
=== mhz printing
=== mhz printing
=== mhz printing
=== spacey [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #edubuntu
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
mhzogra: so, jdub told me he was talking to you about "my case". any news?02:17
ogranot really.... i was in the TB meeting02:19
ograping him again... 02:19
ograhe should still be on02:19
=== paolob [n=donpaolo@151stb41.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu
mhzpaolob: welcome / bienvenido02:23
paolobmhz: ciao hola hi02:23
mhzhow long have you been using edubuntu?02:24
paolobHi guys! I have a problem with dhcp. I have 40 clients. The first time I run edubuntu all is well. However, after a few server reboot, When the clients try to connect to the dhcp server, a messagge "no IP address" appears, and in syslog there is a corresponding "no free leases". It seems like all the dhcp leases are occupied, but really there are not clients connected. What's the hell is this strange thing?02:26
paolobmhz: I'm at my first edubuntu experience02:26
paolobmhz: before I installed a 12 clients ltsp system with a debian testing server02:26
mhzpaolob: what dhcpd.conf file are you editing?02:27
mhzin which /dir, i mean02:27
paolobmhz: I didn't edit any dhcpd.conf file02:27
ograpaolob, see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes02:28
mhzare you sure the settings in dhcpd.conf correspond to the settings you need for your network?02:28
=== mhz is taking daughter to bed and be back
ograbtw, 40 clients require a HUGE server02:29
ogra128 MB per lient is the default ...02:29
ograplus ~256MB for the server itself02:29
paolobogra: till now I have no problem with 2GB ram02:31
ograwith the default desktop ? 02:31
ogragnome and KDE setups always require values along this line ...02:31
ogradid you ever run all 40 clients at the same time ?02:32
paolobogra: well I could get the graphic login for all, and entered 3 or 4 client. I could see that if the same program is used in all the clients, running another instance of it in another client doesn't affect memory usage02:33
ograyes, they share memory ... but 40 is a huge amount02:33
ograthe biggest setups i've seen so far with 2GB were 25 clients ...02:34
paolobogra: is there any script to autogenerate user accounts in edubuntu. I mean accounts like n1, n2, n3, etc.?02:34
ograwhere all were running at the same time ...02:34
ograthis will be there in the overnext release ...02:35
ogranext release is mostly polish of breezy02:35
ograi.e. thmeable login .. speedup of the bootprocess, bootsplash for the clients, sound support, some additional gui tools...02:36
paolobogra: but will edubuntu 6.04 correspond to ubuntu 6.04?02:37
ograsure, as edubuntu 5.10 does to ubuntu 5.1002:38
ograedubuntu is developed inside ubuntu.... 02:38
paolobogra: but the "no free leases" thing.... what could it depend on?02:39
ogradid you set up the dhcpd.conf as described in the install notes ?02:39
ograthis file is not generated by default02:39
paolobogra: now I remember I configured it as in the install notes02:40
ograhmm, with a range that is big enough ? 02:40
paolobthe range is ok, because the first edubuntu run is ok, and so the 2nd, 3rd, etc. But there comes a moment in which appears the "no free leases" in the dhcp log02:42
paolobit seems that dhcp allocates the leases but it doesnt de-allocate...02:43
ogratry setting the value for max-lease-time lower in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf02:43
ograits set to 7200 by default02:43
ogratry setting it to 700 or 1000 and do a sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart afterwards02:44
paolob /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf or /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf ?02:45
ograthe main config in /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf for this02:45
ograif it doesnt work try the ltsp config, but the main one should work02:46
paolobThe edubuntu install notes speak of configuring the second02:47
ograyes, i know02:47
ogra(i wrote them ;) )02:47
paolobogra: felicitaciones!02:47
mhzpaolob: but your lease issue could be slved by editing the first02:47
paolobmhz: could or must?02:48
ogramhz, i'm not sure it get read at all ...02:48
=== mhz wonders how ogra's spanish is
ograso if the first doesnt work, try the second02:48
=== paolob possibly he understands it!
ogramhz, not much beyond hola and gracias 02:48
mhzogra: and ubuntuero?02:48
paolobok, entonces no podemos hablar espaol02:48
mhzpaolob: lamentablemente02:49
ogramhz, thats a designed word... surely i understand it ;)02:49
mhzaunque pronto podriamos en #edubuntu-es02:49
ogramhz, for registering channels contact Seveas ...02:49
paolobmhz: but there such few active people here... imagine it in a spanish channel!02:49
ograbut he is in .nl ... its 3am in europe :)02:50
Seveasbut still awake :)02:50
mhzogra: okis, and what time is Seveas around (to ping him and not waking hime)02:50
mhzSeveas: hey02:50
Seveasanyone can register channels, no approval is needed02:50
mhzSeveas: i'd like to proceed with #edubuntu-es02:50
mhzSeveas: sure, but it is best if we follow some 'conduct' here :)02:50
mhzpaolob: I know. the isuee, at least in Chile, is that some teachers have complained about all stuff in english02:51
mhzand therefore they say "they dont participate much"02:51
Seveasmhz, by all means, proceed the way you see fit. No channel registration is 'official' and in fact: the Ubuntu channel group does not even cover #edubuntu* channels :) 02:52
paolobbut, in the end, that of the "no free leases" is a bug or what is it?02:52
mhzSeveas: oooh02:52
mhzSeveas: good to know02:52
mhzpaolob: let's see once you edit any of those files :)02:52
ograpaolob, rather a misconfiguration... i have to inspect it if i'm more awake ... havent seen it yet02:53
Seveasmhz, but this was a good reminder to sort this out with lilo asap ;)02:53
paolobI generated the edubuntu-es channel!02:53
paolobI think a /join #edubuntu-es is all is needed02:53
mhzSeveas: please. I think that, specially now, that we are getting more activity (Marketing team, doc team, evanelisation teams, loco teams, etc.)02:54
paolobmhz: ogra: well, I'll do it tomorrow02:54
mhzSeveas: it is not bad if there are some minimum guidelines02:54
Seveasmhz, working on those :)02:54
ograpaolob, if its registered, the channel will be owned by the resistrant, so if you have a troll in there, the channel master can kick him02:54
paolobogra: ah, ok02:55
mhzSeveas: I have finally gotten reply from ubuntu.cl guys but they say they will answer me fully during the week (i made like 7 questions) and that so far, no plans for evangelisation, only the forum.02:55
Seveasogra, in such occurences they can also ask me to let the freenode guarddogs loose on the subversive elements ;)02:55
ograSeveas, cool, good to know ...02:55
ograi'm in the admin list for #ubuntu buthave not even the slightest clue how to kick someone :)02:56
mhzas long as we dont bite our own tails :D02:56
Seveasogra, ;)02:56
mhzogra: right click on a user02:57
ogramhz, first i have to get op status ;)02:57
mhzSeveas: so, I'll wait for you to register or shall i ?02:57
Seveasogra, /msg chanserv op #ubuntu02:58
mhzand then /kick the_user02:58
ograhmm, doesnt work here ...02:59
Seveasit seems that #edubuntu-es has already been registered by someone02:59
mhz.oO(there should be a /slap the_user too) :D02:59
mhzSeveas: see?02:59
Seveas-ChanServ-      Contact: P3L|C4N0, last seen: 4 weeks 1 day (23h 38m 23s) ago02:59
Seveasdo you know this person?02:59
ograpelicano ?03:00
SeveasIf not, I'll contact lilo to make you channel contact03:00
ograhe's sometimes around here03:00
Seveasah ok03:00
ograbut very seldom03:00
Seveasthen i'd suggest that you try and settle it yourself03:00
mhzmy only concern is that newcomers tend to think this is "official" and if op has no 'conduct'.. problems will arrive.03:00
mhzSeveas: I have seen him around a couple of times but can't remember when03:01
paolobguys, one of the 40 clients downloads the vmlinuz and the other file (initrd.img?) very slowly. What could it be due to?03:01
