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mhzI think I finished a SVG file for some invitations I will hand in to teachers and parents at a local schol02:18
mhzHowever, when I print, it seems something's wrong because edubuntu logo gets a stupid line out of its round shape02:19
mhzBTW, i'm printing it 720x300 dpi02:22
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mhzwell, some little contrib. to edubuntu artwork has been wikied06:01
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=== Tm_T [i=tm_travo@ip212-226-140-97.adsl.kpnqwest.fi] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Tm_Thi kids01:04
Tm_Tartnay: no themes to irssi, it's good he way it is01:12
artnayok, opinion noted.01:33
artnayto-do updated01:33
Tm_Tyou checked msg I sent too?02:05
Tm_Tand about backgrounds... is svg reguired?02:05
Tm_TI can do some :p02:05
artnaySVG is the preferred format02:06
Tm_TI thought so02:06
artnaydamn, forums are down. bvc just sent me a message02:07
artnayno dice, disconnected :/02:08
artnayfirst of all, we should link those projects to each other. what needs to be done before something else can be done etc.02:11
artnaythen priorize them02:11
artnaye.g. we first need navigation icons before fx theme can be done02:12
artnaywe could think about the dependencies now and then list them to to-do list/wiki02:12
artnayare you guys willing to help us? :o02:13
Tm_TI'm just spying here ;)02:14
Tm_TI'll help if I can, but can't take much responsibility atm, too much projects already02:14
Tm_Tmaybe in february or may I have more time02:15
artnayit's too late then02:16
Tm_TI thought so02:16
artnayartwork should be ready before mid March02:16
artnaythen just finalize it before Dapper gets released02:17
Tm_Tso I try february ;)02:17
artnaybut the end of March is the max. deadline02:17
artnaybefore that all major artwork projects should be done02:17
artnayso we're running out of time unless we get more ppl02:18
Tm_Tthat reminds me, supposed to do some Kubuntu backgrounds ->02:18
artnayprovide an easy way humanize your KDE desktop02:19
artnayyeah, it's typo day today...02:19
artnayoh damn02:19
artnayit wasn't bvc who sent me a msg, some guy just asking how to pimp KDE :>02:20
Tm_Tnot me!02:20
artnaydamn, I need the reply from bvc02:20
artnayhe's been on forums many times since I sent the msg02:20
artnayI should probably just send that msg to volvoguy and see what he thinks. After all, he's the boss02:21
Tm_Tabout fonts: I prefer dejavu fonts02:30
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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artnaymhz: care to give us a link for your SVG?02:41
mhzsure! for which? (i usually upload SVG's)02:41
artnaythe one you were talking about earlier02:43
mhzartnay: hehhe, sorry. in edubuntu?02:43
artnaymhz: yeah02:43
artnayalways give us nice images if possible x)02:44
Tm_Tis it possible ;)02:44
mhzartnay: i wish i could provide the best sources possible. However, i'm just staring generating files using Gimp or Inkscape02:44
mhzartnay: does this help? http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuChileArtwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=tc_edubuntu_wallpaperV1.svg02:46
artnaymhz: not really, I'm at work (playing with this damn XP)02:48
artnayand I don't have a proper SVG program here02:49
artnaymakes me sad02:49
mhzartnay: but was that the link you wanted?02:49
artnayprobably, thanks02:49
artnayI'll check it out later02:49
mhzartnay: np. please. any help is mostly appreaciated02:49
mhz(esp. since I feel totaly newbie here in artwork :) )02:50
artnaymhz: is there a png version available for web browsers?02:59
mhzartnay: of same? there's a jpg one. Select attachments on that page and you'll get ti03:02
artnaymhz: it's quite small03:06
artnaybut good to see more stuff popping out :)03:07
