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bshumate | hello all | 01:30 |
bshumate | anyone using LyX for DockBook authoring at all? | 01:30 |
Burgwork | not that I know of | 01:33 |
Burgwork | how the heck do I get grep to search for a bang and not a bitwise not | 01:33 |
bshumate | maybe a better question is...what do folks here use as an editor typically? ;-) | 01:33 |
Burgwork | no idea what others use | 01:34 |
Burgwork | I use gedit and bluefish | 01:34 |
bshumate | thanks! i'll check em out. | 01:34 |
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dabaR | Burgwork: I have thought abbout what you said whern I showed you my proc. doc. and I think your answer was bad if you totally discarded my doc. Even though synaptic is going out in like, 5 months, it is still in, and many people could benefit from my well written doc. | 05:07 |
dabaR | :) | 05:09 |
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rob1 | dang, mdke is away.. | 08:23 |
jsgotangco | why? | 08:29 |
jsgotangco | rob1: why are you using gmail | 08:30 |
jsgotangco | i have to approve your posts then | 08:30 |
rob1 | ? | 08:30 |
rob1 | is this a recent change to the list? | 08:30 |
jsgotangco | no | 08:30 |
jsgotangco | your gmail account obviously isn't subscribed | 08:31 |
rob1 | My header says rob1 at ubuntu dot com, but yes its comming from the gmail servers | 08:31 |
jsgotangco | nvm its only one email anyway | 08:32 |
rob1 | does the list block email with a from header that isn't the same domain as the server? | 08:34 |
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mdke | rob1, it depends on the header | 09:11 |
mdke | mine from mdke@ubuntu.com works alright | 09:11 |
mdke | dabaR, you should post to the mailing list, rather than just showing things to one person | 09:12 |
mdke | rob1, also, your emails are really hard to reply to! when I reply in evolution, the quotes don't wrap... | 09:19 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 09:21 |
jsgotangco | especially the one you use at work | 09:21 |
mdke | yeah | 09:21 |
jsgotangco | that really borks the thread... | 09:26 |
=== mdke nods | ||
mdke | i can't believe that it is outlook express's fault: it must have the technology to maintain threads | 09:28 |
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mdke | morning dholbach | 10:25 |
dholbach | hellas | 10:25 |
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mdke | rob1, around? | 10:51 |
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poningru | question do we have a quick howto regarding installation of firefox 1.5? | 11:57 |
poningru | cause I guess I can write it up | 11:57 |
mdke | poningru, i don't believe we do, maybe you can have a search on the wiki and see what is there | 11:58 |
poningru | well where on the forums do we post such things? | 11:58 |
poningru | cause nothing came up on the wiki | 11:58 |
poningru | I was thinking about writing one not sure where to do so | 11:58 |
mdke | poningru, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 11:59 |
poningru | yeah nm | 11:59 |
=== poningru looks like an idiot | ||
mdke | :) | 11:59 |
mdke | the wiki is a bit difficult to find stuff in by searching | 12:00 |
poningru | yeah | 12:03 |
mdke | poningru, if you like you can figure out what difference there is between the various firefox pages on the wiki, and integrate them in some way :) | 12:05 |
mdke | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingFirefox <-- appears to be completely superfluous | 12:05 |
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poningru | hmm ok | 12:16 |
mdke | poningru, up to you obviously :) You can check to see if the page on install firefox 1.5 is up to date too, if you like | 12:26 |
