and gtk? i'm getting a symbol lookup error with gtk apps? | 04:57 |
Artemis3 | oss? | 04:57 |
tritium | zenrox, that's great for him | 04:57 |
relbs_ | dabaR: that's what I'm trying to avoid.. | 04:57 |
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dabaR | mat73503: read your private messages. | 04:57 |
giany911 | mat73503 did u mount it ? | 04:57 |
angryBeaver | Hi, what's a good mp3 or streaming mp3 player for ubuntu? | 04:57 |
factotum | mat73503: create a mount point and edit your fstab | 04:57 |
=== Chand [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-7-70.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | relbs_: there is a way I know of, but harder than the other thing I said. | 04:57 |
factotum | dont bother asking me how, you figure that out, i told you what you need to do | 04:58 |
Artemis3 | the included player, rhytmbox (sp is hard) | 04:58 |
factotum | learning is fun | 04:58 |
dabaR | angryBeaver: beep-media-player | 04:58 |
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angryBeaver | rhythmbox isn't working well for me | 04:58 |
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0026-abb-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
relbs_ | dabaR: grr. ok, thanks for the info | 04:58 |
angryBeaver | thanks dabaR | 04:58 |
zenrox | tritium: i was asken if you can get ahold of Seveas and tell him to lift that ban or make that ban more spsific | 04:59 |
dabaR | relbs_: ask again if you have time to wait:) | 04:59 |
angryBeaver | I'll check that out | 04:59 |
Artemis3 | you need to add support for other formats, like the ubuntuguide says | 04:59 |
tritium | dabaR, both in here, and in private messages | 04:59 |
factotum | rhythmbox worked alright for me once i changed the output | 04:59 |
=== Tigerhawk [n=katsarts@ppp13.pm3-6.kal-ch.mi.localnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== zblach [n=zblach@HSE-Toronto-ppp137346.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | zenrox, I don't lift bans that other ops set without discussing it with them first | 04:59 |
kraehe | Package x3270 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 04:59 |
Tigerhawk | should I use lvm or the normal ext3 to install ubuntu on? | 04:59 |
zenrox | tritium: i know | 04:59 |
kraehe | any idea how to access a mainframe from ubuntu ? | 04:59 |
=== squirrel [n=squirrel@pcp0010523251pcs.lwrswt01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | tritium: yeah eh. I know he is always trouble. YOu know why I said whoa? just cause I did not see him saying anything in the channel, and then chanserv banned him. I thought he somehow got himself banned on another channel, completely from the server. | 05:00 |
swim | folks, im coming from using archlinux which is an i686 distro... should I install linux-686, libc6-i686 packages? | 05:00 |
zenrox | tritium: you know how to get ahold of him better than i do thats all just a simple notication | 05:00 |
tritium | dabaR, he's on a special list now | 05:00 |
=== Milk_ [n=amshake@12-221-188-111.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | zenrox, I'll see if I can | 05:00 |
Milk_ | Can anyone help me with raw1394 | 05:00 |
tritium | swim, linux-686 | 05:00 |
angryBeaver | any reason rythm box wouldn't be playing mp3's or streams? | 05:00 |
Tigerhawk | lvm... good... bad? | 05:00 |
=== munzir [n=munzir@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | it doesnt come with mp3 support | 05:00 |
dabaR | ubotu: tell angryBeaver about mp3 | 05:01 |
munzir | hi gurus, For sendmail to be able to send messages do I need to configure mx records to my server? should I put my hostname anywhere in the sendmail config? | 05:01 |
dabaR | he sent you a pm. | 05:01 |
=== durt [n=ben@pcp0011938702pcs.limstn01.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | angryBeaver, check ubuntuguide.org | 05:01 |
Tigerhawk | !lvm | 05:01 |
ubotu | rumour has it, lvm is (for the moment) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/ | 05:01 |
swim | tritium, oh it looks like libc6-i686 is already installed... though I didnt install it myself | 05:01 |
dabaR | Artemis3: we dont use that at all. help.ubuntu.com for a starter guide. | 05:01 |
tritium | swim, :) | 05:01 |
DShepherd | Artemis3: do not recommend ubuntuguide in here | 05:01 |
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=== User42 [n=User42@71-36-85-98.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
durt | kde freezes when i try to start it. is this because i am trying to run it with gdm? | 05:02 |
Artemis3 | forbidden? | 05:02 |
Artemis3 | thats must be new... | 05:02 |
dabaR | just a bad idea, basically, breaks systems. | 05:02 |
DShepherd | !tell Artemis3 about ubuntuguide.org | 05:02 |
DShepherd | !tell Artemis3 about ubuntuguide | 05:02 |
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dabaR | Artemis3: I say this from experience from being here fixing sucj systems... | 05:02 |
Artemis3 | im checking it | 05:03 |
relbs_ | dabaR: thing is, I'd like to roll a custom package for myself and some other developers. It would be nice if I could just send them the .deb and they could install it and all dependencies. From what you say, sounds like setting up our own apt repo might be easiest | 05:03 |
=== calamari [n=calamari@ip68-105-130-108.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | hi | 05:03 |
User42 | I have a quick install question. I have an Nforce3 motherboard (it is an ASUS K8N motherboard). | 05:03 |
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User42 | I have run UBUNTU for a while, but when I installed a SATA disk drive, I had to reinstall, and now the install gets about 15% in and freezes. Does Ubuntu support SATA on the Nforce 3? | 05:04 |
rhoffa | is there any way to edit mp3 tags in rhythmbox? | 05:04 |
=== gvm [n=gvm@222-152-242-251.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | relbs_: for a package that has all dependencies in ubuntu, and for friends that use ubuntu? | 05:04 |
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DShepherd | Seveas, crimsun: How can I go about filing a feature request for dapper? | 05:04 |
relbs_ | dabaR: yup | 05:04 |
dabaR | DShepherd: launchpad.ubuntu.com I think. | 05:05 |
DShepherd | dabaR: thanks | 05:05 |
User42 | It seemed to recognize the disk, but half-way through a package it just quit. I checked out the MD5 on the iso image, and it was fine. | 05:05 |
Artemis3 | looks good... | 05:05 |
dabaR | relbs_: ya, getting that package recognized by apt-get may be easiest. is there a version of the program in ubuntu? | 05:05 |
=== CruNcher [n=lulu_lol@dslb-084-058-105-138.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | any other languages for help.ubuntu.com ? | 05:06 |
User42 | I guess I need to try another install, and see what exact package is failing. | 05:06 |
calamari | is there a way I can verify that the files in a debian package I have installed match the files in the package? (for example if one of my installed files was corrupted) | 05:06 |
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dabaR | I love it when people ask a question and leave before I manage to answer it... | 05:06 |
tritium | yeah | 05:07 |
dabaR | Artemis3: probably, not 100% sure. | 05:07 |
aj_ | i can't figure out how to fix this error with gtk apps hasn't anyone ever had issues with gtk and cairo? | 05:07 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ARGH | 05:07 |
dabaR | aj_: post the errors to paste.ubuntulinux.nl to start... | 05:07 |
aj_ | oh | 05:07 |
tritium | Sneaky_Bastard, ? | 05:07 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | yes ? | 05:08 |
dabaR | no> | 05:08 |
Sneaky_Bastard | oh, sorry | 05:08 |
tritium | User42, the more information you can provide, the better. | 05:08 |
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relbs_ | dabaR: no, this would be just for our own in-house use and has no business being in ubuntu (poorly documented, buggy, esoteric, etc.) sounds like we'll be setting up an apt-repository. thanks | 05:08 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I'm having trouble installing tcl/tk libraries so that scons build tool can find them | 05:08 |
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tritium | Oh, okay ;) | 05:08 |
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swim | is it worth building j2re1.5 packages? or will using j2re1.4 be alright? | 05:09 |
dabaR | its fine. | 05:09 |
swim | ok cool | 05:09 |
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Tigerhawk | I am having problems installing Ubuntu, it locks up after it starts installing the base stuff(after formatting the partitions) | 05:10 |
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Tigerhawk | any ideas? | 05:10 |
Artemis3 | is automatix also forbidden dabaR ? | 05:10 |
tritium | Artemis3, nothing is forbidden. Just not everything can be supported. | 05:11 |
dabaR | Artemis3: nothing is forbidden, afaiamconcerned, some things are bad ideas. | 05:11 |
=== K_Dallas is loving the little program, units. it is so cool and it has no UI ;) | ||
aj_ | ok i posted that on there | 05:11 |
aj_ | what happens now? | 05:11 |
=== WebLOCH [n=WebLOCH@82-34-95-143.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | dabaR, you about boss? | 05:11 |
dabaR | tritium: me and you seem to agree on some major points there tonight. | 05:11 |
tritium | aj_, give the person helping you the URL | 05:11 |
tritium | dabaR, yep :) | 05:11 |
aj_ | oh | 05:11 |
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=== benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-066-057-072-151.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WebLOCH | dabaR, ahh sooo you are, wondered if i could pick your brains on some database questions? maybe in offtopic ? | 05:12 |
Tigerhawk | am I invisable? | 05:12 |
dabaR | aj_: now ask a question in one line explaining exactly whats going on, and compliment that with the URL. | 05:12 |
dabaR | Tigerhawk: no. | 05:12 |
Tigerhawk | !freezing up | 05:12 |
ubotu | Tigerhawk: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 05:12 |
Tigerhawk | hmm | 05:12 |
Tigerhawk | okay | 05:12 |
=== tritium looks and looks, but can't see Tigerhawk...I guess he's invisible | ||
Tigerhawk | this last time it froze up on installing the kernal, but its froze at other places | 05:13 |
aj_ | i can't start any gtk apps and i pasted the error http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5173 | 05:13 |
Tigerhawk | always during the base system install | 05:13 |
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dabaR | WebLOCH: oh, that is what "you about boss" meant. Just to let you know off the bat. I am 23, and not a boss in any sense of the word. So dont keep your hopes up too high. | 05:13 |
dabaR | WebLOCH: always glad to answer what I can. | 05:13 |
WebLOCH | dabaR, boss is just common vernacular around here, although I wouldnt normally say it, the tone in which i do is almost self-satirisation | 05:13 |
=== blair [n=blair@pcp06930225pcs.lndsd101.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tigerhawk | Getting really annoying | 05:13 |
[[pR|nc3-of-d4rk | hello..im interested in using ubuntu..anyway..what the minimun system requirement?? | 05:13 |
WebLOCH | dabaR, i was wondering about normalisation, and at what point you stop really, specifically because I was thinking about an ecommerce system and how best to make it extensible | 05:14 |
johnw | is there a way to read a NTFS partition? | 05:14 |
WebLOCH | johnw, yes try google | 05:14 |
dabaR | hard-nick-to-type: visit the ubuntu.com page for info about the min sys reqs. | 05:14 |
=== swim [n=joshua@ip68-228-47-146.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atrolinux | !tell johnw about ntfs | 05:14 |
dabaR | johnw: ubotu sent you a private message, so read it. | 05:14 |
WebLOCH | !tell johnw about google | 05:14 |
tritium | heh, dabaR | 05:15 |
[[pR|nc3-of-d4rk | tq dabaR | 05:15 |
WebLOCH | hmm darn | 05:15 |
swim | hey folks, I recently switched my graphics card, should I do anything to change the xorg that mentions my old card still? | 05:15 |
abydos | ubotu: java | 05:15 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 05:15 |
abydos | ubotu: thank you. | 05:15 |
ubotu | abydos: no worries | 05:15 |
WebLOCH | !javadebs | 05:15 |
ubotu | hmm... javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 05:15 |
durt | ubuntu worked, albeit very very slowly, on my 400mhz p2 64mb ram laptop | 05:15 |
Artemis3 | can i get a list of commands available from ubotu ? | 05:15 |
dabaR | WebLOCH: I am in offtopic. | 05:15 |
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abydos | WebLOCH: thank you as well. | 05:15 |
WebLOCH | abydos, that was more for me haha, checking out the 1.5s yo | 05:15 |
foolswisdom | !tell foolswisdom about ubotu | 05:16 |
dabaR | that durt fellow is annoying with his leave messages, I find. | 05:16 |
tritium | you can /msg ubotu, you know | 05:16 |
atrolinux | !tell atrophic about fixing his nonworking usb mouse | 05:16 |
atrolinux | :/ thanks for nothin' ubotu | 05:17 |
Artemis3 | thanks | 05:17 |
tritium | atrolinux, he gets tired of answering that commonly-asked question | 05:17 |
atrolinux | tritium, it seems to only be commonly asked by me though | 05:18 |
aj_ | dabaR, did you see that error i posted? | 05:18 |
tritium | right. I was being utterly sarcastic | 05:18 |
kestas | how do I easily customise ACPI so that it doesnt lock the screen when I close my notebook's lid? I can hack around with the ACPI scripts but that seems awfully messy | 05:18 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | not yet, actually. I will take a look now. | 05:18 |
dabaR | aj_: give background info about the system, what you were doing, was it working before. what did you install, what is in your /etc/apt/sources.list file/ | 05:18 |
=== LaserJock [n=LaserJoc@ppp-69-239-159-133.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dabaR got that joke, tho... | ||
tritium | kestas, /etc/default/acpi-support | 05:19 |
[[pR|nc3-of-d4rk | dabaR..i cant find where the system requirement is | 05:19 |
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swim | anyone? | 05:20 |
aj_ | dabaR, sorry can i add stuff to it? all i did was i was in the ubuntu forums and read a post on setting up clearlooks cairo theme and i installed a cvs version of cairo and then things broke after that | 05:20 |
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kestas | tritium, is there any way of enabling screen locking after coming out of standby, but disabling it when just closing the lid for a short while? | 05:21 |
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ricardo31 | que pedorrete | 05:22 |
ricardo31 | que pais es aqui? | 05:22 |
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Xenguy | !es | 05:22 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:22 |
dabaR | aj_: change the theme. | 05:22 |
aj_ | change the theme? | 05:22 |
dabaR | aj_: you can post to pastebin as much as you like. | 05:22 |
giany911 | can any1 help me ..with gta san andreas ? | 05:22 |
dabaR | ya, if its breaking the syste,... | 05:22 |
aj_ | i can't | 05:22 |
giany911 | :(( | 05:23 |
aj_ | because i can't even start anything gtk based | 05:23 |
aj_ | not even gdm | 05:23 |
ricardo31 | alguien habla espaol? | 05:23 |
_jason | ricardo31, escreve: /join #ubuntu-es | 05:23 |
ricardo31 | ss | 05:23 |
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bimberi | swim: try a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 05:24 |
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rhoffa | im on amd64 but i need w32drivers for playing dvds, what would i rplace them with | 05:24 |
tritium | kestas, sorry, stepped away for a bit | 05:24 |
[[pR|nc3-of-d4rk | dabaR..i cant find where the system requirement is | 05:24 |
dabaR | I saw, thanks. | 05:24 |
aj_ | i put it on paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5175 now | 05:25 |
rhoffa | how to watch dvds on amd64? | 05:25 |
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swim | thx bimberi | 05:25 |
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bimberi | swim: np :) | 05:26 |
mat73503 | i still cant connect to my nfts partitions | 05:26 |
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foolswisdom | where do I get the ubotu code? | 05:27 |
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rhoffa | can anyone help with dvd playback | 05:27 |
factotum | mat73503: try man nfts | 05:27 |
rhoffa | on amd64 | 05:27 |
encompass | how do I install something from cvs? I need the newest driver for my wifi card to work in 2.6.12 kernals | 05:27 |
factotum | mat73503: or apropos nfts | 05:28 |
boxdude | Anybody know why I cant get root privaledges when installing turboprint? | 05:28 |
encompass | I have the address but haven't the fogiest haw to use it | 05:28 |
aj_ | dabaR, did you see that new url i posted? | 05:28 |
bimberi | foolswisdom: ubotu is a "blootbot", source and binary packages available in an ubuntu repository near (or far from) you :) | 05:28 |
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=== dabaR is on the phone | ||
dabaR | foolswisdom: http://blootbot.sourceforge.net/ | 05:29 |
encompass | you know that would be cool, to make a device that can see if your light is on in the room, if so you are present, if not, it will set your Ident to away | 05:29 |
encompass | or on the phone and soforth | 05:29 |
BeGu | what image editors there are other than gimp? | 05:29 |
foolswisdom | dabaR: thnx, I will update the wiki page with that | 05:29 |
BeGu | I'd like to try something else | 05:30 |
dabaR | foolswisdom: bimberi gave you anogther option | 05:30 |
encompass | BeGu: google that | 05:30 |
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dabaR | BeGu: also synaptic has a search feature. | 05:30 |
Madpilot | BeGu: gThumb can do very basic stuff - mostly resizing, rotate & cropping, that type of thing | 05:30 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
encompass | can someone help me download some stuff from a CVS? | 05:31 |
encompass | I don't know how | 05:31 |
foolswisdom | thnx dabaR bimberi | 05:31 |
=== DonL [n=don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Locke | anyone know a good program to display system info? | 05:31 |
bimberi | foolswisdom: np :) | 05:31 |
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BeGu | encompass, dabaR, it's hard to knw what is good by searching with google or synaptic because of course everyone claims that theirs is very good... So sometimes I think it's better to ask from people who may have been tried many of those image editors so they can give me honest opinion | 05:32 |
kraehe | locke: find /proc | xargs lp | 05:32 |
kvantti | hi there :) | 05:32 |
kraehe | lock: dont type it ! | 05:32 |
BeGu | Madpilot, thanks, i'll try that | 05:32 |
Madpilot | Locke: type "sudo lshw" in a terminal | 05:32 |
DonL | Locke, just came in here, but I think dmesg will show you everything | 05:32 |
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encompass | ok, I suppose | 05:32 |
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Locke | dmesg? | 05:33 |
DonL | Anybody know a simple way of allowing my Linux box to share it's files over a windows lan? | 05:34 |
tritium | DonL, samba | 05:34 |
encompass | samba | 05:34 |
encompass | haha | 05:34 |
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aj_ | dabaR, did you see that new url i posted? | 05:35 |
DonL | tritium, yeah. I thought that, then I thought maybe there was something simple | 05:35 |
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encompass | and if you want | 05:35 |
csb | join #ubuntu | 05:35 |
encompass | gnome can loginto samba connections for you | 05:35 |
Artemis3 | again? | 05:35 |
csb | hi all | 05:35 |
encompass | hi | 05:35 |
dabaR | you know what I think...I think the hard-nick-to-type guy was trying to see what the minimum hardware to run ubuntu on is, so he can go buy that minimum thing. A better question would have been: I have blah. will ubuntu run on that? | 05:35 |
DonL | encompass, I can see and drag files from the windows computers, but they can't see me. | 05:35 |
csb | hey if i installed ubuntu...and want to use kde...can i just install kde and go back and forth? | 05:36 |
encompass | yup | 05:36 |
Artemis3 | hmm | 05:36 |
encompass | isn't that cool | 05:36 |
encompass | haha | 05:36 |
dabaR | aj_: I will get to it maybe... | 05:36 |
=== Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@WELL-207131.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
csb | no problems with stability? | 05:36 |
encompass | you need samba to start sharing | 05:36 |
dabaR | ask the channel always, not individual persons, for better help. | 05:36 |
tritium | yes, csb. You can install kubuntu-desktop for kde | 05:36 |
Artemis3 | how much minimun memory would you recommend? 256m? | 05:36 |
csb | and how do you switch between them? | 05:36 |
encompass | I use 128 but 256 is ok | 05:37 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp138-149.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | well isnt that special | 05:37 |
tritium | csb, from the display manager session selector | 05:37 |
Artemis3 | is gnome slow with 128? | 05:37 |
jeremywhiting | hi all, anyone know a good doc about recompiling your own kernel the debian/ubuntu way? | 05:37 |
tritium | jeremywhiting, see the wiki. It has some info for using kernel-package | 05:37 |
holycow | got breezy onto a satellite 2180 cdt ... compiled lucent modem support, and fixed the fricking floppy fiasco (applied fix anyway) in breezy | 05:37 |
fredforfaen | any stoners in here today? | 05:37 |
holycow | yey! | 05:37 |
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tritium | stop that, fredforfaen | 05:38 |
dabaR | aj_: no ideas. | 05:38 |
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jeremywhiting | tritium: thanks | 05:38 |
csb | where is the display manager session selector? | 05:38 |
DonL | encompass, ok, here's what happened. I installed samba, and I couldn't get into the gnome desktop any more because of some ICE authority settings that had been changed. I dumped samba and dumped the ice settings and finally got it back happening again. Don't want to go there again if possible | 05:38 |
tritium | jeremywhiting, give me a minute here, and I'll try to give you a URL | 05:38 |
fredforfaen | tritium didnt know it was a bad idea....wont happen again | 05:38 |
tritium | thanks, fredforfaen | 05:38 |
encompass | samba is the only way I know of to make shares with windows systems | 05:39 |
encompass | I use ftp for that stuff | 05:39 |
DonL | Seems to me there was a nice quick way of doing it but I can't remember how. It was back in Warty I think | 05:39 |
tritium | jeremywhiting, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto | 05:39 |
encompass | local ftp server | 05:39 |
kestas | tritium, same, so any ideas on disabling screen locking only for closing the lid, not for suspend-to-ram? | 05:39 |
Madpilot | DonL: if you get that ICEauthority thing again, just remove it thru the command line and reboot - then check bugzilla ;) | 05:39 |
jeremywhiting | tritium: cool thanks | 05:40 |
benkong2 | !samba DonL | 05:40 |
ubotu | benkong2: I don't know, could you explain it? | 05:40 |
tritium | kestas, did you try commenting out the "LOCK_SCREEN=true" line? | 05:40 |
Madpilot | !samba | 05:40 |
ubotu | I heard samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 05:40 |
DonL | Madpilot, yup, that's what I did. | 05:40 |
benkong2 | DonL; thanks Madpilot | 05:40 |
DonL | benkong2, I'll try samba again | 05:41 |
kestas | tritium, yup, and it doesnt lock screen for going into standby either, but I want it to | 05:41 |
tritium | jeremywhiting, good luck, jeremywhiting :) | 05:41 |
kestas | tritium, I only want it to remain unlocked for closing the lid | 05:41 |
=== Chand| [n=richard@ABordeaux-252-1-4-73.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | kestas, did you reboot after you made those changes? | 05:41 |
DonL | That bot rocks! | 05:41 |
benkong2 | DonL; cool i just remembered that's what i used | 05:41 |
DonL | haha | 05:41 |
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csb | sorry, where is the display manager to switch between desktop managers? | 05:42 |
aj_ | dabaR, do you have any idea who would know anything about this? | 05:42 |
kestas | tritium, no, are you sure it'll lock for standby but not for closing the lid? | 05:42 |
Madpilot | benkong2: to get ubotu to msg someone, use "!tell <nick> about <thing>" | 05:42 |
tritium | kestas, no, not sure | 05:42 |
aj_ | i can't figure out which to even re-compile or re-install i'm not sure whats broken | 05:42 |
benkong2 | csb; do u mean when booting? | 05:42 |
kestas | because Im guessing it'll make it so the screen doesn't lock at all | 05:42 |
csb | bk2: yeah whenever | 05:42 |
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dabaR | aj_: are you able to log into gnome? | 05:43 |
benkong2 | press F10 when you are logging in and select gnome kde whatever you have installed | 05:43 |
aj_ | i can't even start gdm | 05:43 |
csb | bk2 cool thanks | 05:43 |
aj_ | but kdm does and kde starts | 05:43 |
DonL | Thanks folks. I'm off to try this out. Back later. | 05:43 |
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tritium | csb, you should also be able to click "Session" before logging in, and select your choice | 05:43 |
dabaR | aj_: not able to start gdm at all? any error messages from that? | 05:43 |
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csb | thx | 05:43 |
aj_ | no well i was getting errors about gconfd in /var/log/messages | 05:44 |
dabaR | I mean, you posted an error that was from inside a desktop environment, right? | 05:44 |
aj_ | but i'm not sure what it meant | 05:44 |
csb | and installing gnome and kde and xfce all at the same time is not a bad idea? | 05:44 |
dabaR | csb: right | 05:44 |
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csb | cool | 05:44 |
dabaR | csb: just your menus will have some double items... | 05:44 |
tritium | csb, the only concern is how much hard drive space you have ;) | 05:44 |
aj_ | should i try to install garnome possibly ? i've tried removing gnome with apt and re-install it but it didn't fix anything | 05:44 |
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benkong2 | I'm fixing to dual boot suse and ubuntu on a laptop i hope | 05:45 |
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tritium | aj_, how did your gdm break? | 05:45 |
aj_ | well it broke when i tried to install this cairo cvs and clearlooks cairo theme | 05:45 |
aj_ | when i restarted X gdm just sits there and spins well the cursor does | 05:45 |
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dabaR | aj_: ya, wont help likely. The only thing I know for fixing gdm logins, but that is for not being able to log in, is deleting everything under the /tmp folder. | 05:46 |
tritium | aj_, did you install that stuff into system directories? It likely overwrote system files | 05:46 |
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aj_ | well yeah | 05:46 |
aj_ | but i did do a re-install of cairo | 05:46 |
tritium | that's generally not a good idea ;) | 05:46 |
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aj_ | so if the cvs was broken it should have fixed it | 05:46 |
benkong2 | aj run dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 05:47 |
aj_ | i just listened to the instructions on the ubuntuforums | 05:47 |
aj_ | ok let me try | 05:47 |
tritium | aj_, you can also use the --reinstall option with apt-get | 05:47 |
aj_ | well its not a gdm thing | 05:47 |
=== csb [n=csb@c-24-63-76-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aj_ | it seems gtk is looking for some cairo_xlib_surface_create but its an undefined symbol | 05:47 |
csb | hey bk2, trit...i'm in KDE now. thanks for your help | 05:47 |
=== kestas [n=kestas@ppp169-240.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | csb, :) | 05:48 |
benkong2 | aj did you get a screen that asked you to choose display manager | 05:48 |
aj_ | yeah | 05:48 |
csb | now...how to install the xubuntu desktop...the apt-get does not seem to work | 05:48 |
csb | yes the session choice worked fine. | 05:48 |
kestas | tritium, turns out it locks the screen when close the lid, but not when I resume from standby now, which is the opposite of what I want :( | 05:48 |
=== ajmitch__ [n=ajmitch@port162-85.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | csb, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 05:48 |
csb | what kind of double menu entries can i expect to see? | 05:49 |
tritium | kestas, sorry ;( | 05:49 |
benkong2 | csb; sudo apt-get install xbuntu-desktop | 05:49 |
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kestas | tritium, np but any more ideas? | 05:49 |
csb | all my probrams that i setup in gnome work the same in kde...eveolution, etc...totally cool | 05:49 |
tritium | no, sorry, kestas. | 05:49 |
aj_ | i just found an error | 05:49 |
tritium | unless you want to hack the other acpi-support scripts | 05:49 |
aj_ | when i did that reconfigure | 05:50 |
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aj_ | it said like /etc/X11/default-display-manager no such file | 05:50 |
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benkong2 | aj_; hmm..... | 05:50 |
dawei | hello, all. i am trying to run root privileges (in other words, using sudo) but i can not under any circumstances. all my hardware and software are working (except my Nvidia stuff) - when i installed 5.04 (which is my first setup on a dualboot WinUbuntu) i did not set a password for root. when i use my personal acct password under sudo i am told my personal acct doesn't have privileges. any ideas? | 05:50 |
csb | that command to get the xubuntu desktop doesn't work for me... it says reading package lists...building dependency tree... couldn't find package | 05:51 |
nalioth | dawei: how many accounts have you set up? | 05:51 |
dabaR | dawei: please dont use WinUbuntu, just sounds sad:) | 05:51 |
nalioth | csb: it's xubuntu-desktop | 05:51 |
benkong2 | aj_; there should be a file in /etc/X11/default-display-manager that contains displaymanager="gdm" or whatever you want | 05:51 |
csb | nal: yeah that's what i mean | 05:51 |
dabaR | csb: enable universe. | 05:51 |
csb | sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 05:51 |
benkong2 | csb; use synaptic | 05:51 |
stran | greetings | 05:51 |
aj_ | thats odd | 05:51 |
=== B_166-ER-X [n=oli@c207.134.135-178.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | dawei: you did a regular install, not expert? and this is your only Ubuntu user, or at least the first one? | 05:52 |
aj_ | it is there | 05:52 |
csb | ah i tried searching synaptic before...i thought i had univers on...i'll check | 05:52 |
aj_ | and says /usr/sbin/gdm or something like that | 05:52 |
dawei | nalioth: root and my personal - i guess that means two | 05:52 |
csb | is there any disadvantage to leaiving universe on? | 05:52 |
qt2 | csb: try sudo apt-get update | 05:52 |
tritium | no, csb | 05:52 |
qt2 | csb: and then sudo apt-get isntall xubuntu-desktop | 05:52 |
Madpilot | dawei: you've actually set up a root account? | 05:52 |
dawei | madpilot: expert, and yes | 05:52 |
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nalioth | dawei: then why do you need sudo? | 05:53 |
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dawei | madpilot: no, i have not set up root | 05:53 |
stran | dawei: ...yeah... you have to have a root account to fix the /etc/sudoers file | 05:53 |
tritium | Dr_Willis, what's up, doc? | 05:53 |
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stran | can you type "su -" | 05:53 |
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stran | does it ask for a pw? | 05:53 |
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atrophic | alright, one last go. Can anybody help me through getting a usb mouse to work on my breezy laptop? | 05:54 |
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csb | hey everyone enabling universe worked. | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | goofing off with "DSL" mini-distro | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | and watching Sci-Fi Channel. | 05:54 |
dawei | stran: yes, i can type su-, yes it asks for pw | 05:54 |
qt2 | csb: cool. | 05:54 |
tritium | csb, not a surprise ;) | 05:54 |
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stran | atrophic: it should be autodetected. | 05:55 |
benkong2 | atrophic; plug it in then in a terminal do dmesg | 05:55 |
adduds | hey all | 05:55 |
csb | now if i leave universe on...will my "update manager" start finding non-supported updates to the OS? | 05:55 |
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benkong2 | actually Stran is correct | 05:55 |
adduds | i'm unlra n00b is this for ubuntu? | 05:55 |
Madpilot | csb: Universe is supported, and it'll only update stuff you've actually installed | 05:55 |
adduds | ultra | 05:55 |
tritium | yes, atrophic, it should be auto-detected and supported | 05:55 |
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aj_ | the only thing i know to try is to either do garnome or do a re-install of ubuntu | 05:56 |
cafuego | adduds: What would you guess, based on the channel name? | 05:56 |
Xenguy | Speaking of 'update-manager', is there a way to set this up in xfce4, similar to the default Gnome setup? Anyone know? | 05:56 |
aj_ | i can't believe i broke the system that easily | 05:56 |
Grundlebug | I need some help installing my kernel source. I put kubuntu on my laptop and it doesn't install the linux source. I downloaded the tarball for my kernel, 2.6.12, untarred it, set up a symlink to linux. But now I'm trying to install some wireless drivers and I get an error saying it couldn't find my kernel source in /usr/src/linux. Ideas? | 05:56 |
adduds | thank you cafuego :P | 05:56 |
aj_ | and google didn't even know this error i get so i must be the first | 05:56 |
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jeremywhiting | thanks again tritium: I've done it thousands of times from sources and stuff mostly on other distros, but this will be educational I think | 05:56 |
tritium | Grundlebug, you know you can install the linux-source-2.6.12 package, right? | 05:56 |
tritium | jeremywhiting, :) | 05:57 |
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holycow | Grundlebug, what the hell are you doing? | 05:57 |
holycow | the sources are in apt dude :) | 05:57 |
holycow | err repos | 05:57 |
holycow | take the slacker in you out and shoot him | 05:57 |
holycow | *cough* | 05:57 |
holycow | :) | 05:57 |
Grundlebug | I installed the sources using apt, but it just placed the tarball in my /usr/src file | 05:57 |
cafuego | Grundlebug: What is your cpu? | 05:57 |
adduds | i gotta super easy questions if you accidently closed the VDesktop in the lower left hand corner of your screen, how do you get it back? | 05:57 |
Grundlebug | intel pIII | 05:58 |
cafuego | Grundlebug: 'sudo apt-get install linux-686' | 05:58 |
atrophic | stran and tritium, it doesn't. benkong2, the dmesg gives me the same output with or without it plugged in. It's complaining about an unknown key being pressed/released. | 05:58 |
Dr_Willis | adduds, theres a 'add applet to panel' menu somewhere | 05:58 |
tritium | atrophic, that's odd. Which mouse? | 05:58 |
benkong2 | adduds; right click on the panel choose add to panel and click | 05:58 |
Grundlebug | what's the 686 mean? | 05:58 |
adduds | anyone virtual desktop? how to put it back | 05:58 |
=== Xen [i=ident@rn-99-59.reshall.k-state.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atrophic | Targus AMW15US notebook wireless rechareable laser mouse | 05:58 |
cafuego | Grundlebug: it means that kernel is optimised for your cpu type (i686) | 05:59 |
qt2 | Grundlebug: xpu optimizations. | 05:59 |
qt2 | *cpu | 05:59 |
benkong2 | adduds; it called a windowlist | 05:59 |
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Xen | I want to have a local package mirror for my private network (net connection is VERY slow)--is there a guide on how to do that somewhere? | 05:59 |
adduds | n/m i found it | 05:59 |
adduds | ty bekong | 05:59 |
cafuego | !info apt-proxy | 05:59 |
ubotu | apt-proxy: (Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder development), section universe/admin, is extra. Version: 1.9.31ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 61 kB, Installed size: 348 kB | 05:59 |
benkong2 | adduds; np | 05:59 |
Xenguy | Xen: change your nick and I'll ponder :P | 05:59 |
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atrophic | tritium, however, it also has a charging cable, and I'm using that to illiminate the possibility of a dead battery / bad wireless connection. The mouse's scrollwheel is illuminated in green, but it doesn't work. | 06:00 |
adduds | does anyone here use eclipse editor? | 06:00 |
Zen | so? =) | 06:00 |
benkong2 | i do | 06:00 |
dawei | Madpilot: so, i get the impression that expert is not the way for me to set up. but then is it possible to dual boot? | 06:00 |
cafuego | Zen: use apt-proxy, it builds a mirror dynamically, as machines request packages from it. | 06:00 |
adduds | can you give me a hand w something? | 06:00 |
nEmiSH | is there a benifit during the install for Breezy to select Erase entire disk and use LVM? | 06:00 |
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tritium | atrophic, sorry for your troubles | 06:00 |
Xenguy | Zen: thank you | 06:00 |
benkong2 | adduds; maybe | 06:00 |
Madpilot | dawei: yes, I believe so | 06:00 |
cafuego | Zen: ie: the first time a package is fetched, it's slow. After that, the cached copy is handed out to machines. | 06:01 |
B_166-ER-X | I jsut finished a fresh breezy install. Last time i did install it, it detected and putted on the desktop automatically my Windows partition... butthis time its not here, how do i make it so i can acess my Windows HD ? | 06:01 |
=== zenmac [n=troymcfe@12-222-196-28.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zen | this is going to sound odd, but...any way to make an apt mirror on a windows machine? | 06:01 |
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Madpilot | dawei: have a read of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 06:01 |
jeremywhiting | while I'm here, is there a way to disable some of the things that start on boot? e.g. bluetooth, since I don't even have bluetooth? | 06:01 |
dabaR | adduds: #eclipse, and what would you like help with? | 06:01 |
cafuego | Zen: Not without a LOT of pain, methinks. | 06:01 |
Xenguy | Zen: weirdly enough, I seem to recall a package called 'apt-mirror' | 06:01 |
jeremywhiting | er... a ubuntu way to do it besides rm /etc/rcS.d/bluetoothsymlink | 06:01 |
Madpilot | dawei: expert install does odd things w/ sudo, I gather. Haven't used it myself | 06:01 |
adduds | benkong; whenever i try to run my application it states this message (although this EXACT same program but on my windows box works): | 06:01 |
=== Xenguy searches... | ||
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 06:01 |
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giany911 | can any1 help me with san andreas? | 06:01 |
cafuego | jeremywhiting: sudo apt-get install rcconf; sudo rcconf | 06:01 |
adduds | benkong; | 06:02 |
adduds | ** ERROR **: file ../../../src/libjava/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_GtkImage.c: line 572 (createRawData): assertion failed: (data_fid != 0) | 06:02 |
adduds | aborting... | 06:02 |
B_166-ER-X | thx | 06:02 |
jeremywhiting | cafuego: thanks | 06:02 |
Madpilot | !tell adduds about paste | 06:02 |
nEmiSH | Just not sure if there is a reason to encapsulate using LVM.. doesnt' make too much sense from what I can see but looking for some insight | 06:02 |
dabaR | Madpilot: that is a not great answer... | 06:02 |
dawei | Madpilot: thanks. i'll check that link out and get back here once i understand it (or think that i do) | 06:02 |
tritium | adduds, please don't paste in here | 06:02 |
=== Milt [n=Milt@c-24-5-47-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benkong2 | adduds; how did you install and what did you install the file from eclipse.org or the one in apt? | 06:02 |
cafuego | nEmiSH: it will allow you to add more partitions to the root fs; but also means GRUB won't work. | 06:02 |
Madpilot | dabaR: not a good answer to who? | 06:02 |
dabaR | 23:05 < Madpilot> dawei: expert install does odd things w/ sudo, I gather. Haven't used it myself | 06:03 |
dabaR | I mean, you have no idea as to what it does, right? | 06:03 |
ptlo | dabaR: 'evening! :) | 06:03 |
=== csb [n=csb@c-24-63-76-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | ptlo: hello. | 06:03 |
nEmiSH | cafuego, Grub can't boot? Grub doesn't like LVM? can't imagine that being a install option if it will barf on reboot | 06:03 |
csb | hey thanks for all the help, xcfe is working now | 06:03 |
adduds | pretty sure i used apt | 06:03 |
nEmiSH | also this is for a laptop so I don't think expanding the root is an option ;-) | 06:03 |
Milt | quick lame Question #1 Linkage to a decent config of linksys wireless? | 06:03 |
dabaR | csb: you are welcome. | 06:03 |
csb | i have two last questions: | 06:03 |
adduds | benkong; i think i used apt-get | 06:03 |
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Madpilot | dabaR: as I said, I haven't used expert - I'm going by what's been said here, that's all | 06:03 |
Xenguy | Zen: there is a way to do this, I'm sure, but my memory seems to be playing tricks on me at the moment | 06:04 |
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benkong2 | adduds; hmmm can't help you there i used the eclipse.org file and installed sun java | 06:04 |
dabaR | Madpilot: hm...I dont know either. | 06:04 |
Zen | ok | 06:04 |
adduds | benkong; although ihave the eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz in my home folder | 06:04 |
dabaR | adduds: to install synaptic? | 06:04 |
dabaR | adduds: err, eclipse? | 06:04 |
adduds | dabar; yes | 06:04 |
Zen | it just sucks working on people's machines (debian and ubuntu) and downloading 15MB at 15KB/s | 06:05 |
dabaR | adduds: well, it is not in ubuntu, what repo did you install it from. | 06:05 |
Xenguy | Zen: ... | 06:05 |
benkong2 | adduds; extract the file in your home folder in a terminal cd ~/eclipse then do ./eclipse should run | 06:05 |
adduds | dabar; i think i used synaptic or apt-get not the install package i have (eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz) | 06:05 |
Xenguy | debmirror <-- check this out | 06:05 |
csb | i notice the multiple menu entries. i assume "adept" is like synaptic in gnome. can i just use one? will synaptic update kde/xcfe? | 06:05 |
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tritium | csb, yes | 06:05 |
benkong2 | eclipse is in the repos | 06:05 |
Xenguy | Zen: apt-cache show debmirror | 06:05 |
csb | and i noticed multiple firefox icons. i assume firefox is only really installed once | 06:06 |
dabaR | benkong2: what repos? | 06:06 |
tritium | right, csb | 06:06 |
csb | so ignore some of the multiple apps | 06:06 |
benkong2 | dabaR; let me check | 06:06 |
tritium | yes | 06:06 |
dabaR | benkong2: eclipse-platform? | 06:06 |
adduds | benkong; it says theirs not such file or directory? | 06:06 |
dabaR | wow... | 06:06 |
csb | also, is there any problem running kde stuff (i.e. konquerer) in another desktop manager? | 06:06 |
tritium | no, csb | 06:06 |
B_166-ER-X | bimberi, the script worked well, although mouting my winHD with a weird name... and i see no sign of how to edit the partitions name :\ | 06:07 |
benkong2 | dabaR; yes eclipse-platform | 06:07 |
Milt | hmm, any hints on wireless? I'm sure I could work through it If I had some doc's | 06:07 |
adduds | it's eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz in the cd /home/adduds | 06:07 |
csb | yeah, so it looks like i'm never going back to windows. this stuff is great | 06:07 |
benkong2 | adduds; did you tar xzvf eclip??? | 06:07 |
csb | thanks again for all the help | 06:07 |
dabaR | ubotu: tell Milt about wireless | 06:07 |
csb | i'm sure i'll be back sometime again! | 06:07 |
adduds | benkong; how do you do that...tar xzvj eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz? | 06:08 |
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benkong2 | adduds; in a terminal window | 06:08 |
Milt | ty | 06:08 |
adduds | k | 06:08 |
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=== GTroy [n=troyster@70-57-162-112.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adduds | benkong; when i do this: tar xzvj eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz it says their is conflicting compression probs | 06:09 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cocox | hi, im trying to make a whois to some domain name doing for example -whois "Telecom"- here in ubuntu but i get the message "No whois server is known for this kind of object."... maybe should i start some service? any ideas ? | 06:09 |
benkong2 | adduds; its tar xzvf ec sorry | 06:10 |
Locke | what is enlightenment | 06:10 |
=== techway [n=techway@adsl-68-253-228-105.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | adduds: eclipse looks like it's in the repos - search Synaptic for it | 06:10 |
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adduds | n/m i type xzvj instaed of xzvf oops* | 06:10 |
B_166-ER-X | How can i change a Partition name ? | 06:10 |
GTroy | right click rename? | 06:10 |
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B_166-ER-X | no | 06:10 |
adduds | benkong; i tar xzvf'd | 06:10 |
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B_166-ER-X | its not a folder , its a partition | 06:11 |
dabaR | cocox: how is telecom a domain name? | 06:11 |
benkong2 | adduds; now cd ec press tab complete | 06:11 |
adduds | madpilot; i have a working version of it right now like it works, but it can find some weird folder wheni try to run my applic | 06:11 |
adduds | ben; k | 06:11 |
GTroy | B_166_:maybe soneone else will know | 06:11 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: is it in /etc/fstab? | 06:11 |
cocox | dabaR, i think telecom.com .... | 06:11 |
adduds | naw which benkong; | 06:12 |
dabaR | then try that | 06:12 |
B_166-ER-X | i just runned the script the page you told me was saying to run.. | 06:12 |
benkong2 | Madpilot; he was getting a java start error from eclipse I had that also and just used the one from eclipse org | 06:12 |
adduds | madpilot; what's a repo? repository? and if so is that where all the packages are? | 06:12 |
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Locke | what is enlightenment? | 06:13 |
adduds | benkong; so now what do i do cd ecl-->tab | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | a window manager.. growing to a desktop envirpment. | 06:13 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 06:13 |
Madpilot | adduds: it's in Universe | 06:13 |
Xenguy | Locke: the sound of one hand clapping | 06:13 |
adduds | benkong; adduds@ubuntu:~/eclipse$ | 06:13 |
cocox | dabaR, i got it :P thnx u ... i was looking an example on the web -some screen shots- where they just put whois "Telecom" and get an right answer.. | 06:13 |
ricebowl | need a little help :/ I'm trying to install Java 1.5 but can't seem to find it with apt-search... | 06:13 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: see if the label is in /etc/fstab | 06:13 |
Xenguy | Locke: but seriously, it's a window manager | 06:13 |
benkong2 | adduds; yes press tab after typing ec and it should complete for you | 06:13 |
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benkong2 | adduds; ./eclipse | 06:14 |
Locke | xenguy: like fluxbox and gnome? | 06:14 |
adduds | k | 06:14 |
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Madpilot | !tell ricebowl about java | 06:14 |
Xenguy | Locke: almost - fluxbox is a WM (window manager); GNOME is a DE (desktop environment) | 06:14 |
Xenguy | Locke: a DE is a WM on steroids basically | 06:14 |
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Dr_Willis | WM+tools/extras =DE | 06:15 |
adduds | #flood Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: The editor class could not be instantiated. This usually indicates that the editor's class name was mistyped in plugin.xml. | 06:15 |
=== Xenguy nods | ||
B_166-ER-X | bimberi http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/K94HWY93.html | 06:15 |
ricebowl | heh thanks | 06:15 |
cocox | dabaR, thnx u for your time | 06:15 |
=== dabaR is eating | ||
dabaR | welcome | 06:15 |
adduds | benkong; now that's what it says in the workspace area | 06:15 |
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Locke | is there a way for a message to pop up when you open up terminal? | 06:16 |
benkong2 | adduds; try here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EclipseIDE | 06:16 |
Niggpie | Hello! I recently installed Thunderbird, so I got rid of Evolution. Evolution uninstalled a dozen or so packages when it was removed. When I rebooted, all I have is a blank desktop and a mouse, without menus, etc.. (I can't do anything..) My question is.. can someone please go to remove Evolution, and let me know what packages it informs you it is about to remove so I can re-install them? (I'm assuming it was something vital) *blush* | 06:16 |
Xenguy | Locke: what message? What do you want to do? | 06:16 |
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Locke | xenguy: i don't know, just a simple message, like "Welcome back" or "Hello" or something | 06:17 |
cafuego | Niggpie: reinstall 'ubuntu-desktop' | 06:17 |
levander | Anybody know what kernel module lm-sensors uses to read the cpu temperature? | 06:17 |
ricebowl | heh forgot about that; too bad there are no helpful messages. | 06:17 |
cafuego | Niggpie: ... and leave evolution in place. | 06:17 |
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=== SilentOutcast [i=SilentOu@pool-129-44-117-72.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Niggpie | cafuego thanks for the info! Why does evolution need to stay put? | 06:17 |
SilentOutcast | hi | 06:17 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: ok, what name would you like? :) | 06:17 |
cafuego | Niggpie: Depends; it's sort of integrated with gnome. | 06:17 |
Xenguy | Locke: there's a file called /etc/motd (message-of-the-day); this might help, but I'm not sure | 06:17 |
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ricebowl | gah, anyone use Linux and Windows in tandem? | 06:17 |
SilentOutcast | what is kubuntu | 06:18 |
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=== ricebowl is looking for a recommendation on TS clients | ||
Niggpie | cafuego : hrmm.. the outlook express of ubuntu is it? lol thanks for the info! | 06:18 |
B_166-ER-X | well, usually it was jsut 'windows' now it '0 GB disk (hda1) ' ugly.. | 06:18 |
La_PaRCa | ubotu tell SilentOutcast about kubuntu | 06:18 |
Agrajag | TS clients? | 06:18 |
ricebowl | Terminal Services | 06:18 |
The_Isle_of_Mark | !nvidia | 06:18 |
benkong2 | SilentOutcast; a kde version of ubuntu | 06:18 |
ubotu | rumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 06:18 |
ricebowl | or Remote Desktop | 06:18 |
B_166-ER-X | bimberi. | 06:18 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: ok, first "sudo umount /dev/hda1" | 06:18 |
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-60-48.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER-X | ok | 06:19 |
Xenguy | Locke: looks like it only works when you first login at the console, so maybe not exactly what you are looking for | 06:19 |
=== slashx1896 [n=slashx@pcp03325591pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slashx1896 | Hey all | 06:19 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: now "sudo mv /media/*hda1* /media/windows" | 06:19 |
=== knoppix [n=knoppix@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
knoppix | hey guys, I want to resize my ext3 partition so i loaded knoppix 4.0, started qtparted, but I dont see a resize option, help? | 06:19 |
slashx1896 | Can someone here help me with gettin my e-mail? i cant do reciving mail becuase it doesnt have pop3 only pop | 06:19 |
B_166-ER-X | done.. | 06:19 |
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-69-151-243-152.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
La_PaRCa | Would there be a particular reason why someone who installed apache would not be able to telnet to localhost 80 but I can access it using his IP address? | 06:20 |
slashx1896 | knoppix, join #knoppix | 06:20 |
Locke | any other idea's? | 06:20 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: then "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and change "/media/0\040GB\040Disk\040(hda1)" to "/media/windows" on that line | 06:20 |
knoppix | slashx1896, I am in knoppix :( | 06:20 |
knoppix | they're asleep | 06:20 |
dabaR | slashx1896: what program, we will definitely need to know that. | 06:20 |
slashx1896 | dabar: the only program that ubuntu comes with for mail | 06:20 |
slashx1896 | evolution mail | 06:20 |
ricebowl | La_PaRCa - did he bind apache to his externally visible IP? | 06:20 |
slashx1896 | knoppix: thats why i got rid of knoppix and got ubuntu | 06:21 |
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cafuego | slashx1896: if your email is on pop, it's pop3. | 06:21 |
Siorai | anyone know anyone that's had trouble with ubuntu running intel Pro Wireless 2200? | 06:21 |
levander | Nobody has had to compare their CPU temps to recommended temperatures published somewhere? | 06:21 |
saik0 | One of my machines wont boot when I use an AGP graphics card, it boots with the onboard fine. usplash hands at "Starting hotplug subsystem..." | 06:21 |
slashx1896 | well | 06:21 |
B_166-ER-X | ok | 06:21 |
slashx1896 | i cant recive mail | 06:21 |
slashx1896 | i put as pop | 06:21 |
dabaR | slashx1896: if it does not have pop3 and only has pop, then use that, and it will work. if it is not, perhaps other options are wrong, that one is not. | 06:21 |
cafuego | slashx1896: Then you have an error elswhere. | 06:21 |
slashx1896 | hold on let me check | 06:21 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: (save and exit the editor) now "sudo mount -a" | 06:21 |
ricebowl | La_PaRCa - there is a directive that tells Apache which IP to use. If he did that, then he won't be able to use "localhost", but he can telnet in if he uses his *external* IP address instead of | 06:21 |
La_PaRCa | ricebowl, since its the default install, I guess it is bound to all ips | 06:21 |
knoppix | how can I check my current mounts? | 06:21 |
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dabaR | knoppix: sudo mount | 06:22 |
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slashx1896 | what do i put for username? | 06:22 |
Xenguy | knoppix: mount | 06:22 |
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dabaR | slashx1896: the part of the email address before the @ sign | 06:22 |
ricebowl | La_PaRCa - well I have no idea; best to check. I can find the directive for you if you like. | 06:22 |
slashx1896 | k thought so | 06:22 |
B_166-ER-X | bimberi , wow :) nice thnx a lot...saved me a few hours of web search :) | 06:22 |
La_PaRCa | ricebowl, I know the directive, thanks | 06:22 |
ricebowl | ok | 06:22 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: np, hopefully it looks a bit better now :) | 06:22 |
ricebowl | I've used Ubuntu for all of uh, 2 days now I think. | 06:22 |
B_166-ER-X | indeed. | 06:22 |
ricebowl | so I don't know what the default config is. ;) | 06:22 |
ricebowl | but it seems odd to not bind to everything. | 06:23 |
SilentOutcast | how is ubuntu | 06:23 |
ricebowl | so I doubt that's it | 06:23 |
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knoppix | guys in qtparted I'm not allowed to resize my partitions in hdb, I unmounted them and all | 06:23 |
SilentOutcast | i ordered it last night waiting | 06:23 |
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robotgeek | SilentOutcast: if you want unbiased opinions, wrong channel :) | 06:23 |
Zen | dang | 06:23 |
ricebowl | haha | 06:23 |
ricebowl | Ubuntu is polished, at least. | 06:23 |
SilentOutcast | k | 06:23 |
B_166-ER-X | the command to change the level of permission for a file, is chmod -R, or -r ? | 06:23 |
Zen | checked for apt-proxy, apt-mirror, and debcache and none of them exist in the deb repos I have | 06:24 |
B_166-ER-X | recursive | 06:24 |
Xenguy | SilentOutcast: if you have broadband, just d/l it -- it will arrive faster :-) | 06:24 |
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robotgeek | B_166-ER-X: chmod -R | 06:24 |
B_166-ER-X | okay | 06:24 |
B_166-ER-X | thx | 06:24 |
robotgeek | B_166-ER-X: man chmod , while u are there :) | 06:24 |
jah_raztah | what is gnubuntu? | 06:24 |
=== Rev-Marc [n=chatzill@cpe-065-184-139-240.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SilentOutcast | i don't | 06:24 |
ricebowl | B_166-ER-X - you can always use man | 06:24 |
SilentOutcast | crappy dial up | 06:24 |
knoppix | *crying* can someone help me resize a partition in qtparted | 06:24 |
slashx1896 | it says incorrect password, but the password i put on evoultion mail is the same as i put to log in to comcast.net , and it let me login to comcast.net | 06:24 |
Xenguy | Zen: you checked debmirror? | 06:24 |
SilentOutcast | :( | 06:24 |
ricebowl | oh well, I'm off, just needed to know how to get Java | 06:25 |
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=== ricebowl & | ||
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Xenguy | SilentOutcast: find a pal with DSL/Cable, and get hir to burn the first CD for you :-) | 06:25 |
slashx1896 | im forsure the pw is rite, but it keeps saying bad pw | 06:25 |
homer | Best Buy's Bait and Switch: KOIN News is reporting that a Portland, Oregon store was only selling XBox 360 systems to customers who purchased an expensive bundle of extras, despite not being shown in the weekly flyer. An 11-year old gamer was denied purchase of the Xbox 360 because he only had enough money to purchase the system. It is also reported that those who purchased the bundle was not allowed to return it. An employee who KOIN named "Chris" le | 06:25 |
davisbm | off of a fresh ubuntu install, my mouse speed is too high and changing the mouse accelleration in Gnome doesn't seem to change it | 06:25 |
Xenguy | !ops homer is spamming the channel | 06:26 |
ubotu | Xenguy: okay | 06:26 |
robotgeek | homer: please join #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:26 |
slashx1896 | o, now it says | 06:26 |
Zen | lemme clear off the install of Knoppix and install Ubuntu real quick | 06:26 |
=== sifi [n=silas@rnwk-164-107-109-91.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slashx1896 | unable to connect to pop sever mail.comcast.net | 06:26 |
Rev-Marc | any help for the error at login to Ubuntu "your $HOME/.dmrc file is incorrect and is being ignored" also says something about it should have 644 permisions? | 06:26 |
knoppix | Zen, OMG YOU CANT RESIZE EXT3 PARTITIONS!? *crying* | 06:26 |
Xenguy | ubotu: forget ops | 06:26 |
ubotu | Xenguy: i forgot ops | 06:26 |
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Zen | knoppix wtf mates? | 06:27 |
Grundlebug | can anybody tell me where ubuntu installs the kernel source, because it's not in my /usr/src directory | 06:27 |
opnsrc | How do i change the default kernel Ubuntu boots with? | 06:27 |
Rev-Marc | maybe delete the file and reboot to have it recreated? | 06:27 |
slashx1896 | why is it saying unable to connect to pop server mail.comcast.net, when 'mail.comcast.net' is a pop3 | 06:28 |
cafuego | Grundlebug: it doesn't - by default - install the source. You'll need to fetch it. | 06:28 |
sifi | Grundlebug, I think that you have to get the source yourself | 06:28 |
bimberi | Xenguy: what was was wrong with !ops? (i think you meant forget homer) | 06:28 |
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cafuego | slashx1896: i can connect to it just fine. | 06:28 |
Grundlebug | cafuego: thanks for the help on the kernel source before. I installed it with apt-get and now I can't find where it was installed | 06:28 |
robotgeek | Grundlebug: /usr/src/ | 06:29 |
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Xenguy | bimberi: sorry if I deleted that by mistake | 06:29 |
opnsrc | without having to press escape every time | 06:29 |
cafuego | Grundlebug: The command gave you was for the COMPILED kernel. The source is a different package. 'linux-source-2.6.12' probably. | 06:29 |
slashx1896 | cafuego: i have no clue what im doign wrong | 06:29 |
=== TheRaginAsian [n=john@70-98-200-224.br1.hnv.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | slashx1896: ok, that I can help you with... | 06:29 |
robotgeek | Grundlebug: oops, i think you are asking the same thing | 06:29 |
opnsrc | it seems to boot with the 686 smp kernel, I want it to boot with just the 686 kernel | 06:29 |
Xenguy | bimberi: I wanted to invoke ops as they do in #debian, but it didn't work | 06:29 |
dabaR | slashx1896: lets do this together, ok? | 06:29 |
robotgeek | Grundlebug: dpkg -l <packagename> | less | 06:29 |
slashx1896 | dabaR: ok | 06:29 |
Xenguy | bimberi: instead it seemed to reset the factoid | 06:29 |
cafuego | opnsrc: Install just the 686 kernel and uninstall the smp one. | 06:29 |
Rev-Marc | any help for the error at login to Ubuntu "your $HOME/.dmrc file is incorrect and is being ignored" also says something about it should have 644 permisions? | 06:29 |
Xenguy | bimberi: can you reset to the original? | 06:30 |
opnsrc | Isn't there a way I can have both and use one? | 06:30 |
crimsun | you prefix with the '!' to invoke something. | 06:30 |
cafuego | opnsrc: Sure, change he default in the boot loeader cfg file. | 06:30 |
crimsun | telling the bot to forget a factoid, well, ... | 06:30 |
dabaR | slashx1896: /j #dabar if you want. | 06:30 |
Grundlebug | cafuego: thanks, I'll try again | 06:30 |
opnsrc | what file is that? | 06:30 |
bimberi | Xenguy: yep - from the logs :) | 06:30 |
cafuego | opnsrc: depends on the boot loader. | 06:30 |
Xenguy | crimsun: If someone was doing something Bad[TM] , how would I invoke the ops in this channel (is there a way) ? | 06:31 |
homer | my bad dudes | 06:31 |
homer | that wasn't spam | 06:31 |
Xenguy | bimberi: yay :-) | 06:31 |
homer | I was going to ask if you guys think that will get into slashdot | 06:31 |
sifi | can't get my sound card to work with ubuntu 5.10 on my mini mac | 06:31 |
opnsrc | I'm not sure | 06:31 |
crimsun | Xenguy: there used to be a way til you erased it. | 06:31 |
cafuego | opnsrc: Grub? lilo? | 06:31 |
Xenguy | crimsun: my apologies, syntax here seems to differ from #debian | 06:31 |
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cafuego | sifi: no, you need kernel 2.6.14 or newer. You will need to compile it yourself. | 06:32 |
cafuego | crimsun: Which factoid? | 06:33 |
sifi | | 06:33 |
Xenguy | cafuego: !ops | 06:33 |
sifi | is it just not configured in my .config | 06:33 |
Grundlebug | cafuego: thanks for the help. I'm installing it now. | 06:33 |
cafuego | sifi: Hmmm... 2.6.14 here, and it works. | 06:34 |
cafuego | sifi: Want me to put my kernel .deb online for you? | 06:34 |
sifi | cafuego, does it have support for firewire b/c I'm using a custom one that needs to beable to boot off firewire | 06:35 |
synackuator | 2.6.14 ck doesn't do anything don't use the ck patch!!! | 06:35 |
cafuego | sifi: As module, yes. | 06:35 |
kraehe | is there an ubuntu for s/390 or z/arch ? | 06:35 |
cafuego | sifi: So not bootable off firewire... | 06:35 |
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bimberi | Xenguy: done (in /msg) :) | 06:36 |
B_166-ER-X | mplayer is no more in the repos ?? wha ? | 06:36 |
cafuego | sifi: I have a better idea, I'll put my .config online for you. | 06:36 |
sifi | ok | 06:36 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: mplayer-$arch | 06:36 |
Madpilot | B_166-ER-X: sure it is - search Synaptic for mplay | 06:36 |
Xenguy | bimberi: thanks dude :-) | 06:36 |
=== saik0 [n=saik0@adsl-065-007-195-142.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER-X | i dont have it | 06:36 |
cafuego | sifi: http://www.cafuego,net/stuff/config-2.6.14-macmini | 06:37 |
B_166-ER-X | and all my repos are activated | 06:37 |
Zen | assuming I get a local apt cacher, how do I force other machines to use it? take out all other deb sources but it? | 06:37 |
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cafuego | sifi: Just change the cfg for firewire, compile and voila :-) | 06:37 |
B_166-ER-X | there is 2 results, but no mplay, or mplayer | 06:37 |
crimsun | B_166-ER-X: then you don't have all your repos enabled. | 06:37 |
sifi | cafuego, thanks a lot | 06:37 |
crimsun | !info mplayer-k7 | 06:37 |
saik0 | What would be causing hotplug to crash (system locks) when a AGP card is plugged in and not when I use the onboard video | 06:37 |
cafuego | sifi: no worries | 06:37 |
ubotu | mplayer-k7: (transitional dummy package which can be safely removed), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 54 kB, Installed size: 96 kB | 06:37 |
Madpilot | B_166-ER-X: then you don't Universe or Multi | 06:37 |
=== TheRaginAsian [n=john@70-98-200-224.br1.hnv.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER-X | doublechecked, i have them all enabled...but its a fresh install, tell me, there are some missing eh ? :\ | 06:37 |
MasterObiWanK | hello, anyone nknows how can I enable an Integraded CAM of an ASUS w5 laptop ? | 06:37 |
TheRaginAsian | modprobe -pray-for-built-in-camera-support-module ? | 06:38 |
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TheRaginAsian | ... maybe not | 06:39 |
MasterObiWanK | jajjaj | 06:39 |
Madpilot | B_166-ER-X: Universe & Multiverse aren't enabled by default | 06:39 |
Madpilot | !tell B_166-ER-X about repos | 06:39 |
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TheRaginAsian | my feet are cold, logically I would wear socks but at this current time im extermely bored and lazy | 06:40 |
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nwlinkvxd | hi room | 06:40 |
TheRaginAsian | nwlinkvxd: ellllooooo | 06:40 |
DRAGON_Ultra | hi | 06:40 |
La_PaRCa | TheRaginAsian, may I recommend, if you have one of our recent souped up CPUs, to put your feet closer to the heat sinkn? | 06:41 |
cocox | hi im looking for some information about a domain doing whois... the domain name is like this "domain.edu.br" but i cant found information in internic or arin.. any suggest ???? | 06:41 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having a serious problem with a pci comp -> tv card | 06:41 |
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DRAGON_Ultra | like what | 06:41 |
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nwlinkvxd | the card is a Focus Enhancements Tview gold pci card | 06:41 |
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nwlinkvxd | i can supply the product website if needed | 06:42 |
TheRaginAsian | La_PaRCa: I have a P4 2.4 512MB, heat is what it's NOT cranking out | 06:42 |
nwlinkvxd | the thing has a Tiger100APC chip on it, and ubuntu is detecting it as an ISDN card | 06:42 |
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Rev-Marc | my .drmc file is incorrect how do I correct it? | 06:42 |
nwlinkvxd | but it's supposed to be an S-video and RCA out card | 06:42 |
DRAGON_Ultra | hmmm | 06:42 |
DRAGON_Ultra | it is a pci card right | 06:42 |
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nwlinkvxd | yes | 06:43 |
TheRaginAsian | I think I may go and write a testimonial | 06:43 |
opnsrc | I think it's grub | 06:43 |
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southjkt-chat | hello, i'm new on linux and just trying to using ubuntu 5.10.. | 06:43 |
nwlinkvxd | welcome | 06:43 |
davisbm | my mouse acceleration and sensitivity are both set all the way to Low, but it didn't really change anything and my mouse is still too fast. how do i change it? | 06:43 |
Zen | how do I force local machines to use a network comp w/ a deb package cacher | 06:43 |
BenC | nwlinkvxd: what sort of problem are you having with the card? | 06:43 |
giany911 | can any1 help me with wine and san andreas? | 06:43 |
DRAGON_Ultra | ubuntu is very good | 06:43 |
MasterObiWanK | How can I install a Webcam ? | 06:43 |
cocox | hi im looking for some information about a domain doing whois... the domain name is like this "domain.edu.br" but i cant found information in internic or arin.. any suggest ???? | 06:43 |
TheRaginAsian | so nwlinkvxd... netware-link-virtual-device-driver? | 06:43 |
nwlinkvxd | got it :D | 06:43 |
opnsrc | Is there a kernel optimized for P4? | 06:44 |
researchdoc | is there a way to get ubuntu to work with 802.11b pci card?? | 06:44 |
opnsrc | that I can download | 06:44 |
nwlinkvxd | had horrible, horrible problems with windows | 06:44 |
nwlinkvxd | hence, ubuntu | 06:44 |
jeremywhiting | cocox, maybe it's not registered yet | 06:44 |
fangorious | having some trouble with wpasupplicant. I ran the wpapassphrase to generate the block to put in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf, edited /etc/default/wpasupplicant to identify the driver and the interface (and -B and -w), and ran 'sudo update-rc.d', no problems so far. But I don't ever seem to get and IP from DHCP for the wifi interface (ipw2200, eth0) | 06:44 |
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TheRaginAsian | haha, Novell give you hell as well? | 06:44 |
Rev-Marc | my .drmc file is incorrect how do I correct it? | 06:44 |
nwlinkvxd | researchdoc, google "ndiswrapper" | 06:44 |
Rev-Marc | and what is the purpose of the .drmc file? | 06:44 |
researchdoc | nwlink.. many thanks | 06:45 |
nwlinkvxd | no problem. | 06:45 |
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Rev-Marc | I installed Gnucash but it didn't create an icon how do I create an icon on the desktop? | 06:46 |
southjkt-chat | at first, after installation and kernel loading done (entering the xwindows).. my screen goes blank because of the high resolution display that my monitor couldn't handle. how can i access the setting to change resolution in recovery mode (command prompt)? | 06:46 |
nwlinkvxd | you should be able to change your resolution by editing xorg.conf in /etc/X11 | 06:47 |
TheRaginAsian | Rev-Marc: going out on a limb here, but try right click on desktop, "create lanucher", put in "gnucash" for the application to launch, or "gksudo gnucash" if it needs to run as root | 06:47 |
TheRaginAsian | use SMEG to add it to the menu or something | 06:47 |
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MasterObiWanK | How can I install a usb Webcam ? | 06:47 |
TheRaginAsian | its the rather ghetto way to do it I suppose but ive never used GNUcash | 06:47 |
Rev-Marc | thanks I tried that and it didn't run | 06:47 |
Rev-Marc | :( | 06:47 |
TheRaginAsian | oh really what happened? | 06:47 |
sifi | cafuego, can you get java jdk 1.5 working with linux | 06:48 |
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perskyro | where can i get codecs to play wma files | 06:48 |
jeremywhiting | hi all is there a way to get rhythmbox to play mp3 files? or do I need to convert my whole library to ogg files to use them in there? | 06:48 |
southjkt-chat | thanks nwlinkvxd... in prompt as root or as user? | 06:48 |
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nwlinkvxd | get mplayer with the w32codecs | 06:48 |
TheRaginAsian | perskyro: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf | 06:48 |
bimberi | ubotu tell jeremywhiting about mp3 | 06:48 |
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sev | hello | 06:48 |
perskyro | thanks | 06:49 |
Rev-Marc | it just didn't do anything, I tried clicking on the run in terminal and all that did was flash a terminal screen and then going away | 06:49 |
TheRaginAsian | np | 06:49 |
TheRaginAsian | jeremywhiting: use amarok LOL | 06:49 |
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TheRaginAsian | im just kidding | 06:49 |
jeremywhiting | so mp3 being restricted format what do people use? ogg usually ends up being a bit bigger than mp3, is there a format with close compression? | 06:50 |
sevtastic | could someone assist me with installing nvidia drivers on ubuntu with a 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic kernel? | 06:50 |
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TheRaginAsian | im pretty sure you can apply a bunch of gstreamer plugins that will give MP3 playback | 06:50 |
ubuntu | hello | 06:50 |
dabaR | :D | 06:51 |
cocox | jeremywhiting, no way this enterprise has his domain around 10 years ago... do you have any suggest ? | 06:51 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having a severe problem with a video-out card, if anyone can help me. | 06:51 |
southjkt-chat | and what kind of editor that available in ubuntu distribution? | 06:51 |
ubuntu | i'm sorry | 06:51 |
TheRaginAsian | jeremywhiting: to be honest, I use Xine libs so I really couldnt tell you | 06:51 |
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TheRaginAsian | try applying the ffmpeg gstreamer plugin | 06:52 |
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jeremywhiting | I usually just use beep-media-player, but I like the library idea in rhythmbox | 06:52 |
madmax424 | I'm still having issues mounting my ntfs hard drive so that other users besides root can read it, any ideas? | 06:52 |
jeremywhiting | I'll try it | 06:52 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having a severe problem with a video-out card, if anyone can help me. | 06:53 |
bimberi | southjkt-chat: vi, nano, pico (text) gedit (gui) - many others can be installed | 06:53 |
TheRaginAsian | well, Amarok has a bunch of KDE Deps but its my favorite player | 06:53 |
B_166-ER-X | i know i'm not supposed to ask but...is there an alternative for us, since no more w32codecs ? | 06:53 |
TheRaginAsian | could always try Muine | 06:53 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER-X | 06:53 |
TheRaginAsian | there is still w32 | 06:53 |
ubuntu | what? | 06:53 |
TheRaginAsian | http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf | 06:53 |
TheRaginAsian | you just have to think about it in French :p | 06:53 |
bimberi | ubotu tell B_166-ER-X about w32codecs | 06:53 |
madmax424 | Is there a way to run xmss or rythmbox from a terminal? | 06:54 |
B_166-ER-X | being french speaking first, wont be a problem :P | 06:54 |
southjkt-chat | thanks bimberi | 06:54 |
jeremywhiting | nwlinkvxd: what kind? built into the video card? or separate | 06:54 |
bimberi | southjkt-chat: np :) | 06:54 |
ubuntu | chinese? | 06:54 |
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Grundlebug | Okay, I've installed the current kernel source for my kubuntu, 2.6.12, and made a sym link to /usr/src/linux, but when I try to compile my driver I get an error saying "kernel headers are installed but the kernel source tree is missing or incomplete." Anyone have any suggestions? | 06:54 |
TheRaginAsian | ah, I apologize, how nieve of me to think that everyone in here is from US | 06:55 |
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B_166-ER-X | thre fr ubuntu is jsut not top notch , as in here ;) | 06:55 |
johnnybe1ak | us anglophones are just smarter *ducks* | 06:56 |
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B_166-ER-X | one word | 06:56 |
madmax424 | whats the command to run xmms from a terminal? | 06:56 |
B_166-ER-X | 'bush' | 06:56 |
nwlinkvxd | another word | 06:56 |
nwlinkvxd | 'sucks' | 06:56 |
TheRaginAsian | lol | 06:56 |
bimberi | B_166-ER-X: lol | 06:56 |
B_166-ER-X | haha | 06:56 |
logical_mark | Hey guys I want to setup an FTP server like I had with windows using BulletProof FTP Server, but I cannot find one with a GUI | 06:56 |
HrdwrBoB | no | 06:57 |
HrdwrBoB | you can't | 06:57 |
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johnnybe1ak | B_166-ER-X: I didn't say americans, just anglophones in general :) | 06:57 |
TheRaginAsian | you guys dont like war... ok woah nvm im not even going to take it there | 06:57 |
crimsun | that's far off-topic, and there's a channel for it. | 06:57 |
B_166-ER-X | I'm not french... but from canada ;) | 06:57 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having a severe problem with a video-out card, if anyone can help me. | 06:57 |
HrdwrBoB | madmax424: in a complete and total utter surprise, the command is 'xmms' | 06:57 |
nwlinkvxd | lmao | 06:57 |
B_166-ER-X | yeah, youre right crimsun, sorry | 06:57 |
TheRaginAsian | crimsun: wheres that channel im in the mood lol | 06:57 |
bimberi | HrdwrBoB: i was struggling to word an answer to that one :P | 06:58 |
cafuego | HrdwrBoB: Jaded by tech support? ;-) | 06:58 |
crimsun | TheRaginAsian: -offtopic | 06:58 |
TheRaginAsian | #liberalwar | 06:58 |
TheRaginAsian | lol | 06:58 |
HrdwrBoB | cafuego: I've never done tech support, I've been a sysadmin all my life... so.. doubly so :) | 06:58 |
HrdwrBoB | because I not only get stupid users I get stupid tech support | 06:58 |
sevtastic | could someone assist me with installing nvidia drivers on ubuntu with a 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic kernel? | 06:58 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: you would think so, and it was the first thing I tried, but no, that doesnt work, and yes, before you say it, xmms IS installed on my system | 06:58 |
HrdwrBoB | madmax424: then something else is wrong. | 06:58 |
crimsun | sevtastic: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:59 |
benkong2 | !tell sevtastic nvidia | 06:59 |
cafuego | HrdwrBoB: <hehehe> | 06:59 |
benkong2 | !nvidia | 06:59 |
ubotu | it has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 06:59 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: I just installed the binary ATI driver, it messed my wifi driver for some reason and created a duplicate virtual device for it | 06:59 |
southjkt-chat | ummh, can ext3 partition accessed by windows (XP) with 3rd party software? if could, what is the name of it? | 07:00 |
HrdwrBoB | that's.. bizarre | 07:00 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: That wouldnt have anything to do with it? | 07:00 |
HrdwrBoB | no | 07:00 |
HrdwrBoB | madmax424: did you JUST install xmms? | 07:00 |
TheRaginAsian | sevtastic: you tried just straight up applying the package and just going "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" | 07:00 |
HrdwrBoB | if so, start a new terminal | 07:00 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: No | 07:00 |
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nwlinkvxd | I'm having a severe problem with a video-out card, if anyone can help me. | 07:00 |
opnsrc | It's Grub | 07:00 |
HrdwrBoB | what happens when you run sudo apt-get install xmms | 07:00 |
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sevtastic | i tried installing alll those things from synaptic and restarted gdm | 07:01 |
sevtastic | but no success | 07:01 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: I am trying to do this because I want to play mp3's off my ntfs hard drive without actually copying them to my linux hd | 07:01 |
TheRaginAsian | HrdwrBoB: you get xmms | 07:01 |
sevtastic | i'll check out these links | 07:01 |
sevtastic | thanks | 07:01 |
TheRaginAsian | np | 07:01 |
opnsrc | How do i change the default Kernel? | 07:01 |
opnsrc | also, are there websites I can download alternative kernels? | 07:01 |
opnsrc | like one for P4? | 07:01 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: I cant set permissions for the hd, so the only way I know to do it is to be logged on as root, or to sudo run one of the players from a terminal | 07:01 |
TheRaginAsian | opensrc: there are some nice 686 kernels that I use instead of the stock 386 | 07:01 |
HrdwrBoB | TheRaginAsian: .... thank you for that astounding piece of information | 07:02 |
opnsrc | where do you get them? | 07:02 |
kraehe | *hm* is there any AMD64 kernel with SKAS3 or SKAS4 patch ? | 07:02 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having a severe problem with a video-out card, if anyone can help me. | 07:02 |
TheRaginAsian | HrdwrBoB: sorry, I wasent trying to be ass, just funny | 07:02 |
HrdwrBoB | !ntfs | 07:02 |
johnnybe1ak | anyscreen gnu screen experts (or just anyone who isnt' a noob like me) I want to have the screen divided vertically as well as horizontally how do I do it? | 07:02 |
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opnsrc | and what file do I edit to change the default kernel that loads with Grub? | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | madmax424: you can do it, give me a second | 07:03 |
TheRaginAsian | opnsrc: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:03 |
opnsrc | thanks | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | ubotu: tell madmax424 about ntfs | 07:03 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: You dont understand, I can mount the drive. Some guy gave me a command to add to my fstab that didnt work | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | there | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | yes | 07:03 |
opnsrc | Sudo /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | I do understand | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | it's a permissions error | 07:03 |
madmax424 | yeah | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | you want to read it as your normal user | 07:03 |
HrdwrBoB | ubotu just messaged you with some help | 07:04 |
ubotu | HrdwrBoB: Wish i knew | 07:04 |
madmax424 | yeah, but the only way to do it is if I'm in root | 07:04 |
TheRaginAsian | opnsrc: sorry, the fully command would be "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:04 |
opnsrc | thanks | 07:04 |
opnsrc | Not your fault | 07:04 |
TheRaginAsian | "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" no quotations | 07:04 |
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nwlinkvxd | I'm having a severe problem with a video-out card, if anyone can help me. | 07:04 |
HrdwrBoB | nwlinkvxd: what is the problem | 07:05 |
TheRaginAsian | or "Run as a Different User", select root, type "gedit" for the program and graphically navigate to the file | 07:05 |
ubuntu | cs? | 07:05 |
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ubuntu | you zhong guo ren ma ? | 07:05 |
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swim | hey folks, anyone happen to have a pvr150 working? ive followed wiki's but all I seem to get with any tv program is black | 07:05 |
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steven_ | ok how do i find libdvdcss for breezy amd64? | 07:05 |
slashx1896 | hey, whats the cd burning program called on ubuntu? | 07:05 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nwlinkvxd | there's built-in support for cd burning | 07:06 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: burn:/// in nautilus | 07:06 |
Locke | whats a good p2p client for linux? | 07:06 |
nwlinkvxd | yeah | 07:06 |
TheRaginAsian | steven_: im sure that unless you wannt attempt compiling it yourself youll have to just use the one they have made here: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf | 07:06 |
drumline | don't do P2P.. .it's evil! | 07:06 |
TheRaginAsian | lol, that's the third time ive given out that link | 07:06 |
nwlinkvxd | Locke: use bittorrent | 07:06 |
slashx1896 | vbgunz: wat? | 07:06 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: if you want more control you can try Gnomebaker | 07:06 |
Locke | i do, but a lot of stuff i can't find on bittorrent | 07:06 |
TheRaginAsian | Locke: bittorrent, amule, limewire | 07:06 |
opnsrc | There is an option called savedefault | 07:06 |
nwlinkvxd | www.seedler.org ? | 07:06 |
opnsrc | But it's on more than one | 07:06 |
Locke | ever heard of xmule? | 07:06 |
opnsrc | How do I decide which one is the default? | 07:06 |
johnnybe1ak | Locke: use gift, there is plugins for gnutella, fasttrack and openft (another smaller network) | 07:06 |
cafuego | slashx1896: 'gcombust' I believe. Normally it's easier to just insert a blank cd, then drag fiels to it and tell it to burn :-) | 07:06 |
TheRaginAsian | slashx1896: K3B is the only way to go | 07:06 |
TheRaginAsian | Locke: yeah I like aMule better | 07:06 |
slashx1896 | lol everyone gave me different answers | 07:06 |
johnnybe1ak | Locke: there is also a bunch of front ends for kde/gnome/cli | 07:07 |
cafuego | TheRaginAsian: How about not giving useless advice? | 07:07 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: in Nautilus, you can type burn:/// in the address line and that will take you to the burn area in nautilus | 07:07 |
opnsrc | order? | 07:07 |
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pppoe_dude | hi | 07:07 |
TheRaginAsian | cafuego: im not trying to be unhelpful, I sometimes forget that people have other choices | 07:07 |
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TheRaginAsian | ok, let me rephrase | 07:07 |
pppoe_dude | how can i remount say /home to ext2 (it is ext3 now) | 07:07 |
TheRaginAsian | K3B is my favorite | 07:07 |
opnsrc | yeah it has to be order | 07:07 |
opnsrc | it's like a bat file | 07:07 |
cafuego | pppoe_dude: unmount it, then tune2fs to remove the journal. | 07:08 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: try burn:/// in nautilus... a Write to Disc button will come up once you're done dropping files in there... | 07:08 |
slashx1896 | whats nautilus | 07:08 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having problems getting ubuntu to detect my Tview PCI video-out card, if anyone can help | 07:08 |
TheRaginAsian | the file manager | 07:08 |
opnsrc | thanks | 07:08 |
pppoe_dude | cafuego thanks... so like tune2fs /dev/hda3? | 07:08 |
TheRaginAsian | open "Computer"... thats Nautilus | 07:08 |
cafuego | slashx1896: nautilus is what's showing your icons and files. | 07:08 |
ubuntu | kao | 07:08 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: nautilus is your file browser > Applications > Accessories > File Browser | 07:08 |
TheRaginAsian | you'll have to hit "CTRL+L" in order to bring up an address line to type burn:/// in | 07:08 |
cafuego | pppoe_dude: tune2fs -XXX (where XXX is an option from the manpage) /dev/hda3 | 07:08 |
pppoe_dude | cafuego ok thanks | 07:08 |
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pppoe_dude | brb | 07:08 |
slashx1896 | kk | 07:08 |
slashx1896 | ty | 07:08 |
TheRaginAsian | and, provided it works, thats the easiest way prolly | 07:09 |
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B_166-ER-X | !nvidia | 07:09 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 07:09 |
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southjkt-chat | can i edit configuration file on linux partition (ext3) from windows (XP)? since ext3 not listed as drive on explorer.. | 07:09 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: you can also try "sudo apt-get install gnomebaker" for a more in depth burning application... | 07:09 |
jeremywhiting | slashx1896: if that doesn't work, my favorite gnome-based cd-burner is graveman since it's the one of 3 out there that I was actually able to get working | 07:10 |
jeremywhiting | with my burner | 07:10 |
nwlinkvxd | anyone know if there's a wrapper like ndiswrapper for video drivers? | 07:10 |
madmax424 | hrdwrBoB: It didnt work, I still dont have permission to view the ntfs hd | 07:10 |
TheRaginAsian | slashx1896: ah yes, welcome to the never-ending choice... gnomebaker, graveman, nautilus, k3b | 07:10 |
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TheRaginAsian | just work your way down the list, you are bound to find one that works | 07:11 |
vbgunz | haha... Ubuntu/GNULinux... Choices, freedom... smell that :) | 07:11 |
TheRaginAsian | or just install them all and have fun | 07:11 |
jeremywhiting | gnomebaker kept using /tmp to store it's converted files and it was taking ages to do anything, graveman has a nice status thingy with a percentage done, etc | 07:11 |
slashx1896 | lol im fine with just drive:/// | 07:11 |
jeremywhiting | ok, ok | 07:11 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: burn:/// | 07:11 |
TheRaginAsian | both of them upset me with having to convert my MP3 files before burning a music CD | 07:11 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: :) | 07:11 |
slashx1896 | thats what i meant | 07:11 |
slashx1896 | :P | 07:11 |
slashx1896 | im burning a disc as we speak with burn:// :P | 07:12 |
vbgunz | slashx1896: good luck! | 07:12 |
TheRaginAsian | K3B is how it should be, where it is uncompressing while burning | 07:12 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having problems getting ubuntu to detect my Tview PCI video-out card, if anyone can help | 07:12 |
madmax424 | I still cant access the ntfs HD | 07:12 |
B_166-ER-X | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia , at the number 11, its telling me to install the 686 package... but what if everything else i have is 386 ?? | 07:12 |
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TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER-X: either change completely over to 686 kernel or just continue to use 383-restricted | 07:13 |
TheRaginAsian | *386 | 07:13 |
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TheRaginAsian | 686 is better performance if you have a 686 machine. And its easy enough to apply | 07:13 |
opnsrc | Is it possible to compile my own P4 optimized kernel? | 07:13 |
B_166-ER-X | i dont even know the difference..what is a 386/686 ? | 07:14 |
encompass | I am trying to get my rtl8180 wifi card to work in ubuntu, I had it working fine in debian but can't get it to work here... I think it is due to the driver... now the driver I found, but I don't know how to get it from the cvs repository. can anyone help me? | 07:14 |
nwlinkvxd | encompass: ndiswrapper | 07:14 |
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nwlinkvxd | google it | 07:14 |
encompass | I did that, but it is not working | 07:14 |
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nwlinkvxd | i hate that | 07:14 |
encompass | I googled, that is how I got it working in debian | 07:14 |
nwlinkvxd | :)_ | 07:14 |
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encompass | they have a linux driver that is open source, but I need to get the cvs version to let it work with this .12 kernal | 07:15 |
encompass | can someone help me get that file | 07:15 |
TheRaginAsian | what I normally do is install "linux-image-686", "linx-restricted-modules-686", and the latest 686 kernel, do a reboot, and if the 686 works I yank the 386 stuff | 07:15 |
opnsrc | 386 is an older CPu | 07:15 |
IcemanV9 | anyone got a good luck with wine + pptviewer??? (i know about OOo impress, but it doesn't work) | 07:15 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, they are just classes of computer | 07:15 |
opnsrc | 686 is like a P2-P4 | 07:15 |
B_166-ER-X | amd k7, 1ghz | 07:15 |
opnsrc | I think it's also a Pentium | 07:15 |
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opnsrc | no, I think 586 = P1 | 07:16 |
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TheRaginAsian | well, 586 is P2 and P3, 686 is P4 | 07:16 |
B_166-ER-X | Amd here .. | 07:16 |
B_166-ER-X | not helping :P | 07:16 |
TheRaginAsian | ohhh | 07:16 |
TheRaginAsian | what AMD? | 07:16 |
B_166-ER-X | AMD-k7 1ghz | 07:16 |
TheRaginAsian | kewl, get the K7 packages then | 07:16 |
TheRaginAsian | they are optimised similar | 07:16 |
nwlinkvxd | i'm having problems getting my video-out pci card to work | 07:17 |
crimsun | 686 is P2 and above. | 07:17 |
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opnsrc | yeah | 07:17 |
crimsun | 586 is Pentium and some K6s | 07:17 |
B_166-ER-X | looks like i already havea 386 version installed though | 07:17 |
opnsrc | Does anyone know an alternative kernel site for Ubuntu where I can get a P4 kernel? | 07:17 |
opnsrc | P4 optimized Kernel? | 07:17 |
ubuntu | oh mygod | 07:17 |
crimsun | opnsrc: get a 686 one | 07:17 |
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opnsrc | k | 07:18 |
opnsrc | thanks | 07:18 |
B_166-ER-X | i want some serious help here...i just did a reinstall, if i am to mess with the kernel... i want to be sure of what i'm doing..please. | 07:18 |
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TheRaginAsian | ahh, Crimsun is right | 07:19 |
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TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER-X | 07:19 |
encompass | the driver I used with the 2.6.9 kernel does not work with the ubuntu kernel | 07:19 |
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cpbl | I have just received my Ubuntu Live (5.10) CD's. The Live O/S does not find my harddrive. It's a laptop, but not new, nothing exotic. Other distros find it live. How would a newbie mount the drive? Thanks for any ideas. I am new to IRC. | 07:20 |
TheRaginAsian | apply the packages "linux-image-k7" and "linux-restricted-modules-k7" | 07:20 |
encompass | sorry about that | 07:20 |
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TheRaginAsian | then, reboot, and try to boot using the k7 kernel, it should add itself as a menu option | 07:20 |
encompass | but like I was saying, I have had the driver working before I know exaclty where to get the driver for it all to work again... but | 07:21 |
B_166-ER-X | its a fresh install, and the 386 package are installed, 386 linux image, and so on...so..why ? | 07:21 |
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TheRaginAsian | well, the packages that are class specific are supposed to help with performance | 07:21 |
encompass | I don't know how to download the flipping cvs, I have tried all the howtos and it gives me just errors | 07:21 |
TheRaginAsian | if your not that concerned, dont worry about it | 07:21 |
TheRaginAsian | but I generally do experience better performance when I run the 686 kernel over the 386 one | 07:21 |
B_166-ER-X | well, my pc is kinda slow..so best performance would be nice, but i'm really freakin of just bust all up again | 07:22 |
B_166-ER-X | :P | 07:22 |
TheRaginAsian | for you though you would want K7 like ive been telling you | 07:22 |
TheRaginAsian | add kernel images wont break it | 07:22 |
TheRaginAsian | *adding | 07:22 |
TheRaginAsian | however, removing kernel images might | 07:22 |
B_166-ER-X | hm | 07:22 |
johnnybezak | does anyone know a way to split a screen vertically instead of horizontally with gnu's screen? | 07:22 |
nwlinkvxd | anyone use a tview pci scan converter card on linux? | 07:22 |
camus | anybody got an idea why I got no sound on a soundblaster live! (on wav/ogg/anything) | 07:23 |
TheRaginAsian | I normally get rid of my 386 kernels after I test and make sure the 686 ones work, but theres no reason why you couldn't just leave your 386 kernel and just not use them | 07:23 |
steven_ | ok i tried the link that you posted TheRaginAsian and it cant find the package list for my architecture | 07:23 |
B_166-ER-X | so what beyond Linux kernel image for version 2.6.12 on AMD K7., do i have to install ? | 07:23 |
encompass | nwlinkvxd: google that one man | 07:23 |
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fangorious | anyone good with troubleshooting wpasupplicant? | 07:24 |
TheRaginAsian | steven_: you should be fine using the default packages, you shouldnt need amd64 optimisted libdvdcss | 07:24 |
encompass | I think I have told you that before | 07:24 |
crimsun | fangorious: what sort? | 07:24 |
TheRaginAsian | unless you want to compile it yourself... | 07:24 |
nwlinkvxd | encompass: i have been for hours | 07:24 |
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encompass | then is sounds like a no go | 07:24 |
nwlinkvxd | i can't find anything useful | 07:24 |
ubuntu | oh mygod | 07:24 |
DJ-AS | hola | 07:24 |
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DJ-AS | necesito ayuda para instalar un modem :( | 07:25 |
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TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER-X: well, if you apply those two packages I told you, they always depend on the latest of the K7 Kernel and Modules, so they will update when updates come around | 07:25 |
fangorious | crimsun: I have it installed,a basic configuration for WPA-PSK, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it connect | 07:25 |
deFrysk | !es | 07:25 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:25 |
TheRaginAsian | I would do that | 07:25 |
daaku | anyone know how i can tell if my amd64 has the venice core? | 07:25 |
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johnnybezak | DJ-AS #ubuntu-es | 07:25 |
TheRaginAsian | makes life easy | 07:25 |
crimsun | fangorious: Breezy? | 07:25 |
fangorious | crimsun: yeah | 07:25 |
crimsun | fangorious: sanitise your /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and paste it onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:25 |
B_166-ER-X | so, Linux image, and linux restricted modules | 07:25 |
johnnybezak | anyone know a way to change the font in tty? | 07:25 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, for K7 | 07:25 |
