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KnowerrorsAnybody install KDE 3.5 yet?12:15
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dennis_pyeah just did12:15
KnowerrorsHow is it? Worth changing to?12:16
dennis_pfrom 5.11: ran the 2 commands in konsole, copied deb line in Manage Repositories menu in Adept (don't forget the Apply button there) Fetch Updates button and Full Upgrade button, restart. done12:16
KnowerrorsHow big is the download? Im on a dialup modem...12:17
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dennis_pYou can check how big before hitting Full Upgade button, the other button will say12:19
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dennis_pmodem might be 4 kB per second I vaugly remember12:21
Knowerrorsyeah, mine is 3kb/sec avg12:21
dennis_pmy cable modem 400kB/s :-)12:22
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Knowerrorsyeah, I may wait to go to the university T1 computer lab to download it12:24
dennis_pdoes auto mount usb stick work with anybody?12:27
l3mdennis_p: with my ipod shuffle it does12:28
Hobbseedennis_p: in 3.5?  yes12:28
kkathmanwhy would 3.5 have anything to do with USB automount?12:29
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dennis_punmounted removable media - Open in new window - toggle as auto action12:29
dennis_pthen something crashed12:30
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kkathman3.5 wont matter :)12:30
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dennis_psticking in a sandisk usb stick does nothing12:30
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dennis_photplug does not give ok or failed at boot screen, does that matter here?12:31
ircnewHello you all. I am a newbie of Ubuntu and today I have installed my first Linux distribution. I think there is something wrong though, can anyone help me?12:32
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_StarScreamircnew: whats the issue12:32
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ircnewthank you dennis12:33
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sampandennis_p, it never shows "ok" or "failed" for me either at boot, but usb sticks do auto-mount and konq comes up open to it just fine.12:33
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ircnewI have installed kubuntu but after it loads I can't see any graphical interface12:33
ircnewjust a prompt 12:33
dbglthow do I configure amarok/gstreamer to deal with mp3s?12:34
dbgltjust installed, and it says gstreamer is not configured to handle them12:34
dbgltkaffeine cannot open them either12:34
ircnewstarscream, during the loading I can see some warnings about the kernel12:34
ircnewI think they are error messages12:34
dennis_pah hotplug, wonder why it does not automount usb then. did you have to set anything other then default?12:34
drolykhi all12:35
ircnewI don't remember exactly but it's something about segmentation (I am on win now)12:35
sampandennis_p  i didn't have to do anything other than update -- iirc it wasn't working 100% right until i updated.  can you mount the usb drive manually?  is it listed as a device when you plug it in? (try (in console): lsusb)12:36
dbgltanyone about?12:36
ubotuit has been said that restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'12:36
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sampandbglt, mp3s aren't enabled by default -- the link that ubotu just posted gives instructions on how to enable though 12:37
ircnewStarscream : I am using the latest version of Kubuntu, probably 6.x12:37
ircnewany clue ?12:37
dbgltI'd imagine trying to play an mp3 would be one of the first things someone new would do...12:37
dbglthow horrid12:37
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dennis_psampan: Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0781:7100 SanDisk Corp.12:38
dbgltsudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg12:39
dbgltdoes not work12:39
sampandennis_p, so it's seeing that it's there ... have you updated kubuntu (applying all the patches)?  there were some issues at release -- a simple update might fix it 12:39
Judaxdbglt: what does it say12:39
sampandbglt, have you enabled the repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:39
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dennis_pyeah running 3.5 and all12:39
dbgltsampan: no12:40
dbgltdoing so now12:40
dbgltE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)12:40
dbgltE: Unable to lock the list directory12:40
dbgltwhat does that mean?12:40
dbgltwhen trying to apt-get install12:40
sampanit means you need to try it with "sudo" 12:40
drolykHi does any one here use apt-proxy ? I`ve got a question about it :)12:40
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dennis_pdgglt: start adept and use menu12:40
Judaxdbglt: but you do need to enable all the repos12:41
dennis_pdon't forget Apply12:41
ubotuit has been said that repositories is How to add repositories:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example sources.list12:41
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dbgltyes, trying to do that now :)12:41
dbgltis there also a non-free fonts package?12:41
dbgltor have to be done manually?12:41
dennis_pyes from microsoft ready to use12:41
dbgltbecause my terminal is horrible12:41
dbgltdennis_p: apt-get-able?12:41
dbgltI have MS Windows installed on another partition12:42
dbgltpossible to copy ttfs over?12:42
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dennis_pit's on the same mp3 page12:42
sampandbglt  yes, it's easy to install new fonts with kubuntu -- font installer works well12:42
dbgltkubuntu does not use synaptic, I imagine?12:42
dennis_padept is similar12:43
dennis_pyou can use synaptic if you want afeter installing it with adept :-) 12:43
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sampandennis_p  i dunno what's up with the usb not showing up then ... is it mounted to a /media/ directory in konsole/term after you plug it in?  can you mount it manually?12:44
dennis_pnot seen in /media/12:45
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sampan:( was it working before you upgraded to 3.5?12:46
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dbgltheh, I'm most confused12:46
dbgltthe GUI makes it worse12:46
dennis_pno never12:46
dennis_padept menu manage repositories > right click some lines and select enable12:46
Knowerrorsdbglt: Synaptic is far better than Adept IMO, its faster, more stable, and has more features12:46
CruNcherwhen will kde 3.5 be ready for dapper ?12:47
dbglt# deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:47
dbgltis that what I want to uncomment?12:47
KnowerrorsCruNcher: its ready now12:47
dbgltit has universe and multiverse in it...12:47
dbgltbut not sure about the backports part12:47
KnowerrorsCruNcher: go to kubuntu.org and read the link :)12:47
sampandbglt, afaik there aren't any backports for breezy yet -- so leave that line commented out12:47
dbgltsampan: what do I uncomment to be able to get mp3s and codecs and such12:48
dbgltor do I have to add my own line?12:48
dbgltthere is no "multiverse" otherwise12:48
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sampanhttp://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic  <-- can generate a full sources.list there and then just save it (after backing up original of course)12:49
dbgltoh and, should I enable deb-src too? or just the "deb" repository12:49
ircnewcan someone help me please? I have an after installation problem. While loading the system warns me about "segmentation" something, repeated many times, and what's more, at the end of the loading there is no graphical interface, but only a prompt from which I can login. Has someone any clue about what might have happened?12:49
Knowerrorsdbglt: for mp3 playing, the amarok-xine and kaffeine-xine were the only things that got it to work right, gstreamer never worked proper for me12:49
now3dHi, I am seeing a dependency problem with breezy mozilla-mailnews12:49
Knowerrorsdbglt: you don't need the deb-src, thats for source, so unless you plan on buildin your own installs... 12:50
Hobbseenow3d: post the error to pastebin?12:50
Hobbseeircnew: try startx12:50
now3dhmm, what is pastebin?12:50
Knowerrorsnow3d: look at the top of the irc12:50
dbgltyes, but for example: if a package is only released in source form?12:50
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com12:50
dbgltwhat will having it enabled actually do?12:50
dbgltI have to explicitly choose to get source... right?12:51
ircnewI will hobsee, thanks, otherwise I think you'll see me again here :( Thanks for now12:51
Knowerrorsdbglt: just open up another repository, right12:51
ircnewwhat about the segmentation error?12:51
Knowerrorsyou don't need it, but it doesn't hurt you to have it dbglt 12:51
now3dah, yes, thanks for the tip!  http://pastebin.com/44294212:51
dbgltmight be an idea for a box to pop up and say "mp3 is disabled, so is codecs, here is a link to fonts, etc." when you have a fresh install12:52
dbgltwould make things much easier :)12:52
Hobbseenow3d: sudo apt-get install mozilla-browser?12:52
Hobbseewhat does that say?12:52
now3dHobbsee: I did apt-get update, and then apt-get upgrade12:53
Hobbseeyep, good12:53
now3di just installed kubuntu 5.1 ..12:53
Knowerrorsdbglt: yeay, but thats why this is free :)12:53
now3d"mozilla-browser is already the newest version."12:53
kkathmannow3d you did change your repositories right?12:53
Knowerrorsand theres lots of info on mp3s in the forums12:53
Hobbseehmmm, ok then12:53
now3dkkathman: Hi, i uncommented "universe", ones but other than that I didnt change anything..12:54
now3dhmm, actually i did.. i commented out:  #deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted12:54
Knowerrorsdbglt: what would be nice is an ad-supported version of k/ubuntu or a pay version (cheap, like $25) with all the codecs, plugins, fonts and other nonfree niceties all included12:54
kkathmanahh ok yer good then12:54
dennis_phow legal would it be to call upon usa people to use mp3 without licence? you can enable it like europeans are allowed to do.12:54
now3dany idea what the problem could be?12:55
kalenedraelOk, anyone have any ideas as to how I can tunnel SSH through HTTP?12:55
kalenedraelAs in, encapsulate the SSH packets in HTTP...12:55
kkathmanI interrupted...I appologize..Hobbsee is much more knowlegeable than I anyway :)12:55
Hobbseenow3d: you dont have the newest version of mozilla-browser, for some reason12:55
Hobbseekkathman: dont you dare think that!12:55
now3dHobbsee: Hmm, it says it is latest..12:56
now3dmaybe gb mirror is out of date..?12:56
Hobbseethe newest version doesnt seem to be in the repos at all...12:56
Hobbseeau mirror is out of date too if that's the case12:56
kkathmanits TRUE!12:56
Hobbseenow3d: file a bug for it, i think12:56
kkathmanthats why I just listen here when you are here :)12:56
now3dHobbsee: is it 2:1.7.12-0ubuntu2 ?12:57
=== kkathman shuts up and listens
Hobbseethat you want?12:57
now3dhttp://pastebin.com/442942 that is the old version..12:57
now3dHobbsee:  that is the old version12:57
Hobbseeah, yeah, that's the old version12:58
SurbHow do I use aliases in Bash?12:58
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now3dHobbsee: do you know an uptodate mirror..?12:58
HobbseeSurb: alias <alias> <full command> i think - or add it to bash.rc or something...12:58
HobbseeSurb: howto on ubuntuforums.org12:59
ubotuCreate your own shorter timesaving console commands. http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_03_05.html12:59
Hobbseethat to12:59
Hobbseenow3d: they should all be up to date - go file a bug about it.  12:59
ubotuTo file a bug, go to http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ for packages in main or http://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/distros/ubuntu for Universe packages12:59
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now3dHobbsee: i would... but i dont have any account details on this pc01:00
Hobbseeyou dont remember your login?01:00
now3di dont have one..01:00
now3dand i dont have email on this pc01:00
Hobbseeah ok01:00
now3dcould you file it for me please?01:00
now3di file loads on debian.. and mozilla guy never responds..01:01
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KnowerrorsAnybody who upgraded to kde 3.5... will installing the kdeadmin break anything kubuntu wise?01:02
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now3dand i cant install mozilla-mailnews to get the registration email to then reply and file the bug..01:03
now3dso I guess I cannot get working email on kubuntu now..01:03
now3dseems a known problem01:04
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now3dgota sleep.. thanks for the help..01:05
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Drakesonis artsdsink reliable yet?01:10
CruNcherhmm strange i have all dapper repos active but i can only see 3.5-rc2 ??01:11
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neoncodeamaroK just crashed randomly...01:14
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Hobbseeneoncode: which version of amarok01:15
CruNcher1.3.6 crashed after start on dapper for me01:15
avyhow do you add AIM the server list?01:16
kkathmanAIM?  Lol01:17
avyI keep getting an error01:17
Hobbseepost the error to pastebin01:18
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nutshell42hi, does clicking the "administrator mode" button in kubuntu still not work or is there some trick to clicking it correctly?01:20
sampannutshell42, applying updates to kubuntu fixed that bug for me01:20
nutshell42I click, kubuntu gives me a pw dialog, I enter the pw, I'm back where I started01:20
nutshell42thx, I'll try that01:20
jilocasin'ello all01:20
jilocasinquestion to anyone who  knows KDE, how to I resize (windows/fonts/everything) not to be 640x480 when X says it's running at 1280x102401:22
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CruNcherWhere is Kde 3.5 final in the dapper repos in universe or multiverse ?01:23
HobbseeCruNcher: i would expect it to be  in main01:24
CruNcherdapper-updates ?01:24
Hobbseecould be01:25
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nutshell42jilocasin: what exactly is your problem? Is your screen 1280x1024 or is it 640x480 and you want it to be 1280x1024?01:25
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McScruffis there anyone here that can build and package an app for me pls?01:27
jefferybI was wondering if anyone can help... I need to run a script everytime a user logs in onto the desktop, and I was wodering where to put the script so it could run when ever someone logs in...01:27
_davidhello all01:27
_davidI am looking for some samba/printer help01:28
HobbseeMcScruff: what app?01:28
nutshell42jefferyb: every time *a* user logs in or just for one specific user?01:28
McScruffthe latest klibido01:28
jefferybany user01:29
jilocasinnutshell: no, the problem is I'm running at 1280x1024, but everything, the windows, the fonts are as large as they would be if I were running at 640x480.  I have a 20" monitor and the Konversation window I am typing this in is about 14" across.... 01:29
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nutshell42jefferyb: sec01:29
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jefferybnutshell42: ok01:30
HobbseeMcScruff: compile it, and use checkinstall01:30
Hobbsee!tell McScruff about checkinstall01:30
nutshell42jilocasin: fonts is in system settings->appearance->fonts01:30
nutshell42most other things should scale accordingly01:30
McScruffi just loged into nickserv :P01:30
nutshell42as soon as you correct the fonts problem01:30
Hobbsee!tell McScruff about checkinstall01:31
McScruffhobbsee: 1 problem, i get an error01:31
McScruffcan i pm?01:31
HobbseeMcScruff: paste the error to pastebin01:32
McScruffbrb, gotta restart kde!!!!! (damn 3.5 update01:32
KnowerrorsHobbsee: know how I can include the sudo password as part of an application icon on the desktop... to launch something as sudo w/o typing password?01:32
_davidwhen  adding a shared printer connected to a windows PC - through the add printer wizzard - should you see the printer in the workgroup and windows PC?01:33
jilocasinnutshell42: nope, I've chosen the largest 10pt font I've ever seen, but all that happened is that the text is smaller in the same sized windows01:33
HobbseeKnowerrors: um....not sure on that one01:33
Hobbseein the kmenu, theres' a "run as different user" option, but i'm not sure if that's what you want01:34
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sampanknowerrors  you should be able to right click the desktop icon, then go to properties --> application tab --> command field and add "kdesu " before the application name -- then when you click it, a box will appear asking for your PW and you can enter it and run the app as su01:36
Hobbseeyeah, but how to do it without needing the password...01:37
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nutshell42jilocasin: if the font is the correct size but the window is too large then resize the window01:37
nutshell42if that's not the problem make a screenshot and put it on imageshack01:37
sampanwhy would one want not to enter the pw when running something as su?  O_o01:38
jilocasinnutshell42: Sorry to sound pedantic, but how under KDE would I do that?01:38
Knowerrorssampan: right, its for convience01:38
Knowerrorsits a single command acutally, Im not launching an application01:39
Knowerrorsthe command Im executing needs sudo01:39
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Knowerrorsits to restart my home theater application if it freezes01:39
sampanchange the permissions on the command file?01:40
nutshell42jilocasin: kscreenshot, a useful program for online help (like I try atm) that the kubuntu makers in their infinite wisdom removed from kde01:40
sampanso it doesn't require su?01:40
jilocasinnutshell42: not the snapshot the imageshack part01:40
sampanmake it executable by your normal user01:40
nutshell42jilocasin: I assume it's in some extra repositories, gimp does work too =)01:40
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nutshell42jilocasin: go to imageshack, upload the screenshot, send me the link01:40
Knowerrorssampan: not that simple, because the command is a script which executes a couple other scripts which act on a program running as sudo01:42
KnowerrorsI would do that if I new how :)01:42
jilocasinnutshell42: ksnapshot did the trick, http://img492.imageshack.us/img492/944/desktopsnapshot18tr.png01:42
jefferybI'm trying to make link on the Desktop for each users that logs on... check to see if it's there, if not, make one for them... I have the script to do all that, I just want to know where to put it...01:44
McScruffcan anyone get on sourgeforge?01:44
sampanknowerrors, ahhhh -- sounds tricky01:44
nutshell42aaargh, ksnapshot of course, it's late, it's really late =)01:44
jilocasinnushell42: as you can see, the window that opens up to configure the network setting, is so large that you have to make the window even larger to see the "Administrator Mode" button.01:44
nutshell42jefferyb: I should have send you a privmsg with the locations01:44
jefferybnutshell42: thanks... I will look at it...01:46
nutshell42jilocasin: that's strange01:46
jilocasinnutshell42: can you see what I am trying to say?01:46
nutshell42because the rest seems to scale ok01:46
jilocasinlook at the size of the icons in the settings:/Network window, and remember that this is a 20" screen.  those icons are like 2" tall.01:47
nutshell42make sure the resolution in system settings->display is correct and then try restarting kde; you could also try running that program as root with sudo01:47
nutshell42jilocasin: you can change the icon size in appearance too01:47
jilocasinnutshell42: how would I make sure that the resolution in system settings->display is correct?  01:48
dennis_phey 3.5 konqueror has no auto type focus in url bar for new windows01:48
jilocasinnutshell42: Yes, but like the windows, the thickness of the title block stays the same, just the text inside gets smaller.01:49
nutshell42jilocasin: look at it, if it's 1280x1024 it's correct01:49
jilocasinnutshell42: thats what it says01:49
nutshell42konqueror->view->icon size. Standard is very large or something, set it to medium01:50
jilocasinnutshell42: but as I said earlier, everything is scaled as if it were 640x480, just the curves are smoother.01:50
nutshell42for the window border, right-click on the window titlebar->window behaviour and choose another style; the height of your titlebar looks about right for the fontsize01:51
jilocasinnutshell42: thanks for the help, gotta run for now, I'll return, so if you can think of anything, ... :)01:51
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dennis_pdebian kanotix had the same button/window/font size problems take a look at what this bash script changes http://kanotix.com/files/fix-dpi-kdm.bash01:59
McScruffIs there a way (other then a virtual machine) to get a high windows compatibility? im wondering if ther eis a way or if itsbest to duel boot02:05
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nutshell42McScruff: depends, there's wine02:09
nutshell42but if you need lots of windows apps or want to play games dual boot is the way to go02:09
McScruffnaa, tbh that dont run any 3rd pary apps i want02:09
nutshell42which apps do you want?02:10
McScruffthere is an app called offline list (its a gba rom manager)02:10
jefferybdoes kubuntu have a file similar to /etc/rc.local that runs peronal services, or whichever program that I want to run during booting time?02:10
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techniqcould someone tell me how to update a package from a .deb..  do I use dpkg -i --force something.deb?.. I don't see something like rpm -U...02:11
McScruffi was reading about "turbolinux" does this use wine or a different method02:11
Hobbseetechniq: sudo apt-get update02:11
Hobbseesudo apt-get upgrade02:11
nutshell42jefferyb: just link your script in one of the runlevels02:12
techniqI thought apt-get was just used for remote files from your sources.list file?02:13
techniqand dpkg was for when you have the .deb in front of you... so to speak02:13
nutshell42dpkg -i doesn't work?02:13
nutshell42I thought you didn't need any special options02:13
techniqno.. i terrors if the file a previous version is already installed02:14
techniqI can remove it and install the new one.. 02:14
neoncodedoes libtotem work with firefox RC 3?02:14
Hobbseenot sure, there's something on the wiki about it02:14
nutshell42you sure? I thought it only produced errors if you tried to overwrite files of a different package02:14
ubotu[firefox1.5]  see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org02:14
techniqdpkg: error processing klearlook-0.9.3_0.9.3-1_i386.deb (--install):02:14
techniq trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde3/kstyle_klearlook_config.la', which is also in package klearlook-0.9.202:14
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nutshell42--force-overwrite should work02:14
techniqthey are self made files from cleaninstall02:15
neoncodeI think that was about RC 1?02:15
techniqso maybe I just don't know what I'm doing ;)02:15
neoncodeMeh, I guess i'll just try it....02:15
nutshell42techniq: could be, I never made a .deb =P02:15
techniqawe.. I think I see why :)02:15
nutshell42I assume you somehow made him think they are different packages02:16
techniqthe name is klearlook-0.9.3 (and the version shows 0.9.3).. probably since they have conflicting names.. one is klearlook-0.9.2 and the other klearlook-0.9.3 it thinks there different files02:16
neoncodenope... doesn't seem to... T_T02:16
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Drakesonwhere can I find the about:konqueror files?02:22
Drakeson(gonna touch them a bit ;)02:22
Hobbsee~/.kde/config maybe?02:22
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redondoshas everyone already installed kde 3.5?02:22
DrakesonHobbsee: nah02:22
redondosdo your homework02:22
Drakesonredondos: yep! me!02:23
Hobbseeredondos: yeah, from rc202:23
neoncodehey, did wine get a 0.9.2 relace? sweet...02:23
redondosalready taken the acid2 test?02:23
kkathmanhi there redondos :)02:23
redondoshihi kkathman 02:23
nutshell42Drakeson: about:konqueror is the page it loads at startup?02:23
kkathmanjust thought I'd wave and say hi....i'll be quiet now ;)02:23
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neoncodehey, text won't display in flashplayer in firefox...02:25
Drakesonthnx, stupid me! it could be found with a mouse hover!02:25
redondoskkathman: hi is good :D02:25
redondosjust that I was on the phone02:25
redondosanyway, guys, where in the 'regional and accesibility' section of kconfig can I configure my keyboard's multimedia keys?02:26
nutshell42redondos: khotkeys02:26
redondosI'd like something like 'dcop amarok player next' for the "next" button & stuff02:26
neoncodehey wait, firefox 1.5 is properly relised! yay, I realy need to know these things faster....02:26
redondosnutshell42: ty!02:27
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ccc_firefox 1.5 :O02:28
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jefferybThanks guys for the help... I haven't gotten to work, but I will be back later with more questions... Thank you again for the help02:29
McScruff  klibido: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.3.2-6.2) but it is not installable02:29
McScruffHelp -^^02:30
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kkathmanMCScruff try pan as a newsreader...its nicer than Klibido02:30
McScruffbut it dont do nzb's02:31
nutshell42hmm, total kde fsck up02:31
nutshell42I wonder whether kde 3.5 is really stable02:31
kkathmanMcScruff: are you on 3.4.3 or 3.5 ?02:31
McScruffis it time to downgrade already?02:31
HobbseeMcScruff: apt-get install kdelibs4-dev02:32
McScruffi have02:33
aseigonutshell42: yes, it is =) 02:33
aseigonutshell42: describe "total kde fuck up"02:33
McScruffi can, the new kde is shite 02:33
HobbseeMcScruff: apt-get install kdelibs4c202:33
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McScruffkdelibs4c2 is already the newest version.02:34
neoncodewhat's up with KDE 3.5? I still have 3.4 as I have not had time to upgrade..02:34
ubotuit has been said that kde3.5 is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php02:34
McScruffneoncode, i wouldnt yet02:34
icewtdoes the upgrade to KDE 3.5 go smooth? and does it work well?02:34
Hobbseewhat are the problems with it?02:34
neoncodeMcScruff: what's up with it?02:35
McScruffwell i can compile nothing now...02:35
HobbseeMcScruff: apt-get install kde-devel?02:35
McScruffhmm, i thought it would have done that when i upgraded..02:35
McScruffit hasnt02:35
McScruffty hobbsee02:36
HobbseeMcScruff: check of kdelibs4-dev too - somethings saying that you dont have it02:36
McScruffi already checked and i have that02:36
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Hobbseeah ok, cool02:36
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McScruffconfigure: error: Error: uudeview.h not found!  - anyone know the name of the dev package this is in02:44
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amuwhich is a general problem for kubuntu main-packages, cause libuu-dev home is in universe  02:49
naliothMcScruff: yes, open a console and type "apt-cache search uudeview"  and install the -dev pkg02:51
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crimsunamu: could it be promoted to main?02:53
infamuswow, this channel is quiet....02:53
infamuswhat kind of cool stuff can i do with KDE02:54
amunalioth: do you know, about what youre talking? sorry thats bullshit02:54
jonathonhello how do i get rid of all the ubuntu stuff out of my computer02:54
infamusjonathan, reformatting ususally works02:54
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icewtany problems in upgrading to kde 3.5?02:55
jonathoni want kubuntu distro the same as if i had kubuntu cd02:55
McScruffFFS Still wont MAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:55
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jonathoni dont wan ubuntu i want the gnome stuff all gone02:55
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amucrimsun: depends, he didnt told us, on what he's working in, what he's doing ... he just asked which packages includes uudeview.h .. the answer was libuu-dev 02:55
infamusicewt: nope, worked like a charm, i just installed with apt-get install kde02:56
JptrDuoI wanna upgrade to kde 3.5 but all my pacakges keep being held back after installing the repo/key on the kubuntu website02:56
McScruffamu, that package worked a treat :P02:56
infamusJptrrDuo: i never had that problem.....02:56
amucrimsun: guess you know what's needed in order to pass to main? 02:56
bassburnerJptrDuo: I'm having the same problem02:56
JptrDuowould it be a problem if I'm running kde rite now? if I went into runlevel 2 would that solve it?02:57
icewtinfamus: ok, good02:57
amuMcScruff: cheers02:57
crimsunamu: ah, I just happened to switch over to this buffer. Your reply read like it was a b-d issue.02:57
infamusJptrDuo, just update kde through terminal, you packages should be fine02:57
Sneaky_BastardI guess I have to burn down this box and start over :(02:57
McScruffGot A Make Error, Very Annoyed now (i still blame kde 3.5) http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/44304502:57
crimsunamu: (as in a major b-d issue preventing KDE packages from building properly in main)02:58
naliothamu: may i help you?02:58
JptrDuoyeah, I get this problem when I do sudo apt-get upgrade (after updating the repo's of course)02:58
naliothamu: i do not appreciate profanity in the channel, esp when connected with me02:58
bassburnerJptrDuo: I just tried an apt-get dist-upgrade and it's installing everything now.  I can't say that this won't break everything though02:59
amucrimsun: no prob, its not needed02:59
jonathonhello i know u get ap-get install kubuntu-desktop how do u get rid of the gnome stuff02:59
infamusJptrDuo: its odd, im not having that problem.....02:59
JptrDuointeresting, supposedly dist-upgrade is "safer" than upgrade, I'll try taht now02:59
JptrDuowaddaya know, it's getting ready to download a lot of stuff now :-)03:00
JptrDuothx for making a great distro guys!03:00
jonathoni dist-upgraded myself from hoary to breezy go me!03:00
Hobbseeyay jonathon!03:00
Sneaky_Bastardyah, wub joo all!!!03:00
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amuMcScruff: link: cannot find the library `/lib/libacl.la03:05
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amuMcScruff: the correct answer, the missing package you search is: libacl1-dev03:06
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infamus!tell infamus about make03:07
infamusgrrrr, i cant compile mplayer03:07
jsubl2grrrrrrrrrr why not03:07
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jonathonyo no one knows how to get rid of ubuntu????????????03:08
infamusjsubl2: cuz im prolly doin something wrong03:08
jsubl2apt-get build-dep mplayer03:08
infamusoh, ok03:08
amujonathon: install SuSE? 03:09
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jsubl2thats blasphemy03:09
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infamusjsubl2: E:unable to find source package for mplayer03:10
durtkde crashes (freezes) very frequently, especially when i run konqueror. whats going on?03:10
amujsubl2: build-dep mplayer is blasphemy :) ? 03:10
jsubl2enable universe and multiverse in your apt sources03:10
jsubl2infamus, you don't need to build it. that apt one is fine03:10
jsubl2!find mplayer03:10