mhzor where03:01
SeveasI've seen him in #ubuntu a few times03:01
ograpaolob, thats a drawback of breezy ... will be improved in dapper...03:01
mhzdapper will rock :)03:01
paolobwhile all clients download vmlinuz in 3 seconds, one client lasts about 30 seconds.03:01
paolobogra: explain me03:02
paolobthe reduced speed is not due to overload on the server03:02
Seveasnetwork contention?03:02
ograthat rather sounds like a network issue03:02
SeveasFlipping bits in the switches?03:02
SeveasSolat flares?03:02
mhzSeveas: can we wait for him (say 2 days to show up) and if not, could you talk to lilo? Our Chilean plans for EdubuntuChileanTour should start in no longer than 2 weeks03:02
SeveasPhase of the moon?03:02
=== Seveas is reading BOFH :)
ograis it always the same client ? 03:03
paoloba nic issue (but the connection is at 100 Mb/s)? a cable issue?03:03
paolobogra: yes03:03
ograthen it sounds like NIC or cable03:04
mhzpaolob: did you swithc cables?03:04
paolobmhz: even if the 100 Mb led is on?03:04
paolobmhz: I'm going to try03:04
ogratry chaning the cable from another NIC03:04
paolobogra: ok03:04
mhzI had same issue once. then it was cable03:04
ograif its not it, use a NIC from another client ...03:05
ograif that solves it, it was the NIC ...03:05
Seveasmhz, I'll contact lilo on friday03:05
Seveasjust ping me then to remind me ;)03:05
paolobAnother issue is that a client always get an error while booting the ltsp kernel, and stops booting. Could it be a ram problem or what?03:05
mhz.oO(we should have a machine that we use to ping cables, so we can know what segment of the cable is nor working properly) :D03:05
mhzpaolob: always same client?03:06
paolobmhz: yes03:06
mhzpaolob: do they boot on a set order?03:06
mhzor randomly?03:06
mhzSeveas: ok, thx03:06
paolobthey boot all together03:06
paolobbut the error occurs even if it boots alone03:06
ograsounds like a HW issue 03:07
mhzpaolob: 1st time i hear that03:07
ograif all other work fine ..03:07
mhz"the curse of a client"03:07
paolobmhz: I saw it various times in installing thes 40 clients03:07
paolobGuys, when all is ok I could prepare a testimony of my install03:08
mhzpaolob: please do!03:08
ograthat'd very appreciated03:08
mhzpaolob: you really got me03:08
mhzpaolob: I had heard strange things but that03:08
paolobwhere should I put or send it?03:09
mhzwiki it please03:09
paolobin ubuntu wiki?03:09
mhzthe wiki is perfect for that03:09
ograare you subscribed to edubuntu-devel ?03:09
mhzpaolob: when you create an account in LaunchPad, you'll login to any ubuntu wiki03:09
ograbut wiki is ok too ...03:09
mhzall ubuntu wikis share same /data dir03:10
mhzogra: nothing to do but... do you know of any desktop independant addressbook that imports/exports from/to .vcf ?03:12
mhzand let's you share data on network03:12
ograonly evolution03:12
mhz(ldap, maybe)03:12
ograldap might wokr too03:12
mhzevolution does that indeed03:12
mhzbut aint that gnome libs dependant?03:13
=== paolob is going to bed
ograthunderbird should do it too03:13
=== ogra too
mhzthunderbird looks good03:13
paolobWell, good night to all of you!03:13
mhzpaolob: sleep well03:13
ogranight as well 03:13
mhzpaolob: maybe 2morrow that client will work03:13
paolobBuenas noches a todos, que sueen con los angelitos!03:13
mhzogra: ok, go to bed, please03:14
mhz.oO(ogra needs to be rested to produce good work/ideas03:14
mhzogra: BTW, meeting tomorrow?03:14
mhzi didnt see it in topic03:15
ograits in the topic of #ubuntu-meeting 03:16
ograabd on the fridge03:16
spacey30 Nov 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu03:16
spaceythats 13 CET?03:16
spaceyi can do that03:17
ograspacey, sorry, didnt upload the content filter stuff yet03:17
spaceyogra, take your time03:17
spaceyi'm quite busy03:17
ograthe TB meeting took nearly 3h (unplanned)03:17
spaceythats quite long03:17
spaceysome difficult points?03:18
ograhide admin tools03:18
ograand two big opinions03:18
spaceyi remember that spec from ubz03:18
ograone party that wanted to solve it by patching sudo ...03:18
ograand one (the one i am in) that wants to solve GUI tasks in the GUI... not in an admin tool03:19
spaceyyeah latter one sounds much better03:19
spaceypatching sudo bleh03:19
ograit already was done ... pitti reverted it after the meeting03:20
spaceynot even sure how that would work out, but it must be dirty03:20
ogranot really, but its evil on server installs ...03:20
ograand we wont ship two sudos03:20
mhzogra: please do not hide it from sudo03:21
ograbeing able to test the users rights with sudo -t without being logged is not nice03:21
mhzubuntu is know for usinf sudo03:21
ogramhz, the thing is that users who are no admins see all admin tools ... we want to avoind that for dapper03:21
spaceywasn't it something like that switch was already in upstream?03:22
spacey*digs his memory*03:22
mhzogra: they can be warned03:22
ograso students only have apps in their menu in edubuntu ;)03:22
ograbut no admin tools03:22
mhzogra: GUI hidding is fine, very fine03:22
mhzbut not from command line I meant03:22
ogragnome-menu shall handle it ... 03:22
=== sm|IDLE is now known as sankarshan
mhzi thought you meant from command line03:23
spaceyogra, different from now?03:23
ograi think xfce uses gnome-menu too03:23
spaceysince its already in breezy but not used03:23
ograspacey, sure ... currently a non privileged user sees sll admin tools03:23
spaceyogra, yeah but if you add thingy to .desktop file it dissapears03:23
ograand gksudo just dies silently if he has no rights03:23
ogranot yet03:23
spaceyit does03:24
ograthe patch is missing ...03:24
ograreally ? 03:24
spaceyi'm pretty sure the patch was in03:24
spaceyseb even showed me03:24
spaceyits just not used03:24
ograut the patch for checking the admin group isnt03:24
spaceybecause none of the desktop files include that line03:24
ograthey will03:24
ograbut you also need to check the users rights ...03:24
ograthat part was missing ...03:25
mhz.oO(another reason why /me is so happy with simpler desktops) :)03:25
spaceyi think the thing was that it checks on group now but that its not universal enough03:25
ograand pitti wanted to solve it through calling sudo -t <desktop file> for every entry03:25
spaceybut its late now, so might recall badly03:25
spaceyogra, yeah03:25
mhzogra: wouldn't that pitti solution be too expensive?03:26
ograwhich produces a mail to root for every .deskop file on every login ...03:26
spaceyogra, hehe, small detail :)03:26
spaceyand thats why sudo had to be patched?03:27
spaceyi assume03:27
ogranope.... that already was the patch :p03:27
ograhe reverted the behavior03:27
ogranow -t doesnt exist anymore03:27
ograand the check for the admin group will be used ...03:28
ograwhich breaks on systems that were upgraded from warty03:28
spaceywhich doesn't really matter :P03:28
ograi.e. it doesnt hide the entrys03:28
spaceysince warty doesn't have an admin group03:29
ograand it doesnt get added on upgrades03:29
ograbut thatmeans it simply wont change for these users :)03:29
ograbut no new breakage is introduced ... so its way safer03:30
mhzogra: we'd need a 'teacher' group in 6.04 so teachers can handle users -> menus based on the subject his teaching03:31
ogranope ... we'll have configurable menu profiles in 6.10 .... :)03:31
spaceyoh btw you don't need to hurry with that willow stuff, i'll install and try it out end of this week and see (willow itself), because our customer caught little kids surfing for porn. so i see how it works. and then next week look into your stuff. 03:31
mhzogra: cooler03:32
ograspacey, yes, i wanted tobase i on sabayon ... but that might not even be necessary03:32
spaceybut sabayon might be nice anyway03:32
spaceyquite nice actually03:32
ograi'm in contact with the menu editor author ... i'm poking him since a while to add profile support03:33
ograso we might get it cheaper :)03:33
spaceyyeah that would be nice03:33
mhzoops, so admins will have more work on school needs03:33
ograi'm still not sure if the xnest issue is solvable03:33
ogramhz, nope, less work03:34
spaceyogra, we can ask sabayon mailinglist03:34