crimsun | fangorious: paste your /etc/default/wpasupplicant as well | 07:25 |
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TheRaginAsian | then, you should be able to reboot, grub should add entries for the new kernel, try booting to that | 07:26 |
B_166-ER-X | okay | 07:26 |
B_166-ER-X | trying | 07:26 |
daaku | johnnybezak: one way is passing vga=xxx to the kernel | 07:26 |
johnnybezak | daaku: what does that do? | 07:26 |
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johnnybezak | is there anyway to turn off the join/quit messages in freenode? | 07:26 |
TheRaginAsian | should work out just fine... you'll have two kernels to boot to after that... I'd use the K7 for a couple weeks and if you find that you dont need the 386 kernels any more you can remove them | 07:27 |
B_166-ER-X | i have this one too...but i dont understant what it is , just ' Linux kernel image on AMD K7.' | 07:27 |
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B_166-ER-X | plus Linux kernel image for version 2.6.12 on AMD K7. | 07:27 |
TheRaginAsian | are you using Synaptic? | 07:27 |
daaku | johnnybezak: sets the video mode for the framebuffer | 07:27 |
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nwlinkvxd | is there such a thing as a windows driver wrapper for non-wireless devices? | 07:28 |
B_166-ER-X | yes | 07:28 |
B_166-ER-X | in synaptic | 07:28 |
johnnybezak | daaku: why do I wnat to do that? | 07:28 |
Toma- | nwlinkvxd: you generally dont need one | 07:28 |
TheRaginAsian | the exact package names that you should apply are: "linux-image-k7" and "linux-restricted-modules-k7" | 07:28 |
deFrysk | linux-7 | 07:29 |
TheRaginAsian | you should be able to copy and paste what I type right into a search on synaptic and get what you need | 07:29 |
deFrysk | linux-k7 | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | ok | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | so . no linux-image-2.6.12-10-k7 | 07:29 |
fangorious | crimsun: pasted | 07:29 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell nwlinkvxd about ndiswrapper | 07:29 |
daaku | my bad, you wanted to change the font, this will change the resolution | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | ah | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | its okay :) | 07:29 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER-X: by applying the generic "linux-image-k7" package it will apply the latest kernel | 07:29 |
Dasnipa` | is there any handy util to connect to a pocketpc PDA? | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | yeah | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | saw this | 07:29 |
B_166-ER-X | sorry :) | 07:30 |
TheRaginAsian | so that way, anytime there is an update, there ya go, your all set | 07:30 |
Dasnipa` | specifically, a dell axim x50 | 07:30 |
nwlinkvxd | robotgeek, that's not my problem | 07:30 |
TheRaginAsian | hey np, took me awhile to figure that all out when I first started using Ubuntu | 07:30 |
nwlinkvxd | i'm trying to get a video card to work right | 07:30 |
nwlinkvxd | not wireless | 07:30 |
nwlinkvxd | but thanks | 07:30 |
daaku | johnnybezak: i assumed you wanted to make the fonts smaller, or the resolution higher | 07:30 |
Toma- | nwlinkvxd: what card? | 07:30 |
crimsun | fangorious: are you using WPA or WPA2? | 07:30 |
fangorious | nwlinkvxd: I believe there is an NTFS driver wrapper, similar to ndiswrapper | 07:30 |
drumline | wpa2 support in kubuntu? | 07:31 |
fangorious | crimsun: the AP should support both | 07:31 |
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crimsun | drumline: wpa2 isn't really decently supported until wpasupplicant 0.4.7, which is in Dapper | 07:31 |
robotgeek | nwlinkvxd: sorry, i saw *wireless and overreacted! | 07:31 |
crimsun | fangorious: but which are you using? | 07:31 |
fangorious | crimsun: I have both turned on at the AP, I don't know which wpasupplicant is 'set' for, just the contents of the two config files | 07:32 |
drumline | damned installer halted on 48% of the base system... | 07:33 |
fangorious | crimsun: I see this for my AP when I run 'sudo wpa_cli scan_results': "[WPA-PSK-TKIP+CCMP] [WPA2-PSK-TKIP+CCMP] " | 07:33 |
crimsun | fangorious: if you're using breezy, you must use WPA with TKIP | 07:33 |
crimsun | fangorious: no way around that. | 07:33 |
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crimsun | fangorious: not AES, not WPA2. | 07:33 |
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paueas | how can i list the channels on a server? | 07:34 |
fangorious | crimsun: doesn't the output of scan_results confimr that WPA with TKIP is enabled on my AP? | 07:34 |
crimsun | fangorious: furthermore, you should use wpa_passphrase to generate the hex string from your ascii psk and use that in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | 07:34 |
crimsun | fangorious: wpasupplicant does not work correctly with mixed aes+tkip | 07:34 |
MickMcMack | Is installing the nvidia drivers on Ubuntu the same process as for Debian, just using sudo? | 07:34 |
steven_ | TheRaginAsian, dpkg is giving me the following message: | 07:34 |
fangorious | crimsun: I had that at first, but it wasn't working, so I tried switching to the ASCII passphrase | 07:34 |
crimsun | fangorious: you _must_ use tkip | 07:34 |
steven_ | dpkg: error processing libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1plf3_i386.deb (--install): | 07:34 |
steven_ | package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) | 07:34 |
fangorious | crimsun: ah, I'll try changing that, then | 07:34 |
Toma- | MickMcMack: sudo and apt-get | 07:34 |
TheRaginAsian | ohhh strange... | 07:34 |
steven_ | yeah | 07:35 |
TheRaginAsian | so are you using an all amd64 system? | 07:35 |
MickMcMack | Toma-: Are the latest nvidia drivers in the apt repos (My card complains with anything but). | 07:35 |
nwlinkvxd | anyone know anything about video out (scan converter) cards? | 07:35 |
TheRaginAsian | cause, you should be able to run non-64 specific packages | 07:35 |
steven_ | i am running a 3800+ X2 | 07:35 |
Toma- | MickMcMack: ill check | 07:35 |
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Toma- | !info nvidia-glx | 07:35 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx: (NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver), section restricted/x11, is optional. Version: 1.0.7667-0ubuntu25 (breezy), Packaged size: 3012 kB, Installed size: 10036 kB | 07:35 |
ubuntu | tmd | 07:35 |
steven_ | and the 64bit ubuntu | 07:35 |
Toma- | there u go | 07:36 |
TheRaginAsian | you could try forcing it, it may just be a simple arch check | 07:36 |
MickMcMack | Toma-: thanks muchly. :) | 07:36 |
Toma- | np ;) | 07:36 |
TheRaginAsian | anyone else in here with amd64 ubuntu? | 07:36 |
steven_ | yep, that worked, thanks! | 07:36 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian: I just installed it. \o/ | 07:36 |
TheRaginAsian | lol, are you able to use packages that are 386? | 07:36 |
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B_166-ER-X | !nvidia | 07:37 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 07:37 |
B_166-ER-X | seems like it worked, Theragingasian | 07:37 |
TheRaginAsian | kewl | 07:37 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian: I don't know yet. :) | 07:37 |
B_166-ER-X | thankx | 07:37 |
TheRaginAsian | well, steven_, can you play DVD's? | 07:37 |
TheRaginAsian | np | 07:37 |
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steven_ | nope | 07:37 |
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TheRaginAsian | what are you using? | 07:38 |
steven_ | it installed but it wont play in totem | 07:38 |
TheRaginAsian | are you using totem-xine or totem-gstreamer | 07:38 |
steven_ | xine | 07:38 |
robotgeek | what's a good cdripping app on linux? | 07:38 |
MickMcMack | Scandalous, the base-system doesn't come with Lynx. =o | 07:38 |
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TheRaginAsian | hmm... and you applied libdvdcss2? | 07:38 |
jason0_ | Trying to install apani vpn client, I can get it to compile (with some modifying of CC enviorment variables) but when I execute insmod I get an error complaining that its an invalid format. dmesg says: version maigc 2.6.12-9-i386 gcc-4.0 should be 2.6.12-9-386 gcc-3.4 | 07:38 |
Tomcat_ | robotgeek: I use Sound Juicer, works well enough. | 07:38 |
steven_ | yeah as far as i can tell | 07:39 |
jason0_ | any ideas? | 07:39 |
crimsun | jason0_: you need to install gcc-3.4 | 07:39 |
robotgeek | Tomcat_: do i have to install it? or does it come by default? | 07:39 |
fangorious | crimsun: ok. I set the AP to be only WPA w\ TKIP, confirmed with 'wpa_cli scan[_result] ', changed the wpa_supplicant.conf to use the hex psk, and restarted wpasupplicant | 07:39 |
crimsun | the kernel is compiled with gcc-3.4 in Breezy, not gcc-4.0 | 07:39 |
Tomcat_ | robotgeek: Comes by default. It's a bit slow on some machines though. | 07:39 |
TheRaginAsian | do you get any sort of error steven_ | 07:39 |
fangorious | crimsun: so now what, ifup eth0? | 07:39 |
crimsun | fangorious: are you using a linksys AP? | 07:39 |
Toma- | jason0_: when you compile it, run export CC=gcc-4.0 first | 07:39 |
Toma- | or 3.4 | 07:39 |
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Toma- | i forget :( | 07:40 |
Davethewave | anyone know the answer to the ndiswrapper causing system to be laggy problem? :) I've tried the ndiswrapper channel but they don't think I've read the wiki and won't help me | 07:40 |
fangorious | crimsun: wrt54g with openwrt whiterussian rc4 firmware | 07:40 |
steven_ | yep: The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss? | 07:40 |
crimsun | fangorious: ah, I use linksys's standard 4.20.7 | 07:40 |
Tomcat_ | Davethewave: Then tell them why the contens of the wiki doesn't help you. :) | 07:40 |
TheRaginAsian | hm, can you give me an output of /etc/fstab | 07:40 |
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crimsun | fangorious: you should ifup --force eth0 | 07:41 |
TheRaginAsian | er sorry "sudo cat /etc/fstab" | 07:41 |
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crimsun | fangorious: make sure your psk= directive is not enclosed by "s | 07:41 |
jason0_ | Toma- didn't work. | 07:41 |
pppoe_dude | hi again, 2 q's. does removing a journal then putting it back affect performance? | 07:41 |
jason0_ | Can I install gcc-3.4 using synaptic? | 07:41 |
nalioth | jason0_: you certainly can | 07:41 |
Toma- | jason0_: what about eport CC=gcc-3.4 | 07:41 |
crimsun | pppoe_dude: no, but it's fairly useless. | 07:42 |
Toma- | err export | 07:42 |
TheRaginAsian | steven_: send me a PM of the output if you can | 07:42 |
pppoe_dude | 2. i have constant/intermittant hdd activity every 4 seconds. I think it's because of the journalling, even though after converting to ext 2 it was still there | 07:42 |
Toma- | pppoe_dude: have u got any cron jobs running? | 07:42 |
Davethewave | Tomcat_ I follwed the installation instructions, for ndiswrapper 1.5 (since ubuntu has 1.1) it installed fine after I had to enable kernel headers. Then I follow the rest of instructions (install driver with the -i switch) modprobe etc... it gets up and running but system is sluggish | 07:42 |
fangorious | crimsun: didn't work, "No DHCPOFFERS received." | 07:42 |
pppoe_dude | Toma-, no | 07:42 |
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pppoe_dude | however i heard stuff about dirty buffers or such | 07:42 |
towsheba | Hell0 | 07:42 |
crimsun | fangorious: your ipw interface is in fact eth0? | 07:42 |
pppoe_dude | like a commit interval of some sort | 07:43 |
steven_ | # | 07:43 |
steven_ | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 07:43 |
steven_ | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 07:43 |
steven_ | /dev/hdc1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 07:43 |
steven_ | /dev/hdc5 none swap sw 0 0 | 07:43 |
steven_ | /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 07:43 |
fangorious | yep, it works using WEP | 07:43 |
steven_ | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 07:43 |
Toma- | pppoe_dude: anything out of the ordinary in top? | 07:43 |
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Davethewave | Tomcat_ there is nothing (at least that I saw) on the wiki that tells why it is sluggish | 07:43 |
pppoe_dude | Toma-, no | 07:43 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having problems with a Focus Enhancements Tview Gold PCI card | 07:43 |
Tomcat_ | Davethewave: Well, sorry, I have no idea. Never used ndiswrapper, I don't even know how to install it. | 07:43 |
crimsun | fangorious: err, you removed the WEP stuff from /etc/network/interfaces, right? | 07:43 |
TheRaginAsian | so is /dev/hda your DVD player? | 07:43 |
steven_ | yes | 07:43 |
TheRaginAsian | ok, do this right quick | 07:43 |
Davethewave | Tomcat_ lol.. ok thanks :P | 07:43 |
TheRaginAsian | well, try I mean | 07:44 |
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steven_ | lol | 07:44 |
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pppoe_dude | Xorg and multiload applet are the top most | 07:44 |
TheRaginAsian | "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 07:44 |
crimsun | fangorious: first check if your ipw has associated successfully with the AP | 07:44 |
fangorious | crimsun: yeah, "iface eth0 inet dhcp" is the only reference to eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces | 07:44 |
jason0_ | Still getting the magic number error | 07:44 |
nwlinkvxd | I'm having problems with a Focus Enhancements Tview Gold PCI card | 07:44 |
steven_ | k | 07:44 |
jason0_ | When I search for gcc-3.4 in synaptic it fails to find any results. | 07:44 |
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TheRaginAsian | an then on the line that says "udf,iso9660", change that to "auto" | 07:44 |
jason0_ | Do I have to use a deprecated repo or something? | 07:44 |
crimsun | fangorious: kill wpasupplicant and run it from the command line using the options in /etc/default/wpasupplicant, but append -dd | 07:45 |
fangorious | crimsun: iwconfig says unassociated | 07:45 |
Toma- | !info gcc-3.4 | 07:45 |
ubotu | gcc-3.4: (The GNU C compiler), section devel, is optional. Version: 3.4.4-6ubuntu8 (breezy), Packaged size: 473 kB, Installed size: 4520 kB | 07:45 |
pppoe_dude | however, gkrellm shows more of that activity in /dev/hda3 (/home) | 07:45 |
steven_ | saved | 07:45 |
Toma- | pppoe_dude: tried using fuser to see if anything is accessing the drive? | 07:45 |
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TheRaginAsian | so bascially, I would like you to change that line into "/dev/hda /media/cdrom0 auto user,noauto 0 0" | 07:45 |
TheRaginAsian | oh ok | 07:46 |
steven_ | yep | 07:46 |
TheRaginAsian | now type "sudo mount -a" | 07:46 |
pppoe_dude | Toma- no but i will try now | 07:46 |
TheRaginAsian | any errors? | 07:46 |
fangorious | crimsun: "No suitable AP found" look srathe rsuspicious | 07:46 |
pppoe_dude | like.... fuser /home? | 07:46 |
Penguin | you stupid bitch | 07:46 |
steven_ | ok | 07:46 |
TheRaginAsian | no errors? | 07:46 |
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool90-236.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steven_ | nope | 07:47 |
TheRaginAsian | ok, try playing that DVD again | 07:47 |
steven_ | ok | 07:47 |
Toma- | pppoe_dude: nope... read the man a bit more ;) | 07:47 |
crimsun | fangorious: need to boot my laptop, sec. | 07:47 |
steven_ | still the same error | 07:47 |
pppoe_dude | Toma-, k... working on it :p | 07:47 |
TheRaginAsian | hmm... do you have the right permissions? | 07:47 |
jason0_ | Toma-: Toma-: still can't seem to find it, all I see are the later gcc4 versions. | 07:47 |
Toma- | i do believe it onvolves an -l | 07:47 |
Toma- | jason0_: i can see it... its called gcc-3.4 | 07:48 |
Toma- | try apt-get it | 07:48 |
TheRaginAsian | Go System>Administration>Users and Groups | 07:48 |
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TheRaginAsian | then click on your account, click "properties", then click the "user privilages" tab and make sure all of the checkboxes are filled | 07:48 |
steven_ | yeah i am ubergod on my comp | 07:48 |
steven_ | lol | 07:49 |
TheRaginAsian | LOL | 07:49 |
steven_ | not like i know anything about it | 07:49 |
steven_ | brand new | 07:49 |
TheRaginAsian | well, with ubuntu your not supposed to be able to be ubergod without the right set of permissions and passwords | 07:49 |
TheRaginAsian | like, there is no "root"... well, there is, but its turned off for good reason | 07:49 |
steven_ | they all match, and i even have my id | 07:49 |
fangorious | crimsun: since I have the ssid hard coded, it should be ok that I have broadcasting the ssid disabled on the AP, right? | 07:49 |
Toma- | pppoe_dude: or use lsof | 07:50 |
steven_ | i can get into the clubs and everything | 07:50 |
intelikey | jason0_ to search for packages 'atp-cache search <blah> ' if it is in the repos you have set, it will show. | 07:50 |
TheRaginAsian | LOL | 07:50 |
=== rjordan [n=root@pcp04773452pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | man you need to get me that then, all I get into are IRC rooms like this | 07:50 |
xxenon | any idea why this crontab does not start every 10 minutes ? | 07:50 |
xxenon | 0-59/10 * * * * /home/jul/projets/serveur_geneve/ip_check.pl | 07:50 |
steven_ | lol | 07:50 |
pppoe_dude | Toma- lsof gives me 100 pages worth of stuff | 07:50 |
jason0_ | intelikey: just using apt-get, it found it. | 07:50 |
rjordan | Anyone here know why my xorg wont try and load my nvidia driver? | 07:51 |
Toma- | pppoe_dude: specify the partiton | 07:51 |
steven_ | i am actually really new to linux | 07:51 |
Toma- | like, lsof /dev/hda1 | 07:51 |
pppoe_dude | cool | 07:51 |
fangorious | xxenon, why not just put "00,10,20,30,40,50" for the minutes field? | 07:51 |
fangorious | minus the quotes | 07:51 |
xxenon | fn~fangorious - lemme try | 07:51 |
steven_ | my friend set up the comp for me and apparently i was given power | 07:51 |
crimsun | fangorious: I actually use eapol_version=2 | 07:51 |
rjordan | xxenon: */10 should do it | 07:51 |
TheRaginAsian | hm... well, everything seems like it should be right | 07:51 |
fangorious | steven_ phenominal cosmic power, or real ultimate power? | 07:52 |
intelikey | jason0_ dont forget build-essential if you havent installed it yet | 07:52 |
TheRaginAsian | if you have totme-xine, libdvdcss2, and you set your cdrom mount to auto | 07:52 |
crimsun | fangorious: you may need ap_scan=2, too | 07:52 |
steven_ | all the power in the known universe, itty bity living space | 07:52 |
TheRaginAsian | haha, I need to watch that movie again | 07:52 |
pppoe_dude | Toma-, nothing out of the ordinary with lsof. | 07:52 |
steven_ | lol | 07:52 |
Mr_Milenko | totem-xine* | 07:52 |
jason0_ | Seems to have worked, thanks all. | 07:52 |
TheRaginAsian | thanks Mr_Milenko | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | what is that line from steven | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | i heard it before.. | 07:53 |
fangorious | Mr_Milenko: disney's aladin | 07:53 |
TheRaginAsian | Alladin | 07:53 |
TheRaginAsian | lol | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | oh lol | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | Genie is a pimp | 07:53 |
TheRaginAsian | Robin Williams | 07:53 |
steven_ | yeah | 07:53 |
Toma- | man lsof | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | yep | 07:53 |
rjordan | Anyone here know what the xorg.conf line is to include a driver/module path? | 07:53 |
Toma- | ewps | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | ok no more in here | 07:53 |
TheRaginAsian | well steven you can try the microsoft way and reboot lol | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | :P | 07:53 |
Mr_Milenko | Toma- rofl | 07:53 |
TheRaginAsian | see what happenes | 07:53 |
Toma- | :D | 07:53 |
=== RancidLM [n=rancidlm@linuxfordummies/RancidLM] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RancidLM | hey all | 07:54 |
steven_ | this was supposed to be simple | 07:54 |
steven_ | lol | 07:54 |
steven_ | k brb | 07:54 |
RancidLM | im new to ubuntu and woundering if theres any pre-compiled SMP kernels for it i select in synaptic.. ? | 07:54 |
fangorious | crimsun: ok, running wpa_supplicant with -dd looked better that time, not sure if it looked right, but I'm trying ifup | 07:54 |
rjordan | RancidLM: I beleive there are | 07:54 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benplaut | !pastebin | 07:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 07:55 |
benplaut | !botsnack | 07:55 |
ubotu | thanks benplaut :) | 07:55 |
TheRaginAsian | chown TheRaginAsian THE-CLUB | 07:55 |
TheRaginAsian | thats what I need | 07:55 |
=== B_166-ER [i=Laindrau@c207.134.19-232.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER | !nvidia | 07:55 |
ubotu | methinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 07:55 |
sss_lr | RancidLM, apt-cacahe seach kernel source | 07:55 |
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fangorious | crimsun: still no good. iwconfig says unassociated still, but at least it has the right ssid listed now. any hints on what I might look for in the wpa_supplicant -dd output? | 07:56 |
rjordan | ty! | 07:56 |
intelikey | does anyone know what i need ? | 07:56 |
TheRaginAsian | steven_: just for kicks, did you apply the w32codecs package too? | 07:56 |
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RancidLM | sss_lr: i just found it.. kernel-smp its | 07:56 |
crimsun | fangorious: does it remain associated with the AP? | 07:56 |
Toma- | intelikey: what? | 07:57 |
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TheRaginAsian | or perhaps ffmpeg | 07:57 |
intelikey | just checking to see if yall were mind readers or something Toma- | 07:57 |
TheRaginAsian | cause im pretty such libdvdcss2 just unlocks the DVD, you still need ffmpeg or w32codecs I believe to play it | 07:57 |
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fangorious | seems to go back and forth between state "Associating -> Disconnected" to "Disconnected -> Disconnected" to "Disconnected -> Scanning" to "Scanning -> Associating" and back around | 07:59 |
mk500 | hi all | 07:59 |
fangorious | hi | 07:59 |
TheRaginAsian | AH, you may need libdvdread3! | 07:59 |
mk500 | has anyone tried ubuntu on the quad G5? | 07:59 |
=== michael [n=michael@pcp04987295pcs.benslm01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michael | anyone here up for a pm session? | 07:59 |
michael | anyone WOMEN up for a pm session? | 08:00 |
=== ClayG [n=scdsc@c-66-177-198-248.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fangorious | it's already AM here ... | 08:00 |
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=== TheShadow [n=NYR@ool-18bc024d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | lol, michael is trying to cyber from a Linux IRC room | 08:00 |
fangorious | xxenon: any luck with the cron job? | 08:00 |
TheShadow | Hi guys. I have a question about ubuntu | 08:00 |
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michael | anyone WOMEN here up for a fun pm session? PM me. :) | 08:00 |
=== fangorious gets his robe and wizard hat | ||
TheRaginAsian | fangorious: ROFL | 08:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi TheShadow | 08:00 |
ClayG | Is there a program that creates a sort of catalog (gui) of descriptions for files? | 08:01 |
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hkigw7-fedadc00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michael | hahaha | 08:01 |
TheRaginAsian | i most certainly got that one | 08:01 |
michael | j/k | 08:01 |
TheShadow | I just booted the live DVD, but it doesn't see my Windows NTFS volume (C: and D:) , it does however see two other NTFS volumes | 08:01 |
crimsun | fangorious: yeah, it's not associating properly then | 08:01 |
michael | who needs help with ubuntu? | 08:01 |
ClayG | so if you download lets say a phpscript you can create a description and catalogue it? | 08:01 |
TheShadow | i d | 08:01 |
TheShadow | i do | 08:01 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
encompass | is ubuntu able to play mp3's on a standard install? | 08:01 |
mk500 | I downloaded the PowerPC DVD distro, so hope I will have success installing on a 2-way, and a 4-way next week. | 08:01 |
crimsun | fangorious: so it's definitely set to WPA and TKIP? | 08:01 |
intelikey | well i'd like to get the 'sound' working on this grey haired porccupine, it seems to be crystel audio on board isapnp i think cs423x a wiki said that just modprobing the driver would not get sound.... it was right. anyone knowledgable on this ? | 08:01 |
TheShadow | can ubuntu read ntfs? | 08:01 |
paueas | encompass no | 08:01 |
Locke | does anyone know of any good 3d rendering programs for Linux? | 08:01 |
xxenon | fangoriou - lemme check if it started | 08:01 |
michael | There are instructions on hour to mount windows partitions in the gnome help file | 08:01 |
spikebike | povray | 08:01 |
sss_lr | encompass, no | 08:01 |
cdubya | TheShadow, it can read, but not write..... | 08:01 |
xxenon | fangoriou - it didnt | 08:01 |
encompass | paueas: how do I get that support? | 08:01 |
michael | wings3d rocks for rendering stuff fast and nicely | 08:02 |
TheShadow | gotcha, cdubya, thanks | 08:02 |
TheRaginAsian | steven_ you still with us? | 08:02 |
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spikebike | sorry, forget | 08:02 |
=== mitrovarr [n=mitrovar@host-69-146-60-190.rvt-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spikebike | oops | 08:02 |
paueas | encompas: sudo apt-get install gstreamer8.0-plugins | 08:02 |
TheShadow | this is cool :) | 08:02 |
encompass | thanks | 08:02 |
fangorious | $ sudo wpa_cli scan_result | 08:02 |
fangorious | Selected interface 'eth0' | 08:02 |
fangorious | bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid | 08:02 |
fangorious | 00:14:bf:41:ab:a1 0 236 [WPA-PSK-TKIP] <hidden> | 08:02 |
fangorious | 00:14:bf:41:ab:a1 0 182 [WPA-PSK-TKIP] lopht | 08:02 |
TheRaginAsian | guess I didnt see him sign off | 08:02 |
TheShadow | it's the first time i'm actually running linux :) | 08:02 |
crimsun | intelikey: cat /proc/asound/devices | 08:02 |
michael | dir | 08:02 |
michael | hehe | 08:02 |
crimsun | intelikey: err, s/devices/cards/ | 08:02 |
TheShadow | i love this distro | 08:02 |
cdubya | TheShadow, np, it's cool. | 08:02 |
michael | anyone have luck with the aound blaster 24-bit live!? | 08:02 |
cdubya | TheShadow, only run linux now | 08:02 |
Madpilot | TheShadow: welcome to the Light Side, then ;) | 08:02 |
TheShadow | lol | 08:02 |
intelikey | 33: : timer | 08:02 |
michael | anyone have luck with the Sound blaster 24-bit live!? | 08:02 |
cdubya | run many others.... | 08:03 |
intelikey | crimsun ^ | 08:03 |
Locke | any other good 3d rendering programs? | 08:03 |
TheShadow | i'll be spending my free time here, that's for sure ;) | 08:03 |
michael | uSE WINGS3D | 08:03 |
fangorious | xxenon: you do have the cron service running? | 08:03 |
cdubya | but like Ubuntu the best. | 08:03 |
cdubya | TheShadow, cool. | 08:03 |
cdubya | Lots of real knowledgable folks here. | 08:03 |
crimsun | lsmod|grep ^snd_cs | 08:03 |
michael | anyone have luck with the Sound blaster Live 24-bit!? | 08:03 |
intelikey | --- no soundcards --- | 08:03 |
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crimsun | michael: it should work fine with Breezy, why? | 08:04 |
TheRaginAsian | ive used: Slackware, Mandrake (when it was still mandrake!), Mepis, Knoppix, Gnoppix, Morphix (when listing liveCD's im listing the ones ive installed to HD), Arch, SuSE, FrugalWare, and Ubuntu | 08:04 |
michael | i have no sound | 08:04 |
crimsun | intelikey: what computer? | 08:04 |
crimsun | michael: cat /proc/asound/cards | 08:04 |
Toma- | Locke: blender | 08:04 |
intelikey | ibm 300 | 08:04 |
cdubya | TheRaginAsian, I think I've installed all of those in the last 4-5 weeks. | 08:04 |
cdubya | heh | 08:04 |
TheRaginAsian | and kno what, ill still keep trying other distros, but ill keep coming back to arch | 08:04 |
Locke | toma: whats that? | 08:04 |
cdubya | well, except Morphix and FrugalWare.... | 08:04 |
cdubya | heh | 08:04 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, im just trying to make a point about ubuntu | 08:04 |
fangorious | TheRaginAsian: no RedHat/Fedora? | 08:04 |
Toma- | Locke: 3d app | 08:04 |
cdubya | yeah, ubuntu rocks. | 08:04 |
Toma- | !info blender | 08:04 |
ubotu | blender: (Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.37a-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 4016 kB, Installed size: 10924 kB | 08:04 |
mitrovarr | I just tried mandrake myself... didn't like it anymore | 08:05 |
TheRaginAsian | ive never first hand installed RedHat or Fedora, but ive used them and been too turned off to actually install myself | 08:05 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
indra_jack | hello can u help me..i'm newbie here | 08:05 |
crimsun | fangorious: using wpasupplicant from Breezy, correct? | 08:05 |
mitrovarr | rpm-type stuff just seems so primitive next to apt-get | 08:05 |
michael | hey crimson... My card shows up there... just no volume | 08:05 |
TheRaginAsian | from the reviews I read and the horrors ive tried to help friends with, im more than hapy to stay away | 08:05 |
crimsun | michael: I need the output | 08:05 |
michael | er.... volume, but no sound | 08:05 |
cdubya | Fedora wouldn't even install on a few of the new FC4 installs on different archs....ppc in particular.... | 08:05 |
Madpilot | indra_jack: please just ask your questions, don't ask to ask | 08:05 |
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xxenon | fangorious - yes. I need to go to work, Ill try again tonight. Thanks for your help ! | 08:05 |
michael | 0 [CA0106 ] : CA0106 - CA0106 | 08:05 |
michael | Live! 7.1 24bit [SB0410] at 0xd000 irq 5 | 08:05 |
fangorious | crimsun: correct, 0.4.5-0ubuntu1 | 08:05 |
Toma- | Seveas: shouldnt u be banning people for starting a distro conversation :) just like u banned me for saying something about gnome? | 08:05 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, bascially, Fedora sounds like headache I dont need | 08:06 |
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B_166-ER | i need some serious help, for the second time...i just reinstalled because i had a 'black' screen and my ubuntu would not load... but now its DOING IT again, and it seems its because of the nvidia driver update | 08:06 |
TheRaginAsian | I had enough fun babysetting distrobutions... especially arch | 08:06 |
crimsun | fangorious: ok, then try specifyng the key_mgmt parameter | 08:06 |
michael | 0 [CA0106 ] : CA0106 - CA0106 | 08:06 |
michael | Live! 7.1 24bit [SB0410] at 0xd000 irq 5 | 08:06 |
intelikey | crimsun i modprobed snd-cs4236 and then cat /*cards gives this. | 08:06 |
intelikey | tty1 [root@~] cat /proc/asound/cards | 08:06 |
intelikey | 0 [CS4236B ] : CS4236B - CS4236B | 08:06 |
intelikey | CS4236B at 0x534, irq 5, dma 1&3 | 08:06 |
crimsun | michael: I saw you, but I'm busy with others, please be patient. | 08:06 |
intelikey | ooop | 08:06 |
B_166-ER | libglx is broke or something | 08:06 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER: so you can't get the Nvidia driver to work then? | 08:06 |
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michael | you got it... sorry :) | 08:06 |
intelikey | was aimed to make that one line..... | 08:06 |
crimsun | intelikey: and after unmuting the appropriate mixer elements, do you hear sound? | 08:07 |
crimsun | michael: paste the output from ''amixer'' onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:07 |
intelikey | crimsun cant unmute | 08:07 |
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intelikey | alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory | 08:07 |
crimsun | intelikey: using what app? | 08:07 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian worst than that.. i cannot load into X no more, just in terminal in recovery..and no IRSSI ... and when you dont know what to do.. | 08:07 |
crimsun | intelikey: sudo modprobe -r snd_cs4236 | 08:07 |
TheRaginAsian | I mean don't get me wrong, Arch is an EXCELLENT distro... and I still say that Pacman the Package Manager p0wns all other package managers out there... but it was too "RTFM" on all the newbies, I started to despise the community | 08:07 |
indra_jack | i have win 98 with printer epson stylus c 63...than another pc i install ubuntu warthy...i wanna print from my ubuntu...what must i do fisrt | 08:07 |
intelikey | ok | 08:08 |
TheShadow | this may seem like the world's dumbest question, but how does one pop up a terminal window? :) | 08:08 |
intelikey | pnp: Device 01:01.00 disabled. | 08:08 |
encompass | I think I have those packages install correctly for mp3 playback | 08:08 |
encompass | but I don't think it is working stll | 08:08 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER, im thinking that you possibly need to reinstall the restricted modules.... but first things first to get you back up to speed | 08:08 |
fangorious | crimsun: no change | 08:09 |
Madpilot | TheShadow: Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal | 08:09 |
TheRaginAsian | boot to Ubuntu, let it throw you to a console | 08:09 |
mitrovarr | should be a terminal option under applications->accessories | 08:09 |
michael | done crimsun... what is that for? | 08:09 |
TheShadow | thank you madpilot | 08:09 |
indra_jack | i have win 98 with printer epson stylus c 63...than another pc i install ubuntu warthy...i wanna print from my ubuntu...what must i do first..?? | 08:09 |
michael | i'm pretty new so. | 08:09 |
fangorious | crimsun: set it to WPA-PSK | 08:09 |
michael | aren't we all lol | 08:09 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian the kernel modules are no problems i think..the reboot after it did work well | 08:09 |
TheRaginAsian | ohh really | 08:09 |
encompass | how do I get mp3 playback to work? | 08:09 |
TheShadow | wonderful. thanks again | 08:09 |
Madpilot | !tell encompass about mp3 | 08:09 |
indra_jack | hello | 08:09 |
encompass | do that not have mp3playback because of the same reason redhat doesn't? | 08:09 |
TheRaginAsian | so your having troubles after using it for awhile? | 08:09 |
B_166-ER | its my nvidia update, following the guide provided by ubotu, that totally broke my things.. | 08:09 |
Madpilot | TheShadow: np | 08:09 |
encompass | thanks | 08:10 |
fangorious | encompass: i believe so | 08:10 |
TheRaginAsian | sooo you updated nvidia then after getting it installed? | 08:10 |
TheRaginAsian | is that it? | 08:10 |
giany911 | how do i install a .tgz ? | 08:10 |
Davethewave | anyone using a wireless card that is native to linux? | 08:10 |
TheRaginAsian | !nvidia | 08:10 |
ubotu | I guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 08:10 |
=== johnnybezak [n=johnnybe@203-214-10-206.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B_166-ER | i followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 08:10 |
fangorious | giany911: tar xvzf file.tgz | 08:10 |
B_166-ER | and thats what bring me to this | 08:10 |
B_166-ER | a black screen and ubuntu not loading | 08:10 |
michael | well... gtg... | 08:10 |
indra_jack | heeloo | 08:11 |
indra_jack | can u help me | 08:11 |
fangorious | giany911: is there not package for the app you want already in the repos? | 08:11 |
giany911 | fangorious .. no :( | 08:11 |
michael | crimsun.. if you have any ideas, my email is: | 08:11 |
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cdubya | Davethewave, umm, I'm using an Atheros that was picked up without a hitch........ | 08:11 |
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indra_jack | i have win 98 with printer epson stylus c 63...than another pc i install ubuntu warthy...i wanna print from my ubuntu...what must i do first..?? | 08:11 |
crimsun | michael: just ping me next time you're on; I'm very busy | 08:11 |
gee_cee0 | guys wtf is /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot? | 08:11 |
intelikey | hehhe so is ubuntu now the xwindow system ? | 08:11 |
TheRaginAsian | so you hit ctrl+alt+backspace and you get black? | 08:11 |
GTroy | fangorious: can you find a source package? | 08:12 |
gee_cee0 | it seems to have something to do with my root | 08:12 |
fangorious | indra_jack: share the printer on the windows machine, and then on ubuntu go to System->Administration->Printing | 08:12 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian i'm in windows now, another Hd... mi linux Hd totally stops loading after the usplash | 08:12 |
B_166-ER | just a black screen.. | 08:12 |
crimsun | intelikey: what's the specific model? | 08:12 |
Davethewave | cdubya what's a hitch? I'm just wondering if anyone has a native linux wireless card, where to get one, and how much becuase Ndiswrapper gives me troubles | 08:12 |
fangorious | GTroy: huh? | 08:12 |
cdubya | indra_jack, share the printer in 98; go to the printing adminstration and setup the printer as a network printer using SMB.....point to the 98 machine, given you've got a static IP setup for it....and the user and passwd for a user on the 98 machine.....I'd suspect anyway.....but I don't know warty...... | 08:12 |
TheRaginAsian | it doesnt give you an error | 08:12 |
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intelikey | crimsun ? | 08:12 |
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GTroy | source package | 08:12 |
intelikey | of | 08:12 |
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TheRaginAsian | what nvidia card do you have? | 08:13 |
fangorious | GTroy: for what? | 08:13 |
GTroy | non distro specific package | 08:13 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian no, | 08:13 |
B_166-ER | geforce2 | 08:13 |
GTroy | thought you were looking for a package | 08:13 |
gee_cee0 | when booting from grub boot disk: menu.lst says kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot ro quiet splash | 08:13 |
spikebike | anyone have comments on using ubuntu for a firewall? | 08:13 |
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TheRaginAsian | so you applied nvidia-glx right? | 08:13 |
fangorious | no, giany911 is | 08:13 |
B_166-ER | yep | 08:13 |
gee_cee0 | but doesnt work | 08:13 |
crimsun | fangorious: did you set pairwise and group, too, to TKIP? | 08:13 |
GTroy | read the nick wrong | 08:13 |
TheRaginAsian | and your using the k7 kernel image, not 686, right? | 08:13 |
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giany911 | fangorious ? | 08:13 |
crimsun | fangorious: and proto to WPA? | 08:13 |
cdubya | Davethewave, I can only tell you that this card came with the laptop and Ubuntu not only picked it up, but set it up on install....all I had to do was use the network applet to find my router, set the WEP key and I was good to go........ | 08:13 |
B_166-ER | yep | 08:13 |
intelikey | crimsun modle of ? | 08:14 |
fangorious | rocky! ... | 08:14 |
TheRaginAsian | well ill be damned.. | 08:14 |
crimsun | intelikey: your laptop. | 08:14 |
TheRaginAsian | I just dont know | 08:14 |
intelikey | it is not a lappy | 08:14 |
Davethewave | cdubya cool deal, any idea who the vendor is? | 08:14 |
TheRaginAsian | its possible the nvidia drives dont like you, happened to me for awhile | 08:14 |
B_166-ER | arrgh | 08:14 |
intelikey | ibm 300pl | 08:14 |
gee_cee0 | someone help plz? | 08:14 |
crimsun | intelikey: but it's a something 300, no? | 08:14 |
indra_jack | i have sharing printer in win 98 but i cannot see in network for printer...but when i share a folder in win 98 i can see it | 08:14 |
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cdubya | Atheros | 08:14 |
cdubya | Davethewave, maybe here? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-79883.html | 08:14 |
TheRaginAsian | what you can try doing after uspalsh, is hitting ALT+F4 to get to a virtual console, see if the system is trying to tell you anything | 08:15 |
Davethewave | cdubya haha yeah, I'm a bit slow tonite ;) | 08:15 |
B_166-ER | crimsun, could you help ? its a kind of 'big' problem, since i have to be on windows... ubuntu not loading.. :| | 08:15 |
fangorious | scan_ssid=1 | 08:15 |
fangorious | key_mgmt=WPA-PSK | 08:15 |
fangorious | pairwise=TKIP | 08:15 |
fangorious | group=TKIP | 08:15 |
gee_cee0 | having problem loading ubuntu from a grub boot floppy...? | 08:15 |
fangorious | still not associating | 08:15 |
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B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian nah, i cannot do anything | 08:15 |
B_166-ER | tried it all | 08:15 |
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TheRaginAsian | you cant get a virtual console? | 08:15 |
B_166-ER | just in recovery mode | 08:15 |
Davethewave | cdubya thanks for the info | 08:15 |
TheRaginAsian | ahhh good do that | 08:15 |
TheRaginAsian | go into recovery mode | 08:15 |
indra_jack | cdubya, i have sharing printer in win 98 but i cannot see in network for printer...but when i share a folder in win 98 i can see it | 08:16 |
cdubya | Davethewave, np, maybe also here.....https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards?action=show&redirect=WirelessNetworkCards | 08:16 |
TheRaginAsian | then type "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg,conf" | 08:16 |
fangorious | well, adding proto seems to have done something, let me check iwconfig and ifup | 08:16 |
TheRaginAsian | oops wait | 08:16 |
crimsun | fangorious: err, you're not using scan_ssid=2 ? | 08:16 |
TheRaginAsian | is recovery mode graphical? | 08:16 |
B_166-ER | nope.. | 08:16 |
B_166-ER | terminal | 08:16 |
TheRaginAsian | whoops | 08:16 |
indra_jack | cdubya, i have sharing printer in win 98 but i cannot see in network for printer...but when i share a folder in win 98 i can see it | 08:17 |
TheRaginAsian | ok, no problem, little different program though | 08:17 |
TheRaginAsian | do this | 08:17 |
fangorious | crimsun: the example config file only indicates 0 and 1 as valid values for that | 08:17 |
B_166-ER | pico | 08:17 |
TheRaginAsian | reboot into recovery mode | 08:17 |
TheRaginAsian | sure, or nano | 08:17 |
crimsun | fangorious: sorry, eapol | 08:17 |
TheRaginAsian | I use nano but if your used to pico by all means use what you know how to use | 08:17 |
B_166-ER | much the same | 08:17 |
B_166-ER | nyway.. | 08:17 |
TheRaginAsian | bascically "sudo [editor of choice] /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 08:17 |
fangorious | crimsun: i have that set to 2, but it's not in the network block, guess it's global | 08:17 |
B_166-ER | then.. ? | 08:17 |
crimsun | fangorious: that's fine. any luck? | 08:17 |
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TheRaginAsian | im working on it! | 08:18 |
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TheRaginAsian | lol | 08:18 |
cdubya | indra_jack, do you know the IP of the 98 box? | 08:18 |
TheRaginAsian | give me a sec im looking at my xorg as reference | 08:18 |
indra_jack | yes | 08:18 |
indra_jack | i know | 08:18 |
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B_166-ER | lol | 08:18 |
B_166-ER | ok | 08:18 |
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B_166-ER | i have acess to my files | 08:18 |
B_166-ER | i could check. | 08:18 |
B_166-ER | explore2fs | 08:18 |
indra_jack | soo cdubya.?? | 08:18 |
cdubya | indra_jack, and you've setup the correct ip, user and passwd in the warty printer config, using SMB? | 08:19 |
crimsun | intelikey: is PnP bios enabled or disabled? | 08:19 |
TheRaginAsian | you'll need to find where it says (Driver "nvidia") and replace nvidia with "nv" | 08:19 |
MickMcMack | I got x working with the nvidia drivers, however; I then installed a new kernel-image (the smp), and X will not work if I boot that kernel. | 08:19 |
crimsun | intelikey: it may show up as "easyboot" or "quickboot" | 08:19 |
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cdubya | indra_jack, can you connect to a file share on the 98 box? | 08:19 |
MickMcMack | It says it can't find the nvidia module. | 08:19 |
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indra_jack | yes using samba cdubya | 08:19 |
TheRaginAsian | MickMcMack: did you apply the restricted-modules package that goes with that kernel? | 08:19 |
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TheRaginAsian | youll need SMP restricted-modules for that kernel | 08:20 |
indra_jack | i can connect file share on 98..read or full access i can | 08:20 |
MickMcMack | How do I do that, TheRaginAsian ? | 08:20 |
intelikey | with out rebooting to check the bios crimsun, i'd have to say it is cause the sound works from that 'other os' | 08:20 |
TheRaginAsian | well, what kernel are you using | 08:20 |
cdubya | indra_jack, do you have the shared printer name right? | 08:20 |
indra_jack | yes | 08:20 |
crimsun | intelikey: make sure the bios is set to defaults | 08:20 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian, 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp | 08:20 |
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intelikey | crimsun default ? default what ? | 08:21 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER: bascailly, you need to edit your xorg.conf file and change the driver from "nvidia" to "nv" | 08:21 |
crimsun | back in 25 minutes, driving home. | 08:21 |
crimsun | intelikey: default settings. | 08:21 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/couUKz38.html | 08:21 |
indra_jack | but i don't have installer c63 for ubuntu | 08:21 |
B_166-ER | my file.. | 08:21 |
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nemik | ho can i disable gxine from being the mozilla realplayer plugin and make realplayer handle those links instead? | 08:21 |
TheShadow | adding ntfs volumes is a cinch | 08:21 |
intelikey | i'll go reboot...... | 08:21 |
TheShadow | i really LOVE this distro.. | 08:21 |
jason0_ | What package do I need for the kernel source? | 08:21 |
jason0_ | (not just headers) | 08:21 |
indra_jack | because default c63 not for linux os | 08:22 |
cdubya | indra_jack, the reason I ask is that you're not going to "see" the printer in a network unless you're using the KDE print manager and try to set it up as a Samba printer there, and even if there, if memory serves, you just give the URI..... | 08:22 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER. oh ok kewl how did you do that | 08:22 |
TheRaginAsian | MickMcMack: apply the linux-restricted-modules package that has amd64-k8-smp in it | 08:22 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian, i am under WIndows, and i have a program to acess my linux files | 08:22 |
TheRaginAsian | no not that | 08:22 |
nemik | so how can i make mozilla not open real-media with gxine and let realplayer or helix handle it instead? | 08:22 |
TheRaginAsian | I mean like, posting it up like that, it that your own space? | 08:22 |
B_166-ER | its a simple no paste site.. | 08:22 |
TheRaginAsian | cause ill post back that file edited if you want | 08:22 |
B_166-ER | !nopaste | 08:23 |
ubotu | B_166-ER: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 08:23 |
fangorious | crimsun: finally! it works now | 08:23 |
fangorious | crimsun, thanks for your help. now I have suspend, hibernate, and wpa working. This is officially the best supported laptop i've run, and ubuntu certainly took care of most of it | 08:23 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian, " linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp-nvidia-legacy " | 08:23 |
MickMcMack | That package? ^ | 08:23 |
B_166-ER | !paste | 08:23 |
ubotu | from memory, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 08:23 |
TheRaginAsian | well what nvidia card do you have MickMcMack | 08:23 |
MickMcMack | 7800GTX. | 08:23 |
indra_jack | oke when i can see the printer in network...i must install c63 first for ubuntu.?? | 08:23 |
TheRaginAsian | you dont want legacy then | 08:23 |
MickMcMack | But there are no non-legacy drivers that have smp. | 08:23 |
MickMcMack | :-\ | 08:23 |
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TheRaginAsian | or seriously? | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | OH | 08:24 |
MickMcMack | " linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp " | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | wait | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | YES | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | that one | 08:24 |
MickMcMack | Unless that is also nvidia drivers? | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | MickMcMack | 08:24 |
B_166-ER | TheRaginAsian i dont think i can edit it, jsut look at it.. so i will have to open it in terminal anyway, but this way i can be sure what to change | 08:24 |
cdubya | indra_jack, does warty have a default driver for the c63? | 08:24 |
fangorious | crimsun: not sure if the last couple messages got delivered, having two interfaces on the same subnet seems to screw up xchat, but it's working now | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, that has the nvidia non-legacy modules in it! | 08:24 |
cdubya | I ask because again, I don't know warty | 08:24 |
MickMcMack | Okies. Thanks TheRaginAsian - I got confused because it didn't say nvidia, sorry. >_<; | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | they only have a legacy package for legacy | 08:24 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah I can understand np hope it works | 08:24 |
indra_jack | no just epson colour and another but c63 not :( | 08:24 |
MickMcMack | Now to reboot and test. \ooo/ | 08:25 |
cdubya | indra_jack, you might consider running breezy if you want it supported.....I know for a fact that it is on breezy because I'm running it and I just checked it out in the printing config..... | 08:25 |
TheRaginAsian | ok give me just a sec ill give you a nopaste page back | 08:25 |
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B_166-ER | ok | 08:25 |
B_166-ER | Driver"nvidia' | 08:26 |
B_166-ER | to 'nv' ? | 08:26 |
IcemanV9 | finally got wine + pptviewer to work! woot! | 08:26 |
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TheRaginAsian | http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/H8jtpX54.html | 08:26 |
TheRaginAsian | yes | 08:26 |
TheRaginAsian | or check out the paste thing I jsut did lol | 08:26 |
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TheRaginAsian | ive never used one of those so sorry if I seem a little over excited about it | 08:27 |
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paueas | i am curious about dual booting ubuntu and osx.. i know that osx is running on top of unix so i do i actually need a seperate partition for ubuntu or could it just work of the already set up main partition of the osx setup? | 08:27 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian, many thanks - it works fine now. :) | 08:27 |
B_166-ER | np :) | 08:27 |
TheRaginAsian | paueas: yeah, Ubuntu is actually more different than you think | 08:27 |
indra_jack | is breezy running fast for pentium 4 1giga | 08:27 |
TheRaginAsian | OSX actually runs atop BSD soo... yeah, too different | 08:27 |
indra_jack | is breezy running fast for pentium 4 1giga..?? | 08:27 |
TheRaginAsian | MickMcMack: excellent! | 08:28 |
paueas | well i have ubuntu set up on my dell d600 laptop cause i hate windows.. so i can handel it | 08:28 |
B_166-ER | i'll try.. | 08:28 |
B_166-ER | c ya :) | 08:28 |
MickMcMack | I must say - this is THE most painfree nvidia installation I have ever had. | 08:28 |
TheRaginAsian | MickMcMack: i would suggest applying those general packages as well if you already havent, that way it updates itself when it needs to so you dont have to babyset it | 08:28 |
cdubya | indra_jack, should be just fine..... | 08:28 |
TheRaginAsian | I agree, Ubuntu has the pain of Nvidia drivers taken away | 08:28 |
cdubya | I run it on this celeron m 1.4 | 08:28 |
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TheRaginAsian | good luck B_166-ER, im going to bed | 08:29 |
paueas | so to dual boot osx and ubuntu i am going to need the specific partitions for linux then? | 08:29 |
TheRaginAsian | paueas: yes | 08:29 |
paueas | and how will i go about shrinking my osx main partition? | 08:29 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian, I'm coming from a Debian system too - it's like a dream. Almost. :) | 08:29 |
indra_jack | well...where i can get breezy..?? | 08:29 |
TheRaginAsian | paueas: sorry, not familiar with Mac's, youll have to ask a fellow PPC person on resizing and all that | 08:29 |
TheRaginAsian | indra_jack: http://www.ubuntulinux.org | 08:30 |
Mitja | Is there a command line converter from .img to .iso? | 08:30 |
paueas | yeah im not to familiar with them.. before this i was all pc based.. but i decided mac was a pretty nice setup and gave them a shot.. i am very pleased | 08:30 |
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paueas | but i like linux to much not to use it :) | 08:30 |
srbaker | hey everyone | 08:30 |
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Alex | Mitja: google for img2iso | 08:30 |
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TheRaginAsian | paueas: to be honest, if I could afford, id be right in the mac boat with you | 08:30 |
srbaker | i have to make an ubuntu livecd with a custom set of software, and i have to have it mount a usb key as /home | 08:31 |
cdubya | paueas, be careful about your os x partition.....it's very temperamental about remaining in the first partition......and in the first 8 gigs.... | 08:31 |
srbaker | anyone done this already? | 08:31 |
TheRaginAsian | MickMcMack: Have any Debian friends tell you that your destroying the community yet? | 08:31 |
TheRaginAsian | lol | 08:31 |
indra_jack | oke thanks | 08:31 |
MickMcMack | TheRaginAsian, I have been outcast. :o | 08:31 |
TheRaginAsian | well, I like to think of it this way | 08:31 |
paueas | oh yeah i just want a powerbook for laptop.. dual booting osx and ubuntu has got to be about the most unstopable setup you could ahve | 08:31 |
MickMcMack | But Ubuntu has _finally_ got sound working on this PC, which makes me a happy user. :) | 08:31 |
TheRaginAsian | We'll let ubuntu develop real-world stable-running products yearly and let Debian continue to work on an installer for the next 12 years lol | 08:32 |
paueas | cdubya i figured it would have to be similar to windows in that way | 08:32 |
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cafuego | !root | 08:32 |
ubotu | root is, like, totally, rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 08:32 |
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cafuego | being on irc as root is bad. | 08:32 |
TheRaginAsian | cafuego: yes, yes it is | 08:32 |
B166er | theraginasian , on IRSSI now...little problem, i dont know why but... i cannot see /etc/x11, even a dir or /etc/ does not show /x11/ in it | 08:33 |
MickMcMack | I thought Freenode didn't let you connect to it's IRCd as root. It's _that_ bad. | 08:33 |
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cdubya | paueas, yeah, just watch out that you don't mess up the hfs partition.....I'm trying to think of a clean way to do it.....I've got Panther on a B/W here, but haven't touched it in months since I got this laptop and Breezy.... | 08:33 |
cafuego | B166er: /quit, come back as non-root user. | 08:33 |
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B166er | arr | 08:33 |
TheRaginAsian | b166er: your missing an X11 directory? | 08:33 |
TheRaginAsian | poop hes gone | 08:34 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lampshade | what is really that bad about being root, honestly? I mean I know they always say not to do that, but really why? There would still have to be some way of executing something as that root user, etc... like a vulnerability or something in the IRC software? :-/ seems almost overcautious to me | 08:34 |
TheRaginAsian | I feel bad hes the only one I think ive tried helping tonight I cant get solved | 08:34 |
paueas | cdubya, yeah i am thinking i won't actually do this until i have a mac laptop.. but i am just a little curious as to how complicated this is gonna be when i do it | 08:34 |
mitrovarr | no point in making it easy for people to attack | 08:34 |
TheRaginAsian | lampshade: say now that's dangerous thinking | 08:34 |
cafuego | lampshade: Your irc client has auto_dcc enabled. Someone sends you a .bashrc file via dcc. | 08:34 |
MickMcMack | lampshade, I could send you a nasty bash scrupt. :o | 08:35 |
MickMcMack | *i | 08:35 |
TheRaginAsian | if you like running Windows on Linux, run as root for everything | 08:35 |
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MickMcMack | cafuego put it better than me. >_< | 08:35 |
cafuego | lampshade: Scenario 2: Your irc client has a format string bug. You receive ane xploit, which now runs as root. | 08:35 |
TheRaginAsian | if you'd like to almost defeat the entire purpose of running Linux | 08:35 |
cdubya | paueas, I've heard of a couple of these, unfortunately they're not OSS, but if they work in a demo for the only time you need, hey.....http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20041130014827278 | 08:35 |
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Locke | does anyone know of any good audio studio programs for Linux? | 08:36 |
cdubya | paueas, the VolumeWorks is the one I've heard a good deal of discussion on it seems.... | 08:36 |
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[nige] | audacity? | 08:36 |
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cdubya | yeah, that's what I was thinkin | 08:36 |
Locke | thatsz not a studio program | 08:36 |
cafuego | lampshade: Basically, if there IS a bug, running it as root makes the potential damage FAR worse. | 08:36 |
TheRaginAsian | flstudio through VMware :p... just kidding | 08:36 |
cdubya | heh | 08:36 |
paueas | cdubya, hmm so they do have something similar to partition magic for windows.. i figured something like that had to exist | 08:37 |
=== stevejesus [n=stevejes@user-0c93cth.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | paueas: im not sure but a qtparted boot disk might resize HFS+ | 08:37 |
TheRaginAsian | im just not sure | 08:37 |
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TheRaginAsian | can someone tell me why Ubuntu isnt a graphical install yet? | 08:38 |
[nige] | hmm anyone got an Avermedia TV Go Series card working properly with TvTime? | 08:38 |
cdubya | paueas, yeah, it sounded like from everyone I've talked to that it worked fairly well....check into www.techsurvivors.net.....quite a few folks over there on OS X all the time..... | 08:38 |
=== B166er [n=root@c66.110.147-164.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | I feel like its the last missing link from this great OS | 08:38 |
topyli | Locke: perhaps ardour is your closest call | 08:38 |
B166er | theragingasian, any idea why i cannot see it ? | 08:38 |
lampshade | cafuego: yeah, I get that... it still seems... almost overcautious. I run the risk of a remote bug in an IRC client, I also run the risk of a remote bug in my actual OS somewhere... I see how the damage is minimized but I still think it is a little overcautious | 08:38 |
TheRaginAsian | B166er: are you missing the X11 directory? | 08:38 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp129-75.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[nige] | hmmm, I dont think the lack of a graphical installer in the missing link | 08:39 |
cafuego | lampshade: on irc you're FAR more likely to actively get probed for bugs/exploits. | 08:39 |
[nige] | the installer is easy enough to use | 08:39 |
B166er | theraginasian , well, if i looked while on windows, i could see it.. but in terminal, its not listed :\ | 08:39 |
lampshade | cafuego: that's a good point | 08:39 |
B166er | WEiRd | 08:39 |
TheRaginAsian | lampshade: I think regardless, if that bug is exploited and your not running root, it still has little to no chance of causing damage | 08:39 |
B166er | i cannot log in as user for now.. | 08:39 |
TheRaginAsian | where as to the flipside | 08:39 |
cafuego | lampshade: especially when online as nick!root@hostname | 08:39 |
B166er | a result of my problem. | 08:40 |
cafuego | lampshade: No point waving a red flag at the bull ;-) | 08:40 |
TheRaginAsian | how were you even able to login as root? | 08:40 |
TheRaginAsian | cafuego: excellent analogy | 08:40 |
steven_ | hey ragin i figured out how to get libdvdcss on my comp | 08:40 |
paueas | cdubya, alright ill look into that, so hey out of curiosity if you're a mac user whats your motive to be using linux? i know for me coming from the windows side i absolutely hated microsoft.. but i really like mac so far.. | 08:40 |
steven_ | watching The Matrix right now | 08:40 |
cdubya | paueas, grew up on macs. | 08:40 |
steven_ | google is an amazing tool | 08:40 |
TheRaginAsian | steven_: that's great! | 08:40 |
TheRaginAsian | haha, what did you find? | 08:40 |
steven_ | /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 08:40 |
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=== cafuego is a bloody idiot | ||
B166er | we'll talk about it later, my point is, i cannot see /x11/ so its hard to edit a file in it :\ | 08:41 |
B166er | is there a search command in terminal ? | 08:41 |
cafuego | B166er: X11, uppercase X. | 08:41 |
Locke | how do i find out info on a program? like what version it is? | 08:41 |
B166er | yeah i know | 08:41 |
cdubya | paueas, still like them, just happen to like linux a bit more since I'm into the server level more and don't want to have to pay for the licensing scheme for OS X server | 08:41 |
robotgeek | amarok doesn't read flac? | 08:41 |
nemik | how can i change the plugins firefox uses? it keeps opening gxine for real-media. | 08:41 |
cafuego | B166er: Please b eprecise then. | 08:41 |
=== jelle [n=jelle@ip54518e8c.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdubya | paueas, the licensing schemes drive me nuts, pretty much. So I abandoned them and went to Linux. :) | 08:42 |
TheRaginAsian | B166er: it sounds like something went wrong... extremely wrong. And the fact that you can login as root says other things... did you make it that way or did that just start happening | 08:42 |
paueas | cdubya i hated mac's because thats what i used in school.. but then i noticed they used unix now and i was very impressed so i made a switch from windows to mac always using linux for servers too | 08:42 |
B166er | Theragingasian, its the recovery mode.. | 08:42 |
TheRaginAsian | ohhh | 08:42 |
paueas | cdubya.. so if it wasn't for servers, you would pretty much be a soul mac user? | 08:42 |
cdubya | paueas, yep | 08:42 |
cdubya | paueas, os x is pretty well supported now... | 08:43 |
paueas | cdubya, thats very good to know.. thanks for the opinion | 08:43 |
TheRaginAsian | so if you try going "cd /etc/X11" it doesnt go anywhere? | 08:43 |
cdubya | paueas, np. Just my meager $.02...... | 08:43 |
paueas | cdubya, yeah os x does about everyting i could ever ask a computer to do | 08:43 |
Locke | does anyone know how to get info on a program? | 08:43 |
lampshade | my LUG had a discussion that was basically "Do you feel guilty about using OSX because it actually is pretty hot" once | 08:43 |
TheRaginAsian | HAHA | 08:43 |
TheRaginAsian | I wish I had an LUG where I live | 08:43 |
B166er | i'll 'RE-re' try.. but i have to quit here each time, i cannot open other instances | 08:43 |
cafuego | paueas: OSX can't bluescreen properly ;-P | 08:43 |
paueas | cafuego: .02 for the opinion? | 08:44 |
cdubya | lampshade, heh | 08:44 |
cafuego | paueas: Well, you know... | 08:44 |
cafuego | -pedantic | 08:44 |
cdubya | lampshade, it's pretty slick to say the least. | 08:44 |
paueas | cafuego: lol.. yeah it is soo superior to windows! whats the deal with this tab thing.. in linux i can hit tab and complete nics.. with osx i can't seem to do that.. is there i key i am missing? | 08:44 |
=== cafuego loves OSX on the laptop. On the mac mini, Ubuntu is just way faster. | ||
paueas | really on the mini? | 08:45 |
paueas | i am using a mini right now actually | 08:45 |
cafuego | paueas: is your shell set to bash or csh? | 08:45 |
paueas | how do i tell? | 08:45 |
cdubya | mom runs tiger on a mini with 512 and a 1.4....scoots right along | 08:45 |
cafuego | paueas: echO $SHELL | 08:45 |
cafuego | s/0/o | 08:45 |
Locke | what is JACK? | 08:45 |
paueas | so i am using a mini right now you really think ubuntu is quicker than osx? and why? | 08:45 |
=== pepsi [n=pepsi@c-67-174-209-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | cdubya: mine's a 1.4 with 1GB, Tiger just _crawls_ along. Mind you, I do have 100+GB of data for Spotlight to index. | 08:46 |
paueas | i am using bash | 08:46 |
cdubya | cafuego, heh | 08:46 |
cdubya | yeah, that's a bit.... | 08:46 |
cafuego | paueas: if I compar durring stuff on OSX vs under Ubuntu, Ubuntu is just faster, more responsive. | 08:46 |
cafuego | s/durring/doing / :-) | 08:46 |
cdubya | she's got prolly 1-2 gigs if she's got any.... | 08:46 |
cdubya | heh | 08:46 |
TheRaginAsian | well, I must retire all | 08:46 |
cafuego | Well, it's my wife's ac actually. | 08:47 |
TheRaginAsian | its been entertaining to say the least | 08:47 |
TheRaginAsian | nighty night | 08:47 |
=== andrew [n=andrew@66-188-148-126.dhcp.stcl.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | I haven't tried running the system off a fast external fw drive as yet | 08:47 |
paueas | mine is a 1.5 with tiger 10.4.3 and 1gb ram.. i do have a 320gb western digital external drive connected though.. perhaps thats my reason for sloness.. or maybe the 77gb of music :) | 08:47 |
=== B_166-ER-X [n=oli@c207.134.51-151.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cdubya | FW target disk mode.....hear a lot that stuff....pretty nice from what I read.... | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | theraginasian, well, THAT WAS A NEAT hack man :) | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | worked. | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | nivida, to nv | 08:48 |
TheRaginAsian | hahaha | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | damn Details :P | 08:48 |
TheRaginAsian | good! | 08:48 |
andrew | Question: I'd like to have both Gnome and KDE to decide which one I want to stick with. Is it better to install Ubuntu apt-get KDE or get Kubuntu and apt-get gnome, or does it matter? | 08:48 |
TheRaginAsian | well, I can leave happy then | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | i still dont think i have the latest nvidia drivers | 08:48 |
TheRaginAsian | ive resolved all questions asked to me tonight | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | but that will be another day | 08:48 |
B_166-ER-X | 3:00 am here | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, please lol | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | haha, same here | 08:49 |
B_166-ER-X | thankx a lot :) | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | well, were in the same timezone then! | 08:49 |
B_166-ER-X | Quebec, canada | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | np, i may try to be in here again sometime soon | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | Jackson MI | 08:49 |
B_166-ER-X | ok | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | IM me on AIM sometime if you looking to Linux chat or question | 08:49 |
TheRaginAsian | ImARaginAsian | 08:49 |
paueas | cafuego, so spotlight really slows down the system huh? | 08:49 |
sampan | andrew, install ubuntu and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop -- it's a large download but it's painless if you have broadband | 08:50 |
andrew | sampan, Thanks, That is what I'll do. | 08:50 |
TheRaginAsian | sampan: does that allow you to choose a KDE session from GDM i take it? | 08:50 |
cdubya | paueas, it seems like I've read it does..... | 08:50 |
mitrovarr | I installed KDE and it puts KDE among the session options when you log in | 08:51 |
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sampan | theraginasian actually, iirc when apt installs the kde packages it will ask you to choose kdm or stick with gdm | 08:51 |
andrew | is apt-get install Kubuntu-desktop better than getting kdesktop through synaptic? | 08:51 |
bluemage | hihi | 08:51 |
TheRaginAsian | sampan: neat | 08:51 |
Hobbsee | andrew: not sure on what's in kdesktop, but likely, yes | 08:51 |
krisg | hi can my image scanner be working on ubuntu? | 08:51 |
bluemage | would someone please be kind enough to help me out with a root login error? | 08:51 |
sampan | andrew, you can use synaptic or just the command line (sudo apt-get install ...) either will work | 08:51 |
TheRaginAsian | apt-get when run Ubuntu style is THE only package management ive seen that's ever even been able to COMPETE with Pacman in Arch | 08:51 |
lampshade | pacman is hot | 08:52 |
TheRaginAsian | B_166-ER-X | 08:52 |
TheRaginAsian | yes | 08:52 |
lampshade | I played with it a bit. Waiting for arch to grow a little then I will be using it much more | 08:52 |
bluemage | i will give children to the person who helps me. ;( | 08:52 |
TheRaginAsian | "ImARaginAsian" is my screen name on AOL Instant Messenger | 08:52 |
andrew | sampan: ok, but is kubuntu-desktop different from kdesktop? | 08:52 |
paueas | cdubya, i could see that.. if spotlight is constantly collecting or changing a database with ever name of every file that could really slow things down | 08:52 |
TheRaginAsian | please, message me sometime, save me from my desolate town of non-linux people lol | 08:52 |
B_166-ER-X | damn, i use aMSN so :\ | 08:52 |
TheRaginAsian | hahaha | 08:52 |
TheRaginAsian | damn, i just quit using it! | 08:53 |
cdubya | paueas, yeah, logically it makes sense....so as your index grows, well...... | 08:53 |
sampan | andrew, that i don't know for sure ... i think it might be, kubuntu-desktop is a meta package that will pull all the relevant packages so you don't have to go through and get them all one by one | 08:53 |
TheRaginAsian | after gmail came i ditched MSN forever | 08:53 |
B_166-ER-X | i was with Gaim...but..was a little 'blah' | 08:53 |
drumline | Ragin: you quit using linux? | 08:53 |
drumline | huh? | 08:53 |
Davethewave | are wireless cards with the prism chipset supported well under Ubuntu? | 08:53 |
TheRaginAsian | drumline: noooooo! I just quit using MSN | 08:53 |
TheRaginAsian | lol | 08:53 |
lampshade | bluemage: what's the error? Don't know if I can help, but ask | 08:53 |
drumline | oh... | 08:53 |
TheRaginAsian | I dont think ill ever quit | 08:53 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell Davethewave about wireless | 08:53 |
TheRaginAsian | now that ive started | 08:53 |
cdubya | bluemage, what's the issue exactly? | 08:53 |
drumline | Davethewave: the DWL-650 from D-Link should work. | 08:53 |
andrew | sampan: ok, that sounds like exactly what I want. Thanks for your help | 08:53 |
TheRaginAsian | IM IN TOO DEEP | 08:53 |
paueas | theraginasian non linux people need simly to be waken up and show then lighter side of the computer world.. i just gave my girlfriend a computer with ubuntu and i even got her to write a persuasive speech on it (she doesn't even like computers) hows that for spreading the word? :) | 08:54 |
=== TheRaginAsian needs his fix | ||
bluemage | Hey, lampshade. I'll give a screenshot. I can't explain it properly. ;) | 08:54 |
=== slashx1896 [n=slashx@pcp03325591pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slashx1896 | hey all | 08:54 |
sampan | andrew, sure thing -- it's how i got to kde/kubuntu too ... enjoy (and if you have more questions about kde stuff #kubuntu is a good place to ask) | 08:54 |
TheRaginAsian | paueas: that's what I love... Linux goes from a toy, to a hobby, to a product, to a THREAT. MS can throw all the FUD they want, this train aint stopping! | 08:54 |
paueas | cdubya.. yeah i used spotlight like once.. im not sure its really all that necessary for me | 08:54 |
Davethewave | drumline: without ndiswrapper? | 08:55 |
slashx1896 | Where can i download plugins for totem? | 08:55 |
slashx1896 | it wont let me play videos | 08:55 |
drumline | Davethewave: works fine with Knoppix without ndiswrapper... Worked OK with fedora... I can't imagine it having problems with ubuntu | 08:55 |
mitrovarr | anyone know how to un-gray out the nvidia tv-out options in totem? | 08:55 |
TheRaginAsian | slashx1896: first of all, make sure to be using totem-xine | 08:55 |
slashx1896 | o | 08:55 |
slashx1896 | lol | 08:55 |
slashx1896 | xine? or wine? | 08:55 |
Davethewave | drumline ok thanks | 08:55 |
bluemage | here you go, lampshade. http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/4867/error6qg.jpg | 08:56 |
paueas | theraginasian.. oh yeah its so awesome because its free, its open and its unstopable, it will derail m$ where they stand and it won't stop until everyone is part of the free software world | 08:56 |
TheRaginAsian | xine | 08:56 |
slashx1896 | k | 08:56 |
slashx1896 | let me get it | 08:56 |
mitrovarr | xine | 08:56 |
=== dcj028 [n=dcj@c-67-168-193-150.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | because, im sorry, but gstreamer is the biggest load ive ever had the misfortune of experiencing :[ | 08:56 |
TheRaginAsian | gstreamer was a worse experience then cod liver | 08:56 |
mitrovarr | yeah, seriously xine is awesome. I couldn't make g-streamer play hardly anything | 08:56 |
=== n0dl [n=n0dl@pool-71-104-43-22.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | the gnome guys really just need to let a couple things go | 08:56 |
lampshade | so what were you trying when you got that error? | 08:57 |
giany911 | how can i open a .rar? | 08:57 |
n0dl | can someone tell me where python is installed or where i can find the python folder? | 08:57 |
=== abarbaccia [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n0dl | i need to set my variable path | 08:57 |
TheRaginAsian | 1) Spitial (Windows 95 anyone?) Nautilus is crap | 08:57 |
paueas | what is the major disadvantage to gstreamer? | 08:57 |
dougsk | But isn't gstreamer the future and all that? | 08:57 |
TheRaginAsian | giany911: synaptic the package "unrar" | 08:57 |
giany911 | k | 08:57 |
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TheRaginAsian | then use file-roller as usuaul | 08:57 |
TheRaginAsian | you may need to add repos if you havent already | 08:57 |
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lampshade | Anyone know if the ubuntuguide.org is in the process of being updated? for 5.10? I'm just curious | 08:57 |
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TheRaginAsian | lampshade: im sure it will be... for now, most of it is pretty accurate even for breezy | 08:58 |
pepsi | there is no inetd in ubuntu? | 08:58 |
TheRaginAsian | what is inetd normally? | 08:58 |
pepsi | what starts various services? | 08:58 |
slashx1896 | where is totem-xine? | 08:58 |
slashx1896 | i installed it | 08:58 |
slashx1896 | now where can find it | 08:58 |
mitrovarr | it should be in the same place totem was before | 08:59 |
TheRaginAsian | slashx1896: totem-xine replaces totem | 08:59 |
TheRaginAsian | thanks mitrovarr | 08:59 |
liable | pepsi: yes, it listens in place of, and starts services when needed | 08:59 |
TheRaginAsian | but um, yeah | 08:59 |
mitrovarr | as I understand it, totem-xine uninstalls totem-gstreamer | 08:59 |
pepsi | liable, but its not there | 08:59 |
slashx1896 | where was totem lol, i always got to totem by clicking on files | 08:59 |
TheRaginAsian | pepsi: daemons are loaded to /etc/init.d/ | 08:59 |
=== Dasnipa [n=Dasnipa@WELL-207131.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
liable | pepsi: i dunno, but ubuntu may use xinetd | 08:59 |
TheRaginAsian | slashx1896: it should take over the totem, try just doing what you did before | 08:59 |
giany911 | theraginasian ..i got unrar from synaptic now ? | 08:59 |
=== choudesh is now known as choudesh|bed | ||
mitrovarr | applications - sound and video | 08:59 |
TheRaginAsian | now use file-roller as usuaul | 08:59 |
giany911 | file-roller ...u lost me here | 09:00 |
TheRaginAsian | haha sorry | 09:00 |
giany911 | :) | 09:00 |
TheRaginAsian | open the .rar package | 09:00 |
giany911 | with ? | 09:00 |
TheRaginAsian | well, what were you trying before? | 09:00 |
giany911 | archive manager | 09:00 |
=== n0dl [n=n0dl@pool-71-104-43-22.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
pepsi | xinted is availabe as a package i know.. i just want ident ;) | 09:00 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, use archive manager again... sorry, im used to the commands for programs, archive manage = file-roller | 09:00 |
giany911 | yea | 09:01 |
dougsk | pepsi netkit-inetd | 09:01 |
TheRaginAsian | im pretty sure /etc/init.d/network is what your talking about pepsi | 09:01 |
giany911 | i installed unrar ..but archive manage still aint opening the .rar | 09:01 |
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TheRaginAsian | lemme rephrase that... im NOT sure lol | 09:01 |
cafuego | giany911: 'unrar-nonfree' | 09:01 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah, you need the nonfree one | 09:01 |
dougsk | in multiverse that is | 09:01 |
cafuego | alternatively, stop downloading w@r3zpr0n | 09:01 |
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | LOL | 09:02 |
dougsk | heh heh | 09:02 |
giany911 | ok then | 09:02 |
TheRaginAsian | hey man, I like my warez porn | 09:02 |
cafuego | Coz that is the ONLY thing winrar is sued for, I think | 09:02 |
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giany911 | :)) | 09:02 |
mitrovarr | seriously though, does anywhere else use rar? I haven't seen rar in years | 09:02 |
TheRaginAsian | oh comon now, all the Windows kiddies still use it | 09:02 |
slashx1896 | i use winrar | 09:02 |
=== cafuego dcc's TheRaginAsian an asx of an office CD felching vmware | ||
slashx1896 | used to | 09:02 |
fernando | i use it | 09:02 |
giany911 | ye works ty | 09:02 |
giany911 | :) | 09:02 |
slashx1896 | not ne more | 09:03 |
TheRaginAsian | cafuego: LOL | 09:03 |
pepsi | i think maybe i should just install one of the various ident daemons instead of installing an inet daemon to get that service.. (mind the iDent's and iNet's) | 09:03 |
Mitja | I can't get this to compile: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/5181 Can anyone help me please? | 09:03 |
TheRaginAsian | ok look, I dual-boot, and since there is no file-roller in Windows I use Winrar | 09:03 |
cafuego | TUGZip (it's free!) | 09:03 |
dougsk | lzma (7-zip) seems to compress better and bzip2 isn't too far behind, winrar is dated on the compression thingamajig | 09:03 |
TheRaginAsian | does it open RAR's? | 09:03 |
fernando | apt-get install rar | 09:04 |
cafuego | No, but you won't need RARs with TUGzip, just use bz2 tarballs. | 09:04 |
TheRaginAsian | sure, but its just like MP3... OGG is a better format, but good luck converting! | 09:04 |
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cafuego | Just don't download RARs | 09:04 |
TheRaginAsian | no I mean when I download RAR files, will TUGzip open them? | 09:04 |
TheRaginAsian | LOL | 09:04 |
TheRaginAsian | its not my fault people want to use RAR's where I live | 09:04 |
cafuego | No legal software comes in RAR format. | 09:04 |
giany911 | can someone help me with san andreas ?lol:) | 09:04 |
TheRaginAsian | oh come now cafuego that bull | 09:05 |
cafuego | giany911: That kind of chat is actually prohibited on freenode. | 09:05 |
fernando | there is some like a rar's frontend? | 09:05 |
dougsk | I'll second cafuego's statement, at least in my experience | 09:05 |
TheRaginAsian | if your like me and live around people who are used to paying for compression software, then WinRAR was the next logical progression after WinZIP took a tank | 09:05 |
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cafuego | TheRaginAsian: If all my neighbours used winrar, I'd move. | 09:05 |
dougsk | TheRaginAsian, 7-zip it's free, it's fast, it has a gui, it has lzma -- what more do you need? | 09:05 |
=== cafuego isa ctually moving | ||
TheRaginAsian | live in the middle of nowhere, youll see where im going with this | 09:06 |
TheRaginAsian | dougsk: IM quite familiar with the better formats, I simply live around people who are | 09:06 |
giany911 | oh ok | 09:06 |
mitrovarr | one of my friends used to send me a lot of .ace files. That was annoying as hell | 09:06 |
TheRaginAsian | there isnt a person within 20 miles of me right now that knows what linux is | 09:06 |
fernando | anyone knows a gui for rar? | 09:06 |
=== cafuego repeats his "I'd move" statement | ||
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-108-251-54.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | cafuego: lol, im 17! | 09:07 |
cafuego | fernando: the archiv manager with rar installed | 09:07 |
TheRaginAsian | ill be out soon enough | 09:07 |
dougsk | TheRaginAsian, hehe -- well when i lived in the sticks all the gambling machines used linux, so I'd bet they're more familiar then you think! | 09:07 |
cafuego | excuses, excuses | 09:07 |
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool91-113.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | im actually pretty excited to be going to Indiana Tech next year | 09:07 |
fernando | thanks cafuego | 09:07 |
TheRaginAsian | lol, I work for the Geek Squad how THAT | 09:07 |
TheRaginAsian | *hows | 09:07 |
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mitrovarr | I've been half tempted to look into working for them myself. What's the requirements? | 09:08 |
polpak | I can't figure out what software I can use for riping and burning backup images of my copy protected cdroms (mostly games) anyone know of anything that's remotely user friendly and easy to install? | 09:08 |
slashx1896 | whats a good audio player except for XMMS | 09:08 |
robotgeek | slashx1896: amarok | 09:08 |
cafuego | slashx1896: beep-media-player, muine (but that uses mono), rhythmbox. | 09:08 |
TheRaginAsian | mitrovarr: Basically, you have to become morally bankrupt and SELL SELL SELL | 09:08 |
polpak | slashx1896, I just use rhythmbox | 09:08 |
mitrovarr | that bad? | 09:08 |
slashx1896 | my audio files are set for totem as defualt player, how do i change the default player to rhythembox | 09:08 |
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mitrovarr | I'm just looking for something short-term until grad school starts next year, and my primary skill (biology) is dead useless for short term work. | 09:09 |
TheRaginAsian | Geek Squad = Best Buy = Best Lie = Throw your ethics out the window beacuse the words "Performance Service Plan" is the only thing allowed to come out of your mouth... well, that or "GEEK SQUAD IN HOME SERVICES!" | 09:09 |
dougsk | slashx1896, open nautilus browse to file right click change deafult appplication | 09:09 |
raphink | amarok :) | 09:09 |
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TheRaginAsian | lol, its not QUITE as bad as im making it sound mitrovarr, but its the typical Ego-Corporate company | 09:09 |
raphink | there are people switching to linux only to use amarok | 09:09 |
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TheRaginAsian | yeah man, Amarok is tits | 09:10 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | Amarok and K3B are the only two KDE things I can tolerate | 09:10 |
mitrovarr | that sucks. I thought they were just a standard computer-repair group | 09:10 |
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Locke | i'm having a problem with my sound card, maybe someone can help me? | 09:10 |
slashx1896 | i dont see change defualt application | 09:10 |
TheRaginAsian | mitrovarr: err... no. Its really more about Selling Services | 09:10 |
=== rhoffa [n=rhoffa@ip70-162-83-183.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheRaginAsian | like, I work around a bunch of morons. The In-Home guys, now THEY KNOW what they are talking about | 09:10 |
Locke | when i have music playing and ANY other sound comes on, be it an IM, a folder opeing, a program, anything, my music skips, is there any idea's on how to fix it? | 09:11 |
mitrovarr | those the guys that go to people's houses and fix things? | 09:11 |
TheRaginAsian | but the In-Store techs... shit man, I had more experience when I was 7 | 09:11 |
mitrovarr | that was actually what I was hoping to do. | 09:11 |
rhoffa | how can i figure out my ip in my network with linux | 09:11 |
mitrovarr | god knows I've done it enough times for friends/relatives | 09:11 |
TheRaginAsian | mitrovarr: yeah, the In-Home isnt something you can just straight up apply for unfortunetly | 09:11 |
rhoffa | i need to know to configure my router with port fowarding | 09:11 |
mitrovarr | ah. bummer. | 09:11 |
TheRaginAsian | you have to work your way up | 09:11 |
intelikey | well i've played around in the bios and i'm no closer to getting sound working that i was. | 09:11 |
TheRaginAsian | heres what I would do, and in fact am doing | 09:11 |
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TheRaginAsian | try to get in ya know, but ALWAYS... ALWAYS... keep your options open | 09:12 |
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mitrovarr | ah well, I'd have to go to a city for that kind of thing anyway. Plus they'd probably want a certification, and mine are all expired. | 09:12 |
Locke | does anyone have any idea on how to fix my problem? | 09:12 |
rhoffa | could someone help me find my ip in my network | 09:12 |
rhoffa | i dont know how without ip config from windows | 09:12 |
slashx1896 | wait so how do i chagne defualt applicationm? | 09:12 |
mitrovarr | you could try to increase your buffer size in the program | 09:12 |
mitrovarr | that might help skipping | 09:12 |
TheRaginAsian | my situation is rather musing... see, I used to work for the complete opposite of best lie... a tiny little computer repair shop... unfortunetly, just like the big places, management sucks, and I felt like I was being ripped off... it wasent worth the gas to drive to town to work there | 09:12 |
topyli | rhoffa: ifconfig | 09:12 |
mitrovarr | I dunno if it might help with other sounds, though | 09:13 |
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intelikey | in fact it was detecting a card and now it's not..... | 09:13 |
TheRaginAsian | actually, I work with a guy who is HALF A+ Certified... meaning... a moron | 09:13 |
mitrovarr | omg | 09:13 |
mitrovarr | half A+? | 09:13 |
TheRaginAsian | heres what better... | 09:13 |
mitrovarr | that's like, a negative certification | 09:13 |
TheRaginAsian | HE'S HIGHER UP THEN ME | 09:13 |
=== andrew [n=andrew@66-188-148-126.dhcp.stcl.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsk | slashx1896, right click select properties, select ope with tab --- if the program hasn't been associated yet you may need to do a right click open with other applciation and select /usr/bin/$program first | 09:13 |
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TheRaginAsian | im fully A+, toshiba laptop, and soon to be Network+ | 09:13 |
mitrovarr | hell, most of the more intelligent primates could get an A+ | 09:13 |
mitrovarr | it takes ONE class | 09:13 |
Locke | when i have music playing and ANY other sound comes on, be it an IM, a folder opeing, a program, anything, my music skips, is there any idea's on how to fix it? | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | well see im only 17 so I cant be a tech yet | 09:14 |
mitrovarr | I used to be CCNA/CCNP but it all expired when I changed my objectives | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | when I turn 18 they will make me a Tech | 09:14 |
slashx1896 | i did that | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | oh shit wow | 09:14 |
mitrovarr | ah | 09:14 |
rhoffa | topyli - can i renew and release | 09:14 |
slashx1896 | now it opens in ryhtembox or w/e but it wont play | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | yeah that'd carry some weight | 09:14 |
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mitrovarr | well, they're expired. | 09:14 |
rhoffa | i need to set my ip to 192.168.x.x because of my router | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | dood, with Best Buy, just TELL THEM, be like "Yeah im Cisco" | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | they dont check man | 09:14 |
mitrovarr | heh | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | well, my store doesnt | 09:14 |
mitrovarr | I still carry the cards | 09:14 |
rhoffa | do i go into networking and just change it from there? | 09:14 |
intelikey | Locke you could disable event sounds,,,, but that is not fixing it i know. | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | my store is trash though, I hate my store | 09:14 |
TheRaginAsian | wanna know whats even worse | 09:15 |
mitrovarr | I keep switching objectives and dumping my old accomplishments | 09:15 |
mitrovarr | what's that? | 09:15 |
TheRaginAsian | my store is a DISTRICT SALES LEADER | 09:15 |
dougsk | apropos | 09:15 |
Rawplayer | MI | 09:15 |
mitrovarr | lol | 09:15 |
mitrovarr | bad store in a good place, I bet | 09:15 |
slashx1896 | now XMMS wont work... it sais some error about my soundcard | 09:15 |
cYcLoNeZz | hmms ... so many off topic chats here .... | 09:15 |
topyli | rhoffa: you could edit /etc/network/interfaces and set static ips there. i think you may be able to do it in system -> admin -> network as well | 09:15 |
TheRaginAsian | nah, Jackson is the shithole of michigan | 09:15 |
mitrovarr | well, lots of business, that's what I meant | 09:16 |
intelikey | !sound | 09:16 |
ubotu | from memory, sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 09:16 |
rhoffa | the one that is by deafult right? | 09:16 |
dougsk | slashx1896, what is ti that your trying to accomplish? | 09:16 |
andrew | sampan: I got kubuntu-desktop now it's asking what I want the default display manager to be gdm or kdm? what does this do, just set my default session to gnome or kde? | 09:16 |
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topyli | rhoffa: no. that's the loopback device, which your box uses to talk to itself | 09:16 |
TheRaginAsian | haha yeah, the rich know how to spend on big TV's while the poor buy a lot of those emachines, so really, thats where the sales are from lol | 09:16 |
dougsk | nah it changes your login window, if your going kde all the way choose kdm, I prefer gdm myself though | 09:16 |
slashx1896 | play my music | 09:16 |
capiCrimm | Whats the command to run torrent files? | 09:16 |
lampshade | andrew: that is the little manager that comes up at the beginning for graphical login is all. If you are going to use KDE I would choose KDM | 09:16 |
rhoffa | so how do i find what my ip number is right now from my router | 09:16 |
sampan | andrew, it will set your default display manager ... if you suspect you'll be mostly kde then choose kdm ... if you want to stick mainly with gnome and just try kde some then stick with gdm | 09:17 |
slashx1896 | theres always errors coming up when i try to play them | 09:17 |
mitrovarr | lol. I bet 95% of the machines that are messed up are just spyware/virus/zombied | 09:17 |
rhoffa | i need to set it with my port forwarding for bittorent | 09:17 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa #azureus-users | 09:17 |
dougsk | slashx1896, okay what application do you want to be the defualt 'music' player? | 09:17 |
TheRaginAsian | mitrovarr: 98.66369156985% to be precise | 09:17 |
andrew | I will still be able to login to gnome occasionally though right? | 09:17 |
anavim | what's the name of the gnome tool which shows me how much power I have left in my laptop battery? | 09:17 |
lampshade | rhoffa: if you just want the ip of your current machine, sudo ifconfig should show you | 09:17 |
TheRaginAsian | im kidding lol | 09:17 |
cYcLoNeZz | mitrovarr and TheRaginAsian ... #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:17 |
topyli | rhoffa: i honestly don't know how your (or any) router works. never had one :) | 09:17 |
TheRaginAsian | oh yeah oops | 09:17 |
rhoffa | no, i know how to set it up it was fine with windows | 09:18 |
slashx1896 | Ryhthm Box or w/e.. | 09:18 |
rhoffa | i just need to know what my linux syustem ip is so i can tell the router, i have all the port things worked out | 09:18 |
TheRaginAsian | well, I really need to be getting to sleep though anyways | 09:18 |
lampshade | rhoffa: sudo ifconfig | 09:18 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa ifconfig | 09:18 |
lampshade | it will be listed there | 09:18 |
TheRaginAsian | ImARaginAsian is my SN on AIM anyone, feel free to IM me please! PLEASE! | 09:18 |
TheRaginAsian | later all | 09:18 |
TheRaginAsian | night | 09:18 |
=== ktogias [n=ktogias@athe730f-0984.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slashx1896 | when i load song it says 'this file is not an audio stream' | 09:18 |
topyli | rhoffa: so, give the interface facing the router (eth0 maybe) an ip that the router likes | 09:18 |
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rhoffa | i got it working | 09:19 |
slashx1896 | and my song is .mp3 | 09:19 |
topyli | rhoffa: cool | 09:19 |
rhoffa | thank you | 09:19 |
dougsk | slashx1896, rhythmbox okay, no worries, is it an mp3? Yeah I bet I think first after you get all the stuff in universe for playing mp3's you need to run $gst-register-0.8 from a prompt | 09:19 |
rhoffa | i have another question though, i cant retag things in rythymbox and all my mp3 folders have locks on them and cant be moved | 09:20 |
rhoffa | how can i fix that | 09:20 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa use chmod ... | 09:20 |
rhoffa | whats that | 09:20 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa man chmod | 09:20 |
polpak | I can't figure out what software I can use for riping and burning backup images of my copy protected cdroms (mostly games) anyone know of anything that's remotely user friendly and easy to install? | 09:21 |
dougsk | slashx1896, then you'lll use nautilus to borwse to an mp3, right click , select properties and select the ' open with' tab -- rhythmbox will already be there and slect the radio button for it. Afterwards that should be it | 09:21 |
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cYcLoNeZz | polpak ... k3b | 09:21 |
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slashx1896 | wait so what do i do? | 09:21 |
rhoffa | i dont know what it is | 09:21 |
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topyli | rhoffa: rhythmbox cannot change the tags. the whole dialog is just a confusing placeholder for future development | 09:21 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa thats why type man chmod in terminal | 09:21 |
slashx1896 | run $gst-register-0.8 from terminal | 09:21 |
slashx1896 | ? | 09:21 |
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topyli | rhoffa: shouldn't be visible to users yet IMO | 09:22 |
dougsk | slashx1896, are you using xone or gstreamer, if you don't know what that means your using gstreamer | 09:22 |
dougsk | s/xone/xine | 09:22 |
slashx1896 | probbaly im new with this i got ubuntu the other day | 09:22 |
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slashx1896 | yesterday | 09:22 |
rhoffa | i did th eman chmod | 09:22 |
cYcLoNeZz | !tell mp3 to slashx1896 | 09:22 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, has a lot of kde deps.. I'm running a gnome based system | 09:22 |
rhoffa | i dont know what to do do now though | 09:22 |
dougsk | slashx1896, okay to play mp3's I think you should visit the restricted formats wiki page | 09:22 |
cYcLoNeZz | !mp3 | 09:22 |
dougsk | !RestrictedFormats | 09:22 |
ubotu | from memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. | 09:22 |
ubotu | rumour has it, restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 09:22 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, any alternatives, or should I just grin and bear it? | 09:23 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak k3bis as good as or better than nero ... | 09:23 |
giany911 | how can i see the modules loaded ? | 09:23 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, k | 09:23 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, thx | 09:23 |
rhoffa | what do i do after man chmod | 09:23 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa you read the screen :P | 09:23 |
polpak | rhoffa, ready it | 09:23 |
dougsk | slashx1896, afterwards, in case it doesn't mention it you'll need to use the gst-register-0.8 command to tell gstreamer about all your new codecs | 09:24 |
rhoffa | i did | 09:24 |
polpak | rhoffa, read rather | 09:24 |
lampshade | giany911: lsmod | 09:24 |
giany911 | k | 09:24 |
rhoffa | i read it but it doesnt tell me to do anything | 09:24 |
cYcLoNeZz | dougsk if he install gstream from synaptic he will not have to do any typing .. he can just play | 09:24 |
dougsk | slashx1896, at whcih point you should be able to import all your mp3's into the rhythmbox library and have tunes | 09:24 |
rhoffa | {u} will make it my own | 09:24 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa oh boy .. are you new to linux ? | 09:24 |