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'mplayer' (11 shown): mozilla-mplayer ;; mplayer-386 ;; mplayer-586 ;; mplayer-686 ;; mplayer-custom ;; mplayer-doc ;; mplayer-fonts ;; mplayer-k6 ;; mplayer-k7 ;; mplayer-nogui ;; xmms-xmmplayer.03:10
infamusjsubl2: n00b question-how do i enable universe and multiverse03:11
McScruffHobbsee , u around?03:11
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durtinfamus: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment some repos03:11
jsubl2infamus, use adept.. it has menu buttons for that i believe03:11
McScruffcan i pm?03:12
jsubl2or synaptic03:12
infamusjsubl2: adept? oh yeah your dealing with a linux n00b!03:12
jsubl2it is under the system menu03:12
HobbseeMcScruff: just say it in the main channel03:12
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jonathonamu: i dont want to get rid of ubuntu i want to turn my distro into KUbuntu and i want all the gnome parts gone 03:13
jonathonamu: ubuntu out kubtuntu in03:13
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durtjonathon: apt-get install kubuntu_desktop and your good to go03:13
jonathoni want the gnome stuff gone03:14
jonathonis there a command for that03:14
Hobbseejonathon: yes, ubuntuforums.org - there's a howto03:14
durtthat will uninstall gimp, gaim and all that other good stuff though03:14
jonathonthanks hobbsee03:14
amujonathon: run a apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop03:14
jonathonnow i have my information!03:15
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kiko0123hello guys03:15
amujonathon: you maybe need later on run a apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, thats all 03:15
infamusjsubl2: i cant find adept and cant remember the command to edit sources.list from the terminal03:15
kiko0123i just installed kubuntu on my computer but i<m having a problem with KRDC can anyone help me please ^03:16
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Hobbseeinfamus: kdesu adept03:16
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jsubl2infamus, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:17
kiko0123it tells me rdesktop failiure Annuler-krdc. Could not start rdesktop; make sure rdesktop is properly installed03:17
benplauthow do i set Konq to always open with tree sidebar open? i can't figure out how to get back the sidebar...03:17
kiko0123but i didint installed anything it came standar when i installed kubuntu03:17
McScruffHobbsee , When i have made this package, can i send it to anyone to get it checked and maybe put in universe or something?03:17
HobbseeMcScruff: got no idea, i've never tried03:18
McScruffanyone else know if i can submit it somewhere as the current one is sooooooo old03:19
Hobbseewhoever maintains backports, i guess...03:19
kiko0123anyone can help me ^03:19
amuMcScruff: sure, you'll also help maintain  it? 03:19
crimsunMcScruff: backports are automatically built from the current development version03:19
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amuMcScruff: which package we're talking about? a new one?  03:20
amucrimsun: you're still in the motu team? 03:20
crimsunamu: yep03:21
amufilename: pool/universe/k/klibido/klibido_0.2.4.1-103:21
sophie_any hardware guru here03:21
amuMcScruff: it's still there 03:22
sophie_how can I diognostic a harddrive in linux my system freezes and I think its related03:22
amucrimsun: cool you take care about the backpors? are those 'offical' backports?  03:23
crimsunamu: I'm not involved with backports, but the ones in breezy-backports are official, yes03:24
McScruffamu, i didnt see that one before i startedto build, nevermind03:24
kiko0123hello anyone here can help me with my krdc issue please ?03:24
amucrimsun: hmm, why Riddell and me build the backports manual if they are done automatic ? 03:25
crimsunamu: you still have to request them03:26
amucrimsun: i spend the last 10h on the ppc 3.5 backports :( 03:26
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crimsunamu: the ones on kubuntu.org, correct?03:27
amucrimsun: yep03:27
crimsunamu: right, the ones that go into archive.ubuntu.com are by-handed by elmo03:27
amucool, thx for this update :) 03:28
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crimsunnwo: np03:30
durttuxbar is so cool ;)03:33
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bonggnulibksieve0 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy103:36
regeyaGOT ANY WEED?03:36
bonggnunorthern lights rlz03:36
regeyalol what03:36
Hobbseeregeya: i think you might have the wrong channel...03:37
regeyahi Hobbsee03:37
Hobbseehey regeya 03:37
bonggnui can't get this package03:37
bonggnui am upgrading to kde 3.503:37
regeyaI'm very impressed at how well kde apps work with (get this) windowmaker03:37
regeyaif only wmaker could handle dnd events03:37
regeya(from something other than gnustep apps)03:37
kiko0123why isint anyone answering me :<( ^03:39
regeyakiko0123: just got here, and I'm wondering what your problem is03:39
McScruffamu, that klibido in backports, how do i grab it through apt-get? i have un #'d the backporst repo but no luck, it still tries to install 0.2.303:39
regeyadunno about libksieve003:39
kiko0123hey regeya 03:39
regeyadunno about libksieve0 bonggnu 03:39
Hobbseekiko0123: no one knows?03:39
kiko0123well i<m having issues with KRDC03:39
kiko0123it tells me rdesktop failiure Annuler-krdc. Could not start rdesktop; make sure rdesktop is properly installed03:40
regeyaoh...well, I can tell you, I don't know. :-(03:40
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kiko0123how can i uninstall and reinstall it back ? i need it to connect to college so i can finish my programming homework :Z03:40
regeyabut if anyone knows any reason why katd won't start for me, lemme know. :-)03:41
kiko0123i just instaled kubuntu03:41
kiko0123didint touched anything yet03:41
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regeyaoh whee wmaker just died twice 03:41
jilocasin'ello all03:41
regeyakiko0123: silly question; have you run an update/upgrade yet?03:41
kiko0123regeya:  yes i did03:42
kiko0123i enabled all deb packages and run update03:42
kiko0123adept thing03:42
kiko0123also im not able to su03:42
Hobbsee!tell kiko0123 about sudo03:42
kiko0123i try to get in root in shell but it tells me wrong password i was never asked to set a password03:43
Hobbseeread the link ubotu sent you...03:43
kiko0123no way i can just su instead of using sudo ?03:43
Kamping_Kaiserkiko0123: not for root03:43
infamusjsubl2: i tried adding the universe and multiverse repos in adept, but im getting malformed line errors now03:43
jilocasinanyone know why when I try to set eth0 manually it blanks out the gateway making it so I can't connect?03:43
regeyakiko0123: if you really must have root, 'sudo passwd'03:43
Kamping_Kaiserkiko0123: well, you can re-enagble root if you want03:43
kiko0123yea i would like to03:43
Kamping_Kaiserbut some tools may (will?) break03:43
McScruffamu or crimson, that klibido in backports, how do i grab it through apt-get? i have un #'d the backporst repo but no luck, it still tries to install 0.2.303:43
Hobbseeinstructions are on that page, too lol03:44
kiko0123ill take a  look03:44
jsubl2infamus, did you change them by hand or with adept/synaptic03:44
infamusjsubl2: at first i tried with adept, but when i enabled the universe repos adept crashed and shut down03:45
jsubl2copy them to pastebin03:46
jsubl2and post the link03:46
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jsubl2see /topic03:46
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Maniquii need some help, i'm very newbie in linux03:47
kkathmanManiqui:  whats up?03:47
Maniquihi kkathman, thanks for replying03:47
Maniquii have installed kubuntu 5.1003:47
Kamping_KaiserManiqui: ask a question, don't ask if peopl ewill help03:47
infamusjsubl2: here- http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/44310103:48
kiko0123guys for my krdc issue i found something on help:/krdc/installation.html it says: Remote Desktop Connection can be found in the kdenetwork package on ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/03:48
kiko0123now i go on ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/snapshots03:48
Maniquii have installed kubuntu03:48
kiko0123but there is several one03:48
Kamping_KaiserManiqui: :)03:48
kiko0123which one should i take exactly?03:48
Maniquibut my network card isnt detected03:48
kiko0123i see several kdenetwork packages :Z03:48
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ManiquiI have the RT250003:49
ManiquiI know that it has "problems" in Ubuntu03:49
kkathmanManiqui: some do03:49
ManiquiI mean, it has RALINK RT2500 (it's a MSI PC54G2)03:49
Maniquifew months ago I tried Ubuntu 4.x (cant remember) and the card wasnt detected03:50
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ManiquiI have found the project in sourceforge about RT2X00 drivers for Linux03:50
kkathmanManiqui: there are a few that Linux, in general, dont like..but I cant tell you exactly which ones they are03:50
Maniquithe problem is: I dont have no idea how to install a driver in linux03:50
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kkathmanwell the problem isnt the driver really, its getting the driver to be used in the kernal I think03:51
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kkathmanthough I know some NICs have linux drivers03:51
Kamping_Kaiserit's a module, not a driver03:51
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Kamping_KaiserManiqui: is there a linux module for the software03:51
jilocasinanyone know why when I try to set eth0 manually it blanks out the gateway making it so I can't connect?03:51
kkathmanif its a module thats a good thing03:52
Maniquiok, kkathman. Yes, there is one, I will give you the URL in few seconds03:52
kkathmanjilocasin: yah thats standard..but it should stay put when you reboot03:52
Kamping_Kaiserjilocasin: can you be more specifiic?03:52
kkathmanI came across this just this past weekend in fact03:53
jilocasinkamping_kaiser: System Settings -> NetworkSettings ->Administrator mode -> configure interface03:53
jilocasinkamping_kaiser: Change dhcp to manual, Enter gateway in empty Routes tab. Apply, redoes network, close window, try to connect, connection refused, 03:54
Kamping_Kaiserhm. bizare03:55
kkathmanjilocasin: yes I know exactly what you are talking about03:55
jilocasinkamping_kaiser: Reopen Network settings, gateway blank.03:55
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infamusjsubl2: nvm, i found the error03:55
jilocasinkkathman: workaround?03:55
kkathmanjilocasin: go to a konsole and type sudo network-admin03:55
kkathmanand do it there03:55
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Maniquii'm back: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/03:56
jilocasinkkathman: tried, "command not found"03:56
kiko0123errr i need to get krdc working so i can finish my vb.net program for tomorrow :Z:Z03:56
Maniquithat is what I need to install to my fresh ubuntu install03:57
Maniquiof course, no idea how to do it, and I'm right now at Windows03:57
kkathmanjilocasin: ohh you prolly installed only kubuntu03:57
jilocasinkkathman: what else do I need to install?03:57
Maniquiso, if I move to Kubuntu right now, I will be in "blind mode", with no internet. :|03:57
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kkathmanjilocasin: lemme check03:58
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kkathmanjilocasin: are you trying to use dhcp or static?03:59
[Relic] is there a master list of all the processes and what resources they use?03:59
LjL[Relic] : ps aux03:59
jilocasinkkathman: static, dhcp works, sort of, that's how I'm connected now, 03:59
LjL[Relic] : or press ctrl+esc03:59
kkathmanjilocasin: I'd stick with dhcp then03:59
kkathmanjilocasin: do you get DNS?04:00
[Relic] looking for a description of those04:00
LjL[Relic] : what do you mean?04:00
jilocasinkkathman:DNS, yep three actually 2 from my ISP and 1 from my router.04:00
infamusjsubl2: yay, adept is installing just fine04:00
[Relic] hoping to find a web page that listed out what they do so I could figure out if I could shut any of the down or if they were all needed04:01
kkathmanjilocasin: you should be in good shape then04:01
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jilocasinkkathman:not really, DNS is unstable and slow....04:01
jilocasinkkathman, how do I get the gateway to stick when using a static IP?04:02
kiko0123i have a tar.bz2 file how do i decompress ?04:02
kiko0123nm got it04:02
kkathmanjilocasin: what I found, was that when I put that gateway in, and hit OK..even though it didnt seem to be there, after I rebooted, and went and checked...it was there04:02
LjL[Relic] : don't shut them down. see the files in /etc/init.d for services that are kept running on the system, some of which you *might* possibly disable04:03
LjL[Relic] : don't just kill the processes04:03
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LjL[Relic] : anyway, i'm pretty sure most of the standard processes you've running have an useful purpose04:03
[Relic] I know that much, that is why I was wondering if there was a master list of the most common processes04:04
jilocasinkkathman: well I'll try that, brb I hope....04:04
LjL[Relic] : don't think04:04
LjL[Relic] : why not just list the files in /etc/init.d, do an "apt-cache show <package>" for all of them to see what they do, and then decide which (if any) to not start?04:05
LjL(or a "man <programname>" for that matter)04:06
kkathmanI wish I could catch on to lInux's way of networking...its seems rational, but there are alot of pitfalls that I havent worked out04:07
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[Relic] "man programname" doesn't seem to work well04:09
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isaneohello :)04:10
kiko0123hum ok i got the kdenetwork package extracted it, its suposed to be insatlled via ./configure, make then makeinstall, i made the ./configure it asked me to install gcc which i did but i still have some errors http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/443115 what else i have to do so it install correctly ?04:10
LjL[Relic] : that's mostly because programs may have a different name than what's in /etc/init.d04:10
isaneocan someone tell me the line I need in sources.list to enable multiverse?04:10
isaneo(I have universe, apparently)04:11
LjL[Relic] : if you type "dpkg -S <filename>", like "dpkg -S /etc/init.d/something", you should be able to see what package it belongs to04:11
LjL[Relic] : then, you can do an "apt-cache show package", or a "dpkg -L package | grep man" to see what the man page is called04:11
isaneoand also, is there a way to have more than one apt-get install going simultaneously? (complains about a lock file if I try)04:12
LjLisaneo: no04:13
isaneothat is useless04:13
isaneoI thought apt was meant to be versatile and such...04:14
LjLisaneo: what, not being able to install more than one program at a time?04:14
LjLseems quite reasonable to me04:14
LjLwhy would you *want* to install more than one program at a time?04:14
isaneohow does that seem reasonable?04:14
isaneowhy wouldn't I? 04:14
isaneoif I want, for example to apt-get install kde04:14
isaneoor some other big package04:14
isaneoand then want to get another small package...04:14
LjLthe first thing you're installing will be doing many (big, in the case of kde) changes to your filesystem and configurations04:15
LjLthe last thing you'd want is one installation getting in the way of another04:15
Hobbsee_awayisaneo: then you just say "sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3 package4" all on one line, and it works fine, as long as all the packages exist04:17
LjLhave you used windows? why do you think all installers on windows say "Please close all programs before continuing"?04:18
LjLwell, you don't need to close all programs in ubuntu (you often don't really need to in windows either, but anyway), but at least you definitely shouldn't be installing two programs at once, either in windows or in ubuntu04:19
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Maniquihi, i'm here again. After installing the module for my wifi netcard, I think I should learn hot to mount an NTFS partition, so I can access to the zipped wifi netcard module, that is in a NTFS partition04:25
Maniqui"After" = "Before"04:26
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rinuxalguien sabe cual es la sala de charlas en espaol????04:26
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:27
Maniquicharlas en espaol? ea!! eso, eso04:27
ubotu[mount]  the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f04:27
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Maniquithanks ubotu04:28
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ubotufrom memory, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler.  From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc.04:33
kiko0123http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/443115 i<m having a error the c compiler cant create executables :Z04:33
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[Relic] is there anyway to quickly find the last modified file on the HD, I am trying to figure out exactly what keeps my HD running all the time, I am assuming something is loggin but not sure what04:34
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Hobbsee[Relic] : top?04:38
[Relic] nothing labeled with log seems to be doing it04:41
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bonggnuanyone has a unichrome video chipset?04:44
sophie_bonggnu: http://unichrome.sourceforge.net/04:48
neoncodehey will any linux with a GUI run on a 6 year old computer with 32MB RAM?04:51
neoncodesuch as xubuntu?04:51
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icewtmm.. kde 3.5 looks good :)04:55
kkathmanicewt: had any glitches yet??  Many are reporting icon probs04:55
icewtkkathman: just installed. what kind of icon problems?04:55
kkathmansizing it seems04:56
icewthmm.. haven't noticed anything yet04:56
kiko0123how do you install it i didint understand04:56
kkathmankiko0123: right now you have to go and get the source from KDE.org 04:57
kiko0123hum and what is http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php ^04:57
kkathmanor I guess there's something on the kubuntu website too04:57
kiko0123i followed that but nothing changed04:57
icewtfixed one of my problems though. at some point no new apps i installed were added in the menu when using 3.4.3. now when i installed 3.5 they are all there04:59
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icewti wonder if xdmcp support in kdm is also fixed...05:01
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_texashey guys can u tell me how to mount my DVD drive please?05:10
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ubotumethinks mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:11
stupendo44how's kde 3.5 looking for kubuntu breezy?05:11
_texasreally sweet, m a noob but its runnin really good05:12
stupendo44is it in the default repository, or somewhere special?05:12
Dr_FateW: Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35/pool-breezy/kdepim/kaddressbook_3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1_i386.deb05:12
Dr_Fate  Size mismatch05:12
Dr_FateW: Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35/pool-breezy/kdepim/akregator_3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1_i386.deb05:12
Dr_Fate  Size mismatch05:12
Dr_Fateand more05:13
Dr_FateI followed the announcement page to the letter05:13
Dr_Fatewhat gives?05:13
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icewtDr_Fate: try sudo apt-get clean05:13
naliothubotu: tell Dr_Fate about gpgerr05:14
naliothDr_Fate: basically, those msgs are telling you to "try your download again, our server is being hammered atm"05:14
Dr_Fatenow this pat-get install kubuntu-desktop is going to install KDE 3.5 right?05:16
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kiko0123configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables. anyone know how to fix this error ^05:18
naliothkiko0123: install "build-essential"05:18
=== kiko0123 looks in adept
naliothDr_Fate: have you enabled the 3.5 Final repos?05:18
kiko0123got it05:19
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kiko0123wow thank you nalioth works :)05:20
kiko0123an other error now :X05:20
kiko0123checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!05:20
ubotuxincludes is, like, totally, for X dev libs, install xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev and x-window-system-dev05:20
kiko0123thats what i dont like about linux :Z05:20
miraagehi all: how primetime is kubuntu: kde-3.5? i need something really non-flaky for a novice user.05:20
Dr_Fatenalioth, yes05:20
naliothDr_Fate: then when you dist-upgrade you should be brought to the 'final' release of 3.505:21
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Dr_Fateisn't superkaramba supposed to be intergrated into KDE now?05:27
Dr_FateHow do I enable it?05:28
_ajcan i get help here if i have problems with gtk apps with kubuntu?05:28
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Hobbsee_aj: yes you on breezy?05:28
naliothDr_Fate: k > run app > superkaramba05:28
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_aji get this error about cairo_xlib_create_surface with any gtk app05:28
merci just upgraded to breezy, and would like to give kde 3.5 a run, i put in the line i need in the sources.list file, what package is it that i need to apt-get to install it?05:28
Dr_FateCould not run the specified command.05:29
_ajthe thing is google doesn't even know that error and i can't seem to get any help on this05:30
kiko0123google know everything05:30
_ajnot anymore05:30
merc*impossible :P05:30
naliothDr_Fate: the repos are not fully updated i'm thinking , since you earlier got size mismatches (indicating that you d/l a file that was in the process of uploading to the server)05:30
Hobbseewow!  locate is sure faster than kfind!05:31
nalioth_aj: does your gtk app start? or error out totally with that error msg?05:31
_ajerrors out05:31
Kamping_Kaiserlocate searches a db05:31
_ajits some undefined symbol05:32
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_ajeither it has a symbol it doesn't understand or cairo is trying to do something that isn't in gtk?05:32
_aji don't know much about cairo and gtk really but thats my gathering05:32
_aji really don't want to re-install everything i was hoping to just re-compile something or apt-get something if need be05:33
icewtDr_Fate: superkaramba seems to be in the kde 3.5 repository, you still just have to install it separately05:33
nalioth_aj: do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?05:34
_SparkyEvening all..05:34
mercim trying to install kde 3.5, i've added the line in sources.list i need, what packages do i need to apt-get to install it?05:34
_ajlet me check05:34
naliothmerc: none. just apt-get update and dist-upgrade05:35
_ajguess not05:35
naliothmerc: unlesss you've never run kubuntu before, then install "kubuntu-desktop"05:35
jilocasinanyone know how I can add support for the various video and audio formats (wmv mpeg, etc.) in kubuntu05:35
mercthere we go.05:35
naliothubotu: tell jilocasin about multimedia05:35
mercwhaoh, dependency stuff craziness..05:36
mercapt-getting kubuntu-desktop says its not going to install a bunch of stuff like kmail knotes etc..05:37
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_Sparkymerc: try using the Adept Updater. all I had to do was reboot to fix some module issues.05:37
naliothmerc: not uncommon during a version upgrade like this05:37
naliothmerc: lots of pkgs are still not updated, and may update at a later time05:38
mercok, so i just ignore them for now? (is that -f?) 05:38
_Sparkyubotu tell _Sparky about multimedia05:38
mtupperi find kde wallet to be kinda pointless and its starting to irritate me.  I want to disable it and I found it in Kcontrol > KDE Components > Service Manager ... but I cant do anything here!!!  anybody got an answer to my pickle?05:38
kkathmanbut hopefully still work we might add :)05:38
_aji installed that but still get the same error for some reason05:38
mtupperoh, and I did CLI$  sudo kcontrol...05:39
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_Sparkyubotu tell _Sparky about acrobat05:40
ubotuQt is the Q-toolkit. Qt is to KDE what GTK is to GNOME. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package05:40
Hobbseemtupper: dont you want security and privacy, kde wallet?05:40
WolfManz611anyone have any idea why using adept would make my drive icons dissapear?05:40
Hobbseein control, this is05:40
Hobbsee*in kcontrol, this is05:40
mtupperanother thing thats growing on me, I find Kwifimanager to be kinda ghetto, anybody recommend something better?05:40
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mtupperHobbsee, please tell me the security benefit!  All I notice is that immediately after logging on (with my std user password) kmail launches and triggers KDE wallet, yet again asking for my password...  so at the end of the day, its just like a double login, but I see no extra security benefit...05:42
_ajwhat package is ark in? anyone know?05:43
sampanmtupper, i think i just right-clicked the tray icon for it and selected "configure" and then unchecked the "enable wallet manager" box -- it's never reappeared for me05:43
sampanfor me, best security is just plain memorizing all my logins and passwords05:43
_ajthis is a lost cause05:44
_ajis there a kubuntu cd that has 3.5 rc2 available?05:44
kiko0123checking for KDE... configure: error:05:44
kiko0123in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.05:44
kiko0123So, check this please and use another prefix!05:44
kiko0123!kde headers05:44
ubotukiko0123: I give up, what is it?05:44
ubotukiko0123: Do they come in packets of five?05:45
kiko0123i never choosed prefixes !!!05:45
_ajis there a way to re-install kubuntu and not lose your X settings because it took me forever to get my touchpad scrolling to work?05:46
mtuppersampan, sorry I didnt follow you i guess...  right click on Kmail in sys tray?  I cant find the checked "enable wallet manager" doing this...05:47
_ajshould i just back up xorg.conf and things should be good?05:47
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naliothkiko0123: kde-devel and kdebase-dev05:48
mercso im trying to emerge kubuntu-desktop, but its saying some crap cant be installed, how do i say 'ok i dont care install the rest of the stuff' (i've tried -f and -m)05:48
naliothmerc: 'emerge' ? :)05:48
naliothmerc: yes, you are likely to have "broken" pkgs until the server sync, we've already seen that it IS syncing as we speak05:49
mercits tough keeping all these distros straight, i run like 3 or 405:49
mercnalioth: so, if i just wait and be patient it'll be fixed, is what you're saying?05:49
jilocasinare there any kde media players that can play mpeg, wmv, etc. with the right codecs?05:49
naliothmerc: yes05:49
mercnalioth: ok, thanks :)05:49
naliothjilocasin: yes, all of them05:49
merc(i think the breezy upgrade is messing with the way my laptop mousepad acts.)05:49
mercusually a double tap+drag would act like drag and drop type stuff05:50
mercit could just be an fvwm upgrade though05:50
mercwe shall see.05:50
_ajwhat laptop you have?05:50
merctoshiba satellite05:50
_ajah ok05:50
_ajis that a synaptic touchpad?05:50
mercnot positive, lets see..05:50
kiko0123thanx nalioth..05:51
merccrap, i forget my exact model.05:51
jilocasinnalioth: can you give me an example? I've installed the win32codecs and Kaffeinne says it can't play a sample wmv file05:51
sampanmtupper, kwalletmanager puts an icon in my panel/tray when it's running ... right-clicking it lets me configure it -- and disable the whole thing05:52
naliothjilocasin: thanks to uncle bill, the codecs from m$ are always changing05:52
naliothjilocasin: so some of your files will work where others will not05:52
WolfManz611anyone have any idea why using adept would make my drive icons dissapear?05:52
merc_aj: are there issues with synaptic touchpads and breezy?05:52
mtuppersampan, ahh... kwalletmanager!  i shall put a bullet in it right now.05:52
mtupperhobbsee, cat got your tounge?05:53
sampani think hobbsee was disconnected a while back05:53
_ajwell i had to work to get mine to work correctly05:53
kkathmanyah 05:53
kkathmanshes gone05:53
mtupperbefore I murder kde wallet, can anybody make a case for why I shouldnt?05:53
merc_aj: did you have the double click/drag'n drop functionality retardation?05:53
kkathmanI think she compiled one too many things :)05:53
sampanlol kkathman 05:54
kkathmanhey howzit goin sampan :)05:54
_ajwell i can't really drag and drop using taps05:54
sampannot too bad ... getting over the thanksgiving slow-down -- hard to get much work done during that week.  yourself?05:54
_aji had problems getting the scroll working05:55
merc_aj: that's my exact problem, the drag and drop tap deal05:55
merci dont have a scroll wheel on mine.05:55
_ajoh ok05:55
merc_aj: is there a writeup somewhere?05:55
_ajnot that i know of its kinda one of those things that most people don't have the touchpads to really test05:55
mercwhat'd you have to do?05:56
merckernel crap?05:56
_ajwell 05:56
_ajmake sure when X starts its using the synaptics05:56
_aji forget how i fixed it 05:56
merclol, im sure ill track down a solution :)05:56
_ajbut there is a file in /etc/ somewhere some pcmouse probe file05:57
mercbrb, painkillers and antibiotics!05:57
_ajand if you delete it synaptics touchpad worked much better with X05:57
_ajbut if you google around you will see there are lots of different Xorg.conf files for synaptics touchpads05:57
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chapiumthis has got to be the weirest i've seen05:59
chapiumhow do you change the network settings without root!?06:00
_ajwith sudo? lol06:00
sampanchapium  use sudo06:00
kkathmanchapium:  are you in KDE trying to change it?06:00
kkathmanif so, you probably need to get the Breezy Updates which fix Administrator Mode06:01
sampanyeah that bug nails a lot of peeps06:01
mercgah, breezy messed with my fonts too :X06:01
_ajbreezy was buggier than hoary i think06:03
kkathman_aj:  I do not agree with that at all06:04
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kiko0123DAMN CRAP06:05
kiko0123i just wasted 3hrs of my life06:05
_ajoh ok 06:05
kiko0123trying to install that KRDC thing06:05
_aji've just had a lot of issues06:05
kiko0123so i could RDC into my computer at college06:05
kiko0123and same error as before06:05
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jilocasinwhen I install a package, how do I determine where they were installed to?06:06
sampanit was buggier for me for sure: admin mode, broken clock, amarok eating up cpu time, now (still) busted scim packages ... lots of things in breezy worked perfectly for me in hoary06:06
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mercim still waiting for the server or whatever to sync up so i can apt-get kde 3.5...06:07
naliothjilocasin: in a terminal you can type "dpkg -L $PACKAGENAME"06:07
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naliothjilocasin: or you can find the pkg in synaptic and right click on it, > properties06:07
_ajall i know is i can't believe i broke anything gtk based thats a first06:07
_ajand re-installing gnome doesn't fix it06:07
naliothmerc: i'd wait a couple of days06:07
_ajsometimes my konqueror browser will even freeze not sure why but it does06:07
mercwait!? hah..06:07
nalioth_aj: have you installed 'ubuntu-desktop' ?06:07
_ajwell i tried06:07
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_ajdbus-1-utils fails06:08
mercany way to get it now? :)06:08
naliothmerc: if you like hitting yer head against the wall06:08
merck :)06:08