ograyou have a menu predefined for every class you have ...03:34
mhzogra: nope, more work taking care of each teacher needs for students in lab03:34
spaceyi can ask if you want, subscribed anyway03:34
ograspacey, i guess so ... but its a technical issue03:34
ograspacey, yes, do it :) 03:35
spaceyi think the sabayon list is quite technical?:)03:35
mhzogra: admins today are not touching menus based on profiles :)03:35
ograbut i think its a limitation of ssh forwarding we cant work around03:35
spaceyogra, ah could be03:35
spaceyanyway i'll throw it at them later this week.03:35
ogramhz, they'll have a little gui that says "math", biology", "english" ...03:36
spaceyfirst get my thin client working :o)03:36
ogramhz, based on your work ;)03:36
mhzogra: yup, I mean they will have one more task. today they dont care about profiles :)03:36
ogramhz, they only need to select the class 03:36
mhzogra: cool03:36
ograthen we could also bind it to the teacher that is logged in ... ;)03:37
ograso they dont need to select03:37
mhzogra: my concern there, is at least in Chile, I'll only have 2 weeks to evangelise teachers03:37
mhzogra: good03:37
ograi'm planning some good gui tools for dapper+1 03:37
spaceyogra, hmm that would limit it heavily on classroom use i think03:37
spaceyfor example we use edubuntu school wide (secretly ;)).03:38
mhzogra: so I hope I can motivate enough teachers to help on the curriculum crossing thing03:38
ograwe'll have 3 months development time then and the base system should be fine enough that there gets no time drawn in ...03:38
mhzogra: today I usually use update-menu command. Will that interfere with your menu setting plans?03:38
ograspacey, its still just a slight idea of mine that needs to get worked out right ...03:39
spaceyk :)03:39
ograwe can design it on schooll level ;)03:39
spaceyjust pointing out :)03:39
spaceydon't want to make it too complex03:39
mhzalready is03:39
spaceynot too much03:39
ogramhz, our menu system will be based on .desktop file selections ... i think update-menus is working with them too03:40
spaceymhz, whats complex? :P03:40
ograso it should work in any environment followint the freedesktop specs03:40
mhzspacey: I am no coder, so I was thinking from teacher/admin POV. Each country has differences on curriculum03:41
mhzeach curriculum, diff menus03:41
ograspacey, my idea is only a frontend solution ... if the backend is a ldap server or a simple textfile wont matter then ;)03:41
ograso you can use it in a classroom as well as in a school03:41
ogralets see ... its still far future :)03:42
ograGF calls ... i have to go to bed ;)03:42
ogranearly 4am again :)03:42
ogranight all03:42
mhzspacey: you work in a school?03:44
spaceymhz, no03:46
spaceyi have my own business with a friend of mine. and one of our customers is a primary school, were we take care of the IT stuff03:47
spaceyand we are migrating them from windows to edubuntu03:47
spaceya bit complex because its a mixed enviroment03:47
mhzmixed env. are always a pain in the back03:48
spaceybut we worked it out pretty well, users have the same data if they log in on windows or with edubuntu thin client03:48
=== mhz has no idea about M$ stuff
spaceybut migrating the profiles from w2k ADS to Samba is a bit tricky03:48
spaceyto say the least :)03:49
mhzwhat is w2k ADS?03:49
spaceyactive directory service03:49
spaceyits nasty03:49
mhzsounds like it03:49
spaceyits ldap with nasty stuff on top03:50
spaceyand if you touch anything it breaks ;o03:50
spaceyand then your screwed03:50
mhzit does remind me why I run away from M$03:50
spaceygood for you :)03:51
spaceyand we are helping people to run away03:51
spaceyat least thats our goal :)03:51
spaceywe just started03:51
mhzi had M$ in my 1st pc (1 year of problems only, then I got an iBook (lovely) and then only linux on it03:51
mhzspacey: may the patience be with you and your friend. M$ is hard to kill03:52
spaceyubuntu is to our aid :D03:52
mhzBTW, have you seen this distro called "Kill Bill"?03:52
spaceylol no03:52
mhzit's pretty cool!03:52
mhzknopix based03:53
spaceyi don't like knoppix :P03:53
mhzand of course... it is inspired in both Kill bill gatez and the movie03:53
mhzi like Debian from scratch or Ubuntu03:53
spaceyi like ubuntu :)03:54
mhzhowever, i use ubuntu with wmaker or fluxbox03:54
mhzi'd love to have install cd's with desktop independancies03:55
mhz'server' is too little03:55
mhzand 'enter' is too mcuh03:55
mhzspacey: anyways, the good thing about Kill Bill is that it is already set to run .EXE programs even from LiveCD !!03:56
spaceyi'm going to sleep03:59
spaceyits already 4:00 at night here03:59
spaceyand have to be up for the meeting:P03:59
mhzc ya in a couple of hours03:59
spaceygoodmorning for you03:59
spaceyi guess03:59
spaceyoh only that little differance04:00
spaceyso meeting is really early for you04:00
spaceygood luck for you04:00
mhzsleep well04:00
spaceyand goodnight04:00
=== mhz gets back to SVGing
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=== mhz goes to bed
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JaneWogra: does edubuntu want to join schoolforge?08:07
ajmitch__hi JaneW 08:13
JaneWhi ajmitch__ 08:17
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-174-135.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #edubuntu ["Bye"]
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-146-174-135.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:JaneW] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | NEXT MEETING: Nov 30 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. Note there will be NO weekly meeting on 28 Dec and 4 Jan.| Edubuntu 5.10 is out, grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Installation help http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes |
jsgotangcohey JaneW08:43
jsgotangcogot a minute?08:43
JaneWjsgotangco: hi, sure08:46
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #edubuntu
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=== JaneW has just created the following page http://wiki.edubuntu.org/GettingEdubuntu , please add to it... we get asked this a lot...
=== Katsumoto [n=teraflop@bbned225-210-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #edubuntu
=== sven-tek [n=sven-tek@p508E48C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
spaceyJaneW, that local support suppose to be community or also commercial? :o11:15
spaceyok title says it11:16
spaceyanyway i'll guess i'll add myself. 11:17
spaceydon't think getting a cd is a problem for dutch people11:25
spaceyenough broadband here11:25
spaceydon't think you can find a school without adsl11:26
spaceyJaneW, is there an agenda for the meeting?11:28
=== sven-tek [n=sven-tek@p508E617E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcothe pages are locked?11:30
JaneWI am editting11:31
jsgotangcoi'll catch up on meeting then11:33
jsgotangcostill need to buy more stuff and pack11:33
spaceyJaneW, ;( agenda?11:47
JaneWsame as every week11:47
JaneW-> lunch11:48
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JaneW**Reminder** +- 20 Minutes to Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting12:40
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JaneW**Reminder** +- 5 Minutes to Edubuntu Update Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting12:55
highvoltagewhy did ogra quit 8 mins before the meeting?01:02
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagehi mhz 01:05
mhzhi highvoltage 01:06
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-79-66-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
=== jane_ [n=JaneW@dsl-146-171-180.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== pirast [n=pirast@p508B325C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #edubuntu
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageYagisan: when was your son born?02:13
mhzkjcole: indeed.02:13
mhzhighvoltage: kjcole: I have been more busy with EdubuntuChileanTour (we're missing simple stuff to kick off)02:13
=== kjcole is off to get food and head into the office. May see you back here in a bit...