rhoffa | i dont know i dont get it | 09:24 |
rhoffa | yes sir | 09:24 |
topyli | rhoffa: you can change the permissions with the file manager too, if you're the owner of those files. otherwise, you need to use sudo to change the permissions / ownership | 09:25 |
dougsk | cYcLoNeZz, really? no kidding no need for the register bit? cool! | 09:25 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa type this chmod 600 /dir/to/mp3 | 09:25 |
slashx1896 | ok i just installed all the support packages | 09:25 |
lampshade | rhoffa: I've never used that program, but the locks by the files might mean that you don't have permission ie your current user does not have the rights to mod them chmod lets you change that. Also really handy is chown which lets you change ownership | 09:25 |
slashx1896 | well i did it through terminal its still going | 09:25 |
cYcLoNeZz | dougsk nope ... how did you get that register thing btw ? i never heard of it here | 09:25 |
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rhoffa | i typed that chmod 600... didnt work | 09:26 |
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cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa what did you type ? | 09:26 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe10de00-26.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | what you told me | 09:26 |
intelikey | ok dmesg now shows the onboard sound 'isapnp: Card 'CS4236 Audio' ' anyone know how to make it work ? | 09:26 |
cYcLoNeZz | lol | 09:26 |
rhoffa | it said no such file directory | 09:27 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa pls tell me what exactly you typed | 09:27 |
slashx1896 | dougsk: ok so what do i do after i install all the support packages? | 09:27 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa you got to substitute | 09:27 |
dougsk | cYcLoNeZz, I have always done it that way cause it worked for adding new codecs, and I tend to use apt-get isntead of synaptic so maybe Ishould switch | 09:27 |
rhoffa | chmod 600 /dir/to/mp3 | 09:27 |
cYcLoNeZz | dougsk synaptic is front end of apt-get ... you do not have to register | 09:27 |
slashx1896 | dougsk: i did as it said type 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg ' in terminal | 09:28 |
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cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa you got to sub .. | 09:28 |
slashx1896 | yay music is workin now | 09:28 |
dougsk | cYcLoNeZz, afaik, it's a required step that isn't in the post install script after adding codecs to gstreamer, but I could be wrong | 09:28 |
rhoffa | what mp3 for where my fiels are? | 09:28 |
=== oink_ [n=oink@HSE-MTL-ppp71755.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa you do know where your files are right ? sorry i got messed up with mp3 | 09:28 |
rhoffa | that didnt work | 09:28 |
rhoffa | there in a file called music on my desktop | 09:29 |
cYcLoNeZz | slashx1896 did you go register step ? | 09:29 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa then point to there | 09:29 |
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=== lampshade loves mt dew | ||
intelikey | there in a file called music ????? | 09:30 |
cYcLoNeZz | intelikey can explain to him ? | 09:30 |
cYcLoNeZz | i think he is really lost ... | 09:30 |
rhoffa | point there? | 09:30 |
intelikey | rhoffa what error you having ? | 09:30 |
dougsk | slashx1896, then open a terminal as your user, no sudo, and just type gst-register-0.8 | 09:31 |
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rhoffa | it tell me it cant find the files | 09:31 |
rhoffa | i just want to make my files able to be moved | 09:31 |
cYcLoNeZz | dougsk he can plsy already ... | 09:31 |
cYcLoNeZz | play | 09:31 |
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rhoffa | i dont want any permissions set i just want them to be normal | 09:31 |
dougsk | cYcLoNeZz, my bad | 09:31 |
rhoffa | im the only one who uses this computer | 09:31 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa well you want to lose the lock sign on the folder right ? | 09:32 |
rhoffa | yes | 09:32 |
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rhoffa | well not the sign | 09:32 |
dougsk | rhoffa, it's unix you must have permissions, no way around it you can give permissions to every one with a chmod -R +rwx on the containing directory | 09:32 |
cYcLoNeZz | then ? | 09:32 |
rhoffa | i figure the sign means there locked i dont care about it being there i just want to be able to move folders and rename the tags since it would let me before | 09:32 |
=== titanium [n=titanium@blk-222-158-20.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | i want it to be on my ewntire drive | 09:33 |
lampshade | I don't have a copy of Ubuntu handy, but can't he right click the folder and just give himself full permissions? via nautaulussssss(however you spell it) | 09:33 |
rhoffa | so what would i type | 09:33 |
cYcLoNeZz | rhoffa if you want to rename then you got to have write access ... i assume you can't do anything cause you got no write access | 09:33 |
intelikey | rhoffa there is always some premission even 000 is a permission (no access) rhoffa read up on file permissions in a terminal 'man chmod' and learn what permissions are. | 09:33 |
=== cYcLoNeZz cries | ||
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hkigw7-fedadc00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | lampshade: not if it's owned by root for some reason | 09:33 |
encompass | hi all | 09:33 |
encompass | I am having problems with my video. | 09:33 |
=== MickMcFap [n=worcesm5@ug068.cs.man.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rhoffa | i dont understand the file system so i dont knwo what to type to give permission to all folders | 09:33 |
Madpilot | rhoffa: right click on the icon, and select "Properties" | 09:34 |
rhoffa | /home/rhoffa/Desktop | 09:34 |
encompass | I have it install properly, but my video is still slow and choppy | 09:34 |
rhoffa | thats where my mp3s are | 09:34 |
dougsk | rhoffa, no you dont -- there are files even in windows that do not have permissions like that ntuser.dat %windows%\system\* etc | 09:34 |
encompass | it worked fine in debian and not here | 09:34 |
=== Laney [i=laney@prodigy.orion-hosting.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
encompass | I think it has to do with gstreamer, cause in debian I used xine | 09:34 |
encompass | it was the default | 09:34 |
rhoffa | well my music is in /home/rhoffa/Desktop | 09:34 |
cYcLoNeZz | encompass then install xine | 09:34 |
encompass | any selutions? | 09:34 |
Madpilot | rhoffa: after you right-click, select the middle tab - Permissions - is the owner the same as your user, or is it root? | 09:35 |
encompass | ok | 09:35 |
intelikey | rhoffa 'chmod 744 /home/rhoffa/Desktop/* -R | 09:35 |
encompass | I shall | 09:35 |
rhoffa | power i cant read write and execute | 09:35 |
Madpilot | rhoffa: the files show up on your actual desktop, right? | 09:35 |
rhoffa | it should be /music | 09:36 |
rhoffa | my bad | 09:36 |
encompass | lets hope it works | 09:36 |
rhoffa | at the end | 09:36 |
intelikey | Madpilot good call i was going by what he said not how gnome works... | 09:36 |
rhoffa | ok i typed that and it advanced down | 09:36 |
rhoffa | now what | 09:36 |
encompass | how do I get my new terminal option back when I click on the background? | 09:36 |
rhoffa | chmod 744 /home/rhoffa/Desktop/ | 09:36 |
encompass | I loved it... and now it is gone | 09:36 |
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Madpilot | rhoffa: if that worked, the lock icon should have been removed - is it? | 09:37 |
cYcLoNeZz | encompass how did you changed the terminal background in debian ? | 09:37 |
rhoffa | yes thank you | 09:37 |
rhoffa | now will all files | 09:37 |
rhoffa | i put in there be unlocked? | 09:37 |
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intelikey | with no star * and no -R hmmm it doesn't do you any good for us to tell you rhoffa, you don't listen..... | 09:37 |
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encompass | no no I mean to open terminal, I just right clicked and selected open terminal | 09:37 |
rhoffa | from now own because i gave my self permission to the direrctory | 09:37 |
MickMcMack | Arg, die mick_, die. :( | 09:38 |
rhoffa | no i did it with the star | 09:38 |
rhoffa | it worked | 09:38 |
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cYcLoNeZz | encompass you can make short cut on the panel .... | 09:38 |
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cYcLoNeZz | i thought debian also same | 09:38 |
Madpilot | rhoffa: then you should be OK, and you'll be OK in the future | 09:38 |
encompass | I suppose | 09:38 |
rhoffa | intelikey - thanks | 09:38 |
encompass | bummer I can't have it the way I want | 09:38 |
intelikey | rhoffa the chmod command only affects the inodes on which it is invoked. it will not affect future dl's | 09:38 |
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rhoffa | alright, is there a good tagging software? | 09:38 |
Madpilot | rhoffa: EasyTag | 09:38 |
lampshade | is there a way to make the desktop open a terminal for you? like if I double clicked on it? That would be cool | 09:39 |
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lampshade | I could dig that | 09:39 |
encompass | lampshade: it used to have a rightclick open terminal | 09:39 |
rhoffa | because i hate my titles going 01 - xxx - xxxxx | 09:39 |
encompass | but gnome, I guess took it out | 09:39 |
rhoffa | and i cnat change them from that in rhythmbox | 09:39 |
encompass | I am going to gnome to see what they can do for me | 09:39 |
rhoffa | like you could in itunes | 09:39 |
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=== xota saluda! | ||
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WildPenguin | encompass, it's in a separate package | 09:40 |
Madpilot | rhoffa: open Synaptic and install EasyTag, it's fairly straightforward and powerful | 09:40 |
nelposto | humm guys... I'm playing around with the live cd.. is it possible for me to get root access while using it? | 09:40 |
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dougsk | nelposto, hmm I dunno sudo su maybe? | 09:41 |
lampshade | nelposto: use sudo | 09:41 |
nelposto | i'm super n00b | 09:41 |
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lampshade | firefox 1.5 is coming out today w00t | 09:41 |
intelikey | brb | 09:41 |
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lampshade | nelposto: nah I got nailed by the sudo thing when I first switched to ubuntu. actually TONS of people come in here wondering how to be root. I wouldn't call it noob :) | 09:41 |
stevejesus | hey guys, anyone know a good howto on how to properly make a .deb? Im trying to get Ndiswrapper working in 64 | 09:41 |
polpak | from the GUI is there a way to unmount the cdrom drive? | 09:42 |
nelposto | lol, thanks .. but still there's no doubt that i'm n00b but sudo seems to have worked fine, thanks | 09:42 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak right click on the cd icon on the desktop .... eject | 09:42 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, that would work if I wanted to eject it.. But I don't. =p | 09:42 |
stevejesus | polpak, if you are using gnome, I like to add the mounted drives to a panel. then you can just click on it and select unmount | 09:43 |
dougsk | stevejesus, tbh, I come from an rpm background and i still make rpm's that i use to convert to debs -- maybe that will work for you? | 09:43 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak then umount /media/cdrom | 09:43 |
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polpak | cYcLoNeZz, K3b won't work if it's mounted it seems, and I can't find an easy way to unmout it w/o going to a terminal | 09:43 |
cYcLoNeZz | oh you can add mounted drives to panel ,,,, | 09:43 |
cYcLoNeZz | hmms ,, | 09:43 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak you want to what ? burn the image ? | 09:43 |
stevejesus | dougsk, iperhaps... i come from an rpm background too.. haha its a brave new world | 09:43 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, to read the image yes | 09:44 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak read or write ... | 09:44 |
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polpak | cYcLoNeZz, read | 09:44 |
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsk | stevejesus, alien seems to work okay for me | 09:44 |
rhoffa | madpilot - where can i find a descripton for this %a %b %n %t | 09:44 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak read then why you need k3b ? k3b is a burning software | 09:44 |
Delvien | im thinking about making the switch back to GNOME, what do ya say guys? | 09:44 |
stevejesus | dougsk, alien? | 09:45 |
rhoffa | i want it to go track number - artist - song title | 09:45 |
cYcLoNeZz | Delvien using kubuntu ? | 09:45 |
Delvien | aye cyc | 09:45 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, I have to READ an image so I can then write it to a new (backup) cd | 09:45 |
Delvien | well ubuntu, with KDE installed | 09:45 |
dougsk | stevejesus, alien is a tool made by a debian-dev to convert packages like rpms to debs or slack packages | 09:45 |
aftertaf | weird, got a pb connecting to irc..... couldnt look up hostname..... my isp dns is working what could be the pb? | 09:45 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak you got two cd or dvd drives ? | 09:45 |
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Madpilot | rhoffa: I just ignore that little popup window, to be honest | 09:45 |
stevejesus | dougsk, very handy! thanks | 09:45 |
cYcLoNeZz | i think you can just copy/clone ... i tried it once | 09:45 |
JDahl | is anyone succesfully using fglrx on AMD64/Breezy (i.e., with working OpenGL)? | 09:45 |
stevejesus | dougsk, but i definitely want to learn how to make fresh debs. | 09:46 |
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dougsk | stevejesus, it's on my todo list too, but I havne't got that far | 09:46 |
cYcLoNeZz | stevejesus debian.org has a few tutorials for new maintainers to make debs | 09:46 |
armin | hey, easy question (i hope) here from a beginner... | 09:46 |
polpak | cYcLoNeZz, no, just one. I am using clone, but it needs me to unmount the cdrom drive before it will work | 09:46 |
stevejesus | cYcLoNeZz, pretty easy to browse my way there?? | 09:46 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak ah k... | 09:46 |
cYcLoNeZz | stevejesus can you read man pages without hurting your eyes ? | 09:47 |
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stevejesus | if i can get ndiswrapper working in 64, ill be a happy man... | 09:47 |
polpak | stevejesus, how to add mounted drives to panel? | 09:47 |
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armin | I want to get rid of my swap partition... please guide me | 09:47 |
redhits | hello | 09:47 |
redhits | can somebody help me? | 09:47 |
redhits | E careva roman pe aici ? | 09:47 |
cYcLoNeZz | what language is it ? | 09:47 |
redhits | Romanian | 09:48 |
redhits | :) | 09:48 |
redhits | lol | 09:48 |
redhits | :) | 09:48 |
cYcLoNeZz | !ro | 09:48 |
ubotu | cYcLoNeZz: I give up, what is it? | 09:48 |
redhits | Can somebody help me? | 09:48 |
cYcLoNeZz | lol | 09:48 |
cYcLoNeZz | heck | 09:48 |
redhits | I just instaled this linux | 09:48 |
redhits | or whatever it is | 09:48 |
stevejesus | cYcLoNeZz, ofcourse. except i am not a big fan of most man pages. i am looking for something a little more verbose so that i can get a better understanding of what exactly i am doing | 09:48 |
redhits | from a cd | 09:48 |
rhoffa | madpilot - i dont really understand what your supposed to do with this | 09:48 |
rhoffa | isnt it all automatic | 09:48 |
redhits | because i had to reinstall my windows 3 times yesterday ... | 09:48 |
dougsk | stevejesus, I thought that was 32 bit only -- I think there is some emulation layers and what not, that need to be worked out first before that's possible -- stil l32 here | 09:48 |
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redhits | and.... a worm from the internet was still infected me | 09:48 |
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redhits | i don't know hiw | 09:48 |
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redhits | i had Norton , Zone Alarms + the windows firewall on | 09:48 |
cYcLoNeZz | redhits this is channel for ubuntu linux ? | 09:49 |
stevejesus | dougsk, there is a howto on the ubuntu wiki for getting ndiswrapper working in 64, so I am giving it a shit. | 09:49 |
polpak | redhits, I find that unlikely since ubuntu has no open ports to the outside world by default | 09:49 |
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redhits | polpak : i was talkin about microsoft windows... | 09:49 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak he is using windows | 09:49 |
dougsk | stevejesus, right on -- hopefully the documentation works out okay | 09:49 |
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redhits | cyc : no , i am on ubuntu now | 09:49 |
redhits | :) | 09:49 |
polpak | redhits, I thought you needed help with linux? | 09:49 |
cYcLoNeZz | i am confused | 09:49 |
redhits | Can somebody tell me how the heck i can install all the video / sound /etc drivers on my super computer?! | 09:50 |
stevejesus | dougsk, hopefully, i plan on many problems though, but hopefully ill uncover some new things to add to that wiki page | 09:50 |
polpak | stevejesus, how to add mounted drives to panel so I can unmout them by right clicking? | 09:50 |
cYcLoNeZz | !restricted formats | 09:50 |
ubotu | well, restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 09:50 |
=== ViiTgeuoau [n=saerioli@host109-228.pool82105.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Delvien | hehe my ubuntu cd is cracked !! eek | 09:50 |
cYcLoNeZz | redhits go to that page | 09:50 |
polpak | redhits, read the getting started guide | 09:50 |
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redhits | polpak : i don't get time! inaf time | 09:50 |
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redhits | :( | 09:50 |
redhits | this is the problem | 09:50 |
redhits | ... i ned something to use | 09:50 |
polpak | redhits, it will explain how to get your hardware working and media formats | 09:51 |
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redhits | i don't care why it's working so.... | 09:51 |
dougsk | stevejesus, <grin> excellent er no, many problems.... sucks to be you! er adding to the wiki excellent er sorry bill and ted flash back | 09:51 |
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redhits | what url?1 | 09:51 |
stevejesus | dougsk, haha | 09:51 |
redhits | To https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ?! | 09:51 |
polpak | redhits, it's on your desktop. The icon looks like a life preserve | 09:51 |
cYcLoNeZz | yes | 09:51 |
stevejesus | polpak, just right-click on an empty panel space and then click add to panel, there you will find a tool to do it | 09:51 |
redhits | polpak : sorry i got nothing on my ubunt desktop ?! it's empty ?! only a link to the CD ROM DRIVE?! | 09:52 |
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polpak | redhits, above that. On the top menu next to the firefox icon | 09:52 |
Delvien | is there an equivalent to KDE-apps.org for gnome??? | 09:52 |
polpak | redhits, after System | 09:52 |
stevejesus | dougsk, i am very exciteed about adding alot of amd64 stuff! so far I have only edited the wiki once, on the midisynthesis page | 09:52 |
redhits | polpak : okey, i see it | 09:52 |
redhits | is this OS anyway good?! | 09:53 |
polpak | redhits, yes | 09:53 |
redhits | or i should download something else?! | 09:53 |
redhits | Cool | 09:53 |
polpak | redhits, best linux distro I've ever used | 09:53 |
redhits | any PHP Editors for it?! | 09:53 |
polpak | redhits, yes | 09:53 |
redhits | wherE?! | 09:53 |
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pc22 | my comp tells me im not the owner of my home. why? | 09:53 |
polpak | redhits, I like Jedit myself, but that can be a bit trickier to install for someone new.. there's others though. | 09:53 |
stevejesus | does anyone here have any experience with ubuntu 64 on the recent amd64 turion laptop? | 09:53 |
pc22 | my comp tells me im not the owner of my home folder. why? | 09:54 |
dougsk | stevejesus, well your already farther along than me, I've not even edited a wiki yet. (For the most part I haven't had too, which rocks!) | 09:54 |
Madpilot | redhits: there are a couple of really good editors... | 09:54 |
stevejesus | i have an SiS sound chip and the volume is extroadinarily low. are there any linux apps that act as a pre-amp? | 09:54 |
redhits | You know man i invested around 1500-2000 USD in this PC, and I don't want it to work as a 300 USD one, because linux can't detect my PC drivers, and that all the pc manufactures are giving CDs for windows only... | 09:54 |
aftertaf | pc22: the home folder itself? | 09:54 |
redhits | so what should I do then ?! | 09:54 |
stevejesus | dougsk, thats good | 09:54 |
aftertaf | pc22: open a terminal, cd /home and type ls -l | 09:54 |
pc22 | yes | 09:54 |
polpak | redhits, what hardware do you have? (video, sound) | 09:54 |
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stevejesus | acer, sorry | 09:55 |
aftertaf | pc22: you arent, your the owner of /home/pc22 | 09:55 |
Madpilot | stevejesus: there should be a little speaker icon up beside the clock - top right of your desktop - have you turned that up? | 09:55 |
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redhits | polpak : Monitor 19'' LCD , Philips, video card GeForce (with 4 outs) ; 128 bites; 128 MB | 09:55 |
redhits | etc | 09:55 |
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redhits | HDD 80 GB | 09:55 |
redhits | 1. GB of DDR :) | 09:55 |
polpak | redhits, those are perfectly compatible | 09:55 |
aftertaf | redhits: and processor? | 09:55 |
redhits | 1.8 GB of DDRAM | 09:55 |
redhits | Intel Pentium IV | 09:56 |
redhits | :) | 09:56 |
dlink | hi all | 09:56 |
stevejesus | Madpilot, lol, yes. i am using alsa as the sound interface and i have alot of experience with alsa. until there is more driver support, i may have to find some sort of software pre-amp to fix this | 09:56 |
redhits | I am using it for Arhitecture in general ... | 09:56 |
Madpilot | redhits: all of that stuff should run just fine... | 09:56 |
aftertaf | install the linux-686 package | 09:56 |
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aftertaf | redhits: get the linux-686 package | 09:56 |
pc22 | i am aftertaf | 09:56 |
redhits | altertaf: no sorry , i only want to use as much as i can my PC:( | 09:56 |
polpak | redhits, the only thing you have to do is install your video driver | 09:56 |
aftertaf | redhits: the 686 package is the kernel for p4 | 09:57 |
polpak | redhits, which you can do easily if you read the gettings started guide | 09:57 |
Madpilot | stevejesus: OK, cool. Sounds like you know more about Linux sound that I do (which wouldn't be hard, I'll admit) ;) | 09:57 |
armin | excuse me, can some one tell me how to get rid of my linux swap partition? | 09:57 |
cafuego | and install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) too | 09:57 |
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polpak | armin, sudo apt-get install gparted | 09:57 |
cafuego | armin: 'swapoff /dev/swappartition' | 09:57 |
netwizard | one question: how could I install php4 instead of php5 ? | 09:57 |
cafuego | armin: Then remove it from /etc/fstab | 09:57 |
cafuego | armin: then reformat as you see fit. | 09:57 |
stevejesus | Madpilot, well! if you ever have any jack or alsa questions you know where to go. i actually have a cd coming out that is 75% recoded in Linux | 09:57 |
armin | thank you :) | 09:58 |
cafuego | netwizard: for apache2? | 09:58 |
polpak | armin, what cafuego said | 09:58 |
netwizard | yes | 09:58 |
redhits | polpak : is it easy ?! | 09:58 |
cafuego | netwizard: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 | 09:58 |
netwizard | there are only php5 available on install menu | 09:58 |
polpak | redhits, yes, read the gettings started guide | 09:58 |
cafuego | !lamp | 09:58 |
ubotu | somebody said lamp was Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 09:58 |
polpak | redhits, the section about hardware | 09:58 |
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stevejesus | recorded* | 09:58 |
cafuego | netwizard: On breezy, php4 exists too, I'm sure. | 09:58 |
redhits | and all those fxxxx things from my main board? like AC Audio 97 , or how it is called, and lot's of IDE ... drivers things?! | 09:58 |
polpak | redhits, yes | 09:58 |
netwizard | ok thank you :-) | 09:58 |
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cafuego | !info libapache2-mod-php4 | 09:59 |
ubotu | libapache2-mod-php4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2.0 module)), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 4:4.4.0-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 1515 kB, Installed size: 3092 kB | 09:59 |
cafuego | Yes, see? | 09:59 |
cYcLoNeZz | redhits are you having some peoclems with sound or anything ? | 09:59 |
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=== [nige] [n=nige@CPE-149-167-189-200.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_dOM_ | any guru want to give me a hand with some drivers :) | 10:00 |
redhits | Yes | 10:00 |
redhits | thety just don't working | 10:00 |
redhits | but i see the video it's at 1280 x 1024 | 10:00 |
dougsk | stevejesus, is it those cubase vst plugins for the other 25%? | 10:00 |
[nige] | its not ati is it _dOM_ | 10:00 |
[nige] | ? | 10:00 |
_dOM_ | no | 10:00 |
cYcLoNeZz | redhits what just don't working ? can give specific examples ? | 10:00 |
_dOM_ | my graphics are fine :) | 10:00 |
[nige] | ahh okay | 10:00 |
[nige] | what drivers are they? | 10:00 |
_dOM_ | wireless :) | 10:00 |
aftertaf | argh! | 10:01 |
polpak | _dOM_, ugh | 10:01 |
[nige] | not a broadcom I hope | 10:01 |
_dOM_ | i spent the whole of last night researching my wireless cad | 10:01 |
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[nige] | what card is it | 10:01 |
[nige] | ? | 10:01 |
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_dOM_ | and mange to find a sourceforge package with the correct drivers | 10:01 |
[nige] | what card is it? | 10:01 |
stevejesus | dougsk, plugins are no big deal actually. i use alot of free vst type plugins, and jack plugins especially. the whole cd was sequenced i linux, but 3 of the tracks were mixed and mastered on OS X using Apple's Soundtrack | 10:01 |
_dOM_ | belkin FD something | 10:01 |
polpak | _dOM_, wireless is such a PITA.. I have the right drivers, and the configuration right, and it still only works about 65% of the time =o | 10:01 |
[nige] | oh okay | 10:01 |
[nige] | hmm | 10:01 |
=== carsten_ [n=carsten@iD4CC0A6E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redhits | cyclone : welll you know.... it's like when you install microsoft windows? like for the PC it's working... but very hard, if you want better performaces and to be able to do more stuff like playing games, wathcing movies,etc...etc uou nead to install lot's of drivers | 10:02 |
redhits | right?! | 10:02 |
=== kismet [n=kismet@adsl-37-64.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[nige] | have you try ndiswrapper? | 10:02 |
_dOM_ | its one built with the realtek 8180 driver | 10:02 |
[nige] | agood place to start would be to test it with say the mephis live cd | 10:02 |
_dOM_ | yes | 10:02 |
intelikey | what the crap is the difference in tty1 and all the other ttys in ubuntu ???? nothing displays correctly on tty1 ! | 10:02 |
[nige] | thats how I tested my / got it working | 10:02 |
[nige] | :) | 10:02 |
kismet | Wher can I find updated database of device for "HAL Device Manager"? | 10:02 |
_dOM_ | ive tried it with the offical drivers and it didnt work | 10:02 |
_dOM_ | but ive read that this driver does work | 10:02 |
_dOM_ | however it appears you need to make it | 10:02 |
[nige] | hmmm that doesnt suprize me | 10:02 |
[nige] | well i have never had to create a driver | 10:03 |
redhits | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats it's for how to install my sound-card?! i think that no :( | 10:03 |
dougsk | stevejesus, nice | 10:03 |
aftertaf | redhits: what is your soundcard? | 10:03 |
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polpak | redhits, no, that's how you get mp3 files to play | 10:03 |
redhits | It's include on my main board | 10:03 |
Madpilot | redhits: is your sound card not working at all? most automatically work on install | 10:03 |
redhits | AC97 | 10:03 |
[nige] | i got my linksys card to work on ubuntu with my lappy :) | 10:03 |
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redhits | I can't open .mp3 files | 10:03 |
[nige] | too a lot of fiddling but i got there eventually | 10:03 |
redhits | not working | 10:03 |
dougsk | speaking of vst plugins, I forgot about checking in on lugradio and they're already to episode 3 | 10:03 |
stevejesus | cant wait till there are drivers for audigy2zs pcmcia in linux | 10:03 |
_dOM_ | hang on ill find a link | 10:03 |
kismet | Is there any command like lshwd on ubuntu? | 10:04 |
redhits | i only hear some nasty sounds, i think | 10:04 |
Madpilot | redhits: read that page - mp3 isn't supported by default for legal reasons | 10:04 |
redhits | k | 10:04 |
_dOM_ | ok here :) http://sourceforge.net/projects/rtl8180-sa2400 | 10:04 |
=== indigirl1 [n=indigirl@cpe-066-056-142-077.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redhits | madpilot: so from where I can download a mp3 thing? | 10:04 |
polpak | redhits, you need to install mp3 plugins | 10:04 |
Madpilot | redhits: please read that wiki page, it's got all the details | 10:04 |
stevejesus | dougsk, lugradio? | 10:04 |
polpak | redhits, which you would see if you read that Restricted formats wiki | 10:04 |
nelposto | leet haxors: earlier i got told to use the sudo command to gain root access.. is this a linux general thing or an ubuntu specific command or...? | 10:04 |
polpak | nelposto, it can work generally in linux | 10:05 |
dougsk | stevejesus, funny shi..stuff man http://lugradio.org | 10:05 |
_dOM_ | now thats the driver i need to do nsdiwrapper and stuff however i dont know how t make it into a driver file | 10:05 |
[nige] | _dOM_, looking now | 10:05 |
nelposto | ok.. ta... | 10:05 |
[nige] | well | 10:05 |
polpak | nelposto, but ubuntu specifically doesn't have a root login, so you can only do sudo -s or some such | 10:05 |
intelikey | Madpilot my sound card is not working at all 5.04 cs4236 on board ibm 300pl | 10:05 |
[nige] | simply | 10:05 |
[nige] | get the windows driver that came with your card | 10:05 |
_dOM_ | no | 10:05 |
_dOM_ | it doesnt work | 10:05 |
[nige] | you need to crab the inf I think that the file | 10:06 |
[nige] | :) | 10:06 |
_dOM_ | ive tried that :) | 10:06 |
aftertaf | with ndiswrapper ? | 10:06 |
[nige] | sure its the right version | 10:06 |
_dOM_ | yes | 10:06 |
[nige] | I used about 3 different verisions | 10:06 |
_dOM_ | and yes | 10:06 |
[nige] | :) | 10:06 |
_dOM_ | i used 2 | 10:06 |
=== n0dl [n=n0dl@pool-71-104-43-22.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_dOM_ | and read a lot of documents online | 10:06 |
n0dl | does anyone know how to regain ownership of the home dir? | 10:06 |
cYcLoNeZz | n0dl .... what ? | 10:07 |
polpak | stevejesus, argh | 10:07 |
stevejesus | dougsk, oh good, they have podcasts | 10:07 |
stevejesus | polpak, whats wring buddy? | 10:07 |
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n0dl | cYcLoNeZz: nevermind figured it out | 10:07 |
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Madpilot | need sleep... g'night, all | 10:07 |
intelikey | n0dl 'sudo chown <name>:<name> /home/<name> -R ' | 10:07 |
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cYcLoNeZz | you lost your own /home/username ownership ?? | 10:07 |
polpak | stevejesus, I added the "disk mount utility" to the panel, but it also only has options to eject, not unmount a cdrom | 10:07 |
cYcLoNeZz | thats weird | 10:07 |
nelposto | sigh.. i'm trying to install nvidia drivers.. but i need to get out of X? afaik that's the gui ? | 10:07 |
chapium | ah... to gubuntu or to kubuntu, that is the question | 10:07 |
polpak | nelposto, no | 10:07 |
stevejesus | polpak, hmmm | 10:08 |
Delvien | gubuntu? | 10:08 |
nelposto | i would reccommend n00buntu | 10:08 |
chapium | (g) | 10:08 |
polpak | nelposto, you only need to edit the config then restart X | 10:08 |
stevejesus | polpak, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop lol | 10:08 |
chapium | ooooh yes | 10:08 |
Delvien | its just called ubuntu and kubuntu | 10:08 |
polpak | nelposto, are you reading the right doc? | 10:08 |
nelposto | you get it and everything is already installed for n00bs like me | 10:08 |
stevejesus | polpak, just kidding | 10:08 |
polpak | stevejesus, not funny =0 | 10:08 |
cYcLoNeZz | polpak you can write ya own shell script then put a link on it on desktop ? | 10:08 |
nelposto | polpak i tried to start the install and it gives 'You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before | 10:08 |
nelposto | installing. ' | 10:08 |
polpak | stevejesus, don't make me give up my gome.... =) | 10:08 |
dougsk | stevejesus, it's pretty good imo, seems about right on target for the most part. The show is edited and mixed using a hell of a lot less linux than your cd, but what the hey, good stuff all around. | 10:08 |
stevejesus | polpak, hey man, thats how i roll | 10:08 |
polpak | nelposto, I don't think you're doin it right.. | 10:09 |
nelposto | polpak i would happily agree | 10:09 |
intelikey | any help on sound for 5.04 ? | 10:09 |
Delvien | gnome i find is more user friendly | 10:09 |
polpak | nelposto, are you following the "getting started guide" > | 10:09 |
stevejesus | dougsk, doesnt matter what you use, apple, windows, linux.... just so that it works, thats my take | 10:09 |
Delvien | KDE is more hardcore , program it yourself biotch | 10:09 |
nelposto | polpak i started there.. but i think i strayed from it.. i'll have another look | 10:10 |
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chapium | i'd probably go with gnome,... simply because KDE would distract my tiny little mind too much | 10:10 |
indigirl1 | hello #ubuntu. to build a kernel module or custom kernel why do i need to install both packages: linux-headers and kernel-source? redundant right? wrong? | 10:10 |
paueas | nevermind | 10:10 |
polpak | Delvien, Not to get into a gui war, but my reasons for prefering gnome have to do with my preference for the GTK widgets for development rather than QT ones | 10:10 |
[nige] | _dOM_, did you look at the INSTALL file | 10:10 |
stevejesus | Delvian, i absolutely love kde. more function, and it doesnt look flat. qt draws windowss real flippin fast too. | 10:10 |
[nige] | ? | 10:10 |
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dougsk | stevejesus, I agree, whatever gets 'stuff' done. | 10:10 |
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Locke | what is the best way to learn python? | 10:10 |
polpak | nelposto, You should just have to apt-get install some packages and edit a config file or 2 | 10:10 |
polpak | nelposto, then restart X | 10:11 |
Delvien | polpak aye, im not biased towards one or the other. i like both for its features. | 10:11 |
chapium | locke: jfdi | 10:11 |
nelposto | polpak ok i think i'm somewhere in the right direction now | 10:11 |
stevejesus | Locke, O'rielly publishing has excellent books on the topic | 10:11 |
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Locke | chapium: what is that? | 10:11 |
_dOM_ | yeah but im not quite sure i understand all of it | 10:11 |
indigirl1 | Locke: look at some source code perhaps | 10:11 |
polpak | Locke, or there is a nice tutorial on the python site | 10:11 |
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chapium | locke: just f'n do it (ie: learn by doing) | 10:11 |
[nige] | well | 10:11 |
_dOM_ | and make doesnt work | 10:11 |
chapium | :D | 10:11 |
[nige] | well | 10:12 |
[nige] | do you have make installed | 10:12 |
_dOM_ | ges | 10:12 |
_dOM_ | yes | 10:12 |
=== scanwinder [n=scanwind@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Delvien | polpak im just now installing gnome again after a month of not using it because of the lackof support for bluetooth in gnome.. | 10:12 |
[nige] | just do an apt-get install make | 10:12 |
[nige] | :) | 10:12 |
Locke | ya, that hasn't worked very well in any of my other programming experiences | 10:12 |
_dOM_ | o | 10:12 |
_dOM_ | and hang on | 10:12 |
intelikey | !b-e | 10:12 |
ubotu | If you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to apt-get install build-essential. | 10:12 |
_dOM_ | its working now | 10:12 |
[nige] | goodo | 10:12 |
[nige] | :) | 10:12 |
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chapium | locke: i remember seeing some tutorials online for it a while back. I got in over my head pretty quickly though. Books are a nice reference if you are learning | 10:12 |
redhits | By the way | 10:13 |
redhits | what's my root password?! | 10:13 |
_dOM_ | !pastebin | 10:13 |
intelikey | !root | 10:13 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, totally, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 10:13 |
ubotu | root is, like, rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 10:13 |
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stevejesus | Delvian, you can install the kde bluetooth stuff with minimal kde libs and also kcontrol, then use that in gnome to easier use you bluetooth | 10:13 |
[nige] | oh | 10:13 |
polpak | Locke, http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html | 10:13 |
aftertaf | redhits: you dont have one..... | 10:13 |
aftertaf | read the root link above | 10:13 |
[nige] | anyone know of a small linux distro that has command utils install and no gui? | 10:13 |
[nige] | i want to run it off a disk / usb drive / maybe cd | 10:14 |
aftertaf | dsl nige | 10:14 |
intelikey | aftertaf any good with sound ? | 10:14 |
[nige] | I dont need th gui though | 10:14 |
polpak | [nige] , ubuntu server ? | 10:14 |
[nige] | yer but dsl is like 50 mbs | 10:14 |
paueas | debian | 10:14 |
[nige] | I am looking for somethign smaller | 10:14 |
aftertaf | intelikey: hehe.... depends | 10:14 |
redhits | redhits@oradea:~$ su | 10:14 |
redhits | Password: | 10:14 |
redhits | su: Authentication failure | 10:14 |
redhits | Sorry. | 10:14 |
redhits | redhits@oradea:~$ | 10:14 |
[nige] | ubuntu server isnt live as far as i was aware | 10:14 |
_dOM_ | ok heres my error | 10:14 |
_dOM_ | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5182 | 10:14 |
intelikey | Madpilot my sound card is not working at all 5.04 cs4236 on board ibm 300pl | 10:14 |
Delvien | stevejesus its not that hehe, i use a bluetooth mouse with internal card, in gnome its a bit more frustrating, but now that i know alot more about programming apps, im going to try and write a notification app for the sys tray | 10:14 |
polpak | redhits, don't paste in here.. You need to use sudo | 10:14 |
aftertaf | redhits: you dont havea root password | 10:14 |
intelikey | err aftertaf ^ | 10:14 |
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aftertaf | intelikey: can you load the module for it? | 10:15 |
polpak | !root | 10:15 |
ubotu | from memory, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 10:15 |
stevejesus | [nige] damn small linux. check it out | 10:15 |
intelikey | yep it's loaded | 10:15 |
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[nige] | dsl is 50mb | 10:15 |
stevejesus | Delvian, sweet! cant wait to see the finished product. | 10:15 |
[nige] | i was looking for somethign small | 10:15 |
[nige] | i had a look at it today | 10:15 |
intelikey | and 'cat /proc/asound/card == no sound card ' | 10:15 |
Delvien | stevejesus will be a while ll.. | 10:15 |
redhits | k got it | 10:15 |
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aftertaf | intelikey: modprobe soundcore? | 10:16 |
polpak | [nige] , 50Mb is pretty small, how small are you wanting? | 10:16 |
[nige] | 1 mb | 10:16 |
[nige] | :P | 10:16 |
[nige] | very small | 10:16 |
[nige] | I dont want a gui | 10:16 |
[nige] | I had a look at FDlinux too | 10:16 |
intelikey | k aftertaf no change | 10:16 |
aftertaf | for 1 mb, you dont want a kernel either!! :) | 10:16 |
[nige] | LOL | 10:16 |
[nige] | it is possible | 10:16 |
[nige] | :P | 10:16 |
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aftertaf | intelikey: no idea then nothing on alsa matrix? | 10:17 |
Delvien | stevejesus the battery monitor in gnome is 100x better than the KDE one | 10:17 |
stevejesus | aftertaf, hahahaha | 10:17 |
stevejesus | Delvian, i agree | 10:17 |
intelikey | tty23 [root@~] alsa matrix | 10:17 |
intelikey | -bash: alsa: command not found ???? | 10:17 |
Delvien | stevejesus you know what kpager2 is? | 10:17 |
stevejesus | Delvian, thats why I always have bth desktops installed. i actually load the gnome battery moniter in kde and use it in the panel instead | 10:17 |
Delvien | stevejesus how did you manage to do that??? | 10:18 |
intelikey | aftertaf alsa matrix? | 10:18 |
[nige] | oh yer, anyone got tvtime to work properly with averTv Go card (made by avermedia) | 10:18 |
=== clarkee [i=clarkee@9-7-252-66.oc192.kanganet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
clarkee | sup | 10:18 |
[nige] | I cant get all my channals which is weird | 10:18 |
clarkee | ubuntu is rocking my laptop | 10:18 |
stevejesus | Delvian, just open the k menu and then go to system, there you can find all the gnome goodies. then just start it and it loads into the panel | 10:18 |
clarkee | and the ndiswrapper works just as well as it does in freebsd | 10:18 |
_dOM_ | nige heres my error apt-get install build-essential. | 10:19 |
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stevejesus | Delvian, ofcourse it also helps to kill the kbattery from kcontrol so you dont have 2 | 10:19 |
Delvien | stevejesus where in system settings? | 10:19 |
polpak | stevejesus, any experience with K3b ? | 10:19 |
polpak | or anyone else for that matter | 10:20 |
Delvien | i do .. using it now to burn a new ubuntu cd | 10:20 |
intelikey | kkill the kbattery from kcontrol...... k | 10:20 |
stevejesus | polpak, ask away! | 10:20 |
=== fabiob [n=fabio@ip-95-89.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aeon17x | polpak: nice interface, and it makes sounds when you do something wrong | 10:20 |
chapium | dang i'm awful at writing papers | 10:20 |
stevejesus | Delvian, are you in kde now? | 10:20 |
Delvien | intelikey ok. | 10:20 |
Delvien | stevejesus yes | 10:20 |
_dOM_ | woops | 10:21 |
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_dOM_ | heres my error | 10:21 |
_dOM_ | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5182 | 10:21 |
polpak | stevejesus, I'm trying to make a backup of my War3 FT cd (it's looking a little worn), but I can't burn an image that the SafeDisc or whatever protection is on it will work with | 10:21 |
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stevejesus | Delvian, on my machine, when i open k menu i go striaght the the entry "system" and you should see all the gnome config stuff | 10:21 |
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Delvien | the onlything i have is system settings. | 10:22 |
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stevejesus | polpak, that you might have to make an image with cdrecord on the command line | 10:22 |
Delvien | which is KDE specific | 10:22 |
aeon17x | _dOM_: you missed something within a structure? | 10:22 |
polpak | stevejesus, any tips on how to use it? | 10:22 |
_dOM_ | aeon17x, i just downloaded the driver i didnt code it | 10:22 |
stevejesus | Delvian, it should also be noted that my machine is not a normal one. i start with ubuntu, then apt-get kde, then apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 10:23 |
redhits | It's doing | 10:23 |
redhits | some downloads | 10:23 |
redhits | right now... | 10:23 |
Delvien | i did too , but removed gnome | 10:23 |
Delvien | im reinstalling gnome now | 10:23 |
Delvien | after i get this image burned | 10:23 |
chapium | locke: You might what to check out #python | 10:23 |
stevejesus | polpak, honestly i havent used cdrecord in a good deal of time, but i remember it having an excellent man page. | 10:23 |
intelikey | !enter | 10:23 |
ubotu | please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! | 10:23 |
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polpak | stevejesus, yeah, reading it now, but there are a ton of options =p | 10:24 |
_dOM_ | aeon17x, i got it from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/rtl8180-sa2400 | 10:24 |
Delvien | shush intel :P | 10:24 |
stevejesus | polpak, well, x-cdroast uses nothing but cdrecord as a backend, you can try that | 10:24 |
aeon17x | _dOM_: Ask them. | 10:25 |
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=== jekil [n=alessand@europa48.univ.trieste.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Delvien | stevejesus do you notice that gnome is less of a hog than KDE? or is that just me | 10:25 |
stevejesus | Delvian, just you lol | 10:26 |
Delvien | lol | 10:26 |
intelikey | sound card expert ? | 10:26 |
Delvien | its DelviEn | 10:26 |
stevejesus | Delvian, kde is actually quite hefty... you really need to know how to tune it | 10:26 |
=== Rubin [n=rubin@CPE-65-29-27-71.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jekil | which is the best way to make a local mirror of ubuntu (only i386)? | 10:26 |
Delvien | it is, and it uses lots of mem | 10:26 |
Delvien | but linux is just wierd about the ram readings, | 10:27 |
stevejesus | Delvian, luckily, kde has a services starter/killer that helps. its an easy way to isolate those frivolous kde services | 10:27 |
Delvien | even though things are sleeping, it still wants to say the ram is used up | 10:27 |
intelikey | hefty ? i ran it on mdk on a p1 with 500m hd for quite a while. kde can be trim or bloated | 10:27 |
Delvien | whats the command for klaptop to start? | 10:28 |
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stevejesus | intelikey, oh dear. i could see kde 1 on a p1... geez, you must be good. hell i would use nothing but twm on that machine | 10:28 |
stevejesus | lol | 10:28 |
nelposto | hum.. what can i do to test if i've installed the nvidia drivers well? | 10:29 |
Delvien | no man on klaptop either, stevejesus do you know? | 10:29 |
nelposto | i can't run penguin racer :( | 10:29 |
netwizard | Hello, I want to install mod-php4 with: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 but packet not found. Must I edit the sources.list ? | 10:29 |
redhits | How Do I know wich hardware componets are instaled and wich are not instaled? may i see a list like that from windows XP? With unknows drivers/ and click here to update driver things?! | 10:29 |
poningru | some please | 10:29 |
poningru | fix planet ubuntu | 10:29 |
intelikey | steve it had 98m of ram and no swap and kde ran just fine.... :) | 10:29 |
aeon17x | redhits: Device Manager | 10:29 |
poningru | I mean all of that guys posts since forever are posted or today | 10:29 |
stevejesus | Delvian, you have to use the kde handbook | 10:30 |
redhits | aeon : yes | 10:30 |
redhits | where it is?! | 10:30 |
Delvien | stevejesus well i just wanted to know the command to start klaptop again | 10:30 |
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aeon17x | At System. | 10:30 |
intelikey | [f1] :) | 10:30 |
stevejesus | Delvian, ill check hold on | 10:30 |
dougsk | intelikey, hehe thanks for the tip | 10:31 |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-139-134.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aftertaf | intelikey: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/ | 10:31 |
Delvien | stevejesus switch the A with an E , hehe its Delvien | 10:31 |
aftertaf | !tab | 10:32 |
ubotu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC. | 10:32 |
stevejesus | dealvienm sry lol, try klaptop daemon | 10:32 |
vbgunz | hey, anybody know the link that shows you how to get SUDO (the root) account to use the same theme, the average user has? | 10:32 |
intelikey | dougsk kde inheireted the [f1] = help from the old ms-dos apps.... | 10:32 |
stevejesus | klaptopdaemon | 10:32 |
intelikey | aftertaf looking | 10:32 |
=== Alessio [n=chatzill@gw.abanet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougsk | intelikey, nah I was thinking of the xchat docs that magically appeared in firefox after Itried | 10:32 |
Alessio | ola | 10:32 |
Delvien | stevejesus doesnt work | 10:32 |
Alessio | i need to use telnet | 10:33 |
redhits | Can I add a windows NTFS partition ?! | 10:33 |
redhits | to mount it?! | 10:33 |
Alessio | in my net, in batch mode | 10:33 |
Alessio | without password insert | 10:33 |
Alessio | is possibile? | 10:33 |
Hobbsee | !mount | 10:33 |
ubotu | rumour has it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f | 10:33 |
Hobbsee | !windowsdrives | 10:33 |
ubotu | it has been said that windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f | 10:33 |
intelikey | dougsk it works for most kde windows.... and probably most gnome aps too | 10:33 |
stevejesus | delvien still looking | 10:33 |
aftertaf | hi Hobbsee | 10:34 |
dougsk | intelikey, thanks | 10:34 |
ompaul | !tell redhits about ntfs | 10:34 |
Alessio | any idea? | 10:34 |
ompaul | redhits, read the message from the bot that will allow you read your ntfs | 10:34 |
=== keng [n=keng@pcp08853982pcs.neave01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Delvien | stevejesus crap just wasted all that time burning a new ubuntu CD and its asking for the preview ( what i installed linux with) is there a way for it to ask for the new ubuntu CD instead? | 10:34 |
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kemik | !postfix | 10:35 |
ubotu | Not a clue, kemik | 10:35 |
kemik | !exim4 | 10:35 |
ubotu | kemik: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 10:35 |
stevejesus | Delvien, preview??? | 10:35 |
polpak | Delvien, what is asking for the preview? | 10:35 |
stevejesus | Delvien, where are you at? | 10:35 |
Delvien | im trying to install gnome again. but my original ubuntu breezy preview got cracked . | 10:36 |
ompaul | kemik postfix is your friend | 10:36 |
Delvien | so i had to burn a new ubuntu cd | 10:36 |
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intelikey | aftertaf what does all this have to do with the cs4236 on board sound i know linux supports it. it worked perfectly under mandrake 9.0 ???? | 10:36 |
vbgunz | anybody know the link to have the regular user theme automatically apply to the sudo account? | 10:36 |
stevejesus | Delvian, as usual i dont have the khandbook installed, loll, im apt-getting it now for ya | 10:36 |
aftertaf | ahh intelikey ok... no idea then. | 10:36 |
polpak | Delgul, the more important question is why is apt-get asking for a cd at all? | 10:37 |
Delvien | stevejesus nah dont get that far, ill just reboot later | 10:37 |
polpak | err Delvien sorry that was to you | 10:37 |
=== _dom_ [n=dom@cpc2-leed11-3-1-cust112.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Delvien, the more important question is why is apt-get asking for a cd at all? | 10:37 |
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stevejesus | i would back up my homedir, and start over, perhaps an apt-get dist-upgrade is in order? | 10:37 |
_dom_ | how can i find out what version of the kernel im running | 10:37 |
Delvien | polpak because im installing gnome-desktop | 10:37 |
kemik | ompaul: aight, i'll give it a try | 10:37 |
dougsk | _dom_, uname -a | 10:37 |
ompaul | vbgunz, there is none - you execute the command as root and back out straight after | 10:37 |
_dom_ | ok | 10:37 |
_dom_ | thanks | 10:37 |
polpak | Delvien, should still be pulling it from online repos | 10:37 |
_dom_ | thats intresting :) | 10:37 |
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pramz | hello everyone :) | 10:38 |
Delvien | polpak how do i fix this? | 10:38 |
stevejesus | dealvien, i would back up my homedir, and start over, perhaps an apt-get dist-upgrade is in order? | 10:38 |
intelikey | aftertaf it seems to be on the isa bus and the new naming conventions in the kernel in 2.6 are not supported in sndconfig, which btw will set up this card presto. | 10:38 |
vbgunz | ompaul: I just did it *but* am afraid I did it the long way... | 10:38 |
Delvien | stevejesus why? does it matter, everything is working.. | 10:38 |
stevejesus | delvien, then apt-get install gnome | 10:38 |
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polpak | Delvien, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the CD repo | 10:38 |
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stevejesus | Delvian, not really necessary, thats just what i would do :p | 10:39 |
ompaul | vbgunz, I am afraid to ask you what you did | 10:39 |
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intelikey | aftertaf anyway, seeing that i know the card and the fact that it will work, all i need is to input the correct signals to the kernel; right ? | 10:39 |
aftertaf | intelikey: yeah!! (i beliece you :) ) | 10:39 |
jekil | which is the best way to make a local mirror of ubuntu (only i386)? | 10:39 |
aftertaf | jekil: apt-proxy? maybe | 10:40 |
Delvien | hmm now i cant lock the dir.. brb, gonna restart X | 10:40 |
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vbgunz | ompaul: I just "gksudo nautilus" and then copied my .themes & .icons folder to roots .themes & .icons folders... Then I "sudo gnome-theme-manager" and made the changes... Though I am thinking maybe symlinking wuold have been a better option... :P | 10:40 |
fatehaze | Is there a better option than KDE or Gnome for slower powerpc hardware? | 10:40 |
aftertaf | argh | 10:40 |
intelikey | aftertaf thank you for trying though, i don't mean to sound unapreicative. :) | 10:40 |
aftertaf | lol intelikey 100% np :) | 10:41 |
_dom_ | anyone care to help me work out this error Makefile:6: /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/build/.config: No such file or directory | 10:41 |
polpak | stevejesus, so it seems to use xcdroast I'll have to install some kernel modules to emulate scsi on my ATAPI cdrom | 10:41 |
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fatehaze | I'm running an old toiletseat iBook, but KDE and Gnome are a little sluggish on it | 10:41 |
aftertaf | _dom_: what you doing? | 10:41 |
fatehaze | Any suggestions? | 10:41 |
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aftertaf | fatehaze: e17 or xfce or blackbox | 10:42 |
ompaul | vbgunz, if I may ask you a question, why are you bothering to do this gk/sudo looks after anything you want, your actions do not make sense to me | 10:42 |
_dom_ | ive downloaded some drivers for my wireless card from sourceforge | 10:42 |
_dom_ | but they need something doing to them | 10:42 |
Hobbsee | how would i go about finding what packages are in a specific .deb file? in this case, kde-devel | 10:42 |
aftertaf | _dom_: what command did you try? | 10:42 |
aftertaf | make ? | 10:42 |
fatehaze | I can just install all those and switch between them with the "sessions" option, right? | 10:42 |
_dom_ | make | 10:42 |
intelikey | i man have to reinstall mdk and set up the sound then save the configs and use them in ub ....... would probably be the fastest way to do this..... | 10:42 |
intelikey | s/man/may/\ | 10:43 |
aftertaf | _dom_: is there a readme? did you ./configure first? | 10:43 |
aftertaf | intelikey: chroot it :) | 10:43 |
Inc1 | Does anyone here know if it is possible to get (back) split windows in ubuntu's konqueror? Save re-compiling and installing the kde framework yourself, that is. | 10:43 |
redhits | How I can create a shortcut to a directory?! | 10:43 |
_dom_ | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 10:43 |
aftertaf | redhits ln -s | 10:43 |
redhits | Okey | 10:43 |
Hobbsee | _dom_: cd to the directory first | 10:43 |
aftertaf | _dom_: ./autogen.sh ? | 10:43 |
intelikey | aftertaf ? | 10:43 |
stevejesus | polpak, dont worry it wont harm anything. apt should take care of it? | 10:43 |
_dom_ | and im following the read me | 10:43 |
redhits | and from x-windows?! | 10:43 |
gentubuntu | Hi, I have just installed Ubuntu, being used to Gentoo. I have a realy wierd problem : I connect to the net with pppoe, it connects fine, I can ping google, but have only managed to load one webpage, the others just hang, or I get "document contains no data" in firefox. An IRC session connects to server, but hangs part way. Any ideas ? | 10:43 |
_dom_ | i have cd'ed to the dir | 10:44 |
aftertaf | intelikey: do a chroot and install mdk without killing your ub | 10:44 |
vbgunz | ompaul... I am using the stronglooks theme and it is beautiful... unfortunately, gksudo'ed apps take on a very ugly appearance and ruin my experience :( | 10:44 |
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intelikey | aftertaf think tiny hdd's | 10:44 |
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aftertaf | _dom_: recheck the readme, and that youa re in the right place.... | 10:44 |
aftertaf | hehe intelikey ok | 10:44 |
aftertaf | and _dom_ install build-essential too | 10:44 |
intelikey | :) | 10:44 |
Davethewave | it was snowing here :o | 10:44 |
ompaul | vbgunz, so you sudo -i operate in a shell and copy one theme location into the other | 10:44 |
redhits | I mean ... | 10:45 |
redhits | what's that thing | 10:45 |
redhits | Create Luncher? | 10:45 |
redhits | can't I add short-cuts like in windows?1 | 10:45 |
aftertaf | launcher = shortcut | 10:45 |
Davethewave | yes | 10:45 |
blue-frog | redhits, luncher cretae meals | 10:45 |
=== henk [n=henk@cp11902-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | ompaul: yeah I bet I could have sudo cp ~/.themes/* or something to /root but I am just a gui guy... still learning... | 10:45 |
=== raid [n=bambolin@host47-157.pool8261.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alessio | anyone use telnet | 10:45 |
raid | hy all | 10:45 |
_dom_ | ok here we go | 10:45 |
_dom_ | http://pastebin.com/442029 | 10:45 |
Alessio | with batch mode? | 10:46 |
Davethewave | how i get gta to run in wine? | 10:46 |
aftertaf | ok i'm outta here | 10:46 |
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raid | i'm having quite some trouble with dvd playback on ubuntu breezy | 10:46 |
ompaul | vbgunz, well your nearly there :-) | 10:46 |
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intelikey | redhits they cant use all the same terms as windows or the folks at M$ will sue you know how they are. | 10:46 |
vbgunz | ompaul: :) | 10:46 |
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Delvien | ok there we go , we are back in business | 10:46 |
henk | i want to download a torrent image to my server what is the easy way (note server no gui available and i dont want to install a lot of crap to do this) | 10:46 |
blue-frog | raid, have a look at wiki.ubuntu.com starter guide | 10:46 |
raid | DVD problem here: i've already enabled DMA but the playback isnt fluid | 10:47 |
ompaul | vbgunz, the directory is ~/themes/ | 10:47 |
Davethewave | I think KDE call them a "link" and gnome calls it "adding to the launcher" right? | 10:47 |
raid | blue-frog, already have | 10:47 |
blue-frog | raid so explain | 10:47 |
ompaul | vbgunz, or is that the place I downloaded a few ? | 10:47 |
vbgunz | ompaul: I am afraid it is ~/.themes... | 10:47 |
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vbgunz | the themes folder is hidden | 10:47 |
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Davethewave | What's everyone use their Ubuntu for? | 10:48 |
raid | the quality is ok, but the playback freezes every second if u know what i mean, it isnt fluid | 10:48 |
vbgunz | ompaul: sorry, the themes folder is hidden for both user and root... it starts with a . | 10:48 |
intelikey | Davethewave linux just calls them symlinks and scripts :) | 10:48 |
polpak | Davethewave, pretty much everything.. | 10:48 |
_dom_ | if any expert wants to take a look at my error because my other guru seems to have disappeared :) | 10:48 |
polpak | Davethewave, only thing I can't do is play so many games, but even that has improved a lot recently | 10:48 |
_dom_ | its here | 10:48 |
_dom_ | http://pastebin.com/442029 | 10:48 |
ompaul | vbgunz, I downloaded a lot of them in hoary but reverted to standard for breezy that would explain that | 10:48 |
Davethewave | I'm still learning Linux, I'm what most would call a "typical winblows user" :p | 10:49 |
blue-frog | daved, work and sometimes play | 10:49 |
blue-frog | raid, what player do u use? mplayer or totem-xine | 10:49 |
intelikey | <Davethewave> What's everyone use their Ubuntu for? <---- i for one just use it to execirse my temper..... :) | 10:49 |
ompaul | Davethewave, any computer work I want to do | 10:49 |
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Davethewave | lol | 10:49 |
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raid | blue-frog, totem-xine | 10:49 |
vbgunz | ompaul: I too have a themes folder in my home dir *but* I created it to house the new themes I download and wish to test... | 10:49 |
_dom_ | i decided that i wanted to try somethign new so installed ubuntu over windows | 10:49 |
_dom_ | last night | 10:49 |
polpak | Davethewave, well be patient. I takes time to learn an OS. just think how long you've been learning windows... | 10:49 |
raid | blue-frog, already installed my nvidida graphic card... but still | 10:49 |
pramz | Davethewave, how do you like Ubuntu so far ? | 10:49 |
_dom_ | and the only thing i need working now is my wireless working :) then ill be as happy as a pig in muck | 10:50 |
vbgunz | ompaul: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=31365 | 10:50 |
blue-frog | raid, nvidia logo shows up just before login screen, correct? | 10:50 |
pramz | Davethewave, my best advice for people learning linux is to stop thinking of drives as single letters :) | 10:50 |
Davethewave | I like Ubuntu, except it seems to have difficulty with my wlan and ndiswrapper but no biggy | 10:50 |
ompaul | vbgunz, well copy the stuff lock stock and two smoking barrels to root - if you were going the other way you would have permission issues | 10:50 |
raid | yes | 10:50 |
pramz | _dom_, what wireless card ? | 10:50 |
vbgunz | that theme is nice and the border that author made also makes Ubuntu look sexy :) | 10:50 |
raid | blue-frog, yes | 10:50 |
pramz | Davethewave, what wireless card ? | 10:50 |
_dom_ | belkin FD - based on the realtek 8180 | 10:50 |
pramz | Davethewave, Im using the builtin broadcom wireless with ndiswrapper | 10:50 |
_dom_ | http://pastebin.com/442029 | 10:50 |
_dom_ | thats what i have atm | 10:50 |
Davethewave | It's a Marvel chipset, TrendNet tew-423PI | 10:51 |
raid | blue-frog, i thought i should activate my nvidia acceleration features, but i dont know how.... maybe it could help | 10:51 |
vbgunz | ompaul: if I were copying from root to user I would have issues? Otherwise how I did it seemed to yield no errors.. It'll get me back on reboot huh >:) | 10:51 |
=== Beleys [i=sauget@tolkien.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blue-frog | raid, in a terminal glxgears -printfps | 10:51 |
intelikey | ok i'm going to install linux on the other drive..... be back in a bit | 10:51 |
Davethewave | I was looking at some prism chipsets, I hear they work pretty good | 10:51 |
ompaul | vbgunz, possibly | 10:51 |
raid | ok | 10:51 |
vbgunz | :| | 10:51 |
pramz | _dom_, you can copy the config file for your kernel from the /boot folder | 10:52 |
pramz | since the makefile seems to look for that | 10:52 |
ompaul | vbgunz, I don't know what you actually did, I know what you think you did, but we would not be having this discussion if you had done what you thought you did :) | 10:52 |
blue-frog | raid, results? | 10:52 |
pramz | Davethewave, i dont know about that chipset, so far ndiswrapper works well with the broadcom one that I have. | 10:52 |
Davethewave | the strange thing is, most everywhere on the net calls my card a "texas instruments" chip set, but lspci reports it as Marvel | 10:52 |
pramz | What err do you get when you use ndiswrapper ? | 10:52 |
vbgunz | ompaul: I think I am ok... I hope I am :) | 10:53 |
_dom_ | pramz ill look into it | 10:53 |
ompaul | vbgunz, log out and back in reboot is not a requirement | 10:53 |
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vbgunz | ompaul: ok, I need to finish up an email to the author of the theme and I will do that... I will let you know beforehand so this way if you don't see me for abuot 20 minutes... something went wrong :P | 10:54 |
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shadox | hey ya all | 10:56 |
ompaul | hey ya one | 10:56 |
Davethewave | hi | 10:56 |
pramz | hi | 10:56 |
foolswisdom | rss aggregator you use? | 10:56 |
raid | blue-frog, still working comes out some 430 fps | 10:56 |
_dom_ | pramz iive copyed both files named config-00.somthing to the folder and ./configure still doesnt work | 10:56 |
ompaul | no please not 590 times hi | 10:57 |
blue-frog | raid what card is it? | 10:57 |
Davethewave | pramz you get the replies? | 10:57 |
pramz | _dom_, you need to copy the config file with your kernel version number into the appropriate source dir as .config | 10:57 |
blue-frog | raid 430 is low | 10:57 |
pramz | Davethewave, I did not ;( | 10:57 |
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Davethewave | hmm strange | 10:57 |
_dom_ | a .config doesnt exsist | 10:57 |
raid | blue-frog, geforce 2 | 10:57 |
blue-frog | raid FX something? | 10:58 |
Davethewave | pramz no err really, it just makes my system go really slow once it starts loading the desktop | 10:58 |
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raid | dunno | 10:58 |
raid | not my pc | 10:58 |
Davethewave | pramz and launching programs can take minutes | 10:58 |
jmspeex | anyone can help me sort out why DMA doesn't work with 5.10 on vanilla kernels? | 10:58 |
raid | wait 2 secs | 10:58 |
gentubuntu | Nobody have any ideas about my teasing Internet ? Some ideas for tests would be great, I'd fire up ethereal, but I can't install it without a good connection. | 10:58 |
Davethewave | pramz even though system load appears ok under top, and system monitor | 10:58 |
jtan325 | hi, is there a way to change my xorg without restarting X? i.e. i'd like to switch between extending my screen onto a second monitor as easily as i can with windows | 10:58 |
jmspeex | I get "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted" when trying to set DMA, but it used to work with 5.04. | 10:59 |
pramz | _dom_, so basically cp /boot/config-2.6.12-10-386 /usr/src/linux/.config | 10:59 |
Davethewave | pramz I tried to get help at #ndiswrapper but they don't think I read the wiki :P so they don't want to help me | 10:59 |
pramz | where linux is the source dir for the current kernel | 10:59 |
liable | pramz: did you install it? | 10:59 |
pramz | Davethewave, that only happens when you have ndiswrapper loaded ? | 11:00 |
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pramz | liable, ? | 11:00 |
=== dm [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pramz | _dom_, you also need to install the appropriate kernel-headers package | 11:00 |
Davethewave | pramz it happens only when I configure my /etc/network/interfaces file for the wlan0 | 11:00 |
dm | anyway to hide KDE links on the gnome desktop? | 11:00 |
_dom_ | thers only header folders in /src | 11:00 |
shadox | has ubuntu a program like notepad? | 11:00 |
gentubuntu | Otherwise my GeForce2mx was detected, but the xorg.conf needed heavy editing to get anyting other than 640*480, is this normal ? | 11:00 |
blue-frog | raid is dma activated for the dvd player? sudo hdparm -d /dev/hda (change hda with the corresponding info for your cd player) | 11:00 |
jmspeex | shadox: kate, gedit, ... | 11:00 |
gentubuntu | shadox : gedit ? | 11:00 |
pramz | Davethewave, do you mean gnome login screen takes a while or all apps take a while ? | 11:01 |
shadox | where do i find it? which menu? | 11:01 |
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Davethewave | pramz, if I leave the interfaces file un-configured everything loads normal speed. but no i-net, gnome login and apps take long | 11:01 |
pramz | shadox, text editor | 11:01 |
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jmspeex | shadox: it's probably somewhere on the menu, otherwise just the command-line | 11:01 |
pramz | Davethewave, hmm thats wierd | 11:01 |
pramz | Davethewave, I would suggest commenting the auto wlan0 line | 11:01 |
shadox | thnx | 11:01 |
shadox | got it | 11:01 |
Davethewave | pramz, yeah I figure it must be my chip set | 11:01 |
shadox | i'm writing sql | 11:02 |
shadox | brb | 11:02 |
pramz | and then removing the comment or manually configuring it with iwconfig | 11:02 |
pramz | and seeing if you still get the slowdown | 11:02 |
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Davethewave | pramz, ok I'll try that | 11:02 |
pramz | for me the autoconfiguration for the wlan0 interface takes really long at my gf's house | 11:02 |
pramz | but its fine at my house :\ | 11:02 |
Davethewave | pramz, just the "auto wlan0" line or the entire config "essid" keymode etc? | 11:03 |
pramz | just the auto wlan0 | 11:04 |
pramz | then you can uncomment it once you login it gnome | 11:04 |
pramz | and do the /etc/init.d/networking stop start | 11:04 |
pramz | and see how long it takes | 11:04 |
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vbgunz | ompaul: you around? | 11:04 |
pramz | and you can also do the manual steps shown in the ndis wiki | 11:04 |
ompaul | vbgunz, it I maybe :) | 11:04 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pramz | at that point we can try and figure out if the slowdown is indeed caused by ndiswrapper | 11:05 |
vbgunz | ompaul: call the medics if I am not back in 5 | 11:05 |
gentubuntu | Have I done somthig wrong to be ignored, is my question incomprehensible, or does nobody have a solution ? | 11:05 |
Davethewave | waiting for gedit to load ... | 11:06 |
Davethewave | lol | 11:06 |
pramz | heh | 11:06 |
Davethewave | usually takes a minute or two | 11:06 |
pramz | hmm | 11:06 |
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vbgunz | ompaul: im back :) | 11:07 |
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raid01 | blue-frog, sorry was checking | 11:08 |
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Delvien | stevejesus do you know if there is a way to hide KDE links (from KDE desktop) on the gnome desktop without deleting them? | 11:08 |
Davethewave | how does one use the /etc/init.d/networking stop start | 11:08 |
raid01 | blue-frog, its a Geforce 2 MX | 11:08 |
pramz | Davethewave, if you open a terminal window and type gedit to start from there, does it spit out any errors ? | 11:08 |
Beleys | re | 11:08 |
Davethewave | no errors | 11:08 |
pramz | Davethewave, sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop | 11:09 |
pramz | Davethewave, sudo /etc/init.d/networking start | 11:09 |
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=== pramz is listening to Paul Van Dyke - The politics of dancing, Vol. 2 - The Other Side | ||
Davethewave | pramz, ty hard to absorb all this after using windows and numbing my brain ;) | 11:09 |
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pramz | Davethewave, heh no worries, i try to help as much as i can, its 2am for me so i may not be totally coherent :) | 11:09 |
stevejesus | Delvian, well i belive you can tell kde to use an alternate directory for .Desktop. thats why they show up in gnome becuase they are in the same directory and are referenced in the same manner | 11:09 |
maher | hello, does anyone know how to check all of the channels on the server with 'irssi' ?? | 11:10 |
Delvien | stevejesus o, do you know how to do that? | 11:10 |
=== vbgunz yawn | ||
=== vbgunz so tired | ||
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vbgunz | good night fellas! | 11:10 |
Delvien | stevejesus or how to get gnome to use a different folder for desktop | 11:10 |
stevejesus | Delvian, never had to before, but i remember stumbling across it. lemme look into it real quick | 11:10 |
jtan325 | hi, is there a way to change my xorg without restarting X? i.e. i'd like to switch between extending my screen onto a second monitor as easily as i can with windows | 11:10 |
raid01 | blue-frog, u there? | 11:10 |
_dom_ | anyone wanna help wme wiht http://pastebin.com/442044 | 11:11 |
blue-frog | raid is dma activated for the dvd player? sudo hdparm -d /dev/hda (change hda with the corresponding info for your cd player) | 11:11 |
maher | Does anyone know how to check all of the channels on the server with 'irssi' ?? | 11:11 |
gentubuntu | Ok then, I'm going back to my not all that ugly, user unfriendly distro that WORKS and who has users and devs who AWNSWER YOU. | 11:12 |
vbgunz | Before I go to bed, make sure to buy your kids Resident Evil 4 for Christmas... They'll love you for it... And GTA (all versions) if they been really really good... | 11:12 |
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rixth | WHat is a 'K-line' on IRC? | 11:12 |
maher | can someone help me? | 11:12 |
raid01 | blue-frog, i activated dma for one cd drive, now that i think about it i dunno if i activated it for the dvd cause i have dvd payer and burner | 11:12 |
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rixth | Is it a ban on an entire IP range? | 11:13 |
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chapium | maher: /list ? | 11:13 |
maher | let me see | 11:13 |
blue-frog | raid01, check then | 11:13 |
raid01 | how do i check my device list? | 11:13 |
stevejesus | Delvian, it looks like in KDE, you can turn files on the desktop into dotted hidden filed. just open kcontrol, go to the destop tree, expand, click on behavior and then select "hide my desktop files" | 11:13 |
stevejesus | dealvien* sry | 11:14 |
stevejesus | delvien* | 11:14 |
blue-frog | raid is dma activated for the dvd player? sudo hdparm -d /dev/hda (change hda with the corresponding info for your cd player) example hdc or whatever is you player/burner | 11:14 |
stevejesus | i just cant get that right lol | 11:14 |
maher | it doesnt show anything | 11:14 |
Delvien | stevejesus i wanted to hide them in gnome FROM KDE , so in the gnome desktop i wouldnt be able to see the KDE made links , instead | 11:14 |
Davethewave | brb | 11:14 |
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stevejesus | delvien, ahhh... i dont know the answer to thatone | 11:15 |
Delvien | kk thanks bro | 11:15 |
_dom_ | ok it seems i need the kernal soruce | 11:15 |
raid01 | blue-frog i dont know my player "name" how do i look onto that? | 11:15 |
blue-frog | raid, cat /etc/fstab | 11:16 |
ompaul | rixth, http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircd/ircopguide.html <-- that might help you | 11:16 |
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rixth | ompaul, thanls | 11:17 |
raid01 | ok, have two cd drives, hdd and hdc, i activated DMA for hdc | 11:17 |
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gentubuntu | :-P | 11:17 |
tmak_ | could someone give me the color codes for the default breezy terminal background and foreground colors? | 11:18 |
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ompaul | rixth, also http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/K-Line | 11:18 |
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raid01 | blue-frog, device hdd has dma off | 11:18 |
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raid01 | blue-frog, i'll activate it and let u know, thx | 11:18 |
rixth | ompaul, apparently, I've been K-Lined from a server/network I have never connected to (Undernet) | 11:19 |
blue-frog | raid01, sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd | 11:19 |
Davethewave | pramz when I do "iwconfig essid myessid" it says Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) | 11:19 |
_dom_ | ok guys an update | 11:19 |
_dom_ | http://pastebin.com/442046 | 11:19 |
Davethewave | SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument. | 11:19 |
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raid01 | blue-frog, done | 11:19 |
_dom_ | thats what i have | 11:19 |
stevejesus | tmak_ you can use the gimp to figure it out | 11:19 |
stevejesus | just kinf a screenshot, then use the gimps colorpicker and it will give you the hex value | 11:20 |
pramz | Davethewave, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid | 11:20 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: well, yes, but I don't have ubuntu :( I use OS X, but I liked the colors of breezy's terminal and couldn't find any screenshot of breezy terminal from google | 11:20 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: if you give a screenshot, that could also do the job | 11:20 |
stevejesus | tmak, you mean... black and white? lol | 11:20 |
blue-frog | raid01, gotta go hope it will work | 11:20 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: no | 11:20 |
_dom_ | pramz anychance you can look at this? http://pastebin.com/442046 | 11:21 |
raid01 | ok, thx | 11:21 |
ompaul | rixth, read the thing on geography | 11:21 |
stevejesus | tmak, ill make you a screenshot if you want | 11:21 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: there was some light yellow and black if I remember correctly | 11:21 |
raid01 | very kind man ;) | 11:21 |
Davethewave | pramz that's what I meant :p | 11:21 |
pramz | _dom_, looking | 11:21 |
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_dom_ | :) thanks | 11:21 |
Badm4n | http://pastebin.com/442047 <--- can be run or not ? | 11:21 |
stevejesus | tmak, just regular ole' gnome terminal? | 11:21 |
stevejesus | tmak, ill make you a screen shot and upload it for you | 11:22 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: I don't know - I just liked the one I had by default when I tested breezy :) | 11:22 |
Davethewave | pramz, my essid is multi word I forgot to put it in quotes :p | 11:22 |
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stevejesus | ok, well, ill make you a screen shhot right now. | 11:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | is there a server behind http://k-k.homelinux.net/~kgoetz ? | 11:22 |
pramz | Davethewave, oh , from the ndiswrapper wiki they said to not use quotes, I just changed the name of my essid to a single word | 11:23 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: thanks :) | 11:23 |
pramz | _dom_, from that error I would check with the developers for the driver | 11:23 |
_dom_ | bugger | 11:23 |
Davethewave | pramz, hmm maybe I can do that | 11:23 |
_dom_ | :) | 11:23 |
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Badm4n | where i can put http://pastebin.com/442047 at ubuntu rc.local without creating new rc ? | 11:24 |
stevejesus | tmak, np man, but dont be caught off gaurd, in in KDE so the widgets around the actually terminal will be QT, but the actual terminal is true to the defalut breezy as I have never used that one. | 11:24 |
Davethewave | what's a good essid? jk I'll figure it out :) | 11:24 |
pramz | mine is called freeporn | 11:25 |
tmak_ | stevejesus: ok | 11:25 |
pramz | :) | 11:25 |
stevejesus | Davethewave, mine is called "getoffmyporch" | 11:25 |
Davethewave | lol | 11:25 |
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Davethewave | hide ssid? | 11:25 |
Davethewave | I said yes, maybe this confuses it | 11:26 |
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baggins | hi | 11:26 |
stevejesus | tmak, i take it back, mine has been changed. however, i have the solution for you. check out breezy screenshots on OSDir | 11:26 |
stevejesus | tmak, get the hex values from there | 11:26 |
=== npx [i=Subverti@12-203-205-193.client.insightBB.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
tmak_ | stevejesus: I did that already - no terminal screenshots there :( | 11:26 |
Badm4n | http://pastebin.com/442047 <--- can be run or not ? and where i can put this command so it will be auto loaded every time system reboot ? | 11:26 |
npx | tmak_, you're looking for terminal screenshots? | 11:27 |
stevejesus | tmak, thats odd, they usually have like 9000 screenshot for each distro, lol | 11:27 |
tmak_ | npx: yes, from the default breezy - it had some light yellow background and probably black foreground | 11:27 |
npx | Badm4n, I'd create my own init script in /etc/init.d and symlink to it in /etc/rc2.d | 11:27 |
baggins | i've screwed up the install of mysql-server-4.1 by quitting the process when it was doing the debconf. now i can't install or remove anything because of this. how do i fix this mess? | 11:27 |
Badm4n | npx : is that ok if i put http://pastebin.com/442047 on it ? | 11:27 |
tmak_ | npx: I'm finding the actual color codes for that yellow color | 11:28 |
npx | Badm4n, yeah, sure, you should take the oppurtunity to look at other init scripts in /etc/init.d and see how they're typically written (supporting start stop and restart arguments) | 11:28 |
npx | Badm4n, and also how the order of execution is decided - alphanumeric order, very simple | 11:29 |
Badm4n | npx : so http://pastebin.com/442047 is correct command for ubuntu gateway server ? | 11:29 |
Davethewave | SET failed on device wlan0 ; you are not l33t enough to perform this action | 11:29 |
Davethewave | only gives me set fail when I have no quotes ;/ | 11:29 |
shadox | ubuntuguide.org nice site :d veeeeeeeery usefull | 11:29 |
baggins | this is the result when using apt-get remove: http://rafb.net/paste/results/RPj4S069.html | 11:29 |
npx | Badm4n, that's one way to go about it. I use the 'shorewall' package because it lets me easily customize the ruleset without actually learning iptables | 11:30 |
Badm4n | i c | 11:30 |
Badm4n | can i get that using apt-get ? | 11:30 |
npx | the 'ipmasq' package also works well, but it requires some sort of phd to modify the rules | 11:30 |
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npx | Badm4n, both 'shorewall' and 'ipmasq' offer more secure default rulesets than the one you posted | 11:31 |
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Badm4n | very well | 11:31 |
Badm4n | thx | 11:31 |
npx | np | 11:31 |
Badm4n | i'll reboot change os then | 11:31 |
Badm4n | brb | 11:31 |
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=== Bakgat [n=user@myw-stp-196-34-113-118.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xychix | arg screensaver cant run as root and xlock is not available | 11:33 |
Delvien | lol i forget how do you change all your icons in Gnome...... | 11:33 |
Bakgat | howdy! | 11:33 |
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Davethewave | <-- doesn't understand fully how to setup a interfaces file with iwconfig | 11:34 |
Bakgat | is there a local mirror with the DVD iso sets. gonna take me about another week to download over my cr@ppy sentech conn. | 11:34 |
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npx | Davethewave, /etc/network/interfaces ? | 11:35 |
Bakgat | and a web-based admin service to administer box over internet (client desktop support) | 11:35 |
Davethewave | npx yes | 11:35 |
Bakgat | ? | 11:36 |
npx | Davethewave, okay, what specifically are you having trouble with? | 11:36 |
npx | Bakgat, Is web-based a high priority? I'd suggest using ssh. | 11:36 |
pramz | Davethewave, what happened when you tried to set it up manually ? | 11:36 |
Bakgat | suppose. just easier from client's perspective. | 11:36 |
Davethewave | pramz, I only set the essid | 11:36 |
pramz | Bakgat, webmin ? | 11:37 |
liable | Bakgat: if you want remote desktop stuff, vnc.. | 11:37 |
pramz | Davethewave, follow these steps | 11:37 |
pramz | sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid your_ssid | 11:37 |
pramz | sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed | 11:37 |
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pramz | sudo iwconfig wlan0 key restricted XXXXXXXX <--- put your key | 11:37 |
derek[] | Hi | 11:37 |
pramz | sudo dhclient wlan0 | 11:37 |
Bakgat | in the biz of distibuting/insatlling/configuring oss & linux(ubunto) to small biz & home users | 11:37 |
fLavA_girL | hi.... | 11:37 |
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bakgat | little-people desktop support on call | 11:37 |
derek[] | Can the .deb binary packages used for Ubuntu? | 11:38 |
chapium | anyone famliar with configuring ubuntu networking under vmware? | 11:38 |
fLavA_girL | hi.. | 11:38 |
npx | chapium, as a client OS or a host? | 11:38 |
Bakgat | vnc too slow. running 128kbs shared Sentech Connection. WAY too slow for funtional vnc | 11:38 |
chapium | ubuntu's the guest | 11:38 |
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Davethewave | pramz the key is ascii do I need to type sudo iwconfig wlan0 key restricted s:keyhere or leave out the s: :P | 11:38 |
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c211-28-179-31.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Badm4n | npx: what is the more secure ip tables that you mention to me ? | 11:39 |
fLavA_girL | hi | 11:39 |
derek[] | hi Fujitsu | 11:39 |
Davethewave | or experiment ;) | 11:39 |
Bakgat | ssh will gell, just want to be able to show clients how to 'easily' admin their own systems | 11:39 |
Fujitsu | Hello derek[] . | 11:39 |
pramz | Davethewave, no s: | 11:39 |
Davethewave | kk | 11:39 |
derek[] | Can the .deb binary packages used for Ubuntu? | 11:39 |
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npx | Badm4n, More secure by default, a custom ruleset could be better, but: the 'shorewall' or 'ipmasq' packages will do what you want | 11:39 |
Fujitsu | Yes, they can | 11:40 |
Davethewave | ty brb | 11:40 |
Bakgat | also, http & ssh is only practical options for remote admin | 11:40 |
derek[] | always? | 11:40 |
Fujitsu | Bakgat: HTTPS and SSH, probably. | 11:40 |
npx | I really like shorewall. You can configure it with rule lines like: ACCEPT fw net tcp 53 | 11:40 |
chapium | npx: I have vmware set to NAT, but admittedly i'm a bit noobish on this | 11:40 |
Fujitsu | derek[] : I believe so. They might not work perfectly, but they should. | 11:40 |
npx | And you define the 'firewall' and 'net' zones | 11:40 |
derek[] | Fujitsu, ok. | 11:40 |
ajmitch__ | derek[] : no, they won't always just work | 11:40 |
Fujitsu | derek[] : I have 14 CDs of Debian Sarge here, and I use packages from them. | 11:41 |
Badm4n | i just currios can i use eth0 and eth1 with same ip class ? or it must be different ? | 11:41 |
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ajmitch__ | derek[] : since it's generally not suggested to mix & match packages like that | 11:41 |
Davethewave | does ifdown work the same as /etc/init.d/networking stop | 11:41 |
derek[] | Is the preferable way the compilation from source or using a .deb package? | 11:41 |
Bakgat | thought so. will have to install & config webmin. most clients sit behind a linux firewall I've installed, so should be able to secure conn's | 11:41 |
taomaster | is there an easy way 2 install java in this o/s? i've gone to the website and followed the way it said to do it,any auto way of doing it? | 11:41 |
Fujitsu | It is a matter of personal choice. | 11:41 |
derek[] | hm | 11:41 |
npx | that's not necessarily true, X11 is a solid choice for remote administration | 11:41 |
Fujitsu | Source is often more recent. | 11:41 |
Fujitsu | However .debs are easier. | 11:42 |
Bakgat | taomaster; try the 'yast'/pacage install/update option | 11:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | taomaster: IIRC java is in multiverse | 11:42 |
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ajmitch__ | derek[] : I'd rather not have anything compiled straight from source on my box, but have everything packaged :) | 11:42 |
npx | chapium, I wanted to know if you were running Ubuntu INSIDE Vmware or not (sorry if you already answered) | 11:42 |
derek[] | me too | 11:42 |
pramz | Davethewave, did you try it ? | 11:42 |
derek[] | but i'm asking about the compatibility of the .deb package on ubuntu over the source | 11:42 |
Davethewave | pramz, not yet, waiting for gedit to comment again | 11:42 |
taomaster | i sent to the java website | 11:42 |
=== Siorai [n=ubuntu@pool-71-110-209-217.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | Source is guaranteed to work, .deb is not. | 11:43 |
Badm4n | npx: i just currios can i use eth0 and eth1 with same ip class ? or it must be different ? | 11:43 |
derek[] | Okay | 11:43 |
Davethewave | pramz does ifdown work the same as /etc/init.d/networking stop | 11:43 |
ajmitch__ | Fujitsu: well, not guaranteed :) | 11:43 |
Siorai | Fujitsu I'm an on S6220 :) | 11:43 |
npx | Same IP class? You mean members of the same subnet, Badm4n? | 11:43 |
Fujitsu | Siorai: What? | 11:43 |
Badm4n | ( eth0) | 11:43 |
limguohong91 | When I am setting up my ubuntu , I had purposely leave 10 gb not used. How can i use that partition of empty space and made it use ofn my current ubuntu partition? | 11:43 |
Bakgat | back 2 1st Q: is there a local South African mirror for ubuntu-5.10-dvd-i386.iso ? | 11:44 |
npx | Okay, yeah that's perfectly acceptable | 11:44 |
Siorai | Fujitsu, my notebook, a fujitsu S6220 : ) | 11:44 |
pramz | Davethewave, the latter is a rc script | 11:44 |
npx | Badm4n, my home network is configured just like that | 11:44 |
Fujitsu | Ahh | 11:44 |
Badm4n | with my iptables configure that i paste at pastebin before ? | 11:44 |
Siorai | is it possible to do a network install? | 11:44 |
Bakgat | limguohong91; use fdisk to create partition & modify your /etc/fstab to mount to system | 11:44 |
Fujitsu | Siorai: My name was given to me by a friend when he told me that wgrant was too boring for a username. He happened to have a Fujitsu 10.4GB HDD next to him, so he decided that I would be Fujitsu | 11:45 |
limguohong91 | Bakgat , is there a guide on how I can do it? | 11:45 |
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Siorai | Fujitsu: Hahaha, awesome, they do make top notch notebooks though | 11:45 |
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Siorai | I'm having some massive problems during my install | 11:45 |
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Fujitsu | What iswrong? | 11:45 |
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redhits | hello | 11:46 |
redhits | it's me again | 11:46 |
Siorai | I'm using a DVD iso, and the MD5sum matched both on the download, and the burn, but when installing it gives me corrupted file names, this is after I formatted my disc. | 11:46 |
redhits | i was trying to install all those stuff for playing mp3 files | 11:46 |
npx | Badm4n, that iptables script looks like it should work to me, but I'm not an iptables expert | 11:46 |
redhits | but it's still not working | 11:46 |
redhits | it's telling me | 11:46 |
redhits | Can't open resource for writing! | 11:46 |
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Badm4n | verywell | 11:46 |
Badm4n | thx alot bro | 11:46 |
sorush20 | hi guys... | 11:46 |
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sorush20 | love linux, how do I recover partitions ? | 11:46 |
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Siorai | At the moment I only have access to this computer, and on my HD I have half an install of ubuntu on it, so it won't boot. As it stands, I'm on the liveCD side of the DVD, which apperently runs great. The install version, does not. | 11:47 |
indigirl1 | sorush20: with parted maybe | 11:47 |
sorush20 | thanks | 11:47 |
redhits | ?! | 11:48 |
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Siorai | My question is, is there a possibility of a network/mirror install, if so, how do I do it, and if not, can't I just install from the liveCD somewhere? Obviously the liveCD's files aren't corrupted. | 11:48 |
Fujitsu | You can't really do either, Siorai. | 11:48 |
bain_ | Does anybody have any idea why I don';t have options for pxlmono drivers in printing for Warty Warthog ? | 11:49 |
Siorai | That's bunk Fujitsu :/ | 11:49 |
Fujitsu | The MD5 was fine? | 11:49 |
indigirl1 | redhits: what was your problem/question? | 11:49 |
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Siorai | *nodS* Both times Fujitsu | 11:49 |
Fujitsu | Very odd. | 11:49 |
Fujitsu | What is it actually (not) doing? | 11:49 |
Siorai | The base install fails. | 11:49 |
Fujitsu | Well, what messages (if any) does it give? | 11:49 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: from booting livecd boot menu there may be an option to copy it to hd. try the F buttons F1, F2, F3 etc for help with that | 11:50 |
sorush20 | guys I don't get what is up with amarok, it is buffering a stream to 100% then rebuffering over and over again and it just doesn't play then stream any ideas? | 11:50 |
redhits | I can't install my sound.... | 11:50 |
redhits | I did as mntioned | 11:50 |
redhits | in the FAQs | 11:50 |
redhits | and i got the error | 11:50 |
redhits | now | 11:50 |
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redhits | Could not open resource for writing... | 11:51 |
indigirl1 | sorush20: is it doing that with every stream? if a stream is maxed out that just means it cant connet (eg 400/400 users) | 11:51 |
Siorai | indigirl1, well, I've checked all of those, it doesn't give me anything, and because I'm on the DVD, if I press install, it goes into the install/ directory, instead of the /cdrom directory, the former is corrupted, the latter, is not. | 11:51 |
Siorai | It just gives me a failed to complete base install | 11:51 |
Fujitsu | How quickly? | 11:52 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: do a net install | 11:52 |
Siorai | indigirl1, how do I go about that? | 11:52 |
=== KiLlRoY [n=user@myw-stp-196-37-192-169.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Siorai | Fujitsu, oh, somewhere aroudn 26% ish far as I can tell... | 11:52 |
KiLlRoY | sorry, got disconnected.... | 11:52 |
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indigirl1 | indigirl1: from the cd install menu i thing there is a menu option. you may have to select expert mode from the Fbuttons help to see that option in the install | 11:53 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: so you downloaded the dvd then? | 11:53 |
Siorai | Yes indigirl1. | 11:53 |
=== royw [n=roy@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royw | hey guys | 11:53 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: you have good bandwidth. download a cd version and make a clean cd | 11:53 |
royw | i just installed ubuntu | 11:53 |
KiLlRoY | is there a south african mirror hosting ubuntu-5.10-dvd-i386.iso ? please... Or clost server? | 11:54 |
xychix | royw: good choice :) | 11:54 |
KiLlRoY | cosest | 11:54 |
KiLlRoY | closest... | 11:54 |
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Siorai | indigirl1, is that possible to burn a cd on the LiveUbuntu version? seems I can't take out the dvd... | 11:54 |
KiLlRoY | schpppelling.... | 11:54 |
royw | where do I find my hard drives? (like my computer in windows) and put a shurtcut to them on thedesktop? | 11:54 |
vbgunz | can someone help me write what I believe should be a simple script? | 11:55 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: from how you did it before like from windows xp | 11:55 |
Stormchaser | Em... how come there is no 'mc' in repository? | 11:55 |
Fujitsu | royw: What version of WIndows is it? | 11:55 |
royw | xp | 11:55 |
KiLlRoY | Siorai; get a second drive (cheapo) to act as a 'live HDD' | 11:55 |
soundray | vbgunz, what are you trying to do? | 11:55 |
royw | but whats the diffrence? im on ubuntu :) | 11:55 |
=== nemampojma [n=serbshad@203-217-70-209.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royw | and im trying find my hard drives (like my computer in windows) and put a shurtcut to them on thedesktop? | 11:56 |
royw | how do i do that? | 11:56 |
Fujitsu | royw: You are running Breezy Badger? | 11:56 |
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royw | I dont know what Breezy Badger is | 11:56 |
Siorai | indigirl1, I burned it from a copy of Fedora Core 4 that 'used' to be on my system, it was whiped by the install of ubuntu that only got about 1/4 way through | 11:56 |
royw | :-/ | 11:56 |
royw | lol | 11:56 |
nemampojma | hi all | 11:56 |
Fujitsu | Which version of Ubuntu are you running? | 11:56 |
nemampojma | need help | 11:56 |
KiLlRoY | royw; I've found the most user-friendly distro's are ubuntu & OpenSuse | 11:56 |
royw | I think 5.10 | 11:56 |
nemampojma | checking for gcc... no | 11:56 |
nemampojma | checking for cc... no | 11:56 |
nemampojma | checking for cc... no | 11:56 |
nemampojma | checking for cl... no | 11:56 |
nemampojma | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 11:56 |
nemampojma | See `config.log' for more details. | 11:56 |
Siorai | and FC4 doesn't support my wireless right off the bat, I'd have to find a lan-line to install it, which I don't have access too : / | 11:56 |