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mercill just comment the repo out and get the normal release.06:08
_aji don't want to totally re-install breezy i just wish there was a way to fix what i broke06:09
kkathman_aj: what did you break?06:09
mercbah, i commented it out and there's one package that says it wont install..06:09
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kiko0123anyone know any other RDC tool then KRDC ^^^^06:09
ubotukiko0123: Are you smoking crack?06:09
nalioth_aj: "sudo apt-get -f install" doesnt fix you up?06:09
merclemme try06:09
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, kiko012306:09
_ajtrying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/dbus-launch.1.gz', which is also in package dbus06:10
_ajthen it fails06:10
nalioth_aj: ahh, now we're gettin somewhere06:10
mercnalioth: nope, says ksysguard wont be installed :( and wont proceed..06:10
nalioth_aj: at the risk of blowin the shingles off your house, you can force it06:10
_ajwe are?06:10
_ajhow is that?06:10
=== kkathman fastens his seatbelt
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nalioth_aj: do you have the location of the .deb it's trying to install?06:11
_ajyeah i tried to do dpkg -i file.deb06:12
kkathmannalioth:  he said he broke gtk  ?06:12
merchm, says ksysguard has unmet dependencies..06:12
naliothkkathman: nah, we're good06:12
naliothmerc: wait a couple days06:12
kkathmanoh I know...just was curious as to what he meant hehe06:12
merci took the 3.5 repo out of the sources.list06:12
mercim just getting normal kde now06:12
_ajbut yeah its in /var/cache 06:12
nalioth_aj: you with me? type "sudp apt-get install dbus"06:12
nalioth_aj: whats the full path to the deb?06:13
luisalbertohi, i'm kde new user06:13
kkathmanhi luisalberto :)06:13
_ajoh man i messed up this system06:13
nalioth_aj: no you havent06:13
=== Drakeson [n=Drakeson@toronto-HSE-ppp4003080.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
_ajbecause dbus fails too06:13
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luisalbertothank you06:14
nalioth_aj: i'm trying to help you here. what is the path to the deb that fails06:14
_ajfor some reason hal wants dbus 0.5006:14
luisalbertoi love kubuntu06:14
kkathmanluisalberto: its a fine distribution...thanks :)06:14
nalioth_aj: 'what' are you installing?06:14
luisalbertoit's very good, 6 months in use..and is great06:15
nalioth_aj: no. what are you installing that wants dbus .5 ?06:15
_ajwhen i do apt-get install dbus06:15
kkathmanluisalberto: so you arent so "new" really :)06:15
nalioth_aj: what is the path to the deb that fails, please06:15
kiko0123anyone know any good RDC tool something like KRDC, KRDC dosent work correctly here for some reasons...06:15
luisalbertowell, + o- , but yeah!06:15
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_ajThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:15
_aj  hal: Depends: dbus (>= 0.50-1) but 0.36.2-0ubuntu7 is to be installed06:15
_ajcan't i just like apt-get remove anything gnome related and re-do it?06:16
nalioth_aj: if you'll find the path, i can give you the command line (i dont have it, i'm on a powerpc box)06:16
luisalbertoguys, it's possible install a webcam?06:16
nalioth_aj: it also sounds to me like you've been installing non ubuntu things06:17
luisalbertoa logitech quickcam usb?06:17
_ajwhich path do you need06:17
nalioththe path to the dbus deb ? 06:17
kiko0123http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/4645/snapshot12gz.png anyone have an idea why i get that 06:17
_ajno basically i was dumb and had dapper stuff installed and went back to breezy06:18
naliothkiko0123: sudo apt-get install --reinstall rdesktop06:18
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-104-140-211.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
nalioth_aj: ah i see now. you are to put it mildly, in a bucket of trouble06:18
_aji fixed it06:18
_ajwell dbus06:18
luisalbertoapt is great...so easy06:18
blankyanyone here still having problems with kubuntu or is it fixed now06:19
kkathmanblanky: probably it will all shake out in a few days, people are trying to install 3.5 when everything isnt quite synched I think06:19
luisalbertonop, i just installed kde 3.5 and is nice06:19
blankykkathman, ah, that's cool. I've been wanting to use kubuntu-desktop but it kieeps breaking when I upgrade stuff06:20
luisalbertono problems, run very well06:20
kkathmanblanky: you might wait a couple of days and try again06:20
_ajok i think i install ubuntu-desktop now06:20
_ajexcept firefox failed06:21
kiko0123any automated way to install it yet ^06:22
kiko0123nalioth: I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH !06:23
kiko0123sudo apt-get install --reinstall rdesktop fixed the thing06:23
kiko0123i wasted 3hrs trying to reinstall it myself and stuff06:23
kiko0123thank you so much nalioth 06:23
naliothany time06:23
_ajnalioth: firefox-gnome-support won't install weird error06:24
nalioththis is what we're here for06:24
drumlineDoes anyone know what causes konquerer to say the following when I put in a cd-rom: "An error occured while loading media:/hdc:  The file or folder media:/hdc does not exist."   06:24
kiko0123damn yes finally i can connect to college now ! and finish up my vb.net programming project :P06:24
_ajUpdating mozilla-firefox chrome registry...E: Registration process existed with status: 12706:24
nalioth_aj: you are gonna have nothing but trouble, reverting from dapper to breeezy is best served by a backup of your home directory and a clean install06:24
_ajlol i was afraid of that06:25
naliothkiko0123: you mean i enabled you to work on a "windows" project?06:25
_ajand dapper is still broken?06:26
nalioth_aj: dapper has not gotten started good in the "broken" category, lol06:27
_ajhuh? 06:27
_ajwell i'm off to do a fresh install of kubuntu 06:28
_aji hate giving up06:28
kiko0123nalioth: lol.... well yea...06:28
kiko0123were learning vb.net at college06:28
kiko0123i<m a IT student06:28
nalioth_aj: partition yoruself a new partition06:28
nalioth_aj: and install breezy on the new partition06:28
kiko0123were starting C this winter (next session)06:28
nalioth_aj: put dapper back on the dapperized partition 06:28
_ajwell can i do that when i partitioned the whole drive?06:28
nalioth_aj: and play with both06:29
kiko0123but we have 2 vb.net classes just to introduce us into the world of programming and learn the basis etc...06:29
nalioth_aj: you can do anyting you like with a liveCD06:29
naliothkiko0123: i'm just givin ya a hard time06:29
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kiko0123heh :P06:29
_ajso you can re-size a partition with the live cd?06:29
nalioth_aj: yes you can06:29
_ajoh cool06:30
_michaelVery impressive community.  I'm new to Linux (well...  New as in 2 years usage, off and on with Microshit Winblows XP), but I've decided to take the plunge...06:30
_ajyou think dapper is even usable yet?06:30
_michaelAnyone know of a good guide to installing tar.gz files or compiling files from source for a newbie?06:31
_michaelAN extreme NEWBIE06:31
Tm_T_michael: easy one06:32
nalioth_aj: it is usable if you like the terminal06:32
Tm_Ta) untar package  b) read README and INSTALL files06:32
_ajlol that bad?06:32
_michaelMany times it will come without README's06:33
_ajwell i did get X to show up but kdm i couldn't even apt-get06:33
_michaelQuick question...06:33
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== Tm_T is in Dapper, KDE is fine
Delvienanyone here use Kthinkbat???06:33
_michaelI am so used to the WIndows install process that I am thinking maybe installing apps in Linux is more like moving the files of a web site...06:33
_aji know a few days ago it wouldn't even let me apt-get install kdm06:33
naliothTm_T: you havent hit the "x is broken" phase yet, eitheer06:33
kiko0123_michael:  try adept06:33
Tm_Tnalioth: what's that :o06:33
_michaelEverything is more modular, and you can put the files wherever you like as long as the structure of the folders and files stays intact?06:34
kiko0123really ez06:34
_ajx being broken is not fun06:34
_michaelAm I right?06:34
naliothubotu: tell _michael about synaptic06:34
kiko0123tell me too !06:34
_michaelI've used synaptic..06:34
nalioth_michael: installing files is point and click06:34
_michaelI am just interested in files outside of the06:34
naliothubotu: tell kiko0123 about synaptic06:34
_ajwell i think he wants to learn to compile though06:34
kiko0123thanx :)06:34
_michaelRight... Compilation of source06:34
nalioth_michael: compiling is easy06:34
_ajlike ./configure and all that fun stuff06:34
_michaelTHe whole reason I went to Linux from WInblows lol06:35
_michaelto compile open source code06:35
nalioth_michael: but it's preferred for you to use pkgs compiled for k/ubuntu06:35
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_aji used to hate compiling source06:35
_michaelright right06:35
kiko0123err nalioth you know what pissed me off06:35
naliothkiko0123: not really06:35
kiko0123earlier when i did this ./configure06:35
_michaelAlso...  I am so used to visual studio .et for windows for my c++ programming, and now I don't know where to go for an IDE for C++...  IS that something easy to find that I've overlooked?06:36
kiko0123damn every min it stopped and gived me a error06:36
_aj_michael: when you do compile make sure you don't do --prefix=/usr always do --prefix=$HOME/directory06:36
kiko0123i needed to install libs and stuff06:36
_ajthat way you can't kill your system like i always do06:36
nalioth_michael: anjuta, kdevelop and eclipse with c/c++ plugin06:36
kiko0123i hope it isint always like that :Z06:36
_michaelthanks nalioth06:36
kiko0123can we do vb.net on linux ?06:36
naliothkiko0123: as you learn, it'll get easier06:36
naliothkiko0123: you can do anything you like on linux06:37
kiko0123hehe yea06:37
kiko0123even microsoft stuff :Z ^06:37
_michaelwhat is kthinkbat?06:37
naliothif you wish to soil your box, yes, even m$ stuff06:37
kiko0123lol nice06:37
sampansomehow that phrase "soil your box" just sounds obscene :X06:37
_michaelyou guys have been great... Especially nalioth... thanks a million...06:38
=== nalioth hasnt owned a windows box since 2000
_michaeli will investigate further on the compilation from source, and I will try to stop dual booting lol06:38
_michaeland go purebred Ubuntu!06:38
_michaelGimme a hell yeah!06:38
nalioth_michael: drop into #kubuntu-offtopic any time for compile help06:38
_michaelsure thing!06:38
nalioth_michael: we can help you avoid mistakes that may break your box06:38
_michaelthanks again folks06:38
_michaelsometimes the best way to learn is to break so you're forced to fix lol06:39
_michaelat least that's how i learned windows lol06:39
_michaelexcept all the breaking was done before i even bought it06:39
_michaelat redmond washington they pre-broke it :)06:39
_michaelhow kind of them!06:39
=== jhealey [n=jhealey@c-24-1-229-10.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhealeyhello all, anyone running KDE 3.5 yet?06:41
naliothjhealey: wait a few days, on it.06:41
jhealeyyeah, whys that? bugs...06:42
_ajnow that kde 3.5 is out does that mean kde 4 is next release?06:42
kkathmanjhealey: just everything is being synched up06:42
kkathmanalot of peeps jumped the gun06:42
jhealeyi got it06:43
jhealeywhere is everyone from? I am in Texas06:43
kkathmanIm in Texas too...Dallas area06:43
jhealeyi'm in wylie texas, very near dallas06:43
naliothlawsamercy, another Texan06:44
sampanberkeley california :)06:44
kkathmanyes I have relatives that live there06:44
kkathmanin Wylie that is06:44
jhealeykathman: nice06:44
_michaelphiladelphia, pa06:44
jhealeywe like it here06:44
Tm_T_aj: no really, it's probably a year or omre before 4 comes out06:44
jhealeyi used to live in boston06:44
jhealeytoo cold there06:44
_michaelthe city of beatings and bad football teams with cocky ass players06:44
Tm_TI'm from North Carelia06:44
kkathmanquite a move for you then jhealey :)06:44
_michaelcough* T.O. *cough*06:45
kkathmanTm_T: nice try06:45
jhealeyyep that was a move06:45
Tm_Tkkathman: I am06:45
kkathmanTm_T: if you are going to try to fake it..you have to spell it right (jk)06:45
kkathmanTm_T: its North Carolina :)06:45
Tm_Tkkathman: I mean't North Carelia06:45
jhealeyi've become addicted to linux06:46
kkathmanI know Tm_T Im kiddin ya...didnt you see my JK06:46
Tm_Tno, I'm blind at mondays ;-P06:46
Tm_Tuh, it's not monday...06:46
jhealeyit is monday06:46
Tm_TI need some coffee06:46
jhealeyisn't it?06:47
Tm_Ta lot06:47
kkathmanwell its Tuesday night here06:47
=== kkathman slaps jhealey into the next day
jhealeyi feel better already06:47
jhealeythis means tomorrow is payday06:47
Tm_Twednesday here06:47
kkathmansee how much better that is?06:48
Tm_Tyou yankees are always late ;-P06:48
jhealey12 more minutes to payday wwwooooo06:48
=== kkathman gives jhealey a Bud Select...Cheers!
jhealeyTm, what else are we known to be late for?06:48
jhealeychugs Bud...06:49
jhealeyi need a new job, will anyone hire me?06:49
Tm_TI need a slave06:49
jhealeyi'll be veerrrry late for that Tm06:50
jhealeybut wait, how much does it pay?06:50
Tm_Tyour life06:50
Tm_Tclean and simple06:50
jhealeyok then.  06:51
jhealey<----needs new job06:51
kkathmanwhats your profession06:51
jhealey2 professions, automotive technician, sys admin06:52
kkathmannice combo06:52
jhealeyyeah, it would be nice to find a job that utilizes both06:52
jhealeywhat is your prof, kk, if you don't mind me asking06:53
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sfazruzshi guys..06:54
sfazruzsguys,i have one prob..06:54
sfazruzsi'm installing two OS in my PC,so,one is win xp n one is kubuntu,but now the option to choose has three...06:55
sfazruzstwo same kubuntu and one win xp..06:55
sfazruzshow to delete the other one kubuntu?06:56
jhealeygotta go06:57
jhealeysee you all later06:57
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Tm_Tbreakfast ->07:02
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bur[n] eranyone know how to get a "Computer" icon on the desktop in KDE that won't show up on my gnome desktop?07:09
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martinjh99Trying to install KDE packages for building and I get this error...07:10
martinjh99  kdebase-dev: Depends: kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.5-rc1) but it is not installable07:10
mercim having all sorts of problems apt-getting kubuntu-desktop for breezy.. :(07:11
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drumlineThe networking component in KDE wont allow me accesss to change the interface properties07:53
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thebananaanyone use kvpnc here?08:00
thebananarather, what's the preferred method for connecting to a windoze vpn server?08:02
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carstenHow can I "unrar" stuff?08:06
b0nnisnt there a rar client for linux08:06
viviersfyes 08:07
sampanb0nn, the repos have unrar-free and unrar-nonfree08:07
viviersfsudo apt-get install unrar :)08:07
b0nnhmm I meant for CarstenP 08:07
sampanlol oh08:08
sampancarstenp  the repos have unrar-free and unrar-nonfree08:08
b0nnthat fix0red it :)08:08
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sampanlol ... my bad -- flipping windows too much -- context, they say, is everything!08:08
thebananaanyone use kvpnc for pptp?08:08
CarstenPthanks, which is better? the free or nonfree version?08:08
sampanno idea ... never had to use either yet :/08:09
CarstenPdisreagard that08:09
b0nnIve only used unrar on slack08:09
CarstenPi found out, free can online <3.0 nonfree can >= 3.008:09
b0nnah cool08:09
=== b0nn writes a note
naliothunrar-nonfree works with all rar files08:10
naliothunrar-free is "i think i can code it to work with rars"08:10
b0nnIve just installed kubuntu .. how do I change the kde theme?08:10
sampanb0nn  system settings -- appearance 08:11
b0nnI was looking at system settings desktop :\08:12
sampanif you need to install a premade theme, kdesu kcontrol --> appearance and themes08:12
sampanand there's a 'theme manager' section08:13
b0nnlike keramik?08:13
sampanyeah -- that should be accessible through the system settings ... but there are downloadable themes on kde-look.org and such -- easier to install them in kcontrol iirc08:14
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b0nnah cool08:14
b0nngoogle did throw one or two of those at me.08:14
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b0nnthats betterer :)08:16
=== b0nn cant handle the square look
sampanyeah -- gotta love how customizable kde is -- i need a ultra-plain desktop -- no icons, transparent panel with just a few icons -- all monochrome -- easy to set up with kde for tranquility ... or as Kramer would say: "serenity now!"08:18
b0nnthe square look ...looks prehistoric08:19
b0nnI shake my head though when I see the .. make me look like windows option08:19
drumlineso what's the scoop on KDE 3.5...  when will that arrive?08:20
kkathmandrumline: wait a few days :)08:20
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drumlinekkathman: will it be like fireworks going off or something?   I'm new to linux so I don't know what to expect.08:21
vitoHi hi.. I need help with forcefully changing screen resolution .. I've tried editing the xorg.conf with no success.. anyone able to help ?08:22
drumlinevito: you have a KVM?08:22
viviersfdoes any1 have an idea why my user doesnt read its correct bash settings ?08:22
drumlinevivier: .bashrc or .profile?08:22
vitodrumline what's KVM ?08:23
drumlinevito: Keyboard/Video/Monitor switch08:23
Hentai^XPyeah um08:23
vitodrumline : err.. sorry still don't really understand what u mean..08:23
Hentai^XPkeyboard/vga/mouse be better08:23
kkathmandrumline: if you are on breezy...just wait till you get an Adept notification to update :)08:23
Tm_Tkkathman: eh08:23
vitodrumline : is it a program ?08:23
Hentai^XPvito swtich between manys pcs using one monitor keyboard and mouse08:24
Hentai^XPvito no its a piece of Hardware08:24
kkathmankde3.5 is out, but its not completely synched up with everything yet :)08:24
vitooh.. in that case.. I don't have KVM08:24
kkathmanTm_T:  eh to you too :)08:24
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drumlinekkathman: are the KDE upgrades groundbreaking usually?  I don't know the gravity of them.08:24
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kkathmandrumline: this one, not really...when 4.0 comes out..presumably that will be08:24
Tm_Talready is08:25
kkathmanthere are a few niceties08:25
kkathmanTm_T: shh08:25
kkathmanand no Tm_T 4 is not out08:26
=== Wesselaar [n=Jan@ip503ce8a4.speed.planet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
Tm_Tbtw Kopete 0.12 is getting more and more users(=testers)08:26
kkathmanit needs it08:26
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Tm_Tkkathman: no it's not, but it's already something different :p08:26
kkathmanshould only take them 6 years to fix the bugs in it08:26
kkathmanTm_T: yes I know08:26
=== Tm_T needs his kdm
kkathmanbut as releases go.. 3.5 isnt a biggie...some nice things..but not that earth shattering08:27
kkathmanand its not synced in the repos yet (official ones)08:27
Tm_Tsmall fixes and improvenments everywhere08:28
kkathman90% of the people probably wont know08:28
kkathmanif you sat them side by side08:28
Tm_Tthough I don't know much about 3.5 apps, I use mostly dev versions =)08:28
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naliothTm_T: you don't count, you cake stuffer08:29
kkathmanI know...you are the vast exception to most of the people in here...so what you do, is quite different than them08:29
Tm_TI compile stuff just to see if they compile fine08:29
kkathmantheres breezy, dapper, and Tm_T's version08:29
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Tm_T is using dapper with svn stuff
Tm_Tso yes, in that order ;)08:30
kkathmanTm_T:  is working on crazy crockodile or something08:30
kkathmanor zany zebra08:30
b0nnthat reminds me08:31
b0nnis there any name convention going on with ubuntu?08:31
sampanplacating platypus?08:31
b0nnor is someone having fun08:31
kkathmanthey are having fun 08:31
Tm_Tkkathman: you mean crazy crack deal?08:31
vitohi hi..08:31
kkathmanno order really08:31
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kkathmanthey just find something fun08:31
vitohow can I tell which display driver I'm currently using08:32
b0nnorgasmic ostrich?08:32
kkathmanI like that one :)08:32
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Tm_Tb0nn: you son of a!08:32
Tm_Tnow I wan't some Oyster Stout :(08:32
sampanmmmmm -- that reminds me of the guinness i have sitting in my fridge -- brb08:33
Tm_Thmm, or Guinness08:33
kkathmanmmmmm Guinness :)08:33
Tm_Tmmmm hard to get that stuff here08:33
=== kkathman has Bud Select in his fridge...its good too
kkathmanson likes it..so we got it08:34
fatejudgerKDE 3.5!08:34
kkathmanfatejudger: no!08:34
nalioththe naming convention is alphabetically adjective animal08:34
kkathmannalioth: except for skipping around yeah08:34
sampannalioth  but is there any pattern to which letter is chosen?08:35
Tm_Tkkathman: hey, Linus drank Guinness when he was creating Linux ;)08:35
kkathmanI dont recall the alphabet going w, h, b d08:35
sampanrheumatoid rhinocerous08:35
Tm_Tkkathman: so get some Guinness ;)08:35
kkathmanor, nalioth what crazy alphabet are you learning?08:35
naliothkkathman: it has been decided that they are going in alphabetical order after dapper 08:35
kkathmaneeerie elephant?08:36
sampanso E should be ... effortless eel ?08:36
kkathmanfruity frog08:36
kkathmangoogly giraffe?08:36
sampanhorny hippo08:36
Tm_Tenormous enymology08:36
naliothstinky skunk (and we're way way off in -offtopic land)08:36
Tm_Ttrue =)08:36
kkathmanjackedup jackal ?08:36
Tm_Tbtw wtf is enymology =)08:37
kkathmankraaaazy kangaroo (to please our aussie friends)08:37
fatejudgersampan: lol08:37
sampanfatejudger  i actually kinda like it -- it has a certain "ring" to it :X08:37
fatejudgerI don't really think the businesses would take too well to it08:38
sampansadly, i must agree08:38
kkathmanIm dissappointed we miss the letter C08:38
fatejudgerso does everyone have KDE 3.5 yet?08:38
kkathmanfatejudger:  NO08:38
kkathmanwait a few days08:38
fatejudgerI'm installing it right now08:38
kkathmangood luck08:38
fatejudgerI always install stuff right away08:38
fatejudgerRelease Candidates08:38
fatejudgerespecially Finals08:39
fatejudgerwhat's wrong with Finals?08:39
Tm_Tfatejudger: I've been using 3.5 for awhile I think08:39
kkathmanbetas = "please break my system" 08:39
fatejudgerTm_T: the Final just got released today08:39
Tm_Tb1, b2, rc(s) ...08:39
kkathmanyah but the libs, and the apps arent synched08:39
fatejudgerkkathman: KDE 3.5 Beta wasn't the most bug free08:39
fatejudgerkkathman: but nothing crashed08:39
sampani'm the exact opposite -- once i get scim installed on this (hopefully this week), i'm not changing or updating it for anything :X08:39
kkathmanyah I know :)08:39
fatejudgerkkathman: except for arts that is...08:39
fatejudgerI love the bleeding edge software08:40
Tm_Tfatejudger: so? btw I got some final packages 2 days ago (I think)08:40
kkathmanfatejudger: well I can tell you we've hade a bevvy of problems in here tonight08:40
fatejudgerTm_T: that's impossible08:40
fatejudgerTm_T: it was released today08:40
kkathmanand most would have been ok, in a few days :)08:40
fatejudgerTm_T: www.kde.org08:40
Tm_Tfatejudger: and packages was made before, and someone have to test them08:40
drumlineAnyone heard of Avast anti-virus?08:41
fatejudgerTm_T: yes, that's the RC108:41
=== kkathman takes a wise man's advice and waits till next week
fatejudgerdrumline: why are you even talking about anti-virus programs in a Linux channel?08:41
Tm_Tfatejudger: some of my packages are RC208:41
b0nndo I need to constantly update my sources with adept, like I would with apt?08:41
b0nnor is that done automagically?08:41
fatejudgerTm_T: there is no RC2...08:41
Tm_Tfatejudger: there is08:41
kkathmanb0nn: nothing is automatic08:41
fatejudgerTm_T: I think you're confusing some stuff08:41
drumlinefatejudger: because linux boxes can be servers for windows boxes can't they?08:41
fatejudgerTm_T: KDE never released them08:42
Tm_Tfatejudger: not really :p08:42
b0nncool :)08:42
fatejudgerTm_T: look on www.kde.org08:42
Tm_Tfatejudger: I don't need to08:42
drumlinefatejudger: besides, linux boxes aren't problem-free.  08:42
Tm_TI know what's released08:42
kkathmanTm_T:  knows all :::08:42
fatejudgerdrumline: I can count the number of Linux viruses on my fingers and toes08:42
fatejudgerdrumline: and I know none have ever spread further than a lab08:43
kkathmanthere are 3 that Norton even acknowledges :)08:43
drumlinefatejudger: ok, but my original point stands  :)08:43
kkathmanbut I havent seen a Norton AV for LInux have you?08:43
kkathmanhehe...which spells ...NO MARKET :)08:43
drumlineAvast has a linux server...  08:43
drumlineI'm wondering if it's any good08:44
Tm_Tfatejudger: kappfinder/unknown uptodate 4:3.5-rc2-0ubuntu208:44
Tm_Tyou see? ;)08:44
Tm_Tkdelibs/unknown uptodate 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu108:44
Tm_Tuh, have to set up kde408:46
=== Tm_T goes wild
fatejudgerTm_T: oh no08:46
fatejudgerTm_T: not KDE 408:46
Tm_Twhy not08:46
fatejudgerTm_T: that is increadibly unstable08:46
WolfManz611anyone have any idea why i'm getting a "conversation with su failed" message when i try to load things like adept up and anything else that requires su?08:46
fatejudgerTm_T: it's not ready for beta testing08:46
Tm_Tfatejudger: and that's the only way to get kde4 devel environment08:47
fatejudgerTm_T: I know...08:47
Tm_TI'm not gonna use it08:47
fatejudgerTm_T: KDE 4 is going to be beautiful...08:47
Tm_Tfatejudger: I know08:47
Tm_Tfatejudger: count me as devel08:47
fatejudgerTm_T: it's going to make Vista look like a pile of dog shit08:47
sampanwolfmanz611  that sounds suspiciously like the administrator mode bug problem that i had ... i got that error too when i would try to change my clock -- try updating 08:47
fatejudgerTm_T: I wonder if those fantastic designers at KDE are worrying about such a comparision08:47
fatejudgerTm_T: and the expectations they have to live up to08:47
Tm_Tfatejudger: I don't08:47
fatejudgerTm_T: yes well, you aren't doing the artwork08:48
=== kkathman is compileing KDE 4.1
Tm_Tfatejudger: yes and no08:48
Tm_Tkkathman: =)08:48
kkathmancompiling I mean08:48
WolfManz611sapman i cant update the damn thing wont let me in to do that this is the second bug i have had to do with su 08:48
kkathmanthis could take a while08:48
sampanwolfman611, try running sudo adept from konsole instead of menu -- that worked for me08:48
sampanor sudo adept-updater  08:49
Tm_Tkkathman: hah, I spent whole morning compiling koffice, kdepim, amarok etc etc =)08:49
kkathmanyou need to get out more Tm_T :)08:49
kkathmanTm_T:  dont the have women where you live?08:50
sampankkathman  nooooooooooo -- it's people like him that help produce this FOSS stuff -- let him spend his days compiling stuff on the bleeding edge!08:50
Tm_Tkkathman: sadly no08:50
kkathmansampan:  I just want him to go outside a few hours a week ::)08:51
kkathmansee the sun08:51
kkathmanor the snow08:51
b0nnsun == evil08:51
kkathmanor whatever08:51
Tm_Twhat's that?08:51
kkathmanyah I forgot08:51
=== sampan is a slave-driver and chains Tm_T to the computer desk to compile
b0nnwe have a heap of sun here .. its destroying the pasty complexion I have worked so damn hard at egtting08:51
sampanno sun for you! come back, one year!08:51
kkathmanpoor kid... married to a screen08:51
Tm_Tanyway, kdepim up ->08:51
fatejudgerwell, I need to restart KDE to update08:51
kkathmanwell Im going to bed...08:52
kkathmancyall tomorrow :)08:52
sampannight kkathman :)08:52
=== kkathman is now known as kkathman-zzzz
WolfManz611how do you load adept updater in the console?08:54
sampanwolfmanz611  you should be able to open console and type: sudo adept-updater  08:54
WolfManz611i'm up to date08:55
sampando you have all the repositories enabled?08:55
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sampanhrmmmm ... must be a different problem then -- sounds exactly like what i was experiencing ("conversation with su failed") a couple weeks ago08:56
WolfManz611you ever seen drive icons dissapear from the desktop after using adept updater?08:57
sampanno, but iirc someone else had that problem a while back too ... but i don't remember what (if anything) the fix was08:58
WolfManz611lol is the gnome version of unbuntu more stable then this?08:59
naliothWolfManz611: what is "this" ?09:00
sampani suppose that all depends -- for some people it is and for others kubuntu is and for some there's no appreciable difference09:00
WolfManz611this as in all these strange things i'm running into so far i have seen tow different SU bugs i have had icons on the desktop go missing and the clock forwhatever reason is sometimes setting it self ahead by about 4 hours and the time zone is set properly09:01
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
sampanweird i had clock issues at first with kubuntu too -- again, however, it got fixed with the updates that fixed the admin mode ... strange09:03
=== Tm_T needs more time
WolfManz611this is only the stuff i have noticed in the 1 days i have had this installed i dont wanna think about what i might notice a week from now lol09:04
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Tm_Tthere's so much to do09:05
Tm_Tbut first, I do my best to get kdm :p09:05
WolfManz611sapman you running kde 3.5 or 3,4?09:08
=== raphink [n=raphink@gra86-1-82-239-88-236.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
blockycan someone tell me why my panel is dead09:09
blockyits just frozen over with wierd artifacting09:09
blockywhen i do dcom kicker kicker restart it never returns or does anything09:09
sampanwolfmanz611  3.4.3 -- it's a pretty basic breezy install ubuntu, with kubuntu-desktop on top09:09
WolfManz611looks like kde 3.5 is out funny why i dont see that show up in the adept updater09:10
=== artrok [n=artrok@p5491F0F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
artrokhi all09:11
sampanwolfman, if i had to guess, i'd say somehow you're not connecting to the update repos and just not seeing the updates -- if you haven't updated previously, there should be a -bunch- of them to download and install if you just installed fresh yesterday or so09:11
WolfManz611i did update yesterday it did a bunch of downloading09:12
raphinkgood thing Jabber networks support MSN when Kopete can't connect to MSN anymore09:13
sampank, then you -should- be good -- and i have no idea why you'd still be getting those old bugs -- i had them all too, but updates fixed them all09:13
artrokQ: i have a mouse with mousewheel and 2 extra-buttons (intellimouse explorer). how can i use and configure these extra-buttons?09:13
raphinkwith imwheel I think artrok 09:14
raphink[2005-11-30 01:03]  <now3d> so I guess I cannot get working email on kubuntu now..09:14
artrokwhere can i get that09:14
raphink[2005-11-30 01:03]  <now3d> so I guess I cannot get working email on kubuntu now..09:14
raphinkartrok:  I think that might help09:14
raphink[2005-11-30 01:03]  <now3d> so I guess I cannot get working email on kubuntu now..09:14
raphinkargh greee09:14
sampanit's in the repos too09:15
raphinksorry I'm not fully awake LOL09:15
=== katrinska [n=katrinsk@Ea20c.e.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu
sampanapt-cache search imwheel --> imwheel - Program to support non-standard buttons on new mice09:15
raphinkbut the website is useful on how to set it once installed09:15
raphinkso `sudo apt-get install imwheel'09:15