mhzhowever, as soon as I can finish/start that, i'll be on edubuntu docing02:14
kjcoleTa-ta all02:14
=== zakame [n=zak@] has joined #edubuntu
mhzhighvoltage: i apologyze if i'm too fan of moin. It's just that I know it is possible to do much stuff (tweaking, yes i agree it's time consuming) I have not done with other CMS's02:16
mhzhighvoltage: ogra: you work on artwork, right?02:17
jsgotangcomhz: moin is good but we can't use it for everything really02:17
Yagisanhighvoltage: Sorry was putting the kids to bed. My son was born on the 18th of november02:17
jsgotangcoNo. 1 it can't play games02:17
mhzjsgotangco: i know, not now. but we could with some tweaks and joint deveopment with Moin gang02:18
jsgotangcomhz: i'd love to do that02:18
Yagisanhighvoltage: didn't know about the lysp group - checking it out now02:18
mhzMoin development gang are very open to improvements02:18
ogramhz, i do the packaging02:19
highvoltagemhz: no need to apologize. moin is a good system. we'll probably end up using it two years from now anyway.02:19
=== mhz was once trying to implement Moin + Mail handling :)
highvoltagemhz: ogra did it all for 5.10, we need more artwork02:19
mhzhighvoltage: hehe. I will try Drupal and comit to use it hard, on daily basis.02:20
mhzhighvoltage: I have started little by little02:20
ograwe'll have a hired person as i heard who will make professional artwork for ed/k/ubuntu02:20
mhzhighvoltage: I am currently working on a wallpaper and GDM theme (got some questions on the latter)02:20
ogramark wants to hire omeone in london ...02:20
jsgotangcodo we have people committing to certain dapper edubuntu tartgetrs?02:20
ograwho works fulltime in the office to be available02:21
mhzjsgotangco: hehe, i even used Moin for CRM (bug tracking, Addressbook, Calendar, Todo, etc)02:21
highvoltageogra: we must still have a artwork community, who should maintain a user-committed base02:21
highvoltage(if that makes any sense)02:21
jsgotangcomhz: you scare me dude02:21
ograbut since we want to have 3 choices for the artwork, this covers only one set02:21
highvoltagemhz: https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-artwork and http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuArtwork02:21
jsgotangcomhz: although for the CD-Orchard, we will be using Moin02:21
ograi havent heard back if this person will do more than one set for us02:21
mhzogra: oh, good to know that. Then I'd focus on chilean edubuntu needs?02:22
mhzjsgotangco: hehehe, Moin invasion02:22
ogramhz, if you like :)02:22
highvoltageogra: what do you mean, will the profesional person probably only cover one of the three artwork options?02:22
ogramhz, you could also do more general artwork for inclusion in the package ... since we wont change the app selection much, we should have some spare space this time02:23
mhzhighvoltage: ogra: how soon could we know about whihc option he'll cover? I got a meeting with Pablo's team this week02:23
ograhighvoltage, this person might only make one artwork  set for every ubuntu flavour02:23
highvoltagemhz: i don't know. ogra's on the inside, i think we can rely on him for feedback.02:23
mhzyup, i roger that02:23
ograi asked for clearification, but didnt hear back yet02:23
Yagisanhighvoltage: OK - I clicked join team for ltspubuntu - we'll see what happens next02:24
ograYagisan, note that this team is driven by ltsp.org guys ...02:24
mhzhighvoltage: i have joined the 2 teams (doc and web). Any docs already?02:24
Yagisanogra: I need to dist-upgrade my clients to dapper for bootchart ?02:24
ograi dont even know who's the owner02:24
ograYagisan, i think so, yes02:24
highvoltagemhz: there's the edubuntu cookbook, it's currently on the moin site02:25
mhzhighvoltage: ohhh, that!02:25
highvoltagebut it's far from complete at this stage02:25
highvoltageogra: owner of?02:25
ograthe ltsp team02:25
Yagisanogra: two members are you ubuntu guys - you, and IIRC higvoltage02:25
highvoltagemhz: and we'll have some new guides soon that will need some work.02:25
ograYagisan, yes... 02:25
ograi thought it would make sense if i'm in there :p02:26
highvoltageogra: one of the guys from ltsp.org, afaik. i think you said you met him in canada?02:26
mhzhighvoltage: ok. is that via ML ?02:26
ograhighvoltage, yes, but i dont know which of them created this group...02:26
ograit suddenly appeared and i'm bad at names02:26
mhzwe need photos!02:26
highvoltagemhz: is what via ML?02:26
mhzhighvoltage: edubuntu doc?02:26
mhzhighvoltage: edubuntu doc is via bzr, ML or Moin?02:27
highvoltagemhz: afaik it's only on Moin.02:27
mhzhighvoltage: indeed, I didn;t have time to make one so I ploaded my photo02:27
highvoltagethat will probably be moved to drupal too, we'll have to see which works best.02:27
mhzhighvoltage: okis, so i'll make sure they are categorized and then subscribe myelf02:27
mhzhighvoltage: have you tried Trac? (me doesn't remember)02:28
=== Yagisan plans to do some work with qemu + ltsp soonish, I want full multiarch if possible
jsgotangcoTrac is awesome02:28
Yagisanso I thought it would be a good idea to join the team02:28
mhzhighvoltage: ogra: my current wallpaper test and theme (first time I do this stuff) are having problems (silly ones, I guess). Could you help me?02:29
mhzYagisan: any news on in-laws?02:29
highvoltagemhz: fire away!02:29
mhzwallpaper/ many schools have 800x600 monitors02:30
mhzwp/ so, I did it via SVG (inkscape) and then exported to PNG and from GIMP to JPG :D02:30
highvoltageubuntu stretches the wallpaper, no matter what the size is, doesn't it?02:31
Yagisanmhz: No, I haven't spoken to them since I found out my mother-in-law has cancer. I'm still trying to make 1000 paper cranes for her02:31
mhzwp/ end up looking kind of ugly02:31
=== PBurkholder [n=chatzill@vpn2.ucar.edu] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcowhy not just use SVG that way it won't pixelate02:31
jsgotangcojust do some fancy coloring stuff with vectors02:31
mhzYagisan: again, i can only hope she'll win02:31
jsgotangcoeven the logo can be vectored easily02:31
=== highvoltage needs to leave now
Yagisanmhz: me too.02:32
mhzjsgotangco: no idea.  I'm just following what others have done02:32
highvoltagecheers edubuntero's!02:32
Yagisanbye highvoltage 02:32
mhzjsgotangco: I'd love SVG wallpapers and GDM themes only02:32
=== Yagisan likes pain. I'm attempting to backport gmailfs and dependencies from dapper and sid
mhzYagisan: did you see the Debian - Ubuntu wallpaper I found ?02:34
Yagisanit's *never* worked in ubuntu02:34
Yagisanmhz: no02:34
mhzlike ?02:34
Yagisanmhz: where is it ?02:35
pirastedubuntu will be used everywhere when the next version is released :-) The school where I am tutored only has problems with the Win 2003 server.. It's really funny, sry for ot :-)02:35
mhzpirast: educool!02:35
=== jsgotangco thinks Windows Server 2003 is pretty good
jsgotangco*but not great*02:35
=== mhz rather ommits his opinion on non-freedom OS
jsgotangcoi was a windows sysad for 5 years :P02:36
mhzjsgotangco: that's why !02:36
Yagisanmhz: It's a good idea to keep an eye on the competition02:36
jsgotangcoi'm not going to say something against a product that fed me and my family :P02:36
pirast:-) 80% of the clients take 15 minutes to log in..02:36
mhzYagisan: competition will still fail if they do not understand QoS02:36
mhzpirast: could you wiki your experience as a case of study (how edubuntu could help you)02:37
jsgotangcopirast: that looks like a network and a directory issue02:37
Yagisanmhz: yeah, but that competition has an ad on TV every 30 minutes for that family of products. We don't02:37
pirastyes,  it is.. but the teacher changes the settings always..02:38
mhzYagisan: indeed. We will (if we need it)02:38
jsgotangcotv ads?02:38
mhzYagisan: re TV about Linux... the reporter promised me to provide a .MPG file of the TV note they made on Linux and Ubuntu02:38
Yagisanjsgotangco: yep - MS is running an ad campaign that basically says software only works on Windows, and if you want your kids to succeed, they need Windows02:40
ogramhz, our required defaultsize for wallpapers is 1600x1200 ... it gets automatically scaled to the desktop size then...02:40
pirastmhz: Do you mean that I should create an entry how the school where I study would like to use Edubuntu?02:41
Yagisanogra: you *could* save memory by not using a wallpaper02:41
mhzogra: ohhhh02:42
ograwe'll probably do that for the higher grade classes02:42
jsgotangcoYagisan: Intel does that a lot lately....02:42
mhzpirast: yup. Current case v/s how edubuntu would be better02:42
ograbut the child vrsion should be as coulorful as possible :)02:42
pirastmhz: ok, i will try ;-)02:42
mhzpirast: thx very much02:43
pirastmhz, np02:43
mhzYagisan: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/MauricioHernandez/ScrapBook/DebianUbuntuWallpaper02:43
ogramhz, looking for controversial discussions with debian *G* ?02:44
pirastogra: do you block priv messages? :-)02:45
mhzpirast: nope, he doesnt. but you gotta be registered02:45
pirastokay lol :-)02:45
ograpirast, as mhz said02:46