Fujitsu | royw: OK. | 11:56 |
Fujitsu | If you go into Places->Computer... | 11:57 |
npx | nemampojma, apt-get install build-essential | 11:57 |
Fujitsu | Then go into filesystem. | 11:57 |
vbgunz | soundray, run a few commands, such as zip, rm and mv | 11:57 |
indigirl1 | does ubuntu not have a netinstall? | 11:57 |
nemampojma | i install gcc | 11:57 |
soundray | vbgunz, what's the trouble? | 11:57 |
Stormchaser | nemampojma: Did you installed GCC? | 11:57 |
Fujitsu | royw: Then in mnt, there should be a direct like hda1, or something | 11:57 |
nemampojma | what need more | 11:57 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: okay | 11:57 |
nemampojma | yes | 11:57 |
Fujitsu | royw: That _should_ be it. If not, we will have to do it manually... | 11:58 |
royw | umm its empty | 11:58 |
Fujitsu | OK./ | 11:58 |
giany911 | can any1 help me with lirc? | 11:58 |
vbgunz | soundray, I will post in the pastebin... it is very small, not sure what is wrong :( | 11:58 |
Siorai | To top it off, my restore disc, which has windows XP on it, defaults my notebook back to the cracked screen that's attatched to it | 11:58 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: it may not work to eject the cd during live | 11:58 |
royw | I got 3 diffrent hadd's,,, ubuntu is on one of them... but I want to see them | 11:58 |
Siorai | exactly indigirl1 :/ | 11:58 |
nemampojma | sorry guys what need more to install | 11:59 |
Siorai | oi this sucks *pouts* | 11:59 |
KiLlRoY | royw, make sure they're listed in your fstab | 11:59 |
vbgunz | soundray: the file is executable | 11:59 |
Fujitsu | royw: OK. System->Administration->Disks. | 11:59 |
royw | "fstab"? | 11:59 |
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vbgunz | soundray: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5185 | 11:59 |
KiLlRoY | vi /etc/fstab | 11:59 |
royw | ok sec | 11:59 |
jeff__ | hello | 11:59 |
Fujitsu | royw: There is an automated thing to do it. | 11:59 |
Fujitsu | royw: No text editing required. | 11:59 |
Fujitsu | System->Administration->Disks | 11:59 |
royw | yes I see 3 hard disks there | 11:59 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: options i think are try to find netinstall, or try to find a copy-livecd-to-disk | 11:59 |
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Fujitsu | Select one, and select partitions. | 11:59 |
KiLlRoY | does anyone know how to do installs/boots fromn a firewire/usb ext hdd? | 12:00 |
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royw | ok | 12:00 |
royw | im there | 12:00 |
Fujitsu | It should list any partitions. Clicking on them will tell you how full they are, etc. | 12:00 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: or request a disc shipped in snail mail | 12:00 |
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jeff__ | guys help me please. I cannot get my Graphical desktop working. I'm typing this from tty1 (using program called "irc"). I have entered my username and password in the graphical login screen, but afterwards, all i get is a brown screen. PLease help me! | 12:00 |
soundray | vbgunz, how does it fail? | 12:00 |
Fujitsu | You should be able to click 'Change', and set a path for it, preferably a folder in /mnt. | 12:00 |
vbgunz | soundray: it just doesn't work... :( I see no terminal and nothing happens :( | 12:00 |
Siorai | Well, tommorro, I'll have access to a lan-line, and I can do other options, so I'm not completely out of luck | 12:00 |
royw | to select "change? | 12:00 |
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indigirl1 | Siorai: or reinstall a working system like winxp or fedora just to make a good burn | 12:01 |
Fujitsu | Next to path, yes. | 12:01 |
soundray | vbgunz, try to remove the sudos and call the script with sudo script | 12:01 |
royw | ok now what? | 12:01 |
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vbgunz | soundray | 12:01 |
KiLlRoY | ? | 12:01 |
vbgunz | soundray: ok | 12:01 |
Siorai | But, I was wondering if there was something I could do in the console, to where I could reroute the files to be copied to the cdrom directory | 12:01 |
royw | Im in a windows called "select new mount point.." | 12:01 |
KiLlRoY | Siorai; scenario? | 12:01 |
Fujitsu | In filesystem, find mnt, and create a new folder named something, and select it, and click open. | 12:01 |
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=== Siorai takes a deep breath | ||
=== soundray needs more coffee | ||
indigirl1 | Siorai: this stuff happens, making a "coaster". in the future have two partitions, leave your working os intact until you have a working new install | 12:02 |
royw | ok done | 12:02 |
royw | now what? | 12:02 |
=== chapium has had 4 cups of tea | ||
Fujitsu | Now, click OK. | 12:03 |
jeff__ | someone please help me. I cannot get my graphical desktop to work. Did i accidentally remove a package that's needed? | 12:03 |
redhits | hello | 12:03 |
Siorai | I despise having multiple OS's on a machine | 12:03 |
redhits | how I can install my audio sound card? | 12:03 |
jeff__ | I'm typing this via tty1's irc program | 12:03 |
chapium | jeff__, tis hard to tell | 12:03 |
royw | ok | 12:03 |
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royw | now what? | 12:03 |
Fujitsu | And you should be able to get the files by opening Places->Computer, then into mnt, then into the folder you just created. | 12:03 |
Siorai | Well, it's not a coaster actually, it's a DVD-RW | 12:03 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: you may spend a lot of futile effort and time trying to squirm with this faulty disc. i say drop it in the trash and start over | 12:03 |
jeff__ | chapium: well what steps should i take to find out what is causing this problem. please help me. | 12:03 |
KiLlRoY | jeff; type startx (not sure of case) | 12:03 |
chapium | jeff__: messing with drivers at all? | 12:04 |
Fujitsu | Sorry, filesystem then mnt. | 12:04 |
Siorai | impossible to make coasters | 12:04 |
=== milksteak [n=milkstea@60-234-138-71.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | soundray... I believe that worked... I think the problem is with the zip... I am using -e for encryption so a password is needed... The terminal will stay put at the password prompt which is probably why nothing else happens and the zip never gets zip... My question is, How do I manipulate the script so to pop-up the terminal and take me straight to the password prompt? | 12:04 |
chapium | jeff__: i'm no expert | 12:04 |
jeff__ | chapium: not messing with linux drivers. | 12:04 |
Fujitsu | KiLlRoY: startx. All lowercase... | 12:04 |
chapium | jeff__: what did you do? | 12:04 |
jeff__ | KiLlRoY: i'm in tty1.how can i switch to a differnt window? | 12:04 |
KiLlRoY | yip | 12:04 |
royw | umm status = inaccessible... should I enable it? | 12:04 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: about the 2 oses, youll notice my suggestion was for temporary to negate risk | 12:04 |
Siorai | well, I'm going to try a few options | 12:04 |
jeff__ | chapium: it might have something to do with removing evolution. | 12:04 |
Fujitsu | Probably, yes. | 12:04 |
=== Siorai nods | ||
=== Davethewave [n=david@pool-71-112-199-125.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
indigirl1 | Siorai: once it works then you wipe the 2nd partition | 12:05 |
chapium | jeff__: surely not | 12:05 |
Fujitsu | I am sort of doing this blindly here, since all of my partitions are configured already >_< | 12:05 |
jeff__ | can someone tell me how to go to a different tty from tty1 (without closing tty1). | 12:05 |
KiLlRoY | <crtl><alt><shift>f1/f2/f3/f..etc | 12:05 |
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jeff__ | chapium: what do you mean? | 12:05 |
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indigirl1 | Siorai: gl | 12:05 |
redhits | how I can install my audio sound card? | 12:05 |
Siorai | For some reason, everytiem I've tried to partition, it's never worked properly... | 12:05 |
Davethewave | pramz no go, still had to sit at the empty desktop screen a few minutes :p | 12:05 |
royw | its does not let me... and it just deleted what we did with the new path.... :-/ | 12:05 |
chapium | jeff__: if you type startx, what does it tell you | 12:05 |
jeff__ | chapium: how can i get to a different tty first? | 12:05 |
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Fujitsu | What do you mean it doesn't let you? | 12:05 |
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indigirl1 | Siorai: thats why they call it an "expert" step. usually hidden from default installs a little | 12:06 |
KiLlRoY | <crtl><alt><shift>f1/f2/f3/f..etc to switch shell | 12:06 |
jeff__ | i'm in tty1. how can i switch to a different tty? | 12:06 |
royw | I pressed on enabled andnothing happaned | 12:06 |
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chapium | jeff__: alt + F1.... | 12:06 |
Fujitsu | Try again... | 12:06 |
royw | and the access path is gone too... | 12:06 |
chapium | jeff__: X is normally on F7 | 12:06 |
Fujitsu | It works for me... | 12:06 |
Siorai | Oh well, hopefully I'll be back on a normal install soon here, but I'm going to try the network install | 12:06 |
Fujitsu | royw: Very odd. | 12:06 |
KiLlRoY | combo's. sometimes these also differ in distros | 12:06 |
indigirl1 | Siorai: gl | 12:06 |
soundray | vbgunz, give me two mins | 12:07 |
Fujitsu | I guess you should try setting the mount path again, then immediayely click enable... | 12:07 |
=== DaddyCaddy [n=dbuglio@adsl-68-78-136-78.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | soundray: ok, sure... thank you very much! | 12:07 |
royw | ok sec | 12:07 |
royw | yup | 12:07 |
jeff__ | KiLlRoY, chapium: i tried startx. i got "Fatal Server Error: Server is already active for Display 0" | 12:07 |
Fujitsu | How is it? | 12:07 |
=== Siorai googles up the network install for a bit | ||
Fujitsu | jeff__ Ctrl+Alt+F7 should do it. | 12:07 |
royw | but now when I try to aceess the folder it says | 12:07 |
chapium | jeff__: try alt + F7 | 12:07 |
royw | I dont have promissions?? | 12:08 |
Fujitsu | Ahh... HM... | 12:08 |
=== Davethewave [n=david@pool-71-112-199-125.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royw | file system= windows NTFS | 12:08 |
DaddyCaddy | anyone feel like helping me with all in wonder 9600 and gatos questions? | 12:08 |
Fujitsu | OK. | 12:08 |
jeff__ | chapium, Fujitsu, I can get to GUI (F7), but all i get is a brown screen with my mouse cursor. | 12:08 |
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Fujitsu | jeff__: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill and restart, hopefully work... | 12:09 |
=== Bakgat [n=user@myw-stp-196-34-112-40.sentechsa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royw | so how can I access it? | 12:09 |
chapium | jeff__: yup ^^ | 12:09 |
DaddyCaddy | i cant find any help on forums, just wanna see if anyone out there has a all in wonder woking with 5.10 x86 | 12:09 |
Fujitsu | royw: YOu shoudln't be able to write, but you certainly should be able to read... | 12:09 |
Bakgat | sorry, got disconnected (again) | 12:09 |
jeff__ | Fujitsu: i've tried Cntrl+Alt+Backspace several times in the past, but it doesn't help. All I get is a brown screen. | 12:09 |
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bakgat | royw; NTFS? | 12:09 |
Fujitsu | Try right clicking on the folder inside /mnt, and checking the permissions tab. | 12:09 |
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Fujitsu | jeff: You may be a bit stuffed then... | 12:09 |
royw | dr-x------ | 12:10 |
xst | I am currently using kubuntu as I thought it was just ubuntu with KDE. But apparently it is not: How do I change the default sound card to be used? In ubuntu there is a preference setting for this - but not in kubuntu. | 12:10 |
chapium | jeff__: try rebooting, thats tried and true | 12:10 |
rob_p | vbgunz: Here's how I do it. Make a simple script with something similar to, "getpasswd=`/usr/bin/zenity --title "Crypt-Data Access" --entry --hide-text --text="Please enter your password:"...` etc., and then use the variable $getpasswd when calling the actual script, from within the small script. | 12:10 |
royw | dr-x------ | 12:10 |
Fujitsu | I get the same issue when I remount my partitions. | 12:10 |
chapium | jeff__: might be overkill, but might just owrk | 12:10 |
royw | and I cant chnge anything there | 12:10 |
Fujitsu | We will have to do it manually then... | 12:10 |
jeff__ | chapium: believe it or not, even rebooting doesn't help. I have powered off and then powered on, but i still have only a brown screen. | 12:10 |
Bakgat | jeff, let's try again. exactly what is the problem? (got disconnected) | 12:10 |
Fujitsu | Open up a terminal. | 12:10 |
=== coz [n=coz@c-24-3-171-43.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royw | ok open | 12:11 |
coz | Hello All | 12:11 |
chapium | hmm, can you right click and get any menus or anything? | 12:11 |
Davethewave | hello | 12:11 |
Fujitsu | Type 'sudo vim /etc/fstab' | 12:11 |
chapium | jeff__: sounds like gdm is goofed up | 12:11 |
Davethewave | it's 3:AM :o | 12:11 |
coz | where is everyone from? | 12:11 |
vbgunz | rob_p: thanks, but I might be a bit lost... this is my first sh script ever... am a spermcell so far with it ... | 12:11 |
Fujitsu | And enter your password when you are asked... | 12:11 |
coz | I am US pennsylvania | 12:11 |
Bakgat | Jhb | 12:11 |
jeff__ | Bakgat: I get the graphical login screen. I enter my password and username, but all i get afterwards is a brown screen. | 12:11 |
Fujitsu | coz: Melbourne, Australia. | 12:11 |
nelposto | urgent issue guys hold the phone !!!1oneoenone | 12:11 |
=== vbgunz supersperm | ||
vbgunz | :) | 12:11 |
jeff__ | chapium: how can i fix gdm. | 12:11 |
Bakgat | hmmm | 12:11 |
jeff__ | ? | 12:11 |
vbgunz | rob_p: I'll try | 12:11 |
Davethewave | coz: Wa. USA | 12:11 |
coz | Melbourne you have no idea how much I want to be in Austrailia | 12:12 |
nelposto | I can't get tux racer to work since I installed my nvidia drivers :( | 12:12 |
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Bakgat | ok, switch to a tect console | 12:12 |
coz | I love WA also | 12:12 |
royw | ok.... now what? | 12:12 |
Bakgat | run ps -al | 12:12 |
Fujitsu | You should see some entries for /dev/hda1, etc. | 12:12 |
jeff__ | chapium: right-clicking in gui does nothing. | 12:12 |
rob_p | vbgunz: It's not so hard! Also, if you are interested in authenticating against your system password, I've a perl script which uses zenity to collect password and validate it against the system password if you're interested. | 12:12 |
Bakgat | start killing processes, then run startx; should give you feedback | 12:12 |
royw | yes | 12:12 |
Fujitsu | Look down the list for the right NTFS one. | 12:12 |
royw | i see few | 12:12 |
chapium | jeff__: see if you can change your session from the graphical login screen | 12:12 |
jeff__ | Bakgat: how do i kill processes in tty1? | 12:13 |
jeff__ | chapium: how do i change session from gui? | 12:13 |
rob_p | vbgunz: It's really pretty easy to use... | 12:13 |
soundray | vbgunz, I'd try a solution like http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/5186 | 12:13 |
Fujitsu | And where it says defaults, add change it to 'users,defaults', without the quotes. | 12:13 |
vbgunz | rob_p: I think I might have something *but* yes, I would like to keep in touch about that... | 12:13 |
chapium | jeff__: not sure. | 12:13 |
jeff__ | do i have to restart/reboot to get to the graphyical login screen? | 12:13 |
Bakgat | kill %<process number> | 12:13 |
chapium | jeff__: yes | 12:13 |
royw | umm I dont see the NTfS one | 12:13 |
jeff__ | Bakgat: what processes do i kill? and how do i know the numbers? | 12:13 |
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chapium | jeff__: you should have some settings available to you there. Unless ubuntu has that turned off | 12:13 |
royw | only the ext3 and swap | 12:14 |
Davethewave | for graphical login screen go "System-> logout" then Logout | 12:14 |
Fujitsu | OK. Do you remember the 'Device' of the partition from Disks? | 12:14 |
Bakgat | look for stuff with X in the name (very rough workaround) | 12:14 |
jeff__ | chapium: oh. yes, i remember seeing "sessions" in the login screen. | 12:14 |
Bakgat | takes up lotsa memory | 12:14 |
soundray | vbgunz, rob_p's suggestion is essentially the same as mine | 12:14 |
soundray | vbgunz, although he apparently knows zenity... | 12:14 |
jeff__ | Bakgat: how do i find a list of the active processes? | 12:14 |
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vbgunz | am trying it out... | 12:15 |
royw | /dev/hda1 | 12:15 |
Fujitsu | OK. Good. | 12:15 |
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dmlinux | stevejesus ok i have gnome installed, how did you use the gnome battery moniter in KDE? | 12:15 |
Fujitsu | Can you see an entry for that in /etc/fstab? | 12:15 |
coz | DaddyCaddy?? | 12:15 |
jeff__ | if i do cntrl+alt+backspace now from tty1, will my irc session in tty1 disappear? | 12:15 |
royw | yes but it says ext3... which is not posible | 12:15 |
soundray | vbgunz, read it and understand before you run something that you got through IRC... | 12:15 |
Fujitsu | That could probably be the problem. | 12:15 |
rob_p | vbgunz: Well anyway, if you're interested, you can find the Perl script and a small writeup on it here ---> http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/18/40/ | 12:16 |
Fujitsu | What does it say the mount point is in fstab? | 12:16 |
vbgunz | soundray: ok | 12:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jeff__: doing that on getty 1 wont do antying | 12:16 |
Fujitsu | jeff__: no. | 12:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | afaik | 12:16 |
chapium | jeff__: crtl alt backspace is a specific shortcut for X | 12:16 |
jeff__ | ok. i'll be back. please hold on. thank you. | 12:16 |
royw | /dev/hdd1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 12:16 |
Fujitsu | hda1, or hdd1? | 12:17 |
Fujitsu | Which is your NTFS? I supsect hda1. | 12:17 |
Davethewave | pramz, I need a chip set that doesn't need ndiswrapper :) I think it's my chip set or driver incompatibility | 12:17 |
aeon17x | I added the sources into the repositories list... how do I download them? I just want to look at them, that's all. | 12:17 |
royw | right | 12:17 |
soundray | vbgunz, remember that zipfile encryption only prevents the most casual snooping. | 12:17 |
royw | which is not showen on the terminal | 12:17 |
Fujitsu | Ok. | 12:17 |
Fujitsu | Let us add one. | 12:17 |
vbgunz | soundray... yeah its no biggie... just nothing else on the system but gpg support encryption... | 12:17 |
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vbgunz | soundray, I need something light... | 12:18 |
SepheroRick | how to use yahoo with thunderbird | 12:18 |
jeff__ | hi chapium, Fujitsu i tried the other choices for "sessions" in the gui login screen, but none of them work. Aaagh. please help. | 12:18 |
vbgunz | soundray: your script doesn't work, do I need to modify it? | 12:18 |
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royw | ok | 12:18 |
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raid01 | hi all | 12:18 |
vbgunz | soundray: I mean I wont get a popup asking for my password will I? Do I need to mod the script and enter the password there? | 12:19 |
royw | so what should we do? | 12:19 |
Paradosso | I don't have fsetbg installed it seems: how do I get it, anyone knows? | 12:19 |
jeff__ | Bakgat: how do i list active processes that have the letter x in them | 12:19 |
raid01 | someone could please tell me how could i have my gdesklets run at boot | 12:19 |
Fujitsu | Go to the bottom of the file, and press o. Type /dev/hda1 [tab] /mnt/[whatever name you chose] [tab] ntfs [tab] users,defaults [tab] 0 [tab] 0 | 12:19 |
soundray | vbgunz, you need to run it in a terminal with sudo. | 12:19 |
vbgunz | soundray: ok | 12:20 |
soundray | vbgunz, alternatively, replace the paths you're writing to with user-writable ones, then you won't need sudo | 12:20 |
chapium | hmmm, i think kde has Opera syndrome: 8 million options under every menu... clutter everywhere | 12:20 |
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soundray | vbgunz, and call it from within a terminal. | 12:20 |
raid01 | anyone? | 12:20 |
vbgunz | soundray | 12:20 |
maffju | is it possible to mount *.nrg iso-images, as generated by (windows-)nero? | 12:20 |
vbgunz | soundray: ok! | 12:20 |
soundray | vbgunz, I'm not into this zenity stuff. | 12:20 |
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vbgunz | soundray: I don't need it, was just fooling with it, all I need is the backup to work... | 12:21 |
royw | Fujitsu.... ok done | 12:21 |
royw | to hit enter? | 12:21 |
Fujitsu | No. | 12:22 |
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chapium | poor jeff__ | 12:22 |
coz | For someone not real busy;; I just installed Opera and would like to make this the default browser. Can I do this? | 12:22 |
Fujitsu | Press Esc, the type :wq then enter. | 12:22 |
royw | ok | 12:22 |
Fujitsu | jeff__, you say you uninstalled evolution? | 12:22 |
Fujitsu | royw: Has vim quit now? | 12:23 |
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royw | yes | 12:23 |
Toma- | coz: System > Admin > Preferred Applications | 12:23 |
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royw | should I see the hdd now? | 12:23 |
Fujitsu | jeff__: You could try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop from tty1. | 12:23 |
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Fujitsu | royw: Not quite. | 12:23 |
royw | ok so what should I do now? heh | 12:23 |
Fujitsu | royw, in the console type 'sudo mount /dev/hda1' | 12:24 |
maffju | is it possible to mount *.nrg iso-images, as generated by (windows-)nero? | 12:24 |
royw | ok nowwhat? | 12:25 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | maffju: i dobut it | 12:25 |
Fujitsu | You should be able to see it now. | 12:25 |
DaddyCaddy | any suggestions for All in Wonder under ubuntu 5.10?? Please anyone??!?!?! | 12:25 |
royw | see it where? | 12:25 |
Fujitsu | maffju: I believe that they are just ISOs... You will need the loopback device for that... | 12:25 |
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Fujitsu | royw: In the place that you defined under /mnt. | 12:25 |
royw | ok sec | 12:25 |
Toma- | maffju: http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/linux/nrg2iso.en.html | 12:25 |
royw | still promissions...... | 12:26 |
maffju | Fujitsu, with "-o loop"? i tried that but failed | 12:26 |
maffju | Toma-, thanks for the link | 12:26 |
royw | can not aceess the folder | 12:26 |
Fujitsu | OK. | 12:26 |
Toma- | that or get nerolinux :( | 12:26 |
soundray | vbgunz, just read an article about sbackup, sounds like the tool for you. | 12:26 |
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royw | the folder got a red X on it | 12:26 |
Davethewave | royw you may need to sudo chown yourusername /mnt/folder | 12:26 |
vbgunz | soundray: I think I got it | 12:26 |
Fujitsu | In a terminal, 'sudo chmod a+rx /mnt/[whatever it was] ' | 12:26 |
rob_p | vbgunz: Try this one ---> http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/5187 | 12:27 |
royw | whith the '? | 12:27 |
maffju | Toma-, that's cool, thanks again! | 12:27 |
Fujitsu | No. | 12:27 |
vbgunz | soundray: gnome-terminal -x zip -r1qye9 ~/sysadmin.zip ~/ | 12:27 |
Toma- | no prob | 12:27 |
Fujitsu | Basically saying that everybody should have read and execute access to the folder. | 12:27 |
giany911 | how can i use my tv tuner remote control with xmms ... | 12:27 |
vbgunz | *but* it doesn't wait for the first command... it seems to jump ahead... | 12:27 |
vbgunz | checking that script now | 12:27 |
royw | ok it says chmod: changing permissions of `/mnt/hdd': Read-only file system | 12:28 |
soundray | vbgunz, the sbackup review is on http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/11/22/2110251 | 12:28 |
Fujitsu | Now try, I guess. | 12:28 |
bungle_ | !tell firestarter | 12:28 |
vbgunz | soundray: ok | 12:28 |
royw | but its still the same.... I get promission when I try to enter it | 12:28 |
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vbgunz | rob_p: Will try that link now | 12:28 |
bungle_ | !tell bungle firestarter | 12:28 |
cafuego | 'about' | 12:28 |
xst | Can I somehow change my kubuntu to an ubuntu installation? Kubuntu is pure crap. | 12:28 |
Fujitsu | OK, in a terminal type sudo -i | 12:29 |
bungle_ | how do i setup firestarter | 12:29 |
cafuego | The bot understands english, not pidgin ;-) | 12:29 |
cafuego | !firestarter | 12:29 |
ubotu | from memory, firestarter is Ubuntu has, like every other Linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is Firestarter, which can be installed via Breezy's "Add Applications" or Synaptic | 12:29 |
xst | -without having to reinstall the whole thing | 12:29 |
royw | ok did it | 12:29 |
Fujitsu | Now, cd /mnt/[whatever] | 12:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | xst: that would be "Krap" surely? | 12:29 |
royw | I see it now! | 12:29 |
xst | sure | 12:29 |
Fujitsu | OK. | 12:29 |
Fujitsu | That is as root. | 12:29 |
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royw | great! | 12:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | xst: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 12:30 |
royw | I can not write to the disk right? only read? | 12:30 |
Fujitsu | But that is not how we want it... But we are halfway there. | 12:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and sudo apt-get install debfoster, and use it to remove all ht ekde packages | 12:30 |
Fujitsu | Not write to NTFS, no. | 12:30 |
royw | good | 12:30 |
cafuego | chmod on NTFS is also fully pointless. | 12:30 |
xst | Kamping_Kaiser: Is that really it? Will I then also get gdm as default login manager? | 12:30 |
royw | from where can I get a program like Winamp? | 12:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | xst: shuold do | 12:31 |
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xst | Cool | 12:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | xst: you can install it if you don't | 12:31 |
bungle_ | I use xmms royw | 12:31 |
onkarshinde | royw: I would recommend xmms. | 12:31 |
cafuego | royw: if you need read-access to ntfs for users, you need to pass a 'gid' and 'umask' option to the mount command (or in fstab) | 12:31 |
Davethewave | xmms | 12:31 |
Fujitsu | royw: xmms is good. | 12:31 |
DaddyCaddy | xmms is good | 12:31 |
royw | wow | 12:31 |
royw | ok | 12:31 |
soundray | !beep-media-player | 12:31 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, soundray | 12:31 |
bungle_ | xmms wins i reckon lol | 12:31 |
royw | from where do I get it? | 12:31 |
cafuego | !bmp | 12:31 |
ubotu | methinks bmp is a guide to Beep Media Player and Plugins, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeepMediaPlayer | 12:31 |
dooglus | where should bugs in breezy-backports packages be reported? | 12:31 |
cafuego | Much nicer fork of xmms. | 12:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !info beep-media-player | 12:31 |
Fujitsu | royw: Should be built in. | 12:31 |
ubotu | beep-media-player: (Versatile audio player that supports Winamp skins), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 831 kB, Installed size: 3588 kB | 12:31 |
onkarshinde | royw: Do you know how to use synaptic? | 12:31 |
soundray | Thx cafuego | 12:31 |
cafuego | dooglus: dapper development, prolly. | 12:31 |
bungle_ | sudo apt-get install xmms | 12:32 |
dooglus | cafuego: what's that? a mailing list? or web site? | 12:32 |
royw | umm no | 12:32 |
Fujitsu | cafuego: I thought I had forgotten something... | 12:32 |
royw | and cant see that xmms | 12:32 |
cafuego | dooglus: Actually, try launchpad. | 12:32 |
onkarshinde | cafuego: bmp just looks nicer, it is still buggy. | 12:32 |
DaddyCaddy | can i just use the ubuntu package manager to download kde and all of the package files and run KDE from the logon menu? | 12:32 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: yeah, but there you go. | 12:32 |
DaddyCaddy | do i have to do anything else? | 12:32 |
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royw | ok ill brb i need to get my girl out of shcool | 12:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | DaddyCaddy: yes, you can | 12:33 |
cafuego | DaddyCaddy: Just install 'kubuntu-desktop'. | 12:33 |
Fujitsu | I may not be here. | 12:33 |
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DaddyCaddy | ok | 12:33 |
royw | umm ok :-/ | 12:33 |
DaddyCaddy | thnx | 12:33 |
cafuego | DaddyCaddy: That will pull in all that is required. | 12:33 |
Davethewave | royw click system -> administration -> synaptic package manager | 12:33 |
royw | ill try to do it fast | 12:33 |
royw | :) | 12:33 |
Fujitsu | K | 12:33 |
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royw | brb | 12:33 |
Davethewave | and search for xmms | 12:33 |
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zelevw | msg NickServ IDENTIFY internet | 12:34 |
cafuego | zelevw: own3d | 12:34 |
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Davethewave | hehe | 12:34 |
onkarshinde | Anybody using edubuntu? I just want to know how good is it for school kids (essentially, 8th standard ones) | 12:34 |
Davethewave | :o | 12:34 |
onkarshinde | zelevw: /msg | 12:35 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: I have an edubuntu setup, works nicely. | 12:35 |
Badm4n | !ping me | 12:35 |
ubotu | Badm4n: I don't know, could you explain it? | 12:35 |
zelevw | onkarshinde: thanks | 12:35 |
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onkarshinde | cafuego: But does it work only on thin clients or can i install standalone? | 12:35 |
Davethewave | zelevw you may want to change it now ;) | 12:35 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: Just gnome, skinned, other default apps, adminable as per usual. | 12:35 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: The server just boots into gdm by default, you can just login. | 12:35 |
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zelevw | davethewave: how do i change it? | 12:36 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: it *also* allows netbooting, but just ignore that if not needed. | 12:36 |
onkarshinde | cafuego: so there is no way to install it on a single machine, right? | 12:36 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: yes yes, just the default install. | 12:36 |
onkarshinde | cafuego: Ok. | 12:37 |
cafuego | onkarshinde: that will give you an edubuntu gdm login. | 12:37 |
Davethewave | zelevw goot question :o | 12:37 |
Davethewave | good* | 12:37 |
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cafuego | zelevw: /msg nickserv help | 12:37 |
zelevw | cafuego: gracias | 12:38 |
n0dl | i have a question i have a pentium 2 computer and was thinking about installing the i686 kernal. I have a GeForce2 GTS/Pro. Do i need to install legacy drivers? | 12:38 |
cafuego | n0dl: Yep | 12:38 |
n0dl | so how exactly would i do that? | 12:39 |
cafuego | !find nvidia-legacy | 12:39 |
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n0dl | !find nvidia-legacy | 12:39 |
cafuego | linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-686-nvidia-legacy | 12:39 |
pc22 | what is cedega? | 12:40 |
cafuego | and nvidia-glx-legacy | 12:40 |
cafuego | !cedega | 12:40 |
Davethewave | can you use synaptic package manager and install nvidia-glx-legacy? | 12:40 |
ubotu | cedega is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page, or #cedega http://www.franskcorner.org/ | 12:40 |
zelevw | whats the best samba gui configuration tool for ubuntu 5.10? thx | 12:40 |
Badm4n | how to make bridge on ubuntu 5.10 | 12:40 |
onkarshinde | zelevw: swat | 12:40 |
Davethewave | I can't figure out samba, it never finds my windows shares *shrug* | 12:40 |
onkarshinde | zelevw: It is web based tool | 12:40 |
n0dl | so would i install the legacy driver before i install the kernel? | 12:41 |
zelevw | onkarshinde: i installed it but cant get to it... | 12:41 |
onkarshinde | n0dl: of course after kernel | 12:41 |
cafuego | n0dl: Just install 'em at the same time. | 12:41 |
n0dl | would i have to install the legacy driver everytime i boot? or just wheni switch kernal | 12:41 |
onkarshinde | zelevw: I suppose it listens on port 9001, not sure though. | 12:41 |
cafuego | n0dl: No, it will "just work" when you boot that kernel. | 12:41 |
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n0dl | how would i install them at the same time? | 12:41 |
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cafuego | no_gatez_fan: sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-686-nvidia-legacy nvidia-glx-legacy' | 12:42 |
cafuego | grrrr | 12:42 |
cafuego | n0dl: ^^ | 12:42 |
Mabus06 | Is it possible to run WINE on CoLinux? | 12:42 |
onkarshinde | Mabus06: I suppose you will have to compile wine for that? | 12:42 |
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Delvien | Any way to make konqueror my default file browser?? i hate epiphany | 12:43 |
Mabus06 | onkarshinde, oh, I don't know how to go about doing it. I just wanted to know if you could run a windows emulator on a linux emulator on a windows machine. | 12:43 |
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pc22 | cafuego, thanks | 12:43 |
Mabus06 | I have too much free time. | 12:43 |
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onkarshinde | Delvien: Epiphany is not a file browser. It is web broswer. Nautilus is default file browser | 12:43 |
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zelevw | onkarshinde: do i have to install apache for swat to work? | 12:44 |
Badm4n | how to make bridge on ubuntu 5.10 i want other-pc---connected to my pc using LAN/HUB----------->mypc----connected direct to my eth-------->backup pc | 12:44 |
Davethewave | Delvien System-Preferences-Preffered applications I think lets you change default browser | 12:44 |
cafuego | zelevw: no | 12:44 |
onkarshinde | Mabus06: I suppose you can as long as all the needed libraries and development files are available on colinux | 12:44 |
pc22 | cafuego, what is the latest package of cedega? | 12:44 |
zelevw | cafuego: thanks... | 12:45 |
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Delvien | onkarshinde how do i change it from nautilus to konqueror then? | 12:45 |
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penguinzdr | how long takes the compilation of mplayer CVS? | 12:46 |
penguinzdr | on a 1.8 GHz processor | 12:46 |
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nemampojma | i cant log like root? | 12:46 |
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Davethewave | as long as it takes :) | 12:46 |
penguinzdr | nemampojma, RTFM | 12:46 |
onkarshinde | Delvien: I am not sure. Either it must be possible from System->Preferences->Preferred Applications or there is some command for it. | 12:46 |
Davethewave | root is disabled in ubuntu, anyone have the link that explains about that? | 12:47 |
dooglus | !root | 12:47 |
ubotu | rumour has it, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 12:47 |
Davethewave | dooglus ty | 12:47 |
onkarshinde | !tell nemampojma about sudo | 12:47 |
Bouncy_ | hi ppl, im trying to setup a webserver using the howto forge ubuntu isp perfec setup howto file and im having difficutly getting sasl to start.? ive copied the config file exactly and followed the instructions to the letter and its not working. does any one know why sasl wouldnt start.? for any reason. | 12:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nemampojma: install build-essentials | 12:47 |
nemampojma | i did | 12:47 |
penguinzdr | Davethewave, something more accurate? | 12:47 |
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nemampojma | but i cant login lik root | 12:48 |
onkarshinde | Bouncy_: could you rephrase the question? Are you trying to use ssl with web server? | 12:48 |
Bouncy_ | or has anyone used the howto for version 5.10 for webserver setup.? from howoto forge. | 12:48 |
dooglus | nemampojma: read the link from ubotu | 12:48 |
redxninja | how do you change the io scheduler | 12:48 |
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redxninja | I want to use cfq as default | 12:48 |
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Fujitsu | Bye everybody, my parents are telling me to go to bed now. | 12:49 |
penguinzdr | bed!? it is 13:49 PM! | 12:49 |
Fujitsu | Erm, 22:49 here. | 12:49 |
Bouncy_ | onkarshinde: sorry, im trying to get saslauthd to start and yes im using ssl but that is not the probelm its saslauthd | 12:49 |
redxninja | hello? | 12:49 |
Stormchaser | 13 PM?!? | 12:49 |
dooglus | penguinzdr: we're living on a globe, remember? | 12:50 |
soundray | What's a sensible way to convert PNG to PDF? Do I have to go via pnm? eps? Use oodraw2? | 12:50 |
onkarshinde | zelevw: SWAT listens on post 901. You may need to start it from System->Administration->Services | 12:50 |
penguinzdr | dooglus, yeah right | 12:50 |
zelevw | onkarshinde: thank u | 12:50 |
Fujitsu | royw: Goodnight, sorry I couldn't see your problems out to the end tonight... | 12:50 |
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penguinzdr | Fujitsu, good night (good afternoon for me) and drink your cocoa! | 12:50 |
onkarshinde | Bouncy_: sorry, never heard about saslauthd. Can't help you. | 12:50 |
Davethewave | 3:50 here | 12:50 |
Davethewave | am | 12:50 |
Bouncy_ | onkarshinde: thanks anyway | 12:50 |
penguinzdr | oh i hate globe | 12:51 |
penguinzdr | i want to live on a disk! | 12:51 |
penguinzdr | disc* | 12:51 |
Bouncy_ | has anyone here used saslauthd with ubuntu 5.10? | 12:51 |
giany911 | can any1 help me with lirc? | 12:51 |
Davethewave | I dunno what saslauthd is but for some reason the word makes me in the mood to eat a sausage | 12:51 |
Bouncy_ | Davethewave: lol\ | 12:52 |
=== redxninja [n=Ivan@pool-71-112-201-124.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Bouncy_ | its an authentaction program for postfix i believe. | 12:52 |
soundray | giany911, what's the trouble? | 12:52 |
Davethewave | ah | 12:52 |
penguinzdr | goodbye everybody, i gotta do my homeworks | 12:54 |
Delvien | anyone know the terminal command to start the Battery monitor in gnome.. im trying to figure a way to make it run in KDE | 12:54 |
=== sunsun [n=u-sun@81-5-139-5.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sunsun | hello | 12:55 |
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sunsun | i'd like to know - how i can turn off touchpad on my pc? | 12:55 |
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soundray | Delvien, why not use klaptopdaemon? | 12:55 |
sunsun | on ubuntu? | 12:55 |
sunsun | synaptic? | 12:55 |
Delvien | soundray because klaptop sucks donky butt | 12:56 |
=== abonnee [n=abonnee@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abonnee | slt tt le monde | 12:56 |
abonnee | ki es tu ? | 12:57 |
sunsun | hey, anyone know how i can turn off my touch pad on my pc? | 12:57 |
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soundray | sunsun, apt-get install tpconfig | 12:57 |
abonnee | who is U | 12:57 |
Delvien | ok. anyone know how to change default file browser from Nautalis to knoqueror?? | 12:57 |
soundray | !fr | 12:58 |
ubotu | Va a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais | 12:58 |
=== ndlovu [n=rudi@tbnb-165-215-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abonnee | tu parle pas franais ? | 12:58 |
ndlovu | !upgrade | 12:59 |
ubotu | The guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 12:59 |
sunsun | hey, don't upgrad | 12:59 |
sunsun | upgrade | 12:59 |
onkarshinde | Delvien: serach for command 'update-alternatives' May be it will help you. | 12:59 |
sunsun | do a clean install | 12:59 |
sunsun | WARNING | 12:59 |
abonnee | moi je comprends pa tres b1 Anglais | 12:59 |
sunsun | i had immense problems | 12:59 |
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onkarshinde | sunsun: stop spreading FUD | 12:59 |
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ndlovu | anyone else had upgrade issues? | 01:00 |
onkarshinde | sunsun: There are lot of people (including me) who didn't face any problem during upgrading | 01:00 |
abonnee | ohhhhhhhhh !!!!!! | 01:00 |
soundray | abonnee, please join #ubuntu-fr. This channel is for Ubuntu support in English. | 01:00 |
=== aspro [n=aspro@220-253-98-38.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
onkarshinde | ndlovu: not me. Make sure the CD is burnt properly, chek md5sum for iso and CD and tally with one at download site. | 01:01 |
ndlovu | is a clean install generally the better way to go? (happy to try both) | 01:01 |
abonnee | where is not someone who speak french | 01:01 |
Davethewave | anyone know a good outlet to buy an atheros, or prism or any network PCI or USB card that works natively in Linux? | 01:01 |
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ndlovu | onkarshinde:vgot an original CD, so should work | 01:01 |
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giany911 | help meee with lirc | 01:02 |
abonnee | ol | 01:02 |
abonnee | sorry | 01:02 |
=== Nies [n=pushp@84-121-2-234.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | giany911, noone can help unless you describe your problem. | 01:02 |
Delvien | onkarshinde hehe says no alternatives | 01:02 |
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giany911 | i cant get it to work | 01:02 |
m0r0n | How do I get the number of days since 1970? | 01:02 |
m0r0n | date? | 01:03 |
soundray | m0r0n, read man date | 01:03 |
giany911 | if i use lircd in console i get lircd 0.7.0: can't open or create /var/run/lircd.pid | 01:03 |
giany911 | lircd 0.7.0: Permission denied | 01:03 |
onkarshinde | Delvien: I don't know syntax of that command. May be 'commandname --help' will help | 01:03 |
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Hobbsee | giany911: stick sudo in front of it | 01:03 |
giany911 | doesnt work | 01:03 |
m0r0n | I dont understand manpages! | 01:03 |
Delvien | onkarshinde yeah i looked into it but it doesnt show i can change it. | 01:03 |
soundray | giany911, are you sure lircd isn't already running? | 01:04 |
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Delvien | onkarshinde which sucks , because nautilus is crap | 01:04 |
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giany911 | well im not so sure | 01:04 |
giany911 | now i see it started | 01:04 |
giany911 | how do i use it ?:)) | 01:04 |
vbgunz | rob_p & soundray, thank you both for your genius and time! I really appreciate it! | 01:04 |
syklitengutt | anyone who can help me with some cs1.6 install problems? When it comes to check the button for accepting user agreement I cant check the button. Have an image of it if anyone needs to see it. | 01:04 |
soundray | giany911, what is it you want to do? | 01:05 |
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giany911 | syklitengutt with what do u wanna install cs ? | 01:05 |
giany911 | soundray | 01:05 |
onkarshinde | giany911: lirc support depends on your media player. You may also need some additional configuration. I suppose VLC supports lirc. | 01:05 |
syklitengutt | wine | 01:05 |
Delvien | anyone know the terminal command to start the Battery monitor in gnome.. im trying to figure a way to make it run in KDE | 01:05 |
giany911 | i want my remote to work with xmms | 01:05 |
ulinskie | got a q. how can I sign the code of conduct of ubuntu using my gpg key? | 01:05 |
soundray | giany911, what kind of IR receiver are you using? | 01:05 |
Davethewave | Delvien what is the battery monitor called | 01:05 |
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giany911 | sound ray i use my tv tuner remote | 01:06 |
Mabus06 | sign the code of conduct? why would you need to do that? | 01:06 |
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
onkarshinde | Delvien: Have you beed using KDE for long time? | 01:06 |
ulinskie | for the ubuntu code of conduct... | 01:06 |
soundray | giany911, that's the sender. You need a receiver connected to the PC. | 01:06 |
ulinskie | am having a hard time doing it.... | 01:06 |
Mabus06 | ulinskie, why would you want to sign it though? | 01:06 |
Mabus06 | what's the point? | 01:06 |
Delvien | onkarshinde aye | 01:06 |
giany911 | sound i got the rc from the tv tuner:) | 01:06 |
onkarshinde | giany911: xmms has a plugin for lirc i suppose which you wil need to install. | 01:06 |
Juhaz | Davethewave, it's a panel applet, it can't run stand-alone | 01:06 |
Mabus06 | I'm being curious rather than critical, ulinskie | 01:07 |
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ulinskie | it says so in the website. or maybe i understood it the wrong way | 01:07 |
soundray | giany911, how is it connected? | 01:07 |
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giany911 | syklitengutt http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=2 check point 5 | 01:07 |
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onkarshinde | Delvien: Then you are no different from the person who says Linux sucks just because he has been using Windows for 5 years. I never used KDE, so I don't know what sucks in Nautilus. | 01:07 |
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Davethewave | Juhaz I see it is called Battstat but that command doesn't run it :\ | 01:07 |
syklitengutt | il do that | 01:08 |
giany911 | i dont know how to describe it | 01:08 |
rob_p | vbgunz: np | 01:08 |
ulinskie | GPG Keys and Launchpad | 01:08 |
ulinskie | Launchpad allows you to optionally indicate GPG keys. GPG keys are required to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and to build and upload packages using HCT. | 01:08 |
ulinskie | Keys Pending Validation | 01:08 |
ulinskie | D3D650BE7133A2A2A327CBCE91E5B9A33C45D3D4 | 01:08 |
ulinskie | If any of the fingerprints above is not from one of your valid keys, please select it and cancel its validation. | 01:08 |
Delvien | onkarshinde i wouldnt go that far | 01:08 |
ulinskie | Importing a GPG Key | 01:08 |
Mabus06 | ulinskie, you're supposed to abide by it yes but why do you need to sign it? where do you send it to after you've signed it? for what purpose? | 01:08 |
ulinskie | To import a GPG key, you must first ensure that: | 01:08 |
ulinskie | * You already have a GPG key (use gpg --gen-key) | 01:08 |
ulinskie | * The key has already been uploaded to a keyserver (use gpg --send-key <key-id>) | 01:08 |
ulinskie | You should paste your key fingerprint below. To find out what your fingerprint is, use gpg --fingerprint <key-id>; it is a sequence of hex digits like the example below. | 01:08 |
ulinskie | Launchpad will then send a message to yolynne@gmail.com containing the instructions to conclude the process. | 01:08 |
ulinskie | Key Fingerprint | 01:08 |
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ulinskie | Example: 27E0 7815 B47C 0397 90D5 8589 27D9 A27B F3F9 6058 | 01:08 |
onkarshinde | giany911: I know what you want to do. I said you will need to install lirc plugin for xmms. | 01:08 |
ulinskie | sorry | 01:08 |
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ulinskie | that's what I am confused at | 01:08 |
giany911 | onkarshinde i got it | 01:08 |
Delvien | onkarshinde i just like konqueror better because it has an address bar. and i can google stuff right from the gui | 01:08 |
Mabus06 | !paste | 01:08 |
Juhaz | Davethewave, right, because it needs gnome-panel (or some other bonobo container) to run in | 01:08 |
ubotu | paste is probably please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text | 01:08 |
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syklitengutt | chris@chris:~$ WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32=n" wine dcom98.exe | 01:09 |
syklitengutt | wine: cannot find 'dcom98.exe' | 01:09 |
syklitengutt | didnt work | 01:09 |
Davethewave | ahhh | 01:09 |
Delvien | onkarshinde i find nautilus not as easy to use. | 01:09 |
giany911 | download it | 01:09 |
sunsun | ok -- now i have tpconfig | 01:09 |
giany911 | syklitengutt u must download it firs | 01:09 |
Badm4n | question : i still cannot change the spash screen ... i mean i want to use my own picture on spash screen any1 know about it ? | 01:09 |
syklitengutt | lol | 01:09 |
syklitengutt | sorry... nwb | 01:09 |
giany911 | DCOM98 can be downloaded here. | 01:09 |
giany911 | press on here | 01:09 |
ulinskie | y do they say that GPG is needed to digitally sign it. I went to launch pad.. and got an error msg | 01:09 |
giany911 | * i mean click | 01:09 |
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_Dom_ | hello all | 01:10 |
syklitengutt | you did that wrong | 01:10 |
Mabus06 | can anyone tell me why you would want to sign the code of conduct? I abide by it but what's the point of signing it? Do you just print it off and sign it and what, be a dork and frame it on your wall? :S | 01:10 |
onkarshinde | Delvien: nautilus also has address bar. Just that it is accessible with Ctrl+L. And you can google with Konqueror because it is a all way browser (File+Internet) | 01:10 |
giany911 | onkarshinde i already got xmms - lirc plugin | 01:10 |
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giany911 | syklitengutt what ? | 01:10 |
kati | czesc | 01:10 |
_Dom_ | i took everyones advice and went out a bought a new wireless card | 01:10 |
onkarshinde | giany911: Did you try configuring the plugin? | 01:10 |
syklitengutt | nothing... I couldnt press here | 01:10 |
Davethewave | _Dom_ what brand? | 01:10 |
_Dom_ | i now hjave a d-link airplus G+ | 01:11 |
krak`nix | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76820 | 01:11 |
=== Mabus06 high fives _Dom_ | ||
_Dom_ | DWL-G650+ | 01:11 |
Delvien | onkarshinde see now i didnt know about cntrl L :P and yes thats part of the reason i like konq | 01:11 |
Davethewave | _Dom_ is that PCI? USB? does it work native with linux?:P | 01:11 |
krak`nix | anyone got any ideas on why those keybindings wont work? last post in thread | 01:11 |
Mabus06 | Same here Dom. | 01:11 |
_Dom_ | its PCMCIA | 01:11 |
Mabus06 | Oh not the same card then... | 01:11 |
giany911 | onkarshinde .. well all i can configure with that plugin ..are some fonts .. | 01:11 |
Mabus06 | Mine is PCI | 01:11 |
Davethewave | darn, I need a PCI or USB that is native support | 01:11 |
_Dom_ | only problem is i card get it do detect hardware | 01:11 |
ndlovu | during pre-upgrade I get this message after "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop", any ideas how to fix? | 01:11 |
ndlovu | ubuntu-desktop: Depends: mozilla-firefox-gnome-support but it is not going to be installed | 01:11 |
ndlovu | E: Broken packages | 01:11 |
_Dom_ | with nsiwrapper | 01:11 |
Badm4n | question : i still cannot change the spash screen ... i mean i want to use my own picture on spash screen any1 know about it and can help me ? | 01:11 |
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_Dom_ | i dont think ubuntus checking my pcmcia port even though ive restarted the service | 01:11 |
onkarshinde | giany911: >:o then perhaps you are configuring wrong plugin. | 01:11 |
giany911 | syklitengutt when i sed click here i did not mean click here in the chat ..i ment click HERE on the web page | 01:12 |
giany911 | onkarshinde no | 01:12 |
Mabus06 | _Dom_, don't you need to use ndiswrapper to install the drivers first? | 01:12 |
syklitengutt | lol | 01:12 |
_Dom_ | i have done | 01:12 |
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giany911 | onkarshinde wanna see a pic maybe u can figure this out ? | 01:12 |
onkarshinde | giany911: Look at this, I hope it will help http://www.lirc.org/html/configure.html#lircd.conf | 01:12 |
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Davethewave | no one is ever in channels #atheros #orinoco or #prism2 or I'd ask where I can get card that doesn't need ndiswrapper | 01:12 |
_Dom_ | ndiswrapper -l says gplug driver present | 01:12 |
_Dom_ | even though the card is in there | 01:12 |
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giany911 | onkarshinde already done that | 01:12 |
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Mabus06 | can anyone tell me why you would want to sign the code of conduct? I abide by it but what's the point of signing it? Do you just print it off and sign it and what, be a dork and frame it on your wall? :S | 01:13 |
_Dom_ | ive got a feeling im gonna have to go back to windows if this doesnt work :( | 01:13 |
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poningru | to become a member | 01:13 |
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poningru | of ubuntu | 01:13 |
giany911 | syklitengutt got dcom98 ? | 01:13 |
onkarshinde | giany911: and still not able to use it? Try some different application with your tv tuner. | 01:13 |
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syklitengutt | im trying | 01:13 |
giany911 | onkarshinde i dont know any other | 01:13 |
Mabus06 | _Dom_, I have a dlink card working just fine for me on ubuntu | 01:13 |
giany911 | syklitengutt wanna link for dcom98? | 01:14 |
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syklitengutt | downloaded it now | 01:14 |
giany911 | k | 01:14 |
soundray | onkarshinde, giany911, not every hw combination is supported in lirc. That's why I've been asking about the hardware. | 01:14 |
Davethewave | I have a Life View flyvideo 3000 and it isn't supported by Ubuntu :( | 01:14 |
giany911 | soundray | 01:14 |
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onkarshinde | giany911: Search in synaptic. There is xawtv, not sure how well it is. | 01:14 |
_Dom_ | well ive installed the windows xp driver via ndiswrapper | 01:14 |
giany911 | soundray my tv tuner and -> remote is supported by lirc i already got the config but.. | 01:15 |
=== Poorlyte [n=poorlyte@200-207-162-18.mail.opus-software.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mabus06 | _Dom_, try #ndiswrapper | 01:15 |
giany911 | onkarshinde ..i dont think theres something wrong with xmms .. i think theres something wrong with lirc | 01:15 |
syklitengutt | a little error...:chris@chris:~/Desktop$ WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32=n" wine dcom98.exe | 01:15 |
syklitengutt | chris@chris:~/Desktop$ WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32,oleaut32,rpcrt4=n" wine setup.exewine: cannot find 'setup.exe' | 01:15 |
syklitengutt | what setup | 01:15 |
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soundray | giany911, can you get irrecord to work (with sudo)? | 01:16 |
giany911 | syklitengutt setup.exe mean setup.exe (CHANGE IT .. | 01:16 |
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_Dom_ | how can i tell if ubuntu recognises my pcmcia port | 01:17 |
syklitengutt | setup.exe mean setup.exe thats the same.... | 01:17 |
giany911 | syklitengutt | 01:17 |
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giany911 | syklitengutt .. i sed it the wrong way .. i guess u hv cs16+zbot tralala right ? | 01:17 |
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giany911 | soundray | 01:18 |
giany911 | irrecord: could not init hardware (lircd running ? --> close it, check permissio ns) | 01:18 |
giany911 | syklitengutt cs16full_v4+zbot.exe do u hv this cs ? | 01:19 |
syklitengutt | i have counterstrike 1 antology at cd | 01:19 |
giany911 | well find the setup executable | 01:19 |
syklitengutt | wait a few min. | 01:19 |
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giany911 | sykitengutt like u did with dcom98 | 01:20 |
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cantona | deborphan: xmalloc: (nil): Cannot allocate memory | 01:20 |
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cantona | bug? | 01:20 |
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sorush20 | guys what are the basic development tools do i need to install to be able to make and make install right now on a fresh kubuntu install i get the message that make inst present? | 01:20 |
Davethewave | sorush20 did you try sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-uname | 01:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Seveas: i have someone in #ubuntuforums called etnoy who said he got banned from here in the last few weeks, he's not sure he did anything wrong, can you enlighten me/him? | 01:21 |
Davethewave | I think that's right anyway :) | 01:22 |
syklitengutt | og... got the installer to run... (went in the cdrom troug terminal) But i still cant press that button | 01:22 |
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soundray | giany911, so is lircd running? Any errors in /var/log/syslog when you do /etc/init.d/lirc restart ? | 01:22 |
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sorush20 | where is that script that allows auto installation of restricted data , does anyone know what I'm talking about? | 01:24 |
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soundray | sorush20, automatix? | 01:24 |
MenZa` | I'm trying to mount my windows partition with help from http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#fg-windows-partitions - but I get the error "mount: special device /dev/hdal does not exist" - can anyone help me? | 01:24 |
giany911 | soundray i guess this is what i get from irexec Nov 29 14:23:54 localhost irrecord: could not open /dev/lirc | 01:25 |
giany911 | Nov 29 14:23:54 localhost irrecord: default_init(): Permission denied | 01:25 |
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giany911 | and from lircd ..ov 29 14:23:43 localhost lircd 0.7.0[12395] : accepted new client on /dev/lircd | 01:25 |
giany911 | Nov 29 14:23:43 localhost lircd 0.7.0[12395] : could not open /dev/lirc | 01:25 |
giany911 | Nov 29 14:23:43 localhost lircd 0.7.0[12395] : default_init(): No such device or address | 01:25 |
giany911 | Nov 29 14:23:43 localhost lircd 0.7.0[12395] : caught signal | 01:25 |
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Hobbsee | !pastebin | 01:25 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 01:25 |
giany911 | yea sorry | 01:26 |
ktogias | hi, I there a way to tell update mananger (in Breezy) to ask for extra confirmation from user in order to upgrade certain pakages? (especialy linux-source) | 01:26 |
MenZa` | Problem solved :o | 01:26 |
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giany911 | soundray ..any ideas ? | 01:26 |
robotgeek | ktogias: you might want to read up on apt-pinning to hold a package | 01:26 |
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sunsun | hi - so my touchpad jumps around like craizy | 01:27 |
sunsun | and i installed tpconfig | 01:27 |
soundray | giany911, /dev/lirc should be a character special device with major 61, minor 0. Perhaps you need to create it via udev? | 01:27 |
sunsun | how do i use this synaptic? | 01:27 |
Badm4n | question : i still cannot change the spash screen ... i mean i want to use my own picture on spash screen any1 know about it and can help me ? | 01:27 |
syklitengutt | I have installed DCOM98 but and run the setup by WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32,oleaut32,rpcrt4=n" wine setup.exe in terminal but still I cant press the button.... | 01:27 |
kvantti | (off-topic, sorry) i bought a macron 400w 4007-pfc power source and there does not seem to be much reviews around..experiences? the guys at #hardware are dead quiet too.. | 01:27 |
giany911 | soundray ..here u lost me how can i create it ..via udev? | 01:27 |
soundray | giany911, this is new stuff for me, too. | 01:28 |
ktogias | robotgeek, thanks | 01:28 |
Xenguy | !tell sunsun about synaptic | 01:28 |
giany911 | hehe:( for me even newer i hv ubuntu for like 5 days | 01:28 |
soundray | giany911, essentially, you can't use mknod anymore, because your device will be gone after the next boot. | 01:28 |
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giany911 | soundray u lost me again | 01:29 |
giany911 | mknod ? :)) | 01:29 |
taga123 | hehehe | 01:29 |
soundray | giany911, so it wants to be set up in /etc/udev . | 01:29 |
bain | any devs here ? I need to find out about availibility of a patch for gs-esp ? | 01:29 |
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soundray | giany911, man mknod | 01:29 |
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chrisx1 | any1 have any ideas of java on breezy? | 01:29 |
Davethewave | I enjoy drinking java on breezy days :) | 01:30 |
philbilly | hi | 01:30 |
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chrisx1 | i mean installin | 01:30 |
giany911 | so .. this means i hv to make ...mknod /dev/lirc0 ? | 01:30 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell chrisx1 about java | 01:30 |
kvantti | Davethewave he said java on breezy, so he must be an addict ;) | 01:30 |
soundray | giany911, yes, if it doesn't exist already. | 01:30 |
giany911 | chrisx1 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:31 |
chrisx1 | !javadebs | 01:31 |
ubotu | I guess javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 01:31 |
soundray | giany911, by the sounds of it, it doesn't. | 01:31 |
giany911 | soundray no it doesnt i hv only lirc and lircd | 01:31 |
syklitengutt | i cant press this button http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=3948&d=1133194346 | 01:31 |
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soundray | giany911, ls -l /dev/lirc ? | 01:31 |
Davethewave | I thought java was pre-loaded on Ubuntu :\ | 01:31 |
giany911 | syklitengutt first check I ACCEPT | 01:32 |
derek[] | Which shell is used in Ubuntu? | 01:32 |
syklitengutt | cant check that | 01:32 |
derek[] | or which one is the default? | 01:32 |
taga123 | anybody using webcams on ubuntu?? | 01:32 |
DaddyCaddy | anyone wanna help with GATOS drivers and 5.10????? Anyone at least have success watching TV with a all in wonder???? | 01:32 |
taga123 | hehehehe | 01:32 |
syklitengutt | lol... thats the problem | 01:32 |
Davethewave | Gnome Terminal? | 01:32 |
giany911 | crw-rw---- 1 root root 61, 0 2005-11-29 03:25 /dev/lirc | 01:32 |
soundray | giany911, mknod /dev/lirc c 61 0 | 01:32 |
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derek[] | yea that terminal | 01:32 |
derek[] | is that bash? | 01:32 |
soundray | giany911, sorry, so you have it already. | 01:32 |
Scuba_Wor | Anyone tried to install SipX on their box ? | 01:32 |
giany911 | :)) | 01:33 |
giany911 | yes | 01:33 |
soundray | giany911, off on the wrong track then. | 01:33 |
taga123 | oh webcams | 01:33 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ... u cant check i accept ? | 01:33 |
syklitengutt | no... | 01:33 |
syklitengutt | but I can press back ;) | 01:33 |
giany911 | this is something beyond me | 01:33 |
=== joe_alf [n=Joe@n219077186149.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giany911 | i got cs working :D | 01:33 |
Davethewave | does anyone have a pci or usb wireless card that is working under linux but without the use of ndiswrapper | 01:34 |
syklitengutt | but I cant.... its bothering me... | 01:34 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell Davethewave about wireless | 01:34 |
giany911 | soundray ..any ideeas ...further on ? | 01:34 |
Davethewave | robotgeek I think that's the fith time you sent me that :P | 01:34 |
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robotgeek | Davethewave: sorry | 01:34 |
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Davethewave | robotgeek its ok, I read it I just want opinions ;) | 01:35 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..though i must say nice theme :P | 01:35 |
robotgeek | Davethewave: ralink works fine | 01:35 |
nick01 | anybody here using a powerpc ? | 01:35 |
syklitengutt | tnx | 01:35 |
soundray | giany911, give me a minute. | 01:35 |
giany911 | ok soundray | 01:35 |
robotgeek | nick01: yup | 01:35 |
Davethewave | robotgeek people told me, orinoco, prosm2, atheros.. but I can't find where to get these | 01:36 |
Davethewave | robotgeek prism2 I mean | 01:36 |
syklitengutt | but it must be possible for me to check that button somehow.... | 01:36 |
robotgeek | Davethewave: follow the list to the .nl site, and search there | 01:36 |
nick01 | robotgeek, how do I enable right click menus ? | 01:36 |
syklitengutt | is it possible to skip that step somehow? | 01:36 |
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giany911 | syklitengutt nope | 01:37 |
robotgeek | nick01: try F12 | 01:37 |
maffju | nick01, try using the eject-button | 01:37 |
giany911 | syklitengutt try tab | 01:37 |
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syklitengutt | tried | 01:37 |
_888_ | ello | 01:37 |
giany911 | syklitengutt try tab until u get to accept | 01:37 |
nick01 | huh ? | 01:37 |
giany911 | syklitengutt try tab until u get to accept the press space | 01:37 |
nick01 | robotgeek, F12 ? | 01:37 |
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maffju | nick01, F12 = eject button on my keyboard | 01:37 |
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syklitengutt | it scips the accept button and go straight to back | 01:37 |
nick01 | what will that do ? | 01:38 |
nick01 | why press it ? | 01:38 |
=== _888_ [n=eeeeeeee@CPE001346083839-CM0011ae90e202.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giany911 | syklitengutt o.O | 01:38 |
maffju | nick01, it will right-click on your mouse position | 01:38 |
levander | Anybody has installed ubuntu on an nvidia motherboard? Just wondering if the drivers are proprietary like they are for the video cards. | 01:38 |
giany911 | syklitengutt try getting another cs 1.6 kit | 01:38 |
nick01 | tks but I wanna be able to do that with the mouse | 01:38 |
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robotgeek | nick01: the apple mouse? | 01:39 |
nick01 | yes' | 01:39 |
syklitengutt | from where? I bought the cd for 2 days ago... | 01:39 |
dipnlik | want to install ubuntu or kubuntu in a machine with no broadband, just a dial-up modem. does (k)ubuntu comes with a dialer program? | 01:39 |
taga123 | yess.... | 01:39 |
maffju | nick01, don't know... i'm using an ibook... | 01:39 |
robotgeek | nick01: i never used one of those with linux, sorry | 01:39 |
giany911 | ......p2p ? | 01:39 |
taga123 | does it come with dailer?? | 01:39 |
derek[] | Does Ubuntu follow SUS or POSIX? | 01:39 |
nick01 | maffju, me too ibook | 01:39 |
_888_ | guys, how to install ubuntu from DOS in real mode? | 01:40 |
npx | Yeah, Debian and all debian derivatives include pppd/chat on the install disk | 01:40 |
npx | So they're capable of dialing up. | 01:40 |
derek[] | _888_, using a CD? | 01:40 |
=== Ycros [n=Ycros@c211-30-252-204.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
derek[] | _888_, or how? | 01:40 |
soundray | giany911, I take it you've been through http://www.lirc.org/faq.html ? | 01:40 |
nick01 | maffju, what about those buttons on the laptop itself ? are there 2 of them ? (noob) | 01:41 |
_888_ | derek: yes, but cd is on a pc card attached cd-rom, thats why i have to boot in DOS | 01:41 |
maffju | nick01, which buttons? i only have one mouse button | 01:41 |
Davethewave | what the heck is bluetooth | 01:41 |
Davethewave | :p | 01:41 |
giany911 | yep nothing there helps | 01:41 |
soundray | giany911, other than that, I haven't any suggestions, sorry. | 01:41 |
_888_ | derek: and "how" ;) im a n00b | 01:41 |
nick01 | maffju, so there's only one ... k can I use a normal usb mouse ? | 01:41 |
maffju | nick01, oh i see ... yes, there's only one | 01:42 |
Delvien | Can someone tell me a way to launch the Battery Charge monitor from TERMINAL? | 01:42 |
maffju | nick01, i haven't tried but a usb mouse should work perfect | 01:42 |
nick01 | tks :) | 01:42 |
derek[] | <_888_> derek: yes, but cd is on a pc card attached cd-rom, thats why i have to boot in DOS | 01:42 |
giany911 | sounday | 01:42 |
derek[] | "pc card" ? | 01:42 |
_888_ | pcmcia | 01:42 |
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giany911 | sounday ..i found 1 thing that could help me | 01:42 |
giany911 | Only root can run LIRC applications. When I run LIRC applications (e.g. irexec) I get this error message: | 01:43 |
giany911 | irexec: could not connect to socket | 01:43 |
giany911 | 01:43 | |
giany911 | You have to change the file permissions of /dev/lircd. Usually it should be safe to give everyone read and write permissions. I try to make the daemon as secure as possible. You can also create a special group for this purpose. | 01:43 |
derek[] | can't you attach the CD ROM the usual way? | 01:43 |
=== spacey [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_888_ | derek[] : it uses proprietary drivers | 01:43 |
derek[] | at the IDE..(or something) port | 01:43 |
giany911 | soundray how can i change permision for /dev/lircd? | 01:43 |
Delvien | anyone know? | 01:43 |
_888_ | can't, its a small notebook - no floppy no cdrom in it, only ports ;) | 01:43 |
derek[] | oh | 01:43 |
soundray | giany911, don't post stuff here. I did say use sudo for your tests. | 01:44 |
matsr | how can I force my ubuntu install to use 100baseTX full-duplex? | 01:44 |
soundray | giany911, if you have, the permissions should not have made any difference. | 01:44 |
dipnlik | taga123: were you answering to me? | 01:44 |
nick01 | maffju, u wouldn't happen to know which ide chipset module is my ibook g3 using ? like via or something | 01:44 |
=== chrisx1 [n=chris@spc1-burn2-5-0-cust56.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giany911 | ok | 01:44 |
chrisx1 | hey | 01:44 |
derek[] | _888_, did you try setting the first boot device as CD ROM in your BIOS? (just assuming that BIOS may still recognise your CD DRIVE) | 01:44 |
chrisx1 | im having trouble installin java | 01:44 |
soundray | giany911, if you still think permission setting will solve it, read man chmod. chmod 666 /dev/lircd should do what you want, but isn't secure. | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | chrisx1: how so? | 01:45 |
=== hypn0 [n=Master@host81-7-62-149.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maffju | nick01, no idea, but you can run "lspci" | 01:45 |
nick01 | k | 01:45 |
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chrisx1 | chris@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | Reading package lists... Done | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | Building dependency tree... Done | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | E: Couldn't find package java-package | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | chris@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | bash: fakeroot: command not found | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | !pastebin | 01:45 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | sorry | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | ill paste there | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | and did you try sudo apt-get install fakeroot? | 01:45 |
giany911 | same thing | 01:45 |
giany911 | :(( | 01:45 |
chrisx1 | nope Hobbsee | 01:46 |
_888_ | derek[] BIOS has only hdd or flop options for boot; i am able to boot from floppy to DOS and load proprietary drivers for cdrom and i can see ubuntu disc and its content, but i dont know what to do now | 01:46 |
syklitengutt | I really dont uderstand why I cant press that button.... Anyone have any ideas? giany911 any great ideas.... | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | chrisx1: try sticking that command into terminal, and try again | 01:46 |
chrisx1 | its downloading that | 01:46 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..nope no ideas | 01:46 |
nick01 | maffju, I only see host bridge and usb and ethernet | 01:46 |
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Hobbsee | syklitengutt: is this for your cd drive? | 01:46 |
giany911 | soundray .. that chmod didnt do any diferrence | 01:46 |
chrisx1 | when i do sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common i get nothing tho | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | hmmm | 01:47 |
syklitengutt | Hobbsee, cd/dvd | 01:47 |
Hobbsee | chrisx1: why are you doing it that way at all? | 01:47 |
Hobbsee | !tell chrisx1 about javadeb | 01:47 |
syklitengutt | dvd | 01:47 |
sorush20 | automatix | 01:47 |
soundray | giany911, didn't think it would. | 01:47 |
philbilly | error making : *** No rule to make target `Downloads/ndiswrapper-1.5/driver'. Any suggestions? | 01:47 |
chrisx1 | it says so on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:47 |
Hobbsee | syklitengutt: the package "eject" is installed? | 01:47 |
derek[] | _888_, hm.. what do you have on the hdd? If you have made the CD yourself, try searching for way to install ubuntu using the ISO stored on the hdd | 01:47 |
sorush20 | !automatics | 01:47 |
ubotu | sorush20: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 01:47 |
soundray | Anyway, hope you can fix it. Gotta go. Cheers giany911 | 01:47 |
giany911 | soundray ok ty vm | 01:47 |
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matsr | noone? | 01:47 |
Delvien | Can someone tell me a way to launch the Battery Charge monitor from TERMINAL? | 01:48 |
sorush20 | !automatix | 01:48 |
ubotu | hmm... automatix is an application that automatically installs many popular programs, particularly the proprietary formats that don't ship with most distros by default. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66563 | 01:48 |
taga123 | hey pc22 | 01:48 |
syklitengutt | Hobbsee, I think you missed me... Im trying to install CS1.6 and cant accept the user aggreement.... | 01:48 |
taga123 | saan ka?? | 01:48 |
_888_ | derek[] hdd is wiped out, unfortunately i was too quick and fdisk'd it | 01:48 |
nick01 | !ubotu | 01:48 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 01:48 |
derek[] | _888_, i see | 01:48 |
Hobbsee | syklitengutt: indeed i did, i was reading a few of the other channels. why cant you accept the user agreement? | 01:48 |
syklitengutt | cant check the I accept the user aggrement | 01:48 |
syklitengutt | ok | 01:48 |
syklitengutt | because the button wont be checked so I can press next. | 01:49 |
ubuntu | hihi what's this? | 01:49 |
=== philbilly [n=phil@203-59-175-80.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syklitengutt | try to click/check it in a multiple set of ways | 01:49 |
derek[] | _888_, you gotta find out a way to boot from the CD | 01:49 |
pc22 | taga123, where from? | 01:49 |
taga123 | good.. | 01:50 |
taga123 | boracay.. you?? | 01:50 |
pc22 | qc | 01:50 |
=== opzyigvo [n=ecioiz@adsl-184-110-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taga123 | what distro you are using?? | 01:50 |
Hobbsee | syklitengutt: tried hitting tab, or alt? | 01:50 |
taga123 | first time i use ubuntu | 01:50 |
_888_ | derek[] h have ubuntu cd in my cdrom and i see it in DOS; i dont see any "install" or "setup" file there :/ | 01:50 |
matsr | someone here a ubuntu wiz? | 01:50 |
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Hobbsee | matsr: ask your question | 01:50 |
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pc22 | using ?dsl | 01:51 |
derek[] | _888_, cuz its linux, not windows :) | 01:51 |
taga123 | how ong u been using ubuntu | 01:51 |
pc22 | a week or so | 01:51 |
_Dom_ | should ubuntu make a noise if i stick a card in my pcmcia slot | 01:51 |
matsr | ok! here goes again: how can I force eth0 to use 100baseTX full-duplex | 01:51 |
_888_ | derek[] i know ;) then how do i install it it *without* windows? | 01:51 |
=== DaddyCadd [n=bigtonys@adsl-68-78-32-32.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taga123 | not this time im at home.. i | 01:51 |
syklitengutt | Hobbsee, yes... (tried alt now...) tab scips that section and goes straight to back | 01:51 |
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taga123 | are you in a internet cafe?? | 01:51 |
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Luponero69 | ah | 01:51 |
taga123 | bagal mong sumagot | 01:51 |
derek[] | _888_, the usual way is the boot from the CD and it takes you to the installation | 01:51 |
Hobbsee | syklitengutt: is it a pain, and requires you to go to the end of the agreement before letting you hit ok? | 01:51 |
taga123 | palagi ka diuto?? | 01:52 |
=== MenZa` [n=linux@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Dom_ | anyone? | 01:52 |
pepe | me! | 01:52 |
pc22 | minsan | 01:52 |
pc22 | yea i am | 01:52 |
syklitengutt | Hobbsee, tried that also.... but I can see the accept button the whole time, so I guess I have to do that | 01:52 |
syklitengutt | Hobbsee, go to the bottom that is | 01:52 |
Hobbsee | that's about the only thing i can think of atm | 01:52 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 01:53 |
giany911 | so .. who can help me with lirc? | 01:53 |
matsr | I've tried with ifconfig eth0 mediaopt full-duplex but it dosen't seem to be recognized by the system | 01:53 |
derek[] | _888_, try finding out how you can make your BIOS recognise your CD drive and allow to boot from it | 01:53 |
pc22 | taga123, you in a network? | 01:53 |
taga123 | ok.. ive been using suse before | 01:53 |
taga123 | are you also using linux at home | 01:53 |
poningru | _888_: have you updated your bios? | 01:53 |
taga123 | no dial up | 01:53 |
pc22 | ahhh | 01:53 |
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pc22 | yes | 01:53 |
_Dom_ | anyone got a d-link pcmcia card that they got working on ubunut | 01:54 |
taga123 | what distro | 01:54 |
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pc22 | ubuntu | 01:54 |
pc22 | u? | 01:54 |
=== Kibou [n=boo@dslb-084-063-014-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_888_ | derek[] thats assuming that there is BIOS with cd-rom boot, but if there is no such option then what? install windows and then install linux from within windows? | 01:54 |
matsr | hobbsee: how can I force eth0 to use 100baseTX full-duplex? | 01:54 |
taga123 | have been to linux expo in dusit hotel last september | 01:54 |
sorush20 | is automatix available for kde? | 01:54 |
pc22 | ahhh | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | matsr: not a clue, you'd do better asking the main channel | 01:54 |
taga123 | suse | 01:54 |
pc22 | you working? | 01:54 |
_888_ | poningru: yes my bios is the last from 2000, no newer versions since then (old notebook) | 01:54 |
chrisx1 | how do i install a deb file? | 01:54 |
taga123 | i rthink its is nice | 01:54 |
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st3v3o | When trying to get SIPx up and running from Sipfoundry and getting an error....anyone had experience with this ? | 01:54 |
matsr | Hobbsee, came again? | 01:55 |
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Hobbsee | sorush20: there's an easy kubuntu, but all of them, including automatix are known to break linux boxes... | 01:55 |
matsr | come* | 01:55 |
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taga123 | problem only this is i have an internet cafe and icant use webcam or voice | 01:55 |
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taga123 | in ubuntu and all distros:( | 01:55 |
chrisx1 | how do i install a deb file? | 01:55 |
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Hobbsee | matsr: ask main channel, someone will probably know | 01:55 |
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derek[] | _888_, I don't think you can install linux from within windows | 01:55 |
matsr | Hobbsee, thought I had | 01:56 |
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_888_ | poningru, derek[] - its a tiny acer notebook 310 series, it never had cd boot option in bios | 01:56 |
=== _Dom_ needs help with his yet again wireless worries :) if anyone can lend a hand | ||
taga123 | working??? noooo.. i work on my own | 01:56 |
taga123 | you still a student?? | 01:56 |
pc22 | ahhh u own a resort? | 01:56 |
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pc22 | yes | 01:56 |
_888_ | derek[] i did install mandrake on it before, starting installation from windows | 01:56 |
derek[] | _888_, I'm not sure if you can install linux from within linux, but if it is possible, then you can try booting with a small linux (that fits in a floppy) and the proceed | 01:56 |
sorush20 | Hobbsee: why do they break linux boxes, and I'm not familiar with the term "linux boxes", I'm using kubuntu at the moment | 01:56 |
derek[] | _888_, oh. how? | 01:56 |
poningru | hold on there is a link for this | 01:56 |
taga123 | noooo... im a poor man.. thats why i sue linux ..cant afford to use w indows | 01:56 |
taga123 | :))) | 01:56 |
taga123 | use | 01:57 |
sorush20 | is gnome faster than kde? | 01:57 |
taga123 | noooo... im a poor man.. thats why i USE linux ..cant afford to use w indows | 01:57 |
wezzer | oh yeas | 01:57 |
Hobbsee | sorush20: there's a lot of commands in there that force you to answer yes to things, without seeing them, IIRC - noirequus is the one to answer, but he's asleep | 01:57 |
taga123 | sorry bout that | 01:57 |
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Knight_Lord | How can i make the VGA out of my Acer 4001WLMi work? | 01:57 |
_Dom_ | anyone used cardinfo? | 01:57 |
_888_ | derek[] dont remember now, but i gguess it had windows installer modifyng boot.ini and loading somehow its installer at next reboot | 01:57 |
Knight_Lord | The special function key doesn't work | 01:57 |
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poningru | Knight_Lord: it should work automatically if you have it connected and restart | 01:58 |
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derek[] | _888_, k | 01:58 |
Knight_Lord | poningru and do i have to restart then? | 01:58 |
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sorush20 | is there a script around that automatically adds extra repositories to my computer.. ? | 01:58 |
poningru | _888_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromAnotherDistro?highlight=%28install%29%7C%28no%29%7C%28cd%29 | 01:58 |
poningru | err sorry | 01:59 |
Knight_Lord | poningru what about the tv out? | 01:59 |
Davethewave | "how do I" seems to be a highly used word here, hehe... anyways. How do I allow my monitor more than 60Hz? like 72 or 75 | 01:59 |
poningru | Knight_Lord: works the same way | 01:59 |
poningru | Knight_Lord: its only for breazy that this is working | 01:59 |
Knight_Lord | poningru because i tried, withouth much success | 01:59 |
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poningru | Davethewave: what kinda monitor are you using? | 01:59 |
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_888_ | derek[] i dont know do u understand where im stuck? i cant boot from cd, but i can boot to DOS from floppy and load the dos drivers for attached cd-rom, and see the content of ubuntu disc; but i dont know linux almost at all, i dont know how to start its installation now | 01:59 |
poningru | lcd, crt? | 01:59 |
Davethewave | poningru CRT | 02:00 |
poningru | _888_: there is a solution for that | 02:00 |
pc22 | taga123, are u registered ubuntu user? | 02:00 |
poningru | hold on | 02:00 |
_888_ | poningru: thx for link, checkin | 02:00 |
taga123 | boot in CD... gogto to cmos settings | 02:00 |
=== neurocyte [n=neurocyt@p54AE0AF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | !cedega | 02:00 |
ubotu | rumour has it, cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page, or #cedega http://www.franskcorner.org/ | 02:00 |
derek[] | _888_, yea I understand where you're stuck | 02:01 |
poningru | _888_: dont use that link | 02:01 |
taga123 | not yet thats why i cant talk to you in privy.. this is my 2nd time here | 02:01 |
=== maff [n=maffju@teacheradsl1.eduhi.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | _888_: there is a floppy booter that will boot from cd | 02:01 |
poningru | _888_: hold on | 02:01 |
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Toma- | anyone notice that the cedega ubotu entry is misspelled with frankscorner.org? | 02:01 |
_888_ | poningru yes i see, its not exactly about my situation that link. Waiting patiently :)) | 02:01 |
taga123 | :)))) | 02:01 |
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maff | is it possible to temporarily set the shell encoding to latin1? | 02:02 |
maff | if I use utf8 and grep latin1-textfiles for special characters i get no results! | 02:02 |
Davethewave | i sleepy, it's 5:02 AM *yawn* | 02:02 |
_Dom_ | how do you bring up the d log or soemthing | 02:03 |
brokenbox | hi there | 02:03 |
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syklitengutt | ok... now I messed allitle with winecfg and when I type winecfg I get this error: X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 02:03 |
syklitengutt | Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow) | 02:03 |
syklitengutt | Serial number of failed request: 13 | 02:03 |
syklitengutt | Current serial number in output stream: 14 | 02:03 |
nick01 | how do I install flash ? | 02:03 |
chrisx1 | _Dom_, u mesn dmesg? | 02:03 |
_888_ | poningru: floppy booter which i can add to the disc is probably what i need exactly :) then i'll just run it from the cd and it'll take care of loading the rest? | 02:03 |
brokenbox | I was ust installing the newest ubuntu on my computer and something seems to have gone seriously wrong... | 02:03 |
pc22 | taga123, u online on any IM? | 02:03 |
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brokenbox | I set up the partitions on and it was installing the base system when I went to have a shave. I came back and the screen seemed to have been frozen at the time setup, asking me about GMT | 02:04 |
nick01 | how do I install flash ?... | 02:04 |
brokenbox | I didn't think it was too big of a deal, so I restarted | 02:04 |
jeremywhiting | hi all, anyone here know how I can keep my windows boot settings in grub/menu.lst when upgrading my kernel, everytime I upgrade it get's overwritten | 02:04 |
brokenbox | then nothing at all on the computer would register | 02:04 |
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brokenbox | nothing would display on the screen and it wouldn't even access BIOS | 02:04 |
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maff | nick01, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-f375cba46014e861cd5ec7643bd7c4ef05acff2b | 02:05 |
taga123 | DAMI MONG TANONG A | 02:05 |
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brokenbox | I took out the HDD's and it still won't boot a single thing | 02:05 |
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nick01 | tks | 02:05 |
Davethewave | dami what now? | 02:05 |
nick01 | looking | 02:05 |
poningru | _888_: hmm I dont think thats it | 02:05 |
poningru | hold on | 02:05 |
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maff | is it possible to temporarily set the shell encoding to latin1? | 02:05 |
dipnlik | brokenbox: well, you should've have continued the instalation from the GMT screen, but anyway, can't you boot from the cd and reinstall? | 02:05 |
maff | if I use utf8 and grep latin1-textfiles for special characters i get no results! | 02:06 |
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chrisx1 | how do i mount a ntfs drive? | 02:06 |
Knight_Lord | Anyone has their tv out working on an Acer 4001WMLi? | 02:06 |
brokenbox | dipnlik, the computer froze | 02:06 |
brokenbox | or else I would have continued | 02:06 |
brokenbox | and no, I can't boot anything | 02:06 |
brokenbox | not even BIOS comes up[p | 02:06 |
brokenbox | *up | 02:06 |
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brokenbox | the monitor doesn't even seem to be recieving data, becaues it doesn't initialize | 02:07 |
brokenbox | (if that is even the correct term) | 02:07 |
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aeon17x | How do I increase mouse wheel scrolling speed? | 02:07 |
dipnlik | brokenbox: don't think ubuntu broke your system, looks like it would break sooner or later anyway | 02:08 |
jeremywhiting | brokenbox: my first guess would be your video card got fried, and it happened to happen during the ubuntu install | 02:08 |
Davethewave | brokenbox that sounds serious :o you get no post (bios) startup? | 02:08 |
taga123 | naaaah | 02:08 |
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jeremywhiting | any pc-speaker beeps or anything? | 02:08 |
brokenbox | no, no beeps | 02:08 |
illustre | 2 issues i have with ubuntu live 1. i can configure/make commands not found 2. my wireless/usb card not recognized after loading rt2500 driver | 02:08 |
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Davethewave | brokenbox do the fans .. like cpu fan, do they spin? | 02:08 |
Happuf | Can someone tell me how to take back command: $export CC=gcc ? | 02:08 |
illustre | 1 ican't configure | 02:08 |
taga123 | perhaps his monitort cnt carry 600x 800 | 02:08 |
brokenbox | daved, I don' tknow if I know that term exactly.. but I don't think so | 02:08 |
neurocyte | maff, what terminal emulator? | 02:09 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, yes | 02:09 |
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maff | neurocyte, gnome-terminal, bash | 02:09 |
_888_ | brokenbox: maybe refresh rate is set too high for ur monitor, i know its always the case with mandrake install when setting 800x600 or higher | 02:09 |
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illustre | is the make command missing in ubuntu live? | 02:09 |
jeremywhiting | Happuf: export CC= (then nothing) | 02:09 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | don't shout james__ | 02:09 |
Happuf | jeremywhiting: Ok! Thanks! | 02:09 |
james__ | sorry | 02:10 |
taga123 | btw..whre the link ican register on this room?? | 02:10 |
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neurocyte | maff, change the character encoding in the terminal menu and then start a new bash with "LANG=local bash" | 02:10 |
taga123 | how can i register?? | 02:10 |
jean18 | hello, i need help to install ubuntu | 02:10 |
taga123 | guys?? | 02:10 |
maff | neurocyte, thanks, i'll try | 02:10 |
taga123 | yes jean i can help | 02:10 |
jeremywhiting | illustre: probably, it's not there on a default install either if I remember correctly | 02:10 |
jean18 | ok taga123 | 02:10 |
taga123 | whats ur setup now?? | 02:10 |
brokenbox | jeremywhiting, I see. are video cards very expensive? I've never bought one separate before.. | 02:10 |
Davethewave | brokenbox have you turned off the power to the box and cleared cmos? | 02:10 |
jean18 | i have got my linux CDs version 5.04 | 02:11 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, that sucks !!! | 02:11 |
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taga123 | ok | 02:11 |
jean18 | i tried the live CD it worked perfect | 02:11 |
nick01 | !easysource | 02:11 |
ubotu | I guess easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:11 |
_888_ | brokenbox i seriously doubt ur vcard died lol :) | 02:11 |
jeremywhiting | depends, where do you live? | 02:11 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, I'm not sure how to clear the CMOS, but I have turned the power off | 02:11 |
taga123 | ok..u got the install cd | 02:11 |
jean18 | i tried to install i got an error about graphiX(i dont know what that is called) | 02:11 |
taga123 | can you boot on cdrom?? | 02:11 |
brokenbox | _888_, ah okay... well, I don't really know what I'm talking about so.. :) | 02:11 |
jeremywhiting | most are somewhere between $50 for low end and $200 for top notch | 02:11 |
jean18 | but finaly it was on a black screen | 02:11 |
poningru | _888_: sorry dude I cant find the thing | 02:11 |
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n|qos | can somebody send me his /etc/init.d/vsftpd ? i deleted me own ... :) | 02:12 |
jean18 | looks like the kernel | 02:12 |
brokenbox | jeremywhiting, IL, USA | 02:12 |
jean18 | it looks like when we connect to a ssh server | 02:12 |
jean18 | jean@jean.linux or something like that | 02:12 |
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Davethewave | brokenbox there is usually a cmos "jumper" to clear it, but if you can't find that it works to unplug power, take out the bios battery.. hit power then put battery back in, plug back in | 02:12 |
_888_ | poningru no prob :( i guess i gotta go back to win2k on this notebook :( | 02:12 |
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royw | how do i add hebrew to my ubuntu? | 02:12 |
taga123 | on what portion your pc black out | 02:12 |
jeremywhiting | illustre: what sucks? | 02:12 |
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taga123 | have u finished installing it?? | 02:12 |
jean18 | it did finish installing, but when loeading | 02:12 |
jean18 | yes | 02:12 |
jean18 | when loading i was on that black screen | 02:13 |
royw | how do i add hebrew to my ubuntu? | 02:13 |
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illustre | i cant install a pgm if make is missing in order to get my wireless nic working | 02:13 |
jean18 | one question, do i need to connect to the internet to get some updates? | 02:13 |
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illustre | jean18: of course | 02:13 |
jean18 | and if i havent got a internet connection while installing? | 02:13 |
royw | how do i add hebrew lang to my ubuntu? | 02:13 |
maff | neurocyte, it works perfect - thanks a lot! | 02:13 |
jeremywhiting | jean18: when you installed you were able to be always connected to the internet? | 02:13 |
poningru | _888_: found it | 02:14 |
poningru | http://btmgr.webframe.org/ | 02:14 |
poningru | go use that | 02:14 |
=== BuzW [n=BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taga123 | i isnatlled mine connected | 02:14 |
jeremywhiting | jean18: you installed all from cd's then, right? | 02:14 |
taga123 | idont think so.. it is not one of the requirement to be online | 02:14 |
jean18 | i have an internet connection but its limited so i cant download anything,(its in the uni dorms) | 02:14 |
jean18 | yes | 02:14 |
_888_ | poningru how about this one more shot at an idea: i install win95 (because hdd is very small), and is there a way to run ubuntu installation by dumping cd content on a hdd and starting installing it within windows? | 02:14 |
jean18 | the installation was succefful | 02:14 |
neurocyte | maff, u r welcome | 02:14 |
jeremywhiting | limited so you can't download anything at all? | 02:14 |
royw | guys how do i add hebrew lang to my ubuntu? | 02:14 |
_888_ | poningru ok, checkin | 02:15 |
taga123 | must the resolution of the screen or the video card | 02:15 |
jean18 | some zip files or rar files thats all | 02:15 |
jeremywhiting | or just so you can't download stuff on p2p networks, etc? | 02:15 |
taga123 | hwts is ur video card | 02:15 |
jean18 | f*ck connection | 02:15 |
jean18 | p2p networks i can connect | 02:15 |
taga123 | naaah | 02:15 |
jean18 | but downloading i cant | 02:15 |
syklitengutt | chris@chris:~$ winecfg | 02:15 |
syklitengutt | X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 02:15 |
syklitengutt | Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow) | 02:15 |
syklitengutt | Serial number of failed request: 13 | 02:15 |
syklitengutt | Current serial number in output stream: 14 | 02:15 |
syklitengutt | any ideas? | 02:15 |
n|qos | jean18, yeah ... where should they come from else? | 02:15 |
royw | guys how do i add hebrew lang to my ubuntu? | 02:16 |
taga123 | whats is your video card | 02:16 |
jean18 | does it help if i installed the version 5.10 ? | 02:16 |
jean18 | i got the CDs 2day | 02:16 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, the default driver that comes with ubuntu rt2500 for my nic is not working so i need to instal lthe latest version | 02:16 |
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neurocyte | syklitengutt, you might be out of X resources | 02:16 |
derek[] | _888_, "i install win95 (because hdd is very small)" ..have you checked if its enough to install Ubuntu? | 02:16 |
jeremywhiting | oh, I see | 02:16 |
jean18 | so ? | 02:16 |
taga123 | jean check your video ard | 02:16 |
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jeremywhiting | illustre: is it hard? | 02:16 |
syklitengutt | neurocyte, reestart? | 02:16 |
jean18 | how can i check it ? | 02:17 |
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illustre | jeremywhiting, what do u mean by hard? | 02:17 |
Toma- | syklitengutt: theres a config you need to tweak in your wine config | 02:17 |
jeremywhiting | jean18: log in and type lspci | 02:17 |
jean18 | how can i get the requirement of linux | 02:17 |
jean18 | ? | 02:17 |
=== DaddyCadd [n=bigtonys@adsl-68-78-32-32.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Davethewave | royw install language-support-he I think | 02:17 |
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Toma- | syklitengutt: what screen depth are you running? | 02:17 |
jeremywhiting | illustre: is it difficult to get the latest version and compile it yourself? | 02:17 |
Davethewave | royw you know how to use Synaptic Package Manager? | 02:17 |
illustre | well in ubuntu i can | 02:17 |
jean18 | and what that could help me ? | 02:18 |
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syklitengutt | Toma-, 32 it think.... but how can I config wine when winecfg doesnt work | 02:18 |
jean18 | but on the live CD i didnt face any prob ! ? | 02:18 |
royw | yes.. ok just a sec | 02:18 |
jean18 | how that can be ? | 02:18 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, in ubuntu i cant u mean in another distro and then mount it to ubuntu | 02:18 |
