
rhoffaahh true12:00
crsd_just wanted to see what it does12:00
olli_04i've one user there where i can do a remote login via ssh but on the other user i can't. where could be the problem?12:00
rhoffavoodoo - my musical taste doesnt help either, damn people sharing there mtv brainwashed files12:00
dooglusrhoffa: does the problem continue if you make a new profile?12:00
afabianrhoffa, yeah.  It happens mostly when I open up a bunch of links at once without looking at them.12:00
erUSULK_Dallas, just growisofs -Z /dev/hdx -speed=4 /dir (where x is usually b or c)12:01
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anavimcoz: I just installed it after you mentioned it, so no tips  :)12:01
cuscowhat are the hardware requirements to run ubuntu desktop?12:01
rhoffai havnt mad a new profile12:01
olli_04did i need to set special right to the users?12:01
K_DallaserUSUL, ok, thanks. i will try on a DVDrw first ;)12:01
dooglusrhoffa: try it12:01
rhoffabut i can have 1 tab open and just click on a link and it will close12:01
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dooglusrhoffa: it's either your profile or one of your plugins I would say.  firefox itself doesn't crash very much at all12:01
SEJeffK_Dallas: http://lliurex.net/home/files/descargas/capturas/gnomebaker.png Screenshot12:01
anavimcoz: it seems to do a great job all by itself.  I selected by home directory and it made a nice visual layout of files12:01
anavimer, selected my home directory...12:02
dooglusrhoffa: if you do find a repeatable crash, report it to the mozilla bugzilla12:02
K_DallasSEJeff, that looks nice :) thank you12:02
afabiandooglus, no, I haven't seen any core files, but ulimit usually fixes that.  ulimit -c tells me that the core size is set to 0... I'd probably have to stick ulimit -c unlimited in /etc/Xsession.d or some such.12:02
pozdiywhat is the best way of installing selected deb files from debian mirrors? I'm talking about dozen or two of separate programs for end user (not system important)?12:02
rhoffawell im not running the newest version im gonna update and take it from there12:02
tjppdooglus, thanx12:02
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ruairianyone able to help me with networking? Im on Breezy. It was working before and now it isn't12:02
donaldWhat plugin does one use to get Firefox to play streaming audio??12:03
mustard5donald, mozplugger12:03
dooglusafabian: did you try changing the ulimit -c value?12:03
ruairiReal. RealPlayer 10 works a treat12:03
donaldOK thanks.12:03
ruairigo to the Restricted formats page in the Help files online. Follow the list.12:04
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afabiandooglus, works in a shell.  The problem, of course, is that my typical shell is in a gnome-terminal and is parent of nothing.  Like I said... Xsession.d ;)12:04
K_DallasSEJeff, gnomebaker says my dvd drive burns on dvd-r while it does both and on dl too. would that cause any problems or dvd-r is used in a general sense?12:04
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ruairiI had a bit of trouble installing Realplayer 10. had an error message when I followed the instructions.12:04
SEJeffK_Dallas: general12:05
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K_Dallasok thanks12:05
ruairiIt reported a file missing fixed the problem by sudo get apt <the file it was asking for>12:05
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CarlF1"The Qt database plug-in (QMYSQL3) is not installed." - is  libqt3-mt-mysql (universe) what I need?  hoping for something in main12:05
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=== houseoftainted [n=houseoft@c-24-12-123-213.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
houseoftaintedcan i ask for help here :)12:06
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houseoftaintedi dont understand tar.gz files12:06
ruairiwell ask, someone might answere12:06
rhoffait wont let me install it12:06
SAM_themanyo guys12:06
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parabolizeI got a iriver ifp-890 that was working in Ubuntu 5.04 but its not working in 5.10. Nautilus (and the cli)  will act like moveing *.ogg files over but when I turn on the player the files anr't there or they are corrupt. here is the valid parts of dmesg http://users.adelphia.net/~phann8/dmesg.txt12:06
CarlF1houseoftainted: do you undersand .zip files?12:06
ruairiI cant help you there.12:06
K_Dallashouseoftainted, tar.gz is tarred and gzipped12:06
houseoftaintedyes i know12:06
SAM_themanmy dad havinga problem with amarok12:06
houseoftaintedits the thiing inside it12:06
SAM_themanits not playing music12:07
houseoftaintedi dont know how to install programs12:07
houseoftaintedon linux12:07
SAM_themanbut his sound works with other programs like cds and other musical stuff12:07
SAM_themanis amarok just a bad version?12:07
SEJeffhouseoftainted: Go to System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager12:07
parabolizehouseoftainted, sudo aptitude install blah12:07
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SEJeffhouseoftainted: Or Applications --> Add Applications for a simpler interface with less software12:07
CarlF1houseoftainted: "install programs" is pretty vague.  what are you trying to install?12:08
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ryan_anyone got a minute to help out a newbie to linux? just trying to figure out if i still have my windows install =)12:09
thewayofzen*Problem/Question* :  since the upgrade of nautilus the other day on breezy.. nautilus is leaving icons on the desktop AFTER cd ejection.  Blank CD-R Disc will *NOT* go away12:09
houseoftaintedhow do i install programs on linux?12:09
mustard5ryan_, what makes you think you might not have it?12:09
mustard5houseoftainted, what program/12:09
dooglusafabian: thanks for that.  i've been wondering for a while why I wasn't seeing core files.12:09
rhoffaso im on the firefox wiki to install the 1.5 update12:10
ryan_well when i installed ubuntu, i had my drive partitioned into two drives12:10
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SAM_themanubotu: tell SAM_theman about amarok12:10
dooglusafabian: I use .gnomerc to set things like that.  didn't know about Xsession.d12:10
houseoftaintedmustard5,  snes 9x12:10
ryan_i had to format one so i chose the smaller one with my music and downloads on it12:10
rhoffasudo cp firefox-1.5.tar.gz /opt/ that wont work even though i have firefox on my deskto12:10
ryan_when i tried to reboot just now it goes straight into ubuntu and doesnt give me an option to boot windows12:10
mustard5houseoftainted, I believe that is installable via synaptic package manager12:10
ryan_im pretty sure that wasnt the drive with my windows install, but its been a while.  im very new to linux so i have no idea how to even look at my drive12:11
SEJeffrhalff_: Well then you probably aren't copying the file12:11
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houseoftaintedok thanks :)12:11
mustard5houseoftainted, have you used synaptic before?12:11
SEJeffrhalff_: Try cd ~/Desktop and then try that command again12:11
gimmulfGive me 1 reason why i shouldnt install the 32bit ubuntu breezy system instaed of the 64bit im currently running12:11
afabiandooglus, .gnomerc is probably a better place.  I just stick stuff where it works.  It can get tiresome figuring out where stuff is "supposed" to go. ;)12:11
rhoffasejeff thanks12:11
dooglusryan_: run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" and see if your NTFS partition exists12:11
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ruairiryan_ what boot manager did you install?12:11
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ryan_hah, i didnt install one i dont think?12:12
rhoffasejeff it said no directory12:12
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CarlF1houseoftainted: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/games/snes9x-x so use Menu,  System, Administration, , "Synaptic Package Manager"12:12
mustard5ryan_, you probably have grub installed12:12
afabiangimmulf, one reason is that you're already running the 64bit one.  Inertia. :x12:12
ruairiwell that's why it's not dual booting12:12
mustard5ryan_, did you do a default install of ubuntu?12:13
ryan_yes grub12:13
ryan_yes i did a default, and it say smy windows partition is still there12:13
ruairithe standard installation is the GRUB bootloader. I think it has opptions for dual booting12:13
thewayofzenIs anyone aware of a way to fix nautilus so it doesnt leave that icon behind or is there a way to make it LEAVE once it is stuck there?!?12:13
gimmulfafabian:  but nithing works? Ati drivers wont work :/ mplayer wont work flash wont work , firefox wont work etc etc....12:13
mustard5ryan_, sometimes with grub you have to hit esc to see the menu when it comes up with a countdown12:13
gimmulffonts wont work either12:13
ruairiyouve got 3 seconds on startup to call up it's menu12:13
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ryan_right i did that12:13
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ryan_and it gave me three options12:13
dooglushmm.  should be 4.12:14
ryan_kernel, kernerl recovery, an done other that i forgot12:14
dooglusyou saw ubuntu, recovery and memtest, right?12:14
rhoffais there a apt-get install for firefox 1.5?12:14
ryan_but it wasnt windows12:14
mustard5ryan_, memtest was the third12:14
afabiangimmulf, I'm no expert, but I figure the 32 bit version should work just fine, if you want to run it.  Less performance, probably.12:14
ryan_yes that sounds right12:14
rhoffabecause the tar.gz installtion that i dled from mozilla.org isnt working12:14
mustard5ryan_, have you used the terminal in linux before?12:14
houseoftaintedCarlF1,  synaptic wont run keeps saying wrong password12:14
houseoftaintedit is the right password im not that dumb12:14
dooglusryan_: I would suggest mounting your NTFS partition in ubuntu and seeing if it has a windows install on it12:14
afabianI installed Debian's official stable on an amd64 with no problems. (amd64 for debian stable has an unofficial version, but I wouldn't use that.)12:15
ryan_if theres some kind of tutorial that will get me familiar with the termninal, i can go read up on it12:15
mustard5ryan_, go to your Applications>>Accessories menu and look for terminal12:15
budluvaanyone aware of a good brand of laptop that works well with ubuntu? or do all laptops work pretty well?12:15
ryan_yes ive got the terminal up, i just havent used it before, until that last command you told me to use12:15
houseoftaintedok got it working through sudo su ^_^12:15
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dooglusryan_: make a directory for mounting the ntfs partition:   "sudo mkdir /media/ntfs"12:16
mustard5ryan_, ok you used the pastebin in IRC before?12:16
dooglushouseoftainted: "sudo -i" is better.12:16
mustard5ubotu, tell ryan_ about pastebin12:16
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mustard5ryan_, ubotu should have sent you a link to the pastebin12:16
ryan_havent used it but im pulling it up12:16
rhoffathis wiki link for firefox 1.5 installation isnt working12:17
linkddoes anyone know how i can fix, or at least recover as much data as possible, off a drive complaining of a "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while tr ying to open /dev/hda4"? all i did was mount it whilst in a livecd :/12:17
mustard5ryan_, if you can copy and paste the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda to the pastebin, hit submit and then show us the unique URL it makes12:17
ruairianyone know what they're doing with networking?12:17
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Arv3nCan anyone help me, why does gDesklets show up in allb lack?12:18
mustard5ryan_, thanks12:18
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Arv3nI mean the plugins or w/e for gDesklets12:19
ryan_its amazing how helpless i am on a linux box, having only used windows until now =/12:19
ryan_gotta make the switch sometime though12:19
linkdanyone have any idea about my fsck error?12:19
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Arv3nwell, i dualboot, so its not a problem for me. XD12:19
dooglusryan_: that NTFS partition is an extended partition.  is it possible to run Windows off an extended partition?12:20
Shadowpillarare nvidia's video drivers available for 64 bit?12:20
Arv3ncan anyone help me? gdesklets apps show off in all black12:20
Arv3n*show up12:20
pozdiyany howto on how to use tell with ubotu?12:20
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rhoffashadowpillar - im wondering the same thing12:20
dooglusryan_: did you run that "sudo mkdir /media/ntfs" command?12:20
mustard5ryan_, its a bit of  steep learning curve at the start, but if you hang out in here you will quickly learn ;)12:20
ryan_no dooglus i didnt, should i now? and i dont know if its possible or not =)12:20
ruairiShadowpillar : should be, tried their website?12:20
dooglusryan_: yes, do it now12:21
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dooglusryan_: and then try mounting the NTFS partition, using this command: "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/ntfs"12:21
constantine_xvican you (and how do you) change the resolution of the boot screen and consoles?12:21
ryan_is there some kind of mouse-clickcommand to copy text? i thought i saw a buddy doing it the other day.12:21
dooglusryan_: there's the 'edit' menu in gnome-terminal12:21
Shadowpillar"NVIDIA and ATI graphics card drivers, Acrobat Reader, Opera, Real Player, Macromedia Flash Player and perhaps a few other pieces of software. Of these, only NVIDIA and ATI have made an effort to build 64-bit editions of their drivers (the ATI driver is currently in beta testing)."12:21
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ericI get the following error when starting mozilla-firefox :12:21
calamariryan_: middle mouse button12:22
ericplugin_get_value 112:22
ericplugin_get_value 212:22
ericINTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager12:22
ericSystem error?:: No such file or directory12:22
calamariryan_: to paste that is12:22
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ericAnyone got any clues, sorry i'm new to linux12:22
Arv3ndont copy and paste.12:22
doogluscalamari: he said 'copy', not 'paste'.  right :)12:22
ryan_k, thx calamari12:22
mustard5linkd, are you trying to fsck a mounted disk?12:22
Arv3nuse the pastebin.nl thing. O_O12:22
ericoh my bad sorry12:22
ryan_ok dooglus i ran both commands12:22
dooglusryan_: now "cd /media/ntfs" and "ls".12:22
Arv3ndont worry, i do it all the time on accident. XD12:22
calamaridooglus: regardless that's what he wanted :)12:22
dooglusdo you see your windows stuff?12:22
dooglusI can't believe I'm talking to a fried squid12:23
ryan_it says permission denied12:23
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calamaridooglus: lol12:23
calamarior a star wars fan :)12:23
constantine_xvican you (and how do you) change the resolution of the boot screen and consoles?12:24
linkdmustard5: no12:24
BadMackTuckno, definitely the squid12:24
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linkdmustard5: it wont mount. that is the problem.12:24
dooglusryan_: oh yes, it would.  unmount it:  "sudo umount /media/ntfs" and remount as yourself:  "sudo -t ntfs -o uid=1000 /dev/hda5 /media/ntfs"12:24
mustard5linkd, and runnning fsck on it unmounted is not fixing it?12:24
ruairicalamari what about the ctrl-c or ctrl-v keyboard shortcuts, is there a way to make them universa. cause they only seem to work in open office and not everything else!12:24
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calamariruairi: they seem to work in all gnome apps for me.. kde too12:25
cfahi any1 have an onboad minipc Atheros A/B/G card and got to work12:25
linkdmustard5: thats correct, it errors when i try12:25
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dooglusruairi: it's control-shift-c (and v) in gnome-terminal12:25
gib8hi can someone help me with vmware? i get following warning: cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++12:25
SAM_themanubotu: tell SAM_theman about w32codecs12:25
mustard5linkd, hmmmm... (looking at the error again)12:25
gib8and i dont know the meaning of it and why i get it12:25
constantine_xvican you (and how do you) change the resolution of the boot screen and consoles?12:25
dooglusruairi: because control-c and control-v are used by a lot of the programs you might use inside the terminal12:25
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calamariruairi: I rarely use them tho.. I prefer the ancient Ctrl-Ins, Shift-Ins, Shift-Del combos12:25
gib8can it depends on the kernelversion?12:26
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atrophicruairi, try control shift c and control shift v when control c/control v doesn't work12:26
szehnehas anyone had any luck running half-life 2 with wine?12:26
mustard5linkd, what is on that partition?12:26
linkdit was previously mounted as /home12:26
dooglusruairi: you can change the shortcuts to anything you like, of course12:26
linkdmustard5: which is why the data is important to retrive12:26
ruairidont seem to work for me when trying to copy command lists out of the help files into the terminal12:27
ryan_dooglus: it gave me an error, should i paste bin it?12:27
dooglusryan_: sure12:27
ryan_dooglus: says illegal option "-t"12:27
mustard5linkd, and what is the command you are using to mount it?12:27
calamariruairi: for the terminal I usually middle click to paste.. dunno, sorry12:27
constantine_xvino personal XP with HL2, but a friend of mine got it running faster than winxp12:27
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dooglusryan_: oh yes, it would.  remount as yourself:  "sudo mount -t ntfs -o uid=1000 /dev/hda5 /media/ntfs"12:27
dooglusryan_: I missed out the 'mount' command!12:27
linkdmustard5: it was originally failing at boot when it was trying to do /etc/fstab. i have subsquently try mount -a, and mount /dev/hda412:28
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ruairicheers, that's several options12:28
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ryan_dooglus: k, now run the previous12:28
cfaany1 now anything about Atheros minipc card and ndiswrapper, WPA12:28
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mustard5linkd, I'm at the stage where I would only be guessing what to do really12:29
dooglusryan_: "cd /media/ntfs" takes you to the directory12:29
ryan_oh nice12:29
dooglusryan_: and "ls" lists the contents12:29
ryan_dooglus: it has all my files listed =P12:29
linkdmustard5: thats ok, any input might help resolve this12:29
dooglusryan_: do you see a "windows" directory?12:29
ryan_dooglus: yes12:29
linkdmustard5: throw in any ideas u have!12:29
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ineshHi all12:29
ruairianyone here able to help with Samba?12:30
calamariI see a lot of requests go zooming past because of the amount of traffic in here.. curious if anyone would be interested in me writing some kind of help bot where you log questions, they are reported in the channel, can list them, add comments, etc.. then no requests would be lost12:30
=== Sedge [n=DMO@69-11-2-132.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5linkd, is there more to the error message?12:30
mustard5linkd, can you pastebin it?12:30
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pozdiycalamari, yes, I would like to see such a bot here12:30
linkdmustard5: thats the entire error. the one of boot was about a superblock read failure. but thats it otherwise12:30
senseitekiI'm looking to change distros - I'm currently using suse open at the moment, and want to find a distro that handles video better - what kind of codecs are included with ubuntu?12:30
SedgeAnyone have issues with their system randomly just hanging for a few split seconds here and there? I'm running Breezy with a P4 2.4c and 2gigs of RAM and I can't figure this out12:30
linkdmustard5: i was pointed towards a windows program that is used for recovering linux partitions, let me just try this, seems to be running well at the moment. *fingers crossed*12:31
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mustard5linkd, k :)12:31
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senseitekiI'm looking to change distros - I'm currently using suse open at the moment, and want to find a distro that handles video better - what kind of codecs are included with ubuntu?12:32
seifeI need a wlan guru, i cant get my wireless device working.. please help.12:32
LjLsenseiteki: no codecs for restricted formats12:32
LjL!tell senseiteki abut restrictedformats12:32
LjLsenseiteki: they can be installed, though, of course12:32
mustard5senseiteki, proprietory codecs need to be downloaded seperately12:32
calamaripozdiy: cool.. mind if I pm?12:32
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pozdiyare there any usenet groups for Ubuntu?12:33
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cfaseife i am in the same boat, what chip set are u using and what have u tried so far12:33
=== Cup [n=huhuh@ARC1PPP29.dialup.hull.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
pozdiycalamari, go ahead12:33
senseitekialright, in your experience, are they easy to get working?12:33
mustard5senseiteki, very easy12:33
ryan_dooglus: you still there?12:33
LjL!tell senseiteki about restrictedformats12:33
seifecfa, Intersil Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset, i have tried a lot, hehe.12:33
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nowh34hey how can i view a file who is in a ./ folder12:33
Cuphey everyone , i've got a question here , do i have to make the partition empty b4 i install on it ?12:33
senseitekifantastic - thanks - also, should i be downloading the cd iso or the dvd?   what's included on the dvd that's not on the cd?12:33
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cfahave u installed the latest ndiswrapper and what encrp do u use12:34
szehnehas anyone ever considered creating a "dashboard"-like application for linux?12:34
Techie_dudeHow would i make xmms my default cd player12:34
nowh34hey how can i view a file who is in a ./ folder12:34
BadMackTuckLjL: restrictedformats doesnt have info in it about getting wmv's to run, though12:34
LjLsenseiteki: if you have a fast connection, i suppose the cd will be fine12:34
mustard5Cup, from memory, I believe it formats the partition you choose12:34
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LjLBadMackTuck: well, i don't what has12:34
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rob_pnowh34:  cat ./filename12:35
kukAWhttp://picasa.hu/1133393718-1011_de4.jpg ;-) :)12:35
Cupmustard 5 , i selected the manual partitioning , created a new 20gig partition ... the problem is ... the data on my remaining 60 gig is destroyed12:35
cfaseife, is it a card or onboard and do u have the .inf file for it12:35
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BadMackTucksomeone who knows whats up, aka not me, should update that wiki. pretty pretty please12:35
seifeI dont have the .inf file for it :'(12:35
senseitekiLjL: Thanks, i appreciate the help12:35
USCRyanmustard5: i dont know what happened to dooglus, could you help me?12:36
mustard5USCRyan, what do you need to do now?12:36
rob_pnowh34:  If it's a big file, you can do a, "cat ./filename | less" and use the arrow up/down keys to scroll the document.  "q" will quit the less session.12:37
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mustard5USCRyan, you need to get windows booting?12:37
USCRyanmustard5, i was ryan_ that was asking questions a minute ago12:37
cfaah, that would help alot. u can use with the ndiswrapper. is it on a laptop? if yes, is it dual boot. If yes have u check the windows boot for the inf file12:37
USCRyanmustard5, yes, he had me mount my drive and my windows directory is there12:37
Cody`Can anyone tell me what the current backports url's are?12:37
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seifecfa, onboard.12:38
nowh34rob_p , i want to move the file that  is in a " ./ " folder  , to my desktop12:38
nowh34how can i do?12:38
redondosnowh34: move it to ~/Desktop12:38
nowh34how can i make it?12:38
redondosmv ./file ~/Desktop12:38
dooglusUSCRyan: yes.12:38
mustard5USCRyan, ok..just thinking about how we might go about it12:38
rob_pnowh34:  "mv ./filename ~/Desktop/"12:38
dooglusUSCRyan: I was helping my flatmate find her car keys!12:38
nowh34ok thanks12:38
redondosnp, nowh3412:38
USCRyandooglus, np haha i figured you had to go for one reason or another =)12:38
cfaseife, can u answer the rest of my questions12:38
mustard5dooglus, ok..I don't have much idea how to get his grub working, so I might leave it to you :)12:39
pozdiyany newsgroups dedicated to Ubuntu in existance?12:39
dooglusUSCRyan: can you pastebin the whole of your /boot/grub/menu.lst ?12:39
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rraajjHi! Can I upgrade from KDE 3.4 to 3.5 using the package manager?12:39
ardchoilleAnyone good with bash? I can't figure what  am doig wrong: http://rafb.net/paste/results/ZQil6c54.html12:39
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dooglusmustard5: I only used grub for the first time last week.  I usually use lilo12:39
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ruairiIm off folks12:39
mustard5Cup, so how did you want to proceed then?12:40
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USCRyandooglus, how do i get it to list that?12:40
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dooglusUSCRyan: I downloaded a little script from the pastebin site.12:40
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marc_help i need write in ntfs hd12:40
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huhmzWhats happened to /etc/ld.so.conf? where can i specify lib paths?12:41
cfaseife u there12:41
dooglusUSCRyan: in the terminal, type this:12:41
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seifecfa, read private msg12:41
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marc_help i need write in ntfs hdd12:41
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dooglus"cd; wget http://ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin; chmod 755 pastebin"12:41
diggUh Oh!12:41
ctcecilI got PuTTY to work on Windows XP home if anyone needs to know how12:41
mustard5marc_, thats not something that in a general sense linux can do12:41
cfawhat priv message12:41
=== digg just screwed up his partition table
seifeyes its a laptop, i dont have windows here, so i cant check12:42
marc_:( ok12:42
USCRyandooglus, done12:42
ctcecildigg: just did that earlier today, heh12:42
mustard5marc_, there are programs that can write to ntfs, but they are experimental12:42
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dooglusUSCRyan: then you can "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | ~/pastebin"12:42
ompaulhuhmz, all that is in mine is /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries12:42
diggctcecil: well, fdisk reads it , but parted doesnt12:42
dooglusUSCRyan: and that will paste the file for you12:42
diggctcecil: same ?12:42
dooglusUSCRyan: I see it12:42
USCRyandooglus, alright12:42
mustard5marc_, but using just default linux...the answer is no...you can't write to ntfs...so you need to write to a vfat partition then transfer from the vfat to ntfs in windows12:43
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dooglusUSCRyan: I also see that you don't have anything in there for booting windows...12:43
ctcecildigg: no well i didnt really screw up my partition table i installed ubuntu on a diff box so i decided to do without dual boot and messed everything all upand had to fix it with WINDOWS recovery console :-[12:43
Techie_dudehow would i make xmms my default cd player12:43
cfaseife, ok, so no win boot. sorry i can help u if u had the win boot, but i think onboard minipc have problems, so i guess we both must wait12:43
dooglusUSCRyan: I don't use grub here, so I can't tell what the windows bit should look like.  Hopefully someone else can help you.  You need to add a few lines to the end.  Although, since your Windows is in an extended partition, I don't even know if it's bootable.12:44
cfaseife, do u have a wlan card, i got that to work12:44
seifeno, just the shit that comes with the laptop12:44
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pozdiyI need a GUI newsreader, able to customise message headers for me (e.g. X-no-archive: yes), any suggestions?12:44
cfawhat kind of laptop12:44
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USCRyandooglus, thanks for your help, i have one last question12:45
tru64i need help please12:45
cfais it in the laptop list on the ubuntu site12:45
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USCRyandooglus, is it possible to get all of my media files from that partition, back them up, and then i could just format and start over with fresh installs?12:45
dooglusplease, someone, anyone who dual-boots windows and ubuntu using grub - pastebin a copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst12:45
tru64is no op in here?12:46
ompaultru64, if you don't tell people what it is you want to know they won't know what it is they should tell you, its kinda a too way street :-)12:46
dooglusUSCRyan: sure.12:46
SAM_themanwhy is xine soo choppy?12:46
seifecfa, hp pavilion ze530012:46
ompaultru64, s/too/two12:46
SAM_themanubotu: tell SAM_theman about dma12:46
steigweisff 1.5 is way faster than the 1.0 - and there is a new google toolbar - its great!12:47
USCRyandooglus, do you know of a good tutorial on a forum or anything that could teach me the basics of navigating the terminal? ex: how to move, delte, create directorys, open media files, install tar.gz's, ect12:47
thrice`steigweis, where did you grab it from?12:47
dooglusUSCRyan: you can use the ubuntu gui to drag and drop files from /media/ntfs into your home12:47
cfamy is not, i have a Fujitsu T4020D and it is not on the list12:47
steigweisthe toolbar?12:47
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steigweis1.5 is out now12:47
cfahave u checked the list12:47
steigweis on the firefox-site12:47
dooglusUSCRyan: I don't.  I learned all that stuff 20 years ago :)12:47
USCRyandooglus, hah, i was born 20 years ago ;)12:48
cfadooglus, i have a dual boot12:48
linkdmustard5: if your curious, the original program i found teased u. it detected ur drive and ur filesystem (which is great cuz i know its not totally fucked) but wouldnt let u actually recover them unless you paid! :(. so i googled and found another one, called R-Linux. i recommand this program if you ever have a working windows system and need to recover linux FS. it does the same as the other one (Phoenix Linux) but is free!12:48
dooglusUSCRyan: first, "man" will show you the manual page for any command.  so "man sudo" to find out what "sudo" does, etc.12:48
linkdmustard5: so im happy :D12:48
mustard5dooglus, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/525312:48
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CoweaterUSCRyan: man intro12:48
dooglusUSCRyan: then: move = "mv", copy = "cp", remove = "rm", install tar files = "tar xf <tar file>", make dir = "mkdir", remove dir = "rmdir", ...12:48
mustard5linkd, well done :)12:48
seifecfa, what list?12:49
mustard5linkd, I'll try to remember that one12:49
pozdiyI currently use NAutilus to navigate Windows network using Samba, is there any other GUI filamanager (I'd prefer 2 panel one, FileRunner like) wich would allow me to connect to windows network?12:49
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linkdmustard5: yea. its weird how... windows actually saved linux's ass this time12:49
USCRyancoweater, thanks ill check that out12:49
cfaseife, go to ubuntu support, then search laptop12:49
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mustard5dooglus, I was trying to reinstall windows yesterday, to my grub menu.lst is set up for windows..but I formatted the partition incorrectly so its not currently working12:50
cfathe website12:50
mustard5linkd, hehe12:50
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ompaul!tell tru64 about ask12:50
ompaultru64, the bot for the channel just sent you a message12:50
tru64oh let me read that12:50
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w|ngHey guys12:51
USCRyandooglus, i will just backup all my files and start from new, so heres my last question for now....is it possible to dual boot off one hard drive? its a 40gig, and if so what kind of partition should i do.12:51
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sethkUSCRyan, of course, that's the typical way you do it12:52
sethkUSCRyan, I have windows and linux dual booting on a 40 gig drive12:52
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eriscois there any way to check your motherboard model with the terminal?12:52
seifecfa, where ;o12:52
USCRyansethk, thanks, i was just confused because he said i have it on an "extended partition" and windows might not boot off that?12:52
sorush20guys I need some help with partitioning tool..12:52
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sethkUSCRyan, that's possibly true.  How did windows get onto an extended partition?12:52
pozdiyUSCRyan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands12:53
eriscoand i heard there was certain speeds a motherboard could run a graphics card at, is this true?12:53
sorush20I have a /hda1 55gb and I have deleted all other partitions12:53
sethkUSCRyan, windows is extremely bitchy about booting12:53
dooglusUSCRyan: you could try this:  "wget -O- http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/grub-win.txt | sudo tee -a /boot/grub/menu.lst"12:53
USCRyansetk, i didnt pay much attention when i installed linux =)12:53
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w|ngDoes anyone know nokia 770?12:53
sethkUSCRyan, still, if you install windows first, it won't be on an extended partition12:53
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navaroneerisco> you may mean overclocking...and if you attempt and do not cool hardware properly you may fry puter12:53
nikcomheya peoples12:54
sorush20I have repartitioned and reinstalled to a new empty partition on the hard disk but I keep getting grub 15 boot error can anyone help please?12:54
mustard5welcome nikcom12:54
seifecfa, ?12:54
USCRyansethk, well, before i installed linux, it was showing that i had two different installs of windows going on12:54
nikcomive just installed ubuntu 5.10 3 times, and once i log in, the whole system just stops12:54
nikcomdriving me crazy12:54
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ompaulw|ng, lots of us know it but I doubt if anyone has seen one other than on the nokia site12:54
USCRyansetk, but they both worked, i just got in the habbit of using the previous, somewhere along the road i must have tried to reinstall it on the other partition12:54
mustard5sorush20, I'm just looking up what error 15 is12:54
SAM_themanwhy can't i hear any sound in foxnews???12:55
cfaseife, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//LaptopTestingTeam/view?searchterm=laptops12:55
sethkUSCRyan, two installs of windows, or just two partitions used by windows?12:55
ompaul!tell SAM_theman about restricted12:55
sorush20mustard5: I think its to do with not being able to find the map etc..12:55
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ompaulSAM_theman, have a look at the message from ubotu the channel bot it may be of use to you12:55
majykcan somebody recommend a USB wireless card that works with Linux?12:55
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mustard5sorush20, it says its a file not found error12:56
USCRyansethk, two installs, whenever i would boot up it would ask me to choose which OS, and it would list windows xp twice =) loading one would have totaly different settings than the other12:56
erisconavarone, for for example if my motherboard runs at a x8, and the graphics card is built for x4, i am risking to overheat my card?12:56
mustard5sorush20, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:56
spikebikeerisco should be fine12:56
USCRyandooglus, i ran that script, did it overwrite my old menu.lst?12:56
navaroneerisco> are you talking the agp?12:56
erisconavarone, yes12:56
navaroneerisco> no...that's okay...the motherboard will go at appropriate speed12:57
erisconavarone, i am running a 16MB and i seriously want to get a 256MB12:57
dooglusUSCRyan: it should have appended to it.12:57
bluefox83any of you folks ahd a problem with the breezy opera?12:57
erisconavarone, so where do these overheating problems occur?12:57
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dooglusUSCRyan: you could pastebin it again, so I can look.  or you could look for yourself: "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"12:57
bluefox83besides the fact that it sucks i mean >.>12:57
navaroneerisco> I misunderstood. I thought you were trying to change setting to get speed boost in processor12:58
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diggdoes anyone know what "Error: Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition" means... in parted12:58
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anavimbluefox83, no, just that  :D12:58
dooglusmy laptop overheats and shuts down when running ubuntu.  it doesn't when it runs mandriva or windows.12:58
USCRyandooglus, yes, its added12:58
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ompaulmustard5, one thing to look at is !grub :-)12:58
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bluefox83anavim, lol12:59
erisconavarone, okay. so no issues with clocking and the graphics card then? if i have a x4 motherboard and i have a x8 graphics card, would i not only take advantage of half the card's power?12:59
lightbrightnavarone: hello :)  great to see you12:59
dooglusUSCRyan: I don't know if hd(0,4) is the right way to specify your /dev/hda5 windows partition, what with it being an extended partition and all.  you can try rebooting and see what happens when you chose the new 4th grub menuy entry12:59
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spikebikeeric 1/2 the bandwidth to the video card12:59
spikebikebut that is not usually the bottleneck12:59
nikcomgggrrrr, ubuntu 5.10 is buggy as12:59
spikebikeshould be fine12:59
USCRyandooglus, alright i will try that now12:59
majykanyone successfully using a USB wireless card in Ubuntu?12:59
USCRyansetk, brb12:59
lightbrightnikcom: what bugs?01:00
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navaroneerisco> I don't see a prob...card will simply run at lower speed...downshift as it were01:00
navaronehi lightbright01:00
nikcomwell i just done a fresh install, coz gentoo was driving me crazy, and when i log in, gnome doesnt even load up01:00
nikcomthe whole system just stops01:00
lightbrightnikcom: how can it be a bug when it works for thousands of others?01:00
eriscospikebike, navarone, yes alright. my point was i don't exactly want to waste the money buying something more than my system can use...01:00
nikcomlike that forum01:00
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dooglusmajyk: I did once.  but in my experience wireless is a pain.01:00
navaronenikcom> can you press ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a terminal and log in?01:00
nikcomit wont let me01:01
eriscospikebike, navarone, is there a way to check the clocking speed?01:01
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mustard5ompaul, I'm being lazy  atm...I should fix it I suppose :)01:01
Seveasnikcom, 1) check whether 'lo' is up and 'esd' is running01:01
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eriscospikebike, navarone, i am having trouble finding a model number01:01
spikebikeersco it's not a waste, it's very hard to notice the difference, it's mostly marketing01:01
nikcomand if i click session, a white box comes up and i cant click anything01:01
eriscospikebike, navarone, i fear it may be on the backside of the motherboard01:01
navaroneerisco...waht motherboard you have?01:01
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nikcomi cant Seveas01:01
nikcomi cant get into a terminal01:01
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eriscospikebike, navarone, it is a compaq board, but i cannot locate a model number yet01:01
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Seveasnikcom, ah, it froze that bad?01:01
Seveasno <ctrl><alt><f1>?01:02
nikcomdriving me crazy01:02
nikcomi swear01:02
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navaroneerisco> try system/admin/device manager and see if it gives any clues01:02
pozdiywhat is a key combination to change a screen resolution on the fly under X.org?01:02
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Seveasah well, too late for me to try helping, gotta go to bed :)01:02
nikcomum ctrl alt - and + i think01:02
erisconavarone, of course i accidently click on my firefox launcher.... sigh01:02
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pozdiylet's try...01:02
phiqtionnalioth: flash isn't working01:03
pozdiynickrud, does not work01:03
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navaroneerisco...if it works then we needn't worry about browsing anyway ;)01:03
pozdiynikcom, does not work01:03
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nikcomggrrr, im gonna have to download an older version and update it then01:03
nowh34how can i convert a .avi file to a .vcd file?1?!01:03
nikcomyou have to have it enabled in your config01:03
seifeI need a wlan guru, i cant get my wireless device working.. please help.01:03
nowh34its dificult?01:03
nikcomlike all the other sizes your hardware can support01:04
phiqtionCan somebody help me? i recently downloaded flash thru apt-get but firefox isn't recognizing it01:04
erisconavarone, ah well shouldn't have closed the browser, i picked up the model on the agp01:04
alilouhi every one what is the module assistance name you use in ubuntu...also how would you install ipw2200 driver using apt, would you have to add contrib & non free in the source list? thanks01:04
mustard5phiqtion, let me check something....brb01:05
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nickv111What's the best way to get mythtv on ubuntu for PPC?01:05
mustard5phiqtion, did read the guide at the wiki at all?01:05
phiqtionmustard5: yes01:05
zcatI know that nobody likes grammar nazis, but in the About Ubuntu doc, shouldn't the comma be a semicolon for this sentence: "Ubuntu receives free security updates for 18 months after release, some versions are supported for even longer."01:05
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nowh34how can i convert a .avi file to a .vcd file?1?!01:05
zcatyes... I dropped into this channel just to say that. Running Ubuntu in vmware.01:05
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doogluszcat: yes, it should01:06
ryan_doolgus, it gave an error saying wrong type of partition -- so on to the formatting!01:06
tyler_165For some reason, after unpacking FF1.5 in /opt/, I get an error when I do /opt/firefox/firefox  anyone know why? Or have some knowledge?01:06
ryan_dooglus, what program should i use to burn cds?01:06
dooglusryan_: you might want to back up everything first :)01:06
guru54_does gcc come installed by default on ubuntu5.10?01:06
nikcomsince 5.10 doesnt work, does anyone know what i should go for next???01:06
dooglusryan_: k3b is good01:06
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Sneaky_Bastardguru: you have to install it01:06
Sneaky_Bastardbut it's on the CDE01:06
dooglusryan_: but it uses the KDE libraries.01:06
ryan_dooglus, will it matter if i install windows or ubuntu first after the format?01:07
guru54_Sneaky_Bastard, the libs are installed though correct?01:07
nowh34how can i convert a .avi file to a .vcd file?1?!01:07
SAM_themanThere were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins01:07
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ompaulguru54_, no >> sudo apt-get install build-essential <<will sort that out for you01:07
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guru54_ompaul, dailup, was hopeing it at least had the libs01:07
nikcomwhich is the most stable of hoarty warty and breezy?01:07
mweryan_: you'll get some (fixable) problems if you install windows after linux01:08
dooglusryan_: it's best to do windows first, or windows will overwrite grub01:08
Biscuitian_WarheHow do I make a sym link?01:08
Biscuitian_Warhelike /dev/modem01:08
pozdiyany other GUI for samba-client except NAutilus?01:08
ompaulguru54_, it is on the CD afik01:08
erisconavarone, alright i found it runs about 125-160 MHz01:08
Biscuitian_WarheThat points to another /dev thing01:08
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erisconavarone, so I might be looking for a 128MB?01:08
dooglusBiscuitian_Warhe: "ln -s /dev/something /dev/modem"01:08
dooglusBiscuitian_Warhe: although, for messing with /dev it's best to write a udev rule01:08
dooglusBiscuitian_Warhe: otherwise you'll be re-making the link every time you reboot01:09
erisconavarone, does that make any sense?01:09
mustard5phiqtion, so what do you get when type about:plugins in the address bar of firefox?01:09
ryan_dooglus, well i just realized i dont have a xp cd offhand, so i guess ill just go ubuntu only for now -- at least it will force me to learn linux quicker ;)01:09
navaroneerisco> if you want a vidcard  for a 4x agp motherboard..get it and whatevr amount of memory you can afford01:09
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tyler_165Anyone know anything about installing FireFox1.5??01:09
nowh34how can i convert a .avi file to a .vcd file?1?!01:09
dooglusryan_: fair enough.01:09
dooglusryan_: there's help here if you get stuck01:09
pdani_if i wrote a multisession cd, how can i grab the sessions one-by-one to iso-files?01:09
erisconavarone, i have no clue what my motherboard runs at01:10
ompaulguru54_, it is on the CD I just checked01:10
ryan_dooglus, should i go with k3b? the only thing i know about KDE is that its another GUI, i think.01:10
Biscuitian_Warhedooglus: How do I make a udev rule?01:10
dooglusryan_: you could try gnome-baker or whatever it's called.01:10
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navaroneerisco> you just have to find out whether your motherboard has a agp slot that is 4x or 8x and buy yhte appropriate model01:10
tyler_165If I install a new program (Eclipse in my case), where in my HD should I put it so that it will show up under Applications?01:10
ompaulryan_, have a look at nautilus it works01:10
dooglusBiscuitian_Warhe: good question.  I did one recently for an ALPS touchpad, but I don't remember details.01:10
ryan_ompaul, thanks01:11
nikcomi found a solution to the log in problem01:11
dooglusBiscuitian_Warhe: I found it on the ubuntuforums site01:11
erisconavarone, ah ah, alright i think i can get this01:11
nikcomif anyone else comes in asking01:11
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nikcomthanks guys cyas01:11
erisconavarone, i don't want the MHz01:11
erisconavarone, i think i found it01:11
guru54_ompaul, how do i get it off the cd without changing my sources?01:11
navaroneerisco...in the device listing the motherboard name...find and googele...you should then find if it is agp 4x or 8x01:11
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SAM_themanubotu: tell SAM_theman about mplayer01:11
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erisconavarone, i got it, there are several 845 models but i looked at them all and they all rune x1 x2 and x4, but not x801:12
ryan_ompaul, should that already be installed?01:12
erisconavarone, so i am looking for a x4 graphics card01:13
navaroneerisco...then buy the 4x card01:13
mweSAM_theman: using /msg ubotu foobar will tell you too without everyone seeing your query01:13
erisconavarone, and the graphics card normally has a listing of it's speed?01:13
adam__hello, I have a problem with XMMS with stream-playing01:13
navaroneerisco...if you mean the box...yes01:13
adam__can anyone help me?01:13
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ompaulguru54_, put in the CD and wait for the gui to pop up then get yourself a terminal cded to the directory (pool/main/b/buildessential) and dpkg -i package_name01:14
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ompaulryan_, yes01:14
erisconavarone, and so i am just looking for AGP X4? just making sure01:14
guru54_thx ompaul01:14
ompaulguru54_, you say guru54_ so I think you can follow that :-)01:14
dooglusBiscuitian_Warhe: read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=466023&postcount=50 - it's about udev rules for ALPS touchpads, but might help you01:14
adam__ryan_, can I get you on privat chat?01:14
ompaulright I gotta split01:14
navaroneerisco...yes...I would try a nvidia product. I have an Asus one...it uses nvidia chip01:14
pdani_any idea?01:15
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SAM_themansamuelp@BlackHawk:~$ firefox01:15
SAM_themanINTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager01:15
SAM_themanSystem error?:: Success01:15
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erisconavarone, linus supports all of the nvidia cards no?01:15
SAM_themani just added java01:15
erisconavarone, linux rather01:15
cafuegoerisco: Perhaps not the latest LATEST ones.01:15
navaroneerisco...it varies I think...but most newer models and supported. I have an Asus V820001:16
eriscocafuego, but my chances of picking up the wrong card is limited i hope01:16
cafuegoerisco: After a new kernel release, styuff may change and nvidia always takes a week or two to catch up.01:16
camcan someone recommend a good web-page editing program (i've been using vim but i'm reallly kind of sick of doing this by hand... was thinking of something that combined some wysywig-lard to the text-editing methods)01:16
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cafuegoerisco: Well, pick one, aks here and more likely than not someone else has one too, and can tell you if it works :-)01:16
erisconavarone, cafuego,  it depends on what is available in my area, which is limited.01:16
blankyanyone here have kubuntu-desktop installed01:16
navaroneerisco> where are you?01:17
cafuegoerisco: Are you after an AGP card or a PCIe one?01:17
erisconavarone, cafuego, is there not a list of supported cards?01:17
mweI believe the nvidia driver works with new cards as well01:17
dooglusblanky: I tried it, but it sucked, so I removed it again.  #kubuntu might be a good place to ask, too01:17
erisconavarone, in a village far, far away. no joke, our settlement classifies as a village. scary isn't it?01:17
eriscocafuego, AGP01:17
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cafuegoerisco: Then any nvidia card will work.01:18
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eriscocafuego, i trust your judgement =)01:18
erisconavarone, cafuego, thanks for all your help01:18
cafuegoerisco: I hear reports that the 5500 range is cheap and works well :-)01:18
=== cafuego has a 5700, which is just dandy
eriscocafuego 5500 range? wow01:18
eriscocafuego dont exactly need anything that large... i need a AGP x401:19
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eriscocafuego, would i find this support on newer card ya think?01:19
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eriscocafuego, or are they way beyond that?01:19
cafuegoThey'll probably do 2X, 4X and 8X.01:19
navaroneerisco> http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO/video.html01:19
bluefox83i have a 5500 fx OC, i can run doom3 on medium graphics level just peachy (doesn't hurt that i have a gig of ram either..)01:19
admrlcan anyone help me uninstall a program i installed from source01:20
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admrlwell uninstall the spca5xx drivers01:20
phiqtionCan somebody help me? i recently downloaded flash thru apt-get but firefox isn't recognizing it01:20
WildPenguinadmrl, 'make uninstall'?01:20
cafuegoadmrl: Doubtful. Check what got installed and remove all files by hand. Do not kmake the same mistake twice. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall01:20
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admrli will try both01:21
ryan_dooglus, i cant seem to find that other partition folder now? did i have to save it somehow when i rebooted?01:21
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blankyis anyone here running kubuntu-desktop or do you have it installed01:21
cafuegoadmrl: you MIGHT be able to re-install over the top via 'checkinstll' then remove the package.01:21
blankydooglus, they're biased01:21
erisconavarone, that list is scaring me.... i do not quite understand it01:22
erisconavarone, is a chipset like AGP?01:22
admrlwell im isntalling spca5xx01:22
admrland i want everything gone from the previous go at it01:22
admrlive installed it once01:22
admrland it worked01:22
admrlbut then it stopped01:22
erisconavarone, or is it my specific AGP model?01:22
admrlnow if i try to use my webcam my computer freezes01:23
navaroneerisco...it just lists videocards that are recognized and supported by Linux. Go to store and ask for Geforce3 nvidia card and see how much it is. That is what I have...only 64mb memory but gets me thru01:23
cafuegonavarone: it might be hard to get something that crusty new these days.01:23
erisconavarone, 64MB would be absolutely perfect for me01:23
navaroneerisco> you may be able to get same model with more memory01:23
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erisconavarone, it is not like i game or anything01:23
fdelacruzgudmorning guys01:23
admrlcafuego: do you know anything about that..?01:23
cafuegoerisco: What sort of budget do you have?01:23
fdelacruzI try udating my system and stilgot lots of error with the repo an problem with the repo01:24
eriscocafuego, well getting the card for $100 or less would be nice01:24
navaronecafuego> lol...I paid premium dollar when I got it...a short two and a half years ago01:24
cafuegoerisco: *nod* that's easily done.01:24
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dooglusblanky: so are we :)01:24
cafuegonavarone: Same here for the 570001:24
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dooglusryan_: if you want it to reappear when you boot, you'll need to add a line to /etc/fstab01:24
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blankyhmm...but I'd rather hear bad news and make good of it than be bombarded with good news01:25
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cafuegoerisco: A 5500fx with 256MB ram should cost under $10001:25
eriscocafuego, navarone, do they even still produce 64MB cards or 32MB?01:25
navaronecafuego> Would like to try Far Cry too...but it may make ay rig cry01:25
cafuegoerisco: matrox, maybe ;-)01:25
navaroneerisco> maybe01:25
eriscocafuego, I was looking at a 256MB radeon for $10001:25
navaroneerisco...buy it01:25
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cafuegoerisco: The problem with radeons is that the drivers for them are written by ATI.01:26
navaronewhat model tho?01:26
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erisconavarone, not sure... i could check the ad again.01:26
dooglusryan_: sudo bash -c "echo /dev/hda5 /media/ntfs ntfs umask=0,nls=iso8859-1,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"01:26
cafuegoerisco: A 9200 or so would work fine with the free, open drivers. 9600s too these days i think.01:26
erisconavarone, if i got a 265MB i don't think I could take full advantage of it01:26
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navaronenvidia seems to take linux support a little more seriously01:26
Myk3is there intel 3d drivers?01:26
erisconavarone, i doubt i wuold be using all it's memory01:26
navaroneerisco...better too much than too little01:27
blankya little, but that doesn't mean it supports it or anything01:27
erisconavarone, i guess, and hey it isn't my money lol01:27
mweradeon 9800 and x800 works too01:27
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dooglusblanky: kubuntu isn't as complete as ubuntu, in my experience.  they don't have anything to tell them when to update their system, for instance01:27
cafuegoerisco: a 128MB 6200 should cost abpout $100 too01:27
blankyyep, i have 9800pro :D01:27
blankydooglus, yeah, maybe soon they'll fix it, hopefully01:27
Myk3  and how can i figure out if my vid card supports 3d graphics?01:27
navaroneerisco> agp card prices will come down. I think pci express is the next big thing01:27
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dooglusblanky: I'm sure by the release of dapper it'll be all sorted out.01:27
erisconavarone, cafuego, i would like a 128MB if they are a lot cheaper, but otherwise I guess I should just get the 25601:27
cafuegonavarone: As production on those grinds down, the prices will more likely go *up*01:28
navaroneerisco> you havea  Best Buy close?01:28
spikebikeanyone know if ubuntu can be installed from the commnand line?01:28
mwedooglus: you can use the gnome auto-update thing in kde as well01:28
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spikebikei.e. from a working linux box install ubuntu onto a partition01:28
erisconavarone, not that i know of01:28
dooglusmwe: I wouldn't want to be using both GNOME and KDE apps.  I have limited RAM01:28
erisconavarone, staples, wal-mart (lol)01:29
boss_anyone know how to install airsnort on ubuntu?01:29
navaroneerisco> you can go to Staples...got my SB Live there01:29
erisconavarone, i could go to some computer shop... few of those01:29
dooglusboss_: enable the universe repository and it'll appear in synaptic01:29
phiqtionCan somebody help me? i recently downloaded flash thru apt-get but firefox isn't recognizing it01:29
erisconavarone, i like staples01:29
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erisconavarone, i want to pick up more ram too, 256 is not cutting it01:29
mwedooglus: I see. I doubt the auto-updater uses a significant amount though, even when run from kde01:29
tylerWhere should I install my programs so that they show up under the Applications area?01:29
navaroneerisco> I have had no probs with 25601:30
Cody`Can anyone tell me what the current backports url's are?01:30
erisconavarone, it maxes out all the time, which oddly ends up in my application closing01:30
SAM_themanubuto: tell SAM_theman about nvidia01:30
dooglusmwe: it will keep the GTK libraries loaded01:30
erisconavarone, well i game, but i just run the online games01:30
SAM_themanubotu: tell SAM_theman about nvidia01:30
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dooglusCody`: they're on the standard ubuntu mirrors01:30
boss_i love Ubuntu on my Dell Inspiron 600m01:30
Myk3does the intel 855gm card support 3d?01:30
boss_40 gig hdd..01:30
erisconavarone, runescape is fun but high detail requires... 300MB ram or something?01:30
navaroneerisco> I only play halo online in windows...and no bottlenecks01:30
dooglusCody`: deb     http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:30
boss_512 megs of ram01:30
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Cody`dooglus: ty01:31
Myk3satelite 35x-s149 here01:31
erisconavarone, windows is nice on ram and hard on memory.... linux is the other way around01:31
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navaroneerisco> what processor you have?01:31
erisconavarone, which is good because ram is a lot cheaper01:31
ericmoritzdoes anyone know how to set up a 802.11 ad-hoc network?01:31
Myk3512MB ram - 80GB hd and dual layer dvd burner01:31
erisconavarone, intel 1.801:31
erisconavarone, works fine for all my needs01:31
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boss_cool myk301:31
dooglusphiqtion: install flashplayer-mozilla01:31
erisconavarone, my bottlenecks are my video and memory01:31
Myk3boos_ yea its cool01:31
mustard5phiqtion, what do you get when you type about:plugins in firefox address bar?01:31
rhoffawhat do you guys use for p2p, i tried amule and hate it,01:31
Myk3boss_ yea its cool\01:31
erisconavarone, what do you expect for a $400 computer01:31
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dooglusrhoffa: azureus01:32
boss_what are bottlenecks01:32
SEJeffrhoffa: gtk-gnutella01:32
rhoffahave been reading about apollon, anyone run that?01:32
SEJeffrhoffa: limewire01:32
SAM_themani am typing nvidia-settings not working!!!!!!!!01:32
rhoffagtk-gnutella is that like gnucleus01:32
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ryan_dooglus, i did that and nothing happened01:32
Myk3SAM- did u install both the files?01:32
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boss_i would recommend.. if you needed  a starter box.. to go with www.tigerdirect.com01:32
eriscorhoffa, is that not the peer to peer client?01:32
eriscorhoffa, is there a guide on how to use that bloody thing?01:32
rhoffano it is01:32
rhoffagnucleus i use to use for windows01:33
navaronerhoffa> I use gtk-gnutella...but I prefer phex   http://phex.kouk.de/download.php01:33
boss_you can get a good computer for like 200 bucks01:33
phiqtionmustard5: shockwave flash and futuresplash player01:33
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rhoffawhat is phex and if you prefer it why aren tyou using it01:33
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SAM_themannevermind no01:33
boss_(stay away from the celerons.. 256 K l2 cache)01:33
erisconavarone, thanks for your help again, i gotta get going.... hours of homework to do01:33
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boss_what is dapper?01:34
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rhoffanavarone - what is the different and if you prefer phex why use the other?01:34
SEJeffboss_: The development release of ubuntu01:34
boss_erisco.. i hear ye01:34
mustard5phiqtion, so what part is not working?  as it seems to be installed01:34
bluefox83are the ubuntu developers british or something? O.o01:34
boss_tks SEJeff01:34
navaronerhoffa> I am using it...it is basically a nicer gui and frontend for gnutella-gtk...comes in windows and linux flavours...you simply dl linux versiona nd extract into home directory. There is a readme in the new directory with instructions to use01:34
phiqtionmustard5: i try accessing a flash presentation on xbox.com and it's telling me to download flash01:34
boss_it took me a few days to start to understand where everyting is in linux01:34
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seifeSomeone help me installing my wireless network please !!!!01:35
boss_now.. how to figure out how to install apps from source..01:35
SEJeffboss_: Linux isn't really that hard, but it is very different01:35
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boss_my wireless on my laptop works gr801:35
boss_plug and play with ubuntu01:35
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ericmoritzseife: what's wrong?01:35
shaltrcAny suggestions for Totem alternatives?  Totem doesn't work on my system01:35
robotgeekubotu: tell seife about wireless01:35
mustard5phiqtion, so what type of system you running and what kernel?01:35
AbdulSpiegelCan someone help me out with getting an FTP program on Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog 5.0.401:35
rhoffanavarone - how do i install it i cant sudo apt-get install phex01:36
SEJeffshaltrc: install totem-xine01:36
K_DallasQ: How do i get a decent output from this page? the fonts are like cuniforms :( http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/01:36
phiqtionkernel 10, ubuntu breezy01:36
SEJeffshaltrc: That will01:36
phiqtionmustard5: kernel 10, ubuntu breezy01:36
rhoffaok the readme01:36
navaronerhoffa...look up the screen I pasted addy for download01:36
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AbdulSpiegelCan someone help me out with getting an FTP program on Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog 5.0.401:36
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mustard5phiqtion, 386 machine?01:36
shaltrcwhere do i download totem-xine?01:36
cin_Does anyone know how to get firestarter?01:36
SEJeffAbdulSpiegel: sudo apt-get install gftp01:36
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robotgeekAbdulSpiegel: there are several, gftp or you can even use nautilus01:36
phiqtionmustard5: yes01:36
phiqtionmustard5: pentium M01:36
rhoffanavarone - wheres the link01:36
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mustard5phiqtion, hmmmm...01:37
SEJeffshaltrc: sudo apt-get install totem-xine or install it through synaptic System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager01:37
boss_i love me!!!01:37
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SEJeffcin_: sudo apt-get install firestarter01:37
AbdulSpiegelumm i went to http://gftp.seul.org/, but i dont know how to run those01:37
mustard5phiqtion, is your firefox installed via synaptic or you installed it yourself?01:37
rhoffanavarone - will it make me wait like amule, i cant stand that01:37
robotgeekAbdulSpiegel: no, i don't do dcc. please ask in here directly01:37
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SEJeffAbdulSpiegel: Read what I said, use apt-get or synaptic01:37
phiqtionmustard5: firefox came with ubuntu...01:37
AbdulSpiegelapt-get doesnt work for me01:37
BadMackTucki just found out that i went to school with the girl who won sony's antonia bayle/everquest modeling contest. she's in stuff magazine this month01:38
mustard5phiqtion, you've restarted firefox since installing?01:38
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cin_couldn't find firestarter01:38
blanky(I mean to ask you guys) if I install kubuntu-desktop right now, we know how buggy it is, is it possible to upgrade it in the future when newer ones come out01:38
robotgeekAbdulSpiegel: no internet connection?01:38
SEJeffAbdulSpiegel: no dcc chat01:38
phiqtionAbdulSpiegel: try, apt-get update01:38
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BadMackTucki proposed to her on the soccer field... im freaked out01:38
navaronerhoffa> I have never used amule...but the longest wait is getting your ultrapeer hosts to all connect01:38
phiqtionmustard5: of course01:38
SEJeffcin_: Enable the universe and multiverse repositories01:38
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cin_Reading package lists... Done01:38
SEJeffcin_: Then you can01:38
cin_Building dependency tree... Done01:38
cin_E: Couldn't find package firestarter01:38
cin_how do I that?01:38
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ubotusomebody said repos was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource01:38
AbdulSpiegeli have updates, but last time i tried updating it took forever and it kinda secrewed up01:38
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AbdulSpiegeli just need a way to upload and download programs01:38
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mvgHow do you add to wikipedia?01:38
agnusticHello guys01:39
robotgeekmvg: wrong place to ask01:39
boss_has anyone had a good experience with wine?01:39
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navaroneboss> I think amny people have...<hic>01:39
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mustard5phiqtion, ok...its a bit of a mystery really...I'm still thinking about it01:39
phiqtionmustard5: it01:39
SEJeffmvg: /j #mediawiki01:39
boss_is it better than vmware?01:40
phiqtionmustard5: it's totally weird. when i access xbox.com it plays a tiny flash presentation of perfect dark zero. but then i click on a xbox360 tour which is made completely out of flash and it says to download.01:40
rhoffanavarone i got this error after the readme instructions01:40
mustard5phiqtion, so which package di you install?01:40
shaltrcNew to ubuntu/linux, trying to install totem-xine, getting message: Depends: libxine1c2 (>=1.0.1) but it is not installable01:40
navaronerhoffa what error?01:41
blankybetter than vmware....HAHAHAHA01:41
rhoffanavarone - Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from phex.jar01:41
mustard5phiqtion, as there are two in the repos01:41
dooglusryan_: it will happen when you boot.  or when you "sudo mount -a"01:41
agnusticI have an Ubuntu question regarding its webserver and e-mail. I have set up my Apache webserver and my email daemons. I can send out e-mails and my webserver serves locally. But I cannot receive any e-mails and the webpage doesn't get out on the web. Anyone know how to fix this?01:41
phiqtionmustard5: flashplayer-mozilla01:41
navaronerhoffa...sorry you need java installed...you have it?01:41
blankyhow do I remove a directory, force remove it (even if theres things inside it01:41
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dooglusblanky: "rm -r <dir>"01:41
mustard5phiqtion, heh..I hate it when I get all the right answers and it still doesnt work :)01:41
blankythanks i got it01:41
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AbdulSpiegelCan someone help me out with getting an FTP program on Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog 5.0.401:41
dooglusblanky: if the things are owned by other people, "sudo rm -r <dir>"01:41
rhoffanavarone - no just apt-get java01:41
phiqtionmustard5: it's totally weird. when i access xbox.com it plays a tiny flash presentation of perfect dark zero. but then i click on a xbox360 tour which is made completely out of flash and it says to download.01:41
dooglusblanky: and if you don't want to be prompted about anything: "sudo rm -fr <dir>"01:42
NCRPrintWhen I booted Ubuntu today it said Unexpected Inconsistency, run FSCK manually01:42
rhoffanavarone - what the command for java installation01:42
mustard5phiqtion, so its partially working01:42
NCRPrintIt asked for root pw and said, type something to mount manually01:42
cin_yo, so where do I go to enable the universal and multiverse repositories?01:42
blankyhey what's the differnece between abiword and openoffice writer, they feel the same (exactly)01:42
boss_do you hear me now?01:42
AbdulSpiegelCan someone help me out with getting an FTP program on Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog 5.0.401:42
NCRPrintAny ideas?01:42
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boss_thought i was disconnected01:43
navaronerhoffa go to Add Programs and Internet/More Programs and scroll down to Java...it will enable multiverse repo and install01:43
phiqtionmustard5: exactly. go to www.xbox.com and to you're right click where it says "Jump In"01:43
agnusticI guess no one here hosts web servers with Ubuntu01:43
HrdwrBoBagnustic: I do01:43
mustard5phiqtion, going there now....01:43
mustard5phiqtion, I'm on dialup so it might take a bit01:43
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phiqtionmustard5: tell me if it loads for you. and notice how the perfect dark animation loads up perfectly01:43
rhoffanavarone - java web start?01:43
phiqtionmustard5: no problem bro01:43
dooglusAbdulSpiegel: client or server?01:44
K_DallasQ: How do i get a decent output from this page? the fonts are like cuniforms :( http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/ (tried to install all the pertinent fonts i have found)01:44
HrdwrBoBagnustic: and your need to work out your problem better01:44
boss_but that would be interesting01:44
HrdwrBoBagnustic: some sort of error mesage coul be good01:44
dduckoI need to rerun Grub,  but am unable to boot into Ubuntu (installed Windows)  Any pointers on doing this? I have  few livel cds,  Knoppix, Whax, Gentoo01:44
AbdulSpiegeldooglus: client i quess, i just want to upload and download stuff to my website01:44
dooglusAbdulSpiegel: you get command line "ftp" program with hoary01:44
bob832blanky:  abiword is a stand along word processor that is "well suited for older hardware"01:45
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boss_i h8 dialup01:45
boss_it blows01:45
boss_although.. since switching to linux.. it's speed has increased01:45
AbdulSpiegeli know01:45
mustard5phiqtion, heh..my browser has locked up so far.....01:45
rhoffathanks navarone01:45
blankybob832, oh lol01:45
phiqtionmustard5: what do you mean01:45
opnsrcWho took this nick?01:45
AbdulSpiegeldooglus: but its hard to follow and it wont ask for my username or pass so i cant really do anything01:45
navaronerhoffa> you may want to rename the phex folder to siimply phex as well cos you have to type it in to start...lol01:45
AbdulSpiegeldooglus: i also dont know how to change folder, im new at linux01:45
opnsrcIT says this nick is owned by someone else. I alwayse used it and it never said that before until now01:46
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phiqtionmustard5: im gonna go eat something01:46
rhoffanavarone - still not working01:46
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rhoffasame error01:46
zodiumAnyone know of a good, paid ircd shell host?01:46
mustard5phiqtion, my browser has totally locked up...I can't even get it to maximize or minimise and its frozen01:46
mustard5phiqtion, k01:46
opnsrcAnywho, does anyone know how I can fix the problem?] 01:46
Fujitsumustard5: Standard Breezy Firefox?01:46
robotgeekopnsrc: /msg nickserv identify <your password>01:46
oshoxOkay, I've just finished my first ubuntu install. So far, I like it.01:46
mustard5Fujitsu, yep01:46
FujitsuBreezy's Firefox has rather nasty memory leaks.01:46
opnsrcNo, not that01:46
opnsrcthe Ubuntu password01:47
rhoffanavarone Unable to access jarfile phex.jar01:47
opnsrcI think I never registered it. I used to use it a lot and then someone else registered it01:47
cin_ok,  anyone know of good spyware checkers?01:47
navaronerhoffa> what command you type in terminal?01:47
opnsrcI should have actually01:47
opnsrcIt's a good nick, now someone took it from me01:47
rhoffajava -jar phex.jar01:47
mustard5Fujitsu, I'm troubleshooting an issue with phiqtion with flash and firefox01:47
boss_mustard5: may i recommend rebooting KDe of Gnome.. whatever you might have01:47
navaronerhoffa...ar you in the h9ome directory?01:47
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navaronerhoffa> in terminal type cd and enter01:48
oshoxHow can I play mp3's? Neither XMMS or rythmbox will.01:48
boss_where can i register my nick?01:48
mustard5boss_, I've just killed firefox process01:48
opnsrcAnywho, with Ubuntu when I boot it says Inconsistency found, run FSCK manually01:48
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rhoffanavarone - did that01:48
Siph0nhey, if i get a msg saying sound is busy, how do i stop it so i will get sound in my game? :)01:48
rhoffastill wont work01:48
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Siph0nim getting this msg: open /dev/[sound/] dsp: Device or resource busy01:48
snowowlHas anyone configured any thin clients01:48
opnsrcand it asks for the root pw and says, type mount something to mound root in read write mode01:48
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boss_mustard5: ok01:49
navaronerhoffa> you need to type this  cd /home/<user>/phex  <enter> and then command to start phex01:49
ryan_*question* im trying to install qtella, this is my first time trying to install anything on linux, im in the tar.gz directory and i ran ./configure, it gave me an error saying i have no c compiler to create an executeable01:49
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robotgeekSiph0n: losf /dev/dsp ?01:49
boss_, did that fix anyting?01:49
navaronerhoffa> assuming you changed folder to "phex"01:49
rhoffanavarone i still didnt install i dont think from the .jar01:49
robotgeekryan_: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:49
rhoffado i have to do that with the java command01:49
rhoffayes i did01:49
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snowowlHas anyone configured any thin clients01:49
Siph0nlosf not a command? sorry robotgeek im not good with commands...01:49
seifeI need a wlan guru, i need urgent help01:50
robotgeekSiph0n: lsof01:50
boss_i have an airsnort tar.gz and i can't install it01:50
ryan_robotgeek, thanks would you mind explaining what exactly thats doing? im very new to this =)01:50
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mustard5phiqtion, ok..I got it loading now....01:50
navaronerhoffa...did you extract the zip contents to hoem directory?01:50
robotgeekryan_: that will install gcc and other stuff required to compile anything01:50
boss_it's saying error: c compiler cannot create executables01:50
boss_wat's up seife?01:50
opnsrc(Ubuntu is on my other computer)01:50
rhoffanavarone got it01:50
seifeman i just cant get wireless internet01:51
rhoffanow i have to type that command everytime to open it?01:51
navaronerhoffa is it running?01:51
ryan_robotgeek, thanks01:51
seifei have been trying to solve this like for a week01:51
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navaronerhoffa> okay the terminal you gave command in will stay opent ill you close phex01:51
builderI set my colorscheme for Vim (on Ubuntu) but only the line numbers took the color. THe background is still all white and the text is still all black. How do I get the colorscheme to work right?01:51
phiqtionmustard5: what system u on?01:51
navaronerhoffa> now set up your folders for downloads and sharing01:51
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mustard5phiqtion, breezy 386 kernel01:52
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navaronerhoffa> you may need to fiddle with the connections setup...I use 4 ultrpeers to connect to and leave the rest at 32 and 32 in Gnutella net screen01:52
rhoffaand if i close the terminal so does the program.. haha i jsut figured out01:52
phiqtionmustard6: tell me what you get when you type about:plugins01:52
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cagapozoHello all.  Just installed Kubuntu but cannot play midi.  I have SBLive.  Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance01:53
bob832so whats the "secure" way to setup ssh compared to the setup described in the starter guide?01:53
navaronerhoffa> I use phex mostly cos I cannot for the life of me figure out filters in gtk-gnutella...lol01:53
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spikebikebob um the started guide is somehow not secure?01:53
mustard5phiqtion, flashplugin and futuresplash01:54
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rhoffahaha navarone - do i need to open ports for my firewall01:54
bob832in the index, for the link for ssh, it has in parenthesis not secure01:54
seifeboss_, ?01:54
phiqtionmustard5: this sucks :(01:54
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navaronetrhoffa> you can start searching as soona sone ultrapeer connect and you see your ip at the left...but wait for all to connect for better search results01:54
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mustard5phiqtion, well its locked up my browser once...then when I click on Jump In my browser crashed01:54
navaronerhoffa> no01:54
bob832oops my mistake, looked at the wrong one01:55
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mustard5phiqtion, I'm thinking its a problem with the site01:55
spikebikea hole in the wall ;-)01:55
rhoffaso it is running and it automatically connects to servers as well01:55
navaronerhoffa> also I find clicking the GWebcache button can help as well01:55
seifeI need a wlan guru, i need urgent help01:55
navaronerhoffa> you can set it to auto connect or do it manually01:55
holycowhttp://www.tecspy.com/blogs/loveslugradio/2005/11/  <-- hehe01:56
mustard5phiqtion, is there sound in the flash animation..cause I am on skype atm too01:56
rhoffawhers the gwebcache button and whats it do01:56
blankyI'd give anything for faster rendering of windows, i have a good system too...01:56
tj_is_coolwhat is that sources.list maker?01:56
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blankymy windows lag when I drag them on top of other windows01:56
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navaronerhoffa> I usually change appearance as well...but the change doesn't stay if you shut down...not a big deal01:56
lsuactiafnerblanky : fluxbox01:56
DrBairblanky:  what video card do you have?01:57
lsuactiafneror my favourite, blackbox01:57
navaronerhoffa...the chache button is on Gnuteelanet tab...close to bottom right01:57
blankyguys: I want GNOME01:57
blankyDrBair, I have an ATI 9800 PRO 128mb, drivers working01:57
navaronerhoffa> Sometimes it is active and you can click it01:57
z0rzWhat's the package to install the compiling essentials?01:57
z0rzI forgot the name01:57
seifeI need a wlan guru, i need urgent help01:57
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phiqtionmustard5: yes, there is sound01:58
rhoffait seems to be running really sluggish, whiting out and stuff01:58
mustard5z0rz, build-essential01:58
z0rzthanks nava and mustard01:58
blankyguys, when I install xfce or fluxbox, do I need to install their ubuntu stuff, like xubuntu-desktop01:58
navaronemy typing is getting worse01:58
DrBairblanky:  does glxinfo confirm that you are in direct rendering mode (not that I think it should slow it down that bad in 2d otherwise)01:58
towshebaDoes any one here know how to restore window makers defualt menu01:58
blankyor just xfce or fluxbox01:58
lsuactiafneranyone know of a link documenting the following extremly well, 0000:05:0a.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3114 [SATALink/SATARaid]  Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)01:58
rhoffaeverytime i minimize this window it takes that program a lil while to let me view what was underneath01:58
blankyDrBair, where does it say that, I ran the command01:59
mustard5phiqtion, that might be causing me some issues as skype doesnt like sharing sound01:59
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rhoffaand im on a decent processor too01:59
blankyDrBair, yes it is in direct rendering01:59
navaronerhoffa> probably cos it is java01:59
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mustard5phiqtion, see if you can get someone else to test the website in there browser01:59
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lsuactiafnerwhat raid level is just to increase speed without redunancy?01:59
DrBairblanky:  its the 3rd or so line I believe, it says 'direct rendering: '01:59
phiqtionmustard5: on windowsxp it runs great01:59
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navaronerhoffa> I usually move terminal to another workplace as well...keeps you from closing it by accident02:00
phiqtionmustard5: on my ex installation of ubuntu it also ran great02:00
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blankyDrBair, yes it is in direct rendering02:00
phiqtionmustard5: i think im missing something02:00
towshebaDoes any one here know how to restore window makers defualt menu?02:00
afabianAnyone know why scummvm and pysol don't have sound when I start them from GNOME's menu, but *not* when I start them from gnome-terminal?02:00
rhoffaok, will a second search replace the old results or a new tab02:00
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mustard5phiqtion, see it someone else can test it to confirm its a browser issue02:00
rhoffais there a way to clear my search results each time i search instead of a list however knows long02:01
navaronerhoffa> If you do multiple searches you must click the one you want to view results. You can right click term ins earch box to stop/restart/close search02:01
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mustard5phiqtion, skype is eating up all the bandwidth I have atm...and I'm chatting to my girlfriend :)02:01
phiqtionmustard5: i understand02:01
phiqtionmustard5: thank you02:02
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rhoffanavarone - oh ok i got it nopw02:02
bluefox83hey, to update grub you typ ein update-grub right?02:02
navaronerhoffa> can get confusing with many searches open02:02
bluefox83*type in02:02
rhoffayea definatly02:02
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oshoxOkay, how do I access NTFS partitons? I added them in the Disk manager.02:02
connhi, I just installed the DRI snapshots on my system, and it seems to have worked (fixed a specific bug in the r128 driver).. however, the screen refresh is very slow, noticeable when scrolling in Firefox or even irc, can someone help me troubleshoot?02:03
mrkojemustard: how much bandwidth can skype possibly eat up? shouldn't be more then 30kbps02:03
rhoffait kinda sucks you have to type that in everytime to get it to open02:03
mustard5Can someone test the flash animation at this site please in firefox on breezy? http://www.xbox.com/en-US/02:03
navaronerhoffa>When you do search you can go to filters and enter text to look for or use drop down to specify file type and then press filter to only get the file types yopu want02:03
rhoffayea alright thanks02:04
navaronerhoffa> yeah...you can probaly make a launcher and specify command plus run in terminal...but I need all the typing practice I can get02:04
rhoffayou were a big help02:04
mrkojeflash is working fine with ff here02:04
mustard5mrkoje, I'm on 56k dialup02:04
rhoffanavarone how would i do that02:04
rhoffai never set a launcher02:05
navaronerhoffa...let me try and see if it works02:05
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rhoffabecause id have to combine the folder change with the java command i guess right?02:05
mrkojemustard5: oh ok... I thought you had an atm connection02:05
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mustard5mrkoje, yeah I was trying to test a page for someone with a flash animation..but its taking forever to download and making my voice tinny on skype02:06
natdigga_I'm running breezy 5.10 how can I found out what kernel version I'm running?02:06
mustard5mrkoje, :)02:06
mustard5natdigga, uname -r02:07
oshoxWhat do I have to do to let all users access local NTFS partitons?02:07
natdigga_I'm trying to fix my ati drivers so I'll do something like sudo apt-get install linux-restriced-modules-2.6.12-10-38602:08
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mustard5natdigga_, I think the restriced-modules contain stuff for nvidia not ati ..I'll just confirm02:09
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natdigga_mustard, okay I picked this up from the !ati from ubutuno bot02:09
ubotuwell, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1002:09
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natdigga_mustard, that last url02:09
mustard5natdigga, yeah I just saw the ati references in my synaptic description02:10
natdigga_okay so I'm good using that?02:10
luisitoanybody knows if I can open a macintosh *.sit file in linux?02:11
mustard5natdigga_, you can do a sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-'uname -r' I believe02:11
f3arcan someone point me in the right direction for dual booting ubuntu and winxp...i already have ubuntu installed and only have one partition as of now....02:11
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mustard5natdigga_, as long as the end matched the output of uname -r its ok02:11
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sexcopter8000mis there a command/programme in ubuntu to get an md5sum of a file?02:12
sexcopter8000mor any kind of hash02:12
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natdigga_mustard, so I can just use the actual word uname -r or use the version typed out?02:12
navaronerhoffa> can't figure it out...but will look a bit more later02:12
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mustard5natdigga_, both  but if you use uname -r  I am pretty sure the syntax is   'uname -r'   with the single quotes02:12
mustard5natdigga_, I have also seen the syntax $(uname -r)02:13
natdigga_ok I'll try both.02:13
redguyisn' it `uname -r` ? with backticks?02:14
ericAnyone ever seen this error when starting firefox: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/525102:14
mustard5natdigga_, you can type it in manually too of course, but they are the shortcut methods02:14
rhoffanavarone - ok pm me if you have any luck02:14
mustard5redguy, ah ok02:14
mustard5natdigga_, they are backticks not single quotes sorry02:14
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natdigga_oh okay02:14
mustard5natdigga_, the ones on the tilda key02:14
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natdigga_yeah :)02:14
Lagihi there, i am having an issue with my ubuntu box. I had it running earlier today and decided i didnt need my sound card anymore so i turned it off and gave it to my friend, when i rebooted, i have been getting error messages saying unable to locate file systems and unable to mount local filesystems  it then has a bunch of errors ending in grep: command not found.02:14
natdigga_I tried fixing my driver and messed up my xwindows02:14
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natdigga_but got it back going02:15
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mustard5natdigga_, k02:15
mustard5natdigga_, tell us how you go02:15
natdigga_oh it's going to be slow.02:15
Lagishortly after, my friend told me that his ubuntu box was having a similar error and could not boot his box either02:15
natdigga_mustqsard, this should fix my opengl 3d acceleror issue right?02:15
bob832how can i enable ssh?  if everyone recalls, my school's admin locked me out of the network for "spamming" and he disabled ssh and i'm not sure how to re-enable it02:16
mustard5natdigga_, I'm a nvidia person myself, so I'm not real sure about ATI but I would think it should02:16
boss__i love my ati card02:16
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natdigga_mustard, mmkay thanks.02:16
ryan_anyone know of a tutorial to explain how to access files on a ntfs partition?02:16
=== Kendrick_ pokes mustard
boss__ATI Radeoon 900002:16
=== natdigga_ has a 1 year old sitting in his lap.