Yagisanmhz: that won't make some debian devs happy02:46
mhzwhy not?02:46
=== pirast [n=pirast@p508B325C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #edubuntu
mhzDebian is the root. Ubuntu is a son02:46
jsgotangcoand Edubuntu is the...bastard?02:47
ogramhz, some see that different02:47
Yagisanmhz: they seem somewhat thin skinned on debian-devel. That swirl IIRC is actually trademarked02:47
mhzpirast: by registered = in irc.freenode i meant02:47
pirasti know ;-)02:47
pirasti am now02:47
Yagisanmhz: and they need to protect their trademarks, or they lose them02:47
mhzYagisan: oh02:47
ogramhz, we're already chatting in our secret corner :=)02:48
mhzand if it included the word debian?02:48
Yagisanmhz: IIRC if it is used in a descriptive sense it is fine, but if used to misrepresent it as official Debian art, no. Debian is also a trademark02:49
ografree for noncommercial use though02:49
=== Yagisan learnt a lot about trademarks recently
mhzYagisan: lol02:50
mhzthe -doc list?02:50
ogramhz, some DDs see ubuntu as stealing from debian ...02:50
mhzwe take all the credit they say02:50
ograso you'll have to cope with them ;)02:50
mhzogra: i must say I understand them02:51
Yagisanmhz: was the -doc list directed at me ?02:51
mhzwe should be 'Dubuntu'02:51
=== Yagisan likes ubuntu, as I found it hard to get into debian society
mhzYagisan: yup02:51
mhzYagisan: that too.02:51
jsgotangcoian murdoch for example...02:52
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisanmhz: no, IP Australia - I was looking up possible trademarks and logos for my business02:52
mhzogra: any problems with EdubuntuChile logo?02:52
Yagisanjsgotangco: he left debian to make his own fork - it looks like pot - kettle - black to me02:53
ogramhz, nope, why should i02:53
mhzYagisan: oh. In Chile, president candidates are for intelectual property and patents 02:53
mhzogra: just asking, as we are aplanning to make it clear, we are from Chile and we speak chilean :)02:54
mhzYagisan: lol02:54
mhzYagisan: user linux?02:54
Yagisanmhz: progeny ? IIRC02:55
jsgotangcouser linux is by bruce perens02:56
mhzyup, miscinfused02:57
YagisanAnyone here actually use gmailfs ?02:58
=== mhz was about to... but he realized didn't need it
Yagisanmhz: I plain to layer encfs on it, and use it for offsite backups. Its 2669MB per account03:02
Yagisanmhz: I figure I can keep sending gmail invites to myself when I need another 2669MB :)03:03
mhzgmail invasion03:04
mhzYagisan: is it true gmail keeps a DB of your emails?03:05
mhz(i mean, I guess they do because they cross the content with ad)03:05
mhzwill they use a kind of DB for gmailfs?03:05
Yagisanmhz: I don't know. They have a box scan the email for keywords, but if like me you encrypt most email, you just get ads for pgp03:06
Yagisanmhz: gmailfs by itself is unencrypted - they treat it like a normal email03:06
Yagisanmhz - thats why I will put encfs on top, to encrypt the files03:07
=== Yagisan finished building the backports - now to test it works
ograYagisan, note that bootchart is a java app03:10
Yagisanogra: does it work with gcj ?03:12
ograthe initramfs part are only some cripts... the java part is for making the actual chart from it post boot03:13
ograbut you'll notice the difference... you have to wait a while until its finished, before the login prompt appears03:13
Yagisanogra: all I need to do is dist-upgrade and then install bootchart ?03:13
ograshould work, yes03:14
ograif it doesnt, dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` that works fo sure03:14
=== Yagisan sighs. python-fuse requires python < 2.4
ografile a bug ;)03:16
Yagisanogra: I ah, just "backported" that from sid. I adjust the deps and see if it "just works"03:17
ograit wont03:17
ogradebian doesnt use initramfs afaik03:17
ograwho is maintainer of it in debian ? 03:17
Yagisanogra: Sebastian Delafond03:18
=== mhz is now known as mhz_house
ograthen you are playing roulette :)03:18
ogragood luck03:18
pirastmhz: http://gamesplace.info/ubuntu/currentcase-win-dbg.png03:19
pirastmhz: i know that im not good at art03:19
Yagisanogra: heh - I had to get current fuse from dapper, and gmailfs, and python-libgmail from sid03:19
ograoh, you talk about fuse 03:20
ograi thought bootchart03:20
mhz_housepirast: I liked the 'concept' very much03:20
Yagisanogra: python-fuse was 2.2 in dapper, so I grabbed 2.4 from sid03:20
pirastyes id like it in edubuntu too...03:20
ograpirast, http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiring03:21
=== mhz_house BBS
ograwe'll use fuse extensively for ltspfs03:22
ogra(local device support)03:22
pirastogra: i know that they are similar, but the real important thing is that the user data is stored centrally and every student has an own account... I think edubuntu breezy doesn't do it..03:23
ograsure it does03:24
pirastit does?03:24
Yagisanogra: cool. IIRC kernel 2.6.15 has fuse in mainline now03:24
pirastgrat :-)03:24
ograthats the main concept :)03:24
pirastok, i have not enough hardware at home to try it :-)03:24
ograYagisan, yup and dapper has 2.6.1503:24
pirasti wanted to but i missed one ethernet card, it is at my friends house who uses ubuntu too :-)03:25
ograas well as ltspfs and ltspfsd03:25
ograpirast, i'll have my thin client with me in essen on saturday 03:25
pirastok, nice03:25
ograand juliux has a server for us to present it ...03:25
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #edubuntu
DaSkreechQuick Question :)03:25
pirastit will be really funny on saturday and sunday, i am really glad that i live in essen :-)03:26
ograi'll only be there on sat.03:26
DaSkreechCan I have one login go into a Edubuntu "profile" and another into Ubuntu?03:26
pirasti couldnt believe my eyes when i saw that there are linuxdays :-)03:26
ograDaSkreech, nope ...03:26
pirastogra: Furthermore it would be great to have an user import function.. In our windows case the teacher copied all the user data from an excel table into the windows add user dialog.. That was funny03:27
ograDaSkreech, the edu apps will show up in the ubuntu menu03:27
DaSkreechSo either the entire computer is Edubuntu or it's Ubuntu?03:27
ograyou'd have to edit the users settings 03:27
DaSkreechogra: So I could in theory hand tune a login to edubuntu?03:27
ograyou could try sabayon to create profiles though03:27
pirastogra: an import tool that imports the data from an odt / an excel table would be great..03:27
ograthe other way around ....03:27
pirastlol cunfusing 03:27
ograinstall edubuntu-desktop and tune t down to ubuntu ...03:28
ograedubuntu sits on top of ubuntu ...03:28
=== DaSkreech ponders
ograso disabling parts will get you back to a ubuntu setup03:28
ogratry sabayon, it should work for you03:28
DaSkreechI have a friend who's setting up a computer for his family03:28
DaSkreechHe's ubuntuized 03:29
DaSkreechOr at least is in the process03:29
ogragreat :)03:29
DaSkreechHe has a young friend who comes over often enough that he gets his own login on the computer03:29
DaSkreechI just thought it would be great if he could get a Edubuntu desktop when he logged in03:29
ograthats fine ...03:30
ograyou'll have to reset the GDM theme and the bootsplash... these are systemwide ... but the rest should be manageable very easily by sabayon03:30
juliuxsomeone pinged me who?03:31
DaSkreechWell the GDM theme and bootsplash can stay since the majority of users are actually Ubuntu and at least one would be offended by being put onto a "childs" computer03:31
Yagisanouch - someone has thin skin03:32
ograjuliux, i just said you have a demo server in essen ...03:33
juliuxogra, ah ok03:33
ograjuliux, pirast will be there ...03:33
juliuxogra, nice03:33
juliuxogra, we also have now a screen for the projector03:34
Yagisanogra: assuming my backports are successful, who do I ask to sync them from debian, so they still work in dapper ?03:36
ograif they are in universe, ask in #ubuntu-motu03:37
ografor main ask me :)03:37
Yagisanogra: ok. If it works, I'll hassle some poor motu for a sync03:38
ogramight be on the sync list anyway 03:39
ograthere are still ~200 packages to merge/sync for motu03:39
Yagisanogra: really ? some of those packages haven't been updated since warty03:39
ografuse might not have been in focus :)03:40
=== flint [n=flint@69-164-120-179.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisanogra: well, obviously nobody tried it. Maybe they need gmail accounts to give them motivation03:41
ograheh, i really doubt that :)03:41
=== ogra has marked gmail invitations as spam long ago
crimsunis something broken in fuse?03:42
DaSkreechPut a filter on them and send them to me :)03:42
ograask Yagisan he's just playing with it03:42
ograDaSkreech, it stopped at some point ...03:42
Yagisancrimsun: for a looong time now - gmailfs hasn't worked03:42
ograbut Yagisan it the gmail advertiser here :)03:42
crimsuneven in dapper?03:42
Yagisancrimsun: yes, even in dapper03:43
crimsunwell I need to upload fuse 2.4.2 first#03:43
Yagisancrimsun: I'm backporting parts from dapper and sid03:43
ograYagisan, where are the bugs you filed about that ? :P03:43
Yagisanogra: others filed bugs in malone03:43