mhzartnay: the JPG (not the png) is available if you use MoreActions -> Attachments. [del | get | view]  (32.7 KB) attachment:tc_edubuntu_wallpaperV1_s.jpg03:08
mhzthat JPG is 800 x 60003:08
mhzartnay: the png (very small) is just meant as a preview03:08
mhzMoin has a plugin for galleries but not implemented in ubuntu sites03:09
mhzhence I create the small versions and 'attach' the normal ones03:09
artnayok, now I see it clearly03:09
=== mhz thought he had lost his memory
artnayuhm, the idea is nice but a) maybe it's too much compressed as logo and those people seem kind of blurry b) the globe seems odd, countries are in wrong places etc.03:11
artnaybut if it's meant for kids, it doesn't need to be photorealistic :o03:11
mhzartnay: hehehe03:12
mhzI agree with you. In the SVG all looks good but the missed placed countries03:12
mhzthat's why i dont' understand why the PNG and JPG looks blurry03:12
artnaymaybe you could take the same approach as i.e. worldatlas, draw all the countries there03:13
artnaythat way you could get rid of the edges and countries could be placed even better03:14
artnayand then some "edubuntu ppl" walking here and there03:14
artnayI don't know, just an idea... don't take it too seriously :)03:15
mhzworldatlas? where?03:15
artnayI mean sort of flat version03:16
mhzit has to be round. Ubuntu font and logo are round03:16
mhzso i meant to keep roundity :D03:16
mhzand the concept of earth united03:17
mhzis also round03:17
mhz_houseartnay: if you know of any real cool GDM theme howto, please let me know. I tried yesterday and I realized XML is needed. Commented some parts/tags I didnt wanna use, but it did not work :(03:21
=== mhz_house BBS
artnaymhz: http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/06:04
artnaythat's all I have, don't use GDM anyways06:04
artnayI'm quite disappointed as there is no search utility at GNOME.org06:05
artnayare you supposed to use google? I guess06:05
artnayand why isn't there anything about creating themes at the homepage of GDM?06:05
mhzartnay: hence I asked06:06
mhzpersonally, I dont use GNOME06:06
artnayme neither06:06
mhzi prefer wmaker perfromance or fluxbox06:07
mhzKDE is great but too heavy for me06:07
mhztoo many buttons06:07
artnayI understand. It needs tweaking in order to get it "simple"06:07
artnayit's too busy by default06:07
artnayoh, no answer from bvc :(06:08
mhzartnay: and the only knowledge i have about GDM is what ogra said (about backgrounds being 1600x1200) and what I see under /usr/share/gdm/06:08
ogramhz, i talked about wallpapers :)06:08
artnaymhz: one of artworkers06:08
mhzogra: oh, sorry06:09
ogra1600x1200 and 1600x1000 are the sizes we ship06:09
mhzogra: artnay: I am testing this idea (1rst one) of the edubuntu and world for both GDM and wallpaper06:09
mhzogra: why 2?06:10
artnaymhz: for 4:3 and 16:906:10
artnaydifferent ratios06:10
=== mhz only has this 10 inches laptop to test :D
mhzand I can add a line to xorg (virtual)06:11
mhzto get real wider screen06:11
ograthrow your widescreen stuff at me ... i have a widescreen laptop06:11
mhzartnay: so once I feel work is ok in SVG. how do i make it look good for JPG and/or PNG?06:12
mhzogra: ok06:12
artnaymhz: just export it (you're using inkscape, right?) and don't rape it by compressing it too much06:12
mhzartnay: export options gimme PNG only06:13
mhzand iirc, wallpapers need to be JPG and GDM uses PNG06:13
mhzartnay: and I will change the world image06:14
=== mhz BRB
artnaymhz: the most idealistic format to be used as a BG is SVG06:14
artnayyou can always export it to png/jpg/whatever, but if possible, make it SVG06:14
mhzartnay: sure BG will handle SVG?06:19
artnaymhz: at least in GNOME and KDE06:19
mhzartnay: i do prefer svg for everything06:19
artnayand if user for some reason doesn't want to use SVG, one can always export it06:20
mhzartnay: we are talking about wallpapers or backgrounds for Login display managers?06:20
artnaymhz: for desktop06:21