mustard5hey Kendrick_ :)02:16
Kendrick_ryan read or write?02:16
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natdigga_I'm using a 3D Rage LT Pro APG-13302:17
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natdigga_it's about 5 years old02:17
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ryan_kendrick_ um i want to be able to move them over and burn them to a cd so i can format02:17
boss__i can't find any other the prog's i install with synaptic02:17
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mustard5ryan_, yeah..I have a script02:17
definityi got a question02:17
Kendrick_from ntfs or to ntfs?02:17
ryan_kendrick_ im in hour #2 of my linux experience =) very newb02:17
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seifei need wifi help, someone help me plz.02:18
ryan_mustard5, awesome thanks =P you guys helpedme get it before but it didnt stay02:18
Lagihas anyone else been having the same problem? i think its kinda strange that we are both having the same error on different boxes with the same version of ubuntu02:18
ryan_mustard5, do i have to save everything when i logout or something?02:18
metrixIs there a command to list all the files that were extracted out of a package?02:18
definityi downloaded a theam for my login screen and i went to install it but it said that the file was not a tar.gz when it was???02:18
mustard5ryan_, ok...can we go to a #kubuntu-offtopic because this channel is a bit busy02:18
robotgeekseife: do you know what wireless card you have?02:18
f3arwhats up seife02:18
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boss__where are the progs i installed?02:19
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boss__ther are not on my applications menu02:19
nelpostoanyone able to help me with some audio issues?02:19
Fujitsuboss__: Which ones?02:19
frogzo1where are the proxy setting for apt-get ?02:19
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Fujitsuboss__: What is airsnort?02:19
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definityso why cant it load up the tar.gz even thoguht it is one?02:20
boss__it's a wireless b security tester02:20
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anavimhow do I set up command keys to switch which screen session I'm in?02:20
definitylol tester02:20
seiferobotgeek, no man i dont know02:20
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jsubl2nelposto: just ask your question.. you might get lucky02:20
robotgeekseife: lshw | less02:20
bungleI fixed my pc02:21
seifei just know that is a lanexpress ieee 802.11b with a intersil prism 2.5 wavelan chipset, but i dont know wich vendor02:21
robotgeekbungle: yay02:21
nelpostojsubl2: haha yeah02:21
bunglelol how is ya robotgeek02:21
Fujitsuboss__: Is it meant to have a GUI? Is it meant to install links to the Applications menu? If it is meant to, you may have to log out and in again, if not, you will have to start it manually.02:21
seifeim going format man im tired, nothing is working02:21
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ajmitchbungle: well done :)02:21
f3arseife have you tried ndiswrapper?02:21
robotgeekseife: prism2 might work ootb.02:21
definitycan some one help me on my theam problem???????????????????????????????02:21
bungleheya ajmitch02:21
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nelpostoSo I'm running the livecd on my dell laptop.. which has a little mini subwoofer in it... but ubuntu wont detect the subwoofer02:21
bunglemmmm snes is calling me02:21
robotgeekseife: if you gimme a couple of minutes, i'll help you out. i'm troubleshooting a wireless problem of mine :)02:22
nelpostowould that be some sort of driver issue or..?02:22
definitydose any one here know gtk?02:22
jsubl2nelposto: how did you determine it is not detected02:23
holycowhttp://www.croczilla.com/svg/samples/svgtetris/svgtetris.svg   <-- for those of you that have firefox 1.5 final running , first implementation of svg tetris02:23
opnsrchey all02:23
nelpostojsubl2: everything sounds like tinny country road side radio02:23
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nelpostojsubl2 perhaps it is being detected, but is at 0 volume02:23
nelpostojsubl2: in windows it has its own volume slider02:23
jsubl2nelposto: run alsamixer and check there02:24
Fujitsuholycow: I found that this morning. Quite good, I must say.02:24
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boss_howdy y'all02:27
=== f3ar [n=f3ar@adsl-69-231-175-99.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
f3arhey can anyone explain what this means: checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'gtk+-2.0' found02:27
f3arconfigure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.02:27
natdigga_mustard, err...this isn't good is it?  Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386xorg-driver-fglrx02:27
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nelpostojsubl2: aha i found it, thanks alot02:28
definitywhy dose my ubuntu say it cant find a .tar.gz file when i point it to a .tar.gz file?02:28
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natdigga_err...this isn't good is it?  Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386xorg-driver-fglrx02:28
boss_i tried to login.. but i can't find the link to the prog i just installed02:28
robotgeekf3ar: apt-cache search gtk | grep dev02:28
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KhaaaaanIs there a way to minimize Xchat to the sys tray?02:29
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f3arrobotgeek, okay i did that...i just listed a whole bunch of packages..02:30
nickrudKhaaaaan, you can use xchat-systray in universe02:30
KhaaaaanIs it a plugin?02:30
SEJeffKhaaaaan, sudo apt-get xchat-systray02:30
SEJeffKhaaaaan: Yes02:30
nickrud*install :)02:30
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agrokerKhaaaaan, http://www.xchat.org/faq/#q22002:30
KhaaaaanDoes it just ummm.... plug itself in?02:30
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houseoftaintedcan someone tell me how to install a program called snes9x?02:32
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houseoftaintedfor linux?02:32
definitydose any one how i can redirect my port for irc to one that is not blocked?02:32
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KhaaaaanOkay, so now the big question... who wants to help me  trouble shoot Enemy Territory sound??02:32
boss_found my link02:32
The_Isle_of_Markanyone have cedega working well in ubu?02:32
BotBuilderCan I get a bit of help installing ubuntu server on a super old computer (64 mb ram, 200mhz p1)?02:33
The_Isle_of_MarkBotBuilder that isnt old...8086 procs are old02:33
mustard5natdigga_, you may need to enable extra repositories02:33
BotBuilderThe problem im having is actually booting to the install disk02:33
boss_who wants to play a network game of Gnibbles02:33
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mikonianhi there02:33
agrokerwhere can I get midnight commander for hoary?02:33
houseoftaintedmustard5,  i dont know how to use synaptic ^_^02:33
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The_Isle_of_MarkBotBuilder, make a boot floppy02:34
mikonianhow can i configue gnome bittorrent??02:34
boss_: raises eyebrows :02:34
boss_wat u need a server 4 botbuiler?02:34
natdigga_mustard, ...you know what I'm about to ask :)  How do I do that?02:34
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natdigga_mustard, or where can I find that info?02:34
guru54__does anyone know if gcc or buildessentials are on the ubuntu 5.10 disc02:34
BotBuilderit says "ISOLINUX 2.04" can't find it's spec packet, then it says its trying to 'wing it'02:34
neoplasticityanyone know of a way to get vlc to play realmedia, wmv, and quicktime files?02:34
siimoanyone using firefox 1.5 ?02:34
mustard5natdigga_, ok one sec and I'll be with you..I can see a syntax error in your command btw02:34
siimoim seeing http://jimmac.musichall.cz/wipicons/cursors//resize-top.png  as the autoscroll cursor instead of http://jimmac.musichall.cz/wipicons/cursors//tool-flip-vertical.png  (it was correct in 1.0.7)   X-(02:34
BotBuilderThen it says something about not being able to find the disk drive or somesuch02:34
mustard5houseoftainted, I'll just get a how to link02:34
natdigga_mustard, kk02:34
boss_redownload it02:34
houseoftaintedmustard5,  thanks :)02:34
mustard5houseoftainted, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto02:35
BotBuilderboss - me?02:35
boss_and burn it02:35
mustard5natdigga, I'm just reading you HOW TO again...02:35
boss_make a boot disk02:35
mikonianhow can i configue gnome bittorrent??02:35
Oceansblueyes firefox 1.5 here02:35
BotBuilderI'll try booting to it from a good comp02:35
BotBuilderboss - i have02:35
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boss_being a PI, it still has a floppy drive02:35
boss_make sure u put cd rom drivers on it02:35
natdigga_kk, I've read this bad boy like 3 times02:35
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houseoftainted mustard5  abd this would install the program i need or help me understand?02:36
boss_yeah bots02:36
BotBuilderI suppose it might have driver issues02:36
mustard5houseoftainted, help you understand .its installed already02:36
BotBuilderbrb, I'm chatting right now on the good comp02:36
definitycan i have soem help on instaling this login theam?!?!?!02:36
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BotBuilderso I'll be back with the verdict02:36
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boss_how do i use dapper?02:36
houseoftaintedmustard5,  i was told to use this program to install a program known as snes9x02:36
mustard5natdigga_, you've entered this according to you message above linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386xorg-driver-fglrx   and it should be this  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-38602:37
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mikonianhow can i configue gnome bittorrent??02:37
guru54__does anyone know if gcc or buildessentials are on the ubuntu 5.10 disc02:37
natdigga_oh okay I'll take the back part off02:37
Lagican anyone help me? i get an error when ubuntu tries to mount local filesystems02:37
mustard5houseoftainted, yep you use the search function in synaptic ..02:37
Rev-Marcany help with connecting a pocketpc pda to ubuntu?02:37
Lagiit was booting fine earlier. >.>02:37
boss_i don't think they are02:37
mustard5houseoftainted, type 'sne' in the search feild02:37
natdigga_mustard, ok it says it's at the newest version so I need to go to step 302:38
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neoplasticitydo they have a ubuntu package for firefox 1.5 final release yet?02:38
mustard5natdigga_, checking the HOW TO...02:38
natdigga_mustard, ok got two copies of xorg.conf02:38
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boss_good.. u can read02:38
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mustard5natdigga_, so you've backed up you are saying ?02:39
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natdigga_mustard, yup got 2 copies02:39
mustard5natdigga_, k02:39
=== SpAwN [n=void@pool-70-19-237-218.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
natdigga_mustard, I'm on the webpage that he talked about now.02:39
houseoftaintedmustard5,  it didnt work, i downloaded a tar.gz from the website and extracted it02:39
mustard5natdigga_, I'm trying to make sense of where you are up to on the page02:39
SpAwNhello i have a quick question02:39
agnusticMan Ubuntu is 98 % and 2 percent - How in the hell do I get this to work02:39
mustard5houseoftainted, when you say didn't work, can you elaborate on that?02:40
SpAwNim think of dling ubuntu but was wondering a few thing02:40
natdigga_mustard in section three where it says Go here02:40
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natdigga_mustard, two paragraphs after the code:02:40
SpAwNi want the dvd...but i noticed a few diff dvds02:40
SpAwNwhats the powerpc version?02:40
Lagimaybe ill try asking later when the channel isnt so busy, lol. it is kinda weird anyways.02:40
houseoftaintedmustard5, sorry, when i searched for the file using the term "sne" the field didnt return the results i was looking for02:40
natdigga_mustard, so I went to that link he offered. where he said look at seciton 5. Configure X02:40
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mustard5houseoftainted, you may need to enable extra repositories02:40
ajmitchSpAwN: for powerpc cpus, eg apple macs02:40
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SpAwNohh git ya02:41
spikebikei.e. apple macs for now ;-)02:41
antdengineerhey, how does one kill x without it restarting02:41
mustard5houseoftainted, when I finish with natdigga_ I can help you more easily :)02:41
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SpAwNand like is there a non public one out there with more drivers or stuff?02:41
natdigga_mustard so I'm on this page http://xoomer.virgilio.it/flavio.stanchina/debian/fglrx-installer.html#install, at section 502:41
ajmitchSpAwN: no02:41
SpAwNmaby u have to pay a small fee for02:41
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok :) im enjoying this anyways im learning alot ^_^ linux is like an addicting drug02:41
natdigga_mustard where it's telling me to do...Edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:02:41
logical_markHey I am getting an error removing a package. The error is: "E: phpmyadmin: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 127" any one help me out?02:41
natdigga_houseoftainted, amen02:42
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siimohow do i back up my entire /  ? can i do it when i am booted in the same linux?02:42
KhaaaaanDoes anyone know why when I try to play ET it says "sound muted" in the cosole and thus plays no sound??02:42
mustard5natdigga_, you on the wiki guide or the forum guide?02:42
SpAwNhow bout video card and sound card support?....like they have support for recently new products....like last years stuff02:42
KhaaaaanWhen the  sound is not at all muted?02:42
natdigga_mustard, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1002:42
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ajmitchSpAwN: generally, yes02:42
boss_ubuntu is pretty cool02:42
antdengineeri keep trying to kill it but i cant get it to stay dead.  Anyone no how to kill x so that it wont restart itself02:42
mustard5natdigga_, heh..that would explain my confusion..I'm on the wiki guide ;)02:42
BotBuilderOk, the boot cd is fine02:42
natdigga_mustard, my bad02:43
boss_(now that i know what i'm doin kinda)02:43
SpAwNi think im gonna give it a go02:43
BotBuilderWorks fine on the good comp02:43
BotBuilderits a problem with the hardware02:43
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boss_wb bots02:43
BotBuilderthanks boss02:43
=== mfreeze [n=mfreeze@cpe-024-163-062-205.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
siimocan i do something like  mount hda1 which is entire / on /mnt/root  and mount another drive hdb1 on /mnt/backup and cp -R /mnt/root /mnt/backup ?02:43
dooglusantdengineer: one types "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"02:43
BotBuilderSomeone said something about a boot floppy?02:43
houseoftaintedBotBuilder, im runnin ubuntu on an itel pentium 2 processor 200 mhz 64 mb ram :)02:43
BotBuilderI could install over a network02:43
houseoftaintedand it runs realllly good02:43
agnusticubuntu refuses to serve the webpage past the localhost02:43
BotBuilderhouseoftainted - nice02:43
HrdwrBoBhouseoftainted: sure it does02:43
ks1how can i get ubuntu to boot into a text-mode instead of graphical all the time? i tried update-rc.d stop gdm 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 .02:44
antdengineerdooglus: while in gnome?02:44
dooglusantdengineer: whenever you like02:44
antdengineerdooglus: cool, thanks dude02:44
houseoftaintedHrdwrBoB, i meant considering its speed :x02:44
mustard5natdigga, ok you need to sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx02:44
BotBuilderIs it possible to have some sort of tiny floppy OS that allows me to install ubuntu over the network?02:44
agnusticMight as well go back to Slackware02:44
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natdigga_mustard, xorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version.02:45
ks1does anyone know?02:45
mustard5natdigga_, k02:45
dooglusks1: you could "sudo mv /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm /etc/rc2.d/K01gdm"02:45
mustard5natdigga_, you want the controls too?02:45
agnusticlater guys02:45
mustard5natdigga_, sudo apt-get install fglrx-control02:45
natdigga_natdigga, guess so for later down the road?02:45
dooglusks1: or you could try to work out how to use update-rc.d properly...02:45
ks1dooglus, so it kills gdm at the start?02:45
boss_any accomplished hackers in here?02:46
BotBuilderSomeone also said something about cd-rom drivers02:46
ks1dooglus, I got the update-rc.d from debian faq02:46
BotBuildercould be a problem02:46
dooglusks1: so that runlevel 2 (the default runlevel) doesn't start gdm, and kills it if you're switching from a runlevel with gdm running02:46
mustard5natdigga_, ok I think you are on to step 3 now after that02:46
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ks1I would liek to stop it the most proper way02:46
dooglusks1: you would need to run that with 'sudo' - could that be where you went wrong?02:46
=== BotBuilder wishes he could boot from USB
natdigga_ahhh okay02:46
ks1I ran it as su, i have it setup to where i can su02:46
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natdigga_mustard, Setting up libqt3-mt (3.3.4-8ubuntu5) ...02:46
natdigga_Setting up fglrx-control (8.16.20-0ubuntu16.1) ...02:46
natdigga_mustard done.02:47
natdigga_mustard, so I do the xorg.conf change now?02:47
natdigga_mustard, I think this is where I messed up.02:47
robotgeekseife: patience02:47
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ClayGIs there an application to search file descriptions on my own box?02:47
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boss_why can't we have firefox 1.5 in breezy?02:47
dooglusClayG: do you mean file descriptors?  or what do you mean?02:47
seifeMan im really going to hurt me02:47
ClayGyes dooglus file descriptions02:47
ClayGbut not synaptic, nothing like that02:48
dooglusboss_: breezy was released long before firefox 1.5 (which still isn't released, to my knowledge)02:48
natdigga_mustard, man...my xorg.conf file is read-only what's that about?02:48
mustard5natdigga_, just reading the link it tells you to go to02:48
mercdooglus: ff1.5 went final a day or so ago02:48
ClayGlets say for instance dooglus decides to send me a package of of shareware games02:48
mustard5natdigga_, use sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:48
ClayGit is called dhs2sds.zip and for tonight and tomorrow i can remember what it actually is02:48
boss_seife: do you have a wireless ap?02:48
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mustard5natdigga_, I take it you are on gnome?02:49
natdigga_mustard ahh sweet02:49
ClayG6 months from now when it's in my archive drive and i look and see a file called dhs2sds.zip I wont know what is is02:49
natdigga_mustard, yes02:49
ks1dooglas this is what it says after i issue the command. System startup links for /etc/init.d/gdm already exist.02:49
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ClayGeven better would be the ability to actually search descriptions on my system02:49
dooglusmerc: interesting that http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/ is still pushing a release candidate02:49
ClayGthese descriptions i intend on inputing my self02:49
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natdigga_mustard this area?  Section "Device"02:49
natdigga_Identifier"ATI Technologies, Inc. 3D Rage LT Pro (AGP)"02:49
mercdooglus: getfirefox.com is pushing 1.502:49
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ClayGI just have to many downloads from usenet that have odd names and get deleted because im too lazy or "too smart" to check what they are02:49
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JaymillI have an mp3 problem02:50
Jaymillapt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad02:50
seifeboss_, i have a linksys wrt54g router that sends the internet, and on the laptop a lanexpress ieee 802.11b intersil prism 2.5 wavelan chipset, ive tried all day to get this working out and nothing works02:50
JaymillI typed that in02:50
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seifeI've installed many drivers, etc..02:50
Jaymilland i got an error that says it could not be installed02:50
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BotBuilderOk, is there any option for me installing linux on a computer with no functional cd-rom drives than moving one over from another comp?02:50
dooglusClayG: I don't know of a system that allows you to enter descriptions for each file like that02:50
TokenBadok in evolution i had someone send me pics...and they load in the email...i try to right click on them to save them..and no way to...anyone know how to save them?02:50
BotBuilderCan i install over the network?02:50
BotBuildermake a boot floppy?02:50
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JaymillI have an MP3 issue, apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad didn't work02:51
mustard5natdigga_, hmmm the forum guide is different to the wiki guide...the forum guide has you manually editing the xorg.conf...the wiki guide gets you to do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver and choose fglrx02:51
TokenBaddidn't work how?02:51
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sockpuppe1No Firefox 1.5 in Breezy until after it appears in Dapper?/?????? any reason as to why?02:51
JaymillI got an error that said it was either a broken package or it was uninstalable02:51
Toma-firtefox 1.5 isnt too bad on ubuntu after all. :S02:51
natdigga_mustard, so do we need to back to the wiki guid?02:51
dooglusmerc: what's the date in the useragent string for firefox 1.5 for linux?02:51
mustard5natdigga_, I don't know what the current state of your xorg.conf is either..so if you could pastebin it..it would be handy02:51
MickMcMacksockpuppe1, Because, as I suspected all along, THEY hate us.02:52
TokenBadJaymill, didn't work how?02:52
natdigga_mustard, pastebin?02:52
Oceansbluethanks for the comment on fglrx-control02:52
sockpuppe1i knew it !02:52
JaymillTokenBad: said it was uninstalable02:52
ajmitchsockpuppe1: for the obvious reason that it has to be packaged first, and then backported02:52
mustard5!tell natdigga_ about pastebin02:52
BotBuilderhouseoftainted: Are you running full ubuntu on that comp? (UI and all?)02:52
TokenBadthat it didn't find it02:52
mustard5natdigga_, check PM from ubotu02:52
TokenBadwas unavaliable?02:52
TokenBador what?02:52
bob832whats the command to restart a service?02:52
seifeboss_, i think linux is not for me02:52
JaymillTokenBad:  specifically libid3tag0 and libmad002:52
TokenBadso it needs deps02:52
houseoftaintedBotBuilder,  yes02:53
JaymillTokenBad: ok?02:53
sockpuppe1ajmitch I was told by the firefox guys at irc.mozilla.org that it was because of a memory guzzling issue02:53
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dooglusbob832: /etc/init.d/<service> restart02:53
TokenBadso try apt-get install libid3tag002:53
houseoftaintedBotBuilder, its fully installed and am using xfce wm02:53
sockpuppe1and its a pain in the ass to compile02:53
dooglusbob832: (with a 'sudo' in front)02:53
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Jaymillone sec02:53
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BotBuilderDunno if it will work for mine02:53
natdigga_mustard, you need the url?02:53
mustard5natdigga, I do02:53
BotBuilderObscure card with no ogl drivers on windows02:53
natdigga_mustard, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44442102:53
bob832dooglus:  ah ok, thanks. . . . i wa trying service <name> restart but with no go02:53
mustard5natdigga_, thanks02:54
bob832guess its the fedora coming out of me  :-)02:54
natdigga_mustard, no man thank you :)02:54
dooglusbob832: probably better is "sudo invoke-rc.d <service> restart"02:54
dooglusbob832: but they both do the same thing02:54
JaymillTokenBad: says those two things have no installation canadite02:54
TokenBadJaymill, may also want to install libid3tag0-dev02:54
KhaaaaanIs there anyway to make rythmbox minimize to the sys tray??02:54
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TokenBadJaymill, do this02:54
SEJeffKhaaaaan: rhythmbox-applet I think02:55
TokenBadapt-cache search libid3tag002:55
dooglusTokenBad: it's in main...02:55
AgrajagKhaaaaan: right-click the icon in the tray and click on "show window"02:55
KhaaaaanSysnaptic I assume?02:55
KhaaaaanThank you, duh me02:55
JaymillTokenBad: it didn't do anything02:55
mustard5natdigga_, I'm thinking the wiki guide will work better...as the other one is showing me an X-Free6 config..and we are using xorg.conf02:55
JaymillTokenBad: no error, but it just went to the next line02:55
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natdigga_mustard, okay02:56
TokenBadand you updated your repositories?02:56
JaymillTokenBad: ?02:56
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dooglusJaymill: "sudo apt-get update" <-- what does that tell you?02:56
natdigga_mustard, there02:56
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Jaymill<--linux newbie02:56
OceansblueHi newbie02:56
TokenBadI don't think he updated repositories02:56
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mustard5natdigga, let me read again....02:56
natdigga_mustard, so do I start at 1?02:56
natdigga_actually I think I have to do the echo on modules02:57
mustard5natdigga_, I think we would be up to step 3 in the hoary breezy part at the top02:57
Jaymillsays its done02:57
natdigga_oh okay so we skip step 2?02:57
Jaymillonly downloaded 1 byte02:58
mustard5natdigga_, oh no..hehe yeah do step 202:58
dooglusTokenBad: I think ubuntu tried to update his repositories while he was offline.  A bug in apt-get causes the cached repository lists to be deleted when that happens.02:58
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Jaymilldooglus: so what can I do now to get my mp3's to play?02:58
natdigga_mustard, 2 done going to three02:58
KhaaaaanWhere can I grab Teamspeak from??02:59
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mustard5natdigga_, k02:59
houseoftaintedKhaaaaan,  www.google.com02:59
SEJeffJaymill: Enable the universe and multiverse repositories in synaptic. Then search for and install the package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse that has mp3, divx, etc02:59
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JaymillKhaaaaan: http://www.goteamspeak.com/news.php02:59
logical_markHey what is the command to delete a folder in terminal?02:59
TokenBaddooglus, ahhhhh02:59
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: rm will do it.02:59
JaymillSEJeff: your gonna have to help me with that, I'm a newb02:59
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KhaaaaanDoes it work okay in Ubuntu??03:00
natdigga_mustard, so I just sudo sed -i -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' /etc/X11/xorg.conf?03:00
mustard5natdigga_, your not on 64 bit machine?03:00
natdigga_mustard, no03:00
YukiIkyutaJust be careful about how you use it: `rm -r directory' will remove a directory recursively.03:00
SEJeffJaymill: I'm leaving right now, ask someone else, it's really easy. Sorry03:00
TokenBadJaymill, did you edit your sources.list?03:00
JaymillTokenBad: nope03:00
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SEJeffJaymill: Use synaptic, dont edit sources.list03:00
houseoftaintedSEJeff, hey i need help installing a program called snes9x03:00
JaymillSEJeff: ok03:00
TokenBadwell can do it that way to03:00
mustard5natdigga_, ummm..well it gives you three options...any of them would do it03:00
TokenBadlets open synaptic Jaymill03:00
JaymillTokenBad: ok03:00
natdigga_ok here goes nothing...03:01
natdigga_I have to reboot03:01
mustard5natdigga_, k03:01
natdigga_I just do the Ctrl+alt+backspace? or shutdown?03:01
JaymillTokenBad: how?03:01
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I got this error "cannot remove `/var/www': Is a directory03:01
mustard5natdigga_, before you go03:01
TokenBadsystem, administration, synaptic03:01
natdigga_mustard, yeah?03:01
JaymillTokenBad: ok03:01
natdigga_mustard, pray?03:01
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: before you do anything, I don't know _why_ you will want to remove /var/www .. if you're sure: rm -r /var/www03:01
TokenBadit will ask for pass03:02
mustard5natdigga_, ummm..you might want to right down the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command03:02
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TokenBadsettings, repositories03:02
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mustard5natdigga, if you end up in terminal with no X display that can get you out by allowing you to change back to VESA drivers or something03:02
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: just be very careful when removing whole directories like this. if you miss and only type `rm -r /', you'll remove _EVERYTHING_! So be careful.03:02
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logical_markYukiIKyuta: Here is the problem. I installed apache but when I uninstalled it, to do another fresh install, it left all the folders, with the settings I am trying to get rid of. Where is apache installed to by the way so I can delete it?03:02
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mustard5*write down I meant to say above not right down :)03:03
TokenBadwhats checked there03:03
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aaronf0how to mount a ntfs drive rw?03:03
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anavimaaronf0: you shouldn't write to ntfs03:03
Fujitsuaaronf0: Not advisable.03:03
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JaymillI see cd Ubuntu 5.1, Ubuntu 5.103:03
TokenBadis the 4th and 5th one checked?03:03
Jaymilland thats it03:03
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: Apache is all over the place! Those folders will contain just the websites and such. A smarter idea will be to remove everything *in* /var/www: rm -r /var/www/*03:03
mustard5natdigga_, you in terminal now?03:03
aaronf0when will it get supported03:03
TokenBadok check the 4th and 5th ones03:03
Jaymillno check marks nothin03:03
TokenBadand also check03:03
natdigga_mustard, I was03:03
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: when you make your new install, it'll replace anything that needs replacing.03:03
Jaymillno, thats all thats there03:04
mustard5natdigga_, ah ok03:04
natdigga_mustard I was about to reboot03:04
Fujitsuaaronf0: When it is ready. It will be a while yet.03:04
TokenBadthe last 203:04
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mustard5natdigga, k go for it....good luck :)03:04
Biscuitian_WarheIs there a backup file for xorg.conf?03:04
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mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, you can make one03:04
aaronf0Fujitsu: gentoos had it for a bit yet, how experimetnal is it really?03:04
JaymillTokenBad: there are only two things there, and on the right I see add, and on the bottom is authentication and settings03:04
logical_markYukiIKyuta: How can I keep it from asking me y/n? for every file?03:04
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, have you edited it already?03:04
Biscuitian_Warhemustard5: Well, its kinda already messed up :-P03:04
Jaymillaha, I see more now03:04
Biscuitian_Warhemustard5: yeah.. it says somthing about some GLX thingey failing to load03:05
Biscuitian_WarheNice. Cedega compiled.03:05
definitydose any one know how to change this from GNOME to KDE?03:05
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, I would look in the comments at the top of the xorg.conf file and run the command it shows in there03:05
TokenBadpick add03:05
Jaymillin settings I had to click show disabled software03:05
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: that must be the way your shell is set up. Type `unalias rm', then try again. If that still doesn't do it: rm -rf /var/www/*03:05
TokenBadyou got it?03:05
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, that should autodetect everything again03:05
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: please be even more careful when using rm -rf, as it will just `F'orce its way through -everything-.03:05
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I had to put sudo in front of it03:05
JaymillI see two that say ubuntu 5.1 updates03:05
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: oh, you weren't sudo'd! Didn't realise.03:05
Jaymillbinary and source03:05
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I head your warninigs03:05
Jaymillget those two?03:05
YukiIkyutaGood ^^03:05
TokenBadand thats it?03:06
TokenBadjust those 2?03:06
definityis it possible GNOME to KDE?!?!?!?03:06
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Yeah sometimes its the simpleist thing that the other guy is so stupid LOL03:06
Jaymillthose are the 4th and 5th ones03:06
JaymillI see alot more03:06
YukiIkyutadefinity: Kubuntu does this.03:06
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TokenBadJaymill, msg me03:06
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: you're doing fine!03:06
Biscuitian_Warhemustard5: The ATI driver wiped out those comments.03:06
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, k let me look it up...03:06
JaymillTokenBad: I need to register03:06
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KhaaaaanOh man, So Teamspeak2 doesnt work with ubuntu?? uh oh.....03:07
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:07
TokenBadlets see03:07
TokenBadyou running breezy?03:07
vbgunzanybody know why I cannot update some extensions to Thunderbird?03:07
thundrdefinity, if you have ubuntu, download the package kubuntu if you want to use kde and ubuntu03:07
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I have a broken package that SPM won't fix.The error it gives me when I mark it for complete removal and hit Apply, it errors saying "E: phpmyadmin: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 127"03:07
houseoftaintedmustard5,  any ideas? it isnt showing insynaptic, i downloaded off of snes9x.com03:07
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BotBuilderThis is the fourth time i've tried installing a linux distro and teh fourth time its failed in some way due to hardware03:07
YukiIkyutaBotBuilder: what's up?03:07
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definityok thx :)03:08
mustard5houseoftainted, yeah I think you don't have all your repositories enabled...thats my theory anway :)03:08
vbgunzjoin #mozilla03:08
FujitsuBotBuilder, what is up?03:08
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JaymillTokenBad: check your PM03:08
definityand dose anyone know why the hell ubuntu wont let me install a login theam??03:08
mustard5houseoftainted, if we can get it through synaptice you can save yourself the grief of compiling03:08
BotBuilderWell, I've tried doing it on my two modern computers03:08
houseoftaintedmustard5,  how do i enable them under the repositories tab :)03:08
BotBuilderhasnt worked03:08
DelvienAnyone here use Kthinkbat03:08
BotBuilderbut that's a different story03:08
FujitsuWhat is wrong, BotBuilder?03:08
mustard5!tell houseoftainted about repos03:08
BotBuilderTryign to install ubuntu server on an old junker03:08
Biscuitian_Warhemustard5L Thanks03:08
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, worked ok?03:09
BotBuilderAnd it can't boot to the install cd03:09
thundrBotBuilder, how old is this junker?03:09
Biscuitian_Warheroot@ubuntu:/usr/sbin # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:09
Biscuitian_Warhexserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration03:09
Biscuitian_Warhe   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20051201210803:09
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BotBuilder7-10 years03:09
Biscuitian_WarheIs that what I wanted to see?03:09
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, k03:09
BotBuilderp1 200mhz, 64mb ram, 4gb hard drive03:09
FujitsuWe need to create a floppy boot, easy.03:09
BotBuilderoh ok03:09
BotBuilderHow would I do that then ;p ?03:09
YukiIkyuta(it has a floppy drive, right?)03:09
thundrBotBuilder, can it boot off of the cd?03:09
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mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, your in root already too, so sudo is not really required03:09
BotBuilderthundr - some odd error happens03:10
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I have a broken package that SPM won't fix.The error it gives me when I mark it for complete removal and hit Apply, it errors saying "E: phpmyadmin: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 127". Do you know what it is?03:10
BotBuildersays it can't find the disk03:10
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, normally it would be being done from a user login prompt03:10
BotBuilderISOLINUX complains about missing a 'spec' and its going to just 'wing it'03:10
mustard5houseoftainted, did you get the link from ubotu?03:10
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: that's quite peculiar, but that's not the actual error itself - there should be more messages above. Are there any?03:10
vbgunzAnyone know why on Ubuntu 5.10 I cannot update my extensions? I download them, Thunderbird 1.07 goes through installing them, all is fine and I am told to restart Thunderbird 1.07 *but* when I do, they're not updated and searching for more updates reveal they all need to be updated again... it loops endlessly... Anyone know why? I appreciate any help!03:10
BotBuilderFujitsu: How do I make a floppy boot then?03:10
Biscuitian_Warhemustard5: Did it work?03:11
logical_markYukiIKyuta: No there are not. Keep in mind though I am using the SPM, not terminal...03:11
mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, yeah..you should have a new xorg.conf now03:11
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mustard5Biscuitian_Warhe, check it out to confirm03:11
ale3hshow I find the path for the JDK ??03:11
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: perhaps you could try removing via the command line to see what it says there?03:11
Biscuitian_WarheYeargh. I compile cedega.. I just can't find it *smacks head03:11
houseoftaintedmustard5,  yes i did :)03:12
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logical_markYukiIKyuta: What is the command to uninstall a package?03:12
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mustard5houseoftainted, I can show you how to manually edit it if it doesnt work via synaptic03:12
FujitsuBotBuilder, wait a second...03:12
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: apt-get remove PACKAGE03:12
mustard5houseoftainted, what version of ubuntu you on?03:12
YukiIkyutaeg. apt-get remove phpmyadmin03:12
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thundras su, of course.03:13
djk_ale3hs: /usr/lib/j2sdk1.X-sun03:13
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logical_markYukiIKyuta: Errors are: /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.prerm: line 12: db_get: command not found03:13
logical_markdpkg: error processing phpmyadmin (--remove):03:13
logical_mark subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 12703:13
logical_markErrors were encountered while processing:03:13
logical_mark phpmyadmin03:13
logical_markE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:13
mustard5logical_mark, paste in pastebin plz :)03:13
FujitsuBotBuilder: http://linux.simple.be/tools/sbm03:14
FujitsuYou can use that to make a floppy to boot from the CD.03:14
logical_markmustard5: So sorry. What is pastebin? how do I use it? thanks03:14
djk_ale3hs: X being 4 or 5 or whatever JDK you have installed.03:14
mustard5!tell logical_mark about pastebin03:14
mustard5logical_mark, check PM from ubotu03:14
BotBuilderfujitsu - ok03:14
ale3hsdjk_,  not there, i have install eclipse so i guess eclipse install JDK somewehere else..03:14
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: okay, looks like you're going to have to force remove it! Let me think ..03:14
BotBuilderI've been able to boot from the cd though03:15
logical_markmustard5: got it thanks03:15
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YukiIkyuta!tell YukiIkyuta about pastebin03:15
aaronf0nvidia and ubuntu in one word?03:15
BotBuilderits just that immediatly after it can't find the disk drive03:15
BotBuilderI'll be back03:15
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YukiIkyutalogical_mark: you can try force removing the package with dpkg, though that's a little bit more complex.03:15
djk_ale3hs: type "locate javac" ...without the ".03:15
ale3hsdjk_,  I have no javac03:16
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: you need to open up /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.prerm , find the line "# Package maintainer's commands follow", then add this:03:16
djk_ale3hs: then you have no JDK.03:16
YukiIkyuta. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule03:16
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YukiIkyuta(without the .)03:17
ale3hsdjk_,  of course I got, i compile programs in Eclipse03:17
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ale3hsdjk_,  except if it uses a GNU java03:17
YukiIkyutaWait, no, the . is necessary.03:17
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logical_markYukiIKyuta: Ok done03:18
YukiIkyutalogical_mark:  now apt-get remove phpmyadmin again!03:18
aaronf0err, does anyone in here use nvidia cards with 3d accel?03:18
djk_ale3hs: probably, since javac is the sun java compiler..03:18
Fujitsuaaronf0: You need the drivers from restricted...03:18
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logical_markYukiIKyuta: same error...03:19
mustard5aaronf0, I assume its using hardware acceleration..is that the same?03:19
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: you're sure the change saved successfully?03:19
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ale3hsdjk_,  u cannot download JDK from synaptic, can u?03:19
cafuegoaaronf0: Yep. nvidia-glx for geforce4 or newer, nvidia-glx-legacy for older.03:19
cafuegoale3hs: yes, version 1.4 is in there.03:19
aaronf0cafuego: and those are in restricted?03:19
mbmccormickfor users in the United States, how long did it take to get your free ubuntu cds delivered?03:19
djk_ale3hs: depends on your repos03:19
mustard5aaronf0, yeah03:20
Oceansblue4 - 5 weeks03:20
aaronf0why is 3 so hard...03:20
mbmccormickthanks oceansblue03:20
OceansblueI can download the Ubuntu disk in 1 minute at the university03:20
Oceansbluethey have a local mirror03:20
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Yes, I inserted on the line right below "# Package maintainers commands:" the line "./usr/share/debconf/confmodule"03:20
djk_ale3hs: why do you need the jdk if eclipse already uses a compiler?03:21
ale3hscafuego, synaptic doesnt find it03:21
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ale3hsdjk_,  just to be sure for compatability03:21
logical_markYukiIKyuta: nevermind I fixed it03:21
Biscuitian_WarheNice.. Guild Wars under Linux03:21
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: well done!03:21
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I needed a space after the '.' and it worked then03:21
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: yes, yes. The "." tells the program to execute the file after it like it's a script.03:22
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Thanks for the help. Learned something03:22
ale3hsdjk_ plus I need to use java microedtion at some point03:22
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Techie_dudehow do i set default programs?03:22
KhaaaaanHow can I restart the gnome?03:22
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: no problems. ^^ This a known bug in phpMyAdmin, and isn't typical at all.03:22
mbmccormickoceansblue- thats fast, here it takes me about half hour-hour03:22
djk_ale3hs: deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu breezy java   --add that line to your sources.list. apt-get update then you'll be able to get sun1.5 standart edition03:22
FujitsuKhaaaaaan: log out and in.03:22
DelvienBiscuitian_Warhe how well does it run03:22
mustard5Techie_dude, right click on the file you want to open and choose properties03:22
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Well thanks all the same. Talk to you later03:23
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mustard5Techie_dude, there should be an 'Open-with' tab03:23
Techie_dudedoes anyone know how i set my default music player03:23
Biscuitian_WarheDelvien: No idea, i kinda screwed up the cvscompile (did it as root, so its d/ling some stuff to Linux, and well, we'll see from there03:23
mustard5Techie_dude, well on ubuntu totem is the default I think..and its not straightforward changing that03:23
ale3hsdjk_,  remind me where is sources_list file?03:23
djk_ale3hs: /etc/apt/sources.list03:24
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: see ya.03:24
navaroneits funny. Evolution has big red x in circle that i try everytime to delete...then I realize that the delete it actually the thing that looks like aempty Guinness mug03:24
DelvienBiscuitian_Warhe nice03:24
OceansblueRunning Firefox 1.5 here03:24
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Techie_dudeno cd juicer is the default03:24
mustard5Techie_dude, what one do you want to add?03:24
Biscuitian_WarheIf I update to Breezy, via Synaptic, will ti wipe out everything03:24
Techie_dudei want it to play my cds with xxms03:24
FujitsuBiscuitian_Warhe: No.03:24
houseoftaintedmustard5,  this is confusing :(03:25
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mustard5houseoftainted, ok lets do it manually then ;)03:25
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net_benjohello, my wireless keeps cutting out sporatically and then reconnecting within seconds...does this problem sound familiar to anyone???03:25
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok :D03:25
Biscuitian_WarheFujitsu: Will my compiled software still work?03:25
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mustard5houseoftainted, you on breezy?03:25
glyphHello, folks03:25
navaroneBiscuitian...very odd name if you don't mind me saying...lol03:25
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glyphMy machine is crashing once per day.03:25
Biscuitian_WarheFujitsu: I couldn't get some of the repos i needed for Cedega.03:25
houseoftaintedmustard5,  hoary hedgehog03:25
Biscuitian_Warhenavarone: Lol, I know.03:25
mustard5houseoftainted, k03:26
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Would you know why even though I installed apache2, and then php4, and the restarted apahce2, it still wont show a .php file in the browser and instead I get the option to download the file?03:26
The_Isle_of_Markheheh another cedega problem? just solved mine03:26
Biscuitian_Warhenavarone: My nickname is Biscuit.. so i just kinda flow with that03:26
glyphWindows seems to be rock solid, Breezy on my laptop is rock solid, and I have no debugging information upon which to base a diagnosis of the problem03:26
mustard5houseoftainted, just loading a hoary sources.list03:26
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Fujitsulogical_mark: I had that issue a while ago.03:26
Techie_dudeIt dosen't have a tab for that03:26
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: have you installed the PHP module?..03:26
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glyphbut nevertheless Breezy on my desktop is exploding to bits every 16 hours or so, "reliably"03:26
navaronebiscuit...is the warhead actually short for warhead? I imagine inter conternental Shortbread missles03:26
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok :)03:27
pussfellerlogical_mark: did you add index.php to the directory index thing03:27
mustard5houseoftainted, ok open this in a browser http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:27
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djk_navarone: yes, the warhead is actually short for warhead....03:27
thundrglyph, that's strange.03:27
FujitsuBiscuitian_Warhe: I don't know anything about Cedega, but what is the problem?03:27
glyphI suspect that it is a kernel problem, most likely a SATA or USB problem based on when the crashes have occurred.  I would like to change something to see if I can reduce the frequently of the crashes03:27
net_benjohas anybody hear of a problem where wireless signal keeps cutting in and out...sporadically....I've checked the forums and could not find anyting similar..03:27
Biscuitian_Warhenavarone: Yeah, it is, this thing lops it off though03:27
glyphthundr: Yes, very much so.03:27
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mustard5houseoftainted, not open your current sources.list with this command   sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:27
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ale3hsapt-get update in the console is the same work as to refresh icon in synaptic?03:27
mustard5*now...not 'not' sorry03:27
Biscuitian_WarheFujitsu: I want to enable DMA, but this bloody thing won't do it03:27
Fujitsuale3hs: Yes03:27
djk_ale3hs: yes03:27
glyphthundr: Previously when I've had unexplained crashes in a Linux distro, I've been able to poke around in /var/log and find SOME indication of what happened immediately before the crash...03:28
glyphthundr: but these are hard, fast crashes, that are instantaneous03:28
glyphthundr: no opportunity for the kernel to say "oh crap!" before it dies03:28
logical_markFijitsu, YukiIkyuta, and pussfeller: I am following this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/#apachehttpserver Does that help explain it?03:28
Biscuitian_WarheGW update almost ready.. Mwahaha03:28
navaroneYou know pretty soon computers are gonna be voice activated and all us old folks are gonna be complaining no-one uses a gui any more03:28
mustard5houseoftainted, copy and paste the sources.list at that link in your browser and completely replace your old sources.list in the text editor you just opened03:28
glyphthundr: Considering that my machine is already an unstable wreck, I am considering "upgrading" to dapper :)03:28
net_benjoare there any free chat admins that can help me with my wireless question?03:28
Biscuitian_WarheWindows had some unexplained crashes for me.. but I couldn't poke in a log.03:29
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glyphBiscuitian_Warhe: Heh heh03:29
glyphBiscuitian_Warhe: I have certainly had machines where Windows has had similar issues03:29
YukiIkyutanavarone: I've already voice automated my media player. xD03:29
mustard5houseoftainted, I suppose I should wait for you to confirm you have reached that point :)03:29
glyphBiscuitian_Warhe: I actually spent about 20 hours trying to knock Windows over, burning in the machine03:29
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navaroneYuki...you r ahead of the curve03:29
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glyphBiscuitian_Warhe: I wanted to believe it was a hardware problem and I would have to buy a new computer, more than I wanted to believe it was an Ubuntu problem.  but there you have it :)03:29
Fujitsunet_benjo: I am sure other people in the channel can help you. Just ask the question, and somebody will probably know.03:30
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Did you see that last thing I said?03:30
navaronecould the dma problem be solved with bios upgrade?03:30
ale3hsdjk_,  still can find java on synaptic03:30
afabianIn my experience, there's always a reason Windows is unstable, even Windows 95.  Bad drivers, flaky hardware, etc.03:30
houseoftaintedmustard5,  from the browser to the text editor?03:30
thundrglyph, yeah.  I know what you're describing, but I doubt I'll be able to help.  Dapper might be a fun experiment - you can watch your computer melt before you format.  :)03:30
YukiIkyutanet_benjo: what's the problem?03:30
ale3hsdjk_,  still cannot find java on synaptic03:30
djk_ale3hs: search for j2sdk03:30
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: yes, I saw. I'm reading the guide for thoroughness now.03:30
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok its pasted completely03:30
mustard5houseoftainted, ok..so it copied over the old content?03:30
ale3hsdjk_,  ur a savior03:30
glyphthundr: Yeah... I see the topic, and I recognize the sort of grief unprepared dapper users might have caused you all :) but I would like some advice on the recommended upgrade path if anyone here has had good/bad experiences with dapper so far03:30
morphixdoes anyone know a guide on how to dual boot win xp and ubuntu?03:30
houseoftaintedmustard5,  yep03:30
djk_ale3hs: no problem03:30
mustard5houseoftainted, k save ..and one more steop03:31
Fujitsumorphix: Yes.03:31
net_benjoYukiIkyuta:  thank you.....ok..my wireless signal keeps cuttin in and out...it disconnects..then reconnects automatically....it happens often while i"m browsing or downloading..03:31
OceansblueI can dual boot03:31
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glyphthundr: I suspect that it is a known kernel bug that has been fixed in versions after the one packaged in breezy.  I mean, heck, practically the whole SCSI system has been replaced since then :-P03:31
mustard5houseoftainted, do a sudo apt-get update03:31
Fujitsumorphix: Have you got both on there?03:31
ale3hsdjk_,  u program in java?03:31
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok03:31
morphixFujitsu, no not yet.. i just win xp installed atm.03:31
djk_ale3hs: had to, not anymore.03:31
YukiIkyutanet_benjo: try typing `iwconfig' - it will tell you in one of the last lines how good the signal strength is.03:31
Fujitsumorphix: Ubuntu will handle it when you install.03:31
mustard5houseoftainted, k..now we can install from command line too03:31
TokenBadok in evolution i had someone send me pics...and they load in the email...i try to right click on them to save them..and no way to...anyone know how to save them?03:31
FujitsuIt will automatically detect it and add it as a boot option.03:31
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: I'm trying to find you another package to install ..03:31
ale3hsdjk_,  I just want to ask u if 1.5 is totaly compatble with 1.4??03:31
navaronemorphix> this url is for a laptop install but you may get the jist http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/~mjmille2/howtos/dual-boot-linux-and-windows/03:31
morphixhow would i go about reversing it if i wanted to?03:32
mustard5houseoftainted, sudo apt-get install snes9x-x03:32
morphixjust delete ubuntu and rewrite the mbr?03:32
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Fujitsumorphix: Yes.03:32
logical_markYukiIKyuta: Thats great thanks!03:32
thundrglyph, I'm probably not the right person to ask for advice.   People wiser than I will help you when they're done with the problems they're working on.  You might want to try #ubuntu after you register with nickserv - it might be a little faster to get help there.03:32
djk_ale3hs: i'm not sure, there have been changes.03:32
Delvienwhere are applets for KDE stored?03:32
FujitsuYou shouldn't need to remove Ubuntu, though, morphix!03:32
houseoftaintedits working :)03:32
houseoftaintedmustard5,  its installing :D03:32
glyphthundr: erm03:32
mustard5houseoftainted, k03:32
ale3hsdjk_,  ok I ll go with 1.4 to be sure03:33
glyphthundr: aren't I *in* #ubuntu?03:33
net_benjoYukiIkyuta:  ok..i get signal level 72/100..i don't think that's the problem....I know that In my room I have a really very good signal strenght...03:33
glyphthundr: I am registered, and also, the tab for this channel says "#ubuntu", not "##ubuntu" or anything wacky like that03:33
mustard5houseoftainted, I don't know how you run it...it might be in the menus after installing03:33
YukiIkyutanet_benjo: do you use encryption or some form of authentication?03:33
thundrglyph, oh, yeah.03:33
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok, and one question how do i do an apt-search?03:33
mustard5houseoftainted, apt-cache search packagename03:33
logical_markYukiIKyuta: So you know, I am looking at having Apache2, PHP, mySQL running.03:34
houseoftaintedmustard5,  awesome thank you :)03:34
mustard5houseoftainted, I think....(testing)03:34
net_benjoYukiIkyuta:  yes..i use WEP and I have an encrypted hex key03:34
Fujitsulogical_mark: Very good. LAMP is good.03:34
thundrglyph, This is a new install for me, so I just thought I'd be thrown into #ubuntu-unregged since I didn't put in a password or anything in xchat.03:34
mustard5houseoftainted, yep..that was it03:34
YukiIkyutanet_benjo: I see. Have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WirelessTroubleshootingGuide ?03:34
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mustard5houseoftainted, synaptic is just apt-get with a nice gui03:35
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YukiIkyutalogical_mark: this should help! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PHP5Installation03:35
net_benjoYuki...:   no... I have not..I will now though...thank you..03:35
mustard5houseoftainted, so you can't be using one while using the other..if you know what I mean03:35
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: the guide you were following was for PHP 4. This is PHP 5, which is much better, so it should do you well.03:35
YukiIkyutanet_benjo: good luck.03:35
definityany one know where i could get a good matrix theam for ubuntu from?03:35
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ill stick with manual installation :)03:35
FujitsuYes, PHP is better.03:35
mustard5houseoftainted, hehe ok03:35
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I assume it will work with older php scripts?03:36
FujitsuPHP5, that should have been...03:36
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: naturally.03:36
net_benjoYuki...:  thanks for your help...ubuntu rocks!!!03:36
YukiIkyutanet_benjo: you bet it does! Good luck.03:36
morphixdoes anyone know where i can download the linux rescue cd from pipe servers (in australia)?03:36
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houseoftaintedmustard5,  great how do i run it now lol03:37
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mustard5houseoftainted, hehehe good question....try alt + f2 and type in part of the name03:37
logical_markYukiIKyuta: This seems a little over my head. I don't know what it means when it is saying the packages I need, or how to get them, and the what do I do to "compile" them?03:37
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fdelacruzsr Im using ubuntu for my samba accessing by win98, I try to login on my win98 I got this error The computer name is invalid, this is my first time encounter this error03:37
mustard5houseoftainted, it might be in the menus..some packages put in menu entries..some don't03:37
djk_morphix: that guide is idiotic, the linux rescue cd isn't needed for a dual-OS-system.03:37
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logical_markYukiIKyuta: Do I just do apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork, etc.03:38
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mustard5houseoftainted, actually alt + f2 is a breezy command03:38
mustard5houseoftainted, on hoary I think its in your system menu03:38
logical_markYukiIKyuta: But I still don't understand "post-compilation"03:38
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: yes, that should do.03:38
mustard5houseoftainted, sorry application>>system tools03:38
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: post compilation - the guide intends for you to compile them (ie. to make the packages) yourself, but you can probably just apt-get install them.03:39
Killer056Tin ma grosse chui la :p03:39
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: then follow the instructions it gives.03:39
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definitywhat better GTK or KDE?03:39
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ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais03:39
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: if you think this is a bit much, you can still try PHP 4 at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP03:39
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YukiIkyutalogical_mark: that guide there is a bit more complete, so you might prefer it.03:39
mebaran151can anyone help me with an alsa problem03:39
mebaran151for some reason03:39
YukiIkyutamebaran151: sure.03:39
mebaran151dmix refuses to work03:40
mebaran151I got everything else pretty well covered03:40
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houseoftaintedmustard5,  nothin about searching... hmm03:40
mebaran151and I got my asound.conf in order I believe03:40
mebaran151but things don't mix03:40
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YukiIkyutamebaran151: do you know what version of ALSA you're running?03:40
houseoftaintedmustard5,  iim there :) i dont know what half these programs are meant for03:40
mebaran151I upgraded trying to fix it03:40
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mustard5houseoftainted, I'm pretty sure there is a run application choice in hoary in the applications menu somewhere03:40
mebaran151Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.10rc1 (Mon Sep 12 08:13:09 2005 UTC).03:40
YukiIkyutamebaran151: it should be enabled by default, that means ..03:40
logical_markYukiIKyuta: I should go ahead and try this. I should be able to handle it I think03:41
mebaran151it doesn't work by default03:41
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mebaran151in fact without an asound.conf it makes everything high pitched03:41
Amaranthstill snowing03:41
mustard5houseoftainted, another trick from command line is to type the first few letters in and hit TAB twice03:41
mebaran151it's a Via Envy 24 btw03:41
YukiIkyutamebaran151: ! What are you trying to achieve using dmix?03:41
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mebaran151I want to be able to hear gaim sounds (from aplay) and rhythmbox music03:42
mustard5houseoftainted, that will give you an idea of what its called..and then you could try loading up the manual with man <command name>03:42
mebaran151and esd is just filled with buggers03:42
YukiIkyutamebaran151: do you reckon? Typically I find ESD is alright..03:42
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mebaran151esd buzzes profusely on my setup03:43
mebaran151never figured out why03:43
navaronehouseoftainted,  what are you trying to find?03:43
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Toma-someone should make an uber simple multiplexed or whatever sound server :(03:43
mustard5navarone, he wants run sne9x-x03:44
YukiIkyutaToma-: you bet.03:44
YukiIkyutamebaran151: this may help; mebaran151:03:44
mustard5navarone, he just installed with apt-get03:44
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YukiIkyutamebaran151: http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Setting_up_Dmix_for_ALSA03:44
navaronemustard game emulatorsa re the bane of my existence...lol03:44
agrokerI have a scientific program to install (CHARMM), they do not specify precisely where to put binaries and libraries, what would be an appropriate position at the Ubuntu filesystem?03:44
mustard5navarone, and he is on hoary03:44
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mustard5navarone, hehe03:44
Toma-i hate saying it, but the windows sound system is so nice03:44
eclecticpccan someone send me a text file or something i need to test my dcc03:44
FujitsuToma-: In some ways, yes. It often Just Works(tm).03:44
YukiIkyutaToma-: unfortunately, due to the fact that Windows is unified in that respect, it's true.03:44
fooWhat is some of the main differences between ubuntu and debian? Just curious...03:44
navaroneI gave up on trying to load those @$!& roms...lol03:44
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Toma-i think dmix is setup standard in breezy03:45
YukiIkyutaagroker: binaries would go in /usr/local/bin , libraries in /usr/local/lib03:45
houseoftaintedmustard5,  i type snes9x from the command prompt and it opens up some config options is all03:45
YukiIkyutaToma-: I was under that impression also.03:45
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agrokerYukiIkyuta, tnx03:45
mustard5houseoftainted, try man snes9x for a manual03:45
Toma-houseoftainted: znes is the better. it comes with a gui03:46
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mebaran151Toma-, I think Linux sound would be much much better03:46
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mebaran151if we only had manufacture support03:46
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mustard5houseoftainted, hang ten..I'll download and try to find it myself too03:46
kjdisAnyone got a link to a directfb tutorial, setup help, etc.?03:46
Toma-its not the drivers, its the way the software should be able to simple mix everything down to one steam03:46
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok03:46
houseoftaintedmustard5,  on windows it has a graphical interface, would this one too?03:47
ardchoilleAre there any disadvantages or problems with installing apps from universe?03:47
mustard5houseoftainted, I don't know03:47
Toma-but u get people crying "It uses so much CPU waa waa" but in essence, itll take about 2% from a modern cpu03:47
agrokereclecticpc, DCC SEND install.com to eclecticpc failed. Connection reset by peer03:47
YukiIkyutakjdis: http://directfb.org/docs/DirectFB_Tutorials/03:47
kjdisYuk: those are for writing apps03:47
Fujitsuarchoille: They just aren't officially supported.03:47
Toma-houseoftainted: like i said, try zsnes, its got a nice gui03:47
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YukiIkyutakjdis: what are you looking for?03:48
kjdisI have not been able to find a sort of "DirectFB install/configure for dummies" hehe03:48
mebaran151Toma-, does Windows use a sound server03:48
mebaran151or do they use a library dmix solution?03:48
eclecticpcWhen you have a space in the name of a directory how do you tell linux to use that directory03:48
houseoftaintedagroker,  xdcc?03:48
Fujitsueclecticpc: escape with a \ before the space.03:48
Toma-mebaran151: its a sounds server that automagically does dmix03:48
Toma-perhaps alsa will use dmix by default one of there days03:49
mebaran151it does03:49
YukiIkyutakjdis: is there any directfb package? (try apt-cache search directfb)03:49
mebaran151but my machine is weird03:49
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mebaran151it's a Via Envy03:49
ardchoilleFujitsu: ok, thanks03:49
eclecticpcso if i have a directory called "the stuff" it would be the\stuff  ?03:49
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Fujitsuecelecticpc: For example /usr/Some\ Long\ Folder03:49
Toma-eclecticpc: no, its "the\ stuff"03:49
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kjdisYuk: looks like there is pkgs03:50
eclecticpctoma- i c ok thanks   by the way that also goes for the terminal when trying to get into a directory with a space?03:50
TokenBadok in evolution i had someone send me pics...and they load in the email...i try to right click on them to save them..and no way to...anyone know how to save them?03:50
YukiIkyutakjdis: whatever you see which looks like you need (eg. directfb-dev? anything ending in -dev?), ``apt-get install PACKAGE them03:50
Toma-eclecticpc: yeh, but try just hitting tab. no point spending all day typing a long file name03:50
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blankywhat's windows cls equivalent in linux (clear screen in terminal)03:51
YukiIkyutablanky: clear03:51
YukiIkyutaAt least, for bash.03:51
navaronetoken> try menu for something with Save Attachements03:51
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USCRyan*question* whats a good filesharing program for ubuntu? new linux user here03:51
eclecticpcagroker, could you try sending me that file again03:51
TokenBadnavarone, nope03:51
YukiIkyutaUSCRyan: try `nicotine', for the SoulSeek network.03:51
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USCRyantyukiikyuta, thx03:51
Toma-USCRyan: gtk-gnutella03:51
kjdisYuk I might use apt-get, thanks03:51
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YukiIkyutakjdis: good luck.03:51
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houseoftaintedToma-,  ok03:51
houseoftaintedToma-,  i like that emu :)03:51
eclecticpchmmm didn't work03:52
agrokereclecticpc, trying....03:52
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YukiIkyutaBrb ...03:52
ExistanceWhat should I do if when i boot ubuntu it crashes and says /dev/hde3 does not exist?03:52
mustard5houseoftainted, hmm..well I couldn't work out how to use it either :)03:52
definityi just downloaded kds for ubuntu now how do i get a KDE desktop?03:52
navaronemustard...what did I tell ya...lol03:52
definityim still on my gnome one?03:52
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Toma-definity: have you installed it?03:53
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mustard5houseoftainted, someone suggested you try zsnes03:53
Natdigga_mustard, bah...no go03:53
eclecticpcok well that space thing didn't work03:53
agrokereclecticpc, failed03:53
FujitsuExistance: Does tha partition exist?03:53
eclecticpcstill said no such file or directory03:53
mustard5Natdigga_, yeah? what happened?03:53
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Natdigga_mustard,got kicked to terminal03:53
ExistanceFujitsu: most definantly, that's the one the ubuntu installed put the root on03:53
houseoftaintedmustard5,  ok :) should i do an apt search of it?03:53
FujitsuExistance: Has it worked previously?03:53
Natdigga_mustard, came up with that blue screen saying xwindows crashed.03:53
Natdigga_musatrd, finish helping houseoftainted03:54
ExistanceFujitsu: nope, this is directly after 5.10 Breezy installation03:54
mustard5houseoftainted, the package name is zsnes so you could just install via command line useing apt-get install zsnes03:54
Natdigga_mustard, I need to put my kid to bed.03:54
mustard5houseoftainted, with sudo in front03:54
houseoftaintedmustard5,  already did :)03:54
mustard5Natdigga_, k03:54
DShepherdhey i am trying to install mozilla from source. I get this error --> http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/525403:54
FujitsuExistance: Is it a normal IDE hard disk?03:54
Toma-DShepherd: why from source?03:54
Natdigga_mustard5, can you kick natdigga off?  That's me on at work.03:54
USCRyantoma, do i have to install anything else to run gtk?03:54
ExistanceFujitsu: yea, although it's the 1st one its hde for some reason, its the IDE1 Master hdd03:54
DShepherdToma-:  I want firefox 1.5 :)03:54
Toma-USCRyan: if you use apt-get no.03:55
mustard5Natdigga_, I don't have mod powers :)03:55
FujitsuIt should be hda1...03:55
USCRyantoma, how do i do that? =)03:55
eclecticpcif i have a folder called "The Music" which is located in my home directory how would i tell xchat to put my downloads in that folder?03:55
Toma-DShepherd: no need to build anything from source.03:55
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navaroneexistance> how many paritions are set up on drive(s)03:55
cedricci got a 30gig with 512ram .. i wanna know how to format it correctly wich partition wich size and wich format03:55
mustard5Natdigga_, I think you can ghost your nick via some irc command if you have the password03:55
Toma-USCRyan: apt-get install gtk-gnutella, or use synaptic03:55
DShepherdToma, really... how so then?03:55
Existancenavarone: 4 hde1 = Windows hde2 = NTFS hde3 = ubuntu root hde5 = extended swap for ubuntu03:55
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Toma-DShepherd: i used this quick howto and it works fine, http://lxer.com/module/newswire/lf/view/45917/03:56
drogbahas anyone got lighthttpd to run on ubuntu?03:56
eclecticpcagroker, try again?03:56
USCRyantoma, what is synaptic? sorry im new03:56
YukiIkyutacedricc: you can split it how you like.03:56
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DShepherdToma checking it out now03:56
YukiIkyutacedricc: do you want to keep any existing data?03:56
mustard5Natdigga_, try this in IRC   /msg nickserv help ghost03:56
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navaroneexistance> how many drives?03:56
Toma-obviously just get the latest release from firefox03:56
Existancenavarone: just one03:56
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Toma-USCRyan: click System > Admin > Synaptic03:57
Existancenavarone: i've talked to some people and they said its alright that's its hde, just kinda wierd03:57
navaronehmm...existance...was asking cos first time I have seen hde and not hda03:57
afabiancedricc, put it all in one big partition.  if you don't have any reason to do otherwise, then don't.  it's mostly a needless complication on a "desktop" system.  historically, there were good reasons for more partitions.  and still are, for certain systems.03:57
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Existancenavarone: heh03:57
cedriccno there is no need to keep any data03:57
Existancenavarone: i have no idea how to fix it so i'm planning on just leaving it03:57
cedriccshould i make a boot partion03:57
cedriccand a swap one03:57
YukiIkyutacedricc, do as afabian says - all in one big partition will do.03:58
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YukiIkyutacedricc, a swap partition IS useful, however if you have enough RAM and you think you won't need one, it's less important. a swap file might do.03:58
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agrokereclecticpc, failed03:58
eclecticpchow in the hell do you do the friggin space thing03:58
Toma-make sure the swap file is at the start of the drive tho.03:58
agrokereclecticpc, ask anybody else, perhaps its a problem on my side03:58
eclecticpcthe \ doesn't work03:58
USCRyantoma, i dont see it listed under synaptic, does it have a different name?03:58
ExistanceFujitsu: it shouldnt be hda1 because i have windows and another NTFS partition as the first two03:58
Fujitsueclecticpc: Where are you entering it?03:59
mustard5houseoftainted, I found this in synaptic  snes9express   a gtk frontend (GUI)03:59
Toma-USCRyan: hit alt+F2 then type synaptic03:59
eclecticpcin xchat03:59
morphixYukiIkyuta about that swap partition thing.. what if u have 1gb ram is that more than sufficient? lol03:59
FujitsuExistance: hda3, then?03:59
definityhow do i change to brezzy badger?03:59
USCRyantoma, im running synaptic, i cant find gnutella listed under the applications03:59
YukiIkyutamorphix: well, I have a gig of RAM, but I still like a swap partition.03:59
ExistanceFujitsu: yeah, but i've been told it's alright for it to be hde, just a little wierd03:59
eclecticpci want my downloads to go to a folder called "The Music" which is located in my home directory03:59
YukiIkyutamorphix: my swap partition is a whole GB, but I have a 200GB hard drive, so it doesn't impact it so much. :)03:59
mebaran151no luck with that one03:59
Toma-USCRyan: ahhh you need to enable multiverse and universe.... Click Settings > Repositories03:59
mustard5USCRyan, you probably need to enable extra repositories03:59
Toma-got that up?03:59
mebaran151that doesn't work, the asound.conf provided03:59
Dr_Willisget out of the Habbit of using spaces in file/dir names - is a good idea. :P04:00
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YukiIkyutamebaran151: ack ><04:00
morphixi got told that ext3 is somehow readable in windows.. is that true?04:00
mebaran151yeah, exactly04:00
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YukiIkyutamorphix: definitely!04:00
mebaran151morphix, yeah04:00
Existancemorphix: explore2fs04:00
YukiIkyuta!google explore2fs04:00
eclecticpcFujitsu, did you get that?04:00
ubotuYukiIkyuta: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:00
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Toma-USCRyan: now click the one labeled Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy" (Binary) then click edit04:00
morphixoh ok.04:00
FujitsuExistance: At the GRUB prompt, there is a way of getting to a shell. There, type 'linux root=/dev/hde3'. If that doesn't work, try hde4, etc.04:00
YukiIkyutamorphix: http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm04:00
Dr_Willismorphix,  yes - theres also the 'IFS' filesystem add on for XP that makes xp able to read/write an ext3 partition04:00
YukiIkyutamorphix: there's even an IFS (installable filesystem) ..04:00
Fujitsueclecticpc: In what program?04:01
YukiIkyutaDr_Willis: I believe the IFS is read-only.04:01
Fujitsumorphix: ext2ifs has RW access.04:01
Dr_WillisYukiIkyuta,  :P i write to it all the time04:01
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mebaran151Dr_Willis, I didn't know we had a real mountaqble fs!04:01
Toma-USCRyan: following?04:01
eclecticpcFujitsu, xchat i want my dcc download to go into a folder called "The Music" which is located in my home directory04:01
morphixhmm ok.04:01
ExistanceFujitsu: there's a prompt at GRUB?  i thought it was a up or down and hit enter kind of thing04:01
Dr_Willismebaran151,  yea - saw it on slash dot a few mo ago.. let me find the url04:01
YukiIkyutaExistance: pressed shift, or escape before? :)04:01
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definityhow do i change desktops?04:02
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USCRyantoma, yes04:02
ExistanceYukilkyuta: many times, just not in GRUB :P04:02
Camoquestion: i need an alarm clock program that can use the system speaker, as my main speakers are never connected or always failing04:02
navaroneexistance are you using 64bit version?04:02
Existancenavarone: Athlon XP 3000+04:02
mustard5definity, what do you mean? KDE to Gnome and vice versa?04:02
Toma-USCRyan: ok, now under the Sections part, add (with spaces) multiverse and universe04:02
Dr_Willishttp://www.fs-driver.org/   - to let ya read/write ext3/2 under windows xp. :P04:02
mustard5definity, you choose it as a session at the login screen04:02
Toma-then OK and OK and let it refresh04:02
USCRyantoma, got it, and i just finished downloading it04:02
USCRyantoma, now i have to manually install it?04:03
FujitsuDr_Willis: That's what I was thinking of!04:03
ExistanceFujitsu: alright, i'll go try that grub prompt thing then :)04:03
Toma-USCRyan: hehe no. it installs it for you04:03
definityi downloaded kde and it just looks like my gnome desks the login menuetop, all that is diffrent is the login menu04:03
USCRyantoma, awesome i see it now, thank you!04:03
Dr_WillisFujitsu,  yea - theres getting to be a few 'similary' named things  in this area04:03
definitythx :)04:03
eclecticpcFujitsu, get it that time?04:03
Dr_WillisFujitsu,  ive had very good luck with it so far04:03
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definitydo you knw any good places for theams by any chance?04:03
Toma-no probs! synaptic and apt-get are some incredible useful apps you should get to know04:03
navaroneExistance> this guy has similar experience with amd64 kernel  http://www.linuxquestions.org/reviews/showproduct.php/product/607   Look for JeanBrowneharrel04:03
Fujitsueclecticpc: XChat... I don't know. I will check.04:03
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mustard5definity, not off the top of my head...but someone else in here might know04:04
Camoanyone know of an alarm clock that uses the system speaker?04:04
Fujitsueclecticpc: It looks like you shouldn't need to escape, so try without the \s.04:04
USCRyantoma, im on a college network and they block most filesharing ports, the only p2p app that i could get to work under winxp was ares galaxy, hope this works04:04
Toma-definity: go back to the login, and click Session and select KDE instead of gnome and youll go into kde04:04
Dr_WillisCamo,  i recall some 'system speaker' beeper program :P with that you could write one with a little bit of shell scripting04:04
mustard5definity, actually I found something04:05
Toma-USCRyan: what ports?04:05
mustard5!tell definity about themes04:05
Camobut i are a n00b :D04:05
mustard5definity, check PM from ubotu04:05
definitydose any one know a good site for theams?04:05
eclecticpcFujitsu, can you send me a test file?04:05
Toma-USCRyan: gtk-gnutella can specify what ports to use04:05
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Fujitsueclecticpc: Wait a sec...04:05
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Toma-definity: you useing kde or gnome?04:05
Madpilotdefinity: you mean desktop themes?04:05
USCRyantoma, im not sure, i know they blocked all windows file/priter sharing ports, and i guess the default p2p ports?04:06
Fujitsueclecticpc: It is sending... Are you behind a firewall or anything?04:06
YukiIkyutaFujitsu: I sure hope I have a spare spot on the IDE cable ..04:06
Camohmm.. im just gonna dig up some old speakers and use kalarm then04:06
Toma-hmm i see04:06
FujitsuYukiIkyuta: HEH.04:06
Madpilot!tell definity about themes04:06
eclecticpcFujitsu, nothing that should be blocking it04:06
mustard5Madpilot, Toma- I just sent him the ubotu info so he might be off reading04:06
Madpilotmustard5: the same one I just sent him? never mind :P04:06
YukiIkyutaFujitsu: maybe I could put Mikaelea's floppy disk drive in Xyrias. XD04:06
Toma-wow... its like, almost everthing i was going to say :/04:07
mustard5Madpilot, yeah..hes got two copies now :)04:07
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YukiIkyutaActually, I think I -will-.04:07
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YukiIkyutaNet split!04:07
YukiIkyutaEvery joining and leaning ..04:08
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rhoffa_what is a good program to change my themes or customize my gui for ubuntu04:09
Toma-just usual traffic04:09
agrokerwhere does the 'info' directory reside under Ubuntu?04:09
MadpilotYukiIkyuta: no, an actual netsplit on a channel this populated is much, much "louder" ;)04:09
Toma-rhoffa: gnome-art04:09
YukiIkyutaMadpilot:... you have a very good point! XD04:09
YukiIkyutaIt was just very suddenly quiet. oO04:09
FujitsuMadpilot: True.04:09
rhoffacan i apt-get install it?04:09
Fujitsurhoffa: It is built in!04:09
Madpilotrhoffa: gnome-art? yes.04:09
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_native_postgres or mysql? hum opions anyone?04:10
=== Existance [n=Bob@cpe-68-201-255-172.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu653 people left...04:11
ExistanceFujitsu: the grub cmd line didn't recogize 'linux root=/dev/hde3'04:11
FujitsuExistance: What did it say?04:11
YukiIkyuta_native_: postgres is very old, and it's quite ugly in the manner it works.04:11
_native_im listening to binrev radio they're raving about postgres04:11
ExistanceFujitsu: not a recognized command04:11
navaronerhoffa> ddi you get pm earlier about phex launcher?04:11
FujitsuThat command would have worked in LILO, not GRUB >>>_<<<04:12
_native_yeah mysql it is.04:12
_native_;] 04:12
ExistanceFujitsu: hehe04:12
rhoffayes im checking it now04:12
rhoffathank you04:12
ExistanceFujitsu: it sets root=/dev/hde3 in menu.lst though..04:12
Fujitsumenu.lst is what you want to look at...04:13
FujitsuAre you _sure_ that is the right partition?04:13
ExistanceFujistu: it gets to the splashscreen, but when it intializes dev it crashes04:13
ExistanceFujitsu: yup04:13
ExistanceFujistu: i can look at it in explore2fs04:13
FujitsuIt crashes on initializing dev!!?? What error message again?04:14
ExistanceFujitsu: /dev/hde3 does not exist04:14
=== slashx1896 [n=slashx@pcp03325591pcs.waldlk01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
slashx1896Hey all04:14
agrokerwhere does the 'info' directory reside under Ubuntu?04:14
logical_markFujitsu: Can I alias a path in apache to my /home/username/.... ? I am trying to and keep getting a 40304:14
YukiIkyutaagroker: what info do you want? xP04:14
navaronehttp://www.linuxquestions.org/reviews/showproduct.php/product/607  Existance this guy similar problem  JeanBrowneharrel is one to look for in thread04:14
Existancewill do04:14
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: make sure permissions are set so world can read/execute your home directory if you do that!04:15
navaroneexistance...no siolution tho04:15
Amaranthlogical_mark: If you have /home/username/public_html then http://localhost/~username/ should work04:15
Existancenavarone: ah, heh.04:15
rhoffawhere do i find gnome-art to run it04:15
agrokerYukiIkyuta, I'd like to add an info file for a newsly installed program, it says "On tammy.harvard.edu, it is  /usr/lib/gemacs/info"04:15
thewayofzenHas anyone else had problems with Nautilus since the upgrade a few days back? Currently using ubuntu (breezy) after doing a system upgrade the other day my Nautilus was replaced with a newer version from the repos.  The problem though is that now it seems to keep leaving cd icons on my desktop when i put blank cds in.  the icon  "Blank CD-R Disc"  will not go away when the disc is ejected and the tray is empty.  Is there a way to correct this?04:15
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logical_markAmaranth, it is /home/mark/work/www ... so the dir HAS to be public_html?04:15
navaroneExistance> I saw thread with guy using Mepis and he had same prob...but the hde was mount for his flash card04:16
YukiIkyutaAh, that sort ..04:16
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: it can be changed in Apache's own configuration.04:16
agrokerYukiIkyuta, yes sir, how should I call that type of info?04:16
Amaranthlogical_mark: Unless you mess with apache's config to setup a vhost or something it has to be public_html04:16
FujitsuExistance: Sounds like Linux is giving it the proper name, but GRUB isn't...04:16
FujitsuIt is IDE1 Master?04:16
ExistanceFujitsu: yup04:16
YukiIkyutaagroker: I'm not even sure, that's just the `Info' system. Honestly, I don' tknow where that's located ...04:16
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FujitsuExistance: Try changing menu.lst to reference /dev/hda3...04:17
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ExistanceFujitsu: mm, k04:17
slashx1896for e02a, after i delted the line from 'generic.hk' it says to type 'sudo /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup restart' but when i do i get 'sudo: /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup: command not found04:17
slashx1896' Where do i type it?04:17
logical_markAmaranth, I guess I should just name it public_html then right? Any reasonI would want vhosts?04:17
Amaranthlogical_mark: public_html would be easiest04:17
Fujitsulogical_mark: Yes, public_html. No vhosts.04:17
agrokerYukiIkyuta, the problem is in every other distor it is in different place...04:18
YukiIkyutaagroker: of course, of course. Try `locate'ing some of the info files you know exist?04:18
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rhoffawhere do i find the gnome-art program?04:18
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YukiIkyutaOr `man info' might tell you.04:18
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agrokerYukiIkyuta, that's what I'm gonna do :-)04:18
YukiIkyutaFujitsu: there's a ridiculous amount of dust here..04:18
YukiIkyutaagroker: good luck!04:18
rhoffai installed it but it isnt in my applications list04:18
Natdigga_mustard5, you still there?04:18
Fujitsurhoffa: I don't believe it is a program. System->Preferences->Themes.04:18
Fujitsugnome-art is simply a group of themes.04:18
navaronerhoffa> type gnome-art in terminal04:18
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rhoffais there pages to download themes04:18
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rhoffaand do the themes just change the colors i want some total overhaul themes is that possible with this prog04:19
mustard5Natdigga_, I'm back now04:19
rhoffaor whatever it is04:19
YukiIkyutaslashx1896: it means you haven't got the hotkey-setup file in there; you're typing it at the right place.04:19
DShepherdToma-: thanks, it worked like a charm. RESPECT!!04:19
Fujitsurhoffa: It can complete change everything.04:19
K_DallasQ: how do i use console-terminus fonts? I dont see them in sys-pref-fonts (or i am looking the wrong place) thanks04:19
purplefeltangeli messed something up in esound/ alsa . . . how do i completely reinstall my sound drivers to the way it is out of the box?04:19
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Natdigga_mustard5, alright....so where do we start?  Square 1?04:19
=== zack [n=zack@c-24-63-122-231.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
navaroneFujitsu...typing gnome-art in termianl will bring up gui to download new backgrounds/themes etc directly from gnome-art web site04:19
slashx1896YukiTkyuta: so wat do i do?04:19
FujitsuOh. Oop.s04:20
rhoffafujitsu - i can onnly choose themes that i have04:20
YukiIkyutaslashx1896: sounds like you don04:20
YukiIkyutaslashx1896: sounds like you don't have hotkey installed?04:20
FujitsuListen to navarone, not me...04:20
mustard5Natdigga_, I would think you run a command that will reset your xorg.conf then start from there....I'll just look it up04:20
YukiIkyutaslashx1896: try `sudo apt-get install hotkey-setup'04:20
rhoffanevermind i think i found it out04:20
rhoffais there anyway to incorporate a dock?04:20
mustard5Natdigga_, what model card you got?04:20
AmaranthNatdigga_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:20
Natdigga_mustard5, I am back in xwindows04:20
Amaranthrhoffa: gdesklets04:21
ubotuOphiocus: No idea04:21
zackhmm. i updated my kernel in dapper, and it won't boot. but, booting with my old kernel reveals that ACPI and my ipw2200 are newly-broken. is there any workaround for this?04:21
navaronerhoffa> it takes some time to download those things tho...so choose gnome files only and not all...or anything else but All...lol04:21
slashx1896YukiTkyuta: ok i installed it, but im stil gettin the same error04:21
Amaranthzack: Don't use dapper. :)04:21
mustard5Natdigga_, there is an irc chat client you can use from terminal04:21
Toma-slashx1896: what does "ls /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup" return?04:21
zackAmaranth: yeah, uh, too late ;)04:21
Amaranthzack: The kernel is in flux and hotplug just went away for good.04:21
mustard5Natdigga_, can you connect to internet in terminal?04:21
Natdigga_mustard, oh I reverted everything I did.04:21
Natdigga_mustard5, sure04:21
mustard5Natdigga_, k04:21
slashx1896ls: /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup: No such file or directory04:21
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Toma-slashx1896: what do u think that means :)04:22
zackAmaranth: right, which i knew - but i thought the new kernel would at least boot, and that i'd still be able to use my old one... yeah, i know, horrible assumptions :)04:22
slashx1896that its not installed..04:22
Natdigga_mustard5, I have a ATI 3D rage LT Pro AGP-13304:22
mustard5Natdigga_, k04:22
Amaranthzack: kernel and userland stuff like udev are closely tied04:22
mustard5Natdigga_, I'm going to run a search in the forums for some clues04:22
Toma-slashx1896: and you've tried re-insta;lling hotkey-setup ?04:22
navaronerhoffa> you can download extra gnome icons too in Synaptic...then when you browse for icons type /other after the default location and they will load.04:22
Natdigga_mustard5, kk04:22
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zackAmaranth: yeah :/04:22
Amaranthzack: i'm guessing the userland stuff got updated to only work with 2.6.15 and 2.6.15 doesn't work for everyone right now04:23
slashx1896when i type sudo apt-get install hotkey-setup04:23
slashx1896 it says hotkey-setup is already the newest version04:23
Amaranthwho put broken_ladder on akick?04:23
zackAmaranth: that's the case, yeah. damn SATA boot drives... i might be fine otherwise04:23
rhoffais there any favorites that anyone use04:23
mustard5Natdigga_, heh..well I found your thread :)04:23
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Natdigga_mustard5, >:)04:23
Toma-slashx1896: try "dpkg-reconfigure hotkey-setup"04:23
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Natdigga_mustard5, no replies though :(04:23
mustard5Natdigga_, no04:24
zackAmaranth: see, i tried downgrading udev and reinstalling hotplug, but that didn't fix anything.04:24
Amaranthzack: Yeah, I only use dapper in a vmware player image.04:24
slashx1896Toma- /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root04:24
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Natdigga_mustard5, wondering if I'm just going to have to suck it up and accept it.04:24
zackAmaranth: which is why you're smarter than me :)04:24
Toma-slashx1896: what do u think that means ;)04:24
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slashx1896lol i know what it means but how04:24
Amaranthzack: Which never boots, because it takes a snapshot when I close it and then reloads everything exactly how it was.04:24
mustard5Natdigga_, no opengl and hardware acceleration?04:24
Toma-sudo dpkg-blah04:24
Toma-gosh dood :(04:25
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slashx1896i so knew that04:25
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Natdigga_mustard, nope the only way I can tell is that the screen savers run like crap04:25
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slashx1896Nothing happend04:25
purplefeltangeli messed something up in esound/ alsa . . . how do i completely reinstall my sound drivers to the way it is out of the box?04:25
Toma-amazing. nothing is ment to.04:25
Toma-slashx1896: see if the file is there now04:25
Natdigga_mustard, my card just might be too old and there's nothing out there for it...if so I can accept that and wait till I get a newer machine.04:25
mustard5Natdigga_ , yeah..bit hard to say what to do...ATI is a bit of a pain sometimes with linux04:26
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slashx1896Toma- Nope04:26
succubus_-_no C compiler in ubuntu?04:26
zackand the understatement of the year award goes to...04:26
Amaranthsuccubus_-_: install the build-essential package04:26
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Toma-slashx1896: have u tried apt-get remove the package the apt-get install it?04:27
FujitsuI never got why it was build-essential, and not build-essentials!04:27
mustard5Natdigga_, I would think you might have more luck with help with someone who actually has ATI card too04:27
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Natdigga_mustard5, anyone know of a cheap pci nvidia card I can buy?  My AGP port is 2x.04:27
slashx1896no, i will tho04:27
mustard5Natdigga_, I'm on nvidia so my experience is limited04:27
Natdigga_mustard5, Thanks that's kool...it's only been two days.  something will come up.04:27
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Natdigga_mustard5, btw mustard did you ever play RtCW ET?04:27
mustard5Natdigga_, you can run your system on VESA drivers for now04:28
AmaranthFujitsu: The package isn't really for random people to be able to build things, that's a nice side effect.04:28
slashx1896Toma- still nope04:28
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Toma-slashx1896: you serious?04:28
mustard5Natdigga_, no..not online at least...I tested it out as a possible replacement for counterstrike, but I didnt like it much04:28
Natdigga_mustard5, that's kool when I do the config it runs with the ati driver?  maybe my card just sucks with opengl and ATI04:28
=== Suentis [n=alan@pcp04368155pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthFujitsu: It's all of the things you _know_ are on a buildd so you don't have to explicitly depend on them in your package.04:28
mustard5Natdigga_, could be :)04:28
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rhoffais there any webpages where people show off there ubuntu desktop, where it says there themes and such so i can see what i like04:29
=== AstralSin [n=death@24-158-179-220.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
z3d3hey all...i've got a External Sony DRX-510UL DVD+-RW drive. I have plugged it into my system...but I don't know what device to mount it as04:29
Natdigga_mustard5, ok I was wandering there was a colonel mustard I used to play with he was bad ass thought you were him.04:29
slashx1896Toma- yes i removed then installed and it still says 'No such file or directory'04:29
SuentisI'm having a problem with wine, can anyone assist?04:29
FujitsuAmaranth: I guess.04:29
z3d3I dont have any /dev/sr* devices04:29
AmaranthFujitsu: The essential part of the buildd. :)04:29
succubus_-_packages are a little out of date, eh?04:29
Amaranthsuccubus_-_: gcc 4 and friends are out of date?04:29
mustard5Natdigga_, naah..I was a counterstrike player but never RTcW04:29
logical_markHey can anyone tell me why firefox is telling me that phpmyadmin is a PHTML file and asking me to download it. I just used apt-get install phpmyadmin to install it...04:29
succubus_-_xmms is out of date04:29
Natdigga_mustard5, know of any decent nVidia PCI cards?04:29
Amaranthsuccubus_-_: oh, you want the gtk2 shininess?04:29
Natdigga_that works with ubuntu04:29
z3d3oh wait04:30
succubus_-_i need it for Audioscrobbler04:30
nerdy2logical_mark, do you have apache set up to serve php?04:30
Amaranthsuccubus_-_: enable the backports repository04:30
Toma-slashx1896: ok, how about "apt-get --purge remove hothey-setup" then install it again04:30
AstralSinim having trouble installing 5.10, it happens while its getting installation info from the cd, after it scans the cd.. any ideas what's wrong? ive burned 2 cds thinking that the first may have been a bad burn, but it wasnt04:30
z3d3i plugged it into a different USB drive, and now it is working04:30
logical_marknerdy2: yes I do04:30
Toma-err hotkey04:30
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Amaranth!tell succubus_-_ about backports04:30
FujitsuAstralSin: What is the error?04:30
robotgeekAstralSin: did you check the iso? md5summed it?04:30
mustard5Natdigga_, not sure... my card is a hand me down from my brother.  Nvidia FX 520004:30
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Amaranthmustard5: That's some hand-me-down.04:30
slashx1896Toma- E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)04:30
slashx1896E: Unable to lock the list directory04:30
navaroneAmaranth> i wonder what the monkey from Friends is doing now? Is he finding work?04:30
z3d3mustard5, I have that card at word, is yours dualhead to?04:30
SuentisI am trying to get WoW to work via wine, but when I try wine WoW.exe it tells me wine: command not found.  Did I mess something up during the wine install?04:30
existanceFujitsu: score, it worked.  I'm on ubuntu :)04:30
mustard5Amaranth, heh04:30
AstralSinit tells me to check the integrity of the disc and retry, the disc is fine.. but when i retry it still fails04:30
Amaranthslashx1896: sudo04:30
logical_marknerdy2: I have php5 installed, and a phpinfo file displaying just fine04:30
Toma-slashx1896: sudo again.04:30
FujitsuExistance: Yay!04:30
z3d3slashx1896, you need to run that command as "sudo"04:30
=== zack pats his GF4 440MX
Amaranthnavarone: I think he died, actually. Why do you ask?04:31
slashx1896AHH sorry :(04:31
=== Amaranth cries over his Radeon 7000
existanceIs there any way for me to play music off an NTFS partition?04:31
mustard5z3d3, I wouldnt know what a dualhead is :)04:31
FujitsuExistance: How do you like it?04:31
navaroneAmaranth> I thought yuo made reference to Friends being out of date04:31
=== Fujitsu cries over his Radeon 7000 as well.