crimsunI found exactly one about gmailfs in malone03:44
ogracrimsun, oh, yould you ping me if you do that ? i need to transition ltspfs then03:44
=== pitux [n=jose@124-43-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisancrimsun: fuse is ok in dapper as far as I can tell, you need gmailfs, python-fuse, python-libgmail from sid03:44
Yagisancrimsun: and forum complaints03:44
=== vincenzio [n=vmarks@adsl-065-015-231-005.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograYagisan, we only count bugs :)03:45
ograYagisan, make the forum people file them03:45
=== Yagisan is installing backports now
Yagisanogra: It should be fixed by a simple sync. Ubuntu's versions are simply too old03:46
ograif ubuntus versions have a -XubuntuX in the verson strimg they might be merges ...03:48
ograwhich require manual work03:48
crimsunplease don't request a sync until I finish merging fuse-utils 2.4.2, as it fixes a security issue03:48
Yagisancrimsun: well, after I give a test -  I'll let you know if a) it worked, and b) if I think you should sync it.03:49
=== kjcole [n=kjcole@pchb1f.gallaudet.edu] has joined #edubuntu
=== sankarshan is now known as sm|home
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-79-66-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisan /dev/fuse             2.7G     0  2.7G   0% /home/jamie/mount/gmailfs04:09
=== Yagisan does a little dance
JaneWtoday's meeting notes added - please add or correct as required http://wiki.edubuntu.org/MeetingRecords04:22
ograwill do04:23
jsgotangcowow the new vmware can actually run ubuntu04:28
jsgotangco(it explicitly supports ubuntu now)04:28
ograand edubuntu :P04:29
jsgotangcoyeah i just tried it on a windows machine04:29
Yagisanjsgotangco: the old one also ran it fine04:29
=== Yagisan is doing a bigger dance. encfs, on gmailfs :)
jsgotangcoyeah but seeing Ubuntu along with official support is a different story04:29
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #edubuntu
mhz_houseJaneW: I like this:04:38
mhz_house    *04:38
mhz_house      Technical04:38
mhz_house          o04:38
mhz_house            Progress over past week04:38
mhz_house          o04:38
mhz_house            Issues/ Blocks04:38
mhz_house          o04:38
mhz_house            Planned Activities for coming week04:38
mhz_house    *04:38
mhz_house      Documentation04:38
mhz_house          o04:38
mhz_house            Progress over past week04:38
mhz_house          o04:38
mhz_house            Issues/ Blocks04:38
mhz_house          o04:38
mhz_house            Planned Activities for coming week04:38
mhz_house    *04:39
=== jose__ [n=jose@113-28-118.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #edubuntu
mhz_house      Art Work04:39
mhz_house          o04:39
mhz_house            Progress over past week04:39
ogramhz_house, stop spamming .... use a pastebin service please04:39
mhz_house          o04:39
mhz_house            Issues/ Blocks04:39
mhz_house          o04:39
mhz_house            Planned Activities for coming week04:39
mhz_house    *04:39
mhz_house      Management and or Community - any further issues that need to be discussed. These may be tabled in advance as required.04:39
mhz_housebut i feel we dont cover04:39
=== JaneW hopes he is not pasting the entire page!
mhz_houseoops, I aplogize for the pasting04:39
mhz_houseI did not mean to spam it, I was actually pasting it for an email :(04:39
jsgotangconext time use paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:39
mhz_houseJaneW: not at all.04:40
mhz_housejsgotangco: sure.04:40
jsgotangcoif mdz was here he would have given you the smackdown heh04:40
mhz_housejose__: hola04:40
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | NEXT MEETING: Nov 30 12:00 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting. Note there will be NO weekly meeting on 28 Dec and 4 Jan.| Edubuntu 5.10 is out, grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Installation help http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | for bigger pastes ple
mhz_housejsgotangco: hehehe04:40
mhz_houseas i said, I was writing an email04:41
mhz_houseand pasted wrongly04:41
mhz_house10 inches laptop means smaller keyboard04:41
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: on #ubuntu-meeting. Note there will be NO weekly meeting on 28 Dec and 4 Jan.| Edubuntu 5.10 is out, grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Installation help http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | for bigger pastes ple
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : The discussion channel for Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: on #ubuntu-meeting. Note there will be NO weekly meeting on 28 Dec and 4 Jan.| Edubuntu 5.10 is out, grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Installation help http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | please use paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting
ograsorry for the noise04:41
=== mp1 [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #edubuntu
ogramp1, hey mpt04:46
mhz_housemail sent to edubuntu-devel04:46
=== mhz_house is now known as mhz
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #edubuntu
mhzYagisan: have you slept anything? or you changed TZ?04:48
Yagisanmhz: To be honest, after my government meeting today, I slept from 3pm to 7pm04:50
mhzhow did it go?04:50
Yagisanmhz: but my son isn't helping with sleeping04:50
mhzYagisan: i'm glad to see your prescence here, anyways :)04:51
Yagisanmhz: 1 perhaps 2 potential clients, and about 15 possible contacts04:51
mhzYagisan: well, that sounds good04:51
Yagisanmhz: A confirmed client would have been better04:52
mhzhehehehe, indeed.04:52
mhzYagisan: the good thing is that they saw you.04:52
mhzNow in 2 days time, you'll re-contact them04:52
Yagisanargh, gmailfs + encfs don't like each other!! .oO(Yagisan's head may explode)04:53
Yagisanmhz: yep, and basically say "buy something" :)04:54
mhzsec. issues are harder to sell04:55
Yagisanmhz: yep, especially to uneducated hicks^W clients that think it is normal for systems to always be infected with viruses and malware04:57
=== mhz lunch now
YagisanCatch you later mhz04:59
=== pitux [n=jose@124-43-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisanwoo hoo, got encfs + gmailfs loving going on :)05:03
mhzpitux: hola, revisa EdubuntuStudyPackages 05:03
mhzpitux: me voy a almorzar y BRB05:04
Yagisannow to script up a nice backup system05:05
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Yagisannight all05:06
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=== Bob332 [n=bobw@out.twmetals.com] has joined #edubuntu
Bob332i just installed on my dell p3 machine, when i boot to edubuntu after the loading screen i get a cursor on the top left corner that just hangs05:45
ograafter login ? 05:45
ograor before ? 05:46
Bob332before login05:46
Bob332ogra, thanks05:46
ogrado you already see the login screen ? 05:47
ogra(the graphical one)05:47
Bob332nope, its right before the login screen05:47
ograhmm ... strange ...05:48
Bob332i see the initial splash screen where it loads devices, mounts fs, etc...then it changes to a black screen with a curseor05:48
Bob332im in recovery mode now, dont see anything in X11 folder about my default resolution05:48
ograthats edubuntu 5.10 ?05:48
ograor the current daily development version ? 05:49
Bob332just downloaded and burned05:49
DaSkreechNo ubotu?05:50
ogranope, what for ?05:50
ograthere are enough humans here ... no need for a bot :)05:50
ograBob332, can you try booting with one of: pci=noacpi, nolapic, noacpi, acpi=off or a combination of them ? 05:51
Bob332ok, i just tried bumping down my resolution to 8 by 6, the 1024 may be to high05:51
Bob332i have had wierd issues on debian system before and this fixed it05:52
ogra(just hit escape on boot and add this to the kernel line in grub, (hit e to edit))05:52
ograwe use a very different Xorg than debian ...05:52
ograso it might or might not be it :)05:52
Bob332ok, my idea didnt work, the system goes through its whole boot process, all the way to starting portmapper and then changes screens to this black screen with a cursor at the top left05:53
Bob332what is acpi?05:54
ograwhat kind of graphics card is that ? 05:54
mhzpitux: ping05:54
ograacpi is power management ... its broken on 30% or more of the hardware out there05:54
Bob332in not sure, an older one though05:55
ograthe older the HW the more likely its broken05:55
Bob332so where do i add that option?05:55
Bob332i am in grub now05:55
Bob332e to edit the command line?05:55
ograafter hittin escape you get a menu ...05:55
ogrago to the default line and hit e05:55
Bob332right, with all my OS'es05:55
Bob332ok, there05:56
ograthen go to the kernel line and hit e again ... 05:56
ograadd pci=noacpi after splash .... 05:56
ograseparated with a space 05:56
ograthen hit enter and b for boot05:56
Bob332ok  thanks, lunch, brb05:57
ograrepeaet this with the above options for several boots ... or even combine these options ...05:57
ograi'd got through them one by one  first... if it doesnt work start combining05:57