artnayI don't think GDM handles SVGs06:21
mhzartnay: so when you say BG you mean wallpaper?06:21
Tm_Twell, KDE and Gnome might render svg differently than inkscape for example (they do I know, several issues with it)06:21
Tm_Tso png is safe choice06:21
artnayyeah, sorry for the inconvenience06:22
mhzogra: see? that's why get confused06:22
ograall gnome apps handle svg fine ...06:22
ograat least since cairo 06:22
artnayunless it has to scale to small sizes06:22
Tm_Tyes, fine, but differently than some svg editors06:23
mhzso, to sum up... GDM and KDM prefer PNG. (ok, I'll se what it looks like) But, why a jpg wallpaper made in SVG and got exported to, looks so blurry?06:23
ograthats a problem with svg, not the renderer06:23
Tm_TI had example somewhere...06:23
artnaymhz: is the original logo high res? is it SVG or some badly compressed .jpg?06:23
artnaysorry, png06:24
ograTm_T, if you find such a prob, please file a bug so we can solve it06:24
artnaythen you resize it to be larger only to see that the quality is terrible06:24
artnayogra: it's well-known problem that SVGs don't scale very well to 16x16 or 22x2206:25
ograartnay, yes, thats not a but06:25
ograthats the nature of vector graphics06:25
artnayTm_T: I guess the development of sodipodi has been discontinued and that is why it has problems06:27
Tm_Tartnay: sodipodi and inkscape shows it pretty much same way06:27
ogranot in your screenshot06:27
mhzartnay: all I do so far is SVG only06:27
mhzno idea how to use GIMP the way I can use inkscape06:28
artnayTm_T: no they don't. Konq and inkscape do it the right way there but sodipodi's shot differs from others06:28
ograkonq also has a bug 06:28
Tm_Tartnay: konqi is that one in background... you see those round corners?06:28
artnaymhz: well I haven't learned GIMP either... always done things with photoshop06:28
ograbut what do you expect, its a browser, not a drawing app06:28
ograTm_T, so file a bug on konqueror 06:29
Tm_Togra: that same ksvg renders wallpapers if you set KDE to use svg wallpaper06:29
artnayKonq always adds edges to SVGs06:29
ograthe rather a bug for ksvg06:29
Tm_Togra: and gimp shows that same svg like ksvg do06:30
artnayif you click on a SVG file. but it on your desktop and it's drawn differently06:30
=== ogra stays away from KDE as far as he can, so he doesnt know the libs there
mhzartnay: oh, propietary soft :(06:30
artnaybut put...06:30
Tm_Tartnay: yu, and more and more06:30
Tm_Tthat's why wallpapers should be png06:30
Tm_Tbecause youcan't be sure they are renderedd same way all the time06:30
Tm_Ttypo day :(06:31
ograubuntu wallpapers differ anyway between ubuntu/kubuntu ...06:31
ograi dont think it matters06:31
Tm_Tbut I talk about svg as wallpaper in any case06:31
Tm_Twhatever its kubuntu, ubuntu, or something else06:31
Tm_Timho bad idea06:31
artnaymhz: I don't use it anymore. I've been learning PS things because my school and former work place had only PS to offer06:32
Tm_Tover and out ->06:32
artnaywell the BG can always be exported to png before the release06:32
Tm_Tplease do06:32
artnaybut if you release a BG for others, make it as SVG06:32
artnaythat way it's easy to change colours, add things etc.06:33
mhzok, me happier with SVG only06:33
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=== mhz BBL
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lllmanulllHey there11:11
lllmanulllI designed three new "tango style" icons for session management (Reboot, Shut Down, Log Out)11:11
lllmanulllAny thoughts ?11:11
lllmanulllAny ideas for the Hibernate one ?11:11
ograsheep jumping ?11:14
ograin a row11:14
lllmanulllHmm, I'm afraid it would be a little too comlplex ?11:15
lllmanulllThese will be rather small icons11:15
lllmanulllno ?11:15
ograyup, likely 11:18
ograbut a zzzZZZZ wouldnt be good either 11:18
ograwhat do win and osX use ? 11:41
ograi have neither around here 11:42

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