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sampanthen surfage09:16
raphinkand then get to the page to see how to set it09:16
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=== jbueler [n=jbueler@c-24-22-30-162.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jbuelerOk I am brand new to Linux, brand new to IRC and really want to learn how to install applicationscan someone help me...09:22
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blockyis there a way to force the kicker/panel to restart?09:23
_rooti headed ubuntu apt error09:23
=== _root is now known as noary
noary i 09:24
raphinkblocky: killall kicker && kicker &09:24
Tm_Tdcop kicker kicker restart or so09:25
noaryi have question??09:25
raphinkthat's another way ;)09:25
blockyTm_T, i tried that but it doesnt do anything09:25
Tm_Tcleaner one ;)09:25
blockyjust hangs09:25
raphinkI don't know that noary... I think you are the only one knowing if you have a question...09:25
jbuelerI downloaded a file from firefox------  http://ftp.mozilla...b-installer.tar.gz  how do I use this to install the browser09:25
Tm_Tblocky: oh09:25
noaryi don't understand remastering ubuntu install cd .09:25
raphinkjbueler: you don't need to download files to install stuff on linux09:26
blockykillall -9 kicker did it09:26
raphinkdo you know how to use adept jbueler ?09:26
raphinkjbueler: open adept from your Kmenu09:26
jbuelerits opening09:27
raphinkthis tool will let you install about whatever program you want in two clicks09:28
raphinkonce set properly ;)09:28
jbuelerok hang on it was launching and then nothing...09:28
jbueleri feel retared09:28
jbuelerI'm switching from windows09:29
raphinkdid it ask for your password?09:29
jbuelerthere it goes09:29
raphink(we all switched from something else one day ;))09:29
jbuelerok so its up and running09:30
raphinkI guess you haven't enabled universe and multiverse yet?09:30
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raphinkok then09:30
raphinkGo to the Adept menu -> Manage repositories09:30
Tm_TI just found out one lovely thing09:31
Tm_Tapt-get source -b <package>09:31
raphinkthat opens a window that lists the repositories (i.e. the machines where programs are stored) chosen for your system09:31
raphinkTm_T: yes09:32
raphinkTm_T: you might look at apt-build too, or at my demerge tool ;)09:32
raphinkbut indeed apt-get source is very useful ;) I use it several times a day09:32
raphinkjbueler: still there?09:32
raphinkTm_T: while you're there, would you like to try a package?09:33
jbueleryeah I was lookin at that09:33
raphinkjbueler: ok09:33
noaryraphink:i want create  own repository .How To09:33
raphinkjbueler: once you are in Adept->Manage repository, uncomment the lines with `universe' and `multiverse' using the uncomment button09:34
raphinknoary: do you want a small repo or a big one?09:34
jbuelerok I'll do that now09:34
raphinknoary: would a trash repo like this http://raphink.free.fr/packages/ be enough for you?09:34
raphinkjbueler: tell me when you're done09:35
noaryraphink: what is difference small or big09:35
Tm_Traphink: ok, what09:35
=== dbglt [n=isaneo@220-245-158-220-vic-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
raphinknoary: my repo is a small and basic one. I choose a root to my repo and then generated a Packages.gz and Sources.gz files09:36
Tm_Traphink: what packages I should try?09:36
raphinknoary: but a big repo includes pool/, main/, etc. and makes a difference between distros09:36
raphinkTm_T: a new package I've done yesterday, called kubuntu-grub-splashimages09:36
Tm_Tok, breezy one?09:36
raphinkthat installs kubuntu-specific splashimages for grub09:36
raphinkinterested in trying it ou?09:36
raphinkhmm whatever09:37
raphinkit's cross-distro, although it's built for dapper09:37
Tm_Twell, I'm in dapper, but I can try to install it ;)09:37
raphinkbut it'll install on breezy without a pb09:37
raphinkTm_T: as I said it's built for dapper :p09:37
noaryraphink: i  want big.HowTo09:37
jbuelerthen do I commit changes?09:37
raphinkall my packages are built for dapper09:37
Tm_Traphink: ok, hit me with url09:37
raphinkjbueler: yep09:37
raphinkTm_T: http://raphink.free.fr/packages/09:37
Tm_Tah, repository :o09:37
raphinkTm_T: or you can add it to your sources.list :09:38
raphinkdeb http://raphink.free.fr/packages ./09:38
Tm_Twill do09:38
raphinkand deb-src sameurl ;)09:38
raphinknoary: google for it09:38
raphinknoary: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto.en.html09:38
raphinknoary: `debian repository build'09:38
raphinkapt-ftparchive is what you want I think noary 09:39
raphinknow noary why is it that you want to build a repo?09:39
raphinkjbueler: done?09:39
jbueleryeah I do the same with the multiverse09:39
Tm_TE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-grub-splashimages09:39
raphinkoh yeah09:40
raphinksorry I have not generated the Packages.gz and Sources.gz yesterday09:40
raphinkI'll do that now, wait a min Tm_T 09:40
Tm_Tuh, kdm installed09:40
jbuelerraphink: k finished with that...09:41
raphinkgood jbueler 09:41
raphinkthen close this setting window, and run the Fetch updates buttons09:41
noaryraphink: i want study  build repository .09:41
raphinkthat will update the list of available packages for your system09:41
raphinkdo you have packages of your own noary ?09:41
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noaryraphink: i have package.09:43
jbuelerraphink: ok looks like that is done...thanks for your help by the way...09:43
raphinkjbueler: then you can search for packages, select them for install, and click apply ;)09:43
raphinkfor example, search for firefox ;)09:43
noaryraphink: you have excample.09:43
jbuelerwow thats great...09:44
=== berkes [n=berub@ip-81-11-228-233.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu
jbuelerone step closer...09:44
raphinkjbueler: with universe and multiverse activated, you have about 20000 packages available from adept09:46
noaryraphink: you have example easy. i read apt-move and i test but i don't understand .09:46
raphinknoary: my easy example is my repo09:47
raphinkI use a very simple repo09:47
berkesmorning folks09:47
jbuelerraphink: yeah I found some to update my iPod this is fricken great09:47
dbgltis there a help file or such which easily states how I can copy over/use windows fonts on my ubuntu install?09:47
raphinkputting everything in a folder and creating {Packages,Sources}.gz09:47
dbgltI have MS Windows installed on another partition: I would like to use the font sets within Ubuntu, and Kde09:47
raphinkjbueler: welcome to the Linux world ;)09:47
raphinkdbglt: in kcontrol and systemsettings, you can import M$ fonts09:48
berkesmy life-juice, my Greatest Love, My Saviour (KMail) keeps crashing since I upgraded to 3.5 09:48
noaryraphink:small repository HowTo. because i want create repository on cd offline.09:48
berkesis that a known issue?09:48
jbuelerumm its sweet now I'm gonna get my second monitor working...09:48
jbuelerthanks for your help!09:48
dbgltraphink: if I would like to use it in other applications, however? GTK for example?09:48
raphinkyou're welcome09:48
artroki have only found programs to use the mouse WHEEL, but not to use the extra buttons(not the wheel button). can some1 help me?09:48
=== Tm_T just (re)compiled and installed kmail and others
raphinkshould work dbglt 09:49
dbgltI remember there was a kde option in which kde colours/fonts etc. could be applied to GTK applications09:49
berkesartnay: the button should work out of the box09:49
dbgltdoes that option still exist?09:49
berkessorry, that was for artrok09:49
raphinkTm_T: my repo is fine now. run update 09:49
Tm_Traphink: ok, will do09:49
raphinknoary: do you have your packages in a folder alltogether?09:50
artrokberkes: the 2 normal buttons and the mouse wheel work, but i have intellimouse explorer with 2 normal buttons +mousewheel +2 extra sidebuttons09:50
Tm_Traphink: ok, seems to install just fine...09:50
artrokberkes: how can i configure these?09:50
raphinkartrok: imwheel is not to use the wheel only I believe. I allows you to use additional buttons09:50
raphinkTm_T: :)09:50
noaryraphink: yes i have package  . name folder debian.09:51
raphinknoary: good09:51
raphinknoary: then cd to this folder09:51
raphinkthen run09:51
Tm_Traphink: ...you're not expecting me to reboot?!09:51
raphinkdpkg-scanpackages ./ /dev/null | gzip -9 > Packages.gz09:51
raphinkdpkg-scansources ./ /dev/null | gzip -9 > Sources.gz09:51
raphinkand you'll have your repo :p09:51
berkesartrok: dunno. Sorry.09:52
raphinkTm_T: well if you want to see if that works, that's better ;) it's up to you09:52
Tm_Tartrok: whats the problem?09:52
berkesanyone else here experiencing crashes with kmail after 3.5 upgrade?09:52
Tm_Traphink: I will reboot soon, got kdm \o/09:52
Tm_Tdapper <309:52
raphinkI compiled kdm lately, without the kubuntu-default-settings dependency09:52
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raphinktook me 2 hours since I had to build the whole kdebase to get only the kdm package09:53
=== rob_ [n=rob@c-24-18-92-123.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tm_Teasier just to build lipstik :p09:53
noaryraphink: sucess or not sucess09:53
raphinkhmm yeah that's an option Tm_T 09:53
raphinkbut I don't use lipstik09:53
raphinknoary: ??09:54
noaryraphink: i edit source.list .HOW TO09:54
Tm_Traphink: me neither09:54
raphinknoary: if you want to try it, you can add :09:54
raphinkdeb file:///path/to/your/debian/folder/ ./09:54
raphinkand then run update09:54
Tm_Traphink: /me is using tiblit and forky (flatknifty mod of mine)09:55
raphinkor use ftp or http if your folder is on a server09:55
rob_i installed kde tv, but my tv card isnt listed in the application09:55
raphinkTm_T: I use baghira ;)09:55
rob_only the nvidia card is listed09:55
raphinkand I had to compile it too, it wouldn't install09:55
berkes*** KMail got signal 11 (Crashing)09:55
berkesKCrash: Application 'kmail' crashing...09:55
dbgltI tried to installed synaptic09:55
dbgltapt-get install synaptic09:55
raphinkdbglt: you don't like adept?09:55
dbgltraphink: adept stinks :(09:55
Tm_Traphink: baghira is ok, but it's heavy to eyes..09:55
noaryraphink:if i want write is cd . i write folder debian into cd . yes or no09:56
=== raphink doesn't like adept
Tm_Tok, rebooting ->09:56
artrokTm_T: i have intellimouse explorer: 2normal buttons+ mousewheel +2 additional side buttons: how can i configure these (ex. sidebutton1: close window)?09:56
dbgltI find it very confusing and difficult to use09:56
dbgltand not very easy to navigate09:56
=== raphink only likes apt-get in console when it comes to package managing... if only there was a finkcommander-like app in ubuntu ...
dbgltI want to try synaptic09:56
dbgltbut I'm fine with the command line09:56
raphinkdbglt: did you try kynaptic & kpackage ?09:56
dbgltI just want a GUI to hold my hand, while I learn the apt system09:56
dbgltraphink: no09:56
raphinkkpackage is pretty good imo09:57
raphinka bit slow but it's fine09:57
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berkesI have straced a krash of kmail. Anyone care to help me? 09:57
raphinkkynaptic is a bit like synaptic, it's for kde, but it's not as powerful as synaptic at all09:57
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raphinkdid you report the crash berkes ?09:58
raphinkdid you first google for it?09:58
berkesraphink: its "just an ordinary crash"09:58
raphinkwhile doing what berkes ?09:59
berkesraphink: googling for kmil crash returns loads of issues :)09:59
berkesraphink: that is what i watn to find in my strace, raphink09:59
raphinkI guess berkes 09:59
raphinkwhat were you doing when it crashed berkes, and can you reproduce it?09:59
raphinkI cna't read a crash trace of kmail berkes 09:59
berkesraphink: reproducing: just run my kmail for a few mins10:00
raphinksend it to the kmail devs10:00
raphinkthey'll understand the trace, hopefully10:00
berkesraphink: kay10:00
noaryraphink: ubuntu repository with debian reposity  different.10:00
raphinkberkes: you don't click on anything or do something special to crash it?10:00
berkesnot that I am aware of, no10:00
berkesraphink: i have got a feeling it is my filters10:00
raphinknoary: can you be clearer and make sentences with `subject verb complement' please ?10:00
raphinkberkes: might b"e10:00
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dbgltdoes apt-get uninstall work?10:01
dbgltand does it remove dependencies?10:01
raphinkI don't know that10:01
raphinkyes remove10:02
noaryraphink: sorry  , i 'm  thai.10:02
raphinkand no command will remove dependencies that I know10:02
dbgltthat sucks10:02
dbgltis there a record kept of dependencies?10:02
raphinkwell maybe aptitude will10:02
dbgltor what was installed?10:02
raphinknoary: that's ok, and I'm not an english native either10:02
dbgltso I can remove them all10:02
raphinkdbglt: if you remove all dependencies, you'll end up with an empty system :p10:02
dbgltraphink: the ones that were installed when I did the apt-get, that is10:02
noaryraphink: where are you  from?10:03
raphinkdbglt: let's say you want to remove all dependencies for amarok -> you'll remove all kde and more10:03
raphinknoary: France10:03
berkeswhat file are my filters stored in?10:03
dbgltraphink: no no, is there an installation log, for example?10:03
berkeskmail filters, i meanfiles10:03
dbgltraphink: so I can see which dependencies came with synaptic install10:03
raphinkdbglt: the dependencies system is one-way. You can't easily go backwards10:03
dbgltraphink: I know. That's why I'm looking for an installation log10:04
dbgltraphink: so I can see what I installed, and remove it manually10:04
noaryraphink: thank you very much.10:04
raphinkdbglt: there are commands to see the dependencies of a package10:04
dbgltraphink: do tell? :)10:04
raphinklook at the apt-get manual10:04
raphinkman apt-get10:04
dbgltI don't want *all* deps10:04
raphinknoary: now can you try to explain to me again what is wrong with the repo thing?10:04
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dbgltjust the ones I installed with the command "apt-get install synaptic", so I figured if a log would be kept, it would be easier10:05
dbgltit must, but I don't know where10:05
raphinkdbglt: dpkg might do it too10:05
raphinkand there's a plan to include that feature (listing dependencies) in adept10:05
raphinkdbglt: you might also want to look at deborphan10:05
dbgltraphink: can't seem to find anything in the man page10:05
dbgltonly build-dep, relating to source packages10:05
raphinkthat lists all the library packages on which no installed package depends anymore10:05
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dbgltraphink: emerge much easier :P10:06
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noaryraphink: if i wish  add package on cd . and  use cd install . not connect internet .process same or diff from small repository.10:08
raphinknoary: well you can do that as I told you10:08
raphinkdbglt: http://lists.debian.org/debian-dpkg/1998/11/msg00015.html10:09
robotgeeknoary: there's a aptmove howto on the wiki10:10
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aburletam I the only one to have problems unlocking my screen with kde 3.5 under breezy ?10:10
dbgltraphink: aye nice, but yeah, as I thought, it lists all dependancies10:10
Tm_Traphink: ok, now grub is borked ;)10:10
dbgltI can't remember which I just installed :|10:10
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raphinkdbglt: use `dpkg --status $package | grep "^Depends" '10:11
raphinkTm_T: ?10:11
dbgltraphink: aye, just found that10:11
dbgltstill lists all though :)10:11
raphinkaburlet: I had that too10:11
Tm_Traphink: yup, I'll try if replacing menu.lst with old one fixes it10:11
raphinkTm_T: can you paste your menu.lst in a pastebin and tell me what got wrong?10:12
aburletraphink, did you solve the problem ?10:12
raphinkso I can try to understand why10:12
raphinkaburlet: no10:12
aburletoh :(10:12
raphinkand I'm not on breezy anymore, so10:12
raphinkTm_T: worked on me and others, so that's weird10:13
aburletraphink, dapper ?10:13
raphinkyep aburlet 10:13
Tm_Traphink: I'll try get this working, then will show it10:13
raphinkTm_T: better yet, if you can report to my email : raphink[at] gmail[dot] com10:14
raphinksorry it crashed your grub though :(10:16
noaryraphink:  ?10:17
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aburletraphink, FYI, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2007110:18
usovQUESTION! Does anybody know how to make KDE show cyrillic fonts in file names?10:18
raphinkusov: did you install the russian support in KDE ?10:19
raphinkok aburlet thanks but I don't have this pb anymore10:20
usovyes, so kde interface is in russian but still I can not see russian filenames10:20
aburletraphink, I know ... that was just FYI!10:21
raphinkoh ok10:21
aburletFor Your Information10:21
raphinkyes :)10:21
dbgltok adding the fonts via kcontrol10:21
dbgltdoesn't work10:21
dbglthave to modify xorg.conf, I guess10:21
Riddellusov: cyrillic filenames work for me10:21
Riddellin konqueror10:21
usovyou mean on webpages?10:22
dbgltwhat is the deault path/filename of the xorg server configuration in latest kubuntu?10:22
raphinksame Riddell 10:22
Tm_Traphink: ok, trying if I get this working now ->10:22
raphinkok Tm_T :)10:22
raphinkbut I'd enjoy it if you could send me your original and modified menu.lst to see what happened10:23
Riddellusov: no, filenames10:23
Riddellin file manager mode10:23
usovso how you did it?10:23
Riddellusov: I renamed a file to include cyrillic characters and it works10:24
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Tm_Traphink: ok, so you wan't mail? sending ;)10:25
usovmsg nickserv register <your-password>10:26
raphink 10:28
raphinkpffI hate to find characters on other keyboards10:28
raphinkthanks Tm_T 10:28
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raphinkdid get anything yet Tm_T what did you send it to?10:31
noaryraphink:problem apt-get error.10:32
raphinkwhat does it say noary ?10:33
raphinkpaste it in a pastebin10:33
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raphinkhi Hobbsee 10:33
Hobbseehey raphink 10:33
noaryraphink: i have problem apt error . when i use command apt-get update10:33
erikstiwhat can I use to install windows wireless drivers?  I installed ndiswrapper_util and ndisgtk but not getting any further10:33
Kamping_Kaiserlol Hobbsee_away10:34
raphinknoary: yeah I understood that, paste the error into a pastebin10:34
erikstiK->Settings->Wireless drivers and nothing happens10:34
Hobbsee_awayKamping_Kaiser: i'm coming back!10:34
Hobbsee_awayjust gotta do dishes10:34
raphinkTm_T: got nothing :(10:34
Kamping_Kaiserwoot . later then mate ;)10:35
mornfalldishes suck10:35
Kamping_Kaiserhey mornfall :)10:36
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Tm_Traphink: haven't sent it yet, starting apps and cleaning house ;)10:37
Tm_Traphink: in any minute now10:37
raphinkoh ok :)10:37
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Tm_Traphink: sent10:43
raphinkok thanks10:43
Tm_Twas sort of fun :p10:43
raphinkTm_T: can you tell me the output of `df -h /boot' ?10:45
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raphinkplease ;)10:46
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raphinkTm_T: because I know the pb lies, but I don't know how it was generated ;)10:48
raphink*I know _where_ the pb lies10:48
raphinkTm_T: btw, apt-get remove kubuntu-grub-splashimages should have solved the pb ;)10:49
raphink(removing the splashimage)10:49
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raphinkok well10:50
raphinkTm_T: paste me your `df -h /boot' when you get back ;)10:51
Tm_Tyes sir10:51
Tm_T/dev/hdc1   20G   10G  8.4G  55% /10:51
raphinkI don't get it o_O10:52
raphinkyour menu.lst says that your Ubuntu system is on (hd0,0)10:52
Tm_Terr, that borked one says10:52
Tm_Tor what10:52
raphinkyet df -h pretends your / is on /dev/hdc1, so (hd2,0)10:52
raphinkthat's where the pb comes from10:53
raphinkthat's not normal I'd say ;)10:53
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raphinkTm_T: `grep / /etc/fstab' please :)10:53
raphinkhmm sorry that's too long10:54
raphinkTm_T: `grep /dev/hdc1 /etc/fstab' please :)10:54
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Tm_T/dev/hdc1  /  ext3  defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  110:54
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Tm_Tand hda is cdrom10:54
raphinkthat's weird ...10:55
raphinkso hda is recognized as cdrom10:55
raphinkbut hdc is named hd0 by grub10:55
Tm_Tit works :p10:55
raphinkwell usually hda is hd010:55
raphinkand hdc is hd210:55
raphinkwell it works for the system10:56
raphinkbut I'd like to know, that given, how I'm supposed to program my install script so it knows that your /boot is on hd0,0 although it's on hdc110:56
raphinkyou see?10:56
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raphinkI programmed my install script basing myself on the fact that hda1 -> (hd0,0) and hdc3 -> (hd2,2) etc.10:57
Tm_Trely on old menu.lst?10:57
raphinkjust converting this way10:57
raphinkand it seems to not work10:57
raphinkhmm Tm_T no I can't10:57
raphinkbecause some people have a separate /boot10:58
raphinkwhich is where the splashimages will be put10:58
raphinkI have to search for a tool that will give me the (hdx,x) location of /boot10:59
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raphinkwell I'll see about that11:00
raphinkon a "normal" system with hda1 being (hd0,0), it should work :p11:01
raphinkTm_T: now if you want the splashimage anyway, you can put (hd0,0) in your menu.lst where the script has written (hd2,0)11:01
raphinkthat'll work11:01
raphinkI'll bb11:01
erikstican anyone give me directions how to install this wireless: Network controller: Intel Corp. PRO/Wireless 2200BG (rev 05)11:02
crimsuneriksti: it's already supported via ipw2200.ko11:03
eriksticrimsun: so how do I get started with this thing?11:04
oraceleriksti, you will need to update the firmware if you need to use wpa11:04
Tm_Tfiufau ->11:04
erikstioracel: and how do I do that?11:05
oracelthere's a good thread about this in the forums11:05
erikstiI'm so sick of this thing .. Ive had it for a year and never been able to connect11:05
oracelare you going to use wpa?11:05
crimsuneriksti: can you connect to an open AP?11:06
erikstidon't even know what AP is :)11:06
oracelaccess point11:06
erikstiI'll read this thread before I bug you more guys.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=26606511:07
oracelgood idea11:08
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BigKahunahow to automatically mount USB thumb drive?11:32
raphinkTm_T: can you paste your `grep hdc /boot/grub/device.map' please ?11:33
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raphinkBigKahuna: it does mount automatically without setting anything BigKahuna 11:33
BigKahuna"An error occurred while loading media:/sda1:"11:34
Tm_Traphink: sure11:35
BigKahuna"The file or folder media:/sda1 does not exist."11:35
Tm_T(hd0)   /dev/hdc11:35
raphinkthanks much11:35
BigKahunathats the error I get in Konqi after connecting device11:35
raphinkthat'll help11:35
raphinkdid you modify your /etc/fstab BigKahuna ?11:35
BigKahunaraphink, No.11:35
raphinkis it fat16?11:36
BigKahunaactually yes I think it could be.11:36
raphinkok other people had that pb with fat1611:36
BigKahunaIt's a very old creative Mp3 player.11:36
raphinkand I don't remember if that was solved11:36
raphinktry to google for fat16 ubuntu11:37
Hobbseehas anyone upgraded from firefox 1.5 rc1 or 2 to the latest firefox, via incremental updates here?11:38
ubotumethinks firefox1.5 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org11:38
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martinjh99Morning - Upgraded to 3.5 this morning and when I come to install compilation packages for kde I get the following:11:44
martinjh99kdebase-dev: Depends: kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.5-rc1) but it is not installable11:44
martinjh99Command line11:44
martinjh99aptitude install x-dev libxext-dev kdebase-dev build-essential libice-dev11:45
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phimicgood morning all11:45
raphinkTm_T: are you there?11:45
phimici have problems with lineak11:46
phimicit segfaults and strace give back open("/usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.dir", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT11:46
Hobbseemartinjh99: try sudo apt-get install kdelibs4-dev - why's it not installable?11:46
raphinkTm_T: I'm sending you a small script, can you run it and give me the output please ?11:47
raphink(I think I'm done just want to be sure)11:47
Tm_Traphink: doh?11:47
martinjh99Hobbsee That seems to work - It pulls in all the other dependant packages!  Thanks!11:47
Hobbseemartinjh99: :)11:48
raphinkTm_T: dcc11:48
raphinkunless you want it by email11:48
dennis_pWhen opening a konqueror window in kde 3.5 it does not automatically have typing focus in the url bar, must click with mouse. sollutions?11:48
martinjh99No worries..11:48
Tm_Traphink: mail, this client isn't in my pc11:48
raphinknm I'll send by mail ;)11:48
raphinkTm_T: sent11:49
raphinkdid you get it Tm_T ?11:52
Tm_Ttry it11:52
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raphinkjust run ./grub_test11:53
Tm_Tgood enough?11:53
raphinkwhere you saved it11:53
Tm_Tyes, I know ;)11:53
raphinkok good :)11:53
raphinkthat works :)11:53
raphinkyep perfect11:53
Tm_TI'm sort of script wizard myself11:53
Tm_Thave skripts from getting local temp from website to updating and compiling and installing svn stuff :p11:54
raphinkhehe :)11:56
Tm_Tall you need is bash and sed ;)11:57
raphinkhmm 11:59
raphinkhow do I test if a file exists again?11:59
raphinkif [ -z ]  doesn't do it?11:59
incubiiif [ -e ]  ?11:59
raphinkhmm ok12:00
Kamping_Kaiserand -f12:00
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raphinkok thanks12:00
raphinkso -ef12:00
bartekcan someone help me?12:01
raphinkthanks much12:01
bartekhow can i change permissions to windows partitions in kubuntu? it is only for root user....12:02
Hobbseebartek: chown12:03
Kamping_Kaiserer. wait12:03
Kamping_Kaiserfstab, add the 'umask=0222' option (iirc)12:03
Kamping_Kaiser*dont* chown/chroot Windows partitions12:04
Hobbseeah, you cant do that?12:04
Kamping_Kaiserwrite to ntfs? bhahaha12:04
Hobbseeit's in !mount anyway12:04
uboturumour has it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f12:04
Hobbseeyeah, i'd not try that one, but i do read from it12:04
Kamping_Kaiserto chown/chmod you write to it12:05
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Hobbseeah ok... i see...12:05
buzhow comes that the import mail menu entry is grayed out in kmail kde3.512:06
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bartekumask don't work12:07
Kamping_Kaiserbuz: you have no email marked important?12:07
buzi have no mail at all right now12:07
buzi'm trying to import from thunderbird12:08
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Kamping_Kaiserbartek: check the wiki page for ntfs mounts, or the help files, i don't have any too check agianst12:08
monadhi... i convinced a friend to install kubuntu on her laptop, nevertheless she wants (needs?) to keep her windows install. i never installed a dual-boot system, since i run linux exclusively - what do i have to watch out for?12:09
buzdont delete the windows partition12:09
Hobbseemonad: not to reinstall windows, and expect the computer to boot without some work...12:09
monadbuz: that's all?12:09
Hobbseebartek: /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs umask=0222 0 0 <-- edit that based on your partitions and where you want it mounted12:09
Kamping_Kaisermonad: defrag doze12:09
buzmaybe some boot manager work12:09
buzbut nothing complicated, really12:09
Kamping_Kaiserit was umask :|12:09
monadKamping_Kaiser: no idead what you're trying to say *s*12:10
Hobbseemonad: make sure you defrag windows first :P12:10
Kamping_Kaisermonad: defrag the Windows partition before installing Kubuntu12:10
Hobbseealthough, i've done it without, and it didnt seem to kill it - i had no choice12:10
monadKamping_Kaiser: oh, ok12:10
monadso how exactly do i proceed when installing on her laptop? just pop in the cd and watch out when it comes to partitioning? btw - i don't like to partition manager on the kubuntu 5.10 cd, never really know how to use it. why can't they include sth like fdisk?12:15
Kamping_Kaiserit's fdisc isnt it?12:16
Kamping_Kaiserbut yeh,basicly you have it12:16
Hobbseemonad: yeah, just pick manual partition, resize the ntfs partition, and create kubuntu in the newly created free space12:17
monadKamping_Kaiser: it might be in there, but not in the usual install routine, where yu just get a dialog box which i hardly understand :-P12:17
raphinkTm_T: I've fixed the package and uploaded it to my repo again, so you can `apt-get update && apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-grub-splashimages'12:17
Hobbseemonad: it's really simple12:17
Hobbseeraphink: got some pics of them?12:17
monadHobbsee: ok... will try12:17
Hobbseemonad: easy for us to talk you through it, if you want12:17
raphinkHobbsee: of the splashimages ?12:17
Hobbseeraphink: yes12:17
raphinkhmm there are several links12:18
dennis_pnobody has trouble that url bar in conqueror has no typing focus?12:18
Hobbseedennis_p: occurs here too12:18
raphinkHobbsee: 12:18
raphink        * http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3163012:18
raphink        * http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3119112:18
freeflyingraphink: patch grub with suse's patch can make grub more eye-candy12:18
raphink        * http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=23071&id=112:18
monadHobbsee: don't have her machine with me and want to walk her through it, since it's her first time linux and it should have some educative effect... maybe i can make her dump windoze :-)12:18
raphink        * http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=22817&id=112:18
raphink        * http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=23171&id=112:18
raphinkhere are the links to the included splashimages 12:18
Hobbseelol true12:19
Hobbseeraphink: cool12:19
raphinkyes I know that freeflying but i'm not to patch grub :p12:19
monad"see, it's so complicated with windows and all that still on there..."12:19
raphinkfreeflying: you can discuss that with ubuntu devs if you want grub to be ptached on ubuntu ;)12:19
raphinkHobbsee: oops these are the links to the files themselves sorry ;)12:19
freeflyingraphink:  I wonder why don't they make grub more beautiful12:20
Hobbseeyeah, was wondering what the last 3 were12:20
Hobbseefreeflying: it's not so bad with pretty colours enabled12:20
raphinkfreeflying: because that's no the main purpose I guess12:20
raphinkalthough I don't know what grub2 will be like12:20
raphinkgrub2 is experimental so far12:21
teprrrhmm, in which package imap kioslave is includeed?12:21
Hobbseeah ok, i'll have to go look12:21
raphinkwanna try the package Hobbsee ?12:22
teprrrargh, menu breakage again :(12:22
Hobbseeer, possibly, link?12:22
Hobbseeor i'll find it12:22
raphinkHobbsee: my repo is : deb http://raphink.free.fr/packages ./12:22
raphinksame for deb-src12:22
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raphinkand the package is kubuntu-grub-splashimages12:23
Hobbseeah, i see it...reading about grub212:23
raphinkok :)12:23
raphinkI didn't have a look at grub2 yet12:24
raphinkGRUB2 (also known as PUPA) is the Preliminary Universal Programming Architecture for GRUB. It is a research project for the next generation of GNU GRUB. The most important goal is to make GNU GRUB cleaner, safer, more robust, more powerful, and more portable. 12:24