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royw | thanks | 02:18 |
derek[] | _888_, "Smart BootManager supports booting from almost all kinds of IDE ATAPI CD-ROM, including PCMCIA CD-ROMs." ...I think that's your solution | 02:18 |
Toma- | syklitengutt: ~/.wine/config | 02:18 |
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taga123 | hmmm | 02:18 |
jeremywhiting | jean18: it would tell us what video card you are using | 02:18 |
_888_ | poningru i have tried smart boot manager before; when i created its floppy and booted with it - it can't see my cd-rom since its a pcmcia attached cdrom | 02:18 |
Toma- | syklitengutt: try using a depth of 16 with xorg before you try changing .wine configs | 02:18 |
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Davethewave | royw additionally install language-pack-he if you want everything in hebrew | 02:19 |
jeremywhiting | illustre: oh, I forgot, you are talking about the livecd, right? | 02:19 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, try 16 bit | 02:19 |
taga123 | howmany times yo do install it?? | 02:19 |
taga123 | must be the HD | 02:19 |
jean18 | mmmm normaly what does linux need to work? | 02:19 |
taga123 | mine i did twice | 02:19 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, correct, its missing mke | 02:19 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pool-71-110-209-217.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xychix | i downloaded a .deb. file | 02:19 |
derek[] | _888_, Smart BootManager supports booting from PCMCIA CD-ROMs ..as stated on their site | 02:19 |
Davethewave | brokenbox you there? | 02:19 |
xychix | how to install it ? | 02:19 |
_888_ | derek[] : yes, i can install win95 at less than 100MB, and hdd is 3gig, should be plenty for ubuntu | 02:19 |
jeremywhiting | in the livecd, you can install make and gcc, etc from synaptic once, download the latest driver, and keep the built new driver on a flash drive or something I guess | 02:19 |
Toma- | xychix: sudo dpkg -i <file.deb> | 02:19 |
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ubuntu | hey, from the liveCD | 02:20 |
jeremywhiting | then when you boot, you only have to mount the flash drive and insmod the module you built yourself | 02:20 |
Davethewave | hello | 02:20 |
xychix | Toma-: tnx | 02:20 |
ubuntu | is it possible to download files and keep them on the HD if the HD has Fedora Core 4 on it? | 02:20 |
sorush20 | shouldn't the change and upgrade of repositories be made more gui and automatic? | 02:20 |
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_888_ | derek[] it says it does? then i did something wrong | 02:20 |
syklitengutt | cant find that config file.... and this error came after changing something in winecfg | 02:20 |
jeremywhiting | it's a lot more work, but it's a solution, rather than waiting for the next livecd release | 02:20 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, yes, sorry, I was just located the CMOS batter | 02:21 |
jean18 | if the liveCD worked what could prevent the installed version from workin? | 02:21 |
chrisx1 | How do i mount my usb flash drive? | 02:21 |
Toma- | syklitengutt: try changing the screen depth in your xorg.conf file | 02:21 |
derek[] | _888_, yeah.. on their main page, under the heading "Key Features" , in the section "Booting from CD-ROM" | 02:21 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, is the system not supposed to power on without the battery? | 02:21 |
Davethewave | brokenbox it is also possible it just died :P like CPU or RAM or even motherboard may have died, I doubt the videocard did | 02:21 |
Garrett53 | hi, can i remove the *.deb into /var/cache/archive-copier/ship/ to save disk space ? | 02:21 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, to download gcc/make from synaptic i need internet, | 02:21 |
GoomaD | #bandung | 02:21 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, I see. damn man... | 02:21 |
Toma- | chrisx1: should be mounted automatically | 02:21 |
brokenbox | ;_; | 02:21 |
jeremywhiting | illustre: good point, oops | 02:21 |
chrisx1 | Toma-, it aint | 02:22 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, how would i download it now to save ubuntu version here and then mount the driver where would i go to download those gcc/make for ubuntu | 02:22 |
GoomaD | sorry mann | 02:22 |
jeremywhiting | no ethernet cards in that comp you could use? | 02:22 |
Toma- | Garrett53: if you need extra space, try apt-get clean | 02:22 |
royw | how can I make Windows see my ext3 hdd? | 02:22 |
_888_ | derek[] yes i see it, but i can't find any info on how to run it with pcmcia cdrom | 02:22 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, would you suggest getting it looked at by a professional and if so, any in particular? | 02:22 |
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Toma- | chrisx1: try 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb' | 02:22 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, yes but i want to see if i can aboid a trip downstaris :-) | 02:22 |
=== cguy [n=cguy@24-107-84-232.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toma- | but make the dir /media/usb first | 02:23 |
Garrett53 | Toma- i clean aptitude and apt cache, but i find 200mb at this directory | 02:23 |
royw | how can I make Windows see my ext3 hdd? | 02:23 |
chrisx1 | Toma-, i must say a filetype | 02:23 |
syklitengutt | its 24 | 02:23 |
jeremywhiting | or you could go stick the livecd in another computer, say at a college campus near you, use their internet connection to build, etc, then use your new solution at home | 02:23 |
dipnlik | royw: there is a program called explore2fs | 02:23 |
syklitengutt | the xorg.conf sais colordept is 24 | 02:23 |
Toma- | chrisx1: try 'sudo mount -t fat /dev/sda1 /media/usb' | 02:23 |
dipnlik | royw: you can at least see the files and copy them to your windows partition | 02:23 |
Toma- | or fat32 | 02:23 |
Davethewave | brokenbox not sure, if you have any friends who know about computers that's the best way ;) in my personal opinion depending on the age of the computer it may be cheaper in the long run to buy a new one than to have it looked at. | 02:23 |
Toma- | or vfat | 02:23 |
royw | just to run it under windows? | 02:23 |
Toma- | or whatever filesystem u have on it | 02:23 |
syklitengutt | and I think I made the winecfg to 32 | 02:23 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, how do u download with synaptic | 02:24 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ...did it work ? | 02:24 |
Toma- | Garrett53: generally, you can clean the /var/cache dir without too much hassles | 02:24 |
brokenbox | fair enough | 02:24 |
jeremywhiting | open it up, mark something for installation, then apply | 02:24 |
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Davethewave | brokenbox just ask friends/familly if they can fix it first ;) | 02:24 |
syklitengutt | now I get this error when openening winecfg: X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 02:24 |
syklitengutt | Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow) | 02:24 |
syklitengutt | Serial number of failed request: 13 | 02:24 |
syklitengutt | Current serial number in output stream: 14 | 02:24 |
illustre | jeremywhiting, ok thxs | 02:24 |
brokenbox | I just ordered a new hard drive too. and I really need this for work (just starting website dev) | 02:24 |
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Garrett53 | thanks Toma- | 02:24 |
brokenbox | so wow, I'm sort of fucked | 02:25 |
jeremywhiting | illustre: no problem | 02:25 |
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illustre | jeremywhiting, synaptic is a gui apps? | 02:25 |
Toma- | Garrett53: but yes, .deb files are usually just stored, so feel free to vacuum them up on cleaning :) | 02:25 |
brokenbox | Davethewave, unfortunatly I'm sort of the only "computer guy", heh | 02:25 |
nick01 | I enabled multiverse but flashplugin is still not listed there | 02:25 |
jeremywhiting | illistre: correct | 02:25 |
giany911 | syklitengut ...what's the problem? | 02:25 |
brokenbox | more of a progarmmer than a hardware guy though | 02:25 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ...what's the problem? | 02:25 |
Toma- | nick01: try searching for "-nonfree" | 02:25 |
jeremywhiting | or you could pop a terminal and just apt-get install it if you know the package name allready | 02:25 |
_888_ | derek[] after loading DOS floppy with the driver for pcmcia cdrom, i cant run SMB disk, it has to be run at boot; and it does NOT see my cdrom despite what it says on their page that it should | 02:25 |
brokenbox | oh well, such is life | 02:25 |
syklitengutt | giany911, cant open winecfg... get X Error | 02:25 |
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brokenbox | thanks for the help Davethewave | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | Toma-, mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist | 02:26 |
giany911 | winecfg? | 02:26 |
royw | how do I convert my ext3 to fat32 again? should I use msdos format command? | 02:26 |
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theD3viL | Anyone have 2floppys of partition magic? | 02:26 |
giany911 | why do u need that for ? | 02:26 |
brokenbox | later all | 02:26 |
derek[] | _888_, well if they say it supports pcmcia, then why don't you use their program and find out? ..plus check if you are using their latest version | 02:26 |
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Toma- | chrisx1: is this usb drive coming up in lsusb ? | 02:26 |
nick01 | Toma-, no flash | 02:26 |
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royw | how do I convert my ext3 to fat32 again? should I use msdos format command? | 02:26 |
xst | What do people use for mail monitor out there? | 02:26 |
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chrisx1 | Toma-, chris@ubuntu:~$ lsusb | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | Bus 001 Device 002: Ichris@ubuntu:~$ lsusb | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | Bus 001 Device 002: ID 3334:1701 | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | D 3334:1701 | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 02:26 |
syklitengutt | giany911, winecfg to change to millenium 98 2000 etc | 02:26 |
chrisx1 | ops | 02:26 |
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Toma- | eeep | 02:27 |
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royw | how do I convert my ext3 to fat32 again? should I use msdos format command? | 02:27 |
Delvien | Can ANYONE tell me how to run Gnome's Battery Charge Monitor from terminal? | 02:27 |
giany911 | syklitengutt i dont think u need to do that? | 02:27 |
derek[] | _888_, when you're going to use Smart bootmanager.. why would you need to load the DOS floppy? | 02:27 |
Toma- | !info flashplugin-nonfree | 02:27 |
ubotu | flashplugin-nonfree: (Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 156 kB | 02:27 |
Mabus06 | it's illegal in my country Delvien sorry | 02:27 |
nick01 | I don't see flash in the repository | 02:27 |
royw | how do I convert my ext3 to fat32 again? should I use msdos format command? | 02:27 |
Toma- | nick01: tried updating/refreshing? | 02:28 |
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nick01 | yes | 02:28 |
Davethewave | Illegal to use a battery monitor? | 02:28 |
Davethewave | :o | 02:28 |
syklitengutt | yea I do, because now nothing works wit wine... I changed some settings... XP , and changed the screen dpi and now I need tho change it back | 02:28 |
Mabus06 | Davethewave, I was joking. I don't know. | 02:28 |
_888_ | derek[] i am just using smart boot manager boot floppy :) when i boot comp with it it only see FAT32 on my hdd, it doesnt even see itself (it says NONE in the line Floppy) | 02:28 |
Davethewave | :p | 02:28 |
giany911 | syklitengutt .. what doesnt work .. btw did u install it ? | 02:28 |
nick01 | deb http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse | 02:28 |
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Mabus06 | lol my country is very strict ;-) | 02:28 |
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Davethewave | lol | 02:28 |
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nick01 | that's what I have | 02:29 |
silasj | hello all | 02:29 |
syklitengutt | yea... | 02:29 |
_888_ | derek[] and it doesnt see cdrom either :( | 02:29 |
nick01 | in sources.list | 02:29 |
Delvien | Mabus06 Infidel ! P | 02:29 |
chrisx1 | Toma-, check ur p/m | 02:29 |
Davethewave | hello | 02:29 |
Toma- | chrisx1: try lsusb -vvv | 02:29 |
Garrett53 | can I use free space of a ext3 partition as swap or must be on a separate partition? | 02:29 |
_888_ | derek[] i can take some pics if u want | 02:29 |
nick01 | Toma-, is that ok > | 02:29 |
nick01 | ? | 02:29 |
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syklitengutt | type winecfg in a terminal... then the wine config opens... ,But not on me | 02:29 |
Toma- | cant do much with that info | 02:29 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..did u install it ? | 02:29 |
syklitengutt | yea | 02:29 |
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derek[] | _888_, well I cannot help you with that coz I haven't used this program.. | 02:30 |
chrisx1 | sec | 02:30 |
chrisx1 | brb | 02:30 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..and did u manage to play it ? | 02:30 |
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derek[] | _888_, also try asking in #linux | 02:30 |
syklitengutt | o.... you mean cs? no... didnt manage to install it | 02:30 |
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chrisx1 | better | 02:30 |
chrisx1 | swapped USB things | 02:30 |
_888_ | derek[] on same ntwrk? | 02:30 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ... still cant accept terms? | 02:30 |
Toma- | nick01: try searching for flash | 02:30 |
Kimppa | Hello. How do I mount a .bin file without burning it on a cd? | 02:30 |
nick01 | Toma-, I searched | 02:30 |
derek[] | _888_, yes | 02:30 |
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jeremywhiting | is there an apt command to see if a package is installed? | 02:31 |
_888_ | derek[] ok, will do, thx for all the help anyway! | 02:31 |
jiggo | dpkg -l | 02:31 |
derek[] | _888_, np. | 02:31 |
jeremywhiting | thanks jiggo | 02:31 |
syklitengutt | nope.... but now wine is messed up because I changed something in winecfg and now I cant open winecfg to change it back | 02:31 |
derek[] | _888_, hang on | 02:31 |
Toma- | Kimppa: get bchunk and convert it | 02:31 |
derek[] | _888_, hope you know you don't have to leave this channel to join any other ;) | 02:31 |
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_888_ | derek[] really?!! ;) | 02:32 |
giany911 | syklitengutt go to synaptic remove wine for good with all configs and reinstall it | 02:32 |
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nick01 | how do I install flash ? I enabled multiverse but can't find flash | 02:32 |
derek[] | _888_, just type %/join #linux | 02:32 |
taga123456 | :)) | 02:32 |
derek[] | _888_, just type /join #linux | 02:32 |
Kimppa | Toma-: thanks | 02:32 |
royw | how do I convert my ext3 to fat32 again? should I use msdos format command? | 02:32 |
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Toma- | royw: why? | 02:32 |
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syklitengutt | giany911, made it.... opened the wine folder and opened user.reg with gedit and changed screen dpi to 24 | 02:32 |
fzwart | royw, you can use fdisk to create an (unformatted) fat32 partition | 02:33 |
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royw | It seems ubuntu is too hard for me... im going to install windows back :-/ | 02:33 |
xiaogil | is there an equivalent for google earth on ubuntu ? | 02:33 |
giany911 | syklitengutt .... i wonder will that help u ? | 02:33 |
syklitengutt | giany911, I can use wine, so thats a start | 02:33 |
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xychix | root@bea:/home/xychix/Desktop# dpkg -i ./nxclient_1.5.0-113_i386.deb | 02:34 |
xychix | (Reading database ... 72148 files and directories currently installed.) | 02:34 |
xychix | Preparing to replace nxclient 1.5.0-113 (using ./nxclient_1.5.0-113_i386.deb) ... | 02:34 |
royw | will i see the ext3 hdd on msdos? | 02:34 |
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Toma- | royw: windows install will delete/format and so on your hardrive when u install it | 02:34 |
xychix | Unpacking replacement nxclient ... | 02:34 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..very well | 02:34 |
xychix | Setting up nxclient (1.5.0-113) ... | 02:34 |
xychix | root@bea:/home/xychix/Desktop# dpkg -L ./nxclient_1.5.0-113_i386.deb | 02:34 |
xychix | Package `./nxclient_1.5.0-113_i386.deb' is not installed. | 02:34 |
xychix | Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files, | 02:34 |
xychix | and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents. | 02:34 |
xychix | root@bea:/home/xychix/Desktop# | 02:34 |
xychix | :( | 02:34 |
xychix | what is wrong ??? i can't find the application | 02:34 |
xychix | the binairy to execute | 02:34 |
giany911 | nick01 maybe this will help u http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash | 02:34 |
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Siorai | crap, what's the root pass for the liveCD | 02:34 |
royw | ok cool.... sorry guys i tried :) just too hard here | 02:34 |
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xychix | royw: what is the problem ? | 02:34 |
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royw | windows is much more user friendly i think | 02:34 |
xychix | :( | 02:34 |
giany911 | siorai ..i guess its ubuntu but no sure | 02:34 |
j-a-p | what is the best backup program for a full system backup, preferrably GUI? | 02:34 |
royw | umm all kinds of stuff | 02:34 |
Siorai | giany911, nope | 02:35 |
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giany911 | :(( | 02:35 |
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royw | i even cant view my files like i want | 02:35 |
Toma- | royw: what files? | 02:35 |
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GoomaD | hay | 02:35 |
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nick01_ | !easyrepos | 02:35 |
ubotu | nick01_: I don't know | 02:35 |
Siorai | giany911, I've tried all the ones you'd think it would be, admin, password, ubuntu, linux etc | 02:35 |
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royw | i mean hard drives ( like my comuter on windows) | 02:35 |
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Toma- | royw: theres a simple howto on that :9 | 02:36 |
Toma- | :( | 02:36 |
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royw | really? | 02:36 |
royw | let check it out | 02:36 |
neurocyte | Siorai, I don't think the CD *has* a root password | 02:36 |
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Toma- | is the windows on the same computer? | 02:36 |
SniZ | hi | 02:36 |
j-a-p | Anyone want to help with backups? | 02:36 |
giany911 | siorai this helps u http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3400.htmls | 02:36 |
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Siorai | it does, 'cause it's not letting me access it | 02:36 |
nick01 | !easysource | 02:36 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:36 |
royw | yes | 02:36 |
JDahl | royw, go to "places->computer". If some drives don't show, you need to update /etc/fstab, but that's easy to do, and you only need to do it once | 02:36 |
royw | but diffrent hdd | 02:37 |
sexcopter8000m | is there anyone about who's confident with sound issues? my sound card has a headphone/spdif out which doesn't work. | 02:37 |
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royw | umm i see only 1 hdd | 02:37 |
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royw | and when I try to acees it | 02:37 |
neurocyte | Siorai, the root account is passwordless, you can only sudo to it | 02:37 |
royw | its says promission denied | 02:37 |
Toma- | royw: http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountfat | 02:37 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..any progress? | 02:37 |
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syklitengutt | nope | 02:38 |
giany911 | dam | 02:38 |
royw | ohh I tried that | 02:38 |
royw | didnt worked for some reason | 02:38 |
JDahl | royw, try "system->administration->disks". That can update /etc/fstab for you | 02:38 |
eslkff | hello | 02:38 |
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Siorai | 'cause i'm trying to mount a HDD on the liveCD | 02:38 |
neurocyte | Siorai, from the normal user acount to "sudo su -" | 02:38 |
philbilly | neurocyte: you can have root passwd | 02:39 |
royw | did that already.... I can access the fat32 hdds | 02:39 |
royw | but got a problem with the ntfs | 02:39 |
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Davethewave | JDahl that's my dad's first initial and last name :p | 02:39 |
neurocyte | philbilly, of course, you have to set it though, there's none by default | 02:39 |
giany911 | siorai i guess u should use sudo mount /dev/hda5 (or yours) /mnt/mnt point -o uid=ubuntu | 02:39 |
nick01 | is there a mirror for easysource \ ? cause I can't select the architecture from the list | 02:39 |
Siorai | hm | 02:39 |
giany911 | siorai try it | 02:39 |
Toma- | royw: you'll find it hard to read and write to ntfs, as its fairly tricky :( | 02:40 |
giany911 | sudo mount /dev/partition /mnt/mountpoint -o uid=ubuntu | 02:40 |
royw | ohh i see | 02:40 |
Siorai | hm | 02:40 |
Toma- | like i said royw, windows will set you back on the straight and narrow... :( | 02:40 |
Siorai | alright | 02:40 |
syklitengutt | giany911, did you have to check this when installing cs and if yes why can you and I dont,,,, lol | 02:40 |
royw | lol | 02:40 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..maybe we hv diferrent cs's | 02:40 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ..maybe we hv diferrent cs's i didnt buy mine :O | 02:40 |
syklitengutt | thats possible.... | 02:41 |
giany911 | yes | 02:41 |
giany911 | i know | 02:41 |
philbilly | neurocyte: yes -my first IRC -with a response I see how it works | 02:41 |
royw | maybe theres a user frendly linux more then ubuntu? | 02:41 |
royw | knoppi was fine | 02:41 |
giany911 | i cant talk more on the subject NOT ALLOWED | 02:41 |
theD3viL | royw, fedora, suse, .. just sux | 02:41 |
royw | but I could not install it to the hdd | 02:41 |
Davethewave | royw do you know how to edit the fstab file | 02:41 |
Siorai | "You must specify the filesystem type' | 02:41 |
JDahl | royw, basically their all the same (from the user's perspective)... Gnome is Gnome regardless of what distro you run | 02:42 |
Davethewave | royw ? | 02:42 |
royw | umm nop :-/ im kinda new that all stuff | 02:42 |
JDahl | s/their/they're | 02:42 |
giany911 | sudo mount /dev/partition /mnt/mountpoint -o -ntfs uid=ubuntu | 02:42 |
royw | umm nop :-/ im kinda new that all stuff | 02:42 |
giany911 | siorai what type of partition are u trying to mount ? | 02:42 |
Knight_Lord | Is it possible to have icons that just show up on certain workspaces with Gnome? | 02:42 |
royw | is there a way to install knoppi to your hdd? | 02:42 |
Toma- | im off cyas. | 02:42 |
Knight_Lord | Or even launchers? | 02:42 |
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Siorai | a Fedora Core 4 partition | 02:43 |
Badm4n | hello | 02:43 |
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giany911 | siorai .. well .. i dont not know ... then | 02:43 |
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Badm4n | i still cant change my splash picture with my own picture | 02:43 |
giany911 | thats what i use for a ntfs partion under a live cd | 02:43 |
Badm4n | i still cant change my splash picture with my own picture any1 have idea about it ? | 02:43 |
yatesy | royw: theres on option in the menu i belive | 02:43 |
fzwart | royw, http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Hd_Install_HowTo but if you want ubuntu with a KDE look (like knoppix has), you could try kubuntu | 02:43 |
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Siorai | well, I AM root now, so that's a start :) | 02:43 |
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syklitengutt | giany911, do you think I can use the cd key if I download a cs 1.6 from the net? | 02:43 |
giany911 | siorai :) | 02:43 |
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royw | kubuntu? | 02:44 |
yatesy | yes | 02:44 |
yatesy | but KDE sucks :P | 02:44 |
royw | link me pls | 02:44 |
fzwart | http://www.kubuntu.org/ | 02:44 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ....what u are saying is not open source u ..or me can get banned | 02:44 |
royw | ohhh | 02:44 |
royw | lol | 02:44 |
royw | it sucks? | 02:44 |
syklitengutt | giany911, ok... | 02:44 |
xiaogil | quel est le dpt pour installer skype ? | 02:45 |
giany911 | syklitengutt ......torrent?cs 1.6 | 02:45 |
xiaogil | sorry... | 02:45 |
Davethewave | dang, I just get done typing a big paragraph on how to gedit /etc/fstab to add /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2 and he leaves | 02:46 |
giany911 | :))) | 02:46 |
giany911 | lol | 02:46 |
fzwart | :) | 02:46 |
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rohan_ | hi all | 02:47 |
j-a-p | Has anybody manage to get Mondo to work with Breezy? | 02:47 |
Davethewave | hi | 02:47 |
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giany911 | can any1 help me a little bit with lirc? | 02:47 |
Davethewave | :p | 02:47 |
maff | is it correct to mirror a hd like this: dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb | 02:47 |
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pc22 | hello Seveas | 02:47 |
rohan_ | including gnome terminal | 02:48 |
rohan_ | and vt | 02:48 |
maff | and may hdb be larger than hda? | 02:48 |
Davethewave | maff I dunno, I've only used the dd if= command to zero-fill a drive :) | 02:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | maff: yes and yes | 02:48 |
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neurocyte | maff, that should work if hdb is larger than hda | 02:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but if b is bigger, you loose any extra space in the copy | 02:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and it wont copy mbr | 02:49 |
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maff | Kamping_Kaiser, thanks | 02:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np | 02:49 |
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Davethewave | I tried sudo xresprobe nvidia to rescan my monitor to get higher HZ but it did nothing :\ | 02:51 |
Davethewave | 60HZ gives me a head-ache, but then it is almost 6AM | 02:51 |
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giany911 | syklitengutt anything new? | 02:54 |
syklitengutt | nope.... have to give up the dvd I think,... | 02:54 |
giany911 | :(( | 02:54 |
Pluk | /msg nickserv identify 6042cl | 02:54 |
giany911 | syklitengutt dont give up | 02:54 |
Davethewave | ouch | 02:55 |
Kibou | .. | 02:55 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | ouch | 02:55 |
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Pluk | lol | 02:55 |
Davethewave | hmm isn't that correct? | 02:55 |
Pluk | hmm well was testnick anyway | 02:56 |
Davethewave | :p | 02:56 |
_888_ | derek[] u there? | 02:56 |
derek[] | yeah | 02:56 |
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matsr | anybody want to know how to set 100BaseTX Full-Duplex on their ubuntu install? | 02:56 |
matsr | :p | 02:56 |
_888_ | with smb i need to know hex address of my pcmcia cdrom | 02:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | matsr: mii-tools? | 02:57 |
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Siorai | whoa! | 02:57 |
glick | excuse me how can i display dns information on my system using ifconfig? | 02:57 |
Siorai | this is getting hard | 02:57 |
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giany911 | siorai still trying to mount that partition ? | 02:58 |
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_888_ | derek[] the dos driver shows something like 0,150,F, but smb require the address as [hex1,hex2] duh | 02:59 |
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Siorai | giany911, yeah, the kind folks at #ubuntuforums are helping me out | 02:59 |
rob_p | glick: You probably want "cat /etc/resolv.conf" or something similar. | 02:59 |
dpupp | how do i edit a conf file from the terminal command line? i need to remove an entry from my xorg.conf but i cant run gedit to do it. | 03:00 |
giany911 | siorai ok good luck | 03:00 |
xychix | i installed nx-client to me ubuntu how to start the tool ? i can't find the binaries | 03:00 |
Siorai | The water in my bath is getting cold though : / | 03:00 |
bungle_ | use vi dpupp | 03:00 |
neurocyte | dpupp, try nano | 03:00 |
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derek[] | _888_, :/ | 03:00 |
Siorai | Thanks :) | 03:00 |
derek[] | _888_, ask someone for help or search for a way to find the hex address on Google | 03:01 |
_888_ | derek[] yeah... :/ | 03:01 |
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matsr | Kamping_Kaiser, jupp | 03:01 |
dpupp | how do i exit vi ? | 03:01 |
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glick | how do i clean my dns cache | 03:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | matsr: hm? | 03:01 |
neurocyte | dpupp, press :q | 03:01 |
matsr | Kamping_Kaiser, It didn't work with ifconfig | 03:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dpupp: <esc><esc><:q> | 03:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or :wq | 03:02 |
bungle_ | wq | 03:02 |
giany911 | siorai yep ubuntu is tricky:) | 03:02 |
matsr | Kamping_Kaiser, or at least I couldn't get it to work | 03:02 |
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Davethewave | can ubuntu make me breakfast? | 03:02 |
dpupp | ok.. i dunno what i did but its just beeping when i press anything.] | 03:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | matsr: oh ok | 03:03 |
Siorai | It's not that it's tricky, my iso didn't burn right : / | 03:03 |
giany911 | does any1 know if i can get xmms icon in the tray ? | 03:03 |
bungle_ | yes dave sudo make breakfast | 03:03 |
Dr_Willis | Yes. | 03:03 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 03:03 |
Dr_Willis | apt-get install EggsAndBacon | 03:03 |
Davethewave | lol | 03:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Davethewave: sudo apt-get install cooking && exec yes | 03:03 |
Davethewave | :D | 03:03 |
glick | does anyone knwo how i can clear my dns cache | 03:03 |
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dpupp | ok! :q did it | 03:04 |
dpupp | thanks | 03:04 |
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neurocyte | dpupp, nano should be easier to handle | 03:04 |
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bungle_ | dpupp, why aint gedit wprking? | 03:04 |
bungle_ | working* | 03:04 |
syklitengutt | by the way... Somehow one of my drives (hda1) has been formated I think (or its corrupded.) Anyone who knows of a linux prog to unformat or restore filez on drive? | 03:05 |
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epifanio | hola | 03:05 |
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mick_ | syklitengutt, testdisk | 03:05 |
Davethewave | giany911 you mean bottom try? just press the down arrow (top right) by the x | 03:05 |
epifanio | algun espaol | 03:05 |
Davethewave | tray* | 03:05 |
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giany911 | davethewave no .. i mean the tray like gaim .. or where the clock is | 03:06 |
dpupp | bungle_ i was following some instructions on conky and it said to add load dbe to my xorg... | 03:06 |
bungle_ | ok | 03:06 |
dpupp | bungle_ i restarted gdm and it went into a scrambled blue screen | 03:06 |
dpupp | im trying to get rid of conky flickering. | 03:07 |
Davethewave | giany911 ahh not sure about that, you can add it up there by pressing Applications, sound and video then right-click xmms and say add to panel | 03:07 |
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Davethewave | giany911 but probably not what you wanted | 03:07 |
bungle_ | oh dear dpupp | 03:07 |
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giany911 | davethewave ...well ... no exactly .. i use xmms a lot .. | 03:08 |
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giany911 | and i dont want it to take space on the start bar | 03:08 |
dpupp | bungle_ seems im ok now. im back into gnome. | 03:08 |
dpupp | thanks. | 03:08 |
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bungle_ | cool dpupp :-) | 03:08 |
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tz | anyone help me? | 03:09 |
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dpupp | not really sure what load dbe is for anyway. i guess i should read before injecting random random info into config files | 03:09 |
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Dr_Willis | dpupp, i cant recall evere using dbe either. | 03:09 |
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tz | i met a strange problem with my firefox when it explore the hotmail web page | 03:10 |
tz | anyone help me? | 03:10 |
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bungle_ | lol dpupp i do scary things too without thinking:-p | 03:10 |
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Dr_Willis | tz, and the problem is? I cant recall any issues with hotmail and firefox in the past. | 03:11 |
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Robbster | lo all. What do I need to do to our LDAP repository to make certain users 'sudo'? do I just create a sudo group and add them to the group? | 03:11 |
dpupp | YES! flicker is gone. | 03:12 |
dpupp | :D | 03:12 |
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tz | here is the problem | 03:12 |
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tz | i enter the url address in the firefox and then i login | 03:12 |
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tz | but suddently the firefox just exit | 03:13 |
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tz | the programe just exit and did not crash | 03:13 |
lane | FF 1.5 comes out today, is there a good place to get an ubuntu pkg when it's out? | 03:13 |
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tz | it is very strange, by the way, i login in my system using a normal user not the root | 03:13 |
wickedpuppy | tz, dmesg | grep firefox | 03:14 |
wickedpuppy | see what kind of error you get | 03:14 |
syklitengutt | testdisk only find the cdrom | 03:14 |
tz | ok | 03:14 |
tz | wait | 03:14 |
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intelikey | anyone have time to see about helping me get sound on 5.04 onboard chip cs4236 ? | 03:15 |
tz | i used | 03:15 |
tz | wickedpuppy, i used but there is no msg | 03:16 |
oxez | lane: probably a backport | 03:16 |
tz | wickedpuppy, so how to do the next | 03:16 |
lane | backport? | 03:16 |
lane | what does that mean? | 03:16 |
oxez | !tell me about backports | 03:16 |
wickedpuppy | tz, then really no idea... firefox doesn't do that on me | 03:16 |
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intelikey | odd mdk identifies it as cs4232 ub id's it as cs4236 ? | 03:17 |
oxez | !tell lane about backports | 03:17 |
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tz | wickedpuppy, this problem will not appear when i login as root | 03:17 |
tz | wickedpuppy, so this is very weir | 03:18 |
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intelikey | tz what error ? | 03:18 |
Robbster | !tell robbster about ldap authentication. | 03:18 |
wickedpuppy | tz, run firefox with sudo then .. see if you still get the error | 03:18 |
syklitengutt | testdisk didnt do the work for me... anyone who knows of a program that kan unformat a partition? | 03:18 |
Dr_Willis | create a new user an see if it affects them tz. , Or rename your .firefox (or is it .mozilla) dir so you reset firefox to its 'defaults' | 03:18 |
Dr_Willis | sounds like a firefox config 'issue' | 03:19 |
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tz | ok | 03:19 |
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tz | i will try | 03:19 |
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Robbster | I'm trying to set up ldap authentucation. I've already had this running with mandriva, but I'm moving to Ubuntu. | 03:20 |
intelikey | so no sound on ubuntu,,, and what is with this screwy tty1 all the rest of my consoles display correctly, why is vc/1 borked ? | 03:20 |
Dr_Willis | intelikey, sounds like a framebuffer/splash screen issue | 03:21 |
Robbster | I'm having some difficulties in getting it set up. Any up-to-date howto's? Also, how will I configure sodu users with ldap? | 03:21 |
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intelikey | Dr_Willis howto disable fb ? | 03:21 |
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derek[] | _888_, I shall leave. Wish you all the best with solving your problem. I think it IS solvable. You may have to try hard though ;) | 03:22 |
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intelikey | i have vga=0x0f05 it shouldn't be using fb should it ? | 03:22 |
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Dr_Willis | intelikey, i use the 'nosplash' option in the menu.lst | 03:22 |
Dr_Willis | # nonaltoptions=nosplash | 03:23 |
Dr_Willis | in the menu.lst will make it stay on all the new installed kernel entries also. | 03:23 |
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intelikey | menu.lst ? that would be a grub thing.... lilo here. and there is no splash picture or anything like that Dr_Willis | 03:23 |
Dr_Willis | You are using Lilo with ubuntu? why. :P | 03:24 |
drayen | i have an external HD which is useing EXT2/3 but its got errors on it (seeing dirs as files, + other misc errors) is there somehting i can run to correct these? | 03:24 |
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Dr_Willis | could be your system is loading the framebuffer modules also. | 03:24 |
syklitengutt | anyone who knows of a program that can unformat a partition? | 03:24 |
intelikey | any idea what the module name. i'll rm it. | 03:25 |
tz | still the problem | 03:25 |
tz | hehe | 03:25 |
tz | unless i use the root account | 03:25 |
Knight_Lord | syklitengutt unformat a partition? | 03:25 |
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tz | but i know that's maybe not so safe | 03:25 |
Knight_Lord | syklitengutt what kind of partition? | 03:25 |
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Dr_Willis | tz, try making a new user account yet? | 03:25 |
syklitengutt | I think one of my hd has been unvilling formated... | 03:25 |
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killfill | hey | 03:25 |
tz | Dr_Willis, ok i will try again | 03:25 |
syklitengutt | ha partition on my hdd f.eks hda1 | 03:26 |
killfill | im with brezzy and apt-get install mysql-server tries to install version 4.. how do i get version 5.?... | 03:26 |
csb | hi everybody | 03:26 |
MenZa` | lo csb | 03:27 |
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csb | i'm using xchat. what does the red text mean? | 03:27 |
killfill | why is not mysql5 on ubuntu?.. any special reason? | 03:28 |
killfill | licence or something?.. | 03:28 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, did you try gpart? | 03:28 |
syklitengutt | gpart is to format isnt it? | 03:28 |
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intelikey | is it "fbcon" the frame buffer module ? | 03:28 |
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skulrid | hi | 03:29 |
Dr_Willis | intelikey, sounds like it to me. then there maybe some modules for your specific card | 03:29 |
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Dr_Willis | rmmod fbcon - and see what happens. | 03:29 |
Dr_Willis | it may not crash :P | 03:29 |
skulrid | ppl when I press CTRL+ALT+somthing (like "2" to get ->"at") nothing appens... help? | 03:29 |
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syklitengutt | gparted has an warning ! and sais the whole disk is empty.... | 03:30 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, that's gparted | 03:30 |
Paradosso | hi everybody | 03:30 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, not gparted, gpart | 03:30 |
syklitengutt | ok | 03:30 |
intelikey | what card is that ? | 03:30 |
csb | i have a question about backing up ubuntu...let's say i were to spend six months customizing Ubuntu the way i like it...if i were to reformat and re-install, what is the best way to get my customizations back? is there a "clone" program for linux? | 03:30 |
eksajm | hello. if i want to try ubunto how big shoudl the partition be? or is there a guide for the filesystem hierarchy that is good to follow? | 03:30 |
tz | i am back | 03:30 |
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tz | Dr_Willis, still the problem | 03:31 |
Paradosso | does anyone know how do I configure aterm look? | 03:31 |
Dr_Willis | tz, time to hit the forums then. | 03:31 |
wickedpuppy | csb, you can back up /etc and your home dir ... most configs are either .files or in /etc | 03:31 |
Paradosso | I edited an ~/.Xresources file, but it is ignored | 03:31 |
intelikey | rmmod fbcon didn't do anything that i can tell | 03:31 |
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Dr_Willis | csb, 'mondo/mindi | 03:31 |
Dr_Willis | csb, 'mondo/mindi' can backup a system to cdrom/dvd/network and restore it later | 03:32 |
skulrid | ppl when I press CTRL+ALT+somthing (like "2" to get ->"at") nothing appens... help? | 03:32 |
intelikey | i found it... vesafb | 03:32 |
skulrid | help here with keyboard plz | 03:32 |
Stonekeeper | hi. Installed breezy badger last night. Great stuff. However, after the kernel upgrade to 20-9, every now and again, the hard disks makes a load click and the whole thing freezes. Is the kernel upgrade a red herring and it's just a knackered disk or has anyone else seen this since the update? | 03:32 |
syklitengutt | tryin gpart now... it stops at Begin scan... nothing more happens | 03:32 |
tz | ok, got it, hehe, anyway i still can explore the hotmail web page through the sudo or the root account | 03:32 |
intelikey | but removing it didn't help a thing. | 03:32 |
Stonekeeper | *hard disks = hard disk. Just the one | 03:32 |
csb | thanks wp/dr | 03:33 |
killfill | guys.. anyone knows if there is a breezy package for mysql somewhere?.. | 03:33 |
eksajm | how big should i make the partition on which i install ubunto? | 03:33 |
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csb | eksajm: depends what you want to do with it | 03:33 |
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eksajm | csb, desktop | 03:33 |
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csb | does red text in x-chat mean private message, or just a message x-chat thinks is for me? | 03:34 |
csb | eksajm: how musch space do you have? | 03:34 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, are you sure it's not doing anything? it can take ages | 03:34 |
eksajm | 80gig | 03:34 |
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eksajm | but i want other distros on it aswell | 03:34 |
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csb | eksajm: so just to mess around with ubuntu? | 03:35 |
eksajm | i might change to ubunto, but i want to try it first | 03:35 |
eksajm | yeah sort of. | 03:35 |
eksajm | i want to try it if it is good and stuff | 03:35 |
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Knight_Lord | I tried changing the UID of my user and after that i couldn't login. Does gnome stores my UID in stupid places? | 03:35 |
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csb | i have ubuntu installed, with kde and xcfe as well, installed apache, etc... | 03:36 |
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eksajm | csb, on 10gig? | 03:36 |
sorbetero | Hi, can any one tell me if Ubuntu supports multiple language? | 03:36 |
syklitengutt | neurocyte, | 03:36 |
syklitengutt | root@chris:~# gpart /dev/hda1 | 03:36 |
syklitengutt | Begin scan... | 03:36 |
syklitengutt | and nothing more.... not something that tells me its working... perhaps a little high cpu use but i have a dozen of windows up | 03:36 |
csb | it takes up... | 03:36 |
sorbetero | i haven't installed ubuntu yet... | 03:36 |
csb | 4GB | 03:36 |
intelikey | i'll install svgatextmode and see if it helps | 03:36 |
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csb | approx | 03:36 |
JuGgeLNuT | hello!? | 03:36 |
csb | i think 10GB would be fine | 03:36 |
csb | for messing around | 03:37 |
yatesy | syklitengutt: running X as root | 03:37 |
eksajm | oh thats good.. | 03:37 |
JuGgeLNuT | can some 1 help me plz? =) | 03:37 |
yatesy | ? | 03:37 |
syklitengutt | yes | 03:37 |
csb | eksajm: how much ram do ouyou have? | 03:37 |
sorbetero | Hi, can any one tell me if Ubuntu supports multiple language? i haven't installed ubuntu yet but is planning to install anytime within the week... | 03:37 |
eksajm | if it is to small i can just move the partitions around but i want a good number | 03:37 |
skulrid | ppl how do I write an "at"? | 03:37 |
eksajm | csb, 512 | 03:37 |
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eksajm | swap should be 3 times right? | 03:37 |
mick_ | Hmmz, lsmod shows my audio driver is loaded, and I have setunmuted in alsamixer, but still no sound. What should I try next? | 03:37 |
csb | eksajm, so a 1GB swap | 03:37 |
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csb | i think it says 2x RAM | 03:37 |
JuGgeLNuT | can some 1 tell me if there is a mouse problem with Ubuntu? | 03:38 |
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rob_p | killfill: mysql-server | 03:38 |
intelikey | 1g swap lol | 03:38 |
eksajm | kk probably different depending on who you ask | 03:38 |
csb | i have 768MB, and setup made my swap 1.09GB | 03:38 |
eksajm | but the big problem was the partition | 03:38 |
=== intelikey doesn't use swap. | ||
eksajm | csb, it is automatic? | 03:38 |
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killfill | rob_p buit thats version 4.. :-( | 03:38 |
JuGgeLNuT | any 1? | 03:38 |
csb | eksajm, yes | 03:38 |
rob_p | killfill: so | 03:38 |
killfill | rob_p buit i wish to use thouse triggers.. you know.. ;-) | 03:39 |
csb | klsajm, is this text coming through as red for you? | 03:39 |
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JuGgeLNuT | ive installed Ubuntu in my old CPU n now the mouse aint working? | 03:39 |
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killfill | rob_p buit need 5.x .. | 03:39 |
skulrid | why my ctrl+alt keys dont work?! | 03:39 |
eksajm | wgen you wirte my nick sure | 03:39 |
JuGgeLNuT | but wen im in the bios the mous is working fine | 03:39 |
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intelikey | JuGgeLNuT not that i know of.... but it would not supprise me. | 03:39 |
JuGgeLNuT | <intelikey> y? | 03:39 |
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neurocyte | syklitengutt, you should see the drive busy if it's working | 03:39 |
intelikey | skulrid try the ones on the right | 03:40 |
csb | if i had XP on a 100GB drive...and then let ubuntu rezize that to 60GB, leaving 40 for ubuntu...will gparted let me give some of that space back to the XP partition? | 03:40 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, it'll scan the entire drive looking for super blocks | 03:40 |
neurocyte | syklitengutt, which can take ages if the drive is big | 03:40 |
intelikey | errr the ones on the left usually work | 03:40 |
skulrid | intelikey dont work :S | 03:40 |
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JuGgeLNuT | <intelikey> i mean the keyboard is working fine | 03:40 |
csb | using totem, where is the best place to get codecs? | 03:40 |
wickedpuppy | !codecs | 03:41 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil. You can get them by going to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, and looking for "The Codecs". Another possible download location is http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 03:41 |
csb | well what do i do when totem tells me it can't play something? | 03:41 |
rob_p | killfill: I guess build it then! | 03:41 |
skulrid | if i try to write xxxx"at"xxx.com I cant write the at cause my ctrl+alt dont work | 03:41 |
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eksajm | csb, what is the differnece between kubunto edubunto and ubunot? | 03:42 |
syklitengutt | ok... the hda1 wich has proborlie been deleeted is about 30 gig. cpu is now at 46% with only xchat, gaim, some gdesklets and the terminal running gpart so it should be working then? | 03:42 |
sorush20 | how do I install flash player for konqueror | 03:42 |
sorush20 | ? | 03:42 |
Seveas | !no codecs is <reply> Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 03:42 |
ubotu | okay, Seveas | 03:42 |
JuGgeLNuT | is it possible to work with Ubuntu w/o mouse? | 03:42 |
syklitengutt | its working..... found one partition | 03:42 |
syklitengutt | finished | 03:42 |
csb | eksajm, ubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde, ebuntu = don't know really, it's educational? for kids?, xubuntu = xcfe | 03:42 |
csb | so it's all the desktop manager | 03:42 |
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eksajm | hum i have gentoo now with enligtenment, guess that is not supported. ;/ | 03:43 |
syklitengutt | but I dont understand the output of it! | 03:43 |
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eksajm | why can you just dont install it with app-get? | 03:43 |
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eksajm | gnome on kubunto? | 03:43 |
csb | !easysource | 03:43 |
ubotu | it has been said that easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 03:43 |
intelikey | man this still didn't help anything. setting the screen via svgatextmode changed the size of all consoles but the fonts on tty1 are still fubar'd | 03:43 |
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csb | eksajm, you can get gnome on kubuntu sure | 03:44 |
sorush20 | are there any breezy extras repositories? | 03:44 |
eksajm | okey.. | 03:44 |
intelikey | i'v logged out and back in, reset the screen to 80x25 nothing helps. | 03:44 |
csb | eksajm, it's just each distro comes with a default DM | 03:44 |
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eksajm | csb, kk so its no big deal which you choos. | 03:45 |
eksajm | hum.. i have been using gentoo for a while, and i like it but it takes to much time | 03:45 |
csb | eksajm, nope. i installed ubuntu last week. last night i added kde and xcfe | 03:45 |
eksajm | installing and shit | 03:45 |
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eksajm | csb, okey | 03:45 |
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eksajm | i have never used the apt-get system.. | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | Guessed primary partition table: | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | Primary partition(1) | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | type: 012(0x0C)(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT, LBA) | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | size: 1024mb #s(2097152) s(43750728-45847879) | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | chs: (1023/254/63)-(1023/254/63)d (2723/91/1)-(2853/229/8)r | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | Primary partition(2) | 03:45 |
syklitengutt | type: 000(0x00)(unused) | 03:46 |
ThePyromaniac | hey, i just installed ubuntu 32-bit and now avi files work, yay! | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0) | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | chs: (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | Primary partition(3) | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | type: 000(0x00)(unused) | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0) | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | chs: (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r | 03:46 |
ThePyromaniac | BUT, why does it have a speech delay? | 03:46 |
deFrysk | syklitengutt, you are flooding | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | Primary partition(4) | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | type: 000(0x00)(unused) | 03:46 |
csb | so if i want to play windows-compatible video..wmv or whatever, what is the best way? would realplayer cover it? | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0) | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | chs: (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r | 03:46 |
intelikey | ubuntu seems like crap compared to mandrake and redhat and slackware and...... | 03:46 |
deFrysk | Seveas, someone is flooding here :s | 03:46 |
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csb | i need something easy...i'm not a pro and all that easysource stuff, i'll screw that up | 03:46 |
syklitengutt | ok... im doung a reescan for the whole drive (hda) | 03:47 |
yatesy | syklitengutt: stop pasting crap | 03:47 |
syklitengutt | stfu ass | 03:47 |
deFrysk | !ops | 03:47 |
ubotu | Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic and nalioth | 03:48 |
ThePyromaniac | he's not an ass, its a rule | 03:48 |
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sorush20 | Help! | 03:48 |
deFrysk | syklitengutt, is misbehaving | 03:48 |
syklitengutt | tried to get help | 03:48 |
ThePyromaniac | yes fine, but dont paste lots of text here | 03:48 |
ThePyromaniac | see how you swallowed my help request? | 03:48 |
yatesy | by pasting loads of lines and blatently ignoring the topic? | 03:48 |
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deFrysk | peace | 03:50 |
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ThePyromaniac | Why would an AVI file have a really bad delay between speech and visuals, that seems to get worse over time? | 03:51 |
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Telep | wow, hibernate actually works :o | 03:51 |
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oxez | ThePyromaniac: with mplayer? | 03:52 |
ThePyromaniac | totem | 03:52 |
deFrysk | Telep, ubuntu "works" :) | 03:52 |
yatesy | its possible its the video file itself | 03:52 |
Telep | deFrysk: heh, well I didn't expect it to, hasn't worked before :) | 03:52 |
oxez | ThePyromaniac: oh, ok :/ | 03:52 |
Telep | on my laptop, that is | 03:52 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, try the oss backend for gstreamer, that helps for me | 03:52 |
ThePyromaniac | i have tried all of family guy series 4 and Cartmen gets an anal probe :D they all mess up | 03:52 |
kvantti | mplayer requires a subfont.ttf to be copied to the main folder from any truetype font and i have experience that for example the wmv 9 format does not decode even with the "all" codec pack installed | 03:53 |
deFrysk | Telep, ubuntu is improving quickly | 03:53 |
Telep | seems so :) | 03:53 |
ThePyromaniac | neurocyte while im glad for the help but i dont understand :D | 03:53 |
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Telep | just installed Breezy yesterday after about half a year of almost exclusive Windows usage :D | 03:54 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, go to System->Preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector | 03:54 |
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neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, and select OSS output sink | 03:54 |
sorush20 | !flash | 03:54 |
ubotu | I heard flash is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:54 |
GreenCult | hi all.!! | 03:54 |
kvantti | deFrysk so, if it's improving do you know if it is expected/current for usb dvb-t devices to run? | 03:54 |
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neurocyte | then restart totem | 03:54 |
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ThePyromaniac | ok i will try this thanks | 03:54 |
aj_ | your system could be dropping frames | 03:54 |
deFrysk | kvantti, I would not know to be honest :) | 03:54 |
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ThePyromaniac | doh no i hear nothing, heh | 03:55 |
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kvantti | just a hint for you gamers: http://www.planeshift.it/main_01.html | 03:55 |
deFrysk | kvantti, no spamming please | 03:55 |
kvantti | defrysk sorry | 03:55 |
neurocyte | you'll have to stop esd before starting totem | 03:56 |
kvantti | defrysk i just love to share info of cool linux stuff | 03:56 |
neurocyte | which means that you'll stop getting gnome event sounds | 03:56 |
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deFrysk | kvantti, try #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:56 |
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ThePyromaniac | i did pkill esd, is that right? | 03:57 |
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neurocyte | yeah | 03:57 |
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ThePyromaniac | well i killed it and ran totem and still no sound :/ | 03:58 |
assasukasse | does anyone know when xubuntu will be released (as a finished project) | 03:58 |
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quantciv | is it possible to drop a nick with nickserv after a phantom has been accidentally created? | 03:58 |
assasukasse | should be /ns recover password | 03:58 |
assasukasse | no /ns recover nickname password | 03:59 |
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aj_ | what is xubuntu? | 04:00 |
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XiCillin | xubuntu? | 04:00 |
XiCillin | never heard of it | 04:00 |
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csb | ubuntu w/xcfe | 04:00 |
assasukasse | ... | 04:01 |
aj_ | oh | 04:01 |
XiCillin | oh yea duh | 04:01 |
kvantti | thanks for the info..a bit confusing though | 04:01 |
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ThePyromaniac | neurocyte: hmm ok, ALSA worked | 04:01 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks for the help man :D | 04:02 |
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neurocyte | np | 04:02 |
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ThePyromaniac | back to watching Cartman gets an anal probe :D | 04:02 |
ser18 | can any one help me | 04:03 |
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XiCillin | with what? | 04:03 |
Juhaz | no, nobody can read your mind | 04:03 |
sorush20 | !repositories | 04:03 |
ubotu | well, repositories is How to add repositories: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list | 04:03 |
csb | what does everybody use to view wmv (windows media) files in ubuntu? | 04:03 |
ser18 | when i open syetem dmistration and click on anything it doesnt open | 04:03 |
ser18 | like networking and other stuff | 04:03 |
neurocyte | csb, win32codecs and xine | 04:03 |
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csb | neurocyte, where are the win32codecs? is this text red for you? | 04:04 |
maya | hi | 04:04 |
ser18 | help me ? | 04:04 |
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ser18 | can any one help me | 04:05 |
maya | abt what | 04:05 |
ser18 | when i open syetem dmistration and click on anything it doesnt open | 04:05 |
ser18 | like networking and other stuff | 04:05 |
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nekron | when i use apt-get install w32codecs shows that the package not found, but in aptitude search w32codecs it's there.. | 04:05 |
aj_ | well do you get any errors? | 04:05 |
aj_ | did it used to work? | 04:05 |
nekron | someone can help me? | 04:05 |
sorush20 | why can't i find the flash player in the apt repositories? | 04:05 |
ser18 | how to install updates | 04:06 |
sorush20 | where is the flash player in the repositories? | 04:06 |
maya | apt-get update will install update | 04:06 |
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ser18 | where ???? | 04:06 |
ser18 | its saying i have 37 updates vaialable | 04:07 |
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ThePyromaniac | csb i have the same problem, cant find w32codec | 04:07 |
aj_ | i think ser18 means the ubuntu-update manager thing with gnome | 04:07 |
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ser18 | how to indtall | 04:07 |
neurocyte | csb, read this to get the codecs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-fda9cc5147253891fe3047263b82d787ab025bba | 04:07 |
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nathanj | how do i point gcc env var to a diff gcc version so i can run a certian application for a second? | 04:07 |
csb | thanks | 04:07 |
ser18 | how to install updates | 04:07 |
aj_ | what do you mean ser18 | 04:07 |
maya | yeah | 04:07 |
aj_ | explain yourself better | 04:07 |
nekron | how i install w32codecs? | 04:07 |
ser18 | see its saying u have 37 updates available | 04:08 |
Seveas | !codecs | 04:08 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 04:08 |
aj_ | just click on the button | 04:08 |
nathanj | nekron: look at RestrictedFormats on the wiki see link above | 04:08 |
aj_ | and hit install | 04:08 |
ser18 | i clicked it did nothing | 04:08 |
trappist | what channel do I join to talk about a busted dapper package? | 04:08 |
maya | where do I get the apt-source for gmplayert | 04:08 |
Yehia | !easysource | 04:08 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, easysource is For an easy to use custom sources.list configurator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 04:08 |
maya | I hate compiling it | 04:08 |
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aj_ | are you using gnome? | 04:09 |
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ser18 | yes | 04:09 |
nathanj | anyone know how link GCC var to a older gcc version will i run vmware-config | 04:09 |
aj_ | are all the gnome apps working correctly? | 04:09 |
trappist | nathanj: export CC or use update-alternatives | 04:09 |
=== Eddie [n=eddie@cpc3-blfs1-5-0-cust246.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nathanj | trappist: ta | 04:09 |
aj_ | did it ask you to type in password to install updates? | 04:09 |
ser18 | see when i click on system and then on adminsitration and inside stuff nothing works | 04:09 |
ser18 | yes it says type password i typed the password it did nothing after that | 04:10 |
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sorush20 | guys I can't find the flash player in the repositories in the adept, what the hell is going on ? | 04:10 |
aj_ | well | 04:10 |
nekron | nathan_: where? | 04:10 |
nathanj | whatstr:S | 04:10 |
nathanj | trappist: LS | 04:10 |
nathanj | :S | 04:10 |
ser18 | ??? | 04:10 |
aj_ | from a terminal type like sudo network-admin and see what it says or does | 04:11 |
nathanj | trappist: what i set CC to? | 04:11 |
maya | any help with gmplayer apt source | 04:11 |
clarkee | i reinstalled ubuntu on my laptop after 6 months using it on freebsd(for a work project) and it's much easier to use than ever before :) | 04:11 |
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ThePyromaniac | hmm, i followed the instructions (download and run command) for w32codec but when i play the file i still only get audio and not visual | 04:11 |
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ser18 | where | 04:11 |
maya | does anyone know gmplayer apt source | 04:11 |
sorush20 | guys I can't install the flashplayer-mozilla, from the repositories what is the repositories for it? | 04:11 |
aj_ | in a terminal window | 04:11 |
aj_ | open up gnome-terminal | 04:11 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, with totem? try xine-ui or mplayer | 04:12 |
ser18 | where is that | 04:12 |
maya | mplayer | 04:12 |
aj_ | its under accessories | 04:12 |
ThePyromaniac | but i like totem... :D | 04:12 |
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ser18 | what to type | 04:12 |
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maya | mplayer apt-source please | 04:12 |
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killfill | how do i see whatg packages contains DB.php? | 04:12 |
aj_ | sudo network-admin | 04:12 |
maya | I cant get it from the repository | 04:12 |
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ser18 | says password | 04:12 |
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aj_ | ok type it in | 04:13 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, totem does support w32codes via a gstreamer plugin, but it doesn't work very well | 04:13 |
ser18 | done now | 04:13 |
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ThePyromaniac | ahh i see | 04:13 |
gnubien | hi, the new ubuntu cd will actually power off pc; where would i find the cmd that does the power off? in acpi/events ? | 04:13 |
drayen | anyone know of any how-to's or programs which enable you to encrypt your home directories? | 04:13 |
aj_ | did it say anything or do anything? | 04:13 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, there might be a totem package with the xine backend | 04:13 |
ser18 | no | 04:13 |
nadia007 | someone help me out, I'm trying to install java-package, but can't find it in any repository, even after I've enabled all of the available repositories in 5.10 | 04:13 |
ser18 | it just come to lab@dsl-del-static-093:~$ | 04:13 |
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aj_ | thats odd | 04:14 |
aj_ | it should either show up or at least give an error | 04:14 |
maya | nadai007 as far as I know java package has to be installed from the sun site | 04:14 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, try apt-get totem-xine, that might work better for you | 04:14 |
killfill | hey aj_ how do i get wehat packages contains DB.php?.. | 04:14 |
ser18 | can we chat private | 04:14 |
nadia007 | I've been following the ubuntu wiki and I'm following instructions... just said to apt-get install java-package | 04:14 |
yatesy | dirty | 04:14 |
maya | nah | 04:15 |
sorush20 | I'm having repository problems could you help me please install flash player? | 04:15 |
maya | then may be you should install proper source, which I do not know | 04:15 |
ser18 | why i am not able to open networking | 04:15 |
ThePyromaniac | neurocyte: still 2 v 0, you win again. thanks for the help :D | 04:15 |
maya | getting it from the java website is also not that bad | 04:15 |
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aj_ | well i honestly don't know can you sudo apt-get update? in the same terminal window? | 04:15 |
ser18 | let me try | 04:16 |
nadia007 | I did download the jre1.5 but the instructions require that I have java-package installed. | 04:16 |
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ser18 | i type that nothing happened | 04:16 |
aj_ | nothing? | 04:17 |
ser18 | bad its really bad | 04:17 |
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aj_ | you sure the password is correct? i don't get it | 04:17 |
ser18 | i guess thats why people hate using | 04:17 |
ThePyromaniac | one more question. I had a FAT32 partition with loadsa files on, then when i installed breezy it is now mounted to /media/sda5/ and i want it mounted to /home/phil/media/ how can i do this? i had some commands saved, but lost them in the upgrade :D | 04:17 |
ser18 | yes otherwise it should give error | 04:17 |
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ThePyromaniac | i remember the edit fstab bit, but nothing else :D | 04:18 |
pundai | hey when i tried to upgrade to breezy last night and came back to it this morning, i had an error saying it couldnt access libc-dev,linux-kernel-header archives... wtf | 04:18 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, create an entry in your fstab | 04:18 |
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ThePyromaniac | pundai did you burn the disc or is it a proper mailed one? | 04:18 |
aimaz | hi, I want to use the actual sun jre but it's java -version says i'm using libgcj, if i try to remove gcj it says it's not installed and if i try to install the sun jdk it says it is installed | 04:18 |
pundai | ThePyromaniac, its from the net | 04:18 |
ThePyromaniac | neurocyte anythign else? | 04:18 |
pundai | i mean im doing apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:18 |
ThePyromaniac | pundai try reburning the disc, or use a different disc | 04:18 |
aj_ | well obviously trying to run anything as root is broken for some reason | 04:18 |
ThePyromaniac | oohh no idea then :D | 04:19 |
ser18 | can anyone help me serious | 04:19 |
pundai | \o/ | 04:19 |
sandhi | anyone can help me how to operate Canoscan LIDE 80 in ubuntu 5.10? | 04:19 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, /dev/sda5 /home/phil/media auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:19 |
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aj_ | did this ever work? | 04:19 |
ser18 | i install just now | 04:19 |
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ser18 | everything was good when i was using live cd | 04:19 |
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maya | pundai did you try it again | 04:19 |
ser18 | but its crap when i install | 04:19 |
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maya | I had some problems like that but it became ok after soemtime | 04:20 |
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tucoz | Hi, I am experiencing sound-delay when playing flash-based video in ubuntu. E.g. video.google.com etc. Do you know if this is fixable? | 04:20 |
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ThePyromaniac | /dev/sda5 /home/phil/media vfat defaults 0 is what i have, but dont i need to umount and remount ? | 04:20 |
pundai | maya, im trying again but it'll take forever! | 04:20 |
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pundai | if i do apt-get -d dist-upgrade and then apt-get dist-upgrade, will that be ok | 04:20 |
aj_ | if you didn't do anything but install | 04:20 |
aj_ | try running kde | 04:21 |
ser18 | how | 04:21 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, if you add the user keyword gnome should mount it for you | 04:21 |
ThePyromaniac | eh? | 04:21 |
ser18 | can u please talk in private | 04:21 |
aj_ | and if that doesn't work for you might as well try to re-install thats all i can think of sorry thats not the answer you wanted | 04:21 |
aj_ | just logoff and it will bring you to gdm | 04:21 |
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aj_ | and hit session type | 04:21 |
aj_ | and select kde | 04:21 |
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ser18 | ok then | 04:21 |
aj_ | then login as normal | 04:21 |
ser18 | ok fine thx | 04:21 |
maya | hi | 04:21 |
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ice9 | !nvidia | 04:21 |
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ubotu | rumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 04:21 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, do you want to be about to mount/umount from the desktop ? | 04:22 |
sandhi | leaving | 04:22 |
maya | can anyone help me with mplayer sourcec | 04:22 |
l33t_n00b | someone plz help ? | 04:23 |
maya | I mean I want the apt source | 04:23 |
maya | plzzzzzzz | 04:23 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, about = able | 04:23 |
ice9 | !64 | 04:23 |
ubotu | ice9: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 04:23 |
l33t_n00b | im having trouble with my bluetooth on fedora | 04:23 |
ice9 | !nvidia64 | 04:23 |
ubotu | ice9: I give up, what is it? | 04:23 |
ice9 | damn | 04:23 |
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ice9 | are the modules the same for the 64 bit version | 04:23 |
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ice9 | anyone know | 04:23 |
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ice9 | does the new 5.10 64 support nvidia drivers or no ? | 04:24 |
aj_ | it should | 04:24 |
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ice9 | k cool | 04:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@iam.net.ma] by Seveas | ||
aj_ | i had it working on my amd64 box | 04:24 |
ThePyromaniac | neurocyte: i want it to mount right, i changed fstab and it is not mounted to that folder | 04:25 |
ThePyromaniac | would i have to restart to make that work? | 04:25 |
xychix | Is there a .deb file with all general development headers ? | 04:25 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, did you add the user keyword? | 04:25 |
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xychix | i've got a lot of trouble compiling stuff | 04:25 |
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ThePyromaniac | dont know what that is :S | 04:26 |
maya | do you guyz know the mplayer apt repository for ubuntu | 04:26 |
deFrysk | xychix, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:26 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, go to Places->Computer and double click the volume | 04:26 |
xychix | tnx | 04:26 |
ThePyromaniac | done | 04:26 |
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intelikey | well i fixed the console problem, and rm'd a ton of crap in /var no telling what all i broke :) | 04:26 |
neurocyte | and? did it mount? | 04:27 |
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deFrysk | xychix, also apt-get build dep <package> to to install all files to be able to compile <package> | 04:27 |
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ThePyromaniac | it has always been there as /media/sda5 but i dont want it to, heh. before i just had it as /home/phil/media and in that folder was my huge collection. i have it like that so it is like in my personal area, but others can share it, and it come up on E: when i log into windows | 04:28 |
nekron | how i see .ass? | 04:28 |
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nekron | w32codecs? | 04:28 |
ThePyromaniac | i want to put it back in /home/phil/media and not in a seperate volume | 04:28 |
intelikey | !w32codecs | 04:28 |
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ubotu | from memory, w32codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil., and they're available from http://giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/ | 04:28 |
ThePyromaniac | well, a seperate partition, but so that it doesnt look like it if you see what i mean | 04:28 |
sorush20 | son of a bi**h, could some one help me with my repositoires, I have a list of them here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5191, and I just can't find the mozilla flash player what is going on ? | 04:29 |
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neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, well, now that it's in fstab it *should* come up as /home/phil/media | 04:30 |
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intelikey | !repos | 04:30 |
ubotu | repos is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource | 04:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %sorush20!*@*] by Seveas | ||
ThePyromaniac | ok, methinks a restart will make it | 04:30 |
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neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, do "pumount /media/sda5" | 04:30 |
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Seveas | sorush20, that language, even with **, is not tolerated | 04:30 |
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neurocyte | then do "sudo mount /home/phil/media | 04:30 |
ThePyromaniac | you break it you bought it :p | 04:30 |
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deFrysk | sorush20, add multiverse to line 20 | 04:30 |
ThePyromaniac | lol kk. you mean umount not pumount right? | 04:31 |
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neurocyte | no, I mean pumount | 04:31 |
ThePyromaniac | ok | 04:31 |
intelikey | p u | 04:31 |
sss_lr | sorush20, apt-cache serach firefox|grep firefox | 04:31 |
ThePyromaniac | YAY thanks | 04:32 |
maya | how do i get mplayer thro apt-get | 04:32 |
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neurocyte | 3-0 ;) | 04:32 |
deFrysk | !info mplayer | 04:32 |
SiMpLy | tach | 04:32 |
ThePyromaniac | i know! haha | 04:32 |
ThePyromaniac | ahh well, shout if i can ever help you out... :S | 04:32 |
Seveas | !+info mplayer | 04:33 |
ubotu | Updating ubuntu files... please wait. | 04:33 |
ubotu | Package 'mplayer' does not exist. | 04:33 |
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Seveas | !+info mplayer-586 | 04:33 |
ubotu | Updating ubuntu files... please wait. | 04:33 |
ubotu | mplayer-586: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 (breezy), Packaged size: 3670 kB, Installed size: 7928 kB | 04:33 |
Seveas | you need that package | 04:33 |
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mantiena | Hi all | 04:34 |
deFrysk | hi mantiena | 04:34 |
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maya | should i have to compile from source | 04:35 |
mantiena | does anybody know how to make wake up from hibernation working with Ubuntu 5.10 on HP omnibook laptop? | 04:35 |
maya | is there any third part repository to get it | 04:35 |
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zAo^ | who can help me on a boot problem: I run wired DHCP (reatek 8139too) and pinned my /etc/resolv.conf. when I boot it waits very long (say hours) on "configuring network interfaces". When I cntrl+c it boots fine | 04:35 |
deFrysk | maya, its in multiverse | 04:35 |
maffju | is there a xubuntu-iso so i can install it on a pc without internet access? | 04:36 |
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zAo^ | no maffju | 04:36 |
maffju | will there be one? | 04:36 |
zAo^ | nope, just a xubuntu-desktop pkg | 04:36 |
Seveas | maffju, yes | 04:36 |
zAo^ | hehe, nothing said | 04:37 |
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alex__ | d | 04:37 |
ThePyromaniac | aww feck, neurocyte i have one more problem :S | 04:37 |
zAo^ | anyone on my boot problem? | 04:37 |
ThePyromaniac | in that partition the files are locked, i cannot delete or move them | 04:37 |
mantiena | maffju, yes, on releases.ubuntu.com | 04:37 |
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ThePyromaniac | i cannt use RM or RMDIR, it wont let me even with sudo | 04:37 |
ThePyromaniac | how can i either wipe it and reinsert the files which i have backed up, or unlock the files? | 04:38 |
neurocyte | it might be mounted readonly | 04:38 |
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maffju | mantiena, I can't find it there... | 04:38 |
killfill | Enter the path to your Apache cgi-bin eer... whats my apache cgi-bin? | 04:38 |
endersshadow | ThePyromaniac: try a ls -l to figure out the permissions | 04:38 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, what does "mount | grep sda5" say? | 04:38 |
killfill | i dont have /var/www/cgi-bin.. is that noirmal? | 04:38 |
intelikey | ThePyromaniac mounted ro ? | 04:38 |
ThePyromaniac | rw | 04:39 |
ThePyromaniac | but perimssions and ownership are root | 04:39 |
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neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, is it a fat volume? | 04:39 |
ThePyromaniac | yes | 04:39 |
neurocyte | ah, back to fstab then | 04:39 |
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guenther__ | hello | 04:39 |
neurocyte | show me your fstab line for sda5 | 04:39 |
ThePyromaniac | /dev/sda5 /home/phil/media vfat defaults 0 0 | 04:40 |
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intelikey | change it to defaults,umask=0 | 04:40 |
neurocyte | change defaults to rw,user,noauto | 04:40 |
neurocyte | like in my original example ;) | 04:41 |
deFrysk | umask=000 even :) | 04:41 |
intelikey | neurocyte add umask= and you got it. | 04:41 |
neurocyte | yeah, but umask is too general | 04:41 |
deFrysk | its all about umask | 04:41 |
ThePyromaniac | didnt see you're example, and yea i remember umask from last time i did this, that should work | 04:41 |
intelikey | deFrysk why would 000 be any better than 0 ? | 04:41 |
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neurocyte | umask will do it too then | 04:42 |
ThePyromaniac | oop, started a fight :p | 04:42 |
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neurocyte | is it a usb drive? | 04:42 |
ThePyromaniac | nah | 04:42 |
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neurocyte | ok, then you don't need to be able to unmount it | 04:42 |
GCarrier | it seems that xserver-xorg-driver-via doesn't put the files in the right place, under dagger... | 04:42 |
deFrysk | intelikey, I always used vfat user,umask=000 0 0 | 04:42 |
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GCarrier | does anybody have more informations/some explanations? | 04:42 |
deFrysk | intelikey, just a habit | 04:42 |
maffju | !xubuntu | 04:43 |
ubotu | somebody said xubuntu was Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | 04:43 |
[A] ndy80 | hi | 04:43 |
GCarrier | i built it by hand and it worked... | 04:43 |
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intelikey | deFrysk have you tried =0 to see if you could tell the differance ? | 04:43 |
GCarrier | maffju, why do you speak about xubuntu ? | 04:43 |
deFrysk | intelikey, as I said jus an old habint , havent used windows in years ;) | 04:43 |
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deFrysk | habit* | 04:43 |
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neurocyte | GCarrier, xserver-xorg-driver-via is probably still 6.8.2, xserver-xorg is now 7.0 | 04:43 |
maffju | GCarrier, i'm trying to find a xubuntu-iso to install it on a computer without internet access | 04:44 |
NuK | hello guys, one thing is driving me crazy, i've created a exec. file and put inside the line export JAVA_HOME=*myjavadir*, but when I run this file nothing happens | 04:44 |
ThePyromaniac | neurocyte would i have to remount it? cause pmount like before aint workin | 04:44 |
dosle | can anyone field my noob gcc install question? | 04:44 |
intelikey | i was asking because, i have used both and haven't been able to tell what the extra two zeros do; so i was hoping you could tell me. | 04:44 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, pmount won't work without the user keyword, just use mount | 04:44 |
neurocyte | with sudo | 04:44 |
NuK | but if I type in terminal that same line i put inside the file it works | 04:44 |
deFrysk | intelikey, it used to automount this way | 04:44 |
ThePyromaniac | want tlkin about un mounting, so i guess umount then :D | 04:44 |
yhcheong | can anyone know, how am i going to play mp3 file? | 04:44 |
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GCarrier | neurocyte, that' quite... hum... let's say... unbearable :P | 04:45 |
_jason | ubotu, tell yhcheong about mp3 | 04:45 |
GCarrier | neurocyte, well, i do know how to do... | 04:45 |
neurocyte | GCarrier, no kidding, I couldn't run X for a whole day when 7.0 hit the repo | 04:45 |
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[A] ndy80 | on my notebook I've a VGA port to send out the video signal. In the bios I've configured notebook to send output both on display and on VGA port. When I load my Ubuntu I can see the output both on my display and on the output video, and this is correct, but when Xorg is loaded, my display becomes black and I can only see the output on the VGA display. How can I fix this? | 04:45 |
ThePyromaniac | weird! i did umount /media/sda5 and it said not mounted, so i ran mount and it said that sda5 was already mounted! | 04:45 |
GCarrier | neurocyte, me too... | 04:45 |
GCarrier | neurocyte, i had problems for a lot of time :D | 04:45 |
neurocyte | GCarrier, I'm lucky the radeon driver was updated a few hours later | 04:46 |
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intelikey | well it doesn't look like i broke anything cleaning out /var..... now if someone would tell me how to get sound out of this thing i'd have it all set up. | 04:46 |
neurocyte | the via driver is *still* 6.8.2 it seems :O | 04:46 |
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maffju | [A] ndy80, which graphic chip do you have? | 04:47 |
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mweichert | hey guys! | 04:47 |
mweichert | I'm trying to get dns working with BIND | 04:47 |
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NuK | could anybody help me setting some variables? | 04:47 |
intelikey | NuK in? | 04:47 |
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jmjones | does anyone know where the xlibmesa-gl-dev package went in breezy? it was there in hoary and warty. | 04:48 |
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mweichert | I think I've setup my local DNS zones correctly... but what I don't know how to do is setup BIND so that anything that is not local is sent to the root zone? | 04:48 |
[A] ndy80 | maffju: geforce fx 5200 | 04:48 |
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neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, it's not /media/sda5 any more remember! | 04:48 |
[A] ndy80 | maffju: this worked fine when I had Suse 9 | 04:48 |
xorAxAx | hi, whats the address of the current ubuntu moinmoin portal testbed? | 04:48 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, you moved it to /home/phil/media :P | 04:48 |
NuK | intelikey, if I type export JAVA_HOME=*javadir* it works, but if I put that line inside a executable file and run the file, nothing happens | 04:49 |
ThePyromaniac | haha ahh yes, well i did umount and mount with that and didnt work. no error message but no effect | 04:49 |
NuK | I cant understand why | 04:49 |
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mweichert | because if I put only my bind server in /etc/resolv.conf - I can't access the www. | 04:49 |
neurocyte | it's probably mounted twice now | 04:49 |
ThePyromaniac | and thats with /dev/sda5 /home/phil/media vfat rw,user,noauto 0 | 04:49 |
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jmjones | NuK what do you mean you put it in an executable file run it and nothing happens? | 04:49 |
intelikey | what kind of executable file NuK ? | 04:49 |
maffju | [A] ndy80, I have kind of the same problem... it works, if I use the vesa driver, but it does not work with nv | 04:50 |
NuK | an text file chmoded 777 | 04:50 |
jmjones | NuK you might need to do this: ". ./my_executable_file_with_export_statement" | 04:50 |
intelikey | shell script | 04:50 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, what does mount | grep sda5 say now? | 04:50 |
ThePyromaniac | aha fixed it | 04:50 |
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NuK | yup I did it | 04:50 |
[A] ndy80 | maffju: it worked for me with nvidia driver, it MUST work with ubuntu too :( | 04:50 |
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jmjones | NuK i'm assuming you want the executable to set that environment variable in your current shell? | 04:50 |
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ThePyromaniac | you're example didnt work, but defaults,umsask=000 did | 04:50 |
NuK | jmjones, yes | 04:50 |
intelikey | well other than quoting the var it looks right NuK | 04:50 |
maffju | [A] ndy80, can't you just use your old xorg.conf? | 04:50 |
neurocyte | ok | 04:50 |
ThePyromaniac | kept unmounting till it woulnt unmount anymore, then remounted and now it works, heh! | 04:50 |
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[A] ndy80 | maffju: I don't have it anymore | 04:51 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks man, thats only 3.5v0 though | 04:51 |
jmjones | NuK then do ". ./shellscript.sh" | 04:51 |
maffju | [A] ndy80, I see... | 04:51 |
neurocyte | :P | 04:51 |
dosle | when I do a ./configure for GCC it says "Building in the source directory is not supported", what do i need to do? | 04:52 |
chicken-man | I just install gcc but I cannot find any C include files in the /usr/include folder, have I forgot to install something ? | 04:52 |
gimmulf | Damn my Firefox crashes all the time, im using the install which came with the ubuntu breezy installation and an amd54 cpu | 04:52 |
pundai | dosle, rtfm | 04:52 |
gimmulf | 64... | 04:52 |
NuK | no deal | 04:52 |
pundai | mkdir objdir && cd objdir && ../configure | 04:52 |
ThePyromaniac | anyone here play PlanetSide? (this is on-topic i swear) | 04:52 |
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dosle | pundai, i have. i don't understand the prefix= argument im supposed to use | 04:53 |
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NuK | I am trying to put all my exports in a single file, link it inside the rc.d I use so they export everytime linux boots | 04:53 |
pundai | dosle, the prefix argument is the top level installation directory | 04:53 |
xorAxAx | does anyone know the address? | 04:53 |
pundai | so ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc will install everything to /usr/local/gcc | 04:53 |
intelikey | NuK are you trying to get it to set that in all your bash shells ? you can put it in .bashrc | 04:53 |
intelikey | NuK that is what .bashrc is for | 04:54 |
chicken-man | I just installed gcc but I cannot find any C include files in the /usr/include folder, have I forgot to install something ? | 04:54 |
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NuK | intelikey, but if I put it inside .bashrc it will only exports when I start a terminal session right? | 04:54 |
jmjones | NuK do you want this for your own shell or some server process that starts up? | 04:54 |
NuK | jmjones, for everyone | 04:54 |
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dosle | ah ok | 04:55 |
intelikey | NuK ok then use /etc/profile | 04:55 |
varsendagger | hey how do i use a php-gtk application? | 04:55 |
pundai | by installing it | 04:55 |
pundai | is that a trick question | 04:55 |
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varsendagger | pundai, were you talking to me? | 04:56 |
varsendagger | --- jsut got here | 04:56 |
chicken-man | I just installed gcc but I cannot find any C include files in the /usr/include folder, have I forgot to install something ? | 04:56 |
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NuK | intelikey, isnt there a more "clear" way to do this?I prefer to leave system files untouched if i can | 04:57 |
intelikey | chicken-man you need build-essential | 04:57 |
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intelikey | !b-e | 04:57 |
ubotu | If you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to apt-get install build-essential. | 04:57 |
varsendagger | chicken-man, you definetly should use synaptic or apt-get to install programs | 04:57 |
chicken-man | intelikey, I'm sure i've install that, is that the package that has "ld" in it ? | 04:57 |
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intelikey | NuK you call /etc/profile a system file ? and the init scripts are not system files ????? i don't know where you learned that. | 04:58 |
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varsendagger | chicken-man, what are you trying to install? | 04:58 |
neurocyte | chicken-man, what header files were you expecting to find there? | 04:58 |
chicken-man | varsendagger: I did use apt-get to install it | 04:58 |
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varsendagger | chicken-man, cool | 04:58 |
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chicken-man | neurocyte, I need stdio.h | 04:59 |
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NuK | intelikey, well, what i always did was make my own init script | 04:59 |
neurocyte | chicken-man, you probably want to install libc6-dev | 04:59 |
yhcheong | sapt-get build-essential to install gcc compiler? | 04:59 |
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yhcheong | use apt-get build-essential to install gcc compiler? | 04:59 |
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linkd | yhcheong: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:59 |
yhcheong | i need that too | 04:59 |
intelikey | that's apt-get install blah | 04:59 |
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dosle | is there a hidden account with more privledges to create folders in ubuntu 5.10, my user (the only i set up) is unable to create folders in certain directories. | 05:00 |
varsendagger | how do i run php-gtk programs? | 05:00 |
trappist | !tell dosle about sudo | 05:00 |
linkd | dosle: you mean root? :P | 05:00 |
chicken-man | dosle, use the ROOT account :D | 05:00 |
intelikey | NuK !root | 05:00 |
intelikey | !root | 05:00 |
ubotu | root is, like, rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 05:00 |
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subgud | hi! | 05:01 |
yhcheong | build-essential: Depends: gcc (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed | 05:01 |
yhcheong | Depends: g++ (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed | 05:01 |
varsendagger | this is ubuntu we don't use root | 05:01 |
intelikey | ooops no NuK on that sorry. | 05:01 |
yhcheong | wat does it means? | 05:01 |
dosle | yeah... ah well that makes a bit more sense | 05:01 |
subgud | how can i see what my ip is and what the router ip is in ubuntu? | 05:01 |
subgud | im using dhcp | 05:01 |
varsendagger | yhcheong, are you using apt-get? | 05:01 |
varsendagger | or synaptic? | 05:01 |
yhcheong | yes | 05:01 |
dosle | subgud, from terminal 'ip address' | 05:01 |
yhcheong | ~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential | 05:01 |
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varsendagger | you need to update your repos | 05:01 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: it means your sources are broken then | 05:01 |
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thoreauputic | !info build-essential | 05:02 |
ubotu | build-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 11.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB | 05:02 |
yhcheong | then how am i going to fix it? | 05:02 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: install gcc, g++, build-essential, and libc6-dev if you cannot find the header files lol | 05:02 |
thoreauputic | !tell yhcheong about sources | 05:02 |
yhcheong | im newbie | 05:02 |
yhcheong | sorry about that | 05:02 |
Phazeman | !tell Phazeman about sources | 05:02 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: check your pm from ubotu | 05:03 |
thoreauputic | :) | 05:03 |
thomhash | .Aw | 05:03 |
ThePyromaniac | hmm... i have installed wine (thank you for 32-bit, 64-bit was lame) but i have no idea how to use it! haha | 05:03 |
NuK | intelikey, I will try putting it inside profile, thanks for the help | 05:03 |
subgud | dosle: hmm... i got some information, dont understand whats what though | 05:03 |
varsendagger | thoreauputic, how do i run PHP-gtk aplications? | 05:03 |
subgud | inet brd scope global eth0 | 05:03 |
linkd | ThePyromaniac: try: wine /part/to/win/binary/ | 05:03 |
thoreauputic | varsendagger: no idea, sorry | 05:04 |
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chicken-man | ThePyromaniac: Why the hell would you want Wine I change to Linux to get as far away from Windows as i could :-P | 05:04 |
yhcheong | juz check | 05:04 |
intelikey | hmmmm this is interesting. when gnome finally started i get a question box, and there is nothing in it. just a blank box that the title bar says 'question' :) | 05:04 |
yhcheong | and changed it | 05:04 |
_jason | intelikey, the answer is 42 | 05:04 |
ThePyromaniac | chicken-man: games support ;-) | 05:04 |
yhcheong | still the same | 05:04 |
intelikey | 42 | 05:04 |
intelikey | i'll remember that. | 05:04 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: make sure you reload/update after changingyour sources | 05:05 |
chicken-man | ThePyromaniac: You're better of dual booting ;-) | 05:05 |
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ThePyromaniac | chicken-man, i am, but i thought we were trying to get away from windows? lol | 05:05 |
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linkd | ThePyromaniac: pfft all you need is bzflag & ut2k3/4 :P but enough of that. | 05:05 |
ThePyromaniac | chicken-man anyway, im just testing it out to see if its a viable option | 05:05 |
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ThePyromaniac | linkd wanan play planetside, that game owns | 05:05 |
IRCMonkey999 | any idea of how long will it take for firefox 1.5 to appear on synaptic manager once its released? | 05:05 |
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yhcheong | what is the next step? | 05:05 |
ThePyromaniac | but back to the point, if i have a game installed in windows, do i justy copy the files or what...? | 05:06 |
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chicken-man | ThePyromaniac: A LOT of games will not run in Wine, DOSBox on the other hand is very good for playing DOS games, I dual boot to play all my games :P | 05:06 |
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linkd | IRCMonkey999: couple days max i would imagine.. *shrugs*. you can get 1.6rc3 binaries now anyway. | 05:06 |
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_jason | IRCMonkey999, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96595 | 05:06 |