mdke | and obviously, improve the page if you don't like it :) | 12:26 |
poningru | yeah improved the firefoxnewversion | 12:33 |
poningru | I think the intsalling firefox page should be nominated for deletion | 12:34 |
poningru | installing* | 12:34 |
poningru | can you take a look at that page and see if it looks good? | 12:34 |
mdke | ok, I will delete it later on after checking that it has no links and such | 12:34 |
mdke | sure | 12:35 |
mdke | yeah the FirefoxNewVersion page looks very nice | 12:35 |
mdke | very clear | 12:36 |
poningru | are you running 1.0.7 can you check something really quick? | 12:39 |
mdke | yes I have it | 12:39 |
poningru | in your profile folder | 12:39 |
mdke | although I use epiphany now | 12:39 |
poningru | oh hehe | 12:39 |
poningru | well in firefox can you try to add a search plugin? | 12:39 |
mdke | sure tell me what to do | 12:40 |
mdke | I've deleted InstallingFirefox | 12:40 |
poningru | https://addons.mozilla.org/search-engines.php | 12:40 |
poningru | cool | 12:40 |
poningru | add any one of them | 12:40 |
mdke | ok done | 12:41 |
mdke | i clicked on ESPN | 12:41 |
poningru | ok make sure its installed | 12:41 |
poningru | in the search bar | 12:42 |
poningru | now go to the profile folder and see if there is a searchplugin | 12:42 |
poningru | it should be a folder named searchplugins | 12:43 |
mdke | it's in a folder named "search" | 12:43 |
poningru | ah ok | 12:43 |
mdke | matt@kalliope:~/.mozilla/firefox/h48215rp.default/search$ ls | 12:43 |
mdke | espn.png espn.src google.src MSN.png MSN.src wikipedia.png wikipedia.src | 12:43 |
poningru | hmm that has to be fixed | 12:43 |
poningru | hmm I think we should just copy the entire profile folder | 12:49 |
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dholbach | wow, you guys did magic improvements to the docs | 06:31 |
dholbach | the deb is 2,3MB now ;) | 06:31 |
mdke | hmm | 06:31 |
mdke | sounds bad | 06:31 |
dholbach | oh, why that? | 06:31 |
mdke | dholbach, the deb I built yesterday was 278K | 06:32 |
dholbach | serverguide, desktopguide and ubuntu/menu are new | 06:32 |
dholbach | ubuntu/menus rather | 06:32 |
mdke | lemme try building again | 06:32 |
dholbach | i can give you the output of the contents of the package, would that help? | 06:33 |
mdke | sure, if you like | 06:33 |
dholbach | ok | 06:33 |
mdke | i'm just building another package on our server | 06:33 |
dholbach | righto | 06:33 |
mdke | i haven't added anything since yesterday... | 06:34 |
mdke | dholbach, it's 296K | 06:35 |
dholbach | oh right... extracted it's 2,3MB | 06:35 |
=== mdke slaps himself | ||
mdke | sorry | 06:36 |
dholbach | It was Installed-Size, sorry | 06:36 |
dholbach | not Size :) | 06:36 |
mdke | http://doc.ubuntu.com/debs/ | 06:36 |
dholbach | are you happy with all the contents now? | 06:36 |
mdke | :) | 06:36 |
mdke | yep | 06:36 |
dholbach | i will have a brief look | 06:36 |
dholbach | and see if it blows everything away | 06:36 |
mdke | lol | 06:36 |
dholbach | if not, we'll get it in and have a party | 06:36 |
mdke | it's fine | 06:36 |
dholbach | party at my place - free beer! see you! :) | 06:36 |
mdke | the only bug is those html errors on scrollkeeper-rebuild that you reported | 06:37 |
=== mdke coughs | ||
mdke | the only OBVIOUS bug | 06:37 |
dholbach | i see ;) | 06:37 |
mdke | but the html validates, more or less, so I think it is ok | 06:37 |
dholbach | about ubuntu looks nice | 06:37 |
dholbach | yelp doesnt crash yet... let's have a look at the guides | 06:38 |
dholbach | why do we have them as html and xml? | 06:38 |