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Lord_Athurmhz, 06:23
mhzLord_Athur: hi man06:23
Lord_Athurare you in the edubuntu-es channel?06:24
Lord_Athurfor login in it06:24
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mhzLord_Athur: ya06:27
mhzogra: any ideas how to 'find' P3licano or something like that?06:39
ograP3L|C4N0, ping06:39
ograP3L|C4N0, ^^^^06:39
mhzwow! he was here!06:39
ogramhz, he's here06:39
mhzi am bit slow today 06:39
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=== pirast [n=pirast@p508B1A97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #edubuntu
mhzogra: he's logging in from
mhzP3L|C4N0: hola06:44
mhzP3L|C4N0: necesito que conversemos, por favor06:44
Bob332orga, i dont think that worked with the acpi param07:10
ogradid you also try the nolapic option ? 07:11
ogra(thats the built in irq mapper, also a prob on older HW) 07:11
Bob332ogra, you mean in the bios?07:13
Bob332i will have to try that, i just tried again with all of the params in the kernel line07:14
ograit was one f the options i asked you to test07:14
ograadding all might be a bit much :)07:14
Bob332no luck on adding all07:14
Bob332ok, i just added noacpi to the end after splash, testing now07:15
Bob332whats the splash do anyway?07:16
ograthats the option that en/disables the bootsplash07:16
Bob332ok, no luck with adding noacpi07:17
ogratry nolapic07:18
Bob332ok, dosent work07:19
=== mpt_ [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #edubuntu
Bob332why does edubundu say stuff about my LVM, i didnt think i installed that when it asked to partition my disk07:21
ograits only the bootscript ...07:23
ograit directly stops if lvm isnt installed ...07:23
ogracosts some nanoseconds in the bootprocess :)07:23
Bob332because it says starting enterprise volume management system07:23
ograbut it doesnt do it :)07:24
Bob332ok so i have tried each and every acpi option 07:24
ograyes, i'm running out of ideas ...07:24
Bob332is it definately my video card?07:24
ogralooks like ...07:24
Bob332or could it be something else07:24
Bob332ok im booting to xp now to get my video card spec07:25
ograif you switch consoles after boot, do you get a console login prompt ? 07:25
pirasti don't know what you are talking about but07:25
Bob332i belive it's an old nvidia 32 mb card07:25
Bob332ogra, i never get a login prompt07:25
Bob332and no i cant do a console switch07:26
ogradid you try to switch consoles ? 07:26
pirastyou could try vga=771 <-- did you try this?07:26
ograwont help07:26
ograthe boot runs fine 07:26
Bob332whats that do?07:26
ograX has a prob that apparently breaks the screen07:26
ograis the system locked up if you see the cursor ? (does the numlock key respond ?)07:27
Bob332 my video card is a Nvidia Riva TNT2 Model 64/64 Pro07:30
ograBob332, is the system locked up if you see the cursor ? (does the numlock key respond ?)07:30
Bob332ogra, i am going to boot again for you07:30
ograyour xorg should use the riva128 drive then07:32
Bob332the system dosent respond to any keyboard keystrokes, the num lock dosent light up07:32
ograand rivafb should be loaded in the console07:32
Bob332im going into recovery mode now to check logs07:32
Bob332forgot to do that before07:32
ogratry to boot without the splash option and see whats last in the bootprocess07:32
Bob332how do i boot without the splash screen07:33
ograand if you go into recovery mode, check if riva128 is in xorg.conf ...07:33
ograjust remove the word "splash" from the kernel line07:33
Bob332oh ok, when you said bootsplash before i thought it was something dealing with the RAM or ramdisk, didnt realize you meant the bootup splash screen, sorry07:34
Bob332ok booting wihtout a splash07:48
Bob332last part i see it starting Gnome Display Manager07:49
Bob332it gets through the entire boot07:49
ogranothing afterwards ? 07:49
ograthere are plenty of services that get started after gdm ...07:49
ograbut its most likely a X problem ...07:50
ogradid you check your xorg.conf ? 07:50
Bob332im in it now07:51
Bob332what am i looking for?07:52
ograwhat does the Driver line say ? 07:52
Bob332the Section Module?07:52
ograSection "Device"07:52
ogralook for Driver in there07:52
Bob332ah, i see there is an INTEL entry in there07:53
Bob332haha, that stinks07:53
ograhas the mainboard a onboard graphics card ? 07:53
Bob332yea, it does, never worked though07:53
ograhehe, i bet it does now :)07:53
Bob332i cant believe i forgot about that07:53
Bob332u think it works now?07:54
ogratry not changing and plug in the monitor to the onboard card ;)07:54
Bob332ogra, onboard dosent even display my bios boot up or dell splash screen07:55
ogradid you disable it in the BIOS ? 07:56
Bob332nope, never did07:56
Bob332in bios now, 07:56
ograleave the bios 07:56
ograjust boot it and have the monitor in the onboard card ...07:56
Bob332the primary video controller can be Auto or Onboard07:57
ograeven if it doesnt work in console mode, the card was detected, so i bet it works in X07:57
ograleave it as it was :)07:57
Bob332ok i did07:57
Bob332im booting , back in grub now07:57
Bob332so your saying that after I finish the boot splash, switch my video to the intel onboard card and i should see something07:58
ograprobably ... lets see :)07:58
Bob332nope, black screen now....but im getting a green monitor light as opposed to the orange (meaning no signal)07:59
Bob332brb meeting08:02
=== P3L|C4N0 re
ograP3L|C4N0, mhz was looking for you 08:04
mhzP3L|C4N0: hola08:05
P3L|C4N0Hola Mauricio08:05
mhzP3L|C4N0: you're from Peru, right?08:05
mhzP3L|C4N0: have we met before? estuve en Juliaca hace unos meses08:06
P3L|C4N0lo se08:06
mhzso we met?08:06
P3L|C4N0dime en que puedo ayudarte?08:07
mhzogra: shall I continue here or move to -es channel?08:08
ograif you speak spanish go to es, if you speak english, stay here ;)08:08
mhzP3L|C4N0: puedes ingresar a #edubuntu-es ?08:09
P3L|C4N0mhz, perfecto! deberia haber soporte en espaol08:09
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mhzSeveas: ping08:27
=== Oge_ [n=osku@dsl-hkigw4-fe3bde00-88.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #edubuntu
mhzSeveas: i'm already taking to P3L|C4N0 , the one who registered #edubuntu-es08:28
juliuxSeveas, can you fix a broken link on fridge ?08:28
Seveasmhz, cool08:29
Seveasjuliux, fridge-devel@lists.ubuntu.com08:29
juliuxSeveas, have i to subscribe?08:29
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juliuxSeveas, thanks08:30
mhzSeveas: P3L|C4N0 has agreed to give you admin access. Is that useful? is that what we need? He has given you "access" to #ubuntu-es and #edubuntu-es08:39
Seveasmhz, I saw that in messages from chanserv shooting by08:40
Seveasask him to give you access too, since I won't be around 24/7 :)08:40
mhzno? not 24/7 ?08:41
ograSeveas, slacker :p08:41
ograyou dare to sleep ?08:41
Seveas3 hours per night08:41
mhzah, ok, we forgive you08:42
ograbah ... thats much :)08:42
mhzSeveas: actually there's whole theory about sleeping on a 3 hour periods08:42
ograjust do it like the cats ... 5 min every hour 08:42
=== mhz is cat and rabitt for Chinease zodiac :D
mhzbut i love to have good sleeps08:44
ogradoes rabbit imply somthing ?08:44
mhzhehehehe, no idea08:44
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mhzwe otta ask chinease08:44
=== mhz getting a coffe
=== P3L|C4N0 re
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mhzSeveas: so, can we now include #edubuntu-es as "official" channel for spanish speakers?10:04
mhzSeveas: and as soon as jdub tell me if we have or not the edubuntu-es ML, we'll include it too10:05
kjcolemhz, since I know you have nothing better to do than join another ubuntu-* team, I have a question for you. ;-)10:09
kjcolemhz, I'm finding a lot of overlap between the three I'm involved in: documentation, education, and accessibility.10:10
=== mhz tries to give 2 cents (at least) to each team
mhzI tkink diff are storng10:10
mhzand clear10:10
mhzmaybe doc and educ share similar goals on many points10:11
kjcolemhz, but I am mono-lingual...  I can use sign language, but after many years, I still am not fluent. 10:11
kjcolemhz, I've been talking to deaf education experts here on campus about education and accessibility in Ubuntu, and the feedback I get is that I should think about other spoken languages and translation when thinking about deaf accessibility.10:12
kjcolemhz, Hence, I'm talking to you. ;-)10:12
mhzgood point10:13
mhzthey give you10:13
kjcolemhz: For example, a guy who's studying deaf linguistics said that he worked with people on making mathematics exams more accessible to a deaf audience, and found that the use of passive voice, which is common in computer documentation, is uncommon in many languages, and appears to be very "English".10:14
kjcoleDeaf students have trouble with that.  He said "When planning the original documentation, avoid passive voice.  Then translations to other languages become easier, and also more accessible to deaf users."10:15
mhzin spanish our passive voice is very rare. We use it a lot in Chile when we dont want to reckon we did soemthing bad :)10:16