ThePyromaniac | chicken-man FINE i will restart back into my win hdd. cya :p | 05:06 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: change your sources list, then either reload in synaptic or run sudo apt-get update - then try installing build-essential again | 05:07 |
dosle | subgud, in eth0 'inet 192.168.x.x' is your current IP. to show the routing do 'ip route', the source is the routers ip | 05:07 |
neurocyte | ThePyromaniac, if you want to get away from windoz *and* play games buy a PS2 ;) :P | 05:07 |
intelikey | well _jason you lied to me. the answer was not 42. i told it 42 and now i have a gnome with no pannels or icons in it...... ;/ | 05:07 |
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_jason | intelikey, D: | 05:08 |
intelikey | :) | 05:08 |
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yhcheong | it's still the same | 05:08 |
yhcheong | :( | 05:08 |
intelikey | what's the command to kick off a panel ? | 05:08 |
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yhcheong | You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: | 05:08 |
yhcheong | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:08 |
yhcheong | build-essential: Depends: gcc (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed | 05:08 |
yhcheong | Depends: g++ (>= 3:3.3) but it is not going to be installed | 05:08 |
yhcheong | language-support-en: Depends: mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb but it is not going to be installed | 05:08 |
yhcheong | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 05:08 |
NuK | intelikey, didnt worked :( | 05:08 |
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chicken-man | EEEE FLOOD ! | 05:09 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: don't paste in here please | 05:09 |
GCarrier | wow | 05:09 |
GCarrier | fonts problems for now... | 05:09 |
GCarrier | Could not init font path element.. | 05:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
trappist | GCarrier: uncomment the font lines in your xorg.conf | 05:09 |
yhcheong | then where should i paste it? | 05:09 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: Use www.pastebin.com | 05:09 |
dosle | bbl | 05:09 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 05:10 |
intelikey | NuK i'm sorry, i don't guess i understand what exactly you are trying to accomplish. | 05:10 |
NuK | intelikey, last lines of profile are like this fi | 05:10 |
NuK | export PATH | 05:10 |
NuK | #start custom edit | 05:10 |
NuK | export JAVA_HOME=/home/nuclear/jdk1.5.0-05 | 05:10 |
NuK | export PATH=$PATH:/home/nuclear/jdk1.5.0-05/bin | 05:10 |
NuK | #end custom | 05:10 |
NuK | umask 022 | 05:10 |
NuK | ~ | 05:10 |
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rraajj | Wow. | 05:10 |
paulproteus | rraajj: Eh? | 05:10 |
chicken-man | NuK: don't flood use www.pastebin.com | 05:10 |
deFrysk | NuK, you can get a ban for flooding be careful | 05:10 |
rraajj | They keep on pasting! Lol. | 05:10 |
NuK | sry | 05:11 |
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thoreauputic | everyone - please type /topic and read the cahnnel topic! | 05:11 |
yhcheong | no one can help me? | 05:11 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: do what I asked you to do | 05:11 |
Decadent | can anybody help me with dctc?? | 05:11 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: paste your sources.list to that URl | 05:11 |
yhcheong | okies | 05:12 |
yhcheong | doing it | 05:12 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: Paste you sources.list file in /etc/apt on www.pastebin.com, abd give us the address | 05:12 |
chicken-man | and* | 05:12 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: then tell us the URL for your paste and we'll look | 05:12 |
neurocyte | is there a channel for general dapper chat? | 05:12 |
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yhcheong | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5192 | 05:14 |
yhcheong | juz upload it | 05:14 |
thoreauputic | OK | 05:14 |
maffju | i have an i915PM chipset with nvidia geforce go 6600 and installing nvidia driver failed - do i have to use 915resolution? | 05:14 |
yhcheong | really need help...need to do a simple coding..need gcc to compile it | 05:15 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: no you misunderstood | 05:15 |
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paulproteus | maffju: Probably. | 05:15 |
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paulproteus | maffju: BUt in truth, I don't know. | 05:15 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: we need your /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:15 |
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yhcheong | what is /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:15 |
yhcheong | im newbie | 05:16 |
germancito | Hello | 05:16 |
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aedes | I'm having problems getting my ubuntu install to print to an hp inkjet through a window computer, I add the printer with the driver but it doesn't print. Any suggestions? | 05:16 |
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thoreauputic | yhcheong: type gedit /etc/apt/sources.list - then paste the contents to that pastebin | 05:16 |
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yhcheong | ok | 05:17 |
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GCarrier | oops ;) | 05:17 |
GCarrier | metacity doesn't allow me to move windows... | 05:18 |
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XiCillin | if i wanted to make a script that ran as root wouldn't i just create it has root or change the ownership? | 05:18 |
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yhcheong | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5193 | 05:18 |
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yhcheong | really appreciate, you guys help me alot | 05:19 |
yhcheong | appreciate | 05:19 |
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chicken-man | XiCillin: you couuld add "su root" to the script but you would need to type the root password when run | 05:19 |
chicken-man | could* | 05:20 |
Myrtti | where are the gnome wallpapers located in? | 05:20 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: it looks OK - are you running hoary ? | 05:20 |
trappist | any of you guys have /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb? mine seems to be missing | 05:20 |
deFrysk | Myrtti, somewhere in /usr/share/pixmaps i believe | 05:20 |
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thoreauputic | yhcheong: 5.04 in other words | 05:20 |
Myrtti | because I have to do this training material and I need to take a screenshot of gimp | 05:21 |
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yhcheong | i guess so | 05:21 |
XiCillin | chicken-man, nah i'm this script is just apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade. that i want to add to cron jobs and run everyday | 05:21 |
Myrtti | and the naked lady I'm having at the moment as my wall paper would cause the grannies to have heart attack | 05:21 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: remove the # from line 25 & 26 | 05:21 |
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deFrysk | Myrtti, alt - <printscreen> makes a screenshot of the active app | 05:21 |
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intelikey | back | 05:22 |
merc | how do i find out what ubuntu verison im running? (hoary/etc..) | 05:22 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: then apt-get update | 05:22 |
Myrtti | deFrysk: on Gimp too? | 05:22 |
intelikey | i still can't get this sound working.... | 05:22 |
deFrysk | Myrtti, if gymp is active yes | 05:22 |
thoreauputic | chicken-man: that won't fix his problem with build-essential | 05:22 |
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intelikey | merc 'uname -r | 05:22 |
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chicken-man | merc, it should say on the text login prompt | 05:22 |
yhcheong | sudo apt-get update? | 05:22 |
Myrtti | I thought it took a screenshot on the active window | 05:23 |
Myrtti | not active app | 05:23 |
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merc | ahh, thanks | 05:23 |
thoreauputic | chicken-man: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install | 05:23 |
merc | what's the newest? | 05:23 |
intelikey | chicken-man that assumes defauld /etc/issue | 05:23 |
deFrysk | Myrtti, sorry I ment active window | 05:23 |
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yhcheong | sorry | 05:23 |
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yhcheong | what should i do now? | 05:23 |
aeon17x | How do I restore the ability of previewing a music file by hovering my cursor over them? | 05:23 |
intelikey | 5.10 | 05:23 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install | 05:24 |
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merc | im running hoary hedgehog apparently, if that's not the latest, how do i upgrade? (apt-get doesnt upgrade it..right..cuz i just upgraded apt get stuff) | 05:24 |
deFrysk | aeon17x, you can do that in the prefs of nautilus | 05:24 |
Oetzi | hi | 05:24 |
chicken-man | What :-/ why are you telling me that I do not have any problems lol | 05:24 |
intelikey | merc that's 5.04 5.10 is breezy badger | 05:24 |
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thoreauputic | chicken-man: sorry my mistake :) | 05:24 |
Oetzi | is there somewhere a good howto to get hibernate to work on breezy | 05:25 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | merc: you need to chagne your soruces list to Breezy, then dist-upgrade | 05:25 |
zazeem | why cant i delete files on my hard drive in ubuntu breezy? it says i dont have privilages | 05:25 |
intelikey | !tell merc about upgrade | 05:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | there a wiki page IIRC | 05:25 |
aeon17x | deFrysk: I did, but it isn't working. =/ | 05:25 |
chicken-man | merc: change the repositorys to breezy and do "apt-get dist-upgrade" or something like that lol | 05:25 |
merc | intelikey: ah, thanks | 05:25 |
yhcheong | okie..doing it | 05:25 |
IRCMonkey999 | rather than waiting for firefox backports... what happens if i instal the firefox 1.5 version from tar.gz from mozilla site? | 05:25 |
zazeem | why cant i delete files on my hard drive in ubuntu breezy? it says i dont have privilages | 05:25 |
=== sabmann [n=sabmann@dsl123-8.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
merc | intelikey: thanks for the link :) | 05:25 |
deFrysk | aeon17x, restart nautilus perhaps ? | 05:25 |
intelikey | :) | 05:25 |
yhcheong | i really respect chicken-man,thoreauputic | 05:25 |
thoreauputic | zazeem: you can't deete files tht don't belong to your user | 05:26 |
intelikey | zazeem because you don't own them, they belong to the system | 05:26 |
thoreauputic | *delete | 05:26 |
aeon17x | deFrysk: It does it all the time for me, no matter how much I restart it. | 05:26 |
zazeem | how do i deletthem? its my computer im only one that uses it i installed ubuntu lol | 05:26 |
yhcheong | may i know, how many years you using linux? | 05:26 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, :-D Thanks | 05:26 |
deFrysk | aeon17x, sorry :( | 05:26 |
zazeem | i dont get how to login as admin in x/gnome desktop | 05:26 |
intelikey | zazeem you will probably break things but here is what you asked for 'sudo rm blah' | 05:27 |
thoreauputic | zazeem: don't | 05:27 |
yhcheong | welcome..so how i do know whether i get installed gcc? | 05:27 |
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bungle_ | should set aliases for rm | 05:27 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, "sudo apt-get install gcc" | 05:27 |
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intelikey | zazeem that is part of the linux system. only root has full access to all files. | 05:27 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: does sudo apt-get install build-essential work now? | 05:27 |
intelikey | !root | 05:27 |
ubotu | rumour has it, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 05:27 |
zazeem | how do i become] root | 05:28 |
zazeem | ? | 05:28 |
zazeem | i need to delete some cedega game files | 05:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sudo | 05:28 |
zazeem | they are in my usr/x111 or somehing | 05:28 |
chicken-man | zazeem, "su" | 05:28 |
intelikey | ^ | 05:28 |
intelikey | chicken-man that wont work | 05:28 |
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intelikey | sudo - | 05:28 |
zazeem | i mean like double click then right click the icon and delete it lol | 05:28 |
zazeem | u can delete files from console? | 05:28 |
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chicken-man | intelikey: works on mine :-) | 05:28 |
yhcheong | after that, i need sudo apt-get update? | 05:29 |
yhcheong | ?? | 05:29 |
thoreauputic | !tell zazeem about docs | 05:29 |
intelikey | zazeem yes console or terminal. | 05:29 |
zazeem | thnx | 05:29 |
Dasnipa | chicken-man, it would have to be sudo su... and no that isnt the best of ideas to teach a newb | 05:29 |
intelikey | chicken-man works on mine too but he wont have a root password | 05:29 |
allison | can anyone help me with nicotine ? | 05:29 |
zazeem | yes dont smoke | 05:29 |
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allison | lol | 05:29 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, is gcc install ? try "gcc" | 05:29 |
chicken-man | installed* | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: you use sudo apt-get update to reload the list of available packages | 05:30 |
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yhcheong | installing | 05:30 |
allison | slsk client nicotine ! | 05:30 |
sabmann | zazeem: 'sudo natuilus --no-desktop --browser', it opens a filemanager go to the files u want to delete and delete it. it's not that safe though | 05:30 |
yhcheong | i really appreciate | 05:30 |
sabmann | *sudo nautilus --no-desktop --browser | 05:30 |
gimmulf | does mplayer-amd64 run well? | 05:30 |
yhcheong | it works | 05:30 |
gimmulf | i cant get it to work | 05:30 |
gimmulf | crashes when trying to open a movie | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: good :) | 05:31 |
=== chicken-man goes to get food **brb** | ||
=== boa-chan [n=UPP@d207-81-137-45.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yhcheong | thanks a lot | 05:31 |
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thoreauputic | yhcheong: no worries :) | 05:31 |
allison | can anyone help me with nicotine ? | 05:31 |
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sabmann | light a sigaret | 05:31 |
yhcheong | thoreauputic, where you from? | 05:31 |
yhcheong | :) | 05:31 |
allison | :) | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: .au | 05:32 |
sabmann | lol | 05:32 |
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boa-chan | are mplayer fonts stored at ~/.mplayer/font/ ? | 05:32 |
yhcheong | australia? | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | yes | 05:32 |
yhcheong | or austria? | 05:32 |
intelikey | i think i messed up my tty1 by running dpkg-reconfigure -a errr crap! | 05:32 |
boa-chan | anyone ? | 05:32 |
xst | Hmm, why must I enter my own password when going to administrator mode? Why not the root-password? Everey user knows his own password so I really don't see the security in this. | 05:32 |
merc | holy 1200 something packages | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | Australia - .at is Austria :) | 05:32 |
vegiVamp | boa-chan: prolly, and somewhere under /usr as well | 05:32 |
yhcheong | cool... | 05:32 |
boa-chan | vegiVamp, that directory isn't valid for me though. | 05:32 |
mimmo | how is it possible to watch online mpg and real video streams: which player is to be used? what do i need? | 05:33 |
allison | can anyone help me with the slsk client nicotine ? | 05:33 |
yhcheong | i guess you must work as IT hardcore programmer? | 05:33 |
thoreauputic | !tell mimmo about restricted | 05:33 |
boa-chan | umm my irc has a red line on it | 05:33 |
boa-chan | how do i remove it | 05:33 |
merc | try /clear | 05:33 |
yhcheong | from vienna? | 05:33 |
boa-chan | its not that | 05:33 |
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boa-chan | its a maker | 05:33 |
boa-chan | it wont go away on a clear | 05:33 |
yhcheong | nice to meet you thoreauputic | 05:33 |
merc | what the hell client are you using boa-chan ? | 05:34 |
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intelikey | boa-chan /clear maybe ? | 05:34 |
boa-chan | xchat 2.6.0 | 05:34 |
_jason | xst only user on the sudoers list have can sudo | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: no, I'm in Australia and I'm not a programmer :0 | 05:34 |
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merc | hrm, not sure boa-chan, i used to use xchat but i switched to irssi :) | 05:34 |
boa-chan | clear wont do it | 05:34 |
boa-chan | as its not in text | 05:34 |
boa-chan | it scrolls | 05:34 |
yhcheong | then you work as? | 05:34 |
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yhcheong | from sydney? | 05:34 |
yhcheong | :P | 05:34 |
yhcheong | nice to meet you, thoreauputic | 05:34 |
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sabmann | lol | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: :) | 05:35 |
mimmo | i have ubuntu amd64 and would like to watch real video and mediaplayer streams, is it possible? | 05:35 |
yhcheong | really appreciate... | 05:35 |
allison | can anyone help me with the slsk client nicotine ? :) | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | mimmo: read your pm from ubotu please | 05:35 |
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=== Daemon [n=Daemon@kotnet-144.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yhcheong | can anyone can guide me to learn programming? | 05:36 |
Daemon | hi all | 05:36 |
deFrysk | allison, just make sure you have the folders set up for your down/uploads and is should work fine | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | mimmo: I think on amd64 you might have some issues with certain formats | 05:36 |
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chicken-man | yhcheong, me :-D | 05:36 |
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Daemon | Ubuntu doesnt support my video card, how can i install the drivers from command line | 05:36 |
yhcheong | yes... | 05:36 |
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deFrysk | allison, also set a unique name and passwd | 05:37 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, What language to you wish to learn, C, C++, assembly ? | 05:37 |
theD3viL | Daemon, which card ? | 05:37 |
deFrysk | allison, then it should "just" work | 05:37 |
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yhcheong | what about you, checken-man...where you from? | 05:37 |
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Daemon | i'll get the exact specs | 05:37 |
Daemon | just a second | 05:37 |
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allison | deFrysk >the thing is I cannot use the connect button at all ! | 05:37 |
boa-chan | i still cant kill this red line | 05:37 |
boa-chan | lol | 05:37 |
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chicken-man | yhcheong, UK, London :-P | 05:37 |
mimmo | thank you for help | 05:37 |
deFrysk | allison, did you setup the share folder ? | 05:37 |
allison | deFrysk > and I had this username and password from before | 05:37 |
ting | Hi | 05:38 |
ting | I wanted to install KDE 3.5! I followed the instructions from kubuntu.org | 05:38 |
ting | But the trouble comes when I try to install it | 05:38 |
ting | KDE won't install because it wants KDESDK | 05:38 |
ting | KDESDK won't install because it wants KDESPY | 05:38 |
ting | KDESPY won't install because it wants KDELIBS4 DEV | 05:38 |
allison | deFrysk > not yet | 05:38 |
Daemon | x800 xl | 05:38 |
yhcheong | what does each language use for? i know about C, C++..but, i dont know about assembly | 05:38 |
yhcheong | cool | 05:38 |
ting | So I decided to install KDELIBS 4 DEV and then KDESPY and then KDESDK and then KDE. | 05:38 |
ting | But KDELIBS 4 DEV wants to download 98 MB !!! and I am no developer so I probably won't need the files. [What I am mostly looking for is updated desktop apps with more features therefore 3.5 ] - and I am not exactly bandwidth- rich! | 05:38 |
ting | So is there a better way to update my desktop to KDE 3.5 without installing these mammoth dev files that I don't need. | 05:38 |
deFrysk | allison, do that otherwise it wont work ;) | 05:38 |
merc | anyone do up kde3.5 yet? | 05:38 |
ting | hey..i wanted to install kde 3.5 | 05:38 |
allison | :( | 05:38 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, | 05:38 |
merc | hah | 05:38 |
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yhcheong | what about java, and combo? | 05:38 |
merc | ting: i was starting to do so, then realized i should prolly upgrade to breezy first. | 05:38 |
boa-chan | omg this is annoying | 05:38 |
ting | but am having problems with kdesdk package which in turns wants | 05:38 |
boa-chan | i cant get this red line to go away | 05:38 |
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ting | ok merc | 05:39 |
merc | boa-chan: restart the client | 05:39 |
yhcheong | which is the best language that frequent using? | 05:39 |
boa-chan | lol | 05:39 |
boa-chan | it happened to me on mirc before | 05:39 |
allison | deFrysk > should I reinstall it again | 05:39 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, Assembly is very hard to learn but it's also very useful, I don't like Java it's syntax is nasty | 05:39 |
subgud | is there something you have to turn on in ubuntu to get azureus to work? | 05:39 |
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merc | ting: i wasnt suggesting you should or whatever, it was just a general statement..kinda like a 'me too --but' | 05:39 |
deFrysk | allison, no you have to set nicotine up properly | 05:39 |
subgud | i have installed it | 05:39 |
allison | I hate java | 05:39 |
ting | but you have any idea about this -- > | 05:39 |
subgud | and it seems to worok | 05:39 |
deFrysk | set up a folder for sharing your downloads | 05:39 |
merc | subgud: you usually use kde? | 05:39 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, C++ is the best language tp ise | 05:39 |
mumanddad | hi I cannot get audicity to detect my sound card.... sounds in the rest of gnome are working ok | 05:39 |
yhcheong | if im not mistaken, there are just 72 commands for assembly language right? | 05:39 |
allison | well...I downloaded it via automatix | 05:39 |
subgud | merc: nope.. i usually use macosx | 05:40 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, to use* | 05:40 |
subgud | i get the app loaded | 05:40 |
allison | and then set it up from application set up | 05:40 |
merc | subgud: oh, you running ubuntu on ppc? | 05:40 |
subgud | but it wont download anything | 05:40 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, I can't remember lol | 05:40 |
subgud | merc: yes | 05:40 |
deFrysk | allison, nicotine is in the repo | 05:40 |
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yhcheong | okies.cool.. | 05:40 |
deFrysk | !info nicotine | 05:40 |
ubotu | nicotine: (graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.0.8rc1-1.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 291 kB, Installed size: 1488 kB | 05:40 |
merc | subgud: nice...just curious :) | 05:40 |
yhcheong | i prefer C++ then | 05:40 |
deFrysk | allison, apt-get it ;) | 05:40 |
allison | deFrysk > u mean I have to install it from the synaptics | 05:40 |
subgud | merc: trying to set it up on an old cube... osx was slooow | 05:40 |
thoreauputic | mumanddad: you probably have another sound app running - audacity only works with OSS so it needs exclusive access | 05:40 |
yhcheong | what are the guide? | 05:40 |
deFrysk | allison, of course :) | 05:40 |
ting | merc : you have any idea about this - >>>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96679 | 05:40 |
ting | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96679 | 05:41 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, me to and assembly can be used with C++ :-P | 05:41 |
subgud | im totally new to linux | 05:41 |
yhcheong | cool... | 05:41 |
mumanddad | I dont have any other apps running | 05:41 |
allison | deFrysk > why does it not work from apllications install , it worked fine with other applications | 05:41 |
yhcheong | i just want to learn step by step.. | 05:41 |
yhcheong | please guide me | 05:41 |
thoreauputic | mumanddad: does audacity pop up a dialog whenyou atart it? | 05:41 |
intelikey | what is discover ? | 05:41 |
yhcheong | :) | 05:41 |
merc | ting: nope, i've not even gotten that far. | 05:41 |
subgud | i have opened the required port in the router... | 05:41 |
mumanddad | yes | 05:41 |
suresh00_ | where do i get libnl-1-dev package for ubuntu | 05:41 |
ting | so how did u install kde then merc? | 05:42 |
ting | I mean kde 3.5 * | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | mumanddad: you might need to turn off sound events for gnome as well | 05:42 |
deFrysk | allison, try to use synaptic, the packages provided ensure proper working apps ;) | 05:42 |
subgud | but it doesnt seem able to connect to anything | 05:42 |
merc | ting: i dont have kde3.5 yet, im upgrading to breezy first | 05:42 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, Cprogramming.com is a goot place to learn C/C++ or would you like me to teach you ( i got plenty of free time) | 05:42 |
mumanddad | where's that? | 05:42 |
ting | oh ok | 05:42 |
intelikey | nvm | 05:42 |
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boa-chan | does anyone know how to get trash to show up on gnome desktop? | 05:42 |
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thoreauputic | mumanddad: system preferences sound from memory | 05:42 |
mumanddad | nm found it | 05:42 |
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deFrysk | boa-chan, you can see a trash can in your panel ;) | 05:42 |
boa-chan | deFrysk, i had it on desktop on my gentoo pc | 05:43 |
ting | You know what. Since I could not install kde so i installed some packages like konq..and then I logged out and when I logged in. I tried opening it. nothing worked and then 9 windows showed up later after 20 minutes!!! That;s probably one of my most shocking linux experiences ever!!! | 05:43 |
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boa-chan | and evil red line is still with me | 05:43 |
allison | deFrysk > can't seem to find it in the synaptics packadge manager | 05:43 |
mumanddad | ok thanks that did it | 05:43 |
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deFrysk | boa-chan, yes if you prefer it on your desktop you will have to change a few settings | 05:43 |
boa-chan | how do i do that | 05:43 |
Daemon | are you still there theD3vil? | 05:43 |
mumanddad | Audicity is woking properly now thankyou very much | 05:44 |
ting | so anyone got any idea how do I tackle this problem @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96679 | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | mumanddad: great ! as i said, audacity needs exclusive access | 05:44 |
=== ting desperately wants kde 3.5 | ||
deFrysk | boa-chan, you need to do that with your configuration editor | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | mumanddad: you're welcome :) | 05:44 |
=== ting but cant figure out [ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96679 ] | ||
boa-chan | deFrysk, can you be a bit more specific | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | ting: have you asked in #kubuntu ? | 05:44 |
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deFrysk | boa-chan, gconf-editor | 05:45 |
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deFrysk | boa-chan, unfortunately I have a dutch desktop running here | 05:46 |
deFrysk | a sec | 05:46 |
boa-chan | im trying to find me way thru it heh | 05:46 |
boa-chan | im more worried about this red line marker | 05:46 |
boa-chan | it wont go away | 05:46 |
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ubuntu | salut | 05:47 |
ting | huh | 05:47 |
[cro] smiley | when i try to run simple pascal program in KDevelop i get message: /bin/sh/: fpc: command not found | 05:47 |
boa-chan | i think i found the trash can thing | 05:47 |
ting | is there a kubuntu channel too!!! throeauputic ?? | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | ting: yes :) | 05:47 |
[cro] smiley | what should i do? | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | ting: /join #kubuntu | 05:48 |
ting | oh thanks. i didnt know.. | 05:48 |
deFrysk | boa-chan, cool :) | 05:48 |
ting | yeah | 05:48 |
boa-chan | i got an error tho | 05:48 |
=== ting off to #kubuntu! | ||
sethk | [cro] smiley, install fpc | 05:48 |
boa-chan | (gconf-editor:10238): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 05:48 |
boa-chan | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 05:48 |
yhcheong | chicken man | 05:48 |
yhcheong | you there? | 05:48 |
Myrtti | how can I change the language setting of gimp | 05:48 |
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chicken-man | yhcheong, yep | 05:49 |
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[cro] smiley | how, i tryed apt-get install fpc. says couldn't found package | 05:49 |
intelikey | oh no !!!! OH NO !!!!! | 05:49 |
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intelikey | i got the sound working.... | 05:49 |
theD3viL | How many MB is swap parittion by default? | 05:50 |
intelikey | 0 | 05:50 |
intelikey | for me :) | 05:50 |
boa-chan | umm wtf | 05:50 |
boa-chan | cntrl +m removes maker line | 05:50 |
boa-chan | but after every lie it comes back | 05:50 |
boa-chan | line* | 05:50 |
boa-chan | odd | 05:50 |
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thoreauputic | theD3viL: it depends how much RAM you have | 05:51 |
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theD3viL | intelikey, i mean if you choose automaticly partitiong | 05:51 |
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yhcheong | you are free to guide me? | 05:51 |
intelikey | now is there any chance that the sound will work after a reboot..... | 05:51 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, how much for 256, and how much for 512 ? | 05:51 |
intelikey | theD3viL i have no idea. it should be releative to the free space. i.e. x% | 05:51 |
chicken-man | thoreauputic: I have a 3GB swap partition lol | 05:52 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: the installer uses some king of algorithm - you would probably get around 1.5-2 x RAM | 05:52 |
thoreauputic | chicken-man: that's nuts | 05:52 |
Daemon | ik think the swap is about 2G | 05:52 |
intelikey | well i mad a 32m swap file but i never trun it on.... | 05:52 |
npx | I don't have a swap partition | 05:52 |
=== npx flexes | ||
intelikey | err made | 05:52 |
allison | why can't I open my cd driver ? :( | 05:52 |
[cro] smiley | i heard swap shuld be double size of your ram | 05:52 |
chicken-man | thoreauputic: meh I got plenty of space with 2 x 250GB HDD's | 05:52 |
intelikey | npx me niether | 05:53 |
yhcheong | maxtor hdd sucks | 05:53 |
merc | [cro] smiley: i think that's an old rule of thumb.. | 05:53 |
thoreauputic | chicken-man: 30 gig swap is still nuts ;-) | 05:53 |
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merc | [cro] smiley: now i dont think it applies, i think once you get to like a gig of swap its plenty(if not too much) | 05:53 |
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chicken-man | thoreauputic: I said 3 not 30 lol | 05:53 |
trappist | I'm pretty sure a 30GB swap is more than the kernel can even address | 05:53 |
intelikey | 1g swap would be nuts | 05:53 |
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Dr_Willis | [cro] smiley, thats an old myth now a days | 05:53 |
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yhcheong | chicken-man | 05:54 |
thoreauputic | chicken-man: it's still nuts *grin* | 05:54 |
[matrim] | Hey, anyone knows hpw to get ubuntu to locate my WiFi card? | 05:54 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, am...with which program can i make ntfs and ext3 and swap partition ? | 05:54 |
yhcheong | are you free to guide me | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | I tend to make a 512mb swap. and it seems to rarey get used | 05:54 |
yhcheong | :P | 05:54 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, yes ? :-) | 05:54 |
juelz | how much memory do you have intelikey? | 05:54 |
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thoreauputic | theD3viL: gparted I guess - but why? | 05:54 |
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Daemon | theD3vil: did you find anything on installing that X800? | 05:54 |
juelz | i think windows goes nuts if you turn off the swap file...... linux can handle it? | 05:54 |
yhcheong | so where should i start now? | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis | windows is nuts. | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis | :P | 05:55 |
npx | windows doesn't go nuts... | 05:55 |
donza | :P | 05:55 |
npx | win2k/xp actually handles it a bit more gracefully than linux when you run out of RAM | 05:55 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, couse my girlfriend needs win to work, and she wanna have ubuntu too | 05:55 |
chicken-man | yhcheong, let's talk some where else than this busy IRC channel, you have MSN ? | 05:55 |
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mumanddad | anyone know any software which can be used to create pdf files? | 05:55 |
deFrysk | npx, does it now ? | 05:55 |
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npx | yeah, it does. | 05:55 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: but th einstaller will handle that for you | 05:55 |
donza | will you change from linux to vista when it comes out? | 05:56 |
allison | theD3vil > sounds like me !!!! | 05:56 |
chicken-man | mumanddad: Openoffice.org | 05:56 |
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theD3viL | allison, lol :) | 05:56 |
Zen | what is that command to automatically mount ntfs partitions read-only? | 05:56 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: install win first and leave space for ubuntu ( an empty partition will do) | 05:56 |
donza | Zen: www.ubuntuguide.org :) | 05:56 |
deFrysk | !ubuntuguide | 05:56 |
Zen | danke | 05:56 |
ubotu | I guess ubuntuguide is an unofficial guide written by community members. It is not guaranteed to be up to date, or to work. There is an official guide, at http://help.ubuntu.com which is preferred. | 05:56 |
thoreauputic | !ubuntuguide | 05:56 |
mumanddad | cheers nm abiword can do it | 05:56 |
npx | or man fstab | 05:56 |
mumanddad | i love abiwword :-) | 05:57 |
donza | deFrysk: ok | 05:57 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, hm..and on free partition i can install ubuntu ? | 05:57 |
donza | ubuntuguide is bit old | 05:57 |
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thoreauputic | *please* people, stop recommending ubuntuguide! | 05:57 |
donza | but most of the things still work quite well | 05:57 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: yes | 05:57 |
chicken-man | lol | 05:57 |
mumanddad | I'd avoid ubuntuguid at all costs | 05:57 |
deFrysk | http://help.ubuntu.com will do just fine ;) | 05:57 |
allison | I also have dual boot but use ubuntu mostly now | 05:57 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, tnx mean! | 05:57 |
donza | mumanddad: why? | 05:57 |
allison | just trying to get the media players working | 05:57 |
mumanddad | cos not everything on there works properly | 05:57 |
allison | taking me time !! :( | 05:57 |
donza | i have found help.ubuntu.com just recently | 05:58 |
deFrysk | donza, many broken people have been here with ubuntuguide issues not knowing how to fix them | 05:58 |
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mumanddad | I found automatix very useful for most of the things on that site | 05:58 |
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thoreauputic | donza: this has been discussed to death - we don't want to fix the problems ubuntuguide causes | 05:58 |
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yhcheong | chicken-man | 05:58 |
donza | ok | 05:58 |
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yhcheong | what about ym? | 05:58 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, btw...are you developer of ubuntu or something ? | 05:58 |
thoreauputic | automatix is also a bad idea for similar reasons | 05:59 |
ting | hey I tried out the kubuntu servers. very low traffic I guess..so can anyone help me with this problem @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96679 | 05:59 |
=== stratovarius [n=stratova@adsl-ull-43-5.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chicken-man | yhcheong: wtf is ym ? | 05:59 |
stratovarius | hey all | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: no, just a user like you :0 | 05:59 |
gimmulf | Hi, hw do i change a symlinc? I've tried: sudo ln -s libGL.so.1 /usr/X11R6/lib64/libGL.so.1 but it says: ln: `/usr/X11R6/lib64/libGL.so.1': File exists | 05:59 |
allison | thoreauputic > why is automatix bad ? | 05:59 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, couse you help me like 100x times, and anybody else too... | 05:59 |
allison | thoreauputic > some ubuntu user just suggetsde me to use it ? | 05:59 |
MagicFab | hello | 05:59 |
deFrysk | allison, it does not work for many systems | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | allison: unless you understand a script yourself, it's always bad to run it blindly | 05:59 |
Zen | in mounting an NTFS partition--the mask is always 0222? | 05:59 |
theD3viL | brb, dinner | 06:00 |
MagicFab | How many languages are available from the Ubuntu Install ? | 06:00 |
yhcheong | yahoo messenger =ym | 06:00 |
mumanddad | I agree autmatix could be bad if it doesnt work properly... so far I havent had any problesm with it but it probably depends on the setup | 06:00 |
yhcheong | got it? | 06:00 |
stratovarius | Im trying to share a link to a folder with vsftpd but If I try to open it with firefox it gives me: 550 failed to change directory. who can help me pls? | 06:00 |
yhcheong | cool down | 06:00 |
allison | thoreauputic > I am not a programmer but I can chose what to upgrade/install | 06:00 |
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=== ting cant figure out a solution ! Someone puhleeze help | ||
chicken-man | yhcheong: Ok lol I'll have to go make an account | 06:00 |
donza | Zen: i think so.. it works for me | 06:00 |
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deFrysk | allison, you can but dont come complaining here then ;) | 06:00 |
yhcheong | is okie | 06:01 |
thoreauputic | allison: you can do anything you wish - I'm jut advising: everyone is free to do as they please ;) | 06:01 |
allison | deFrysk > I ain't complaining...just finding out the pros and cons | 06:01 |
=== stratovarius stratovarius is waiting 4 help :) | ||
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bungle_ | anybody used skype? | 06:01 |
tsume | are tehre are light implementations of java for the desktop? | 06:01 |
tsume | bungle_: I use skype | 06:01 |
allison | cos I am new to it....so I am lost most of the time,.though I would love to figure out things !!! | 06:01 |
BavariaTux | hi there | 06:01 |
deFrysk | allison, you just had issues with nicotine, came complaining here while using a not ubuntu package | 06:01 |
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tsume | Sun Java is a huge pile of slow puke | 06:01 |
bungle_ | tsume, did you install it from source? | 06:02 |
thoreauputic | tsume: I tend to agree :) | 06:02 |
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yhcheong | chicken-man | 06:02 |
tsume | all of the "myths of java" are unfortunately trye | 06:02 |
yhcheong | can you add me? | 06:02 |
tsume | bungle_: skype is not opensuorce | 06:02 |
allison | well > I was asking for some help cos I want to have the slsk client and nicotine was the one available | 06:02 |
npx | "the neat thing about java is that its so slow" | 06:02 |
yhcheong | yewhcheong@hotmail.com | 06:02 |
allison | for ubuntu atleast | 06:02 |
tsume | I'm curious where all these java people get "java is faster than C" | 06:03 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: ok | 06:03 |
Zen | eek--it doesn't use the ro command | 06:03 |
tsume | just because its JITed? give me a break | 06:03 |
allison | and I did not mean to rub you on the wrong side :( | 06:03 |
bungle_ | is there a better alternative tsume ? | 06:03 |
yhcheong | ;) | 06:03 |
Zen | how would I modify the command to be ro? like this? sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o ro,nls=utf8,umask=0222 | 06:03 |
deFrysk | allison, yes , but next time first look in synaptic to see if there is a nicotine available | 06:03 |
tsume | bungle_: to skype? | 06:03 |
allison | I've been using ubuntu for what ? two days now ............ | 06:03 |
bungle_ | yes tsume | 06:03 |
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tsume | bungle_: not any good alternative | 06:03 |
sambagirl | tsume i think asm faster than c | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis | Zen, it is READ Only ' -o ro ' | 06:04 |
thoreauputic | !skype | 06:04 |
ubotu | skype is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 06:04 |
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allison | deFrysk > it isn't there ! | 06:04 |
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tsume | bungle_: just install the binaries | 06:04 |
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bungle_ | what can I use to video chat besides gnomemeeting? | 06:04 |
tsume | maybe GNU GCJ + CLASSPATH is better | 06:04 |
deFrysk | allison, make sure to get universe and multiverse in the repositories | 06:04 |
Zen | Dr_Willis, that's what I was saying--I slipped the ro in there because there was none--is that command right though (that I modified) | 06:04 |
tsume | theres a new 4.1 release after all | 06:04 |
deFrysk | !tell allison about repos | 06:04 |
deFrysk | allison, read ubotu's message | 06:05 |
allison | deFrysk > thats done too | 06:05 |
donza | Zen: mask 0222 makes it read only | 06:05 |
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Dr_Willis | Zen, the umask and -o ro options sort of both are tryingto do the same thing. If you are having issues. the 2 options may be confusing ya. | 06:05 |
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deFrysk | allison, then you have nicotine | 06:05 |
yhcheong | chicken-man | 06:05 |
Zen | ok | 06:05 |
yhcheong | are you added me?? | 06:05 |
allison | deFrysk > I meant the multiverse n universe | 06:05 |
Zen | I'm learning but I still know more about windows than linux heh | 06:05 |
kkathman | does anyone know if there are problems with the ubuntu install if you have a multiple IDEs? | 06:05 |
deFrysk | allison, cool :) | 06:05 |
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chicken-man | yhcheong: just loggin in now | 06:06 |
Dr_Willis | kkathman, IDE's ? you mean ide hard drives? | 06:06 |
Zen | have to start somewhere I think | 06:06 |
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allison | deFrysk > its been marked...ty | 06:06 |
alex__ | hello ppl can somebody help me plz ? how can i get the root pass of my ubuntu ? i used mandiva and i used to write just su in the terminal and it doesnt work | 06:06 |
donza | Zen: yeah.. the amount of learning that you do with linux is completely different than with windows :) | 06:06 |
deFrysk | allison, if in doubt about packages available or not ask here first :) | 06:06 |
deFrysk | allison, or check the wiki | 06:07 |
maya | man I wasted my whole morning trying to configure realplayer for firefox | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis | !root | 06:07 |
maya | it sucks big time dude | 06:07 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 06:07 |
Zen | Interesting--fdisk shows my two 3ware volumes as "SFS" instead of "NTFS" | 06:07 |
gimmulf_ | Hi im getting this problem when doing fglrxconfig: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:07 |
kkathman | Dr_Willis: yah...i have a colleague thats trying to install ubuntu on a system with 9 physical hard drives and its pausing IDE detection phase of the install (83% complete) | 06:07 |
Zen | what the crud is SFS? | 06:07 |
gimmulf_ | also getting it when i try to start mplayer | 06:07 |
allison | deFrysk > my question were...why I cannot seem to connect it....other applications that i installed worked fine :) | 06:07 |
gimmulf_ | ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1 gives me: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 2005-11-28 20:09 /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1 -> /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 | 06:07 |
manchine | though i seem to have all the necessary packs installed, apache still prompts a "save as" dialogue when i try to load an index.php file. php4, libapache-mod-php4, php4-common... are all installed | 06:07 |
maya | hu | 06:07 |
deFrysk | allison, yes but you did not say you did not use an ubuntu package | 06:08 |
yhcheong | okies | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | kkathman, thats a little extreame. :P if hes using some ide pci controler careds - that may be the issue. | 06:08 |
yhcheong | waiting for you | 06:08 |
yhcheong | ;) | 06:08 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: almost done | 06:08 |
maya | did any one get realplayer working for firefox | 06:08 |
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[cro] smiley | how do u make does red letters when u say somthing | 06:08 |
maya | the plugin is just a hogwash | 06:08 |
deFrysk | allison, and if you do not use ubuntu packages you might get missing deps causing a non functional app | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | 9 actual hard drives.. gesh. and i thought my system with 6 drives was extreme. | 06:08 |
thoreauputic | maya: sounds like you installed realplayer wrong - works fine here | 06:08 |
yhcheong | no prob | 06:08 |
kkathman | Dr_Willis: well he wants to use it as a file server | 06:09 |
Dr_Willis | [cro] smiley, you mean like this? | 06:09 |
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[cro] smiley | yes | 06:09 |
allison | deFrysk > ok, I get what u r sayin......prolly same thing that might have happenned while trying to install opera | 06:09 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: Done! | 06:09 |
Dr_Willis | [cro] smiley, i dident do anything. :P its your irc client doing it. | 06:09 |
thoreauputic | !realplayer | 06:09 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:09 |
deFrysk | I tell allison about opera | 06:09 |
kkathman | Dr_Willis: he is using a mobo with multiple IDES and multiple PCIs | 06:09 |
deFrysk | ! tell allison about opera | 06:09 |
ubotu | deFrysk: No idea | 06:09 |
[cro] smiley | yes, but how do u put my name in front? | 06:09 |
deFrysk | darn | 06:10 |
alex__ | ubotu, i wrote sudo apt-get and it still asks for a pass what do i have to do ? | 06:10 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, alex__ | 06:10 |
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allison | deFrysk > nah...I alreday buggered someone about that | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | kkathman, if its to be just a linux box. Hmm.. may want to unhook the other drives and just install to the first one. then start putting the drives back in. Id guess thers some pci card conflicts going on. | 06:10 |
allison | deFrysk > its working fine | 06:10 |
thoreauputic | Alex: use your user pass | 06:10 |
allison | :) | 06:10 |
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chicken-man | yhcheong: chickenman2005@hotmail.co.uk | 06:10 |
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Dr_Willis | [cro] smiley type a nick and hit "tab" to complete the nick normally | 06:10 |
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deFrysk | allison, okies | 06:10 |
Zen | so if umask is 0222 then even if mount shows the volume rw it is ro? | 06:10 |
HaschHase | hi how cna i change keyboard language? | 06:10 |
kkathman | Dr_Willis: ok thanks I appreciate the info. | 06:10 |
HaschHase | i found it under system - settings | 06:11 |
allison | deFrysk > thanks | 06:11 |
[cro] smiley | Dr_Willis, is this ok? | 06:11 |
HaschHase | but when i change it nothing happens, still the old settings | 06:11 |
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yhcheong | chicken-man | 06:11 |
yhcheong | got it? | 06:11 |
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Dr_Willis | kkathman, yea - using more then 1 pci controller card may be the stumbling point. | 06:11 |
thoreauputic | !opera | 06:11 |
alex__ | ok 10x | 06:11 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 06:11 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: yes but I don't see you online ? :-/ | 06:11 |
HaschHase | how can i change keyboard layout? ^^ | 06:11 |
yhcheong | i set away | 06:12 |
deFrysk | thoreauputic, cool | 06:12 |
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yhcheong | can see me now? | 06:12 |
[cro] smiley | [cro] smiley, just testing | 06:12 |
HaschHase | hello? | 06:12 |
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chicken-man | yhcheong: no, I'm going to log back in again | 06:13 |
[cro] smiley | [cro] smiley please be red | 06:13 |
yhcheong | okies | 06:13 |
yhcheong | no problem | 06:13 |
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HaschHase | How can i change keyboard layout???? | 06:13 |
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funkyHat | HaschHase, System > Preferences > Keyboard | 06:14 |
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HaschHase | doesnt work | 06:14 |
HaschHase | when i change it nothing happens | 06:14 |
HaschHase | still same layout | 06:14 |
hadi | !help | 06:14 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: still cannot see you, | 06:14 |
[cro] smiley | _ivan hi, where are u from? | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | yhcheong: chicken-man /join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat | 06:15 |
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SirKillalot | heyho, is there a way to get my mikrophone used by 2 programs on the same time? | 06:15 |
chicken-man | yhcheong: use yahoo, i just made an account, give me you yahoo address, chicken_man_2222@yahoo.com | 06:15 |
HaschHase | aah fuck settings | 06:15 |
HaschHase | i cant change my keyboard layout! | 06:15 |
hadi | !kernel | 06:15 |
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Becca | Hi.. I recently started using ubuntu at work... does it come with any download clients beyond bittorrents? | 06:16 |
HaschHase | !keyboard | 06:16 |
ubotu | HaschHase: I don't know, could you explain it? | 06:16 |
hadi | !help | 06:16 |
HaschHase | !keyboard layout | 06:16 |
ubotu | HaschHase: I don't know | 06:16 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, hi, iam back, hm..i was wondering...do you think that ubuntu, will be at next or next-next relase like fedora, or suse, where everything is GUI-ed ... and everything works slow ? | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | guys, stop fishing with ubotu - ask a question in channel | 06:16 |
nemesis_toronto | can someone point me as to where I could go to update my kernel so that my turion processor will be detected at the 1.6ghz instead of the 800mhz? | 06:16 |
anatole_ | i heard about a package that makes the content of audio cd-s visible in the filesystem.. anyone knows the name for that? | 06:16 |
Alex | Heya thoreauputic, long time no see :) | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: i don't understand the question | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | hi Alex :) | 06:17 |
HaschHase | thoreauputic, i did but only get 1 answer that doesnt help -.- | 06:17 |
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theD3viL | thoreauputic, do you think that ubuntu will be like fedora or suse, where everythink is GUI-ed, and all stuff works slow? | 06:17 |
Alex | thoreauputic: It is HauntedUnix, by the way ;P | 06:17 |
thoreauputic | HaschHase: and you repeated it multiple times - no need for that: be patient and wait | 06:17 |
rraajj | Becca: For the Gnutella network, Limewire or GTK-Gnutella might do the job for you. | 06:18 |
yhcheong | juz added you | 06:18 |
HaschHase | sorry but i dont have time for hours | 06:18 |
yhcheong | got ? | 06:18 |
yhcheong | can see me? | 06:18 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: I have no idea - I use Ubuntu and before that I used Debian so I don't know SuSE or Fedora | 06:18 |
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theD3viL | thoreauputic, yes, but ... ubuntu wants to be everything under GUI - that i think makes stuff slow... | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | HaschHase: this is a volunteer help channel - if people can help they will | 06:19 |
hadi | is there any wine version for ubuntu?\ | 06:19 |
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thoreauputic | theD3viL: you can choose to install a different system - for instance you can install as "server" and only add what you want | 06:20 |
ompaul | HaschHase, you need to click on the right buttons, clue system, preferences, and the magic word, the other thing is this is text please dont waste time cursing explain what you want to do in a non agressive fashion and maybe someone would give you help and not a lecture on your lack of respect for those who do not like bad language in irc | 06:20 |
=== mon [n=mon@co149259-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rraajj | Is the KDE in the repos updated to 3.5? | 06:21 |
gimmulf_ | my X.log says: (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_clip.o": No symbols found Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_norm.o": No symbols found Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_xform.o": No symbols found ... is this a big problem? When i try to start mplayer i get this error: mplayer: er | 06:21 |
Becca | I guess that Ubuntu's base system doesn't come with the option to get GTK-gnutella? (I'll have to go get the src package and install that way, eh?) | 06:21 |
z3r0x | HaschHase, edit the xorg.conf | 06:21 |
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Seveas | !info gtk-gnutella | 06:21 |
ubotu | gtk-gnutella: (shares files in a peer to peer network), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.95.4-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1582 kB, Installed size: 5776 kB | 06:21 |
Seveas | ^-- Becca | 06:21 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, hm...whats ubuntu installed when is choose "server"? | 06:21 |
hadi | !info gtk-gnutella | 06:22 |
xst | Eeh, my loopback network device is suddenly gone. How can I re-enable it? | 06:22 |
thoreauputic | theD3viL: just a base system without any GUI at all | 06:22 |
Seveas | xst, ifup lo | 06:22 |
ompaul | z3r0x, I have given the answer | 06:22 |
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z3r0x | ompaul, ups :) | 06:22 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, why then server? | 06:22 |
mon | hi, every time i boot i have to do "sudo dhclient eth0" to get network. i think this is since the last kernel-upgrade. there are 2 relevant bugs in bugzilla but i still don't know how to permanently fix this.. | 06:22 |
ompaul | z3r0x, I may have ranted a little also :) | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | . . . | 06:22 |
hadi | !info wine | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | where's the animals | 06:22 |
ubotu | wine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050725-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 14131 kB, Installed size: 55484 kB | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | WHERE'S THE ANIMALS?! | 06:22 |
kuolema | hello. i have problems setting higher screen resolution (stuck at 800x600), i tried to reconfigure .xorg, but i only achieved higher refresh rate. can anyone help, plz? | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | I got my ubuntu CDs today | 06:22 |
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bluefoxicy | the standard package | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | Breezy | 06:23 |
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thoreauputic | theD3viL: heh - I didn't make that decision so I don't know :) | 06:23 |
ompaul | bluefoxicy, #ubuntu-offtopic please | 06:23 |
Seveas | mon, put your /etc/network/interfaces on the pastebin please | 06:23 |
bluefoxicy | evidently it's breezy stupid-people-in-a-circle-again, because there's no badgers on the CD. | 06:23 |
ompaul | bluefoxicy, what kind of support are you offering there? | 06:23 |
xst | Thanks | 06:23 |
theD3viL | thoreauputic, eh...we will see...after 4 or 5 months :) | 06:23 |
bluefoxicy | ompaul: support? | 06:23 |
mon | Seveas: i can tell it doesn't contain the hotplug "mapping" stuff if that's what you're looking for. i'll paste it though | 06:23 |
bur[n] er | anyone know how to get evolution to work with exchange contacts? | 06:23 |
hadi | !info cedega | 06:23 |
saik0 | theD3viL: yes, perhaps "base" or "ubuntu-base" would have been a better naming convention | 06:24 |
bur[n] er | hadi: /msg ubotu | 06:24 |
bungle_ | !info cedega | 06:24 |
ompaul | bluefoxicy, this is a support channel rants and comments chit chat in offtopic | 06:24 |
bur[n] er | !cedega | 06:24 |
ubotu | somebody said cedega was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page, or #cedega http://www.franskcorner.org/ | 06:24 |
Zen | I have to say though, this is the best distro I've ever used | 06:24 |
theD3viL | saik0, but its only that? | 06:24 |
thoreauputic | hadi: cedega isn't in the repos so ubotu won't find it | 06:24 |
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Zen | I've used three. Mandrake, Debian, and this. | 06:24 |
bur[n] er | thoreauputic: that doesn't make sense... ubotu is mutually exclusive to apt | 06:24 |
bluefoxicy | ompaul: But I feel the CDs are honestly unattractive as they are, which is a marketing issue :( | 06:25 |
ompaul | then take it to the marketing channel or list | 06:25 |
hadi | thoreauputic, is there any other app that supports gaming ( i.e cedega)? | 06:25 |
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thoreauputic | bur[n] er: erm, I was referring to the !info command - it searches the package database | 06:25 |
ompaul | bluefoxicy, or the arts people | 06:25 |
bluefoxicy | ompaul: there's nothing in #-marketing | 06:25 |
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saik0 | theD3viL, IIRC, yes | 06:25 |
Becca | Hrm, I'm not seeing it in the package manager, or searching through apt. Maybe my version of ubuntu isn't right. (I don't even know which version I'm using for that matter.) | 06:25 |
thoreauputic | bur[n] er: so actually it does make sense | 06:26 |
theD3viL | saik0, heh :) IIRC .. hm .. dont remember what this is | 06:26 |
ompaul | bluefoxicy, join it and see if chanserv does stuff to it | 06:26 |
saik0 | What would be causing hotplug to crash when I try to use an AGP card, the onboard i810 works fine | 06:26 |
rraajj | Are the KDE packages in the repositories updated to 3.5? | 06:26 |
bluefoxicy | ompaul: it deops me and what the hell | 06:26 |
hadi | !info toshiba | 06:26 |
xst | I originally installed kubuntu but after I found out that kubuntu was pure crap and all buggy I made a "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop". But now, when I choose "logout" from the gnome desktop, no buttons are visible and it seems like a lot of icons are missing. What to do= | 06:26 |
bluefoxicy | ompaul: #ubuntu-women????? | 06:26 |
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saik0 | theD3viL: If I remeber correctly | 06:26 |
hadi | !find toshiba | 06:26 |
patrickub | i want to use my Email evolution, i need information | 06:26 |
mon | Seveas: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5196 | 06:26 |
thoreauputic | hadi: please stop fishing the bot | 06:27 |
theD3viL | saik0, what IIRC is ? | 06:27 |
thoreauputic | !botabuse | 06:27 |
ubotu | You can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned. | 06:27 |
saik0 | theD3viL: IIRC = If I remeber correctly | 06:27 |
bluefoxicy | "play with me" | 06:27 |
bur[n] er | thoreauputic: my bad ;) | 06:27 |
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ompaul | theD3viL, if I recall correctly | 06:27 |
thoreauputic | hadi: /msg ubotu or /query ubotu if you want to do that | 06:27 |
theD3viL | saik0, lol, sry :D | 06:27 |
bur[n] er | !info bluefish | 06:27 |
ubotu | bluefish: (gtk+ HTML editor), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 1335 kB, Installed size: 5988 kB | 06:27 |
mon | Seveas: never touched the file, always "just worked" till a week ago or something | 06:27 |
bur[n] er | hrm... i never knew :) | 06:27 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: what is the proper channel to discuss ugly CD art in | 06:27 |
thoreauputic | bluefoxicy: hah | 06:28 |
xst | Have anybody tried to configure a static IP-address with ubuntu? The default gateway field is ignored. | 06:28 |
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Seveas | mon, according to that file you don't use dhcp on ra0 | 06:28 |
Becca | And sorry for being dense. I just switched from debian, and I'm not used to the interface. (Only been using Ubuntu for 3 or so business days and haven't played with it much) | 06:28 |
saik0 | bluefoxicy, ubuntu-art mailing list? | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | bluefoxicy: I don't know if there's a #ubuntu-artwork ;) | 06:28 |
Dr_Willis | xst, id seen that issue befor. Not sure what the deal is. | 06:28 |
bluefoxicy | saik0: I hate mailing lists. | 06:28 |
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bluefoxicy | bluefox@icebox:/tmp/install_flash_player_7_linux$ du -sh ~/.thunderbird/ | 06:29 |
bluefoxicy | 822M /home/bluefox/.thunderbird/ | 06:29 |
Seveas | if you do use it, change it to look like http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5197 | 06:29 |
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saik0 | bluefoxicy, necessary evil if you want to discuss...methinks | 06:29 |
Dr_Willis | xst, i ended up editing the /etc/resolov.conf i think. May want to check the wiki/forums for details on a correct fix. | 06:29 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: maybe we need one, or #ubuntu-marketing to cover it :O | 06:29 |
hadi | !help msg | 06:29 |
bluefoxicy | saik0: if I subscribe to another ML comcast might ban me. | 06:29 |
racedo | how do I share a directory in my ubuntu box with a windows network? | 06:29 |
bluefoxicy | saik0: I have 2 screens of mailing list folders already :> | 06:30 |
saik0 | bluefoxicy, there is a section for artwork on ubuntuboards | 06:30 |
bur[n] er | bluefoxicy: gmail is free ;) | 06:30 |
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thoreauputic | bluefoxicy: or maybe we can have a #ubuntu-general-whingeing ;-) | 06:30 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: lol | 06:30 |
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mon | Seveas: i don't use ra0 at all anymore for a couple of months | 06:30 |
jairog | hi | 06:30 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: seriously though, do you have a picture of the cover and CD art for . . gnory. . . gnarpy. . . WARTY! That's it | 06:31 |
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oxez | is there anything I need to configure to use my microphone? | 06:31 |
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psi | what do you need to get serpentine working? it can't convert my mp3s. | 06:31 |
jairog | anybody speak spanish | 06:31 |
sm | hi all, how do I install fuseftp on breezy ? | 06:31 |
sm | none of the methods at http://wiki.thiesen.org/page/Fuseftp work for me | 06:31 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: Warty, Hoary, and Breezy? Look at all 3, picture showcasing them next to eachother. Then picture showcasing Windows 3.1, 95, 98, Me, 2000, and XP together. | 06:31 |
thoreauputic | bluefoxicy: I think there's a DIY marketing wiki page - I don't have the URL handy | 06:32 |
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bluefoxicy | anyway | 06:32 |
bluefoxicy | I have other stuff to do. | 06:32 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: tee. | 06:32 |
bluefoxicy | I'm wondering if I should eject my left-over Hoary CDs. | 06:32 |
=== timte [n=tim@h129n2fls32o984.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ket- | what do i need to install to burn mp3's to an audio cd? | 06:33 |
Seveas | thoreauputic, lol | 06:33 |
Seveas | it's wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYmarketing :) | 06:33 |
thoreauputic | Seveas: ah - too easy for me ;-) | 06:34 |
hadi | !find windows | 06:34 |
ubotu | windows-el: (Window manager for GNU Emacs), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 2.39-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 41 kB, Installed size: 244 kB | 06:34 |
timte | ket-: there is Serpentine in the menu in 5.10 | 06:34 |
thoreauputic | !tell ket- about restricted | 06:35 |
psi | serpentine cannot convert my mp3s | 06:35 |
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thoreauputic | ket-: you need some additional packages like lame and gstreamer-lame IIRC | 06:35 |
thoreauputic | psi: see above | 06:35 |
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ket- | thanks | 06:35 |
=== psi nods | ||
jairog | see you motherfuckers | 06:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b jairog!*@*] by Seveas | ||
thoreauputic | nice parting gesture :( | 06:36 |
chrissturm | if i have a kernel panic, is it possible to write the stacktrace to a file? | 06:36 |
Seveas | I don't think so | 06:36 |
bluefoxicy | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=breezy_cof.png This is SCARY. | 06:36 |
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bluefoxicy | that guy is like | 06:36 |
bluefoxicy | "Oh sweet, I get the little girl AND her mom <3" | 06:36 |
Seveas | bluefoxicy, -> #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:36 |
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psi | thoreauputic, it still doesn't work for me. i have gstreamer0.8-mad installed also. playing mp3s works perfectly well. | 06:39 |
saik0 | all this talk of incest killed the channel | 06:39 |
psi | ket-, did you have any luck? | 06:39 |
hadi | !help tell | 06:39 |
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Seveas | ubotu, tell hadi about yourself | 06:40 |
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oxez | anyone willing to help me to troubleshoot why my mic isn't working? | 06:40 |
thoreauputic | psi: you have to edit the preferences as well, and run gst-register-0.8 | 06:40 |
oxez | seems I unmuted everything.. | 06:41 |
ket- | psi, yeah it works in serpentine after this : sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg | 06:42 |
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saik0 | hmpf, the documentaion for evolution is in pdf | 06:44 |
hadi | ubotu help | 06:44 |
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thinkley | hi, i have a strange problem with my network card, im running breezy badger. | 06:46 |
psi | ket-, not for me. | 06:46 |
psi | i'm on ppc, by the way | 06:46 |
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thinkley | on install, my NIC couldnt be detected, but i had the option for ethernet over firewire (i dont have firewire | 06:47 |
thinkley | ) | 06:47 |
thinkley | anyway, ubuntu can now see the card, but i cant network. it doesnt show up if i do ifconfig -a | 06:47 |
chrissturm | thinkley, how do you know that it can see the card? | 06:48 |
thinkley | and dmesg shows error 16 when probing, i have googled this to no avail | 06:48 |
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thinkley | lspci shows it | 06:49 |
nubs0r | I want to have my ubuntu working as a LAMP | 06:49 |
thinkley | and lsmod shows | 06:49 |
nubs0r | i cant get the php aspect of it working | 06:49 |
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nubs0r | firefox tries to save the php files when i try to open them | 06:49 |
thinkley | lspci shows: 0000:00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet (rev 02) | 06:50 |
swab79 | nubs0r: you need to tell apache to send .php to he parser | 06:50 |
nubs0r | swab79, how do i do this | 06:50 |
=== Zen [n=ubuntu@rn-97-164.reshall.k-state.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | swab79, im just trying to run this for a buddys business, getting sugarcrm running on it you know? | 06:50 |
Zen | What is the default root pw on the livecd? I need it for webmin. | 06:50 |
thinkley | and lsmod: sis900 19456 0 and mii 5248 1 sis900 | 06:50 |
Siorai | Zen, there is no password | 06:51 |
swab79 | nubs0r: have you read http://www.ubuntuguide.org/? | 06:51 |
Siorai | but there's something like 'su-something' that'll do it | 06:51 |
Siorai | I did it before | 06:51 |
Dr_Willis | there is a command/script for webmin to sets its main admin password | 06:51 |
thoreauputic | Zen: there isn't one - just type sudo -i in a termianl for a root shell | 06:51 |
saik0 | nubs0r, libapache2-mod-php5 (or php4) | 06:52 |
Siorai | ah\ | 06:52 |
nubs0r | i have it already. | 06:52 |
Siorai | what does sudo -i mean anyway ? | 06:52 |
Zen | whoops | 06:52 |
Zen | anybody know how long webmin blocks your host out for? (localhost in this case heh) | 06:52 |
saik0 | nubs0r, did you restart apache after you installed it? | 06:52 |
nubs0r | yes | 06:52 |
nubs0r | it even displays at the bottom | 06:53 |
nubs0r | apache2 | 06:53 |
nubs0r | and php5 is running | 06:53 |
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nubs0r | bottom of the site i mean | 06:53 |
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stratovarius | who can use proftpd?I nedd help to confiure anonymous logi,who can help me?pls | 06:57 |
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Dr_Willis | have ya read the proftpd docs yet? | 06:58 |
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stratovarius | Dr_Willis:I read that doc but if I try to connect to my ftp it askes me login | 06:59 |
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Seveas | BenC, would "cat /dev/random > /proc/kcore" actually work? | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | stratovarius, dont you then enter "anonymous" ? | 06:59 |
BenC | Seveas: in 2.6.15-5.7, mostly no | 07:00 |
nubs0r | dammit it isnt working | 07:00 |
stratovarius | Dr_Willis: if I login with anonymous it askes me passw | 07:00 |
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stratovarius | I have no passwd | 07:00 |
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Mabus06 | How can I find out who the last person to visit my website was? | 07:00 |
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Dr_Willis | stratovarius, for starters.. you did restart the ftp server after altering its configs? | 07:00 |
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stratovarius | Dr_Willis: I did :D | 07:01 |
Oceansblue | Trying to get sound working on emachines Ubuntu | 07:01 |
nubs0r | Can someone help me get Apache2 and Php4 working | 07:01 |
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nubs0r | im trying to use sugarcrm and its still just asking wehther i want to edit or save the php file | 07:01 |
Dr_Willis | stratovarius, other then that. no clue. :P i have gotten where i use ssh for all my 'needs' like that. | 07:01 |
nubs0r | its pissing me off | 07:01 |
stratovarius | tnx :D | 07:01 |
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navarone | stratovarius,> I know nothing about proftpd, but when I log into anon ftp it uses a email address as pass...maybe that is what it is looking for...<?> | 07:01 |
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stratovarius | navarone: I dont think so cuz my ftp is a lan ftp | 07:02 |
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thinkley | stratovarius: when i have used anonymous FTP, the password can be anything (except nothing IIRC) | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | lan or not - it dosent matter. :P n the old days it just wanted SOMTHING as a password. | 07:03 |
Oceansblue | Trying to get sound working on emachines Ubuntu | 07:03 |
navarone | ocean>what soundcard? | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | 'emachines' makes a LOT of different machines. :P | 07:03 |
Oceansblue | W4605 | 07:03 |
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Oceansblue | Uses Conexant chip | 07:04 |
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navarone | ocean> have you tried typing "alsamixer" into terminal and seeing if the soudn is muted? | 07:05 |
prxq | Hi. The ubuntu installer somehow doesn't like my network card. What options do I have? | 07:05 |
thinkley | prxq: what does it say about your net card? | 07:05 |
Oceansblue | yes the alsamixer runs no sound | 07:05 |
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Oceansblue | the card is ATI IXP conexant | 07:06 |
=== Phoul [n=colin@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phoul | Hello i jsut downloaded and installed eggdrop off of synaptic and i was wondering how to use it | 07:06 |
prxq | thinkley, if it says something it scrolls by too fast. But it doesn't connect to my dhcp server (which works from slackware) | 07:06 |
navarone | that si sound card? | 07:06 |
Oceansblue | I tries alsaconf | 07:06 |
Phoul | I tried running it and nothing happens | 07:06 |
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saik0 | Phoul, have you read the documentation? | 07:07 |
prxq | and on the switch I see there is no traffic | 07:07 |
Phoul | saik0, what documentation? | 07:07 |
Phoul | How can i see it? eggdrop man? | 07:07 |
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thinkley | prxq: but it detects you have a sound card? | 07:07 |
freemanen | what would be the news in dapper drake? | 07:07 |
Oceansblue | yes | 07:07 |
folki | Hi..Can anybody give me a helping hand with Anjuta? | 07:07 |
thinkley | prxq: sorry, i meant an NIC | 07:07 |
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saik0 | Phoul, man eggdrop, and likely a readme in /usr/share/doc/eggdrop or similar | 07:07 |
Oceansblue | it detects ATI IXP Conexant | 07:07 |
Phoul | How do i view the documentation? | 07:07 |
prxq | thinkley, I think yes. It tries to connect to the dhcp server, so. | 07:08 |
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prxq | i have an on-board card from asus. Let me check the exact name. | 07:08 |
thinkley | prxq: ok, without insulting you (i have no idea of your knowledge level) are you using a DHCP server, or do you need to configure network manually? | 07:09 |
Phoul | Eggdrop v1.6.17 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2004 Eggheads | 07:09 |
Phoul | [12:08] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.17 (Tue Nov 29 2005) | 07:09 |
Phoul | [12:08] * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR) | 07:09 |
Phoul | <---- thats what i get if i try to open eggdrop | 07:09 |
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Oceansblue | Also alsaconf runs ok but no sound | 07:09 |
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nubs0r | okay hwo do i purge everything apache, apache2, all the php4 and 5 files and all that shit | 07:10 |
nubs0r | i want to start fresh | 07:10 |
prxq | thinkley, no problem. I am using a dhcp server. The machine gets its ip under the current linux (a slackware for amd64, slamd64) from the server. | 07:10 |
nubs0r | if i apt-get remove apache2 and put it back, it still has the same configs from before | 07:10 |
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nubs0r | so i just wanna get rid of allt hat shit and restart | 07:10 |
Phoul | saik0, how do i get it working? | 07:10 |
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saik0 | Phoul, I dont even know what eggdrop is. Seriously, just read any documentation it comes with | 07:10 |
Phoul | eggdrop bot... | 07:11 |
jack- | Phoul: rtfm, seriously | 07:11 |
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Phoul | I did read man eggdrop! | 07:11 |
nubs0r | jack-, can you help ? | 07:11 |
jack- | you cant "just run" an eggdrop | 07:11 |
Phoul | It dont tell me how to get it working its really short | 07:11 |
jack- | get one of the example config files | 07:11 |
nubs0r | Phoul, google | 07:11 |
thinkley | prxq: in which case, i cant think of what it could be | 07:11 |
jack- | eggdrop.complete.conf | 07:11 |
jack- | and EDIT it | 07:11 |
Phoul | And WHERE is it | 07:11 |
nubs0r | jack-, can you help me get apache + php + mysql working on here | 07:12 |
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jack- | in your eggdrop dir | 07:12 |
nekron | how i install mplayer and codecs? | 07:12 |
nubs0r | mysql is fine, its just apache and php together that isnt working | 07:12 |
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Phoul | Where does synaptic put it | 07:12 |
jack- | or somewhere like /usr/share/lalala | 07:12 |
mfreeze | Has anyone had experience in configuring multiple wireless interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces? | 07:12 |
jack- | phoul: use find, kfind or something | 07:12 |
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thoreauputic | for anyone interested in how mp3 encoding can be done in Serpentine, there's a new ubotu factoid which follows this | 07:12 |
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thoreauputic | !serpentine | 07:12 |
ubotu | For information about the Serpentine CD creator read the Gnome help ( Applications- Multimedia -Sound Juicer Manual ) See the Preferences section for info about mp3 encoding | 07:12 |
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nekron | how i install mplayer and codecs? | 07:13 |
thoreauputic | !mplayer | 07:13 |
ubotu | I guess mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 07:13 |
prxq | thinkley, np. Thanks. | 07:13 |
thoreauputic | oops | 07:13 |
nubs0r | !php | 07:13 |
ubotu | lamp is probably Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 07:13 |
nubs0r | YES! | 07:13 |
thoreauputic | wron gifo above sorry | 07:13 |
nubs0r | finally | 07:14 |
nubs0r | you dumb fucks couldnt tell me the bot knew?> | 07:14 |
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ompaul | nubs0r, language | 07:14 |
mark__ | how do i configure firefox to select all text when clicking in the url box? this is the default behavior in the windows version of firefox | 07:14 |
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thinkley | I get this message from dmesg: Nov 29 12:29:57 localhost kernel: [4294677.850000] PCI: Unable to reserve I/O region #1:100@de00 for device 0000:00:09.0 can anyone help? the hardware is a SIS900 PCI Network interface card | 07:15 |
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Dr_Willis | mark__, :P not seen how.. and i HATE the way windows does it. | 07:15 |
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navarone | prxq> I have onboard sound on asus mb as well...it is probably a C-Media chip | 07:16 |
Dr_Willis | mark__, seen this mentioned in a few message board threads.. and it always ended up in a flamewar. | 07:16 |
swab79 | mark__: type about:config in the address bar, then change browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll to true | 07:16 |
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PupenoL | Hello. | 07:16 |
PupenoL | Why installing fam wants to uninstall the whole KDE ? | 07:16 |
prxq | navarone, aha. Did you have a similar problem? | 07:16 |
Phoul | there isnt a eggdrop.conf | 07:16 |
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mark__ | thanks | 07:16 |
nubs0r | How do i figure out what group im part of> | 07:16 |
swab79 | hope that works... | 07:17 |
PupenoL | nubs0r: /etc/groups | 07:17 |
Dr_Willis | cools. :P | 07:17 |
=== Dr_Willis jots that down | ||
swab79 | oh yeah and restart firefox | 07:17 |
Phoul | anyoen here have experience with eggdrop? | 07:17 |
Seveas | nubs0r, the id command is easier :) | 07:17 |
Dr_Willis | swab79, heh - i was about to mention that as well. | 07:17 |
PupenoL | nubs0r: maybe there's a graphic application to do it, but I don't know about it. Remeber that you have to re-log in to apply the changes. | 07:17 |
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PupenoL | Is it possible to make fam run a script when a file is created/changed in a certain folder (can famd do that ? or another service ?) ? | 07:18 |
navarone | prxq> NO...<s> No, it has been disabled and I installled a sb live...I ruined the output jack when putting in new hardrive...neglected to remove speaker jack and it messed the connection to mb. Hence the sb live...<s> | 07:18 |
Seveas | PupenoL / nubs0r system -> admin -> users and groups :) | 07:18 |
sunsun | hello, someone plz tell me how to turn off touchpad on ubuntu | 07:18 |
sunsun | with tpconfig | 07:18 |
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deus_ | How can i upgrade to a newer kernel | 07:19 |
=== Dr_Willis stares at his laptop with a big BUtton on it that turns off the touchpad. :P | ||
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thoreauputic | !ripping | 07:19 |
ubotu | For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application, read the Gnome help ( Applications- Multimedia -Sound Juicer Manual ) See the Preferences section for info about mp3 encoding | 07:19 |
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Phoul | Anyone know how to use eggdrop? | 07:19 |
deus_ | Im tired of trying to compile the kernel myself | 07:19 |
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Dr_Willis | Phoul, there are dozens of 'eggdrop' web sites out there with docs and howtos and tutorials | 07:19 |
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deus_ | so how can i upgrade from 2.6.10 to 2.6.14 | 07:19 |
bkwiecien | wat up, dogs | 07:20 |
deus_ | i know it can be done with apt | 07:20 |
navarone | deus> you can do that in synaptic | 07:20 |
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deus_ | navarone: no x | 07:20 |
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navarone | ahh | 07:20 |
prxq | ok, my nic is a marvell 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet controller | 07:20 |
Terminus | deus_, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade? | 07:20 |
navarone | deus> what arch you using? 386,686, or other? | 07:20 |
LMX2 | deus_, i think 2.6.12-10 is the newest in repos | 07:20 |
Terminus | deus_, you could use aptitude too. | 07:21 |
LMX2 | deus_, 686 that is' | 07:21 |
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bkwiecien | I'm running debian stable, but I'd like to install ubuntu over my current system. Because of storage problems, I was wondering if I could opt to keep my file system and install over the system without hurting my home directory | 07:21 |
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swab79 | bkwiecien: theres a howto in the wiki i think | 07:21 |
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bkwiecien | swab79: In that case, I'll peruse the wiki | 07:21 |
LMX2 | bkwiecien, you could change to ubuntu repos and dist-upgrade, but i dont know how stable your system would be | 07:21 |
Terminus | bkwiecien, i hope you have your home directory in a separate partition. :) | 07:22 |
bkwiecien | LMX2: I think that would be fore those living on the edge... | 07:22 |
Delvien | anyone know how to add a panel ? | 07:22 |
Delvien | nm | 07:22 |
bkwiecien | Terminus: Of course not! What do you think I am? | 07:22 |
bkwiecien | Some kind of robot? | 07:22 |
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Terminus | bkwiecien, well, i don't know about you but i keep my home directory on a separate partition for situations like yours. | 07:23 |
deus_ | amd64 | 07:23 |
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swab79 | bkwiecien: although i cant seem to find the guide anymore ! | 07:23 |
bkwiecien | Terminus: I try to keep few partitions because I don't want to have a balancing problem | 07:24 |
Delvien | diff question, Anyone know how to add a Taskbar ( the one with the apps that are currently running) | 07:24 |
bkwiecien | disk space is a precious resource.. | 07:24 |
stratovarius | pls who can take a look to my proftpd config file cuz I cant login as anonymous? | 07:24 |
stratovarius | http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5200 | 07:24 |
bkwiecien | I've a 20 gig partition that I might be able to back up on to | 07:25 |
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Terminus | bkwiecien, well yeah... there's that. | 07:25 |
bkwiecien | I might have to cut some of my anime | 07:25 |
=== Terminus wonders about LVM | ||
teprrr | hmm, has there been known crashes in update-menus? | 07:25 |
bkwiecien | I have a friend that mounted his c partition on /usr/local as opposed to /usr | 07:25 |
teprrr | it sigsegvs here.. | 07:26 |
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swab79 | bkwiecen: going from debian to hoary... https://wiki.ubuntu.com//WartyUpgradeNotes | 07:26 |
bkwiecien | As a resulte, his /usr ate up his pitiful root partition | 07:26 |
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=== Anttu^^ [i=Anttu87@dsl-hkigw2-fe1bde00-68.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Anttu^^ | hi every one | 07:26 |
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bkwiecien | he said he had another, unused partition | 07:26 |
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Esers | does anybody know a good page to get gdesklet themes (not gdesklet.gnomedesktop.org | 07:27 |
bkwiecien | I thought maybe he could LVM his root with that partition and have some space for /usr, but all I got were funny looks | 07:27 |
punkass | anyone using a dwl-g650 wireless card? | 07:27 |
deus_ | navarone: amd64 | 07:27 |
arnducky | Where is the NICKSRV help channel? | 07:27 |
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punkass | on a dell laptop running breezy..it worked right out of the box..but the signal seems pretty low | 07:27 |
swab79 | punkass: no but i used to be d-link tech support... but then again we didnt support linux :) | 07:27 |
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nubs0r | my moms a bitch, forgot to start up my comp, no wonder i cant ssh in from here | 07:28 |
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SCMark | where is my boot log? | 07:28 |
nubs0r | routers pointing to my other box now. | 07:28 |
nubs0r | SCMark, dmesg | 07:28 |
Anttu^^ | umm i have a problem getting X started after installing ubuntu and the problem should solve by replacing ATI with VESA in the xorg.conf file | 07:28 |
nubs0r | Anttu^^, don't do that... | 07:29 |
SCMark | nubs0r: thx | 07:29 |
nubs0r | Anttu^^, replace with fglrx or radeon | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | 'should' ? | 07:29 |
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nubs0r | of course, radeon is the open source version, and theres no 3d acceleration | 07:29 |
nubs0r | meaning no Wolfenstein ET :( | 07:29 |
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punkass | swab79: heh..yeah its wierd...2 feet from a dlink router and the signal was like 65% | 07:29 |
prxq | can I install ubuntu without network? In particular, will the toolchain needed to compile a kernel be available? | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | On my laptop i had to replace ati with vesa - untill i got the flgrx working. | 07:29 |
Anttu^^ | okey :( | 07:29 |
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Anttu^^ | but im very noobish with ubuntu and i dont know how to edit the file :D | 07:30 |
navarone | deus> try this article about half way down the author details upgrading kernel...just change the kernel numbers to fit newest available http://words.haddons.net/archives/000041.html | 07:30 |
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mipe | join /#danix | 07:30 |
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Anttu^^ | and i need root privaleges to do it | 07:30 |
bkwiecien | prxq: I seriously doubt the install CD would not include the tools needed to build the system | 07:30 |
swab79 | punkass: i'll tell you what i was trained to tell everyone who calls, upgrade drivers, firmware, change wireless channel, turn off superG mode | 07:30 |
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swab79 | punkass: the good thing is that if you annoy dlink tech support enough they will give you an RMA on the card or router | 07:31 |
self | hello all | 07:31 |
warreng | what repository is mysql5 in?? i swear i've seen it in a ubuntu repo.... | 07:31 |
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mumanddad | Where's the best place to unzip a game if i want to install it for all users? | 07:31 |
prxq | bkwiecien, I mean the C compiler and the headers etc. | 07:31 |
Esers | does anyone knows a gdesklet applet that shoes lyrics of playing xmms song? | 07:31 |
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Seveas | prxq, build-essential | 07:32 |
jnk | Hi. Can someone help me to input japanese in openoffice 2 ? | 07:32 |
punkass | swab79..lol..ok..well i know the router is fine as i use it all the time with another laptop and get great range | 07:32 |
prxq | Seveas, is it on the install CD? | 07:32 |
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Seveas | prxq, yes | 07:32 |
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swab79 | punkass: it just seems like some cards have crappy radios and other are fine... and there is no reason for it | 07:32 |
mumanddad | Hi... Where's the best place to unzip a game if i want to install it for all users? | 07:33 |
swab79 | is the card any good in windows? | 07:33 |
=== Chand| [n=richard@bdn33-2-82-235-236-239.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jnk | mumanddad, maybe /usr/local or /opt ... | 07:33 |
Seveas | /usr/local is standard | 07:33 |
mumanddad | thanks | 07:33 |
prxq | Seveas, ok, thanks. So I can install, pop in a CD with kernel sources, do the voodoo, and get the nic to work. | 07:33 |
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navarone | lol@do the voodoo | 07:33 |
Anttu^^ | was it the command sudo wich makes you root :P? | 07:33 |
Seveas | prxq, and file a bug on the bugzilla about your card ;) | 07:33 |
Seveas | Anttu^^, sudo -i | 07:34 |
punkass | swap79..havent tried yet as the laptop only has breezy on it ;) but i have another dell here with xp on it so ill try later today | 07:34 |
Anttu^^ | thanks :) | 07:34 |
self | can anyone tell me how to edit samba? | 07:34 |
prxq | Seveas, sounds like a plan :-) | 07:34 |
dducko | FF 1.5 Is out. | 07:34 |
bkwiecien | self: vi samba | 07:34 |
Seveas | self, sudo $EDITOR /etc/smb.conf | 07:34 |
=== wearpants [n=ricebowl@wifi220-35.meruwifi.fit.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warreng | ubotu: mysql5 | 07:34 |
ubotu | warreng: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 07:34 |
kraehe | mumanddad: /opt is admin installed optional applications, that might be removed soon (e.g. binarys) ... while /usr/local is for more permanent things (installed by 'make install') | 07:34 |
dducko | ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/1.5/ | 07:34 |
yhcheong | firefox 1.5 | 07:35 |
yhcheong | released? | 07:35 |
Seveas | dducko, it'll land in Ubuntu soon-ish | 07:35 |
Artemis3 | how about a torrent? | 07:35 |
yhcheong | does anyone know, using torrent will spoil your hdd? | 07:35 |
dducko | Cool | 07:35 |
mumanddad | ok... and i have to have admin privielegdes to extract to thos folders so what's the best way to do that? | 07:35 |
Anttu^^ | now i just need to know how i can edit my xorg.conf file from the command line.. | 07:35 |
dducko | Never had any reall luck with the Manual install. | 07:35 |
wearpants | I'm trying to install Java, and the wiki says to enable multiverse and then try to grab java-package. I enabled multiverse but still can't apt-get java-package... | 07:35 |
bkwiecien | yhcheong: it will become spoiled from all the goodies you've downloaded | 07:36 |
yhcheong | it did... | 07:36 |
mumanddad | if its a tar.bz2 | 07:36 |
kraehe | wearpant: try `dselect update` before apt-get | 07:36 |
yhcheong | torrent will spoild your hdd | 07:36 |
yhcheong | i guess | 07:36 |
freemanen | is there any list where they show how updates come with dapper drake | 07:36 |
freemanen | then flight 2 and so comes? | 07:37 |
bkwiecien | yhcheong: you'll know when it starts throwing tantrums | 07:37 |
navarone | Seveas> will they release ubuntu flavoured xchat and gtk-gnutella soonas well? | 07:37 |
Seveas | wearpants, sudo apt-get update | 07:37 |
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wearpants | ok | 07:37 |
Seveas | navarone, 'ubuntu-flavoured'? | 07:37 |
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vingertop | hi all , busy place over here ;-) | 07:38 |
Anttu^^ | pls pls... can some one tell me fast how to open the xorg.conf file in a editor from the command promt :P | 07:38 |
kraehe | mumanddad: if the game is a binary with some install routine, choose /opt/name_of_the_game_version_numer/ else just `./configure && make && sudo make install` to install it in /usr/local/ | 07:38 |
self | is this a terminal command? | 07:38 |
yhcheong | :( | 07:38 |
navarone | Seveas> I was told not to install debs from outside repos although xchat and gtk-gnutella upgrades are available | 07:38 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | hiya peeps | 07:38 |
loka_msn | ola | 07:38 |
yhcheong | i just experienced it | 07:38 |
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Seveas | navarone, ah, they're in dapper too | 07:38 |
wearpants | nope, still says it couldn't find the package | 07:38 |
yhcheong | i just want to share with you guys | 07:38 |
Seveas | request a backport if you really want them | 07:38 |
Sneaky_Bastard | anybody having trouble with ASLA + Audigy after the last update ? | 07:38 |
navarone | Sevas> is it okay to use dapper repos for breezy? | 07:38 |
Sneaky_Bastard | (besides me) ? | 07:38 |
Seveas | navarone, absolutely not, it's insane | 07:39 |
navarone | lol | 07:39 |
wearpants | which repository specifically do I have to enable? I presume there's a way to do this with apt-get and friends, but I'm really not familiar with the Debian tools yet. | 07:39 |
dabito | hello all!!, any tomcat rooms in this server? :D | 07:39 |
self | the samba edit is not accepted# | 07:39 |
yhcheong | does anyone knows how torrent works? | 07:39 |
mumanddad | but what's the most convenient way to download and install a tar.bz2 in the right folder? Assuming i dont know anything about permissions | 07:39 |
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dabito | join #tomcat | 07:39 |
dducko | Anttu^^, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:39 |
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kraehe | mumanddad: cd $HOME; mkdir foo; cd foo; tar xvfz your_game.tar.gz | 07:40 |
warreng | is it okay to install mysql5 out of the dotdeb repo on ubuntu? | 07:40 |
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kraehe | mumanddad: cd your_game_version_numer; ./configure && make && sudo make install | 07:40 |
Seveas | warreng, it might be | 07:41 |
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fernando_ | alguien de crdoba??? | 07:41 |
Seveas | !es | 07:41 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:41 |
Anttu^^ | dducko: thanx for the help ill be off to try if ill get it to work :) | 07:41 |
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wearpants | fernando_ - Cordoba en Espana o Cordoba en Argentina? ;) | 07:41 |
fernando_ | espaa! | 07:41 |
Artemis3 | hehe | 07:41 |
kraehe | mumanddad: the only time you need super user right, you'll use sudo in that two lines | 07:41 |
maffju | !de | 07:42 |
ubotu | de is probably Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 07:42 |
Artemis3 | metanse en #ubuntu-es antes que los corran | 07:42 |
wearpants | haz lo que el te recomendaste :p | 07:42 |
yhcheong | how to get Op? | 07:42 |
yhcheong | :P | 07:42 |
self | how do i edit the samba password i have tried smbpasswd and it will not accept the change# | 07:42 |
Sneaky_Bastard | 'scuse me please, anybody else having audio (ALSA) problems since last update to breezy ? | 07:42 |
self | any ideas? | 07:42 |
Seveas | wearpants, stick to english in here | 07:42 |
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Sneaky_Bastard | (using Adept) | 07:42 |
wearpants | Seveas - *nods* I just told him to go to the other chan | 07:42 |
wearpants | "do what he recommended to you" | 07:42 |
Seveas | wearpants, k :) | 07:42 |
bkwiecien | ubotu: dude, I totally understood that | 07:42 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, bkwiecien | 07:43 |