robotgeekAmaranth: ati hell?04:31
Toma-slashx1896: i dont let anyone copy and paste my commands without a sudo. its madness!04:31
existanceFujitsu: heh, just got in, i've played with it at school.  I mostly want to set up a ssh server :)04:31
pawanI was wondering how to paste middlemousebutton stuff with the keyboard instead. Anyone?04:31
Natdigga_Amaranth, you the ATI guru?04:31
Amaranthrobotgeek: open source drivers04:32
robotgeekAmaranth: oh okay04:32
FujitsuExistance: Good. It just wanted to be /dev/hda3?04:32
AmaranthNatdigga_: Nope, my ati card has 3d drivers that ship with xorg, it "Just Works".04:32
Toma-pawan: shift-insert04:32
SuentisI am trying to get WoW to work via wine, but when I try wine WoW.exe it tells me wine: command not found.  Did I mess something up during the wine install?04:32
Natdigga_Amaranth, KK04:32
zack"Slowly" ;)04:32
z3d3what is good dvd burning software for Gnome?04:32
slashx1896Reading package lists... Done04:32
slashx1896Building dependency tree... Done04:32
slashx1896E: Couldn't find package hothey-setup04:32
AstralSinrobotgeek: yes, i've checked the md5sum, the disc is flawless04:32
navaroneexistance> I don't think there is a problem reading off ntfs04:32
Toma-slashx1896: note my spelling error.04:32
nerdy2logical_mark, and you are viewing the phpmyadmin page through apache (rather than say as a local file)?04:32
existanceFujitsu: Yea I guess Linux knows its hda, but grub thinks its hde04:32
Amaranthslashx1896: hotkey-setup04:32
YukiIkyutaSuentis: it's ambitious, but I'm not quite sure how well it will work. Assuming it will, the problem is that wine is not installed.04:33
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robotgeekAstralSin: burn it at a lower speed?04:33
AstralSini tried04:33
Natdigga_later ya'll04:33
existancenavarone: so can i just mount the partition and read it then?04:33
Natdigga_mustard5, thanks again.04:33
Amaranthexistance: grub doesn't use hdX anything, it does (hd0,0) and such04:33
AstralSinare there any known problems reading from a scsi drive?04:33
navaroneexistance> you should be able to04:33
logical_marknerdy2: Here is the situation. I am viewing it through my web browser at http://localhost/phpmyadmin ... now when I add a /index.php to the end of that phpmyadmin works fine04:33
FujitsuExistance: You can't write, but you can read.04:33
existanceFujitsu: mmm, that's alright i guess04:33
logical_marknerdy2: so how do I tell apache to look for the index file in a dir.?04:33
slashx1896Toma- it worked, its installed now04:33
Toma-slashx1896: fantastic.04:34
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YukiIkyutalogical_mark: search in your apache.conf file for `index.html'04:34
pawantoma- : from an xterm running bash. shift-insert works for other stuff, yes.04:34
Fujitsulogical_mark: You need to add index.php that line.04:34
Toma-ahhh xterm.04:34
FujitsuI can never remember that parameter, so I just search for index.html too ^_^04:34
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navaroneFujitsu> If I convert a fat32 partition to ntfs, do i simply edit fstab to reflect change and that's it?04:34
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Fujitsunavarone: Not quite.04:34
nerdy2logical_mark, there's a directive in the apache conf files that looks like "DirectoryIndex  index.html index.html  [maybe some others] "04:35
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AstralSinrobotgeek: are there any known problems reading from a scsi cd drive?04:35
existanceUhh, how can i add a monitor and/or change which monitor is primary?04:35
Fujitsunavarone: NTFS partitions like to have an extra option 'guid=0222' added to them.04:35
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Toma-pawan: not sure sorry :/04:35
robotgeekAstralSin: not that i know of, but feel free to look around buzilla.ubuntu.com04:35
navaroneahh...that ensures permissions and such?04:35
pawantoma- ctrl-v works from default gnome install too (like shift insert)04:35
Fujitsunavarone: In fstab, guid=0222 needs to be there, or only root can read it. NTFS is handled oddly.04:35
nerdy2logical_mark, add index.php to that list04:35
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FujitsuOtherwise the permissions are r-x------04:36
AstralSincool, thanks.. i know this is a pretty isolated error.. if you guys dont know off the top of your head, then im not gonna bother you anymore.. goodnight04:36
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logical_marknerdy2: thanks, where is the apache.conf file?04:36
Fujitsulogical_mark: /etc/apache04:36
navaroneFujitsu> Was wondering cos I was gonna convert my present windows system disk to ntfs. But I would have deleted the entry from fstab any way i think and just leave the fat32 partitions04:36
slashx1896i restarted it and im still gettin the e02a thing in dmesg04:36
YukiIkyutaOr, logical_mark, /etc/apache2 (sometimes)04:36
nerdy2logical_mark, i'm running apache2 so for me it's in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf04:36
nerdy2logical_mark, for apache 1 it's in /etc/apache,  probably in httpd.conf iirc04:37
z3d3my DVD is burning in Lniux, holy chit!04:37
Toma-pawan: shift-insert works for me04:37
z3d3I am sooooo happy right now04:37
z3d3words can't describe04:37
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existanceis the filesystem option for mount -t NTFS?04:38
FujitsuExistance: yes04:38
existanceFujitsu: cool :)04:38
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FujitsuMake sure you specify -o guid=0222 as well, though.04:38
slashx1896i did everything told to do on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/e02a  and im still getting the e02a mess on dmesg04:38
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rhoffaif someone could check this link out and tell me how it is possible to configure your desktop like this it be cool http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3112804:38
Toma-slashx1896: what mess04:39
existanceFujitsu: uhh, it said NTFS was an unknown fs04:39
logical_marknerdy2, YujiIkyuta: I am running apache2 thanks.04:39
slashx1896Toma- click on the link it shows u04:39
YukiIkyutaexistance: try lowercase `ntfs'04:39
Fujitsuexistance: Yeah.04:39
Fujitsuexistance: Lowercase...04:39
Toma-slashx1896: i get that too04:39
existanceFujitsu: there we go :)04:39
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FujitsuExistance: It works?04:39
slashx1896Toma- im trying to stop it from happening, and i did everythign told to do and still get it04:40
existanceFujistu: woo, yea :)04:40
existanceFujitsu: now i can get my music!04:40
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logical_marknerdy2, YujiIkyuta: index.php is already there... perhaps I need to add index.htm as well which is not04:40
existanceAre there any cool audio programs someone would recommend?04:40
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: check what files are in the phpmyadmin directory. If all else fails, try restarting Apache ^^04:41
YukiIkyutaexistance: XMMS works.04:41
nerdy2logical_mark, well that's not necessary unless you actually use .htm :)04:41
Toma-slashx1896: youre not just trying to get a nicer looking dmesg are you?04:41
slashx1896existance, i use XMMS and Ryhthm Box04:41
FujitsuAnd who would use htm? html, if anything!04:41
_jasonexistance, Beep Media Player04:41
slashx1896Toma- no lol04:41
rhoffahttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=31128 how can i get a toolbar like that04:41
z3d3rhoffa, i dont know, but that looks pretty sweet04:41
Toma-slashx1896: then why bother?04:41
existance2 vote for XMMS :)04:41
slashx1896Toma- my dmesg doesnt say anything but that....04:42
YukiIkyutaexistance: used Winamp?04:42
rhoffayea its crazy but i have no idea, i dont even know naythign about linux04:42
slashx1896toma- it doenst say what it normaly spposed to say it just says that e02a crap04:42
existanceYukilkyuta: up till now04:42
Toma-rhoffa: thats a design. what this person wants his gnome to look like04:42
FujitsuXMMS is good, as is Rhythm Box04:42
Amaranthrhoffa: it looks like a mockup to me04:42
FujitsuXMMS == Winamp04:42
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crsdMusicPD + some client is better :)04:42
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Amaranthrhoffa: it's not real04:42
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rhoffais there a gui that allows you to configure a toolbar like that04:42
Fujitsurhoffa: It isn't real.04:43
rhoffaor do i have to code it04:43
Fujitsurhoffa: Code it if you can!04:43
YukiIkyutaexistance: so basically, if you want something that acts and looks very similar to Winamp, XMMS is a good bet.04:43
rhoffai cant code04:43
Toma-rhoffa: gdesklets mght be close04:43
existanceFujitsu: does it look cooler than winamp?04:43
rhoffais that coding or gui04:43
Fujitsuexistance: It can be skinned...04:43
Toma-rhoffa: gui04:43
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existanceFujitsu: provided im not too lazy..04:43
Toma-slashx1896: weird :S04:43
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rhoffadoes anyone know offhand what their icon package or window theme is04:44
FujitsuUbuntu Human :P04:44
Toma-ahhhhhhh slashx1896 you may need to reload that module. or reboot04:44
slashx1896Toma- it all started when i was trying to mount my webcam...  someone said some commands that have to do with near the end of dmesg but all my dmesg says is e02a crap04:44
mustard5rhoffa, clearlooks04:44
YukiIkyutaI use the blue theme which is similar to Human .. its name I forget..04:44
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rhoffaicons or window?04:44
stevenjrhoffa, alphacube04:45
existanceI need to get Linux versions of my graphics cards drivers right?04:45
FujitsuExistance: What card?04:45
slashx1896Toma- how do i reload the module? or shold i just reboot04:45
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Toma-slashx1896: just reboot. i cbf showing u how to reload it ;D04:45
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rhoffaalphacube and clearlooks is that icons or window theme?04:45
Toma-cant be f-bothered-cked04:46
existanceFujitsu: one is Geforce MX4000 (PCI) and the other is Radeon 9800+ (SE or LE or such)04:46
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stevenjrhoffa, http://www.gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=CiccioBueo04:46
Madpilot!tell existance about ati04:46
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Madpilot!tell existance about nvidia04:46
mustard5rhoffa, I'm using clearlooks theme with standard gnome icons04:46
existanceFujitsu: it defaulted to loading on the pci monitor...04:46
pussfellerhow come I cant write to this ntfs formatted hard drive04:47
existancemadpilot: ?04:47
YukiIkyutapussfeller: there is no support for write.04:47
mustard5pussfeller, its not possible to write to ntfs in a general sense from linux04:47
Madpilotexistance: you should have two message from ubotu now - one for each of your cards04:47
pussfellerdoesnt ubuntu have ntfs write support?04:47
FujitsuThe ATI drivers should be there... But nVidia requires an extra package.04:47
Fujitsupussfeller: Nop.04:47
YukiIkyutapussfeller: nothing does.04:47
YukiIkyutaFujitsu: and does it? Damn. -_-;04:47
FujitsuYukiIkyuta: Not quite true.04:47
pussfellerthere has been right support in the kernel for years04:47
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YukiIkyutapussfeller: I am inclined to disagree.04:48
existancemadpilot: ah.. im running irssi, how do i get to the messages?04:48
YukiIkyutaIf anything, it is purely experimental, and not in the default build.04:48
FujitsuNot in the kernel.04:48
pussfellerall the kernels I have seen and compiled04:48
Fujitsulinuxntfs.sf.net has dangerous support.04:48
frogzoosynaptic froze half 9/10s the way through upgrade to breezy - any ideas?04:48
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Madpilotexistance: no idea - just a sec, I'll post the URLs here for you04:48
existancemadpilot: gratzi04:48
logical_marknerdy2, YujiIkyuta: are eigther of you familiar with e107? I am trying to run e107 localy and when I go to the directory with e107 in it I get error 500. What causes those?04:49
Madpilotexistance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:49
niggpieDoes anyone know of a good Fluxbox tutorial?  I have it installed, however it looks absolutely empty.  I had to add programs to a menu through a .config file.. that's as far as I've gotten.  I'd like to add the System preferences and administration bars at the very least.  Thanks for your time and any info you can provide :)04:49
Fujitsulogical_mark: What is e107?04:49
cibaohello everyone...04:49
Toma-niggpie: get the progrom fluxconf04:49
Fujitsu500 is a server error...04:49
niggpieToma: there's a config program? hahahah silly me :$04:50
agrokerscreensavers under gnome - where to adjust how soon they start?04:50
logical_markFujitsu: e107.org , it is a cms04:50
cibaojust got the latest ubuntu update which brought with it a new Kernel image  Unfotunately, can;t properly configure lilo with the kernel04:50
_jasonagroker, system preferences screensaver?04:50
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Madpilotagroker: System menu - Prefs - Screensaver04:50
Toma-niggpie: hehee :D04:50
nerdy2[i'm not familiar with e107] 04:50
cibaothe error I get is: Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.04:50
cibao    Name change: '/dev/dm-1' -> '/dev/.static/dev/mapper/vg00-lvm_home'04:50
cibao    The kernel was compiled without DEVFS, but the '/dev' directory structure04:50
cibao        implements the DEVFS filesystem.04:50
cibaodevice-mapper ioctl cmd 12 failed: No such device or address04:50
cibaoFatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed04:50
niggpieToma: thanks! :D04:50
existancemadpilot: so xorg-driver-fglrx has all the ATI drivers in it?04:50
mustard5cibao, paste in pastebin plz04:50
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agroker_jason, amazingly, I can find there when to cycle through different screensavers, when to go blank, but there is nothing about how soon the screensaver starts!04:50
Madpilotexistance: yes - at least for your 980004:50
Toma-does anyone use the Aero theme for metacity and the colours for it? how is it possible to make it look cool?04:50
existancemadpilot: cool, thanks04:51
cibaodid a bunch of googling around and got no where...any thoughts?04:51
Fujitsuagroker: I believe blank is what you want.04:51
_jasonagroker, "blank after" is the option04:51
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agrokerFujitsu, let me try with 1 min setting...04:51
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agroker_jason, thanks, still I find it strange04:51
_jasonagroker, yeah I found it strange at first too, but it makes sense since it removes desktop from view04:52
YukiIkyutaI'll be back in 15.04:53
K_DallasQ: would -->  unhup some-program & let me run the program even if i log off my account?04:53
agroker_jason, I remember from offtopic OS, that screen eventually can go blank after some time ;-)04:53
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logical_markFujitsu: would a mysql user not having the right permissions cause a 500?04:55
FujitsuProbably not, but maybe04:55
SEJefflogical_mark: no, a messed up apache module or error in the cgi would though04:55
atrophic500 is internal server error, it's usually code04:55
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Fujitsu500 means you misconfigured Apache.04:56
FujitsuNot a PHP code issue.04:56
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atrophicor a cgi issue04:56
logical_markSEJeff, phpmyadmin is working fine, so do you still think it is a module problem?04:56
cibaomustard5, sorry about that...its the first time I posted.  I used the pastebin04:56
SEJeffFujitsu: No, it can be either04:56
SEJefflogical_mark: Well what do you go to when you get the 50004:56
mustard5cibao, np04:56
atrophiclogical_mark, check the error log04:56
mustard5cibao, it all looks beyond me unfortunately04:57
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crsdhttpd_error.log is the best source for answers04:57
logical_markatrophic: where would i find apache2 error log?04:57
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cibaomustard5, np Its beyond me too :)04:57
logical_markSEJeff, I am going to a mySQL db powered cms04:57
SEJefflogical_mark: /var/log/apache2/error_log04:57
crsdlogical_mark: it's defined in your apache2 config04:57
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SEJefflogical_mark: Well quit being so vague. What cms, what do you do to get a 50004:57
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SEJefflogical_mark: I'll pretend to be the professional as I am a systems administrator and our webservers fall under my jurisdiction04:58
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atrophicand I'll pretend to be a monkey04:58
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SEJeffatrophic: Are you sure you're just pretending ;-)04:59
logical_markSEJeff, sorry did not mean to be vague. I hate it when I do that. The cms is e107 found at e107.org04:59
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SEJefflogical_mark: Do you have a requirement of e107 being the cms?04:59
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=== SEJeff suggests drupal
atrophicSEJeff, lots of practice ;) I should run for president04:59
logical_markSEJeff, I just like it better than anything else I have delt with:PHPNuke, phpWebsite, Post-Nuke etc...05:00
Jxpxhow can i view the aceess list of a chanel and how can i remove access ?please!!05:00
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atrophicphp-fusion and cms made simple are two other good ones05:00
SEJefflogical_mark: *nuke is horrible. never usedd phpWebsite05:00
atrophicJxpx, on irc?05:00
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logical_markSEJeff, what do you like?05:00
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SEJefflogical_mark: I recommend exponentcms or drupal to everyone05:00
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Jxpxatrophic,  to remove a nick from the access list05:01
atrophicJxpx, what do you mean by access list? ban list?05:01
Jxpxno access list , the users who vace acess05:01
Sneaky_BastardAccess List = inverse of Ban List05:01
tritiumJxpx, you need to have the right access level for the channel, first off.05:01
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Sneaky_Bastardlist of people with access is far far far more restrictive than list of people baned.05:01
Jxpxi have it05:01
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existancemadpilot: what were those websites again?05:02
atrophicdon't think he's talking about this channel?05:02
pundaihey wtf the new version of ubuntu clicks stuff when i didnt click05:02
Jxpxhow can i remove one ser fom the acess list!!05:02
Jxpxits easy ..05:02
Amaranth/cs access #channel del <something here>05:02
mustard5existance, for ATI ?05:02
AmaranthJxpx: learn how to use chanserv help05:02
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existanceanyone know the howto site on ubuntu for ATI and nvidia drivers?05:04
OgMacielSeveas: how are you?05:04
mustard5existance type !ati in channel05:04
uboturumour has it, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1005:04
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ubotumethinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736805:04
Madpilotexistance: that one too ^^^05:04
logical_markSEJeff: The error log is reporting this error: [Wed Nov 30 21:51:40 2005]  [error]  [client]  File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico . But I would not think missing a fiel would cause a 50005:05
logical_markSEJeff, It also repeats the alert: [Wed Nov 30 21:51:40 2005]  [alert]  [client]  /home/mark/public_html/portal/.htaccess: Options not allowed here05:05
logical_markSEJeff, but there is no .htaccess in the folder05:05
SEJefflogical_mark: try 'cat error_log | grep -v favicon | less'05:05
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pundaisomeoneeeeeeee has anyone noticed the mouse clicking when you drag with breezy05:05
tritiumpundai, no...05:06
pundaitritium, its odd05:06
SEJefflogical_mark: Add AllowOverrides in the Options directive in your httpd.conf05:06
mustard5pundai, nope05:06
pundaii take the mouse over to "Applications" and it just opens05:06
pundaiand any menu in between05:06
mustard5pundai, heh05:06
pundailike wtf05:06
SEJefflogical_mark: Are you sure there is no .htaccess? Try ls -a and it will show hidden files05:06
pundaimustard5, nooooooo not heh... annoying beyond windows05:07
morphixoh crap. i starting partitioning my hdd.. got ages to go..and now its storming(hail + thunder + lightining) hope power doesnt go out.05:07
mustard5pundai, mine doesnt do that at all05:07
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pundaimustard5, obviously :(05:07
logical_markSEJeff, there was a hidden .htaccess, how do I delete the file in terminal? Thanks05:07
mustard5pundai, what mouse you using?05:07
K_DallasQ: I am reading on a few forum quesitons the howto for E17 but they are dated, what is the best way to install E17 on 5.10? thanks05:08
pundaimustard5, the one on my laptop05:08
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SEJefflogical_mark: Why do you want to delete it? You probably shouldn't as it contains additional configuration for the cms05:08
mustard5pundai, bit of a mystery..I can't see anything in the options that would make that happen05:08
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SEJefflogical_mark: any file that starts with a . is a hidden file. That is how 'nix behaves05:08
pundaimustard5, ditto05:08
mizarcdoes anyone know if the wpa_supplicant for breezy works with the airport/hermes/orinoco card and wpa/tkip encryption? my installed copy doesn't list (with 'wpa_supplicant -h') hermes, airport, or orinoco listed as supported05:08
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mustard5pundai, check system preferences windows and see if that has something relevant05:09
logical_markSEJeff, under options directive should it just say AllowOverides, b/c right now it says AllowOveride none05:09
pundaimustard5, nothing :(05:10
mustard5pundai, yeah I just tried the 'select window' option to see if that did it05:10
mustard5pundai, can't recreate the problem05:10
SEJefflogical_mark: .htaccess is a file that *Overrides* directives in httpd.conf. AllowOverride doesn't allow .htaccess to work05:10
SEJefflogical_mark: Just remove the none from AllowOverride none05:10
pundaimustard5, i think there mustve been changes in the mouse driver or something05:10
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SEJefflogical_mark: ** AllowOverride none doesn't allow .htaccess to work05:11
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existanceHow can i add my other monitor to my desktop?05:11
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vanbergedoes anyone know - are there any good virtual machines for ubuntu? similar to a vmware ?05:12
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Steilvanberge: qemu05:12
mustard5pundai, I'm wondering whether you could reconfigure the mouse with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver.xorg05:12
vanbergeSteil, you use this ?05:12
mizarcanyone? bueller? .....bueller?05:12
logical_markSEJeff, why woudl apache2.conf not open anymore in text editor?05:12
pundaimustard5, i'll try that05:13
mustard5pundai, there is a typo in that command btw05:13
Steilvanberge: I don't use qemu. If I need a virtual machine, I use vmware. I've just heard qemu is decent.05:13
mustard5pundai, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:13
SEJefflogical_mark: do ls -l apache2.conf05:13
mustard5pundai, choose defaults for questions you don't know the answer to05:13
existanceanyone know how i can add my other monitor to the desktop?05:13
logical_markSEJeff: I get this: -rw-r--r--  1 root root 12488 2005-11-30 22:10 apache2.conf05:14
SEJefflogical_mark: What editor do you use?05:14
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logical_markSEJeff: I use the default text editor by calling sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf05:15
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SEJefflogical_mark: And what error are you getting?05:16
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arentiehello...how may I add hibernate to the logon screen?05:16
logical_markSEJeff: nevermind, I just closed and reopend terminal and now ti works05:16
SEJefflogical_mark: Very weird error05:16
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mizarcdoes anyone know if the wpa_supplicant for breezy/powerpc works with the airport/hermes/orinoco card and wpa/tkip encryption? my apt installed copy doesn't list (with 'wpa_supplicant -h') hermes, airport, or orinoco as supported..05:16
P8ntKidHow come i can play videos fine on the net using the mplayerplug-in but i can't play them locally?05:16
mebaran151can anyone help me with my asound.conf05:16
mebaran151I want to have alsa working again05:16
mebaran151DMIX won't ... mix anymore05:17
mizarcor is there another way to connect with wpa/tkip not using wpa_supplicant?05:17
_jasonP8ntKid, you should be able to, what happens exactly?05:17
logical_markSEJEff, you can go ahead and bet that it was something I was doing05:17
mebaran151I have ALSA 1.10 and it solves nothing05:17
mustard5mebaran151, you on breezy or hoary?05:17
n0dlwhere are the breezy java .deb?05:17
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ubotusomebody said javadeb was Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/05:17
mebaran151but I had to replace ALSA 1.0905:17
mebaran151'cause the drivers didn't work with my sndcard AT ALL05:18
mebaran151a whole nice UNKNOWN SYMBOL error05:18
mustard5mebaran151, hmm k...you've probably moved past my limited expertise then :)05:18
mebaran151yeah I might have05:18
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mebaran151the Via Envy 24HT is a pain to work with I suppose05:18
crimsunmebaran151: did you overwrite libasound2 as well?05:18
mebaran151I'm on nforce 405:18
mebaran151I think I did05:18
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gimmulfHow do i find out how good rated a website is at google?05:19
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P8ntKid_jason: Well, im trying to play it in gmplayer. But i get an error.saying "MPlayer interupted by signal 11 in module:decode_video"05:19
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zcat[1] Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:20
crimsunok, what's the base here? 1.0.10 for -{driver/kernel,lib,tools,utils}?05:20
zcat[1] any suggestions ?05:20
P8ntKid_jason: It plays fine in totem. Just no sound.05:20
_jasonP8ntKid, I haven't seent hat error before.  Same thing happen if you just use the mplayer command in a terminal?05:20
crimsunand what's the actual card?05:20
P8ntKid_jason: Yes.05:20
_jasonP8ntKid, what kind of file?05:21
P8ntKid_jason: .avi05:21
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mustard5zcat[1] , in what context is this error occuring?05:21
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zcat[1] trying to run glxdemo05:21
mebaran151Multimedia audio controller05:21
mebaran151  snd-ice1724     : IC Ensemble Inc|ICE1724 [Envy24HT] 05:21
zcat[1] (or anything, basically, that uses glx)05:21
_jasonP8ntKid, is this file available online?  I'd like to try it and see if it happens for my mplayer as well05:21
crimsunmebaran151: subvendor and subdevice ids, please05:21
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P8ntKid_jason: Well, for some reason .wmv files seem to work now.05:22
mebaran151crimsun, from whence might I get that05:22
mrkojeDoes anyone know how to change the resoultion of a monitor in Ubuntu, I have a laptop with a widescreen 1280x768 display but its only showing up as 1024x76805:22
P8ntKid_jason: So it must me avi files taht dont work anymore.05:22
jdmpikedoes anyone know when gnucash will be a GTK2 app?05:22
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mrkojeIm not sure what needs to be changed in xorg.conf or if somthing else needs to be done05:23
mebaran151will lspci -v be sufficient?05:23
crimsunmebaran151: from lspci -nv05:23
jdmpikemrkoje, what kind of laptop do you have05:23
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mrkojejdmpike: its a sony vaio t350p   one of those small 2lb machines05:23
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mrkojehas an intel video05:24
mebaran151crimsun, can I pm you?05:24
jdmpikemrkoje, I had a similar problem with my Dell 8200 when I changed to the proprietary nvidia drivers05:24
crsdmrkoje: can't you just choose it using System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution ?05:24
mrkojejdmpike: intel extreme graphics...05:24
crimsunmebaran151: sure, make sure you're identified05:24
jdmpikemrkoje, you can try using the System > Preferences > Screen Resolution05:24
mrkojecrsd: unfortunently no, it seems that the when the module is loaded for my screen it only "recognizes" 1024.76805:25
mrkojexorg.conf's   lines are all 1280x768 though :(05:25
mrkojejdmpike: that would be too easy05:25
liquidboyin nautilus, hwo do i get everything to open in the same window, without having a 'browser' interface?05:25
jdmpikemrkoje, but I had to add some args to xorg.conf to get mine to work05:25
mrkojejdmpike: like what?05:26
crsdlook at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if this mode is available for your video adapter/monitor05:26
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=== Khaaaaan [n=nicholas@24-51-92-238.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Khaaaaandamn this is frustrating as hell :)05:26
mebaran151crimsun, get my pm?05:26
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mizarchas anyone here used wpa_supplicant or connected with wpa/tkip and an airport (non-extreme) card on breezy?05:26
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KhaaaaanDoes anyone know if Enemy Territory can use ALSA?05:27
mustard5mebaran151, you registered and identified to nickserv?05:27
QMarioHow do I paste images for people to see here?05:27
mrkojecrsd: thanks for that tidbit...05:27
P8ntKid_jason: No, .avi files dont play in firefox either.05:27
mustard5mebaran151, k05:27
mebaran151yep it tells me I'm already identified05:27
mebaran151P8ntKid, get totem or something05:27
P8ntKid_jason: It just loads to 100% and sais download complete, but it doesnt play it.05:27
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P8ntKidmebaran151: totem doesnt have sound for some reason.05:27
cibaohas anyone had luck installing grub with an LVM root partition?05:28
mebaran151P8ntKid, did you install the codecs?05:28
crimsunmebaran151: yes, I crossreferencing something atm. Hold.05:28
jdmpikemrkoje, I added the NvAgp arg set to '3' and the UseEdidFreqs to false05:28
_jasonP8ntKid, oh I thought you had said it was streaming ok but not playing ok locally.  Are you sure that this is not due to the file?  Have you tried different avi's from different sites?05:28
P8ntKidmebaran151: The sound codecs?05:28
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P8ntKid_jason: Yes.05:28
cibaosince lilo is giving me a funky error with the new kernel image, maybe grub can be a viable alternative?05:28
KhaaaaanOMG sound in Linux is the WORST05:28
ubotuOphiocus: No idea05:28
mebaran151Khaaaaan, it's getting better05:28
mebaran151much better05:28
jdmpikeyou mean LDAP?05:29
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ubotujdmpike: I don't know05:29
KhaaaaanHow do I make Enemy Territory use ALSA?05:29
_jasonP8ntKid, have you installed all of the codecs in http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#sect-music-and-movies05:29
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crimsunKhaaaaan: you can't, but you can try wrapping it with aoss (install 'alsa-utils')05:29
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, caps lock off please :)05:30
crimsunAbdulSpiegel: capslock error. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:30
AbdulSpiegelok sorry, also how do i get sound to work?05:30
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, what sound card?05:30
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Khaaaaancrimsun: Are you serious?05:30
AbdulSpiegelahh, not sure, it worked when i was using knoppix, then i installed ubuntu05:31
AbdulSpiegelmustard5: ahh, not sure, it worked when i was using knoppix, then i installed ubuntu05:31
jj_someone here can explain me how to install amsn???05:31
spikebikeq/wind new05:31
ubotuHobbsee: What?05:31
ubotuHobbsee: What?05:31
mustard5jj_, sudo apt-get install amsn05:31
Hobbseejj_: howto at ubuntuforums.org - i've seen one there before05:31
crimsunKhaaaaan: yes.05:31
KhaaaaanI think I have that installed.... how do I wrap it?05:31
mrkojejj_: Get it out of the repository and it will install it self05:31
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mustard5AbdulSpiegel, it would help to know what type of soundcard you are using.05:32
P8ntKid_jason: Im not on breezy.05:32
crimsunmebaran151: ''tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''05:32
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, have you used the pastebin before?05:32
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AbdulSpiegelmustard5: im affraid i cant say i have05:33
mustard5!tell AbdulSpiegel about pastebin05:33
KhaaaaanHow do I wrap alsa with aoss?05:33
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, you get a PM from ubotu?05:33
mebaran151crimsun, Mixers:05:33
mebaran1510: VIA Technologies VIA1617A05:33
AbdulSpiegelmustard5: yes i did05:33
WhyvasLTchicken chow mein!05:33
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AbdulSpiegelmustard5: what do you want me to paste?05:34
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, try typing sudo lshw in terminal and paste the output in the pastebin...submit and then show me the unique URL it creates05:34
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mebaran151Khaaaaan, start your program with aoss <proggy?05:34
mebaran151and it works05:34
mebaran151so aoss yourossprogram will run it through alsa05:34
KhaaaaanWait, I dont get it05:34
KhaaaaanWhat do you mean start the program with aoss?05:35
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KhaaaaanI am kind of new...05:35
mebaran151well you know how you start a program technically05:35
crimsunmebaran151: which motherboard?05:35
mebaran151it's a Shuttle05:35
KhaaaaanOkay, so If I type into a terminal window... ET05:35
KhaaaaanWould I type aoss et or something?05:35
mebaran151Shuttle SN25P?05:36
_jasonP8ntKid, install those codecs listed, I believe the name is the same from hoary05:36
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AbdulSpiegelmustard5: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44453905:36
pundaihey mustard505:36
pundaii figured it out05:36
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, thanks05:36
mebaran151aoss is just a simple script05:36
pundaiif anyone asks you05:36
mustard5pundai, checking it now ;)05:36
Khaaaaanok let me try it...05:36
mebaran151to preload an alsa library to intercept all the calls to sound and route them the good way05:36
Khaaaaan*crosses fingers*05:36
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n0dlwhich java package do i dl?05:37
zoombieaja ahora05:37
mebaran151I would have bought a decent sound card if the box had a pci slot05:37
Khaaaaancommand not found...05:37
mebaran151it's just so small and nice05:37
pundaimebaran151, is that what your gf says05:37
zoombieq hagoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo05:37
=== Amy [n=amy@SYDNEYPACIFIC-SEVENTY.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
subbieI have a question reguarding FSTAB.  i recently made an entry for a USB drive i just got.  the drive is formatted as fat32 (fdisk confirms this).  When i try to mount it though it says invalid FAT filesystem.05:37
mebaran151pundai, heh05:38
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@DKPP-p-144-134-117-234.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
n0dlwhere do i download the java .deb package and whichone do i download?05:38
crimsunmebaran151: ok, located. Does sound work at all?05:38
KhaaaaanDo I have to install aoss??05:38
mebaran151crimsun, yeah05:38
KhaaaaanThe alsa utilitu seems to be there....05:38
AbdulSpiegelmustard5: how is it look m8?05:38
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mebaran151I got sound to work05:38
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mebaran151I just don't have it dmix'ed05:39
n0dldoes anyone know? i have firefox 1.505:39
P8ntKid_jason: .avi files use divx right?05:39
crimsunmebaran151: ok, and you did _not_ create an /etc/asound.conf||~/.asoundrc, correct?05:39
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, hmmm...it looks like it doesnt know what your sound device is...I am assuming its the one with Crystal in it05:39
Khaaaaanahhh there is an alsa-aoss package..05:39
crsdsubbie: shouldn't it be vfat?05:39
crimsunKhaaaaan: I said that about 8 minutes ago05:39
mebaran151crimsun, I created an asound.conf05:39
mebaran151but I've tried it without the asound.conf05:39
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mebaran151and I get similar results05:39
crimsunmebaran151: mv it out of the way, and ~/.asoundrc, too05:39
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, probably a crystal onboard sound device?05:39
Khaaaaanha ha05:40
KhaaaaanYou did?05:40
AmyCan someone run `xclock -digital` and check whether it actually contains a time on it?  (I only see "20" on mine...)05:40
AbdulSpiegelmustard5: i honestly have no information about this comp, i got it from my bros work05:40
KhaaaaanThis is a seperate package....05:40
AbdulSpiegelmustard5: most likely yes05:40
mebaran151ok done05:40
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, k..I'll do a search on the forums to see it they have issues...one sec05:40
crimsunkafeine: yes, see at :2905:40
crimsunkafeine: sorry05:40
mebaran151do I get out the sledgehammer now....05:40
crimsunKhaaaaan: yes, see at :2905:40
AbdulSpiegelmustard5, ok05:40
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crimsunmebaran151: ok, ''aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav'' works, correct?05:41
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, could you do a lsmod command in terminal and paste that too please?05:41
Khaaaaanit worked... but it sounds like crap05:41
AbdulSpiegelmustard5, certainly05:42
KhaaaaanDo I have any other options?05:42
mebaran151crimsun, yeah05:42
mebaran151I just tested it with mplayer -ao alsa05:42
P8ntKid_jason: Those codecs arent in apt or something.05:42
mebaran151but two mplayer's won't play at the same time05:42
mebaran151one will always wait for the other to finish05:42
ardchoillelol @ sledgehammer05:43
KhaaaaanIs it popping and clicking because of the way I ran it?05:43
mebaran151Khaaaaan, you may have to work with an asound.conf05:43
crimsunmebaran151: ok. Now test concurrent instances with -ao alsa:device=plug:dmix05:43
AbdulSpiegelmustard5: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44454205:43
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, thanks05:43
_jasonP8ntKid, Have you enabled the universe and multiverse repos?  is there a reason why you don't upgrade to breezy?05:44
Khaaaaanmebaran151, say wha? :)05:44
mebaran151crimsun, it complains it can't parse what you told me to put05:44
P8ntKid_jason: I havent really had time to upgrade. I plan on doing it sometime this week though.05:44
AbdulSpiegelno problemo05:44
crimsunmebaran151: then s/plug://g05:45
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mustard5AbdulSpiegel, yeah..from what limited understanding I have it seems linux is not recognising it at all....05:45
YukiIkyutaFujitsu: that took a little longer than anticipated.05:45
FujitsuI noticed.05:45
YukiIkyutaI forgot.. someone's law of computing;05:45
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, without knowing the brand of the sound device its hard to pinpoint how you might fix it05:45
YukiIkyuta``It won't work.''05:45
graymanAmy, i see the same05:45
mebaran151ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:812:(snd_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) requested or auto-format is not available05:45
mebaran151ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:831:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to initialize slave05:45
mebaran151alsa-init: playback open error: Invalid argument05:45
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, this could be relevant info from the lshw   ---   CS4236B05:46
AbdulSpiegelmustard5, damn05:46
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mustard5AbdulSpiegel, I found a thread talking about this model05:46
mebaran151mplayer -ao alsa:device=dmix london\ symphony\ orchestra\ -\ super\ mario\ brothers\ theme.mp305:46
crimsunmebaran151: what is your dmix stanza in the former /etc/asound.conf||~/.asoundrc?05:46
KhaaaaanWhere can I find an asound.conf that works for me??05:46
mebaran151I like my marrio brothers themes :)05:46
mustard5AbdulSpiegel, this is the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90869&highlight=crystal+sound05:46
QMarioHow do I paste images for people to see here?05:46
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mustard5AbdulSpiegel, I would think your going to have to use google to look for people who have had the same issue....05:47
P8ntKidAnybody know the ubuntu hoary backport repo?05:47
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AbdulSpiegelmustard5: thanks anyway for helping, im probaby not gonna attempt what the guy wrote, seems to advanced for me05:48
AbdulSpiegelim prob just live with it for now i quess05:48
QMarioIs there a pastebin, that can be used to post images?05:48
MadpilotQMario: use imageshack or one of the free image hosting sites?05:48
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KhaaaaanDarn it... I am gonna have to go back to Windows :(05:49
mebaran151crimsun, now when I reinstate my asound.conf05:49
KhaaaaanGames are just to hard to get working for me05:49
mebaran151I get no sound05:49
mebaran151here I will pm it05:50
ubotumethinks quicktime is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package.05:50
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mustard5AbdulSpiegel, ok :)05:50
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foo-barhey - I'm having a problem with my wireless card - I have ndiswrapper set up, with the bcmwl5 drivers installed, and in the network configuration dialog I have wlan0 configured and activated, but I am unable to do anything on my network05:50
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cozinstalled a program names "Kdirstat" to day. I think this is pretty good. Has anyone here used this app?05:51
ubotuit has been said that dmix is at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin05:51
levanderAm I supposed to configure Nero to recognize my DVD/RW, or is it supposed to auto-recognize it?05:51
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cozI have nero and it auto recognized my dvd05:51
cozbut there is a setting to choose your burner05:52
levanderwell, just looked, the problem seems to be I don't have the power cable plugged into the burner.05:52
levandergotta reboot05:52
levandercoz: thanks for the tip05:52
x0rrrrrrrzhow do i find my mac address on ubuntu05:53
cozKdirstat is apparently like the Unix "du" has anyone used thie Kdirstat?05:53
x0rrrrrrrzwhats it under?05:53
x0rrrrrrrzbut where is the mac address05:54
cozjust type ifconfig in the terminal05:54
cozlike windows ip config05:54
x0rrrrrrrzthank you05:54
x0rrrrrrrztop right, right?05:54
bob832if i remember correctly, yes05:55
vanbergedoes anybody use a virtual machine with ubuntu to boot other OS's in an emulated mode?05:55
cozhold on05:55
mizarcdoes wep encryption work out of the box in the network settings gnome panel?05:55
cozyeah the first one top right05:55
x0rrrrrrrzhoiw do i copy in terminal05:55
Siph0nright click, paste05:55
cozright click05:55
x0rrrrrrrzno hot key?05:56
cozshort cut key doesn't work in terminal that Iknow of05:56
_jasonx0rrrrrrrz, i think default is ctrl+alt+c but i've changed mine05:56
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cozwish it did but this way fewer mistakes maybe05:56
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tritiumx0rrrrrrrz, are you using a gnome terminal?  In that case, it's Shift-Ctrl-C and -V to copy, paste05:56
_jasonx0rrrrrrrz, go to edit -> keyboard shortcuts to see them all :D05:57
cozcopy paste doens't wpork in gnome terminal in my experience05:57
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cozonly right click copy paste05:57
tritiumit works, coz05:57
coznot in my gnome terminal!!05:57
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_jasoncoz, it works but if you are going to use the mouse just select the text and then middle click!05:58
ardchoilleCTRL+SHIFT+C works for copy, CTRL+SHIFT+V works for paste.. at least it does here (Ubuntu 5.10)05:58
DonPachikeyboard shortcuts + terminal = sweet!05:58
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cozI have breezy 5..10 also does not work for me05:58
foo-baranyone know how to set up a Broadcom wireless card (I have the drivers installed with ndiswrapper and wlan0 is detected by the network configuration tool, but I am unable to use the network, it seems)05:58
szehnefoo-bar, i was just about to ask the same question05:59
szehnefoo-bar, what laptop are you on?05:59
foo-bara Compaq Presario250005:59
szehnei'm on the 270005:59
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unforcerhey... my laptop is freezed up on installing ubuntu  82% installing Copying readahead... wont do nothing ?06:00
szehnei had it working until i rebooted w/o any wireless access points around. now the little light won't even come on06:00
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foo-barI have everything set up, and it's all detected, but I just cant do anything with my network.. I have to check if I have my SSID right and my WEP key right, although I'm pretty sure I do06:00
foo-barszehne, did you try a modprobe ndiswrapper06:00
szehnei'm doing that now06:01
szehnefoo-bar, yeah, i'm running down the checklist right now06:01
szehnesomething's jacked up06:01
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unforcerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88536 similar to this but I am using ubuntu and its freezying up on copying readahead06:01
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vanbergecan wine run a  virtual machine?06:03
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unforcervanberge: use vmware06:03
vanbergeunforcer, on ubuntu??06:03
levanderAnybody know why I just started up nero, and even though I've only been using it for twenty minutes, it said "trial expired" and exited?06:03
vanbergeunforcer, i dont really want to buy that.06:03
unforcervanberge: the player is free06:04
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Madpilotlevander: if you're in Ubuntu, why are you messing with Nero?06:04
unforcerand you can make virtual machine with it or with the trial version06:04
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cozNero is good06:04
YukiIkyutaPresumably is burning it ..06:04
levanderMadpilot: nothing I tried got dvd's to burn consistently under other tools06:04
cozit uses GEAR burning engine there are NONE better06:04
levanderMadpilot: sick of it and doing it the easy way06:04
foo-bardoes Ubuntu (or linux, for that matter) only support a certain bit hex key?06:05
vanbergeunforcer, would the player require a windows intallation to already be present?06:05
foo-barerr, thats a question about WEP kets06:05
SCMarkis there a way to make xchat automatically not show join/part messeges06:05
YukiIkyutaA certain bit hex key?06:05
YukiIkyutaHow do you mean?06:05
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Corrupterhow do i start bittornado after i install it?06:06
foo-barlike, a 64 bit hexadecimal WEP key, or 128 bit, etc..06:06
Madpilotlevander: DVDs I haven't tried to burn, so there might be a problem - you've filed bugs against the tools you've already tried?06:06
YukiIkyutaI believe it should support any.06:06
cozShould be in menu Corrupter if not you could install Debian menu06:06
YukiIkyutaI've used it in several (exotic) situations.06:06
unforcervanberge: no...? it dosent require windows :D06:06
levanderMadpilot: yes, they were ignored06:06
cozshowd many apps that won't show up in menus06:06
doleybCorrupter: click on a *.torrent06:06
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unforcervanberge: you need to install the hole system again06:07
vanbergeunforcer,   well, what i mean is can the player allow me to create a virtual machine06:07
tritiumwhole, perhaps?06:07
foo-barhmm, I can't figure out why my wireless interface isn't working.. I have the correct SSID and WEP key, and have configured wlan0 and activated it..06:08
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vanbergefoo-bar, netgear ?06:08
unforcervanberge: yes but with some tricks("hacks") or I've read about it....06:08
foo-barvanberge, card or router?  It's a Broadcom card06:08
mizarcfoo-bar: where are you configuring your wep key?06:08
vanbergeunforcer, my goal is to install/test drive other OS's on my laptop06:08
agrokerYukiIkyuta, imagine, info is under /usr/share/info on Debian and Ubuntu :-)06:08
vanbergefoo-bar, i was wondering about the card06:09
vanbergei had similar issues with my netgear06:09
foo-barmizarc, In the dialog box for configuring wlan006:09
vanbergefoo-bar, are you using that wap psk or whatever its called ?06:09
mizarcdid you try switching between 128bit and 64bit wep on your access point?06:09
YukiIkyutaagroker! that would do it! ^^06:09
YukiIkyutaGlad you found it.06:09
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unforcervanberge: http://www.hackaday.com/entry/1234000153064739/06:10
foo-barno, I havent switched anything on the router yet.. I'll try 128 bit and others06:10
agrokerYukiIkyuta, thanks06:10
mizarci'm using 64bit wep on my router right now, about to test to see if 128bit will work or not06:10
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nomasteryodamizarc, if the 64 worked, then 128 will work06:11
mizarcfoo-bar: and are you entering the hex string? or ascii?06:11
mizarcnomasteryoda: i'm thinking so, 128 was just a bunch of characters, and i probably mistyped something06:11
SCMarkI've got an error when I boot saying that my computer cannot sync itself with the time server (something like ntp.ubuntulinux.com) .  How do I fix that?06:12
nomasteryodawhy not copy to a memory stick and then copy to the dialog06:12
nomasteryodathat's my method06:12
levanderWhen I try to burn a DVD with Nautilus, why write after hitting "burn" am I getting "invalidly encoded string"?06:12
nomasteryodaworks perfectly every time06:12
levanderDo I need to turn on long file name support in nautilus for DVD's somehow?06:12
SCMarkaslo I never got a response to: is there a way to make xchat automatically not show join/part messeges06:12
mizarcnomasteryoda: well aren't you just mister highfalutin with your memory sticks and copy and pasting :)06:13
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foobarheh, sorry about that - was playing with my router too much it seems :)06:13
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zcat[1] anyone here got glx working with nvidia-legacy drivers?06:14
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zcat[1] I am going nuts here. xorg log says the drivers are loaded, I get the nvidia logo, yada yada yada, but all the glx programs (glxdemo, etc) say there's no GLX06:15
zcat[1] Hey, progress!! Now it segfaults :)06:16
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rhoffaafter installing audacity the first time running it i got an error saying eeroor initializing i/0 layer06:17
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rhoffacant play or record audio, whats the remedy for this06:18
zcat[1] audacity likes to use the soundcard directly. kill esd or artsd06:18
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rhoffamy soundcard is integrated06:18
rhoffawhat do you mean kill esd or artsd?06:18
Corrupterwhats a good bittorent program?06:19
rhoffai want to clip a few songs and make them midis to send to my phone06:19
vanbergeunforcer, tyvm06:19
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unforcervanberge: tvvm = ?06:19
rhoffazcat[1]  - how can i fix it06:19
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zcat[1] I should probably let someone else answer this; my solution was (is) to open a terminal and type 'killall artsd', then run audacity06:20
Corrupterwhats a good bittorent program?06:20
zcat[1] If you use gnome you'd want to killall esd instead06:20
rhoffawhat does that do though06:20
levanderwhat's the command line to remove a package again?06:21
rhoffawhat is esd06:21
zcat[1] It stops the soundserver so audacity can access the sound device directly like itwants to.06:21
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rhoffacan i still play mp3s in rhythmbox?06:21
zcat[1] the soundserver will get started again next time any other program needs it..06:22
rhoffaok thanks06:22
zcat[1] that's probably not the best solution though, just a 'works for me' solution :-)06:22
doleybCorrupter: bittornado is good, but many peoploe like azureus06:23
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levanderNow that I'm trying to install gnomebaker, why the hell do I get the error message "The following packages cannot be authenticated!"?06:26
levanderIs it okay to install them without verification?  I've never gotten that message before.06:26
levanderAm I the only one in this room right now?  Never seen it this slow.06:28
DonPachihey i'm here06:28
rhoffadoes anyone know how to export a selection as a .mid in audacity06:28
DRAGON_Ultralisten to music here06:28
xoombot> so after you guys all download porn and sit around in a sick ole mess within yourself, do you ever wonder, why in the world you are so addicted to the stuff more so than any other substance here on earth06:28
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xoombotso you guys got issues06:29
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DonPachiaddicted to what stuff?06:29
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Scobee`doar muie06:29
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xoombotwhat no one responding06:30
DonPachinah, addicted to porn i ain't. power and money maybe.06:30
xoombotthe lesser of the three evile06:30
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mebaran151crimsun, no dice06:31
xoombotchuckle chuckle06:31
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rhoffaanyone know where the lame directory is?06:31
xoombotdonpachi: where you from and what you do06:31
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xoombotDonPachi: Answers06:32
xoombotor just questions06:32
xoombotidle hands are the devils own06:32
tritiumxoombot, please stop06:32
rhoffaor how i can instal libmp3lame.so06:32
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=== Pablo runs
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rhoffaanyone know where i can get libmp3lame.so to encode mp3?06:34
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rhoffai have the apt-get lame installed06:35
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mebaran151crimsun, I fixed it06:35
mebaran151by adding back in my pcm.!default line!06:36
luisitohow do I change the menu fonts?06:36
frogzooanyone know where apt-get picks up its proxy settings pls?06:36
zcat[1] apt-get install liblame006:36
roostercogburn21anybody know how to get sound working on ubuntu06:36
crimsunmebaran151: ok06:36
djk_rhoffa: the repos would be a good start...as for the directory, libmp3lame.so would be in /usr/lib/06:36
crimsunmebaran151: plug->plug06:36
Sneaky_Bastardrootster: I was sort of wondering that myself06:36
frogzoo!tell roostercogburn21 about sound06:36
mebaran151crimsun, yeah06:36
Sneaky_Bastardseeing as mine went kaflooie06:36
frogzoo!tell Sneaky_Bastard about sound06:36
tritiumfrogzoo, man apt.conf06:36
mebaran151so what do I report as the bug06:36
crimsuntechnically plug->dmix, but that's the same thing06:37
roostercogburn21i have been messing with it for days06:37
frogzoothx tritium06:37
luisitohow do I change the nautilus menu fonts?06:37
crimsunmebaran151: no need to file one, because it's an architectural issue06:37
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Sneaky_Bastardty frogster :D06:37
Madpilotluisito: you can change the system fonts at System menu - Prefs - Font -- I'm not sure you can specifically change one app's fonts in Gnome06:38
roostercogburn21i guess no one knows?06:38
vanbergehas anybody installed the vmware player on ubuntu?  or is there a package for it somewhere ?06:38
mebaran151crimsun, oh?06:38
Dr_Willisvmware 'player' ? :P06:39
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Sneaky_Bastardfroggy: the Wiki has some pages on it06:39
crimsunmebaran151: yeah06:39
Sneaky_Bastardhang on06:39
vanbergeDr_Willis, yeah06:39
tritiumvanberge, it's not free software06:39
crimsunmebaran151: ultimately a tool should handle it06:39
djk_morphix: how did it go?06:39
mebaran151like alsaconf?06:39
vanbergetritium, umm...  yes it is06:40
luisitoMadpilot, but do I have to restart to apply the changes? 'cause I change the sytem fonst there and nothing happened06:40
tritiumvanberge, vmware?06:40
Dr_Willisvanberge,  'vmware' is a comrecial emulator  'thing' - not a 'player' - so what are you really talking about?06:40
Dr_Willis'thing' - how technical. :P06:40
vanbergevmware has a player software that is just for reading/playing virtual machines.06:40
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vanbergeit is free... i have the source code.   but i cant get it to compile correctly06:40
mushroomyep.good job06:40
vanbergei didnt know this either...  unforcer was helping me06:41
mushroomI am using vmware workstation 5.506:41
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vanbergeso, im just tyring to get vmware player installed on ubuntu06:41
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trinidadhow do i correctly setup my new dell 1905fp lcd on breezy?06:42
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mushroomdownload from offical website~06:42
trinidadi have tried support through the ubuntu website community forum, but x still won't start06:42
vanbergemushroom, that just has rpm and windows vers...06:42
vanbergewell, and tar.gz of source06:43
roostercogburn21sneeky_bastard thanks06:43
mushroomI use the tarball pkg to install06:43
logical_markHey guys. I am using alias with apache2 and I keep getting the phrase "Path error" displayed in my browser.06:43
Sneaky_Bastardroostercogburn21: Anything for a fan o' The Duke06:43
roostercogburn21hell yeah06:43
vanbergemushroom, it tells me i need to have a different gcc compiler06:44
unforcerhow can I install powernow-k8?06:44
mebaran151crimsun, so this tool would determine, based on a set of tests, what the best values for each of the boxes woudl be?06:44
mushroomyep,you need to get the same version with that's of your kernel-sources06:45
crimsunmebaran151: ideally, yes, which means ultimately -lib needs to deal with 32 bits properly06:45
mebaran1518 bits of saturation just isn't cutting it?06:45
crimsun(otherwise you'll grabbing stuff out of a huge lookup table)06:45
vanbergemushroom, thats what im trying to find on synaptic...06:46
mushroomapt-get install gcc-3.406:46
LexiConwhere is the /themes directory for gdm?06:46
LexiConin breezy06:46
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vanbergemushroom, i did that already...06:48
vanbergeit still doesnt seem to like it06:48
vanbergedo i have to remove 4 ?06:48
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WildPenguinLexiCon, /usr/share/gdm/themes06:49
mushroomand I got the kernel-sources via apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`06:49
mushroomno ,you need't06:50
mushroomwhat's your vmware's version code?06:50
SpAwNhell i just installed ubuntu and it never asked for a root password :/ now its fully installed06:50
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Hobbsee!tell SpAwN about root06:50
SpAwNthanks :D06:51
vanbergemushroom... hold on one sec.  im goin to try install again06:51
mushroomokey,good luck06:51
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subbiecould somebody possibly help me with a USB hard drive.  i can format it with FDISk, but when i try to mount it i get an error saying its already mounted or busy, but when i type mount i can see that it is not mounted06:53
logical_markHey does anyone in here know of a good GUI for admining a mysql server?06:53
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cenopechow do you copy a file with the browser into the file library06:53
Fujitsulogical_mark: MySQL Administrator06:53
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spikebikeit's called xterm ;-)06:54
cenopecdo i have to do it in the terminal06:54
YukiIkyutalogical_mark: plus MySQL Query Browser, if you need to look at things carefully.06:54
logical_markFujitsu: I am using it now and it is crashing whenever I try and assign a user privlages to a db06:54
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logical_markFujitsu: "it" is MySQL Admin06:54
vanbergemushroom, now i get a message that it cant find gcc  :-(06:55
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chris__anyone here?06:55
SpAwNone more quick question......ive had to do this b4 but forget the line i need......in the xorg conf.....it didnt set the horizontal and vertical refresh rates automaticly...theres not even a line with them in the xorg.conf what are the 2 lines i need to add...i have the right settings for them..just need the sytax06:55
Fujitsuchris__: Yes.06:55
logical_markFujitsu: I will try and assign db privs to a user and when I hit apply it says "Duplicate user name, please enter another name" that makes NO SENSE!06:55
chris__it would be nice if adult swim played neon genesis evangellian more that once a week06:56
mushroomoh~that's maybe not in your repository06:56
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SpAwNand what section do i add them too?06:56
vanbergemushroom, it is....   gcc-3.4 installled ok.06:56
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vanbergethe installer says it cant find gcc06:56
SpAwNscreen,monitor..?...im a little comfused06:56
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Fujitsuvanberge: Try sudo apt-get install gcc06:57
FujitsuThat fixed gcc complaints for me.06:57
vanbergeFujitsu, well, i need a certain ver06:57
FujitsuDo you?06:57
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vanbergeyeah, 3.406:57
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YukiIkyutagcc-3.4 package.06:57
vanbergeright... i did that.06:57
mushroomstop install and run the vmware installer again06:58
vanbergeapt-get install gcc-3.406:58
unforcerhmm... why is my laptops cpu usage always 38% but programs usage is 2-5%06:58
logical_markFujitsu: I am going to download the newest version, could you tell me which link / file ext. to pick ? http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/administrator/1.1.html06:58
cenopechow do i copy a file into my file system06:58
YukiIkyutacenopec: presumably, if the file is there, it's in your filesystem.06:58
vanbergemushroom, somethin is goofy.  i run gcc from command line and get 'not found'06:58
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FujitsuWill do, logical_mark...06:59
vanbergei need gcc package as well as gcc-3.4 ?06:59
FujitsuThe first one, I guess, logical_mark.06:59
Fujitsuvanberge: Yes!06:59
mushroomlocal your gcc path06:59
agrokerhow to eject CD-ROM under Gnome?06:59
Fujitsugcc is actually the /usr/bin/gcc07:00
Fujitsuagroker: Right-click on it, eject.07:00
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subbiecould somebody help me psosibly with my USB harddrive that does not seem to want to mount.  it claims that the drive is busy or already mounted (it isn't already mounted, mount confirms this)07:00
agrokerFujitsu, thanks07:00
FujitsuNo problem, agroker.07:00
agrokergoodnight everybody07:00
mushroomhaha~I am here is day07:01
Fujitsusubbie: What device does it come up as, and where are you trying to mount it?07:01
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FujitsuAnd how are you trying to mount it, subbie?07:02
logical_markFujitsu: And the how do I install it? Just run it?07:02
=== james__ [n=james@6532127hfc127.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
subbieFujitsu, it shows up as /dev/sda.  i tried both mounting it manually (mount -t reiserfs /dev/sda /mnt/usbdrivE) and i also tried making an FSTAB entry and doing mount -a07:02
vanbergemushroom, it worked!!!07:02
subbiei am able to do fdisk /dev/sda and see the drive and partition table.07:02
Fujitsulogical_mark: What is the extension?07:03
Fujitsulogical_mark: Create a new directory, extract it into there, and tell me what the contents are like.07:03
subbieFujitsu, i think i found the problem but i'm embarassed to say what it is =X07:03
Fujitsusubbie: What?07:03
subbieFujitsu, i was trying to mount the device instead of the partition =X07:03
vanbergemushroom, now i just need some virtual machines :-(07:04
=== retrix [n=sam@ppp128-50.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
subbieshould have been /dev/sda1 not /dev/sda07:04
=== PabloEscobar_ [n=pablo@c44-163.icpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsusubbie: Heh. We had a problem with a CD Burner in here earlier that was simply because it didn't have the power cord plugged in!07:04
mushroomvanberge,just install yourself07:04
subbieFujitsu, hehe!  we'll im going to umount and remount, i tried creating a file on it so we'll see if it actually works now07:04
vanbergemushroom, the player cant create vm's.   only open them.07:04
logical_markFujitsu: It is a .tar.gz07:04
vanbergethats why it is free.07:05
=== drumline [n=drumline@ppp-69-239-240-222.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mushroomvanberge,why not install the VMware workstation07:05
Fujitsulogical_mark: Yes, create a new folder, copy it to there, and extract it.07:05
vanbergemushroom, vmware workstation not free.07:05
Fujitsulogical_mark: And tell me what the contents are like.07:05
_jasonif anyone uses BMP, I am trying to save a playlist but it says unknown filetype.  Do I have to do something special to get it to save?07:05
Fujitsuvanberge: Yes...07:05
mushroomyou can get30days free~sn07:06
subbieFujitsu, maybe though you could help me with something i'm not sure how to do.  I'd like to make it so that all users can read/write this mount point07:06
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-21-176-22.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsusubbie: OK.07:06
vanbergei dont want 30 days...07:06
SpAwNhello im trying to install ndiswrapper on my unbutu...i have the latest one in a tar.gz on the computer....but i cant use make?07:06
vanbergetheres a hack for the player that unforcer showed me07:06
mushroomjust install it's enghou07:06
Fujitsusubbie, you need to add 'o users' to the command, or add the users option to the fstab line.07:06
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vanbergeSpAwN, dont do tar.gz07:06
logical_markFujitsu: Three folders inside, "bin", "doc", and "share", and two files, "copying", and "FAQ"07:06
SpAwNbtw that computer doesnt have a internet connection atm07:06
vanbergeSpAwN, use apt / synaptic07:06
=== redxninja [n=redxninj@pool-71-112-201-124.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
SpAwNwell is it on the dvd?07:07
vanbergehmm... i dont remember07:07
SpAwNcuz that computer only uses wireless07:07
Fujitsulogical_mark: You could look at the FAQ, and I think it should be extracted to /usr, but read the FAQ.07:07
=== TecnoVM65 [n=tecnovm@] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNhow could i use the tar.gz untill i get it online?07:07
vanbergeSpAwN, you cant plug it in manually for a bit ?07:07
subbieFujitsu, i did that, umounted and remounted but when i try to create a file i still get permission denied07:08
vanbergeSpAwN, well, most likely you will not have the compiler tools you need to make the source.07:08
vanbergeif you just did fresh install07:08
Fujitsusubbie: Remember that it will respect ReiserFS permissions!07:08
SpAwNill get the cable...its a pian but ill do it :D07:08
subbieFujitsu, here is the fstab entry i made /dev/sda1       /mnt/usbdrive   reiserfs        users,owner,notail      007:08
FujitsuWhat does the owner option do?07:08
subbieFujitsu, i'm not sure i follow =-\07:08
vanbergeSpAwN, yeah, then just type 'sudo apt get install ndiswrapper'07:09
vanbergeapt get = apt-get07:09
Fujitsusubbie: Where were you trying to create the file?07:09
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cenopechow do you copy files to the file system, i know the command but i get and error that i need access privliges07:09
subbieFujitsu, i just CD'd into the directory and did touch pop.txt07:09
frogzoowhere can I get additional themes for gnome, pls?07:09
cenopechow do i get access priv07:09
FujitsuThe directory where you mounted the partition?07:09
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subbieFujitsu, yes07:09
SpAwNvanberge: thanks07:09
Fujitsusubbie: Check the permissions on the directory.07:10
subbieFujitsu, the owner command just makes it so that the person who mounted it is the only one that can unmount it (or at least thats what i believe it does!)07:10
Fujitsusubbie: Yes, I thought so too. Good.07:10
mushroomsudo apt-get install gnome-themes-extras07:11
=== ditesh|cassini [n=ditesh@j232.klc36.jaring.my] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNhmm sudo ifconfig eth0 didnt bring it up?07:11
SpAwNany ideas07:11
vanbergeSpAwN, do you know how to use ndiswrapper ?07:11
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Fujitsucenopec: You will need to prefix the command with sudo, so it becomes 'sudo <command>'07:11
vanbergeSpAwN, sudo ifup eth007:11
cenopecfujitsu: k thanks i will try it07:11
subbieFujitsu, changing the permissions on the directory fixed it :)07:12
SpAwNignoring unknown interface07:12
mushroomFujitsu is a good guy07:12
Fujitsusubbie: Good.07:12
Fujitsumushroom: Thankyou.07:12
FujitsuAnother satisfied customer!07:12
subbieFujitsu, thank you much!07:12
Fujitsusubbie: Hey, I have 2 1/2 months until I next have school. What else am I meant to do?07:13
Xenguya good guy now; and for how long?07:13
SpAwNhow can i set up eth007:13
subbieFujitsu, sleep!07:13
=== WhyteShadow [n=nick@client-209-107-226-172.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu
subbieFujitsu, or do what i just did and setup a mythtv box!!07:13
=== mt_holden_ss [n=michael@d220-238-114-150.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuWell, I am going to look through the logs of the channel tonight, and attempt to write up documents describing how to do some of the common questions...07:13
SpAwNohh no i have no sound also07:13
=== SirKillalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-080-190.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== BotBuilder [n=BotBuild@c-24-16-74-49.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cenopecwhat functions does myth tv have07:14
FujitsuOne such question is how to mount an NTFS partition. That comes up at least once every day.07:14
mt_holden_sshow do u add another user, and be able to access my other xp partition07:14
BotBuildertaking a picture of a black screen is surprisingly hard07:14
WhyteShadowwhat is the package that installs a ton of stuff including gcc.. i thought it was like essentials or soomething07:14
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Easy.07:14
ubotuThe letter 'U' is not a pronoun, unless you're Dutch.  U mag wel 'je' zeggen, hoor.07:14
mushroomFUjitsu:do you have a blog?07:14
Fujitsumushroom: Not at this point in time.07:14
Trashcanlol @ !u07:14
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: System->Administration->Users and Groups...07:14
subbiecenopec, you can record television shows to your harddrive and awtch them later, or you could use it just to watch tv (allthough mplayer does that just fine with a card that does mpeg2)_07:14
ale3hsdoes anyone use Anjuta IDE ..?? I got a sily question??07:14
MadpilotFujitsu: the Ubuntu wiki could always do with some more attention07:15
mushroomoh~why not write a blog~to share your exp?07:15
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Does your current user have permissions to access it?07:15
subbieWhyteShadow, build-essentials07:15
WhyteShadowwhat does Anjuta ide used for what languagae?07:15
WhyteShadowsubbie, thats it thanks so much07:15
subbieWhyteShadow, :)07:15
FujitsuMadpilot: I have noticed. I am planning to fix it at some point...07:15
mt_holden_sshow would give permission to it07:15
ale3hsWhyteShadow,  u got anjuta?07:15
SpAwNcan anyone help me get eth0 connected?07:15
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Can you access the partition at the moment?07:15
FujitsuSpAwN: What is wrong?07:15
WhyteShadowno i dont, ive neve rheard of it thats what i was asking.. what does it code in07:16
mt_holden_sswhen i double click it, it says it dont have permissipn07:16
=== Fujitsu needs more keyboards, hands and monitors
mt_holden_ssi can access it if i boot up xp07:16
SpAwNwell its not set up or somthing...i plugged in the cable and nothing07:16
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: OK.07:16
WhyteShadowi need to get more into programming, but i cant find anything to keep me occupied to keep working on07:16
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: I have done this a couple of times today ^_^07:16
mt_holden_ssits just gunna be annoyin if i want to get a file from my other partition and have to boot up xp07:16
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=== szehne [n=szehne@user-vcaumpa.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotFujitsu: please feel free to join the Ubuntu DocTeam, too07:16
SpAwNsudo ifup eth0 didnt work either07:16
subbieWhyteShadow, write your own file transer client, its not exciting but you'll learn a lot07:16
Fujitsuholden: It can be done07:16
SpAwNsaid it was a unknown interface07:16
mt_holden_sscan u tell me how then?07:16
FujitsuHow did you set it up, mt_holden_ss?07:17
=== Fujitsu thinks this keyboard is too old and makes to much noise...
mt_holden_ssi think my xp partition is ntsf07:17
WhyteShadowsubbie, yea? see ive been through tutorials of different lagnuages.. boring as heck to me.. i want to jump in and learn each piece as i go, as i need it07:17
ale3hshow do I register my nick in freenode??07:17
=== BotBuilder repastes
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: What tool did you use to set it up? Just the installer?07:17
subbieWhyteShadow, if you are really new to programming you should remeber baby steps are important07:17
mt_holden_ssi used the installer07:17
BotBuilderwhyte - learn one lang07:17
BotBuilderand the others come easy07:17
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: It should work, but maybe not. Open up a terminal.07:18
mt_holden_ssi installed xp then ubuntu07:18
=== daved [n=daved@216-230-71-131.client.cypresscom.net] has joined #ubuntu
kriiiileanyone got time to help a new to ubuntu user with some prolly easy questions07:18
WhyteShadowsubbie, well im not new new.. i know what a variable and an array are07:18
Fujitsukriiiile: Maybe in a minute... Wait a sec.07:18
crimsunkriiiile: shoot07:18
Xenguykriiiile: ask07:18
subbieWhyteShadow, hehe , thats new enough :)07:18
WhyteShadowand ive programed a bit in java before, wasnt my favorite language07:18
Madpilotkriiiile: just ask, someone can problably help07:18
WhyteShadowsubbie, hehe yea07:18
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu
subbieWhyteShadow, find something small that interests you, maybe write your own ASCII based game or something07:18
BotBuilderlol yeah, java kind of sux07:18
BotBuilderI'd recommend C#07:18
subbieWhyteShadow, try to find something thats not to difficult but interesting to you07:18
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Have you opened a terminal?07:18
=== Asazuke [n=Asazuke@c-67-182-45-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhyteShadowsubbie, i did write a small number guessing game in C07:19
BotBuilderAlthouhg personally i'm a boo fan, C# is cool07:19
mt_holden_sstrying to find it07:19
ale3hsguys please somebody help me with adjuta, I have pissed of !!07:19
subbiei personally love programming in Java07:19
kriiiilewell 1 off im trying to get accsess to a hard drive i pluged in so i shared it but accsess is not granted accept from management mode07:19
subbiebut mostly i deal with C/ASM07:19
BotBuildersubbie - eh, i dont like some of the limitations07:19
Fujitsumt_holden_ss:  Application->Accessories->Terminal07:19
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Fujitsusubbie: ASM is good.07:19
crimsunkriiiile: from Windows XP?07:19
BotBuilderwell if that's what you're used to then java would be cool yes07:19
mt_holden_ssok terminal up07:19
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=== carsten [n=carsten@iD4CC0C8D.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
subbieFujitsu, hehe, sometimes i get frustrated having to write 8 pages of code to do something that seems simple :)07:19
kriiiileno just as regular login in ubuntu07:19
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: type 'sudo vim /etc/fstab'07:19
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuWIthout the quotes07:20
WhyteShadowsubbie, what do you code in?07:20
Fujitsusubbie: True, but it is fast..07:20
Xenguykriiiile: huh07:20
kriiiileif i use system / admin i can acses disk07:20
n0dlis their a cli app for aim?07:20
mt_holden_ssok done07:20
=== iceman [n=john@c-24-20-3-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kriiiilenot from any other place07:20
subbieWhyteShadow, generall C and ASM, but only because i have to :).  i really do enjoy programming in Java07:20
mt_holden_ssi entered in my pass07:20
crimsunkriiiile: I meant what origin is the drive, as in did you use it originally in Windows XP?07:20
Hobbseen0dl: gaim?07:20
WhyteShadowsubbie, yea? why do you like java so much?07:20
vanbergemushroom, thanks for your help.  im booting a vm now.07:20
Hobbseeoh, sorry07:20
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Can you find the line for the partition?07:20
vanbergemushroom, now i just have to hack it :-)07:20
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: What does it say?07:20
kriiiileyes it was used in a window 2000 b4 with movies etc on07:20
mt_holden_ss/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults        0       007:21
subbieWhyteShadow, i'm not sure really.  I like the syntax of the language and how they have libraries for every data structure i use often07:21
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Easy to fix!07:21
crimsunkriiiile: then you need to mount the partition with 'umask=022'07:21
mushroomwell done .07:21
mt_holden_ssyay, im glad to her07:21
mt_holden_ssnow how?07:21
subbieWhyteShadow, that's like asking me why i like french fries :)07:21
n0dlhobbsee: i mean in cli (command line... no x(07:21
crimsunkriiiile: for instance, in the /etc/fstab file, I have "/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs    umask=022,nls=utf8  0       0"07:21
WhyteShadowsubbie, i see, ive playd with python a bit and kinda like it.. i still keep swaying between languages.. my biggest issue is i have so much i want to do.. and have to do07:21
Hobbseen0dl: yeah, sorry, i realised that after i hit enter....07:21
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n0dlHobbsee, its ok07:22
mt_holden_ssfujitsu do u want to start a new channel so its easier to communicate07:22
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Move to where it says defaults, press i, and enter users and umask=0222 in addition to the defaults, seperated by commas.07:22
subbieWhyteShadow, python was very very weird to me at first, but its actually rather nice when you get used to it07:22
SpAwNcrap i got eth0 up but now when i use "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper" its says there is no package07:22
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Almost done!07:22
subbieWhyteShadow, like i said, i'd suggest taking baby steps.  Perl or python would be fine for you to learn with07:22
crimsunkriiiile: you will need to add 'umask=022' to the fourth column from the left edge under the "<options>" column07:22
kriiiilecrimsun, can i type that in patch in gnome mode ?07:22
BotBuilderWhyteShadow: yeah, python's cool07:22
subbieWhyteShadow, personally i think java is an excellent learning language too, but not everybody agrees.07:22
BotBuilderI don't like dynamic typing but hey07:22
BotBuilderoh yeah java is a cool learning language07:23
subbiethe only thing to keep in mind with python is that most other languages are NOT white space sensative07:23
crimsunkriiiile: you can open Applications> Accessories> Terminal07:23
WhyteShadowsubbie, i thought about php as well, but one thing i loved about python was i could test little scripts right then and there07:23
FujitsuJava is OK for learning.07:23
FujitsuBut not for anything else.07:23
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BotBuilderfujitsu - i agree07:23
szehneSpAwN, go into synaptic, and search for ndiswrapper-utils07:23
SpAwNdo i need to set up apt-get like urpmi ...like set sources and stuff?07:23
subbieWhyteShadow, you can actually use command line php.  but learning with PHP would be fine too!  really it doesn't matter that much as long as youipck one and stick to it07:23
FujitsuSpAwN: The installer will have done that.07:23
crimsunkriiiile: then type: ''gksudo gedit /etc/fstab''07:23
BotBuilderA version of basic would work too07:23
WhyteShadowsubbie, yea i tend to have that issue as well, keep geetting distracteed and reading to much anti language this and that07:23
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: How are you going?07:23
vanbergeFujitsu, he just installed.  he probably needs to add repos07:24
szehneSpAwN, if nothing comes up, go to repositories menu, and add a "universe" repository if there isn't one already07:24
mt_holden_ssi cant delete the word defaults07:24
=== BotBuilder repastes
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Just leave it.07:24
subbieWhyteShadow, no matter WHAT language you choose to program/script in, there will always be somebody that doesn't like it.. pick one and stick to it.. any of the ones you or bot or me mentionted is fine.07:24
BotBuilderlook up, click link07:24
BotBuilderFigure out solution!07:24
Madpilot!tell SpAwN about repos07:24
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Change it to 'default,users,umask=0222'07:24
=== Nelo [n=nelo@cpe-24-221-253-171.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNi got it07:25
mt_holden_ssrrr it wont let me past it07:25
phuwhat's wrong with learning C?07:25
WhyteShadowsubbie, well the reason i was thinking php was to have a website to promote my comic i try to do.. thast another hobbie of mine.. and i dunno its hard to find time to fit it all07:25
szehneSpAwn, have you got it from here, or do you need help?07:25
BotBuilderyeah, WhyteShadow, I'd pick a mainstream language and then once you're proficient you can move to what you like best07:25
crimsunphu: there's nothing wrong with learning any language07:25
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: What do you mean?07:25
phuI've learned so many languages, and C is still my favorite.07:25
mt_holden_ssfukitsu is ther a way that u can start a new channel07:25
NeloHello, how do i keep the terminal window size permanently?07:25
szehneSpAwn, oh! and if you want super easy install, get ndisgtk07:25
mt_holden_ssor is ther a web site explainin all this?07:25
=== BotBuilder never liked C
WhyteShadowsubbie. yea your right , i just wish i could stop all the interan termoiland pick one.. and acutally find a project07:26
subbieWhyteShadow, its an excellent idea to pick PHP if you want to code something in it that you will actually use!  that will keep you motivated to continue learning! since it is something you plan on using07:26
BotBuildermt_holden_ss: just join whatever channel you wnat to create07:26
WhyteShadowto devote time to07:26
Fujitsumt_holden_ss: Which channel?07:26
BotBuilderlike /join #foobarloo07:26
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WhyteShadowsubbie, see thats just it.. i want to do stuff that people or myself can use and stuff07:26
WhyteShadowwith artwork or setting up networks or servers or something i have no problems07:26
mt_holden_ssjoin #partition07:26
=== BotBuilder never liked Cish brackets - pythonic indentation is the way to go
WhyteShadowthinking of ideas07:27
subbieWhyteShadow, like BotBuilder said, once you have a good understand of programming the language is pretty irrelevant, you just learn the little quirks.  its most important to learn what data structures are available and when to use them.  also commonly used algorithms07:27
=== PokerFacePenguin [n=joe@] has joined #ubuntu
srv4ntwhich would you all recommend... php or ruby on rails07:27
=== phu hasn't learned python
WhyteShadowahh, ok07:27
srv4nti cant make up my mind07:27
WhyteShadowive also heard of ruby, and it seems kinda neat too07:27
crimsunsrv4nt: evaluate both07:27
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BotBuildersrv4nt - I'd learn ruby on rails as i've heard it kicks ass07:27
BotBuilderalthough php is more common07:28
BotBuilderI don't  know either ;p07:28
srv4ntmy hope is to start with ruby, and move on to php afterwards07:28
=== devint [n=devint@cpe-66-68-46-68.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
srv4ntbut that way i may end up just learning ruby07:28
=== antix [n=ben@pdpc/supporter/active/antix] has joined #ubuntu
subbiephp is excellent and so is the documentation, you can't reallly go WRONG with it.07:28
devintCan I make animated gif's with GIMP?07:28
logical_markFujitsu: Whats the command to restart mysql-server?07:28
kriiiilecrimsun, check pm if u have time07:28
WhyteShadowbreezy kicks ass07:28
Fujitsu/etc/init.d/mysql restart, I think.07:28
crimsunlogical_mark: sudo invoke-rc.d mysql restart07:28
BotBuilderyeah, php might be the safest, ruby on rails the most rewarding07:28
WhyteShadowLinux ibook 2.6.12-9-powerpc #1 Mon Oct 10 15:26:45 BST 2005 ppc GNU/Linux07:29
=== LinuxKnight [n=phantom@ppp-69-238-220-92.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
subbieWhyteShadow, jealousy, you have a powerbook or what?07:29
WhyteShadowibook g3 clamshell acutally07:29
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crimsunWhyteShadow: you should update to the security errata kernel07:29
WhyteShadowi also have an ibook g4 downstairs, as well as another clamshell07:29
BotBuilderDo i really have to keep spamming this link?07:29
subbieahh, i have an ibook g4, but last time i checked my extrem wireless wasn't supported :-\07:29
khanhi everyone07:29
szehneany body know about switching the bash prompt in terminal everytime it starts up? i'm tired of running "export PS1..."07:29
WhyteShadowyea its not yet07:29
logical_markFujitsu: What does it mean if MySQLCC is reporting "[localhost]  ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)"07:29
WhyteShadowstill reverse engineering it all07:29
LinuxKnightpowerbooks with ubuntu? you guys got it working well?07:30
Fujitsulogical_mark: Probably means that it isn't running.07:30
crimsunkriiiile: you're not identified, so I don't receive any privmsgs from you.07:30
WhyteShadowcrimsumk, why the errata kernel? i just got breezy installed yesterday07:30
LinuxKnighti have a g3 pb07:30
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crimsunWhyteShadow: fixes several security issues07:30
WhyteShadowi also have a pb 1400/166, works well07:30
logical_markFujitsu: Well my php is connecting to it and so is MySQL-Admin07:30
crimsunkriiiile: /msg nickserv help identify07:30
subbielast i checked ubuntu worked fine with an airport card, but not with an airport extreme.  other than that ubuntu ran fine on my ibook g407:30
WhyteShadowim using the automatic update thing on breezy for it i think07:30
WhyteShadowworks nice07:30
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WhyteShadowsubbie, im on a regular airport card now07:30
WhyteShadowim laying on my bed07:30
WhyteShadowwith the lappie07:30
WhyteShadowmy cats asleep next to me07:30
subbieyeah, i have airport extreme though, and supposedly its still not supported :(07:31
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LinuxKnightautomatix yes i ran it on my breezy install on my centrino laptop worked well :D07:31
WhyteShadowsubbie, yea not yet.. soon i think though] 07:31
LinuxKnightmy pb still running el tigre07:31
BotBuilderOk, I figure I'll doa forum post then07:31
WhyteShadowtiger is nice too, i need to put breezy on my main pc boxen07:31
FujitsuWell, I am sitting in front of a desk, with a pathetic PIII 866MHz desktop, at 31 degress Celsius07:31
LinuxKnighti don't have airport on that tho, have an assortment of other pcmcia cards07:31
subbiemy IB is running 10.3.9 until airport extreme works :)07:31
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SpAwNhmm i dont get it...the same driver i used on my other linux computer with ndiswrapper says it doesnt work :/07:31
WhyteShadowi also need to setup ipcop as my router.. but need a wireless nic for it07:32
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-69-105-224-64.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasehey everyone07:32
LinuxKnightubuntu worked with my "centrino" laptop out of the box, but fedora needed manual installation of the prism54 drivers07:32
WhyteShadowfedora blows in my opinion07:33
WhyteShadowas well as many rpm distros ive used07:33
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WhyteShadowrpms are terrible i think07:33
LinuxKnighti used to tinker with debian, apt-get rocks... but some other parts of it were eehhh07:33
szehneanyone know about terminal customization?07:33
WhyteShadowi had nothing but dependency hell with them07:33
LinuxKnightbut ubuntu is the best of both worlds07:33
WhyteShadowapt is awesome07:33
subbieits not so much the actual RPM packaging thats the problem, its the dependency hell07:33
LinuxKnightapt rocks my world :D07:33
WhyteShadowwell yea.. thats why i hated rpms.. only a few worked without depency hell07:33
Juhazusually it's clueless users who go around installing packages MEANT FOR OTHER DISTROS, then turn around blaming rpm07:34
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subbiei thought i read that they wre trying to have fedora use YUM ?07:34
LinuxKnightfedora got better, yum was cool but still not as ... refined? as apt07:34
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subbieYUM is better than no YUM :)07:34
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LinuxKnightyeah yum is getting there07:34
WhyteShadowmmm food07:34
WhyteShadowyum yum07:34
LinuxKnightbetter than nothing07:34
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subbiethe problem with redhat is that they just dont really have an up to date repository for users to install packages from07:34
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WhyteShadowi just guess im biased towwards apt and bsd's ports and portage07:34
LinuxKnightthey leave that to fedora07:34
subbiethats why gentoo and debian based distros are so great.07:34
LinuxKnightwhich is sometimes not always stable07:34
WhyteShadowi mean how easy is it to open a terminal and install what you need07:35
subbienice big repository that settles dependencies for you :)07:35
LinuxKnightfedora is kinda bleeding edge07:35
WhyteShadowi was using debian sid.. but i borked it pretty bad being careless so i went to ubuntu07:35
LinuxKnightwith ubuntu just fire up synaptic or an xterm07:35
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cyphasejust upgraded to X-Chat 2.6.0 from backports07:35
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WhyteShadowi see a lot of debian zealots bashing ubuntu and so forth, its funny to listen to them07:35
subbiei prefer ubuntu =X07:35
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LinuxKnightyea some debian ppl can be rather elitist and purist07:36
subbiei actually prefer gentoo but i got tired of all the waiting, teehee07:36
LinuxKnightubuntu is still debian, but with some extra shmear on the bagel :D07:36
WhyteShadowi despise the elitist quality and at the same time adore it07:36
subbieplus i had a HELL of a time getting the chipset that came with this shuttle computer working. ubunut did it all for me "out of the box"07:36
Sneaky_Bastardat least we don't have debian and ubuntu zealots suicide-bombing each other07:36
FujitsuYes. Good thing.07:36
Sneaky_Bastard(at least not that I am aware of)07:36
LinuxKnightgentoo is fun to do if you have a server farm to compile stuff... but waiting for it on your only desktop can get old ;D07:36
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subbiei absolutley love having gentoo on my desktop that i use all the time though but for my MythTV and my laptop, its ubuntu :)07:37
drumlineI just installed a program and it started configuring apache1 instead of apache2... Should I have it redo the whole install after removing apache1 ?07:37
Sneaky_Bastard"Debian uber alles!" .... "Ubunto Akbar!"07:37
subbiedrumline, i actually had a simliar problem.07:37
arnduckyALLAH AKHBAR -- THERE IS NO GOD BUT GOD,  and TUX IS RASUL ALLAH (the apostle of G-d)!07:37
subbiedrumline, i ended up just reinstalling the application but, i'm sure you could fiddle and get it to work if you wanted07:37
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mister_robotosubbie: do you have suspend and hibernate working on your laptop?07:38
drumlinesubbie: i'll tell you what I find out :)07:38
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WhyteShadowgod.. my cat takes up the entire right side of my bed07:38
subbiemister_roboto, no sir, but i haven't looked into it07:38
cenopecahaha is there an undo command in terminal07:38
subbiedrumline,  :)07:38
jrattner1mister_roboto, i have problems resuming from hibernate07:38
=== arnducky runs at Sneaky_Bastard brandishing a huge crescent shaped scimitar
WhyteShadowhehe i get to do m sr projecty for my bachelors on mythtv07:38
mister_robotojrattner1: same here.  garbage on screen and lockup07:38
=== Sneaky_Bastard transforms into solid titanium
subbieok well its past my bedtime, goodnight folks and goodluck with what ails you :)07:39
Sneaky_Bastardgo ahead, make my day07:39
jrattner1mister_roboto, i diabled most ACPI functions on my laptop i find it works better07:39
WhyteShadowyou too subbie take care07:39
FujitsuSee you subbie!07:39
mister_robotojarattner: resume from suspend actually seems to work but the screen doesn't turn on!   i can hear the disk when i do "ls" and stuff :)07:39
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mister_robotojrattner1: yes but it's a PITA to have to start from a reboot every time. I'd really REALLY like suspend working, or at least hibernate07:39
=== arnducky wonders if Sneaky_Bastard bastard knows that heathen tItanium in metallic form can be highly *flamable*
mt_holden_ssmp3 support anyone07:40
ubotufrom memory, multimedia is for codecs,  http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia07:40
Drakesonhas anybody got any success connecting to an mms:// stream with mplayer through UDP?07:40
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Sneaky_Bastardtitanium requires oxy-hydrogen flame and good oxygen environment to ignite07:41
Fujitsu!tell mt_holden_ss about mp307:41
Sneaky_Bastardyour scimitar won't do it07:41
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arnduckySneaky_Bastard, ahhh, but I have a /dev/laser07:41
dosagei'm new to ubuntu07:42
Sneaky_Bastardtitanium, well polised makes a great mirror, too07:42
dosagebut i love it.07:42
YukiIkyutadosage: a good start!07:42
arnduckydd if /dev/laser of /home/Sneaky_bastard07:42
YukiIkyutaif=/dev/laser you mean07:42
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arnduckyinput file, yep07:43
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mt_holden_ssanyone know how to make firefox my default explorer07:43
YukiIkyuta(with the equals, that is)07:43
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YukiIkyutamt_holden_ss:  that's a very vague question; how do you mean?07:45
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mt_holden_ssdont worry07:45
mt_holden_ssi fixed it07:45
arnduckymt_holden_ss, your default web browser, you mean?  (Internet) Explorer is the name of  a particular HTML browser program that a certain proprietary-infidel operating system devoloper/shaitanic  software vendor (SSV) ripped off from NCSA Mosaic.07:45
mt_holden_ssfire fox07:46
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mt_holden_ssi wanted fire fox as my default but fixed it07:46
Sneaky_BastardInternet Exploder, ah ys.07:46
musikHELP! HELP!07:46
Sneaky_Bastardarnducky: do you know the rest of that story ?07:46
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musikim not able to boot into windows!07:46
YukiIkyutamusik: run to the fire brigade!07:46
Xenguymusik: die07:46
YukiIkyutaHow so?07:46
arnduckySneaky_Bastard, may St. Linus of .FI forfend!07:46
YukiIkyutaXenguy: don't talk like that.07:46
Madpilotmusik: congratulations07:47
XenguyYukiIkyuta: hmm?07:47
Sneaky_Bastardvendor contracted with micro$haft to do the job for "a percentage of the sales price of each copy of Explorer"07:47
SpAwNsweet i got my wireless up :D07:47
mt_holden_ssmusik join #partition07:47
YukiIkyutaXenguy: don't just tell them to die!07:47
FujitsuSpAwN: Good!07:47
Sneaky_BastardMicro$haft then bundled it *for free* with Win-Blows 9807:47
XenguyYukiIkyuta: oh07:47
Sneaky_Bastardthe sales price being USD $0, the vendor got shafted07:47
SpAwNyea thats a start for tonight07:47
arnduckySneaky_Bastard, Winblows 95 USB, wasn't it?07:47
SpAwNnow i just need my sound07:47
musiki reinstalled win98, then reinstalled grub....now i can boot into kubuntu fine...but when i select windows.........it says loading stage2....then comes back to the grub menu!07:47
XenguyYukiIkyuta: aren't we all going to eventually07:47
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YukiIkyutaXenguy: true, but still.07:48
FujitsuWe love IE!07:48
YukiIkyutamusik: is your menu.lst file set up right?07:48
XenguyYukiIkyuta: hehe07:48
Sneaky_BastardI was there when Windows 98 refused to install Netscape 7.007:48
arnduckyUnless yoiu're just talking about the Microsoft's criminal anti-trust convictions.07:48
MadpilotFujitsu: no I don't ;)07:48
Sneaky_Bastardpopping up a a nasty (false) error message to imply that Netscape installer was crap07:48
musikhow do i know if menu.lst is ok?07:48
allisonmuSik > I have a dual boot...just don't have any reasons to get back to windows anymore.... :)07:48
FujitsuLet us embrace IE, and thank the Wine project for enabling us to run such great, standards-compliant software in multiple operating systems!07:48
Sneaky_Bastardand there when some hackers found the sabotage code in Kernel.DLL07:48
Sneaky_Bastardand Netscape had a 7.01 fix about 2 weeks later that installed perfectly07:49
BotBuilderFujitsu:  - lol07:49
YukiIkyutamusik: you need to look at your grub configuration, you'll find that file in /boot/grub07:49
arnduckySneaky_Bastard, I was a shill of the Evil Empire when Pentium rolled out.  I actually *sold* WIn98 OEM licenses with PC hardware.07:49
SpAwNcan anyone help me try and figure out why i have no sound?07:49
MadpilotFujitsu: whatever you're smoking, I want some ;)07:49
=== arnducky hangs head in shame
Sneaky_Bastardthe only thing differnt was it didn't match KERNEL.DLL's sig scan07:49
oskudepeople who do multibooting without knowing about partitions and MBR should google first...07:49
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=== Xenguy passes to Madpilot ...
musikis this ok?07:49
musik<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">07:49
musik<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">07:49
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ubotupastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com07:49
musik<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />07:50
musik<meta name="Generator" content="Kate, the KDE Advanced Text Editor" />07:50
Xenguymusik: bye07:50
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deFryskmusik, you are flooding07:50
YukiIkyutamusik: that's not the...07:50
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YukiIkyutaOoh dear.07:50
Xenguymusik: rhymes with07:50
YukiIkyutaWhat file is he pasting?!07:50
thewayofzenHelp!?  rebooted my system.  it did a file check and it said  5.1% non-contiguous.  is this bad.. how do i get it to BE contiguous.. what do i need to know here07:50
Sneaky_Bastardsabotage of Netscape installer was just one of 670+ points in the U.S. DOJ versus Microsoft Findings of FAct07:50
BotBuilderHe's going so slow he won't be kicked lol07:50
YukiIkyutathewayofzen: no, it's fine.07:50
musikim sorry plz07:50
musikim pasting menu.lst part of it07:50
arnduckySneaky_Bastard, speaking of M$ signature scans... know how to force WinDOH!s 2K to ignore one?07:50
YukiIkyutaYou're also pasting a lot of HTML.07:50
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thewayofzenYukiIkyuta,  do i need to do anything to it?  whats it mean?07:50
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com07:50
musikplz help me how to get to windows.my bro needs it07:50
Sneaky_BastardArnducky: what are you talking about ?07:51
YukiIkyutathewayofzen: that's the equivalent of saying how many files are fragmented in a filesystem.07:51
Sneaky_Bastardwhat sig scans ?07:51
dosageubuntu is good os07:51
YukiIkyutaYou needn't do anything at all.07:51
Fujitsumusik: What?07:51
MadpilotNobody ever needs Windows. MS just tells them they do.07:51
mt_holden_ssmusik i think u dont have windows, u may have formatted it07:51
FujitsuMadpilot: Yes.07:51
dosagei donated $20007:51
thewayofzenYukiIkyuta,  how do i defragment it then?07:51
dosageto Ubuntu07:51
Xenguythewayofzen: that's fine, no worries07:51
YukiIkyutadosage: well done!07:51
dosageI like it alot07:51
YukiIkyutathewayofzen: you don't! You don't need to, either.07:51
arnduckySneaky_Bastard, #ubuntu-offtopic or /MSG ?07:51
dosageI'm an ex-windows user07:51
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dosagegetting into linux07:51
Xenguydosage: aren't we all :-)07:51
dosagebut I only know shells07:51
thewayofzenYukiIkyuta,  so it will just keep getting worse or that check fixes it?07:51
musikno no windows is there......i can see its files in kubuntu..07:51
dosageand I haven't yet figured out how to07:51
dosageextract - install files.07:51
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Fujitsudosage: What?07:52
SpAwNhow can i configure my sound card?07:52
dosagelike how to BitchX on this computer07:52
ubotuI don't know, oskude07:52
dosagehow do I put BitchX on here?07:52
ubotuI guess dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo07:52
YukiIkyutathewayofzen: it won't get worse, if it does, things will rearrange themselves.07:52
Xenguydosage: use 'irssi' instead07:52
YukiIkyutaEveryone's Linux says that on startup.07:52
dosageBitchX > irssi07:52
thewayofzenYukiIkyuta,  awesome. thanks so much for taking the time to help me!07:52
musiki reinstalled win98, then reinstalled grub....now i can boot into kubuntu fine...but when i select windows.........it says loading stage2....then comes back to the grub menu!07:52
thewayofzenXenguy, you too :)07:52
Xenguydosage: BX sucks :-)07:52
robotgeekdosage: sudo apt-get install bitchx07:52
YukiIkyutathewayofzen: no problem. ^^07:52
oskudemusik, your problem is asked and answered like 1000times, so pleas do google...07:52
Madpilotdosage: bitchx is in the repos07:52
robotgeekXenguy: let him use bitchX, if he wants to :)07:53
dosageok look07:53
=== Xenguy stabs BX...
dosageonce I have BitchX07:53
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dosagethe .tar.gz07:53
dosagehow do I extract it and use it?07:53
oskudemusik, your grub settings are propably targeting to the wrong partition....07:53
SpAwNanyone know some good site that might help out my no soun dproblem?07:53
XenguyBX bleeds...07:53
arnduckydosage: the withdrawals (including the hallucinations, convulsions, sweats, ans delerium tremens) get better after time.  Pretty soon you will no longer wake up screaming until you see a Blue Screen of DBeath07:53
YukiIkyutadosage: you probably have there a source code.07:53
robotgeekdosage: you don't need to compile it, it's in the repos07:53
BotBuilderProbably shouldn't push it on irc but eh07:53
BotBuilderI'm eager07:53
Madpilotdosage: you don't need the tar.gz07:53
musikoskude: so how do i fix it plz say.....07:53
dosagewhat do I need07:53
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Xenguydosage: irssi07:54
dosageI mean07:54
dosagexchat is good07:54
Madpilotdosage: start Synaptic, search for bitchx, install it07:54
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Madpilot!tell dosage about synaptic07:54
dosagewhere do i find synaptic07:54
oskudemusik, first you could post your /boot/grub/menu.lst file in pastebin...07:54
robotgeekubotu: tell dosage about repos07:54
ubotupastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com07:54
arnduckysudo -v sudo sh ;passwd07:54
Xenguy!tel dosage about clue07:54
ubotuNo idea, Xenguy07:54
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MadpilotXenguy: no need to be rude....07:54
robotgeekdosage: you'll need to enable the universe repository07:54
XenguyMadpilot: no rudeness implied, natch =)07:55
dosagei'm using the live cd07:55
dosagei haven't installed it yet07:55
dosagebecause i dont want to lose all my music/movies07:55
dosageon my xp07:55
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arnduckydosage why would you lose all your media (that you no doubt acquired proper licenses for)?07:56
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SpAwNwhen i try to play a mp3 with xmms it says :Please check that the sound card is configured, that the output plugin is selected, and no other probgram is blocking thesoundcard07:56
dosagebecause i'm 2leet2buy07:56
ClayGwhat is a good program <gui>that will grab whole webpages off the net to view offline?07:56
oskudeSpAwN, go to the preferences of xmms and configure other alsa devices...07:56
BotBuilderthere is such a thing as dvd backup dosage07:56
YukiIkyutaClayG: there's a good one which isn't GUI..07:56
SpAwNi just installed ubuntu...so i dont know my way around it07:56
arnduckydosage, what do you mean?  Were you replying to me?07:57
ClayGwhat is it YukiIkyuta07:57
YukiIkyutaClayG: don't assume that you should only use a GUI program.07:57
oskudeSpAwN, do you hear the ubuntu start sound ?07:57
YukiIkyutawget will do it for you.07:57
SpAwNi dont think i have any sound07:57
SpAwNi havent heard a peep07:57
oskudeSpAwN, thats bad...07:57
ClayGdo you know the syntax to grab a whole site?07:57
SpAwNi used mandriva b4..it found my sound card fine07:58
SpAwNi tried centos earlier and it didnt find it07:58
SpAwNnow im trying ubuntu and it didnt find it07:58
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YukiIkyutaClayG: sure, but what site is it?07:58
YukiIkyutaMany people won't appreciate you doing that to them.07:58
oskudeSpAwN, what is your sound card ? can you see it in "lspci" ?07:58
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BotBuilderclayg - there's a firefox extension that does it i believe07:58
zcat[1] httrack !!07:58
SpAwNlet me chek....i did it earlier and i found it07:59
BotBuilderThe command line app is prolly better tho07:59
YukiIkyutaClayG: wget -r http://sitename.com/07:59
YukiIkyutaMake sure you're in a new directory.07:59
BotBuilderyeah that's the one07:59
YukiIkyuta'cause it'll put everything everywhere.07:59
zcat[1] httrack does the best job of anything I've tried07:59
ClayGThanks alot07:59
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YukiIkyutaYou may have to specify --level=inf07:59
SpAwN0000:00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH 6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)07:59
SpAwN0000:00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FR (ICH6/ICH6R) LPC Interface Bridg e (rev 03)07:59
YukiIkyuta-k is also nice.07:59
SpAwN^^ there she is07:59
YukiIkyutaInfact! -m will do it!07:59
YukiIkyutawget -m http://sitename.com/     -- that's the `mirror` option08:00
YukiIkyutaPossibly adding -k08:00
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ClayGI'm doing that to ubuntu.org08:00
ClayGlol just kidding08:00
ClayGno this is a small site I just want to grab to view later08:00
YukiIkyutaFair enough.08:01
oskudeSpAwN, well, atleast its regonized... have you searched ubuntuforums.org or wiki.ubuntu.com08:01
YukiIkyuta-m -k should be fine.08:01
ClayGWhat does the mirror option do?08:01
SpAwNno i jsut installed ubuntu like a hour ago08:01
zcat[1] wget -m http://wikipedia.org08:01
=== KiNeTiX [n=evo@adsl-144-65-224.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpAwNwhat should i look for08:01
SpAwNany ideas?08:01
oskudeSpAwN, intel sound08:01
ClayGI mean I'm running the first -r command08:01
SpAwNoskude, thanks bro08:01
ubotuclue is, like, the ability to just 'get it' without unnecessary extended explanation...08:01
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ClayGthis looks to be provided a copy of what the sitehas08:02
Madpilotzcat[1] : that'd be a good way to stress-test your computer... ;)08:02
oskudeSpAwN, but i think the problems is only to know the right module and just loading it08:02
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zcat[1] actually httrack would be better, it does multiple connections in parallel. I don't think wget does.08:02
SpAwNu think thats it a simple modprobe?08:02
Fujitsuhttrack is good.08:02
oskudeSpAwN, in best case :)08:03
SpAwNi hope :D08:03
arnduckySneaky_Bastard, ??08:03
oskudeSpAwN, btw08:03
ubotuskype is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl08:03
oskudeSpAwN, do you have any cards in System > Preferences > Sound ?08:03
KiNeTiXquestion, if i wanted to make my linux swat partition larger, would i be able to resize, or would i have to re install?08:03
FujitsuGot to love ubotu08:03
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zcat[1] skype blows.. take a look at gizmoproject08:03
SpAwNlet me checl08:03
KiNeTiXquestion, if i wanted to make my linux swat partition larger, would i be able to resize, or would i have to re install?08:03
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SpAwNyes i see one08:04
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frogzooSpAwN: maybe add multiverse repo?08:04
SpAwNintel ich608:04
oskudeSpAwN, then try if you hear the sounds in "sound events" tab08:04
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SpAwNno i hear no sound08:04
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ardchoilleI switched from Fedora to Ubuntu and Fedora's "shelf life" is 6 to 8 months. How often does a new release of Ubuntu come out?08:05
oskudeSpAwN, and ofcourse look that the faders are not down/muted in volume control08:05
SpAwNhow do i add multivers repo?08:05
Xenguy6 months08:05
uboturepos is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource08:05
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FujitsuI agree. WTF?08:05
Myrttispammers banned prolly08:05
SpAwNvolume says its up all the way in the little speaker in the bottom right08:05
YukiIkyutaAll the normal bans.08:05
YukiIkyutaThey were just making sure that they're set.08:05
ardchoillegeez, which button did I push? lol08:05
FujitsuWhy are they banning a _dynamic_ IP?08:05
=== battlecry [n=battlecr@c-67-185-89-241.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
YukiIkyutaWell, those were set ages ago.08:06
YukiIkyutaSo people might've set them just to ban someone once so they get th epoint.08:06
oskudeSpAwN, do you have ONLY the intel card in Sound preferences ?08:06
YukiIkyutaThen forget to unban them.08:06
SpAwNonly that one08:06
oskudeSpAwN, ok, hmmm08:06
KiNeTiXno sound spawn?08:06
KiNeTiXer, me too pal08:06
SpAwNno KiNeTiX08:06
zcat[1] I'm gonna reboot and see if I can get nvidia glx working08:06
SpAwNi feel ya then08:06
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KiNeTiXi cant listen to my bass drive dnb stream08:06
KiNeTiXanmd i cant install XMMS08:07
KiNeTiX! grr08:07
ubotuNo idea, KiNeTiX08:07
SpAwNlol at least u got that08:07
SpAwNall i got is the puter beeps08:07
oskudeSpAwN, sry that i cant really help (that was why i changed from debian to ubuntu, my sound was autoconfigured :)08:07
KiNeTiXgot what? I got no sound homie08:07
KiNeTiXdont do me no good08:07
KiNeTiXhave no idea how to install XMMS.08:07
KiNeTiXor even AIM.08:07
FujitsuKiNeTiX: Gaim handles AIM.08:07
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!08:07
SpAwNyea gaim is great08:07
KiNeTiXi know, i wanted to install AIM though08:07
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KiNeTiXso that i could learn how to install apps08:08
ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats08:08
SpAwNwell what are the chanced of me getting the sound to work....i have a pretty new computer and my sound card DOES work?08:08
KiNeTiXso like i had asked, and got no reply, could i resize my swat partitio?08:08
snausagesXenguy: i think that went unnoticed08:08
KiNeTiXor no?08:08
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Xenguysnausages: we try :-)08:08
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KiNeTiXokay, question why if im logged in as a username, and im under admin how come i cant delete folders?08:09
DonPachiSpawn did you try switching between OSS/ESD/ALSA under <system><multimedia system selector>?08:10
oskudeKiNeTiX, i think you could do that. but i never (would) done that...08:10
oskudeKiNeTiX, i think you could do that. but i never (would) done that... (swap resize)08:10
KiNeTiXresize swat?08:10
SpAwNDonPachi, no08:10
DonPachigive that a shot, fixed mine.08:10
KiNeTiXyeah, you see i only haev it set to 500mb08:10
XenguyKiNeTiX: are you sudo'd to 'root' ?08:10
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MadpilotKiNeTiX: you need to use sudo if you want to delete stuff that's in the root partition08:10
TechnicianxpHi.  I'm a bit worried about dual-booting Ubuntu 5.10 with Windows XP08:10
XenguyKiNeTiX: what command are you using?08:10
TechnicianxpWould it be safe?08:10
oskudeKiNeTiX, and how much RAM do you have ?08:10
KiNeTiXits on my desktop and i cant del it08:10
KiNeTiXerm, 512mb/s08:10
BotBuilderTechnie - yeah08:10
Madpilot!tell Technicianxp about dualboot08:10
BotBuilderI've done it twice08:10
oskudeKiNeTiX, and you have problems ?08:11
KiNeTiXgah so many ?'s!08:11
YukiIkyutaTechnicianxp: it would be ridiculously safe.08:11
KiNeTiXone by one. lol08:11
KiNeTiXwhat am i senator.08:11
BotBuilderalthough Hardware never really worked out, windows Xp was always fine08:11
oskudeKiNeTiX, i mean problems not having enough RAM/swap ?08:11
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KiNeTiXah i meant the partitn itself08:11
KiNeTiXth ext 308:11
MadpilotKiNeTiX: please stop using your ENTER key as punctuation. Thanks...08:11
=== Xenguy seconds Madpilot ...