kjcoleBut I *DREAM* in 3rd-person, passive voice. Writing that way is very natural to me.  10:16
mhzkjcole: I can help you. Help can be given from me to you :D10:17
kjcolemhz, So, when the opportunity arises, perhaps you can lend your voice (active, rather than passive) and knowledge to the discussions.10:17
mhzsure! I'd love to.10:17
mhzMany english speakers do have that passive voice sindrom when learning spanish10:18
mhzand from a chilean POV. it was hard for me at the begining.10:18
kjcoleAnother colleague just walked in with a 95-page 8.5" x 11" book called "Readable English for Hearing-Impaired Students" which I expect to be VERY helpful!10:19
mhzmaybe it's a cultural thing10:19
mhzthat reminds me I need to contact some local institutions that work on this areas10:19
mhzotherwise, i'm not gonna be much of a help10:20
kjcoleI guess what I want is someone who's native language is less passive voice, but who has a strong command of English, and can say with relative ease "I would say it this way in my language," but say it in English.10:22
kjcoleWhen I converse, (online or offline) I'm fairly "active voice" I think.  And my writing -- I am told by others -- is pretty understandable.  But my audience is 100% English language fluent.10:23
blue-frogkjcole i could try to go over some stuff of yours if u wish. am french..10:24
mhzkjcole: i'd be very happy 'coz I will finally feel I am helping on something "difficult"10:25
kjcoleblue-frog: Nice.  Thanks.  10:25
kjcoleThis is great!  Maybe I should write in my "native" style, and then have both of you (and others) translate to whatever's your favorite, with an "ear" towards making it more natural in your language.  Then finally, translate it back again.  A long way but probably a successful one.10:27
kjcole(I wish I'10:28
kjcole(I wish I'd been exposed to a second language early in life.)10:28
kjcoleblue-frog: Who are you?  (Or perhaps just "How do I contact you outside of IRC?")10:29
kjcoleblue-frog: Thanks. And I'm Kevin Cole <kjcole@gri.gallaudet.edu>10:30
blue-frogwill have my resume soon on the page..10:30
mhzkjcole: hmmm, I think I can read in english and "re-phrase" it as a non-passive (chilean) voice would say it10:31
mhzthen we'd skip one step10:32
mhzkjcole: I used to work as a translator and interpreter10:32
kjcoleYeah, but I'm assuming that if I'm writing something that is any good, you'll want it in another language anyway. ;-)10:32
mhzkjcole: however, I did stop working as such because I am kind of hyperactive so I used to get sleepy in the process10:33
kjcolemhz: Or maybe you'll just write your own from scratch...10:33
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mhzkjcole: yes and nop. 10:33
mhzIMHPOV, more people should learn both spanish and english (considering current # of population speaking any of those)10:34
kjcolemhz: Ah, that explains why you seem so familiar with my universe (deaf education).  I imagine some of that interpreting/translating and your interest in education links up well with what goes on here.10:35
blue-frogbtw a rewritten manual (using less passive voice) would sit next to the proper manual, correct?10:35
kjcoleblue-frog: I hope that there might be a compromise:  Although the style will be different and may "taste" a little strange, I'm wondering if we cannot achieve a "proper" manual that retains the active voice.10:37
mhzkjcole: indeed10:37
kjcolemhz: As for learning Spanish and English (or English and anything else): The spirit is willing but the mind is weak.  (And sometimes, if I'm tired enough, I become "The Ugly American (TM)"10:38
kjcolemhz, I think you've met my evil alter ego at 7:00 AM.10:38
blue-frogin my opinion shouldn't be too strange though, even thoug the focus wouldn't be learning english in such manuals it shouldn't be too improper use of the english language10:38
blue-frogor locutions10:38
mhzblue-frog: good point10:38
blue-frogor we would arrive at a point where everebody's understandright awawy but a bit of the chinese way (no offense) learning english to cope in coversation but not good english10:40
mhzblue-frog: however, kjcole aims to 'people who doesn not speak english' they speak deaf language10:40
blue-frogand my spelling is getting worse...10:40
kjcoleblue-frog: Politically awkward for me then: If I'm trying to sell Ubuntu to a deaf audience, I'm going to need to say "Here's the English language manual, and oh, here's the deaf English language manual."10:40
mhzblue-frog: lol10:40
blue-frogoh yeah sry thru that out of my mind10:40
kjcoleIn English, one might say that idea would go over like a "lead balloon". ;-)10:41
mhzkjcole: the way i imagine it, deaf people do not even use same "gammar structures" we are used to, do they?10:41
kjcolemhz, correct.  In fact, the true "ASL-ers" (American Sign Language users) who've used it since birth, would be more comfortable with French.10:42
mhzie: how would they think of "If i were you, I would have done this and such.."10:42
kjcoleASL is really a "French import" in a way.10:42
blue-frogbut at the same time i guess disabled people don't like being put aside and i fear that what they could think if once again there is a 'normal' manual and a deaf manual, no?10:43
mhzhhhmm. interesting, indeed.10:43
kjcolemhz, Good question and one I cannot answer.  That's why I'm desperately trying to recruit deaf students here who are sympathetic to the cause. ;-)10:43
mhzplease do so.10:44
blue-frogproblem is as well for us and the politically correct is that we don't even know how to interact between eachother..10:44
=== mhz still thinks we should have a survey or poll
kjcoleblue-frog: Exactly my point about the "lead balloon" -- It would not float well.10:44
mhzblue-frog: yup10:44
mhzoooops, sorry guys. Wife needs me.10:45
mhzand I betta obey10:45
blue-froghang on lead balloon.. explain to me quickly pls. i think that would be nice if i understand properly your idea..10:45
kjcolemhz is now known as mhz_hen-pecked.10:45
mhzto say it formally.10:46
kjcoleblue-frog: American idiom -- "That idea will go over like a lead (periodic table element Pb) balloon" a.k.a. "That idea won't fly"10:49
blue-frogkjcole or lead balloon is just an english expression that i don't know?10:49
blue-frogok then10:49
kjcoleIt is an idea with little hope of future success.10:49
blue-froggot it now10:50
blue-frogi mean from the ameraican idiom :)10:50
kjcole(And as a follow up, one often says, when proposing a new idea for the first time "Let's float that idea.")10:50
kjcole(or "see if it floats" -- is it feasible?)10:52
kjcoleblue-frog: ah.10:52
kjcoleWell, I have a student waiting.  Talk to you later.10:53
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=== mhz BBL
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Bob332anybody know how i can install a GDesklet on my edubuntu deesktop11:15
mhzBob332: i nvere used it yet. Did you try Synaptics?11:15
Bob332mhz, no whats synaptics?11:16
Bob332goto gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org, awesome site11:16
mhzoh, it's Synaptic (sorry) and it's the application manager11:16
mhzBob332: indeed11:17
Bob332no no, synaptic wouldnt do it here11:17
Bob332this is a gnome applet and i forget how to istall it11:17
mhzsorry, no idea11:18
ograBob332, so that means you actually *have* a desktop now ?11:19
Bob332ogra, i wiped out my laptop11:20
Bob332still have the other problem on the older PC11:20
mhzogra: sorry to ask again but... what exactly would we take care of (we, the ones who will own it) if we work on wmaker for edubuntu?11:20
Bob332the distro is cool though11:20
ograthanks :)11:20
ogramhz, no idea, its your decision ...11:20
mhzogra: but you said that there may be issues regarding development maintainance or hardware stuuf or libraries?11:21
=== mhz cant remember well these days.
ogramake sure your changes dont break the package for other users ... 11:22
ogranote that the package is used in ubuntu and kubuntu too11:22
mhzand I assume even if we do the artwork for wmaker before dapper is frozen, that would not be edubuntu CD, right?11:23
mhzor there are hopes?11:23
mhz(had to ask :D )11:23
ograif its just a theme, i can put it into edubuntu-artwork ...11:26
ograso wmaker users can choose it11:26
mhzwe are planning to just start and see people response to it11:27
ograjust check that you put it where they belong i guess there might be a wmaker-themes package or something11:27
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mhzogra: and wil that cause probs. for the menu-profile stuff you mentioned yesterday night11:38
ograas long as wmaker complies to freedesktop.org specs it wont ...11:40
lucasvois there something like the gnome panel applet drawer, but which allows you to put in items even without opening? (so it stays open all the time?)11:42
=== mhz is now known as mhz_dinner
ograanother panel ? 11:43
lucasvoogra: I would like to have a panel where I can just drag my files in(as symlinks)11:50
ograthats what i meant ... put a sidepanel on your desktop11:51
=== mhz_dinner exists X

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