bkwiecien | but you wrote it | 07:43 |
wearpants | hum, has anyone ever gotten Java installed? I just can't seem to get java-package as the wiki says to do. | 07:44 |
yo2lux | in ubuntu when i add XFCE possible to remove Gnome? | 07:44 |
Seveas | yo2lux, sure, debfoster is your friend | 07:44 |
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maffju | bkwiecien, ubuto is a bot | 07:44 |
bkwiecien | oh | 07:44 |
SCMark | where is a log of all the things that scrolled by during boot? /var/log/dmsg isn't it | 07:44 |
bkwiecien | well, it passes the turing test.. | 07:44 |
wearpants | haha | 07:44 |
Seveas | bkwiecien, *g* | 07:44 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ah, I guess my question is uninteresting | 07:44 |
Seveas | ubotu, tell bkwiecien about yourself | 07:44 |
dabito | this was fucked up | 07:44 |
dabito | i wrote a 4line question and the thing workes now | 07:45 |
self | lol i guess no one knows then.. | 07:45 |
dabito | lol | 07:45 |
warreng | ubotu: dotdeb? | 07:45 |
wearpants | Seveas - have you managed to install Java? Even after the apt-get update it still cannot find java-package in the list | 07:45 |
ubotu | warreng: I don't know, could you explain it? | 07:45 |
yo2lux | Seveas thanks | 07:45 |
Seveas | wearpants, I made java debs myself | 07:45 |
dabito | need to add the multiverse to the repository | 07:45 |
Sneaky_Bastard | is there any way to make Ubuntu scan for hardware changes? | 07:45 |
wearpants | Seveas - yes, mind explaining how? :) | 07:46 |
dabito | to install java-package | 07:46 |
dabito | oh | 07:46 |
SCMark | where is a log of all the things that scrolled by during boot? anyone? | 07:46 |
dabito | well | 07:46 |
wearpants | dabito - I did. | 07:46 |
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dabito | lemme find mine | 07:46 |
wearpants | and it's still not found | 07:46 |
lsuactiafner | whats the cheapest way to get 2T in disk storage space? | 07:46 |
dabito | its just that | 07:46 |
self | is yatesy in here? | 07:46 |
dabito | even if you uncomment everything | 07:46 |
dducko | Steal it... | 07:46 |
dabito | still need to add one thing | 07:46 |
Seveas | wearpants, grab my deb from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl :) (i386 only) | 07:46 |
dducko | Cheapest, not smartest. | 07:46 |
Sneaky_Bastard | yeah, bootlog might tell me if there were kernel module audio problems | 07:46 |
Sneaky_Bastard | where is it ? | 07:46 |
wearpants | Seveas - i386 laptop, sooo that works fine | 07:46 |
Seveas | Sneaky_Bastard, dmesg | 07:46 |
wearpants | thanks | 07:46 |
Sneaky_Bastard | what's dmesg ? | 07:47 |
=== Terminus- is now known as Terminus | ||
self | ok anyone networked ubuntu? | 07:47 |
self | linux to widows? | 07:47 |
dabito | for me, in Mexico it's deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe main restricted multiverse | 07:47 |
dabito | thats the line i added for multiverse to work correctly | 07:47 |
self | lol win even | 07:47 |
wearpants | self - define "networked" | 07:48 |
Sneaky_Bastard | Seveas: what's dmesg, please ? | 07:48 |
dabito | did you install samba server? | 07:48 |
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kraehe | *lol* @ self ... linux to widows ;) | 07:48 |
Seveas | Sneaky_Bastard, a command | 07:48 |
wearpants | self - you mean file sharing? | 07:48 |
Sneaky_Bastard | oh | 07:48 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ok | 07:48 |
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | cafuego, *ping* dns failure on ubuntu.cc.com.au | 07:48 |
self | ok i want to network my linux machine to a windows xp m/c using samba | 07:48 |
=== thierry_ [n=thierry@bon31-3-82-226-49-81.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SCMark | how do I use usplash after I installed the package? | 07:48 |
dabito | aptitude install samba-server | 07:48 |
self | file and print sharing | 07:49 |
wearpants | self - erm, if your SAMBA share is visible from another Linux box then it should be visible from a Windows box | 07:49 |
Seveas | SCMark, sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) | 07:49 |
dabito | then right-click on a directory u want to share | 07:49 |
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wearpants | that said, I have never had Windows file sharing actually work. | 07:49 |
wearpants | so I usually use NFS | 07:49 |
wearpants | (which, BTW, is available for Windows) | 07:49 |
BadMackTuck | these are funny | 07:49 |
BadMackTuck | http://www.arouse.net/despair-linux/ | 07:49 |
=== donpachi [n=donpachi@adsl-0-188-183.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | it is visable but it asks for a password and when i use smbpasswd it will not let me change it | 07:49 |
dabito | ahm | 07:49 |
Seveas | BadMackTuck, and about 10 years old... | 07:49 |
Agrajag | anyone who wants a simple samba config file, check out this one: http://student.ucr.edu/abneyw01/smb.conf | 07:50 |
Sneaky_Bastard | wearpants: no surprise there - it doesn't always work with win-blows either :p | 07:50 |
dabito | you have to fiddle around with the smb.conf file for it to work | 07:50 |
Agrajag | oh hell | 07:50 |
lsuactiafner | whats the best way to copy 1 disk to another to make an exact duplicate? /dev files might pose a problem to copy | 07:50 |
Agrajag | anyone who wants a simple samba config file, check out this one: http://student.ucr.edu/~abneyw01/smb.conf | 07:50 |
Agrajag | that one works ^^^ | 07:50 |
wearpants | Sneaky_Bastard - yes, well, I have *never* been able to use file sharing even between XP boxes, so I don't try anymore. | 07:50 |
wearpants | I have an FTP server set up for that. :p | 07:50 |
SCMark | Sveas: cool thanks. Now I just need to install a splash screen | 07:50 |
dabito | file sharing tween xp boxes? | 07:50 |
dabito | do u have static IP's ? | 07:50 |
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | SCMark, no, the usplash package contains the splash screens | 07:51 |
wearpants | dabito - yes, my router serves up static IPs over DHCP | 07:51 |
Agrajag | that smb.conf shares out a few read-only directories with no passwords | 07:51 |
Red-Sox | ilba7r: hi | 07:51 |
wearpants | and I have DNS and reverse DNS properly configured as well | 07:51 |
Seveas | SCMark, but ubuntu-desktop depends on usplash, so I don't see why you needed to install it manually | 07:51 |
ilba7r | hi Red-Sox | 07:51 |
wearpants | but I don't really care anymore, so :p | 07:51 |
maffju | lsuactiafner, dd if=.. of=.. | 07:51 |
ilba7r | anyone know a program to edit ps or pdf files | 07:51 |
lsuactiafner | maffju : dont want to clone a disk | 07:51 |
SCMark | Sveas: I don't have ubuntu-desktop installed for some reason | 07:52 |
Sneaky_Bastard | sure, Adobe Acrobat | 07:52 |
lsuactiafner | 300G and 80G just want to backup everything.. but seems mc works well for it | 07:52 |
Sneaky_Bastard | oh... you mean on Linux ? | 07:52 |
Seveas | SCMark, then install it :) | 07:52 |
Sneaky_Bastard | o_O | 07:52 |
=== Chand| [n=richard@bdn33-2-82-235-236-239.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maffju | lsuactiafner, i see | 07:52 |
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ilba7r | Sneaky_bastard exactly for linux does openoffice open ps files? | 07:52 |
self | file and print shareing is easy between xp boxes but i seem to have problems networking linux | 07:52 |
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anttu^^ | hi every 1 | 07:52 |
anttu^^ | @ubuntu | 07:53 |
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=== Haz [i=Haz@88-107-10-230.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | i would recommend printer sharing to be done using CUPS | 07:53 |
dabito | file sharing using samba | 07:53 |
wearpants | lsuactiafner - you said you wanted to make an exact duplicate | 07:53 |
homer | all my base are belongs to you | 07:53 |
homer | what you say?? | 07:53 |
SCMark | Seveas: I think I uninstalled it in order to uninstall some pcmcia packages | 07:53 |
=== Eddie [n=eddie@cpc3-blfs1-5-0-cust246.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | well my samba asks for a password and it will not accept a change in smb passwd | 07:53 |
anttu^^ | have any one tried the newest ati drivers?? | 07:53 |
dabito | edit your smb conf file | 07:54 |
Seveas | anttu^^, yeah, they work nice | 07:54 |
anttu^^ | :O | 07:54 |
Seveas | apart from xv corruption after hibernate | 07:54 |
=== chaky_ [n=chaky@lns02-0987.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anttu^^ | hope they support my x1800 xl :P | 07:54 |
self | how do i edit the config file? | 07:54 |
wearpants | vim or nano would work | 07:54 |
dabito | it has to do something with guest files.. let me find mine | 07:54 |
dabito | guest users* | 07:54 |
wearpants | or...emacs | 07:55 |
dabito | lol, guest files | 07:55 |
dabito | or gedit | 07:55 |
Agrajag | anyone who wants a simple samba config file, check out this one: http://student.ucr.edu/~abneyw01/smb.conf | 07:55 |
ilba7r | see ya later Red-Sox take care | 07:55 |
=== DShepherd [n=DShepher@port0223-ade-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | check Agrajag's file | 07:55 |
DShepherd | hey | 07:55 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ok, so any ideas how to get my audio working again ? | 07:55 |
Agrajag | look at that one guys, all you should have to do is change the directories and share names | 07:55 |
Sneaky_Bastard | ALSA doesn't seem to be working at all | 07:55 |
wearpants | ah well, time for class, BBL | 07:55 |
Agrajag | and change readonly to off if you want a writeable share | 07:55 |
Haz | ok | 07:55 |
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self | ok so windows sees linux but it will not accept my password | 07:56 |
Agrajag | I know it works with a default install of samba in ubuntu; every time I reinstall I just save that file and drop it back in | 07:56 |
=== dabito agrees | ||
anttu^^ | Seveas: should i install the drivers it using that distributor package thingy | 07:56 |
Red-Sox | wftl: hi | 07:56 |
dabito | i do the same as Agrajag | 07:56 |
Agrajag | self: are you using my setup or did you write your own? | 07:56 |
Seveas | anttu^^, yeah, let it generate the packages and install all it genertes | 07:56 |
dabito | and my conf is pretty much the same | 07:57 |
Seveas | then install module-assistand, build-essential and gcc-3.4 | 07:57 |
self | it is a new install of ubuntu | 07:57 |
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Seveas | and run module-assistant to build and install the kernel module | 07:57 |
Agrajag | I find passworded shares to be annoying on a home network | 07:57 |
=== ktogias [n=ktogias@athe730f-0984.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wftl | Hey Red-Sox | 07:57 |
dabito | cept i only have one shared folder | 07:57 |
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anttu^^ | Seveas: okey i am right now downloading the drivers hope they will work for me :) | 07:57 |
dabito | and for printer sharing use CUPS | 07:58 |
self | does your setup allow file and print sharing? | 07:58 |
Agrajag | self: do print sharing with CUPS | 07:58 |
=== vr^ [n=vr@98-111.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | ok but how do i alter my samba password? | 07:58 |
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dabito | you can actually append to smb.conf some of the file sharings you see on Agrajag's file | 07:58 |
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=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-154-242.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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navarone | hi gnomefreak | 07:59 |
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dabito | i think that gnomeactually has a samba config utility | 07:59 |
dabito | or soemthing | 08:00 |
Agrajag | probably | 08:00 |
gnomefreak | hi navarone | 08:00 |
fcuk | hmm | 08:00 |
fcuk | does anyone here use azureus? | 08:00 |
_rj | hey. i installed breezy then kubuntu-desktop, now i want to upgrade to kde3.5. should i be using the kde metapackage or something else? | 08:00 |
self | Agrajag what can you do using your config file? | 08:00 |
fcuk | i just installed it | 08:00 |
fcuk | and it doesnt seem to be able to download anything | 08:00 |
=== slew [n=slew@cblmdm72-240-159-105.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agrajag | self: share files that anyone can get to with no password | 08:00 |
bluefox83 | you lose all settings when updating to breezy badger (i'm assuming you can't just update your sources.list ) | 08:01 |
self | ah | 08:01 |
bluefox83 | ? | 08:01 |
Agrajag | it's best for a home network, where security isn't a big issue | 08:01 |
bluefox83 | sorry, forgot the - ? | 08:01 |
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self | ok how do i set the password for samba? | 08:01 |
Agrajag | self: you don't. | 08:01 |
Agrajag | oh | 08:01 |
Agrajag | well | 08:01 |
WildZeck | self, smbpasswd | 08:01 |
=== min [n=min@host-84-9-19-163.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agrajag | if you want one, you'd have to use smbpasswd for the samba user that you want to have a password | 08:02 |
self | smbpasswd does not accept the change | 08:02 |
Red-Sox | min: hi | 08:02 |
WildZeck | smbpasswd -a -c toto | 08:02 |
WildZeck | for create a nex file | 08:02 |
WildZeck | new | 08:02 |
dabito | hehe toto | 08:02 |
=== Haz [i=Haz@88-107-10-230.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["Don't] | ||
self | Arajag how do you edit the file and save it? | 08:03 |
Agrajag | uh, I just use gedit or emacs | 08:03 |
Agrajag | it's /etc/samba/smb.conf | 08:04 |
dabito | sudo gedit | 08:04 |
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bluefox83 | whats the easiest way to upgrade from hoary to breezy? | 08:04 |
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=== lamro [n=larmo@a80-186-6-183.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | supposedly u can just edit your sources.list and aptitude the upgrade | 08:05 |
=== heavyz [n=heavy@modemcable215.179-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Sneaky_Bastard | ok, does anyone have any clues as to how to fix malfunctioning audio drivers ? | 08:05 |
bluefox83 | s'what i thought | 08:05 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I'm using an SB Audigy on a Athlon XP | 08:06 |
dabito | id recommend you backed up first | 08:06 |
anttu^^ | umm... how do i create my computer shortcut to my desk like fedora has:D:D:D | 08:06 |
Sneaky_Bastard | the bloody thing worked until Adept updated packages | 08:06 |
self | so from sudo gedit you open the file and save it to its location? | 08:06 |
dabito | cause i tried that method and it fscked up my config | 08:06 |
=== _rj [n=rj@host-212-18-247-24.static.mailbox.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
dabito | sudo gedit | 08:06 |
=== lisette [n=lisette@h254n1fls32o850.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | supposedly????? | 08:06 |
=== BeGu [n=BeGu@cs164149.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | lol | 08:07 |
dabito | heh :) | 08:07 |
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-084-059-093-245.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | its easy to change you sources list :) | 08:07 |
bluefox83 | i know | 08:07 |
dabito | i know that | 08:07 |
=== bluefox83 uses debian | ||
=== heavyz [n=heavy@modemcable215.179-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
lisette | how do you upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10? | 08:07 |
bluefox83 | real debian, not debian-based :p | 08:07 |
=== gnomefreak uses libranet and ubuntu | ||
dabito | well, self.. first of all, back up ur smb.conf | 08:08 |
=== xuzo [n=xuzo@vpn-130-1.uji.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | then sudo gedit the file | 08:08 |
self | what it the gnome version of K get | 08:08 |
dabito | edit, save and close | 08:08 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell lisette about upgrade | 08:08 |
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=== babag [n=babag@69-163-74-119.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | supposedly... | 08:08 |
dabito | :D | 08:08 |
=== mp3guy [n=mp3guy@host-194-46-234-4.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | self what does k get do? | 08:08 |
bluefox83 | O.o | 08:09 |
mp3guy | where can i get w32codecs, libdvdcss2, java and realplayer? | 08:09 |
dabito | it gets.. something | 08:09 |
=== friedemann [n=friedema@K91e5.k.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | it down loads programs even after new session without damage | 08:09 |
self | auto restart | 08:09 |
friedemann | hello.... ive got big problems after the last updates | 08:09 |
Agrajag | mp3guy: http://www.ubuntulinux.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 08:09 |
gnomefreak | self synaptic downloads and installs programs from sources if that is what you mean | 08:09 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C2EEE5.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | well, im outies.. window users are givin me that workoholic look | 08:09 |
babag | just set up ubuntu and when i get to the desktop i have no mouse or keyboard. how does one deal with that? | 08:09 |
=== insomnik [n=insomnik@smg13-2-82-232-128-209.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | buh byes | 08:10 |
=== uipjm [n=uipjm@host56.200-82-65.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uipjm | hola | 08:10 |
friedemann | i cant run synaptics anymore! and i cant do any sudo commands :/ | 08:10 |
self | i down load iso images and it takes a while so k get will save the image over several days | 08:10 |
=== lisette [n=lisette@h254n1fls32o850.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uipjm | alguien en castellano? | 08:10 |
=== Benjamin_L [n=Benjamin@pD950336B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !es | 08:10 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:10 |
gnomefreak | i think :( | 08:10 |
gnomefreak | self im not sure | 08:11 |
self | lol | 08:11 |
Benjamin_L | how do I apply a diff file to a directory containing several files using patch ? | 08:11 |
bluefox83 | O.o | 08:11 |
lisette | patch < patchfile.patch | 08:11 |
self | lol it has a drop target that you can use to start the down load | 08:11 |
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dabito | yay, back | 08:11 |
=== CicalaMvta [n=CicalaMv@chello080109002146.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sneaky_Bastard | ok, how about "What can I do to reinstall just the audio drivers?" | 08:12 |
Sneaky_Bastard | please ? | 08:12 |
self | it is available from the add apps menue but it is a k program | 08:12 |
self | *e* | 08:13 |
gnomefreak | self, some kde apps can be ran under gnome not sure about that one tho | 08:13 |
Sneaky_Bastard | what is available ? | 08:13 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I'm using KUBuntu | 08:13 |
self | oh i see | 08:13 |
dabito | i like gnome better =) | 08:13 |
bluefox83 | what the hell is KUBuntu? | 08:13 |
Sneaky_Bastard | self: where you talking to me or someone else ? | 08:13 |
gnomefreak | Sneaky_Bastard, #kubuntu try there they might beable to help more | 08:14 |
dabito | KDE over ubuntu | 08:14 |
dabito | or something | 08:14 |
bluefox83 | over? lol | 08:14 |
=== Qriouz [n=malte@0x55515ce4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | supposedly | 08:14 |
dabito | :D | 08:14 |
Sneaky_Bastard | KUbuntu -- official Ubuntu subproect which installs KDE by default | 08:14 |
=== Nigelenki [n=bluefox@pcp0012069148pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | gnome freak | 08:14 |
Sneaky_Bastard | otherwise identical | 08:14 |
bluefox83 | you don't run a windows manager over anything, it runs in it | 08:14 |
gnomefreak | kubuntu is ubuntu with kde instead of gnome but you can add the other to either | 08:14 |
Sneaky_Bastard | and this is official Ubuntu channel, goddamnit | 08:14 |
min | hello, does anyone know how to get BOINC working with breezy? I have unpacked the software, but when I try to run the client it says another instance is running | 08:14 |
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gnomefreak | Sneaky_Bastard, try #kubuntu | 08:14 |
dabito | ok ok | 08:14 |
dabito | KDE in ubuntu | 08:15 |
self | well k3 b works lol | 08:15 |
bluefox83 | min, do ps x and find the other instance an dkill it's pid with kill -9 <pid> then restart it | 08:15 |
Sneaky_Bastard | gnomefreak: my question would apply to Ubuntu as well | 08:15 |
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anttu^^ | hey i have a prob | 08:15 |
Sneaky_Bastard | but I'll try that | 08:15 |
dabito | what question was it? | 08:15 |
Sneaky_Bastard | "How do I reinstall the audio drivers" ? | 08:15 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe10de00-26.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anttu^^ | i am trying to install my ati drivers | 08:15 |
dabito | oh | 08:15 |
bluefox83 | Sneaky_Bastard, apt-get install whatever drivers they are | 08:16 |
anttu^^ | but it wont start the installation software | 08:16 |
gnomefreak | Sneaky_Bastard, can you explain further on "whats avaialbe:> | 08:16 |
Benjamin_L | lisette, thx | 08:16 |
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=== TuX [i=Admin@aqu33-4-82-233-55-196.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | how do i mount window partitons in ubuntu so i can access them from the desktop? | 08:16 |
bluefoxicy | wow, xchat-gnome | 08:16 |
Sneaky_Bastard | well, crap | 08:16 |
lsuactiafner | 4926 ntpdate ntp.ubuntulinux.org | 08:16 |
lsuactiafner | 29 Nov 21:22:21 ntpdate[8531] : no server suitable for synchronization found | 08:17 |
lsuactiafner | what server should i use? | 08:17 |
anttu^^ | it starts some kinda comman prompt version of the installation soft | 08:17 |
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=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-30-37-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Grev [n=dbasinge@stffp11-208.staff.library.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sneaky_Bastard | I have no idea what is actually installed for drivers, but I have an SB Audigy 1 | 08:17 |
=== Arv3n [n=Arv3n@cpe-069-134-063-153.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabito | mount dev/hd*whatever* | 08:17 |
Arv3n | Hello. | 08:17 |
Sneaky_Bastard | and it was working prior to last package update | 08:17 |
anttu^^ | and now it asks me where i would like to install the drivers :\ | 08:17 |
Sneaky_Bastard | let me go to KUbuntu | 08:17 |
=== timmytheturtle [n=timmythe@d226-28-106.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | self have you checked the starter guide? | 08:17 |
Arv3n | Does anyone know how to upgrade without redownloading and installing by the CD? | 08:17 |
Qriouz | how would I go about getting my wifi card working ? I have linux wlan ng, is that the way to go ? If so, where can I find the kernel source which is needed to configure.. | 08:17 |
self | no d | 08:17 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Arv3n about upgrade | 08:18 |
Red-Sox | Arv3n: yes, I do | 08:18 |
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Arv3n | gnomefreak, thanks. | 08:18 |
=== globule [n=globule@jar10-1-82-241-184-84.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | D i lost the info to change the samba passwd | 08:18 |
gnomefreak | yw Arv3n | 08:18 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp24-adsl-82.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red-Sox | oh, sorry, too late | 08:18 |
dabito | ahm | 08:18 |
Red-Sox | Decadent: howdey | 08:18 |
dell500 | can someone explain why i have a bunch of distorted lines on my screens? i update the kernal and some other updates, not sure why it's doing this | 08:19 |
dabito | the toto thing? | 08:19 |
self | if you remember smbpasswd would not accept the change | 08:19 |
dabito | think it was -c -a toto | 08:19 |
anttu^^ | can any one help me :( | 08:19 |
dabito | or something | 08:19 |
DShepherd | self: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#fg-windows-partitions <-- try that for your mounting | 08:19 |
gnomefreak | dell500, reconfigure your x | 08:19 |
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babag | keyboard works to log in, then doesn't. mouse never does work. how do i get around this? | 08:19 |
anttu^^ | if some one know something about installin ati drivers | 08:19 |
dell500 | gnomefreak: through the conf or like in gui? | 08:19 |
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=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@d83-176-109-141.cust.tele2.it] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | in terminal hoold on im trying to remember the command :( | 08:20 |
=== suye [n=suye@186.Red-83-52-48.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | command for what? | 08:20 |
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gnomefreak | xorg reconfig | 08:20 |
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dell500 | thanks | 08:20 |
gnomefreak | its dpkg something :( | 08:21 |
DShepherd | self: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#sect-samba-server <-- try there for samba issues.. | 08:21 |
Alinux | hello friends...how can I add a new user to sudoers list? | 08:21 |
adrian__ | anyone installed gtkpod? | 08:21 |
bluefox83 | dpkg-reconfigure xorg | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | blue-frog, i thought there was more to it | 08:21 |
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bluefox83 | you mean bluefox83 ? | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | yeah sorry | 08:21 |
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bluefox83 | nope, just dpkg-reconfigure xorg | 08:21 |
gnomefreak | the tab didnt work :( | 08:22 |
DShepherd | Alinux: sudo visudo /etc/sudoers | 08:22 |
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dell500 | adrian__: yup | 08:22 |
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Alinux | DShepherd, # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges | 08:22 |
Alinux | %alinux ALL=(ALL) ALL | 08:22 |
Alinux | I modified in this way | 08:22 |
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babag | keyboard works to log in, then doesn't. mouse never does work. how do i get around this? | 08:23 |
babag | should i reinstall? | 08:23 |
bluefox83 | no | 08:23 |
shinu | is there any tool to defragment a fat32 partition under linux? | 08:23 |
dell500 | gnomefreak, bluefox83 : says xorg isn't installed :\ | 08:23 |
babag | then what? | 08:23 |
gnomefreak | dell i know | 08:23 |
anttu^^ | does any one know why the ati drivers start in the terminal ?? | 08:23 |
bluefox83 | dell500, then you're using xfree86 | 08:23 |
DShepherd | Alinux: ok. soo... do you have a question? | 08:23 |
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gnomefreak | i think its dpkg-reconfigure xfree.xorg or something like that :( | 08:23 |
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self | the samba conf file is where? | 08:24 |
Alinux | DShepherd, no :) no questions... | 08:24 |
Alinux | thank you DShepherd :) | 08:24 |
dell500 | nope, not workin' | 08:24 |
bluefox83 | try dpkg-reconfigure xfree86 | 08:24 |
DShepherd | Alinux: ok.. your welcome | 08:24 |
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dell500 | bluefox83: didn't work either | 08:24 |
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bluefox83 | hrm... | 08:25 |
self | to edit the samba file i open ? | 08:25 |
dell500 | tried xorg, xfree, xfree86, xfree.xorg, xfree86.xorg | 08:25 |
l4f | hi, i have the following warning/error message when using synaptic manager... please look here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5203 | 08:25 |
bluefox83 | i forget :X | 08:25 |
DShepherd | bluefox83 is it xserver-xorg? | 08:25 |
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bluefox83 | DShepherd, yes! | 08:25 |
gnomefreak | thats it | 08:25 |
dell500 | that might be is DShepherd | 08:25 |
self | etc/conf? | 08:25 |
gnomefreak | ty DShepherd | 08:25 |
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DShepherd | gnomefreak: np | 08:25 |
dell500 | nope lol | 08:25 |
Qriouz | where is the kernel source on a default installation ? | 08:25 |
dell500 | didn't work | 08:25 |
bluefox83 | does anyone know where the sources.list file is located on the breezy installer cd? | 08:25 |
skalpel | is it common for my system to slow down while burning a cd? | 08:25 |
dell500 | nm, it did | 08:25 |
dell500 | lol | 08:25 |
Alinux | It's noadd sudoer ubunturmal that Hub 4 2.0 USB is not workin with Linux? | 08:25 |
aedes | when I try to read a floppy I get an error message "Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume" | 08:25 |
DShepherd | lol @ dell500 | 08:26 |
Alinux | maybe I need some driver. | 08:26 |
maffju | Qriouz, /usr/src | 08:26 |
Qriouz | cheers | 08:26 |
=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe74de00-65.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
l4f | why does the synaptic manager say, couldnt find "blah blah blah" on cd rom? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5203 | 08:27 |
redguy | didn't know that kernel was installed by default | 08:27 |
Qriouz | maffju: how would I go about the kernel source if it ain't there | 08:27 |
dell500 | so.... reconfiguring xorg just puts the default conf file back.... | 08:28 |
self | i can't find the samba conf file..lol | 08:28 |
maffju | Qriouz, there's a package ... what's its name? ... | 08:28 |
dell500 | and i'm wanting to get dual monitors to work :\ | 08:28 |
DShepherd | l4f: you need to edit yout source list. The cdrom is being seen as you source list | 08:28 |
self | where is it? | 08:28 |
Qriouz | just the kernel... I need the kernel source to compile linux-wlan-ng | 08:28 |
DShepherd | as a part of your source list* | 08:28 |
jareth_ | self: /etcsamba,conf? | 08:28 |
bluefox83 | dell500, you'll need to look on a lot of forums to find the info for that | 08:28 |
l4f | Dshepherd what do i need to change in the source list? | 08:28 |
jareth_ | self: /etc/samba,conf | 08:28 |
self | yes thats the one | 08:29 |
self | lol | 08:29 |
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DShepherd | l4f: comment out the lines that point to your cdrom | 08:29 |
maffju | Qriouz, it's "kernel-source-xxx", where xxx is your kernel-version | 08:29 |
dell500 | bluefox83: well it was working, but for some reason i updated the kernal and now i'm getting all these wacky lines everywhere | 08:29 |
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l4f | DShepherd: oh ok... | 08:29 |
DShepherd | l4f try that.. that may worh :) | 08:29 |
maffju | Qriouz, search "kernel-source" in synaptic | 08:29 |
DShepherd | work* | 08:29 |
Qriouz | thanks | 08:29 |
gnomefreak | 2.6.12-10 :) | 08:29 |
bluefox83 | dell500, remember how you got it working last time? | 08:29 |
l4f | DShepherd: where can i find the list? etc/? | 08:29 |
Hoxzer | does ubuntu has TS in synapic? | 08:29 |
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dell500 | bluefox83: yup, i have the config file | 08:29 |
dell500 | bluefox83: problem is that with that conf file it makes these crappy lines everywhere | 08:30 |
DShepherd | !source | 08:30 |
ubotu | [source] to compile a source package, you first need to 'apt-get build-essential'. Some source packages have other dependencies, such as KDE or Gnome development libraries also. | 08:30 |
bluefox83 | dell500, i assume you had to compile video drivers, am i correct? | 08:30 |
dell500 | bluefox83: ah ha! | 08:30 |
DShepherd | l4f: yeah | 08:30 |
dell500 | bluefox83: yes indeed, the new ati ones i think | 08:30 |
bluefox83 | dell500, compile drivers, use modprobe to load it | 08:30 |
dell500 | fglr | 08:30 |
gnomefreak | DShepherd, did you mean source or sources? | 08:30 |
dell500 | x | 08:31 |
DShepherd | gnomefreak: sources | 08:31 |
gnomefreak | !sources | 08:31 |
ubotu | A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 08:31 |
DShepherd | l4f: /etc/apt/sources.list <- thats the file you want | 08:31 |
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l4f | DShepherd: found it. thank you :) | 08:31 |
DShepherd | thanks gnomefreak | 08:31 |
gnomefreak | source is for compiling a source code :( yw | 08:31 |
l4f | DShepherd: now to edit it... | 08:31 |
DShepherd | l4f: kool | 08:31 |
dell500 | bluefox83: recompile, then modprobe? | 08:31 |
self | ok i have opened the conf file in gedit but how do i alter it and resave<<<<is a novice at linux | 08:32 |
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bluefox83 | dell500, modprobe loads the driver into the kernel without rebooting | 08:32 |
gnomefreak | ,e compiled my first source code over the weekend :) | 08:32 |
dell500 | bluefox83: modprobe fglrx? | 08:32 |
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bluefox83 | dell500, yeah i guess so...if it works it will either spit out the details of the driver or say absolutely nothing at all | 08:33 |
dell500 | k, well that didn't work | 08:33 |
bluefox83 | if it doesn't work, it'll say there's no such driver | 08:33 |
bluefox83 | what did it do? | 08:33 |
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dell500 | dell500@pyschonaut:~/.gconf$ modprobe fglrx | 08:33 |
dell500 | FATAL: Module fglrx not found. | 08:33 |
bluefox83 | you recompiled the driver already? | 08:33 |
dell500 | oh no lol | 08:34 |
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dell500 | i wasn't sure if i had to again or not | 08:34 |
l4f | DShepherd: in the source list, some lines have a single # while some have double #. why is that? | 08:34 |
bluefox83 | yes, you do | 08:34 |
dell500 | i'm finding this howto real quick | 08:34 |
bluefox83 | ok | 08:34 |
l4f | is # a comment line? then why have ## | 08:34 |
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WildZeck | why not ? | 08:34 |
DShepherd | l4f: to make it stand out... and you notice so it works. | 08:34 |
l4f | oh ok... | 08:35 |
dell500 | i really wish i had dsl right now, this cable line blows | 08:35 |
bluefox83 | l4f, some programs use ## as a delimiter | 08:35 |
DShepherd | l4f: its like underlining or bolding.. | 08:35 |
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gnomefreak | l4f, ## shows just notes # shows not being used | 08:35 |
self | ok so every one is bored with the same questions ..lol but what do i open the samba file with to edit it? | 08:35 |
l4f | oooo.... me learning something here... :) | 08:35 |
bluefox83 | vim | 08:35 |
bluefox83 | :P | 08:35 |
nubs0r | shell scripting isnt that great :) | 08:35 |
nubs0r | learn perl | 08:35 |
jareth_ | self: sudo gedit /etc/samba.conf | 08:35 |
nubs0r | jareth_, negative, | 08:35 |
gnomefreak | self, any editor you want i use gedit for that | 08:35 |
brynjarh | Is there a list somewhere on content mangment system (plone for example) found in the main repository of Ubuntu or could someone tell me? I'd like to set up a personal web site using software like that. | 08:36 |
nubs0r | jareth_, /etc/samba/smb.conf | 08:36 |
WildZeck | mcedit /etc/samba/sm.conf | 08:36 |
dell500 | so bluefox83, just recompile and modprobe it like usual.... i think that should be kool, i gotta go get some lunch though | 08:36 |
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nubs0r | jareth_, actually use webmin | 08:36 |
BillyJoejimbob | hey folks. i want to upgrade my install of Opera from 8.5 to 8.51. do i just dpkg -i the new version in my home directory and it will over write the old install? | 08:36 |
WildZeck | mcedit /etc/samba/smb.conf | 08:36 |
self | i have opened it but it will not let me alter it? | 08:36 |
jareth_ | nubs0r: slip of the fingers... | 08:36 |
gnomefreak | !info plone | 08:36 |
[koji] | self, you probably didnt sudo it | 08:36 |
BillyJoejimbob | i'm on hoary by the way | 08:36 |
Qriouz | which repository do I need to the source for 2.6.12 kernel ? | 08:36 |
self | ok ill try it | 08:36 |
bungle_ | Ubuntu rocks | 08:37 |
Qriouz | for the source, even ;) | 08:37 |
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Hoxzer | how I can test my mic in ubuntu? | 08:37 |
ubotu | plone: (content management system based on zope and cmf), section web, is optional. Version: 2.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 08:37 |
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gnomefreak | 2.6.12-10 for breezy should be in main repo | 08:37 |
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nubs0r | jareth_, pretty big slip :P ahhah jk | 08:37 |
nubs0r | its great that ubuntu updates the kernel by default | 08:37 |
nubs0r | i hated compiling my own shit | 08:37 |
jareth_ | nubs0r: should have looked it up.. i admitt :P | 08:38 |
dell500 | ditto | 08:38 |
nubs0r | i hate compiling period, thats why i switched from gentoo | 08:38 |
bungle_ | Hoxzer, applications sound & video sound recorder | 08:38 |
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lsuactiafner | my 150 seagate 80G seagate barracuda only copies @ 20mb/s 0000:00:08.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation CK804 Serial ATA Controller (rev a3) | 08:38 |
lsuactiafner | anyone know why its so slow? | 08:38 |
lsuactiafner | nforce4 | 08:38 |
nubs0r | jareth_, lol | 08:38 |
bluefox83 | dell500, when you modprobe, it wont work if you don't have a config file loaded that works with that..lol | 08:38 |
self | ok ok so i typed it wrong last time..lol# | 08:38 |
self | sorry | 08:38 |
self | :p | 08:38 |
nubs0r | use Webmin | 08:38 |
Seveas | nubs0r, quoting jdub: "Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning: I'm sick of compiling gentoo all the time" | 08:38 |
jareth_ | self: mo hard feelings.. my fault | 08:38 |
dell500 | bluefox83: ok, well i gotta go eat, i'm starvin' marvin', so i'll bbl, hopefully you'll be here to help :) | 08:38 |
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bluefox83 | you'll need to have the appropriate config file in place | 08:38 |
joe_b | has anybody here build ethereal from source on ubuntu? | 08:38 |
nubs0r | Seveas, are you serious? That guys my new best friend :) | 08:39 |
Seveas | joe_b, sudo apt-get build-dep ethereal; apt-get -b source ethereal | 08:39 |
Hoxzer | bungle_: seems like my mic doesn't work :E | 08:39 |
lsuactiafner | is there a hdparm for tuning peformance for sata disks? | 08:39 |
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Seveas | and there, compiled from source :) | 08:39 |
self | lmao..it is a bit unusual for me to be a pillock..sorry | 08:39 |
joe_b | Seveas: you sir are a genius! | 08:39 |
bluefox83 | lol Seveas, gentoo is rather different than ubuntu..ubuntu is based off the distro i use (Debian) | 08:39 |
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nubs0r | Debian is the shiz | 08:39 |
nubs0r | i was using it before on a 300 mhz 64 mb ram piece of crap | 08:40 |
nubs0r | had Fluxbox goin on it too | 08:40 |
bungle_ | Hoxzer, try setting the sound mixer | 08:40 |
nubs0r | when i first learned about apt, i had an orgasm | 08:40 |
DShepherd | loll | 08:40 |
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joe_b | Seveas: except, E: Unable to find a source package for ethereal | 08:40 |
nubs0r | i promptly removed win 98 and just stuck with debian for 2 years | 08:40 |
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Seveas | joe_b, enable universe | 08:40 |
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nubs0r | i was pronouncing it DEBE-Ian however.. | 08:40 |
bluefox83 | i love debian, i think it's neat they came out with ubuntu for the newer user too | 08:40 |
joe_b | Seveas: i might just reboot to gentoo and be done with it... | 08:41 |
nubs0r | bluefox83, i like how theres practically 0 configuration | 08:41 |
bungle_ | I am a convert from Mandrake | 08:41 |
nubs0r | everything just works | 08:41 |
bungle_ | prefer apt get to rpm | 08:41 |
Qriouz | is there somekind of native support for wifi in ubuntu instead of fumbling around like i do ? ;-) | 08:41 |
bluefox83 | nubs0r, lol | 08:41 |
self | Jareth if samba will not accept my password change using smbpasswd how can i change it? | 08:41 |
nubs0r | bungle, you mean apt to yum or deb to rpm? | 08:41 |
Hoxzer | Bungle: works ;) | 08:42 |
l4f | DShepherd: bluefox: gnomefreak and all of u.... thanks for helping.... there is no more warning/error message from the synaptic manager now :) | 08:42 |
l4f | long live ubuntu | 08:42 |
bungle_ | Qriouz, i use wifi radar | 08:42 |
nubs0r | not to start a distro war, but anything debian based is > all other distros | 08:42 |
DShepherd | l4f: :D | 08:42 |
DShepherd | :-D | 08:42 |
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Seveas | Qriouz, wifi works out of the box, except for creepy cards (broadcom) and wpa/802.1x | 08:42 |
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jareth_ | self: not that much experience with samba... | 08:42 |
nubs0r | l4f, id still recommend using apt-get from terminal | 08:42 |
l4f | nubs0r: have you seen LFS | 08:42 |
nubs0r | l4f, what do you mean "seen"? | 08:42 |
nubs0r | l4f, i think its good to learn more about the system, but i dont recommend for n00bs | 08:43 |
l4f | nubs0r: /me is a newbie... dont know how to use the terminal... | 08:43 |
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nubs0r | l4f, i think the ubuntu team can package things better than i | 08:43 |
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self | ok thanks .. | 08:43 |
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ciesko | hi all | 08:43 |
joe_b | Seveas: ta for your help, i think i will try battling it on from here | 08:43 |
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Qriouz | Seveas: how do I go about configuring my card ? | 08:43 |
nubs0r | l4f, well you better learn, thats what linux is about man, things are so much faster and more configurable | 08:43 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: synaptic is quite nice.. I find it easier for something things that apt-get or aptitude | 08:43 |
Hoxzer | BUngle: umm.... sound recorder does not work, but I can hear my self If I active mic in mixer ;/ | 08:43 |
nubs0r | a note to all, before i got fluxbox i was running without X period | 08:43 |
Seveas | !wifi | 08:43 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 08:43 |
Seveas | ^-- Qriouz | 08:43 |
nubs0r | it was all console. | 08:43 |
Hoxzer | also TS isn't working | 08:43 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, to each his own :) | 08:43 |
bluefox83 | i would cry if i had no X | 08:43 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: yup | 08:43 |
=== l4f tickles ubotu | ||
DShepherd | bluefox83: me too | 08:44 |
Qriouz | I'll give it another try there then ;) | 08:44 |
bluefox83 | of course, i break my X setup a lot..but i can always fix it | 08:44 |
ciesko | i want to use a p2p program for my ubuntu but what program? | 08:44 |
DShepherd | bluefox83: that's great. I mean that you fix it :) | 08:44 |
l4f | nubs0r: how would you suggest a noobie to get onto a terminal? i dont understand much without a gui.... | 08:44 |
jareth_ | ciesko: try gtk-gnutella | 08:44 |
bluefox83 | DShepherd, once you've done it about 30 times, it's pretty easy to figure out whats wrong | 08:45 |
DShepherd | ciesko: limewire is nice :) but gtk-gnutella integrates nicely in gnome | 08:45 |
=== Eddie [n=eddie@cpc3-blfs1-5-0-cust246.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | l4f, thats the windows in you | 08:45 |
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nubs0r | l4f, learn some basic commands | 08:45 |
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ciesko | ok, i try amule but not works | 08:45 |
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nubs0r | l4f, you'll see its faster to navigate between directories then risk getting carpal tunnel syndrome from clicking on so many icons | 08:45 |
Hoxzer | eh.,.... :E | 08:45 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: GUI is nice.. commands are nice.. That's why linux has both :) | 08:45 |
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Qriouz | Seveas: any idea what kind of chipset a netgear MA 311 802.11b pci card has ? | 08:46 |
Hoxzer | can somebody help me to get mic work in TS or Sound recorder? | 08:46 |
nubs0r | l4f, use the tabkey to autocomplete long file names, learn commands like ls, and cd for navigation | 08:46 |
Seveas | Qriouz, the output of lspci (on the pastebin) would help | 08:46 |
l4f | nubs0r: he he he.... how did u know i'm using windows? i got fed up with it and put on ubuntu.. | 08:46 |
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Qriouz | Seveas: being the noob that I am you lost me there | 08:47 |
bluefox83 | for those of you who like the windowsie look and like to trim it down for better speed and use, try icewm | 08:47 |
carambol | hi before i install ff-1.5 final. . i have to uninstall the former stable release? | 08:47 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: how do you view a pic in CLI :-D? | 08:47 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, no need | 08:47 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D0510.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Qriouz, enter the command 'lspci' into a fullscreen terminal | 08:47 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, i think i had an ASCII thing anyway | 08:47 |
l4f | nubs0r: i actually installed debian... but after i installed and started... i didnt know what to do at the command prompt... so i installed ubuntu | 08:47 |
Seveas | and put the output on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 08:47 |
l4f | lol | 08:47 |
=== jeremywhiting [n=jeremywh@71-37-101-103.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | DShepherd, i played movies with mplayer in vesa | 08:47 |
nubs0r | l4f, stick with ubuntu | 08:47 |
nubs0r | l4f, you | 08:47 |
nubs0r | will loearn to like it, and got hot keys for the workspaces | 08:47 |
=== Widoff [n=Widoff@1-1-3-22a.gka.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red-Sox | Widoff: howdey | 08:47 |
nubs0r | you feel like a hacker when u got lots of terminals open and ur switching thru them fast | 08:47 |
=== GranMaestro [n=chatzill@adsl-ull-110-174.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | and u got beep-media-player with soem techno | 08:48 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: lol | 08:48 |
bluefox83 | nubs0r, you can configure debian to use anything that you can use in ubuntu... | 08:48 |
Widoff | Red-Sox, ? | 08:48 |
Seveas | nubs0r, no techno | 08:48 |
Seveas | sid tunes :) | 08:48 |
DShepherd | Seveas: lol | 08:48 |
nubs0r | bluefox83, the thing is, he doesnt want to configure anything. | 08:48 |
=== angel2 [n=ds9@ASt-Lambert-102-1-1-172.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | well i have the matrix sound track goin | 08:48 |
Red-Sox | Widoff: Howdey means hi | 08:48 |
nubs0r | the original | 08:48 |
=== l4f wants to be a hacker | ||
l4f | lol | 08:48 |
Qriouz | Seveas: Ahh... sorry... found it in the list of supported cards... so no need, I guess | 08:48 |
nubs0r | mostly just techno | 08:48 |
nubs0r | l4f, linux is the place to start | 08:48 |
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp206-186.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | learn netcat | 08:48 |
bluefox83 | nubs0r, latest debian installer configs tons of stuff for you... | 08:48 |
nubs0r | netcat is the shiz | 08:48 |
=== nicks68 [n=nicks@81-226-209-117-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | bluefox83, lol when istarted, the installation was the hardest part out of all distros, i guess they've improved. | 08:49 |
nubs0r | bluefox83, im satisfied with ubuntu now anyway, no need to switch to debian | 08:49 |
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=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-120-93.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | ubuntu just works, even tho im stil having problems with my ATI chip and nforce board | 08:50 |
bluefox83 | nubs0r, when i started using debian, i had to use 4 floppies because i didn't have a dvdrw to create my own installer cd..i had to download the iso, extract the installer floppies, and use an empty partition on my drive to store the iso's so the installer would detect it | 08:50 |
nubs0r | cant get 3d acceleration | 08:50 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: you really like the enter button dont you | 08:50 |
l4f | bluefox83: i installed both debian and ubuntu the same day.... i found almost no difference until ubuntu started the gnome part | 08:50 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, lol :) | 08:50 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, heres the deal | 08:50 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, i type so fast that i cant think of what im gonna say next | 08:50 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, then by the time i got it, im typing it already like now | 08:50 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, lol | 08:50 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: well you are technically flooding | 08:50 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, indeed, but its flooding with USEFUL things, at least in my opinion :) | 08:51 |
l4f | nubs0r: how fast do you type? | 08:51 |
nubs0r | heck you can call anything flooding | 08:51 |
nubs0r | UH OH, people are chatting FLOODING | 08:51 |
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nubs0r | l4f, not REALLY FAST, maybe like 110 120 wpm | 08:51 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: be careful now people get banned for pressing the Enter too much time in here :) | 08:51 |
l4f | with 650 users in this channel.... its quite a big one.... | 08:51 |
nubs0r | l4f, use the terminal and you'll get good :) | 08:51 |
nubs0r | i'm cool with Seveas :) | 08:52 |
=== shwag [n=shwag@mmds-216-19-18-15.sedo.az.commspeed.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | l4f, most of them are bots | 08:52 |
Seveas | /kick nubs0r what? | 08:52 |
=== pauline [n=pauline@pcp08982087pcs.trnrsv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | :| | 08:52 |
Seveas | :) | 08:52 |
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pauline | hello | 08:52 |
Seveas | hi pauline | 08:52 |
nubs0r | okay ill go idle and shutup then | 08:52 |
=== l4f wonders nubs0r might be a bot ;) | ||
pauline | question for everyone | 08:52 |
nubs0r | l4f, how? lol | 08:52 |
nicks68 | Has anyone got jack to work with 2 soundcards? | 08:52 |
pauline | a couple questions | 08:53 |
=== napoleon [n=napoleon@host177-47.pool8290.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | pauline, shoooot | 08:53 |
DShepherd | pauline: dont shoot!! :D | 08:53 |
DShepherd | :-D | 08:53 |
nubs0r | FLOODING | 08:53 |
=== lips [n=lips@132-bem-14.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | :) lol, k go seriously | 08:53 |
pauline | i just installed the latest version and only have sound out of one speaker | 08:53 |
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nubs0r | wow | 08:53 |
pauline | i am new to linux so be gentle | 08:53 |
nubs0r | have you ran alsaconf? | 08:54 |
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nubs0r | or alsamixer? | 08:54 |
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bluefox83 | my guess would be someone messed with pauline's alsamixer settings | 08:54 |
nubs0r | pauline, my theory is that its set to either extreme left or right for volume output. | 08:54 |
nubs0r | precisely | 08:54 |
DShepherd | *reboots to goto ubuntu | 08:54 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, kk | 08:54 |
bluefox83 | you guys want to see something cool? | 08:54 |
bluefox83 | host[debian] os[Linux 2.6.12-1-k7 - Debian testing/unstable] up[37 days, 4 hours, 24 minutes] cpu[AMD Sempron(tm) , 1333.586 MHz (2637.82 bogomips)] cache[256 KB] mem[931.86/1012.15 MB (92.1%)] users[2] load[0.01] procs[62] swap[0.01/487.23 MB (0.0%)] disk[17849.86/84012.15 MB (21.2%) (ST320413A)] video[ at 1280x1024 (24 bits)] xchat[Version: 2.4.5] eth1[in: 0.00 MB, out: 0.00 MB] eth0[in: 1166.74 MB, out: 776.12 MB] | 08:54 |
pauline | no i checked that | 08:55 |
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nubs0r | Now thats flooding. | 08:55 |
pauline | they are equal | 08:55 |
nubs0r | What's so cool about that? | 08:55 |
=== bluefox83 [n=debianro@user-12hcsnn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | bluefox83, whats so cool about that? | 08:55 |
bluefox83 | what the hell, i did that on one line, it's not flooding O.o | 08:55 |
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | bluefox83, it | 08:55 |
=== dreumah [n=dreumah@spc1-derb1-3-0-cust218.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | is | 08:55 |
Seveas | stupid! | 08:55 |
l4f | can you use IRC from command line? | 08:55 |
nubs0r | lol | 08:55 |
dreumah | hi | 08:55 |
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nubs0r | l4f, yes | 08:55 |
Seveas | l4f, irssi | 08:55 |
nubs0r | l4f, clients like bitchx andyes ^^ irssi | 08:56 |
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dreumah | i am trying to play wma files but i cant find the right plugin | 08:56 |
nubs0r | dreumah, its not a plugin | 08:56 |
Seveas | bluefox83, this channel is for support, not for ricers | 08:56 |
pauline | so i have perment mono? | 08:56 |
l4f | oh... ok | 08:56 |
nubs0r | dreumah, its a codec | 08:56 |
pauline | no stereo?! | 08:56 |
bluefox83 | there's also an xchat-text you can use, but it's really buggy | 08:56 |
dreumah | ok | 08:56 |
nubs0r | dreumah, you have to enable universal in the repository | 08:56 |
nubs0r | then download the w32codec | 08:56 |
bluefox83 | pauline, open alsamixer and change the settings..sheesh | 08:56 |
nubs0r | because those are properietary drivers | 08:56 |
jeroenimo | Hi ya'll anyone experience with installing ubuntu on a Dell Poweredge 1800 with a raid0 ? | 08:56 |
dreumah | alright | 08:56 |
nubs0r | they arent in the original ubuntu repository | 08:56 |
pauline | i did and they are set to eqaul left and right | 08:56 |
l4f | if you dont use gnome... can you start firefox browser and use chatzilla and stuff from command line? | 08:56 |
=== paul__ is now known as pdkl | ||
Seveas | l4f, no | 08:57 |
nubs0r | pauline, what speaker is it coming out the most of? | 08:57 |
nubs0r | if its left, switch the slider to extreme right for a balance. | 08:57 |
nubs0r | or maybe one of your speakers are brokent | 08:57 |
nubs0r | broken rather | 08:57 |
pauline | let me check | 08:57 |
bluefox83 | l4f, there are other X window managers besides gnome...try icewm or fluxbox or enlightenment..they're all cool | 08:57 |
l4f | Seveas: so I need to use gnome for using firefox... | 08:57 |
nubs0r | l4f, you can use any windows manager to use firefox | 08:57 |
Seveas | l4f, of any other gui | 08:57 |
dreumah | how do i do that? | 08:57 |
nubs0r | l4f, use links in commandline | 08:58 |
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nubs0r | l4f, best browser for lyrics and text | 08:58 |
bluefox83 | dreumah, do what? | 08:58 |
varsendagger | hey can i dual boot two ubuntu distros? | 08:58 |
dreumah | get the w32codec | 08:58 |
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Seveas | varsendagger, sure | 08:58 |
l4f | oh... i see... | 08:58 |
=== baz_lugansk_ukra is now known as baz_ukraine | ||
bluefox83 | varsendagger, yes, but that's a little assinine.. | 08:58 |
nubs0r | dreumah, go to the synaptic package manager, and edit to allow universal | 08:58 |
l4f | me must make myself familiar with some Xwindow managers | 08:58 |
varsendagger | Seveas, you are so smart | 08:58 |
nubs0r | bluefox83, did you mean asinine? | 08:59 |
nubs0r | :) | 08:59 |
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bluefox83 | nubs0r, i liked it better my way :p | 08:59 |
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varsendagger | bluefox83, why would it be asinine? | 08:59 |
nubs0r | bluefox83, to my knowledge thats where the word ass comes from | 08:59 |
bluefox83 | varsendagger, multiple copies of the same distro is pointless | 08:59 |
pauline | left speaker | 08:59 |
=== KasperTech [n=do@5634A612.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dreumah | there only seems to be a universe one | 08:59 |
pauline | and they are both working speakers | 08:59 |
dreumah | no universal | 08:59 |
varsendagger | that's true | 08:59 |
topyli | the new rhythmbox release is awesome | 09:00 |
KasperTech | My wireless is working for about 5 minutes, then it crashes and denies me access even to my router. How do I restart the network interface / make it work properly ???? | 09:00 |
Seveas | pauline, run this command in th terminal: amixer > /tmp/amixer-output | 09:00 |
l4f | ok... now for my other ubuntu doubts.... when i start ubuntu... i see a few messages with OK scrolling across the screen... but synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org failed message is the only one that fails.... any reason behind that? | 09:00 |
nubs0r | dreumah, universe same thing. | 09:00 |
Seveas | pauline, and then post the contents of /tmp/amixer-output on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 09:00 |
=== ThePredator [n=mabry@cpe-069-132-153-233.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
varsendagger | except that i use fubuntu and everytime i've ever gone to install gnome on top of it bad things happen | 09:00 |
Red-Sox | ThePredator: hi | 09:00 |
nubs0r | l4f, check what server you use for clock synchronization | 09:00 |
=== jvai [n=jvai@h-66-166-254-198.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | l4f, chances are it isnt up anymore or something, i get that too and im too lazy to change | 09:01 |
=== SleepyEye [n=mlynch@email.gcom.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | bluefox83, [Latin asinnus, of an ass, from asinus, ass.] | 09:01 |
ThePredator | i'm running ubuntu warty and I'm trying to get/set up/use idle for python | 09:01 |
nubs0r | i wonder if sinus is from there too? | 09:01 |
nubs0r | :) lol | 09:01 |
l4f | any one suggestions on a server to use for clock synchronization | 09:01 |
bluefox83 | lol | 09:01 |
bluefox83 | l4f, you sure have an awful lot of completely unrelated questions to ask... | 09:01 |
Seveas | l4f, pool.ntp.org | 09:01 |
nubs0r | ThePredator, see the problem with the use of this "word/synonym" is that if i were to use the combination Get and Use, it doesn't make sense lol | 09:01 |
dreumah | Universe is all enabled, but there is not w32codec | 09:02 |
KasperTech | Anyone?! | 09:02 |
ThePredator | unfortuanatly it isnt in apt-get it isn't already installed with python and the idle that comes with python2.3 wont work | 09:02 |
Seveas | !tell dreumah about codecs | 09:02 |
nubs0r | dreumah, okay heres the deal, go to mplayerhq.com and download the essential pack | 09:02 |
SleepyEye | Can anyone answer a couple of questions about custom kernel creation and make-kpkg? | 09:02 |
l4f | bluefox83: is it ok? | 09:02 |
nubs0r | then put it in /usr/lib/win32 or w32 i cant remember which one | 09:02 |
=== jarkkop [n=jarkko@b-193-146.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | l4f, if its in ubuntu its related, don't worry about it :) | 09:02 |
bluefox83 | l4f, this is a help channel..so this is definatly the place for them :) | 09:02 |
nicks68 | Has anyone got jackd to work with 2 soundcards? | 09:02 |
=== Oceansblue [n=rlundahl@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauline | Serveas: that command isnt working.. permission denied | 09:02 |
l4f | bluefox83: thats because i am new to all this linux and other stuff... and i made a list of things to ask | 09:02 |
lsuactiafner | Seveas : know of options for sdparm to enable maximum performance? | 09:02 |
ThePredator | anybody know how the hell I can get idle? | 09:03 |
nubs0r | l4f, damn, i cant say i know any newbies who do that | 09:03 |
l4f | :) | 09:03 |
bluefox83 | l4f, lol, i wish i'd had the forsight to do that when i was starting out | 09:03 |
nubs0r | at least you're trying to learn | 09:03 |
Seveas | lsuactiafner, sdparm --maximum-performance --i-am-a-ricer | 09:03 |
pauline | Seveas: that command isnt working.. permission denied (sorry spelled name wrong | 09:03 |
Seveas | (read: soory, dunno) | 09:03 |
nubs0r | pauline, use sudo | 09:03 |
=== Sneaky_Bastard [n=Sneakste@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
topyli | ThePredator: just start idling :) | 09:03 |
dreumah | and then i can play it on any of amarok and xmms? | 09:03 |
lsuactiafner | lol | 09:03 |
nubs0r | if premission is ever denied, GO ROOT | 09:03 |
nubs0r | i made a root user because i didnt like not having one | 09:03 |
dreumah | and then i can play it on any of amarok and xmms? | 09:03 |
=== LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThePredator | I mean idle for python | 09:03 |
lsuactiafner | Seveas : i cant google, most of internet is gatewat timeout for ppl in south-africa currently | 09:03 |
nubs0r | sudo /bin/bash && passwd | 09:04 |
ThePredator | the IDE | 09:04 |
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nubs0r | then set the root password | 09:04 |
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nubs0r | dreumah, xmms if you enable mplayer plugin | 09:04 |
Seveas | lsuactiafner, :/ | 09:04 |
topyli | nubs0r: very clever | 09:04 |
bluefox83 | i would hate to rely on sudo :X | 09:04 |
nubs0r | dreumah, why are you using wma? use mp3 or ogg | 09:04 |
Alex | nubs0r: You didn't 'make' the root user, it's.. always there ;P | 09:04 |
LjL | lsuactiafner: really? why? | 09:04 |
nubs0r | Alex, i know i know | 09:04 |
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0223-ade-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | hey | 09:04 |
nubs0r | its just you never actually get direct access to it | 09:04 |
LjL | lsuactiafner: suppose africa is not very linked? | 09:04 |
nubs0r | or him, or her whatever. | 09:04 |
Alex | Tom Root. | 09:04 |
jeroenimo | Anyone ? for ubuntu on a 64 bit system ? | 09:04 |
nubs0r | on a slightly different note..why do all linux distros have complex names | 09:05 |
lsuactiafner | well no tsure | 09:05 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: define complex | 09:05 |
nubs0r | i was pronouncing gentoo with a hard g for the longest time | 09:05 |
lsuactiafner | one theory is that adsl limits got reset today so everyone is abusing the 3G caps | 09:05 |
pauline | i am typing "sudo /tmp/amixer-output" exactly? | 09:05 |
Oceansblue | Does anyone have a ATI IXP '97 sound card working | 09:05 |
dreumah | Because i have wma files | 09:05 |
=== Flowa_ [n=Flowa@4va54-1-82-66-254-63.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | DShepherd, i mean why cant linux distros have sane names. | 09:05 |
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dreumah | and i would like to listen to them | 09:05 |
lsuactiafner | another is some idiot pulled the wrong plug out | 09:05 |
Alex | nubs0r: Well, that's named after the penguin.. | 09:05 |
KasperTech | How do I release my network?!?! | 09:05 |
bluefox83 | nubs0r, i've always heard gentoo pronounced with a hard G | 09:05 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: define sane :) | 09:05 |
nubs0r | lol | 09:05 |
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nubs0r | okay soft g. | 09:05 |
=== firebird619 [n=opera@user-33qts7g.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThePredator | so noone here has used idle for puthon on ubuntu? | 09:05 |
Alex | bluefox83: It's soft, like jentoo. | 09:05 |
nubs0r | like Guiness | 09:05 |
SleepyEye | Is there a tool like make-kpkg that can be used to create linux-heades-xxx, linux-image-xxx, etc. rather than kernel-headers-xxx, etc. | 09:05 |
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=== Zill [n=Roger@81-86-153-130.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dustin_ | nubs0r, why don't you write a linux distro and name it whatever you want | 09:06 |
nubs0r | i prounounce ubuntu like | 09:06 |
nubs0r | You bun too? | 09:06 |
KasperTech | How do I release my network interface? | 09:06 |
nubs0r | lol | 09:06 |
nubs0r | dustin_, i might as well | 09:06 |
jvai | heey, isnt "gnome" pronounced "nome" w/ a long o? | 09:06 |
nubs0r | i will call it | 09:06 |
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x50a1605a.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | SleepyEye, when you make-kpkg all that stuff is created automatically | 09:06 |
nubs0r | PronaucasThizaf | 09:06 |
Alex | nubs0r: I say ooo bun too | 09:06 |
Alex | jvai: guhnome. | 09:06 |
nubs0r | Alex, according to the site its | 09:06 |
Sneaky_Bastard | I always say guh-nome | 09:06 |
nubs0r | oo-boon-too | 09:06 |
dustin_ | nubs0r, hey i can't pronounce Guiness | 09:06 |
Sneaky_Bastard | and guh-noo | 09:06 |
nubs0r | NO, its gnome | 09:06 |
topyli | nubs0r: there was this finnish linux distro. "best linux". very easy to remember :) | 09:06 |
jvai | lol. i alwayz say "nome" | 09:06 |
=== LasseL [n=lasse@0x503fbec4.ronxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | I say nome | 09:06 |
nubs0r | its just GNOME as in the creatures | 09:06 |
Sneaky_Bastard | but only as a joke | 09:06 |
Sneaky_Bastard | Nome, Alaska | 09:07 |
nubs0r | guh-new is for GNU | 09:07 |
pauline | seveas: i am getting "command not found with sudo | 09:07 |
SleepyEye | bluefox83, but the packages created by make-kpkg don't have the same content as the "linux-xxxx-xxxx" packages | 09:07 |
KasperTech | Please answer me, I need it urgent. | 09:07 |
Sneaky_Bastard | well, it's supposed to be GEE-EN-YOO | 09:07 |
topyli | nubs0r: oh the g in gnome is very important. it's the same g as in gnu | 09:07 |
=== ket- [n=mark@SLOAN-TWELVE-THIRTY-FOUR.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oceansblue | Does anyone have a ATI IXP '97 sound card working | 09:07 |
nubs0r | topyli, might as well make it silent. | 09:07 |
bluefox83 | lol, never heard GNU called guh-new, always just heard it spoken G N U | 09:07 |
dreumah | How can my Totem play wma and amarok or xmms not? | 09:07 |
firebird619 | What is the command for Ubuntu 5.10 to make a bootable floppy disk? | 09:07 |
dustin_ | pauline, you don't have a application in there | 09:07 |
nubs0r | topyli, ever hear programmers call a character in C/C++ a "char" | 09:08 |
trappist | KasperTech: sudo ifdown ethX | 09:08 |
nubs0r | as in, chariot | 09:08 |
jvai | i learned all the pronounciations when i dl'd the mark shuttleworth video that was out some months ago | 09:08 |
=== rave_ [n=rave@212-127-146-168.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sneaky_Bastard | but then, "linux" is suppose to be LEE-Nooks, too | 09:08 |
bluefox83 | firebird619, you need to use your bootloader to do that | 09:08 |
LjL | nubs0r: http://zenii.linux.org.uk/~telsa/GDP/gnome-faq/index.html#AEN37 | 09:08 |
Sneaky_Bastard | (see Linus Torvalds demo MPG) | 09:08 |
LjL | nubs0r: g-nome | 09:08 |
topyli | nubs0r: ever hear gnome programmers what the g is supposed to sound like? =) | 09:08 |
nubs0r | Sneaky_Bastard, lol, "hi my name is Linus trovalds, and i pronounce linux, lee-nooks" | 09:08 |
KasperTech | trappist, and in the case that doesn't return anything? | 09:08 |
ket- | Is there an apt equivalent to redhat's up2date --whatprovides ? | 09:08 |
Alex | Sneaky_Bastard: the sound from the linux kernel tree is "lihnux" ain't it? ;P | 09:08 |
trappist | KasperTech: assume success | 09:08 |
nubs0r | thats cuz hes finnish lol | 09:08 |
jvai | lol | 09:08 |
=== TSWoodV [n=woodt@adsl-072-148-035-019.sip.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alex | Sneaky_Bastard: /pronounce | 09:08 |
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Alex | er.. | 09:08 |
Sneaky_Bastard | lee-nooks | 09:08 |
Sneaky_Bastard | :p | 09:08 |
Alex | : http://kernel.osuosl.org/pub/linux/kernel/SillySounds/english.au | 09:08 |
nubs0r | !linux | 09:09 |
Alex | :) | 09:09 |
ubotu | I guess linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of the GNU/Linux operating system. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 09:09 |
boa-chan | anyone here use 2.6.0 of xchat ? | 09:09 |
bluefox83 | actually, linux can be pronouced any way you want, linux travoldi gave a conference once and they asked him about it, he said he doesn't care how it's pronounced so long as ppl can figure out wtf you're talkin about :P | 09:09 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: in the end it really doesnt matter as long as you can spell it write | 09:09 |
pauline | dustin_: sudo amixer > /tmp/amixer-ouput? | 09:09 |
KasperTech | trappist, okay... I've just stated failure :( | 09:09 |
nubs0r | thats so bad, that people have to talk about the pronounciation of things | 09:09 |
topyli | nubs0r: actually he's from the swedish-speaking minority. so, linus is lee-noos. | 09:09 |
nubs0r | whens the last time someone fucked up the word "windows" or "mac" | 09:09 |
Sneaky_Bastard | lin-ucks | 09:09 |
bluefox83 | lol | 09:09 |
KasperTech | It only works if I release the DHCP and renew it... manually on my router, transgress | 09:09 |
nubs0r | lin-sucks | 09:09 |
dustin_ | pauline, there you go | 09:09 |
firebird619 | bluefox83: so there is no way to make a bootable floppy from a terminal window. I know for other distro's, like Fedora Core, you can type mkbootdisk (kernel version) to make a bootable floppy disk. | 09:09 |
topyli | nubs0r: therefore, linux is lee-nooks :) | 09:09 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, spell it "write"? | 09:09 |
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DShepherd | nubs0r: :) | 09:10 |
nubs0r | listen the point im trying to make is this. | 09:10 |
DShepherd | right* | 09:10 |
nubs0r | i dont want to learn african or finnish | 09:10 |
nubs0r | to describe what programs or OS's im using | 09:10 |
dustin_ | pauline, what is that giving you? | 09:10 |
nubs0r | i expect them to be english, if people want to translate them fine | 09:10 |
boa-chan | anyone know ho wi can kill this red marker line on xchat ? | 09:10 |
bluefox83 | firebird619, your bootloader has something built in to make a bootable floppy for you | 09:10 |
pauline | typing it now | 09:10 |
nubs0r | if ubuntu means human spirit or whatever | 09:10 |
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DShepherd | nubs0r: If I said it it wouldnt have made a difference. write? :D | 09:10 |
nubs0r | call it human spirit linux | 09:10 |
topyli | nubs0r: i'd prefer everything be finnish | 09:10 |
Piero | hi everyone. what evolution does use for junking mail? | 09:10 |
nubs0r | DShepherd, thats because write and right are homophones | 09:10 |
bluefox83 | firebird619, and there might be a makebootfloppy tool, i don't really know O.o | 09:10 |
adjacent | has anyone built a chroot jail with busybox on an ubuntu system? | 09:10 |
nubs0r | topyli, are you finnish? | 09:10 |
DShepherd | nubs0r: k | 09:11 |
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nubs0r | finished. | 09:11 |
topyli | nubs0r: how else= =) | 09:11 |
dustin_ | nubs0r, may we take this to ubuntu-offtopic? | 09:11 |
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LjL | nubs0r: listen, 1) we're offtopic 2) why do you think only english counts 3) pronounce things the way you like and be happy | 09:11 |
nubs0r | dustin_, such a room exists? | 09:11 |
pauline | dustin: nothinguput? | 09:11 |
hadi | !find skype | 09:11 |
topyli | dustin_: high time | 09:11 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@xdsl-4208.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nubs0r | LjL, what language is C++ in? mostly its English | 09:11 |
LjL | nubs0r: i really don't see why everyone should revolve around you just because you speak english | 09:11 |
pauline | dustin_: nothing just goes to anohter line | 09:11 |
DShepherd | #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:11 |
nubs0r | if people want to program in C++ they need to know some english terms | 09:11 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Search of 'skype' (1 shown): (/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/gnome/menus/C/skype.xml) in text/ubuntu-docs. | 09:11 |
nubs0r | simple | 09:11 |
nubs0r | LjL, man don't get so defensive. | 09:11 |
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dustin_ | pauline, use a -v | 09:12 |
hadi | !find toshiba | 09:12 |
nubs0r | im clearly stating english is a dominant language | 09:12 |
bluefox83 | you can do c++ in other languages... | 09:12 |
pauline | ? | 09:12 |
TSWoodV | Got a question concerning network configuration. Seems that the network configuration tool makes incorrect assumptions about the broadcast address. Anyone else see this? | 09:12 |
nubs0r | if people want to learn esperanto and have things in african, all the power to them, but i want to understand | 09:12 |
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DShepherd | nubs0r: join #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:12 |
pauline | where | 09:12 |
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dustin_ | Seveas, i am trying to get the gpg thing working in the ubuntu wiki website | 09:12 |
hadi | !find skype | 09:12 |
bluefox83 | you just need to make sure your latalces and such are set to the correct language first | 09:12 |
=== TSWoodV is reminded of the recent flap over the brown coloring of Ubuntu. Fluff... | ||
=== sale [n=sale@UBR-cpe-39.pat-pool.kg.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | nubs0r: and i'm clrealy stating there's no reason why this should mean distributions (or whatever) should have english name. let people call their programs the way you like | 09:12 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Search of 'skype' (1 shown): (/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/gnome/menus/C/skype.xml) in text/ubuntu-docs. | 09:12 |
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nubs0r | LjL, within certain limits, they should be easy to pronounce at least | 09:13 |
nubs0r | if theres enough controversy to have people like us arguing about it, then its already too far | 09:13 |
LjL | nubs0r: if i wrote a program and gave it an italian name, and you came to me complaining i should give it an english name, i would probably tell you to go to ugly places | 09:13 |
pauline | dustin_gave me a usage error | 09:13 |
nubs0r | regardless, im dropping this, unless you're in the offtopic room lol | 09:13 |
ket- | tswoodv how does it make incorrect assumptions? | 09:13 |
nubs0r | LjL, if you called it 2398572359hasdglk i wouldnt use it | 09:13 |
hadi | !find download | 09:13 |
ubotu | gnome-btdownload: (Gnome interface for 'executing' BitTorrent files.), section net, is optional. Version: 0.0.18-1ubuntu6 (breezy), Packaged size: 26 kB, Installed size: 212 kB | 09:13 |
nubs0r | LjL, i want sane names.. | 09:13 |
=== ULffuntu [n=Willie@ppp-70-243-83-223.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | hadi, don't play with the bot | 09:13 |
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Seveas | nubs0r, LjL #ubuntu-offtopic svp | 09:13 |
DShepherd | hadi: you can message him privately | 09:14 |
nubs0r | vous parlez francais? | 09:14 |
pauline | dustin_:gave me a usage error | 09:14 |
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hadi | Seveas, what can i do instead? | 09:14 |
nubs0r | est-ce que vous etes d'accord avec moi, si j'appeller un programe un certain nom francais, les gens vont etre confus. | 09:14 |
TSWoodV | ket-, For example, my network is, netmask I set the IP address on eth1, a wireless card, as, netmask ifconfig eth1 now tells me that the broadcast address is, not as it should be. | 09:14 |
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Seveas | hadi, what do you want? | 09:14 |
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DShepherd | hadi: "/msg ubotu about <whatever you want> | 09:14 |
TSWoodV | ket-, It's making assumptions based on what it thinks is the correct class of address. That's not correct. It has to respect the netmask. | 09:15 |
pauline | hmmm ok | 09:15 |
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DShepherd | hadi: without the quotes | 09:15 |
Terminus | i wish IRC had threads. =D | 09:15 |
pauline | anyone know printers? | 09:15 |
=== dawnfading [n=dawnfadi@ip-83-134-70-5.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauline | HP DJ 5650 not working | 09:15 |
TSWoodV | Terminus, it does. One thread per <enter> | 09:15 |
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dawnfading | hi all | 09:15 |
dawnfading | can anyone help me mounting windows partitions under ubuntu? | 09:15 |
Dr_Willis | !ntfs | 09:15 |
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TSWoodV | dawnfading, FAT or NTFS? | 09:16 |
dawnfading | NTFS | 09:16 |
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Terminus | TSWoodV, i was thinking with highlighting and all. hard to keep track of conversations in a channel like this. :) | 09:16 |
dawnfading | i checked the unofficial ubuntu guide | 09:16 |
Seveas | !tell dawnfading about ntfs | 09:16 |
Dr_Willis | dawnfading, type "!ntfs" and read the bot message | 09:16 |
DShepherd | dawnfading: have you tried ubuntu starter guide? | 09:16 |
dawnfading | but no lock | 09:16 |
hadi | Seveas, it ain't working | 09:16 |
blue-frog | TSWoodV, your netmask is wrong, it respects the ntmask... | 09:16 |
TSWoodV | Terminus, yep. I was being my usual smart*ss self. | 09:16 |
dawnfading | but no luck | 09:16 |
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Seveas | hadi, what ain't working? | 09:16 |
ket- | tswoodv well it takes a guess based on class but are you saying you can't override it? | 09:16 |
TSWoodV | blue-frog, not for what I want. I'm defining my netmask for a class C space out of the class A 10. | 09:16 |
dawnfading | i get an error when mounting: something like wrong fs type, bad option etc. | 09:16 |
DShepherd | hadi: ubotu sent a private message to him | 09:17 |
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acerX | hello | 09:17 |
blue-frog | TSWoodV, then i ssume the brodcast is ok then | 09:17 |
Dr_Willis | dawnfading, thats the generic "you told mount somthing wrong" error message. Double check your mount command. | 09:17 |
nitrocks | i'm currently using rhythmlet under gdesklets.. whenever i play a song that has an album in its ID3 tag, it displays the cover art for the album, but its only dislpaying like the bottom right quadrant, the rest is getting cut off.. has anyone experienced this before, or have any input on the issue? | 09:17 |
TSWoodV | ket-, there's nowhere to override it. And, it's simply wrong. It's easy enough to calculate the broadcast address based on the host address and netmask. It's b0rked. | 09:17 |
dawnfading | !ntfs | 09:17 |
hadi | Seveas, i want for example to search for a package that contains toshiba what do i write? | 09:17 |
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dawnfading | it's a sudo mount -a | 09:17 |
Seveas | hadi, apt-cache search toshiba | 09:17 |
bluefox83 | hadi, apt-cache search toshiba | 09:17 |
Seveas | (in the terminal) | 09:17 |
varsendagger | Seveas, how do i decode the e-mail that the launchpad guys sent me to get hte gpg | 09:18 |
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TSWoodV | blue-frog, nope. Broadcast for my network is, not My netmask is, a /24 in CIDR notation, not the /8 class A. | 09:18 |
varsendagger | hadi ap-cache search is awecome | 09:18 |
varsendagger | the | 09:18 |
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Arv3n | Hello guys. | 09:18 |
Seveas | varsendagger, use an email client that can handle gpg :) | 09:18 |
Arv3n | =D | 09:18 |
Seveas | or save the message to a textfile and run gpg --decrypt < filename | 09:18 |
varsendagger | like what? | 09:19 |
boa-chan | hmm | 09:19 |
Seveas | varsendagger, evolution | 09:19 |
Dasnipa` | what was the apt command to see what files are installed in a package? | 09:19 |
Seveas | Dasnipa`, dpkg -L | 09:19 |
ket- | tswoodv my bcast is set correctly base on the netmask i put in the net config tool | 09:19 |
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varsendagger | is there another way, --don't have evoluton installed? | 09:19 |
DShepherd | Dasnipa`: aptitude is nice too | 09:19 |
hadi | Seveas, how do i talk to the bot? | 09:19 |
varsendagger | Seveas ^^^ | 09:19 |
dawnfading | but maybe this in dmesg is more informative: NTFS-fs error (device sda2): parse_options(): NLS character set utf-8 not found. | 09:19 |
dawnfading | any ideas? | 09:19 |
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jareth_ | anyone knows a good how-to on how to install ATI support? | 09:20 |
varsendagger | hadi you have to be registered | 09:20 |
DShepherd | hadi: just pm him. ubotu will talk to you | 09:20 |
Seveas | varsendagger, or save the message to a textfile and run gpg --decrypt < filename | 09:20 |
=== jareth_ wants to enable this on a friends pc | ||
varsendagger | great | 09:20 |
Seveas | jareth_, download the latest from ati.com | 09:20 |
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Seveas | jareth_, apt-get install fakeroot build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) gcc-3.4 | 09:21 |
Seveas | jareth_, fakeroot ati_file.bin | 09:21 |
Seveas | jareth_, select "distribution specific packages" and "ubuntu" | 09:21 |
jareth_ | Seveas: go on plz :) | 09:21 |
varsendagger | Seveas, thankyou | 09:21 |
Dasnipa` | ty | 09:21 |
Seveas | jareth_, let it run, then do sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 09:21 |
Seveas | jareth_, and then sudo module-assistant | 09:21 |
Seveas | jareth_, select "select" "fglrx" "build" and when it wants to isntall say yes | 09:22 |
homer | linux doesn't have autorun right? | 09:22 |
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varsendagger | homer, i think it does | 09:22 |
jareth_ | Seveas: that's all there is to it? :) | 09:22 |
boa-chan | anyone help me with this error | 09:23 |
boa-chan | http://pastebin.com/442635 | 09:23 |
Seveas | jareth_, well, you need to change ati or radeon to fglrx in xorg.conf and reboot | 09:23 |
=== Alex[RM-UK] [n=Alex[RM-@host86-128-221-149.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | but yeah, that's it :) | 09:23 |
l4f | thank you all... | 09:23 |
l4f | will be back to bug you all later | 09:23 |
hadi | how do i register | 09:23 |
jareth_ | Seveas: you're the best!!! ;) | 09:23 |
=== Garyu [n=Garyu@chello062178064018.22.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hadi | Seveas,how do i registe? | 09:24 |
Garyu | hmm, since I upgraded to breezy, my sound is not working anymore | 09:24 |
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Garyu | Any ideas? | 09:24 |
maffju | hadi, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration | 09:24 |
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jareth_ | Seveas: will try it pretty soon and let you know :) | 09:24 |
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Alex[RM-UK] | Hey, | 09:24 |
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Garyu | darn, wrong button :X | 09:25 |
Alex[RM-UK] | how do I get that little, speaker thing in my task bar? so I can easily change volume | 09:25 |
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varsendagger | seveas i get no valid open | 09:25 |
varsendagger | PgP found | 09:25 |
Piero | hi everyone. what evolution does use for junking mail? | 09:25 |
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theCore | is it possible to forward X with ssh ? | 09:26 |
maffju | theCore, yes | 09:26 |
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jareth_ | theCore: ssh -X | 09:26 |
theCore | thx | 09:26 |
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rhoffa | if i had an ipod formatted from pc, what program should i use so i dont have to erase it for ubuntu | 09:27 |
rhoffa | i heard gtkpod uses different file structure | 09:27 |
bones_78 | Does anyone know why ubuntu won't mount a floppy from the computer icon? | 09:27 |
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vpalle | how do i change the windowmanger in gnome? | 09:28 |
bluefox83 | as long as you have another one installed...go to your lil start-buttony thing and go to window managers | 09:28 |
rhoffa | help putting songs on pc formatted ipod | 09:28 |
jareth_ | <other windowmnager instead of metacity> --replace | 09:28 |
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aedes | bones_78, I just encountered that same problem, see: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85777 | 09:29 |
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jareth_ | vpalle: fi use openbox | 09:29 |
aedes | I{ve followed the instructions but I still get an error (though a different one) | 09:29 |
jareth_ | vpalle: or whatever you like :) | 09:30 |
vpalle | bluefox83, I want to use xfwm4 instead of metacity, because of the built in composite manager.. | 09:30 |
=== csb [n=csb@c-24-63-76-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
csb | hi all | 09:30 |
=== binks [n=binks@82-38-224-189.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
binks | hello | 09:30 |
thedevnull | my Xscreensaver is failing with the following humours errors = admin@01:/var/log$ xscreensaver-demo | 09:30 |
thedevnull | attraction: domain error: forces on balls too great | 09:30 |
thedevnull | attraction: domain error: forces on balls too great | 09:30 |
thedevnull | anyone know what the deal is? | 09:30 |
csb | if i spend a few weeks customizing my desktop, adding icons and configuring the panels, where is that information kept if i want to back it up and re-install? | 09:30 |
binks | quick q. in this thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70173 it tell me to creat a script to run at stratup urrr how do i do that cheers | 09:30 |
=== CarlF1 [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | vpalle, so apt-get install xfwm4 then when it's installed, chose it from your window managers list in gnome | 09:30 |
hadi | !help | 09:31 |
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bluefox83 | csb, why would you reinstall? | 09:31 |
angelo | italian? | 09:31 |
csb | bluefox83, i tend to mess up machines after a few months and like to start new | 09:31 |
vpalle | bluefox83, where is this list supposed to be? | 09:31 |
thedevnull | anyone know xscreensavers well? | 09:31 |
agtnz | If when compiling I get 'Please install gtk+-2.0 (atleast version 2.4.0)', which package should I install? | 09:32 |
=== Firen [n=Firen@rtr-13.core.lanet.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agtnz | !it | 09:32 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 09:32 |
=== Fred [n=fred@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
binks | agtnz build essential | 09:32 |
thedevnull | clear | 09:32 |
thedevnull | oops | 09:32 |
bluefox83 | csb, you can totally hose a linux installation, and fix it without reinstalling the entire thing | 09:32 |
hadi | Seveas: what happens when i write /msg ubotu !help? | 09:32 |
angelo | grazie thanks by | 09:32 |
thedevnull | lmao | 09:32 |
angelo | #ubuntu-it | 09:33 |
phrizer | hmm anyone know how do you tell firefox to display something instead of trying to download it? eg. if i click on header.h or file.c etc and it asks if i want to save it, or run it with ... If i select to run it with firefox it just opens another firefox and does the same thing. | 09:33 |
theD3viL | hm..if i install winxp and leave 1 partition unused (no partition type) .. how can i install ubuntu on it...? What i must select in install progres? | 09:33 |
csb | bluefox83, this machine is a dual-boot with XP that every few months i re-image with ghost, which will wipe out my ubuntu install | 09:33 |
phrizer | I'd like firefox to just display it in its window, if possible. | 09:33 |
agtnz | Mmm binks thats already newest version :/ | 09:33 |
bluefox83 | vpalle, list? you mean the list of installed window managers? somewhere in that lil gnome menu | 09:33 |
csb | bluefox83, but i know what your saying. XP is the problem here | 09:33 |
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bluefox83 | csb, you can't just hose winblows and re-install it alone? | 09:34 |
Discipulus | is Firefox 1.5 gonna be in the repositories soon? | 09:34 |
boa-chan | thats old | 09:34 |
boa-chan | use 1.7 | 09:34 |
Discipulus | you mean 1.0.7 ? | 09:34 |
Firen | How I can change permisions to mounted ntfs driver? | 09:34 |
agtnz | binks: it also said "or adjust | 09:34 |
agtnz | *** the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you | 09:34 |
agtnz | installed the package in a nonstandard prefix so that pkg-config is able to find it" | 09:34 |
=== mt_holden_ss [n=michael@d220-238-114-150.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
binks | anyone no how to get a script to run at startup as i need it as in the bottom of this thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70173 | 09:34 |
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boa-chan | yeh i suppose | 09:34 |
boa-chan | heh | 09:34 |
agtnz | Oops | 09:34 |
boa-chan | just install from source | 09:34 |
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binks | lost me then sorry | 09:34 |
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mt_holden_ss | how do i play mp3s | 09:35 |
vpalle | bluefox83, i really really doubt thats the case.. but thx for trying to help anyway | 09:35 |
boa-chan | with you computer | 09:35 |
mt_holden_ss | i need a plugin | 09:35 |
binks | xmms | 09:35 |
boa-chan | use xmms | 09:35 |
boa-chan | or amarok | 09:35 |
Seveas | !tell mt_holden_ss about mp3 | 09:35 |
=== sanjo [n=franz@h192150.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boa-chan | lol | 09:35 |
boa-chan | does that trigger ever work | 09:35 |
binks | look 4 easyubuntu in forums to install codecs req | 09:35 |
varsendagger | Seveas, does thunderbird support gpg? | 09:35 |
Seveas | binks, NEVER | 09:35 |
hadi | Seveas ,i'm a newbie, how to i talk to ubotu? | 09:35 |
Seveas | easyubuntu is STUPID CRAP | 09:35 |
boa-chan | the hell is gpg | 09:35 |
binks | why | 09:35 |
csb | bluefox83, i don't THINK so, since the ghost image i am using now had the entire drive, so i think it will just blow all the partitions away. i was hoping there was a .conf file or something for gnome/kde | 09:35 |
Seveas | varsendagger, yes, with enigmail | 09:35 |
binks | not 4 noobies | 09:35 |
Seveas | binks, especially for noobies | 09:36 |
varsendagger | great | 09:36 |
csb | what does the red text mean? | 09:36 |
Seveas | it does all kinds of stupid crap to your system | 09:36 |
binks | lol ok | 09:36 |
csb | in x-chat? | 09:36 |
varsendagger | what kind of configuration mean | 09:36 |
varsendagger | csb it means they are talking to you --- it is just a flag | 09:36 |
Seveas | hadi, /msg ubotu help | 09:36 |
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binks | seveas u linux guru | 09:36 |
bluefox83 | csb, unfortunately there's way more than one config file and keeping track of them can be a pain, but if i were you i'd look in ~/.gnome | 09:36 |
Seveas | and make sure your nick is registered on freenode | 09:36 |
csb | ah so it picks up my name inthe text. got it | 09:37 |
binks | the bottom of this thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70173 i need to do that how plz | 09:37 |
varsendagger | Seveas, what did you use before ubuntu? | 09:37 |
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csb | bluefox: yeah i'm thinking if i backup my /home dir, and copy that back after re-install, that might work | 09:37 |
csb | i hope | 09:37 |
Seveas | varsendagger, debian, gentoo, red hat, suse | 09:37 |
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Seveas | (in order of preference with gentoo being the best) | 09:38 |
Seveas | s/gentoo/debian/ | 09:38 |
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Seveas | what a dumb typo | 09:38 |
self | ok i now have windows talking to linux and linux talking to windows....nice one all .. | 09:38 |
Alex[RM-UK] | how do you get Syntax highlighting in Quanta Plus? | 09:38 |
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muadda2 | Hello, how to read a DVD with Ubuntu? Do I need to install the Marillat packages like on Debian ? | 09:38 |
mt_holden_ss | can i run limewire and itunes? | 09:38 |
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Seveas | mt_holden_ss, yes and no | 09:38 |
Alex[RM-UK] | how do you get Syntax highlighting in Quanta Plus? | 09:39 |
mt_holden_ss | limeiwre yes | 09:39 |
Seveas | !tell holden about limewire | 09:39 |
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mt_holden_ss | how? | 09:39 |
jareth_ | Sseveas: why i greatly enjoyed Auotmatix... | 09:39 |
varsendagger | csb * really helpful when talking to people, you can just <tab> over their names so that is faster | 09:39 |
Seveas | mt_holden_ss, for itunes: gtkpod or banshee | 09:39 |
theD3viL | hm..if i install winxp and leave 1 partition unused (no partition type) .. how can i install ubuntu on it...? What i must select in install progres? | 09:39 |
jareth_ | Sseveas: ? | 09:39 |
aedes | once you upgrade a package, it is easy to downgrade? | 09:39 |
Seveas | jareth_, well, you're doomed | 09:39 |
Seveas | automatix is even worse | 09:39 |
Seveas | mindless overwriting of config files | 09:39 |
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self | jareth samba is running thanks for the help! | 09:40 |
Seveas | STUPID --force-yes | 09:40 |
jareth_ | Seveas: explain yourself | 09:40 |
Seveas | and more of such crap | 09:40 |
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Seveas | jareth_, just did | 09:40 |
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mt_holden_ss | limewiere someone explain to me pls | 09:40 |
Seveas | easyubuntu, automatix and all such scripts are utter crap and should NOT be used | 09:40 |
Seveas | mt_holden_ss, ubotu sent you a link | 09:40 |
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Dr_Willis | :) | 09:40 |
jareth_ | Seveas: mm but i don't have any broken depd yet? | 09:40 |
Seveas | jareth_, pure luck | 09:40 |
mt_holden_ss | ive downloaded the limewire linux and other download | 09:40 |
mt_holden_ss | wheres the link? | 09:41 |
ajmitch_2 | Seveas: oh that's good to know :) | 09:41 |
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miket_ | hi | 09:41 |
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self | does any one know how to set up cups? | 09:41 |
jareth_ | Seveas: probably get problems when dist-upgrade? | 09:41 |
Seveas | jareth_, not at all unlikely | 09:41 |
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Seveas | but probably even before that | 09:41 |
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jareth_ | Seveas: hmmmmmm :(((((( | 09:42 |
Seveas | lots of people already had to reinstall after using the crap | 09:42 |
jareth_ | Seveas: good to know :) | 09:42 |
mt_holden_ss | wheres the link regarding limewire? | 09:42 |
=== mediafly [n=Paul@dslb-084-060-030-025.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | mt_holden_ss, ask the bot "!limewire" | 09:42 |
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Seveas | mt_holden_ss, in a private chat | 09:42 |
Dr_Willis | mt_holden_ss, or go straight to the ubuntu wiki and search for it. | 09:42 |
mediafly | Are there any problems to check WindowsXP partitions for bad sectors? | 09:42 |
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3E6B71E6.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miket_ | can anybody tell me how to deinstall realplayer when I installed it that way: sudo ./RealPlayer*.bin????????? | 09:43 |
mediafly | programs | 09:43 |
aedes | self, cups should be pretty much setup (I think) | 09:43 |
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mt_holden_ss | !limewire | 09:43 |
ubotu | methinks limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. | 09:43 |
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Seveas | miket_, sudo rm -rf /path/where/you/installed/the/crap | 09:43 |
ubuntu | ciao | 09:43 |
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ale8one | methinks limewire is a pos | 09:43 |
bluefox83 | why would you install limewire? gtk-gnutella uses the same network and works a lot better | 09:43 |
miket_ | THX | 09:43 |
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JDahl | anyone knows what I have to change in apache2 conf. files if I want to execute php scripts that are not in /var/www? | 09:43 |
bushblowz | how do i mount a floppy | 09:44 |
varsendagger | and you can just use synaptic | 09:44 |
=== Rusty [n=Rusty@tpr-165-250-03.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
self | aedes i now have windows talking to linux is there any security issues you can think of ? | 09:44 |
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Seveas | JDahl, you need to install libapache2-mod-php5 (or 4_ | 09:44 |
pder | are there any free tools to move an ext3 partition? parted can not change the starting cylinder of an ext3 partition | 09:44 |
Seveas | nothing more | 09:44 |
djk_ | bushblowz: mount /dev/fd0 probably | 09:44 |
topyli | damn vlc depends on a lot of stuff | 09:44 |
bluefox83 | bushblowz, mount /dev/fd0 /floppy | 09:44 |
zAo^ | will FF 1.5 be backported? | 09:44 |