KiNeTiXnot swat part, EXT part, i oculd resize taht, right?08:11
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oskudeKiNeTiX, atleast in theory, yes :)08:12
YukiIkyutaKiNeTiX: it depends if you used LVM or not.08:12
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TechnicianxpYeah I was just a bit worried because a previous Mandrake 10 install ended up having me reinstall everything08:12
TechnicianxpBut thanks for the help08:12
YukiIkyutaLinux Volume Management..08:12
XenguyKiNeTiX: logical volume management08:12
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snausagesYukiIkyuta: you're disqualified, kthx08:12
KiNeTiXer-- i dont recall using LVM. so i can't? or did i.08:12
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KiNeTiXhow do i sudo user?08:13
snausagesKiNeTiX: LVM can be selected when you do your initial breezy install08:13
SpAwNcrap that didnt work either08:13
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SpAwNi wonder what it could be08:13
ubotumethinks sudo is the command to get superuser privileges, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:14
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MadpilotKiNeTiX: see ubotu ^^^08:14
XenguyKiNeTiX: you want to be root, or another regular user?08:14
Xenguysee above08:14
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oskudeSpAwN, you should search the ubuntuforums.org. ive seen so many audio not working threads, that there must be a solution :)08:14
quackerWhere's the 'cservice' channel?08:15
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=== BotBuilder expects tonsof help http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=534741 <- here by tomorrow
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SpAwNill have to look through them oskude08:15
SpAwNthanks for ya help08:16
Ikurushey, I have a problem.08:16
SpAwNi appreciate it08:16
SpAwNand everyone else who put there 2 cents in08:16
oskudeSpAwN, audio is mystery to me too in linux :)08:16
XenguyIkurus: yer too close to the Sun - watch out08:16
Sneaky_BastardI only put in 1 cent :(08:16
IkurusI've been  runnin Ubunu for a while now, but am still fairly new to linux, any way, I can't open anything, it says that it is starting up then just disapears :s08:16
Ikurushehe X08:17
=== DubbaC [n=root@lvrgtnbas02-pool9-a144.lvrgtn.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
DubbaCis my commodore 64 - 64 bit?08:17
Sneaky_Bastardif only he had used epoxy, instead of wax08:17
YukiIkyutaDubbaC: I doubt it.08:17
oskudeDubbaC, yes, if you multiply08:17
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XenguyIkurus: any particular app?08:18
Ikurusheh, a busy channel08:18
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Ikurusyeas any app08:18
TreeStumpdoes ubuntu support more than 2 cpu's?08:18
IkurusI tried terminal, firefox and system monitor08:18
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oskudeIkurus, lauch from terminal, maybe they spit some usefull error messages...08:18
DubbaCcan i install ubuntu on my ti-89?08:18
IkurusI can't open terminal :p08:18
devintcan you make animated gif's with GIMP? somebody please at least answer08:19
oskudeIkurus, hmm08:19
XenguyIkurus: sounds odd - why would that happen?  Any error messages?08:19
oskudedevint, ask google...08:19
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IkurusI leave my PC on alot, and it has been on a good week now08:19
WildPenguindevint, try GIMP-GAP08:19
Ikurusand then suddenly this morning ti sarted to happen08:19
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snausagesIkurus: try Alt+F2 then type in xterm08:19
XenguyIkurus: what was the last system change you made?08:20
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oskudeIkurus, and dont say you use dapper :)08:20
Ikurusnothing, btw08:21
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IkurusWell I did some moving of stuff last night08:21
Ikurusbut it was all in /home/08:21
oskudeIkurus, but gnome starts as usual (like the panel and stuff in it) )08:21
Ikurusbut I did it in sudo nautilus08:21
XenguyIkurus: I bet you shot yourself in the foot :-)  Happens to the best of us :P08:22
Ikurusyeah I probably did something really silly.08:22
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Ikurusoskude, it has been on a while08:22
snausagesIkurus: how did you launch your irc client ?08:22
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Ikurusit was already open08:22
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IkurusI was using it fine last night08:22
TreeStumpdoes ubuntu support more than 2 cpu's?08:23
Ikurusthis morning I turn on screen, unlock it, and then hit firefox but nothing08:23
snausagesIkurus: maybe it's justa  hiccup of sorts, have you tried a reboot ?08:23
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Ikurushehe, reboot = :(08:23
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Ikurusshall I just try restarting X11?08:23
oskudeIkurus, or atleast restart of X1108:23
WildPenguinTreeStump, i believe so, yes08:23
TreeStumpok, so Ubuntu supports all the theoretical 4 cpu's on my AMD X2?08:24
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spikebikeer 4?08:25
spikebikedon't you mean 2?08:25
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jugarnathaso I think I have a java issue.08:25
oskudeIkurus, nice08:25
szehneplease don't flame me but what is the most stable packaging system? debian, rpm, ...08:26
spikebikedefine stable08:26
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oskudeszehne, ask google08:26
jugarnathaIf I try to instant message people through some websites (myspace) I can't see what I'm typing or what is being remitted to me.08:26
jugarnathaCan anyone help?08:26
andrewI'm using gtkpod when I pull mp3 files off my iPod they have the funky names (like GZWU.mp3) Anyone know how I can fix this?08:26
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TreeStumpno i dont mean 208:26
musikmy bro reinstalled win98, then i reinstalled grub, now i can boot into linux fine, but when i select windows it says loading stage2..then comes back to grub menu...plz help me!!08:26
YukiIkyutaandrew: it's not easy. You're not supposed to be able to pull files from it.08:27
TreeStumpthe X2 has a theoretical 4 cpus08:27
spikebiketreestump er explain why you mean 4?08:27
MadpilotTreeStump: two CPUs, each dual core, right? nice hardware...08:27
spikebikeX2's don't do dual socket08:27
TreeStumpbeacuse there are two cores each with hyperthreading08:27
spikebikeso the max is 208:27
szehneoskude, i was hoping for some human input, but that's alright08:27
spikebiketree nope, no hyperthreading08:27
szehnethanks anywyas08:27
=== shekhar [n=shekhar@EDGERTON-NINETY-TWO.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
oskudemusik, did you post your /boot/grub/menu.lst in pastebin as i told you ?08:27
jugarnathaIf I try to instant message people through some websites (myspace) I can't see what I'm typing or what is being remitted to me.08:27
spikebikeAMD doesn't do hyperthreading (nor will they ever)08:27
retrixandrew: write a patch to fix it ;)08:27
YukiIkyutaspikebike: they get close. xP08:27
oskudeszehne, well, this is ubuntu support, and ubuntu uses deb....08:27
Myrttiszehne: well what do you exactly mean with stable08:27
TreeStumpwhen i had a single core AMD it said 2 cpu's on windows?08:28
shekharhello how can i repair permissions on my boot volume, they have gone amiss since i installed kde...08:28
Myrttipackages don't crash :-)08:28
musikoskude: yes08:28
ubotupastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com08:28
YukiIkyutamusik: no!08:28
szehnei'm looking to build a distro around blackbox and other small utils08:28
musikYukiIkyuta: what to do plz help!08:28
Myrttiwell apt is most intuitive one, IMO08:29
oskudemusik, if you posted your file in pastebin, give me the link, ill look08:29
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musikoskude: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44460608:30
oskudemusik, ok, sec08:30
=== Beleys [i=sauget@tolkien.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr] has joined #ubuntu
oskudemusik, would be more usefull if you post the whole file, but looks good to me. are you SURE windows is in partition 0,0 ?08:31
SpAwNhmm i might have found a solution08:31
musikoskude: yes windows is on hda, hda1 to be precise08:31
frogzo1musik: just checking - you do have just one disk that is IDE, yes?08:31
SpAwNit says to uninstall polypaudio  and install esound...so i opened synaptic and tried to but there is no packages08:31
oskudemusik, hmm08:31
musiki have 2 disks hda & hdb08:31
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frogzo1musik: did you "grub-install /dev/hda"   ?08:32
oskudemusik, and youre using ubuntu breezy ?08:32
SpAwNwait esound is already installed08:32
SpAwNnm there goes that idea08:32
shekharhello can someone help me, i need to repair permissions on my boot volume08:33
musikyes i did grub-install /dev/hda...im on hoary08:33
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oskudemusik, congratulations, you maybe found a bug in hoary :) (that propably wont be fixed;)08:34
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frogzo1musik: just checking - these are IDE drives, not SATA?08:34
oskudemusik, i would install breezy08:34
frogzo1c'mon peeps - hoary boots doze on hda1 no probs - this is a simple problem08:34
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oskudefrogzo1, i hope too08:35
frogzo1musik: pastebin your menu.lst08:35
oskudemusik, the WHOLE menu.lst :)08:35
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oskudefrogzo1, a part is here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44460608:35
WildPenguinSpAwN, in my experience the most common cause is lack of permissions to the device - you are in the group 'audio'?08:35
SpAwNlet me check08:35
henkhi i'm looking for a way to print all the lines of stdin execpt the last one (the inverse of tail -n1)08:36
shekharhello can someone help me repair permissions on my boot partition, they have been changed since i installed kde08:36
oskudeshekhar, "chmod" is a prog to change permissions...08:36
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shekharoskude:  how do i restore the permissions i had before?08:37
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frogzo1musik: did you set the bootable flag for hda1 with fdisk?08:37
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oskudeshekhar, dunno, sry08:37
shad0w1eis there any disk checker utility to check a FAT32 partition?08:37
SpAwNyes..im not a user on audio but im the only one in group members08:37
musikfrogzo1: yes of course......it was all perfect....08:37
frogzo1musik: obviously not perfect :D08:38
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SpAwNand under settings for my user is says im able to use audio08:38
NeloHello, how do i keep the terminal window size permanently?08:38
WildPenguinSpAwN, hmm... another idea gone08:39
Beleys Poy08:39
frogzo1sudo fdisk /dev/hda -l should give something like /dev/hda1   *           1        1342    10779583+   7  HPFS/NTFS08:39
boohey, i installed wine from the synaptic package thing but i dont see it in any of the Applications menu. can anyone help me find where/how to launch it?08:39
shad0w1eNelo: Settings > Save as default08:39
SpAwNhehe i know ive been through a few tonight08:39
frogzo1boo: for starters, maybe install xwine now?08:39
mrkojeOpenVpn is GREAT!08:39
booxwine is installed too08:39
musikso wont i be able to fix my grub problem:(?08:40
mrkojethe best damn vpn (at least easiest) solution I could find08:40
frogzo1boo: well now you need to install an OS into wine :)08:40
YukiIkyutafrogzo1: install an OS.. !?!08:40
Neloshad0w1e is that in the profile?08:40
booeh, lol how do i go about doing that08:40
frogzo1musik: anything funny going on in the bios settings?08:40
frogzo1boo google knows everything :)08:40
musikfrogzo1: i changed nothing in the bios:(08:40
frogzo1musik: maybe just for starters, disable the 2nd drive, reinstall grub & see what happens08:41
musikok lets see08:41
musikim logging out....plz pray that it works!!!!!08:41
=== bunnynhb [n=bunny_nh@24-155-171-195.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
bunnynhbHello ya'll.08:42
oskudeSpAwN, did that adding you to the audio group help ?08:42
shekharcan someone help me08:42
YukiIkyutashekhar: ask your question first.08:42
oskudeshekhar, and we will try :)08:42
shekharYukiIkyuta:  often i do but no one responds ;) my question is how do i repair permissions on my boot partition08:43
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bunnynhbDoes Ubuntu 5.10 automatically install the modem drivers for Smartlink sl1900 PCI modem?08:43
SpAwNi was in the members part...i wasnt in the user part08:43
shekharYukiIkyuta:  i installed kde on ubuntu and it has buggered a lot of things including that most folders in my root directory are now locked to me08:44
frogzo1shekhar: what's the problem?08:44
shekharfrogzo1:  see above08:44
YukiIkyutaWell ..08:44
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oskudeSpAwN, ? does your audio work ?08:44
YukiIkyutaJust open a terminal, `sudo -s' should give you a root shell.08:44
SpAwNi just found this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HdaIntelSoundHowto?highlight=%28intel%29%7C%28hda%2908:44
boohah  i dont understand anything this is saying http://www.faqs.org/faqs/windows-emulation/wine-faq/   its only my second day on linux :P08:44
frogzo1shekhar: did you have the meta package gnome-desktop installed before upgrading?08:44
SpAwNbut im not 100 sure i have a intel hda or w/e card08:44
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SpAwNoskude, not yet08:45
YukiIkyutaboo: wine should work as is.08:45
WebLOCHhood morning all08:45
shekharfrogzo1: you mean gnome-desktop-environment?08:45
booi dont know how to get it to work08:45
WebLOCHDoes anyone know if it is possible to install ubuntu onto a USB pen drive?08:45
YukiIkyutaboo: what've you installed?08:45
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade08:45
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booxwine and wine as packages in synaptic package manager08:46
frogzo1shekhar: my bad - these pkgs "ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop"08:46
YukiIkyutaTry typing `xwine' at a prompt.08:46
shekharfrogzo1:  yes, but i uninstalled them when i couldn't get back into gnome08:46
=== TreeStump [n=frank@ppp170-212.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/08:47
oskudeSpAwN, do you have any "snd*" modules loaded (lsmod) ?08:47
shekharfrogzo1:  actually i still have ubuntu-base08:47
TreeStumphow do i log in as root on ubuntu?08:47
YukiIkyuta!tell TreeStump about root08:47
oskudeTreeStump, try "sudo su -"08:47
YukiIkyutaoskude: actually, the reccommended way is `sudo -s'08:48
frogzo1TreeStump: the Ubuntu way (TM) is to do everything with sudo08:48
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SpAwNyes i do oskude08:48
oskudeYukiIkyuta, roger. thnx08:48
shekharfrogzo1:  how can i repair permissions that were changed with the kde install?08:48
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=== bunnynhb asks if breezy automatically install smartlink modem or is there aspecial setup?
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frogzo1shekhar: methinks your setup is maybe broken worse than just a permission problem might fix - I'd do a reinstall of the gnome environment08:49
SpAwN9 diff ones08:49
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boohaha yuki that was so simple08:49
SpAwNwhen i use lsmod | grep snd08:49
oskudeshekhar, could you say exactly what permission is not so as it was ?08:49
YukiIkyutaboo: neat.08:50
shekharfrogzo1:  well my system was worse off yesterday than now ;)08:50
boodo most programs launch like that?08:50
shekharoskude:  /usr /bin directories are locked now08:50
booand how do i get a shortcut08:50
YukiIkyutaboo: like what ..?08:50
oskudeshekhar, what do you mean by locked ?08:50
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shekharoskude:  meaning i cannot write to them08:51
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boolike...under the application window, how can i launch it from there08:51
oskudeshekhar, thats normal08:51
frogzo1shekhar: only root can write /usr/bin08:51
shekharoskude frogzo1: so where do i install new apps (i.e. firefox 1.5)?08:51
mp3guyin breezy, when i right click on the desktop i can no longer choose terminal, where is this gone?08:52
oskudeshekhar, are you doint it manually ?08:52
YukiIkyutashekhar: into that directory, as root.08:52
frogzo1shekhar: you don't worry about it - just "sudo apt-get install" & let the package manager figure it out08:52
shekharfrogzo1:  firefox 1.5 is not in the breezy repositories08:52
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=== bunnynhb needs help with her smartlink modem, It says it's installed but cannot see if it's truely setup.
oskudeshekhar, just curious, what do you NEED from 1.5 thats not in breezys version ?08:53
frogzo1shekhar: then, yes, you'll need to "sudo cp" or similiar08:53
TreeStumphmm i cant seem to install the NVIDIA display drivers on Ubuntu08:53
shekharoskude:  i downloaded firefox 1.5 and want to know where to put it, i can't run the starup script if it's in usr/lib/08:53
frogzo1!tell TreeStump about nvidia08:53
shekharoskude:  i want to try 1.508:53
booare there any alternatives to wine?08:53
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YukiIkyutaoskude: incidentally, Breezy's version has a large memory hole.08:53
WildPenguinmp3guy, install nautilus-open-terminal08:53
oskudeshekhar, then ask google and ubuntuforums.org08:54
shekharoskude:  it works, just that i don't know where to put the firefox directory in my file system08:54
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SpAwNhmm  no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH synap says i have gcc installed? what else do i need to be able to compile and configure things?08:54
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frogzo1boo you don't need an alternative - you just need to read the wine howtos08:54
YukiIkyuta(so I hear)08:54
shekharoskude:  i looked08:54
oskudeshekhar, where ever you want :)08:54
YukiIkyutaSpAwN: you need gcc, g++, typically.08:54
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oskudeshekhar, but you can as well run it from your home dir,,,08:54
boowill wine run games?08:54
rob1SpAwN, install the build-essential package08:54
YukiIkyutaboo: some.08:54
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WildPenguinSpAwN, install build-essentials, it will get what is needed ;)08:54
booa list anywhere?08:54
YukiIkyutaGoogle it?08:54
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rob1Seveas, dragon or duck?08:55
rooted_newbiedidnt take long08:55
shekharoskude:  but if i run firefox in a terminal it still opens the older version08:55
TreeStumpis this some form of autoresponder im talking to?08:55
Seveasrob1, dragin08:55
frogzo1boo wine runs most games, but not as quickly as native doze :(08:55
frogzo1!tell TreeStump about ubotu08:55
oskudeshekhar, then you should learn to use terminal first ;) go to the dir where the new firefox is and run "./firefox"08:55
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SpAwNchecking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist?08:56
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YukiIkyutaSpAwN: whatever you're installing; it needs the kernel's source.08:56
SpAwNis it in a diff place i can set with a option?..08:56
rob1whats with  DapperDrake (n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas)?08:56
rooted_newbiecloop mbr 0wnz me08:56
Seveasrob1, it's an irssi running in a screen at my server08:56
rooted_newbiecannot get rid of it08:57
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SeveasI like to be able to grep through logs :)08:57
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rob1fair enough08:57
rooted_newbieany advice ?08:57
SpAwNdo i need kernel-package?08:57
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feugan3333Hi all. I've just downloaded the new firefox. I want it to run instead of the old version. I just need to insert the directory where it it located in to the begining of my path. Where is the correct place to do this? .bashrc?08:57
YukiIkyutaI must make my dinner now ...08:57
SpAwNor what do i need so i can use the kernel source...or w/e it needs to do with it08:57
YukiIkyutaSpAwN: download the correct kernel-source-* package.08:58
YukiIkyutaSpAwN: type uname -a, copy what it says here.08:58
oskudeSpAwN, when compiling stuff, you need to read the readme/install files and install all (*-dev) packages of the stuff that are written as "required/depends" in there08:58
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bunnynhbAanyone here worked with modems?08:59
shekharoskude:  like i said, that works, but how do i get 1.5 to run as the default firefox on my system?08:59
Madpilotfeugan3333: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9659508:59
Madpilotfeugan3333: short version: FF 1.5 is likely to break stuff08:59
boohow do i get a launcher into the apps menu?09:00
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oskudeshekhar, you could rename(or whatever) the old firefox and make a symbolic link to your 1.5 instead09:00
rob1heh, its funny how every time a new ff comes out everyone asks how to install it09:00
Seveasoskude, and by that make a lot of things bork...09:00
Madpilotrob1: and then complains when it breaks their system...09:00
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rob1Madpilot, yep09:01
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Seveasit's so stupid, the new FF is not that much different09:01
oskudeSeveas, well, he wanted it so :)09:01
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frogzo1bunnynhb: external modems?09:01
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rob1whats the attraction to having to run the very latest ff anyway?09:01
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frogzo1beats me - when all the plugins work for 1.07 makes no sense09:02
bunnynhbfrogzo1: Internal- Smartlink SL1900 PCI. I cannot use an anolog modem here, Just a digital.09:02
feugan3333Madpilot: I'm not trying to create/use a package. I'm just running the new firefox from a directory in my home directory. If I want to use whatever will be broken I'll use the old version.09:02
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frogzo1bunnynhb: what's your modem problem?09:02
oskudeSeveas, if you mean my method brakes his system, please tell him a better one...09:03
WebLOCHAnyone here run Breezy on a USB pen drive?  Im looking for feedback on the performance hit ?09:03
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feugan3333rob1: I did not ask how to install it. I provides a binary. I just asked how to insert that directory into my path.09:03
Seveasoskude, ./configure --prefix=/usr/local09:03
TreeStumpwhat language was ubotu made in?09:04
Seveasand make sure /usr/local/bin is in the $PATH before /usr/bin09:04
SeveasTreeStump, australian09:04
rob1feugan3333, I'm not stopping you, it will be out in the repos soon enough though09:04
cilkayHi. I have a Ubuntu Live CD. I've downloaded the regular installation CD to the hard disk. Is there a way to eject the Live CD so that I can pop in a blank CD to burn that other ISO image? I think Knoppix can do this but I'm not sure about Ubuntu.09:04
WebLOCHSeveas, you're quite knowledgable, do you know anything about running Breezy from a pen drive?09:04
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: I've done it09:04
TreeStumpprogramming language that is09:04
SeveasWebLOCH, only that it's not officially supported :)09:04
bunnynhbfrogzo1: I installed breezy (5.10) and it lists that the modem is installed and I cannot find out if it's actually working.09:04
oskudeSeveas, he has a binary version09:04
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: it's a pain in the arse09:04
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SeveasHrdwrBoB, could you please write your experiences on a wikipage, this gets asked often09:05
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: you have to hack the initrd to add a few seconds delay and force usb storage to load09:05
HrdwrBoBSeveas: ping me tomorrow and I'll do it09:05
cilkayTreeStump: what is "ubotu"?09:05
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oskudeSeveas, but then again, would it be enough if the path to the new firefox is before the old (in $PATH) ?09:05
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.09:05
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WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, yeah ive seen some info on it, but i was wondering what the performance is like. I just got a 4gb pen drive, and the only thing i want to do is run around with ubuntu on it...09:06
HrdwrBoBSeveas: my X40 came sans hard drive, so I had to wait for a week or so while it arrived, so  netbooted and installed onto the usb drive09:06
booI have a launcher for xwine on my desktop, how do i put it in my applications menu?  is there any folder similar to start menu?09:06
Seveasoskude, yes09:06
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: it's not worth doing09:06
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WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, is it that slow?09:06
oskudeoskude, roger, thnx09:06
TreeStumpcilkay: Ubotu is a user09:06
HrdwrBoBit's a technical fun hack09:06
oskudeSeveas, roger, thnx :)09:06
SeveasHrdwrBoB, how are technical fun hacks not worth doing? *g*09:07
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: well, yes and no, in general I have a laptop and my own desktops09:07
HrdwrBoBSeveas: :)09:07
HrdwrBoBso I don't need a movable ubuntu install09:07
daakuanyone know if its possible to do something like "-"*80 to print 80 dash's?09:07
booi guess not?09:07
dosageubuntu > windows09:08
dosageubuntu > slackware09:08
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, yeah that makes sense in your case, but im a student with a part time job, both uni and workplace have awful winxp over win2k systems, I'd just like to be able to slap the pendrive in and start using a real OS09:08
oskudeSeveas, another quick question, what would be the best place to make a constant change in $PATH variable ?09:08
HrdwrBoBdosage: for the most part, yes09:08
dosageubuntu > solaris09:08
dosageubuntu > redhat09:08
dosagewindows 3.1 > *09:08
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frogzo1daaku: perl -e 'print "-"x80" ;'   I think09:10
boowhere (physically) are the launchers in the apps menu?09:10
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frogzo1daaku: this works perl -e 'print "-"x80; '09:11
daakufrogzo1: i was hoping to do it without having to run an external program09:12
cilkayAnyone know how to burn a CD from an ISO image on the hard disk while using the live CD? I know how to mount the partition to get at the ISO image but I don't know how to eject the live CD while the system is running so that I can burn a CD.09:12
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cenopecwhats the command to mount the floppy drive?09:13
frogzo1daaku: you can do it in a loop in bash09:13
bunnynhbfrogzo1: I have downloaded the new modem files to reinstalland filesthat my ISP needs for me to connect - including Java.09:13
oskudecilkay, i think you need to run the livecd in ram for that, but im not sure. does the livecd have a "toram" startup flag ?09:13
daakucilkay: i dont think thats possible with ubuntu's live cd, but DSL can be loaded in memory (which allows you to eject the cd)09:13
frogzo1cenopec: fdmount09:13
cenopeck thanks09:14
cilkaydaaku: but I'd need to burn DSL first :)09:14
TreeStump!tell cilkay about ubotu09:14
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, is there a distro that you think is worth running from pendrive?09:14
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: distro is not really important09:14
frogzo1WebLOCH: ubuntu live CD :)09:14
daakucilkay: hehe. slightly problematic09:14
NeloWeblock puppyLinux :)09:14
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: ubuntu is as good/bad as any09:14
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cenopecfrogzol: what else do i need to include in the command09:15
cenopecie location?09:15
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WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, but lacks the writable persistant storage i seek :p09:15
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cenopecfdmount (): Must run with EUID=root09:15
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cilkaydaaku: I wonder if I can get DSL on a 32M USB key? Of course I have no idea if the machine with the burner can boot from a USB key.09:15
cenopeci ge that error09:15
oskudecilkay, where did you got your livecd ?09:16
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, and everytime i change something i will need to reburn the CD09:16
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: what's wrong with liveCD/USBkey09:16
boowhere (physically) are the launchers in the apps menu?09:16
cilkayoskude: friend09:16
oskudecilkay, and you dont have any OS in your pc ?09:16
HrdwrBoByou can use hte usb key to store your files/etc09:16
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TreeStumpu can get the live cd off variouss mirrors09:16
WildPenguincenopec, 'mount /dev/fd0'09:16
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cilkayoskude: nope, not the one with the burner.09:16
shekharoskude:  i fixed my problems, thanks for your help09:16
cenopeck thanks09:16
cilkayoskude: not a big deal - I can burn tomorrow at the office. Thanks all the same.09:16
Madpilotlater, all09:17
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shekharoskude:  and btw, firefox 1.5 is much faster and worth playing with09:17
soothsayerhrmm.. upgrading to breezy screwed up my webserver :(09:17
bunnynhbAnyone know how to test if an installed modem is working?09:17
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oskudeshekhar, what did you do ?09:17
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TreeStumposkude: mirror.internode.on.net/pub/ubuntu09:17
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WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, well if im going to do that, i might aswell have a usbkey that does it all right?  If its as similar as you say09:17
oskudeTreeStump, ?09:17
shekharoskude:  i just renamed the directory in /usr/lib and created a symbolic link like you said :)09:17
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs09:18
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oskudeshekhar, swt09:18
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HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: USB is much slower, though USB2 is not too bad09:18
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, it is a USB2 stick sorry, I probably should have specified earlier09:18
soothsayercan someone attempt to connect to ?09:18
HrdwrBoBif it's USB2 and the PCs have USB2 and it's decently fast flash09:18
WebLOCHUSB 2.0 hispeed09:18
WebLOCHwell i believe the read/write speed is 20Mbps09:18
HrdwrBoByou should be able to use it fairly well09:18
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: come back tomorrow and I'll write you a a guide09:18
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HrdwrBoBI cbf atm, I'll do it when I'm at work, I'm at home and it's hot09:19
TreeStumposkdude: that is the mirror for a ubuntu live cd that u were asking about09:19
oskudeTreeStump, i didnt ask such thing :)09:19
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, thats a very nice offer, but its not the how im after, its more the "will i get enough performance to warrant doing so" ?09:19
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shekharoskude:  swt?09:19
Geeekcan anybody help me when installing ubuntu?09:19
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: well, I think it should be fine09:19
YukiIkyutaGeeek: what's the issue?09:19
cenopecWildPenguin: when i use that command the terminal just ceases to do anything09:19
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: but I'llnotmake any gaurauntees :09:20
=== Xlylith [n=Xlylith@ip-141-225-net.net2cyber.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] soothsayer: Connection refused09:20
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raphinkGeeek: put the CD in, click ok several times, enter a name and password and there you are09:20
oskudeshekhar, sweat. i dint mention about renaming a directory...09:20
soothsayercan you try:
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, well ill give it a go i guess, if it fails miserably, ill tell you and you'll have a benchmark to reply with from now on haha!  If it goes okay Ill let you know anyway09:20
TreeStumposkdude: "oskude where did you got your livecd ?" but doesnt matter, lol09:20
HrdwrBoBWebLOCH: :D09:20
zcat[1] same09:20
raphinkor is there anything wrong when you install Geeek ?09:21
WildPenguincenopec, do you get a command prompt after it has executed?09:21
soothsayerapache must be messed up after the upgrade09:21
XlylithHi All, My Evolution just crashed after opening large mail. Can anyone help me, please?09:21
pc22sambagirl, hello09:21
SeveasXlylith, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApplicationCrah09:22
SeveasXlylith, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApplicationCrash09:22
oskudeXlylith, and you cant start it again ? or is it still "running" crashed ?09:22
WildPenguincenopec, nothing at all - just blank?09:22
=== bunnynhb asks is there a way to test a smartlink modem to see if it's installed?
=== tux75 [n=tux75@194-185-220-50.f4.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu
tux75hi there.09:22
cenopecand it has worked before09:22
cenopeci had to mount it before09:23
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tux75i installed ubuntu on my pc, and my network won't work09:23
Xlylithoskude, everytime I opened my evolution,  it takes most of my RAM and hung09:23
tux75anybody can help me?09:23
WildPenguincenopec, what do you get from running 'grep fd0 /etc/fstab' ?09:23
quackertux75, what sort of network do you have?09:23
oskudeXlylith, try launching evolution from terminal and see if it spits any usefull error messages09:24
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oskudeXlylith, but dont paste any multi lines here :)09:24
tux75i'm connected in a local network (eth0) with others winz computers09:24
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frogzo1tux75: click on the network icon at the top right & configure eth009:24
cenopec/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       009:24
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quacker(in any case, I strongy urge you to read the following man pages: man ifconfig | ifup | ifdown | /etc/network/interfaces | /etc/resolv.conf09:25
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quackertux75, did Linux find and install the hardware represented by eth0 properly?09:26
WildPenguincenopec, hmm... that is fine. odd. do you need to use command-line, or are you able to mount from gnome?09:26
Xlylithoskude, it's magic.... everything works fine now after I strated evolution from terminal... strange?09:26
tux75well i did ifconfig eth0 down and i restart service by ifconfig eth0 up and route add..09:26
netcrusher88so does gparted regularly take >10 minutes to resize a fat32 partition?09:26
tux75but it doesn't work..09:26
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quackertux75, do you have adesktop or just CLIs?09:26
oskudeXlylith, O.o :)09:26
Xlylithoskude, oh no... it hung again09:26
raphinktux75: stopping and starting an interface might not be enough to set it up ;)09:26
oskudeXlylith, :(09:27
tux75a desktop. and now im working on slackware to connect09:27
ubotunetcrusher88: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?09:27
ubotunetcrusher88: Not a clue09:27
ubotuit has been said that parted is a GNU program for creating, destroying, resizing, checking and copying partitions.  http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/parted.html09:27
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cenopecwell i am running ubuntu, and i get an error when i try and mount from the browser09:28
cenopecso i figured i could do it from terminal09:28
soothsayerbleh.. now azureus isn't working09:28
WildPenguincenopec, what exactly was the error?09:28
quackertux75, do you have kde, gnome, xfce, icewm... what?09:28
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Xlylithoskude, (evolution:8144): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_gc_set_foreground: assertion `GDK_IS_GC (gc)' failed09:28
boowhere do my xchat logs go?09:28
bunnynhbHello, How do I make sure if the modem is working in Ubuntu5.10?09:29
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oskudeXlylith, dosnt sound helpfull to me, sry09:29
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cenopecunable to mount volume: given UDI is not a mountable volume09:29
oskudeXlylith, try google09:29
Xlylithoskude, It seems that the message is way too large to my system (512MB RAM !!!)09:30
frogzo1cenopec: is this floppy formatted?09:30
oskudeXlylith, hmm09:30
Xlylithoskude, ok09:30
liquidboyhow do i change the permissions of my mounted ntfs partition?09:30
cenopecthe disk has worked pleanty of times09:30
booI have a .img file on a mounted windows partition, how can i mount it?09:30
YukiIkyutaliquidboy: you'll have to remount it.09:30
cenopecthe light is on whether there is a disk in it or not09:31
cenopecif that helps09:31
YukiIkyutafirst umount it.09:31
=== kkathman [n=kvirc@h-66-167-165-77.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
booim trying to use "mount -t iso9660 /media/hdc1/Documents and Settings/Boo/Desktop/moviez/Burnable/Star Wars Sexogy/bizzare-starwars3.img09:31
boo" but it says only root can do that09:31
frogzo1cenopec: wayhey - i get the same problem!09:31
YukiIkyutathen: mount -t ntfs -o umask=0222 /dev/whatever /mnt/wherever09:31
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YukiIkyutathe `-o umask=0222' sets thepermissions correctly.09:31
oskudeboo, try "sudo mount ...."09:31
quackertux75, I'm logged into kde RN, but perhaps the network tools are in similar places -- in any case most gtked things are starable from a console if they're in your path...  Try 'looking under Gnome Panel Button' --> 'Utilities' --> 'networking'09:32
WildPenguincenopec, yeah, i get that too - but only with some floppy disks09:32
=== quacker uses Gnome on his Debian -- most things seem to be in the same place
booit brings up the mount help file09:32
YukiIkyutaboo: that's also an incomplete command, under most circumstances.09:32
liquidboyYukiTkyuta, cheers09:32
boowhat am i missing?09:32
oskudeboo, and if your command looks exactly like that, i doubt that it works09:32
tux75quacker, ok, and then?09:32
YukiIkyutaboo: as oskude just said, you're not mounting that image -on- anywhere.09:32
quackerWell open it... =P09:33
cenopechow do you unmount09:33
zcat[1] boo: You're missing some ""'s or \'s and a mountpoint09:33
bunnynhbI guess a modem problemis low priority around here.09:33
YukiIkyutazcat[1] : that too!09:33
quacker(It'll probably invoke gksudo)09:33
oskudecenopec, umount09:33
YukiIkyutacenopec: umount [device/path/anything] 09:33
IaMaBoTcommand not found09:33
zcat[1] Documents\ and\ Settings09:33
zcat[1] etc..09:33
frogzo1bunnynhb: what's your modem problem?09:33
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-249-131.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Xlylithoskude, do you know how to configure evolution from outside (i.e terminal). I want to turn off the preview. I suspect it's the problem.09:33
oskudeboo, rewrite your line and use [tab]  key to complete your paths09:34
frogzo1cenopec: umount /dev/fd009:34
oskudeXlylith, sry, never done that. i would google...09:34
frogzo1bunnynhb: bunnynhb bunnynhb bunnynhb - what's your problem!!!09:34
bunnynhbfrogzo1:  I'm wanting to find out how to test a modem that's suppose to be installed.09:34
oskudeXlylith, but you could start with "man evolution" and see if any usefull startup flags there09:34
tux75ok, i ask now because im in slackware at the moment (ubuntu don't connect!)09:35
intelikeybunnynhb wvdial09:35
cenopeck this doesnt make any sense, why cant i mount my floppy09:35
frogzo1bunnynhb: is this an internal modem? plugged in a pci slot?09:35
ubotufrom memory, floppy is flop, flop, flop..09:35
intelikeybunnynhb wvdialconf  to be more specific09:35
booit says its not a block device when i do sudo mount -t iso9660 /media/0\ GB\ Disk\ \(hdc1\)/Documents\ and\ Settings/Boo/Desktop/moviez/Burnable/Star\ Wars\ Sexogy/bizarre-starwars3.img /mnt09:35
YukiIkyutaboo: it's not one!09:35
frogzo1bunnynhb: check on the box - does it say "winmodem" - or supports ONLY windows OS09:35
boowhats a block device?09:36
YukiIkyutaboo: iso9660 wants a block device.09:36
zcat[1] boo: -o loop09:36
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YukiIkyutaboo: as in, a real CD ROM drive.09:36
booi get it..i think09:36
boois there any way to insert in terminal?09:36
oskudeXlylith, oh, i dont have any man for evolition... try "evolution --help"09:36
YukiIkyutaboo: as zcat[1]  said, add `-o loop'09:36
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YukiIkyutaie. sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/.........09:36
bunnynhbfrogzo1:  I'm in microsoft os right now.09:37
booit worked09:37
YukiIkyutaboo: great!09:37
=== mapleba1 [n=maplebar@206-124-153-228.atm02.sea.blarg.net] has joined #ubuntu
boothats the first thing ive ever done in terminal09:37
YukiIkyutayou know have the Star Wars Sexogy at your command!09:37
ryan_anybody want to help a newbie get java working?09:37
bunnynhbfrogzo1:  I have to reboot to loginto linux.09:37
oskudeboo, congratz :)09:37
ryan_errr java plugin for firefox09:37
frogzo1bunnynhb: most internal modems are winmodems - and they only work with windows drivers09:37
YukiIkyuta!tell ryan_ about java09:37
frogzo1!tell Ryan about java09:38
oskudesorry, im a java no-no :)09:38
frogzo1!tell ryan_ about java09:38
YukiIkyutafrogzo1: already done. xP09:38
quackerfrogzo1, there is a package for running winmodems under Linux now (I just saw it while reading packages descriptions using Synaptic -- no idea if it actually works worth a drop of spit, though)09:38
frogzo1quacker: hot damn09:38
boololol now how to play .vob files because totem wont09:38
bunnynhbfrogzo1: Smartlink has Linux drivers and Ubuntu seems to have auto installed them.09:38
=== sword [n=sword@blacksburg-bsr1-24-53-135-115.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
uboturumour has it, dvd is "DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl   See also !libdvdcss2"09:39
swordhas anyone tried the new mozilla?09:39
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YukiIkyutasword: which one?09:39
sworderr firefox 1.509:39
intelikeybunnynhb from the terminal in your linux system run 'wvdialconf modem' if it is not a winmodem it will detect it and give all the useful information, as well as writing a config file called 'modem'09:39
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YukiIkyutathere's not a build for my system that'll work.09:39
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YukiIkyutaI'm considering building from source, but it's 330MiB. o_O09:39
ubotufrom memory, libdvdcss2 is to enable DVD playback, read and use this local file for libdvdcss2 /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh   Don't have this file? Install "libdvdread3"09:40
intelikeyyou may need to sudo that09:40
ryan_ok so when I type sudo apt-get install j2re1.4 I get this crap -> Package j2re1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:41
ryan_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:41
ryan_is only available from another source09:41
ryan_E: Package j2re1.4 has no installation candidate09:41
bunnynhbfrogzo1: I have also downloaded 2 files and ubuntu says that's all I need to install them.09:41
Geeekcan anybody help me installing ubuntu?09:41
YukiIkyutaryan_: have you selected universe/multiverse as sources as well?09:42
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YukiIkyutaYes, Geeek, what's the problem?09:42
boogeeek i did it yesterday, it pretty much did everything by itself for me09:42
=== oskude [n=oskude__@dslb-084-058-204-154.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
YukiIkyutaryan_: apt-get update'd too?09:42
ryan_is this possibly because I was trying to install JRE 5.0  Update 6 earlier?09:42
YukiIkyutaryan_: it's not likely.09:42
quackerfrogzo1, unless one is very poor and with no access to (real) recycled/thrown away/donated hardware, I would recommend just tossing any winmodem back in the scrap bin.09:42
ryan_how do I check if apt-get is updated?09:43
Xlylithoskude, done :-) I knew it :-)09:43
YukiIkyutaryan_: well, you can just run it, and see what happens.09:43
YukiIkyutaJust type ``apt-get update''.09:43
YukiIkyuta(sudo, if need be)09:43
Xlylithoskude, done :-) I knew it :-)09:43
Xlylithoskude, I try gnome config editor and it worked well09:43
ryan_ok it's updating09:43
Geeekyuki can in query?09:43
oskudeXlylith, nice09:44
Xlylithoskude, I turned off the preview and evolution went smooth09:44
ryan_same deal as before09:44
oskudeXlylith, well done :)09:44
Xlylithoskude, thanks for your help, bye, ubuntu is great :-))09:44
YukiIkyutaryan_: very peculiar. The page doesn't say any more on the matter?09:45
oskudeXlylith, your welcome, bye :)09:45
quackerI have a pile of modems up to a Motorola Bitsurfer ISDN-U that I might be willing to donate to the right users if shipping is paid (or very cheap).09:45
booOk, i ran the libdvdread3 install.sh file, it ended on setting up libdvdcss2.  now that its installed, what do i do?09:45
ryan_what do you mean by the page?09:45
YukiIkyuta!tell ryan_ about java09:45
YukiIkyutaThe page you're being linked to now.09:45
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quackerboo, do actually *have* libdvdcss2 ?09:45
ryan_well I did the first step and I got the error message09:45
YukiIkyutaryan_: you're sure that multiverse is a source?09:45
booi think so, it said the libdvdread3 folder wouldnt be tehre if i didnt09:46
quackerIt's a kind of obscure package due to the Copyright Nazis.09:46
ubotumethinks repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource09:46
ryan_i have all repositories that Synaptic will let me do09:46
YukiIkyutaryan_: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file?09:46
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quackerryan_, Synaptic will let yo 'do' just about anything.09:47
booHAHAHA this is so funny, im playing a single .vob file and its skipping into 4 different languages09:47
ryan_yeah i'm pretty new to linux so it'll take me a second09:47
YukiIkyutaryan_: no problems.09:47
=== quacker yawns
ryan_quacker, i meant all the repositories shown by ubuntu09:47
booquacker, the actual dvd video files are playing, but the menu doesnt work. when i try to open the  videots.vob file, nothing happens09:48
quackerPast bedtime for me, goodnight all.09:48
WebLOCHHrdwrBoB, that was all academic, it would seem the pen drive was in fact a fake!09:48
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quackerboo, you didn't mention libdvdnav (needed for menu functions)09:48
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boohmm this doesnt have an install.sh file, only a fellowship.map file09:49
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oskudeboo, did you ask about wheres xchats chat log file ?09:49
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booand i have no idea what .maps are09:49
oskudeboo, you have to activate it first in preferences, then they will be in ".xchat2/xchatlogs/"09:50
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quackerryan_, from a 'paranoid' PoV there *may* be security issues from breezey-backports /universe, since you are no longer getting security updates from Debian and Ubuntu generally doesn't update them09:50
quackerReally the go now...09:50
ryan_ deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:50
ryan_ deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:50
ryan_ deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted09:50
ryan_ deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted09:50
ryan_ deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe09:50
ryan_ deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe09:50
ryan_deb http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt binary/09:50
oskudethat ".xchat2/xchatlogs/" being in your home folder so correctly "~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/"09:50
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com09:50
ryan_so backports aren't the best idea then?09:50
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quackerryan_,  soemoen else will answer that -- and tech you how to use a pastebin site too I HOPE -- *poof*09:51
booWhat are .map files YukiIkyuta ?09:52
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bunnynhbWhere is the fastest server to get j2re1.4?09:52
YukiIkyutaboo: it depends, they could do anything.09:53
YukiIkyutaboo: can you pastebin some of it?09:53
boois it an executable?09:53
oskudebunnynhb, "fastes" is related to your and the files location...09:53
YukiIkyutaboo: typically no, but I could be surprised.09:53
boohmm.. whats the terminal command for extract?09:53
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raphinkextract what boo ?09:54
bunnynhboskude: I'm connected via 56k modem. Doing this to get ubuntu on the net.09:54
ubotuintelikey: I haven't a clue09:54
ahoorais it necessary to install an antivirus?09:54
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raphinkahoora: you might put one, but it's not necessary09:54
bootheres a .gz file of a .map file but i cant extract it because i dont have permission09:54
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oskudebunnynhb, i think most of the major download sources will deliver your max bandwith :)09:54
YukiIkyutaboo: give yourself them!09:55
YukiIkyutaboo: sudo.09:55
=== Kaiser_Away is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
ahooraraphink windows without antivirus and firewall has no meaning .. linux is not like that is it? i think there is not many viruses or attacks for linux?09:55
ryan_ok YukiIkyuta I did the pastebin09:55
boook i have sudo gunzip (path).  if i dnot specify a path, does it extract it do the same folder?09:55
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YukiIkyutaahoora: currect.09:56
raphinkahoora: I think about 10 viruses known in total in the whole linux history, most of them not dangerous.09:56
YukiIkyutaboo: it doesn't `extract' it - a gz is just one compressed file.09:56
ubotusomebody said tar was ,,, to extract tar archives that are gzipped/bz2zipped use 'tar -xzf <file.tgz> '  or  'tar -xjf <flie.bz2> '  respectivly.09:56
raphinkahoora: settings a firewall and controlling your pots is always a good thing, but having an antivirus under linux is more of a matter of protecting your windows mates09:56
YukiIkyutaintelikey: that's tar, not gz.09:56
raphinkahoora: you do not need an antivirus to protect your own linux box09:56
desplesdacan anyone help me with a crashing dpkg?09:57
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raphinkdesplesda: can you paste the output in a pastebin?09:57
desplesdai'm trying to install libode but dpkg segfaults09:57
boosudo gunzip /usr/share/doc/libdvdnav4/examples/FELLOWSHIP.map.gz09:57
boo  will that work?09:57
ahooraraphink i am afraid i loose my internal network if i install a firewall ... i am not familiar with them09:57
ahoorai share the internet for others at home09:57
raphinkahoora: then don't ;) and that's ok09:57
raphinkahoora: adopt a good passwd policy, don't open weak server09:58
boowoot it worked09:58
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YukiIkyutaboo: yup!09:58
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desplesdaraphink:  http://pastebin.com/44466809:58
boo# The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Widescreen Theatrical Release)09:58
boodomain 8, title 1, program 1, start 0x0000, end 0x1f0a   # Introduction09:58
=== walkingice__ [n=walkingi@220-132-63-118.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
boothe file is a LOTR menu file?09:58
YukiIkyutaIt's an example menu file, I suppose.09:59
ahooraraphink if i want to install a firewall what do you recommend?09:59
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desplesdaahoora:  i quite like firestarter, but that's just me09:59
raphinkahoora: I recomment getting a router dedicated to it ;)09:59
raphinkwhy do you need this lib desplesda ?10:00
ahooradesplesda i installed firestarter but it destroyed my internal network :|10:00
ahooraso i removed it10:00
oskudeahoora, destroyed ?10:00
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desplesdaraphink:  i want to play around with ogre3d's support for the ode physics lib?10:01
=== Locke [n=Locke@c-24-129-93-253.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ahoorai mean i couldn't share the internet for others at home10:01
Lockehow do i install a theme for IceWM?10:01
mapleba1greetings. (love 5.10, but couple of questions) -- trying to vpn connect via vpnc, but it's prompting for IPSec ID and secret...values I haven't needed before (as far as I know). Are there standard values for these or assigned at the cisco vpn gateway level?10:01
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booon http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/dvd/  there are 3 dvdnavs, how do i know which one to get.10:01
raphinkdesplesda: it seems there's a pb with this package. report this bug and if you want to install it, try to build it10:01
oskudeahoora, maybe cause your firewall did what it was supposed to do ?10:01
liableahoora: try shorewall, theres good docs for nat on there site.10:01
desplesdaraphink:  pb standing for package bug, yes?10:02
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raphinkdesplesda: yes10:02
desplesdaraphink:  thanks :)10:02
ahooraokude of course it did but i didn't know how to configure it too lol10:02
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Lockedoes anyone know how to install a theme for IceWM?10:02
ahoorathank luable10:02
raphinkdesplesda: do you have more output after these lines?10:02
liableheh, that gives my nick a hawiian feel :)10:02
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desplesdaraphink:  no, that's all i get10:03
raphinkhmm then maybe no ...10:03
=== ruben [n=ruben@134.Red-83-34-55.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ahoorai got one more(may be funny) question : is learning linux depends on the knowledge about C programming?10:03
desplesdaahoora:  absolutely not10:03
YukiIkyutaahoora: no.10:03
oskudeahoora, nope10:03
YukiIkyutaahoora: but *it* can help.10:03
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raphinkdesplesda: can you try dpkg --configure -a ?10:03
YukiIkyutait *can*, even!10:03
raphinkahoora: no10:04
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ubotuwell, cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/10:04
desplesdano output, returns 010:04
uboturumour has it, svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/10:04
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liablebah, crap, there is absolutely no need to know C to admin linux.10:04
ahooraso the only thing i need is to open a linux book and start right?10:04
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raphinkdesplesda: no crash?10:04
desplesdano crash10:04
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booIf i am downloading dvdnav from here http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/dvd/libdvdnav2/ is it usual practice to download all the files individually? and how do i know which dvdnav to get10:05
desplesdaahoora:  yes, but it helps if it's a recent book10:05
oskudeahoora, and learn about partitions and MBR...10:05
ahooraso could you plz introduce me a good source?10:05
raphinkboo: why do you download dvdnav ? can't you just install it ?10:05
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raphinkahoora: never used a linux book ;)10:05
ahooraraphink so how did you learn linux ? lol10:06
booi dont know if i have it?10:06
oskudeahoora, sry, i allso tried to find a good "newbie" intro to partitions... im making one, but im so lazy :)10:06
raphinkahoora: by practicing, and with the help of others10:06
boook SPM says libdvdnav4 is installed10:06
raphinkand with google ;)10:06
desplesdaahoora:  most of us just learned by playing with it until we were comfortable with it10:06
intelikeyahoora 'man man'10:06
raphinkahoora: you can learn a lot from tutorials on the internet10:06
raphinkboo: did you try to apt-cache search dvdnav ?10:07
bunnynhbIs Ubuntu creating an addon CD? I could use one instead of downloading dependancies upon dependancies using microsoft OS.10:07
booway over my head lol10:07
raphinkboo: do you know synaptic ?10:07
anavimI uninstalled gdm because I'm using fluxbox and don't need it, and all my virtual terminals are now gone. Trying to invoke getty from cli doesn't work.  Any ideas?10:07
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boothe box is green in packman (pack man is what its called right)10:07
raphinkboo: then see if you can find dvdnav on it10:07
YukiIkyutasyok: agreeably!10:08
desplesdasyok:  indeed10:08
boowhat does that mean10:08
ahoorayeah i know i learnt dos and windows like that but those two were easy :|10:08
YukiIkyutaI wonder ...10:08
ubotuYukiIkyuta: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:08
ubotuYukiIkyuta: Are you smoking crack?10:08
intelikeylol  'man woman'  output.   "there is no command line interface for a woman"    :)10:08
raphinkahoora: linux is not more difficult at all10:08
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Lockewhat is a bittorent client?10:09
boolegal kazaa =/10:09
oskudeahoora, i find this not so "newbie" friendly but if you master this, you can easily master linux :) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/10:09
anavimintelikey, that's not what I get when I type "man woman"  :P10:09
ahooraraphink but it seems like an ocean10:09
intelikeyanavim different distro10:09
ahoorathanks oskude10:10
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desplesdaLocke:  a bittorrent client is a program that downloads files using the bittorrent protocol10:10
booYukiIkyuta, or raphink, all i know is that libdvdnav4 is green in packman.10:10
Lockedesplesda: yes... i know...10:10
raphinkboo: what is packman?10:10
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Lockedesplesda: what is a GOOD client10:10
boosynaptic package manger10:10
jkgljsd! raid10:10
ubotuhmm... raid is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto10:10
booi thought it was called packman10:10
raphinkah ok10:10
bunnynhbCould someone build a kde compressed file so I could get just one file instead of many small ones at 56k.10:10
desplesdaLocke:  oh lol, you said 'what is a bittorrent client', not 'what is a good bittorrent client' :P10:10
ryan_Yuki, how do I uninstall something?10:10
raphinkwell then it's installed I guess boo10:10
raphinkboo: its called synaptic10:11
Lockethe default bittorrent client SUCKS, i need a better one10:11
raphinkboo: pacman is the archlinux package manager10:11
jkgljsd! repos10:11
uboturepos is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource10:11
booi try opening a video_ts.vob file, but nothing happens.10:11
anavimbunnynhb, the files coming from synaptic are compressed already10:11
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desplesdaboo: if you want to watch dvds, then you should open it with a media player (i use totem)10:11
booyes thats what im using10:12
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boowhen i open videots.vob with totem, the screen is black10:12
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desplesdano, don't do that, go to Movie > Play Disc10:12
boothis is a mounted disk10:12
Geeekcan anybody help me installing ubuntu?10:12
boonot a physical disk10:12
anavimintelikey, reminds me of the "make love" joke on cli10:12
boowhat do you need help with Geeek10:12
bunnynhbanavim: I'm having problems finding out what all I need and at 56k withmany files it get's tedious.  I need justone file.10:13
oskudeGeeek, are you doing a dualboot setup ?10:13
Geeekasku, i need to do that10:13
boonvm it works :o10:13
Geeeki'm installing on a pc working with xp10:14
Geeeki have 3 partitions10:14
boogeeek i just installed ubuntu, and it did a dual boot automatically10:14
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oskudeGeeek, maste this http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/intro.html (sry, dont know easier way, yet)10:14
anavimbunnynhb, if there are lots of dependencies needed to install, you won't be able to skip them10:14
=== mustard5 [n=mustard5@232.a.001.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Geeeki already have 3 partions: 1. xp 2. swap 3. for linux10:15
bunnynhbanavim: I was just hoping someone could put all of them into one easy downloadable fiole.10:15
booOk next challenge....TV out with my x700 pro10:16
anavimbunnynhb, ah10:16
intelikeygeeek just install normal and when it prompts about partitions choose manuel partitioning and select the partition you have made for linux, remove it. make a new one ext3, use as / , and select format.  badabing.10:17
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bunnynhbanavim: I aamdownloading in microsoft OS and amattempting to get Linux on the net to use apt-get.10:17
anavimbunnynhb, your best best, imho, is to leave it overnight while it downloads and installs.. I've had to do similar things downloading oracle 9i (300MB) over 56k modem  :D10:17
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ubotugrayman: I give up, what is it?10:17
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bunnynhbanavim: I am downloading in microsoft OS.10:18
raphaCan somebody help me configure Samba?10:18
graymanwhat was the command to install essentials?10:18
raphasudo apt-get install build-essential10:18
intelikeygeeek only thing you need to know is which partition it is and read all that the installer puts on the screen.....  peace of cake.10:19
anavimbunnynhb, you've tried cygwin?10:19
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oskude_and to know that "C:\" is NOT a partition ;)10:19
ubotuboo: Did you get hit by a windmill?10:19
bunnynhbanavim: I need to get my smartmodem working in Linux to use apt-get. It's the  only modem that works where I'm at.10:19
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bunnynhbanavim: cygwin?10:20
raphaI can't get a Samba share set-up that Windows can connect to as a specific user10:20
anavimbunnynhb, cygwin makes life on windows easier10:20
raphaOnly thing that works is guest/guest10:20
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bunnynhbanavim: What is cygwin?10:20
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eViL_Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu comes with drivers for the Intel Pro Wireless 2200 BG or where I can find a hardware compatibility list ?10:21
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Juhazit does10:21
anavimbunnynhb, it's a linux-like environment for windows, http://www.cygwin.com/10:22
eViL_cygwin is a linux implementation in windows10:22
eViL_is ubuntu fast ?10:22
Juhazcygwin is definitely not a linux implementation in any sense of the word10:22
intelikeyit's dosemu in reverse...10:22
bunnynhbanavim: I want Linux seperate.10:22
oskude_eViL_, define "fast" :)10:22
anavimJuhaz, that's what the very start of cygwin.com describes it as10:22
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eViL_sory, it was the first thing it came to my head10:23
eViL_how long it takes to boot ?10:23
booFor anyone who can help, I have a ati x700 card with svideo out. i had svideo working on windows. where would i set up tv out in ubuntu10:23
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Juhazanavim, I wasn't referring you your comment, but eViL_'s, "linux-like" is quite different than "linux implementation"10:23
anavimJuhaz, oh, whoops you were replying to eViL_10:23
eViL_i have an AtiRadeon Mobility 970010:23
=== Jube [n=Ratz@dsl-165-131-36.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Mabus06How come when I play Diablo 3 on ubuntu the sound is incredibly choppy? Is there something I could do that would be a likely fix?10:24
oskude_boo, check ubuntuforums.org (i ve seen threads, but not read them:)10:24
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T80UIm having problems setting up SQL i keep getting this error #1045 - Access denied for user: 'user@localhost' (Using password: NO)10:24
booeViL_, it takes longer for me to enter my password than it does to boot10:24
bunnynhbThere is a Diablo 3?10:24
oskude_boo, i remember having an "ati button" in my menu after installing fglrx drivers10:24
ryan_he meant 2 I'm sure10:24
T80Udoes anyone know anything about that error?10:24
Mabus06How come when I play Doom 3 on ubuntu the sound is incredibly choppy? Is there something I could do that would be a likely fix?10:25
eViL_nice... i'll try ubuntu...10:25
oskude_boo, and there was something to activate tvout... i use radeon now...10:25
ryan_or that10:25
mustard5Mabus06, you on Cedega?10:25
Mabus06No, I'm tired.. lol ryan_ , bungle10:25
Mabus06bunnynhb, i mean10:25
mustard5Mabus06, ah ok10:25
Mabus06No this is a linux port10:25
eViL_and does Kubuntu already come with Kde 3.5 ?10:25
oskude_T80U, as it sais, access denied...10:25
Mabus06It's a linux version of the game, works just fine for the video (even with my low grade video card)10:25
boodo you have a sound card?10:26
Mabus06but the audio sounds very.... "robotic"10:26
Mabus06Yes I do10:26
Mabus06Soundblaster Live 5.110:26
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oskude_wtf, brb10:26
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T80Uanyone at all?10:26
T80Uow come when I play Doom 3 on ubuntu the sound is incredibly choppy? Is there something I could do that would be a likely fix10:26
T80Umy bad10:26
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Mabus06same problem? :D10:26
T80Ume = noob10:26
booi bet im noober than you10:26
T80Ui cant even get SQL working on Ubuntu....10:27
booi dont know what sql is10:27
mustard5T80U, its not the first time I have seen that question asked :)10:27
T80Ukeeps saying #1045 - Access denied for user: 'user@localhost' (Using password: NO10:27
anavimboo, structured query language (database)10:27
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Mabus06So anyone with any ideas as to why Doom 3 would have such choppy sound?10:28
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Mabus06Like ridiculously choppy, even though the video works fine.10:28
mustard5T80U, when I had that problem I found some answers via google10:28
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eViL_-------> Does Kubuntu come with KDE 3.5 already ?10:28
Mabus06And I have a relatively good sound card. (better than my video card)10:28
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Geeekcan anybody help me installing ubuntu?10:28
crimsunMabus06: using plughw:0 ?10:28
Jubehey... I got a real stupid questoin here, but could someone please lend me a hand?10:28
bunnynhbanavim: If Ubuntu shows my modem installed, is it really installed?  I've had problems with other linux OSs.10:28
oskude_wtf, oskude is here ? i logged out with it ?!?!10:28
anavimbunnynhb, I haven't used a modem on ubuntu, sorry10:29
boo:O HAX10:29
T80Uyeah - i tried seraching and found that mysql -u root -p10:29
Mabus06crimsun, no idea10:29
Mabus06Jube, never ask to ask questions. Ask questions.10:29
T80Ubut it dosent seem to work : |10:29
intelikeybunnynhb have you ran wvdialconf ?10:29
onispawnMabus06: there was a post in the forum about that said something about running the command `doom3 +set s_device oss` to play10:29
oskude_well, gotta wait until it timeouts...swt10:29
Mabus06onispawn, thank you very much, I will try that after crimsun says whatever he was gonna say10:29
anavimMabus06, reminds me of Carmack talking about how they now had spare cpu cycles so they would use it all on 3d surround sound... maybe related to your problem10:29
JubeI just got ubuntu yesterday in the mail. Where do i find the terminal/command line?10:30
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Mabus06what, anavim ?10:30
bunnynhbanavim: I understand.  The help files online saysall I have to do is install 2 files and it's installed.10:30
mustard5oskude, if you you know the password you can reclaim it with ghost command I think10:30
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mustard5nevermind :)10:30
anavimMabus06, your CPU meets requirements for doom3?10:30
Tidushooray for laptop taking about 10 minutes to boot10:30
Mabus062.8ghz? Didn't check but probably.10:31
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T80Uwhat graphics card are you using? (im just curious)10:31
anavimMabus06, ok, probably not then10:31
Geeekosku can help one sec?10:31
oskudeGeeek, sure, if i can10:31
Mabus06An onboard intel something... not very good. But the video works just fine.10:31
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Tidusonboard intel anythings usually won't run doom3 worth anything10:32
Geeekosku i have doubt whem i have to choose where install linux10:32
Mabus06Runs it just fine Tidus10:32
T80Uargh i wish SQL would work10:32
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TidusMabus06: then again, i wouldn't know... i have a nvidia GF4 Ti420010:32
Mabus06Except for the sound. If it was gonna be choppy you'd think the video would be choppy.10:32
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WildPenguinJube, Applications -> accessories -> terminal - in gnome, or you can use ctrl+alt + (1-6) with ctrl + alt + 7 to get back to X10:32
Geeekosku i have many options (mount...etc) and not sure about what to do10:32
bunnynhbintelikey: I'm not in Linux.10:32
onispawnMabus06: try that command I gave you. it fixed my sound issue I had for quake 410:32
oskudeGeeek, did you do backup of your data ?10:32
Jubethanks WildPenguin10:33
Geeekosku, i come from win xp so i don't know10:33
Geeekosku, i need to back up all?10:33
Mabus06I will onispawn, I was just listening to what people had to suggest while my query was still fresh.10:33
Geeekosku, i have 22 giga used10:33
oskudeGeeek, when ever you mess with partitions, i would do backup10:33
intelikeyGeeek  alt+f2   and run 'fdisk -l '  it will list the partitions and their fs types10:33
bunnynhbintelikey: I have to download files in microsoft os and reboot into linux.10:33
oskudeGeeek, well, backup is not so common on desktop users...10:34
Geeekintelikey, i already have the swap and linux ready partitions10:34
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Geeekosku, how can i backup, i mean the fastest solution?10:34
oskudeGeeek, the minimal partitions for linux is, a "/" partition and a "swap" partition10:34
intelikeygeeek yes i was telling you how to idintify them, from within the installer of ubuntu10:34
intelikeyoskude swap is not mandatory10:35
bunnynhbintelikey: If Ubuntu shows my modem installed, is it really installed?  I've had problems with other linux OSs.10:35
intelikeyminimal is /10:35
oskudeGeeek, i use partimage with my rescuecd to backup partitions on another partitions, and save them all over my PCs, :)10:35
oskudeintelikey, well, i wouldnt advice a newbie to install without swap...10:36
Geeekbut i already have swap partition10:36
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intelikeybunnynhb if you are asking if ubuntu is better than other linux distros, the answer is NO.   is it the latest release of most things, YES.10:37
Nomikosanyone know how to decompress .bin files? just downloaded an installer in that format10:37
oskudeGeeek, swap is ok :)10:37
Nomikospreferably via the commandline10:37
ryan_can someone tell me what the multiverse repository URL is?10:37
Nomikossuggestions on java virtual machine under Ubuntu welcome as well10:37
anavimNomikos, try executing it10:37
onispawnNomikos: you can execute .bin files10:38
oskudeGeeek, the you only need a "/" partition (ubuntu standard is ext3 format)10:38
anavimNomikos, chmod +x foo.bin; ./foo.bin10:38
intelikeybunnynhb is there hardware that ubuntu doesn't know how to setup, YES unfortunatly there is.10:38
Nomikoswho knew10:38
Geeekis that all i need to know?10:38
anavimNomikos, yw10:38
Geeekwhat about the /mount options and so on?10:38
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs10:38
oskudeGeeek, erm... no :)10:38
Tidus!tell Nomikos about java10:39
oskudeGeeek, if you woulnt do a dualboot, it would be easier than windows, just let all auto...10:39
ryan_uboto I tried to do what that says but I get an error when I try to add java-package10:39
intelikeyGeeek the defaults for / will be fine.10:39
oskudenow you "have" to know http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/index.html10:39
oskudewhen it comes to "my windows wont start" :)10:40
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oskudeGeeek, but as intelikey said, the default for "/" will do10:40
Mabus06okay, update to the doom3 situation... tried with the command I was given but I got this error10:40
Mabus06idAudioHardwareALSA::Write: 4096 frames overflowed and dropped10:40
Mabus06many times in the terminal after I closed the game10:40
Geeekok i see the website10:41
Mabus06But I thought it was supposed to make me use the OSS rather than ALSA?10:41
boook i was trying to use svideo out for my ati x700, and i searched ubuntuforms.org and i cant find anything10:42
booany help?10:42
oskudeboo, which dirvers have you installed ?10:42
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booi dont think ive installed any drivers10:43
Mabus06ubotu, tell Jube about rootsudo10:43
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T80Uhow does one setup MYSQL?10:43
T80Ui keep getting access denied10:43
ubotuhmm... root is rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:43
oskudewhat does it say as driver in "/etc/X11/xorg,conf" ?10:43
T80Ueven when i just reinstall it10:43
yasminaI've got a problem with abiword on xfce10:43
Mabus06intelikey, what are you doing? lol10:44
yasminait started printing 'test field text ($number updates)' without stopping10:44
oskudeT80U, have you tried "mysql -u root -p" ?10:44
T80Ui did that10:44
intelikeyMabus06 ?10:44
T80Uand it still comes up with this error 1045 access denied using password yes10:44
oskudeT80U, did you have the right password (dunno whats default:)10:44
yasminaI'm wondering if 1) this is a known bug; 2) there is an abiword cache somwhere where I can get the file before killing the app10:44
T80Uuhh i think so10:44
Mabus06oskude, when I closed down doom 3 (still had choppy sound) in the terminal it was having ALSA errors, implying OSS wasn't being used.10:44
T80Ui even tried just putting in nothing10:44
T80Ustill dosent work10:45
Mabus06intelikey, I did a query to ubotu to tell someone about rootsudo... why did you say !root ?10:45
boounder driver it says ati10:45
booline 6610:45
intelikeychecking the infonode10:45
T80Udo you have any more ideas oskude?10:45
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oskudeboo, i doubt that the "ati" driver handles svideo out...10:46
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booare there vid. drivers for linux? i had omega drivers for windows10:46
oskudeT80U, sec, ill install it too :)10:46
ubotuati is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1010:46
T80Uyay, thanks champ10:46
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oskudeboo, there should be info on how to install the official ati drivers, and i remember seeing an ati button in menu after that (there was videout settings in there)10:47
intelikeyhmmm gota work on a heater, bbl10:48
oskudeT80U, hmm, i get in with "mysql -u root -p" and just pressing enter... hmm10:48
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T80Uyeah, for me it saying #1045 - Access denied for user: 'user@localhost' (Using password: NO10:48
oskudeT80U, is this your first install of mysql-server ?10:48
T80Ui think its the 3rd or 4th10:49
T80Ubeen trying to get it working since this morning...10:49
oskudeT80U, ok i just wanted to know if you have some data in db you dont wanna loose10:49
ryan_Anybody not busy that can help me figure out why I can't get java-package to install?10:49
T80Unah lol10:49
T80Uit can get wiped10:49
oskudetry "sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server" and installing again10:50
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oskudeT80U, "--purge" means it should remove all configurations10:51
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oskudeT80U, works ?10:51
ryan_Ok can anyone tell me what this means then?  --->  E: Package j2re1.4 has no installation candidate10:51
T80Uits come up with a blue boxy thing that says10:51
oskudeT80U, yup, remove all databases :)10:52
T80Ushould i remove all swl trees10:52
T80Uoaky thanks10:52
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T80Utry and reinstall oskude?10:52
Mabus06Can anyone help me here, please?? My Doom 3 has choppy sound. Someone suggested a command that is supposed to use OSS instead of ALSA, but it didn't work as when I closed it I saw many ALSA errors in the terminal I executed doom 3 from. Please does anyone either know how to execute doom 3 using OSS, or another suggestion?10:52
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oskudeT80U, yup, now install it again10:53
T80Umabus06 - try looking at cache megs in the base config10:53
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T80Uoskude - it seems to be done10:54
oskudeT80U, nice10:54
T80Utry that command again?10:54
raphaDoes nobody here know how to configure Samba?10:54
oskudeT80U, yup. try login now10:54
onispawnMabus06: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85560&highlight=doom+sound10:54
Mabus06T80U, cache megs in base config? What?10:54
T80Uyes it works!10:55
T80Uthank you oskude!10:55
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ryan_oskude, can you help me now?10:55
oskudeT80U, juhuu, your welcome10:55
oskuderyan_, whats up ?10:55
T80Uthanks champ10:55
oskudein NO champ :)10:55
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ryan_when I type this ->10:55
ryan_sudo apt-get install j2re1.410:56
oskudejust a passioned linux user :)10:56
Mabus06onispawn, how do I change to OSS though? Your command seemed to not work, and I don't know of a "doom config"10:56
T80Umabus06 - i remember something about cache_megs? in the base config10:56
ryan_i get this  >10:56
ryan_Package j2re1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:56
ryan_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:56
ryan_is only available from another source10:56
ryan_E: Package j2re1.4 has no installation candidate10:56
T80Uit should be in base mabus0610:56
ubotuoskude: Did you get hit by a windmill?10:56
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com10:56
Hobbsee!tell ryan_ about java10:56
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oskuderyan_, sec, ill look to it10:56
ryan_yes yes i know10:56
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ryan_It almost seems like I don't have a multiverse repository enabled but I enabled it10:57
kane_Is there a way to use a remote desktop under ubuntu /without/ a user already being logged in? It seems the vncd refuses connections then, and i can't find anything in the help pages that tell me how to change this10:57
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T80Uthanks again oskude10:57
huhmzkane_: NX10:57
oskuderyan_, its in in multiverse http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=j2re1.4&searchon=names&subword=1&version=breezy&release=all10:57
ubotumethinks repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource10:57
kane_huhmz: what's 'NX'?10:58
kane_an application? a file? a webpage? a way to tell me to sod off? ;)10:58
oskuderyan_, do "sudo apt-get update" in terminal10:58
Seveas!tell kane_ about freenx10:58
quittewhats the name of unstable now?10:58
huhmzkane_: it's a remote desktop technology, you search the ubuntu forums, there is a apt repo in there somewhere10:58
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ryan_ok i did apt-get update10:59
kane_huhmz: ok.. this means the standard vnc configuration can not be made to do it i take it10:59
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huhmzkane_: i don't know, i never use vnc, NX is superior in every way10:59
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kane_seveas: reading now, ta10:59
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oskuderyan_, does "sudo apt-get install j2re1.4" work now?11:00
ryan_no, let me try this pastebin thing out11:01
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oskuderyan_, roger, post the link then here11:01
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oskuderyan_, and post your /etc/apt/source.list file too11:01
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ryan_yeah did that11:02
oskuderyan_, roger, sec11:02
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intelikeyryan_ version ?11:03
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oskuderyan_, ok, your missing the "multiverse" reposity11:03
ryan_that's what I figured but I read the wiki on it11:03
eliphas_I have an issue with firefox i can't browse the net11:03
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eliphas_when i ping demon.net or any other location it works fine11:03
eliphas_but not thru firefox11:04
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oskuderyan_, you allready have two lines with "multiverse" in it, just uncomment them, "sudo apt-get update" and now you should be able to install11:04
ryan_ok let me try this11:04
oskuderyan_, wait11:04
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kane_eliphas_ a ping is not quite the same as an http request. when you do 'telnet www.google.com 80' does that work for you?11:05
oskuderyan_, theres backport in it, i wouldnt advice to use it...11:05
ryan_yeah i took those out11:05
ryan_after someone advised11:05
eliphas_kane erf no i got a trying
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kane_eliphas_: you're not getting out through port 80 -- perhaps behind a proxy?11:06
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kane_well, 'through'.. you get the drift11:06
oskuderyan_, so you dont have "backports" in any uncommented line ?11:07
eliphas_kane no here I am on my laptop and it is fine as you can tell but the new pc next to me isn't getting nowhere11:07
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Sonderbladehow do you make it so ubuntu automatically mounts floppies?11:07
oskuderyan_, ok, now you can "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install j2re1.4"11:08
kane_eliphas_ hmm, that /is/ weird.. and hwen you ping any outside url, it pings the right IP, correct?11:08
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Fireni want reinstall my second os and probably mbr will be overwrite, so i'm asking how to change(fix) mbr to ubuntu mbr with grub after intalation?11:08
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ryan_same error msg11:09
ryan_but i uncommented the multiverse lines11:09
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ryan_so i really do not understand why11:09
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oskuderyan_, did you apt-get updgrade (did you get errors with that)?11:10
ryan_let me see if any errors11:10
oskuderyan_, apt-get update11:10
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oskuderyan_, the complete command is "sudo apt-get update"11:11
ryan_yeah i know, no errors either time i tried that11:11
eliphas_kane yep11:11
eliphas_ weird11:11
oskuderyan_, ok, could you post your current sources.list11:11
eliphas_if I ping google it is ok11:11
EvilPaddyanyone know the Keystroke for the Euro symbol??11:12
ryan_ok one sec11:12
intelikeySonderblade you can use supermount if it is installed, by adding this line to your /etc/fstab 'none /media/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,rw,--,,sync,umask=0 0 0 '  that is one way.11:12
eliphas_EvilPaddy try alt-gr 411:12
oskudeEvilPaddy, on german keyboard its [altctrl] +[e] 11:12
kane_eliphas_: then i'm a bit stumped.. i'm not getting why 'telnet google.com 80' would give you another IP then11:13
mcphaileliphas_: kane_: a few people have asked about this on this channel before. The issue was usually resolved by changing the order of DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf11:13
mcphail(don't ask me why...)11:13
ryan_Oskude, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44471011:13
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kane_mcphail: that sounds reasonable if both telnet /and/ ping would get it wrong.. but hey, it's worth a shot11:13
eliphas_mcpahail ok I look at the issue11:13
eliphas_mcphail ok I look at the issue11:13
mcphailkane_: no - ping always worked11:13
kane_mcphail: that's Weird (with a capital W) ;)11:14
oskuderyan_, hmm, strange... looks good ...11:14
mcphailas i said, don't ask me why!11:14
intelikeyhmmm does ub not have supermount ?11:14
ryan_i just realized that my backport is still uncommented though11:14
eliphas_lol worth to get a haggis at lunch time if it works11:14
oskuderyan_, yup :)11:14
EvilPaddyeliphas_, Cheers, that works11:14
topyliintelikey: no, but it does mount stuff automatically11:14
topyliintelikey: supermount is pretty much mandrake's own hobby11:15
oskuderyan_, change that "breezy-backports" to "breezy" on both lines11:15
intelikeytopyli hal ?11:15
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intelikeyhotplug ?11:15
eliphas_:) At least I helped someone in my disarray11:15
oskuderyan_, mines look like this "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe main restricted multiverse"11:15
topyliintelikey: gnome-volume-manager. i guess it works though hal magic in its innyrds11:15
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Mabus06Can anyone help me to start doom3 using OSS? I've tried a few things but I sort of need to explain a few details, but let me know if you're willing to help please. Help would be appreciated!11:16
ryan_i'll add that and see if it helps11:16
intelikeybut that doesn't work in console topyli11:16
boohey oskude11:16
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crimsunMabus06: doesn't doom3 support ALSA natively?11:16
KimppaUmm. Hi. Something weird just happened to me. I had around 150 mb free space on hda1, so I moved a 1,1 GB file to hda2, however, the when I run "df -h", the free space on hda1 hasn't increased o_O11:16
booi installed the flgrx drivers...what now11:16
Kimppaand yes, I moved the file, not copied11:16
topyliintelikey: true. hotplug it is then. or something ;-)11:17
oskuderyan_, you can change the "de" to something thats closer to you (de = germany)11:17
Sonderbladewhat do i need to setup to get backports from drapper into ubuntu?11:17
crimsunKimppa: did you ''sync''?11:17
Sonderbladeinto breezy11:17
ryan_i think that i know what's happening11:17
intelikeywell i'm not going to install ub again just to see.11:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
oskudeboo, write "fglrx" instead of "ati" in your xorg.conf and reboot xserver11:17
FujitsuSonderblade: Make sure that you have disabled repos visible, and they should be there as options in repo selection11:17
ajmitchKimppa: the file was most likely still opened by a program - especially if it was a log file11:17
ryan_i'm editing it with sudo gedit sources.list11:18
booi did11:18
ryan_and it isn't saving what i am doing11:18
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@203-59-88-41.dyn.iinet.net.au *!*@ *!*@brhs-ced.pwsd76.ab.ca *!*@merrill-50-12.resnet.ucsc.edu] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@82-36-231-16.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk *!tor@* [Tallia] !*@* *!*@cc846502-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@*.tor.* *!*@85.18* *!*@*.iam.net.ma *!*@*.on.net.mk] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb lunitik!*@* *!*n=ieieexo@86.125.134.* aNiurFuY!*@* *!*@81.21.*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@81.215.* keikoz!*@* BROKEN_LADDER!*@* syngiun!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net *!*@tor/* %Cybercool!*@* %trkorecky!*@*] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %ProN00b!*@* %andy_!*@* %nubs0r!*@* %NuK!*@*] by Seveas
Kimppacrimsun: nope?11:18
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %ney!*@*] by Seveas
oskuderyan_, hmm11:18
Seveasstupid freenode11:18
topyliintelikey: i used mandrake for years. release after release, i ended up disabling supermount. it's a complete dog11:18
Seveasbans come back after removing them11:18
SonderbladeFujitsu: disabled repos visible? where do i change that?11:18
Kimppaajmitch: it was a .zip file, but it shouldn't be opened anywhere...11:18
oskudeboo, so wheres the problem ?11:18
booi dont know where to get tv out?11:18
SonderbladeFujitsu: and why is backports disabled? sounds strange11:19
eliphas_well i did cat /etc/resolv.conf and I have only the nameserver 192.168.xx.xx11:19
intelikeytopyli in 10 it works pretty good.11:19
eliphas_and on ly laptop the same11:19
eliphas_so well11:19
intelikeyin eariler releases i agree11:19
oskuderyan_, try editing with "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" you can paste with shift-ins and alt-x for exit (it asks y for saving)11:19
Seveasboo, fireglcontrol11:19
ldyHi all11:19
topyliintelikey: oh. i don't think i ever had 10. was with debian by then11:19
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FujitsuSonderblade: In Synaptic, Settings->Repositories->Settings->Show Disabled Software Sources.11:19
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mcphaileliphas_: change the address to your _actual_ nameserver rather than your router11:19
ldyAnyone can tell me a source for mplayer+w32codecs?11:20
FujitsuYou should then see an entry for breezy-backports.11:20
boocommand not found11:20
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oskudeboo, hmm, i had a "ati button" in bottom of "applications" menu on the gnome-panel...11:20
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topyliintelikey: urpmi goodness taught me that the debian way is the easy way for adminning a linux box :)11:20
SonderbladeFujitsu: thanks, can you tell me why it is disabled by default?11:20
booim not that lucky :P11:20
mcphaileliphas_: my belkin router often messes up DNS11:20
FujitsuSonderblade: Not everybody wants the cutting-edge, possibly unstable software!11:20
oskudeboo, but could be that it was on hoary with an older ati driver :)11:21
eliphas_ok here i have a lynksys11:21
SonderbladeFujitsu: i thought backports was only for bugfixes?11:21
oskudeboo, and you didnt find anything on ubuntuforums with ati tv-out, or something like that ?11:21
intelikeyyeah topyli if i had not used 10 i'd totaly agree, but i have 10 and supermount works like an old DOS system.  it doesn't care if floppy is there or not it mounts on each read/write and umounts as soon as it syncs.11:21
SeveasSonderblade, no11:21
ryan_oskuda, it seems like it saved it now let me try apt-get again11:21
Seveasthat's what -updates and -security are for11:21
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oskudeboo, hmm11:22
mcphaileliphas_: yes, but try changing the address in /etc/resolv.conf to your ISP's DNS11:22
ryan_no luck... strange11:22
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oskuderyan_, if you now open the sources.list, are the changes there ?11:23
=== intelikey wishes he would just go ahead and order the 9 sarge cd's .......