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artrokProblem: i try to compile VLC, when i execute ./configure it says:checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:26
freeflyingare there any packages under kde works like comix12:26
artrokerr.. i try to compile the libraries12:26
huhmzartrok: apt-get install build-essential12:26
raphinkhmm komics freeflying ?12:27
artrokthx =)12:27
raphinkdepends what comix is I guess ;)12:27
freeflyingraphink: no komix12:29
raphinkwhat is comix freeflying ?12:29
artroki'm completely new to linux: what does this :12:29
artroki'm completely new to linux: what does this ./ in front of ./configure mean?12:30
freeflyingPackage: comix12:30
freeflyingNew: yes12:30
freeflyingState: not installed12:30
freeflyingVersion: 2.1-112:30
freeflyingPriority: 12:30
freeflyingSection: universe/x1112:30
freeflyingMaintainer: Emfox Zhou <EmfoxZhou@gmail.com>12:30
freeflyingUncompressed Size: 258k12:30
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raphinkartrok: . is the current directory12:30
raphinkand .. is the parent directory12:30
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freeflyingraphink: comix - GTK Comic Book Viewer12:31
raphinkartrok: when you run command, the system considers that the binary to launch is in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin or /bin by default12:31
artrokaaah ok many thx!12:31
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raphinkartrok: so as you want to run configure, which is not there but in the current dir, you need to override these settings by telling the system to execute ./configure12:31
raphinkit's the same if you want to launch other scripts, such as install.sh or setup.py12:32
raphinkwhenever you need these kinds of stuff ;)12:32
raphinkyes there's a thing like this for kde12:32
freeflyingraphink: which one12:33
raphinkqcomicbook : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1950912:33
Hobbseenight all...12:33
raphinknight Hobbsee 12:33
raphinkfreeflying: it's not packaged yet though12:33
freeflyingraphink: based on qt?12:34
artrokwhats better for for complete linux greenhorns: kubuntu or mandriva?12:34
raphinkfreeflying: sure12:34
raphinkartrok: mandriva is nice12:34
Hobbseeartrok: um...good question - maybe mepis should be in there too12:34
raphinkbut you get tired of it fast imo12:34
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raphinkI prefer kubuntu 12:34
raphinkI used mandriva for a year 12:34
Hobbseei've never tried it, but it looks....i dont know, rather newbie-ish12:35
raphinkit's very easy to set as long as you use the gui stuff12:35
Hobbseeand i was turned off by the number of cds to download12:35
raphinkbut then if the gui doesn't set it right, it's terrible12:35
freeflyingnow , kubuntu is the only one for me 12:35
artrokwhat is mepis?12:35
raphinkartrok: mepis is a commercial distro based on Debian12:35
Hobbseefreeflying: raphink if i want to create a spare partition, and stick another distro on it, which do you say i should put on?12:36
artrokis mepis not free?12:36
BigKahunaWhat sound system engine works best with amarok?12:36
freeflyingHobbsee: gentoo12:36
raphinki'd say I think (k)(x)ubuntu is the only debian distro that is good and respects the debian ideology12:36
raphinkwhat kind of distro do you want Hobbsee ?12:36
Hobbseeraphink: anything that i'd find interesting, pretty much12:37
raphinkBigKahuna: I'd go for xine12:37
raphinkI had many issues with gstreamer on amarok, and arts is not great12:37
Hobbseethis is a tripple boot machine, i could get rid of dapper, and stick somethign else on12:37
raphinkHobbsee: for what purpose ?12:37
Hobbseeplaying around with, using, not sure12:37
raphinknewby-ish or geekish ?12:37
Hobbseenewbie-ish and i'll probably go nuts12:37
raphinkwhat have you tried so far?12:37
BigKahunaraphink, I've heard gstreamer could be problematic.12:37
freeflyingraphink: any interesting in debianising qcomicbook12:37
Hobbseebut i'd prefer not to have to download 10 billion cd's for one distro12:37
raphinkfreeflying: you can do it ;)12:37
Hobbseeah, ubuntu hoary, kubuntu hoary, breezy, dapper12:38
freeflyingraphink:  :)12:38
raphinkHobbsee: haha12:38
raphinkHobbsee: so you only know ubuntu so far ;)12:38
Hobbseepretty much, yeah12:38
raphinkHobbsee: you can throw an eye on Mandriva, this is interesting12:38
raphinkthis way you'll get to know the rpm system12:38
Hobbseethinking about something rpm based - was looking at opensuse before, maybe12:39
Hobbseehow big's mandriva?12:39
raphinkmandriva is rpm-based 12:39
freeflyingHobbsee: maybe you can try arch 12:39
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raphinkyou can have it on three CDs or one DVD or more12:39
raphinkone CD is not enough for most things12:39
Tm_Tyuuh, rpm hell12:39
raphinkalthough you can install the very basis with CD1 and then urpmi the rest12:40
freeflyingTm_T:  totally agree with you 12:40
raphinkTm_T: yeah, but Hobbsee wants to try12:40
Hobbseeraphink: yeah, that's probably what i'd do12:40
raphinklet him try and get his own opinion on it ;)12:40
Hobbseeraphink: shame on you!  she!12:40
artrokhow can i create a file called ld.so.conf ?12:40
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Hobbseenano ld.so.conf?12:40
freeflyingHobbsee:  archlinux 12:40
carstenis KDE 3.5 save to update? I need a stable release :)12:40
raphinktouch ld.so.conf12:40
freeflyingHobbsee:  or gentoo 12:40
Hobbseefreeflying: looking at that, havent heard mouch about it12:40
raphinkfreeflying: Hobbsee wants to try an rpm-based distro :p12:40
Hobbseefreeflying: am i brave enough for that?12:41
raphinkand newby-ish12:41
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raphinknot arch or gentoo :p12:41
Hobbseeoh i dont know, i'd try more or less anything out once, as long as it didnt screw my machine too badly12:41
freeflyingraphink:  ass Tm_T saying : rpm hell12:41
=== raphink thinks gentoo is good for dev maybe, but doesn't see the point in using this as a normal user
Tm_Tfreeflying: hey, I'm not ass, just lizard12:41
raphinkfreeflying: I also think rpm are bad, but Hobbsee wants to try them, so let him try12:41
raphinkthat's the best way to get to know that it's bad ;)12:42
Hobbseedont know who the male hobbsee is there...12:42
freeflyingTm_T:  hehe 12:42
raphinksorry :(12:42
Tm_THobbsee: sshhh, let them think so ;)12:42
raphinkI keep forgetting :(12:42
Hobbsee:P it's ok12:42
Hobbseeyou'll learn12:42
=== freeflying use gentoo ,the only thing you do is emerge
raphinkyes 12:42
Tm_Tgentoo yuk12:43
raphinkfreeflying: yes and you wait 70hours to get kde installed12:43
Hobbseehehe...i'd prefer to avoid that one lol!12:43
freeflyingraphink:  ? what about your computer12:43
raphinkfreeflying: sorry?12:43
raphinkwhat is there with my comp?12:44
freeflyingraphink:  It's need less than 12hrs from stage1 to a kde 12:44
BigKahunaraphink, What packages install to enable Xine support in Amarok?12:44
raphinkwell 12hours is far too much for me12:44
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raphinkesp. when you have to watch it to be sure it doen't crash12:44
freeflyingBigKahuna:  amarok-xine12:44
raphinkand keep a second computer up to watch the steps and get help12:44
freeflyingraphink: sure , it will not crash12:45
raphinkfreeflying: I tried to install gentoo several times ...12:45
BigKahunafreeflying, I have just installed that package but it doesn't work. I have configured amarox to use the xine engine12:45
raphinkon several archs12:45
raphinkImight be dump but I gave up everytime12:45
Hobbseeor i could just continue with tripple booting xp breezy dapper lol12:45
freeflyingraphink:  :) 12:46
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raphinkfreeflying: funnily enough, I managed to get the Hurd running, but never gentoo12:46
freeflyingHobbsee:  why install breezy and dapper together12:46
raphinkso I consider I don't want to know about this distro12:46
Chousukeraphink: heh :P12:46
raphinkI have other things to do than spending hours trying to install a distro12:46
winniehi! who can help me with mi kubuntu !! :'(12:46
Hobbseefreeflying: to have something to rely on to be stable, and something to test out a bit12:46
Hobbseeand cos i'm crazy12:46
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freeflyingraphink:  frankly saying ,gentoo cost too much time than debian12:47
Hobbseewinnie: state your question, and you might get some help12:47
skamanhi guys12:47
freeflyingHobbsee: I feel dapper can suite for my daily use now12:47
skamanHow can i check if hotplug is enabled?12:47
raphinkfreeflying: I know people who used to be very enthousiatic with gentoo and are not ubuntuers ;)12:48
skamanif I insert a Pendrive is not monted...and the same with all usb devices12:48
Hobbseefreeflying: i could do that, yeah - i've just left it since the debtags errors though...12:48
danudanythe problem is my resolution is 640x480 and I cant put it 10240...12:48
raphinkfreeflying: I don't think so at all12:48
raphinkfreeflying: dapper can destroy half your system any day12:48
freeflyingraphink:  now it works smoothly for me 12:49
raphinkjust upgraded to kde 3.5 yesterday12:49
raphinkand I had to build 5 packages to restore it12:49
raphinkgood for you freeflying 12:49
raphinkbut it's not stable at all12:49
freeflyingraphink:  ^_^12:49
raphinknot even as a development platform12:49
freeflyingraphink:  after all it's in develp12:49
raphinkwe spent a few days not being able to build anything with pbuilder on dapper12:50
raphinkbecause of debhelper dependencies issues12:50
raphinkthen there was this debtags issue with apt-get12:50
raphinkit's just not ready for a desktop use 12:50
raphinkalthough I do use it ;)12:50
raphinkbut I woudln't recommend it to anyone who doesn't need it12:50
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raphinkit's upgrade time btw ;)12:51
Hobbseeraphink: did the debtags thing get fixed?12:51
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Hobbseei havent booted there in a few days12:51
raphinkHobbsee: I think so, I didn't see it anymore12:51
Hobbseeok, i'll remember to boot there again tomorrow, after work12:52
Hobbseebah - i actually have to go to work tomorrow!12:52
[square] hello. I have problem with artsd on kde 3.5. It's crash. Is this a known bug?12:52
danudanycan anyone help me ... i am new....12:52
raphinkdanudany: your pb seems to be linked with your xorg configuration12:52
freeflyingraphink:  have you noticed that kdelibs4c2a be uploaded again12:53
raphinkyou can try to run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and see if you can get a better resolution12:53
raphinkyes freeflying 12:53
danudanyok... let see... thanks !12:53
freeflyingraphink: have there any changes12:53
raphinkkubuntu-desktop is not ready yet :(12:53
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raphinkI'll demerge konq-plugins12:54
Hobbseeoh, how does one see a version of a package that's not installed yet, via the console?12:54
Hobbseeapt-get something?12:54
manveruapt-cache policy package12:55
raphinkapt-cache show $package12:55
freeflyingrecommend use aptitude 12:55
AeSSeDanyone that have kde3.5 known if exist any like dashboard ?12:55
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Hobbseeexcellent, cool12:55
manveruAeSSeD: like... karamba?12:56
Hobbseei knew there must be a command for it, i'd just never worked out what it was12:56
raphinkAeSSeD: superkaramba ?12:56
AeSSeDyes but the widget must be in another application layer12:56
AeSSeDlike dashboard12:56
AeSSeDi want to use karamba program on upper layer desktop12:57
AeSSeDlike in dashboard12:57
=== manveru has no clue what AeSSeD is talking about :)
raphinkmanveru: I think AeSSeD wants widgets that get _over_ the windows, not on the desktop12:57
manveruhmm, like yakuake?12:57
manveru(wich is no widget, but anyway)12:57
raphinkAeSSeD: you can set a key to hide the windows, so you'll see the widgets12:58
AeSSeDno i want to press a key12:58
AeSSeDand see another desktop with all karamba widget12:58
AeSSeDlike in mac os x12:58
manveruwell, there are multiple desktops12:58
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AeSSeDnot multiple desktop a trasparent layer deskotp12:59
ubotu! is, like, what you add before a sentence to talk to me12:59
raphinkAeSSeD: why don't you use mac os x if that's what you wnat ? :p12:59
m0ns00nHas anyone figured out how Sessions is better than Projects in kate?12:59
m0ns00nAre they bent on ruining Kate?12:59
AeSSeDi can't install it at works :12:59
m0ns00nEvery release is more horrid than the prev.01:00
manverum0ns00n: i only use sessions because projects create ugly little files for saving project-data that i don't need anyway01:00
Hobbseeanyway, now i really will go to bed - nigth all!01:00
raphinknight Hobbsee 01:00
manverusleep well01:00
m0ns00nmanveru: But I don't have a file tree anymore then01:00
manveruAeSSeD: there is nothing like that01:00
danudanyraphink! I have configured it.... now i must restart ?01:01
Hobbseewill do :)01:01
m0ns00nmanveru: So I need to double click myself through everything01:01
raphinkdanudany: just restart X01:01
manverum0ns00n: well, i use single clicks :)01:01
danudanyhow? :'(01:01
raphinkdanudany: press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace01:01
raphinkthat will restart X01:01
manverudanudany: log out before doing that01:01
raphinkhopefully ;)01:01
manveruit did01:01
raphinkno it did stop it01:02
raphinkdoesn't mean it restarted it01:02
manveruwell, yeah01:02
raphinkthat's what I meant ;)01:02
manverulet's wait and see :)01:02
manverum0ns00n: btw, kate is the only editor i really work with01:04
redguyany 3.5 builds yest?01:04
raphinkI use kwrite too01:04
m0ns00nmanveru: I used to01:05
m0ns00nmanveru: First they removed TabPages01:05
m0ns00nmanveru: Then now the projects. It's practically unusable now01:05
=== manveru looks to see if his tabs are gone
m0ns00nmanveru: But it's too bad, as Quanta doesn't work with large files, and KDevelop _refuses_ to store the layout setup.01:06
m0ns00nmanveru: Tab Pages is a UI mode which was removed.01:06
m0ns00nmanveru: One used to be able to choose IDEAL mode and so forth01:06
m0ns00nmanveru: Kate has been dumbed down and is continuing to be dumbed down.01:06
manveruhmmm, i am sure i had some a while ago01:07
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m0ns00nA plugin.01:07
manveruat least, exactly- a plugin01:07
m0ns00nBut you haven't used kate very long if you don't know what I mean.01:07
manveruwell, i have tried myriads of other editors in the meanwhile01:07
manveruso i wasn't that sure about it anymore01:07
manveruKDevelop is just too unstable01:08
manveru(at least he ruby-mode)01:08
manverui use JEdit for longer sessions now01:09
manverualso tried Eclipse, but it was a pain to setup01:09
manverunow i am at Komodo (3.5 beta)01:09
manverubut it is too buggy01:10
manveruand i wouldn't use kate if it hasn't the almost perfect search and a konsole01:10
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manverubut you are right - it is _very_ broken01:11
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CarstenPsomehow kubuntu does not want to mount my external firewire dvd-+rw anymore01:11
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CarstenPi even tried "sudo umount scd0 -n"01:12
CarstenPwhat can i do?01:12
CarstenPk3b cant find it either01:12
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CarstenPcarsten@firefly:/$ ps aux | grep scd001:15
CarstenPcarsten   8639  0.2  1.2  41228 26432 ?        S    12:59   0:02 konqueror [kdeinit]  media:/scd001:15
CarstenPshould i kill that process?01:15
CarstenPi killed it, didnt help01:19
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dipnlikhi all. how can I put the volume button from the traybar in a top bar?01:22
dipnliki'm using top menu bar (MacOS style), and reinserting there all buttons from the bottom bar, but didn't find the volume button to insert there01:23
manverum0ns00n: try the kate-plugins package01:23
hettardipnlik: the volume button is just kmix and it docks into the tray01:24
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misieqis it safe to install kde 3.5 final from kubuntu on debian 3.1? 01:24
dipnlikhettar: can I move the tray to my top bar?01:24
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manverudipnlik: you have to remove it and add it again01:26
manverudipnlik: because you can have only one of them at the same time01:26
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dipnlikmanveru: perfect, thanks01:27
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_rootcompletamente NUEVO en esto, pero abri el "Konversation" y me salio conectado a este canal...01:32
_rootubuntu es la caa01:32
buzit's an english channel though01:32
_rootups.. sorry then...01:32
manveruthere is #kubuntu-es01:32
buztry http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat 01:32
buzcan i try xubuntu without risking my kubuntu install?01:34
buzor should i try it in vmware or some such01:34
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raphinkyes you can buz 01:35
raphinkxubuntu shouldn't affect your kubuntu install01:35
raphinkmaybe just change the bootsplash01:35
raphinkimo that's the worse it can do01:36
buzwill it stick to using kdm?01:36
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buzi think i'll try it in vmware ;)01:36
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raphinkhehe ok01:36
buzis there a backports channel?01:37
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buzi'm wondering about a firefox 1.5 deb ;)01:37
raphinkthere are backports to breezy01:38
buzi know01:38
raphinkI don't know if there's a backport channel01:38
raphinkyou can ask on #ubuntu-devel01:38
buzubuntu compatible firefox and thunderbird 1.5 debs would rock01:39
raphinkpackage them ;)01:39
buzno talent01:39
raphinkthe firefox package is 1.501:39
raphinkon dapper01:39
mornfallcheap excuse01:40
buzmight steal it there01:40
raphinkso it should be in breezy backports I guess01:40
buzits not yet01:40
raphinkit's not called mozilla-firefox, but firefox01:40
buzi could swear its not in backports01:40
raphinkI don't use firefox though01:41
buzi want my extensions01:41
raphinkyou don't need to swear buz :p01:41
buzelse i'd be using konqi ;)01:41
raphinkas of talents, there's no talent that I know of to package, just work01:41
raphinkwhat extensions do you need?01:41
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buzsage and webdev01:41
buzand no, akregator is not a real substitue for sage01:41
raphinkI used to use lots of extensions on FF and I'm perfectly happy with konqui01:41
buzbesides, konqi cant do wysiwyg editing in cms01:42
raphinkquanta can01:42
raphinkI think01:42
raphinkif I understand your sentence01:42
buznot really. it can edit standalone html but not use tools like htmlarea01:43
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mornfallfirefox is overrated... and it's a primarily windows app, which shows01:44
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freeflyingdose there anyone use scim( an input method )01:49
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uniqhi guys.02:05
buzmornfall: it might be overrated02:05
buzbut it's hell a lot more compatible than konqi02:05
buz"compatible" as in rendering broken sites02:06
mornfallgood i don't browse broken sites =)02:07
buzsometimes that cant be avoided02:07
buzand as i say, i need in browser wysiwyg editors02:07
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mornfallcan't be avoided? c'mon02:08
uniqhum.. kde 3.5 released yesterday. nice.02:08
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buzmornfall: cant as in "my uni is too stupid to build proper sites"02:10
mornfallnow, that sucks02:11
dipnlikhow can I take a screenshot in KDE?02:11
uniquse ksnapshot02:11
buzit's gotten better but the lack of in browser wysiwyg is a showstopper for me02:11
raphinkdipnlik: ksnapshotr02:11
dipnlikthanks all02:13
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Kamping_Kaiserwb jjesse02:26
jjessethanks Kamping_Kaise02:26
freeflyingkde-style-lipstik can be used now 02:26
Kamping_Kaiserall good02:26
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MenZa`does firefox 1.5 exist in the ubuntu repositories?02:40
Kamping_Kaiserin dapper yes02:41
ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperDrake02:41
Tm_TDapper <302:42
MenZa`not in breezy :\?02:44
raphinkit might be in backports02:44
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raphinkTm_T: did you try my new deb ?02:45
Tm_Traphink: haven't rebooted ;)02:45
raphinkok ;)02:46
freeflyingraphink:  dose the packages in your repo compiled against kdelibs4c2a02:46
raphinkhavn't built everything again freeflying 02:46
raphinkmost are02:46
raphinkI will rebuild them soon02:46
raphinkTm_T: you can check if your /boot/grub/menu.lst contains splashimage=(hd0,0)/ etc...02:47
raphinkinstead of (hd2,0)02:47
uboturumour has it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f02:48
ubotuwindowsdrives is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f02:48
Tm_Traphink: yu, I think grep is enough02:50
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raphinkwhat do you mean Tm_T ?02:50
raphinkoh yes sure grep is enough ;)02:50
Tm_Tused it, 0,0 all the way02:51
raphinkgood :)02:51
raphinkshould work now :)02:52
MenZa`how do I execute a script02:52
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MenZa`I have the script winmac_fstab and I need to execute it02:52
raphinkwhat script MenZa` ?02:53
raphinkyou need first to get sure it's executable02:53
raphinkrun `ls -l' on it02:54
MenZa`Working on that at the moment02:54
raphinkto check if you have x rights on this file02:54
MenZa`(Sorry, noob)02:54
raphinkMenZa`: do  you know a bit about unix ACL?02:54
=== MenZa` shakes head
ubotuI haven't a clue, MenZa`02:54
MenZa`ubotu doesn't either :o02:54
ubotuMenZa`: Did you get hit by a windmill?02:54
raphinkhehe you can ask me ;)02:54
raphinkI'm not a bot, I understand questions better most of the time ;,)02:55
MenZa`I sorta gave up half-way, but now I can't mount /dev/hda1 into /media/windows/ : \02:55
raphinkok I'll explain about the script thingy02:55
raphinkrun `ls -l $nameofyourscript'02:55
raphinkyou will get something like02:56
MenZa`$nameofyourscript = include dir?02:56
raphink-rx-r--r- etc..02:56
raphinkreplace by the name of your script MenZa` 02:56
l3manyone else experiencing konqueror-crashes since upgrading to 3.5? 02:56
MenZa`run `ls -l /home/menza/winmac_fstab02:56
raphinkno l3m 02:56
MenZa`I assume :p02:56
raphinkwithout the `02:57
raphinkls -l /home/menza/winmac_fstab02:57
MenZa`no output02:58
raphinkTm_T: ?02:58
raphinkMenZa`: are you sure of the name and location of the file ?02:58
raphinkTm_T: you said nope, what was this about?02:58
Kamping_KaiserMenZa`: run sh ~/path/to/file02:58
Tm_Traphink: about konqi crashes ;)02:58
MenZa`I got some output now02:58
MenZa`-rwxr--r--  1 menza menza 4713 2005-09-02 22:42 /home/menza/winmac_fstab02:58
raphinkthe -rwxr--r-- means that the owner (menza) has read and write ACL but no execute one (no x in the first 3 letters)02:59
raphinkwell no actually03:00
raphinkthe first letter tells whether it's a directory or not03:00
raphinkhere it doesn't say `d' so it's not sa dir03:00
raphinkthen you have the ACLs for the owner, on the next 3 letters03:00
MenZa`"r" standing for..? Readable?03:00
raphinkin this case, it's rwx03:00
raphinkso that means you can read, write and execute it03:00
MenZa`Well, I need to know how to run it then :S03:00
raphinkthen you have r--, which means the group (menza group) can only read it03:00
raphinkand then you have r-- which means all other users can only read03:01
raphinkso then03:01
raphinkto run it03:01
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raphinkyou just need to cd to the directory wher eit is03:01
MenZa`just a sec03:01
raphinkand type ./winmac_fstab03:01
MenZa`I just did sudo /home/menza/winmac_fstab03:02
raphinkwell see that works ;)03:02
MenZa`I'll try going "y"03:02
MenZa`some error03:03
MenZa`can't find a windows partition, even though I've had no problems before03:03
raphinkhmm I don't know this script03:04
raphinkand I couldn't test it since I don't have windows03:04
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MenZa`any idea what may be wrong?03:04
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raphinkno idea MenZa` 03:05
MenZa`Any idea why I can't mount it manually then :\?03:06
raphinkhmm what kind of partition is it?03:06
ubotuI heard mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f03:08
raphinkhmm there are pbs with ntfs anyway03:08
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raphinkit's not fully supported03:08
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raphinkand I wouldn't be surprised M$ would soon decide that it's illegal to mount ntfs partitions on linux03:08
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MenZa`That's what I get when I try to mount it03:09
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raphinkwell to me that says it all03:10
raphinkI mean it pretends it's already mounted on /media/03:11
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raphinkso you obviously can't mount it again on /media/windows03:11
MenZa`I go to /media/windows/ but it's empty03:11
viviersflol MenZa` 03:11
raphinkof course it's empty03:11
raphinkif it's mounted to /media/03:11
viviersftype : mount03:11
viviersfand paste it03:11
raphinkthere's no reason why it would be in /media/windows03:11
raphinklook at the pastebin viviersf 03:12
viviersfi wanan go have03:12
raphinkviviersf: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/522603:12
MenZa`I just re-read it03:12
MenZa`how could I miss that03:12
raphinkMenZa`: ;)03:12
MenZa`there it is :)03:12
raphinkso check your /media/ MenZa` 03:12
viviersfi want full contests of what : mount is03:12
raphinkof course MenZa` ;)03:12
raphinkif you check in the wrong place you can't find it03:12
viviersftype : mount03:13
MenZa`true :D03:13
viviersfand paste03:13
viviersfmount with no arguments03:13
raphinkthat means your /etc/fstab is not set right03:13
raphinkso you should modify it03:13
raphinkto mount your partition to /media/windows03:13
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the winmac_fstab file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab  See <partitions>.03:13
MenZa`Ah :D03:13
MenZa`<3 ubotu 03:13
viviersfMenZa`, 03:14
viviersfcd /media03:14
viviersfall you doze stuff is there03:14
viviersfraphink, is right03:14
MenZa`0 GB Disk (hda1)  cdrom  cdrom0  floppy  floppy0  usbdisk  WIN  window03:14
viviersfyour fstab is wasted03:14
viviersfah wait03:14
viviersfMenZa`, 03:14
raphinkMenZa`: paste your /etc/fstab in a pastebin please03:14
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viviersfcd "/media/0 GB"03:15
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viviersf@ MenZa` 03:15
mth`MAWopps 03:15
MenZa`yea yea, I don't work as fast as you :S03:15
mth`MAWi ment03:15
raphinkviviersf: can you read what MenZa` wrote a few minutes ago?03:15
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raphinkwhile you were telling him to do things I had told him to do03:15
viviersfoh soz03:16
viviersfi didnt see03:16
viviersfraphink, the prob is /dev/hda1 is mounted on /media/0 GB03:16
raphinkMenZa`: just past your /etc/fstab in a pastebin and we can see what there is to change in it03:16
raphinkyes I've seen that too viviersf 03:17
viviersfthus it wont mount on media/windows again03:17
viviersfjust easy fstab03:17
viviersfsince you fine03:17
viviersfim going home03:17
raphinkdrive safely viviersf 03:17
MenZa`cya viviersf 03:17
raphinkdon't use emacs, use more or nano MenZa` 03:18
raphinkor less03:18
MenZa`I was just recommended emacs :o03:18
raphinkand try to not be logged as root 03:18
raphinkthere's sudo in ubuntu to prevent being logged as root ;)03:18
MenZa`why's being root bad?03:18
raphinkwell see you can't launch emacs ;)03:18
raphinkbecause root is not allowed to launch graphic programs ;)03:19
redguyroot stole the cookies03:19
raphinkwhich is good03:19
raphinkMenZa`: so just past `more fstab' or open the file with nano03:19
raphinksee the pb MenZa` ?03:22
raphinkyour windows line is a mess ;)03:22
Juerd_Everything Windows is a mess.03:22
=== MenZa` nods fervently
dipnlikmy KDE icons became really small, how can I fix it?03:22
raphinkit mounts your partition on /media/0\040GB\040Disk\040(hda1)03:22
raphinkso edit the file (nano is fine for that)03:22
MenZa`dipnlik: System Settings -> Display -> ICons03:22
raphinkand change the line to03:23
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raphinkI mean03:23
raphink/dev/hda1 /media/0\040GB\040Disk\040(hda1) ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 003:23
raphink 003:23
raphinkright now you have 03:23
MenZa`just a sec03:23
raphinkthat's what you have now03:23
raphinkchange it to 03:23
dipnlikMenZa`: doesn't help :(03:23
skamanhi guys anyone could let kdetv run under breezy?03:24
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raphink /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0     003:24
icewtdipnlik: are you running kde 3.5?03:24
dipnlikicewt: don't know exactly, but probably not03:24
raphinkif you don't know, then no03:24
raphinkand what MenZa` told you should do it03:24
raphinkif you search a bit around in options there ;)03:25
MenZa`And how do I save it, raphink 03:25
raphinkon nano ?03:25
MenZa`Converting from win to nix isn't exactly my cuppa tea03:25
raphinkctrl+o to save, then ctrl+x to close03:25
MenZa`Let's see03:25
raphinkthen you can 03:26
raphinkumount /dev/hda103:26
raphinkand mount /media/windows03:26
icewti've just heard that some people have had problems with icon sizes in kde 3.5, that's why i was asking (haven't noticed anything myself though)03:26
MenZa`thanks dude :D03:27
raphinkyou're welcome MenZa` 03:27
raphinkno pb with me at least icewt :)03:27
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icewtraphink: yeah03:28
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dipnlikwell, i am trying to configure the icon size even in the advanced tab and still the icons are small :(03:29
dipnlikthe doubled sized pixels option works, the others don't :(03:29
raphinklet me install systemsettings03:32
raphinkwell build and install it03:32
dipnlikweird thing is: the option says "desktop/file manager", i change the icon size, then desktop icons change fine, but not the file manager icons03:33
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raphinkyou mean the icons in the konqueror window ?03:34
raphinkthat's what you want to set ?03:34
raphinknot the toolbars03:34
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raphinkthen just press ctrl and use your mouse wheel  ;)03:34
raphinkor use ctrl++ or ctrl+-03:34
raphinkthat's not really settings, it's rather zooming on the windows ;)03:35
dipnlikraphink: didn't work :(03:36
raphinkhow about ctrl++ ?03:36
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dipnlikopens a window: select files03:37
raphinkwait a min03:38
eternal9!nvidia 6303:39
ubotueternal9: Did you get hit by a windmill?03:39
ubotuI heard nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736803:39
raphinkwhat exactly did you try dipnlik ?03:40
eternal9does anyone have nvidia 4 chipset and a 6600 gt gpu having one hell of a time03:41
raphinknot me03:41
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dipnlikraphink: opened my home folder, clicked on the window to focus it, held ctrl, pressed + on the numpad, got the window03:42
dipnlikraphink: same with ctrl shift =03:42
raphinkdipnlik: that's what you want, no ? http://raphink.myftp.org/zoom.gif03:43
raphinksorry it's a bit big ;)03:43