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Seveas | zAo^, most likely | 09:44 |
zAo^ | thnx | 09:44 |
Seveas | but not really soon, since it is VERY invasive | 09:44 |
JDahl | Seveas, I did that, and php works if the script is in /var/www. I want to execute scripts that are not in /var/www | 09:44 |
Seveas | JDahl, that should make NO difference at all | 09:45 |
self | how would the printer show itself in the linux box? | 09:45 |
bluefox83 | JDahl, you might try using links to them.. | 09:45 |
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mt_holden_ss | gtk-gnutella explain im a noov | 09:45 |
mt_holden_ss | noob | 09:45 |
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bluefox83 | JDahl, ln -s script newlocation | 09:45 |
mt_holden_ss | iv been just usin limewire all my time on the net | 09:45 |
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csb | bluefox: it looks like there is a bunch of config stuff in my home dir under .gconf | 09:46 |
csb | just fyi | 09:46 |
bluefox83 | yeah | 09:46 |
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topyli | csb: good :) | 09:46 |
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JDahl | Seveas, you are right. It doesnt make a difference | 09:47 |
bluefox83 | i wasn't sure how ubuntu handles gnome's config files, most distros just let gnome use ~/.gnome | 09:47 |
agger | Hi, good evening - don't have a lot to say, this is my first time on IRC, so I guess I'll start by shutting up and listening a bit | 09:47 |
=== soundray [n=soundray@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
csb | i also have kde installed, but i use gnome 99% of the time. is there any danger using Konsole as my terminal? i like it more than the gnome terminal | 09:47 |
Dr_Willis | agger, :) you show potential! | 09:47 |
topyli | csb: no worries there | 09:47 |
sexcopter8000m | anyone know anything about dvd regions and in particular how to get round the problem? | 09:47 |
csb | bluefox83: yeah i looked in .gnome. there seems to be more in the ./gconf dirs, although there is stuff in .gnome/ | 09:48 |
gallonegro | how do i change the persimon on a file or folder | 09:48 |
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bluefox83 | csb, well for starters, you can make your gnome terminal emulate any aspect of the Konsole, and second..there is no danger | 09:48 |
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Dr_Willis | sexcopter8000m, many of the dvd player programs out for linux - can get around the region stuff (or so i hear) | 09:48 |
Dekkard | csb: no | 09:48 |
csb | will some kde apps not work? i keep getting an error in gnome when i run "terminal" | 09:48 |
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topyli | csb: .gnome is for old gnome-1 apps. modern gnome keeps its settings in .gnome2 | 09:48 |
agger | gallonegro: chmod is used to change permissions | 09:48 |
csb | something about a child process missing | 09:48 |
=== leetbox [n=leetbox@me093018.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | csb, you might need to be a little more specific than just terminal, try gnome-terminal | 09:49 |
agger | chmod a+rw will allow all to read and write a file | 09:49 |
soundray | bluefox83, is there a way to mark text in the console ignoring the newlines? | 09:49 |
Dekkard | gallonegro: or you can change file permissions from within the properties dialogue for any file | 09:49 |
leetbox | does anyone know of the name of the program that transforms images into dot-images (hard to explain) | 09:49 |
bluefox83 | soundray, say what!?!?! | 09:49 |
csb | so basically if i backup .gnome, .gnome2, gconf, etc...then if i blow ubuntu away and replace those files my desktop should be the same? | 09:49 |
=== Dersursine [n=Dersursi@ip68-5-45-140.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agger | chmod og-w will remove write permissions on a file for "others" and "group members" | 09:49 |
sexcopter8000m | Dr_Willis, it's actually for a friend using xp :s | 09:49 |
topyli | csb: everything should work, it doesn't which desktop you happen to be using | 09:49 |
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gallonegro | thank you dekkard | 09:49 |
gallonegro | i idindt know it was that easy | 09:50 |
csb | bluefox83: this is the "terminal" under "System Tools" under "Applications" in gnome | 09:50 |
Dekkard | np | 09:50 |
Dr_Willis | sexcopter8000m, try 'vlc' for windows then. :P its decent media player. | 09:50 |
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Dr_Willis | sexcopter8000m, and it can play dvd's and even stream them to other pc's | 09:50 |
bluefox83 | csb, that's probably gnome-terminal then..i dunno why it's saying that though... | 09:50 |
soundray | bluefox83, if you hold Ctrl and mark text in Konsole, all of it gets copied to the clipboard *except* the newline characters. It would be great if I could do that in gnome-terminal. | 09:50 |
csb | and is there any reason to install gnomebaker if i have the built in ubuntu burner | 09:50 |
Coburn | how i can save the config in icewm when i exit????? | 09:50 |
topyli | csb: settings are all over the place. there's .nautilus, and many apps keep their settings in their own dot-files. just look at your home directory | 09:50 |
bluefox83 | soundray, what are newline charectors? | 09:51 |
Dersursine | Hey, I just rebooted my system after a kernel update and it booted up as Kubuntu. (I know I had that package installed, but didn't expect the bootup stuff to change). Any changes happen or is my system just being weird? | 09:51 |
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Red-Sox | didymo: hi | 09:51 |
Dersursine | logging in looks like normal gnome tho. | 09:51 |
csb | topyli: so if i were to blow away ubuntu and re-install...if i were to backup my ENTIRE /home dir and replace it after re-install, could i expect things to be like they were before the re-install? | 09:51 |
bluefox83 | it changed yout GDM settings to boot kde instead of gnome | 09:52 |
bluefox83 | *your | 09:52 |
bluefox83 | er, launch..not boot :P | 09:52 |
didymo | red-sox: morning | 09:52 |
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Red-Sox | didymo: afternoon for me ;) | 09:52 |
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bluefox83 | csb, probably, i don't see why they wouldn't be | 09:52 |
soundray | bluefox83, ach, forget it. | 09:52 |
maddash | is anyone here using openbox w/o gnome? | 09:52 |
bluefox83 | whats openbox? | 09:53 |
jareth_ | maddash: tried it.. yes | 09:53 |
bluefox83 | !openbox | 09:53 |
ubotu | bluefox83: What? | 09:53 |
bluefox83 | lol | 09:53 |
jareth_ | bluefox83: light wm | 09:53 |
pder | why doesnt ubuntu support moving ext3 partitions? | 09:53 |
topyli | csb: well speaking for myself, i've gotten pretty much comfortable recoveries. i backup /home, /etc, and the installed package list as reported from dpkg | 09:53 |
maddash | jareth_: how's it feel/look? better when tied to gnome? | 09:53 |
bluefox83 | oh..no sorry i don't use that one..i use icewm | 09:53 |
Coburn | how i can save the config in icewm when i exit????? | 09:53 |
jareth_ | maddash: you have openbox installed already? | 09:54 |
soundray | pder, how do you conclude that it doesn't? | 09:54 |
csb | does dpkg tell you what packages you have installed thus far? | 09:54 |
bluefox83 | Coburn, icewm saves it's own config | 09:54 |
=== sean_ [n=sean@c-71-56-149-173.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
topyli | csb: dpkg --get-selections | 09:54 |
pder | soundray from the documentation for parted | 09:54 |
maddash | jareth_: I've installed openbox, and logged into it w/o gnome, but I can't get any of the desktop icons/taskbar to be displayed | 09:54 |
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soundray | pder, in that case, Ubuntu isn't to blame. | 09:55 |
jareth_ | maddash: try logging into gnome again | 09:55 |
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topyli | csb: dump the output to a text file and save it. then, on a new install, you can say dpkg --get-selections < file.text | 09:55 |
sean_ | Hi, linux newb here, so please don't laugh, but I need help logging in as admin | 09:55 |
jareth_ | maddash: when logged in type: openbox --replace | 09:55 |
pder | soundray: ubuntu is to blame for not including a utility that can do it | 09:55 |
jeremywhiting | hi all, anyone here know were I can set ubuntu to know that my hardware clock is set to localtime, not GMT? | 09:55 |
jareth_ | maddash: this will change defailt wm in gnome | 09:55 |
=== joan [n=joan@216.Red-83-43-184.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | sean_, open a terminal window up, type in "su" and hit enter, it'll prompt you for a password..enter your root password | 09:56 |
Coburn | bluefox83 ok how can i tell to icewm to lunch rox desktop at start | 09:56 |
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soundray | pder, do you know of a utility that can? | 09:56 |
pder | soundray: no | 09:56 |
Agrajag | bluefox83: what? | 09:56 |
sean_ | I did, and it didn't accept | 09:56 |
jareth_ | maddash: openbox running alone is pretty bare.. | 09:56 |
maddash | jareth_: no, I got that part already, and I'm actually running openbox on top of gnome, but I can't seem to get openbox w/o gnome working properly... | 09:56 |
Agrajag | bluefox83: ...you don't use ubuntu much do you? | 09:56 |
nickrud | jeremywhiting, you can change that in /etc/default/rcS | 09:56 |
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Dr_Willis | jeremywhiting, its a file in /etc/ - /etc/timezone or similer. - i had to change it a few mo ago. | 09:56 |
maddash | jarerth_: agreed - what config files could I edit to change that? | 09:56 |
bluefox83 | Agrajag, i use debian ;) | 09:56 |
sean_ | I just installed, and it didn't ask for a root password (Running Ubuntu | 09:56 |
Agrajag | sean_: open up a terminal and run sudo -i, and enter in your user password. | 09:56 |
zAo^ | sean_, try "sudo -s" | 09:57 |
Agrajag | bluefox83: ubuntu locks the root account. | 09:57 |
jareth_ | maddash: that i haven't found out yet... | 09:57 |
bluefox83 | Agrajag, i know..i forgot about that.. | 09:57 |
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=== Neo^ [n=Linux@CPE-144-131-241-9.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jareth_ | maddash: what problems do you have now then? | 09:57 |
didymo | red sox: well it is 08:00 for me | 09:57 |
didymo | red sox: and an overcast day it is too | 09:57 |
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topyli | damn building vlc takes a long time | 09:57 |
=== danzoo [n=juanma@253.Red-213-98-53.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sean_ | What is sudo, just so I know (Already tried it, and it worked | 09:58 |
bluefox83 | it was overcast and raining cats and dogs earlier..now it's nice and shiney out... | 09:58 |
soundray | pder, there you go. | 09:58 |
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jfletcher | topyli: shouldnt be that much :o | 09:58 |
jeremywhiting | thanks guys | 09:58 |
bluefox83 | topyli, vlc has every codec you will ever need.. | 09:58 |
mediafly | Does anyone know a yahoo messenger which supports voice options? | 09:58 |
Coburn | bluefox83 ok how can i tell to icewm to lunch rox desktop at start?? | 09:58 |
soundray | pder, I'm sure if you don't need the journal, you can move an ext3 fs as if it were ext2. | 09:58 |
maddash | jareth_: openbox w/o gnome is rather bare...I'm trying to get some icons/taskbar widgets to be displayed, in addition to the context menu which only launches firefox and the terminal | 09:58 |
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danzoo | hi, do I have to load any module in breezy or install an specific package to be able to read data dvds? I can see movie dvd but data dvd can not be seen at all | 09:58 |
Dr_Willis | bluefox83, ive found a few videos that vlc aint playing right at this time .. but just a few | 09:59 |
topyli | jfletcher: i'm building from dapper source, and it depends on all sorts of new libraries i have to build too :) | 09:59 |
selinium | jeremywhiting, Right click on the clock/adjust time and date/timezoines | 09:59 |
bluefox83 | mediafly, gaim will support yahoo voice and video in about a month or so, keep an eye out for gaim-2.0.0 besides that no yahoo messanger available for linux works with video or audio | 09:59 |
jareth_ | maddash: have you looked in .openbox? | 09:59 |
zAo^ | danzoo, sudo apt-get install lsdvd (multiverse req) | 09:59 |
selinium | jeremywhiting, all done easy that way! | 09:59 |
brown` | Is Ubuntu a good Linux to use for an internet server? I'd like to use a Linux distribution with timely security updates, updates that I can easily install over the net with very little effort. | 09:59 |
danzoo | thanks zAo^ | 09:59 |
topyli | bluefox83: true. i just want to build with the gtk2 support | 09:59 |
jeremywhiting | cool, thanks | 09:59 |
bluefox83 | Dr_Fate, just need to tweak it..sometimed it picks the wrong codec..so you have to do it manually | 09:59 |
jareth_ | maddash: not existing :) | 09:59 |
jfletcher | topyli: ah. | 09:59 |
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selinium | jeremywhiting, no problems! :) | 09:59 |
maddash | jareth_: huh? where's it located? | 10:00 |
bluefox83 | *simetimes | 10:00 |
zAo^ | brown`, ubuntu has that. Just run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -f | 10:00 |
Dersursine | whats the bot's name to msg it? | 10:00 |
selinium | brown`, It sure is, it is what i do! | 10:00 |
Dr_Willis | bluefox83, yea - been twiddling wih it - i think the vidos are using a very new audio-codec-version/variantion. | 10:00 |
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jeremywhiting | selenium: sorry that's not it, I already have the right timezone | 10:00 |
jbroome | Dersursine: ubotu is the bot | 10:00 |
Dersursine | ty | 10:00 |
jbroome | np | 10:00 |
maddash | jareth_: I've already tried editing the rc.xml and obconf - they don't do much | 10:00 |
bluefox83 | Dr_Fate, sometimes putting on very obscure codecs and trying it gives better results than the ones you would think to use.. | 10:00 |
selinium | jeremywhiting, :/ strange and it is still showing the wrong time? | 10:01 |
binks | the bottom of this thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70173 i need to do that how plz | 10:01 |
jeremywhiting | I just need ubuntu to realize that the bios clock is set to localtime, not the default GMT, so when I boot back to windows every so often the clock isn't 5 hours off | 10:01 |
szronik | How can I increase the responsiveness of my internet connection? It was quite a bit more responsive under Windows - I don't know if this has to do with DNS lookups or the Ethernet card settings. | 10:01 |
theD3viL | hm..if i install winxp and leave 1 partition unused (no partition type) .. how can i install ubuntu on it...? What i must select in install progres? Do i must leave 2 partitons (1 for swap) ? | 10:01 |
jeremywhiting | it shows the right time in ubuntu, just not in windows | 10:01 |
brown` | zAo^ and selinium: Thanks very much. | 10:01 |
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adjacent | i am creating a chroot jail for my users. however, when i go to ssh in as a test jailed user, i get user testuser does not exist. | 10:01 |
jareth_ | maddash: hmmm thinking.. but.... | 10:01 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@oh-71-2-201-29.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zAo^ | szronik, lock /etc/resolv.conf or use the DHCP-DNS howto | 10:01 |
ubuntu | hay | 10:01 |
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adjacent | i think this is because /bin/su is using pam. is anyone familiar with this? | 10:01 |
Dr_Willis | theD3viL, leave one section "unallocated" and the installer can use/partion that unallocated space | 10:01 |
topyli | brown`: being so much like debian, ubuntu is also very easy to maintain over ssh remotely | 10:01 |
Dersursine | Hmm... since the bot seems clueless about it, would it be a dumb idea to ask what dapper is? (Most google results arent in english, and number one is someones rat, I think (litteraly)) | 10:01 |
soundray | jeremywhiting, set it in /etc/default/rcS | 10:01 |
jeremywhiting | cause ubuntu and most default unix configs figure the bios clock is GMT and adjust off of that, but windows doesn't | 10:01 |
jeremywhiting | thanks soundray | 10:02 |
selinium | brown`, there is a great walk through on creating a LAMP system on ubuntu at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 10:02 |
szronik | zAo^: Lock it or look in it? | 10:02 |
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zAo^ | szronik, follow this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StaticDnsWithDhcp | 10:02 |
szronik | zAo^: Do you know how I can change the ethernet card settings to half duplex ? | 10:02 |
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zAo^ | szronik, it will be fine afterwards | 10:02 |
theD3viL | Dr_Willis, hm..and i must to give install proces, manual partitioning ? | 10:02 |
zAo^ | szronik, no, but why should you? | 10:02 |
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Dr_Willis | theD3viL, i just rember checking "use esisting unallocated space" or similer. | 10:03 |
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szronik | zAo^: Well, I had a problem under Windows with transfers, something to do with the hub I am using, and transfers dropped from 80kb/s to 2kb/s and lower if the card was set to full duplex mode. | 10:03 |
=== Maikshit [n=Maikshit@106.Red-80-39-87.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | pder, still here? | 10:03 |
Maikshit | ji | 10:03 |
theD3viL | Dr_Willis, huh, nice...probbaly manual and then "use esisting unallocated space" or similer. | 10:03 |
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Maikshit | how i can try to install ubuntu without cdrom drive, i need floppy + network install | 10:04 |
zAo^ | szronik, tried in linux? what protocol? FTP? | 10:04 |
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Maikshit | ftp, http, nfs | 10:05 |
Red-Sox | jfletcher: hi | 10:05 |
jfletcher | Red-Sox: ahoy. | 10:05 |
zAo^ | sorry szronik have to go. later | 10:05 |
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Red-Sox | james__: hi | 10:05 |
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james__ | hello! | 10:05 |
Red-Sox | figarojonez: hi | 10:06 |
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Red-Sox | micahf: hi | 10:06 |
jfletcher | Thaught I owned the name james__ from like 4 years back =E | 10:06 |
micahf | hey do youguys know of some good jukebox software? | 10:06 |
micahf | hi red-sox | 10:06 |
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jfletcher | micahf: beep-media-player | 10:06 |
micahf | this kid is switching from windows | 10:06 |
csb | topyli: ok, so that dpkg stuff...so i can keep installing stuff, and as long as i kick it out to a file name, after i re-installed i can just do that second command and all of the packages would be re-installed? | 10:06 |
micahf | beep? | 10:06 |
Red-Sox | micahf: rhythmbox | 10:06 |
micahf | he is used to itunes | 10:06 |
micahf | what's best from itunes? | 10:06 |
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szronik | zAo^: Thanks for your help :) | 10:06 |
Red-Sox | micahf: hi | 10:06 |
jfletcher | beep is like winamp | 10:06 |
danzoo | micahf, amarok | 10:06 |
james__ | how does one go about mountig volume for floppy drive? | 10:06 |
Red-Sox | nadia007: hi | 10:06 |
micahf | I don't think he wants to pay for crossover office | 10:06 |
nadia007 | hi guys... | 10:06 |
micahf | amorak? | 10:06 |
csb | topyli: including kde, xcfe, gnomebaker, games, etc... | 10:06 |
Red-Sox | micahf: rhythmbox, amorak, xmms | 10:07 |
danzoo | micahf, amarok | 10:07 |
theD3viL | micahf, amarok is for kde | 10:07 |
james__ | newb | 10:07 |
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micahf | it would work on gnome too though | 10:07 |
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Red-Sox | theD3viL: it still runs on gnome | 10:07 |
Red-Sox | babag: hi | 10:07 |
danzoo | theD3viL, looks very well on gnome any way | 10:07 |
Red-Sox | pundai: hi | 10:07 |
nadia007 | is there a way I can mount a drive and have it automatically mount on boot? | 10:07 |
theD3viL | micahf, yes, but it requires 80mb of files :) | 10:07 |
dell500 | bluefox83: you still around?? :) | 10:07 |
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lsuactiafner | how do i find the current amd64 athlon kernel's config? | 10:07 |
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Red-Sox | Techie_dude: hi | 10:07 |
Dr_Willis | nadia007, edit your /etc/fstab correctly adding the right entry for hte drive | 10:07 |
babag | just reinstalled. still no keyboard or mouse. any help? | 10:07 |
Red-Sox | Seveas: is it okay, me greeting people? | 10:07 |
lsuactiafner | i want the .config | 10:07 |
topyli | csb: yeah. you do dpkg --get-selections and then apt-get dist-upgrade or something. let me find you the link to my own notes | 10:08 |
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theD3viL | Is autofs thing that auto mount cd,dvd,usb? | 10:08 |
Red-Sox | rave_: hey | 10:08 |
theCore | how do i install Plone on Ubuntu ? | 10:08 |
rave_ | well | 10:08 |
DShepherd | aptitude install plone | 10:08 |
maddash | jareth_: I'm gonna try E16 now. thanks anyway | 10:08 |
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rave_ | sudo apt-get install plone | 10:09 |
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micahf | I'm using nautilus in xfce | 10:09 |
csb | topyli: so then, theoretically i could install Ubuntu on a totally different machine, and as long as i copied my /home dir and /etc...and then did the dpkg --get-selections command...theoretically i would have a clone of my current machine? | 10:09 |
micahf | but nautilus is gnome!? | 10:09 |
soundray | pder, are you still on? | 10:09 |
Maikshit | how i can try to install ubuntu without cdrom drive, i need floppy + network install | 10:09 |
micahf | it's good with xfce | 10:09 |
theCore | DShepherd: i tried this, but where does it go ? | 10:09 |
pder | soundray yes | 10:09 |
micahf | who here is on xfce? | 10:09 |
helo212 | how do i get a list of all the things i can get by using sudo apt-get install | 10:09 |
micahf | it is marvelous | 10:09 |
topyli | csb: http://siltala.net/comp/tips.html#Downgrading_Packages_in_Debian | 10:09 |
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DShepherd | theCore plone? | 10:09 |
soundray | pder, it seems that Parted 1.6.21 supports moving ext3. Do you have an old version? | 10:09 |
topyli | csb: yes | 10:10 |
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theCore | DShepherd, yes | 10:10 |
topyli | csb: of course, if you have a server, a lot of stuff will be in /var too | 10:10 |
oxez | is there anything I need to configure to use my microphone? | 10:10 |
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pder | soundray: i didnt realize that, i was just looking at the parted homepage it says it doesnt | 10:11 |
theD3viL | soundray, how do you think moving? | 10:11 |
oxez | All captures are unmuted and are set to the highest volume.. still can't record in Audacity | 10:11 |
Hoxzer | what could be the problem if I can hear my voice from mic if I set the mixer so, but sound recorder doesn't record from mic? | 10:11 |
topyli | csb: plus all the stuff you compiled yourself (but never bothered to package) are in /usr/local. and perhaps your Quake3 is in /opt... | 10:11 |
blue-frog | oxez, not working? | 10:11 |
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lsuactiafner | would http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kernel-package/kernel-package_9.001ubuntu9.tar.gz contain its .config? | 10:11 |
oxez | blue-frog: it's not receiving any input | 10:11 |
DShepherd | theCore: you can do a search. | 10:11 |
nadia007 | kay... I've edited my fstab... not sure what to put as far as options so I copied what my /sda1 had... any suggestions? | 10:11 |
oxez | blue-frog: BUT, I hear myself in my headphones when I speak in my microphone | 10:11 |
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JDahl | my php script works fine when it's called 'test.php', but if I call it 'index.php' Mozilla asks what to do with PHTML files. Anyone encountered this? | 10:11 |
blue-frog | oxez, alsamixer mic1 mic2 , which one shows right now? | 10:11 |
Maikshit | how i can try to install ubuntu without cdrom drive, i need floppy + network install | 10:11 |
Fujitsu | nadia007: What type of drive is it? | 10:12 |
DShepherd | theCore: why u want to lauch plone? | 10:12 |
soundray | theD3viL, pder, section 2.4.8 of the info manual lists ext3 among the file systems for which move is supported. | 10:12 |
blue-frog | oxez, ah | 10:12 |
oxez | blue-frog: mic1 | 10:12 |
nadia007 | serial ata. | 10:12 |
nadia007 | they all are. | 10:12 |
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bamboozle | hi | 10:12 |
csb | topyli: i noticed in the file i created on my system that there are a lot of packages that were intalled with ubuntu. is there any danger in running that command if the package already exists? | 10:12 |
Zedugh | oxez: in audacity, you must select mic, not line, as input, drop down list, middle of window, see "Line" | 10:12 |
blue-frog | oxez, any other sound program open besides audacity? | 10:12 |
helo212 | Does anyone know where i can get a list of all the apps i can get using apt-get? | 10:12 |
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oxez | blue-frog: gnome recorder program in Applications menu | 10:13 |
oxez | Zedugh: I selected MIC already | 10:13 |
DShepherd | helo212: try synaptic :) | 10:13 |
pder | soundray: thank you | 10:13 |
csb | i.e. gnome is already installed, but the dpkg file lists it. will it try to download it again? thanks for your help, this is very helpful | 10:13 |
topyli | csb: no. if the package is already installed, dpkg will just be happy | 10:13 |
Zedugh | helo212, try synaptic, if you want to use apt-get to install, you must close synaptic first | 10:13 |
Aelthor | helo212: You can use apt-get with anything in Synaptic | 10:13 |
theCore | DShepherd, i just want to try it | 10:13 |
helo212 | okay is there skype in there and camserv | 10:13 |
Fujitsu | nadia007: What partition type? | 10:13 |
helo212 | in the synaptic? | 10:13 |
Maikshit | Somebody can help me???, i need to install Ubuntu on laptop without cdrom | 10:13 |
Fujitsu | Sorry, filesystem... | 10:13 |
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blue-frog | oxez, is gnome recorder recording your mike | 10:13 |
Zedugh | oxez: did you raise the volume slider to the left of the mic selection? | 10:13 |
Fujitsu | Maikshit: I don't know if it can be done, but somebody else might. | 10:14 |
soundray | Maikshit, this is a difficult one. | 10:14 |
self | Dshepherd, network printing. is it set in cups? | 10:14 |
oxez | Zedugh: DAMN | 10:14 |
DShepherd | helo212: all the programs listed in synaptic you can apt-get them | 10:14 |
Maikshit | if i have external HD USB | 10:14 |
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oxez | Yea it works now in Audacity | 10:14 |
DShepherd | self: i dont know | 10:14 |
Zedugh | oxez: glad it was not any bigger problem! | 10:14 |
soundray | Maikshit, no USB CD even? | 10:14 |
oxez | blue-frog: nope, but it might be the same problem as audacity had | 10:14 |
oxez | Zedugh: thanks a lot :P | 10:14 |
DShepherd | theCore: try this link http://www.jalug.org/Members/pigeonflight/blog/plone2.1-setup-on-breezy <-- walks you thru setting up plone and everthing | 10:15 |
helo212 | okay i get that but is camserv and skype in the synaptic | 10:15 |
Maikshit | no, | 10:15 |
Maikshit | only HD USb | 10:15 |
Maikshit | or floppy | 10:15 |
self | ok samba is working linux to windows ...so any ideas how to network print? | 10:15 |
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blue-frog | oxez, mic to zero sure doen's help | 10:15 |
theCore | DShepherd, thanks | 10:15 |
bluefoxicy | there's no Windows XP or MacOSX theme on ubuntu. | 10:15 |
Fujitsu | Maikshit, this could be bad... A possibility is to crossgrade from Debian, but I am not sure how well that will work. | 10:15 |
oxez | blue-frog: my mic was set to high in alsamixer | 10:15 |
Maikshit | Fujitsu | 10:15 |
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Maikshit | Hi | 10:15 |
Maikshit | my idea, it's to use Ubuntu why detect any hardware | 10:15 |
DShepherd | helo212: go to packages.ubuntu.com and search there if it isnt listed then it wont be in synaptic or apt-get | 10:16 |
helo212 | thankyou | 10:16 |
DShepherd | helo212: np | 10:16 |
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soundray | Maikshit, there is a bit of a dated thread about your type of problem on http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-797.html | 10:17 |
worldmaster0 | i'm outta here | 10:17 |
soundray | Maikshit, but I think the principle described there still applies. | 10:17 |
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DShepherd | helo212: http://www.skype.com/products/skype/linux/ <-- download the debian package from here | 10:18 |
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DShepherd | helo212: the type 'dpkg -i skype**.deb. That should install skype for you | 10:18 |
helo212 | okay thanks | 10:19 |
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adjacent | does ubuntu breezy not use /etc/DIR_COLORS? | 10:19 |
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fabiob | Someone with nautilus-cd-burner and a DVD burner here? | 10:19 |
miket_ | how can i delete programs from upper panel if programm is already deinstalled????? | 10:19 |
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DShepherd | helo212: camserv is in the packages so you can 'sudo aptitude install camserv' | 10:20 |
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ladyisabel77 | is there any italian? | 10:20 |
soundray | !it | 10:20 |
Firen | i have ntfs partition mounted on /media/hda6 and when i want to change permissions to that directory i get: chmod: changing permissions of `hda6': Read-only file system. Why :/ | 10:20 |
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ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 10:20 |
sean_ | I just installed Ubuntu, and I have my windows partitions on the desktop, but it says that I don't have permission. I've tried several different ways to login as administratot, but I'm a noob, so I can't seem to do it. How can I read these drives? | 10:21 |
ladyisabel77 | #ubuntu-it | 10:21 |
Fujitsu | Firen: I was telling people about this same problem about 10 hours ago. Wait a sec. | 10:21 |
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Firen | ok | 10:21 |
mp3guy | in disk-admin my DVD-RW drive doesn't have the 'write dvd' box checked, is there a way to change this? | 10:21 |
soundray | ladyisabel77, type /join #ubuntu-it | 10:21 |
trappist | Firen: no ntfs write support in linux. it exists but it's extremely dangerious | 10:21 |
rob_p | fabiob: I've got both. What's up? | 10:21 |
miket_ | how can i delete programs from upper panel if programm is already deinstalled????? | 10:22 |
funktown | miket_: did you try "killall gnome-panel" ? | 10:22 |
Fujitsu | Firen, sean_: You need to add umask=0222 to the options in fstab. | 10:22 |
Firen | ok checking | 10:23 |
trappist | Fujitsu: no good with ntfs | 10:23 |
miket_ | killall??? | 10:23 |
Zedugh | miket_: try right click on icon, then "remove from panel" | 10:23 |
fabiob | rob_p, can you insert a DVD-R with something on it, right click and select "Copy disc"? I think I've found a big bug, but it seems strange nobody reported it | 10:23 |
Fujitsu | What do you mean, trappist? | 10:23 |
bamboozle | hi. new pc with usb keyboard and serial ata hd. can anyone help? | 10:23 |
trappist | Fujitsu: the ntfs write support in linux is primitive and dangerous | 10:23 |
miket_ | there is no "remove from panel" | 10:23 |
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DShepherd | miket_: use smeg | 10:23 |
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soundray | bamboozle, what's the trouble? | 10:24 |
Fujitsu | 0222 gives r-xr-xr-x! | 10:24 |
Firen | i dont need write support i just want have access to that directory thru normal user account | 10:24 |
sean_ | I tried getting into fstab on someone elses advice, & that is also set to read only. Like I said, I need to know how to log in as admin | 10:24 |
theD3viL | breezy backports exist ? | 10:24 |
sean_ | I think | 10:24 |
DShepherd | miket_: or applications -> system tools -> Applications menu editor | 10:24 |
Fujitsu | sean_: sudo then the command will do it. | 10:24 |
Fujitsu | !sudo | 10:25 |
ubotu | I heard sudo is the command to get superuser privileges, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo | 10:25 |
Maikshit | Fujitsu | 10:25 |
Fujitsu | Yes Maikshit? | 10:25 |
rob_p | fabiob: What happens? | 10:25 |
Maikshit | If i've external USB HD | 10:25 |
=== MickMcMack [n=mick@cpc2-salf2-5-1-cust11.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bamboozle | soundray: i cant get breezy to see the serial ata hd. is there a trick? a boot instruction maybe? | 10:25 |
fabiob | rob_p, it miscalculates the DVD size and it doesn't work. :) | 10:25 |
Maikshit | i can copy the iso image and boot it | 10:25 |
Maikshit | and boot it | 10:25 |
Maikshit | ? | 10:25 |
funktown | bamboozle.. add it to fstab? | 10:25 |
Maikshit | i copy CD iso image to external HD | 10:25 |
Fujitsu | Maikshit, I don't quite know... YOu can't just copy the ISO. | 10:25 |
miket_ | if i use smeg i can only make it invisible and "delete is grey" | 10:25 |
Maikshit | :( | 10:26 |
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dell500 | bamboozle: you know the what the path to the dev is? | 10:26 |
Fujitsu | YOu would need to do some nasty extraction work. Let me have a look at the layout of the CD. | 10:26 |
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bamboozle | funktown: i havent been able to install breezy on it | 10:26 |
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blue-frog | sean_, ntfs read only from linux whoever u use.. | 10:26 |
soundray | bamboozle, have you installed anything at all yet? | 10:26 |
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funktown | bamboozle: ah.. i should pay attention =P | 10:26 |
fabiob | rob_p, do you confirm it? | 10:27 |
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bamboozle | soundray,l500: i now have mandriva on the machine. the disk is /dev/sda | 10:27 |
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Fujitsu | sean_: Remember that you can't write to NTFS, but you _should_ be able to read. | 10:27 |
soundray | bamboozle, can you find out the name of the module that Mandriva loads to support ATA? | 10:27 |
rob_p | fabiob: I'm testing with a DVD+R... | 10:27 |
theD3viL | Somebody uses backports brezzy ? Is it safe? | 10:28 |
Nelo | I have a Presario R3000 laptop, Suspend and hibiernate work; however, when re-starting xwindows does not load, any ideas how to address this? | 10:28 |
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bamboozle | soundray: i suppose i could | 10:28 |
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fabiob | rob_p, it should trigger the bug as well | 10:28 |
fabiob | rob_p, thanks! | 10:28 |
soundray | Nelo, switch to console with Alt-F1, then switch back after wakeup. Helps sometimes. | 10:28 |
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Zedugh | Maikshit: maybe you could install sbm (smart boot manager) on the usb hd, and use sbm to boot the copied ISO image | 10:29 |
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Nelo | soundray thanks.. | 10:29 |
pawdro | hi, how can make man translated to my language? by default | 10:29 |
soundray | bamboozle, you don't feel like booting Mandriva anymore? | 10:29 |
anavim | how do I make the slit appear in fluxbox? | 10:29 |
bsharitt | Does Banshee crash on any one else when an iPod is mounted? | 10:29 |
funktown | anavim.. /join #fluxbox | 10:29 |
DShepherd | soundray: you mean Ctrl+Alt+f1? | 10:29 |
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soundray | Nelo, if it works, you can automate it afterwards. | 10:29 |
Maikshit | Zedugh my Bios support boot from USB | 10:30 |
soundray | DShepherd, Nelo, yes I do. sorry... | 10:30 |
Zedugh | Maikshit: maybe you could install sbm (smart boot manager) on a floppy, then use sbm to boot ISO copied to usb hd | 10:30 |
Maikshit | but i don't know how y can boot install cdrom if i don't have cdrom | 10:30 |
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Nelo | ok. got it... i will try this thanks... | 10:30 |
rob_p | fabiob: It's hard to reproduce here since I only have 1 drive (laptop). As soon as I try to select copy disk, it immediately gives me, "No media available" and, "There doesn't seem to be any media in the selected drive." | 10:30 |
Maikshit | ok | 10:30 |
Maikshit | i try it | 10:30 |
=== paines [n=Anes@p508A44B9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paines | hi | 10:30 |
bamboozle | soundray: i never liked mandriva or mandrake. i just used this just to be able to access the internet. | 10:30 |
rob_p | fabiob: ... and the drive seems to unmount... | 10:30 |
mwe | anavim: iirc the slit is invisible. The slit applications will show their icons when you run them | 10:30 |
Zedugh | Maikshit: yes but you need a boot record to boot, copying the ISO will not give you a boot record | 10:31 |
helo212 | when i install a package where will it appear it at? | 10:31 |
paines | anyone have experince with extern firewire hd's ? can't get it working. with usb it works, but i would like it with firewire. | 10:31 |
fabiob | rob_p, me too! it's a bug because it calculates the media size as zero -> no media available | 10:31 |
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Maikshit | ok | 10:31 |
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Maikshit | Zedug i Create a iso image from CD install | 10:31 |
fabiob | rob_p, the unmount is normal btw | 10:31 |
Maikshit | i put it on external HD USB | 10:31 |
Maikshit | install on Laptop Smart bootmanager | 10:31 |
soundray | bamboozle, any other way to work out what SATA chipset you are using? | 10:31 |
Maikshit | boot the HD | 10:32 |
Maikshit | launch iso image | 10:32 |
cafuego | Maikshit: Put syslinux on that usb hdd, boot the iso, done. | 10:32 |
Maikshit | ? | 10:32 |
DShepherd | fabiob: you meant umount? | 10:32 |
Maikshit | ok? | 10:32 |
anavim | mwe, thx, your answer was more meaningful than the one I got on fluxbox | 10:32 |
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fabiob | rob_p, thank you! I just cooked up a patch. :) | 10:32 |
helo212 | DShepherd:Where will it install the programs at? | 10:32 |
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blue-frog | paines, firewire needs user to be in disk group | 10:32 |
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fabiob | It seems that nobody use copy disc on DVDs ;) | 10:32 |
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Maikshit | cafuego where i found syslinux? | 10:32 |
DShepherd | helo212: where will what install the programs at? | 10:32 |
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babag | been trying unsuccessfully to get help with problem of non functioning keyboaard/mouse. | 10:32 |
soundray | bamboozle, eg. google for the motherboard type? | 10:32 |
babag | no responses. | 10:33 |
cafuego | Maikshit: google | 10:33 |
helo212 | those commands you told me | 10:33 |
Zedugh | Maikshit, boot sbm from where ever you installed it, yes, syslinux should work also | 10:33 |
rob_p | fabiob: Apparently not too often anyway. :) | 10:33 |
idiot | How can I mount a Samba partition from Windows in Linux if they have no username or password on the other PC | 10:33 |
babag | tried the forum but they wanted registration and personal info dislosed. | 10:33 |
mwe | anavim: you can choose the placement of the slit somewhere in the menu, though | 10:33 |
paines | blue-frog, okay, i will check that | 10:33 |
fabiob | DShepherd, unmount the action, not the command :) | 10:33 |
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Fujitsu | idiot: You can't. | 10:33 |
babag | back to other distros. | 10:33 |
idiot | Fujitsu, why not? | 10:33 |
DShepherd | fabiob: kool | 10:33 |
bamboozle | soundray: i know that the pc has an intel 82801gr/gh sata ahci controller and an intel 82801gb ultra ata storage controller-27df. does this help you? | 10:34 |
=== Fushi [i=Fushi@68-235-158-30.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fujitsu | idiot: Windows will not let you in without authenticating! | 10:34 |
DShepherd | helo212: skype and camserv? | 10:34 |
blue-frog | idiot, what do u call the other pc, win or nux? | 10:34 |
idiot | other pc = win | 10:34 |
idiot | this pc = lin | 10:34 |
babag | too bad. ubuntu looks very nice. | 10:34 |
idiot | i want to mount win pc in lin | 10:34 |
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soundray | bamboozle, tried feeding these names into google? | 10:35 |
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anavim | mwe, I got it... I found and ran a dockapp and now I see it | 10:35 |
blue-frog | idiot, as long as u give an existing user from samba, it 'll be fine, or u can set security=share to have no authentication | 10:35 |
topyli | idiot: share some directories on the windows box, mount the shares on linux with samba | 10:35 |
bamboozle | soundray: yeap. with no luck. | 10:35 |
idiot | Thats what I am wondering how to do. | 10:35 |
idiot | I don't know how to mount them | 10:35 |
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helo212 | yes | 10:35 |
mediafly | can I clone a harddisk (80 GB) to a smaller HD (60 GB)? On the source HD 25GB are still free, thus there is enough space on the destination disc. If so, what command should I use? | 10:35 |
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topyli | idiot: are the machines networked ok otherwise? | 10:36 |
idiot | yy | 10:36 |
idiot | yea* | 10:36 |
DShepherd | helo212: I think they should be under /usr/share <-- not sure though | 10:36 |
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topyli | idiot: i don't really know much about windows networking, i've always had a linux server and a windows client | 10:36 |
DShepherd | mediafly: the dd command is great | 10:37 |
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topyli | idiot: anyway, install samba on ubuntu and you should be able to browse the windows shares with nautilus | 10:37 |
anavim | is there a dockapp which displays battery charge? | 10:37 |
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mediafly | DShepherd, do you know the exact command with its parameters? | 10:37 |
idiot | I don't use nautilus | 10:37 |
DShepherd | mediafly: yes | 10:37 |
idiot | I want to do it from terminal | 10:37 |
mediafly | DShepherd, ;) Would you tell me? | 10:38 |
DShepherd | mediafly: well I think so | 10:38 |
lisette | anavim, battery monitor | 10:38 |
gnomefreak | lol DShepherd | 10:38 |
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soundray | bamboozle, my strategy here would be to find out what module Mandriva loads, then to see if that module is in the stock Ubuntu kernel. | 10:38 |
sean_ | is there a way to log into the gui as SU? | 10:38 |
B_166-ER-X | i start ktorrent, and it doesnt show up, and if i try 'ktorrent' by terminal, it says 'ktorrent is already running' can someone point me or .. ? | 10:38 |
topyli | idiot: then you could mount the shares from fstab and treat them like any directory | 10:38 |
lisette | su startx | 10:38 |
blue-frog | idiot, xp home or pro? | 10:38 |
DShepherd | mediafly: I rob you of the fun of you figuring it out all by yourself | 10:38 |
gnomefreak | sean_, ubuntu doesnt use su | 10:38 |
DShepherd | mediafly: :-D | 10:38 |
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Zedugh | helo212: dpkg -L <package-name> will list all files installed by (an installed) package | 10:38 |
helo212 | is there an app on ubuntu that will allow me to burn an iso? | 10:38 |
idiot | pro | 10:38 |
mediafly | DShepherd, ;) | 10:38 |
soundray | bamboozle, if yes, it's a matter of chanting the right incantation during the installer boot. | 10:38 |
mediafly | DShepherd, what you expect? Give me the command parameters? | 10:39 |
blue-frog | idiot, ok then u can access your windows by doing... | 10:39 |
theCore | mediafly: boot with the LiveCD, then enter the command 'dd if=/dev/[xxx] of=/dev/[yyy] ' | 10:39 |
sean_ | I'm trying to make it so I can edit fstab, but as Linux is new to me (Primary Win2k user here) I can't seem to get it.... God, I feel dumb | 10:39 |
blue-frog | idiot, in nautilus smb://windows_IP/c$ | 10:39 |
sean_ | :(( | 10:39 |
idiot | Yes I do not use Nautilus. | 10:39 |
DShepherd | mediafly: dd=if<what do you inputing> of=<the file you want to save it to>.iso | 10:39 |
topyli | blue-frog: hes on the console | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | helo212, gnomebaker or k3b depending on the desktop your working on | 10:39 |
idiot | I want to do it through console | 10:39 |
daved- | is there any way to make vlc use gtk or something not quite as fugly as wxwindows? | 10:39 |
Fujitsu | idiot: mount -t smbfs -o username=<username> //<server>/<share> /mnt/<mountpoint> | 10:39 |
soundray | bamboozle, if not, try installing to any old IDE PATA disk, try if SATA works with the 2.6.15 kernel, and if it does, copy the installation with the working kernel over to the SATA drive. | 10:40 |
B_166-ER-X | i start ktorrent, and it doesnt show up, and if i try 'ktorrent' by terminal, it says 'ktorrent is already running' can someone point me or .. ? | 10:40 |
Fujitsu | Sorry, add sudo to the front of that. | 10:40 |
DShepherd | mediafly: be carefull now... if you mix up stuff you can really mess up your system | 10:40 |
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blue-frog | idiot, then smbclient //IP/C$ -Uadministrator | 10:40 |
theCore | mediafly: that's true | 10:40 |
DShepherd | mediafly: man dd | 10:40 |
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topyli | idiot: and create the mount point before trying to mount something in it | 10:41 |
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LOQUiLLO_ | hehehehehehe | 10:41 |
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theCore | mediafly: try with floppy at first | 10:41 |
soundray | mediafly, before you start with dd, shrink your existing partitions until everything fits into 59GB and you have 21 GB free space at the end. | 10:41 |
LOQUiLLO_ | idiot's festival | 10:41 |
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topyli | this is terrible. now the vlc build wanted me to install mozilla and dev packages | 10:42 |
DShepherd | soundray: why should he do that | 10:42 |
DShepherd | ? | 10:42 |
blue-frog | idiot, to mount mount -t smbfs //IP/c$ /mnt/test -o username=login_Windows | 10:42 |
ardchoille | I am damned impressed with Ubuntu 5.10. I have spent an entire 24 hours trying to break it and I can't. I did manage to mess up a package, but that was due to IUS and not Ubuntu;s fault. | 10:42 |
ardchoille | Any Ubuntu devs here? | 10:42 |
bamboozle | soundray: thanks. ill look into it. goodnight. :) | 10:42 |
blue-frog | idiot, for that u need smbfs installed | 10:42 |
idiot | k | 10:42 |
bamboozle | bye, ppl | 10:43 |
soundray | DShepherd, to make sure that dd doesn't try to write needed data past the end of the target disk. | 10:43 |
DShepherd | soundray: ok | 10:43 |
topyli | ardchoille: they are "around" :) mostly on #ubuntu-devel though | 10:43 |
ardchoille | topyli: thank | 10:43 |
ardchoille | s | 10:43 |
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Maikshit | Fujitsu | 10:44 |
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Maikshit | how i can create iso image from Cdrom Ubuntu install on mac | 10:44 |
Maikshit | ? | 10:44 |
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mp3guy | skype is insanely oversized in gnome, is there anyway to fix this? | 10:44 |
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DShepherd | soundray: ok | 10:45 |
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DShepherd | mp3guy: what's your resolution at? | 10:45 |
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ardchoille | How do I install Opera on 5.10? | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | ardchoille, hold on ill get you something to look at for that | 10:46 |
ardchoille | gnomefreak: thanks | 10:46 |
ardchoille | There is an entry for opera in the repos but it won't let me install it | 10:46 |
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mp3guy | 1280*1024 DShepherd | 10:47 |
topyli | !opera | 10:47 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 10:47 |
DShepherd | mp3guy: oh, well I dont know then | 10:47 |
Maikshit | how i can create iso image from Cdrom Ubuntu install on mac | 10:47 |
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DShepherd | Maikshit: you can use dd :) | 10:48 |
amanda | hey i am trying to mount my creative zen xtra | 10:48 |
amanda | and it wont let me | 10:48 |
Zedugh | Maikshit: what exactly do you mean by this? what are you trying to do? | 10:48 |
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Maikshit | dd /??? to ??? | 10:48 |
gnomefreak | ardchoille, go here and try the one where it says download it and change the name of package to opera.deb youll see it | 10:48 |
amanda | anyone? | 10:48 |
topyli | Maikshit: something like dd /dev/hdc > my-iso.iso | 10:49 |
DShepherd | Maikshit: dd if=/dev/<cd device> if=my.iso | 10:49 |
DShepherd | no | 10:49 |
topyli | yes | 10:49 |
Maikshit | topyli, on Mac os what is my device | 10:49 |
DShepherd | Maikshit: dd if=/dev/<cd device> of=my.iso | 10:49 |
trappist | dd if=/dev/hdc of=ubuntu.iso | 10:49 |
Maikshit | i know.. | 10:49 |
Maikshit | but in mac | 10:49 |
Maikshit | ? | 10:49 |
amanda | anyone help me | 10:49 |
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ardchoille | gnomefreak: go where? | 10:49 |
gnomefreak | oops | 10:49 |
gnomefreak | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=364326 | 10:49 |
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ardchoille | gnomefreak: hehe | 10:50 |
ardchoille | gnomefreak: Thanks :) | 10:50 |
amanda | can some one help me mount a creative zen xtra? | 10:50 |
topyli | ardchoille: just pay attention to ubotu here | 10:50 |
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topyli | !opera | 10:50 |
ubotu | Opera isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and get then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser | 10:50 |
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Zedugh | Maikshit, you use mkisofs to create an iso image to burn to cd, but your ppc binaries (on mac) won't work on an x86 box | 10:50 |
amanda | pls | 10:50 |
Zedugh | amanda, sorry i don't know | 10:50 |
gnomefreak | didnt know bot knew opera :( | 10:50 |
amanda | damn it | 10:50 |
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ardchoille | topyli: is ubotu an infobot? | 10:51 |
topyli | gnomefreak: it's corrupted by now, it seems | 10:51 |
topyli | ardchoille: yes | 10:51 |
ardchoille | awesome! | 10:51 |
topyli | !ubotu | 10:51 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel. | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | ubotu knows too much sometimes :( | 10:51 |
ubotu | gnomefreak: Are you smoking crack? | 10:51 |
gnomefreak | yes!!!!!!!!!!! stop asking me :( | 10:51 |
topyli | heh | 10:52 |
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mwe | haha | 10:52 |
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topyli | !lart gnomefreak | 10:52 |
=== ubotu frags gnomefreak with his BFG9000 | ||
gnomefreak | lol | 10:53 |
c0rrupt | hello im connected to my linux pc through putty over ssh. there is an app that i need to run for a few days in the backround, but i cant keep my putty terminal open. how can i detatch the process from my terminal so i can close putty without closing the process? | 10:53 |
zblach | hi. quick question. is there a linux-friendly program for creating/testing sheet music? | 10:53 |
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topyli | c0rrupt: yes! use screen. man screen | 10:53 |
c0rrupt | i know screen, just dont know the command :-P | 10:53 |
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topyli | c0rrupt: to detatch? | 10:54 |
c0rrupt | yea | 10:54 |
juliuska | can someome help me "all my system sounds stop working" (if you speak spanish: todos los sonidos del sistema han dejado de funcionar) | 10:54 |
c0rrupt | so i can run | 10:54 |
c0rrupt | command & | 10:54 |
gnomefreak | !es | 10:54 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 10:54 |
c0rrupt | 'detatch command' | 10:54 |
topyli | c0rrupt: i never remember either. just look at the help you get with ^A ? | 10:54 |
c0rrupt | then i can close putty | 10:54 |
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juliuska | sorry | 10:54 |
juliuska | thanks | 10:54 |
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topyli | c0rrupt: no. detatch your screen session so the shell will be left there for you to reconnect at any time | 10:55 |
zblach | something like tabledit, but ...y'know. linux friendly | 10:55 |
c0rrupt | yea | 10:55 |
c0rrupt | thats what i meant | 10:55 |
c0rrupt | i just need to find the command :-) | 10:55 |
topyli | c0rrupt: "screen" :) | 10:56 |
c0rrupt | i know, but specifically | 10:56 |
trappist | c0rrupt: screen | 10:56 |
c0rrupt | or is it 'just' | 10:56 |
topyli | c0rrupt: then you run a new shell insilde screen, and that screen is detatchable | 10:56 |
c0rrupt | scren ;xx;x;x;x; | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | :x | 10:56 |
c0rrupt | how do i run a new shell inside screen, and how do i detach | 10:57 |
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topyli | c0rrupt: it's hard to explain. read the screen man page | 10:57 |
trappist | c0rrupt: run screen. run your command with or without the &... detach with ctrl-a d | 10:57 |
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c0rrupt | ohh isee | 10:57 |
trappist | reattach with screen -x | 10:57 |
topyli | trappist: oh i thought it couldn't be explained :) | 10:57 |
c0rrupt | cool | 10:58 |
c0rrupt | :-) | 10:58 |
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frenetik | w00t, firefox 1.5 is out | 10:58 |
c0rrupt | yay | 10:58 |
c0rrupt | worked | 10:58 |
gnomefreak | frenetik, its done in beta? | 10:58 |
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zblach | nothing? | 10:59 |
topyli | c0rrupt: good way to keep irc channels open. just run screen on your favorite universitie's server :) | 10:59 |
trappist | c0rrupt: this is how my irc client has been running for like a year, I never disconnect, and I can reattach from work or home or wherever | 10:59 |
frenetik | nope, final: http://www.spreadfirefox.com/node/20564 | 10:59 |
c0rrupt | i was wondering how to do exactly that | 10:59 |
anavim | !lart self | 10:59 |
=== ubotu whacks self with the cluebat | ||
anavim | heh | 10:59 |
anavim | !botsnack | 10:59 |
ubotu | :) | 11:00 |
trappist | c0rrupt: I keep email in my second screen (ctrl-a c to make a new one), shells in other screens etc. | 11:00 |
topyli | c0rrupt: yeah, it's the most common of GNU screen i guess. eternal irssi sessions on university servers | 11:00 |
topyli | most common use i mean | 11:00 |
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topyli | then we have like irc logs that need most of our disk quota | 11:01 |
Firen | what is the name of winamp-look mp3 player for linux? | 11:01 |
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topyli | Firen: xmms i guess | 11:02 |
NewWithoutClue | xmms? | 11:02 |
topyli | eww | 11:02 |
gnomefreak | whoever said FF1.5 was out its not out yet its still in beta form | 11:02 |
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gnomefreak | its RC3 | 11:02 |
spikebike | it's out | 11:03 |
Firen | topyli: you're right thx | 11:03 |
frenetik | It's out: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/11/29/1939206&tid=154 | 11:03 |
spikebike | I just downloaded it, it's not rc3 | 11:03 |
gnomefreak | spikebike, its not out out= released its not final | 11:03 |
spikebike | http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/1.5/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-1.5.tar.gz | 11:03 |
spikebike | looks final to me | 11:03 |
gnomefreak | http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ | 11:03 |
gnomefreak | official mozilla site says its rc3 | 11:03 |
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cafuego | Yes, the about box says "1.5" though. | 11:04 |
anavim | gnomefreak, firefox has some misleading upgrade messages that don't mention rc3 | 11:04 |
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frenetik | So what is this then? http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/1.5/ | 11:04 |
gnomefreak | Try Firefox 1.5 RC 3: Download Here | 11:04 |
DShepherd | anavim: yup | 11:04 |
gnomefreak | free download at top is still 1.0.7 | 11:05 |
cafuego | Yes, latest stable. 1.0.7 | 11:05 |
gnomefreak | when it is released as final ubuntu will have it | 11:05 |
DShepherd | frenetik: its a release candidate.. I guess | 11:05 |
cafuego | gnomefreak: No, breezy will not. | 11:05 |
DShepherd | cafuego: why not? | 11:05 |
gnomefreak | dapper will | 11:05 |
bur[n] er | has anyone tried to compile rhythmbox 0.9.2 yet? I get libgpod errors, but libgpod doesn't have a .deb :\ | 11:06 |
DShepherd | cafuego: :( | 11:06 |
gnomefreak | breezy has been frozen but still might add it | 11:06 |
cafuego | DShepherd: Because it's a major upgrade, which don't go into stable reelases. | 11:06 |
frenetik | Guys, look at the folders under ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/ | 11:06 |
cafuego | it will probbaly ed up in breezy-backports | 11:06 |
frenetik | you can see rc1 rc2 rc3 and 1.5 | 11:06 |
DShepherd | cafuego: bummer.. so I i want it I guess compile compile for me | 11:06 |
topyli | DShepherd: stable versions of ubuntu don't upgrade versions just because they have released upstream. we get new stuff every 6 months | 11:06 |
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DShepherd | topyli: ok I hear you guys | 11:06 |
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ardchoille | topyli: Thanks for the wiki link. | 11:07 |
cafuego | DShepherd: if you feel it's extremely necessary. | 11:07 |
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=== cafuego na really not see any difference in speed between 1.0.7 and 1.5 | ||
ardchoille | ubotu: Thanks :) | 11:07 |
ubotu | ardchoille: graag gedaan | 11:07 |
sdji3 | hello anyonone know how can i transformer a .wmv to a .vcd ???? | 11:07 |
bluefoxicy | tee, http://live.gnome.org/ArbitraryLayoutWidget | 11:07 |
DShepherd | cafuego: topyli I am not used to this.. it feels weird. I guess backports for me tehn | 11:07 |
DShepherd | then* | 11:07 |
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ardchoille | hehe, I love a bot with manners | 11:07 |
cafuego | !goo'boy | 11:08 |
ubotu | Aww, thanks dad. | 11:08 |
MickMcMack | Why hallo thar. | 11:08 |
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topyli | DShepherd: new versions may show up in backports, yes. i sometimes build new stuff from dapper source packages for myself too, when i think it is necessary (or i just want to) | 11:08 |
gnomefreak | i dont see why 1.5 wouldnt be avilable through backports | 11:08 |
agtnz | bur[n] er: Have you seen http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96456 ? Talks about libgpod probs. I'm using amarok, so haven't experimented | 11:08 |
MickMcMack | lsmod shows my audio module is loaded, alsamixer is unmuted - but I still get no sound, what should I try next? | 11:08 |
DShepherd | topyli: ok | 11:08 |
anavim | DShepherd, I'm running firefox 1.0.7 and 1.5 just fine | 11:08 |
cafuego | gnomefreak: The developers might have better things to do. | 11:08 |
sdji3 | hello anyonone know how can i transformer a .wmv to a .vcd ???? | 11:08 |
DShepherd | anavim: me to but 1.5 is not installed for me | 11:09 |
bur[n] er | agtnz: i'm a die hard amarok user, but I really want to like the gtk based rhythmbox ;) | 11:09 |
DShepherd | too* | 11:09 |
bur[n] er | agtnz: and thanks for the link | 11:09 |
anavim | DShepherd, have you looked at checkinstall? | 11:09 |
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gnomefreak | cafuego, from my understanding the things we get from backports are from the next testing version | 11:09 |
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ardchoille | Which language is "graag gedaan" ? | 11:10 |
DShepherd | anavim: no, never heard of it | 11:10 |
cafuego | gnomefreak: yes, but someone still needs to spend time and effort rcompiling it with the correct libs. | 11:10 |
topyli | DShepherd: hear about it soon :) | 11:10 |
ardchoille | Northern Europe? | 11:10 |
anavim | DShepherd, it converts installers into .deb packages | 11:10 |
cafuego | ardchoille: it's dutch. | 11:10 |
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ardchoille | cafuego: ah, thanks | 11:10 |
sdji3 | 11:10 | |
sdji3 | hello anyonone know how can i transformer a .wmv to a .vcd ???? | 11:10 |
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anavim | DShepherd, if you're going to install a package from source or .sh, it's safer | 11:10 |
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DShepherd | anavim: ok.. aptitude install?? | 11:10 |
cafuego | sdji3: via transcode. You need to creae an VCD compliant MPEG video. | 11:11 |
topyli | DShepherd: basically, you get a source tarball, build it, and make it into a .deb before installing. so apt will know what you've done | 11:11 |
gnomefreak | cafuego, isnt ubuntus releases full of newest stable sometimes not so stable releases of programs? | 11:11 |
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johnsie2k | !java | 11:11 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 11:11 |
DShepherd | topyli: sounds like magic :) | 11:11 |
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anavim | DShepherd, no, you would run checkinstall and it creates a .deb file. If you have to uninstall, you use the .deb to uninstlall and reinstall with dpkg | 11:11 |
tyler_ | hi | 11:11 |
oxez | Is it risky to install FF 1.5 from the mozilla installer? | 11:11 |
cafuego | gnomefreak: Not normally, no. | 11:11 |
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topyli | DShepherd: good technology often does :) | 11:11 |
sdji3 | cafuego can you explain me a little more clear please :D | 11:11 |
tyler_ | I was attempting to install FF1.5 using a guide and some how (even though its like 2 steps) FF doesn't work at all now =\ | 11:12 |
tyler_ | Apparently I'm not the only one with this problem :) | 11:12 |
anavim | DShepherd, it does version tracking from the .deb it created | 11:12 |
sdji3 | cafuego can you explain me a little more clear please :D | 11:12 |
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ubuntu | z | 11:13 |
ardchoille | bbiab | 11:13 |
blue-frog | sdji3, wait for dapper for an upgraded firefox | 11:13 |
sdji3 | i dont understand you | 11:13 |
sdji3 | i dont speak good english | 11:13 |
Zedugh | !find transcode | 11:13 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'transcode' (3 shown): gtranscode ;; transcode ;; transcode-doc. | 11:13 |
sdji3 | i mean i musto wait to a newer firefox version? | 11:13 |
DRAGON_Ultra | later all nite | 11:13 |
cafuego | install 'transcode' and check /usr/share/doc/transcode | 11:13 |
topyli | sdji3: wait for the next ubuntu version | 11:13 |
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blue-frog | sdji3, dapper = next ubuntu release | 11:14 |
DShepherd | anavim: pretty neat!! | 11:14 |
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cafuego | blue-frog: Stop confusing sdji3, he didn't ask about firefox at all. | 11:14 |
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sdji3 | blue-frog, when will be a new version ? | 11:14 |
blue-frog | oh sry | 11:14 |
mwe | tyler_: I just unzipped firefox to /opt and ran the binary and it worked though I got a chrome registration error the first time I ran it | 11:14 |
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blue-frog | looked like to me it was firefox | 11:14 |
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topyli | DShepherd: to make your life on debian easier, google for "checkinstall" and "wajig" :) | 11:14 |
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sdji3 | cauedo i dont understrand how make the transcoder | 11:14 |
topyli | will be real easy | 11:15 |
Zukero | blue-frog , topyli , wait for a new distro version to have new ff version ? wtf ??? | 11:15 |
tyler_ | Hey guys sorry to interrupt you... But what would the first step be to re-installing FF1.5? I tried using a guide and now neither versions work. I uninstalled 1.5 completely, whereshould I start? | 11:15 |
quacker | sdji3, 06.04 | 11:15 |
topyli | Zukero: to have supported ubuntu packages, yes | 11:15 |
quacker | as per the Ubuntu website release schedule (read it!) every six months | 11:15 |
topyli | Zukero: you can always get it from mozilla.org, or build your own packages | 11:15 |
DShepherd | topyli: will do. this is very nice | 11:15 |
sdji3 | quacker, 5 months its to much to wait | 11:15 |
blue-frog | Zukero, nice language btw... | 11:15 |
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Zukero | well | 11:16 |
mwe | tyler_: I just downloaded the tarball from mozilla.org/products/firefox and unzipped it to /opt | 11:16 |
Zukero | i think it's weird since i had no major problems uprgrading ff1.0 to 1.1 under breezy | 11:16 |
gnomefreak | cafuego, FF1.5 is in dapper | 11:16 |
topyli | i never knew our firefoxes sucked that much | 11:16 |
topyli | we suddenly need 1.5 | 11:16 |
MickMcMack | Can I add my Debian package repos to my Ubuntu apt/sources.list ? | 11:16 |
tyler_ | mwe, that's exactly what I did. | 11:16 |
topyli | MickMcMack: no | 11:16 |
mwe | tyler_: did rm -rf /home/me/.mozilla to be safe too | 11:16 |
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DShepherd | topyli anavim: dont stop now.. keep telling me the good stuff :) | 11:17 |
tyler_ | mwe, hmm, let me re-install it and try to rm that as well. | 11:17 |
oxez | sorry for p/j, window detached from xchat | 11:17 |
tyler_ | mwe, hold. | 11:17 |
MickMcMack | topyli, damn. :( | 11:17 |
mwe | tyler_: and what happens when you type /opt/firefox/firefox in a console? | 11:17 |
anavim | DShepherd, that's about it for me :) | 11:17 |
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mwe | tyler_: back up your bookmarks first | 11:17 |
topyli | MickMcMack: you can keep the source repos, but the binaries are not going to work | 11:17 |
DShepherd | anavim: are you sure.. look a little bit deeper | 11:17 |
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topyli | MickMcMack: ubuntu universe is about the same as sid anyway | 11:18 |
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MickMcMack | topyli, so is there a Ubuntu java-package, for building the Sun bin into a deb? | 11:18 |
topyli | MickMcMack: yes | 11:18 |
quacker | /me smells ozone coming from the general direction of his switch... | 11:18 |
quacker | this cannot be good | 11:18 |
anavim | DShepherd, I'm still waiting for the tool to diff all files changed on my system when I need to figure out what config files have changed :) | 11:18 |
MickMcMack | topyli, what is it called - apt-cache search doesn't show it. :s | 11:19 |
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blue-frog | anavim, use diff .... | 11:19 |
tyler_ | mwe, ok, I reinstalled and then rm /home/me/.mozilla | 11:19 |
DShepherd | anavim: sweet!! | 11:19 |
topyli | MickMcMack: fresh install? your sources.list will have only "main" and "restricted" enabled by default. uncomment "universe" and "multiverse" | 11:19 |
MickMcMack | Aha! | 11:19 |
=== DShepherd goes to read about Debian | ||
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mwe | tyler_: yes and? | 11:20 |
mwe | tyler_: what happens when you type /opt/firefox/firefox in a console? | 11:20 |
tyler_ | mwe, I attempted to do /opt/firefox/firefox and get the following error: | 11:20 |
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ordinary | Can someone help me? My stupid computer doesn't use its wireless card. I need it to. | 11:20 |
quacker | hmmm... it's coming from the 21" Trinitron tube... ewww | 11:20 |
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tyler_ | mwe, "Firefox could not install this item because of a failure in Chrome Registration. Please contact the author about this problem." | 11:20 |
quacker | ordinary are you usign ndiswrapper? | 11:20 |
mwe | tyler_: try again I got that the first time only as well | 11:21 |
MickMcMack | Awesome, thankyou muchly topyli. :) | 11:21 |
tyler_ | mwe, It goes down the list attempting to install (or something like that), it shows lots of errors, then ends with | 11:21 |
ordinary | I did last time, before I updated it and it stopped letting modprobe do its JOB. | 11:21 |
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ordinary | And I have ndiswrapper now, but no drivers... | 11:21 |
MickMcMack | Although, topyli - java-package is still not there. >_< | 11:21 |
tyler_ | mwe, firefox/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 8515 Aborted "$prog" ${1+"$@" | 11:21 |
topyli | MickMcMack: you have the same selection of packages basically that you have on sid. multiverse has some illegeal non-us terrorist stuff too | 11:22 |
mwe | tyler_: and you did rm -rf .mozilla in your home dir (after backing up the bookmarks) ? | 11:22 |
ordinary | So then, quacker, I decided it was time to format the hard drive... | 11:22 |
ordinary | Because I got a new 5.10 package ofCDs | 11:22 |
topyli | MickMcMack: java-package is in multiverse | 11:22 |
tyler_ | mwe, i didn't backup any bookmarks beacuse I had none. | 11:23 |
ordinary | It looks like | 11:23 |
MickMcMack | Aha, ok. | 11:23 |
tyler_ | mwe, but I did rm -rf .mozilla | 11:23 |
mwe | tyler_: hmm. I heard that some people had to run it once as root before it worked. try sudo /opt/firefox/firefox | 11:23 |
ordinary | Three people, mocking me, laughing at my ineptness at using a computer, and mocking my poor physical condition, it's as if I'm five inches tall and they're dancing around me, laughing... | 11:23 |
tyler_ | mwe, tried that. | 11:24 |
mwe | tyler_: sorry, I'm out of ideas then | 11:24 |
mwe | tyler_: it worked for me | 11:25 |
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tyler_ | mwe, it gives tons of errors, they all look like: (firefox-bin:8601): Gdk-WARNING **: Error converting from UTF-8 to STRING: Conversion from character set 'UTF-8' to 'ISO-8859-1' is not supported | 11:25 |
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tyler_ | mwe, Thanks for your help. | 11:25 |
trappist | tyler_: that's just a warning. it's not fatal. | 11:25 |
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daemos | hey someone help me with this network issue: | 11:25 |
daemos | my university uses Novell services | 11:25 |
tyler_ | trappist, i think ive done everything right... I insatlled it to the right directory and everything. What would I do next? | 11:25 |
mwe | tyler_: however good ole google might help | 11:26 |
paulproteus | daemos: Go on. | 11:26 |
MickMcMack | " dpkg-architecture: warning: Couldn't determine gcc system type, falling back to default (native compilation) | 11:26 |
MickMcMack | " <<< topyli I get lots of these warnings when jpkg-making the deb. :( | 11:26 |
daemos | including a login and the mounting of virtual drives | 11:26 |
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daemos | i have ncpmount installed | 11:26 |
tyler_ | mwe, firefox doesn't work. | 11:26 |
daemos | but cant determine the syntax for to login | 11:26 |
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paulproteus | daemos: Oh, hmm. | 11:26 |
tyler_ | trappist, to execute program do I just access it under applications tab like before? | 11:26 |
paulproteus | That I've never used before, so i can't help you. | 11:26 |
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daemos | so far I have: ncpmount /MAKO -U daemos -P blah | 11:26 |
paulproteus | Does http://www.faqs.org/docs/linux_network/x-087-2-ipx.ncpfs.client.html help? | 11:26 |
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daemos | but we login through a tree called LC-TREE | 11:26 |
paulproteus | (Hint: I googled ncpmount) | 11:26 |
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daemos | ive already edited fstab and whatnot | 11:27 |
daemos | but it cant find the server | 11:27 |
daemos | on my windoze box these are the settings : | 11:27 |
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daemos | Tree: lc-tree | 11:27 |
daemos | Context: Students.Putney.Landmark | 11:27 |
daemos | Server: admin.landmark.edu | 11:27 |
daemos | anyone havea possible command line solution? or even better a GUI solution that I can run from Gnome! | 11:28 |
daemos | :) | 11:28 |
zblach | chown -R us ./base | 11:28 |
tyler_ | I guess I'll give up on firefox for now. On the other hand: Does anyone know how to install nVidia drivers? It said I had to run from root.. but when I sudo I still get an error... Any ideas? | 11:28 |
daemos | this has been plaguing me for weeks | 11:28 |
HrdwrBoB | !nvidia | 11:28 |
=== ordinary cries. | ||
ubotu | hmm... nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 11:28 |
infamus | Anyone know of a better GNOME based video player than totem? | 11:28 |
tyler_ | ubotu, My firefox is broken.. heh | 11:29 |
ubotu | tyler_: okay | 11:29 |
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b_e_n_z | infamus, gmplayer | 11:29 |
trappist | tyler_: you just defined 'my firefox' as 'broken'. well done. | 11:29 |
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jpfarias | hi! | 11:29 |
topyli | daemos: i gave up with our novell servers a long time ago, keep my own stuff, and demended a non-novell printer on the network :) | 11:29 |
mwe | tyler_: does the ubuntu 1.0.7 version work? | 11:30 |
tyler_ | trappist, i'm out of ideas on how to make it work so i'm moving on for now, unless you have some ideas? | 11:30 |
jpfarias | how do I configure the network in ubuntu? | 11:30 |
topyli | daemos: much quicker | 11:30 |
ordinary | ubotu, left is right, black is white | 11:30 |
infamus | tyler: if you go into the synaptic packege manager you can find nvidea drivers in-Multimedia (restricted)copyright) | 11:30 |
ubotu | okay, ordinary | 11:30 |
trappist | !my firefox | 11:30 |
ubotu | I heard my firefox is broken.. heh | 11:30 |
tyler_ | mwe, no, for some reason when i tried to install 1.5 just now it made it so that when i try to open ff like normal i get an error | 11:30 |
idiot | There is a 4.4gb file on a windows PC and whenever I try to move it to this Linux computer using the samba networking it fails and says file size limit exceeded, can someone help I need this file. | 11:30 |
trappist | awesome | 11:30 |
trappist | !forget my firefox | 11:30 |
ubotu | trappist: i forgot my firefox | 11:30 |
infamus | b_e_n_z: thanks ill try it out | 11:30 |
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daemos | tpoyli: hah believe me I would if I could | 11:30 |
daemos | I am actually just interested in 'exploring' the infrastructure of out network :) | 11:31 |
trappist | idiot: 2gb filesize limits suck | 11:31 |
paulproteus | daemos: I would expect the HOWTO I linked you to would help you. | 11:31 |
trappist | idiot: you might try using winscp on windows to scp it over | 11:31 |
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mwe | tyler_: I would try sudo apt-get remove firefos && sudo apt-get install firefox for starters | 11:31 |
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infamus | tyler_: if you go into the synaptic packege manager you can find nvidea drivers in-Multimedia (restricted)copyright) | 11:31 |
daemos | and without logging in, ethercap cant capture any TCP streams that aren't local | 11:31 |
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topyli | daemos: ncpclient is rumoured to work well by some. i guess it's up to the phase of the moon | 11:32 |
tyler_ | infamus, im very new to SPM, but when I click on Multimedia on the left, should I be looking for (restricted)copyright on the right? | 11:32 |
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tyler_ | mwe, i will, thanks | 11:32 |
topyli | damn this stupid player takes long to build | 11:33 |
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daemos | Server: admin.landmark.edu | 11:33 |
daemos | Context: Students.Putney.Landmark | 11:33 |
daemos | Tree: lc-tree | 11:33 |
mwe | tyler_: typing firefox correctly, though and not firefos :) | 11:33 |
tyler_ | mwe, hehe yeah | 11:33 |
daemos | I cant mount anything | 11:33 |
daemos | and when i try slist it cant find the server | 11:33 |
tyler_ | mwe, E: Invalid operation firefox | 11:33 |
daemos | could someone maybe correct my syntax? | 11:33 |
infamus | tyler_: no on the left it will read Multimedia(restricted copyright) and on the right it will have the different packages for nvidea and ATI | 11:33 |
Rawplayer | DO | 11:34 |
mwe | tyler_: what did you type? | 11:34 |
ttrocal | Hello, a problem has recently emerged on my Ubuntu Breezy system where I am unable to log back on to my KDE or Gnome sessions after the screen has been locked. It will tell me my password is invalid, though I'm sure it is not, and fail to unlock the session. I can still log in through KDM normally and my password still works for sudo. What might be wrong? | 11:34 |
daemos | ncpmount -S admin.landmark.edu -U -S doesnt seem to work | 11:34 |
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tyler_ | infamus, I see Multimedia, but no (restricted copyright) next to it. | 11:34 |
daemos | and ncpmount doesnt have any options to include any tree or context | 11:34 |
tyler_ | mwe, sudo apt-get firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox | 11:34 |
tyler_ | E: Invalid operation firefox | 11:34 |
daemos | I saw a hack by novell | 11:34 |
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daemos | but its only for SUSE10 | 11:34 |
daemos | any chance it will compile under ubuntu? | 11:34 |
mwe | tyler_: wrong command | 11:34 |
infamus | tyler_: try apt-get update, i did and they all showed up in SPM | 11:34 |
mwe | tyler_: sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox | 11:35 |
tyler_ | mwe, ack my bad | 11:35 |
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Ofe | hiya. Could someone tell me how to install totem-xine with no internet connection awailable in the computer it's supposed to be installed in to? I have a package called totem-xine_1.2.0-0ubuntu3_i386.deb. Tried installing it with dpkg but it said "conflicting packages". anyone, please? I have to get this ready by tomorrow. :( | 11:35 |
topyli | daemos: if there is source, you can compile it | 11:35 |
daemos | check it http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/16441.html ---- Will this work under Ubuntu ? | 11:35 |
tyler_ | mwe, tyler@ubuntu165:~$ sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox | 11:35 |
tyler_ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail able) | 11:35 |
tyler_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc ess using it? | 11:35 |
tristanmike | tyler_, close synaptic | 11:35 |
daemos | ok | 11:35 |
tyler_ | tristanmike, thanks | 11:35 |
daemos | thanks for your help topyli | 11:35 |
idiot | Lol | 11:35 |
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topyli | daemos: damn you, you got me interested in this stuff again ;-) | 11:36 |
arcanistherogue | hey, i just downloaded a .svg file from gnome look, how do i use it as my metacity theme? | 11:36 |
daemos | haha | 11:36 |
DShepherd | http://www.aboutdebian.com/ <-- good read for newbies like me | 11:36 |
tyler_ | mwe, ok, i did it and it loooks like it worked. what now? :) | 11:36 |
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daemos | yeah I am just interested because its a wireless network and Im interested in what sort of packets are floating through the air | 11:36 |
NoobieDoobieDo | Hi all. I'm back on Ubuntu ;) | 11:36 |
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ni0m1 | hello room :) how can i install firefox 1.5 beta? | 11:37 |
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tyler_ | mwe, should i try to install 1.5 again? haha | 11:37 |
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cjb | Hi. I'm seeing "libc_wrapper error: passed invalid FILE handle to xf86fprintf" when trying to start X with the nvidia driver. | 11:37 |
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arcanistherogue | hey, i just downloaded a .svg file from gnome look, how do i use it as my metacity theme? | 11:38 |
guydebord | How can i open compressed files ending with .gz | 11:38 |
mwe | tyler_: your choise. it works for me | 11:38 |
tyler_ | infamus, i did the update, however I still don't see anything other than just Multimedia | 11:38 |
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trappist | guydebord: gunzip unless it's a .tar.gz in which case tar zxf | 11:38 |
tyler_ | mwe, it said everything worked out, but when I go applications>internet>firefox web browser I get an error. | 11:38 |
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foampeace | hi there | 11:39 |
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mwe | tyler_: maybe rm -rf /home/you/.mozilla again | 11:39 |
k31th | guys how do you totally remove a package | 11:40 |
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k31th | and all the conf files etc ? | 11:40 |
mwe | tyler_: substituting "you" for your actuaul login name | 11:40 |
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HrdwrBoB | k31th: dpkg --purge packagename | 11:40 |
tyler_ | mwe, yeah, hehe | 11:40 |
foampeace | when the system boots it gets stuck on ntp.ubuntulinux.org. how can i disable this loading at boot time | 11:40 |
infamus | !tell infamus about cvs | 11:40 |
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tyler_ | mwe, "Cannot launch entry. Details: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)" | 11:41 |
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k31th | HrdwrBoB: thanks man | 11:41 |
HrdwrBoB | no worries | 11:41 |
aimaz | foampeace, it'd be better if you set up the networking so it works | 11:41 |
k31th | i knew it was purge i was typing apt-get purge | 11:41 |
HrdwrBoB | k31th: btw, you asked a good question, very easy to asnwer :) | 11:41 |
k31th | im loosing it i swear | 11:41 |
mwe | tyler_: that's odd. can you run it from the terminal? | 11:41 |
k31th | :D | 11:42 |
tyler_ | where does 1.07 reside | 11:42 |
HrdwrBoB | makes me a happy camper | 11:42 |
tyler_ | mwe, where does 1.07 reside? | 11:42 |
infamus | you cant install through cvs in ubuntu can you | 11:42 |
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HrdwrBoB | tyler_: run sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox | 11:42 |
mwe | tyler_: the binary should be /usr/bin/firefox | 11:42 |
tyler_ | ok, hold pls :) | 11:42 |
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mwe | HrdwrBoB: he did | 11:42 |
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tyler_ | mwe, no such file or directory. I'll try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox | 11:43 |
Red-Sox | DaddyCadd: hi | 11:43 |
foampeace | aimaz: yes its pppoe so it doesnt kick it right away | 11:43 |
Red-Sox | Trashcan: hi | 11:43 |
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Red-Sox | McCrank: hu | 11:43 |
HrdwrBoB | mwe: ah, something is on crack then | 11:43 |
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Trashcan | hi redsox | 11:43 |
mwe | HrdwrBoB: or rather apt-get remove && apt-get install it, to the same effect I believe | 11:43 |
Trashcan | friendly guy | 11:43 |
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k31th | going to install asterisk is it best to do so via apt or via source ? | 11:43 |
nickrud | foampeace, you can set the timeout for ntpdate in /etc/default/ntpdate. use the option -v , see man ntpdate | 11:43 |
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aimaz | foampeace, I know a way to do it, but ubuntu probably has a nicer way, so I'm reluctant to tell you | 11:43 |
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McCrank | hey red sox | 11:43 |
HrdwrBoB | mwe: yeah, pretty much | 11:43 |
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tyler_ | HrdwrBoB, It looks like it works, it shows the progress working and stuff, but when it finishes I get the same error.? | 11:44 |
nickrud | foampeace, option -t I mean | 11:44 |
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foampeace | nickrud: thanks | 11:44 |
OneFix_Work | I just placed an order for Ubuntu CDs from ShipIt...and I know it says 4-6 weeks, but does it usually take that long or are they generally faster? | 11:44 |
Seveas | OneFix_Work, usually that long | 11:44 |
HrdwrBoB | tyler_: run ls -l /usr/bin/firefox | 11:44 |
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McCrank | lookin for some help when i install ubuntu amd64 everything seems fine but when i run it the video is seriously messed up and the mouse is a large square it freezes shortly after | 11:45 |
a|so | okay.. i downloaded the ubuntu cd image for installing the software and burnt it into one of my cd's and i set my bios to boot from the cd/rom and i restarted my compaq presario... it goes to a black screen with a small - which blinks.. and then it just stays there and after around 5 minutes windows loads up.. what should i do | 11:45 |
Ofe | I'm trying to make totem-xine work. so i'm trying to remove totem because I had a package conflict. but it says if I want to remove totem it will remove ubuntu-desktop too. is it true? | 11:45 |
mwe | tyler_: did you at some point use dpkg-divert to rename the binary or something? | 11:45 |
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tyler_ | mwe, nothing like that... | 11:46 |
tyler_ | mwe, if i could go online i would show you the guide i used | 11:46 |
tyler_ | mwe, but it was really simple, just cp the package to /opt/ then tar there | 11:46 |
nickrud | Ofe, you should be able to just install totem-xine, it will replace the current totem | 11:46 |
k31th | does anyone use ubuntu for a asterisk server os ? | 11:46 |
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tyler_ | mwe, i am doing the remove&&install over and over trying different things but it alsways ends the same | 11:46 |
tyler_ | mwe, with it not finding the /usr/bin/firefox directory | 11:46 |
Ofe | nickrud : I'm trying to install totem-xine from a package. the computer that I'm trying to install totem-xine to doesn't have an internet connection. | 11:47 |
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a|so | who are the helpers ? | 11:47 |
a|so | help me.. i am unable to install ubuntu at all | 11:47 |
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mwe | tyler_: if you type fire and then press tab two times what shows up if anything then? | 11:47 |
the | My OpenGL Applications keep freezing. | 11:47 |
nickrud | Ofe, oh. You'll need the dependencies as well then, you're right. | 11:47 |
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infamus | b_e_n_z: im trying to find mplayer but im not finding a good source to DL from, any ideas? | 11:47 |
tyler_ | mwe, from what directory | 11:48 |
nickrud | Ofe, do you have access to another ubuntu machine that is on the net? | 11:48 |
mwe | tyler_: any directory should do | 11:48 |
Ofe | yup, this one. 5.04. | 11:48 |
tyler_ | mwe, from / i got firefox.ubuntu | 11:48 |
npx | [marillat] an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer> being the most popular. See http://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/index.html for details on how to add, or http://ftp.malyjarda.cz/pub/mirror/marillat.free.fr/ if you are using apt >= 0.6 ask me about <marillat key> | 11:48 |
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HrdwrBoB | infamus: what you mean apart from built into ubuntu | 11:48 |
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Nealz | My OpenGL Applications keep freezing. | 11:48 |
mwe | tyler_: yeah there you got it | 11:48 |
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nickrud | Ofe, then, look at the package apt-zip. It's meant for getting packages and dependencies for machines that are not on the net | 11:48 |
Ofe | I mean nickrud : yup, this one. 5.04 with 0.9kbps connectionspeed. the other one is 5.10 | 11:48 |
mwe | tyler_: you must have run dpkg-divert at some point | 11:48 |
tyler_ | mwe, shit. what now? | 11:48 |
mwe | tyler_: hold on | 11:49 |
tyler_ | mwe, the guide seemed so easy i was kind of just cp/pasting like a newbie | 11:49 |
nickrud | mjr, 5.04, 5.10, apt-zip is not quite it then. | 11:49 |
nickrud | mmm, sorry | 11:49 |
Nealz | My OpenGL Applications keep freezing. The only error it says is: 'Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 11:49 |
Nealz | ' | 11:49 |
mwe | tyler_: use dpkg-divert to get rid of the diversion, let me figure the excact coammand | 11:49 |
tyler_ | mwe, okay | 11:49 |
Xial | Good evening. Small question. I'm trying the live cd of Ubuntu, and unfortunately, my mouse (GE PS/2 Optical mouse) is not working properly. The buttons work, but I can't move the mouse cursor itself. It's stuck off in the upper right corner. I'm having no luck with a google search. Any suggestions? | 11:49 |
mwe | tyler_: sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu, I believe | 11:50 |
tyler_ | mwe, hold :) | 11:50 |
Ofe | nickrud : is it possible just to download the breezy-version (from packages.ubuntu.com) and installing it (or whatever you do with it) from an usb-memorystick? | 11:50 |
NoobieDoobieDo | Xial, I'd suggest editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf to make sure the Mouse drive is PS/2 | 11:50 |
tyler_ | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 11:51 |
tyler_ | LANGUAGE = "en", | 11:51 |
tyler_ | LC_ALL = (unset), | 11:51 |
tyler_ | LANG = "en" | 11:51 |
tyler_ | are supported and installed on your system. | 11:51 |
tyler_ | perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). | 11:51 |
tyler_ | No diversion `any diversion of /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu', none removed | 11:51 |
tyler_ | ack | 11:51 |
a|so | hello.............................. | 11:51 |
mwe | tyler_: yeah | 11:51 |
a|so | need help | 11:51 |
mwe | tyler_: try sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/bin/firefox | 11:52 |
nickrud | Ofe, yes, but you're gonna need more packages than just totem-xine, at least libxine1c2 , maybe more. | 11:52 |
Xial | It's worth a shot. Thanks. I'll try that now. | 11:52 |
Nealz | My OpenGL Applications keep freezing. The only error it says is: 'Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".' | 11:52 |
Seveas | tyler_, NEVER paste in here | 11:52 |
Seveas | Nealz, then enable dri | 11:52 |
Ofe | nickrud : I have w32codecs installed too. any help from that? :) | 11:52 |
tyler_ | Seveas, sorry. | 11:52 |
Nealz | Seveas: How? | 11:52 |
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tyler_ | mwe, ok it removed. | 11:52 |
trappist | Nealz: what video card | 11:52 |
topyli | bah. the vlc plugin is not showing the apple.com trailers :( | 11:52 |
mwe | tyler_: try to start firefox now | 11:53 |
Seveas | Nealz, Load "dri" in section Files | 11:53 |
Nealz | trappist: ATI Radeon 9800 | 11:53 |
tyler_ | mwe, Success :) | 11:53 |
trappist | Nealz: you need to be using the fglrx drivers for that | 11:53 |
Seveas | Nealz, and install fglrx drivers | 11:53 |
Seveas | !tell Nealz about ati | 11:53 |
=== fabioc [n=fabioc@201-42-215-190.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== RockyBurt is now known as RockyBurt|away | ||
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Xial | Hm. Slight issue. I'm unable to write to the file (as it's the live cd). | 11:53 |
tyler_ | mwe, now that im back at square one.. to install 1.5 I should just have to cp my package to /opt/ and untar it, right? | 11:53 |
Nealz | Well like they run and whatnot | 11:53 |
mwe | tyler_: yeah | 11:53 |
=== t1n_m4n [n=Lotus@cpe-24-194-132-157.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nealz | but it stops doing keyboard actions, etc. | 11:53 |
tyler_ | mwe, then run /opt/firefox/firefox | 11:54 |
mwe | tyler_: and check that it works before fiddling with dpkg-divert | 11:54 |
nickrud | Ofe, yeah, you want that too :) you could put apt-zip on the 5.10 machine; it will create a script that you take to another machine and run. At the least it will tell you the packages you need; at the best, it may do all you need. | 11:54 |
=== Widoff [n=Widoff@1-1-3-22a.gka.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tyler_ | mwe, what does that even do? | 11:54 |
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mwe | tyler_: it renames the binary that any package tries to install | 11:55 |
Ofe | okay. thanks nickrud. I'll highlight you again if I need any help. :) | 11:55 |
nickrud | Ofe, I haven't used if for a few years so my memory is a bit hazy, but I used it in just your situation. | 11:55 |
Nealz | Alright uhm..is anything wrong with the servers? | 11:56 |
=== cusco [n=Tiago@cpc3-swin6-3-0-cust49.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== LuFF [n=jake@CPE-65-31-80-113.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | tyler_: so that you can link //opt/firefox/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox and your version will be used instead of the ubuntu one | 11:56 |
tyler_ | mwe, oh | 11:56 |
Nealz | I think it's me. | 11:56 |
tyler_ | mwe, ok, i did sudo tar xzvf firefox-1.5 | 11:56 |
tyler_ | mwe, then i tried /opt/firefox/firefox | 11:56 |
cusco | help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:56 |
cusco | cusco@Portatil:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep M | 11:56 |
cusco | cpu MHz : 102.902 | 11:56 |
=== jvai [n=jvai@m015f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cusco | I have a celeron at 2.6GHz | 11:57 |
=== gfish [n=dave@cpc4-heck4-5-0-cust188.hudd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cusco | why is it working at 102MHz | 11:57 |
cusco | ? | 11:57 |
tyler_ | mwe, and got "Firefox could not install this item because of chrome registration" error again. | 11:57 |
gfish | how do i burn .iso files | 11:57 |
tyler_ | mwe, any idea whaat that is? | 11:57 |
Nealz | cusco: Maybe you're using the rest. | 11:57 |
mwe | tyler_: yeah now rm -rf /home/tyler/.mozilla && /opt/firefox/firefox to see if it will run | 11:57 |
mwe | tyler_: even if you run it again? | 11:57 |
aminorex | cdrecord --data image.iso | 11:57 |
tyler_ | i tried 3 times | 11:57 |
cusco | Nealz: what do you mean? I don0t think I am | 11:57 |
mwe | tyler_: and with sudo you get it too? | 11:58 |
=== dbglt [i=isaneo@220-245-150-104-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbglt | hi everyone | 11:58 |
tyler_ | mwe, yes. | 11:58 |
tyler_ | mwe, maybe i should re-download 1.5. | 11:58 |
dbglt | I just installed ubuntu: what on earth is my root password? :P | 11:58 |
tyler_ | mwe, i'm running 64ubuntu if it matters | 11:58 |
mwe | tyler_: I doubt it will work | 11:58 |
Nealz | cusco: go into a terminal and run the top command. | 11:58 |
anavim | !tell dbglt about rootsudo | 11:58 |
nickrud | dbglt, there is no root password | 11:58 |
dbglt | ... | 11:58 |
cusco | Nealz: yes.. | 11:58 |
mwe | tyler_: maybe you have to remove roots .mozilla, you guessing though | 11:59 |
cusco | the one that is using most cpu | 11:59 |
dbglt | I'd like to have my root password - I assume I can reset it? | 11:59 |
Nealz | cusco: just 'top' is any of your processor being used? | 11:59 |
cusco | is xorg | 11:59 |
dbglt | init 1 or similar? | 11:59 |
nickrud | dbglt, ubuntu highly recommends using sudo instead of a root password | 11:59 |
cusco | Nealz: yes very littl | 11:59 |
cusco | Nealz: yes very little | 11:59 |
tyler_ | mwe, rm /.mozilla? | 11:59 |
mwe | tyler_: no | 11:59 |
nickrud | dbglt, it you really want it, sudo passwd root , and you can set it. | 11:59 |
cusco | Cpu(s): 4.0% us, 2.3% sy, 0.0% ni, 93.7% id, 0.0% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si | 11:59 |
Nealz | cusco: it's being used, though. It's just saying that it's current clock rate is 102 or whatever you had. | 11:59 |
lsuactiafner | how fast should a seagate 300G 7200 rpm 16mb cache sata3 300 ncq write data to an ext3 filesystem on an asus a8n deluxe nforce4 chipset? i only get 30mb/s max.. what can i do to increase it? | 11:59 |
mwe | tyler_: sudo rm -rf /root/.mozilla && sudo /opt/firefox/firefox | 11:59 |
dbglt | dealing in a chmod environment and such, which may not have sudo | 11:59 |
dbglt | so yeah | 11:59 |
Nealz | cusco: Sometimes if it's too hot it will slow down | 12:00 |
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