eliphas_ok i will try that thanks11:23
booi guess what im looking for is the equivilant of ati control panel (or the advanced tab of displays) in windows11:23
eliphas_keep you upat eon it11:23
jamyskismorning everybody11:23
SonderbladeSeveas: are you sure? Cause there was an extremely important bugfix in -backports that i couldn't find in -updates11:23
ryan_yes the changes are there11:23
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foolswisdomi am fairly excited I posted my 1st bounty, https://launchpad.net/bounties/all-linux-for-humans11:23
SeveasSonderblade, maybe the complete update it was in was not suitable for -updates11:23
oskuderyan_, post one more time that changed sources.list in pastebin :)11:24
Seveasfoolswisdom, do not abuse launchpad for such crap11:24
YukiIkyutafoolswisdom: x_____x11:24
foolswisdomhow is that abuse or crap11:24
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oskudeboo, yould be that the "control panel" is not anymore included in fglrx things...11:24
foolswisdommy money is good11:24
ryan_oh wait a sec.....11:24
Seveasit's abuse because it's crap11:24
ryan_you told me to change breezy-backports to breezy right?11:24
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oskudeboo, but theres a way to edit the xorg.conf to activate tvout... i think...11:25
Seveasthis is not something for a bounty but maybe for discussioin on ubuntu-devel11:25
oskuderyan_, yup11:25
ryan_ok that never got saved let me do that11:25
oskuderyan_, roger11:25
ajmitchSeveas: mind pasting the bounty details to me in /query ? :)11:25
olicathi all. does anyone know if OpenOffice impress can print out 2 slides per page, with the slides below one another?11:25
SonderbladeSeveas: it was this bug: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=17562 it is very strange that you shouldn't be able to get it fixed without having to live on the cutting edge11:26
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SeveasSonderblade, ah that one :)11:26
topyliintelikey: that's how supermount was always supposed to work. seems they finally got it working :)11:26
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ryan_oskuda you are my hero11:26
topyliintelikey: mind you, for some people, on some systems, it always worked well11:26
SeveasSonderblade, afaik there were very good reasons not to put it in -updates, but I forgot them :)11:26
intelikeyfoolswisdom if i had it right now i'd add another $20 to that :)11:27
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ryan_You have prevented a newbie linux user from throwing his laptop through a window11:27
intelikeytopyli yeah but until 10 it didn't for me.11:27
foolswisdomit really does almost stop me from using ubunutu, maybe I want pay it any time soon... .but I look forward to paying it11:27
oskuderyan_, patience is the key to linux ;)11:27
boo$ sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-<your-kernel-version> xorg-driver-fglrx11:27
booYou probably don't need the control panel unless you are using dual monitors. If you want it add fglrx-control to the above command.    explain?11:27
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YukiIkyutaboo: run that command.11:28
ryan_oskude, do you get the type to be red by typing name then comma?11:28
SonderbladeSeveas: the reason sure has to be VERY good, cause that's a freak bug11:28
YukiIkyutaReplacing <your-kernel-version> with whatever kernel you're using.11:28
oskuderyan_, yes11:28
booi dont know my kernel vers, or where fglrx-control goes11:28
jamyskisi thought infinite patience was the key to windows :p11:28
boowhen i booted, i chose the -10 instead of -911:28
YukiIkyutaboo: okay, one moment; type uname -a11:28
ryan_oskude, thanks for the help, wish I would've had it when I started 6 hours ago  :)11:28
YukiIkyutaand show me.11:28
oskudeboo, uname -r = kernel version11:28
oskuderyan_, :) your welcome11:28
boodo i need the $11:29
YukiIkyutaboo: no, that's just showing it's a shell.11:29
YukiIkyutaboo: type ``uname -r'' and show us11:29
boowheres does the fglrx-control go11:29
YukiIkyutafglrx-control at the end, so;11:30
boosudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386  thats what i have so far11:30
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YukiIkyutasudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386 fglrx-control11:30
YukiIkyutaand xorg-driver-fglrx!11:30
intelikeyhoary is .10 ?  breezy is .12 ?11:30
YukiIkyutaintelikey: hoary is .5, breezy .1011:30
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oskudeYukiIkyuta, he has the driver allready11:30
YukiIkyutaoskude: in that case, it won't fail!11:31
intelikeyno YukiIkyuta kernel not month.11:31
boooops? lol its running now11:31
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oskudeYukiIkyuta, true :)11:31
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boook what command do i do now?11:31
booto open the cp11:31
YukiIkyutaboo: try sudo fglrx-control11:31
booah i found it...fireglcontrol11:32
_eliphasmcphail, THANKS I added then the dns of myisp into my resolv.conf and it works11:32
YukiIkyutaAh, it's using fire.11:32
boowhoa shit11:32
oskudeboo, and after gnome-panel restart its propably in the menus11:32
booi clicked tv out and everything went black11:32
mcphail_eliphas: excellent!11:32
oskudeboo :) mine just changed to 800x600x60hz11:32
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_eliphasmcphail,  top man11:32
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booOMG it works siiick11:33
boonow to see if videos work...they didnt as clone on windows unless i made the tv primary11:33
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nelpostohellouu team11:35
boolinux owns windows so hard11:35
oskudeboo, :)11:36
gsuveggnome 2.12.2 come out to breezy ?11:36
nelpostoi'm having trouble with my network DHCP settings.. anyone able to help?11:36
booyou dont hafta play musical monitors to get tv out!11:36
Fujitsunelposto: Fire away!11:36
jamyskiswhat exactly is wrong nelposto?11:36
nelpostoSo, it automagically detects my router as the DNS server11:36
YukiIkyutaFujitsu: fire the main cannon! Emergency at port side! Run to the aft! SOS!11:36
nelpostowhich is pretty lame11:36
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Fujitsunelposto: Your router is obviously telling it to.11:37
YukiIkyutanelposto: typically that'll be your DHCP server telling ... yes.11:37
booIs there winrar for linux11:37
nelpostobecause I have to go back and set my normal DNS server every 20 minutes or so, as it re updates it11:37
YukiIkyutaboo: that would make no sense. `win' rar? There is a rar program.11:37
oskudeboo unrar11:37
nelpostoyuck boo said the 'W' word11:37
topyliboo: no. there's rar, and the package manager works through it11:37
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oskudeboo, apt-cache search unrar11:37
topyliboo: specifically, you probably want unrar-nonfree from multiverse11:38
boowhats multiverse11:38
nelpostowell, if I want my router to not tell it the wrong thing.. would that be under the router settings instead?11:38
jamyskisnelposto: our network does this too - i simply got around it by including our router, server and isp dns servers in the dns list11:38
YukiIkyutaboo: non-free software.11:38
jamyskison the local machine11:38
YukiIkyutanelposto: typically!11:38
booyuck pay?11:38
topyliboo: it's a ubuntu repository for evil non-free stuff11:38
boowhats a repository?11:38
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource11:38
nelpostothanks guys, let me have a look11:38
topyliboo: no. it's just non-free, as in proprietary, not open source11:38
YukiIkyutanelposto: good luck.11:38
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Mabus06um can someone help me? I have the brightness on doom 3 set very high. I started in non fullscreen mode, and after I closed it my computer retained the high brightness (*is getting blinded right now*) how can I revert this?11:39
booso i go to synapse and install unrar?11:39
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Sonderbladei have pmount with the floppy fix 0.9.6-1, but ubuntu still doesn't mount floppies automagically, usb devices and cdroms work though11:39
oskudeboo, repository is a place where you get those  packages to install11:39
jamyskismabus06: Options/Brightness in the main menu? :-p11:39
topylibtw, ubotu doesn't know about easysource11:39
boo!ubotu learn easysource11:40
ubotuboo: No idea11:40
oskudeboo, or from console with "sudo apt-get install unrar"11:40
Mabus06jamyskis, "main menu"?11:40
nelpostoDoes 'Static Routing' sound like the right section? I can choose 'new destination IP', 'Mask', 'Gateway', 'Metric' ?11:40
YukiIkyutanelposto: hmm, not quite. What kind of router do you have?11:40
booso non free instead of free?11:40
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i386anyone know when Xorg 7.0 is going into dapper?11:40
Zukerois there a way to have lib-xine 1.1 on ubuntu ?11:40
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nelpostoYuki: Netcomm NB5 Wireless doober.. haven't worked out the wireless yet but that's for another day I think11:40
oskudeboo, dunno, you may choose :)11:40
Mabus06um can someone help me? I have the brightness on doom 3 set very high. I started in non fullscreen mode, and after I closed it my computer retained the high brightness (*is getting blinded right now*) how can I revert this?11:40
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YukiIkyutanelposto: typically, your router will pass on the DNS settings that it's received from the WAN. Are you sure it's set up correctly, intrinsically?11:40
oskudeboo, i would try free first...11:40
topyliboo: you could get by with the free version, but some new rar archives may be packaged in an extra-evil new format11:41
Mabus06If you mean turn down the brightness in doom3... that's not even close to solving the problem if you read what I said.11:41
YukiIkyutaZukero: try ``sudo apt-get install libxine1c2'' at a command line.11:41
boohmm its unstalled...now what?11:41
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nelpostoYuki.. I don't know much about the setup.. but in Windows it works fine dynamically11:41
nelpostoI tried setting up the Static settings11:41
jamyskisMabus06: So the problem is that the brightness stays up when you quit the game?11:41
oskudeboo, unrar <file>11:41
nelposto(I have a static IP).. but I kept getting a connection refused error, or similar11:42
YukiIkyutanelposto: hmm, weird. can you show us what's in /etc/resolv.conf11:42
Mabus06yes jamyskis ... well only after playing it in non fullscreen mode11:42
boois there a shell like thing? double click and it opens a rar window11:42
YukiIkyutaShould only be 3 lines or so in there.11:42
YukiIkyutaboo: almost certainly not.11:42
topyliboo: you can just click away11:42
nelpostoJust copy/paste?11:42
YukiIkyutaLearn the command line, come on!11:42
Mabus06jamyskis, but I tried opening it in fullscreen mode and closing it again but that didn't work (works often in windoze)11:42
topyliboo: the gnome arcive manager will find unrar and use it11:42
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oskudeconsole rulez :)11:42
Zukero/topic #11:42
booim a cal-i gamer not a typer :)11:42
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boounless the commands are WASD or R i am not good at typing them11:43
jamyskisMabus06: In that case I can't see for the moment as I don't have my Doom 3 in front of me to try and reproduce the problem...sorry11:43
topyliboo: you *will* learn the command line sooner or later once you find out how powerful the unix shell is11:43
nelpostolol boo11:43
Mabus06okay don't tell me in this room of almost 700 ubuntu users nobody knows how to undo the brightness increase doom3 did?11:43
YukiIkyutaboo: well, you're going to have to learn them some day!11:43
oskudeboo, well, for helping its easier to give console commands, rather than describe mouse paths...11:43
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nelpostoYuki: nameserver
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nelpostoAlthough this gets replaced every so often by the auto detect thing11:43
oskudeboo, meaning helping in text based irc chat...11:43
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ZukeroYukiIkyuta, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/526011:44
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nelpostooh, also I'm using the Live cd right now11:44
topyliyeah, hard to send screenshot instructions of mouse clicks here11:44
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booi heard ntfs drives are read only...any chance of this changing soon?11:44
YukiIkyutaZukero: that makes it sound like everything is fine. Does it specifically request development headers ..?11:44
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YukiIkyutaboo: hopefulyl! At the moment, readonly it is.11:44
YukiIkyutanelposto: ah, I see.. that may have more limited driver support, I don't know.11:44
SonderbladeMabus06: ctrl+alt+backspace should fix it11:44
topylibesides, finding the stuff to click from the menus and inside apps usually takes more time than writing one-liners11:45
Zukeroyeah, i need version 1.1 mini to build some libs for enlightenment 1711:45
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nelpostole sigh11:45
boobecause counterstrike is a no go because you need to write to clientregistry.blob file :(  there any way to get around that?11:45
YukiIkyutanelposto: I doubt that's the problem, however. You could try grabbing the DNS server entries from the router configuration and placing them in resolv.conf yourself?11:45
YukiIkyutaZukero: try installing the package libxine-dev ?11:45
nelpostoI agree.. but I don't understand what you're asking me to do next?11:45
ZukeroYukiIkyuta, it is installes allready11:45
YukiIkyutaZukero: weird!11:46
nelpostothe 220.233... etc value is the one that I keep putting into the network config.. it's the correct DNS address11:46
ZukeroYukiIkyuta, i even try building xine-lib sources11:46
YukiIkyutanelposto: peculiar; typically there are two. Still no lookups?11:46
Zukerothe only problem is version number11:46
boo.....an error occured while extracting files11:46
oskudeboo, :) try non-free11:46
nelpostoYuki I don't know how to chec the lookups?11:46
boothis is nonfree11:47
YukiIkyutanelposto: well, a better question is, what problems are you experiencing right now?11:47
booill try console now11:47
_eliphaswhat was the command to get back the console on right click in gnome?11:47
topyliboo: you went straight for non-free! to the stakes, brothers!11:47
YukiIkyutaYou could try ``dig sairyx.org'' and see what it says.11:47
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nelpostoYuki it's fine now, and it'll be fine till the ubuntu updates the DNS settings by taking them from the router11:48
YukiIkyutanelposto: you should be able to set the DNS server manually!11:48
mcphailnelposto: use a static address rather than dhcp11:48
nelpostoYeah.. my problem is when I did this, I got some connection refused error11:48
nelpostoI'll try again just now11:48
YukiIkyutanelposto: weird; how are you doing that?11:48
nelpostonetwork settings -> properties of eth011:49
boowhile im waiting, can someone explain to me what X is?11:49
YukiIkyutaAnd you get connection refused ..? Very weird.11:49
musiki get grub error 18!! plz help.......11:49
YukiIkyutaboo: X is the graphical interface.11:49
oskudeboo, an upper case character ? ;)11:49
YukiIkyutaTypically you just get a completely text-only console.11:49
booand why is numlock default off :(11:49
YukiIkyutaoskude :)!11:49
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musiki get grub error 18 when i boot windows! plz help!11:49
oskudedejavu ?11:50
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YukiIkyutaI think so. oO11:50
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YukiIkyutamusik: more information?11:50
johns^_no, just someone without google ;)11:50
boook im using unrar, what do i put under <archive>11:50
YukiIkyuta(more information, eg. why are you trying to boot back into Windows!?)11:51
YukiIkyutaboo: the name of the archive!11:51
YukiIkyuta(the RAR file!)11:51
boooh lol11:51
topyliboo: the name of the file11:51
booum, what then for <files...>11:51
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oskudeboo "." or was it "*"11:51
topyliyou'll get better error messages from console than from the archive manager11:51
Sonderbladewhy do i need root privileges for "mount -t /media/floppy" but not for "mount /media/floppy"?11:51
oskudeboo, or try emtpy11:51
YukiIkyutaSonderblade: mount -t /media/floppy isn't a valid command?11:51
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oskudeboo, just "unrar <file>"11:52
YukiIkyutaboo: <files...> is whatever you're archiving.11:52
SonderbladeYukiIkyuta: i meant mount -t vfat /media/floppy11:52
YukiIkyutaSonderblade: ah.. it's because you're trying to do something which isn't set up as default behaviour.11:52
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boooh, so im not archiving anything11:52
booim extacting?11:52
YukiIkyutaIt's a security practice; the superuser can say what can and cannot be done typically, but only he can do things out of the ordinary.11:52
topyliSonderblade: perhaps because you're using the full command and it is different from what's in fstab11:52
oskudeboo, didnt "unrar <archive>" work ?11:53
FujitsuIt won't be allowing you to mount vfat... Only what is in fstab will be allowed, that is auto. You are not allowed to specify it!11:53
Sonderbladetopyli: ok so its a bug?11:53
YukiIkyutaSonderblade: no!!!11:53
topyliSonderblade: by no means. it's a very good feature11:53
azeemSonderblade: it is a limitation of GNU/Linux11:53
topyliSonderblade: we don't want users mounting stuff with crazy options by mistake11:53
YukiIkyutaazeem: not a limitation at all.11:53
pc22what is the workgroup term in linux?11:54
Sonderbladebut it means i cant automount floppies which are almost always in vfat11:54
azeemYukiIkyuta: well, the GNU Hurd people seem to think that, at least11:54
boowhoa console is cool11:54
YukiIkyutapc22: there isn't such a close match.11:54
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booit says the rar text file and what rar is extracting from11:54
YukiIkyutaSonderblade: what's the line fstab for the floppy?11:54
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SonderbladeYukiIkyuta: /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       011:54
topylipc22: workgroup is a windows networking term, and it's called "workgroup" in any context11:54
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nelpost0so the static IP settings didn't work so well11:54
YukiIkyutaThat should work anyways?11:54
FujitsuSonderblade: Yes, auto.11:54
YukiIkyuta``auto'' is the filesystem it should be using. Can't you just mount it, and it recognizes it?11:55
YukiIkyutanelpost0: oh?11:55
Fujitsunelpost0: What was wrong?11:55
boofuck password incorrect11:55
SonderbladeYukiIkyuta: no, mount cannot autodetect the fs11:55
boodoes the pass go in brackets?11:55
nelpost0well I tried to put in the settings11:55
oskudeboo, dunno, try11:55
FujitsuSonderblade: It certainly should!11:55
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nelpost0is IP address supposed to be my IP on the network... and gateway the address of the DNS ?11:56
boohow do i stop something from executing in console11:56
topyliSonderblade: it's a known bug. fixed only in dapper and backports11:56
booi tried STOP but it didnt listen11:56
YukiIkyutanelpost0: no! Gateway is the router.11:56
Fujitsunelpost0: Gateway is for the router!11:56
FujitsuDamn, beat me to it.11:56
Sonderbladetopyli: i have backports11:56
YukiIkyutaboo: ctrl+c, or open another terminal and kill it.11:56
nelpost0oh GENIUS11:56
nelpost0ok.. and IP address is the DNS server then?11:56
musikmy bro needs windows and he's shouting at me!11:56
SonderbladeFujitsu: i have never ever seen mount be able to autodetect vfat11:56
YukiIkyutanelpost0: IP address is *yours*.11:57
FujitsuIP address is yours.11:57
nelpost0I name the DNS in the DNS part... that could make sense11:57
FujitsuDNS is DNS.11:57
YukiIkyutaSonderblade: perhaps it's umsdos?11:57
musikwhat more info shud i give?11:57
YukiIkyutanelpost0: XD! ^_^11:57
boo unrar e -p[Pirates0020]  /media/0\ GB\ Disk\ \(hdc1\)/Documents\ and\ Settings/Boo/Desktop/moviez/Pirates\ of\ the\ Caribbean\ .The\ Curse\ of\ the\ Black\ Pearl\(2003\)/Pirates\ of\ the\ Caribbean\ .The\ Curse\ of\ the\ Black\ Pearl\(2003\).part01.rar /home/boo/Desktop/11:57
boo   anyone see any problems?11:57
oskudemusik, shout back :)11:57
nelpost0god I'm good at this game11:57
SonderbladeYukiIkyuta: dunno. but mount -t vfat works11:57
Fujitsuboo, perhaps you shouldn't have so many spaces!11:57
nelpost0you should've seen me the other day when I tied my own shoelaces.. grand affair.. ok off to try11:57
YukiIkyutaboo: yes.11:57
oskudeboo, use " in your paths, its way more readable :)11:57
YukiIkyutaboo: take away that last argument.11:57
YukiIkyutanelpost0: haha! ^^11:58
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boowhat last argument?11:58
boothe /home/boo one?11:58
YukiIkyutaboo: the ``/home/boo/Desktop/'' bit.11:58
topyliyeah, it will extract to the current directory11:58
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boook, but i dont know why that would fix the PW problem =/11:58
boohow do i know the current dir.11:59
oskudeboo, whereami11:59
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nelpost0zOMG it works.. thanks heaps!11:59
YukiIkyutaboo: you're in it. ``pwd'' reveals your current directory.11:59
Fujitsuboo: The prompt will tell you, as will typing pwd.11:59
topyliboo try "pwd"11:59
YukiIkyuta`cd' will get you there.11:59
T80Udoes anyone know how to copy files into the filesystem?11:59
YukiIkyutanelpost0: great!11:59
FujitsuT80U: What do you mean?11:59
oskudeOHNO, theres no "whereami" :)11:59
markcI've managd to install breezy onto an external USB drive but I'm struggling to get it to boot up.. any pointers to docs/howtos available ?11:59
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FujitsuT80U, what are you wanting to do?12:00
topylioskude: no. unix only answers to deeper questions like "whoami"12:00
T80Ui want to copy some files into the var/www/ eg apache so i can access them12:00
YukiIkyutamarkc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootingFromUSB12:00
FujitsuT80U: You can use the file manager, or the terminal.12:00
oskudetopyli, aah yeah, that was it, sorry, my memory leaks :)12:00
T80Uokay thanks Fujitsu12:00
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topylioskude: wherami is a newbie question, whoami shows some sage understanding about STUFF12:00
booman im so hungry i havent ate since yesterday morning12:00
YukiIkyutaboo: what's the time? xP12:01
booand zaxbys doesnt open for 3 hours12:01
boo501 am12:01
T80UFujitsu where is file manager?12:01
T80Uim new to Ubuntu sorry12:01
YukiIkyutaAll I've done is ate and toyed about with my computer.12:01
FujitsuT80U: If you go Places->Computer->File System12:01
oskudemaking a link "whereami" to pwd :P12:01
T80Ui cant copy the files across12:01
FujitsuIt says access denied?12:01
boofuck same problem12:01
T80Ui dont have the premissions12:02
YukiIkyutaboo: what exactly does it say?12:02
markcYukiIkyuta> great, thanks, looks like it's not possible12:02
YukiIkyutamarkc: ouch! ><12:02
topylioskude: overkill, you're chaniging the system. make an alias whereami="pdw" to ~/.bashrc instead :)12:02
FujitsuT80U: Open a terminal, and type 'sudo nautilus'12:02
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booEncrypted file:  CRC failed in Pirates of the Caribbean(2003).CD3.avi (password incorrect ?)12:02
nelpostoanother question.. I'm preparing to partition my harddrive so I can do some dual booting goodness.. My HDD is partitioned into two partitions, both NTFS. I plan to reinstall windows, but there is some amount of data I want to carry over.. short of backing it all up to another source, is it possible for me to convert the hard disk (ie to FAT) and repartition it _without_ destroying the data I want to keep?12:02
oskudetopyli, dont worry, i know what im doing :)12:03
FujitsuThat will get you into a super-privileged file-manager, but be careful what you do, T80U.12:03
YukiIkyutaboo: well, then you need to know the password!12:03
_eliphaswhat was the command to get back the console on right click in gnome?12:03
booi have it lol12:03
topylioskude: heh12:03
YukiIkyutanelposto: tried PartitionMagic?12:03
boo password:Pirates002012:03
T80Uokay thanks12:03
ubotuoskude: What?12:03
T80Ucheers Fujitsu12:03
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YukiIkyutaboo: well, I don't need to know that, but unless you're misentering it, there's nothing that can be done.12:03
FujitsuOK, T80U.12:03
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boodoes the pw go in brackets?12:03
YukiIkyuta(this isn't a limit of Ubuntu, or Linux; it's just the archive you're using)12:03
nelpostoYuki that's where i'm about to look ... Just wondering if anyone knew whether it were possible to keep the data and re do partitions12:03
T80UBTW what are some good ways to secure  Ubuntu:?12:04
YukiIkyutaboo: how are you specifying the password?12:04
booi have -p[pw] 12:04
YukiIkyutaboo: no brackets!12:04
YukiIkyutanelposto: well, PartitionMagic will keep the data and re do them.12:04
booit says brackets in the documentation!12:04
booit needs to stop lying12:04
YukiIkyutaboo: really?!12:04
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topyliT80U: what exactly are you afraid of? ;-)12:04
boo p[password]    Set password12:04
YukiIkyutaboo: yes, the brackets are to show you that it's optional!12:04
oskudeboo, <> and []  are common, any one got a tutorial ? :)12:04
YukiIkyutaWhen those appear, you don't have to specify them.12:04
Fujitsu<> means mandatory.12:05
T80Ulol, i went to Ubuntu cause i thought it would be more secure then windws12:05
YukiIkyutaand []  optional.12:05
Fujitsu[]  means optional.12:05
boooops =/12:05
FujitsuT80U, it is!12:05
booso i have -pPirates12:05
NgFujitsu: that's a very bold claim ;)12:05
lillohas anyone experimented with vesafb-tng?12:05
YukiIkyutaNg: it's fairly accurate.12:05
FujitsuNg: Not really.12:05
YukiIkyutaboo: or just -p, and it'll ask you when you enter the command.12:05
nelpostook Yuki thanks12:05
NgFujitsu: really :)12:05
nelpostoand thanks Fuji as well12:05
YukiIkyutaT80U: a *lot* more secure.12:05
FujitsuNg: Really.12:05
nelpostoThanks to you all, if you ever in town and need a place to stay ...12:06
NgFujitsu: have you audited all the code? or are you just repeating the age old mantra that it must be more secure because it's not windows? ;)12:06
T80Ui hope so >_>12:06
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booand is there any docking system for linux? can i dock gaim to the right side of a workspace?12:06
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nelpostoI'm out to investigate.. cheers again12:06
YukiIkyutaboo: it depends on your window manager. I'm not sure about GNOME ...12:06
YukiIkyutanelposto: good luck.12:06
_eliphas!wiki gnome console12:06
YukiIkyutaboo: you can make a window always visible (always on top)12:06
NgFujitsu: it *can* be more secure, but poor configuration on any OS will leave you open to attack12:06
lillohey, nobody tried vesafb-tng? I can't believe it...12:06
boowell the reason i want docking is so nothing can go under it12:07
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T80Uwhats the best way to configure? or to check what services your running?12:07
YukiIkyutaNg: naturally your statement is true. Perhaps if we compare the default configurations, however?12:07
booand is flash supported w/ linux?12:07
YukiIkyutaOr the most secure configuration available via the setup process only? (with no additional configuration)12:07
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YukiIkyutaboo: of course.12:07
NgT80U: by default ubuntu doesn't have any services running that are accessible remotely, so if you don't install any servers then it is pretty well secured by default12:07
NgYukiIkyuta: indeed, in which case Ubuntu does very well :)12:07
FujitsuNg: Pretty much, yes...12:07
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oskudeT80U, "ps aux" shows the processes currently running12:07
T80Ucool, thanks oskude12:07
T80Uand ng12:08
YukiIkyutaWell, yes. It's true that Windows can be configured; it just takes a *lot* of effort, and -maintenance-.12:08
boois there an activex control ?12:08
YukiIkyutaboo: no.12:08
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, oskude12:08
T80Uim running Apache and SQL do you folks think that im unsecured?12:08
YukiIkyutaT80U: no!12:08
oskudeboo, whats activex ? ;)12:08
boonot cool lol12:08
NgT80U: if you have apache and mysql open to the world then yes12:09
boofirefox didnt have activex in windows so i guess now12:09
YukiIkyutaboo: ActiveX is one of Microsoft's worst ideas.12:09
Fujitsuboo: No ActiveX in Linux, fortunately.12:09
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T80Uhmmm, how to i lock them down? thanks for answering my questions oskude, fujitsu, YukiIkyuta and ng12:09
Ngboo: no, you can't run activex components in a browser, unless you run Internet Explorer in wine12:09
oskudeT80U, lock them down ?12:09
topyliT80U: if you run services, you have to either configure them to listen to localhost only, or use a firewall12:10
FujitsuActually, Firefox can do ActiveX in WIne.12:10
T80Uhmm, okay12:10
topyliT80U: unless you actually want them visible12:10
YukiIkyuta_Fujitsu, ouch.12:10
T80Uso how do i get them to be secure i mean12:10
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YukiIkyuta_T80U, configure each one individually!12:10
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T80Ui dont want people to be able to see my PHPmyadmin lol (shows my noobyness )12:10
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booi was running age of empires 2 in wine, and it was running sooooo slow but i have a great gfx card, any reason?12:10
FujitsuAOEII does not work well atm.12:11
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topyliT80U: installing and configuring firestarter is a good start12:11
glouphHow comes the gnome desktop gets green sometimes ?12:11
Hobbseeboo: tried AOE 1?12:11
boowhat about age3?12:11
oskudeT80U, do you have a dsl-router (with firewall) ?12:11
boonope hobb12:11
glouphhttp://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1274/capture2qd.png < like this12:11
boobattlefield 2? that work?12:11
T80Uyeah* i dont have firestarter12:11
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topyliT80U: well if you have a hardware firewall that's even better12:12
T80Ummm okay12:12
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Kamping_Kaiserboo: they are scared of you12:12
oskudeT80U, do you connect to the internet with your linux, or does your dsl-router do this for you ?12:12
gruntdoes anyone have a repo where I could apt-get the ncftp.. does not seem to be avail from default.12:12
T80Umy router does it for me12:12
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Nggrunt: it's in universe12:13
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FujitsuGoodnight all.12:13
topyliboo: dunno, but your all-caps text is half off my sight12:13
YukiIkyutagrunt, it's in univers.e12:13
T80Ubut if i am running a webserver wont i have to be the gateway out?12:13
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oskudeT80U, ok, so i assume your router has a firewall, and if you havent opened any port in there, nobody should be able to visit your pc...12:13
T80Uyeah , im not port forwading till its all setup >: D12:13
topyliT80U: well, open the port for your web server12:13
Nggrunt: lftp is available by default and is nicer imho :)12:14
oskudeT80U, ah ok, so you want to server http for the internet, but want all to be secure as possible ?12:14
gruntbut CPAN module for perl requires ncftp...12:14
T80Uthats what i wanna do oskude12:14
T80UBTW, some folders havent appared on my local host (in the browser) even though they are in www?12:15
lillomaybe now someone has come who can help me... I'm having problems installing vesafb-tng under ubuntu breezy12:15
topyliT80U: configure apache properly and keep it up to date, open port 80, profit!12:15
oskudeT80U, then (SCNR!) RTFM :) well, the apache is pretty secure by default, and remember to set good passwords12:15
lilloso has anyone got experience with it so he/she can help me?12:15
T80Uuhh excuse the niave password12:15
T80Uwhere do i set the password for apache :X12:15
topyliT80U: you don't12:16
oskudeT80U, well "apache" dont have a password...12:16
YukiIkyutalillo, well, what's happening right now?12:16
T80Uwhat about httpdaccess?12:16
oskudeT80U, but you can set passwords to your folders that are accessable from apache (web browser)12:16
YukiIkyuta.htaccess file.12:16
lilloYukiIkyuta, I recompiled the kernel after applying the latest vesafb-tng patch from the author's page12:16
T80Uahh k cheers12:17
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lilloproblem is, to make it compile with the ubuntu kernel (2.6.12 IIRC) I had to modify the patch12:17
lilloit compiled then12:17
gruntgreat.. ncftp now installing.. thx for that universe trick.12:17
T80Uwould you fellahs know why some folders arent showing up on local host, yet ive put them there...?12:17
lilloin the kernel config I removed all fb drivers except vesafb12:17
lilloto ensure that one was going to be used12:17
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lillothen recompiled the kernel12:18
lillonow on boot it says it can't load vga16fb12:18
oskudeT80U, rights of the directory, maybe12:18
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T80Uhmm, cheers oskude12:18
lilloeven if in menu.lst of grub I explicitely put video=vesafb:640x480-3212:18
lillodunno what went wrong12:19
T80Uit shows apache and phpmy admin, but not aiml or src?? any ideas oskude?12:19
YukiIkyutalillo, ack, I really don't know!12:19
T80Ui checked permissions there okay12:19
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oskudeT80U, hmm12:20
lillono ideas? Maybe a newer vesafb-tng patch explicitely for ubuntu?12:20
T80Ulol, looks like i "broke" something12:20
oskudeT80U, what did you do ?12:20
YukiIkyutaNot from what I see..12:20
lilloisn't there a kernel source package in the ubuntu repository that holds the vesafb-tng patch already applied?12:20
T80Uoskude - i just copied some folders for this PHP chatbot12:21
T80Uand i cant see them when i try to access them in localhost12:21
YukiIkyutalillo, it's possible that the latest version has it applied.12:21
oskudeT80U, sec, i do a test..12:21
lilloI have 2.6.12-912:22
T80Ucheers champ12:22
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YukiIkyutaPackage linux-source-2.6.12 (has patches applied already)12:22
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lillodoesn't seem so... vesafb-tng isn't there12:22
lilloat least the patch I downloaded partly applied12:23
lilloso it means it wasn't previously applied12:23
oskudeT80U, i just made a dir "sudo mkdir /var/www/foodir" and i can access it with "http://localhost/foodir/", hmm12:23
T80Uhmm indeed lol12:23
T80Uthe folders might have been created in windowz?12:23
T80Uwould that affect it?12:24
oskudeT80U, does the folders have execute rights ?12:24
YukiIkyutalillo, I'm not too sure on that one.12:24
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T80Uuhh, ill check12:24
oskudei just made "sudo chmod -x /var/www/foodir/" and i can see them anymore from browser12:24
T80Ufor owner12:25
T80Uthey have execute12:25
lillook then, I'll reget the whole latest kernel sources and try12:25
T80Ubut not for group r others12:25
YukiIkyutaGood luck.12:25
oskudeT80U, make for all12:25
lillotnx :)12:25
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oskudeT80U, or12:25
T80Uokay, hmmm i cant seem to i tick the box but it unticks...12:25
oskudeT80U, change owner/group to "www-data"12:25
nillasHi. I'm trying to get TOR and Privoxy to work, but it seems like I have the same IP as before. I'm not behind any software firewall at the moment but  I have a router.12:26
refnumzxi'd like to add all the users on my system to a suplimentary group, how can i do this using a script?12:26
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T80Udamn - no www data..12:26
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, how many do you have?12:26
nillasI've installed tor and privoxy via this guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95527&highlight=tor12:26
refnumzx200 or so12:26
T80Ui cant seem to change permissions oskude12:26
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nillasanyone who have the same problem/ a solution?12:27
oskudeT80U, "sudo chown www-data:www-data /path/to/your/dir"12:27
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, the only problem is telling the difference between a `user' (human person) and a `user' (according to the system)12:27
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, do you want all the real human users, or just the ones that exist in the system?12:27
refnumzxreal human users12:27
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, in that case, you'll need a list of their user IDs or usernames.12:27
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refnumzxeven if i could exclude specific users by just writing those in another listthats fine not that many system accounts12:28
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, I'm not aware of any such script which exists, however I could write one.12:28
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T80Uwell i typed in /var/www12:29
T80Uit told me to enter in my pass which i did12:29
T80Ubut its still the same oskude12:29
refnumzxi was also trying to find a script that would add aysstem and smb acount users from a csv list in a text file, i have tried with awk but have failed12:29
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oskudeT80U, you should leave "/var/www" to root user, and only change the directories you cant see in /var/www to user www-data12:30
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T80Uoh okay12:30
T80Uthanks oskude12:30
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, would you like me to write a script to do this?12:31
refnumzxthat would be really great, if you are willing12:31
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, sure. what format should the list of users to exclude be in? (comma separated, newline separated ...)12:31
YukiIkyutaSo just `root,postmaster,' ... etc?12:32
=== refnumzx nods.
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T80Uoskude - i changed all the premissions but i still cant see them12:33
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T80Udo i need to allow all groups and others to be able to execute?12:34
refnumzxso if we did username,group,password12:34
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oskudeT80U, sec, ill test12:34
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T80Uthanks champ12:34
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, hang on, what script are you wanting here?12:35
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oskudeT80U, hmm, my /var/www/foodir has "drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data" and i can see the file that has "-rw-r--r--  1 root     root        0 2005-12-01 12:22 hello.txt"12:37
refnumzxi guess the more valuable would be the one that adds smb and system accounts using the csv i can use that script and the techniues you use to write the other one. if you don't mind.12:37
T80Uill give it another go12:37
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T80Uoskude - i had to change the read permissions my bad12:38
T80Uthanks for all your help12:38
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, ah, okay. I already have a bit of the former one done.12:38
YukiIkyutabut I can do them both quite quickly.12:38
oskudeT80U, yeah, atleast others should have read right if its not "www-data"12:38
refnumzxthank you12:38
refnumzxsmbpasswd has this -s switch that i never got to work properly12:39
oskudeT80U, files need read, and directories need read&execute for www-data or "others"12:39
lachesishi, I need some serious help to recover from a major system crash : my computer frozed and after i rebooted my file system seems corrupt as it is mounted as read-only... Any idea of what i need to do to fix it ?12:39
T80Uahh cool okay12:39
connhi, when I play a file with mplayer -vo xv, it plays fast but the aspect ratio is messed up, there's a black border at the bottom of the video.. does anyone know how to fix?12:39
refnumzxbecause i want to tell smbpasswd to accept passwords from the commandline12:40
T80Unow the phpscript fails - access denied ...12:40
refnumzxer..the flatflile rather12:40
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kvanttihi! does anyone know of a functional apt-get source for libdvdcss2?12:40
oskudeT80U, script files need execute rightrs for "others" (or www-data)12:40
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, it seems to work this way;12:40
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, OLDPASS\nNEWPASS\nCONFPASS\n12:41
YukiIkyuta(ie. smbpasswd -s)12:41
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: use seveas's apt repository12:41
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lachesiskvantti, from the wiki : sudo apt-get install libdvdread3;12:42
lachesissudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh12:42
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T80Uokay - ill have to enable write righs and see if that works oskude12:43
refnumzxi am sure this is simple for you but i tried and you wouldn't believe the results i got hehehh12:43
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, oh?12:43
kvanttiKamping_Kaiser what should i add to sources.list for that repo?12:43
kvanttilachesis i am unable to play encrypted dvd even with that library installed12:43
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ Breezy-seveas Breezy-extras12:43
refnumzxwhen i tried to add the users using useradd and -g etc, the flatfile gave me the passwords as the usernames and groups as the passwords and all sorts stuff, as well as smbpasswd completely failing to add the user at all12:44
ubotuYukiIkyuta: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about12:44
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=== xota saluda!
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kvanttikamping_kaiser i added exactly that but apt-get update does not comply with that repo..12:47
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: what does it say?12:47
lachesishmm, is it normal to have an empty /boot directory on breezy ?12:47
kvanttikamping_kaiser couldn't stat source package12:47
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kvanttikamping_kaiser should the source repo be added too?12:48
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: can paste to flood?12:48
Kamping_Kaiserum. you can, but i donnt think it's required12:48
kvanttikamping_kaiser running terminal, no way to copy12:48
oskudeT80U, brb. afk 2min...12:48
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: ok.12:49
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Kamping_Kaiserso you added the line, ran apt-get update, then it wouldnt download?12:49
kvanttikamping_kaiser anyway the repo seems to be unfunctional by the looks of the error..will do some more searching12:49
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Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: sounds like it, but it's usualy there :|12:49
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, should it be their primary group (for the group adding program), or just an additional group?12:49
gnomefreakwhats the repo ill try it  a few different ways :)12:49
=== mbn18 [n=miki@85-250-3-95.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
mbn18hello, just installed ubuntu. very impressing work12:50
refnumzxubuntu will create that system group or whatever12:51
dpuppwill i run into any issues when recormating a drive that had linux and grub to re-install windows XP? my sister wants out of linux... i guess the penguin bit her and shes afraid now.12:51
lilloYukiIkyuta, just to let you know, ubuntu package for kernel 2.6.12 doesn't contain a kernel with vesafb-tng patch applied :/12:52
kvanttikamping_kaiser damn, almost all the dvds out there are unfunctional since i cant install that libdvdcss12:52
YukiIkyutalillo, ouch ><12:52
mbn18I was not able to add gnucash in Add Aplication. i had to ad repositories and only then i found it thrught the advance interface.12:52
mbn18any idea why ?12:52
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: look in the quick guide in help, it's explains IIRC12:52
refnumzxdpupp: if you just tell windows to remove al the parttions and reformat them using the utilties on the cd you should be fine12:53
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oskudeT80U, back12:53
dpuppok. thanks. Just planning in advanced. I have two machines that want out :( as far as me, im keeping it. everything is flawless except dvd playback. (random issues)12:54
=== Apophis [n=apophis@px-ls-2.ipdvb.ru] has joined #ubuntu
mbn18how can i add a button of gnucash to the Applcation drop down menu ?12:55
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oskudembn18, click right mouse button on "applications" then "edit menus"12:55
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gnomefreakgnucash should be under office apps.12:58
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, pretty much done #1!12:58
YukiIkyutaSorry it's taking a tad longer than expected..12:58
refnumzxthank you for doing it at all, i definitely appreciate it12:58
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YukiIkyutarefnumzx, do you have g++ installed?12:59
mbn18gnomefreak: its not :(12:59
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refnumzxnope, i was hopeing for a shell script buyt i can install it12:59
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nAk|MarekHELP: Hello, I installed Ubuntu for AMD64, having Nvidia 6600GT on pci-e and OpenGL performance is very bad. What can I do? Thx alot12:59
refnumzxif that will work12:59
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, ah, sorry. I can shell script, but no where near as well >< If you could install it, you could compile it yourself.01:00
gnomefreakmbn18, if you use smeg it should be01:00
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mbn18smeg ?01:00
kvanttikamping_kaiser just for the info, there is a script to do it in usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples but it does not seem to work01:00
Kamping_Kaiserkvantti: what failed?01:00
Kamping_Kaiseri think that's where mine came from01:00
gnomefreakapplications>systemtools>menu editer01:01
lachesiskvantti,  i used the script last week and it worked well for me...01:01
refnumzxas long as it works i have no objections however you can do it01:01
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, the source is here: http://sairyx.org/pub/massga.cpp01:01
YukiIkyuta(MASS Group Add)01:01
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kvanttihey guys it looks like it ran by just chmodding and running with sudo..silly me01:02
YukiIkyutaAnd a simple "g++ -ansi -pedantic -o massga massga.cpp" will compile it.01:02
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kvanttilachesis so do you know that it is now ready for example gxine? or what players?01:02
gallonegro__how do people have those asci things, when they open terminal?01:02
mbn18gnomefreak: found it thugh gnucash is not listed. I should add it manualy ?01:02
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Mabus06how do you turn down the brightness in ubuntu? it was turned up in the Doom 3 settings, and after it closed it didn't turn back down01:03
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gnomefreaki thought it would be uder office unless that was the debian list im thinking of :(01:03
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JugGeLNuTwow, this is so cool!01:03
YukiIkyutaJugGeLNuT, hiya.01:03
kvanttilachesis what player do you use succesfully? gxine still wont run this "war of the worlds"01:03
lachesiskvantti, sorry i dont know i didnt try to play a dvd, just riped vobs with dvdbackup command line utility...01:04
JugGeLNuTim using the live CD of Ubunto 5.0401:04
JugGeLNuTvery cool!01:04
YukiIkyutaJugGeLNuT, neat! ^^01:04
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mbn18gnomefreak < hmmm. im uded to debian too. thugh im quite impressed with unbuto as work station01:04
lachesisi would try it for you if my system was not totally brocken...01:04
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kvanttiok, well01:04
oskudeJugGeLNuT, is ubunto something else, or was that a typo ?01:04
mbn18gnomefreak < i assum ill add it manualy01:04
Mabus06how do you turn down the brightness in ubuntu? it was turned up in the Doom 3 settings, and after it closed it didn't turn back down. Can someone PLEASE help me, I'm going blind here guys.01:05
JugGeLNuThehe Ubuntu01:05
gnomefreakmbn18, ubuntu=best if you ask me :)01:05
JugGeLNuTi ment01:05
YukiIkyutaMabus06, does logging out and in do it?01:05
Mabus06we'll see01:05
oskudeJugGeLNuT, ok :) you know 5.10 is allso out01:05
YukiIkyutaJugGeLNuT, how are you liking it?01:05
gnomefreakmbn18,  do you know what command starts gnucash?01:05
JugGeLNuTvery neat n cool! =)01:05
JugGeLNuTim plnning to DL that 1 too01:05
fabiobMabus06, xgamma -gamma 101:05
YukiIkyutaJugGeLNuT, if you can get it, you'll probably like 5.10 even more!01:05
lachesisI really cant believe it, i was working normally, the system just froze and now every thing is fucked up...01:05
kvanttilachesis hey lachesis mplayer finally runs but with no sound :(01:06
JugGeLNuTcool! =)01:06
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JugGeLNuTthe Gaim thing is VERY COOL!01:06
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JugGeLNuTby the way01:06
lachesiswell you prolly need to install AC3 support package for mplayer i guess01:06
gnomefreakim using gaim right now :(01:06
YukiIkyutaJugGeLNuT, definitely. A lot of people use it.01:07
YukiIkyutaI'm using it too. (though not for IRC)01:07
oskudexchat here :)01:07
gnomefreakme neither im using it for aim01:07
JugGeLNuTya, very neat01:07
YukiIkyutaMabus06, just curious, did the xgamma command work for you?01:07
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BigKahunawhen enabling multiverse and universe what should you apend "multiverse" to the actual name of the repo?01:07
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Mabus06I was alredy in the process of logging out, YukiIkyuta, which worked.01:07
YukiIkyutaBigKahuna, no - do it just like universe.01:07
YukiIkyutaMabus06, ah, I see. Perhaps next time the xgamma command will work.01:07
=== gnomefreak smoke break
refnumzx will download that in a sec01:09
refnumzxthank you01:09
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, neat. How do you want the accounts created in the other script?01:09
Mabus06YukiIkyuta, well I don't *plan* on screwing up my screen again, but we'll see. :D01:09
YukiIkyutaMabus06, haha. XD!01:09
oskudeanyone know of a app that enables me to shoot my desktop icons ? (i have "tilda" installed an i get that FPS feeling;)01:09
YukiIkyutaoskude, boom!01:09
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oskudeYukiIkyuta, was that a package name ?01:10
YukiIkyutaHah, I wish ><01:10
YukiIkyutaActually, tilda is pretty cool!01:10
oskudeok :)01:11
kvanttihas anyone solved to corrupted audio problem using mplayer with 5.1 sound? i have terratec aureon 5.1 and logitech x530 and i got an encrypted dvd to run, but with no sound, and would like to do it with alsa output01:11
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refnumzxjust it'll read from the csv list in usrname,group,password one account per line, and it'll just create a system user with --shell /bin/false and it will ad the same accountname in smbpasswd01:12
YukiIkyutaOkay, sure.01:12
kvanttiit seems that i need to install the dts codec for mplayer. any help with that one?01:12
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YukiIkyutarefnumzx, I assume group is an initial group, or ..?01:13
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clarkeekubuntu rape01:15
clarkeeit kicks ass!01:15
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oskudethis is creepy... :)01:18
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YukiIkyutaHow so?01:18
YukiIkyutaJust for a tad. -_-01:18
Kamping_Kaiserin 20 IRC channels :|01:18
Kamping_Kaiserit's feaking *me* out :|01:18
aptikoHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a powerpc using xfs.  When it boots for the first time, I get "kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)".01:18
lachesisi wish someone would talk about my system recovery actually...01:19
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oskudeaptiko, do you know in which partition you installed ubuntu ?01:19
aptikoYes, it should be /dev/hda3.01:19
aptiko(I'm now booting from a live cd to check it.)01:20
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oskudeaptiko, ok, then in grub (the start menu at boot) go to the ubuntu entry and press "e", then edit the "hd(0,0)" to "hd(0,2)" and press "b"01:21
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lachesisanybody has any idea about what it means when my file system is mounted read-only after a system crash...01:21
aptikooskude: No grub.  I've got yaboot.01:21
oskudeaptiko, doh, forgot that :)01:21
aptikooskide: But I'll try to see if I can do it on yaboot.01:21
YukiIkyutalachesis, have you tried just rebooting it again after that?01:21
oskudeaptiko, theres allso away booting through "open firmware" (if your mac has it)01:22
[A] ndy80how can I avoid my ubuntu suspend to ram after x minutes I'm not using the notebook and I'm using battery?01:22
lachesisof course, several times and in recovery mode...01:22
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kvanttiit seems that another library called libdts is required for 5.1 sound in mplayer..this seems to be hard to find, so do you happen to know about it?01:22
YukiIkyutakvantti, I just realised now my two rear speakers aren't playing!01:23
lachesisYukiIkyuta : but anyway my options are rather limited since I cant actually edit anything being in read-only mode...01:23
kvanttiyukiikayta i have the same thing, but i believe the reason is that the rear speakers only function with true 5.1 sound01:23
YukiIkyutalachesis, true. You could try to remount. Typically, it just means that it's fixed it, but wants you to reboot anyway.01:23
YukiIkyutakvantti, weird.01:24
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refnumzxYukiIkyuta: for the excluse list, what format should that be in, and what filename?01:25
kvanttiyukiikyuta if you need a solve for 5.1 sound, you could check out this site http://developers.videolan.org/libdca.html01:25
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oskude[A] ndy80, have you looken under System>Preferences or >Administration ? (i never had/used suspend, sry)01:25
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YukiIkyutarefnumzx, just have the list as a comma separated list: "root,postmaster,cupsys,sys,..etc01:25
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, it can be whatever name you like, as it'll want it as an argument.01:26
YukiIkyutakvantti, I'll look into it ..01:26
refnumzxthanks a lot for this one, the next one will be much much much morevaluable though ehh01:26
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YukiIkyutarefnumzx, no problems, and this one is almost done too ^^01:27
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YukiIkyutaYou wanted /bin/false shell, right?01:27
Mabus06When installing quake2 and quake2-data from the repos, I start the game and it gives me this error; ""Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx01:27
Mabus06"... any ideas?01:27
kvanttiyukiikyuta the thing we need is libdts, but synaptic does not hold it thanks to bill gates and friends, ;)01:28
YukiIkyutaoKtosiTe_, good.01:28
YukiIkyutaoKtosiTe_, good.01:28
ubotuI don't know, YukiIkyuta01:28
YukiIkyutaWhat the..01:28
lachesisYukiIkyuta, i tried to remount everything, which worked in the way that i didnt get error message but i still get Read-Only File Sytem any time i try to write something...01:28
YukiIkyutaIt keeps expanding it ..01:28
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aptikooskude: yaboot tells me that I caould specify "device" and "partno" parameters, and that if I don't, the defaults are "device=/pci@f40000000/ata-6@d/disk@0" and "partition=3".  So yaboot must be having the correct information.01:28
YukiIkyutalachesis, I've had that problem too.01:28
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oskudeaptiko, hmm01:29
lachesisalso I noticed that the /boot directory is empty and i dont think that is normal01:29
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aptikoI think I'd like to have an ext3 root partition of, say 300M,01:29
aptikoand have all the rest in another partition (I think the problem could be the xfs).01:29
aptikoIs it possible to install ubuntu in such a way that /var, /usr and /home are all in the same partition?01:30
oskudeaptiko, you can have all (except swap) in one partition01:30
YukiIkyutaaptiko, yes, of course.01:30
oskudeaptiko, if you just define "/" partition at install, all others are in there01:30
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potus?package kde01:31
potus!package kde01:31
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ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, potus01:31
oskudeMabus06, google: http://www.planetquake.com/features/techtips/techtips010303_b.shtml01:31
mjraptiko, you might have to do some manual setting up of symlinks and/or bind-mounts for that, but possible? sure01:31
mjr(I'm not sure if the installer's partitioner supports defining bind mounts)01:31
potusi installed ubuntu 5.10 server,  just bear console.  im tring to get kde now.  can someone tell me packages?01:32
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oskudepotus, try "sudo apt-get install kubuntu" (could someone confirm?)01:32
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onkarshindepotus: install kubuntu-desktop and it will install all needed.01:32
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oskudepotus, ah, ok "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" (i admit, never installed kde:)01:34
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sorush20guys where can I find information on the ubuntu partitioning software?01:34
onkarshindesorush20: DO you mean gparted? It is very easy to use.01:34
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sorush20onkarshinde: I mean the partitioning tool that Kubuntu installation uses.. is there a manual on it..01:35
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oskudeMabus06, found also something in ubuntuforums.org http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7530501:35
lachesiscan someone confirm that /boot is not suposed to be empty on breezy ?01:36
potusoskude: then i just run startx from console to run it correct?01:36
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fred87hi, non-ubuntu user here, can someone tell me where I can find any source patches used in ubuntu-64?01:36
oskudepotus, in theory, yes :)01:36
djk_sorush20:  http://qtparted.sourceforge.net/ ?01:36
Nucki'm having a problem with hedgehog, I am trying to use dialup. The modem initalises, and dials the number... but firefox won't connect. I can't even ping out01:36
potusyeah i just dont want that gui login start to xwindows... i want to login to console.. and installing the package shouldnt install gdm correct?01:36
kvanttiyukiikuyta the libdts package can be found at http://debian.unnet.01:37
kvanttinl/pub/videolan/libdts/0.0.2/ libdts-0.0.2.tar.gz01:37
nAk|MarekI'am having troubles with nVidia 6600GT PCIx on Ubuntu AMD64 (i have nvidia-glx) - it is slow.. what to do?01:37
onkarshindesorush20: you are asking wrong channel. Try in #kubuntu01:37
sorush20what program can I use to find deleted files on the partition?01:37
oskudepotus, if you installed "kubuntu" i assume it uses "kdm"01:37
tristanhi all01:37
onkarshindelachesis: Yup, it is not supposed to be empty01:37
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sorush20tristan: hi01:37
djk_onkarshinde: why is he asking in the wrong channel?01:37
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aptikomjr: So I create the root partition and the second partition, make symlinks from the root partition to the second partition for /usr, /var and /home, then start the ubuntu installer and tell it to mount these partitions and install there while preserving existing data, so it will follow the symlinks?01:38
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onkarshindedjk_: He asked about qtparted that comes with kubuntu, and though people here may be using kubuntu he will get more help in that channel01:38
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onkarshindeaptiko: what do you exactly want to do?01:39
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djk_onkarshinde: aha, and which partitioning program does Ubuntu use my dear friend?01:39
lachesisonkarshinde, thx but then how the hell can the system even boot ???01:39
potusonkarshinde:  if i apt-get remove kdm  that should fix that problem correct?01:39
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lachesisi dont get it01:39
aptikoonkarshinde:  Have two partitions: a root partition, and a usr+var+home.01:39
onkarshindedjk_: gparted (if installed) or just console based parted01:39
cuscoor fdisk or cfdisk01:39
cuscoor there are so many01:40
Mabus06Yes thanks oskude but I found that site as well and the file mentioned at the end is not found in mycomputer01:40
cuscosudo apt-get install qtparted01:40
tristanI already asked that question yesterday but....01:40
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onkarshindepotus: Sorry, I don't know much about how kdm works. But you can actually install it and still disable it from services so that you login to console on bootup.01:41
djk_onkarshinde: i know my dear friend, but he was asking about the installation...01:41
nAk|MarekI'am having troubles with nVidia 6600GT PCIx on Ubuntu AMD64 (i have nvidia-glx) - it is slow.. what to do?01:41
oskudeMabus06, sorry, never installed quake2...01:41
potusonkarshinde: initd?01:41
tristanI have trouble with smeg. It doesn't make the modification I made to my menus even though when I relaunch smeg they appear in the program...01:41
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potusnak: i had troubles too then i just reverted back to winblows on that box.01:41
cuscotristan: try killall gnome-panel01:41
onkarshindepotus: perhaps. I am not sure if there is a GUI for that in KUbuntu. There is one in Ubuntu.01:41
tristancusco : alreay done01:42
tristanEven rebooted01:42
Mabus06oskude, it really should be fixed in the next Ubuntu release... I installed quake2 and quake2-data without messing with anything and it does not work.01:42
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onkarshindeaptiko: DO you mean you already have Ubuntu installed and you want to move data (home+usr+var) to new partitions?01:42
potusonkarshinde: yeah my main concern is using them gnome printer thing to setup my samba printers because i cant seem to setup cups from console =/01:42
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YukiIkyutarefnumzx, can you create an account with smbpasswd alone? Or does it rely on the normal passwd file anyway?01:42
nAk|Marekpotus: I dont want to :( -on my previous instalation on athlon xp / nv 5900XT was everything OK..01:42
sorush20guys what is the java package in the repositories?01:42
aptikoonkarshinde:  No, I want a new ubuntu installation.01:42
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, or do I use -a or something ..01:42
oskudeMabus06, yeah, quake2 is crusial for ubuntu :)01:42
oskudeMabus06, you could mail the package maintainer and ask for help01:43
potusnak: u should recompile latest kernel for best compadibility01:43
onkarshindeaptiko: Then you can make partitions in installation procedure01:43
refnumzxit relies on the password to be in smbpasswd01:43
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oskudeMabus06, or if its so important for you, i could try to install it too and see...01:43
refnumzxthe account needs toexist according tu the system before smbpasswd will create it01:43
nAk|Marekpotus: well, are you sure that this will help? I dont want to waste even more time..01:44
=== xota saluda!
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, ah. I see... okay, simple.01:44
YukiIkyutaAlmost done!!01:44
potusnak: what exactly is the problem?01:44
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aptikoonkarshinde: I want a small ext3 root partition, and I want /usr+/var+/home be together in another partition, that is the problem.  Can I do this in the installation procedure?  Or do I have to make some preparation with symlinking?01:45
Mabus06oskude, it's certainly a popular game for linux. And it's on the default ubuntu repos. So yeah, I think anything in there should work as intended.01:45
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onkarshindeaptiko: hmm, that sure is problem.01:46
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oskudeMabus06, quake2 is in multiverse (and thats not ubuntu "default")01:46
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onkarshindeaptiko: I use separate /usr and everything else goes under /01:46
sleptaptiko, why do you want to partiton such a strange way you'll have a problem mounting /usr /var01:46
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tristanSo, nobody has trouble with smeg?01:47
kvanttican someone help me out with compiling libdts..what else should i do but ./configure and make? .. doing that does not work01:47
sleptaptiko, maybe you want /boot and the rest with lvm ?01:47
onkarshindeaptiko: why don't you just create three partitions, /usr, /home, /01:47
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Mara007tristan: did you restarted gnome-panel?01:47
djk_kvantti: make install perhaps?01:47
onkarshindetristan: I used it and no problem.01:47
potushas anyone got silicon raid image to work with ubuntu 5.10?01:48
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tristanyes. I made killall gnome-panel nautilus. I even reboot the comp. And still when I launch smeg the modification appears in smeg but not in the menus01:48
djk_silicon raid..mmh sounds like boobies..01:48
sleptkvantti, you can try checkinstall that will make you a removable .deb01:48
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Mara007GF 6600GT sux on Ubuntu for AMD64? Does anyone know how to fix it?01:48
Nucki'm having a problem with hedgehog, I am trying to use dialup. The modem initalises, and dials the number... but firefox won't connect. I can't even ping out. Any ideas?01:48
potusnuck does modem hang up or u still connected?01:49
aptikoonkarshinde, slept:  1) I want the root partition to be ext3 and the rest to be xfs; I want /var to also be xfs  2) I don't want /var, /home, and /usr to be separate partitions, because I don't want to make decisions how much space to give to each.  I just want a small 300M ext3 root partition for easy booting, and all the rest in another, which will be the rest of the disk.01:49
Nuckstill connected01:49
Mara007tristan: and whe you run smeg again, does it apear that changes you have made are saved?01:49
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ompaulNuck, try pinging
Mara007tristan: I didn't have any problems with it at all01:50
onkarshindeNuck: Perhaps you need to set ppp0 as default gateway from System->Administration->Networking01:50
potusaptiko: i just say u use ext3 all the way =P01:50
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Mara007GF 6600GT sux on Ubuntu for AMD64? Does anyone know how to fix it?01:50
enderson_ol, algum poderia me dizer como fao para acessar o meu hd escravo, acabei de instalar o umbuto e estou tendo dificuldades01:50
tristanMara007 : yes it shows every modification I made. But they do not appear in the gnome menu. That's what I don't understant01:50
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:50
sleptaptiko, I think it'll give you trouble mounting one partition at 3 dirs01:50
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, done!01:50
Nuckonkarshinde: it is already set as default01:50
onkarshindeaptiko: See if you can figure out how to use LVM01:51
refnumzxcool stuff01:51
kvanttidjk slept it seems to run by some parts, but on others it tells me "nothing to be done"01:51
Mabus06What is the reason one might use older versions of ubuntu? Laziness?01:51
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Mara007tristan: :(( I have no idea.. sory01:51
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, http://sairyx.org/pub/massaa.cpp (MASS Account Adder)01:51
ompaulMabus06, cos it is all you have and you have dialup01:51
onkarshindeNuck: Is it only problem with FF?01:51
kvanttiand i still got corrupted 5.1 sound in mplayer01:51
Mara007anyway, ubuntu us cool even without it ;-)01:51
YukiIkyutaCompile with "g++ -wall -lcrypt ansi -pedantic -o massaa massaa.cpp"01:51
aptikoonkarshinde:  OK, I'll check LVM, thanks is it hard to learn?  I hardly know what it is and I don't want to spend a week.01:51
tristanIs your smeg can only be run as root. I cannot run smeg as myself01:51
Nuckonkarshinde: no, i cannot even ping out. it's like there's no connection01:51
potusdjk_: have u done the raid b4?01:51
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sleptaptiko, why do you want ext3 ?  for booting you need /boot (50MB)01:52
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onkarshindeNuck: Maybe this is something related to IPv6. See if you can find anything on wiki01:52
djk_potus: no :( that's why i use linux01:52
Nuckonkarshinde: thanks01:52
Mara007tristan; I was runnint smeg as common user01:52
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aptikoslept:  Mounting shouldn't be a problem;  there will be /secondpartition/usr, /secondpartition/var, and /secondpartition/home, and symlinks pointing there.  So only one directory will be mounted, /secondpartition.01:52
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Mara007GF 6600GT sux on Ubuntu for AMD64? Does anyone know how to fix it?01:52
Mabus06ompaul, but they send you breezy cds free?01:52
djk_potus: gives me an excuse you know :)01:52
richardIm asuming this chat channel is for linux discussion.01:52
tristanMara007 : doesn't allow me to run it as myself01:52
potusdjk_: i have 2 sda drives and i want a raid for data recovery: what ar emy options?01:52
Tuntishttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=532641#post532641 <- anyone... know a solution?01:53
YukiIkyutarichard, yep.01:53
ompaulNuck, ur in nui in galway - download and grab breezy it will make your life easier01:53
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ompaulMabus06, you may not know that01:53
Nuckaye, doing it now :)01:53
Seveasrichard, this channel is for Ubuntu support, not general linux discussion01:53
onkarshinderichard: This is basically Ubuntu Linux channel and we hope you don't ask RedHat questions here01:53
sleptaptiko, lvm is very easy. you make a physical volume in there a volumegroup ant in there the logicalvolumes(which you can mount)01:53
aptikoslept:  I can only boot from /boot?  What about the kernel modules? Are they in boot?  Or in /lib?  If they are in /lib I have a problem, as I may need modules to read the other filesystem.01:53
richardI have justr installed ubuntu01:53
djk_potus: heh, i thought we were talking about mounting booby raids ?01:53
ompaulNuck, also if you really want mail ilug and somone over that way will burn you a cd if you hav not get the resouces01:53
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, tell me how it goes! :)01:53
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potusdjk_: idk what a01:54
Nuckompaul: sound, thanks mate01:54
richardI am a begginer to linux01:54
ompaulNuck, they can hand it to you under the spanish arch :P01:54
potus'booby raid' is01:54
richardI want an SQL database and Client application to work on it.01:54
potushehe ..  im jsut tring to get silicon raid image a /dev/something so i can cp my filesystem to it and edit fstab01:54
djk_potus: but seriously, i havent had any use for a raid, so i can't help you. check the wiki.01:54
Mara007tristan: it looks like there is something wrong, iam running ti like me "marek"01:54
djk_potus: hehe, you're so innocent ;)01:54
ompaulNuck, don't go anywhere til I fon01:55
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onkarshinderichard: then you need mysql01:55
potusdjk_: i got the right idea right?01:55
Nuckompaul, !! :O01:55
sleptaptiko, no but if you do a root lvm you need to create a seperate /boot grub  can't handle lvm. the initrd contains the modules for your filesystems01:55
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potusmod kernel get /dev/something... then it should be all set.01:55
ompaulNuck, there is a ubuntu-ie01:55
richardYes MySql, like in windows XP, with a nice GUI client to adminster it01:55
Nuckaye, i know :)01:55
djk_potus: i'd assume so.01:55
Nucki'm downloading it now ompaul01:55
richardthe package manager doesnt give me any new icons.01:55
onkarshinderichard: Do you know how to use apt-get to install packages?01:55
potusdamm.. so no one has done anything with raid as the primary file system in here?01:56
onkarshinderichard: have you enabled repositories?01:56
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richardyeh im working it out,01:56
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richardno I think Il do more reading before anoyying ppl01:56
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onkarshinderichard: one simple command, 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and uncomment repositories01:57
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ompaulrichard, I'll get the bot to give you some suggested reading if you want01:57
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oskudeMabus06, did you read "apt-cache show quake2-data" but i admit i dont know how to use that :)01:57
Ngpotus: I installed onto a software raid1 array once01:57
richardok cool01:57
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onkarshinde!tell richard about synaptic01:57
potusNg: how u manage that i tried a software raid1 it wouldnt work during install.01:57
potusmade raid partiton and kept giving me some error.01:58
A-Goany evolution users there?01:58
refnumzxi will test this later, thanks a lot for al of this01:58
Mabus06if you don't oskude, then I definately dont01:58
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YukiIkyutarefnumzx, no problems, and good luck! I hope it works out.01:58
Ngpotus: I think I made a plain /boot and then put a partition on each disk to be the raid'd /01:58
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ompaulrichard, that should keep you busy for a few minutes :-)01:58
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Mara007GF 6600GT sux on Ubuntu for AMD64? Does anyone know how to fix it?01:58
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YukiIkyutaMara007, got the nVidia drivers installed?01:59
Mabus06Mara007, try #nvidia01:59
NgMara007: search the wiki, there are instructions for installing the nvidia driver01:59
Ngit's very easy01:59
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YukiIkyutaMara007, they're here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:59
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Mara007thanks - ofcourse I have driver installed - but performance is bad - Iam expecting about 90FPS in enemy territory and I gets about 4002:00
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A-Gohow can i remove gnome-games while keeping ubuntu-desktop?02:00
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YukiIkyutaMara007, is it in WINE?02:00
richardanyone know of a pure java bug tracking system with flat file database ?02:00
iustinhello everyone, i believe i have a silly question. Everything function at the best, but the single problem is with the codecs - i can`t play mp3 and avi and wmv02:00
YukiIkyutaA-Go, try apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop +gnome-games02:00
richardthanks om paul, Ive saved that info to file on my desktop02:00
refnumzxthis is correct compile for mass account add?02:01
refnumzx"g++ -wall -lcrypt ansi -pedantic -o massaa02:01
alex__hello, who can tell me where I can find a good program to recover erase data02:01
Siph0nhttp://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/NVIDIA_graphics_drivers#Debian <---- for nvidia drivers02:01
ubotumethinks restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats02:01
YukiIkyutarefnumzx, missing the last word: massaa.cpp02:01
potusNg: yeah i tried doing that.. wouldnt work for me =/02:01
Siph0nwhat i used to get UT2004 to work :)02:01
oskudeMabus06, try "dpkg-reconfigure quake2-data" :) (i read /usr/share/doc/quake2-data/README.Debian)02:01
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Mara007YukiIkyuta no.. it is linux native binary .x86.. Iam running AMD64 ubuntu02:01
YukiIkyutaThat's quite weird.02:01
Siph0nlol i think02:01
NgMara007: run "glxinfo | grep -i vendor", does it say nvidia three times?02:01
oskudeMabus06, but sadly it wont find anything on the shareware downloads...02:02
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=== xester good morning
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Mara007Ng dont know exactly (Iam at work now) but probably YES, there is a nv logo when starting xserver02:02
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alex__hello, who can tell me where I can find a good program to recover erase data02:03
Mara007..must leave for a while.. thanks anyway02:03
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djk_iustin: did you get what ubotu sent you?02:03
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SanderD"No Firefox 1.5 in Breezy until after it appears in Dapper." -- Why? And when will it appear in Dapper?02:04
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refnumzx     /quit02:04
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kvanttiif anyone of you could bother to see http://rpmseek.com/rpm-pl/libdca.html?hl=com&cs=libdca:PN:0:0:0:0                                and help me out with installing this package. the reward is i think functional 5.1 sound in mplayer with encrypted dvd:s02:04
trip|do0bdoes anybody knows how you can use multiple buffers in bash?02:05
alex__hello, who can tell me where I can find a good program to recover erase data02:05
YukiIkyutatrip|do0b, what do you imply with the word `buffer'?02:05
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oskudeMabus06, i now found a quake2 demo through google, ill try if that works...02:06
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oNe^somewherecan i reinstall windows without messing up grub and my install of ubuntu ?02:06
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P0406125c qui02:06
YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, it's very difficult to not mess up GRUB.02:06
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p0505616a marche02:06
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P0205021moi tu me vois?02:06
YukiIkyutap0505616, English?02:06
oNe^somewherecan i save the files from grub and reinstall them after ?02:07
oskudeMabus06, cot a crappy server, capped to 100kb/s... ~5min...02:07
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YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, it's not that simple, unfortunately..02:07
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McScruff does anyone know how to get firefox videos in sync with sound?02:07
YukiIkyutaDo you have the CD you used to install? Or even the live CD?02:07
P0205021tu mentend02:07
oNe^somewherei have the ubuntu cd not the live 1 tho02:07
YukiIkyutaP0205021, Anglais?02:07
p0505616moi ouai02:07
alex__hello, who can tell me where I can find a good program to recover erase data02:08
oskudealex__, google ?02:08
YukiIkyutap0505616, vous parlez anglais?02:08
oNe^somewherei know u can reinstall grub from the cd but u still need to configure it02:08
YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, the configuration is installed on the harddrive.02:09
YukiIkyutaSo you can use that configuration still.02:09
oNe^somewhereif posible can i save files (and which files do i save ) and put them back after02:09
YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, as I said, you don't do it that way.02:09
YukiIkyutaThere aren't specific files to save.02:09
YukiIkyutaWhen Windows is installed, it overwrites something called the Master Boot Record (MBR).02:10
ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr et #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais02:10
YukiIkyutaSo you must reinstall GRUB to the MBR using the Live CD, typically.02:10
oNe^somewhereyes .. i found that out02:10
theD3viLYukiIkyuta, isnt there command like "lilo" ?02:10
oNe^somewhereif this ubuntu is as good as it's sposed to be i'm gonna be stuck coz winblows always needs fixin02:11
YukiIkyutatheD3viL, there is, except we're using GRUB, so one types "grub" instead.02:11
YukiIkyutagrub-install*, indeed02:11
oNe^somewherelet me find somethin for ya YukiIkyuta02:12
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oNe^somewherea article in the wiki i think02:12
theD3viLYukiIkyuta, yes..02:12
YukiIkyutatheD3viL, yes..?02:12
YukiIkyuta"grub-install /dev/YOURHARDDRIVEDEVICEHERE"02:12
YukiIkyutaTypically as root.02:12
SanderDDoes anyone know when Firefox 1.5 will be available using apt-get?02:12
theD3viLYukiIkyuta, you have right :) .. but he can do that even with gentoo installation disc...chmod?02:13
YukiIkyutatheD3viL, I shoul dthink so.02:13
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YukiIkyutaSanderD, as in the channel's topic, not until after it's in Dapper.02:13
SanderDYukilkyuta: But when will it be in Dapper?02:13
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oskudeMabus06, are you still there ? my quake2 works :)02:13
YukiIkyutaAfter Dapper is released in.. April, or so. o_O02:13
Mabus06how, oskude ?02:13
Sonderbladei accidentally removed /var/log/user.log, how do i get it back so that syslogging will work?02:14
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oskudeMabus06, get quake 2 demo somewhere (google) and then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure quake2-data" and read the instructions02:14
oskudeMabus06, i got mine from here http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=6402:14
YukiIkyutaSonderblade, typically syslogging will just work anyway. Restarting may recreate the file.02:14
SanderDYukilkyuta: Really? Doesn't it appear in the repositories or something first? It would be strange to let users wait until April for a software update...02:15
SonderbladeYukiIkyuta: it doesn't02:15
YukiIkyutaSonderblade, peculiar!02:15
theD3viLSanderD, you can always compile i02:15
YukiIkyutaSanderD, well, it's quite weird, but I'm taking a look at the channel topic, which appears to be the authoriative!02:15
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SonderbladeYukiIkyuta: i probably have to set the right perms/ownerships02:15
YukiIkyutatheD3viL, have you seen it?02:16
YukiIkyutaIt's 330MiB extracted, of source.02:16
bachstudiesdoes anyone know how to cre02:16
theD3viLYukiIkyuta, what..FF 1.5 ?02:16
theD3viLnope....no need02:16
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theD3viLno need to see it02:16
bachstudiessorry....is it possible to mount a writable NTFS windows partition?02:16
YukiIkyutaOhmer, well.02:16
YukiIkyutaNo need, but what I mean is, it's quite a beast to compile.02:16
YukiIkyutabachstudies, there's no NTFS write support (yet).02:16
theD3viLbachstudies, yes, www.ubuntuwiki.org02:16
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william__hey has an update for Firefox 1.5 been done for Ubuntu?02:17
SanderDtheD3viL: I know, but I chose Ubuntu for it's packaging system.02:17
SanderDYukilkyuta: Dappers seems to be available somehow already, so I guess Fx 1.5 will be available sooner too... Well, maybe I just have to compile it myself indeed....02:17
YukiIkyutatheD3viL, is it just me, or does that site not work.02:17
YukiIkyutaSanderD, Dapper is not ready for quite some time.02:17
bachstudiesYukiIkyuta, is there a way when I copy from NTFS to linux desktop to not have it created as a locked file?02:17
theD3viLSanderD, then use Debian sid02:17
kvanttiwould someone know where to aqcuire the libdca library?02:17
bachstudiesYukiIkyuta, as in not owned by root?02:18
YukiIkyutabachstudies, you should set the umask appropriately when you mount it.02:18
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SanderDtheD3viL: That's the testing version of Debian? Isn't that what the Drake development version is about too?02:18
YukiIkyutabachstudies, just today I had a problem with that, all the directories weren't traversable, so I wrote a script in PHP to fix it.02:18
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oNe^somewhereYukiIkyuta,  will this work .. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+Win9x+Grub-HOWTO/proc.html#AEN7202:18
bobbydwhat's a good program to use to make webpages for beginners? something like frontpage but not from MS?02:18
oskudebobbyd, "nvu" (but ive never used it)02:19
YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, unfortunately, not quite.02:19
theD3viLSanderD, yes...thats debian unstable, but i think in testing (etch) debian is firefox 1.5 too02:19
theD3viLYukiIkyuta, dont works for me too o.O02:19
bobbydcan open office save as a web page?02:19
oNe^somewherelol ... whats the not quiet bit ?02:19
oskudebobbyd, yes (i think:)02:19
alex__how can I see the log file, in the router cisco?02:19
YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, its setup is a bit different to Ubuntu's.02:19
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SanderDtheD3viL: ok... Can't I download and install a .deb and file for debian unstable then?02:20
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YukiIkyutaSanderD, that's the smart thing to do! xD02:20
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kvanttiso, now i just need to get libdca installed so if someone would help it would greatly be appreciated :) the package is at http://pessoal.onda.com.br/rjamorim/libdca.rar                                and it provides functional 5.1 sound with libdvdcss which makes possible to play encrypted dvd's02:20
oNe^somewhereso i need the live cd to reinstall windows and grub then ?02:20
theD3viLSanderD, no if you wanna have new packages install debian testing (etch)02:20
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mjcgBye bye!02:21
YukiIkyutaoNe^somewhere, or the install CD should work too... I think.02:21
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kvanttiabout the strange url: the library is extremely rare02:21
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SanderDtheD3viL: But then I'd have to reinstall my OS... Well, maybe I should just compile it then. Thanks for the info!02:21
YukiIkyutaSanderD, no!02:21
oNe^somewherelast time i tried the install cd it had no entries in the grub menu and as i am fairly new to linux (and grub) i wasn't sure how to edit them02:22
theD3viLIf i upgrade debian or ubuntu ... where goes old packages and files??02:22
YukiIkyutaSanderD, you don't have to reinstall the packages.02:22
YukiIkyutaSanderD, I mean, you don't have to reinstall the OS. You can use etch's deb.02:22
YukiIkyutaSanderD, I'll get the address for you..02:22
SanderDyes? okay :-)02:22
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theD3viLYukiIkyuta, If i upgrade debian or ubuntu ... where goes old packages and files??02:23
Mabus06Are there official "breezy badger" images anywhere that would be suitable for backgrounds and/or login screen?02:23
kyncanitheD3viL: into oblivion02:23
oNe^somewhereor is it even possible to make a install cd from my current installation (to save downloading packages again) ?02:23
RustyJamesoNe^somewhere, if you want to save the bootmenu you have to save the file /boot/grub/menu.lst02:23
YukiIkyutatheD3viL, I'm not quite sure if they go anywhere at all.02:23
theD3viLkyncani, what is oblivion?02:23
RustyJamesor whereever your boot partition is02:23
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kyncanitheD3viL: they get deleted !02:24
rraajjHow do I take a screenshot in Kubuntu? The print screen button doesn't work, which is weird.02:24
theD3viLkyncani, sure ?02:24
_jasonrraajj, you could use the gimp, for a button you could try to ask in #kubuntu02:24
YukiIkyutaSanderD, http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Ff%2Ffirefox%2Ffirefox_1.4.99%2B1.5rc3.dfsg-2_i386.deb&md5sum=27e677c62e04ca92ec8d40dd15e2c0d3&arch=i386&type=main02:24
kvanttisorry about that false url http://debian.unnet.nl/pub/videolan/libdts/0.0.2/libdts-0.0.2.tar.gz                    i really need help with installing this, pleease.02:24
YukiIkyutaWhat a mouthful.02:24
rraajj_jason: Okay, thanks!02:24
kyncanitheD3viL: for packages which are upgraded, yes.02:25
kyncanitheD3viL: and you can use debfoster to remove old dependencies.02:25
Mabus06Are there official "breezy badger" images anywhere that would be suitable for backgrounds and/or login screen?02:25
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SanderDYukilkyuta: Thanks! Though that's RC3, but I'll look for the final version there (maybe that hasn't been released in Etch yet?)02:25
oNe^somewhereRustyJames, do u have 5 mins for a pm ?02:25
oNe^somewheremaybe less02:26
RustyJamesoNe^somewhere, yes02:26
theD3viLkyncani, eh...that too bad...when will be new version ill format02:26
oNe^somewherecan u pm me plz02:26
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YukiIkyutaSanderD, it doesn't look like it's been released here yet, no.02:26
oNe^somewhere<---not registered (yet)02:26
sorush20is there a way that I could search a partition for deleted files?02:26
bachstudiesYukiIkyuta, I have successfully changed some of my files and directories to 755 but the subdirectories don't change...is there a quick way to fix this?02:26
YukiIkyutaSanderD, taking a quick look over them all, it doesn't look like it's yet in Etch.02:27
theD3viLsorush20, i think isnt02:27
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kyncanitheD3viL: in ubuntu and debian stable, new versions only fix security fixes. So they (should not) introduce new bugs.02:27
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YukiIkyutabachstudies, chmod -R 0755 (wherever)02:27
oNe^somewheredamn ...it dont work02:27
sorush20theD3viL: why?02:27
sorush20 there must be a way02:27
bachstudiesYukiIkyuta, great thanks02:27
SanderDYukilkyuta, I'll just keep watching that page. Thanks for the link!02:27
YukiIkyutaSanderD, good luck!02:27
oskudekvantti, i can help you to compile, but i cant say if it will work...02:27
_jasonsorush20, it is complicated, may or may not work and I have never tried it: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/Ext2fs-Undeletion.html#s2 and http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/Ext2fs-Undeletion-Dir-Struct.html02:28
RustyJameswhats the problrm?02:28
kvanttioskude thankyou very much. the ./configure just ran with no errors02:28
theD3viLkyncani, no..example: ooo1.4 > ooo2.002:28
theD3viLsorush20, couse ext3 doesnt support that02:28
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theD3viLsorush20, windows does, ntfs does02:28
oskudekvantti, ok, then do "make"02:28
oNe^somewherei dont know02:28
sorush20theD3viL: damn02:29
RustyJamesoNe^somewhere, join channel  #grubproblem02:29
kyncanitheD3viL: that only happen when you switch from one ubuntu release to another. Not during and apt-get dist-upgrade02:29
kvanttioskude and make install?02:29
oskudekvantti, wait a sec02:29
kvanttioskude i believe it did no run for everything, is this ok?02:29
theD3viLkyncani, yes when dist-upgrade .. i know...02:29
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oskudekvantti, im not a pro, but i would advice to use "sudo checkinstall" instead of "sudo make install"02:30
oskudekvantti, that way you can uninstall it with "dpkg -r <packagenam>" but02:30
kvanttioskude the checkinstall command is not found..missing lib?02:30
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oskudekvantti, most sources bring allso "make uninstall" so take what you want :)02:30
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sorush20theD3viL: I partitioned all my data into a smaller partition, then used the free space to create a hda2,02:31
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oskudekvantti, "sudo apt-get install checkinstall"02:31
deltronapt-get install chckinstall02:31
sorush20theD3viL: then I copied my files from the hda1 to hda2,02:31
topylicheckinstall will save the world's children!02:31
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oskudekvantti, when you use check install, remember to give it a name an a version NUMBER (it will ask for you then)02:32
theD3viLsorush20, ... what do you want to tell with this ?02:32
oskudekvantti, eeh, "checkinstall"02:32
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sorush20theD3viL: all my files were about 60gb, when I partitioned my data into smaller 60gb partitions all the root directories were there but the files and other subfolders are missing, this is why I want to be able to find out what has happened to my files?02:33
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topylisorush20: you didn't copy them02:33
kvanttioskude thankyou very much i had been wondering about compiling "installation succesfull"02:33
sorush20topyli: what do you mean?02:33
topylisorush20: cp will omit directories unless you use -a02:33
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oskudekvantti, but its not yet quarantieed that it will work on your (ubuntu) system...02:34
YukiIkyutatopyli, -r is better for that.02:34
kvanttioskude, yeah i think it did not install in "libavcodec" which is the right one, so i will try some cp02:34
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topylisorush20: -r like YukiIkyuta says of course02:34
oskudekvantti, sec02:34
oskudekvantti, you can give "./configure" some flags to put all in right places try "./configure --help"02:35
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topylikvantti: if you make packages (with checkinstall), you may want to install the packages in /usr. so, use .configure --prefix=/usr02:36
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sorush20topyli: but I used the partition tool to copy all the data and also initially I chose the option to create a partition from the free space and not the used which meant that my original used space hda1  should have remained intact.02:36
oskudekvantti, self compiled (generic) sources are mostly "installed" to /usr/local/02:36
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sorush20topyli: theD3viL http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/526102:36
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topylisorush20: which partition tool? in the installer?02:36
NuKsomebody help me02:37
NuKubuntu is setting my clock to GMT in the bios every boot02:37
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YukiIkyutaNuK, sudo tzconfig?02:37
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NuKYukiIkyuta, timezone is set rigtht02:38
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topylisorush20: oh i dunno, i've never seen a tool like that :)02:38
sorush20topyli: yes in the installer02:38
NuKYukiIkyuta, also, ubuntu clock is right02:38
kvanttioskude so i did sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local and sudo checkinstall. correct?02:38
NuKYukiIkyuta, its just an anoying service that put my bios clock go GMT02:38
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sorush20topyli: but I've now captured this png from the gparted02:38
topylisorush20: haven't copied with it either. if it fails it's a bug of course02:38
oskudekvantti, i heard someone say "--prefix=/usr" is "ubuntu" way02:39
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NuKhow do i see the list of services that loads at boot time?02:39
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kvanttioskude ok will try that too if it still wont work. allthough i am beginning to believe that this is "impossible"02:39
lachesisanyone can tell me how to mount my hard drive using a live cd ? Its a LVM partitions that appear as /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-boot in my fstab.02:39
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oskudekvantti, impossible not, you (we/i) just have to know the right places for right files...02:40
lachesis/dev/mapper/Ubuntu-*r*oot I meant02:40
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kvanttioskude i wonder what libavcodec is since locate does not give any such objects02:41
oskudekvantti, dunno, just a package name ?02:41
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kvanttioskude it says "dts" not found in "libavcodec"02:42
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kvanttioskude but it looks by synaptic it really is a codec/package. well, more searching02:42
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oskudekvantti, did you do try with "--prefix=/usr" ?02:43
Murrlinhello everyone.02:43
oskude:) hi02:44
MurrlinI don't have net over LAN at this time. I've done the exact same steps as I have before with every distro I've put on machine #2...02:44
Murrlinperhaps u 5.10 is a bit different02:45
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McScrufflo, i just installed vmware and the vmware any-any-update96 and got his error when i went to start a virtual machine http://www.geocities.com/respectdoggfather/snapshot1.png02:47
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YukiIkyutaMcScruff, it's outdated.02:48
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kvanttioskude yes i give it a go but it might be that the only thing i need is ffmpeg since it contains libavcodec..so i might try to install that first, and then retry with the dts library02:49
McScruffYukilkyuta. o you know what the latest one is?02:49
oskudekvantti, i allso read in the README of that libdts that only VLC uses that library...02:50
iustinthank you cause i succeded playing mp3 and other formats02:50
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kvanttioskude very nice..well right now i might got good vlc and rotten mplayer which is the one i wanna use =)02:50
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YukiIkyutaMcScruff, it's the kernel module that's outdated, that's all.02:50
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McScruffso... how do i fix that then02:51
YukiIkyutaMcScruff, you need to reinstall it! did you install it properly first time around?02:51
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YukiIkyutaIt looks like the vmmod kernel module is out of date.02:51
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YukiIkyuta(not compatible with the software)02:51
McScruffi have only just installed it....02:51
McScruffffs, time to check forums02:51
YukiIkyutaMcScruff, something's definitely up! what was that any-any-update96 thing you talk about?02:51
deltronhow well does the vmware work on linux?02:51
YukiIkyutadeltron, as well as it does under Windows.02:52
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McScruffdeltron, it works very well02:52
McScruffYukilkyuta. i will install without the anyany update02:52
YukiIkyutaboo, agreeably.02:52
YukiIkyutaMcScruff, good luck.02:52
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richardI can't believe how easy this connected02:54
YukiIkyutaMcScruff, can I ask why you used the update?02:54
McScruffcoz its the only way it worked before02:54
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YukiIkyutaahoora, I see..02:55
McScruffwohoo vmware fixed the bug that ment we needed the update02:56
YukiIkyutaNeat! ^^02:56
McScrufftime to install win98 :)02:56
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K_DallasQ: How do i make ubuntu activate my netwrok device on the boot up? Right now i have to open networking and activate eth0 each time i boot up. thanks02:56
YukiIkyutaDid you actually buy VMware? o.O02:56
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McScruffim using the trial :P02:57
YukiIkyutaAh. -_-02:57
McScruffcoz software piracy i wrong!!02:57
=== deltron wonders if work will get him vmware for linux
YukiIkyutaAheh! xP02:57
aptikoI'm trying install Ubuntu using LVM (first time I try LVM) and there are some things I don't understand.  What kind of partitions do I need to create before selecting "Configure the Logical Volume Manager"?02:57
YukiIkyutadeltron, it definitely should.02:57
McScruffdeltron, its perfect for the apps wine wont run02:57
YukiIkyutaaptiko, try going to `Use guided partitioning'02:57
mirakanyone nkow how to configure lxr ?02:58
YukiIkyutaaptiko, then `erase harddrive (some harddrive) and use LVM'02:58
deltronI've never really tried wine02:58
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aptikoYukiIkyuta:  I don't want to erase the hard drive; I want LVM to use a partition of the drive.  Is that possible?02:58
deltronthat reminds me, I wanted to find out what LVM was02:58
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YukiIkyutadeltron, it allows resizing of partitions and such while the harddrive is online, and in use.02:59
iustinthere is something similar to task manager from windows (cause a program crashed and i want to force kill it)02:59
deltronoh, that is pretty cool :)02:59
McScruffiustin open konsole and type kill xxxx02:59
McScruffxxxx = app02:59
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iustinthanks so much03:00
iustinapp = vlc03:00
McScruffor press ctrl and esc03:00
iustini write vlc?03:00
YukiIkyutaMcScruff, that won't work, typically.03:00
YukiIkyutatry ``killall vlc''03:00
McScruffi use the gui :P03:00
deltronthere's a gui to top03:00
deltronanyone running ubuntu 64 on a laptop?03:01
YukiIkyutadeltron, not on a laptop, but yes for ubuntu 64.03:01
YukiIkyutaI wish I had a 64-bit laptop.03:01
iustin:(( don`t work to kill it03:01
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deltronI just got a new laptop since Best Buy broke mine :)  (previous one was also a 64 bit laptop though)03:02
Dr_WillisI got a 64bit laptop - and run 32bit ubuntu on it. :P03:02
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YukiIkyutaiustin, then, try killall -9 vlc03:02
YukiIkyutaDr_Willis, why..?03:02
deltronyeah, why?03:02
Dr_WillisYukiIkyuta,  too many little annoyances.03:02
deltroninstall 64, then chroot into a 32 when needed03:03
Dr_Williscedega, flash, lets see what else...03:03
YukiIkyutaI've just installed amd64 Ubuntu today, and it's been fine.03:03
deltronyeah, that's true :P03:03
deltronhow well does cedega work?03:03
Dr_Williswhat do you really 'gain' from 64bit is the next question.03:03
YukiIkyutaDr_Willis, future-compatibility.03:03
Dr_WillisCedega works decently well. but theres a lot of people upset with the latest 5.003:03
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kvanttiok so the only real solve i found for the rear speakers not functioning (tried out with speaker-test -Dlug:surround51 -c6) too was getting the essential-codec package for mplayer. could some user with 5.1 sound in ubuntu describe, if any, the methods he(she has used03:04
deltrondoes world of warcraft work on it?03:04
Dr_WillisYukiIkyuta,  from what i have 'heard' one of the main benifits of 64bit is addressing a large amount or ram.03:04
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YukiIkyutaDr_Willis, well, yes, that's the primary benefit.03:04
Dr_Willisdeltron,  WoW used to work on 4.X decently well.. but still minor annoyances.03:04
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YukiIkyutaYou can also manipulate numbers up to some.. large amount.03:04
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YukiIkyuta2^64, as primary types.03:04
Dr_WillisGuildWars also worked 'ok'03:04
psycho666i can't find a way to restart inetd03:04
K_DallasQ: How do i make ubuntu activate my netwrok device on the boot up? Right now i have to open networking and activate eth0 each time i boot up. thanks03:05
Dr_Willisbut all it takes is a few little anoyances to make ya want to boot to windows instead.03:05
deltronpsycho666: /etc/init.d/inetd restart ?03:05
imterrohi, what plugin do i need to play .rm files?03:05
Hentai^XPis there a calender for ubuntu?03:05
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Hentai^XPor comes with it?03:05
deltronI'm gonna tri-boot my laptop :P03:05
Kamping_KaiserHentai^XP: click the calander in the corner03:05
psycho666Delgul: i didn't find this script on my init.d03:05
K_DallasHentai^Remote, evolution, korganiser, cal03:05
kvanttiso, to install mplayer codecs, do i just cp to lib/codecs?03:05
Dr_WillisHentai^XP,  ya can click on the little clock/date and get one.03:05
YukiIkyutaDr_Willis,  I don't have Windows on there. xP03:05
Dr_Willisoops. :P03:05
Hentai^XPKamping_Kaiser which corner?03:05
psycho666deltron : i didn't find this script on my init.d03:05
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Kamping_KaiserHentai^ top right03:05
Dr_WillisYukiIkyuta,  you aint an MMORPG addict then. :P03:06
Kamping_Kaiseron a defalut system03:06
ompaulDec 01  Ian Jackson became Debian Project Leader, 199703:06
YukiIkyutaDefinitely not. ^^03:06
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imterrowhat plugin do i need to play .rm files?03:06
deltronpsycho666: hmm, guess not :P03:06
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Kamping_Kaiserimterro: install realplayer03:06
Dr_Willisimterro,  real media = real player03:06
kvanttithat would be usr/local/codecs03:06
ompaulimterro, you need to use realplayer03:06
psycho666deltron: sorry ?03:06
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rohanhi all03:06
deltronpsycho666: i have no clue :P03:06
rohandoes ubuntu live cd have gparted ?03:07
rohanif not, know of any live cd which does ?03:07
rohannot qtparted, gparted03:07
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K_Dallasrohan, systemrescueCD or something like that, it has nice tools for recovery etc including partitioner03:07
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kvanttii got corrupted sound in mplayer with a terratec aureon and logitech x530. any help?03:07
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Dr_Willislogitech x530 ?03:08
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rohanK_Dallas: but ubuntu cd does not have it ? :(03:08
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rohani was preferably looking for a relatively small live cd03:08
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frogzoorohan: dsl mebbe or puppy03:08
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rohanfrogzoo: neither. i tried.03:09
frogzooor knoppix of course03:09
rohanK_Dallas: it does not have gparted03:09
rohanfrogzoo: it does not have gparted03:09
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rohanqtparted has trashed my disk twice03:09
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frogzoorohan: rip has it I think (checks)03:09
rohanhmm... whats the easiest way to copy partitions ?03:09
rohandd ?03:09
rohani want to move hdc7 to hdc103:10
rohanwhat should hdc1 be ? free space ? reiser system ?03:10
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kyncanirohan: cp -a is very convenient i think03:10
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rohanwhats the optimal use of dd ?03:10
sorush20any data recovery program for linux ext303:10
rohankyncani: wont dd be safer ?03:10
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rohankyncani: and faster03:10
frogzoorohan: don't trust dd with your data - it's a bad plan - use tar or cpio03:11
kyncanirohan: cp is very safe, it can transfer data regardless of source and dest partition types. Plus, cp only copy real data, not empty fs blocks.03:11
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kyncanirohan: and it's a simple and effective solution :)03:12
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rohankyncani: ah, ok.,03:12
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K_Dallaskyncani, isnt there a safer version of CP out there? someone once suggested it to me specially for transferring data between ntfs and linux but cannot remember the name of the command03:12
rohankyncani: wow! i can copy reiser stuff to reiser4, that way ?03:12
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rohanK_Dallas: ntfs ?! as in, ntfs write ? great03:12
YukiIkyutarohan, it's just the generic copy!03:12
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YukiIkyutarohan, **no** ntfs write.03:13
K_Dallasrohan, from ntfs ro etx303:13
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rob^^^does anyone know what could cause you to get a DHCP_NAK but no lease?03:13
frogzoorohan: you were asking earlier - RIP has parted - not sure if this is the same as gparted03:13
kyncanirohan: like YukiIkyuta said, cp will just copy files, almost as if you copied them from nautilus03:13
rob^^^It worked fine yesterday and I haven't changed any network settings03:13
YukiIkyutarob^^^, a faulty DHCP server? :) i'm kidding.03:13
rob^^^and it works fine in windows...03:13
Alex_BOHELLO!I'd like to set an automatic start for a script when I press a specific key. What programs can i use?03:13
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rob^^^and these are the campus-wide dhcp servers which work fine with my breezy and warty machines03:13
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rohanok, kyncani03:14
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rohanthanks a lot , kyncani frogzoo K_Dallas and YukiIkyuta03:15
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rohanwish ubuntu live includes gparted / qtparted :(03:15
slept Alex_BO, in X  you can use hotkeys and define the key, with xev you can read the number of a key03:15
redguy|work^anyone know where I can find GATOS km kernel module?03:15
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icemilowhere should i put  my html files for apache2?03:15
YukiIkyutagood luck rohan. ^^03:16
lachesisI need to find a way to backup my data from ubuntu LVM volume on a broken system, any idea ?03:16
frogzoolachesis: dl RIP03:16
redguy|work^sure, i can compile it, but wanted to know if it prebiuld in some package03:16
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redguy|work^s/prebuld/is prebuilt/03:16
lachesisthe livecd doesnt seem to be able to mount LVM volume...03:16
Alex_BOslept, hotkeys? System>Keyboard Shortcuts?03:16
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lachesisfrogzoo, thx checking it out right now03:17
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lachesisrip recovery is possible03:17
icemilocan someone please read my message..03:17
sleptAlex_BO, no its a package , never used System>Keyboard Shortcuts, that might work aswell03:17
lachesissorry wrong window03:18
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Alex_BOslept, okey.i'm gonna download it.thank you for now.03:18
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sleptlachesis, mounting works for me with the live cd . Do you use Knoppix?03:19
frogzooicemilo: either /var/www or ~/.something - should be in apache conf03:19
kvanttii have solved my 5.1 problem for as far as there is no distortion, but right now the problem still is that the "dts" is not found in "libavcodec". a solve plz?03:20
lachesisslept : no, ubuntu's livecd but can you mount LVM volume ?03:20
Kamping_Kaisericemilo: /var/www is root by defalut03:20
thenukehmm, is there any good guide for a beginner to install ubuntu?03:21
Alex_BOslept, hotkeys: You must set the keyboard type, use hotkeys -t <type> to set it.         I know the keycode yet.03:21
Kamping_Kaiseror ~/public_html for a /~yourusername03:21
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thenukeAnd yes i know that it is pretty simple for me example because I know something about computers :P but someone who does not know about anything might want to have somekind of guide03:21
lachesisslept, I can try downloading the lastest livecd then, mine is a bit old now03:22
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lachesisslept : can you also explain me the command i need to type to mount the LVM volume as my understanding if LVM management is near inexistant. Or is it mounted automaticaly ?03:23
sleptlachesis, did you try pvscan03:23
Alex_BOslept, well i know the keycode yet: e055. i'd like to associate this key to a shell script03:23
Alex_BOslept, is hotkey the right program?03:24
sleptAlex_BO, you can generate your own keyboardfile, just copy a existing one and fit your needs03:24
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icemiloKamping_Kaiser: its not in apache.conf;03:25
Kamping_Kaisericemilo: apache or apache 2? doesnt matter i suppose, that's where those 2 dirs go03:26
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lachesisslept : my livecd is a hoary, i m booting it up to try but i ll download the new live cd and try again if it does not work03:26
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Kamping_Kaiserthe extra modules or whatever is what you have to play with, but i forget what they are03:26
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icemiloKamping_Kaiser: apache203:27
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theD3viLKamping_Kaiser, you must now that :) ..hey btw :) ... where goes OLD packages and files when i upgrade ubuntu?03:27
Kamping_Kaisericemilo: i realised i have left my custom server away, so i cant look it up  :(03:27
Toma-Yo, how do you install gnome icons from tar.gz?03:27
Kamping_KaisertheD3viL: hi mate, wtf was your question? ;)03:27
frogzootheD3viL: set the option in Synaptic to trash pkgs from cache not in repos03:27
sleptAlex_BO, do dpkg -L hotkeys or read the man page to find out where the files are. then copy one that fits best your keyboard and correct the keycodes. you can associate the keycodes with wathever programm or script you like03:27
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theD3viLKamping_Kaiser, where goes packages when i dist-upgrade system ... old packages ?03:28
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Alex_BOslept, thank you so much.now i'm looking to it03:28
theD3viLfrogzoo, hm..? wait a sec03:28
Kamping_KaisertheD3viL: if you upgrade to Breezy, your Hoary packages get delted03:28
frogzootheD3viL: it's under "files"03:28
sleptlachesis, do you have a irc connection while doing that ?03:28
frogzootheD3viL: settings -> prefs -> files03:29
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lachesisyeah debian on my desktop dont have any problem... its my laptop thats broken.03:29
theD3viLKamping_Kaiser, iam not upgraded..will upgraded too daper .. when it will be relased...03:29
_penguinhello all, I'm getting the double clock speed problem on my laptop (as well as cursor blinking double fast, bouncing busy icon bouncing double speed)..03:29
theD3viLfrogzoo, yes i see...which? 1,2,3 ? :P03:30
Kamping_KaisertheD3viL: next year03:30
_penguinI've tried various things like no_timer_check noapictimer etc to no avail; is there any update on this bug?03:30
frogzootheD3viL: if you just upgraded, probably just click "clear cache" and then select 303:30
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theD3viLfrogzoo, ill do that when ill upgraded...03:30
frogzootheD3viL: but your hoary pkgs were deleted when you changed repos, so just pick 303:31
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theD3viLKamping_Kaiser, frogzoo: what about depencies ?03:31
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lachesisslept, I did pvscan and it worked : i get PV /dev/hda5     VG Ubuntu  lvm2 [37Gb/0 free] 03:31
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frogzootheD3viL: don't sweat it - just upgrade & it all works03:32
sleptlachesis, lvscan03:32
sleptlachesis, mount /dev/mapper/... /mnt03:32
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theD3viLfrogzoo, i just asking..03:32
_penguinum ok....how about any work on when 2.6.13 will be released?03:32
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=== K_Dallas just installed 2.6.12 so i have no rush ;)
lachesisslept, yeah !!! Well done, i could mount my drive ! thanx so much.03:33
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JulienHHi all03:36
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_penguinman this comm sucks ass, no wonder I was so quick to pop back in my gentoo cd last time I was here03:37
JulienHIs there a specific version of Ubuntu for servers ?03:37
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sleptJulienH, you can do a server install or use debian03:38
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potusJulienH: u can just boot cd and type command 'server' when u see boot:03:39
potusthat will give u bear console.03:39
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potushaving porblems with cups tho so i am installing kde just got the cups gui =/03:39
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definityany good linux hacking tutorials for beginners?03:39
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potusdefinity: yeah unix bible03:40
potusstart with that03:40
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JulienHpotus: ok thanks :)03:40
sleptpotus, use http://localhost:63103:40
max__how can i play mp3 with amarok?03:40
potusslept: i tried it keeps saying access denied03:40
definitypotus:  thanks :)03:40
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kyncani!tell max__ about mp303:41
JulienHBut is there any difference during the installation when typing "server" after the boot prompt ?03:42
jbroomeJulienH: it's a minimal install with no GUI03:42
Toma-definity: http://kernelnewbies.org/ is a good place to get started hacking03:42
MickMcMackJulienH, that will install no X.03:42
frogzooJulienH: all the guid stuff isn't installed03:42
jbroomeapt-get install what you want/need for your server03:42
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frogzooJulienH: unless you want a hard core server box, just use the standard install & run whatever services03:43
potusJulienH: the difference is your not gonna have the GUI just the console.. e.g. black and white03:43
NiklasH_1orkhi, anyone else having problems with mozilla-firefox? It won't start on one of my boxes, and both run an up to date system with linux-68603:43
JulienHfrogzoo: it will be a dedicated server plugged in a datacenter03:44
potusJulienH: once u get their ur going to want to do apt-get install openssh-server03:44
booare there any alternative programs to wine?03:44
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potusthat will make it so u can ssh into the box and figure out whatever else u gotta do =)03:44
JulienHfrogzoo: We used to install Debian, I'm just interested about Ubuntu03:44
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frogzooboo - Crossover Office - it's commercial though03:44
mjrboo, not really as such (except the derivatives CrossOver Office and Cedega)03:44
mjrboo, what did you want to do?03:44
booplay games =/03:44
K_Dallascedega should be helpfull then03:45
Murrlindon't we all? :D03:45
frogzooNiklasH_1ork: no probs on ff 1.07 38603:45
boocrossover office isnt good for games?03:45
=== K_Dallas plys no game not that he has ever done it except for gorilla ;)
K_Dallasboo, never tried it but cedega is specialized for game03:45
booSWEET it works with bf2 omg03:46
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frogzooJulienH: in some ways, ubuntu is better for server purposes than debian because of the package stability03:46
Dr_Willisboo,  compared to cedega, id have to say yes. - Different "focus" on the  development.03:46
holycowfrogzoo, wtf are you smoking03:46
jbroomefrogzoo: yeah, debian sarge is *way* too cutting edge for servers.03:46
holycowif you think breezy is anything but a disaster for example, then you need to reconsider03:46
boohaha if they have this, remind me why everyone doesnt use linux?03:46
holycowalso server products cannot be released on a 6 month interval and be considered 'stable'03:47
theD3viLWhat you peoples think about next relases of ubuntu...will be corrupted like Fedora, Mandriva etc. or will work that fast right now?03:47
Dr_Willisboo,  its not 100% working all the time for a start03:47
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boooh :(03:47
Dr_Willisboo,  every update of World of Warcraft seems to break somthing else with cedega. :(03:47
frogzooholycow: for just the standard stuff, breezy is very nice03:47
booMMOs suck, fps own :)03:47
Dr_Willisthen again every Update of WoW seems to break WoW also.03:47
potusfrogzoo: yeah it is03:47
boocal-i bf2 cal-m css :)03:48
Dr_Willisboo,  I get better looking GFX  in native windows then cedega also. SAdly.03:48
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potusif i installed kubuntu-desktop.  i should have all the gnome printer administration packages via default correct?03:48
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Dr_Willisbut that fact that the games are playable is impressive.03:48
theD3viLDr_Willis, you always can install win on second partition :)03:48
potusi already install cups , and samba. via apt before i installed kdesktop03:49
Dr_WillistheD3viL,  i got it on my SATA Drive #1. :P Linux is on its own IDE drive.03:49
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booah graphics quality should be an issue, i have a good card.03:49
boohow exactly does it work?03:49
theD3viLDr_Willis, why you dont play wow in win =?03:49
potusi got 6600GT it sucks03:49
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potusi wont buy another gfx card.. ill stick to xbox 360 =)03:50
Dr_WillistheD3viL,  gotten where I dont Play WoW at alll - its gotten to be a Major "annoyance" to play.03:50
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Toma-anyone know how to select a gtk engine?03:50
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, BigKahuna03:50
boohaha potus..dont they overheat?03:50
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potusidk i didnt have a problem with my first one.. i just sold it on ebay to make a few dollars.03:50
potusbut computer games never worked right for me i got a top notch pc and they still look horrible03:50
theD3viLDr_Willis, f**k games, you always can help peoples on "ubuntu and www.ubuntuforums.org :P03:50
frogzoodoes ubuntu run on the 360 yet ?03:51
Dr_WillistheD3viL,  yep. thats about all i do.03:51
potusamd 64 1.8, 1 gig ram, 74g raptor, 6600gt and battlefield 2 still looks shacky03:51
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Dr_WillistheD3viL,  now ya know why i feel that most MMOROGS are treadmill games with a chat room running on top of them.03:51
theD3viLDr_Willis, same that me .. :) .. i have gaim too..but ... ;)03:51
Dr_WillistheD3viL,  IM clients are Evil! Irc is the Truth to chatting nirvana03:52
Toma-anyone know how to select a gtk engine?03:52
theD3viLDr_Willis, tell that to my girlfriend :)03:52
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Dr_WillistheD3viL,  now having HOT webcam "relationships" is ok. ;P03:53
boook, im trying to install cedega, ihave a cedega 5.0 tgz, a tgfontinstall and a tgmozctl install. what do i do (ive never installed anything before)03:53
DrBairis anyone else out there having issues with clearlooks or human engines crashing evolution calendar?03:53
Dr_Willisboo,  read the cedega intall docs at the cedega homepage yet?03:53
wickedpuppyboo, i assume you bought it ?03:53
booim at a internet cafe, yes03:53
Dr_Willisboo,  you just need the cedega   debian package.03:53
theD3viLDr_Willis, loool :)03:54
Dr_Willisif you are using ubuntu that is.03:54
boook what is that03:54
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Dr_Williswhat is what? :P03:54
booi dont see any .deb files...in the archive there are lots of directories, like usr opt ect03:55
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wickedpuppyboo, eh ah in the tgz there are usr opt etc ?03:55
theD3viLDr_Willis, i dont have webcam :PPP03:55
Dr_Willisthey are there somewhere boo - i used them just the other day03:55
Toma-anyone know how to select a gtk engine?03:55
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clarkeei should get  a webcam for my ubuntu laptop03:56
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potuswhats the best way to make a system backup tar or cpio? i cant seem to get the tar command right. can someone help me make a snapshot?03:56
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potusi need premissions and all saved =/03:56
YukiIkyutai'm out!03:56
kyncanipotus: hhm, rsync ?03:56
potuskyncani: never used it =/03:57
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wickedpuppypotus, rsync is just to sync data in two place ... it will not compress03:57
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william__hey has an update for Firefox 1.5 been done for Ubuntu?03:58
Seveaswilliam__, no03:58
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wickedpuppywilliam__, topic03:59
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theD3viLwilliam__, no04:00
theD3viLwilliam__, /topc04:00
theD3viLwilliam__, /topic04:00
boowilliam__, no they havent.04:00
Dr_Willisboo ya want the .deb packages :P04:00
dpuppanyone one else here have problems playing backup DVD's? some of mine after playing for 10 min error out saying pissibly encrypted when i know they are not. and i do have libdvdcss...04:00
booim "looking" ;)04:00
Dr_Willisits right there on the download list :P04:00
boothis torrent is taking forever04:01
wickedpuppytorrent ?04:01
wickedpuppyeh ah04:01
booim downloading a movie and its taking forever04:01
booits been 2 days =/04:01
Dr_Willisat the cedega home page for 'legal' users - theres a cedega_5.0.1_i386.deb04:01
wickedpuppywhats that got to do with the cedega deb file ?04:02
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boolink dr willis?04:03
william__can I ask what dapper is.. just for fun04:04
Dr_Willisboo its on the cedega site under download. You have to be a registered user to get it.04:04
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boodapper is stylish in a word04:04
bookinda, elegantly stylish04:04
Dr_Willisboo,  ya got to have an account/password to use the program anyway :P04:04
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=== Dr_Willis Pictures a Duck Dressed up like a Penguin.