Kamping_Kaisereternal9: good luck with the drivers03:43
Kamping_Kaiserdothn think it will work (but nto sure)03:44
dipnlikraphink: yes. not that big but yes03:44
raphinkI used ctrl+mouse wheel to do that03:44
raphinkjust hold ctrl and drag your mouse wheel03:44
dipnlikraphink: don't work here. maybe something with the konqueror shortcut configs? will look into it03:46
raphinkhmm ok03:46
raphinkit's not konqueror though03:46
raphinkthe ctrl+wheel is kde-wide03:46
raphinkI can do it on other apps03:46
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dipnlikraphink: while browsing with konqueror it works, changes font size :(03:48
raphinkthen I don't see why it doesn't work on icons03:48
raphinkthat's weird03:48
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dipnlikraphink: even the zoom buttons on the toolkbar are greyed out03:53
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raphinkthat's weird03:54
raphinkmine work fine03:54
raphinkthere must be something in your settings ......03:54
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dipnlikraphink: probably, but where? :(04:00
raphinkno idea :s04:01
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dipnlikraphink: where can I get more themes?04:01
dipnlikraphink: maybe installing another theme can help, don't know04:02
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JavaGeekgreetings, bytecodes!(tm)04:05
JavaGeeka quick question. The installation of Sun's java is the same as the one for ubuntu, right?04:07
uniqjavageek: yes.04:08
JavaGeekuniq: ok04:10
JavaGeekdamn, I left adept running, and now I'm locked out of the apt repository04:10
JavaGeekwell, I guess I'll have to install everything tonight when I get back home04:11
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bl3ssingGood day everyone! 04:16
kkathmanhello bl3ssing :)04:16
bl3ssing................. meeeeeee................. SNORING! =))04:16
bl3ssinghow're you people?04:16
bl3ssinghello kkathman04:16
bl3ssinghow're you?04:16
Kamping_Kaiserhi bl3ssing :)04:16
bl3ssingare you ready for other questions? :-)  ... 04:17
kkathmanfighting a cold or something , but Im ok04:17
bl3ssingHello Kamping_Kaiser; how're you?04:17
Kamping_Kaiserok. self?04:17
bl3ssingsorry'bou tthe cold04:17
bl3ssingwhere did you get it from? are you living somewhere in Norway? :-)04:17
kkathmanits ok...I'll be fine..but I appreciate your concern04:17
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bl3ssingcause I've been there and ... there's pretty cold outside ...04:17
raphinkhi bl3ssing 04:17
kkathmanbl3ssing: nah...my kids were home from college and I think they gave it to me04:18
bl3ssingnot here in Romania ... but there ...04:18
bl3ssingraphink: God bless you! how're you my friend? :-)04:18
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=== raphink can't find the Offerings ksplash splashscreens anywhere anymore
raphinkit seems the author has suffered so much from attacks to christians that he gave up on creating christian art04:18
bl3ssingheeheheh about the cold ... kkathman; just tell them when they get back at home from college, to leave the cold right over there to the college, or at least to give it to the teachers ... but not to you. :-) 04:19
raphinkI'm fine apart from that bl3ssing 04:19
raphinkthe way christian contributions are considered on kde-look is outrageous04:19
kkathmanI will do that bl3ssing :)04:19
bl3ssingrath... what you mean ... ? 04:19
bl3ssingare you people christians? or ...?04:19
bl3ssingcause I am ... and I love my Lord. 04:19
raphinkI am 04:19
kkathmanI am04:19
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Stele"I call the cat 'Lord'"04:20
raphinkI am the admin of a CDD called Ichthux04:20
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kkathmanwhat kinds of questions are plaguing you today bl3ssing :)04:20
raphinkthat is aimed to creating a christian distribution04:20
bl3ssingthat's great ... knowing that we're christians. 04:20
raphinkbased on Debian04:20
bl3ssingI see raphink ...04:20
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raphinkkkathman and bl3ssing  you could join #christianforums on irc.christianforums.com someday ;) we're mostly christian linux fans there ;)04:21
bl3ssingand ... what is the point ... can you be more specified? what's the main purpose of what you're saying ... cause I'm out of what you're saying. 04:21
raphinkbl3ssing: well there are apps for christians on linux04:21
bl3ssingthanks raphink, Ill be right on it. :-)04:21
raphinksuch as the sword project, with bibletime, gnomesword, etc.04:21
raphinkand other apps that could help churches if well set04:21
raphinkand christian art for linux too04:21
raphinkso the idea is to make a custom distro04:22
bl3ssingsorry raphink, but I won't quit with this kubuntu ... cause I got some friends right over here ... and ...04:22
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raphinkoh sure bl3ssing me neither ;)04:22
raphinkthat's why we develop as a CDD04:22
kkathmanI'll certainly join over there sometime :)04:22
raphinkcustom debian distributions are sets of metapackages04:22
bl3ssingme too kkathman, but maybe now ... I'll open another kvirc.04:23
kkathmanI dont think I can join two networks simutaneoulsy tho :)04:23
bl3ssingyou can ... kkathman; if you'll have to irc opened04:23
Kaiser_Sleepskkathman: what ylou using?04:23
raphinkso that ichthux would actually turn a Debian distro into a tuned christian one04:23
kkathmanKaiser_Sleeps: kvirc :)04:23
Kaiser_Sleepsoh :)04:23
raphinkkkathman: what client?04:23
raphinkdunno then ;)04:23
kkathmanraphink: thats really a great idea :)04:23
buzi just somehow doubt its the right channel to discuss it04:23
raphinkkkathman: the project is a bit stalled04:23
raphinkbuz: are we preventing people from asking questions aboug kubuntu?04:24
buzwell topics like this often end up in flamewars04:24
raphinkor is it just that it hurts your eyes to see people chatting about things you don't believe in?04:24
kkathmanraphink and bl3ssing probably buz is right, we could take the discussion to another channel if you'd like04:24
buzif i took enough offense i'd start the flamewar04:25
raphinkkkathman: I wouldn't mind, although I would think the time when christians had to hide had ceased ;)04:25
kkathmanraphink and bl3ssing go to #cdd-talk04:25
Kaiser_Sleepsboys, take it -to04:25
Kaiser_Sleepsrealy ;)04:25
Kaiser_Sleepsraphink: talk christian sure, but not in the main channel :)04:26
kkathmanreally has nothing to do with hiding, but with the channel topic04:26
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buzotherwise, next thing we now, someone comes and wants to do the pasta distribution...04:26
kkathmanbl3ssing: please join us in #cdd-talk04:27
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buzk3b somehow crashed during burning and now the cd spins at full speed and wont come out04:28
needlz_ive a thinkpad t42 with a centrino wlan card, everytime i try to activate the ath0 (wlan interface), it activates for 1 second and then deactivates it..does anyone know what i can do?04:28
dipnlikok, now I'm really fscked up. cannot open konqueror, it crashes on me if I try to open a local folder04:29
crimsuncentrino should use ipw2x0004:29
needlz_crimsun: yep ipw220004:29
needlz_KWifimanager even finds my wlan (it shows me the ssid)..but i cant connect :/04:29
needlz_but systemsettings -> network settings shows me "disabled" wireless network device..and i cant activate it04:30
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needlz_(i run it with sudo)04:30
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needlz_crimsun: oh and ive read that (k)ubuntu supports the iwp2200 thingy now automaticly..without any special tweaks :/04:32
bl3ssingraphink: can you retype the link of the christianforum? pls ... the server and the channel; thanks in advandage...04:32
raphinkoh well the server is down atm bl3ssing I think :(04:33
raphinkbut join us on #cdd-talk04:33
bl3ssingwhat's the meaning of cdd?04:33
kkathmanjoin please04:34
raphinkcustom debian distro04:34
raphinkit doesn't matter 04:34
raphinkwe're there with kkathman 04:34
raphinkso come ;)04:34
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raphinktype /join #cdd-talk04:34
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Dr_Fateis there a ssstock ticker for KDE?04:55
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manveruDr_Fate: maybe... but it has not that many 's' i fear...04:56
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manveruDr_Fate: try knewsticker - it has scripts for stock-market04:56
Dr_Fatealso I just installed KDE with the new 3.5 repo added04:56
Dr_Fateand I have no superkaramba?04:57
egonwapt-get install superkaramba?04:57
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Dr_Fateit seems allot of the extras with KDE were not installed with kubuntu-desktop pright?04:57
Dr_FateI thought superkaramba was part of KDE 3.5, why would I have to apt-get it seperately?04:58
egonwbecause KDE 3.5 != kubuntu-desktop04:58
egonwtry: apt-get install kdesktop04:58
Dr_Fatekdesktop is already the newest version.04:59
egonwok, then I don't know...04:59
Dr_Fatemust admit, I like the new KDE04:59
egonwinstall it manually...04:59
=== egonw too
Dr_Fateits actually kinda snappy04:59
egonwthe new superkaramba even gets the transparent liquidWeather on my amd64 rigth :)05:00
Dr_Fatethats what I want!05:00
egonwjust do: apt-get install superkaramba05:00
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martinjh99Just a quickie whens FF 1.5 out for Kubuntu...?05:02
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hussamRiddell: Hi, Will there be a koffice 1.4.3 before 1.5?05:04
Tm_Thussam: maybe05:05
Tm_Tmy Koffice says "1.4 post" as version :p05:06
Tm_Tso prolly yes05:06
hussamTm_T: I was asking before krita 1.4.2 crashes a bit05:06
Tm_Theh, I know05:07
Tm_TI don't use krita nor karbon, both are mostly unusable to me05:07
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Tm_Tkrita lacks many functions I need and is slow and crashy, karbon is way too slow05:07
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egonwsomeone around who can help me with a sendmail/anacron problem? email for local root gets send to root of network SMTP server...05:13
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hussamTm_T: well if there is, I have we get breezy packages :)05:15
Dr_Fateok install superkaramba05:15
Dr_Fateits kool05:15
Dr_Fatebut I installed the liquid weather05:15
hussamTm_T: sorry, that's hope* we get05:15
Dr_Fateand it did not work05:15
Dr_Fatehow to reinstall a superkaramba module?05:15
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egonwI had that too...05:17
egonwserver is slow, too busy with people installin KDE 3.5 I guess :)05:18
Dr_Fatehow did you fix it?05:18
egonwdownload the .skz manually, and install it $HOME/.kde/share/apps/superkaramba/themes/.05:18
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Dr_Fatejust to fix the liquid weather app?05:24
Dr_Fatecan't Ii just uninstall and reinstall it05:24
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Dr_Fateand whatever happened to the kweather applet?05:26
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jrattner1is there a program similar to knewsticker for gnome'?05:28
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_ajnalioth_zZz: i did fix it without a re-install 05:38
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nalioth_zZz_aj: and it took ya a whole lot of --force, i'm sure05:41
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_ajnot really05:48
_aji just did a dist-upgrade05:48
_ajand fixed the bad cairo lib in /usr/ib05:48
_ajyou can set /etc/apt/preferences so it will dist-upgrade to breezy05:49
_ajwhich is actually downgrading05:49
_aji do have one problem and i can't figure it out though when i try to run kaffeine with a video its looking for gstreamer_part.desktop and it can't find it...any idea anyone what that means?05:50
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angasule_aj: I have the same problem in another distro (I'm still downloading kubuntu)05:52
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_ajoh ok05:55
_aji know gstreamer works05:55
_ajbut i can't figure out why it doesn't with kaffeine05:55
TedLemonCan anybody whack me with a clue stick?   I'm trying to upgrade to 3.5, but it won't upgrade most packages - it says 88 were held back.05:55
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_ajawesome i fixed kaffeine now too so everything works06:04
angasule_aj: how did you fix it?06:06
_ajwell i used xine to do playback06:06
_aji installed kaffeine-xine06:06
angasuleah, ok06:07
_ajand changed some permissions of a /var/tmp/kdecache-aj/ to my user06:07
CarstenP_aj: kaffeine-xine is REALLY great06:08
CarstenPit just keeps crashing after i did sth with it06:09
CarstenPand close it06:09
_ajkaffeine-xine crashes?06:11
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hussamhas anybody tried to install kde35?06:22
[Dev] Nullyep i'm running kde 3.506:22
[Dev] Nullfrom the kubuntu repositories06:22
hussam[Dev] Null: did it want to remove kubuntu-desktop?06:23
[Dev] Nulli only used apt-get upgrade06:23
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[Dev] Nulland changed the sources.list of 3.5rc1 to 3.506:24
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hussamI wanted to upgrade but if a dist-upgrade removed kubuntu-desktop, I'll stick to kde 3.4.306:24
ninHerhi all06:24
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[Dev] Nullhussam: what repositories are u using to upgrade kde ?06:25
hussamdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35/ breezy main06:25
[Dev] Nulltry to apt-get install kdebase06:26
[Dev] Nulland the next time apt-get dist-upgrade or upgrade06:26
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hussamso you think it is kdebase preventing kubuntu-dekstop?06:27
[Dev] Nullkubuntu-desktop it's only a metapackage to install KDE06:27
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hussamI know but I want to keep it06:27
[Dev] Nulltry to upgrade with adept but i don't have any problem in the upgrade from kde 3.4 to 3.506:28
hussambecause you did upgrade and not dist-upgrade06:28
[Dev] Nullnope i used dist-upgrade06:28
hussamdid you upgrade all the packages?06:29
[Dev] Nullyep06:29
kkathmanthe standard repos have not been updated yet06:29
kkathmanso that means there are still dependencies that are not synched06:29
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kkathmanId advise waiting a day or two, till 3.5 is in the standard repos :)06:30
[Dev] Nulli'm using the "old" 3.5rc1 repositories now are 3.5 final06:30
kkathmanbut its always up to the individual as to how much work they want to do06:30
hussam[Dev] Null: do you still have kubuntu-desktop installed?06:30
[Dev] Nullw8 i'm verify :P06:31
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hussamkkathman: I think i might wait till kde 3.5.106:31
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[Dev] Nullhussam: nope i don't have installed kubuntu-desktop06:31
_kkHi people!06:31
hussam[Dev] Null: then that's it06:32
hussamwell as long as kde 3.4.3 is supported in kubuntu breezy, I'll wait for now06:33
_kkI've installed kubuntu-desktop on breezy. I'm not able to access any KDE app which requires root access06:34
_kkKDE su accepts my password, but the options still remain grayed out06:34
hussam_kk: run: kdesu <application>06:35
_kkI face no problems running admin-apps on gnome06:35
kkathmanhussam:  you are a wise man06:35
_kkwell, kde su starts up and even accepts my password...06:35
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hussam_kk, kkathman: Ah, I get it. there was a fix for admin mode in breezy-updates06:36
_kkhas anyone tried swsusp? How do I get the "hibernate" option on my K Logout menu?06:36
sampankk, you have just met the infamous "administrator bug" in kubuntu (say "HI!" and shake it's hand) -- updates fix it06:36
_kkhussam: oh! it's a known bug then?06:37
kkathmanits a fixed bug06:37
kkathmanget updates06:37
kkathmanuse adept06:37
_kkok..I'm new to ubuntu..which repository holds updates for breezy?06:37
kkathmanif you updated to breezy you already have them06:38
kkathmanassuming all went well :)06:38
_kkkkathman: well...I am on breezy now!06:38
kkathmanjust run Adept Updater and get the updates06:38
_kkI'lll try it right away06:38
_kkthere is something different about the ubuntu community..06:39
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_kkIt seems much more friendlier than any other linux community!06:39
bhna_kk: ;-)06:40
_kkseriously! anywhere else, I'd be clobbered on the head for being stupid enough to ask a question like this!06:40
sampanindeed -- being a newb myself, i've never heard "RTFM" once with ubuntu -- worst that's happened is my question occasionally get ignored ... but no one is mean about it ;)06:40
_kkyes..and it does rub off on you..06:41
_kkyou end up being much more helpful to the others too06:41
kkathmanthats our hope :)06:41
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_kkbtw, does canonical make any money with ubuntu?06:42
_kkor is it a non-profit?06:42
DelvienAnyone know alot about Samba and windows networking between samba?06:42
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bhna_kk: they will make there money with professionel support06:43
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sampankk, afaik the OS itself is non-profit, but they're planning making money with ... yeah, what bhna said06:43
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hussam_kk: you're right about the community thing. I once asked a question in #linux and instead of answering my sinmple question. some guy told me to go learn how stuff work and then come back. That was pretty rude.06:43
_kkyes..I know..I've been kicked around #linux and even #linuxhelp!06:45
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_kkkkathman: synaptic and adept report that there are no packages to update..seems logical considering that I installed breezy and kubuntu desktop just 2 days ago...06:49
DelvienCan anyone help me with a bit of samba setup?06:50
_kkkkathman: Is there a chance that the repositories have not been updated?06:50
_kkor are updates in a different repository?06:50
bhna_kk: i think you (your kubuntu) is up to date06:50
andrzejsomebody have package firefox1.5?06:51
_kkbhna: then the bug is not fixed then? I think I should see the bugzilla..06:51
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bhnaqaqa: wich bug. haven't read all your comments06:52
qaqabhna: the kde-admin bug - when I start kdeadmin apps, kdesu accepts my password, but the admin options still remain grayed out..06:53
qaqabhna: I was told that this bug was well known and was squished recently06:53
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bhnaqaqa: every time or sometimes? i have this somtimes to. even with kde 3.506:53
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qaqaI have it every time...makes kubuntu unusable since I'm not able to set the options I need06:54
qaqaI'm forced to use gnome..06:54
qaqaubuntu packages for KDE 3.5 are already out? how is kde 3.5? worht the upgrade?06:55
bhnaqaqa: www.kubuntu.org -> last news.06:56
bhnaqaqa: can you start your programm in a terminal with sudo xxx06:57
qaqabhna:the kdeapps? I havent tried...one sec..I'll do it now06:58
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bhnaqaqa: e.g. sudo kcontrol06:58
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qaqabhna: yup! they work fine!06:59
qaqabhna: I ran them from the root console06:59
bhnaqaqa: kdesu kcontrol?07:00
qaqabhna: I think I can salvage the situation! thanks! they'll hopefully fix it soon07:00
qaqabhna: no..I have a "root console" option in my menu..starts a konsole with root priviliges..07:00
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bhnaqaqa: root console in kubuntu? this isn't standard.07:01
qaqaoh! I'm sorry I misunderstood! no, kdesu kcontrol does not work. same problem07:02
ClayGhow do you save / exit in vi?07:02
qaqabhna: yes..it's non standard..I think it was in warty though07:02
qaqaClayG: quit without save: <esc> :q!07:02
bhnaClayG: don't know. man vi could help07:03
qaqaClayG: Quit with save: <esc>:wq07:03
ClayGI tried this, esc then wq but does not work07:04
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bhnaqaqa: have you update your warty to breezy. maybe this ist the reason for your problem.07:04
Delviensamba is hella hard to set up with XP07:04
StRhi all07:04
qaqaClayG: you need to type in ":wq" after <esc>. mind the :07:04
DelvienStupid ass XP networking , i hate you07:04
ClayGoh, I see07:04
StRanyone knows how to install  php 5.1 in kubuntu?07:04
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qaqabhna: No..I;m running breezy now..loved the root console concept..so I added a menu entry for sudo konsole07:05
ClayGwow, I hate this thing07:05
ClayGis there a better text editor?07:05
qaqaClayG: It's quite nice for programming07:05
ClayGI'm messing around ssh on my webhost07:05
qaqaClayG: GUI or command line?07:06
bhnaClayG: kate?07:06
ClayGand i can't tell when it has accepted the esc or not07:06
ClayGI need something cli07:06
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qaqaClayG: I prefer kwrite on gui. mcedit on the command line is good - reminds me of the DOS edit07:06
ClayGdos edit07:06
ClayGI've used that a time or two07:06
qaqaClayG: There is a whole suite - "midnight commander" mcedit is a part of that. look around in apt07:07
ClayGbut it wasn't put in dos till the later years, was it?07:07
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ClayGI can't this is a fedora box, it's not my server, im using ssh to mess around07:07
qaqaClayG: I think it came in with 5.x07:07
qaqaClayG: well, head over to rpmfind.net then. 07:08
ClayGbefore that to create a text file you needed to use the down and dirty "copy con hello.txt"07:08
qaqaClayG: fedora has nano too. 07:08
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qaqaClayG: I doubt that was the only way. 07:08
ClayGwith just the OS?07:08
ClayGI cannot remember if Dos had this packaged or if it was thrid party07:09
ClayGbut was qbasic part of the earlier dos (around 3.0) packages?07:09
ClayGnever mind, dont want to talk dos in a nix channel, this is asking to get "trolled"07:10
ClayGThanks for your help07:10
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qaqaClayG: np07:10
qaqawhat runlevel is boot directly into X? runlevel 4 or runlevel 5?07:11
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ClayGqaqa, may i bother you again with a simple question for you07:13
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bhnaqaqa: 207:14
qaqaClayG: let it fly07:14
qaqabhna: thanks.07:14
ClayGLet's say the machine you were using could not compile executables, you must use what is provided with the os.  07:14
bhnaqaqa: 2 in ubuntu 5 in suse, fedora ...07:14
qaqabhna: ah! confusing!07:14
qaqaClayG: ok...07:14
ClayGAnyhow, besides vi and vim what other text editors are there07:15
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ClayGsomething a simpleton like me could understand07:15
prxqClayG: have you tried emacs?07:15
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prxqhas menus and stuff.07:16
ClayGoh and there is no X/gui everything needs to be cli07:16
qaqaClayG: well, you can still use nano..mcedit..07:16
ClayGI will try that now07:16
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ClayGdoesn't have mcedit on it07:16
qaqaClayG: emacs is a little difficult to pick up07:16
ClayGHas nano though, looks good07:16
qaqaClayG: do you have admin rights on the server?07:16
qaqaClayG: you can try edlin ;)07:17
ClayGsays it is not found07:18
qaqaClayG: lucky!07:18
ClayGnano looks like something I would be able to understand07:18
qaqaClayG: It's a line editor  - you edit the file one line at a time!07:18
qaqaClayG: preceded vi. vi was the first "visual" editor 07:18
ClayGcan you only see one line at a time as well?07:18
qaqaClayG: I think so07:19
ClayGto remove a directory and all files in it?07:19
ClayGrm /dir/*?07:19
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qaqaClayG: and rmdir <dir>07:20
qaqaClayG: I think you can rm -R <dir> to remove dir and contents07:21
teprrrRiddell, do you happen to know if it's known that update-menus.real sigsegvs on breezy?07:21
qaqaClayG: be careful though..make sure you're in the right directory07:21
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ClayGlast command worked07:22
ClayGrm -R <dir> (whats the -R for? , tell it to shut up and do it? lol)07:22
qaqaClayG: -R = recursive. -f tells it to shut up07:23
ClayGI wish this shell had irc07:26
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ClayGis there anything the predated irssi that may come bundled with this?07:26
ClayGIt will not let me locate either07:27
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Patrick`I'm trying to use xfce4 instead of kde but it's harder to stop using KDE than it is to quit islam07:43
Patrick`tried everything07:43
Patrick`update-alternatives, uninstalling parts of kde07:44
Patrick`chicken voodoo07:44
jjessePatrick`: just install ubuntu or kubuntu as "server" then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:47
Patrick`someone just answered me in #ubuntu, but ta07:47
Patrick`jjesse: to be honest, if I was going to reinstall, I'd just switch to gnome instead07:48
Patrick`I got this laptop, I thought it could handle kde, but it just dies of swap death after a few days07:48
Patrick`used xfce4 before, liked it07:48
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jjessei install ubuntu-server and wanted the gui so i went w/ xubuntu07:49
PokerFacePenguinanyone know how to set the default timezone from UTC to GMT?  NTP syncs keep changing my bios clock07:49
manveruPokerFacePenguin: you are using your computer with windows?07:50
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PokerFacePenguinmanveru: kubuntu07:50
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manveruonly kubuntu?07:50
manveruthen it is no problem, right?07:50
PokerFacePenguinmanveru: 2 partitions, ubuntu and kubuntu07:50
Patrick`PokerFacePenguin: hah07:51
Patrick`that solves it, I suppose07:51
manveruwell, you know - it is the standard-behaviour so set it to UTC - so every user on the system can get the correct time07:52
PokerFacePenguindoes anyone know how to change the default?07:52
Patrick`PokerFacePenguin: use debian for 3 years 07:52
Patrick`worked for me ^_^07:52
Patrick`although I pulled most of my hair out07:52
PokerFacePenguinPatrick`: u got a solution?07:52
ClayGman konqueror doesn't want to run for shit07:53
Patrick`PokerFacePenguin: nope, my time "just works"07:53
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Patrick`if I tried to help I'd be wasting your time07:53
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ClayGPokerFacePenguin, how about right clicking the time on your desktop going into prefs and unlicking the UTC box07:54
ClayGperfs or properties07:54
Tm_Traphink: sir07:55
raphinkyep Tm_T ?07:55
PokerFacePenguinClayG: there is no "checkbox" to unclick the UTC07:55
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Tm_Traphink: it does work :)07:55
raphinkgreat :)07:55
raphinkthanks Tm_T 07:55
Tm_Traphink: though weird, first some graphics and then back to "normal" linux boot text in black -stream =)07:56
dennis_pYou can have the system clock in local time (windows compatible) or international time (unix superior) what do you want?07:56
dennis_pinternation gets recalculated for each (unix) os and user optimaly07:58
PokerFacePenguindennis_p: i want my local time to be GMT (EST) and not screw with the BIOS time by changing it to UTC.  Otherwise, I have to have New York time under the bottom of my clock.07:58
manveruyou don't have to do that07:58
dennis_pwell screwed but only in windows07:59
manveruright-click on your clock - configure07:59
PokerFacePenguindid that07:59
PokerFacePenguinsays utc07:59
manveruoh wait - wrong menu :)07:59
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manveru hmm08:03
dennis_pyou can change time and time zone in kubuntu but if you want to dual boot in windows you have to dumb down your systemclock to be usable in 1 local time only.08:03
manveruok, my menu is gone08:03
manverui should complete my 3.5 update now08:03
=== P3L|C4N0 re
PokerFacePenguindennis_p: my local time shows up as UTC....How would I change local time to be GMT?08:04
dennis_psystem in k-menu08:05
dennis_pdate and time icon08:05
PokerFacePenguindennis_p: i dont run windows, ubuntu and kubuntu...when it syncs with NTP to the north-america pool, it changes my local time to UTC time...which means to see my local time, i must change timezone to NewYork, and it shows that at the bottom of the clock08:06
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manveruPokerFacePenguin: you have to configure your profile to say you are in NY08:09
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manveruPokerFacePenguin: then you can choose local timezone08:10
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manverucan't help you right now - my old kde is just falling apart08:10
dennis_pif changes in date and time were unsuccesfull, try to change the system clock usage with 'sudo base-config' and select your correct location08:10
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Tm_TamaroK and GL are both segfaulting08:11
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dennis_pmanveru: after upgrading to kde 3.5 you have to restart KDE08:11
PokerFacePenguinthere you go....thats probably what i need...i bet ubuntu partition screwed with the bios when i installed it08:12
manverudennis_p: i know... it's the after-part... i'm just building a new kernel in between08:12
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manveruso, almost done08:12
manverucu later guys08:13
PokerFacePenguindennis_p: thanks for the tip...gonna reboot and set my bios by hand to see if it changes again to another tz08:16
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manverunice... nothing too new - but quite enjoyable08:23
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PokerFacePenguindennis_p: just wanted to tell you that sudo base-config did the trick to reset my local08:25
PokerFacePenguindennis_p: appreciate it08:25
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KnowerrorsAnybody whos upgraded to kde 3.5, do you know if ivman should be modified or removed for the new media insert features to work?08:32
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gsuvegme the acpi isnt works :(08:38
JakubS_Knowerrors: i guess you can get rid of ivman entirely08:39
KnowerrorsJakubS_: delete the file or clear it out?08:39
JakubS_apt-get remove ivman :-)08:39
_martinMy DVD drive seems to be running in PIO mode (horribly laggy while playing DVD's in VLC or Ogle). How do you enable DMA??08:40
Knowerrorsthe reason I ask, is I thought with kde 3.5, when you insert an audio cd, or usb stick or other device, a window should pop up asking you for an action on it, like in XP...08:40
Knowerrorsand mine didn't, just auto started KsCD to play audio cd08:40
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Knowerrorshmmm, anybody else banned from #ubuntu?  wonder whats up with that08:41
gsuvegKnowerrors: what you make for bann ?08:41
kkathmandid you use an /away message??08:42
jazwechi..please..when i want to shutdown my kubuntu system, it says power off, i can hear like the HDD is disconnecting but my PC stay turned on with black screen...could anybody help me?08:42
kkathmanhmm well they are sometimes a bit temporamental there I guess08:42