mdke | so that we can decide what is the best way | 06:38 |
dholbach | i see | 06:38 |
dholbach | will you get an announcement out for testing/judging about this? | 06:39 |
mdke | yeah, a thread is open on the mailing list | 06:39 |
mdke | i really wanted to see whether html will work ok in yelp | 06:39 |
dholbach | cool, make sure you're heard everywhere | 06:39 |
mdke | yes, absolutely | 06:39 |
mdke | i want to talk to seb and jdub about it | 06:39 |
dholbach | you guys rock | 06:40 |
mdke | i favour html myself, due to the fact that it loads 300 times faster, and looks nicer (or will do) | 06:40 |
=== dholbach hugs the doc team | ||
mdke | but we need to ensure that the translations will work | 06:40 |
=== mdke hugs back | ||
dholbach | and the packaging guide too | 06:40 |
dholbach | ROCK | 06:40 |
dholbach | although it could be de-crack-ed a bit :) | 06:40 |
dholbach | but NICE | 06:40 |
dholbach | i'm quite happy | 06:40 |
mdke | cool | 06:41 |
dholbach | i will build the package in pbuilder and see if that works too | 06:41 |
dholbach | then upload it | 06:41 |
mdke | great | 06:41 |
mdke | once it's uploaded, I'll start the html or xml war | 06:41 |
=== dholbach dances the doc dance | ||
mdke | heh | 06:42 |
dholbach | if you don't mind, i do another changelog entry (but the others will appear on dapper-changes too), to explain what was removed and what was added | 06:42 |
dholbach | so we don't get too much bug reports for missing translations and stuff | 06:43 |
dholbach | makes sense? | 06:43 |
mdke | dholbach, ok, but isn't that in the changelog already? | 06:43 |
dholbach | oh you added that already? | 06:43 |
mdke | think so | 06:43 |
dholbach | ok it is | 06:44 |
mdke | * Removed translations (translation won't start until string freeze) | 06:44 |
dholbach | :) | 06:44 |
dholbach | right | 06:44 |
dholbach | mdke: could you talk to elmo, so you get whitelisted for uploads? | 06:44 |
dholbach | meaning, you'll get a mail if the package is accepted or not | 06:44 |
mdke | you can't upload it? | 06:44 |
mdke | oh it takes it from the changelog? | 06:45 |
dholbach | yeah, i will sign and upload it | 06:45 |
dholbach | exactly | 06:45 |
mdke | sure i'll talk to him | 06:45 |
dholbach | or i will add a changelog entry | 06:45 |
dholbach | ok | 06:45 |
dholbach | just write a signed mail, telling him, that you want to be whitelisted for uploads (i will sponsor them) | 06:45 |
dholbach | ok | 06:45 |
mdke | ok i'll cc it to you | 06:46 |
mdke | but my key is not in trusted | 06:46 |
dholbach | i think that doesnt mind for whitelisting | 06:46 |
mdke | ok | 06:46 |
dholbach | it's just that katie sends you a mail for every upload | 06:46 |
dholbach | and your name appears on dapper-changes *YAY, FAME FACTOR!* | 06:46 |
mdke | yeah bonus | 06:47 |
dholbach | pbuilder is building | 06:48 |
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mdke | dholbach, mailed | 06:50 |
dholbach | super | 06:50 |
Burgwork | mdke, outlook is probably hitched to an exchange server that, becuase rob works for aussie dod, is classifying the emails | 06:54 |
=== mdke slaps outlook | ||
jjesse | watch out it will slap back | 06:55 |
jjesse | i use outlook w/ exchange, what is classifying thme is not outlook, but the spam filter they are using w/ exchange | 06:56 |
mdke | how come my client doesn't wrap his mail in the quoted text? | 06:57 |
mdke | and what is breaking the threads? | 06:57 |
mdke | it must be something to do with microsoft, surely | 06:57 |
dholbach | still building :) | 06:57 |
jjesse | what client are u using mdke? | 06:58 |
mdke | jjesse, evolution | 06:58 |