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Dr_Williswtf wtf? Cedega is a Comercial product. :P04:05
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Toma-cedega cvs is free game tho04:05
Dr_WillisCedega CVS is 'free'04:05
Dr_Willisbut from what i hear the CVS is lacking some 'features'04:05
boosoftware should be free!04:05
booits not realy anyway04:05
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Dr_Willisboo,  http://happypenguin.org/     - all kinds of free games.04:06
rob^^^Does anyone here have any kind of understanding as to how network manager ties in with the underlying config files and utils?04:06
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rob^^^It always seems that it shows one thing in ifconfig and another in network manager04:07
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boowhy is my torrent going backwards :(04:07
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mjrprobably it got an invalid block04:08
Dr_Willisboo,  its the way porn works.04:08
booporn doesnt go from 65% to 51!04:08
Toma-boo: probably some bad checksums04:08
booporn goes from 8=D to 8=======D04:08
thegladiatori created a shell script , for mounting my hdd , but it always cautions me whether to run in terminal or display it04:08
beelzebub123_the people want their stuff back lol04:08
Dr_Willisboo,  it goes In and out.. then repeats. :P04:08
thegladiatorhwo do i get rid of this ?04:08
=== dpupp loves torrents.
Dr_Willisthen bac to 8=D04:08
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MickMcMackI once had a torrent that carried on until 150%. :)04:09
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=== beelzebub123_ yells "Up with torrent! DOWN WITH RIAA!"
Dr_Willisthegladiator,  right click on its icons and check its settings.04:09
=== dpupp double checks to see if he's in off topic or not.
booriaa more like assholes amirite04:09
__filip_i have an problem, i cant log in to ubuntu, i get an messeage,04:09
booim going to dissapear tomorrow04:09
Lardarsehi, i'm following te instructions here: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Uninstall_ATI_driver04:09
benkong2how can i tell x to allow multiple x sessions on breezy?04:09
booOMG STOP NO04:09
__filip_that tell me i have not been logged in for more then 10 sec04:09
Lardarsethe first command did nothing04:09
booit wasat 85 then back to 5304:09
Lardarsedo i need to do the other 204:10
thegladiatorDr_Willis, WHAT DO I NEED TO CHECK IN SETTINGS ?04:10
dpuppboo, what client are you using?04:10
boo21.4 of 7.4 mb04:10
boothe standard one? i dont know what it is04:10
Toma-thegladiator: why make a script to mount?04:10
booi use azeurus on windows, do they have it for lonux?04:10
dpuppboo, yes azureus works in linux.04:10
thegladiatorToma-, to mount my hard disk paritions,04:11
dpuppthats what i use here.04:11
thegladiatorToma-, it doesnt do that auto,04:11
Toma-thegladiator: have you got any idea what fstab is?04:11
boow to the OOT04:11
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dpuppwant a screenshot boo?04:11
thegladiatori am a newbie04:11
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ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the winmac_fstab file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab  See <partitions>.04:11
booeh nah im downloading it now04:12
thegladiatorcould u temme something on it ?  a brief primer ? like what it does04:12
thegladiatorokay lemme check it04:12
Toma-thats a pretty silly ubotu entry actaully.....04:12
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Dr_Willisthegladiator,  I seem to recall a "run in terminal" check box.   or similer thing.   depending on exactly what you are trying to do.04:12
thegladiatori see... yep thanks04:12
Dr_Willisnot in gnome at the moment - so i cant check04:12
Dr_Willisgee... :P hard to find wasent it eh?04:12
thegladiatorso fstab is something ike autoexec  in dos ?04:12
Dr_Willisthegladiator,  fstab - lists what mounted devices go where.04:13
Dr_WillisNOTHING to do with 'autoexec'04:13
Toma-thegladiator: sort of. not really, it lets the computer know what drives you want and how to mount them04:13
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thegladiatorDr_Willis, thanks lemme check that out04:13
Dr_WillisSort of, Kinda, Not Really, No, :P04:13
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dli_what's the ubuntu way to configure X? for ati radeon X60004:14
ubotuati is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1004:15
Dr_WillisThere ya go dli_  :P read there. and hope it works04:15
Toma-dli_: the see wiki page above ^^^04:15
thegladiatorbtw > can i just add another enrty into fstab like that ?  befiore the last line ?04:15
Dr_Willisit worked for my x200m on my laptop04:15
boowhats a .cpkg04:15
dli_tom, Dr_Willis thanks04:15
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Toma-thegladiator: only if you know what youre doing. ;)04:15
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boohow do i install .deb packages?04:15
thegladiatorokie :) i'll figure it out04:15
Toma-boo: dpkg -i <package.deb>04:16
Toma-with sudo of course04:16
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dpuppboo: sudo dpkg -i whatever_you_are_installing.deb04:17
Dr_WillisToma-,  now ya got him totally confused.04:17
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Toma-im so getting tempted to go back to kde :(04:17
dli_5.10 breezy uses xorg or xfree86?04:17
Dr_WillisToma-,   use 'wmii' :P04:17
holycowanyone here running the gpl version of the mozilla flash plugin ... any thoughts on it's quality?04:18
jcainewhy's that Toma- ?04:18
dpuppim tempted to try kde...... never tried it.04:18
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Toma-im looking at kde-look.org and the old kwin theme i used, crystal.04:18
dli_crimsun, why the ati howto page states, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" ?04:18
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crimsundli_: you're probably reading a section that's appropriate for Warty?04:19
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booprogram depends on xlibs (>> 4.1.0); however:04:19
boo  Package xlibs is not installed.04:19
Murrlinvery interesting04:19
u1sunhello - how do i restart alsa ?04:19
boowhere do i get xlibs04:19
dli_crimsun, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI04:19
Toma-u1sun: you dont. u may want to restart esd tho?04:20
Toma-is there a crystal/alpha-transparent metacity theme? :(04:20
MurrlinI can ping my main computer, I can ssh into it and lynx google.. but I can't access net from my second machine (like I used to with 4 other distros)04:20
u1sunubotu, restart alsa?04:20
ubotuu1sun: Are you on ritalin?04:20
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holycowhttp://directory.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/Main_Page  <-- neato04:21
u1sunToma, yeaa04:21
Toma-u1sun: you can try /etc/init.d/alsa restart04:21
crimsundli_: yes, there's a section for Warty and a section for Hoary/Breezy04:21
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crimsunyou restart ALSA by ''sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-reload''04:21
booOk i have just installed 2 programs how do i put them on a menu (applications)04:21
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dpuppboo, are you running ubuntu 5.10 ?04:22
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dli_crimsun, I never used ubuntu, but recommended ubuntu for my friends, now, they are asking me questions04:22
dpuppok, boo, you will save your self a whole lot of time if you read this post: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80295&highlight=automatix    its about an automated installer of most comunly used applications.04:23
dpuppreally handy it is.04:24
crimsundli_: if they're using Breezy, they should use the Breezy section.04:24
wickedpuppydpupp, eh ah pls don't recommend automatix04:24
dpuppwickedpuppy, why not?04:25
wickedpuppyit installs things without going through the user .. which is what its supposed to do04:25
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dli_crimsun, got it now04:25
boowhat is debian and am i using it?04:26
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wickedpuppyboo, google pls04:26
wickedpuppyor join #debian04:26
wickedpuppyi am sure they can tell ya more ...04:27
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Dr_Willisand if using Cedega - go read the cedega docs. :P04:27
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dpuppi so want to finish watching serial experiments lain but my dvd keeps erroring out.04:27
Lardarsedoes anyone here think that i should replace my ati graphics card with an nvidia card that i have available?04:27
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Dr_WillisLardarse,  depennds :P is it working ok?04:28
dpupplardarse, i like nvidia over ati...... but thats just me.04:28
Dr_Willisif not - rip that puppy out.04:28
Lardarsei tried the fglrx drivers04:28
=== wickedpuppy runs
Lardarseand it shat itself when it tried to do anything04:28
Dr_Willisis it worth the 15 min it will take to change it out.04:28
wickedpuppyDr_Willis, i don't know you hate me so much ... :P04:28
Lardarsewth the ati divers04:28
=== Eph [n=Fphe@log77-3-82-243-254-181.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lardarsei can't ge more than about 20fps04:28
Murrlinall the posts I've ever seen about Internet connection sharing never mentions one thing I just found out04:28
Dr_WillisLardarse,  sounds like you just answered your own question then. :P04:28
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Murrlincan someone add this to the forum?04:29
Lardarseyeah :-S04:29
EphHey what can I do when my screen gets green ?04:29
EphIt happens often04:29
Murrlin"Open a DNS port on your firewal"04:29
EphAnd I got to restart the session each time04:29
EphShould I report this bug somewhere ?04:30
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Alex_BOHELLO!How is called the program to scan the ports of a IP?04:30
malverian[work] Any idea why my parallel port is only recognized by ubuntu if it's in ECP mode?04:30
Alex_BOI can't remember...04:30
Stonekeeperhi. has anyone deployed a ubuntu thin client system?04:30
malverian[work] Alex_BO, nmap04:30
Alex_BOmalverian[work] , thanks04:30
BlueEagleeph: Well, before reporting a bug knowing what causes it is a good idea.04:30
EphI've know clue04:31
EphI'm doing anythind and suddenly there is green everywhere04:31
EphWhen I mouse the mouse, the green goes away then it comes back04:31
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BlueEagleeph: Have you tried a different windowmanager?04:31
EphIt never happened with debian sarge, only with ubuntu and ubuntu live cd04:31
EphUh no i'm using gnome04:32
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BlueEagleeph: Try a different windowmanager. If it still happens it will rule that out. Then you can try downgrading your X-server.04:32
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EphOk I'll try fluxbox04:32
BlueEagleeph: If it stops happening there's a problem with gnome.04:32
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tatzan_gnome doesnt start anymore, gdm does, but when i try to login, i only get the background and a cursor... i did an update, before the update it all worked... any ideas anyone?04:34
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jcainewhat did you update?04:35
tatzan_entire system04:35
tatzan_apt-get update/upgrade04:35
definitywot is apt mean?04:35
tatzan_from a fresh cd installation04:36
tatzan_definity, a package tool afaik04:36
Oetziwrong channelwindow04:36
aguztinakoplease to conect at irchispano?04:36
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aguztinakoalguno que hable castellano?04:37
aguztinakok no me entero de na de na04:37
tatzan_seems like the gnome-session script is stuck04:37
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jcaineI had a similar problems - but it was caused by an nvidia option =/04:38
tatzan_jcaine, gdm is starting so this should not be the problem04:39
aguztinakogallonegro_ estas?04:39
jcaineit would display the background image and mounted devices, but wouldn't load up the panels04:40
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tatzan_maybe dpkg-reconfigure -a will be friends with me...04:41
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rabihkhhallo kannn mir yemand helfen ?04:41
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boowhere do i make shortcuts appear in the menus?04:42
booi installed azeurus but there is no shortcut, how do i make one04:42
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definitywhats so good about linux04:43
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aguztinakoalguno habla castellano04:43
boolinux is weird04:44
booi just got it04:44
booits not bad tho04:44
booits kinda cool04:44
jcainedifferent reasons for different people04:44
jcainefor me - its free, customizable, and runs the games I do play04:44
dli_boo: use a desktop environment (gnome , kde)04:44
jbroomei like it because of the intelligent discourse on the IRC channels04:44
booi am dli04:44
boobut i dont know how to get shortcuts up there04:44
mwehow's it weird?04:45
booim not used to typing in commands04:45
definitywell are there any good hacking tutorials about got beginners on linux04:45
mweI see04:45
dli_boo: right click on desktop (empty area), choose creat launcher04:45
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mweyou can avoid typing commands most of the time though04:46
dli_boo: don't avoid typing root passwd, you have to use passwd protection for root04:46
Dr_Willis'feel the linux love'04:47
=== MickMcMack feels it good.
boohey, im getting cedega cvs, but i dont know which profile to get04:48
mahanguanybody played CS via cedega?04:48
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ubotuhmm... cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Main_Page, or #cedega http://www.franskcorner.org/04:48
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steltidea: floppy disk that brings up a general install distro menu; pick your distro from a on-line list and it takes you to the distro-specific installer it automatically downloads (cause not all computers have floppy drives anymore, we of course also need CDs and USB stick versions)04:49
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Dr_Willisstelt,  a mega-net-installer boot cd you mean?04:50
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jcaineQuestion: Is there a way to watch video with transparency? Or allow the video to show through transparent windows? Using transset, the video just shows up as a blue overlay04:50
Dkellyhi all new linux guy here.  maybe a simple question ned some help in the device manager area04:51
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DkellyI am running a dual processor intergraph workstation.  The device manager does not see the board or the processors04:54
olicatdoes anyone know the command to create a new svn project?04:54
xychix_is there a good manual on howto compile a kernel under ubuntu ? with the same config as the current ?04:54
booi need some help, i was running WineCVS.sh and it spit out like 2 pages of error text, can anyone help?04:54
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xychix_i need to make a kernel module. current gcc =4    kernel was build with 3.4.504:54
epimeteohi, is it normal in a P4 2.8 and nvidia for flightgear warm the CPU 'til it reaches 6004:55
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Drgbhi everyone, i just installed ubuntu and i can't play mpeg video files, totem says he needs codecs, i tried to search them with apt but i didn't find anything, can you help me?04:55
jbroome!tell Drgb about codecs04:55
benoyhi all, I just tried to play a *.mov file with totem player but the video is all green.  How can I fix this?04:56
plazzxychix_: Install gcc-3.4 for occassions like that then. And just do 'CC="gcc-3.4" command'04:56
Drgbjbroome, thanks, but what should i do after i downloaded them?04:56
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xychix_plazz: ok.. i'll try that04:56
jbroomerestart totem04:56
seliniumubotu, tell benoy about codecs04:56
Drgbok, thank you04:56
mwebenoy: do you have the right codec?04:56
steltDr_Willis: that sounds like a good name, yes. Though maybe replace "mega" with "meta" or "general"04:56
Dr_Willisstelt,  net installs can be good.. and bad. :P04:57
steltwhy bad?04:57
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boospec16.c:180: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness04:58
boowhat does that mean04:58
elio_hy all, which file format must i download to use it with ubuntu (rpm, from suse, from redhat, etc) ?04:58
benoyI think so mwe04:58
xychix_elio_: .deb will suit best04:58
Dr_Willisstelt,  what if ya got 10 machines to install to.. tht means you basicially download the same stuff 10 times = more server load.04:58
Dr_Willisstelt,  now a "torrent" net installer.. that would be interesting04:58
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elio_also debian/linux04:59
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Alex[RM-UK] hey04:59
Alex[RM-UK] whats the difference between GDM and GTK?04:59
plazzGDM = display manager, GTK = graphical tool kit.04:59
elio_thanks xychix04:59
Alex[RM-UK] plazz, whats the difference? I mean, I see GTK themes...but shouldn't they be GDM themes if GDM is the display manager?05:00
xychix_plazz:  :( next issue05:00
xychix_What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running05:00
xychix_kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 05:00
xychix_:P :P :P05:00
xychix_i'll google a bit05:00
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plazzGDM only handles logging in/etc. It's not the window/theme manager.05:00
NoUseAlex[RM-UK]  GDM is build using GTK, GDM themes != GTK themes05:00
plazzxychix_: Installing nvidia modules? :P What linux-image are you using?05:00
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xychix_plazz: installing vmware-player05:01
xychix_Linux bea 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Fri Nov 18 11:51:02 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux05:01
Dr_Williswow - ircing as root , under ubuntu..  :P05:01
plazzxychix_: Ah. Whatever your linux-image you're using, install the corresponding linux-headers.05:01
boohey are there any code ezzeperts who can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81232&page=205:01
Kamping_KaiserDr_Willis: commitment :)05:01
Alex[RM-UK] Right, well im about to install Gnome on Kubuntu...cos im starting to think that KDE really does suck05:01
Stonekeeperer... why not just install ubuntu05:02
Dr_WillisI bet the Ubuntu devs are having a heart attack now.05:02
Dr_WillisKDE is very nice in ways05:02
Alex[RM-UK] Stonekeeper, can't be bothered to download Ubuntu when I have Kubuntu already installed05:02
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Dr_Willisso is Gnome.05:02
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xychix_Alex[RM-UK] : ROFL05:02
Dr_Williswmii - is amuseing also.05:02
NoUseAlex[RM-UK]  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:02
xychix_i'll make a Fubuntu :P05:02
xychix_fluxbox rules05:02
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elio_i don't have the standart headers to compile with gcc, yes i know, i'm newbie, where can i get them and where i must do them=05:03
NoUseelio_ install the build-essential package05:03
Dr_Willis'sudo apt-get install build-essentials'05:03
jcaineQuestion: What IRC clients are you all using?05:03
jbroomescreen + irssi05:04
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testmachineirssi is the best client there is05:04
xychix_plazz: tnx so far... almost vmware running :) :)05:04
plazzxychix_: Np.05:04
testmachinejbroome: ofcourse dont forget screen05:04
testmachinehey xychix_05:04
jcainetestmachine, what makes you say that?05:04
jbroomei dabble with xchat and irssi-proxy05:04
testmachine< assink xychix_05:04
Sonderbladeanyone using dapper here?05:04
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Dr_WillismIRC owns Ju!05:04
testmachinexychix: my nick is registered and i forgot the identify pass :P05:04
testmachinexychix: *grin*05:05
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xychixtestmachine: i never register my nick05:05
Dr_Willisits always funniy to make your xchat/irssi version reply - spit out some fake new mIRC version.05:05
xychixmaybe i should05:05
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testmachinexychix: nah, i had to do that for #asterisk05:05
andcorsomebody knows xawtv ??05:05
jcaineSo, you all recommend irssi?05:05
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jcaine(Currently playing around with xchat)05:06
booIs there any way to get CVS Cedega working with ubuntu?05:06
__filip_how do i change the keyboard layout to swedish ?05:06
NoUse!tell boo about cedega05:06
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Dr_Willisjcaine,  i tend to use xchat under Linux and windows.05:07
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TrackilizerJust wanted to ask is there anything i can add to the sources.list file that will enable me to install Java.05:08
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs05:08
testmachineTrackilizer: there is05:08
testmachineoh ok05:08
andcorsomebody knows xawtv ?05:08
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TrackilizerSo, what is it i have to add to the sources.list file so that i will be able to install jave via "apt-get"05:09
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs05:10
jeff_When I play .avi files from a canon digital camera, the sound is static. All other audio plays fine on the computer. Any ideas? (A sample avi can be found here: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canona620/page8.asp)05:10
donaldQuestion: Does anyone have any knowledge on a chat program called Pal Talk for Linux operating system??05:10
xychixplazz: vmplayer is running :) let's copy a few vmwares to the machine :)05:10
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plazzxychix: Grats.05:10
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TrackilizerWhy is it everytime i check the boxes for Multiverse in Synaptic and check again, it's unchecked.05:12
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Storkif my ubuntu has openoffice on it, does that mean my pc will have java installed?05:16
booNoUse, it doesnt work on ubuntu though because of the compiler05:16
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NoUseboo ubuntu uses the standard gcc compiler05:17
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Storksweet it does have java05:17
NoUseStork it has the gnu java interpreter I believe, if you want Sun or IBM's JVM you have to install it seperatley05:18
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Storkwhy does it have that lol05:18
NoUseStork they can't include the other JVM since they aren't free software05:18
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=== xota saluda!
Dr_WillisNice of Sun to shoot itself in the foot like that. *sigh*05:18
Storkbaah damn you sun05:19
Storki don't have an active internet connection at the moment on that computer ;(05:19
Storkhow can i find out my system specs with ubuntu?05:20
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dli_Stork, lspci05:21
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dli_Stork, cat /proc/cpuinfo05:21
csbare mp4/acc files supproted in rythembox?05:21
csbi've connected my ipod, but the formats aren't recognized05:22
jeff_How can I fix the static-y audio in .avi files from my digital camera?05:22
dli_csb: try xmms, you can get many plugins for xmms05:22
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csbdli: ok, but from what i read, this should work. amaroK doesn't work either05:23
linuxgeek2hi sambagirl05:23
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NoUsecsb you might need to install faac gstreamer plugin05:25
NoUsecsb it's in synaptic05:25
slshi! where do I pt scripts to be run on login? In ubuntu?05:25
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slsLike I need to connect to several samba shares...05:25
dli_sls: update-rc.d add foo defaults05:25
dli_sls: put the foo in /etc/init.d05:26
slswhat is that?05:26
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Storkis there a nooby guide for ubuntu? it's my first time :)05:26
dli_sls: sls: read the README in /etc/init.d05:26
NoUse!tell Stork about faq05:26
matrix-user-chow do i enable ssh login05:26
Dr_Willisgoogle linux beginer tutorial05:26
Dr_Willisis a start05:27
NoUsematrix-user-c install the openssh-server package05:27
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dli_matrix-user-c, apt-get install ssh05:27
tristanStork : we are the nooby guide for Ubuntu05:27
matrix-user-csudo apt-get install ssh05:27
slsdli_: /etc/init.d runs for everyone thoough does it not... I want to run stuff in my profile only05:27
slsnot for other people...05:27
Storktristan: awesome05:27
NoUseStork http://help.ubuntu.com05:28
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Storkdoes ubuntu come with any servers installed?05:28
dli_sls: you want to run it in your ~/.bash_profile ?05:28
vertzAm i the only one that have problems getting the nvidia drivers working in breezy badger?05:28
boohow can i open a read only file and edit it with a etxt editor05:28
Storkhttp in particular05:28
NoUsematrix-user-c read what i said again, openssh-server, not ssh05:28
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tristanboo : try to open it as root. for example sudo gedit name_of_the_file05:28
dli_boo: if it's read only, what do you want to do with it05:28
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makis@Strok: the best guide for begginers arround is :www.aboutdebian.com/linux.htm05:29
NoUseStork I sent you a link05:29
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booi want to edit it, but im not good with console, so i wanna use a text editor05:29
NoUseStork http://help.ubuntu.com05:29
Storkoh okay05:29
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jeff_Anyone have any ideas about my sound problems?05:29
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dli_boo: I use vim, you may try kedit, gedit05:29
connI'm having trouble with xv with my graphics card (ATI Mobility M4, using r128). I found this patch (but for XFree86) that could solve my problem, can someone confirm if it was included into X.org? http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-x@lists.debian.org/msg03945.html05:30
tristanboo : try what I said. It will open it with the default text editor but be careful because if it is read only you might have trouble if you miss edit it05:30
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Sonderbladeanyone using dapper here?05:30
twibblerHi all.05:31
tristanconn : what is xv?05:31
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tristantwibbler : hi05:31
Alex[RM-UK] how do I restart X?05:31
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matrix-ubuntu-ci did now apt-get install ssh05:32
twibblerHere is an interesting one. Have laptop compaq Nc6000 with a dockingstation, everything except the external monitor are working great. I have an active matrix screen on the monitor, does anybody know how to configure it so it is a single screen ?.05:32
K_DallasQ:  header file tcl.h  has been found for 8.4*  but no corresponding tcl library (and i dont know what else i could install to ge those)05:32
matrix-ubuntu-cis now my ssh enable for folks to log in if they have user nad pas05:32
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c I didn't say to install ssh, I said openssh-server, there is a different05:32
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matrix-ubuntu-cok how i do that05:33
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c sudo apt-get install openssh-server05:33
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:33
jeff_Umm... silly question: can folks here see my messages?05:34
matrix-ubuntu-cit says its allready installed05:34
jbroomejeff_: no05:34
Shadowlinejeff_: yes we see you05:34
Dr_Willisjeff_,  No. :P05:34
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c then ssh is enabled05:34
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tristanjeff_ : yes05:34
matrix-ubuntu-cnow if somebody want to log in to my ubuntu he can do it05:35
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NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c should be able to05:35
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aj_ok i have a problem when i start up i get a few errors05:35
matrix-ubuntu-c ssh05:35
matrix-ubuntu-cusage: ssh [-1246AaCfgkMNnqsTtVvXxY]  [-b bind_address]  [-c cipher_spec] 05:35
matrix-ubuntu-c           [-D port]  [-e escape_char]  [-F configfile] 05:35
matrix-ubuntu-c           [-i identity_file]  [-L [bind_address:] port:host:hostport] 05:35
matrix-ubuntu-c           [-l login_name]  [-m mac_spec]  [-O ctl_cmd]  [-o option]  [-p port] 05:35
matrix-ubuntu-c           [-R [bind_address:] port:host:hostport]  [-S ctl_path] 05:35
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aj_X won't start up05:35
matrix-ubuntu-c           [user@] hostname [command] 05:35
matrix-ubuntu-cit shows this05:35
matrix-ubuntu-cwhen i do ssh05:35
Dr_Willisdoes just instaling ssh startup the sshd server?05:35
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c read the /topic, No pasting!05:35
Dr_Willismatrix-ubuntu-c,  yea.. that normal. :P tell it where to ssh to.05:35
aj_it says requested entity already in use05:35
Dr_Willismatrix-ubuntu-c,  may be time to read a ssh tutorial or 205:36
jeff_so no one else gets static for audio when they play this file: http://img2.dpreview.com/reviews/A620/MVI_1157.AVI ?05:36
matrix-ubuntu-ci donno if a friend want to remote login to my ubuntu and install a sofwtar he does ssh mypi login i give and pass right05:36
NoUseI think the ssh developers are currently working on the "ssh client guesses where you want to log into" fucntionality05:36
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elio_do i must download clanlib~.gz or clanlib~.bz2? which is easier (or better) for ubuntu to install?05:36
Dr_WillisNoUse,  thats part of the ESP interface add on right05:37
matrix-ubuntu-ccan you try to log in in my box nouse if i give u user and pass05:37
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c can't05:37
Dr_Williselio_,  best to find it in the repos and use synaptic to install it.05:37
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NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c I'm busy05:37
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elio_i can't download it in synaptic at the moment05:37
matrix-ubuntu-canyone else who can do ssh to se if my ssh is working05:37
Dr_Willismatrix-ubuntu-c,  try 'ssh localhost'05:38
Dr_Willisor 'ssh your.ip.number.here'05:38
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jbroomeon the list of things not to do; handing out ssh logins and PWs on irc is probably pretty damn close to the top05:38
matrix-ubuntu-cit goes down to a prompt05:38
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Dr_Willismatrix-ubuntu-c,  ya mean a login/password prompt?05:39
elio_Dr_Willis, it says: "libclan2-mikmod:05:39
elio_ Hngt ab: libmikmod2 (>=3.1.10) but it is not installable05:39
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Alex[RM-UK] hey05:39
seifeSomeone help me to install a wlan network please.05:39
jbroomematrix-ubuntu-c: i got this when i ssh'd to your IP:   ssh
jbroomejohn@'s password:05:39
Alex[RM-UK] why are my Menus in Gnome blue?05:39
jbroomeso sshd is running on your end05:40
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Dr_WillisAlex[RM-UK] ,  they are sad?05:40
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : because you changed the color maybe?05:40
nullspacewhats the command used to install all build dependences for a package05:40
Alex[RM-UK] i've just installed Gnome :P05:40
matrix-ubuntu-cdid it asked u for user and pasword05:40
mwenullspace: auto-apt can do it05:41
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matrix-ubuntu-cok i created a user john pass john see if it works05:42
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tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : try to type killall gnome-panel in console05:42
tristanAnd see if the menus are still blue05:42
tristanElse maybe it comes from your desktop theme. Did you changed it or do you habe the Ubuntu default one?05:42
matrix-ubuntu-cdoes it work05:43
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c you can test your own ssh server05:43
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c people have told you about 10 times now05:43
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NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c 'ssh localhost'05:43
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jbroomematrix-ubuntu-c: YES IT WORKS05:44
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matrix-ubuntu-cssh localhost  then i type john john05:44
matrix-ubuntu-cnothing happens here05:44
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c read an ssh howto, you aren't understand how this works05:44
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, I found outs what's wrong. I am using Kubuntu but with Gnome, and Gnome has picked up hte KDE package which makes all GTK programs use my current KDE theme05:44
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matrix-ubuntu-cbut why i can not see you are online05:44
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matrix-ubuntu-ci do w and who05:44
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jbroomewow, you just gave out your un and pw on irc.05:45
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jbroomethat's awesome05:45
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NoUsehow long until the box is rooted?05:45
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matrix-ubuntu-cmatrix   :0           Dec  1 18:2905:45
matrix-ubuntu-cmatrix   pts/0        Dec  1 18:30 (:0.0)05:45
matrix-ubuntu-cjohn     pts/1        Dec  1 18:44 (user-0ce2if4.cable.mindspring.com)05:45
jbroomedepends on how generous i'm feeling05:45
K_DallasQ:  header file tcl.h  has been found for 8.4*  but no corresponding tcl library (and i dont know what else i could install to ge those)05:45
stratovariuspls guys who can give me a good repository list for breezy?05:45
seifeSomeone help me to install a wlan network please.05:45
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NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c stop pasting, I've already told you once05:45
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matrix-ubuntu-cok now i see how it works05:46
matrix-ubuntu-chow do i remove that user now05:46
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c use the gnome users and group dialog05:46
K_Dallas(tcllib tclx, tcl8.4.dev are installed)05:46
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Alex[RM-UK] How do I install a new theme in Gnome? I clicked Install new Theme...but which file do I choose?05:47
matrix-ubuntu-cwhat the fuck05:47
john_hi from matrix-ubuntu-c's machine. :)05:47
Alex[RM-UK] im in the directory pf the theme I downloaded05:47
stratovariuscould nobody give me his repos list 4 breezy?05:47
matrix-ubuntu-chow do i remove u now05:47
jbroomei'm out05:47
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c I told you, gnome users and groups dialog05:48
jbroomesudo userdel john05:48
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tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : the simplest way is whe you download a new theme, you open the thme manager and drag and drop the new theme in it05:48
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Alex[RM-UK] tristan, the whole folder?05:48
matrix-ubuntu-cthanx for hacking my box05:48
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stratovariusnobodu here who can gimme his help?05:49
jbroomewhen you give out the username and PW on IRC, it's not really hacking05:49
Alex[RM-UK] it says File format invalid....do I need to compile it first?05:49
NoUsematrix-ubuntu-c yeah I would file that away in the "don't do that again" folder05:49
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matrix-ubuntu-cbut how com u are online even thought i deleted u05:49
jbroomematrix-ubuntu-c: i'm in from *my* machine05:50
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deluxehi can someone help me? i have got ubuntu and downloaded the new firefox1.5 and i want to update my older one - how can i do this?05:50
Alex[RM-UK] anyone?05:50
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : you should have downloaded an archive so the extension should be .tar.bz2. Drag and drop this one in the theme window05:50
matrix-ubuntu-cbut did u get disconnected from irc05:50
jbroomematrix-ubuntu-c: and if the matrix account has a PW as simple as the one for the john account, you will get cracked very soon05:50
Alex[RM-UK] Ahhh, I unpacked it first05:50
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Alex[RM-UK] thanks, works05:50
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matrix-ubuntu-cno i got a diffrent password :P i just made that an easy one05:51
jbroomematrix-ubuntu-c: yes, i logged out completly05:51
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matrix-ubuntu-cdid u do that in your own or it was cause i deleted your account05:51
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : you're welcome05:51
jbroomematrix-ubuntu-c: i logged out on my own at 11:47 my time05:51
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Alex[RM-UK] btw, whats metacity?05:52
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matrix-ubuntu-cok  i thought maybe u got disconnected cause i deleted that user05:52
gfishcan fat 32 be read by windows05:52
elio_what can i do: i can't install the libDirectFB from Synaptic, libdirectfb-bin:05:52
elio_ Hngt ab: libdirectfb-0.9-22 (=0.9.22-0ubuntu3) but it is not installable05:52
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : don't know05:52
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tristangfish : yes of course05:52
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tristangfish : this is the basic formatting of Windows05:52
matrix-ubuntu-care you good in computers jbroome05:53
DrBairAlex [RM-UK] : thats the default window manager for gnome05:53
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Alex[RM-UK] tristan, sorry to be a pain, but I just draged drop my theme into the manager..but the new theme is not there. the theme im trying to install is: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2698005:54
gfishis there a msn client for linux where i can use webcam05:54
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Alex[RM-UK] DrBair, so wait.... theres now 3! versions of Gnome that make up 1???05:54
Alex[RM-UK] GKT, GDM and Metacity?05:54
DrBairAlex[RM-UK] : theres a LOT of applications that make up the GNOME environment05:55
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nullspaceanyone else build firefox 1.5 from source?05:55
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : did you choose to use this one in the theme manager after installing it. You just have to click it and it should be ok05:55
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EmmaIs there anybody who knows how to connect to MSN messenger with Ubuntu?05:55
jbroomeEmma: Gaim will do it05:55
pramzEmma, Gaim or kopete05:55
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, i've just gone to theme details and it's in there :P not in the actual theme selection05:55
pramzhmmm i <3 the gtkwifi applet05:56
DrBairEmma:  I've heard good things about aMSN too, never tried it though05:56
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pramzi prefer gaim since i have so many different IM accounts05:56
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pramzaMSN is nice though05:56
pramzlooks just like messenger05:56
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : when you open the theme window, is it here?05:56
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seifepramz, aMSN sux hardcore05:56
pramzseife, how so ? from what I heard its pretty good05:56
Emma /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>05:57
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seifeIts not for me, i dont like it.05:57
seifeI prefer Gaim05:57
gimmulf_Hi is "registration information" correct english?  (maybe a little bit off topic :) )05:57
pramzits correct05:57
gfishis there an msn client for linux where i can use webcam05:57
pramzi prefer gaim too05:57
pramzthe next version of gaim should have that support05:58
pramzyou can do a google search for gaim-vv05:58
SandaimaeHey everybody.05:58
USCRyan*question* im new to linux and trying to install gtk-gnutella, i used synapics to do it but it installed an outdated version, can anyone walk me through how to install the latest version? i just downloaded it off the sourceforge site05:58
Emmaokay, but what is kobenke or whatever u called it?05:58
pramzkopete you mean ?05:58
matrix-ubuntu-capt-get uptdated gnutella05:58
pramzkopete is like gaim but built on QT and KDE libs05:58
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USCRyanmatrix-ubuntu-c, i dont know how to do that05:59
SandaimaeHas anyone here had the problem with the setup hanging at "Setting up the partitioner" x% ?05:59
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joachim-nhow do I make a boot floppy with grub? sudo grub-install /dev/fd0 gives an error05:59
eobanbcan anyone help me out with installing nvidia's drivers? i would be using nvidia-glx in the repository but the newer versions of it don't support my TNT2 anymore, so i'm getting an older one from nvidia.com.  problem is, it's trying to compile the kernel modules but cant get headers from my kernel source tree...im positive it's the right version but it says it isnt05:59
pramzEmma, http://kopete.kde.org/05:59
EmmaI a bit of an analfabet when it comes to computers, how do i access kopete?05:59
matrix-ubuntu-csudo apt-get gtk-gnutella05:59
matrix-ubuntu-csudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella05:59
Agrajagmatrix-ubuntu-c: that will install the same version he just installed.05:59
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pramzEmma, whats an analfabet ?05:59
Agrajaghe got it from apt.05:59
elio_hi, i search the standart package for PNG JPEG and FREETYPE support05:59
lillpelleEmma: do you know howto use apt?05:59
matrix-ubuntu-csudo apt-get updtate gtk-gnutella06:00
USCRyanmatrix-ubuntu-c, thats still the old version06:00
Agrajagmatrix-ubuntu-c: the version in apt is the only version in apt.06:00
gimmulf_lol analfabet :)06:00
USCRyanmatrix-ubuntu-c, there is a newer version on the gnutella sourceforge website06:00
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tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : is it working now?06:00
matrix-ubuntu-cgive me the link06:00
Agrajagmatrix-ubuntu-c: application versions do not change in a given release of ubuntu.06:00
AgrajagUSCRyan: you'll most likey need to install build-essential06:00
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Agrajagfrom apt06:00
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Agrajagso, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:01
lillpellegimmulf_: yes, nice to be swedish sometimes :)06:01
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Alex[RM-UK] tristan, no,06:01
Alex[RM-UK] it looks nothing like the theme at all06:02
USCRyanagrajag, ok installing that now06:02
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K_DallasQ:  header file tcl.h  has been found for 8.4*  but no corresponding tcl library (and i dont know what else i could install to get those)06:02
K_Dallas(tcllib tclx, tcl8.4.dev are installed)06:02
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : did you downlad the file of 128k and also the metacity?06:02
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gokishinHas anyone tried ubuntu on a recent thinkpad, like a z60?06:02
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, just the first one (124kb)06:03
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tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : did you downlad the file of 128k and also the metacity?06:03
matrix-ubuntu-cso what errors u got when u download gnutela.tar.gz just tar zxvf gnutela then cd to gnutela ./configure ; make ; make install06:03
USCRyanmatrix-ubuntu-c, i downloaded the third one, the .tar.bz2 file06:03
jbroomegokishin: not a z60, but a t43P worked fine06:03
AgrajagUSCRyan: then you need to decompress the archive you got, tar xjf gtk-gnutella<whatever>.tar.bz206:03
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : you have to d/l the metacity also and install it like the previous one06:03
gokishinjbroome, does that have a SATA drive?06:03
Alex[RM-UK] it comes with it06:03
matrix-ubuntu-cdo u know to extract bz files06:03
Stormx2Sound juicer will not rip certain tracks on certain CDs, any ideas why?06:03
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, no I got it ..how do I install it?06:03
USCRyanagrajag, i did that, and i ran ./configure06:04
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tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : drag and drop in theme window06:04
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AgrajagUSCRyan: ok, it probably told you you don't have GTK installed, right?06:04
USCRyanthen i tried to run make and it said not found or something, i can get the correct error one sec06:04
jcaineAnyone have a HOWTO to set up java 1.5 (jre & sdk)?06:04
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs06:04
USCRyanarajag, ./configure ran fine06:04
booi need some help06:04
matrix-ubuntu-cshow me the errror when u do make use paste bin06:04
booi just installed cvscedega but i have no clue how to open it06:04
homerwhats your favorite mp3 player for linux?06:04
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Stormx2all the way06:05
matrix-ubuntu-cdo u have gcc installed06:05
boocan anyone help?06:05
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Alex[RM-UK] tristan, the theme I have looks like:http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=29656 yet I want:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2698006:06
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gfishhomer, xmms06:06
booi just installed cvscedega but i have no clue how to open it06:06
boocan anyone help?06:06
matrix-ubuntu-crun  cvscedega06:07
eobanbcan anyone help me out with installing nvidia's drivers? i would be using nvidia-glx in the repository but the newer versions of it don't support my TNT2 anymore, so i'm getting an older one from nvidia.com.  problem is, it's trying to compile the kernel modules but cant get headers from my kernel source tree...im positive it's the right version but it says it isnt06:07
USCRyanarajag, matrixubuntu-c, ok i got it to run this time, i must have typed somethign wrong, now its asking which compiler to use and theres no default to choose ;P06:07
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gfishwhen will the new gaim be expected06:07
boohow do i open cedegacvs??!06:08
eobanbgfish, ask in #gaim06:08
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AgrajagUSCRyan: run configure again06:08
sobersabrehow do I use ITE GigaRAID device with linux ?06:08
matrix-ubuntu-cdo make clean06:08
Agrajagsince you installed gcc after you ran it last06:08
pc6Hi there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:08
pc6I need help06:08
USCRyanagrajag, do i just exit the current configure?06:08
Agrajagyou have configure running now?06:08
pc6I cannot put imagesplash in my grub, anybody can help me???06:08
mwegfish: in ubuntu it will stay the same version, like any other package, untill the next release of ubuntu06:09
Agrajaghas it been sitting there while you installed gcc, or did you start it afterwards?06:09
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homerdoes linux contain hardware drivers within it's kernal?06:09
USCRyanarajag, yes06:09
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Agrajagyes to which?06:09
pc6I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:09
mwehomer: yes of course06:09
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USCRyanto the first06:10
USCRyanno to the second06:10
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mwehomer: that's whats the kernel is all about06:10
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AgrajagUSCRyan: then it doesn't know you have gcc, just ctrl-c and start again06:10
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homerdon't most drivers run a kernal modules though?06:10
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Agrajagit should find it, and will most likely tell you it's missing libraries06:10
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rob_peobanb:  Why not use the legacy nvidia driver from the repos?  "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy" should get you what you need.06:11
USCRyanagrajag, ive justbeen hitting enter and using all the defaults06:11
firestonehow do I run Itunes on Lenux06:11
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sobersabrefirestone with wine.06:11
mwehomer: it depends as how you compile the kernel. most drivers are almost always compiled in though06:11
sobersabrefirestone but itunes SUCKS.06:11
AgrajagUSCRyan: I don't know what you mean, most configure scripts are automatic06:11
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pramzfirestone, comparable players : rhythmbox, amarok06:11
mwehomer: some drivers wont even compile as modules06:12
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, any ideas why/06:12
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs06:12
pramzfirestone, and for purchasing check out sharpmusique06:12
USCRyanagrajag, oh this one had a bunch of command promps, and i just hit enter to use the default setting06:12
eobanbrob_p: thanks, i'll try that!06:12
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ubotujavadebs is, like, totally, Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/06:12
xkahnpramz: you forgot banshee!06:12
Agrajagwell whatever, it's probably fine06:12
xkahnpramz: which, if you have an ipod, is really the only comparable player.06:12
Agrajagafter it finds gcc it should tell you it need GTK and some other stuff06:12
pramzxkahn, thanks for reminding me. Thats a good player too06:12
pramzxkahn, amarok can interface with the ipod methinks06:13
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xkahnpramz: yes!  It can.06:13
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xkahnpramz: but it isn't comparable featurewise, if I understand correctly.06:13
xkahnwhen working with the ipod.06:13
CarlFKI know about the server install from the normal CD, but I thought there was a Ubuntu Server disk?  something new, but maybe it is too new06:13
USCRyanAgrajag, http://pastebin.com/44507206:13
USCRyanthats where i keep getting stuck06:13
ericmoritzanyone know of a Xwindows scripting tool, i.e. simulating mouse movements/clicks etc06:13
xkahnericmoritz: dogpile?06:14
pramzxkahn, heh i dont have an ipod, the only ipod i bought i bought as a bday present for my mom :)06:14
ccookeericmoritz: try the package 'xautomation'06:14
!lilo:*! We've made some changes which we think will considerably reduce the number of "clonebot false positive" network bans against Tor users. If you're a Tor user who connected to freenode before 16:48 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time), please take the time now to disconnect your IRC client from the network and reconnect so that the changes will take effect. Thanks!06:14
pramzxkahn, i use amarok so i can update my last.fm profile06:14
AgrajagUSCRyan: so, sudo apt-get install yacc06:14
xkahnpramz: me either.  Although I do have an mp3 player.06:14
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xkahnwhich doesn't work with anything.06:14
AgrajagUSCRyan: or bison, it may be the same thing06:14
ericmoritzxkahn: do you mean dogtail?06:14
xkahnAlthough I bugged the banshee guy to support it.06:14
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xkahnericmoritz: yeah.  That.06:14
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ericmoritzxkahn: dogpile is a cooler name though06:15
xkahnericmoritz: I should use it for a project.  :)06:15
deltronhehe dogpile06:15
USCRyanagrajag, k bison installed06:15
deltronlike dogpile.com?06:15
pramzxkahn, which player ?06:15
Agrajagok, tell it to use bison then06:15
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Alex[RM-UK] tristan, you there?06:15
xkahnpramz: the zen micro.06:15
xkahnpramz: I got it as a gift from my wife.06:15
slewanyone know if the new firefox is available in .deb format yet?06:16
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : sorry I lost the discussion. Did you download and install the metacity?06:16
xkahnpramz: it's the same as the dell players inside, but with a better button interface.06:16
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pramzxkahn, ooh nice player06:16
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mweslew: firefox wont get updated in the official repos until the next release of ubuntu06:16
xkahnpramz: that is a nice looking application.06:16
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, yes, did you see the links I gave you06:16
pramzxkahn, amarok :-)06:17
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : I went on the link for the theme you try to install06:17
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hostixim trying to compile vmware but it needs gcc-3.4.5 becaous my kernel is compiled with it but i only have 4.x what can i do is there a deb any wherre or what i would prefere not to recompile the kernel06:17
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, it ends up like the Metacity theme and not .. Water Vapour06:18
pramzheh my hosting provider setup a RHEL3 server for us and upgraded openssl and openssh using source without making it rpms or uninstalling the old ones06:18
xkahnyeah.  And they ALL beat the zen micro linux app, gnomad2 http://gnomad2.sourceforge.net/pictures/main.png06:18
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : I went on the link for the theme you try to install06:18
Agrajaghostix: just install gcc-3.406:18
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : I don't understand06:18
pramzim going through it and cleaning it up now. Its an administration nightmare06:18
hostixi can't find it06:18
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, let me get links06:18
Agrajaghostix: what?06:18
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slewmwe thanks06:19
Agrajaghostix: no06:19
USCRyanagrajag, did i need to uninstall the old version before i installed the new?06:19
xychixhostix: what is the problem ?06:19
xychixi just also installed older gcc06:19
mweAgrajag: afaik modules compiled with a different compiler than the kernel wont work06:19
hostixim trying to compile vmware but it needs gcc-3.4.5 becaous my kernel is compiled with it but i only have 4.x what can i do is there a deb any wherre or what i would prefere not to recompile the kernel,06:19
xychixmwe: correct06:19
xychixhostix: ah ok06:19
Agrajagmwe: that is the same version06:19
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=26980 <-- Thats what I WANT.....yet this is what I get -->http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=2965606:19
xychixhostix: query (i also compiled vmware 30 mins ago)06:19
Agrajagthe gcc-3.4 package installs the same compiler used to build the kernel on breezy.06:19
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mwegood then06:20
AgrajagUSCRyan: no, the version you compile should install to /usr/local instead of /usr06:20
hostixwell apt-get install gcc-3.4 worked06:20
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hostixxychix, nice to know :)06:20
Agrajaghostix: ok, you may need to set the CC variable to /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 when you run the vmware scripts06:20
hostixif i run into probloms i ping you :) muhahah06:20
Agrajaghostix: export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.406:20
USCRyanagrajag, it told me to run /usr/bin/make and then i got a whole bunch of errors, want me to pastebin?06:21
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, brb tea - tell me if you find out how to get it like that06:21
AgrajagUSCRyan: /usr/bin/make?06:21
No1VikingI'm looking for a compilator for C++ with an interface?06:21
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Agrajagok pastebin it06:21
xychixAgrajag: i replaced the gcc link06:21
Agrajagxychix: eh, that's kind of a bad way to do  it but it works06:21
xychix:P ok06:21
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : OK. This is the same theme basis. After you have to modify things like changing the background, modifying the transparency of the console, adding a new control panel at the bottom....06:22
USCRyanagrajag, http://pastebin.com/445083  thats just a little of it so you get the idea =)06:22
K_DallasQ: I have installed jack and alsa but still only a single program i able to use the audio device. what else do i need to do? Thanks06:23
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No1VikingI'm looking for a compilator for C++ with an interface?06:23
lewizHi, can anybody tell me what time zone cdimage.ubuntulinux.org runs on?  ISOs get built at 08:30 and I'd just like to know when that is.06:23
mweNo1Viking: for c++ ide I like kdevelop or eclipse with the c++ plug in06:23
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No1VikingThanks mwe, do I need KDE installed for it?06:24
gfishmwe, cant i just update06:25
hostixgot the gcc to work just needed some symlink but know i get06:25
hostixWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running06:25
hostixkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 06:25
K_DallasNo1Viking, not all of kde but certain parts of it06:25
No1VikingoKtosiTe_, thanks!  =)06:25
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AgrajagUSCRyan: do you have the GTK development packages and all that installed?06:26
mweNo1Viking: apt will get the kdelibs for you when you install kdevelop06:26
Agrajaghostix: I think you need to install kernel-headers06:26
hostixAgrajag, no pakage an kernel-source cant install becouse for my version06:27
xychixhostix: juh that was wat i was trying to tell ya in query06:27
xychixuname -a06:27
USCRyanagrajag, probably not06:27
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hostixLinux Hostix 2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux06:27
USCRyanagrajag, this is my first day with linux =)06:27
xychixhostix: uname -a   cut-n paste the exact kernel number  in  apt-cache search NUMBER06:27
AgrajagUSCRyan: configure didn't tell you it was missing?06:27
hostixUSCRyan, congrats06:28
K_Dallasmwe, i am trying to install eclipse but i dont need its java support just C/C++ and LaTeX and i fail to find them in the synaptic. any help with that? thanks06:28
oskudehostix, then you need "linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386"06:28
xychixthere you;ll find the headers to install06:28
melonipoikaalguien sabe cmo puedo escribir un espacio " " en fstab?06:28
USCRyanagrajag, nope....i have an old version of gtk gnutella installed already06:28
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USCRyanhostix, thx06:28
AgrajagUSCRyan: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev06:28
xychixoskude: assuming thats his kernel06:28
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melonipoikauy uy, sorry, i forgot that i was in this forum... my question in english06:28
oskudexychix, did he just posted his "uname" ?06:28
melonipoikadoes anyone know how to add space character in fstab?06:28
hostixoskude, k im trying that :)06:28
ubotuI guess xorg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:28
xychixoskude: ok sorry::)06:28
AgrajagUSCRyan: for anything you need to build from source, you'll need -dev packages install for any libraries it uses06:29
Ngmelonipoika: \04006:29
mweK_Dallas: I downloaded both eclipse and the plugins from their web-site, so I can't help you there06:29
Ngmelonipoika: very useful for mounting crazy windows shares ;)06:29
AgrajagUSCRyan: you can search for t by using apt-cache search <libraryname> and find anything with -dev after it06:29
USCRyanagrajag, how can i find out which packages06:29
K_Dallasmwe, ok so not from the univers etc repos. thanks06:29
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USCRyanagrajag, alright, i just installed that dev package, shoudl i try to make again?06:30
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AgrajagUSCRyan: configure should tell you if libraries it needs are missing06:30
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, im back06:30
melonipoikaNg, right06:30
tristanAlex[RM-UK]  : OK. This is the same theme basis. After you have to modify things like changing the background, modifying the transparency of the console, adding a new control panel at the bottom....06:31
USCRyanagrajag, im still gettin the same errors but brb in 5min i gotta grab lunch06:31
Alex[RM-UK] tristan, so if im doing it right, why does it not turn out like in the picture?06:31
hostixi get "The configuration of VMware Workstation 5.0.0 build-13124 for Linux for this06:31
hostixrunning kernel completed successfully" but when i run vmware i get vmware is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured06:31
hostixreboot or what?06:31
AgrajagUSCRyan: well, I gotta get back to work, hope someone else can pick up from here06:31
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sobersabrewhere do I get latest skype for ubuntu ?06:32
sobersabrehostix will it install ?!06:32
jeremywhitinghi all, anyone here have ogg audio files preview in nautilus working?06:32
sobersabrelast time i tried it didn't.06:32
Alex[RM-UK] but tristan .... my theme looks NOTHING like it, I mean the window border isn't the same06:32
jeremywhitingit will preview mp3's, but not ogg's for some reason for me06:32
Alex[RM-UK] now that can't be down to changing background + transparancy!06:33
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sobersabrehostix are you sure ?06:33
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keenannew kernel in dapper works great on my thinkpad06:33
keenangood job team!06:33
JulienHHow can I duplicate a server installation on another server ?06:33
simon__Attention: Go to DesktopLinux.com Forums and complain about their dismal layout. Its owned by Ziff Davis and its poo.06:33
JulienHI've two servers (identical), I've installed ubuntu on one, and I want to have the same installation on the second one06:34
JulienHHow can I do that ?06:34
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eobanbso i've apt-got nvidia-glx-legacy and set my xorg.conf to use nvidia, but when i try to start X (or modprobe nvidia) it says error inserting nvidia (lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/volatile/nvidia.ko): No such device ...any ideas?06:34
oskudeJulienH, i use "partimage" for backupin partitions06:34
jeremywhitingJulienH, use some kind of ghosting software to take an image of the one and put it on the other06:34
slewdoes anyone know if the new firefox works with the java instructions on the wiki page? i cant seem to make it work following those directions. =[06:35
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oskudeJulienH, dunno if ubuntu livecd has it (i use systemrescuecd)06:35
mweslew: I believe linking the plugin to /home/you/.mozilla/plugins should work06:36
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derek[] Hi06:36
slewmwe yah, should work, cant find the plugin though06:37
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theinekeenan, in which ways is it an improvement over the old kernel?06:37
theinei.e. the one in breezy06:37
keenanwell it has hdaps for one thing =)06:37
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derek[] Should GRUB be installed in the MBR in the case of Dual-Boot?06:38
mweslew: did you install sun java or what?06:38
theinekeenan, what's that?06:38
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Alex[RM-UK] how do I change my Meta city Theme?06:38
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oskudederek[] , no, you can also install it to a floppy...06:38
theinekeenan, ah, i see06:39
derek[] I mean, what's better?06:39
theinekeenan, that's pretty nice06:39
slewmwe i followed the directions on the wiki page, the sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb06:39
slew file it had me build.06:39
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slewthis one:06:39
keenanyeah, i'm playing around with hdaps-gl right now06:39
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs06:39
keenanpretty hypnotizing06:39
oskudederek[] , mbr is comfortable, floppy is "safer"06:39
XanthusHi guys, I have a live-cd question. I'm using the latest 15" powerbook and when ubuntu tries to determine my cd-rom it says it might be an old one and that I should insert install cd for the drive. could it be that my drive is so new that there are no drivers available yet? it's version 5.10 for mac06:40
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sobersabrewhat can cause slow skype startup ?06:40
mweslew: I installed java manually, but dpkg -L sun-j2re1.5|grep plugin might give you a hint as where to look for the plugin06:40
dmlinuxanyone here use VMware?06:40
derek[] oskude: ok06:40
oskudesobersabre, dunno, i have it too. but it works...06:41
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slewmwe thanks =] 06:41
huepil irc.cl06:41
huepil /server irc.cl06:41
sobersabreoskude which verrsion ?06:41
dmlinuxCan anyone tell me how VMware Workstation performes under linux (running windows as virtual machine)06:41
sobersabre!ask ubotu skype06:41
ubotusobersabre: I give up, what is it?06:41
sobersabreand you have downloaded it from skype.com ?06:42
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oskudeoskude, cant remember :) but it was updated through apt-get week ago or so...06:42
akonkwahow do I enable 3d acceleration?06:42
sobersabreand you have creezy cadger ?06:42
sobersabreakonkwa you need to press "3d" button.06:42
oskudesobersabre, yup (but i have backports too..)06:43
sobersabrei see.06:43
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akonkwasobersabre,  I don't see why it's a stupid question06:43
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mweakonkwa: it's not06:43
simarillionhow can I see my up and downstream from internet??? Is there any program???06:44
akonkwamwe, thanx06:44
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kinkoblastIs there a faster browser than Firefox?06:44
mweakonkwa: you have the install the right driver for your card06:44
oskudeakonkwa, what gfx card do you have ?06:44
akonkwamwe,  I did06:44
slewmwe thanks again, works fine. =]  apprecaite it.06:44
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mweslew: good06:44
akonkwaI have a nvidia geforce fx5200 and I installed the nvidia drivers06:44
slewmwe shoulda just did the manual install in the first place =] 06:44
mweakonkwa: what card is it, what did you do? eg did you update xorg.conf etc? is the module loaded?06:45
kinkoblastIs there a faster graphical browser than Firefox, I should say.\06:45
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oskudeakonkwa, hmm, cant remember nvidia driver name, have had ati too long :)06:45
kinkoblastLynx Links and friends are very fast :-P06:45
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JowiTo anyone who is interested of getting their Via Epia to work properly, I've now put up a new wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ViaEpiaDriHowto06:45
akonkwamwe :I have a nvidia geforce fx5200 and I installed the nvidia drivers   . how do I update xorg.cont ?06:45
davedare there any firefox 1.5 packages anywhere?06:45
x_orIs there a good guide for setting up a wireless card using ndiswrapper?  Or, is there a simple command I can run?06:46
Xanthusanyone here tried the 5.10 live-cd on their powerbook?06:46
oskudeakonkwa, "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and look that you have "nvidia" for drivers name in there06:46
sobersabreakonkwa u need to change "nv" into "nvidia" first.06:46
kinkoblastx_or: there is great stuff on the wiki06:46
ubotunvidia is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736806:46
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ubotu[ndiswrapper]  a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper06:46
x_orkinkoblast:  Thanks!06:46
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mweakonkwa: that wiki will probably tell you step by step what to do06:47
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eobanbwhere is the kernel config file? i need to check if nvidiafb is statically linked..06:47
Jowieobanb: should be under /usr/src/linux/.config06:47
eobanbapparently nvidiafb conflicts with nvidia-glx-legacy sometimes06:47
eobanband lsmod isnt showing it06:47
kinkoblast(It is buggyer than native, but i haven't had any problems (barring it sometimes forgeting my configuration when i restart)06:47
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Ngeobanb: if you're running a stock ubuntu kernel there will be a copy of the config used in /boot/06:47
webwolf_27any programmers in germany out there?06:48
eobanbah, okay06:48
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akonkwamwe : what is the address of the wiki?06:48
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oskudewebwolf_27, ? i can german, but im only a tiny script programmer :)06:48
x_orI see on the ndiswrapper site a list of the driver to use, but no place to download the Broadcom Corporation BCM4301 802.11b driver.  Anyone have this or know where I can get it?06:48
ubotunvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736806:48
mweakonkwa: that's it06:49
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kinkoblastx_or: It should be on the disk that came with your wireless card.06:49
webwolf_27oskude, I accually had a question to the wage of a starting ( no experience ) programmer06:49
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x_orkinkoblast:  Well, I got the wireless card from a recycling center, so I received no CD.06:49
kinkoblastum, manufacturer's website?06:50
oskudewebwolf_27, and you need help in german ?06:50
x_orYeah, I am looking there now.06:50
derek[] my floppy drive doesn't work. I can't create the bootloader on a floppy. I'm scared about installing it on the MBR06:50
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kinkoblastoskude: Wages are different in different areas...06:50
slewdoes gnome have transparent windows available?06:51
webwolf_27oskude, No I speak german06:51
kinkoblastslew: Probably not, but why would you WANT them?06:51
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oskudekinkoblast, aah wages... sry, i have no clue, i dont work as programmer (and never would :)06:51
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jcaineanyone with a howto for java 1.5?06:51
slewkinkoblast, not really wanting them, just wondering if they were there. =] 06:51
Ngjcaine: see the java page in the wiki06:51
mweslew: I think you need the cvs version of xorg for that. that's not too easy (or recommended) though06:51
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs06:51
oskudewebwolf_27, did you try #ubuntu-de ? da sind die deutschen :)06:52
Ngjcaine: or what ubotu just said :)06:52
jcaine:) thanks guys06:52
XiCillindoes anyone have problems with nmap on ubuntu?06:52
XiCillini get operation not permitted sometimes, even though I'm root06:52
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x_orDamn, this driver does not seem easy to find.  Can anyone share the bcmwl5.inf file with me?06:52
kinkoblastslew: Heh. Transparency in MSWindows is just an anoying gimick.06:52
oskudegotta get the laundry... brb :)06:52
webwolf_27oskude, on my way06:53
snorksXiCillin: wax/pflak linux06:53
kinkoblastApple did it better, but it's still just eyecandy06:53
CarlFKIs there an official version of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftBreezyServerAnnouncement ?06:53
snorksXiCillin: phlak06:53
XiCillinwhat about phlak snorks06:53
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refnumzxcompiling with g++ -wall is unknown option?06:54
jcainetransset = pretty sexeh06:54
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webwolf_27refnemzx, isn't that -Wall06:54
x_orHey, if any of you are interested, the Portland Linux Users Group hosted Jeff Waugh the other night.  There is a podcast here:  http://plug.podasp.com06:54
davedare there any firefox 1.5 packages anywhere?06:54
davedfor breezy06:54
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davedeven unofficial?06:55
slewdaved, not yet06:55
Enyodoes anyone have any experience on getting SugarCRM to work on Ubuntu?06:55
slewdaved, i just did an install, wasnt that bad.06:55
davedslew: lemme rephrase.. are there any debs anywhere, i dont care if they're in a repo06:55
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davedslew: ugh, you didnt install in /usr did you?06:55
slewdaved, still, no. trust me, i looked.06:55
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slewdaved, no, installed in ~/.mozilla06:56
davedyou installed an app in a dot directory?06:56
mwedaved: there wont ever be any official firefox1.5 package in breezy, according to the ubuntu policy06:56
Agrajagslew: why would you do that?06:56
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davednwe: hence why i dont care if they're official06:56
Agrajagslew: /opt is a better place for something like that06:56
slewwhy wouldnt i?06:56
simarillion how can I see my up and downstream from internet??? Is there any program???06:56
Enyosimarillion, you can use gkrellm06:56
davedslew: dot-directories are for user-specific configuration06:56
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davedslew: not for installing apps06:56
slewthats where the old mozilla was06:56
Agrajagslew: because that directory is for user-specific configuration files, not the program itself06:57
Agrajagslew: no it wasn't06:57
davedno it wasnt06:57
slewprove it06:57
davedits config files were there06:57
pramzyay @ inept datacenter techs06:57
Agrajagslew: go run /usr/bin/firefox. That's where the old one was.06:57
pramzI dont understand how they get jobs :(06:57
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webwolf_27daved, thats where they belong06:57
signbarnis there a way to edit the artist and title tags on mp4 (aac) music files?06:57
davedheh, slew is probably still running the old one and doesn't know it06:57
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gparentHi guys.06:57
slewbash: /usr/bin/firefox: No such file or directory06:57
AgrajagI wouldn't doubt it06:57
Enyoslew, lmao06:57
Agrajagslew: you uninstalled it?06:58
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Enyoslew, ls /usr/bin/ | grep -i "firefox"06:58
Enyoi cant believe you don't have it in there06:58
davedhe uninstalled it and hosed his system06:58
davedand happily thinks he's doing a good job06:58
kvantti hi there. i have managed to configure gxine in such a way that playing encrypted dvd's is possible with 2.1 sound but i cannot enable dts audio in any application..solves, anyone?06:58
refnumzxhmmm yeah it is but this thing does not work anyway06:58
davedgod i fear for the next generation of sysadmins06:58
gparent<No Firefox 1.5 in Breezy until after it appears in Dapper.> well I guess that answers my question06:58
slewEnyo, nothing happens06:58
Enyoif you use apt-get, you'll have no problems, honestly06:58
slew=] 06:58
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Enyodaved, people like that DON'T become sysadmins06:59
slewhow is my system hosed?06:59
slewstill working, isnt it?06:59
Enyoslew, because you don't fuck around with things if you don't know how they work.06:59
webwolf_27doesn't ubuntu call it mozilla-firefox06:59
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slewenyo no reason to swear is it/06:59
EnyoNo, it isn't06:59
Agrajagwebwolf_27: no, it's firefox06:59
ChousukeEnyo: They do, at schools06:59
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signbarndoes anyone know if is there a way to edit the artist and title tags on mp4 (aac) music files? i use EasyTAG for ogg and mp3 tag editing.06:59
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slewi dont see the problem, if the program works.06:59
Agrajaganyway, I installed 1.5 in /chroot/opt and t works reasonably well07:00
Agrajagslew: do you have any other users on your system?07:00
webwolf_27ok then that was only the deb package07:00
slewno of course not07:00
Steilslew: the way you did it is really not a good practice.07:00
AgrajagIf you did, they would be unable to use it.07:00
slewwell its just me and root07:00
slewand root never comes over any more07:00
kvanttiwell the solve for 90 % of things is to use plain old sudo07:00
Steildid you install it in ~/.mozilla/firefox?07:00
slewyes of course07:01
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webwolf_27slew, that is where the local config files belong, not the app07:01
Steilactually, theres nothing wrong with that07:01
slewwebwolf_27, well then everything will be all in one place, then wont it?07:02
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webwolf_27slew, yes but only that user can then use it07:02
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Agrajagslew: that isn't how it's supposed to be in a unix-like OS.07:02
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Chousukeslew: What happens when you for some reason want to wipe your config?07:02
Chousukeor back it up07:02
Chousukelots of manual work07:02
slewwhy would i want to wipe my config?07:02
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Chousukeif it gets f'd up for some reason07:03
webwolf_27if it gets broken somehow07:03
EnyoChousuke, the prof at least teaches you the basics before you dive in and make a mess.07:03
slewwho cares if its how its SUPPOSED to be? it works for me, thats all that matters to me.07:03
Agrajagslew: configuration goes in the user's home, binaries in /bin, /usr/bin, or /usr/local/bin, libs in similar directores, system-wide config in /etc, and so on07:03
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eobanbhe installed firefox in ~/.mozilla/ ?!07:03
Agrajageobanb: yes07:03
slewbut its just me, Agrajag.07:03
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slewi dont see the problem here07:03
u1sunhi all07:03
mweuser binaries could go in ~/bin. that's common too07:04
Chousukeslew: the problem is that config and binaries should be separate07:04
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u1suni have executed a .bin07:04
Agrajagmwe: well yeah07:04
johniscan any one help me on a problem i have plz?07:04
Chousukeslew: easier that way07:04
u1sunand i am trying to get it to load from the terminal07:04
webwolf_27slew, it's non-standard and makes it harder for others to help you07:04
u1sunbut my cp command does not work07:04
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slewbut i dont need any help anymore. =] 07:04
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Chousukeotherwise you can put apps in /foobar/zonk if you want07:04
eobanbjohnis, what is it07:05
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AgrajagChousuke: but that's where I keep my porn!07:05
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subbieguys i have something real weird going on.  if i do /etc/init.d/apache2 start, it just jumps back to the command prompt with no response but /usr/sbin/apache2 will start up apache2.  any ideas whats going on here?07:06
ChousukeAgrajag: :P07:06
neo_how I can run an IRC server in my own lan?07:06
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webwolf_27slew, and next time? It would have been better to just run ./configure && make && make local install07:06
Enyoneo_, is the hostname of your box neo?07:06
oskudesubbie, your using apache2 controlled by "inetd", or theres allready apache 1.3 running...07:06
Enyoneo_, like, user@neo$07:07
NiosopHello, I've set up a kubuntu install to authenticate against an OpenLDAP server, and mount home directories using autofs.  But kde takes about 5-10 minutes to come up when logging in as an OpenLDAP authenticated user.  And after it comes up, it gives a couple of errors about the trash, media and service protocols dying.  Anyone have a working setup or any ideas?07:07
johniswhen ever i go to college and connect through there 802.11b conection i can go on the net but cannot logon to irc so is there a way of making it look like my computer is going through and unblocked port such as 80 and actuly connect onto the server port 6667?07:07
XiCillindownload an irc server07:07
subbieoskude: i uninstalled apache 1.3 so it msut be that its controlled by inetd.  Sorry im a gentoo user im not totally familiar with inetd.  Can i still start apache2 on boot if /etc/init.d/apache2 doesn't respond?07:07
u1sunhow do i cp an executed file, so it works in terminal?07:08
u1sunsudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:08
u1sunthis command brings errors07:08
Enyojohnis, port forwarding?07:08
slewwebwolf_27, there is no .configure07:08
eobanbwhat errors, u1sun07:08
NoUsesubbie dpkg -S /etc/init.d/apache2 will tell you what package owns that file07:08
johnisyeh basicly i have no idear how to doit07:08
slewwebwolf_27, have you looked at the archive?07:08
oskudesubbie, i have no idea about inetd too :) apache2 did ask for "standalone" or "inetd" on install, but cant seem to get it with dpkg-reconfigure07:09
johnisi did download a program cqalled guide dog but i could get it to work :(07:09
u1suneobanb, sudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:09
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webwolf_27slew, how then did you install it07:09
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u1suneo0banb,cp: cannot stat `/home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin': No such file or directory07:09
TrackilizerLINKIN PARK 4EVER!!!!!!!07:09
slewwebwolf_27, i followed the directions, tar -xvzf in the dir where i wanted to install and that was that.07:10
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u1suneobanb, cp: cannot stat `/home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin': No such file or directory07:10
funburn_has anyone had success getting a LaCie F800 working under Ubuntu?07:10
webwolf_27slew, is there any reason that you didn't want to use the deb07:10
subbieso then would i use inetd to start apache2 on boot?07:10
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slewwebwolf_27, i downloaded from firefox web page, didnt see a deb, asked in here and was told there wasnt a deb until dapper07:11
NoUsesubbie I would 'sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2' and then reinstall, that might fix it07:11
johnisany one got any idear on how to do it?07:11
ubotuhmm... firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org07:11
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subbieNoUse: that will blast my config files as well correct?07:11
NoUseslew you can generate a deb on that page07:11
NoUsesubbie yeah07:12
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webwolf_27slew, because you wanted 1.5b07:12
slewsee, no one did that for me then07:12
kvanttii was wondering about passing this -channels 6 parameter to mplayer..this is described as solve for 5.1 sound, but it does nothing (won't start-unknown) for me07:12
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slewsorry i pissed everyone off by doing something my way instead of the way everyone else does it. didnt mean to make my own decisions. sheesh.07:12
kvanttii know that -Dplug:surround51 -c6 should be used, but that won't work either07:12
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johnisanyone know how to port forward here?07:13
eobanbdepends on the nat device07:13
eobanbyou are using ubuntu as a router or something?07:14
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oskudejohnis, yeah, i learned it ones, and forgot it right away :)07:14
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qu1damWhat do i need to install to watch movies embedded in web pages?07:14
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johnislol, thanks for the help07:14