gsuvegjazwec: kde 3.5 ?08:42
Knowerrors"/join #ubuntu   ...  [474]  #ubuntu You're banned from that channel08:42
kkathmanthey are getting the "linux" head :)08:42
KnowerrorsJakubS_: did you uninstall ivman?08:43
kkathmanI dont even know who to message on that Knowerrors :(08:43
jazwecqsuveg i think...i have kubuntu 5.1008:43
Knowerrorskkathman: can you join #ubuntu?08:44
kkathmanlemme see08:44
Knowerrorshmmm, weird08:44
jazwecgsuveg no...3.4.308:44
kkathmanguess you could message Seveas08:44
gsuvegdo you updraded it with apt ?08:45
Knowerrorskkathman: can you ask in there for me about my ban please? ;)08:45
kkathmanKnowerrors: probably better if you did that...looks like Seveas is there and opped08:45
kkathmanjust /msg him08:45
kkathmanprolly an incorrect ban mask08:46
gsuvegKnowerrors: are you registered your nick?08:46
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kkathmanmaybe your nick wasnt registered?08:46
kkathmanohh hehe08:46
Knowerrors"-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized"08:46
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kkathmanKnowerrors: I'd try to /msg or /notice seveas if you could08:47
anttuwould some one be able to assist me ?08:48
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KnowerrorsI tried /msg , he hasn't responded yet, will wait08:48
Steleanttu - what's your question?08:48
Knowerrorsspoke too soon, just got at me08:48
anttuits about ati drivers08:48
anttujust wondering why it isint starting the graphical installation software08:48
anttuafter writing ./ati driver.run thingy08:49
anttuit just starts it in the terminal :\08:49
anttulike this http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b309/Anttu87/kubuntuatidriver1.jpg08:49
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anttuseems no one can help :(08:52
KnowerrorsTo anyone using kde 3.5, is it necessary to remove ivman to get the little options window to pop up when you instert new media?08:52
=== manveru searches new media
Knowerrorsor what modification should be done to it?  If I try to remove it, it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop too08:54
kkathmanKnowerrors: whats the story in #ubuntu ?08:54
KnowerrorsI got back in :)08:54
kkathmanI dont think you wanna remove :)08:54
Knowerrorsseveas fixed it, didn't say why I was banned, some error08:54
Steleanttu - what is the problem?08:55
Stelethe installer appears to be a terminal program08:55
Stelein fact, you should probably shut down X and run it from a shell08:55
anttuwell i cant select all the options from that terminal version :P?08:56
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anttuStele: well if i install it through the terminal, with wich options should i do it08:58
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Knowerrorsivman seems to be interfering with the new kde 3.5 actions...08:59
anttuStele: should i install it using "Generate Distribution Specific Driver Package"08:59
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=== manveru is impressed by the new configurations
manveruindeed, now configuring the network is fun again :)09:01
jazwecgsuveg so will you please help me?09:02
jazwechi..please..when i want to shutdown my kubuntu system, it says power off, i can hear like the HDD is disconnecting but my PC stay turned on with black screen...could anybody help me?09:02
gsuvegjazwec: in what ?09:02
Steleanttu - i dont know, I used nvidia09:03
Stelebut it is common to install video drivers from a shell09:03
Steleit's not like Windows09:03
Stelecertainly there is a README/install doc that walks you through it09:03
manverufor ati?09:04
jazwecgsuveg with that turning off my kubuntu09:04
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gsuvegjazwec: ok. what hw version, what acpi* version, and more info. what you make and other09:05
jazwecgsuveg mm this will be a problem, i think...i have kubuntu only 2-3 days...only think i know is that i have kubuntu 5.10 and kde 3.4.309:06
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gsuvegupgrade it09:09
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jazwecgsuveg kde-upgrade?09:10
gsuvegapt-get upgrade09:10
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federico_luhello everybody! I get libtool errors like this one: "libtool: link: `/lib/libacl.la' is not a valid libtool archive" when compiling since I've done a dist-upgrade with apt-get yesterday. Is there a way to fix this?09:11
jazwecgsuveg ok i have it09:12
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gsuvegthen it need workin09:13
jazwecgsuveg dont have to set acpi?09:16
kkathmanKnowerrors:  I think I see how you got banned :)09:17
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kkathmanSeveas doesnt know how to ban people properly :)09:17
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kkathmaneither that or he has any auto script that bans drive-bys09:18
federico_ludid anyone answer my question? I'm asking because I've had a ping timeout and don't know if I received everything.09:19
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jbuelerI could really use some help getting my second monitor up and running is it as simple as finding the right driver for my video card or is there more to it?09:21
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Knowerrorskkathman: "drivebys" is that if I joing a channel and don't post right away?09:22
kkathmanno...thats if you enter...and leave within like 3-4 seconds09:23
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Tm_Thi kkathman 09:23
arcanistheroguehey, does anyone know how to get kxdocker to go on the top or the right of the screen?  ihate having a dock on the bottom of the screen09:23
Tm_Tkkathman: I got amaroK broken again =)09:23
kkathmanapparently seveas has an auto ban that bans a rather extensive portion of a network :)09:23
Tm_Tkkathman: I'm that good ;)09:23
kkathmancongrats Tm_T09:23
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Tm_Tkkathman: seems to be kernel issue though, 15-3 worked some times, 15-4 worked, now 15-5 and nogo09:24
kkathmanKnowerrors: typically an address of a person is like   his ban does a 205.132* which basically could ban like half of a country09:24
kkathmanthen I suppose he just manually releases then after a while...fairly abrupt control I'd say09:25
Knowerrorskkathman: are you using kde 3.5?09:25
kkathmanhe probably just doesnt know any better or he uses a predefined script that was poorly made09:25
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kkathmanKnowerrors: absolutely not...not untill it appears in the regular repos09:26
kkathmanI want all the things to be synched first09:26
kkathmanRiddell is working on that right now I hear.09:26
KnowerrorsIm using it now :) works fine, but Ivman has a conflict... , thats all09:26
kkathmanwell not all the libs and apps are synched yet09:27
KnowerrorsDoes Riddell talk/read in here much?09:27
kkathmansome...but he's pretty busy right now I imagine :)09:27
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kkathmanhey there LjL :)09:31
kkathmanLjL: how are things in Italy today?09:32
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LjLnot too well, i'm in a hurry trying to get my X to accept remove clients09:33
LjL(a friend has just messaged me asking when he can come to take the scans i "have" made for him, except i haven't, and i need to get this stupid X to work for that)09:33
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LjLdamn... why is my X being started with "-nolisten tcp" even after i removed all references to that from every file that contained them in /etc09:41
martinjh99Evening - How do you configure SuperKaramba in 3.5??09:41
martinjh99LjL which way are you starting X?09:41
martinjh99Try having a look at /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc  other than that no idea...09:42
LjLi changed that already... but hold on09:42
LjLi'm not sure i restarted kdm after changing that actually09:42
martinjh99Its the ServerArgsLocal that you need to change.09:42
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bhnamartinjh99: what do you mean?09:43
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martinjh99bhna> ServerArgsLocal specifies the paramaters that the X server gets launched with.09:44
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LjLyeah stupid me, i hadn't restarted KDM09:44
LjLworks now09:44
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martinjh99Glad to be of assistance09:45
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bhnamartinjh99: $home/.superkaramba09:45
martinjh99There is supossed to be a KNewHotstuff configuration so you can download stuff for it... 09:45
martinjh99Trying to find where I can access it...09:46
Knowerrorsmartinjh99: for me [K]  > utilities, desktop, superkaramba09:46
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LjLi'll have to try this superkaramba thing sometime09:46
eckharthow can i remove all the kdevelop: * entries from my kmenu the clean way?09:47
martinjh99MMM I only have clipper and knotes... 09:47
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martinjh99eckhart> right click on K and edit menu...09:47
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Knowerrorsmartinjh99: you have the newest superkaramba installed?09:48
martinjh99Its supposed to come with 3.5...  I'm presuming I need to install all of the new KDE packages to get it.09:49
martinjh99Ahh not installed - Installing now... ;)09:49
martinjh99Why it need gtk1.2 and xmms I have no idea...09:50
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martinjh99Anyone know where the KNewhotstuff dialog installs karamba themes to??09:52
now3dhi, i wonder if there is a way to get old mozilla-mailnews there is a broken dep with latest packages.. :(09:53
now3d"mozilla-mailnews: Depends: mozilla-browser (= 2:1.7.12-0ubuntu2) but 2:1.7.12-1ubuntu1 is to be installed"09:53
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hunikaHello everybody! Can somebody help to me it's urgent09:54
hunikaI need to install my canon i250 printer09:54
now3dhunika: what is the problem?09:54
hunikaBut Kubuntu does not include the driver09:54
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bhnahunika: www.linuxprinting.org09:55
hunikaok I will try09:55
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bhnahunika: i250 or bjc 250?09:57
MenZa`KDE 3.5 in the Breezy repos yet?09:57
hunikanot bjc09:57
hunikaCANON i25009:57
martMenZa`: yeah09:57
martMenZa`: well09:57
hunikaSo where can I get the driver ?09:57
MenZa`cba to add more repos09:57
hunikawww.linuxprinting.org I can not find here09:58
MenZa`can't be arsed, mart09:58
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MenZa`it's going in the repos sometime anyway09:58
martheh, cause it's so much effort to add a source :)09:58
MenZa`I'm on my friggin windoze atm09:59
=== MenZa` slaps self
MenZa`amaroK didn't play a track I tried to play09:59
jrattner1Will amarok play m4a files?09:59
martanyone else find that the location bar in konqueror no longer gets focus when started?09:59
bhnahunika: so there is no driver for i250.09:59
martjrattner1: think so09:59
hunikano no10:00
jrattner1mart, super10:00
hunikaLjL can you help me please10:00
now3danyone got time to see if there is a repository with working mozilla-mailnews breezy please..?10:00
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now3ddoes anyone have a list of repositories please..?10:01
hunikaI need to print my homework. And I need a CANON I250 driver for kubutu10:01
LjLhunika: try the bjc 250 driver -- it could be that they really are the same printer (or printing engine anyway). if not, then i'm afraid you're very out of luck!10:02
hunikafor hp deskjet 3745???????????????????????????????10:02
bhnahunika: the driver is there http://www.canon.co.nz/products/printers/colour_bj_printers/i250_drivers.html in the middle10:02
now3dhunika: can you get PrinterDefinition from somewhere?10:02
now3dhunika: which font is that you type in..? I wish to instal it, as it just appears as ??? for me..10:03
hunikacan I install rpm files in KUBUNTU?10:03
marthunika: check the alien package10:04
now3dhunika: yes, with "alien"10:04
LjLhunika: it appears that your printer is supported by TurboPrint (http://www.turboprint.de/), which is not a free application, although it has a free trial -- but i think it watermarks your prints10:04
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hunikaBut I can install the driver as I see from http://www.canon.co.nz/products/printers/colour_bj_printers/i250_drivers.html 10:05
Flying_Eaglehunika, no chance, that there is a deb- or tar.gz-file instead of a rpm?10:05
bhnahunika: you can use the canon linux driver with cups. no need for turboprint. the driver are in tar.gz.10:05
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hunikathere is tar.gz10:05
hunikaBut I don't know how to install a tar.gz file10:05
LjLbhna: unless the drivers for that I250 printers have been added very recently, by googling shows it's not supported10:06
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Flying_Eaglehunika, look into the README-file shipped with the tar.gz10:06
ubuntuIm testing kubuntu out now. Im a Debian fan and I must say it10:06
ubuntuis very slick !10:06
Flying_Eagleand if theres none, blame canon10:06
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now3dhmm... iam wondering if my text is being displayed..10:07
marthunika: you can probably just unpack the tar.gz and then try to add a new printer, when it asks you for the driver, just tell it to use the ppd file 10:07
bhnahunika: her is an howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2925510:07
=== _hirs [n=hirs@103.Red-213-98-167.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
bhnahunika: there is an link for an deb10:08
marthmmph, I've had 5 bloody "sourceforge updates" today10:08
MenZa`Huzzah, Kubuntu & Ubuntu Linkbuttons added on blog =D10:09
_hirswhy "get new themes" in kopete emoticons config dialog is disabled?10:10
_hirsas well as the chat window "get new..."10:10
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_hirsit's supposed kopete in 3.5 has support for kgethotnewstuff10:11
Tm_Tkhotnewstuff is too buggy10:11
now3ddoes anyone know how I can disable KDM? I wish to just have a TTY login screen10:11
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_hirswell, for downloading wallpapers work pretty well10:12
Tm_T_hirs: different thing10:12
LjLnow3d: rcconf10:12
Tm_Tstyles & emoticons are multifile things10:12
bhnahunika: her is an german howto10:12
martnow3d: use update-rc.d10:12
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Tm_Tand there was too big issues with it, so it's disabled by default10:12
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Tm_T_hirs: there is simple way to enable it if you like10:12
Tm_Tno guarantee(tm)10:13
_hirsTm_T: works more or less in superkaramba--10:13
_hirsTm_T: ok, only want to try10:13
LjLnow3d: or just uninstall kdm if you're not gonna use it10:13
Tm_Tit install stuff mostly fine, but removing is pain10:13
hussamI'm building amarok 1.3.6. and one of it's build dependencies is xmms.so I installed xmms. but the fonts in xmms are too big. How do I specify gtk1 app fonts?10:14
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_StarScreamare there 3.5 packages for ppc ?10:14
MikeStylehi all, i just got a new sources.list file from a friend that worked for him under the same distro... but its not working for me and its giving me a cdrom error10:14
_hirsyes some themes doen't have option to remove..10:14
Tm_T_hirs: there is kgethotnewstuff related part in ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc10:14
bhnanow3d: you have to diable the kdm script in /etc/rc2.d10:14
bhnanow3d: man update-rc.d10:15
_hirsTm_T: i'm unable to find it :/10:15
Tm_T_hirs: hmm, then you have to add line, if I just remember what it was =)10:16
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hunikaHey guys I have a problem. I can not install the driver10:17
hunikaI have managed to configure the system10:17
_hirsI'll try to find it later, btw I have tryed the webcam function and it works very well, but without audio :(10:17
hunikaBut when I write make then command not found10:17
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hunikamake install too10:18
Tm_T_hirs: audio is totally different thing10:18
Tm_T_hirs: not supported.10:18
marthunika: you probably don't want to build it, just install the ppd10:18
_hirsTm_T: I figured out, there isn't  an audio tab in preferences10:19
marthunika: you've unpacked the tarball, yes?10:19
Tm_Trebooting once again ->10:19
now3dLjL, mart: thanks, got it disabled now.  I tried to apt-get remove kdm, but it wanted to remove other packages I needed, likekubuntu-desktop 10:19
hunikaAnd I have followed the instructions10:20
hunikait is not working10:20
marthunika: is there a ppd file in the tarball?10:20
LjLnow3d: apt-get or aptitude?10:20
marthunika: find . -name *.ppd10:20
marthunika: hmm, I thought there was one10:21
marthunika: two seconds....10:21
marthunika: http://download.canon.com.au/bj/i250linux/bjcups-2.3-0.tar.gz10:22
martis that the one you got?10:22
hunikaok now what to do?10:23
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now3dLjL: apt-get10:24
andre_hirs: you have to add "ForceNewStuff=true" to the ChatWindowSettings group in the kopeterc for GetHotNewStuff10:24
now3dLjL: this is the output http://pastebin.com/44407710:25
_hirsandre: oh, thank you very much10:25
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bhnahunika: have you read the howto? ther is an deb. downlod the deb and type in the terminal dpkg -i xxx.deb10:25
andre_hirs: np10:25
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Knowerrorsto anybody using kde 3.5- I turn on my camera on usb port, it asks to open in new window, so I do, then if brings up a blank page in konq after mounting it, and I have to manually browse to /mnt/sda110:26
hunikawhere is the deb download?10:26
LjLnow3d: oh, yes, but that's allright... i thought it was removing all *packages* from kubuntu-desktop10:26
Knowerrorsshouldn't it go there directly?10:26
uFo-Zhellas all. simple question. is there a bug in the current kubuntu versino ? when i install it normaly, it wont start a kdm or kde or any x window manager10:26
LjLnow3d: if it's just removing kubuntu-desktop itself, it's fine10:26
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LjLnow3d: if you remove *any* program that's part of kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop will be removed, because of the way apt works. but that's not a problem, as kubuntu-desktop doesn't really contain anything, but simply lists the packages that are part of it10:27
bhnahunika: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2925510:28
Knowerrorsthe camera also isn't showing up on the desktop as a usb drive or anything else10:28
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bhnahunika: http://www.livux.org/otros/canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb !!!10:29
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now3dLjL: ah, so it is ok to remove it, is kubuntu-desktop just a meta package?10:30
bhnanow3d: yes10:30
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LjLnow3d: exactly. i asked if you were using aptitude because, with aptitude, that operation *would* have resulted in removing every package that's part of kubuntu-desktop10:31
LjLnow3d: but with apt-get, you'll just remove the metapackage itself, not its dependencies10:32
now3dLjL: great! lucky for me I use apt-get!10:32
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now3dok, i'm going to reboot and give this changes a go. thanks for the help LjL and bhna10:32
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LjLnow3d: well, actually, i like aptitude much better... you just have to know the differences10:32
now3dbefore I go.. I wonder if either of you have ideas about mozilla-mailnews dependency problem...?10:32
LjLnow3d: it would have shown you very clearly it was going to remove everything anyway ;)10:32
LjLno clue10:32
kkathmanbut aptitude has bugs and can cause widespread damage10:33
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LjLkkathman: sure10:33
now3dLjL: ok, maybe i shold give aptitude a go later10:33
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martkkathman: bugs?10:33
kkathmanaptitude will only work if you install that way also, so if you use apt-get then try to use aptitude, its a bit of a problem :)10:33
kkathmanmart: yes10:33
LjLkkathman: not true. you simply won't get any advantage that aptitude gives, in that case -- so it would probably be kind of pointless. problems, no10:34
kkathmanin many cases aptitude will do the same thing as apt-get...but for some odd reason, aptitude cannot access things in the repositories that apt-get can10:34
kkathmanLjL: thats what I meant..yes10:35
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KnowerrorsI like Synaptic better than Aptitude, I just removed Kubuntu-desktop metapackage with Synaptic, and it didn't remove dependancies10:35
martI've used both for ages, and never seen any weird behaviour.10:35
kkathmantheoretically, aptitude should be able to get exactly the same things as apt-get but it doesnt10:35
LjLKnowerrors: really? i thought i'd heard that synaptic now used the same logics as aptitude10:36
kkathmanI have experienced this first hand, as have several others and have logged bugs about it10:36
hunikaI can not install that deb file10:36
LjLhunika: what with it?10:36
now3dkkathman: is apt-get theoretically the same as dpkg ?  I notice the --purge remove setting is different between apt-get and aptitude and filed a bug about it a while ago10:36
Knowerrorsdon't know, Synaptic has been around far longer than Aptitude, has more features, more powerfull, less bugs10:36
LjLnow3d: no, it isn't!10:36
bhnahunika: wich errors?10:37
LjLnow3d: apt-get *uses* dpkg to install packages10:37
hunikaerror processing install10:37
LjLnow3d: dpkg has no idea what dependencies are, and what repositories are10:37
kkathmannow3d: its a front end, but dpkg has more options....dpkg should be used for installed deb files10:37
LjLnow3d: dpkg just installs .deb files10:37
now3dLjL: ah ok, so i guess apt-get just drops the --purge when it passes it on..10:37
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martLjL: now3d: sure dpkg understands dependencies10:37
LjL(well actually, it does know what dependencies are, it just can't get them)10:37
LjLyes mart you're right10:37
bhnahunika:  paste the errors to pastbin10:37
martah, that's different :)10:37
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LjLnow3d: uh, no10:37
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kkathmandpkg has some very dangerous options that I hate giving out to newbies :)10:38
LjLnow3d: "apt-get --purge remove <packages>" will work as you think it would10:38
hunikaI can not, Does not lets me to copy the text10:38
kkathmanso its always best to limit its use to dpkg -i <debfile>10:38
LjLhunika: ?10:38
martinjh99Does anyone know how soon FF1.5 is going to be in Breezy???10:38
bhnahunika: why?10:38
hunikaI don't know10:38
LjLkkathman: and you should think twice even before doing that anyway =)10:38
hunikaYou are the genious in Linux10:39
now3dLjL: the --purge bit did not work, it left rc.d scripts when i had a IMAP server running, had to use dpkg --pruge remove to ditch it fully10:39
kkathmanLjL: only if you know what you are installing :) correct :)10:39
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now3dLjL: this was 6months ago.. so mabye it is fixed now..10:39
bhnahunika: do you use konsole?10:39
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LjLnow3d: a glitch i suppose, because i'm really sure apt-get supports "--purge"10:39
martnow3d: you always need to use --purge to remove files in rc?.d, afaik10:40
now3dLjL: yeah.. it should have worked.. but it didnt! so i filed a bug!10:40
bhnahunika: then you can copy the errors10:40
now3dmart: i think you're right.. although i don't agree with that philosophy ;)10:40
bhnahunika: with the mouse and the menu. edit -> copy10:40
now3dok, thanks for the help.. just going to reboot and see if i can get my two flat panels working and no kdm10:41
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hunikayes yes I am stupid10:43
hunikaHow should I try to install in konsole10:44
hunikaSo i open10:44
hunikathan sudo apt-get and the file name/10:44
bhnasudo dpkg -i name.deb10:44
bhnahunika: after downloding the driver deb.10:45
hunika1 min10:45
bhnahunika: sudo dpkg -i driver.deb10:45
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fatejudgeris anyone else having trouble with the News section of Kontact?10:47
fatejudgerin KDE 3.5 that is10:47
fatejudgerI can't get it to run10:47
bhnahunika: ??10:47
LjLfatejudger: no, it works like it used to for me10:48
LjLfatejudger: (and it used to work ;)10:48
hunika1 minh10:48
martfatejudger: works fine since I updated to 3.5.0, the beta was buggy I think10:48
martso, anyone else find that the location bar in konqueror no longer gets focus when started?10:49
mart(in KDE 3.5.0)10:49
hunikaI can not install10:49
hunikaHow can I get in Konsole10:49
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LjLmart: indeed, it doesn't get focus... though i never even noticed that it did before ;)10:49
hunikato a directory by cd like in dos?10:49
LjLhunika: cd like in dos10:49
bhnahunika: cd10:50
fatejudgermart: did you upgrade from RC1?10:50
martfatejudger: yeah10:50
raphinkargh no compare bash with dos :S10:50
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fatejudgermart: and did you upgrade to RC1 from Beta 2?10:50
bhnals - list directory contents10:50
bhnahunika: ls - list directory contents10:50
martfatejudger: I guess so - don't remember10:50
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raphinkhi chimaera 10:52
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fatejudgermart: damn, I need the News10:53
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hunikabhna writes to me this sudo: dpkg-i: command not found10:53
marthunika: there's a space dpkg  -i10:54
bhnadpkg -i10:54
bhnahunika: dpkg -i10:54
CarstenPI try to compile the newest vlc version. I already compiled scummvm some days ago, so i remembered the steps, but i want them to post again here, so you guys can tell me whether i a m doing the right thing.10:54
chimaerai have some problems understanding sudo/su/sudoers mechanisms. i want to allow my user to use several commands w/o pwd (synaptic, if-/iwconfig). if i put them into sudoers, i have to comment  %admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL, otherwise i'm still asked for my pwd. but if i comment this, the su doesn't work for systems settings anymore.. any ideas on this?10:55
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radogolHi, I m new here.10:55
raphinket la raison pour laquelle il y a un espace hunika c'est parceque dpkg c'est la commande et -i c'est une option.10:55
CarstenPfirst of all i downloaded the vlc source10:55
bhnaradogol: hi10:55
CarstenPbunziped2 it and tar -xvf it10:55
bhnaraphink: #kubuntu-fr10:55
chimaeraCarstenP: hint: tar xvfj does both in one step ;)10:55
CarstenPnow i remember that i have to "sudo apt-get build-dep vlc", right?10:55
hunikaErrors were encountered while processing:10:56
hunika canon-i250_2.3_i38610:56
radogolI use debian. But I m going to try ubuntu at my brother's PC.10:56
raphinkbhna: ooo I hd not noticed it was ejnglish LOOOL I'm getting tired10:56
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raphinkhunika: and the reason why there is a space is because dpkg is the command and -i is the option10:56
hunikaErrors were encountered while processing:10:56
hunika canon-i250_2.3_i38610:56
hunikaI see but I hot this error anyway 10:57
raphinkit's terrible when you don't even notice you're not writing in the right language10:57
LjLdoes it say anything else than just that?10:57
raphinkgood idea radogol 10:57
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hunikaErrors were encountered while processing:10:57
hunika canon-i250_2.3_i38610:57
hunikabhna: 10:57
bhnahunika: wich errors? please use pastebin10:57
now3dHi, could someone point me to an FAQ about getting nvidia's drivers working with X on kubuntu please10:57
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radogolYeah, my brother is a total dummy10:57
hunikawhat is that I am new in the linux world. I use Kubuntu just for 2 weeks10:58
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736810:58
marthunika: paste the error here : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/10:58
raphinkradogol: and so?10:58
radogolubuntu will be easy enough for him10:58
raphinkradogol: you think only dummies use ubuntu?10:58
bhnanow3d: !nvidia10:58
marthunika: that's all? there wasn't more?10:59
radogolI reckon, ubuntu, as it is said, is a linux for human beings. For some kind of maniacs it is good10:59
radogolThere is no root in ubuntu!!10:59
raphinkradogol: ?10:59
radogolAnd I just love to be a root :D10:59
LjLradogol: you can't be a superuser, don't you like the sound of that?11:00
jmgwheres firefox 1.5 packages for breezy?11:00
raphinkthen create one radogol :p11:00
LjLradogol: can't = can11:00
kkathmanradogol: you can append "sudo" on all commands to execute at root level11:00
raphinkradogol: just run `sudo passwd root' and you'll have a root passwd11:00
raphinkif you really want a root11:00
kkathmanraphink: shhhh11:00
LjLraphink: don't suggest doing that lightheartedly...11:00
radogolYeah,I know. But I used to be slackware fan11:00
bhnahunika: ??11:00
kkathmanyes please dont tell that to anyone11:00
CarstenPoh, has someone the checkinstall website handy?11:00
hunikayes I am here bhna:11:00
kkathmanthere is no need for root in Ubuntu11:01
radogolnow i m fascinated in debian11:01
hunikaI have posted the problem11:01
raphinkkkathman & LjL : heh radogol seems to imply is a kind of great debian geek, so he knows what he's doing, right ? ;)11:01
hunikaI have an hp dekjet 374511:01
bhnahunika: tell me more about the errors11:01
hunikaCould you help me to install that11:01
hunikathere are no more erros11:01
kkathmanraphink: you'd be surprised how many messes we clean up because someone used "root"11:01
raphinkkkathman: I totally agree though that there is no need for root11:01
marthunika: can you paste the copy and paste the whole window where you tried it?11:01
CarstenPubotu !checkinstall11:01
radogolNot geek, but a sophistacated user :D11:01
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, CarstenP11:01
now3dthanks, are there any prebuilt packages?  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-k7  is present, but it has 7174 instead of 7667 like the other packages..11:02
raphinkkkathman: I'm not surprised at all ;)11:02
LjLkkathman: well, that's because they chose "expert" install, mostly11:02
CarstenPubotu !checkinstal11:02
ubotuCarstenP: I haven't a clue11:02
kkathmanLjL: yep11:02
marthunika: including the dpkg -i command up to the next command prompt11:02
LjLkkathman: (they get what they deserve in my opinion, but i've never said this)11:02
radogolThere is a need of root account.11:02
raphinkradogol: as a sophistacated user, you should be aware of the safety of using sudo11:02
now3doh.. sorry it does provide nvidia-kernel-1.0.7667 ...11:02
radogoli m using my computer via ssh very often11:02
CarstenPi searched a website that showed the commandos to use checkinstall?11:02
LjLkkathman: (i've used debian for 4 years, and yet i don't feel i'm enough of an "expert" to start an "expert" install)11:02
=== now3d scratches head..