jjesse | hmm outlook is allowing me to view his emails in the thread view and when i reply to one of his emails it quotes the text normally | 06:58 |
mdke | ebil | 06:59 |
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Burgwork | mdke, I don't blame exchange. I blame the setup that DoD put on their exchange servers | 07:23 |
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mdke | i've noticed the serverguide and desktopguide html doesn't have a doctype and thus fails validation | 08:01 |
mdke | if we use the xhtml stylesheets, this doesn't happen | 08:02 |
mdke | does anyone know (a) how to make html work, or (b) if there is any reason not to use the xhtml stylesheets? | 08:02 |
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=== mdke has the new dapper ubuntu-docs package :) | ||
LaserJock | cool | 10:10 |
=== Burgwork feels like a lazy bum. He has done nothing for docs recently | ||
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mdke | Burgwork, I will be initiating the html vs xml war again soon :) | 11:22 |
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Burgwork | mdke, oh joy | 11:23 |
=== Burgwork is about to initiate the mediawiki vs moin war with a blog post tongiht | ||
mdke | :) | 11:24 |
mdke | LOL | 11:24 |
mdke | at least my war is winnable | 11:24 |
Burgwork | my reasoning will be very clear | 11:24 |
Burgwork | it will not be "MEDIAWIKI SI BETTER SUXORS" | 11:24 |
mdke | will it be "mediawiki will soon be written in python"? | 11:24 |
Burgwork | nope | 11:25 |
Burgwork | I wish | 11:25 |
mdke | surely it can't win then | 11:25 |
Burgwork | but I can see more of mediawiki being written in c# | 11:25 |
mdke | well I think the html way will succeed | 11:28 |
mdke | pending a discussion with seb about the ramifications | 11:28 |
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LaserJock | mdke: I just installed ubuntu-docs_5.11-3_all.deb on Breezy and now I don't have anything in System->Help | 11:39 |
mdke | heh | 11:39 |
mdke | how odd | 11:40 |
mdke | lemme try that | 11:40 |
LaserJock | it's a fresh install so maybe I missed something | 11:40 |
mdke | is there any reason why it should work? | 11:41 |
mdke | oh, works here | 11:41 |
LaserJock | hmm | 11:41 |
mdke | http://mdke.org/images/ubuntu-docs.png | 11:42 |
mdke | they work too | 11:42 |
LaserJock | here's mine: http://www.chem.unr.edu/~mantha/ubuntu/Screenshot.png | 11:44 |
mdke | try running "sudo scrollkeeper-rebuilddb -q" | 11:44 |
mdke | where did you get the deb btw? | 11:45 |
mdke | if you got it from the dapper repos, maybe there is an issue with that | 11:45 |
LaserJock | mdke: I got it from doc.ubuntu.com/debs it was working yesterday | 11:47 |
LaserJock | but I did a fresh install today | 11:47 |
mdke | odd indeed | 11:48 |
LaserJock | I got a whole bunch of errors when I did sudo scrollkeeper-rebuilddb -q | 11:49 |
dholbach | good night doc-people - first package in for dapper - well done! | 11:49 |
mdke | night night | 11:49 |
dholbach | keep up the celebrations | 11:49 |
mdke | LaserJock, all involving html validation problems? | 11:49 |
mdke | dholbach, thanks to you | 11:49 |
dholbach | *YOU* | 11:49 |
dholbach | :) | 11:49 |
mdke | no, you! | 11:49 |
mdke | etc | 11:49 |
dholbach | ;) | 11:50 |
LaserJock | "Opening and ending tag mismatch", "Input is not proper UTF-8", and "Premature end of data" in various places | 11:50 |
mdke | yeah | 11:51 |
mdke | that's normal | 11:51 |
LaserJock | all in serverguide/C/index.html and desktopguide/C/index.html | 11:51 |
mdke | i should have a fix for that tomorrow | 11:51 |
LaserJock | mdke: well, I will reboot into dapper and see if it is different. | 11:52 |
mdke | k | 11:52 |
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