eobanbqu1dam, read the faq07:14
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ubotufaq is, like, totally, The Ubuntu FAQ Guide is: select System -> Help (in Breezy), or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation or http://help.ubuntu.com07:14
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Likemy sound dosent work, im sorry i can't give more info but its my first time with ubuntu07:15
oskudejohnis, but google should be able to help (its an old question)07:15
NoUse!tell Like about sound07:15
slewslew anyone know if the new firefox is available in .deb format yet?      mwe slew: firefox wont get updated in the official repos until the next release of ubuntu07:15
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qu1damLike, my sound does not work either.  I am going to look in the faq I will let you know what i find out.07:15
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jendaHey folks. Anyone know a bit abut DOSBOX?07:15
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holycowhttp://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2005-11-04-018-26-OP-SS-NV-0089  <-- interesting post07:16
webwolf_27slew, I'm not mad at you. And doing it you own way is fine. It's just non-standard and may cause problems in the future07:16
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jendaI'm getting a very choppy game in DOSBOX, while having a decent system. Is there a way to fix that?07:16
slewwebwolf_27, im not sure i care if you are mad at me or not. if it causes problems then i at least know how to uninstall it. =]   thanks for the help, though.07:16
webwolf_27slew, I'm always happy to help07:17
XiCillinfor firewalls, what do you use firestarter or iptables?07:17
NoUseXiCillin firestarter is a frontend for iptables07:17
oskudejenda, maybe your system is "too" fast...07:17
webwolf_27XiCillin, firestarter use IPtables07:17
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trappistfirestarter is just a frontend for iptables07:17
mweheh, yeah07:17
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jendaoskude: would reducung CPUcycles fix it? It's a 160007:18
XiCillineep, ....i knew that. jk thanks07:18
eobanbjenda, i would see about whether or not you're using your graphics card's hardware acceleration07:18
oskudejenda, maybe you can tell dosbox to run slower... sry never used dosbox...07:18
eobanbjenda, oskude was joking07:18
eobanb(i think......????)07:18
JulienHI have a 2*Xeon EMT64 box, can is the linux-image-amd64-k8-smp package compatible ?07:18
jendaeobanb: I am07:18
Likei think i found my sound problem it can't find the sound card "aplay: device_list:218: no soundcards found...07:18
trappistI hate it when my box is too fast.  damn causality errors.07:18
Likehow can i fix it??07:18
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eobanbuhhhh so choppy as in 'too fast'? or choppy as in 'low frame rate'07:19
bobi_does anyone know how to put the famous quote thing at the beginning of evey aterm session?07:19
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subbieNoUse: thanks very much, i got apache2 working now by doing that.  How would i got about making sure it runs at boottime?07:19
Chousukebobi_: fortune?07:19
gparentIm gonna look like a noob (which I am), but I installed Firestarter and cant find it in the menu07:19
Chousukejust install fortune and put it in your shell's rc file07:19
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gparentOr Im blind. nvm07:19
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eobanbjulienH i really doubt it07:20
navaroneAplications/System Tools07:20
gparentYeah. Dunno how I missed ti07:20
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JulienHeobanb: because I haven't found any xeon smp package, juste a simple xeon package07:20
NoUsesubbie I think that gets set automatically, basically just make sure it is symlinked in /etc/rc2.d07:20
johnishow do i quit off irc from console?07:20
NoUsejohnis /quit07:21
eobanbdepends on your client, johnis07:21
jendaeobanb: choppy as in low FR07:21
NoUseeobanb he found it :-)07:21
jendaeobanb: Or even skipping frames07:21
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eobanbjenda, what are you trying to run07:21
subbieNoUse: thanks again07:22
jendaeobanb: Settlers 2 :)07:22
NoUsesubbie sure07:22
eobanbwell is it playable or is it completely unusable?07:22
eobanbi mean if it's just skipping every once and a while i'd attribute it to dosbox07:22
cc-GhostIs anyone running JEdit?  I've added it to the Apt source list and Installed it, but it won't work.  Are there any issues or trick to getting it to run?07:23
eobanbif it's really really slow there might be some other problem07:23
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gparentThe Syntax highlighter?07:23
gparentI tried to install it for got some errors. Sorry.07:23
GigaClonjenda, there is a linux implementation of Settlers 2 if that is completely unplayable07:23
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jendaeobanb: Unplayable. response delay about two seconds, and frames about a second apart.07:23
Jxpxhey i got a .exe file in my ubuntu , i want compress it to copy in a disket , how can i do that?07:23
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jendaGigaClon: Cool. What's it called?07:23
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gparentI was gonna check if notepad++ was Linux compatible07:24
jendaGigaClon: I was basically playing it just far the memories.07:24
NoUseJxpx file-roller is the gnome compression app07:24
eobanbwell there's freeciv...07:24
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GigaClon jenda, its called widelands07:25
Jxpxnouse where can i download it?07:25
johniscan you block ports via router?07:25
anna_please can anybody tell me,how to install icon themes?07:25
eobanbfile-roller comes with ubuntu07:25
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jendaeobanb: lol. That's not the point, is it?07:25
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NoUseJxpx it's installed by default07:26
oskudeanna_, drag and drop them to your theme manager...07:26
eobanbjenda, what?07:26
JxpxNoUse,  what must i do to compress the file07:26
ardchoilleanna_: gnome-theme-manager?07:26
jendaeobanb: freeciv07:26
anna_thanks oskude07:26
eobanbi didnt know about widelands07:26
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johnisis it possible to block ports via a router?07:26
eobanbi thought he might have been thinking of freeciv07:26
anna_do you mean the theme manager in the system preferences?07:26
eobanbjohnis, can you please stop07:26
ardchoilleanna_: yes07:27
oskudejohnis, yes, if the router has "firewall"07:27
johnisstop what?07:27
anna_okay, thank you, i will try07:27
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chubakhow do i set up ubantu on grub?07:27
NoUseJxpx look in the apps menu, it might be called something07:27
eobanbchubak: ...??07:27
bobi_does anyone know what the linux command to get a list of installed font is?07:27
anna_hm.. it doesnt work :(07:28
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anna_ut says , the file format is not valid07:28
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cc-GhostHas anyone gotten JEdit running on Ubuntu?  I've got it installed but it won't run.07:28
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chubaki am using grub with mutliple instalations how do I set up ubantu on the boot loader grub?07:29
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oskudeanna_, did you try to drag that link from gnome-look.org to System>Preferences>Theme and there "Theme Details" and then in "icon" tab07:29
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oskudeanna_, oh07:29
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oskudeanna_, where did you got your icon theme ?07:29
GigaClonchubak, if you install ubuntu it should set up grub for you07:29
kvanttii am now installing kmix to gnome as a desperate attempt to follow instructions to get 5.1 sound..am i asking for trouble, heh? nothing is removed..07:29
sunsunhow do you copy over a bin file - to ffmpeg2theora07:29
anna_its from gnome look org oskude07:30
chubakyes but will that unto the current setup in grub?07:30
Ofehow do I see in 5.10 with no internet connection if I he07:30
oskudeanna_, could you give me a link to the theme, so i can try it too07:30
Ofehow do I see in 5.10 with no internet connection if I have these http://roskakori.org/1.txt installed? sorry for that first line.07:30
NoUseJxpx its called "Archive Manager"07:30
ardchoilleWhy is it that when I install a GTK2 theme with the theme manager that only the last theme in that tarball gets installed? But, when I unpack it to ~/.themes all 10 themes appear in the theme manager?07:30
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Jxpxthanks nouse07:30
anna_okay, plesa wait a second ;)07:30
GigaClonchubak, it shouldn't but I dunno07:30
ardchoilleIt seems the gnome-theme-manager installer has been fixed in gnome 2.1207:31
anna_sorry, my english isnt that good ;)07:31
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ardchoilles/has/has not/07:31
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sunsunhow do you copy over an executed bin file to usr/local/bin file?07:32
anna_oh... it works!!07:32
chubakthx  I think I will save the grub conf files as a precaution.07:32
sunsuni mean to a usr/local/bin folder/07:32
Lardarsehow do i set up multiple monitors?07:32
anna_sorry for stealing your time and thank you very much for your help ;)07:32
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chubakthx for the help07:33
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oskudeanna_, nice, wont work here :)07:33
anna_sorry, i dont understand..07:33
anna_can you say it in other words please?07:33
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oskudeanna_, you said it works, but here it wont :) (the icon theme)07:34
anna_do you mean, you cannot install it on your computer?07:34
anna_ah okay..07:34
oskudeanna_, nope, but if it works for you. thats enough :)07:34
davedwhere do you set the "default" browser in gnome?07:35
anna_okay.. i just dragged the whole archive into the theme manager ;)07:35
anna_thank you again ;)07:35
fletch33afternoon all i have a quick question if someone has an answer. i need to delete a file located in .mozilla/firefox/j6cd7xgt.default called "lock" but i can not figure out how. any help?07:36
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oskudedaved, System>Preferences>Preferred Applications07:36
theCoresunsun, can you be more clear, please ?07:36
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sunsuni want to cp over an executed .bin file to usr/local/bin07:37
jendafletch33: sudo rm "//something//.mozilla/firefox/j6cd7xgt.default/lock"07:37
funburn_when I upgraded to Breezy the Terminal menu item disappeared from the nautilus desktop contextual menu, can I get that back somehow?07:37
sunsunso that i can bring up the program in terminal07:37
jendafletch33:But be very careful!07:37
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johnsie2kwhat is the linux equivilent of nero bruning rom?07:37
fletch33jenda,  i tried that and it says no such file or dir. even though i can navigate to it07:38
sunsunthe pprogramme is ffmpeg2theora07:38
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jendafletch33: what's the exact path?07:38
theCoresunsun, okay i see,07:38
oskudejohnsie2k, nero :) (theres a linux version too)07:38
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theCoresunsun, do you know how to use the terminal ?07:38
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NoUsejohnsie2k k3b07:38
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ispikedany way to turn off "confirm on emptry trash"?07:39
jendafletch33: Just to make sure, you do know his will delete all the settings in the default profile for firefox?07:39
fletch33jenda,  /home/.mozilla/firefox/j6cd7xgt.default/lock07:39
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sunsuntheCore, so i do this -- sudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora-1.1.linux.bin07:39
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oskudeNoUse, for ubuntu i would suggest gnomebaker (k3b for kubuntu)07:39
fletch33jenda,  i read it will only unlock it so i can use default again07:39
sunsuntheCore OR also i have tried this:07:39
sunsunsudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:39
NoUseoskude but gnomebaker blows haha07:39
jendafletch33: try "sudo rm ./.mozilla/firefox/j6cd7xgt.default/lock"07:40
fletch33jenda,  i cant sign on because it says that default is in use07:40
jendafletch33: OK07:40
oskudeNoUse, ? works for me...07:40
DRAGON_Ultrak3b works great in ubuntu07:40
NoUseoskude it doens't have nearly the feature set of k3b07:40
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fletch33jenda,  i will try that and brb thanks07:40
sunsuntheCore, sudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:40
oskudeNoUse, but is ubuntu (gnome) program...07:40
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derek[] Hi07:40
NoUseoskude and? will the gnome police come and take me away now?07:40
oskudebut the right answer is http://www.nero.com/eng/nerolinux-prog.html :)07:40
DRAGON_Ultrakubuntu is not as good as ubuntu to me anyway07:41
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oskudeNoUse, no07:41
derek[] I was installing ubuntu07:41
NoUseoskude I can burn VCDs from k3b, can I do that with gnomebaker?07:41
derek[] but i aborted07:41
derek[] as i had a doubt at the stage of partitioning07:41
oskudeNoUse, dunno, never done that...07:41
theCoresunsun, so what was the result, did it worked ? what was the error?07:41
derek[] one of the options was "Configure the logical volume manager"07:41
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derek[] what's that?07:41
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NoUseoskude well it was a loaded question, you can't do that with gnomebaker07:42
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twibblerso after a few hours of searching and trying out. I have failed to configure my xorg.conf file to have an external monitor giving a resolution of 1024 x 768 can anybody help please.07:42
derek[] (and the option above it was "configure software RAID")07:42
fletch33jenda,  http://pastebin.ca/3200007:42
Enyo< MechaniZM> how do i hack the internet with unix using aol?07:42
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NoUseEnyo what channel did that come from?07:42
jendafletch33: OK07:43
sunsuntheCore, i get this: sudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:43
xychixvmplayer is cool and amazing fast07:43
sunsuntheCore, I get this: sudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:43
sunsunsudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:43
mcdonaldsweswhat exactly is the relationship between nroff and man?07:43
sunsunsudo cp /home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin  /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg2theora07:43
EnyoNoUse, bash.org actually so i dont know lol07:43
sunsunoops, sorry07:43
sunsunthis is a mistalle07:43
NoUseEnyo damn :-)07:43
jendafletch33: It's "./.mozilla/firefox/j6cd7xgt.default/lock"07:43
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fletch33jenda,  i need to get my default user back for all my fav's passwords etc. and i read that deleting that will unlock firefox so that i can sign back in under default07:44
jendafletch33: Both dots07:44
fletch33jenda,  trying that now thanks07:44
gparentGuys I'm trying to run a .jar, but I get the error "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from jedit42install.jar07:44
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gparentUsing the command java -jar filename.jar07:44
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sunsuntheCore, i get this error message cp: cannot stat `/home/u1sun/ffmpeg2theora-1.13.linux.bin': No such file or directory07:45
_mosshow do i allow my windows network to access files on my linux server07:45
_mossvia samba?07:45
windowsrefundanyone know where that ubuntu search engine is for firefox is?07:45
windowsrefundI'd like to add it now that I'm running ff 1.507:45
_mossi have /home/work that i want to share07:45
theCoresunsun, what are you trying to do ?07:45
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derek[] Please can someone tell me about the option "Configure the Logical Volume Manager" during partitioning in the installation process??07:46
fletch33jenda, thanks that did it i really appreciate your help07:46
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funburn_windowsrefund: are you looking for the google toolbar?07:46
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windowsrefundfunburn_, I don't think so07:46
funburn_or beagle, the filesystem/mail/web search07:46
Slant_LaptopHow do I disable the GNOME startup sound?07:46
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fletch33jenda,  firefox works under default again and all my stuffis there07:46
jendafletch33: It's the least I could do :)07:46
NoUseSlant_Laptop the sounds config app07:47
Enyohey NoUse if you liked the other one you'll -love- this one07:47
Enyo<Concise> I would like to say that im on windows not on redhat...reason i said i was in redH. cause I thought everyone that was leet was on linux or unix so to fit in I had to lie...sorry..07:47
oskudeSlant_Laptop, System>Preferences>Sound07:47
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derek[] help someone07:47
Slant_Laptoposfameron, I have it disabled there and the sound still plays. Give it a try.07:47
theCoretheCore, are you trying to install ffmpeg2theora ?07:47
Slant_LaptopNoUse, where is the sound config app?07:48
NoUseSlant_Laptop system -> prefs07:48
oskudederek[] , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_volume_management07:48
Enyouuu join/#unix (Hes^GoT^LiNuX!root@vw-14185.kems.net)..07:48
Enyo<Hes^GoT^LiNuX> I Have Linux Perl Can i Download Gnome??07:48
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oskudederek[] , and google07:48
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=== gnomefreak loves google :)
EnyoLogs in as root and just meshes all these things he's heard together lol07:48
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derek[] been googling already07:48
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Slant_LaptopNoUse, when I disable it there the sound still plays.07:48
NoUseSlant_Laptop then I'm out of idaes07:49
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oskudederek[] , then try asking conrete questions07:49
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bungle__hi all07:49
derek[] it was iron07:49
derek[] :|07:49
derek[] thx for the link07:49
oskudederek[] , im not meaning "beton"...07:50
bungle__help guys my hash key will not on my laptop.  Is there any way I can creat a keyboard shortcut to insert the hash symbol07:50
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bungle__or is there and on screen keyboard program for gnome?07:50
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mark__does anyone know how to install .tar.gz packages????07:50
Slant_LaptopNoUse, thanks regardless.07:50
Enyobungle_, system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts07:50
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Enyobungle_, are you logged in twice or something?07:51
oskudebungle_, "apt-cache show xvkbd"07:51
mark__Can someone help me07:51
Enyomark__, dude use "man tar"07:51
Enyomark__, the command for .tar.gz packages is usually, tar zxvf package.tar.gz07:51
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Enyothen you go into that directory and sudo ./configure && make && make install07:52
Enyowhy are you compiling anything anyway, why not just use apt-get?07:52
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AgrajagEnyo: more like ./configure && make && sudo make install07:52
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DennisLaumen /join #ubuntu-nl07:52
EnyoAgrajag, i know, i noticed that lol07:52
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EnyoAgrajag, i always assume sudo works for the whole line of commands, that way it would be easier, but yea, to install you gotta be root07:53
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NaillLhi everyone, I know this question you`ve heard a lot of time, but how to make my ubuntu play MP3?07:53
oskudeAgrajag, i would ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall :)07:53
_mosshow do i use samba07:53
_mossi shared /home/music07:53
_mossbut it keeps asking me for login details07:53
_mossin windows xp07:53
Enyo_moss, ...07:53
_mossbut nothing works07:53
Enyo_moss, supply your linux user and pass.07:53
eobanbNaillL, read the faq07:53
_mossi did07:53
Enyo_moss, or remove authentication all together.07:53
Enyo_moss, i recommend using webmin to configure instead of manually editing the smb.conf07:53
bungle__thanks oskude07:53
Enyoit's easier for noobs07:53
Agrajag_moss: if you want no pasword try setting your smb.conf up like mine: http://student.ucr.edu/~abneyw01/smb.conf07:54
_mossi dont have webmin07:54
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Enyo_moss, sudo apt-get install webmin07:54
Enyonow you have webmin lol07:54
oskudebungle_, wait07:54
mark__well i downloaded this file from a site07:54
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eobanbwhat file07:54
Enyomark__, what file? You sure it's not in the repository already?07:54
Agrajagmark__: what file? what site? what are you trying to install?07:54
_mossheh, downloading and installing webmin07:54
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oskudebungle_, theres allso "Character Palette" in right mouse button on gnome panel and "add to panel..."07:54
mark__Hey Enyo07:55
Enyomark__, ?07:55
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_mosshow do i install samba module07:55
_mossfor webmin07:55
Enyo_moss, it doesnt come by default?07:55
chubakCan someone  plz tell me what a typical ubuntu set up has for kernel and initrd in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file?07:55
_mossnot sure07:55
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_mossill try07:55
mark__so i would type ./configure (what goes in place of the &&???) make  make install07:55
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_mosshow do i access webmin07:56
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Enyo_moss, webmin-samba - samba control module for webmin07:56
Agrajagmark__: ./configure && make && sudo make install07:56
Enyo_moss, sudo apt-get install webmin-samba07:56
Enyo_moss, sudo /etc/init.d/webmin start07:56
Enyothen type in a browser, https://localhost:1000007:56
Agrajagmark__: what is it you are trying to install though?07:56
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Enyothe webmin service runs on port 1000 on an encrypted connection07:56
mark__what do you mean07:56
oskudechubak, dont have any grub.conf... O.o07:56
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Enyomark__, what else can Agrajag possibly mean? WHAT are you trying to install?07:57
Agrajagmark__: the program you are trying to install, what is it?07:57
mark__a audio driver07:57
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eobanbfrom a tgz?07:57
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refnumzxi need to be able to create users on a linux box from a csv file formated like this username,group.password i would also like this script to add an smb account using smbpasswd, a guy tried to help this morning with a cpp file, but it will not compile and i am not a programmer, can someone help with a shell script? i tried  myself but i got very bad results.07:57
Enyoyou have no audio or something?07:57
xc_legendhi all07:57
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xc_legendI am having some problems with plugins07:57
oskudechubak, or do you mean /boot/grub/menu.lst ?07:58
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Enyorefnumzx, you can easily use awk to do this i think, you can use awk to take values down from columns and print them out to adduser07:58
mark__i have the file extracted but don't know how to install the driver07:58
Enyomark__, your audio doesnt work?07:58
xc_legendI am trying to burn mp3s to cd I have tried Serpentine,k3b and gnome baker07:58
Enyohow do you know?07:58
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Enyohave you tried to play anything mark__ ?07:58
refnumzxyeah i tried awk but my order was wrong and it was very bad.07:58
mark__i tried playing a audio cd07:58
chubakoskude,  ubuntu grub does not have a conf file?07:58
xc_legendAll say mp3 is unsupported file07:59
eobanbyou know what the ubuntu install script needs? a short piece of text that displays on startup that explains what package management is and how it works and specifically says 'forget everything you think you know about downloading and installing programs'07:59
Enyomark__, maybe the audio output wasnt properly connected to the cd rom07:59
eobanbxc_legend, read the faq07:59
xc_legendgnomebaker said i need a plugin for it to work07:59
Enyomark__, why not just mpg123 file.mp3 to test07:59
bungle__thanks oskude #07:59
kinkoblasthow do I mount a windows share in ubuntu?07:59
bungle__working a treat07:59
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gparentPackage j2re1.4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:59
gparentThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:59
gparentis only available from another source07:59
oskudechubak, dunno, mine uses menu.lst (AFAIK)07:59
gparentTrying to install Java07:59
_mosshow do i disable07:59
mark__what do you mean07:59
gparentusing sudo apt-get07:59
bungle__will be a good hack till I can fix the keyboard oskude07:59
_mossin webmin07:59
oskudebungle_, yup08:00
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Enyomark__, get an mp3 file on your computer, and play it08:00
Enyonot through the cdrom08:00
oskudegparent, you have to activate "multiverse" reposity08:00
ubotuwell, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource08:00
chubakoskude, whats the kernel and initrd argument under that file?08:00
ubotuI heard apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto08:00
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Enyothat's what you guys need.08:00
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gparentI think it is.08:00
gparentHol don08:00
dbernar1hi Do you know a program for playing .ogg files on win32?08:01
gparentdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted08:01
oskudechubak, kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-k7 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash08:01
zAo^o m g08:01
Enyodbernar1, winamp08:01
oskudechubak, initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-k708:01
mark__thats strange08:01
xc_legendwhere is the faq08:01
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Enyodbernar1, don't ask windows affiliated questions here..08:01
chubakthx oskude08:01
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dbernar1zAo^: do you have a brain?08:01
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dbernar1Enyo: Ill ask what I want.08:01
mark__the audio works when plugged into cd drive08:01
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Enyolol, then he leaves.08:01
zAo^dbernar1, jup, why? better ask you: ask *nix questions in a win32-channel; luck08:02
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mark__but when plugged into back it doesn't wok at all08:02
neomatrixHI i am newbie to linux. How can i get ubuntu? someone told me its freely shipped. Is this true? help me08:02
Enyomark__, forget the cdrom, try to play an actual .mp3 file08:02
B_166-ER-Xi should go on #windows to ask where the xmms skins are located in ubuntu08:02
eobanbyeah, it is, but you're better off downloading it if you have broadband.08:02
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_mosshow do i disable authentication for samba thru webmin08:02
oskudegparent, you need something like "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe main restricted multiverse"08:02
GigaClonneomatrix, read the website08:02
david_neomatrix: Download at www.ubuntu.org08:02
B_166-ER-Xneomatrix,  yes it is08:02
Enyoneomatrix, go to ubuntu.com and go to download, you can download the images and burn them yourself or go to the ShipIt section for shipping information08:02
eobanbneomatrix, it can take a couple of months sometimes for canonical to get CDs to you08:02
B_166-ER-Xubuntu shipit08:02
gparentYeah, but where do I add that^08:02
xc_legendi am having trouble with ubuntu08:02
Agrajaghell, you're better off downloading it if you have dialup, you'd still get it faster ;)08:02
kinkoblastdebnarel: This is an Ubuntu channel, but 'cause i'm nice, try VLC08:02
neomatrixthx eobanb08:02
EnyoB_166-ER-X, whenever i see Shipit, it looks like Dipshit for a second..08:02
gparentI tried editing my source.list, but it wouldnt let me08:03
HiddenFlyIs there a way to install a software so that I could easily remove it and all of its dependencies that become unneeded if I dont like it?08:03
mark__what porgram should i use to listen to Mp308:03
neomatrixalso can i remaster ubuntu like knoppix?08:03
Enyogparent, you need to be root, thats why, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
xc_legendthat is why i came here i have recieved help in the past08:03
HiddenFlywith apt-get08:03
B_166-ER-XEnyo,  uh... well it worded 2 times for me08:03
oskudegparent, "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"08:03
gparentThanks man =08:03
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Agrajagubotu: tell mark__ about mp308:03
gparentmen =)08:03
B_166-ER-Xhad them in less then a month08:03
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.08:03
sambagirlwhen you type in TOP what is this showing me? It's very whatever it is :)08:03
neomatrixas in create a new distro using ubuntu08:03
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neomatrixwe can do that using knoppix08:03
xeoHello everyone, i am haveing diffucilties using my PCMCIA usb2.0 card with and external HD, the HD works on the local usb interface but not on the addon card. You can see the partitions on the external drive but im not able to mount it! any ideas?08:03
gparentI thought it had to be with root, but didnt know how to open a file as root. Adding it08:03
rambo3sudo gedit is easyer08:03
GigaClonneomatrix, there is a live CD so I would guess yeah08:04
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Enyogparent, if you want root, sudo /bin/sh or something and then type passwd and set password08:04
Enyothough i recommend using sudo08:04
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sambagirlwhat does sudo mean?08:04
Enyosambagirl, it means switch user and do08:04
GigaClonsuperuser do08:04
Enyoat least to me.08:04
eobanbsome people say it means super-user do08:04
matrix-user-cu get root priveliges08:04
neomatrixis the iso for live cd available on internet?08:04
bungle__xvkbd working great :-)08:04
sambagirlthank you08:04
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Enyoall you need to know is that it works08:04
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sambagirlwhen you type in TOP what is this showing me? It's very whatever it is :)08:04
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Enyosambagirl, first off, linux is case sensitive08:04
david_Any special ideas how to "harden" Ubuntu for use as a web server?  Already running Bastille . . . anything else?08:04
eobanbneomatrix: yes08:04
rambo3man top08:04
oskudesambagirl, but "su" means supstitute user (or similar...)08:04
Enyosambagirl, TOP and top are different, top is displaying processes that are running onthe computer, by who, and how much they're taking08:05
bungle__type man top into terminal sambagirl08:05
Enyosambagirl, in terms of resources.08:05
neomatrixcool...thx ppl...i shall start downloading now08:05
Enyoneomatrix, :)_08:05
mark__hey i got a problem08:05
mark__<mark__> mark@linuxlab5:~ $ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg08:05
mark__<mark__> Reading Package Lists... Done08:05
mark__<mark__> Building Dependency Tree... Done08:05
mark__<mark__> Package gstreamer0.8-plugins is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:05
mark__<mark__> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:05
mark__<mark__> is only available from another source08:05
mark__<mark__> E: Package gstreamer0.8-plugins has no installation candidate08:05
Enyomark__, STOP08:05
mark__<mark__> typed it in and came up with this answer08:05
eobanbplease dont flood....08:05
Enyomark__, use pastebin.com08:05
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com08:05
sambagirltop and TOP08:05
mark__im sorry08:05
Enyosambagirl, no, just top08:06
sambagirli will look at both these08:06
dabaR_mark__: add multiverse to your repositories. http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html will show you how.08:06
Enyochris@scheduler:~$ TOP08:06
Enyobash: TOP: command not found08:06
neomatrixHey...i wanted to know if i can be of any help to this oss community. if yes how?08:06
EnyoTOP doesn't exist, top does.08:06
seifehelp me to get my device on the wlan network, it sends packet but not recive, dunno why, i installed wifi radar and it doesnt get any nearly wlan network, HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASE08:06
sambagirlTOP not do anything i see.ok08:06
Enyoneomatrix, you mean oss as in the deprecated sound server?08:06
xychixseife: i assume you've got an accespoint ?08:06
chubaktop less08:06
gparentThanks for the awesome help guys08:06
gparentInstalling Java08:06
xeowell, guess il just use the forum instead...08:06
sambagirlunix almost as good operating system as AmigaOS08:06
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david_Security ideas?08:06
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oskudeneomatrix, help newbies :)08:06
neomatrixwell i am talking about open source software08:06
Enyochubak, ahha, top | less08:06
Enyochubak, but i get what you're saying lol08:07
sambagirlyou have things that are like CLI i see.08:07
xc_legendcan anyone help me with gnomebaker ....getting it to work08:07
_mossstill wont let me access it08:07
Enyosambagirl, are you honestly a girl?08:07
gparentSay that in WoW :P08:07
neomatrixi myself am quite a newbie oskude :)08:07
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dabaR_neomatrix: check this out: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html08:07
sambagirli'm honestly a woman but sambawoman looks stupid08:07
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gparentI realised yesterday how convenient free software was.08:08
gparentI didnt even realise I wasnt paying for what I DLed08:08
Enyosambagirl, women use linux?08:08
DESiBELiwhat is the easiest way to restore grub with ubuntu live 5.10 after windows intall removes it..?08:08
Enyosambagirl, where have i been.08:08
mark__so how does that help me get the codecs08:08
gparentEven if I usually dont *Shame*08:08
windowsrefundfree software has nothing to do with price08:08
sambagirlwomen wrote linux08:08
frinkillohas anyone problems with latest xorg-xserver-core in dapper? Since the latest update I'm getting "Segmentation Fault" everytime I try to launch the X server :?08:09
Enyosambagirl, they did? show me proof08:09
sambagirlwe use guys for fronts08:09
gparentHow does Free hasn't got to do with price?08:09
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sambagirlwell behind every man stand the WOMAN :D08:09
Enyosambagirl, haha, another female activist :)08:09
windowsrefundgparent, see fsf.org08:09
sambagirlkicking him in the butt.08:09
oskudefrinkillo, make bug report (or look if one allready exists) and wait for update....08:09
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sambagirlllb chao08:09
jc-dentonhehe sambagirl08:09
neomatrixhey dabaR ...thx for the info..i shall go thru it in detail...i mentioned oss coz i am attending this year FOSS.IN08:09
sambagirlbbl chao08:09
bungle__yeah sambagirl Richard Stallman is a woman in drag pmsl08:09
neomatrixfoss.in 2005 in bangalore08:09
mark__tried to install codecs08:10
eobanbcan someone help me out with this ---> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=536118&posted=1#post53611808:10
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mweStallman has some fine ideas08:10
mark__but couldn't find packages08:10
Hercule-AfKHello,I need help pls , Do I have to do something to install Ubuntu on my Computer (intel p4, atm using Windows) because i have an error when i lunch instalation08:10
eobanbmark__ you need to add the multiverse repository08:10
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benkong2i can't get 3ddesk to work in breezy any docs around google no help sofar08:10
kvanttihey guys, i think this is worth looking to with the rear speakers problem http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44753&highlight=5.108:10
gparentI dunno08:10
dabaR_mark__: you will ned to enable the multiverse repository, i gave you a link to a walkthrough above.08:10
gparentI DLed the package for 3d desktop08:10
EnyoStallman is a communist..Note the fact that stallman and stalin are VERY similar08:10
gparentBut cant find out how to use it08:10
gparentShame on me08:11
mark__what is the multiverse?08:11
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frinkillooskude: I've been looking for a bug report and waiting for an update but nothing (this if from 4-5 days ago), and filling a bug report myself... I don't know if this issue is happening only to me, so I was asking here about it :)08:11
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eobanbmark__ READ THE FAQ08:11
dabaR_ubotu: tell mark__ about components08:11
oskudefrinkillo, roger08:11
ubotufrom memory, shout is WE CAN READ LOWER CASE!08:11
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.08:11
Enyoeobanb, lol, tell mark to RTF ahah08:11
dabaR_ubotu: tell Enyo about coc08:11
ubotukvantti: Syntax error in line 108:11
theD3viLeobanb, hm..wird.08:11
Enyowhat's coc?08:11
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dabaR_ok, anyone whoe sees ubotu as a pm on his screen, please read it.08:11
kvantti !5.108:11
ubotukvantti: Do they come in packets of five?08:11
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damattler91did someone speake german???08:11
uboturumour has it, de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de08:11
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neomatrixhey ppl... can i contribute to the community through documentation until i get strong with programming?how?08:12
theD3viLeobanb, you can always download offical driver08:12
rambo3linux comunity has realy changed , there was only one answer 4 years ago : rtfm08:12
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Enyorambo3, i still get that all the time08:12
eobanbtheD3viL, if you read the most you'd see i tried that...08:12
mark__how do i install this multiverse respitorie08:12
eobanbthe post*08:12
dabaR_damattler91: read the above text in german.08:12
bungle__thats true rambo3 lot more newbie friendly nowadays08:12
gparentrambo3, it changed for the best.08:12
mwewell it wont hurt the read the documentation08:12
oskudeneomatrix, contrib to docus is allways welcome, just look the webpages of your favorite program...08:12
dabaR_mark__: either read http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html, or a private messaeg from ubotu.08:12
gparentUser/newbie-friendliness what was put me back from Trying linux at first.08:12
dabaR_ubotu: tell mark__ about repos08:12
bungle__rtfm or google it and go away08:12
neomatrixfav program? as in wat?08:12
Enyomwe, a lot of people can't understand the documentation, i know for me, i just want stuff to work, i dont need to learn how to program while im at it08:13
gparentCommand-line ain't my thing, but I accept setting up some things.08:13
theD3viLeobanb, you installed nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings ... and then?08:13
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mweEnyo: I'm not saying you should never ask for help08:13
bungle__I use GNIU Linix cos of the philosophy plus it rocks too08:13
eobanband then openGL doesnt work, theD3viL08:13
dabaR_Enyo: there is a feature oriented manual, and a procedural document. from your sentence I understand you want the latter. check out my web page above to se what I mean. the one I sent to mark.08:13
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theD3viLeobanb, did graphich card works on eny other distro?08:14
mweEnyo: but questions you asked because you're too lazy to try to do some research yourself is a waste of others time08:14
eobanbi havent tried, theD3viL08:14
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erUSULEnyo, use apple then... ;)08:14
derek[] Hi08:14
neomatrixcan i documentation on stuff related to kernel/real time linux?08:15
oskudemwe, second that :)08:15
theD3viLeobanb, in windows? What if geforce chipset is broken?08:15
neomatrixi am into that domain as a prof08:15
xeoanyone have any experience using pcmcia usb2.0 cards in ubuntu?08:15
Enyolol im not arguing, im simply stating08:15
eobanbgeforce?? what??? it'08:15
eobanbit's not a geforce08:15
eobanbit's a TNT208:15
EnyoerUSUL, thats a good idea :) ahha08:15
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theD3viLeobanb, whatever..08:15
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eobanband it's not broken, it works fine, i just cant get 3D acceleration to work08:15
gparentWhats the command to install deb packages^08:15
gparentdeb filename?08:15
dabaR_neomatrix: in that case, you want to read the source code, imo.08:15
oskudegparent, dpkg -i <filename>08:15
theD3viLeobanb, dont know then..sry08:15
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bungle__sudo dpkg -i filename08:15
derek[] If I'm installing linux on the second partition , to have dual boot (with win on the first [primary]  partition), do I need to set the second partition (the one for linux) as bootable during installation?08:16
dabaR_neomatrix: or you maybe want to know the history?08:16
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oskudederek[] , nope08:16
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derek[] ok08:16
NaillLderek[] : no...08:16
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oskudederek[] , leave bootable for windows partition08:16
neomatrixnot exactly i want to know more about what rtlinux is all about08:16
derek[] ok thanks08:16
dabaR_derek[] : just leave the same one bootable, and choose to insatll grub to the mbr, when asked main boot record.08:16
erUSULderek[] , no08:16
neomatrixwell i knw abt that...08:16
derek[] on the mbr?08:16
derek[] ok08:16
PitThe headers package for 2.6.12-10 seems to be missing some files that were present in earlier headers packages and are required for building ATi's drivers, or am I wrong?08:17
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erUSULneomatrix, i do not think this is the channel for such questions...08:17
dabaR_grub will add entries in its menu for windows, and for ubuntu.08:17
eobanbubuntu is not a real time OS..08:17
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derek[] and how can I create a new small partition for swap  during installation?08:17
dabaR_erUSUL: do you know which channel is good?08:17
neomatrixi would like to gain gud amount of knowledge by contributing...sorry if my q's seemes too basic08:17
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seamen2use "expert" boot08:18
dabaR_neomatrix: just ask.08:18
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oskudederek[] , do you have still unpartitioned space ? or you could delete the linux partition and then make the two partitions from that free space08:18
seamen2during installation08:18
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dabaR_derek[] : breezy has a resize partitions option built in. I have never used it however.08:18
derek[] oskude: no I don't have any unpartitioned space08:18
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neomatrixnot exactly on real time but about kernel, to be precise... customising the kernel based on requirements08:18
derek[] (I'm using Hoary)08:18
oskudederek[] , OMG :)08:19
derek[] :)08:19
erUSULdabaR_, no but this is a channel for ubuntu help no for discusion of the relative merits od rtai vs rtlinux or adeos or whatever you can find information in google08:19
derek[] old CD08:19
eobanbwhat erUSUL08:19
bungle__is it possible to have X running on different tty's?08:19
oskudederek[] , you know hoary will not be supported for long (or even now ?)08:19
derek[] supported?08:19
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elio_hy all08:19
dabaR_bungle__: well, yes, try the Apps>System Tools>New login.08:19
oskudederek[] , updates, security fixes...08:19
derek[] i see08:20
dabaR_bungle__: alt+ctrl+f7 and f8 will then be X08:20
oskudederek[] , breezy is the current version08:20
derek[] well may be i'll upgrade after installation08:20
eobanband also any questions about hoary here generally get the response 'dist-upgrade to breezy'08:20
Enyowhens dapper coming out?08:20
derek[] the cd writer isn't working08:20
Enyosometime in april?08:20
dabaR_oskude: dont spread such stupid rumors.08:20
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derek[] and well, the bandwidth limit :(08:20
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elio_how can i find out my superuser password, ubuntu is installed yesterday, but i can't change the root pw08:20
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oskudedabaR_ ?08:20
dabaR_oskude: hoary is supported for a year and a half now, with security fixes.08:20
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mark__thanks for your help08:20
derek[] oskude: so to have a small swap partition, i should first delete the second partition that i've set aside for linux, then create new ones from it?08:21
oskudedabaR, and that less than for breezy...08:21
Enyoelio_, sudo bash && passwd08:21
Enyoelio_, then set your password08:21
NoUse!tell elio_ about root08:21
dabaR_2 years for a release. and then milestone releases like dapper will be supported for 45 years.08:21
oskudederek[] , i would do so, yes08:21
derek[] will all this work with normal boot?08:21
elio_ok, trying....08:21
Enyo!tell Enyo about root08:21
derek[] ok08:21
str1k3rhow change root passwd.... "sudo passwd" dont help!!!08:21
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derek[] will i have to care about the cylinder numbers etc.?08:21
dabaR_ubotu: tell str1k3r about root08:21
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Enyostr1k3r, sudo bash && passwd08:22
dabaR_str1k3r: ubotu sent you a pm with a URL.08:22
oskudederek[] , "nope"08:22
XiCillinstr1k3r: sudo /bin/bash08:22
derek[] ok08:22
AgrajagEnyo: uh, no08:22
XiCillinthen passwd08:22
neomatrixhey..thanks to all for helpin me out..shall comeback with more related queries...time for me to go now..bye...08:22
AgrajagEnyo: that would run passwd AFTER the root shell ended08:22
oskudederek[] , if you have grub installed in mbr or floppy, the old cylinder limit is no problem...08:22
EnyoAgrajag, lol k w.e you kno what i mean08:22
mweor sudo -i, then passwd or sudo passwd root08:22
derek[] ok08:22
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dabaR_ok, you guys just make sure you refer people to the rootsudo wiki page, instead of giving them commands with no explanation.08:22
AgrajagEnyo: yes, but the person you're trying to help doesn't.08:22
Enyosudo /bin/bash runs bash as root, then you type passwd to set a password for root08:23
bungle__thats works fine dabaR cheers08:23
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theD3viLIf i make new partition /home .. ubuntu will detect it automaticly ? ... can i do this with gparted ?08:23
dabaR_bungle__: good, I wonder what it was I said, Ill go scroll up.08:23
elio_i only must install a lib in /.../local/share and so08:23
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theD3viLeobanb, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7507408:24
dabaR_elio_: is that a question?08:24
EnyoProtectYaNeck, Wu Tang Clan!08:24
bungle__new user login to have two versions of X running08:24
levanderAnybody know why when I try to install gnomebaker, I get this message? "The following packages cannot be authenticated!" And then it lists gnomebaker and a dependency mpg321.08:24
ardchoilleok, something keeps adding to my /etc/resolv.conf file and that keeps Evolution from sending/receiving email. Does anyone know which app writes that to /etc/resolv.conf? I realise I can chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf, but I don't fully understand the consequences of such a mod.08:24
oskudetheD3viL, if you say in fstab that the new partition should be mounted as /home, yes08:24
OfeCould someone give me the link concerning update from Hoary (5.04) to Breezy (5.10) with breezy installation CD? It was in the topic a while ago.08:24
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dabaR_ardchoille: do you use a router device?08:24
elio_no, it isn't ;-), i want to install doityourself once08:24
ardchoilledabaR_: yes08:24
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dabaR_Ofe: ubotu knows about a page. he will tell you shortly.08:25
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oskudelevander, sounds that you have "wrong" repos...08:25
Enyolevander, it cant get the pgp key, just sudo apt-get install mpg321 gnomebaker08:25
Enyoand see if that works08:25
dabaR_ardchoille: that is what adds the router as your DNS server. it is proper.08:25
ubotuwell, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource08:25
PitIs anyone aware of the problem with the linux-headers package for 2.6.12-10?08:25
theD3viLOfe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes08:25
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EnyoPit, problem?08:25
dabaR_ubotu: tell Ofe about breezy08:25
ardchoilledabaR_: but my router is not my DNS server08:25
PitEnyo: it's missing files required to build modules08:26
levanderoskude: I'm using hoary just like I have been since hoary came out.08:26
dabaR_sure is to your computer if the computer is connected to it.08:26
elio_wonderful it works ;-) thanks for your help08:26
Pitwhich were present in the previous kernel headers package08:26
EnyoPit, how do you know this?08:26
Ofethank you theD3viL , dabaR. :)08:26
theD3viLoskude, what if i made it in install progress08:26
dabaR_ardchoille: is this on a desktop?08:26
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ardchoilledabaR_: yes08:26
levanderoskude: I just checked, they're just the archives from ubuntu.com08:26
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ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade08:26
=== Plazma is debating on buying a dreamcast for 30 bucks USD
oskudetheD3viL, then it will be added to fstab08:26
dabaR_ardchoille: who is your email provider, and what is the error you get when using evolution?08:26
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EnyoPlazma, lol, have you heard of people comparing Dreamcast to Xbox 36008:27
Enyonot to go too off topic, its just theres a page on it : http://xcore.ytmnd.com i think08:27
oskudelevander, in breezy gnomebaker is in "universe"08:27
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ardchoilledabaR_: gmail and evolution cannot connect until I take that line out of /etc/resolv.conf08:27
PlazmaEnyo, no i haven't,08:27
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dabaR_ardchoille: really, that is what needs to be done every time you boot?08:27
skulridhi ppl08:27
EnyoPlazma, wait that isnt it, hold on ill find it08:27
PlazmaEnyo, ok08:28
ardchoilledabaR_: there are two lines in that file, one is, which is not my DNS server, and the other is the actual DNS server.08:28
PlazmaEnyo, well i called a local game shop.. 29.95 with everything including 1 controler, no games.. figure its a good deal plus the dreamcast was and still is a great system08:28
seifesomeone help me to set up my wireless network PLEASEEEEEEEe08:28
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elio_bye, thanks for your great service08:28
seifeim gonna EXPLODE08:28
ardchoilleif I remove the 192.x.x.x line and leave the actual DNS server line, everything works fine08:28
EnyoPlazma, you know it had PS3 graphics and all that08:28
Plazmaseife, what do you need to know?08:28
dabaR_ardchoille: but your computer connects directly to the router, right? Tell me the exact steps how you fix it, do you boot, it does not work, then you remove the line, and then it works afterwards?08:29
Enyoand it had some good innovative stuff08:29
ardchoilledabaR_: yes, I ned to do this after every boot.08:29
EnyoPlazma, first system with online capabilities08:29
PlazmaEnyo, i knew it was 128 bit and had many things that other companys took and modified08:29
mweseife: PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ask a more specific question08:29
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Mabus06can somoene help me to get a program to run with a command prompt, in a shortcut?08:29
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ardchoilledabaR_: exactly08:29
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PlazmaEnyo, i just dont play consoles much is all is the thing, but i want a dreamcast for some odd reason08:29
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seifeits not about an specific question, what about if im a newbie, ive tried all stuff and nothing works08:29
EnyoPlazma, http://xcast.ytmnd.com/08:29
dabaR_so as soon as you boot, you can do that, and it works after?08:29
gnomefreakMabus06,  to get program to run in command prompt is type the name of program for example to get lynx to run you type lynx08:29
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cozhello all08:29
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ardchoilledabaR_: I am going to write a script that does it automatically after each boot, but I'd still like to know which app si writing that to the file.08:29
coz how do I install a tar.gz package?08:30
ardchoilledabaR_: yes08:30
NoUsecoz what app are you trying to installl?08:30
Paradossodoes anyone know a color palette for ubuntu?08:30
Mabus06not what I meant gnomefreak08:30
cozGear Pro08:30
dabaR_ardchoille: well, then if you are going to add the script, and you know how, then I can not be of help. I would not know the answer to that^.08:30
seifei just need HELP08:30
Mabus06gnomefreak, in a shortcut, with a command that modifies how it starts08:31
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NoUsecoz then it's probably not source, find the INSTALL or README file and read it carefully08:31
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ardchoilledabaR_: ok. I just know there is an app writing to that file, but I would like to know which app08:31
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cozOk  thanks08:31
dabaR_Mabus06: tell exact command, exactly waht you want, and you will surely get an answer.08:31
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mwecoz: you untar it with tar zxvf file.tar.gz08:31
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dabaR_ardchoille: what does your /etc/network/interfaces look like? did you check that?08:31
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levanderThis demo for nero is supposed to last 30 days correct?08:31
Mabus06I want to run "doom3 +set s_driver oss"08:31
XiCillinanybody tried automatix?08:32
gparentThanks for your help guys.08:32
PlazmaEnyo, thanks for that, thats really kinda cool08:32
gparentGot a lot of things setup.08:32
EnyoPlazma, what do you think about that08:32
Mabus06I typed that in the shortcut for "command" and it does not work. The sound only works if I open it from a terminal manually.08:32
EnyoPlazma, crazy eh08:32
dabaR_Mabus06: and when you add a normal shortcut with that as the command, it does not work?08:32
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ardchoilledabaR_: hmm.. lots of lines.. I don't understand them.08:32
seifesee, ubuntu its not for wifi networks08:32
seifeim gonna hit me08:32
Plazmawho says ubuntu isnt for wifi networks08:32
dabaR_ardchoille: post to paste.ubuntulinux.nl08:32
Plazmawho dare says that08:33
barongasI want to copy the entire content of a drive to another, I've heard that it's better to mirror than to just cp, what command would I use to mirror it?08:33
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Enyobarongas, you mean, like Raid?08:33
Mabus06seife did, Plazma08:33
Enyobarongas, whats wrong with just tarring the filesystem and copying it over?08:33
PlazmaEnyo, do you think i should buy a dreamcast ^.^08:33
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dabaR_barongas: if he knew what was wrong with it, he would not ask you.08:34
EnyoPlazma, for that cheap, why not, you can always get the games for free considering they're just on CDs08:34
dabaR_Enyo: ^08:34
meckwhy not just dd?08:34
PlazmaEnyo, they are just on CD's?08:34
ardchoilledabaR_: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/526908:34
meckno tarring, no mirroring08:34
barongasEnyo, they're both in the same computer, I just want to transfer all the data from one drive to the other, locally.08:34
Enyomount the other driver.08:34
dabaR_barongas: ask meck08:34
Enyothen filesystem to mount point08:34
Mabus06does anyone know how to put "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in a shorcut?08:34
meckdd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb08:34
Enyonot driver, drive i meant08:34
seifePlazma, i need someone who tells me step by step to connect my device to a wlan network08:34
seifei cant do this alone, its so harder08:35
meckif both drives are the same capacity, etc08:35
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EnyoPlazma, yeah didnt you see, they were criticized for not using DVD's, its too easy to pirate dreamcast games08:35
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barongasmeck nope, the target is bigger08:35
Plazmaseife, in life youll rarely get that.. google is your friend08:35
seife3 days trying to solve this shiat, no sleep.08:35
seifeformat c:\ install windows is my friend08:35
Enyoseife, get some sleep, then itll make sense.08:35
erUSULbarongas, from the linux tips how to '(cd /source/directory && tar cf - . ) | (cd /dest/directory && tar xvfp -)'08:35
meckthat's fine too, i think... you might just end up with unpartitioned space at the end of the target drive08:35
Plazmaseife, yea get some sleep.. id love to help you step by step but i have a LAN party to attend a bit later08:35
Plazmaso im killing time til it08:36
EnyoPlazma, what game?08:36
mecktry the dd then try to use the target drive and check it with gparted08:36
EnyoPlazma, or games08:36
Mabus06does anyone know how to put "doom3 +set s_driver oss" in a shorcut? I tried putting it in the "command" part of the shortcut, but it does not work. It only works if I type it in the terminal manually.08:36
meckhaven't tried it myself, but it should work08:36
seifesomone help me step by step08:36
ubotuseife: I don't know, could you explain it?08:36
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JulienHWhat is the most complete MTA between Courrier and Cyrus ?08:36
Enyoseife, no ones gonna spoon feed, search the ubuntu forums man08:36
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JulienHWhat is the most complete MTA between Courrier and Cyrus ?08:36
barongasmeck, I'll try the dd way first and see...08:36
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Enyoseife, or ask specific questions, now, "how do i install and run and configure Linux?"08:36
PlazmaEnyo, sine its a school function.. my campus.. its just 2 demos.. bf1942 and ut2004,, both great games08:36
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PlazmaEnyo, if dreamcast games are on cd then who cars.. i get free games out o fit08:37
EnyoPlazma, exactly, thats what im saying08:37
PlazmaEnyo.. haha yea08:37
EnyoPlazma, i might still recommend getting a dreamcast emulator :)08:37
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EnyoPlazma, chances are your PC is better than the dreamcast08:37
PlazmaEnyo, aye true.. now i dont want to buy one08:37
erUSULJulienH,  Courrier and Cyrus are not mtas08:37
dabaR_ardchoille: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5270 some short explanation of the file. The only thing I see that is different than usual is that there is not auto eth0 line at the end, which I usually always see.08:38
Plazmabah here i was all hyped up about it08:38
alex__hi people, can you help me plz ? i`ve downloaded some cursers (tar.gz) and i dont know how to install them, what should i do plz ?08:38
EnyoPlazma, if you like sitting on the couch and you have a good TV, go for the console man08:38
EnyoPlazma, but this is way off topic :)08:38
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erUSULbarongas, the tar thing is safer dd is too low level for this08:38
PlazmaEnyo, yea i tis.. i love consoles but i rarely play them anymore.. i do pc games for the most part08:38
theD3viLalex__, the best thing you can do...is sudo apt-get install installcheck08:38
dabaR_Mabus06: have you tried putting "" around the command?08:38
dmlinuxanyone play CS:S here?08:38
Enyodmlinux, me08:38
Plazmadmlinux, steam is crap in linux08:39
theD3viLalex__, and then ./configure && make && checkinstall08:39
dmlinuxPlazma im in windows atm08:39
Enyothat's because Steam is meant for Windows, but then again08:39
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dabaR_we actually talk about ubuntu here, we dont play games in a chatroom o_O08:39
Enyoits cracp for hta ttoo lol08:39
theD3viLdmlinux, i wanna play, but dont have acc...and many for it08:39
meckerUSUL, if the target drive is blank, dd will make an identical copy, tarring and moving requires that he also partition the target drive separately08:39
JulienHSo, courrier or cyrus ?08:39
Mabus06no there were no quotation marks, dabaR. I wll try that, thanks.08:39
donaldQuestion: (new user of Ebuntu} How can i change the color quality......i have the screen resolution set at 800x600 and the video response seems sluggish.08:39
PlazmadabaR, im killing the old myth that *nix users dont play games08:39
dmlinuxplazma i jsut started playing it again and its telling me all the servers use a newr protocol (7) how do i fix this08:39
meckbut yeah, tar is probably safer08:39
Plazmadmlinux, not a clue.. sorry08:39
erUSULalex__, are you sure that the thing you are trying to install is not in the repos??08:39
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=== bluefoxicy notices in dapper, nautilus can be upgraded without upgrading libnautilus-extension, which causes nautilus to wtf itself into hell
alex__whats repos ?08:40
dabaR_Plazma: well, *nix users invented games...no not really.08:40
theD3viLalex__, apt08:40
bluefoxicydabaR:  yes really08:40
alex__i did08:40
theD3viLalex__, man apt08:40
alex__it says08:40
dmlinuxPlazma i now remember why i quit playing HL2. valve sux ass08:40
alex__e couldnt found08:40
mwedmlinux: yeah08:40
Enyodmlinux, what!?08:40
dabaR_bluefoxicy: well, there were games probably on OSs before *nix.08:40
PlazmadabaR_, thats true too.. XPLANE i sa really good simulation from what i hear08:40
Enyoare you guys insane?08:40
dabaR_I am.08:40
theD3viLalex__, do you add sources08:40
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erUSULJulienH,  Courrier and Cyrus are not mtas they are pop server what are you trying to set up an mta or a pop server??08:41
theD3viLalex__, what do you searching?08:41
Enyoall you can play for linux natively, thats any good08:41
bluefoxicydabaR:  there were OSes before Unix?08:41
Enyois quake 4 and abuse08:41
dabaR_alex__: definitely keep your sentences in one line, I can not read this way.08:41
ardchoilledabaR_: OK, thank you very much :)08:41
dmlinuxim not playing it in linux right now enyo08:41
dmlinuxim in windows atm08:41
erUSULubotu, tell alex__ about repos08:41
alex__i`ve downloaded some cursors and i want to install them08:41
dabaR_ardchoille: wish I could do more about that one.08:41
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bluefoxicyEnyo: and Doom3, and Doom2, and Doom, and Quake, and Quake 2, and Quake 3, and Duke Nukem, and Unreal08:41
JulienHerUSUL: pop servers, sorry :)08:41
PlazmaEnyo, ut2004 runs great on linux natively, so does quake 308:41
bluefoxicyEnyo:  I think that's everything (All Unreal installments btw)08:41
JulienHerUSUL: with big mailboxes and a hundreds of emails address08:42
EnyoWell i got an ATi Radeon 9550 with no 3d acceleration08:42
dmlinuxPlazma sims 2 runs ok.08:42
Enyobecause i keep getting a black screen whenever using fglrx and tryign to launch X08:42
Plazmaenyo, i have 9800 pro 128 ddr08:42
ardchoilledabaR_: your explanations taught me quite a bit :)08:42
dabaR_Enyo: and you read the wiki?08:42
erUSULJulienH, i can comment on neither of the two. i've never seted up a pop server08:43
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mwePlazma: great card: I had that one too until it melted08:43
dmlinuxEnyo ATI mobility radeon x300 128mb pci-express here08:43
Plazmamwe, haha yea.. but i dont overclock .. im not so much into that08:43
Plazmamwe, one of my friends did that too08:43
EnyodabaR, yes08:43
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mwePlazma: I dont OC either. I think the fan was half-broken08:44
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sorush20where is the unstable debian repositories08:44
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bluefoxicyEnyo:  Umm, can't you use the open source xorg radeon driver with glx to do 3D, instead of fglrx?08:44
EnyoIt doesnt work08:44
dabaR_sorush20: if you are using ubuntu, you do not want to install from there, almost certainly.08:44
Enyoi have a nforce 2 board08:44
Enyoand i set setinternalagpart to no08:44
bluefoxicyyou said you have a 955008:45
dmlinuxi wish i could run BF2 under linux :(08:45
Enyoyes and i have an nforce 2 board..08:45
bluefoxicyhuh.  :(08:45
william_Does anyone else have the problem with GAIM where it keeps flashing the window even though Ive checked it a million times08:45
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theD3viLwilliam_, yes, just click it08:45
theD3viLwilliam_, or type one word and delete it08:45
dabaR_william_: also check your settings, to make sure.08:45
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william_clicking it does nothing it keeps flashing08:45
theD3viLwilliam_, it must work08:46
dabaR_william_: does it flash in the bottom panel in the window list?08:46
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alex__can you tell me again about repos because i accedently closed the window08:46
dabaR_sorush20: HI.08:46
theD3viLwilliam_, works ?08:46
william_over and over even though ive checked for new messages08:46
seifeubuntu its not for me08:46
dabaR_alex__: you can also try this page: http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html08:46
theD3viLubotu, tell alex__ about repos08:46
gnomefreakanything i need to know about .jar files downloaded from a site?08:47
EnyodabaR, wanna help me set up 3d acceleration with my card?08:47
dabaR_gnomefreak: what would you like to know.08:47
eobanbwhat card08:47
EnyoATi 955008:47
dabaR_Enyo: I would love to, but, I dont know how.08:47
theD3viLalex__, did you read? click first link08:47
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Enyowith nforce 2 board08:47
gnomefreakanything i need to do to install it after downloading it?08:47
dabaR_gnomefreak: what is it?08:47
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gnomefreakits robocode08:48
theD3viLI hope ubuntu next relases wont be like suse fedora mandriva ... so fucking slow...couse 100000 services.08:48
dabaR_gnomefreak: it depends on what the .jar is, cause it can be many things.08:48
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Enyocan you use nmap to ping sweep 2 ip blocks?08:48
Enyolike 24.150.1-255.1-25508:48
alex__no because my computer keeps stocking08:48
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dabaR_gnomefreak: do you have java installed?08:48
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gnomefreakyes i have the 1.4 from the multi repos08:49
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levanderAnybody know if there's a way to turn on long file name support in nautilus?  Or, is it on by default?08:49
alex__is there any other program for irc then X-chat ?08:49
dabaR_gnomefreak: go in a terminal to the dir you downloaded it to, and try running it. java blah.jar08:49
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gnomefreakok when its done ill do it08:50
rambo3chatzilla addon for firefox . irssi text08:50
dabaR_alex__: I use irssi, there is bitchX those are in a terminal. also, there is gaim, and many other ones likely. Use synaptic to search for irc.08:50
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gnomefreakbitchx :)08:50
levanderalex__: yeah, there's lots "apt-cache search irc"08:50
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gparentDoes EXT3 fragment^08:50
alex__i use gaim08:50
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alex__but how do i enter here from there?08:50
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dabaR_alex__: the page I linked you to above shows how to search with synaptic too,.08:50
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ProtectYaNeckEnyo, you got it?08:51
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ubotugparent: Do they come in packets of five?08:51
alex__yeah, but i cant enter there because my stupid computer keeps stucking all the time08:51
dabaR_alex__: ctrl+a then add account, of type IRC. input the server(this is irc.freenode.net) and go.08:51
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Dr_Willisgparent,  not really.08:51
dabaR_alex__: you can not open http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html ?08:51
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erUSULgparent, not much08:52
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PokesomiI have a question about formating a drive to recover it in windows08:53
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theD3viLPokesomi, ...08:53
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Pokesomii used the live cd to format a disk that is connected via firewire and was wondering what i need to do so windows will recognize the disk08:53
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gparentAnybody using jedit^08:54
theD3viLPokesomi, you have to mount it, if is ntfs or vfat08:54
theD3viLPokesomi, sry fat3208:54
erUSULPokesomi, format it as fat or ntfs08:54
Pokesomihow do i do that08:54
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theD3viLPokesomi, hm...just a sec08:54
jacobkmHey, folks -- I'm trying to get my box to bind to a number of IP addresses when it boots using virtual interfaces (i.e. eth0:1, eth0:2, etc.) and I can't figure out how to make the interfaces come up on boot.  My /etc/network/interfaces is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5271; anyone have any pointers?08:55
Dr_Willisor use that IFS tool under XP to access a ext2/3 partition.08:55
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erUSULPokesomi, you've said that you already formated it08:55
theD3viLubotu, tell Pokesomi about ntfs08:55
lsuactiafneranyone here every tried to install ubuntu on a nvidia raid0 and had the problem of getting the install to install the bootloader? both lilo and grub didnt want to install08:55
Pokesomito the vfat format08:55
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Pokesomii am acctually in windows right now08:56
ericzhow do i make a file hidden in ubuntu? i don't want to see it the directory when i open up nautilus08:56
erUSULPokesomi, then yo are done08:56
Dr_Willislsuactiafner,  what chipset is that thing using? id heard of some 'issues' with some nforce chipsets08:56
dabaR_erUSUL: prepend its name with a .08:56
Pokesomiits not showing up in my drives list08:56
redleercouple questions 1: could someone give url to thread where is told how to update radeon x800 drivers 2: how to limit download/upload speeds in linux08:56
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Dr_Williser4z0r,  .hiddendirectory08:56
dabaR_jacobkm: and they work, but do not come up on boot?08:56
Pokesomialso the current release of ubuntu does not support wireless yet08:56
erUSULericz,  prepend its name with a .08:57
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jacobkmdabaR_: yes08:57
dabaR_jacobkm: neither of the two do, right?08:57
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theCoreubuntu_: bonjour08:57
erUSULdabaR_, i knew that ;)08:57
lsuactiafnerDr_Willis : nforce408:57
ubuntu_chanel FR plz08:57
jacobkmdabaR_: eth0 does; eth0:1 does not.08:57
dabaR_erUSUL: :) thanks^08:57
theCoreubuntu_ : #ubuntu-fr08:57
Plazmaahh thar we go08:57
erUSULPokesomi, it does08:57
dabaR_jacobkm: how do you start eth0:1?08:57
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lsuactiafnerbut the install went flawlessly till it wanted to install the boot loader, lilo said cant install onto raid008:57
cozhello guys08:57
Pokesomithe live cd supports it?08:57
Dr_Willislsuactiafner,  yep. You may need to do some googling. Id heard some bad things about the nforce408:57
coz I have a question08:58
lsuactiafnerand grub stage1 failed08:58
jacobkmdabaR_: "ifup eth0:1" does the trick, just not at boot.08:58
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coz I donwloaded an app named gear pro and it came in a tar.gz package08:58
dabaR_jacobkm: that is all your interfaces file has in it?08:58
lsuactiafnerDr_Willis : its not the nforce4, its lilo that cant install onto raid0, so how am i supposed to boot the system up then?08:58
jacobkmdabaR_: yup, that's it.08:58
cozI talked to the company they said to run gunzip first and then tar but I am stuck at running tar08:58
lsuactiafnertar -xf file.tar08:59
dabaR_jacobkm: well. try adding as the last line, auto eth0:1, then come back if that does not do it.08:59
erUSULPokesomi, i do not have wireless myself but i've got friends that have used the livecd and wireless08:59
dabaR_jacobkm: just one sec, tho.08:59
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cozOk I will try that hold on08:59
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jacobkmdabaR_: I'll try that...08:59
dabaR_yes, that is it, auto eth0:1.08:59
dabaR_jacobkm: do you remember the comments that were in the file?08:59
erUSULcoz, tar xvzf file.tar.gz09:00
jacobkmdabaR_: if they're the same as the ones on my other ubuntu box then yes09:00
SturmAugeHello, Could someone help me. I want to install Ubuntu 5.10 on my external firewire drive and I am a little bit lost at the moment. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.09:00
redleercould someone help me?09:00
dabaR_jacobkm: ya, shoudl be. What I am talking about is where it says the hotplug is the automatically started interfaces. if this does not work, you can try that.09:01
PokesomiI will try the format again09:01
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dabaR_redleer: we will try as soon as you say about what you need help.09:01
alex1hello again09:01
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dabaR_hey alex109:01
seifeSOMEOnE HELP ME to set up my wireless network PLEASE09:01
jacobkmdabaR_: rebooting now; I'll see if that works -- thanks09:01
redleercouple questions 1: could someone give url to thread where is told how to update radeon x800 drivers 2: how to limit download/upload speeds in linux09:01
dabaR_SturmAuge: an external HD, you want to install ubuntu on that?09:01
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alex1now, can you plz send me again the links, this time the computer is allright09:02
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dabaR_ubotu: tell redleer about ati09:02
cozOK all that did was extract the files09:02
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cozOK all that did was extract the files09:02
SturmAugedabaR: Yes I want to install Ubuntu on my external harddrive.09:02
dabaR_redleer: ubotu told you in pm how to do the ati drivers, as for download speeds, I do not know.09:02
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redleeryup got it09:02
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VooDooATI Drivers? *ears perk*09:02
dabaR_coz: and you want to do what else?09:03
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cozinstall the the software09:03
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redguycoz: ask people who relesed the software on instructions how to install it09:03
dabaR_they are really ubuntu drivers, for the ati card, I am not sure how the whole story goes in regard to the binary drivers.09:03
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VooDooi didnt bother with ati drivers [not knowing what the conversation is about :)09:03
mrothif i want to manually stick a Perl library (*.pm) file into my active ones, where's the best place to put that as a user?09:04
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deltronI wanna get ubuntu working on my laptop tonight09:04
dabaR_/usr/lib afaik.09:04
firecracker2k5Hi guys, how do I add the extra repos, multiverse i think it is09:04
lsuactiafnerright so with hoary and now with breezy ubuntu fails to install the bootloader on my system, asus a8n deluxe nforce409:04
jacobkmdabaR_: that was it! much thanks09:04
lsuactiafnerreally thats pathetic and nobody here can tell me why but to google whilest the other distribution gets it right09:04
dabaR_firecracker2k5: try http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:05
dabaR_jacobkm: sweet:)09:05
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=== VooDoo tried the ati drivers in breezy thought they sucked so got fglrx instead
alex1dabaR can you halp me again plz09:05
dabaR_ok, anyone that opens that...09:05
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dabaR_invites him to come again.09:05
MickMcMackMust... Not... Click... Link... >_<;;;09:05
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dabaR_alex1: I helped you before?09:06
Dr_WillisEwww Cow Porn!09:06
alex1i restarted09:06
dabaR_with what, and what can I help you with now? ask the channel, if I know, I will answer.09:06
alex1my pc09:06
theD3viLDr_Willis, with webcam?? :PP09:06
alex1how to install the cursors09:06
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seifeSOMEONE HELP09:06
dabaR_alex1: cursors for the mouse pointer?09:06
theD3viLseife, what is your problem ?09:06
dabaR_seife: what would you like?09:06
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alex1yeah (tar.bz)09:06
Dr_Willisseife,  state your question in the form of a question.09:07
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firecracker2k5dabaR, Thanks, but that does not tell me how to add extra repos to breezy09:07
theD3viLalex1, unpack it with tar -zxvf09:07
alex1and then what?09:07
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dabaR_firecracker2k5: no? the first page tells you right away.09:07
firecracker2k5I would like to add multiverse I think it is called09:07
theD3viLubotu, tell firecracker2k5 about repos09:07
dli_theD3viL, alex1 said tar.bz09:07
seifehow do i  configure and setup a wifi network? i cant get my crap ieee 802.11b connect to my wireless network09:07
gnomefreakdabaR, sorry i cant scroll that far back :( it was java robocode-setup.jar?09:07
alex1tell me to09:07
gnomefreakor something like that09:08
theD3viLdli_, oh sry.09:08
donaldQuestion: Is there a CorelLinux IRC server that anyone knows of......i need some help with that distro.09:08
firecracker2k5theD3viL, Thanks09:08
theD3viLdidnt see09:08
alex1theD3vil send me about repos09:08
SturmAugeHow to install Ubuntu on my external HD. I have the CD and I can boot from it but I don't want to just type "install" because I have to somehow specify a target disk. Or am I missing something big here?09:08
dabaR_gnomefreak: it does not work, you will need to find out how to work that program.09:08
dli_seife, lspci09:08
ubotuit has been said that repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource09:08
gnomefreakok ty dabaR09:08
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dli_theD3viL, is there "apt-setup" in ubuntu?09:08
alex1ok 10x09:09
theD3viLdli_, yes...but you dont need it.09:09
seifedli_, it detects the device09:09
theD3viLdli_, synaptic do it for you09:09
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matrix-ubuntu-chow do i download softwares from synaptic09:09
Stormx2How do I make a mounted FTP folder open in nautilus when selected from the "Places" menu?09:09
Stormx2matrix-ubuntu-c: Right Click > Mark to install09:09
Stormx2matrix-ubuntu-c: Then Apply Changes09:09
erUSULSturmAuge, maybe doing an expert install you can choose the target device09:10
seifedli_, keep helpingme09:10
dli_seife: what's your trouble?09:10
gnomefreakit gives me an exception in thread "main" java.lang.noclassdeffounderror  what does that mean?09:10
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theCoreis it a linux newbie here that would like an intro with linux ?09:10
dabaR_alex1: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77694&highlight=change+mouse+cursor09:10
Stormx2SturmAuge: You'll be asked questions before it goes ahead and installs.09:10
seifeI JUST CANT CONNECT TO THE WIRELESS NETWORK, I GET INTERNET ON MY SISTER COMP VIA WIRElESS that has windows but this laptop has ubuntu and dont get wireless internet09:11
ubotusomebody said wireless was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards09:11
SturmAugeStormx2, really? I wasn't sure about that and I didn't want to mess up my other drive09:11
theCoreseife, caps09:11
seifeits just as simple as that, thats the problem, ubuntu is the problem, sorry for the caps09:11
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dli_theCore, I suppose you want to use linux. then, just start using it, and ask your questions (if any)09:11
dabaR_ubotu themes is also http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7769409:11
ubotuokay, dabaR_09:11
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Stormx2SturmAuge: Yep. it should say before its about to install anything09:11
matrix-ubuntu-ci right click there is not such thing to install09:11
theD3viLdabaR, eyecandy rox :)09:11
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webwolf_27seife, have you checked the hardware compatibility list09:11
theCoredli_: no, i want to help a newbie09:11
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Stormx2theCore: lol!09:12
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Stormx2theCore: Well wait for someone to ask a question then ;-) Or write a guide and put it online!09:12
SturmAugeStormx2, so I can just make the default installation by typing "install"?09:12
natdigga_at_workQuestion:  If I want to put a new video card in my installed version of 5.10 breezy Ubuntu.  What should I expect when I bring the computer back up?09:12
dli_seife, do you have the driver? can you see your card in "ifconfig"09:12
matrix-ubuntu-ci see the green means the package is installed right09:12
seifeyes i can see it there.09:12
NeloHello, I installed ubuntu but the i picked the incorrecte resolution for the video card. what is the command to configure this from a shell promtp?09:12
Stormx2SturmAuge: From an install CD? You just have to hit enter. it will allow you to select where to install09:12
seifewebwolf_27, its not compatible, but i see t on ifconfig09:12
seifedli_, what more09:12
theCoreStormx2: maybe ...09:13
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Stormx2natdigga_at_work: Be prepared for 640x48009:13
dli_seife: your sister uses wep or wpa for encryption?09:13
erUSULnatdigga_at_work, gdm won't start and you will have to do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:13
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webwolf_27seife, then it may be seen as a different wifi09:13
randyGood Day all.09:13
SturmAugeStormx2, OK, I'll try that. Thanks for your help!09:13
natdigga_at_workstormx2, thanks okay I can deal with that.09:13
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dli_seife: you need to follow wpa howto. I suppose09:13
natdigga_at_workNelo, run that command that erUSUl just told me.09:13
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natdigga_at_workNelo, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:13
Nelonatdigga_at_work what was the command?09:14
=== natdigga_at_work nods.