raphinkradogol: and so?11:02
bhnahunika: have you solved the priner-problem?11:02
=== raphink tries to find the link between ssh and root account ...
martradogol: I've heard of people get sacked for sshing into a box as root before, and not using sudo11:03
LjLactually, i've heard of (most sane) distributions *disabling* root access via ssh11:03
raphinkLjL: the expert install has nothing special. I'd say it's the normal old debian install11:03
radogolOkey, it s a bit weird.11:03
raphinkradogol: what is weird?11:04
LjLraphink: perhaps. i can't say because i haven't tried it -- *and that's precisely the point*11:04
radogolBut root - is for experienced users.11:04
CarstenPLjL: last time you used that ubotu robot, and it told me sth about checkinstall wit a link? can you make that magic happen again?11:04
radogolFor people who want just "use" computer11:04
raphinkradogol: most ubuntu advanced users are previous debian users. You're not the only Debian fan here ;)11:04
radogolthere is now need of root11:04
raphinkLjL: trust me you can go expert without a worry11:04
ubotucheckinstall is, like, totally, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall11:04
kkathmanradogol: I "use" my computer all day with out root11:04
LjLradogol: i still don't see what the need for root is, even for the rest of the people11:05
radogolWhat is nice in ubuntu: realeses every 6-months11:05
kkathmanyou dont have to be root all the time11:05
raphinkLjL: you'll just have to set the sudo manually after the install, but that's about it11:05
hunikaI will post to pastbin11:05
hunikaall the text11:05
hunikaI got a larger error now11:05
LjLraphink: well, anyway, standard install worked well for me11:05
raphinkLjL: ok :)11:05
hunikaSorry for being so stupig guys11:05
kkathmanradogol...its a whole new way...try it..you'll like it11:05
LjLraphink: if i don't trust the installer, how am i going to trust the distribution?11:05
raphinkLjL: I use expert when I want to install for people who want to keep windows11:06
raphinkLjL: sure11:06
bhnaCarstenP: !checkinstall11:06
radogolI know it new ;-) My roommate has installed ubuntu couple weeks ago11:06
LjLraphink: uh, standard install doesn't remove windows now does it11:06
raphinkLjL: when I install a fresh install on an empty comp, I just use the standard install11:06
LjLraphink: you still can partition manually with standard install11:06
kkathmanLjL: it can :)11:06
raphinkLjL: oh really?11:06
LjLkkathman: not if you tell it not to =)11:07
kkathmanwell yah :)11:07
kkathmanof course11:07
raphinkLjL: when I tried the standard install on a double boot system with Warty, it erased my old system as far as I remember11:07
LjLraphink: yes11:07
raphinkit might and must have changed though11:07
bhnahunika: yes11:07
marthunika: you typed sudo dpkg -i twice11:07
raphinkbut after that I didn't try it for multiboot anymore ;)11:07
LjLraphink: it certainly has, erasing without asking isn't very nice11:07
raphinkLjL: you said it ;)11:07
hunikahunika@nextra:~$ sudo dpkg -i canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb11:08
hunikadpkg: error processing canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb (--install):11:08
hunika cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:08
hunikaErrors were encountered while processing:11:08
hunika canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb11:08
hunikahunika@nextra:~$                                       11:08
marthunika: It should be sudo dpkg -i canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb, but you typed sudo dpkg -i sudo dpkg -i canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb11:08
raphinktoday I found again an old review I had made of Ubuntu Warty PPC some months ago11:08
marthunika: please don't paste here11:08
CarstenPI think i need to install ffmpeg "auto-apt run ./configure" tells me "configure: error: Missing header file ffmpeg/avcodec.h."11:08
raphinkhunika: don't do taht again or you'll be kicked I'm afraid11:08
hunikaI will paste to pastebin Sorry11:09
LjLradogol: if you simply want to be in a root shell for a while, and don't want to prepend "sudo" to every command, you can just type "sudo -i". there really is no difference between that and logging it as root11:09
raphinkhunika: do you know autocomplementation in console?11:09
martautocompletion, even :)11:09
raphinkmart  : yes thanks11:09
radogolSorry dudes, I have to leave11:10
kkathmansomehow people think they arent a man unless they use root...its like psychological or something11:10
hunikaFor me is like chineese. I have used windows for 15 years and now I Linux for me it is another wolrd11:10
raphinkhunika: do you know you can auto-complete names by pressing the tab key ?11:10
radogolkkathman - maybe you re right11:10
raphinkso that you are sure to not be wrong with the name of the file11:10
raphinkjust type the beginning of the name11:10
kkathmanradogol: nah...its psychological :)11:10
raphinkthen use the tab key11:10
raphinkand it will complete 11:10
raphinkso type11:10
radogolIt s great pleasure to be a root D:11:10
raphinkdpkg -i canon11:11
raphinkand then (withot pressing enter) press the tab key to autocomplete 11:11
hunikait is not working11:11
radogolYou re teaching people how to use tab in console, sweet.11:11
kkathmanradogol: no...its just a power kick and lets face it...if you are the only one on the system...what difference does it make?11:11
LjLhunika: then you haven't downloaded the file, or don't have downloaded it in the right directory11:11
raphinkradogol: you can buy a big red car too, and make a lot of noise in the streets, i fyou need to feel viril with something11:11
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kkathmanraphink:  lol11:12
hunikahelp me where should I donwload?11:12
radogolIn my system there are a few users11:12
hunikaot paste???11:12
kkathmanall the better to not be root11:12
LjLhunika: type "wget <address-of-the-file-you-are-downloading>" in the console11:12
radogolWe are experimenting a lot with Linux11:12
CarstenPwhat do i have to download to solve this ffmpeg problem?11:12
raphinkhunika: about pasting, you can paste in the pastebin : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com 11:12
kkathmanoooooooooooo experimenting....again...all the better to not have root :)11:12
radogolEspecially with network11:12
LjLhunika: like, "wget http://blah.com/foobar.deb"11:12
hunikai see11:13
radogolOk, one the one hand you re right, on another one I. okey?11:13
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hunikaIt is being downloaded again11:13
LjLradogol: no :)11:13
martradogol: no!11:13
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kkathmanradogol: no11:13
radogolufff - it s my first time using irc. so strange.11:13
kkathmanooo concensus11:13
LjLradogol: the only reasonable objection to the "ubuntu way" of using root is that the same password applies both to your user and, effectively, to root11:13
LjLradogol: all other objections are simply flawed11:14
radogolIt s obviuos11:14
raphinkradogol: I see your greatest interest in debian is bugs 11:14
Juerd_LjL: Oh/11:14
raphinkfrom your /whois11:14
bhnahunika: wich is your download direcrtory for the canon*.deb?11:14
LjLJuerd_: ?11:14
radogolI m using testing, not unstable version :D11:14
radogolEtch 11:14
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hunikaI am downloading again using wget http://www.livux.org/otros/canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb11:15
CarstenPhow can i solve "auto-apt run ./configure" tells me "configure: error: Missing header file ffmpeg/avcodec.h." ?11:15
Juerd_LjL: sudo is a scary idea, because your authorization remains valid for a while.11:15
LjLCarstenP: have you run "auto-apt update" beofre doing that?11:15
LjLCarstenP: actually, "sudo auto-apt update"11:15
radogolapt-get update ?11:15
Juerd_LjL: Ubuntu solves this partially by limiting the session to the tty11:15
CarstenPLjL: thanks i will try11:15
LjLradogol: no, that's actually auto-apt update11:15
raphinkyou're right radogol, after all, testing will not be frozen before 3 years or so, so you have time11:15
LjLJuerd_: oh, "standard" sudo doesn't?11:16
martCarstenP: apt-file search avcodec.h says the libavcodec-dev package has it11:16
radogolF for Freedom11:16
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radogolFreedom of OS11:16
hunikaLjL: I have managed to donwload wget http://www.livux.org/otros/canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb11:16
=== raphink looks for the F ...
Juerd_LjL: Nope11:16
hunikaAfter that?11:16
LjLmart: try auto-apt for your package searches instead of apt-file. you will find it's much faster11:16
LjLhunika: sudo dpkg -i canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb11:17
Juerd_LjL: Default sudo (at least in Debian sid) means everyone with your username gets root11:17
bhnahunika: open up the konsole type ls. do you see the deb?11:17
radogolOkey. See you later. Bye.11:17
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martLjL: I've used it before, but for single files, I find apt-file faster11:17
LjLJuerd_: oh, wow, that doesn't sound good11:17
raphinksure radogol, and don't get me wrong I love Debian :) even develop for it ;)11:17
hunikabhna: it is being installed I thinl11:17
LjLmart: uhm... i've measured something like 18 seconds for apt-file versus 2 seconds for auto-apt, with the same file..11:17
bhnahunika: after dpkg -i *.deb?11:18
hunikaLjL: I had a problem I have pasted in the pastebin11:18
martLjL: I haven't used auto-apt for about 5 years, and to be honest I didn't really persevere with getting it to work for anything except auto-apt ./configure 11:18
hunikabhna: I had an error I pasted in the pastebin11:18
bhnahunika: where is the link to the pastebin?11:19
LjLmart: i'm only speaking about its single-file search facility right now11:19
marthunika: the how-to says to use the --force-depends option11:19
hunika http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/11:19
Juerd_LjL: This disadvantage is only fixed by removing the time element from sudo11:19
Juerd_LjL: But then you need to type your password very often, which will result in people running "sudo bash" to get a shell instead of a single command.11:19
raphinkhunika: it's better if you give http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/444176, but it's ok11:19
Juerd_LjL: Which generally is a bad idea11:20
martLjL: thanks, ubotu just scared the crap out of me :(11:20
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LjLJuerd_: yes i suppose so. i think the ubuntu solution is a decent compromise though11:20
raphinkhunika: try sudo apt-get -f install11:20
LjLmart: heh11:20
raphinksee if that installs the missing packages huni11:20
raphinkhunika: 11:20
martLjL: I'm not even sure the docs said how to use it for a single file when I used it :)11:21
hunikaraphink: it is being installed something11:21
darkheartWhat sound server does KDE use?11:21
LjLmart: "auto-apt check <pathname>", which is faster, or "auto-apt search <regexp>"11:21
martJuerd_: you only need to type it once per terminal11:21
LjLmart: i've found both to be faster than apt-file11:21
raphinkhunika: it must install the missing dependencies for your package11:21
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Juerd_LjL: The word "compromise" is a bad one, in the context of security.11:21
raphinkdarkheart: artsd11:21
martLjL: thanks, trying it now11:21
hunikaraphink: After that I should try to install again canon driver?11:22
Juerd_mart: Either you haven't read the entire conversation, or you don't understand everything I've said. 11:22
LjLJuerd_: bad or not bad... if you don't do that, people will just be going to start root shells -- as you said11:22
raphinkhunika: no it should be installed11:22
darkheartraphink: Would you happen to know how I can get a command line player to play a song while xmms is running?11:22
martJuerd_: hmm.  guess I must have missed a bit11:22
LjLJuerd_: myself, i'll tell you i almost invariably had a root shell open when i wasn't using ubuntu11:22
raphinkhunika: did you have a message : Configure canon etc ... ?11:22
Juerd_LjL: A better solution would be to have bash and sudo collaborate.11:22
LjLJuerd_: like what?11:22
raphinkdarkheart: artsplay ?11:23
martJuerd_: I don't get why anyone would type sudo bash11:23
hunikaraphink: I will past other errors in pastebin11:23
hunika1 minute11:23
kkathmanmart me either11:23
darkheartraphink: Awesome. Thanks.11:23
bhnasudo apt-get install libtiff3g libglade0 libpng2 libcupsys211:23
uFo-Zafter installing ubuntu, i am getting a fauilier, that there is no .xsession file and Xservers send me back to tty11:23
Juerd_LjL: Well, sudo could check the parent PID as well as the TTY11:23
LjLmart: they could type "sudo -i" or something, but anyway, the basic idea is the same11:23
Juerd_LjL: That'd help.11:23
kkathmanit sounds like an esoteric discussion to me...probably should be in a devel channel11:23
raphinkbhna: -f should do it, too11:23
kkathmanits a bit dangerous to talk that in  here11:24
hunikaraphink: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/44418211:24
bhnaraphink: ;-)11:24
LjLJuerd_: uuh... not sure what you mean, you mean so that child processes of the stuff you launch should have root privs revoked?11:24
Juerd_mart: sudo foo > no_access_to_write_this_thing11:24
hunikaSorry I don't know why is so difficult to install a printer11:24
raphinkhunika: try sudo apt-get -f install 11:24
Juerd_LjL: No.11:24
raphinkhunika: again, to be sure11:24
Juerd_LjL: sudo authorizes if you're within the time limit, and on the same TTY as when you authenticated11:25
raphinkhunika: use the up arrow, that'll write it again ;)11:25
kkathmanhunika: not all printers are hard..mine was very easy11:25
martJuerd_: (sudo foo) > write_access_to_this11:25
LjLJuerd_: but isn't that precisely what ubuntu does?11:25
Juerd_LjL: But this still allows you to log out and re-login, and use the same sudo session.11:25
raphinkget an HP printer and that'll be very easy :D :D11:25
hunikahehe Mine is getting to be very hard toooooooo hard11:25
LjLJuerd_: oh i see11:25
=== raphink bought a PSC 1510 lately :)
hunikaraphink: I have installed again, So what to do11:26
Juerd_LjL: Now, if it'd check the parent PID (i.e. that of the calling shell), you'd have to go through a lot of trouble to re-use a session11:26
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raphinkhunika: do you still have errors ?11:26
Juerd_Still not impossible, but much harder, and the solution is usually very noticeable :)11:26
bhnahunika: dpkg -i canon*.deb11:26
Juerd_mart: How does that work? The > is still outside the sudo.11:26
martJuerd_: well, it means your normal user gets to access the file...11:27
LjLJuerd_: well i'm far from a security expert, but i think the real solution to this kind of things will come with SELinux (or something based on the same principles anyway), all the rest being basically just patches that don't really solve the root (!) of the problem...11:27
martJuerd_: maybe I misunderstood ...11:27
raphinkhmm hunika it seems the pb is with libtiff3g, which doesn't exist on ubuntu11:27
Juerd_mart: File? But it's the directory that I can't write in.11:27
hunikaraphink: I have still errrors, the same errors11:27
Juerd_mart: root could, but I'm not root.11:27
raphinkhunika: give me one minute ok?11:27
Juerd_mart: And the > isn't under sudo11:27
bhnahunika: sudo apt-get install libtiff3g11:27
hunikaraphink: I am getting lost in Linus :D :D11:28
Juerd_LjL: Direct root access isn't necessarily a problem. Mis-use of it is.11:28
bhnahunika: then dpkg -i canon*.deb11:28
raphinklibtiff3g is an old package that has been removed11:28
Juerd_LjL: I would never configure a machine I don't have physical access to without a real root password.11:28
LjLJuerd_: but i know and you know that misuse is, by experience, very common11:28
martJuerd_: sudo sh -c "cmd > file"11:28
raphinkbhna: no, there is a dependency issue with libtiff3g11:28
hunikaraphink: I have error with installing the package  libtiff3g11:28
Juerd_LjL: sudo is a great policy, not a great only-solution.11:28
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raphinkyes I know hunika, it doesn't exist11:29
Juerd_mart: Hard to type, so I type sudo bash.11:29
raphinkso wait a min hunika I'm searching for a solution11:29
LjLJuerd_: i was talking about SELinux in fact11:29
Juerd_mart: I know there are ways of doing it, but it has to be easy.11:29
hunikaraphink: thanks for being so gentle with me :D11:29
hunikabhna: you too11:29
bhnaraphink: i see. its an old deb.11:29
Juerd_mart: If my rubbish bin is not next to my desk, I will keep rubbish on my desk, for I am too lazy to walk.11:29
raphinkbhna: yes it's in hoary11:30
Juerd_mart: I know how shells, pipes, etc work.11:30
martJuerd_: well, I can't help you with laziness :)11:30
bhnaraphink: alien canon*rpm could a solution?11:30
martisn't it just a missing libtiff3g now?11:30
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raphinkbhna: I'd rather rebuild the package if possible11:30
raphinknot sure the source can be found though11:31
LjLJuerd_: i think it's be very easy to write a script to avoid that sudo sh -c "stuff" thing in any case11:31
raphinkhunika: where did you get this .deb ?11:31
Juerd_My main automated backup strategy is: tar -zc... | tee f | ssh u@h 'cat > f'11:31
martraphink: off some link on the forums11:31
LjLJuerd_: not that i've tried it, but i suppose   sudo sh -c "$@"   would work11:31
Juerd_LjL: It gets harder the more variables you want to interpolate. And depending on which shell you want to interpolate it, it can become even much harder.11:31
bhnaraphink: http://www.canon.co.nz/products/printers/colour_bj_printers/i250_drivers.html11:32
hunikaraphink: from bhna http://www.livux.org/otros/canon-i250_2.3_i386.deb 11:32
Juerd_LjL: After a while, you choose the easy way out, which is getting a root shell.11:32
raphinkmart: it's not missing, debian reports there were security issues with libtiff3g11:32
martraphink: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/44418211:32
raphinkyes mart that's why I think it depends on a library that shouldn't be installed anymore11:33
raphinkbut we can try to install it though ;)11:33
raphinkthat might set it right11:33
raphinkthe weird thing is that11:33
marthow about just installing the ppd?11:33
raphinklibtiff4 should replace libtiff3g11:33
martit's got to be easier.11:33
raphinkso maybe installing libtiff4 would set the issue11:34
raphinklet's try it11:34
raphinkhunika: sudo apt-get install libtiff411:34
martraphink: no, it might replace it, but it won't provide it11:34
raphinkhunika: then try to run dpkg -i *.deb again11:34
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=== mart is doubtful
raphinkmart: hmm 11:34
raphinkdoesnt cost much to try11:35
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hunikaraphink: same errors11:35
raphinkmart I don't see a .deb in the webpage you gave me11:35
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bhnaraphink: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2925511:36
raphinkhunika: ok wait11:36
martthere's a ppd in the bjcups package11:36
martthis bjcups package http://www.canon.co.nz/products/printers/colour_bj_printers/i250_drivers.html11:36
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cmobrienIt's smbmount that can mount a directory from samba, correct?11:36
marthunika: try this11:36
martwget http://download.canon.com.au/bj/i250linux/bjcups-2.3-0.tar.gz11:37
raphinkmart: well I'd say let's build from source ;)11:37
raphinkyep mart 11:37
martraphink: no need to build anything11:37
raphinkor even make a nice package out of it for out ubuntu fellows using it11:37
martjust use the ppd11:37
hunikamart: I have downloaded wget http://download.canon.com.au/bj/i250linux/bjcups-2.3-0.tar.gz11:37
hunikamart: After that?11:37
marthunika: tar -zxf bjcups-2.3-0.tar.gz bjcups-2.3-0/ppd/canoni250.ppd11:38
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hunikamart: after that?11:38
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hunikamart: nothing special happened11:38
marthunika: no, it won't have11:38
hunikamart: so?11:38
marthunika: now go to the K menu, and system settings11:39
marthunika: then printers11:39
hunikamart: I am there11:39
martthen click add11:39
marthunika: you see the add printer wizard?11:39
hunikayes: i have choosen canon brand11:39
marthunika: I'll try it now11:40
marthunika: so Local Printer, ...11:40
=== raphink wonders if such sources can be easily packaged
martthen on the Printer Model selection, click Other11:40
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hunikamart: then?11:41
hunikamart: i choose the ppd file?11:41
marthunika: then you should have a file dialog box, where you can find the bjcups-2.3-0 dir11:41
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martand then pick the ppd file withing that11:41
hunikamart: the system recognized11:42
hunikamart: it is canon i25011:42
marthunika: Test?11:42
mart(Next then Test)11:42
hunikaPrinter is not working11:42
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raphinkhunika: when testing, don't click "ok" before having waited enough11:43
chaoticgeekhey all11:43
hunikaMy printer is not working11:43
bhnaraphink: i think this is an gdi printer and you have the special canon driver. the ppd think works only with postscript printers11:43
hunikai should choose post-script11:44
raphinkbhna: the libs can be built from the tar.gz11:44
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martcan ppds invoke system commands?11:44
raphinkhunika: go to the console again11:44
hunikaraphink: yes?11:44
raphinkthen go to the place where you have downloaded the tar.gz11:44
raphinkand run11:45
hunikahow should i run and go there?11:45
hunikawith cd like in dos?11:45
raphinktar -xvf bjcups-2.3-0.tar.gz11:45
raphinkyes with cd11:45
bhnaraphink: this is in german but for breezy http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Canon_i25011:45
raphinkbhna: let's see11:45
raphinkI don't like to use alien11:46
raphinkI try to avoid it11:46
martuses libtiff3g too11:46
bhnaraphink: bad bad libtif3 depency11:46
raphinkindeed bhna 11:46
hunikaI think now worked11:46
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hunikaWhat should I do now?11:46
raphinkif we could get the package source for this deb11:46
raphinkthe we could change it to libtiff411:47
raphinkhunika: cd libs11:47
hunikabut the file made itsseld11:47
hunikaI can not access libs11:47
raphinkhunika: ?11:47
hunikano such file or directory11:47
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raphinkoh sorry11:47
bhnaraphink: you can change the depency in the deb with ark11:47
raphinkI mean11:47
marthunika: cd bjcups-2.3-0/libs11:48
raphinkcd into the folder first11:48
hunikamart: i am there11:48
hunikacd bjcups-2.3-0/libs11:48
raphinkbhna: hmm never tried that...11:48
raphinkI'll try11:48
martassuming libtiff3g is binary compatible with libtiff4 :)11:48
raphinkyes 11:49
hunikamart: what should i do i am in cd bjcups-2.3-0/libs11:49
raphinkhunika: make11:49
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hunikaraphink: command not found11:49
marthunika: you need to do  "apt-get install build-essential"11:49
hunika:D :D :D11:49
raphinkthanks mart 11:50
hunikaraphink: I am getting bored11:50
hunika:D :D :D11:50
hunikaraphink: I suppose you too11:50
bhnamart:  stop stop11:50
_shawnI'm getting this error when trying to upgrade to KDE 3.511:50
_shawndpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins_4%3a3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1_i386.deb (--unpack):11:50
_shawn trying to overwrite `/usr/share/services/kfile_theora.desktop', which is also in package kdemultimedia-kio-plugins11:50
_shawndpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)11:50
_shawnErrors were encountered while processing:11:50
_shawn /var/cache/apt/archives/kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins_4%3a3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1_i386.deb11:50
raphinkhunika: I'm fine, used to taht11:50
bhna_shawn:  pastbine please11:50
raphink_shawn: don't do that again, please, or you'll get kicked11:50
raphinkuse the pastebin11:50
_shawnbut can anyone help?11:50
hunikahow should I go out from a folder in konsol cd..11:51
marthunika: cd ..11:51
martyou need a space there too11:51
hunikacommand not found :D11:51
raphinkremove the kdmultimedia-kio-plugins first then upgrade again11:51
hunikaI am here hunika@nextra:~/bjcups-2.3-0/libs$    cd.. is not working11:52
marthunika: you need a space  - cd    ..11:52
martnot cd..11:52
raphinkcd ..11:52
raphinknot cd..11:52
raphinkthere's a space11:52
hunika apt-get install build-essential is not working11:53
marthunika: never mind - I think bhna has another idea11:53
raphinkmart: I can read the deb with ark, but not modify it11:53
hunikamart: please hurry I have to go here is 1 am11:53
martraphink: it'd need to be unpacked, editted and packed11:54
bhnaraphink: you have to install ac or somethink forgott it11:54
marthunika: it's late here too :(11:54
raphinkhmm 11:54
raphinkand here too ;)11:54
hunikamart: I have school tomorrow and I am getting tired :D :D11:55
martgive up for now?11:55
bhnahunika: 23:5611:55
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hunikabhna: 1:0011:55
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hunikaGuys I have another printer11:55
connhi, has anyone here installed the DRI snapshots from http://dri.sf.net ?11:55
hunikaHP DESKJET 374511:56
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bhnahunika: where are you?11:56
hunikaCould we try to install this11:56
hunikabhna: romania11:56
bhnahunika: nice. whats the other printer11:56
raphinkoh :)11:56
hunikabhna: you?11:56
raphinkan hp should be easier thankfully11:56
raphinkbhna: HP Deskjet 374511:56
hunikaHP DESKJET 374511:56
martwell, I'm the type that really needs my beauty sleep - so I'm away to bed...11:57
bhnahunika: germany11:57
raphinkgn mart 11:57
fatejudgerdoes anyone here have KDE 3.5?11:57
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fatejudgerthe Final version11:57
raphinkthis is a european channel here tonnight :)11:57
fatejudgerKontact is missing a file11:57
raphinkyes fatejudger 11:58
fatejudgerand I was hoping someone could send it to me11:58
hunikabhna: good place. But I am a hungarian anyway. Probably you have heard about TRIANON11:58
fatejudgerraphink: can you slocate libknodepart.la?11:58
fatejudgerraphink: and then email it if you find it11:58
hunikaSorry guys leave it for tomorrow. I need a rest. But till then you can think about11:58
bhnahunika: the hp should work without problems http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_374011:59
raphinkfatejudger: libknodepart.la is not found in any package 11:59
fatejudgerraphink: it shouldn't be11:59
hunikabhna: I will try now11:59
fatejudgerraphink: do slocate libknodepart.la11:59
raphinknor by locate11:59
=== Kevin72594 [n=Kevin725@69-171-45-88.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kevin72594hey all, does anyone know how to mount an ntfs partition using ezdrive in kubuntu?12:00
LjLwhat's ezdrive?12:00
raphinkhunika: for the HP, you should just have to go the control center and chose the printer12:00
Kevin72594that's what I said :)12:00
raphinkhunika: but canon printers are just terrible on linux12:01
Kevin72594LjL: it's something that windows uses for large drives on old comp.  although I dont' think it was necessary in this case, but it was still used12:01
raphinkKevin72594: if it's a windows tool, why do you want to use it in kubuntu?12:01
LjLKevin72594: i don't know about it, but NTFS support in linux is suboptimal, so i'm not sure you'll have much luck if you have it on a non-standard-partitioned HD...12:01
bhnaraphink: hunika: good night. its to late for me.12:01
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raphinkgn bhna 12:02
Kevin72594raphink: the fs type in fdisk is EZDRIVE< I'm trying to mount it so I can read stuff off of it to backup on this comp. I just installed kubuntu on12:02
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Kevin72594so i can repartitiuon it to reiser or something12:02
LjLwhat happens if you just try mounting it the standard way?12:02
LjLwhat sort of error?12:03

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