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Stormx2Nelo: When running that, the current answer is selected by default. Just keep hitting enter till you get to the screen res bit09:14
seifewhere is that wpa howto09:14
NeloStormx2 thanks09:14
dabaRmatrix-ubuntu-c: you can check out my assignment on synaptic: http://dabar.selfip.org/synaptic.html09:14
theD3viLdabaR, what theme do you using?09:15
dli_seife: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-31418.html09:15
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sorush20I want to create folder structure for my home directory I want to do it on the terminal since I think its going to be a lot faster how can I get multiple directories to be created in one after the other?09:15
dabaRtheD3viL: Alex_1 was instaling a mouse theme. I use openbox, with the ubuntu theme.09:15
natdigga2Anyone know if the Intel i740 card is better than the ATI 3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133 card in Ubuntu?09:15
dli_seife: still I found there's no need for wpa, ask your sister to remove encryption.09:15
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webwolf_27sorush20, try mkdir dir1 dir2 etc...09:15
rathmahi all09:15
Stormx2sorush20: man mkdir09:15
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dli_natdigga2, sound all old cards09:16
natdigga2dli_, so I should expect anything better with the i740?09:16
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seifeits ubuntu..09:16
seifewindows automatically get the internet09:16
dli_natdigga2, no idea, all are old :(09:16
seifelike magic, no google, no click it just get it09:16
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Kelsey23What is the name of a good program I can use to resize ext3 partitions09:17
webwolf_27seife, ha. maybe on that card. I've seen more hardware problems with windows then I ever have with linux09:17
jonohi all - how do I restart esd from init.d?09:17
Stormx2seife: 99% of companies that make network cards make the installation cds for windows. We have to write the drivers ourselves, so it can be more fiddly09:17
natdigga2hehehe okay.  I'll swap it out anyhow and see.  I need to find a decent PCI video card....there aren't many about.09:17
dabaRseife: nono, none of it is magic, really. it is months of work behind closed doors, not letting anyone else know how your hardware works except m$.09:17
dli_seife: they might make wpa auto in ubuntu09:17
webwolf_27Kelsey23, parted, qtparted as a frontend09:17
Kelsey23and I can use that to make 2 partitions out of one existing ext3 part?09:18
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Stormx2Kelsey23: Yes. Shrink the current ext3 partition and make a new one09:18
dli_seife: there's really not much you can gain by using wpa, I don't use it.09:18
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webwolf_27Kelsey23, as far as I remember though ext3 can only be modified offline (unmounted)09:18
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Stormx2Yes thats true/.09:19
Kelsey23thats what I wanted to do, but the installer for the new version of Linux I wsa going to install didnt support that09:19
dabaRjono: you do not. if you are in gnome, and want to restart esd, first sudo killall esd in a terminal, then enter. then "nohup esd&" in the terminal, and then enter, then close the terminal.09:19
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Stormx2Kelsey23: You may need to use a Live CD09:19
quilirodoes anyone know what to do if xwindow doesn start? last time i powered the computer it did09:19
seifeman wtf its wpa it just a router sending internet09:19
Kelsey23I have the Hoary 5.04 LiveCD09:19
webwolf_27Kelsey23, knoppix contains all the needed tools09:19
seifethe device just dont get the internet09:19
Kelsey23I dont have that09:19
seifeor the router is not sending to this device09:20
Stormx2Kelsey23: That may do it. if in doubt, use knoppix09:20
dli_seife, right, disable wpa in that router09:20
dabaRseife: no, you just do not know very specifically how it works, you understand it gives you internet, but it works with a technology.09:20
webwolf_27Kelsey23, I don't know if Hoary has qtparted, but parted should be stock09:20
dli_seife: or go through the steps to setup wpa in ubuntu09:20
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Stormx2seife: Can you ping your router?09:20
dabaRgparted too.09:20
webwolf_27dabaR, never used gparted09:20
dli_Stormx2, how could he? it's wpa09:21
ubotudabaR: Wish i knew09:21
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, wpa is enable the universe repository, then "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant"09:21
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dabaRseife: only do that if you find out for sure you need to use wpa.09:21
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gnomefreak!info wpa09:21
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Stormx2Time machine style.09:22
quilirohow to repair xwindows?09:22
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gnomefreakis wpa wireless? ubotu didnt know09:22
dabaRquiliro: it depends on what is wrong with them.09:22
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dli_seife: I found it's secure enough for me to use MAC address filter09:22
quilirohow i find out09:22
Stormx2quiliro: I don't know, sorry.09:22
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dabaRgnomefreak: wpa is a wireless security technology. the strongest one(so I hear).09:22
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Paradossowhat is the linux command to update x server conf?09:23
gnomefreakdabaR, ty09:23
seifedli_, ok my router supports it, now how do i configure my device to use that mac address filter09:23
dabaRquiliro: well, tell us what error you get, for one.09:23
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seifetell me what i have to do09:23
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Kelsey23could I use the Ubuntu install CD to resize a partition09:23
dabaRParadosso: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:23
gnomefreakParadosso, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:23
dli_seife: get your local MAC, (by "ifconfig")09:23
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dabaRKelsey23: the ubuntu breezy cd has that as an option during the insatll.09:23
quiliroit just starts up in runlevel 209:23
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Kelsey23I have the 5.04 installer........09:23
Paradossothere was a much shorter command I remember09:24
deltrondabaR: not hoary?09:24
Stormx2Kelsey23: Yes, that will do it09:24
dli_seife: put it (and your windows machine's by "ipconfig /all")09:24
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Kelsey23.........but could I skip ahed to exeprt09:24
funkyHatKelsey23, you could, you could also install gparted if you are using linux now09:24
moiReehi, how can i extract a rar file?09:24
dabaRdeltron: I am not 100% sure.09:24
Kelsey23$ unrar fiel09:24
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Kelsey23you have to download the app fisrt09:24
quiliroits hoary dabaR09:24
gnomefreakrunlevel 2 is for multi users so thats fine if i got runlevel 2 right09:24
dli_seife: put all mac addresses in your router's Enable or Allow09:24
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Stormx2moiRee: Install rar-free and rar-nonfree. Look in synaptic09:25
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dabaRquiliro: do you get to a termuinal. did you just install, or did it work before? what graphical card does your computer have?09:25
moiReeKelsey23: i use breezy, but unrar-free says "failed" and in x the type is not supported09:25
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seifedli_,  this says that i have two wireless devices, SIGH, both have different Hwaddress09:25
matrix-ubuntu-cwhy when i click system admin users and groups it does not open09:25
seifeoh not its the same09:25
seifeok i know whats my mac adress now09:25
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levanderAnybody can tell me why when I click "burn" in k3b, the only option in the resulting dialog is to "Only Create Image"? I don't want to only create the image, I want to burn the image to the DVD.09:25
dabaRmatrix-ubuntu-c: I dont know. what did you do to it, does synaptic open, do you get an error?09:26
quiliroit worked before but now it doesn't. i can get into a terminal, but text only09:26
dabaRlevander: a .iso type thing?09:26
dli_seife: it's called HWaddr , in ifconfig09:26
matrix-ubuntu-csynaptic opens but system admin user and groups it does not open09:26
dabaRquiliro: what did you do to it?09:26
pozdiyconfiguring access to windows shares according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently , but cannot mount them, where to look for the log with errors?09:26
webwolf_27quiliro, what grafic card09:26
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matrix-ubuntu-ci just deleted a user sudo userdel name09:26
matrix-ubuntu-cfrom terminal09:26
levanderdabaR: not sure what you mean, but yeah, a dvd image is an iso file09:26
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dabaRis that what you are trying to burn?09:27
quiliroinstalled some packages w/synaptic09:27
dli_how long does shipit take usually? I just recommended it for many friends09:27
dabaR4-6 weeks-2 months.09:27
SturmAugeIn the installation my external hd doesn't show up in the list when it comes to partitioning a drive.09:27
pozdiydli_, I got in ~1 month09:27
webwolf_27quiliro, does that include a kernel, are you running a nvidia card09:27
dabaRquiliro: "some" package does not exist:)09:28
quilirodont remember, it was autodetected on installation09:28
Stormx2dli_: I live in south england, and it took a month09:28
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dli_pozdiy, that's good. it's not needed, but people just love free stuff09:28
levanderdabaR: no, i've got a bunch of files that I want k3b to burn to a data dvd, but "only create image" sounds like its going to stop before the image gets burned to dvd.  I don't just want an iso.  I want the iso on the dvd.09:28
pozdiydli_, ;-)09:28
kvanttii wonder what can i do to fix the pipelining problem with alsa that gstreamer-properties gives after switching to alsa with a surround asound.conf script?09:28
dli_Stormx2, how long to China? then09:28
EnyoI wonder if theres any Graph Drawing programs or Physics programs for Linux?09:28
seifedli_, ok i put my MAC Address on mac adress filter list of router, now what i have to do..09:28
quilironot nvidia, its avia09:28
dabaRlevander: asked in #kubuntu?09:29
dli_Enyo, gnuplot09:29
webwolf_27quiliro, do you know wher to find the errorlog09:29
dli_Enyo, I use grace, "apt-get install gnuplot grace"09:29
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dli_seife, disable wpa09:29
seifeu mean WEP?09:30
dli_seife: disable either wep or wpa09:30
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seifewhere is that WPA stuff :S i just have WEP09:30
seifeand its disabled09:30
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dli_seife: old router, choose non-encrypted, or something like that09:30
webwolf_27quiliro, thats a start09:30
seifeok now what.09:30
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rickardojag e gay09:30
dli_seife, at your ubuntu, "dhcpcd eth0", if it's eth009:31
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quilirolooked it up but has the date of the last succesfull X session, none of today09:31
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pozdiytrying to mount windows share with smbfs, get this error in kernlog:"Dec  1 14:22:27 hecate kernel: smbfs: mount_data version -1208149504 is not supported", any suggestions?09:32
=== dabaR waves
seifedli_,  'dhcpcd command not found'09:32
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dli_seife: apt-get install pump09:32
dli_seife: pump -i eth009:32
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seifenothing happens09:33
seifeOperation failed09:34
dli_seife: is it eth0?09:34
seifethis shiat detect two, eth0 and eth3.09:34
seifei tried with both, both said Operation failed.09:35
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dli_seife: did you put the correct mac address into your router09:35
webwolf_27quiliro, try startx09:35
seifeyes my mac adress09:35
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Max-THi all09:35
quilirowebwolf_27, i try to init 5 and it does not start graphical login09:35
dli_seife: if you are not sure, put both eth mac into your router09:35
PokesomiOk I cant get windows to recognise my external hard drive09:35
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seifewait, its the program i just put pump and it says operation failed too, sigh09:35
webwolf_27quiliro, X is not init-bound09:36
dli_seife: for testing, you may disble your mac filter09:36
webwolf_27quiliro, run startx09:36
Pokesomiis there a specific command i need to use cause the Fat 32 option is not there09:36
quilirostartx works!09:36
Max-TI got a desktop with a NetGear WG311v3 WiFi card in it and after installing Ubuntu fresh it's not showing up in 'Networking' Anyone know how I can get it to pick this card up? I'm sure I read that this card is supported natively.09:36
dli_seife, allow open access to your router09:36
seifehow i do that09:36
dli_seife: disable mac filter09:37
seifewhat about u configure my thing09:37
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Pokesomialso i need to get drivers for my wireless if there are availible09:37
webwolf_27quiliro, ok then log out of X and run gdm as root09:37
quilirowebwolf_27, how do i make it default operation to startx09:37
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dli_seife: I couldn't, router should never allow remote conf09:37
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seifeok, mac is now disabled09:37
Max-Tdli_ It shouldn't, but many do09:37
webwolf_27quiliro, add gdm to your default run level09:37
Enyodli_, i was thinking more graphical you know09:37
Max-TOr many did... Most still do with password09:38
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redleerbah damn kongueror timeouts on mozilla site :/09:38
Enyodli_, i dont like commandline plotting, do you know any graphical ones where i can input functions and see it represented in graph form?09:38
dli_Max-T: okay, you hack his router and set it up09:38
Pokesomican someone let me know where i can get the files for wireless?09:38
dli_Enyo: opendx from ibm09:38
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Enyodli_, perferably, free09:38
dli_Enyo: mathematica09:38
webwolf_27redleer, whats wrong with sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox09:39
dli_Enyo: grace is free, grace is both GUI and cmdline09:39
seifedli_, what more09:39
Enyodli_, perferably in the Ubuntu repository09:39
Enyodli_, how do i get it to display in GUI then09:39
seifedli_,  i disabled wireless mac filtering, now whut09:39
dli_Enyo: grace?09:39
Pokesomii need help with a hard drive that i am trying to recover09:39
Enyodli_, i think its xmgrace but its not working09:39
Enyodli_, yes09:39
dli_seife: try "pump"09:39
Max-TDoes anyone know how I can get Ubuntu to recognize my NetGear WG311v3 wireless card? I read that the card is supported natively and that I shouldn't need to download any drivers for it, but it's not showing up in 'Networking' only my modem and 10/100 NIC09:39
dli_Enyo: apt-get install grace09:39
Enyodli_, i did, i have grace already.09:40
dli_Enyo: then, "xmgrace"09:40
londonboi2k3Right guys, officially my company is now going to use Linux, but I have a small problem, I want to use ubuntu, but for some reason it thinks there is no hd, its a SATA drive, and suse can see it, any ideas for getting breezy to see it?09:40
Enyoit says command not found09:40
Enyochris@scheduler:~$ xmgrace09:40
Enyobash: xmgrace: command not found09:40
seifeOperation failed09:40
Enyochris@scheduler:~$ grace -v09:40
Enyo and lots more info..09:40
dli_Enyo: you don't have the correct path :)09:40
bushkcan somebody help me with a really simple C++ question?  what do i need to #include, and what functions are available to create a List of dynamic length?09:40
Enyodli_, so what do i do?09:40
seifedli_, 'Operation failed.'09:41
webwolf_27bushk, #include <list>09:41
kvanttii wonder if fedora 4 by anyone's experience is cabable of doing 5.1 sound without this setup fuzz i got09:41
dli_seife:  check "dmesg"09:41
dli_seife: "dmesg|less"09:41
Enyobushk, use vector09:41
seifeok, sec.09:41
Enyobushk, its like a dynamic array09:41
webwolf_27bushk, use the STL list09:41
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redleerhow to see network usage?09:41
dli_seife: find your wireless card, (which eth?)09:41
PokesomiI cant get ubuntu to format my fire wire hard drive to work in windows09:41
kvanttior mandriva?09:41
quilirothanks very much webwolf_27, i'll try that, bye09:41
dli_redleer, netstat09:41
webwolf_27quiliro, np09:41
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Max-TCan anyone here help me get my wireless card working?09:42
PokesomiSame for me09:42
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dli_enyc, what's your PATH now? printenv|grep PATH09:42
azhoralciao a tutti09:42
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azhoralci sono italianI? ho un problema con fonts09:43
webwolf_27Enyo, when he asks for a list I give him list, for an array vector09:43
Enyodli_, i found it, itsnot as great asi thought, i just want to make graphs graphically and be able to print them out09:43
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redleeranything what is suitable for newbies? ;) would like some simple thing what shows how fast dl etc09:43
dli_enyo: grace is very powerful indeed09:43
Enyowebwolf_27, i use vectors for lists too, push.back() and pop.back() are good09:43
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dli_enyo: give me one example, what kind of grace you do09:43
azhorali have problem with fonts.. how I can set 100x100 dot ?09:43
Enyodli_, i dont need that much power, just being able to make a v t graph for physics is enough09:43
seifedli_, read priv for a bit please09:43
seifeim gonna paste09:43
Enyo!tell seife about pastebin09:44
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webwolf_27Enyo, I usually just push() and pop(). but then I normally need the values in front09:44
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matrix-ubuntu-cwhat is cvs guys09:44
Enyoif your mother was a class, here insert method would be public09:44
dli_Enyo: say, you have a data file, with " x y" lines, you do, "xmgrace foo.dat"09:45
seifedli_, now whut09:45
Enyodli_, i dont tho, i want to supply my own09:45
webwolf_27matrix-ubuntu-c, Concurrent version System09:45
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Enyodli_, i want to be like, okay, y = 5m + 5 orsomething, i dont know09:45
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Enyodli_, or for second degree fucntiosn like, y = a(x-h)^2 + k09:45
dli_seife: paste your dmesg to a paste bin09:45
nadia007if I'm looking for 10april05.rec in the /tmp/records directory what is the syntax using locate or any other search command?09:45
Pokesomican anyone help me?09:45
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dli_Enyo: go to the "Data" menu, you find evaluate09:46
Archiehello guys and girls09:46
webwolf_27Pokesomi, with what09:46
nadia007hi archie09:46
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Archiejust wanted to test the great ubuntu community with some little problems09:47
Archieat first09:47
Pokesomimy hard drive is recognized under windows but no partition is availible.  In ubuntu i used a VFAT as the formating but now windows cant mount the drive09:47
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Archieanyone in the mood of helping?09:47
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Enyodli_, i dont see evaluate09:47
Pokesomiwhat do i need to do to get the FAT 32 filesystem09:47
dli_Enyo: for more complex function, you can always generate the data file in "x y" format, and xmgrace it09:47
webwolf_27Pokesomi, is it formated or just partitioned09:48
nadia007pokesomi, where is the drive going to reside?09:48
nadia007pokesomi, win or ubuntu?09:48
Pokesomiits an external 250 gb drive09:48
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dli_Enyo: Data->Transformations->Evaluate Expressions09:48
Pokesomiwin mostly but i may use it for some ubuntu stuff09:48
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webwolf_27Pokesomi, does linux see the drive09:48
mikkelkAny of you guys know a program for Gnome/X that can listen for some keystrokes (for example ctrl+f2) and then paste some text, it i press ctrl+f2?09:48
Enyooh okay09:48
Pokesomiwindows has the driver but thats it09:49
nadia007pokesomi assuming you're using a usb connection?09:49
Pokesomibut i can do usb if i need to09:49
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webwolf_27Pokesomi, nadia007 doesn't that still use a scsi emu09:49
sorush20what backup software to dvd's can I use?09:49
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Pokesomiwhat firewire09:50
nadia007I think it does...  if it does it should be /dev/sca or something.09:50
seifedli_, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44535809:50
ParadossoI installed artwiz fonts but I can't use them09:50
Paradossoseems they are not installes09:50
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Paradossohow do I verify this?09:51
Pokesomifor me it shows up as /dev/sdd or something to that effect09:51
nadia007I like to install gparted to do all my partitioning and formating.09:51
webwolf_27Pokesomi, check in sfdisk what the format system is09:51
jianshiParadosso, i have the same problem haha09:51
Pokesomihow do i do that?09:51
shiningany idea why mpd sound skips on ubuntu or debian while restarting X, while it doesnt happen on an other distrib?09:51
seifedli_, now what09:51
Archiewell, i reckon one should just write down owns problems: decided to install ubuntu to see waht it is like (compared to kanotix and whoppix, which i used a bit before), let the automatic setup install the distro on a partition [15 gb]  and wanted to start -> monitor shutted blatantly down; restarted and chose recovery mode within the bootloader ....some text msgs, everything fine, text shell... "startx" and the monitor went off again...09:51
Pokesomii am in windows right now cause i cant get my wireless to work with the live cd09:51
webwolf_27Pokesomi, sudo /sbin/sfdisk -l /dev/sdd09:52
nadia007pokesomi, or you can install gparted and use the gui to configure the drive.  I found that to be the easiest way for me.09:52
Archie[sorry for the english, only 2nd language, and i am quite a bit out of school] 09:52
shiningdoes it mean ubuntu and debian are so bloated that it affects performance and interactivity badly? :)09:52
Pokesominadia007 where do i get the files09:52
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nadia007kay...  someone help me out...  linux command line for finding files within a directory.09:52
webwolf_27nadia007, he's in win09:52
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jianshils [regex] 09:53
dli_seife: it's incomplete09:53
webwolf_27nadia007, and locate should do it09:53
pderi am curious if it is possible to use a computer system.  if so, how do i use it?09:53
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theCorehow I can redirect the stderr to stdout ?09:53
theCorein bash09:53
webwolf_27pder, how else would you now be chatting09:53
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dli_theCore, foo 2>&109:54
jianshistderr doesn't get put to the screen?09:54
jianshii thought it did.09:54
Pokesomii think i found it09:54
theCoredli_: thx,09:54
shiningjianshi: and?09:54
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nadia007pokesomi, if you're in windows, are you just trying to format the drive... I thought the problem was not being able to access the drive in ubuntu?09:54
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seifedli_, now its complete09:54
mp3guyi've got a video encoded to dvd mpeg2 format, what program can i use to make a DVD iso out of it?09:54
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Pokesomino i am trying to recover the drive using ubuntu to get it to work in windows09:55
Pokesomibut i think i found gparted09:55
jianshidoes anyone have a problem with rebooting ?09:55
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jianshii'm running on a laptop 5.1009:55
nadia007gparted is easy to find in ubuntu, just do a search in synaptic.09:55
rambo3whats the latest kernel in breezy09:55
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jianshiand when i reboot, it just freezes09:55
jianshieverything else is fine09:55
Pokesomii dont have wireless working yet09:55
seifePokesomi, u wont, ubuntu its not for wireless09:56
gabrielhello i'm from argentina09:56
webwolf_27Pokesomi, ok you need to check the partition type ( yes it is possible to format a partion with vfat even if the partition type is linux09:56
nadia007pokesomi, I was referring that program to you if you're on ubuntu, but if you're on windows, don't use that...09:56
seifedli_,  now what.09:56
bluefoxicyHoly SHIT.09:56
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Pokesomii can download it and install with the live cd right?09:56
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redleerhow to install .deb file?09:56
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theD3viLdpkg -i file.deb09:57
webwolf_27Pokesomi, if you have all the dependancies yes09:57
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Pokesomiso what should i use?09:57
ale3hsI got SDK 1.5, however I run 1.4.2 java environment.. How I switch to 1.5 environment?09:57
dli_seife: what's your essid? (network name of the router)09:57
robotgeekPokesomi: it would help to know the details of your wireless card09:57
seifedli_, linksys09:57
ubotufabiob: Did you get hit by a windmill?09:57
robotgeekale3hs: sudo update-alternatives --config java09:57
Pokesomilinksys wpc54g09:57
dli_seife: anyway, "iwlist eth0 scan"09:58
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Pokesomipcmcia card09:58
dli_seife: I suppose it's eth009:58
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seifedli_, arturo@ubuntu:~$ iwlist eth0 scan09:58
seifeWarning: Driver for device eth0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension,09:58
seifebut has been compiled with version 17, therefore some driver features09:58
seifemay not be available...09:58
matrix-ubuntu-ci created a user how do make this superuser09:58
seifeoops, i tought it was going to paste in one line, srry.09:58
webwolf_27ok time for me to go to bed folks. sorry I can help anybody more :(09:58
ale3hsrobotgeek,  thanx09:59
webwolf_27matrix-ubuntu-c, thats a dangerous thing to do09:59
nadia007night wolf_2709:59
seifedli_, did ya read?09:59
ubotuhmm... list is you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:00
jianshiale3hs, you need to get the packages called fakeroot, java-package, and java-common10:00
dli_seife: that's all?10:00
jianshiale3hs, you also need to download the .bin file10:00
robotgeekubotu: tell matrix-ubuntu-c about sudo10:00
jianshiale3hs, from sun's site (for 1.5 sdk)10:00
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tom80hey why are my drives marked with a lock?10:00
jianshiale3hs, you need to use fakeroot jpkg blah.bin10:01
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Pokesomiso am i screwed or what do i need10:01
ale3hsjianshi, xqzme?? why?? java 1.5 is okay now10:01
jianshiale3hs, then you need to run update-alternatives --config java10:01
seifedli_, yes10:01
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derek[] Hi!10:01
jianshiale3hs, oh ok, thought you were having problems haha10:01
derek[] I encountered a problem during installation10:01
seifedli_, it says 'No scaning results' after the warning stuff10:02
Archiewell, i reckon one should just write down owns problems: decided to install ubuntu to see waht it is like (compared to kanotix and whoppix, which i used a bit before), let the automatic setup install the distro on a partition [15 gb]  and wanted to start -> monitor shutted blatantly down; restarted and chose recovery mode within the bootloader ....some text msgs, everything fine, text shell... "startx" and the monitor went off again...10:02
derek[] "Unable to install GRUB in (hd0)"10:02
jianshieclipse seems to run fine with gcj/gij10:02
ale3hsjianshi, the only thing I had to do was to run the alternatives config10:02
dli_seife: maybe, it's not eth010:02
jianshiale3hs, oh i see10:02
jianshiale3hs, yeah to set default10:02
seifeso what it is10:02
derek[] "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed"10:02
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ale3hsjianshi, yea ..thanx anyway10:02
derek[] "This is a fatal error."10:02
insipiddo i need to chroot into a 32 bit kernel to run winehq?10:02
jianshiale3hs, cool10:02
tom80partitions are right ?10:02
dli_seife can you pastebin your /var/log/syslog10:02
derek[] Any idea why ?10:02
ale3hsjianshi, u prog java?10:03
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jianshiale3hs, ya10:03
tom80no ntfs10:03
dli_seife, your demsg is not complete10:03
Pokesomii am going to light some insense10:03
ale3hsjianshi, what editor u use?10:03
jianshieclipse 3110:03
derek[] tom80, are you talking to me?10:03
seifedli_, how do i see my /var/log/syslog10:03
ale3hsjianshi, I see.. I tried eclipse but is so heavy for my box10:03
tom80are you're drives formatted10:03
GoingGreets, is this the proper channel to find help using Ubuntu?10:04
dli_seife, it's a file10:04
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derek[] tom80, yes of course10:04
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seifeit has much lines10:04
tom80no grub?10:04
derek[] tom80, I'm doing dual boot.  winxp is installed on C:\10:04
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eobanbGoing, what do you need?10:04
Stormx2Going: Thats why its called #ubuntu10:04
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tom80did you try lilo dualboot prog?10:04
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Discipulusso when does Firefox 1.5 appear in Breezy?10:04
derek[] tom80, c:\ is fat3210:05
Discipulusnot breezy10:05
derek[] "tom80no ntfs" . ...yea no ntfs10:05
=== doctormo [n=doctormo@spc2-reig2-3-0-cust188.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
doctormoHey all10:05
derek[] tom80, and I was installing hoary10:05
GoingThis is my first time running Breezy Badger, and I am using a Live CD.10:05
leandrohi all... hi can I have ssh-agent to ask for my passphrase when x (gdm) starts ?10:05
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doctormoGot an odd problem with my network10:05
Pokesomii will report back with what i find10:05
derek[] tom80, no i didn't try lilo10:05
jianshiale3hs, what kinda box you running10:05
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sorush20is firefox 1.5 out or not?10:05
ale3hsjianshi, I told u in private10:05
dli_sorush20, yes10:05
GoingHowever, I attached my USB-powered External hard drive, which I have partitioned into an NTFS and FAT32.10:05
tom80i suggest a reinstall ? it should work10:05
GoingHowever, only the first partiton - NTFS - is being recognized.10:06
jianshiale3hs, i couldn't get any msgs in private lol10:06
tom80in my case it works perfectly10:06
jianshiale3hs, i guess it's ok like this.10:06
derek[] tom80, once i got this error, I retried. same failure. I retried with installing Grub on floppy. It hung up.. I had no option thanto hit the reset button10:06
Stormx2Going: Recognised or mounted?10:06
jianshiale3hs, something is weird with my configuration10:06
seifedli_,  it has much lines10:06
leandroI see the ssh-agent running... but when I ssh to some box it always asks my passphrase10:06
derek[] tom80, a reinstall of hoary or win?10:06
jianshiale3hs, anyway if you don't use eclipse, what do you use?10:06
jianshiale3hs, emacs?10:06
tom80hoary i think the installation failed in some ways10:06
doctormoMy network does not start autmaticaly, when I go into the gui configuration and try and start them, they close down again10:06
ale3hsjianshi, I was using intellij IDEA ..its cool10:07
doctormoI am unable to find the logs to find out what is happening10:07
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ale3hsjianshi, but in my windows box10:07
andreahi there10:07
gimmulf_Whats the difference on SDK and RE java packages, should i install both?10:07
dli_seife: you can do "grep eth /var/log/syslog"10:07
derek[] tom80, now when i booted windows.. it went crazy as it couldn't understand the filesystem ext3.. and its still showing the drives here.. but when i tried right-clicking on it.. it crashed..10:07
Stormx2Going: Do you know what device the fat32 partition is?10:07
Going(Give me a minute to figure out how to whisper...  It's been awhile since I've even used IRC)10:07
andreai'm about to buy a used compaq evo w6000, are intel xeon bi-cpus supported?10:07
dli_seife, or "grep eth /var/log/syslog|less"10:07
ale3hsgimmulf_,  SDK is for development10:07
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jianshiale3hs, isn't that expensive?10:08
tom80sry derek i cannot help dont know what the prob causes ?10:08
jianshiale3hs, idea10:08
ale3hsgimmulf_,  the other is just to run Java aplications10:08
derek[] :(10:08
tom80compu specs?10:08
ale3hsjianshi, com on man, it was cracked... what world are u living?? jesus christ !!10:08
Ce_DreakuI need some urgent help please10:08
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Ce_Dreakuwho can tell me how to install a printer?10:08
derek[] tom80, well any idea why the grub install on mbr failed?10:08
Going@Stormx2 What do you mean by 'what device'?10:08
tom80how many hdd you got?10:09
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derek[] tom80, one plugged in10:09
Stormx2Going: like /dev/sba1 or whatecer10:09
spikebikemaybe they charge $5 for a drink ;-)10:09
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Going@Stormx2 I mean, it is basically an external hard drive that I've divided into two partitions.10:09
ale3hsjianshi, there is any way to make eclipse lighter?10:09
Stormx2Going: Yep, but the partitions are recognised differently10:10
seifedli_, here is http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/445376 i did the |less one10:10
tom80i suggest looking in the bios, maybe there are some options in the boot sector which causes the problem10:10
Stormx2Going: Can you easily plug in / unplug the drive? i've never used a external hdd before.10:10
jianshiale3hs, you can kill the plugins you don't need.10:10
robotgeekale3hs: please refrain from talking about warez and other illegal stuff in #ubuntu. (i know you havent really talked about it, but if you were going to, stop :) )10:10
jianshiale3hs, for instance if you use svn, you can disable cvs10:10
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jianshiale3hs, plus, you can get rid of ant editor if you don't use ant build stuff10:11
Going@Stormx2 I partitioned it using Partition Magic 8, and this is the first time I've plugged it into a Linux box, so I don't think it has a Linux file structure built in yet.10:11
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jianshiale3hs, it's all modular.10:11
seifedli_, now what10:11
ompaulistanbul only seems to copy the moves of the cursor and not show the windows of the apps started is the correct?10:11
dli_seife, what's eth1?10:11
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derek[] tom80.. boot sector in BIOS?10:11
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Stormx2Going: It won't have.10:11
tom80you should look at it10:11
marco_hey, can anyone tell me how to convert .wav to .mp310:11
Stormx2Going: And it doesn't need it ;-)10:11
doctormodli_: eth1 is ethernet interface 110:11
marco_i mean, .mp3 to wav10:11
derek[] i don't know if there's anything relatedto it in bios10:11
Ce_Dreakuwho can tell me how to install a printer? please, it is urgent10:11
ale3hsjianshi, how I do that?10:12
tom80wait a sec got something10:12
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Ce_DreakuYou can change .mp3 to wav with audacity10:12
doctormoCe_Dreaku: What kind of printer?10:12
derek[] tom80, k10:12
seifeeth1 is the cable one10:12
dli_seife, post /var/log/kern.log10:12
anyonei can't10:12
Going@Stormx2 I can easily unplug it if I go to the desktop, click on the icon for the partition it does recoginize, and select "Unmount Volume"10:12
Ce_DreakuHP Deskjet 374510:12
marco_do i apt-get audacity10:12
anyoneask everyone else10:12
ompaulCe_Dreaku, have you looked at system administration printing?10:12
=== existance [n=existanc@cpe-68-201-255-172.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
seifedli_, eth1 is the cable one10:12
ale3hssorry robotgeek, i didnt know that10:12
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doctormoCe_Dreaku: By USB or Par?10:12
Ce_Dreakuyes and it is not in the list10:12
anyonemarco_, :P10:12
Stormx2Going: I meant physically unplug it.10:12
robotgeekmarco_: you can also use mplayer to do that10:12
cin_hey, somethings wierd. When I go to Synaptic Manager and go to Repositories>Settings Mutiverse and Universal isn't there.10:12
marco_ohhhh, thanx guys10:12
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Stormx2Going: Mounting / Unmounting is something different10:12
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ompaulCe_Dreaku, so click the bottom button of select it yourself and and see what happens10:13
anyonehi ompaul10:13
dli_seife: can you try "iwlist eth3 scan"10:13
tom80derek look here pls http://www.techzine.nl/message/127418 with pics, its a nice and clear turorial.10:13
anyonehi Stormx210:13
ompaulanyone, could be you  :-)10:13
Going@Stormx2 Just noticed the private chat room...  will jump onto that.10:13
=== ompaul rofl
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derek[] ok tom80. thx10:13
seifeNo scan results10:13
anyoneompaul, it's me! welp10:13
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tom80just try a little10:14
anyoneompaul, remember? :P10:14
ompaulanyone, so you could be you :)10:14
tom80good luck10:14
Stormx2anyone: Hi10:14
anyonenow i'm getting confused10:14
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marco_robotgeek_: i need to reinstall mplayer... do you know what command to use?10:14
welpthat's better10:14
doctormotom80: what language is that?10:14
jianshiale3hs, go in the plugins folder, and take out whatever you don't need10:14
derek[] tom10:14
ompaulwelp welcome back from confustion10:14
doctormoCe_Dreaku: I have sent you a message if you still require help10:14
Ce_DreakuI think there is lag doctormo10:15
derek[] I've been through the installation :) i don't need its pics10:15
Ce_DreakuI didn't receive much10:15
seifedli_, no scan results10:15
derek[] my problem is why did the grub installation on mbr fail10:15
Ce_Dreakuonly this:  I can guide you here10:15
Ce_Dreakudoctormo that forum is getting a bit too buisy10:15
doctormoCe_Dreaku: Erm, you should recieve it strait away, lag is not somthing that I know exists10:15
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ale3hsjianshi, where is the default installed directory of eclipse ?? :)10:15
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dli_seife: post your kern.log10:16
Stormx2doctormo: Might be his connection.10:16
adrelitahello :)10:16
sorush20guys is there way that I could download a full dvd iso and make sure that it is up to date via something like rsync?10:16
palermahey,is there anyone using the last ubuntu in a ASUS A6?10:16
seifethere is no kern.log in that folder10:16
Going@Stormx2 Are you receiving my messages in the private room?10:16
Stormx2Hi, adrelita!10:16
marco_Ce-Dreaku_: do you know the command to reinstall mplayer?10:16
adrelitahi ;)10:16
Stormx2Going: No10:16
tom80btw.. look at the function bootloader in setup10:16
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Stormx2Going: Are you using XChat?10:16
synicanyone running firefox 1.5 with linux32 ?10:16
Ce_Dreakumarco: nope I don't10:16
Going@Stormx2 Eh, I'll stick to this then.10:16
ompaulGoing, if your not registered with the nickserv you will not be able to send or recieve messages10:16
ubotuit has been said that register is type /msg nickserv help register10:16
aliloucan any one tell me please, how to install ipw2100 driver on ubuntu, I am running ubuntu on kernel 2.6.10-5-386. I can not find the package kernel-headers for the kernel-image10:16
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palermai cant get my X working, it apears a dark blank screen10:17
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ompaulGoing, see that last message from ubotu it is for you10:17
doctormopalerma: any logs?10:17
marco_can someone help me reinstall mplayer?10:17
Red-Soxthe ubuntu cds look nice... they came today, i already have ubuntu, but they made the cds look good10:17
jianshiale3hs, program files10:17
cin_Anyone, is this command correct for installing Firestarter: sudo apt-get install firestarter10:17
jianshiale3hs, but i usually customize10:17
seifedli_, there is no kern.log in that folder10:17
jianshiale3hs, i gtg nice talking to you10:17
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Going@ompaul Obotu?10:17
palermadoctormo, of course, the problem is that im in windows right now, and dunno how to use wireless in ubuntu10:17
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robotgeekcin_: yup10:18
doctormoCe_Dreaku: check the tabs you have, do you have a tab with my name on it?10:18
Ce_DreakuDoctormo: Don't you see what I am writing in the private chat?10:18
Stormx2Going: Ubotu is a bot ;D10:18
Going@Stormx2 Eh, one sec, ompaul just messaged me about obotu or something...  I may have to quickly register.10:18
ompaulGoing, first off please don't use @ it means nothing in irc, second off the message is type>>> /msg nickserv help register <<<10:18
seifeoh, dli_  i saw it, gimme a second im pasting10:18
doctormopalerma: wireless is dead easy, what device do you have?10:18
Ce_DreakuDoctormo: I do have it and am writing in it10:18
ompaulGoing, I did not message you - that is in the channel10:18
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palermaisnt there any binary similar to xorgconf ore something to configure X server?10:19
ompaulGoing, it is in front of almost 70010:19
doctormopalerma: yes10:19
Stormx2Going: Yeah, @ is used on some IRC clients to signify "operator" status, but that doesn't apply here really.10:19
marco_can someone what command to use to reinstall mplayer10:19
ubotuhmm... xorg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:19
palermadoctormo which is? :P10:19
robotgeekdoctormo,palerma: the simplicity is dependant upon your device :)10:19
Stormx2palerma: up10:19
GoingREGISTER Diverge10:19
doctormoxconfig last time I checked10:19
existancehow can i fix: checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:19
Stormx2And I suggest you don't use that pass10:19
Stormx2Going: Try /msg nickserv register PASSWORD10:20
Ce_Dreakudoctormo: it is very odd, I did write in the chanel "very" and "can you see what I am writing" did you receive it?10:20
palermaStormx2 what?10:20
cin_Holy crap! It worked, and it was my first successfull Linux installation10:20
Stormx2cin_: Glad to hear!10:20
palermadoctormo i cant find nothing like that in the firt instalation of ubuntu10:20
trappistexistance: sudo apt-get install build-essential and if that doesn't work, unset CC10:20
=== Going is now known as Diverge
ompaulGoing the required  command would be >>/msg nickserv register (yourpasswordhere)<<  and don't use diverge we all saw that10:20
cin_Yeah, sorry. Just full of jollification.10:20
existancetrappist: thanks10:20
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doctormoCe_Dreaku: can you join the forum #ce_dr?10:21
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Stormx2Abecedarian: been a long time since you've been on IRC eh?10:21
Ce_Dreakudoctormo: I joined10:21
ompauldoctormo, #ubuntu-de ??10:21
doctormoompaul: I'm English10:22
cin_Does anyone know of a partitioner for Ubuntu, something I could install through terminal or something?10:22
ompauldoctormo, you did -dr not de DOH!10:22
Enyoor cfdisk10:22
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seifedli_, the file has too much lines10:23
marco_my interenet browser isn't working and all i'm trying to do is reinstall mplayer, can anyone help me?10:23
psusiI installed apache2 and mantis but when I try to open the bug tracker in a web browser, I get an error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()10:24
cin_k, installing10:24
seifedli_, !10:24
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psusianyone have any ideas why php wouldn't be able to find mysql_connect()?10:24
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Stormx2Try #php10:24
dli_seife: you can do "less /var/log/kern.log"10:24
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trappistpsusi: sudo apt-get install php4-mysql10:24
psusiwell, it seems to be a specific problem with the ubuntu packages10:24
alilouHi every one, I am strugling to install the wireless card driver for my HP laptop with a celeron m chip. I was told yeterday to get the ipw2200 , but still don't know how to install it...I can not find the package on my repoitories..is there any way I can install the driver using apt? thanks10:25
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La_PaRCapsusi, you need to install either php4-mysql or php5-mysql depending on your php version10:25
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ubotuit has been said that lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:25
psusiLa_PaRCa: I did that10:25
Techie_dudewhat is a decent program for streaming webcam video off of my computer10:25
gimmulf_I installed java but   java -version says command not found... i installed: blackdown-j2re1.4, j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin, sun-j2re1.5 and jre-1_5_0_05-linux-amd64.bin   im using an amd64cpu with Ubuntu Breezy 5.10  Please help me10:25
=== jono [n=mythtv@88-107-1-121.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
trappistalilou: you don't need any special packages for it.  the driver is part of the kernel.10:25
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psusiactually, they are both installed10:25
zcat[1] Been trying to get opengl working with nvidia-legacy drivers - still not working, but now everything segfaults, not just glxdemo and stuff but mplayer (even when I'm plaing plain audio files..)10:25
existancewhats the apt pkg name for GLiB?10:25
La_PaRCapsusi, um, make a php script that contains only phpinfo() and give me the addie to take a peek10:25
zcat[1] how do I even begin to track this down?10:26
Techie_dudeDOes anyone know any ANY good webcam programs?10:26
robotgeekgimmulf_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaAMD64 ?10:26
cin_I have windows and Ubuntu, I want to add BSD, I have 2 hard drives, 1 for ubuntu. So if I want to partition my ubuntu HD do I need to make a swap partition even though ones already there?10:26
seifei cant copy the lines, f0ckin shiat10:26
aliloutrappist: so what do I do to install the module or for it to work10:26
psusihrm.... let me see...10:26
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existancewhats the apt pkg name for GLiB?10:26
trappistalilou: lsmod | grep ipw to see if it's already loaded, which it should be.  if it's not, modprobe ipw220010:27
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trappistzcat[1] : by legacy you mean open source?10:27
confreyanybody knowing cn320 AP ?10:27
aliloutrappist: no module found10:27
skulridcould anyone tell me the best ftp client for linux plz??10:27
trappistzcat[1] : the nv drivers or the nvidia drivers?10:27
seifedli_, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44540410:27
zcat[1] no, i mean old nvidia card.. closed-source driver that's kinda working but has never done glx10:28
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trappistalilou: what version of ubuntu?  what kernel version?10:28
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seifeskulrid, gFTP10:29
seifedli_, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44540410:29
seifedli_, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/44540410:29
zcat[1] linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386-nvidia-legacy and nvidia-glx-legacy packages from universe/multiverse/imnotsurewhere10:29
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psusiLa_PaRCa: so make a file that is like "<% phpinfo() %>" right?10:29
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aliloutrappist: It is done  a message saying something about firmeware, ieeee and ipw2200 appeared10:29
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dli_seife: sorry, you don't know what to look in log10:30
seifewhat i have to look10:30
cin_Should I get for Java Linux Self Extracting or Linux RPM?10:30
La_PaRCapsusi, yeah10:31
erUSUL!tell cin_ about java10:31
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erUSULcin_, np10:32
trappistcin_: ubuntu doesn't use rpms10:32
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seifedli_, help meh plz10:32
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MitjaDoes anyone know of a bootable floppy that supports udf iso-13346 CD format?10:33
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pozdiywhere to ask Nautilus to open a new folder in the same window, without multiplying unnecessary separate windows?10:34
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seifedli_, hello10:34
erUSULpozdiy, shift + [doubleclick] 10:34
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pozdiyerUSUL, thanks, is it possible to ajust in the preferences somewhere - to have as default on doubleclick?10:35
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rambo3pozidy -> settings -> edit-> preferances .> behaviour -> mark allways open in10:35
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erUSULpozdiy, i do not know search in google10:35
pozdiyerUSUL, thanks10:36
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Max566Hi all10:36
psusiLa_PaRCa: http://pastebin.com/445423 can't seem to get it to show it as html instead of plain text though10:36
alumnoHOW ARE YOU10:36
Max566Can anyone help me get my Netgear WG311v3 wireless card working in Ubuntu?10:36
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aliloutrappist : how can I find out about the kernel version on my system please?10:36
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erUSULalumno, do not shout please10:37
rambo3sudo uname -a10:37
germancitoI can't print with my Hp Deskjet 810 c10:37
erUSULalilou, uname -a10:37
germancitoplease help me10:37
Stormx2germancito: it installed?10:37
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rambo3uname -r is clearer10:38
germancitoStormx2, I really don't know, how can i know it?10:38
erUSULgermancito, "i can't print" is not a good call for help10:38
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alilouerUSUL: how about ubuntu version please?10:38
Stormx2germancito: System > Administration > Printing10:38
germancitoyes, I know erUSUL10:38
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pozdiyis there any other 2-panel GUI file manager (I do not like NAutilus)?10:38
erUSULgermancito, System-Administration-Printers10:38
seifeSOMEonE HELP ME10:39
germancitolet me see10:39
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sambagirlis there anything out in the commercial world (not military or intel type stuff) that is larger than dvd? the size of the torrents these days requires larger then dvd size.10:39
kemiksambagirl: HD material10:39
aliloutrappist: how do find out about ubuntu version please?10:39
erUSULsambagirl, wait for blue ray discs or use iomega revo (35 GB)10:40
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robotgeekalilou: cat /etc/issue10:40
erUSULsambagirl, tapes10:40
_jasonsambagirl, hard drives :D10:40
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erUSULalilou, cat /etc/lsb-release10:40
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sambagirlray discs? what is that? maybe i need put on safety suit to use to prevent radiation :D10:40
psusiLa_PaRCa: did you get that?10:41
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erUSULsambagirl, blue-ray discs next gen dvd10:41
germancitoStormx2, erUSUL, thanks a lot it worked!!10:41
erUSULgermancito, np10:41
ompaulseife, I looked at that ubuntu.pastebin.com/445404 , however what is the question that goes with it, I don't know antything about ipv610:41
Stormx2germancito: Happy to help10:41
=== XsPiDeR [i=nobody@xspider.cabelnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
aliloutrappist: the kernel version is 2.6.10-5-386 and the Ubuntuverson is  5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog"10:42
seifewhy peoplle say ubuntu is great, u cant even set up a wireless network in it10:42
marco_if my computer is downloading hella quick and I dont know what process it is... how do I check/10:42
robotgeekseife: hmm, are u using ndiswrapper?10:42
ompaulseife, so you want wireless that was not obvious from your pastebin10:42
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ompaul!tell seife about ndiswrapper10:43
BooZeewhere do you search for torrents ?10:43
seifeompaul, yes all i just want is that !10:43
m4xhow do you restart services in Ubuntu?10:43
ompaulseife, have a look at the message that the bot sent you10:43
seiferobotgeek, yes, i have it installed but dunno how to use10:43
kemikm4x /etc/init.d/<servicename> restart10:43
n00bs_piss_me_of/etc/init.d/(your service) restart10:43
pozdiyhow can I search for a phrase in Synaptic package description- "" does not work?10:43
erUSULm4x, /etc/init.d/<servce> restart10:43
La_PaRCapsusi, sorry, was away10:43
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robotgeekseife: i have not used ndiswrapper, it works for some ppl tho.you might follow the link which ubotu sent you10:44
=== La_PaRCa [n=parca@cable200-116-237-21.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
ompauln00bs_piss_me_of, you could take it that your user name ain't exactly user friendly, would you care to change it to something a bit more agreeable?10:44
randyAnyone know where I can get info on making a cursor theme for ubuntu?10:44
robotgeekBooZee: wrong place to ask. you should be asking Google10:44
seifeim gonna format10:44
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synicseife: have fun.10:45
psusiLa_PaRCa: I pasted the output to pastebin, but it forces it to be displayed as text instead of letting the browser render the page10:45
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La_PaRCapsusi, dont worry10:45
ompaulsomething_agreea, :-)10:45
BooZeerobotgeek: yeah, but I saw sambagirl talks about it, so I asked10:45
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robotgeekBooZee: hmm, i did not see that.10:45
psusiLa_PaRCa: http://pastebin.com/445434 try that... it isn't pretty, but it's the important information10:46
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existancehow do i install Glib?10:46
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something_agreeaapt-get install glib10:46
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erUSULBooZee, sambagirl asked about big back up media (for torrents ;) )10:46
Red-Soxwhat is the limit for ShipIt Cds?10:46
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bhearsumdoes Hoary still get updates?+10:47
existancesomething_agreea: it says that isnt a package10:47
La_PaRCapsusi, um, the mysql extension is not installed10:47
homeris it possible to implement brainf*ck as a shell scriping language?10:47
something_agreeaupdate your sources.list10:47
sambagirli was just curious i dont even know if ubuntu or kubuntu will support blue ray discs.10:47
La_PaRCapsusi, did you restart apache after you installed php4-mysql?10:47
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bhearsumsomething_agreea: no, i mean, do applications get updated?10:48
bhearsumlike firefox?10:48
existancesomething_agreea: how?10:48
aliloutrappist: the kernel version is 2.6.10-5-386 and the Ubuntuverson is  5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog", how do I do to working the wireless card please....nearly there10:48
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something_agreeaedit this: /etc/apt/sources.list10:48
erUSULsambagirl, it is a hardware issue not software10:48
psusiLa_PaRCa: hrm.. I'll give that a try... but shouldn't the package manager do that automatically?10:48
robotgeekalilou: what wireless card do you have again?10:49
something_agreeaand add some debian repositories10:49
CaptainMorganI just installed Wine, do I need to log off/on for anything? I can't get a 2d game .exe to run yet after installing it10:49
La_PaRCapsusi, I dont think the php package restarts apache10:49
sambagirloh so by the time they are released for sale someone will have drivers to support these medias for ubuntu.10:49
ChousukeCaptainMorgan: no need for that10:49
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erUSULsambagirl, nowadays your options are iomega revo and tapes10:49
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Chousukeit may be that the game doesn't work :/10:49
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sambagirlbut tapes break.10:49
Chousukewine is not the easiest to use app10:49
sambagirlbut ok thanks10:49
CaptainMorganI get "cannot display /media/Windows.... "10:49
topylisomething_agreea: please don't tell people to use debian repositories10:49
sambagirlit not crap10:49
psusiLa_PaRCa: aha... that seems to be it... it's getting further now... thnks...10:50
psusisilly me10:50
Chousukesambagirl: Pay no attention to him10:50
robotgeekpder: instead of shouting, please be more constructive10:50
=== cunter [n=cunter@e178051092.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
La_PaRCapsusi, wink10:50
ompaulexistance, first do you want a compiler?10:50
psusiI just assumed the package manager would restart it if it needed to10:50
unistdHow I get root after install ubuntu 5.10?10:50
ompaul!tell unistd about root10:50
CaptainMorganyou can mount Windows, and play the .exe from there right, ?10:50
erUSUL!tell unistd about root10:50
topyliunistd: no need, use sudo10:50
CaptainMorganprovided you have wine ?10:50
_jasonsambagirl, hard drives like http://www.seagate.com/products/retail/portable/ would work10:50
CaptainMorganand cheese ??10:50
ChousukeCaptainMorgan: no :/10:50
sambagirli tried the breezy update online awhile back and it never completed so i reinstalled orignal ubuntu. has the remote update improved?10:50
Chousukeyou should copy the game over to a linux partition10:50
CaptainMorgandamn.. that's gotta be it then10:50
gratuitwhat is the bot's name?10:51
ompaulunistd, have a look at the message form ubotu10:51
cunterwhy is there no vpnc-connect binary in the vpnc package, though the manpages says, i should ise it ?10:51
sambagirlthanks _jason10:51
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Chousukeplaying from NTFS or fat32 doesn't work at all10:51
unistdtopyli, but for all I need of sudo?10:51
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robotgeeksambagirl: i've updated all my machines onlien10:51
sambagirlok i will read the faq thanks10:51
erUSULsambagirl, i have updated warty->hoary->breezy without major problems10:51
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topyliunistd: just use "sudo command" to run a command as root. it will ask for your password, not root's10:51
gimmulf_robotgeek:  Hi, i was followng that amd64 java howto, but i get this error when im doing the: fakeroot make-jpkg j2re-1.4.2-02-linux-amd64.bin   Error: dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find any packages for /tmp/make-jpkg.XXXXSTf9Fe/install/usr/lib/j2re1.4-blackdown/lib/amd64/libXm.so.3 (libXm.so.3)dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for shared library libXm (soname 3, path /tmp/make-jpkg.XXXXSTf9Fe/install10:52
ompaulsomething_agreea, first we use sudo to execute the apt-get so it is sudo apt-get install foo - there is no package glibc there is in fact as in debian build-essential that is the way to get a bundle of laughs10:52
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CaptainMorganalrighty, having copied it to my Linux desktop.. it still doesn't work10:52
robotgeekgimmulf_: no clue, sorry10:52
erUSULgimmulf_, do not paste please10:52
=== Milenniumgroup [n=xbox_sky@c83-251-101-25.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
sambagirlwill ubuntu run on my toshiba 2032 ?10:52
something_agreeahe could have been logged in as root10:52
Stormx2Find out.10:52
unistdtopyli, but why 'sudo -s' not turn me root?10:53
robotgeeksambagirl: use the live cd10:53
deltronsambagirl: more than likely, test using the live cd, or live dvd10:53
=== Danielle- [n=Danielle@80-42-124-204.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
CaptainMorganwhere is Wine?? I don't see it listed in the alt-f1 options..10:53
robotgeekunistd: sudo -i, read the link10:53
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ompaulsomething_agreea, chance would be a fine thing - no one uses root unless they enable it themselves we all use sudo :-)10:53
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sambagirlit's a pda pocket pc telephone10:53
ompaul!tell something_agreea about sudo10:53
=== csb [n=csb@c-24-63-76-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sambagirli dont like windows to much trouble.10:53
CaptainMorganmaybe Wine is out of stock?10:53
csbhi all10:54
ompaulsomething_agreea, that is how we do it - msg ffrom the bot for ya10:54
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something_agreeai know10:54
mamorupeople, what package do i need to install to run scripts written in Java?10:54
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csbhey is evolution a good email client? i currently use thunderbird, and i'm wondering if i should switch10:54
robotgeekubotu: tell mamoru about java10:54
alilourobertgeek: ipw2200 driver I used for integrated Wireless LAN Intel 802.11b/g Wireless (MPCI)10:54
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robotgeekalilou: hmm, and it did not detect automagically and all?10:54
ubotuI heard javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/10:54
CaptainMorgancsb, not much of a diff10:54
CaptainMorganI like TB tho10:55
robotgeekmutt owns them all :)10:55
now3dHi, i asked in #kubuntu but I think this channel is more specific.  I would like to install mozilla-mail.. but I cant find it in my kubuntu 5.10 apt sources.. any tips please?10:55
alilourootgeek: no it did not detect it automaticaly, I loaded the modules manualy!10:55
NoUsenow3d you mean thunderbird?10:55
CaptainMorganSomebody gimme some Wine!! info10:55
amaechlercsb: I like it. main difference is that you also have a organizer...which is pretty useful I think, at least I'm using it heavily10:55
now3di've come up against a wall searching with apt-cache and google..10:55
erUSULnow3d, mozilla-thunderbird maybe10:56
CaptainMorgangoogle pwns10:56
now3dNoUse: hmm, i still prefer the old suite.. mozilla 1.7 suite.. with mail news etc..10:56
robotgeeknow3d: mozilla-mailnews is what u are looking for10:56
robotgeekalilou: okay, now it doesn't connect?10:56
now3drobotgeek: is mozilla-mailnews in the repository though..? I cant find it..10:56
=== MagicFab [n=MagicFab@modemcable112.146-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
NoUsenow3d you can use synaptic in the future for a nice gui to search10:56
robotgeekubotu: tell now3d about repos10:56
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robotgeeknow3d: enable universe10:57
csbwhat filetype does evolution save as? something standard like mbox?10:57
existanceanyone know of a repository that has GLiB in it?10:57
NoUseexistance you have glib already10:57
ompaulnow3d, it is in universe10:57
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robotgeekcsb: i know that thundrbird uses mbox, i dunno evolution10:57
shiningwhat do I need in the kernel for lvm ?10:57
ompaulnow3d, you need to add the universe repo to /etc/apt/sources.list10:58
shiningit's the first time I try it, so I don't know exactly what I need10:58
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CaptainMorgan/usr/local/bin/winecfg  <<< tried this, but it's not found! wtf? I just used synaptic to install it...10:58
uboturoot is probably rumour has it, that root is disabled in Ubuntu, actually this means there is no password set for the root account, use sudo when you need admin access, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:58
shiningubuntu kernel works fine, but my custom one doesn't boot, it doesnt find the root device10:58
existanceNoUse: then why am i getting errors when i try to make something?10:58
csbCaptian: what are you trying to do? i just got wine working 2 days ago10:58
NoUseexistance you need the dev package10:58
csbit's pretty awesome10:59
now3dompaul, robotgeek: ok did that.. and there is a dep problem   mozilla-mailnews: Depends: mozilla-browser (= 2:1.7.12-0ubuntu2) but 2:1.7.12-1ubuntu1 is to be installed10:59
existanceNoUse: any idea where i can get that?10:59
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erUSULshining, you left an important option disbled...10:59
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NoUseexistance in apt/synaptic10:59
robotgeekubotu: tell germancito about msgthebot10:59
erUSULexistance, buil-essential10:59
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existancei already built essential10:59
CaptainMorganwell, for starters, I used synpatic to install it.. then i suppose I can just run a .exe and it should run10:59
CaptainMorganbut no10:59
NoUseexistance yeah install the build-essential package10:59
unistdI liked of ubuntu10:59
CaptainMorganthen I checked winehq for config commands and tried one10:59
meherencan someone tell me how to install real on my machine11:00
csbcaptian: ok...11:00
ompaulexistance, >> sudo apt-get install build-essential <<11:00
robotgeeknow3d: hmm, i had the same problem yesterday. found out that mozilla was already installed11:00
csbfirst, do you have winetools?11:00
robotgeekubotu: tell meheren about restrictedformats11:00
existancei already have it11:00
ompaulnow3d, sudo apt-get update and then try it11:00
alilourobotgeek: my wireless card is still not working...please kepp on help11:00
csbWINE needs other stuff to go along with it before anything works. winetools will install that stuff for you11:00
mamoruwiki.ubuntu.org/RestrictedFormats: "Sun's implementation of Java and Java plugin for browsers is also non-free."11:00
mamoruwhat do they mean by "non-free"?11:01
CaptainMorgank, no - Installed the binaries and documentation... now Im installing the tools/setup/ and the rest of anything that has the letters 'wine' in it... hooya?11:01
meherendoes ubuntu support built in wireless?11:01
Agrajagmamoru: just what they said, it's not Free software11:01
robotgeekalilou: i need to know what it's not doing right? my wireless card doesn't work isn't very descriptive11:01
robotgeekubotu: tell meheren about wireless11:01
CaptainMorganmeheren I still can't get madwifi to work...11:01
existancei get this error :deb http://ftp2.jp.debian.org/debian-volatile sarge/volatile main11:01
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csbthen, you can go to the directory where the install for the app you want, and type "wine XXXXX"11:01
existanceconfigure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***11:01
ompaulmamoru, you can't do what you want with the software - you loose some of the 4 freedoms - check out free software on wikipedia11:01
existancewhen i try to ./configure11:01
Agrajagmamoru: Sun java is proprietary, closed-source11:01
csbwhere XXXX =  install.exe, or whatever the install command is11:01
CaptainMorganah... wine <game> ?11:01
NoUseexistance whoa, why are you mixing debian repos in?11:01
mamoruompaul, Agrajag  oh. Though it doesn't mean I have to pay for it11:01
csbthen once it's installed you would type "wine app"...11:02
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NoUseexistance thats a sure fire way to break your box11:02
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:02
existanceNoUse: accident, i'm not11:02
CaptainMorganso I need to install the .exe ? copying it to the desktop and trying it won't work ?11:02
csbwhere app is the app name11:02
ubotumethinks javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/11:02
Agrajagmamoru: no, it's gratis, just not free11:02
ompaulmamoru, correct and if they break it most likey you can't fix it ......11:02
existanceNoUse: im trying to install xmms and i can't ./configure11:02
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csbcaptian: first, download winetools and run all that stuff11:02
NoUseexistance and why aren't you installing via apt or synaptic?11:02
CaptainMorganwill do...11:02
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existanceNoUse: i couldn't find GLIB in synaptic11:02
erUSULexistance, install from repositories11:03
CaptainMorgan.. let's se..11:03
Agrajagexistance: why aren't you installing xmms from apt?11:03
NoUseexistance I mean XMMS, xmms is in synaptic11:03
mamoruAgrajag, ompaul, thanks!11:03
csbthen let's say you want to install Dreamweaver, like i did.11:03
NoUseexistance sudo apt-get install xmms11:03
GregAscheAre there any video cards that won't work at all under linux?11:03
existanceNoUse: ah..11:03
erUSULubuntu has xmms binaries11:03
jrattner1Anyone have expierence with a Pocket PC SyNCE Multisynce and Evolution?11:03
robotgeekubotu: tell gnomefreak about msgthebot11:03
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existancecool :)11:03
csbyou would go to the CD and type "wine setup.exe"...or whatever the install command is...that would start the install process11:03
gnomefreakrobotgeek,  yes i know how11:03
NoUseexistance always install the ubuntu binaries, comiling things from source when you don't know what you are doing is dangerious11:03
erUSULGregAsche, almost any card can work at least as svga vga or vesa card11:04
ompaulexistance, why are you trying to make software from source? you are making your own life hard if you try to do taht11:04
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csbTHEN once it's installed you would go to /home/username/.wine/c/program files/macromedia/dreamweaver/dreamweaver.exe11:04
existanceompaul: i went to the site and was following the readme...11:04
csband you would type "wine dreamweaver.exe" from that dir11:04
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ompaulexistance, which site?11:04
gnomefreakis it possible to skip chmod for a .bin file and just go to fakeroot command?11:04
GregAscheok, thanks'11:04
dsasjrattner1: yes, it sucks.11:05
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gnomefreakchmod isnt working thats why i ask11:05
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existanceompaul: xmms.org11:05
Red-Soxit says my ShipIt request is waiting for approval11:05
FarrisGTwo questions: (1) I have about 40 servers that all have /home mounted from the same NFS export. Running "lsof" on the server running NFS does not show files open via nfsd. Is there anyway to centralize this so that I can get a list of all open files on the nfs server, taking into account the 40 servers that have that export mounted? (2) In times of very heavy write/read, is there any tool or daemon or monitor that will allow me to see i11:05
Red-Soxwhat does that mean?11:05
egoplastieki've 'lost' things like 'add/remove programs'.... any idea how i can get them back?11:05
ompaulexistance, while it would seem logical what you need to think is that package is common you know it is most likely available for ubuntu11:06
robotgeekRed-Sox: how many did you order?11:06
gnomefreakRed-Sox, if you ordered outside of the packaged packages than they have to approve your order first11:06
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ompaulexistance, I will now get the bot to send you a message do this then install the binary for yourself and you will be up and running in no time11:06
existanceompaul: heh, i just switched over form windows, so im used to installing that way11:07
Red-Soxi ordered 10011:07
alilourobotgeek: sorry......iwconfig does not show me any wireless device."no wireless extentions" ..this is the only way I know on testing wireless card if working or not.11:07
Red-Soxrobotgeek: i ordered 10011:07
existanceompaul: i got it to work with apt-get install xmms11:07
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Agrajagsee, there's the problem with linux. Everyone thinks it's complicated because every program's website tells you how to install from source, but never "If you're running {ubuntu|fedora|whatever}, use your package manager".11:07
ompaulexistance, sudo apt-get was it not?11:07
gnomefreakRed-Sox, thats why11:07
existanceompaul: already logged in as root :)11:07
logical_markHey guys. If I am already good with stuff like PHP, Visual Basic, and a little bit of c++ and java, how easy would it be to create small programs for linux? and using what?11:07
ompaulexistance, not such a good idea11:07
Agrajaglogical_mark: well VB is pretty much useless to you11:07
gnomefreaknot vb lol11:08
NoUseexistance http://help.ubuntu.com is a nice guide for beginnners11:08
existanceompaul: as in a sudo -s -H it11:08
ompaulexistance, we have been doing this for a long time :-) just a tad counter intutive11:08
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Red-Soxgnomefreak: i canceled it, i dont REALLY need it too bad, how many fits for it not to have to be approved?11:08
logical_markAgrajag: I bet to differ. I use Visual Basic all the time when I need to accomplish small tasks. I make the programs up in 15 minutes!11:08
Agrajaglogical_mark: not in linux you won't.11:08
gnomefreaklarge portion of linux programs use C/C++ i think than java and python11:08
logical_markArajag: those are to be run on windows only of course11:08
CaptainMorganmy game opens and the quickly closes... :-(11:08
logical_markArajag: beat me to it. Anyway, what do you suggest?11:08
pirxdoes anyone happen to know how to play files in rar archives with mplayer?11:09
Agrajaglogical_mark: might I suggest Perl for small programs?11:09
gnomefreakRed-Sox, there is a drop down with packages already set pick one11:09
Agrajagvery small.11:09
afabianexistance, binary packages usually make your life easier.  There are good reasons to go to the source every now and then.  Don't let the binary-packaging fanatics scare you.  Do it too much, and you'll learn the hard way the value of binary packages, and when to go which way. ;)11:09
egoplastieki've 'lost' things like 'add/remove programs'.... any idea how i can get them back?11:09
robotgeekalilou: hmm, lsmod | grep ipw shows the module loaded?11:09
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=== gnomefreak having major issues with .bins today
matrix-ubuntu-chow do i see if i got iptables or ipchains11:09
logical_markAgrajag: I will also need the ability to connect to mySQL. Perl still an option?11:09
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Agrajagmatrix-ubuntu-c: you have iptables11:09
ompaulexistance, so you get the greatest (some would say) GNU/Linux and rather that do things the way that it is easy you head off into some random direction, I know you can have it your way but burgers with sand are not my idea of fun :)11:09
Agrajaglogical_mark: sure11:10
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Agrajagthere's all sorts of crap in CPAN, perl's library of libraries11:10
gnomefreakiptables are wrote into kernel if im not mistaken11:10
existanceuhh why doesn't sudo cd (insert directory) work?11:10
logical_markAgrajag: How easy is it to make a frontend?11:10
alilourobotgeek: all modules are loaded...!11:10
Agrajaglogical_mark: python's a decent scripting language too11:10
gnomefreakexistance, dont use sudo11:10
matrix-ubuntu-cso how do i get ipchains instead of iptables11:10
gnomefreakexistance, cd Desktop something like that11:10
AgrajagI've never used mysql with perl myself, it shouldn't be hard though11:10
existancegnomefreak: i have to, im going to another partitation that is restricted11:10
NoUseexistance because when cd exists, (right after you cd) it exits back to default permissions11:10
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ompaulexistance, cd Desktop11:11
Agrajagexistance: sudo -i11:11
Red-Soxgnomefreak: k, thx11:11
sambagirlis there a channel for video on ubuntu?11:11
ompaulexistance, then sudo command11:11
Agrajagthen do what you need to do as root11:11
gnomefreakRed-Sox, yw11:11
mzinzCould anyone help me out with mounting my windows drive in ubuntu?11:11
erUSULmatrix-ubuntu-c, why would you want to use a firewall tool from 2,2 kernels11:11
robotgeekalilou: it doesn't show up in network-admin then? System -> Admin -> networking?11:11
Ce_DreakuWho can help me set up a HP deskjet 3745 printer in Ubuntu?11:11
afabianexistance, sudo runs a command with the rights of another user.  cd is usually a shell built-in - not a command that sudo can execute with root privs.11:11
matrix-ubuntu-chow i do that to get ipchains11:11
Agrajagmatrix-ubuntu-c: you don't.11:11
existanceafabian: so i need to login as root to do that then?11:12
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superchodehrm. trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop - it keeps flashing 'killed' at me11:12
Ce_DreakuWho can help me set up a HP deskjet 3745 printer in Ubuntu?11:12
NoUsesuperchode how old?11:12
erUSULmatrix-ubuntu-c, why would you want to use a firewall admin tool designed for 2,2 kernels??11:12
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mzinzquestion: is it possible to mount windows dirs in ubuntu? Is it hadr?11:12
Agrajagipchains is in linux 2.2, that's two minor revisions back, like 4-5 years or something11:12
QRZmatrix-ubuntu-c:  uname -r  <---  If that is 2.4 or greater, you've iptables.  Ipchains was the older netfilter configuration tool for the 2.2 kernels.11:12
superchode233 methinks?11:12
shadeofgreyif i wnt to builld a mail server using ubuntu as the base.... what app should i use -- assuming that I DONT want to use HULA because its still unstable11:12
gnomefreakwouldnt he have to compile a 2.2 source-code and lose breezy that way?11:12
superchodepentium 111:12
Agrajagmzinz: yes it's possible, no it's not hard11:12
now3dompaul: just did apt-get update and unfortunately same dep problem :(11:12
NoUsesuperchode I doubt you can get ubuntu on there11:12
B_166-ER-Xwhat is the command to run Ennemy territory ? :\11:12
mzinzAgrajag, how would i go about doing it? I have a dir created /mnt/windows11:12
afabianexistance, no; when you use sudo, it becomes a child of the bash (shell) process, and the command you're executing becomes a child of sudo.  They inherit information, like the current working directory and the environment.  So, you just cd like normal, and when you use 'sudo', it will be working in that directory.11:13
erUSULCe_Dreaku, System>Administration>Printing11:13
Agrajagmzinz: one second11:13
mzinzAgrajag, np11:13
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:13
now3dompaul: I wonder if apt-get install mozilla-mailnews works for you?11:13
ubotuit has been said that javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/11:13
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existanceafabian: so then why doesn't sudo cd (directory) work?11:13
alilourobotgeek: only modem and ethernet card are showing!...11:13
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sorush20what is the java package name I can download using apt-get11:13
gnomefreakim willing to bet sorush20  is having same issue as me lol11:13
afabianexistance, 'cd' is a command that's built into the shell; there's no /bin/cd or /usr/bin/cd for sudo to execute.11:13
ompaulnow3d, it does11:14
Agrajag/dev/hda1       /mnt/windows    ntfs    users,ro,umask=0222,nls=utf8,exec      0 011:14
Agrajag/mnt/windows /chroot/mnt/windows none bind 0 011:14
robotgeekalilou: okay, gimme a moment now11:14
Agrajagmzinz: the first line there11:14
gnomefreaksorush20,  you cant11:14
sorush20gnomefreak: what is your problem11:14
Agrajagignore that second one11:14
erUSULexistance, cd is not a program is an internal command of bash (the shell)11:14
afabianexistance, you could do sudo bash -c 'cd /' or some such, making a shell execute 'cd'.  But there is no cd command in the filesystem.11:14
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ompaulnow3d, 2:1.7.12-0ubuntu2 0 <<< version11:14
now3dompaul: Hmm, i wonder if there is something else I need to do..11:14
mzinzAgrajag, thanks, hang on11:14
gnomefreaki cant get chmod to work for java :)11:14
Agrajagmzinz: take that first line I pasted and put it in /etc/fstab. Change /dev/hda1 to point to your windows partition11:14
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erUSUL!tell mzinz about windowdrives11:14
ompaulnow3d, you have some backports or something funny in there11:14
Agrajagmzinz: then you can run sudo mount -a to mount it11:14
gib8i have a problem with my monitor11:14
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existanceafabian: but you just said i didn't need to login as root to be able to cd as root..11:15
gnomefreaknow3d,  paste the output you get for sudo apt-get update in pastebin please11:15
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mzinzAgrajag, most windows drives default at hda1, correct?11:15
now3dompaul: I installed 2nights ago from kubuntu 5.1, then did apt-get upgrade11:15
ompaulnow3d, pop your /etc/apt/sources.list into paste.ubuntulinux.nl and lets have a look11:15
gib8i can not use the full monitor and i have no buttons to move the view or to adjust it :(11:15
robotgeekalilou: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces11:15
Agrajagmzinz: yeah, if it was just windows by itself to start11:15
gib8is there a program to do this?11:15
now3dompaul: ok, will do, thanks!11:15
afabianexistance, I meant to convey that you don't need to 'cd' as root; when you use sudo to execute a command as root, it will be as if you were already root and already in the directory you were in as the regular user.11:15
erUSULexistance, what's the problem cd as a normal user an run the comands you need with sudo11:15
gnomefreakompaul, does he have the cdrom source in there?11:15
cmarquHi all. I have a strange problem: My loopback interface does not come up after boot, despite me having the right content in /etc/network/interfaces11:15
mzinzAgrajag, ok cool.  I don't have a file called fstab in /etc/, is that weird?11:15
Agrajagmzinz: so you should be able to just put that line in fstab and mount it11:16
sorush20what is the deb java pacakge?11:16
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ubotuI heard javadebs is Sun Java debs packaged for breezy are at http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/11:16
Agrajagyeah that's damn near impossible11:16
superchodehrm. installer keeps killing the process while extracting files from the install cd11:16
gnomefreakits bin not deb11:16
existanceerUSUL: im attempting to get to another partition that is restricted from normal users..11:16
Agrajagyou're sure you don't have /etc/fstab?11:16
gnomefreakthat i know of11:16
ompaulgnomefreak, we will know in a second when he shows us the source :)11:16
NoUsesuperchode you don't have enough ram11:16
existanceerUSUL: thus the need of cd11:16
Agrajagmzinz: you didn't delete it or something did you?11:16
superchodeNoUse: that's a possibility - it warned that it was going into low memory mode11:16
mzinzAgrajag, no, i haven't touched anything11:16
Agrajagmzinz: you wouldn't be able to boot without a file system table11:16
now3dompaul: /etc/apt/sources.list:  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/527711:16
superchodethought there was 128 in this thing, though11:17
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:17
Agrajagmzinz: are you on the liveCD or did you install ubuntu?11:17
NoUsesuperchode I seriously doubt it, not on a P111:17
afabianexistance, then start a shell as root.  I usually use 'sudo su'.  BUT you might be better of fixing the permissions.11:17
gnomefreaki knew it11:17
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WildPenguinexistance, use 'sudo -s'11:17
erUSULexistance, sudo -i and after that run the cd and do whatever you need to do then type exit (another command of bash)11:17
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gnomefreaklol now3d  take out the cdrom entry in sourceslist and wait there might be more11:17
mzinzAgrajag, oh ok nvm there it is11:17
mzinzAgrajag, how would i open it11:17
existanceWildPenguin: i know, but i wanted to do it without logging in as root11:17
Agrajagmzinz: sudo gedit /etc/fstab11:17
superchodeheh. you're right. looks like 32mb11:18
Agrajagpaste that line in, and save it.11:18
NoUsesuperchode look into damn small linux11:18
erUSUL!tell mzinz about windowdrives11:18
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existanceafabian: its a windows partition, will changing the permissions mess it up?11:18
now3dgnomefreak: Hmm, i thought # would comment that out...?11:18
eobanbdebian tends to work all right with 32 MB11:18
gnomefreaknow3d, also you either need to # to universe or not you cant run it both ways11:18
existanceafabian: for windows, not ubuntu11:18
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gnomefreaki did too now3d  but it doesnt work that way :(11:18
eobanbfluxbox works great with 32 MB11:18
lilliputhi all11:18
eobanbexcept one or two programs max at a time, though.11:19
c01001hi all11:19
erUSUL!tell mzinz about windowsdrives11:19
now3dgnomefreak: ah.. do i need double? ##11:19
ompaulnow3d, no just 111:19
gnomefreaknow3d, i suggest leaving off the # infront of universe11:19
WildPenguinexistance, sudo uses the same environment as sudo -s, the difference is you can use 'cd' with the later11:19
c01001i search a hack sector.....11:19
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sorush20I'm looking for the java runtime environment11:19
gnomefreakompaul, it doesnt work with the cdrom source i tried that 3 times over the past few weeks11:19
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:19
now3dgnomefreak: and what prefix to the cdrom line..?11:19
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afabianexistance, well, in general, you want the permissions and ownership right on the mount point, (I think), and then use -o owner with mount, or some such.11:19
Max[1] hello11:20
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gnomefreaknow3d,  just delete it11:20
CaptainMorganwell, my app is completely frozen under wine... :(11:20
mzinzAgrajag, ok, i edited and saved the file.  When i sudo mount -a I get: mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist11:20
afabianexistance, frankly, it's a hassle, and I tend to just use the 'big club' gratitiously, and don't know exactly how to do it 'the right way.'11:20
existanceWildPenguin: yes, but sudo -s logins in, while sudo just executes the command11:20
AbecedarianHmmm, does anyone here know why RhythmBox on a Live CD version of Ubuntu is refusing to play mp3s?11:20
Max[1] were can i guet help?11:20
gnomefreaknow3d,  you have the other repos you dont need the cdrom one anymore11:20
AbecedarianDoes it simply come with no drivers?11:20
ompaulnow3d, I approve of that :-)11:20
Agrajagmzinz: then windows is not on /dev/hda111:20
Agrajagmzinz: Are you using SCSI or SATA drives by any chance?11:20
alilourobotgeek:the command opened up a file with detail about all the nic are on the system. as well as info regaring the eth0, its ip, dns..ect here is what the output for the wireless card.....his is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces......# They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem....mapping hotplug.....script grep map eth011:20
mjrAbecedarian, mp3 is a restricted format and the support doesn't ship by default11:20
mzinzAgrajag, sATA11:20
Agrajagmzinz: change it to /dev/sda111:20
mzinzAgrajag, hehe :)11:21
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worldmaster0do you hae 2 pay for it11:21
c01001german people hier?11:21
afabiangratuitously, rather11:21
worldmaster0for mp3 support i mean11:21
=== gnomefreak is very very good with the sources list :)
ubotuhmm... de is Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de11:21
c01001de ja??11:21
Agrajagmzinz: so does that work?11:21
gnomefreakgive me a damn .bin file and im lost :(11:21
worldmaster0idk german11:21
mzinzAgrajag, yep!11:21
now3dgnomefeak: ok, thanks, so do i need to change any lines other than remove the cdrom one from http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/527711:21
Agrajagmzinz: awesome11:21
gnomefreaknow3d,  yes11:21
Agrajagmzinz: bear in mind you can't write to ntfs.11:21
mzinzAgrajag, and will that mount every time i start ubuntu?11:22
mzinzAgrajag, np11:22
Max[1] Q:im stuck in the middle of a ubuntu install and dont know how to partion? can anebody run me throught?11:22
existancehow can i get to a directory that has a space in it?11:22
Red-Soxdoes 32-bit ubuntu on AMD 64 FX X-2 run faster then on a regular 32-bit11:22
Agrajagmzinz: yeah, it's automatic now11:22
erUSULubotu: tell worldmaster0 about mp311:22
mzinzAgrajag, thanks for all of your help, really11:22
gnomefreaknow3d,  you need to decide if you want to enable universe you have 1 not # and the rest are11:22
_jasonexistance, put a backslash before the space11:22
Agrajagno problem11:22
shiningerUSUL: I guess so, but which option is my question :)11:22
trappistexistance: escape the space with a \ or use tab completion11:22
robotgeekalilou: hmm, add the line, without quotes 'iface eth1 inet dhcp'11:22
WildPenguinexistance, use '\ ' to indicate space11:22
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trappistexistance: like cd My\ Documents11:22
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ompaulgnomefreak, he needs it for the package he wants11:22
=== ernstp [n=ernstp@k13d217-2.kam.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknow3d, take the # away from all the universe repos ion there11:23
shiningerUSUL: as I said, it's certainly a LVM related option, since it's the first time I use that11:23
erUSULexistance, you have to "escape" the space "dir\ dir" for a directory named "dir dir"11:23
gnomefreakty ompaul11:23
Abecedarianmmmkay, thanks.  I can understand the need for legal compliance etc, but I doubt that I'm the first person whose first though on loading Ubuntu was "Time for some music..."11:23
shiningand never built a kernel for it11:23
=== johnis [n=definity@ACCB3F8C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
lilliputI got a pb with one of my hdd, the bios doesn't want to boot on the MBR, I tried grub, install-mbr, and dd, but still same error from the bios (boot Failure)11:23
now3dgnomefreak: ok, sorry, i do not understand.  Do you mean I should leave universe line as it is, but add # before other deb lines..?11:23
trappistAbecedarian: doesn't everybody rip their music to ogg these days?11:23
alilourobotgeek: do I add it after the meaage stated before , or does not matter?11:24
gnomefreaknow3d,  no i mean get rid of the # infront of the universe lines all of them11:24
ompaulAbecedarian, use ogg its free11:24
lilliputis there by any chance a way to get it working (only the mbr have pb I can mount & read data)11:24
NoUse!tell Abecedarian about mp311:24
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robotgeekalilou: just add it with the other iface's ? (tho, it doesn't matter,i think)11:24
psusililliput: eh?11:24
gnomefreaknow3d,  just the universe ones not the backports or multiuniverse11:24
psusililliput: what does pb stand for?11:24
AbecedarianYep, I actually have a few ogg files which I only thought to play after you told me why mp3 was disabled.11:24
lilliputpsusi, problem sorry11:24
robotgeekis flac free?11:24
now3dgnomefeak: ok, I have it like this now: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/527811:24
=== gnomefreak has badboy repos lol
mzinzDoes the music player not play .mp3s?11:25
psusililliput: ohh... well what exactly do you mean it doesn't want to boot it?  what is the exact message the bios gives?11:25
=== DsM [n=DsM@adsl-70-128-241-110.dsl.bumttx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lilliputthe one when it doesn't found any media11:25
lilliputto boot on11:25
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mwemzinz: you probably need the right codecs11:25
psusililliput: you only have a single hard drive?11:25
lilliputpsusi, but right jumper11:25
gnomefreaknow3d,  the last 2 lines that are the universe ones you can take the # away from them11:25
=== MC|CapCrash`vrt` [n=capcrash@cpe-24-209-242-68.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknow3d, once you take the # away from last 2 lines go and run sudo apt-get update11:26
now3dgnomefreak: ah ok. did not see them down there11:26
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ompaulgnomefreak, considering the work your doing if I was doing that I would find out if they wanted multiverse11:26
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mzinzmwe, where could i get an mp3 codec for it?11:26
erUSULrobotgeek, flac is free yes11:26
worldmaster0ubotu: tell worldmaster0 about mp311:26
worldmaster0ubotu: tell mzinz about mp311:26
ginventWhat does the line in the makefile patch mean? @@ -50,10 +50,14 @@11:26
gnomefreaklol ompaul good point11:26
ubotumethinks mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.11:26
shiningdo I need ram disk for lvm?11:26
lilliputpsusi, no but I want to boot on that one (it's a small tower and place only for a cdrom and hdd - and was transfering all the data .. )11:27
robotgeekerUSUL: then flac > ogg, as flac is lossless?11:27
mwemzinz: follow the link from ubotu above11:27
Agrajagogg is not a sounds codec, just a container.11:27
=== worldmaster0 [n=roxer@pool-68-237-111-138.ny325.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Stormx2what is i636 and i363?11:27
psusililliput: how did you install grub?11:27
erUSULshining, no but is neccesary for initrd i think11:27
Agrajagyou can encapsulate FLAC in an ogg file11:27
Agrajagbut usually you use Vorbis11:27
erUSULrobotgeek, i guess so11:27
now3dgnomefeak: ok, this is what i have now: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/528011:27
shiningerUSUL: yep but I want to avoid it11:28
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gnomefreakompaul,  only issue there is he only has the backported multis in there not the archive ones and my website may not be best example of sourcves list lol11:28
mzinzmwe, thanks guys11:28
=== johnis_ [n=definity@ACC971D4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekAgrajag: thanks11:28
lilliputfrom my old system did a dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdc (hda old - hdc new) did want to boot so from hda I did a chroot on hdc .. and grub-install )11:28
lilliputit didn't work11:28
gnomefreaknow3d,  ok the errors should be gone11:28
johnis_is it possible to hget an animated login screen?11:28
robotgeekalilou: you still here?11:28
CaptainMorganwhat's the app under linux that reads .pdf's ?11:28
psusililliput: unless you copy the entire hard drive with dd, youc an't just dd the MBR and have it boot11:29
lilliputso I did a install-mbr to see if it was going to print mbr on the screen11:29
CaptainMorganI want to convert a .xls to pdf11:29
AgrajagCaptainMorgan: evince is one11:29
erUSULStormx2, i686 intel pentiun III onwards, i386 intel 386 onwards11:29
now3dgnomefeak: this is the output: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/5281  unfortunately same problem.. :(11:29
robotgeekCaptainMorgan: evince,xpdf11:29
=== kimitaka [n=kspencer@cpe-065-184-217-021.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AgrajagCaptainMorgan: so you want to WRITE a pdf, or READ one?11:29
trappistCaptainMorgan: use openoffice.  (save as != read)11:29
psusililliput: reinstall grub11:29
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kimitakaDoes anyone have wallpaperzapper working?11:29
CaptainMorganconvert to one11:29
lilliputpsusi, I did it ..11:29
CaptainMorganso yea, write11:29
=== mindamp [n=mindamp@r173h227.dixie-net.com] has joined #ubuntu
mindampim looking for a one line adduser script11:29
AgrajagCaptainMorgan: yeah, openoffice then11:29
gnomefreaknow3d,  open synaptic and click on fix broken packages11:29
robotgeekmindamp: man adduser11:30
gnomefreaknow3d,  it may be in tools or file or edit i cant remember11:30
mcp_dkdoes anyone know of a good tool to convert avi files to a more lightweight format lige mpeg11:30
gnomefreakompaul, is that the right command for that package?11:30
mindampi was actually looking for a one-liner for passwd11:30
mindampanyone have any ideas?11:30
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=== gnomefreak brb need smoke
=== korhalf [n=chris@d150-164-116.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
lilliputpsusi, that'swhy It tried install-mbr, it create a mbr for windows - but when doing it .. you see MBR on the top corner, and the bios didn't even execute the mbr :( )11:31
=== korhalf is now known as eternalist
ompaulgnomefreak, don't know synaptic that well (came from the other apt get world via a long and funny route)11:31
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lilliputpsusi, does it make sence ?11:31
korhalfthere we go11:31
fissymcp_dk, if you're confident with the command line, mencoder is very powerful and is in synaptic11:31
mindampfind this hard to believe...11:31
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Stormx2how do I get permission when mouting drives11:32
now3dgnomefreak: ok, it said it had fixed dep problems, do i need to save the fix?11:32
psusililliput: not quite... where does windows come in at all?11:32
Stormx2there is some option like umask=000011:32
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erUSULmindamp, use adduser with the apropiate switchs11:32
SEJeffStormx2, You ask nicely11:32
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fissymcp_dk, otherwise, you might want to try and install a front end to it, gmencoder, which i think you can get on gnomefiles.org11:32
ompaulgnomefreak, under "edit" fix broken packages11:32
Stormx2SEJeff: That sarcasm? :-\11:32
fissymcp_dk, not too sure how useful the front end is though11:32
gnomefreakty ompaul11:32
SEJeffStormx2: Yes :-)11:32
Stormx2SEJeff: >.>11:32
now3dgnomefreak: when i try to install mozilla-mailnews from synaptic it also has the dep problem :(11:32
lilliputpsusi, was just to tried a clean and formated MBR , which I used in the past through install-mbr11:32
SEJeffStormx2: Try the uid=1000 option11:32
Stormx2SEJeff: I usually cut straight to the point11:33
mindamperUSUL... thats not gonna cut it11:33
Stormx2SEJeff: Thanks :)11:33
mcp_dkthanks fissy. I am not to shy with the command line11:33
mcp_dkallready does some image resizing11:33
=== alilo1 [n=hpalla@ACBC93CF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
psusililliput: this hard drive isn't a western digital is it?11:33
gnomefreaknow3d, are you running ubuntu?11:33
SEJeffStormx2: First, type id in the terminal to see your user id -u. Chances are that it is 100011:33
lilliputmm why western ?11:33
mzinz!tell mzinz universe11:33
now3dgnomefreak: i installed from kubuntu 5.10 breezy install CD 2 days ago..11:33
Stormx2SEJeff: Hmm, I heard that 0000 worked well ;-)11:34
logical_markHey guys what is a good dynamic ip service similar to no-ip.com but with a linux program to update the domain?11:34
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@d83-184-246-75.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
mzinzhow do i tell about universe11:34
psusihrm... because most drives you can set to be the master and they work in a single drive configuration... WD has a special jumper position for master but single... the normal master position won't work without a slave11:34
gnomefreaknow3d, type in terminal mozilla -version11:34
SEJeffStormx2: umask=0000 and uid=1000 are two TOTALLY different options11:34
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Stormx2I'm gonna install Firefox 1.5 methinks11:34
gnomefreaklet me know what output you get11:34
psusililliput: can you boot grub from some other meidia?11:34
alilo1alilou: robotgeek: sorry I got disconnected done...I run ifconfig eth1 up ...an error come up: no such device...?!11:34
gnomefreakStormx2,  ive only heard bad things so far about it11:35
SEJeffStormx2: umask just sets the default permissions. uid=1000 makes you the owner and gives you permissions without changing anything crazy like the umask11:35
mzinzhow do i install multiverse?11:35
=== insipid [n=insipid@user-24-236-79-157.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
mindampim looking for a passwd one-liner11:35
insipidhow is ubuntu pronounced =D11:35
mindampcan anyone help?11:35
gnomefreakubotu tell mzinz about sources11:35
erUSUL!tell mzinz about repos11:35
now3dgnomefreak: ok, i had to install mozilla-browser:  it says Mozilla 1.7.12, Copyright (c) 2003-2004 mozilla.org, build 200510131311:35
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ompaulStormx2, can you type system rebuild?11:35
Stormx2ompaul: Hmm?11:36
lilliputpsusi, I can do from a usb key I guess but you will understand that is not really the best solution ever11:36
=== eric [n=eric@63-231-138-15.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknow3d,  ok thats good ummmmmmmmm your using kubuntu why are your repos ubuntu?11:36
lilliputpsusi, that's why I'm asking here11:36
=== guile [n=guile@200-161-30-222.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
uboturumour has it, repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) see also !easysource11:36
robotgeekalilo1: no probs, modprobe ipw2200 (or apporpriate) and look in dmesg | less (scroll till end using page down) and look if loaded correctly11:36
=== meheren [n=meheren@227-38.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
germancitoHello, I have a little problem11:36
gnomefreaknow3d,  i dont know if kubuntu offers same packages as ubuntu i assume they do but i dont know for sure11:36
mzinzFor some reason I am constantly getting REALLY long hangs in firefox.  Both versions.  It happens every time i attempt to load a new page, any idea why/11:36
psusililliput: try booting to the grub command line however you can and see if it sees the hard drive11:36
now3dgnomefreak: hmm, not sure.. i did not change them..11:36
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now3dgnomefreak: I was runnning sarge before, but my HD got bad sectors, so i thought I would try kubuntu on a new drive i bought11:37
lilliputpsusi, if it does what I am doing ?11:37
lilliputboot on it ?11:37
=== BockBilbo [n=Bock@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2gnomefreak: Bad things about ff 1.5? like what?11:37
germancitoI wnat to change my machine name, i mean the name that appears: myname@mymachinename:~$11:37
pityonHello - How to install on Qosmio G20? No hard drive detected11:37
lilliputon the partition or the MBR ?11:37
psusililliput: if it does, then you know you just didn't get the MBR installed right... if it doesn't, then your bios doesn't like the drive11:37
Stormx2gnomefreak: I heard it runs faster than the 5.10 preinstalled version11:38
now3dgnomefreak: which package version is mozilla-browser in your unbuntu install..?11:38
meherencan someone recommend a good spyware/adware removal for ubuntu? also a good virus protector11:38
gnomefreaki dont remember off hand but sev was saying it the other day11:38
germancitohow can I do that?11:38
lilliputpsusi, oki I see11:38
Stormx2meheren: spyware/adware on ubuntu?!11:38
gnomefreak1.0.7-not sure11:38
erUSULmindamp, use adduser with the apropiate switchess in PASSWD use `otp -n1 | awk '{print $2}`11:38
mzinzAm I the only one who has severely long loading times in firefox? Even on 1.5?11:38
pityondoes anybody no what to do if NO HARD DRIVE DTECTED ????????11:38
robotgeekerUSUL: don't do his homework :)11:38
=== The_Isle_of_Mark [n=mark@pcp0012216617pcs.richmondhill.ga.savannah.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QRZgermancito:  /etc/hostname probably11:38
eternalistpityon, kernel panic asshole :)11:38
eternalistahah jk11:38
psusipityon: yea... plug in a hard drive11:38
robotgeeketernalist: language11:38
eternalistpsusi, lol11:38
eternalistrobotgeek, i know i know, humanity to otheres11:38
gnomefreakpsusi, lol11:38
gnomefreaktry the /mnt command?11:39
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-106.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
meherenis there a good spyware/adware remvole for ubuntu alos a good virus protector?11:39
robotgeeketernalist: we are really serious about it11:39
erUSULrobotgeek, ;) i couldn't help myself11:39
germancitothanks QRZ11:39
QRZgermancito:  np11:39
jbroomemeheren: they not a problem in the linux world11:39
robotgeekerUSUL: come on! let him learn11:39
erUSULmeheren, you do not need such a thing in ubuntu11:39
eternalistrobotgeek, I understand..11:39
pityonno, Vector LInux and SuSe recognize it and install - Ubuntu and Debian don't see hdd (sda)11:39
gnomefreakmeheren,  linux doesnt have all that crap11:39
meherenif you say so...11:39
germancitoQRZ, But nothing changes, maybe after rebooting...11:39
meherenwadabout firewall?11:39
=== bigbootay [n=bigboota@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
meherenany good firewalls?11:40
gnomefreakwrote into kernel11:40
gnomefreakcalled iptables11:40
trappistmeheren: ipkungfu11:40
meherenkungfu? huh funny ok thx11:40
QRZgermancito:  "sudo hostname <new_name>" probably11:40
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gnomefreakfirewall is wrote in kernel i havent had to change any setting so i dont screw with the gui apps11:40
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gnomefreaknow3d,  im asking on #kubuntu about the sources list and yet still no answer11:41
now3dgnomefreak: ok, thanks for your help!11:41
=== gus [n=gus@lju91-3-82-235-164-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreaknow3d,  not a problem waiting for an email anyway :)11:42
ompaulmeheren, is it a firewall for ubuntu?11:42
trappistgnomefreak: the packet filtering functionality is in the kernel.  you're not automatically firewalled.11:42
Ce_DreakuWho can help me set up a HP deskjet 3745 printer in Ubuntu?11:42
=== Paradosso [n=Paradoss@host232-67.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
meherenompaul: not really understanding what your asking11:42
gnomefreaktrappist,  you set it during install atleast i remember it asking what i wanted to let through11:42
ompaulmeheren, you refer to a firewall is it for an ubuntu installed system?11:42
alilo1robotgeek: modprobe does not give any output...lsmod |grep ipw2200 shows the following:... ipw2200 ---- 66156  0.....firmware_class-----9728  1 ipw2200.....ieee80211----- 21252  1 ipw2200, would this help?11:42
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now3dgnomefreak: I was thinking of filing it as a bug.. but they require email confirmation.. and I cant get that workng without mailnews! :(  maybe i shoudl try with a web one11:42
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Paradossoanyone can tell me the terminal command to get a printscreen?11:43
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silent_screamhow can i change the default media player ?11:43
_jasontrappist, isn't packet filtering a firewall?11:43
ompaulmeheren, are you running a web server or some such that might be abused from outside? (note there is nothing that needs firewall protection unless enabled by you)11:43
trappistParadosso: import -w root filename.png11:43
gnomefreaknow3d,  if you use say gmail go to www.gmail.com and get your mail from the server11:43
meeawhiya, just installed ubuntu and cannot figure out what my root login is... i dont remember being prompted for it.... any ideas?????11:43
meherenyeh a server11:43
erUSULParadosso, xwd11:43
gnomefreakthunderbird is very good mail client now3d11:43
Ce_DreakuWho can help me set up a HP deskjet 3745 printer in Ubuntu?11:43
_jasonubotu, tell meeaw about root11:43
trappist_jason: packet filtering filters packets.  a firewall tells a packet filter which packets to filter, whithout which a packet filter isn't much use.11:43
Paradossocommand not found11:44
Paradossotrying xwd11:44
robotgeekalilo1: yes, here11:44
ompaulmeheren, well if your running one do you want it to work with the outside world if so why the firewall if not then use IPTABLES11:44
now3dgnomefreak: i think you're right.. i'm just stuck in my ways using mozilla suite..11:44
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erUSULCe_Dreaku, we told you to look in System>Administrtion>Printing11:44
gnomefreakthunderbird is mozzila11:44
meherengnomefreak: if your usted to outlook exspress evolution is a good choise11:44
Ce_DreakuIt does not work11:44
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gnomefreakmeheren,  i hate evolution :(11:44
meeawthanks guys!11:44
Ce_Dreakuthat's where I looked first11:44
alilo1robotgeek: sorry I was just testing I though I got disconnected11:44
erUSULCe_Dreaku, well tell us what is the problems you encountered11:44
meherengnomefreak:yeh i do 211:44
Ce_Dreakuthere is no driver in the list for 374511:45
trappistompaul: it's common practice to run firewalls on servers11:45
Ce_Dreakuonly 3740 and that does not work11:45
robotgeekalilo1: type, lspci -v | less, and try to tell me the pci id. 0001:11:00.0 blah blah, Subsystem: Belkin: Unknown device 701a11:45
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meherengnomefreak: confusing but it is just like outlook exspress11:45
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ompaulnow3d, you know that mozilla as a program by itself is coming to an end of its life? it will be firefox and friends in the future11:45
meheren(yes outloook is confusing lol)11:45
gnomefreaki use thunderbird for 3 of my gmails and im working on looking for a how to on sendmail to set my other boxes too11:45
ParadossoerUSUL, may you be more precise?11:45
umberleighhi. can someone point me towards a good tutorial for basic usage of the 'ftp' program11:45
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gnomefreakmeheren, must be why i hate it than  :) just like winblows11:45
silent_screamhow can i change the default media player ??11:46
Paradossocan you give me the syntax to get a printscreen?11:46
now3dompaul: i heard that.. i really like it though.. i saw something that said people woudl be maintaining the suite for a while11:46
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meherenmade by microsoft...11:46
gnomefreakbut looks like i have to throw winblows back on here for class :(11:46
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ompaulnow3d, but the chances that it would end up in ubuntu are slim given that thunderbird is there11:46
_jasonsilent_scream, just right click on a file and go to properties -> open with.  Select the app you wan't that media type to open with by default.11:46
now3dompaul: i think I will switch at v2.0 firefox/thunderbird11:46
bur[n] ergnomefreak, vmware? qemu? wine? :)11:46
meherenwell you can dual install...11:46
gnomefreakyeah but ill get rid of libranet and put winblows on here11:47
erUSULParadosso, man xwd ;)  is xwd -out image11:47
ompaulnow3d, adopt today and "take back the web :-))"11:47
gnomefreakbur[n] er, no im going for a java class in jan and they base class on winblowsd11:47
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erUSULParadosso, man xwd ;)  is xwd -root -out image11:47
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ompaulnow3d, it is the same suite just carved into its seperate pieces and build on from there11:47
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now3dompaul: hmm, i wonder if firebird has import from mozilla profiles?11:47
SteveWguys, i would like to install xp and ubunto dual boot. which should i install first?11:47
csbanybody here use kino?11:48
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gnomefreaki know they will get eclipse and lucky me already have it but im not sure if everything will work same as winblows11:48
SteveW(i'm noob)11:48
ompaulSteveW, that thing which is not linux :)11:48
bur[n] erSteveW, windows11:48
mweSteveW: xp, or it will overwrite grub11:48
ompaulnow3d, it should11:48
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gnomefreaki would install linux only ;)11:48
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mweSteveW: you could get around it, but it easier to install xp first11:49
SteveWmwe, i haven't installed linux since before fedora. do i have to partition things?11:49
ompaulgnomefreak, not what he asked :-(11:49
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gnomefreakompaul,  i know but im here to give the truth ;)11:49
_jasonSteveW, xp first and make sure that you choose the correct partition size when you install so that you don't need to resize later11:49
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ompaulSteveW, well given you have the chance I would set it up now  with as small a partition as 15G for Windows and give Ubuntu the rest :-)11:50
gnomefreakompaul, isnt that backwards shhhhhhhhh SteveW you dont see this lol11:50
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gnomefreakwindows needs more space than linux? i thought11:50
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ompaulgnomefreak, bet you his disk is 100G or greated11:51
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SteveWlol is one 15gb part enough for ubunto - no swap partition or anything11:51
gnomefreakbasic windows xp install is like 8gigs11:51
ompaulSteveW, how big is the drive?11:51
Red-Soxwhy doesnt linux have things like setup.exe?11:51
SteveWbig 320gb11:51
silent_scream_jason, i have some multimedia keys on my keyboard. one of those opens the media player. i want to chance the default media player which is rhythmbox to someone else11:51
gnomefreakSteveW, good idea to add a swap double your memory11:51
SteveWbut i want most on windows, just want enough for ubuntu to give it a first try11:51
mweSteveW: unless you have a lot of data you want to keep under linux it is more than enough with 15GB imo11:51
ompaulSteveW, then 25G for windows and give the rest to Ubuntu you will be glad over time11:51
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gnomefreakRed-Sox, cause linux has things called .bins for setup :)11:52
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gnomefreak.exe is a winblows deal11:52
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gnomefreaki have ubuntu on a 40gig and libranet on a 2011:52
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gnomefreakjust goes to show you how much i love my ubuntu :)11:53
germancitoI can't use sudo now!!11:53
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Red-Soxgnomefreak: oh, okay, can you download... like.... firefox 1.5 .bin?11:53
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D1you guys try firefox 1.5 yet?11:53
D1its faaaaaaaast11:53
gnomefreakRed-Sox,  im sure you can cause others use it11:53
florian___hi, how to loop over directories that are containing whitesapces?11:53
DShepherdd1 yeah I have.. it kool11:53
mweD1: but it loads kinda slow for me11:53
alilo1robotgeek: the output I have does not show an adress 000111.....,: id nor subsystem either...I can not tell which one is exactly which.  does it have to say PCI  bridge at the beguining or isa bridge, network controller card but , fire wire or ethernet...I am atating most I can so make it easier for you11:54
Xamuskanyone here with some experience in using ubuntu's LTSP?11:54
D1its really fast for ome11:54
gnomefreakD1, 1.0.7 isnt that slow11:54
SteveWhow do i set up a swap partition? im a starting the whole drive from scratch11:54
sampanstevew, one futher partitioning suggestion.  put your /home on a separate partition from /  that way if you ever need to reinstall (or, heaven forbid, switch distros) you don't have to lose your /home data11:54
D1whats weird is that the mozilla.org firefox is faster than ubuntu's11:54
robotgeekalilo1: just paste the lspci -v output to pastebin?11:54
germancitowhat can I do11:54
robotgeekubotu: tell alilo1 about pastebin11:54
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mweD1: once it's loaded it's fast though11:54
gnomefreakD1, there not the same??????????11:54
yapycckyhello everyone11:54
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DShepherdgnomefreak: :)11:54
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SteveWsampan:ok so how much for / and how much for /home - min. please!11:55
gnomefreakDShepherd, :)11:55
D1they say its faster11:55
yapycckywho knows why my theme on my ubuntu is not appliyed on synaptic?11:55
mweSteveW: I just keep it all on one partition and then a swap partition11:55
gnomefreakD1,  it might be but since i havent really heard good things yet about it im not gonna try it11:55
_jasonsilent_scream, not sure where gnome stores that info... you could always create a new shortcut and make your key use that, see !shortcut11:55
germancitoI edited /etc/host and changed my host name11:55
D1there is no ubuntu backport of it11:55
gnomefreaknot for a while11:55
D1so I had to get 1.5 through that method11:55
germancitoand now i can't use sudo11:55
Paradossoanother question11:55
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sampanstevew, that all depends on how much stuff you're gonna install.  with a drive as large as yours, you can easily do 15 and 15 and be safe for a long while11:56
gnomefreakits not stable enough for ubuntu to use it in breezy11:56
mweSteveW: my ubuntu is currently using about 4GB and that's all /11:56
Xamuskis this "faster firefox" stuff also applied to Debian?11:56
germancitoand I need sudo to configure etc/hosts so I can use sudo again ?11:56
tylerI tried installing the mp3 codec but got an error: E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse11:56
tyler. Any clue why? I have universe and multiverse installed11:56
trappistgermancito: /etc/hosts is not where you change your hostname.11:56
uboturumour has it, shortcut is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7956011:56
Xamuskand all the other debian-based distros?11:56
germancitotrappist, please, help me11:56
trappistgermancito: the first line in /etc/hosts should look like this: localhost.localdomain localhost11:56
D1Xamusk: dont know, but you can try mozilla's version I dont think theres a debian 1.5 yet either11:57
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trappistgermancito: you can ADD your hostname to the end of that, but that doesn't change your hostname.11:57
SteveWi've downloaded the *DVD* install for ubuntu. will it handle setting up swap part and everything? NOOb!11:57
seifei need wireless internet11:57
levanderI'm not supposed to format DVD-R's before I burn them am I?11:57
mweSteveW: yes11:57
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trappistlevander: no11:57
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Stormx2I'm sticking with FF 1.0.7. 1.5 ruined it all >.>11:57
silent_scream_jason, how can i make a new shortcut ?11:57
gnomefreakseeing as firefox is opensource firefoxes versiona dn ubuntus/debians version is gonna be the same11:57
Stormx2Now I have no internet browser11:57
_jasonubotu, tell silent_scream about shortcut11:58
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gnomefreaki warned you :(11:58
Strag0I've got a small issue with a new install of Ubuntu 5.10. I installed it on a machine that had other drives already formated (NTFS) and filled with things. Unfortunatly, when I installed Ubuntu I couldn't access them. It told me I didn't have permission. I'm not a seasoned Linux User so I'm really at a loss on this. Any ideas?11:58
tylerI tried installing the mp3 codec but got an error: E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse11:58
tyler. Any clue why? I have universe and multiverse installed11:58
mweSteveW: just leave the xp partition alone during install and you can play around with the rest all you want during install11:58
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sampanstevew, during the installation it will let you do a "customized" partitioning -- and you can set up a swap, /, and /home in there -- format all 3 (but not your win xp partition) and it will do the rest11:58
andi5hi. i have four questions :) does -ubuntu in package versions imply real differences between debian<->ubuntu? how can i see these diffs? how can i ask for synchronization with debian packages (universe)? and: is this all answered in some faq (link would be great) :D11:58
SteveWmwe how big should the swap partition be? and if I install 80% of the dvd will 10 gigs be ok to try everything?11:58
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DShepherdStormx2: what do you mean?11:58
germancitotrappist, but now i can't use sudo because I changed my name and i have a message that tellls me that I can correct the problem editing /etc/hosts11:58
gnomefreakthere is a reason why its not in the backports11:58
D1the preferences are kinda iffy11:58
D1I like the old ones.11:58
Stormx2DShepherd: It didn't work at all...11:58
DShepherd1.5? or 1.07?11:59
germancitobut the thing id, trappist that I can't edit /etc/hosts without sudo11:59
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sampanstevew, people have different ideas about swap size -- usually from 1 to 2 times your RAM is what i hear recommended11:59
gnomefreakStormx2,  they say "stable" but its not atble in linux eyes11:59
trappistgermancito: I think you're going to have to boot into single user mode to fix this11:59
uboturumour has it, ffbackport is Firefox backport will be a while, read: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96595.  See !firefox1.5 for information on installing it yourself.11:59
Xamuskgermancito: check your groups (and the sudoers file)11:59
alilo1robotgeek: it is pasted already11:59
robotgeekalilo1: link?11:59
mweSteveW: there is no one rule for how big your swap should be. I have 1GB ram and 2GB swap, but 51bmb swap would probably be more than enough for my needs11:59
ubotuI don't know, Paradosso11:59
Stormx2gnomefreak: ;-) So I saw11:59
SteveWsampan, the drive is totally brand new right now - i want to get ubuntu on there from the start. i thought i would make the first 2 parts for ub (reg+swap) then divide up rest for win11:59
Red-Soxi have iTunes credits.... any tips?11:59
ubotuI haven't a clue, Paradosso11:59
Stormx2gnomefreak: Reinstalling 1.0.7 now11:59
mweSteveW: 512 mb i meant11:59
Paradossodoes anyone know of a basic image viewer?11:59
germancitoXamusk, where do i check it11:59
Red-Soxgnomefreak: can you point me to FF 1.5.bin site?11:59
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gnomefreak.1.5 rc3 is a choice in dapper i think it still comes with 1.0.7\12:00
Xamuskgermancito: $ id12:00

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